
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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Note: This log is a segment of User:Badmachine/wikipedia-en-2011-05
May 01 00:01:25 *	Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:04:14 *	zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
May 01 00:05:08 *	foks|vaek has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 00:06:48 *	BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted)
May 01 00:07:02 *	Withoutaname (~Withoutan@unaffiliated/withoutaname) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:07:59 *	Nightswatch (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:08:39 <Withoutaname>	anyone familiar with a bit of javascript?
May 01 00:09:45 *	Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:13:08 *	Yetanotherx (~Soxred93@wikipedia/Soxred93) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:18:12 <{Soap}>	i took courses in Javascript a few years ago
May 01 00:21:59 <Withoutaname>	I'm trying to encode dismissability into a template, like the sitenotice
May 01 00:22:11 *	Ohyeahcrucz (~trololol@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:23:03 *	Ohyeahcrucz (~trololol@ has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:23:16 <Withoutaname>	I know that somehow, some fancy js file from my skin has to be included into a big red X in the template, then have it called like a MediaWiki-gadget
May 01 00:23:51 *	Dragonfly6-7 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:26:34 <Withoutaname>	can you maybe help?
May 01 00:27:08 *	kidcamaro has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 00:27:39 <{Soap}>	I doubt it
May 01 00:27:59 *	kidcamaro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:28:04 <{Soap}>	I understand what youre asking, but for me to try to figure it out would just be a series of uneducated guesses
May 01 00:28:13 <{Soap}>	Sorry
May 01 00:30:33 *	Jeske_Couriano (~Jeske_Cou@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:31:49 *	Jeni has quit (Quit: I win!)
May 01 00:32:19 *	Jeske_Couriano smells like flowers and veggies
May 01 00:35:30 *	p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:37:05 <Douche>	i misread niggers
May 01 00:37:12 <Jeske_Couriano>	...
May 01 00:38:04 <Brian_S>	Douche: No you didn't.
May 01 00:38:12 <Douche>	lol
May 01 00:38:13 <Douche>	k
May 01 00:38:27 <Brian_S>	:P
May 01 00:38:29 <Douche>	:P
May 01 00:38:35 *	Brian_S slaps Douche with a Bori
May 01 00:38:40 <Jeske_Couriano>	YIP!
May 01 00:38:54 *	sonia (~sonara@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:39:02 *	Douche hugs briq
May 01 00:39:13 *	Douche huggles Brian_S 
May 01 00:39:15 *	Douche hugges sonia 
May 01 00:39:39 *	sonia snuggles Douche
May 01 00:39:43 <Gfoley4>	wtf. My laptop has started to make a vibrating song
May 01 00:39:44 <Gfoley4>	o:
May 01 00:40:01 <Gfoley4>	*sound
May 01 00:40:15 *	Nightswatch has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110318052756])
May 01 00:40:16 <sonia>	Gfoley4: older computers, uh, do that all the time
May 01 00:40:33 <Gfoley4>	well this is 1 1/2 years old
May 01 00:40:36 <Gfoley4>	MacBook
May 01 00:40:40 *	Sceptre has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 00:40:59 *	Sceptre (~sceptre@unaffiliated/sceptre) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:41:24 <Gfoley4>	damn, it is getting louder
May 01 00:41:32 <Gfoley4>	(more high pitched)
May 01 00:41:34 <Dragonfly6-7>	Gfoley4 - get compressed air
May 01 00:41:41 <Dragonfly6-7>	or possibly, deactivate the autodestruct function
May 01 00:41:45 *	Jeske_Couriano smells like plants
May 01 00:41:53 <Gfoley4>	yay, it stopped
May 01 00:42:02 <Douche>	Jeske_Couriano: Marijuana?
May 01 00:42:07 <Gfoley4>	Dragonfly6-7: you're trick worked ;)
May 01 00:42:10 <Gfoley4>	*your
May 01 00:42:23 <Jeske_Couriano>	Douche) I didn't know high school greenhouses grew pot.
May 01 00:42:37 <Gfoley4>	I did
May 01 00:42:42 <Jeske_Couriano>	No, I volunteered at Mariner's plant sale.
May 01 00:43:02 <Jeske_Couriano>	I just finished transplanting the flowers I swiped into bigger pots
May 01 00:43:05 <Douche>	my old high school has a forest in the back and we knew marijuana was growing in it.
May 01 00:43:13 <Gfoley4>	sigh
May 01 00:43:22 <Gfoley4>	Douche: <3
May 01 00:43:33 <Douche>	Gfoley4: <3
May 01 00:44:13 <Jeske_Couriano>	Mine has the fire department right next door
May 01 00:44:25 <Douche>	nice
May 01 00:44:42 <Douche>	mine had a car dealer.
May 01 00:45:31 <Douche>	that got demolished to have a upscale grocery chain over it.
May 01 00:45:31 *	barts1a ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:45:31 *	barts1a has quit (Changing host)
May 01 00:45:31 *	barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:45:43 <Douche>	and a alcohol retailer in the back.
May 01 00:45:47 <Jeske_Couriano>	We're selling four cultivars of coleus this year and two of salvia, too, so, tbh, who the fuck needs weed?
May 01 00:45:56 <Jeske_Couriano>	Coleus and salvia are legal highs.
May 01 00:46:09 *	Headbomb|Laptop (~Headbomb@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:46:18 *	Jeske_Couriano wags his tail
May 01 00:46:25 <barts1a>	what did I walk into?
May 01 00:46:38 <Jeske_Couriano>	barts1a) Talking about high school horticulture club plant sales
May 01 00:48:06 <Douche>	and marijuana.
May 01 00:48:30 <barts1a>	isn't there a #drugs channel for this?
May 01 00:48:42 <sonia>	yeah, it's full of cops
May 01 00:49:00 <Dcoetzee>	barts1a: They merged it with this channel, since Wikipedia is the Greatest Drug.
May 01 00:49:21 <barts1a>	in that case they could be tracing your IP address right now
May 01 00:50:16 *	nagy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/nagy) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:50:27 <Douche>	or behind cloaks
May 01 00:51:03 *	nagy has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 00:51:20 <barts1a>	I think that they can easily see past them
May 01 00:51:26 *	Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
May 01 00:51:57 <Douche>	:P
May 01 00:52:03 <sonia>	barts1a is right
May 01 00:52:11 <Douche>	:o
May 01 00:52:28 <Douche>	my package has landed in montreal
May 01 00:53:42 *	mono (~mono@wikimedia/mono) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:54:09 *	mono is now known as Mono[POTY]
May 01 00:54:21 *	Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:55:29 *	Falcorian has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 00:56:49 <geniice>	Libya disabled children school hit in NATO strike
May 01 00:57:00 <geniice>
May 01 00:57:16 *	HuckFinn (~HuckFinn@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 00:57:42 <geniice>	The force of the blast blew in windows and doors in the parent-funded school for children with Down's Syndrome and officials said it damaged an orphanage on the floor above.
May 01 00:57:53 <geniice>	I'm sceptial
May 01 00:57:57 <geniice>	sceptical
May 01 00:59:28 <barts1a>	It IS Returs... Quite a reliable source...
May 01 00:59:58 <geniice>	yes but they have no real way to verify the function of the building
May 01 01:00:19 <barts1a>	true
May 01 01:00:36 <Dragonfly6-7>	still could have happened
May 01 01:00:50 <Shirik>	Like I know this is funding my job and all
May 01 01:00:58 <barts1a>	A mound of rubble was all that remained of one wing of the main building that adjoined the school, though an antenna of some kind protruded from the ruins.
May 01 01:00:58 <barts1a>	Both Mehdi and Seddigh said they had assumed that the antenna on the building was there to strengthen mobile phone signals and were not aware of any other use.
May 01 01:00:59 <Shirik>	but I still don't understand why we're in Libya in the first place
May 01 01:00:59 <barts1a>	In the rubble of the main building, a shredding machine packed with sliced up documents lay on its side. A fax and phone were nearby and shelves of files could be seen
May 01 01:01:10 <Gfoley4>	woah, flood
May 01 01:01:22 <barts1a>	direct quote from the 2nd page
May 01 01:03:56 <geniice>	Shirik I suspect the theory was that if we could take out gaddafi quickly other arab leaders wouldn't dare use force against Arab spring protesters. It hasn't worked.
May 01 01:04:22 <Shirik>	and we didn't learn that lesson 8 years ago with bin laden
May 01 01:04:34 <Douche>	anyways
May 01 01:04:40 <Douche>	peace
May 01 01:04:47 *	Douche has quit (Quit: Douche)
May 01 01:04:47 <Shirik>	or even iraq for that matter
May 01 01:05:01 <Shirik>	there is no such thing as "quick liberation"
May 01 01:05:35 <geniice>	Shirik sierra leone and ivory coast
May 01 01:05:51 *	Withoutaname has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 01:06:15 <Dragonfly6-7>	Shirik - [[The Liberation of Earth]]
May 01 01:06:19 <geniice>	and the US can change the govement in Haiti pretty quickly whenever it becomes difficult to ignore
May 01 01:06:33 *	Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:06:45 <Shirik>	Dragonfly6-7: Interesting. I may have to check that out.
May 01 01:06:49 <Shirik>	never heard of it
May 01 01:06:54 <Dragonfly6-7>	a classic story
May 01 01:07:05 <Shirik>	geniice: The problem is we don't have this kind of money
May 01 01:07:40 *	mikemoral is now known as mikemoral|away
May 01 01:07:50 <geniice>	Shirik On paper the war looked like it could be won quickly. Local proxies for the ground fighting and gaddifi had a weak but conventional army that could be smashed from the air. Easy
May 01 01:08:04 <Shirik>	Dude
May 01 01:08:11 <Shirik>	We said that in world war II
May 01 01:08:15 <geniice>	unfortunately the rebels turned out to be one of the most useless fighting forces in world history
May 01 01:08:42 <geniice>	Shirik err no one said that in WW2
May 01 01:08:42 <Shirik>	maybe it was WW1
May 01 01:08:42 *	kibble (~cbrown@wikimedia/Cbrown1023) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:08:42 <Shirik>	but someone said "the entire war can be won by air" in one of them
May 01 01:08:48 <Shirik>	I thought it was 2
May 01 01:08:53 <Shirik>	It's like one of the ONLY things I learned from my world history class
May 01 01:08:54 <geniice>	that was strategic bombing
May 01 01:09:10 <geniice>	libya is tactical bombing. Different concept.
May 01 01:09:27 <geniice>	and it can be done
May 01 01:09:47 <geniice>	the northern alliance destroyed the Taliban as a conventional force with US air support.
May 01 01:10:16 <geniice>	french air support has kept the Chadian government in power
May 01 01:10:41 <Shirik>	Well anyway, let's see. We're cutting social security taxes. Pay no attention to the fact that last year social security ran its first deficit. We're reforming health care. We're spending money on these wars that we get nothing out of. All the while our national debt is skyrocketing.
May 01 01:11:00 *	Brian_S hugs Shirik.
May 01 01:11:24 <Shirik>	I mean for my entire life I've been a democrat but I'm really starting to rethink my position
May 01 01:11:37 <geniice>	as wars go the Libyan adventure is pretty cheap. Or at least it should have been if the rebels could fight
May 01 01:12:12 *	Kingpin13 has quit (Quit: money can't buy you love, but it can if you have enough)
May 01 01:12:20 <Shirik>	The only good thing I see coming out of this so far is that wars are a really good way to pay for my paycheck :P but still that can't be said for the overwhelming majority of the US
May 01 01:12:27 <geniice>	one division of french ground forces and the war could be over very quickly
May 01 01:13:05 <Shirik>	the french have forces?
May 01 01:13:08 <Shirik>	Kidding, kidding!
May 01 01:13:20 <geniice>	sure they just decided the winning side in ivory coast
May 01 01:13:29 <Dragonfly6-7>
May 01 01:13:53 <geniice>	Dragonfly6-7 a deadpool fan I see
May 01 01:15:58 *	Mono[POTY] has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
May 01 01:16:50 *	Resfirestar (foobar@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:17:10 <geniice>	Shirik the french are generally pretty good at this kind of war. they don't have people like Susan Rice making up transparently false stories about Viagra equipped rape squads.
May 01 01:17:16 <{Soap}>	it was proven false?
May 01 01:18:16 <geniice>	{Soap} US millitry thinks there is no evidence of it
May 01 01:18:17 <Dragonfly6-7>	yes
May 01 01:18:19 <Dragonfly6-7>	they used Cilais
May 01 01:18:22 <Dragonfly6-7>	cialis
May 01 01:19:27 *	kidcamaro has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 01:21:45 *	NA_0_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:22:24 *	Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:22:30 *	kidcamaro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:24:31 *	NA_0 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 01:24:39 *	NA_0_ is now known as NA_0
May 01 01:24:54 *	NA_0 has quit (Changing host)
May 01 01:24:54 *	NA_0 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/notanonymous0) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:25:21 *	AzaToth has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 01:26:55 *	Peter-C sniper glomps Dragonfly6-7
May 01 01:33:42 *	Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:34:52 *	kidcamaro has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 01:35:50 *	CKtravel___ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:37:28 *	CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 01:37:45 *	kidcamaro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:39:07 <Demiurge1000>	Peter-C: I need music. Make yourself useful, recommend some *good* music.
May 01 01:39:48 *	dungodung is now known as dungodung|sleep
May 01 01:40:25 <Dcoetzee>	Demiurge1000: You're asking Peter for music recommendations? Good luck with that :-P
May 01 01:40:52 *	mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:41:06 <Demiurge1000>	Dcoetzee: I'm an optimist :)
May 01 01:43:21 *	Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:48:18 <Lubaf>	Did the UK government release any bad news yesterday so it'd get buried in wedding updates?
May 01 01:49:23 *	GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:49:32 *	Herodotus has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 01:50:47 *	Delta (~Delta@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:50:48 *	CKtravel____ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:50:52 *	CKtravel____ is now known as CKtravel
May 01 01:51:19 *	{Soap} (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:52:35 *	CKtravel___ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 01:53:27 <Demiurge1000>	Not sure, I think it got buried in wedding updates
May 01 01:54:44 <Dragonfly6-7>	Lubaf - on the other hand, Obama managed to bury a Bernanke disaster by releasing his birth certificate
May 01 01:55:05 *	sonia has quit (Quit: suffocating)
May 01 01:57:59 *	CR90 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 01:59:27 *	Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 01:59:37 <Sven_Manguard>	hi all
May 01 01:59:40 <Logan_>	hey Sven
May 01 02:09:02 *	terron (t@unaffiliated/terron) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:10:30 *	Herodotus (alliterate@unaffiliated/recognizance) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:12:19 *	enhydra has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
May 01 02:12:36 *	enhydra (~kalan@wikimedia/Kalan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:16:01 *	ScottSteiner ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:20:53 *	NA_0 is now known as NA_0|away
May 01 02:24:27 *	wctaiwan ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:28:01 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 02:33:04 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:33:58 <Sven_Manguard>	bye all
May 01 02:34:00 *	Sven_Manguard has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 02:34:14 <Sunderland06>	Bye.
May 01 02:35:10 *	wctaiwan has quit (Quit: wctaiwan)
May 01 02:35:47 *	GorillaWarfare has quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare)
May 01 02:37:13 <Headbomb>	geniice: I find it pretty hard to believe that Lybia has a "Down's Syndrome Society"
May 01 02:37:23 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 02:37:29 <geniice>	actualy thats quite possible
May 01 02:37:48 <Headbomb>	possible, sure, likely, ... that's another thing
May 01 02:38:07 <geniice>	remember the place is swimming in oil money and there is a reasonable size upper middle class
May 01 02:38:09 *	boulevardier (~boulevard@wikipedia/boulevardier) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:38:30 <geniice>	you will find a bunch of them at UK unis which may have some interesting fallout
May 01 02:39:25 *	CKtravel_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:40:01 *	mys_721tx has quit (Quit: mys_721tx)
May 01 02:40:08 <Headbomb>	googling ""Down's Syndrome Society" -NATO +Libya" gives 3 hits
May 01 02:40:34 <Headbomb>	granted, this is an English searh
May 01 02:40:35 <Headbomb>	search
May 01 02:40:45 <Headbomb>	and Lybia's main language isn't english
May 01 02:40:45 *	AntiSpamMeta has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
May 01 02:40:52 <geniice>	they are not in any case the most web connected society
May 01 02:41:28 <Headbomb>	this however,, might be a good candidate
May 01 02:41:36 <Headbomb>	Lydian Down Syndrome Associatoin
May 01 02:41:59 *	CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 02:42:34 <Headbomb>	translating into English doesn't mention the strike however
May 01 02:44:28 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:45:58 *	Crimedog (ritzlart@wikipedia/Ron-Ritzman) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:46:18 *	feezo (~feezo@wikipedia/feezo) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:48:29 *	la_pianista ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:48:29 *	la_pianista has quit (Changing host)
May 01 02:48:30 *	la_pianista (~la_pianis@wikipedia/La-Pianista) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:49:53 *	Netalarm ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:49:54 *	Netalarm has quit (Changing host)
May 01 02:49:54 *	Netalarm (~Netalarm@Wikimedia/Netalarm) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:51:35 *	Peter-C pokes la_pianista's face
May 01 02:51:36 *	Netalarm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 02:51:37 <Peter-C>	WTF is that
May 01 02:51:38 <Peter-C>	WTF
May 01 02:51:44 <Peter-C>	It's like ewwy
May 01 02:51:53 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 02:51:56 <Sam_Gold>	:&
May 01 02:52:52 *	la_pianista pokes Peter-C's brain
May 01 02:52:53 <la_pianista>	WTF
May 01 02:52:55 <la_pianista>	WTF is that
May 01 02:52:55 <Sam_Gold>	heh ":&" looks like this
May 01 02:52:58 <Sam_Gold>
May 01 02:53:00 <la_pianista>	it's like empty
May 01 02:53:09 <Sam_Gold>	on my screen ;)
May 01 02:53:16 *	Netalarm (~Netalarm@Wikimedia/Netalarm) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:53:17 *	Crimedog has quit (Quit: leaving)
May 01 02:53:21 <Peter-C>	OMG PORN
May 01 02:53:27 <Peter-C>	>:O
May 01 02:53:46 *	Peter-C is drinking shampoo and eating his brains
May 01 02:53:48 <Peter-C>	:D
May 01 02:54:11 *	Andrevan has quit ()
May 01 02:54:28 *	Crimedog (ritzlart@wikipedia/Ron-Ritzman) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:54:29 *	zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:56:07 *	CKtravel_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 02:56:14 *	Adamas ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:56:52 *	Dcoetzee eats Peter-C brains with shampoo.
May 01 02:58:08 *	Adamas has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 02:58:39 *	Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:58:40 *	LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 02:59:18 *	DarkoNeko has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 02:59:34 <Logan_>	Crimedog: that person at DRV is starting to piss me off
May 01 03:00:02 <LauraHale>	DRV?
May 01 03:00:03 <Crimedog>	But he's an "expert" :)
May 01 03:01:47 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:02:02 <Logan_>	hehe
May 01 03:02:07 <Logan_>	Crimedog: just commented
May 01 03:02:37 <Logan_>	this is my first DRV :P
May 01 03:02:43 <Logan_>	and it was a NAC, of all things
May 01 03:03:09 <LauraHale>	What is DRV?  and NAC?
May 01 03:03:43 <Logan_>	LauraHale: DRV is a place to discuss previous deletions/other actions at deletion discussions and possibly overturn them, and NAC is a non-administrator closure of a deletion discussion
May 01 03:03:52 <Logan_> and
May 01 03:04:13 *	LauraHale nod nods
May 01 03:04:33 <Logan_>	Crimedog: I was going to put "omai" as the edit summary, but I thought that would be too obvious :P\
May 01 03:04:43 <Crimedog>	I used to be (in)famous for NACs but I dont do them any more
May 01 03:04:53 <Logan_>	...since you're not a non-admin anymore? :P
May 01 03:05:09 <Anna_Frodesiak>	Could somebody please go to:
May 01 03:05:09 <Anna_Frodesiak>
May 01 03:05:13 *	Jeske_Couriano returns from dinner
May 01 03:05:15 *	RR ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:05:30 <Anna_Frodesiak>	and tell me if it's just my browser or are the village and blocks columns not formatting?
