Module:Complex date
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This module is intended for processing of date strings. It is used by Module:WikidataIB
Complex date
This function is the engine behind c:template:Complex date. Please see that template for full documentation
- should not be used directly but only through c:Template:Other date and other templates
Parameters (simple syntax):
- 1
- option. See c:Template:Other date
- 2
- date #1
- 3
- date #2
Parameters (advanced syntax):
- conj
- in case the link between the two dates: "-" (from-until), between, or, and (see c:template:Complex date)
- adj1, adj2
- adjectives and prepositions used to describe single date. Possible values: early, mid, late, spring, summer, fall, winter, 1st half, 2nd half, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter, etc. used for describing which part of date1 and date2 are involved (see c:template:Complex date)
- date1, date2
- the dates involved. Format: Number or whatever {{ISOdate}} takes.
- precision1, precision1
- usually year or more precise (default), but can also be decade, century or millennium, then the dates involved are centuries or millennia rather than specific dates
- era1, era2
- the eras that those dates are from (see c:template:Complex date) If parameter
is present, it overrides these two parameters.
The internationalization of the date formats can be found at Module:I18n/complex date
Module:Complex_date relies on the following modules:
- Module:Calendar (lazy loading with no dependencies)
- Module:ISOdate
- Module:DateI18n (no dependencies)
- Module:No globals (from en.wikipedia)
- Module:DateI18n (no dependencies)
- Module:i18n/complex date
- Module:Ordinal-cd (lazy loading)
- Module:I18n/ordinal (no dependencies)
- Module:Yesno (from en.wikipedia) (no dependencies)
- Module:Formatnum (no dependencies)
- Module:Roman-cd (lazy loading with no dependencies)
- Module:Linguistic (lazy loading with no dependencies)
- Module:No globals (from en.wikipedia)
- Module:Ordinal-cd (lazy loading)
Several of the lazy-loaded dependencies do not exist locally since none of the code that calls them ever ends up used on the English Wikipedia.
Unless otherwise noted, the authoritative version of each module can be found on Commons.
- Commons
- c:Module:Complex_date
- c:Module:Calendar
- c:Module:ISOdate
- c:Module:DateI18n
- c:Module:i18n/complex date
- c:Module:Ordinal
- c:Module:I18n/ordinal
- c:Module:Formatnum
- c:Module:Roman
- c:Module:Linguistic
- English Wikipedia
- en:Module:Yesno
- en:Module:No globals
--[[ __ __ _ _ ____ _ _ | \/ | ___ __| |_ _| | ___ _ / ___|___ _ __ ___ _ __ | | _____ __ __| | __ _| |_ ___ | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ (_) | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ \/ / / _` |/ _` | __/ _ \ | | | | (_) | (_| | |_| | | __/_| |__| (_) | | | | | | |_) | | __/> < | (_| | (_| | || __/ |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___(_)\____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___/_/\_\ \__,_|\__,_|\__\___| |_| This module is intended for creation of complex date phrases in variety of languages. Once deployed, please do not modify this code without applying the changes first at Module:Complex date/sandbox and testing at Module:Complex date/sandbox/testcases. Authors and maintainers: * User:Sn1per - first draft of the original version * User:Jarekt - corrections and expansion of the original version ]] -- List of external modules and functions local p = {Error = nil} local i18n = require('Module:i18n/complex date') -- used for translations of date related phrases local ISOdate = require('Module:ISOdate')._ISOdate -- used for parsing dates in YYYY-MM-DD and related formats local Calendar -- loaded lazily -- ================================================== -- === Internal functions =========================== -- ================================================== local function langSwitch(list,lang) local langList = mw.language.getFallbacksFor(lang) table.insert(langList,1,lang) table.insert(langList,math.max(#langList,2),'default') for i,language in ipairs(langList) do if list[language] then return list[language] end end end -- ================================================== local function formatnum1(numStr, lang) -- mostly require('Module:Formatnum').formatNum function used to translate a number to use different numeral characters, -- except that it it does not call that function unless the language is on the list "LList" local LList = {bn=1,bpy=1,kn=1,hi=1,mr=1,new=1,pa=1,gu=1,fa=1,glk=1,mzn=1,ur=1,ar=1,ckb=1,ks=1,lo=1,['or']=1,bo=1,['ml-old']=1,mn=1,te=1,th=1} if LList[lang] then -- call only when the language is on the list numStr = require('Module:Formatnum').formatNum(numStr, lang, 1) end return numStr end -- ================================================== local