
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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Session Start: Fri Jan 13 00:00:01 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�08[00:00] * derp huggles LauraHale tightly.
[00:00] <LauraHale> If you do a good job editing, I will give you credit.
[00:00] <Sp33dyphil> I hate it when awards get involved; it feels like I'm doing business, and that if I'm not up to scratch, I disappoint others
�06[00:00] * LauraHale has done 13 DYK reviews to get them.
[00:00] <LauraHale> Sp33dyphil: Full list is at
[00:01] <LauraHale> I can source the damned things pretty well, but my writing is atrocious. :(
�03[00:04] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:04] <SpeakFree> The text goes over the second photo on the left in Carly Wilson
[00:04] <SpeakFree> you should cut down on the images.
�03[00:05] * Ceradon (~Ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[00:06] * LauraHale huggles images
[00:06] <SpeakFree> I'd get rid of all the blurry images in those articles.
[00:06] <LauraHale> I should get better images. ;)
[00:06] <LauraHale> If I got rid of all the blurry images, I'd have none.
[00:08] <SpeakFree> Maybe go to another game and beg-borrow-steal a better camera ;)
[00:09] <sonia> if I lived in Aus I'd love to take pictures for articles if someone covered even half the transport :p
[00:10] <SpeakFree> You can use blurry images if you reduce the thumbnail display size.
[00:11] <SpeakFree> then most people wouldn't notice.
�06[00:11] * LauraHale loves women's basketball.
[00:11] <LauraHale> and I'm embarrassed to get better pictures.
[00:12] <matthewrbowker> LauraHale: Why embarrassed?
[00:12] <LauraHale> Because I get embarassed by the wind blowing. ;)
[00:12] <LauraHale> "Hi.  Can I take your picture for Wikipedia?"
[00:12] <matthewrbowker> ah :P
�15[00:13] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[00:13] <sonia> heh
[00:13] <sonia> I was annoyed at D a little for that :)
[00:13] <sonia> despite being someone who would do it myself
�03[00:13] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:13] <matthewrbowker> LauraHale: I'm sure a lot of people would be OK.
[00:13] <sonia> he spent his time in auckland photographing random stuff
[00:13] <sonia> :p
[00:14] <SpeakFree> I took the bottom pic on this article and it looks crappy at a big resolution but I reduced it to 150px and then it looks OK:
�06[00:14] * LauraHale got in trouble trying to take pictures of water polo players.
�08[00:14] <derp> LauraHale, i dare you to go to Pine Gap and take pictures there.
[00:14] <LauraHale> is random promoting for Aussies. ;)
�06[00:15] * LauraHale will shovel you points.
[00:15] <LauraHale> Pine Gap?
�08[00:15] <derp> satellite tracking location in australia
[00:15] <SpeakFree> Oh the Echelon tracking station. :P
�08[00:15] <derp> near the geographic centre of Australia
[00:15] <LauraHale> All I have to do is stand outside
�03[00:16] * LtNOWIS|TV is now known as LtNOWIS|sleep
[00:16] <LauraHale> And that is far far away.
[00:16] <LauraHale> That's like telling you to go to Edmonton while in Montreal.
[00:16] <LauraHale> Only with no flight connections.
[00:16] <SpeakFree>
[00:16] <sonia> LauraHale: telescopic lens and/or bribery
[00:16] <SpeakFree> Where they are intercepting our discussions right now. ;)
[00:16] <LauraHale> :)
[00:17] <LauraHale> The Aussies spy on Americans for the American government.
�03[00:17] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[00:18] * mindspillage ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[00:18] * mindspillage ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[00:18] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:20] <SpeakFree> OK guys it's getting early in this timezone so I bid you a fond goodbye. :)
�03[00:20] * varnent_ is now known as varnent
[00:20] <sonia> getting early?
[00:20] <SpeakFree> yup later than late so early
[00:20] <SpeakFree> byeee
�15[00:20] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) Quit (Quit: single hell, single hell, single always~�)
�03[00:20] * Stelpa_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[00:20] * SpeakFree (~IceChat77@wikipedia/SpeakFree) has left #wikipedia-en
[00:20] <LauraHale> :D
[00:21] <LauraHale> Only 16:20 ;)
�15[00:21] * Stelpa ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[00:22] * dominia (literalka@FUCK.WITH.ME.YOU.GET.STRANGLED.ORG) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:22] <dominia> guys
[00:22] <dominia> i have a problem
[00:22] <dominia>
[00:23] <closedmouth> not clicking
[00:23] <dominia> and more importantly:
[00:23] <closedmouth> not clicking
�03[00:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Prodego
�03[00:23] * dominia (literalka@FUCK.WITH.ME.YOU.GET.STRANGLED.ORG) has left #wikipedia-en (requested by Prodego (Goodbye)�)
�03[00:23] * Prodego sets mode: +b *!*@FUCK.WITH.ME.YOU.GET.STRANGLED.ORG
�03[00:23] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Prodego
�08[00:24] <derp> why it's 2 bottles.
[00:25] <closedmouth> not clicking
�03[00:26] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[00:26] * log (~log@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: log out.�)
�15[00:26] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[00:29] * crackfu (~crack@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[00:31] * deeptea (~deeptea@ Quit (Quit: deeptea�)
Session Close: Fri Jan 13 00:36:34 2012

Session Start: Fri Jan 13 17:46:03 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[17:46] * derp (~sex@wikimedia/Zalgo) also in #wikipedia #wikinews #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #wikimania #wiki #ubuntu #tasvideos #Reddit #mediawiki #gaygeeks-asl #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing ##politics ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf ##cremepuff222 has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:46] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request...> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request...> | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[17:46] * Set by Fluffernutter!~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter on Fri Dec 23 22:26:48
[17:46] #wikipedia-en url is
�12[17:46] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée !
[17:46] <Pharos> i know! i just think the self-aggrandizement is funny :P
[17:46] <GorillaWarfare> BarkingFish: Yeah, and I'm in Boston. I feel like there's probably a dusty old copy or two laying around somewhere nearby.
[17:46] <BarkingFish> at least if you can get decent print copies, you may be able to do better than mr weedhead will manage
[17:46] <GorillaWarfare> Pharos: Mm, LaVey himself was a bit bizarre
[17:46] <BarkingFish> that guy smokes so much weed I could spray him with herbicide and he'd die
[17:46] <GorillaWarfare> XDDD
�08[17:46] * derp sends moar snow to BarkingFish
�03[17:46] * Nascar1996 ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:46] * Nascar1996 ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[17:46] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:46] * soapoff (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) from #wikipedia-en ##The_Thing Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[17:47] <BarkingFish> we need some, we've not had much yet, about 45 mins worth before christmas and it buggered off
�03[17:47] * p858snake|l ( from Australia also in #wikimedia-tech #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[17:47] * p858snake|l ( (Australia) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #mediawiki Quit (Changing host)
�03[17:47] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:48] * tgeairn (32497bba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:48] * Guest58184 is now known as Mike_HH
[17:50] <GorillaWarfare> Do you think, layout-wise, it's weird to have 3 columns in Notes and 2 in References?
[17:50] <GorillaWarfare>
[17:51] <WilliamH_UK> not really
[17:52] <GorillaWarfare> Alright, cool. 1 column was getting out of hand, and 3 is a bit cramped for the number of references
[17:53] <Pharos> it seems like in the 'Reception' section it might make sense to separate out the christian conservative conspiracy-minded criticism from the other criticism
�08[17:53] <derp> BarkingFish, it's a whiteout outside.
[17:53] <Nascar1996> >:(
[17:53] <BarkingFish> derp: Damn. All we have is rain.
�08[17:53] <derp> we had freezing rain this morning 
[17:53] <BarkingFish> Which to be honest, i don't mind.  Drips don't get wet, they just get bigger :P
�15[17:54] * bribroder (~bribroder@unaffiliated/bribroder) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[17:54] <BarkingFish> brb
[17:54] <WilliamH_UK> it's really cold here tonight
�08[17:55] * derp sensds WilliamH_UK his electric blanket
[17:55] <WilliamH_UK> ahh cheers
�15[17:55] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:56] <GorillaWarfare> Bbs
�03[17:56] * GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|AFK
�03[17:56] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:56] <GW|AFK> derp: Wait, where are you?
