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< User:Badmachine
Jump to navigationJump to searchRevision as of 00:55, 22 July 2015 by Badmachine (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<pre> Session Start: Wed Jul 08 00:00:00 2015 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en [00:04:20] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) Quit (Quit: Moabdave) [00:06:35] * NotASpy (~c...")
Session Start: Wed Jul 08 00:00:00 2015 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en [00:04:20] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) Quit (Quit: Moabdave) [00:06:35] * NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [00:07:45] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@ has joined #wikipedia-en [00:07:45] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@ Quit (Changing host) [00:07:45] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:08:06] <Raymie> Well, it’s been a while, so I guess I’m going to need to repeat myself. [00:08:11] <Raymie> Can someone tell me if this would be deleted or kept at AfD? [00:09:17] <Jeske_Couriano> I like pie. [00:09:19] * comets (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:09:21] <Moabdave> I personally would vote delete, as in my opinion the information in this article would better be served as a category [00:09:41] <Kelapstick> it could go either way [00:09:43] <Moabdave> However, with AfD’s you never know. That process is not known for being consistant or logical. [00:12:34] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:12:53] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@ has joined #wikipedia-en [00:12:54] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@ Quit (Changing host) [00:12:54] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:22:15] * JJMC89 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [00:24:15] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:26:42] * unboxed is now known as unboxed|in [00:26:46] * unboxed|in is now known as unboxed [00:27:03] * unboxed is now known as unboxed|mourning [00:28:14] * juliancolton (~juliancol@wikimedia/Juliancolton) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:29:11] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ has joined #wikipedia-en [00:32:11] * unboxed|mourning is now known as unboxed [00:32:20] * juliancolton (~juliancol@wikimedia/Juliancolton) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:33:57] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:34:17] <Raymie> Moabdave: Do you think it’d be better as a navbox? [00:34:28] <Raymie> I mean, look at {{Sonora Radio}} — so many stations a split is likely needed [00:34:45] <Raymie> The Mexico AM FM migration creates some serious problems. I mean, look at {{Veracruz Radio}} [00:35:03] <Raymie> I already created {{Comarca Lagunera Radio}} [00:35:04] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ has joined #wikipedia-en [00:35:11] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ has left #wikipedia-en [00:35:12] <Raymie> to resolve some of the other problems in Coahuila and Durango [00:41:02] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:47:37] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Quit: look at all the hippos) [00:48:11] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ has joined #wikipedia-en [00:48:45] * Raymie ( Quit (Quit: Raymie) [00:49:19] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:49:28] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Client Quit) [00:50:27] <Eatmeimaredbean> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER Eatmeimaredbean ksgkqabdekuq [00:50:39] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) Quit (Quit: Moabdave) [00:51:39] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [00:53:24] * SPF|Cloud (uid11755@wikipedia/Southparkfan) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [00:54:41] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:55:02] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ has joined #wikipedia-en [00:55:28] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Client Quit) [00:58:05] * Eatmeimaredbean (~admin@ has left #wikipedia-en [00:58:23] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [00:59:02] * Raymie ( Quit (Client Quit) [00:59:40] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@wikipedia/cyanotex) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:00:45] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [01:04:04] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:06:08] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:06:14] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [01:08:07] * Josve05a (uid46873@wikipedia/Josve05a) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [01:10:28] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:15:52] * PontoCom_BR (b39bbc84@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [01:15:56] * PontoCom_BR (b39bbc84@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Changing host) [01:15:56] * PontoCom_BR (b39bbc84@unaffiliated/pontocom-br/x-8136348) has joined #wikipedia-en [01:15:56] * PontoCom_BR (b39bbc84@unaffiliated/pontocom-br/x-8136348) Quit (Changing host) [01:15:56] * PontoCom_BR (b39bbc84@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [01:16:44] <PontoCom_BR> hello. [01:22:34] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) has joined #wikipedia-en [01:23:14] * Keilana (~Keilana@wikipedia/Keilana) Quit (Quit: Keilana) [01:24:08] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:24:14] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [01:24:56] <Moabdave> Raymie, sorry I got booted and didn’t realize it. The question I have for you is how stable are radio stations in Mexico? [01:25:23] <Moabdave> I say that as there are markets in the USA where it’s common for radio stations to change call signs and formats ever 3-4 years. [01:26:03] <Moabdave> Where I’m going with this, is that a nav-box is visually easier to find than a category, but it must be manually mantained. [01:26:20] <Moabdave> A category is less glamerous and not visible to “newbies” but it’s mantanence is more automated. [01:27:34] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [01:28:44] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:29:23] * strainwrld ( has joined #wikipedia-en [01:30:41] <MJ94> Hi. [01:31:16] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en [01:31:16] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host) [01:31:16] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) has joined #wikipedia-en [01:33:46] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4 [01:35:31] * revent_ (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) has joined #wikipedia-en [01:38:30] * revent (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) has left #wikipedia-en [01:39:44] <MJ94> Anyone seen {Soap}? [01:44:46] * IDoH|AfIRC is now known as IDoH [01:46:24] <TParis> hours ago [01:46:46] * volny (~felix@ has joined #wikipedia-en [01:48:15] <TParis> *headdesk* If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself [01:49:48] <MJ94> TParis: what happened? [01:50:59] * Hoofdconducteur (uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [01:53:55] * ZeroSerenity ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [01:54:07] * volny (~felix@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:54:24] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:54:54] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) Quit (Quit: Moabdave) [01:55:38] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [01:59:12] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [02:00:09] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:01:07] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [02:01:15] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:01:34] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [02:03:56] <Raymie> Templates out of date…so badly I had to add 39 missing FM radio stations [02:06:54] <IDoH> a9309131: Are you aware that defconbot is down? [02:07:52] * Finnegan is now known as Finne|sleep [02:07:57] <IDoH> "@9309131 signed on at July 3, 2015 at 5:23:55 AM CDT and has been idle for 4 days, 15 hours, 43 minutes, 3 seconds" <----Oh. He probably didn't see what I just typed. [02:12:04] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [02:15:14] * blokc (~Thunderbi@2601:2c4:0:d03a:58a5:9f57:dbce:37a7) has joined #wikipedia-en [02:15:40] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [02:15:50] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:18:11] * JohnFLewis (uid17799@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [02:18:58] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [02:19:13] * fetus (uid32386@wikia/Iiii-I-I-I) has joined #wikipedia-en [02:20:53] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:21:24] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away [02:27:01] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [02:27:06] * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en [02:50:31] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en [02:52:32] * haggis (uid6619@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en [02:53:08] <SuicidalZerg> So, yeah... I googled the prospect of war with Russia... I wish I hadn't... o_o [02:54:57] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Quit: Bye) [02:55:27] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [02:57:15] * Bradford is now known as Bradford|Away [03:00:58] * Aldnonymous (~Aldnonymo@wikimedia/Aldnonymous) has joined #wikipedia-en [03:08:42] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [03:10:37] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [03:12:45] * Kelapstick (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Kelapstick) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253]) [03:13:20] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) has joined #wikipedia-en [03:15:58] * PontoCom_BR is now known as PontoCom_BR_off [03:16:13] * bca (uid1192@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [03:16:30] * Bsadowski1 (~Brian_S@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:18:31] * Antonio (~Antonio@ has joined #wikipedia-en [03:18:37] * Antonio (~Antonio@ has left #wikipedia-en [03:20:41] * Bsadowski1 (~Brian_S@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en [03:24:39] * Chess (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) has joined #wikipedia-en [03:27:04] * SudoNull (~SudoNull@unaffiliated/sudonull) has joined #wikipedia-en [03:27:24] * SudoNull (~SudoNull@unaffiliated/sudonull) Quit (Max SendQ exceeded) [03:28:17] * SudoNull (~SudoNull@unaffiliated/sudonull) has joined #wikipedia-en [03:32:30] * Keilana (~Keilana@wikipedia/Keilana) has joined #wikipedia-en [03:37:10] * Keilana (~Keilana@wikipedia/Keilana) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [03:37:35] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:38:37] * revent_ (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [03:46:55] * JJMC89 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:55:06] * {Soap} ( has joined #wikipedia-en [03:56:46] <MJ94> {Soap}: :) [03:59:01] <Bsadowski1> {Soap}! [03:59:14] <Bsadowski1> :D [04:00:43] <MJ94> Bsadowski1! [04:04:22] <Bsadowski1> MJ94? [04:04:34] <MJ94> Yes? [04:05:53] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:07:51] * {Soap} ( Quit (Changing host) [04:07:52] * {Soap} (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:08:33] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [04:09:09] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [04:12:41] * Josve05a (uid46873@wikipedia/Josve05a) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:12:54] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:14:35] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:16:42] <{Soap}> hi [04:18:03] <MJ94> sup, {Soap}? [04:18:09] * Makilahy (~chatzilla@2602:306:cdd8:82b0:7df3:8226:5384:d02a) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:18:15] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:18:21] <MJ94> hiya Josve05a [04:18:31] <Josve05a> hello [04:18:42] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:21:12] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:21:22] <{Soap}> glad the powerdidnt go out [04:21:26] <{Soap}> there was qute a storm here today [04:23:34] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:24:12] * hexersTSN (~gloomyFKS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:25:04] * hexersTSN (~gloomyFKS@ has left #wikipedia-en [04:25:22] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [04:25:26] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Client Quit) [04:25:42] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:25:50] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:28:07] <GEOFBOT|busy> Someone needs to merge into [[Safari]] [04:28:19] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [04:28:39] <{Soap}> i vote delete [04:28:48] <{Soap}> that was not intended to be an article [04:29:06] <GEOFBOT|busy> well, something has to be done with it [04:29:07] <{Soap}> no references [04:29:18] <{Soap}> he misspelled "wildebeest" [04:29:29] <{Soap}> its basically spam [04:30:45] <{Soap}> Rule #1 of Safaris: Dont trust a safari operator that cant spell the names of the animals [04:30:59] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [04:31:07] <{Soap}> honestly, a merge is too generous [04:31:21] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:31:36] <GEOFBOT|busy> Drug users go to a safari promising "crocodil", end up eaten by crocodiles [04:31:44] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324]) [04:31:57] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Client Quit) [04:32:02] * Moabdave (~Moabdave@wikipedia/Moabdave) Quit (Quit: Moabdave) [04:32:26] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:33:11] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:33:49] <GEOFBOT|busy> {Soap}: Well, I'll G11 it [04:34:21] <{Soap}> well sorry no [04:34:25] <{Soap}> i didnt mean literally delete [04:34:30] <{Soap}> it has a legitimate use as a redirect [04:34:34] <{Soap}> there's a movie [04:34:41] <GEOFBOT|busy> oh [04:34:59] <GEOFBOT|busy> or maybe a disambiguation? [04:35:49] * sleighbells (~sleighbel@unaffiliated/sleighbells) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [04:36:04] <{Soap}> thank you [04:36:09] <{Soap}> i guess youre sniper? [04:36:33] <GEOFBOT|busy> yea [04:36:37] <GEOFBOT|busy> (see cloak) [04:36:45] <GEOFBOT|busy> I've added a hatnote to Safari [04:36:53] <{Soap}> well, he'll revert it, I imagine, but Im changing it back to the movie [04:37:11] <{Soap}> [04:37:40] <{Soap}> interesting movie [04:37:47] <{Soap}> it seems to have no actors. just one guy running the show [04:39:00] <GEOFBOT|busy> i added a hatnote to the movie linking to safari [04:39:19] <{Soap}> Sounds fair [04:39:20] <GEOFBOT|busy> Every time I try to type hatnote my finger hits an 'e' producing 'hatenote' [04:39:39] <ceradon> {Soap}, can you do me a favour, please? [04:39:52] <ceradon> Can you check the deleted contributions of User:Milkshirt [04:39:54] <GEOFBOT|busy> anyways, i'm going to bed. see you guys later [04:40:12] <{Soap}> sleep well [04:40:47] <ceradon> And give me the name of the article s/he created please? [04:42:39] <{Soap}> couildnt it wait till your RFA closes? : ) [04:42:53] <ceradon> lol [04:43:02] <{Soap}> i'll send you in PM [04:44:19] * GEOFBOT|busy (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) Quit [04:44:30] * GEOFBOT|busy (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:44:59] <GEOFBOT|busy> there, fixed cloak [04:45:04] <GEOFBOT|busy> going to bed for real now [04:46:16] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [04:49:17] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) [04:49:32] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:50:14] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:51:43] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Client Quit) [04:51:51] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [04:51:56] * LtNOWIS2 (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Client Quit) [04:55:00] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:55:02] * PontoCom_BR_off is now known as PontoCom_BR [04:55:22] * jubo2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:55:25] * ObsequiousNewt (~Obsequiou@wiktionary/ObsequiousNewt) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [04:55:47] <ipatrol> 4chan it at it *again* [04:56:10] <{Soap}> whoa [04:56:15] <{Soap}> i havent seen you in six years [04:56:18] <ceradon> How so? [04:56:21] <ceradon> Oh wow. [04:56:32] <{Soap}> welcome back [04:56:46] <ipatrol> {Soap}: I'm amazed you can remember that far back [04:56:55] <{Soap}> thank you [04:57:30] <ipatrol> anyway, I just popped in because I saw 4chan starting another vandalism thread, and my loyalties still lie here [04:58:01] <ipatrol> someone please fix the Bill Simmons page ASAP [04:58:02] <ceradon> ipatrol, so, 4chan? Funny thing you mention that. Just saw this: [04:58:27] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [04:58:28] <ipatrol> I'm a communist, Bill Simmons is not [04:58:28] <ceradon> Actually, saw it a while ago. [04:58:37] <ceradon> Only one edit though. [04:58:58] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Client Quit) [04:59:56] <ipatrol> I'd do it, if not for the fact I'm kinda on a mobile device and don't therefore have Twinkle to hand out a proper thrashing [05:00:42] <ipatrol> thank you! [05:01:10] <ceradon> {Soap}!!!!!!! [05:01:18] <ceradon> Please protect Bill Simmons [05:01:30] <ceradon> Article is under fire like crazy [05:02:38] <ipatrol> does that ! code still work? [05:02:52] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [05:03:05] <ceradon> Apparently I must die. [05:04:19] <ipatrol> !admin please lock Bill Simmons for the next hour or so [05:04:38] <jackmcbarn> looking [05:04:38] <ipatrol> ceradon: that just shows you're having an impact :-) [05:04:41] <PontoCom_BR> bye, people. [05:04:49] <jackmcbarn> and beaten to it. [05:05:30] <ceradon> jackmcbarn, you can still block. Lots of IPs and vandals there. [05:05:40] <ceradon> IPs and users* [05:05:53] <jackmcbarn> that seems like work :P and it's like 1am here. i'll let someone in some other time zone do that [05:06:14] <{Soap}> i did a month actually [05:06:18] <{Soap}> probably total overkill [05:06:26] <{Soap}> but it can always be dropped back later [05:06:27] <ipatrol> {Soap}: ya think? [05:06:48] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [05:07:03] <ceradon> ipatrol, can you link to the 4chan thread please? [05:07:19] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) has joined #wikipedia-en [05:07:21] <ipatrol> ceradon: sure, [05:07:31] <ipatrol> without the # part [05:08:05] <{Soap}> well my thinking was that there were very few IP edits in the past [05:08:15] <Cncmaster> I like some of 4chan, but my loyalties lie with Wikipedia. [05:08:38] <{Soap}> so a 1 month block isnt actually harmful [05:09:40] <ceradon> Ceradon the White Knight! [05:09:52] <ipatrol> Cncmaster: same here [05:10:12] <Cncmaster> lol ceradon [05:10:13] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:10:50] <Cncmaster> b has some fun rolling threads, but that's one I would not partake in [05:11:02] <Cncmaster> for obvious reasons [05:11:18] <ipatrol> ceradon: add it to your user page! [05:11:45] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en [05:11:49] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:12:00] * M132T003C ( has joined #wikipedia-en [05:12:00] * M132T003C ( Quit (Changing host) [05:12:00] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia-en [05:12:44] <Cncmaster> they started another one: [05:12:51] <topaz> those edits on [[Bill Simmons]] look like a bunch of [[WP:VOA]] accounts [05:12:54] <ipatrol> yep, just noticed that [05:14:02] <ceradon> {Soap}: [05:14:08] <ceradon> Protect, please. [05:14:20] <ipatrol> rand paul just got dubs [05:14:55] <Cncmaster> The last thread had a few quads [05:15:36] <ipatrol> ceradon: unless people start rolling in, it would be pointless to protect everything mentioned [05:15:48] * Rajeshk (~Rajesh@ has joined #wikipedia-en [05:15:58] <ipatrol> Cncmaster: yeah, but the trips here was a protected article. top kek indeed [05:16:12] <Cncmaster> top kek [05:16:21] * Kevin_Gorman (~Kevin@wikipedia/Kevin-Gorman) has joined #wikipedia-en [05:17:26] <Cncmaster> I'm watching it. [05:17:43] <Cncmaster> nothing yet [05:17:55] <ipatrol> yeah, no magic roll yet [05:18:00] <ipatrol> still fun to watch [05:18:20] <Cncmaster> it's funny every time they post a semi'd article [05:18:36] <ceradon> Yeah lol [05:18:39] <ipatrol> if I were still at my laptop, I might use the IP addresses to toy with a few of the offenders [05:19:38] <ipatrol> lulz can go both ways [05:19:46] <Cncmaster> "wikitards" [05:19:48] <Cncmaster> lol [05:20:21] <Cncmaster> this is too fun to watch [05:20:39] <ipatrol> some of the choices are... unusual [05:20:40] <Cncmaster> ooh, one off [05:20:48] <ipatrol> Photoelectric effect, really? [05:20:56] <Cncmaster> they almost got Greece [05:21:04] <topaz> really, there's a whole subindustry dedicated to catering to these people [05:21:12] <{Soap}> List_of_Ben_10_aliens seems OK, only one editor so far vandalzing\ [05:21:31] <{Soap}> so supposedly Greeks can onbly widthdraw Ē60 a day now [05:21:54] <Cncmaster> I heard something about that. [05:23:46] <ipatrol> yeah [05:23:49] <ipatrol> anyway [05:24:02] <Cncmaster> They all keep suggesting high-traffic semi'd articles [05:24:08] <ipatrol> 9 trips isn't even an article [05:24:32] <topaz> they also keep requesting [[Randy Pitchford]] for some reason [05:25:15] <ipatrol> topaz: is it semi'd? [05:25:21] <topaz> doesn't appear to be [05:25:25] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:25:28] <ipatrol> should be [05:25:48] <topaz> mostly we don't protect articles, even semi, on hypothetical future vandalism [05:25:49] <ipatrol> also, the dab [[Roll]] would probably not be a bad idea [05:26:09] <topaz> it's a good idea not to overstate the risk of 4chan vandalism [05:26:18] <ipatrol> topaz: when bullets are incoming, you shoot [05:26:30] <topaz> ipatrol: this is not a war. [05:26:50] <ipatrol> topaz: no, the point is more to frustrate them into moving on to some other thread [05:26:50] <topaz> but hey, if you can find an admin willing to semi on that basis, knock yourself out [05:27:15] <ceradon> Apparently the OP of that thread has administrative rights [05:27:23] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [05:27:23] <ceradon> He's planning on vandalizing [05:27:29] <topaz> so he claims. [05:27:34] <Cncmaster> I'd keep an eye on Winrar. [05:27:41] <{Soap}> hmm? [05:27:41] <ceradon> And is going to use the excus: He left his laptop on [05:27:45] <{Soap}> an admin is vandalizing?? [05:27:49] <topaz> in which case why hasn't he started already? [05:28:30] <{Soap}> maybe he wants others to do the dirty work [05:28:35] <ipatrol> assuming it's true, someone's head needs to roll tonight [05:29:05] * haggis (uid6619@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [05:29:06] <Cncmaster> well, all 4chan threads can be retrieved on a third-party site. it wouldn't be smart to admit that. [05:29:24] <ipatrol> Dubya just got quads [05:29:44] <topaz> there it is [05:29:44] <topaz> [05:29:55] <Cncmaster> [05:30:14] <Cncmaster> watch it [05:30:21] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [05:30:37] <ipatrol> !admin seal up [[Minions (film)]] please [05:30:56] <{Soap}> im watching it [05:30:59] <{Soap}> no vandalism yet [05:31:18] <{Soap}> also cookinmg supper though [05:31:22] <{Soap}> so i might b e AFK [05:31:42] <topaz> started [05:31:44] <Cncmaster> it's starting [05:31:50] <topaz> [05:32:16] <Keegan> Done [05:32:20] <{Soap}> oh ok thanks [05:32:35] <topaz> Keegan++ [05:32:39] <ipatrol> thank you Keegan [05:32:58] <Cncmaster> keep an eye out for a new thread [05:33:43] <ipatrol> and thread has been pruned [05:33:55] <{Soap}> heh someone accidentally added vandalism afer the porection [05:33:57] <{Soap}> oh well [05:34:33] <{Soap}> mistakes happen [05:34:34] <ipatrol> use the catalog feature to search threads [05:36:28] <ipatrol> The internet: the latest incarnation of the angry mob [05:38:11] <Cncmaster> [05:38:21] <Keegan> It happens [05:38:21] <Keegan> After all these years, this kind of thing is still fun? I don't get it. [05:40:45] <ipatrol> Keegan: it's like schoolkids with a can of spraypaint [05:41:10] <ipatrol> personally, I think it's stupid [05:41:12] <Keegan> Yeah but it just seem so played out at this point [05:41:21] <Keegan> I get it five, ten years ago [05:41:41] <ipatrol> Keegan: but then one just gets a new crop of schoolkids, or "summers" as they say [05:42:22] <ipatrol> I think it's stupid myself, but that's in part because I've been with 4chan for a number of years now [05:42:34] * pakaran (~pakaran@wikipedia/pakaran) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [05:42:39] * Raymie ( Quit (Quit: Raymie) [05:43:32] * Bsadowski1 (~Brian_S@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [05:43:55] <{Soap}> lol Boston still has a pile of snow that hasnt melted from last winter [05:44:03] <ipatrol> their vandalism campaigns were actually the thing that first led me to them, believe it or not [05:44:11] <ipatrol> {Soap}: {{cn}} [05:44:28] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [05:44:28] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [05:44:34] <{Soap}>®ion=Marginalia&src=me&pgtype=article [05:44:46] * blokc (~Thunderbi@2601:2c4:0:d03a:58a5:9f57:dbce:37a7) Quit (Quit: blokc) [05:45:01] <{Soap}> large cities try to scoop snow into piles to get it off the streets, apparently piles that are high enough to survive several months of warm weathedr [05:45:07] <{Soap}> but this one was unusual [05:45:52] <ipatrol> I'll say [05:46:06] <ipatrol> needs to be relocated to Arizona or something [05:47:14] <ipatrol> [[Fat bastard (character)]] just "won" [05:49:20] * Rajeshk (~Rajesh@ Quit (Quit: Leaving) [05:50:04] <Cncmaster> looks like only a couple vandals came along [05:51:03] <Cncmaster> oh, here come more [05:51:22] <ceradon> ipatrol, link to new thread? [05:51:34] <ipatrol> ceradon: don't see one yet [05:51:57] <ipatrol> oh, you mean this one? [05:52:07] <Cncmaster> [05:52:12] <ipatrol> yeah, that one [05:55:05] <ipatrol> heh, haven't done this in a long time [05:55:32] <ipatrol> the kind of nostalgia that reminds me of xkcd's comic about distended anuses [05:55:52] <ipatrol> Feminism got another set of dubs [05:56:32] <ipatrol> locked, of course [05:56:40] <ceradon> Locke [05:56:43] <ceradon> Yeah [05:57:58] <Cncmaster> thanks for protecting it Keegan [05:58:02] <Keegan> Yup yup [05:58:07] <ipatrol> John Locke? :-p [06:00:23] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Quit: Just got kidnapped again.) [06:03:48] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) Quit (Quit: TCP FIN) [06:04:21] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) has joined #wikipedia-en [06:07:43] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) Quit (Client Quit) [06:11:51] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324]) [06:12:57] * Jianhui67 (uid54581@wikimedia/Jianhui67) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [06:13:51] * hexersTSN (~gloomyFKS@ has joined #wikipedia-en [06:16:01] * hexersTSN (~gloomyFKS@ has left #wikipedia-en [06:17:29] * Makilahy (~chatzilla@2602:306:cdd8:82b0:7df3:8226:5384:d02a) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253]) [06:18:31] * entombBAK (~angoraVTV@ has joined #wikipedia-en [06:18:53] <ceradon> got dubbed to be vandalized. [06:18:57] <Keegan> [[Fat acceptance movement]] now protected. Anything else? [06:19:09] * entombBAK (~angoraVTV@ has left #wikipedia-en [06:19:12] <ceradon> Keegan, you move fast. [06:19:15] <ceradon> lol [06:19:42] <Keegan> ceradon: Been here, done this [06:20:03] <ceradon> How often does this happen? [06:20:20] <Keegan> I dunno, I'm used to it coming from TV [06:20:32] <Keegan> 4chan stuff isn't something I know much of anything about [06:20:33] <Keegan> [06:20:37] <Keegan> Old school. [06:21:12] <Aldnonymous> Pffft [06:21:14] <ceradon> Wow. [06:21:42] <Aldnonymous> I wish I were a mod on /b/. But I'm not that degenerate... Sadly... [06:23:13] <{Soap}> this was common like six years ago [06:23:20] <{Soap}> honestly thought they had given up [06:23:34] <Aldnonymous> >4chan [06:23:39] <Aldnonymous> >Ever giving up [06:23:44] <Keegan> "raids arnt fun any more, i did some vandelizing too an now the page is locked" <~ that's the spirit! [06:24:00] <Aldnonymous> {Soap} Somebody gonna rickroll you. [06:24:04] <{Soap}> we even had a bot descigned specifically to scrape 4chan looking for attack threads [06:23:57] <Keegan> Liechtenstein protected for an hour, I think they're slowing down [06:23:58] <Aldnonymous> Which is quite funny, since there are quite many wikimedia wiki admins were 4channer. [06:24:18] <Keegan> Aldnonymous: Allegedly [06:24:34] <Keegan> For ever 50 4channers claiming to be an admin there was maybe .5 [06:24:41] <Aldnonymous> Keegan : Ask Bsadowski to give you his mods pass on /x/. [06:24:54] <Aldnonymous> Wait... Bsadowski is our stewards right...? [06:24:55] <{Soap}> 4chan is a big place [06:25:09] <Aldnonymous> Oh sh........ we dun goofed... [06:25:18] <{Soap}> i coudl totally see it being the home of both a host of wikipedia admins and a host of wikipedia vandals [06:25:50] <Aldnonymous> True. [06:27:16] * entombBAK (~angoraVTV@ has joined #wikipedia-en [06:29:57] <ceradon> Tha thread is dead, methinks. [06:31:05] * entombBAK (~angoraVTV@ has left #wikipedia-en [06:32:12] <ceradon> Keegan: [06:32:13] * Kevin_Gorman (~Kevin@wikipedia/Kevin-Gorman) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) [06:32:24] <ceradon> They're pissed. [06:32:32] <ceradon> Perhaps they'll scurry away now. [06:33:09] <Keegan> That's pissed? Okay [06:33:22] <ceradon> Nope. Looks like is next. [06:34:35] <Keegan> ...and this is why, ten years in, I'm forever perplexed. I can click three things and all ten of them can do nothing. They plan, I do the same. There is no winning this, only disappointment. [06:35:18] <Aldnonymous> Keegan if I were them I would do crosswiki disruption not registering my account on loginwiki [06:35:40] <Keegan> Aldnonymous: You can't not register on loginwiki :P [06:35:51] <Keegan> All logins go through it. It's why it's called login wiki [06:35:53] <Keegan> Well [06:35:57] <Aldnonymous> Keegan you can just API login so you don't have centralauth [06:35:59] <Keegan> Registering is from actually going there [06:36:23] <Aldnonymous> see the phab for this problem [06:37:03] <{Soap}> theres a glitch? [06:37:06] <Keegan> Restricted :/ [06:37:25] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [06:37:27] <Aldnonymous> That way, stewards can't lock my account, can't be Gblocked, and has to be blocked manually on hundreds of local wikis. [06:37:42] <{Soap}> lol [06:37:46] <Aldnonymous> 4channer are that stupid to not exploit this weakness. [06:37:53] <{Soap}> thats a lot of effort, surely [06:38:07] <Aldnonymous> Ah Keegan, gonna subscribe you to there now so you can see it, [06:38:12] <Keegan> Thanks [06:38:22] <{Soap}> to use somse special obscure method of logging in every single time you visit wikipedia? [06:38:46] <Aldnonymous> Added your name. [06:39:00] <Keegan> Aldnonymous: I can see it now, ty [06:39:27] <Aldnonymous> {Soap} the easiest method would be auto created spam bot without API log in from smartphone/Iphone apps. [06:40:22] <legoktm> u, what. [06:40:26] <Aldnonymous> No account, no static IP (because IPv6 lol), no limit account can be created per minutes. [06:40:26] <legoktm> um, what* [06:40:28] <Keegan> Aldnonymous: Okay, yeah, I've heard of this thing but I'm more familiar with the solutions [06:41:12] <legoktm> Aldnonymous: first, please don't discuss security bugs in public channels. Secondly, most of what you just said isn't true, and has been fixed. [06:42:11] <Aldnonymous> Eh, no, still find these bots on many projects, btw hasn't this been discussed publicly on stewards channel legoktm? Anyway sorry. [06:42:48] <legoktm> Aldnonymous: it was fixed 2? days ago. But it's impossible to create non-SUL accounts, so it can always be locked. [06:43:37] <Aldnonymous> WHAT? I'm so behind the news. [06:43:55] <Keegan> All accounts are SUL as of the end of February-ish [06:44:05] <Keegan> Err, all *new accounts [06:44:15] <Keegan> All accounts are SUL as of April :P [06:44:57] <Aldnonymous> legoktm, Keegan, was it also for old account? Will they be forced to have SUL/CA? [06:45:11] <Keegan> Yes [06:45:21] <Keegan> All accounts are SUL [06:45:34] <Aldnonymous> legoktm : this was the problem, non SUL that create their account on big wikis can't be Checkusered. [06:45:55] <Aldnonymous> And need to be delegated on local CU which is slow. [06:46:04] * PontoCom_BR (b39bbc84@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed) [06:47:15] <Keegan> Aldnonymous: see [06:48:29] <Aldnonymous> Oh. T91885 is duplicate then? [06:49:20] <Keegan> Dunno. I'm off. [06:49:24] <Aldnonymous> Ah that's different, but I see now. [06:49:24] * ZeroSerenity ( has joined #wikipedia-en [06:49:28] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [06:49:28] <Aldnonymous> Cya Keegan [06:50:21] * ceradon is now known as euphoria [06:50:29] <Aldnonymous> Cool, so Mw Meta and SUL. [06:50:34] * euphoria is now known as ceradon [06:50:40] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [06:51:21] * ggp ( has joined #wikipedia-en [06:53:12] <MJ94> goodnight [06:53:56] * GEOFBOT|busy (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [06:54:33] * ceradon is now known as euphoria [06:55:03] * euphoria is now known as Guest76027 [06:55:17] * Guest76027 is now known as ceradon [06:55:36] * mindspillage (~kat@ has joined #wikipedia-en [06:55:36] * mindspillage (~kat@ Quit (Changing host) [06:55:36] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en [06:57:29] * {Soap} is now known as {soap|bed} [06:57:48] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [06:58:37] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [06:59:12] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [07:00:08] * ceradon is now known as syabrite [07:02:20] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving") [07:09:23] * Aldnonymous (~Aldnonymo@wikimedia/Aldnonymous) Quit (Quit: Even so, humans struggle to live, wretchedly. And that I think – is something very beautiful. These tones of memory sent upon the wind, rising towards the sky, Undeterred by rain, dancing freely, form a(n) eulogy of short life.) [07:10:41] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [07:12:12] * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:13:12] * ggp ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [07:16:24] * Nahiyan (~nahiyan@unaffiliated/nahiyan) has joined #wikipedia-en [07:16:51] <Nahiyan> could anyone close an AfD? the nominator withdrew it [07:18:29] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) has joined #wikipedia-en [07:21:53] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [07:22:46] <Nahiyan> [07:24:09] <MJ94> Nahiyan: done [07:25:28] <MJ94> crap. I didn't use the tool right [07:25:43] <MJ94> {soap|bed}: around? [07:27:06] <Nahiyan> oh [07:27:42] * Josve05a (uid46873@wikipedia/Josve05a) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [07:28:22] <Nahiyan> thank you! [07:30:00] <MJ94> Nahiyan: fixed and done [07:30:07] <MJ94> {soap|bed}: never mind :) [07:32:35] <Nahiyan> :) [07:32:37] * Nahiyan (~nahiyan@unaffiliated/nahiyan) has left #wikipedia-en ("-1 = i*i = ?(-1) * ?(-1) = ?(-1 * -1) = ?(1) = 1") [07:33:53] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [07:35:14] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [07:38:12] * mindspillage ( has joined #wikipedia-en [07:38:12] * mindspillage ( Quit (Changing host) [07:38:12] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en [07:38:41] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [07:49:01] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [07:51:00] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [07:54:31] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [07:58:55] * comets (~xchat@wikimedia/Cometstyles) Quit (Quit: When you put 'THE' and 'IRS' together, it forms 'THEIRS'.) [08:01:13] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:01:15] * buh (uid10233@wikimedia/addshore) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:01:26] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:02:27] * strainwrld ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [08:02:36] * buh is now known as addshore [08:04:57] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [08:08:34] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) Quit [08:09:52] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:15:06] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [08:15:42] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [08:16:33] * Raymie ( Quit (Quit: Raymie) [08:20:55] * midgetpower (~midgetpow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/midgetpower) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:21:05] <midgetpower> <-- Last item. [08:21:16] <midgetpower> Why is it deleted? [08:21:31] <midgetpower> I'm trying to figure out if any original footage was used to make that long documentary. [08:21:47] <midgetpower> Or if it's purely footage taken from stock video and other movies. [08:22:29] <Sir_Designer> midgetpower from the edit summary, it sounds like it was a horrible nonarticle. if you can generate a proper one, go for it. [08:23:26] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:24:03] * mindspillage ( has joined #wikipedia-en [08:24:03] * mindspillage ( Quit (Changing host) [08:24:03] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:24:23] <midgetpower> I was disappointed by the fact that it doesn't even have a voiceover. [08:25:11] * Jianhui67 (uid54581@wikimedia/Jianhui67) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:28:34] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [08:46:01] * Samwalton9 (~Samwalton@wikipedia/Samwalton9) has joined #wikipedia-en [08:49:53] * fetus (uid32386@wikia/Iiii-I-I-I) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [08:58:36] * Hoofdconducteur (uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en [09:05:32] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:07:54] * GriffinHeart ( has joined #wikipedia-en [09:17:53] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [09:20:53] * T-MaN (~thomas@ has joined #wikipedia-en [09:30:19] * SPF|Cloud (uid11755@wikipedia/Southparkfan) has joined #wikipedia-en [09:43:06] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [09:43:30] * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) has joined #wikipedia-en [09:45:22] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [09:46:48] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ [09:47:24] * djr013 (~djr013@unaffiliated/djr013) has joined #wikipedia-en [09:48:09] <djr013> I'm looking at a leaked diplomatic cable, wondering if it might be public domain [09:48:16] <djr013> "This cable was drafted by Amembassy Berlin Labor Counselor Bob Hagen" [09:48:42] <djr013> [09:49:31] * NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) has joined #wikipedia-en [09:49:36] <djr013> covers the founding of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) [09:50:29] * GriffinHeart ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:53:48] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [09:59:42] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [09:59:47] * TB|Away