Richard Fishacre

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Richard Fishacre (c1204-1248) was the first Dominican master at Oxford to be educated exclusively in England. He was a student at the first Oxford Blackfriars, taught by Robert Bacon, the first Dominican master in theology, and probably incepted around 1240. He lectured with Bacon, although whether this was at the same venue or not is uncertain.




Primary sources


  • Commentary on the sentences (ca. 1235/1240)
    • Einzelbemerkungen: Mss.: Oxford, Balliol College 57
    • Paris, B.N. lat. 15754.
  • De fide, spe et caritate
  • De poenitentia
  • Quodlibeta


  • Quaestio de ascensione Christi
  • Sermo "Non enim heres erit filius ancille cum filio libere (Gal 4, 30) ..."
  • Sermo marianus "Sicut oliva fructifera ..."
  • Super super Augustini librum de haeresibus adnotationes

Secondary sources

  • Callus, D.A. (1943) 'Introduction of Aristotelian learning to Oxford', Proceedings of the British Academy 29, pp. 229-81.
  • Dales, R. (1995), The Problem of the Rational Soul in the Thirteenth Century, Leiden: Brill.
  • Glorieux, Palémon: Répertoire des maîtres en théologie de Paris au XIIIe siècle, Paris 1933.
  • Kaeppeli, Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi. Volumen III, 1980, S. 303.
  • Long, R.J. (1987), "Richard Fishacre's way to God," in R. Link-Salinger et al., eds., A Straight Path: Studies in Medieval Philosophy and Culture: Essays in Honor of Arthur Hyman (pp. 23-36), Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
  • Marschler, Thomas, Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Christi in der scholastischen Theologie bis zu Thomas von Aquin [BGPhThMA. Neue Folge, Bd. 64/I], Münster 2003.
  • Weisheipl, James A.: Thomas von Aquin. Sein Leben und seine Theologie, Graz (Styria) 1980.


5 1205ca 1240 England 1248 England