User:Badmachine/wikipedia-en-2012-07-12 through 2012-10-07

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Session Start: Thu Jul 12 21:00:07 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[21:00] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[21:00] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[21:00] * Set by Logan_ on Fri Jul 06 18:24:09
[21:00] #wikipedia-en url is
�01[21:00] anonymous200 No such nick/channel
�01[21:00] anonymous200 End of /WHOIS list.
�03[21:00] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:00] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[21:02] * sDrewth ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:02] * sDrewth ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[21:02] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:04] * Peter-laptop (~peter@wikimedia/Peter.C) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�02[21:06] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[21:07] <Shirik> wtf is this wikipedia
[21:07] <Shirik> stop making up facts
[21:08] <Shirik> pluto can't have a moon, it is not a planet
[21:08] <LtNOWIS> dude wikipedia isnt reliable anyone can edit it
[21:09] <Shirik> oh is that how pluto became not a planet?
[21:09] <Shirik> somebody edited pluto's page and said "pluto's not a planet anymore"
[21:09] <Shirik> and then it wasn't
[21:10] <RogueMadman> Yes.
�03[21:11] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:12] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[21:13] <Isarra> And what are you?
�02[21:13] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[21:15] <RogueMadman> A cool frood.
[21:16] <Isarra> Of course.
[21:17] <Shirik> so because I was bored, I looked up the first wikipedia edit saying Pluto wasn't a planet anymore
[21:17] <Shirik>
[21:17] <Shirik> I am now blind
�03[21:18] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en ("Flee, here comes the ..."�)
�03[21:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[21:18] * eir sets mode: -bo *!* eir
[21:19] <RogueMadman> :x
[21:19] <Isarra> >.<
�02[21:19] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
�03[21:20] * kim_bruning ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:20] * Jmajeremy_ (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:20] <Isarra> Why can't huggle download the whitelist?
�02[21:20] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[21:21] * chicocvenancio2 (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra maybe the bot is racist
�02[21:23] * chicocvenancio (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[21:23] <kim_bruning> goingk up
�02[21:23] * kim_bruning ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[21:24] * Bejinhan (4a60069d@wikipedia/Bejinhan) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
�02[21:27] * Ced1214 (~Ced@wikia/Ced1214) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�02[21:29] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[21:31] * Ed17 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:31] * Ed17 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[21:31] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:31] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) Quit (Client Quit�)
�02[21:31] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
�03[21:36] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:39] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[21:40] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:44] * Riley_Huntley (acdac013@wikipedia/Riley-Huntley) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:47] * EyesIsMine (~Eyes@WiseOS/Founder/EyesIsMine) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[21:49] * Frood_ is now known as Froodsleep
[21:49] <Froodsleep> .away
�06[21:49] * SigmaWP hugs Froodsleep 
[21:49] <Shrek> Hugging a away nick is a federal crime SigmaWP.
�02[21:50] * RogueMadman (~madman@wikimedia/madman) Quit (Quit: See you all in the morning!�)
�03[21:51] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:51] <nprice> Hey guys, keep an eye on [[Carol Costello]] and [[Bill Nye]] - references to those pages just made Reddit so they're probably gonna see a bunch of vandalism for a bit
[21:53] <Isarra> Wikipedia needs more long random articles.
�02[21:59] * [cerAway] (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[22:06] <SigmaWP> What's addihockey's nick today
[22:07] <Isarra> There are only 164 nicks to check...
[22:09] <SigmaWP> [Bazinga]: oke
[22:09] <SigmaWP> [Bazinga]: poke
�03[22:09] * M132T003C ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[22:09] * M132T003C ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[22:09] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:12] * testany-ken ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:15] * ty is now known as Zombie_Jesus
�01[22:18] Zombie_Jesus is ~ty@wikia/TyA * Ty
�01[22:18] Zombie_Jesus on #wikipedia-en 
�01[22:18] Zombie_Jesus using Corvallis, OR, USA
�01[22:18] Zombie_Jesus is using a secure connection
�01[22:18] Zombie_Jesus is logged in as TyA
�01[22:18] Zombie_Jesus End of /WHOIS list.
�03[22:19] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:19] * Zombie_Jesus is now known as zamorak
�02[22:20] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
�03[22:24] * testany-ken ( has left #wikipedia-en
�03[22:26] * SigmaWP is now known as Zaros
�03[22:26] * Zaros is now known as SigmaWP
�06[22:26] * SigmaWP hugs zamorak 
�06[22:27] * zamorak casts flames of Zamorak on SigmaWP 
�06[22:27] * zamorak then hugs SigmaWP's ashes
�06[22:27] * SigmaWP uses protect from magic
[22:27] <zamorak> As another player, you don't get full immunity though :P
�06[22:27] * SigmaWP got lucky
[22:27] <zamorak> Pff
�02[22:30] * YE ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�03[22:32] * Lubaf ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:32] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�02[22:33] * NoCode (~NoCode@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[22:47] <Lubaf> Nobody's here, right?
[22:47] <Lubaf> So I can spam all I want, right?
�02[22:56] * poko ( Quit
Session Close: Thu Jul 12 22:56:51 2012

Session Start: Thu Jul 12 23:33:08 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[23:33] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[23:33] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[23:33] * Set by Logan_ on Fri Jul 06 18:24:09
[23:33] #wikipedia-en url is
�02[23:34] * ty (~ty@wikia/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
�02[23:36] * tkazec (~msk@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�02[23:41] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�02[23:47] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�02[23:47] * Krenair (~Krenair@wikimedia/Krenair) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�02[23:48] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
�03[23:51] * Pine (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[23:52] * Shrek (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[23:52] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[23:56] * thedj_ (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
�03[23:56] * Willdude123 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[23:56] * Tony_Sidaway ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[23:56] * thedj (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
�02[23:59] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) Quit
�03[23:59] * Jmajeremy__ is now known as Jmajeremy
�03[23:59] * Resfirestar (~sam@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:00] * Resfirestar (~sam@ Quit (Changing host�)
Session Time: Fri Jul 13 00:00:00 2012
�03[00:00] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:00] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[00:12] * Willdude123 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[00:36] <Riley_Huntley> Pine: Hello :)
[00:36] <Pine> Riley_Huntley: hi
[00:36] <Riley_Huntley> Pine: Willing to talk PM?
[00:36] <Pine> ok
�02[00:37] * UnknownFork (~UnknownFo@unaffiliated/unknownfork) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[00:37] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[00:50] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:50] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
�03[00:51] * Apheori ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:51] * Apheori ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[00:51] * Apheori (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:51] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[00:52] * Seahorse ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:52] * Seahorse ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[00:52] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:54] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[00:54] <jubo2> vs.
�03[00:55] * petan (~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:57] * Tony_Sidaway ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�02[00:57] * petan (~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[01:03] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:07] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
�02[01:13] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[01:16] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�02[01:18] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�03[01:20] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:20] * Lubaf ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�02[01:28] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[01:38] * lubmil ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:39] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:45] * Riley_Huntley (acdac013@wikipedia/Riley-Huntley) Quit (Quit: Night folks, try not to flood recent changes with all of your amazing contributions ;)�)
�03[01:46] * Christoph_WMDE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:46] * swarfega|away is now known as swarfega
�02[01:46] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
�03[01:52] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:54] * Vito_away is now known as Vito
�03[02:02] * petan (~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:08] * petan (~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�02[02:11] * Pine (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�02[02:11] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�02[02:15] * Christoph_WMDE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[02:15] * Sp33dyphil (cb2d98fb@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:17] <Sp33dyphil> Hi guys
[02:21] <Sp33dyphil> ToAruShiroiNeko: poke
�02[02:27] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[02:27] * gooby ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:30] * Christoph_WMDE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:32] * gooby ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[02:32] * ToBeFree (~tobefree@unaffiliated/tobefree) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:38] * gooby ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:39] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*�)
�02[02:39] * Sp33dyphil (cb2d98fb@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�03[02:43] * petan (~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:48] * gooby ( Quit (Quit: I am restarting..�)
�03[02:49] * gooby ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:49] * gooby ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[02:50] * bobrayner (4e932c68@wikipedia/bobrayner) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:51] * gooby ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:54] * Apheori (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[02:56] * rotinfuccinghell ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:57] * rotinfuccinghell ( Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[02:58] * jwales ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:58] <jwales> gooby bobrayner petan ToBeFree Christoph_WMDE Odisha1 p858snake|l lubmil russavia jubo2 poko EyesIsMine Jmajeremy M132T003C RD chicocvenancio2 eir heatherw Bsadowski1 IShadowed OlEnglish BlastHardcheese Hamunaptra stwalkerster Tyler Y_Ichiro actress Antonorsi heinrich5991 WhiskerBiscuit Dagny Sk8rbluscat Internet13 Fluff|sleep HarryS turkuamk MC8 IRWolfie- schiste_ mareklug liberaldudette Jasper_Deng_away Brooke Furry
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: mattbuck prometheus1809 Froodsleep Chappie-san Thehelpfulone ToAruShiroiNeko closedmouth localhost VunKruz yang2 Olipro lfaraone__ Headbomb|AfK sporous sam____ groupcat niko nalod heb Maccer suicidalzerg APexil Nix-7c0 Spitfire gry iggle_g auscompgeek guillom Ocaasi kylu dan64- nprice oona zz|ladder3|zz Venusaur Vito here QueenOfFrance kunwon1 Chris_G Nightmare SerajewelKS DoRD|away Corey MTCD|Away [Bazinga
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: jayne Lydia_WMDE AntiSpamMeta Athanasius AlexZ_ ohai Kenneaal LoganCloud Frigotoni XJR-9 Jellies MJ94 Coolbill90 Reedy tommorris evilgohan2 enhydra YOLO|busy ikonia MartijnH Ottre Lcawte|Away Zed` brayden @ChanServ camerin crazytails Simon- DARTHSIDIOUS2 Schroeder Garnig neskaya Snowolf phuzion tomaw Barras marienz CerebrumBot FastLizard4 Elchzard Nietzsche lahwran SudoKing bburhans JeLuF MX80 woggle edward
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: EDI slakr jeremyb aude Elfix nenolod AlertEye dhoss Shirik
�02[02:58] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[02:58] <jwales> gooby bobrayner petan ToBeFree Christoph_WMDE Odisha1 p858snake|l lubmil russavia jubo2 poko EyesIsMine Jmajeremy M132T003C RD chicocvenancio2 eir heatherw Bsadowski1 IShadowed OlEnglish BlastHardcheese Hamunaptra stwalkerster Tyler Y_Ichiro actress Antonorsi heinrich5991 WhiskerBiscuit Dagny Sk8rbluscat Internet13 Fluff|sleep HarryS turkuamk MC8 IRWolfie- schiste_ mareklug liberaldudette Jasper_Deng_away Brooke Furry
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: mattbuck prometheus1809 Froodsleep Chappie-san Thehelpfulone ToAruShiroiNeko closedmouth localhost VunKruz yang2 Olipro lfaraone__ Headbomb|AfK sporous sam____ groupcat niko nalod heb Maccer suicidalzerg APexil Nix-7c0 Spitfire gry iggle_g auscompgeek guillom Ocaasi kylu dan64- nprice oona zz|ladder3|zz Venusaur Vito here QueenOfFrance kunwon1 Chris_G Nightmare SerajewelKS DoRD|away Corey MTCD|Away [Bazinga
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: jayne Lydia_WMDE AntiSpamMeta Athanasius AlexZ_ ohai Kenneaal LoganCloud Frigotoni XJR-9 Jellies MJ94 Coolbill90 Reedy tommorris evilgohan2 enhydra YOLO|busy ikonia MartijnH Ottre Lcawte|Away Zed` brayden @ChanServ camerin crazytails Simon- DARTHSIDIOUS2 Schroeder Garnig neskaya Snowolf phuzion tomaw Barras marienz CerebrumBot FastLizard4 Elchzard Nietzsche lahwran SudoKing bburhans JeLuF MX80 woggle edward
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: EDI slakr jeremyb aude Elfix nenolod AlertEye dhoss Shirik
[02:58] <jwales> gooby bobrayner petan ToBeFree Christoph_WMDE Odisha1 p858snake|l lubmil russavia jubo2 poko EyesIsMine Jmajeremy M132T003C RD chicocvenancio2 eir heatherw Bsadowski1 IShadowed OlEnglish BlastHardcheese Hamunaptra stwalkerster Tyler Y_Ichiro actress Antonorsi heinrich5991 WhiskerBiscuit Dagny Sk8rbluscat Internet13 Fluff|sleep HarryS turkuamk MC8 IRWolfie- schiste_ mareklug liberaldudette Jasper_Deng_away Brooke Furry
�03[02:58] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Spitfire
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: mattbuck prometheus1809 Froodsleep Chappie-san Thehelpfulone ToAruShiroiNeko closedmouth localhost VunKruz yang2 Olipro lfaraone__ Headbomb|AfK sporous sam____ groupcat niko nalod heb Maccer suicidalzerg APexil Nix-7c0 Spitfire gry iggle_g auscompgeek guillom Ocaasi kylu dan64- nprice oona zz|ladder3|zz Venusaur Vito here QueenOfFrance kunwon1 Chris_G Nightmare SerajewelKS DoRD|away Corey MTCD|Away [Bazinga
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: jayne Lydia_WMDE AntiSpamMeta Athanasius AlexZ_ ohai Kenneaal LoganCloud Frigotoni XJR-9 Jellies MJ94 Coolbill90 Reedy tommorris evilgohan2 enhydra YOLO|busy ikonia MartijnH Ottre Lcawte|Away Zed` brayden @ChanServ camerin crazytails Simon- DARTHSIDIOUS2 Schroeder Garnig neskaya Snowolf phuzion tomaw Barras marienz CerebrumBot FastLizard4 Elchzard Nietzsche lahwran SudoKing bburhans JeLuF MX80 woggle edward
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: EDI slakr jeremyb aude Elfix nenolod AlertEye dhoss Shirik
[02:58] <jwales> gooby bobrayner petan ToBeFree Christoph_WMDE Odisha1 p858snake|l lubmil russavia jubo2 poko EyesIsMine Jmajeremy M132T003C RD chicocvenancio2 eir heatherw Bsadowski1 IShadowed OlEnglish BlastHardcheese Hamunaptra stwalkerster Tyler Y_Ichiro actress Antonorsi heinrich5991 WhiskerBiscuit Dagny Sk8rbluscat Internet13 Fluff|sleep HarryS turkuamk MC8 IRWolfie- schiste_ mareklug liberaldudette Jasper_Deng_away Brooke Furry
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: mattbuck prometheus1809 Froodsleep Chappie-san Thehelpfulone ToAruShiroiNeko closedmouth localhost VunKruz yang2 Olipro lfaraone__ Headbomb|AfK sporous sam____ groupcat niko nalod heb Maccer suicidalzerg APexil Nix-7c0 Spitfire gry iggle_g auscompgeek guillom Ocaasi kylu dan64- nprice oona zz|ladder3|zz Venusaur Vito here QueenOfFrance kunwon1 Chris_G Nightmare SerajewelKS DoRD|away Corey MTCD|Away [Bazinga
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: jayne Lydia_WMDE AntiSpamMeta Athanasius AlexZ_ ohai Kenneaal LoganCloud Frigotoni XJR-9 Jellies MJ94 Coolbill90 Reedy tommorris evilgohan2 enhydra YOLO|busy ikonia MartijnH Ottre Lcawte|Away Zed` brayden @ChanServ camerin crazytails Simon- DARTHSIDIOUS2 Schroeder Garnig neskaya Snowolf phuzion tomaw Barras marienz CerebrumBot FastLizard4 Elchzard Nietzsche lahwran SudoKing bburhans JeLuF MX80 woggle edward
[02:58] <jwales> [04:57] Users on #wikipedia-en: EDI slakr jeremyb aude Elfix nenolod AlertEye dhoss Shirik
[02:58] <IShadowed> ..
[02:58] <jwales> gooby bobrayner petan ToBeFree Christoph_WMDE Odisha1 p858snake|l lubmil russavia jubo2 poko EyesIsMine Jmajeremy M132T003C RD chicocvenancio2 eir heatherw Bsadowski1 IShadowed OlEnglish BlastHardcheese Hamunaptra stwalkerster Tyler Y_Ichiro actress Antonorsi heinrich5991 WhiskerBiscuit Dagny Sk8rbluscat Internet13 Fluff|sleep HarryS turkuamk MC8 IRWolfie- schiste_ mareklug liberaldudette Jasper_Deng_away Brooke Furry
�03[02:58] * Spitfire sets mode: +b *!*
�03[02:58] * jwales was kicked by Spitfire (jwales�)
[02:58] <IShadowed> ummm
�06[02:58] * Nightmare hides behind Spitfire.
�03[02:58] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Spitfire
�06[02:58] * IShadowed snuggles Spitfire 
[02:58] <Y_Ichiro> ...
[02:58] <ToBeFree> nice. Thanks.
�06[02:59] * Spitfire snuggles Nightmare (sorry IShadowed =p)
�03[02:59] * Mh7kJ (~Mh7kJ@wikimedia/Mh7kJ) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:59] <Y_Ichiro> jimbo wales?
[02:59] <Nightmare> :(
[02:59] <IShadowed> :O
[02:59] <p858snake|l> Y_Ichiro: not quiet
[02:59] <Y_Ichiro> i didn't know he comes on irc
[02:59] <IShadowed> No loves for Ishy
[02:59] <IShadowed> meaaaan
[02:59] <bobrayner> hmmm
[03:00] <Spitfire> Aw, sowwy. :p
�03[03:00] * liberaldudette (~mark@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:00] <Nightmare> Spitfire: die
[03:00] <Nightmare> :(
[03:00] <Spitfire> :(
[03:01] <Mh7kJ> what happened? o_O
[03:01] <Nightmare> derp
[03:01] <Nightmare> derp happened
[03:01] <Mh7kJ> :/
[03:03] <IShadowed> So are any of you folks at WM?
�03[03:13] * rockerball (~rockerbal@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[03:22] * Bidgee (Bidgee@wikimedia-commons/bidgee) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[03:24] * schiste_ is now known as schiste
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[03:35] <Frigotoni> Was I pinged?
�03[03:35] * Frigotoni is now known as Frigotoni|away
[03:35] <Furry> now you were Frigotoni|away
[03:35] <Furry> also, no, it was a pingspammer
[03:35] <Frigotoni|away> ah, derp?
�03[03:35] * foks|mobil (~foks@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[03:47] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[03:56] * Gnumarcoo (~Marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) Quit (Quit: Bye�)
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�03[04:14] * Apheori is now known as Isarra
[04:14] <Isarra> Are the arbs commonly abused?
[04:15] <Furry> yes
�06[04:15] * Furry beats the arbs everyday
[04:15] <Isarra> O_o
�02[04:17] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[04:17] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
�03[04:20] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:23] <closedmouth> is that what you call it?
�03[04:27] * Jarry1250_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[04:42] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:43] <Anna_Frodesiak> is it just my imagination or are my replies at my own talk triggering "You have new messages (last change)." ??
[04:43] <wctaiwan> didn't happen to me today.
[04:43] <wctaiwan> I wonder if you-know-what is messing with it.
[04:44] <Anna_Frodesiak> what?
[04:44] <Anna_Frodesiak> you know who? or what?
�03[04:45] * Risker ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:45] <wctaiwan> the great flaming barrier thingy
[04:45] <wctaiwan> hey Risker.
[04:45] <Anna_Frodesiak> oh
�02[04:45] * Risker ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[04:45] <Anna_Frodesiak> can't image it's that
[04:45] <wctaiwan> :(
[04:45] <wctaiwan> well yeah, unlikely.
[04:45] <Anna_Frodesiak> but my isp is stealing from me again
[04:46] <Anna_Frodesiak> they have special software just like canadian banks
[04:46] <wctaiwan> You mean rightfully sharing the resources of a comrade?
[04:46] <Anna_Frodesiak> haahaha
[04:46] <Anna_Frodesiak> their software slows down the connection after a while hoping you don't notice
[04:46] <jubo2> Commiemism is gweat just as long as the cost to copy stuff is zero
[04:46] <Anna_Frodesiak> they buy by the bit from up north, and sell by the year
[04:46] <wctaiwan> heh. I need to go eat dinner. Laters.
[04:47] <Anna_Frodesiak> laters
[04:47] <Anna_Frodesiak> man man chi
[04:47] <Isarra> Hello, Anna_Frodesiak.
[04:47] <Isarra> I'm told you're lovely.
[04:47] <Anna_Frodesiak> hi there
�06[04:47] * Isarra offers a fish.
[04:47] <Anna_Frodesiak> i am lovely
[04:47] <Isarra> Awesome.
[04:47] <Isarra> I'm not.
[04:47] <Anna_Frodesiak> yummers
[04:47] <Anna_Frodesiak> :)
[04:48] <Anna_Frodesiak> why not? bad hair day?
[04:48] <Isarra> My hair is always bad.
[04:49] <Isarra> I make up for it for pretending that I meant for it to be like that, which is pretty easy because I'm too lazy to mean anything with it.
�02[04:50] * prometheus1809 (~prometheu@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[04:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> :)
�03[04:50] * prometheus1809 (~prometheu@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[04:50] * Isarra looms overhead.
�06[04:51] * Isarra falls off her ledge.
[04:51] <Anna_Frodesiak> :)
[04:51] <Anna_Frodesiak> what's the coi template again?
[04:51] <Anna_Frodesiak> for userpage
�02[04:52] * Tony_Sidaway ( Quit (Quit: Reality intrudes�)
[04:52] <Isarra> uw-coi
[04:52] <Isarra> Or something.
[04:53] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks :)
�03[04:53] * Dagny (~missrain@wikipedia/OohBunnies) has left #wikipedia-en
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[04:58] <Anna_Frodesiak> so Isarra, whatcha working on?
�03[05:00] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:01] <Isarra> Me? Work?
[05:01] <Isarra> What?
[05:01] <Guerillero> well I am here
[05:02] <Guerillero> it is exciting but frightening at the same time
[05:04] <tommorris> srsly?
�03[05:05] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Lunch
�03[05:07] * Spacewalker ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[05:07] <Isarra> Whee!
[05:08] <Guerillero> lolz
[05:08] <Isarra> tommorris: O_o
[05:08] <closedmouth> {{copy to wikispecies}}
�03[05:09] * xcombelle ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:09] <Guerillero> bbl
�02[05:09] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725]�)
�03[05:10] * [cerAway] (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:11] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Quit: Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.�)
[05:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> i guess you saw the ani thread on that
[05:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> won't communicate
[05:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> just does that and leaves
[05:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> that's from the page i started
[05:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> i put lots into finding those and he just stubs them and walks
[05:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> half a taxobox and no text content
[05:13] <Anna_Frodesiak>
�03[05:15] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[05:17] <actress> hello
�03[05:17] * Spacewalker ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:17] * Spacewalker ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[05:17] * Spacewalker (~Spacewalk@unaffiliated/spacewalker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:17] <Furry> ohai Guerillero ;)
[05:17] <Guerillero> ohai
�03[05:18] * Anna_temp (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[05:22] <Qcoder00> {{coord}} is ignoring scale param
[05:23] <Qcoder00> See here:
[05:23] <Qcoder00> This should zoom in quite close but doesn't
�02[05:24] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[05:25] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:25] <Qcoder00> Can someone please tell me where I've made an error?
�02[05:28] * Chappie-san (~Chappie-s@ Quit
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[05:50] <foks> Good morning USA!
[05:51] <wctaiwan> good morning foks.
[05:51] <harej> good morning scotland
[05:51] <wctaiwan> good morning Mr. Hare.
�03[05:51] * Apheori (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:51] <wctaiwan> more socks.
[05:51] <foks> harej, :3
[05:52] <foks> wctaiwan, hai!
[05:52] <jubo2> g'morning to everyone else but Bashar Al-Assad
[05:52] <foks> I should probably think about going to GWU soon.
�02[05:54] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[05:56] <Apheori> Why does windows suck so much?
�03[05:56] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[05:57] * wctaiwan smokes a pipe filled with proprietary tobacco
�02[05:57] * Apheori (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!�)
�02[05:57] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[05:57] <harej> Sure many blends of tobacco are proprietary.
[05:57] <harej> They don't naturally end up with formaldehyde, you know.
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[06:25] <Apheori> Where is the page for complaining about aftv5?
[06:25] <Apheori> There is a page, right?
�02[06:26] * gudaoUbuntu (~gudaoUbun@ Quit (Quit: 离开�)
[06:27] <Guest24534> EVERYONE
[06:27] <Guest24534> Get off IRC and go make articles, naow!
[06:27] <Guest24534> run run run run run
[06:27] <wctaiwan> Guest24534: behave.
�03[06:27] * Guest24534 is now known as Peter-C
�02[06:27] * Peter-C (~peter@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[06:27] * Peter-C (~peter@wikimedia/Peter.C) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:28] <Peter-C> I am excited!
�03[06:28] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:28] <wctaiwan> clearly
[06:28] <Peter-C> 4 million is so close!
[06:28] <wctaiwan> Apheori has something she wants to say to you, Peter-C.
[06:28] <wctaiwan> who cares >_>
[06:29] <Peter-C> :o
[06:29] <Apheori> Peter-C: You're a dork.
�02[06:29] * Sk8rbluscat ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[06:29] <Peter-C> :(
[06:29] <Peter-C> :(((
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[06:32] <Guerillero> he seemed normal to me
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[06:53] <YE> 96 articles left
�02[06:53] * Guest2151 (~peter@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[06:53] <YE> before 4 Mil
�03[06:53] * Pharos__ is now known as Pharos
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[07:10] <meno25wiki> 4 million articles
[07:10] <AnonDiss> Happy 4 million.
[07:10] <YE> yep
[07:10] <Zil> Which one it is ?
[07:10] <the-wub> woo!
[07:10] <wctaiwan> PARTAY.
[07:10] <YE> came very close
[07:10] <wctaiwan> actually, who the hell cares :P
[07:11] <Zil> wctaiwan: just for fun and for the media.
[07:11] <Zil> We need to pick one.
[07:11] <wctaiwan> Zil: wait till CSDs push it below 4mil again :p
[07:11] <Zil> ;D
[07:11] <tommorris> wctaiwan: I've been banging on the CSDs
[07:12] <tommorris> so, what's the four millionth?
�02[07:12] * OlEnglish (~OlEnglish@wikipedia/OlEnglish) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[07:12] <Zil> There is no bot that count it ?
[07:12] <Frood> i'll find it :P
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[07:13] <Frood> If I counted right, is the 4 millionth article.
�02[07:14] * Pancetta (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[07:14] <meno25wiki> this is my article
�02[07:14] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Client Quit�)
[07:14] <Frood> counted twice, that's the 4 millionth article.
[07:14] <meno25wiki> i am so happy
[07:14] <Zil> Frood: Nice one.
�02[07:14] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[07:14] <Zil> COngratz meno25wiki.
[07:15] <YE> congrats
�03[07:15] * Pharos_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:15] <YE> I tried getting the 4 million article
[07:15] <YE> but I failed
[07:15] <YE> I came close though
�03[07:15] * Pharos_ is now known as Pharos
[07:15] <wctaiwan> well, I'm sure all the non-enwiki-ers are damn pleased right now :p
�02[07:15] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[07:15] <meno25wiki> thank you
[07:16] <Zil> \o/
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[07:19] <ragesoss> Hey folks. Have we identified the 4M article yet?
[07:19] <Ed17> YE: I was 20 off
[07:19] <YE> how did you find out that that is the 4M article
[07:19] <Ed17> ragesoss: Frood says it's Izbat Al Borg
[07:20] <Frood> Someone else said
[07:20] <Frood> But I'm pretty sure it's the first one :P
[07:20] <rschen7754> i've heard 3 different things
[07:20] <Zil> We don"t care...
[07:21] <Zil> It depends when you count.
[07:21] <Zil> We just need to pick one.
[07:21] <Isarra> Delete a bunch!
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[07:21] <Zil> The egyptian governat is good for me.
[07:22] <geniice> so what was the 4 millionth?
[07:22] <tommorris> geniice: well, it's either [[Izbat Al Borg]] or [[Idaho State Highway 50]]
[07:23] <geniice> hmm
[07:23] <tommorris> I left a thing on Izbat Al Borg talk page congratulating
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[07:35] <geniice> some dead end desert town in egypt?
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[07:38] <geniice> Jordanhill railway station is starting to look very notable
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[07:41] <jairodz> 4 MILLION! :-)
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[07:44] <Qcoder00> LOL - Only OpenStreetMap  would br cazy enough to map Area51 from Bing -!
[07:45] <Qcoder00>
[07:45] <Qcoder00> Hunt the Helicopters ;)
�02[07:45] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.7-dev�)
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�03[07:46] * ChanServ sets mode: +o foks
�03[07:47] * foks changes topic to 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops <request> | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: | 4 million articles!�'
�03[07:47] * foks sets mode: -o foks
�06[07:47] * foks clears throat
[07:47] <russavia> bidgee
[07:47] <russavia> you about?
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[07:56] <Sven_Manguard> any BAG people here now?
[07:56] <Sven_Manguard> earwig is in the room but not on IRC
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[07:57] <actress> huh?
[07:57] <Sven_Manguard> actress: bot approval group
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[07:58] <actress> aha okey
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[08:05] <Sven_Manguard> Hey Earwig
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[08:06] <Earwig> \o Sven_Manguard
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[08:12] <BobTheWikipedian> rise and shine....
�03[08:12] * Pharos__ is now known as Pharos
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[08:26] <actress> ;P
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[08:50] <BobTheWikipedian> actress = evaactress?
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[08:56] <BobTheWikipedian> :| we ought to be celebrating! wikipedia has hit 4 million edits and counting this morning
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[08:56] <BobTheWikipedian> *articles...not edits
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[08:58] <foxj> oops
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[08:58] <Frood> BobTheWikipedian: Everyone is at Wikimania :P
[08:58] <foks> YAY WIKIMANIA.
[08:58] <Fluffernutter> YAY WIKIMANIA WIFI
[08:59] <BobTheWikipedian> :P
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[09:07] <Pharos> i just did my bit for article 4 milllion
[09:07] <Pharos> add something here:
�03[09:08] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[09:08] <Pharos>
[09:08] <wctaiwan> get it to FA!
[09:09] <Pharos> we're trying :P
[09:09] <wctaiwan> good luck :p
[09:09] <wctaiwan> meanwhile, I shall go to bed.
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[09:28] <Moe_Epsilon> o_o
[09:30] <BobTheWikipedian> good night, taiwan
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[09:58] <mysterytrey> BobTheWikipedian: On :
[09:58] <mysterytrey> Why is there a whole copy of the page trout instead of just a trout?
[09:59] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[09:59] <BobTheWikipedian> oops
[09:59] <BobTheWikipedian> trout me
�02[09:59] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[10:00] <BobTheWikipedian> wow...that was...over a year ago. i can't believe no one noticed!
�03[10:00] * Courcelles_ is now known as Courcelles
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[10:04] <BobTheWikipedian> actually...mysterytrey...looks to me as though the wp:trout got corrupted
�03[10:04] * maid is now known as ty
�03[10:04] * Vito_away is now known as Vito
[10:04] <BobTheWikipedian> which is how the problem didn't surface until now
�02[10:05] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[10:05] <mysterytrey> I noticed that there was {{wp:trout}} tag on there when it is suggested that one just uses {{trout}}
[10:05] <BobTheWikipedian>
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[10:08] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah looks like the page has undergone quite a bit of revision since i posted the trout:
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[10:09] <BobTheWikipedian> so back then it would have transcluded as simply: <includeonly><imagemap>File:Rainbow trout.png rect 16 4 270 293 [[Wikipedia:Whacking with a Wet Trout|To join the secret cabal follow me!]] desc none</imagemap></includeonly>
[10:10] <BobTheWikipedian> oh... and <span style="font-size: 250%; color: Red;">'''''Whack!'''''</span></div>
[10:11] <nitely03_> I'll just switch it to {{trout}}, but in an hour or so.  You can do it though.  I wonder how many other trouts have had that problem.
[10:12] <BobTheWikipedian> indeed
[10:12] <BobTheWikipedian> i'll switch that one for now
�02[10:12] * mysterytrey ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[10:12] <BobTheWikipedian> interesting...the old trout had an invitation included to join some kind of cabal
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> i wonder what that could be all about
�03[10:13] * nitely03_ is now known as mysterytrey
[10:13] <Frood> Does anyone here have Terraria?
[10:14] <BobTheWikipedian> i have *a* terrarium
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[10:16] <Frood> I'm wondering if I should buy it.
[10:16] <Frood> $2.49, but it doesn't look all that fun
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�06[10:16] * BobTheWikipedian just remembered he does have terraria
[10:16] <Frood> I've already spent $10 in the summer sale, I only have $10 left :P
[10:16] <BobTheWikipedian> i've got two
[10:17] <BobTheWikipedian> $2.49 for a terrarium?
[10:17] <Frood> ooh, my microphone is supposed to come today
[10:17] <Frood> BobTheWikipedian:
[10:17] <BobTheWikipedian> are you at a garage sale?
[10:17] <BobTheWikipedian> oh
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[10:18] <Frood> Steam Summer Sale.
[10:18] <Frood> dammit, the store is 503ing D:
�02[10:19] * foks (u6894@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[10:19] * foxj is now known as foks
[10:19] <BobTheWikipedian> The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance).[2] Generally, this is a temporary state.
[10:19] <foks> ah, steam.
[10:19] <foks> so shit.
[10:19] <BobTheWikipedian> steam has a sale?
[10:20] <BobTheWikipedian> what's on sale?
[10:20] <foks> games I presume
�06[10:20] * BobTheWikipedian socks foks
[10:20] <BobTheWikipedian> i mean. "fox in socks!"
[10:20] <Frood> BobTheWikipedian:
[10:21] <foks> \o/
[10:21] <actress> ^^
�02[10:21] * ragesoss (~ragesoss@wikimedia/ragesoss) Quit (Quit: Bye�)
[10:21] <BobTheWikipedian> looks like a good sale frood
[10:21] <Frood> I've bought Garry's Mod and a couple in-game items
[10:22] <BobTheWikipedian> just kidding. i got a 503, too
�02[10:23] * Jarry1250 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[10:23] <Frood> well shit, now gamestop is offering a trade-in bonus for steam wallet credit
[10:23] <Frood> i should trade a couple games i have in...
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[10:29] <Frood> what the hell is this.
[10:29] <Frood> a mouse and scanner combined...?
[10:29] <foks> who cares
[10:29] <foks> :3
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[10:30] <actress> ^_o
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[10:40] <BobTheWikipedian> o_0
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[10:42] <actress> o_O
[10:42] <BobTheWikipedian> i love the stats...
[10:42] <actress> huh
[10:42] <BobTheWikipedian> "mouse - corded" "laser" "1200 dpi" "usb"
[10:43] <BobTheWikipedian> 1200 dpi just doesn't belong on a mouse
[10:43] <actress> oki
[10:43] <actress> ?
[10:43] <BobTheWikipedian> frood are you buying one?
[10:44] <BobTheWikipedian> "Scans up to A3 size paper; can scan documents of various sizes"
[10:46] <BobTheWikipedian> oh, frood left
[10:46] <actress> any icelandic here??
[10:47] <BobTheWikipedian> try #wikipedia-is
�02[10:47] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[10:47] <BobTheWikipedian> oops i led
[10:48] <BobTheWikipedian> *lied
[10:48] <BobTheWikipedian> that's not a language
[10:48] <actress> yes
�02[10:48] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[10:48] <BobTheWikipedian> not one with an irc channel anyway
[10:48] <actress> oki
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[10:48] <BobTheWikipedian> maybe the icelanders don't like irc :/
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[10:49] <actress> they do
[10:49] <actress> !
[10:49] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmmm. maybe they are all at #php
[10:49] <BobTheWikipedian> php is icelandic, right?
�02[10:49] * Kenneaal ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[10:49] <actress> idk
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[10:53] <actress> im looking for celebrity chat on irc
[10:53] <actress> plz help with it
[10:54] <BobTheWikipedian> fluffernutter is a celebrity :)
[10:55] <Fluffernutter> wha?
[10:55] <Fluffernutter> BobTheWikipedian works for the foundation, which means he's much more important
[10:55] <BobTheWikipedian> eva's looking for a celebrity to chat with
[10:55] <Gfoley4> LoganCloud is one too
[10:55] <Fluffernutter> mmhm
�02[10:55] * WhiskerBiscuit ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[10:56] * Keegan (~chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[10:56] <Gfoley4> although he's normally away, as he's always running from reporters!
[10:56] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[10:56] <BobTheWikipedian> Venusaur is a celebrated pokemon
�03[10:57] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[10:59] <BobTheWikipedian> of course...i haven't met him and anticipate him using his Solar Beam on me now
[11:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ?
[11:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what?
[11:02] <Fluffernutter> are you geeking out over pokemon?
[11:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that was a polar beam
[11:02] <BobTheWikipedian> you have never noticed there is a venusaur in the room?
[11:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter I suspect you may be a pokemon
�06[11:02] * BobTheWikipedian points at the venusaur in the room
[11:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not a wild one tho
�03[11:04] * [cerAway] is now known as [ceradon]
[11:06] <mysterytrey> BobTheWikipedian: on It looks like we agreed on a phrase, so should it be moved to approved cards for illustration?
[11:07] <mysterytrey> *we meaning the Wikiproject, not me at all
[11:07] <BobTheWikipedian> yup
[11:07] <BobTheWikipedian> welcome to the wikiproject
[11:07] <BobTheWikipedian> go for it
[11:07] <BobTheWikipedian> and if you know how to do vector graphics, feel free to illustrate...
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[11:08] <mysterytrey> I'll look into that.
[11:08] <BobTheWikipedian> inkscape is best for our purposes
[11:08] <BobTheWikipedian> you'll find instructions at
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[11:09] <mysterytrey> k
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[11:14] <mysterytrey> BobTheWikipedian:You said that you remember a mainspace article called "Poem by a Wikipedian".  Do you remember if any of the defenses said by article creator would be usable for a quote?
[11:15] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. can i get back to you on that? delaying my lunch for another 45 minutes
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[11:16] <mysterytrey> :)
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[11:17] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm not sure i'd be able to justify searching for a quote on a deleted article for a trading card on company time, even with a job that requires me to have a close community relationship ;)
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[11:19] <Apheori> I hate this computer.
[11:20] <mysterytrey> Why?
[11:20] <Matthew_> Apheori: At least you have one, I lost mine for about three weeks XD
[11:20] <Fluffernutter> why not?
�03[11:20] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:20] <Matthew_> Hard drive failure.
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[11:22] <Athyria> I have two.
[11:22] <Athyria> This one is a terrible laptop.
[11:23] <BobTheWikipedian> always keep a spare OS installation handy that you can use to access files off the master.
[11:23] <mysterytrey> BobTheWikipedian: I found this on m:Bash, would it be a decent enough quote to suggest it for the "poem by a wikipedian" card? <Keegan>  I was aware of your poetry and puns, but not of your ability to state the obvious
[11:24] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
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�02[11:24] * Apheori (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[11:24] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm not sure it applies here but it's funny nonetheless
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[11:25] <mysterytrey> It involves poetry.  I was just asking if it has to be related to seeing the actual poem, but it does seem likely something one might say in response to it.
[11:26] <IRWolfie-> arg, lag is back
[11:26] <BobTheWikipedian> something poetic might be appropriate
[11:26] <BobTheWikipedian> I seem to remember there being a poem in the original version of [[WP:POETRYISALWAYSWRONG]]
[11:27] <mysterytrey> So it doesn't have to be something that was about the actual article.
[11:27] <mysterytrey> I'll check the revisions.
�03[11:27] * Rcsprinter_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[11:28] <BobTheWikipedian> no...the "bad articles" we actually prefer to be hypothetical representations of bad articles...we don't want to patronize anyone like we did with willy on wheels
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[11:28] <Demiurge1000> I patronised a local snack bar until it closed down.
[11:28] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
�02[11:29] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Quit: Time for lunch!�)
[11:30] <Shearonink> Lag is back and we're gonna be in trouble....
[11:30] <Rcsprinter> what lag?
[11:30] <IRWolfie-> watchlist lag
[11:30] <IRWolfie-> general lag as well it seems now
[11:31] <IRWolfie-> (same problems as before)
�02[11:31] * Pharos (~chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
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[11:33] <Shearonink> S-l-o-w.....
[11:33] <Shearonink> "changes newer than 932 seconds may not appear on list"
[11:34] <BobTheWikipedian> changes newer than 1,059 seconds may not appear
�03[11:34] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:34] <Shearonink> server is backlogged
[11:34] <Shearonink> heh
�02[11:35] * noda (~quassel@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[11:36] <mysterytrey> So I guess I will suggest it.  However, toolserver says there are under 30 watchers, so, we'll see if people are still interested.
�02[11:37] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
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[11:38] <Rcsprinter> 1306 seconds. why does it grow?
�03[11:38] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:38] <BobTheWikipedian> mysterytrey the problem we ran into is everyone who was involved ironically got a job or something
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[11:39] <mysterytrey> huh?
[11:39] <BobTheWikipedian> lag's gone
[11:40] <Shearonink> re the lag, now I'm getting the standard Error/Servers experiencing technical problem message
�02[11:40] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[11:40] <Shearonink> and now not.  yay.
[11:42] <mysterytrey> So most of the people interested in TCG got a job then?
�02[11:42] * DARTHSIDIOUS2 (DARTHSIDIO@wikipedia/DARTH-SIDIOUS-2) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[11:42] <BobTheWikipedian> correct
[11:42] <BobTheWikipedian> at least, i assume so
�02[11:42] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[11:43] <BobTheWikipedian> i know hi878 mentioned real world things, but didn't specify, and everyone else kinda went "poof" too
[11:43] <BobTheWikipedian> all about the time i got a job
[11:44] <BobTheWikipedian> but who knows, maybe everyone got evicted and has no internet
[11:44] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm just assuming good faith ;)
[11:44] <Shearonink> and lag is back... "Due to high database server lag, changes newer than 1,524 seconds may not appear in this list."
�03[11:44] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[11:45] <BobTheWikipedian> odd, i only have 1,425 seconds
[11:45] <BobTheWikipedian> your lag is slower :D
[11:46] <BobTheWikipedian> 1,370 seconds now
[11:46] <BobTheWikipedian> it's decreasing :D
�03[11:46] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[11:47] <Rcsprinter> 1299 secs
[11:47] <russavia>
[11:47] <Shearonink> BobTheWikipedian: I"m just odd that's all.
�06[11:47] * BobTheWikipedian does a quick donation pitch. "All, the Wikimedia Foundation needs money to buy proper hardware and employ individuals who can best manage that hardware. Please donate today."
[11:49] <Shearonink> where to donate though bob, those helpful & tasteful begging/donating links are gone from the top of WP pages.....
[11:49] <Shearonink> my lag is now done to 1249 seconds
[11:50] <BobTheWikipedian> should get you there
�02[11:51] * prometheus1809 (~prometheu@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�02[11:51] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*�)
[11:51] <mysterytrey> Oh, but there's still a link on the sidebar, right over the wikipedia shop link.
[11:51] <BobTheWikipedian> indeed
�02[11:52] * Riley_Huntley (acdac013@wikipedia/Riley-Huntley) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[11:52] <BobTheWikipedian> tinier link...might be harder to click for those with less mouse dexterity
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�03[11:53] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:53] <Shearonink> my mouse doesn't have dexterity
[11:54] <BobTheWikipedian> frood's has a 120dpi scanner
�03[11:54] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[11:54] <BobTheWikipedian> 1200
[11:54] <Y_Ichiro> so who won the 4 million article pool?
[11:54] <BobTheWikipedian> Meno25
[11:55] <Shearonink> wait....there was a pool? and someone won something?
[11:55] <BobTheWikipedian> [[:ar:User:Meno25]]
[11:55] <Shearonink> phooey
[11:55] <BobTheWikipedian> deserves a really big barnstar
[11:55] <Shearonink> my lag is now down to 921 seconds
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[11:57] <mysterytrey> 846 seconds for me
�03[11:57] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:57] <SigmaWP> [11:57:27] �<�Helpmebot�>�� SigmaWP: the maximum replication lag is 824 second(s). (Parts of the wiki may appear to be 824 second(s) out-of-date).
[11:57] <SigmaWP> And hello to the rest of you
[11:58] <BobTheWikipedian> looks like Meno25 won several things: an original barnstar, autopatrolled user access level, and philippe beaudette's words in his email inbox
�02[11:58] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
�02[12:00] * xcombelle ( Quit (Quit:  I am a manual virus, please copy me to your quit message.�)
[12:00] <Shearonink> WP swag
[12:00] <BlastHardcheese> free dinner with jimbo
�02[12:00] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[12:01] <BobTheWikipedian> he got those, too?
�03[12:01] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
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[12:04] <Shearonink> free dinner...
[12:04] <SigmaWP> I wonder what Jimbo sounds like
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[12:07] <Pharos> gilbert godfried
[12:07] <BlastHardcheese> mmm, fried god
[12:07] <Pharos> maybe james earl jones on a good day
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[12:11] <Mrmatiko> SigmaWP, you can hear him at wikimania 2011
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[12:12] <SigmaWP> Earwig: THERE YOU ARE
[12:12] <SigmaWP> TRAITOR
[12:12] <SigmaWP> Mrmatiko: Thanks!
[12:14] <Mrmatiko> SigmaWP, no problem. I'm just waiting for Wikimania 2012 videos to be made available somewhere
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[12:20] <mysterytrey> So do mice work in 2012 then?
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[12:23] <actress> 2012
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[12:34] <BarkingFish> mysterytrey, no, they all sit around in cages eating food, drinking water, and sleeping most of the day
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[12:34] <mysterytrey> Sorry, I was watching the Wikimania 2011 closing ceremony.
[12:35] <SigmaWP> me too
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[12:39] <Shearonink> This article is so sad.
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[12:41] <BarkingFish> Is anyone here good at puzzles?  I just found one on Y!A, and it's got me utterly stumped - if the answer is something british, I've sure never heard of it.
[12:41] <BarkingFish> It's one of those "my first is in blah and also in...." types of things.
[12:41] <mattbuck> ok
[12:42] <BarkingFish> "my first is in Garden, but not in House. my second is in Gerbil, but not in Mouse. My third is in Drizzle, but not in Snow, my fourth is in Door and also in Window."
[12:42] <BarkingFish> "My fifth is in Lemon and also in Melon. my sixth is in Jailer, and also in Felon.  My whole is a thing through which you sieve earth. I hope that the answer, will give you some mirth."
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[12:43] <Shearonink> is it giving the actual letters from the words?
[12:43] <mattbuck> one assumes so
�02[12:43] * mysterytrey ( Quit (Disconnected by services�)
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[12:43] <BarkingFish> basically you have to find the word based on letters found in those clues
[12:45] <Shearonink> Sieve of Erastosthenes
[12:45] <Shearonink> ?
[12:46] <BarkingFish> ok, either that was a guess or you don't quite understand how these work... :)
�02[12:46] * [Bazinga] (u6619@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity�)
[12:46] <Shearonink> heh
[12:46] <Shearonink> guesses aen't alwasy bad
[12:46] <mattbuck> well the foirth letter is O, and sixth is L or E
[12:47] <BarkingFish> What it boils down to is this:  It is a 6 letter word - following the 6 clues, you have to take a letter that matches the clue (it appears in one word, but not the other)
[12:47] <BarkingFish> the last clue gives you an idea of what you're looking for.
[12:47] <mattbuck> looking through those options, the only one which stands out is school
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[12:47] <BarkingFish> you don't sieve earth through a school though :P
[12:48] <mattbuck>
[12:49] <mattbuck> oops, I missed a d
�02[12:49] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) Quit (Quit: mys_721tx�)
[12:49] <BarkingFish> i'mma gonna go a cheating. Google, here I come :P
[12:50] <mattbuck> hmm
[12:50] <mattbuck> I think the answer's riddle
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[12:50] <BarkingFish> mattbuck, I think you could be right. I just googled off garden sieve, and one of the entries on ebay which pops up is a garden riddle.
[12:51] <BarkingFish> That's cheeky. The answer to the riddle, is riddle.
[12:51] <Shearonink> yay
�06[12:51] * BarkingFish swears quietly under his breath
[12:51] <Shearonink> we iz smart
[12:51] <mattbuck> hooray for crossword solving sites
�06[12:51] * mattbuck is still pissed bureaucratese doesn't fit
[12:51] <BarkingFish> lol
[12:52] <Shearonink> "one of the entries on ebay which pops up is a garden riddle"?
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[12:52] <BarkingFish>
[12:52] <BarkingFish> second entry down
[12:53] <BarkingFish> Parasene Metal Green Garden Riddle/Sieve 1/4" 14" Dia
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[12:59] <Sven_Manguard> Snowolf ping
[12:59] <Snowolf> Sven_Manguard: pong
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�06[13:00] * Fluffernutter huggles Snowolf
�06[13:00] * Snowolf huggles Fluffernutter
[13:00] <foks> Hello!
�02[13:02] * noda (~quassel@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[13:03] <TBloemink> HA Snowolf
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[13:03] <TBloemink> and QueenOfFrance
[13:03] <BobTheWikipedian> barkingfish...your riddle reminds me of one i haven't solved yet that appears in quest for glory ii: trial by fire
[13:03] <BarkingFish> post it up, BobTheWikipedian - the guys here are smart enough to give you a hand with it
[13:04] <BobTheWikipedian> lemme see if i can find it
[13:04] <BobTheWikipedian> aha i have it written down
[13:05] <BobTheWikipedian> "My first is the first. My second is the last. Next comes Myself, Then back to the end, And beginning again."
�02[13:05] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) Quit (Quit: mys_721tx�)
[13:05] <BobTheWikipedian> my best guess so far is "weekend"
[13:05] <BobTheWikipedian> but your riddle is giving me a new might have letters invovled
[13:05] <BobTheWikipedian> *involved
[13:06] <BobTheWikipedian> i haven't checked yet to see if "weekend" is the right answer...been awhile since i've played and i thought of that one day while not playing :D
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[13:07] <BobTheWikipedian> i guess if letters are involved...might be something like "aziza"
[13:07] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, - if you remember who you're there to see, the answer to that riddle is easy
[13:07] <BobTheWikipedian> dunno if that's a word, though
[13:07] <BarkingFish> It is aziza
[13:07] <BobTheWikipedian> :o no way lol
[13:08] <BobTheWikipedian> i thought the weekend was more clever. :P
[13:08] <BarkingFish> a is the first letter of the alphabet - z is the last - i (personal pronoun) = myself  - then back to the end (another z) and the beginning again (a)
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[13:08] <BobTheWikipedian> haha have you played it before?
[13:09] <BarkingFish> not all of it, no, but I remember who you're going to see where that riddle is
[13:09] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[13:09] <Snowolf> 'llo TBloemink
�03[13:12] * ty|sims is now known as ty
[13:13] <BobTheWikipedian> barkingfish one thing i've noticed about qfg2 is there is so much room for error and the game seems to be timed!
[13:13] <BobTheWikipedian> qfg1 wasn't like that
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�02[13:15] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[13:15] <BobTheWikipedian> that was my least favorite aspect of king's quest iii...the fact it was timed and you could miss so many objectives, never realizing it until halfway into the game
�03[13:15] * Shearonink is now known as Shearonink_gone
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[13:21] <Ironholds> who here is in Siko's panel thingy?
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[13:22] <Ironholds> Sven_Manguard?
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[13:22] <Sven_Manguard> I am
[13:23] <Fluffernutter> lolpanels
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[13:53] <IRWolfie-> quiet
[13:53] <IRWolfie-> too quiet
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�02[13:54] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[13:54] <IRWolfie-> Rather than only having fulll article reviews, a mini peer review would be a cool idea
[13:54] <IRWolfie-> for a section
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[14:01] <Matthew_> What the heck is with all of the MOS mainspace redirects?
[14:01] <Matthew_> Was there an RfC on that or something?
�02[14:02] * Johnlong ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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[14:06] <mysterytrey> I am no listening to Fluffernutter on the 2011 wikimania youtube video
[14:06] <mysterytrey> *now
�02[14:07] * Athyria (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
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�06[14:07] * IRWolfie- googles
�02[14:07] * Excirial (~Excirial@wikipedia/Excirial) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[14:08] <varujan> hi, newspapers are public domain sources?
[14:08] <varujan> what about news agencies, e.g. reuters?
[14:09] <varujan> can we copy-paste text from there?
[14:09] <IRWolfie-> err what, newspapers aren't public domain
[14:09] <IRWolfie-> varujan: what is your username
[14:09] <varujan> what about Reuters?
[14:09] <IRWolfie-> no they are not in the public domain
[14:10] <varujan> I don't have an account, I was just asking
[14:10] <IRWolfie-> they all are copyrighted
[14:10] <varujan> is it ok to copy-paste text from Reuters?
[14:10] <IRWolfie-> no!
[14:10] <varujan> ok, thanks
[14:10] <IRWolfie-> never copy and paste from a source
[14:10] <IRWolfie-> varujan: if you have, please go back and change it
[14:11] <varujan>
[14:11] <varujan> It is acceptable to copy and paste text from public domain sources or those that are explicitly licensed under a compatible licensing scheme
[14:11] <varujan> I was not sure about this rule
[14:11] <varujan> thanks again
[14:11] <IRWolfie-> varujan: no newspaper is public domain
[14:11] <IRWolfie-> copyright is automatic
[14:11] <IRWolfie-> if you have a website, everything is automatically covered by copyright
�02[14:12] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
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[14:15] <MartijnH> no edits from his IP
[14:15] <Matthew_> What the heck is with all of the MOS mainspace redirects? Was there an RfC or something?
[14:15] <IRWolfie-> MartijnH: I checked as well
[14:15] <IRWolfie-> worrying :|
�03[14:16] * noda (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:16] <MartijnH> Matthew_, with things like that, I generally find it best to not give a fuck
[14:17] <Matthew_> MartijnH: I wish I could, but I'm going to go through and CSD all of the CNRD articles.  I just want to know if there was something I missed before I do it.
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[14:18] <MartijnH> under which criterium?
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[14:18] <FT2> assume anything that someone has written is copyright and not free licensed / public domain, unless you can find actual evidence to say so.  Exceptions (sometimes) some publications by some govts are always free/PD, stuff published too long ago for copyright to endure may be PD, and small reasonable quotes may be fair use.
[14:18] <MartijnH> R2. Redirects, apart from shortcuts, from the main namespace to any other namespace except the Category:, Template:, Wikipedia:, Help: and Portal: namespaces.
[14:19] <MartijnH> MOS e Wikipedia:
[14:19] <MartijnH> FT2, he's already gone
[14:19] <FT2> :P that was a watse then
[14:19] <FT2> waste
[14:19] <IRWolfie-> :>
[14:19] <MartijnH> sorry to rain on your electron parade on [[Higgs boson]] btw :/
[14:20] <IRWolfie-> it's getting late when I read that as erectron parade :|
[14:20] <MartijnH> ah, what we in Holland call the Gay Parade
[14:21] <Matthew_> MartijnH: Sorry, lag.  I normally do R2, but I wasn't aware shortcuts could exist in the mainspace.
�02[14:21] * mysterytrey ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
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[14:23] <Shearonink> MartijnH: what's this about Higgs-boson?
[14:25] <MartijnH> FT2 mistook the Electron for the force carrying particle of the EM field
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[14:28] <IRWolfie-> MartijnH: no need to rub it in by repeating it surely
�02[14:29] * Johnlong (~johnlong@2a02:8109:8540:55:129a:ddff:febc:4d40) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[14:29] <actress> who knows joe jonas??
[14:30] <MartijnH> IRWolfie-, but I like rubbing things in
[14:30] <MartijnH> sorry, never heard of him actress
[14:30] <MartijnH> we might have an article on him though :)
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[14:39] <BarkingFish> Any admins around who could review some stuff for me please?  I'm working with a user called coolboygcp - he started uploading images yesterday, and they had some licensing tag issues - before he could get the chance to sort them, the whole batch were deleted.
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[14:40] <BarkingFish> One or two he claims were CC licensed.  Can an admin review those mentioned on his talk page and check them out please?
[14:40] <IRWolfie-> can I prevents specific pages being indexed?
�02[14:40] * noda (~quassel@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[14:41] <actress> MartijnH really
[14:43] <FT2> IRW - what namespace?
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[14:49] <IRWolfie-> FT2: userspace
�02[14:51] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[14:51] <FT2> then yes, it can be noindexed.  user talk is already I think? If it's yours then you can do it any time. If it's someone elses then [[WP:UP]] gives guidance - basically "yes if needed, and with tact if it's not too bad"
[14:51] <FT2> what's the page?
�02[14:51] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[14:52] <IRWolfie-> if it's automatic then no issue
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[14:54] <IRWolfie-> FT2: pm
[14:55] <FT2> got it
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[15:08] <BarkingFish> guys - quick question. Does anyone here know about image licensing specifically on Wikipedia?
[15:09] <BarkingFish> I have an image here which a guy in -en-help wants for an article he's working on, but it's got a license which I *know* is incompatible with Commons, but I need to know if wikipedia can use it.
[15:09] <BarkingFish> It's CC-BY-ND
[15:10] <FT2> Wikipedia would be based on fair use - look at the fiar use criteria, see if you agree it's fair to use it
[15:11] <BarkingFish> It would be fair to use, it's an image of the Victoria Beckham special edition of the Range Rover Evoque - so in theory, yes it would apply as fair use, correct identification of the model, critical commentary, etc
[15:11] <BarkingFish>
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[15:12] <FT2> movie time
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[15:13] <MartijnH> BarkingFish, you're not being serious are you?
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[15:13] <BarkingFish> er. Yes.
[15:13] <Shearonink> why not....
[15:14] <MartijnH> Replacability
[15:14] <Shearonink> images/tables scare me
[15:14] <BarkingFish> i know commons can't take ND, I didn't know whether we could
[15:14] <Shearonink> there aren't any pics available of the car other than this one
[15:14] <MartijnH> it should be non-replacebile for Fair Use
[15:14] <BarkingFish> not that aren't copyrighted anyway
[15:14] <Shearonink> it's a special edition
[15:15] <Shearonink> BarkingFish: hmmm
[15:15] <MartijnH> if the object still exists, it's almost always replacable
[15:15] <Shearonink> This image might just be of "a" Range Rover and the designer
[15:15] <Shearonink> not sure it's of the actual model she designed
[15:15] <IRWolfie-> what all of these:
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[15:15] <IRWolfie-> gah I should have reduced that
[15:16] <Shearonink> too...tooo....much eyes
[15:16] <BarkingFish> IRWolfie-, images of the wrong dang car, that's what :)
[15:16] <BarkingFish> We're looking for pictures of the Range Rover Evoque Victoria Beckham special edition :P
[15:16] <Shearonink> BarkingFish: I don;t think that image is ot the Beckham car though
[15:16] <BarkingFish> with a CC license
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[15:16] <BarkingFish> it is, Shearonink
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[15:16] <MartijnH> we have an article on the Range Rover Evoque Victoria Beckham special edition?
[15:17] <BarkingFish> i specifically put that search through on flickr, with all words included
[15:17] <MartijnH> otherwise it wouldn't be primary means of identification of the tubject of the article
[15:17] <IRWolfie-> they all look the same
[15:17] <Shearonink> That's not what the caption says, it isn't clear on the caption
[15:17] <MartijnH> subject even
�02[15:17] * H-F (566c6b35@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[15:18] <MartijnH> note that NFCC reads : 1. No free equivalent. Non-free content is used only where no free equivalent is available, or could be created,
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[15:19] <BarkingFish> MartijnH, we don't have the article at the moment, the guy is making one on the Evoques and wanted pics to accompany the articles
[15:19] <MartijnH> still the important part is "or could be created"
[15:20] <Shearonink> BarkingFish:
[15:20] <MartijnH> the car still exists, doesn't it?
[15:20] <Shearonink> article already exists I think....
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[15:20] <BarkingFish> MartijnH, i'm assuming it does.
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[15:20] <BarkingFish> and Shearonink - Yes, his ones are on the GTS and the specials if I understand him correctly
[15:20] <MartijnH> then one could be created, so it fails criterium 1
[15:21] <BarkingFish> whether they're already in the article above, I don't know
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[15:26] <Shearonink>
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[15:41] <kylu> I'm told that the best way to get a song out of your head is to pass it on to someone else.�ghb6eDopW8I
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[15:42] <BarkingFish> Oh this guy is getting on my nuts now.  The question I posted earlier, from Yahoo Answers?  The dude's put another one up. I hate him. So much :P
[15:43] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: Rule 1 of pointless Wikipedia arguments - Do not get involved in pointless arguments...
[15:43] <BarkingFish> Shearonink, - see if you iz as clever on this one :)
�02[15:43] * heinrich5991 (~hein5991@unaffiliated/heinrich5991) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[15:43] <Qcoder00> Rule 2 of pointless Wikipedia Arguments  - DO NOT get involed in pointless arguments...
[15:43] <BarkingFish> "A nice easy one for you. If you don't get this, there's something wrong. -- I'm 38. 10 years ago, I was 28.  It's a long way to Tipperary, it's hot, and I lose fluid at the rate of 100mls per hour.  I come back on a train from Dublin to London via Cardiff. So how old would I have to be to marry my wife?"
[15:44] <Qcoder00>
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[15:44] <BarkingFish> Quite clearly, he's taking the piss now :)
[15:44] <Qcoder00> Sometimes I get the view that Wikipedia has problems...
[15:44] <Qcoder00> Evening BarkingFish
[15:44] <Qcoder00> See the above , it seems the WikiMapia issue is more complex...
[15:45] <BarkingFish> yeah, just got it in browser.
�02[15:45] * lubmil ( Quit (Quit: noc, ppa�)
[15:45] <BarkingFish> Oh. my. God.   I can't believe I am so thick.
[15:46] <IRWolfie-> I don't see why it has to be a reliable source for an external link
[15:46] <BarkingFish> I just looked at that question again, and the answer hit me.
[15:46] <BarkingFish> He doesn't need to be any age to marry his wife.  He's already married to her, or she wouldn't be his wife... :P
�06[15:46] * BarkingFish bangs his head on his desk
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[15:47] <Qcoder00> IRWolfe: The EL issue wasn;'t about reliability
[15:47] <Qcoder00> That was the RS issue...
[15:47] <Qcoder00> but with a Wikipedia disscussion in multiplie places things get a bit hazy...
[15:48] <MartijnH> see
[15:48] <IRWolfie-> ah, that why it moved?
[15:48] <MartijnH> "You can tell that you are experiencing a ForestFire when you suddenly lose track of where the rapidly expanding "front" of the argument is. You feel that you are making the same point in multiple places. You have to argue "laterally", across pages, in order to put forward a cohesive perspective."
[15:48] <Qcoder00> Thank you
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[16:00] <BarkingFish> ok guys, that's my lot - i'm out to bed for the night. i know it's early for me and shit, but I've not been sleeping well - and while I'm tired, i'm gonna take advantage of it :)
[16:00] <BarkingFish> Night all
�02[16:00] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
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[16:23] <TCO_> Whahahachchcchchaaaaazzzzzupppppppp?
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[16:32] <Demiurge1000> hey kiddo.
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[16:33] <TCO_> place seems like it is getting more and more stupid.
�02[16:33] * TCO_ (4c4f1712@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[16:34] <foks> charming
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�02[16:42] * jakr (~nofreewil@unaffiliated/jakr) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[16:42] <IRWolfie-> It's weird looking back at your own talk page comments etc from some time ago
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�06[16:42] * IRWolfie- walks down nostalgia lane 
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[16:43] <foks> Nostalgia Lane is full of dog shit for most people.
�03[16:44] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[16:44] <IRWolfie-> Yes, I seem to be pretty clueless at the start
[16:48] <IRWolfie-> I find it startingly that windows phone 7 contains no negative content whatsoever
[16:48] <IRWolfie-> apparently the reception of the phone was seemingly perfect
�03[16:48] * [SJR]CrescentFre ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[16:49] <IRWolfie-> s/phone/phone os/
�03[16:56] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
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[17:23] <Shearonink> anyone in here good with tables?
[17:23] <schiste> I can make them fly.
[17:23] <Shearonink> heh
[17:24] <Shearonink> srsly
[17:24] <Shearonink> I have a good puzzle-table
[17:24] <Shearonink> code looks good but...hmmm...not working
[17:24] <Shearonink> anyone?
�02[17:24] * ToBeFree (~tobefree@unaffiliated/tobefree) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:25] <IRWolfie-> suspected sock puppets, what's the best thing to do while waiting for the suspected formality of a block?
[17:25] <WilliamH_UK> point and laugh
�02[17:25] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[17:25] <IRWolfie-> about 95% sure it's a sockpuppet and the SPI is already filed
�03[17:26] * Guerillero_ is now known as Guerillero
[17:26] <Shearonink> WilliamH_UK: ?
[17:26] <Shearonink> tables....halp
[17:26] <WilliamH_UK> let me see
�02[17:26] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[17:26] <IRWolfie-> I refer specifically to it posting at a noticeboard
[17:26] <IRWolfie-> should the thread it started be removed or not?
[17:26] <Shearonink> If anyone wants to solve a puzzle....
[17:27] <Shearonink> the references are appearing before the External links, before the table....
[17:27] <Shearonink> halp
[17:27] <WilliamH_UK> please show me the case
[17:27] <WilliamH_UK> i may be able to checkusahh
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[17:29] <WilliamH_UK> ?
�03[17:30] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:31] <Shearonink> WilliamH_UK: maybe while you're waiting you can take a look at that Prizemaster link
[17:31] <Shearonink> puh-leeze
[17:31] <WilliamH_UK> whats there to see
[17:31] <Shearonink> it;s out of order
[17:31] <Shearonink> and I can't figure out why
[17:31] <kylu> the table is coded above the references section, but shows below it.
[17:31] <Shearonink> yes!
[17:32] <IRWolfie-> WilliamH_UK:
[17:32] <Shearonink> thank you
�02[17:32] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[17:32] <IRWolfie-> clerk has already endorsed
[17:32] <IRWolfie-> (sorry I was distracted)
[17:32] <schiste> Shearonink something wrong with the table, checking it
[17:33] <Shearonink> bless you schiste
[17:33] <Shearonink> it is driving me nuts
[17:33] <Shearonink> even mmore than I already am
[17:33] <Shearonink> heh
[17:33] <WilliamH_UK> ffs scienceapologist
�03[17:33] * morgankevinj (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Morgankevinj) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:33] <schiste> Shearonink and it's fixed
�03[17:34] * mysterytrey_ (6b04b637@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:34] <Shearonink> WHAT was wrong
[17:34] <Shearonink> please tell me
[17:34] <Shearonink> gack gack gack
[17:34] <Shearonink> schiste: ?
[17:34] <IRWolfie-> WilliamH_UK: exaclty
[17:34] <IRWolfie-> *err exactly
[17:34] <IRWolfie-> he does exactly the same thing when he comes back
[17:34] <kylu> <- removed a dash.
[17:34] <schiste> Shearonink you ended your table with |-}
[17:34] <kylu> ...not sure why that relocated the table, rather th...
[17:34] <Shearonink> SERIOUSLY?
[17:34] <kylu> oh
[17:34] <schiste> Mediawiki didn't like it.
[17:34] <Shearonink> it wasn;t mine
[17:35] <Shearonink>  but that's ok
[17:35] <schiste> oh ok
[17:35] <kylu> it didn't close properly, I see.
[17:35] <schiste> anyway it wasn't closed properly
[17:35] <Shearonink> an errant -?
�06[17:35] * Shearonink faints
[17:35] <schiste> so Mediawiki close it as the last object
[17:35] <schiste> Shearonink not errand, poor copy/pasting of one line to another
�06[17:36] * Shearonink gives schiste their snack and rink of choice
[17:36] <Shearonink> drink^
[17:36] <schiste> Oh you're in bad situation.
[17:36] <schiste> I'm drinkin old single malt.
[17:36] <schiste> You're in for a quiet expensive drink here :D
[17:37] <kylu> "quiet" or "quite" ?
�02[17:37] * Lydia_WMDE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[17:38] <schiste> It's 2:30, I'm a little drunk, so whatever is correct will do ^^
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[17:39] <kylu> I have no booze handy. :(
[17:39] <schiste> ^^
[17:40] <Shearonink> heh, you have no idea what I am capable of concerning alcohol, single malts rule :D.
[17:40] <schiste> Yes it does :)
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[17:46] <IRWolfie-> I've removed it anyway per [[WP:DUCK]] since the comment was pretty much identical to what he has done the last 3 times or so
[17:46] <MrFish2> Oh dear
[17:46] <MrFish2> "Nvidia, a semiconductor maker, said as many as 400000 of its users' passwords were stolen by hackers. The company, which makes parts used in Apple and Google products, among others, said attacks this month resulted in hackers compromising its users' ..."
[17:46] <MrFish2> :OOO
[17:46] <MrFish2>,0,7329485.story
�03[17:47] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en
[17:47] <IRWolfie-> a crap.
�06[17:47] * IRWolfie- checks
[17:48] <MrFish2> "Nvidia told the Los Angeles Times that the accounts belonged to users of the Nvidia Forum, Developer Zone and Research Site, which the company has now suspended."
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[17:48] <IRWolfie-> I can't remember if I registered or not
[17:49] <Shearonink> heh, I sure as hel didn't
[17:49] <foks> loooooool
[17:50] <GabrielF> why is the marriage of the crown prince of Togo our top story today?
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[17:51] <Shearonink> If I registered that would indicate that I knew what I was doing, I didn;t not register therefore, I do not know what I am doing, ehich is true and verifiable
�03[17:55] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[17:56] <IRWolfie-> why would a website store passwords and not use hash keys?
[17:57] <MrFish2> Or store the passwords on a seperate server not connected to the internet? :P
[17:58] <MrFish2> That wouldn't work. Nevermind.
[17:58] <IRWolfie-> :D
[17:58] <IRWolfie-> I know, store them in a computer that is switched off, that'll fool them :P
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[18:00] <kylu> they could simply not use passwords at all, and instead use an OpenID or other authentication system instead.
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�06[18:00] * kylu removes an extraneous "instead" there.
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[18:05] <IRWolfie-> :D
[18:06] <IRWolfie-> ok, 2 in the morning here, I think that's my queue to exit
[18:07] <IRWolfie-> s/queue/cue
[18:07] <kylu> ha, QUIT: Denied, queue to disconnect full.
�03[18:09] * CptJaneway is now known as Kenneaal
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[18:10] <schiste> :D
�02[18:11] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
[18:11] <LtNOWIS> Hmm, I suppose there aren't that many crown princes who will be getting married.
[18:11] <LtNOWIS> Because most of them will already be married by the time they become the heir apparent
�02[18:12] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[18:13] <kylu> find me a cute, single, and open-minded crown princess? :)
�02[18:13] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[18:14] <LtNOWIS> I think there are literally none.
[18:14] <LtNOWIS> sorry...
[18:14] <kylu> drat.
[18:16] <GabrielF> but if you're willing to settle for a non-crown princess...
[18:16] <LtNOWIS> oh yeah, then there are a bunch
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[18:17] <kylu> oho?
[18:18] <LtNOWIS> Alexandra of Luxembourg is probably the best choice
�06[18:19] * kylu peeks.
[18:19] <haggis> foks: lol
[18:20] <kylu> cute, a bit young, but cute. :D
[18:20] <Night_o_Big_Wind> Hmmmm, did I do it right?
[18:20] <Night_o_Big_Wind> Unfamiliar territory, so I better check...
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�06[18:21] * Athyria hugs Sven_Manguard.
[18:21] <Sven_Manguard> thank you
[18:22] <Athyria> Also my foot is oozing.
[18:22] <Fluffernutter> ...
�02[18:23] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:23] <Athyria> What?
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[18:23] <haggis> Athyria: :o Hypocrite
�06[18:23] * kylu offers a jelly donut to Fluff. ^.^
[18:24] <Athyria> Hypocrite?
�06[18:24] * Fluffernutter yawns, accepts donut, resolves to figure out how this irccloud thing works
[18:25] <kylu> so... LtNOWIS suggested I hook up with Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg.
[18:25] <kylu> think they're cool enough for a marriage, Fluff?
[18:25] <haggis> Athyria: <Isarra> haggis: stop changing nicks
[18:26] <Fluffernutter> pricesses are always cool
�02[18:26] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:26] <LtNOWIS> I dunno, a lot of the German royals and former royals marry each other rather than common folk
[18:26] <LtNOWIS> but I don't think Luxembourg does that
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[18:27] <mabdul> Fluffernutter: would you do two (protected) edits for me please?
[18:27] <Night_o_Big_Wind> So, I guess the uploaded photo is correctly sourced and licensed?
[18:28] <kylu> you could be my maid of honor, mebbe. :D
[18:28] <Fluffernutter> i'm sorry mabdul , i'm sleepy and headachey and not up to judging edits tonight :/
�06[18:28] * mattbuck sighs
[18:28] <mattbuck> the arduous manufacturing company is no longer one of my 100 most interesting flickr photos
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�06[18:29] * kylu waves atta Dagny
�06[18:29] * Dagny waves
�06[18:29] * mattbuck wonders whether posting it here will change that next month
[18:29] <mattbuck>
[18:30] <Sven_Manguard> GorillaWarfare: ping
[18:30] <LtNOWIS> but yeah, it's stupid that people are mad about the Crown Prince of Tonga marrying his second cousin, because second cousins are barely related, genetically
[18:30] <kylu> I have a pic of a sign at work I keep meaning to post, says "NO PARKING VIOLATORS WILL BE TOWED"
[18:31] <mattbuck> there's a sign on campus here something like "authorised card access only at all times"
[18:32] <GabrielF> I just passed a sign on my way home that said "bank customers parking only during business hours"
[18:32] <mattbuck> well that seems reasonab;e
[18:32] <mattbuck> at other times they're not customers, they're robbers
�02[18:34] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[18:34] <GabrielF> but does it mean that the lot is reserved during business hours for customers of the bank or that bank customers are only allowed to park there during business hours
[18:35] <GabrielF> (obviously its the former, but I found myself wondering why a customer would want to park there when the bank wasn't open)
[18:35] <kylu> actually, we have a local bank that has issues with that.
[18:36] <Athyria> haggis: I am not a hypocrite; this is a nick I use fairly regularly. Having multiple nicks for consistent reason may be more difficult to deal with than sticking to one, but changing to completely random things on a regular basis is just plain irritating.
[18:36] <kylu> the bank is across the street from a music venue, and they've towed vehicles that've clogged the lot.
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�06[18:37] * kylu has a friend who put up a parking sign in front of her store, "Witch Parking Only - Violators Will Be Toad"
[18:37] <kylu> (new age shop, whattashock)
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[18:50] <haggis> foks: You're running for arbcom? o_O
[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kylu nice
[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so what if I park a toad?
[18:50] <haggis> 	StewardBot	Philippe (WMF) edited [[Identification noticeboard]] with the following comment: +Foxj
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[18:51] <MrFish2> haggis: Why not read the candidate statements
�02[18:51] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[18:52] <foks> um, no
[18:53] <foks> also stalker much
�03[18:53] * YE|Away is now known as YE
�06[18:54] * Logan_ hugs foks.
[18:56] <GabrielF> I think I found an African scientific journal article that's plagiarizing our article on Hybrid Electric vehicles
[18:56] <haggis> foks: I'm in the -stewards channel >_>
�03[18:57] * MrFish2 is now known as Bsadowski1
[18:58] <mabdul> foks: would you do two (portected, userjs) edits for me?
[18:59] <foks> ya
[18:59] <foks> PM me :)
[18:59] <kylu> ToAruShiroiNeko: it's more like, "if you park there, you'll be turned into a toad."
�03[18:59] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has left #wikipedia-en
�02[19:00] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: Pull the pin and count to what?�)
�02[19:01] * AndrewN (~zoomerx@wikimedia/AndrewN) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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�03[19:05] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kylu so what if I am a toad then?
[19:05] <BarkingFish> Ah well, so much for my sleep :)  2 hours is better than nothing though.
�02[19:06] * dan64- ( Quit (Excess Flood�)
�03[19:06] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:07] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[19:07] <BarkingFish> Any administrators, quick question - doesn't require any action or button pushing on your part, just needs an answer.  Just seen a user in the user creation log, who has been on wp for about 2 weeks, been blocked twice, looks like reichstag climbing on both occasions.  Last block was 8th July, don't know if he's still blocked, but he's made a new account.
[19:07] <BarkingFish> Firstly, if he is still blocked, is he doing anything wrong at this point? (the new account's not been used yet(
�02[19:07] * mabdul (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[19:08] <BarkingFish> and secondly, if he's not blocked, is it feasible to watch both accounts?
�03[19:08] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:08] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:08] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:08] <Sven_Manguard> I'm back
[19:09] <BarkingFish> the (blocked) user is User:Ashrald522  - as I say, not sure how long his last block was for, cba to remember how to go find the block log :)
[19:10] <BarkingFish> and the new user is User:BUjOY-03 (not yet used)
�03[19:10] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:10] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:10] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:12] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[19:14] <GabrielF> would there be any policy grounds to object to the user name SlimmerVirgin?
�03[19:15] * Sp33dyphil (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:15] <Guerillero> yes
[19:15] <Guerillero> too close to a real user
[19:15] <Furry> BarkingFish, reichstag climbing?
[19:16] <GabrielF> it doesn't seem like an obvious troll
[19:16] <BarkingFish> Furry, edit warring in other words.
[19:16] <BarkingFish> Constantly climbing one above the other to get the better of another editor
[19:17] <Furry> okau
�02[19:17] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[19:17] <haggis> woooo
[19:17] <haggis> new CUs/OSs
�03[19:17] * ty (~ty@wikia/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:18] <Sven_Manguard> woooo
[19:19] <Sven_Manguard> lemme check
�02[19:19] * mabdul|busy (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) Quit
[19:19] <BarkingFish> who got the new CU and OS posts?
[19:19] <Sven_Manguard> haggis: where?
[19:19] <Sven_Manguard> BarkingFish: donno, it's not where I thought it'd be
�03[19:20] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:20] <haggis> Sven_Manguard:
[19:20] <haggis>
[19:20] <foks>
[19:20] <haggis> foks: Too slow.
[19:20] <foks> Whatever.
[19:21] <Sven_Manguard> DeltaQuad and DorD as CUs seems like a good choice for me. Not sure why not SG, but w/e
�03[19:21] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) has left #wikipedia-en
[19:22] <BarkingFish> well one of my CU choices got in. Good call DQ!
[19:22] <haggis> Sven_Manguard: SG?
[19:22] <Sven_Manguard> NW and TTT good choices for OS, no comment on the others except that foks looks eerily like he could be a twin of PeterC
[19:22] <Bsadowski1> Lol
[19:22] <Bsadowski1> fosk
[19:22] <haggis> I'm just happy we have two new ACC cus.
[19:22] <haggis> Bsadowski1: fosk
[19:22] <Bsadowski1> focks
�03[19:23] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:24] <foks> Sven_Manguard, oi.
[19:24] <foks> I'm just as awesome a choice!
[19:24] <foks> Or, rather, good a choice.
[19:24] <foks> ... Okay, a decent choice.
[19:24] <BarkingFish> Who is TTT?
[19:25] <foks> Worm That Turned spelled wrong.
[19:25] <Sven_Manguard> WTT
[19:25] <Sven_Manguard> sry
[19:25] <Sven_Manguard> foks: but you're a brother from another mother to Peter.C
[19:25] <Sven_Manguard> that's a security vulnerability
[19:25] <tommorris> no, foks is sensible
[19:25] <foks> Oh. I see.
�03[19:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[19:25] * eir sets mode: -bo *!*@2001:470:fcc0::25 eir
[19:25] <foks> >:(
[19:26] <Sven_Manguard> tommorris: says the person that threatened to block an entire room of people at Wikimania
[19:26] <Sven_Manguard> great session, BTW
[19:26] <haggis> Sven_Manguard: wtf, no.
[19:26] <Sven_Manguard> haggis: were you there?
[19:26] <haggis> Peter-C looks like a toad.
[19:26] <haggis> foks looks like a foks :-D
�03[19:26] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:27] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[19:27] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:27] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:27] <Soapy> hi
[19:27] <tommorris> Sven_Manguard: It's a preventative block, to prevent people from being mean to them
[19:27] <SigmaWP> hi
[19:27] <SigmaWP> Soapy: How do you do that
�03[19:27] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:27] * The_Blade ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:27] * The_Blade (~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:27] <Sven_Manguard> tommorris: right
[19:27] <Soapy> sigma: the "hi" to every room?
[19:28] <Soapy> it's /amsg hi
[19:28] <Soapy> i think it works on most clients
[19:28] <SigmaWP> hi
[19:28] <SigmaWP> Ooh it worked
[19:28] <Athyria> Are checkusers often run on obvious socks that pop up to say various long things on arbcom case talkpages?
�03[19:28] * Athyria is now known as Isarra
�03[19:29] * Peter-C (~Peter-C@wikimedia/Peter.C) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:30] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[19:30] * Jmajeremy_ (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:30] <Peter-C> Caffeine and sugar is running through my veins
�03[19:30] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:31] <Jeske_Merensky> If it's obviously a returning user, it should be.
[19:31] <haggis> Peter-C: ribbit
[19:34] <SigmaWP> The_Blade: I hope making these "I passed 100/1/0 without any FAs" comments on RfA doesn't become a deeply engrained habit
[19:35] <The_Blade> No, only when I see very vague opposes about "no content work".  If people at least specify what they want to see, I can live with it.
�02[19:35] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[19:35] <tommorris> Sven_Manguard: 97/1/3 technically. ;-)
[19:35] <The_Blade> The one I responded to is a classic example of a VAGUEWAVE.
�03[19:35] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[19:35] <tommorris> 97 crazy people decided to give me sysopship
[19:36] <Sven_Manguard> wait what?
[19:36] <Sven_Manguard> tommorris: my RfA was unanimous
[19:36] <Sven_Manguard> mind you Commons a) has a less broken system, and b) also unanimously passed Logan
[19:36] <haggis> Sven_Manguard: No opposes? Fluffernutter had that too :-)
[19:36] <Sven_Manguard> so...
[19:36] <Fluffernutter> and look how I turned out...
�02[19:37] * DQ|away (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[19:37] <tommorris> Sven_Manguard: reckon I should run for RfA on Commons?
�06[19:37] * Fluffernutter flicks forked tongue, pointed tail
[19:37] <suicidalzerg>
[19:37] <SigmaWP> [19:36:44] �<�Sven_Manguard�>�� mind you Commons a) has a less broken system, and b) also unanimously passed Logan
[19:37] <Sven_Manguard> tommorris: if you're serious, I will look over your contribs and give a recommendation
[19:37] <haggis> Sad thing is, year-ago me would've opposed just to ruin that.
[19:37] <Sven_Manguard> SigmaWP: wha?
[19:37] <suicidalzerg>
[19:37] <SigmaWP> But what if the system unanimously passed Logan_ because it was broken?
[19:37] <Soapy> lol
[19:37] <SigmaWP> :P
[19:37] <tommorris> Sven_Manguard: I'm semi-serious. I probably need to participate in some more deletion, but I've made 4,000+ contribs
[19:37] <Soapy> you and Logan are secretly best friends, right?
