Module:Taliban insurgency detailed map

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For quick reference, this module is transcluded on the following

Contested icon


The purpose of the contested icon (11px) is to show 2 groups of soldiers fighting over control of a town, and that there is a significant number of troops inside the city actively holding territory. We generally turn a town contested based on widespread clashes reports. Contested means we cannot say one specific side controls the town. There should be evidence that the enemy is inside the town, which is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for making a town contested. Contested status is appropriate if the town in question is controlled partly by one party, and partly by another. For example, it could be that one party controls the outer neighborhoods, while the other party holds the city center.

Examples of cases where the contested icon should not be used

  • A case where there was no chance of the enemy taking the town over, and only, small clashes were going on in the town. We don't put towns contested if there are only sporadic clashes. So reports of clashes are not always enough to mark a town as contested.
  • A case where there were clashes in a town with a handful of enemy fighters and the clashes were over after some hours. For example, if source says: "... at least six insurgents were killed during the clashes ... while the rest of militants escaped on Saturday evening”
  • A case where there was just one source about clashes in a major town and what occurred was essentially a small firefight. Sleeper cells infiltrated the town and shot at some soldiers, and the soldiers shot back and killed some of them. The source then reports the rest of the fighters as having fled the battlefield. So this was a one-off, hit-and-run attack, not a serious attempt to grab and hold parts of the town.
  • A case where there were many separate reports of rebel ambushes on army checkpoints so this was not a seizure of territory inside of the town. The rebels do not control any part of the town, so a contested icon is unwarranted.
  • A case where the enemy reached city limits. Well, they still haven't entered the city proper (which is the prerequisite for marking the city as "contested") When the city really becomes contested, a bunch of news outlets will be reporting on it. Just because there is enemy at gates does not mean it is contested. The enemy needs to be making progress in the city.
  • The evidence should be especially strong to turn a “stronghold” contested. A few clashes, especially on the periphery are not enough. There should be evidence that the enemy can do more than just hit & run attacks. In these cases, a semi-circle is often enough.


The larger the size of the town, the more evidence is needed to make it contested. This is even more so the case for cities. Large cities (such as province capitals) are almost never marked as contested. Instead we make image mini-maps for them or put small icons on them to represent neighborhoods that are contested or controlled by a specific party. In contrast, a simple clash report of a small unknown village can turn it contested.

For example, we would not mark as contested a city where a party still controls 95% of the city. Instead we mark specific enemy positions on the outskirts of the city until fighting in the city becomes widespread. As nobody claims there is any fighting inside of the city, it should be marked as colored dot within a siege circle (see Figure 1). Then, advanced points in the city should be marked as small dots in the color of the enemy (or small contested icons). In this specific case, a "contested" icon was added to represent the "west side of the city" that is contested (see Figure 2). This is more informative to our viewers. Since the code puts icons on the map in the order of code lines (starting with first line of code and ending with last line of code), the small "contested" icon should come in the line after that of the (large) city icon. Otherwise, the small icon will be hidden by the large icon and will therefore be invisible.

After the fights become more widespread in the city (& enemy controls a larger part of the city), we can remove the "west side of the city" icon and turn the whole city contested (see Figure 3). After this, if we learn that the enemy has taken over the whole city except for a small pocket (in south east) that is still resisting, then we change the contested icon into the color of the enemy and put a small dot representing the small pocket that is still resisting (see Figure 4).

Siege and pressure from one side icons


The siege icon (12px) should be used for towns that are under siege or strong enemy pressure. The “pressure from one side” icon (11px) should be used for towns that are under enemy pressure from one side.

How to place these icons

The easiest way to place these icons is to copy/paste the line code of the object you want to have a circle (or semi-circle) around it and then:

  1. Replace the mark = parameter with 12px or 11px
  2. Increase marksize = parameter by 4. So for example, if the town dot has a size of 10, then the circle (or semi-circle) should have a size of 14.

Always put line of code circle (or semi-circle) before line of code of town (or other object). This is because the code puts icons on the map in the order of code lines starting with first line of code and ending with last line of code. If you put the line of code that draws the circle (or semi-circle) icon after the line of code that draws the town icon then the computer puts the town icon first and then put the circle (or semi-circle) icon on top of it. The town icon still appears because the circle (or semi-circle) is drawn on a transparent background. However, even a transparent background does obstruct the name of the town icon from appearing. So, the name of the town will not appear when you hold cursor over it.


  • Correct: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">{ lat = "33.972", long = "36.897", mark = "map-arcNE-black.svg", marksize = "12" },

{ lat = "33.972", long = "36.897", mark = "Abm-red+icon.png", marksize = "8", label = "Brigade 128", label_size = "0" },</syntaxhighlight>

  • Wrong: <syntaxhighlight lang="lua">{ lat = "33.972", long = "36.897", mark = "Abm-red+icon.png", marksize = "8", label = "Brigade 128", label_size = "0" },

{ lat = "33.972", long = "36.897", mark = "map-arcNE-black.svg", marksize = "8" },</syntaxhighlight>


Only towns & border posts can have blue visible wikilink labels. Whether a town has a blue visible wikilink label or not will depend on its size, importance and available space around it for the label to appear without obstructing other towns. If a wikilink label is used, it should not have a size that is smaller than 65 (label_size=65).

"link=" parameter: linking towns to sources

Template:Location map+ Every element on the map should be verifiable. Information on towns (description of control & sources) can be found by clicking on the town dot on the map. Notice the caption of the map which says: "Hold cursor over location to display name; click to go to sources &/or status description (if available, the cursor will show as 25px; if not, it will show as 14px)."

Notice the “link=” parameter in the map code. This is supposed to link to the part in the Wikipedia article that contains the source and talks about the events in the town. So for example, if you click on the dot of the town "Inkhil" on the map, it will take you to the part of the Wikipedia article on the town "Inkhil" that has the description of war events (& sources): link = "Inkhil#civilwar" Here the first part before the # is the name of the article (Inkhil). the second part after the # is the name of the section (civilwar).

For this to work, there needs to be a section by this same name in the article or you need to put a wikilink anchor: {{anchor|section}} that will act as a section header (in this case {{anchor|civilwar}}).

The link to sources &/or status description should be done according to the following priorities in this order:

  1. The part of the town's article that talks about the war events in the town (see Example 1 below).
  2. The part of a "battle/offensive/etc..." article that talks about the latest status of the specific town (see Example 2 below).
  3. The article about the town which does not contain war events (still better than nothing).

A quick look at the map's code will tell you where each town dot is currently linking.

Example 1: How to keep town dots linked to the latest status source when the town has its own Wikipedia article.. The example concerns the town of Al-Taybah. First, notice how there is: link = "Al-Taybah#civilwar" parameter associated with the code line of town Al-Taybah. As indicated above, this links the Al-Taybah town dot with the war section in the town's Wikipedia article. This parameter does not change over time. However, the war section in the town's Wikipedia article needs to stay up-to-date in terms of the latest control status and latest associated source. For example, on 20/08/2017 the government took the town. To keep the link up-to-date, this latest event (along with the source) needs to be added to the war section in the town's Wikipedia article. To accomplish this, notice the following edit which added to the article the following text:

However, in 20/08/2017, the Army stormed the Taybah area from their positions at the Al-Kom axis, pushing their way through ISIL's front-lines. Unable to maintain their positions, ISIL was forced to retreat from Taybah, leaving the entire area for the Army to take control of after a short battle.<ref>[ Syrian Army liberates important area to besiege ISIL north of Palmyra], Al-Masdar news, 20/08/2017.</ref>

This provides the latest status (along with the source) to viewers clicking on the town's dot in the map. Notice also how at the beginning of the war section in the town's Wikipedia article, there is the expression: {{anchor|civilwar}}. This mirrors the #civilwar part in the link parameter in the map's code and allows the click on the dot to take the viewer to the beginning of the war section in the town's Wikipedia article. In summary, when the status of a map object changes, the color of the icon has to be updated and the write-up (along with the source) has to be added as well.

Example 2: How to keep town dots linked to the latest status source when the town does not have its own Wikipedia article. The example concerns the town of "Kabajeb". Up to August 2017, the link parameter associated with the code line of the town was link= "Deir ez-Zor offensive (April–July 2014)#Kabajeb". As indicated above, this links the Kabajeb town dot with a war article that talks about the latest war events concerning the town (along with a source). This was done because the town Kabajeb does not have its own Wikipedia article. Therefore, the link is made to the article that have the latest status & source. In this case, it is the article Deir ez-Zor offensive (April–July 2014) which states in its code:

{{anchor|Kabajeb}}The ISIS reportedly took parts of the town,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Syria Qaeda loses ground to jihadist rivals on Iraq border|work=The Daily Star Newspaper - Lebanon|accessdate=25 October 2014}}</ref>

Notice how the paragraph starts with the expression {{anchor|Kabajeb}}. This guides the link to put the reader exactly at the beginning of the latest status & source. However, on 2017-09-04, the government took the town from ISIS. So the above link & source is no longer up-to-date. To stay up-to-date, you need to do 2 steps:

Step 1: Write about the new status in some "battle/offensive/etc..." article that relates to the town. Alternatively, you can find an up-to-date text that someone else wrote and proceed to the next step. In our case, you find that someone wrote this updated status in the article Central Syria campaign (July 2017–present) which states in its code:

5th Corps alongside 18th Reserve Division captured the town of Kabajib during midday, while later in the day together with Tiger Forces captured al-Shulah.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Breaking: Syrian Army liberates strategic town en route to Deir Ezzor City|date=2017-09-04|work=AMN - Al-Masdar News {{!}} المصدر نيوز|access-date=2017-09-04|language=en-US}}</ref>

This is exactly what we need. Therefore, we proceed to the next step.

Step 2: In the map code, we need to update the link parameter to point to the new status in the new article. This edit does this. As you can see, the link was changed from link="Deir ez-Zor offensive (April–July 2014)#Kabajeb" to link="Central Syria campaign (July 2017–present)#Kabajeb". However, for this to work, we need to also put the expression {{anchor|Kabajeb}} at the beginning of the part in the new article that talks about the new status. This is done in this edit.

Example 3: For another illustration on how the link= parameter and "anchor" template work, see Talk:Cities and towns during the Syrian Civil War/Archive 65#Link of Suran, Hama.

How to preview map before saving edit

Before saving your changes (by clicking "Save changes"), you should preview your edit (changes). This allows you to view the map to make sure it is what you want to do before saving and making the changes appear on Wikipedia. To do this, type in the box under "Preview page with this module" the name of the template: "Template:Syrian Civil War detailed map". Then hit "Show preview".