function getISODate(datestr, datetype, lang, num, case) -- translate dates in the format YYYY, YYYY-MM, and YYYY-MM-DD if not case and i18n.Translations[datetype] then -- look up the grammatical case needed and call ISOdate module local rec = langSwitch(i18n.Translations[datetype], lang) if type(rec)=='table' then case =[num] end end return ISOdate(datestr, lang, case, '', 1) end -- ======================================================================= local function translatePhrase(date1, date2, operation, lang, state) -- use tables in Module:i18n/complex date to translate a phrase if not i18n.Translations[operation] then p.Error = string.format('<span style="background-color:red;">Error in [[Module:Complex date]]: input parameter "%s" is not recognized.</span>', operation or 'nil') return '' end local dateStr = langSwitch(i18n.Translations[operation], lang) if type(dateStr)=='table' then dateStr = dateStr[1] end if type(dateStr)=='function' then local dateFunc = dateStr local nDates = i18n.Translations[operation]['nDates'] if nDates==2 then -- 2 date phrase dateStr = dateFunc(date1, date2, state) else -- 1 date phrase dateStr = dateFunc(date1, state) end end if type(dateStr)=='string' then -- replace parts of the string '$date1' and '$date2' with date1 and date2 strings dateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr, '$date1', date1) dateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr, '$date2', date2) else -- Special case of more complex phrases that can be build out of simple phrases -- If complex case is not translated to "lang" than build it out of simpler ones local x = dateStr dateStr = p._complex_date(x.conj, x.adj1, date1, x.units1, x.era1, x.adj2, date2, x.units2, x.era2, lang, 2) end return dateStr end -- ======================================================================= local function oneDatePhrase(dateStr, adj, era, units, lang, num, case, state) -- translate a single date phrase if num==2 then state.adj, state.era, state.units, state.precision = state.adj2, state.era2, state.units2, state.precision2 end -- dateStr can have many forms: ISO date, year or a number for -- decade, century or millennium if units == '' then -- unit is "year", "month", "day" dateStr = getISODate(dateStr, adj, lang, num, case) else -- units is "decade", "century", "millennium'' dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', units, lang, state) end -- add adjective ("early", "mid", etc.) or preposition ("before", "after", -- "circa", etc.) to the date if adj ~= '' then dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', adj, lang, state) else -- only era? dateStr = formatnum1(dateStr, lang) end -- add era if era ~= '' then dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', era, lang, state) end return dateStr end -- ======================================================================= local function twoDatePhrase(date1, date2, state, lang) -- translate a double date phrase local dateStr, case local era='' if state.era1 == state.era2 then -- if both eras are the same than add it only once era = state.era1 state.era1 = '' state.era2 = '' end case = {nil, nil} if i18n.Translations[state.conj] then local rec = langSwitch(i18n.Translations[state.conj], lang) if type(rec)=='table' then case = end end date1 = oneDatePhrase(date1, state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, lang, 1, case[1], state) date2 = oneDatePhrase(date2, state.adj2, state.era2, state.units2, lang, 2, case[2], state) dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, date2, state.conj, lang, state) if era ~= '' then dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', era, lang, state) end return dateStr end -- ======================================================================= local function otherPhrases(date1, date2, operation, era, lang, state) -- translate specialized phrases local dateStr = '' if operation == 'islamic' then if date2=='' then date2 = mw.getCurrentFrame():callParserFunction('#time', 'xmY', date1) end date1 = getISODate(date1, operation, lang, 1, nil) date2 = getISODate(date2, operation, lang, 2, nil) if era == '' then era = 'ad' end dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, '', era, lang, state) .. ' (' .. translatePhrase(date2, '', 'ah', lang, state) .. ')' era = '' elseif operation == 'julian' then if not date2 and date1 then -- Convert from Julian to Gregorian calendar date if Calendar == nil then Calendar = require("Module:Calendar") -- lazy loding (only if needed) end local JDN = Calendar._date2jdn(date1, 0) if JDN then date2 = date1 -- first date is assumed to be Julian date1 = Calendar._jdn2date(JDN, 1) end end date1 = getISODate(date1, operation, lang, 1, nil) date2 = getISODate(date2, operation, lang, 