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<!-- Centiare users, note... Text that appears between these brackets are merely remarks. -->
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<!-- The following is a simple Infobox designed to identify a PERSON.  You should feel free to add your own content to any of the missing elements.  The few items pre-filled here are intended to "just get you started" with some basic formatting and semantic tagging. -->
''<blockquote>This page represents a simple '''personal''' Directory listing that is used for Centiare's [[Centiare:Listing|auto-create]] feature. To create your own listing, you can either copy & paste (by clicking on the edit tab) the wikitext to your own personal Directory page, or use the [[Centiare:Listing|auto-create]]  feature to set up personal, commercial and other Directory listings. Note that '''''all''''' Directory listings require proper legal names - User names/pages provide anonymity if that's what is desired.</blockquote>''
| name        = [[Person_First_Name:=Michael]] [[Person_Last_Name:=Milligan]]
| name        = [[Person_First_Name:=Michael]] [[Person_Last_Name:=Milligan]]
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<!-- The following gives the user an example of one way to footnote a reference citation. -->
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==External links==
==External links==
*[http://blog.oldschoolhackers.com/ ] All things geek
*[http://blog.oldschoolhackers.com/ Old School Hackers] All things geek
*[http://www.doxadomains.com/ Domain Registration] Affordable Domain Name and Hosting
*[http://www.doxadomains.com/ Domain Registration] Affordable Domain Name and Hosting

Latest revision as of 15:11, 8 June 2007

Michael Milligan
Working hard
Residence Template:Country data US [[City:=Katy|Katy]], [[State_Name:=Texas|Texas]], [[Country_Name:=United States|USA]]
Born [[Birth Date:=1968-07-29|1968-07-29]]

Michael Milligan once spoke russian fluently for the Air Force but since then has not found much use for the language in Texas. But that is no more. I have moved on. I'm now focused on my IT consulting business in Katy, Texas.

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