Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 1

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1. The "Hidden Value" Strategy

The "you get an extra $__ in bonuses..." strategy tells your prospects that the total value of your bonus products is a mystery. They will realize that in order to find out the actual value of your bonuses, they will have to purchase your product. You can tell them it will be revealed after they order.

2. The "Confident Sell Out" Strategy

The "this product will definitely sell out..." strategy tells your prospects that you are confident that your product won't last long. Many people are influenced by confidence. You can show even more of your confidence by telling them the approximate timeframe when your product will sell out.

3. The "Bombarded" Strategy

The "it's hard to decide sometimes with so many businesses pulling you in different directions..." strategy tells your prospects that you understand they are getting bombarded with advertisements every day. You just need to tell them you won't rent, share or sell their name to any other business. It will show them that you are trying to help them cut down on their junk mail and spam.

4. The "No Install" Strategy

The "there's no software to install..." strategy tells your prospects that your product won't require any software to use it. Many people, even today, are software- or computer-phobic and don't want to go through the hassle to gain their desired benefits with products that take complicated software to run.

5. The "Plug It" Strategy

The "it can be customized and you can plug it into..." strategy tells your prospect that they can adjust your product for their own specific needs and benefits. You are also saying that they can easily fit or blend your product into their targeted situation.

6. The "Lock It In" Strategy

The "lock in your one time price now and avoid any monthly fee..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product now, they will avoid paying an ongoing fee to use it in the future. If they are remotely interested in your product, they'll likely buy it right away because most people hate reoccurring fees. You could even give them a date when you will switch over your product to a subscription product.

7. The "They All Did" Strategy

The "one person (your product's benefit), another person (your product's benefit), this person (your product's benefit)..." strategy gives your prospects specific examples of people that have benefited from your product. You could present them as customer success stories or short little benefit bullets in your sales letter. You could even add their actual testimonials.

8. The "Personal Partner" Strategy

The "as a bonus, become one of my personal JV partners..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they can also promote your product. You could give your customers a higher commission rate than your free affiliates, just like you would your top personal JV partners. You could even tell them how many JV partners you have and the reputable names that are involved.

9. The "Lying Down" Strategy

The "when you're lying in bed tonight and staring at the ceiling imagine..." strategy tells your prospects to imagine the benefits of your product. Most people won't purchase the first time they see your ad so this helps persuade them to buy later when they're not viewing your ad.

10. The "By Yourself" Strategy

The "why would you try to do it yourself when you can get (your product)..." strategy tells your prospects to question why they would try to gain their desired benefit by themselves. You just need to convince them how much harder it would be without your product’s help.

11. The "It's Possible Now" Strategy

The "we live in a time where it’s possible to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects it's the perfect time to gain their desired benefit because of the resources that are available to us in this day and age. Of course one of those resources would your product. You would relate your product to the type of new features it has; for example, new technology, new materials, new chemicals, etc.

12. The "Left Behind" Strategy

The "tons of people are jumping on the bandwagon, are you being left behind?..." strategy tells your prospects that they could be missing out on an opportunity to reach their goals with your product. You can remind them that they may have already heard about it on TV, in print publications, on the radio or on the Internet.

13. The "Important" Strategy

The "this might be the most important letter you'll ever read..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't read your sales letter, it could negatively affect their life. Many people won't want to leave your web site without least scanning over your letter. It might just be enough time to persuade them to buy.

14. The "First Things First" Strategy

The "the very first thing you must do before you (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects the first step they should take before they try to improve their life. It could be purchasing your product or something they need to do after they own it. You could even tell them if they get the first part wrong it could cost them time, money, emotional distress, etc.

15. The "Heard It All Before" Strategy

The "we have all heard it before (a common saying)..." strategy tells your prospects a statement that will help support your product. You should use one that is widely known in the world or in your targeted niche. It can be powerful because it's already branded in your prospect’s mind and they likely already believe it.

16. The "Does The Same Thing" Strategy

The "own the low cost, quality alternative that does about the same thing..." strategy tells your prospects that your product does the same thing as your competition's expensive version. You can tell them that you know many of them couldn't afford your competition’s version so now they won't be left out in the cold and can enjoy the same benefits and more.

17. The "Write This Down" Strategy

The "take a few minutes and write down the things you want to change about (something related to your product niche)..." strategy tells your prospects to take a physical action other than just reading your ad. It will actually persuade them on paper to purchase your product. It's like they are writing your sales letter for you.

