Directory:Harrison Greenbaum

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Harrison Greenbaum is a professional stand-up comedian and magician.

In addition to being the co-founder of the Harvard College Stand-Up Comic Society [1] [2], Greenbaum is the creator and co-producer of Don't Touch the Foot, a weekly stand-up comedy show in Times Square, New York [3].

Greenbaum has produced showcases for and headlined at both the New York Underground Comedy Festival [4] and Boston Comedy Festival [5] [3].

In addition to his work as a stand-up comedian, Greenbaum is also a featured close-up and stage magician at the Mystery Lounge, Boston's only weekly comedy-magic show [6] [7].

Published work

Greenbaum's essay on magic, "The Magic of Magic," was featured in 50 Successful Harvard Essays (2nd edition) (ISBN 978-0312343767).

Greenbaum has also contributed articles to MAD Magazine [8].

Reference list

  1. ^ Graff, Emily. "Standing Ovation." FM Magazine. Harvard Crimson. October 10, 2007. [1]
  2. ^ Howell, Daniel. "No Hecklers Here: Stand-Up Society Takes Stage." Harvard Crimson. October 12, 2007. [2]
  3. ^ a b Zaino III, Nick. "Festival is Happy Helping Rising Stars." Boston Globe. October 5th, 2007. [3]
  4. ^ Schedule of Events. New York Underground Comedy Festival. 2007. Retrieved 14 Jan. 2008. [4]
  5. ^ List of Showcases. Boston Comedy Festival. 2007. Retrieved 14 Jan. 2008. [5]
  6. ^ Millstein, Daniel. "Not Your Average Hocus Pocus." Tufts Observer. March 2nd, 2007. [6]
  7. ^ Mystery Lounge official site. [7]
  8. ^ Slaubaugh, Mike. "MAD Magazine Contributor Appearances." [8]

External links