How war map module work with other parts of Wikipedia

	return {
	secondaryModules = {
	marks = {
		-- Towns & Villages, for standardization of icon and label sizing
			-- dotsize vs population
			-- Capital 											Size: 35	-- label size: 140
			-- population > 1M	: 								size: 28  	-- label size: 130
			-- population < 1M & population > 500k	  			Size: 20  	-- label size: 120
			-- population < 500k & population > 100k			Size: 18 	-- label size: 100
			-- population < 100k & population > 10k				Size: 14 	-- label size: 90
			-- population < 10k	& population > 5k				Size: 8	    -- label size: 80
			-- population < 5k & population > 1k				Size: 6	    -- Saliban presence in deserts or districts, or strong presence in areas near DHQs.
			-- Use the 3x3dot for *localized* presence, such as Military presence in specific areas like Military Presence on a highway.
		{ lat = "32.174", long = "67.610", mark= "Afghanistan Roadmap Overlay.png", marksize = "4000" }, -- Afghanistan Road Network map. DO NOT REMOVE! Marksize MUST be the exact same as the width in the containerArgs section!
		-- Badakhshan Province
		{ lat = "37.120", long = "70.580", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Fayzabad, Badakhshan#History|Fayzabad]]", link = "Fayzabad, Badakhshan#History", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "37.173", long = "70.589", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Ugari Bala]]", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "37.378", long = "70.585", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "Taliban presence near Fayzabad", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "37.064", long = "70.599", mark = "BSicon_STRr_grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Shorabak dam]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.863", long = "70.212", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tishkan District|Tishkan]]", link = "Tishkan District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "36.998", long = "66.686", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chahi]]", link = "Chahi", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "36.973", long = "66.586", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dilbarjin Qazan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.986", long = "66.440", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Aranji]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.906", long = "70.758", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khash District|Khash]]", link = "Khash District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.035", long = "68.655", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dand-e-Shahabuddin]]", label_size = "0"},
                        { lat = "36.017", long = "68.660", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kotub]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.003", long = "70.908", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Baharak District, Badakhshan|Baharak]]", link = "Baharak District, Badakhshan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.864", long = "70.843", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jurm District|Jurm]]", link = "Jurm District, Jurm", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.853", long = "71.250", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Warduj]]", link = "Warduj", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.703", long = "70.700", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Yamgan]]", link = "Yamgan", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "36.815", long = "70.106", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kishim District|Kishim]]", link = "Kishim District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom"},
		{ lat = "35.233", long = "71.033", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Waygal District|Waygal]]", link = "Waygal District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.707", long = "71.576", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ishkashim District|Ishkashim]]", link = "Ishkashim District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		-- Wakhan District
		{ lat = "36.730", long = "71.930", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shikhawr]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.914", long = "72.233", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Pegish]]", link = "Pegish", label_size = "70", position = "bottom"},
		{ lat = "36.930", long = "72.280", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Yameet]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.948", long = "72.317", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khandud]]", link = "Khandud", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "37.000", long = "72.567", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qal`eh-ye Panjeh]]", link = "Qal`eh-ye Panjeh", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "36.970", long = "73.150", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dehghulaman]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.000", long = "73.379", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Patukh]]", link = "Patukh", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.983", long = "73.450", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sarhadd]]", link = "Sarhadd", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "37.350", long = "74.500", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qaradumur]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.350", long = "74.580", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kokturuq]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.889", long = "70.219", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10" },
		{ lat = "37.889", long = "70.219", mark = "Location dot blue.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khwahan, Afghanistan|Khwahan]]", link = "Khwahan, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "36.809", long = "70.096", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mashhad]]", link = "Kishim District", label_size = "0", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.052", long = "70.412", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Argo District|Argo]]", link = "Argo District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.226", long = "70.772", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Arghanj Khwa District|Arghanj Khwa]]", link = "Arghanj Khwa District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.036", long = "71.003", mark = "Location dot blue.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shuhada District|Shuhada]]", link = "Shuhada District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.953", long = "70.301", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Darayim]]", link = "Darayim", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "38.039", long = "70.477", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kuf Ab District|Qal'eh-ye Kuf]]", link = "Kuf Ab District", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "36.029", long = "70.767", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kuran wa Munjan District|Koran wa Monjan]]", link = "Kuran wa Munjan District ", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
						{ lat = "36.025", long = "70.767", mark = "map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Kuran wa Munjan District|Koran wa Monjan]]", link = "Kuran wa Munjan District ", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.017", long = "70.789", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shahr-e Monjan]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.010", long = "70.760", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Rezar Airfield]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.305", long = "70.716", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dahn-e-Aab Oshtogan]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.209", long = "70.796", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Saresang]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.125", long = "70.764", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lajawardshoy]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.563", long = "70.301", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tagab District, Badakhshan|Tagab]]", link = "Tagab District, Badakhshan", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
			{ lat = "36.467", long = "70.184", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mirkan]]", link = "Mirkan", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "38.281", long = "71.324", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Maimay District|Jamarj-e Bala]]", link = "Maimay District", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
		{ lat = "38.443", long = "70.806", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nusay District|Nusay]]", link = "Nusay District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom"},
			{ lat = "38.418", long = "70.845", mark = "Location dot blue.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khughaz]]", link = "Khughaz", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.528", long = "70.378", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Yawan District|Yawan]]", link = "Yawan District", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
		{ lat = "38.460", long = "70.882", mark = "Fighter-jet-grey-icon.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Darwaz Airport]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.394", long = "70.346", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shel Khazar]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.361", long = "70.353", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bagh-e Balin]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.342", long = "70.336", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Keshtag]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.300", long = "70.300", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tur Yab]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.274", long = "70.356", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bazarak]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.332", long = "70.299", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Langar]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.294", long = "70.336", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sefid Alak]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.361", long = "70.431", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Phan Darrreh]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "37.592", long = "70.558", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ziraki, Badakhshan|Ziraki]]", link = "Ziraki, Badakhshan", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
		{ lat = "37.542", long = "70.608", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Raghistan District|Band Ghorila]]", link = "Raghistan District", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
        { lat = "37.665", long = "70.657", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Raghistan District|Raghistan]]", link = "Raghistan District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "37.692", long = "70.758", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Raghistan District|Walik]]", link = "Raghistan District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.311", long = "70.167", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shahri Buzurg]]", link = "Shari Buzurg District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.617", long = "71.450", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shighnan]]", link = "Shighnan District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "38.243", long = "70.551", mark = "Location dot blue.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shekay District|Jarf]]", link = "Shekay District", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "36.533", long = "71.350", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Zebak District|Zebak]]", link = "Zebak District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		--Baghdis Province
		{ lat = "34.987", long = "63.129", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Qala e Naw]]", link = "Qala e Naw", label_size = "100", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.905", long = "63.069", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Balucha]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.888", long = "63.067", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Abzi Khuda]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.863", long = "63.081", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kushmargh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.845", long = "63.108", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khwaja]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.814", long = "63.111", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nedami]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.782", long = "63.092", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sini, Afghanistan|Sini]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.758", long = "63.103", mark = "Location dot blue.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Laman]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.643", long = "63.114", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kotal-e Sabzak]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "35.036", long = "63.291", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Muqur District, Badghis|Muqur]]", link = "Muqur District, Badghis", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.984", long = "63.236", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Senjetak, Afghanistan|Senjetak]]", link = "Senjetak, Afghanistan", label_size = "0", position = "right" },
        	{ lat = "34.982", long = "63.292", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Buzbay]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "35.586", long = "63.333", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Murghab District|Murghab]]", link = "Murghab District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "35.561", long = "63.350", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Quibchaq]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.585", long = "63.633", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Bala Bowkan]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.321", long = "63.447", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mulla Uzi]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.353", long = "64.013", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Armachestan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.387", long = "63.946", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Alamchu]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.435", long = "63.989", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khvajeh Yakhdan]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.728", long = "63.587", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Murghab District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
            { lat = "35.301", long = "63.197", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Murghab District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
            { lat = "35.575", long = "63.315", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Military base]]", link = "Murghab District", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.811", long = "63.141", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Murichaq]]", link = "Murichaq", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
    	{ lat = "34.803", long = "63.471", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qadis District|Qadis]]", link = "Qadis District", label_size = "80", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "34.896", long = "63.326", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gharchaghay]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.871", long = "63.461", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Langar]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.848", long = "63.631", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Golchin, Afghanistan|Golchin]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.115", long = "63.456", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dara Boom]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "35.248", long = "63.004", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ab Kamari District|Sang-e Atesh]]", link = "Ab Kamari District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "35.047", long = "62.834", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban held mountains and pistachio forests in Ab Kamari District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "35.088", long = "63.088", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Cheshmeh-ye Duzakh]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "35.063", long = "64.151", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jawand]]", link = "Jawand District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "35.143", long = "64.119", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tulsurkhak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.193", long = "64.186", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Badrawak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.232", long = "64.116", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Alamcu]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.266", long = "64.083", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dahane Abe Gharma]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.456", long = "64.121", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khvajeh Sorkhian]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.393", long = "64.141", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gorzavanak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.989", long = "64.790", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Jawand District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.933", long = "63.980", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Jawand District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.817", long = "64.390", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Jawand District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "35.725", long = "63.789", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ghormach District|Ghormach]]", link = "Ghormach District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "35.623", long = "63.810", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Khatun]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.573", long = "63.769", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sharsari]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.567", long = "63.846", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khvajeh Langari]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.550", long = "63.879", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jar-e Siah]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Baghlan Province
		{ lat = "35.950", long = "68.700", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Puli Khumri]]", link = "Puli Khumri", label_size = "110", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "35.950", long = "68.700", mark = "Map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "22", label = "[[Puli Khumri]]", link = "Puli Khumri", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.980", long = "68.667", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Wazirabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.062", long = "68.672", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bala Duri]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.994", long = "68.686", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zamankheyl]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.093", long = "68.636", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Omar Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.008", long = "68.620", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ibrahim Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.030", long = "68.612", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Wazghari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.930", long = "68.625", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Wardak, Afghanistan|Wardak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.918", long = "68.603", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Madarase]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.057", long = "68.585", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "5", label = "[[Cheshmeh-ye Shir]]", link = "Cheshmeh-ye Shir", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.091", long = "68.521", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khwajah Alwan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.830", long = "68.799", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nasir]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.835", long = "68.812", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kiligai Base]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.628", long = "69.177", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Andarab]]", link = "Andarab District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "35.518", long = "69.278", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Andarab Valley", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.900", long = "69.670", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khost wa Fereng District|Khost wa Fereng]]", link = "Khost wa Fereng District", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "36.227", long = "69.146", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Burka District|Burka]]", link = "Burka District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.210", long = "69.533", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Guzargahi Nur District|Guzargahi Nur]]", link = "Guzargahi Nur District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.176", long = "68.751", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Baghlan]]", link = "Baghlan", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.136", long = "68.711", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "9", label = "[[Old Baghlan City]]", link = "Baghlan", label_size = "0"},		
		{ lat = "36.126", long = "68.670", mark = "Icon_NuclearPowerPlant-grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sugar Factory]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.200", long = "68.821", mark = "map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Zard]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "36.016", long = "69.602", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Doab]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.309", long = "68.833", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chahar Shanbeh Tappeh]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "36.022", long = "68.680", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Husain Khel]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "36.061", long = "69.108", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nahrin]]", link = "Nahrin", label_size = "70", position = "bottom"},
			{ lat = "36.107", long = "69.055", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "Taliban presence near Nahrin", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.041", long = "69.252", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khwaja Hijran District|Khwaja Hijran (Jalga)]]", link = "Khwaja Hijran District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "35.62", long = "68.67", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Dushi District|Dushi]]", link = "Dushi District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "35.629", long = "68.402", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Darah-ye Kayan]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "35.562", long = "68.521", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qowl-e Eskar]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "35.583", long = "68.902", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khinjan District|Khinjan]]", link = "Khinjan District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "35.901", long = "68.484", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dahana i Ghuri District#History|Dahana i Ghuri]]", link = "Dahana i Ghuri District#History", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "35.941", long = "68.659", mark = "Icon_NuclearPowerPlant-red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qara Zaghan Gold Mine]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "35.390", long = "68.223", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Barfak]]", link = "Tala wa Barfak District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "35.618", long = "69.468", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Puli Hisar]]", link = "Puli Hisar District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "35.740", long = "69.360", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dih Salah]]", link = "Dih Salah District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "35.501", long = "68.327", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dahan e Turmush]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "36.052", long = "69.018", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Arakash]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "36.002", long = "69.516", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Barak]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "36.003", long = "69.516", mark = "map-arcNE-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Barak]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.073", long = "69.424", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Kotal-e Palpi]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Balkh Province
		{ lat = "36.709", long = "67.111", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Mazar-i-Sharif#Since 2001|Mazar-i-Sharif]]", link = "Mazar-i-Sharif#Since 2001", label_size = "110", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "36.707", long = "67.209", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Mazar-e-Sharifi Intl Airport]]", link = "Mazar-e-Sharifi International Airport", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.758", long = "66.899", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Balkh]]", link = "Balkh", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.761", long = "66.973", mark = "3x3dot-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "ANSDF presence east of Balkh", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "36.737", long = "66.794", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sher Sherkh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.688", long = "66.843", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Samar Qandian]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.895", long = "66.855", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Shahab, Afghanistan|Shahab]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "36.300", long = "66.860", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sholgara District|Sholgara]]", link = "Sholgara District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        	{ lat = "36.384", long = "66.876", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qurbagheh Khaneh]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.425", long = "66.899", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Saramang]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.235", long = "66.889", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qazel Kend]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.514", long = "66.929", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bodana Qala]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.453", long = "66.908", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bagh-e Pahlawan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.388", long = "66.922", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Siaab]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.210", long = "67.174", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dalan, Afghanistan|Dalan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.238", long = "67.100", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aqchah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.324", long = "66.917", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aghirsai]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.421", long = "66.788", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence west of Sholgara", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "36.677", long = "66.806", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Chemtal]]", link = "Chemtal", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.666", long = "66.728", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Urzgani]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.671", long = "66.754", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Foolada]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.672", long = "66.688", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Asya-ye Khan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.679", long = "66.651", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Asya-ye Gorg]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.639", long = "66.920", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pol-e Iman Bokri]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.642", long = "66.910", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Mir Qasem]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.663", long = "66.994", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dehdadi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.632", long = "66.998", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "12", label = "[[Camp Shaheen]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "36.5", long = "67.333", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Charkint District|Charkint]]", link = "Charkint District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "36.987", long = "66.821", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "9", label = "[[Dawlatabad District|Dawlatabad]]", link = "Dawlatabad District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        { lat = "37.032", long = "66.778", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qarchi Gak]]", link = "Qarchi Gak", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "36.693", long = "67.696", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Khulm District|Khulm]]", link = "Khulm District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "37.319", long = "66.744", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shortepa District|Shortepa]]", link = "Shortepa District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "37.292", long = "66.334", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Islam Pinjah]]", link = "Islam Pinjah", label_size = "0", position = "" },
        	{ lat = "37.301", long = "66.468", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Eslām Chūngar]]", link = "Eslām Chūngar", label_size = "0", position = "" },
        	{ lat = "37.297", long = "66.518", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aranji]]", link = "Aranji", label_size = "0", position = "" },
        	{ lat = "37.303", long = "66.581", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dali, Afghanistan|Dali]]", link = "Dali, Afghanistan", label_size = "0", position = "" },
        { lat = "37.181", long = "67.721", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kaldar District|Kaldar]]", link = "Kaldar District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        { lat = "37.224", long = "67.428", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 se.svg", marksize = "20" },
        { lat = "37.224", long = "67.428", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Hairatan]]", link = "Hairatan", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
        { lat = "37.186", long = "67.372", mark = "Gota01.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Oil Storage Facility]]", label_size = "0"},
        { lat = "36.840", long = "67.180", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Nahri Shahi District|Nahri Shahi]]", link = "Nahri Shahi District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "36.110", long = "67.000", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kishindih District|Kishindih-ye Bala]]", link = "Kishindih District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "36.135", long = "66.940", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khetai]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.155", long = "66.914", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Kishindih-ye Pain]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.086", long = "66.921", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "Taliban presence in Kishindih District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.85", long = "66.73", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Zari District|Zari]]", link = "Zari District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "35.892", long = "66.874", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Townj]]", link = "Townj", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "35.792", long = "66.986", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Andarab]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.708", long = "66.972", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Safed Koh]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.796", long = " 66.688", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "7", label = "[[Charbolak District|Charbolak]]", link = "Charbolak District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.772", long = "66.694", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sabzikar]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "37.340", long = "66.250", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 ne.svg", marksize = "20" },
		{ lat = "37.340", long = "66.250", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Keleft]]", link = "Kelif Pipeline Bridge", label_size = "0" },
		-- Bamyan Province
		{ lat = "34.820", long = "67.830", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Bamyan]]", link = "Bamyan", label_size = "110", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.733", long = "66.967", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Yakawlang]]", link = "Yakawlang", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.308", long = "67.627", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kahmard]]", link = "Kahmard District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "34.383", long = "67.016", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Panjab, Afghanistan|Panjab]]", link = "Panjab, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.220", long = "66.901", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Waras District|Waras]]", link = "Waras District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.920", long = "68.040", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shibar District|Shibar]]", link = "Shibar District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "35.181", long = "67.973", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Baghak, Afghanistan#History|Baghak]]", link = "Baghak, Afghanistan#History", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.983", long = "68", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "5", label = "[[Ghandak]]", link = "Ghandak", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "34.883", long = "68.166", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khaki Babeh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.883", long = "68.166", mark = "map-arcNE-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Khaki Babeh]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.183", long = "67.708", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sayghan District|Sayghan]]", link = "Sayghan District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		    { lat = "35.243", long = "68.023", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dahan Sayghan base]]", label_size = "0" },

		-- Daykundi Province
		{ lat = "33.717", long = "66.117", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Nili, Afghanistan|Nili]]", link = "Nili, Afghanistan", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.83", long = "66.94", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Miramor District|Miramor]]", link = "Miramor District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.243", long = "65.462", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kajran District|Kajran]]", link = "Kajran District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "33.172", long = "65.585", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Kandu-ye Bala", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.380", long = "66.262", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gizab District|Gizab]]", link = "Gizab District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
            { lat = "33.403", long = "66.248", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Malizai", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
            { lat = "33.395", long = "66.263", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Ghayro", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.601", long = "66.065", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Pato]]", link = "", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
            { lat = "33.430", long = "66.207", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sang Shek]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "33.564", long = "66.163", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Waghnir]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "33.596", long = "66.116", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tamazan]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "33.434", long = "65.848", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sar-e Bagh]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "33.438", long = "65.827", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kisow]]", label_size = "0" },

