Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 27

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1. The "The Only Goal" Strategy

The "my only goal here is to give you the best opportunity to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your objective isn't to sell to them but actually help them. They will purchase your product to help you reach your goal if they know you are truly sincere.

2. The "In-Person Scenario" Strategy

The "if I had the opportunity to actually sit down with you and show you (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects to imagine you working with them one-on-one to help them reach their goals. If that isn't possible, you could compare it to the step-by-step print, audio or video instructions they get with your product.

3. The "Test Of Time" Strategy

The "I run one of the most respected and longest running web sites..." strategy tells your prospects that people trust and look up to you. It also tells them your business has stood the test of time and has a good track record.

4. The "Free Ticket" Strategy

The "meet me live in (city, state, country, etc.) on (date) if..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, they will get a free ticket to your seminar, trade show, boot camp, class, mastermind meeting, etc. Of course, you want the event to be about something your prospects are interested in. You can even tell them how much you are charging people that don't purchase your product.

5. The "Older Comparison" Strategy

The "this may just be the greatest product since (another very successful product)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is just as good or even better than another successful older product in your niche. You want to compare your product to a product that most of your prospects would recognize or have bought in the past.

6. The "They Own It" Strategy

The "every (positive adjective) person has it... (famous person) has it. What is it?..." strategy tells your prospects that they need what the famous person already has to improve their life. Of course, you would present your product as what the successful and famous people already have.

7. The "David And Goliath" Strategy

The "view a comparison of my product up against the big boys..." strategy tells your prospects that they can view a detailed chart that shows how your product offers more features and benefits than the multi-million dollar corporations.

8. The "Hidden Sales Letter" Strategy

The "the following report can help you save ($) and even make you ($) very quickly..." strategy tells your prospects that reading your sales letter can actually help them save and make money. You just need to present your sales letter as an informative report.

9. The "Hard To Use" Strategy

The "most (product type) sometimes can be very difficult to understand and use. That is why I created..." strategy tells your prospects they shouldn't purchase from your competition. You were able to solve the problems that occur in the industry.

10. The "My Opinion" Strategy

The "do you really need another (your product type)? My opinion on this might surprise you..." strategy tells your prospects to question themselves and persuades them to consider your opinion before they answer. They will want to find out if they could be surprised. Your opinion should help influence them to purchase your product.

11. The "Respect Your Time" Strategy

The "I am going to cut through the hype and get straight to the point..." strategy tells your prospects that you won't be wasting their time by fluffing up your product offer. People value their time greatly. They will respect the fact that you value their time too and possibly might buy your product.

12. The "Difference Between" Strategy

The "this is hardly ever discussed but can mean the difference between being (positive feeling) or (negative feeling)..." strategy tells your prospects that you will reveal some information that many people don't talk about. The information or your product will give them the positive feelings they desire.

13. The "If You, You Can" Strategy

The "if you can point and click, I will show you how to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they can do something simple, they can easily gain their desired benefits. You could list simple things like reading, typing, scrolling, surfing, etc.

14. The "Short Path" Strategy

The "this is the shortest and easiest path to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will deliver their desired benefit quicker than your competition. It tells them other products take longer to work and are harder to use.

15. The "Same Price" Strategy

The "that's about the price of a soda every day for one month..." strategy tells your prospects that your product isn't as expensive as it seems. Little things they spend their money on every day add up to the same price.

16. The "Introductory Price" Strategy

The "once the first (no.) (your product name) are sold, this special introductory offer will be gone forever..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't order it now, you will never offer your product again for such a low price. You could also keep updating your web site by letting them know how many are left from the original number you are selling.

17. The "Contest" Strategy

The "the best selling affiliate will get a ($) bonus on top of the other commissions that you'll make..." strategy tells your prospects that if they join your affiliate program, they could easily make their investment back. Plus it challenges them to be better than the other affiliates.

18. The "Live Demonstration" Strategy

The "click below to see a live demo of what it can do (it will open in a new window)..." strategy tells your prospects they can see a video of someone using your product to gain their desired benefit. They will mentally place themselves in the video demonstration and that will subconsciously influence their mind to buy.

19. The "Small To Big Profits" Strategy

The "(name) has a only (no.) prospects and he/she made over ($) in commissions..." strategy tells your prospects that your product has a high conversion ratio. They will assume it will be easy to resell and they don't need a big audience to make their money back from purchasing your product.

