Secret Marketing Strategies Volume 22

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1. The "Problem, Solution" Strategy

The "you have a problem and I have the solution for pennies on the dollar..." strategy tells your prospects that when they purchase your product, they are just actually bartering a small amount of money for the solution to their problem. It makes it seem like a simple win/win trade.

2. The "Customer Letter" Strategy

The "I've just received an letter from a customer telling me..." strategy tells your prospects that one of your customers has contacted you and told you how well your product works. You could publish their whole letter as proof. But get permission first.

3. The "Hard Thoughts" Strategy

The "it's not as hard as you may think once you..." strategy tells your prospects that it won't be as difficult as they think for them to gain their desired benefits using your product. People like things to be as easy as possible to improve their life.

4. The "Stop Messing Around" Strategy

The "are you ready to stop messing around with those get rich quick schemes..." strategy tells your prospects that your moneymaking product isn't some get rich quick scheme. You could show them screenshots of your income accounts, provide testimonials and offer a money–back guarantee.

5. The "No Competition" Strategy

The "there is little or no competition to deal with..." strategy tells your prospects that if they buy your money making product or resell the product, there isn't a lot of competition. You could have a limit placed on how many you will sell so the market doesn't get saturated.

6. The "No.1 Seller" Strategy

The "it's the absolute #1 best selling product on..." strategy tells your prospects that your product must be good if it's a best seller. You just need to tell them a reputable, recognizable place where it can be found as a best seller.

7. The "Shock And Surprise" Strategy

The "shocking ways that will show you, step-by-step how to..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them advice that will show them how to gain their desired benefit. It also tells them the advice will surprise them and they will think they've never heard it before.

8. The "Professional Help" Strategy

The "I have hired a professional (occupation) to (action) my product..." strategy tells your prospects that you employ people that are highly qualified to make your product better. It will increase the perceived value of your product.

9. The "That's Not All" Strategy

The "but wait! That's not all, there is a whole lot more..." strategy tells your prospects that even after your huge list of product benefits, there is still more stuff in store for them. It could be bonuses, discounts or even more benefits.

10. The "Percent Of Failures" Strategy

The "(no.)% of all people who (the action) won't (the benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that a large percentage of people will never get their desired benefit. You can tell them your product will help improve their odds.

11. The "Sound Familiar?" Strategy

The "(your prospects’ problems) and if any of this is starting to sound familiar, then you really do need to..." strategy tells your prospects the problems they are likely having trying to get their desired benefit. They will know you’re right and become interested in your product as a solution.

12. The "Excuse Me" Strategy

The "excuse me for being blunt, but I'm going to tell you like it really is..." strategy tells your prospects you are going to be straight up with them about how they can gain their desired benefit. Sometimes people respond better to direct communications and authority.

13. The "Not Your Fault" Strategy

The "it's not your fault because you are being misinformed about..." strategy tells your prospects they shouldn't blame themselves that they can't improve their life. People will realize that they are being given the wrong advice from your competition. They will also like your sympathy and that you aren't blaming them.

14. The "Recipe" Strategy

The "I'm going to give you the exact recipe to..." strategy tells your prospects that they will get step-by-step instructions and all the ingredients for gaining their desired benefit. People like to follow precise instructions so they get it right.

15. The "Anywhere Else" Strategy

The "you won't find these benefits anywhere else because..." strategy tells your prospects they might as well buy your product if they want those specific benefits. People will realize no other business or product offers them.

16. The "Newbie" Strategy

The "it doesn't matter if you're a beginner, novice or newbie, you can..." strategy tells your prospects they don't need to be an expert or have special skills to use your product. People don't want to pay for special training in order to get the benefits from your product.

17. The "No Exceptions" Strategy

The "sorry there are no exceptions! Once this sale ends, this page will be removed..." strategy tells your prospects that they won't be able to get your product or your special price when the sale ends. Sometimes people assume you will give in and give them product anyway, even if the sale ends.

18. The "Donation" Strategy

The "keep in mind that (no.)% percent of your purchase will go directly towards (a charity of your choice)..." strategy tells your prospects that if they order your product, they will also be helping out some people that are in need. Most people like helping out people that are less fortunate than themselves.

19. The "Buy More Spend Less" Strategy

The "if you purchased these products separately, you would spend $(no.), but you can get them all now for only $(no.)..." strategy tells your prospects that it would be wise if they buy your whole product package than all the products separately as it will save them money.

20. The "In Your Shoes" Strategy

The "I know what it's like to be in such a situation where you are..." strategy tells your prospects that you have been in their shoes. People will like the fact that you know exactly how they feel and may buy your product because of it.

21. The "Sick And Tired" Strategy

The "you're so sick and tired of going around in circles..." strategy tells your prospects that you know they are going from one product to another trying to gain their desired benefit. You just need to persuade them that your product will break that cycle and they will finally be satisfied.

22. The "Winners From Losers" Strategy

The "(your product name) separates the winners from the losers..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will make them a winner. People like to win things, especially their desired benefits. People don't like to be labeled or seen as losers in any way.

23. The "Dispel Myths" Strategy

The "I would like to dispel some of the myths about..." strategy tells your prospects that they’re likely believe information that isn't true. People will likely be relieved after finding out that some of the information is false and your product can help them.

24. The "Subconscious Yes" Strategy

The "are you finally sick and tired of being (problem)..." strategy tells your prospects to subconsciously answer the question. Of course they will usually say yes in their mind. Getting your prospects in a yes set is one of the best ways to secure a sale.

25. The "Have Problems?" Strategy

The "you absolutely must purchase this product if you’re (a list of problems)..." strategy tells your prospects all their likely problems. You need to tell them how your product will solve each of those problems. People like to know exactly how your product will settle each of their individual problems.