		--Farah Province
		{ lat = "32.344", long = "62.119", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Farah, Afghanistan|Farah]]", link = "Farah, Afghanistan", label_size = "100", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "32.367", long = "62.072", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bagh-e Pul]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.371", long = "62.094", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bagh-e Now, Afghanistan|Bagh-e Now]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "32.377", long = "62.043", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ginakan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.325", long = "62.023", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Darabade Pain]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.347", long = "62.025", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Daradabe Bala]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.366", long = "62.166", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "13", label = "[[Farah Air Base]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.370", long = "62.487", mark = "Map-arcEE-grey.svg", marksize = "9" },
			{ lat = "32.370", long = "62.487", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Toot, Afghanistan|Toot]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.069", long = "61.811", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tojg]]", link = "Tojg", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "32.494", long = "62.138", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Pusht Rod]]", link = "Pusht Rod", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "32.438", long = "62.075", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala Mullah Aman]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.654", long = "62.102", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khaki Safed District|Khaki Safed]]", link = "Khaki Safed District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "32.586", long = "62.192", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dewar e Surkh]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.140", long = "63.860", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Pur Chaman District|Pur Chaman]]", link = "Pur Chaman District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.631", long = "62.487", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Bala Buluk District|Bala Buluk]]", link = "Bala Buluk District", label_size = "85", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "32.881", long = "62.828", mark = "BSicon_STRr_grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Bakhshabad Dam site]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.906", long = "62.779", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bakhshabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.609", long = "62.467", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Shiwan, Afghanistan|Shiwan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.624", long = "62.460", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ganjabad, Afghanistan|Ganjabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.761", long = "62.580", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Todank]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.958", long = "62.723", mark = "4x4dot-lime.svg", marksize = "18", label = "HCIEA presence in Bala Buluk District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "32.521", long = "62.299", mark = "4x4dot-red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Military presence in Bala Buluk District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.621", long = "63.670", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gulistan District|Gulistan]]", link = "Gulistan District", label_size = "85", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "32.825", long = "63.979", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chahar Deh, Afghanistan|Chahar Deh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.777", long = "63.929", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Palangan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.768", long = "63.883", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dahan-i-Palaw]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.792", long = "63.890", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Palaw]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.745", long = "63.833", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Said]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.755", long = "63.805", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Robat]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.733", long = "63.804", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Shaywani]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.727", long = "63.773", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Espand]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.714", long = "63.758", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Kotalak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.688", long = "63.726", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bagh-e Rud]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.664", long = "63.738", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Nal]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.659", long = "63.702", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Midan Jaba]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.617", long = "63.747", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Fayz Abad, Afghanistan|Fayz Abad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.652", long = "63.601", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Syah Reg]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.588", long = "63.566", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Darrah Kharak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.452", long = "63.729", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nawa-i-Eran]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.432", long = "63.752", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ahmad Abad, Afghanistan|Ahmad Abad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.600", long = "63.653", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Volar, Afghanistan|Ular]]", link = "Volar, Afghanistan", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.572", long = "63.635", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghalarway]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.560", long = "63.622", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghoziney]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.528", long = "63.596", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Poshteh, Afghanistan|Poshteh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.512", long = "63.574", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Seyyedal]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.497", long = "63.561", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Diyak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.530", long = "63.563", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khartosai]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.519", long = "63.548", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Terikhay]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.482", long = "63.521", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Seh Gosha-i-shamali]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.472", long = "63.510", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kotalak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.467", long = "63.536", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gund]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.452", long = "63.521", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Seh Gosha-i-janobi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.430", long = "63.501", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Manzar Bast]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.391", long = "63.438", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tora Gana]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.386", long = "63.489", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qarya-i-til Kamand]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.392", long = "63.523", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sange Surakh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.403", long = "63.552", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala-i-Surkh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.420", long = "63.541", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Seyab]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.416", long = "63.563", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kareze Naw]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.435", long = "63.577", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gandah Chah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.339", long = "63.568", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chah Masur]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.317", long = "63.637", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sher Surkh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.331", long = "63.638", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Karaiz Shar Surkh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.347", long = "63.642", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gaday]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.671", long = "63.281", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghorma]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.692", long = "63.294", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Ghorma]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.754", long = "63.235", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-Palang Kush]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.719", long = "63.210", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-neway Karez]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.701", long = "63.193", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-kanyabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.746", long = "63.141", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-khawar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.737", long = "63.091", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Road Dodz]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.753", long = "63.030", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kakal]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.731", long = "63.045", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Alkeni]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.693", long = "63.048", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Anzar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.813", long = "63.688", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala-i-Bawu]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.920", long = "63.612", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chashnak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.880", long = "63.502", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Laman]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.985", long = "63.297", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Paytangay]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.978", long = "63.329", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-zarshah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.965", long = "63.304", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-kalbesh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.879", long = "63.260", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-durbas]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.915", long = "63.361", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-marwas]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.946", long = "63.420", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Gorzanak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.803", long = "63.412", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-ghulgholak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.761", long = "63.468", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-ghulaman]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.809", long = "63.478", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarya-i-malmand Rod]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.811", long = "63.515", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zarmin Surkh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.807", long = "63.534", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gowkush]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.824", long = "63.539", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Takhar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.821", long = "63.561", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Rabatak, Afghanistan|Rabatak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.810", long = "63.567", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Deh-e Rud]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.823", long = "63.592", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Warin]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.199", long = "62.930", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bakwa District|Bakwa]]", link = "Bakwa", label_size = "85", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.768", long = "61.653", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Anar Dara District|Anar Dara]]", link = "Anar Dara District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "31.714", long = "61.623", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Lash Wa Juwayn District|Lash Wa Juwayn]]", link = "Lash Wa Juwayn District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "31.743", long = "61.575", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Panj Deh]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "32.134", long = "61.617", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shib Koh District|Keen (Shib Koh)]]", link = "Shib Koh District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        { lat = "32.301", long = "61.511", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qala i Kah District|Qala-i Kah (Pusht Koh)]]", link = "Qala i Kah District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		-- Faryab Province
		{ lat = "35.933", long = "64.750", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Maymana]]", link = "Maymana", label_size = "100", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.901", long = "64.767", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bibi Ainah]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "35.888", long = "64.819", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aq Machit]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "35.892", long = "64.803", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Imam Sahib (Maymana)]]", label_size = "0"},
        	{ lat = "35.954", long = "64.835", mark = "3x3dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Taliban presence NE of Maymana", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.912", long = "64.787", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Pashtun Kot District|Pashtun Kot]]", link = "Pashtun Kot District", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.896", long = "64.708", mark = "3x3dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Taliban presence west of Maymana", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "35.985", long = "64.726", mark = "3x3dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Taliban presence north of Maymana", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.853", long = "64.857", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qizil Qol]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "35.884", long = "64.832", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jam Sheri]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.893", long = "64.826", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dahan-e Darah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.849", long = "64.624", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aqsay Arab]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.065", long = "64.662", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bay Ghisi]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.631", long = "64.839", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Yaka Tut]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.617", long = "64.829", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sang-e-Zard]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.535", long = "64.807", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Teylan]]", link = "Teylan", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "35.873", long = "65.033", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gul Darah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.607", long = "64.765", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aq e Abdul]]", label_size = "0" },		
            { lat = "35.599", long = "64.784", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sar e Howz]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.604", long = "64.804", mark = "BSicon_STRl_grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Sae e Howz dam]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.919", long = "64.985", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Hazarah Qal‘ah]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.911", long = "65.027", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Katah Qal‘ah]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "35.927", long = "64.957", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nazrabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.873", long = "65.033", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gul Darah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.875", long = "65.068", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chaqmaq]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.906", long = "65.106", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zarshoy]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.895", long = "65.164", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nishar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.695", long = "64.297", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qaysar District|Qaysar]]", link = "Qaysar District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "35.673", long = "64.324", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Yangi Shaghasi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.655", long = "64.354", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Bagharan-e Khvajeh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.689", long = "64.279", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Ardzulik]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.715", long = "64.283", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Besh Kapa]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.673", long = "64.276", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Haydari Khanah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.660", long = "64.248", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Mohammad Khvajeh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.678", long = "64.257", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Deh Buri]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.635", long = "64.299", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Yozbigi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.703", long = "64.246", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Sufi Qalah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.706", long = "64.225", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Now Dari Qalah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.695", long = "64.121", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Burghun]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.645", long = "64.099", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Baraghan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.753", long = "63.978", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chahar Shanbeh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.715", long = "64.114", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chechaktu]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.586", long = "64.159", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Ghowri]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.610", long = "64.110", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Shakh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.626", long = "64.247", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Arkalik]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.674", long = "64.302", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Yangi Tashqul]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.703", long = "64.309", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kohi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.781", long = "64.409", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gul Qudug]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.765", long = "64.339", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khwaja Tebchaq]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.816", long = "64.369", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nari Bala]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.761", long = "64.352", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.731", long = "64.373", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qazelso]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.724", long = "64.341", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[So War]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "35.850", long = "64.530", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Almar District|Almar]]", link = "Almar District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "35.861", long = "64.546", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Military base]]", link = "Almar District", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.926", long = "64.243", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Khwajah Gowhar]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.812", long = "64.507", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qara Gheili]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.882", long = "64.584", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chaghatay]]", label_size = "0" }, 
        	{ lat = "35.858", long = "64.582", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chugumat]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.858", long = "64.508", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bash Qara]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "35.381", long = "64.756", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kohistan District, Faryab|Qala (Kohistan)]]", link = "Kohistan District, Faryab", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "35.386", long = "64.725", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Quzdat]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.378", long = "64.772", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Lash, Afghanistan|Lash]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.402", long = "64.753", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Kulani]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.399", long = "64.782", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Geldan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.382", long = "64.786", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Chashmah-ye Sangin]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.306", long = "65.242", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dewalak]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "35.713", long = "65.238", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gurziwan District|Sar Chakan (Gurziwan)]]", link = "Gurziwan District", label_size = "80", position = "right" },
        	{ lat = "35.697", long = "65.215", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chakan, Afghanistan|Chakan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.709", long = "65.200", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dom Qalah]]", label_size = "0" }, 
        { lat = "35.838", long = "65.231", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Bilchiragh District|Bilchiragh]]", link = "Bilchiragh District", label_size = "80", position = "bottom" },
    		{ lat = "35.883", long = "65.403", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kowlian]]", link = "Kowlian", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "35.901", long = "65.468", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Archiktu]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.897", long = "65.512", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Taj Qal'ah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "35.910", long = "65.558", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qurchi]]", link = "Qurchi", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
        { lat = "36.286", long = "64.871", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shirin Tagab District|Shirin Tagab]]", link = "Shirin Tagab District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "36.184", long = "64.875", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gurzad]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.203", long = "65.053", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Astana Baba]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "36.072", long = "64.839", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khwaja Sabz Posh District|Khwaja Sabz Posh Bazar]]", link = "Khwaja Sabz Posh District", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
            { lat = "36.009", long = "64.896", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Khwaja Qushuri]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.032", long = "64.877", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qizil Qeshlaq]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.046", long = "64.844", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Islim]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.055", long = "64.858", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghazari]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.079", long = "64.865", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kosa Qala]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.104", long = "64.855", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Yangi Qala]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.109", long = "64.835", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sarai Qala]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.117", long = "64.865", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Baymoghly]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.133", long = "64.854", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shah Mir Khil]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.143", long = "64.885", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qara Shaiki]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "36.437", long = "64.922", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dawlat Abad District|Dawlat Abad]]", link = "Dawlat Abad District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "36.412", long = "64.891", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Quzi Bay Qalah]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "36.379", long = "64.915", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tup Khana]]", label_size = "0" },	
        { lat = "36.863", long = "65.061", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qaramqol District|Qaramqol]]", link = "Qaramqol District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        	{ lat = "36.831", long = "65.029", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sarban]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.847", long = "65.087", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Alti Bulak]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.885", long = "65.091", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tuquz Darak]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.945", long = "65.116", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Andkhoy District|Andkhoy]]", link = "Andkhoy District", label_size = "80", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "36.999", long = "65.222", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khani Chahar Bagh District|Khani Chahar Bagh]]", link = "Khani Chahar Bagh District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "37.223", long = "65.257", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 n.svg", marksize = "20" },
			{ lat = "37.223", long = "65.257", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Aqinah]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.926", long = "65.061", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qurghan District|Qurghan]]", link = "Qurghan District", label_size = "80", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "36.904", long = "65.104", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Daj Yakhchee Khana]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.899", long = "65.075", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mirabad]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Ghazni Province
		{ lat = "33.55", long = "68.42", mark = "Map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "22", label = "[[Ghazni]]", link = "Ghazni", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.55", long = "68.42", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "18", label = "[[Ghazni]]", link = "Ghazni", label_size = "110", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "33.591", long = "68.473", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Rawdza]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.470", long = "68.485", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Arzu, Afghanistan|Arzu]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.466", long = "68.456", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shalez]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.669", long = "68.644", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Zana Khan District|Zana Khan]]", link = "Zana Khan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.523", long = "68.629", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ramak]]", link = "Ramak", label_size = "80", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "33.493", long = "68.754", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sado Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.495", long = "68.593", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Tasan]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.577", long = "68.186", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jaghatū District|Jaghatu]]", link = "Jaghatū District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "33.099", long = "67.287", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ahangarkhel]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.142", long = "67.111", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khushqul]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.558", long = "68.325", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khogyani District (Ghazni)|Khogyani]]", link = "Khogyani District (Ghazni)", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.245", long = "70.160", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qaligho]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.688", long = "68.402", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khwaja Umari District|Khwaja Umari]]", link = "Khwaja Umari", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "33.757", long = "68.380", mark = "BSicon_STRr_grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Sultan Dam]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.7", long = "68.2", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Rashidan District|Rashidan]]", link = "Rashidan", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "33.898", long = "67.9575", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nawur District|Nawur]]", link = "Nawur", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.350", long = "68.383", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Alizai, Afghanistan|Alizai]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.350", long = "68.383", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Markikhel]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.324", long = "68.441", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Miray]]", link = "Miray", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.400", long = "68.347", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Nani, Afghanistan|Nani]]", link = "Nani, Afghanistan" ,label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "33.336", long = "68.600", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sultanbagh]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "33.275", long = "68.596", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sarda, Afghanistan|Sarda]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "33.369", long = "68.458", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chahardiwal]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "33.450", long = "68.490", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala ye Arzu]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.473", long = "68.445", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pir Shabaz]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "33.405", long = "68.525", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nazar Khan Kelay]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.194", long = "68.102", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "9", label = "[[Qarabagh District, Ghazni|Qarabagh]]", link = "Qarabagh District, Ghazni", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "33.188", long = "67.777", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tamaki]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "33.188", long = "67.777", mark = "map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Tamaki]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.237", long = "67.804", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gawmurdah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.231", long = "67.748", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gaw Murdah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.181", long = "68.056", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Krosai]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.111", long = "68.041", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Askarkot]]", label_size = "0" },
		 { lat = "32.726", long = "67.636", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Janda|Janda (Gelan)]]", link = "Janda", label_size = "70", position = "top" }, 
		{ lat = "32.3215", long = "67.887", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nawa, Afghanistan|Nawa]]", link = "Nawa, Afghanistan", label_size = "80", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.107", long = "68.299", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Giro District|Giro]]", link = "Giro District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom"},
		{ lat = "32.818", long = "67.767", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Muqur, Ghazni|Moqor]]", link = "Moqor District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
        	{ lat = "32.792", long = "67.740", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bahauddin]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.133", long = "67.454", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jaghori District|Jaghori]]", link = "Jaghori District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
        	{ lat = "32.957", long = "67.528", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Anguri]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.945", long = "67.487", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Hotqool]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.998", long = "67.464", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qual Dawoud]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.996", long = "67.531", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Babul, Afghanistan|Babul]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "33.3", long = "67.171", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Malestan District|Malestan]]", link = "Malestan", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "33.517", long = "67.198", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ajristan]]", link = "Ajristan", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        { lat = "32.983", long = "67.967", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ab Band District#Politics and Governance|Ab Band]]", link = "Ab Band District#Politics and Governance", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		--Ghor Province
		{ lat = "34.523", long = "65.252", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Chaghcharan]]", link = "Chaghcharan", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
                { lat = "34.523", long = "65.252", mark = "Map-arcNW-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Chaghcharan]]", link = "Chaghcharan", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.535", long = "65.008", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Jurmat]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.470", long = "65.063", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ahangaran]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.972", long = "63.707", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tulak District|Tulak]]", link = "Tulak District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.164", long = "63.711", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chahr Rah]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.103", long = "64.274", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dahan-e Falezak]]", link = "Dahan-e Falezak", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.107", long = "64.316", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shahrak]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.136", long = "64.421", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sar Chashmah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.383", long = "64.359", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mullah Siraj Base]]", label_size = "0" },
        		{ lat = "34.383", long = "64.359", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Mullah Siraj Base]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.394", long = "64.370", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kamanj]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.396", long = "64.516", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Minaret of Jam]]", link = "Minaret of Jam", label_size = "0" },
        			{ lat = "34.396", long = "64.516", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Minaret of Jam]]", link = "Minaret of Jam", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.395", long = "64.632", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Oshan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.367", long = "64.505", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jam]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.367", long = "64.560", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Asto]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.378", long = "64.456", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shereja Pain]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.361", long = "64.434", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shereja Bala]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.552", long = "64.416", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Taywara]]", link = "Taywara", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "33.177", long = "64.347", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Zarini]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.540", long = "64.535", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Yakhan]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.691", long = "64.856", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shinkot]]", link = "Shinkot", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "33.716", long = "64.988", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Obutu]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.735", long = "64.800", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Karasake Takhte Saw]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.671", long = "64.737", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zirtangi Nawrak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.616", long = "64.782", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dahan-e Kakari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.597", long = "64.859", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shorabak]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "33.691", long = "63.867", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Saghar District|Saghar]]", link = "Saghar District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.156", long = "64.785", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Du Layna District|Du Layna]]", link = "Du Layna District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.58", long = "65.75", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dawlat Yar District|Dawlat Yar]]", link = "Dawlat Yar District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.493", long = "65.981", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Qorigh-e Siyah]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.493", long = "65.981", mark = "Map-arcWW-grey.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Qorigh-e Siyah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.520", long = "65.484", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Badgah]]", label_size = "0" },
	    	{ lat = "34.673", long = "65.835", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sumak]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.497", long = "66.281", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Lal wa Sarjangal]]", link = "Lal wa Sarjangal", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.916", long = "65.288", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qale-Zobayd]]", link = "Charsadda District, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.189", long = "64.881", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Peshi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.194", long = "64.861", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kandagh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.212", long = "64.881", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Guldara]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.976", long = "65.617", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Marghab District|Shoraba (Marghab)]]", link = "Marghab District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.979", long = "65.651", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Esparman]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.975", long = "65.585", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shamak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.956", long = "65.620", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Waz, Afghanistan|Waz]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.926", long = "65.640", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jah]]", label_size = "0" },
        -- Helmand Province
		{ lat = "31.594", long = "64.372", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Lashkar Gah]]", link = "Lashkar Gah", label_size = "110", position = "right" },
				{ lat = "31.594", long = "64.372", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "24", label = "[[Lashkargah]]", label_size = "0" },
		    { lat = "31.500", long = "64.356", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qala-e-Bost]]", link = "Qala-e-Bost", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "31.646", long = "64.370", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Babaji, Afghanistan#History|Babaji]]", link = "Babaji, Afghanistan#History", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "31.679", long = "64.315", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chah Anjir, Afghanistan|Chah Anjir]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "31.594", long = "64.338", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Bolan, Afghanistan|Bolan]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
