
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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Session Start: Tue Dec 27 12:30:13 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[12:30] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[12:30] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[12:30] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[12:30] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[12:30] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
[12:30] <tommorris> or rather an email about the survey
�08[12:31] <derp> Peter-C <3
[12:31] <Peter-C> derp <3
[12:31] <lucasoutloud> <3
�08[12:31] <derp> guess where i am now
�08[12:31] <derp> lucasoutloud <3
[12:31] <Peter-C> >:(
[12:31] <lucasoutloud> derp: Not in huggle coding land?
�06[12:31] * Peter-C tosses lucasoutloud off a roof
[12:31] <Peter-C> derp - outside my house?
�06[12:31] * lucasoutloud falls
�06[12:32] * Peter-C waves his fist
[12:32] <Peter-C> I need another desk damnit
�08[12:32] <derp> Peter-C, Fredericksburg, VA.
[12:32] <Ironholds> tommorris, indeedy
�03[12:34] * mabdul (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:34] * tommorris found a new rule of practical rationality today: every problem can be solved with superglue.
�08[12:34] <derp> wendy's = bad food
[12:34] <Ironholds> tommorris, engineers discovered this years ago with the duct tape/WD40 dichotomy
�03[12:35] * TB|Away is now known as TBloemink
[12:35] <tommorris> Ironholds: nah, superglue > duct tape. I mean, think of the things you could do with a particularly large bottle of superglue and Anne Widdecombe's anus.
[12:35] <Peter-C> derp - not in NJ D:
[12:36] <tommorris> as I said, you can solve everything with superglue. you just need to find whoever is responsible and find a nice stable flat surface near them.
�03[12:37] * LL2|Android ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[12:37] * LL2|Android ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[12:37] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[12:37] <derp> Peter-C, i slept a good night in cherry hill, spotted 3-4 lot lizards in the rest area :P
[12:38] <Peter-C> lot lizzards?
�15[12:40] * abartov (~abartov@wikimedia/Ijon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�15[12:43] * bobrayner (5c17c41e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[12:43] <CydeWeys> Peter-C: Truck driver service technicians
[12:43] <Peter-C> I see
�06[12:43] * Peter-C eats Ironholds
[12:43] <CydeWeys> Note that they're servicing the truck drivers, not the trucks
�03[12:43] * mabdul is now known as mabdul|afk
[12:44] <Peter-C> D:
�03[12:44] * notola ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:45] <Peter-C> Contagin! <3
[12:45] <Peter-C> So far this seems interesting :3
[12:46] <Peter-C> WTF, 3 paramedics on an ambulance!?
[12:46] <Peter-C> That will be the day...
�03[12:48] * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[12:48] * Qcoder00 is now known as Guest80783
�06[12:48] * Peter-C glomps Qcoder00 in panic
�03[12:49] * Guest80783 is now known as Qcoder00
�15[12:49] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[12:49] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[12:49] * mabdul|afk (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�15[12:50] * Daganoweda (~Daganowed@unaffiliated/bashaba) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�15[12:52] * Resfirestar (sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[12:53] <lucasoutloud> Who wants to see something funny?
[12:53] <Qcoder00> iPhoneee:   If you need translation assistance , why not ask directly?
[12:53] <Qcoder00> lucasoutloud:  Work safe?
[12:53] <lucasoutloud> Qcoder00: Of course!
[12:53] <Peter-C> someone ping me if they see TParis :3
[12:53] <iPhoneee> Cause nobody will answer me .
[12:53] <[Addihockey]> Peter-C: Ping
[12:53] <[Addihockey]> I saw his name on your chatline :-D
�06[12:53] * Peter-C kicks [Addihockey] in the balls
[12:54] <Qcoder00> Anyone in here  good in English and Francais?
[12:54] <iPhoneee> And Peter C , you could at least told me that you don't want to help me
[12:54] <[Addihockey]> Qcoder00: Moi
[12:54] <Qcoder00> iPhoneee needs some assistance on an essay
[12:54] <lucasoutloud> Qcoder00:
[12:54] <[Addihockey]> iPhoneee: Voulez-vous d'aide?
