Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 15

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1. The "Feeling Guilty?" Strategy

The "don't purchase our product if you're going to feel guilty about others struggling to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that other people will have a harder time gaining their desired benefit without your product. It uses reverse psychology and many people do feel guilty when they are gaining a benefit while others are struggling.

2. The "Valuable Skill" Strategy

The "this one skill alone is worth (no.) the cost of (your product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them a skill that will pay for itself. You can relate the pay back to money, emotional or physical rewards that they will get.

3. The "They Are Lazy" Strategy

The "you'll (benefit) while your friends just sit on their butts..." strategy tells your prospects that they will be improving their lives with your product while their friends don’t do productive things. It will show them that your product will give meaning and purpose to their lives. You also could be more specific about the non-productive things your friends are doing. For example - partying too much, sleeping in too much, watching TV too much, talking on the phone too much, etc.

4. The "What Problem?" Strategy

The "you say you have a (topic) problem? What (topic) problem?..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will make their problem disappear. You could also compare all the different levels of people who decided not to solve their problem. For example, some people may do okay, some will just get by and some will fail, etc.

5. The "Unsaturated" Strategy

The "grab the unsaturated resell rights to (your product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects that your resell rights product isn't old or outdated and available for sale everywhere else. Most marketers know that highly saturated resell rights products affect their ability to make a profit with them.

6. The "Resell Comparison" Strategy

The "compare my resell rights collection with my competition’s..." strategy tells your prospects that they can go and check out your competitor's package because yours is way better. You can mention your resell rights collection is always updated with new titles and the products they sell get regularly updated. You can also mention your pack isn't like those big, old reports packages and e-book packages that are sold all over the Internet.

7. The "Keep This Safe" Strategy

The "print this out and read it now..." strategy tells your prospects that your sales letter is important enough to actually print out and read. You could always mention that they will learn so many valuable strategies from it, they should keep it posted on their desk, place it on their bookshelf or keep it locked in their safe.

8. The "1 Minute Application" Strategy

The "filling out this (no.) minute application could (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are accepting applications for people to purchase your product. If it's a short application, tell them how little time it will take them to fill it out. By adding an application to your selling process, you can say that not all the applications will be accepted, so it will make them really excited to buy if you select them. It's like they beat out others for the chance to gain their desired benefit.

9. The "Resell Gifts" Strategy

The "each person contributed a (resell, master resell or private label) rights product to this package..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product they will get the big resell package for free. You can tell the they can even ad their own resell product to the package. You can tell them this package as a whole is only available to customers of the product you are currently offering.

10. The "Camouflage" Strategy

The "give away or sell this sales report..." strategy tells your prospects that you converted your sales letter to a report format with valuable pieces of information. You could even allow them to brand your sales report so they can earn commissions from it. It will spread your disguised sales letter virally all over the Internet.

11. The "Double Sale" Strategy

The "sell just one and it will double your investment..." strategy tells your prospects that you normally sell your resell product at a certain price but they will get it for half off what it costs without resell rights. So if they resell the product to people at your regular price, it will only take one sale to get double what they paid for the resell rights license.

12. The "Master It Fast" Strategy

The "only (no.) free master resell rights upgrades left..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase the resell rights to your product, they will automatically get upgraded to master resell rights. It will create more urgency by placing a limit on the number of master resell rights licenses you will release.

13. The "Measly Yes" Strategy

The "would you invest a measly ($) to (your product's benefit)?..." strategy tells your prospects to answer "yes" to your question because their total investment doesn't compare in value to the benefit they will get. Once they mentally say "yes," they will continue to read your ad for more details or buy right away.

14. The "Why So Cheap?" Strategy

The "but why am I giving this way for only ($)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product sounds very valuable but your price is so low, it will make them want to know why. You need to use an honest reason that will make them say "that makes sense." For example, you could say that you want to prove to people that it's still possible, even these days, to get a good quality product for a very low price.