�15[17:56] * the_wub ( from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:56] <GW|AFK> Pharos: Thanks, I was thinking about it myself
[17:56] <GW|AFK> Probably will need to think of another section heading than "christian conservative conspiracy-minded criticism", though :P
�03[17:56] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[17:57] <derp> GW|AFK, surbubs of Montreal, Canada
�15[17:59] * Avruch (me@wikimedia/Nathan) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[18:01] <Fluffernutter> fun fact: walking on semi-frozen mud feels a lot like walking on a slurpee
�06[18:01] * Pharos runs outside to try
�03[18:01] * aschmidt ( from Germany has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:02] * derp throws a snowball at Fluffernutter
[18:02] <Fluffernutter> ain't no snow
[18:02] <aschmidt> hi, could an administrator please help me to move an article, overwriting a redirect in WP-en?
�15[18:03] * Barras (~Barras@wikimedia/barras) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia #freenode Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[18:04] <Thehelpfulone> sure
�03[18:04] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|ping
[18:04] <Thehelpfulone> aschmidt: what's the name of the article please?
[18:05] <aschmidt> It's it should be moved to
[18:06] <Thehelpfulone> aschmidt: done :)
�15[18:06] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[18:06] <aschmidt> Thehelpfulone: great, thanks a lot for helping! :-)
[18:06] <Thehelpfulone> no problem :)
[18:07] <aschmidt> BTW, quite helpful recent changes patrolers on WP-en, too: :-)
[18:07] <Ironholds> my work day is over!
�06[18:07] * Ironholds does a lap of honour to ebulient cheers
[18:08] <tjf> okaaaaaay
[18:08] <Ironholds> tjf: it's 11pm on a friday and I've finished work
[18:08] <tjf> I finished reading HHGTTG
[18:08] <Ironholds> I'm justified being a bit OTT
�15[18:08] * nb (~nb@fedora/znc.nb) from #wikipedia-en #mediawiki #freenode #defocus Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[18:08] <Ironholds> tjf: including "mostly harmless"?
[18:08] <tjf> Ironholds, no, the first one
[18:08] <Ironholds> ahh
[18:08] <tjf> I was going to ask which one I should read next
[18:08] <Pharos> even i read the first one
[18:10] <dkonstantinos> In-series chronological order is the same as publication order, so I see no reason not to read it that way
�03[18:10] * Maryana (~justdandy@ from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:10] <dkonstantinos> so next for you would be Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
�03[18:10] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:10] <Pharos> how boring
�03[18:10] * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Away
[18:11] <Ironholds> tjf: the second one
[18:11] <Ironholds> Maryana, long time no speak
[18:11] <Maryana> yes, it's been ages
[18:12] <dkonstantinos> I find the second half of the series far more interesting for the insight it offers into Adams's mental state at the time of writing than for literary merit
�03[18:12] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) also in #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons has left #wikipedia-en
[18:12] <Ironholds> right. caffeine, smokes, booze, daily show
[18:12] <Ironholds> if there's a better recipie for the end of the week, I've yet to discover it
�08[18:13] <derp> Ironholds, cheese?
[18:13] <Ironholds> derp: I'm good
�08[18:13] <derp> a blowjob?
[18:14] <Prodego> could it really be worse PeterSymonds? :P
[18:15] <PeterSymonds> Heh!
�03[18:15] * waylandsmith (~waylandsm@ from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:15] <Ironholds> derp: yes, it is
�03[18:20] * Guest79498 ( from United States also in #mediawiki #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:20] * tgeairn (32497bba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
�15[18:21] * localhost ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #ubuntu #Reddit #freenode #defocus Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�03[18:21] * localhost ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:24] * Seddon ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�03[18:25] * Resfirestar_ (sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:25] Clones detected from wikipedia/Res2216firestar:�8 Resfirestar Resfirestar_
�03[18:25] * Seddon ( from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:26] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:26] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) from #wikipedia-en ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 243 seconds)
�03[18:28] * Seddon_ ( from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:28] Clones detected from�8 Seddon Seddon_
�15[18:29] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #Reddit ##The_Thing ##juliancolton ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
�03[18:29] * AMadman (~madman@wikimedia/madman) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:29] * Soapy (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) also in ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:30] * Seddon ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
�03[18:30] * Seddon_ is now known as Seddon
�03[18:33] * notola ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:33] * swarfega is now known as swarfega|away
[18:34] <Ironholds> Seddon baby!
[18:34] <Ironholds> I'm drinking, come join me
�03[18:34] * notola ( from United States has left #wikipedia-en
[18:34] <Seddon> Ironhold: Im working :P
[18:35] <Seddon> Ironholds: Im working*
[18:35] <Ironholds> it's midnight and the fundraiser is over!
[18:35] <harej> I'll gladly join you, Ironholds. Just charter an airplane from DC to London.
[18:36] <Ironholds> harej: ow
[18:36] <Ironholds> I just aspirated scotch into my eyeballs
[18:36] <harej> How the hell does that happen
[18:36] <Ironholds> I had the snifter at my mouth, drank a bit
[18:36] <Ironholds> it went down the wrong tube, I coughed
[18:36] <Ironholds> INTO the snifter
[18:36] <Ironholds> the rest is history
�15[18:36] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[18:37] <harej> Aspirating beverages is the worst. The other day I aspirated Mountain Dew. Very unpleasant.
�03[18:37] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:37] <Ironholds> ...I am singularly unskilled
[18:37] <harej> I imagine it burns to aspirate hard liquor.
[18:37] <Ironholds> aspiration? FUCK the aspiration
[18:38] <Ironholds> I just got hard liquor in my eyeballs!
�03[18:38] * N1996 ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:38] * N1996 ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[18:38] * N1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:38] Clones detected from wikipedia/Nascar1996:�8 Nascar1996 N1996
�03[18:38] * Guerillero_ ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:38] * Doc_glasgow_ ( from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:38] <Ironholds> Fluff|ping, show up, there's an opportunity for you to laugh at me and you're missing it
�03[18:38] * Atheism (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) also in #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:38] Clones detected from wikia/ZamorakO-o:�8 Atheism Ty
�15[18:39] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #Reddit #mediawiki #freenode #defocus Quit (Excess Flood)
�03[18:39] * Seddon_ ( from Great Britain has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:39] Clones detected from�8 Seddon Seddon_
�03[18:39] * Prodego_ (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:39] Clones detected from wikipedia/Prodego:�8 Prodego Prodego_
�03[18:39] * Resfirestar_ is now known as Resfirestar
�15[18:39] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #freenode Quit (Disconnected by services)
�15[18:39] * Atheism (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
�03[18:40] * Thorncrag_ ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:40] * Thorncrag_ ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Changing host)
�03[18:40] * Thorncrag_ (~Thorncrag@wikimedia/Thorncrag) also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:40] Clones detected from wikimedia/Thorncrag:�8 Thorncrag Thorncrag_
�03[18:40] * Seahorse_ (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) also in #wikipedia #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:40] * dkonstantinos_ ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:40] Clones detected from�8 dkonstantinos dkonstantinos_
�03[18:40] * Seahorse_ is now known as Seahorse
�03[18:40] * Jcaraballo|away_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:40] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:40] * MRB[alt] (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:40] Clones detected from wikipedia/matthewrbowker:�8 matthewrbowker MRB[alt]
�03[18:40] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki #freenode #defocus has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:40] Clones detected from wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez:�8 Suiseiseki Venusaur
�03[18:42] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[18:42] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-ops Quit (Disconnected by services)
�03[18:42] * Falcorian1 (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) also in #wikimedia-commons has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:42] * Pharos_ ( from United States also in #wikimedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:42] * MRB[alt] is now known as matthewrbowker
[18:42] <Addihockey10> Peter-C:
�15[18:43] * Jcaraballo|away (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Disconnected by services)
�03[18:43] * Jcaraballo|away_ is now known as Jcaraballo|away
�15[18:43] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #Reddit #mediawiki #freenode #defocus Quit (Excess Flood)
�03[18:44] * sam_gold ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:44] * Cobi_ ( from United States also in #wikipedia #mediawiki #freenode has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:44] Clones detected from�8 Cobi Cobi_
�03[18:44] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:45] * GW|AFK is now known as GorillaWarfare
�03[18:46] * Myra (sex@wikipedia/MZMcBride) also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #mediawiki ##juliancolton has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[18:46] Clones detected from wikipedia/MZMcBride:�8 Joan Myra
�15[18:46] * sam_gold ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
�15[18:47] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##politics ##juliancolton Quit (Disconnected by services)
�03[18:47] * Prodego_ is now known as Prodego
[18:47] <tjf> obvious fake is obvious:
�15[18:47] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
�15[18:48] * Seddon ( from #wikipedia-en Quit (*.net *.split)
�15[18:48] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #mediawiki Quit (*.net *.split)
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�15[18:48] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) from #wikipedia-en Quit (*.net *.split)
�15[18:48] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia Quit (*.net *.split)
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[18:48] <Addihockey10> netsplit.
