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| University technology (both social and technical); Pennsylvania, USA.
| University technology (both social and technical); Pennsylvania, USA.
| [[User:Thekohser|Gregory Kohs]]
| [[User:MyWikiBiz|Gregory Kohs]]
| Wikimedia volunteer, Administrator on Wikimedia Laboratories Flagged Revisions, Key designer of 2009 WMF Fundraising Survey, banned from English Wikipedia
| Wikimedia volunteer, Administrator on Wikimedia Flagged Revisions project, Key designer of 2009 WMF Fundraising Survey, Outspoken critic of governance of Wikimedia projects
| English
| English
| Experienced [http://www.mywikibiz.com/Directory:Gregory_J._Kohs#Consulting_and_speaking conference speaker] who outlines wikis, Wikipedia, and the Wikimedia Foundation through the lens of business ethics.  His story remains [http://www.google.com/search?q=%22having+MyWikiBiz+create+only+legitimate+Wikipedia+entries%22&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS347US347&filter=0 publicized] on over 70 mainstream news and other websites, and Kohs [http://www.g4tv.com/pile_player.aspx?video_key=14996 appeared on television] on the ''G4 TV'' network.  His business was covered by Harvard Law professor Jonathan Zittrain in the best-seller, ''[http://books.google.com/books?id=DL3rx393NIQC&pg=PT150&dq=mywikibiz&ei=cOnUSsSAE4TUNZbwsPsI#v=onepage&q=mywikibiz&f=false The Future of the Internet]''.
| Experienced [http://www.mywikibiz.com/Directory:Gregory_J._Kohs#Consulting_and_speaking conference speaker] who outlines wikis, Wikipedia, and the Wikimedia Foundation through the lens of business ethics.  His story remains [http://www.google.com/search?q=%22having+MyWikiBiz+create+only+legitimate+Wikipedia+entries%22&hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS347US347&filter=0 publicized] on over 70 mainstream news and other websites, and Kohs [http://www.g4tv.com/pile_player.aspx?video_key=14996 appeared on television] on the ''G4 TV'' network.  His business was covered by Harvard Law professor Jonathan Zittrain in the best-seller, ''[http://books.google.com/books?id=DL3rx393NIQC&pg=PT150&dq=mywikibiz&ei=cOnUSsSAE4TUNZbwsPsI#v=onepage&q=mywikibiz&f=false The Future of the Internet]''.

Revision as of 21:30, 23 November 2009

This is a list of public speakers who are available to give presentations about wikis, including (or especially about) Wikipedia and other Wikimedia Foundation projects.

Disclaimer: The people presented here do not necessarily speak on behalf or at the request of the Wikimedia Foundation. However, in the spirit of open and transparent communication, various voices are represented in this self-generated and community-maintained list. Not all of the voices share the same perspectives or experiences about Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects.

Through an Internet search, it should be simple enough to contact these speakers personally.

United States





United Kingdom

Also see Wikimedia UK speakers

Northern Europe & Baltic countries

Southern Europe