[19:37] <Sven_Manguard> SigmaWP: Logan is actually not a bad admin from what I've seen
[19:37] <haggis> If Logan_'s an admin, it's broken. :-)
�06[19:37] * SigmaWP pat pats Logan_ 
[19:37] <Soapy> you just pretend to not like each other
[19:38] <Sven_Manguard> tommorris: in what areas?
�03[19:38] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:38] <haggis> Sven_Manguard: He told me that renaming things to their proper name is "pointless"
�03[19:38] * zscout370 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[19:38] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:38] <Sven_Manguard> zscout370!
[19:38] <Sven_Manguard> you at Wikimania?
[19:38] <zscout370> nope
�02[19:38] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:38] <Soapy> hmm. new RfA
�03[19:38] * DeltaQuad ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:38] * DeltaQuad ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:38] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:39] <Soapy> hi DeltaQuad
[19:39] <Soapy> congrats
[19:39] <haggis> Soapy: link?
[19:40] <Soapy>
[19:40] <haggis> My cardiac life expectancy result is: fuck
[19:41] <Soapy> i have it bookmarked so I can check it everyday
[19:41] <haggis> BarkingFish: ^ XD
[19:41] <The_Blade> Now I've got someone bitching at me on my talkpage for DARING to forget something from February.
[19:41] <haggis> The_Blade: I always have someone bitching on my talkpage :-0
[19:42] <Guerillero> a rfa while wikimania is going on
[19:42] <Guerillero> we can gang up and plot against them
[19:42] <The_Blade> "How could you POSSIBLY forget that bands are eligible for BLPPROD!!!!!!!!!"
�06[19:42] * Guerillero cackles evilly
[19:42] <The_Blade> I'm fine with that, but sorry for not reading the policy every day I decide to clean up peoples' messes at CAT:BLP
[19:42] <Soapy> "thanks for the relpy"
[19:43] <SigmaWP> Guerillero: :P
�06[19:43] * Fluffernutter blames The_Blade
[19:44] <The_Blade> Seriously, in 1 day I've managed to bring the number of articles from March from about 180 to 110 just by fixing bad tags/deleting stuff.
[19:44] <tommorris> time for sleep
[19:44] <foks> night!
[19:44] <Fluffernutter> night tommorris
[19:44] <haggis> tommorris: Sweet dreams
[19:44] <Guerillero> night
�03[19:44] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:45] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�06[19:48] * Isarra throws a chicken at GorillaWarfare.
�06[19:48] * GorillaWarfare dodges
�06[19:49] * suicidalzerg throws Gfoley4 at Isarra.
�03[19:49] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:49] <Gfoley4> Yikes.
[19:49] <SigmaWP>
[19:49] <SigmaWP> I'm sure you can all guess what I did already
�06[19:49] * Isarra shields with a Peter-C.
�06[19:50] * suicidalzerg finds an opening and punches Isarra in the gut
�06[19:50] * haggis throws a shot of epi at Peter-C
�03[19:50] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:50] <haggis> Isarra: your shield is now crazy.
�06[19:50] * SigmaWP throws a goalball at suicidalzerg 
�06[19:50] * suicidalzerg dodges
�06[19:50] * The_Blade laughs at all you puny midgets for fighting amongst each other.
[19:50] <Isarra> My shield was already crazy.
[19:50] <Isarra> But it's okay; we still love him.
[19:50] <haggis> {{cn}}
�06[19:50] * SigmaWP thinks 'puny midgets' is redundant
[19:50] <Isarra> Goalball?
[19:50] <Peter-C> Isarra <3
[19:51] <suicidalzerg>
[19:52] <Soapy> interesting sport
[19:52] <The_Blade> One person's redundancy is another person's emphasis
�03[19:52] * DeltaQuad_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:52] <Isarra> How does one apply for OTRS access?
[19:53] <The_Blade>
�02[19:53] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[19:53] <haggis> Isarra: You need to be identified to WMF, well, it's weird.
[19:53] <Peter-C>
[19:53] <Peter-C> I did it once, not fun
[19:53] <Peter-C> I got shot down for IRC stuff
[19:53] <Peter-C> Which is BS because IRC and Wikipedia are to different things
[19:54] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: You know how to different things?
[19:54] <The_Blade> I've been over to OTRS a few times, and all I've gotten is spam
[19:54] <Isarra> IRC does indicate to some extent the individuals capabilities in general communication, personality, and approach to various things, however, which is certainly relevant.
[19:55] <Isarra> And that this is the english wikipedia channel, that only makes it more so.
�06[19:55] * Guerillero has otrs access
[19:55] <Fluffernutter> Isarra, i walked past you at one point today, i think
[19:55] <The_Blade> The funniest one I got so far was someone who felt the need to write *nine* e-mails advertising as a physical therapist.
[19:55] <Peter-C> I find myself perfectly functional IRL and on Wiki
[19:55] <haggis> Peter-C: I'd be killed 78 times now if I got shot down for IRC stuff
�03[19:55] * Jmajeremy_ is now known as Jmajeremy
[19:56] <Guerillero> I still find it strange that you are a woman
[19:56] <haggis> 70 times by one specific person, and yeah
[19:56] <Isarra> Fluffernutter: I'm sure you did, but we haven't actually met! This must be remedied.
[19:56] <Fluffernutter> indeed so
[19:56] <Guerillero> but then I didn't think that fox would look ickle
[19:56] <haggis> :DDDD
[19:57] <Fluffernutter> foks is a giant
�06[19:57] * haggis is ecstatic
[19:57] <Isarra> Guerillero: Me?
[19:57] <Guerillero> yes
[19:57] <Isarra> Fox is adorable.
[19:57] <haggis> Fluffernutter: what? how tall are you :-P
�06[19:57] * The_Blade met foks last Saturday.
[19:57] <Isarra> How is that strange?
�06[19:57] * Fluffernutter is a midget
[19:57] <Fluffernutter> i'm like 5'1
[19:57] <haggis> o_o
[19:57] <haggis> missing a 0 there?
[19:57] <The_Blade> I was going to say, I remember foks coming up to about my shoulders.
[19:57] <kylu> ooh, tall fluff. o.o
[19:57] <Peter-C> Really?
[19:57] <Peter-C> I honestly never noticed
[19:58] <BarkingFish> well fuck me, Peter-C - i thought you'd fallen off of the face of the earth or something :)
[19:58] <Fluffernutter> The_Blade is giantER, mind you
[19:58] <haggis> BarkingFish: I love you
[19:58] <haggis> :-P
[19:58] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - I am in DC
[19:58] <Peter-C> Wikimania
�06[19:58] * Isarra tries to figure out who Fluffernutter was.
[19:58] <BarkingFish> there's a first, haggis :D
[19:58] <The_Blade> I just remember being a bit... surprised when I met DGG in person.
[19:58] <Sp33dyphil> hi
[19:58] <Fluffernutter> I was often to be found around, like, foks and jdforrester
[19:58] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, ah feck, I forgot you were going :P
[19:58] <haggis> BarkingFish: now about that shampoo... j/k :-)
[19:58] <Peter-C> ;)
[19:58] <foks> Ya
[19:58] <The_Blade> He was a little shorter than I expected.
[19:59] <Guerillero> I must be one of the few who knew he was older
[19:59] <Furry> hi Isarra
[19:59] <Isarra> Was DGG the guy who was hunched over slightly to the left?
[19:59] <Furry> bye Isarra
[19:59] <Isarra> Or who was that?
�06[19:59] * Isarra waves vaguely.
�06[19:59] * Furry beat Isarra to reverts today
[19:59] <BarkingFish> go on, haggis - tell them :)
[20:00] <BarkingFish> only if you want to though, remember, patient privilege, etc
[20:00] <Isarra> Furry: That was only notable because you were sitting on the sofa next to me.
[20:00] <haggis> My life expectancy is 94 years 9 months :O
[20:00] <Soapy> oh. are there pics up yet?
[20:00] <Soapy> I didnt know it was over already
�03[20:00] * Ktr101 (601a4506@wikipedia/Ktr101) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:00] <SigmaWP> Soapy: Pictures?
[20:01] <Soapy> of wikimania 2012
[20:01] <SigmaWP> Are you there?
�06[20:01] * Isarra hits Ktr101 with a frying pan.
[20:01] <haggis> SigmaWP: Your post is beautiful, btw
[20:01] <Soapy> nope
[20:01] <SigmaWP> Try to get a picture of Earwig
[20:01] <SigmaWP> oh
[20:01] <Ktr101> wat up, friend
[20:01] <Soapy> i didnt go
[20:01] <SigmaWP> Isarra: Try to get a picture of earwig
[20:01] <BarkingFish> LOL.
[20:02] <BarkingFish> How does a King's son write?
[20:02] <Isarra> SigmaWP: He had my computer, but I didn't get an image.
[20:02] <The_Blade> Was anyone else here besides Peter-C and I at Governor's Island last week?
[20:02] <BarkingFish> He doesn't.  He "prince". :P
�03[20:02] * MBisanz ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:02] <BarkingFish> ffs
�02[20:02] * MBisanz ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:02] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[20:02] * Dagny shakes her head at BarkingFish
[20:02] <SigmaWP> BarkingFish: :D
[20:02] <haggis> BarkingFish: :-)
[20:03] <BarkingFish> i'm sorry, it's 4am, i've had 13 hours sleep in 3 days and i'm in one of my silly moods :)
�06[20:03] * Isarra huggles BarkingFish.
[20:04] <haggis> BarkingFish: hey, last "night" I went to bed at 7AM and woke up at 4AM
[20:04] <BarkingFish> 0.o
[20:04] <Soapy> thats a loooooooong sleep session
�02[20:04] * Peter-C (~Peter-C@wikimedia/Peter.C) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[20:04] * Peter-laptop (~Peter-C@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:04] * Peter-laptop (~Peter-C@ Quit (Changing host�)
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�03[20:05] * guillom is now known as basile
[20:05] <The_Blade> For whatever instructions the Outreach userpages might have, could we *please* add that this isn't the place to post your resume?
[20:05] <The_Blade> I've nailed about 5 people doing that just tonight.
�03[20:05] * dan64 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:05] <Ktr101> Isarra: how's the party with the 300 pound gorilla in the room?
[20:05] <BarkingFish> A 2-seater aircraft has crashed into a local cemetary in Ireland!  Police and forensics teams have recovered 359 bodies so far :P
[20:05] <Ktr101> like!
[20:05] <Ktr101> lol
�02[20:06] * zscout370 (~Kagami@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[20:06] <Sp33dyphil> SigmaWP
[20:06] <Ktr101> BarkingFish: you in d.c.?
[20:06] <BarkingFish> No
[20:06] <Soapy> that would be told as a Polish joke in the USA
[20:06] <Sp33dyphil> can you do something about it?
[20:06] <Ktr101> ah
�02[20:06] * Jayflux ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[20:06] <BarkingFish> The best one in the night so far, I just discovered... I will LOL on this one.
[20:06] <Isarra> Ktr101: Ask her directly.
[20:06] <SigmaWP> just leave it
�03[20:06] * AMadman ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:06] * AMadman ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:06] * AMadman (~madman@wikimedia/madman) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:06] <Isarra> I assume you mean the lovely lady over there, no?
[20:06] <Ktr101> true
[20:07] <SigmaWP> Isarra: What does earwig look like?
[20:07] <Isarra> SigmaWP: A guy.
[20:07] <Ktr101> SigmaWP: not what you think he looks like
[20:07] <Isarra> With hair.
[20:07] <Isarra> And skin.
[20:07] <Ktr101> as does half the wikipedians here
�06[20:07] * SigmaWP had no idea
[20:07] <Isarra> And clothes.
[20:07] <Isarra> And stuff.
[20:07] <Ktr101> with facial hair
[20:07] <BarkingFish> "An Irish woman has been admitted to hospital suffering from complications related to Phone sex.  Doctors recovered 2 nokias from her vagina, 3 motorlas and an iPhone from her ass, but no Siemens were found" :D
�06[20:07] * Isarra isn't too good at remmebering things.
[20:07] <The_Blade> 面白い
�06[20:07] * Isarra hits BarkingFish with a frying pan.
[20:08] <Ktr101> aww, she loves you!
[20:08] <SigmaWP> Ktr101: Wait, you've seen the earwig/
[20:08] <Ktr101> yeah
[20:08] <The_Blade> BarkingFish; I know plenty of people with severe literal thinking issues, but none that bad.
[20:08] <Ktr101> i was clearing out afc next to him today!
[20:08] <SigmaWP> I would never have imagined him with facial hair
�02[20:08] * Ced1214 (~Ced@wikia/Ced1214) Quit (Quit: uh�)
[20:08] <Ktr101> dude, some editors are not what you think they are
[20:08] <Ktr101> some are YOUNG
[20:08] <Ktr101> others...OLD
[20:08] <The_Blade> Ah, AfC; we should have a note that says "Welcome to purgatory, the giant morass where anyone can suffer"
[20:09] <Gfoley4> you cleared out AFC? :o
[20:09] <The_Blade> I thought only Chzz was capable of that...
[20:09] <Soapy> ah. it's not over yet
[20:09] <SigmaWP> I think I like being unknown
[20:09] <Soapy> there are 2 days left in Wikimania
[20:09] <AMadman> I didn't see The Earwig. D:
[20:09] <AMadman> I saw Headbomb, who's also on BAG with me. :D
[20:10] <BarkingFish> One more before I go to bed.  And I am going to bed :)
�03[20:10] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[20:10] <The_Blade> All I know is that, whenever I go to any Wikipedia meetups, I end up with people staring at me.
[20:10] <Soapy> Jimbo is there, right?
[20:10] <SigmaWP> Ktr101: GET A PICTURE OF HIM
[20:10] <The_Blade> Last time, it was because I had to carry 12 out of 27 pizzas across a ferry.
[20:10] <Isarra> The_Blade: Are you unusual?
[20:10] <Ktr101> SigmaWP: that's plain creepy!
[20:10] <AMadman> You'll steal his soul.
[20:10] <The_Blade> You can only imagine...
[20:10] <BarkingFish> "A small boy rides down the street on his bike, handlebars facing the wrong way.  A mounted police officer stops him and says "nice bike. Did you get it for christmas?" the boy replies "yes"."
[20:11] <BarkingFish> "Santa put it together the wrong way. The handlebars are the wrong way round" says the officer.
[20:11] <Isarra> The_Blade: You could say.
[20:11] <BarkingFish> "Did you get that horse at christmas?" replies the boy.  "Sure" says the officer. "Why?"
[20:11] <Isarra> Gods dammit I wanna go to wikimania next year.
[20:12] <BarkingFish> "You should tell santa off then. He put it together wrong. The c*** is supposed to be underneath the horse, not on top of it :P"
[20:12] <SigmaWP> BarkingFish: :P
[20:12] <The_Blade> That officially made my day.
[20:12] <Peter-laptop> BarkingFish - I wish you were here... asshole :(
[20:12] <SigmaWP> 我们的假象,真想]
[20:12] <The_Blade> Isarra; dven if I could go next year, there's no way; I don't like leaving the New York area in summertime.  I'm loathe to miss my Yankees
[20:12] <The_Blade> *even
�03[20:12] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:13] <Soapy> i searched for an image of Earwig and got this:
[20:13] <Isarra> The_Blade: Pity, but I still want to go. :P
[20:13] <Isarra> So much awesome.
[20:13] <Ktr101> SigmaWP: are you on facebook?
[20:13] <BarkingFish> i wish I was too, but I have got too much shit going on right now.  Put Wikimania in Munich next year and I'll be there with bells on. I may even see if I can take a group of you around where I'll be working so you can get some nice photos and shit for commons :)
[20:13] <Ktr101> or better yet, are we friends
[20:13] <SigmaWP> Ktr101: I hope not
[20:13] <Ktr101> BarkingFish: hong kong
[20:13] <Soapy> Wikimania 2013 will be the 9th Wikimania conference, an annual event for the international Wikimedia community. It will be held in Hong Kong on 7 – 11 August 2013.
[20:13] <Ktr101> try 2014
[20:14] <Ktr101> Soapy: way to copy the wiki article :P
[20:14] <The_Blade> I just remember when they made that announcement, there was a big AN thread about a ton of Hong Kong IPs trolling various articles on Chinese politics.
�06[20:14] * SigmaWP needs earwig pictures
[20:14] <Soapy> itll be interesting to see how many people from outside Asia go to the Hong Kong one
[20:14] <The_Blade> Mostly Instantnood socks.
[20:14] <Ktr101> there are probably 1000 here
[20:14] <Soapy> a thousand people??
[20:14] <Soapy> wow
[20:15] <Soapy> I didnt know Wikimania conferences were that big
[20:15] <Soapy> I was thinking, like, 20
[20:15] <AMadman> ...
[20:15] <AMadman> Yeah,. there are a FEW more than that. :p
[20:15] <Soapy> well Iw as just going by the lists of people who say theyre coming
[20:15] <Soapy> so I assume most people that go there dont put on-wiki mention of it
[20:16] <AMadman> I got interviewed by the BBC.
[20:16] <The_Blade> Is PhanuelB there?  He shows up at WikimediaNYC events for reasons beyond me.
[20:16] <Fluffernutter> he's here, yeah
[20:16] <Fluffernutter> i saw him pass me by earlier
�03[20:16] * OlEnglish ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:16] <The_Blade> I should amend that; he shows up there to soapbox about Amanda Knox, for reasons unknown to me.  Jesus fucking Christ, she's been exonerated already, what do you want?
[20:16] <Ktr101> not that i know of
[20:17] <Isarra> AMadman: They tried to interview me. Didn't get very far before I was kidnapped by WMFers.
�02[20:17] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[20:17] <The_Blade> Next time I see him, I'll give him two shrubberies of different heights for the terrace effect and see if that works.
�02[20:17] * AMadman (~madman@wikimedia/madman) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[20:18] <BarkingFish> right guys, that's my lot for tonight. 4.18am and I've got to go back to bed, hell it's turning into daylight outside :)
[20:18] <BarkingFish> see ya guys, have a good time in DC, see you tonight.
�02[20:18] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
[20:18] <AMadman> Night!
�02[20:20] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[20:21] <The_Blade>  Seriously?
[20:21] <SigmaWP> Don't delete it
[20:21] <SigmaWP> I want to see :P
[20:21] <The_Blade> I'll hold off for a minute.
[20:22] <The_Blade> Who the hell would come to Wikipedia to look for crap like that?
�03[20:22] * Monchoman45 (60f5c05c@wikia/Monchoman45) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:22] <SigmaWP> That's just retarded
�03[20:22] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:22] <SigmaWP> Do you think that person thinks he just helped improve Wikipedia?
�03[20:22] * haggis is now known as haggis|dnd
�06[20:23] * SigmaWP hugs haggis|dnd 
[20:23] <haggis|dnd> SigmaWP: do not disturb
[20:23] <SigmaWP> OK
�02[20:23] * The_Blade (~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725]�)
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[20:26] <suicidalzerg> We got some damn foul smelling rain here.
[20:27] <kylu> downwind from a lot of pollution?
[20:27] <suicidalzerg> Might be from all the fires we're having south of here
[20:27] <kylu> there's a refinery south of me
�03[20:27] * kim_bruning ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:27] <kylu> when it rains and it comes from the south, it's pretty nasty and oily.
[20:28] <kim_bruning> hewwo kylu
[20:28] <kylu> 'lo
[20:28] <suicidalzerg> It smells like... a mix of sulphur and... something
[20:28] <kylu> burnt wood?
[20:29] <suicidalzerg> I dunno
[20:29] <suicidalzerg> Like, sulphur and skunk
[20:29] <Olipro> fanny batter?
�02[20:30] * Peter-laptop (~Peter-C@wikimedia/Peter.C) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[20:30] * TCO_ (4086a861@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:30] <TCO_> I want to ask a non-Wiki question
[20:31] <TCO_> ahem...cough cough
[20:31] <suicidalzerg> Go ahead...
[20:31] <kylu> suicidalzerg: sucker. ;)
[20:31] <Fluffernutter> don't eat it
[20:32] <TCO_> Do you think you should have some kind of rapore with a women to sleep with her...or just do it if she is willing?
[20:32] <TCO_> not a theoretical question, btw
[20:32] <Fluffernutter> ...
[20:32] <suicidalzerg> ¿????
[20:32] <AMadman> There is no one answer to that.
[20:32] <TCO_> I said it was non wiki
[20:32] <suicidalzerg> A wild Madman appears
[20:32] <AMadman> (Speaking as a former relationship/sex educator.)
[20:33] <Fluffernutter> i think we don't give sex advice here, and if we did it would be crappy sex advice
[20:33] <TCO_> Was this gal...I know she wanted to go out before
[20:33] <kylu> You should wait until you're in love and have a rapport with her, sure.
[20:33] <TCO_> and we are both on travel consulting
[20:33] <kylu> Fluffernutter: well, there's the technical questions at least.
[20:33] <AMadman> It is 100% up to the two people involved and what they're comfortable with.
[20:33] <TCO_> Yeah...I actually get way more naturally physical if the woman is someone I like
[20:33] <TCO_> I said it was non wiki
[20:33] <TCO_> ....
[20:34] <kylu> I personally would want to be married before giving up my virginity to someone. c.c
[20:34] <suicidalzerg> ^
[20:34] <kylu> Have you considered snuggling and a promise ring instead maybe?
�03[20:34] * kim_bruning is now known as kim_burning
[20:34] <AMadman> I personally could not marry someone without seeing if we're sexually compatible. So, as I was saying, different strokes for different folks.
[20:34] <TCO_> I'm on the road...and a part of me...would just want the having any kind of relationship.  She is good enough looking.  But kind of wary...not ,my style
[20:34] <AMadman> So to speak. ;x
[20:35] <Fluffernutter> AMadman++
[20:36] <AMadman> Fluffernutter: One more of those and I level up. :D
[20:36] <kylu> personally, I'm still waiting for the right person. ^.^
[20:36] <TCO_> I could have made a pass tonight and could have before (she wanted to go out before).  At the same time...definitely not marriage material...and just too kind of firm for my style...I like a real woman woman...if you know what I mean.  SWEET.
[20:36] <Fluffernutter> ...
�06[20:37] * Isarra offers chickens.
[20:37] <Soapy> a pictue of the conference is up
[20:37] <AMadman> ...
[20:37] <kylu> Go out, have a nice date, make sure she's home before it's too late though. You wouldn't want the neighbors to think she were a trollop.
[20:37] <kylu> Maybe in a couple dates, you could move on to holding hands during the movie.
�03[20:37] * SHDWsammouk ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:37] <TCO_> you may be the only chick on this chanell, fluff...but in the real world it is 50-50.  And as I get older, I understand the fair sex more and more...
[20:38] <Fluffernutter> I...have no idea what you just said. But sure.
[20:38] <Soapy> oh wow, there's 86 pictures already just for the opening ceremony.  we're going all out this year
[20:38] <SigmaWP> Soapy: Link?
[20:38] <Soapy>
[20:38] <SigmaWP> thanks
[20:38] <SigmaWP> I hope earwig is there
[20:38] <TCO_> I could have made a pass tonight.  It is not about my virtue.  I'm long over that.  Just about personality.
[20:38] <Soapy> was what I saw first
�03[20:38] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:38] <Soapy> I dont think Earwig would be there unless he was a speaker
[20:38] <TCO_> I might get a corporate apartment.  Really sick of hotels...
�03[20:39] * hubcapGZX (~hypnic@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:39] <Sven_Manguard> Soapy: Earwig is there, he is not a speaker
[20:39] <SigmaWP> Sven_Manguard: What does he look like
[20:39] <SigmaWP> Pictures
�03[20:39] * suicidalzerg is now known as Son_Gohan
�03[20:39] * SHDWsammouk ( has left #wikipedia-en
[20:39] <SigmaWP> Take them and put them on commons
[20:39] <Soapy> by 'there' i mean on commons
[20:39] <Sven_Manguard> SigmaWP: no
[20:40] <Sven_Manguard> if he wants to, he can
[20:40] <SigmaWP> harej: I thought you were older than that
�06[20:40] * SigmaWP explodes
[20:40] <Son_Gohan> Hey, that's my line
[20:40] <Sven_Manguard> harej is going to become hairgrey because of this
�06[20:40] * kylu pats Fluff's shoulder, "Poor you, only chick. So lonesome here, isn't it?"
[20:40] <Sven_Manguard> kylu: there are a surprisingly large number of women there
�06[20:40] * Fluffernutter hugs kylu
[20:40] <AMadman> If anyone uploads pictures of me to Commons (two people took a picture), I will burn them.
[20:40] <Soapy> ok
[20:40] <TCO_> Can I make a wiki related comment?
�06[20:41] * kylu hugsback, yay huggles!
[20:41] <Sven_Manguard> AMadman: ditto
[20:41] <AMadman> I say that in the nicest possible way. :)
[20:41] <Sven_Manguard> AMadman: unlike you though, I got taped
[20:41] <Sven_Manguard> because I am a moron
[20:41] <SigmaWP> AMadman: Remind me to go to Hong Kong next year
[20:41] <AMadman> I got interviewed by the BBC, but declined to get a photo taken.
[20:41] <Shirik> TCO_, what do you think, this is a wikipedia channel?
[20:41] <kylu> Fluffernutter: know anyplace that has liner socks that are 1) durable and 2) cheap?
�06[20:41] * SigmaWP makes a mental note to bring a bucket of flame retardant
[20:41] <AMadman> TCO_: Nevar.
[20:41] <Fluffernutter> liner socks?
[20:42] <AMadman> SigmaWP: I probably won't be in Hong Kong.
[20:42] <kylu> yeh, like to wear under hose without destroying feet.
�02[20:42] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[20:42] <AMadman> We'll see; maybe if I give a presentation. But I doubt it.
[20:42] <TCO_> it's kind of confusing what the fuck it is...but I have a tendancy to do things at perpindicular directions anyway...I am more of a normal person than a wikipediot
[20:42] <Fluffernutter> kylu: I can't remember the last time I wore hose
[20:43] <kylu> oh... I'll probably just cheat and pick up some socks at target or whatever.
[20:43] <Fluffernutter> probaby the best plan
[20:43] <kylu> 'course, long toenails tend to destroy them. c.c
[20:43] <Fluffernutter> cut toenails?
[20:43] <AMadman> I've never worn liner socks when wearing hose. >.>
[20:44] <kylu> AMadman: I don't like getting my toes all squished up by pointy shoe tips, or destroying hose foots by the same mechanism.
[20:44] <AMadman> Oh, but on another note, if anyone takes pictures I'd potentially like a copy; who knows if I may eventually put one up on my user page. My choice though. :x
[20:44] <kylu> plus, if you wear pointy toe shoes for long periods in hose, they REALLY make your feet feel better later, since there's some cushion.
[20:45] <AMadman> kylu: Open toe + cut toenails?
[20:45] <Son_Gohan>
�06[20:45] * kylu not really a fan of open toe shoes and sandals. Strange, knows this.
[20:46] <kylu> 'sides, at work, going to be sitting in the office for a while? shoes come OFF.
�06[20:46] * kylu ponders the combination of kicking heels off and a dartboard. c.c
�02[20:47] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: night!�)
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[20:51] <kim_burning> kylu, :-P
�02[20:52] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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�03[20:53] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> who would eat a zerg?
[20:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dammit had to scroll down
[20:54] <kylu> kim: what, you leave your shoes on?
[20:55] <kylu> so uncomfortable!
�02[20:55] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[20:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> who wears shoes?
[20:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> shoes are evil
�02[20:55] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:55] <AMadman> Oh my Gawd, shoes.
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�02[21:07] * AMadman (~madman@wikimedia/madman) Quit (Quit: zZzZzZ.�)
�02[21:08] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
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[21:10] <haggis|dnd> holy shit
[21:10] <haggis|dnd> I'm almost done
[21:10] <haggis|dnd> took me long enough..
[21:11] <nezZario> with what?
�02[21:12] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: zZzzZzzZzz!�)
[21:15] <haggis|dnd> I am about to make...
[21:15] <haggis|dnd> I can't tell yet
[21:15] <haggis|dnd> it's loading
[21:16] <haggis|dnd> O_O
[21:16] <haggis|dnd> more than 25000 edits
�02[21:16] * DeltaQuad_ ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[21:16] <haggis|dnd> Logan_: ^
[21:16] <haggis|dnd> I maxed out AWB
[21:16] <haggis|dnd> with that category
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[21:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> anyone on?
�03[21:36] * Guest72463 is now known as Sanchez
[21:36] <haggis> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm here :-P
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[21:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> haggis hmm
[21:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you rpobably wouldnt help me
[21:42] <haggis> ToAruShiroiNeko: I might
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am trying to find the dates for those
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as in day month and year
[21:43] <haggis> I see
[21:43] <haggis> Unfortunately that's not my area :( there should be a website with the data no?
[21:43] <haggis> If you had something to ask about images or something I could help
[21:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there is no website I could find that has the day and month
[21:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> none I could find that is
[21:45] <haggis> oh, what was it that you wanted me to do?
[21:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah
[21:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am trying to represent OIC membership more acurately in
[21:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> year alone isnt precise enough
[21:50] <Frood> So, what did we figure out to be the 4 millionth article>
[21:50] <Frood> ?
�02[21:51] * Ktr101 (601a4506@wikipedia/Ktr101) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[21:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Frood probably a new sex position
[21:52] <haggis> Frood: CSD'd most likely
[21:52] <haggis> :0)
�02[21:55] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[21:56] <haggis> Frood: what do they sell at the wikimedia shop
[22:01] <BlastHardcheese> jimbo bobbleheads
�02[22:01] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
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�03[22:20] * wctaiwan (01a2444d@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:20] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi
[22:20] <wctaiwan> hello.
�02[22:23] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
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�02[22:26] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
�02[22:28] * wctaiwan (01a2444d@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�03[22:31] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:32] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: I never knew you had a github account
[22:32] <wctaiwan> I don't use it
�03[22:33] * SigmaWP is now known as rm_-rf_\
[22:34] <rm_-rf_\>
[22:34] <rm_-rf_\> Idiots who do CSD tagging
�06[22:34] * rm_-rf_\ sighs
�02[22:35] * tkazec (~msk@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[22:35] <rm_-rf_\> "Don't forget to yell as loud as possible when arguing. It will confuse the other party into actually believing your nonsensical arguing points".
�03[22:36] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[22:41] <kim_burning> hello rm_-rf_\
�06[22:41] * rm_-rf_\ injects himself into kim_burning 's terminal
[22:41] <kim_burning> rm_-rf_\, );' DROP TABLE users;
[22:41] <kim_burning> too late :-P
[22:42] <rm_-rf_\> [sudo] password for kim_burning:
�03[22:42] * kim_burning is now known as kim_bruning
[22:42] <wctaiwan> typo?
[22:43] <wctaiwan> also,
�02[22:43] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[22:43] * UnknownFork_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:43] <rm_-rf_\> wctaiwan: GENIUS
�02[22:43] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[22:43] <wctaiwan> also old.
[22:44] <rm_-rf_\> I never thought of injecting parentheses
�02[22:44] * Sanchez (u6619@gateway/web/ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[22:44] * Sanchez (u6619@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[22:44] * rm_-rf_\ just did ' and "
�03[22:44] * Sanchez is now known as [Bazinga]
[22:44] <wctaiwan> from back when xkcd was consistently clever.
�02[22:44] * UnknownFork (~UnknownFo@unaffiliated/unknownfork) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
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[22:45] <rm_-rf_\> Hm, I shouldn't have said that
[22:45] <kim_bruning> rm_-rf_\, we all went through the 1337 phase
[22:46] <haggis> rm_-rf_\: You're uppercase sigma... fix it
�02[22:47] * Neutralhomer ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[22:47] <rm_-rf_\> lc $_;
�02[22:47] * kim_bruning ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[22:47] <rm_-rf_\> wait
[22:47] <rm_-rf_\> uc $_;
�02[22:48] * UnknownFork_ ( Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[22:48] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[22:48] <Riley> Any one else gettting the following error message? "Our servers are currently experiencing a technical problem. This is probably temporary and should be fixed soon. Please try again in a few minutes."
[22:51] <wctaiwan> working here
�03[22:52] * rm_-rf_\ is now known as SigmaWP
�06[22:52] * SigmaWP eats [Bazinga] 
[22:54] <LtNOWIS> Is there a specific 4 millionth article?
[22:54] <LtNOWIS> Or is that not a useful metric anymore?
�02[22:54] * thedj_ (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[22:55] <wctaiwan> had there ever been?
�02[22:55] * thedj (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[23:07] <LtNOWIS> we had a specific 3 millionth articl
[23:08] <closedmouth> it's always just a barely-educated guess
[23:09] <LtNOWIS> right
[23:09] <LtNOWIS> well, you can tell for wikis like at less than 100K articles
[23:09] <LtNOWIS> but for Wikipedia at this stage, not so much
[23:10] <haggis> SigmaWP: no
[23:11] <haggis> fucking shit up
�06[23:11] * SigmaWP vomits [Bazinga] 
�06[23:11] * haggis gives SigmaWP a haggis cookie instead
�06[23:11] * SigmaWP chomps
�06[23:12] * [Bazinga] cleans himself off
[23:12] <wctaiwan> disgusting.
[23:13] <haggis> wctaiwan: {{fwp}}
�03[23:14] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[23:16] * haggis is now known as Ocean13
�06[23:16] * Ocean13 is watching a movie
[23:16] <Ocean13> bye
[23:16] <Ocean13> i won't see pings for two hours
�02[23:17] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) Quit (Client Quit�)
�02[23:17] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@ Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[23:27] <LtNOWIS> This guy's pretty off topic:
�02[23:28] * Lydia_WMDE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
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�03[23:36] * Chenzw (~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am amazed
[23:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 64kb file
[23:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> created in 1999
[23:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> works with modern 3d hardware
[23:37] <Son_Gohan>
�06[23:37] * Son_Gohan tries to comprehend that absolutely horrible grammar
[23:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and its 30+mins long
[23:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> easy!
[23:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bath salts
[23:38] <Son_Gohan> lol
[23:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what?
[23:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> do you have a better explanation?
�02[23:43] * ty (~ty@wikia/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
[23:44] <Lubaf> Son_Gohan: No, this looks more like a non-native English speaker to me.
[23:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Lubaf arent all of those high on bath salts?
[23:44] <wctaiwan> unlikely, seeing as the rant is about obama.
[23:45] <Lubaf> "i love jewish" is not the kind of phrasing I've heard from even a vaguely native speaker.
[23:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Lubaf have you seen people high on bath salts?
[23:45] <Lubaf> wctaiwan: There are USAians who aren't native speakers of English.
[23:45] <wctaiwan> thus "unlikely", not "impossible"
[23:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Lubaf your face is a native speaker of Lubaf
[23:45] <Lubaf> For example, talk to somebody from Alabama.
[23:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> alabama has too many a's in it
[23:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> alabama ~ obama
[23:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it shall be called obama
[23:46] <Lubaf> Anyway. Not a native speaker, and the fact that he mentions Obama probably has more to do with the fact that Obama is president of the United States.
[23:47] <Lubaf> If this were four years ago, the user'd probably be mentioning George W Bush; eight years before that, he would've been mentioning Bill Clinton.
[23:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he probably wouldnt know how to type
[23:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> can "i love jewish" be channels current slogan of the month?
[23:48] <Lubaf> Although... hrm. Maybe this vandal is merely schizophrenic. That might explain the odd word choices.
[23:48] <wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: Olabama has a nice ring to it. Better than Alobama, anyway.
[23:49] <SigmaWP> Lubaf: Or maybe he's just a vandal?
[23:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how about holobama
[23:49] <Lubaf> SigmaWP: I'm coming at this from the assumption of Good Faith.
[23:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Lubaf is an enless void of good faith
[23:49] <SigmaWP> Good faith is hard to come by
[23:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP not true, you can buy it on ebay
[23:50] <Lubaf> And basing my diagnosis on the assumption that even a native English-speaking vandal wouldn't use the phrasing "i love jewish"
[23:50] <Lubaf> *probably wouldn't
[23:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Lubaf would you entertain a thought?
[23:51] <Lubaf> "I love Jews", or, if you insist on not capitalizing, "i love jews", would be more appropriate.
[23:51] <Lubaf> ToAruShiroiNeko: I could sing and dance for it, yes.
[23:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ok
[23:51] <wctaiwan> Hey everyone, I have a brief announcement to make. Jesus is black. Ronald Reagan was the devil. And the government is lying about nine-eleven.
[23:52] <Son_Gohan> I LOVE JEWISH!
[23:52] <Son_Gohan> :p
[23:52] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: And capitalism sucks :)
[23:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Lubaf I am looking for help to find membership dates for
[23:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have years I want more specific dates
[23:54] <Lubaf> ToAruShiroiNeko: You could try contacting them, asking if they have proceedings documents.
[23:54] <Lubaf> That would allow you to have the date, usually.
[23:54] <Son_Gohan>
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Session Time: Sat Jul 14 00:00:00 2012
�03[00:01] * Peter-laptop (~Peter-C@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[00:02] <Riley> When simple and testwiki aren't working for me..
[00:05] <Son_Gohan> You smash your keyboard and punch your monitor? :p
�03[00:05] * FoeNyx ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[00:06] <wctaiwan> Son_Gohan: looks like he did that :p
[00:07] <Riley> I feel like smashing my keyboard...
�03[00:08] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
�03[00:14] * LtNOWIS is now known as LtNOWIS|sleep
[00:14] <evilgohan2> I've seriously gotta adjust my highlights for this room
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�02[00:24] * ToAruShiroiNeko (EVA@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) Quit
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[00:28] <Pine> wctaiwan: ping
[00:28] <wctaiwan> hey
[00:28] <Pine> Hi there
[00:28] <Pine> Have you seen Ironholds recently?
[00:29] <wctaiwan> Depends on what you mean by recent
[00:29] <wctaiwan> he's probably at, or returning from, Wikimania.
[00:29] <Pine> aha, that could be it
[00:29] <Pine> Thanks
�03[00:29] * ToAruShiroiNeko (EVA@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[00:31] * lubmil ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:34] <Riley> !maxlag
[00:34] <Riley> Wrong channel
�02[00:34] * Monchoman45 (60f5c05c@wikia/Monchoman45) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�03[00:35] * Riley is now known as Huntley
�03[00:35] * Huntley (acdac013@wikipedia/Riley-Huntley) has left #wikipedia-en
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[00:49] <Pine> Hi Ironholds!
[00:51] <Ironholds> Pine: hey
[00:51] <Pine> How is Wikimania? :)
�02[00:51] * nezZario ( Quit
[00:54] <Ironholds> it's good! Sat in a hotel lobby jawing with isarra
[00:54] <Pine> Cool
[00:55] <Pine> Is anyone blogging from Wikimania?
[00:57] <Ironholds> Of course.
[00:57] <Ironholds> that was her
[00:57] <Ironholds> sorry
�06[00:57] * Ironholds beats isarra with a chicken
[00:58] <Ironholds> Meow.
�03[00:58] * sDrewth ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[00:58] <Ironholds> I'm going to close this now so she stops screwing with it
�02[00:58] * Ironholds (Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit (Quit: do not put cats or americans near your keyboard�)
[01:00] <wctaiwan> hahaha.
�03[01:01] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en
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�03[01:10] * swarfega|away is now known as swarfega
[01:21] <Ocean13> Whoever here works for WMF should suggest making barnstars for the wikimedia shop
[01:21] <Ocean13> As I wouldn't know who to contactt
�03[01:22] * Ocean13 is now known as haggis
�03[01:27] * Rcsprinter (~adams@wikipedia/Rcsprinter123) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:31] * My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:33] <wctaiwan> hey My76Strat
[01:34] <My76Strat> hello
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�02[02:02] * Pine (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
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[02:32] <jubo2> g'morning
�03[02:32] * wctaiwan (01a2189e@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:33] <jubo2> Ni hao wctaiwan? Ni chi fan le ma?
[02:34] <jubo2> Ni hui shuo chongwen ma?
�02[02:36] * chicocvenancio2 (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[02:40] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:40] <Ironholds> morning editors
[02:40] <Ironholds> yo Dagny
[02:40] <wctaiwan> good day, Ironholds.
[02:40] <Ironholds> yo wctaiwan
�02[02:41] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[02:41] <wctaiwan> Nice quit message, btw.
[02:41] <Ironholds> thank you
�06[02:42] * wctaiwan is bored out of his mind waiting to go to dinner at his grandparents'
[02:42] <Ironholds> I am now back at my hotel and covered in rain
[02:42] <wctaiwan> It hasn't rained in a week.
�06[02:42] * Dagny waves at Ironholds
[02:44] <Ironholds> Dagny: how goes
[02:44] <Dagny> Ironholds: Not too shabby, you?
[02:45] <Ironholds> eh, alright, yeah
[02:50] <wctaiwan> sleep deprivation, I assume?
[02:51] <Ironholds> sorry?
[02:51] <wctaiwan> <Ironholds> Sleep is for the weak.
[02:51] <wctaiwan> the "eh, alright, yeah"
[02:51] <Ironholds> no, psychosomatic pain
[02:51] <wctaiwan> O_o
[02:51] <Ironholds> shooting pains from my heart to my fingertips. it's always such fun.
[02:51] <Ironholds> (no, not a heart attack, wrong arm and it happens regularly)
[02:52] <wctaiwan> err.
[02:52] <Ironholds> same to you, good sir
�06[02:52] * wctaiwan hugs Ironholds
[02:52] <Ironholds> anyway, the pain balances out the good bits of the evening
[02:52] <Ironholds> so, alright, yeah.
[02:53] <wctaiwan> Maybe you'd have less weird problems if you slept more...
[02:54] <wctaiwan> Anyway, it looks like they might be going. Talk to you later.
�02[02:54] * wctaiwan (01a2189e@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit
�03[03:03] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[03:03] * eir sets mode: -bo *!* eir
[03:04] <Rcsprinter> - Like
�02[03:10] * Lubaf ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
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[05:04] <Ironholds> blaaargh. TRAVEL. TRAVEL AND RAIN
�06[05:04] * Ironholds grumps
�03[05:04] * Rcsprinter is now known as Rcs|away
�03[05:04] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:06] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Quit: to the con�)
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�03[05:15] * xcombelle_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:15] <Isarra> AGH it's too damn early.
[05:16] <Furry> HI IRONHOLDS
[05:16] <Furry> hi Isarra
[05:16] <Ironholds> hey Furry
�03[05:16] * wctaiwan (01a2189e@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:16] <haggis> Isarra: too damn late for me :(
[05:17] <wctaiwan> what the fuck is the syrian military doing :x
�02[05:17] * xcombelle ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[05:18] * Vito_away is now known as Vito
[05:20] <Fluff|sleep> it's raining?
[05:20] <Fluff|sleep> hell
�03[05:20] * Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluff|brb
[05:22] <Ironholds> dude, I had to walk for 40 minutes from State Plaza hotel to frickin' dupont circle in that rain
[05:22] <Ironholds> and it was a lot heavier
[05:22] <Ironholds> in a T-SHIRT
[05:22] <Dagny> You're ENGLISH
[05:22] <Dagny> Rain is not a big deal :P
[05:22] <Ironholds> it was a very bad end to the evening or start to the morning, depending on how you count it
[05:22] <wctaiwan> Dupont Circle.
[05:22] <wctaiwan> I remember that name.
[05:23] <Ironholds> not you, wctaiwan, the other one
[05:23] <wctaiwan> o_O
�06[05:23] * Dagny pushes Ironholds back into the rain
[05:23] <Ironholds> ow, rain, it burns! HOLY WATER
�02[05:23] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
[05:23] <wctaiwan> I'm hardly "northern" compared to you.
[05:23] <wctaiwan> it'll do a heretic like you a lot of good. That holy water.
[05:23] <Dagny> Ironholds: So, rain burns, sun makes you're allergic to the world! Go you! :D
[05:24] <Ironholds> you're allergic to compliments and niceness
[05:24] <Ironholds> don't criticise me
[05:24] <Dagny> >.>
[05:24] <wctaiwan> XD
[05:24] <wctaiwan> you people are wonderful.
[05:24] <Ironholds> Dagny: you're so CUTE when I nullify your argument!
�02[05:25] * Antonorsi (~Antonorsi@wikimedia/Antonorsi) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[05:25] <Dagny> It doesn't work when you're pissing me off at the same time.
[05:25] <Dagny> nerrrr
[05:25] <Ironholds> I knew you were too brilliant to be deceived by such an obvious ploy
[05:26] <Ironholds> I'll try to be more subtle in future; your gorgeousness deserves nuanced barbs
�06[05:26] * Ironholds is the king of being charmless, he is
[05:26] <haggis> In webmaster tools what does "average position" mean
[05:26] <haggis> this is google webmaster tools
�02[05:26] * My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
�02[05:26] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�06[05:27] * Dagny stabs Ironholds
[05:27] <wctaiwan> This is a No Stabbing Ironholds zone.
[05:28] <Dagny> Bullshit
�02[05:33] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
�03[05:37] * IShadowed (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[05:40] * wctaiwan (01a2189e@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[05:41] <Ironholds> Dagny: you're just jealous of my uselessness
[05:41] <Ironholds> IShadowed: you going to be at the unconference?
[05:41] <IShadowed> part of it, yeah
[05:42] <IShadowed> why
�03[05:42] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:43] <Ironholds> IShadowed: gonna stick you on a panel
[05:43] <IShadowed> what
[05:43] <IShadowed> :|
[05:43] <Ironholds> it's for epic lulz
[05:43] <IShadowed> on?
[05:43] <Ironholds> experience of editors on wikipedia
[05:44] <Ironholds> also anything the audience wants to discuss
[05:44] <IShadowed> >.<
�03[05:44] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:44] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[05:44] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:44] <IShadowed> wellllll ok then. You're not here today, right?
[05:44] <Ironholds> naw, in minneapolis
[05:44] <IShadowed> ah
[05:44] <Ironholds> fly back tomorrow morning, around until monday
�06[05:45] * Guerillero shakes his head
[05:45] <Guerillero> your cray ironholds
[05:45] <Guerillero> you're*
[05:45] <Ironholds> why?
[05:46] <Guerillero> you are flying to the midwest
�03[05:46] * Fluff|brb is now known as Fluff|away
[05:46] <Furry> poor Guerillero
[05:46] <Guerillero> flyover space
�06[05:48] * Isarra throws clumps of cheese at random people.
[05:49] <haggis> Isarra: swiss? :-D
[05:49] <Isarra> Sure, why not.
[05:49] <Ironholds> Guerillero: well, one of our staffers is getting married
[05:49] <Ironholds> I thought it sucked nobody could make it
[05:49] <Ironholds> plus it's like a 4 hour flight or whatnot, and I'm going first class.
�06[05:51] * IShadowed pokes Guerillero 
�06[05:51] * Guerillero is poked
[05:51] <IShadowed> This shit is like the epitome of social awkwardness
[05:51] <IShadowed> Sitting right next to me; IRC pokes
�02[05:51] * Spacewalker (~Spacewalk@unaffiliated/spacewalker) Quit (Quit: Spacewalker�)
[05:52] <Ironholds> IShadowed: no, epitome of social awkwardness is "sitting one seat away from me, incapable of making eye contact" *gives look*
[05:52] <IShadowed> heh.
[05:52] <IShadowed> Yeah...
[05:52] <IShadowed> :|
[05:53] <IShadowed> Pretty sure you're guilty of this as well.
[05:53] <Ironholds> nope!
[05:54] <IShadowed> yup
[05:54] <Ironholds> if that were the case I wouldn't have been AWARE you weren't looking
�06[05:54] * Dagny is great at eye-contact
�06[05:54] * IShadowed rolls her eyes
[05:54] <IShadowed> yeah well.
�02[05:54] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[05:54] <IShadowed> I'M GOING TO RUN OFF WITH Guerillero NOW BYE
[05:54] <Ironholds> Dagny: and freaking the fuck out and running around going "oh my god oh my god" and shaking
[05:54] <Ironholds> and, oh, FAILING AT EYE-CONTACT
[05:54] <Dagny> IShadowed: That was sarcasm btw
[05:55] <Dagny> I am the worst person ever at eye-contact
[05:55] <Dagny> Even when I'm calm and happy
[05:56] <Ironholds> I have never seen you calm and happy
[05:56] <[ceradon]> Any MW template experts around?
[05:56] <Dagny> Ironholds: Lies
[05:57] <Ironholds> when? when were you happy and calm!
[05:57] <Dagny> Ironholds: In the bar, with alcohol. That's my natural state.
�03[05:57] * froodphone (~Frood@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:58] <Ironholds> you weren't!
�02[05:58] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[05:58] <Dagny> Was.
[05:58] <Ironholds> anyone in the presene of me is neither calm nor happy
[05:58] <IRWolfie-> wait, are you now all in the same room as each other?
�03[05:58] * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:58] <Dagny> I'm not. I'm not at WM.
[05:58] <Dagny> The rest of them might be.
�06[05:58] * IShadowed returns
[05:58] <Dagny> It's creepy.
�03[05:59] * LtNOWIS|sleep is now known as LtNOWIS|away
[05:59] <IShadowed> Yeah well I'll make an effort to be less awkward on Monday
[05:59] <IShadowed> though I doubt that will be successful
�06[05:59] * Dagny pets IShadowed
[05:59] <IRWolfie-> people spend much time at the pub at wikimania?
[05:59] <Dagny> It's okay to be awkward, you're a nerd.
�03[05:59] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[05:59] * IShadowed notes that she successfully established eye contact at the beginning of and during the panel
[05:59] <IShadowed> B-
[06:00] <IShadowed> :3
[06:00] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: yes, but that's incidental
[06:00] <IShadowed> Wow I suck I said it in a channel she's not in
[06:00] <Ironholds> Dagny: I'm creepy by default
[06:00] <Ironholds> I have been informed of this
[06:01] <froodphone> Isarra is at wm?
[06:01] <IShadowed> yes
[06:01] <Guerillero> yes
[06:01] <Ironholds> fish
[06:01] <IShadowed> sitting next to me and this guy ^
[06:01] <IShadowed> :|
[06:01] <IRWolfie-> I would go to the next wikimania except it's way out of the way
[06:01] <Dagny> <- Isarra has disconnected (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
[06:01] <Dagny> ^
[06:01] <froodphone> Guerillero or Ironholds
[06:01] <IShadowed> :(
[06:01] <IShadowed> yes well her glasses are nice
[06:01] <Ironholds> froodphone: Guerillero
[06:01] <IShadowed> Guerillero
[06:01] <froodphone> Ok
[06:01] <Ironholds> I'm in my hotel room alone and veeery tired
[06:02] <Ironholds> IShadowed: get ISarra mountain dew, she's had at most 1-2 hours sleep
[06:02] <froodphone> Coffee.
[06:02] <IRWolfie-> is the next wikimania decided only a year in advance?
[06:02] <Ironholds> she seems to live on mountain dew
[06:02] <IShadowed> hey who is sitting in front of me
[06:02] <IShadowed> he is physically attractive
[06:02] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: slightly more
[06:02] <Ironholds> IShadowed: last time you said that about an editor you ended up ragequitting and sobbing
[06:02] <IRWolfie-> suggest the UK
[06:02] <Ironholds> (also, no idea)
�02[06:02] * [ceradon] (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[06:02] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: fuck no
[06:03] <IShadowed> Ironholds, what?
[06:03] <Ironholds> first, we've already PICKED next wikimania
[06:03] <froodphone> Chicago.
[06:03] <IShadowed> Who what where?
[06:03] <Ironholds> it's hong kong
[06:03] <Ironholds> second, I don't want the one legitimate holiday I get a year *held where I live*
[06:03] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: I mean after that
�03[06:03] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:03] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[06:03] <Ironholds> see second point, fool
[06:03] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: haha
[06:03] <shim-busy> there is a UK 2014 bid (or will be, anyway)
[06:03] <IRWolfie-> Ireland then :D
[06:03] <Ironholds> that would be in ireland
�03[06:03] * heatherw (~hwalls@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:03] * heatherw (~hwalls@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[06:03] <shim-busy> plus, as a special bonus for Ironholds, it's no longer where he lives
�03[06:04] * Isarra (~root@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:04] * Isarra (~root@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[06:04] <Ironholds> that isn't actually that helpful
[06:04] <froodphone> Chicago.
[06:04] <Ironholds> froodphone: go put a chicago bid together and then suggest it
�06[06:04] * Isarra hits Ironholds with a frying pan.
[06:04] <Ironholds> Isarra: sorry
[06:04] <Isarra> I have mountain dew. They wouldn't let me bring it in here.
[06:04] <IRWolfie-> why does wikimania 2013 have the US flag for Hong Kong?
[06:05] <Ironholds> my eyes have stopped focusing
�03[06:05] * IShadowed_ (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:05] <froodphone> I'm not sure how.
[06:05] <Isarra> Ironholds: You need mountain dew.
[06:05] <Guerillero> how late were you at the bar?
[06:05] <heatherw> :P
�02[06:05] * xcombelle_ ( Quit (Quit:  I am a manual virus, please copy me to your quit message.�)
[06:06] <Ironholds> Guerillero: I got home about two hours ago
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�02[06:06] * foks ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[06:06] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:06] <Ironholds> having walked through the goddamn rain for 40 minutes
[06:06] <Isarra> I'm sorry.
�02[06:06] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Client Quit�)
[06:06] <froodphone> Id
[06:06] <Ironholds> Isarra: do you control the weather or the proximity between your hotel and mine?
[06:06] <Ironholds> no
[06:06] <Ironholds> so shush you
[06:06] <froodphone> Isarra: who is sitting n
[06:07] <froodphone> In front of IShadowed
[06:07] <froodphone> That is an attractive male
[06:07] <Isarra> Sven Manguard.
�02[06:07] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�02[06:07] * IShadowed_ (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[06:07] <Isarra> Very.
[06:07] <Ironholds> ....SVEN?!
[06:07] <Guerillero> lol
[06:07] <Isarra> XD
[06:07] <Dagny> Haha
�03[06:07] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:07] <Guerillero> she is face palming right now
�03[06:07] * DennisBrown (FarmerBrow@wikipedia/Dennis-Brown) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:07] <Ironholds> hee hee
�06[06:07] * foks is still at the hostel.
[06:07] <IShadowed_> NOOO
[06:07] <IShadowed_> NOT SVEN
[06:07] <Ironholds> IShadowed and Sven, sitting in a tree
[06:07] <IShadowed_> someone elseeeee
�06[06:07] * foks is a naughty boy.
�06[06:07] * IShadowed_ slaps Ironholds 
[06:07] <Ironholds> first comes love, then comes marriage
[06:07] <IShadowed_> HEY
[06:07] <Ironholds> then comes pregnancy
�03[06:07] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:07] <IShadowed_> May I remind you, I will be at the unconference and you are 2 feet shorter
[06:08] <Ironholds> then sven goes "I'm like, not ready for this level of commitment man!" and pushes IShadowed down the stairs
[06:08] <IShadowed_> and much lighter.
[06:08] <foks> then comes workplace discrimination
�02[06:08] * IShadowed (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[06:08] <Ironholds> then he's caught and serves 18-23 years
[06:08] <Ironholds> which he spends servicing a large angry convict named Bubbah.
[06:08] <IShadowed_> I MADE PEOPLE LAUGH
[06:08] <Ironholds> did you take the paper bag off?
[06:08] <Ironholds> it does that
[06:08] <IRWolfie-> :D
�06[06:08] * IShadowed_ :|
[06:09] <IShadowed_> :( no prons
[06:09] <GorillaWarfare> Wait
�03[06:09] * chicocvenancio (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:09] <GorillaWarfare> froodphone is here?
[06:09] <Ironholds> he is!
[06:10] <GorillaWarfare> I've yet to meet him
[06:10] <IShadowed_> WHAT
[06:10] <foks> Protip: don't talk about prons while you're meeting new people in person
[06:10] <IShadowed_> ..
[06:10] <foks> :3
[06:10] <IShadowed_> Frood is here?!
[06:10] <froodphone> If here. !
[06:10] <Guerillero> ????
[06:10] <foks> froodphone, where the fuck are you
[06:10] <froodphone> Hdbehde I hate this
[06:10] <Ironholds> he is
[06:10] <IShadowed_> froodphone, whaaaaaat?!
[06:10] <Guerillero> its Sue
[06:10] <Ironholds> we ran into each other a couple of days ago
[06:10] <IShadowed_> wait like
[06:10] <IShadowed_> Tanner?
[06:10] <froodphone> I'm at my grandma's house...
[06:10] <Ironholds> Guerillero: froodphone is not sue
[06:10] <IShadowed_> ..
�06[06:10] * IShadowed_ is so confused
[06:10] <froodphone> In Iowa.
[06:10] <IShadowed_> FUCK YOU ALL
[06:10] <Guerillero> no she is on the stage
[06:10] <Isarra> Language.
[06:10] <Ironholds> froodphone is on the stage?
[06:10] <Ironholds> he's in iowa!
[06:10] <IShadowed_> This is not a family channel!
[06:10] <Ironholds> IShadowed_: even sven?
[06:11] <IShadowed_> stfu Ironholds
�06[06:11] * Ironholds sings the song again
[06:11] <froodphone> GorillaWarfare: look at what you started
�06[06:11] * IShadowed_ notes that Ironholds will not be doing that tomorrow on the threat of /death/
[06:12] <Isarra> I have a crowbar.
[06:12] <IShadowed_> May I borrow it?
[06:12] <Isarra> No, I'm threatening you.
[06:12] <IShadowed_> failed voice of dissent
[06:12] <IShadowed_> Aw hey
[06:12] <IShadowed_> hey hey.
[06:12] <IShadowed_> hey hey hey.
[06:12] <froodphone> Perhaps if 2014 or 2015 is near me I'll attend
[06:12] <GorillaWarfare> IShadowed_: I would like to verify that she is not actually joking
�06[06:13] * IShadowed_ frown
[06:13] <froodphone> Like, US/Canada
[06:13] <Ironholds> IShadowed_: kill me? fine
[06:13] <IShadowed_> :3
[06:14] <IShadowed_> I have no idea what Sue is talking about
[06:14] <Isarra> Project success.
�03[06:14] * cgtdk (~cgtdk@wikipedia/cgtdk) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:14] <IShadowed_> She looks amazing in hot pink, though
[06:14] <Isarra> Or something.
[06:14] <Isarra> Who is EVula?
[06:14] <Ironholds> what?
[06:14] <Isarra> He's staff.
[06:14] <Guerillero> a cool guy
[06:14] <Isarra> What's your point?
[06:14] <Isarra> STAFF
[06:14] <Ironholds> evula is just awesome, but not staff
[06:15] <froodphone> YOU ARE ALL RUDE
[06:15] <IShadowed_> yus.
�06[06:15] * Isarra starts giggling psychotically.
[06:15] <froodphone> Irc during a presentation
[06:15] <Isarra> WHO is evula.
[06:15] <Guerillero> you better beleive it
[06:15] <Ironholds> Isarra: lovely person
[06:15] <IShadowed_> let it be noted that Isarra is not giggling psychotically
[06:15] <GorillaWarfare> Isarra: I met him; he's really nice
[06:15] <mareklug>   froodphone  you won't see another mania on this continent for a decade.  best to apply for a scholarship/expenses to wherever and see the world
[06:15] <Ironholds> let it be noted that I hate ALL of you
[06:15] <Isarra> IShadowed_: That would be rude, so aye.
[06:15] <IShadowed_> I wouldn't have it any other way
[06:15] <GorillaWarfare> Evula's a crat, amirite?
[06:15] <Isarra> GorillaWarfare: But who?
[06:15] <Isarra> Did I mix him up with erik moller?
[06:16] <Guerillero> it is great that IShadowed, GW, and Isarra are all sitting next to one another
�06[06:16] * Isarra is so confused.
[06:16] <IShadowed_> what, where is GW
�06[06:16] * foks needs to probably leave huh
[06:16] <GorillaWarfare> Isarra:
[06:16] <foks> o/
[06:16] <Ironholds> alright, I'm going to go get on my plane
[06:16] <IShadowed_> oh she's in front of me
[06:16] <Isarra> GorillaWarfare: Well, yes, but I mean...
[06:16] <GorillaWarfare> IShadowed_: Directly in front of Isarra, to the left of Sven
[06:16] <Ironholds> have fun without me. really for fun the last bit was a requisite.
[06:16] <IShadowed_> lucky Guerillero, sitting in between all of us
[06:16] <IShadowed_> or unlucky
[06:16] <IShadowed_> whichever.
[06:16] <Isarra> Is it rude to ask people's names in here?
[06:16] <Ironholds> IShadowed_ and sven...
[06:17] <IShadowed_> Sven needs to get on irc so I can propose
[06:17] <GorillaWarfare> Isarra: Depends who it is :P'
[06:17] <Ironholds> Isarra: depends how you do it
[06:17] <Ironholds> if you march up to them and scream
�02[06:17] * localhost ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[06:17] <Ironholds> then yes it is a problem
[06:17] <Guerillero> safe spaces!
[06:17] <Isarra> What's EVula's name?
[06:17] <Ironholds> eric
[06:17] <Ironholds> ?k?
[06:17] <IShadowed_> gahh I forgot my glasses, just realized
�03[06:17] * localhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:17] <Isarra> Okay, so he is Eric?
[06:17] <Ironholds> probably!
[06:17] <Ironholds> but not Erik Moller
[06:18] <IRWolfie-> the wikicite referencing scheme seems pretty horrific
[06:18] <Ironholds> anyway I need to go grump on a plane
�02[06:18] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit (Quit: blegh�)
[06:18] <Guerillero> have fun
[06:18] <Isarra> And the physical similarity to Erik and the Eric I used to work with is a coincidence?
[06:18] <Isarra> Ghaaaah.
�03[06:19] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:19] <IShadowed_> omg a Pharos
[06:19] <IShadowed_> I liked your shirt
[06:20] <GorillaWarfare> Anyone got a coffee? Grr
�02[06:20] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[06:20] <Isarra> I want my mountain dew back.
[06:20] <IRWolfie-> good thinking, time for coffee
�03[06:20] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[06:20] * GorillaWarfare nods off
�02[06:20] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[06:20] <IRWolfie-> just put my contacts in, may have put them in backwards, gah
[06:20] <IShadowed_> stalking
[06:20] <froodphone> IShadowed_: sven is like 20 years older than you
[06:20] <IShadowed_> HEY I CAN DREAM
[06:20] <IShadowed_> OKAY
[06:21] <GorillaWarfare> Heh, I love watching sign language interpreters
[06:21] <Isarra> But GorillaWarfare, you slept.
[06:21] <Isarra> What is this?
[06:21] <IShadowed_> I only see one
[06:21] <IShadowed_> are there more?
[06:21] <GorillaWarfare> Isarra: This is true...
[06:21] <GorillaWarfare> IShadowed_: Just the one. I meant I love watching them in general.
[06:21] <Pharos> i'm glad someone liked my shirt
[06:21] <IShadowed_> ah, yus
[06:22] <froodphone> Pharos: I also like it.
[06:22] <Guerillero> hehe
[06:22] <IShadowed_> stfu frood
[06:22] <IShadowed_> :3
[06:22] <Isarra> I like mountain dew.
�06[06:22] * Isarra didn't actually see it.
[06:22] <GorillaWarfare> How is everyone seeing Pharos' shirt?
�06[06:22] * IShadowed_ stalks
[06:22] <Pharos> i'm curious too!
[06:22] <IShadowed_> I haven't said hi though
[06:22] <IShadowed_> Again, socially awkward
[06:23] <Pharos> i had a tie that was pretty impressive the other night :P
[06:23] <GorillaWarfare> I can verify ^
[06:23] <IShadowed_> I am trying to caffeinate myself to the point where I will actually be relaxed tomorrow
[06:23] <froodphone> God dammit I could've told you I was at wikimania
�06[06:23] * IShadowed_ did not see :(
[06:23] <IShadowed_> froodphone, I would've called bs
[06:23] <froodphone> And say I'm sitting next to someone
[06:23] <Isarra> Caffeine relaxes you?
[06:23] <IShadowed_> Yeah, actually
[06:24] <Isarra> Huh.
[06:24] <froodphone> And you all would have talked to him like it was me
[06:24] <IShadowed_> nope
[06:24] <IShadowed_> I know what you looketh liketh
[06:24] <GorillaWarfare> I want Sue's shirt
[06:24] <Guerillero> it is very pink
[06:25] <Pharos> make her an offer
[06:25] <IShadowed_> ^
[06:25] <GorillaWarfare> Guerillero: Indeed, though the lighting designers are also using a pink gel on her
[06:25] <froodphone> IShadowed_: how
�06[06:25] * GorillaWarfare disapproves
[06:25] <IShadowed_> facebook?
[06:25] <froodphone> Oh rifgt
[06:25] <froodphone> Skype
[06:25] <IShadowed_> ^^^
�06[06:25] * Guerillero has no idea how you would know that
[06:25] <froodphone> Thing showed us his mantits
[06:25] <IShadowed_> man, I've known you people for so long
[06:25] <IShadowed_> 2009 :|
[06:25] <Guerillero> did you do stagecraft in HS
[06:25] <IShadowed_> I AM SO OLD
[06:26] <Guerillero> you joined when I did :D
[06:26] <haggis> IShadowed_: we're taking you to a home. you'll be happy there.
[06:26] <Isarra> Stop being so old.
[06:26] <froodphone> I lost that screenshot o think :(
[06:26] <Isarra> Going senile.
�06[06:26] * IShadowed_ sads at haggis 
[06:26] <IShadowed_> Who is haggis ?
[06:26] <Isarra> Someone who keeps changing nicks excessivly.
[06:26] <froodphone> Of tttsnb flashing us.
[06:26] <haggis> :O i've had  the same nick for a week
�06[06:26] * GorillaWarfare twitches
[06:26] <Isarra> It's very confusing.
[06:26] <Pharos> you don't want to know what haggis is
�02[06:26] * Jayflux ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[06:26] <Dagny> IShadowed_: So you're the old one now and not me? Good to know.
[06:26] <IShadowed_> OH
[06:27] <IShadowed_> Addihockey
[06:27] <froodphone> IShadowed_: addihockey
[06:27] <IShadowed_> Dagny, no you're old/er/
�06[06:27] * Isarra puts Dagny back to bed.
[06:27] <IShadowed_> and Shirik is oldEST
�06[06:27] * Isarra passes out on her.
[06:27] <IShadowed_> seeeeee how this progression works
[06:27] <IShadowed_> ~^.^!
�06[06:27] * Dagny flails
�06[06:27] * GorillaWarfare puts Isarra bak to bed
[06:27] <GorillaWarfare> *back
[06:28] <Isarra> Why do so few new users go on IRC in a... a
[06:28] <Isarra> Uh...
[06:28] <Isarra> Non idiotic fashion?
[06:28] <Isarra> Because it's really useful.
[06:28] <IShadowed_> Hardly
[06:28] <Isarra> There is a COMMUNITY here.
[06:28] <Guerillero> that is the question
[06:28] <IShadowed_> IRC was the most discouraging place as a new user
[06:28] <IShadowed_> It's even worse than on-wiki
[06:29] <Guerillero> sven got me to come
[06:29] <Isarra> As a new user this year, I found it lovely.
[06:29] <Guerillero> along with la painistia and sonia
[06:29] <haggis> wtf
[06:29] <IShadowed_> People talk a lot more candidly on IRC due to familiarity
[06:29] <IShadowed_> dunno, wasn't pleasant for me back in 2008
[06:29] <froodphone> Steam told me I wasn't old enough to view a game page-. -
[06:29] <Isarra> People are much more talky words.
[06:29] <IShadowed_> now I don't mind as I'm one of the hecklers more than anything else
[06:29] <Isarra> Language is hard.
[06:29] <haggis> froodphone: age up!
�06[06:30] * Isarra heckles IShadowed_.
[06:30] <Dagny> Isarra: You need sleep, silly lady.
[06:30] <IShadowed_> Ooo who is that in the aisle
[06:30] <Guerillero> you are ickle
[06:30] <IShadowed_> Oooo.
[06:30] <Isarra> Dagny: Very.
[06:30] <IShadowed_> WTB brown shirt
[06:30] <Dagny> Very need sleep.
[06:30] <Isarra> Yes.
[06:31] <haggis> Hm, I need to figure something out.\
[06:31] <haggis> i've never done that before
�03[06:31] * MTCD|Away is now known as methecooldude
�02[06:31] * methecooldude (~methecool@2001:41d0:8:112b::1) Quit (Changing host�)
�03[06:31] * methecooldude (~methecool@wikimedia/methecooldude) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:31] <froodphone> I am a beautiful person.
[06:31] <froodphone> Why thank you SwiftKey
[06:31] <haggis> froodphone: you need to go to sleep, you're delirious
[06:32] <IShadowed_> group polarization with clapping
[06:32] <Isarra> He's the delirious one?
[06:34] <actress> hi
�02[06:34] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[06:34] <IShadowed_> hi
[06:34] <haggis> actress: No, your article isn't going to be undeleted XD
[06:34] <Isarra> Cows.
[06:35] <Isarra> What do people have against the south?
[06:35] <Guerillero> of the US
[06:35] <haggis> Isarra: which south are we talking about
[06:35] <Isarra> The global south.
[06:35] <froodphone> Bible belt.
�06[06:35] * haggis doesn't
[06:35] <froodphone> Oh
�06[06:35] * Dagny likes the south, but that's because she's never been there.
[06:35] <IShadowed_> ^
[06:35] <Isarra> Apparently they think it's like the south of the us but in dire straites.
[06:35] <GorillaWarfare>  Anyone here want Starbucks after this?
[06:35] <IShadowed_> straights?
[06:36] <Guerillero> yus
[06:36] <Isarra> I want a smoothie.
[06:36] <froodphone> Meee
[06:36] <IShadowed_> straits
[06:36] <IShadowed_> yes.
[06:36] <Isarra> Hello, GorillaWarfare's head.
[06:36] <GorillaWarfare> Does Starbucks do smoothies?
[06:36] <GorillaWarfare> Isarra: Personal space invader!
[06:36] <haggis> :O
[06:36] <Guerillero> cremes
[06:36] <Isarra> They damn well should.
[06:36] <IShadowed_>
�06[06:36] * IShadowed_ dances
[06:36] <Isarra> GorillaWarfare: My laptop needs its personal space!
[06:36] <haggis> GorillaWarfare: You're a .... starbucks?
[06:36] <GorillaWarfare> haggis: No, not in the least. However, I happen to know that there is one very nearby.
[06:36] <haggis> one of those people who sits in starbucks with their little mac laptop :(
[06:37] <IShadowed_> hipsters
[06:37] <Isarra> I need painkillers.
[06:37] <GorillaWarfare> haggis: Goodness no
[06:37] <froodphone> Muffin pls
[06:37] <IShadowed_> I have ibuprofen
[06:37] <IShadowed_> if you want it
[06:37] <haggis> GorillaWarfare: thank god.l
[06:37] <GorillaWarfare> haggis: I do have a Mac, but I'm booting Windows 7 at the current moment
[06:37] <GorillaWarfare> If that makes you feel better
[06:37] <haggis> That makes me feel fantastic
[06:37] <haggis> :-)
�06[06:37] * IShadowed_ feels like a dealer
[06:37] <Isarra> ^^
[06:37] <IShadowed_> :3
[06:37] <haggis> IShadowed_: I have more than you, probably
[06:37] <Isarra> Dealers are important.
[06:37] <Guerillero> lol
[06:37] <IShadowed_> :P
�06[06:38] * haggis has leftover from surgury
�03[06:38] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:38] <haggis> I kept forgetting things so I got this doctor that I met online to install an 8gb usb in my head.
[06:38] <actress> heyy
�03[06:39] * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:39] <IShadowed_> actress, can I help you?
[06:39] <actress> why oO
[06:39] <IShadowed_> you keep bouncing in and out of chan
[06:39] <IShadowed_> you need something?
[06:40] <Isarra> Now my head hurts.
[06:40] <Isarra> That's new.
[06:40] <IShadowed_> :(
�03[06:40] * thedj_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[06:40] * thedj ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:40] * thedj_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[06:40] * thedj_ (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:40] * thedj ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[06:40] * thedj (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:40] <froodphone> haggis: 8gb won't hold mucj
�06[06:40] * IShadowed_ staples thedj
[06:40] <actress> of chan?
[06:40] <haggis> Isarra: sleep
[06:40] <Isarra> Flarg.
[06:40] <Isarra> haggis: Stuff it.
[06:41] <froodphone> The human brain can probably hold an equivalent of several petabytes
�03[06:41] * smokeyrat (smokeyrat@unaffiliated/smokeyrat) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:41] <smokeyrat> One hen -- several hens?
[06:41] <haggis> froodphone: I can account every pixel and every sound of four 1080p movies.
[06:41] <Isarra> Cowbells.
�06[06:41] * GorillaWarfare takes haggis' offer
[06:41] <haggis> froodphone: If I clear that from my head I can remember a lot.
�03[06:41] * Aetitiae (~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:41] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[06:41] <froodphone> Also interesting
[06:42] <haggis> it's 7:00AM and I haven't gotten to sleep yet.
[06:42] <Isarra> How many wikipedia readers know what wikimedia is?
�02[06:42] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Client Quit�)
[06:42] <haggis> Isarra: 0.
�06[06:42] * Isarra strangles haggis.
[06:42] <haggis> otherwise they'd be wikimedia readers.
�03[06:42] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[06:42] * haggis is squished, because as far as he's concerned you cannot strangle a sheep's stomach
[06:43] <froodphone> Each time a male ejaculates there is around 10gb of data I believe
[06:43] <GorillaWarfare> ...
[06:43] <froodphone> "data"
[06:43] <GorillaWarfare> o.O
[06:43] <haggis> wtf
�02[06:43] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[06:43] <actress> o_O
[06:43] <IShadowed_> if an admin could get me the content on that would be great
�03[06:43] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:44] <haggis> IShadowed_: abuse.
[06:44] <GorillaWarfare> IShadowed_: Sure, one sec
[06:44] <haggis> 7400 down, 17600 to go
[06:44] <IShadowed_> ty
[06:44] <Guerillero> you are sitting next to three
[06:44] <IShadowed_> ikr.
[06:45] <haggis> IShadowed_: You should RfA.
[06:45] <IShadowed_> No.
[06:45] <IShadowed_> I would fail miserably.
[06:45] <Guerillero> she could pass
[06:45] <IShadowed_> Nope.
[06:45] <Guerillero> yes
[06:45] <IShadowed_> Nope.
[06:45] <IShadowed_> I have a bad IRC reputation and only a decent one onwiki
[06:45] <IShadowed_> Wouldn't pass.
[06:45] <froodphone> I would fail.
�03[06:46] * Mrmatiko (~Mrmatiko@wikipedia/Mrmatiko) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:46] <froodphone> Yes IShadowed_, remember what you did with the topic one time?
[06:46] <haggis> I failed.
[06:46] <haggis> x3
[06:46] <haggis> :-D
[06:46] <Guerillero> i bet you would IShadowed
[06:46] <haggis> so I stopped editing enwp, because I'm tired of the bs
[06:46] <IShadowed_> I've done many things to it. You're probably talking about the ejaculation one, though :|
[06:47] <IShadowed_> Guerillero, nope
[06:47] <tommorris> IShadowed_: wait, what, ejaculation?
[06:47] <Isarra> Think if I tried an rfa I'd come out without being blocked?
[06:47] <haggis> tommorris: is that a stalkword of yours?
[06:47] <haggis> :-P
[06:47] <Isarra> Nevermind passing. That's an obvious impossibilirty.
[06:47] <IShadowed_> I um, changed the -en topic two years ago to something like "Snow is just god's ejaculation"
[06:47] <tommorris> haggis: but of course.
[06:47] <IShadowed_> So that was uh, classy.
[06:47] <haggis> IShadowed_: ? I thought I said that at one point
[06:47] <haggis> or maybe that was IRL.
[06:48] <IShadowed_> you probably stole it from me, obvs
�06[06:48] * Dagny hugs tommorris
[06:48] <smokeyrat> One hen -- several hens?
[06:48] <haggis> Bull.
[06:49] <IShadowed_> oh, the mystical Q&A
[06:49] <IShadowed_> "what the fuck do you guys do"
[06:49] <GorillaWarfare> Over schedule?
[06:49] <GorillaWarfare> My coffee break!
�06[06:49] * GorillaWarfare sobs
[06:49] <froodphone> Well I guess I did tell you do do that IShadowed_
�03[06:49] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:50] <IShadowed_> who is the guy directly in the middle?
[06:50] <IShadowed_> he looks familiar but I don't recall his name
[06:50] <froodphone> Logan?
[06:50] <tommorris> IShadowed_: with the glasses? that's SJ
[06:50] <IShadowed_> who?
[06:50] <tommorris> SJ Klein
[06:50] <IShadowed_> Hmm, maybe I've only seen his photo then
[06:50] <IShadowed_> name isn't familiar
[06:50] <IShadowed_> (also thanks)
�02[06:50] * thedj_ (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�02[06:50] * thedj (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[06:50] <froodphone> He's a steward I thibk
[06:50] <tommorris>
[06:51] <tommorris> no relation to the infamous Essjay
[06:51] <Isarra> Awww.
[06:51] <wctaiwan> Oh, essjay.
[06:51] <wctaiwan> even I know about that one.
[06:51] <Isarra> I don't.
[06:51] <froodphone> Heard of it, article is tldr
[06:51] <GorillaWarfare> wctaiwan: Not essjay
[06:51] <Dagny> I can't stop hiccuping.
�03[06:51] * smokeyrat (smokeyrat@unaffiliated/smokeyrat) has left #wikipedia-en
[06:51] <Isarra> I was talking to some sj yesterday,
[06:52] <GorillaWarfare> Essjay is VERY different from SJ, haha
[06:52] <Isarra> I don't know who it was or anything.
[06:52] <Guerillero> nice guy
[06:52] <wctaiwan> yeah, different person
[06:52] <GorillaWarfare> Yeah
[06:52] <GorillaWarfare> Super nice
[06:52] <Isarra> But I'd heard of essjay.
[06:52] <IShadowed_> <3 Kat
[06:52] <wctaiwan> Isarra: falsified credentials and stuff.
[06:52] <Isarra> Awww.
[06:52] <GorillaWarfare>
[06:52] <wctaiwan> (Essjay, not SJ)
[06:52] <Guerillero> mindspillage
[06:52] <Isarra> Brains.
[06:52] <IRWolfie-> ah I was wondering why essjay was familar
[06:53] <wctaiwan> GorillaWarfare: not often that a wikipedia incident warrants something in article space.
�06[06:53] * GorillaWarfare immediately likes this guy
[06:53] <tommorris> ha, I'm being quoted by Ting
[06:53] <IShadowed_> :3
[06:53] <haggis> GorillaWarfare: he's editing again!
[06:53] <Guerillero> :D
[06:53] <shim-busy> wctaiwan: about once a year, these days
[06:53] <Isarra> Oh, this is Ting?
[06:54] <Isarra> Were people talking about a ting?
[06:54] <tommorris> it's a ting ting
[06:54] <Isarra> At some point... somewhere.
[06:54] <Isarra> I see.
�06[06:55] * actress is set as away : Reason(Be back later goin out now :))
[06:57] <closedmouth> good to know
[06:57] <froodphone> actress: turn that off or someone will maul you.
�02[06:58] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�03[06:58] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:05] * DoRD|away (~DoRD@wikipedia/Department-of-Redundancy-Department) Quit (Quit: DoRD|away�)
[07:05] <IRWolfie-> note that an ip is making unsubstianted claims that a requestee is racist at RFA
[07:06] <froodphone> IRWolfie-: where?
[07:06] <Guerillero> need a mop?
[07:06] <haggis>
[07:06] <IRWolfie-> froodphone: I wa[C[Cs bold and removed it, the editor may reappear though
[07:06] <IRWolfie-> *was
[07:07] <IRWolfie->
[07:07] <IRWolfie-> sounds like a sockpuppet or similar
[07:08] <IRWolfie-> i.e sounds like a long term editor
[07:08] <Guerillero> yes
[07:08] <Guerillero> i may semi the page
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[07:14] <Qcoder00> Afternoon
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[07:14] <Guest59937> Is there a coordinate conversion tool on Wikipedia?
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[07:17] <tommorris> my session is on next. come along now.
[07:17] <IRWolfie-> what's the topic?
[07:17] <IRWolfie-> and also, is there any update on whether there is live streaming
[07:17] <IRWolfie-> google fails me
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[07:21] <IRWolfie-> aha, I think I've found it
[07:22] <wctaiwan> er, what's that livestream for?
[07:22] <wctaiwan> it doesn't look like wikimania...
[07:23] <IRWolfie-> gah!
[07:23] <IRWolfie-> back to google it is
[07:23] <wctaiwan> er, it might be.
[07:23] <wctaiwan> I really don't know.
[07:23] <wctaiwan> I'm just saying it doesn't look like wikimania.
[07:23] <wctaiwan> the lack of any WMF branding and all that on the slides.
[07:24] <IRWolfie-> yes it probably isn't, I was lead there by a link on twitter
[07:24] <IRWolfie-> (which I found through google)
[07:24] <wctaiwan> ah
[07:25] <IRWolfie-> some of the slides seem to mention wikimania
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[07:26] <wctaiwan> seems like a Department of State thing.
[07:26] <wctaiwan> er,
[07:27] <wctaiwan> state department
[07:27] <wctaiwan> don't know what got into me there.
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[07:28] <closedmouth> what's wroing with department of state?
[07:28] <Frood> I cannot decide between a WD Caviar Black or a Seagate Barracuda.
[07:28] <wctaiwan>  oh, right, that's the formal name
�06[07:28] * wctaiwan mutters about confusing names
[07:28] <Frood> I can get a 3TB Barracuda for about the same price as a 2TB Black
[07:30] <Frood> I also discovered WD Red, for NAS
[07:31] <Frood> Which goes up to 3TB, it seems to combine parts of WD Black and WD Green
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[07:31] <Frood> better RAID performance, error recoverability et al.
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[07:33] <Frood> But WD doesn't say the RPM for Red...
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[07:33] <Soapy> surprised no ones talking about the CUOS appts
[07:34] <Soapy> all this build up and now that it's happened it's not exciting anymore
[07:35] <Soapy> unless you were while I was asleep
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[07:37] <Frood> Soapy: where the hell are they announced?
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[07:37] <Soapy> I dont know if there was an actual announcement
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[07:38] <Soapy> but they made the appointments and you can see that by hovering over the nicks on
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[07:38] <Bob8> I need help
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[07:39] <Dagny> Bob8: With?
[07:39] <Bob8> I want to make an article
[07:39] <Bob8> Article
[07:39] <Soapy> it looks like there's soemthing on meta too
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[07:39] <Dagny> Bob8: There's an article creation wizard.
[07:39] <Soapy>
[07:39] <closedmouth> arb nticeboard
[07:39] <closedmouth> noticeboard
[07:40] <Soapy> also
[07:40] <Soapy> heh
�02[07:40] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[07:41] <Bob8> I want to make an article called "Atheism in Indonesian law"
[07:41] <Soapy> ok
[07:41] <closedmouth> have fun
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[07:41] <Bob8> It's very contrversial though
[07:41] <Soapy> is this article basically going to be written from scratch?