            { lat = "31.486", long = "64.321", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Aynak, Afghanistan|Aynak]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "31.66", long = "64.33", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Basharan, Afghanistan|Basharan]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.445", long = "64.741", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Musa Qala District|Musa Qala]]", link = "Musa Qala District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "32.481", long = "64.727", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mulla Gori Nikeh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.501", long = "64.737", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sarbesa]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.590", long = "64.742", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Usman Qala]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "31.816", long = "64.55", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Grishk District|Grishk (Nahri Saraj)]]", link = "Grishk District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.4049", long = "64.469", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nawzad, Afghanistan|Nawzad]]", link = "Nawzad District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
				{ lat = "31.521", long = "64.117", mark = "Map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Marjah]]", link = "Marjah", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "31.521", long = "64.117", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Marjah]]", link = "Marjah", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.062", long = "65.096", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Baghran]]", link = "Baghran", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "32.567", long = "64.918", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gazak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.584", long = "64.960", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jare Mohammad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.591", long = "64.927", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sindarra]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.616", long = "64.923", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Khenjak Mazar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.604", long = "64.933", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sendwana]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.628", long = "64.940", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sayd Badyan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.657", long = "64.941", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kafar Koh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.683", long = "64.980", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Kalata]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.721", long = "64.980", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sangwana]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.740", long = "64.982", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sare Baz]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.755", long = "64.998", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zawan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.764", long = "65.012", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Kunjin]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.748", long = "65.058", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Ksatta Geryan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.792", long = "65.004", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lewanyan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.806", long = "65.011", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kunjak Kalay]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.837", long = "65.033", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qalaca]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.779", long = "65.088", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Raya]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.780", long = "65.163", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Manu]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.765", long = "65.157", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Onay]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.733", long = "65.140", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kelak]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "30.434", long = "63.318", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dishu, Afghanistan|Dishu]]", link = "Dishu, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "30.549", long = "63.790", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khanashin#Operation Enduring Freedom|Khanashin]]", link = "Khanashin#Operation Enduring Freedom", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "30.467", long = "63.607", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Khan Nishin Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "29.504", long = "63.907", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kohe Samoli]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "29.820", long = "63.862", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Torush Bab Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "29.791", long = "63.950", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Suru Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "29.692", long = "63.590", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Anyak Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "29.614", long = "63.530", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Kohe Malik Do Kand]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "29.416", long = "64.050", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bahramcha]]", link = "Bahramcha", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "30.567", long = "63.600", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mirabad, Afghanistan|Mirabad]]", link = "Mirabad, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "32.283", long = "65.060", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kajaki]]", link = "Kajaki District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
            { lat = "32.305", long = "65.110", mark = "BSicon_STRr_red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kajaki Dam]]", link = "Kajaki Dam", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "32.313", long = "65.105", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kajaki Dam]]", link = "Kajaki Dam", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.680", long = "64.801", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Walakhor]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.744", long = "64.907", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sanginak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.874", long = "64.892", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Bashling]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.073", long = "64.834", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sangin]]", link = "Sangin District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "32.085", long = "65.076", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gaw Khanah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.115", long = "64.901", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[De Toro Obo Kelay]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.185", long = "64.980", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shaykh Muhammadian]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.109", long = "64.967", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[De Sperkay Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.109", long = "65.012", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Shirmashano Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.165", long = "65.029", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Shin Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
	    	{ lat = "32.252", long = "63.853", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Washir]]", link = "Washer District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "32.187", long = "63.775", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Karez-e-Now]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.175", long = "63.544", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sanzari]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "31.117", long = "64.200", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Garmsir]]", link = "Garmsir District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.101", long = "64.067", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Camp Dwyer]]", link = "Camp Dwyer", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.664", long = "64.278", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nad Ali]]", link = "Nad Ali District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "31.598", long = "64.284", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shnai Simi]]", link = "Shnai Simi", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.736", long = "63.973", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dashti Simi]]", link = "Shnai Simi", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.383", long = "64.300", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nawa-i-Barakzayi District|Nawa-i-Barakzayi]]", link = "Nawa-i-Barakzayi District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.857", long = "64.221", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "12", label = "[[Camp Shorabak]]", link = "Camp Shorabak", label_size = "0" },
		--Herat Province
		{ lat = "34.350", long = "62.188", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "20", label = "[[Herat]]", link = "Herat", label_size = "120", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.366", long = "62.307", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kahdestan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.316", long = "62.296", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Perk, Afghanistan|Perk]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.297", long = "62.250", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Beland Ab-e Navin]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.314", long = "62.275", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chungar, Afghanistan|Chungar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.338", long = "62.266", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Robat Waysi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.394", long = "62.025", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Noqreh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.353", long = "62.089", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sufian]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.397", long = "62.133", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jebrael]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.403", long = "62.091", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sali Patra]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.439", long = "62.042", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Maslakh]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.353", long = "63.741", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chishti Sharif District|Chishti Sharif]]", link = "Chishti Sharif", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.331", long = "63.824", mark = "BSicon_STRr_grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Afghan-India Friendship Dam]]", link = "Afghan-India Friendship Dam", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.353", long = "63.905", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sherkhaj]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.352", long = "64.054", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dara Takht]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.526", long = "64.116", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Barazo]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.522", long = "64.142", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lich]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.525", long = "64.207", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Siyah Dara]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.547", long = "64.368", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jelga Mazar]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "34.298", long = "62.681", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Pashtun Zarghun District|Pashtun Zarghun]]", link = "Pashtun Zarghun", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "34.259", long = "62.889", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Marwah, Afghanistan|Marwah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.239", long = "62.807", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Fushkan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.282", long = "62.695", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zamanabad, Afghanistan|Zamanabad]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.233", long = "62.775", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Balandab]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.217", long = "62.577", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Gul Mir]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.253", long = "62.493", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Salimi, Afghanistan|Salimi]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.087", long = "62.948", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Taqchah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.373", long = "63.195", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Obe District|Obe]]", link = "Obe District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.368", long = "63.139", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Murghcha-E-Bala]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.344", long = "63.108", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Murghcha-E-Pain]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.465", long = "63.277", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tagab Yari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.697", long = "63.092", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Farsi District|Farsi]]", link = "Farsi District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "34.871", long = "62.547", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kushki Kuhna District|Kushki Kuhna]]", link = "Kushki Kuhna District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.791", long = "62.478", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Kariz-e Zaman-e Bala]]", link = "Kariz-e Zaman-e Bala", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        { lat = "35.059", long = "62.295", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kushk District|Kushk (Rabat Sangi)]]", link = "Kushk District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        	{ lat = "35.244", long = "62.282", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 ne.svg", marksize = "20" },
        		{ lat = "35.244", long = "62.282", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Torghundi|Turghundi]]", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        	{ lat = "35.056", long = "62.447", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Kushk and Kushki Kuhna Districts", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "34.672", long = "61.199", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kohsan District|Kohsan]]", link = "Kohsan District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.583", long = "61.322", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ahmadabad]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.615", long = "61.266", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tirpul]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.657", long = "61.110", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Islam Qala]]", link = "Islam Qala", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "34.670", long = "61.087", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Komisari]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.678", long = "61.108", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qudusabad]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.705", long = "61.010", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 nw.svg", marksize = "20" },
        	{ lat = "34.705", long = "61.010", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Islam Qala Customs]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "34.489", long = "62.583", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Karukh District|Karukh]]", link = "Karukh District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
            { lat = "34.393", long = "62.628", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in mountains of Karukh and Pashtun Zarghun Districts", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.476", long = "62.536", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala Safid]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.505", long = "62.611", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qala Bala]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.513", long = "62.641", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala Sharbat]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.544", long = "62.974", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala Now Sayid Abad]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.544", long = "63.020", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghoromba]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.571", long = "63.092", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Masjid e Chubi]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "34.234", long = "62.220", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+lime.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Guzara District|Guzara]]", link = "Guzara District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
        	{ lat = "34.213", long = "62.170", mark = "Icon_NuclearPowerPlant-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Herat Industrial Zone]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.210", long = "62.228", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Herat Intl Airport]]", link = "Herat International Airport", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.095", long = "62.015", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Guzara District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "34.340", long = "61.741", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Zendeh Jan District|Zendeh Jan]]", link = "Zendeh Jan District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.343", long = "61.488", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Ghoryan]]", link = "Ghoryan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.479", long = "61.432", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Rahznak]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.100", long = "61.670", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gulran District|Gulran]]", link = "Gulran District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.643", long = "62.265", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Adraskan District|Adraskan]]", link = "Adraskan District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.304", long = "62.158", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Shindand]]", link = "Shindand", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "33.393", long = "62.254", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Shindand Air Base]]", link = "Shindand", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.355", long = "62.331", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Azizabad, Herat|Azizabad]]", link = "Azizabad, Herat", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
        	{ lat = "33.276", long = "62.151", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Deh-e Aman]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.291", long = "62.202", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Deh e Mir Qasem]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.290", long = "61.923", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kushk, Afghanistan|Kushk]]", link = "Kushk, Afghanistan", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.188", long = "62.179", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Zir Koh]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.244", long = "62.571", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Koh-e Zor]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.216", long = "62.286", mark = "4x4dot-lime.svg", marksize = "18", label = "HCIEA presence in Shindand District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		-- Jowzjan Province
		{ lat = "36.665", long = "65.752", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Sheberghan]]", link = "Sheberghan", label_size = "110", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.331", long = "65.862", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Haji Mohammad Omar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.084", long = "65.388", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qush Tepa District|<small>Qipcha Qala</small> (Qush Tepa)]]", link = "Qush Tepa", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.3", long = "65.48", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jar Quduq]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.319", long = "65.305", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chahar Say]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.111", long = "65.416", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khaneqah]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.815", long = "65.618", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khwaja Du Koh District|Khwaja Du Koh]]", link = "Khwaja Du Koh", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
				{ lat = "36.815", long = "65.618", mark = "Map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Khwaja Du Koh District|Khwaja Du Koh]]", link = "Khwaja Du Koh", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "37.032", long = "65.622", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "Taliban presence in Khwaja Du Koh District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.900", long = "66.210", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Aqcha District|Aqcha]]", link = "Aqcha District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "36.784", long = "65.935", mark = "3x3dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Taliban presence east of Sheberghan", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.976", long = "65.378", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Darzab, Jowzjan|Darzab]]", link = "Darzab, Jowzjan", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "35.953", long = "65.48", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bibi Maryam]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.037", long = "65.3675", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gardan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.067", long = "65.376", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Shir Bayq]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.508", long = "65.771", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khamyab District|Khamyab]]", link = "Khamyab District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "36.822", long = "66.456", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Fayzabad District, Jowzjan|Fayzabad]]", link = "Fayzabad District, Jowzjan", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
			{ lat = "36.780", long = "66.475", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sea Darakht]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.781", long = "66.450", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Shesha Khana]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.8", long = "66.34", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Kokal Dash]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.997", long = "66.306", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mardyan District|Mardyan]]", link = "Mardyan", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
                        { lat = "37.025", long = "66.362", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Forough Qala]]", label_size = "0", },
		{ lat = "37.027", long = "66.128", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mingajik District|Mingajik]]", link = "Mingajik", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
                        { lat = "37.027", long = "66.128", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Mingajik District|Mingajik]]", link = "Mingajik", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.412", long = "66.047", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qarqin District|Qarqin]]", link = "Qarqin", label_size = "70", position = "bottom"},
			{ lat = "37.483", long = "65.827", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Choupli Tappeh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.433", long = "65.956", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Deenar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.317", long = "65.842", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Karakum Desert", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.862", long = "66.167", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khaniqa District|Khanaqa]]", link = "Khaniqa District", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
		--Kabul Province
		{ lat = "34.500", long = "69.170", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "35", label = "[[Kabul#21st century|Kabul]]", link = "Kabul#21st century", label_size = "140", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.566", long = "69.212", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Kabul Intl Airport]]", link = "Hamid Karzai International Airport", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.591", long = "69.757", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Surobi, Kabul|Surobi]]", link = "Surobi, Kabul", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.428", long = "69.759", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jigdalai]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.636", long = "69.732", mark = "BSicon_STRr_red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Naghlu Dam]]", link = "Naghlu Dam", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.568", long = "69.792", mark = "BSicon_STRr_red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Surobi Dam]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.573", long = "69.490", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shinwari, Kabul Province|Shinwari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.584", long = "69.501", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chasmah-ye Ismail]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.582", long = "69.255", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tarakhel, Deh Sabz District|Tarakhel]]", link = "Tarakhel, Deh Sabz District", label_size = "0", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "34.405", long = "69.494", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khaki Jabbar District|Khaki Jabbar]]", link = "Khaki Jabbar District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.546", long = "69.503", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Mahipar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.433", long = "69.384", mark = "Icon_NuclearPowerPlant-red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Mes Aynak| Mes Aynak copper mine]]", link = "Mes Aynak", label_size = "0", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.841", long = "69.148", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qarabagh District, Kabul|Qarabagh]]", link = "Qarabagh District, Kabul", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.865", long = "69.211", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nahr-e Kalan]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.398", long = "69.167", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chahar Asyab District|Chahar Asyab]]", link = "Chahar Asyab District", label_size = "00", position = "top" },		
		{ lat = "34.745", long = "69.046", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Guldara District|Guldara]]", link = "Guldara District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.746", long = "69.116", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mir Bacha Kot District|Mir Bacha Kot]]", link = "Mir Bacha Kot District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.780", long = "69.148", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kalakan District|Kalakan]]", link = "Kalakan District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.833", long = "69.100", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Istalif District|Istalif]]", link = "Istalif District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.789", long = "69.123", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Farza District|Farza]]", link = "Farza District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.491", long = "69.275", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bagrami District|Bagrami]]", link = "Bagrami District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.687", long = "69.043", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shakardara District|Shakardara]]", link = "Shakardara District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.708", long = "68.900", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Taliban presence in Shakardara District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.704", long = "68.981", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qala Yunus Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.588", long = "68.958", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Paghman District|Paghman]]", link = "Paghman District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.467", long = "68.921", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Arghanday]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.519", long = "68.875", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Paghman District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.375", long = "69.229", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mussahi]]", link = "Mussahi", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "34.352", long = "69.195", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Koz Meya Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Kandahar Province
		{ lat = "31.617", long = "65.717", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "20", label = "[[Kandahar#21st century|Kandahar]]", link = "Kandahar#21st century", label_size = "0", position = "bottom" },
            { lat = "31.637", long = "65.697", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "8", label = "[[Kandahar University]]", link = "Kandahar University", label_size = "0" },
           	{ lat = "31.661", long = "65.766", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mirbazar Prison]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.577", long = "65.632", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Suf Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.591", long = "65.646", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Zareh Shar Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.608", long = "65.657", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Chihilzine Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.642", long = "65.661", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Pir-e Paymal Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.655", long = "65.660", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Baba Sahib Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.664", long = "65.691", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Khaybari Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.676", long = "65.701", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Deh Kotal Murchah Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.664", long = "65.731", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Khan-e Tilah Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.682", long = "65.760", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kan Kala]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.520", long = "65.607", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Rayat]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.530", long = "65.606", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bilandai]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.530", long = "65.592", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zalah Khan]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.525", long = "65.609", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mashor]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.552", long = "65.639", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Walakan]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.529", long = "65.651", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Temuriyan]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.539", long = "65.640", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Rumbasi]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.538", long = "65.605", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bala Deh Suflah]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.585", long = "65.821", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shorandam]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
				{ lat = "31.559", long = "65.799", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Zakir Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "31.591", long = "65.837", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Deh Shorandam Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.507", long = "65.850", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Kandahar Intl Airport]]", link = "Kandahar International Airport", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.424", long = "65.564", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Machu]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.699", long = "65.830", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shukur Kelay]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.711", long = "65.884", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Hijran]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.619", long = "65.897", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Daman District, Afghanistan|Daman]]", link = "Daman District, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.996", long = "65.476", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khakrez District|Khakrez]]", link = "Khakrez District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.620", long = "65.053", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Maywand District|Maywand]]", link = "Maywand District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "31.719", long = "64.805", mark = "3x3dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence on Kandahar Highway", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.678", long = "64.900", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khak Chopan]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.688", long = "64.920", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Seh Tutak]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.977", long = "65.968", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shah Wali Kot District|Khadirzai]]", link = "Shah Wali Kot", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "31.850", long = "65.888", mark = "BSicon_STRl_grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Dhahla Dam]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.845", long = "65.887", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kim]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.875", long = "65.858", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khan Shorab]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.900", long = "65.898", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shah Joy]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "32.160", long = "66.042", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kariz, Kandahar|Kariz]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.013", long = "65.952", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Loy Karez]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "32.423", long = "66.374", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Miyanishin District|Miyanishin]]", link = "Miyanishin District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.576", long = "65.426", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Zhari District|Zhari]]", link = "Zhari District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.559", long = "65.329", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Howz e Madad]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.500", long = "65.210", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mandozai]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.506", long = "65.233", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mir Khayr Kala]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.521", long = "65.232", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shahi Karez]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.506", long = "65.233", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mir Khayr Kala]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.530", long = "65.205", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sher Ali Karez]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.518", long = "65.239", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Azim Jan Karez]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.514", long = "65.261", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mir Hotak]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.515", long = "65.270", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Naday]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.623", long = "65.528", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sanzarai]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.547", long = "65.454", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Panjwayi District|Panjwayi]]", link = "Panjwayi District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "31.557", long = "65.434", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pashmul]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.518", long = "65.452", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Haji Baydullah]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.534", long = "65.466", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Muhammad Akram]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.524", long = "65.498", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Alkozai]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.535", long = "65.526", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Muhajirin]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.537", long = "65.561", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chalghor]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.503", long = "65.562", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nakhune]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.521", long = "65.533", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Salawat]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.528", long = "65.572", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Fathullah]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.472", long = "65.578", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gurgan]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.471", long = "65.236", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Du Ab]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.466", long = "65.261", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mushan]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.463", long = "65.325", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Talukan]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "31.495", long = "65.483", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Khaybaray Ghar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.033", long = "65.133", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ghorak District|Ghorak]]", link = "Ghorak District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "31.316", long = "65.933", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Takhteh Pol, Afghanistan|Takhteh Pol]]", link = "Takhteh Pol, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "30.183", long = "66.100", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shorabak District|Shorabak]]", link = "Shorabak District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "29.730", long = "65.691", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Reg District (Kandahar)|Reg Alaqadari]]", link = "Reg District (Kandahar)", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.566", long = "66.500", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Arghistan District|Arghistan]]", link = "Arghistan District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.033", long = "66.383", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Spin Boldak District|Spin Boldak]]", link = "Spin Boldak District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		    { lat = "30.953", long = "66.438", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 se.svg", marksize = "20" },
			{ lat = "30.953", long = "66.438", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Wesh–Chaman border crossing|Wesh]]", link = "Wesh–Chaman border crossing", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "31.650", long = "67.183", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Maruf District|Maruf]]", link = "Maruf District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "31.362", long = "67.764", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ala Jirgah]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "31.654", long = "65.649", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Arghandab District, Kandahar#War in Afghanistan|Arghandab]]", link = "Arghandab District, Kandahar#War in Afghanistan", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.740", long = "65.567", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Taliban presence in Arghandab District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.615", long = "65.575", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bagh-e Pul]]", link = "", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.776", long = "65.740", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shatore]]", label_size = "0" },
                { lat = "31.776", long = "65.740", mark = "Map-arcNW-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Shatore]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.717", long = "65.676", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Babur]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.734", long = "65.687", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shuyin]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.756", long = "65.722", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jazah]]", label_size = "0" },
                { lat = "31.756", long = "65.722", mark = "Map-arcNW-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Jazah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.705", long = "65.645", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jilawur]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.647", long = "65.586", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nagahan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.649", long = "65.613", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kogak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.671", long = "65.638", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tabin-e Sufla]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.427", long = "65.641", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nesh District|Nesh]]", link = "Nesh District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },

