Module:Wikidata Infobox
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 21, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchImplements {{Wikidata Infobox}}
local p = {} local WikidataIB = require("Module:WikidataIB") -- Code from 'Module:No globals' local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} function mt.__index (t, k) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Tried to read nil global ' .. tostring(k), 2) end return nil end function mt.__newindex(t, k, v) if k ~= 'arg' then error('Tried to write global ' .. tostring(k), 2) end rawset(t, k, v) end setmetatable(_G, mt) -- End of code from 'Module:No globals' function p.getMID() return "M" .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().id end function p.getFilename() return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText .. ':' .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text end function p.getP180vals(frame) local mid = frame.args[1] local prefix = frame.args[2] or '' local postfix = frame.args[3] or ' ' local text = '' local tablevals = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( mid, 'P180') for i, v in ipairs(tablevals) do text = text .. prefix .. .. postfix end return text end function p.getCombinedWikidataTemplates(frame) local qid = frame.args[1] or '' local outputcode = '' if mw.text.trim(qid or '') ~= '' then local tablevals = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements( qid, 'P971') for i, v in ipairs(tablevals) do outputcode = outputcode .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikidata Infobox/core', args = {, embed='Yes', conf_authoritycontrol='yes' } } end end return outputcode end function p.ifThenShow(frame) if mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or '') ~= '' then return (frame.args[3] or '') .. (frame.args[1] or '') .. (frame.args[4] or '') else return (frame.args[2] or '') end end -- Given an input area, return a map zoom level to use with mw:Extension:Kartographer in {{Wikidata Infobox}}. Defaults to mapzoom=15. function p.autoMapZoom(frame) local size = tonumber(frame.args[1]) or 0 local LUT = { 5000000, 1000000, 100000, 50000, 10000, 2000, 150, 50, 19, 14, 5, 1, 0.5 } for zoom, scale in ipairs(LUT) do if size > scale then return zoom+1 end end return 15 end function p.formatLine(frame) local part2 = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or '') local returnstr = '' if part2 ~= '' then returnstr = '<tr ' if ( or 'n') == 'y' then returnstr = returnstr .. 'class="wdinfo_nomobile"' end local newframe = {} newframe.args = {} newframe.args.qid = frame.args[1] returnstr = returnstr .. '><th class="wikidatainfobox-lcell">' .. mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(WikidataIB.getLabel(newframe)) returnstr = returnstr .. '</th><td ' if (frame.args.wrap or 'n') == 'y' then returnstr = returnstr .. 'style="white-space: nowrap"' end returnstr = returnstr .. '>' .. part2 .. '</td></tr>' end return returnstr end function p.hasValue (tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value == val then return true end end return false end -- baseLang is a utility function that returns the base language in use -- so for example, both English (en) and British English (en-gb) return 'en' -- from function p.baseLang(frame) local txtlang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) or "" -- This deals with specific exceptions: be-tarask -> be_x_old if txtlang == "be-tarask" then return "be_x_old" end local pos = txtlang:find("-") local ret = "" if pos then ret = txtlang:sub(1, pos-1) else ret = txtlang end return ret end function p.langDirection(frame) local lang = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or '') if (not mw.language.isSupportedLanguage(lang)) then lang = frame:callParserFunction( "int", "lang" ) -- get user's chosen language end return mw.getLanguage(lang):getDir() end --[[ convertChar returns the non-diacritic version of the supplied character. stripDiacrits replaces words with diacritical characters with their non-diacritic equivalent. strip_diacrits is available for export to other modules. stringIsLike tests two words, returning true if they only differ in diacritics, false otherwise. stringIs_like is available for export to other modules. --]] local function characterMap() -- table with characters with diacrits and their equivalent basic latin characters local charMap_from, charMap_to charMap_from = 'ÁÀÂÄǍĂĀÃÅĄƏĆĊĈČÇĎĐḌÐÉÈĖÊËĚĔĒẼĘẸĠĜĞĢĤĦḤİÍÌÎÏǏĬĪĨĮỊĴĶĹĿĽĻŁḶḸṂŃŇÑŅṆŊÓÒÔÖǑŎŌÕǪỌŐØŔŘŖṚṜŚŜŠŞȘṢŤŢȚṬÚÙÛÜǓŬŪŨŮŲỤŰǗǛǙǕŴÝŶŸỸȲŹŻŽ'.. 'áàâäǎăāãåąəćċĉčçďđḍðéèėêëěĕēẽęẹġĝğģĥħḥıíìîïǐĭīĩįịĵķĺŀľļłḷḹṃńňñņṇŋóòôöǒŏōõǫọőøŕřŗṛṝśŝšşșṣťţțṭúùûüǔŭūũůųụűǘǜǚǖŵýŷÿỹȳźżž' charMap_to = 'AAAAAAAAAAACCCCCDDDDEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGHHHIIIIIIIIIIIJKLLLLLLLMNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRSSSSSSTTTTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWYYYYYZZZ'.. 