Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 28

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1. The "Once In History" Strategy

The "what you are about to witness will only happen once in history..." strategy tells your prospects that this is their one time chance to purchase your product and your offer will never be repeated again - ever. It could be a new product that's only available for a limited time, a type of sale you’re holding or a special bonus you’re offering with your product.

2. The "A Select Few" Strategy

The "I'm inviting a select few to what will be the biggest, most talked-about product launch ever..." strategy tells your prospects that they are one of the privileged people and that you are offering a very huge product package. They'll assume there will be a huge buzz about it and they will want to be first in line to get your product package.

3. The "Marketing Test" Strategy

The "this is a marketing test, we reserve the right to close this site at any time, without notice..." strategy tells your prospects that you are testing your product's ad copy and price. They will likely want to buy now in case you close the offer or increase the price.

4. The "Niche" Strategy

The "try to get that with any other (your product type) offer..." strategy tells your prospects that they won’t find the particular product benefit that you’re offering anywhere else. Even if they already own a similar product to yours, they may want to buy yours because of the niche or unique selling proposition you have.

5. The "Proven Buyers" Strategy

The "this offer is going out to all my prospects and (no.)% of them are proven buyers..." strategy tells your prospects that you have big audience and that a large percentage of them aren't freebie seekers. If people are slightly interested in your offer they will have the added pressure to buy now.

6. The "Read The Original" Strategy

The "if you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, you can read my first message below..." strategy tells your prospects that you know some people will read your second or third message about a product and not understand everything because they didn't read your first messages. People usually won't click on your links or even order if they don't understand your offer.

7. The "Take The Risk" Strategy

The "because of the incredible value I'm providing, I cannot offer any guarantees, warranties or refunds..." strategy tells your prospects if they are someone that repeatedly asks for a refund on purpose to save money, they won't have a chance this time. Also, it makes people realize your product is of high quality.

8. The "Serious People Only" Strategy

The "this product is intended for people seriously interested in (your product’s benefit). If you are looking for a quick fix that won't last then please leave now..." strategy tells your prospects that you’ve design your product for people that want good results for the long haul. It also challenges them to be serious about fixing their situation or problem.

9. The "Can't Be Wrong" Strategy

The "over (no.) happy customers can't be wrong..." strategy tells your prospects that you have a ton of satisfied buyers and they will likely get the same result if they invest in your product. People tend to agree with large groups because it would be a fluke if they were all incorrect.

10. The "Five Senses" Strategy

The "if you like what you've read, heard and seen and you feel good about it, just go for it..." strategy tells your prospects to follow their instincts and purchase your product. After you mention that, people will have to register it in their subconscious brain and they will start consciously recognizing most of their five senses.

11. The "S And H" Strategy

The "I understand that I'm only paying ($) for shipping and handling up-front and I'll have 30 days till you bill me..." strategy tells your prospects that they will only pay for inexpensive non-product related expenses to try your product for 1 month. It will remove their risk and if they decide to keep it, you will simply bill them for the price of the package. It's a win/win situation.

12. The "Mind Set" Strategy

The "first off, we need to agree on something (they need your product's benefit or the fact that your competition's product doesn't work)..." strategy tells your prospects to get in a certain mindset before they read your sales letter. Once they are in a favorable mental state, it will be easier to persuade them with the rest of your ad copy.

13. The "Affiliate Talk" Strategy

The "here is what one successful affiliate had to say...." strategy tells your prospects that one of your affiliates made a lot of money selling your product for commission. They will realize that your product sells well and they may purchase it to review it before they promote it.

14. The "Old And New" Strategy

The "for the first time in (no.) (years or months), I'm releasing all my strategies for (your product’s benefits) and the new ones I've recently discovered..." strategy tells your prospects that they'll be the first to learn your proven and tested older strategies and also your new ones. They will consider your strategies rare and valuable because you've kept them to yourself for so long.

15. The "24/7" Strategy

The "if you have any concerns or questions, just e-mail me 24/7 at..." strategy tells your prospects that if they aren't fully persuaded to order because of lingering questions, they can always e-mail you anytime. You can then persuade them through your e-mail to purchase your product.

16. The "Indirect Insult" Strategy

The "I don't want to sound like a complete jerk, but you'd have to be bonehead not to..." strategy tells your prospects you don't want to offend them but they would have to be dumb not to order your product. You also must offer compelling benefits and proof because most people aren't stupid enough to purchase on your advice alone.

17. The "Buy Then Raise" Strategy

The "I'll be raising the price by ($) every (no.) products I sell so the price will increase like this ($), ($), ($), etc..." strategy tells your prospects that if they are seriously considering purchasing your product, they better do before the price goes up. You could also have the current number of products that have sold on your sales letter so it shows how close you are to raising the price.

18. The "Language Advisory" Strategy

The "Language Advisory: you will read a few swear words within this letter..." strategy tells your prospects to wonder why you would be using profanity to sell your product. It will make most people curious enough to read your sales letter. They will assume there is some kind of controversy within your offer.