20. The "Advertise For Free" Strategy

The "I'll even give you a list of free places to advertise the product..." strategy tells your prospects they can join your affiliate program and just place a few free ads to earn their money back. You can tell them that it will only take a few sales to make their investment back (if you're paying them 50% commission).

21. The "Confident Business" Strategy

The "even poor (your product niche) can help you but..." strategy tells your prospects that all your competition’s products will help them but yours is better. By mentioning your competition's products your prospects will see how confident you are about your own product and will more likely buy it.

22. The "Successful People Do" Strategy

The "successful people will quickly recognize the benefits of such an offer and take advantage of it..." strategy tells your prospects they can be successful in gaining their desired benefit if they swiftly purchase your product. People enjoy having an advantage over their competition, friends, colleagues or even family.

23. The "Slow Server" Strategy

The "due to the extreme traffic and popularity of this product, it might take a while after you order before it is confirmed. If you have problems, try again..." strategy tells your prospects that your product must be excellent with all the hits and buzz you are getting. People will likely want to order right away.

24. The "Agree Or Not" Strategy

The "by the end of this report, I’m betting you'll agree that (your product's benefit) or I'll give you a mystery bonus..." strategy tells your prospects that you want to bet that they’ll order your product. People like to gamble. You're also going to give them something of value if you lose. They will want to at least scroll down your ad to see what it is.

25. The "Multiple Problems" Strategy

The "chances are, you're still (problem 1), you're still (problem 2), etc..." strategy tells your prospects the multiple problems they’re likely to have as a result of not owning your product. It could be problems about their emotional state, their personal and financial relationships and even future problems that will almost surely arise.

26. The "Read The Rules" Strategy

The "you must agree to some rules before you purchase our product..." strategy tells your prospects that you really protect your product. It will increase their perceived value of your product. You could list rules about not using it unethically, illegally or reselling it.

27. The "But" Strategy

The "so you're finally at the point to improve your life but (one of their excuses for not ordering)..." strategy tells your prospects a common problem why they don't try to improve their life and how you'll help them overcome it. For example, it could be your product's high cost, so you could offer them an easy payment plan.

28. The "Viral Vision" Strategy

The "imagine if you were one of the first people (no.) (months/years) ago to download and brand and giveaway my (name of your free/fee viral ebook)..." strategy tells your prospects that by now thousands and thousands of people would have it. They'll imagine those people giving it away or selling it with their affiliate links in it too. You could use this scene to persuade them to do them same thing with your new viral ebook because they will know how profitable it could be for them in the future.

29. The "One Time Invitation" Strategy

The "you won't receive this invitation again because we must maintain our exclusivity..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't be reminded about buying your product in the future. They may want to order your product now while it’s still fresh in their mind so they don't forget.

30. The "Confession" Strategy

The "I have a personal confession to make..." strategy tells your prospects that if they read your sales letter, they will learn about something that you have kept bottled up inside for a while. People will be curious to know what the secret could be. Your confession needs to persuade them to purchase your product

31. The "Teaching My Family" Strategy

The "I know (your product's topic) like the back of my hand and I'm teaching my friends and family - and you could be one of the lucky others..." strategy tells your prospects that you are an expert in your niche. People know that you wouldn't point your loved ones in the wrong direction so they may want your product and/or advice too.

32. The "Don't Buy Again" Strategy

The "if you cancel or ask for a refund you can never be my customer again for any of my products, you are out forever..." strategy tells your prospects that you won't ever allow them to purchase a product from you again if they give up on their desired benefit. You can tell them that there are plenty of other people that will take up that spot and buy your product to improve their life.

33. The "Live Entertainment" Strategy

The "a free live event hosted by (expert in your niche or yourself) will answer..." strategy tells your prospects that they will get some free live entertainment that could improve their lives. You just want the content of the live event to influence people to purchase your product at the end.

34. The "Call In Early" Strategy

The "over (no.) people registered for this in just (no.) hours/days and there are only (no.) spots..." strategy tells your prospects that your free teleconference call will have limited space. You could limit the quantity of the products that you're selling at the end of the call because it will create urgency and people will know there are a lot of potential buyers.