18. The "Once In Awhile" Strategy

The "every once in a while something comes along that changes everything..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is going to change the way they are currently gaining their desired benefit. People will buy your product if it makes things easier, less expensive, faster, lighter, effortless, etc.

19. The "No Complaints" Strategy

The "never receive a single complaint again..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will prevent people from complaining about them, putting them down and/or talking behind their back. Most people care about what other people think of them and try to avoid verbal attacks, insults and being gossiped about.

20. The "Every Day" Strategy

The "you likely hear about this every day..." strategy tells your prospects some information they see or hear every day that supports your product. It could be something that's currently a hot topic in the world or in your niche. You could give them facts to show that it's true and remind them they will be missing out if they don’t own your product.

21. The "They Don't Know" Strategy

The "most of the experts don't even know about it yet..." strategy tells your prospects that they will even have an advantage over the experts if they purchase your product. Newbies that have strong professional competition need all the help they can get.

22. The "Upside Down" Strategy

The "warning: the (your niche) industry is about to be turned upside down..." strategy tells your prospects that everything they knew about gaining their desired benefit is going to change. People will want to purchase your product if it is better than what they are currently doing to reach their goals.

23. The "Head Start" Strategy

The "if you want to get a head start, don't show this link to anyone..." strategy tells your prospects that they are one of the first people to have a chance to purchase your product. They will like the secrecy of the link and the privilege of gaining their desired benefits before everyone else.

24. The "Not Yet" Strategy

The "please continue reading, I don't want to tell you just yet..." strategy tells your prospects that they will learn something important or interesting later on in your sales letter. You could give them a hint about it early on then persuade them to read the rest of your ad. The longer they are reading, the better the chance they will buy.

25. The "Leave And Lose" Strategy

The "act now, once you leave this page, you will never see this offer ever again..." strategy tells your prospects that today will be their only chance to order your product. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, etc. Most people will think it's a marketing ploy so just remind them that it's not. It shows them that you know what they are thinking.

26. The "Success In Common" Strategy

The "people who succeed have one critical thing in common..." strategy tells your prospects they need one crucial thing in order to gain their desired benefit. Of course, you need to persuade them that it is your product. You could tell them that some people have the right attitude but not always the right tools to improve their life.

27. The "Not Much Room" Strategy

The "I only have room on the call for (no.) people and I already gave away (no.) spots before I sent you this..." strategy tells your prospects that they need to register for your teleseminar right away. People will realize they weren’t the first to hear about it and those other people could have told others about it.

28. The "No Recording" Strategy

The "I'm thinking about not recording this free teleconference..." strategy tells your prospects that it's possible that if they don't get on the live free call, they may never hear it again. You could also tell them that you may turn it into a paid product later on. People that are interested may want to save some money down the road.

29. The "Enrollment Fee" Strategy

The "we're completely waiving your enrollment fee and even giving you ($) in bonuses..." strategy tells your prospects that you normally charge people an enrollment fee for your product or membership site. They will feel privileged they don't have to pay the fee like others have in the past. The extra bonuses will just be icing on the cake.

30. The "Let's Talk" Strategy

The "I want to talk to you..." strategy tells your prospects that it's possible your e-mail may be personal because you actually talk with them. People are more persuaded to open an e-mail they think could be personal. You could invite them to be on a teleconference call to tell them about a product you have in the works.

31. The "Sell And Raise" Strategy

The "make at least (no.) affiliate sales and I'll add another $(no.) commission to each sale..." strategy tells your prospects that they can make a higher commission rate if they reach your sales goal. It will really motivate them to promote your affiliate program and give them something to strive for.

32. The "Membership Perks" Strategy

The "you can get a free month on my membership web site if you purchase through my affiliate link..." strategy tells your prospects and current paid members they can save some money if they purchase a targeted affiliate product through your link. If they were going to buy it anyway, it would be a waste for them not to buy through your link.

33. The "Already Own It?" Strategy

The "if you already own our product and haven't used it to (your product's benefit), then I know what's stopping you..." strategy tells your prospects and/or current customers that they just need motivation and guidance. You could offer them free or paid consulting so they gain their desired benefit and purchase future products from you.

34. The "New And Cheap" Strategy

The "brand new and only $(no.)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are selling a new product for a very, very, cheap price. You can tell them that everyone else is selling it for way higher and even tell them the specific prices. You will be showing them that you want to save them money.