is now known as TBloemink [10:03:27] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [10:04:24] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [10:13:02] <Sir_Designer> djr013 do they have a Rebel Battle flag? [10:13:51] <Sir_Designer> djr013 on what bases would stolen property be Public Domain? [10:14:16] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [10:14:19] <djr013> if anything, on the basis that it was created by a US employee in the conduct of his work, and thus not subject to copyright [10:14:56] <Sir_Designer> perhaps. but does it automagically become anyone's property? [10:15:21] <djr013> property is irrelevant here [10:15:30] <Sir_Designer> a US employee may create passports. are they all PD if leaked? [10:15:41] <djr013> yes [10:15:42] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Quit: look at all the hippos) [10:15:53] <Sir_Designer> citation needed etcetera [10:15:53] <djr013> but they'd be subject to privacy rights [10:16:07] <Sir_Designer> ditto for the leaked cable [10:16:19] <djr013> right, I don't care about that, I was asking about copyright [10:16:39] <Sir_Designer> i don't think it matters. BLP worries would trum that issue [10:16:46] <Sir_Designer> p [10:16:56] <djr013> it's not for a biography [10:17:00] <Sir_Designer> trump is a 4-letter word [10:17:21] <Sir_Designer> BLP may apply anyway [10:19:25] <Sir_Designer> you could say, even redlink biographies need protection [10:20:09] <Sir_Designer> at any rate you have to let the matter breathe, such as be citable following a Times or Guardian articles [10:20:48] <djr013> [10:21:10] <Sir_Designer> sorry, I am off to bed. midwest USA timezone [10:21:12] <djr013> it's not a controversial cable [10:25:28] * W3ird_N3rd ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [10:27:02] * T-MaN (~thomas@ Quit (Quit: Lämnar) [10:29:37] * ZeroSerenity ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [10:33:03] * Josve05a (uid46873@wikipedia/Josve05a) has joined #wikipedia-en [10:35:20] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [10:36:45] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [10:39:14] * W3ird_N3rd ( has joined #wikipedia-en [11:16:36] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [11:18:52] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:24:11] * wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:24:31] * Lydia_WMDE (~lydia@wikidata/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [11:24:56] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ has joined #wikipedia-en [11:25:55] * Lydia_WMDE (~lydia@wikidata/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:27:06] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:28:21] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:29:19] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:32:59] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ has joined #wikipedia-en [11:33:24] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [11:37:23] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:40:22] * IRWolfie- (~W0LF@unaffiliated/irwolfie-) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:42:42] * ___Chess___ (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:43:25] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [11:44:53] * Chess (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [11:47:55] * jubo2 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:48:02] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [11:49:13] * the-wub (~the_wub@ has joined #wikipedia-en [11:49:13] * the-wub (~the_wub@ Quit (Changing host) [11:49:13] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia-en [11:54:26] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [11:58:08] * T-MaN (~thomas@ has joined #wikipedia-en [12:19:22] <Betacommand> any admins around> [12:23:25] * Samwalton9 (~Samwalton@wikipedia/Samwalton9) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [12:25:31] * GEOFBOT|busy (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) has joined #wikipedia-en [12:26:18] * GEOFBOT|busy is now known as GEOFBOT [12:26:52] * natuur12|ZzZ is now known as natuur12 [12:26:53] * poddus ( has joined #wikipedia-en [12:31:36] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) has joined #wikipedia-en [12:33:38] * Bishonen ( has joined #wikipedia-en [12:33:47] * Bishonen ( Quit (Changing host) [12:33:48] * Bishonen (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/bishonen) has joined #wikipedia-en [12:42:03] <___Chess___> *wiki servers break for half a second* [12:42:15] <___Chess___> damn WMF why u do this [12:42:20] * ___Chess___ is now known as Chess [12:44:46] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [12:45:19] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) has joined #wikipedia-en [12:48:12] * Josve05a is now known as Josve05a|out [12:50:21] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [12:50:33] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [12:58:14] * bctrainers (~bc@unaffiliated/bctrainers) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [12:59:34] * Tutelary (~test@wikipedia/Tutelary) Quit [13:00:00] * Jan\ (~kvirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:00:05] * Ornacia- (drag@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-yjibphixhjmdcmeo) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [13:00:28] * marktraceur (~marktrace@fsf/member/marktraceur) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [13:00:38] * marktraceur (~marktrace@fsf/member/marktraceur) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:00:49] * bctrainers (~bc@unaffiliated/bctrainers) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:01:07] * sleighbells (~sleighbel@unaffiliated/sleighbells) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:01:36] * Ornacia (drag@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-qhwxgtextfbomweh) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:03:39] * Jan\ (kvirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en [13:11:44] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [13:14:26] * pakaran (~pakaran@wikipedia/pakaran) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:16:35] <Chess> What is the LCA team? [13:20:50] * Hippopotamus (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:22:07] * Chess (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:22:13] * ___Chess___ (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:22:35] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [13:22:56] * Hippopotamus is now known as kikichugirl [13:23:31] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [13:23:47] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [13:24:04] * dbrant (~dbrant@wikimedia/dbrant-wmf) has joined #wikipedia-en [13:31:12] * Finne|sleep is now known as Finnegan [13:31:45] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [13:33:35] * SPF|Cloud (uid11755@wikipedia/Southparkfan) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [13:34:40] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) Quit (Quit: look at all the hippos) [13:36:31] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [13:41:30] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [13:46:37] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [13:46:52] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [13:52:49] * FDMS (~FDMS@wikimedia/FDMS4) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [14:00:28] * cats (~kitten@unaffiliated/snowstormer) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:02:03] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:02:13] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [14:05:25] * cats (~kitten@unaffiliated/snowstormer) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:09:50] * cats (~kitten@unaffiliated/snowstormer) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:17:46] * JohnFLewis (uid17799@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:19:23] * SPF|Cloud (uid11755@wikipedia/Southparkfan) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:24:43] * ObsequiousNewt (~Obsequiou@wiktionary/ObsequiousNewt) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:27:07] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) [14:28:07] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:29:25] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [14:31:13] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [14:31:55] * poddus ( Quit (Quit: the eh the th th the that's all, folks!) [14:36:06] * unboxed_ (~unboxed@ has joined #wikipedia-en [14:38:11] * SuicidalZerg (~SuicidalZ@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [14:39:02] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [14:39:26] * natuur12 is now known as natuur12|away [14:39:35] * unboxed (~unboxed@2602:30a:c006:ea20:20e1:e33d:178b:ff01) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [14:40:23] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [14:43:44] * revent (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:46:33] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F [14:46:39] * MusikAnimal (~musikanim@wikipedia/MusikAnimal) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:49:35] * foks (~sup@ has joined #wikipedia-en [14:49:35] * foks (~sup@ Quit (Changing host) [14:49:35] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:51:57] * T-MaN (~thomas@ Quit (Quit: Lämnar) [14:52:32] * unboxed__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en [14:55:49] * unboxed_ (~unboxed@ Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [14:56:02] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [14:56:12] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [14:56:23] * FDMS (~FDMS@wikimedia/FDMS4) has joined #wikipedia-en [14:57:57] * IRWolfie- (~W0LF@unaffiliated/irwolfie-) Quit (Quit: leaving) [15:04:29] * Caliburn (~Caliburn@wikimedia/Caliburn) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:04:43] * CraigyDavi (~CraigyDav@unaffiliated/craigydavi) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:07:58] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:11:56] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:19:16] * addshore (uid10233@wikimedia/addshore) Quit [15:19:31] * natuur12|away is now known as natuur12 [15:28:09] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [15:29:52] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [15:41:31] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@2001:8a0:ee34:a01:5859:cd0e:cabc:9d89) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:41:32] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@2001:8a0:ee34:a01:5859:cd0e:cabc:9d89) Quit (Changing host) [15:41:33] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@wikipedia/cyanotex) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:43:44] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [15:44:25] * darev ( has joined #wikipedia-en [15:44:31] <darev> Hello! [15:45:18] * DJ-Knubbel ( has joined #wikipedia-en [15:45:43] * DJ-Knubbel ( has left #wikipedia-en [15:47:26] * thineantiquepen (uid7812@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:48:41] * LtNOWIS ( has joined #wikipedia-en [15:49:04] * ZeroSerenity ( has joined #wikipedia-en [15:50:05] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [15:50:18] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [15:52:17] <CyanoTex> Hey guys, guess what dbrand did to Linus Sebastian (from Linustechtips). [15:52:50] <CyanoTex> [15:55:33] <foks> ? [15:57:56] * dennyvrandecic (dennyvrand@unaffiliated/dennyvrandecic) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [15:58:21] * dennyvrandecic (dennyvrand@nat/google/x-dsoiggwzxogkxzmk) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:58:21] * dennyvrandecic (dennyvrand@nat/google/x-dsoiggwzxogkxzmk) Quit (Changing host) [15:58:21] * dennyvrandecic (dennyvrand@unaffiliated/dennyvrandecic) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:58:31] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [15:58:44] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [16:00:30] * Caliburn (~Caliburn@wikimedia/Caliburn) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [16:07:32] * Caliburn (~Caliburn@wikimedia/Caliburn) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:11:22] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:11:32] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [16:11:37] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [16:12:22] <marktraceur> CyanoTex: GAVE HIM A BUNCH OF FREE PHONE CASES [16:12:25] <marktraceur> That'll show him [16:12:58] <CyanoTex> Poor Linus. [16:14:16] * dennyvrandecic (dennyvrand@unaffiliated/dennyvrandecic) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:19:32] * FDMS1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:19:32] * FDMS1 ( Quit (Changing host) [16:19:32] * FDMS1 (~FDMS@wikimedia/FDMS4) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:19:32] * FDMS is now known as Guest20884 [16:19:32] * Guest20884 (~FDMS@wikimedia/FDMS4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:19:32] * FDMS1 is now known as FDMS [16:22:15] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [16:22:31] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [16:22:48] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:23:31] * Bsadowski1 (~Brian_S@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:27:59] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [16:28:11] * trifolio6 (~h@ has joined #wikipedia-en [16:29:37] <CyanoTex> I wish this image had the CC-BY-SA license. [16:29:39] <CyanoTex> [16:29:40] <CyanoTex> D-oaBpfS-kxh9Qt [16:29:49] <CyanoTex> =-=" [16:30:05] * CyanoTex should really use for shortening long links like that. [16:30:15] * trifolio6 (~h@ Quit (Client Quit) [16:32:06] <CyanoTex> [16:32:09] <CyanoTex> Okay, there. [16:33:49] * darev ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [16:33:52] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@wikipedia/cyanotex) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:36:24] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:37:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wow [16:37:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> [16:37:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I see a bunch of strange file formats [16:39:57] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en [16:39:57] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host) [16:39:58] * CyanoTex (~chatzilla@wikipedia/cyanotex) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:40:03] * strainwrld ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:45:50] * darev ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:47:01] * Sir_Designer (~Sir_Desig@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Quit: <Sir_Designer> all text is basically good. but only poetry is ______better______________. I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por dentro... [16:48:08] * Deskana|Away is now known as Deskana [16:48:30] * Sir_Designer (~Sir_Desig@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:50:54] <Sir_Designer> ToAruShiroiNeko all United flights grounded. [16:51:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Sir_Designer whats so strange about that? :D [16:52:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Arent they never on time anyways :p [16:52:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Makes you wonder how these airliners dont go bankrupt if their system is this bad [16:52:54] * Jianhui67 (uid54581@wikimedia/Jianhui67) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [16:58:23] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:59:27] * fetus (uid32386@wikia/Iiii-I-I-I) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:04:31] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [17:10:51] * Telvana (~digits@2605:a000:122d:c154:213:72ff:fefc:b034) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:13:05] * MusikAnimal (~musikanim@wikipedia/MusikAnimal) Quit (Quit: Cheers) [17:15:08] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [17:18:42] * kelapstick (~kelapstic@wikipedia/Kelapstick) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:22:33] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [17:22:46] * kelapstick (~kelapstic@wikipedia/Kelapstick) Quit (Client Quit) [17:22:41] * Oz_ (~Oz_@wikipedia/Inter) Quit [17:22:47] * Tylak ( has joined #wikipedia-en [17:22:51] <Josve05a|out> Can we create an edit filter for all edits which include 'illuminati'? :P so much vandalism... [17:24:42] <Betacommand> Any admins around? [17:24:59] * Elvey (18048cff@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [17:25:51] * unboxed__ is now known as unboxed [17:28:49] <MJ94> Betacommand: o_O aren't you an admin? [17:30:19] * Deskana is now known as Deskana|Away [17:30:24] * KTC (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:31:32] * uks ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [17:32:41] * Bradford|Away is now known as Bradford [17:33:18] * SleepyOne (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:36:18] * ggp ( has joined #wikipedia-en [17:37:38] * chipotles ( has joined #wikipedia-en [17:42:16] * KTC is now known as SleepyOne [17:48:11] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@ has joined #wikipedia-en [17:48:17] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@ Quit (Changing host) [17:48:17] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:51:41] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:56:02] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:00:58] * ___Chess___ (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [18:02:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Josve05a|out the illuminati would want that though [18:02:57] * darev ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:03:38] <Josve05a|out> ToAruShiroiNeko: Would they really? Weren't their club supposed to be secret and not about any kind of "adverising", just new popular myth... [18:03:48] <Josve05a|out> (typos...) [18:04:46] * chipotle_ (~chipotles@ has joined #wikipedia-en [18:06:32] * chipotles ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [18:07:01] * ggp ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [18:09:37] * revent_ (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:21:33] * Bradford is now known as DementeCriminal [18:22:19] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away [18:23:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Josve05a|out illuminati work in mysterious ways [18:23:17] * revent_ (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [18:23:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they would interfere to give the impresison of non interference [18:23:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> What? It makes more sense than any other illuminati based conspiracy theory. [18:24:06] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:24:35] * the-wub (~the_wub@ has joined #wikipedia-en [18:24:35] * the-wub (~the_wub@ Quit (Changing host) [18:24:35] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:25:25] * DementeCriminal is now known as El_Diablo [18:28:09] * revent_ (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:28:12] * fxhound ( has joined #wikipedia-en [18:30:10] * El_Diablo is now known as Bradford|Away [18:30:38] * chipotle_ (~chipotles@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:31:54] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) [18:35:39] * djr013 (~djr013@unaffiliated/djr013) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:35:54] * djr013 (~djr013@unaffiliated/djr013) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:36:10] * MusikAnimal (~musikanim@wikipedia/MusikAnimal) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:37:43] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:38:14] * revent_ (~revent@wikipedia/Revent) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [18:40:04] * djr013 (~djr013@unaffiliated/djr013) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [18:40:55] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:47:27] * CraigyDavi (~CraigyDav@unaffiliated/craigydavi) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:52:22] * Raymie ( Quit (Quit: Raymie) [18:53:01] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [18:54:11] * TB|Away is now known as TBloemink [18:54:22] * Caliburn (~Caliburn@wikimedia/Caliburn) Quit (Quit: Bye) [18:57:43] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ has joined #wikipedia-en [19:00:37] * CraigyDavi (~CraigyDav@unaffiliated/craigydavi) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:01:33] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan [19:01:40] * ggp ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:05:15] * sleighbells (~sleighbel@unaffiliated/sleighbells) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [19:10:06] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Quit: Just got kidnapped again.) [19:11:31] * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:13:39] * meoblast001 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:16:16] <Qcoder00> Anyoen up for some fun? [19:18:11] * {soap|bed} (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [19:18:26] * ggp ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:18:31] * ggp_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:18:58] <Qcoder00> Not own work - [19:20:37] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:26:56] <Sir_Designer> Qcoder00 was tht how William of Orange came into history? [19:27:11] <Qcoder00> ERm... [19:27:16] * unboxed ( has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving") [19:27:17] <Qcoder00> Dutch History isn't my field [19:27:43] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:30:14] * Raymie ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:31:01] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:34:12] * Deskana|Away is now known as Deskana [19:34:14] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [19:34:36] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:40:06] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:40:29] * syabrite (~ceradon@ has joined #wikipedia-en [19:40:30] * syabrite (~ceradon@ Quit (Changing host) [19:40:30] * syabrite (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:41:05] * ZeroSerenity ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:41:47] * Telvana (~digits@2605:a000:122d:c154:213:72ff:fefc:b034) Quit (Quit: ZNC - 1.6.0 - [19:42:10] * Telvana ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:45:50] * ZeroSerenity ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:48:34] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:49:30] * Jayflux (~Jason@unaffiliated/jayflux) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:50:02] * Shanmugamp7 (uid18127@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [19:50:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Sir_Designer I actually have an idea [19:50:49] * midgetpower (~midgetpow@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/midgetpower) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [19:50:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> NYSE and United flights happened to suffer a glitch today [19:51:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what a coincidence [19:51:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wonder if there is a connection? [19:51:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> It comes days after chinese stocks suffered a problem [19:53:53] <foks> ∆ [19:54:32] * e`ogan ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:58:55] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~) [19:59:10] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:59:14] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away [20:02:00] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:07:18] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:07:39] * youplaymenot ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:11:43] * youplaymenot ( Quit (Client Quit) [20:12:01] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away [20:12:42] * FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4 [20:14:57] * sleighbells (~sleighbel@unaffiliated/sleighbells) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:16:06] * ggp ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:17:14] * Puncake (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:17:37] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Disconnected by services) [20:17:49] * Puncake is now known as Princess_Zelda [20:17:57] * SleepyOne (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:18:32] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en [20:18:32] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host) [20:18:32] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:18:59] * ggp_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [20:30:08] <Jeske_Couriano> - Little worried that this person may not get it. [20:35:23] * SleepyOne (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:36:02] * Jacnoc ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:37:55] * Raymie ( Quit (Quit: Raymie) [20:38:07] * geniice ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:38:08] * geniice ( Quit (Changing host) [20:38:08] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:40:31] * Jacnoc ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:43:39] <Qcoder00> So who is the IP? [20:43:43] <Qcoder00> And whose the MP? [20:43:54] <Qcoder00> (Plays tablod news theme) [20:43:55] <Qcoder00> :( [20:44:08] * Julia_W (~Julie@wikipedia/Julia-W) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:44:25] * NativeForeigner (~NativeFor@2607:f720:f00:4045:1894:f48f:562d:96e3) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:44:28] * NativeForeigner (~NativeFor@2607:f720:f00:4045:1894:f48f:562d:96e3) Quit (Changing host) [20:44:28] * NativeForeigner (~NativeFor@wikipedia/NativeForeigner) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:44:42] <Qcoder00> Oh dear - [20:46:38] * uks ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:49:34] * e`ogan ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [20:49:38] * NativeForeigner (~NativeFor@wikipedia/NativeForeigner) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [20:51:08] * addshore (uid10233@wikimedia/addshore) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:51:51] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [20:52:31] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F [20:52:32] <Qcoder00> Jeske_Couriano: Good block [20:52:56] <Jeske_Couriano> I'm not the blocker (not an admin). NeilN extended the block [20:53:01] <Qcoder00> Hopefully they will have clamed down ( or sought professional legal advice) in a week or so [20:53:43] * anto4933 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:53:49] * CraigyDavi (~CraigyDav@unaffiliated/craigydavi) Quit (Quit: .) [20:54:07] * CraigyDavi (~CraigyDav@unaffiliated/craigydavi) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:54:12] * anto4933 ( has left #wikipedia-en [20:54:54] * wildlander (~wild@unaffiliated/wildlander) Quit (Quit: Saliendo) [20:55:43] * IDoH is now known as IDoH|AfIRC [20:56:13] * Deskana is now known as Deskana|Away [20:56:20] <Jeske_Couriano> Qcoder00 ) They were threatening to call their solicitor, so I expect a lawsuit in the British court system aimed at Wikipedia or its editors soon [20:56:55] * fxhound ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [20:57:00] <Qcoder00> On what grounds? It's not as if Wikipedians did anything wrong [20:57:42] <Jeske_Couriano> Qcoder00 ) My guess is libel. [20:58:27] <Qcoder00> Hmm... [20:58:43] <Qcoder00> However what the IP added could also be considered problematic [20:58:59] <Qcoder00> I mean making a serious allegation against an MP is not done lightly [20:59:15] <Qcoder00> (and is something Wikipedia has had issues with before) [20:59:37] * IDoH|AfIRC is now known as IDoH [21:01:34] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [21:01:35] <Qcoder00> And the reverted edits do make some very strong claims [21:02:09] * dbrant is now known as dbrant|brb [21:03:08] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:03:09] * Sadeukko ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:03:31] <Cncmaster> O.o wow [21:04:17] <Qcoder00> I can understand why they were reverted [21:04:45] <Cncmaster> "this pathetic website" [21:04:51] <Cncmaster> "your childish admins" [21:05:03] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [21:05:05] * bin_005_w (~ctlM@ has joined #wikipedia-en [21:05:23] <Qcoder00> Quite [21:05:26] <geniice> Err these days most of our admins are adults [21:05:50] <Qcoder00> From reading the history it seems the admins and other contributors were trying to defuse things [21:06:05] <Jeske_Couriano> He didn't want it defused. [21:06:06] <Qcoder00> (and having to deal with an angry MP is far worse :( ) [21:06:26] <Jeske_Couriano> MP -> Minister of Parliament, right? [21:06:32] <Qcoder00> Member [21:06:40] <Jeske_Couriano> Close enough [21:06:44] * sleighbells (~sleighbel@unaffiliated/sleighbells) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [21:06:51] <Qcoder00> US has Congressmen, UK has MP's [21:08:11] <Qcoder00> I also get the impression that sometimes admins remove or rvert in order to protect people from themselves? [21:08:15] <Qcoder00> *revert [21:08:39] <geniice> well I'm sure if MPs met some of our admins in meatspace things would quickly be resolved [21:08:48] <Jeske_Couriano> Yes, if it's a serious BLP claim [21:09:15] <Qcoder00> Which one of the reverted edits semmed to be... [21:10:10] <Jeske_Couriano> The IP was edit-warring to include the unsourced