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(→‎StatCounter Traffic: Cutting back clutter, now that the site is well established.)
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{| class="wikitable"
! Month
! Unique Visitors
! Returning Visitors
! Page Loads
| January 2008
|align="right"| 2355
|align="right"| 350
|align="right"| 15048
| February 2008
|align="right"| 2678
|align="right"| 331
|align="right"| 12225
| March 2008
|align="right"| 3452
|align="right"| 345
|align="right"| 12517
| April 2008
|align="right"| 3379
|align="right"| 215
|align="right"| 12509
| May 2008
|align="right"| 5378
|align="right"| 306
|align="right"| 16922
| June 2008
|align="right"| 4760
|align="right"| 310
|align="right"| 14086
| July 2008
|align="right"| 5428
|align="right"| 428
|align="right"| 19676
| August 2008
|align="right"| 4364
|align="right"| 344
|align="right"| 13328
| September 2008
|align="right"| 6049
|align="right"| 349
|align="right"| 18216
| October 2008
|align="right"| 5635
|align="right"| 502
|align="right"| 21714
| November 2008
|align="right"| 6777
|align="right"| 325
|align="right"| 20569
| December 2008
|align="right"| 12255
|align="right"| 533
|align="right"| 33863
| January 2009
|align="right"| 15299
|align="right"| 617
|align="right"| 40456
| February 2009
|align="right"| 12705
|align="right"| 593
|align="right"| 31023
'''Unique Visitors''' by week:
Week 09 2009 - '''2,727''' <br>
Week 08 2009 - '''3,062''' <br>
Week 07 2009 - '''3,107''' <br>
Week 06 2009 - '''3,760''' <br>
Week 05 2009 - '''3,439''' <br>
Week 04 2009 - '''4,397''' <br>
Week 03 2009 - '''3,265''' <br>
Week 02 2009 - '''2,761''' <br>
Week 01 2009 - '''4,020''' <br>
Week 52 2008 - '''3,034''' <br>
Week 51 2008 - '''2,572''' <br>
Week 50 2008 - '''2,201''' <br>
Week 49 2008 - '''2,372''' <br>
Week 48 2008 - '''1,718''' <br>
Week 47 2008 - '''1,347''' <br>
Week 46 2008 - '''1,811''' <br>
Week 45 2008 - '''1,601''' <br>
Week 44 2008 - '''1,332''' <br>
Week 43 2008 - '''1,270''' <br>
Week 42 2008 - '''1,439''' <br>
Week 41 2008 - '''1,205''' <br>
Week 40 2008 - '''999''' <br>
Week 39 2008 - '''1,331''' <br>
Week 38 2008 - '''1,117''' <br>
Week 37 2008 - '''1,323''' <br>
Week 36 2008 - '''1,968''' <br>
Week 35 2008 - '''1,035''' <br>
Week 34 2008 - '''1,071''' <br>
Week 33 2008 - '''1,022''' <br>
Week 32 2008 - '''895''' <br>
Week 31 2008 - '''1,045''' <br>
Week 30 2008 - '''1,152''' <br>
Week 29 2008 - '''1,305''' <br>
Week 28 2008 - '''1,191''' <br>
Week 27 2008 - '''1,233''' <br>
Week 26 2008 - '''1,059''' <br>
Week 25 2008 - '''1,022''' <br>
Week 24 2008 - '''1,077''' <br>
Week 23 2008 - '''1,351''' <br>
Week 22 2008 - '''1,882''' <br>
Week 21 2008 - '''982''' <br>
Week 20 2008 - '''826''' <br>
Week 19 2008 - '''1,428''' <br>
Week 18 2008 - '''613''' <br>
Week 17 2008 - '''684''' <br>
Week 16 2008 - '''662''' <br>
Week 15 2008 - '''936''' <br>
Week 14 2008 - '''939''' <br>
Week 13 2008 - '''673''' <br>
Week 12 2008 - '''705''' <br>
Week 11 2008 - '''744''' <br>
Week 10 2008 - '''1,000''' <br>
Week 09 2008 - '''683''' <br>
Week 08 2008 - '''645''' <br>
Week 07 2008 - '''684''' <br>
Week 06 2008 - '''655''' <br>
Week 05 2008 - '''547''' <br>
Week 04 2008 - '''575''' <br>
Week 03 2008 - '''542''' <br>
Week 02 2008 - '''476''' <br>
Week 01 2008 - '''540''' <br>
=== Google's PageRank of MyWikiBiz.com ===
=== Google's PageRank of MyWikiBiz.com ===

