Bathers Beach Fremantle

Situated directly on the beach front below historic Arthur Head is the J Shed housing a number of established Fremantle Artists. It has been operating as a productive art space since 1992. In recent times more artists studios have been established in the old Port buildings creating a Bathers Beach Arts Precinct. [1][2] Fremantle is a city in on the west coast of Australia.
Bathers Beach, off Mews Road or Fleet Street - Fremantle, Australia
- Fremantle-J Shed Google Map
- Fremantle Central: Bathers Beach
- Round House and Whalers Tunnel
Bathers Beach Fremantle Artists
- Kidogo Arthouse and Art Institute - Info link
- Greg James Sculpture Studio Gallery - Info link
- J Shed Art Studio - Info link
- Jenny Dawson Ceramic Artist - Info link
- Fremantle Fine Furniture - Info link
- Peter Zuvela Photographer - Info link
- Rob Dawkins: The Silver Gallery - Info link
- Arthur Kalamaris-Sculptor
- Ann Land-Artist/ Web site:
- Glen Cowans-Underwater Photographer /Web site:
- Tessa Joy-Artist/ Musician
Jenny Dawson Ceramic Artist-Wellard

J Shed and the Cultural Development Working Group
The J Shed perspective on the report created by the "Cultural Development Working Group" of the City of Fremantle has resulted in a situation where we are faced with not being able to renew our leases on a professional 5 to 10 year basis. This could potentially close our operations and force us to move and potentially destroy the Arthur's Head precinct. Other issues concerning this please read below.
- We have found from our perspective this whole process set in motion by the "Cultural Development Working Group" of Fremantle Council to have been lacking in transparency and might we add in our opinion an under researched document.
- The Cultural committee never spoke to us during their research process. Some members of the Fremantle Council came through J Shed early this year, also never spoke to us about this.
- Artsource, of whom we have been members for 20 years, never told us about the process and only spoke to us after we discovered by accident that they were actually writing the recommendations based on the cultural committees report that would be put to council for vote.
Further reading: The J Shed perspective
Coast Guard - Greg James

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Bathers Beach Arts Bathers Beach Fremantle Bathers Beach Arts Fremantle Bathers Beach Bathers Beach Fremantle Australia Western Australia Western Australia Fremantle Perth Keyword:Coast Guard Greg James