
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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Session Start: Thu Jan 12 18:29:14 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[18:29] * derp (~omg@wikimedia/Zalgo) also in #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #wikimania #wiki #ubuntu #tasvideos #Reddit #mediawiki #gaygeeks-asl #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing ##politics ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf ##cremepuff222 has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:29] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[18:29] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[18:29] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[18:29] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
�03[18:29] * techman224 (~textual@Wikimedia/Techman224) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:30] * shimgray (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) Quit (Quit: bed�)
�15[18:31] * foomandoonian ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[18:31] <log> Sp33dyphil: A photo.
�08[18:31] <derp> a photo is 1000 words.
�03[18:32] * foomandoonian ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:32] <Sp33dyphil> log: no, the sign itself. TParis just told me to write "Terminator 2 in 3D sign in front of the entrance to the Universal Studies in Florida." as an alt text
[18:32] <log> That seems fine.
�08[18:34] * derp hugs log
�06[18:34] * log hugs derp.
�08[18:34] * derp hugs log.
[18:34] <log> o_O
�08[18:35] <derp> ta da!
Session Close: Thu Jan 12 18:35:51 2012

Session Start: Thu Jan 12 18:35:51 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[18:35] SpamTunes stopped.
�11[18:35] * Disconnected
[18:35] SpamTunes stopped.
Session Close: Thu Jan 12 18:35:52 2012

Session Start: Thu Jan 12 18:37:11 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[18:37] * derp (~omg@wikimedia/Zalgo) also in #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #wikimania #wiki #ubuntu #tasvideos #Reddit #mediawiki #gaygeeks-asl #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing ##politics ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf ##cremepuff222 has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:37] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[18:37] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[18:37] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[18:37] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
�15[18:41] * foomandoonian ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons #defocus Quit (Quit: foomandoonian)
�03[18:42] * Theo10011_ (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) also in #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:42] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
�03[18:42] * Theo10011_ is now known as Theo10011
�15[18:42] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia #defocus Quit (Disconnected by services)
�15[18:43] * Astatine (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #wikimania #mediawiki #freenode Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
�15[18:46] * harej (~harej@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�03[18:49] * dungodung is now known as dungodung|away
�03[18:49] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:50] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Client Quit�)
�15[18:50] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)

Session Start: Thu Jan 12 18:52:59 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[18:52] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[18:52] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[18:52] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[18:53] #wikipedia-en url is
�15[18:53] * StevenW (~stevenwal@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Quit: StevenW�)
�15[18:53] * bribroder (~bribroder@unaffiliated/bribroder) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[18:54] <Theo10011> James_F: hi
[18:54] <James_F> Hey.
�15[18:54] * Thogo (Thogo@wikimedia/Thogo) Quit (Quit: Tleemu aa xáy!�)
�15[18:54] * Excirial (~Excirial@wikipedia/Excirial) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�)
[18:54] <Theo10011> You do realize I have a name? ;)
[18:54] <Theo10011> I was referring to the jury announcement.
[18:54] <James_F> Oh, yeah.
�03[18:54] * JeffAndroIrcAFK is now known as Jeff_G
[18:55] <James_F> But you don't set it in your e-mail client, so I left it as it was in case you prefer that.
[18:55] <Theo10011> Harej said I am the only username on the jury.
[18:55] <Theo10011> Thanks for including me BTW.
[18:55] <Theo10011> And for taking the lead on this.
[18:56] <James_F> Sure.
[18:56] <James_F> You can edit the announcement page, you know. :-)
[18:56] <Theo10011> I shall do so, thanks. :)
�06[18:56] * Fluffernutter edits Theo10011
�15[18:56] * Sp33dyphil (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�)
[18:56] <Theo10011> There are a lot of bids that need to be checked this year.
�03[18:56] * Astatine (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:56] <James_F> Indeed.
�03[18:57] * Ceradon is now known as ceradon
[18:57] <James_F> We'll see.
[18:57] <Theo10011> which is a good thing.
�06[18:57] * James_F heads to bed.
�08[18:57] <derp> Fluffernutter, tell me darling, it is snowing in ur area?