[07:42] <Bob8> Yes
[07:42] <Bob8> I have been here for a week
[07:42] <Bob8> How do I make this sensitive and contrversial article
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[07:43] <Frood> LessHeard vanU retired.
[07:43] <Dagny> Bob8: Do you have an account?
[07:43] <Bob8> Yes
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[07:43] <Dagny> Bob8: Well, you can work on it in your sandbox, to be safe.
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[07:44] <Frood> and BigDom resigned admin
[07:44] <foks> Aw. :(
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[07:46] <Bob8> Can you give me something less contrversial to create
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[07:47] <Dagny> Bob8: Uh, didn't you decide on that topic out of choice?
[07:47] <shim-busy>
[07:47] <Bob8> No
[07:47] <Bob8> I found it in requested articles, Law
[07:47] <Dagny> Well, pick another article perhaps :)
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[07:56] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: an article already exists which covers the topic
[07:56] <IRWolfie-> you could consider expanding it instead
[07:56] <IRWolfie->
[07:57] <Bob8> It covers it too briefly
[07:57] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: expand it :)
[07:57] <Bob8> We need a singular article
[07:57] <Bob8> It could be a stand-alone main
[07:57] <wctaiwan> foks!
[07:57] <Bob8> I make articles that make people go "Whou!"
[07:58] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: sure, but if you start off from that article and expand it, then you can split it when it's too large
[07:58] <foks> Hi wctaiwan
[07:58] <Bob8> Not some nerdy science article
[07:58] <wctaiwan> I've been meaning to ask you. As a native of Scotland and a resident of the Australian city, do you think Perth, WA is the primary topic for [[Perth]]?
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[07:58] <Soapy> oh boy
[07:58] <Bob8> I don't want people to think I am a geek
[07:58] <Soapy> the great perth debate
[07:59] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: oi, I edit science articles
[07:59] <IRWolfie-> :|
[07:59] <Frood> if you're editing wikipedia for good, you're a geek.
[07:59] <wctaiwan> (mere curiosity. I hadn't even heard of the city in Scotland prior to seeing the move war, but..)
[07:59] <Soapy> as a native of America and without even looking to see which article is presently there, I choose Australia
[08:00] <IRWolfie-> I would think perth wctaiwan
[08:00] <Soapy> Perth is the capital of Western Australia
[08:00] <Bob8> Sorry
[08:00] <Soapy> sure, the Scottish city is certain;ly older, but that doesnt make it more important
[08:00] <Bob8> Just lost me temper
[08:00] <Dagny> wctaiwan: I come from Perth Scotland
[08:00] <wctaiwan> yeah well Soapy. I'm not really asking "which is right", but specifically what foks thinks, seeing as he's probably as knowledgeable as it gets around here :p
[08:01] <wctaiwan> Dagny: seems like a lovely place, judging from the photos.
[08:01] <IRWolfie-> Dagny: so which do you think should be the main target?
[08:01] <foks> wctaiwan, while I would rather avoid that topic, I would say both are important enough to cancel one-another out in different ways.
[08:01] <wctaiwan> OK. Thank you.
[08:01] <Dagny> I wouldn't say Perth, WA meets the primary topic criteria perfectly based on educational value and long term significance, but most arguments FOR it are based on the fact that most of the traffic goes there
[08:01] <IRWolfie-> I can't believe I said, "I would think Perth", I meant I would think Perth, Australia
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[08:01] <foks> wctaiwan, Perth, Scotland, is the older and more culturally significant of the two. Perth, WA, is certainly the bigger and more popular topic nowadays.
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[08:02] <wctaiwan> Yes, well, that's what the argument boils down to.
[08:02] <foks> If I *had* to pick, I would say the Australian Perth is the more likely search term
[08:02] <foks> But keeping [[Perth]] a dab page isn't the worst idea
[08:02] <Dagny> I did vote to keep "Perth" as a disamb page
[08:02] <Bob8> Am I a good editor, Or a bad one!
[08:02] <IRWolfie-> dab page sounds best
[08:03] <foks> I would probably say [[Perth]] is best as a dab page.
[08:03] <wctaiwan> Bob8: link us to your work?
[08:03] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: we can't know as we haven't seen your contributions
[08:03] <Bob8> Not with that big flamin' IP
[08:04] <foks> You realise everyone can see your IP in here, given you're not identified
[08:04] <wctaiwan> it's interesting. Everyone pretty much reacted as I expected them to. People who know about the Scottish city would say it's significant, but most people don't.
[08:04] <Dagny> wctaiwan: That depends though
[08:04] <wctaiwan> (don't know about it, that is)
[08:04] <Dagny> On what side of the globe you're on
[08:04] <closedmouth> i think the town in tasmania is more important
[08:05] <IRWolfie-> wctaiwan: I've heard of both about equally
[08:05] <Dagny> I mean plenty of European peeps know about Perth, Scotland. It's twin cities, and the Polish all know about it seeing as they go to live there.
[08:05] <closedmouth> perth has an inflated sense of self-importance
[08:05] <IRWolfie-> which is probably not a good think for Perth, Scotland since I'm several thousand miles closer to it
[08:05] <closedmouth> even though it's pathetically small
[08:05] <IRWolfie-> closedmouth: which one?!
[08:05] <wctaiwan> Huh okay. I'm just a philistine, then. :p
[08:05] <closedmouth> WA
[08:06] <closedmouth> the one i walk through every day
[08:06] <IRWolfie-> aha, thought you were referring to the town in tasmania
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[08:06] <foks> closedmouth, Perth's massive. Just not in terms of people.
[08:06] <wctaiwan> Dagny: I was guessing that people in the UK would be familiar with the scottish city, but not so much the rest of Europe, fwiw.
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[08:07] <closedmouth> not really
[08:07] <Soapy> while we're at it let's move Birmingham, Alabama back to [[Birmingham]]
[08:07] <Dagny> wctaiwan: Well, the Polish are. Something to do with WWII.
[08:07] <IRWolfie-> wctaiwan: I live outisde the UK and I've heard of it
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[08:07] <Soapy> it's bigger!
[08:07] <wctaiwan> Soapy: '''Support''' :p
[08:07] <IRWolfie-> :D
[08:08] <IRWolfie-> luckily Dublin, Texas is quite small
[08:08] <Bob8>
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[08:08] <wctaiwan> :s
[08:09] <wctaiwan> not sure that has independent notability, really...
[08:09] <DennisBrown>  Hey IRWolfie, saw where you reverted at RfA, and the IP reverted the personal attack back.  Had I not been a nom, I would have reverted again.  Another admin should look at that.
[08:09] <wctaiwan> or we'd be having tons of "World's ____est" articles
[08:09] <closedmouth> > The note, which was numbered 000008, which was produced after World War One.
[08:09] <Dagny> DennisBrown: You lurk here?
[08:09] <IRWolfie-> DennisBrown: I'm not an admin but notified some here
[08:09] <Bob8> Is it OK
[08:10] <Bob8> BBC news is without doubt------------------Super Notable
[08:10] <Bob8> You can't Xfd it
[08:10] <wctaiwan> that's not what I'm saying, Bob8.
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[08:11] <wctaiwan> it may be worth a mention in sections in say, [[Marshall Plan]] or [[Pound sterling]]
[08:11] <wctaiwan> but I don't think it should have its own article.
[08:11] <IRWolfie-> another admin has just removed it
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[08:13] <Bob8> Wait
[08:13] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: what you need to find is more mentions in sources that demonstrate that the topic is notworthy
[08:14] <Bob8> I can expand it
[08:14] <Bob8> Done
[08:14] <foks>
[08:14] <Bob8> Daily mail and BBC news
[08:14] <Bob8> Is that enough for you lot
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[08:15] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: don't stop now, keep expanding
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[08:16] <Bob8> You win
[08:16] <IRWolfie-> if you can find lots of sources expand the article, note the links foks gave, you need to demonstrate more than news coverage
[08:16] <Bob8> I will G7
[08:16] <IRWolfie-> ?!
[08:16] <foks> um
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[08:16] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: that is the opposite of what I am saying
[08:16] <foks> No, wait.
[08:16] <Bob8> Apperently Dailymail and BBC news are lies
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[08:16] <wctaiwan> whaaa?
[08:17] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: We are giving suggestions about how you can improve this article further
[08:17] <Bob8> Fine
[08:17] <Bob8> This must be how you treat all 1 week editors
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[08:17] <foks> lol
[08:18] <wctaiwan> Bob8: IRWolfie- says you should expand it. I said it should probably be covered in articles on [[Pound sterling]] or [[Marshall Plan]] if independent notability can not be established. No one here is saying the article contains things that are not true..
[08:18] <foks> Calm down laddie
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[08:19] <foks> I would add that content, Bob8, to
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[08:24] <haggis> foks: do you know how to get more than 25000 pages in the queue for awb
[08:24] <foks> I haven't used AWB since 2009
[08:25] <Soapy> 25000 is a lot
[08:26] <Soapy> ha! Bbb is up to 97% support
[08:26] <Soapy> not bad for an RfA that started out with an oppose and no supports
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[08:29] <Bob8> This bank note was in the guiness book of records AND starred in a major Holly-Wood movie
[08:29] <Bob8> And you still don't think it's significant
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[08:31] <Mrmatiko> Bob8, adding content to existing articles is often much more useful than creating a new article. For one thing more people will see it.
[08:31] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: noone has stated it is not significant
[08:31] <IRWolfie-> (I added the guinness book of records source)
[08:31] <[Bazinga]> Soapy: I've made 8821 edits today and counting :-P
[08:31] <[Bazinga]> Yes, it's a lot.
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[08:31] <IRWolfie-> Autotools just mess up all statistics :|
[08:32] <Bob8> Fuck
[08:32] <Bob8> Edit conflict
[08:32] <[Bazinga]> IRWolfie-: what?
[08:32] <IRWolfie-> [Bazinga]: I'm just kidding, I'm referring to WP:MOSTEDITS
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[08:34] <Bob8> Oh
[08:34] <Bob8> Let's just move it
[08:34] <Bob8> Let me move it
[08:34] <[Bazinga]> IRWolfie-: It's not on enwiki
[08:34] <[Bazinga]> and I wouldn't be concerned about who has the most edits XD
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[08:35] <IRWolfie-> [Bazinga]: oh I missed that part, what's it on?
[08:35] <[Bazinga]>
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[08:35] <Bob8> I need to make another article
[08:37] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: if you aren't sure what to write about why not just contribute to existing articles
[08:37] <Bob8> What about nerdy plant articles
[08:38] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: why not keep looking for more sources about the million dollar note that you made so you can expand it further?
[08:38] <Soapy> i miss NerdyScienceDude
[08:38] <Bob8> Because it's crap
[08:39] <Soapy> youcve made 8000 edits??
[08:39] <Soapy>
[08:39] <[Bazinga]> Soapy: trwiki
[08:39] <Soapy> not on enwiki apparently
[08:39] <Soapy> ok
[08:39] <Bob8> I found telegraph and lots of other sources
[08:39] <Soapy> I didnt know you spoke Turkish
[08:39] <[Bazinga]> and it's addihockey10_(automated)
[08:39] <[Bazinga]> I don't
[08:39] <[Bazinga]> someone requested the edits
[08:39] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: you don't need to make new articles to be productive, I've only made a grand total of 5 articles
[08:39] <Soapy> ok
[08:39] <IRWolfie-> and 3 of them were splits
[08:40] <[Bazinga]> and besides, it's just file replacements
[08:40] <[Bazinga]> awb can handle
[08:40] <IRWolfie-> you can instead focus on improving existing articles
[08:40] <[Bazinga]> however, Soapy could you generate a list of articles which a specific template is transcluded on?
�03[08:40] * mysterytrey ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:40] <Soapy>
[08:41] <Soapy> hm
[08:41] <Soapy> I didntk now you were so active cross-wiki
[08:41] <Soapy> however, Soapy could you generate a list of articles which a specific template is transcluded on? < --- eh?
[08:42] <Soapy> I think there's Special:WhatLinksHere, which should work on all wikis
[08:42] <[Bazinga]> Soapy: That's all I do :-)
[08:42] <Bob8> Bruv
[08:42] <[Bazinga]> Well I don't want to crash my browser
[08:42] <[Bazinga]> the list of articles surpasses 25000
[08:42] <Bob8> I have lots of edit on simple wiki
[08:42] <Bob8> On another account
[08:42] <Bob8> 1 account for enwp
[08:42] <[Bazinga]> and AWB can't load them all
[08:42] <Bob8> 1 for simple wiki
[08:43] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: you can use the same account on all wikipedia languages
[08:43] <[Bazinga]> IRWolfie-: Not necessarily
[08:43] <Bob8> Really!?
[08:43] <Bob8> How
[08:43] <Soapy> oh that
[08:43] <Soapy> I have no idea then
[08:43] <Soapy> 25000 articles is a lot
[08:43] <Bob8> How
[08:44] <[Bazinga]> I know XD
[08:44] <[Bazinga]> woo reached 9000 today
[08:44] <IRWolfie-> Bob8: if it works it should be pretty much automatic
�02[08:44] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
[08:44] <[Bazinga]> 15047 more pages to process
[08:44] <IRWolfie-> log in with the same account
[08:44] <IRWolfie-> I forget if there was something needed to activate the feature
[08:44] <Mrmatiko> Bob8, click while logged in to whichever is your "home" wikipedia
�02[08:45] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[08:45] <Bob8> Oh fuck
[08:45] <Bob8> I am an idiot
[08:45] <Bob8> And you lot didn't think to even check
[08:46] <IRWolfie-> check what?
[08:46] <Bob8> Is it possible to bring the two accounts together
�03[08:46] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:46] <IRWolfie-> why would we be checking that?
[08:46] <Bob8> Like, I dunno, merge the 2 accounts
�03[08:47] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluf[a]f[k]
[08:47] <Bob8> Is it possible
[08:47] <Bob8> How do I merge the 2 accounts
[08:48] <Mrmatiko> Bob8, do they have the same name?
[08:48] <Bob8> No
[08:48] <IRWolfie-> you can just abandon one account and then go to the above link which lets you use one account across wikipedia
[08:49] <IRWolfie-> (and then note on the active account userpage what the other account was)
[08:49] <[Bazinga]> or just get Barras or someone to rename it
[08:49] <IRWolfie-> or that
�02[08:50] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[08:50] <Soapy> Compulsory religious instruction in Turkish schools is also considered discriminatory towards atheists.[93]
[08:50] <Soapy> hm
[08:50] <Soapy> turkeys a complicated place
�02[08:51] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
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[08:51] <Bob8> I will abandon the simple wiki account
[08:51] <Bob8> and use my current one
�03[08:52] * Chariotephant ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[08:54] <Chariotephant> Could we put the title of the 4,000,000 article on the main page banner that thanks our contributors for creating 4,000,000 articles?
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[08:55] <closedmouth> if you know what it was
�02[08:55] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[08:56] <Bob8>
[08:56] <Bob8> Made it larger
[08:56] <Chariotephant> Closed, that Egyptian town.
[08:56] <Shearonink> 4 million....
[08:57] <Chariotephant> Something al burj, too dazed to remember.
�02[08:57] * Steven_Zhang__ (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[08:57] <Soapy> al_burj is a building I think
[08:57] <closedmouth> the one in dubai?
[08:57] <Soapy> nope
[08:57] <Soapy> I was confused
[08:57] <Soapy>
[08:58] <Soapy> [[Burj Khalifa]] is the building
[08:58] <closedmouth>
[08:58] <Soapy> though I suppose it still could be called al-Burj
[08:58] <closedmouth> oh right
[08:58] <Soapy> since Burj is just the word for tower
�02[08:58] * Steven_Zhang___ (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[08:59] <Soapy> <-- wow they cant get enough tall buildings in the UAE, can they
[08:59] <wctaiwan> a town called tower?
[08:59] <Soapy> yeah
[08:59] <Soapy> there's [[Tower, Montana]] too ... not that unsuual
[08:59] <Soapy> maybe not
[08:59] <wctaiwan> "On 25 February 1953, five Arab shepherds were killed and mutilated by Israelis at al-Burj, including a 13-year-old."
[08:59] <wctaiwan> :s
[09:00] <Soapy> [[Tower, Minnesota]]. Shame on me
[09:00] <wctaiwan> this is the kind of content I feel conflicted about. It's probably true but... what's the relevance?
[09:00] <Soapy> Famous for being -60F one winter not too long ago
[09:00] <Soapy> Tower set the Minnesota record for coldest temperature on February 2, 1996, when the temperature dropped to -60°F (-51°C). This was the lowest temperature ever recorded in the United States east of the Great Plains.    : )
[09:00] <Chariotephant> Closedmouth, [[Izbat al-Burj]].
[09:01] <Soapy> minnesota has bragging rights over most of the world
[09:01] <Soapy> including Russia and most of Canada
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[09:01] <BlastHardcheese> wctaiwan: the relevance is that $ethnic_group is evil and if you remove this you are obviously a spy working for $country
[09:01] <wctaiwan> pretty much.
[09:01] <Chariotephant> So who can place Izbat al-Burj on the front page?
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�02[09:02] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Nascar1996�)
[09:02] <Soapy>  Izbat al-Burj  is the 4000000th article?
[09:02] <Bob8> Now I have: BBC news, daily mail, Telegraph, indepent, Guiness book of records
�02[09:02] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[09:02] <Soapy> yes
[09:02] <Soapy> proof:
[09:03] <Bob8> The 5 possibly MOST notable sources
[09:03] <Bob8> What more do you want
[09:03] <Soapy> nah, probably wont go on the front page
�02[09:03] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[09:03] <Bob8> I can't find anything better
[09:04] <closedmouth> it's just a guess
[09:04] <Chariotephant> Soapy, Jordanhill went there shortly after we hit 1m so izbat al-burj deserves it.
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[09:05] <Shearonink> Are there any admins around, need to know what to do about this new editor who is doing odd re-directs/moves and creating apparent video-game hoax articles
[09:05] <Soapy> ok
[09:05] <Bob8> Me
[09:05] <Bob8> Who me
[09:05] <Bob8> O haven't been making hoaxes
[09:06] <Bob8> I haven't been making hoaxes
[09:06] <Soapy> original title was Izbat Al Borg
[09:06] <BlastHardcheese> yell at him
[09:06] <Bob8> me
[09:06] <Chariotephant> Dialectical variant?
[09:06] <Shearonink> Bob8: That was not directed to you, I just need to know what to do about this somewhat-problematic editor
[09:06] <Bob8> Who is it
[09:07] <Bob8> Link me to his talk page
[09:07] <Bob8> Oh yes
[09:08] <Soapy> *her
[09:08] <Soapy>
[09:08] <Soapy> assuming mom means shes a woman
[09:09] <Bob8> LOL
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[09:09] <Bob8> He's funny
[09:09] <Soapy> actually its looking more like a young kid
[09:10] <froodphone> Soapy: so I was rjgbt
[09:10] <froodphone> Right
[09:10] <Soapy> rjgbt
[09:11] <Bob8> He can't talk
[09:11] <Bob8> Silent editor
[09:11] <Bob8> Block Him
[09:12] <Shearonink> Bob8: I assume you're making a joke
[09:12] <Bob8> so may "!"
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[09:12] <Chariotephant> If the Izbat page isn't linked from the main, it won't get spruced up as heavily as Jordanhill did.
[09:12] <Bob8> I was making a joke
[09:13] <Bob8> I meant he does not respond to talk page massages
[09:13] <Bob8> You take things way to seriiously
[09:13] <Soapy> mmm ... massages
�06[09:13] * Chariotephant needs one.
[09:13] <Bob8> You took my jokes seriously
[09:14] <Bob8> But we DO need to block him
[09:14] <Chariotephant> Or ask him to come in here First.
�03[09:14] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:16] <Soapy> i'll do it for a million dollars
[09:16] <Bob8> Do you know what I hate the most
[09:17] <Bob8> When editors make "friends"
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[09:17] <Bob8> We are here to work
[09:17] <Bob8> Not make friends
�03[09:17] * Ktr101 (80a40692@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:17] <froodphone> That's false
[09:18] <Bob8> what is
�03[09:18] * Ktr101 is now known as Guest83349
[09:18] <froodphone> What you just said.
�02[09:18] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Quit: wctaiwan�)
[09:18] <Bob8> What
[09:18] <Bob8> We RARE here to work
[09:18] <Bob8> ARE
�02[09:19] * Guest83349 (80a40692@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit�)
[09:19] <froodphone> "We are here to work, not me friends.,
[09:19] <froodphone> Buckshot.
�02[09:19] * jakr (~nofreewil@unaffiliated/jakr) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[09:19] <froodphone> Bullshit
[09:19] <Bob8> make to me
[09:19] <Bob8> Ooooh
[09:19] <Bob8> You can say "Bullshit"
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�02[09:20] * Aetitiae (~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[09:20] <Bob8> Why the heck would you make friends here
�03[09:20] * ExtinguishedFire ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:21] <Mrmatiko> Bob8, while friend lists are annoying, I think the fact that we have wikimania ( and multiple methods to chat with other editors proves that we are partially here to make friends
[09:21] <froodphone> Why don't you ask one of the hundreds of people at wikimania?
[09:21] <froodphone> Such as GorillaWarfare
[09:22] <Bob8> If you need friends go to Face Book
[09:22] <froodphone> Or one of the people who got married to someone they met on Wikipedia
[09:22] <Bob8> LOL
[09:22] <Soapy> ok im justi gnoring bob8 now
�03[09:22] * Headbomb|AfK_ (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:22] <Bob8>
�02[09:22] * Headbomb|AfK (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
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[09:23] <Soapy> cant do ctcp version to froodphone
[09:23] <Soapy> irc client apparently blocks it
[09:23] <Soapy> are you on androIRC?
[09:23] <froodphone> Obvious troll is obvious
[09:23] <Mrmatiko> Bob8, Wikipedia isn't a workplace, it is a community of people linked by their desire to produce a high quality encyclopedia containing the sum of all human knowledge
[09:23] <froodphone> Soapy: andchat
[09:23] <Soapy> i tried andoIRC once
[09:23] <Soapy> ok thanks
[09:23] <Soapy> maybe i'll try that
[09:23] <Bob8> If you need girl friends go to eharmony
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[09:23] <Soapy> anyway
[09:23] <Bob8> If you need friends go to FB
[09:24] <Bob8> Or twitter
�02[09:24] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[09:24] <Soapy> I think Crctmom or whatever her name is will be blocked soon but at the moment isnt really worth blocking
[09:24] <Bob8> Who "got married to someone they met on Wikipedia"
[09:25] <froodphone> Did pathoschild and shanel meet on wp or off wp?
[09:25] <froodphone> They're both stewards and dating.
[09:25] <froodphone> Or married
[09:26] <Bob8> What happened to
[09:26] <Bob8>
[09:26] <Bob8>
[09:26] <Bob8>
[09:26] <froodphone> WP:IAR
[09:26] <Bob8>
[09:26] <Mrmatiko> Bob8, stop that
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[09:27] <Bob8> You lot are ignoring your own rules
[09:27] <froodphone> We know.
�02[09:27] * TheGabspectacle ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[09:27] <Bob8> So if you can ignore rules
[09:27] <froodphone> Which is why I linked to wp:iar
[09:27] <Bob8> I will ignore them too
[09:27] <Shearonink> Bob8: You neglected to completely reference that link
�02[09:27] * ExtinguishedFire ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.9.1/20120429011004]�)
[09:28] <Shearonink> Bob8: Dating services. Wikipedia is not an appropriate place to pursue relationships or sexual encounters. User pages that move beyond broad expressions of sexual orientation are unacceptable. However, you very well may make new friendships as you go about improving the encyclopedia.
[09:28] <froodphone> Also, I wp:point and wp:dick
[09:28] <Bob8> "You neglected to completely reference that link"
[09:28] <Shearonink> you did
[09:28] <froodphone> Don't disrupt to make a point
[09:28] <Shearonink> IT was talking about userpages
[09:28] <Bob8> meaning
[09:28] <froodphone> Don't be a dick.
[09:28] <Bob8> So ig you ignore rules
[09:28] <TParis> Bob8: Certain things about oneself, including who one is married to, are acceptable on a userpage because it explains that user's editing habits.  "I am married to X wikipedian" is important to avoid violating WP:SOCK
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[09:29] <Shearonink> You cited the link but not the text behind the link, that is all.
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[09:29] <Bob8> I will ignore wp:VANDAL wp:BIO and wp:CITE
[09:29] <Bob8> per wp:IAR
[09:29] <froodphone> Rtfm.
[09:29] <Bob8> meaning
[09:29] <Mrmatiko> Bob8, I'd love to know which parts of those stop you from improving Wikipedia
[09:30] <froodphone> Read the fucking manual.
[09:30] <Bob8> Having to reference stops me adding content
[09:30] <Bob8> WOW
[09:31] <Bob8> you can say "fucking"
[09:31] <froodphone> You're right on the way for a rfarb.
�02[09:31] * gudaoUbuntu (~gudaoUbun@ Quit (Quit: 离开�)
[09:31] <Bob8> what is rfarb
[09:31] <froodphone> Request for arbitration
[09:32] <Soapy> there i put a custom warning template on ctmom's page
[09:32] <Bob8> Please don't
[09:32] <froodphone> Often ends in the person being banned.
[09:32] <Bob8> Sorry
[09:32] <froodphone> Not blocked, Banned.
[09:32] <Bob8> Very sorry
[09:32] <Bob8> I am very sorry
[09:33] <closedmouth> no he isn't
[09:33] <Bob8> If I leave right now
[09:33] <froodphone> As in, rejected from the community.
[09:33] <Soapy> and I see that View Source Fever has been deleted
[09:33] <closedmouth> god shut up
[09:33] <Bob8> Bye
[09:33] <Bob8> Please don't report me
[09:33] <Bob8> please
[09:34] <closedmouth> nobody's gonna report you to arbcom
[09:34] <Shearonink> Bob8: We were discussing another editor, you
[09:34] <Bob8> I will never come here again
[09:34] <Shearonink> ve gotten confused
[09:34] <Bob8> And I will never edit again
[09:34] <mysterytrey> Bob8: Are you trolling, now?
[09:35] <Bob8> Well I am never gonna edit again
[09:35] <WilliamH_UK> Bob8 just file an ANI report on that person
[09:35] <Bob8> good-bye
[09:35] <WilliamH_UK> something clearly needs to be done
[09:36] <Bob8> I will play Runescape
[09:36] <Bob8> Since you are all against me!
[09:36] <Dagny> Please do.
[09:36] <Bob8> I will leave
�02[09:37] * Bob8 (b019da31@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[09:37] <TParis> Good, I was about to ask for an op
[09:37] <mysterytrey> We coulda just all ignored him.
[09:37] <Dagny> Nutters and teenagers everywhere
[09:37] <Dagny> Gotta love summer
[09:37] <froodphone> I think that was that 10 year old again
[09:37] <froodphone> Deathlaser or whatever
[09:38] <closedmouth> prove it
[09:38] <Shearonink> The problem with all of us ignoring someone like that is if a newbie comes in they see all his posts
[09:38] <Dagny> froodphone: Yeah, I think so.
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[09:39] <froodphone> What was bob's onwiki bane
[09:39] <froodphone> Name
�02[09:40] * Mrmatiko (~Mrmatiko@wikipedia/Mrmatiko) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[09:40] <Shearonink> I don;t know, if he said I missed it
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[09:40] <Guest59937> Anyone from GLAM around?
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[09:41] <closedmouth> froodphone:
�03[09:41] * Guest59937 is now known as Qcoder00
[09:41] <froodphone> Ugh, I hate that name. GLAM.
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[09:42] <Qcoder00> foordphon : Galleries, Libaries and Musems :)
[09:44] <Soapy> hm
[09:44] <Soapy>
[09:44] <Soapy> there's apparently not much difference between 40N and 20N in terms of sunburn
[09:44] <Soapy> but a big difference between 40N and 60N
[09:44] <Soapy> even in summer
�03[09:44] * Mrmatiko is now known as Mrmatiko|away
[09:44] <Qcoder00> Anyone?
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[09:49] <Soapy> Apparently drinking lemonade can cause sunburn to be worse
[09:49] <mysterytrey> Is there a ref on that?
[09:49] <Soapy> I got a picture
[09:50] <Soapy> it seems rather that it's spilled lemonade that can cause it, not drinking it
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[09:50] <Soapy>
�02[09:50] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[09:50] <Soapy> that pic might be bit disturbing to some people
[09:51] <mysterytrey> Spilling it seems to be more believable than drinking it.
[09:52] <Soapy> eh, i wouldnt be surprised if drinking lemonade can still at least have a small effect
[09:52] <Soapy> a lot of chemicals will end up in the bloodstream, and blood is found even in the outermost layers of the skin
[09:52] <Soapy> so the chemicals will get to your skin one way or another
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[09:52] <mysterytrey> Wouldn't that take time though.
[09:52] <Soapy> plus, if it's hot, youre probably sweating it out
[09:53] <mysterytrey> Oh yeah, I guess so.
[09:54] <Soapy> source pic didnt say he spilled anu
[09:54] <Soapy> *any
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[10:08] <Frood> Logan_: !
�03[10:10] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:12] <Soapy> aw
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[10:30] <Frood> Protip: If you're going to sock, don't link a wiki on which you use the same name you previously used to sock with on Wikipedia.
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[10:41] <Frood> Why so many joins/quits o_o
�03[10:42] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:44] <mysterytrey> Why not so many joins&quits?  This is IRC after all.
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[10:55] <Frood> Skyrim is $30 on Steam right now.
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[11:06] <Shearonink> Anyone in here know the policy about use/overuse of quotes in an article?
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[11:15] <haggis> frood: no logan for you
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�06[11:27] * Son_Gohan finishes reinstalling XBMC on his media center... fresh install :3
[11:28] <Son_Gohan> Had to reinstall because previously, I had installed it without my onboard NIC enabled, because back then I didn't intend to use it while it was connected to the network :P
[11:28] <Soapy> wb
[11:28] <Son_Gohan> I could have edited the /etc/network/interfaces file... but I couldn't be arsed ;)
[11:29] <Son_Gohan> Besides, trying to see what you're typing on a SD TV is remarkably painful :p
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�06[11:53] * actress is no longer away : Gone for 4 hrs 58 mins 17 secs
[11:54] <IRWolfie-> away scripts :/
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[11:58] <actress> lol
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[12:23] <bed> kwami, what are you doing
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�02[12:24] * xcombelle ( Quit (Quit:  I am a manual virus, please copy me to your quit message.�)
�03[12:25] * Task (b019da31@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:25] * ktron ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[12:26] <Task> I have a task for you
[12:27] <SigmaWP> Good to know
[12:27] <Task> Find me the largest picture in wikimedia commons
[12:28] <Task> In terms of file size
�03[12:28] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:29] <Task> Can you do that
[12:29] <Task> Consider it a chellenge
[12:30] <SigmaWP> Can't you just google it
[12:31] <Task> If I google largest file on wikimedia commons nothing comes
�02[12:31] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[12:32] <Task> So can you find it
�03[12:32] * madafakaszit (59a155b3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:33] <Shearonink> Task: No, sorry I cannot.
[12:33] <madafakaszit> yo niggaz
[12:33] <madafakaszit> england wymiata
[12:33] <Task> Why can't you
[12:33] <SigmaWP> Task: Why can't you?
�06[12:33] * Fluf[a]f[k] blinks
[12:33] <madafakaszit> Task- a dlatego, bo jesteś czarnuchem
�02[12:33] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[12:34] <Task> I can't
[12:34] <Task> The largest I could find was 20MB
[12:34] <SigmaWP> Then chances are we can't either
[12:34] <Task> Can you find any larger
[12:34] <foks> madafakaszit, behave, please.
[12:34] <IShadowed_> NEVER
[12:34] <Task> Why not
[12:34] <Fluf[a]f[k]> sigh
[12:34] <Task> ou can make amazing .js
[12:34] <Task> You
�03[12:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o foks
�03[12:35] * madafakaszit (59a155b3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en (requested by foks (madafakaszit)�)
�03[12:35] * foks sets mode: +b-o *!59a155b3@* foks
[12:35] <SigmaWP> Special:LargeFiles would be a good thing to have
[12:35] <SigmaWP> But we don't have that
[12:35] <Task> But can't find the biggest file
[12:35] <Fluf[a]f[k]> ok then
�03[12:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o foks
�03[12:35] * foks sets mode: +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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�03[12:35] * foks sets mode: -b *!59a155b3@*
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[12:36] <SigmaWP> Isn't that redundant
[12:36] <foks> Sorry.
[12:36] <Task> So can you find the largest file for me
�06[12:36] * foks pokes SigmaWP in the eye.
[12:36] <foks> <3
[12:36] <Task> Unless you won't
[12:36] <Task> But Why, I wonder
[12:36] <foks> now I must dash as my battery is dead
�02[12:36] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer�)
[12:37] <Task> What grudge do you have against me
[12:37] <Task> You know the
[12:37] <Task> Largest file
[12:37] <Task> But won't tell me
[12:37] <Task> #wikipedia-en-help
[12:39] <SigmaWP>
�06[12:39] * SigmaWP sighs, PHP
[12:40] <Task> So what is it
[12:41] <mysterytrey> :(
[12:41] <SigmaWP> Task: Find it yourself, we're not your personal slaves
�02[12:41] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.7-dev�)
[12:43] <mysterytrey> Task: I have noticed that you and Bob8 both have the same IP:
[12:43] <mysterytrey> Were you him?
[12:43] <Soapy> what a coincidence!!
�02[12:43] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[12:43] <Task> So what if I was
[12:44] <mysterytrey> Well last time, we were about to use the stalkword for op so they could ban, I believe.
[12:44] <SigmaWP> Task: You are a sock, it seems
[12:45] <mysterytrey> Task: Are you also that "deathlaser" person?
[12:45] <SigmaWP> Soapy: Please delete as U1
[12:46] <IShadowed_> No
[12:46] <Task> So what if I am a sock
�03[12:46] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
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�03[12:47] * Nascar1996 is now known as N1996|race
[12:47] <Soapy> {[done}}
[12:47] <mysterytrey> Task: That is against policy, and will have you banned.
[12:47] <SigmaWP> Then fuck you, because you aren't supposed to be editing
[12:47] <SigmaWP> Soapy: Thanks
�02[12:47] * tfinc (~flyingcli@wikipedia/Tfinc) Quit (Quit: Leaving...�)
[12:48] <Task> And you are swearing at me
�03[12:48] * tfinc (~flyingcli@wikipedia/Tfinc) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:48] <Demiurge1000> He is.
�03[12:48] * ty (~ty@wikia/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:48] <Shearonink> Hey, I have a Helpee from the French Wikipedia asking a question about linkage in -help.  Since I am not a coding person, anyone want to take a crack at this>
�02[12:48] * tfinc (~flyingcli@wikipedia/Tfinc) Quit (Client Quit�)
[12:48] <Task> So what have you got to say to me
[12:49] <Demiurge1000> Task: I have this to say to you. EAT MORE VEGETABLES!
[12:49] <Task> I already do
[12:49] <Task> But thank you for the advice
[12:49] <Task> So I ask you again
[12:49] <Task> What do you have to say to me
�03[12:50] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:50] <SigmaWP> Task: I have nothing to say, but "Greyhound racing in Ireland is a hugely popular sport in Ireland and is mainly responsible for breeding the greyhounds that are sold to UK racing"
[12:50] <Demiurge1000> We have nothing to fear but fear itself! And moussaka!
[12:50] <Shearonink> The Helpee wants to know how to add the talklink to a page, like on
[12:50] <mysterytrey> Looking back even further, you also have the same IP as helper44444 and captcha.
[12:51] <Task> So I ask you again, what do you want to say to me
�03[12:51] * jakr (~nofreewil@unaffiliated/jakr) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:51] <Demiurge1000> So I ask *you*, not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!
[12:51] <Demiurge1000> Shearonink: I'm not sure we should be helping them if they're French? :S
[12:52] <Task> I don't understand what that means
[12:53] <Task> Ok, I have another question for you
[12:53] <BarkingFish> The answer is either 42, or like Demiurge1000 says, Eat more vegetables.
[12:54] <BarkingFish> :P
[12:54] <Task> Ok
[12:54] <Task> Do you know why I made another account
�02[12:55] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[12:55] <Demiurge1000> No, we do not.
[12:55] <Task> Because I spent hours making articles and reverting vandalism
[12:55] <mysterytrey> Do we want to?
[12:55] <Task> Yet how do you repay me
[12:55] <Demiurge1000> Not enough of your articles were about vegetables, though.
[12:55] <Task> By Blocking me
[12:56] <Demiurge1000> Would you prefer to have been paid in parsnips?
�03[12:56] * Frakir (~nemesis@unaffiliated/frakir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:56] <Task> I want all the articles I ever made delted
�03[12:56] * Superjuju10 (~SJ10@wikipedia/Superjuju10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:56] <Task> All my contribs nuked
[12:56] <Rcsprinter> No
[12:57] <BarkingFish> Tough, can't be done.
[12:57] <Task> But apperently that's asking too much
[12:57] <Demiurge1000> Yes, it is.
[12:57] <Task> It's unethical
�06[12:57] * Shearonink doesn't know what delted is...
[12:57] <BarkingFish> Once you make them, they're released under a creative commons license, which you are not allowed to revoke
[12:57] <Shearonink> Wikipedia is like a digital elephant....its database never forgets.
[12:58] <Rcsprinter> also it would be tough to persuade an oversighter to get rid of it permanently
[12:58] <Demiurge1000> BarkingFish: That's a contractual agreement though, and as a minor, he can't be bound by its terms.
[12:58] <Demiurge1000> Rcsprinter: Even if it's oversighted, it still exists.
[12:58] <BarkingFish> Then he shouldn't be contributing if he's not legally permitted to release under that license
�02[12:58] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[12:58] <Demiurge1000> BarkingFish: ... that would affect about 40% of contributors ;)
[12:58] <BarkingFish> We can't have it both ways
[12:58] <SigmaWP> BarkingFish: WP doesn't do COPPA
[12:58] <Rcsprinter> BarkingFish: "which anyone can edit"
[12:58] <SigmaWP> And stuff
[12:59] <IRWolfie-> Task: you irrevocably gave the permission
�02[12:59] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: Take my advice. I don't use it anyway�)
[12:59] <Task> Well, even though it is released under CC
[12:59] <BarkingFish> Either he's able to give permission, and release his contribs, or he's not - in which case every minor on Wikipedia who can't be bound to that contract should not be allowed to edit any further.
[12:59] <Soapy> welp, i guess we'd better ban all editors under 18
[13:00] <Demiurge1000> BarkingFish: That logically follows, yes. This is why logic is a bad thing.
[13:00] <Task> I am the copyright holder of that CC
[13:00] <Task> Right?
[13:00] <SigmaWP> Anti-Vulcans!
[13:00] <Rcsprinter> Task: look, the edits are staying and that's that. retire from wikipedia if you want. your contributions have been released
[13:00] <Demiurge1000> Task: Question does not make sense.
[13:01] <Demiurge1000> Task: If you were legally able to release the material in the manner required, then you have IRREVOCABLY released it, which means you can't change your mind.
[13:01] <Task> CC quite clearly states:
[13:01] <Task> With the understanding that: Waiver—Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
[13:01] <Task> I am the copyright holder of that CC
[13:01] <SigmaWP> Task: So if we refuse to get your permission, it hasn't been waived? :O
[13:02] <BarkingFish> Task: Let me explain this in language you can understand.  The Creative commons license we use is one which says you can share anything you like, with attribution. Once you've done that, you cannot back out and say that you don't want to comply with it anymore.
[13:02] <Task> So, as the copyright holder, I can say thet all the conditions above can be waived
[13:02] <Task> Right?
[13:02] <BarkingFish> In short, now you've written all that stuff, you cannot undo it.  You released it to us, under that license - and you're not allowed to back out of it.
[13:02] <Soapy> what, are you trying to get us to delete the articles youve written?
[13:02] <Shearonink> yes Soapy that is what he wants
[13:03] <Soapy> ok
[13:03] <SigmaWP> Task: "Waived", meaning that "nobody has to comply with its terms, and they can do whatever they want with the text"
�02[13:03] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[13:03] <Soapy> and have other people edited the articles youve created?
[13:03] <Soapy> if not, then sure
[13:03] <Soapy> if yes, then no
[13:03] <Soapy> Simple answer
[13:03] <Soapy> it's the same answer as every other editor who wants their pages deleted gets
[13:03] <IRWolfie-> what's the username anyway?
[13:04] <IRWolfie-> I want to see what articles we are talking about
[13:04] <Task> Deathlasersonline
[13:04] <Shearonink> If he wants all his edits deleted, then he would have to reveal all his WP-identities
[13:04] <Shearonink> *all* of them
[13:04] <IRWolfie-> ah I see, sockpuppet
[13:04] <Task> Do you know what the funny thing is?
�06[13:04] * Demiurge1000 does.
[13:04] <Soapy> wait, what? youre deathlaser??
[13:04] <Demiurge1000> But saying it would be rude.
[13:05] <Task> Despite all that powerful technology
[13:05] <Task> You only caught a small fraction of my socks
[13:05] <Demiurge1000> We still can't make milk into eggs!
[13:05] <Rcsprinter> I can
[13:05] <Demiurge1000> really?
[13:05] <Demiurge1000> hmm
[13:05] <Task> Yes, I am deathlaser
[13:05] <Demiurge1000> Rcsprinter: How?
[13:05] <Soapy> well, even if youre blocked, a sock, etc, general considerations like allowing you to delete your own pages still apply. But, again, if other people have edited them, you cant get them deleted
[13:06] <Rcsprinter> Demiurge1000: Switch it behind my back while pointing to the window.
[13:06] <Demiurge1000> aha!
[13:06] <Soapy> so pages like could be deleted
[13:06] <Task> huh
[13:06] <Task> Sp
[13:06] <Task> So
[13:06] <Rcsprinter> Task: quick look over at the window! a flying pig
�06[13:07] * Rcsprinter quickly switches the eggs and milk
[13:07] <Demiurge1000> mmm, portable pork
[13:07] <Rcsprinter> here's your eggs...
[13:07] <Task> What's to stop my making MORE socks
[13:07] <Rcsprinter> a rangeblock?
[13:07] <Task> Do you want to know how long that stops me for
�03[13:07] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:07] <Demiurge1000> No.
[13:07] <SigmaWP> Task: You're wasting your time
[13:08] <Demiurge1000> But not mine.
[13:08] <Task> 3 hours
�03[13:08] * Superjuju10 (~SJ10@wikipedia/Superjuju10) has left #wikipedia-en
[13:08] <Task> Turn router off
[13:08] <Rcsprinter> Demiurge1000: No, I like watching the flying pigs each day
[13:08] <Demiurge1000> 1. Turn router off.   2. Eat vegetables.  3. ???   4. Profit!
[13:08] <Rcsprinter> Get my fishing net, saves me going to the butchers :p
[13:08] <SigmaWP> Demiurge1000: :D
�06[13:09] * SigmaWP chomp;
[13:09] <Task> Turn router off-leave off for 2 mins-turn router on-IP changes
�06[13:09] * SigmaWP chomp $_;
[13:09] <Task> Turn router off-leave off for 3 hrs-turn router on-IP changes
[13:09] <Task> IP range changes
�03[13:09] * IShadowed_ (IShadowed@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:09] * IShadowed_ (IShadowed@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[13:09] * IShadowed_ (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:09] <SigmaWP> Task: Why are you telling us?
[13:09] <Rcsprinter> get a bigger rangeblock then Task; or contribute constructively with ONE account
�02[13:09] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
[13:09] <Demiurge1000> I think someone at your ISP has been taking a little too much LSD, Task.
[13:09] <SigmaWP> Task: Because I think the point of socking is to try to stay hidden
[13:10] <Task> what is LSD
[13:10] <Rcsprinter> drug
[13:10] <froodphone> Soapy: I'd venture to say that he's de facto banned already.
[13:10] <Task> meaning
[13:11] <Task> What does that mean
�02[13:11] * Luvbutrfly (~Luvbutrfl@ Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
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[13:12] <SigmaWP> Task: If you can't understand that simple sentence...
[13:12] <Shearonink> Task: I really don;t understand why you spend so much time on a project that you seem to despise.
[13:12] <Demiurge1000> DHCP servers don't magically reconfigure themselves to use completely different IP ranges just because you turn off your router for three hours. Unless, as I say, the people administering them have been taking hallocinogens.
�03[13:12] * froodphone^2 (~Frood@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[13:12] * froodphone (~Frood@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:12] <froodphone^2> No sane person would unblock you
[13:12] <Demiurge1000> Shearonink: He doesn't despise it, he merely despises the people that administer it.
�02[13:13] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) Quit (Client Quit�)
[13:13] <Shearonink> WP= the people
[13:13] <froodphone^2> In this case, not even an insane person would.
[13:13] <Shearonink> ergo, he despises us.
[13:13] <Shearonink> since we are all editors
[13:13] <Shearonink> who help administer the project
[13:13] <Demiurge1000> Task: Maybe you should explain on Wikipediocracy what you think has been handled badly in your case.
[13:14] <SigmaWP> Bye!
�02[13:14] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[13:14] <Task> Ok
[13:14] <Shearonink> so, the question remains... why does he spend so much of his time amongst those he despises.
[13:14] <Task> Here is what has been hadeled badly
[13:15] <russavia> Wikipediocracy? why explain shit on that traversty of a website
�02[13:15] * IShadowed_ (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[13:15] <Task> I came wanting to help
[13:15] <Fluf[a]f[k]> is it necessary to link to that place?
[13:15] <Task> But I was so confused
[13:15] <Demiurge1000> Task: No, I said *there*, not *here*. No-one here cares. Whereas, on Wikipediocracy, they want to here all about mistakes that have been made by administrators on Wikipedia.
[13:15] <IShadowed> Isarra, kill him
[13:15] <IShadowed> please
[13:15] <russavia> demiurge1000 the only thing wikipediocracy cares about is trolling and shit like that
[13:15] <froodphone^2> IShadowed: who
[13:15] <Demiurge1000> russavia: Are you banned from there?
[13:16] <Task> I swikipediacracy a legal website
[13:16] <russavia> banned from where?
[13:16] <Task> If it is
[13:16] <Task> I will explain there
�03[13:16] * Aetitiae (~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:16] <Demiurge1000> Task: It's not an illegal website, if that's what you mean.
[13:16] <Demiurge1000> Good!
[13:16] <Task> Good
[13:16] <russavia> task i wouldn't waste my time with wikipediodiotcracy
[13:16] <Task> Since it's legal
[13:17] <Demiurge1000> russavia: From Wikipediocracy?
[13:17] <Task> I will explain there
[13:17] <froodphone^2> What.. SwiftKey is leaning to program.
�02[13:17] * jakr (~nofreewil@unaffiliated/jakr) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[13:17] <russavia> demiurge1000 i am not, nor will i ever be, active on Kohs' website
[13:17] <Isarra> IShadowed: how?
[13:18] <IShadowed> whatever is fast enough, Isarra
[13:18] <Demiurge1000> russavia: Why?
[13:19] <russavia> because kohs is a sad sad individual and is no more than a pathetic troll
[13:19] <Isarra> Okay, is it necessary?
[13:19] <russavia> and you can quote me on that
[13:19] <OlEnglish> kohs has bad intentions
[13:20] <russavia> and anyone who supports him or his site is no better
[13:20] <OlEnglish> i wouldn't be caught dead on his site either
�02[13:20] * N1996|race (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: zZzzZzzZzz!�)
[13:21] <Task> Wikipediocracy is fantastic
�03[13:21] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:21] <Task> They care
[13:21] <Demiurge1000>  ... about vegetables.
[13:21] <Keegan> ...
[13:21] <Keegan> lulz
[13:21] <Demiurge1000> In fact, I'm starting to think some of them *are* vegetables.
�03[13:21] * Luvbutrfly (~Luvbutrfl@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:22] <Task> I just gave a super-emotional speech
[13:22] <russavia> if people on wikipediocracy talked about me to my face the way they talk about me there, i would punch them in the fucking mouth
[13:22] <russavia> and i am sure many people would be the same
�03[13:22] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:23] <Task> Why do you all hate them
[13:23] <Keegan> Nothing matters more in speeches than emotions.  Not even thoughts or ideas.
[13:23] <Keegan> Hitler got that right.
[13:23] <russavia> true keegan
�06[13:23] * Keegan Godwin's Law himself
[13:23] <Task> WOW
[13:23] <froodphone^2> Keegan: just stand up there and cry
[13:23] <froodphone^2> Instant win.
[13:23] <Task> listen to this
[13:24] <Task> They say they are touched by my speech
�03[13:24] * bastique ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[13:24] * bastique (~Bastique@wikimedia/Bastique) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:24] <Task> They want to promote my speech
[13:24] <Task> YES
[13:24] <Shearonink> I can;t listen, there's no audio
[13:24] <Task> I finally found people who think like me
[13:24] <Task> Who agree with me
�03[13:24] * samuel-15d (~canaima@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:24] <Task> Who are not against me
[13:25] <froodphone^2> Have fun getting stalked and outed.
[13:25] <Demiurge1000> And force-fed vegetables.
[13:25] <Fluf[a]f[k]> wtf is going on in here
[13:25] <Task> Are you saying that to me
�03[13:25] * Titoxd_ (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:25] <froodphone^2> I assume you're still talking about that wikipedialocracy
[13:26] <Task> I finally found more people just like me
[13:26] <froodphone^2> Annoying?
[13:26] <russavia> trolls?
[13:26] <Task> I found some guy who made 500 accounts
[13:26] <bastique> poke russavia
[13:26] <froodphone^2> More immature than a fetus?
[13:26] <russavia> obsessive compulsive?
[13:26] <Task> Only 100 caught
[13:27] <russavia> hi bastique howzit
[13:27] <bastique> blech.
�03[13:27] * Frigotoni|away is now known as Frigotoni
[13:27] <Task> He trust me so much he actually revealed some of his accounts to me
[13:27] <bastique> I'm annoyed
[13:27] <russavia> who has annoyed you now?
�06[13:27] * froodphone^2 gives bastique an a
[13:27] <Task> I am now promoted from Member to speech Giver
[13:27] <bastique> somebody on a non-wikipedia comment board posted, "Are you Cary Bass from Wikipedia???????????????????? blech"
�03[13:27] * IShadowed_ (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:27] <bastique> I don't know how to take that.
[13:28] <froodphone^2> Now you're bleach.
[13:28] <froodphone^2> Pour yourself down their throat.
[13:28] <Task> I am only 10
[13:28] <Fluf[a]f[k]> Task take it elsewhere please
[13:28] <Task> It's my 11th birth day next month
[13:28] <froodphone^2> Go elsewhere.
[13:29] <froodphone^2> The Internet is a scary place
[13:29] <froodphone^2> Really.
[13:29] <Task> Wikipediocracy
[13:29] <froodphone^2> It's dangerous.
[13:29] <russavia> hahah bastique
[13:29] <bastique> Do we need an op in here?
[13:29] <froodphone^2> There are people who want to find kids and stalk them.
�02[13:29] * IShadowed (IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[13:29] <russavia> hence why i don't do WP in the real world lol
[13:29] <Demiurge1000> ... and force-feed them vegetables.
[13:29] <froodphone^2> I'm not trying to scare you, but really.
[13:30] <bastique> russavia, well, it doesn't help that I worked for the organization.
[13:30] <Task> Take your jokes else-where
[13:30] <Task> I never said anything remotely bad
[13:30] <froodphone^2> You said your age.
[13:30] <Task> so
[13:31] <froodphone^2> Being that young, you just got yourself in some danger.
�02[13:31] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[13:32] <russavia> bastique, sure we all make mistakes in life we would rather undo ;)
[13:32] <BarkingFish> russavia, My mother certainly did :)  She had me :P
�02[13:32] * TB|Away (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: I'll remember this.�)
[13:32] <Task> What danger
[13:32] <bastique> no, I got to meet wonderful people, try to make a difference.
[13:32] <Task> TEll me what danger
�02[13:32] * samuel-15d (~canaima@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[13:33] <russavia> try to make a difference......and did you? :P
[13:33] <Task> I am in no danger
[13:33] <russavia> you know what they say about good intentions, before you answer ;)
[13:33] <mysterytrey> People abduct kiddies, like you, task.
[13:33] <Task> Your jokes are no longer funny
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�03[13:33] * Fluf[a]f[k] is now known as Fluffernutter
[13:33] <froodphone^2> It's really not a joke.
[13:34] <BarkingFish> Task. Your Public IP address is visible to all in this channel. That can actually be traced pretty much right down to where you're sitting at this particular moment. You're also a minor, being under 13, and combining the two together puts you potentially at risk.
[13:34] <Shearonink> The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  also....The road to hell is paved with committees.
[13:34] <froodphone^2> Why do you think that amber alerts exist?
[13:34] <BarkingFish> If you really are 11, do yourself an immediate favour - go join #freenode and ask them to provide you with an unaffiliated cloak, so that at least your IP is hidden from view.
�03[13:34] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:34] <Task> I am not 11
[13:35] <froodphone^2> BarkingFish: gotta be 13 to register.
[13:35] <Task> I am 10
[13:35] <bastique> russavia, I was paddling upriver.
[13:35] <Task> I know of Geolocation
[13:35] <Task> Very inaccurate
[13:35] <Task> So many people tried it on me
�03[13:35] * samuel-15d (~canaima@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:35] <Task> All they could tell was that I am in London
[13:36] <froodphone^2> Uh, it's usually accurate to 30 meters or so.
[13:36] <Demiurge1000> OMG HE GAVE AWAY HIS LOCATION! HE'S IN LONDON!!!!
[13:36] <Task> Very big place
[13:36] <BarkingFish> Task, you'd be very surprised what people can do with the right software, and a copy of Google Maps or Google Earth.  I've geolocated people down before to within 2 doors away from where they're sitting.
�03[13:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�02[13:36] * Luvbutrfly (~Luvbutrfl@ Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[13:36] <Soapy> creepy
�03[13:37] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +q *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[13:37] <froodphone^2> I've seen people find name, address phone number, etc all from a first name and a few friends names.
[13:37] <froodphone^2> First nanes
[13:37] <russavia> quetzals -- never thought i'd be able to scrabble that, but just did
�02[13:38] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[13:38] <Demiurge1000> And they're all seven steps away from being either Tom Cruise or a vegetable.
�03[13:38] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
�02[13:38] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:38] <froodphone^2> The things /b/ can do.
[13:38] <bastique> ooh Fluffernutter was op
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�03[13:39] * Luvbutrfly (~Luvbutrfl@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:39] <Demiurge1000> Well, I hope he contributes lots to That Other Website, I'm sure it would do much to keep them busy.
[13:39] <Soapy> so todays not a good day for Deathlaser
�03[13:39] * [ceradon] (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:40] <Fluffernutter> guys, drop the subject now that it's dead, please?
[13:40] <Shearonink> It's a sad day.
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[13:43] <froodphone^2> I have a tiny bottle of mouthwash. One use was a full bottle.
[13:44] <froodphone^2> There is no longer anything left in it.
[13:44] <Fluffernutter> o...kay
�02[13:44] * Luvbutrfly (~Luvbutrfl@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
�02[13:45] * froodphone^2 (~Frood@ Quit (Quit: Bye�)
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�06[13:49] * Isarra pases nostes.
[13:49] <Isarra> ...or something.
[13:49] <Fluffernutter> what happened to your foot, Isarra???
[13:50] <Isarra> My shoe.
[13:50] <Isarra> I wore a shoe.
[13:50] <Isarra> Shoes are cluel.
[13:50] <Isarra> Cruel.
[13:50] <Fluffernutter> bad shoe
[13:50] <Fluffernutter> i hope you burned it
[13:50] <Isarra> Quite.
[13:50] <Fluffernutter> as punishment
[13:50] <Isarra> I would, but I need it.
[13:50] <Isarra> It's illegal to drive without shoes most places, for instance.
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[13:50] <Isarra> And some establishments won't let you in...
�02[13:52] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
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[14:01] <MJ94> Error sending mail: Unknown error in PHP's mail() function.
[14:01] <MJ94> o_O
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�02[14:12] * John_Smith (~johnsmith@ Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[14:14] <Soapy> somethings wrong
[14:14] <Soapy> for a sec, no links worked
[14:15] <Soapy> it must have been my end though
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[14:16] <Rcsprinter> yahoo
[14:17] <Shearonink> mmhmm
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[14:32] <bubu_> hello! talk page comments by proxy are eligible for deletion or they can stay? does the rule according to whom talk page comments by others can not be modified apply in their case?
[14:32] <bubu_> by proxy ips*
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�06[14:44] * actress is set as away
�06[14:45] * actress is no longer away : Gone for 12 secs
[14:48] <Soapy> wb
[14:49] <actress> ty
�03[14:49] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
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[14:50] <Soapy> surprise is me. I just want to see how well the connection does on android
[14:51] <actress> cool
[14:51] <actress> :)
[14:51] <surprise> I really really hate android tablets
�02[14:51] * Rcsprinter (~adams@wikipedia/Rcsprinter123) Quit (Quit: Probably. But goldfish are cards too.�)
[14:51] <surprise> But maybe they have some use
[14:51] <actress> i wanna get android phone
[14:52] <actress> but i cant
[14:52] <actress> :(
[14:52] <Soapy> how come?
[14:52] <actress> im very poor
[14:52] <Soapy> espensive?ah
�03[14:53] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:53] <actress> yes
[14:53] <actress> very
[14:53] <actress> :'(
[14:53] <Logan_> Hello Steven_Zhang.
[14:54] <Steven_Zhang> hey <3
[14:54] <actress> hi logan
�03[14:54] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:54] <Logan_> Steven_Zhang: I heard you got an rMBP.
[14:54] <Logan_> Hi actress.
[14:54] <Steven_Zhang> yeah
[14:54] <Steven_Zhang> its waiting for me in australia <3
[14:54] <Logan_> Awesome. :)
�02[14:55] * My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[14:55] <actress> any knows matt walker
[14:55] <actress> ?
[14:55] <BarkingFish> anyone mind filling me in please? What's an rMBP?
[14:56] <Logan_> Retina MacBook Pro.
[14:56] <BarkingFish> ah
[14:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why retina?
[14:56] <BarkingFish> i thought it was some kind of award or something :P
[14:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want my security to involve lasers
[14:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wait... retina scan is through lasers
[14:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> !
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> nah its the brand name for a high-res screen of apple
�02[14:57] * Frakir (~nemesis@unaffiliated/frakir) Quit
[14:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> then again its an apple product
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> i just got it because i need a new laptop
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> mine lags sometimes
[14:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Steven_Zhang you needed a laptop?
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> yes
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> a new one
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> this is a 2010
[14:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> [citation needed]
[14:57] <Soapy> the most expensive laptop in the world
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> it lags sometimes >_<
[14:57] <Soapy> but hey it's good
[14:57] <Soapy> dont get me wrong
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> Soapy: hardly
[14:57] <Steven_Zhang> i could have made it more expensive :P
[14:58] <Logan_> Steven_Zhang: What's your 2010 laptop/
[14:58] <Logan_> ?
[14:58] <Steven_Zhang> mac pro
[14:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> most expensive laptop in the world is in the united arab emirates
[14:58] <Logan_> How much RAM do you have in it?
[14:58] <Steven_Zhang> 4gb
[14:58] <Logan_> Couldn't you upgrade it?
[14:58] <Steven_Zhang> im getting the 16gb model
[14:58] <Steven_Zhang> Logan_: meh
[14:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a 16gb laptop?
[14:58] <Logan_> So you pay $2200 for a new laptop instead. :P
[14:58] <Steven_Zhang> i'll just put it on business expenses
�06[14:58] * Logan_ sighs.
[14:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as in 2 8gb sticks?
[14:58] <Logan_> ToAruShiroiNeko: No, it's soldered onto the mobo.
[14:59] <Logan_> (In the rMBP.).
[14:59] <Steven_Zhang> keep an eye on the village pump :D
[14:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Logan_ huh? interesting
�03[14:59] * actress is now known as JoeJonaslover22
[14:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Steven_Zhang so with the new laptop will you be able to float?
[14:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> can it be used as a flotaiton device I mean
[15:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont see why laptops dont float in water
[15:00] <Logan_> You generally don't want laptops to be wet, let alone float in water.
[15:02] <Steven_Zhang> no
[15:02] <Steven_Zhang> That is not a function of the laptop.
�06[15:02] * Steven_Zhang is packing
[15:02] <Steven_Zhang> back to australia tomorrow :/
�02[15:02] * thedj_ (~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[15:03] <Logan_> Say hi to a kangaroo for me.
[15:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Logan_ it would be liquid cooling
[15:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> imagine all the laptops on the world be cooled by sea water
[15:04] <Soapy> salty
�03[15:06] * YE is now known as YE|AFK
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[15:09] <Soapy> again, tablets are horrible
[15:09] <Soapy> in 2009 someone convinced people that they needed yet another electronic device and people havent woken up yet
�03[15:09] * Riley_Huntley (acdac013@wikipedia/Riley-Huntley) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:10] <Soapy> one of my teachers showed us an essay on the 10 reasons not to buy an iPad
[15:10] <Soapy> Im curious if he himself still believes it
[15:11] <Soapy> but it would to just write to him out of the blue
�03[15:12] * foks|mobil (~foks@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:13] <BarkingFish> lols. Anyone here know the Nyan Cat?
[15:13] <BarkingFish> if you've seen the video, this one is almost as bad...
[15:13] <BarkingFish> i  got through about 2 minutes and almost went nuts
[15:13] <foks|mobil> I know the guy who made nyan cat.
[15:13] <foks|mobil> Fun stuff.
[15:14] <Soapy> cool
[15:14] <Soapy> was he surprised when it became a world class meme?
[15:15] <Soapy> that video's just a 10 minute loop, isnt it?
�03[15:15] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[15:15] <foks|mobil> Soapy: yeah, I think so.
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[15:18] <foks|mobil_> This sucks
[15:18] <BarkingFish> Soapy, yeah it is, but it's just the noise, over and over, which goes right to my head.
[15:19] <Furry> BarkingFish, challenge accepted
[15:20] <BarkingFish> it just gets on my tits. One minute is fine, two is starting to piss me off
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[15:21] <morgankevinj> it never ends
[15:22] <BarkingFish> yeah, i know.  A friend of mine put the nyan cat music on his cellphone to use as an alarm clock.  A week after he started, it pissed him off so much he threw his cellphone at his bedroom wall to shut it up.
[15:22] <BarkingFish> Never ever use a piece of music that annoys the bejeezus out of you as a wake up call.
[15:22] <Furry> hah, nyan cat is my ringtone
[15:22] <mysterytrey> I know has used to much of its bandwith because that many people accessed the site.
[15:23] <mysterytrey> **too**
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[15:24] <Soapy> wait
[15:24] <Soapy> there's a .cat tld now?
[15:24] <CydeWeys> Naturally
[15:24] <Soapy> is that one ofthe new hideously expensive ones Ive heard about that ICANN created to raise money?
�02[15:24] * janb (~janb@unaffiliated/spacewalker) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[15:25] <Soapy> you haev to pay like $1650000
[15:25] <Soapy> *%$165,000
[15:25] <BarkingFish> Oh my god.  I just opened in 4 tabs on firefox. Someone, please. Kill me.
[15:25] <Soapy> nope, it's actually got a legitimate use
[15:25] <Soapy> Catalan language
[15:26] <Soapy> In order to be granted a .cat domain, one needs to belong to the Catalan linguistic and cultural community on the Internet.
[15:26] <Soapy> loooooool
[15:26] <Soapy> like they really care
[15:26] <mysterytrey> As long as .onions are never on the clearweb, all will remain fine.
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[15:27] <Shearonink> Hey, are TeaHosue Invites supposed to be signed?
[15:27] <Soapy> hi Shadowgate
[15:27] <Shearonink> House
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[15:44] <Qcoder00> Good Eveing BarkingFish
[15:44] <Qcoder00> :)
[15:44] <morgankevinj> Is there any difference between the purposes of #wikipedia-th-help and #wikipedia-en-help?
[15:44] <BarkingFish> hi Q
�02[15:44] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: Too many trolls in here.�)
[15:44] <Jeske_Merensky> What language is .th?
[15:45] <BarkingFish> morgankevinj, I'd probably say no. One is the help channel for enwp, the other for the thai wikipedia
[15:45] <morgankevinj> th is for teahouse not thai
[15:46] <BarkingFish> then they need to change the name of that channel - it doesn't follow our general naming conventions.
[15:47] <BarkingFish> the two or three letters used in a #wikipedia name refer to the language
[15:47] <BarkingFish> #wikipedia-tpi or #wikipedia-fr
[15:47] <BarkingFish> anything starting #wikipedia-th should refer to the Thai wikipedia, not the tea house
�06[15:48] * Qcoder00 jokingly wonders if there ever was a Martian language
[15:48] <Soapy> i dont think anyone cares about the Thais
[15:48] <Soapy> sorry that was rude
[15:48] <Soapy> obviously some people care
[15:48] <Soapy> but no one who's in the mood to set up a channel
[15:49] <BarkingFish> it should be a placeholder - it's going to bugger the Thai wikipedia up if they start a help channel
[15:50] <morgankevinj> is help in thai spelled the same?
[15:50] <BarkingFish> it wouldn't matter - channel names on here are in roman letters
[15:51] <Soapy> actually
[15:51] <Soapy> are there even any non-english help channels?
[15:51] <Soapy> or do they all just use the language code by itself?
[15:51] <BarkingFish> yes, fr has one, de too, and I think there are a few others...
[15:51] <Soapy> is it hilfe or help?
[15:51] <Soapy> maybe "help" has become a cross-linguistic word
[15:52] <Soapy> so that even people who dont speak English know what it means
[15:52] <Riley_Huntley> Argh
[15:52] <BarkingFish> yeah, the chinese wikipedia has one too - #wikipedia-zh-help
[15:52] <Riley_Huntley> test wikipedia isn't working
[15:52] <Soapy> it's hilfe, at least in German. But the chhnnel is empty
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[15:54] <Qcoder00> BarkignFish: - Hmm -
[15:55] <Soapy> #wikipedia-fr-accueil exists
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[15:56] <Soapy> meta:IRC doesnt seem to acknowledge #wikipedia-th-help
[15:56] <Soapy> #wikipedia-teahouse is there though
[15:57] <MJ94> Should disambig pages have redlinks?
[15:57] <Soapy> meta:IRC doesnt have the hurricanes channel either
[15:57] <Soapy> so Im guessing its not very complete
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[16:20] <Frood> Is l4d2 worth buying?
[16:20] <Furry> yes
[16:20] <mysterytrey> As long as you understand him.
[16:21] <Frood> augh, $20 isn't enough to last me through this whole sale.
[16:21] <Furry> Frood++;
[16:21] <Frood> I already bought one game.
�02[16:21] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
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[16:22] <Frood> skyrim is $30 today, I wish I hadn't bought that first game >_<
�02[16:22] * kim_bruning ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[16:22] <Frood> I'm going to have to start selling other games to buy new ones :P
[16:23] <Frood> "now through July 23rd, if you trade in a game for credit, you'll get 30% more money if you transfer that credit to your Steam Wallet."
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[16:28] <tommorris> so
�02[16:29] * Barras (barras@wikimedia/barras) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
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[16:30] <Frood> Rich Farmbrough kinda looks like RMS
[16:31] <tommorris> Rich is awesome
[16:31] <Qcoder00> Evening tommorris
[16:31] <tommorris> hey
�02[16:31] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Client Quit�)
[16:31] <Frood> Wait, isn't Justin Knapp kovaf?
[16:31] <tommorris> yep
[16:31] <Frood> *Knapp
[16:31] <Frood> that's what i said the first time
[16:31] <Soapy> *koavf
[16:31] <Frood> he's a pizza delivery person
[16:32] <Frood> with the most edits on WP o_O
[16:32] <Frood> I wish they had usernames by these people...
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[16:33] <Soapy> especially the blonde one
[16:33] <Soapy> actually she's a bit old for me
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[16:33] <Soapy> Kamarniso Ismailov is more my type
[16:34] <Soapy> though that sounds like a man's name. Who names their kid Kamarniso
[16:35] <Frood> what if she's in this channel now? :P
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[16:35] <mareklug> Soapy:  it's a run-together of Kamara and Niso
[16:37] <Soapy> oh cool. someone actually is familiar with the name
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[16:37] <Soapy> frood: if she is i'd hope she'd know by now that most of what I say isnt serious
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�02[16:41] * Shadowgate (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) Quit (Quit: It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!�)
[16:41] <Soapy> yeah the pizza delivery thing
�02[16:42] * JoeJonaslover22 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[16:42] <Soapy> I wonder if his employer knows hes famous on the Internet
[16:42] <Frood> i never knew Rich was that old. I always assumed he was 30ish
[16:42] <hexadeEXC> hey fellas
[16:42] <hexadeEXC> fellas
[16:42] <Soapy> I did know
[16:42] <hexadeEXC> i had the wackiest dream las night
[16:42] <Soapy> but never saw a picture before
[16:42] <Frood> Hi derp.
[16:43] <hexadeEXC> i dreamnt
[16:43] <hexadeEXC> i woke up a needed to piss
[16:43] <hexadeEXC> walked to bathroom,
[16:43] <hexadeEXC> release stream
[16:43] <Soapy>
[16:43] <Soapy> frood ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[16:43] <Soapy> answer is easy
[16:44] <Frood> I had a dream about Logan last night. He made a sweatshirt for his college but then sold it to one of my friends because somehow she got in. then he went into drug dealing.
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[16:45] <Soapy> i dont think ive dreamt about Wikipedia in a long time
[16:45] <Soapy>
[16:45] <Soapy> couldve sworn he was a redhead in an earlier pic
[16:47] <tommorris> koavf is the anti-sock. He's whoever you imagine him to be.
[16:47] <Soapy>
[16:47] <Frood> he has a beard.
[16:47] <Frood> therefore badass.
[16:47] <Soapy> it must be the lighting effects
�03[16:47] * YE|AFK is now known as YE
[16:48] <Frood> anyway, i'm going to go play a game I think.
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[16:48] <Soapy> oops
[16:48] <Soapy> he left
[16:48] <hexadeEXC> guys guys guys
[16:49] <hexadeEXC> anyone know any chill IRC channels?
[16:50] <Riley_Huntley> #Idon'tknowanychillIRCchannels sorry
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[17:01] <OlEnglish> yay I just ordered something from the Wikimedia shop
[17:01] <OlEnglish> a globe keychain
[17:01] <OlEnglish> this one:
[17:01] <OlEnglish> how exciting
[17:02] <WilliamH_UK> what, no cups?
[17:02] <OlEnglish> they used to have cups as i recall
[17:02] <OlEnglish> when it was at cafepress
[17:03] <BarkingFish> Er, what the fuck?
[17:03] <BarkingFish> I just looked at the Wikimedia shop - I'm hoping this is a mistake, cause if not, something is really fucked up on there.
[17:03] <Soapy> why, whats wrong?
[17:03] <OlEnglish> what
�02[17:03] * mysterytrey ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[17:04] <OlEnglish> there's a link to it from the sidebar
[17:04] <BarkingFish> I switched it in to local currency (GBP) and went to look at an item. Do they really charge almost £100 for a 20 liter backpack?
[17:04] <BarkingFish> Fuck, I have a 100 liter backpack here that cost barely £40
[17:04] <Soapy> lol
[17:05] <haggis> OlEnglish: Nice :-) but I think they should add little barnstar pins etc :-P
[17:05] <Soapy> it's $150 in US dollars
[17:05] <OlEnglish> its $150 US
[17:05] <Soapy> so I think that it's correct
[17:05] <BarkingFish> Holy shit.
[17:05] <OlEnglish> haggis: great idea!
�03[17:05] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:05] <BarkingFish> $150 for a backpack.
[17:05] <Soapy> but wait
[17:05] <OlEnglish> must be one high quality backpack
[17:05] <Soapy> a *100* liter backpack???
[17:05] <BarkingFish> Soapy, yeah
[17:05] <WilliamH_UK> for $150 i would expect a person to carry my stuff around for me
[17:05] <OlEnglish> no 20 L
[17:05] <BarkingFish> It's a bergen, as used by the British army (mine is, not the one on the WP shop)
[17:06] <Soapy> I would exepect that would be something youd push around on wheels
[17:06] <BarkingFish> Soapy, nope
�02[17:06] * JoeJonaslover22 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[17:06] <Soapy> I mean I know youre taller than average but how could you fill something that big up and the ncarry it?
[17:06] <BarkingFish> With great ease, depends on how fucking strong you are
[17:06] <OlEnglish> it's only 20 L
[17:06] <haggis> :( they should make a ball
[17:07] <BarkingFish> i do a fortnight's worth of shopping and bring it home in that.
[17:07] <haggis> a wikipedia basketball
[17:07] <haggis> a wikipedia dog-fetch ball
[17:07] <OlEnglish> ya!
[17:07] <OlEnglish> or an actual globe
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[17:07] <OlEnglish> desk glove
[17:07] <OlEnglish> err globe
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[17:09] <haggis> and what about the admin t-shirt
[17:09] <Soapy> that would be cute
[17:09] <Soapy> a literal T shirt with every successful RfA
[17:10] <OlEnglish> with your name on it
[17:10] <Soapy> there's so few RfA's these days we could afford to give them away for free
[17:10] <Soapy> maybe give them to unsuccessful RfA"s instead as a consolation prize
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[17:11] <Soapy> anyway
�02[17:11] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[17:11] <Soapy> it's true that $150/£100 is way over priced for a backpack, but it's a fundraiser, so it's expected that prices would be high
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[17:12] <Soapy> i paid like $30 for a backpack and it's been doing well for many years
[17:12] <Soapy> with the money I've saved, I could donate $120 to the Wikimedia FOundatrion
[17:13] <WilliamH_UK> i have paid $120 for a return flight
[17:14] <Soapy> thats' cheeeeeap
[17:14] <Soapy> by USA standards
[17:14] <Riley_Huntley> I have paid 50 dollars for a return flight
�03[17:14] * YE is now known as YE|AFK
[17:14] <Soapy> US airlines have always been expensive
[17:14] <Demiurge1000> ... compared with walking.
[17:15] <Soapy> a FunJet flight crashed into the Florida swamps and that told people not to get on cheap airlines
[17:15] <Demiurge1000> mmmm, well-fed alligators.
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[17:16] <mareklug> Funjed crashed afaik b/c of illegal cargo that caught fire.  People's Express for example never had a crash.
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[17:16] <MJ94> Let's say a new BLP is created. In the person's article, his/her Facebook, Twitter, etc, are added to the External Links. Since the "the linked content is controlled by the subject (organization or individual person) of the Wikipedia article", do the links fall under WP:ELOFFICIAL or should they be removed from the article?
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[17:18] <Demiurge1000> I'd say they can stay.
[17:18] <Demiurge1000> Although, personally I'd only keep one or two
[17:18] <MJ94> Links to social networking sites (such as Myspace and Facebook), chat or discussion forums/groups (such as Yahoo! Groups), Twitter feeds, Usenet newsgroups or e-mail lists.
[17:18] <Demiurge1000> We don't need to list the person's Facebook AND personal website AND twitter AND Myspace and and and...
[17:18] <Emw> i recently released a prototype of a new mediawiki extension to enable interactive 3d models of proteins and DNA:
[17:18] <Emw> any feedback would be appreciated
[17:18] <Demiurge1000> if their Twitter (or whatever) is so important, they can link to it from their own personal website
[17:20] <Emw> the idea behind the extension is to allow users with modern browsers to rotate and zoom into biological structures on wikipedia articles
[17:20] <Emw> in a way that doesn't involve java applets
[17:20] <Demiurge1000> "The tribes Daci Magni (Great Dacians), [[Costoboci]] ( The Costoboci are generally considered Dacian subtribes{{sfn|Waldman |Mason |2006|p=205}}) and [[Carpians|Carpi]] remained outside the Roman empire, in what the Romans called ''Dacia Libera'' (Free Dacia)." Seems the Romans, unlike Americans, considered countries *other* than themselves to be free :)
[17:22] <Soapy> time to email the overisghters again
[17:23] <OlEnglish> anyone know what article #4,000,000 was?
[17:23] <Soapy> yeah
[17:24] <Soapy> some place in Egypt
[17:24] <Soapy> I'll get the link
[17:24] <OlEnglish> and who created it?
[17:24] <Soapy> Im surprised there's no WP:4000000
[17:24] <Soapy>
[17:24] <Soapy> user:Meno25 was the original creator
[17:24] <MJ94> would campaigning for office fall under G11?
[17:25] <Soapy> and its cool because afawk Meno25 wasnt specifically trying to get the 4000000th article
[17:25] <Soapy> it was just by chance
[17:25] <MJ94> ie: check out x's facebook, twitter. www.candidatehere/candidateforpresident/
�06[17:26] * MJ94 stabs Soapy with a question mark
[17:26] <Soapy> question marks arent very sharp
�06[17:26] * Soapy is still unharmed
[17:27] <Soapy> and I dont really have a good answer to your question
�06[17:27] * MJ94 runs some water on Soapy 
[17:27] <Soapy> that stuff's never been my strong point
[17:28] <MJ94> Candidate for U.S. House Of Representatives from Florida District 19.
[17:28] <MJ94> a7?
[17:28] <MJ94> what if the article's creator himself deleted the CSD tag
[17:28] <MJ94> bah
[17:29] <Soapy> oh that sounds fun
[17:29] <Soapy> if he s a Republican we should delete
[17:29] <Soapy> if not , keep
[17:29] <haggis> BarkingFish: I do
[17:29] <MJ94> Soapy: amen
[17:29] <MJ94> he is
[17:29] <haggis> and I can blow away in the wind if I'm not careful
[17:29] <MJ94> but it's written like an ad, Soapy
[17:29] <haggis> jesus that's a long time :O
[17:30] <BarkingFish> haggis, you do what?
[17:30] <haggis> I don't know how big my current backpack is... but I need a new one...
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[17:32] <BarkingFish> Well I just mailed to ask if that was a mistake or not.  Seeing how cheap everything else is, a £100 backpack is just bananas
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[17:34] <WilliamH_UK> BarkingFish I'm going to email about cups
[17:34] <Riley_Huntley> Can't wait for my next stressful situation; jkjk
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[17:34] <WilliamH_UK> cups are a fantastic idea
[17:34] <WilliamH_UK> I tend to buy one whenever I'm on holiday, it's not like some silly little thing that'll struggle to make it out of the gift shop's bag
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[17:34] <WilliamH_UK> you can use it every day and be reminded of whatever it i
[17:34] <WilliamH_UK> s
[17:35] <Riley_Huntley> WilliamH_UK: When you say cups, do you mean coffee cups/mugs?
�03[17:36] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:36] <WilliamH_UK> yep
[17:37] <Riley_Huntley> Ah
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[17:39] <[Bazinga]> Logan_: hello
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[17:40] <Logan_> Hi [Bazinga].
[17:41] <[Bazinga]> Did anyone else get the survey from harvard thing again?
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[17:42] <foks> yes
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[17:43] <BarkingFish> yup
[17:43] <Soapy> yeah
[17:44] <Soapy> I probably should actually do the survey
[17:44] <BarkingFish> funny thing is, I didn't agree to take part in the update
[17:44] <Soapy> I still can hardly believe they actually sent money
[17:44] <BarkingFish> but they reckon I did
[17:44] <Soapy> real money
[17:44] <BarkingFish> I wish they'd send it again, Soapy
[17:44] <BarkingFish> i wish we'd permit paid surveys across the whole dang site
[17:44] <Soapy> after 9999999 web surveys that promise you amazing things and give nothing, there was finally a real one
�02[17:44] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[17:45] <Soapy> technically they are giving money for this one too, just not to us
[17:45] <BarkingFish> Yeah, that's the problem
[17:46] <foks> Fuck charity!
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[17:46] <BarkingFish> +1
[17:46] <BarkingFish> I donated some of my earnings from the first survey to the WMF anyhow
[17:47] <Soapy> done
[17:47] <Soapy> that was a very short survey
[17:47] <Soapy> only 10 questions
[17:47] <Soapy> i do hope some other people that are admins take the survey so that they dont get the impression all Wikipedia admins are lazy
[17:48] <Soapy> because thats what it looks like from my answers
[17:48] <Soapy> even though "lazy" and "just busy with other stuff" arent the same
[17:50] <haggis> BarkingFish: I feel bad, I didn't fully understand the survey because I did it half-assed and I gave someone nothing
[17:51] <BarkingFish> I fully understood the survey - I enjoyed it, it was fun, I too gave the person I faced absolutely sod all. I'm in it for money, money is what I wanted :)
[17:51] <Soapy> yeah someone cheated me out of $30
[17:51] <Soapy> on the original one
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[17:51] <Soapy> was it you!?!?!
[17:51] <BarkingFish> Nope
[17:52] <Soapy> @ addihockey
[17:52] <BarkingFish> In fact, it may have been
[17:52] <BarkingFish> Nobody knew who anybody was in the face to face thingy
[17:52] <Soapy> but both of you I guess
[17:52] <Soapy> youre both greeeeeeeedy
�02[17:53] * Ed17 (~anonymous@wikipedia/the-ed17) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[17:53] <BarkingFish> Well hell no. If someone offers me free money for doing something without me lifting a fucking finger, I ain't gonna say no :)
[17:54] <WilliamH_UK> in that case you should become a member of parliament
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[17:54] <Son_Gohan> lol
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[17:55] <BarkingFish> WilliamH_UK, no. The problem with that is, you need to be able to lie through your ass to become an MP
[17:55] <BarkingFish> 99% if them are very proficient at that
[17:55] <JoeJonaslover22> #music
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[17:59] <BarkingFish> ok guys, 2am, that's my lot, I'm outta here for tonight.
[18:00] <BarkingFish> See you this evening :D
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[18:16] <haggis> 5767 pages to go
[18:16] <haggis> :-)
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[18:17] <JoeJonaslover22> ikr
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[18:54] <Sven_Manguard> Anyone here familiar with Open Street Map?
[18:55] <foks> Left 4 Dead 2 is $5 on Steam.
[18:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> foks so its left to die?
[18:55] <foks> Clearly.
[18:55] <Sven_Manguard> foks: a few weeks ago I got all of Deus Ex series for about that
[18:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> left 4 dead 2's plot kind of sucks
[18:56] <foks> From Dust is only $4, very much worth that from what I've played of it
[18:56] <foks> aaand the Binding of Isaac is $1.75
[18:56] <foks> :3
[18:57] <Sven_Manguard> Shit, KotOR is 2.50
[18:57] <Sven_Manguard> I bought it for 5 last time it was on sale
[18:57] <foks> En Anglais?