		-- Kapisa Province
		{ lat = "35.021", long = "69.331", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mahmud-i-Raqi]]", link = "Mahmud-i-Raqi", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "34.852", long = "69.647", mark = "map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "11" },
		{ lat = "34.852", long = "69.647", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Tagab District, Kapisa#Security and Violence|Tagab]]", link = "Tagab District, Kapisa#Security and Violence", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
						{ lat = "34.785", long = "69.614", mark = "3x3dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Military presence in Tagab-Surobi road", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
						{ lat = "34.818", long = "69.648", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shair Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.807", long = "69.664", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nawrozkhel]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.807", long = "69.664", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Nawrozkhel]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.784", long = "69.669", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shaloti]]", label_size = "0" },
				        { lat = "34.760", long = "69.667", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Omar Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.760", long = "69.667", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Omar Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
				      	{ lat = "34.843", long = "69.675", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghayrat Khel]]", label_size = "0", },
						{ lat = "34.725", long = "69.672", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Anzeran]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.691", long = "69.716", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Anjiran]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.703", long = "69.688", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lowi Shanki]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.735", long = "69.660", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Moghulkhel]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.679", long = "69.702", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[China]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.688", long = "69.675", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gado China]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.977", long = "69.574", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nijrab]]", link = "Nijrab", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.025", long = "69.709", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pachagan Dara]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.109", long = "69.427", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Koh Band District|Koh Band]]", link = "Koh Band District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "34.895", long = "69.720", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Alasay District|Alasay]]", link = "Alasay District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.959", long = "69.618", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Afghanyah]]", link = "Afghanyah", label_size = "0" },
		{	 lat = "34.968", long = "69.655", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghayn e Pain]]", link = "Ghayn e Pain", label_size = "0" },
		-- Khost Province
                        { lat = "33.333", long = "69.917", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Khost]]", link = "Khost", label_size = "110", position = "top" },
                        		{ lat = "33.364", long = "69.957", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[FOB Salerno]]", link = "Forward Operating Base Salerno", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "33.460", long = "69.99", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sabari District|Sabari]]", link = "Sabari District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "33.451", long = "70.086", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Aliser]]", link = "Aliser", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "33.315", long = "69.703", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nadir Shah Kot District|Nader Shah Kot]]", link = "Nader Shah Kot", label_size = "0", position = "top"},
        { lat = "33.532", long = "70.021", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bak District|Bak]]", link = "Bak District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.287", long = "69.912", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gurbuz District|Gurbuz]]", link = "Gurbuz District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        { lat = "33.626", long = "70.134", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Zazi Maidan District|Zazi Maidan]]", link = "Zazi Maidan District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        { lat = "33.533", long = "69.733", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Musakhel District, Afghanistan|Musakhel]]", link = "Musakhel District, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "33.498", long = "69.763", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sour Kalay]]", label_size = "0" },
    	{ lat = "33.301", long = "69.561", mark = "3x3dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "Taliban presence in Kabul-Khost Highway", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.515", long = "69.678", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qalandar District|Qalandar]]", link = "Qalandar District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        { lat = "33.202", long = "69.516", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Spera District|Spera]]", link = "Spera District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		-- Kunar Province
		{ lat = "34.868", long = "71.130", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Asadabad, Afghanistan|Asadabad]]", link = "Asadabad, Afghanistan", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.790", long = "71.108", mark = "Map-arcWW-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Sirkanay District|Serkanay]]", link = "Serkanay", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.790", long = "71.108", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sirkanay District|Serkanay]]", link = "Serkanay", label_size = "0", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "34.744", long = "71.156", mark = "map-arcSE-green.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Nawa Pass]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.744", long = "71.156", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nawa Pass]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.746", long = "71.124", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nawa, village|Nawa]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.033", long = "71.358", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Asmar]]", link = "Asmar", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "34.992", long = "71.418", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dangam District|Dangam]]", link = "Dangam District", label_size = "0", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "35.210", long = "71.525", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nari District|Nari]]", link = "Nari District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
						{ lat = "35.259", long = "71.551", mark = "3x3dot-green.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Pakistani Military presence in Nari District]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.276", long = "71.521", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Barikot]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.294", long = "71.539", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dokalam]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.918", long = "71.23", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Marawara District|Marawara]]", link = "Marawara District", label_size = "0", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "34.877", long = "71.260", mark = "Map-peak-green.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Larkao Sar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.824", long = "71.245", mark = "Abm-green-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ghakai Pass]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.144", long = "71.391", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ghazi Abad District|Ghazi Abad]]", link = "Ghazi Abad", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "35.003", long = "70.916", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mano Gai]]", link = "Mano Gai", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.984", long = "70.901", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[FOB Blessing]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.972", long = "70.928", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Nangalam]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.647", long = "70.896", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khas Kunar District|Khas Kunar]]", link = "Khas Kunar District", label_size = "60", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.668", long = "70.954", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shamkar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.613", long = "70.76", mark = "Map-ctl3-red+grey+black.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nurgal District|Nurgal]]", link = "Nurgal District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.644", long = "70.738", mark = "Location dot black.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Mazar, Afghanistan|Mazar]]", link = "Mazar, Afghanistan", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.714", long = "70.763", mark = "Location dot black.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gaziabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.744", long = "70.728", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aret, Afghanistan|Aret]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.725", long = "70.693", mark = "Location dot black.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mamagul]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.750", long = "71.014", mark = "Map-ctl3-red+grey+black.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Narang District|Narang]]", link = "Narang Aw Badil District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "34.700", long = "70.910", mark = "Map-ctl3-red+grey+black.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chawkay District|Chawkay]]", link = "Chawkay District", label_size = "0", position = "left" },		
		{ lat = "34.975", long = "71.251", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shaigal Aw Shiltan District|Shinkorak (Shaigal)]]", link = "Shaigal Aw Shiltan District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.964", long = "71.288", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Shaigal Aw Shiltan District|Shultan (Shaigal)]]", link = "Shaigal Aw Shiltan District", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.927", long = "71.356", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Shaigal District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.959", long = "70.753", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chapa Dara District#History|Chapa Dara]]", link = "Chapa Dara District#History", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
                        { lat = "34.917", long = "70.774", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Wêrsêk]]", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.884", long = "70.744", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sulaiman Shah]]", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.911", long = "71.127", mark = "Map-ctl3-red+grey+black.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Watapur District|Watapur]]", link = "Watapur District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
                        { lat = "34.996", long = "71.103", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gambir, Afghanistan|Gambir]]", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.939", long = "70.984", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Barkanday]]", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.948", long = "70.949", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[COP Michigan]]", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.923", long = "70.949", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aw Mar]]", link = "Korangal Valley", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.910", long = "70.922", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Korangal Outpost]]", link = "Korangal Valley", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.880", long = "70.896", mark = "Location dot black.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Korangal Valley|Korangal]]", link = "Korangal Valley", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
                        { lat = "34.884", long = "70.946", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chechal]]", link = "Korangal Valley", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.880", long = "70.896", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Korangal]]", link = "Korangal Valley", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.869", long = "70.916", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Landigal]]", link = "Korangal Valley", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.875", long = "70.867", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Yakha China]]", link = "Korangal Valley", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.792", long = "70.802", mark = "Location dot black.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chalas]]", label_size = "0" },
		        -- Kunduz Province                
		{ lat = "36.730", long = "68.867", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "20", label = "[[Kunduz]]", link = "Kunduz", label_size = "150", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "36.797", long = "68.819", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Taluqa]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
            { lat = "36.717", long = "68.901", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chella Mazar]]", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "36.704", long = "68.867", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "5", label = "[[Seh Darak]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.773", long = "68.906", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Hazrat Sultan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.758", long = "68.918", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bota Kashan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.728", long = "68.938", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khwaja Ghaltan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.750", long = "68.940", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Quchi]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.752", long = "68.957", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Gul Tepa]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.731", long = "68.968", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kubai]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.704", long = "68.908", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Charkhaw]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "36.69", long = "68.859", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shora Khake Pain]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.07", long = "69.3", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Archi, Kunduz Province|Archi]]", link = "Archi, Kunduz Province", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "36.522", long = "68.899", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[['Aliabad]]", link = "'Aliabad", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "36.562", long = "68.887", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Arz Baigi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.549", long = "68.855", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sabz Ali]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.608", long = "68.893", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Madrasa]]", label_size = "0" },
	    	{ lat = "36.608", long = "68.893", mark = "Map-arcSW-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Madrasa]]", label_size = "0"  },
		{ lat = "36.996", long = "68.441", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Qalay-I-Zal District|Qalay-I-Zal]]", link = "Qalay-I-Zal", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "37.032", long = "68.442", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Khalkalol]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.041", long = "68.473", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Sakhsakol]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.981", long = "68.544", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Aq Tapa]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.966", long = "68.506", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tarbuz Guzar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.921", long = "68.550", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Zulmabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.932", long = "68.588", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chargul]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.664", long = "68.910", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kunduz Airport]]", link = "Kunduz", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.189", long = "68.936", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Imam Sahib]]", link = "Imam Sahib", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "37.171", long = "68.890", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dung Qishlaq]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.187", long = "68.886", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qanjughah Shar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.193", long = "68.859", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qanjughah Uzbekeya]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.157", long = "68.949", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarghaz]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.209", long = "68.919", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qurghan Tapa]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.179", long = "68.958", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dehqan Qishlaq]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "37.162", long = "68.846", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Ajghan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.152", long = "68.857", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kanam]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.123", long = "68.975", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kunjak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.174", long = "68.983", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ismail Qishlaq]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.149", long = "69.031", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gul Tepa]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.191", long = "68.611", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 se.svg", marksize = "20" },
		{ lat = "37.191", long = "68.611", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shir Khan Bandar]]", link = "Shir Khan Bandar", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "37.212", long = "68.777", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Hazrat Imam]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "36.681", long = "69.114", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Khan Abad]]", link = "Khan Abad", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "36.698", long = "69.050", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bu'in, Afghanistan|Bu'in]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.679", long = "69.054", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chahar Sari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.663", long = "68.985", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Milarghi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.680", long = "69.098", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mullah-ghullam]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.720", long = "68.996", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nowabad, Afghanistan|Nowabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.694", long = "69.025", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jangal Bashi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.681", long = "68.998", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Naykpa Sufla]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.684", long = "69.026", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Naykpa Ulya]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.688", long = "69.065", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gharuchi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.681", long = "69.098", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mullah Ghulam]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.705", long = "69.135", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Aqtash]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.705", long = "69.164", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kuhnah Qalah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.710", long = "69.105", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Janat Bagh]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.108", long = "69.185", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kalbad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.122", long = "69.158", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Gharaw]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.812", long = "68.700", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Gur Tepa]]", label_size = "0" },
                { lat = "36.701", long = "68.728", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Char Dara District|Char Dara]]", link = "Char Dara District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
                        { lat = "36.73", long = "68.667", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tajikan]]", label_size = "0" },