[18:57] <Theo10011> Good night sir James_F
[18:57] <Fluffernutter> no, rain
�08[18:57] <derp> yay
�08[18:57] <derp> snowstorm here :D
�03[18:57] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
�15[18:58] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) Quit (Quit: ~~~~�)
�03[18:59] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:02] * funnyfarm299 (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:02] <funnyfarm299> Grrr, I got sent to overflow for a moment...
�03[19:03] * Jeff_G is now known as JeffPhoneAFK
[19:03] <Fluffernutter> oh right
�03[19:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�03[19:03] * Fluffernutter sets mode: -r
�03[19:03] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
[19:04] <Snowolf> lol
[19:04] <Snowolf> Completely forgot
[19:04] <Snowolf> sorry
[19:04] <TParis> Overflow?  Oh noez
�15[19:05] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) Quit (Quit: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia�)
�03[19:06] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:06] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
�08[19:06] <derp> What happened? 
�06[19:07] * Peter-C pets Snowolf and runs away
�03[19:07] * Addihockey10 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:07] * Addihockey10 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:07] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:08] <tjf> derp, that was from several days ago
�08[19:08] <derp> gah
�08[19:08] <derp> lol
�15[19:08] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[19:08] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:08] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:08] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:08] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:08] <Snowolf> No it was from earlier today
[19:08] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare enters, beria leaves
[19:08] <Ironholds> today's signpost exclusive: GorillaWarfare and Beria, ARE THEY THE SAME PERSON?
�03[19:08] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:09] <Fluffernutter> all girls on wikipedia are the same person. Which is to say, male cops
[19:09] <GorillaWarfare> How suspicious
[19:09] <Snowolf> Ironholds: hmm hmm
[19:09] <GorillaWarfare> Almost as suspicious as the GorillaWarfare/Guerillero/NuclearWarfare combo
�03[19:09] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:09] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: that'll be tomorrow's exclusive
�15[19:10] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[19:10] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:10] <tommorris> nah, Signpost is going tabloid: "Hot Wikiversity Co-Eds!"
[19:11] <Fluffernutter> blech
[19:12] <tommorris> it's Wikiversity Spring Break: all the banned users have been temporarily blocked, so the regulars go down to Miami to enjoy sun, sea and trolling, but are disappointed when no females attend.
[19:12] <Ironholds> tommorris:
[19:12] <Fluffernutter> yay, have finally managed to import my recipe collection onto this computer
[19:12] <tjf> Ironholds, So, WP is blacking out on the 18th?
[19:12] <Ironholds> tjf: I wouldn't know
�03[19:13] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:13] <tjf> oh
[19:13] <Fluffernutter> i don't think any consensus was reached, was it?
[19:13] <tommorris> Fluffernutter: no, it's Wikipedia we are talking about.
[19:14] <AMadman> Consensus hasn't been reached.
�08[19:14] <derp> Consensus is never reached on Wikipedia.
[19:14] <Fluffernutter> exacly
[19:15] <tommorris> "We have an iceberg ahead, captain."
[19:15] <AMadman> It seems to me it's going to end up being Jimbo making the decision and based on his comments and the things people do agree on, it's likely to be a partial blanking (you can click through), and possibly geographically-based.
[19:15] <tommorris> "Quick, prepare a RfC!"
[19:16] <tommorris> "We must implement a trial of iceberg avoidance and seek consensus on whether or not it would be appropriate to ask the developers to consider allowing limited test of lifeboat procedure. We need full statistical analysis of the expected results of the iceberg before the community can make an informed decision."
�06[19:16] * Fluffernutter marries tommorris
[19:17] <funnyfarm299> wikimarriages? Does that mean the community can participate?
[19:17] <BarkingFish> 0.0
[19:17] <tommorris> * '''Oppose''' The iceberg was concocted on IRC by secretive rogue admins. There is no iceberg.
[19:17] <funnyfarm299> I have a question. A userfied page is showing up in the new pages, can that be fixed?
�03[19:18] * jorm_ (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:18] <Fluffernutter> gawd i have suich a headache
�03[19:19] * raindrift ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:19] * raindrift ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:19] * raindrift (se9zJQf7JC@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:19] <BarkingFish> staring at a monitor and text buzzing past your eyes isn't likely to help, Fluffernutter :)
[19:19] <BarkingFish> Go get some rest
[19:19] <SpeakFree> That's the fatal flaw of Wiki(m/p)edia, the inability to make snap decisions when they are necessary
[19:20] <Fluffernutter> no, it's the rain - barometric changes fuck with my brainspace
[19:20] <SpeakFree> consensus usually means the status quo is continued.