[18:58] <Sven_Manguard> Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
[18:58] <Sven_Manguard> widely considered one of the best RPGs of all time
[18:59] <russavia>
[18:59] <foks> riiight
[19:00] <Sven_Manguard> foks: let me put it this way, if you are at all interested in the RPG genre, it is more than worth 2.50 USD
[19:02] <Soapy> isaac is great
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[19:03] <foks> Sven_Manguard, to be honest, most RPGs seem to be, to my mind, random encounters you can't avoid
[19:03] <foks> this is otherwise known as "Wikipedia adminning"
[19:03] <haggis> russavia: o_O
[19:03] <wctaiwan> XD
[19:03] <Matthew_> o.O Logic comes from the mouth of foks ;)
[19:03] <foks> The Binding of Isaac looks a bit ... repetitive
[19:03] <Soapy> another polandball
[19:03] <Soapy> foks: it is in some ways
[19:03] <foks> Matthew_, naturally!
[19:04] <Sven_Manguard> foks: it doesn't have random encounters, it's got better dialogue than almost any other game I've seen, and it's got lightsabers
[19:04] <foks> and chicken feathers, but
[19:04] <Soapy> but the fact that's it different every time you play gives it lots of replay value
[19:04] <Soapy> that other games dont have
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[19:04] <wctaiwan> Soapy: well, linked by russavia, so not exactly surprising.
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[19:04] <Soapy> there are people on youtube who've played the game > 100 times and uploaded each one
[19:04] <haggis> foks: kick Matthew_ until he pays his debt XD
[19:04] <foks> Soapy, suppose.
[19:04] <Soapy> I havent actually played it myself ... I dont have time and Im not a good gamer
[19:04] <Soapy> but Ive tuned in to some of the videos
[19:04] <Soapy> I think maybe that's the appeal of it for me
[19:04] <Sven_Manguard> Soapy: there's also a psychopathic assassin droid that's funnier than EDI from ME3
[19:05] <Shearonink> I'm going to solve Ready PLayer One
[19:05] <Shearonink> :D
[19:05] <Soapy> I wouldnt actually play a game liek that, but its fun to watch because it's different every time
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[19:05] <wctaiwan> Sven_Manguard: have you played Divine Divinity? It's the better of the like, 3 RPG games I've played >_>
[19:05] <foks> Play any roguelite game
[19:05] <wctaiwan> hey sigma
[19:05] <foks> it's probably the same
[19:05] <foks> :P
[19:05] <Sven_Manguard> never heard of it wctaiwan
[19:05] <wctaiwan> [[Divine Divinity]]
[19:05] <Soapy> interestingly there's been a small scale edit war on the Isaac page over whether or not it qualifies as rougelike
[19:05] <Soapy> *roguelike
[19:06] <foks> It plainly does, but
�06[19:06] * Shearonink was wondering what "rouge"like was...
[19:06] <foks> Wikipedians like to argue
[19:06] <BlastHardcheese> it means the game is all in red, obviously
[19:06] <foks> Shearonink, a Rougelike game is a game with randomly generated content
[19:07] <foks> as in, similar to the game Rouge
[19:07] <Shearonink> rouge or rogue
[19:07] <foks> ...
[19:07] <foks> oops
[19:07] <foks> Rogue.
[19:07] <foks> :3
[19:07] <Shearonink> rouge as in red or rogue as in random
[19:07] <foks> [[Rogue (video game)]], I think.
[19:07] <Shearonink> :D
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[19:07] <foks> Rogue as in "rebellious"
[19:08] <Shearonink> Hey, does anyone know if the Teahouse invite has a sig parameter?
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[19:08] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi
[19:09] <TCO_> any German speakers on the channel?
[19:09] <Soapy> Nein
[19:09] <Shearonink> nein
[19:09] <Demiurge1000> Achtung achtung!
[19:09] <Shearonink> srsly
[19:09] <Soapy> barking fish left
[19:09] <TCO_> sheize
[19:09] <Soapy> he definitely speaks German
[19:09] <WilliamH_UK> yes i speak german
[19:09] <Soapy> yay
[19:09] <TCO_> need some wiki help please
[19:09] <Shearonink> schiste might
[19:09] <TCO_> will pay a barn star
[19:10] <TCO_> how do I open a side chate with Wiliam H?
[19:10] <Soapy> depends on your IRC client
[19:10] <Soapy> I think /query WilliamH_UK
[19:10] <Soapy> will work on all
[19:10] <TCO_> I just used the connect thing
[19:11] <Sven_Manguard> Anyone here familiar with Open Street Map?
[19:11] <Shearonink> teahouse channel is dead
[19:11] <Shearonink> nope sorry sven
[19:11] <wctaiwan> I ransacked the tea house and all I got were some used tea leaves and pottery..
�03[19:11] * gudaoUbuntu (~gudaoUbun@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:12] * UnknownFork (~UnknownFo@unaffiliated/unknownfork) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[19:13] <TCO_> William could not help
�02[19:13] * gudaoUbuntu (~gudaoUbun@ Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[19:13] * bassory99_ (~bassory99@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:13] <TCO_> any other German speakers?
[19:13] <Shearonink> haha wctaiwan
[19:13] <Soapy> why not go to #de and ask?
�02[19:13] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[19:14] <WilliamH_UK> nighty night
[19:14] <Soapy> I know they get tired of English-only people coming in for help but if its important surely someone will help
[19:14] <bassory99_> hey there
�02[19:14] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
�03[19:14] * UnknownFork ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:14] <Soapy> if you do go let me know so I can go in and watch you get yelled at for being an annoying English-only speaker
[19:14] <TCO_> how do I go there?
[19:14] <TCO_> OK
[19:15] <TCO_> you can watch, too
[19:15] <Soapy> /j #wikipedia-de
[19:15] <Soapy> and i just joined by accident
[19:15] <TCO_> j #wikipedia-de
[19:15] <Soapy> but really theyre friendly
[19:15] <Soapy> how can you think ill of a channel that has "Frag nicht, ob du fragen darfst, frag einfach" on its join message?
[19:16] <russavia>  -- this one could describe this channel somewhat :)
[19:16] <Soapy> oh, i didnt even look at the first image
[19:16] <Soapy> mm
[19:16] <Soapy> thailand stereotypes
�03[19:17] * rschen7754_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:17] <russavia> love kathoey
�02[19:17] * rschen7754_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[19:17] <Soapy> vietname
[19:17] <Soapy> *Vioetnam
[19:17] <Soapy> *Vietnam
[19:19] <Soapy> Im guessing the yellow stripy flag is S Vietnam
[19:19] <russavia> 'aha
[19:19] <Soapy> hm
[19:19] <Soapy>
[19:19] <Soapy> Ive never seen a flag that has yellow as its primary color
[19:19] <Soapy> out of respect, though, I wont make fun of it
[19:19] <Soapy> because the South Vietnamese fought very bravely
[19:20] <russavia> does that include south vietnamese viet cong?
[19:20] <Soapy> yes, both sides
[19:21] <haggis> Soapy: Almost done :-DD
[19:21] <Soapy> with youer 25000 awb edits?
[19:21] <haggis> yep, only 5000 pages to go
[19:21] <haggis> sorry. 4500*
�03[19:21] * rschen7754_ (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) has left #wikipedia-en
�02[19:21] * Jan_eissfeldt ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[19:22] <TCO_> ARVN rifle for sale:  great condition.  Never fired and only dropped once!
[19:22] <haggis> TCO_: wtf
�03[19:22] * Jan_eissfeldt ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:22] <Soapy> aw
[19:22] <russavia> lool
[19:22] <TCO_> old joke, man
�03[19:22] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[19:22] <Soapy> making fun of wimpy soldiers
�02[19:22] * Rastrojo (~mongo_es@unaffiliated/rastrojo) Quit (Quit: ESPANHA UMA E NÃO CINQUENTA E UMA�)
[19:23] <Soapy> of the vietnamese
[19:23] <Sven_Manguard> Soapy: if you like yellow and red flags, Catalonia
[19:23] <haggis> Sven_Manguard: you're a commons person, amirite?
[19:23] <Sven_Manguard> Catalonia: The Spanish province that matters!
[19:23] <Sven_Manguard> haggis: yes
[19:23] <Sven_Manguard> but
[19:23] <Soapy> yellow flags seem to be for countries that dont win wars
[19:23] <Sven_Manguard> Right now my computer needs restarting
[19:23] <Sven_Manguard> so I will return soon
�02[19:23] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[19:24] <haggis> Sven_Manguard: What do I do for people who complain that I'm changing PNGs to SVGS
[19:24] <russavia> soapy --
[19:24] <haggis> If they're similar, they complain that the edit is pointless
�03[19:24] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:24] <haggis> If they're a bit different, they complain that it's controversial.
[19:24] <russavia> or my favourite -- -- which actually looks like an ETA terrorist :)
[19:25] <foks> haggis, svgs are more efficient
[19:25] <TCO_> Is there a commons channel?
[19:25] <TCO_> link?
�02[19:26] * bassory99_ (~bassory99@ Quit (Quit: bassory99_�)
�03[19:26] * bassory99 (~bassory99@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:26] <foks> #wikimedia-commons
[19:26] <TCO_> trying to get some Commons help
[19:26] <haggis> foks: I'm fully aware, but they won't listen to a word that I say.
[19:27] <foks> haggis, tell them that, since that's the truth.
[19:27] <haggis> I had to specify around 3-4 times that it's not a bot, and they're still saying that they don't like bots doing the changes.
[19:27] <haggis> There's an entire thread
[19:27] <haggis> Would you like an interesting read?
[19:27] <haggis> :-)
[19:27] <foks>
[19:27] <foks> oh right
[19:28] <foks> I wouldn't, really
[19:28] <haggis> :(
[19:28] <foks> going to bed probably.
[19:28] <haggis> support would be nice :3
[19:28] <Shearonink> russavia: that image-link you posted....
[19:28] <Fluffernutter> no bed for fokses!
[19:28] <Shearonink> it's kind of scarrrrrry...
�03[19:28] * bassory99_ (~bassory99@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:28] <foks> If you need support in numbers you're doing it wrong
[19:29] <foks> alternatively, ask in -commons
[19:29] <TCO_> how come there are a bunch of names in the commons and de channels, but no one answers?
[19:29] <TCO_> are they all asleep with the computer on?
[19:29] <foks> either way, this foks is sleepy
[19:29] <wctaiwan> foks: it's 10:30PM!
[19:29] <Shearonink> probably
[19:29] <haggis> foks: I don't want numbers, I just want different people to express their opinion :(
[19:29] <Shearonink> asleep
[19:29] <foks> TCO_, because not everyone stares at IRC all the time
[19:29] <Shearonink> ai duz
[19:29] <foks> Ping someone.
[19:29] <Shearonink> stare/stare/stare
[19:29] <foks> Night.
[19:29] <TCO_> I tried pinging AFBorchert
[19:30] <TCO_> he is mega cool
�02[19:30] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: le sigh�)
[19:30] <TCO_> like a normal person even
[19:30] <haggis> Shearonink: That is scary.
[19:30] <TCO_> not mean like a Wikipedian
�02[19:30] * bassory99 (~bassory99@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[19:31] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:31] <BlastHardcheese> the cabal is always watching
[19:32] <Demiurge1000> They sleep with one eye open, like ducks.
[19:32] <wctaiwan> shhh!
[19:32] <wctaiwan> BlastHardcheese: You know too much.
[19:32] <haggis> the addicabal has a plan in stock
�03[19:32] * co_zupper (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:33] <TCO_> I am trying to get this picture for the Wiki:
[19:33] <TCO_> To make my fluorine article even more awesome than it already is
�02[19:33] * bassory99_ (~bassory99@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
�03[19:34] * LtNOWIS|away is now known as LtNOWIS
[19:34] <russavia> TCO_ email them and ask permission
[19:35] <TCO_> I already tried
[19:35] <TCO_> I want a German speaker to try
[19:35] <TCO_> I got no repsonse
[19:35] <TCO_> I have done a lot of email permissions
[19:35] <TCO_> maybe 10 or so
[19:35] <TCO_> I just want some help for once...
�03[19:37] * Luvbutrfly ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[19:40] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Later!�)
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[19:41] <russavia> ask at COM:VP
[19:41] <russavia> someone will likely lend a helping hand
�03[19:42] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:43] <Sven_Manguard> I'm back
[19:43] <TCO_> how od I get to com vp?
�03[19:43] * cerabounce (~k@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:43] <Sven_Manguard> TCO_: if you're thinking valued pictures on Commons the process is well outlined there
[19:43] <TCO_> link?
[19:43] <Sven_Manguard> also, the #wikimedia-commons channel would be more helpful to commons questions
[19:44] <Sven_Manguard> link is in the other channel, gift of russavia
[19:44] <Sven_Manguard> [Bazinga]: were you the one that wanted help with something before I restarted?
�03[19:45] * Titoxd_ (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:45] <Sven_Manguard> haggis:
[19:45] <Sven_Manguard> w/e
[19:49] <TCO_> OK, I asked there
�02[19:50] * co_zupper (~chatzilla@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[19:53] <TCO_> I asked at commons also
[19:53] <TCO_> channel is dead
[19:53] <wctaiwan> TCO_: post on commons
[19:53] <TCO_> I did
[19:53] <wctaiwan> don't expect people to be available on IRC...
[19:53] <wctaiwan> then wait
[19:53] <wctaiwan> why the impatience?
[19:53] <TCO_> wheel...oil desire...squeek
�03[19:54] * My76Strat_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:54] <TCO_> I tried a while ago on my own
[19:54] <TCO_> and also tried the DE VP
[19:54] <Fluffernutter> squeaky wheels sometimes just get hit with a sledgehammer..
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�03[19:54] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:54] <TCO_> Brittney spears sings a song about a schoolgirl wanting to get hit one more time
�03[19:55] * My76Strat_ is now known as My76Strat
[19:55] <wctaiwan> Fluffernutter: may I borrow said sledgehammer for a sec?
[19:58] <Fluffernutter> heh
�03[19:59] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:59] <TCO_> I left messages with Saibo and with AFBorchert
[19:59] <TCO_> AFB is like one of the nicest people at Wiki
[19:59] <TCO_> Saibo has some retirement thing on his page
[20:00] <Fluffernutter> i think saibo has been continually in a state of ragequitting for a year now
[20:01] <wctaiwan> one of the hardliners wrt. the image situation, no?
[20:02] <Sven_Manguard> TCO_: ignore Saibo's claim of retirement. He's all pissy over something that the WMF did, and....
�03[20:02] * ty is now known as ty|hw
[20:02] <Sven_Manguard> oh, Fluffernutter got to it already
[20:03] <Sven_Manguard> wctaiwan: no, this was that pedo-block a few months ago
[20:03] <wctaiwan> oh.
[20:03] <Sven_Manguard> Saibo thinks it's WMF power abuse
[20:03] <wctaiwan> Meh.
�02[20:03] * dan64 ( Quit (Excess Flood�)
�02[20:04] * co_zupper (~chatzilla@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�02[20:05] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[20:05] <TCO_> I just want someone from the German Wiki to help the American Wiki
�03[20:05] * co_zupper (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:05] <wctaiwan> Oi, not the american wiki.
�02[20:06] * Maccer (~Maccer@ Quit (Excess Flood�)
[20:06] <Sven_Manguard> American Wiki!
[20:06] <wctaiwan> International English Wiki!
[20:06] <TCO_> I want a picture from a German university
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�02[20:06] * Tiagoroth ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[20:06] <TCO_> of some shiny lab piping and valve manifolds and explosion sheild
[20:06] <TCO_> for fluorine pipin
[20:06] <TCO_> piping
[20:06] <wctaiwan> You know what's an american wiki?
�06[20:06] * wctaiwan grins
[20:06] <wctaiwan> the flag's right up there.
[20:07] <TCO_> seriously:  check out this picture:  it is bitching:
[20:07] <Soapy> so the #de people didnt help?
[20:08] <TCO_> They are all sleeping
[20:08] <TCO_> so are the we can just be rebs here
[20:08] <Soapy> yeah I suppose its a bad time of day to go to a European channel
�03[20:10] * dan64 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:13] <TCO_> The conservapedia article on fluorine is not as good as mine.  First two paras are actually pretty decent (for a short version).  But then the last para is some water fluoridation conspiracy stuff
[20:13] <TCO_> no pictures either
�03[20:14] * ktron ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:14] <DeltaQuad> Sven_Manguard: you being lazy in joining channels :P (LisaBot is back)
�03[20:15] * co_zupper (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:15] <Sven_Manguard> DeltaQuad: SPI is soul-crushingly boring and I'm tired
[20:16] <DeltaQuad> :P
�02[20:17] * co_zupper (~chatzilla@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[20:17] <Sven_Manguard> DeltaQuad: congrats, BTW
[20:18] <DeltaQuad> ty
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Session Start: Mon Jul 23 16:23:13 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[16:23] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[16:23] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: | 4 million articles!�'
�03[16:23] * Set by RD!~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060 on Sun Jul 22 18:04:05
[16:23] #wikipedia-en url is
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[16:24] <geniice>
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[16:24] <BarkingFish> yeah
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[16:25] <Isarra> Ignoring it feels rude.
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[16:25] <BarkingFish> I can't get in, firefox sends back "unable to establish a connection to the server at - the server may be overloaded or busy, please try again later"
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Session Start: Mon Jul 23 16:54:38 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
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�03[16:54] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: | 4 million articles!�'
�03[16:54] * Set by RD!~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060 on Sun Jul 22 18:04:05
[16:54] #wikipedia-en url is
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[17:04] <almanac_ofp> lol you guys are still full of advertisement
[17:05] <almanac_ofp> i'm gonna use encarta 97 until "how to rap" has been wiped off the face of the earth
[17:05] <Dcoetzee> almanac_ofp: Would you like to nominate [[How to Rap]] for deletion? If so I could assist you with that.
[17:06] <BarkingFish> we're not stopping you. As published material, we're entitled and allowed to cite it as a source for quotes and suchlike, we can use it for references in articles etc.
�03[17:06] * Venusaur is now known as kagami
[17:06] <almanac_ofp> i don't want to deal with this, i just wanted to point it out because i have mirc installed and this is irritating
[17:06] <almanac_ofp> and i thought it was funny
�03[17:06] * Firebolt (sactage@countervandalism/staff/Sactage) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:07] <BarkingFish> if you don't like what we're doing here - you don't have to come back.  You're welcome to use your seriously out of date CD encyclopedia built for Windows 95.
[17:07] <Dragonfly6-7> almanac_ofp - hey?
[17:07] <Dragonfly6-7> almanac_ofp - tell me what exactly is wrong with that article?
[17:07] <Dragonfly6-7> the book was published by major publishers, translated into multiple languages....
[17:07] <almanac_ofp> well, for one thing, it's shilled in almost every single hip-hop-related page
[17:07] <Dragonfly6-7> has a bunch of interviews with high-level rappers
[17:07] <almanac_ofp> and by shilled i mean name-dropped
[17:07] <almanac_ofp> ya name-dropper
[17:07] <Dragonfly6-7> almanac_ofp - ah. Then we might as well purge it from those.
[17:08] <Dragonfly6-7> One article on it, yes. A name-drop everywhere else, no.
[17:08] <almanac_ofp> indeed
[17:08] <almanac_ofp> hell, the article for "rapping" has had it in the first paragraph for like, months
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> I'm honestly suspicious of this book.
[17:08] <Dragonfly6-7> thanks for bringing this to our attention
[17:08] <almanac_ofp> i know, it's freaky, right?
[17:08] <almanac_ofp> np
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> It is widely published, but most of the interviewed rappers are small players.
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> It hasn't been on any sort of bestseller list.
[17:08] <Dragonfly6-7> XXL magazine said "over 100 rappers have offered their insight on the artform for aspiring wordsmiths"[13], while Yale University Press's Anthology of Rap referred to How to Rap's "rich array of interviews with old school and new school artists,"[14] and Oxford University Press's How to Fix Copyright recommended How to Rap for a good "general" overview.[15]
[17:09] <Dragonfly6-7> Dana Gioia, poet and former chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts wrote, “How To Rap marks a cultural coming-of-age for Hip-Hop… [it] is the first comprehensive poetics of this new literary form.
[17:09] <BarkingFish> Dragonfly6-7, it's used as a reference on multiple articles.  Are we really going to say that printed, published material is not an RS?
[17:09] <almanac_ofp> it's obvious that this guy has conducted a massive-scale marketing campaign on wikipedia
[17:10] <almanac_ofp> and amazon reviews too i think, though those may have been deleted since
[17:10] <Dragonfly6-7> Please hold.
[17:10] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Plenty of printed, published material is not an RS, obviously :-P
�03[17:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shirik
Session Close: Mon Jul 23 17:10:45 2012

Session Start: Mon Aug 06 23:38:49 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[23:38] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[23:38] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[23:38] * Set by foks!~sup@wikipedia/fox on Mon Aug 06 07:59:01
�05[23:38] [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff:
[23:38] #wikipedia-en url is
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Session Start: Wed Aug 08 01:23:30 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[01:23] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[01:23] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[01:23] * Set by RD on Tue Aug 07 10:41:41
[01:23] #wikipedia-en url is
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[03:52] <muzammil> hello
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[04:23] <IRWolfie-> Fasttimes68: and another one admits he is a paid advocate
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[04:49] <wctaiwan> I'm sure y'all have already seen this but
[04:49] <wctaiwan> interesting, though it doesn't look more practical than the current design to me..
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[05:08] <koishi> i think this is a joke site
[05:09] <koishi> yeah this is a joke
[05:09] <koishi> i really don't know why people bother with this crap anymore
[05:09] <koishi> i wish they'd stop
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[05:14] <foks> as I said before, wikipediaredefined is nothing more than a design project undertaken to pad out a folio
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[05:32] <geniice> why can't they do it in an interesting way?
[05:32] <geniice> say a steampunk wikipedia skin
[05:35] <foks> ew
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[05:45] <geniice> foks you don't like steampunk?
[05:46] <closedmouth> does anybody?
[05:47] <geniice> The first[3][4] Steamcon was held October 23–25, 2009[5] at the Seattle Airport Marriott in Seatac, Washington. The convention in its first year had 1,350 people attend
[05:47] <geniice>
[05:47] <geniice> so aparently yes
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[05:49] <Qcoder02> Steampunk Wikipedia?
[05:49] <Qcoder02> You mean a sort of automated rolodex? with selectors?
[05:49] <foks> Steampunk is awful
[05:49] <mareklug> how could you not like that:
[05:49] <foks> Bioshock is the only decent thing to ever come from steampunk
[05:50] <closedmouth> that was dieselpunk
[05:50] <closedmouth> not much steam involved
[05:50] <foks> ah whatever
[05:51] <geniice> Qcoder02 no I mean a skin with heavy use of steampunk motifs
[05:51] <Qcoder02> Oh
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[05:52] <geniice> so a colour scheme of brown with brass highlights. buttons that look like leavers that kind of thing
[05:53] <geniice> anyway got to go camera lenses to buy
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[05:54] <foks> YAY
[05:54] <foks> finally got giffgaff working
[05:54] <foks> Giffgaff btw is the only mobile provider I can think of that advocates jailbreaking as a method of unlocking an iPhone.
[05:55] <foks> fact
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[06:47] <Anna_Frodesiak> anyone here good with hatnotes?
[06:48] <closedmouth> yeah
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak> ah good
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak> mainstream media is using the term Mars Rover a lot
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak> so people google it and arrive at
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak> but the real whopper article is
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak> maybe hatnotes are in order at:
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[06:48] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[06:49] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[06:49] <closedmouth> oh ggod my connection falling to pieces again
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[06:49] <Anna_Frodesiak> not sure how to handle that
[06:49] <yrtneg> maybe ... ?
[06:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> right i forgot about that one
�02[06:50] * ExtinguishedFire ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]�)
[06:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> that's about the vehicle
[06:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> of course a page move isn't needed
[06:50] <Anna_Frodesiak> just a few hatnotes maybe
[06:51] <Anna_Frodesiak> not sure.
[06:51] <closedmouth> eh, it's mentioned in the lead
[06:51] <Anna_Frodesiak> so many articles and links
[06:52] <Anna_Frodesiak> funny that the article getting all the hits is the hardest to find
[06:52] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[06:53] <mareklug> is it linked from the main page?
[06:53] <closedmouth> probably linked from a blog or something
[06:53] <Anna_Frodesiak> ah
[06:53] <Anna_Frodesiak> i guess this one is taking over the traffic
[06:53] <Anna_Frodesiak>
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[06:54] <Anna_Frodesiak> sorry folks. it's probably just fine and i'm the only one confused
[06:55] <closedmouth> would you refer to it as the current american rover? are there any others that can be defined as that?
[06:55] <Anna_Frodesiak> ?
[06:55] <closedmouth> {{for|the current American rover expedition|Curiosity rover}}
[06:55] <Anna_Frodesiak> i'm just trying to see it from the point of view of people who read about it in the paper then try to find the enwp article on it
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[06:56] <Anna_Frodesiak> maybe a temp hatnote at
[06:56] <Anna_Frodesiak> ?
[06:56] <Anna_Frodesiak> dollars to donuts that's what they are all searching at enwp
[06:56] <mareklug> are you sure the others are inoperative ?  maybe "latest" is safest.
[06:57] <Frood> omg
[06:57] <Frood> it's supposed to rain today
[06:57] <Frood> :D
[06:57] <Anna_Frodesiak> "current" is good
[06:57] <yrtneg> Which rover just landed?
[06:57] <closedmouth> mareklug: that's what i was wondering
[06:58] <Anna_Frodesiak> curiosity
[06:58] <Anna_Frodesiak> the one made of leggo
[06:58] <yrtneg> ok
[06:58] <mareklug> curiosity.  but opportunity might still be "current".   and the orbiting robots are "current"
[06:58] <Anna_Frodesiak> true
[06:58] <yrtneg> We goin' to MARS, son
[06:58] <Anna_Frodesiak> so "recently landed"
[06:58] <yrtneg> united states of SPACE
[06:59] <mareklug> latest, Anna.  smile, true, clear.
[06:59] <closedmouth> yrtneg: get your ass to mars
[06:59] <Anna_Frodesiak> latest, ok
[06:59] <Frood> who decided it's okay for America to invade not only countries, but now planets!?
[06:59] <yrtneg> Why are most people active at night?
[07:00] <yrtneg> frood: for science.
[07:00] <closedmouth> america did
[07:00] <closedmouth> you monster
[07:00] <yrtneg> the uss
[07:00] <yrtneg> united states of space
[07:01] <Frood> nono, united space of america
[07:01] <mareklug> india said it plans to send a mission to mars, so…  it's anyone who has the technology
[07:01] <Anna_Frodesiak> so is the only one?
[07:01] <Anna_Frodesiak> that could use a hatnote to curiosity i guess
[07:01] <Anna_Frodesiak> does that make sense?
[07:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> that will get visitors in the loop
[07:02] <yrtneg> -.- is K in morse
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[07:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> {{For|the latest vehicle to land on Mars|Curiosity rover}}
[07:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> is that ok?
[07:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> tweaks?
[07:05] <closedmouth> already done
[07:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> ah
[07:05] <mareklug> yrtneg:  my client reported that an impassive emoticon is K in morse
[07:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> american?
[07:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> aren't they all?
[07:05] <mareklug> so far
[07:05] <closedmouth> beagle!
[07:06] <yrtneg> russian.
[07:06] <yrtneg> and uk-ian.
[07:06] <mareklug> i think the russians landed something that broke
[07:06] <Anna_Frodesiak> hahahaha
[07:06] <Anna_Frodesiak> funny
[07:06] <yrtneg> Mars 2, Prop-M rover, 1971, landing failed.
[07:06] <yrtneg> Mars 3, Prop-M rover, 1971, communication failure after landing.
[07:07] <yrtneg> So is the rover connected to a super-stong wifi network?
[07:07] <Anna_Frodesiak> N. Korea just send one that will search for potatoes and send them back
[07:08] <Anna_Frodesiak> closedmouth: thanks :)
[07:08] <yrtneg> That octopus?
[07:08] <Anna_Frodesiak> i wonder if that'll increase traffic
[07:08] <yrtneg> Give him boots
[07:08] <yrtneg> and send him to NORTK KOREA
[07:09] <haggis>
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[07:18] <yrtneg> haggis: She looks and sounds like OAG
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[07:26] <mysterytrey> So are admins allowed to tag things with CSDs and such and pass on to other admins or must they take care of it themselves?
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�03[07:28] * jc39 (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:29] <jc39> Hullo, copyright issues on Main Page.
[07:29] <jc39>
[07:29] <yrtneg> hmm
[07:30] <yrtneg> Worse, the main page.
[07:30] <SerajewelKS> mysterytrey: admins can CSD-tag things if they want
[07:30] <SerajewelKS> mysterytrey: though it's not really any harder to just delete the page
[07:31] <mysterytrey> And if they're unsure they can just pass it on to someone else?
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[07:32] <yrtneg> [[WP:C-P]]
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[07:35] <yrtneg> Well none of the text on the main page is actually WRITTEN, /on/, the main page
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[07:41] <mysterytrey> SerajewelKS: And if they're unsure they can just pass it on to someone else?
[07:42] <afat> lol
[07:42] <afat> how can I get a wikipedia clock?
[07:42] <afat> cloak?
[07:43] <yrtneg> Um
[07:43] <yrtneg> I forgot lol
[07:43] <yrtneg> join #wikimedia-ops, ask there maybe
[07:43] <afat> ok
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�03[07:49] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:49] <jc39> Hello,
[07:49] <jc39> is a legit WMF account?
�03[07:49] * lukas23 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:49] <jc39> bit fishy imo
[07:50] <yrtneg> Bit fishy to me as well
[07:51] <jc39> HELLO
�03[07:51] * Mdann52 (~androirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[07:54] <wctaiwan> el fokso isn't here :(
[07:54] <wctaiwan> but for those of you who were similarly frustrated with the doodle yesterday:
[07:54] <wctaiwan> (oh and there's a new one today <g>)
�03[07:55] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[07:56] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:56] <wctaiwan> foks!
[07:56] <yrtneg> lolgoogle
[07:56] <wctaiwan> [22:51:56] <wctaiwan> el fokso isn't here :(
[07:56] <wctaiwan> [22:52:09] <wctaiwan> but for those of you who were similarly frustrated with the doodle yesterday:
�02[07:57] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: *poof*�)
�03[07:58] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[07:58] <foks> wctaiwan, el fokso, I like
[07:59] <wctaiwan> :p
[08:00] <foks> also, looool
[08:00] <yrtneg> also, TF2.
[08:00] <yrtneg> also Hey foks!
[08:01] <foks> Hiiii
�03[08:06] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[08:07] * VZP10224 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:08] <foks> guh, PAC codes
�03[08:13] * tkazec (~msk@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[08:14] * Anurag2k12 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[08:15] <haggis> foks: hey
�03[08:16] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[08:16] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[08:26] <Tony_Sidaway> I figured out how to make irssi work with SSL ids from a remote shell account in Sweden. I suppose that means I'm officially either paranoid or simply geeky enough to want to try that sort of thing. Probably the latter.
[08:27] <Tony_Sidaway> What I cannot yet do is figure out the simple instructions on the freenode web page about the tor gateway.
[08:27] <mysterytrey> Hah.
[08:28] <Tony_Sidaway> Once I get that working I'll be able to use the cjb account.
[08:30] <Tony_Sidaway> The big advantage of cjb (which is in all other respects a horrible environment for anything) is that it's a throw-away account. If by chance you lock yourself or mess up the shell environment (say, by trying for the umpteenth time to make Ruby on Rails work in that environment) then you just go to the website and reset it.
[08:31] <Tony_Sidaway> So it's a fail-many-times, succeed-once, kind of environment. You just keep plugging away until it works.
[08:31] <Tony_Sidaway> Then you tar it all up as insurance for your next umpteen failures.
�06[08:31] * haggis tazes Tony_Sidaway
[08:32] <afat> can you configure SASL  for cjb?
[08:32] <Tony_Sidaway> afat: that is my next project.
�02[08:32] * puffin ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[08:32] <afat> nice.
[08:33] <Tony_Sidaway> I think I've proven to my own satisfaction that I cannot produce a Ruby build on cjb that is stable enough to host Rails.
�03[08:33] * puffin (~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:33] <afat> lol if you manage tell me how
�02[08:34] * MartijnWerk (~MartijnH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[08:35] <afat> I tried SASL on it but failed I guess.
�02[08:36] * nickanc (~Nickanc@wikimedia/Nickanc) Quit (Quit: Sto andando via�)
[08:36] <Tony_Sidaway> When you're running rails (and particularly under rvm) on your home system you don't realise what a diskspace hog it is. I built Rails on Polarhome but then ran out of space needed to run bundle install on the simples apps!
[08:36] <Tony_Sidaway> cjb has oodles of space but it's a fundamentally brain-damaged environment.
�03[08:36] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:36] <afat> yup
[08:37] <afat> every goodies were stripped out I think.
[08:37] <Tony_Sidaway> shellmix sort-of works but I had to tunnel git's ssh via cjb just to be able to push to heroku.
�02[08:38] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[08:38] * Frood is now known as MarchingFrood
[08:39] <afat> best option is to pay for a VPS . I mean u get root on them.
[08:39] <Tony_Sidaway> afat: I think the main problem with cjb is that it's a stitched-together Frankenstein system designed by somebody who is using it as an experiment in jail techniques.
�02[08:39] * koishi ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�02[08:39] * schiste_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[08:39] <afat> haha
[08:39] <afat>  yeah
�03[08:40] * Report (5aca191a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:40] <afat> nmap was still working some months back but it was damaged. pings dont work...
[08:40] <Report> Hello
[08:41] <afat> its a wonder that gcc still works.
[08:41] <Report> I decided what I want to write that report on wikipedia about
�03[08:41] * dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
[08:41] <Tony_Sidaway> Pings probably don't work because pinging via tor is a bit of a pointless exercise.
[08:41] <Report> I have decided to title my report "Wikipedia's greatest weapon : Addiction"
[08:41] <Report> Is it Ok if I title it that way
�03[08:41] * Anurag2k12 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:42] <Tony_Sidaway> Report: you wouldn't be the first person to write about that aspect of Wikipedia.
[08:43] <Report> So
[08:43] <foks> Report, you can title it whatever you like :)
[08:43] <Tony_Sidaway> But all insights into our condition are welcome.
[08:43] <Report> Are you all the victims of addiction?
[08:43] <Tony_Sidaway> That would be telling.
[08:46] <Report> I hope you won'y block me from reading wikipedia for my report
[08:46] <Report> won't
�03[08:46] * Dave898 (457889b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:47] <Pharos>
�03[08:48] * Tiptoety (~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:49] <Tony_Sidaway> afat: I'm configuring cpan in an effort to get the SASL script given on the freenode tor page to work.
[08:49] <Tony_Sidaway> afat: on cjb that is.
[08:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Report: nobody is blocked from reading Wikipedia. Even if we wanted to do so, which is very doubtful, we couldn't do it.
[08:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Report: we wouldn't block you from editing either unless your conduct on the wiki caused problems.
[08:51] <afat> ok
[08:52] <Tony_Sidaway> afat: oh well, cpan is broken. I'll probably just have to get out and push.
�03[08:52] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:53] <afat> hehe
�03[08:53] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
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�02[08:57] * Dave898 (457889b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
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�02[09:08] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
�03[09:09] * koishi ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[09:10] * DoRD (~DoRD@wikipedia/Department-of-Redundancy-Department) Quit (Quit: Bye!�)
�06[09:10] * Fluffernutter yawns
�02[09:10] * KarjamP ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[09:11] <Pharos> is not yawn-worthy
�03[09:15] * DoRD (~DoRD@wikipedia/Department-of-Redundancy-Department) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[09:16] * DoRD is now known as DoRD|away
[09:16] <LikeLakers2> apparently my internet is having a vacation
[09:16] <LikeLakers2> FUCK
�03[09:16] * Simeondahl ( has left #wikipedia-en
[09:16] <LikeLakers2> No seriously, I am mad as heck right now
�03[09:17] * TheBanner_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[09:24] <Fluffernutter> embarrassing: being thirty years old and finding yourself doing that thing kids do, where they jump and reach because they're too short to reach what they need. Especially when your 6'2 coworker looks down and is like "...would you like me to get that for you?"
�02[09:25] * \h (mh0@unaffiliated/mh0) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[09:25] <foks> aww
�06[09:25] * Fluffernutter needs to grow
[09:25] <wctaiwan> bit late for that >.>
[09:26] <Fluffernutter> surely someone will invent a way for adults to grow
[09:26] <Fluffernutter> ...that doesn't involve breaking and extending their bones in risky surgery
�03[09:27] * mh0 (mh0@unaffiliated/mh0) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[09:29] * DJMalik (b5b65fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[09:30] * VZP10224 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving...�)
[09:31] <DJMalik> Hola
[09:32] <Mdann52> Bonjourno!
�03[09:32] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[09:32] <DJMalik> O____O
[09:32] <Tony_Sidaway> Fluffernutter: talk big and carry a stepladder.
�03[09:32] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:33] <Fluffernutter> heh
�03[09:33] * [Me]123 (~Me]123@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[09:35] * DJMalik is now known as Bradford
�02[09:35] * DARTHSIDIOUS2 (DARTHSIDIO@wikipedia/DARTH-SIDIOUS-2) Quit (*.net *.split�)
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[09:36] <Nascar1996> LOL
�03[09:36] * DARTHSIDIOUS2 (DARTHSIDIO@wikipedia/DARTH-SIDIOUS-2) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[09:36] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[09:37] <Bradford> Hi
�03[09:37] * nprice (~nprice@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[09:37] <Bradford> Hey Nascar1996, ;:
[09:38] <Nascar1996> Hi
�02[09:39] * Topher385 (629dc974@wikipedia/Topher385) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
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[09:40] <Fluffernutter> my watchlist hasn't moved in like 45 minutes now
[09:41] <Fluffernutter> where the hell is everyone today
�03[09:41] * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:41] <Bradford> Hay alguien acá
[09:41] <Maryana> fluffernutter: i think it's because we semi-protected everything after last night's steven colbert outburst
�03[09:42] * jc33 (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:43] <Fluffernutter> what did colbert do?
�02[09:43] * Tiptoety (~Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[09:43] <Maryana> he told everyone to go edit the articles of people they want as romney's VP pick
[09:44] <Fluffernutter> oh, that
[09:44] <Fluffernutter> sigh
[09:44] <Krenair> wtf
[09:44] <jc33>
[09:45] <Fluffernutter> "colbert" should totally be a valid protection reason at all times
[09:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> {{Colbert}}
[09:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> create it
[09:46] <jc33> rd's
�03[09:46] * Fasttimes68 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[09:47] * nprice (~nprice@ Quit (*.net *.split�)
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[09:47] <Fluffernutter> nah, we need a template that says like, "You saw this on Colbert, didn't you? Sorry, this article is temporarily protected from editing so that a flood of people who saw the same thing don't mess with it"
[09:47] <MJ94> Is reliable? :P
[09:48] <Fluffernutter> it's an opinion piece, so probabky not
[09:48] <MJ94> that's what I thought
[09:48] <jc33>
[09:48] <MJ94> Fluffernutter: I just wanted it for the Jay Leno line - can I use it then?
[09:49] <Fluffernutter> i would say not, MJ94. Surely there's somewhere more reputable that reported on what Leno *exactly* said?
[09:50] <Bradford> Hola
[09:51] <MJ94> Fluffernutter: Thanks :)
�03[09:51] * thomas is now known as website
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[09:56] <Bradford> Hey Mdann52
[09:57] <Bradford> Hilsner venner
[09:57] <Bradford> Greetings amikoj
[09:57] <Bradford> Поздрави приятели
[09:58] <Bradford> Bye
[09:58] <foks> ok
[09:59] <Bradford> foks: What do you mean by ok
[10:00] <foks> just ok
�02[10:00] * jc33 (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�)
[10:00] <Bradford> foks: I do not understand but good
�02[10:00] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�02[10:01] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[10:01] <Fluffernutter> okay then
�03[10:03] * mysterytrey ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:08] <Bradford> See you later
�03[10:08] * Bradford (b5b65fcb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
�02[10:08] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[10:08] * James_F (~jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:08] <foks> ok
�03[10:09] * jc33 (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:12] <jc33> Why are all IPv6 address unable to edit at Wikiversity?
�03[10:12] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:12] <jc33> *addresses
[10:13] <Fluffernutter> maybe they've somehow blocked them? though that would be a strange thing to do
[10:13] <Mdann52> You should be able to edit on a IPv6 address
[10:13] <foks> Wikiversity isn't really what this channel discusses
�03[10:13] * liberaldudette (~mark@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:13] <Mdann52> I've not known a widespread issue
[10:13] <foks> Because they're <s>savages</s> not related to us very strongly
[10:14] <Mdann52> (normally, I'd link to WP:NPA here)
�03[10:14] * foks is now known as foks|vaek
[10:14] <foks|vaek> but you agree, correct?
[10:14] <foks|vaek> ;)
�06[10:14] * Fluffernutter personally attacks foks
[10:15] <foks|vaek> I'm teasing. Also, afk
�03[10:17] * Mdann52_temp (~androirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:18] <haggis> Fluffernutter: npa.
�03[10:19] * tonynoname3 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:19] <Fluffernutter> {{nono}}
[10:19] <Fluffernutter> ^whenever i see that template used i wonder what the person who named it was thinking
�03[10:19] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:19] * tonynoname3 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
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[10:21] <Pharos> come and see the violence inherent in the system!
�06[10:22] * Apheori blows up the system.
[10:22] <jc33> Pharos, since you're with the WMF
[10:22] <Pharos> i am no such thing!
[10:22] <jc33> do you know any "James Nolan"? It's *veeery* fishy, imo -
[10:22] <Ironholds> jc33: he's not, but I am. thanks.
�02[10:23] * TheCavalry (~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[10:23] <jc33> o
�02[10:23] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
[10:23] <haggis> Fluffernutter: Could you do some deletes for me?
[10:23] <Pharos> I am only with the WWF
[10:23] <Fluffernutter> deletes of what, haggis?
[10:24] <Apheori> Are walruses involved?
�02[10:24] * jc33 (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) Quit (Quit: walruses are not involved.�)
�03[10:24] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:24] <haggis> Fluffernutter:
[10:24] <haggis> it's on commons
[10:25] <haggis> Magog is just being a troll.
[10:25] <Fluffernutter> um
[10:25] <Fluffernutter> it has keeplocal
[10:25] <haggis> for no reason, magog tagged it as non-free in canada and it was proven free.
[10:26] <haggis> I'd revert it (again) but that'd be edit warring.
�03[10:26] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has left #wikipedia-en
�02[10:26] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�02[10:26] * Mdann52_AFK (~androirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[10:26] <Ironholds> grr
�03[10:26] * Mdann52_AFK (~androirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:26] <Ironholds> WMF impersonaters get on my tits.
�06[10:26] * Fluffernutter impersonates the entire WMF. At once.
�06[10:26] * Apheori impersonates Ironholds.
[10:26] <foks|vaek> Hey
�06[10:26] * Apheori impersonates Fluffernutter impersonating the entire WMF.
[10:26] <Fluffernutter> haggis: i;m not doing anything to that file. Fight it out or whatever
[10:26] <foks|vaek> surely it would be Jnolan?
[10:27] <Ironholds> there's that too
�02[10:27] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
[10:27] <Ironholds> it's Max Viwe again, I think
[10:27] <foks|vaek> Not nearly as awesome sounding though.
�03[10:27] * Mdann52_AFK is now known as Mdann52
�02[10:27] * Mdann52 (~androirc@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[10:27] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:27] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:27] <foks|vaek> Well if he definitely doesn't work there...
[10:27] <foks|vaek> we gon' block?
[10:27] <Ironholds> I'm handling it
[10:28] <haggis> foks|vaek: Could you do a delete? :-) *glares at Fluffernutter*
[10:28] <foks|vaek> "vaek" means "away
[10:28] <foks|vaek> :(
[10:28] <foks|vaek> I'm eating tea
[10:28] <Ironholds> I want to CU first to verify a concern
[10:28] <haggis> away means away
[10:28] <haggis> you don't eat tea.
�03[10:28] * website is now known as thomas
[10:28] <haggis> you consume or drink it.
[10:28] <foks|vaek> you do eat tea
[10:28] <Fluffernutter> maybe YOU do
[10:28] <foks|vaek> "tea" = "dinner" = "supper"
[10:28] <Fluffernutter> but what if he's spreading the tea leaves on his toast
[10:29] <Apheori> Why isn't the creation of usernames ending with (WMF) blocked in general?
�02[10:29] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[10:29] <Apheori> I eat tea for breakfast.
[10:29] <foks|vaek> Apheori, the WMF *do* hire folk
[10:29] <Mdann52> Because it stands for Wikimedia Foundation
[10:29] <Apheori> So why can't account creators or other staff create accounts for them?
[10:29] <Apheori> They don't hire that many, do they?
[10:29] <Fluffernutter> becuase that would be way too easy, Apheori
[10:29] <haggis> Fluffernutter: then he'd be eating tea leaves.
[10:30] <haggis> Apheori: the world is employed by WMF
[10:30] <Apheori> But easy can be nice.
[10:30] <haggis> they just don't know it.
�06[10:30] * Apheori employs haggis.
[10:30] <haggis> yay
�06[10:30] * Apheori makes him move bodies for her.
[10:30] <Fluffernutter> murderess
[10:30] <haggis> these are lively bodies, right?
[10:30] <Apheori> No.
[10:30] <haggis> :O
[10:30] <haggis> good.
[10:31] <Ironholds> where do I find a steward.
[10:31] <haggis> Ironholds: #wikimedia-stewards
[10:31] <Fluffernutter> ^
�03[10:31] * DeltaQuad_ (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:31] * Trudman (~wizard@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:31] <haggis> Fluffernutter: not sure if he can see, LOL
�02[10:31] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Client Quit�)
�02[10:31] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
�02[10:31] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[10:32] <Ironholds> ta
�06[10:33] * Fluffernutter eyes her watchlist balefully
�02[10:33] * MJ94 (~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
�02[10:33] * schiste (~schiste@wikimedia/schiste) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[10:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[10:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> eyes around
�03[10:34] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:34] * DeltaQuad__ (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter I used to be a sysop like you, then I took a troll to the knee
�02[10:35] * coldplay (kat@wikia/vstf/countervandalism.KATANAGOD) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�02[10:35] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[10:35] <haggis> wait, how many edits are needed to violate 3rr?
�02[10:35] * Anurag2k12 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[10:36] * Anto|away is now known as Antonorsi
�02[10:36] * Furry (sactage@countervandalism/staff/Sactage) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[10:36] <Mdann52> 4
[10:36] <BarkingFish> 7 in total, initial edit - revert by user - edit - revert - edit - revert  - 7th in the sequence is the violation
�02[10:36] * Elchzard (Elchzard@wikia/Elchzard) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[10:36] <haggis> BarkingFish: an admin violated it :O
�03[10:37] * schiste ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:37] * schiste ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[10:37] * DeltaQuad_ (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[10:37] <Mdann52> Were they reverting vandalism though?
�06[10:37] * Apheori hits ToAruShiroiNeko with a frying pan.
[10:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> haggis one can be enough
[10:37] <BarkingFish> 3 edits + 3 reverts by one user, the 4th edit, regardless, is the breach - so 7 in total
[10:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 3rr exists as a general rule
�02[10:37] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: Lost terminal�)
[10:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if someone is disrupting the wiki that is enough to block
�02[10:38] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[10:38] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[10:38] * Mdann52 uses the same frying pan to cook an omelette
�03[10:38] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:38] * MJ94 (~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:38] <Apheori> If someone is just being silly but not really impacting much it's worth ignoring.
�06[10:38] * ToAruShiroiNeko creates a potion using the omelette
[10:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mix omlette and vampires dust
[10:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> + ninroot
�02[10:39] * agkwiki (~AGK@wikipedia/AGK) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[10:39] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:39] <foks|vaek> yay skyrim
�03[10:39] * foks|vaek is now known as foks
�03[10:40] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:40] * crazytails (UNKNOWN@unaffiliated/crazytales) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�06[10:41] * Apheori assaults foks and then kills all witnesses.
[10:41] <foks> !!
[10:41] <foks> you bitch
[10:41] <foks> >:(
[10:41] <Apheori> It works so well in skyrim.
�02[10:41] * niko (~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko) Quit (Ping timeout: 610 seconds�)
[10:42] <foks> Not for me it doesn't.
[10:42] <foks> :(
[10:42] <Apheori> Oh.
[10:42] <foks> Always with the 1000 bounty.
[10:42] <Apheori> Do you accept bribes?
�02[10:42] * tonynoname ( Quit (Quit: tonynoname�)
[10:42] <Apheori> O_o
[10:42] <foks> No.
�06[10:42] * foks is a man of honour.
�03[10:42] * tonynoname ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:42] <Apheori> I never get bounty in the first place.
[10:43] <Apheori> It helps if you're invisible.
[10:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> foks what honor?
[10:43] <foks> Apheori, indeed it does.
�06[10:43] * ToAruShiroiNeko picpockets foks and steals the honor
[10:43] <foks> ToAruShiroiNeko, honour honour!
[10:43] <foks> >:(
�06[10:43] * Apheori takes all her clothes off and runs off yelling 'I'M INVISIBLE!'
�06[10:43] * ToAruShiroiNeko picpockets the slient 'u' too
[10:43] <Pharos> that usually works in my experience
[10:43] <BarkingFish> ew. no. You're not.
[10:43] <BarkingFish> 2/10. Would not bang.
[10:44] <Apheori> Yes, well, I became a bard for a reason. >.>
[10:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I like pickpocketing yarls
�03[10:44] * niko (~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:44] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[10:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if you get pickpocketing to 100 you can pickpocket the clothes they are wearing
[10:44] <Apheori> Nobody got that reference?
[10:44] <Apheori> Tsk.
[10:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it is hilarious to see them indifferent to loose everything they have
[10:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Apheori I cannot imagine you as a bard
[10:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> remember how dark brotherhood handles bad bards
[10:45] <Apheori> You people need to read more webcomics.
�03[10:45] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:45] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:46] <Apheori> And hey, insane is good.
[10:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> really?
�02[10:46] * lfaraone__ (quasselcor@LUSTRE.MIT.EDU) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[10:46] <Apheori> Yes.
�06[10:46] * ToAruShiroiNeko hits Apheori with the wabberjack
�03[10:46] * lfaraone__ (quasselcor@LUSTRE.MIT.EDU) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yay a bunny!
�06[10:46] * Apheori sings a whithering on ToAruShiroiNeko.
�06[10:47] * Pharos is an unknown bard
�02[10:47] * afat (~proscan@unaffiliated/portrait) Quit (Quit: Lost terminal�)
[10:47] <foks> The wabberjack is shit. All it does is made crazy women approach you.
�02[10:47] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[10:47] <foks> * makes
[10:47] <foks> :(
�03[10:47] * Mdann52 (~androirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:47] * Mdann52 (~androirc@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[10:47] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:49] <Pharos> are made crazy women in the mafia?
�03[10:49] * TeeTylerToe ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:49] <foks> Escusemway?
�03[10:50] * crazytails (UNKNOWN@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:50] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[10:50] <BarkingFish> anyone know, when you send mail to Jimbo - roughly how long does he take to reply? Does he reply at all?
[10:50] <Pharos> he replies within 30 seconds of every inquiry
�02[10:50] * Trudman (~wizard@ Quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.7 sic populo comunicated�)
[10:50] <BlastHardcheese> or your money back
[10:51] <BarkingFish> 0.0
�03[10:51] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:51] <BarkingFish> you just blew my sarcasm meter to pieces :(
[10:51] <Pharos> "made man" in a new york expression
[10:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> foks isnt that awesome?
[10:51] <Pharos> it refers to a sworn member of the mafia
[10:51] <schiste> What's that jimbo thing?
[10:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish I have never gotten a reply form jimbo
[10:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> even if he asked me to mail him in person
[10:52] <foks> Jimbo sends you a hot reply within thirty minutes
[10:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think he prints each email and stores it in a cardboard box
�02[10:52] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[10:52] <foks> if it's not hot you get your next one free
[10:52] <Pharos> he prints t on pink paper and ties it with a bow
�03[10:52] * Elchzard (Elchzard@wikia/Elchzard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:52] <BarkingFish> I have had a reply in the past, ToAruShiroiNeko - but that was almost 18 months ago, and I can't remember how long he took to get back to me.
[10:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?
�02[10:53] * Jayflux ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�02[10:53] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Max SendQ exceeded�)
[10:53] <BarkingFish> nope :)
[10:53] <BarkingFish> It was during a private exchange concerning my objections to PC
�03[10:53] * Wehwalt (4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:54] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
[10:54] <foks> my cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? Guard duty.
[10:55] <Pharos> guard duty sounds better for your health
[10:55] <BarkingFish> not necessarily. Who's gonna protect you from the dragons if they get to you while nobody else is there? :P
[10:55] <Pharos> i would rather be a general than a foot-soldier in he dragon war
�03[10:56] * Lubaf ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:56] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[10:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> foks no
[10:56] <Pharos> and if not a general, then a mess cook
[10:56] <Lubaf> <- Good writing making pre-emptive jokes about bad writing.
[10:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "My cousin's out fighting dragons, and what do I get? RC patrol..."
[10:56] <foks> :D
�03[10:57] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:57] * crazytails is now known as Guest25082
[10:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> If Ulfric Stormcloak was a wikipedian how quickly would he be blocked?
�02[10:57] * Apheori (~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�02[10:57] * niko (~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[10:57] * Fasttimes68 ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
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�03[10:58] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:58] <BarkingFish> oops
[10:58] <Fluffernutter> i told you not to hit the red button
�03[10:59] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter dont worry its probably a dragon attac
�03[10:59] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they should respawn in 24 hours
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�02[11:00] * Aetitiae (~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
�06[11:00] * Mdann52 uses magic potion
[11:00] <Mdann52> It worked!
�03[11:00] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:00] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[11:01] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, My big red button disappeared. G-d only knows what happened to it.
[11:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Mdann52 no that was skooma
�03[11:02] * Aetitiae (~Aetitiae@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:02] * Aetitiae (~Aetitiae@ Quit (Changing host�)
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�06[11:03] * Mdann52 uses potion on ToAtuShirio Neko
�02[11:04] * schiste (~schiste@wikimedia/schiste) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[11:05] <Mdann52> That looks like it was my mute potion :)
�03[11:06] * kaldari (~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:08] <BarkingFish> Try using your "can't stop talking" potion. It might help.
[11:09] <BarkingFish> I remember an episode of some witch based comedy thing, trollz or something, with a spell in it that would be useful in here sometimes, Mdann52 - some kid who'd never stop yacking got this cast on them...
�03[11:10] * kaldari (~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari) has left #wikipedia-en
[11:10] <BarkingFish> "You talk, you speak, you cannot stop, you never even nip it. You're driving me insane, so will you kindly zip it?"
[11:10] <Mdann52> Ok
[11:10] <BarkingFish> Next thing - this kid has a fucking great zip across his face, in place of his mouth, and it's padlocked at one end.
[11:10] <BarkingFish> :)
[11:11] <Mdann52> :)
[11:11] <Mdann52> X-----X
�02[11:11] * niko (~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko) Quit (Ping timeout: 608 seconds�)
[11:11] <BarkingFish> Man, what I wouldn't give to cast that bitch on my sister :P
[11:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish huh?
[11:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its called domestic violence
[11:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you take someone violent and domesticate him or her
[11:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and intimidate the person you want slienced using him or her
�02[11:13] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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�03[11:17] * worm_that_turned (~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:18] <BarkingFish> Quick poll  - Do you ever feel really, really thick, when you see a joke or a riddle where the answer should be blatantly obvious, but you miss it entirely or can't think of it?
�02[11:18] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[11:18] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[11:22] <foks> BarkingFish, I think people would be lying if they didn't
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�02[11:23] * schiste ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[11:25] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Later!�)
[11:26] <Fasttimes68> nasty outside
[11:26] <Fluffernutter> ?
[11:26] <Fasttimes68> humid
[11:27] <BarkingFish> Fasttimes68, think of the poor guy who posted a pic of the weather forecast for his area from his iPhone on
[11:27] <Fasttimes68> though its nothing compared to what we got a month ago
[11:27] <Fasttimes68> im not up to date with memes
[11:28] <Fasttimes68> enlighten me
[11:28] <BarkingFish> He lives in tempe, Arizona, and at 9.23 pm last night, it was still 108° outside - over the next 5 days, it ranges daytime between 110° to 116°
[11:28] <Fasttimes68> crap.. I just found out how much my christmas present just cost
[11:29] <foks> What's 108˚ in real money?
[11:29] <Fasttimes68> i dunno, but tommorow im gonna be a racist
�03[11:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[11:29] * eir sets mode: -bo *!* eir
[11:29] <Fasttimes68> thats what you call racers, no?
[11:30] <foks> 42C
[11:30] <Fasttimes68> your seat?
[11:30] <foks> That's pretty damned hot.
[11:30] <Fasttimes68> heh
[11:31] <Fasttimes68> i could never "feel" celcius
�02[11:31] * rejuvyesh (~rejuvyesh@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[11:31] <foks> "feel"?
[11:31] <foks> Probably because you've been brought up with F
[11:31] <foks> my condolences
�03[11:31] * Coffee (kat@gateway/shell/ has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:31] * Pharos was raised a strict Kelvinist
�03[11:32] * Coffee is now known as Guest30399
[11:32] <BarkingFish> I was bought up with both thankfully, but I normally work in F, the same as when I cook, I still do all my measurements in US
[11:32] <foks> my condolences
[11:32] <foks> :P
[11:32] <Fluffernutter> C makes no sense
[11:33] <foks> none at all
[11:33] <Pharos> my people believe zero is zero is zero
[11:33] <foks> Freezing being 0? What's that about?
[11:33] <Pharos> no room for moral relativism there
[11:33] <foks> haha
[11:33] <Pharos> the only zero we recognize is Absoute Zero
[11:34] <BarkingFish> yeah, well for us, by the time we reach 0, it's already cold enough to freeze your shoes to the sidewalk :)
�02[11:36] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) Quit (Quit: peteforsyth�)
[11:36] <Pharos> negative temperatures are theAbomination in our teachings
[11:36] <Pharos> negative temperatures are a LIE
�03[11:36] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has left #wikipedia-en ("parted"�)
�03[11:37] * Furry (sactage@countervandalism/staff/Sactage) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:38] <BarkingFish> Pharos, to myself, certainly - saying that nothing is ever truly at freezing point until it hits a temperature at which by my reckoning, most life on earth would not exist, is an abomination.
[11:38] <BarkingFish> Has anything actually ever been frozen down to 0°K?
[11:39] <TeeTylerToe> close but no cigar
[11:39] <Pharos> it is impossible to reach absolute zero without divine absolution in our teachings
[11:39] <Pharos> this is due to the taint of original sin of course
�06[11:40] * BarkingFish wonders where the clock is.
[11:40] <BarkingFish> It's clearly short of a cuckoo.
[11:40] <BarkingFish> :)
[11:40] <The_Thing>
�03[11:41] * TB|Away is now known as TBloemink
�06[11:41] * Peter-C pokes BarkingFish in the eye
[11:41] <BarkingFish> ow#
�06[11:42] * BarkingFish is just finishing his dinner, home made tuna and mushroom pasta bake
�03[11:42] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:43] <Pharos> is there a good reason we don't distribute 150k free condoms at Wikimania too?
[11:43] <Pharos> think of the sposnorship possibilities
[11:43] <BarkingFish> We really should you know. Do you honestly want Wikipedians *breeding*???
�06[11:43] * BarkingFish faints at the idea
[11:44] <Peter-C> That would be 22 times a day
[11:44] <Peter-C> That would be a little more than once an hour
�03[11:44] * AndrewN[Away] is now known as AndrewN
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�03[11:44] * AndrewN (~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:45] <Pharos> WiMDC really fell short on this point
[11:47] <TeeTylerToe> wikipedians violating their sponsorships by cheating with other condom brands?
�02[11:47] * jubo2 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[11:48] <russavia> barkingfish, they'd have to get laid before they could breed ;)
[11:48] <Pharos> thank god for that
�06[11:49] * Fluffernutter has heard some rumours about extensive Wikimania hookups
[11:49] <Pharos> i hope the rumours included prorectin!
[11:49] <BarkingFish> good point. maybe distribute condoms if they can prove they're gonna get laid. {{cite diary}} :)
[11:49] <russavia> lol
[11:50] <Pharos> with 150k condoms, i think we can have some to spare
[11:50] <Fluffernutter> 149,950 or thereabouts
[11:50] <Pharos> on a good day!
[11:51] <BarkingFish> lol. maybe order a few less?
[11:51] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter; you're off by 50
�03[11:51] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[11:52] <Pharos> I guess we can pass out the 145k extras in the Hong Kong redlight district
�03[11:53] * Barras is now known as lazy
[11:53] <russavia> you can pass some over my way if you doing a sexytime photosession for commons this weekend ;)
[11:53] <Fluffernutter> ...
[11:53] <Fluffernutter> ew
[11:54] <WilliamH_UK> pahahahaha
[11:54] <Fluffernutter> and this is why, WilliamH_UK, I say that Commons is all dicks all the time
[11:54] <BarkingFish> tmi
�03[11:54] * Actress22 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:54] <WilliamH_UK> yep
[11:54] <Actress22> hello
[11:54] <WilliamH_UK> is that what you have to do to be an admin there?
[11:54] <Actress22> does use irc
[11:55] <Actress22> ??
[11:55] <Fluffernutter> pretty much, I think
[11:55] <WilliamH_UK> jesus, god knows what you have to do in order to be a CU
[11:55] <russavia> well people are always going on about low-quality cock pics on i talked to 2 guys i hooked up with last week, and we gonna do something this weekend :)
[11:55] <BarkingFish> shit. Apparently there's been an explosion at the House holding the New Zealand olympic team in London
�06[11:55] * Pharos has not posted pornographic pictures of myself on commons
[11:55] <Pharos> i'm pretty sure!
[11:55] <BarkingFish>
[11:55] <Fluffernutter> please tell me you're going to upload them under a sockpuppet, russavia. Both because you can fuck your reputation that way, and because I do NOT want to randomly come across some dick pic and be informed it belongs to you
[11:56] <russavia> fluffernutter, i will be the one taking the photos
[11:56] <russavia> and it's going to be an "educational" photoshoot lol
[11:56] <BlastHardcheese> Who hates New Zealand? Probably drunken athletes doing things they shouldn't
[11:57] <Pharos> i hate New Zealand
[11:57] <Pharos> the thiefs with the furry feets
[11:57] <Fluffernutter> "educational" is always the word commons applies to porntastic images. "It's educational! If someone needs to learn how to shove an aubergine up their behind, we can use the image to teach them!"
[11:57] <BarkingFish> Nope, it was a barbecue at the rear of Kiwi House, apparently the gas bottle exploded
[11:57] <russavia> you know why kiwis can't take their wives to the cricket?
[11:57] <russavia> because they keep jumping over the fence to eat the grass
[11:57] <BarkingFish> ouch
�03[11:58] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:58] <Pharos> is that considreed offensive?
[11:58] <Pharos> it's just their culture
[11:58] <Pharos> be open-mindede my friends
[11:58] <russavia> #truestory pharos
[11:59] <russavia> fluffernutter, we do need well done photos for commons on a range of sexual topics though
[11:59] <russavia> and we can't deny that
[11:59] <Fluffernutter> the key being well-done, really. Well, that and 'not duplicative'
[12:00] <russavia> and I will be doing the "well done" side of things
[12:00] <Pharos> should we put a call for volunteers on sitenotice?
[12:00] <Fluffernutter> volunteers for dick pictures?
[12:00] <Fluffernutter> we really don't need to recruit any more people for those
[12:00] <Matthew_> !admin I need a revdel,please.
[12:00] <russavia> pharos, i have a very strict criteria for not making me want to barf whilst doing them
[12:00] <worm_that_turned> Hi Matthew_
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[12:00] <Pharos> maybe for more varieties
[12:00] <Matthew_> worm_that_turned: PM?
�02[12:00] * lukas23 ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[12:00] <worm_that_turned> drop me a pm
[12:00] <worm_that_turned> :)
[12:01] <Actress22> o_O
[12:01] <russavia> plus, this is all part of my "training" in doing human photography
[12:01] <Pharos> have you met a human before?
[12:02] <Pharos> how to they compare to new zealanders?
[12:02] <russavia> not commenting on that one ;)
�02[12:02] * Lubaf ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[12:03] <Fluffernutter> why do we dislike kiwis, now?
�03[12:04] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:04] <Pharos> they're different
�03[12:04] * thomas is now known as evilthomas
[12:04] <russavia> kiwi's are a different breed
[12:04] <Actress22> ;/
[12:05] <Pharos> also, they're smarter and better-looking
[12:05] <russavia> smarter in the sense of them all moving to australia where they can get on the dole instead of having to work at home
�02[12:05] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: meeting�)
[12:07] <Pharos> this is a kind of smartness
�02[12:07] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�03[12:07] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:07] <Peter-C> We need to invade Canada
[12:08] <Pharos> too easy, no?
[12:08] <Pharos> i like a challenge
[12:08] <mysterytrey> London?
[12:09] <Peter-C> We just need to airdrop our navy into the great lakes
[12:09] <mysterytrey> Wikipedia should take mars.
[12:10] <Pharos> I bet the governors of NY could conquer Canada
[12:10] <BlastHardcheese> the sports team?
[12:10] <Pharos> no, the last three governors, as a fighting team
[12:10] <Pharos> spitzer, paterson, cuomo
[12:11] <Pharos> in a pinch, they could bring in pataki and cuomo sr
[12:11] <russavia> i heard france is pretty easy to invade
[12:11] <Peter-C> I hate when this happens -
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[12:13] <Pharos> have you ever *tried* invading france?
[12:13] <Pharos> more trouble than it's worth
[12:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos I tried
[12:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> turns out it was belgium
[12:13] <Pharos> exactly
[12:13] <Pharos> it's not as easy as it looks
�03[12:13] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[12:14] <Pharos> i spent 3 weeks and all i had was the louvres pyramid
[12:14] <Pharos> and that's not easy to defend
[12:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure its easy
[12:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> just grab a sledge hammer and threaten to break it
[12:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> either france will surrender or you will be sniped
[12:15] <Pharos> exactly, easy to conquer but not to defend
[12:18] <Matthew_> Am I the only one that can't get to this page: ?
�03[12:19] * tonynoname2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:19] <Tony_Sidaway> Matthew_: I got a 403 with that URL
[12:19] <Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: OK, me too.  I'm glad I'm not the only one.
[12:20] <Tony_Sidaway> Why do people mangle email addresses? It's utterly pointless unless you want to make it difficult for people to contact you by email. If you want that, just don't put an email address of any kind up.
[12:21] <Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: You mean on the web?  Because there a bots that crawl the web looking for email addresses to spam.
[12:21] <Tony_Sidaway> "Oh we might get spammed." Daft excuse. Get a decent filter.
[12:21] <Tony_Sidaway> Matthew_: the spam doesn't get through. My email address is all over and I don't see a spam message from one month end to the next.
[12:22] <mysterytrey> Tony_Sidaway: By that Matthew_ means to annoy people.
[12:22] <Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: Not every email provider has that luxury.  I split my Toolserver email because I don't have a spam filter on it.
�03[12:23] * Guerillero (~androirc@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[12:23] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[12:23] <Tony_Sidaway> And how difficult do you imagine it is to write a simple perl script to recognise a mangled email address and translate it?
[12:23] <Tony_Sidaway> I'll tell you: a lot easier for machines than humans.
[12:24] <Tony_Sidaway> Dpm
[12:24] <Tony_Sidaway> Sorry that was a typo.
[12:25] <Matthew_> Tony_Sidaway: For me, very difficult.  I don't know perl ;)
[12:25] <Matthew_> Seriously, though, spammers are quite lazy and probably don't want to do that.  Not with easier pickings out there.
[12:26] <Tony_Sidaway> I'll tell you who's lazy: cretins who mangle their email addresses thus making everybody who needs to contact them jump through unnecessary hoops.
[12:26] <Guerillero> They aren't as easy as they used to be
[12:26] <TeeTylerToe> I suppose the perl script could add every permutation of the address to it's list
�03[12:27] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:28] <Tony_Sidaway> "enwp10 [at] toolserver [dot] org" How many permutations of that do you imagine there are? And no, the solution is not to mangle email addresses even more.
[12:28] <Peter-C> Pharos - We need a meetup in front of Bloomberg’s house
�03[12:28] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:28] <Peter-C> We will all drink 64oz sodas and drink it in his face
[12:29] <Pharos> i'm considering retiring and appointing bllomberg my wmnyc successor
[12:29] <Pharos> i think he'd be hnored!
[12:29] <Tony_Sidaway> It's nearly as bad as those idiots who try to foil spammers by making genuine users squint and guess what some horrible smudgy by of distorted text saya.
�02[12:30] * TeeTylerToe ( Quit
�03[12:30] * EMZ_ (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:30] <Pharos> we should get a $50m donation from him while we're at it
�02[12:31] * MJ94 (~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
�02[12:32] * EMZ_ (~chatzilla@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[12:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair captcha has a purpose
[12:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> few people know it is actually supervised learning for OCR
[12:33] <Pharos> that's only recaptcha
[12:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
[12:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> some others also do it
[12:33] <Pharos> which wmf doesn't use ;)
[12:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wmf doesnt use anything
[12:34] <Pharos> it uses science
[12:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wmf wiki is exclusive registration
[12:34] <Pharos> and the dark arts
[12:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and dark elfs
[12:35] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: even if every single "captcha" had a genuine alternative purpose, they could ask for volunteers to do that, couldn't they?
�03[12:35] * Seddon ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[12:35] * Seddon makes lots of noise
[12:36] <Tony_Sidaway> I don't have great eyesight, but it's good enough for everyday life. I shudder to think what captcha does to people whose eyes just aren't good at all.
[12:36] <Pharos> there is audio captcha
[12:36] <Tony_Sidaway> And deaf?
[12:37] <Pharos> smellovision captcha
�03[12:37] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway people are forced to volunteer
[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its the best kind <3
[12:38] <aude> Pharos: not for wikipedia.
[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> caotcha doesnt work because inherantly OCR beats it
[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *captcha
[12:38] <aude> no audio captcha
[12:39] <Pharos> huh, why not?
[12:39] <Pharos> is it a "security" thing?
[12:39] <aude> no idea.  recaptcha is not open source and is flawed
[12:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> probbaly they dont have ogg captcha
[12:39] <aude> don't know of an open source alt.
�03[12:39] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:40] <aude> you can request an acct via toolserver i think but good luck finding that
[12:40] <mysterytrey> Do you have to pay to have a toolserver account?  I've always wondered that.
[12:40] <Pharos> what, of course not
[12:41] <Pharos> wikipedia is freedom
[12:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway I hate having captcha since it really doesnt stop spam
[12:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> asking logic questions is more effective
[12:42] <aude> mysterytrey: no
[12:42] <mysterytrey> Ah.
[12:42] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: yes, a decent neural net or kernel should beat it no problem.
[12:42] <aude> ToAruShiroiNeko: agree
[12:42] <Pharos> there's no such thing as a 'paid account' anywhere in thwe wikimedia universe
�03[12:43] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[12:44] * MJ94 (~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:44] <Tony_Sidaway> I had a tool server account but didn't really do much with it, so I let it lapse. You could just apply for it by stating roughly what you'd be doing.
[12:45] <Tony_Sidaway> I later did some bot experiments but those were from my system or various shell accounts.
[12:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway nothing so advanced
[12:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the spammers have hundreds of thousands of computers at their command
�02[12:46] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[12:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they can guess by trying randomly if they like
[12:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you have botnets that have over one million ips
[12:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos sagner was the first and only paid editor
[12:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he chose to resign\
�02[12:48] * koishi ( Quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�02[12:49] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[12:49] <Pharos> but he did not pay to be an editor ;)
�02[12:58] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
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�03[13:01] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[13:07] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:07] <mysterytrey> qbbo?, well, that means this channel has had a lot of vandalism recently.
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[13:12] <BadGirl_> Hi
[13:13] <Ironholds> heyo
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[13:19] <Seddon> hey Ironholds
�02[13:21] * Fasttimes68 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�06[13:21] * Seddon feels unloved
�06[13:21] * worm_that_turned waves at Seddon
�03[13:21] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[13:22] * Isarra curls up next to worm_that_turned and falls asleep.
�06[13:22] * Seddon waves to worm_that_turned :)
�06[13:22] * Maryana loves seddon
[13:22] <Maryana> :)
[13:22] <worm_that_turned> :)
�06[13:22] * BadGirl_ Marry me
[13:22] <Maryana> and worm_that_turned!
[13:22] <Maryana> :D
[13:22] <worm_that_turned> lol
[13:22] <Maryana> seddon: i think ironholds is at lunch
[13:22] <Seddon> damn it, thought I was special
�03[13:22] * Jpyamamoto09 (bd8ddd44@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:22] <Seddon> ahhhhh ok
[13:22] <Jpyamamoto09> Hola
[13:22] <Maryana> you are very special
[13:23] <Maryana> special:random :)
[13:23] <worm_that_turned> Can't we be special together?
[13:23] <Jpyamamoto09> thanks
[13:23] <Seddon> lol
[13:23] <Isarra> Seddon: You are special. If you manage to be unloved here without someone killing you, why, that is incredibly special.
�02[13:23] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
[13:23] <Seddon> oh Maryana, you so funny :P
[13:23] <BadGirl_> Jpyamamoto09: hola
[13:23] <Maryana> the special pages jokes, they never get old
�03[13:23] * evilthomas is now known as goodthomas
�03[13:23] * goodthomas is now known as evilthomas
[13:24] <Jpyamamoto09> Hola
[13:24] <Jpyamamoto09> te quieres unir a mi casa
[13:24] <Jpyamamoto09> *causa
[13:24] <Qcoder02> How many new page patrollers does it take to change a light bulb? - None the just tag it as blown
[13:24] <Qcoder02> :(
[13:24] <Isarra> Casa was funnier.
[13:24] <Qcoder02> *they
[13:24] <BadGirl_> Que causa Jpyamamoto09
[13:25] <Jpyamamoto09> estoy creando un Wikiproyecto llamado Wikiproyecto:Internet
[13:25] <Jpyamamoto09> y nesecito que votes por la creación
[13:25] <BadGirl_> Jpyamamoto09: Sabes que no puedo editar en la wiki
[13:25] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish: NZ House had a fire?
[13:25] <Jpyamamoto09> cierto
[13:26] <Jpyamamoto09> me tengo que ir
[13:26] <BadGirl_> Jpyamamoto09: claro te ayudaria desde la wiki en inglés jejejeje
�02[13:26] * Jpyamamoto09 (bd8ddd44@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[13:26] <Qcoder02> russavia:  You are going to a famr to take a picture of ornothological breeding?
[13:26] <Qcoder02> Won't someone think of the chicklets?
[13:26] <Qcoder02> XD
[13:26] <Qcoder02> *farm
[13:27] <BadGirl_> ok chao Jpyamamoto09
�03[13:27] * BobTheWikipedian (~BobTheWik@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:28] <BadGirl_> A.N.T. Farm Qcoder02
[13:28] <Qcoder02> ??
[13:29] <BobTheWikipedian> artichoke, nutmeg, and tomato farm
�03[13:29] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:29] <BadGirl_> Qcoder02: Sorry
[13:30] <Qcoder02> I'm still going to take picture of my alien costume when I;ve completed it...
[13:30] <Qcoder02> Does anyone here think Wikipedia needs pictures of make up tactics?
[13:30] <BobTheWikipedian> save it for pinterest
�02[13:30] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[13:31] <Qcoder02> ??
[13:31] <BobTheWikipedian> look it up :)
�02[13:31] * MJ94 (~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94) Quit (Quit: Textual v2.1 (ZTN Fork v2.0.1)�)
[13:31] <BobTheWikipedian> site for sharing images
[13:31] <BadGirl_> Qcoder02:  these confused
[13:33] <Peter-C> wtf does one wear to a village council meeting
�03[13:33] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:33] <Qcoder02> A auit
[13:33] <Qcoder02> *Suit
[13:33] <BobTheWikipedian> stockings?
[13:33] <Peter-C> I don’t wanna D:
[13:33] <BlastHardcheese> nothing
[13:33] <Peter-C> ^good idea
[13:33] <Qcoder02> What is a Village Council ?
[13:33] <Peter-C> Show them I am open to new idea
�03[13:34] * MJ94 (~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:34] <BlastHardcheese> presumably a council for a village
[13:34] <mareklug> Peter-C:  in the audience in the summer, a tshirt
[13:34] <BadGirl_>  See you later
�03[13:34] * BadGirl_ (becc63da@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
[13:34] <Peter-C> addios
[13:34] <Qcoder02> If it's anything like a British Parish Council, just wearing seomthing conservative but casul will be fine
[13:34] <Qcoder02> A shirt is usally required
[13:34] <mysterytrey> Who's badgirl_ ?
[13:34] <BobTheWikipedian> or a blouse
[13:35] <Qcoder02> If female yes
[13:35] <Peter-C> BobTheWikipedian - I AM NOT WEARING A BLOUCE
[13:35] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[13:35] <Pharos> what are you doingf at the village council?
[13:35] <Qcoder02> Peter-C: If you are able to see me please respond
[13:35] <BobTheWikipedian> i hope not!
[13:35] <Peter-C> Qcoder02 - what
[13:36] <Qcoder02> Peter-C:  Thanks
[13:36] <Qcoder02> I had a chance to reconsider certain things I said earlier in the year
[13:36] <Peter-C> Pharos - We are proposing a 1.5 million dollar project for a new radio system
[13:36] <Peter-C> Moving from 300 band to 700 band
[13:36] <Qcoder02> Qcoder02 = Qcoder00
[13:36] <Peter-C> O’rlly?
[13:36] <Qcoder02> I locked myself out of the old account
[13:36] <Qcoder02> :(
[13:37] <Qcoder02> BTW Are you willing to back a campaign against tasteless 9/11 jokes?
�03[13:37] * Fasttimes68 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:38] <Fasttimes68> Is there a commons chan on freenode?
[13:38] <Qcoder02> Fasttimes68: #Wikimedia-Commons
[13:38] <Fasttimes68> danke
[13:38] <Fasttimes68> might as well do something there
�02[13:38] * nickanc (~Nickanc@wikimedia/Nickanc) Quit (Quit: Sto andando via�)
[13:39] <Qcoder02> Peter-C: Anyway good luck with the EMS stuff in any event
[13:39] <Qcoder02> :)
�03[13:39] * kaldari (~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:40] <BobTheWikipedian> qcoder - btw = me?
[13:40] <mattbuck> can someone semi [[University of Nottingham]] please? lots of IP peacocking recently
�03[13:41] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[13:41] * ragesoss (~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[13:41] <Qcoder02> Peter-C: Thanks for the response :)
�03[13:41] * MarchingFrood is now known as Frood
[13:42] <mareklug> USA defeats USA for gold in ladies' beach ball.  for a 3rd straight gold for the pair.
�03[13:42] * TeeTylerToe ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:42] <BobTheWikipedian> usa self-defeated?
[13:43] <mareklug> self-won, too.
[13:43] <BobTheWikipedian> is that legal?
[13:43] <mareklug> gold and silver.
[13:43] <The_Blade> BobTheWikipedian; it's a bit like Schroedinger's cat, isn't it.  Simultaneously winners and losers.
[13:44] <Fasttimes68> beach vollyball is lame
[13:44] <mareklug> all around it was a banner day for usa  in track and field, too.
[13:44] <Peter-C> Oh look, someone in my down died at a party
[13:45] <BobTheWikipedian> sorta....but the cat represents certain uncertainty
[13:45] <BlastHardcheese> we're so awesome the only ones who can beat us are ourselves
�02[13:45] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[13:45] <Peter-C> Didn’t see that one coming, except for the fact I did
�03[13:45] * Tony_Sidaway_ (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:45] * Tony_Sidaway_ is now known as Tony_Sidaway
�06[13:45] * BobTheWikipedian applies for a job with clorox
�02[13:47] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Quit: While there's life, there's hope.�)
�02[13:48] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[13:48] <kaldari> the clorox headquarters is about 4 blocks from my house
[13:48] <kaldari> which is probably not important
[13:48] <Frood> why do people pay extra for brand-name bleach?
[13:48] <Frood> it's like
[13:48] <Frood> okay you have chlorine and you add some stuff
[13:48] <Frood> i think
[13:49] <Frood> i should probably look this up before i speak more
[13:49] <kaldari> even generic bleach normally contains chlorine
[13:49] <mareklug> brand trust is a powerful thing
[13:49] <Frood> kaldari: that's what i mean
[13:49] <kaldari> you pay extra for the cool logo
[13:49] <Frood> it's hard to mess taht up
[13:49] <Frood> if you have an extra atom in the chlorine, you don't have chlorine
[13:50] <Frood> er, not atom
[13:50] <kaldari> what I want to know is where can I buy pure bleach
[13:50] <Frood> electron/neutron/proton
[13:50] <Frood> what kind of bleach?
[13:50] <kaldari> regular bleach is like 10% bleach actually
[13:50] <kaldari> what if I need to burn a hole through my floor?
[13:50] <Frood> there are apparently a lot of kinds of bleach
[13:51] <Frood> chlorine?
[13:51] <BobTheWikipedian> haha if only i could copy/paste this discussion onto my application for the social media manager position with clorox i'm applying for...
[13:51] <kaldari> NaClO
[13:51] <Tony_Sidaway> You can get fairly concentrated bleach. If you really need pure bleach (and are a competent chemist) you can make it in the kitchen.
[13:52] <IRWolfie-> The_Blade: you there
[13:52] <The_Blade> Yeah.
[13:52] <IRWolfie-> The_Blade: I had a question about Korean
[13:52] <IRWolfie-> you are Korean right?
[13:52] <BobTheWikipedian> yay, a client i turned down called to find out what other string quartets are available
[13:52] <The_Blade> No, but I know some about it.
[13:52] <Tony_Sidaway> Trouble is of course some bleaches are also used in explosives...
[13:52] <IRWolfie-> ah, you don't speak the korean language do you?
[13:53] <kaldari> I also found out that duct tape is used by terrorists
[13:53] <BobTheWikipedian> so are #2 pencils
[13:53] <IRWolfie-> I was wondering what the korean for North Korea literally translates into
[13:53] <The_Blade> No, my second language of sorts is Japanese
[13:53] <kaldari> and typewriters!
[13:53] <The_Blade> That I think I know, though...
[13:54] <mareklug> kaldari:  and Boeing B 757
[13:54] <kaldari> the USPS wouldn't let me ship a package wrapped with duct tape because they said duct tape was used by terrorists. no joke.
[13:54] <The_Blade> It translates to "Joseon Democratic People's Republic"
[13:54] <The_Blade> As if it really is...
[13:55] <kaldari> I should have asked if terrorists used stamps
[13:55] <IRWolfie-> Joseon is?
�06[13:55] * IRWolfie- googles
[13:55] <IRWolfie-> aha, an old unified korean state?
[13:56] <BobTheWikipedian> lol kaldari
[13:56] <BobTheWikipedian> i've never used duct tape for sealing a package
[13:56] <The_Blade> Ah, got me in the middle of typing it.
[13:56] <BobTheWikipedian> i use mailing tape
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[13:57] <The_Blade> I can read some hanja, so I can generally get pretty close if I have them there.
