Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 9

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1. The "Physical Rights" Strategy

The "Bonus: resell rights to the physical version of this Product..." strategy tells your prospects that if they buy the digital version of your product they will get the resell rights to the physical version. You could tell them they can sell the physical version for more because it has a higher perceived value.

2. The "Dictionary" Strategy

The "see the definition of (a persuasive word)..." strategy gives your prospects a clear description of a powerful word or two in your sales letter. Sometime by just reading a definition of a "word that sells" will persuade them to buy. It will have more meaning than just highlighting it or making the word bold.

3. The "Guess Who?" Strategy

The "we have a mystery expert..." strategy tells your prospects that you’re not revealing a guru’s name that is somehow related to your product or presentation. They may have contributed to your product, endorsed your product or helped present (a teleseminar guest) your product. You could use 2 to 3 blanks for their name _____ _____ and then list all their credentials. People will be curious about who the person could be. If they are really famous, you could tell your prospects that they likely have heard of them. If this expert is new on the scene, you could tell them that he/she is brand new to the (your niche) world or they work behind the scenes.

4. The "Jason Lives" Strategy

The "despite what you may have heard, (something related to your product) is not dead..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is still alive and kicking and they have been just hearing untrue rumors. You just need to dispel the gossip and give them proof why a lot of people are wrong about it.

5. The "Birthday Reminder" Strategy

The "get your (a friend, a family member, a colleague, etc.) a gift for (a holiday or birthday)..." strategy tells your prospects to be giving on the particular holiday. You can tell them to reflect back to a time when they bought and gave a gift to someone they cared about and tell them to remember how good it felt.

6. The "How Did You Feel?" Strategy

The "have you ever missed (a big sale, a valuable opportunity, etc.)?..." strategy tells your prospects to actually mentally answer the question and think back in time. They will likely feel it felt bad and how it affected their life negatively. Now, when you present your special product offer, they will think twice about passing it up.

7. The "Perfect Timing" Strategy

The "(a year, a month, a day or a full date) is the best time to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects to read more and see why it's the perfect time to gain their desired benefit. It could be because you’re having a sale right now, you just released a new and improved version of your product, your offer of a free trial, you’re offering an easy payment plan, etc.

8. The "Don't Be Scared" Strategy

The "stop being afraid and live the kind of life you deserve..." strategy tells your prospects that fear is holding them back from improving their life, solving their problems and reaching their goals. You can tell them it's natural to be afraid of failing but not to let that stop them. You can tell them even you were scared at first but taking that risk really paid off.

9. The "Automatic Transmission" Strategy

The "it's time you put your (a subject related to your product) on autopilot..." strategy tells your prospects they need to quit trying to gain their desired benefit manually. You can tell them that it’s hard work, takes up more of their free time or more expensive in the long run. You could use phrases like: it will work by itself, never mess with it again, etc.

10. The "Reverse Psychology" Strategy

The "if you want to buy this product because it (your product's benefits/features), don't..." strategy tells your prospects one of your benefits but with a little dose of child psychology. It gives you a chance to repeat one of your stronger product benefits and makes them want to buy it because you told them not too. People don't like to be told what they can and cannot do.

11. The "Freebies Aren't Junk" Strategy

The "my free (type of product) will (the freebie’s benefit) or I will give you a $ (reward)..." strategy tells your prospects that your free product will help them and if not, they will get something else too. You could allow them to give away the freebie so more people will see your product ad inside the free product.

12. The "Click It Again" Strategy

The "if it doesn’t work, please click on the order button again..." strategy tells your prospects that you are experiencing an extremely high amount of traffic and it might take a little extra time or more steps to order. You can tell them just to be patient. They will assume tons of people want your product and they won't want to miss out either.

13. The "Take One Path" Strategy

The "are you confused?..." strategy tells your prospects that the reason they may not have improved their life yet is because all your competition keep confusing them with tons of different ways or choices of how to gain their desired benefit. You could tell them your product will give them one simple plan to follow without all the indecisiveness.

14. The "Remember The Special" Strategy

The "remember, there is a special offer on my thank you page...." strategy tells your prospects to be on the lookout for the upsell offer after they order. You could give them a hint about your upsell offer so it sparks a lot of interest and anticipation. It will be one of the first things they look for after they order.