2, nil) dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, date2, operation, lang, state) dateStr = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(dateStr, '%( ', '('), ' %)', ')') -- in case date2 is empty elseif operation == 'turn of the year' or operation == 'turn of the decade' or operation == 'turn of the century' then local dt = 1 if operation == 'turn of the decade' then dt=10 end if not date2 or date2=='' then date2=tostring(tonumber(date1)-dt) end if era~='bp' and era~='bc' then date1, date2 = date2, date1 end if operation == 'turn of the year' then date1 = ISOdate(date1, lang, '', '', 1) date2 = ISOdate(date2, lang, '', '', 1) else date1 = formatnum1(date1, lang) date2 = formatnum1(date2, lang) end dateStr = translatePhrase(date1, date2, operation, lang, state) elseif operation == 'year unknown' then dateStr = translatePhrase('', '', operation, lang, state) .. '<div style="display: none;">Unknown date</div>' elseif operation == 'unknown' then dateStr = tostring( "exif-unknowndate" ):inLanguage( lang )) .. '<div style="display: none;">Unknown date</div>' end -- add era if era ~= '' then dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', era, lang, state) end return dateStr end -- ======================================================================= local function checkAliases(str1, str2, sType) -- some inputs have many aliases - reconcile them and ensure string is playing a proper role local out = '' if str1 and str1~='' then local a = i18n.Synonyms[str1] -- look up synonyms of "str1" if a then out = a[1] else p.Error = string.format('<span style="background-color:red;">Error in [[Module:Complex date]]: %s is not recognized.</span>', str1) end elseif str2 and str2~='' then -- if "str1" of type "sType" is empty than maybe ... local a = i18n.Synonyms[str2] -- ..."str2" is of the same type and is not empty if a and a[2]==sType then out = a[1] str2 = '' end end return out, str2 end -- ======================================================================= local function datePrecision(dateStr, units) -- "in this module "Units" is a string like millennium, century, or decade -- "precision" is wikibase compatible date precision number: 6=millennium, 7=century, 8=decade, 9=year, 10=month, 11=day -- based on string or numeric input calculate "Units" and "precision" local precision if type(units)=='number' then precision = units if precision>11 then precision=11 end -- clip the range of precision values if precision==6 then units='millennium' elseif precision==7 then units='century' elseif precision==8 then units='decade' else units = '' end elseif type(units)=='string' then units = string.lower(units) if units=='millennium' then precision=6 elseif units=='century' then precision=7 elseif units=='decade' then precision=8 else precision=9 end end if units=='' or precision==9 then local sLen = mw.ustring.len(dateStr) if sLen<= 4 then precision=9 elseif sLen== 7 then precision=10 elseif sLen>=10 then precision=11 end units='' end if precision==6 and dateStr.match( dateStr, '%d000' )~=nil then dateStr = tostring(math.floor(tonumber(dateStr)/1000) +1) elseif precision==7 and mw.ustring.match( dateStr, '%d%d00' )~=nil then dateStr = tostring(math.floor(tonumber(dateStr)/100) +1) end return dateStr, units, precision end -- ======================================================================= local function isodate2timestamp(dateStr, precision, era) -- convert date string to timestamps used by Quick Statements local tStamp = nil if era == 'ah' or precision<6 then return nil elseif era ~= '' then local eraLUT = {ad='+', bc='-', bp='-' } era = eraLUT[era] else era='+' end -- convert isodate to timestamp used by quick statements if precision>=9 then if string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d$") then -- if YYYY format tStamp = era .. dateStr .. '-00-00T00:00:00Z/9' elseif string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d$") then -- if YYYY-MM format tStamp = era .. dateStr .. '-00T00:00:00Z/10' elseif string.match(dateStr,"^%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d$") then -- if YYYY-MM-DD format tStamp = era .. dateStr .. 