		-- Laghman Province
		{ lat = "34.650", long = "70.183", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Mihtarlam]]", link = "Mihtarlam", label_size = "110", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.650", long = "70.183", mark = "map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "22", label = "[[Mihtarlam]]", link = "Mihtarlam", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.644", long = "70.286", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Anar Bagh]]",  label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.611", long = "69.897", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Badpash District|Badpash]]", link = "Badpash District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "34.507", long = "70.213", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Qarghayi District|Qarghayi]]", link = "Qarghayi District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.505", long = "70.156", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khayro Khel]]",  label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.80", long = "70.093", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Alishing District|Alishing]]", link = "Alishing District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.80", long = "70.093", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "8", label = "[[Alishing District|Alishing]]", link = "Alishing District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "34.75109", long = "70.11446", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tarang, Afghanistan|Tarang]]",  link = "Tarang, Afghanistan", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.725", long = "70.128", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qalatak, Afghanistan|Qalatak]]",  label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.834", long = "70.360", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Alingar District|Shahi (Alingar)]]", link = "Alingar District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "34.863", long = "70.457", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nurah Lam]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.741", long = "70.285", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Baydabad]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.952", long = "70.07", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dawlat Shah District|Dawlat Shah]]", link = "Dawlat Shah District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.963", long = "70.042", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chandal, Afghanistan|Chandal]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Logar Province
		{ lat = "34.008", long = "69.013", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Pul-i-Alam]]", link = "Pul-i-Alam", label_size = "90", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "34.008", long = "69.013", mark = "map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Pul-i-Alam]]", link = "Pul-i-Alam", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.031", long = "69.023", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shash Qala]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.084", long = "69.007", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Babus]]", link = "Babus", label_size = "0", },
			{ lat = "34.063", long = "68.993", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Alozi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.962", long = "69.003", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Deh Dushanbe]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.042", long = "69.047", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Matani, Afghanistan|Matani]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.965", long = "69.075", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pad Khwab-e Shanah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.930", long = "69.077", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "12", label = "[[Forward Operating Base Shank|FOB Shank/Camp Dahlke/Camp Maiwand]]", link = "Forward Operating Base Shank", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.091", long = "69.092", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dado Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.090", long = "69.050", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mahajeren]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.068", long = "69.064", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Hesarak, Afghanistan|Hesarak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.078", long = "68.979", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Babos]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.038", long = "69.021", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Kulangar]]", link = "Kulangar", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.214", long = "69.100", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mohammad Agha District|Mohammad Agha]]", link = "Mohammad Agha District", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
        { lat = "34.214", long = "69.100", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Mohammad Agha District|Mohammad Agha]]", link = "Mohammad Agha District", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.175", long = "69.031", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "10", label = "[[333rd Special Forces Unit Base]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.285", long = "69.138", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Ahmadzi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.155", long = "69.060", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Moghulkhel]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.241", long = "69.115", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bini Sher Afghan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.138", long = "69.206", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Surkh Ab]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.227", long = "69.226", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ab Paran Payen]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.208", long = "69.248", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ab Paran Bala]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.154", long = "69.080", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lashkari Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.233", long = "69.127", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kutub Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.000", long = "69.218", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khoshi District|Khoshi]]", link = "Khoshi", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
	    { lat = "34.000", long = "69.218", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Khoshi District|Khoshi]]", link = "Khoshi", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.003", long = "69.192", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bala Deh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.993", long = "69.117", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Payan Deh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.975", long = "69.323", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kandaw]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.034", long = "69.214", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sultan Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.053", long = "69.224", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Fateh Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.173", long = "69.646", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Azra District|Azra]]", link = "Azra District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.178", long = "69.664", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Abar Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.178", long = "69.693", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shahidan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.159", long = "69.623", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kachwal]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.162", long = "69.587", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Osman Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.212", long = "69.658", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jalak Sar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.195", long = "69.768", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Naghlak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.152", long = "69.723", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Mohammad Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.121", long = "69.738", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dadi Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.091", long = "69.643", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Wach Lagar Khola]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.143", long = "69.544", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aladin, Afghanistan|Aladin]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.120", long = "69.499", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pokha Lara]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.042", long = "69.445", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Albi Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.991", long = "69.461", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Godar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.966", long = "68.945", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Baraki Barak District|Baraki Barak]]", link = "Baraki Barak", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "33.972", long = "68.986", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Deh Moghlan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.890", long = "68.945", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shah Mazar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.902", long = "68.936", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ebad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.921", long = "68.967", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shaik Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.946", long = "68.964", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Patkhab]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.937", long = "68.918", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Baraki Rajan]]", link = "Baraki Rajan", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.915", long = "68.887", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Pandi, Afghanistan|Pandi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.946", long = "68.867", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Cheltan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.981", long = "68.867", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ibrahim Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.911", long = "68.792", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Sajawand]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.884", long = "68.842", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Zorsang]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.921", long = "68.842", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Delawar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.940", long = "68.817", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Topak]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.796", long = "68.935", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Charkh District|Charkh]]", link = "Charkh District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
				{ lat = "33.857", long = "68.955", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dabar Pain]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.839", long = "68.978", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dabar Bala]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.832", long = "68.932", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qala Sar Mahlem]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.815", long = "68.899", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Karoti]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.765", long = "68.941", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jawderakht]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.789", long = "68.954", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pangaram Payen]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.779", long = "68.855", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Adowr Bebe Shalgar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.861", long = "68.831", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Katasang]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.851", long = "68.872", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Abjosh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.801", long = "69.093", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Altamur]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.672", long = "68.989", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kharwar District|Khwajah Angur (Kharwar)]]", link = "Kharwar District", label_size = "0", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "33.740", long = "68.884", mark = "BSicon_STRl_grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kharwar Dam]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.725", long = "68.864", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chala Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.711", long = "68.892", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mochi Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.708", long = "68.854", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gadal Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.695", long = "68.841", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Karaiz Gul Mohammad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.681", long = "68.853", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Baigom]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.675", long = "68.882", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Musa Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.685", long = "68.910", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bahador Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Nangarhar Province
		{ lat = "34.430", long = "70.449", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Jalalabad#History|Jalalabad]]", link = "Jalalabad#History", label_size = "110", position = "top" },
						{ lat = "34.428", long = "70.465", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jalalabad Prison]]", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.399", long = "70.498", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Jalalabad Airport]]", link = "Jalalabad Airport", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.558", long = "70.603", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kuz Kunar District|Kuz Kunar]]", link = "Kuz Kunar", label_size = "00", position = "top" },
        { lat = "34.703", long = "70.602", mark = "80x80-grey-black-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Darai Nur]]", link = "Darai Nur", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.247", long = "69.998", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "5", label = "[[Sherzad District|Sherzad]]", link = "Sherzad District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.234", long = "69.977", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Kali Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.280", long = "69.981", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Kok Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.265", long = "69.979", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Patangzai]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.243", long = "69.959", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Dobandi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.252", long = "69.943", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "3", label = "[[Sar Kot]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.268", long = "69.956", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khadah Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.271", long = "69.936", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Peshdare]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.275", long = "69.907", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Pitlah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.263", long = "70.057", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nukur Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.275", long = "70.048", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Akram Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.285", long = "70.043", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Hashim Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.286", long = "70.035", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Gandamak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.286", long = "70.035", mark = "Map-arcSW-red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Gandamak]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "34.126", long = "70.712", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "9", label = "[[Achin District|Sra Kala (Achin)]]", link = "Achin District", label_size = "85", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.077", long = "70.637", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Asad Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.088", long = "70.662", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shedal Bazar]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "34.465", long = "70.472", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bihsud District|Bihsud]]", link = "Bihsud District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "34.556", long = "70.470", mark = "4x4dot-black.svg", marksize = "15", label = "ISKP presence in Behsud District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.461", long = "70.416", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bahrabad, Afghanistan|Bahrabad]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "34.474", long = "70.371", mark = "BSicon_STRr_red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Daronta Dam]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.120", long = "70.279", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Pachir Aw Agam District|Pachir Aw Agam]]", link = "Pachir Aw Agam District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.367", long = "70.769", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Goshta District|Gostha]]", link = "Goshta District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.495", long = "70.941", mark = "3x3dot-green.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Pakistani Military presence in Goshta District]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
	        { lat = "34.199", long = "70.162", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Wazir Tangi]]", label_size = "0" },
	        { lat = "34.177", long = "70.014", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Merke Khelo Tangay]]", label_size = "0" },
                { lat = "34.303", long = "69.907", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sprai area]]", link = "Sprai area", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.260", long = "70.566", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Rodat]]", link = "Rodat", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.195", long = "70.639", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Kot District|Kot]]", link = "Kot District", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "34.244", long = "70.729", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Bati Kot District|Bati Kot]]", link = "Bati Kot District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.117", long = "70.220", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "10", label = "[[Tora Bora#Military base|Tora Bora]]", link = "Tora Bora#Military base", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "34.276", long = "70.361", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Chaparhar District|Chaparhar]]", link = "Chaparhar District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
        { lat = "34.323", long = "70.368", mark = "4x4dot-black.svg", marksize = "12", label = "ISKP cells in Chaparhar District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
                        { lat = "34.248", long = "70.314", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Manu, Afghanistan|Manu]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.090", long = "70.468", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Haska Meyna|Haska Meyna (Dih Bala)]]", link = "Haska Meyna", label_size = "0", position = "bottom"},
			{ lat = "34.118", long = "70.472", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Haska Meyna Army Base]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.104", long = "70.406", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Gargari, Afghanistan|Gargari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.061", long = "70.454", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Oghz, Afghanistan|Oghz]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.199", long = "70.833", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "14", label = "[[Shinwar]]", link = "Shinwar", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.254", long = "70.865", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Momand Dara District|Momand Dara]]", link = "Momand Dara District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.235", long = "70.912", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Hazar Now]]", link = "Hazar Now", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.236", long = "70.936", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ghazgai]]", link = "Ghazgai", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.231", long = "70.972", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Gardo Gose]]", link = "Gardo Gose", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.126", long = "70.808", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nazyan District|Nazyan]]", link = "Nazyan District", label_size = "0" },
                        { lat = "34.216", long = "70.681", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bandar, Afghanistan|Bandar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.237", long = "71.0455", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Lal Pur]]", link = "Lal Pur", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.125", long = "71.088", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 se.svg", marksize = "20" },
		{ lat = "34.125", long = "71.088", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Torkham]]", link = "Torkham", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
						{ lat = "34.170", long = "71.065", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[FOB Torkham]]", link = "Forward Operating Base Torkham", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.140", long = "71.041", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ghorki]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "34.070", long = "71.053", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Jaish-e-Mohammad presence]]", link = "Jaish-e-Mohammed", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.294", long = "69.817", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Hesarak District|Hesarak]]", link = "Hesarak District", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "34.418", long = "70.323", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Surkh-Rōd District|Surkh-Rōd]]", link = "Surkh-Rōd District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
            { lat = "34.389", long = "70.117", mark = "4x4dot-black.svg", marksize = "12", label = "ISKP cells in Surkh Rod District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.387", long = "70.253", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khayrabad]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.357", long = "70.239", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Fatehabad]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.255", long = "70.191", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Khogyani District|Khogyani]]", link = "Khogyani District", label_size = "0" },