May 01 03:05:31 <Logan_>	that's like saying, "I used to do badly on my third-grade spelling quizzes, but I don't do them anymore."
May 01 03:05:34 <Logan_> kidding :P
May 01 03:05:35 <LauraHale> <-- That whole string is a bit fraught with misinformation regarding PhD dissertations.
May 01 03:05:37 *	RR is now known as Guest30531
May 01 03:05:52 *	Adwiii ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:06:04 <Sunderland06>	Anna_Frodesiak: I dunno, thats a long way away and I don't have the cash.
May 01 03:06:04 <Sunderland06>	Sorry.
May 01 03:06:12 *	Sunderland06 chuckles.
May 01 03:06:24 <Anna_Frodesiak>	oh, you're a card
May 01 03:06:24 <Anna_Frodesiak>	a ham
May 01 03:06:24 <Anna_Frodesiak>	:)
May 01 03:06:40 <Crimedog>	Logan_: This is what my user page looked like before november, look at the userboxes
May 01 03:06:40 <Crimedog>
May 01 03:06:53 <Logan_>	hahaha
May 01 03:06:57 <Anna_Frodesiak>	:)
May 01 03:06:59 <Logan_>	"non-non-admin closures"
May 01 03:07:14 <Logan_>	if I ever become a sysop, that'll be in my userboxes :P
May 01 03:07:16 *	Adwiii has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 03:07:36 <Gfoley4>	…
May 01 03:07:41 <Crimedog>	I changed the NAC userbox shortly after my RFA to see if anybody failed to read it and reverted it
May 01 03:07:48 <Anna_Frodesiak>	Also,
May 01 03:07:48 <Anna_Frodesiak>	{{div col|cols=3}}
May 01 03:07:48 <Anna_Frodesiak>	{{div col end}}
May 01 03:07:50 *	Logan_ throws a whale at Gfoley4 
May 01 03:08:02 <Anna_Frodesiak>	I understand that doesn't appear right on on-chrome
May 01 03:08:10 <Anna_Frodesiak>	Like just one long col. Is this true?
May 01 03:09:51 *	Delta has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 03:10:13 <Gfoley4>	thing is Logan, you'll never become a sysop with content contribs
May 01 03:10:22 <Logan_>	nou
May 01 03:10:52 <Logan_>	what if I say that I'm illiterate?
May 01 03:10:57 <Logan_>	wait, no, that wouldn't help me
May 01 03:11:04 <Logan_>	damn
May 01 03:11:12 <Gfoley4>	User:Gfoley4/Articles ;)
May 01 03:11:15 <Logan_>	what if I become un-lazy and actually write an article?
May 01 03:11:18 <Logan_>	that's a concept
May 01 03:11:46 <Gfoley4>	if you write one, I'll pick it apart piece by piece :D
May 01 03:11:56 <Logan_>	hey, I was the first "Support" vote on your RfA
May 01 03:12:00 <Logan_>	so you should be nice to me :P
May 01 03:12:13 <Gfoley4>	nah
May 01 03:12:13 <Gfoley4>	;0-
May 01 03:12:20 <Logan_>	and gneiss
May 01 03:12:23 <Logan_>	well, less gneiss than nice
May 01 03:12:30 <Logan_>	but don't throw gneiss at me, because that's not nice
May 01 03:12:39 <Logan_>	I don't even know what I'm saying
May 01 03:12:47 <Gfoley4>	?
May 01 03:13:06 <Logan_>
May 01 03:13:10 <Logan_>	it's pronounced the same as "nice"
May 01 03:14:06 *	Delta (~Delta@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:14:15 <Logan_>	"The geologist said that gneiss is nice, but that we shouldn't take it for granite." lmao
May 01 03:14:24 <Logan_>	love geology jokes
May 01 03:15:38 *	Jeske_Couriano prefers Gnisis
May 01 03:15:48 <Logan_>	that's nice-ish
May 01 03:16:18 <Logan_>	Delta: main page fail, again
May 01 03:16:29 <Gfoley4>	hm?
May 01 03:16:40 <Delta>	Logan_: ??
May 01 03:16:41 <Logan_>	image is unprotected
May 01 03:16:42 <Gfoley4>	ooo, Millineum Park is featured :D
May 01 03:16:51 <Gfoley4>	Logan_: no
May 01 03:16:57 <Gfoley4>	you wanna bet?
May 01 03:17:20 <Delta>	Logan_: linky?
May 01 03:17:21 <Logan_>	sure
May 01 03:17:26 <Logan_>
May 01 03:17:48 <Gfoley4>	that's not on the MP
May 01 03:17:51 <Logan_>	yes it is
May 01 03:18:01 <Gfoley4>	no, it's just linked to it
May 01 03:18:09 <Gfoley4>	with |link=...
May 01 03:18:23 <Gfoley4> is on the MP
May 01 03:18:24 <Logan_>	and it's on the page
May 01 03:18:27 <Logan_>	oh
May 01 03:18:38 *	Logan_ pays up
May 01 03:18:40 <Gfoley4>	*treated*
May 01 03:19:06 <Gfoley4>	furthermore, the MP is cascaded anyways
May 01 03:19:09 <Delta>	Logan_: I was gonna say, normally BCBot
May 01 03:19:19 <Gfoley4>	as is commons
May 01 03:19:29 <Delta>	Logan_: I was gonna say, normally BCBot4 is screaming if there is an unprotected file
May 01 03:19:55 <Logan_>	mmhm
May 01 03:20:10 <Logan_>	wait, you have bots again?
May 01 03:20:10 <Logan_>	oh, on IRC
May 01 03:20:50 <Delta>	Logan_:
May 01 03:21:00 <Logan_>	ah, okay
May 01 03:21:31 *	Delta checks logs
May 01 03:21:32 *	Bejinhan (~Bejinhan@wikipedia/Bejinhan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:24:11 <Delta>	Logan_: the last breach was [2011-04-21 00:00:11] Found [[File:GroteWerfMarkenNederland.jpg]] None
May 01 03:24:24 <Logan_>	cool
May 01 03:24:47 <Gfoley4>	!link
May 01 03:24:50 <Delta>	and before that [2011-04-12 02:00:02] Found [[File:Gagarin in Sweden.jpg]] autoconfirmed
May 01 03:24:52 <Logan_>	Gfoley4: fail
May 01 03:25:10 <Gfoley4>	oh, I though this was accounts
May 01 03:25:19 <Delta>	the first was up for less than 5 minutes and the second for less than 15
May 01 03:25:20 <Logan_>	fail x2
May 01 03:26:26 <Delta>	Logan_: my eyes in the sky miss very little
May 01 03:26:40 *	Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:26:52 *	Thehelpfulone has quit (Quit: Bye! If you need any help poke me when I come back online or /msg memoserv send Thehelpfulone <message>)
May 01 03:30:26 <Logan_>	Crimedog: so many discussion at AFDO...
May 01 03:30:28 <Logan_>	*discussions
May 01 03:30:56 *	Joe|HW is now known as Joe|Busy
May 01 03:31:18 *	Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
May 01 03:32:51 *	MC8 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 03:33:53 *	barts1a has quit (Quit: Leaving)
May 01 03:34:07 *	Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:34:16 *	Joe|Busy has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
May 01 03:36:55 *	la_pianista is now known as pianista|brb
May 01 03:37:55 *	Sceptre has quit (Quit: There's a battle outside and it is ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls for the times they are a-changin')
May 01 03:39:23 *	Despatche_ has quit (Quit: blurgh |
May 01 03:40:40 *	Jeske_Couriano has quit (Quit: Eek! A Yoshi!! *flees*)
May 01 03:42:27 *	Porchcrop has quit ()
May 01 03:43:48 *	ThrewOutTheWs (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:44:25 <ThrewOutTheWs>	You know there are a lotta images with words seen in them. Well, when I search for phrases containing those words, why doesn't it pull up those images?
May 01 03:44:46 <Gfoley4>	File: ?
May 01 03:44:51 <Dragonfly6-7>	'cause we're a work in progress
May 01 03:45:02 <Dragonfly6-7>	we'll get to that eventually
May 01 03:45:12 <ThrewOutTheWs>	Gfoley4: any file
May 01 03:45:20 <Dragonfly6-7>	currently our OCR software sucks, and we have to add those words by hand
May 01 03:45:22 <Dragonfly6-7>	good enough?
May 01 03:45:42 <Logan_>	ThrewOutTheWs: Are you talking about actual words in the pictures or words in the file descriptions?
May 01 03:45:53 <ThrewOutTheWs>	actual words in pictures, Logan_
May 01 03:46:02 <ThrewOutTheWs>	It doesn't happen on our search, not even on Google (and prolly bing)
May 01 03:46:09 <Logan_>	Yeah, that ain't gonna happen any time soon.
May 01 03:46:09 <Dragonfly6-7>	like, say, a picture of a stop sign
May 01 03:46:14 <Dcoetzee>	No, no search engine is currently capable of that.
May 01 03:46:16 *	pianista|brb is now known as la_pianista
May 01 03:46:26 <Dcoetzee>	Except, arguable, Google Books.
May 01 03:46:30 <Dcoetzee>	*arguably
May 01 03:46:37 <Dragonfly6-7>	currently our OCR software sucks, and we have to add those words by hand
May 01 03:46:56 <Dcoetzee>	Many (most?) of our images are too low-resolution for modern OCR.
May 01 03:47:15 <Dcoetzee>	Also, open-source OCR sucks because there is no open source corpus of data for training it.
May 01 03:47:47 <Dcoetzee>	Long story short, it's a really hard problem :-P
May 01 03:47:50 *	LauraHale has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 03:48:08 <ThrewOutTheWs>	"corpus"
May 01 03:48:34 <ThrewOutTheWs>	So hopefully in 10 years, that kind of search will be feasible?
May 01 03:48:37 *	quanticle ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:49:06 <Dragonfly6-7>	ThrewOutTheWs - we have no way of knowing.
May 01 03:49:12 <Dcoetzee>	If we're lucky.
May 01 03:49:18 <Dcoetzee>	It'll take a lot of work from a lot of people.
May 01 03:49:27 <Dcoetzee>	And a lot of generosity.
May 01 03:49:34 <Gfoley4>	WP might not be around in 10 years
May 01 03:49:44 <ThrewOutTheWs>	Dcoetzee: I thought it would scan all images, not require hand-done work like you describe.
May 01 03:49:53 <ThrewOutTheWs>	Gfoley4: Bandwidth follows moore's law, right?
May 01 03:49:59 <Dcoetzee>	ThrewOutTheWs: I'm not talking about hand done work.
May 01 03:49:59 *	Meepsheep (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:50:08 <Logan_>	ffs
May 01 03:50:10 *	OlEnglish has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
May 01 03:50:29 <Dcoetzee>	ThrewOutTheWs: I'm talking about the work of developing new OCR algorithms suitable for low resolution images, of constructing an open licensed training corpus large enough to train the statistical models required, etc. etc.
May 01 03:50:29 <ThrewOutTheWs>	Gfoley4: I know WP has to cost a lot to run,  but hopefully bandwidth keeps getting cheaper...
May 01 03:50:37 *	LauraHale ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:50:39 <Gfoley4>	hmm, maybe
May 01 03:50:44 <ThrewOutTheWs>	whoa, ok Dcoetzee
May 01 03:50:45 *	mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:51:04 <Dcoetzee>	ThrewOutTheWs: It's a very difficult problem to solve :-P
May 01 03:51:33 *	LauraHale has quit (Changing host)
May 01 03:51:33 *	LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:51:33 <ThrewOutTheWs>	well i hope when computers get more intelligent (see [[SAI]]) then they'll help us solve it.
May 01 03:51:41 *	MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:52:09 <Dcoetzee>	That is... an even harder problem. :-)
May 01 03:52:13 <Dragonfly6-7>	come the Singularity, you will all eat strawberries and cream
May 01 03:52:13 *	GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:52:47 <ThrewOutTheWs>	[[IBM Watson]] indicates it's just around the corner.
May 01 03:54:27 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 03:54:41 <MuZemike>	The best hand job in the Bronx:
May 01 03:55:33 <Dragonfly6-7>	MuZemike - you think that was a mistake?
May 01 03:55:56 *	thegoodcushion (~thegoodcu@unaffiliated/thegoodcushion) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:56:38 *	Netalarm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 03:57:18 <topaz>	well, *someone* did.
May 01 03:57:20 <topaz>	but I agree with you.
May 01 03:58:14 *	Guest30531 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 03:58:15 *	Logan_ has quit (Disconnected by services)
May 01 03:58:22 *	Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 03:59:11 <ThrewOutTheWs>	Dragonfly6-7: and thanks to being able to figure out how to reverse the shortening of the (age-causing) telomeres, we'll be whatever age we want again.
May 01 03:59:24 *	Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 04:00:01 *	geniice has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.0.14/20110420224920])
May 01 04:00:52 <ThrewOutTheWs>	Dragonfly6-7: Yeah, it'd be cool of the singularity made me 10 again. Life was so cool back then.
May 01 04:00:58 *	Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:01:00 <Meepsheep>	lol
May 01 04:01:20 <Meepsheep>	^not me
May 01 04:01:53 <Tatsujin>
May 01 04:03:38 *	Olipro has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
May 01 04:05:50 *	Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:09:18 <topaz>	interesting... I opened an ARV popup to request a block on that IP that performed the Malcolm X edit, and the "vandalism-only account" is greyed out.
May 01 04:09:44 <Meepsheep>	whoever made that edit is win
May 01 04:10:13 <topaz>	...
May 01 04:10:20 <Brian_S>	It was obviously you.
May 01 04:10:29 <Meepsheep>	It was not me, I am a template vandal
May 01 04:10:45 <Meepsheep>	Someone just gave me a link to it in ED irc
May 01 04:11:22 <Gfoley4>	topaz: because it is an ip
May 01 04:11:32 <topaz>	oh, huh. ok.
May 01 04:11:50 <topaz>	seems to me there could totally be vandalism-only IPs, but I get the point. :-)
May 01 04:13:02 <Gfoley4>	ip change, etc.
May 01 04:13:05 <Gfoley4>	s
May 01 04:13:05 <Meepsheep>	I love how they call it "hacking"
May 01 04:15:09 <topaz>	Meepsheep: thanks for pointing that out.  what else have you been up to?
May 01 04:15:15 <Dragonfly6-7> - does anyone understand what this is?
May 01 04:15:44 <Meepsheep>	topaz, just template vandalism, did some on simple english today. it lasted about 50 minutes so that was a win
May 01 04:16:36 <topaz>	Dragonfly6-7: "phosphoric cow" sez Google Translate.
May 01 04:16:54 <topaz>	(I know, not useful)
May 01 04:17:00 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to slakr
May 01 04:17:12 *	ScottSteiner has quit (Changing host)
May 01 04:17:12 *	ScottSteiner (~s@wikipedia/ScottSteiner) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:17:13 *	slakr sets ban on *!*@
May 01 04:17:13 *	slakr has kicked Meepsheep from #wikipedia-en (this isn't a lounge for vandals)
May 01 04:17:22 <topaz>	thanks slak.
May 01 04:17:52 *	zscout370|2 (~zscout370@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:17:58 <Gfoley4>	r
May 01 04:18:28 <slakr>	hmm
May 01 04:18:31 *	slakr removes channel operator status from slakr
May 01 04:18:31 *	slakr removes voice from slakr
May 01 04:19:11 *	zscout370 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 04:19:13 *	LauraHale has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
May 01 04:19:17 <Gfoley4>	better check your wikiversity page slakr ;)
May 01 04:19:27 *	slakr doesn't care about his wikiversity page
May 01 04:19:38 <Gfoley4>	;p
May 01 04:19:54 <slakr>	in all reality I don't even care about my user page
May 01 04:19:57 <slakr>	lol
May 01 04:21:07 *	closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:23:09 <Dcoetzee>	slakr: Slacker
May 01 04:23:20 <slakr>	Dcoetzee:
May 01 04:23:29 <slakr>	... to be filled in later.
May 01 04:23:30 <Dcoetzee>	;-)
May 01 04:26:26 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:27:13 *	wctaiwan (8c705b7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:28:49 *	quanticle has quit ()
May 01 04:28:58 *	NA_0|away is now known as NA_0
May 01 04:29:05 <topaz>	aha, new Doctor Who torrent is up.
May 01 04:30:08 <slakr>	it's been up for hours :P
May 01 04:30:30 <wctaiwan>	piracy!
May 01 04:30:40 <slakr>	fairly satisfying conclusion, too... but I hate two-parters
May 01 04:30:56 <slakr>	wctaiwan: how else are we supposed to watch it in the states? :P
May 01 04:30:57 <wctaiwan>	no comment :P
May 01 04:31:32 *	killiondude (~yes@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:31:35 <Dcoetzee>	Woo, ep 25 of My Little Pony is up too :-)
May 01 04:31:36 <slakr>	thank god I was able to see Skins from the UK long before the US-version/bastardization hit here.
May 01 04:32:41 *	Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:33:50 <topaz>	slakr: it should have occurred to me that it wasn't actually being simulcast in the UK and the US.
May 01 04:34:50 <topaz>	touch embarrassing, that.
May 01 04:35:04 <slakr>	you might be able to get it, at some point, in the US on BBC-US
May 01 04:35:05 *	la_pianista has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 04:35:11 <slakr>	if your cable provider carries it
May 01 04:35:17 <topaz>	or if you have cable TV.
May 01 04:35:21 <slakr>	right
May 01 04:35:25 <slakr>	but as far as getting it aired
May 01 04:35:37 <slakr>	no, no broadcast network airs it.
May 01 04:36:53 *	zscout370|2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
May 01 04:36:58 *	mys_721tx has quit (Quit: mys_721tx)
May 01 04:37:10 *	Netalarm (~Netalarm@Wikimedia/Netalarm) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:37:52 *	AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@unaffiliated/afterdeath/bot/antispambot) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:38:28 <topaz>	BBC America is simulcasting Doctor Who this season, IIRC.
May 01 04:38:35 <Gfoley4>	wb AntiSpamMeta
May 01 04:39:28 <closedmouth>	slakr: the so-called "US-version" was a full-on canadian production with canadian actors and everything
May 01 04:39:46 <slakr>	...except the writing.
May 01 04:40:02 <slakr>	the magic of Skins UK was in the *exceptional* actors and *exceptional* writing.
May 01 04:40:09 <killiondude>	I didn't like either version.
May 01 04:40:11 <closedmouth>	yeah, the "we're going to canada" episode was awkward
May 01 04:40:18 <slakr>	idiotic.
May 01 04:40:26 <slakr>	*russia* you're going to *russia*.
May 01 04:40:44 <slakr>	and there were supposed to be guys giving each other head, I might add
May 01 04:41:02 <slakr>	but nooo, we had to replace the dancer gay guy with a cheerleader lesbian
May 01 04:41:33 <slakr>	...because americans can't handle gay stuff, apparently.
May 01 04:41:37 <slakr>	gay guy*
May 01 04:42:00 <closedmouth>	it could have been good, it was originally gonna be shot and set in baltimore
May 01 04:42:05 <closedmouth>	that would have been interesting
May 01 04:43:25 <slakr>	imo, if they really wanted to make it good, they'd have simply followed the same formula as the UK version, but not the same plot necessarily. Write it for the US; use a boatload of prodigy amateurs coupled with a few pros.
May 01 04:44:11 <closedmouth>	yeah
May 01 04:44:28 <slakr>	but TV convention in the US goes with a a tiny group (or simply pair) of writers
May 01 04:44:34 *	NA_0 is now known as NA_0|away
May 01 04:44:51 *	slakr shrugs
May 01 04:44:53 <slakr>	anyyyyway....
May 01 04:45:30 <Herodotus>	Donald Trump needs to stop worrying about China and force Canada to stop its protectionist policies that result in so many US film industry jobs to go up North. :-)
May 01 04:45:48 <Herodotus>	Well, either result in so many going up or cause so many to go up.
May 01 04:46:11 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 04:46:53 <killiondude>	hi
May 01 04:47:00 <slakr>	well, when you're face with the prospect of your child getting sick and not being able to afford to take him to a doctor, the options start to become either free healthcare or quick-money-somehow.
May 01 04:47:01 <Herodotus>	Hello.
