Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 14

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1. The "Better Deal" Strategy

The "(your membership site's name) members already have access to (your product name) with their monthly membership..." strategy tells your prospects that they could purchase your main product or join your paid membership web site and get it for no cost. You could make a monthly income from them instead of just the one sale. It will sound like a better deal or bargain to just join your membership web site.

2. The "Out Bid Everyone" Strategy

The "I'm auctioning off (one of your businesses or resell, master resell or private label rights products) to one person..." strategy tells your prospects they could have their own unsaturated business if they outbid everyone else. You could have a minimum starting bid and a date the auction will end to create urgency, and say how much the business usually makes you per month. You could have a real time system of the auction results on your web site so people can keep track of how much they need to keep bidding to win your auction.

3. The "O.T.O. Special Sale" Strategy

The "my (no.) hour O.T.O. (one time offer) special sale..." strategy tells your prospects that before they were offered your one time offer for a certain price but you decided to lower that price for a certain period of time. If it was just the price or financial hardship that held them back before from buying, they will jump on your O.T.O. this time.

4. The "Sorry, No Bonuses" Strategy

The "sorry, I'm not offering any bonuses..." strategy tells your prospects that you aren't offering any bonuses to your resell, master resell or private label rights product. You can tell them that the rights for making 100% profit from your product is more of a bonus than all those junk bonuses most businesses are offering.

5. The "How Much Effort?" Strategy

The "spending a little money and giving (low number)% effort is better than being cheap and giving 100% effort..." strategy tells your prospects they have a choice about how much effort they want to give to gain their desired benefit. People usually don't want to give much effort these days because they are used to getting everything instantly because of technological advances.

6. The "Job Placement" Strategy

The "we offer a job placement service..." strategy tells your prospects if they purchase your product and learn the skills you are teaching, you have businesses in line to hire them for wage jobs or commission-only type projects. You can tell them you will even get a certification certificate they can present to the businesses you are associated with.

7. The "Past Info Product" Strategy

The "(no.) (months/years) ago I read a (information type product, article, forum posting, etc.) that change my life..." strategy tells your prospects that you based your new product on or got the idea for it from what you read in the past. You can tell them all the positive benefits, feelings, accomplishments, etc., that you've experienced since reading that piece of information and created your own product from it.

8. The "Happy Birthday" Strategy

The "it's my birthday and I'm celebrating..." strategy tells your prospects the reason for your incredible offer is because it's your birthday or because it's coming up very soon. It could be you’re having a sale, launching a new product, holding a birthday type event, etc. People may want to give you a birthday gift by purchasing your product(s). Also works with anniversaries, weddings, Christmas or any other holiday or event when it's proper to give a gift.

9. The "Sound Complicated?" Strategy

The "it might sound complicated but..." strategy tells your prospects that, even with your product, gaining their desired benefit might seem complicated but it's really simple when they think about it. You can tell them it's just a matter of following the directions and taking one step at a time. Tell them you'll offer them 24/7 support in case they need you to take them by the hand and walk or talk them through it.

10. The "Real Time Numbers" Strategy

The "(no.) people are currently visiting my web site and (no.) people have ordered (add a live counter)..." strategy tells your prospects how many people are viewing your offer in real time and a real time running total of how many people that have ordered and are ordering. People will get excited to see all this detailed information and know that they aren't alone.

11. The "What's Mandatory?" Strategy

The "here's what you need to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects all the mandatory things most people need in order to gain their desired benefit. You just need to show them that your product offers all those things and your competition doesn't.

12. The "J.V. First With Me" Strategy

The "bonus: you will get my J.V. announcement before everyone else..." strategy tells your prospects if they purchase your product, they will be one of the first to profit in the future from your new product launches. You can also mention they will get to see your new products for free or at a discount before everyone else.