15. The "I'll Do It Tomorrow" Strategy

The "to be (a positive emotion) tomorrow, take action today ..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product today they will feel better tomorrow. Some positive emotions you could use are: happy, excited, relaxed, relieved, pain-free, etc. Most people buy products to change their emotions and feelings.

16. The "One Won't Do It" Strategy

The "quit searching for that one product you think will solve everything..." strategy tells your prospects that no one product will totally give them their desired benefit. You can tell them a persuasive reason why and that you offer a combination of products so they will fully benefit. You can compare your product package to your competition's inflexible, single product.

17. The "Never Pay Again" Strategy

The "never pay for (type of product) again..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't ever have to spend money on something they purchase regularly. You can tell them that for a one-time purchase or one monthly membership fee you will provide them with a constant, never-ending supply of products.

18. The "It Always Works" Strategy

The "this hasn't failed since it was invented..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is based on another product that has been proven to work ever since it was created. You could say that you just added a new twist to it for the changing times. You could also talk about the system, formula, plan, method, recipe or blueprint on how to gain their desired benefit.

19. The "Buy Just One More" Strategy

The "for it to work we require you to buy (another business product)..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't gain their desired benefit from your product unless they own another product that helps it to work properly. To lessen their extra investment, you could set up a deal with the other business to give your personal customers a discount. The business owner will likely be open to it because he can make more money in the future from new customers he didn't have before.

20. The "Lucky Order Button" Strategy

The "if the order button doesn't work then we’ve reached our sales goal..." strategy tells your prospects that you are only selling a certain number of products. They will be curious to see if your order button does work. If it works for them, they will feel like they are one of the lucky few, even if they aren't that interested in your product. Clicking onto your order page will seem like scratching off a lottery ticket and may be enough action to get them in a buying mood.

21. The "Know Everything Yet?" Strategy

The "you'll learn something new, I'll guarantee it..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't learn anything new and beneficial from your information product, you'll refund their money. Most of the people that buy your information product have likely bought many items on the same subject in the past. Sometimes people think that they have run out of new things to learn. Your special guarantee will eliminate their buying defenses.

22. The "Real Time Contest" Strategy

The "check out the current standing on the J.V. contest..." strategy tells your prospects J.V. partners and/or affiliates who are currently making the most affiliate sales and what they will win if they stay at the same position (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). To get the other lower position affiliates working harder, you can tell them that the first place J.V. partner is gloating or making fun of them.

23. The "Countdown Till Liftoff" Strategy

The "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off..." strategy tells your prospects that you are adding a countdown to your product launch. It could be a countdown clock on your pre-launch web site or sending them a series of e-mails like, 24 hours till launch, 12 hours till launch, 1 hour till launch, etc. You could use phrases like: tick tock tick tock, the clock is ticking, the clock is counting down, it's getting closer by the minute, etc.

24. The "Good Old Days" Strategy

The "do you remember the good old days when..." strategy tells your prospects that it was easier and/or cheaper to get their desired benefits in the past. It be could be because of new technology, people wanting higher wages, more taxes, etc. You can tell them you designed your product to give them yesterday’s benefits with yesterday’s prices or today's benefits with yesterday’s prices.

25. The "Complete Overhaul" Strategy

The "we just didn't make a few changes, we reconstructed/redesigned it..." strategy tells your prospects that you did a complete overhaul on your product to make it better. It will make the people that already bought it to buy your new version. People sometimes don't buy again just to get a few extra benefits/features, they want it to be almost like a brand new product to invest again.

26. The "It Don’t Work Anymore" Strategy

The "(no.)% of what you've learned isn't effective anymore..." strategy tells your prospects that they will have to purchase your product if they want to learn new, effective strategies to gain their desired benefit. The higher the percentage, the more they will be influenced to buy. It could also be learning new tips, methods, formulas, tricks, etc.

27. The "Leave Now" Strategy

The "if you are (a list of negative types of people or attitudes) then leave now..." strategy tells your prospects that if they are one of those types of people, you don't want them purchasing your product. You can tell them you want customers that take action, don't complain, listen to what you say, follow your instructions, etc.