BLP stuff. [21:10:59] <Qcoder00> And unlike an MP, IP editors on a BL)P article don't have "qualified privlige" as I understand it :( [21:11:08] <Qcoder00> *BLP [21:11:42] <Jeske_Couriano> I pointed out that we pretty much never cite Parliament or equivalent bodies. [21:16:35] * RD (~Rjd0060@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [21:20:22] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324]) [21:20:33] * sleighbells (~sleighbel@unaffiliated/sleighbells) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:20:45] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en [21:20:45] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host) [21:20:45] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:22:54] * RD (~Rjd0060@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:27:28] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [21:27:59] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [21:28:40] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:28:52] * balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:34:10] * Samwalton9 (~Samwalton@wikipedia/Samwalton9) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:37:56] * sleighbells (~sleighbel@unaffiliated/sleighbells) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [21:39:36] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:45:11] <Qcoder00> I would consider Hansard a primary source though [21:45:24] <Qcoder00> it is the "official" record [21:47:25] * SleepyOne (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:48:14] <Qcoder00> Any admins about? [21:48:42] * Keilana (~Keilana@wikipedia/Keilana) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:49:24] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:59:13] <k6ka> i am officially done with Windows Phone, thanks a lot MS [21:59:31] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 39.0/20150630154324]) [21:59:32] <k6ka> was told to install a "critical" update that fixed the "random phone restart" bug [21:59:52] <k6ka> well thanks a lot for telling me about an update that refuses to install, MS! [22:00:07] <k6ka> pestering me about how i'm outdated after that too [22:00:22] <nonsenseferret> why refuse to install [22:01:05] <k6ka> the reason MS gave me was "not enough storage space," which was ludicrous because I had 4.5 GB available [22:01:23] <nonsenseferret> is that on a card or on the phone memory tho [22:01:33] <k6ka> phone memory, my phone doesn't support an external SD card [22:01:49] <k6ka> that's what I get for listening to a salesperson [22:01:58] <nonsenseferret> sometimes available memory isn't quite as available as it seems [22:02:47] <k6ka> well, i tried everything, down to resetting my phone completely (good thing I backed up) [22:03:03] <nonsenseferret> what version of WP is on your phone [22:03:06] <k6ka> 8.1 [22:04:21] * Jayflux (~Jason@unaffiliated/jayflux) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [22:06:11] <nonsenseferret> so even after copying everything off your phone and resetting it? what was the free spacethen? [22:10:02] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [22:12:36] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [22:14:32] * Guest83538 is now known as issyl0 [22:14:59] * issyl0 ( Quit (Changing host) [22:15:00] * issyl0 (~issyl0@wikimedia/issyl0) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:17:04] * fabior (~fabior@wikipedia/fabior1984) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:17:16] <Sir_Designer> k6ka welcome to the Apple ecosystem family, brother/sister. Where things just work., much of the time, erm, erm, [22:17:17] <k6ka> nonsenseferret: 4.5 GB, my bad. before resetting it was 3GB [22:17:59] * IDoH (Elite13633@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) Quit (Max SendQ exceeded) [22:19:07] * IDoH (Elite13633@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:19:49] * LtNOWIS ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:20:10] * bin_005_w (~ctlM@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:20:46] <nonsenseferret> i was ready to throw out my WP until i got v8.1, now i think it suits me [22:21:32] <k6ka> yeah, 8.1 was actually a significant improvement [22:21:50] <k6ka> but it was also when the "phone random shutoff" bug appeared, at least in my experience [22:22:14] <k6ka> i did find a way to counter this bug, and that was by restarting my phone on a daily basis [22:22:31] <nonsenseferret> what is the bug? the phone switches itself off? which make have you got [22:23:54] * thineantiquepen (uid7812@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) Quit [22:24:40] <k6ka> yeah, pretty much [22:25:08] <k6ka> it's a bug in the OS from what i hear, as most WP users have experienced that bug at least once [22:25:18] <nonsenseferret> i've never seen it [22:25:46] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [22:26:13] <k6ka> hmm, it used to happen to me constantly until i started restarting it manually [22:26:31] <Qcoder00> k6ka: Restting the phone each day? Yet anothe MS inpvation from the Dekstop brought to Mobile [22:26:33] <Qcoder00> XD [22:27:06] <nonsenseferret> when was the last time you used a desktop windows pc Qcoder00, the 90s? [22:27:12] <k6ka> yes, Microshaft Winblows Fone is trully inpvative [22:27:57] <Qcoder00> nonsenseferret: I don't use Linux yet [22:28:33] <nonsenseferret> I can measure the uptime of desktops in months [22:29:04] <k6ka> welp, i did that with my old Vista PC [22:29:08] <k6ka> and the power supply died [22:29:27] <k6ka> actually was a blessing though, the thing made me rip my hair out [22:29:40] <k6ka> so i'm happy it's dead [22:30:23] <nonsenseferret> it was ok for a nearly 10 year old OC [22:30:24] <nonsenseferret> OS [22:30:26] * ggp ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [22:30:31] <Josve05a|out> natuur12: ... "This is for inline usage on article pages only." Please use another OTRS-template [22:31:00] * Raymie ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:31:09] * Raymie_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:35:31] * Raymie_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:36:13] * Raymie ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:40:52] * Hoofdconducteur (uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [22:42:04] <natuur12> Which one? [22:43:00] * Raymie_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:43:10] * Raymie ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:43:10] * Raymie_ is now known as Raymie [22:43:59] <natuur12> never mind [22:44:08] <Josve05a|out> that works [22:46:07] <natuur12> I wonder is this company is notable but meh, not my problem :p [22:46:35] <natuur12> or award. [22:46:48] <Josve05a|out> probl. not, but it is a draft and everybody has the right to create and submit one [22:50:48] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away [22:52:35] * Sadeukko ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [22:54:10] * Sadeukko ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:54:54] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.33.1/20150321194901]) [22:56:00] * Zhaofeng_Li (~quassel@wikipedia/Zhaofeng-Li) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [22:56:13] * z_AlexJFox (sid7798@wikipedia/AlexJFox) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [22:56:13] * alexlord (sid80149@gateway/web/ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [22:56:26] * Hoofdconducteur (uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:58:10] * Zhaofeng_Li (~quassel@wikipedia/Zhaofeng-Li) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:58:11] * z_AlexJFox (sid7798@gateway/web/ has joined #wikipedia-en [22:58:19] * alexlord (sid80149@gateway/web/ has joined #wikipedia-en [22:58:30] * Raymie ( Quit (Quit: Raymie) [23:01:02] * meoblast001 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:01:03] * Bradford|Away is now known as Bradford [23:02:37] * Samwalton9 (~Samwalton@wikipedia/Samwalton9) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:10:30] * MusikAnimal (~musikanim@wikipedia/MusikAnimal) Quit (Quit: Cheers) [23:17:01] * bca (uid1192@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:19:03] * Bishonen (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/bishonen) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [23:27:50] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away [23:31:04] * Simon- ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [23:32:13] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en [23:32:13] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host) [23:32:13] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:33:20] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:34:14] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away [23:34:32] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:34:40] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [23:34:53] * Jeske_Couriano_ is now known as Jeske_Couriano [23:35:41] * mmango (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [23:39:29] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [23:41:51] * SleepyOne (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:42:01] * SleepyOne (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) Quit (Client Quit) [23:43:27] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F [23:45:31] * Simon- (simon@2001:8b0:ffea:0:205:b4ff:fe12:530) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:45:51] * IDoH is now known as IDoH|AfIRC [23:45:53] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:51:47] * Tylak ( Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 - [23:53:25] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:54:53] * Simon- (simon@2001:8b0:ffea:0:205:b4ff:fe12:530) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:55:54] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en [23:58:06] * natuur12 is now known as natuur12|ZzZ Session Close: Thu Jul 09 00:00:00 2015