�08[12:54] -> *[Addihockey]* he's a regular, he needs help in translation, kind of annoying :P
�03[12:54] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[12:54] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[12:54] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:54] <Peter-C> I hope Matt Damon doesn't have his figure runined in Contagian D:
�08[12:55] <derp> time for me to go <3
[12:55] <iPhoneee> I've written an english essay , and i know that i've done some mistakes , i just want you to find my mistakes and explain me why i'm wrong
Session Close: Tue Dec 27 12:55:05 2011

Session Start: Tue Dec 27 12:55:05 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[12:55] SpamTunes stopped.
�11[12:55] * Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Dec 27 12:55:06 2011

Session Start: Tue Dec 27 13:03:58 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[13:03] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[13:03] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[13:03] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[13:03] #wikipedia-en url is
�15[13:03] * Eucliwood (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?�)
[13:04] <Peter-C> EWWW
�15[13:04] * bep (~britishen@reddit/operator/bep) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:04] <Peter-C> EWWW
[13:04] <Pesky> Don't teach your (or anyone else's) grandmother to suck eggs!
[13:04] <Qcoder00> Pesky :  XD
[13:05] <Qcoder00> Peter-C: Why?
[13:05] <Qcoder00> And what do you have against that?
[13:05] <Peter-C> I said I might join the Air Force
[13:05] <Peter-C> And now he is trying to get me to be in the Coast Guard
[13:05] <Qcoder00> Peter-C:  You do know most of the people in the Air Force are not airborne
[13:05] <Peter-C> Which is the WORST military branch
[13:05] <Ironholds> Qcoder00, with semtext
[13:05] <Ironholds> *semtex
[13:06] <Peter-C> I know Qcoder00 :P
[13:06] <Qcoder00> Ironholds: ??
�03[13:06] * zscout370 (Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:06] <jubo2> Qcoder00: eggs.. poached eggs is great... boil water, mix 3/4dl  clear booze vinegar ( the vinegar helps the egg stay together ) then pick up and serve with the yolk still liquid mmm
[13:06] <Ironholds> Qcoder00, blowing eggs.
[13:06] <jubo2> oh yeah.. forgot to mention the "crack egg open" and "drop into water-vinegar solution" ..
[13:06] <Qcoder00> AH OK
[13:07] <Peter-C> I am thinking going in as an enlisted as an part of the emergency management personal, then move up into the officer area after college
[13:07] <[Addihockey]> Pesky: You got taught how to suck eggs?
[13:07] <Qcoder00> Addihockey : Pesky was responding to a joke I made ;)
[13:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C wow
[13:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you will guard... the coast
[13:09] <Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  Do you have any notion of what the US Coastguard do?
[13:09] <Peter-C> Yea... exciting huh?
[13:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> So... if you get promoted, will you become an ocean guard?
[13:09] <[Addihockey]> Qcoder00: Peter-C is a canada, no?
[13:09] <Peter-C> trololol
[13:09] <Peter-C> WAIT WHAT
[13:09] <Peter-C> Ew
[13:09] <Peter-C> American
[13:09] <iPhoneee> "keep to the straight and narrow" is it an english expression ?
[13:09] <[Addihockey]> Peter-C: LOL fatass.
�15[13:09] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )�)
[13:10] <Peter-C> :(
[13:10] <jubo2> Supreme Commander Commiemist Comrade Un And The Cheeze Fondue Question or SCCCUATCFQ ...
[13:10] <Qcoder00> iPhoneee:  Yes
[13:10] <iPhoneee> Ok , is it correct : This kind of friend will always defend you and will help you to keep to the straight and narrow .
[13:10] <jubo2> hehehe.. "Supreme Commander" was what I saw translated as his latest but surely not the last of his titles to come
[13:10] <Ironholds> iPhoneee, will help you keep, not will help you to keep
[13:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Supreme Commander of Pizza hut
[13:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that is what supreme pizza is right?
[13:11] <iPhoneee> Ok thanks Iron ! "Lucasoutloud" said me that "Keep to the straight and narrow" wasn't an english expression ...
�03[13:11] * Qcoder00_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[13:11] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[13:12] * Qcoder00_ is now known as Qcoder00
�15[13:12] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[13:12] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:12] <Ironholds> iPhoneee, it definitely is :)
[13:12] <iPhoneee> ok :)
[13:12] <Ironholds> I wandered off the straight and narrow quite happily a while back and am now in dense shrubland
[13:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C so what do you want?