19. The "Past Results" Strategy

The "product 1 sold out in (no.) (hours/days), product 2 sold out in (no.) (hours/days), product 3 sold out in (no.) (hours/days)..." strategy tells your prospects that you've had some really successful, fast selling product launches. People will realize that this is a consistent pattern and they better order your current product before it sells out.

20. The "Almost Illegal" Strategy

The "many of my customers ask me if my product is illegal because it works so well..." strategy tells your prospects to not assume by your unbelievable sales letter that your product is too good to be true. You could even have some testimonials that could back up your customer's statement.

21. The "Why Trust Me?" Strategy

The "why should you listen to me..." strategy tells your prospects the reason why they should believe and trust your business. You could list awards you've won, certifications you've achieve, schooling achievements, associations you’re with, how much money you've made, etc.

22. The "Self Inflicted Pain" Strategy

The "you can stop punching the wall trying to figure out how to..." strategy tells your prospects your product will help them avoid physical pain and frustration trying to gain their desired benefit. It could be things like pulling their hair out, banging their head against the wall, kicking the car door, etc.

23. The "Help Line" Strategy

The "we’ll give you (no.) months access to my personal help line..." strategy tells your prospects they will be able to speak with you personally instead of to one of your staff. People will like the fact that you'll take personal time out for your customers instead of hiring someone else to do it. Even more persuasive, you could even give them your personal cell phone help line.

24. The "Search And Surf" Strategy

The "go to any search engine and type in my name, you'll find tons of great product reviews and positive comments about me..." strategy tells your prospects that you are popular, well liked, and you sell great products. Of course you need to make sure they don't find any negative comments about you. If the comments are false, maybe you could resolve them and get them removed from the search engines.

25. The "Simultaneous Benefits" Strategy

The "now you can instantly (one of your product's benefits) while (another one of your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects your products will give them two major benefits simultaneously. People like it when they can kill two birds by only buying one stone.

26. The "Pre-Launch" Strategy

The "NOTICE: This web site is in pre-launch mode, please return on..." strategy tells your prospects that they will be one of the first to know about your product when it's officially launched and/or when they will be able to promote it for commissions. You could also list the date it will launch, the exact time with all the time zones listed and add a countdown counter (ex. 2 days, 16 hours, 6 minutes, and 57 seconds left until the official launch).

27. The "Want Another Bonus?" Strategy

The "do you want to get another bonus product, just follow the instructions below..." strategy tells your prospects you are going to give them another opportunity to get another bonus product after they have purchased your product. In exchange you could have them refer a few friends to your web site, add your graphic link to their web site, etc. It's like having an affiliate program without paying commissions.

28. The "Illness Prevention" Strategy

The "do you feel queasy about how much money you've spent on (product type) in the last (no.) (years/months)...?" strategy tells your prospects that your product is the right one and it will help eliminate any medical illness arising from all the money they've wasted in the past. Instead of queasy you could use the words sick, dizzy, a headache coming on, sick to your stomach, feverish, etc.

29. The "Price Challenge" Strategy

The "A Challenge: we challenge you to find any other similar product on the market for such a low price. If you do, we’ll sell ours to you for the same price..." strategy tells your prospects they likely won't find another product as low cost as yours or you wouldn't offer such a challenge. You could also say that you'll buy the other product from your competition for them at your own expense.

30. The "Not Everyone Will" Strategy

The "hurry, not everyone will qualify and this offer will disappear soon..." strategy tells your prospects you expect to receive literally (hundreds/thousands) of applications to purchase your product and you will review them on a first come, first served basis. Tell them as soon as you approve or choose a specific amount of applicants, your offer will be gone forever. You could even make money on the front-end by requiring a small, non-refundable application fee to make sure they are serious about buying your product.

31. The "Sell The Event" Strategy

The "we invite you to join us live at our seminar and as a bonus after the event, we will give you your very own product to sell..." strategy tells your prospects if they purchase a ticket to your live event, you will record/transcribe it and give it to them with resell rights. You could tell them if they only sell a few copies, it will pay for their ticket and it will justify spending such a large amount of money for them.

32. The "Digitized" Strategy

The "just released for the first time in digital format..." strategy tells your prospects that your offline product is now an electronic product that can be downloaded instantly after they order. They won't have to wait for it to be shipped and you could still keep your price high by sending them the offline format as a bonus.

33. The "Embarrassing Story" Strategy

The "listen up, this story is a bit embarrassing..." strategy tells your prospects that you are human, not just a greedy marketer, and you get embarrassed sometimes just like them. Your story could be about a situation you were embarrassed about and that your product helped you from ever feeling that way again. People will mentally insert themselves right into the story and relive those same feelings.

34. The "Bad Investment" Strategy

The "it's your choice, purchase a ($) (some normal object) or (your product)..." strategy tells your prospects they can either spend the same amount of money for something they buy normally that has hardly any significance in their life or your product that can improve their life. People will get a clear view of how badly they are investing their money and invest in your product. The normal product could be a specific food item, piece of clothing, entertainment items, etc.