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[18:54] <mabdul|busy> Addihockey10: yes, I can read what my client is saying...
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[18:59] <GorillaWarfare> Pharos: Do you think splitting the criticism based on content into its own paragraph is sufficient, or should it have its own section/subsection?
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�03[19:03] * LtNOWIS2 is now known as LtNOWIS|GTA
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�08[19:26] Clones detected from�8 UnknownFork UnknownFork_
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�08[19:31] Clones detected from�8 Seddon_ Seddon
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�08[19:39] <derp> Eh?
�08[19:39] <derp> !op
[19:40] <Snowolf> What?
[19:40] <Gfoley4> seems to have stopped
�15[19:40] * Guest11783 (~kvirc@2002:4546:c346::10:beef) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny
[19:40] <Snowolf> oh I zee
�08[19:40] <derp> Just in case, UnknownFork :)
[19:40] <Joan> UnknownFork?
[19:40] <Joan> Oh.
[19:40] <Snowolf> Ye
[19:40] <Joan> I was caught in scrollback.
[19:40] <Snowolf> Took me a bit to realize
[19:40] <Joan> I'm here now.
[19:40] <Joan> Hello.
[19:40] <Snowolf> Hello Mz :)
[19:41] <UnknownFork> Yes
�08[19:41] * derp sexyhugs Joan
[19:41] <UnknownFork> It has stopped.
�15[19:41] -> [UnknownFork] VERSION
�03[19:41] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
�03[19:41] * zscout370 (~Kagami@ from United States also in #wikimedia-commons has joined #wikipedia-en
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[19:41] <Joan> UnknownFork: Behave, please.
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�03[19:42] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:42] <UnknownFork> I am.
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�15[19:52] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #ubuntu #mediawiki #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##politics ##juliancolton Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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�08[20:08] <derp>
�08[20:08] <derp> crime scene in the snow
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�08[20:09] * derp gives Sceptre some hormones.
[20:09] <Sp33dyphil> ?
[20:09] <Snowolf> derp: crime scene?
�15[20:09] * Sceptre (~sceptre@unaffiliated/sceptre) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
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�08[20:09] <derp> Sp33dyphil, someone murdered his neighbor due to a longtime feud and then drove to town hall to talk to the town manager 
�08[20:10] <derp> at the town hall, the guy assaulted the town manager and his assistant with a cold weapon
�03[20:14] * Guest79498 is now known as nb_
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[20:18] <Dragonfly6-7> derp - I can't quite read the town name. Vercheres?
�03[20:19] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #mediawiki ##The_Thing has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:22] <SigmaWP> HAPPY FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH!!!!!!!!!
[20:22] <SigmaWP>
�06[20:22] * Betacommand wonders now many cite templates his private wiki can take on a single page before it crashes
[20:22] <Soapy> oh I didnt even notice
�15[20:26] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##IShadowed Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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�08[20:27] Clones detected from wikipedia/soap:�8 Soapy sphygmomanometer
[20:27] <tjf> :(
[20:27] <tjf> why are servos so expensive
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[20:28] <pir^2> Why is there a CentralNotice?
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[20:32] <UnknownFork> Because a cat hack it.
[20:33] <pir^2>
[20:33] <Sp33dyphil> Morning SigmaWP
[20:33] <SigmaWP> Sp33dyphil: Hello
[20:36] <pir^2> ...
�15[20:36] * VZP10224 ( (Japan) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Leaving...)
�15[20:37] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH_U@Wikipedia/WilliamH) from #wikipedia-en Quit Quit
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�03[20:38] * Rainbowzer (Rainbowzer@unaffiliated/rainbowzer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:39] <Rainbowzer> Can Scandinavia really be seen as part of Europe? It differs a lot from most countries there and is not really attached physically to the continent except via Russia?
[20:39] <sphygmomanometer> yes
[20:39] <sphygmomanometer> it's very definitely European
[20:39] <sphygmomanometer> if it werent, what would it be? just its own region?
[20:39] <Rainbowzer> Kinda.
[20:40] <Rainbowzer> Not even the thing from "Pulp Fiction" is true, where they say that in Europe, a Quarterpounder Cheese is called "Royale with Cheese".
�03[20:40] * Kitty_ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:40] <Kitty_> hello.
[20:40] <Rainbowzer> That's maybe true in France... but not elsewhere.
[20:40] <sphygmomanometer> thats a silly way to define a whole continent though
�03[20:40] * Super (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[20:40] Clones detected from gateway/web/freenode/ip.�8 Kitty_ Super
[20:40] <Kitty_> hello
[20:41] <Sp33dyphil> Rainbowzer: the Swedes, Norwegians and the like resemble the Germans, which in turn resemble the English
�03[20:41] * Super is now known as Guest2347
[20:41] <Rainbowzer> I mean, even in countries unfamiliar with the imperial system, it's still called "Quarterpounder".
�15[20:41] * Guest2347 (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[20:41] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_ hi
[20:41] <sphygmomanometer> Scandinavia, or at least part of it, is in the EU.  I would say that any country in the EU is European
[20:41] <Kitty_> hi!
[20:41] <Rainbowzer> Hmm.
[20:41] <Sp33dyphil> Is Turkey considered Asian or European?
[20:41] <Sp33dyphil> and Russia
[20:42] <sphygmomanometer> I would say Turkey is Middle Eastern \
[20:42] <SigmaWP> Eurasian
[20:42] <Rainbowzer> Russia is really weird. Almost its own continent.
[20:42] <sphygmomanometer>
[20:42] <Sp33dyphil> Rainbowzer: why did you ask?
[20:42] <Rainbowzer> Or both Europe and Asia.
[20:43] <Sp33dyphil> lol
[20:43] <Rainbowzer> Sp33dyphil: Because I wonder about tons of stuff.
[20:43] <Kitty_> visit this link...
[20:43] <Sp33dyphil> heh, same here
[20:43] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_ visit this link
[20:43] <Sp33dyphil> it'll crash your browser
[20:43] <Kitty_> why?
[20:43] <Sp33dyphil> if you don't have a great comp
[20:43] <Kitty_> ok, I have google chrome
[20:43] <Kitty_> it's unbreakable
[20:44] <Rainbowzer> I also wonder why there are so many cellphone-recorded videos circulating online of young Asian school girls beating and bullying the crap out of other girls and stripping them and humiliating them while laughing. It seems to be grossly overrepresented from Asia.
[20:44] <Sp33dyphil> really?
[20:44] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_ try
�03[20:44] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[20:44] <Kitty_> i just did, it said 101010...
[20:44] <Kitty_> hahahaaha
[20:44] <Kitty_> now viisit my  link
[20:45] <Sp33dyphil> Rainbowzer: I've always wondered how actors perform intimate acts in films
[20:45] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_ I already did
[20:45] <Sp33dyphil> nothing interesing
[20:45] <Kitty_> stay there
[20:45] <Kitty_> and play
[20:45] <Kitty_> if you can beat me
[20:45] <Kitty_> It'll be quick
[20:45] <Sp33dyphil> how do you win?
[20:46] <Kitty_> you type the passage
[20:46] <Kitty_> as quickly as u can
�15[20:46] * mabdul|busy (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-commons Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:46] <Kitty_> go
[20:46] <Sp33dyphil> what passage?
[20:46] <Kitty_> do it
[20:46] <Kitty_> when you choose join race
[20:46] <Kitty_> just click on the link
[20:46] <Kitty_> there is chat on it
[20:46] <Kitty_> do it please
�03[20:46] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH_U@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:46] <Sp33dyphil> shit
[20:46] <Sp33dyphil> stumbled
[20:48] <Sp33dyphil> Ha!!!!
[20:48] <Sp33dyphil> Suckers
[20:48] <Sp33dyphil> I won
[20:48] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_  are you the last idiot?
[20:48] <Sp33dyphil> mu mu fa fa
[20:48] <Sp33dyphil> LOL
[20:48] <Kitty_> I'm super ayan
[20:48] <Sp33dyphil> LOL, I beat you :P
[20:48] <Kitty_> mu mu fafa is my brother
[20:49] <Kitty_> let's race again
[20:49] <Sp33dyphil> sure
[20:49] <Kitty_> 1 more please
[20:49] <Sp33dyphil> lol
[20:49] <Kitty_> wai
�06[20:49] * Sp33dyphil leaves the others in the dust
[20:49] <Kitty_> wait
[20:49] <Kitty_> fro mu mu fafa to finish
[20:49] <Sp33dyphil> 48 wpm
[20:49] <Sp33dyphil> you had 32 wpm
[20:49] <Sp33dyphil> :P
[20:49] <Sp33dyphil> Wait
[20:50] <Betacommand> 450 templates and counting.....
