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All Music Guide

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  • Has anyone at All Music Guide listened to a metal album in the past year?<a href="#hdng0">(More...)</a>

  • If so, the All in All Music Guid certainly is misleading.<a href="#hdng1">(More...)</a>

<a name="hdng0"></a>Has anyone at All Music Guide listened to a metal album in the past year? Because I've heard about 10 albums that would blow any of this out of the water. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> The fact that not only Donnie but Rahshann Patterson made your listing empress the $hit out of me. Perhaps I'll write a pathetic comment one which which I bash the All Music Guide while simultaneously contributing to its total page views and blog participation! Sure, that makes total sense.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

While the web version of AMG has much more information on most forms of popular music than the 1176 pages of the 1992 book edited by Michael Erlewine and Scott Bultman ( All Music Guide: the best CDs, albums & tapes, published by Miller Freeman Inc., San Francisco), it is missing much of the information on classical music that appeared in the book.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Allmusic (previously the All Music Guide ) is a metadata database about music, owned by All Media Guide.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

Lots of people are talking <a href="">Lots of people are talking</a> about All Music Guide <a href="">All Music Guide</a>'s for-the-worse redesign.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [3]</a> THE ALL MUSIC GUIDE TO ROCK is a wonderful guide to rock albums. It utilizes a unique approach of comparing albums to other albums by the same artist, as opposed to an overall.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> As accurate and obsessively detailed as is, its print cousins can seem somewhat redundant. This well-established entry, now in its third edition, offers biographical and listener's advisory information on artists and recordings that All Music Guide (AMG) editors Bogdanov, Chris Woodstra, and Stephen Thomas Erlewine have deemed rock an all-encompassing term that includes pop, soul, R&B, rap, and easy listening.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> When I read things written, as in biographical form, attributed to All Music Guide, I have to wonder if they have ever heard of, 'fact checking'.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> If you're looking for music information, the All Music Guide is an exceptional resource, packed with high quality information that's difficult to find elsewhere. The All Music Guide is known for its extensive, detailed, and critical biographies of thousands of performers, as well as thorough discographies. This information alone makes it one of the most comprehensive, authoritative sources for music information on the web.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a> The All Music Guide is one of the most comprehensive, extensively cross-linked and easy to use musical resources on the web. It's also, unfortunately, largely invisible to search engines.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a>

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<a name="hdng1"></a>If so, the All in All Music Guid certainly is misleading. Metal is still going strong, and that should be reflected in year end best-of's like this. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Desiding that I needed a new record guide book as my Rolling Stone Record Guide, copyright 1979 was out dated, I bought the All Music recorg Guide, 3rd edition.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> There are also bibliographies of articles and books about many artists. As extensive as this is, it just scratches the surface of the All Music Guide's capabilities.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [5]</a>

First things first: AMG's rock guide is still the most comprehensive look at modern rock music of all styles. This honor is only won, though, by the default of Trouser Press to update their album guide after 1996. If you're merely interested in exploring contemporary rock music, skip the purchase; refer to AMG's website, search to your heart's delight, and take their suggestions with a grain of salt.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a>

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POSSIBLY USEFUL<image src="apx4.jpg" alt="Additional Info, less pertinent but still might be useful in your research."></a>

Section Contents:
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  • No list will ever have all the albums that Johnny or Jenny thinks should be there " we all have different opinions and like various styles and genres of music.<a href="#hdng2">(More...)</a>

  • Allmusic is also used to provide metadata including catalog data, artist biographies, album reviews, related artist information, playlists and other information in the iTunes Music Store, Zune Marketplace, eMusic, AOL, Yahoo!<a href="#hdng3">(More...)</a>

<a name="hdng2"></a>No list will ever have all the albums that Johnny or Jenny thinks should be there " we all have different opinions and like various styles and genres of music. I really love AMG's lists (and the accompanying responses) because they give me avenues of discovery. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Not a bad list, Love that Richard Hawley album. About 5 or 6 years ago, I started calling my year end list "the best music I heard this year" because there's just no way I can keep up w/ all the various genres, subgenres, independent labels, etc. It gets worse every year.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