May 01 04:47:06 <slakr>	faced*
May 01 04:47:16 <MuZemike>	Or perhaps Trump should stop demanding Obama's proof of residence.
May 01 04:47:51 <Herodotus>	Health care laws and those mandating a certain percentage of all radio play be Celine Dion have nothing to do with one another.
May 01 04:47:58 <closedmouth>	> Rumors have longed swirled about the nature of Donald Trump's hair and whether or not it was real or a toupee.  It has recently been described as a "double comb-over".  Donald Trump has never produced a birth certificate for his hair or addressed the controversy swirling around it.
May 01 04:48:06 <slakr>	Herodotus: my bad... read that wrong
May 01 04:48:49 <slakr>	and they go up there because it's cheaper to shoot up there
May 01 04:49:08 <killiondude>	shoot everything
May 01 04:49:49 <Herodotus>	Perhaps, but the made in Canada laws do affect it too. And let's face it, those are the jobs people actually want! Who wants to manufacture iPhones for a living? Really, come on.
May 01 04:49:52 <slakr>	plus the people are nicer hehe
May 01 04:50:12 <slakr>	the chinese do
May 01 04:50:19 <slakr>	:P
May 01 04:50:30 <slakr>	at least, that's what the sticker said. :P
May 01 04:50:32 *	Dcoetzee has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110318052756])
May 01 04:50:49 *	feezo has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
May 01 04:51:15 <Herodotus>	Anyway, yes, hello.
May 01 04:51:24 *	NA_0|away is now known as NA_0
May 01 04:51:55 *	zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:53:07 *	mikemoral|away is now known as mikemoral
May 01 04:54:24 *	mindspillage ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:54:24 *	mindspillage has quit (Changing host)
May 01 04:54:24 *	mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 04:54:59 *	Sir48 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 04:58:27 *	wctaiwan has quit (Quit: Page closed)
May 01 04:58:46 *	Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: bedtime)
May 01 05:00:44 *	Olipro has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 05:02:30 *	Demiurge1000 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.16/20110319135224])
May 01 05:03:51 <killiondude>	Sue them in a court of law in Trenton, NJ.
May 01 05:04:13 <closedmouth>	done
May 01 05:07:32 *	Zamorak has quit (Quit: Let's meh the whole world, it's such a meh place)
May 01 05:12:33 *	russavia has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
May 01 05:13:43 *	ThrewOutTheWs has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
May 01 05:14:16 *	Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 05:20:27 *	Chris_G (~chris@wikipedia/Chris-G) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 05:22:14 *	Seahorse has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 05:22:40 *	Mike_H (4ab2a72c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 05:23:04 <Mike_H>	Myra: Hello, my pretty.
May 01 05:23:07 *	Mike_H kisses Myra.
May 01 05:23:16 <Myra>	:o
May 01 05:23:19 *	Myra smooches Mike_H.
May 01 05:23:21 <Myra>	ltns
May 01 05:23:35 <Mike_H>	you're just not in my channels, darling
May 01 05:23:47 <Myra>	Gay.
May 01 05:23:51 <Mike_H>	ikr
May 01 05:24:43 <Mike_H>	Myra: omg they are going to have crazy fetish shows on Nat Geo
May 01 05:24:54 <Mike_H>	one of the shows is going to be able people who get off on dressing like babies
May 01 05:25:04 <Mike_H>	*going to show people
May 01 05:25:12 <Myra>	Ew.
May 01 05:25:29 <Mike_H>	And then another show is going to be about people who fall in love with inanimate objects.
May 01 05:25:38 <Mike_H>	This one guy actually described how he felt the first time he kissed....a car.
May 01 05:25:44 <closedmouth>	hey man, it's a legitimate lifestyle choice
May 01 05:26:06 <killiondude>	people have been marrying their houses for years.
May 01 05:26:30 <closedmouth>	and their cousins
May 01 05:26:33 *	Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 05:26:47 <Mike_H>	closedmouth, killiondude: speaking of people who kiss their cars
May 01 05:26:48 <Mike_H>
May 01 05:27:19 <closedmouth>	garfish
May 01 05:27:43 <Myra>	garfieldwithoutgarfield
May 01 05:27:54 <closedmouth>	hipster
May 01 05:28:44 <closedmouth>	byeeeeeeeeee
May 01 05:28:45 *	closedmouth has quit (Quit: brb)
May 01 05:28:59 <killiondude>	brb
May 01 05:36:13 *	Catalan has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
May 01 05:36:28 <topaz>	that garfield site looks terrifying.
May 01 05:41:04 *	Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 05:47:52 *	Dragonfly6-7 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 06:00:35 *	Netalarm has quit (Quit: Shutting down)
May 01 06:03:03 *	zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
May 01 06:03:39 *	mono (~mono@wikimedia/mono) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:05:16 *	sonia (~sonara@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:07:03 *	Withoutaname ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:07:28 *	Withoutaname is now known as Guest26585
May 01 06:12:04 *	Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:12:55 *	Guest26585 is now known as Withoutaname
May 01 06:12:59 *	Withoutaname has quit (Changing host)
May 01 06:12:59 *	Withoutaname (~Withoutan@unaffiliated/withoutaname) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:20:24 *	Snowolf has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 06:21:02 *	mono has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 06:22:26 *	Bejinhan (~Bejinhan@wikipedia/Bejinhan) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:23:06 *	MindstormsKid has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 06:26:27 *	Falcorian has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 06:26:30 *	foks|vaek (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:26:37 *	HuckFinn has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPod touch -
May 01 06:27:45 *	sonia is now known as sonia|afk
May 01 06:29:49 *	Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:30:04 *	foks|vaek has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 06:31:07 *	wikifiend has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 06:31:55 *	MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 06:41:33 <Logan_>	GorillaWarfare: you protected it :(
May 01 06:41:42 <GorillaWarfare>	Why :(?
May 01 06:42:15 <GorillaWarfare>	Also, accidentally full protected instead of semi-protected, fixing now
May 01 06:42:27 <Logan_>	it's a 4chan thread, I was reverting and warning everyone instead of semi-protection so that admins could just block all of the IPs :P
May 01 06:43:01 *	Yetanotherx has quit (Quit: Four score and negative 70 years ago... our fathers brought forth on this world a new encyclopedia, conceived in openess, and dedicated to the proposal that all men are created equal.)
May 01 06:43:02 <GorillaWarfare>	Can we just outright block for vandalism like that?
May 01 06:53:38 *	sonia|afk is now known as sonia
May 01 06:57:10 *	xcombelle has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 07:02:10 *	Resfirestar has quit (Quit: Leaving)
May 01 07:02:50 *	KimiNewt has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 07:08:25 *	mikemoral has quit ()
May 01 07:08:57 *	xcombelle ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:12:00 *	Lubaf has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
May 01 07:13:24 *	Addihockey10 (46438582@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:17:09 <Addihockey10>	Anybody know a really good public domain image bank???
May 01 07:17:17 <Addihockey10>	(other than commons ;))
May 01 07:17:19 *	Delta has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 07:18:20 <sonia>
May 01 07:20:34 <killiondude>
May 01 07:20:41 <killiondude>	A photo archive is a collection of photographic images, either as physical media or as a digital archive. They may be either public or private, and commercial, open-source or closed.
May 01 07:20:54 *	killiondude has quit (Quit: G'night)
May 01 07:22:34 *	Addihockey10 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
May 01 07:23:46 *	guillom (~guillaume@wikimedia/guillom) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:25:15 *	matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:25:16 *	HuckFinn (~HuckFinn@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:33:30 *	NA_0 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 07:35:20 *	NA_0 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/notanonymous0) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:40:56 *	rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:41:39 *	matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away]
May 01 07:44:26 *	tto (~this_that@unaffiliated/tto) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:45:32 *	rr0 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 07:49:06 *	Olipro has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 07:51:23 *	Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:55:46 *	LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 07:59:11 <sonia>	LauraHale :)
May 01 07:59:20 <LauraHale>	sonia! :)
May 01 07:59:31 <LauraHale>	It is raining and windy in Paihia
May 01 07:59:45 <sonia>	Paihia <3
May 01 08:00:01 <sonia>	I spend two weeks up in Paihia every year
May 01 08:00:04 <sonia>	not around this time, though, heh
May 01 08:00:11 <LauraHale>	Not much here.
May 01 08:00:13 <sonia>	you happened to choose the rainstorm time to go up north? :P
May 01 08:00:27 <LauraHale>	I blame Auckland for that.
May 01 08:00:41 <sonia>	heh.
May 01 08:00:41 <LauraHale>	But still, better Paihia than 2 more nights in Auckland
May 01 08:00:47 *	Hydriz (~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:00:52 <sonia>	Matakohe, if you head that way, has some brilliant food
May 01 08:00:52 <LauraHale>	Going back to Auckland tomorrow for one night, then back to Oz. :D
May 01 08:01:22 *	LauraHale has no car
May 01 08:01:32 <LauraHale> That opened and pretty quiet.
May 01 08:01:47 *	sonia has been watching
May 01 08:02:29 <LauraHale>	It seems to me like something should have happened by now.
May 01 08:02:33 <LauraHale>	But nothing.
May 01 08:02:46 <LauraHale>	Am I expected to offer a solution?
May 01 08:02:59 <sonia>	no, I don't think so
May 01 08:03:14 <sonia>	the arbs are there to, er, arbitrate? :p
May 01 08:04:27 *	sonia is slightly amused by
May 01 08:05:11 *	TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:05:23 <sonia>	LauraHale: how'd you get up to Paihia sans car?
May 01 08:05:35 <LauraHale>	sonia: Intercity bus.
May 01 08:05:39 <sonia>	ah, okay.
May 01 08:05:43 *	sonia wondered
May 01 08:05:55 <LauraHale>	That's a wonderful unsigned comment. :)
May 01 08:05:58 <sonia>	I've never taken one of those; very fond of road-tripping around Northland though
May 01 08:06:18 <LauraHale>	Lots of people up here appear to be doing that.  They also appear to have money.
May 01 08:06:18 <sonia>	do they stop at/ pass through places like Mangawhai?
May 01 08:06:33 <LauraHale>	Not really.  They just pick people up and drop them off.
May 01 08:06:40 <sonia>	nah, backpacking on a shoestring budget and sleeping in the car is the best way to do it imo
May 01 08:06:45 <sonia>	re having money
May 01 08:07:16 <LauraHale>	shoestring stuff falls into :(
May 01 08:07:21 <sonia>	although a little bit of expendable income for a slightly pricey meal or two is a good luxury
May 01 08:08:08 <LauraHale>	It feels like a lot of meals are pricey here. :/
May 01 08:08:23 <Mike_H>	there are only girls talking in the channel
May 01 08:08:26 <Mike_H>	is this backwards day?
May 01 08:08:40 <LauraHale>  None of those articles have alt text for the images. :(
May 01 08:08:50 <LauraHale>	Backwards evening.
May 01 08:09:02 <LauraHale>	What do the little images mean?
May 01 08:09:08 <sonia>	Mike_H: there are only girls in New Zealand talking int he channel
May 01 08:09:14 <sonia>	hm?
May 01 08:09:15 <sonia>	AfC?
May 01 08:09:19 <Mike_H>	sonia: And New Zealand
May 01 08:09:22 <Mike_H>	backwards day again
May 01 08:09:28 <sonia>	yes :P
May 01 08:09:30 <Mike_H>	I don't even know of any Wikipedians from New Zealand
May 01 08:09:33 <Mike_H>	male or female :P
May 01 08:09:48 <sonia>	LauraHale: the small images show the class of the article; stub/start/c/b/a/whatever
May 01 08:10:15 <sonia>	Mike_H: now you do :)
May 01 08:10:26 <LauraHale>	sonia: Anyway to get alt text on all those images?
May 01 08:10:26 *	GorillaWarfare has quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare)
May 01 08:10:26 <sonia>	I'm checking it out.
May 01 08:10:34 <sonia>	can't believe, given I use a screen reader sometimes myself, I didn't see that
May 01 08:10:35 *	TBloemink is from New Zealand, but lives in the Netherlands :)
May 01 08:10:46 *	sonia huggles TBloemink
May 01 08:10:53 *	LauraHale is a Wikipedian from the USA currently living in Australia and a member of WM-AU hoping to help kick start a Kiwi chapter.
May 01 08:11:32 <Mike_H>	I'm an American.
May 01 08:11:32 <Mike_H>	Living in America.
May 01 08:11:32 *	sonia is a Wikipedian from Singapore currently living in NZ and hoping to be part of said Kiwi chapter.
May 01 08:12:47 <sonia>	LauraHale: it's pulling from {{classicon}}, which doesn't have alt; I'll see what I can do
May 01 08:13:16 <LauraHale>	sonia: Adding alt text would be awesome. :)  Because even on a hover over it, I 'm not getting the image name. :(
May 01 08:13:46 <sonia>	might be useful for more than one reason :p
May 01 08:14:07 <sonia>	for the meantime, LauraHale,
May 01 08:14:29 <LauraHale>	Blind people with screen readers. :D
May 01 08:14:49 <LauraHale>	As opposed to sighted people who want to easily find out what the icon means as she's never seen some of these before
May 01 08:16:18 *	Doug|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:16:28 *	Doug|afk has quit (Changing host)
May 01 08:16:28 *	Doug|afk (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Doug) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:16:56 <sonia>	LauraHale: can't, it's full-protected, will mess around a bit later
May 01 08:16:56 *	Doug|afk (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Doug) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:17:37 <LauraHale>	sonia: If I found a pending submission that appears to meet all the criteria in can I pass it?
May 01 08:20:32 <sonia>	sure.
May 01 08:20:41 <sonia>	we love new reviewers
May 01 08:20:50 <sonia>	and it's a fantastic way to learn the ropes of notability etc.
May 01 08:20:59 <LauraHale>	How I pass one?
May 01 08:21:04 <sonia>	I've done AfC since I was a newb myself
May 01 08:21:06 <sonia>	hmm
May 01 08:21:22 <sonia>	I use the script. Do you have anything in your vector.js/ common.js?
May 01 08:21:38 <LauraHale>	No.  I just would like to pass
May 01 08:21:42 <LauraHale>
May 01 08:22:56 <LauraHale>	O
May 01 08:23:04 <LauraHale>	I found directions
May 01 08:23:06 <sonia>	if you go to and add importScript('User:Timotheus Canens/afchelper4.js');  it'll make it a two-click process :P
May 01 08:24:13 <MuZemike>	Heh, Super Pitfall:
May 01 08:24:25 *	Hedgehog456 (~Hedgehog4@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:24:38 *	MuZemike played Super Pitfall as a kid; beat it too.
May 01 08:26:48 <Timotheus_Canens>	*yawns*
May 01 08:27:24 <TBloemink>	nice tool Timotheus
May 01 08:27:39 *	sonia gives Timotheus_Canens a cookie
May 01 08:27:50 *	MuZemike blocks TBloemink for calling Timotheus Canens a tool
May 01 08:27:51 *	TBloemink stea..
May 01 08:27:57 <TBloemink>	no I am not going to steal the cookie
May 01 08:28:21 *	Timotheus_Canens om nom noms
May 01 08:28:21 <sonia>	said tool has saved a lot of reviewers hours and hours
May 01 08:28:30 *	Ottre has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 08:29:05 *	sonia is now known as sonia|dinner
May 01 08:29:34 <TBloemink>	:) got another support for my GR request on meta
May 01 08:29:44 <TBloemink>	now lets hope a steward closes it soon
May 01 08:29:50 *	LauraHale_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:29:57 *	MuZemike was kidding, BTW
May 01 08:30:04 *	LauraHale has quit (Disconnected by services)
May 01 08:30:08 *	LauraHale_ is now known as LauraHale
May 01 08:30:22 *	LauraHale has quit (Changing host)
May 01 08:30:22 *	LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:31:29 *	LauraHale steals cookies
May 01 08:32:08 *	Cobi has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 08:32:55 *	Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:33:12 *	Ottre has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 08:33:31 *	Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:35:14 *	Hedgehog456 steals more cookies
May 01 08:35:19 *	Ottre_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:35:51 *	LauraHale steal's Hedgehog456 's cookies.
May 01 08:36:01 *	Ottre_ has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 08:36:06 *	Hedgehog456 steals LauraHale's Hedgehog456's cookies
May 01 08:37:41 *	LauraHale steals sonia's cookies
May 01 08:37:51 <LauraHale>	It is just too hard to keep the cookies I stole from Hedgehog456
May 01 08:38:21 *	tto (~this_that@unaffiliated/tto) has left #wikipedia-en ("going away")
May 01 08:38:33 *	sonia|dinner is now known as sonia
May 01 08:38:43 <Hedgehog456>	that was a quick dinner
May 01 08:39:03 <Hedgehog456>	sonia: that was a quick dinner
May 01 08:39:15 <sonia>	heh
May 01 08:42:38 *	prometheus1809 (~prometheu@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:45:12 *	Cobi (~Cobi@2002:1828:88fb:0:aede:48ff:febe:ef03) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 08:51:05 *	NA_0 has quit (Quit: The quality of my quit messages appears to be decreasing)
May 01 08:57:32 *	LauraHale offers Hedgehog456 some potatoe chips
May 01 08:57:42 *	sonia steals potato chips
May 01 08:57:55 <LauraHale>	It is what every well healed poor American backpacker in Paihia is having tonight if they are not going to a pub.
May 01 08:58:39 <sonia>	pubs in Paihia... haven't actually tried them
May 01 08:58:55 <LauraHale>	My hostel room mates apparently went to one
May 01 08:59:41 <sonia>	how was it?
May 01 08:59:48 <sonia>	I can't imagine that Paihia pubs are hugely interesting
May 01 09:03:48 <LauraHale>	No idea
May 01 09:03:51 <LauraHale>	They are still out.
May 01 09:03:57 *	LauraHale has no interest to go to pubs
May 01 09:04:15 <sonia>	there is decent gelato at the gelato place
May 01 09:04:21 *	dungodung|sleep is now known as dungodung
May 01 09:04:22 *	Hydriz has quit (Quit: Hydriz)
May 01 09:08:11 <LauraHale>	Lots of bad food. :(
May 01 09:08:12 <LauraHale>	Is the Asian food (indian, chinese, thai, malaysian) as bad as I think it is in New Zealand?  Because on the whole, it seems awful.
May 01 09:08:12 <LauraHale>	And Paihia seems like a place for Aussies as they do messed up fucked up Aussie pizzas.
May 01 09:10:17 <sonia>	heh.
May 01 09:10:34 <sonia>	there are some excellent Asian restaurants in Auckland; generally these are tucked out in the suburbs
May 01 09:11:16 <sonia>	I don't know about elsewhere; I tend to go for local produce when on road trips
May 01 09:11:35 <Withoutaname>	anyone have cake and falafel?
May 01 09:11:40 <sonia>	the cake is a lie.
May 01 09:12:14 <Withoutaname>	if it is, then who are you?
May 01 09:12:14 *	Ottre has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 09:12:14 *	thegoodcushion has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 09:12:52 *	ffya has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 09:12:56 *	ffya (~apscott@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 09:13:12 *	sonia is... sonia
May 01 09:13:17 <sonia>	:P
May 01 09:13:40 *	LauraHale steals cake
May 01 09:13:45 <Withoutaname>	that's a lie
May 01 09:14:30 *	Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 09:15:39 *	Narodnik has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 09:17:34 *	thegoodcushion (~thegoodcu@unaffiliated/thegoodcushion) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 09:18:25 <Headbomb|Laptop>	stealer of lies?
May 01 09:23:39 *	LauraHale attempts to steal sunshine
May 01 09:25:18 *	closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 09:35:21 *	Mike_H has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
May 01 09:39:29 *	xcombelle has quit (Read error: No route to host)
May 01 09:44:27 *	Withoutaname has quit (Quit: QUICK! Look up! You'll see the word gullible.)