[20:51] <Sp33dyphil> Hahaha!
[20:51] <Sp33dyphil> 54 wpm :P
[20:51] <Sp33dyphil> SigmaWP: why don't you join in?
[20:52] <Kitty_> there's chat in the typeracer race in the box below
�15[20:52] * ceradon (~Ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-commons Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[20:52] <Kitty_> let's race
�15[20:52] * pir^2 (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0/20111221135037])
[20:52] <Kitty_> let's chat on typeracer
[20:52] <Kitty_> Leaing freenode
[20:52] <Kitty_> there's typeracer chat son't worry
�15[20:53] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[20:53] <Kitty_> let's race
[20:53] <Sp33dyphil> wait
[20:53] <Sp33dyphil> I'm eating
[20:54] <Kitty_> ok, tim is racing with us.
[20:54] <Netalarm> damn i'm getting slower
�15[20:55] * satul (kemada@gateway/shell/ from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia #mediawiki Quit (Quit: leaving)
�06[20:55] * Sp33dyphil takes a nap
[20:55] <Kitty_> let's all race
[20:55] <Kitty_> come on don't be shy
[20:55] <Sp33dyphil> come on, you sucl
[20:55] <Sp33dyphil> suck
[20:56] <Kitty_> the next race is in 2 minutes
[20:56] <Kitty_> 2 minutes
[20:56] <Kitty_> snacks are not available sorry
[20:56] <Sp33dyphil> I'M EATING!
[20:56] <Kitty_> on typeracer I'm *Super Ayan*
�03[20:56] * satul (kemada@gateway/shell/ also in #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:56] <Kitty_> you have 2 minutes
�03[20:58] * Rainbowzer (Rainbowzer@unaffiliated/rainbowzer) has left #wikipedia-en
[20:58] <Sp33dyphil> What is this?
�03[20:58] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
[20:59] <tjf> I don't even.
[21:00] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_ distractions
[21:00] <Netalarm> lol
[21:00] <Sp33dyphil> mu mu fa fa lol
[21:01] <Kitty_> ok, join th erace
[21:01] <Sp33dyphil> sure
[21:01] <Kitty_> 3 minute till next race
[21:01] <Kitty_> go go go!
[21:01] <Kitty_> u guys are doing amazing, keep up the good work
[21:01] <Kitty_> the more  people the better
[21:01] <Kitty_> invite friends
[21:02] <Netalarm> erm... this is just typing
�03[21:02] * Venusaur is now known as Suiseiseki
�03[21:03] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:03] * Fluff|ping (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
�03[21:03] * Fluffernutter ( from United States also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:03] <Kitty_> type racing
�15[21:03] * Fluffernutter ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
�03[21:03] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:03] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_ I'm in a different race
[21:03] <Sp33dyphil> 70 wom
[21:03] <Sp33dyphil> wpm
[21:04] <tjf> Where are you?
[21:05] <Kitty_> well, join my race
[21:05] <Sp33dyphil> The last one in
[21:05] <Kitty_> here is the link
[21:06] <tjf> Kitty_, What's the link?
[21:06] <Sp33dyphil>
�03[21:06] * sonia (~sonia@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:06] <Sp33dyphil> He's still racing
[21:06] <Kitty_> race
[21:06] <Sp33dyphil> lol
[21:07] <Netalarm> ^_^
[21:08] <Sp33dyphil> Kitty_ please rename yourself in the race
[21:08] <tjf> Firefox is so slow...
�06[21:08] * Sp33dyphil leaves the racetrack
[21:08] <Kitty_> why i don't want to rename myself
[21:08] <Sp33dyphil> it's not suitable
�03[21:09] * kitty__ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[21:09] Clones detected from gateway/web/freenode/ip.�8 Kitty_ kitty__
[21:10] <kitty__> can someone kick the other kitty
[21:10] <kitty__> they took my name
[21:10] <kitty__> can someone please kick the other kitty
[21:10] <tjf> Sp33dyphil, how is it not suitable?
[21:10] <kitty__> they stole my name
[21:10] <Thehelpfulone> Kitty__: us kicking them will not have any effect, they need to not be online
[21:10] <Sp33dyphil> tjf: from what I see during the races, "super" is not applicable
�15[21:11] * kitty__ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[21:11] <Thehelpfulone> kitty__: do you own the nickserv account "kitty_"?
[21:11] <Netalarm> lol
[21:11] <Netalarm> super...
[21:11] <Kitty_> I'm *SUPER AYAN*
�03[21:12] * kitty__ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[21:12] Clones detected from gateway/web/freenode/ip.�8 Kitty_ kitty__
[21:12] <kitty__> can someone please kick the other kitty
[21:12] <Sp33dyphil> yes, get rid of the "Super"
[21:12] <kitty__> wait what
[21:13] <Netalarm> lol
[21:13] <kitty__> what is this place for
[21:13] <Thehelpfulone> Kitty__: do you own the nick "kitty_"?
[21:13] <tjf> Sp33dyphil, how is super bad?
[21:13] <Thehelpfulone> this is for general discussion of the english wikipedia
[21:13] <Kitty_> ok.
[21:13] <kitty__> discusion of what
[21:14] <Kitty_> last chance to move to for racing
[21:14] <kitty__> hurry kick the other kitty
[21:14] <Sp33dyphil> of English Wikipedia
�15[21:14] * Kitty_ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[21:14] <Guerillero> just kick the lot of them
[21:14] <Sp33dyphil> kitty__ who exactly are you?
[21:14] <kitty__> did you kick kitty
[21:14] <kitty__> im you
[21:14] <Netalarm> wtf is going on
[21:14] <SigmaWP> IPs are the same
[21:14] <Sp33dyphil> oh obviously!
[21:14] <SigmaWP> Kick harder!
�15[21:14] * kitty__ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
[21:14] <Thehelpfulone> they are both the same..
[21:15] <Netalarm> you only need one webchat instance...
[21:15] <Sp33dyphil> kitty__ No shit Shirlock
[21:15] <Guerillero> lol
�03[21:15] * netalarm_ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:15] <Netalarm> .....
[21:15] <Netalarm> cute
�15[21:15] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-ops Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[21:15] <netalarm_> can someone kick the other netalarm they copied my name
[21:15] <Sp33dyphil> *Sherlock
[21:15] <SigmaWP> Piss off
[21:15] <Netalarm> you'll get glined from freenode for that
[21:15] <netalarm_> what
[21:15] <netalarm_> what is glined
[21:16] <Thehelpfulone> netalarm_: cut it out
[21:16] <tjf> that's not netalarm
[21:16] <SigmaWP> No really?
[21:16] <Netalarm> tjf, obviously
[21:16] <tjf> netalarm_, Reporting you to freenode staff in 3...
[21:16] <netalarm_> kick the other netalarm
�03[21:16] * Super (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[21:16] Clones detected from gateway/web/freenode/ip.�8 netalarm_ Super
[21:16] <Sp33dyphil> kitty__: "You, are you not...You're me"
[21:16] <netalarm_> kick the other netalarm
[21:16] <SigmaWP> netalarm_: No.
[21:16] <SigmaWP> Last warning.
�03[21:16] * Super is now known as Guest55429
[21:16] <Guest55429> what
[21:16] <netalarm_> they stole my name
�03[21:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Thehelpfulone
�03[21:17] * Thehelpfulone sets mode: +b-o *!4723af13@* Thehelpfulone
[21:17] <SigmaWP> netalarm_: Learn how to lie before you lie.
�15[21:17] * Guest55429 (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
�15[21:17] * netalarm_ (4723af13@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Client Quit)
�06[21:17] * SigmaWP applauds
[21:17] <Sp33dyphil> netalarm: Read "How to lie for Dummies"
�06[21:17] * Shirik blinks
[21:17] <Thehelpfulone> shame the script didn't remove them as it was supposed to, but that will do :)
[21:17] <SigmaWP> :D
[21:17] <Netalarm> what Sp33dyphil ?
[21:17] <tjf> damn
[21:18] <tjf> I just typed out the message to #freenode :(
[21:18] <Sp33dyphil> Netalarm: fine, read "How do be stupid for Dummies", and take notes
[21:18] <Netalarm> huh?
[21:18] <Guerillero> your imposter
[21:18] <tjf> Sp33dyphil, why exactly are you insulting Netalarm...?