[13:12] <Peter-C> ToAruShiroiNeko - Air Force!
�03[13:12] * bep (~britishen@reddit/operator/bep) has joined #wikipedia-en
Session Close: Tue Dec 27 13:12:55 2011

Session Start: Tue Dec 27 13:12:55 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[13:12] SpamTunes stopped.
�11[13:12] * Disconnected
[13:12] SpamTunes stopped.
Session Close: Tue Dec 27 13:12:55 2011

Session Start: Tue Dec 27 17:08:47 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[17:08] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[17:08] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[17:08] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[17:08] #wikipedia-en url is
[17:08] <Steven_Zhang> played FFX? :P
[17:08] <lucasoutloud> Pesky: Drah dnyhcmyda drec, oui bacgo tilg.
[17:08] <Pesky> Nope, never
[17:09] <[Addihockey]> Steven_Zhang: Is a noob
[17:09] <[Addihockey]> omg it's TheCavalry
[17:09] <Steven_Zhang> lucasoutloud: thats not very nice :P
[17:09] <lucasoutloud> Steven_Zhang: Huf E ihtancdyht.
[17:09] <Pesky> But I have *invented* codes and wossname languages
�03[17:09] * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:09] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:09] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:09] <Qcoder00> Pesky: Evening
[17:09] <Pesky> Don;t post too fast - I'm using eyes and brain, not translator!
[17:09] <Qcoder00> How is your neck?
[17:10] <SigmaWP> LL2|JedIRC: Poke
[17:11] <geniice> Pesky adfgvx is a pain to break and trivial to encyrpt manualy
[17:12] <Pesky> hehe
�15[17:12] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[17:12] <Pesky> Qcoder00:  neck is as usual
�15[17:12] * Guest57736 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�15[17:12] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[17:12] <Pesky> Evil tingles, pins and needles, cattle-prod electric shocks, all down arm, shoulders, part of hand, bits of back
[17:13] <Pesky> Losing motor function in lats, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi, parts of trapezius
[17:13] <Pesky> Ane neuropathic pain intermittelntly in head/scalp etc.
[17:13] <Qcoder00> You've made an appointment?
�08[17:13] <derp> Steven_Zhang <3
[17:13] <Pesky> Neuro pain is much like Trigeminal neuralgia, just slightly diffferent places
[17:14] <Pesky> Hoping to have surgery before end of January; scans (CT and MRI) all done
�08[17:14] * derp hugs Pesky all the way from Wilson, NC
�06[17:14] * Pesky megahuggles derp
�15[17:15] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�08[17:15] <derp> we're like a hour and a half in front of our planned itinerary
[17:15] <Pesky> With the neck thing, it's the constant fewar that's worse than the pain and weakness
[17:15] <SigmaWP> Bye
�15[17:15] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�)
[17:15] <Pesky> fear, not fewar
�03[17:15] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:15] <Steven_Zhang> Pesky: you didnt figure it out
�08[17:15] * derp is comfily warm in his snuggie
[17:15] <Pesky> I got distracted!
[17:15] <Qcoder00> Pesky: I once met someone with 'pain' issues that had a novel remedy, but I am not sure I can explain what it was on this channel
[17:15] <Pesky> Gimme time ….
[17:16] <Pesky> Pot works.  Haven';t used it in years, but the poeple saying it should be prescrubable for pain relief are dead right
�03[17:16] * Jayflux1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:16] * Psychid45 (18fd6dab@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:16] <Qcoder00> The person I met did not use drugs...
�08[17:17] * derp gives everyone pot.
�03[17:17] * Psychid45 is now known as MickWithoutGlass
�06[17:17] * lucasoutloud whips out the skull bong.
[17:17] <MickWithoutGlass> This is my schedule:
�08[17:17] * derp whips out the hookah
[17:17] <MickWithoutGlass> 1st - Computer Literacy - Mrs. McNabb - 132
[17:17] <MickWithoutGlass> 2nd - Reading - Ms. Austin - 331
[17:17] <Qcoder00> Pesky: Have you come across the use of  pain targetting as a means of masking out pain elsewhere?
[17:17] <Steven_Zhang> jeez
[17:18] <MickWithoutGlass> 3rd - Advanced Math - Mr. Christian - 334
�03[17:18] * MJ94 is now known as joinnookay
�03[17:18] * joinnookay is now known as MJ94
[17:18] <Pesky> Oh, distraction-pain type stuff?