[19:20] <BarkingFish> SpeakFree: We can make snap decisions. The trouble is there are filibusters out there who get all pissy when we DO make snap decisions
[19:20] <BarkingFish> and wind up getting them undone
[19:21] <SpeakFree> Yup you have those people who love to be contrarians.
[19:21] <BarkingFish> even without knowing it, SpeakFree
[19:22] <BarkingFish> I'm one. If I agree with something, everyone else will likely go against it.  If I hate it, everyone else will love it and it will get implemented in no time flat :)
�15[19:22] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
�03[19:22] * jorm_ is now known as jorm
�15[19:22] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[19:23] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:23] <AMadman> funnyfarm299: <s>rogue admins</s> rouge admins <-- FTFY.
[19:24] <funnyfarm299> AMadman, I think you tagged the wrong person.
�03[19:24] * Snowolf (snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[19:24] * Snowolf (snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:24] <SpeakFree> Consensus on Wikipedia is like that scene in Monty Python Life of Brian where the Judean Peoples Front endlessly debates on what to do.
[19:25] <Fluffernutter> SPLITTER
[19:27] <SpeakFree> or was it the Popular Front for the Liberation of Judea? ;)
�03[19:28] * waylandsmith (~waylandsm@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:29] <AMadman> funnyfarm299: You were saying something about IRC rogue admins, I thought. Eh, nvm.
�15[19:31] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�15[19:31] * Barras (~Barras@wikimedia/barras) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�15[19:32] * causasui (40acad8a@wikipedia/causa-sui) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
�15[19:33] * Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[19:33] <funnyfarm299> why do people think WP will do their homework?
Session Close: Thu Jan 12 19:34:56 2012

Session Start: Thu Jan 12 19:34:56 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�11[19:34] * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Jan 12 19:34:57 2012

Session Start: Thu Jan 12 19:38:15 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[19:38] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[19:38] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[19:38] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[19:38] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[19:38] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
[19:38] <BarkingFish> snap
[19:39] <Fluffernutter> aw, wikilove is nice
[19:39] <BarkingFish> I did the same. Wikilove is a waste of time, you know instinctively that if there were any wikilove whatsoever, ANI would be fucking empty :)
[19:40] <tjf> my dog is such a hero
[19:40] <tjf> i put my hood up
[19:40] <tjf> she jumped up and pushed it off
[19:40] <SpeakFree> pffrt at least it isn't so bad as on the Dutch Wikipedia.
[19:40] <tjf> saved my life
[19:40] <funnyfarm299> -_-
�15[19:41] * JeffPhoneAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[19:41] <SpeakFree> a moderator was stabbed in the back there on the first day of his re-election by an arbcom member who accused him of something using information only arbcom had access to and he felt so cornered in that he resigned his modbits.
[19:42] <Fluffernutter> ...wha?
�03[19:42] * russavia ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:42] * russavia ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:42] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:42] <funnyfarm299> Is "I love boys" grounds for a G10 if it
[19:42] <funnyfarm299> 's on a userpage
[19:43] <BarkingFish> funnyfarm299: No. Not unless it was put there by someone else without the user's consent
[19:43] <BarkingFish> That's not a personal attack
[19:44] <BarkingFish> and it's not negative unsourced BLP either
[19:45] <funnyfarm299> Directs users sitting around to AfC. Backlog of over 300 pages.
�06[19:46] * BarkingFish directs funnyfarm299 to WP:DGAF :)  The last time I got muddled in AfC it all went tits in a matter of hours. Never again :)
[19:47] <funnyfarm299> It's not THAT bad. Most of it can be rejected for not having ELs.
[19:47] <tommorris> rejected for not having ELs?
[19:47] <tommorris> mostly I want to reject them because they are spammy bullshit
�03[19:48] * bep (~britishen@reddit/operator/bep) has left #wikipedia-en
[19:48] <funnyfarm299> then use "adv" as the reason
�15[19:49] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[19:50] <funnyfarm299>
�15[19:51] * raindrift (se9zJQf7JC@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�03[19:53] * LauraHale (~LauraHale@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:53] <AMadman> Nyeh. Just spent about 20 minutes trying to clean up half a dozen copyvios of UN material.