28. The "Resell It Bribe" Strategy

The "plus, learn how to get the (resell, master resell or private label rights)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will also have a chance to purchase the resell rights to it on the thank you page. They may just buy your product even if they aren't interested in it so they can sell it to their own prospects. You could also tell them that there are a limited number of resell licenses available. You could also sell a limited number of resell rights first and then sell the master resell rights then finally the private label rights. It will keep your offer fresh too.

29. The "Stats Say It Sells" Strategy

The "check out my product's sales stats..." strategy tells your prospects to see the proof as to why they should purchase the resell rights to your product. You can tell them it's always converted between a certain percent and as high as a certain percent, it's made a best sellers list, it's regularly ranked high at merchant sites, how many in total have been sold, how many testimonials it has, how few refunds you've had, etc.

30. The "Help My Friend" Strategy

The "please help my (student, apprentice, pupil, good friend, etc.) become a success..." strategy tells your prospects that you helped one of your students create their own product and it's their first one. You can tell them that you helped them for free. You could give them a persuasive reason why you help them for free, like: they need to pay medical bills, student loans, help one of their family members, etc. Even if you don't earn any commission from their product sales and they become a success, you can J.V. with them in the future. It's like you are planting seeds that will eventually grow into something bigger.

31. The "This Year’s Hit" Strategy

The "it could be this year’s (a name of one of the most poplar products from last year in your niche)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product could be as good as one of last year’s most popular bestsellers from another business or yours. If most of your prospects bought that product and liked it, they will be highly influenced to buy yours too.

32. The "Solve The Riddle" Strategy

The "what's green and grows and doesn't need sunlight or water?..." strategy tells your prospects that you are asking them to solve a riddle. This kind of headline will surely grab their attention because most businesses don't joke around enough. You want the answer to the riddle to be something related to your product and that may persuade them to buy. The answer to the above riddle is...A Money Tree.

33. The "Theirs Sold Out" Strategy

The "I have seen similar offers sell out in as little as (no.) (minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc.)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product offer is like other well-known offers in your niche that your customers would recognize that have sold out quickly. They will put two and two together and be less hesitant to procrastinate about purchasing your product.

34. The "Reality Stats" Strategy

The "it's updated in real time..." strategy tells your prospects that something related to your product shows live stats. Most people like reality T.V. and reality stats can be just as good to persuade people to purchase your product or make them take some other action. It could be real time stats about how many people have bought your product, the current results of your affiliate contest, how many people are currently visiting your web site, how many products you have left, your affiliates’ visitors to sales results, etc.

35. The "You Get It All" Strategy

The "even during the trial period..." strategy tells your prospects that even though they are on a trial period until they decide to purchase your product, they will have all the benefits, features and add-ons. Many businesses will limit things during their customers’ trial period just to give them a taste of their product. Sometimes that isn't enough. You could tell them they’ll get your full working product, full customer service, all the bonuses, expert advice, etc.

36. The "Prove Me Wrong" Strategy

The "my ($) challenge to you..." strategy tells your prospects that they can actually make money investing in your product if they can prove you wrong. You can dare them to find another similar product that has an even lower percentage of the benefits or features that your product offers or you'll give them a check for a certain amount. The check could be a little over what they paid for your product. So it's like they are getting a refund and making a little extra money at the same time too. You better be sure about your product and do some research though or you could stand to lose a lot of money.

37. The "To My Knowledge" Strategy

The "to my knowledge, no other business has ever offered..." strategy tells your prospects that you’re almost positive that no other business in your niche has ever given the same offer or product benefit as you. It's a huge world and Internet marketplace so you can never be absolutely sure. It could be that you offer an incontestable guarantee, a larger amount of bonuses, a bigger amount of testimonials, a price as low as yours, etc.

38. The "Disturbing Pics" Strategy

The "warning: this web site may contain pictures that are disturbing to some people..." strategy tells your prospects the only way they can figure out if they are the "some people" is to view them. They will have to decide for themselves. You want the pictures, graphics, artwork, videos or screenshots to be something that will convince them to order. Some persuasive but disturbing visuals could be medical/health-related before and after pictures, what you used to make and what you make now, you smashing up your competition’s product, the result of a mistake you made, etc.