35. The "Do What They Do" Strategy

The "it will level the playing field once and for all..."" strategy tells your prospects that they finally will have the same benefits as the people they envy. Many people don't enjoy seeing others succeed in reaching their goals when they continually fail.

36. The "My Big Mistake" Strategy

The "one of the biggest mistakes I ever made was in thinking that I already knew how to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that they could be making a mistake too if they are thinking the same thing. They will likely want to buy your product to avoid making the same error.

37. The "Lucky Few" Strategy

The "you're one of a lucky few who is getting a free sneak peek at a brand new way to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects they will get a free sample of your product before its release to the general public. It will build their anticipation for the official release of your product.

38. The "Don't Assume" Strategy

The "what I'm about to show you has absolutely nothing to do with (the normal stuff in your niche). In fact..." strategy tells your prospects that your product offer isn't what they assume it is about. You'll then follow up with a fact that will back up their logic for becoming interested and possibly buying.

39. The "You Decide" Strategy

The "you'll have (no.) days to decide, you won't be billed till (date) and then you'll only have to make (no.) easy monthly payments of..." strategy tells your prospects that they are under no pressure or obligation to buy till after they try out your product first. And if your product is a high ticket item, they will have plenty of time to pay it off.

40. The "High Failure Rate" Strategy

The "chances are you've been trying to (the targeted benefit) and in most cases it hasn't worked out..." strategy tells your prospects that there is a high failure rate for people that use your competition's products. You just need to prove that your product will increase the chance of their success.

41. The "Been There Too" Strategy

The "I've been there, you get excited about buying a product to solve your problems only to then become more depressed when it fails..." strategy tells your prospects that they shouldn't be ashamed when they got scammed by your competition because you have been too. You need to give them a strong reason why their experience will be different when they buy your product.

42. The "It Hit Me" Strategy

The "that's when it hit me, I realized that most people go about getting (your product's benefit) the wrong way..." strategy tells your prospects that your product was a great idea and it will be the right path to reach their goals. You'll need to present a solid case why the other way is incorrect.

43. The "Scroll And Miss" Strategy

The "if you just scroll directly down this page to see the price without reading this letter you are missing an important piece of information..." strategy tells your prospects that the price is as important as the information you present in your sales letter. It makes them read or search through your whole copy for the critical information. You’ll find it’s easier to persuade them to buy when they read the benefits than with just with the price alone.

44. The "Certification" Strategy

The "I know what I'm talking about, in fact, (a reputable, well known organization/company) has actually recognized me as one of their (an authoritative title)..." strategy tells and gives your prospects clear evidence that you are an expert and not a fake. You could even place one of their certification logos (if possible) on your web site.

45. The "Need More Convincing?" Strategy

The "need more information? Click to the next page (to another page of persuasion information) or click here to order now..." strategy tells your prospects that you have even more information and proof on the next page if they aren't ready to click the order button yet. Some people need very little information to buy and some a lot; it depends on the degree of pressure of their problem or situation.

46. The "Why Not?" Strategy

The "fill in the form and tell me why you didn't order (as a pop up) and I'll give you a free gift, valued at ($)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are trying to improve your business and product to cater to their individual needs. Your highly valued gift will help persuade them to help you on future promotions.

47. The "It May Cause" Strategy

The "warning - this product may cause (positive side effects)..." strategy tells your prospects to take notice because you assume they may need to know about something that could have a negative effect on their life. But once you have their full attention, you can tell them all the benefits of your product.

48. The "Unfair Advantage" Strategy

The "this is so effective it may even get you banned from..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is so good that other people may stop them from using it because it gives them an unfair advantage. You can follow up by telling them that what usually happens is that people will just be jealous and be envious of their success.

49. The "We Recorded It" Strategy

The "fortunately we were able to record and transcribe this call for people that couldn't attend the (seminar, tele-seminar, webinar)..." strategy tells your prospects that you understand that everyone has different schedules and technical problems which can deny them access to live events. Plus, you'll get another chance to sell them your product at the end of the event.

50. The "Positive Letters" Strategy

The "here's just two full length letters I've received about our (your product name)..." strategy tells your prospects that instead of the same old short testimonials, you'll show them long, positive responses. Your prospects will assume your product is very effective if people take the time out of their busy schedule to write 2 or 3 page positive letters about it.