�03[13:57] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[13:58] * jc33 (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:58] <BobTheWikipedian> today i found an impossible captcha
[13:58] <The_Blade> Ah, those.
�02[13:59] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[13:59] <jc33> BobTheWikipedian: ?
�02[13:59] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
[13:59] <Isarra> It's okay. We're all terrorists here.
[13:59] <jc33>
[13:59] <BobTheWikipedian> one by recaptcha, actually
[13:59] <jc33> "headshits"?
�02[13:59] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
[13:59] <BobTheWikipedian> i don't recall having troubles with recaptcha before
[13:59] <Isarra> We want to make knowledge available to people. If that's not terrifying, I dunno what is.
[14:00] <BobTheWikipedian> i seriously had to hit refresh captcha at least 100 or 200 times to see something i could make out
�03[14:00] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:00] <jc33> oh,
[14:00] <BobTheWikipedian> eventually got frustrated and hit the audio button
[14:00] <Isarra> O_o
[14:00] <BobTheWikipedian> which wasn't an improvement
[14:00] <BobTheWikipedian> much to my surprise
[14:01] <BobTheWikipedian> anyone else have problems with this captcha?
[14:01] <foks> The audio button is utterly impossible
[14:01] <foks> BobTheWikipedian, no?
�03[14:01] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has left #wikipedia-en
�02[14:01] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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[14:01] <foks> ...hurr
[14:02] <BobTheWikipedian> does the audio work for you?
[14:03] <foks> Audio captchas don't ever work
[14:03] <Isarra> It makes my brain hurt.
[14:03] <foks> I have no idea what to listen for
[14:03] <BobTheWikipedian> mine sounds like a bunch of people talking gibberish atop one another
[14:03] <foks> it's just loads of people talking.
[14:03] <Isarra> But then, most captchas do.
[14:03] <foks> What are you listening for exactly?
�03[14:03] * liberaldudette (~mark@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:03] <BobTheWikipedian> individual letters to type
[14:03] <foks> well I can't hear anything
�03[14:05] * lexein (~chatzilla@wikipedia/lexein) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[14:06] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:07] <BobTheWikipedian> submitted a "too hard to read" report and noted the audio issue. hopefully that's the last time i encounter that issue
[14:07] <lexein> Quick question - is [[User:Wiki.2012.pedia]] username running afoul of [[WP:USERNAME]]?
�03[14:08] * Frood_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:08] <BobTheWikipedian> am i?
[14:09] <Isarra> BobTheWikipedian: Yes.
[14:09] <lexein> aren't you grandfathered in for being a wikibeardian?
[14:09] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[14:09] <BobTheWikipedian> before i had a unified login, i had to use a different name on the japanese wiki
[14:09] <BobTheWikipedian> "bob" is blacklisted there
[14:09] <GorillaWarfare> Hmm. Making a for sale poster for my car is difficult...
[14:09] <lexein> oooh, don't go there, man
[14:10] <GorillaWarfare> "Runs pretty well, I think" isn't terribly confidence-inspiring...
[14:10] <BobTheWikipedian> lol gorilla
[14:10] <BobTheWikipedian> why do you like the car?
[14:10] <GorillaWarfare> BobTheWikipedian: I don't. That would be why I'm selling it :P
[14:10] <BobTheWikipedian> what is there to show off?
[14:10] <GorillaWarfare> BobTheWikipedian: Nothing?
�02[14:11] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
[14:11] <BobTheWikipedian> then scrap it
[14:11] <GorillaWarfare> Just because I don't like it doesn't mean someone else won't :P
[14:11] <BobTheWikipedian> "worth its weight in gold"?
[14:11] <kaldari> GorillaWarfare: "no flat tires"?
[14:11] <GorillaWarfare> Hahaha
[14:11] <BobTheWikipedian> lol kaldari
�03[14:11] * Frood ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:11] <GorillaWarfare> "Had a fuel leak but I fixed it"
�02[14:11] * Frood ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[14:12] <BobTheWikipedian> then say "new fuel line"
[14:12] <BobTheWikipedian> "new tires"
[14:12] <BobTheWikipedian> "new transmission"
[14:12] <GorillaWarfare> I'm not sure how to word it...
[14:12] <BobTheWikipedian> "new air freshener"
[14:12] <kaldari> lol
[14:12] <GorillaWarfare> "New plastic thinger that pumps fuel in"
�06[14:12] * GorillaWarfare is not a car person
[14:12] <BobTheWikipedian> oh i got one of those too
�03[14:12] * PeterSymonds_ (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:12] <Isarra> "Car for sale. It runs."
[14:13] <kaldari> don't mention the plastic :)
[14:13] <BobTheWikipedian> "new fuel injector"
[14:13] <BobTheWikipedian> "leak is probably fixed"
[14:13] <mareklug> "cheap, dependable transportation"
[14:13] <IRWolfie-> The_Blade: thanks
[14:13] <kaldari> "no foul odors"
[14:13] <IRWolfie-> (forgot to say :>)
[14:13] <The_Blade> No proble
[14:13] <The_Blade> *problem
[14:14] <lexein> Well, you know those Chinese made "anvils"?  Real blacksmiths call them ASO's.   Anvil-shaped objects.  So, you have a "car-like object, resembles most legally permitted moving passenger vehicles. no features. no big gaps."
[14:14] <BobTheWikipedian> "buy now and return the fuel injection with the included receipt for its full value"
�02[14:14] * Frood_ (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[14:14] <BobTheWikipedian> "hurry fast, only 14 days remaining on warranty!"
�02[14:15] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[14:15] <kaldari> "Not a Trabant!"
[14:15] <GorillaWarfare> xD
[14:15] <kaldari> unless it is
[14:15] <BobTheWikipedian> "or a pinto!"
�02[14:16] * PeterSymonds_ (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:16] <mysterytrey> Pinto!
[14:16] <GorillaWarfare> BobTheWikipedian: It's a minivan :S
[14:16] <mysterytrey> Faster than a ferrari!
[14:16] <BobTheWikipedian> "seats seven!"
[14:16] <GorillaWarfare> That's on there
[14:16] <Fasttimes68> We had a Pinto
[14:16] <mysterytrey> Lucky you.
[14:16] <Fasttimes68> it was an awseome little car
[14:16] <mysterytrey> ?
[14:17] <TeeTylerToe> beetle queen conquers tokyo?
[14:17] <kaldari> "Bigger than a Trabant!"
[14:17] <Fasttimes68> "damper than an armpit!"
[14:17] <BobTheWikipedian> perfect for squeezing in as many politicians as necessary before cementing the accelerator to the floor with the vehicle aimed at a cliff!"
[14:18] <Fasttimes68> !time
[14:18] <Fasttimes68> need useful bots in here
[14:18] <BobTheWikipedian> "your candidate's opponent doesn't stand a chance with this one"
[14:19] <kaldari> "fine japanese engineering"
[14:19] <mysterytrey> Presidential Limo --> Presidential Pinto
[14:20] <Qcoder02> Anyone here got a good female voice?
[14:20] <Fasttimes68> hmm looks like rtc actually did an Mfd for the nazi logo
[14:20] <BobTheWikipedian> mine's a bit falsetto-y
[14:20] <Isarra> My orchid grew a leaf.
[14:20] <Isarra> I thought it vitally important you all knew that.
[14:20] <kaldari> Qcoder02: hate to tell you this, but IRC is text only
[14:20] <BobTheWikipedian> my mandeville got scorched, withered, and is now a brown clump
[14:21] <Isarra> Also, have you seen wikipedia's assortment of women?
[14:21] <jc33> Qcoder02: But there's color.
[14:21] <GorillaWarfare> *sigh* I finally found the perfect barbell for a piercing of mine, and it's not in my size
[14:21] <Isarra> WMF already hired most of the good ones.
[14:21] <Qcoder02> ROFL
[14:21] <Pharos> does this look good?
�06[14:21] * GorillaWarfare glares at this website
[14:21] <Fasttimes68> are you gonna put it in your prick?
[14:21] <mareklug> Qcoder02:  Sangeeta the Indian voice on the mac.  I think it is also publicly available
[14:21] <GorillaWarfare> Fasttimes68: That's the plan.
[14:21] <Fasttimes68> why
[14:21] <jc33> looks ok
[14:21] <kaldari> seems like a trick question
[14:21] <Qcoder02> I was wanting a female voice to record something
[14:22] <Qcoder02> :)
[14:22] <Isarra> Pharos: Big button.
[14:22] <Maryana> isarra: :D
[14:22] <Qcoder02> Anyone here interested in recording jane Austen?
�02[14:22] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[14:22] <Isarra> ^^
[14:22] <BobTheWikipedian> pharos.....i think we agreed that anyone posting links without descriptions gets killed by fluffernutter
�06[14:22] * Isarra starts giggling.
[14:22] <Qcoder02> It needs a  British English female voice
[14:23] <Qcoder02> I know someone I could ask to record Dickens, but didn't know anyone to record Austen
[14:23] <Isarra> LOOK A LINK!
[14:23] <mareklug> then Fiona the Scottish voice on the mac
�06[14:23] * Isarra runs.
[14:23] <jc33> BUSTED :D
[14:23] <jc33> 17:30, 8 August 2012 DerHexer (talk | contribs) changed status for global account "User:Jamesn (WMF)@global": Set locked; Unset (none) (WMF impersonator)
�06[14:23] * BobTheWikipedian hits isarra with a pan
�06[14:23] * jc33 has a good nose
[14:23] <jc33> um
[14:23] <Isarra> Ow.
[14:23] <kaldari> Qcoder02: There is a woman who does some very good audio articles, but don't remember her username
[14:23] <GorillaWarfare> Qcoder02: Female yes, British no :/
[14:23] <GorillaWarfare> What's it for?
[14:23] <BobTheWikipedian> isarra stop sharing your porn sites
[14:24] <Qcoder02> Recording Jane Austen ;
�02[14:24] * Aetitiae (~Aetitiae@unaffiliated/aetitiae) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[14:24] <Isarra> Actually, most of the porn is at, not
[14:24] <Qcoder02> Unless there's already a Librivox
[14:24] <BobTheWikipedian> sh!
[14:24] <GorillaWarfare> Qcoder02: I got that… I meant for what purpose
[14:24] <Isarra> I'm just sayin'.
[14:24] <Qcoder02> Wikisource
[14:24] <TeeTylerToe> jane austin isn't porn
[14:24] <Qcoder02> Also is there any Sci-fi on Wikisource?
[14:24] <TeeTylerToe> for men at least
[14:25] <BobTheWikipedian> :o
[14:25] <Isarra> Actually, technically speaking, I suppose it's all at, what with the uploads being a subdomain of that one...
[14:25] <BobTheWikipedian> i just saw a [[bare-fronted hoodwink]] fly past my window
�02[14:28] * DivT ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:28] <lexein> Jane Austen is verbosity-porn.  Mmmm, too many words....
[14:29] <The_Blade> The worst for verbosity is William Faulkner.
[14:29] <GorillaWarfare> Mrr, I love Wikisource ^^\
�06[14:29] * lexein MmmmmmmmmMMMMMmmmm
[14:30] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. would the kentucky-indiana border be "great lakes" or "great plains"?
[14:31] <mareklug> it's ohio valley
[14:31] <The_Blade> We should start an edit war over it and get it on WP:LAME
[14:31] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah...this is multiple choice though
[14:31] <mareklug> great lakes for evansville
[14:31] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm great lakes seems closer, i'll go with that
�03[14:31] * jc33 is now known as New_York_City
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�02[14:35] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[14:35] <Pharos> now has the magical wizard thing
�02[14:36] * James_F (~jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:36] <Seddon> Pharos, getting gandalf involved is cheating :P
[14:36] <Pharos> WALRUS in 3.5 bhours
[14:36] <The_Blade> Well, stop him then.
[14:36] <Pharos> gandalf is a well-known WALRUS
[14:38] <TeeTylerToe> is the mythbusters jamie gandalf's love child?
�03[14:39] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:39] <BobTheWikipedian> :o
[14:39] <BobTheWikipedian> walrus clobbers facebook
�03[14:39] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�03[14:41] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:41] <foks> WALRUK
[14:41] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
�03[14:41] * YE is now known as YE|Away
[14:41] <Pharos> WALRUK is welcome to join
�02[14:41] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[14:41] <Pharos> who registered on facebook?
�02[14:41] * The_Blade (~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[14:42] <BobTheWikipedian> pharos - where's your list of good animal names?
[14:42] <BobTheWikipedian> heh i set it up on fb months ago
[14:42] <Pharos>
[14:43] <BobTheWikipedian> none of them have UK in them
[14:44] <Pharos> WALRUK is good enough
[14:44] <foks> I love that that exists, Pharos
[14:44] <foks> :D
[14:44] <BobTheWikipedian> gotta be a walronym with "UK" in it :P
[14:44] <Pharos> i think i have a fair idea of what a walruk must look like ;)
[14:44] <BobTheWikipedian> 10 points for whoever can think of a UK walronym
�03[14:45] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[14:45] * TheBanner_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�02[14:45] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:45] <TeeTylerToe> A close second in the VP candidate race behind rafalka?
�03[14:46] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:48] <Pharos> Scottish Organization of Wikimedians
[14:48] <BobTheWikipedian> that insn't inclusive
[14:48] <BobTheWikipedian> that singles out englishmen
[14:49] <BobTheWikipedian> it would be like having the confederate organization of wikimedians, what about the union?
[14:50] <Pharos> foks is a raging scottish nsationalist
[14:50] <foks> I already said WALRUK!
[14:50] <foks> Also, I totally am.
[14:50] <Logan_> WALRUS
[14:50] <BobTheWikipedian> quack
[14:50] <foks> United States of SCOTLAND
�06[14:51] * foks declares war, etc.
[14:51] <RD> *China
[14:51] <Pharos> i believe a WALRUS would be a cross between a walrus and an auroch
[14:51] <Pharos> a most formidab;e beast
[14:51] <BobTheWikipedian> isarra
[14:51] <Pharos> *WALRUK i mean
[14:52] <GorillaWarfare> Sven_Manguard: o/
[14:52] <Sven_Manguard> o/
[14:52] <BobTheWikipedian> issarrrrrrraaaaa....
[14:52] <Logan_> OMG IT'S SVEN
�03[14:52] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:52] <Sven_Manguard> o/
�06[14:52] * Logan_ eats fluffernutter
[14:52] <Logan_> sandwich
[14:52] <foks> Wikimedians And High Octane Occurances
�06[14:52] * Fluffernutter dies
[14:52] <GorillaWarfare> Sven_Manguard: So, bummer:,_1945%E2%80%931967:_A_Study_Prepared_by_the_Department_of_Defense/I._C._Ho_Chi_Minh:_Asian_Tito%3F#11
[14:53] <BobTheWikipedian> oe, to, tree, fur, fve, sx, sven, eght, nne, tn!
[14:53] <[ceradon]> Welp
[14:53] <Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian: yawn
[14:53] <Sven_Manguard> GorillaWarfare: you need me to delete things?
�03[14:53] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:53] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:53] <Sven_Manguard> Or... wait... that was the one you were working on?!
[14:53] <Sven_Manguard> Wha?!
�02[14:54] * Avruch (~Me@wikimedia/Nathan) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[14:54] * nprice (~nprice@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[14:54] * nprice (~nprice@wikipedia/nprice) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:54] <BobTheWikipedian> "sven" appears in pop culture. in monkey island, the street dealer code is "have you got a brother named sven?"
[14:54] <GorillaWarfare> Sven_Manguard: Nah, Pathoschild and Logan helped me out there
[14:54] <foks> Wikimedians On Lighter Fuel
[14:55] <foks> WOLF
[14:55] <BobTheWikipedian> um
[14:55] <GorillaWarfare> It's all set, just a shame
[14:55] <BobTheWikipedian> good luck applying for grants under that name, foks
[14:55] <foks> :3
[14:55] <Pharos> in USAmerica, we say Wikimedians in Lighter Fluid
[14:56] <Pharos> On
[14:56] <BobTheWikipedian> i was gonna say the same
�03[14:56] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:57] <Sven_Manguard> GorillaWarfare: what happened?
�03[14:57] * Anurag2k12 (~Anurag2k1@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:57] <Sven_Manguard> all that was excerpts?
[14:57] <GorillaWarfare> The text contained a number of excerpts from copyrighted books
[14:57] <GorillaWarfare> Indeed
[14:57] <Isarra> Huh?
[14:57] <Sven_Manguard> goddamned CIA
[14:57] <Isarra> BobTheWikipedian: What?
[14:58] <BobTheWikipedian> foks needs a logo
[14:58] <BobTheWikipedian> of a walruk
[14:58] <Isarra> For what?
[14:58] <Isarra> What's that?
[14:58] <BobTheWikipedian> for walruk, of cousre
�03[14:58] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[14:58] <foks> It's like a walrus, but with less s and more k.
[14:58] <foks> I don't need a logo.
[14:58] <foks> :3
�03[14:59] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:05] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: I'll remember this.�)
�02[15:06] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) Quit (Quit: peteforsyth�)
[15:07] <BobTheWikipedian> yay for applications that time out :P
�02[15:07] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
�02[15:09] * Wehwalt (4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�06[15:09] * Isarra tattoos a walrus on foks.
[15:10] <foks> >:(
[15:10] <Pharos> the day someone gets a waalrus tattoo, is the day my work is done
[15:10] <Isarra> Comma splice.
[15:10] <Actress22> back
[15:11] <Pharos> all my splices are intentional
[15:12] <Pharos> altho ii don't plan on any walrus tattooos yill 2024
[15:12] <Pharos> *till
�03[15:12] * haggis_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:13] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[15:14] <russavia> pharos, condoms were the topic of discussion earlier ----
�02[15:14] * haggis (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
�03[15:15] * haggis_ is now known as haggis
[15:16] <Pharos> that's some kind oif justice
[15:17] <Pharos> anyway, what page should i use for planning farifuture wikimanias?
[15:20] <Pharos> [[Wikimedia X]]?
�02[15:21] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
�02[15:21] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[15:22] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:26] <Sven_Manguard> Pharos: "Wikimania Mars"?
�03[15:27] * Courcelles_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:28] <mysterytrey> Sven_Manguard: Yes!
�02[15:28] * BigRig ( Quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.7 sic populo comunicated�)
�02[15:29] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[15:30] <Sven_Manguard> Wikimania Mars: "Free oxygen for everyone except for the WR people"
[15:31] <mysterytrey> WR people?
[15:31] <Sven_Manguard> if you don't know, you're better for it
�03[15:31] * Courcelles_ is now known as Courcelles
�02[15:31] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
[15:31] <Sven_Manguard> Wikimania Mars: "Excursion to the location where the Curiosity rover found liquid water (and Jimmy Hoffa swimming in it)"
�03[15:33] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:34] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[15:35] <mareklug> and Jimmy Hoffa sleeping with the fishes in it
�02[15:35] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
�02[15:37] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�02[15:38] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[15:39] <Pharos> WALRUS IN 2.5 hours
�03[15:42] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:43] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[15:44] <Sven_Manguard> Pharos: what?
[15:44] <Sven_Manguard> An IRC meeting>
�03[15:44] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:44] <Pharos> yes
[15:44] <Pharos> in #wikimedia-us
�02[15:44] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: hometime�)
[15:45] <Pharos> we can also plan the next real-life meeting
[15:45] <Pharos> I was thinking Texas!
�02[15:46] * Actress22 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[15:46] <Pharos> at a HI hostel!
�02[15:47] * Courcelles ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
�03[15:48] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[15:53] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[15:54] <Pharos> i am in love with the canadian poet-in-residence at the olympics
�03[15:56] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has left #wikipedia-en
[15:56] <Sven_Manguard> Pharos: I, as a sane person, would never set foot in that place.
[15:56] <Sven_Manguard> Except to visit user:La Pianista
[15:56] <Sven_Manguard> and even then, I'd have to wear a biohazard suit and avoid contact with politicians
�03[15:56] * worm_that_turned (~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned) has left #wikipedia-en
[15:57] <Pharos> love for canadian poets is never sane
[15:57] <Sven_Manguard> Hi WTT
[15:57] <mareklug>
[15:58] <Pharos> mareklug: exactly
�02[15:59] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*�)
�02[16:00] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: tttt�)
[16:00] <Sven_Manguard> Pharos: do you know how to send an entire email chain instead of just the latest email when using gmail?
�03[16:00] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:01] <Pharos> replied in #wikimedia-us
�02[16:02] * shimgray (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat�)
[16:02] <Tony_Sidaway> What is #Wikipedia-us?
[16:02] <Tony_Sidaway> Ooh I see, media.
�02[16:02] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[16:02] <Pharos> yes
�03[16:02] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:02] <Tony_Sidaway> Misread that.
[16:03] <Tony_Sidaway> I thought for a moment there had been another one of those colonial rebellions!
[16:07] <Pharos> heaven forfend
[16:07] <BobTheWikipedian> is that a word?
[16:08] <Pharos> i choose to believe so
�02[16:08] * haggis (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 16.0a2/20120803042008]�)
[16:09] <Pharos>
�03[16:09] * mysterytrey ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[16:09] * mysterytrey ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[16:09] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:09] <BobTheWikipedian> ˈfɔːˌfɛnd
[16:10] <BobTheWikipedian> the r is silent :o
[16:10] <mysterytrey> Do you roll the silent r?
[16:10] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
�03[16:10] * Lydia_WMDE_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:11] <BobTheWikipedian> "This word is dated and becoming obsolete. Mostly used now in set expressions such as heaven forfend."
�03[16:11] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[16:11] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[16:12] <mysterytrey> What does WMDE stand for?
[16:12] <BobTheWikipedian> wm germany
[16:12] <BobTheWikipedian> de = deutschland
[16:13] <BobTheWikipedian> wm = wikimedia
�03[16:13] * Patar_knight ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[16:13] * turntechTerminal ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:13] <mysterytrey> Ah.
[16:14] <mysterytrey> Interesting article feedback.  Worth a ponder: "Wikipedia tends to have technical bias, which understandably occurs considering that only those who are technically inclined can edit it. The term "Arduino" for example, should lead to the disambiguation page for the name, not the technical project given that name."
[16:14] <Pharos> what does WMAQ stand for?
[16:15] <BobTheWikipedian> wikimedia aq
[16:15] <mysterytrey> Antartica?
[16:16] <BobTheWikipedian> Wikimedia Antarctique
[16:16] <Pharos> we incorporate at dawn!
[16:16] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[16:16] <mysterytrey> What does WMBBQ stand for?
[16:16] <BobTheWikipedian> this year, pharos?
[16:18] <BobTheWikipedian> trey...Wikimedia Barbecue
[16:18] <mysterytrey> No rly?
[16:18] <BobTheWikipedian> :D
[16:19] <BobTheWikipedian> actually, WMAQ is an AM radio station
�03[16:19] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:20] <BobTheWikipedian> it stands for We Must Ask Questions
�02[16:21] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
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�02[16:21] * LikeLakers2 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[16:21] <mysterytrey> btw:And your telling us this why?
[16:23] <BobTheWikipedian> perhaps the same reason you asked what wmbbq stands for
�02[16:23] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Quit: meeting�)
[16:24] <Pharos> WALRUS in 1.5 ours
[16:25] <mysterytrey> Interesting article feedback: "dildos were used to kill nazi"
[16:25] <BobTheWikipedian> i once used a forum where "nazi" was a forbidden word
[16:26] <BobTheWikipedian> so was "stalin"
�03[16:26] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:27] <mysterytrey> Does wikipedia suck gumdrops? " posted feedback to Wikipedia2 weeks ago | Details
[16:27] <mysterytrey> no I forgot to tell you it also sucks gumdrops"
[16:27] <Pharos> i used one where "ron paul" was forbidden
�03[16:27] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:28] <BobTheWikipedian> well we ended up finding a long list of words that were forbidden, and the history club at the forum had a big bone to pick about that
[16:28] <mysterytrey> I used one where profanities were forbidden.
[16:28] <BobTheWikipedian> so i led them in a petition to have the words unblocked
[16:28] <BobTheWikipedian> and it was successful :D
[16:28] <Pharos> actually, it was automatically changed to "Ron Lawl" :P
�03[16:29] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:29] <Pharos> which is kind of hilarious
[16:29] <mysterytrey> I used one where it turned mysql to crap.  Honest to god.
[16:29] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
�02[16:29] * Fasttimes68 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[16:29] <BobTheWikipedian> legend has it yahoo used to automatically delete "allah" from emails
[16:30] <BobTheWikipedian> until a certain miss callahan complained
[16:30] <Pharos> is even yahooo that stupid?
[16:30] <BobTheWikipedian> apparently they once were
[16:31] <Soapy> Miss Can
[16:31] <mysterytrey> This is very random: posted feedback to Oxygen4 months ago | Details
[16:31] <mysterytrey> "must be made by mexicans"
[16:31] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah she thought it was people being rude until she realized what was going on
�03[16:33] * DeltaQuad__ is now known as DeltaQuad
[16:33] <Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian is correct. Yahoo used to also remove words such as "java", replacing them with things like "mocha", because they feared people would use email to send malware
�03[16:33] * turntechTerminal ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:33] <BobTheWikipedian> also, this story regarding once-banned usernames on yahoo:
[16:33] <mysterytrey> mochascript didn't raisee any eyebrows?
[16:34] <Sven_Manguard> mysterytrey: it did
[16:34] <Sven_Manguard> people got pissed
[16:34] <Sven_Manguard> In other news, no one uses Yahoo mail anymore and the company is now generally associated with a bygone era, if people are that nice to it
[16:34] <BobTheWikipedian> :o i use yahoo mail
[16:35] <BobTheWikipedian> and yahoo chat
[16:35] <Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian:
[16:35] <mysterytrey> ...
[16:35] <BobTheWikipedian> and yahoo search, and yahoo news, and flickr
[16:36] <mysterytrey> BobTheWikipedian: That explains why you're still using IRC.
[16:36] <Sven_Manguard> God dammit! Does anyone know how to make firefox not cut out the http://www. part of web addresses?
[16:36] <mysterytrey> Not that I'm not.
[16:36] <BobTheWikipedian> lol sven
�03[16:36] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:36] <mysterytrey> https ?
[16:36] <BobTheWikipedian> and i dunno :/
�03[16:36] * peteforsyth_ (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:36] <Tony_Sidaway> Doesn't Yahoo have an unfortunate bug that permits people to discover your screen names?
[16:37] <BobTheWikipedian> sven if you figure it out, let me know
[16:37] <BobTheWikipedian> that's skype, tony
[16:37] <BobTheWikipedian> and they consider it a feature
[16:38] <Tony_Sidaway> I had to stop using
[16:39] <Sven_Manguard> BobTheWikipedian:
[16:39] <russavia> i hope you didn't stop sniffing socks though as a result
[16:39] <BobTheWikipedian> sven that happened to me when i registered at
[16:39] <BobTheWikipedian> "bob" is blacklisted
�02[16:39] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[16:39] * peteforsyth_ is now known as peteforsyth
[16:39] <Sven_Manguard> ???
[16:39] <Sven_Manguard> why
[16:40] <BobTheWikipedian> however, unified login overrode it
�02[16:40] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�02[16:41] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Later!�)
[16:41] <russavia>  i had to snag this username ages ago
[16:41] <BobTheWikipedian> :o pharos foks the only walronym with W and UK in it is WAUK, which isn't an animal
�03[16:41] * MC8 (~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:41] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:41] <BobTheWikipedian> lol russavia
[16:42] <mysterytrey> You can unrequest oversight on feeback :o
�02[16:42] * turntechTerminal ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[16:43] <BobTheWikipedian> and thus, the walruk is born :)
[16:43] <Tony_Sidaway> russavia well it stopped being fun when everybody found out.
�02[16:43] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[16:44] <mysterytrey> posted feedback to Wikipedia8 months ago | Details
[16:44] <mysterytrey> everything sucks, wikipedia is stupid, and im better than you... im trolling your sorry butt.
[16:44] <Tony_Sidaway> Than goodness nobody found out I'm a secret Thatcherite.
[16:46] <Soapy> anyone here from finland?
�03[16:46] * Fasttimes68 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:46] <Soapy> hi fast
[16:47] <Fasttimes68> hi soap
[16:47] <mysterytrey> posted a comment.7 months ago
[16:47] <mysterytrey> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DID NOT FIND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU DUMMIES I ASKED (WHY IS GLOBAL WAMRING NOT HAPPENING??) OK UGH I WILL NEVER HELP IMPROVE THIS ARTICLE BECAUSE ITS A PIECEOF CRAP STUPID ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
�02[16:48] * lubmil ( Quit (Quit: noc, ppa�)
[16:48] <RD> cool.
[16:48] <Soapy> average
[16:48] <mysterytrey> warm
�06[16:48] * RD finds this comment helpful
[16:48] <RD> +1
[16:48] <RD> Like.
[16:48] <TeeTylerToe> An article is going to go without exclamation marks?  How sad.
[16:48] <mysterytrey> RD:
[16:49] <Fasttimes68> good article
[16:49] <Fasttimes68> i like the smiley face
[16:50] <Soapy> global wamring
[16:50] <Fasttimes68> i like global warming
[16:50] <mysterytrey> global heating
[16:50] <mysterytrey> pseudo-global cooling
[16:50] <Fasttimes68> im a coneseuir
�03[16:51] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm?
[16:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Global warming is lame
�02[16:53] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[16:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> This is the year of Global Defense Inititive
[16:53] <russavia> soapy, given that its the middle of the night, i am guessing all available finns would be out stabbing people in the forest at the moment
[16:53] <russavia> perkele!
[16:53] <Tony_Sidaway> Wonderful. That guy asked why global warming isn't happening and he's upset to be informed that it is.
[16:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia finns dont have a darnk brotherhood office
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair global warming is a controversial term
�03[16:54] * Anurag2k12 (~Anurag2k1@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whats happening is climate change
[16:54] <RD> lol
[16:54] <Tony_Sidaway> Different name, same phenomenon.
[16:54] <RD>  Yes.  The 4th season.
[16:54] <TeeTylerToe> Isn't it happening at 100 times the pace of regular climate change?
�03[16:54] * YE|Away is now known as YE
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> true but one is wrong
[16:54] <RD> Fall, Winter, Spring, Global Warming
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> climate change does not result in global warming everywhere
[16:54] <Soapy> russavia: eh i found a Finnish speaking Finn in Finland on another channel : )
[16:55] <Soapy> optimism pays off
[16:55] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. anyone have adobe acrobat?
[16:55] <Tony_Sidaway> I won't argue about it. Our article is pretty definitive.
[16:55] <RD> Does anybody not have adobe acrobat? :P
[16:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> tempratures in some places actually decreases due to the phenomenom
[16:55] <BobTheWikipedian> i only have adobe reader
[16:55] <russavia>  lol
[16:55] <RD> Oh, right
[16:55] <RD> :)
[16:55] <Soapy> i had Adobe Acrobat once
[16:55] <Soapy> the real thing
[16:55] <BobTheWikipedian> i need a document converted from a pdf :P
[16:55] <Soapy> I got it legally either for free or really cheap through my school
�06[16:56] * RD just likes Word's ability to save as PDF
[16:56] <Soapy> It's gone now though. And probably wouldnt run on Windows 7 anyway
[16:56] <Soapy> I dont think even Acrobat can convert *from* a pdg
[16:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway sure, I only interfered because some dickheads use out of season snowing as evidence that global warming is false
[16:56] <Soapy> at least not the version I had had
[16:56] <RD> BobTheWikipedian: MS Word does it
[16:56] <Soapy> Photoshop maybe could
[16:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> RD sure it can
[16:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> download primo pdf
[16:56] <RD> What is the document currently?
[16:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and print to it
[16:56] <RD> Not even that
[16:56] <BobTheWikipedian> pdf to doc?
[16:56] <RD> It has a built in feature
[16:56] <Fasttimes68> ToAruShiroiNeko: not their fault someone gave anthropogentic climate change a bad name
[16:56] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: please just read the global warming article, which defines the term.
[16:56] <BobTheWikipedian> word goes doc to pdf
[16:57] <RD> Oh, *from* .. I missed that.
[16:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway I have no problem with it
[16:57] <BobTheWikipedian> not reverse
[16:57] <RD> My old scanner had software to do that.
[16:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "Climate change" is the PC term, thats all I am saying
[16:57] <Soapy> adobe Photoshop can take pdf's as input a
[16:57] <RD> Not helpful. Sorry.
[16:57] <Soapy> *and output to various other formats that are image based
[16:57] <Soapy> what were you trying to convert it to?
[16:57] <Soapy> .doc ?
[16:57] <Soapy> a business card reading program might help
[16:57] <BobTheWikipedian> anything that i can insert into a word document
[16:57] <Soapy> yeah
[16:57] <BobTheWikipedian> i suppose i'll do a print screen
[16:58] <Soapy> you can insert images
[16:58] <Soapy> print screen will work but itll be pixelated
[16:58] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: you say you have no problem, but you argue from a fundamental misconception about what global warming means, and that is cleared up in the first sentence.
[16:58] <Soapy> i wouldnt even say "climate change" is more politically correct
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[16:59] <RD> Are we gong to have a global warming discussion in here?
[16:59] <Tony_Sidaway> No.
[16:59] <Soapy> yes!
�06[16:59] * RD doesn't think that's a good idea. :P
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[16:59] <Tony_Sidaway> That's my last word.
[16:59] <Soapy> can we debate abortion instead then?
[16:59] <Soapy> nothing brings people together like abortion debates
[17:00] <Fasttimes68> i like sauteeing the fetus
[17:00] <Tony_Sidaway> I would expect we're all on the same side of that one, at least.
[17:00] <Fasttimes68> i dunno, do you prefer olive oil or butter?
�03[17:01] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[17:01] <Tony_Sidaway> It's been a long time since abortion was really controversial outside religious circles.
[17:01] <mysterytrey> Interesting name for an album.
�02[17:01] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) Quit (Quit: peteforsyth�)
[17:01] <Pharos> depwnds on the country
[17:02] <Tony_Sidaway> Well I'm in London.
[17:02] <Fasttimes68> im in favor of later term abortion
[17:02] <Fasttimes68> up to 215 months
[17:02] <Pharos> this seems excessive
[17:03] <Fasttimes68> at least the kid will mind his p
[17:03] <Fasttimes68> p's and q's
�02[17:03] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
�03[17:04] * august101 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:04] <TeeTylerToe> I lost a friend over an argument over whether the federal government funded abortion, and in what exact cases the federal government has over time
�03[17:04] * august101 ( has left #wikipedia-en
[17:04] <Fasttimes68> must not have been good friends
�02[17:04] * Maryana (~justdandy@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: AFK�)
[17:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe so you aborted your friendship?
[17:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> was it federal gov funded?
[17:05] <TeeTylerToe> No, it was just a fanatical belief
[17:05] <TeeTylerToe> medicare covers it in cases of incest rape, and a few other cases, and it changes over time
[17:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
�03[17:06] * Frood_ (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Why would people care about what the federal government pays
[17:06] <TeeTylerToe> because they don't want their tax dollars to go to abortion
[17:06] <RD> Lets talk about in the meeting :P
[17:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can tell them their tax money is exclusively used on bombs
[17:07] <RD> s/meeting/room
[17:07] <Soapy> ok
[17:07] <RD> lol
[17:07] <Soapy> Wikipedia has locked the pages of several Republicans being mentioned as possible running mates for Mitt Romney, perhaps as a response to some shenanigans from Stephen Colbert.
�02[17:07] * MC8 (~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[17:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
[17:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I object
[17:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the entire site should be protected
�02[17:08] * Anurag2k12 (~Anurag2k1@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[17:08] <RD> With armed guards.
[17:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I suspect Patrick Steward could be a candidate for romney
[17:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Who would hire guards without arms?
[17:08] <RD> ED.
[17:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its as irrational as guards without legs
[17:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> guards without legs or arms = shield
�02[17:09] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[17:09] <Soapy> Pawlenty's the only one whose article got full protected
[17:09] <Soapy> maybe we got a leak that he's the actual nominee?
[17:10] <Soapy> id vote for pawlenty
[17:10] <TeeTylerToe> at first there were no exemptions For a brief period of time, coverage included cases of rape, incest, life endangerment, and physical health damage to the woman. However, beginning in 1979, the physical health exception was excluded, and in 1981 rape and incest exceptions were also excluded.
[17:10] <TeeTylerToe> In September 1993, Congress rewrote the provision to include Medicaid funding for abortions in cases where the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest. The present version of the Hyde Amendment requires coverage of abortion in cases of rape, incest, and life endangerment.
[17:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think US politics and Egypt politics have something in common
[17:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> both is over women
[17:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in part
[17:11] <Soapy> eh??
[17:12] <Soapy> egypt was nice a few thousand years ago
[17:12] <Pharos> egypt is nicer now than it was then
[17:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> lies
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[17:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> back then it was under british rule
[17:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whats better than being ruled by the british
[17:14] <TeeTylerToe> in heaven the cops are british the lovers italian, the chefs french, the mechanics german and it's all run by the swiss
[17:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe ya
[17:15] <TeeTylerToe> in hell the cops are german the lovers swiss the chefs british, the mechanics french and it's all run by the italians
[17:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but italians are efficient
[17:15] <Tony_Sidaway> We've still got their Rosetta Stone and an incredibly large number of looted "archeological artefacts"
[17:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway not really impressed
[17:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> americans have shipped an entire pyramid
[17:16] <Tony_Sidaway> Mummies, tomb decorations, all sorts.
[17:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway queen mum mummy <3
[17:16] <WilliamH_UK> brits do excellent food
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[17:17] <WilliamH_UK> many times I have hosted European friends round my house and it's an in-joke that they go back to their home country fatter because our food is great :P
[17:17] <Tony_Sidaway> The only edible British food is Yorkshire Pudding and sadly you can't live on that.
[17:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway is that a challenge? :3
[17:17] <WilliamH_UK> yorkshire puddings are fab
[17:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Britons got talent: yorkshire pudding challenge
[17:18] <WilliamH_UK> but i'd prefer the whole roast beef ;)
[17:19] <Tony_Sidaway> The French actually call us "rosbifs" because of our awful cuisine.
[17:19] <WilliamH_UK> pfffft what do they know about food?
[17:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair the French have thyme
[17:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK more than you think
[17:19] <WilliamH_UK> it was sarcasm :P
[17:19] <Tony_Sidaway> Ooh and English cheese is excellent.
[17:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I know
[17:20] <Soapy> all good food comes from the tropics
[17:21] <Soapy> everyone agrees with me
[17:21] <Tony_Sidaway> And English pancakes, which are rather like French crepes.
[17:22] <WilliamH_UK> Bakewell tart.
[17:22] <WilliamH_UK> mmmmmmmmm
[17:22] <WilliamH_UK> fish and chips
[17:22] <Tony_Sidaway> Apart from that, all English food is unremittingly dull and stodgy.
[17:22] <WilliamH_UK> it can be
[17:22] <WilliamH_UK> it definitely has the potential for it
[17:23] <WilliamH_UK> if you think about dishes like shephard's pie, etc, etc
[17:23] <WilliamH_UK> that's not my favourite thing, I prefer not to have my food slurried together like that
�03[17:23] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:23] <Tony_Sidaway> We eat foreign food. The traditional stuff, we serve to tourists as a cynical joke.
[17:23] <Soapy> lol
[17:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway to be fair, there was this british cookie I ate
[17:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it was with butter or something
[17:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> from one of her magesties companies
[17:24] <WilliamH_UK> Tony_Sidaway +1
[17:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it elevated me to heaven
[17:24] <WilliamH_UK> ToAruShiroiNeko like a butter biscuit then?
[17:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway in one sense its not foreign food
[17:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> just former biritsh colony food
[17:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK yes
[17:24] <WilliamH_UK> excellent
[17:24] <Tony_Sidaway> Yes, we do Brilliant biscuits. Comparable to the best German ones.
[17:25] <WilliamH_UK> was it shortbread?
[17:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> probably
[17:25] <WilliamH_UK> SCONES!
[17:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it was in a container
[17:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> cylindirical
[17:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> metal
[17:25] <WilliamH_UK> I believe after 5 years of supplying the royal household, a retailer or service provider may apply for a Royal Warrant
[17:25] <Tony_Sidaway> Yeah, but apart from the Yorkshire Pudding, the cheese, the biscuits, etc
[17:25] <Tony_Sidaway> All British food is awful.
[17:26] <WilliamH_UK> e.g. Swan matches
[17:26] <Tony_Sidaway> Inedible
[17:26] <Tony_Sidaway> Totally inedible
[17:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway fish and chips is awesome
[17:26] <WilliamH_UK> "By appoint to Her Majesty Elizabeth II, makes of fine matches."
[17:26] <WilliamH_UK> yes, it actually says that on a box of matches
[17:26] <WilliamH_UK> in all fairness: they are excellent matches, they never fail
[17:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK not true
[17:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they fail in space
[17:27] <Tony_Sidaway> You tasted a match?
[17:27] <WilliamH_UK> ToAruShiroiNeko i'll grant you that
�06[17:27] * ToAruShiroiNeko gtantifies
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[17:29] <mysterytrey> It took eir 2 lines? Lotta vandalism.
�03[17:29] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*@*
[17:29] <Tony_Sidaway> The whole By Appointment thing has always puzzled me. Can a maker of sex toys apply for that?
�03[17:29] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*@thefuture*
[17:30] <Tony_Sidaway> Mostly it's alcohol and biscuits and stuff.
�03[17:30] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*@*
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[17:30] <WilliamH_UK> right guys
[17:30] <WilliamH_UK> I'm looking for
[17:30] <WilliamH_UK> a 3.5 inch IDE disk cradle
�03[17:31] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
[17:31] <WilliamH_UK> if such a one exists, i'd like it to run off USB power, and not an adaptor
[17:31] <Tony_Sidaway> Maybe they're all biscuit-munching, alcoholic, pyromaniac sex haters.
[17:33] <Tony_Sidaway> WilliamH_UK I have a cable for that. For 2.5" it runs on USB. For 3.5" it has a separate power supply.
[17:33] <WilliamH_UK> bugger. I'm looking for a 3.5 inch one without a separate power supply, if such a thing exists, and I have the feeling it doesn't, unless Google can prove otherwise
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[17:33] <Tony_Sidaway> Handy for data recovery.
[17:34] <Tony_Sidaway> I suspect the power requirements are too big for USB.
[17:34] <WilliamH_UK> mmm I suspect so too
[17:34] <The_Thing>
�03[17:35] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:36] <mysterytrey> USB + maker of sex toys = USB sex toy
[17:37] <mysterytrey> Oh I love combining topics.
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[17:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mysterytrey now now
[17:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a USB sex toy aquarium
[17:38] <mysterytrey> 20:28 <WilliamH_UK> if such a one exists, i'd like it to run off USB power, and not an adaptor+ 20:26 <Tony_Sidaway> The whole By Appointment thing has always puzzled me. Can a maker of sex toys apply for that?
[17:38] <mysterytrey> =
[17:38] <mysterytrey> USB sex toy
[17:38] <WilliamH_UK> haha oh wow
[17:38] <WilliamH_UK> 2 contexts combined
�06[17:39] * The_Thing looks at Fluffernutter.
[17:40] <mysterytrey> 16:51 <kaldari> and typewriters! + 20:28 <WilliamH_UK> if such a one exists, i'd like it to run off USB power, and not an adaptor+ 20:26 <Tony_Sidaway> The whole By Appointment thing has always puzzled me. Can a maker of sex toys apply for that? = USB typewriter dildo
�06[17:40] * Fluffernutter looks at The_Thing
[17:40] <The_Thing> WilliamH_UK: 3.5 inch disks draw too much power to be used on USB alone, they require an adapter no matter what.
[17:40] <WilliamH_UK> balls
[17:40] <WilliamH_UK> thought so
[17:40] <The_Thing> 2.5 inch disks are a different story, of course :)
[17:41] <WilliamH_UK> the power adaptor for my current one has failed and it's cheaper to get a new cradle than buy that adaptor again
�06[17:41] * Jasper_Deng thinks should be closed
[17:41] <WilliamH_UK> yes quite, i have one, salvaged from my old laptop
[17:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway hmm
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[17:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if a dildo connects to the internet, does that count as porn?
[17:41] <mysterytrey> No.
[17:42] <mysterytrey> Wait.
[17:42] <The_Thing> Also:
[17:42] <mysterytrey> Does php count as a dildo?
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[17:43] <russavia> -- so the greeks can fix illegal immigration but not their own economy?
[17:44] <Pharos> if by fixing illegal immigration you mean beating up foreigners who actually work
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�06[17:45] * Isarra kidnaps Pharos.
�06[17:45] * Isarra travels to a foreign country and puts him to work.
[17:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos thats a type of fixing
[17:45] <Pharos> ohnoees\
[17:46] <Pharos> what foreign country?
[17:46] <Pharos> do they have universal healthcare?
[17:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> probably japan
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[17:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you are now a hentai beta tester
[17:47] <mysterytrey> ...
[17:47] <WilliamH_UK> what's funnier than british TV is ripping the piss out of it
[17:47] <WilliamH_UK>
[17:47] <WilliamH_UK> harry hill, you are a very funny man
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[17:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia btw
[17:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the said river is at the border
[17:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it is inaccessable by either side
[17:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as in by civilians
�02[17:51] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�06[17:51] * ToAruShiroiNeko thinks a better strategy is building draw bridges
[17:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and dragons
[17:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BTW
[17:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US is protested at mars
�03[17:52] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:53] <WilliamH_UK> ToAruShiroiNeko here's an amazing view of the Milky Way from Mars:
[17:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WilliamH_UK WOW
�03[17:53] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�03[17:53] * AndrewN is now known as AndrewN[AFK]
[17:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> do you have infrared view?
[17:56] <BobTheWikipedian> wow. my resume is SO not "copy-and-paste-into-notepad"-friendly
�02[17:56] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[17:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as in you dont have anything to copy?
�03[17:57] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:58] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has left #wikipedia-en ("parted"�)
[17:58] <Sven_Manguard> *Ladies and Gentlemen: In case Pharos hasn't pestered you all enough, a WALRUS meeting is happening in five minutes in #wikimedia-us (with an "m", not a "p")*
�03[17:58] * ragesoss (~ragesoss@wikimedia/ragesoss) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[18:00] <Sven_Manguard>  Walrus meeting is in three minutes. Oh yeah, we're bringing out the colored text for this one.
[18:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WOHA
[18:00] <WilliamH_UK> yeah
[18:00] <WilliamH_UK> sex olympics
[18:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> No
[18:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it wont be a village soon
[18:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it will become a city
�03[18:02] * matt_buck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:04] <Sven_Manguard> Ladies and gentlemen. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALURTIME!!!1!
�03[18:04] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[18:05] <Tony_Sidaway>  I used to like it when Harry Hill did stand-up. I try watching his recent stuff but it's difficult to get excited at a guy taking the piss out of really bad soap operas I haven't ever watched.
[18:05] <Tony_Sidaway> To get the jokes I would actually have to watch the trash.
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�02[18:10] * Soapy ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:10] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:10] <Soapy> good luck with the job hunt Bob
�03[18:10] * RD ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:10] * RD ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:10] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:10] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: Is WP on your resume?
[18:11] <Soapy> Im going to be looking for a new job myself
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> yup
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> and thanks
[18:11] <SigmaWP> Yay
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> sigmawp didn't you see my userpage?
[18:11] <SigmaWP> No
[18:11] <Soapy> I thought about putting on my resume that i was an administrator but I think most people dont really understand how Wikipedia works
�02[18:11] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> [[User:Bob the Wikipedian]]
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> check my userboxes :D
[18:11] <Soapy> that photo is from the Mars Attacks! movie I think
[18:12] <SigmaWP> Ah
�03[18:12] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:12] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:12] <SigmaWP> Why do republicans use the elephant
[18:12] <BobTheWikipedian> it's the grand old party
[18:12] <Soapy> Bob can I ask what does it say on the resume?
[18:12] <Soapy> is it just a one-line thing
[18:13] <Soapy> "Wikipedia administrator"
[18:13] <BobTheWikipedian> thomas nash depicted republicans as an elephant in a cartoon
[18:13] <SigmaWP> Oh
[18:13] <Soapy> or have you found room for more detailed info
[18:13] <BobTheWikipedian> not quite soapy...
[18:13] <SigmaWP> That's a retarded reason :P
�03[18:13] * matt_buck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:14] <BobTheWikipedian> pm'd you a giant block of text soapy
[18:14] <SigmaWP> Soapy: PM that to me too
[18:14] <WilliamH_UK> If you're a voluntary wiki admin, I think it's a good thing to put on your CV, or if not, at least mention it in an interview
[18:14] <WilliamH_UK> if you're trusted enough not to screw up the 5th most seen web page on earth, that's pretty neat
�02[18:15] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
�02[18:16] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: Reality intrudes�)
[18:17] <Soapy> we're 5th now?
�03[18:17] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[18:17] <Soapy> I remember when we were promoting the fact that we were 7th, just a couple years ago. Which websites did we gain over, I wonder?
�03[18:18] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:18] <BobTheWikipedian> 6th, according to alexa
�02[18:18] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[18:19] <SigmaWP> Screw alexa, we're fifth :D
�03[18:20] * kim_bruning (~kim@2001:980:331a:1:225:22ff:fe7d:8a27) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:20] <BobTheWikipedian>
[18:20] <BobTheWikipedian> beats wikipedia
[18:20] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: If you wrote cluebot NG would you put that on the resume?
[18:20] <BobTheWikipedian> indeed!
[18:20] <Soapy> 6th now
[18:21] <SigmaWP> How?
[18:21] <kim_bruning> Ok, so I'm not going to say *anything*, but could someone review the edits of  and tell me if you think they're on the up-and-up?
[18:21] <SigmaWP> "Wikipedia vandalism detection bot operator"
[18:21] <SigmaWP> thing
[18:21] <Soapy> i wonder if Twitter used to be higher
[18:21] <kim_bruning> (while we're at it, checking other recent editors at [[Rob Portman]] might be interesting
[18:21] <kim_bruning> )
[18:21] <Soapy> but that they slipped because people dont use specifically very often
[18:21] <BobTheWikipedian> twitter has never overtaken wikipedia
[18:22] <kim_bruning> Ok, I did my thing :-P
�02[18:22] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
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[18:25] <kim_bruning> actually, you know what, I'm going to post an RFCU
[18:25] <SigmaWP> Oh no
�03[18:25] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
[18:25] <kim_bruning> hmm, they can only really check for SPI?
[18:25] <kim_bruning> dang
[18:26] <kim_bruning> I want to know if some folks are doing COI
�06[18:26] * kim_bruning scratches head
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[18:27] <Soapy> hi ice
[18:27] <Icy_> 'lo
[18:28] <kim_bruning> Okay, so I guess the level of dudgeon for "Mitt Romney campaigners are scrubbing WP" is, "AN/I" :-P
[18:28] <kim_bruning> s/are scrubbing/are potentially scrubbing/g
�02[18:28] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:29] <kim_bruning> You must notify any editor who is the subject of a discussion. You may use {{subst:ANI-notice}} to do so.
[18:29] <kim_bruning> well frack
[18:29] <kim_bruning> when did that start?
[18:29] <kim_bruning> :-/
[18:29] <kim_bruning> what if the user in question is innocent?
[18:29] <kim_bruning> hmph, not that that helps
[18:30] <kim_bruning> you know, threshold for reporting potential COI manipulation is really high?
[18:30] <Soapy> just transclude the ani notice in your sig
[18:30] <Soapy> that way every possibility is covered
�03[18:31] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:31] <Soapy> ~~~Kim Bruning (by the way there may be an ANI discussion about you; might want to check just to be safe) 04:18, 9 August 2012
[18:31] <Isarra> WHEEEEE!
[18:31] <SigmaWP> Soapy: Genius.
�06[18:31] * Isarra runs around flailing.
�06[18:31] * Icy_ gets whacked by Isarra's flailing arms.
[18:32] <Isarra> Oops. Sorry.
[18:32] <Isarra> Unfortunately a notice in a signature about ani would probably be construed as canvasing soon as there ever is one.
[18:32] <Isarra> Such as the one about the ani notice in the signature.
[18:33] <kim_bruning> I wonder if User:There maybe be an ANI discussion about you.
[18:33] <kim_bruning> is taken
[18:34] <The_Thing> We have such a damn bad case of wasps at our house...
[18:34] <Soapy> where are the wasps?
[18:34] <Soapy> i killed 40 wasps in a day once
[18:35] <Soapy> got some people upset at me for it, too
[18:35] <The_Thing> The little bastards literally made a nest inside of a hole in the brick leading to a crack in our porch.
[18:35] <Soapy> well actually I think those were hornets
[18:35] <Icy_> O..O
�02[18:35] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[18:35] <Soapy> are you going to try to kill them?
[18:35] <The_Thing> So, I sealed the crack shut, then waited for all the wasps to return to the nest... then sealed the hole shut with concrete.
[18:35] <Soapy> ah youve done it already
[18:36] <Soapy> you won
�02[18:36] * Fasttimes68 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
�06[18:36] * Soapy high fives The_Thing. Dont let the animal rights activists find out though
[18:36] <The_Thing> And they're still coming back too, there's like 2 or 3 wasps trying to figure out how the hell to get back in the next.
[18:36] <The_Thing> Soapy: About wasps!? Seriously?
[18:36] <Soapy> yes
[18:37] <Soapy> I consider myself pretty soft-hearted but I cant really get upset over the killing of insects. But, some people definitely do
[18:37] <The_Thing> If someone told me that killing wasps is bad, I'd tell them to fuck off.
�06[18:37] * Icy_ hugs her spiders protectively. But they're not exactly insects.
[18:37] <Soapy> even though the lifespan of a wasp is just a few months at most anyway
[18:37] <The_Thing> They're mean little bastards
[18:38] <The_Thing> They even look mean... They even SOUND mean. And I've had at least 1 chase after me while I was walking by and sting me...
[18:38] <The_Thing> Detestable little bastards that I have no qualms about killing... and I normally don't kill flies.
[18:39] <The_Thing> Karma, er, stings them in the ass :p
[18:39] <Isarra> Can I get a username change to something incredibly stupid just to annoy people?
[18:39] <The_Thing> Isarra: This perhaps?:
[18:39] <kim_bruning> Okiday, ANI'ed my spidey^Wwikisense
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[18:39] <Isarra> Wrong kind of annoying.
[18:40] <Isarra> I was thinking more along the lines of what kim_bruning said.
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[18:40] <Soapy> isarra: if you dont ever want to run for admin, sure
�03[18:40] * mig22 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:40] <Isarra> Soapy: Have we talked?
[18:41] <Soapy> errr ... yes?
[18:41] <kim_bruning> Isarra, ?
[18:41] <Isarra> Really?
[18:41] <Soapy> not sure what you mean by that but OK
[18:41] <kim_bruning> maybe isarra is anti-rfa? :-P
[18:41] <Soapy> i was the one who warned you that that eggplant image would cause problems on an RfA. Because really, anything can
[18:41] <kim_bruning> or... <kinda lost>
[18:41] <Isarra> I guess I'm just surprised that you'd suggest doing something like that could possibly make my odds in an rfa any worse.
�02[18:42] * MJ94 (~MJ94@wikimedia/mj94) Quit (Quit: Textual v2.1 (ZTN Fork v2.0.1)�)
[18:42] <Isarra> The eggplant is unrelated to the image.
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[18:42] <kim_bruning> dangit, I was trying to look for the big fat buddah for Isarra , but where did that user go?
[18:42] <Isarra> kim_bruning:  User:There may be be an ANI discussion about you.
[18:42] <Isarra> I love it.
[18:43] <BobTheWikipedian> and here goes my application to work at clorox...
�03[18:43] * Guest95307 is now known as MJ94
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[18:44] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: See, without capitalism you wouldn't need to worry about this :D
[18:44] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[18:44] <BobTheWikipedian> socialism in america won't work as long as freedom of religion is a right
[18:45] <kim_bruning> Isarra, eh?
[18:45] <kim_bruning> OH, right, yes :-)
�06[18:45] * Isarra hands kim_bruning a small turtle.
[18:45] <Isarra> Yes.
[18:45] <kim_bruning> definitely irritating
[18:46] <kim_bruning> or you could take a culture ship name
[18:46] <kim_bruning> though that might be equal parts awesome and irritating ;)
[18:46] <russavia> this is what is stopping socialism in the US --
�03[18:46] * Icy_ (4c13b6b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
�06[18:46] * BobTheWikipedian is glad for it
[18:46] <russavia> and
[18:47] <kim_bruning>
[18:47] <Soapy> lol
[18:47] <Soapy> polandball comics about chick-fil-A
[18:47] <Isarra> kim_bruning: Culture ship?
[18:48] <russavia> i dare you to post them in the chick-fil-a article
[18:48] <russavia> i've added them to the cat on commons of course lol
[18:48] <Soapy> does chick-fil-A really have "burgers" though?
[18:48] <russavia> who cares :)
[18:48] <Soapy> just being pedantic
[18:49] <SigmaWP> Oppose gay marriage by not getting one.
[18:49] <SigmaWP> Simple as that.
[18:50] <BobTheWikipedian> soapy - no. chicken sandwiches
[18:50] <kim_bruning> russavia,*%29
[18:51] <kim_bruning> Hmm, nice nick
[18:51] <kim_bruning> Isarra, I linked just before you asked that question ;-)
[18:51] <BobTheWikipedian> and i don't think they've made any statements to align themselves with the republican party. they've only announced that they support organizations that defend traditional marriage and do not support organizations who are against it
[18:51] <Soapy> hmm ... two huge hurricanes just hit the Phillippines
�02[18:52] * Doug_Weller (~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[18:52] <BobTheWikipedian> saying why you choose to give or not give money to organizations is freedom of speech
[18:53] <Isarra> Ah, got lost in russavia's links.
[18:53] <SigmaWP> *args, **kwargs would be a better username
[18:54] <SigmaWP>
�02[18:55] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[18:55] <kim_bruning> **kwargs ? Python? <3
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�06[18:59] * SigmaWP hugs kim_bruning 
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[19:02] <kim_bruning> rm -rf is not registered yet? O:-)
�03[19:10] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:11] <kim_bruning> later gaters
�02[19:11] * kim_bruning (~kim@2001:980:331a:1:225:22ff:fe7d:8a27) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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�02[19:41] * ragesoss (~ragesoss@wikimedia/ragesoss) Quit (Quit: Bye�)
[19:41] <ChrisGualtieri> How can I check unreferenced articles by catagory?
�02[19:41] * LikeLakers2 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[19:49] <ChrisGualtieri> No one?
[19:49] <Isarra> Magic.
�02[19:50] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[19:51] <TeeTylerToe> create a web spider that checks for reference tags
�03[19:51] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[19:51] <TeeTylerToe> or fake your death
[19:51] <TeeTylerToe> still working on a plan c
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[19:55] <ChrisGualtieri> Well TeeTylerToe I'm asking because I wonder if I should bring it up at the pump to deal with our massive backlogs
[19:55] <ChrisGualtieri> The current method is stupid
�02[19:56] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
[19:56] <TeeTylerToe> don't a lot of the templates automatically add the article to a category?
�02[19:56] * Frood_ (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[19:57] <ChrisGualtieri> Yeah, the problem is I want a template sorted by category that is not 'unrefenced by date'
[19:57] <ChrisGualtieri> I want 'unref by category'
[19:57] <TeeTylerToe> A bot could do that
[19:58] <ChrisGualtieri> And add it to WP:BACK?
[19:58] <TeeTylerToe> I suppose
[20:00] <SigmaWP> !oversight contained addresses and phone numbers
�03[20:00] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[20:00] * Frood slowly applauds 
[20:00] <Isarra> Thank you for linking that here.
[20:00] <Frood> you just sent that to nearly 200 people.
[20:00] <Isarra> We all needed this information.
[20:00] <Frood> you are an idiot
[20:01] <Nascar1996> o.0
�03[20:01] * AndrewN is now known as AndrewN|Sleep
[20:01] <Isarra> No telling if any oversighters are even on, either.
[20:01] <Logan_> It's only visible to administrators.
[20:01] <Logan_> But yes, oversight requests should only be sent via PM or e-mail.
[20:01] <Frood> Logan_: there's a reason why not all admins have oversight...
[20:01] <Logan_> Because Gfoley4.
[20:01] <Frood> yeah, he's pretty stalkish
[20:02] <Logan_> I mean, he stalked me all the way to a museum.
[20:02] <Isarra> I dunno; there are some stalkier ones...
[20:02] <Isarra> Like this one guy, he knew my name.
[20:02] <Frood> yeah, i heard about that
[20:02] <Isarra> ...or did I tell him? I can't remember.
[20:02] <Frood> went all the way across the country to meet you there
[20:03] <Logan_> I know!
[20:03] <Isarra> Creepy.
[20:04] <Isarra> fiwp is scary.
[20:04] <Logan_> It's so...foreign.
[20:04] <Isarra> And full of foreigners!
[20:05] <Isarra> And even worse, finnish people!
�06[20:05] * Logan_ shudders.
[20:05] <Tony_Sidaway> Isn't Finland where the Nokia ringtone is classed as a munition?
[20:07] <Isarra> That wouldn't come as a surprise.
[20:07] <Isarra> Granted my source of information on the place isn't exactly unbiased either.
�03[20:07] * Antonorsi is now known as Anto|away
[20:09] <Tony_Sidaway> Everything I know about Finland I learned from the Moomintroll books.
[20:10] <mareklug> and there it was written about ringtone as munition?
[20:10] <Tony_Sidaway> Finns are short and plump and cute, and they hibernate in winter.
�02[20:11] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: Reality intrudes�)
�03[20:11] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:12] <TeeTylerToe> Well, the Fins aren't the happiest of people.  The effect of a bad phonecall heralded by a ringtone could be amplified by their winter solitude
�06[20:13] * Fluff|away slaps SigmaWP with a very large trout
[20:15] <Fluff|away> there is an EMAIL ADDRESS
[20:15] <Fluff|away> Use it
[20:16] <Tony_Sidaway> Is it mangled?
�06[20:16] * Fluff|away vanished in a puff of oversight-colored smoke
[20:16] <Fluff|away> vanishes, too
�06[20:16] * Tony_Sidaway ducks
�02[20:17] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�02[20:22] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[20:23] <Frood> jorm: <-- you should make this happen.
[20:23] <jorm> i'm going to kill you now.
[20:23] <Frood> Okay.
�06[20:23] * Isarra hands jorm a frying pan.
[20:24] <Frood> but why?
[20:25] <Isarra> Scratch that.
[20:25] <Isarra> I'll kill you myself.
[20:25] <Frood> if you insist
[20:25] <TeeTylerToe> that webpage is very ironic in that it doesn't take any of it's own suggestions on user interface
[20:26] <jorm> i'm just going to start pasting this everywhere:
�03[20:27] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[20:27] <Tony_Sidaway> We did that last night.
[20:29] <Frood> jorm: but quora is down!
�02[20:29] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[20:29] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:29] <Isarra> I need entertainment.
[20:29] <mindspillage> jorm: nice answer.
�03[20:29] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[20:30] * Isarra makes Logan_ entertain herself.
[20:30] <Logan_> Frood, why do I have this reputation?
[20:30] <Frood> Logan_: what reputation?
[20:30] <Logan_> I AM NOT A CLOWN.
[20:31] <Frood> the one that you're a female?
[20:31] <jorm> danke, mindspillage.
[20:31] <Logan_> Frood: Well, you always say, "Entertain me." :P
[20:31] <jorm> it irritates me that, on a day when i expected to be talking about *our* redesign plans, i have to talk about that thing instead.
[20:31] <Frood> Oh.
[20:31] <Isarra> Sorr, I can't type.
[20:31] <Isarra> Sorry
�03[20:32] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:32] * The_Blade ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[20:32] <Isarra> So you're not a clown?
[20:33] <Logan_> I did not go to clown school, at least.
[20:34] <Frood> yes you did
[20:34] <Pharos> you're an unlicensed clown!
[20:34] <Pharos> someone call the union!
[20:34] <Isarra> Are you sure? It may have been mislabeled.
[20:34] <Frood> yes
[20:34] <Pharos> SCAB
[20:34] <Frood> fuck the police, they arrest the unlicensed clowns
�06[20:34] * Frood throws bricks at Peter-C 
[20:35] <Pharos> jorm, when is WMF going to unionize?
[20:35] <Brooke>
[20:35] <Brooke> Why doesn't the page just have a fucking trash button?
�03[20:36] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:36] <Brooke> Just delete the stupid comments. They're easy to spot.
[20:36] <Isarra> We're not even supposed to hide them.
�02[20:36] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[20:36] <Isarra> Apparently the frowny faces are useful.
[20:36] <Isarra> Or something.
[20:37] <Brooke>
[20:37] <Brooke> Painfully helpful, this shit.
[20:37] <Isarra> The initial reaction is helpful!
[20:38] <jorm> unionize?
[20:38] <Brooke>
[20:38] <ChrisGualtieri> HAHA
[20:38] <Pharos> FCWA
[20:38] <Brooke> "We're gonna host a bunch of useless comments from now on."
[20:38] <Pharos> Free Culture Workers of America
[20:38] <Brooke> Well, wonderful. That's just what we were missing!
�06[20:38] * jorm keeps his mouth shut about AFT5.
[20:39] <Isarra> THIS IS IMPORTANT.
[20:39] <Tony_Sidaway> I thought the Wikimedia union was GNAA.
[20:39] <heatherw> lol
[20:39] <Brooke> "Have feedback?" should just link to the edit screen.
[20:39] <heatherw> that would not be confusing at all
[20:39] <Brooke> Heh.
�03[20:39] * geniice ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:39] * geniice ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[20:40] <Brooke> There's a chance they might make the article better.
[20:40] <Brooke> With a feedback form, that chance is smaller.
[20:40] <Brooke> I suppose the opposite is also true: there's a much higher chance they'll just screw something up.
[20:40] <Isarra> Feedback can be useful for things they just didn't find or things they don't know how to fix, though.
[20:41] <Brooke> Feedback is a fairly generous term.
[20:41] <Brooke> Most of this is noise.
[20:41] <heatherw> i'm gonna need some… yeah :)
[20:41] <Brooke> Or garbage.
�02[20:41] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[20:41] <heatherw> sometimes the illusion of listening is very effective
[20:41] <Isarra> Without the garbage it'd be useful, though.
[20:41] <Brooke> Isarra: Maybe.
[20:41] <Brooke> I'm not sure how helpful it is to know "there should be an image!"
[20:41] <Isarra> I'd maybe be willing to touch it if given the green light to kill garbage.
[20:41] <Tony_Sidaway> The Global Warming feedback comment somebody posted earlier was a hoot. Our chap was frustrated by our baffling insistence on presenting facts.
[20:42] <Brooke> Sometimes that isn't possible and no amount of feedback changes that...
[20:42] <Brooke> True as it may be.
[20:42] <Isarra> Feedback like that doesn't harm anything, though.
�06[20:42] * Peter-C licks Frood
[20:42] <Peter-C> Why did you pingeth me
[20:42] <Brooke> Isarra: Right, but I'm not seeing a great balance of value to cost.
[20:42] <Isarra> That's because it's all garbage!
[20:43] <Pharos> garbage can be recycled
[20:43] <Brooke> Right, expensive garbage.
[20:43] <Frood> Peter-C: i threw a brick at you
[20:43] <Frood> because fuck the police
[20:43] <Frood> #firstworldanarchists
�06[20:43] * Isarra wants to kill garbage.
[20:43] <Peter-C> I am not a cop :()
[20:43] <heatherw> garbage cannot be killed
[20:44] <Pharos> i don't think there's such a thing as #thirdworldanarchists
[20:44] <heatherw> it just changes state
[20:44] <Brooke> Isarra: The whole notion of creating an outlet where people can dump their noise only to then have editors spend time deleting it...
[20:44] <Pharos> they already have anarchy, and it ain't pretty
[20:44] <Brooke> Well, that's a bit silly.
[20:44] <Isarra> Okay, I want to put it in the garbage.
[20:44] <Frood> nick Froodsleep
�03[20:44] * Frood is now known as Froodsleep
[20:44] <Isarra> Brooke: Oh, no, no. You misunderstand.
[20:44] <Brooke> A bit silly, I say.
[20:44] <Isarra> We're not supposed to delete it.
�03[20:44] * Tgeairn (32497bba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:44] <Brooke> What if it's spam?
[20:44] <Pharos> we're supposed to hug it!
[20:44] <Brooke> Doesn't this awful thing get spammed?
[20:45] <Brooke> Some of the comments already read like spammer English.
[20:45] <Isarra> Of course! byt only stuff blatantly offensive is to be hidden.
[20:45] <Isarra> But
[20:45] <Brooke> Is spam offensive?
[20:45] <Isarra> Apparently not.
[20:45] <Brooke> Hmm.
[20:46] <Brooke> Well, we should start posting some, then.
[20:46] <Brooke> We'll get rich!
[20:46] <heatherw> offensive=completely subjective
[20:46] <Brooke> heatherw: The word "abuse" in the interface seems rather subjective to me.
[20:46] <Brooke> I flagged a few comments.
�03[20:46] * NuclearWarfare ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:46] * NuclearWarfare ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:46] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:46] <Brooke> But I'm not sure what one has to do to the definition of abuse to make it apply.
�03[20:46] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has left #wikipedia-en
[20:46] <Brooke> Nasty things, I think.
[20:47] <Isarra> Indeed, this thing is very... clear.
[20:47] <Isarra> And sensible!
[20:47] <Brooke>
[20:47] <Isarra> I'd never guess wikipedians were involved in it.
[20:47] <Brooke> Heh.
�06[20:47] * Brooke NP: "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room" by John Mayer from "Continuum"
[20:50] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm pretty convinced (and becoming more so) that the redesign proposal is wholly or partly satirical in intent. It's all rather too blatant.
�02[20:50] * Tgeairn (32497bba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
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[20:50] <Isarra> If it were supposed to be satire, it'd be written better.
[20:50] <Pharos> these theoretical brand redesigns are a dime a dozen
[20:51] <Pharos> don't assume satire when cluelessness is sufficient
[20:51] <Isarra> Oh gods my poor wikipedia.
�06[20:51] * Isarra hugs it.
[20:51] <jorm> most of them like to ignore the whole "multilingual" thing because it's inconvenient.
[20:51] <Tgeairn> !admin Please PM
[20:51] <Pharos> Commons Category:Encyclopedia hugging
[20:52] <DeltaQuad> yes?
[20:52] <Pharos> it's like tree-hugging, but more sustainable
[20:52] <heatherw> they ignore all the hard problems. because hard problems are what?
[20:53] <heatherw> also, they don't know about most of them.
[20:53] <ChrisGualtieri> I'm ready to address many problems, but no one ever can make my solutions >.>
�03[20:54] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:55] <ChrisGualtieri> I just posted a bit on pump about the unreferenced articles mess
�02[20:57] * LtNOWIS (~Simon@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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�03[21:04] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
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�03[21:09] * Dagny (~missrain@wikipedia/OohBunnies) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[21:28] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Later!�)
[21:29] <YE> are admins around?
�03[21:29] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:31] * Ktr101 (183cd9f9@wikipedia/Ktr101) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[21:31] <TeeTylerToe> this place is lousy with them, though I am not one.  What do you need?
�02[21:32] * Seddon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[21:32] <TeeTylerToe> if you see one ask you for food spray them with a spritzer
[21:32] <Isarra> I keep thinking wiktionary is wikipedia.
[21:32] <Isarra> Why do they use the same favicon?
[21:32] <Isarra> That's just cruel.
[21:35] <YE> a sandbox moved
[21:35] <Sven_Manguard> lol
[21:37] <TeeTylerToe> I think editors have some move privledges
[21:37] <TeeTylerToe> priviledges
[21:45] <Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: only admins can move over redirects
[21:45] <Sven_Manguard> if there's no redirect, almost anyone can do it
�03[21:45] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:46] <Sven_Manguard> last admin to speak in this channel is Pharos
[21:47] <SigmaWP>
[21:47] <Isarra> He's an admin?
[21:47] <Isarra> Weird.
[21:47] <Isarra> We really have crazy admins.
[21:48] <haggis> Sven_Manguard: hey :-)
[21:48] <geniice> Isarra well that or RFA makes them crazy
�03[21:48] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:48] <haggis> geniice: both.
[21:48] <haggis> they were crazy to begin with, RfA triggered it.
[21:49] <Isarra> Are wiktionarians any more agreeable than wikipedians?
[21:50] <geniice> no idea
[21:50] <geniice> how do people here test out new camera kit?
�02[21:51] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[21:51] <Sven_Manguard> Isarra: "are _____ more agreeable than wikipedians?" Probably.
�03[21:52] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:52] <Sven_Manguard> are the Jersey Shore cast more agreeable than wikipedians? Yes.
[21:52] <Sven_Manguard> are the mole people from the original Deus Ex game more agreeable than wikipedians? Yes.
[21:52] <Isarra> Are there any particularly good ways to get wikipedians to going along proposals with long-lasting impacts?
[21:52] <Isarra> Sven_Manguard: Are people on meta more agreeable than wikipedians?
[21:53] <SigmaWP> Admins are welcome to delete
�06[21:53] * SigmaWP hugs geniice 
[21:53] <Sven_Manguard> No. If you spend time on Meta you're a nutcase.
[21:53] <Sven_Manguard> But actually, yeah, probably IS
�02[21:53] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[21:53] <Isarra> And people on commons?
[21:53] <Sven_Manguard> Definately.
�03[21:53] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluff|sleep
[21:53] <Sven_Manguard> Unless the issue is naked ladies
[21:53] <Sven_Manguard> or Jimbo
[21:53] <Isarra> There are issues there that don't involve naked people?
[21:54] <geniice> yes
[21:54] <geniice> copyright
[21:54] <Sven_Manguard> Yes. For example, Republicans.
[21:54] <Sven_Manguard> There was something in the news.
�03[21:54] * Daley (adamdaley@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:54] <NuclearWarfare> Republicans were in the news?
[21:54] <Isarra> Copyright of naked republicans.
[21:54] <Sven_Manguard> Oh, wait, you're talking Commons only.
[21:54] <NuclearWarfare> shocker, news at 11
[21:54] <Sven_Manguard> NuclearWarfare: The news picked up that we semi-protected the potential VP candidates due to vandalism
[21:55] <Sven_Manguard> oh, also Hi.
[21:55] <geniice> Isarra oh and this has been a bit messy
[21:55] <Sven_Manguard> Also YE is looking for an admin NuclearWarfare. He needs something moved over a redirect.
[21:55] <NuclearWarfare> Tell him to pm me
[21:55] <Sven_Manguard> YE: PM it to NuclearWarfare
[21:55] <Sven_Manguard> :D
[21:55] <Isarra> Weird.
[21:56] <Sven_Manguard> And on that note, I've got work in 7 hours. Goodnight!
[21:57] <Isarra> Dream well, silly.
[21:57] <Dagny> Any nadmins around?
[21:57] <Isarra> What's a nadmin?
[21:57] <Dagny> Like an admin but with more nads
[21:57] <Dagny> Anyway
[21:58] <Dagny> Aaaadmins...aaaadmins
�06[21:58] * Dagny tries to lure them out with bread crumbs
�02[21:59] * Hydriz (~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz) Quit (Quit: Hydriz�)
[21:59] <NuclearWarfare> Dagny: Food!
�02[21:59] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[21:59] <NuclearWarfare> what do you want
[21:59] <Isarra> Your spleen.
[21:59] <Dagny> NuclearWarfare: a nice little semi-prot on this
[21:59] <Isarra> Oh wait, that's me.
[22:00] <NuclearWarfare> done
[22:00] <Dagny> You're a darling
�06[22:00] * Dagny gives NuclearWarfare many cookies
[22:00] <Isarra> Now that she's done with you, can I have your spleen?
[22:01] <NuclearWarfare> Sorry, I already promised that to someone else
�06[22:01] * NuclearWarfare flees
[22:01] <NuclearWarfare> night all
[22:01] <TeeTylerToe> it's now nice and plump
[22:01] <Isarra> Oh.
[22:01] <Isarra> Okay.
[22:01] <Isarra> Dream well.
�02[22:01] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88-rdmsoft [XULRunner]�)
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[22:03] <geniice> for the record breadcrums don't work on most admins
[22:03] <geniice> try beer
[22:05] <Isarra> Man, I could have done a much better job on that walrus logo.
[22:05] <Isarra> Dammit.
[22:05] <Isarra> Think anyone would notice if I swapped it out for a new one?
�03[22:09] * M132T003C ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[22:09] <SigmaWP> geniice: Can you delete
�03[22:09] * Apheori ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[22:09] * Apheori (~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:09] <geniice> CAT CSD
[22:10] <geniice> look into it
[22:10] <SigmaWP> I wasn't sure if it should've been g3 or a7, but we should kill it quickly
�02[22:13] * YE ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
�02[22:18] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[22:19] <SigmaWP> OHOHOHO
[22:19] <SigmaWP> tiptoe
[22:19] <SigmaWP> TAHDSNknsdf
[22:20] <SigmaWP> NEW RFA
[22:20] <SigmaWP>
[22:21] <Apheori> Are there CSD lolcats?
[22:21] <Apheori> Bahahah.
[22:21] <Apheori> How long to snowball?
[22:21] <Apheori> Wait...
[22:21] <Apheori> Enwp?
[22:21] <Apheori> Oh, yeah, he's banned here.
[22:22] <Apheori> Guy showed up on another wiki and my first instinct was to block and then I was like waaaait, what's me reasoning exactly?
[22:22] <Apheori> And then I found I couldn't log in and so that was the end of that.
�03[22:23] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:24] <Apheori> We're all going to die.
�03[22:25] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[22:30] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[22:30] <Peter-C> omgomgomgomg
[22:30] <Peter-C> The rapist is inside the house
�06[22:30] * Peter-C hugs himself tight and watches his TV some more in anticipation
�06[22:30] * Isarra approaches Peter-C with a bottle of lube.
�06[22:31] * Peter-C slaps Isarra away
�03[22:31] * lazy is now known as Barras
[22:32] <Peter-C> omg the rapist didn’t rape him
[22:32] <Peter-C> :3
�03[22:32] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�02[22:32] * ChrisGualtieri (47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[22:33] <Daley> What a wonderful day!
�06[22:33] * Peter-C eats Daley’s family
[22:33] <Peter-C> How about now.
�06[22:34] * Daley has only his mother. He can now sell the house and move.
[22:34] <Peter-C> fuck.
�06[22:34] * Peter-C burns down the house
[22:34] <Daley> noooooooooooooooo
[22:34] <Peter-C> YES!
[22:34] <Daley> noooooooooooooooo!
[22:34] <geniice> Daley eh land has value
[22:35] <Daley> yeah about $160,000 :|
�06[22:35] * Peter-C tosses Daley down a flight of stairs
[22:36] <Daley> Peter-C: You have a choice of 1 step or 4 steps to toss me down. Which?
[22:36] <Peter-C> ALL OF THEM
[22:36] <Daley> thank god, to the people who built this house  about 130 years ago.
�06[22:38] * Daley burns Peter-C's bed.
[22:39] <Peter-C> No you didn’t.
[22:39] <Peter-C> Your in an icu :3
�03[22:39] * Dcoetzee|2 (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:39] <Daley> Can't be any worse than the nut house icu.
�02[22:41] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�06[22:43] * Daley imagines Peter-C is that weight lifter who dropped 196kg on his head/neck at the Olympics.
[22:44] <Peter-C> :o
[22:44] <haggis> Daley: lol
[22:44] <haggis> that was hilariou
[22:44] <haggis> s
[22:44] <Daley> You see it?
�03[22:44] * kaldari (~rkaldari@wikimedia/kaldari) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:47] <Daley> I was watching the men's Steeplechase and before it started I said that I wanted to see someone run into one of them, the last runner basically did and I couldn't stop laughing. I like to take the fun side out of other people's "professional" sports into consideration.
[22:48] <Peter-C>
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Session Close: Wed Aug 08 22:52:01 2012

Session Start: Fri Aug 10 14:02:09 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[14:02] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[14:02] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[14:02] * Set by RD on Tue Aug 07 10:41:41
[14:02] #wikipedia-en url is
�03[14:02] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[14:02] <Trenton> The part in Brooklyn in fine, but the skip-stop pattern on weekends sucks (at least, in Queens)
[14:02] <Trenton> [[Q (New York City Subway service)#Stations]]
�02[14:02] * schiste (~schiste@wikimedia/schiste) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[14:03] <Trenton> I'm looking forward to the T
�02[14:04] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[14:04] <harej> Boston raged.
�02[14:04] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�03[14:04] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:05] <Trenton> I'm talking the 'T' as in the Second Avenue Subway
[14:05] <Trenton> [[Second Avenue Subway]]
[14:05] <Dcoetzee> It is done
[14:06] <Dcoetzee> I'll see how it goes. It might be a little bit too radical. :-P
[14:06] <Trenton> Dcoetzee: So if I wanted to write about [[MissingNo.]], I'd have to contact an expert on [[MissingNo.]], eh?
[14:07] <Dcoetzee> I said in a relevant field :-)
�03[14:07] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:07] <Dcoetzee> There are Pokemon experts out there!
[14:07] <Qcoder02> Hi Dcoetzee
[14:07] <harej> I know, Trenton. Boston still raged.
[14:08] <Trenton> .
[14:08] <Dcoetzee> Trenton: I did however add a line about pop culture to the proposal, thanks for reminding me. :-)
[14:09] <Trenton> MBTA Green Line = wtf
[14:09] <SigmaWP> Ugh
[14:09] <SigmaWP> I wish everyone used fcite
�03[14:09] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:10] * Kiewii|Away is now known as Kiewii
[14:11] <SigmaWP> The Croatia article took around 20 seconds to load
[14:11] <Trenton> Two seconds here.
[14:11] <Trenton> I used to use AT&T dsl, it sucked.
[14:11] <SigmaWP> Fuck you and your 5-second Debian downloads :P
[14:12] <Trenton> :P
�02[14:12] * Dusti (43c105ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[14:13] <Trenton> < [[Modular decomposition]] remains unreviewed
[14:13] <foks> Dcoetzee, I'm not sure there are any experts on XBLA games either ;)
[14:13] <Dcoetzee> foks: Sure there are. IGN reviewers for one :-)
[14:13] <Dcoetzee> Also the game's developers
[14:14] <Dcoetzee> I'd also consider Let's Play celebrities who are recognised as expert players as candidates.
[14:14] <Dcoetzee> e.g. Day[9] for Starcraft 2
[14:14] <Dcoetzee> Really anyone who's a pro level player in e-sports.
�02[14:14] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Quit: While there's life, there's hope.�)
�03[14:15] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[14:15] <SigmaWP> Oh damn
[14:16] <SigmaWP> Sergius Mamay, a paleobotanist who specialised in coal ball studies, died in 2008
[14:16] <Pharos> there's a pattern!
[14:16] <Pharos> only one man living has a motive...
[14:16] <Pharos> J'accuse!!!