15. The "No Promises" Strategy

The "I'm not going to promise that (your product's benefit) because I don't know you personally..." strategy tells your prospects the reason why you are not going to promise that they are going to get their desired benefit. You could say it’s because you don't know their background, their specific situation, their education level, their skills, their emotional state, etc.

16. The "Carbon Copy" Strategy

The "I made ($) last year and I'll show you how to duplicate my success..." strategy tells your prospects that you will give them the exact step-by-step plan and tools you used to make that money. For example, if you sold a resell rights product, you could say: “I'll give you the rights to sell the same package of products and show you where and how I promoted it.”

17. The "Select A Buyer" Strategy

The "enter to be randomly selected to purchase my product..." strategy tells your prospects they can sign up to your opt-in form/squeeze page for a random chance to purchase your product. You can tell them if the sales letter appears after they opt-in, it means they won a chance to purchase your product. You can tell the people that don't win to reenter and try again. People get excited and in a good mood when they win something so once you have them excited it's easier to sell to them.

18. The "Undisclosed Goal" Strategy

The "we've almost reached our sales goal so hurry..." strategy tells your prospects that you have an undisclosed goal to sell so many copies of your product and once you reach that goal, your sales letter will be removed. You can tell them if they leave now and come back later, it could be too late. With them knowing you’re close to selling out your product, they may order because they really aren't sure just how close you are.

19. The "Lowest ROI" Strategy

The "check out the lowest possible return on your investment..." strategy tells your business prospects that if they use just one strategy from your business info-product and gain just one lifetime customer, it will more than pay for their purchase price. You could also make it out as "just use one strategy and make one sale" if their profits from the sale of one of their products are higher than what you are selling yours for.

20. The "Talk To Yourself" Strategy

The "once you use it you'll say to yourself..." strategy tells your prospects what they will tell themselves once they gain the benefits from your product. It needs to be something that will attract them to buy instantly, like: "It's great! Why did I wait so long to buy it?" "If I would have bought this sooner, I wouldn't have had (a negative effect)."

21. The "Re-Reading" Strategy

The "I've read it (no.) times already..." strategy tells your prospects that the affiliate info-product that you are selling is so good that you read, listened or watched it multiple times. You could even add up the number of hours or days you took out of your spare time. For example, “I've spent well over 16 hours of my spare time this week reading and re-reading it and enjoyed every minute of it.”

22. The "Million Dollar Secret" Strategy

The "discover the ($) secret..." strategy tells your prospects that you made a specific amount of money using one tip, strategy, secret, trick, etc., from the money-making information product you are selling. You could name all your benefits in your sales letter after the amounts of money you made off each one and keep the details of each benefit a secret. It will draw a lot of curiosity for your products. For example, “Learn the $15,678 strategy”; “Discover the $45 per hour formula”; etc.

23. The "I Own Many" Strategy

The "I'm the owner of several other very successful web sites..." strategy tells your prospects that the web site they are on is only one of the web sites you own. You can tell them the name, URL and traffic ranking (if it's good) of the web sites. It will show them just how successful you are and give you some extra credibility. Plus, you may make some sales from the people who decide to check out your other web sites too.

24. The "No Reason" Strategy

The "there is no reason you couldn't do what (a name) did..." strategy tells your prospects that you are commenting on one of the people from your testimonials in your sales letter. Plus if the person in the testimonial has gone through more obstacles than most of your prospects, then say something like: “There is no reason you couldn't do what Mike did and he did it with only one arm.”

25. The "Extra Resources" Strategy

The "if you want to learn more about (your product's topic), here are (no.) excellent sources (links)..." strategy tells your prospects other products they may need that aren't in direct competition with yours in your sales letter. You could even recommend the products with your own affiliate links to make money. Just make sure those other web sites open in another window so people don't leave your sales letter’s page.

26. The "Anyone Of You" Strategy

The "anyone can do this..." strategy tells your prospects that anyone who purchases your product can gain their desired benefit. You can tell them people just like them are doing it every day. You can mention the different types of your customers who are benefiting, like: cab drivers, plumbers, teachers, bakers, chefs, mechanics, etc.