35. The "Are You Prepared?" Strategy

The "are you prepared for what's coming on (date)..." strategy tells your prospects that you will be releasing a new product on that date. A pre-launch notice gets your prospects buttered up to purchase your new product. You don't want to give them too many details so that you leave something for the imagination.

36. The "Thanks For Support" Strategy

The "thanks for your support and agreement..." strategy tells your prospects that tons of your customers stand up for how you do business. Sometimes as marketers, you get flamed by your customers, prospects or competition about how you do business and most of the time it's a misunderstanding. You can tell your list about these situations and explain your point and most of the time, if it's valid, they will e-mail you to show their support for you.

37. The "Tell Me A Story" Strategy

The "can I have your success story?..." strategy tells your prospects and/or current customers that you need testimonials or letters about the success they had with your product or advice you gave them. You can even tell them they can have their link underneath it to get free publicity. You could post the success stories on your web site or compile it into a free e-book.

38. The "Part 2" Strategy

The "here is Part 2 of..." strategy tells your prospects they’ve either already read Part 1 of your message or missed Part 1 and need to see what it's all about. This helps people that don't read your messages every time to get interested because it will be a mystery to them. You could have a copy of your Part 1 message underneath Part 2 for people that want to see what they missed.

39. The "My Stats Say" Strategy

The "according to my stats, only (no.)% of the readers have seen this..." strategy tells your prospects it must be really good if you are telling them about it again and watching your ad stats that closely. You can tell them you don't want them to miss it because it can really improve their life. It sounds like you really want to help them.

40. The "Keeping A Secret" Strategy

The "I've been keeping something to myself for a long time..." strategy tells your prospects that you have been keeping a secret to yourself. You could tell them it's about an exciting product you’re getting ready to release and you can't keep it to yourself any more. People will want to see what would be worth so much that you couldn't tell them before about it.

41. The "Heard This Before?" Strategy

The "you haven’t heard this before and will likely never hear it again..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't read your message now, they may never see it ever again. People like new information and hate to miss out on stuff that could improve their life.

42. The "Misprint" Strategy

The "that's not a misprint..." strategy tells your prospects that your statement or product may sound unbelievable but it's not a typo. Sometimes people think something is so unbelievable it must be a publishing mistake. Bringing this up will help remove those thoughts from their mind.

43. The "Make It Longer" Strategy

The "get more for your money and upgrade your membership length..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase a longer subscription to your membership site now it will be cheaper in the long run. For example, you could say your monthly fee is $10 and your yearly fee is $100, so they would save $20. You could even tell them if they decide to upgrade to a 1 year membership later on it will be $10 more which is $110. It will create a sense of urgency to upgrade to a yearly subscription now.

44. The "Official Launch" Strategy

The "(no.) hours/days/weeks till the official launch..." strategy tells your prospects to prepare to purchase your product when it launches. They will have time to clear their schedule, save money, promote it to their own prospects (if you have an affiliate program) and reminds them that you will e-mail them on a certain date and time.

45. The "I'm Surprised!" Strategy

The "I'm surprised but there are a few copies left..." strategy tells your prospects that you are shocked that your limited product sale didn't sell out. You can even tell them that you’re only hours or days into the sale and you figured that by now it would be gone. People that thought they may have lost out on purchasing a copy will likely rush over and finally decide to buy.

46. The "Call Me" Strategy

The "can you call me tomorrow?..." strategy tells your prospects that your message could be personal and they will read or listen to it quicker. You could just be referring to your free teleconference you'll be holding. You can just invite them and give them a persuasive reason to register for the call.

47. The "If You're Like Me" Strategy

The "if you’re like me, I'm too lazy, busy and tired to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you feel the same way they do when it comes to improving their life. You can explain to them how your product will gain their desired benefit with little or no effort from them.

48. The "O.T.O. Buzz" Strategy

The "check out the testimonials of our O.T.O. (one time offer)..." strategy tells your prospects on your first web page they will see a O.T.O. (one time offer) on your second page. By showing them testimonials before they see your ad, they will want to see what all the fuss is about.

49. The "Won't Believe It" Strategy

The "I didn't believe it, and I know you won't either..." strategy tells your prospects that you know they won't believe your product’s claims because when you first saw the product's ad, you didn't either. This will eliminate them not believing your product claims because you already brought it up and they may want to prove you wrong.

50. The "Years Into Minutes" Strategy

The "what took us (no.) (months/years) to develop you can have in minutes..." strategy tells your prospects that it would take them months or years if they tried to gain their desired benefit by themselves. Most people want to save time and would opt for the ‘few minutes’ idea.