35. The "I'll Sell Quicker" Strategy

The "I originally sold (no.) of my products for ($) in (no.) (hours/days) with no money-back guarantee or bonuses..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will likely sell out quicker this time because your price is lower, you are offering bonuses and a money-back guarantee. They will see just how much better an offer they are getting than your past customers and won't be able to pass it up.

36. The "Spend A Day" Strategy

The "if you can spare (no.) measly (minutes/hours) a (day/week) I'll show you how to (your product's benefit)...” strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, it won't take a whole lot of time away from their free time to reach their desired goals. You could even compare that time to insignificant things they do, like watching TV, napping, listening to music, talking on the phone, etc.

37. The "Conversion Rate" Strategy

The "my product’s conversion rate is (no.)% and the market standard is (no.)% and I'm promoting this offer to (no.) on my current prospects and I only have (no.) copies left..." strategy tells your prospects to do the math and see how long it takes before your product sells out. Plus they will see your conversion rate is high and assume your product is top notch. They may also want to join your affiliate program before you sell out.

38. The "You Understand Now" Strategy

The "as you begin to review the benefits, you're probably beginning to understand why people are literally begging to buy it..." strategy tells your prospects to focus on your product's benefits, which is usually the strongest influence in an ad. People say to themselves, "Well, what's in it for me?"

39. The "Question It" Strategy

The "I know you’re asking yourself, ‘Can people really (your product's benefit)?’ My opinion on this might surprise you..." strategy tells your prospects to actually question your product's benefits. They will then search for the answer inside your sales letter. They will also be curious about what your personal opinion is on the subject. It should support your product's benefits.

40. The "Certificate" Strategy

The "you will be rewarded with a certificate of completion..." strategy tells your prospects that you will reward them for purchasing your product and gaining their desired benefit. You will need to tell them they have to show "viewable" proof that they reached their goals. The certificate could be good for anything that would persuade them to buy.

41. The "What's Important?" Strategy

The "which of the following do you think is the most important part of (your product's market/niche)?..." strategy tells your prospects that all the minor benefits you listed are wrong and then you tell them the major benefit of your product. They will see all your product’s benefits without you directly telling them too. It will just be like taking a quiz or searching for the answer to your question.

42. The "Don't Hear This?" Strategy

The "you probably aren't going to want to hear this..." strategy tells your prospects that the way they are currently trying to gain their desired benefits is all wrong. You can tell them that your product is the right way. Plus, they will super curious about what it is that they shouldn’t hear because it could affect their life.

43. The "Nagging Questions" Strategy

The "do you find yourself asking questions like: (your product's benefits)?..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will answer and solve those questions for them. They won't have to ever wonder again about exactly how they will reach their goals. They won't have to ever deal with those nagging questions popping in their minds again.

44. The "They're All Wrong" Strategy

The "I was shocked when the entire (your niche or target audience) community started doing this..." strategy tells your prospects to be curious about why you are so shocked. Once you give them proof that everyone (including your competition) is doing things all wrong and it could be harmful or illegal, they will want to gain their desired benefit the right way. Of course that means them purchasing your product and knowing they are finally doing it the correct way.

45. The "More For Less" Strategy

The "for the next (no.) customers, I'm going to give you a secret order page where you'll get a (no.)% discount on the deluxe version..." strategy tells your prospects if they order the deluxe version, they will get a discount on it. You'll want to have a little higher price than the basic version, even with the discount. It will just make more sense for them to spend a little more money for more benefits.

46. The "Generic" Strategy

The "if you couldn't afford (your competition's famous product) than maybe you can afford the clone..." strategy tells your prospects they can finally enjoy all the benefits by purchasing your similar product for way less. You could even tell them it lets them do everything your competition's product does and even more.

47. The "Swear About It" Strategy

The "I can't believe this $H&+! (sorry, mom)..." strategy tells your prospects to give you their attention because you are angry enough to swear about something. They'll also know you know it's wrong to curse (so they won't look down on you). They will be interested to find out what you are so mad about. Of course it should be something your competition is doing.

48. The "Not What You Think" Strategy

The "I absolutely guarantee, it's not what you think..." strategy tells your prospects that what you’re about to tell them is something they haven't heard before. Many businesses in the same niche have similar ads and you have to make sure your prospects understand they won't be bored if they read your sales letter. Plus it's mysterious and leaves a little for their imagination.

49. The "Already Know This?" Strategy

The "if you don't know this yet, you won't believe what you’re missing..." strategy tells your prospects that they should find out if they already know what you are going to tell them. People don't like to miss out on things that can help them improve their life and it will make them jealous if they are left out in the cold.

50. The "Gut Check" Strategy

The "do you have the guts to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are questioning if they are brave enough to reach their goals. Most people don't want to be considered cowards. To give them confidence, just remind what they will be rewarded with for their bravery.