39. The "Urgent Action Bonus" Strategy

The "check out your fast action bonus below..." strategy tells your prospects that if they order quick enough, they will get an extra bonus on top of your other bonuses. You could also give them a short, salivating hint about what the bonus will be about too. It will make it more enticing for them to scroll down your page and see all the details about it. That one urgency-creating bonus alone could be the difference between a sale and no thanks.

40. The "Shareware Tip" Strategy

The "this is a shareware tip, tell others about it below..." strategy tells your prospects that they could use your refer-some-friends form to refer other people they know who would be interested in the tip to your web site. But instead of just having them come to a normal web site, you could include the tip and referral system right at the top, in the middle or at the end of your sales letter. Just have the tip relate to your product and sales letter offer.

41. The "Unknown Expert" Strategy

The "the behind the scenes experts finally tell all..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is based on some experts in your particular niche they probably never heard of before that have quietly been gaining the desired benefits they want and these people will finally tell them how they do it their own way. You can tell your prospects that these closely guarded people of mystery have wanted to do things like: remain in the shadows, remain out of the public’s eye, stay hidden deep underground, stay out of the spotlight, keep their secrets to themselves, etc. until now.

42. The "Used But Expensive" Strategy

The "one lucky person will win my (a high ticket item that you already own)..." strategy tells your prospects that they could win a used but expensive item that's in your own personal possession. It could be one of your cars, a stereo system, a big screen TV, a house, a piece of land, one of your computers, a piece of furniture, a painting, etc.

43. The "Silent Testers" Strategy

The "(no.) lucky people have been quietly (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you have had a limited number of beta testers or personal contacts that have been using your product to gain the desired benefit they want. You can tell them that since a certain date only so many people have had access to it for testing. You can tell them it's the first time it has been publicly released and only so many are available.

44. The "Personal Envy" Strategy

The "are you tired of seeing everyone else (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that they should be jealous or envious of others who are getting the benefits they want. Those emotions and feelings are very strong buying motivators. You can even intensify those feeling by including the question: are you tired of your friends, family members or colleagues benefiting and not you? It makes your product offer a little more personal and hits home in a big way.

45. The "Think Of This?" Strategy

The "after seeing this you will be thinking, why didn't I think of that?..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is so inventive, valuable and simple that it might be something they could have profited from. People will be persuaded to see what your product is about because most of them enjoy those "ah ha" moments in their life. You could tell them they can still benefit from your idea by either purchasing the product or joining your affiliate program and making commissions.

46. The "Timeless Collection" Strategy

The "I spent the last (no.) (months/year) buying these products..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't have to spend all the time and money ordering all these products to benefit. They will see that you’ve combined them all in one package for one low price. Most likely they would have to be resell type products so you could resell them and package them together (if the license says you can). It's simple and you are saving them time, money and many hours of research.

47. The "Your Last Purchase" Strategy

The "it's the last purchase I'll bet you'll make..." strategy tells your prospects that your product has everything covered to give them every desired benefit related to your own product niche or market. People like to purchase products that give them all the major benefits they seek and all the minor benefits that don't come with all your competition’s products.

48. The "Price Hold" Strategy

The "I'm holding this price for you until (date)..." strategy tells your prospects that you care about their budget but you do have to make bigger profits if you want to stay in business. You can even mention your accountant or financial advisor are really hounding you about making the cut-off date discount sooner. People will assume it's your accountant who is money-hungry but that you only care about their financial situation.

49. The "Focus On This" Strategy

The "I really need to bold this next statement..." strategy tells your prospects that you are emphasizing a small piece of your sales letter before they actually read it. It will put their focus on the next thing you will present. Just make sure it's a strong statement that makes their mouth water for your product. It could also mean that you are going to highlight the next line, underline the next line, put the next line in quotations, put the next line all in caps, etc.

50. The "Pay More, Pay Less" Strategy

The "order all of them for a (high price) or order just 1 of them for (lower price)..." strategy tells your prospects that they could save money (but not much) just ordering one of the products from your related product package. It could be enough to persuade them to order the whole package of products that you offer for a little more money. This equals a little extra profit for you.