May 01 09:45:24 *	mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 09:46:11 *	AndrewKeenan__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 09:47:06 *	LauraHale has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 09:47:11 *	Courcelles has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
May 01 09:59:09 *	PM|AFK (Pmlinedite@wikimedia/pmlineditor) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 09:59:09 *	DarkoNeko (~darkoneko@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:01:04 *	Leonard^Bloom_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:02:06 *	Pml (Pmlinedite@wikimedia/pmlineditor) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:04:18 *	Franz_Kafka has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 10:04:29 *	MindstormsKid has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 10:05:09 *	PM|AFK has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 10:05:25 *	PM|AFK (Pmlinedite@wikimedia/pmlineditor) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:07:19 *	Pml has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 10:07:47 *	PM|AFK has quit (Excess Flood)
May 01 10:07:58 *	Leonard^Bloom_ is now known as Franz_Kafka
May 01 10:08:22 *	Franz_Kafka has quit (Changing host)
May 01 10:08:22 *	Franz_Kafka (~Justin@wikipedia/LeonardBloom) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:11:32 <sonia>	any sysops?
May 01 10:11:34 *	sonia nudges Brian_S
May 01 10:13:54 <Hedgehog456>	I'm back
May 01 10:14:03 <Hedgehog456>	Who pinged me?
May 01 10:15:47 *	z33k (~the@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:15:47 *	z33k has quit (Changing host)
May 01 10:15:47 *	z33k (~the@wikipedia/z33k) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:16:13 *	Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:19:22 *	SonicAD ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:22:54 *	SonicAD_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 10:27:08 *	Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 10:28:07 *	Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:35:10 *	wikifiend ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:35:21 *	gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium
May 01 10:35:39 *	gde33 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:36:12 *	gde33 has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 10:37:05 *	gde33 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:40:19 *	Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:40:29 <Qcoder00>	Morning
May 01 10:40:48 *	Grzechooo ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:44:08 *	mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:46:56 <Theo10011>	Morning.
May 01 10:47:12 *	sonia waves.
May 01 10:48:35 *	DarkoNeko has quit (Quit: Pissing off 4chan: free. Botnet hire: $1,000/month. For everything else, there's Masterc– oh, wait, not any more.)
May 01 10:49:14 *	gde33 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium
May 01 10:49:30 *	mabdul|3 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:49:41 *	mabdul|3 has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 10:49:57 *	YouLeMacaroni has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 10:51:08 *	ENG (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:51:24 *	ENG is now known as ENGenki
May 01 10:51:39 <ENGenki>	Ok, I looked for [[slimmest tv]] but nothing relevant came up. Where shall I look?
May 01 10:51:54 <closedmouth>	what's that
May 01 10:52:06 <ENGenki>	The thinnest tv in the world, closedmouth
May 01 10:52:16 <closedmouth>	oh
May 01 10:52:27 <closedmouth>	it's not a TV showing about slimming?
May 01 10:53:08 <ENGenki>	No, I'm looking for an article about the TV with the thinnest width. The thinnest in 2009 was 6.9 mm. I'd like to know how much thinner it is now.
May 01 10:53:23 <closedmouth>	we don't generally have semantic redirects like that
May 01 10:53:35 <ENGenki>	Ok, well where must I look then?
May 01 10:53:35 <closedmouth>	that would be something you would google
May 01 10:53:46 <ENGenki>	I tried; it's not giving me what I'm looking for either.
May 01 10:53:57 *	MRB[away] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 10:54:33 <closedmouth>	google thinnest tv
May 01 10:54:41 <closedmouth>,11935.html
May 01 10:56:36 <Theo10011>	that's OLED.
May 01 10:56:42 <Theo10011>	2.9MM
May 01 10:57:12 <Theo10011>	not available at retail.
May 01 10:57:13 *	PM|AFK (Pmlinedite@wikimedia/pmlineditor) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 10:57:35 <Theo10011>	I still see 6.9MM as the slimmest in production.
May 01 11:00:03 <ENGenki>	Well, I don't know how you did it better than I already did, closedmouth
May 01 11:00:06 *	gde33 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:00:14 <ENGenki>	2.9mm, and new as of March. Impressive.
May 01 11:00:34 <ENGenki>	If Moore's Law applied to TV thinness, how thin would it be by 2020?
May 01 11:00:46 *	thegoodcushion has quit (Quit: thegoodcushion)
May 01 11:02:42 *	PM|AFK has quit (Excess Flood)
May 01 11:03:05 *	PM|AFK (Pmlinedite@wikimedia/pmlineditor) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:03:28 *	thegoodcushion (~thegoodcu@unaffiliated/thegoodcushion) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:04:46 *	PM|AFK has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 11:05:53 *	MC8 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:05:55 *	HuckFinn has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 11:07:02 *	TBloemink is now known as TB|afk
May 01 11:14:40 *	FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
May 01 11:14:47 *	mabdul|2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:17:19 *	sonia has quit (Quit: *bamf*)
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May 01 11:21:34 *	Tanvir has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 11:25:40 *	Tanvir (~tanvir@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:25:41 *	Tanvir has quit (Changing host)
May 01 11:25:41 *	Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:28:46 *	CKtravel ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:30:15 *	SudoGhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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May 01 11:33:57 *	prometheus1809 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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May 01 11:42:03 *	barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:43:54 *	HuckFinn has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 11:44:35 *	Lucif ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:44:49 *	ENGenki has quit (Quit: Page closed)
May 01 11:50:17 *	HedgehogDev (522ada0a@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:50:22 <HedgehogDev>	Testing my new code :P
May 01 11:50:45 <HedgehogDev>	;P
May 01 11:51:29 *	HedgehogDev has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 11:51:29 *	Hydriz (~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:51:53 *	mys_721tx has quit (Quit: mys_721tx)
May 01 11:52:32 *	HedgehogDev (522ada0a@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:52:38 <HedgehogDev>	I'm back
May 01 11:52:40 *	Mike5 (~Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:53:14 *	Drule has quit (Quit: "This rivalry is among the greatest: the Yankees and Red Sox... Hekyll and Jekyll." - Walter Day)
May 01 11:53:30 <HedgehogDev>	Quite a long quit message :P
May 01 11:53:52 <HedgehogDev>	Alright
May 01 11:53:53 <HedgehogDev>	Checking usability: check
May 01 11:54:03 <HedgehogDev>	Checking loveliness: no
May 01 11:54:03 *	HedgehogDev has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 11:54:15 *	Lucif has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
May 01 11:55:15 *	DarkoNeko (~darkoneko@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:56:37 *	rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 11:58:49 *	HuckFinn ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:05:27 *	nenolod has quit (Quit: restarting to switch back to DRI1 so 3D graphics isn't a massive LSD trip)
May 01 12:09:19 *	Sir48 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:09:20 *	Ranon is now known as Barras
May 01 12:09:22 *	Sir48 has quit (Changing host)
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May 01 12:10:58 *	nenolod (~nenolod@atheme/member/ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:14:32 *	SudoGhost has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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May 01 12:15:25 *	ikonia has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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May 01 12:23:38 *	CKtravel_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:25:06 *	HuckFinn has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPod touch -
May 01 12:26:12 <Peter-C>	Any admins around?
May 01 12:26:33 *	CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
May 01 12:27:00 *	Hedgehog456 calls a crat to make Peter-C an admin
May 01 12:27:42 <Peter-C>	:D
May 01 12:28:14 <Hedgehog456>	Is it an emergency?
May 01 12:28:26 <Peter-C>	Naw
May 01 12:28:39 <Hedgehog456>	Ah well
May 01 12:28:52 <Hedgehog456>	!cæðmin
May 01 12:29:50 <Peter-C>	Acording to the internet I am 57 O_o
May 01 12:31:48 *	Peter-C lick Hedgehog456
May 01 12:32:20 <Hedgehog456>	I have discovered a way of disposing of kitchen waste (vegetable peelings etc)
May 01 12:32:40 *	Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:32:51 <Peter-C> WTF is that
May 01 12:32:54 <Hedgehog456>	Giving them to my dog
May 01 12:33:08 <Peter-C>	What a cool idea!
May 01 12:33:19 *	Peter-C feeds dead hedgehogs to Hedgehog456's dog
May 01 12:33:23 <Hedgehog456>	My brother's great aunt's father's sister's son's nephew's sister's mother!
May 01 12:33:25 <Peter-C>	Good boy :D
May 01 12:33:30 <Hedgehog456>	She
May 01 12:33:41 <Peter-C>	ALL DOGS ARE GUYS
May 01 12:33:42 <Peter-C>	STFU
May 01 12:33:47 <Hedgehog456>	SHE'S A SHE
May 01 12:33:55 <Hedgehog456>	YOU CAN TELL BY LOOKING
May 01 12:34:05 <Peter-C>	O_O
May 01 12:34:42 *	HuckFinn ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:34:54 *	wctaiwan ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:35:25 *	DSHope (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:36:01 <DSHope>	Anyone there?
May 01 12:36:03 <Peter-C>	NO
May 01 12:36:05 <Hedgehog456>	No
May 01 12:36:05 <Peter-C>	LEAVE US
May 01 12:36:16 <Peter-C>	BEGONE DEAMON!
May 01 12:36:21 *	DSHope is now known as DontBeADiqq
May 01 12:36:23 *	MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 12:36:28 <Peter-C>	:P
May 01 12:36:52 <DontBeADiqq>	Ok, I can't find a world record anywhere for "most dating sites signed up." Help?
May 01 12:37:09 <Hedgehog456>	Are you that same person from before....?
May 01 12:37:23 <DontBeADiqq>	If no one has attempted that record, I should be the first one once I finish college, but will abandon the attempt once I find the love of my life.
May 01 12:37:42 <DontBeADiqq>	Hedgehog456: What person?
May 01 12:37:59 <Hedgehog456>	The person who wanted to set that same world record
May 01 12:38:14 <DontBeADiqq>	Wow, cool, so I have a competitor! How long ago was he in here?
May 01 12:38:59 <Hedgehog456>	3 days
May 01 12:39:01 <barts1a>	I think I just set the world record for highest-velocity facepalm
May 01 12:39:31 <DontBeADiqq>	barts1a: Did you use a speed gun to measure?
May 01 12:39:36 <DontBeADiqq>	Hedgehog456: His username?
May 01 12:39:48 <Hedgehog456>	I've no idea
May 01 12:39:49 <barts1a>	no. I measured by how much it BLOODY HURT!
May 01 12:40:20 <DontBeADiqq>	barts1a: Since you didn't use even so much as a vid camera to record it, you'll have to do it again if you're going to have something to prove to guinness world records.
May 01 12:40:33 <barts1a>	dammit...
May 01 12:41:30 *	wctaiwan has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 12:41:34 *	wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:43:08 <Hedgehog456>	-NickServ- Nicks      : Hedgehog456 Hedgehog456_ Hedgy|Desktop Hedgy|Away Hedgy456 TheGrimReaperNS HedgeSock456
May 01 12:43:09 <Hedgehog456>	-NickServ- Nicks      : Hedgebot456 HedgyPlay Puppeh Hedgehog Hedgy|plotting Herisson456 Hedgefool456 Hedgy|awesome
May 01 12:43:09 <Hedgehog456>	-NickServ- Nicks      : HedgeStalk Seaspar Mup
May 01 12:43:10 <Hedgehog456>	oops
May 01 12:43:16 *	HuckFinn has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 12:43:17 <Hedgehog456>	too many nicks
May 01 12:43:17 <Hedgehog456>	:P
May 01 12:43:24 <Hedgehog456>	I must try and cleanse them
May 01 12:44:04 <DontBeADiqq>	Cleanse them as fast as you run, Sonic. And don't forget to avoid the FRIED onion rings. (They slow you down by packing on weight.)
May 01 12:44:34 <Hedgehog456>	I'm not Sonic!
May 01 12:44:53 <barts1a>	Not every hedgehog is Sonic
May 01 12:45:03 <DontBeADiqq>	just a tease nick, chillout.
May 01 12:45:22 <Hedgehog456>	I'm a random hedgehog.
May 01 12:52:08 *	z33k has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 12:55:36 *	DontBeADiqq has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
May 01 12:56:21 *	z33k (~the@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 12:56:21 *	z33k has quit (Changing host)
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May 01 12:58:13 *	mabdul|2 is now known as mabdul
May 01 13:03:15 *	Avruch_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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May 01 13:06:42 *	rr0 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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May 01 13:12:48 *	TB|afk is now known as TBloemink
May 01 13:13:03 *	mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:16:27 *	TBloemink__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:17:01 *	Jeni ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:17:01 *	Jeni has quit (Changing host)
May 01 13:17:01 *	Jeni (~me@wikipedia/Jeni) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:17:45 *	TBloemink has quit (Disconnected by services)
May 01 13:17:51 *	TBloemink__ has quit (Changing host)
May 01 13:17:52 *	TBloemink__ (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:17:53 *	TBloemink__ is now known as TBloemink
May 01 13:17:55 *	TBloemink is now known as tbloemink
May 01 13:18:15 *	tbloemink is now known as TBloemink
May 01 13:19:50 *	FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
May 01 13:25:56 *	barts1a has quit (Quit: Leaving)
May 01 13:26:13 <Qcoder00>	I've found a template bug
May 01 13:26:37 <Qcoder00> doesn't display properly
May 01 13:26:45 <Qcoder00>	Despite the template params not being wrong
May 01 13:27:11 *	Zuzak (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:27:31 *	MC8 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 13:28:02 *	rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:28:19 <Thehelpfulone>	Qcoder00: refresh?
May 01 13:28:27 <Qcoder00>	I did
May 01 13:28:30 <Qcoder00>	several times
May 01 13:28:35 <Thehelpfulone>	Qcoder00: refresh *now*
May 01 13:28:42 <Thehelpfulone>	I fixed it :D
May 01 13:29:04 <Qcoder00>	Hmm
May 01 13:29:16 <Thehelpfulone>	did it work?
May 01 13:29:39 <Qcoder00>	Yep
May 01 13:29:43 <Thehelpfulone>	Qcoder00:
May 01 13:29:54 <Thehelpfulone>	purge the server cache next time, and things seem to get fixed :D
May 01 13:30:46 *	Qcoder00 lols at a bad joke one of his geek friends told him about 'involuntary purging a server cache' XD _
May 01 13:32:16 <Qcoder00>	Due to a virius of all things....
May 01 13:32:24 <wctaiwan>	mmm virius
May 01 13:32:26 *	Qcoder00 waits for the channel to work it out
May 01 13:33:01 *	Qcoder00 watches the tumbleweed blow across the stage
May 01 13:35:30 *	Grzechooo` ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:35:58 *	Grzechooo has quit (Disconnected by services)
May 01 13:36:00 *	Grzechooo` is now known as Grzechooo
May 01 13:41:40 *	wctaiwan is now known as wctaiwan|bbl
May 01 13:42:56 *	mabdul has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
May 01 13:43:12 *	mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:44:32 *	thegoodcushion has quit (Quit: Have a great day everyone!  :D)
May 01 13:45:02 <Despatche>	are phrases like "exceedingly popular" really necessary
May 01 13:45:15 *	z33k has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 13:47:07 *	Dentist[1] (~Testing@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:48:41 <Dentist[1]>	Free IRC Bouncers! irc://
May 01 13:48:43 <Dentist[1]>	Free IRC Bouncers! irc://
May 01 13:48:43 *	Dentist[1] has quit (Killed (idoru (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))
May 01 13:50:11 *	Herodotus has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 13:56:00 *	wctaiwan ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:57:54 *	foks|vaek (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 13:59:27 *	Despatche has quit (Quit: blurgh |
May 01 14:00:01 *	wctaiwan|bbl has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 14:04:08 <TBloemink>	lol
May 01 14:04:14 <TBloemink>	killed by idoru
May 01 14:07:22 *	Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
May 01 14:09:08 *	Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:14:10 *	Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:14:51 *	foks|vaek has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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May 01 14:18:51 *	Peter-C has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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May 01 14:22:24 *	Logan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
May 01 14:24:50 *	Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 14:24:53 *	foks|vaek (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:25:01 *	mabdul has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
May 01 14:27:56 *	Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:30:37 *	Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:37:36 *	Chris_G has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 14:39:51 *	Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:42:21 *	Theo10011 has quit (Quit: ~~~~)
May 01 14:45:56 *	Sarrus (~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:47:33 *	Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 14:52:38 *	TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:52:53 *	Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
May 01 14:55:09 *	Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 14:56:47 *	Mike5 (~Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:13:59 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:14:20 *	Prodego ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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May 01 15:20:23 *	p858snake|l has quit (Quit: User has quit this network.)
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May 01 15:30:52 *	Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Changing host)
May 01 15:30:52 *	Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:31:24 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 15:33:09 *	Franz_Kafka has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
May 01 15:34:03 *	TheRamblingMan (~TheRambli@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:35:15 *	TheRamblingMan has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 15:43:07 *	geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:44:48 *	Zuzak has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 15:45:27 *	Zuzak (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:46:57 *	Avruch (~Avruch@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:47:07 <Qcoder00>	Evening
May 01 15:47:15 <Qcoder00>	Well Afternoon actually
May 01 15:47:17 <Qcoder00>	;)
May 01 15:58:26 *	Jeni has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 15:59:00 *	Jeni (~me@wikipedia/Jeni) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 15:59:28 <geniice>	perhaps
May 01 15:59:57 <geniice>	honestly. educed to citing the miller test in a deletion reason it's not good
May 01 16:00:51 <foks|vaek>	!helper Bit of an argument developing in #wikipedia-en-help if you'll like to quell it?
May 01 16:01:24 <foks|vaek>	Relating to Wikipedia's policies on OR and Pedia Press
May 01 16:01:40 <foks|vaek>	Right, biketime
May 01 16:01:42 <foks|vaek>	o/
May 01 16:01:46 *	foks|vaek has quit (Quit: %B*.banana%B *.split)
May 01 16:01:48 <topaz>	I think Ocaasi's got that well in hand
May 01 16:02:31 *	Zuzak has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 16:02:35 *	Microchip08 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:05:41 *	tuxo has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 16:06:13 *	Microchip08 is now known as MC8|dogwalking
May 01 16:08:01 *	Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 16:08:28 *	Glass_Soul (~pocketirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:08:59 *	MC8|dogwalking has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 16:09:49 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:10:53 *	Glass_Soul has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 16:14:49 *	Suiseiseki has quit (Quit: Quit)
May 01 16:20:22 *	Grzechooo` ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:20:46 *	Grzechooo has quit (Disconnected by services)
May 01 16:20:49 *	Grzechooo` is now known as Grzechooo
May 01 16:33:55 *	Suiseiseki (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:35:31 *	Quentinv57 (~Quentin@wikimedia/Quentinv57) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:35:52 *	Grzechooo has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: ))
May 01 16:36:20 *	Grzechooo ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:36:50 *	boulevardier has quit (Quit: boulevardier)
May 01 16:37:42 *	Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:37:42 *	Gfoley4 has quit (Changing host)
May 01 16:37:42 *	Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:38:12 <Gfoley4>	yay, another DYK
May 01 16:42:33 <Gfoley4>	WTF? New green preview menu?
May 01 16:43:05 <Gfoley4> :|
May 01 16:44:46 <closedmouth>	it's ugly as sin
May 01 16:44:50 <Gfoley4>	^
May 01 16:45:06 <Gfoley4>	way too big
May 01 16:45:15 <Gfoley4>	the red one was doing just fine
May 01 16:45:48 <Gfoley4>	I wonder if I can hide it...
May 01 16:46:11 <Prodego>	sure, but you can also go participate in the discussion over it's design. I just did what was asked.
May 01 16:47:22 *	MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 16:56:44 *	Gfoley4 opposes 
May 01 16:58:07 <MuZemike>	Too many administrators currently.
May 01 16:58:58 <Gfoley4>	;p
May 01 16:59:32 <Gfoley4>	MuZemike: I'm talking about the new preview note
May 01 16:59:47 <MuZemike>	Oh, the thing that's also on
May 01 17:00:14 *	Sarrus is now known as SarrusAway
May 01 17:00:58 <Gfoley4>	yeah
May 01 17:01:11 *	Zamorak has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 17:01:19 <MuZemike>	idk. If it wasn't as wordy, I'd support it.
May 01 17:02:09 <MuZemike>	In fact, I might "weak support" it if they get rid of that first bullet point.
May 01 17:07:31 *	DarkoNeko has quit (Quit: Pissing off 4chan: free. Botnet hire: $1,000/month. For everything else, there's Masterc– oh, wait, not any more.)