�06[21:19] * Sp33dyphil didn't think he was stupid :P
[21:19] <Sp33dyphil> tjf: SigmaWP said "Learn how to lie before you lie"
[21:20] <tjf> Sp33dyphil, ?
[21:20] <Sp33dyphil> so I chipped in :P
[21:20] <Netalarm> now i'm confused
[21:20] <Netalarm> Sp33dyphil, that was an imposted -.-
[21:20] <Sp33dyphil> wait, I gotta do some chores
[21:20] <SigmaWP> Sp33dyphil: If you're going to mention my name tell him to stop ignoring me
[21:20] <Sp33dyphil> lol
[21:20] <Netalarm> imposter
[21:20] <tjf> and i just took him off my ignore list...
[21:21] <SigmaWP> Yay.
�03[21:21] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) also in #wikipedia-en-help has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:21] <Sp33dyphil> OK, everyone, instead of letting someone kick you out, just kick yourself out
[21:21] <tjf> ???
[21:21] <Sp33dyphil> I'm going first
�06[21:21] * SigmaWP goes to increase pageviews on Conservapedia's "Sex" article
[21:22] <Guerillero> they have a sex article
[21:22] <tjf> SigmaWP, there are sites for that
[21:22] <Guerillero> \is there black bars?
[21:22] <SigmaWP> Bots?
�15[21:22] * Sp33dyphil (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
[21:22] <SigmaWP> Guerillero: It's a wall of text.
[21:22] <tjf> you don't have to look it up on an encyclopedia :P
[21:22] <SigmaWP> tjf: My goal is to increase pageviews.
[21:22] <tjf> ah.
[21:23] <SigmaWP> Right now I'm using a five-line python script
[21:23] <SigmaWP> :D
[21:23] <tjf> SigmaWP, use some auto-refersher addon
[21:23] <tjf> Oh
[21:23] <tjf> You could use a very simple shell script (tm)
[21:23] <tjf> and Curl
�03[21:23] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[21:24] * tjf hopes he gets his shirt tomorrow... UPS-mi says Monday though :(
�03[21:24] * ManiDhillon (~ManiDhill@pdpc/supporter/student/manidhillon) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:24] * ManiDhillon (~ManiDhill@pdpc/supporter/student/manidhillon) has left #wikipedia-en
[21:25] <SigmaWP> Do redirects appear in Special:Statistics?
�03[21:26] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:28] * ToAruShiroiNeko (EVA@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) from #wikipedia-en #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #mediawiki Quit Quit
�03[21:29] * ceradon (~Ceradon@wikipedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:29] * Mike_HH is now known as Mike_H
[21:32] <Jeske_Merensky>
[21:33] <SigmaWP>|Conservative&usprop=userid|emailable|registration|gender&format=xml
[21:33] <SigmaWP> Conservapedians are neither male nor female
[21:34] <tjf> :/
[21:34] <tjf> the chassis on my laptop is really breaking
[21:34] <tjf> why didn't I invest in the thinkpad...
[21:34] <tjf> i'm not gonna put more money into this though.
�03[21:35] * Forget_ (47238eca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:35] <Forget_> hello.
[21:35] <Forget_> please don't kick me out
[21:35] <Fluffernutter> is there a reason we would kick you out?
[21:35] <tjf> !ops Forget_ = "netalarm_" = "kitty__" = "super" = ban evader
[21:35] <tjf> oh Fluffernutter is here
[21:35] <Forget_>
[21:35] <Prodego> ya?
[21:35] <Forget_> go, go, go!
[21:36] <SigmaWP> Whoa
[21:36] <Forget_> race quickly.
[21:36] <SigmaWP> What a coincidence
�06[21:36] * Fluffernutter no clue what's going on here, defers to Prodego
[21:36] <vvvfjjuoghg> tjf: whet?
[21:36] <Forget_> it's the typeracer tournameny
[21:36] <SigmaWP> Forget_: Your IP address geolocates to the exact place someone else was
[21:36] <tjf> * Thehelpfulone sets ban on *!4723af13@*
[21:36] <SigmaWP> Coincidentally, the ISP is the same too.
[21:36] <Forget_> yeah, that was my brohther
[21:36] <tjf> Same IP range
[21:36] <Forget_> my brother
[21:36] <SigmaWP> 9_9
[21:36] <vvvfjjuoghg> tjf: What kind of laptop do you have?
[21:36] <tjf> Forget_, [[WP:LITTLEBROTHER]]
[21:36] <tjf> vvvfjjuoghg, Just one of Lenovo's Essentials series.
[21:36] <Forget_> big brother actually
[21:36] <vvvfjjuoghg> tjf: haha, I forgot about WP:LITTLEBROTHER
[21:36] <tjf> a G550
[21:36] <Prodego> as long as Forget_ here doesn't cause any problems, that's fine with me :)
[21:36] <SigmaWP> 9_9
[21:37] <vvvfjjuoghg> tjf: IdeaPad?
[21:37] <SigmaWP> o.O
[21:37] <SigmaWP> Prodego: What happened to G5? :(
[21:37] <Forget_> ok.
[21:37] <tjf> Prodego, he was impersonating other users not 10 minutes ago.
[21:37] <Forget_> no,
[21:37] <Prodego> Forget_: you going to impersonate any users?
[21:37] <Forget_> i did super ayan
[21:37] <Forget_> and it just showed super
[21:37] <SigmaWP> mhmm
�03[21:37] * N1996 is now known as Nascar1996
[21:37] <tjf> and netalarm?
[21:37] <tjf> you didn't impersonate him?
[21:37] <Forget_> I'm serious, it doesn't show the whole name
[21:38] <Forget_> super ayan was changed to super!
�15[21:38] * Crimedog (ritzlart@wikipedia/Ron-Ritzman) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
�15[21:38] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[21:38] <SigmaWP> Forget_: Answer the question.
[21:38] <Shirik> guys, seriously, drop it. Is it that hard to move on?
[21:38] <SigmaWP> Yeah.
[21:38] <Forget_> i did not impersonate
[21:38] <Forget_> anyone.
�03[21:38] * ChanServ sets mode: +o slakr
[21:38] <Prodego> Forget_: just Forget_ it, haha
�03[21:38] * slakr sets mode: +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
�04[21:38] * Forget_ was kicked by slakr (evasion�)
�06[21:38] * Netalarm hugs slakr
�06[21:38] * slakr shrugs
�03[21:38] * slakr sets mode: -ov slakr slakr
[21:38] <SigmaWP> Yay
[21:38] <SigmaWP> Nice one
�06[21:38] * Jeske_Merensky hugs Netalarm
[21:38] <Netalarm> ^_^
[21:38] <tjf> danke, slakr
�06[21:39] * Shirik stabs slakr
[21:39] <slakr> if he wants to dispute the ban he can do so in -ops
�03[21:39] * mindspillage (~kat@PRATT-THREE-FORTY-SIX.MIT.EDU) has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:39] * mindspillage (~kat@PRATT-THREE-FORTY-SIX.MIT.EDU) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[21:39] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:40] <SigmaWP> [18:39:40]	Carol	how do I get my link without exiting chat?
�06[21:40] * SigmaWP facepalm
[21:40] <Jeske_Merensky> - wtf is the site in the diff?
[21:40] <tjf> mindspillage, You go to MIT?
[21:40] <tjf> Jeske_Merensky, more than likely a shock site.
�15[21:40] * Jayflux ( (Great Britain) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##politics Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )�)
�06[21:40] * SigmaWP thought Jeske_Merensky hated mudkipz
[21:41] <Jeske_Merensky> tjf) I'm more concerned it has malware, not just a jumpscare.
[21:41] <vvvfjjuoghg> Jeske_Merensky: Mud! Kip! Mud! Kip!
[21:41] <tjf> People say it has malware
[21:41] <vvvfjjuoghg> And an endless javascript alert loop on closeing the tab.
[21:42] <vvvfjjuoghg> But recent Firefox and Chrome let you shut up a page that does that.
[21:42] <SigmaWP> Yay.
[21:42] <vvvfjjuoghg> tjf: Malware that affects an up-to-date Linux system?
�03[21:42] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[21:42] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[21:42] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:42] <Jeske_Merensky> Not everyone uses recent Firefox and Chrome.
[21:42] <Guerillero> I will rev delete
[21:42] <vvvfjjuoghg> Jeske_Merensky: IE might. I don't know because I do not use Windows.
[21:43] <Jeske_Merensky> Danke Guerillero.
[21:43] <vvvfjjuoghg> I'd assume Opera has the STFU checkbox as well.
[21:43] <tjf> vvvfjjuoghg, Doubt it.