[19:53] <AMadman> And still probably didn't get them all.
�15[19:54] * Sp33dyphil (1b209a83@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�)
[19:55] <AMadman> Actually, looks like I may have. *puts his head down for a bit*
�03[19:55] * dkonstantinos ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:56] * clone1018_ (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:57] * werdna (~andrew@wikimedia/Werdna) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:58] <delirious> <img src="filepath/filename.png">
�03[19:58] * delirious ( has left #wikipedia-en
�03[19:58] * notapuff (~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[19:59] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[19:59] <mabdul|busy> funnyfarm299: BarkingFish: get the afc helper tool ;)
[19:59] <funnyfarm299> I'm already using it
[19:59] <mabdul|busy> good.
�06[19:59] * mabdul|busy is stalking #wikipedia-en-afc-feed
[20:00] <BarkingFish> nah, not worth it mabdul|busy - i have about as much interest in afc as I do in potholing.
[20:00] <mabdul|busy> and with the edit summary I see and notifying the users who are not using the tool
�03[20:00] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:00] <mabdul|busy> BarkingFish: install it. even if you do only one review a week: it does really many things you likely don't do without it!
�03[20:00] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:01] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:02] * seanw_ (swhitton@freenode/staff-emeritus/wikimedia.sean-whitton) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:03] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Quit: jorm�)
�15[20:03] * techman224 (~textual@Wikimedia/Techman224) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * heb (~henrik@wikimedia/heb) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * JurassicJon ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * puffin (~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * clone1018 (~quassel@ Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * werdna_ (~andrew@wikimedia/Werdna) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * Garnig (betacomman@unaffiliated/garnig) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�15[20:03] * seanw (swhitton@freenode/staff-emeritus/wikimedia.sean-whitton) Quit (*.net *.split�)
[20:05] <tjf> jorm quit before it was cool
[20:05] <log> Classic jorm.
�15[20:05] * Ironholds (~f@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit (Quit: sleeep�)
[20:05] <log> And Ironholds quits after it is cool.
�15[20:07] * Nihiltres (~nihiltres@wikipedia/Nihiltres) Quit (Quit: …to dream, perchance to sleep…�)
�03[20:07] * heb (~henrik@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:07] * heb (~henrik@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:07] * heb (~henrik@wikimedia/heb) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:08] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:09] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) Quit (Quit: peteforsyth�)
�03[20:09] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:10] * the_wub ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�03[20:13] * deeptea (~deeptea@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:13] * techman224 (~textual@Wikimedia/Techman224) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:13] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: Quit�)
�15[20:14] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[20:14] <deeptea> Any bureaucrats around?
�03[20:15] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:15] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:15] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:15] * Seddon|away_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:16] * Seddon|away_ is now known as Seddon
[20:16] <mabdul|busy> deeptea: 'crats in the IRC? I only know hersfold, but he is not online
[20:16] <mabdul|busy> for what a crat?
[20:16] <deeptea> They're sometimes around in here :)
[20:18] <deeptea> Or perhaps an !oversight person could help
[20:18] <GorillaWarfare> I just discovered that when I was searching my university's online database, I wasn't searching JSTOR or the other big sources
[20:18] <GorillaWarfare> So...many...more...sources :D
[20:19] <Fluffernutter> who needs oversight?
[20:19] <Peter-C> you
[20:19] <Peter-C> :3
[20:19] <deeptea> I do.
�03[20:20] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:20] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:20] * KimiNewt ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[20:20] <Fluffernutter> deeptea, if oversight can help, pm me the problem
�15[20:20] * funnyfarm299 (~chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[20:27] <topaz> whoa
�15[20:27] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Whatever doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later. (Xchat 2.8.8)�)
[20:27] <topaz> I just got a alert about Wikipedia
�03[20:27] * GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|AFK
[20:27] <topaz> "Will you encourage Wikipedia to protest censorship by going dark? JUST CLICK HERE"
[20:28] <topaz> "Wikipedia is a non-profit organization, and if enough Internet users pledge to donate at least $1 to Wikipedia, it will reduce the burden on them if they choose to join the protests." heh.