May 01 17:07:43 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 17:09:16 *	Harmonia_Amanda (~Harmonia_@unaffiliated/harmonia-amanda/x-3798172) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:10:18 *	foks|vaek (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:13:55 <Harmonia_Amanda>	hello, I inform you that {{u|Laurifindil}} = Edward Kloczko :
May 01 17:14:13 <Harmonia_Amanda>	sorry for my bad english
May 01 17:15:21 <Harmonia_Amanda>	hello ?
May 01 17:15:25 <Prodego>	hi
May 01 17:15:45 <Harmonia_Amanda>	sorry, I'm French :)
May 01 17:15:48 <Prodego>	how do you know, out of curiosity?
May 01 17:16:27 <Harmonia_Amanda>	it's his pseudonym in the net
May 01 17:16:47 *	Hydriz has quit (Quit: Hydriz)
May 01 17:17:39 <Prodego>	I see. If you want to nominate the article for deletion you can do that
May 01 17:18:17 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:18:49 <Harmonia_Amanda>	sorry, I do not know the procedure on enWiki
May 01 17:19:48 <Harmonia_Amanda>	I juste inform :)
May 01 17:20:50 *	tuxo (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:21:17 *	tuxo has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 17:23:46 *	wctaiwan has quit (Quit: wctaiwan)
May 01 17:24:13 *	Joe|Busy (~joegazz84@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:24:14 <Harmonia_Amanda>	Prodego:
May 01 17:24:43 *	Herodotus (alliterate@unaffiliated/recognizance) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:24:49 *	Joe|Busy has quit (Changing host)
May 01 17:24:49 *	Joe|Busy (~joegazz84@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:24:59 <Harmonia_Amanda>	The link is made between the user and the person in this conversation
May 01 17:25:16 *	PM|AFK (Pmlinedite@wikimedia/pmlineditor) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:25:42 <Harmonia_Amanda>	I don't know if the autobiography is strictly forbidden?
May 01 17:25:55 *	Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:26:12 *	Dragonfly6-7 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:27:44 <Prodego>	Harmonia_Amanda: not strictly, but they do tend to be problematic
May 01 17:30:00 <Harmonia_Amanda>	ok
May 01 17:30:56 <Dragonfly6-7>	what 'they' ?
May 01 17:32:09 <Harmonia_Amanda>	sorry, I don't understand this question ?
May 01 17:33:21 <Dragonfly6-7>	Prodego said "they do tend to be problematic"
May 01 17:33:26 <Dragonfly6-7>	to which "they" is he referring?
May 01 17:33:31 <Prodego>	autobiographies
May 01 17:33:38 <Prodego>	<Harmonia_Amanda> hello, I inform you that {{u|Laurifindil}} = Edward Kloczko :
May 01 17:33:47 <Prodego>	if you want to do something, go for it
May 01 17:36:28 <Harmonia_Amanda>	I speak very bad english, and I ignore the rules of your wikipedia on the autobiography :)
May 01 17:37:19 <Dragonfly6-7>	Harmonia_Amanda - what is your first language?
May 01 17:37:25 <Harmonia_Amanda>	french
May 01 17:37:34 <Dragonfly6-7>	ah, ok. Compris.
May 01 17:37:44 <Harmonia_Amanda>	do you speak french ?
May 01 17:38:03 <Dragonfly6-7>	alors, tu nous disais qu'un utilisateur a soumis son autobiographie a Wikipedia dans la forme d'un article?
May 01 17:38:05 <Dragonfly6-7>	c'est-y ca?
May 01 17:38:10 <Harmonia_Amanda>	oui
May 01 17:38:22 <Harmonia_Amanda>	Laurifindil = Edouard Kloczko
May 01 17:38:27 <Dragonfly6-7>	Harmonia_Amanda - non, desolé, je ne parle pas un mot. Vous etes en train d'halluciner.
May 01 17:38:33 <Harmonia_Amanda>	:D
May 01 17:38:42 *	MC8 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:38:44 <Thehelpfulone>	por favor, hablas en ingles! :P
May 01 17:38:50 <Harmonia_Amanda>	sorry
May 01 17:39:02 <Gfoley4>	</spanish>
May 01 17:39:06 <Thehelpfulone>	Gfoley4: :D
May 01 17:39:13 <Gfoley4>	:D
May 01 17:39:23 <Harmonia_Amanda>	I think that it is necessary to watch the neutrality of this article
May 01 17:40:07 <Prodego>	Thehelpfulone: why?
May 01 17:40:11 <Harmonia_Amanda>	because, he is... euh... not very neutral
May 01 17:41:10 *	CKtravel_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 17:41:23 <Harmonia_Amanda>	thank you :)
May 01 17:42:07 <foks|vaek>	[[WP:COI]]
May 01 17:42:13 <foks|vaek>	Or, [[WP:COIN]]
May 01 17:42:16 <Dragonfly6-7>	Harmonia_Amanda - attends minute
May 01 17:42:22 <Dragonfly6-7>	Harmonia_Amanda - comment sais-tu que L = EK ?
May 01 17:42:24 <foks|vaek>
May 01 17:42:46 <Dragonfly6-7>	Harmonia_Amanda - expliquez-moi, s'il-te-plait
May 01 17:42:48 <Harmonia_Amanda>	Dragonfly6-7:
May 01 17:43:01 <Dragonfly6-7>	(et oui, je sais que j'suis en train de melanger 'tu' et 'vous', j'l'fais par expres)
May 01 17:43:27 *	foks|vaek speaks approximately zero French.
May 01 17:43:30 <Dragonfly6-7>	Hm
May 01 17:43:40 <Dragonfly6-7>	Vous avez raison.
May 01 17:43:44 <Harmonia_Amanda>	Dragonfly6-7: it is his pseudonym
May 01 17:43:49 *	Doug|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:43:52 <Harmonia_Amanda>	not only in this wikipedia
May 01 17:43:56 *	CKtravel__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:43:57 *	Doug|afk has quit (Changing host)
May 01 17:43:57 *	Doug|afk (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Doug) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:44:00 *	petan speaks 0^2 French :P
May 01 17:44:10 <Harmonia_Amanda>	I know the french world of Tolkien fandom
May 01 17:44:12 <Thehelpfulone>	Prodego: I think that's been said before?
May 01 17:44:18 <Thehelpfulone>	I don't mind actually :)
May 01 17:44:36 <Prodego>	french is fine
May 01 17:44:46 *	Sam_Gold is now known as ThrashOut
May 01 17:44:48 *	CKtravel____ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:44:51 <Harmonia_Amanda>	Prodego: :)
May 01 17:45:06 <Thehelpfulone>	I understand french too, so I don't have a problem ;)
May 01 17:45:22 <petan>	I understand google :) so neither I
May 01 17:45:34 <Harmonia_Amanda>	thanks :p
May 01 17:45:50 <Thehelpfulone>	petan: heh, do you know a second language?
May 01 17:45:55 <Thehelpfulone>	other than wikicode :P
May 01 17:45:58 *	Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:46:12 <Harmonia_Amanda>	it's cool, wikicode
May 01 17:46:20 <petan>	Harmonia_Amanda: vous êtes les bienvenus, Thehelpfulone: yes guess which :P
May 01 17:46:36 <petan>	not only c++...
May 01 17:47:07 <Thehelpfulone>	petan: Je ne peux pas! ;)
May 01 17:47:13 <petan>	Je m'excuse pour mon mauvais français google: D
May 01 17:47:16 *	CKtravel______ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:47:28 <Harmonia_Amanda>	petan: I understand ;)
May 01 17:47:52 <Harmonia_Amanda>	sorry for my bad english (but without google translate :p)
May 01 17:48:27 *	CKtravel______ is now known as CKtravel
May 01 17:48:44 *	CKtravel__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 17:49:08 <petan>	Thehelpfulone: sure that I know some second language XD it's funny you didn't realize it yet
May 01 17:49:19 <petan>	but thanks
May 01 17:50:03 *	CKtravel____ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 17:50:16 <Thehelpfulone>	petan: no, I did - I just kept with your act :D
May 01 17:50:25 <petan>	ah :)
May 01 17:50:44 *	Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:50:58 *	Zamorak is now known as Zammy|Trans
May 01 17:51:45 <petan>	I just realized that google even talk...
May 01 17:51:53 <petan>	so I could you use it on travels heh
May 01 17:52:28 *	Peter-C (Irunongame@wikimedia/Peter.C) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 17:53:13 <petan>	s/you// :P
May 01 17:53:47 <Thehelpfulone>	heh
May 01 17:54:54 *	closedmouth has quit (Quit: brb)
May 01 18:02:36 *	Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
May 01 18:02:47 <MuZemike>	May Day! May Day! May Day!
May 01 18:03:14 <MuZemike>
May 01 18:03:45 *	Mike5 (~Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:03:46 *	Jeni has quit (Quit: I win!)
May 01 18:03:53 <Mike5>	<Mike5> "Libyan officials report that Saif al-Arab al-Gaddafi, the youngest son of Muammar Gaddafi, was killed in a NATO airstrike in Tripoli."
May 01 18:03:53 <Mike5>	<Mike5> he's not the youngest but the second-youngest
May 01 18:03:53 <Mike5>	<Mike5> could an admin correct this?
May 01 18:04:12 *	foks|vaek has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 18:05:07 <Mike5>	at least, that's what our articles say..
May 01 18:09:46 <geniice>	looking at the BBC no one is quite sure
May 01 18:11:15 <geniice>	removed the claim
May 01 18:14:20 *	ffya has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 18:17:37 *	PM|AFK has quit (Quit: ...)
May 01 18:18:35 *	ffya (~apscott@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:20:09 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:21:42 *	AzaToth ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:21:42 *	AzaToth has quit (Changing host)
May 01 18:21:42 *	AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:22:53 *	ffya has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 18:23:37 *	Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:27:24 *	BarkingFish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 18:27:49 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:32:05 *	Quentinv57 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 18:32:46 *	Grzechooo has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: ))
May 01 18:32:58 *	prometheus1809 (~prometheu@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:33:15 *	Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:39:51 *	Despatche has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 18:40:35 *	BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted)
May 01 18:40:38 *	Zammy|Trans has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 18:40:48 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:41:19 *	Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:42:21 *	Despatche has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 18:45:33 *	ffya (~apscott@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:46:15 *	BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted)
May 01 18:46:40 *	Monty845 (~Monty@wikipedia/Monty845) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:47:04 *	Ironholds (s@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:47:34 *	YouLeMacaroni ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:50:12 *	Mikemoral (~mikemoral@wikimedia/mikemoral) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:51:34 *	Jeske_Couriano ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:51:34 *	Jeske_Couriano has quit (Changing host)
May 01 18:51:34 *	Jeske_Couriano (~Jeske_Cou@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:51:37 <Peter-C>	I <333 Carrier! :D
May 01 18:54:02 <Gfoley4>	?
May 01 18:54:51 <Dragonfly6-7>	oh, this is nice. [[File:Characters.png]]
May 01 18:55:09 <Dragonfly6-7>	for a very specific meaning of "nice"
May 01 18:56:12 *	Quentinv57 (~Quentin@wikimedia/Quentinv57) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:57:22 *	LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:58:13 <LauraHale>	It is a beautiful morning in Paihia.
May 01 18:58:25 *	Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 18:58:28 <LauraHale>	Occassional gale force winds blowing through.  Lots and lots of rain.  Sun not up yet.
May 01 18:59:31 *	SarrusAway is now known as Sarrus
May 01 19:00:01 *	Andrevan (~andre@wikipedia/Andrevan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:02:06 *	Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 19:02:25 <MuZemike>
May 01 19:02:49 *	Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:03:39 *	Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 19:04:26 <LauraHale>	That's an awesome headline.  It isn't a fail.
May 01 19:04:33 <LauraHale>	It is A+ writing. :D
May 01 19:07:40 *	KimiNewt ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:08:10 <petan>	:)
May 01 19:08:13 <petan>	hehe
May 01 19:08:33 *	Doh5678 (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:09:40 <LauraHale>	:)
May 01 19:10:30 <KimiNewt>	Evening
May 01 19:10:33 <KimiNewt>	or.. night
May 01 19:10:43 <TBloemink>	evening here in CEST
May 01 19:10:52 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to eir
May 01 19:10:52 <KimiNewt>	night here in UTC+3
May 01 19:10:53 *	eir removes ban on *!*@
May 01 19:10:53 *	eir removes ban on *!*@
May 01 19:10:53 *	eir removes channel operator status from eir
May 01 19:11:20 <TBloemink>	who controls eir?
May 01 19:11:41 <TBloemink>	self-opping bot, neat
May 01 19:12:02 <Theo10011>	Hello
May 01 19:12:17 *	SchoolcraftT (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:12:19 <LauraHale>	6:12am in NEw Zealand.
May 01 19:12:30 <Gfoley4>	1:12pm Illinois
May 01 19:12:47 *	LauraHale huggles Illinois
May 01 19:12:49 <LauraHale>	How I miss you.
May 01 19:12:58 <LauraHale>	\and your donuts, pizza and sport and cheap clothing.
May 01 19:13:02 <Gfoley4>	:D
May 01 19:13:30 <LauraHale>	I've adapted to the steak.
May 01 19:14:13 <Hedgehog456>	Damn you PHP.
May 01 19:14:29 <Hedgehog456>	Damn you Unity GUI.
May 01 19:15:48 *	CKtravel__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:16:24 *	SchoolcraftT has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 19:16:32 <Jeske_Couriano>	11:16 here
May 01 19:17:07 <Gfoley4> :)
May 01 19:17:39 <LauraHale>	Jeske_Couriano: lunch time?
May 01 19:17:45 <Jeske_Couriano>	Nope.
May 01 19:17:48 *	CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 19:18:15 <Jeske_Couriano>	Watch-Mariners-Fail time
May 01 19:18:40 <LauraHale>	Ah
May 01 19:18:45 <LauraHale>	bbiab
May 01 19:18:45 *	LauraHale has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 19:20:45 *	TBloemink has quit (Quit: tv)
May 01 19:23:08 *	Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
May 01 19:24:16 *	mindspillage has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
May 01 19:30:55 *	CKtravel___ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:32:14 *	Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:32:25 *	IdleSeven (~IdleTwent@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:32:26 <IdleSeven>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   IdleSeven Theo10011 CKtravel___ CKtravel__ Doh5678 KimiNewt Andrevan Zamorak Quentinv57 Jeske_Couriano Mikemoral YouLeMacaroni Ironholds Monty845 ffya prometheus1809 Pesky AzaToth Mike5 Peter-C Doug|afk MC8 Dragonfly6-7 Hero
May 01 19:32:26 <IdleSeven>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   Qcoder00 wikifiend SonicAD Ottre Cobi Hedgehog456 Olipro guillom AntiSpamMeta Crimedog ScottSteiner enhydra kidcamaro kibble Headbomb|Laptop FT2 NedDreamaduc Tatsujin mattbuck Headbomb kunwon1 Mitchazenia Timotheus_Canens we
May 01 19:32:26 <IdleSeven>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   issyl0 mareklug caracol svip mquin Simon- oona TrbleClef Loki Hamlin heinrich5991 thedj Gigs mrmist IShadowed FastLizard4|zZzZ HarryS isforinsects nb hurr MichealH Pilif12p Martinp23 PeanutHorst Dave2 Krimpet tomaw seanw Jma
May 01 19:32:29 <Ironholds>	this channel bores me
May 01 19:32:32 <Jeske_Couriano>	!op
May 01 19:32:35 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to SpitfireWP
May 01 19:32:36 *	SpitfireWP sets ban on *!*@
May 01 19:32:37 *	IdleSeven (~IdleTwent@ has left #wikipedia-en (requested by SpitfireWP (you should know better))
May 01 19:32:37 <Andrevan>	wow
May 01 19:32:38 *	ChanServ removes channel operator status from SpitfireWP
May 01 19:32:43 *	IdleThirtySeven (~IdleThirt@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:32:45 <IdleThirtySeven>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   IdleThirtySeven Theo10011 CKtravel___ CKtravel__ Doh5678 KimiNewt Andrevan Zamorak Quentinv57 Jeske_Couriano Mikemoral YouLeMacaroni Ironholds Monty845 ffya prometheus1809 Pesky AzaToth Mike5 Peter-C Doug|afk MC8 Dra
May 01 19:32:46 <IdleThirtySeven>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   gde33 Qcoder00 wikifiend SonicAD Ottre Cobi Hedgehog456 Olipro guillom AntiSpamMeta Crimedog ScottSteiner enhydra kidcamaro kibble Headbomb|Laptop FT2 NedDreamaduc Tatsujin mattbuck Headbomb kunwon1 Mitchazenia Timot
May 01 19:32:46 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to SpitfireWP
May 01 19:32:46 <IdleThirtySeven>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   topaz alyxuk issyl0 mareklug caracol svip mquin Simon- oona TrbleClef Loki Hamlin heinrich5991 thedj Gigs mrmist IShadowed FastLizard4|zZzZ HarryS isforinsects nb hurr MichealH Pilif12p Martinp23 PeanutHorst Dave2 Kr
May 01 19:32:47 <Jeske_Couriano>	!op
May 01 19:32:49 *	SpitfireWP sets ban on *!*@
May 01 19:32:49 *	IdleThirtySeven (~IdleThirt@ has left #wikipedia-en (requested by SpitfireWP (you should know better))
May 01 19:32:51 <Jeske_Couriano>	Add +r
May 01 19:32:53 <Ironholds>	do gay black jews who work as devs get special dispensation?
May 01 19:32:59 <Andrevan>	yeah
May 01 19:33:04 <MC8>	Jeske_Couriano: "please"
May 01 19:33:06 <Ironholds>	sorta like a two-for-one deal?
May 01 19:33:10 <Myra>	Sometimes it's difficult to tell what in here is vandal-noise and what is just regular noise.
May 01 19:33:12 *	IdleTwentyTwo (~IdleTwent@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:33:12 <Theo10011>	!op
May 01 19:33:13 <IdleTwentyTwo>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   IdleTwentyTwo Theo10011 CKtravel___ CKtravel__ Doh5678 KimiNewt Andrevan Zamorak Quentinv57 Jeske_Couriano Mikemoral YouLeMacaroni Ironholds Monty845 ffya prometheus1809 Pesky AzaToth Mike5 Peter-C Doug|afk MC8 Dragonf
May 01 19:33:13 <IdleTwentyTwo>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   gde33 Qcoder00 wikifiend SonicAD Ottre Cobi Hedgehog456 Olipro guillom AntiSpamMeta Crimedog ScottSteiner enhydra kidcamaro kibble Headbomb|Laptop FT2 NedDreamaduc Tatsujin mattbuck Headbomb kunwon1 Mitchazenia Timothe
May 01 19:33:13 <IdleTwentyTwo>	IDLEONE HERE!  IF YOU DIED  TODAY DO  YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WOULD END  UP?  NIGGERS, GAYS, JEWS  AND FREENODE  STAFF  ARE ALL GOING  TO BURN IN  HELL.. IF YOU ARE  ONE OF  THESE  YOU NEED  TO ASK  JESUS CHRIST FOR  FORGIVENESS.   topaz alyxuk issyl0 mareklug caracol svip mquin Simon- oona TrbleClef Loki Hamlin heinrich5991 thedj Gigs mrmist IShadowed FastLizard4|zZzZ HarryS isforinsects nb hurr MichealH Pilif12p Martinp23 PeanutHorst Dave2 Krim
May 01 19:33:15 *	SpitfireWP sets ban on *!*@
May 01 19:33:16 *	IdleTwentyTwo (~IdleTwent@ has left #wikipedia-en (requested by SpitfireWP (you should know better))
May 01 19:33:16 <Jeske_Couriano>	MC8) Self-evident at this point
May 01 19:33:16 <heinrich5991>	OMFG
May 01 19:33:18 <Hedgehog456>	Don't add +r please
May 01 19:33:19 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to Prodego
May 01 19:33:20 *	SpitfireWP sets ban on Idle*!~Idle*@*
May 01 19:33:20 *	Prodego sets mode +r #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:33:22 <Hedgehog456>	I love spammers
May 01 19:33:23 *	SpitfireWP shrugs
May 01 19:33:25 *	SpitfireWP removes ban on Idle*!~Idle*@*
May 01 19:33:27 *	ChanServ removes channel operator status from SpitfireWP
May 01 19:33:29 *	Prodego has kicked Hedgehog456 from #wikipedia-en (Hedgehog456)
May 01 19:33:32 *	CKtravel__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 19:33:34 *	Prodego removes channel operator status from Prodego
May 01 19:33:37 <Theo10011>	hehe
May 01 19:33:37 <SpitfireWP>	Prodego, <3
May 01 19:33:43 <Prodego>	don't comment on spam
May 01 19:33:58 *	MC8 hunts for a youtube link to the spam song
May 01 19:35:04 <KimiNewt>	lovely spam, wonderful spam
May 01 19:35:10 <Theo10011>	what is it with Ironholds and spammer.