27. The "Hyper Keyword" Strategy

The "business(hyperlinked), marketing(hyperlinked), increase traffic(hyperlinked)..." strategy tells your prospects that many of the keywords and key phrases in your ad copy are text links too. They will be curious to click on one to see where it leads. You could lead them to an opt-in page, an Adsense page, an affiliate product page, to your other product page, etc. It will give you the chance to make extra profits even if they don't buy your main product. Just make sure those pages open up in other windows so that they don't leave your main sales letter.

28. The "Leave Now" Strategy

The "leave this page if you want to (a negative effect)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they aren't going to do anything to improve their life, you don't have any time for them. For example, “Get out of here if you want to be overweight forever!”; “Don't purchase if you want to be broke!” etc. Most people don't want negative problems in their lives so it may persuade them to buy.

29. The "Niche Bonus" Strategy

The "free bonus: hey, (type of people) this is for you: (the bonus)..." strategy tells your prospects that you may be selling a product that anyone can buy but you are targeting one or more of your bonuses to a select group of people. It could be a free bonus for women, men, doctors, marketers, stay-at-home moms, etc. It will help you sell more products to a particular group of people and you can advertise your product on highly targeted web sites, search engines, etc.

30. The "Negative Guarantee" Strategy

The "this guarantee is for any (negative label) that can't (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they can't get their desired benefit with your product and ask for a refund, they will be labeled something they don't want to be labeled. For example: “This guarantee is for any quitter that can't achieve a B+ average.”

31. The "Affiliate Tease" Strategy

The "you will buy my product anyway once you see how well it sells..." strategy tells your prospects that you aren't going to force them to purchase your product before they join your affiliate program like some businesses do. You will show them how much confidence you have about your product and they will assume they will have a good chance to make a lot of money by joining your affiliate program.

32. The "Check It" Strategy

The "check any of the boxes that apply to you..." strategy tells your prospects to take physical action or interaction with your sales letter. Sometimes when people take a little action or get physically involved in the sales process, it sets them in full motion to buy and gain their desired benefit.

33. The "Junkie" Strategy

The "I have a confession to make: I'm a (type of product) junkie..." strategy tells your prospects that they aren't the only addicts who purchase product after product to gain their desired benefit. It will show them that it's okay to invest in your product even though they may already own a ton of similar ones. Plus, tell them why your product is different from the rest.

34. The "Advertising Specialty" Strategy

The "bonus: a (your product's name) T-shirt..." strategy tells your prospects that they are going to get a specialty item as a bonus which they can use in their every day life. You'll get free offline advertising by placing your product information on the item. It could be your product name, web site address, etc. Some good advertising items are coffee cups, bumper stickers, key chains, pens, license place covers, etc. You can also tell them the quantities and that it's on a first-come, first-served basis - once you run out, that's it.

35. The "Commission Call" Strategy

The "make (no.)% commissions on this call..." strategy tells your prospects that if they sign-up to your affiliate program and promote your free tele-call they can earn money. Just tell them to get people registered for the free call and you'll help close the sale for them. You could even tell them if they make over so many sales they will get a prize; the product or higher bonus commissions.

36. The "Myth And Fact" Strategy

The "MYTH: (a description of the myth). FACT: (a description of the fact)..." strategy tells your prospects a myth that would stop people from purchasing your product and a fact which quickly eliminates the myth. For example, MYTH: You need a big investment to start your own business. FACT: You can start your own successful business today for only $10.

37. The "It's Your Fault" Strategy

The "if you don't (your product's benefit) this (week/month/year) it's because you didn't read this letter..." strategy tells your prospects they won't benefit unless they read your sales letter. In your sales letter you can give them tips for gaining their desired benefit but tell them your product will allow them to gain their desired benefit quicker and easier than your competition’s.

38. The "Perfect Time" Strategy

The "have you ever wished you were in the perfect place at the perfect time to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects they can take advantage of one of those situations by purchasing your product. You can tell them that you have a new feature that your competition doesn’t have; you offer a patented benefit that no one else can offer; you teamed up with another business so you can offer them more for their money; etc.

