Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 19

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1. The "Product Count Up" Strategy

The "you won't get 5, 15, 30, 60, but you'll get 100 (topic) products for only ($)..." strategy tells your prospects they are getting a ton of products for a low price. The count up to how many products they will get helps get them excited about your offer.

2. The "Popular Fraction" Strategy

The "(your product's name) is only ($), a fraction of what (a popular product costs)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them the same benefits as a well-know expensive product. You can tell them that you've had positive feedback and people say it's even better than the high priced popular one.

3. The "One Sentence Benefit" Strategy

The "I can tell you in one sentence how to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects all they will have to do is read one sentence to learn how to gain their desired benefit. It will trigger their need to read on down your sales letter because it doesn't take long to read one sentence. You simply reveal the sentence and explain how your product can help them put your one sentence advice to work.

4. The "Don't Be Surprised" Strategy

The "warning: don't be surprised if (an exaggeration of your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will work so well that they may be overwhelmed with the results. For example, “Warning: Don't be surprised if you get so much traffic that you'll have to upgrade your web hosting!”

5. The "Advanced Or Easy" Strategy

The "it doesn't matter what your goal is to (an advanced benefit) or simply (an easy benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will help them with either the harder-to-achieve goals or the less-harder-to-achieve goals. You could also present them with two versions of your product, one for each benefit at different prices.

6. The "Future Look Back" Strategy

The "many years from now, how do you want to look back on your life?..." strategy tells your prospects to project themselves into the future and then look back into their past. Most people will want to see they have achieved all their goals and gained their desired benefits. Just tell them your product can help them with a few things when they look back on their life.

7. The "Just Two Things" Strategy

The "I've interviewed and polled a ton of (topic) experts through the years and I've found you only need two things to (your product’s benefits)..." strategy tells your prospects that a couple of things they need to get are your type of product and a positive attitude. If they want to improve their life, they will be positive about purchasing your product.

8. The "Successful Model" Strategy

The "the more successful people you learn from the more successful you'll be..." strategy tells your prospects if they communicate with your customers that have already had success with your product, they will eventually too. You could offer them a way online or offline to communicate with those people via chat room, tele calls, blogs, forums, seminars, etc. You could even add up the years of experience of all the customers that have had success with your product. For example, they have over 20 years of experience with my product.

9. The "Environmental View" Strategy

The "click here to see a video tour of the hotel..." strategy tells your prospects that they can see video footage of the environment where your seminar event will be held. You could show them footage of the huge malls, gift shops, cool pools, fancy restaurants, hotel rooms, etc. The tantalizing visuals will make it hard for them not to purchase a ticket.

10. The "End Your Fear" Strategy

The "I'll show you how to end your fear of failure..." strategy tells your prospects that they shouldn't be afraid to improve their life because of fear of failure. You can tell them when they purchase your product, you'll be there to support them. You can tell them you and your product won't let them fail. Fear of failure is one of the biggest reasons why some people don't purchase certain products.

11. The "Worth The Cost" Strategy

The "the strategy on page (no.) alone is worth the cost..." strategy tells your prospects that one little piece of your information product is as valuable as the whole product. It could be said by you or someone in your testimonial. You could call it a tactic, strategy, tip, nugget, formula, trick, secret, etc.

12. The "Second Brain" Strategy

The "it's like getting a second (topic) brain for only ($)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are comparing your advice, consultation or information product to a human brain. Most people believe a human brain is priceless for all that it can accomplish.

13. The "Simple Modification" Strategy

The "what if you could make a simple, quick (no.) (minute/second) modification to your life that would (your product’s benefit), would you?..." strategy tells your prospects they can quickly and easily gain their desired benefit. By presenting it in a question format, they will likely say "yes," which is half the battle of getting them to buy.

14. The "Can You Afford?" Strategy

The "can you afford (no.) cents per day?..." strategy tells your prospects to mentally answer "yes" because most people can afford that amount per day. Tell them if they can't, they can make up for it by just cutting something minute out of their life (that is about the same cost per day as your product would average out to).

15. The "Favorite Places" Strategy

The "bonus: get a list of my personal (bookmarks/favorite places/links)..." strategy tells your prospects they can actually access the same web sites that you visit on a regular basis. Tell them you have bookmarks for discussion boards, e-zines, blogs, search sites, article sites, etc., which are related to their desired benefit.

16. The "Viral Replica" Strategy

The "bonus: get a replica of this (type of web site)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you will give them a copy of your web site to use at no cost. Just tell them to modify it and upload the files to where their own web site is hosted. It could be your article directory, your forum, link directory, your freebie site, your product sales letter, etc.

17. The "Buzz Word" Strategy

The "there is a new buzz word this year called: (word/phrase related to your product)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is related to a subject that is really popular right now. People will want to purchase it to see what the buzz they've been hearing is all about.