[17:18] <MickWithoutGlass> 4th - Beginning Choir (my elective) - Miss Houchens - 601
[17:18] <Qcoder00> Pesky: Yes
[17:18] <MickWithoutGlass> 5th - Science - Mr. Mihelcic - 125
�15[17:18] * Resfirestar_ (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[17:18] <MickWithoutGlass> 6th - Advanced English - Mrs. Matthews - 339
[17:18] <Pesky> I find really deeep visualisation techniques have worked better on other people, when I've been on the FirstAider wossname
[17:19] <Steven_Zhang> Pesky: fail
�03[17:19] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:19] <Qcoder00> I'd prefer not to discuss why I know about 'distraction' pain...
�08[17:19] * derp gives Pesky lots of blankets
[17:19] <Qcoder00> .. but for the person I met it worked ...
�15[17:19] * Jayflux ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[17:19] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:20] <Pesky> hehehehe … the mind boggles!
[17:20] <Qcoder00> Pesky: Different area entirly, but I tend not to use drugs on my migranes unless I do actually want to throw up...
[17:20] <Qcoder00> .. My migranes tend to be a bit trippy, so I try to use trip managment tactics
�15[17:21] * Jayflux1 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[17:21] * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:21] <Qcoder00> Which is usally to find a nice quiet stretch of carpet and let it progress
[17:21] <Qcoder00> One of my relatives got a Culpepper Herbal book for Xmas this year...
[17:25] <Pesky> Steven_Zhang:  naughty lucasoutloud said "Then translate this, you pesky *uck"
[17:25] <lucasoutloud> I hit d, not f ;_;
[17:25] <Steven_Zhang> duck
[17:25] <Pesky> hehehe
[17:25] <Pesky> * is a wildcard?
[17:26] <PiRSquared17> in Unix
[17:26] <Qcoder00> And in Windows
�15[17:26] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
[17:26] <PiRSquared17> And on IRC
[17:26] <MickWithoutGlass>
[17:26] <Qcoder00> Although I think RISC OS uses something else
[17:27] <Pesky> Qcoder00:  pure essential lavender oil is excellent for migraine; couple of drops on fingertips, stroke around temple area and nape of neck
[17:27] <Qcoder00> Hmm
�15[17:27] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) Quit (Quit: Bye all�)
�06[17:27] * Qcoder00 ponders if Wikibooks should have a 'herbal' remedy book
[17:28] <Qcoder00> (The disclaimer about medical advice noted..)
[17:28] <Qcoder00> And some herbal remedies CAN be powerful...
[17:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pesky thank ytou for the copy edit again
[17:28] <Pesky> No probs, it wasn't much more than a bit of trweaking around
[17:29] <Pesky> Feverfew is probably one of the best for migraine
[17:29] <[Addihockey]> Steven_Zhang: Hawkward
�03[17:30] * Vito (~Vito@unaffiliated/vito) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:31] * MickWithoutGlass (18fd6dab@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
�03[17:32] * MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:34] <Pesky> Steven_Zhang:  a-e;b-p;c-s;d-t;e-i;f-*;g-k;h-n;i-*;j-v?;k-?;l-c;m-?;n-r;o-y;p-b;
[17:34] <Pesky> q-*; r-h;s-m;t-d;u-o;v-?;w-?;x-?;y-a;z-?
[17:34] <Pesky> gimme a few more sentences and I'd have it all
[17:35] <Steven_Zhang> well, to help you
[17:35] <Qcoder00> Pesky; True, but from reading the article, it's not without side effects...   Just because something is herbal doesn't make it 'safe'  XD
[17:35] <Steven_Zhang> cunno = sorry
[17:35] <Pesky> True
[17:35] <Pesky> I think I had those
[17:35] <Qcoder00> I've had people claim quite seriously that herbal remedies can't kill you...
[17:35] <Qcoder00> .. They are of course WRONG...
Session Close: Tue Dec 27 17:35:53 2011

Session Start: Tue Dec 27 17:35:53 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�11[17:35] * Disconnected
Session Close: Tue Dec 27 17:35:54 2011

Session Start: Tue Dec 27 20:25:49 2011
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[20:25] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[20:25] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[20:25] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[20:25] <lucasoutloud> Also, does the caption look off to anyone else?
