Directory:Derek Elder/Programs/PhonebookSystem
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 28, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchecho "Please enter the name of your phonebook: " read book echo "Phone book system" echo "1) Add an entry" echo "2) Delete an entry" echo "3) List file or entry" echo "4) Change an entry" echo "5) Exit system" echo "Please enter your menu choice: " read choice while[ $choice != 5 ] do case $choice in 1) addanother=1 while [ $addanother != 0 ] do echo "Enter the name to add: " read name echo "Enter the phone number to add: " read number echo "The added entry will be $name:$number" echo "Is this the entry you wish to add? Enter [Y]es or [N]o" read entry if [ $entry == "Y" -o $entry == "y" ] then echo "$name:$number" >> $book echo "Add has been performed" else echo "Add has not been performed" fi echo "Enter 1 if you would like to add another entry, enter 0 to exit." read addanother done;; 2) deleteanother=1 count=0 while [ $deleteanother != 0 ] do echo "Enter the name to be deleted: " read name grep -n $name $book > countbook count=`cat countbook | wc -l` if [ $count -eq 0 ] then echo "Error, no matches were found." else grep -n $name $book echo "Which line number would you like to delete?" read linum sed "$linum d" $book > temp temp > $book fi echo "Enter 1 if you would like to delete another entry, enter 0 to exit." read deleteanother done;; 3) echo "List choices" echo " 1. List Entry" echo " 2. List File" read menuchoice if [ $menuchoice -eq 1 ] then echo "Enter the name to list: " read name grep -n $name $book else echo "Press <enter> to go forward through the file line by line." echo "Press <b> to go backward through the file one screen at a time." echo "Press <f> to go forward through the file one screen at a time." echo "Press <q> when you want to leave the file entry." echo "Press <enter> when you want to continue." read dummy cat $book | less fi;; 4) changes=y count=0 while [ $changes == "Y" -o $changes == "y" ] do echo "Please enter the name you would like to change: " read name grep -n $name $book grep -n $name $book > tempfile count=`cat tempfile | wc -l` if [ $count -gt 0 ] then echo "Please enter the line number you would like to change: " read linum sed -n "$linum p" $book > linumtemp echo "Which would you like to change: " echo " 1. Name" echo " 2. Number" read menuchoice if [ $menuchoice -eq 1 ] then oldnumber=`cat linumtemp | cut -d: -f2` echo "Please enter the new name: " read newname sed "$linum d" $book >> tempbook mv tempbook $book echo "$newname:$oldnumber" >> $book else oldname=`cat linumtemp | cut -d: -f1` echo "Please enter the new number: " read newnumber sed "$linum d" $book >> tempbook mv tempbook $book echo "$oldname:$newnumber" >> $book fi else echo "Error, no match found in the phone book." fi echo "More changes? [Y]es or [N]o" read changes done;; *) echo "Error, please enter a valid choice";; esac echo "1) Add an entry" echo "2) Delete an entry" echo "3) List file or entry" echo "4) Change an entry" echo "5) Exit system" echo "Please enter your menu choice: " read choice done