18. The "What's It Worth" Strategy

The "what does it cost, you ask? How much is this information worth to you?..." strategy tells your prospects to think about what your product, or the benefit of your product, is worth to them and gives them a persuasive suggestion to think about. For example: “What is it worth to you if my secret system makes you $20,000 in one year?” This type of suggestion can also justify a high price tag.

19. The "It's Not Magic" Strategy

The "this (your type of product) isn’t a magic wand, you have to (an action)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will gain their desired benefit but they still need to put forth a little effort. It could be to free up 10 minutes a day, exercise once in awhile, study a little, read the instructions, etc.

20. The "Attention Down Under" Strategy

The "thanks for reading this far, I'm going to give you a gift for staying with me this long..." strategy tells your prospects that you are rewarding them for reading that far down your sale letter. You can mention that if they read farther down, they will get another surprise gift. If you keep giving them all these gifts, they may feel it's only proper to order.

21. The "View The Past" Strategy

The "check out the photos from our last event..." strategy tells your prospects to look at all the photos from your last live event and see what they could be doing at your next event. You could show pictures of people having fun, hugging, shaking hands, eating, smiling and laughing, taking notes, and of the speakers and their presentations, etc.

22. The "Multiple Discounts" Strategy

The "bonus: receive (no.)% off the list price of any product listed below..." strategy tells your prospects they will get a discount on all the products you have listed if they purchase your product or an affiliate product you are promoting. You could provide a short description for each one, the retail price and a link to the full sales page.

23. The "Don't Overwhelm Yourself" Strategy

The "warning: don't try every strategy at once..." strategy tells your prospects they will get overwhelmed if they try too many of the hundreds of strategies from your information product at once. Tell them to select a few strategies at first and implement them, then once they are in place to do a few more and to repeat that. It shows your prospects that you really care and want to help them gain their desired benefit.

24. The "Rights To Be Physical" Strategy

The "grab the physical resell rights..." strategy tells your prospects that you are offering the offline physical resell rights, master resell rights or private label rights to your information product. It means they can be duplicated in printed format, audio CD/tape, video DVD/VHS, etc. You can even provide them with a list of instructions and the fulfillment companies they could use.

25. The "Fill It Up" Strategy

The "get a bonus for full payment..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product in full instead of taking the easy payment plan, they will get an extra bonus product. It could be the resell rights, access to a member’s only forum, an e-book, free telephone consulting, etc.

26. The "Time Does Vary" Strategy

The "not everyone will (your product's benefit) in (no.) (minutes/hours/days/weeks/months)..." strategy tells your prospects that you can't guarantee they will get their desired benefit in the time you specified on your sales letter or in your product title. It could be because you don't know them, you don't know how motivated they are, etc. It shows them you’re honest because they would probably be thinking the same thing too, so they might trust you even more and buy.

27. The "Why Waste Time?" Strategy

The "why would you waste your time trying to learn (your product's benefit) when (your product's name) will do it for you..." strategy tells your prospects they can save a lot of time by avoiding the learning process of gaining their desired benefit by purchasing your product. Tell them it really doesn't make sense to waste their time because they can never get that time back. Many people value their time more than money these days.

28. The "High Then Low" Strategy

The "you can finally (your product's benefit) without paying ($ high no.)..." strategy tells your prospects you created an economical product that will remove the high costs of the way people used to get their particular desired benefit. Most people who continue to have to pay an outrageously high price for something they can barely afford will appreciate it, say thank you and order from you over and over again.

29. The "On A Mission" Strategy

The "I'm on a mission to create (no.) (types of person/professional)..." strategy tells your prospects to assume that if they purchase your product, they will be one of those people who gain their desired benefit. It shows your prospects that you have goals, which will make them think your product is the real deal, and will also make them think they can help you achieve your goal because you will help them reach theirs.

30. The "On Second Thought" Strategy

The "one part of you is probably saying to yourself ‘it's too good to be true’ and the other part of you is saying ‘I hope it's true’..." strategy tells your prospects what they are likely thinking about your offer. You just need to lean their thinking towards the second thought so they will buy. Any kind of incentive could accomplish this, like a freebie, strong guarantee, limited time low price, etc.

31. The "Flying Monkey" Strategy

The "orders are flying in..." strategy tells your prospects that you are selling a ton of your products. You can tell them you can hardly keep up and you feel guilty that it's so easy to make all this money so you want to share it with them. You can offer them access to your affiliate program or offer the resell rights to your product.

32. The "It's Really Less" Strategy

The "it's only ($) (no.) but wait, if you order today you'll get it for ($) (no.)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is a certain high price then tell them you are going to give them an instant discount for a particular reason. It could be that it’s a marketing test, an introductory offer, it's your business’s anniversary, you're making room for a new product line, etc.

33. The "No Disappointment" Strategy

The "just give me till the end of this letter to prove it to you, I promise you won't be disappointed..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to present them with a ton of evidence that your product does what you say it does. Plus you are promising them they will like your product and they will assume that it’s true or you wouldn't stake your reputation on it.

