Directory:Article Heaven/List of generation

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Generations are cohorts of people who were born in a certain date range and share a general cultural experience of the world.

20th-21st century

Template:Disputed-section Template:Synthesis Note: These dates are only approximate.

  • 1930-1941: The Silent Generation was the generation born between the two World Wars, who were too young to join the service when World War II started. Many had fathers who served in World War I.
  • 1954-1965: Generation Jones was the generation of children in the 1960s, who came of age in the middle to late 1970s and early 1980s. The election of Barack Obama to the U.S. Presidency created significantly increased awareness of this generation as many prominent sources referred to Obama as specifically a member of Generation Jones.
  • 1961-1979: Generation X is the generation connected to the pop culture of the 1980s and 1990s they grew up in.[3] Other names used interchangeably with Generation X are Reagan Generation, 13th Generation, and Baby Busters. Most of this generation are children of The Baby Boomers and The Silent Generation. Those born before 1973 spent most of their teen years in the 1980s.[2]
  • 1975-1986: The MTV Generation are typically conceived as a "cusp" generation between Generation X and Generation Y that possess definable traits of both. While the music video and MTV rose to prominence during this generation's formative period, it is also notable for being the last generation able to compare hardwired and analog technologies to wireless and digital technologies based upon personal experiences. They are also the generation with the last personal memories of the Cold War era.
  • 1980-1994: The Millennial Generation, or "Generation Y", is said to be dependent on digital technology. It is in this generation that mobile phones, PC's and portable entertainment devices became affordable and readily availiable when the Gen Yers were in their teens or early 20s. Millennials are generally a very socially liberal and politically active generation, voting in record numbers in the 2008 presidential election.
  • 1995-present: Generation Z are modern children, born from somewhere in the second half of the 1990s to the present. In the early to mid 2010s, the yet-to-exist generation after this will be born.

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^ a b Strauss, William & Howe, Neil. Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069. Perennial, 1992 (Reprint). ISBN 0-688-11912-3 p. 324
  3. ^ Generation X and The Millennials: What You Need to Know About Mentoring the New Generations

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