[20:25] #wikipedia-en url is
�08[20:26] <derp> LOL
[20:26] <lucasoutloud> What?
�15[20:26] * harej (~harej@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�08[20:26] <derp> That's not Gargamel
�08[20:26] <derp> :P
�03[20:26] * harej ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:26] * harej ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:26] * harej (~harej@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:26] <lucasoutloud> I know, but it should have been reverted and it did not work.
[20:27] <kylu> it's reverted now
[20:27] <lucasoutloud> kylu: I refreshed and cleared my cache but I still see it.
�08[20:27] * derp is spending the night in Dillon, SC
�03[20:28] * LL2|Android ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:28] * LL2|Android ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:28] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:28] * PiRSquared17|AFK is now known as PiRSquared17
�03[20:29] * LL2|Android is now known as LL2|Android|Away
�08[20:31] <derp> hey harej
�03[20:31] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:32] * Eagles247 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:35] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
�15[20:36] * Eagles247 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�15[20:39] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�15[20:39] * foomandoonian ( Quit (Quit: foomandoonian�)
�15[20:40] * harej (~harej@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[20:41] <geniice> lucasoutloud click edit on the page in question
�03[20:41] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:42] <geniice> lucasoutloud then edit the URL to replace "edit" with "purge". Then hit enter
[20:42] <lucasoutloud> geniice: You're late to the game, it's been fixed.
�03[20:42] * Eagles247 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:43] * Eucliwood (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:44] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) Quit (Quit: mys_721tx�)
�03[20:44] * Eagles247_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:44] Clones detected from wikipedia/Eagles247:�8 Eagles247 Eagles247_
�15[20:46] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�15[20:48] * Eagles247_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�08[20:49] <derp> i request Peter-C
[20:51] <Peter-C> gtfo
�03[20:51] * Night_o_Big_Wind ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:51] <lucasoutloud> lol
�03[20:51] * sonia (~sonia@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:52] * Jayflux1 ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
�06[20:52] * sonia hugs a kylu.
[20:52] <Night_o_Big_Wind> evening!
[20:52] <kylu> myah. :D
�06[20:52] * kylu snuzzle.
[20:53] <Night_o_Big_Wind> Any oversighter present?
�03[20:53] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[20:53] <Steven_Zhang> ohai sonia
[20:53] <sonia> ohai
[20:53] <Night_o_Big_Wind> Or anyone else who can remove diffs?
[20:53] <Steven_Zhang> Fluff|away is
�03[20:53] * Tristess1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:53] <Steven_Zhang> howdy Tristessa
[20:53] <Thorncrag> Promise me son not to do the things I've done, walk away from trouble if you can
�15[20:53] * Tristessa (~tristessa@wikimedia/tristessa-de-st-ange) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[20:54] * Tristess1 is now known as Tristessa
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�03[20:54] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
[20:54] <Night_o_Big_Wind> Hmmm, how far away will Fluffernutter be...
�03[20:55] * Eagles247 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:56] <Night_o_Big_Wind> An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained. Mahatma Gandhi, Young India 1924-1926 (1927), p. 1285
[20:56] <TParis> uhh
[20:56] <TParis> Well hi
[20:57] <TParis> I dont know if you noticed, but it seems you put your password into #wp-en earlier...
�03[20:57] * samwesly_007 (~samwesly_@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:57] <TParis> So you might want to change that
�03[20:57] * Anturiaethwr ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:57] * derp hugs sonia
[20:57] <geniice> Night_o_Big_Wind ah were is so easy
[20:57] <Night_o_Big_Wind> yep, had some trouble logging in. How can I change that?
�03[20:58] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:58] <TParis> You'd have to /msg nickserv help
[20:58] <TParis> I'm sure you could find it in there
[20:58] <PiRSquared17> Yes
[20:59] <Night_o_Big_Wind> Okay, I'll try that
�03[20:59] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:00] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:00] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) Quit (Excess Flood�)
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�15[21:00] * Anturiaethwr ( Quit (Client Quit�)
�15[21:01] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[21:01] <TParis> Night_o: I hope that isnt the same p/w you use on Wikipedia.  You might want to change it on there too if it is.