May 01 19:35:19 *	PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:35:39 *	Hedgehog456 (~Hedgehog4@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:36:11 *	Zamorak has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 19:37:26 *	LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:37:40 <Hedgehog456>	Damn
May 01 19:37:53 <Hedgehog456>	Remind me not to check the channel ban list while not in the channel
May 01 19:38:06 <Hedgehog456>	I always cause collateral damage when I do that :P
May 01 19:38:20 *	Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:38:23 <LauraHale>	Hedgehog456: Remind you of that when? :)
May 01 19:38:32 <Hedgehog456>	24/7
May 01 19:38:47 *	LauraHale reminds you again not to check the channel ban list while in the channel
May 01 19:38:51 <LauraHale>	Also, don't block me.
May 01 19:38:51 <Hedgehog456>	s/247/All the time
May 01 19:39:04 <Hedgehog456>	*not
May 01 19:39:11 <SpitfireWP>	/*
May 01 19:39:21 <Hedgehog456>	**
May 01 19:39:23 <SpitfireWP>	There should be a \/ there somewhere too.
May 01 19:39:40 <Hedgehog456>	You mean in between two O's?
May 01 19:39:51 <SpitfireWP>	Between the 4 and the 7
May 01 19:40:14 *	Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:40:14 <Hedgehog456>	s/24\7/All the time
May 01 19:40:27 <SpitfireWP>	Still missing two /s
May 01 19:40:46 <Hedgehog456>	*Where?*
May 01 19:40:53 <SpitfireWP>	s/24\/7/All the time/
May 01 19:41:01 <Gfoley4>	argh..
May 01 19:41:18 <Hedgehog456>	Why the pointy thing?
May 01 19:41:54 *	Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:41:56 <SpitfireWP>	 / matches 24"""/""""7, and \ escapes the /.
May 01 19:42:12 <PeterSymonds>	I believe techies call it "Regex".
May 01 19:42:23 *	SpitfireWP grins
May 01 19:42:36 <Hedgehog456>	I hate regex.
May 01 19:42:39 <SpitfireWP>	I love it.
May 01 19:42:40 <SpitfireWP>	:P
May 01 19:42:43 <PeterSymonds>	I call it a bunch of odd lines that I don't understand.
May 01 19:42:45 <Hedgehog456>	I like talking about forex instead.
May 01 19:43:15 <Hedgehog456>	You know, whenever I start an innocent discussion about forex in a forum, I get banned.
May 01 19:43:29 <PeterSymonds>	Maybe you're too boring?
May 01 19:43:39 <Hedgehog456>	That's possible.
May 01 19:44:26 <Hedgehog456>	I believe my exact wording was "BUY FREE FOREX NOW AT FREE FOREX EXTRA GOOD RATES BUY FREE FOREX NOW"
May 01 19:44:39 *	CKtravel____ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:44:47 <Hedgehog456>	Scandalous, I say.
May 01 19:45:03 <Hedgehog456>	I start an innocent discussion about fake forex, and I'm kicked out.
May 01 19:45:06 <geniice>	readers we are the admins
May 01 19:45:30 <Hedgehog456>	admins we are the readers
May 01 19:45:40 <geniice>	we have the list of the articles you've been looking at. Now donate or we forward them to your employers
May 01 19:46:04 *	CKtravel___ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 19:46:24 *	Harmonia_Amanda (~Harmonia_@unaffiliated/harmonia-amanda/x-3798172) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:48:45 <Hedgehog456>	Blackmail!
May 01 19:48:50 *	Hedgehog456 impeaches geniice 
May 01 19:49:39 *	matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:49:52 *	matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away]
May 01 19:50:24 *	Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:50:28 <Hedgehog456>	No public logging => Yes public private flogging
May 01 19:50:40 *	MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker
May 01 19:50:41 *	Hedgehog456 huggles Douche tightly
May 01 19:51:10 *	Douche huggles Hedgehog456 
May 01 19:51:23 *	Hedgehog456 huggles Douche tightly
May 01 19:51:26 <Douche>	btw private flogging is  recurring joke i used to make with the topic :P
May 01 19:52:59 *	Pesky wakes up
May 01 19:53:12 *	Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 19:53:18 *	NA_0 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/notanonymous0) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 19:53:19 *	Pesky hugs Douche and Hedge
May 01 19:53:22 <PeterSymonds>	Pesky wakes up to a good flog.
May 01 19:53:35 *	Douche hugs Pesky 
May 01 19:53:44 *	Pesky leaps onto PeterSymonds and pins him to the floor
May 01 19:53:51 <PeterSymonds>	o_o
May 01 19:53:53 *	Jeske_Couriano hugs Douche and humps his leg
May 01 19:53:53 <Pesky>	Then wolf-washes his face very thoroughly
May 01 19:54:12 *	Pesky goes schluurrrrp schluuurp in Peter' ear
May 01 19:54:17 *	Douche maces Jeske_Couriano 
May 01 19:54:27 <Jeske_Couriano>	*YIP!!*
May 01 19:54:30 *	Pesky knocks Douche over (gently)
May 01 19:54:34 <Pesky>	Do not pick on Bori
May 01 19:54:36 *	Douche pets.
May 01 19:54:41 *	Douche pets.
May 01 19:54:46 *	Douche spanks PeterSymonds 
May 01 19:54:53 *	Pesky does wolfy grin
May 01 19:55:01 <Pesky>	See what excellent condition teeth are in ...
May 01 19:55:10 *	LauraHale huggles Douche and Pesky
May 01 19:55:14 *	Pesky doesn't allow people to pick on Boris
May 01 19:55:17 *	Douche huggles LauraHale 
May 01 19:55:21 *	Gfoley4 nods. peksy's teeth are excellent
May 01 19:55:23 *	Pesky huggle LauraHale 
May 01 19:55:26 *	NA_0 is now known as NA_0|away
May 01 19:55:32 <Douche>	man
May 01 19:55:35 *	Pesky licks Gfoley4 's fae, too
May 01 19:55:37 <Gfoley4>	*pesky's
May 01 19:55:38 <Pesky>	face
May 01 19:55:40 <Douche>	it's such a beautiful day too...
May 01 19:56:01 *	Pesky snuffs air …….
May 01 19:56:09 <Pesky>	snuff, snuff, snuff …..
May 01 19:56:17 *	Pesky pricks up ears …….
May 01 19:56:21 *	Douche nods.
May 01 19:56:39 <Douche>	in less than 24 hours, i will deposit a small piece of paper in a box.
May 01 19:56:57 *	Pesky 's head goes up on full alert ...
May 01 19:57:07 *	Pesky quivers with glee
May 01 19:57:13 <Gfoley4>	good thing is said "alert"
May 01 19:57:17 <Gfoley4>	I stalk it :D
May 01 19:57:22 <Pesky>	Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ironholds is back!
May 01 19:57:25 <Gfoley4>	*you said
May 01 19:57:37 <Pesky>	Flying leap across room, excited wolfy squealy noises
May 01 19:57:57 *	Pesky tackle-hugs Ironholds
May 01 19:58:14 <Pesky>	[ironholds is pinned to floor and has face wolfy-kissed very excitedly]
May 01 19:58:32 <Pesky>	yip, yip squeeeel yip, yip
May 01 19:58:39 <Pesky>	wag wag wag
May 01 19:58:59 <Pesky>	lickylickylickylicky
May 01 19:59:38 *	Pesky presents favourite toy and sits to attention
May 01 20:00:06 *	Jeske_Couriano snuffles Douche's tailhole
May 01 20:00:18 <petan>	haha
May 01 20:00:20 <Fluff|away>	eww
May 01 20:00:21 <Douche>	ew
May 01 20:00:26 <petan>	I have biggest uptime in channel :)
May 01 20:00:29 <Douche>	I just took a dump.
May 01 20:00:32 <Jeske_Couriano>	*snff snff snff*
May 01 20:00:34 *	MuZemike starts his monthly backup
May 01 20:00:36 <Pesky>	on the carpet?
May 01 20:00:39 <Douche>	and i didn't wipe.
May 01 20:00:48 <Pesky>	prickly ….
May 01 20:00:52 *	Jeske_Couriano doesn't seem to mind
May 01 20:00:59 <geniice>	lab-on-capillary? isn't that just lab on a chip?
May 01 20:01:04 *	Douche is now known as ||||||||||||||||
May 01 20:01:19 *	Pesky thinks may have accidentally knocked out Ironholds
May 01 20:02:09 <geniice>	"List of diprotic acids"
May 01 20:02:27 <Gfoley4>	|||||||||||||||||: isn't that banned?
May 01 20:02:33 <geniice>	thats insane. There are an infinite number of diprotic acids
May 01 20:02:48 *	|||||||||||||||| (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:03:01 <Logan_>	Gfoley4: 'tis
May 01 20:03:09 <Logan_>	but you can still change your nick to it while already in the channel
May 01 20:03:26 <Pesky>	Looks like a boring barcode to me
May 01 20:03:32 *	Tim_Hortons (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:04:30 <LauraHale>	Arbcom case against him for dealing with netball and can't stay away.
May 01 20:05:23 *	Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:07:25 *	Logan_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 20:07:41 <geniice>	perhaps he really likes network
May 01 20:07:43 <geniice>	netball
May 01 20:08:04 <geniice>	it would make a change from the transport systems he is usualy going on about
May 01 20:08:23 *	Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:08:46 *	Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.)
May 01 20:09:43 *	Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
May 01 20:10:51 *	WhiteWriter (~chatzilla@wikipedia/WhiteWriter) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:11:45 <Pesky>	Is he developing an obsession?
May 01 20:12:48 <Tim_Hortons>	yay
May 01 20:12:56 <Tim_Hortons>	another lizamoon spotted
May 01 20:13:09 <Hedgehog456>	Are there no derps around?
May 01 20:13:16 <Hedgehog456>	Oh, yes :S
May 01 20:13:18 <Hedgehog456>	:D
May 01 20:13:24 *	Hedgehog456 huggles Tim_Hortons tightly
May 01 20:13:37 <Hedgehog456>	lizamoon?
May 01 20:14:08 *	Tim_Hortons huggles Hedgehog456 
May 01 20:14:22 <Tim_Hortons>	Hedgehog456: fake website that claims that the user has a virus
May 01 20:14:50 <Hedgehog456>	I have no virus
May 01 20:14:53 <Hedgehog456>	I ran a scan
May 01 20:15:07 *	Hedgehog456 hunts down lizamoon
May 01 20:15:12 *	Guerillero (4841c2a3@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:15:16 *	Hedgehog456 hacks the servers to bits
May 01 20:15:37 <Guerillero>	sounds like fun
May 01 20:17:05 *	Hedgehog456 kills a rival dev
May 01 20:18:23 *	Hedgehog456 gives his axe to Tim_Hortons
May 01 20:18:27 *	Guerillero is now known as Guer|Revising
May 01 20:18:29 *	TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:19:32 *	Ironholds is now known as IH|porkin
May 01 20:19:33 *	Tim_Hortons axes lizamoon
May 01 20:19:53 *	tyw7 (027d94b4@wikipedia/tyw7) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:19:58 <tyw7>	any en ops around?
May 01 20:20:09 *	IH|porkin is now known as \ih\
May 01 20:20:10 <LauraHale>	I want a Tim Horton's!
May 01 20:20:33 <tyw7>	what's that?
May 01 20:20:34 *	\ih\ is now known as IH|wishes
May 01 20:20:44 <Guer|Revising>	great donuts
May 01 20:20:46 <LauraHale>	Awesome donuts.
May 01 20:20:52 <LauraHale>	Right up there with Dunkin.
May 01 20:20:54 <Hedgehog456>	Fantastic doughnuts.
May 01 20:20:59 <LauraHale>	stupid Aussies can't make good donuts. :(
May 01 20:21:00 <tyw7>	how about crispe cream?
May 01 20:21:06 <tyw7>	* crispy cream?
May 01 20:21:10 <Guer|Revising>	nah
May 01 20:21:34 <tyw7>	any en ops around
May 01 20:21:53 <Hedgehog456>	Admins or ops?
May 01 20:21:57 *	geniice has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
May 01 20:21:58 <tyw7>	admmins
May 01 20:22:12 <tyw7>	Can somebody delete my upload at *I accidentily upload a DW episode using that name so there is a non free picutre in the history*
May 01 20:22:37 <Hedgehog456>	Urgent?
May 01 20:22:44 <tyw7>	no...
May 01 20:22:50 <tyw7>	but only admin can furfill request
May 01 20:22:58 <Hedgehog456>	Then you must wait
May 01 20:23:01 <Guer|Revising>	lol
May 01 20:23:11 <tyw7>	Hedgehog456: what are you doing... to incur to wait?
May 01 20:23:20 <tyw7>	how many people are in the queue ahead of me ;)
May 01 20:23:24 <Guer|Revising>	how didn't you hit the size sealing
May 01 20:23:33 <LauraHale>	Krispy Kreme donuts are awful.
May 01 20:23:45 <tyw7>	Guer|Revising: what do you mean?
May 01 20:23:48 <Hedgehog456>	tyw7: Fifty thousand, two hundred and eight.
May 01 20:23:53 <Pesky>	IH|wishes: you woke up OK, then?
May 01 20:24:08 <tyw7>	Hedgehog456: that many people requesting admin help???
May 01 20:24:17 <Hedgehog456>	I don't know.
May 01 20:24:25 <Guer|Revising>	tyw7: You can only upload files so bof
May 01 20:24:26 <Hedgehog456>	87% of statistics are made up.
May 01 20:24:28 <Guer|Revising>	big*
May 01 20:24:40 <Guer|Revising>	tyw7:We run into that at  FS
May 01 20:24:56 <tyw7>	I never reached size upload cealing
May 01 20:25:02 <Hedgehog456>	ceiling
May 01 20:25:18 <tyw7>	cause if more than 15 mb the broadband would choke
May 01 20:25:21 <Guer|Revising>	we run into it with video
May 01 20:25:25 <tyw7>	Or even 8 mb...
May 01 20:25:33 <tyw7>	It would take over an hour or so!
May 01 20:25:36 <tyw7>	1 mb ps
May 01 20:25:40 <tyw7>	1 mb/s
May 01 20:25:57 <Pesky>	I remember the days when a meg-a-minute was a distant dream ……
May 01 20:26:06 <Hedgehog456>	50mbps
May 01 20:26:11 <Hedgehog456>	on my wireless
May 01 20:26:18 <Hedgehog456>	my ethernet uses 100mbps
May 01 20:26:26 <Hedgehog456>	:P
May 01 20:26:36 <Pesky>	1200k …. ahhh I remember it well
May 01 20:26:40 <Tim_Hortons>	hey tyw7
May 01 20:26:49 <tyw7>	hey Tim_Hortons
May 01 20:26:51 <Tim_Hortons>	@loudbot having fun?
May 01 20:26:52 <Tim_Hortons>	:P
May 01 20:26:55 <tyw7>	lol
May 01 20:27:00 <tyw7>	are you coffee?
May 01 20:27:05 <Tim_Hortons>	no
May 01 20:27:06 <Tim_Hortons>	derp
May 01 20:27:07 <Tim_Hortons>	:P
May 01 20:27:15 <Hedgehog456>	No, he's a person.
May 01 20:27:21 <Hedgehog456>	Respect his feelings.
May 01 20:27:28 <tyw7>	I mean User:Coffee
May 01 20:27:29 <Pesky>	So why is derp Tim_Hortons justnow?
May 01 20:27:29 <Hedgehog456>	He's not a hot beverage.
May 01 20:27:35 <Tim_Hortons>	Oh
May 01 20:27:38 <Tim_Hortons>	for fun :)
May 01 20:27:42 <Hedgehog456>	Pesky: looooooooooooong story
May 01 20:27:51 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to eir
May 01 20:27:53 *	eir removes ban on *!*
May 01 20:27:53 *	eir removes channel operator status from eir
May 01 20:28:00 <Pesky>	My hand is being chewed by a partially senile cat ...
May 01 20:28:12 <tyw7>	Tim_Hortons: are you @kuslak
May 01 20:28:16 <Tim_Hortons>	bingo
May 01 20:28:18 <Tim_Hortons>	:D
May 01 20:28:24 *	TBloemink has quit (Quit: weg hier dan)
May 01 20:28:39 <Hedgehog456>	Tim_Hortons is she sockpuppeteer of everyone
May 01 20:28:41 <Hedgehog456>	*the
May 01 20:28:45 <tyw7>	loud bot is sure annoying!
May 01 20:28:45 <Tim_Hortons>	and i just pinged you on twitter :P
May 01 20:28:56 <tyw7>	Tim_Hortons: I know... :P
May 01 20:28:58 <tyw7>	:D
May 01 20:29:02 <Tim_Hortons>	:D
May 01 20:29:04 <tyw7>	and your account tweeted spam
May 01 20:29:05 <tyw7>	:)
May 01 20:29:10 <Hedgehog456>	He is 52 admins, 5 ArbCom members, 2 Trustees, 12 bureaucrats and 6 stewards.
May 01 20:29:10 *	Tim_Hortons uses twitter for mac.
May 01 20:29:27 <Hedgehog456>	Or as rumoured.
May 01 20:29:49 <Tim_Hortons>	oh
May 01 20:29:51 *	LauraHale hasn't been tweeting much
May 01 20:29:54 *	Pesky is a Mac person :o)
May 01 20:30:02 *	tyw7 is a Windows person
May 01 20:30:03 <tyw7>	:)
May 01 20:30:06 *	Pesky never tweeted, ever
May 01 20:30:07 <Hedgehog456>	Although Jimbo is all of ArbCom, so Jimbo is a sockpuppet of Tim_Hortons.
May 01 20:30:27 <Tim_Hortons>	tomorrow, during election day, for results, the electoral law bans any communications of electoral results before a deadline.
May 01 20:30:42 <Hedgehog456>	What election day?
May 01 20:30:53 <Pesky>	What outcome are they trying to achieve with that?
May 01 20:31:00 <Tim_Hortons>	Since Canada spans 6 time zones...
May 01 20:31:12 <Tim_Hortons>	Pesky: voter influence.
May 01 20:31:14 <Tim_Hortons>	but of coruse
May 01 20:31:15 *	Catalan has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
May 01 20:31:16 <Tim_Hortons>	course
May 01 20:31:22 <Tim_Hortons>	we're gonna break that law
May 01 20:31:23 <tyw7>	Dr Who is sure confusing!
May 01 20:31:23 <Tim_Hortons>	:D
May 01 20:31:29 <Pesky>	Voters should be allowed to be influenced
May 01 20:31:40 <Tim_Hortons>	Trough Twitter!
May 01 20:32:03 <Pesky>	Sound fun
May 01 20:32:12 <tyw7>	Tim_Hortons: pig?
May 01 20:32:18 <Tim_Hortons>	Hedgehog456: Pesky: Canada's in election on may 2
May 01 20:32:18 <tyw7>	Don't you mean tough
May 01 20:32:19 <Guer|Revising>	when is the new epidode of Dr. Who?
May 01 20:32:29 <tyw7>	Guer|Revising: which? Day of Moon?
May 01 20:32:44 *	Pesky only partially interested in things like elections
May 01 20:32:46 <tyw7>	or else next week at about 6 UK time
May 01 20:32:50 *	Waithamai (~Waithamai@wikipedia/Waithamai) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:32:54 <Guer|Revising>	ok
May 01 20:33:01 <tyw7>	see schedule
May 01 20:33:07 *	Pesky more intersted in complete bulldoze and Redo from Start of most systems
May 01 20:33:11 <tyw7>	Day of the Moon is out now
May 01 20:33:21 <tyw7>
May 01 20:33:29 <Tim_Hortons>	across Canada
May 01 20:33:38 <Tim_Hortons>	election offices are closing at the same time.