'aaaaaaaaaaacccccddddeeeeeeeeeeegggghhhiiiiiiiiiiijklllllllmnnnnnnoooooooooooorrrrrssssssttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwyyyyyzzz' local charMap = {} for i = 1,mw.ustring.len(charMap_from) do charMap[mw.ustring.sub(charMap_from, i, i)] = mw.ustring.sub(charMap_to, i, i) end charMap['ß'] = 'ss' return charMap end function p.convertChar(frame) local ch = frame.args.char or mw.text.trim(frame.args[1]) or "" local charMap = characterMap() return charMap[ch] or ch end function p.strip_diacrits(wrd) if wrd then local charMap = characterMap() wrd = string.gsub(wrd, "[^\128-\191][\128-\191]*", charMap ) end return wrd end function p.stripDiacrits(frame) return p.strip_diacrits(frame.args.word or mw.text.trim(frame.args[1])) end function p.stringIs_like(wrd1, wrd2) return p.strip_diacrits(wrd1) == p.strip_diacrits(wrd2) end function p.stringIsLike(frame) local wrd1 = frame.args.word1 or frame.args[1] local wrd2 = frame.args.word2 or frame.args[2] if p.strip_diacrits(wrd1) == p.strip_diacrits(wrd2) then return true else return nil end end function p.expandhiero(frame, hiero) -- added by Jura1 -- for string values in Wikihiero syntax -- inline recommended by -- maybe not needed in all contexts return frame:preprocess('<div style="text-align:center;display:inline"> <hiero> ' .. hiero .. ' </hiero> </div>') end local function format2rowline(cell1, cell2) -- added by Jura1 local tr = "" tr = '<tr><th class="wikidatainfobox-lcell" style="text-align: left; vertical-align: text-top;" colspan="2">' .. cell1 .. '</th></tr>' tr = tr .. '<tr><td valign="top" colspan="2">' .. cell2 .. '</td></tr>' return tr end local function format1rowline(trqid, cell1, cell2) -- added by Jura1 local tr = "" tr = '<tr id="' .. trqid .. '"><th class="wikidatainfobox-lcell" style="vertical-align: top">' .. cell1 .. '</th>' tr = tr .. '<td valign="top" style="vertical-align: top">' .. cell2 .. '</td></tr>' return tr end function p.hieroP7383(frame) -- added by Jura1 -- expand P7383 value in <hiero></hiero> tags local qid = mw.text.trim(frame.args.qid or "") local rows = "" local checkentry = mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId(qid) if not checkentry then return '' end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid) if not entity then return '' end local mylang = frame:preprocess('{{int:lang}}') if and then for _, v in ipairs( do local idv = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P3831 then for _, w in ipairs(v.qualifiers.P3831) do if w.snaktype == "value" then local qualid = w.datavalue.value["id"] local encod = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qualid) rows = rows .. format2rowline(encod:getLabel(mylang), p.expandhiero(frame, idv)) end end else rows = rows .. format2rowline("Name", p.expandhiero(frame, idv)) end end end return rows end function p.urn(frame) local qid = mw.text.trim(frame.args.qid or "") local mylang = frame:preprocess('{{int:lang}}') local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid) if not entity then return '' end local urn = "" return urn --- return "<div style='display:none'>" .. urn .. "</span>" end function p.numberInfo(frame) -- from additions by Jura1 -- tests at Category:987_(number) Category:8_(number) local qid = mw.text.trim(frame.args.qid or "") local mylang = frame:preprocess('{{int:lang}}') local rows = "" local checkentry = mw.wikibase.isValidEntityId(qid) if not checkentry then return '' end local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid) if not entity then return '' end if then for _, v in ipairs( do local idv = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P3831 then for _, w in ipairs(v.qualifiers.P3831) do if w.snaktype == "value" then local qualid = w.datavalue.value["id"] local encod = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qualid) rows = rows .. format1rowline(qualid, encod:getLabel(mylang) , idv) end end end end end -- use code/encoding and render as encoding/code if then for _, v in ipairs( do local idv = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value local commonsc = "" if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P805 then for _, t in ipairs(v.qualifiers.P805) do if t.snaktype == "value" then local subjectframe = {} subjectframe.args = {} subjectframe.args.qid = t.datavalue.value["id"] commonsc = WikidataIB.getCommonsLink( subjectframe ) end end end if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P3294 then for _, w in ipairs(v.qualifiers.P3294) do if w.snaktype == "value" then local qualid = w.datavalue.value["id"] local encod = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qualid) local encodeframe = {} local encodecommons = "" encodeframe.args = {} encodeframe.args.qid = qualid encodecommons = WikidataIB.getCommonsLink( encodeframe ) or "" if encodecommons == "" then encodecommons = encod:getLabel(mylang) else encodecommons = "[[:" .. encodecommons .. "|" .. encod:getLabel(mylang) .. "]]" end if qualid == "Q68101340" then idv = p.expandhiero(frame, idv) elseif commonsc ~= "" then idv = "[[:" .. commonsc .. "|" .. idv .. "]]" end rows = rows .. format1rowline(qualid, encodecommons , idv) end end end end end if then for _, v in ipairs( do local idv = v.mainsnak.datavalue.value if v.qualifiers and v.qualifiers.P3294 then for _, w in ipairs(v.qualifiers.P3294) do if w.snaktype == "value" then local qualid = w.datavalue.value["id"] local encod = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qualid) rows = rows .. format1rowline(qualid, encod:getLabel(mylang) , '[[File:' .. idv .. '|none|35px|'.. entity:getLabel(mylang) .. ' (' .. encod:getLabel(mylang) ..')]]') end end end end end return rows -- return '<table class="wikitable"><tr><th>Encoding </th><td>code</td></tr>' .. rows ..'</table>' end return p