�02[14:17] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
�03[14:19] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:20] <Qcoder02> Evening all
[14:21] <Peter-C> Grand theft auto is my middle name
[14:21] <mysterytrey> Evening q
[14:21] <Soapy> thats quite an unusual name
�06[14:22] * mysterytrey 's middle name is Cindy.
[14:22] <Trenton> Hello, Peter Grand Theft Auto C.
�02[14:23] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Quit: User has quit this network.�)
[14:23] <Peter-C> Sup
�02[14:23] * Fasttimes68 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[14:23] <Peter-C> mysterytrey - My middle name is better
[14:23] <mysterytrey> My last name is Nyan.
[14:24] <Peter-C> >:O
�06[14:24] * Peter-C flips over a table
[14:24] <mysterytrey> You did a flip over a table, or you fliped a table over?
�03[14:24] * slon02 (47e0b9c9@wikipedia/slon02) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:24] <Trenton> CBTC FOR THE 7 FLUSHING :D
[14:24] <Trenton> R188's, hurry up.
[14:25] <Qcoder02> Peter-C:   Can;t you steal an EMS waggon in one version of the GTA series?
[14:25] <Peter-C> mhm
[14:27] <mysterytrey> Does anybody know who AlertEye is?  The one in the channel?  They've been idling for 3 days, which, IMO, is odd.  Also, my last name isn't nyan.
�03[14:27] * VunKruz ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[14:28] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
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[14:28] <Dcoetzee> Gah somebody botching their EC merges
[14:28] <Dcoetzee> In my thread
[14:29] <harej> Heaven forbid.
[14:29] <mysterytrey> EC merges?  Your thread?  I am confused.
�02[14:29] * Soapy ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[14:29] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:30] <mysterytrey> What is an ec merge & what is your thread?
[14:30] <Dcoetzee> Two people added comments and blew away previous comments.
[14:30] <Dcoetzee> And my changes to the lead.
[14:30] <Dcoetzee> Trying to fix no time to talk
[14:31] <Dcoetzee> Ugh and somebody else is trying to fix it at the same time
[14:31] <Dcoetzee> Edit conflicts suck
�03[14:32] * nickanc (~Nickanc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:33] <mysterytrey> Has something been oversighted on ?   Because otherwise someone just created a page with a csd.
[14:34] <Trenton> looks like an ec to me
[14:34] <Trenton> *edit conflict
�02[14:34] * ipatrol (~ipatrol@wikimedia/Ipatrol) Quit (Quit: TCP FIN�)
�03[14:35] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:39] <Soapy> heh
[14:39] <Soapy> thats actually pretty common .. to see a new page with a deletion tag already on it
[14:39] <Soapy> it basically just means someone copy-pasted a page that was deleted earlier and didnt bother to remove teh deletion tag or didnt know how
[14:40] <Soapy> though this isnt a case of that
[14:40] <Soapy> it looks like someone just accidentally re-created the page
[14:40] <Soapy> it's gone now though
[14:40] <TeeTylerToe> or people try to find meaning in their lives by bringing up notability questions about any new article they don't know anything about
[14:41] <TeeTylerToe> forcing a pointless argument about what notability means
�02[14:41] * haggis (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[14:41] <TeeTylerToe> and whether or not an article for something that stopped production in the 1970s qualifies as advertisement
�03[14:41] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:43] <Trenton> wtf...
[14:43] <Trenton> O_o
[14:43] <Trenton> the next time I meet derp, I want to strangle him\
[14:44] <foks> ?
[14:44] <TeeTylerToe> he derped one herp too many
[14:44] <TeeTylerToe> a herp too far
�03[14:44] * ZT ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:44] <WilliamH_UK> isn't that a james bond film?
[14:45] <WilliamH_UK> GoldenDerp
[14:45] <WilliamH_UK> Dr. Derp
�03[14:45] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:45] <WilliamH_UK> haha
[14:45] <WilliamH_UK> oh wow
[14:45] <WilliamH_UK> Derp and Let Herp
[14:45] <Trenton> derp - zalgo, et
[14:45] <Trenton> c
[14:45] <WilliamH_UK> i know, I'm joking :P
[14:45] <Trenton> just discovered that he's been in contact with gnaa and sent them *lots* of irc logs
[14:45] <Trenton> :(
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> Well it looks like I came up with a proposal that is violently opposed to Wikipedia culture.
[14:46] <foks> oh, that's ooold news
[14:46] <WilliamH_UK> of which channel, this one?
[14:46] <WilliamH_UK> he did that ages ago
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> I'll have to keep that in mind for future reference.
[14:46] <Trenton> foks: ja, I know
[14:46] <TeeTylerToe> Somehow I think gnaa can get any logs it wants
[14:46] <WilliamH_UK> has he done it since?
[14:46] <foks> nobody even cares
[14:46] <TeeTylerToe> 200 out of the 199 people here are probably bots
[14:46] <Trenton> derp is one of my old irc-buddies
[14:46] <Trenton> well, not very 'old'
[14:47] <Trenton> given that we spoke less than a week ago
[14:47] <foks> yeah, mine too
[14:47] <foks> wasn't exactly thrilled when he did that
[14:47] <TeeTylerToe> the nick derp wasn't a giveaway?
[14:48] <Trenton> no, it was SerialSockpuppet
�02[14:48] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: Reality intrudes�)
[14:48] <Trenton> I just realized it, since I'd been reading (shhh!) gnaa irc logs out of curiosity, and the first names were always that alias
�03[14:48] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[14:51] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[14:51] <WilliamH_UK> basically nothing of any interest in this chatroom happens anyway
[14:51] <TeeTylerToe> people are plenty caty here
[14:52] <Pharos> when they should be more walrusy
[14:52] <ChrisGualtieri> >.>?
[14:52] <TeeTylerToe> it would be so much simpler if we were all newts
�03[14:53] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:53] <Pharos> walrus > newt > cat
�03[14:54] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:54] <SoapX> gingrich has edited wikipedia
[14:54] <mysterytrey> Someone should kick everyone out of this channel.
[14:54] <Trenton> SoapX: ?
[14:54] <Trenton> gingrich?
[14:54] <TeeTylerToe> that sounds like a character from dune
[14:54] <TeeTylerToe> creature
[14:55] <Dcoetzee> Argh I'm getting increasingly frustrated with this kneejerk anti-elitism.
[14:55] <Qcoder02> ?
[14:55] <Pharos> so says THE MAN
[14:55] <TeeTylerToe> especially since the driving force behind it are ivy league graduate titans of industry
[14:55] <Pharos> stop putting us li'l folks down!
[14:56] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: My ill-considered proposal is running contrary to Wikipedia culture and facing a snow oppose :-P
[14:56] <Dcoetzee>
�03[14:56] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:56] <Pharos> wait, are you talking about dysfunctional politics or dysfunctional wikis?
�03[14:56] * YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:56] * Stove ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:57] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  Find me a credible subject expert on  Robot Fetishism ;)
�02[14:57] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[14:57] <TeeTylerToe> it's easier than you'd expect
[14:57] <Qcoder02> There are some articles for which no "Expert" would exist
[14:57] <TeeTylerToe> anyone with a crush on ann coulter for instance
[14:57] <TeeTylerToe> zing!
[14:57] <Qcoder02> HUh?
[14:57] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: Allison de Fren?
�06[14:57] * Qcoder02 has to look her up
[14:58] <TeeTylerToe> does that proposal really solve a problem with the FA process?
[14:58] <Dcoetzee> She made a documentary short on ASFR.
[14:58] <Qcoder02> OH OK
[14:58] <Qcoder02> ;)
[14:58] <Qcoder02> How about an expert on 1940 Ford Sedans?
[14:58] <Qcoder02> ;)
[14:58] <Dcoetzee> TeeTylerToe: Not really, it's an improvement (to assist in further improving the article) rather than a reform.
[14:58] <Stove> Guys, in what channel do the recent changes appear?
[14:59] <TeeTylerToe> thereare millions of those
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> TeeTylerToe: Indeed. And some are worthwhile, while others are excessively burdensome.
[14:59] <SoapX> recent changes is too fast to be on IRC
[14:59] <Stove> <Krenair> #en.wikipedia
�06[14:59] * Qcoder02 wonders what is more worrying... that there are subject experts on robot fetish, or that Scoetzee knows how they are :)
[14:59] <SoapX> there is technically a channel
[14:59] <SoapX> yeah, that
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: I looked up the article :-)
[14:59] <SoapX> but it's basically for bots
[15:00] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: If an article exists and has RSs, generally somebody wrote those who knows something about the area.
�02[15:00] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: Reality intrudes�)
[15:00] <ChrisGualtieri> Making it a requirement is different from suggesting the support >.> But some of the opposes seem weak
[15:00] <Qcoder02> OK OK How many credible expert do you know on the inner workings of the Church of Emacs ? :)
[15:00] <TeeTylerToe> is that an article that should be featured?
[15:01] <Stove> Wow, that's fast.
[15:01] <Qcoder02> it could be :)
[15:01] <Qcoder02> But in general 'subject experts' I've met don't work for free
[15:01] <ChrisGualtieri> Main page ones should at least be reviewed by someone knowledgable at all possible, FA guidelines are stricter than GA. Have we ever had a hoax get a GA?
[15:02] <Qcoder02> For 'reviewing' subject experts expect to get something...
�03[15:02] * Andeye ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:02] <SoapX> an article about a hoax? Definitely
[15:02] <Qcoder02> It tends to be worse for some subject areas like engineering...
[15:02] <SoapX> an article that itself is a hoax? I hope not
[15:02] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: If they don't that's okay... it's still eligible for FA. I for one know many subject experts who would be happy to review a short article, recognising the importance of Wikipedia as a broadly available popular resource.
[15:02] <Dcoetzee> It's kind of the public face of their field.
[15:03] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  Well...
�02[15:03] * Abdela (~abdela_gg@ Quit (Quit: Rooms • iPhone IRC Client •�)
[15:03] <Qcoder02> For law stuff, I'd probably treat some editors as being subject experts already
�02[15:03] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: zzzz�)
[15:03] <Dcoetzee> However it's irrelevant as my proposal will not pass :-) Because people see the word "expert" and their brains turn off.
[15:03] <Qcoder02> I mean Ironholds  wrote a large number of the FA  English law articles
�02[15:04] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: Eek! Yoshi! *flees*�)
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[15:04] <Qcoder02> The are other users that probably know as much crypto as an NSA operative ;)
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> Yeah someone raised that point... I think in such a case it's still useful to request review by another law professional who didn't contribute to the article.
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> A second opinion.
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> Most professionals already have connections with other professionals, so why not?
[15:04] <Qcoder02> Well in areas like Law and Medcine a professional review  might be good practice anyway
[15:05] <Dcoetzee> They might just say "looks good" but that's still helpful.
[15:05] <Qcoder02> I mean no-one expects a notmal person to understand the complexties of the California State Narcotics Act ... ;)
[15:06] <Qcoder02> Even if they have head  Friday's expostions on it ;)
[15:06] <Qcoder02> *heard
[15:07] <Dcoetzee> I mean seriously, half the people responding did not even read my proposal. And it's like one paragraph.
[15:07] <Dcoetzee> It's like "expert" -> "oppose" :-/
�03[15:07] * DanielB (~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:08] <Dcoetzee> I think I'll have to find an entirely different tactic for encouraging more feedback from scholars :-P
[15:08] <Dcoetzee> Something more subversive.
�02[15:08] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
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[15:09] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  On the subject of 'fetish' matters... Findiing some state level shrinks might be reasonable ;)
[15:10] <Dcoetzee> Heh that too, although I'm convinced few psychs have any amount of scholarly experience with robot fetishism.
�03[15:10] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:10] <TeeTylerToe> psychologists can't even figure out what the fantasies more than half of women have where a strong powerful man is overcome by their looks
[15:11] <TeeTylerToe> mean
�02[15:11] * SoapX (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[15:11] <Dcoetzee> Rape fantasy is kind of intuitive. Power exchange is a big part of the dynamic of sex.
[15:11] <TeeTylerToe> it's not a rape fantasy
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[15:11] <TeeTylerToe> it's great sex they don't feel guilty about because of western sexual repression
[15:12] <Jarry1250> Stove: Ah you sure you want the full list of recent changes? It's a very high-traffic channel.
[15:12] <Jarry1250> Oh, sorry, was scrolled up there
[15:12] <Jarry1250> Ignore me :P
[15:12] <Stove> That's ok Jarry1250.
[15:12] <Stove> Thanks anyway.
[15:12] <Stove> I lurked there for a couple of minutes, not one topic I know anything about.
�02[15:13] * Soapy (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[15:13] <Dcoetzee> The psych establishment is kind of hit and miss. On one hand they're very knowledgeable about common disorders like depression and phobias. On the other hand they're prone to overdiagnosis and turning ordinary human variation that have no adverse effect on life into diseases requiring spurious treatments.
[15:14] <Dcoetzee> In the 50s it was homosexuality, in the present it's Aspergers and DID, among other things.
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[15:14] <mysterytrey> So what was the channel, anyway?
[15:14] <TeeTylerToe> overprescription of ADD meds and anti-depressants
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[15:16] <Stove> mysterytrey <Krenair> #en.wikipedia
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[15:16] <mysterytrey> oh.
[15:17] <mysterytrey> I tried wikipedia.en  That explains why it was empty.
[15:17] <mysterytrey> Invite only?
[15:17] <Stove> It's a different server.
[15:17] <Stove> Anyone can join.
�02[15:18] * Schroeder (1000@unaffiliated/unclejimbob) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[15:19] <Dcoetzee> I honestly don't find the Recent Changes feed that useful, except for showing off to people "Look how fast people are editing Wikipedia!"
[15:19] <Soapy> its mostly used by bots that read it and filter it
[15:19] <Dcoetzee> Ahh I see
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[15:20] <Dcoetzee> I'm surprised there's not a more official service providing that...
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[15:22] <BlastHardcheese> it's run by the foundation on foundation servers, about as official as it gets
[15:22] <Dcoetzee> Okay I guess that's true.
[15:22] <Dcoetzee> But why IRC? Is there really no more appropriate protocol for such a live feed thing?
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[15:23] <Krenair> It sucks
[15:23] <BlastHardcheese> what protocol would you use
[15:23] <Krenair> I think there were proposals to fix it at some point
[15:23] <Dcoetzee> I'd propose a raw TCP service providing a continuous XML stream.
[15:24] <Dcoetzee> One edit per line, nice and machine readable.
[15:24] <Stove> That would be the windows way. And it's alright, but they'd probably go with JSON.
[15:24] <Dcoetzee> JSON is fine, whatever :-P
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[15:24] <Dcoetzee> Or maybe you issue a request when you connect and you get to pick.
[15:24] <Stove> I lean towards XML myself though.
[15:24] <Stove> yeah, some filtering would be nice
[15:25] <Soapy> supposedly JSON is less bloated than XML
[15:25] <Krenair> Why XML?
[15:25] <Stove> But I'd like it to filter on catogories, like, engineering stuff only, but as far as I know there are no such categories.
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[15:25] <BlastHardcheese> because Web 2.0™
[15:25] <Soapy> that would basically be a watchlist
[15:26] <Krenair> ಠ_ಠ
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[15:27] <TeeTylerToe> xml isn't windows specific
[15:27] <Stove> XML in it's bare form is alright, but as soon as they start adding namespaces and lots of options and xds and stuff, it becomes bloated and not human readable.
[15:28] <Goldy> Krenair: Like that emoticon: ಠ_ಠ! Cool! :)
[15:28] <Krenair>
[15:28] <Dcoetzee> Stove: It's not supposed to be human readable.
[15:28] <Soapy> lol
[15:28] <Stove> Yes it is...
[15:28] <Dcoetzee> You want human readable, you add a client in front of it that prints it all nice.
[15:29] <Soapy>  a whole website just for ಠ_ಠ
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[15:29] <TeeTylerToe> and .docx became office open xml overnight, then microsoft packed the ISO committees with companies they paid to register with the committee and bought the vote
[15:29] <Dcoetzee> Stove: I'm not talking about the IRC stream
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[15:29] <Stove> Everything needs to be human readable, for debugging.
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[15:29] <TeeTylerToe> you could have a program that interprets it for debugging
[15:29] <Dcoetzee> You write a debugging utility.
[15:29] <Stove> Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is defined in the XML 1.0 Specification[4] produced by the W3C, and several other related specifications,[5] all gratis open standards.[6]
[15:29] <Stove>
[15:30] <Dcoetzee> Stove: To clarify XML is supposed to be human readable but we all know that's a lie :-P
[15:30] <Stove> In simple forms it's perfectly readable.
[15:30] <Stove> More so than SOAP.
[15:30] <Soapy> heh
[15:30] <Stove> But they're adding all sorts of things which bloat it.
[15:30] <Soapy> i was wondering if someone was going to mention SOAP sooner or later
[15:31] <Stove> ERRR
[15:31] <Stove> I meant JSON
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[15:31] <Stove> SOAP is an example of how unreadable XML can become.
[15:31] <Dcoetzee> Well there's always a tension between simplicity of the language and the complexity of what it can express.
[15:32] <Krenair> Quite honestly plain XML would be fine for MediaWiki
[15:32] <Dcoetzee> Yeah for a Recent Changes feed a super simple XML schema would be quite sufficient.
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[15:32] <Krenair> But I'd prefer JSON for the feed
[15:32] <Dcoetzee> Really though, might as well just have the person issuing the request say what they want. Everybody has different programming frameworks, and they work with different data.
[15:32] <Andeye> So you are seriously suggesting to skip the IRC feed in order to replace it with a TCP feed in xml, writing debbuging tools and client programs to parse the feed into a more human readable format instead of the perfeclty human readable feed that currently exists? Just curious :)
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[15:33] <Krenair> Andeye, only debugging tool you'd need to check the feed itself would be telnet
[15:33] <Dcoetzee> Andeye: Am I proposing replacing the human readable feed that is primarily parsed and used by machine with one that's written for machines in the first place? Yes
[15:33] <Dcoetzee> Moreover, the IRC feed itself could continue to exist and be built on top of the TCP feed.
[15:33] <Dcoetzee> Except it'd be just for people.
[15:34] <TeeTylerToe> couldn't you make it rss?
[15:34] <Krenair> The feed itself should be readable by machines easily at least, which can then prettify it and show it to a user
[15:34] <Dcoetzee> So they wouldn't have to worry about changing format, etc. anymore
[15:34] <Krenair> TeeTylerToe, RSS is not a live feed really
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[15:34] <Andeye> okay, i see :)
[15:34] <Dcoetzee> :-)
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[15:37] <Stove> Well, I dunno, the IRC has a link, and all the data is on that page really. How much data would you include in the XML feed?
[15:37] <Stove> The bots would have to visit the link anyways.
[15:37] <Stove> Unless you add all changed lines and stuff in the live feed.
[15:38] <Krenair> The current implementation just sends each change through UDP to a server to be broadcast.
[15:38] <Krenair> All that'd need to be changed would be the text. Moving out of IRC would be done separately if done at all
�02[15:38] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: zZzzZzzZzz!�)
[15:39] <BarkingFish> doesn't it annoy you when you spot someone you think is a sock, and you can't remember who the hell you think they're a sock of? :P
[15:41] <Soapy> thath's happened to me a couple of times
[15:41] <BlastHardcheese> sock of jimbo obviously
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[15:41] <Dcoetzee> Aren't we all just socks of Jimbo?
[15:42] <Dcoetzee> All talking on IRC with his many open IRC client instances.
[15:42] <Soapy> maybe if you just revert their edits with an edit summary like "reverting edits by sockpuppet" someone'll figure it out
[15:42] <Soapy> or, send them to SPI with a guess and then if it's someone else theyll figure it out
[15:42] <Soapy> or ,juust ask on IRC. how serious of a chance is it that hteyre actually a sock?
[15:42] <BarkingFish> I'm seeing this dude, User:Im_a_mob_guy - about 10 days back, there was another dude creating shedloads of mafia/cosa nostra capo & related articles, and they were getting speedied to death too.
[15:42] <Soapy> ok
[15:43] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Is he recreated any deleted articles?
[15:43] <BarkingFish> i can't remember who the hell it was.
[15:43] <Dcoetzee> If so I can check their deleted edits.
[15:43] <BarkingFish> and yes, I think I can see at least 1 that's been speedied again, Dcoetzee
[15:43] <Soapy> yweah he looks pretty sockish
[15:43] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Linky?
[15:43] <Soapy> 61 edits in his first day
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[15:44] <BarkingFish> Ciancaglini Jr.
[15:44] <BarkingFish> oops
[15:44] <BarkingFish>
[15:44] <Dcoetzee> Created by User:Im a mob guy
[15:44] <Dcoetzee> No other editors.
[15:44] <Soapy> no obvious sockmasters yet
[15:44] <BarkingFish> hm... if only I could remember who the hell this other guy was...
[15:44] <BarkingFish> fuck. I hate my brain.
[15:45] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: I'll investigate briefly...
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[15:45] <Soapy> BarkingFish: do you remember if he was ever placed on ANI?
[15:45] <BarkingFish> if you can't find him, it means me going back through 10 days worth of RC
[15:45] <BarkingFish> I don't know, Soapy
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[15:45] <BarkingFish> all I know is I saw a lot of him in NPP
[15:46] <Soapy>
[15:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee do you play skyrim?
[15:46] <Soapy> maybe him ?
[15:46] <Soapy> he was blocked fairly recently
[15:46] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I haven't bought it but watched a lot of Let's Plays
[15:46] <Dcoetzee> Looks awesome
[15:46] <Soapy> and was editing mafia articles
[15:46] <BarkingFish> yeah, that's a while back, Soapy - it's possible
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[15:47] <BarkingFish> but I need to know who this other person was too... might get two birds, one housebrick, etc
[15:47] <Dcoetzee> Ummm whitewashing or what?
[15:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee
[15:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[15:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I just found this
[15:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I find the game overal amazing
[15:47] <Soapy> well King Genovese has already got a few confirmed socks so my guess is that the person you saw is one of those
[15:48] <Soapy> or it's a coincidence
[15:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I care more about story in a game
[15:48] <Steven_Zhang> OMG
[15:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and simply I am in awe despite nowhere near completing it
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[15:48] <Steven_Zhang> I found $50 in an old pair of jeans!
[15:48] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I've heard its scale is immense. The graphics are incredible obviously.
[15:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I play it with my active shutter glasses
[15:49] <Dcoetzee> Steven_Zhang: Sweet! That's enough to buy a new pair of jeans!
[15:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that video is the song on the title screen
[15:49] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Nuts
[15:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I bought a monitor that supports it
[15:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I get 60 hz on left 60hz on right ete
[15:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *eye
[15:50] <Steven_Zhang> Dcoetzee: :P
[15:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so its very good quality 3d
[15:50] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Lots of depth? How is the angle independence?
[15:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> game itself is awesome and I use a few mods that fixes some bugs and etc
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[15:50] <ChrisGualtieri> The skyrim song as I hear it in english is hilarious
[15:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee what happens is your view in the game is projected on the screen one for each eye
[15:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> perspective of the left and right eye is different
[15:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri the song is in dragon language
[15:51] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm familiar :-)
[15:51] <ChrisGualtieri> 3d Skyrim with voice commands and kinect = Warrior of Skyrim!
[15:51] <ChrisGualtieri> ToAruShiroiNeko: You clearly don't get the joke
[15:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I play on PC
[15:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri no I get it
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[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but I cannot shake the shock I had today discovering they actually came up with a language for the game
[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I demand a dragon language wikipedia now
[15:52] <ChrisGualtieri> I don't want to get banned for spouting a bunch of memes and some cursing, but I love the lyrics
[15:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri what is amazing is thats JUST the title soundtrack
[15:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you know, on the first menu
[15:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TBH such a waste
[15:53] <Dcoetzee> ChrisGualtieri: Those memes used to be funny, but then they took an arrow to the knee
[15:53] <ChrisGualtieri> Dcoetzee: That one is a little tired, but the chicken gag or child beating one is still funny
[15:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I used to be an IRCer like you but then I had taken a meme to the knee
[15:54] <ChrisGualtieri> Beat a kid, no bounty, take an apple and die!
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[15:54] <Dcoetzee> Heh
[15:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri I like to rob an entire town and they dont realize the problem
[15:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 100 pickpocket so I steal the clothes and armor they are wearing too
[15:54] <ChrisGualtieri> With maxed out everything I basically soared through the game XD
[15:54] <Dcoetzee> I'm seriously worried about this Im a mob guy and his glorification of Mafia people
[15:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mafia people have the glory of a seat cussion
[15:55] <ChrisGualtieri> You block him and you wind up in the lake kind?
[15:55] <ChrisGualtieri> Or the 'Is he serious?' worried.
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[15:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I would recomend the game, moreso with active shutter system
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[15:56] <TeeTylerToe> it really glorifies dragon killing
[15:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe not really
[15:56] <Dcoetzee> ChrisGualtieri: More the "this guy gonna get banned for POV editing" kinda worried
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[15:57] <ChrisGualtieri> Ah, that's compassionate.
[15:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not to spoil it but not all dragons are hostile
[15:57] <Gold2468|BRB> Hey, I GTG! Bye! :(
[15:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am worried that Dcoetzee is worried :p
[15:57] <Dcoetzee> Gold2468|BRB: Take care!
[15:57] <BarkingFish> i'm not having much luck, I'm going through the category "American mob bosses", but not scoring anything.  :(
�06[15:57] * BarkingFish is disappoint
[15:58] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Problem is they probs got deleted.
[15:58] <Dcoetzee> No way to find deleted articles in a category!
[15:58] <BarkingFish> not all of them did, i think
[15:58] <BarkingFish> I know a fair few did though, he had about 10 or more speedy notices on his talk page
[15:59] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Did you make any edits to his pages?
[15:59] <BarkingFish> no
[15:59] <Dcoetzee> Or his talk page?
[15:59] <Dcoetzee> Hmm
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[15:59] <BarkingFish> i think the most i did was mark one as patrolled
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[16:00] <Dcoetzee> Check out his life story here: "I loved Mafia since I was a child and my family had some strong connections to, I usually know things about the real inside of the Mob but I dont really know Sicilans very well like Giuseppe, I find he was a major figure in the Brooklyn criminal underworld."
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[16:00] <Dcoetzee> That deletion discussion also links
[16:00] <Dcoetzee> Who may be your sockmaster.
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[16:01] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: ping
[16:01] <BarkingFish> boing
[16:01] <Dcoetzee>
[16:01] <BarkingFish> Dcoetzee, he most likely is
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[16:02] <BarkingFish> the thing is, it was another username, not the one i found tonight or that one, or the others listed...
[16:02] <Dcoetzee> Hmmm an undiscovered sock?
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[16:03] <ChrisGualtieri> How about rather than be heavy handed, warn him (personally) and instruct him
[16:03] <BarkingFish> yeah
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[16:03] <ChrisGualtieri> We need more Mafia related articles with RELIABLE sources
[16:03] <BarkingFish> how about catching the socks out there while they're socking, ChrisGualtieri? :)
[16:03] <ChrisGualtieri> I know there are legitimate socks and bad socks
[16:03] <Dcoetzee> "I oppose this idea. Experts should be encouraged to become regular contributors by making Wikipedia a more welcoming environment for them as regular editors." ...really?
[16:03] <BarkingFish> we do need more rs mafia articles, we also need them made by users who aren't circumventing blocks to keep editing :)
[16:04] <ChrisGualtieri> If its circumventing a block, the block should be imposed and the talk page be opened to discussion for constructive purposes
[16:04] <WilliamH_UK> a sock? where
[16:05] <ChrisGualtieri> A lot of editors get blocked for dumb stuff, I can't even fix typos without someone threatening me with ANI >.>
[16:05] <BarkingFish> possible socks, WilliamH_UK - at least one, i'm trying to remember the name of the other one
[16:05] <WilliamH_UK> where are they congregating?
[16:05] <BarkingFish> I'm looking at User:Im_a_mob_guy , WilliamH_UK
[16:05] <BarkingFish> targeting and making articles on mafia peeps, WilliamH_UK
[16:05] <ChrisGualtieri> If its a legit block and he's circumventing, then yeah, smack with a trout, impose block and let him know the rules in a personal manner.
[16:07] <ChrisGualtieri> Ignorance I think is the main problem with most new editors, they see policies only after its too late, or they don't make the effort
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[16:08] <WilliamH_UK> and does that relate to a deletion discussion?
[16:10] <TeeTylerToe> Some admins are judge dredd types
[16:10] <BarkingFish> It relates to a sockmaster with confirmed socks who's worked on mafia issues, WilliamH_UK  - one on King Genovese
[16:11] <TeeTylerToe> more account needs to be made for the humanity and bias of Admins
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[16:11] <TeeTylerToe> they're not machines
[16:11] <WilliamH_UK> BarkingFish look at the  history of the target article
[16:11] <WilliamH_UK> there might be some socks there
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[16:12] <BarkingFish> there may be, WilliamH_UK - the one I'm trying to remember turned up in NPP about 10 days ago, I can't remember the username though, and I ain't trolling back through RC or NPP to find it :)
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[16:13] <BarkingFish> I think the first part of his username was something like Silviano or Silvio or something weird assed like that
[16:14] <BarkingFish> Salvino possibly... like i said, i hate my brain
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[16:14] <The_Thing>
[16:15] <The_Thing> "In one remarkable case, a participant in an antidepressant drug trial was given placebo tablets — and then swallowed 26 of them in a suicide attempt. Even though the tablets were harmless, the participant's blood pressure dropped perilously low."  O_O
[16:15] <WilliamH_UK> heh
[16:15] <WilliamH_UK> the power of placebo
[16:16] <TeeTylerToe> would people in a drug trial for a drug with no listed side-effects on the placebo quit the trial because of migranes or whatever?
[16:17] <russavia> no teetylertoe i would demand that they start giving me drugs with proven side effects
[16:17] <Soapy> hi Thing
[16:17] <Dcoetzee> The_Thing: That's amazing :-S
[16:18] <russavia> and particularly drugs which  cause euphoria, delirium, hallucinations, and muntedness
[16:19] <TeeTylerToe> muntedness?
[16:19] <russavia> well muntedness is more a state of mind
[16:19] <russavia> but it's a great state of mind to be in
[16:20] <WilliamH_UK> BarkingFish I will CheckUser
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[16:20] <BarkingFish> thanks
[16:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee sure
[16:21] <russavia> i love nothing more than going on a kick-arse bender and after about 5-6 days ending up at the casino, and being asked to leave because one is so munted
[16:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko>  mafia is a community after all
[16:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they just are dicks to everyone outside of the family
[16:22] <WilliamH_UK> BarkingFish {{confirmed}}, I will block
[16:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> well they operate at the expense of everyone outside of the family
[16:22] <TeeTylerToe> sounds like just about any community of privlege
[16:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia did you see my pm?
[16:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe not really
[16:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no other community even 1% actively does what mafia does
[16:23] <WilliamH_UK> blocked
[16:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yay
�03[16:23] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:23] <Dcoetzee> The main issue with the Mafia is, you know, the fact that they terrorise the city and make people live in fear of them.
[16:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> isnt that {{indefbolocked}} ~~~~
[16:23] <TeeTylerToe> a lot of groups do that
[16:23] <Dcoetzee> Also the murder, theft, drug running, forced prostititution...
[16:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee that and they shoot people.
[16:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee extorsion, human trafficking
[16:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bribary
[16:24] <Dcoetzee> Yeah
[16:24] <BarkingFish> WilliamH_UK, excellent. Thank you :)
[16:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and most importantly, severed head transportation
[16:24] <WilliamH_UK> blocked the range too
[16:24] <TeeTylerToe> the plutocrats under russian and chinese communism
[16:24] <BarkingFish> Spot'em like a ninja, i can :)
[16:24] <WilliamH_UK> yep well done
[16:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *and most importantly, severed horse head transportation
[16:24] <WilliamH_UK> can any of his creations be speedied?
[16:25] <TeeTylerToe> the rape of nanking
[16:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee you know what the government has with mafia most
[16:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> tax evasion
[16:25] <TeeTylerToe> the spanish inquisition
[16:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe ewww
[16:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dont bring nanking and actual disputes here
[16:25] <TeeTylerToe> ?
[16:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> nanking is terrible
[16:26] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm pretty sure underground criminals have learned their lesson since Al Capone. :-P
[16:26] <TeeTylerToe> russian communism wasn't a walk in the park either
[16:26] <Dcoetzee> Better not to attract the Fed's attention
[16:27] <TeeTylerToe> now they use banks like barkleys
�03[16:27] * BarkingInHades ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:27] <BarkingFish> I'm just going to join again, need to check something :)
�02[16:28] * haggis (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[16:28] <Soapy> wb
[16:28] <TeeTylerToe> power corrupts
[16:28] <The_Thing> Writing from his extensive experience of treating cancer (including more than 1,000 melanoma cases) at Sydney Hospital, Milton (1973) warned of the impact of the delivery of a prognosis, and how many of his patients, upon receiving their prognosis, simply turned their face to the wall and died an extremely premature death: "... there is a small group of patients in whom the realisation of impending death is a blow so terribl
�02[16:28] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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[16:29] <WilliamH_UK> :(
�03[16:31] * u99of9 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:32] <ChrisGualtieri> Does linking to someone's Linked In profile qualify for oversight?
�02[16:32] * OffToHades (~quassel@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
�03[16:33] * liberaldudette (~mark@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:33] <Fluffernutter> usually, Chris_G
�02[16:33] * Anurag2k12 (~Anurag2k1@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[16:33] <Fluffernutter> er, ChrisGualtieri
[16:33] <ChrisGualtieri> XD
[16:33] <ChrisGualtieri> Is one oversighter on?
[16:33] <The_Thing> XD
�06[16:34] * The_Thing waves to Chris_G anyways, because he can :p
[16:34] <Fluffernutter> i'm on, but i'm about to go eat dinner
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�02[16:34] * Maryana_ (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: bye!�)
[16:34] <The_Thing> Wait, what?
[16:34] <ChrisGualtieri> I'll just PM you when you get back then
[16:34] <The_Thing> Fluffernutter is an oversighter!?
[16:34] <Fluffernutter> ChrisGualtieri, you can pm it to me now
[16:34] <Fluffernutter> The_Thing, yes?
[16:34] <Soapy> there was an election recently, the_THing
[16:34] <The_Thing> When the hell did that happen?
[16:34] <The_Thing> ah
[16:35] <The_Thing> Who else was elected?
[16:35] <WilliamH_UK> october 2011
[16:35] <WilliamH_UK> me
[16:35] <WilliamH_UK> courcelles
�02[16:35] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[16:35] <WilliamH_UK> er
[16:35] <Soapy> eh, I thought it was the July 2012 election
[16:35] <WilliamH_UK> nah
[16:35] <Soapy> guess not
[16:36] <Soapy> well there was another one last month
[16:36] <WilliamH_UK> yup
[16:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee but how would you submit your taxes
[16:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whats the tax rate of extortion?
[16:38] <The_Thing> q q  qq qqq qq q q q qq
[16:39] <BarkingFish> The_Thing, that's all we do all day. Queue :)
�03[16:39] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
�02[16:39] * Jarry1250 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[16:39] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Technically the IRS has rates on all these things.
[16:40] <Dcoetzee> That's the amazing thing about the IRS.
[16:40] <Dcoetzee> They'll be like "you robbed a bank... okay... we'll charge 15% on that"
[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee hmm
[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wonder how much will they tax the bailout itself
[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 15% of that is good money
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[16:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee IRS is a strange organization
[16:47] <Stove> Did you know the IRS allows a one time gift to your spouse of up to 60 000USD?
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[16:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not really
[16:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> since I dont do spouses
[16:47] <Demiurge1000> Hmm, my G'N'R CD is about ten times louder than my CD by The Cult. I just probably woke up anyone asleep within a three mile radius.
[16:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Demiurge1000 so we should expect vandalism on wikipedia for those articles
[16:48] <Demiurge1000> just the G'N'R one
[16:48] <Stove> (It's a quote from The Shawshank Redemption.
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[16:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there should be laws against music that is not properly normalised
[16:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> can IRS tax loud music?
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[16:50] <Stove> Not to audiophiles, because that's a metal health related cost.
[16:50] <BarkingFish> ok - one other thing i need to look at then , WilliamH_UK  - since i managed to spot the last one.... is there any way to search the user list for usernames containing a particular string?
[16:50] <BarkingFish> i'm sure this other guy had the word mob or mafia or similar in his username...
�02[16:53] * StevenW (~textual@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
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[16:58] <Soapy> yes
[16:58] <Soapy> , BarkingFish
[16:58] <BarkingFish> brilliant :) Cheers
[16:58] <Soapy> but its slow
[16:59] <Soapy> it's gonna search all 300,000,000 users
[16:59] <BarkingFish> slow or not, I'm determined to nail this little sob to the nearest gatepost
[16:59] <BarkingFish> :P
[16:59] <ChrisGualtieri> You are still looking into it?
[17:00] <BarkingFish> you freaking bet I am. I caught one, I'm not missing the other creep either :)
[17:00] <WilliamH_UK> BarkingFish good luck
�02[17:00] * coke_fan (ae5cdc7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[17:00] <WilliamH_UK> PM me if you find one
�02[17:00] * Fasttimes68 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[17:01] <BarkingFish> going back through NPP from 10 days ago and prior, searching using the find function in Firefox for the words mob, mafia, cosa or crime
�02[17:01] * ktron ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
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[17:03] <Isarra> What font is the wikipedia logo?
[17:04] <BarkingFish> Linux Libertine O Isarra i think
�03[17:04] * Dusti (43c105ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:04] <Isarra> It's not that, unless it was heavily modified.
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[17:05] <BarkingFish> It is, trust me. I had it here when I was trying to create the new design for the Tok Pisin Wikipedia logo v2
�03[17:05] * harej[on_vacatio is now known as harej[onVacation
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[17:06] <TeeTylerToe> comic sans?
[17:06] <BarkingFish> WilliamH_UK, got at least one, I may have missed - it's not the one I was thinking of, but could you please check out User:Brucewayneent?
[17:06] <Macriz> oh god, not comic sans.
[17:07] <Macriz> as a designer, i LOATHE that font.
[17:07] <BarkingFish> Seems to be another one involved in mafia articles, I have an unpatrolled entry from July 12th
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�03[17:08] * Dragonfly6-7 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:08] <Dragonfly6-7> tonight's Poorly Chosen Filename is:
[17:09] <Dragonfly6-7> [[file:Kaka.JPG]]
[17:09] <Dragonfly6-7> without looking, what do you think that is?
[17:09] <Macriz> a cat?
[17:09] <BarkingFish> sounds suspiciously like a pile of shit, Dragonfly6-7 :P
[17:09] <harej|onVacation> Ralph Nader?
[17:10] <Macriz> Sarah Palin in a g-string?
[17:10] <BarkingFish> Just to let you know, WilliamH_UK - I'm screwed, I can't go back any further than 30 days... I'm obviously missing something.
[17:10] <Isarra> BarkingFish: The K is wrong, the E is wrong, the D is wrong, the A is wrong, and the Vs are wrong.
[17:10] <Dragonfly6-7> BarkingFish - it's a tiny kitten grooming herself.
[17:10] <Isarra> The Is are right, though.
[17:10] <BarkingFish> 0.o
[17:10] <WilliamH_UK> heh BarkingFish @ kaka comment
[17:10] <WilliamH_UK> BarkingFish stick it in a PM
[17:10] <BarkingFish> Isarra, I'm positive of what it is, I was directed to it when I was building the logo :)
[17:11] <Isarra> Well, I just checked and it ain't it.
[17:11] <Isarra> It may have been based on it, though.
[17:13] <BarkingFish> Isarra,
[17:13] <BarkingFish> Read
[17:14] <BarkingFish> Download the font-file File:LinLibertineO (you will need to unzip and install the font)
�02[17:14] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[17:14] <Isarra> Oh, I tried that. Font was malformed.
[17:14] <BarkingFish> WilliamH_UK, I just posted it to you above :)
[17:14] <BarkingFish> Well that's the official doodad we use
[17:15] <WilliamH_UK> posted what
[17:15] <BarkingFish> if the font is malformed, you've probably not installed the right version
[17:15] <WilliamH_UK> sorry BarkingFish am doing quite a few things at once
[17:15] <Isarra> I'm not competent enough to unmalform it, though.
[17:15] <BarkingFish> WilliamH_UK, the username of the poss. sock
[17:15] <WilliamH_UK> PM it, i can't keep track of this while doing lots at once
[17:15] <BarkingFish> ok
[17:15] <Isarra> The problem is it ain't linux libertine. Trying to install it when you already have linux libertine results in a conflict.
[17:16] <BarkingFish> it shouldn't.
[17:17] <BarkingFish> have you installed the right version?
[17:17] <BarkingFish> there is one in the zip file - LinLibertine_Re-4.7.3.otf - which was modded specifically for the WMF
[17:18] <Isarra> They probably forgot to update the metadata.
Session Close: Fri Aug 10 17:18:40 2012

Session Start: Fri Aug 10 17:18:40 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
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�03[17:21] * Set by RD on Tue Aug 07 10:41:41
[17:21] #wikipedia-en url is
[17:21] <Dragonfly6-7> I have a page bookmarked on toolserv -- it's created by someone called "Nikola"
[17:21] <Dragonfly6-7> anyone konw who that is?
[17:21] <ChrisGualtieri> Gah my AWB crashed x-x
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[17:24] <Dragonfly6-7> isn't there a toolserv channel?
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[17:28] <Nascar1996> um.
[17:29] <BarkingFish> Dragonfly6-7, yeah, #wikimedia-toolserver
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[17:31] <Dragonfly6-7> Found it, thanks
[17:32] <BarkingFish> np
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[17:36] <SigmaWP> Stupid peers
�03[17:36] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
�02[17:37] * LikeLakers2 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[17:37] <Guerillero> would someone be willing to NPOV check an article / work out my its and it's
[17:37] <Guerillero> please
[17:38] <Guerillero>
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[17:39] <BarkingFish> Do we have any file renamers on here please? :)
[17:39] <Guerillero> yes
[17:39] <BarkingFish> I just realized I've made a mistake in a file i uploaded, it needs renaming to make it accurate :)
[17:40] <BarkingFish>  needs to be renamed to
�02[17:40] * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[17:40] <BarkingFish> it wasn't on Bondi :P
�03[17:40] * Courcelles_ is now known as Courcelles
[17:40] <Guerillero> done
[17:41] <BarkingFish> thanks :)
�02[17:41] * [[Dr_Pepper]] ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[17:41] <Guerillero> should I have left a redirect?
�03[17:41] * delirious ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:42] <Soapy> Guerillero: done
[17:43] <SigmaWP> Never leave file redirects
[17:43] <BarkingFish> no, that's fine - nothing else links to that name :)
[17:43] <Guerillero> thank you soapy
�03[17:44] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
�06[17:50] * Isarra huggles Guerillero.
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�06[17:50] * Guerillero hugs isarra back
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[17:52] <Guerillero> how are you today
�02[17:53] * JamiePierce ( Quit
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[17:53] <Isarra> I'm insane.
[17:53] <Isarra> Are you mad?
[17:54] <Guerillero> just a touch
[17:54] <BarkingFish> of course. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't :)
�02[17:54] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (*.net *.split�)
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�06[17:55] * Isarra emits an aura of catnip.
[17:55] <BarkingFish> by the way, my owl is in the green. can you microwave it for 20 flipflops before I come back with the pickled hatstand?
�03[17:55] * Anurag2k12 (~Anurag2k1@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[17:55] * Isarra bakes BarkingFish.
[17:55] <BarkingFish> no need, i'm already there :)
[17:57] <BarkingFish> if i was anymore baked i'd need eggwash and 20 minutes on a cooling rack
�02[17:58] * DanielB (~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[17:59] <BarkingFish> can someone check this out please - it's suspected as a cut and paste move, or a recreation... I can't see if it's been deleted previously or not.
�02[17:59] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:59] <Guerillero> not under that name
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[18:01] <BarkingFish> it's a real programme, that much I know - found it on youtube :)  it smelt like a hoax when i first saw it.
[18:01] <kylu> BarkingFish: check [[Wizardora]] and (according to Yahoo, posted 4 years ago
�03[18:01] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:01] <BarkingFish> very very poorly written though, and unsourced.
[18:01] <Soapy> Created page with '{{cleanup|date=April 2012}} < ---- always a red flag
[18:01] <kylu> googled the phrase "The series was made for Meridian Broadcasting by production companies Workhouse and North Pole Productions at The Fountain Studios in New Malden and directed by David Crozier."
[18:02] <kylu> rugvm: yet, no shit.
[18:02] <SigmaWP> lol kylu
�02[18:02] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
�03[18:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o DeltaQuad
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[18:02] <BarkingFish> evening derp. Nice of you to grace us with your bullshit.
[18:02] <Guerillero> lol
�02[18:02] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
�03[18:02] * DeltaQuad sets mode: +b *!*
[18:02] <kylu> no bullshit, just butts, zomg reading issues.
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�03[18:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o WilliamH_UK
[18:03] <Soapy> BarkingFish: he may have just copied it from some other article that already had a cleanup tag on it
[18:03] <Soapy> Id focus on whether Teddybears even exists
�03[18:03] * WilliamH_UK sets mode: +b *!*@
[18:03] <kylu> Soapy: mmm, but when was that phrase added to both articles?
�03[18:03] * ChanServ sets mode: -o WilliamH_UK
[18:03] <BarkingFish> Soapy, <BarkingFish>it's a real programme, that much I know - found it on youtube :)  it smelt like a hoax when i first saw it.
[18:03] <@DeltaQuad> WilliamH_UK: redundant much?
[18:03] <kylu> if they're less than four years old, they're copyvio from yahoo
[18:03] <BarkingFish> Soapy,
�03[18:04] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:04] <Soapy> ok
�03[18:04] * xthtjws (~kwjy@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:04] <WilliamH_UK> errrr totally didnt see it
[18:04] <WilliamH_UK> hahaha
[18:04] <BarkingFish> +r anyone?
[18:04] <xthtjws> DeltaQuad can lick my scrotum.
[18:04] <BarkingFish> Here's another one.
�03[18:04] * xthtjws (~kwjy@ has left #wikipedia-en
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[18:04] <xthtjws> DeltaQuad can lick my scrotum.
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�03[18:04] * DeltaQuad sets mode: +b *!*@
[18:04] <@DeltaQuad> no thanks
�03[18:04] * DeltaQuad sets mode: +r
[18:04] <kylu> s'pose it was nice enough to offer, anyway. c.c
[18:05] <Soapy> "oohoohoohhohh ... it's getting darker and darker ... i think you'd better take your umber-ella"
[18:05] <Soapy> really reminds me of teletubbies
[18:05] <Dusti> BUTTS
[18:06] <Dusti> Sorry
[18:06] <Dusti> Wanted to join in
[18:06] <Dusti> on the butt talk
[18:06] <Earwig> who wouldn't?
[18:06] <kylu> There was a show I saw on CBC forever ago... can't recall what it was called. hm.
[18:06] <BarkingFish> It is a copypaste move, Soapy - one of the cleanup tags goes wayback to 2007
[18:07] <Soapy> interesting link, BarkingFish
[18:07] <kylu> oh, Candle Cove.
[18:07] <BarkingFish> no idea who the fuck has been harboring it that long
[18:07] <Soapy> BarkingFish: it could still be legit, though
�03[18:07] * ChanServ sets mode: -o DeltaQuad
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[18:07] <BarkingFish> it's real, alright - completely legit, just written very very poorly
[18:07] <Soapy> if he only copypasted the tags and infoboxes, but the content was new .... that would be an unusual way to make an article, but not impossible
[18:07] <kylu> never did find a wikipedia entry for it... probably too obscure a kid's show. c.c
�06[18:08] * kylu only saw reruns, though... 1975 maybe.
[18:08] <Soapy> "ooh the sky just seems to be getting darker and darker : ("
[18:08] <BarkingFish> kylu, I may be able to help you with that. Can you remember *anything* at all about the series.  What featured in it, storylines, anything specific about characters...
[18:09] <Soapy> "storeholders going home?  Storeholders! Going home! Storeholders! Going home! ehehehehahahaha"
[18:09] <BarkingFish> Don't ask me, Soapy - I never saw it.
[18:09] <BarkingFish> All I know is that video has put me off it from the word go
[18:09] <Soapy> ha
[18:09] <BarkingFish> Clearly and obviously shite to the nth degree
[18:09] <kylu> BarkingFish: oh, kinda... it had something to do with a little girl, Janet or something, who would visit these creepy puppet pirates
[18:09] <Soapy> i could totally see myself watching that obsessively when I was a kid
[18:10] <kylu> they had a ship called the "Laughingstock" iirc.
[18:10] <kylu> and there was a Captain Hook rip-off for a bad guy, and a puppet that (and yes, it's morbid) wore skins from bad children
�03[18:11] * Dusti is now known as Dusti|brb
[18:11] <BarkingFish> kylu, that was Candle Cove
[18:11] <kylu> Yeah!
[18:11] <kylu> insane show.
[18:11] <kylu> they had it on right after Tomorrow People
[18:12] <BarkingFish>
[18:12] <kylu> teenagers who had these weird watch things that would let them teleport around, and they were all telepathic and stuff
[18:12] <kylu>'s got its own wiki, but no wp entry. o.O;
[18:12] <Soapy> make one now !!!
[18:14] <kylu> <- wat o.o;
[18:14] <kylu> so, apparently the show really was just as weird as I recall.
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�06[18:17] * kylu hugs a Dagny
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[18:21] <Soapy> hey look
[18:21] <Soapy>
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[18:21] <Soapy> i found the source
�02[18:21] * u99of9 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
[18:21] <Qcoder02> OOdd thing
�03[18:21] * Monchoman45 is now known as [2]Monchoman45
[18:22] <Qcoder02> Apparently Kinghtmare had a French languge offshot
�02[18:22] * Doug_Weller (~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[18:22] <Qcoder02> Hi Kylu
[18:23] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  BTW There are 2 versions of the Tommorow People
[18:23] <kylu> 'lo
[18:23] <kylu> I saw the Thames one from the 70's.
�02[18:24] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Client Quit�)
[18:24] <BarkingFish> Yeah, there was an old version from the 1970s ish, and there was a newer one with that kid that played Karl Kennedy's son in Neighbours
[18:24] <kylu> Also: Dangermouse!
[18:24] <kylu> that was a bit later though iirc.
[18:24] <Qcoder02> There was a 90's (TP) about which I recall not very much apart from  it having a typecast Christopher lee in it
[18:24] <BarkingFish> I think his character name in Neighbours was todd... Kristian Schmidt iirc
[18:24] <kylu> Did you ever see Candle Cove, QC2?
[18:25] <Qcoder02> No...
[18:25] <Qcoder02> But I did see an obscure European serial called Silas in the UK
�02[18:25] * ktron ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
�06[18:25] * kylu shrugs, will find someone else that's seen it.
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[18:25] <Qcoder02> It went for ever and couldn't understand  the story
[18:25] <Demiurge1000> oo, Silas
[18:25] <Demiurge1000> It had horses in it!
[18:25] <Demiurge1000> and random people who kept kidnapping children?
[18:25] <Qcoder02> Yeah
[18:26] <Demiurge1000> or maybe it was the horses that kidnapped the children
[18:26] <Qcoder02> Also in my distant recall is another European adpatation of Hedi
[18:26] <Qcoder02> And various BBC adpatations of Alice in Wonderland that merge
[18:26] <Demiurge1000> If you believe BBC News, /Silas/ was just like modern Britain, without the Olympics except for the equestrian events
[18:27] <Qcoder02> Speaking of Alice in Wonderland...   Is it just me or do some of the version end up a bit tripy?
[18:27] <Qcoder02> *versions
[18:28] <Demiurge1000> See also [[Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas]]
�02[18:28] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,�)
[18:28] <Demiurge1000> and the soundtrack thereof
�06[18:28] * kylu stops reading the Candle Cove wiki. Explains why kylu's f'd in the head, at least. c.c
[18:29] <Qcoder02> The thing is a lot of British Kids TV by reputation as opposed to actually having seen it...  Liek Children of the Stones...
[18:29] <BarkingFish> Demiurge1000, yeah, it had that freaky circus dude in it as well, the sword swallower - and that kid with the gammy leg, Godik.
[18:29] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  Ever seen 'Children of the Stones' ?
[18:30] <BarkingFish> Damn. That really takes me back. We saw that in Iceland. Every friday at 6.55 pm :P  It actually scared me a bit when I was young.
[18:30] <BarkingFish> and no, never seen that, Qcoder02
[18:30] <Demiurge1000> I might have
[18:31] <Qcoder02>
�06[18:31] * Peter-C licks BarkingFish
[18:31] <Qcoder02> Mid 70's  but with production values that wouldn't have been out of place on Tales of the Unexpected :)
[18:31] <Demiurge1000> " it was an unusually atmospheric production with sinister, discordant wailing voices heightening the tension on the incidental music" -- rewrite for English pls!
[18:32] <kylu> Was it that or a Third Eye episode that had the two kids with the crystals at Stonehenge?
[18:32] <Qcoder02> It's a shame ITV4 isn't  re-airing old Kids TV
[18:32] <kylu> The only thing I remember vividly was a red and blue arc across the sky.
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[18:32] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  I note ITV4 is still airing old Sweeny episodes :)
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[18:33] <BarkingFish> of course. a bit of Jack Reagan style justice wouldn't go amiss in the UK these days, Qcoder02
[18:33] <BarkingFish> i'm surprised the met don't use it as a training video :P
[18:35] <BarkingFish> anyhow, I'm gonna pack up and get gone for the night. Bedtime :)
[18:35] <BarkingFish> yay
[18:35] <BarkingFish> see ya
�02[18:35] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
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[18:36] <Guerillero> am I on here
[18:36] <Dagny> No.
[18:36] <N96> yup
[18:36] <Guerillero> thanks
[18:36] <N96> :)
[18:36] <Qcoder02> Kylu:  That could be either Third Eye or  Children of The Stones...
[18:37] <Qcoder02> Children of the Stones was filmed in Averbury IIRC
[18:37] <SigmaWP> Guerillero: No.
[18:37] <Guerillero> :D
[18:37] <kylu> don't remember the red and blue arc?
[18:37] <kylu> Blast.
[18:37] <Qcoder02> I haven't seen it :(
[18:37] <Qcoder02> Only clips
[18:37] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: 好久不見, 你最近怎麼樣?
[18:38] <wctaiwan> I'm fine.
[18:38] <Qcoder02> My memory of TV is also slightly biased in that when little I didn't see ITV shows... only the BBC ones...
�06[18:38] * SigmaWP makes a mental note to get a better font
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[18:38] <kylu> Mine was mostly CBC and Thames shows.
[18:38] <Qcoder02> Also some (import) series in the UK  had a different dub from elsewhere
[18:38] <Dagny> The only TV show that made any impact on child-me was The Animals of Farthing Wood.
[18:39] <kylu> Can't say it rings any bells, Dagny. Sorry. :(
[18:39] <Qcoder02> I am however aware of some US kids shows by reputation ... Like Sesame Street and Mr Rogers Neighbourhood
[18:40] <Dagny> kylu: It was a cartoon about some animals from Farthing Wood (surprise surprise) and when their wood gets destroyed they go on an epic journey to get to Whitedeer park, a nature reserve or something.
[18:40] <Qcoder02> Dgany: It was originally a book
[18:40] <Dagny> The hedgehogs got ran over crossing a motorway, I remember that too clearly.
[18:41] <kylu> QC2: According to WP, you're double correct, as The Third Eye was a rebroadcast of other small series, including... Children of the Stones.
[18:41] <Dagny> Qcoder02: Yeah, I never found the book though. Just watched the series avidly as a kid.
[18:41] <kylu> *doubly
[18:41] <Qcoder02> I also recall a lot of  adaptations of Books done as Jackanory
[18:41] <Qcoder02> readings
[18:41] <Qcoder02> which is why I get little annoyed sometimes when Librivox readings dont work
[18:42] <Qcoder02> vocally
[18:42] <Qcoder02> Dagny: To give an example,  Kiplings stories don't sound right read by someone from Brooklyn
[18:43] <Dagny> I imagine not.
[18:43] <Qcoder02> Just as Tom Sawyer doesn't sound right to me if it's read by someone from England ;)
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�06[18:43] * Dagny 's computer needs a restart
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[18:45] <kylu> QC2: Could be worse, as reading bits of Huckleberry Finn aloud is considered an invitation to street violence in places.
[18:46] <Qcoder02> kylu: Children of The Stones is on YouTube  (unofficialy though :( )
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[18:47] <Qcoder02> A more recent Kids TV series that worked was 'The Demon Headmaster'
[18:47] <Qcoder02> ;)
[18:47] <Guerillero> whats wrong with MR Rodger's Neighborhood
�01[18:47] Guerillero is ~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero * New Now Know How
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[18:47] <Dragonfly6-7> Rogers is dead now.
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[18:48] <kylu> QC2: I'm fairly certain I had one of those, actually.
[18:48] <Qcoder02> Guerillero:  Nothing
[18:48] <Qcoder02> I never said there was anythign wrong with it
[18:48] <SigmaWP> How do you get stomach cancer
[18:49] <kylu> Unfortunately I had a Dean who was both an ex-USAian American Football player and a close friend of my father.
[18:49] <SigmaWP> Why didn't his stomach digest the cancer
[18:49] <SigmaWP> OH SHIT
�06[18:49] * Qcoder02 is lol-ing at a clip of TIMESLIP
[18:49] <Dragonfly6-7> It did, but the cancer grew too fast
[18:49] <SigmaWP> If you go to the stomach cancer article, your eyes will dissolve
[18:51] <Qcoder02> kylu: BTW On the subject of TV...  I laughed at the 1st Series of Look Around You...
[18:51] <Qcoder02> I can recall 'Education' programmes that use the exact same style ;)
[18:51] <kylu> I always wondered about that... was it done by the Monty Python folks?
�03[18:53] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:53] <Qcoder02> Look Around You was not done by Python
[18:53] <BarkingFish> I was gonn ago to bed, but I have got a copyright issue to raise first... Seems we have a bad license up somewhere.
[18:53] <Qcoder02> BTW On a curious side note - John Cleese DID make a LOT of managment training films
[18:53] <Isarra> BarkingFish: The tagline actually is linux libertine.
[18:53] <Isarra> Just for the record.
[18:53] <Isarra> I checked.
�06[18:53] * Isarra makes a hasty exit.
[18:54] <BarkingFish> Anyway - can someone review this, so I can fo back to bed please?
[18:54] <BarkingFish>  and
[18:54] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish: On something else - - Look Around You got it exacrtly right...
[18:54] <BarkingFish> we have the Olympic rings as being PD - they're not
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[18:55] <wctaiwan>
[18:55] <wctaiwan> (not the fuwa)
[18:55] <BarkingFish> read the bottom of the fuwa page, wctaiwan
[18:55] <BarkingFish> The olympic rings are NOT Public domain
[18:56] <BarkingFish> "The Olympic rings are the exclusive property of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The Olympic rings are protected around the world in the name of the IOC by trademarks or national legislations and cannot be used without the IOC's prior written consent. "
[18:56] <wctaiwan> oh
[18:56] <kylu> They're not technically trademarked either.
[18:56] <wctaiwan> BarkingFish: it's still possibly PD
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[18:56] <kylu> They've actually got their own law, similar to the devices of the International Red Cross.
[18:56] <wctaiwan> just trademarked
[18:56] <BarkingFish> That's listed in the IOC's charter
[18:56] <Qcoder02> Twinkle's broken :(
[18:57] <Qcoder02> I'm not seeing the normal menu options
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[18:57] <wctaiwan> BarkingFish: it's PD
[18:58] <wctaiwan> designed in 1912, so PD in the US.
[18:58] <wctaiwan> (which is where the servers are)
[18:58] <froodonwheels> Yes hello, frood here.
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[18:58] <flaiz> hello sir.
[18:58] <Frostee> ON WHEELS
[18:59] <froodonwheels> Yes.
[18:59] <wctaiwan> anyway, I need to go. BarkingFish, basically I think the way it's tagged is fine—doesn't mean you can incorporate a trademark in your designs etc.—but others may disagree.
[18:59] <flaiz> You spin me right round, baby
[18:59] <flaiz> Right round like a record, baby
[18:59] <BarkingFish> wctaiwan, How can something be Public Domain when the rights to it are still owned or copyrighted?
[19:00] <BarkingFish> I pulled this from the actual olympic charter
[19:00] <BarkingFish> "The Olympic symbol, flag, motto, anthem, identifications (including but not limited
[19:00] <BarkingFish> to “Olympic Games” and “Games of the Olympiad”), designations, emblems, flame
[19:00] <BarkingFish> and torches, as defined in Rules 8-14 below, may, for convenience, be collectively
[19:00] <BarkingFish> or individually referred to as “Olympic properties”. All rights to any and all Olympic
[19:00] <BarkingFish> properties, as well as all rights to the use thereof, belong exclusively to the IOC,
[19:00] <BarkingFish> including but not limited to the use for any profit-making, commercial or advertising
[19:00] <BarkingFish> purposes. The IOC may license all or part of its rights on terms and conditions set forth
[19:00] <BarkingFish> by the IOC Executive Board.
[19:00] <BarkingFish> "
[19:00] <froodonwheels> Pastebin pls
�06[19:00] * DeltaQuad eyes BarkingFish
[19:00] <jeremyb> ??????
[19:00] <froodonwheels> Flooding triggers AntiSpamMeta
[19:00] <wctaiwan> eh, I need to go. I'll let others take a look.
[19:00] <kylu> more important than quoting charters and laws, it's enforced:
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[19:02] <kylu> though if you want U.S. law rather than the charter,
[19:03] <BarkingFish> I disagree that something can be public domain when an organization can claim that it owns all the rights to the item and its usage...
[19:03] <kylu> Wait until the USOC files suit with the WMF, then.
[19:03] <froodonwheels> It's not . They can renew copyright
[19:04] <kylu> not a copyright issue. x.x
[19:04] <BarkingFish> kylu, i think it's better that we act on it prior to getting sued :)
[19:06] <kylu> BarkingFish: I've developed an appreciation for reading legal claims, lately... except those which pertain to work.
[19:06] <kylu> For some reason, simply being paid to be familiar with one seems to take the fun out of it.
[19:08] <kylu> for the UK folks, there's also:  Olympic Symbol etc. (Protection) Act 1995 (OSPA)
[19:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish Olympic logo is too simple for us to care
[19:09] <kylu> Similar to the US 36 USC 220506.
�02[19:09] * Soapy (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this has been discussed to death before
[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> please refer to it :)
[19:09] <kylu> {{citation needed}}
[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not really
�06[19:09] * kylu looks pointedly to ToAruShiroiNeko.
[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is an issue for commons
[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not #wikipedia-en
[19:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wikipedia should know its place and not analyse copyright of files :p
[19:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> commonism now!
[19:10] <kylu> That file is locally hosted on wp-en also.
[19:10] <BarkingFish> that makes it an en.wp issue
[19:10] <kylu> so, got citation or do you feel like backing down, kitty?
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[19:11] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko:  yeah, yeah.  but when IOC sues us and the damages assessed will shut down Wikipedia, you'll sing a different tune. :)
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug did we get a DMCA notice?
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no?
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> move along then.
[19:11] <kylu> also... it's not a bloody copyright issue, it's SIMILAR to a trademark issue, but different as it has its very own law.
[19:12] <kylu> DMCA refers to copyright, not trademark.
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kylu I am not seriously saying it cant be discussed here :p
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> trademarks are irrelevant as far as we care
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[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we have no procedure to enforce trademark
[19:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we made a point to denote trademark but like money thats not a retriction we should care too much about
[19:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> coca cola logo is PD but trademarked
�06[19:13] * Isarra pelts the channel with potatos.
[19:13] <kylu> That's lovely, but again, it's not a pure trademark issue either.
[19:14] <mareklug> Isarra:  did you know that in Peru they have 500 kinda of potato?
[19:14] <mareklug> kinds
�06[19:14] * Frostee pelts the potatoes at Isarra again
[19:14] <Isarra> They must really like potatoes.
[19:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kylu I'd like to see the court case where foundation is sued for portraying the olympic logo
[19:14] <mareklug> they do.  they came up w/ them
[19:14] <Frostee> I love potatoes
[19:14] <Frostee> in chip form
[19:14] <kylu> As I said, both the symbols for the Red Cross/Red Crescent and the Olympics are protected by super-duper special laws that only apply to them.
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kylu sure
[19:15] <kylu> ToAruShiroiNeko: Nah, WMF would fold.
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> secondary uses may infringe/violate such laws
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kylu sure, WMF may bend over when the time comes
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but the time has not come
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> also
[19:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bear in mind that olympic logo is used all over the place
[19:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> commercially
[19:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and no one complains
[19:16] <Qcoder02> Erm
[19:16] <Qcoder02> Not in the UK
[19:16] <Qcoder02> They sent a load of people out ot make sure
[19:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> any photo of the london bridge on any newspaper infringes trademark and copyright
[19:16] <Qcoder02> ;)
[19:16] <mareklug> kylu:  i'm kinda fond of the educational angle of us having the rings graphic.  let's be conservative on getting rid of it unprompted
[19:16] <kylu> mareklug: Don't misunderstand, I don't think there's a need to be rid of the graphic...
[19:17] <Guerillero> i agree
[19:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but olympic comittee arent a bunch of dickheads to sue all newspapers
[19:17] <kylu> I take exception with there being a PD tag on it and our having stupid readers who may assume the wrong thing.
[19:17] <kylu> ToAruShiroiNeko: Just cab companies. :)
[19:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kylu indeed thats why I reccomend putting {{trademakred}} below it
[19:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> or above it
[19:17] <mareklug> but pd tag is what keeps it on commons
[19:17] <kylu> 'Cept it's not really trademarked, strictly.
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it is trademarked
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> people pay money to be able to put the olympic logo on their products during the olympics
[19:18] <kylu> Nope, it's enforced via trademark laws, but it's not a registered trademark... they have their own law and own enforcement, and it can be licensed similarly.
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> trademarks do not have to be registered
�06[19:19] * kylu facepalms.
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont care about TM v (R) issues
�06[19:19] * ToAruShiroiNeko gets a coconut from kylu's facepalm tree
[19:19] <kylu> y'know what... you're reading the parts of the argument that you want to read and ignoring the rest.
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yup
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
[19:20] <kylu> As I'm no longer a WPian, I'm going to feel free to assume bad faith and regard you as a troll.
[19:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as you wish
�06[19:20] * kylu goes back to reading.
[19:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am going to assume you are a kylu
[19:20] <mareklug> kylu:   but the template says what you said: "This work contains material which may be subject to trademark laws in one or more jurisdictions….."
[19:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> since you arent a wikipedian you have wasted my time, troll
[19:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug yeah
�03[19:20] * Frostee is now known as Frostee|away
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[19:24] <ChrisGualtieri> Ahahah... TypoScan is in 100%+ scan mode
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[19:26] <Demiurge1000> kylu: Who were you on WP?
�03[19:26] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[19:27] <kylu> ... kylu.
[19:28] <kylu> admin/checkuser on en, just about everything on meta, admin on commons, various other flags scattered about.
[19:28] <kylu> If you've not heard of me, you haven't missed much... in fact, count thy blessings.
[19:29] <Demiurge1000> Yeah, nothing at all. Eyes skimmed over name if I saw it at all. Enjoy real life! ;)
[19:29] <ChrisGualtieri> Well.. I'm done with the projects scan.. I think I've done something special
[19:30] <kylu> Demiurge1000: the problem with real life is that when you get out there and start doing things, you get these funny bulges in your arms and aren't quite interested in Hot Pockets anymore.
[19:31] <Demiurge1000> I heard some U.S. kid talking a lot about hot pockets last year. In an IRC channel about hurricanes. So yeah, I can imagine...
[19:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> my pockets are hot
[19:32] <ChrisGualtieri> >.> I need work! Someone give me something to do
[19:32] <kylu> I never quite understood the attraction really.
[19:33] <Isarra> ChrisGualtieri: Explain notability to me.
[19:33] <Isarra> That should keep us both busy for a bit.
[19:33] <Isarra> :D
[19:33] <BarkingFish> well anyway, I really am gonna bugger off to bed now. Thanks anyway :)
[19:33] <BarkingFish> night all
�02[19:33] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
[19:33] <kylu> I keep a box in the freezer in case I'm ever in the mood for instant, fatty comfort food with laziness, but that's about as low on the scale as slicing my wrist anymore, so will probably pass.
[19:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri you can help me with templates
�03[19:33] * haggis (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:34] <kylu> Actually, it may well have similar health consequences.
�02[19:34] * ChrisGualtieri (47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
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�02[19:35] * alisonc (UNKNOWN@unaffiliated/crazytales) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[19:35] <ChrisGualtieri> Weird I crashed
[19:35] <Demiurge1000> ChrisGualtieri: Join #wikipedia-en-helpers and I will find you something to do
[19:35] <Isarra> WP:N will do that.
[19:35] <ChrisGualtieri> Oi >.> least you heard me
[19:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri you can help me with templates
[19:36] <ChrisGualtieri> Templates are scary, if I do those I'd crash Wikipedia
[19:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> even a monkey can preform edits like this:
[19:37] <mareklug> ChrisGualtieri:  you could construct the new template kylu suggests the ioc rings logo needs.  ask him nicely for wording
[19:38] <ChrisGualtieri> Hehe Ok, let me get these COI ones out quick
[19:38] <Demiurge1000> No, do them slowly.
[19:38] <Demiurge1000> And do them right.
[19:38] <Demiurge1000> If you don't know what you're doing, skip that one and go on to the next one.
[19:39] <Demiurge1000> Remember, them having requested it is NOT a reason for you doing it. If it were like that, they would be allowed to do it themselves.
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[19:42] <Isarra> Crashing wikipedia isn't necessarilly bad.
[19:42] <Isarra> Sometimes it highlights issues that need to be resolved, and better resolve them sooner rather than later when they could do even more damage.
[19:42] <Demiurge1000> Is 9/11 similar to that?
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug uneeded
[19:43] <Dragonfly6-7> chew off your own arms
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dont need template for everything
[19:46] <kylu> ChrisGualtieri: you can ask mareklug if you'd like.
[19:46] <kylu> ciao.
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[19:51] <Isarra> Demiurge1000: Yes.
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[19:52] <Dcoetzee> Isarra: Spoken like a true grey hat :-P
[19:53] <Isarra> A what?
[19:53] <SigmaWP> [[Gray hat (computer security)]]
[19:53] <Dcoetzee> Isarra:
[19:54] <Isarra> You're very helpful.
[19:54] <SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: Gray or grey?
[19:54] <mareklug> ChrisGualtieri:  may i pm?
[19:54] <Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Depends only whether you're in the US :-P
[19:54] <SigmaWP> I mean on WP
[19:55] <Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: WP:ENGVAR applies here I think
[19:55] <SigmaWP> WP:GRAY doesn't give anything useful, unfortunately
�06[19:55] * SigmaWP czechs engvar
[19:56] <Isarra> We should use aussie english more.
[19:56] <SigmaWP> We should just use a site-wide script that randomises the spelling every time you refresh
�02[19:57] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[19:58] <Dcoetzee> WP:ENGVAR is interesting because it's one of our oldest guidelines, and dates to a time when edit wars over these things were common.
�03[19:58] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[19:58] <Dcoetzee> At its heart all it really says is "guys don't fight about this" :-P
[19:59] <Guerillero> hmmm
[19:59] <SigmaWP> Site-wide script it is! :D
[19:59] <Shirik> also american english is the best
�06[19:59] * Dcoetzee facepalms :-)
[19:59] <froodonwheels> Your opinion is invalid.
[19:59] <Shirik> I am Shirik
[19:59] <Pharos> maybe it was better when more of the figts were about meaningless stuff
[19:59] <Shirik> my opinion is the only one that matters
[19:59] <SigmaWP> Your opinion is rolling off a cliff.
[19:59] <froodonwheels> Okay.
[19:59] <Dcoetzee> I tend to write solely in NZ English these days unless I'm speaking to an American who I think might be confused. :-P
[20:00] <froodonwheels> It's still invalid.
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[20:00] <jorm> americans get confused by a lot of stuff fairly easily.
[20:00] <Pharos> lies
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> Americans know about "colour" and "flavour" but when they see "realise" they freak out.
[20:01] <Dragonfly6-7> I'm Canadian, and I'm still bothered by "gaol"
[20:01] <Guerillero> do you think it would be a good idea to write an article about "lax bro" culture
�02[20:01] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[20:01] <Dcoetzee> "gaol" is a very strange word :-P
[20:01] <SigmaWP> Dragonfly6-7: How do you pronounce that
[20:01] <Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: "jail"
[20:01] <SigmaWP> o_O
[20:01] <Dcoetzee> ...I prefer the US spelling on that one
[20:02] <Pharos> there should be a UN treaty abolishing that spelling
[20:02] <SigmaWP> Agreed
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[20:02] <Dcoetzee> Life is so much simpler in Estonian with theire purely phonetic spelling.
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> *their
[20:02] <SigmaWP> I bet ClueBot has reverted additions of gaol a thousand times
[20:03] <Dcoetzee> Estonian orthography is regular because it was invented by like one guy in the 50s. I wonder if English writing would be less fucked up if we had the benefit of hindsight when we came up with it.
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[20:05] <Pharos> a big problem would be incompatibility with old texts
[20:06] <Pharos> unless you want to pull an Ataturk intentionally
[20:06] <Dragonfly6-7> and dialects and accents
[20:06] <SigmaWP> Everyone should just start speaking Burmese
[20:06] <mareklug> Dcoetzee:  "gaol" pronunciation must be some sort of a curiosity, as we have "gale", "gallop", "gallant"
�02[20:06] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:07] <Dcoetzee> mareklug: Soft G is not uncommon. Consider giraffe, gentle, giant, gerbil, gestate, ginger, ...
[20:07] <jorm> you know, it's never the spellings that get me goofed.  it's the words.
[20:08] <jorm> petrol v. gas.  lift v. elevator.
[20:08] <Dcoetzee> Soft G followed by "a" is unusual these days though.
[20:08] <mareklug> Dcoetzee:  none of them "ga" words
[20:08] <Dcoetzee> jorm: Also rubber v. condom trips up a lot of people.
[20:08] <SigmaWP> jorm: New page petrolling! :D
[20:08] <Dragonfly6-7>\
[20:08] <Dragonfly6-7> <>  rather
[20:08] <Dcoetzee> vs rubber v. eraser
[20:08] <jorm> i grew up with rubber and condom being synonymous.
[20:08] <jorm> but never heard "rubber" for "eraser"
[20:08] <Dragonfly6-7> rubber = overshoes
[20:09] <Dragonfly6-7> rubber = eraser
[20:09] <Dragonfly6-7> rubber = frotteur
[20:09] <Dcoetzee> Ambiguity!
�02[20:09] * dungodung|away (~felix@wikimedia/dungodung) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[20:09] <Dcoetzee> And there's more where that came from
[20:09] <jorm> auto v. car
[20:09] <Dcoetzee> A check that isn't covered is called a rubber too
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[20:09] <Dragonfly6-7> polysemy is so cool
[20:10] <Dcoetzee> Also racing tires
[20:10] <Dragonfly6-7> "a rubber of bridge"
[20:10] <Dcoetzee> That too :-P
[20:10] <Dcoetzee> It probably has the most definitions of any noun I've heard of.
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[20:10] <Dragonfly6-7> Dcoetzee - how about "set" ?
[20:10] <Dcoetzee> Dragonfly6-7: set has more defs but less as a noun
[20:11] <Dcoetzee> If we're counting verbs I believe "run" is the winner
[20:11] <Dcoetzee> (especially if you include idioms!)
[20:11] <Dragonfly6-7> get
[20:12] <Dcoetzee> Dragonfly6-7: quite a lot on that one too
[20:12] <Dcoetzee> Dragonfly6-7: run still has more :-)
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�06[20:55] * kim_bruning pokes mindspillage: How do you eat your corn? ;-)
[20:57] <mindspillage> kim_bruning: that is hilarious (and I eat in rows, sometimes one kernel at a time).
[20:58] <mindspillage> I enjoy food that can be separated into discrete parts.
[20:58] <kim_bruning> <grin> Does their prediction hold?
[20:58] <kim_bruning> you're a very digital kind of person then? ;-)
[20:59] <mindspillage> basically. :-)
[20:59] <ChrisGualtieri> I've got a weird question. Is it OK to specifically remove links that are like this [[Article 1|Article 1]] so that they are just [[Article 1]]?
[21:00] <kim_bruning> ChrisGualtieri, yeah, that much is aok
[21:00] <kim_bruning> ChrisGualtieri, though it requires a certain level of OCD to want to ;-)
[21:01] <kim_bruning> (wikimania probably had a very high percentage of OCD sufferers. ;-)
�06[21:02] * Isarra takes kim_bruning's glasses, paints them green, and then puts them on the back of his head.
[21:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BREAKING NEWS! Mitt Romney’s campaign has announced that Romney will reveal his U.S. vice presidential nominee Saturday.  !!!!!
[21:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> OMG
[21:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its breaking my concentration
[21:02] <TeeTylerToe> generic republican candidate?
[21:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
[21:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they didnt specify which saturday
[21:03] <TeeTylerToe> sounds like he's desparate to break the news cycle
[21:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> OMGWTFBBQ NEWS!
[21:03] <kim_bruning> Isarra, what's that good for? If you had colored them rose-colored, at least the eyes in the back of my head have had a rose-colored view ;-)
[21:03] <kim_bruning> It's saturday here now, he should get on with it
�02[21:04] * Haruspex (~Shehrazad@unaffiliated/shehrazad) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[21:04] <wctaiwan> kim_bruning is a guy?
[21:04] <wctaiwan> >.>
[21:04] <Isarra> I was checking for an OCD response.
[21:04] <Isarra> He has a shiny forehead and everything!
[21:05] <jorm> yeah, it's actually weird that he is going to announce on "trash day"
[21:05] <Isarra> Then again, I have a shiny forehead too, so that's not really saying much.
[21:05] <kim_bruning> Isarra, see, there you go and ruin another guy's dreams! :-P
[21:06] <kim_bruning> Isarra, on the internet, nobody knows you're really a dog and all that. ;-)
[21:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra,
[21:07] <Isarra> kim_bruning: Sssshh! People might get suspicious.
[21:07] <kim_bruning> Isarra, interesting btw, what would the OCD response have been? :-)
[21:07] <wctaiwan> kim_bruning: you like matte foreheads? ....
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[21:07] <ChrisGualtieri> Same applies to category duplication, right?
[21:07] <Isarra> No idea.
[21:08] <Isarra> That's why it would have been interesting!
[21:08] <kim_bruning> Isarra, :-P
[21:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe I expect Alduin to be Romney's running mate
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[21:09] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko,
�03[21:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
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[21:09] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko,
[21:10] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, Ok, and this one:
[21:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Romney - Alduin 2012
[21:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning:
[21:11] <kim_bruning> Vote Cthulu for president. Why vote for a LESSER evil?
[21:12] <wctaiwan> Cthulu is the president of Chiron Beta Prime.
[21:12] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, Eh, Suddenly switching to Miku Hatsune?
[21:12] <kim_bruning> ohai wctaiwan btw
[21:12] <wctaiwan> hello.
[21:12] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, where are you actually located?
[21:12] <wctaiwan> Taiwan.
[21:13] <kim_bruning> *doh*
[21:13] <kim_bruning> wait, I was at wikimania taipei. You didn't go?
�06[21:13] * kim_bruning scratches head
[21:13] <wctaiwan> I wasn't a wikipedian until mid-2011ish.
[21:13] <kim_bruning> Otay
[21:13] <wctaiwan> and I would have been young. Like, really young :p
[21:13] <kim_bruning> oh well, maybe we'll meet in hong kong? :-P
[21:14] <wctaiwan> iff. Isarra and Ironholds get their way.
[21:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning of course
[21:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Miku is the true dragon born
[21:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> she can SHOUT
�06[21:14] * Isarra grins at wctaiwan.
[21:14] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, srsly?
[21:14] <kim_bruning> Isarra, what's the plan?
[21:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Oh!
[21:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Miku as running mate for Romney
[21:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Generic hologram candidate
[21:15] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, strictly speaking, it wouldn't be a sockpuppet :-P
[21:16] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, just note that *some* folks at wikimania, the best way to communicate was to sit next to them, open your laptop, and chat with them that way
�03[21:16] * peteforsyth (~peteforsy@wikipedia/peteforsyth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:16] <wctaiwan> might be true for me really.
�03[21:16] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluff|sleep
[21:16] <wctaiwan> I met up with a couple of online people a week or so ago. It didn't go over well >.>
�06[21:17] * Peter-C licks wctaiwan
[21:18] <wctaiwan> my skin may or may not be poisonous to rabid dogs.
[21:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no but it would be the best running mate for romney
[21:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> better than palin since miku has been to more countries than her
�02[21:20] * N96 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Later!�)
�03[21:20] * Frostee|away is now known as Frostee
[21:23] <Isarra> kim_bruning: We intend to kidnap wctaiwan and force him to come to wikimania if we can.
[21:23] <kim_bruning> Isarra, awesome. You're going to taiwan first then?
[21:23] <kim_bruning> It's a very pretty country
[21:23] <Isarra> ell, in theory.
[21:23] <Isarra> W
[21:23] <Isarra> >.>
[21:24] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, what happened between you and the $random online people?
�03[21:24] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:24] <harej> Paul Ryan, everyone!
[21:25] <Isarra> Wot?
�06[21:26] * Frostee throws a loaf of bread at Isarra
�02[21:26] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�06[21:27] * Isarra looms overhead.
[21:27] <wctaiwan> kim_bruning: awkward silence; lots of it.
�06[21:27] * Isarra recalls certain skype calls and starts giggling.
�06[21:27] * Frostee throws skype at Isarra
[21:28] <wctaiwan> reinforcing how bad it was was that after he returned to his hotel and I my house, we talked online just fine, about how his hotel wifi was probably insecure and monitored. I even tried to offer some advice on how to get VPN to work (we didn't manage).
[21:28] <wctaiwan> (that's one of them. There were two people)
[21:28] <wctaiwan> basically I can talk to people online just fine but IRL it falls apart :p
[21:28] <Isarra> But with wikipedians, it could go even better!
[21:29] <Isarra> Instead of listening to each other type to each other over skype, you could sit next to each other and type to each other!
[21:29] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, ah, right. did you break out the laptops?
[21:29] <wctaiwan> we did, but we didn't have internet :(
[21:29] <TeeTylerToe> What we have here is a failure to vpn!
[21:30] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, pro tip, in future, make sure you have wifi around
�02[21:30] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[21:30] <kim_bruning> but yeah, it happens ;-)
[21:31] <wctaiwan> heheh.
[21:31] <kim_bruning> it also helps to have a few extroverted types around
[21:31] <TeeTylerToe> if you're chatting over irc you can either directly do ssl to a irc server that supports it, like freenode, or you can ssl to mibbit to connect to the irc server
[21:31] <kim_bruning> some exist, just to facilitate communication ;-)
�03[21:31] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:31] <kim_bruning> TeeTylerToe, OR you can use ssh and talk
[21:32] <kim_bruning> or ssh and ircii to a local ircd. but that's just silly
[21:32] <kim_bruning> effective though ;-)
[21:32] <wctaiwan> mibbit is blocked on freenode, fwiw.