'T00:00:00Z/11' end elseif precision==8 then -- decade tStamp = era .. dateStr .. '-00-00T00:00:00Z/8' elseif precision==7 then -- century local d = tostring(tonumber(dateStr)-1) tStamp = era .. d .. '50-00-00T00:00:00Z/7' elseif precision==6 then local d = tostring(tonumber(dateStr)-1) tStamp = era .. d .. '500-00-00T00:00:00Z/6' end return tStamp end -- ======================================================================= local function oneDateQScode(dateStr, adj, era, precision) -- create QuickStatements string for "one date" dates local outputStr = '' local d = isodate2timestamp(dateStr, precision, era) if not d then return '' end local rLUT = { early='Q40719727' , mid='Q40719748', late='Q40719766', ['1quarter']='Q40690303' , ['2quarter']='Q40719649' , ['3quarter']='Q40719662', ['4quarter']='Q40719674', spring='Q40720559' , summer='Q40720564' , autumn='Q40720568' , winter='Q40720553', firsthalf='Q40719687', secondhalf='Q40719707' } local qLUT = {['from']='P580', ['until']='P582', ['after']='P1319', ['before']='P1326', ['by']='P1326'} local refine = rLUT[adj] local qualitier = qLUT[adj] if adj=='' then outputStr = d elseif adj=='circa' then outputStr = d..",P1480,Q5727902" elseif refine then outputStr = d..",P4241,"..refine elseif precision>7 and qualitier then local century = string.gsub(d, 'Z%/%d+', 'Z/7') outputStr = century ..",".. qualitier ..","..d end return outputStr end -- ======================================================================= local function twoDateQScode(date1, date2, state) -- create QuickStatements string for "two date" dates if state.adj1~='' or state.adj2~='' or state.era1~=state.era2 then return '' -- QuickStatements string are not generated for two date phrases with adjectives end local outputStr = '' local d1 = isodate2timestamp(date1, state.precision1, state.era1) local d2 = isodate2timestamp(date2, state.precision2, state.era2) if (not d1) or (not d2) then return '' end -- find date with lower precision in common to both dates local cd local year1 = tonumber(string.sub(d1,2,5)) local year2 = tonumber(string.sub(d2,2,5)) local k = 0 for i = 1,10,1 do if string.sub(d1,1,i)==string.sub(d2,1,i) then k = i -- find last matching letter end end if k>=9 then -- same month, since "+YYYY-MM-" is in common cd = isodate2timestamp(string.sub(d1,2,8), 10, state.era1) elseif k>=6 and k<9 then -- same year, since "+YYYY-" is in common cd = isodate2timestamp(tostring(year1), 9, state.era1) elseif k==4 then -- same decade(k=4, precision=8), since "+YYY" is in common cd = isodate2timestamp(tostring(year1), 8, state.era1) elseif k==3 then -- same century(k=3, precision=7) since "+YY" is in common local d = tostring(math.floor(year1/100) +1) -- convert 1999 -> 20 cd = isodate2timestamp( d, 7, state.era1) elseif k==2 then -- same millennium (k=2, precision=6), since "+Y" is in common local d = tostring(math.floor(year1/1000) +1) -- convert 1999 -> 2 cd = isodate2timestamp( d, 6, state.era1) end if not cd then return '' end --if not cd then -- return ' <br/>error: ' .. d1.." / " .. d2.." / ".. (cd or '') .." / ".. string.sub(d1,2,5).." / " .. string.sub(d2,2,5).." / " .. tostring(k) --end -- if (state.conj=='from-until') or (state.conj=='and' and year1==year2-1) then outputStr = cd ..",P580,".. d1 ..",P582,".. d2 elseif (state.conj=='between') or (state.conj=='or' and year1==year2-1) then outputStr = cd ..",P1319,".. d1 ..",P1326,".. d2 elseif state.conj=='circa2' then outputStr = cd ..",P1319,".. d1 ..",P1326,".. d2 ..",P1480,Q5727902" end return outputStr end -- ======================================================================= local function processInputParams(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, passNr) -- process inputs and save date in state array local state = {} state.conj = string.lower(conj or '') state.adj1 = string.lower(adj1 or '') state.adj2 = string.lower(adj2 or '') state.era1 = string.lower(era1 or '') state.era2 = string.lower(era2 or '') state.units1 = string.lower(units1 or '') state.units2 = string.lower(units2 or '') -- if date 1 is missing but date 2 is provided than swap them if date1 == '' and date2 ~= '' then date1 = date2 date2 = '' state = {adj1 = state.adj2, era1 = state.era2, units1 = state.units2, adj2 = '', era2 = '', units2 = '', conj=state.conj, num=1} end if date2 ~= '' then state.nDates = 2 elseif date1 ~= '' then state.nDates = 1 else state.nDates = 0 end -- reconcile alternative names for text inputs local conj = checkAliases(state.conj ,'' ,'j') state.adj1 ,conj = checkAliases(state.adj1 ,conj,'a') state.units1,conj = checkAliases(state.units1,conj,'p') state.era1 ,conj = checkAliases(state.era1 ,conj,'e') state.special,conj = checkAliases('',conj,'c') state.adj2 = checkAliases(state.adj2 ,'','a') state.units2 = checkAliases(state.units2,'','p') state.era2 = checkAliases(state.era2 ,'','e') state.conj = conj state.lang = lang if p.Error~=nil then return nil end -- calculate date precision value date1, state.units1, state.precision1 = datePrecision(date1, state.units1) date2, state.units2, state.precision2 = datePrecision(date2, state.units2) -- Handle special cases -- Some complex phrases can be created out of simpler ones. Therefore on pass # 1 we try to create -- the phrase using complex phrase and if that is not found than on the second pass we try to build -- the phrase out of the simpler ones if passNr==1 then if state.adj1=='circa' and state.nDates == 2 then state.conj = 'circa2' state.adj1 = '' state.adj2 = '' end if state.nDates == 2 and