13. The "Want To Advertise?" Strategy

The "bonus: a discount on advertising..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you will give them a discount on buying advertising from you or someone else you made a deal with. It could be for pop-up advertising, banner advertising, forum advertising, etc.

14. The "It Took Forever" Strategy

The "this isn't one of those e-books that was created in (no.) hours..." strategy tells your prospects that your new information product wasn't thrown together in a hurry just to make a quick buck on some new, in demand subject. You can tell them you thoroughly researched the subject and personally wrote it, instead of allowing some ghost writer with the lowest bid to write it.

15. The "Foreign Friendliness" Strategy

The "I've created a different version for all the major countries..." strategy tells your prospects that your product can be used by all people, all over the world. There are many differences between countries on what can and can't be done with products, like laws, beliefs, languages, religions, etc.

16. The "Double Mystery" Strategy

The "there are mystery chapters written by mystery authors and experts..." strategy tells your prospects that your information product has undisclosed information given by undercover experts they will only learn about if they purchase your product. It could be mystery authors, speakers, experts, celebrities, etc., for e-books, speeches, audio recordings, videos, etc.

17. The "Physical Downfalls" Strategy

The "does not (your product's benefit) make your (a negative physical reaction)..." strategy asks your prospects if their knees shake, voices crack, throats lump up, hearts pound, palms sweat, bodies shake or heads ache without owning your product. If they have had those physical reactions in the past, they will want to get rid of them in the future.

18. The "One Opportunity" Strategy

The "if you had just one opportunity to (your product's benefit), would you?..." strategy tells your prospects they will have just one shot to gain their desired benefit. It questions whether they are going to pass up their only chance to improve an aspect of their life or reach their goals.

19. The "Is It A Gamble?" Strategy

The "is it always a gamble that (type of product) works properly?..." strategy asks your prospects if they are tired of buying products from your competition that only work half the time. You could tell them it's like needing to be dealt an ace in a poker game in order to win. You just need to give them solid proof why your product works every time.

20. The "Problem After Problem" Strategy

The "sometimes does it feel like when you buy (a type of product) to solve a problem, it just creates more problems..." strategy tells your prospects that your competition’s product is more trouble than it's worth. You can tell them your product won't create all those extra problems. For example, you buy diet pills that have 20 possible side effects to lose weight.

21. The "Define The Name" Strategy

The "(your business or product name) (a definition of each word in the name)..." strategy tells your prospects by definition what your business or product name means. The definition of the words in your business name should help persuade people to buy. For example, if your product name was Secret Marketing Strategies, it would look like secret (the definition) marketing (the definition) strategies (the definition).

22. The "Time Of Year" Strategy

The "did you know our competition raises prices during (a certain time of year)..." strategy tells your prospects that you don't raise your prices to take advantage of the time of year. The times of the year could be winter, summer, spring, fall, Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, etc. Another example, ‘Did you know our competition charges for batteries? We don't!’ The stuff businesses charge extra for can be gift wrapping, shipping, personalization, etc.

23. The "Do They Benefit?" Strategy

The "most (type of professional or expert) don't know what they are talking about..." strategy tells your prospects that some people give advice or write information about a subject but can't benefit from it themselves. For example, a 400 pound man who writes an e-book about losing weight (unless of course, he was 500 pounds at the beginning). You just need to prove to your prospects that your competition doesn't do what they preach and you do.

24. The "Finders For Free" Strategy

The "I challenge you to find these same tips from any other source and I'll give it to you for free..." strategy tells your prospects that they are going to have to purchase your product in order to see if they can somehow get your product for free. Another idea would be to give them a refund plus a little extra cash and they can still keep your product.

25. The "Bonus Addition" Strategy

The "add your own bonus to my product package and get it for free..." strategy tells your prospects if they donate one of their own products to your product package, they will get your product and all the other bonus products that have been added for free. You can also mention they can direct people to their own web site before they give them access to their bonus product.