�15[21:43] * varnent ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #mediawiki Quit (Quit: nighty nite)
[21:43] <vvvfjjuoghg> Sweet.
[21:44] <vvvfjjuoghg> The only not up to date package on my system is blender because it's a 25MB download and I've only had 3G internets for the last week or so.
[21:44] <tjf> Very, very few viruses affect Linux.
[21:44] <tjf> The farthest it can get without root access is your home directory
[21:44] <mindspillage> tjf: of course I *go* there, how else would I *be* there? But the non-smartass answer is no.
[21:44] <slakr> unless it uses a local priviledge escalation hole
[21:44] <vvvfjjuoghg> tjf: And anywhere I have write access to, which includes /tmp and /dev/shm
[21:45] <tjf> well, that too
[21:45] <tjf> but /tmp is temporary
�06[21:45] * vvvfjjuoghg wonders if /tmp and /dev/shm are mounted noexec
[21:45] <vvvfjjuoghg> tjf: Stuff is still executable from there, unless it's mounted noexec
[21:45] <tjf> and yeah, things won't execute without +x
�03[21:45] * LtNOWIS|GTA is now known as LtNOWIS
[21:45] <vvvfjjuoghg> I can still chmod something in /tmp
[21:45] <slakr> or... you could load executable code into memory and jump into it
[21:46] <vvvfjjuoghg> Yeah, tmp isn't mounted noexec on my system
�15[21:46] * darkfalls (~Dark@wikipedia/darkfalls) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
�06[21:46] * slakr facepalms and gives up
[21:46] <vvvfjjuoghg> nor /dev/shm
�06[21:47] * Guerillero has no clue what you are talking about
�03[21:48] * nb_ is now known as nb__
�03[21:48] * nb__ is now known as nb
[21:48] <vvvfjjuoghg> Guerillero: Not a Linuxer?
[21:48] <tjf> mindspillage, do you... work there?
[21:48] <Guerillero> no Windoze 7
[21:49] <vvvfjjuoghg> Guerillero: Aha.
[21:49] <vvvfjjuoghg> /tmp and /dev/shm are temporary locations on a Linux system (/dev/shm is a ramdisk)
[21:49] <Guerillero> I need to find a computer that I am willing to give up to put linux on
[21:49] <vvvfjjuoghg> They are writeable by any user.
�06[21:49] * slakr fell in love with MIT the last time I was in boston
�03[21:49] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:49] <slakr> I've considered doing some graduate work there
[21:49] <tjf> I wish I could go to MIT...
[21:49] <tjf> but even if I were to get accepted, the cost is huge
[21:49] <slakr> they were playing Oasis - Wonderwall at a live event
[21:49] <slakr> twice
[21:50] <slakr> two separate locations
[21:50] <slakr> I was like <3
[21:50] <Guerillero> MIT could be fun for grad school
�15[21:52] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[21:53] <tjf> I think I want to go to University of Illinois for undergrad, and maybe Iowa State for grad
�03[21:53] * Fluff|away ( from United States also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:54] <tjf> Netalarm, you go to U of Illinois, right?
�15[21:54] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Disconnected by services)
�03[21:54] * Fluff|away is now known as Guest1786
�03[21:54] * Guest1786 is now known as Fluffernutter
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�03[21:54] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) also in #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:54] <Netalarm> yes?
[21:54] <tjf> should I go there? :P
[21:54] <SigmaWP> Fluffernutter: How's the weather in EST-land?
[21:55] <Fluffernutter> cold
[21:55] <tjf> SigmaWP, I got 5 inches of snow yesterday :3
[21:55] <tjf> Still had school though!
[21:55] <SigmaWP> :O
�06[21:55] * SigmaWP never knew tjf went to school
[21:55] <tjf> Rumors are saying that the superintendent is from Alaska.
[21:55] <tjf> He isn't, he's from Missouri.
�15[21:55] * Monchoman45 (6c24ffb5@wikia/Monchoman45) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[21:55] <Nascar1996> Another user just found vandalism that was put in the article in 2006.... :O
[21:56] <SigmaWP> :O
[21:56] <Nascar1996> * an article
[21:56] <tjf> SigmaWP, what else would I do?
[21:56] <SigmaWP> Codecodecodecodecode
[21:56] <Addihockey10> o_O GOOGLE JUST BOUGHT E-BAY
�15[21:56] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:56] <tjf> wat
[21:56] <SigmaWP> Addihockey10: CAPITALISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:56] <SigmaWP> really?
�03[21:56] * Fluffernutter ( from United States also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-ops ##IShadowed ##dgaf has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:57] <SigmaWP> Fluffernutter: Your IP address is indirectly showing
[21:57] <Fluffernutter> yeah, yeah
�03[21:57] * Fluffernutter is now known as Guest66143
[21:57] <tjf> Addihockey10, citation
[21:57] <Guest66143> gah too slow
[21:57] <Nascar1996> ...
[21:57] <slakr> lies
�03[21:57] * Guest66143 is now known as Fluffernutter
�15[21:57] * Fluffernutter ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops ##IShadowed ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
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[21:57] <tjf> i don't believe you
[21:57] <tjf> it's not on google news
[21:58] <Addihockey10> Google search result :
[21:58] <vvvfjjuoghg> Nascar1996: ha, 6 years
[21:58] <vvvfjjuoghg> The link you requested has been identified by bitly as being potentially problematic.
[21:58] <tjf> Stop - there might be a problem with the requested link
[21:58] <vvvfjjuoghg> Addihockey10: ^^
[21:58] <tjf> and i see in the URL
[21:58] <Nascar1996> Yes, I know... It was reverted today!
[21:58] <Netalarm> rickroll
�03[21:59] * Monchoman45 (6c24ffb5@wikia/Monchoman45) also in #wikipedia has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:59] <Addihockey10> Oh shit, that was my old
[21:59] <Netalarm> so mature
[21:59] <Addihockey10> Sorry. Let me find the right one
[22:00] <SigmaWP> 	*** [ LONGURL ]: <> -> <> (Title Warning! | There might be a problem with the requested link | Content text/html)
[22:00] <SigmaWP> Eh
[22:00] <Nascar1996> STOP - there might be a problem with the requested link
�03[22:00] * HelloAnnyong (HelloAnnyo@wikipedia/helloannyong) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[22:00] <Netalarm> hmm
[22:00] <Addihockey10> I'm well aware now.
[22:00] <Addihockey10> Sorry, that was a facebook prank for my friend
�06[22:01] * tjf gives Addihockey10 the death glare
[22:01] <tjf> you had me writing an article
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�15[22:01] * HelloAnnyong (HelloAnnyo@wikipedia/helloannyong) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Client Quit)
[22:01] <tjf> for foks sake, if you're going to say something like that have something to back your claim up!
�06[22:02] * tjf couldn't resist
[22:02] <SigmaWP> WilliamH_UK: Poke
�06[22:02] * SigmaWP demands advice from a checkuser
[22:02] <Nascar1996> People related to NASCAR have the worst luck with flying ...
�03[22:02] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[22:03] <tjf> SigmaWP, wikipedia checkuser?
�15[22:03] * quanticle ( from #wikipedia-en ##dgaf Quit (Changing host)
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[22:03] <tjf> they can't really say much from what they find
[22:03] <SigmaWP>  OK
[22:03] <SigmaWP> tjf: Does the WMF's privacy policy allow checkusering in order to do legal stuff
[22:03] <foks> heh.
[22:04] <SigmaWP> For instance, checkuser an idiot who hacked a non-profit organisation's website?
[22:04] <tjf> SigmaWP, what kind of legal stuff?
[22:04] <tjf> no.
[22:04] <tjf> well, probably not
[22:04] <Netalarm> no
[22:04] <tjf> i'm 99% sure that's not allowed.
�06[22:04] * SigmaWP wonders about impeding the progress of justice, but oh well
[22:04] <Nascar1996> When does Miszabot II start new archive pages?! I added the code earlier and the bot still hasn't archived the page...
[22:04] <SigmaWP> Nascar1996: 1 day
[22:04] <Nascar1996> Thanks SigmaWP
[22:05] <tjf> SigmaWP, giving out that kind of information would be bad
[22:05] <SigmaWP> Oh
[22:05] <WilliamH_UK> I'm here
[22:05] <SigmaWP> Nevermind, the idiot edited from his IP
[22:05] <WilliamH_UK> what is it
[22:05] <SigmaWP>
[22:05] <tjf> if the police need it, they can get a subpoena
[22:06] <Netalarm> er, you don't need a CU to see the IP there...