May 01 20:33:48 <Pesky>	UK politics: nobody's ever going to be able to do well.  It's like choosing which driver to put in an unroadworthy vehicle.
May 01 20:34:00 <Pesky>	Doesn;t matter who's driving, the damn vehicle is still unroadworthy
May 01 20:34:26 <tyw7>	Pesky: change the vehicle? or upgrade it?
May 01 20:34:36 <Pesky>	Design new vehicle
May 01 20:35:05 <Pesky>	Blu-tack no longer sufficient to plug gaps
May 01 20:35:37 <Pesky>	We've been blu-tacking and band-aiding this particular vehicle for hundres of years - it ain't ever gonna run right again!
May 01 20:35:55 <Pesky>	Wholy system needs re-making, re-designing, the works
May 01 20:36:02 <tyw7>	any wiki admins around?
May 01 20:36:08 *	Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:37:14 <Pesky>	Almost every "system" we have in the UK just about barely functions
May 01 20:37:36 <Pesky>	Our "systems" devour money and produce poor results
May 01 20:37:52 <LauraHale>	Pesky: A lot of that comes down to a matter of perspective.
May 01 20:38:12 <Pesky>	We need some real major overhauling of so much, here, though
May 01 20:38:28 <tyw7>	Gfoley4: you there?
May 01 20:38:44 *	Doug|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
May 01 20:38:49 <Pesky>	Like housing, for example.  Place I used to live in had a few streets which were rows of little terraced red-brick houses
May 01 20:38:52 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to eir
May 01 20:38:53 *	eir removes ban on MuZekike*!*@*
May 01 20:38:53 *	eir removes channel operator status from eir
May 01 20:39:02 <Pesky>	They were built for the lowest-of-the-low railroad workers.
May 01 20:39:09 *	worm_that_turned (~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:39:16 <Pesky>	But now you have to be middle-management to be able to afford to buy the same house
May 01 20:39:22 <tyw7>	way too small!
May 01 20:39:37 <tyw7>	One some roads, two cars can't pass each other!
May 01 20:39:46 <tyw7>	even though it is a double lane road
May 01 20:40:02 *	worm_that_turned has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 20:40:12 <Pesky>	That can actually make for safer roads
May 01 20:40:38 <Pesky>	The narrow roads across the New Forest have har fewer accidents than the wider ones
May 01 20:41:37 <Pesky>	Good idea for low-usage roads - narrow with passing places, or plenty of pinch-points to slow the traffic down
May 01 20:41:37 *	tyw7 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
May 01 20:42:48 *	Apheori is now known as Athyria
May 01 20:43:40 *	Athyria is now known as Isarra
May 01 20:43:43 *	Isarra has quit (Changing host)
May 01 20:43:43 *	Isarra (~root@uncyclopedia/Lyrithya) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:44:05 <Pesky>	Housing - most housing in the UK is beyond the financial reach of most employees in the UK.  Where's the sense in that?
May 01 20:44:32 *	Matthewedwards (~Matthewed@wikipedia/Matthewedwards) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:44:33 <Pesky>	Go back to mediaeval times, and you only had to work for 30 days in each year to guarantee a roof over your head, and enough land to grow your own food
May 01 20:44:55 *	geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:45:19 <Qcoder00>	Erm...
May 01 20:45:39 <Qcoder00>	I'm not sure that's accurate
May 01 20:45:58 <Pesky>	I think it is ….. just think how many employees are on national minum wage, or only twi ce that
May 01 20:46:16 <Pesky>	What's the cheapest house you can buy?
May 01 20:46:29 <LauraHale>	The people I harrass are largely absent.
May 01 20:46:33 <Pesky>	Mortgage: generally no more than £x wages / salary
May 01 20:46:36 <LauraHale>	Woe.
May 01 20:46:37 <Pesky>	3x
May 01 20:47:13 <Pesky>	Loads of people on less than £30K a year.  How many houses available, in the areas those people work in, for £90K?  Not many!
May 01 20:47:14 <Qcoder00>	Good Evening Ms Pesky.
May 01 20:47:21 *	Pesky hugs Qcoder00 
May 01 20:47:21 <Herodotus>	Pesky: On the upside, cheap housing. On the downside, being unable to leave the land, vote, etc.
May 01 20:47:26 *	Qcoder00 does a deep curtsey
May 01 20:47:37 <Qcoder00>	Is Ms OK?
May 01 20:47:56 *	CKtravel____ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 20:48:12 <Pesky>	Herodotus: but if you were homeless, you were /allowed/ to go and build yourself some kind of prinitive shack somewhere to keep the rain off your back.  You;re not allowed to do that any more
May 01 20:48:20 *	Matthewedwards has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 20:48:28 *	Pesky is having a 'meh' day.  Feel crappy, really
May 01 20:48:35 <Qcoder00>	Pesky: Oh
May 01 20:48:46 <Qcoder00>	What's upset you?
May 01 20:48:54 <Pesky>	Nothing, just tired, I guess
May 01 20:49:12 <Pesky>	Need to go for a medications-review, see if I can come off or change a few
May 01 20:49:25 <Qcoder00>	You didn't say you were on medication :(
May 01 20:49:39 *	rr0 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
May 01 20:49:40 <Pesky>	Several different sorts, lol!
May 01 20:49:44 <Qcoder00>	And if you are getting tired , it might be worth checking the medications
May 01 20:49:57 *	Doh5678 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
May 01 20:50:08 *	matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away]
May 01 20:50:18 <Pesky>	I was spawned down at the murky end of the gene pool, where the sharks hang out
May 01 20:50:24 <Peter-C>	NEED MOAR GLOMPS
May 01 20:50:26 <Pesky>	so have a few little issues…..
May 01 20:50:59 <Pesky>	Qcoder00: patches of mad insomnia, followed by 'crach-days', followed by more insomnia, etc.
May 01 20:51:33 <Pesky>	My sleeping pattern resembles a surrealist painting viewed through a kaleidoscope.  Interesting, but unhelpful
May 01 20:51:35 <Qcoder00>	Last time I didn't sleep, I ended up with a massive migrane attack
May 01 20:52:02 <Qcoder00>	Pesky:  Do you get smiling Chesire Cat's yet?
May 01 20:52:03 <Pesky>	Migraine's a bastard
May 01 20:52:16 *	zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 20:52:18 <Pesky>	No, just our ordinary cats :o)
May 01 20:52:50 *	Tim_Hortons kicks Peter-C with his new shoes :D
May 01 20:53:03 <Qcoder00>	Sorry, I was trying to make an obscure comment that seeing Chesire Cat's could indicate something you should see a doctor about
May 01 20:53:18 *	Sarrus has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027])
May 01 20:53:29 <Pesky>	Interesting; if I run a really high temperature I hallucinate fishes
May 01 20:53:29 <Qcoder00>	I assume you knew roughly what I meant though
May 01 20:53:37 <Pesky>	floating in the air - over people's heads, etc.
May 01 20:53:57 <Pesky>	I'll go see the doctor soon
May 01 20:54:09 <Qcoder00>	I tend to get fractals  aliens or angel-forms...
May 01 20:54:15 <Pesky>	Maybe there's some newer, better med I could be on
May 01 20:54:17 <Qcoder00>	but that's with migranes...
May 01 20:54:42 <Pesky>	I get zazzy haloes around things with migraines - but (touch wood) I don't get many  migraines now
May 01 20:54:45 <Qcoder00>	Pesky:   You aren't on anything really powerful are you?
May 01 20:54:59 *	Qcoder00 wonders where BarkingFish is
May 01 20:55:00 <Pesky>	DHC is about the strongest, usually
May 01 20:55:08 <Pesky>	(dihydrocodeine)
May 01 20:55:16 <Qcoder00>	Oh..
May 01 20:55:28 <Qcoder00>	 /me doesn't know what that is and has to go look it up
May 01 20:55:40 <Pesky>	Don't often need morphine, just now and then (after surgery or accident)
May 01 20:55:58 <Pesky>	The other stuff is pretty standard stuff
May 01 20:56:13 <Qcoder00>	After Surgery?
May 01 20:57:50 *	Qcoder00 ponders why people I know all tend to have  eccentricities
May 01 20:57:53 *	LauraHale has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830])
May 01 20:58:11 <Pesky>	Qcoder00:  I've had 13 surgeries in the past 27 months!
May 01 20:58:21 <Qcoder00>	:O
May 01 20:58:25 <Pesky>	Lots of bits went past their use-by date
May 01 20:58:33 <Pesky>	lol
May 01 20:58:58 <Pesky>	cig brk - back soon
May 01 20:59:03 *	Qcoder00 considers it impolite to ask how old Pesky is
May 01 20:59:05 <Pesky>	more than 50
May 01 21:00:47 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:03:16 *	DarkoNeko (~darkoneko@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:04:09 *	guillom has quit (Quit: All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.)
May 01 21:05:06 *	WhiteWriter has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.16/20110319135224])
May 01 21:07:41 <Qcoder00>	Oh...
May 01 21:07:48 <Dragonfly6-7>	Vocabulary question!
May 01 21:07:51 <Dragonfly6-7>	if a mastectomy completely removes the cancer, but as a direct result thereof the patient can no longer move her arm, would you call that a "botched" mastectomy?
May 01 21:08:23 <Qcoder00>	Dragonfly6-7:   It more than botched it's potential malpractice :(
May 01 21:08:28 *	Tim_Hortons has quit (Quit: bbl)
May 01 21:09:05 <Qcoder00>	What's the context?
May 01 21:09:12 <Dragonfly6-7>	Qcoder00 - I'm working with a medical school applicant on his entrance essay; this is a case he personally witnessed
May 01 21:09:26 <Qcoder00>	Hmm
May 01 21:09:45 <Qcoder00>	There used to be someone on-wiki that was actually a medical doctor
May 01 21:09:47 *	dwayne (~h4ck0r@wikimedia/Dwayne) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:10:00 <Dragonfly6-7>	I'm sure there still is; it's just that I was wondering about the term 'botched' in this context
May 01 21:10:21 *	Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:10:36 <Qcoder00>	To my completely unqaulified view 'botched' is acceptable...
May 01 21:11:09 <Qcoder00>	.. I.E  Surgery is done to cure a specifc anaomaly  WITHOUT causing other harm
May 01 21:11:32 *	alyxuk has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 21:12:08 <Dragonfly6-7>	I must admit, I don't konw the specifics. It was serious enough that the entire breast was removed, along with part of her shoulder girdle.
May 01 21:12:26 <Dragonfly6-7>	so it's possible that the loss of function was unavoidable
May 01 21:14:13 *	Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.)
May 01 21:16:19 *	dwayne has quit (Quit: This is my moment, I just feel so alive.)
May 01 21:17:38 <Qcoder00>	Evening BarkingFish
May 01 21:17:51 <BarkingFish>	hi Qcoder00
May 01 21:18:25 *	Pesky back
May 01 21:18:43 <geniice>	"botched" would require that the outcome was due to a mistake
May 01 21:19:54 <Pesky>	If part of the shoulder girdle had to be removed, it's virtually impossible to do that without some serious loss of mobility in the arm
May 01 21:20:59 <Dragonfly6-7>	mm
May 01 21:21:10 <Dragonfly6-7>	that's why I've been concerned about the word 'botched'
May 01 21:22:22 *	BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted)
May 01 21:24:46 <Pesky>	Some nerve damage is virtually unavoidable, but sometimes nerves can be damaged in ways which could havebeen avoided
May 01 21:24:53 <Pesky>	Not always easy to tell which is which
May 01 21:25:25 <Pesky>	Better to damage a nerve and clear the cancer than preserve the nerve at the risk of not removing the cancer
May 01 21:28:57 *	Seahorse has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 21:29:09 *	geniice has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.0.14/20110420224920])
May 01 21:30:26 <Dragonfly6-7>	Pesky - additional data
May 01 21:30:36 <Pesky>	ok
May 01 21:31:08 <Dragonfly6-7>	Pesky - the doctor who described said that the surgeons should not have cut as deep as all that, he had examined the patient prior to surgery.
May 01 21:31:33 <Pesky>	Hmmmmm - but sometimes you just can't see stuff until you actually get in there
May 01 21:31:59 <Pesky>	Even MRI's won't really give you the whole picture
May 01 21:32:39 <Dragonfly6-7>	true enoguh
May 01 21:32:40 <Pesky>	Example: I had an MRI on my right knee a coule years back, showed (apparently) two deep cracks through the cartilage, extending down to bone surface
May 01 21:33:04 <Pesky>	… when they actually got into the knww, it was actually two sides of a huge flap that had sheared away from the bone suraface
May 01 21:33:11 <Pesky>	so whole lot had to go
May 01 21:33:49 *	Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:34:53 <Pesky>	As a general rule, the guys who are actually 'eyes on' to the thing can make the best call.  Not always, but usually
May 01 21:34:59 *	Dragonfly6-7 nomds
May 01 21:35:02 <Dragonfly6-7>	nods
May 01 21:35:13 <Dragonfly6-7>	do you still have a knee?
May 01 21:35:27 <Pesky>	With cancerous changes in bone, sometimes you'll get some slight discoloration
May 01 21:35:33 <Pesky>	Yes, surgery was very effective
May 01 21:35:47 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:35:52 <Dragonfly6-7>	Pesky - .... this was bone cancer?
May 01 21:36:09 <Pesky>	Big chunk of cartialge gone, but body kinda fills in some of the gap with fibrousy stuff(provided you provoke the joint to encourage the body to build alternative surfaces)
May 01 21:36:28 *	Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 21:36:33 <Pesky>	Your mastectomy patient - if the cancer had spread into the bones, they would have had to take quite a bit
May 01 21:37:06 <Pesky>	If bone surface in the patient was 'odd' to the eye, they would have chosen to play safe, I think
May 01 21:38:05 <Pesky>	If the bony stuff doesn't look spot-on normal, close to any kind of cancer, you have to treat it as suspect, really
May 01 21:38:19 *	kidcamaro has quit (Quit: cya)
May 01 21:38:37 <Pesky>	Coz once it really gets gfoing in a bone, you're looking at 6 - 12 months max
May 01 21:40:14 <Pesky>	See [[Bone tumor]]
May 01 21:40:52 *	MuZemike has quit (Quit: It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!)
May 01 21:46:18 <Pesky>	Also (from WP) : "For example, breast tumor cells, which gather calcium ions from breast milk, metastasize to bone tissue, where they can gather calcium ions from bone. "
May 01 21:48:30 *	Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:48:47 *	BarkingFish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 21:49:12 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:54:41 *	duggthe (duggthe@unaffiliated/duggthe) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:54:46 *	duggthe (duggthe@unaffiliated/duggthe) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 21:55:51 <Hedgehog456>	The thoughts going through my head are quite weird at the moment
May 01 21:56:04 <PeterSymonds>	"at the moment"
May 01 21:56:18 <Hedgehog456>	All the time, really :P
May 01 21:56:31 <Hedgehog456>	I'm thinking of ways to cure genetic diseases
May 01 21:57:13 <Qcoder00>	??
May 01 21:57:24 <Qcoder00>	Cures for genetic disorders?
May 01 21:57:32 <Hedgehog456>	Yes, that
May 01 21:57:37 <Hedgehog456>	I'm half awake
May 01 21:58:06 <Qcoder00>	One somewhat sci-fi tactic is to use a harmless virius inserstion to affect gene changes...
May 01 21:58:44 <Qcoder00>	I.E An otherwise harmless virus is used to insert modified DNA sequences to create healthy cells as opposed to damaged ones
May 01 21:58:52 <Hedgehog456>	Nah, that's ridiculous
May 01 21:59:00 <Qcoder00>	There are other techniques though
May 01 22:01:01 <Qcoder00>	Hedgehog456:  I am not sure the DNA inserstion via a virus is as ridiculous as it sounds though....
May 01 22:01:21 <Qcoder00>	Any mad bio-sciences people in?
May 01 22:01:28 <Qcoder00>	XD
May 01 22:02:24 *	Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:02:25 <Pesky>	Hedgehog456: not ridiculous at all, really! Carrying DNA through on a viroid carrier is perfectly feasible
May 01 22:02:29 <Sven_Manguard>	I need an oversighter
May 01 22:02:47 <Hedgehog456>	Pesky: I'd do it differently
May 01 22:02:49 <Sven_Manguard>	!OS anyone with oversight please PM me immediately
May 01 22:03:34 *	ZT (~pjeterper@unaffiliated/zt) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:04:32 *	Sven_Manguard has quit (Client Quit)
May 01 22:06:13 <Prodego>	but does he? does he really?
May 01 22:09:28 <Pesky>	Frustrating …. when someone says that, my instinct is to go check their contribs, see what they've been looking at …….
May 01 22:09:41 <Qcoder00>	Pesky:  I'm sure I'd heard of such a technique being used experimentally , but can't recall where... not in human medicine though...
May 01 22:09:59 <Pesky>	It's been being talked about / considered for a very long time
May 01 22:10:52 <Pesky>	[[Gene therapy]]
May 01 22:12:53 <Pesky>	[[Viral vector]]
May 01 22:17:53 *	Sceptre (~sceptre@unaffiliated/sceptre) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:17:53 <Qcoder00>	Hmm
May 01 22:18:13 *	Qcoder00 waits for the day when stem cell reaserch and DNA viral tactics time up
May 01 22:18:17 <Qcoder00>	*tie up
May 01 22:18:32 *	Sceptre pokes Ironholds for whenever
May 01 22:19:09 <Qcoder00>	Sceptre:  Ironholds is not currently online :(
May 01 22:19:23 <Pesky>	Ironholds is in disguise …….
May 01 22:19:27 <Sceptre>	he is
May 01 22:19:49 <Pesky>	IH … wishes -not quite
May 01 22:20:57 *	prometheus1809 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
May 01 22:21:00 <Pesky>	He didn't even notice the excited wolfie-greetin-back-from-holiday thing :o(
May 01 22:21:09 <Pesky>	or at least, didn't reposnd
May 01 22:21:14 <Pesky>	respond
May 01 22:21:44 *	SonicAD has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 22:21:56 *	Guer|Revising (4841c2a3@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:22:19 *	foks|vaek (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:24:41 <Hedgehog456>	Ironholds has been replaced by a non-sentient robot clone.
May 01 22:24:52 <foks|vaek>	Another one?
May 01 22:24:55 *	foks|vaek is now known as foks
May 01 22:26:15 <Hedgehog456>	:P
May 01 22:26:21 <Hedgehog456>	That's nasty. :P
May 01 22:27:45 <Pesky>	I reckon he's asleep
May 01 22:28:46 <Hedgehog456>	I reckon he's lost all willpower.
May 01 22:29:33 <Qcoder00>	OK Folks
May 01 22:29:38 <Qcoder00>	Another template bug
May 01 22:29:50 <Qcoder00>
May 01 22:29:52 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to Prodego
May 01 22:29:53 *	Prodego sets mode -r #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:29:53 *	Prodego removes channel operator status from Prodego
May 01 22:29:58 <Qcoder00>	using {{UK-LEG ext}}
May 01 22:30:07 <Qcoder00>	The links don't display
May 01 22:30:27 <Qcoder00>	However the documentation for switch parser function which I've followed says they should
May 01 22:30:38 *	Barras is now known as Ranon
May 01 22:31:05 *	Mikemoral is now known as mikemoral|away
May 01 22:32:00 *	Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:32:04 <foks>	Not for NIAs
May 01 22:32:18 <Gfoley4>	stupid #wikimedia-overflow
May 01 22:32:22 <Gfoley4>	>:(
May 01 22:32:44 <Qcoder00>	foks:  I added a clause especially
May 01 22:32:49 <PeterSymonds>	Stupid #Gordon.
May 01 22:32:53 <foks>	a blank clause
May 01 22:32:54 <Qcoder00>	And purged the template
May 01 22:33:03 <Qcoder00>	foks:  Switch clauses fall through
May 01 22:33:12 <foks>	No, they don't.
May 01 22:33:16 <Qcoder00>	Which is how ASP  were being done?
May 01 22:33:19 *	Zamorak is now known as Zammy|Trans
May 01 22:33:29 <Qcoder00>	foks:  They don't fall through?