�15[21:01] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
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�15[21:02] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[21:02] * Reedy (~Reedy@wikimedia/ has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:04] <Night_o_Big_Wind> I should be okay now
[21:04] <Night_o_Big_Wind> but of a stupid action :-)
�03[21:04] * slon02 (6272adaf@wikipedia/slon02) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:05] * Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
�03[21:05] * Fluttershy-ENG ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:05] * SMasters (~SMasters@wikipedia/SMasters) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:05] <TParis> Well just looking out for ya ;)
[21:08] <Steven_Zhang> anyone know any good tools on the toolserv to get edit stats from the hist of a page
�15[21:08] * Lubaf ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[21:14] <geniice>
[21:14] <lucasoutloud> Steven_Zhang: #trivia time?
[21:15] <sonia> wtf
[21:15] <sonia> so my browser randomly logged me out
[21:15] <sonia> not only mid-session, but mid-executing edits via a script
[21:15] <sonia> so I reviewed a submission using a logged-in js while logged out
[21:15] <lucasoutloud> sonia: Your browser is a botnet.
[21:16] <TParis> Your face is a botnet!  Oh BURN!
[21:16] <TParis> Just kidding ;)
[21:16] <Pilif12p> YOUR MOM IS A BOTNET
[21:16] <TParis> OH SNAP!
[21:16] <lucasoutloud> Aw shit, I got dissed.
�15[21:16] * samwesly_007 (~samwesly_@ Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[21:17] <lucasoutloud> TParis: Feel like having fun?
[21:18] <TParis> What kind of fun?
[21:18] <lucasoutloud> #trivia fun.
�03[21:19] * SigmaWP ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[21:24] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�15[21:24] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[21:24] <TParis> no
�03[21:24] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:24] * Thorncrag (~Thorncrag@wikimedia/Thorncrag) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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�15[21:28] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[21:32] <Fluttershy-ENG> FUCK!
[21:32] <Pilif12p> ?
[21:32] <Fluttershy-ENG> opps, wrong chat
[21:33] <kylu> so, not an offer? gotcha.
�03[21:33] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:33] <Thorncrag> Glad that got cleared up.
[21:34] <Fluttershy-ENG> This is the worst advertisement I have saw on Wikipedia.
�03[21:34] * Eagles247 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:34] <Fluttershy-ENG> I'm loving how they use the Windows 3.1 logo to show that this software supports Windows.
[21:34] <SigmaWP> Eagles247: Hello
[21:35] <SigmaWP> Fluttershy-ENG: Advertisements don't belong on Wikipedia.
[21:35] <TParis> No, they don't ;)
�06[21:35] * SigmaWP whistles the trololol song inconspicuously
�03[21:36] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:37] <SigmaWP> Ks0stm: Hi.
[21:37] <SigmaWP> Ugh.
�15[21:38] * Eucliwood (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?�)
[21:38] <SigmaWP> Ah.
�15[21:38] * Eagles247 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Eagles247) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[21:38] <TParis> You're very expressive when no one is talking to you.
�03[21:39] * MBisanz (MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:39] <SigmaWP> Heh.
�15[21:39] * scream (~jon@wikipedia/NonvocalScream) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[21:39] <Steven_Zhang> everyone
[21:39] <Steven_Zhang> #wolfgame
[21:39] <Steven_Zhang> :D
[21:39] <SigmaWP> Is it possible to mark a bot edit for a non-bot account?
[21:39] <Steven_Zhang> no
[21:39] <Steven_Zhang> unless you're a sysop
�03[21:39] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:40] <SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: You're sure.
[21:40] <SigmaWP> It's technically imposible?
[21:40] <Steven_Zhang> yeah
[21:40] <SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: #trivia
[21:40] <Prodego> some wikis have the flood flag for that
[21:40] <Prodego> but if not, sysops can mark rollbacks as bot edits, and that is it
�03[21:41] * Jonadin ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[21:45] <SigmaWP> Prodego: But on Wikipedia, it's impossible to mark an edit as bot if you aren't bot or sysop?
[21:45] <Prodego> it is impossible if you are a sysop too
[21:45] <SigmaWP> Even if you use the API?
[21:45] <Steven_Zhang> eh
[21:46] <Betacommand> SigmaWP: correct
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Session Close: Tue Dec 27 21:50:24 2011