[22:06] <Netalarm> it's right in the history
[22:07] <SigmaWP> >_>
[22:07] <WilliamH_UK> ahahahahaha
[22:07] <Netalarm> DoS isn't even "hacking"
[22:07] <tjf> no it's not
[22:07] <SigmaWP> Well
[22:07] <SigmaWP> In -help he just said that he was the IP
[22:08] <SigmaWP> Whois him
[22:08] <SigmaWP> IPs are the same
[22:08] <tjf> DDoS is the lowest form of hacking
[22:08] <tjf> it's like
[22:08] <tjf> LULZ SIGHT DOAN I WIN
[22:09] <SigmaWP> tjf: How about downloading passwords through manipulation of cookies?
�03[22:09] * lucasoutloud ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:09] <Netalarm> cute, but still simple
�03[22:10] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:10] <tjf> SigmaWP, can't you do that with wireshark or something
[22:10] <tjf> no
[22:10] <tjf> firesheep
[22:11] <tjf> xss is the easiest actual thing I'll consider hacking
[22:11] <tjf> SQL injection is pretty fun too
�03[22:11] * Beetstra_ (~djbeetstr@ from Saudi Arabia has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:11] <Nascar1996> > An odd discussion to have on a Wikipedia article 's talk page...
�03[22:12] * log (~log@wikimedia/Logan) also in #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode ##until_it_sleeps-bots has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:12] <SigmaWP> When the log rolls over...
[22:12] <tjf> so bored.
[22:12] <tjf> i'd make an arduino robot
[22:13] <tjf> but I only have one motor
[22:13] <SigmaWP> tjf: How about teaching me how to use cookielib?
[22:13] <tjf> and one servo
[22:13] <tjf> SigmaWP, i don't know what that is
[22:13] <SigmaWP> Oh
[22:13] <tjf> i guess i could go searching for exploits
[22:14] <Guerillero> what if you root a system :P
�03[22:14] * Beetstra_ (~djbeetstr@ from Saudi Arabia also in #wikimedia-stewards has left #wikipedia-en
�06[22:14] * Guerillero goes back to reading 2600
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�06[22:17] * Nascar1996 likes the progress from to
[22:18] <tjf> hey
[22:18] <log> Hello.
[22:18] <Nascar1996> hi
[22:18] <tjf> y'all should join ##circle because Netalarm said that he'll buy me arduino parts if people join </spam>
[22:18] <Nascar1996> Hmm..
[22:18] <sphygmomanometer> what is it?
[22:19] <Netalarm> what's a arduino anyway?
[22:19] <Nascar1996> heh'
[22:19] <lucasoutloud> Netalarm: Some homebrew electronics kit
[22:19] <lucasoutloud> That's overpriced.
[22:19] <Netalarm> lol
[22:19] <tjf> it's not that expensive
[22:19] <Netalarm> what can it do?
[22:20] <tjf> it's only $25
[22:20] <tjf> Netalarm, whatever you program it to do
[22:20] <lucasoutloud> Netalarm: More like what can you make it do.
[22:20] <Netalarm> erm, to what extent?
[22:20] <tjf> you write code
[22:20] <Netalarm> like light a few lightbullbs?
[22:20] <tjf> it can do anything
[22:20] <lucasoutloud> Netalarm: Think python based water sprinklers
[22:20] <Netalarm> you can program water sprinklers with it?
[22:21] <tjf> Netalarm, yes
[22:21] <tjf> you can program aaaaaaany thing
[22:21] <Netalarm> the arduino has water sprinklers?
[22:21] <tjf> Breathalyzers
[22:21] <tjf> robots
[22:21] <tjf> lights
[22:21] <tjf> bells
[22:21] <tjf> video games
[22:21] <lucasoutloud> If you try hard enough you can make it love
[22:21] <Netalarm> you're alreadying getting mac minis -.-
[22:22] <tjf> Netalarm, Only three
[22:22] <tjf> and they're not even mind
[22:22] <tjf> mine
[22:22] <Netalarm> lol
[22:22] <tjf> Plus this has 32 kb of ram!
[22:22] <lucasoutloud> But, Arduino is old hat.  Raspberry Pi is the new hotness.
[22:22] <tjf> that is cool
[22:22] <tjf> I want one
[22:23] <SigmaWP> Earwig: Poke
�06[22:23] * Earwig recoils
[22:24] <Netalarm> headshot
[22:24] <SigmaWP> Earwig: You know how to log in to wikipedia with python right?
[22:24] <SigmaWP> Can I see your code? :D
[22:24] <Earwig> sure
[22:24] <Earwig> uh
[22:24] <Earwig> sec
[22:24] <tjf> SigmaWP, do you know much about pywikipedia?
[22:24] <Netalarm> can AWB delete pages?
[22:25] <SigmaWP> tjf: Only the stuff I ever needed to make my bot.
[22:25] <tjf> oh.
[22:25] <SigmaWP> Netalarm: Yeah
[22:25] <Earwig> SigmaWP:
[22:25] <tjf> my install refuses to log in
[22:25] <Netalarm> awesome
[22:25] <SigmaWP> Get a new one.
[22:25] <tjf> i did
[22:26] <tjf> are you high, Addihockey10?
[22:26] <Earwig> the answer is yes by default
[22:26] <SigmaWP> In terms of social classes, of course
[22:26] <Addihockey10>
[22:26] <Addihockey10> tjf: ^
[22:26] <Earwig> SigmaWP: does the code make sense?
�03[22:26] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) also in #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:26] <SigmaWP> dunno, i'm too busy talking
[22:26] <SigmaWP> just a second
[22:26] <tjf> i can't tell if Earwig and SigmaWP were talking to me or not
[22:26] <tjf> if not, great timing
[22:27] <SigmaWP> Hmph
�03[22:27] * IShadowed ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
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[22:27] <Nascar1996> Grrr!
[22:27] <SigmaWP> ok, im reading
[22:27] <SigmaWP> Fuck classes
�06[22:27] * Earwig goes back to drawing
[22:27] <Nascar1996> Pretty much only vandalism.
[22:28] <SigmaWP> Earwig: drawing what
[22:28] <Earwig> 's not important
[22:29] <LauraHale> 14 DYK expansions in 10 different DYK noms.
�06[22:29] * SigmaWP grumbles and searches for _api_query.....
[22:29] <Nascar1996> Can IP be blocked as Vandalism only account?
[22:29] <tjf> no
[22:29] <tjf> because it's an ip
[22:30] <tjf> that's not a proxy afaict
[22:30] <Earwig> SigmaWP: L156
[22:30] <Nascar1996> LOL, I didn't catch that...
[22:30] <tjf> zenmap says no ports are open
[22:30] <SigmaWP> Ah thanks
[22:30] <Nascar1996> *sigh
[22:30] <tjf> yes i sadly user zenmap :(
[22:30] <tjf> cba to learn nmap's flags
�15[22:31] * Mitchazenia ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[22:31] <Nascar1996> I find it odd that the IP vandalised pages about 11 times before getting a warning.
[22:32] <tjf> Nascar1996, that's not you, is it?
[22:32] <tjf> same ISP as you...
[22:32] <tjf> and they happen to also be NASCAR drivers...
[22:32] <Nascar1996> Nope.
�03[22:32] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:33] <sphygmomanometer> lol
�15[22:33] * sphygmomanometer (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) from #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots ##The_Thing Quit (Quit: bed)
[22:34] <Earwig> SigmaWP: lololol my code is impossible to understand lolol
[22:34] <tjf> Earwig, try Perl :P
[22:34] <Earwig> oh jesus
[22:34] <SigmaWP> Perl is hell
[22:34] <Earwig> you're all masochists
[22:34] <SigmaWP> "There's more than one way to do it"
[22:35] <SigmaWP> which suggests that there are 50000 different ways to print "Hello world\n";
[22:35] <Earwig> Perl is essentially the antithesis of Python.
[22:35] <tjf> I hate perl.
[22:36] <SigmaWP> Learned it, couldn't figure out how to log in to wikipedia with it, and forgot it
[22:36] <Nascar1996> My IP is tjf
[22:36] <tjf> ok
�03[22:36] * Mitchazenia ( from United States has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[22:36] * THO|Cloud (u5072@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
�15[22:36] * MaxCoder (u4701@gateway/web/ from #wikipedia-en #wikinews Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:36] <tjf> Python has easy syntax
[22:36] <SigmaWP> Earwig: Your code is confusing
[22:36] <Earwig> yup
[22:36] <SigmaWP> And I thought my bot had messy code...
[22:36] <Nascar1996> My IP also has 0 edits.