Revision as of 19:17, 8 June 2009

Actual Site Statistics

Alexa.com Ranking

<embed> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src='http://xslt.alexa.com/site_stats/js/s/a?url=www.mywikibiz.com'></SCRIPT> </embed>

Compete.com Traffic

This graphic represents modeled data, based on the Compete panel of Internet users.

<embed> <a href='http://siteanalytics.compete.com/mywikibiz.com?metric=uv'><img src='http://home.compete.com.edgesuite.net/mywikibiz.com_uv.png' /></a> </embed>

StatCounter Traffic

This graphic represents actual visitor traffic, according to the embedded monitoring application on every page of MyWikiBiz. The site sysops have switched "off" their own IP addresses, so as not to skew the data.

Monthly traffic since inception:

MWB traffic trend.jpg

Google's PageRank of MyWikiBiz.com


Google's PageRank algorithm is the system that originally powered the search engine's rankings (and remains an important factor today). The Google Toolbar shows a score from 1 to 10 (on a logarithmic scale, meaning it is an order of magnitude more difficult to achieve a 5 over a 4, etc.) that estimates the relative link popularity of a page.

Other sites with PageRank 4/10

Linkage Information


View MyWikiBiz Stats

Our Goals for 2008


MyWikiBiz started the year at 611,528th place on Alexa.com. We hope to trim 15% per month for 12 months:

End of January = 520,000 or better
Feb = 442,000
Mar = 376,000
Apr = 320,000
May = 272,000
Jun = 231,000
Jul = 196,000
Aug = 167,000
Sep = 142,000
Oct = 120,000
Nov = 102,000
Dec = 87,000 (accomplished in February 2009)

We were on pace through about late June 2008, but then our traffic patterns ceased their growth pattern.

Prior to re-launch, we ended 2007 with 350 weekly unique visitors (about 1500 monthly) according to StatCounter. We want to increase this important measure 15% per month for 12 months:

End of January = 1720 per month or better - - - actual = 2355
Feb = 1,975 - - - actual = 2,678
Mar = 2,280 - - - actual = 3,452
Apr = 2,625 - - - actual = 3,379
May = 3,010 - - - actual = 5,378
Jun = 3,485 - - - actual = 4,760
Jul = 4,000 - - - actual = 5,428
Aug = 4,600 - - - actual = 4,364
Sep = 5,290 - - - actual = 6,049
Oct = 6,085 - - - actual = 5,635
Nov = 7,010 - - - actual = 6,777
Dec = 8,040 - - - actual = 12,255

Press releases and media

Aim for 12 press releases by the end of the year. Garner at least one "mainstream national media" paragraph or article about MyWikiBiz. We had ambitions to track the number of blog reactions linking to www.mywikibiz.com according to Technorati, but that service seems to be picking up actual MyWikiBiz pages as blog feeds, so we're getting conflicting data.

Featured partner

By the end of the year, we want to have landed one "recognizable name" partner organization that will use MyWikiBiz to showcase their own database in some way. They will have a staff or community of editors who will contribute at least an edit a day on their "stuff". Something like Little League Baseball, a trade union, or historical society.

Quantcast badge

We will keep an eye on this, now that we have the Quantcast code in the site footer. <embed> <iframe frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0' height='60' width='160' src='http://widget.quantcast.com/p-576cfELhqIFNY/8'></iframe> </embed>