26. The "Reverse Benefits" Strategy

The "you shouldn't purchase this product if you don't want (a list of benefits)..." strategy tells your prospects the benefits of your product. People will have to disagree with the statement and purchase it because they’d likely want those benefits.

27. The "Everything You Need" Strategy

The "get everything you'll need to know when it comes to..." strategy tells your prospects that your product will give them all the information they will need in order to get their desired benefits. People don't want to buy a ton of products in order to accomplish one goal.

28. The "Don't Have Room" Strategy

The "there are way too many benefits to list on this page..." strategy tells your prospects that you haven't even listed all the benefits of your product. It will be a mystery as to which ones aren't listed. It will make people buy just to see the rest of the benefits.

29. The "Most Charge" Strategy

The "as you know, most businesses charge hundreds of dollars for (the benefit) but what if you don't have that kind of money..." strategy tells your prospects they can still gain their desired benefit even if they couldn't afford it before.

30. The "Regardless Of" Strategy

The "regardless of your age, sex or social background..." strategy tells your prospects it doesn't matter how old they are, if they are a man or woman or where they’re from, they can improve their life with your product.

31. The "Don't Know About You" Strategy

The "I don't know about you but I'm always trying to improve my life..." strategy tells your prospects that you're improving your life and they should too with your product. They may want to model you by purchasing your product and making their life better.

32. The "Only For You" Strategy

The "for my prospects only, this offer is only for you, don't share it with others..." strategy tells your prospects that they are a privileged group of people. It tells them you care about their business. They will like the fact that your special price, bonus or offer is only for them.

33. The "From - To" Strategy

The "how (person's name) went from (problem) to (benefit) in only (time it took)..." strategy tells your prospects that you are going to tell them a real life story about yourself or one of your customers. People like reality T.V. shows and that holds true with real life stories too.

34. The "Down To Earth" Strategy

The "despite my success, I'm one of the most grounded, down to earth people you'll meet..." strategy tells your prospects that you don't have a big head like some successful business people have. People like to buy things from people that don't look down on them.

35. The "Who Else Wants" Strategy

The "who else wants to (your product's benefit)..." strategy tells your prospects that other people have already had good results with your product. They will want to follow in those people's footsteps.

36. The "Pass You By" Strategy

The "please don't let this amazing deal pass you by..." strategy tells your prospects that if they don't buy now, they may miss out or have to pay a higher price later on. Most people have experienced passing on an opportunity then later changing their mind and finding out it's been discontinued or priced higher than before.

37. The "Coded" Strategy

The "I've finally cracked the code too easily..." strategy tells your prospects that you have figured out how to gain a benefit that they have been searching for. Your product will be saving them time and money because they won’t be trying out other products that don't work.

38. The "Personal Calls" Strategy

The "if you think I'm making this up call me personally at home..." strategy tells your prospects that you have to be telling the truth about your product or you wouldn't be giving your personal phone number out.

39. The "Forget Everything" Strategy

The "forget about everything you've ever learned about..." strategy tells your prospects that everything they have learned about gaining their desired benefit is dead wrong. You just need to show them undeniable proof why what they've learned before doesn't matter any more.

40. The "It Isn't" Strategy

The "I want to take this time to let you know what (your product name) is not..." strategy tells your prospects a list of negative things that your product isn't related to. This can really counter some people's product stereotypes. For instance, what comes to your mind when you see a product that has "MLM" in the ad?

41. The "Remove Distractions" Strategy

The "send the kids out to play, turn off the T.V., unplug the phone and shut the door..." strategy tells your prospects that they need to remove all their distractions so you can tell them about your incredible product. People will think it must be good if you’re giving them tasks even before they read your offer.

42. The "Years Ago" Strategy

The "I've been (experience that relates to your product) since (year)..." strategy tells your prospects that (if you’ve done it for a long time) you have a lot of experience helping people gain their desired benefit. They will trust you instead of someone that has less experience.

43. The "Shockwave" Strategy

The "(your product name) is sending shockwaves through the whole (your niche) community..." strategy tells your prospects that your product is getting a lot of publicity and attention from its marketplace. You could mention things like your competition is stunned you released it, all the big name gurus are promoting it, you are getting asked to do interviews, etc.

44. The "Secret Weapon" Strategy

The "do you ever wonder how other people are (your product's benefit) and you’re not..." strategy tells your prospects that these people's secret weapon is using your product. Your prospects will want to have the same advantage as they do.

45. The "Sound Impossible?" Strategy

The "how would you like (the benefit) without (a negative task), sound impossible?..." strategy tells your prospects they can benefit and remove an unusual, unwanted action that usually goes along with your competition’s product.

46. The "Loyalty" Strategy

The "you'll get a loyalty bonus for those customers that..." strategy tells your prospects that if they purchase your product and make another purchase in the future, they will get another additional bonus. It could be to stay a paid member for so long, upgrade their product during a certain length of time, buy your back-end product, etc.

47. The "Know The Best" Strategy

The "most successful (type of people or professionals) know that the best way to (the benefit) is to..." strategy tells your prospects that almost everyone else already knows that the best way to gain the desired benefit is to own your product.

48. The "Unbelievable Honesty" Strategy

The "I know it sounds too good to be true but you are going to have to trust me on this..." strategy tells your prospects what they are likely thinking if your offer sounds unbelievable. You need to tell them why you are honest and they should believe you.

49. The "No Regret" Strategy

The "I promise you won't regret it, you have my word on it..." strategy tells your prospects that you promise that your product will deliver their desired benefits. If they already trust you, they will believe your word.

50. The "Refund Exposure" Strategy

The "can you guess how many of my customers have asked for a refund? (a low number) out of (a high number)..." strategy tells your prospects that your product must work. They will see that very few people (if any) have asked for a refund.