�15[20:30] * Seddon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[20:30] <SigmaWP> Please delete:
[20:30] <SigmaWP> Gfoley4: ^
�03[20:32] * Seddon ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:36] <AMadman> What burden is placed on us by joining the protests? :p
�03[20:37] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:39] * funnyfarm299 (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:40] * funnyfarm299 (~chatzilla@ Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[20:45] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:45] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:45] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:47] * GW|AFK is now known as GorillaWarfare
�03[20:51] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:51] * AMadman is now known as AMadman_
�03[20:51] * Pharos ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:52] * Pharos ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:52] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[20:53] * Netalarm arrests Jeske_Merensky and whisks him off to wonderland
�03[20:53] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:54] <AMadman_> Seven minutes in heaven?
[20:54] <Netalarm> 7 minutes in heaven?
�03[20:54] * Garnig (betacomman@unaffiliated/garnig) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[20:54] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[20:54] <AMadman_>
[20:54] <AMadman_> :p
�15[20:54] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
�15[20:54] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[20:55] <Netalarm> lol
[20:56] <Netalarm> so that's what that's called
Session Close: Thu Jan 12 20:59:04 2012

Session Start: Thu Jan 12 23:15:34 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[23:15] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[23:15] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[23:15] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:49
[23:15] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[23:15] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
[23:15] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: ^
[23:15] <SigmaWP> derp: :D
[23:15] <Netalarm> SigmaWP, why can't you?
[23:16] <SigmaWP> Netalarm: He's ignoring me
[23:16] <AMadman_> Netalarm: Yeah, one second.
�03[23:16] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:16] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[23:16] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:17] * Mono (u1187@wikimedia/mono) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity�)
[23:17] <AMadman_> Netalarm: Done.
[23:18] <SigmaWP> I wonder if I could increase pageviews on the coal balls
[23:18] <Netalarm> <#
[23:19] <Netalarm> damn it, that always happens
[23:19] <Netalarm> <3
[23:19] <AMadman_> Heh.
[23:19] <AMadman_> And now it's time for me to pass out.
�15[23:19] * AMadman_ (~madman@wikimedia/madman) Quit (Quit: Cheers!�)
[23:19] <Netalarm> now let's see if my huggle mods work...
[23:19] <SigmaWP> :O
[23:19] <tjf> Netalarm, huggle mods you say?
[23:19] <SigmaWP> Netalarm: What does it do
[23:20] <Netalarm> Huggle not enabled on your acccount. plz check config
[23:20] <Netalarm> huh?
[23:20] <SigmaWP> :S
[23:20] <Netalarm> huggle needs to be enabled these days?
[23:20] <SigmaWP> enable:true in huggle.css
[23:20] <SigmaWP> it's always been like that :P
[23:21] <SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: Hi
[23:21] <tjf> Netalarm, Where are you trying to log into?
[23:21] <Netalarm> enwp?
�08[23:21] <derp> SigmaWP :D
[23:21] <SigmaWP> :D
[23:21] <tjf> Netalarm, pics or it didn
[23:21] <tjf> t happen
[23:21] <Netalarm> er... huh?
[23:22] <Netalarm> pics of me logging in?
[23:22] <pir^2> ...
[23:22] <pir^2> Weird channel
�03[23:22] * pir^2 (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) has left #wikipedia-en
[23:23] <Netalarm> damn it, it crashed after 3 pages
�06[23:23] * SigmaWP cackles
�03[23:23] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:23] * nb (~nb@fedora/znc.nb) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[23:26] <Steven_Zhang> Hi SigmaWP
�03[23:27] * sonia (~chatzilla@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:27] <SigmaWP> sonia: :D :D :D
[23:28] <matthewrbowker> sonia: Hiya!
[23:28] <sonia> hey!
[23:28] <sonia> cookies for all!
[23:28] <sonia> Steven_Zhang: there?
�06[23:29] * SigmaWP places the cookies in cookielib.CookieJar
�03[23:29] * stuartyeates ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:29] <sonia> heh.