There is no "ultimate music knowledge" that comes to you only if you listen to "enough" music. All in all this list is good.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Never trust a list that is suppose to cover all of music where whole styles are left off.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I also really liked Sandy Rogers' "Green Moon," but that one was released over a decade ago. I didn't think "Icky Thump" was all that good, same with "Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga," but since they're on all these critics' end of year lists I will give them another chance. Thurston Moore's CD was surprisingly good, definitely SY-ish but a strong mood of his own. Another vote for 'kezia' from 'protest the hero', that albums is simply the best of the year for me.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

For all those wondering why Bruce Springsteen's "Magic" isn't on the list, go read the review, AMG only gave it three stars (I couldn't disagree more, just stating why it's not on the list). That's the album of the year, IMO.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> There are so many amazing albums that came out during the year that arent getting recognized. It seems like when you make these lists, you aren't actually picking from all the year's albus, you're just picking the obvious ones.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> The only ones that are rooted in metal sound as far as I can see are QOTSA and Boris. Bands like Alcest, Wolves in the Throne Room, Deathspell Omega, Akercocke, Baroness, Pelican, Primoderial, Angelic Process, Neurosis all released stellar albums this year, that would definetely warrant for an inclusion here.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

Can anyone tell me how can t be that a lot of 4 star albuns are in this list and a 4.5 star album like West from Lucinda Williams (superb as almost all the others of her)isn"t.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I just sample the things that intrigue, then, every now and then, get turned on to a great new album. I was just going to admonish all of the whiners, then I realized that the pouters and complainers regarding this list are just adding to it, and that is cool for me.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> The reissues list misses Prefab Sprout 'Steve McQueen' two disc reissuse, cleaned up sound, great mastering and a second disc of all new reinterperations from Paddy.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I think AllMusic, as usual, has compiled a solid list of worthy titles. It's really all relative anyway. I may think The Cribs and Les Savy Fav both deserve spots - but that doesn't mean anyone else does.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Of the additions to the AMG list suggested by all the posters, I probably haven't even heard over 75%.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> However the list is good still a few i havent heard yet but MIA, Radiohead, Arctic Monkeys and Jens Leckman were all fantastic.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Of Montreal didn't cut it for you guys? I'm shocked. That album was the pants-poopingest thing I heard all year.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> You had some credibility with Aesop but then that all went away when you added Jay-Z. Seriously, 8 Diagrams and American Gangster are better than El-P's None Shall Pass??? come on!!! Joan As A Police Woman was released like 2 years ago in the rest of the world.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Ok you may not like them and but you lose all credibility when you call Ryan Adams and Conor Oberst "talentless". That's just stupid talk.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Felix has a way of mixing familiarity and exploration that's like traveling through space with all the comforts of home.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

The various artist collections listed among AMG's favorite reissues are all nice to see as well.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I'm one of the lesser-informed crowd who simply doesn't recognize all the artist's names. Any way you look at it this list should include The National's Boxer.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I'm especially excited because there's so much of it I haven't yet heard at all, or heard so few times that it will still strike me as fresh when I do finally get around to spinning it. Keep those passionate and bombastic comments coming, fellow readers.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

There is an almost infinite well of recorded music. I like lists like these because they can point out albums I've never heard of before.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Where are Procuoine Tree (the best band you never heard) and their latest album "Fear The Blank Planet". I would have added Porcupine Tree's 'Fear of a Blank Planet' to this list also. It simply amazes me that this band continues to fly under the radar in the USA. They're easily one of the more talented/creative bands of this generation of music.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Much as I enjoy the other selections, West is the one album that I can imagine still resonating with me in 20 years time, and it seems to have been largely forgotten by the music intelligentsia.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I would also disagree with omitting the Wynton Marsalis "From the Plantation to the Penitentiary" album, but seeing as though it actually received a review (which the Potter album did not despite being released months ago), and a good one at that, I figure that people have an avenue available to discover it and receive positive feedback about it. I write this only to say that jazz is still alive and continues pushing the boundaries of accessible and relevant music.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I love the year-end lists as well. They make a good starting point for finding music that may have eluded me during the year. Too often (and I believe this is especially true for Allmusic's list) they are self-aggrandizing lists attempting to show the reviewer's alt/indie cred.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Well done though, AMG. You picked some good albums there, although I still feel 2007 was one of the weaker years for music in recent history.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