May 01 22:33:31 <foks>	The way you've done it will make anything with "type=nia" not show
May 01 22:33:46 <Qcoder00>	OK Then the documentation needs updating
May 01 22:34:04 <Qcoder00>	because it says to do a multi you use blank clauses
May 01 22:34:33 <Hedgehog456>	Any EC2 users around?
May 01 22:34:36 *	Quentinv57 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
May 01 22:34:46 <foks>	Qcoder00, look at the article now
May 01 22:34:49 <Qcoder00> - Ah
May 01 22:34:50 <foks>	That I've fixed it
May 01 22:34:56 <foks>
May 01 22:35:00 <Qcoder00>	OK I think I see the gltich
May 01 22:35:21 *	geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:35:28 *	Leonard^Bloom_ is now known as Franz_Kafka
May 01 22:35:29 <foks>	It's not a glitch!
May 01 22:35:30 <foks>	:P
May 01 22:35:40 <foks>	You were putting, in the template, "nia="
May 01 22:35:43 *	Franz_Kafka has quit (Changing host)
May 01 22:35:43 *	Franz_Kafka (~Justin@wikipedia/LeonardBloom) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:35:48 <foks>	And therefore nothing would display
May 01 22:36:07 <geniice>	dear internet. an image search for "Ho Van Tay" should not produce pornography
May 01 22:36:30 <Qcoder00>	rather than nia  straight
May 01 22:36:34 <Qcoder00>	OK :)
May 01 22:36:35 <Qcoder00>	Thanks
May 01 22:36:40 *	Pesky knackered, going to retreat to den and snooze
May 01 22:36:46 <foks>	Qcoder00, not a bothe.
May 01 22:36:48 <foks>	+r
May 01 22:36:49 *	Pesky hugs anyone who needs a hug
May 01 22:36:54 <Qcoder00>	BTW {{UK-:LEG ext}} probably needs some general tidying up anyway...
May 01 22:36:57 <foks>	Feel free to edit the description of course
May 01 22:37:02 <Pesky>	g'night!
May 01 22:37:02 <Qcoder00>	as does {{UK-LEG/sandbox}}
May 01 22:37:07 *	Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has left #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:37:18 <Hedgehog456>	;(
May 01 22:37:35 <Hedgehog456>	Pesky is gone
May 01 22:37:38 <Qcoder00>	I've not added the 'Welsh' stuff to {{UK-LEG ext}} yet , nor the other forms of SI
May 01 22:37:53 *	foks doesn't really 'get' law in the UK
May 01 22:37:57 <foks>	well, I get it
May 01 22:38:02 <foks>	Just not that level of law
May 01 22:38:35 <Hedgehog456>	Why all the fuss over some templates?
May 01 22:38:37 <Hedgehog456>	Any EC2 users around?
May 01 22:39:15 <Qcoder00>	Whats EC2?
May 01 22:39:25 <Hedgehog456>	Amazon Elastic Cloud 2
May 01 22:39:58 <foks>	...the fuck
May 01 22:40:00 <foks>	:D
May 01 22:40:29 <Hedgehog456>	I /really/ need an EC2 user
May 01 22:41:25 *	MC8 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 22:41:43 *	MC8 (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:42:15 *	MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:43:23 *	ZT has quit ()
May 01 22:43:35 <Hedgehog456>	arghhelpi'mchoking
May 01 22:43:47 *	SudoGhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:43:47 *	SudoGhost has quit (Changing host)
May 01 22:43:47 *	SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:44:04 <Hedgehog456>	ah, that's better
May 01 22:45:04 *	MauchoEagle (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:45:32 <MauchoEagle>	In a general light, does anyone think that admins should have a userpage
May 01 22:45:39 <Gfoley4>	?
May 01 22:45:55 <MauchoEagle>	does anyone think that admins should have a userpage?
May 01 22:46:06 <Gfoley4>	yes?
May 01 22:46:09 <Hedgehog456>	I think they shouldn't
May 01 22:46:16 <Hedgehog456>	They should be deprived of them
May 01 22:46:17 <Gfoley4>	9_9
May 01 22:46:24 <Hedgehog456>	OK, they should
May 01 22:46:31 <Hedgehog456>	Why?
May 01 22:46:58 <MauchoEagle>	I think it gives a user more insight into the person they are dealing with
May 01 22:47:08 *	MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker
May 01 22:47:09 <Gfoley4>	wtf?
May 01 22:47:15 <Hedgehog456>	Is there an admin without one?
May 01 22:47:48 <Gfoley4>	I doubt any admin has a red linked userpage
May 01 22:48:04 <geniice>	a few do
May 01 22:48:10 *	Hedgehog456 MfD's Gfoley4's userpage
May 01 22:48:19 <geniice>	also wikipedia lacks an article on BMX Ninja
May 01 22:48:26 <geniice>	[[BMX Ninja]]
May 01 22:48:55 <MauchoEagle>	hold ones I just saw one with no userpage
May 01 22:49:07 <MauchoEagle>	I just saw one with no userpage
May 01 22:49:08 <geniice>	Hedgehog456	 one redlinked admin
May 01 22:49:12 *	BarkingFish has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
May 01 22:49:18 <Hedgehog456>	BURN HIM
May 01 22:49:27 <Hedgehog456>	BURN HIM NAO
May 01 22:49:27 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:50:21 *	Mono (u1187@wikimedia/mono) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:50:26 <MauchoEagle>	and
May 01 22:50:47 <Hedgehog456>	BURN HIM TOO
May 01 22:51:08 *	ctjf83 (32511d96@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 22:51:20 <foks>	and User:Jayg?
May 01 22:51:21 <foks>	G
May 01 22:51:23 <ctjf83>	ok, Prodego
May 01 22:51:24 <foks>	No?
May 01 22:51:31 <Prodego>	ctjf83: sometimes we require you have a registered nick to join, to prevent spam
May 01 22:51:35 <Prodego>	usually you don't need it
May 01 22:51:44 <ctjf83>	oh, ok, i see
May 01 22:52:35 <Brian_S>	foks:
May 01 22:52:46 <ctjf83>	so, prodego, about blocking the user?
May 01 22:53:19 *	Mono is loving
May 01 22:53:19 <foks>	Brian_S, not 100% keen on that
May 01 22:53:25 <foks>	I like it,
May 01 22:53:34 <foks>	but it's not great, it's not really Elbow
May 01 22:53:59 <Prodego>	ctjf83: yea sure done
May 01 22:54:25 <ctjf83>	thanks!
May 01 22:56:09 <BarkingFish>	Anyone good with regex here?
May 01 22:56:38 <BarkingFish>	I need to know what the command is at the start of a regex to say "it begins with this, anything else after it doesn't matter."
May 01 22:57:01 <BarkingFish>	like something begins with "cock", whatever comes after it has no bearing on the block.
May 01 22:57:12 <BarkingFish>	*blacklist
May 01 22:57:46 <slakr>	^cock.*
May 01 22:57:54 <slakr>	or \bcock.*
May 01 22:58:06 <slakr>	depending on how it's dealing with regexes
May 01 22:58:13 <slakr>	if it automagically prepends and appends .*
May 01 22:58:15 <slakr>	then
May 01 22:58:22 <slakr>	\bcock
May 01 22:58:54 <geniice>	did I know that sprite uses artificial preservatives? no but I fail to see why this should be a bad thing
May 01 22:59:22 <BarkingFish>	slakr: it'd be for the Mediawiki:TitleBlacklist
May 01 23:00:05 <slakr>	so then if you're looking to just match titles like [[Cockadoodledoo]]
May 01 23:00:11 <slakr>	cock.*
May 01 23:00:36 <Mono>	Anyone good with JavaScript?
May 01 23:01:29 *	sonia (~sonara@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:04:54 *	matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away]
May 01 23:05:41 <Mono>	hey sonia
May 01 23:05:47 <sonia>	hola
May 01 23:09:10 *	ctjf83 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
May 01 23:10:58 <geniice>	hmmm
May 01 23:11:08 <Hedgehog456>	No public logging ===> Yes public private flogging
May 01 23:11:40 <Gfoley4> look like some old vandal to anyone?
May 01 23:11:46 <Gfoley4>	Brian_S ^
May 01 23:12:01 *	Zammy|Trans is now known as Zamorak
May 01 23:12:09 <sonia>	Gfoley4 is outing his own socks.
May 01 23:12:19 <Gfoley4>	o;
May 01 23:12:43 <Hedgehog456>	Naughty Gfoley4
May 01 23:12:58 <Hedgehog456>	You should keep your socks hidden!
May 01 23:13:15 <Gfoley4>	I don't like in Florida, fools
May 01 23:13:18 <sonia>	everyone knows allowing your socks to be visible is immodesty.
May 01 23:13:19 <MuZemike>	Socks?
May 01 23:13:19 <Gfoley4>	*live
May 01 23:13:23 <MuZemike>	Where?
May 01 23:13:23 <Hedgehog456>	I have thousands, but no-one ever finds out. :P
May 01 23:13:24 <sonia>	Gfoley4 needs to wear a burqa.
May 01 23:13:34 <Gfoley4>	MuZemike: it tripped a filter
May 01 23:13:55 <Gfoley4>	one of the ones that automatically report at AIV
May 01 23:14:45 *	Hedgehog456 swiftly covers Gfoley4's socks up
May 01 23:18:34 *	BarkingFish is now known as BRS-dogbathing
May 01 23:18:38 <Logan_>	Gfoley4: look at [[WP:AIV]] :P
May 01 23:18:53 *	BRS-dogbathing (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has left #wikipedia-en ("Outta here!")
May 01 23:18:54 <Gfoley4>	ha
May 01 23:19:03 <Peter-C>	Hedgehog456 - edit my post!
May 01 23:19:06 <Peter-C>	>:(
May 01 23:19:29 <Logan_>	Gfoley4: Thebossshit2 needs immediate indef. block
May 01 23:19:35 <Logan_>	posting obscene pictures in articles
May 01 23:19:51 <Hedgehog456>	Peter-C: It's really late in Britain
May 01 23:20:01 <Hedgehog456>	I feel like my head is going to fall off
May 01 23:20:22 <Hedgehog456>	But I'll see what I can do ;P
May 01 23:20:58 <Hedgehog456>	What post? ;O
May 01 23:21:07 <Peter-C>	Check your PM's
May 01 23:21:10 <sonia>	Hedgehog456: it's not /that/ late..
May 01 23:21:11 <Gfoley4>	Logan_: uh, ?
May 01 23:21:32 *	nn123645 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
May 01 23:21:57 <Logan_>	Gfoley4: posting affiliate links
May 01 23:22:01 <Logan_>	kinda obvious by the username
May 01 23:22:51 *	sonia loves wolframalpha
May 01 23:23:05 <Logan_>	same
May 01 23:23:24 *	Qcoder00 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox])
May 01 23:23:35 <geniice>	most honest game title ever
May 01 23:23:37 <geniice>
May 01 23:25:39 <MuZemike>	No, there's a better title out there (has to look for it)
May 01 23:26:00 <geniice>	BMX ninja ?
May 01 23:26:18 <MuZemike>	No, you are thinking of [[Ninja Golf]], but close
May 01 23:26:26 <MuZemike>!
May 01 23:26:35 <geniice>	BMX ninja was an actual game
May 01 23:26:43 <MuZemike>	So was Ninja Golf
May 01 23:27:05 *	geniice is trying to work out if [[Don't Buy This]] copyright disclaimer counts as a free license
May 01 23:27:13 *	mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:27:55 <MuZemike>	From the title alone?
May 01 23:28:59 <geniice>	 no from the statement in the manual "Firebird disowns all copyright on this product It may be coppied, lent, hired, or transmited at will"
May 01 23:29:53 <geniice>	or in full "Firebird disowns all copyright in this product. It may be copied, lent, hired or transmitted at will. If the programme is faulty please place sticky tape over the lug holes and use as a blank tape. This offer does not affect your statutory consumer rights."
May 01 23:30:24 <Sceptre>	I want to kick any Labour No campaigner in the balls
May 01 23:30:36 <Sceptre>	"derp herp broken promises"
May 01 23:30:41 <Hedgehog456>	Bye
May 01 23:30:44 *	Hedgehog456 has quit (Quit: *is destroyed by a falling piano*)
May 01 23:30:44 <Sceptre>	"Oh, this promise in our manifesto? Never mind it."
May 01 23:30:49 <Mono>	Someone ping me please.
May 01 23:31:02 <geniice>	Mono no
May 01 23:31:17 <MuZemike>	geniice: I would then take that as a "yes", unless they were truly being sarcastic.
May 01 23:31:25 <Mono>	Why not geniice ?
May 01 23:31:56 <MuZemike>	I should know, I come across mostly C64 and ZX Spectrum games in my [[Retro Gamer]] magazines.
May 01 23:32:03 <sonia>	Mono: didn't geniice ping you in the process of saying that?
May 01 23:32:15 <Mono>	yup ;)
May 01 23:32:17 <geniice>	MuZemike what the copyright thing? The problem I'm having with it is I'm not totaly sure who would hold the copyright. Firebird should do but there are issues
May 01 23:35:32 *	Mono is now known as MonoAV
May 01 23:35:41 *	MonoAV has quit (Changing host)
May 01 23:35:42 *	MonoAV (u1187@wikinews/MonoAV) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:36:56 *	MonoAV is now known as Mono
May 01 23:37:17 *	Mono has quit (Changing host)
May 01 23:37:17 *	Mono (u1187@wikimedia/mono) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:37:45 <Peter-C>	OMG LOOK CENSORED MATERIAL! -
May 01 23:37:47 <Peter-C>	CENSORED!
May 01 23:37:50 <Peter-C>	DON'T LOOK!
May 01 23:38:22 <PeterSymonds>	You're quite odd.
May 01 23:38:22 <PeterSymonds>	Anyhow, good night.
May 01 23:38:23 *	PeterSymonds has quit (Quit: Leaving)
May 01 23:38:42 <Peter-C>	o.o
May 01 23:39:42 <MuZemike>	If you don't agree with it, it's censorship.
May 01 23:40:12 <MuZemike>	Ayn Rand should be rolling in her grave because of that.
May 01 23:40:50 <MuZemike>	Teh Truth:
May 01 23:42:32 *	MuZemike has quit (Quit: It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!)
May 01 23:42:54 *	sonia murders Peter-C
May 01 23:43:21 <Peter-C>	I love you too sonia :)
May 01 23:43:50 <sonia>	I want to write a rebuttal of like every post you've made, heh
May 01 23:44:03 <Peter-C>	:D
May 01 23:44:04 <Peter-C>	DO IT :D
May 01 23:44:15 <Logan_>	!admin please immediately semi [[Dubstep]] for an onslaught of IP vandalism
May 01 23:44:15 *	sonia has better things to do :P
May 01 23:44:33 <sonia>	how is everyone making those little ◊ shapes?
May 01 23:44:55 <Mono>	Where, sonia ?
May 01 23:45:03 <Mono>	â—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ
May 01 23:45:03 <Mono>	—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Šâ—Š
May 01 23:45:05 <Logan_>	thanks Gfoley4
May 01 23:45:06 <Brian_S>	◊
May 01 23:45:07 <foks>	...
May 01 23:45:09 <Gfoley4>	Logan_: find the thread please
May 01 23:45:10 <Logan_>	Mono: ...
May 01 23:45:13 <Mono>	...
May 01 23:45:13 <Zamorak>	I guess copy pasting
May 01 23:45:26 <foks>	Also, they're called lozenges.
May 01 23:45:26 <sonia>	must be my  client then
May 01 23:45:30 <sonia>	Logan_: [22:44:15] Logan_ ◊ !admin please immediately semi [[Dubstep]] for an onslaught of IP vandalism
May 01 23:45:36 <sonia>	Mono: ^
May 01 23:45:43 <Gfoley4>	sonia: >:(
May 01 23:45:44 <Zamorak>	I think that's just your client
May 01 23:45:44 <Logan_>	sonia: you just repasted my admin flag :P
May 01 23:45:47 <Thehelpfulone>	sonia: don't repeat the post. :|
May 01 23:45:50 <Gfoley4>	you pinged ops again
May 01 23:45:51 <Thehelpfulone>	:P
May 01 23:45:53 <sonia>	I'm sorry :P
May 01 23:45:54 <Gfoley4>	*admins
May 01 23:45:58 *	mabdul has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
May 01 23:46:02 *	sonia trouts herself
May 01 23:46:26 <Myra>	Ayn Rand?
May 01 23:46:28 <Myra>	The eminent 20th-century Russian-American philosopher?
May 01 23:46:44 <Mono>	ops ≈ admins
May 01 23:47:49 *	sonia huggles Thehelpfulone
May 01 23:48:35 *	Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:48:53 <foks>	ops almost equal admins?
May 01 23:48:56 <foks>	huh
May 01 23:49:52 *	Fluff|away stumbles in
May 01 23:49:55 *	p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:49:57 <Mono>	foks can read!
May 01 23:50:30 <foks>	But they ... don't?
May 01 23:50:57 <Mono>	Hence my point.
May 01 23:51:56 <foks>	The point that was incorrect, right
May 01 23:52:23 <Mono>	The point /clearly/ was not pointy.
May 01 23:52:32 *	sonia trouts both foks and Mono
May 01 23:53:49 *	Fluff|away huggles sonia
May 01 23:54:02 *	sonia huggles the away-but-not Fluff|away
May 01 23:54:33 *	Fluff|away just woke up from a two-hour nap. Ironholds is still dead to the world. I think we've managed to finally run out of gas.
May 01 23:54:45 *	FAdmArcher|away (~StarFleet@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:54:54 <Sunderland06>	Fluff|away: Ironholds is still at yours?
May 01 23:55:00 <Peter-C>	Fluff|away - show IH this -
May 01 23:55:14 *	FAdmArcher|away is now known as FAdmArcher
May 01 23:55:18 <Fluff|away>	Sunderland06: he goes home tomorrow night
May 01 23:55:31 <Peter-C>	He'll have a heart attack and REALLY be dead :P
May 01 23:55:37 <Fluff|away>	Peter-C: yeah see if i want to wake him up, it's not going to be with something that makes him want to tear his hair out
May 01 23:56:09 <Peter-C>	You woke him up with your boobs, that must have scared the shit out of him
May 01 23:56:19 <Fluff|away>	...
May 01 23:56:28 <Fluff|away>	i don't believe i've woken him with my boobs at any point
May 01 23:56:42 <Peter-C>	But he said...
May 01 23:56:45 <Gfoley4>	o-o
May 01 23:56:47 <Prodego>	mrp, new topic
May 01 23:57:01 <Fluff|away>	heh
May 01 23:57:03 <Peter-C>	Good idea Prodego
May 01 23:57:09 <Peter-C>	Let's talk about how sexy I am!
May 01 23:57:09 *	BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
May 01 23:57:14 <Gfoley4>	no
May 01 23:57:16 <Peter-C>	BarkingFish agrees
May 01 23:57:18 <Fluff|away>	no
May 01 23:57:25 <Peter-C>	BarkingFish say yes
May 01 23:57:25 <Gfoley4>	there is nothing to talk about then
May 01 23:57:33 <Gfoley4>	because you aren't sexy :P
May 01 23:57:41 <Peter-C>	I am sexier than you fool
May 01 23:57:41 <BarkingFish>	Peter-C: What am I agreeing to?
May 01 23:57:49 <Peter-C>	To how sexy I am! :D
May 01 23:57:49 <sonia>	BarkingFish: that Peter is sexy, evidently
May 01 23:57:57 <BarkingFish>	...
May 01 23:58:07 <Peter-C>	^ not a no
May 01 23:58:24 <BarkingFish>	it's a "why the fuck am I being asked to comment on this"?
May 01 23:58:40 <Peter-C>	Because if you say yes I give you 5$'s
May 01 23:58:42 <Peter-C>	and a cookie
May 01 23:58:47 <Peter-C>	And Fluff|away
May 01 23:58:50 <sonia>	...
May 01 23:59:13 <BarkingFish>	bribery from a minor, to confirm they're sexy, when I'm 22 years older and gay....
May 01 23:59:22 <BarkingFish>	no fucking chance
May 01 23:59:34 <Peter-C>	haha
May 01 23:59:34 *	Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en