�03[23:30] * nb (~nb@fedora/znc.nb) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:30] <geniice> hmm blogger looking to use wikipedia for self promotion
[23:30] <geniice>
[23:30] <SigmaWP> fuck
[23:32] <Addihockey10> SigmaWP:
[23:35] <SigmaWP> Addihockey10: Persons first name is Deannah
[23:35] <SigmaWP> Keep an eye
�15[23:39] * ceradon (18e72a8c@wikipedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[23:39] <tjf> whoever wrote that can't spell
�03[23:42] * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:42] * Guerillero ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[23:42] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:43] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) Quit (Quit: peteforsyth�)
�15[23:45] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*�)
[23:46] <SigmaWP> Addihockey10: The person replied
�15[23:46] * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer�)
[23:46] <Addihockey10> SigmaWP: HAHAHA
�03[23:47] * aude is now known as aude|away
[23:47] <sonia> Ktr101: WHAT
�03[23:47] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
[23:48] <Addihockey10> sonia:
�06[23:48] * Ktr101 throws a kiwi at sonia
[23:48] <Ktr101> that!
[23:49] <Ktr101> Addihockey10: such a fail
[23:49] <Addihockey10> Ktr101: I'm Wikipedia ;-P
[23:49] <SigmaWP> me too
[23:49] <Ktr101> heh
[23:49] <SigmaWP> XD
[23:49] <Ktr101> me too!
�06[23:49] * Ktr101 stands up while saying that
�15[23:49] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�06[23:49] * matthewrbowker replied.
[23:50] <SigmaWP> this is fun
[23:50] <Addihockey10> Everyone spam with YOU ARE NOT NOTABLE
�06[23:50] * SigmaWP pokes Gfoley4 ^
[23:50] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: ^
[23:50] <Ktr101> damn, no one got that, did they
[23:50] <SigmaWP> derp: ^
[23:50] <Ktr101> spartacus reference
[23:51] <Addihockey10> Ktr101: You're a fat nerd.
[23:51] <Addihockey10> >:D
[23:51] <Ktr101> Addihockey10: to the contrary...
[23:51] <Addihockey10> An anorexic dumbass?
[23:51] <Addihockey10> >_>
�06[23:53] * matthewrbowker 's comment is awaiting review.
[23:53] <sonia> eh, he's skinneh
[23:53] <sonia> he prolly doesn't weigh that much more than me
�03[23:53] * SudoGhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:53] * SudoGhost ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[23:53] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:54] * techman224 (~textual@Wikimedia/Techman224) Quit (Quit: Leaving...�)
[23:56] <Ktr101> no, i'm more than that
[23:56] <Ktr101> sonia's the skinny one
[23:56] <sonia> ...did you just call /me/ skinny? :P
�03[23:56] * Sp33dyphil (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:56] <Sp33dyphil> hiya SigmaWP
[23:56] <Sp33dyphil> hi LauraHale
[23:57] <Ktr101> yeah
[23:57] <LauraHale> Hello Sp33dyphil
[23:57] <Addihockey10> Ktr101: Everyone knows sonia's a fatass..
[23:57] <Addihockey10> >_>
�06[23:57] * Addihockey10 runs
[23:57] <Addihockey10> Oh wait
�06[23:57] * Addihockey10 walks slowly and watches sonia waddle towards him
[23:57] <SigmaWP> bye
[23:57] <sonia> I pretty much am :-P
�15[23:57] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�)
�06[23:57] * Addihockey10 taunts
�06[23:57] * Ktr101 throws sonia at Addihockey10
[23:57] <Addihockey10> AHH
[23:57] <Addihockey10> BOOM
[23:58] <Addihockey10> strike.
[23:58] <sonia> Addihockey10: I can still cover a mile in six mins, so
�08[23:58] * derp puts Addihockey10 on a ultra fast threadmill.
[23:58] <Sp33dyphil> Sp33dyphil: Hiya SigmaWP SigmaWP: Bye?
[23:58] <LauraHale> Sp33dyphil: Want to copy edit some articles for me?
�06[23:58] * Addihockey10 rolls sonia onto the treadmill
�06[23:58] * LauraHale will give you DYK credit if you do. ;)
[23:58] <Sp33dyphil> LauraHale: Is it a long article?
[23:58] <Sp33dyphil> Probably not
�15[23:58] * varnent ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[23:59] <LauraHale> Sp33dyphil:
[23:59] <LauraHale> Sp33dyphil:
�03[23:59] * varnent_ (~varnent@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:59] <LauraHale> Sp33dyphil:
[23:59] <Sp33dyphil> 30 points for WikiCup!
�06[23:59] * LauraHale has about 13 of them
[23:59] <LauraHale> They need copy editing.
[23:59] <LauraHale> I want to nominate them all tomorrow.
Session Close: Fri Jan 13 00:00:01 2012