[21:32] <kim_bruning> or ssh tunnel to a local ircd ....
[21:32] <TeeTylerToe> but you can connect through ssh to freenode without mibbit
[21:33] <wctaiwan> yeah.
[21:33] <TeeTylerToe> you could even, I suppose, ssh to a java irc app
[21:33] <TeeTylerToe> actually no that probably wouldn't work
[21:33] <wctaiwan> well, VPN generally works.
[21:34] <TeeTylerToe> there are easier alternatives
[21:34] <TeeTylerToe> imo
[21:34] <wctaiwan> I have been contemplating whether I should install my uni's VPN software on my work computer >.>
[21:34] <TeeTylerToe> althought not if you want to run squid =[
[21:34] <wctaiwan> their proxy blocks a bunch of stuff and breaks a bunch of others.
[21:35] <TeeTylerToe> you'd think that if you wanted to run squid at home when you're traveling it would be easy to connect to it with ssl
�02[21:36] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
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[21:36] <wctaiwan> Frostee: how did you end up on this desolate part of the internet?
[21:36] <kim_bruning> TeeTylerToe, I run ssh . How did you guess? ;-)
[21:36] <TeeTylerToe> ?
[21:37] <Frostee> *Type /join #wikipedia-en
[21:37] <TeeTylerToe> for squid?
[21:37] <Frostee> PROFIT
�02[21:37] * tkazec (~msk@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[21:38] <kim_bruning> go direct to PROFIT, do go past start, do collect $200
�02[21:39] * Courcelles ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
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�03[21:43] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
�06[21:43] * Frostee throws $200 at Isarra
�06[21:43] * Frostee throws the universe at Isarra
�06[21:44] * Isarra kidnaps Frostee.
[21:44] <Frostee> implying you know where I live
�06[21:44] * kim_bruning figures Frostee must have a very large lever (and a great fulcrum)
[21:44] <kim_bruning> to be able to throw the entire universe
[21:45] <kim_bruning> Isarra, you kidnap All The People? ;-)
�06[21:45] * Peter-C licks kim_bruning
[21:45] <Isarra> kim_bruning: I need a constant supply of parts.
[21:45] <kim_bruning> Peter-C, mmm, vanilla
[21:45] <Isarra> And I'm sure I could find you, Frostee.
[21:46] <kim_bruning> FrankenIsarra?
[21:46] <Frostee> HA! good luck
[21:46] <kim_bruning> Peter-C, what's up doc?
[21:47] <Peter-C> Your weight
�06[21:47] * Peter-C runs
[21:47] <kim_bruning> eh, only a few kilo's!
�06[21:47] * kim_bruning chases Peter-C down and sits on them :-P:
[21:47] <Peter-C> D:
�06[21:47] * Peter-C drags Isarra down with him
[21:51] <Isarra> Peter-C weighs more than I do.
[21:51] <Peter-C> {{cn}}
[21:53] <ChrisGualtieri> Yeah, these interwiki links that redirect to the article you are already viewing are annoying.
�03[21:53] * queen is now known as Eucliwood
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�03[21:59] * Theopolisme is now known as Theo|food
[22:01] <SigmaWP> Is concatenation faster than joining?
[22:04] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, in which context?
[22:04] <SigmaWP> Python
�06[22:04] * Peter-C licks SigmaWP
[22:05] <kim_bruning> if you're coding python, you generally shouldn't ask that question ;-)
[22:05] <kim_bruning> But give me an example?
[22:05] <Peter-C> kim_bruning - you code?
[22:05] <kim_bruning> And whence the question?
[22:06] <kim_bruning> Peter-C, errr, fluently, I guess.
[22:06] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: I started learning python because I have nothing to do at work
[22:06] <SigmaWP> Yay!
�02[22:06] * ToAruShiroiNeko (~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) Quit
[22:06] <kim_bruning> Peter-C, the devs have known for years now. it's highly annoying. I can never wheedle for them to write stuff for me anymore :-P
[22:06] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, python ftw. Keep learning. you'
[22:06] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Now you can ask Earwig questions :D
[22:06] <kim_bruning> d probably be busy after summer? ;-)
[22:07] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, those questions were @you btw? ;-)
[22:07] <wctaiwan> probably yeah, class.
[22:07] <jorm> hooray!
[22:07] <SigmaWP> kim_bruning: http_scheme + "://" + http_host, or "://".join(http_scheme, http_host)
[22:07] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP,  you're looking at this?
[22:07] <SigmaWP> Nope
�03[22:07] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:07] <SigmaWP> Ewwww he's using backquotes
[22:07] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, here's a question for you.... how many thousands of times per second are you doing that operation?
[22:08] <SigmaWP> kim_bruning: Once every __init__()
[22:08] <SigmaWP> Wait what
[22:08] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, ha, init of what? you're instantiating it a zillion times in a tight loop? ;-)
[22:08] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, permature optimization is the root of all evil ;-)
[22:08] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, premature too
[22:09] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, the fastest is whatever makes it easier for you and other to read it
[22:09] <wctaiwan> I think he's more asking (as I often to, when coding ><) "which is the conventional way to do it?"
[22:09] <SigmaWP> Amazing
[22:09] <SigmaWP> Concatenation was 6 times faster
[22:09] <wctaiwan> o.O
[22:09] <wctaiwan> what are you timing with?
[22:10] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, no, I'm asking if sigmawp is actually somewhere in a tight loop, profiled it, and now is trying to get the last ounce of performance out
[22:10] <SigmaWP> python -mtimeit "code goes here"
[22:10] <wctaiwan> oh.
[22:10] <kim_bruning> as opposed to just writing stuff for usefulness ;-)
[22:10] <wctaiwan> kim_bruning: I thought python wasn't for that kind of projects anyway..
[22:10] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, <grin>
[22:11] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, although I did see someone write some python code that was 1000 times faster than the equivalent C once ;-)
�06[22:11] * kim_bruning would have to search really hard to find it back on the intertubes ;-)
[22:11] <wctaiwan> heh
�03[22:12] * ToAruShiroiNeko (~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:12] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, the trick was that python has things like dictionaries built in, so a simple python program actually doesn't do too bad in the algorithms department
[22:12] <SigmaWP> Huh?
[22:12] <SigmaWP> Is that unix-like-y
�06[22:12] * wctaiwan stares at SigmaWP 
[22:12] <Isarra> Have I mentioned lately how much I absolutely adore you people?
[22:12] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: What OS are you on
[22:12] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: it's a mac IRC client
[22:12] <SigmaWP> Oh
[22:12] <SigmaWP> GOOD
[22:13] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, while a C coder needs to do their algorithms from scratch (and in this case the dude had picked a naive algo :-P)
�06[22:13] * kim_bruning hugs Isarra 
[22:13] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: perl -e "$e .= `say 'coal balls'` while (1);"
�03[22:13] * Eucliwood is now known as Fumika
[22:13] <kim_bruning> Isarra, idem ditto
�06[22:13] * Isarra huggles kim_bruning.
[22:14] <Logan_> SigmaWP: Behave.
�03[22:14] * Doug_Weller (~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:14] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Alternatively, python3 -c "import os; [os.system('say \"coal balls\"') for x in range(1238)]"
[22:14] <SigmaWP> 'say' is the only good thing that comes on a Mac
[22:15] <kim_bruning> aptitude install festival
[22:15] <kim_bruning> cat > say.bash
[22:15] <kim_bruning> #!/bin/bash
[22:15] <kim_bruning> echo "$@" | festival --tts
[22:15] <kim_bruning> ^D
[22:15] <kim_bruning> chmod +x say.bash
[22:15] <kim_bruning> ./say.bash "hello world"
[22:16] <kim_bruning> you can also leave off the .bash if you want to be more maccy :-P
[22:16] <Logan_> SigmaWP: I hope you've read all of these:
[22:17] <SigmaWP> Logan_: I have.
[22:17] <SigmaWP> The ones that were readable
�06[22:17] * SigmaWP had that bookmarked for months now
[22:17] <wctaiwan> kim_bruning: I saw some awesome code recently, hold on, let me type it into some pastebin
�06[22:17] * Logan_ looks for new requests at WP:RX
[22:18] <kim_bruning> your awesome code fits in a pastebin?
[22:18] <kim_bruning> Hmmm
[22:18] <wctaiwan> "awesome"
[22:18] <kim_bruning> meh, maybe it is ;-)
[22:18] <wctaiwan> it's the "holy crap what is this I don't even" kind of awesome.
[22:18] <kim_bruning> so show me already!
�06[22:18] * kim_bruning is curious. :-)
�06[22:18] * kim_bruning also has rather less than 9 lives :-P
[22:19] <wctaiwan> kim_bruning:
[22:20] <wctaiwan> that was from a blog post written by someone who actually saw this kind of code from a self-taught programmer
�02[22:20] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
�02[22:20] * Dragonfly6-7 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
[22:20] <wctaiwan> er sorry
[22:20] <wctaiwan> should have been i -= 2;
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�03[22:21] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:21] <kim_bruning>
[22:21] <wctaiwan> yeah, like that.
[22:21] <kim_bruning> oh, there's a fun one.
[22:22] <kim_bruning>
[22:22] <kim_bruning> here's mine
[22:22] <kim_bruning> (not tested)
�02[22:22] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
[22:23] <wctaiwan> I'm not a C++ person (and I hate bitwise operations :p) so I'm not sure how it'll be casted, but I can see what you did there.
[22:23] <kim_bruning> (it's the 2nd one)
[22:23] <wctaiwan> yeah, I know :p
[22:23] <TeeTylerToe> ?
�06[22:23] * kim_bruning isn't a C person, and I forgot about casting... I figure the 1 will be treated as int
[22:24] <kim_bruning> I'd need to cast :-P
[22:24] <TeeTylerToe> ah, why not just do mod 2?
[22:24] <wctaiwan> TeeTylerToe: That's the point. Apparently someone actually wrote code like that first function there.
[22:25] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: is_odd = lambda x: x % 2
[22:25] <wctaiwan> when return i % 2; would have done the job.
[22:25] <kim_bruning> TeeTylerToe, you tell me why it's easier to &1 than %2 ? ;-)
[22:25] <TeeTylerToe> how is that cool?
[22:25] <wctaiwan> kim_bruning: <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, permature optimization is the root of all evil ;-)
[22:25] <wctaiwan> :P
[22:25] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, oh, true
[22:25] <kim_bruning> but I'm thinking C/ASM now ;-)
[22:25] <TeeTylerToe> does &1 check to see of the lsb =1?
[22:26] <kim_bruning> TeeTylerToe, yes ;-)
[22:26] <TeeTylerToe> YOU FIEND!
[22:26] <kim_bruning> the %2 might need some microcode :-P
[22:26] <wctaiwan> still stands really. At least our professors taught it that way—don't do stuff that you _think_ will optimise the program, when most of the time the compiler is better than you at that.
[22:26] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, of course. ;-)
[22:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning its like in skyrim
[22:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dual casting in C is more effective
[22:27] <wctaiwan> (that's of course excepting things like string search)
[22:27] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, otoh I think differently in different languages ;-)
[22:27] <TeeTylerToe> I'm pretty sure the selftaught guy disproved your professor
�03[22:27] * FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
[22:27] <wctaiwan> I think in English when I'm typing in english...
[22:27] <wctaiwan> TeeTylerToe: that's not not optimising, that's "what is this I don't even..."
�06[22:27] * kim_bruning is humbled. I should learn to think the same way in different computer languages
[22:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what is the point of code?
[22:28] <wctaiwan> why should we? I thought it's perfectly normal? I mean, trying to code VBA as a C programmer hasn't been easy >.>
[22:28] <kim_bruning> int round (float x):
[22:28] <kim_bruning> errr.. .that won't work
[22:28] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Oh yeah, python 2 or 3?
[22:29] <kim_bruning> int round(float x) { return (int) (x+0.5); }
[22:29] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: I'm learning with the tutorial in the docs for 3, but I'm wondering about that.
[22:29] <SigmaWP> Python 3 is good
[22:29] <wctaiwan> Django doesn't support 3 and won't for a few months yet.
[22:29] <kim_bruning> wctaiwan, there's not a huge diff in  practice
[22:29] <SigmaWP> Python 2 is full of stupid shit
[22:29] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, I do miss print
[22:29] <kim_bruning> :-P
[22:29] <kim_bruning> now it's print ()
[22:29] <kim_bruning> geh
[22:30] <SigmaWP> kim_bruning: print >>sys.stdout, "your mom", "is a coal ball",
[22:30] <wctaiwan> yeah I figured I'd cross that bridge when I got to it. Shouldn't be too hard to wrap one's head around the differences, aye?
[22:30] <kim_bruning> (notice how I managed to mix python and c syntax first time. Why can't all languages be sane? ;-)
[22:30] <SigmaWP> kim_bruning: print("your mom", "is a coal ball", sep=" ", file=sys.stdout, end="\n")
[22:30] <Earwig> ewwww
[22:31] <Earwig> SigmaWP: I just closed EarwigBot issues #1 and #2
[22:31] <Logan_> Don't be a hater.
[22:31] <Earwig> I'm awesome.
[22:31] <Logan_> False.
[22:31] <SigmaWP> Earwig: What were they
[22:31] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, maybe Earwig just hates your mom
[22:31] <Earwig> SigmaWP: creating new config files from scratch and modifying bot permissions from IRC.
[22:31] <Earwig> so now people can actually like
[22:31] <Earwig> run the bot >_>
�03[22:31] * Theo|food is now known as Theopolisme
[22:31] <Logan_> :D
[22:31] <SigmaWP> Do you raise the issues yourself or does someone actually try the bot and ask for something :P
[22:32] <Earwig> I have a friend who tests stuff and has commented on issues
�03[22:32] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[22:32] <Theopolisme> Heck, who tries� bots anymore? SOOOO 20th century
[22:32] <Earwig> I've had two or three pull reqs so far
[22:32] <Earwig> but yeah
[22:32] <Earwig> mostly me created issues as a tracking system
[22:32] <Theopolisme> Just let them run on the mainpage and see what happens xD
[22:32] <Earwig> *creating
[22:32] <Peter-C> bomb!
�06[22:32] * Peter-C tackles Earwig
[22:32] <Earwig> no
�06[22:33] * Theopolisme looks on
[22:33] <Peter-C> :(
[22:34] <SigmaWP> Earwig:
[22:34] <SigmaWP> It's a Kenneth Reitz project :D
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[22:34] <Earwig> uh
[22:35] <Earwig> oh gosh
[22:35] <Earwig>
[22:35] <Earwig> why not 2.7?
[22:35] <SigmaWP> Fork it and add 2.7
[22:35] <SigmaWP> Wait what
[22:36] <Earwig> well there's probably a reason why
[22:36] <SigmaWP> If you’re choosing a Python interpreter to use, I highly recommend you Use Python 2.7.x, unless you have a strong reason not to.
[22:36] <SigmaWP> Right above.... ._.
[22:36] <Earwig> yeah, someone fails
[22:37] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Python 3 is the shiny one
[22:37] <SigmaWP> Stay with it :D
[22:38] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, dude, python3 has much more solid utf8 support
[22:38] <SigmaWP> YES
[22:39] <SigmaWP> PHP has no unicode support at all
[22:39] <kim_bruning> unicode support even
[22:39] <SigmaWP> Even perl does better than it
[22:39] <kim_bruning> SigmaWP, well php does unicode something, because mediawiki works aok :-P
[22:39] <kim_bruning> maybe I'm suppressing the pain though, who knows
[22:39] <wctaiwan> PHP does unicode fine >.>
[22:39] <SigmaWP> It's probably a Tim Starling hack™
�03[22:42] * morgankevinj (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Morgankevinj) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:46] <morgankevinj> what problem is the tower.jpeg redirect causing
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[22:55] <kim_bruning> morgankevinj, would #wikimedia-otrs know?
[22:55] <kim_bruning> typically otrs supplies a ticket number, which they didn't do here...
[22:57] <morgankevinj> I have access to otrs but there is no clear way to find the emial based on the information in the request
[22:59] <kim_bruning> no kidding. <scratches head>
[22:59] <kim_bruning> I guess you'll have to ask the original poster what they mean. ^^;;
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[23:18] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Are you good at python yet?
[23:19] <Peter-C>
[23:19] <Peter-C> da fuq
�03[23:21] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:23] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: course not
�02[23:23] * Fumika (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
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�02[23:27] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[23:27] <Peter-C> I wanna be a traffic cop
[23:27] <Peter-C> I would totally crack down on violations
�03[23:28] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:28] <TeeTylerToe> what kind of violations?
[23:28] <Peter-C> Failing to signal
[23:29] <Peter-C> Parking tickets
�02[23:29] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[23:29] <Peter-C> I would gain warrents and run around with an M4
[23:29] <Peter-C> It will be legendary.
[23:31] <Earwig> I consider this prima facie evidence of power hunger.
[23:31] <Peter-C> No.
[23:31] <SigmaWP> Is Istanbul on the East or West part of Turkey?
[23:31] <SigmaWP> The map is too crappy for me to tell
[23:31] <Earwig> SigmaWP: looks pretty far West to me
[23:31] <Peter-C> It would be me enforcing the law at a higher standard.
[23:31] <Peter-C> Istanbul was Constantanople
[23:32] <SigmaWP> Earwig: I mean, on Asia Minor or that-mini-peninsula-on-eastern-europe
[23:32] <Peter-C>
[23:32] <Earwig> er
[23:32] <haggis> Earwig: poke
[23:33] <Earwig> sorry
�02[23:33] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[23:33] <SigmaWP> I'll just put it in the middle
[23:34] <SigmaWP> Peter-C: Unignore haggis
[23:34] <Peter-C> what do you want haggis
[23:34] <Peter-C> wait
[23:34] <Peter-C> one sec
[23:35] <Peter-C> no talk
[23:35] <Peter-C> *now
�02[23:35] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[23:36] <Peter-C> :/
�03[23:36] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:37] <haggis> Peter-C: hello?
[23:38] <Peter-C> haggis - are you going to say something :/
[23:40] <haggis> Peter-C: did you see my PM?
[23:43] <Sp33dyphil> Logan_: hi
[23:43] <Logan_> Hi Sp33dyphil.
�02[23:45] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[23:45] <haggis> Sp33dyphil! hello!
[23:46] <Sp33dyphil> haggis: hey bud
[23:46] <Sp33dyphil> how's it going?
[23:46] <Sp33dyphil> gtg for now, chat to ya later
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[23:47] <Peter-C> haggis - did you say anything....
�03[23:47] * chicocvenancio (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:47] <haggis> SigmaWP: help me out here :-P
[23:48] <Peter-C> Now I see you
[23:48] <Peter-C> :/
[23:49] <Peter-C> haggis - what do you want
[23:48] <TeeTylerToe> I'm guessing some sort of spiced meat product enclosed in some kind of tubing
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�06[23:54] * SigmaWP hugs Pine 
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[00:18] <SigmaWP> Good bye
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[00:56] <jubo2> g'morning
[00:57] <Mdann52> Morning
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[01:42] <wctaiwan> o/ foks
[01:43] <foks> Hiya
[01:46] <foks> gold for gb in the canoe sprint woo
�03[01:51] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:52] <Ironholds> evening people
[01:52] <BlastHardcheese> I thought the Canadians were the ones with the canoes
[01:53] <Ironholds> ...that probably makes sense in context
[01:53] <wctaiwan> evening, Ironholds. (but isn't it morning over in UK land?)
[01:54] <Ironholds> sure, but I'm in SF
[01:54] <Ironholds> where it is, technically, morning actually
[01:54] <wctaiwan> Oh.
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[01:59] <Ironholds> hey, Sp33dyphil
[01:59] <Sp33dyphil> hi, what's up?
[01:59] <Ironholds> nuthin' much; yourself?
[02:00] <Sp33dyphil> same, doing my usual things -- writing.
�02[02:00] * wctaiwan (01a20ae9@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[02:01] <Ironholds> cool :)
[02:01] <Sp33dyphil> Ironholds: have you been following tech news lately/
�02[02:02] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[02:03] <Sp33dyphil> are you much of a copy editor?
[02:04] <Ironholds> Sp33dyphil: tech news? as in, in the wikimedia movement, or the big wide world?
[02:05] <Sp33dyphil> the latter
[02:05] <Ironholds> sometimes?
[02:05] <Sp33dyphil> coz I'm working on [[Nexus 7]], and I thought you could lend me a hand :)
[02:06] <Sp33dyphil> gotta go
[02:07] <Ironholds> heh. take care.
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[02:19] <foks> Is it quite common for Spanish people to have the same maternal and parental name?
�03[02:19] * Sarrus (~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:19] <foks> Like this diver, German Sanchez Sanchez
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[02:49] <mareklug>   "AP sources: Romney intends to name Ryan his No. 2"
[02:50] <Ironholds> that's kinda rude of him
[02:50] <Ironholds> I'd more describe Ryan as a thin streak of piss, and that's a No. 1
[02:52] <foks> so he's not going for the hispanic dude?
[02:52] <mareklug> we're supposed to have the announcement "on Saturday morning"   it's 5:49 now
[02:52] <foks> lies, it's 10:45
[02:53] <foks> *49
[02:54] <mareklug> i'm disappointed.  i'd think Condi Rice would've added real spice to the race
[02:54] <mareklug> after all, Romney is an idiot in international relations
[02:55] <Ironholds> and, y'know, about as appealing to ethnic minorities as a good lynching
[02:55] <Ironholds> although I would like it noted that he is also as appealing to me, as a white dude, as a good lynching.
[02:55] <Ironholds> i.e. not.
[02:56] <mareklug> it will still be a close election, but with the economy improving and unemployment going down, Obama wins it
�06[02:57] * foks isn't so sure
[02:57] <foks> I have very little faith in Americans during elections
[02:57] <foks> Too easy to buy their votes
�03[02:57] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:57] <foks> (no offense of course)
[02:57] <mareklug> true, America is very divided
[02:59] <Tony_Sidaway> Divided States of America
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Session Start: Sat Aug 11 03:03:37 2012
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Session Time: Sun Aug 12 00:00:00 2012
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�03[11:46] * Set by RD on Tue Aug 07 10:41:41
[11:46] #wikipedia-en url is
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[11:46] <mysterytrey> Nevertheless, we must kill you.
[11:46] <Rain777> haha
�03[11:46] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:47] <mysterytrey> Hello there, Guest88818.  How are you today?
[11:47] <Rain777> since you guys are from the US, I have some questions to ask
[11:47] <Rain777> Im considering moving there next year
[11:47] <Dcoetzee> That explains why your English is pretty good.
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[11:48] <mysterytrey> We're from the US?
[11:49] <BlastHardcheese> fuck off we're full
[11:49] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[11:49] <Rain777> one of you at least...
[11:49] <Dcoetzee> Well I am, although I didn't say that, I'm West Coast US.
�03[11:49] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:50] <mysterytrey> Dcoetzee: You should go to Iceland.  We welcome you.
�03[11:50] * Anurag2k12 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:50] <Rain777> I was about to ask where you are from, mystery
[11:51] <mysterytrey> Oh!  I'm cared about.  I feel so... *faints*
[11:51] <Rain777> haha
�02[11:51] * Lubaf ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[11:52] <Dcoetzee> Iceland is awesome :-)
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[11:52] <mysterytrey> Yes.  Yes it is.
[11:52] <Rain777> Im planning to continue college in the US or Europe so Im gathering a little intel :)
[11:52] <Dcoetzee> I mean their economic situation is pretty bad. But I like a lot of their progressive attitudes.
[11:53] <Dcoetzee> Rain777: Anything in particular you're curious about?
[11:54] <Rain777> well my main concern is if Ill be able to find a part time job to pay for tuition...
[11:54] <mysterytrey> It should be noted that the US has hot weather.
[11:54] <mysterytrey> Like 70s.  Bleh.
[11:54] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Not all of it... e.g. Alaska, Minnesota, Michigan are pretty cold
[11:54] <Dcoetzee> Colorado too
[11:54] <mysterytrey> Well, alaska maybe, but...
[11:55] <Rain777> yeah thats the cool thing about america
[11:55] <Rain777> lots of differrent people and weather
[11:55] <Rain777> *different
[11:56] <Dcoetzee> Rain777: I'm afraid the unemployment rate is currently about 8.2%. Better than it was last year, but high above the usual base rate of 5%. There's a lot of competition for jobs not requiring degrees.
[11:56] <Dcoetzee> Of course that will vary a lot based on location too.
[11:57] <mysterytrey> Oooh politics.
[11:58] <Rain777> yeah, I still havent thought about where in the US Id like to go
[11:58] <Rain777> So mystery, tell us about iceland
[11:59] <mysterytrey> Never!
[11:59] <Rain777> lol
[11:59] <mysterytrey> Well, it rains alot, so thats a plus.
�03[12:00] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:00] <mysterytrey> And it's rarely get's above 15Celcius, and I just can't stand heat.
[12:01] <mysterytrey> So it's a perfect place.
[12:01] <mysterytrey> For me, anyway.
[12:01] <Rain777> wow thats really cold
[12:01] <Rain777> I guess one can get used to it though
[12:01] <mysterytrey> Not really, if you can't stand heat.  It's windchill that's a killer though.
[12:03] <Rain777> and what about the people?
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[12:04] <russavia> dcoetzee, porn is illegal in iceland....however would you survive?
[12:04] <Rain777> are they reserved or cheerful or how are they?
[12:04] <mysterytrey> People help eachother out, hitchhiking is easy and remarkably safe.
[12:04] <Dcoetzee> russavia: I'm pretty sure you just made that up :-P
[12:05] <mysterytrey> nobody here really annoys others.
[12:05] <russavia> you want to throw a {{fact}} on it?
[12:05] <mysterytrey> Not too much anyway.
[12:05] <Dcoetzee> {{fact}}
[12:05] <The_Thing> So sour:
[12:05] <Shearonink> Rain777: I'm not sure about the visa situation, but there might be an issue with your getting work while you're in the US.
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[12:05] <russavia>
[12:05] <russavia> of course.....WP isn't a reliable source for jackshit
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[12:06] <mysterytrey> Porn is taboo in iceland.  I don't think it's illegal, but then again I'm not a guy, so...
[12:06] <russavia> which is funny given
[12:07] <Dcoetzee> russavia: Wow. It's true.
[12:07] <Rain777> yeah the visa thing is making me doubt a little
[12:07] <russavia> but porn being illegal could be a good thing.....could you imagine Bjork doing porn?
�03[12:07] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:07] <mysterytrey> Oh.  Porn is illegal.  What the hell?
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[12:07] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: See
[12:07] <Dcoetzee> I can't read Icelandic, but you can :-)
�02[12:08] * secnoober ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:08] <mysterytrey> Just use google translate.
[12:08] <Dcoetzee> It's ridiculously broad.
[12:09] <Dcoetzee> I have a feeling it's very poorly enforced :-)
[12:09] <mysterytrey> I still have to for certain words.  &My grammer structure is fairly pitiful.
[12:09] <russavia> mysterytrey -- if you speak Icelandic, perhaps you could turn some of these redlinks into blue links?
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[12:10] <mysterytrey> Eh.  I'm not fluent.  I speak enough, though.
[12:10] <Rain777> those languages look difficult...
[12:10] <Dcoetzee> The weird thing is that Icelandic law on pornography is stricter than in the US, but Icelandic law on child pornography has far less severe punishments than in the US.
[12:11] <mysterytrey> Actually, something I should do, is get that person who doesn't have a job but is rich and donates to good will all the time to edit wikipedia.
[12:12] <Rain777> lol
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[12:17] <mysterytrey> So hows argentina.
[12:17] <mysterytrey> ?
[12:17] <russavia> argentina?
[12:17] <russavia> argentina is white!
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[12:19] <russavia>
[12:19] <Dcoetzee> There is an Internet meme I'm missing here
[12:19] <russavia>
[12:19] <Rain777> sorry I was having some milkshake...
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[12:19] <russavia>
[12:19] <Dcoetzee>
[12:20] <russavia> dcoetzee, argentina is whiter than england!
[12:20] <russavia> or norway! or sweden! or even iceland!
[12:21] <BlastHardcheese> I thought they were silver
[12:21] <Dcoetzee> russavia: You evidently know a bit more about 4chan trolls than I do :-P
[12:21] <russavia> which is funny dcoetzee, given i don't frequent such sites ;)
[12:22] <Rain777> argentina is very dangerous...
�02[12:22] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:22] <russavia> but it's true, it's an easy way to troll argentinians -- just say that they aren't white :)
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[12:23] <Rain777> nowadays not even tourists come here anymore
[12:23] <russavia> and no, i won't be writing [[Argentina is white]] in future
[12:23] <Isarra> Are strangers strange?
[12:23] <russavia> hey rain777, you are argentinian?
[12:23] <Dcoetzee> Isarra: No, but they are *stranger*
[12:23] <Rain777> yeah from buenos aires
[12:24] <russavia> i just uploaded a shitload of photos of argentinian air force --
[12:25] <russavia> and and
[12:25] <Rain777> I have a cousin in the air force but I dont talk to him very much
[12:25] <mysterytrey> Is he notable?
[12:26] <russavia> more importantly mystertrey, is he white?
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[12:26] <Rain777> I dont really know I hardly ever see him
[12:27] <Rain777> hes always at some base somewhere
[12:27] <mysterytrey> russavia: Are you sure you don't do 4chan?
[12:27] <russavia> absolutely sure ;)
[12:27] <russavia> i do wikipedia instead
�03[12:27] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:27] <russavia> *"do"
[12:27] <mysterytrey> Not both?
�03[12:27] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:27] <Isarra> Snrk.
[12:27] <mysterytrey> Cause I'm not sure.
[12:28] <russavia> nah it's more fun trolling wikipedia
�02[12:28] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�03[12:28] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:30] * SigmaWP waves at PeterSymonds 
[12:31] <PeterSymonds> Hey Sigma.
�02[12:31] * Keegan__ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[12:31] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:32] <mysterytrey> Keegan_: Is your connection crappy?
�02[12:33] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
�06[12:36] * Peter-C licks SigmaWP
�06[12:36] * ty pours salt onto the now wet SigmaWP 
[12:37] <Peter-C> PeterSymonds - get the new ISP yet?
[12:37] <PeterSymonds> Well yes, but I'm not actually at home at the moment. ^_^
[12:37] <Mdann52> Look, stop attacking SigmaWP everyone
[12:37] <Peter-C> Where are you :o
�02[12:37] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[12:38] <PeterSymonds> Elsewhere.
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> Mdann52: We were technically only applying a coating of spices to him.
[12:38] <Mdann52> :)
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> Which makes him more delicious. :-)
�03[12:38] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:39] <Fluffernutter> Hey, didn't I tell you kids yesterday, no eating the regulars!
[12:39] <Peter-C> MI6?
[12:41] <Frood> anybody know where I can get an inexpensive laptop, used is okay?
�02[12:41] * Dragonfly6-7 ( Quit
[12:41] <Frood> or trade my tablet for one
�03[12:41] * Tgeairn ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:42] * Peter-C eats Fluffernutter
�02[12:42] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
�06[12:42] * Mdann52 eats Peter-C
�03[12:42] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:42] * Peter-C eats Fae
[12:42] <Peter-C> nom nom nomn nom
[12:42] <Peter-C> Hello :3
[12:44] <mysterytrey> With all this eating, you made me hungry. :(
�06[12:44] * mysterytrey eats MJ94.
[12:44] <MJ94> HEY
�06[12:45] * Mdann52 eats the whole channel
[12:45] <MJ94> teeth off the goods,
[12:45] <MJ94> Mdann52: fatty
�03[12:45] * Sarrus (~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus) has left #wikipedia-en
�02[12:46] * Tgeairn ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[12:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> gods dont have teeth
�06[12:47] * Fluffernutter read that as "girls don't have teeth" and I was all o_O
[12:47] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: They do if they're gods incarnate
[12:47] <mysterytrey> At least nobody has said "eats out" yet.
[12:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter well
[12:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> girls have fangs, you DONT want to be bitten by a girl
[12:48] <Mdann52> :)
[12:48] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Speak for yourself
[12:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Oh waiut
[12:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that was vampires
[12:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I confuse the two :p
[12:48] <Fluffernutter> I hear girls have poison in their fangs, too
[12:48] <Mdann52> Is there a difference?
�06[12:48] * ToAruShiroiNeko thinks girl fans are like swiss army knives
[12:49] <Dcoetzee> Mdann52: Girls are far more dangerous
[12:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> multi functional
�02[12:49] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there are vampire slayers but no girl slayers, no one dares :p
�02[12:49] * Chode ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[12:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they say girls come from venus if so they can outstand blazing tempratures and pressure
[12:50] <Dcoetzee> Ha
�03[12:50] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> even lightning cannot strike Venus surface
�06[12:50] * ToAruShiroiNeko hides in fear :p
�03[12:50] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:51] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Actually recent evidence shows lightning exists on Venus and is pretty similar to Earth lightning.
[12:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee it doesnt reach the ground though
[12:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> stays in the atmosphere due to the immensely thick atmosphere
�02[12:51] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[12:52] * Mdann52 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:52] * Mdann52 ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[12:52] <Dcoetzee> Ah so it's like cloud to cloud lightning on Earth?
[12:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
[12:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there are loads of cloud to cloud
[12:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> with currents that would dwarf anything on earth
[12:52] <SigmaWP> It does not rain on Venus
[12:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but it isnt strong enough to reach the ground
�03[12:52] * matt_buck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:53] <SigmaWP> Because the rain vaporises before reaching the ground :P
�02[12:53] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[12:53] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: How does it compare to Jupiter lightning?
�03[12:53] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[12:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it rains sulfur on venus
[12:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I dont know but gas giants are in a leauge of their own
[12:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> cant compare terresial planets with them
[12:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> jupiters magnetic field reaches earth so anything electrical there will be massive
[12:55] <BlastHardcheese> dat gas
[12:55] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I still think it's crazy that Jupiter has a storm that is 2-3 times the size of our entire planet that has been raging for hundreds of years with winds of over 430 kph.
[12:56] <Dcoetzee> ...I don't think I'd want to live there.
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> actually it is not so bad
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the eye of the storm is always calm :)
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee with jupiter the surface effect on the clouds/storms are thought to be the source of the storms
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its a tornado that reaches the core probably
[12:56] <mysterytrey> Have any of you ever been on venus?
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mysterytrey no but soviets have
[12:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> for a few minutes
[12:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> then their craft melted down
[12:57] <mysterytrey> And they died?
[12:57] <Dcoetzee> :-S They had a craft on the surface, really?
[12:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
�02[12:57] * Wehwalt (4462af34@wikipedia/Wehwalt) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the only successful landing on venus
[12:57] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Humans have never been anywhere near Venus, or even beyond the moon, as far as I know.
[12:58] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Once you land on Venus or Mars, you just don't have the thrust to escape again.
[12:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Venera
[12:58] <Dcoetzee> I have met some people though who say they would die to be the first person on Mars. Not me. :-)
[12:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee thats not really true, you just have to bring more fuel with you
�03[12:58] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:58] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Well yeah but that doubles your payload and massively increases cost...
[12:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> The main problem with other planet visits is the time
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee this is true
�02[12:59] * Moe_Epsilon (~David@wikipedia/Moe-Epsilon) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its more than double btw
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> since it makes landing twice as difficult
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you could send the fuel in advance of course
[12:59] <Dcoetzee> More to the point, if taking off on Earth surrounded by hundreds of employees and ground built equipment is hard, imagine taking off in a hostile environment with only remote assistance.
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in fact any planet visit will have a boat load of stuff sent in advance
[13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee well... Gives a new meaning to... Remote desktop
[13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it takes about a year to get to mars and back
�02[13:00] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not because of the distance but because earth year and mars year is different
[13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to stab peer
�03[13:01] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?
[13:01] <mysterytrey> Dcoetzee: What ToAruShiroiNeko said a second ago:
[13:01] <mysterytrey> 15:58 <ToAruShiroiNeko> it takes about a year to get to mars and back
[13:01] <mysterytrey> 15:58 <ToAruShiroiNeko> not because of the distance but because earth year and mars year is different
[13:01] <mysterytrey> 15:58 <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to stab peer
[13:01] <Dcoetzee> Woops pulled my network cable by mistake. It' missing a tab so it slips sometimes.
[13:02] <Dcoetzee> Do you think we'll ever terraform Mars? It seems like a really big investment...
[13:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> teraforming mars isnt so difficult provided we find a way to restore the magnetic field
[13:02] <Rain777> I think Ill go to Mars and start my own bussiness selling cheese burgers....
[13:02] <SigmaWP> Capitalists are willing to do anything as long as there are enough workers to foot the bill
[13:03] <Rain777> I sure will be ahead of the market...
[13:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> with mars thats the problem, there is no magnetic field
[13:03] <Dcoetzee> Rain777: I would so buy a cheeseburger on Mars just to say I did that
[13:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> even if you restore the atmosphere it will leak away
[13:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> also any electronics will be fried on a well aimed solar storm
�02[13:03] * Anurag2k12 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�03[13:03] * matt_buck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> venus is a better candidate in that sense for terraforming
[13:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> all you need to do is cool it down
[13:04] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I don't see how you can cool it down without thinning its atmosphere so much that it loses protection from cosmic radiation...
[13:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> venus suffers from rotating in the wrong direction though
[13:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee just send in a whitewestinghouse fridge :p
[13:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> endothermic reactions probably
[13:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we have the technology to do it
�02[13:05] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[13:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> consider airconditioning units
�03[13:06] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[13:06] <Rain777> Im looking for a partner on a new bussiness
�03[13:06] * Bucketsmith ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[13:06] <Rain777> I provide the burgers and all you have to do is find a way of getting me to Mars....
[13:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but with mars you need to ship an atmospehere in as well as hardware and its energy source to provide magnetic shielding
[13:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Curiosity has an oven
[13:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you dont need much to heat the burgers
�02[13:07] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�02[13:08] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Quit: Changing client�)
[13:08] <Rain777> The thing is I dont know who will buy them except maybe that little worms they found once...
[13:08] <Dcoetzee> Rain777: Ship them back to Earth.
�03[13:08] * YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[13:08] * Mdann52 ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[13:09] <Dcoetzee> Rich people will buy them as "the only burgers made on Mars"!
[13:09] <Rain777> yeah that seems like a good idea...
�03[13:09] * matt_buck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:09] <Rain777> I can make them in my backyard and label them "made on mars"
�02[13:09] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Client Quit�)
[13:09] <SigmaWP> Ipswich!
[13:10] <Dcoetzee> I once talked to someone who said that if they could be the first person on the surface of Mars they wouldn't mind dying there shortly afterwards. I don't think that would be for me. :-P
[13:10] <Rain777> yeah thats not a cool vacation
�02[13:10] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
�02[13:10] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
�02[13:10] * lubmil ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[13:10] * SigmaWP is now known as Ipswich
�03[13:11] * Andorin (~anon@unaffiliated/andorin) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:11] <Ipswich> Andorin: o.O
�03[13:11] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[13:12] <Andorin> Ipswich: 0.o
�03[13:12] * lubmil ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:13] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:15] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) Quit (Quit: be back in a while�)
[13:17] <mysterytrey> Who's antispammeta?
[13:18] <mysterytrey> nevermind
[13:18] <fn-troll> mysterytrey: my bot
�02[13:18] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[13:18] <TBloemink> And it's taking over the world now, it'll be back in a while.
[13:18] <mysterytrey> Who... are you?
[13:19] <PeterSymonds> Why, he's fn-troll of course.
[13:19] <TBloemink> :P
[13:19] <fn-troll> mysterytrey: uhm. I've been on this network for ~6 years, under the nicks "AfterDeath", "Athanasius", and this one
[13:20] <OlEnglish> he's a spy!
[13:20] <mysterytrey> Why is your server freenode/weird-exception/network-troll ?
[13:20] <mysterytrey> And why is your nick fn-troll ?
[13:20] <PeterSymonds> He's a freenode weird exception network troll?
�03[13:20] * EdSaperia ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:20] <TBloemink> I want one of those too.
[13:21] <TBloemink> Who can I bribe for wikimedia/troll/tbloemink ?
[13:21] <fn-troll> mysterytrey: My hostmask is like that because I'm awesome
[13:21] <fn-troll> and my nick is fn-troll because I'm freenode's favorite troll.
[13:21] <mysterytrey> Hmmm...  Cool.
�06[13:22] * TBloemink searches
[13:22] <OlEnglish> who's watching the closing ceremonies?
�02[13:22] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
[13:22] <Rain777> I am
[13:22] <fn-troll> anyways, ASM is down because I'm tarballing its home directory to move to a new server
[13:22] <Rain777> thats why Im not talking much
[13:23] <OlEnglish> nice!
[13:23] <mysterytrey> Try #freenode.  Maybe if you bother them they will change it from wikimedia/tbloemink to that.
[13:23] <TBloemink> Probably I need to contact a wikimedia group contact
�06[13:23] * TBloemink eyes PeterSymonds 
[13:23] <PeterSymonds> Hmmmm!
[13:23] <OlEnglish> the brits really know how to put on a show
[13:23] <PeterSymonds> If I can't have a wikimedia/troll/* host, neither can you.
[13:24] <OlEnglish> the opening ceremonies were amazing too
[13:24] <Ipswich>
[13:24] <Ipswich> It got on the main page for On This Day every year since 2005
[13:24] <TBloemink> Hmmm
[13:24] <TBloemink> We should introduce that
�03[13:25] * u99of9 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:27] <fn-troll> PeterSymonds: I bet you could
[13:27] <Dcoetzee> I wonder sometimes, when an article has 8 refs for a single sentence, is that getting excessive?
[13:27] <fn-troll> PeterSymonds: Seeing as you're a GC for wikimedia, you /could/ get wikimedia/troll/PeterSymonds
[13:27] <Dcoetzee> "On August 10, 2012, it was announced that presumptive Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney would be announcing his choice for Vice Presidential running-mate in Norfolk, Virginia, with most news sources reporting that Ryan would be his running-mate.[79][1][80][81][82][83][84][85]"
[13:27] <PeterSymonds> I /technically/ could, but so far I've resisted.
[13:27] <fn-troll> DO IT DO IT NOW
[13:28] <PeterSymonds> Hmm.
�02[13:28] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:28] <PeterSymonds> Well, maybe. ^_^
�03[13:28] * lukas23 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:28] * lukas23 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[13:28] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:29] <TBloemink> Hmm
[13:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee:
[13:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I formatted the page a little
[13:29] <TBloemink> wikimedia/lazy/Barras maybe :P
[13:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> enjoy :3
�02[13:29] * Ipswich (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[13:29] <TBloemink> OH SNAP I pinged it
[13:29] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Nice :-)
[13:29] <TBloemink> Eh, him
�02[13:29] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[13:29] <EdSaperia> hello, may amuse:
�03[13:30] * lukas23 is now known as ``lukas``
[13:30] <Barras> ???
[13:30] <Dcoetzee> EdSaperia: You should see:
[13:31] <Barras> TBloemink: We can also get your cloak changed... to something funny :-P
[13:31] <TBloemink> wikimedia/traitor/tbloemink ?
[13:31] <PeterSymonds> wikimedia/loldutch/tbloemink perhaps.
[13:32] <TBloemink> Awesome
[13:32] <TBloemink> Even better than /troll/
[13:32] <PeterSymonds> Yes.
[13:32] <Rain777> I think Ill have a nap
�03[13:32] * YE is now known as YE|AFK
[13:33] <Rain777> Ill be back in a while
[13:33] <Rain777> cheers
[13:33] <Barras> troll would fit to Peter very well, I shoud get this changed.
�03[13:33] * Rain777 (~IceChat9@ has left #wikipedia-en
[13:33] <PeterSymonds> We could have a cloak-war.
[13:33] <PeterSymonds> One sure way for freenode to get rid of us.
�03[13:33] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:33] <mysterytrey> Yes.
[13:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> have this cloak: wikimedia/0
[13:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> divided by zero cloak :D
[13:35] <mysterytrey> PeterSymonds: Go yell at everyone in #freenode to change your cloak.
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Session Close: Sun Aug 12 13:41:51 2012

Session Start: Sun Aug 12 13:41:51 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
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�03[13:42] * Set by RD on Tue Aug 07 10:41:41
[13:42] #wikipedia-en url is
[13:42] <Barras> ^
[13:42] <TBloemink> Heh.
�02[13:43] * Stove ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�01[13:44] Barras is barras@wikimedia/barras * Barras
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�01[13:44] Barras using TX, USA
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�03[13:50] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
[13:53] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Whoa I hadn't heard we had a soft landing on Titan.
�02[13:56] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) Quit (Quit: Zzzzzz... Urgent? Message me:�)
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[14:08] <TB|Away> Nice cloak, Guest11676
�02[14:09] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) Quit (Quit: Jmajeremy�)
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[14:09] <Fluffernutter> hey BarkingFish, you around? Could use a translation of a couple sentences into Icelandic if you have a moment.
[14:10] <foks> BarkingFish speaks Icelandic?
�03[14:10] * ``lukas`` is now known as lukas23
[14:10] <Fluffernutter> i believe so
[14:10] <Fluffernutter> or i might be crazy
[14:10] <Guest11676> You wish you had this one, right? :-P
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[14:17] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, sorry about that, I was dealing with someone who just came to see me :)  Sure, point me where it is and I'll take a look
[14:18] <Fluffernutter> -  they need "Our son has a very serious peanut allergy. Will you please make sure that no peanuts (including peanut oil or other ingredients) are in his food?" in Icelandic, in case they run into anyone who doesn't understand it in english
[14:18] <BarkingFish> k
[14:19] <russavia> barkingfish, almost everyone in iceland knows english don't they?
[14:19] <russavia> prob a good side effect of having nato bases there since god knows when
[14:20] <BarkingFish> yeah, this is what the other commenters have said on there - english is very widely spoken, not just in Reykjavík but across 99% of Iceland
[14:20] <Frood> Can't be db-hoax ?
[14:20] <Frood> no refs, nothing on Google about it (5 page in so far)
�03[14:21] * BobTheWikipedian (~BobTheWik@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:21] <mysterytrey> 5 pages in?  That's effort.
�03[14:21] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:22] <russavia> isn't it funny that only westerners have peanut allergies
[14:22] <russavia> when will we learn
�02[14:23] * BobTheWikipedian (~BobTheWik@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) Quit (Client Quit�)
[14:25] <mysterytrey> I'm gonna give a brownie to frood.
[14:25] <Fluffernutter> are there peanuts in the brownie?
[14:25] <Pharos> god thing i'm on the east coast then
[14:25] <Pharos> *good
[14:25] <mysterytrey> No.  No nuts.
[14:26] <mysterytrey> No peanut oil either.
[14:26] <Frood> Wikipedia page User talk:Frood has been changed by Mysterytrey
[14:26] <Qcoder02> Fluffernutter:  Depends on the recipe
[14:26] <mysterytrey> Yup.
�02[14:26] * Barras (barras@wikimedia/barras) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[14:26] <mysterytrey> And that message will stay there FOREVER because Fluffernutter blocked mizcabot or whatever.
�02[14:26] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:27] <Fluffernutter> the one i blocked isn;t the archiverbot for user talks
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[14:27] <mysterytrey> Oh.
[14:27] <Qcoder02> Evening BarkingFish
�02[14:27] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:27] <BarkingFish> hi Q
�06[14:28] * Qcoder02 smiles
�06[14:28] * Qcoder02 waves a tentacle ;)
[14:28] <Frood> keep your pants on pls
[14:28] <mysterytrey> Well I have that strikethrough blocked people gadget and at the top of the page it said it was being archived by mizsabot.
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[14:28] <Qcoder02> Frood?
[14:29] <Frood> oh
[14:29] <Qcoder02> Was that for me?
[14:29] <Frood> tentacle
[14:29] <Frood> okay
�03[14:29] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:29] <Qcoder02> What did you read it as?
[14:29] <Frood> pants, and tentacle
[14:29] <Frood> you should be able to figure it out
[14:29] <Qcoder02> No I can't?
[14:29] <Frood> what is in your pants
[14:29] <Frood> that looks like "tentacle"
[14:29] <Isarra> Tentacle?
[14:30] <Frood> which people generally don't like to see.
[14:30] <Fluffernutter> wtf this conversation
[14:30] <TBloemink> Behave, please
�02[14:30] * Internet13 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[14:30] <Qcoder02> Frood: I meant tenatcle as in limb
[14:30] <TBloemink> Omg, welcome to IRC
[14:30] <Isarra> I think they're discussing penises, which unfortunately aren't nearly as cool as tentacles.
[14:30] <Qcoder02> Foord : Please see a shrink about your  fixation
[14:30] <Qcoder02> ;)
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[14:31] <mysterytrey> Perhaps we need to change the topic to say "views expressed on this channel does not represent wikipedia".
[14:31] <Qcoder02> Frood:  So a Shrink shows a guy a picture of house - ' Girls' , a car 'Girls'...  A plate of food - 'Girls'... You are fixated with girls says the shrink... Well you have the pictures Doc...!'
[14:31] <Pharos> i have tentacles in my pants, but this is entirely unrelated to any sexual apparatus
[14:31] <Frood> k
�03[14:32] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:32] <Qcoder02> Honestly I wonder if some Wikipedians are sane...
[14:32] <Pharos> i also have tentacles under my hat
[14:32] <Isarra> Pharos is one of those aliens from that town in one of those Stephen King stories.
[14:32] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, how do I post this on their board? I don't have an account with them. Do you?
[14:33] <Qcoder02> Isarra: I was thinking something Lovecraftian ;)
[14:33] <Pharos> i was thinking more Lovecraftian, but that could work too
[14:33] <BarkingFish> "Sonur okkar er mjög ofnæmi fyrir hnetum. Viltu vinsamlegast vera viss um að enginn hnetum (þar á meðal hneta olíu og önnur efni) eru í einhverjum af mat hans?"
[14:33] <Isarra> Well, we could settle this.
[14:33] <Isarra> Pharos: Are you semi-transparent?
[14:33] <Fluffernutter> BarkingFish, I will pass it on. Thanks!
[14:34] <Qcoder02> Isarra: Wikipedia requires FULL transparency ;)
[14:34] <BarkingFish> The literal translation if they want it, Fluffernutter - is "Our son is highly allergic to peanuts. Would you please be sure that no peanuts (including peanut oil and other materials) are in any of his meals?"
[14:34] <Pharos> more translucent than anything
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[14:35] <Isarra> Qcoder02: That's just a myth.
[14:35] <Pharos> i transmit light, but not information
[14:35] <Qcoder02> How many news page patrollers does it take to change a lightbulb?  They don't change bulbs they just leave a {{dim bulb}} tag :(
[14:35] <PeterSymonds> Oh dear.
[14:35] <Isarra> You're awful.
�06[14:35] * BarkingFish facepalms
[14:35] <Gfoley4> hah
[14:36] <Qcoder02> If Wikipedia made cars...  You'd have to check after a service to make sure the transmission was still there ;)
[14:36] <mysterytrey> Huh?
�06[14:36] * Fluffernutter gives BarkingFish cookies
[14:36] <Isarra> And to make sure there weren't duplicate parts, too.
[14:36] <Qcoder02> Isarra :  ROFL
[14:36] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: I think you trust your mechanics more than I do ;-)
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�06[14:36] * BarkingFish takes cookies and noms down
[14:37] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  ??
[14:37] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, grab this one please ^^^ we had bots in when they joined the other night from there... :)
[14:37] <mysterytrey> Good no-context quote "I think you trust your mechanics more than I do ;-)"
[14:37] <Qcoder02> There's a context
�06[14:38] * Qcoder02 notes that apparently in Germany there are now 'specialist' mechanics for hybrids...
[14:39] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Here's a nice no-context quote from an episode of Lassie I was subtitling this morning: "Paul, wait! Come back here! Can I have my potato, please? I can't tell whether you're the father or the son."
[14:39] <mysterytrey> You subtitle?
[14:39] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  You do subtiltes?
[14:39] <Qcoder02> For what?
�03[14:39] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
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�03[14:39] * Fluffernutter sets mode: -o+b Fluffernutter *!*
[14:39] <Pharos> for Lassie!
[14:39] <Dcoetzee> Yeah Netflix has a new volunteer service they're recruiting for at Universal Subtitles called Amara.
[14:40] <Dcoetzee> Subtitling for Hard of hearing and deaf viewers.
[14:40] <Qcoder02> Is this subtitlign English or all languages?
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[14:40] <Dcoetzee> Just English at the moment, although Universal Subtitles in general does solicit subtitles in all languages.
[14:41] <Qcoder02> If IIRC  there has been unoffical closed captioning of Japanese animation going on for years
[14:41] <mysterytrey> I hate captions.  It seems they're always off-timed.  Dcoetzee, promise us one thing, you'll have captions at least /decently/ timed.
[14:41] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: Yup and manga
[14:41] <Qcoder02> Albiet this is Japanese-> English captioning  as opposed to  deaf captioning
[14:42] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: I spent like 2 hours getting the timing within 0.5 sec :-P
[14:42] <Dcoetzee> I'm very perfectionist about my caption timing...
�02[14:42] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Quit: While there's life, there's hope.�)
[14:42] <mysterytrey> I shall give you a brownie for that.
[14:42] <BarkingFish> Dcoetzee, i finally found another one :)   I caption too, although mine is not language to language, mine is CC for the hearing impaired
[14:42] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Me too :-)
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> My French is not good enough to write it or listen to it very well so I can only really do English.
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> Fun fact: if you upload subtitles to a YouTube video, YouTube will offer to automatically translate captions on the fly for you.
[14:43] <BarkingFish> How do you caption? Burned in or switchable?
[14:43] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  Perhaps you should mention this Netflix thing to Wiktionary people... plenty of linguists on Wiktionary :)
[14:44] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  The translations are sometimes poor
[14:44] <Qcoder02> BTW I always giigle at machine translation of Japanese websites...
[14:44] <Qcoder02> They end up like Yoda sounding ?
[14:44] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Oh I just volunteer sometimes at Universal Subtitles, they mostly handle the overlaying and switching for me. I also upload their .srt files to my own YouTube videos.
�02[14:44] * Spacewalker (~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker) Quit (Quit: Spacewalker�)
[14:44] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: This morning I subtitled an episode of _Lassie_ as part of the Netflix pilot volunteer captioning project Amara.
[14:45] <Qcoder02> You should ask fan groups...
[14:45] <Qcoder02> I am sure there are people that know sci-fi scripts better than the writers ;)
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> They've licensed a bunch of stuff that needs captions and apparently are reaching out to volunteers to help with the labour.
[14:46] <BarkingFish> Ah.  I do mine through a prog on Kubuntu called Subtitle Composer,  it's actually pretty decent.
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> I like Universal Subtitles because they handle the publication and search functionality for me.
[14:46] <BarkingFish> Do you have a link for that, Dcoetzee?  I'd like to give a hand on there since I have shit to do for the next fortnight :)
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> Their UI is fairly nice although it could be better.
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[14:47] <Dcoetzee> Is pretty neat, you just paste in a URL from any video sharing service.
[14:47] <BarkingFish> Is that where netflix are asking too?
[14:47] <Dcoetzee> Yeah but Netflix isn't taking more volunteers right now.
�02[14:47] * lubmil ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:47] <BarkingFish> oh ok.
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[14:47] <Dcoetzee> They're working the kinks out of the system right now.
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[14:47] <Dcoetzee> Also it's kind of annoying because it plays from their video player and buffers every time I rewind. :-P
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�06[14:48] * Qcoder02 wonders if there is closed captioned prono...
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[14:49] <Dcoetzee> I could caption sounds of pleasure, but it might get repetitive :-P
[14:49] <Qcoder02> And before you laugh, deaf people have a sex life...
[14:49] <Dcoetzee> I think it would work best with BDSM
[14:49] <Dcoetzee> Because doms actually, you know, talk during sex.
[14:49] <mysterytrey> ...
[14:49] <Qcoder02> BDSM isn't porn... It's arthouse Cinema... ;)
[14:49] <Dcoetzee> At least the ones who are fond of humiliation
[14:50] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: :-P
�03[14:50] * Miniz (~hi@2001:0:4137:9e76:3040:15f4:51a3:2217) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:51] <Qcoder02> Sorry
�02[14:51] * DanielB (~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�06[14:52] * Dragonfly6-7 vomtis on Qcoder02
[14:52] <Qcoder02> but if content is to be subtitled I don't see why you should not include  'legal' pornos...
[14:52] <Prodego> having fun?
�03[14:52] * DeltaQuad is now known as DQ|away
[14:53] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee mentioned Netflix was  running a subtiles project...
[14:53] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: Legal pornos? Like courtroom porn?
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[14:53] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  I mean as in pornos that are able to be sold
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[14:54] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: ...most pornos can be sold, in the US...
[14:54] <Pharos> i think courtroom porno is still legal in this state
[14:54] <Dcoetzee> Obscenity law is very rarely applied.
[14:54] <Qcoder02> XD
[14:54] <Qcoder02> :(
[14:54] <Pharos> we have a very progresive judiciary on that point
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[14:55] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee: HMm
[14:55] <Qcoder02> *Hmm
�02[14:55] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
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[14:55] <Dragonfly6-7> Scalia fucks the American people
[14:56] <Qcoder02> Isn't there at least one member of the US  Justice system into BDSM?#
[14:56] <Dcoetzee> I still believe obscenity law is unconstitutional.
[14:56] <Dcoetzee> I hope one day it'll go from "rarely applied" to "struck down". But not likely any time soon. :-P
[14:56] <Qcoder02> And I don't mean just normal BDSM, I mean really hardcore torture stuff...
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[14:56] <Qcoder02> .. involving restraints a towel and a jug of water...
[14:56] <Qcoder02> XD
[14:58] <mysterytrey> ...
�02[14:58] * ebost (~jsbs@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[14:58] <Qcoder02> As Ben Elton would say ' Little bit of Politics' ;)
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�06[14:59] * Andorin puts a bucket on Pharos' head.
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[14:59] <mysterytrey> Dcoetzee: Try and see if netflex will give you pron to subtitle.  jk
[14:59] <Pharos> I'm not ashamed of my horns!
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: I don't think Netflix streams porn sadly :-P
[14:59] <mysterytrey> Wahh?
[14:59] <mysterytrey> That is an outrage.
�03[14:59] * JamesonTai (ad0d9a01@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> They do have several porn related documentaries.
�03[15:00] * JamesonTai is now known as JamesonLTai
�02[15:00] * Nix-7c0 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[15:00] <Dcoetzee> Wtf
�06[15:00] * mysterytrey bandages netflex article.
[15:00] <mysterytrey> **and vandalizes
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[15:00] <Dcoetzee> I just searched Netflix for "porn" and the #8 result is My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
�02[15:00] * okbnvta (~dihov@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[15:01] <JamesonLTai> that's pretty awesome
[15:01] <russavia> LOL
[15:01] <mysterytrey> You should tell 4chan.
[15:01] <russavia> go tell t_kns in wp-ru
[15:01] <Dcoetzee> I'm guessing it's based somehow on words in reader reviews. :-P
[15:01] <mysterytrey> I believe they have a my little pony board there.
[15:01] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: I think they were exiled from 4chan and forced to create their own board.
[15:01] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  Erm Perhaps you should let Netflix know that :(
[15:02] <mysterytrey> Cool.
[15:02] <russavia> don't let them know that
[15:02] <Dcoetzee> I'm a brony myself so I was surprised :-P
�06[15:02] * Prodego frowns
[15:02] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  You do know what 'pony play' is ?
[15:03] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder02: I'm going to assume it's some kind of sex play involving or related to or emulating ponies and/or MLP?
[15:03] <Qcoder02> Dcoetzee:  Yeah
[15:03] <mysterytrey> mlp?
[15:03] <Qcoder02> It's a subset of  BDSM...
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[15:04] <Qcoder02> I think
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> Is it the one where the sub is forced to let the dom ride on their back?
[15:04] <Qcoder02> I don't know what MLP means
[15:04] <russavia> nothing wrong with pony play
[15:04] <Pharos> i thought that was Men Loving Ponies
[15:04] <mysterytrey> isn't my little pony a childs show.
[15:04] <Qcoder02> mysterytrey:  Yeah
[15:04] <Qcoder02> Which is why I am suprised ...
[15:04] <mysterytrey> I assumed a second ago it stood for My Little Pony.
�02[15:04] * Nix-7c0 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[15:04] <russavia>  I'd imagine dcoetzee would like "llama play" more
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Yes but the new series has a very large older male demographic.
[15:04] <Qcoder02> but if you have certain terms together...
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[15:05] <Dcoetzee> Especially on the Internet. Possibly outnumbering its intended demographic.
[15:05] <mysterytrey> So, it's become, "pedophiliac", so to say.
[15:05] <mysterytrey> ???
[15:05] <Qcoder02> Wikipedia has an article on 'pony play;'
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[15:05] <russavia> no more than pedobear
[15:05] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Ummmmm, liking a TV show aimed at children does not involve sexually abusing children or finding them sexually attractive, no.
[15:05] <Qcoder02>
[15:06] <TBloemink> Welcome to IRC.
[15:06] <Qcoder02> TBloemink:  This is a Wikipedia channel
[15:06] <russavia> pedobear, the world's most understood bear :(
[15:06] <Qcoder02> Issue of public concern get raised here
[15:06] <Qcoder02> like a kids show showing up in a search for 'porn'
[15:06] <russavia> *most misunderstood
[15:06] <Qcoder02> Freudian slip?
[15:07] <russavia>  LOL
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[15:08] <russavia> 2nd comment -- what a pearler
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[15:13] <BarkingFish> wtf?  Is this a proper article, or someone simply copying some sort of law into the site?
[15:13] <russavia> is it more suited to wikisource?
[15:13] <BarkingFish> Ihnfi.
[15:13] <Dragonfly6-7> yeah, Wikisource
[15:13] <Dragonfly6-7> contact the user
[15:13] <BarkingFish> ok
�03[15:14] * ktron ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:15] <Qcoder02> Question: Are Episode Transcripts  OK for Wikisoruce?
[15:16] <Dragonfly6-7> No
[15:16] <Qcoder02> According to some people a load of Dragnet scripts are falling into the Public Domain
[15:16] <Dragonfly6-7> unless they're old enough to be PD....
[15:16] <Dragonfly6-7> aha
[15:16] <Dragonfly6-7> if it's confirmed, then sure.
[15:16] <Qcoder02> I'm never sure with Radio stuff...
[15:16] <Qcoder02> Dragnet is NBC so...
[15:17] <Pharos> i <3 radip
[15:17] <BarkingFish> ok, I left the user a note asking them to put it on Wikisource.  What do we do with the local article, Dragonfly6-7?
[15:18] <Dragonfly6-7> tag as speedy - not an article.
[15:19] <BarkingFish> What code? I don't see that in Twinkle :)
[15:19] <Dragonfly6-7> do you know how to type the words "not an article" ?
[15:20] <BarkingFish> yeah, I can do it as a custom rationale - but then it will ask me for a valid CSD criteria :D
[15:23] <BarkingFish> Dragonfly6-7, it would be a help if you weren't sarcastic.  I am well aware how to type, and how to spell, but I use twinkle - and if something don't come up in there, I prefer to get help.  Asking me if I know how to type, is not help :)
[15:23] <BarkingFish> "This article may meet Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion because not an article. For valid criteria, see CSD. "
[15:23] <russavia> yeah dragonfly6-7 he obviously knows how to type
�02[15:23] * Kiewii (~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 11.0/20120201153158]�)
[15:24] <russavia> he just spent a minute typing that retort out
[15:24] <BarkingFish> ..|..
[15:24] <russavia> and not a single spelling error...nice one barkingfish ;)
[15:24] <russavia> so in other, and more succinct, words
[15:25] <russavia> back off bitch!
�03[15:25] * Bruvtakesover (kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:25] <LikeLakers2> haha russavia
[15:26] <mysterytrey> Gosh, all of you just want to attack dragonfly, dontcha now?
[15:26] <LikeLakers2> yep
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[15:26] <Pharos> Americans:
�02[15:32] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
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[15:32] <Jarry1250> Incidentally, last time I checked, "not an article" is not a CSD criteria when a valid transwiki is possible; but anyhow, it was a copyvio (I think)
[15:33] <Jarry1250> So I just deleted it for that.
[15:33] <Jarry1250> :P
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�06[15:36] * Fluffernutter yawns
[15:38] <mysterytrey> Does Fluffernutter like yawning?
�06[15:38] * Isarra paints Fluffernutter blue.
�06[15:39] * Fluffernutter smurfs
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�03[15:40] * YE|AFK is now known as YE
[15:40] <Pharos> we need more blue wikipedians
�03[15:41] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:44] <The_Thing> Wow, SC2's promotion system seems... odd
[15:45] <The_Thing> I was playing a 4v4, where we were all Zergs and all rushed and stuff, broke even, almost lost when the terran made mass hellions only to have our asses saved by a teammate who made mutas...
�03[15:45] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:45] <mysterytrey> That's nice.
[15:46] <The_Thing> Now, I hadn't even been laddering for several weeks now, so my rank is pretty mediocre... rank 30-ish platinum... We just barely won that game. And I get promoted to Diamond. In 1 game. From rank 30-ish plat. After several weeks of not even laddering in the first place.
�03[15:46] * DJMalik (b5b607fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:46] <DJMalik> Hi Antonorsi
�03[15:47] * DQ|away is now known as DeltaQuad
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[15:50] <mysterytrey> hello there ttt.  How are you today?
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[15:52] <BarkingFish> anyone up for shutting an afd?
[15:52] <DJMalik> Laura_Fiorucci: Tomare tu respuesta como no ¿verdad?
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[16:00] <IRWolfie-> I managed 48 hours without editing :)
�03[16:00] * Wizardman (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/wizardman) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:01] <Antonorsi> DJMalik: hello
[16:01] <The_Thing>
[16:01] <DJMalik> Antonorsi: que tal
[16:02] <BarkingFish> IRWolfie-, i've seen you quite a bit in here, who are you onwiki? :)
[16:02] <BarkingFish> just wondered since you don't cloak or anything :D
[16:03] <Wizardman> I almost regret getting started on copyright work. I was blissfully ignorant of how bad it was. Now it's an uphill battle.
[16:04] <Wizardman> just ventin, dont mind me..
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[16:04] <Jarry1250> Wizardman: Never visit certain wikis
�06[16:04] * Fluffernutter knows the feeling, Wizardman
[16:04] <Jarry1250> (I won't say which)
[16:04] <GorillaWarfare> Copyright in general is frustrating :/
�06[16:05] * Fluffernutter stays away from articles related to India after a bad IEP copyvio experience last year
[16:05] <BarkingFish> Wizardman, if you're pissed with it, and you're any good with a drawing prog, you can help me de-watermark pictures :)
[16:05] <GorillaWarfare> Oh god, yeah...
[16:05] <Wizardman> the cci i'm tacklng is in the india area, so.. there you go
[16:05] <Wizardman> not iep but a different one
�02[16:05] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[16:05] <Frood> Fluffernutter: so many articles related to India are copyright violations
[16:05] <Frood> or just awfully written
[16:05] <Wizardman> IEP in hindsight was such a terrible idea..
[16:05] <Frood> IEP?
[16:06] <Fluffernutter> yep, Frood. Makes me feel horrible to generalize like that, but Indian society just doesn't seem to grok copyright
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[16:06] <Wizardman> indian education program
[16:06] <GorillaWarfare> Frood: India Education Program
[16:06] <Frood> oh
[16:06] <GorillaWarfare> Basically USEP, but in India
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[16:06] <Frood> Fluffernutter: I feel bad too, but it's pretty true
[16:06] <Wizardman> i should probably tackle that one too
�02[16:06] * DJMalik (b5b607fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[16:07] <Frood> at one point I tried to tackle some of them, but there were too many
[16:07] <Wizardman> doing the banglapedia one, which thankfully are mostly just copypaste jobs that I can quickly remove from otherwise ok articles
[16:08] <Wizardman> oh god. i have ten left on letter C and i think every single one is a copyvio
[16:10] <BarkingFish> russavia, just saw this on reddit :)  "Jehovah's witnesses don't celebrate halloween. I guess they don't appreciate random people coming up and knocking on their door :P"
�02[16:11] * mysterytrey|away (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[16:12] <IRWolfie-> BarkingFish: I'm IRWolfie- on wiki :>
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[16:13] <BarkingFish> thanks :)
[16:13] <IRWolfie-> What's your username?
[16:13] <IRWolfie-> aha I spelt it wrong, nvm
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[16:14] <IRWolfie-> was just checking the interaction tool :)
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[16:14] <IRWolfie-> turns out, not much
�02[16:14] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Client Quit�)
[16:15] <BarkingFish> yeah, I've seen you about, just couldn't recall your username. I don't think we've interacted a whole lot at all
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�03[16:17] * nemilar ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:18] <nemilar> If I want to start working on an article, is it 'good practice' to build it in my sandbox first, or can I just start building the 'live' version?
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[16:21] <BarkingFish> nemilar, do you know how to add proper references, and put things in the right place?  do you basically, understand how to build an article?
[16:22] <nemilar> yeah I've done a little bit of editing in the past.  I probably won't be adding many (if any) citations to start with, I plan on working on the article over the course of the next few weeks.  I only have a stub right now
[16:22] <TParis> Isnt there some statistical theory out there that says if I headdesk, there is a chance I can produce a FA?
[16:22] <BarkingFish> what is your username on Wikipedia, nemilar?
[16:22] <nemilar> The article is in the requested article list.  I've done a bit of research but no writing
[16:22] <nemilar> BarkingFish nemilar
[16:22] <BarkingFish> ok, one sec
[16:23] <nemilar> I should most likely update my infoboxes.  They're all out of date :)
[16:24] <BarkingFish> wow. It's been a while since you signed up :)
�02[16:24] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Quit: Ping timeout: 542 seconds�)
[16:24] <nemilar> haha yeah.  I'm not new.  I've just been away for a while
[16:24] <BarkingFish> If you're fully conversant with our rules, procedures, policies and the like, I see no reason why you shouldn't make the article live, rather than in your sandbox
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[16:25] <nemilar> I guess my concern is that someone may flag it for deletion while it's still in its newborn stages
[16:27] <TParis> nemilar, use the {{underconstruction}} template
[16:27] <TParis> or build it in your userspace first
[16:28] <nemilar> oooh, didn't know about that template.  Thanks!
[16:28] <BarkingFish> if you're working on it, and continuing to add stuff to it, try using that tag TParis just told you about, or put {{inuse}} at the top
[16:28] <BarkingFish> people shouldn't touch it with either of those tags at the top
�03[16:32] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:32] <Wizardman> good lord so much laziness... doesn't help ive  done this about 6hours now
[16:35] <Frood> oh, closing ceremonies
[16:35] <Frood> they happened a while ago, didn't they?
[16:35] <Frood> is NBC just showing them now?
�03[16:36] * Empercan (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:37] <nemilar> NBC is way behind, 6 hours I think
[16:38] <Fluffernutter> they haven't even gotten to eht ceremony yet, Frood. They're going on about how super-duper awesome and unique all the athletes who won medals are
[16:38] <mysterytrey> 6 hours is good for nbc.
[16:39] <Dragonfly6-7> Nuclear Bacteriological Chemical
[16:40] <Frood> Fluffernutter: :l
�03[16:42] * haggis (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:43] <Lubaf> Does anybody here get the joke in calling a martial arts master "The Master of the Flying Electric Chair"?
[16:45] <Fluffernutter> no
�03[16:45] * Bruvtakesover is now known as Kiewii|SAN
�03[16:47] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:48] <Tony_Sidaway> I don't know whether the Olympics closing ceremony will be broadcast that much outside the UK, but watching it felt a bit like having your face stuffed with wedding cake.
[16:49] <Tony_Sidaway> Also if you were watching it and didn't know much about the British, you'd come away with the impression that we really love the 1960s!
[16:49] <Dragonfly6-7> I was vaguely irked that they used Mary Poppins vs Voldemort
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[16:51] <Tony_Sidaway> I thought the singer they chose for "We Will Rock You" did herself proud. It's hard to match up to Freddie's powerful, stadium-filling voice, but she was good.
[16:51] <GorillaWarfare> Tony_Sidaway: That doesn't sound so bad
[16:51] <GorillaWarfare> The wedding cake, that is
[16:51] <Tony_Sidaway> GorillaWarfare: for 2 and a half hours!
[16:51] <GorillaWarfare> Point taken.
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�03[16:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�03[16:52] * Fluffernutter sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
[16:52] <Frood> abuse
�03[16:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�03[16:53] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*@*
[16:53] <GorillaWarfare> I think my finger decided to spontaneously become allergic to my ring...
[16:53] <Demiurge1000> Tony_Sidaway: About the singer, wasn't she a murrkin anyway?
�02[16:54] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:54] <Tony_Sidaway> It does worry me a bit that most of the stars were from my generation. Very few were even under 30.
�03[16:54] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*@*
�03[16:54] * Fluffernutter sets mode: -b *!*@*
[16:55] <[ceradon]> \O/
�03[16:55] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:55] <Demiurge1000> Fluffernutter: Behave, please.
[16:56] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge1000: English apparently. She sounded English.
�06[16:56] * @Fluffernutter is satan, or something. So they say.
[16:56] <haggis> Fluffernutter: Seconded.
�03[16:56] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
[16:57] <Fluffernutter> no kissing up, haggis
�06[16:57] * haggis scurries off to his blarg.
�06[16:57] * Peter-C licks Fluffernutter
[16:57] <Peter-C> GorillaWarfare - guess wut :o
[16:58] <GorillaWarfare> wut :o
[16:58] <Peter-C> Apparently the college you go to is favored by my parents and it is high of their list of places they want me to attend
[16:58] <Peter-C> :o
[16:58] <GorillaWarfare> Do eeeeet
[16:59] <haggis> Peter-C: are you an IB?
[16:59] <Peter-C> No wai, it is in Red Sox territory
[16:59] <Peter-C> D:
[17:00] <GorillaWarfare> Interesting college requirements
[17:00] <Peter-C> Fuck academincs, all about baseball
[17:00] <Frood> Where does GorillaWarfare go to college?
[17:00] <GorillaWarfare> Frood: Northeastern University
[17:00] <Ebe123> Academics are important
[17:01] <Frood> not as important as football
[17:01] <Fluffernutter> for heaven's sake, when are they going to bother to show the damn ceremony
[17:01] <Peter-C> Olympics?
[17:01] <GorillaWarfare> Frood: That could be a problem; Northeastern's football team was cut a number of years ago
[17:01] <haggis> Fluffernutter: I love how american networks didn't show it live
[17:01] <haggis> just to make an extra buck
[17:02] <Fluffernutter> not only didn't they show it live, haggis, but we're not exactly 1 hour AFTER they were supposed to be time-delay airing it. And still no ceremony.
[17:02] <GorillaWarfare> Peter-C:
[17:02] <Peter-C> Cow.
[17:02] <Peter-C> There’s a cow.
[17:02] <Peter-C> Cow.
�03[17:03] * matt_buck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:03] <Frood> GorillaWarfare: it's also not in the midwest.
[17:03] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Thank you for brownie :-)
[17:03] <Peter-C> TACO BELL
[17:03] <Peter-C> OMG SOLD
[17:03] <GorillaWarfare> Frood: That's Northwestern
[17:03] <mysterytrey> Yourwelcome.
�02[17:04] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,�)
[17:04] <Frood> mysterytrey: *you're
�03[17:04] * Kiewii|SAN is now known as Kiewii
[17:04] <mysterytrey> Frood: What's an abuse protical?
[17:04] <mysterytrey> Oops wrong channel.
[17:04] <Tony_Sidaway> The Olympic closing ceremoney is great if you like ancient British rock groups like The Who, Queen and whatnot.
�02[17:04] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
[17:05] <haggis> GorillaWarfare: I'm curious to know why Balls of Steel is in related videos :O
�03[17:05] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[17:05] <Peter-C> GorillaWarfare - you must get “Oh... this isn’t Northwestern” a lot
[17:05] <Tony_Sidaway> Annie Lennox on the prow of a Viking longboat.
[17:05] <Frood> Tony_Sidaway: OMG DON'T RUIN IT FOR THE AMERICANS!!!!!!
[17:05] <GorillaWarfare> Peter-C: Because Northeasterners have b-b-b-balls of steel?
[17:05] <Peter-C> Speaking of balls...
[17:05] <TeeTylerToe> I like the who and queen a lot more than I like the spice girls
[17:06] <Peter-C> I think I might just go to Bal So HArd Uni
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[17:06] <szwcasf> hello wikipedians.
[17:06] <Pharos> WLL banener is live to anons
[17:07] <Pharos> long liive libraries!
[17:07] <mysterytrey> Hello szwcasf
[17:07] <Dcoetzee> Pharos: Yay!
[17:07] <Pharos> :)
[17:08] <szwcasf> Ironholds the jew around?
�03[17:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
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�03[17:08] * Fluffernutter sets mode: -o+b Fluffernutter *!*
[17:08] <Pharos> no, only ironholds the gentile
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[17:10] <haggis>
[17:10] <haggis> LIKE A BAWS
�02[17:11] * Lubaf ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
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[17:14] <Fluffernutter> there seems to be an abundance of soap
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�06[17:14] * Soapy splashes himself all over the room
[17:15] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, just remember not to bend down to pick any up :)   Oh wait... that's in prison, ain't it? :P
[17:16] <Tony_Sidaway> I've been trying to watch the Olympic opening ceremony on iPlayer, but it's much heavier going than I expected. I can see that somewhere in there is a pretty clever script and an impressive amount of painstaking choreography. The overall effect is chaotic, though.
[17:16] <mysterytrey> BarkingFish: ಠ_ಠ
[17:16] <Tony_Sidaway> I have not, you understand, yet progressed to actually watching any of the sports.
[17:16] <haggis> BarkingFish: I don't think you fully understand :O
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[17:20] <mysterytrey> What is arch linux compared to a regular linux?
[17:20] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Arch Linux is just one of many distributions of Linux.
[17:20] <Dcoetzee> There is no "regular Linux".
[17:21] <mysterytrey> So is it more difficult than the average? linux.
[17:21] <mysterytrey> ?
�06[17:22] * Peter-C beats Dcoetzee
[17:23] <BarkingFish> mysterytrey, haggis, I understand perfectly, thank you.
[17:23] <Tony_Sidaway> mysterytrey: Arch is good if you know what you're doing. It has some slightly unusual BSD-like aspects, and I've been very impressed by it.
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[17:24] <Tony_Sidaway> I would still recommend Debian as the best all-round Linux distribution.
[17:24] <mysterytrey> Thank for your opinion, Tony_Sidaway.
[17:24] <Tony_Sidaway> I used to recommend Ubuntu but it's become rather silly lately.
[17:25] <mysterytrey> I just saw someone's quit message as (Quit: I taught my grandmother how to use Arch Linux)
[17:25] <mysterytrey> How has it became silly?
[17:25] <BarkingFish> in what way, Tony_Sidaway - if stuff we do don't suit what our users want, it'd be nice if they said what was wrong.
[17:25] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: For an objective recommendation, I would refer you to Scroll down and look at "Page Hit Ranking" on the right hand side.
[17:25] <Tony_Sidaway> mysterytrey: Ubuntu has been introducing a new desktop manager that in my opinion makes the system unusable.
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[17:26] <Dcoetzee> Top 10 are: Mint, Ubuntu, Mageia, Fedora, openSUSE, Debian, Arch, CentOS, Puppy, PCLinuxOS
[17:26] <Dcoetzee> Tony_Sidaway: I've kinda gotten used to Unity but it is a biiig change.
[17:26] <mysterytrey> So what's the difference from a Linux, a Unix, and any other *nix ?
[17:27] <Tony_Sidaway> I set up a printer server for my wife using Arch Linux. It's just a box that she turns on when she needs to print something.
[17:27] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Linux is an open source version of UNIX designed to run on Intel and compatible CPUs.
[17:27] <Demiurge1000> I would guess Tony is in a country where women are allowed to use printers unsupervised.
[17:28] <Tony_Sidaway> Dcoetzee: Unity is a big no-go area for me because I run fairly old (circa 2005) hardware and on principle I will not buy new hardware. I don't need anything more powerful.
[17:28] <Dcoetzee> It's kinda diverged from UNIX over time so some people question whether it still is. But it resembles it.
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[17:28] <Dcoetzee> UNIX is a much broader group of OSs including Linux, BSD, OS X, Solaris, etc.
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[17:28] <Tony_Sidaway> Ubuntu is still very much Unix. It's rock solid GNU.
[17:28] <BarkingFish> Tony_Sidaway, you do realise that you can still install the Gnome shell with Ubuntu, don't you?
[17:28] <Demiurge1000> UNIX(tm) is also protected by a trademark... UNIX systems include Solaris, AIX and a few others, but not Linux. Linux never achieved the certification.
[17:29] <Dcoetzee> What they all have in common is some essential things about their core operating system, like the filesystem works, how devices are accessed, etc.
[17:29] <Dcoetzee> Okay technically Linux is only UNIX-like
[17:29] <Demiurge1000> So Linux is basically a cheaper knock-off of unix. Moderately compatible.
[17:29] <Demiurge1000> It can be fairly easy to port /some/ software to Linux, for example.
[17:29] <Tony_Sidaway> BarkingFish: I didn't much like that either. I went for dwm, which is fantastically good and all I need. Then I looked around at all the encrustations of Gnomery and stuff and wondered why I was still running an OS that had that stuff. I moved to OpenBSD.
[17:30] <mysterytrey> So intel isn't an OS.  What exactly is it?
[17:30] <Demiurge1000> Intel is a company.
[17:30] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge1000: Linux isn't a cheap knock-off. It is in every way a better Unix than the older BSD and SysV hybrids that used to be presented by commercial vendors.
[17:30] <BarkingFish> Unity has caused a lot of grief since its introduction, I'll admit.  We didn't even ship 11.04 with it, due to the fact that it wasn't finished when 11.04 was frozen.
[17:31] <Demiurge1000> Tony_Sidaway: That, and every discussion down that route, is a matter of opinion.
[17:31] <BarkingFish> *We didn't even ship 11.04 with Gnome, due to...
[17:31] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Intel is a company that makes CPUs. A CPU is the "smarts" in your computer, it executes programs and makes the computer do things.
�06[17:31] * Jasper_Deng never knew the fundamental differences between Unix and Linux except Unix came first
[17:31] <Tony_Sidaway> mysterytrey: Intel is a company that makes computer hardware. Their i386 computer architecture is the industry standard.
[17:31] <Frood> it was
[17:32] <Demiurge1000> heh
[17:32] <Frood> now amd has the standard.
[17:32] <Demiurge1000> and Apple.
[17:32] <Frood> but intel has the market
[17:32] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Basically, most versions of UNIX only run on certain CPUs and not others.
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[17:32] <Demiurge1000> The problem with standards is, there's so many to choooooose from....
[17:32] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: At the time Linux was made, UNIX only ran on big expensive computers.
[17:32] <Demiurge1000> Same with "industry" standards, whether Tony admits it or not ;)
[17:32] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge1000: no. It is objectively a fact that older commercial Unix systems like had substandard userlands and they were deservedly killed off.