I hate these kind of lists, but I look at them to find music I may have missed over the year.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Plenty of great and greatly diverse music from 2007; much of it will be in my personal playlist rotation for years to come.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Granted, "Umbrella" was decent, but come on. How could you guys miss Jill Scott's "The Real Thing"? It was a well-crafted CD with lush R&B music (also rated four stars on your website). You also left out Musiq Soulchild's "Luvanmusiq", a great CD (one of his best - also rated four stars on your website).<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Wilco's "Sky Blue Sky" is the only record I OBSESSED on this year, sadly, most of the music publications (with the exception of Rolling Stone, when are they ever right?) didn't feel it merited much notice. That is the one CD from this year I will play start-to-finish for many years to come.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> I think that Blackwater Park is my favourite Opeth record, but I accept Ghost Reveries is in fact the BEST Opeth record. BUT of course, as ever, it's tragic to see a heap of mediocrity piled to the top of the walls. How on earth anyone dare commend Amy Winehouse after this years events, yet neglect to praise genuinely ARTFUL acts such as the Dillinger Escape Plan is beyond me! (Disclaimer - unless I misread!) Someone with a passion for innovative music, go listen to "Ire works".<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

Between the actual list and the comments by everyone else, I'd have to say this is the longest music year-end discussion in which no one mentions Kanye West.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Too American focused. Great work, music junkies appreciate both the end-of-the-year lists and the debate they arise.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> You're missing Burial, maybe the great revelation in music for some time now.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

I am certain that twenty years from now it will become an en vogue piece of music history.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> A. Because you do not listen to enough new music. It always kills me that Silverchair's "Young Modern" isn't on these end of the years lists, just because they used to be an unoriginal grunge band.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Reasonably thorough list and a fine year for new music in general, but hard to fathom how 'Challengers' by The New Pornographers wasn't included.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Enjoy. RAGAN: the more I listen to new music, the less I like some artists of these lists (and I'm sure I'm not the only one).<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

Not a bad list. Although Young Modern by Silverchair deserves some mention just because it's amazing that in 2007 not only can you talk about Silverchair still being a band but they're actually making some damn fine music.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Much good music! I'll be checking out some of the stuff that everyone has listed.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> The Apples in stereo "New MAgnetic Wonder"!!! Pop music for ELO lovers.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> Does that make the music any less pleasurable for me? No, of course not. It prompts readers to petition for their favorite music thus leading to an even broader selection for discovery.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> What is everyone complaining about? Just as an individual"s taste in music is personal, this list is clearly subjective and is not some "written in stone" time-enduring, ultimately accepted list! If you disagree with some of the selections or lack of selections, go make your own list.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a>

BLONDE REDHEAD - 23 superb sounds, developped since 1993 in NY and at taste now. I love the allMusic guide, but I really get mad at yall when these lists come around.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [1]</a> You can talk all you want about the demise of the music industry but all you need to know about the actual music made in the first three months of 2008 is that it was darn tough to boil the list down as far as we did. Nearly 60 new albums and 30 reissues is a truck load of goodness, a musical high that won't be ruined by the efforts of doomsayers, party poopers and cranks no matter how hard they try. Music is as alive and thrilling as ever in 2008 -- check out this list and see for yourself.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [6]</a> Stephen Eddins' series that looks at new composers and their music finds a few who were all born in the same year, but whose music is distinctive.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [6]</a>