state.adj1=='late' and state.adj2=='early' and state.conj=='and' and state.units1==state.units2 and state.era1==state.era2 then if state.units1=='century' then state.conj='turn of the century' elseif state.units1=='decade' then state.conj='turn of the decade' elseif state.units1=='' then state.conj='turn of the year' end state.adj1 = '' state.adj2 = '' state.units1 = '' state.units2 = '' end end state.adj, state.era, state.units, state.precision = state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, state.precision1 return date1, date2, state end -- ================================================== -- === External functions =========================== -- ================================================== function p.Era(frame) -- process inputs local dateStr local args = frame.args if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then args.lang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language end local lang = args['lang'] local dateStr = args['date'] or '' local eraType = string.lower(args['era'] or '') dateStr = ISOdate(dateStr, lang, '', '', 1) if eraType then eraType = checkAliases(eraType ,'','e') dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', eraType, lang, {}) end return dateStr end -- ======================================================================= function p._complex_date(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, passNr) local Output='' local state -- process inputs and save date in state array date1, date2, state = processInputParams(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, passNr) if p.Error~=nil then return nil end local errorStr = string.format( '\n*conj=%s, adj1=%s, era1=%s, unit1=%s, prec1=%i, adj2=%s, era2=%s, unit2=%s, prec2=%i, special=%s', state.conj, state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, state.precision1, state.adj2, state.era2, state.units2, state.precision2, state.special) -- call specialized functions local QScode = '' if state.special~='' then Output = otherPhrases(date1, date2, state.special, state.era1, lang, state) elseif state.conj~='' then QScode = twoDateQScode(date1, date2, state) Output = twoDatePhrase(date1, date2, state, lang) elseif state.adj1~='' or state.era1~='' or state.units1~='' then Output = oneDatePhrase(date1, state.adj1, state.era1, state.units1, lang, 1, nil, state) QScode = oneDateQScode(date1, state.adj1, state.era1, state.precision1) elseif date1~='' then Output = ISOdate(date1, lang, '', 'dtstart', '100-999') end if p.Error~=nil then return errorStr end -- if there is any wikicode in the string than execute it if mw.ustring.find(Output, '{') then Output = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(Output) end if QScode and #QScode>0 then QScode = ' <div style="display: none;">date QS:P,' .. QScode .. '</div>' end return Output .. QScode end -- ======================================================================= function p._complex_date_cer(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, certainty, lang) -- same as p._complex_date but with extra parameter for certainty: probably, possibly, presumably, etc. local dateStr = p._complex_date(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, 1) certainty = checkAliases(certainty, conj, 'r') local LUT = {probably='Q56644435', presumably='Q18122778', possibly='Q30230067', circa='Q5727902' } if certainty and LUT[certainty] then local state = {} date1, date2, state = processInputParams(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, lang, 1) dateStr = translatePhrase(dateStr, '', certainty, lang, state) dateStr = string.gsub(dateStr, '(%<div style="display: none;"%>date QS:P,[^%<]+)(%</div%>)', '%1,P1480,' .. LUT[certainty] .. '%2' ) end return dateStr end -- ======================================================================= function p.complex_date(frame) -- process inputs local dateStr local args = frame.args if not (args.lang and mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(args.lang)) then args.lang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language end local date1 = args['date1'] or args['2'] or args['date'] or '' local date2 = args['date2'] or args['3'] or '' local conj = args['conj'] or args['1'] or '' local adj1 = args['adj1'] or args['adj'] or '' local adj2 = args['adj2'] or '' local units1 = args['precision1'] or args['precision'] or '' local units2 = args['precision2'] or args['precision'] or '' local era1 = args['era1'] or args['era'] or '' local era2 = args['era2'] or args['era'] or '' local certainty = args['certainty'] local lang = args['lang'] dateStr = p._complex_date_cer(conj, adj1, date1, units1, era1, adj2, date2, units2, era2, certainty, lang) if p.Error~=nil then dateStr = p.Error .. '[[Category:Pages using Complex date template with incorrect parameter]]' end return dateStr end return p