26. The "They're Protecting It" Strategy

The "he/she made me promise I would make you check/sign this non-disclosure agreement before I sold this product to you..." strategy tells your prospects that you are selling someone else’s product for commissions or 100% profits and that it is protecting that person’s information product. You can tell them that you are making them do it because it's not fair if others or your competition don't have to pay for it like they did.

27. The "Everyday Experience" Strategy

The "you could be experiencing this every day..." strategy tells your prospects a detailed short description or story of the positive, easy experiences they will have with your product. For example - you wake up in the morning, you pop a pill, you drink a cup of water and you eat whatever you want all day long without worrying about gaining weight.

28. The "My Friend's Advice" Strategy

The "hurry, I've been told by one of my best friends who is a (topic) (an expert) that I should raise the price..." strategy tells your prospects they better hurry up and order because you may eventually be persuaded by your friend to raise your price. Most people realize that people can be easily persuaded by close friends and experts.

29. The "Extra Per Month" Strategy

The "the first (no.) people who join will get an extra (no.) (type of product) per month..." strategy tells your prospects that if they are one of the first to sign up to your membership web site, they will get extra products every month for as long as they stay a paid member. It could be extra e-books, articles, reports, etc.

30. The "Divided Speaker" Strategy

The "it's like getting (no.) seminars for the price of one..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to have a lot of speakers at your seminar, but they will only pay for one speaker. It sounds more like a bargain if you add up the total number of speakers at your seminar and let them know what just one of them charges.

31. The "Numbers Don't Lie" Strategy

The "there are (no.) searches for (subject of keyword/key phrase)..." strategy tells your prospects that tons of people want the type of product that you are offering them to sell. You can tell them that those numbers don't lie and how profitable your product is. Tell them it shows people are hungry for your product. You could be offering them a resell rights product, an affiliate product for commissions, an MLM product for commission on many levels, etc.

32. The "Steal Their Success" Strategy

The "you can model, borrow, and outright steal these (no.) success stories to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are offering so many examples of people who have had success with your product or who are gaining the desired benefit they want. It could be offered as a bonus for your main product. You could mention that you made a deal with the people in the success stories that you would only offer so many free copies so they don't have too much competition.

33. The "Buy Then Resell" Strategy

The "as a product owner you can get the (resell, master resell, private label) rights for a (no.)% discount..." strategy tells your prospects if they are already an owner of your product or become an owner of your product, they can get the resell rights for less. They will realize that it's cheaper to buy the product then separately buy the rights rather than buying them both at the same time.

34. The "Server Overload" Strategy

The "this is free until we reach our maximum server load..." strategy tells your prospects they better hurry up and purchase your product or you are going to start charging for the bonus that you are currently giving away. Tell them once you have to buy more space, you will start charging for the bonus to offset the costs. It could be that your bonus is a membership web site, an online software product they can use, etc.

35. The "Hit Higher Commissions" Strategy

The "if you refer (no.) or more visitors a (day/week/month) you'll get an increase in commissions..." strategy tells your prospects that if they send so many visitors to your web site as an affiliate, you'll give then a higher commission per sale. You could even tell them that those higher commissions are usually only for your handpicked joint venture partners.

36. The "Before I Do" Strategy

The "promote it before I do..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase the resell rights to your product or promote it through your affiliate program, they will get to market it before you do. It gives them an advantage to sell your product before you promote it to your own prospects. You'll make money either way.

37. The "Price Story" Strategy

The "here’s how I came up with the price..." strategy tells your prospects the process you used to decide on the price of your product. You can tell them you allowed some close friend or colleague to use it and they said to charge a high price. You can tell them you also surveyed your prospects about how much you should charge for it and they chose a high price. You can tell them you are selling it at a lower than suggested price because you wanted to give everyone a chance to buy it but you could change your mind in the future. Your prospects will see the value in your offer because others have told you to charge a high price.