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<a name="hdng3"></a>Allmusic is also used to provide metadata including catalog data, artist biographies, album reviews, related artist information, playlists and other information in the iTunes Music Store, Zune Marketplace, eMusic, AOL, Yahoo! ,, and other music stores. <a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Windows Media Player 11 and the integrated MTV Urge music store have expanded the use of Allmusic data to include related artists, biographies, reviews, playlists and other metadata.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> The Allmusic database is also used by several generations of Windows Media Player and Musicmatch Jukebox to identify and organize music collections.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

Allmusic also claims to have the world's largest digital archive of music, including approximately six million songs fully digitized, as well as the world's largest cover art library, with over half a million cover image scans.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Although having high internet traffic ratings on par with other music related websites, the Allmusic website often suffers from slow speed or total inaccessibility.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

The network of writers includes over 900 music critics who review albums and songs and write artist biographies.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Allmusic's database is licensed and used in point-of-sale systems by some music retailers.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

After the media is recognized, the service delivers related metadata content from All Media Guide metadata databases.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a> Allmusic was founded in 1991 by popular-culture archivist Michael Erlewine and mathematician Vladimir Bogdanov, Ph.D., as a guide for consumers. Its first reference book was published the next year.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [2]</a>

This is the 3rd edition of the AMG guide and its a brilliant read. Subtitled "The Definitive Guide To Rock, Pop and Soul" it is five years old now, but as its nearly 1400 pages in.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> In the 2nd edition of the AMG rock guide, the writing style is closer to rock journalism than fan fiction, and the reviews seem honest rather than celebratory. As for other users' comments that the reviews in the 3rd edition seem to be written by fans rather than journalists: that's because they are written by fans. At the launch of the AMG website, AMG began allowing fans to submit reviews; with the publication of the 3rd edition guide, they began including fans' reviews in the written volume.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> P.L., CA Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. Easy to use and fun to explore, this 1,400-page tome is the most complete guide ever published on the artists and recordings that really rock. Compiled by dozens of music critics, it reviews and rates more than 14,000 great albums by over 2,200 artists and groups in more than 400 styles - both mainstream and alternative - including bootlegs, import-only releases, important out-of-print recordings, and lesser-known cult artists.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a>

Included are dozens of "music maps," flow charts that illustrate the development of each style.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a>

The Website is easily the biggest resouce for music information on the internet.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a>

For albums produced prior to 1995, I personally refer to the Trouser Press guide or the 2nd edition of AMG's guide.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> When a guide becomes "selective" that means they're leaving out artists that interest you and that you like.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> If you're a die hard aficionado and looking to complete a well-rounded collection, AMG's guide serves as a checklist of sorts for choosing from the discographies of thousands of artists. Again, you will certainly find your opinions vary from those of the writers.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a>

This book is without a doubt the best overall guide to rock bands and musicians I have encountered.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a> The AMG provides more detail and analysis of an artist's career than the MusicHound, Rough Guide, and Rolling Stone books, so having circulating copies on hand may be most appropriate.<a href="" TARGET="_blank" [4]</a>
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<a name="sources"><a href="#" onclick="toggle_visibility('srcs'); return false;" title="Most Informative Documents, used in preparation of this report.">
SELECTED SOURCES<image src="apx4.jpg" alt="Most Informative Documents, used in preparation of this report."></a>

1. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">The Allmusic Blog » Allmusic's Favorite Albums of 2007</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

2. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">Allmusic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

3. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">Site-specific browser extension: All Music Guide |</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

4. <a href="" TARGET="_blank"> All Music Guide to Rock: The Definitive Guide to Rock, Pop, and Soul (3rd Edition): Chris Woodstra,Stephen Thomas Erlewine,Vladimir Bogdanov,Stephen Thomas Erlewine,Chris Woodstra: Books</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

5. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">All Music, All But Invisible - Search Engine Watch</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

6. <a href="" TARGET="_blank">allmusic</a>
<a href="" TARGET="_blank"></a>

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