Directory:The Academy of Business Strategy

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The Academy of Business Strategy
SloganThe Academy of Business Strategy is an international corporate business school and a global consultancy organization.
Type [[Company_Type:=Private|Private]]
Founded [[Established in 1984|1984]]
Headquarters Template:London, UK [[City:=London|Mayfair]], [[State_Name:=London|London]], [[Country_Name:=United Kingdom|UK]]
ProductsBusiness Consulting Services.
Strategy Management Consultants.
Business Development Training.
Business Management Consultant Training Courses.
Business Management Consulting.
Consulting Jobs For Business Management Consultants.
Certified Professional Consultant(CPC).
E-Learning Management Training.
Management Consultancy Services And Business Consulting.
Certificate In E-commerce Strategy.
Certificate In Finance Strategy (CFS).
Certificate In Marketing Strategy (CMS).
Certificate In Operations Strategy (COS).
Certificate In Human Resource Strategy (CHRS).
Certificate In Training Strategy (CTS).
Contact 2nd Floor
Berkeley Square House
Berkeley Square
London W1J 6BD
United KingdomK
0044 20 7887 6063
[ The Academy of Business Strategy website]
Reference NAICS: 61
Region: [[Region1:=London|UK]]

The Academy of Business Strategy is the educational division of the Berkeley Square Management Group. It is an international corporate business school and a global consultancy organization and is located in London and New York. Established in 1984, the business school features 20 post-graduate certificates and diplomas and currently has the capacity to train 600 students annually. The consulting organization features in excess of 350 certified consultants whose services are employed by 1500 organizations worldwide. In a competitive world, you need to be proactive in order to succeed. Be proactive.


The Academy of Business Strategy was established in 1984. The Academy of Business Strategy is an international corporate business school and a global consulting organization. The Academy has traditionally specialized in facilitation, that is to say, we enable clients, students and consultants to do things for themselves, rather than do things for them. Consequently there is a much greater understanding, interpretation, ownership and commitment from end-users.
The Academy has been involved with the development of many consulting services, incorporating e-commerce, finance, marketing, operations, human resources, management, strategy and training services.
The Academy has also developed seventeen post-graduate management training programmes and has had considerable experience training hundreds of Company Directors, Senior Managers and Management Consultants.


Finance – Certified Professional Consultants Course, a Student’s Reference

"I was already well qualified and consulting successfully before enrolling on the ABS Post-Graduate CPC programme, but I wanted to improve the quality of service that I was providing clients and I wanted to have more control over the work that I was undertaking. Although I was consulting at a high level, I still felt that I was being outsourced to by clients and I wanted to be in a position where I had more control over my work, as I felt that this would benefit me and my clients.

The Academy of Business Strategy seemed the perfect choice because they allowed me to develop my service with my existing clients as well as targeting new clients. The experience was extremely valuable. It enabled me to look at myself much more objectively and to develop a much more professional structure for my consulting service.

I have been extremely impressed with the quality of training material, with the training methods used and with the level of support available to students. The programme is very practical and very easy to follow. When you consider what this course actually costs, the financial benefits after qualification are considerable by comparison. This has certainly been a worthwhile investment for me."

Simon Hayes (CPC), Age (31-40), Location (London UK), Consulting service (Finance), Industry (Catering).

Management – Certified Professional Consultants Course, a Student’s Reference

"Although I had considered and indeed commenced study with other consulting organizations offering what appeared to be consulting training, the Academy of Business Strategy was clearly operating on a completely different professional level. I had decided to enrol even before the 1st interview.

I remember when I was two months into the programme, I could already see what I was going to be able to achieve. My consulting service changed shape several times before it was finally completed. What I had originally perceived as being a Human Resource Management service ended up being a Management Strategy service focusing upon personal coaching and management motivation.

The service is terrific fun to implement and I have a great time with clients implementing it. I do think that my clients are genuinely excited about seeing me every month. It is more like seeing friends for lunch rather than work! I did not realize it at the time, but what I was ultimately developing with my consulting service, was me!

I suppose that is why my personality comes through so strongly in my service. I have since started to employ some consultants internally within my own consulting practice to expand my client base further, using my service as the core consulting product."

Johannes Van Basten (CPC), Age (31-40), Location (Manchester UK), Consulting service (Management), Industry (Construction).

Finance – Certified Professional Consultants Course, a Student’s Reference

"I had been trying to establish myself as an independent consultant for some time. I had considerable experience and good qualifications and initially I thought that this would be enough. I generated plenty of opportunities through my own direct marketing efforts and I have lost count of the amount of proposals that I put together, but I just never seemed to achieve the consulting assignments.

I blamed my communication and sales ability and tried numerous approaches. It just did not occur to me that with all of my experience and qualifications, I still did not actually have a consulting product to offer. The reason why I was not achieving business was because clients did not understand what they were buying from me.

The ABS CPC enabled me to develop a tangible consulting service, packaged in such a way that it was easy for clients to understand the activities that would be undertaken and the associated benefits. The programme provided me with the very answers that I had been looking for. I had spent in excess of £100,000.00 over a period of four years on advertising and had still not found a viable marketing solution despite my efforts.

The cost of the CPC programme was small by comparison and it only took me 12 months to develop the right formula. I guess you could say that the CPC was incredible value for money in my case. The critical success factor of the CPC in my opinion is its simplicity."

John Chalmers (CPC), Age (41-50), Location (New York USA), Consulting service (Finance), Industry (Information Technology).

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