		-- Nimruz Province
		{ lat = "30.960", long = "61.860", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Zaranj]]", link = "Zaranj", label_size = "90", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "31.174", long = "62.064",mark="Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chakhansur District|Chakhansur]]", link = "Chakhansur District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.107", long = "61.882", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kang District|Kang]]", link = "Kang District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "30.280", long = "62.054", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chahar Burjak District|Chahar Burjak]]", link = "Chahar Burjak", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		    { lat = "30.310", long = "61.910", mark = "BSicon_STRr_red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kamal Khan Dam]]", link = "Kamal Khan Dam", label_size = "0" },
            { lat = "30.197", long = "62.286", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Chahar Burjak District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.529", long = "62.791", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khash Rod District|Khash Rod]]", link = "Khash Rod", label_size = "80", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "31.781", long = "63.023", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Minar]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "31.447", long = "62.632", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ghurghuri]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.162", long = "63.424", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Delaram]]", link = "Delaram", label_size = "80", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "31.973", long = "63.135", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dehmazong]]", label_size = "0" },

		-- Nuristan Province
		{ lat = "35.417", long = "70.917", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Parun]]", link = "Parun", label_size = "100", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "35.213", long = "70.373", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Du Ab District|Du Ab]]", link = "Du Ab District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.4", long = "70.25", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mandol District|Mandol]]", link = "Mandol District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.167", long = "70.158", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Anish]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.673", long = "71.343", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Barg-i Matal District|Barg-i Matal]]", link = "Barg-i Matal District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.410", long = "71.339", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kamdesh District|Kamdesh]]", link = "Kamdesh District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.018", long = "70.404", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nurgaram District|Nurgaram]]", link = "Nurgaram District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.183", long = "70.8", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Wama District|Wama]]", link = "Wama District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.136", long = "70.849", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Wama Mountains", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        -- Paktikia Province
        { lat = "33.130", long = "68.780", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Sharana, Afghanistan|Sharana]]", link = "Sharana, Afghanistan", label_size = "80", position = "bottom" },
        { lat = "32.520", long = "69.270", mark = "Mountain pass 12x12 se.svg", marksize = "20" },
		{ lat = "32.52", long = "69.27", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Angur Ada]]", link = "Angur Ada", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "32.696", long = "69.273", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Barmal District|Barmal]]", link = "Barmal District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "32.789", long = "69.341", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Marghah]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "32.639", long = "69.350", mark = "3x3dot-green.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Pakistani Military presence in Barmal District]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.335", long = "68.904", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Folad Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.391", long = "68.890", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "Taliban presence in Mata Khan District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.107", long = "68.977", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sar Hawza District|Sar Hawza]]", link = "Sar Hawza District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.180", long = "68.107", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Waza Khwa District|Waza Khwa]]", link = "Waza Khwa District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "31.791", long = "68.397", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Terwa District]]", link = "Terwa District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.594", long = "68.037", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dila District, Afghanistan|Dila]]", link = "Dila District, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "32.936", long = "68.646", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Yahyakhel District|Yahyakhel]]", link = "Yahyakhel", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "32.9", long = "68.796", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Omna District|Omna]]", link = "Omna", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.047", long = "68.654", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Yosuf Khel District|Yosuf Khel]]", link = "Yosuf Khel", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "32.763", long = "68.394", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Janikhel District (Paktika)|Janikhel]]", link = "Janikhel District (Paktika)", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "32.685954", long = "68.239131", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "Khoshamand", link = "Khoshamand", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },

		{ lat = "32.494", long = "68.839", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gomal District|Gomal]]", link = "Gomal District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "32.526", long = "69.265", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shkin]]", link = "Shkin", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "32.796", long = "69.097", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Surobi District (Paktika)|Surobi]]", link = "Surobi District (Paktika)", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.055", long = "68.811", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Wor Mamay District|Wor Mamay]]", link = "Wor Mamay District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.943", long = "69.180", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Urgun]]", link = "Urgun", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "33.012", long = "69.177", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sheikano]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "32.925", long = "69.257", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Pir Kot]]", label_size = "0"},
		{ lat = "33.159", long = "69.319", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ziruk]]", link = "Ziruk", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.181", long = "69.258", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Nika District|Nika]]", link = "Nika District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.980", long = "69.457", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gayan District|Gayan]]", link = "Gayan District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "32.847", long = "68.455", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khairkot District|Zarghun Shar]]", link = "Khairkot District", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		-- Paktia Province
		{ lat = "33.600", long = "69.217", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Gardez]]", link = "Gardez", label_size = "100", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.600", long = "69.217", mark = "map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Gardez]]", link = "Gardez", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.584", long = "69.151", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chowni]]", link = "Gardez District", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.566", long = "69.180", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ibrahimkhel]]", link = "Gardez District", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "33.655", long = "69.778", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Janikhel District (Paktia)|Janikhel]]", link = "Janikhel", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
        { lat = "33.696", long = "69.378", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sayid Karam District |Sayid Karam]]", link = "Sayid Karam District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "33.817", long = "69.547", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kalkin Khola]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.756", long = "69.499", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Azad Khor]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "33.664", long = "69.470", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Khano Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "33.653", long = "69.304", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ahmad Aba District#History|Ahmadabad]]", link = "Ahmad Aba District#History", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "33.768", long = "69.376", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Michalgo]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "33.433", long = "69.377", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shwak District |Shwak]]", link = "Shwak District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "33.469", long = "69.365", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sate Kandow]]", label_size = "0" },
       			{ lat = "33.469", long = "69.365", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Sate Kandow]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "33.820", long = "69.940", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dand Aw Patan District |Dand Aw Patan]]", link = "Dand Aw Patan District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "33.732", long = "69.977", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+blue.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Nari, Afghanistan|Nari]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "33.802", long = "69.833", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tsamkani District|Tsamkani]]", link = "Tsamkani District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.772", long = "69.490", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mirzaka_District|Mirzaka]]", link = "Mirzaka_District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "33.966", long = "69.806", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jaji District |Jaji]]", link = "Zazi District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "33.858", long = "69.667", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kuz Aryoub]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.436", long = "69.03", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Zurmat]]", link = "Zurmat", label_size = "80", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.434", long = "69.0415", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Firebase Zurmat]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.548", long = "69.074", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sahak, Afghanistan|Sahak]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.480", long = "69.117", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mamozai]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.359", long = "69.140", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sorkai]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.452", long = "68.879", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kulalgo]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.473", long = "68.971", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dawlatzai]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.529", long = "69.024", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Haybatkhel]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.474", long = "69.064", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mouqareb Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.477", long = "68.944", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Makawa]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.468", long = "68.924", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Koti Khel]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Panjshir Province
		{ lat = "35.317", long = "69.550", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Bazarak]]", link = "Bazarak", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.284", long = "69.658", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Darah District|Darah]]", link = "Darah District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.275", long = "69.880", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shahr Ghulghola]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.268", long = "69.964", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Taliban presence in Darah District]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.205", long = "69.299", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shotul District|Shotul]]", link = "Shotul District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.226", long = "69.374", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Anaba District|Anaba]]", link = "Anaba District", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.226", long = "69.355", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Darband Faraj]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.250", long = "69.437", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Rokha District|Rokha]]", link = "Rokha District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.424", long = "69.726", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khenj District|Khenj]]", link = "Khenj District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.619", long = "69.998", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Paryan District|Paryan]]", link = "Paryan District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.526", long = "69.949", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aryu]]", label_size = "0" },
		-- Parwan Province
		{ lat = "35.013", long = "69.169", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Charikar]]", link = "Charikar", label_size = "100", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "34.934", long = "69.234", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Bagram]]", link = "Bagram", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.950", long = "69.260", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Bagram Airbase]]", link = "Bragram", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.860", long = "69.384", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kohi Safi District|Kohi Safi]]", link = "Kohi Safi District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "34.707", long = "69.526", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Barmandi Kol]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.789", long = "69.497", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Baba Ghamgen]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.118", long = "69.238", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jabal Saraj District|Jabal Saraj]]", link = "Jabal Saraj District", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "35.295", long = "69.064", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Salang District|Salang]]", link = "Salang District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "35.0", long = "68.85", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ghorband District|Ghorband]]", link = "Ghorband District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "35.047", long = "68.921", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "Taliban presence in Namak Aw", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.063", long = "69.256", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sayed Khel District|Sayed Khel]]", link = "Sayed Khel District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.946", long = "68.518", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shekh Ali District|Shekh Ali]]", link = "Shekh Ali", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.929", long = "68.646", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Surkhi Parsa District|Lolinj]]", link = "Surkhi Parsa District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.925", long = "68.904", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shinwari District|Shinwari]]", link = "Shinwari District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		-- Samangan Province
		{ lat = "36.265", long = "68.017", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Samangan]]", link = "Samagan", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "36.262", long = "67.726", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tikhonak]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "36.147", long = "68.402", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Robatak, Afghanistan|Robatak]]", link = "Robatak, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
						{ lat = "36.211", long = "68.161", mark = "3x3dot-red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Military presence in Samangan-Puli Khumri Highway]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.934", long = "67.180", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dara-I-Suf District|Dara-I-Suf]]", link = "Dara-I-Suf District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.519", long = "67.687", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Feroz Nakhchir District|Feroz Nakhchir]]", link = "Feroz Nakhchir District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.995", long = "68.051", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khuram Wa Sarbagh District|Khuram Wa Sarbagh]]", link = "Khuram Wa Sarbagh District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "36.451", long = "67.895", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Hazrati Sultan District|Hazrati Sultan]]", link = "Hazrati Sultan District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.559", long = "67.825", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ruyi Du Ab District|Ruyi Du Ab]]", link = "Ruyi Du Ab District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
				{ lat = "35.559", long = "67.825", mark = "Map-arcEE-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Ruyi Du Ab District|Ruyi Du Ab]]", link = "Ruyi Du Ab District", label_size = "0" },
		-- Sar-e Pol Province
		{ lat = "36.215", long = "65.933", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Sar-e Pol city|Sar-e Pol]]", link = "Sar-e Pol city", label_size = "100", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "36.147", long = "66.023", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qashqari, Afghanistan|Qashqari]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.181", long = "66.069", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mughul]]", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "36.181", long = "66.069", mark = "Map-arcEE-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Mughul]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.168", long = "66.093", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Bughawi]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.164", long = "66.075", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "7", label = "[[Maidanak Base]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.100", long = "66.207", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Sozma Qala]]", link = "Sozma Qala", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "36.117", long = "66.208", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sang e-Todah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.917", long = "66.189", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kota Qala]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.114", long = "66.127", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lataband]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.041", long = "66.334", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Do Aba]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.766", long = "65.764", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kohistanat District|Kohistanat]]", link = "Kohistanat District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "36.133", long = "65.829", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Sayyad District|Sayyad]]", link = "Sayyad", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "36.165", long = "65.853", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kotarma]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.190", long = "65.859", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Angashkah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.104", long = "65.905", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Talbalaq]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.062", long = "65.834", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Quflaton]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.076", long = "65.835", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qul Qani]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.102", long = "65.707", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dara Band]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.169", long = "65.747", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Bazar Kami]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.974", long = "65.800", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mirza Olang]]", link = "Mirza Olang", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "36.026", long = "65.832", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dara Mirza Olang]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.955", long = "66.428", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Tukzar]]", link = "Tukzar", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "35.777", long = "66.288", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dahmorda]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.960", long = "66.370", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Taghaye]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.914", long = "66.354", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gowjba]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.898", long = "66.351", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tup Khaneh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.877", long = "66.344", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kololapusta]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.867", long = "66.337", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mesjede Sabz]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.849", long = "66.325", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Dahane Darrah]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.507", long = "66.508", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Balkhab District|Balkhab]]", link = "Balkhab", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "35.527", long = "66.584", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Owsh]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.525", long = "66.534", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Jare Akhzara]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.504", long = "66.617", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Parawsan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.595", long = "66.479", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Qom Qotal Pass]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.604", long = "66.516", mark = "Map-peak-red.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Kohe Berenjaw]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.686", long = "66.955", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shaige]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.652", long = "66.920", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tagab Takht]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.609", long = "66.854", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Tal Asheqan]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "35.655", long = "66.853", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Geech, Afghanistan|Geech]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "35.94", long = "66.517", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Gosfandi District|Gosfandi]]", link = "Gosfandi District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		-- Takhar Province
		{ lat = "36.717", long = "69.517", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Taloqan]]", link = "Taloqan", label_size = "110", position = "bottom" },
                { lat = "36.717", long = "69.517", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "22", label = "[[Taloqan]]", link = "Taloqan", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "36.779", long = "69.450", mark = "80x80-red-grey-anim.gif", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qarah Parchow]]", label_size = "0", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "36.712", long = "69.416", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qol Bars]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.762", long = "69.378", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Badaleh]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.765", long = "69.403", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aynah Beg Bay]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.717", long = "69.417", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Aq Masjid]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.716", long = "69.457", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chashmeh-ye Sher (Takhar)]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.825", long = "69.660", mark = "Map-arcNN-grey.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Qaratash]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "36.825", long = "69.660", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Qaratash]]", label_size = "0"},
						{ lat = "36.777", long = "69.518", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Baghak, Takhar|Baghak]]", label_size = "0"},
						{ lat = "36.770", long = "69.552", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Taloqan Airport]]", label_size = "0" },
						{ lat = "36.689", long = "65.929", mark = "Gota01.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Yatim Taq Gas Field]]", label_size = "0"},	
		{ lat = "37.396", long = "69.811", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chah Ab District|Chah Ab]]", link = "Chah Ab District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.926", long = "69.570", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Hazar Sumuch District|Hazar Sumuch]]", link = "Hazar Sumuch District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.133", long = "69.833", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Rustaq District, Afghanistan|Rostaq]]", link = "Rustaq District, Afghanistan", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
			{ lat = "37.100", long = "69.323", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Men Chuqur]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.066", long = "69.432", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khwaja Ghar District|Khwaja Ghar]]", link = "Khwaja Ghar District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom"},
		{ lat = "37.38", long = "69.45", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Darqad District|Darqad]]", link = "Darqad District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.466", long = "69.620", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Yangi Qala District|Yengi Qala]]", link = "Yangi Qala District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
			{ lat = "37.437", long = "69.574", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Kalfgani]]", label_size = "0", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "37.343", long = "69.533", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Khwaja Bahawodin District|Khwaja Bahawodin]]", link = "Khwaja Baha Wuddin District", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "37.386", long = "69.596", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Qishlaq]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.365", long = "69.560", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Lala Gozar]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "37.143", long = "69.452", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Dashti Qala District|Dashti Qala]]", link = "Dashti Qala District", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
			{ lat = "37.162", long = "69.415", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Ai Khanum]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "37.165", long = "69.502", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Naw Abad]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.385", long = "69.32", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Ishkamish District|Ishkamish]]", link = "Ishkamish", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.527", long = "69.534", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chal]]", link = "Chal District", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
		{ lat = "36.726", long = "69.3", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Bangi District#History|Bangi]]", link = "Bangi District#History", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
			{ lat = "36.714", long = "69.251", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Saqab]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.620", long = "69.756", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Namak Ab District|Namak Ab]]", link = "Namak Ab District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
			{ lat = "36.611", long = "69.728", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tutak, Afghanistan|Tutak]]", label_size = "0"},
			{ lat = "36.630", long = "69.793", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chaman Khosdeh]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.808", long = "69.398", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Baharak District, Takhar|Baharak]]", link = "Baharak District, Takhar", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.580", long = "69.858", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Farkhar District|Farkhar]]", link = "Farkhar District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
			{ lat = "36.575", long = "69.767", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Nahr Ab]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "36.201", long = "70.007", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Warsaj District|Warsaj]]", link = "Warsaj District", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "36.772", long = "69.949", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kalafgan District|Kalafgan]]", link = "Kalafgan District", label_size = "70", position = "left"},
        -- Uruzgan Province      
		{ lat = "32.627", long = "65.873", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Tarinkot]]", link = "Tarinkot", label_size = "100", position = "top" },
                        { lat = "32.627", long = "65.873", mark = "map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Tarinkot]]", link = "Tarinkot", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.655", long = "65.905", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shah Mansur]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.620", long = "65.825", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Talani]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.639", long = "65.941", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Naychin]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.604", long = "65.866", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "7", label = "[[Camp Russell / Camp Holland ANDSF base]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.733", long = "66.278", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Chinartu]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.626", long = "65.470", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Deh Rahwod District|Deh Rahwod]]", link = "Deh Rahwod District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        	{ lat = "32.621", long = "65.442", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lundiyanah]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.637", long = "65.451", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tor Nasir]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.479", long = "65.498", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Morchay]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.494", long = "65.484", mark = "Map-peak-grey.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Zar Tale]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.636", long = "65.500", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lublan]]", label_size = "0" },
        	{ lat = "32.732", long = "65.475", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chitu]]", label_size = "0" },
            	{ lat = "32.630", long = "65.499", mark = "Abm-grey-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[Military base]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.952", long = "65.625", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shahidi Hassas District|Shahidi Hassas (Charchino)]]", link = "Shahidi Hassas", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
        { lat = "33.000", long = "66.690", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "8", label = "[[Khas Uruzgan District|Khas Uruzgan]]", link = "Khas Urozgan District", label_size = "70" },
		{ lat = "32.852", long = "66.027", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chora, Afghanistan#History|Chora]]", link = "Chora, Afghanistan#History", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		-- Wardak Province
		{ lat = "34.389", long = "68.860", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Maidan Shar]]", link = "Maidan Shar", label_size = "90", position = "left" },
       		{ lat = "34.389", long = "68.860", mark = "map-arcSS-grey.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Maidan Shar]]", link = "Maidan Shar", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.471", long = "68.629", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jalrez District|Jalrez]]", link = "Jalrez District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
				{ lat = "34.588", long = "68.752", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Sanglakh", link = "Sanglakh", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
				{ lat = "34.431", long = "68.483", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Siyahkhak", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
				{ lat = "34.435", long = "68.520", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Sarchashma", link = "Sarchashma", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
				{ lat = "34.464", long = "68.712", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Zaiwalat", link = "Zaiwalat", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
				{ lat = "34.450", long = "68.562", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "Takana", link = "Takana", label_size = "0", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "34.118", long = "68.588", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Chak District|Chak]]", link = "Chak District", label_size = "80", position = "left" },

