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[[Image:Heating_oil_tanker_truck.jpg|right|thumb|200px|A tanker truck refilling a residential heating oil customer's home]] '''Heating oil''' is used to [[fuel]] [[furnace]]s within buildings. Typically, delivery is by [[tanker truck]] to individual homes and commercial spaces, and the oil is stored in [[oil tanks]] in the [[basement]] or outside, next to the building.  Leaks in older facilities are an environmental concern because even a small leak can cause significant groundwater pollution, rendering the [[water]] from wells and springs unusable because chemicals from the oil are harmful to both humans and animals. Heating oil is usually [[dye|dyed]] to distinguish it from taxed vehicle fuel (as using untaxed fuels with dye, or mixtures of such, is illegal and, since such fuels are not intended for internal combustion engines, can damage the environment).
[[File:800px-Korcula City.jpg|thumb|right|325px| Korčula (grad)]]
[[File:250px-Croatia-Dalmatia-1.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Dalmacija (tamno ljubičasta) u [[Croatia|Hrvatsku]]. Otok Korčula je označen crveno.]]
'''Korčula''' je Hrvatski otok na jadranskom moru pored dalmatinske obale. Mjesta na otoku su Korčula, Vela Luka i Blato te obalnih naselja Lumbarda i Račišće i u unutrašnjosti Žrnovo, Pupnat, Smokvica i Čara. Otok pripada Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji i ima 16.000 stanovnika.
Prema [[Korčula Povijest|Nikola Ostojiċ]], grci su zvali otok Corcira Melaena (Latin: Corcyra Nigra - Crna Korcyra).<ref>Nikola Ostojić, Povijesni Kompendij otoka Korčula  (str. 5)</ref> Korčula se nekada zvala '''Curzola'''. Otok je od 1420. do 1797. bio dio Venecijanske Republike.<ref>[http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Curzola  Enciklopedija Britannica (1911.)]</ref> Staro-slavenski naziv za otok je bio Krkar. Korčulani imaju svoj govoru koji s zove korčulanski.
==Vidi također==
* [[Korčulanski Dijalekt]]
[[Korčula Povijest|Nikola Ostojić-Povijesni Kompendij Otok Korčula]]
* [[Directory:Korcula History 2 |Englski članak-Korčula Povijest 2]]
* [[Vallegrande Speak]]
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[[File:St Damian.jpg|thumb|left|400px|Kapela Svetog Kuzme i Svetog Damjana na otoku Korčuli. Temelji su iz 6. stoljeća poslije Krista, dok je ostatka kapela je obnovljena u 11. stoljeća. Fotografija [[Peter Zuvela]]]]
Heating oil, also known as ''No. 2 fuel oil'', accounts for about 25% of the yield of a barrel of [[crude oil]], the second-largest "cut" after gasoline. <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.nymex.com/ho_pre_agree.aspx| title=NYMEX.com: Heating Oil|date=[[2006]]|accessdate=2006-12-21}}</ref>
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==Market info==
Among distillate fuels, the trend in recent years has seen the proportional demand for heating oil decreasing, as usage of [[liquified petroleum gas]] (LPG) has increased.
<ref>{{Cite book| url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FPetroleum-Refining-Technology-Economics-Fifth%2Fdp%2F0849370388%2Fsr%3D8-3%2Fqid%3D1166735153%3Fie%3DUTF8%26s%3Dbooks&tag=omnimediaguid-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325| title=Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics | publisher=Marcel Dekker| pages=19/488| format=hardcover| accessdate=2006-12-21}}</ref>
Heating oil futures contracts trade in units of 42,000 gallons, which is the equivalent of 1,000 barrels.  Prices are based on delivery in [[Directory:New York, New York|New York City]] harbor, the principal cash market trading center.  The heating oil futures contract is also used to hedge diesel fuel and jet fuel, both of which trade in the cash market at an often stable premium to heating oil futures.
Businesses operating in the heating oil sector will identify themselves by the following 5-digit [[NAICS]] codes:
* '''[[NAICS_Code1::45431]]''' - Heating oil dealers, direct selling
* '''[[NAICS_Code2::32411]]''' - Heating oils made in petroleum refineries
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[[File:Croatia Vela Luka.JPG|thumb|left|350px|Vela Luka na otoku Korčuli.]]
==See also==
*[[Heating Oil Dealers]]
[[Category:Chemical compounds]] 
==Vanjske poveznice==
* [http://www.apartmanija.hr/slike/slike_gradovi/korcula.jpg Photo link za zračni pogled na gradu Korčuli]
* [http://www.ikorculainfo.com/hr/ www.ikorculainfo.com]
* [http://www.mediterano.hr/location.asp?id=6 Vela Luka-Mediterano]
[[File:85px-Coat of arms of Croatia.svg.png||thumb|left|250px|Coat of arms of Croatia (Hrvatska)]]
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[[Keyword::Heating oil]]
[[Keyword::Residential heating]]
[[Keyword::Home heating]]
[[County_Name:= Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji]]
[[Keyword::Distillate fuels]]

Latest revision as of 08:52, 5 June 2012

Korčula (grad)
Dalmacija (tamno ljubičasta) u Hrvatsku. Otok Korčula je označen crveno.

Korčula je Hrvatski otok na jadranskom moru pored dalmatinske obale. Mjesta na otoku su Korčula, Vela Luka i Blato te obalnih naselja Lumbarda i Račišće i u unutrašnjosti Žrnovo, Pupnat, Smokvica i Čara. Otok pripada Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji i ima 16.000 stanovnika.

Prema Nikola Ostojiċ, grci su zvali otok Corcira Melaena (Latin: Corcyra Nigra - Crna Korcyra).[1] Korčula se nekada zvala Curzola. Otok je od 1420. do 1797. bio dio Venecijanske Republike.[2] Staro-slavenski naziv za otok je bio Krkar. Korčulani imaju svoj govoru koji s zove korčulanski.

Vidi također


  1. ^ Nikola Ostojić, Povijesni Kompendij otoka Korčula (str. 5)
  2. ^ Enciklopedija Britannica (1911.)

Kapela Svetog Kuzme i Svetog Damjana na otoku Korčuli. Temelji su iz 6. stoljeća poslije Krista, dok je ostatka kapela je obnovljena u 11. stoljeća. Fotografija Peter Zuvela

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Vela Luka na otoku Korčuli.

Vanjske poveznice

Coat of arms of Croatia (Hrvatska)