�15[22:36] * lfaraone (u4319@ubuntu/member/debian.developer.lfaraone) from #wikipedia-en #gaygeeks-asl Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[22:37] <SigmaWP> ;-;
�15[22:37] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
�06[22:37] * SigmaWP scrolls down
�06[22:37] * SigmaWP gives up
[22:37] <Earwig> if you had an actual question, maybe I could help :P
�15[22:37] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:38] <SigmaWP> First thing that comes to mind is "How do I log in with perl"
[22:38] <SigmaWP> But over the course of 8 months, I forgot it
�06[22:38] * Nascar1996 can't believe tjf thought I was that IP...
[22:39] <SigmaWP> Well
[22:39] <SigmaWP> Earwig: Do you know how to use multiprocess?
[22:39] <Earwig> not particularly
�15[22:39] * lucasoutloud ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: Ay Ay Ay! Got to go!)
[22:39] <Earwig> I've worked with threading tho
[22:40] <Nascar1996> For some odd reason I just stare at my watchlist...
�15[22:41] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?)
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�08[22:43] <derp> SigmaWP :D
[22:43] <SigmaWP> derp: :D
�15[22:44] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: Feeling a sudden urge to vommit)
[22:44] <SigmaWP> o.O
�03[22:44] * THO|Cloud (u5072@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:45] <log> I tend to get that feeling after speaking to SigmaWP.
[22:45] <tjf> log, ?
�08[22:45] <derp> damn
[22:45] <SigmaWP> Again, lack of context
�08[22:45] <derp> the cops are still in my town
[22:45] <SigmaWP> wom wom wom
�08[22:46] <derp>
�03[22:47] * MaxCoder (u4701@gateway/web/ also in #wikinews has joined #wikipedia-en
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�15[22:58] * log (~log@wikimedia/Logan) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops-internal #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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[23:14] <SigmaWP> Earwig: Hey
[23:14] <Earwig> yeah?
[23:14] <SigmaWP> Earwig: Should I use cookielib or Cookie if I'm only using urllib2
�06[23:14] * SigmaWP is nub :(
[23:14] <Earwig> I forgot how cookies work
[23:14] <SigmaWP> :O
�06[23:14] * Earwig looks at his code
[23:15] <Earwig> you want a cookiejar, I assume?
[23:16] <Earwig> look at what I do, which is basically:
[23:16] <Earwig> from cookielib import LWPCookieJar
[23:16] <Earwig> from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor
[23:16] <Earwig> opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(LWPCookieJar(".cookies")))
[23:16] <Earwig> right?
[23:17] <Earwig> :(
[23:17] <Addihockey10> Earwig: Trollolol
�06[23:18] * Earwig huggles Addihockey10 
�03[23:18] * Sp33dyphil (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:18] <Addihockey10> Earwig: I bought an iPad nano today.
[23:18] <Earwig> cool
[23:19] <Addihockey10> It's pre-release.
[23:19] <Addihockey10> It's like a crossover between the iPod touch and an iPad
[23:19] <tjf> Addihockey10, "pre-release"?
[23:19] <Sp33dyphil> tjf: did the guys get kicked out?
[23:19] <tjf> Sp33dyphil, which?
[23:19] <Addihockey10> tjf: Well whatever you call it, Apple releases it to their product testers and then do feedback.
�03[23:20] * tgeairn (32497bba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:20] <tjf> Addihockey10, pics or it didn't happen
[23:20] <Sp33dyphil> Netalarm and Kitty_, or did they leave?
[23:20] <tjf> a combo of both
[23:20] <Addihockey10> tjf: Can't, I signed the confidentiality form.
[23:20] <tjf> they were banned, then quit.
[23:20] <tjf> Addihockey10, you already probably violated it by telling us you have it
[23:20] <Addihockey10> I can mention it, but I can't show pic.
[23:20] <Sp33dyphil> banned?
[23:20] <Addihockey10> Probably.
[23:20] <Addihockey10> But you don't know my IRL identity.
[23:21] <Addihockey10> so they won't know.
[23:21] <Addihockey10> It has the same screen ratio as the iPad.
[23:21] <Addihockey10> iPad apps work with it.
[23:22] <Addihockey10> It's basically the same... they'll probably add more software features before the release... but it's a lot more compact and less awkward to carry :-)
[23:22] <Netalarm> what?
[23:23] <Addihockey10> The iPad nano.
[23:23] <Addihockey10> I'm not legally allowed to tell you...
[23:23] <Addihockey10> but...
[23:23] <Addihockey10> :-D
[23:23] <Netalarm> lol, ndas only apply to 18+
[23:23] <Netalarm> <18 can't sign contracts anyway
[23:23] <tjf> They can
[23:23] <tjf> it just won't be legally binding without a guardian's signature
[23:23] <Addihockey10> Netalarm: How does that apply to me?
[23:23] <Netalarm> Addihockey10, depends on your age
[23:24] <tgeairn> Can I get an opinion on  The article 'Needmore' was a disambig page (and 'Needmore (disambig)' redirects to 'Needmore', but a user has pasted in a band article in place.
�03[23:24] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:24] <Addihockey10> Netalarm: and my country of residence.
�15[23:24] * stuartyeates ( (New Zealand) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:25] <tgeairn> probably need to move the band page to 'Needmore (band)' or something, or move the disambig content to the 'Needmore (disambiguation)' article.
�06[23:25] * SigmaWP wonders what LWPCookieJar is
[23:25] <Addihockey10> The battery life is a bit lower though, hopefully they'll do that before the reelase.
[23:25] <Addihockey10> they'll add a more powerful one*
�03[23:25] * lfaraone (u4319@gateway/web/ has joined #wikipedia-en
�15[23:25] * lfaraone (u4319@gateway/web/ from #wikipedia-en Quit (Changing host)
�03[23:25] * lfaraone (u4319@ubuntu/member/debian.developer.lfaraone) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:26] <SigmaWP> Earwig: I think
[23:26] <Earwig> SigmaWP: cookie jar that can save to a file
[23:27] <SigmaWP> But where does the file go?
�03[23:27] * Atheism is now known as ty
[23:27] <Earwig> LWPCookieJar(".cookies")
[23:27] <Earwig> to .cookies in the current dir
[23:27] <SigmaWP> But where does that go
[23:27] <Earwig> or whatever you want
[23:27] <SigmaWP> Oh
�06[23:27] * SigmaWP dumps it in C:\Windows\Fonts just for fun
�15[23:30] * harej ( (United States) from #wikipedia-en #wikimania Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
�06[23:31] * SigmaWP wishes he could edit cookies the easy way
�06[23:32] * SigmaWP is boggled again
�06[23:33] * SigmaWP wishes he didnt eat the cookies in the jar
�15[23:33] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*)
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�15[23:36] * THO|Cloud (u5072@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) from #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia-en #wikipedia #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-ops #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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�15[23:36] * lfaraone (u4319@ubuntu/member/debian.developer.lfaraone) from #wikipedia-en #gaygeeks-asl Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[23:37] <SigmaWP> Splat
�15[23:38] * ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) from #wikipedia-en #wikipedia Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[23:39] <tjf> Ideas, anyone?
�03[23:40] * YJohnson (u4495@gateway/web/ also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikipedia #mediawiki has joined #wikipedia-en
�08[23:40] <derp> tjf, sex toy
�15[23:40] * SpeakFree (~IceChat77@wikipedia/SpeakFree) from #wikipedia-en Quit (Quit: If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you)
[23:40] <Fluffernutter> o_O
[23:40] <tjf> derp, i do have a servo...
�03[23:40] * THO|Cloud (u5072@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) also in #wikipedia-en-help #wikimedia-tech #wikimedia-stewards #wikimedia-commons #wikimedia #freenode #defocus ##until_it_sleeps-bots has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:40] <tjf> an open source sex toy?
[23:41] <SigmaWP> Cookie jars
�08[23:41] <derp> yep
[23:41] <SigmaWP> Damn
[23:41] <SigmaWP> Annoying
[23:41] <Sp33dyphil> o.O
[23:41] <SigmaWP> Sp33dyphil: Python
[23:41] <SigmaWP> Well, I've idled long enough
[23:41] <SigmaWP> Good bye
�08[23:41] <derp> ni ni <3
[23:42] <SigmaWP> Does urllib2.build_opener(stuff) accept Request objects?
�03[23:42] * MaxCoder (u4701@gateway/web/ also in #wikinews has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:42] <Sp33dyphil> If anyone's an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie fan, please add this to your user page.
Session Close: Fri Jan 13 23:42:30 2012