		{ lat = "34.359", long = "68.792", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Nirkh District#Security and Politics|Kan Ezat (Nirkh)]]", link = "Nirkh District#Security and Politics", label_size = "0", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.243", long = "68.787", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Badam Kelay]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.300", long = "68.800", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Nirkh and Maidan Shar Districts", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.312", long = "68.869", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shohabudin]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.289", long = "68.846", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Durani]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "33.988", long = "68.714", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Saydabad]]", link = "Saydabad", label_size = "80", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "34.040", long = "68.749", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Tangi Dara]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.916", long = "68.651", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Miran Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.924", long = "68.671", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Mali Khail]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.846", long = "68.609", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Haft Asyab]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "33.767", long = "68.537", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shash Gaw]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.162", long = "68.790", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Top]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "34.087", long = "68.756", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shaykhabad]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "34.216", long = "68.295", mark = "80x80-grey-blue-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Day Mirdad District|Miran]]", link = "Day Mirdad District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
			{ lat = "34.338", long = "68.399", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Day Mirdad District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
			{ lat = "34.170", long = "68.354", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Day Mirdad District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "34.308", long = "68.163", mark = "80x80-grey-blue-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Border clashes in Day Mirdad]]", link = "Day Mirdad District", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "34.509", long = "68.261", mark = "Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Hesa Awal Behsood District|Hesa Awal Behsood]]", link = "Hesa Awal Behsood District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "34.343", long = "67.905", mark = "80x80-red-blue-anim.gif", marksize = "6", label = "[[Markazi Bihsud District|Behsud]]", link = "Markazi Bihsud District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.350", long = "67.990", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Dasht-e-Gola]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.505", long = "67.981", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Murghu]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.528", long = "68.009", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Sar Qol]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        	{ lat = "34.492", long = "68.028", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Siyah Butah]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.823", long = "68.402", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Jaghatu District (Wardak)|Jaghatu]]", link = "Jaghatu District (Wardak)", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		-- Zabul Province
		{ lat = "32.106", long = "66.907", mark = "Location dot red.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Qalat, Zabul#American reconstruction efforts|Qalat]]", link = "Qalat, Zabul#American reconstruction efforts", label_size = "100", position = "bottom" },
				{ lat = "32.106", long = "66.907", mark = "Map-circle-grey.svg", marksize = "16" },
			{ lat = "32.129", long = "66.928", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "6", label = "[[FOB Lagman]]", link = "Forward Operating Base Lagman", label_size = "0" },
				{ lat = "32.129", long = "66.928", mark = "Map-arcEE-grey.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[FOB Lagman]]", link = "Forward Operating Base Lagman", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.119", long = "66.890", mark = "Abm-red-icon.png", marksize = "10", label = "[[ANA Base near Qalat]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.136", long = "66.900", mark = "Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Qalat Aistrip]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.187", long = "67.021", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Spin Ghbargah]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.1881", long = "67.0585", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Khvazi]]", label_size = "0" },
		{ lat = "32.862", long = "67.096", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Kakar]]", link = "Kakar", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "32.555", long = "67.037", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Arghandab District, Zabul#History|Arghandab]]", link = "Arghandab District, Zabul#History", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
			{ lat = "32.407", long = "66.805", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Deh Afghanan]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "32.497", long = "67.394", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shahjoy District|Shahjoy]]", link = "Shahjoy District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
			{ lat = "32.606", long = "67.444", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Lilizay]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.599", long = "67.492", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "3", label = "[[Hassan Kariz]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.621", long = "67.419", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Rabat]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.593", long = "67.412", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Chinah]]", label_size = "0" },
			{ lat = "32.667", long = "67.482", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "18", label = "Taliban presence in Shahjoy District", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
        { lat = "31.801", long = "66.323", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Tarnak Aw Jaldak District|Tarnak Aw Jaldak]]", link = "Tarnak Aw Jaldak District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
   			{ lat = "31.788", long = "66.264", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Shahr-e Safa]]", label_size = "0" },
   			{ lat = "31.813", long = "66.337", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "4", label = "[[Gul Mohammad]]", label_size = "0" },
        { lat = "32.215", long = "67.644", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Naw Bahar District|Naw Bahar]]", link = "Naw Bahar District", label_size = "70", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "32.153", long = "66.690", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Mizan]]", link = "Mizan District", label_size = "80", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.630", long = "66.777", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Daychopan District|Daychopan]]", link = "Daychopan District", label_size = "80", position = "top" },
        { lat = "31.908", long = "67.646", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Shamulzayi District|Shamulzayi]]", link = "Shamulzayi District", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
        { lat = "31.983", long = "67.335", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Shinkay District|Shinkay]]", link = "Shinkay", label_size = "80", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.738", long = "67.360", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "5", label = "[[Atghar District|Atghar]]", link = "Atghar District", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },

        -- Pakistan
        { lat = "33.716667", long = "73.066667", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "30", label = "[[Islamabad]]", link = "Islamabad", label_size = "180", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.6", long = "73.033333", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "36", label = "[[Rawalpindi]]", link = "Rawalpindi", label_size = "200", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "32.15", long = "74.183333", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "32", label = "[[Gujranwala]]", link = "Gujranwala", label_size = "180", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "31.429167", long = "73.078889", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "40", label = "[[Faisalabad]]", link = "Faisalabad", label_size = "220", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "31.549722", long = "74.343611", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "48", label = "[[Lahore]]", link = "Lahore", label_size = "250", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.016667", long = "71.583333", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "35", label = "[[Peshawar]]", link = "Peshawar", label_size = "200", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "30.197778", long = "71.469722", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "33", label = "[[Multan]]", link = "Multan", label_size = "200", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "29.395556", long = "71.683611", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "30", label = "[[Bahawalpur]]", link = "Bahawalpur", label_size = "180", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "30.183333", long = "67", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "27", label = "[[Quetta]]", link = "Quetta", label_size = "150", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "30.223333", long = "67.577222", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Khost, Pakistan|Khost]]", link = "Khost, Pakistan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "29.55", long = "67.883333", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Sibi]]", link = "Sibi", label_size = "70", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "31.35", long = "69.45", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "9", label = "[[Zhob]]", link = "Zhob", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.921944", long = "74.289167", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "22", label = "[[Gilgit]]", link = "Gilgit", label_size = "125", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.35", long = "73.466667", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "12", label = "[[Muzaffarabad]]", link = "Muzaffarabad", label_size = "100", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.25", long = "72.25", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "19", label = "[[Mardan]]", link = "Mardan", label_size = "110", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "34.155833", long = "73.219444", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Abbottabad]]", link = "Abbottabad", label_size = "100", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.846111", long = "71.785833", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Chitral]]", link = "Chitral", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "35.206667", long = "71.876667", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Dir, Pakistan|Dir]]", link = "Dir, Pakistan", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.827778", long = "71.841667", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Timergara]]", link = "Timergara", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.783333", long = "72.366667", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "19", label = "[[Mingora]]", link = "Mingora", label_size = "110", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.052929", long = "72.211488", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Tehrik-i-Taliban presence in Swat Valley]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.705556", long = "70.329167", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Sadda]]", link = "Sadda", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34", long = "71.383333", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Jamrud]]", link = "Jamrud", label_size = "90", position = "left" },
		{ lat = "33.533333", long = "71.066667", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Hangu]]", link = "Hangu", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "33.364444", long = "70.547778", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Tall]]", link = "Thall", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.988", long = "72.955", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "17", label = "[[Haripur, Pakistan|Haripur]]", label_size = "90" },
		{ lat = "32.605278", long = "70.914444", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Lakki Marwat]]", link = "Lakki Marwat", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "32.986389", long = "70.604444", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Bannu]]", link = "Bannu", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.74", long = "71.53", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Khaar]]", link = "Khaar", label_size = "90", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "34.101111", long = "71.145556", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Landi Kotal]]", link = "Landi Kotal", label_size = "90", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "33.899167", long = "70.100833", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Parachinar]]", link = "Parachinar", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "33.866950", long = "70.550505", mark = "4x4dot-grey.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Tehrik e-Taliban presence near Forest Velly]]", label_size = "0", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.9", long = "69.7356", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Datta Khel]]", link = "Datta Khel", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "32.304722", long = "69.570278", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Wana, Pakistan|Wana]]", link = "Wana, Pakistan", label_size = "70", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "33.683543", long = "71.519687", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "14", label = "[[Darra Adam Khel]]", link = "Darra Adam Khel", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "32.13", long = "70.23", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Tank, Pakistan|Tank]]", link = "Tank, Pakistan", label_size = "90", position = "top" },
		{ lat = "35.308", long = "71.585", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "6", label = "[[Arandu, Pakistan|Arandu]]", link = "Arandu, Pakistan", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "30.910", long = "66.473", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "9", label = "[[Chaman]]", link = "Chaman", label_size = "70", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "33.000", long = "70.065", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "7", label = "[[Miramshah]]", link = "Miramshah", label_size = "70", position = "top"},
		{ lat = "33.583333", long = "71.433333", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Kohat]]", link = "Kohat", label_size = "100", position = "bottom" },
		{ lat = "31.831389", long = "70.901944", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Dera Ismail Khan]]", link = "Dera Ismail Khan", label_size = "100", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "32.102222", long = "70.97", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Paharpur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa|Paharpur]]", link = "Paharpur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa", label_size = "90", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "31.556944", long = "70.758889", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "15", label = "[[Paroa, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa|Paroa]]", link = "Paroa, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa", label_size = "90", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "34.333889", long = "73.201389", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "18", label = "[[Mansehra]]", link = "Mansehra", label_size = "100", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "34.62", long = "71.97", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "16", label = "[[Batkhela]]", link = "Batkhela", label_size = "90", position = "right" },
		{ lat = "34.324167", long = "71.398333", mark = "Location dot green.svg", marksize = "10", label = "[[Ghalanai]]", link = "Ghalanai", label_size = "70", position = "right"},
		{ lat = "35.98815", long = "68.63529", mark = "Map-dot-grey-68a.svg", marksize = "6", label = "Bagh e Shamal", label_size = "0" },
	containerArgs = {
		float = 'center',
		width = '4000',
		caption = [=[Hold cursor over location to display name; click to go to sources &/or status description (if available, the cursor will show as [[File:Pointing hand cursor vector.svg|25px]]; if not, it will show as [[File:Cursor.svg|14px]]).<br/>
*[[File:Location dot red.svg|11px]] Under control of the [[Politics of Afghanistan|Afghan Government]], [[Resolute Support Mission|NATO]], and [[War in Afghanistan (2015–present)#Allied militias|Allies]]
*[[File:Map-dot-grey-68a.svg|11px]] Under control of the [[Taliban]], [[al-Qaeda]], and [[Islamic Jihad Union|Allies]]
*[[File:Location dot black.svg|11px]] Under control of [[Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant|ISIL]] and [[Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan|Allies]]
*[[File:Location dot blue.svg|11px]] Under control of local forces or government warlords independent (and/or hostile) of Afghan Gov't
*[[File:Dot green 0d0.svg|11px]] Under control of the [[Muhammad_Rasul|High Council of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (HCIEA)]]
*[[File:Location dot green.svg|11px]] Under control of the [[Politics of Pakistan|Pakistan Government]] and allied militias
*[[File:Map-ctl2-red+grey.svg|11px]] Under mixed and/or peaceful control of both the [[Politics of Afghanistan|Afghan Government]] and [[Taliban]]
*[[File:Map-ctl2-red+blue.svg|11px]] Under mixed and/or peaceful control of both the [[Politics of Afghanistan|Afghan Government]] and local forces or government warlords independent of Afghan Gov't
*[[File:Map-ctl3-red+grey+black.svg|11px]] Under mixed and/or peaceful control of [[Politics of Afghanistan|Afghan Government]], [[Taliban]] and [[Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant|ISIL]] and [[Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan|Allies]]
*[[File:Map-ctl2-grey+black.svg|11px]] Under mixed and/or peaceful control of both the [[Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant|ISIL]] and [[Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan|Allies]] and [[Taliban]]

*[[File:80x80-red-grey-anim.gif|11px]] Government & Allies -  Taliban, al-Qaeda & Allies
*[[File:80x80-red-black-anim.gif|11px]] Government & Allies - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant & Allies
*[[File:80x80-grey-black-anim.gif|11px]] Taliban, al-Qaeda & Allies - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant & Allies
*[[File:80x80-lime-grey-anim.gif|11px]] Taliban, al-Qaeda & Allies infighting
*[[File:80x80-red-blue-anim.gif|11px]] Government & Allies - Local forces or Warlords
*[[File:80x80-grey-blue-anim.gif|11px]] Taliban, al-Qaeda & Allies - Local forces or Warlords
*[[File:80x80-blue-black-anim.gif|11px]] Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant & Allies - Local forces or Warlords
*[[File:80x80-red-green-anim.gif|11px]] Afghan Government and allies - Pakistan Government and allied militias

*[[File:Abm-red-icon.png|15px]] [[File:Abm-grey-icon.png|15px]] Army base
*[[File:Fighter-jet-red-icon.svg|13px]] [[File:Fighter-jet-grey-icon.svg|13px]] Airport or air base (jet) 
*[[File:Helicopter-red-icon.svg|13px]] [[File:Helicopter-grey-icon.svg|13px]] Airport or air base (helicopter) 
*[[File:Map-peak-red.svg|13px]] [[File:Map-peak-grey.svg|13px]] Strategic peak/hill 
*[[File:Anchor_pictogram.svg|12px]] Major port, naval base
*[[File:Mountain pass 12x12 n.svg|20px]] Border post
*[[File:Arch dam 12x12 w.svg|16px]] Dam
*[[File:Icon NuclearPowerPlant-black.svg|12px]] Industrial complex
*[[File:4x4dot-black.svg|12px]] [[File:3x3dot-black.svg|12px]] Rural/local presence
*[[File:Gota07.svg|12px]] Oil/gas
[[File:map-circle-black.svg|12px]] Inner controls, outer sieges (or strong enemy pressure); 
[[File:map-arcNE-black.svg|11px]] Enemy pressure from one side; Small icon within a larger icon: The situation in individual neighbourhood/district]=]