38. The "Benefit's Value" Strategy

The "how to (benefit) ($ no. - value), 3 ways to (benefit) ($ no. - value), etc..." strategy tells your prospects that you are giving them the retail value of each benefit that comes with your product. For example, it's like when a business lists the retail value of each bonus in their product package.

39. The "Older And Upgraded" Strategy

The "the (no. - high number)th version is ready..." strategy tells your prospects that your product must really be good if it's still selling after all these upgrades. You can even let them know the date you first released the product or how many years ago it was first introduced.

40. The "Need And Wants" Strategy

The "most (type of business) main priority is to sell as many products as they possibly can..." strategy tells your prospects that your main priority is to serve the needs and wants of your customers. You can tell them you know that loyal, long-term customers are more valuable to any business than just forgetting about them and moving on to new customers. Of course new people will want to become your long-term customers after reading that.

41. The "Hiding Something" Strategy

The "you might be wondering why you don't hear about people that (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that those people want to keep their identities and strategies secrets so they will have an unfair advantage over others. You can tell them that your type of product is what they are trying to keep a secret. They will want to purchase it so they too will have an advantage.

42. The "Bonus Evidence" Strategy

The "here are some testimonials for our bonus..." strategy tells your prospects that you offer testimonials for your bonus products. Many businesses don't use testimonials for their bonus products and it will increase the perceived value of them. You could even add longer success stories or case studies about your bonus products.

43. The "First To Know" Strategy

The "get free updates for (no.) (months/years)..." strategy tells your prospects that if there are any changes for what they need to do to gain their desired benefit with your product, they will be the first to know. As you know, in life laws can change, policies can be added or deleted, technology is always going forward, information changes daily, etc.

44. The "Contest Updates" Strategy

The "affiliate update: changes in the contest standings..." strategy tells your prospects that if they promoted your product during your affiliate contest, their position may have changed for the good or bad. It could affect if they get a prize or are chasing a bonus. You could even tease them about others who may be close to them with the number of sales they made or who are getting ready to promote it very heavily so they get more motivated to make more sales for you.

45. The "Learn Something New" Strategy

The "every time I (read, listen to, watch) it I learn something new..." strategy tells your prospects that the affiliate information product you are promoting teaches you how to benefit differently every time you read, listen or watch it. You can also mention you take notes from it, highlight important passages, underline key information, etc. People will assume it must be good for you to give that much time and effort in studying it.

46. The "T.O.C. Omissions" Strategy

The "table of contents: chapter #1: how to XXXXXX in XX minutes, chapter #2 X ways to increase your XXXXX, etc..." strategy tells your prospects that you are teasing them by displaying your information product's Table Of Contents with omitted words. It will grab people's curiosity and make them want to find out what they are missing.

47. The "Forget Taking Notes" Strategy

The "I took all the important notes for you..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your information product's DVD, CD or Internet audio or video recording, they won't have to go through the time and hassle of taking notes of the important points. You could even include a transcribed version of the whole audio or video with the important points highlighted or underlined, so they could read it all at their leisure and skip over the parts they want.

48. The "Offline Gift" Strategy

The "you'll get a ($) (no.) (offline store name) gift card..." strategy tells your prospects that if they order your product, you'll give them a gift card from an offline store where they can redeem it, unless the store also has a web site which they could use it on. This will allow your prospects to actually pick out a bonus they really want and have a small shopping spree at the same time.

49. The "I Haven't Been Drinking" Strategy

The "I swear I haven't been drinking anything..." strategy tells your prospects that you assume they will think your offer is so good or your price is so cheap that you might be under the influence of a legal or illegal drug. Other things you could say are: No, I'm not smoking anything either, I promise I haven't been popping any pills today, etc.

50. The "Last Date" Strategy

The "here is our last testimonial (date of it)..." strategy tells your prospects that you just recently added a new testimonial to your sales letter. It shows your prospects someone just recently benefited from your product and people are still buying it. By using an exact date, it won't sound like it was made up or anything.