39. The "Behind The Scenes" Strategy

The "I've secretly helped successful (topic) experts for years..." strategy tells your prospects that you work behind the scenes to help these experts become successful. You can even ask the experts that you've helped to give you an endorsement or testimonial. You can tell them now you are finally going to allow the masses to get your help and product so they can become successful too.

40. The "Personalized" Strategy

The "it can be personalized..." strategy tells your prospects that they can custom order your product with their business name, web site address, logo, or any other advertisement on it. If it's just for normal consumers, you could say their name, picture, pet, age, etc. Or if it’s going to be a gift for someone else, they can personalize it with that person’s personal information.

41. The "Trust Who?" Strategy

The "there are all kinds of people becoming (your type of business/profession) every day..." strategy tells your prospects that the market is being saturated with tons of wannabees and it's getting hard for them to know who to trust. You can instantly eliminate all your new competition by giving them a reason to trust your business. You can mention how long you've been in business, how many customers you have served, how many similar businesses have gone under but you’re still standing, etc.

42. The "What's Wrong?" Strategy

The "you would have to be a (negative label) not to order..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't order, you are almost positive something negative has to be wrong with them. You can tell them that you don't want to insult them but that’s the only way you can think of to describe people who don't purchase your product. You could use descriptions like dumb, crazy, insane, slow, a bonehead, stupid, etc.

43. The "I'll Pay You If" Strategy

The "I'll pay you ($) cash if you can find..." strategy tells your prospects that you are daring them to find a better product than you are offering them or you'll pay them so much money in cash. Another idea would be to give them your product for no cost. It could be that you challenge them to find a stronger material, a lighter model, faster results, etc.

44. The "Non-Sale" Strategy

The "(your product's name) is not for sale at any price..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't be able to purchase your product. This is a great way to offer a freebie product because people will read your ad, get excited if they like it and assume they will have to buy it. However you tell them toward the end of your ad it's not for sale but it's free. They will almost instantly register to get your freebie. You could make money by offering an upsell or back-end product on your thank you page.

45. The "My Last Nickel" Strategy

The "I'd bet you my last (dime, nickel, etc.) that they will (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that you’re very confident that your product will help them achieve their goals. People will assume your product is good when they see you are willing to bet against something you don't have to. You could always say that you'll bet your last candy bar, the shirt on your back, etc.

46. The "Depressing Life" Strategy

The "if you’re not going to get off your butt and improve your life, go back to (stuff people do when they feel sorry for themselves)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't order your product to gain their desired benefit, they should just go back to their old, depressing lifestyle. Things that people usually do when they are feeling sorry for themselves is sleep a lot, mope around, lie around, watch a lot of TV, don't shower, eat a lot of junk food, etc.

47. The "Guarantee Count-Up" Strategy

The "it's not guaranteed for 30 days, or 60 days, or 90 days but it's guaranteed for 1 full year..." strategy tells your prospects that they get a very long time to try out your product. The count-up of the length of your guarantee can sometimes get people excited because many people are used to the 30-day and 60-day money-back guarantees.

48. The "Don't Care?" Strategy

The "don't purchase my product if..." strategy tells your prospects not to buy your product if they already have their desired benefit or don't care that they don't have it. For example, don't buy if you already are at your perfect weight … if you're not jealous that other people are skinner than you … if it doesn’t bother you that people might be making fun of you behind your back … etc.

49. The "Negotiate A Sale" Strategy

The "contact me if you’re still not sure about ordering (your product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects that they can e-mail, IM or call you personally and discuss their situation and how your product can help them. It will be one of your last chances to make a sale before they forget about your product and move on.

50. The "Don't Assume" Strategy

The "it's not going to cost as much as you think..." strategy tells your prospects that they shouldn’t assume that your product is going to cost a lot or be out of their price range. When people start reading your ad and your sales letter and the product sounds great, they will naturally start to assume it's going to cost them a lot of money. If your product is expensive then you should offer an easy way for them to pay, like offering a payment plan.