34. The "#1 Authority" Strategy

The "I consider (name) the world's #1 authority on (topic)..." strategy tells your prospects that you think that the affiliate product owner of the product you are selling is the top expert in his field. You could give them something like an article, free e-book or special report that the person wrote which will prove your point and persuade them to buy through your affiliate link.

35. The "Reason For A Compliment" Strategy

The "if you've read this far, you are (type of person)..." strategy tells your prospects the type of person they are for reading so far down your sales letter. Your goal is to compliment them and indirectly motivate them to buy. You could tell them they are intelligent for reading this far, you see they have a burning desire to improve their life, they have a winning attitude, etc.

36. The "I Almost Gave Up" Strategy

The "I was ready to give up, until I followed (his/her) advice..." strategy tells your prospects once you started learning and receiving advice from a particular expert, your situation improved more and more each and every month. By telling them this, they will be persuaded to purchase your mentor's product through your affiliate link.

37. The "Can't Wait To Hear" Strategy

The "I look forward to hearing all about how your life has improved..." strategy tells your prospects that you can't wait to have them tell you about the benefits they received from your product. People will think that there is no way they can fail with your product because you are assuming that they are going to tell you their success story.

38. The "Fatal Flaw" Strategy

The "discover the critical flaw that's hidden in every one of my competition's products..." strategy tells your prospects that you found an under-the-radar problem with your competition’s product. You can tell them the fatal flaw you found and tell them you designed your product so that it wouldn’t have that type of problem.

39. The "2 + 2 = 4" Strategy

The "(no.) (+) (no.) will always equal (no.), just like our product’s results..." strategy tells your prospects that a mathematical problem always ends with the same result, just like if they owned your product. For example, you could create your own math problem with words, like: My Product + Your Commitment = Your Success.

40. The "Apprenticeship" Strategy

The "I'm looking for (no.) start-up business apprentices to mentor for no cost..." strategy tells your prospects that you will help so many people become successful business owners for no up front costs. You could make money by asking for a percentage of the income they make from their new business for the first year. You can tell them if they aren't successful, you won't be successful either. If you do charge an up front cost, tell them it's because you want to know that they are serious.

41. The "Trial And Error" Strategy

The "I had to learn through trial and error, so you should do much better..." strategy tells your prospects that you got your desired benefit without your product or the affiliate product that you are promoting. You can tell them now that there is a product to help people like you and that they should have a huge advantage and a way easier time reaching their goal than you did.

42. The "Hard Work Of Others" Strategy

The "you can benefit from the hard work of (product owner’s name)..." strategy tells your prospects about all the hard work the affiliate product owner went through to create the product you are promoting. People will see how much hard work went into the product and increase their perceived value of it.

43. The "Years Of Notes" Strategy

The "bonus: you'll get my years of detailed notes about (your product's benefit/topic)..." strategy tells your prospects that they will get your detailed notes of certain information products that you have studied for years that will give them their desired benefit. It could be notes from books, courses, audio books, seminars, teleseminars, articles, Internet sites, etc.

44. The "Dictionary" Strategy

The "bonus: you'll get definitions of (topics)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you will give them an information product of definitions so they can better understand a related subject. This type of special bonus may attract newbies to buy because they will see that they will understand everything that is explained about reaching their goal.

45. The "Diamond And Rock" Strategy

The "the difference is like between a diamond and a rock..." strategy tells your prospects an easier way they can see the difference between your product and your competition’s product. For example, if your product is faster, you could say the difference is like between a cheetah and a turtle.

46. The "Accusations" Strategy

The "beware: after owning this product you could be accused of (an exaggerated action)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product works so well someone might accuse them of cheating or taking the easy way out to improve their life. For example, if you’re selling a weight loss product: "Warning: You might be accused of having liposuction after using this plan!” It can grab their attention and actually persuade people to buy.

47. The "President Speaks" Strategy

The "as the president of (business name) I can certify that..." strategy tells your prospects that a high up representative of a highly recognized, authoritative business issued a statement that backs up your product’s claims. People tend to take and follow the advice of people that have a title of success, like: President, CEO, MD, etc.

48. The "Consumer Review" Strategy

The "bonus: get access to my consumer review membership..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product, you are going to buy, review and rate related products for them on an ongoing basis. People will like the fact that you are going to try to save them time, money and frustration from buying a product that doesn’t live up to its product claims.

49. The "I Hate To Think" Strategy

The "I hate to think what my life might be like had I not bought (affiliate product's name)..." strategy tells your prospects you don't want to imagine what things would be like for you if you didn't gain your desired benefit with the affiliate product. If it was a money-making product, you could say negative things like, I'd likely be working 2 minimum wage jobs, in credit card debt and have no time to enjoy life or my family.

50. The "This Is True" Strategy

The "this is a true story..." strategy tells your prospects a real-life story that will help persuade them to purchase your product. The story could start at the top of your sales letter and lead into your product offer. They will be entertained and will want to learn more about your product. You could set up your sales letter in a way to make it look like they aren't even reading an ad till they get to your product offer.