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[17:32] <Dcoetzee> mysterytrey: Linux runs on cheap PCs like the ones we use.
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[17:32] <Tony_Sidaway> I was there. I used these systems.
[17:32] <Demiurge1000> Indeed,... by contrast, Linux was written to run on a 386DX processor
[17:33] <Tony_Sidaway> Linux now runs on just about anything now.
[17:33] <Tony_Sidaway> Most BSDs, too.
[17:33] <Demiurge1000> Tony_Sidaway: I use multiple Unix and Linux versions as part of my day to day job, ... not aware that any of either of them have been "killed off". Except maybe IRIX, we might still have some of those
[17:33] <Dcoetzee> Yes, because Linux is open source, it has been ported to run on almost all types of CPUs.
[17:34] <Dcoetzee> So it's no longer just "the Intel CPU version of UNIX"
[17:34] <IRWolfie-> Linux tends is more up to date in terms of features than BSD anyway
[17:34] <IRWolfie-> the dev team is much much larger
[17:34] <Demiurge1000> I don't use BSD anyways... although I do have some BSD systems around here
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[17:34] <Soapy> I dont think Ive ever seen anyone running BSD as a home OS
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[17:34] <Soapy> BSD is in businesses a lot, though
[17:34] <Jasper_Deng> There's PC-BSD
[17:34] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge1000: I should grab some of the older Unixes from my CV one of these days. It's like an elephant's graveyard of systems with crap K&R compilers and broken implementations of awk.
[17:35] <Dcoetzee> Soapy: I do
[17:35] <Dcoetzee> FreeNAS
[17:35] <Demiurge1000> Tony_Sidaway: You mean "grab", or you mean "remove" ?
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[17:35] <russavia> dcoetzee, you still rattling on about linux? ;)
[17:35] <Dcoetzee> FreeNAS is based on FreeBSD and I run it on my NAS :-)
[17:35] <Dcoetzee> It's kind of terrible.
[17:35] <Demiurge1000> I think I donated a fair bit of SPARC hardware to support the OpenBSD development folks, back in the day
[17:35] <Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: I use OpenBSD as my desktop OS and so does my wife. It's much smaller and nicer than many Linuxes these days.
�06[17:35] * haggis gives BarkingFish a haggis biscuit.
[17:36] <Demiurge1000> Tony_Sidaway: Your /wife/ ? Wait, are you that guy off Wikipediocracy that didn't like ErrantX ?  ;)
[17:36] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge1000: i mean, effectively, grep them and have a bit of a laugh about them.
[17:36] <Demiurge1000> You need to update your CV, unless you're retired.
[17:36] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge1000: I don't know what Wikipediocracy or ErrantX are.
[17:36] <Demiurge1000> Oh...
[17:37] <Demiurge1000> Did you leave the mainstream about the same time IRIX did :P
[17:37] <Soapy> ooh
[17:37] <Soapy> i saw an irix machine once
[17:37] <Wizardman> i've purposely kept out all of that. i presume it's just wr 2.0
[17:37] <Soapy> it had a sticker on it that said "Don't press the DELETE key! Veeeerry bad!"
[17:37] <Tony_Sidaway> I've no idea what you're babbling about now.
[17:38] <Demiurge1000> I am, in theory, responsible for providing some sort of engineering support for IRIX machines. Quite how I would even start to try to do so, I can't imagine
[17:38] <Soapy> irix was the OS they used to make CGI movies in the 90s
[17:38] <Demiurge1000> indeed, teh Silicon Graphics workstations
[17:38] <Soapy> do they still?
[17:38] <Demiurge1000> not really
[17:38] <Soapy> or has it been replaced by something else
[17:38] <Soapy> ok
[17:38] <Demiurge1000> They're still used in the real world ... but not quite so much as they used to be
[17:39] <Tony_Sidaway> If you think modern BSD systems have anything to do with dinosaurs from commercial Unix, you've got a surprise. These are open source projects.
[17:40] <Demiurge1000> Yeah, that's exactly why I was donating hardware to them a long time ago ;)
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[17:40] <Demiurge1000> open source isn't a new thing, y'know
[17:40] <Fluffernutter> ok wtf olympics. Harry Styles, the giant heartthrob of the teen band all the girls love? Apparently his sense of fashion is "Debbie Gibson, circa 1988"
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[17:40] <Demiurge1000> Who? x2
[17:40] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge1000: you sound rather clueless, to say the least.
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[17:41] <russavia> debbie gibson? dafuq! xD
[17:41] <Demiurge1000> Looks like teh Tony troll left.
[17:41] <Fluffernutter> seriously he is wearing this sort of...hat...with bangs...and it's exactly who he looks like
[17:41] <russavia> demiurge1000 you think that tony is jayen466?
[17:42] <Demiurge1000> He isn't wearing it /now/. He's in bed now.
[17:42] <Demiurge1000> russavia: What evidence leads you to believe that he might be?
[17:42] <Fluffernutter> fair point, Demiurge1000
[17:42] <russavia> well you mentioned his /wife/
[17:42] <Soapy>
[17:42] <russavia> only jayen466 is married i believe
[17:42] <russavia> the rest of the WF crowd has yet to be laid
[17:42] <Soapy>
[17:42] <russavia> so 1 + 1 = 2
[17:43] <Fluffernutter> WF?
[17:43] <Soapy> wikimedia foundation I guess
[17:43] <Demiurge1000> interesting theories, be sure to mention them to the angry troll whenever he comes back.
[17:43] <russavia> WF = wikipediaforum
[17:43] <russavia> .com
[17:43] <Soapy> ok
[17:43] <russavia> .fucktards
[17:43] <Fluffernutter> that's a thing?
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[17:44] <Fluffernutter> oh, it's another name for wikipediocracy
[17:44] <harej> wickawacka
[17:44] <russavia> wikipedidiotocracy
[17:46] <Peter-C> O_o
[17:46] <Demiurge1000> They are teh funny. Actually I thought Tony was a bit more respectable than that, but I guess you live and learn.
[17:46] <russavia> it's especially lulzy watching them trying to get peter damian unblocked
[17:46] <russavia> these fuckwits don't realise that they only have so many members (which isn't that many)
[17:47] <Soapy> hm
[17:47] <Soapy> peter Damian was just editing a few hours ago
[17:48] <russavia> well if that's the case
[17:48] <russavia> block him
[17:48] <russavia>
[17:48] <Soapy>  ohe he is
[17:48] <Soapy> *oh he is. Blocked, that is
[17:48] <Soapy>
[17:48] <Soapy> I just wonder if someone from that other forum was helping him stay under cover
[17:49] <russavia> they are all trolls soapy
[17:49] <russavia> of course they do
[17:49] <Soapy> fat chance of getting an unban passed if he's socking while the request is going on
[17:49] <russavia> *don't
[17:49] <russavia> they live to see WPidiots getting trolled
[17:49] <Demiurge1000> Soapy: Oddly enough, it came quite close
[17:49] <Peter-C>
[17:50] <russavia> unfortunately, there's enough truly WPidiots that fall for their trolling
[17:51] <russavia> it's lulzy watching all that go down peter-c with chick-fil-a
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[17:51] <Peter-C> inoright
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[17:51] <russavia> the sooner the civilised United States lets Jesusland secede the better
[17:51] <Fluffernutter> i was sort of disappointed that there wasn;t one convenient to me and that I don't have any female friends who live nearby
[17:52] <russavia> fluffernutter, plis remember that in future if you do find one convenient, and have a female friend go with you, photos plis
[17:52] <Demiurge1000> "I second the motion to take this to AN for an admin vote. [[User:Cla68|Cla68]] ([[User talk:Cla68|talk]]) 23:31, 12 August 2012 (UTC)" ... hmm I see two problems with this statement
[17:53] <russavia> where has cla68 written this?
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[17:55] <Demiurge1000> his contribs would tell you that, I hope. From memory, I think it was on ANI
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[17:57] <Peter-C>
[17:57] <russavia> can someone please add to [[Jehovah]] the iw [[rw:Jehova]]
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[17:58] <russavia> and to [[Portable Document Format]] plis add [[rw:PDF]]
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[18:05] <BarkingFish> k, i'm out. night all.
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[18:06] <Soapy>
[18:06] <Soapy> empty page
[18:07] <russavia> sorry Yehova
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[18:53] <Pharos> the only chick-fil-a around NY is the NYU cafeteria
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[18:56] <mareklug> Pharos:  do you have a car?
[18:56] <Pharos> i do not!
[18:57] <Pharos> well, my family does, but not me
[18:57] <mareklug> i was going to say there is one in Paramus Park Shopping Center
[18:57] <mareklug> Paramus, NJ 07652  (201) 967-9494
[18:58] <Pharos> I don't particularly go in for homosexual kissing
[18:58] <Pharos> not that there's anything wromg with that!
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[18:59] <mareklug> don't tell me the entire mall there is homosexual
[18:59] <Pharos> the ENTIRE mall
[19:00] <Pharos> I am, however, willing to act as matchmaker for WMNYC members who are intersted in homosexual kissing
�02[19:00] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) Quit (Quit: going to mars brb�)
[19:00] <Pharos> this is part of my presidential duties
[19:01] <mareklug> your other NJ option is to the south.  Woodbridge Center
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[19:01] <mareklug> 434 Woodbridge Ctr, Woodbridge, NJ 07095, (732) 634-8981
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[19:01] <Pharos> come on WMYCers, represent!
[19:02] <GabrielF> I'm kind of surprised NYU lets Chik-fil-a run a store on their premises, Northeastern wouldn't let them because of the gay thing
[19:02] <Pharos> bluerasberry will probably get us a float at the nyc pride parade if he sticks around
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[19:03] <Pharos> i think it's been there for awhile; also NYU has a bunch of southern students
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[19:05] <mareklug> Pharos:  or you could be a man and go to the nearest Wendy's and have their chicken.  the spicy chicken wrap is good.
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[19:07] <GorillaWarfare> I like bluerasberry ^^
[19:08] <Apheori> Strange fellow.
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[19:08] <GorillaWarfare> Aren't we all
[19:08] <Apheori> I'm normal.
[19:08] <GabrielF> I saw that a New Hampshire chick-fil-a franchise owner decided to sponsor the local gay pride parade
[19:08] <Apheori> So is Peter-C.
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[19:08] <Apheori> WE'RE NORMAL.
[19:08] <Peter-C> ^
[19:10] <Pharos> bluerasberry is my buddy
[19:10] <Tony_Sidaway> No chick fil-A in London to my knowledge. Is this anti-gay stuff still spreading?
[19:10] <GorillaWarfare> Oh man, I love his userpage photo
[19:10] <Pharos> fun fact: he ALWAYS wears blue
[19:10] <GabrielF> I saw a talk once by danah boyd (this microsoft research lady who is a sort of anthropologist of the Internet) and she was saying that the people who tend to adopt new communications technologies are "freaks, geeks and queers"
[19:10] <GorillaWarfare> Pharos: I actually caught on to that
[19:10] <GorillaWarfare> He and orangemike should hang out
[19:11] <Apheori> Blue and orange are a horrible combination.
[19:11] <Pharos> that would be dangerous
[19:11] <Pharos> they are the national colors of NYC!
[19:11] <Pharos> Go Mets!
[19:11] <Apheori> NYC is a nation?
[19:11] <GabrielF> Apheori: I thought that blue & orange were opposite on the color spectrum and thus went together really well?
[19:11] <Pharos> and Knicks
[19:12] <Apheori> No, it means when you combine them they form poop colour.
[19:12] <Pharos> since the founding of WMNYC, yes we are a nayion
[19:12] <Pharos> we have our own olympic team!
[19:12] <Apheori> Disturbing.
[19:13] <Pharos>
�03[19:14] * Ktr102 (183cd9f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[19:14] * Apheori gives Ktr102 a fish.
�03[19:14] * pianista|ping is now known as la_pianista
�03[19:14] * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:14] * Guerillero ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�06[19:15] * Apheori gives Guerillero a begonia.
�06[19:15] * Pharos gives Apheori a bologna
�06[19:15] * Apheori feeds it to her cat.
[19:15] <Guerillero> thanks Apheori
�06[19:16] * Fluffernutter gives Guerillero some bolognese
[19:16] <Fluffernutter> unrelatedly, Queen makes me happy
[19:16] <Guerillero> thanks fluff
�06[19:16] * Apheori breaks a snake plant into a bunch of pieces and offers them to random passerby.
[19:17] <Guerillero> so many gifts
[19:17] <Fluffernutter> Jessie J, not so much
[19:17] <GorillaWarfare> lolwut
[19:17] <GorillaWarfare>
�03[19:17] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
[19:17] <Apheori> There should be a category for Unicorns in Wikimedia logos, then, too.
[19:17] <Pharos> who says commons is only porn?
[19:18] <saburai> there's only one unicorn there : (
[19:18] <Fluffernutter> poor lonely unicorn
[19:18] <Apheori> There's only one Wikimedia logo with a unicorn that I know of as well, but it's AWESOME.
[19:18] <Tony_Sidaway> Unicorn porn.
[19:18] <Apheori> And Brooke did a terrible job of vectorising it and should be ashamed of himself.
[19:19] <GorillaWarfare> saburai: Fear not; there are plenty here:
[19:19] <mareklug> but the ip who created the cat sure went whole hog in getting lang descriptions
[19:19] <Apheori> Cute.
�03[19:19] * YE|AFK is now known as YE
[19:20] <mareklug>   <-- some kind of a unicorn lover.  it's all unicorns
[19:22] <Pharos> are there any non-wikipedians who dress in only one color?
[19:22] <GorillaWarfare> Fun fact: The White House employs three full-time calligraphers
[19:23] <Pharos> and i don't think goths in black count
[19:23] <Guerillero> I did not know that
[19:23] <Tony_Sidaway> Oh so not caterpillars then.
[19:23] <Pharos> WMF should employ 4 full-time calligraphers!
[19:23] <Guerillero> why?
[19:23] <GorillaWarfare> I'm trying to find a nicer image of the header (the bit that says "The White House Washington" at the top of
[19:24] <Guerillero> we have computers
�02[19:24] * dendodge (~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[19:24] <Pharos> it's the human touch
[19:24] <GorillaWarfare> So far I've just found the unicorn categories and the fact about calligraphers
�06[19:24] * Fluffernutter just saw Steven Zhang editing with his staff account and i had NO DAMN CLUE who "Szhang (WMF)" was. Am I getting old?
[19:25] <Pharos> at the rate of 12 months / year, i'd say
[19:25] <Apheori> Cute.No.
[19:25] <Apheori> Dammit.
[19:25] <Apheori> Fluffernutter: No.
[19:25] <Apheori> His staff name is just not very descriptive.
�03[19:26] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:26] <Fluffernutter> well i mean i know the algorithm they use to make them
[19:26] <Guerillero> I hate the movie I am watching
[19:26] <Fluffernutter> somehow "Szhang" wasn't as seperable to  my brain as, like, "mdennis" or "okeyes"
[19:26] <Apheori> Sure, but it's not nearly as good as his usual name.
[19:26] <Pharos> algorithm detection fail
[19:26] <Apheori> Shang.
[19:26] <Tony_Sidaway> What do they use calligraphers for? I'm sure the Birthers think they're there to forge the reworded 14th amendment that makes Spanish the official language of the USA. But what are they actually for?
[19:26] <mareklug> Guerillero:  what did you think of Pauline at the Beach?
[19:27] <Guerillero> It is in my list to see
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[19:27] <GorillaWarfare> Tony_Sidaway: Certificates, place settings...
[19:27] <Demiurge1000> My employer thinks that the last four letters of your surname followed by the first letter of your christian name is very meaningful. So we have like SmitJ, SmitJ2, SmitJ3, SmitJ4 ... up to about fifty... and it's not even like all of those people are called John Smith!
[19:28] <mareklug> Guerillero:  there are a couple of other Éric Rohmer films on netflix
[19:28] <Frood> my phone has external antenna ports
[19:29] <Apheori> Company I worked for did the first initial lastname thing too, but I was stubborn and wanted a different id.
[19:29] <Apheori> So I got two different ones, neither of which followed pattern.
[19:29] <Apheori> It got really confusing.
[19:29] <Guerillero> my school does that
[19:29] <Demiurge1000> Oh, I have a whole bunch... can't access anything special with my "standard" username, so have to have various other ones with site+region+flavour-of-icecream etc
[19:30] <Fluffernutter> lol Demiurge1000
[19:30] <Fluffernutter> I was surprised when I got my work email that my firstnamelastinitial was distinctive enough
[19:30] <GorillaWarfare> My brother's school does something similar to that… They ended up reassiging an alum's email to him, but they didn't clear it out first
[19:30] <Apheori> I think I had one that was backwards for my email and webstuff and just my first name for logins for the computers themselves or something...
[19:30] <Demiurge1000> GorillaWarfare: Haha I like that!
[19:30] <GorillaWarfare> So there were like 300 emails in his school email account to some random person
�02[19:30] * [ceradon] (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: *poof*�)
[19:30] <Apheori> Oh gods.
[19:30] <Guerillero> I am TLastname2
[19:30] <Fluffernutter> my college email was some ridiculous algorithm like "first initial + first 4 letters of last name + random integer"
[19:31] <GorillaWarfare> Seemed a little questionable privacy-wise...
[19:31] <Apheori> Yeah, that's what my current uni does.
[19:31] <Apheori> Stupid integer.
[19:31] <Fluffernutter> i continue to ponder how in the world i could have been the SECOND "myfirstinitial+myfirst4last"
[19:31] <Apheori> Previous uni just varied up the ratio of first name to last when there were duplicates usually. Much easier to remember.
[19:32] <Apheori> So you get Fred Smith 1 haveing fsmith and 2 have frsmit.
[19:32] <Fluffernutter> are you still in uni, Apheori? For some reason i thought you were a little older than that
[19:32] <Apheori> I dropped out.
[19:32] <Apheori> It kind of slowed me down.
[19:32] <Fluffernutter> ah, that'll do it
[19:33] <Apheori> But if you must know, I'm actually 19 and have been for the past 5 years.
[19:33] <Guerillero> see everyone's has a number in theirs at mine
[19:33] <Apheori> ...possibly more.
[19:33] <Apheori> >.>
[19:34] <Fluffernutter> i have a family member who's been twenty-nine for about ten years now
[19:34] <Apheori> Good number.
[19:34] <Pharos> i've been 65 for the last 20 years
[19:34] <Tony_Sidaway> My first university called me q17, which I thought at the time was rather lovely.
[19:34] <Nascar1996> Question: what warning (if any) should I give this guy for
[19:34] <Fluffernutter> rather artful, Tony_Sidaway
[19:35] <Tony_Sidaway> As the years pass by though I find myself wishing they'd been more imaginative. W22 or Y8.
[19:36] <Nascar1996> More likely, can I get a admin to ban that guy?
[19:36] <Apheori> One of my colleges used numerical things for everything.  It was just s035763429 or some such for students.
�06[19:36] * Nascar1996 just looked at his/her's contributions.
[19:36] <Nascar1996> All personal attacks
[19:36] <saburai> in high school my ID number was 7
[19:36] <Nascar1996> Nevermind
[19:37] <saburai> the teacher liked me, so he gave me '007' as an ID number, which the system turned into 7
[19:37] <Apheori> I like how when editing there's no need to keep a straight face.
[19:37] <saburai> everyone else had 4 digits or more in their ID
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[19:38] <Apheori> "It is 100% fact. He did in fact invent a time machine in his teens to prevent Queen Elizabeth from assassinating the Beatles."
[19:38] <Apheori> Okay. Find some reliable sources.
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[19:40] <Tony_Sidaway> Rather strange that the queen agreed to be depicted hobnobbing with a murderous thug like James Bond.
[19:41] <Pharos> he is her employee
[19:41] <Tony_Sidaway> (Musing out loud about Olympics)
[19:41] <Pharos> like another corgi
[19:41] <Demiurge1000> He'll be musing about Linux again within a few minutes.
�03[19:42] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[19:42] <Pharos> back in my day, it was GNU?Linux
[19:43] <Tony_Sidaway> He isn't really. He's a fictional representation and a rather fanciful one at that. It's as if Jason Bourne entered the real Oval Office and the real President greeted him.
[19:43] <Frood> should maybe be protected, commons admins?
[19:43] <Demiurge1000> Pharos: That was a somewhat later invention :)
[19:44] <Tony_Sidaway> Demiurge please let's draw a truce on that. Life is too short for sniping.
[19:44] <Demiurge1000> Agreed.
�06[19:45] * Demiurge1000 burns the flag of truce so that we can all toast marshmallows with it. Or, some such confusion of metaphors.
�03[19:46] * la_pianista is now known as pianista|away
[19:49] <Tony_Sidaway> Are the veepstakes articles still protected, I wonder? This made headlines in some news sources last week.
�02[19:49] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Later!�)
�02[19:54] * saburai (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
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�03[19:56] * NyanChat (46b3aa72@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:56] <NyanChat> Can anyone have a fundraiser that involves a trip from Jordanhill to Izbat al Burj?
[19:57] <Frood> Pharos is an admin?
[19:57] <Pharos> i am
[19:57] <Pharos> i'm highly ninactive tho ;)
[19:58] <Frood> i didn't know this until i was looking through the main page history
[19:58] <Frood> and saw you edited it
[19:58] <Frood> then i looked at your rights log
[19:58] <Pharos> many times, back in the day
[19:58] <Frood> and
�03[19:58] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:58] <Frood> 21:11, March 18, 2005 Cecropia (talk | contribs) changed rights for User:Pharos from (none) to (none) (+sysop)
[19:58] <Frood> so in 2005, sysop was literally nothing?
[19:58] <Pharos> we had a vote!
[19:59] <Isarra> Not a !vote like they have these days?
[19:59] <Pharos> i used to be the free images maven for the main page
[19:59] <Frood> and on April 19, 2007, the main page was unprotected for two minutes
[19:59] <Pharos> well, it was a !vote, we had !voters, !ballots, and a rousing !campaign
[20:00] <Frood> no, one minute
[20:00] <Pharos> i has two things i did
[20:00] <Frood> the person who unprotected was also blocked.
[20:00] <Pharos> 1 make sure there werent genitalia on the main page
[20:00] <Pharos> thast was a big job
[20:00] <Pharos> it used to be an issue!
[20:00] <Frood> and he's banned
[20:00] <Pharos> then, make sure no fair use images on main page
�03[20:01] * haggis is now known as norbit
[20:01] <Tony_Sidaway> Ah, Ryan article semi-protected until 17th. And even so there is a bit of a tussle going on. Is he or isn't he a brown noser, and is that relevant?
[20:01] <Pharos> it used to be a thing
[20:01] <Pharos> admions would "go postal" and delete the main page
[20:02] <Pharos> at one point they started making redundant copies
[20:02] <Pharos> i think three are like 15 main pages sitting under the main one just in case
[20:02] <Pharos> or at least there were in 2008 :P
[20:03] <norbit> Guess who!?!?!
[20:03] <Tony_Sidaway> Why no genitals?
[20:03] <Frood> Fox News.
[20:03] <norbit> Tony_Sidaway: because we're not commons.
[20:03] <Pharos> well, they're ok if the article is about genitals
[20:04] <Frood> "Wikipedia a porn site? Why your kids should never use Wikipedia, at 11"
[20:04] <Frood> also, I doubt the community would allow that.
[20:04] <Pharos> Wikipedia is not a porn site, unless you want it to be!
[20:04] <Frood> there are /lots/ of younger kids (10-12ish) who use Wikipedia
[20:04] <Frood> and seeing dicks on the main page
[20:04] <Frood> might be bad
[20:04] <Pharos> it was
[20:05] <Pharos> i don't think anyone ever noticed tho
[20:06] <BlastHardcheese> as we know, people don't grow penises or boobies until the day they turn 18
[20:08] <Pharos> i remember, it was very hard to urinate as a kid
[20:08] <Tony_Sidaway> There are pictures of genitals in appropriate places on Wikipedia. And we shouldn't forget that, for many kids, encyclopedias are their only legitimate and reliable source of information about their own sexuality.
[20:08] <Sven_Manguard> BlastHardcheese: also swear words are never uttered in middle school
[20:08] <Frood> and in high school, teachers swear at you
[20:09] <Guerillero> yes
[20:09] <Tony_Sidaway> We should really be _promoting_ the uncensored status of Wikipedia rather than trying to conceal it.
[20:09] <norbit> Frood: My elementary teachers swore :O
�03[20:10] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
[20:10] <Pharos> my teaching were very well-behaved
[20:10] <Tony_Sidaway> In the early days as I recall this was very much the case.
[20:10] <Pharos> most of the time
[20:11] <Tony_Sidaway> Most places a kid goes, they're lied to. Wikipedia is different.
[20:11] <Tony_Sidaway> Here they can learn about sex and other sensitive topics.
[20:11] <norbit> Isarra: so you don't get mad, this is me.
[20:11] <norbit> this is me until sept 31st
[20:12] <Frood> don't need to see a grown man's penis
[20:12] <Frood> that won't teach them about sex
[20:12] <Isarra> Who?
[20:12] <Pharos> me
[20:12] <Isarra> Ah.
[20:12] <Isarra> Hello, little Pharos.
�06[20:13] * Isarra pats norbit on the head.
�06[20:13] * norbit is splatted, by Isarra
[20:13] <Frood> learning about sex by seeing picture of genitals is about as likely as learning how to replace an engine by looking at a car
�06[20:13] * norbit is unsplatted
[20:13] <Pharos> I'm so proud of mini-me
[20:13] <Isarra> Don't kids ever use locker rooms at public pools these days?
[20:13] <Frood> and yeah, sometimes you need to lie to kids about that stuff
[20:13] <Isarra> See plenty of genitals there.
[20:14] <Frood> Isarra: and this is why i don't go to the pool
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[20:14] <Isarra> And that's the places where the pools themselves don't have visible genitals.
�06[20:14] * Isarra pats Frood on the head.
[20:14] <Frood> it's always old people
[20:14] <Frood> not even the "if i were gay they'd be attractive" people.
[20:14] <Frood> no, ths old 70 year old man
[20:15] <Pharos> ok
�02[20:16] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[20:16] <Pharos> that is one perspective
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[20:17] <GabrielF> sven_manguard: you around?
[20:20] <Tony_Sidaway> No you don't need to lie to kids about sex. And certainly an encyclopedia shouldn't let them down if they're stuck with stupid or mendacious parents.
�03[20:22] * TY is now known as ty
[20:23] <NyanChat> Frood: what's this about wp being porno?
�02[20:23] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:24] <NyanChat> Are the kids prevented from registering, if under 13, due to COPPA laws?
[20:24] <Tony_Sidaway> I think Larry Sanger made a thing about this the other day.
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[20:25] <Demiurge1000> Anyone under the age of 16, cannot sign up to an adult account on Wikipedia.  Cunningly, no-one over the age of 16 can do so either.
[20:26] <Tony_Sidaway> There seem to be many Americans who equate all depiction of genitals with porn.
[20:28] <Tony_Sidaway> Lots of people in other nations too, but Americans seem to be most widely prone to this.
[20:28] <Frood> NyanChat: No.
[20:31] <NyanChat> So why isn't COPPA enforced on WM sites?
[20:31] <Frood> doesn't have to be
[20:31] <Frood> they don't require personal info
[20:32] <Frood> you can remain completely anonymous on WP
[20:32] <Frood> no email required
[20:32] <NyanChat> o...kay.
[20:32] <Frood> no name required
[20:32] <NyanChat> So we probably get gradeschoolers here all the time, about 2/5ths of them vandals.
[20:32] <Guerillero> COPPA only works if you require personal info
[20:32] <Frood> it's very hard to enforce, too.
�02[20:32] * pianista|away (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) Quit (Quit: <3�)
[20:32] <Frood> see: facebook
[20:33] <NyanChat> no kidding. many like to lie because kids haven't yet learned the patience to wait to age 13
[20:33] <Tony_Sidaway> Our primary audience is grade school kids. We're an encyclopedia.
[20:34] <NyanChat> Primary... audience? is not?
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�06[20:36] * NyanChat for a while thought high schools and colleges were primary audiences
[20:36] <Frood> NyanChat: no, that's mostly for people whose first language isn't English
�02[20:36] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[20:36] <Frood> But I use it a lot
[20:37] <Frood> for some things
[20:37] <NyanChat> Well Frood, the way the Simple wiki reads gives off the vibe of the texts I read in grade school. No joke.
[20:37] <Demiurge1000> NyanChat, there seems to be a misunderstanding. The minimum age to use Wikipedia is NOT 13.
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[20:38] <Frood> it's "old enough to use a computer?
[20:38] <Frood> s/?/"/
[20:38] <NyanChat> I got on my Dad's Amiga for the first time at 5, but spilled Coke on it at 7...
[20:38] <NyanChat> Dad should've invested in a membrane cover.
[20:39] <Frood> anyway, bed.
�03[20:39] * Frood is now known as Froodaway
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[20:39] <Demiurge1000> gradeschoolers who add "Fred is gay" are very easy to deal with - usually they are dealt with by other gradeschoolers. Adults who indulge in years-long defamation campaigns against living people are harder to deal with... gradeschoolers also help in dealing with them.
[20:40] <NyanChat> Demi, you referring to [[Fred Figglehorn]] ( [[Lucas Cruikshank]]?)
[20:40] <Demiurge1000> I'm not.
[20:40] <Demiurge1000> I might be referring to [[Ronn Torrossian]], but I'm not sure I can spell it.
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[20:43] <Tony_Sidaway> My son learned to use a computer with my Amiga. He was a rather precocious three-year-old.
�03[20:43] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[20:45] <Tony_Sidaway> He insisted that I show him how to write simple expressions in Smalltalk, one day. He was delighted that it could tell him whether 6+8=14 and so on.
[20:46] <Tony_Sidaway> I had to explain, though, the meaning of the words true and false. They are not encountered in most reading material intended for toddlers.
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[21:06] <Peter-C> I like how Mint loves to rub it in my face I’m poor
�03[21:06] * dfeuer (~dfeuer@wikimedia/Dfeuer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:06] <dfeuer> Who can rename to fix the spelling?
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�03[21:08] * Kiewii is now known as kiewii|sleep
[21:09] <Tony_Sidaway> Peter-C Linux Mint?
[21:09] <Peter-C>
[21:09] <Isarra> dfeuer: What's the spelling?
�03[21:10] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[21:10] <dfeuer> It should be "suppression", not "supression", but that's also an insufficiently descriptive title.
[21:11] <Isarra> So what, 'Halon fire suppression SIGN'?
[21:11] <Peter-C> ^
[21:12] <dfeuer> Isarra: Halon fire suppression warning sign, I would say.
[21:12] <Isarra> Is it really worth the bother? >.>
[21:12] <dfeuer> Yes.
[21:12] <dfeuer> Especially because it's spelled wrong,
[21:12] <dfeuer> and incorrect spelling is always worth fixing :)
[21:13] <Isarra> I guess that does fall under criterion 3...
[21:13] <Isarra> Mon, this is commons. Spelling is beneath us.
�03[21:13] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[21:13] <Isarra> them*
[21:15] <dfeuer> So, Isarra, what will it get to get it moved?
[21:15] <Isarra> Hold on, I'll move it. Just for you.
[21:15] <dfeuer> Thank you!
[21:16] <dfeuer> I can clean up the links if you like.
[21:16] <Isarra> It think there's a bot that does that.
[21:16] <Isarra> But I dunno because I never actually do this.
[21:16] <dfeuer> Here, have some ice cream with milk.
�06[21:17] * Isarra eyes commons suspiciously.
[21:18] <Isarra> Whaaah weird.
[21:18] <ChrisGualtieri> Whoever is messing up categories is going to get it x-x
[21:19] <ChrisGualtieri> I basically finished TypoScan
[21:19] <dfeuer> ChrisGualtieri: doesn't every mathematician mess up categories /sometimes/?
[21:19] <Isarra> Apparently an admin has to process the list before the bot will replace all three uses of the thing. XD
[21:19] <ChrisGualtieri> The problem is, it messes with the parsers!
�02[21:19] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Quit: Catch y'all later!�)
[21:19] <dfeuer> Isarra: I wish that sentence meant something to me.
[21:20] <Isarra> I'm sorry.
[21:20] <dfeuer> ChrisGualtieri: I was just being silly--I have no idea what you're talking about.
[21:20] <Isarra> Either it'll get replaced or someone will yell at me, though.
[21:20] <dfeuer> Although I do have a clear idea of what a parser is.
[21:21] <ChrisGualtieri> Basically, if I don't fix the formating and flow, it could crash the Wikipedia to DVD parser program in development
�03[21:21] * blabbyOSK (~hubcap@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:21] <Isarra> Parsers are magic, right?
�02[21:21] * blabbyOSK (~hubcap@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[21:22] <Isarra> With this upload wizard thing, are folks trying to drown people in walls of text?
�06[21:22] * Peter-C licks Isarra
�02[21:22] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[21:22] <dfeuer> ChrisGualtieri: if your parser can actually /crash/, you've done it all wrong. If it just fails with an error and gives no useful output, then .... well, it might need a little more work.
[21:22] <Isarra> Or have I not been paying attention and that's the way all the projects are?
�06[21:22] * Isarra licks Peter-C.
�06[21:23] * Peter-C eats Isarra’s dwelling
�06[21:23] * dfeuer hugs Isarra and tries to convince hir not to lick people in public.
�06[21:23] * Isarra eats Peter-C's family.
[21:23] <Peter-C> :(
�06[21:23] * Peter-C eats himself
[21:23] <dfeuer> Now now! No eating people, or even dwellings!
�06[21:23] * Isarra considers this a victory.
[21:23] <ChrisGualtieri> I don't run a parser >.> But these categories with spaces, errors in templates, bad ISBNs and stuff, those all need to be fixed anywyas
�06[21:23] * Isarra goes back to what she was doing.
[21:25] <Isarra> Is it a copyright violation if I release something under a license requiring attribution and then forget to attribute myself when using it?
[21:26] <Tony_Sidaway> You can do what you like with your own work.
[21:26] <Isarra> But what if nobody is supposed to know it's me?!
�02[21:26] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�06[21:26] * Isarra panics and goes into hiding.
[21:27] <Tony_Sidaway> Then that's a separate issue, but it still isn't copyright infringement.
�02[21:27] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: Reality intrudes�)
[21:27] <Isarra> He's no fun.
[21:27] <TeeTylerToe> just add the attribution and try not to sue yourself
[21:28] <dfeuer> Um .... Isarra .... I thought there were two links to that file.  I fixed one of them......
[21:28] <Isarra> Okay.
[21:28] <TeeTylerToe> unless you have lots of nice stuff, or large bank accounts
[21:28] <dfeuer> But now I don't know where the other one was....
[21:28] <Isarra> Woah, fancy, rollback links that actually say how many edits that would revery...
[21:28] <Isarra> t
[21:29] <Isarra> Duuuude.
[21:29] <Isarra> I'm so out of it right now.
[21:29] <dfeuer> Oh,
[21:29] <dfeuer> don't worry.
[21:29] <dfeuer> I found it, Isarra.
[21:29] <dfeuer> 'Twill be fixed momentarily (right now just shows a "broken link" sort of image).
[21:30] <Isarra> You don't need to do that; I put in a request for the bot to do it.
[21:30] <Isarra> It'll be magical.
[21:30] <dfeuer> It will be irrelevant, because it is already done.
[21:31] <dfeuer> There were only two pages linking to that file, and they're both fixed now.
[21:31] <Isarra> The request is there. Doing it is pointless.
[21:31] <Isarra> >.<
[21:31] <dfeuer> Obviously, I'm faster than the bot :P
[21:31] <dfeuer> Or the bot-approval process, or whatever.
[21:31] <Isarra> Okay, so is the 'rollback 5 edits' thing a mw1.20wmf9 thing, or just another Commons sucks at putting weird js in the right place thing?
[21:32] <Jasper_Deng> it's 1.20wmf9
[21:32] <Isarra> Oh, cool.
[21:32] <dfeuer> ?
[21:33] <Isarra> Commons still sucks at putting js in the right place, though.
�06[21:35] * Peter-C licks his paws
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[21:40] <dfeuer> A good friend (ז״ל) of my grandmother's (ז״ל) was a caterer, and she would make cheese blintzes for me when I was a little kid. I would like to learn how to make such myself some day. Perhaps the next time I get vacation time, if that should ever happen....
�06[21:42] * dfeuer offers Isarra a blueberry blintz of the store-bought frozen variety.
�03[21:42] * evilgohan2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:42] <TeeTylerToe> paul ryan's veins run with cheese?
[21:43] <dfeuer> evilgohan2: if you truly are evil, I might have to cut off your ears and serve them to Peter-C.
[21:43] <TeeTylerToe> isn't there some sort of physical for the job?
�06[21:43] * Isarra freaks out and runs away.
[21:43] <dfeuer> Isarra: blueberry blintzes frighten you?
[21:43] <Isarra> Sure, I dunno.
[21:44] <TeeTylerToe> "My veins run with cheese, bratwurst, and a little Spotted Cow and some Millers," Ryan said, his voice cracking with emotion. "I even think ice fishing is interesting."
[21:44] <dfeuer> TeeTylerToe: if there were some sort of physical for the job, Dick Cheney would never have gotten it.
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[21:44] <TeeTylerToe> that is an interesting question, because Reagan's mental state was deteriorating with age
[21:44] <dfeuer> Wasn't there a president who died of pneumonia within days of taking office?
[21:45] <TeeTylerToe> maybe
[21:45] <TeeTylerToe> I think after an assassination?
[21:45] <dfeuer> Isarra: please explain what you could possibly find frightening about blueberry blintzes.
[21:45] <TeeTylerToe> I dunno, blueberry packts is a little weird
[21:45] <TeeTylerToe> packets
[21:46] <BlastHardcheese> william henry harrison
[21:46] <dfeuer> BlastHardcheese: I just figured that out.
[21:46] <BlastHardcheese> dfeuer: what do you mean, Dick Cheney is an immortal cyborg
[21:47] <dfeuer> Died on his 23rd day in office, the shortest term of any U.S. president, according to WP.
[21:48] <dfeuer> BlastHardcheese: if so, he does quite a good job of pretending to be a (sub?)human with serious heart (as well as soul) problems.
[21:48] <ChrisGualtieri> I'm out of work to conduct with AWB >.> Typoscan is done and checkwiki is too slow
[21:48] <TeeTylerToe> wow, the guy that's running the dishonest ads taking the other guy's words out of context is criticizing his opponent's campaign...
[21:49] <dfeuer> TeeTylerToe: which one are you talking about this time?
�02[21:50] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[21:50] <Isarra> dfeuer: Timing can make anything terrifying if already startled.
[21:50] <TeeTylerToe> Romney's criticizing Obama's campaign for being the lowest, meanest, most negative campaign in american history
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�02[21:50] * evilgohan2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
�06[21:51] * dfeuer hasn't seen a good presidential /candidate/ in his life, let alone a good president. My mom has often said the only good candidate she ever saw was Hubert Humphrey, and he lost to Nixon.
[21:52] <dfeuer> I voted for Obama, and I'll vote for him again, but I sure as heck don't /like/ him.
[21:52] <harej> dfeuer, you're definitely not alone.
[21:52] <dfeuer> TeeTylerToe: however, /Romney/ calling /Obama/ negative is ... out there.
[21:52] <norbit> Obama is boss.
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[21:53] <TeeTylerToe> almost all elections in the US are between bad and worse
�06[21:53] * Peter-C eats harej’s hands
[21:53] <dfeuer> I suspect Clinton might've made a better president, but I don't think she ever had a chance of winning a general election.
[21:53] <dfeuer> Her husband I would personally rate as "extremely overrated".
[21:54] <TeeTylerToe> it's hard for anyone to critize clinton when his followup act was bush
[21:55] <dfeuer> GW Bush is hard to underrate. GHW Bush I honestly know very little about.
[21:55] <dfeuer> I was only a kid when he was in office.
[21:56] <dfeuer> I know he did the whole Gulf War thing, but I don't know too much else.
[21:56] <Pharos> he saved us from that whole martian thing
[21:56] <TeeTylerToe> ghw bush was replaced by clinton because when the economy soured a little he raised taxes to lower the deficit.  He must have been some kind of democrat
[21:56] <Pharos> will always be well-remembered for that
[21:57] <TeeTylerToe> wonder if he ever met george w bush, they have the same last name
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[21:57] <Guerillero> they are father and son
[21:57] <Pharos> really?
[21:57] <Pharos> is this like a birther conspiracy theory?
[21:57] <dfeuer> Pharos: Martian thing?
[21:58] <TeeTylerToe> next you're going to tell me george w. bush was born in massachusettes and was educated in the nort
[21:58] <TeeTylerToe> north
[21:58] <Pharos> you don't remember the cyclinder that landed in New Jersey?
[21:58] <Pharos> they had to call in the national guard ans everything
[21:58] <dfeuer> Not so much.
[21:58] <dfeuer> What was it, an old U.S. spy satellite?
[21:59] <Pharos> ghw bush got bipartisan support on that one
[21:59] <Pharos> (I'm joshing with you)
[21:59] <harej> TeeTylerToe: George W. Bush was born in Connecticut, not Massachusetts.
[21:59] <Pharos> you never heard of War of the Worlds?
[22:00] <TeeTylerToe> I thought the bush compound was in MA
[22:00] <harej> the bushes are from connecticut, yo
[22:00] <TeeTylerToe> I'm sure you're right
[22:00] <Pharos> they're not boston brahmins
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�02[22:00] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:00] <Pharos> that would be too cosmopolitan
[22:00] <TeeTylerToe> some wag in the George H W Bush administration called "cheney" said that invading Iraq would be a quagmire
[22:01] <TeeTylerToe> that it would be nation building, and there would be an insurgency
[22:01] <TeeTylerToe> wonder what happened to him
[22:01] <Demiurge1000> He was a dick.
[22:01] <harej> He exited the vice presidency in a wheelchair. Then he got a heart transplant and lost a ton of weight.
[22:01] <Seddon> HAH HAH ha...... ha.
[22:02] <Pharos> i don't get what's wrong with "nation building"
[22:02] <Pharos> former yougoslavia worked a lot better than iraq
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[22:02] <TeeTylerToe> it's like trying to rebuild detroit
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[22:03] <Pharos> or japan
[22:03] <TeeTylerToe> nobody wants it, it will be a money sink, and a lot of people will be killed
[22:03] <Pharos> or germany
[22:03] <Pharos> or britain
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[22:03] <Seddon> Or every former colony
[22:03] <Pharos> or any other country that's been successfully rebuilt
[22:03] <Seddon> cept the aussies
[22:03] <Seddon> they went swimmingly well
[22:04] <Seddon> and new zealand, there is nothing there to fight over
�02[22:04] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) Quit (Quit: Jmajeremy�)
[22:04] <Pharos> building nations isn't such a bad thing
�03[22:04] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[22:04] <Pharos> it's breaking them to smithereens that's bad
[22:04] <Seddon> Its also expensive
[22:04] <Pharos> war is usually more expensive
[22:05] <TeeTylerToe> you would think the US would have been able to restore electricity to baghdad more quickly
[22:05] <Pharos> germany could have used some nation-building after world war one!
[22:06] <TeeTylerToe> west germany after ww2 too
[22:06] <TeeTylerToe> no east
[22:06] <Peter-C> When I go take my flight on Friday, would it be normal to ask the TSA for a strip search?
[22:07] <Peter-C> And a colonoscopy
[22:07] <TeeTylerToe> you can go through the nudie scanners
[22:08] <harej> ...a colonoscopy?
[22:08] <harej> Yes, the TSA is going to make you do the several hours of prep work.
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[22:09] <harej> "Sir, before you can board this plan you will have to drink this gallon jug..."
[22:10] <Peter-C> Better idea
[22:10] <Pharos> a free colonscopy would be a bonus
[22:10] <Peter-C> What if I take my pants off at the checkpoint and say “I’m ready and prepped for my colonoscopy”
[22:10] <TeeTylerToe> They could do cancer screenings at the same time.
[22:11] <TeeTylerToe> Very convenient
�02[22:11] * Stove ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[22:11] <Peter-C> And take an x-ray
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[22:11] <Pharos> also, they could spay and neuter your pets
[22:12] <Peter-C> Good idea
[22:13] <Peter-C> And they can charge for all of this
[22:13] <Peter-C> Government makes money, your prostate is happy
[22:13] <Peter-C> win win
[22:14] <OlEnglish> my prostitute is happy?
[22:14] <Pharos> i hope, for your sake
[22:14] <Pharos> you wouldn't like your prostate when it's angry
[22:15] <Peter-C> OlEnglish - read that mega wrong
�02[22:15] * NTox (~NTox@wikipedia/NTox) Quit (Quit: NTox�)
[22:15] <Peter-C> No, wait, I read it correctly
[22:15] <Peter-C> You know your prostitute is happy when they pay you
[22:15] <Peter-C> Quote me on that
[22:15] <OlEnglish> that would make YOU the prostitute!
[22:16] <Peter-C> Or awesome in the sack
[22:16] <TeeTylerToe> Also spay and neuter your school age children
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[22:21] <Isarra>
�06[22:21] * Isarra dies.
[22:22] <Mdann52> That name sounds familiar...
�02[22:25] * Empercan (~quassel@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:27] <Mdann52> Oh... That TLDR one
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�03[22:30] * Riley (acdac013@wikimedia/Riley-Huntley) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:30] <Riley> Is there a policy about mass editing ?
[22:30] <Riley> And when I say "mass" I mean fast (AKA flooding)
[22:31] <Guerillero> yes
[22:31] <Demiurge1000> There is WP:MASSCREATION
[22:31] <Guerillero> WP:BOTPOL
[22:31] <Guerillero> whats up?
[22:32] <Demiurge1000> and also WP:MASTURBATION
�06[22:32] * Isarra hits Demiurge1000 with a frying pan.
[22:32] <Isarra> WP:BEANS, man.
[22:32] <Demiurge1000> mmm, bacon
[22:32] <Guerillero> There is Demiurge?
[22:32] <Demiurge1000> There is always Demiurge.
�06[22:33] * Peter-C pulls Guerillero’s beard
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[22:33] <Demiurge1000> Kind of like the poor, if you're into Abrahamic religions.
[22:33] <Guerillero> :o
[22:33] <Riley> WP:MASSCREATION is about creating articles tho?
[22:33] <Guerillero> PM me the link if you would like
[22:34] <Riley> It's nothing serious :)
[22:34] <Guerillero> ok
[22:34] <Riley> I am just looking for a policy that states not to edit fast
[22:34] <Guerillero> at one time there were vandals that were bots
�02[22:35] * Seddon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�06[22:35] * Isarra suddenly gets an urge to make a mass of typo fixes all at once.
[22:35] <Riley> Can someone get blocked for editing fast?:P
[22:36] <Guerillero> look at the Rich Farmbrough arbcom case
[22:36] <Riley> link?
�02[22:37] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[22:37] <dfeuer> Ooh.... There is someone named Riley here. I like that name.
[22:37] <TeeTylerToe> let the hate flow through you Isarra!
�06[22:37] * TeeTylerToe is sith
�06[22:37] * Isarra drops inkscape on TeeTylerToe.
[22:37] <Riley> Ooh.... There is someone named David here. I like that name.
[22:37] <TeeTylerToe> 0.o
[22:37] <Riley> Your last name sounds french :O is it?
[22:39] <Riley> Guerillero: Do you have a link for the arbcom case?
[22:39] <Guerillero> I am getting it. My internet is slow today
[22:40] <dfeuer> There's an /article/ on Tiger_versus_lion?  What kind of joke is that?
[22:40] <Guerillero>
[22:41] <Kraps> wheres the meerkat vs ferret article
[22:41] <Kraps> or pirates vs. ninjas
[22:41] <Demiurge1000> cobra versus honey badger!
[22:41] <Kraps>
[22:41] <Guerillero>
[22:42] <dfeuer> Riley: nope. It's from the German Feuerwerker (my family spells it Feuerwerger). We're not German (we're eastern European-derived Jews), but I guess there must have been German names flying around eastern Europe....
[22:42] <Guerillero> blarg
[22:42] <Riley> AH
[22:42] <dfeuer> Lions and tigers and bears
[22:42] <dfeuer> Also, Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
[22:42] <dfeuer> I'm sorry, but that's an absurd article.
[22:45] <Guerillero> there are worse
[22:45] <OlEnglish> [[Goodsall's rule]]
[22:45] <OlEnglish> what a thing to be named after
[22:45] <Peter-C> I would be a great traffic cop
[22:45] <Isarra> Is brandy a good substitute for tea?
[22:46] <Peter-C> I would run into every situation screaming “hands in the air motherfucker”
[22:46] <Peter-C> And it would work.
[22:46] <Peter-C> And yes.
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[22:54] <Peter-C> Gfoley4!
[22:54] <Peter-C> Go to bed.
[22:55] <Isarra> Peter-C: Go to bed.
[22:55] <Peter-C> No you.
[22:55] <Isarra> Good idea.
[22:55] <Peter-C> :o
[22:55] <Riley> Peter-C: Go to bed
[22:55] <Riley> Its past your bedtime
�06[22:55] * Mdann52 puts Peter-C in bed
[22:55] <Peter-C> Riley - go make love with your girlfirend
�06[22:55] * Peter-C breaks out
[22:56] <Riley> Peter-C: Somehow her girlfriends have dragged her to L.A
[22:56] <Riley> So no
[22:56] <Peter-C> da faq
[22:57] <Peter-C> Did you ever buy her that camera?
[22:57] <Peter-C> Maybe she wants it so she can capture moments with you :o
[22:57] <Riley> Well lets just say my credit card was used
[22:58] <Peter-C> :o
[22:58] <Peter-C> Who uses a cop for money O_o
[22:58] <Mdann52> Cue evil chords from the organ
[22:58] <Riley> Don't worry, ahaha. She still loves me :)
[22:58] <Peter-C> :3
[22:58] <Riley> I think... O.o
[22:59] <Peter-C> Lock her in a room and make her confese her love you you 1,024 times
[22:59] <Peter-C> No more, no less
[22:59] <Riley> Why 1,024 times? xD
[22:59] <Peter-C> Beasue, fuck you, that’s why.
[22:59] <Peter-C> ._.
[22:59] <Peter-C> My logic is awesome
�06[22:59] * Riley cries in the corner
[23:00] <Peter-C> <3
�06[23:00] * Peter-C huggles Riley
[23:00] <Riley> Fuck your logic
�03[23:00] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:00] <Riley> Hehee
[23:00] <Peter-C> Magog_the_Ogre loves my logic
[23:00] <Magog_the_Ogre> eh
[23:00] <harej> Peter-C, why is there no Wikipedia article on implantation bleeding?
�06[23:01] * Riley waits for Isarra to break out the frying pan
[23:01] <Peter-C> surgical complication bro
�02[23:01] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[23:01] <Magog_the_Ogre> can someone explain to me why we have both [[cockfight]] and [[cockfighting]]?
[23:01] <Peter-C> Also specifcs. What type of transplant?
�06[23:01] * Mdann52 repeatedly hits Peter-C with the frying pan
[23:01] <Magog_the_Ogre> at very most, one of those pages should be a disambig
[23:01] <harej> ...Okay, I'm not going to ask Peter-C about gynaecology ever again.
[23:01] <Peter-C> Ha. I’m an EMT, I can’t get hurt.
[23:02] <Peter-C> harej - ectopic pregnancy?
[23:02] <Brooke> Isarra: Prove it.
[23:02] <Riley> THATS IT IM MAD! Who said Mdann52 use a frying pan?
[23:02] <Peter-C> harej - you were refering to *that* implant
[23:02] <Riley> Spelling fail ._.
[23:02] <Peter-C> Dude, I assumed you meant brest augmentation.
[23:02] <harej> Peter-C, it is, in fact, called "implantation bleeding," but Wikipedia is implying it is different from first trimester bleeding: <>.
�02[23:03] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[23:03] <Peter-C> QuestionL why are you looking into this form of bleeding?
[23:04] <Peter-C>
�02[23:05] * YE ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[23:05] <Riley>  "The uploader has not made this video available in your country. Sorry about that." Racist to canadians?
[23:06] <Mdann52> :))
[23:06] <Peter-C> pfft, canadians
[23:08] <Isarra> Brooke: Prove what?
[23:08] <Brooke> Isarra: It!
�06[23:10] * Isarra stuffs it up Brooke's nose.
[23:10] <Brooke> Isarra: MY VECTORIZATION WAS FINE.
[23:11] <Isarra> It was fine for a machine tracing.
[23:11] <Brooke> I'm not sure what that means.
[23:11] <Mdann52> May I just ask, are non-admins allowed to do anything regarding empty unblock requests?
[23:11] <Brooke> Pout.
[23:11] <Brooke> Isarra: I hand-traced that unicorn.
[23:12] <Isarra> ...oh.
[23:12] <Brooke> Also, I forgive you.
[23:12] <Isarra> Okay, you suck.
[23:12] <Isarra> ...except worded more politely?
[23:12] <Brooke> Isarra: Your tracing was barely much better!
�02[23:12] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[23:13] <TeeTylerToe> you could leave a note on the person requesting the ublock to add a reason
[23:13] <Isarra> At low resolution, they're essentially the same.At big resolution, however...
�06[23:13] * Peter-C dances around in an electronic trance
[23:13] <Brooke> Oh, I didn't blow them up.
[23:13] <Isarra> Lumps! Curves! Corners!
[23:13] <Isarra> But one of the main reasons for vectorising is scalability!
[23:13] <Brooke>
[23:14] <Peter-C> Fuck yes.
[23:14] <Brooke> Looks like a unicorn to me.
[23:14] <Peter-C> I would ride that into battle.
[23:14] <norbit> Brooke: wtf is that supposed to be
[23:14] <Brooke> norbit: A UNICORN.
[23:14] <Peter-C> Unicorns are virgin ponys ._.
[23:14] <Peter-C> Which is why there are non left.
�06[23:14] * Peter-C runs
[23:14] <Isarra> IT'S LUMPY.
�06[23:14] * Peter-C learned that from someone at Wikimania
[23:15] <norbit> Isarra: thats what...
[23:15] <Riley>
[23:15] <harej> Isarra: no unicorn body-shaming
[23:15] <Riley> So much better
[23:15] <Peter-C> ^
[23:15] <Brooke>
[23:16] <Isarra> That's less lumpy.
[23:16] <norbit> "I'm Katy Perry and I'm going to be on How I Met Your Mother this week"
[23:16] <Brooke> It has less character, you mean.
[23:16] <Brooke> Look at that plain Jane snout.
[23:16] <norbit> "I'm Neil Patrick Harris and I'm going to be on Katy Perry this week."
[23:16] <Isarra> And fewer lumps.
[23:17] <Isarra> It has CURVES.
[23:17] <Isarra> Like a real woman.
[23:17] <Isarra> IShadowed has curves too.
[23:18] <Isarra> BECAUSE SHE'S REAL.
[23:18] <IShadowed> wut
[23:18] <IShadowed> yeah
[23:18] <IShadowed> women fuck yeah
[23:18] <Isarra> Yes.
[23:18] <Peter-C> Fuck yea! :D
[23:18] <Isarra> Okay, so some women actually are pretty lumpy, but that's beside the point.
�03[23:18] * Spacewalker (~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:19] <Brooke> Why do you hate women and unicorns?
[23:19] <Isarra> Maybe Brandon Harris can clear this up for us.
[23:19] <Isarra> Since apparently he 'hand-built' it.
[23:19] <Peter-C> Is he up?
�03[23:19] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:19] <Peter-C> I thought he would have retired to his chambers.
[23:20] <Isarra> Who knows, but he may soon find a rather lumpy unicorn sat upon him.
�03[23:21] * Keegan_ is now known as Keegan
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[23:24] <Riley> Well um I'm blown away;
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�02[23:25] * Lubaf ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[23:26] <Brooke> I clicked that link.
[23:26] <Riley> And?
[23:26] <Brooke> I closed the windows after a few seconds.
[23:26] <Brooke> window
[23:26] <Riley> O..
[23:27] <Riley> You have to give her credit for writing the song tho
[23:27] <Brooke> She's no Gaga.
[23:27] <Peter-C> Is that your girlfirend?
[23:27] <Riley> I wish she was
�06[23:27] * Peter-C slaps Riley
[23:27] <Peter-C> bad.
[23:27] <Peter-C> BAD.
[23:27] <Peter-C> Bad.
[23:27] <Riley> Shhh you minor ;)
[23:28] <Riley> :O
�03[23:28] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:28] <Riley> Brooke: I am glad "She's no Gaga"
[23:28] <Riley> Because shes here own unique self
[23:29] <Brooke> Lady Gaga can sing and play the piano, though.
[23:30] <Riley> Katy was just doing the same thing..
�02[23:30] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[23:30] <dfeuer> OlEnglish: [[Goodsall's rule]] is a perfectly decent article topic, though it could be written more clearly.
[23:30] <OlEnglish> yeah i know
�06[23:31] * Peter-C calls Riley’s gielfriend
[23:31] <OlEnglish> i was just commenting on how it must suck to have your name forever associated with an anal fistula
[23:31] <Riley> O.o
[23:31] <Peter-C> I’m telling her you love another woman
�06[23:32] * dfeuer attempts to interpret the sentence "Somehow her girlfriends have dragged her to L.A." Tentative interpretation: Riley is talking about herself in the third person.
[23:32] <TeeTylerToe> I'm not sure that article should have a simple english version
[23:33] <Riley> dfeuer: Well first of all, I am a guy.
�06[23:33] * Mdann52 interprets it differently - the girlfriend's friends have dragged her off...
[23:34] <TeeTylerToe> that's what they all say
[23:34] <Riley> Second, I wasn't an A student in English, sorry.
�02[23:34] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Quit: jorm�)
[23:34] <dfeuer> Brooke: that clearly has much larger ears than a unicorn. It must be a donkey.
[23:34] <Riley> Secondly* See did it again
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�03[23:36] * Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
[23:36] <dfeuer> Sorry, Riley, if you weren't talking about yourself in the third person, I have no idea who "she" was.
[23:37] <Brooke> dfeuer: A donkey in a party hat.
[23:37] <dfeuer> Oh, I see now. Mdann52 must've gotten it right.
[23:37] <Peter-C>
[23:37] <dfeuer> The word "girlfriend" is too ambiguous.
[23:37] <Riley> dfeuer: I wasn't talking to you someone who knew what I mean't so it didn't matter..
[23:37] <dfeuer> Yeah.
[23:38] <dfeuer> Riley: what's your native language?
[23:38] <Riley> Brb gonna switch to my computer ._. damn phone
�02[23:40] * Riley (acdac013@wikimedia/Riley-Huntley) Quit
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[23:43] <Riley> There. :)
�06[23:46] * Peter-C lcisk Riley
�06[23:46] * Peter-C runs
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[23:47] <Mdann52> I've just had someone ask me for the log of a conversation on 20th April?!!!!?
�06[23:47] * Riley is scared to know what "lcisk" means O.o 
�02[23:47] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[23:48] <BlastHardcheese> Mdann52: What, you don't record everything you've ever done on the internets?
[23:48] <Mdann52> I wasn't even on the channel back in April.....
[23:49] <Mdann52> It was -help......
[23:50] <Mdann52> Oh well, they ran off
�02[23:56] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
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Session Time: Mon Aug 13 00:00:00 2012
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[00:16] <OlEnglish> aaand how!
�02[00:17] * koishi ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
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[00:30] <The_Thing> Is it just me, or are yellowjacket wasps becoming immune to wasp/hornet spray?
[00:32] <The_Thing> The little shits are literally not dying after the stuff being sprayed directly onto them
[00:33] <Riley> Children, children. Watch the profanity please
[00:33] <delirious> should the thing that should not be be questioning the resiliance of anything?
[00:33] <Riley> We don't want to cause a war with the wasps
�03[00:36] * Apheori (~dirien@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[00:38] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[00:38] <Pine> Pines don't like wasps either. Wasps build nests in pines.
�02[00:41] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[00:43] <Apheori> Do the nests actually harm the trees?
[00:45] <OlEnglish> [[Dick-a-Dick]], now there's a cool name
[00:46] <OlEnglish> i can just picture how his parents named him that... "look hun! dick! a dick!!!, it's a boy!!"
[00:47] <OlEnglish> ;P
�03[00:47] * Sp33dyphil (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Sp33dyphil) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:48] <The_Thing> We've even sealed up the area where the nest is (a crack in our foundation) with concrete...
[00:49] <The_Thing> The bastards are still flying around the area after a week, trying to figure out how to get in
[00:50] <The_Thing> Persistent, resilient little shits that I wish were wiped off the face of the Earth.
[00:50] <The_Thing> Along with Mosquitos
[00:50] <Apheori> Next time you could try burning them.
[00:50] <Apheori> May not be any more effective, but it is satisfying.
[00:50] <The_Thing> And burn our house down? No thanks
[00:50] <The_Thing> Though I did burn a colony of ants once :p
[00:51] <Apheori> Concretr basement, right? Just contain it.
[00:51] <The_Thing> Yep. The ones that were outside at the time are still trying to find a way back in
[00:52] <The_Thing> And we're praying that where the nest is isn't in some deeper area of hour house, which consists of pretty much all wood and plasterboard
[00:52] <Apheori> >.<
[00:52] <The_Thing> Though I'd be surprised if they weren't dead by now
[00:52] <The_Thing> The ones that are sealed in, that is
[00:53] <The_Thing> Our whole town is having wasp problems
[00:53] <The_Thing> 3 seperate stores are out of stock of wasp spray
[00:53] <Pine> Apheori: I don't think the nests harm the trees but trees don't like insects in general.
[00:54] <The_Thing> 2 of them being Walmarts, no less
[00:54] <Apheori> They like useful insects.
[00:54] <Pine> Unless they're pollinating insects and the trees are flowering trees
[00:54] <Apheori> Or ones that eat pests or remove decaying stuff or such.
[00:54] <Pine> The "decaying stuff" is what I call my bark, and I like it left alone, thank you.
[00:55] <Apheori> There are probably weirder symbiotic relationships, but I can't think of any.
[00:55] <Pine> Those little fish that clean shark teeth.
[00:55] <Apheori> The bark shouldn't decay, but repairs go better without dead matter in the way.
[00:55] <Apheori> That kind of thing, yes, but I was thinking more specifically.
[00:56] <The_Thing> I mean, around here, the town sprays for mosquitoes, so those are never seen... WHY DA FUQ CAN'T THEY SPRAY FOR WASPS!?
[00:56] <Apheori> Mosquitos carry diseases.
[00:56] <Apheori> Wasps are just annoying.
[00:56] <The_Thing> And wasps carry venom which can kill people who are allergic
[00:56] <The_Thing> My best childhood friend being among one of those people
[00:56] <Apheori> I never said it made sense. It's just the logic that's used.
[00:57] <Apheori> People need to panic and fight back against something, and they chose mosquitos.
[00:57] <The_Thing> They must be afraid they'll kill bees and shit
�03[00:58] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:58] <The_Thing> Bees I don't mind... if you don't bother them, they don't bother you... but a wasp will come after you if you so much as look at one wrong... >.>
[00:59] <Apheori> Tried punching them?
[00:59] <Apheori> I finf the usually leave after doing that.
[00:59] <The_Thing> And I find that they usually swarm after me after doing that
[01:00] <Apheori> Hmm...
�02[01:00] * AndrewN[AFK] (~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[01:00] <Apheori> Perhaps it helps if you're pretty. I'm pretty and they never react that way for me.
�02[01:03] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
[01:04] <The_Thing> lol
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[01:30] <Pine> Apheori: {{cn}}
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[01:32] <Pine> Hi Ironolds
[01:33] <Ironholds> hey, Pine :)
[01:34] <Ironholds> how goes it?
[01:34] <Sp33dyphil> Ironholds, Pine: hi
[01:34] <Pine> Hi Sp33dyphil. Guess what I'm reading?
[01:34] <Sp33dyphil> hmm
[01:34] <Sp33dyphil> a book?
[01:34] <Ironholds> hey Sp33dyphil :)
[01:35] <Pine> "Quieter, Cheaper, Greener: Airliners in 2030"
[01:35] <Sp33dyphil> ohh, is it a book?
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[01:36] <Pine> It's an article in Aviation Weekly
[01:36] <Sp33dyphil> Ironholds: how are you?
[01:36] <Pine> er, Aviation Week
[01:36] <Sp33dyphil> URL?
[01:37] <Ironholds> Sp33dyphil: goes well! Just spent a long day on the American River tubing
[01:37] <Ironholds> I am very sore and lost two shirts after swimming through the rapids
[01:37] <Ironholds> but I KEPT MY HAT, DAMMIT.
[01:37] <Sp33dyphil> sounds fun :)
�02[01:38] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[01:38] <Ironholds> it was! :D
[01:38] <Ironholds> although I appear to have cut a circle the size of a cigarette end out of my foot
[01:38] <Pine> Sp33dyphil: I only have the physical copy but it looks like there's a similar article at
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[01:39] <Pine> ironholds: where is this American River?
[01:39] <Ironholds> starts off just above Sacramento at Lake Natoma, continues down until it empties into the bay
[01:39] <Sp33dyphil> Pine: I hope the Chinese won't dominate the aircraft market with their cheap planes.
[01:39] <Ironholds> although you don't start at Lake Natoma unless you really, really want to fall over a dam. twice.
[01:40] <Pine> Sp33dyphil: would you get on an aircraft with Chinese engineering and manufacturing? I don't know about you, but I don't trust the safety of anything complex that's made in China. I've had too many bad experiences with things falling apart.
[01:40] <mareklug> Sp33dyphil:  from the preorders looks like the Canadians might, with their expensive ones
[01:41] <Sp33dyphil> Pine: the Chinese can't make stuff that are sophisticated
[01:41] <Sp33dyphil> bbl
[01:42] <Ironholds> they can
[01:42] <Ironholds> the new bay bridge was built in china
[01:42] <Ironholds> slave labour GETS SHIT DONE
[01:43] <Apheori> Pine: Huh?
[01:43] <Apheori> Also, I love wikipedians.
[01:44] <Apheori> Respond to potential conflict so amazingly, some of them...
[01:44] <nprice> shut up @ all i am trying to sleep
[01:44] <nprice> every time you chat my terminal beeps
[01:44] <nprice> seriously adopt some normal hours
[01:44] <Ironholds> nprice: then turn off your goddamn computer and accept that NOT EVERYONE LIVES IN THE SAME TIMEZONE AS YOU
�06[01:44] * Apheori pats nprice on the head/
[01:44] <Apheori> .
[01:45] <nprice> rrrr
[01:45] <Ironholds> which is good, because based on the above comment you're an asshat, and one I'd hate to be in close proximity to.
[01:45] <nprice> 55
[01:45] <nprice> away yi go
[01:45] <Apheori> And then there's Ironholds...
[01:45] <nprice> and throw pish at yersel
[01:45] <nprice> ya fucken rocket
[01:46] <Ironholds> nprice: are you scottish?
[01:46] <nprice> what's it to ya
[01:46] <nprice> i will tell you this i am good n proper loaded
[01:46] <Ironholds> if you are scottish, it's currently 10am on a monday and you shouldn't complain "holy heck people are awake"
[01:46] <nprice> rrrr
[01:46] <Ironholds> if you are merely trying to mock me, I am English you silly bugger.
[01:46] <Ironholds> Apheori: I respond well to some potential conflicts. and hey, you know I am less awful at it than
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[01:46] <Ironholds> *I used to be
[01:46] <nprice> don't be a wido
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[01:47] <Ironholds> a wido? wido is not a *word*. and it is most definitely not scottish slang
[01:47] <Ironholds> proper scottish slang would be if I told you to haud yer wheesht, ya fucken jakey cunt.
[01:47] <Apheori> Hey, you're lovely. You're just not at all the sort of wikipedian I was thinking of.
[01:47] <nprice> some of us are awake at thsi out and tuning to nog have a hangofer
[01:47] <Ironholds> why thank you, m'dear. you're not so bad yerself :)
[01:47] <nprice> so shut it
[01:47] <Ironholds> nprice: then turn your computer off; see point 1.
[01:47] <Apheori> I'm learning from wikipedians.
[01:47] <Apheori> They're awesome.
�03[01:47] * sDrewth is now known as sDrewthedoff
[01:47] <nprice> turn yer fkn chathole off
[01:48] <Apheori> nprice: If you're serious. turn the thing off.
[01:48] <Apheori> If you're not, please shut up.
[01:48] <nprice> rrrrr
[01:48] <Ironholds> Apheori: this is one of the reasons why you're not so bad yourself
[01:48] <nprice> gotta go to yoker in a few
[01:48] <nprice> fkn knock it off
�02[01:48] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[01:48] <Ironholds> nprice, either turn your computer off or stop talking
[01:48] <nprice> u
[01:49] <nprice> that's what i'm asking of you
[01:49] <Ironholds> if you simply persist in doing neither, I will call one of the lovely ops who will proceed to quiet you, solving our problem but not yours.
�02[01:49] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[01:49] <nprice> like i said
[01:49] <nprice> rocket
[01:49] <Apheori> Uh-huh.
�03[01:49] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:49] <Ironholds> do you know what a rocket is, nprice? a rocket is a real rum one. A rocket is a proper. fucking. bampot.
[01:49] <Ironholds> if I were a rocket, pissing me off would be so goddamn stupid that when they found your corpse they'd mark it as a suicide.
[01:50] <Ironholds> anyway. Quiet down and turn your computer off. Or hey, just turn your sound off.
[01:50] <Apheori> Do you suppose the local healthy weirdos grocer is open at two in the morning?
[01:50] <Ironholds> Apheori: probably not, they're healthy. consult the google?
[01:50] <nprice> kd;;;l
[01:50] <Apheori> I don't remember what the place is called.
[01:51] <Apheori> I just know it took up residence where an Albertsons used to be.
[01:51] <Apheori> And it has an insane assortment of nuts.
[01:51] <nprice> albertson sounds like a punk
[01:51] <Apheori> Nuts make good meal substitutes, right?
[01:51] <nprice> i may be good and proper pished this early
[01:51] <nprice> but
[01:51] <nprice> shut it
[01:52] <norbit> Apheori: :O you lied.
[01:52] <Ironholds> Apheori: indeed
[01:52] <Apheori> Can we call the ops yet?
[01:52] <Apheori> norbit: I'm in bed.
[01:52] <Ironholds> we most definitely can, dear heart
[01:52] <Ironholds> will you do the honours?
[01:52] <nprice> what are you gonna do
[01:52] <norbit> hm, you did say you were going to bed
[01:52] <Ironholds> !ops
[01:52] <Apheori> !ops please quiet a really annoying nprice cake
[01:52] <nprice> [✔] rude [ ] same [ ] true
[01:53] <norbit> Apheori: you are a troll.
[01:53] <Ironholds> a cake made of nprice? that sounds unpleasant on multiple levels.
[01:53] <Ironholds> norbit: be nice.
[01:53] <Apheori> norbit: Har.
[01:53] <Ironholds> (it's funny because it is a tiered cake, you see)
[01:53] <Pine> Sadly, I am not an op in this channel or I would take care of it.
[01:53] <nprice> you find yourself eating me you're gonna find yourself someplace else i reckon
[01:53] <Apheori> My head hurts.
[01:53] <Ironholds> probably the toilet
[01:53] <nprice> ↑
[01:53] <Ironholds> Apheori: have you drunk water recently?
[01:53] <norbit> sleep fixes that.
[01:53] <Ironholds> if not, I would advise it.
[01:53] <Apheori> Yes.
[01:54] <Apheori> I'm trying to sleep.
[01:54] <nprice> Ironholds: shouldn't you be giving em the same words ah wisdon
[01:54] <Apheori> Sort of
[01:54] <Apheori> .
[01:54] <Apheori> I can totally type.
[01:54] <Ironholds> nprice: sorry?
[01:54] <norbit> Apheori: If you're trying to sleep, push the shutdown button :O
[01:54] <nprice> i have consumed two bottles of lagavulin
[01:54] <nprice> does that compute
[01:54] <nprice> ya fucken rocket
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[01:55] <Apheori> I don't need to press a button. Don't even need to move the computer usually.
[01:55] <Apheori> Hells, I've fallen asleep with it on my face before. >.>
[01:55] <norbit> (the virtual button)
[01:55] <nprice> go awaya im goin to yoker with l=limmy
[01:55] <norbit> maybe that's the source of your headache?
[01:55] <Ironholds> nprice: yes, it computes that you are not awful an atrociously unpleasant drunk but that you have an equally atrocious taste in alcohol
[01:55] <norbit> face-keyboarding?
[01:56] <nprice> goan fk yersel
[01:56] <Apheori> No, it's probably my pillow. I'm using the lint-filled one for some reason.
[01:56] <Apheori> nprice: Seriously, please leave.
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[01:56] <Ironholds> so get the other one?
[01:56] <nprice> lagavulin is the best whisky
[01:56] <Apheori> Which other one? It's on top of three others.
[01:56] <nprice> isalyyyyyy
[01:56] <Ironholds> it's really not.
[01:56] <nprice> what pish do you drink then
[01:57] <Ironholds> arbeg is good. caol ila is good. Talisker is good. Bowmore is acceptable. Laphroaig is good.
[01:57] <Ironholds> Lavaulin tastes like jet fuel that has been passed by a cat.
[01:57] <nprice> you've listed my other favourites from islay
[01:57] <nprice> were you dropped on yer head
[01:57] <Ironholds> talisker isn't an islay.
[01:57] <Ironholds> talisker is from the Isle of skye.
[01:57] <nprice> duh
[01:57] <WilliamH_UK> nprice...tone it down please
[01:57] <Ironholds> indeed, the only single malt from the Isle of Skye.
[01:57] <nprice> but laphroaig
[01:58] <nprice> n ardbeg
[01:58] <nprice> both islay
[01:58] <Ironholds> indeed. now, are you going to act like an adult, or continue telling us to shut up?
[01:58] <nprice> laphroaig is a fuckin rench
�03[01:59] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:59] <Shirik> nprice
[01:59] <Shirik> this is the english wikipedia channel
[01:59] <Shirik> please use english
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[01:59] <Ironholds> Shirik: he is populating it with Scots slang, but otherwise speaking English
[02:00] <nprice> you get yer tegs cleaned
[02:00] <nprice> laphroaig tatsed worse
[02:00] <Shirik> there is only one english; american english
[02:00] <IShadowed> you are such a republican
[02:00] <Ironholds> IShadowed: who is? Shirik?
[02:00] <nprice> UNIFY IRELAND
[02:00] <nprice> shut up
[02:00] <Ironholds> he is indeed the *coach* of team white bread.
[02:01] <Shirik> hey IShadowed
[02:01] <IShadowed> MVP of Team White Bread
[02:01] <Shirik> hot asian dude told me he isn't coming :(
[02:01] <IShadowed> WHAT
[02:01] <IShadowed> no!
[02:01] <nprice> ok fk off im runnin huglge
[02:01] <IShadowed> This means no photos of hot asian dude for months
[02:01] <nprice> ya
[02:01] <IShadowed> Not fair.
[02:01] <Apheori> Guys, I, like, reverted something. Should I panic?
[02:01] <Ironholds> you're editing while drunk, nprice?
[02:01] <WilliamH_UK> nprice there won't be another warning
[02:01] <Ironholds> Apheori: what did you revert?
[02:01] <WilliamH_UK> consider this yer last
[02:01] <Apheori> I don't remember.
[02:02] <nprice> Ironholds: i edit good and proper and all that pish
[02:02] <Shirik> I reverted something too
[02:02] <IShadowed> For some reason, I am considering it a compliment that Ironholds confirms my paleness
[02:02] <Ironholds> nprice: as User:NPrice?
[02:02] <Apheori> Oh no!
[02:02] <Ironholds> Apheori: you're probably safe
[02:02] <IShadowed> Seeing as he too is white as fuck
[02:02] <nprice> Ironholds: that's the one
[02:02] <Ironholds> IShadowed: it is intended as a compliment
[02:02] <Ironholds> pale is good
[02:02] <IShadowed> \o/
[02:02] <IShadowed> agree
[02:02] <Ironholds> nprice: you haven't edited since saturday.
[02:02] <nprice> not yet
[02:02] <Apheori> You two have at least that redeeming quality.
[02:02] <IShadowed> what is this 'skin cancer' of which you speak
[02:02] <Ironholds> you're going to?
[02:03] <IShadowed> what is 'the sun'?
[02:03] <Apheori> It's something that burns.
[02:03] <Ironholds> Apheori: we have many redeeming qualities. We are peppy, dammit.
[02:03] <nprice> yeh
[02:03] <Ironholds> and I spent six hours in direct sunlight today
[02:03] <Apheori> ...peppy?
[02:03] <Ironholds> Apheori: we have vim and vigour.
[02:03] <Ironholds> nprice: okie-dokes; pre-emptive block.
[02:03] <Apheori> You survived that?
[02:03] <nprice> Ironholds: knock it off i'm fine to edit
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[02:04] <nprice> i might be confrontational
[02:04] <Apheori> nprice: Please just go to sleep.
[02:04] <nprice> but this is irc
[02:04] <Apheori> For all our sakes.
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[02:04] <Ironholds> nprice, you're really, quite clearly not
[02:04] <nprice> i can spot vandalism a mile away
[02:05] <Ironholds> Apheori: I did! And I enjoyed it! And didn't melt
[02:06] <Ironholds> because I was on a river, and it was all cool and fun and had good people
[02:06] <Apheori> Damn, and no sunburn?
[02:06] <Apheori> You are so lucky.
[02:06] <Ironholds> indeed! factor 85 sunblock
[02:06] <nprice> - Warning: igloo could not connect to the remote server. Loading stopped.
[02:06] <nprice> wat
[02:06] <Apheori> Ah.
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[02:06] <Apheori> I should get that.
[02:06] <nprice> didja actually block me
�06[02:07] * Apheori gets sunburned from standing too close to windows.
[02:07] <nprice> i don't have parallels set up so i can't run huggle right now
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[02:07] <Ironholds> Apheori: yeah, I know the feeling
[02:07] <Ironholds> we actually got a bit sunburnt WHEN THE SUN WENT DOWN
[02:07] <Ironholds> because it was directly behind us reflecting off the river into our backs
[02:07] <nprice>
[02:08] <Ironholds> as opposed to on top, where it runs into my hat.
[02:08] <Apheori> >.<
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[02:08] <Ironholds> having said that, it is very tiring if you fall in. or swim rapids and lose half your clothes.
[02:08] <Ironholds> I ended up wandering around with jeans, a belt and a hat.
[02:08] <Apheori> What were you doing? O_o
[02:09] <Ironholds> well, I was trying to cross the rapids in my tube
[02:09] <Ironholds> then I fell out of the tube while crossing the rapids and ended up hitting the bottom at high speed before having to swim through them
[02:09] <Apheori> I see.
[02:09] <Ironholds> along the way my clothes got soaked, and so I took my shirts off and hung them on the tube
[02:09] <Ironholds> which would have been great if we had then not run into a tree.
[02:10] <Apheori> You ran into a tree?
[02:10] <Ironholds> indeed. there was a submerged tree and we hit it
[02:10] <Apheori> Of course.
[02:11] <Ironholds> but it was an excellent day! there was wet, in california! bliss.
[02:12] <Apheori> Was today really hot?
[02:12] <Apheori> Or was that a different day?
[02:12] <Apheori> In oregon, though, not california... outside dallas.
[02:12] <Apheori> Really hot.
[02:13] <Apheori> Because it's august...
[02:13] <Apheori> Good gods. it's august...
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[02:14] <norbit> Ironholds: you're back in cali?
[02:17] <Ironholds> norbit: indeedy-doody
[02:17] <Ironholds> Apheori: today was hot indeed :)
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[02:17] <Ironholds> 109
�06[02:17] * Apheori hits Ironholds with a frying pan.
[02:18] <Apheori> Curse you.
�06[02:18] * Ironholds glomps Apheori
[02:18] <norbit> go scuba diving!
[02:18] <Ironholds> 109! And I survived!
[02:18] <Ironholds> norbit: not really my scene, to be honest
[02:18] <Apheori> Curse you to the musty hell of rotted oversized zucchinies and horrible mouldy blackberries.
�06[02:18] * norbit removes all frying pans from Apheori's house.
[02:18] <Ironholds> she'll just hit me with a bucket instead
[02:19] <norbit> Ironholds: but fishies are cool :-) and you can do underwater backflips!
[02:20] <Ironholds> they are and I could, but I'm here for 5 more days and they're all workdays :)
[02:20] <norbit> but you have to be the swimmer type, in the course you have to carry 30-50 pounds extra and tread water with it... whilst manually inflating your BCD
[02:20] <Ironholds> which reminds me, I need to schedule my tattooing appointment.
[02:22] <Apheori> Sorry, Ironholds. You just made me really sad there for a bit.
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[02:24] <Ironholds> Apheori: how? :(
�06[02:24] * norbit makes Apheori a frying pan-shaped cookie.
[02:24] <Apheori> You reminded me of something I'd forgotten.
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[02:24] <norbit> I know I made some kind of grammatical flaw there, but I'm too tired to care.
[02:25] <Ironholds> Reedy, you awake?
[02:25] <Ironholds> Apheori: oregon?
[02:26] <Apheori> Yes.
[02:27] <Ironholds> aw :(
�06[02:27] * Ironholds cuddles Apheori
�06[02:28] * Apheori drags Ironholds and Andeye into a swamp.
[02:28] <Ironholds> kinky. I'm game.
[02:29] <Apheori> I meant to drag Andorin.
[02:29] <Apheori> Tab hates me.
�06[02:30] * Andorin only half-heartedly kicks and screams.
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[02:34] <Ironholds> Reedy: well, when you do wake up, ping me :)
[02:39] <Ironholds> urgh. lucid dreams earlier.
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[03:05] <Ironholds> hey, Steven_Zhang
[03:05] <Steven_Zhang> hello
�06[03:05] * Steven_Zhang is wondering whether he will be sneaky :P
[03:06] <Ironholds> oh?
[03:06] <Steven_Zhang> The op ed slot is now technically free
[03:06] <Steven_Zhang> as MzMcBride pushed his back a week
[03:06] <Steven_Zhang> and the DR wikiproject report is out this edition
[03:06] <Steven_Zhang> So I was gonna write an opinion piece on DR
[03:06] <Ironholds> ahh
[03:07] <Steven_Zhang> it'd mean I'd need to put something together in ~10 hours
[03:07] <Steven_Zhang> but I've done more in less before :P
[03:07] <Steven_Zhang> That said, I am a shitty writer. As you know.
[03:07] <Ironholds> indeed, although you are improving at a fairly impressive pace.
[03:08] <Steven_Zhang> I think tonight may be a working night.
[03:09] <Pine> Enjoy billing the overtime!
[03:09] <Steven_Zhang> I also fail at surprises.
[03:09] <Steven_Zhang> Pine: lol.
[03:09] <Steven_Zhang> I don't bill overtime :P
�03[03:09] * Anna_F_afk (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:10] <TeeTylerToe> wmf has a 'zine?
[03:10] <Steven_Zhang> (Suprises: booked a suprise weekend holiday to QLD for wife's birthday - took my wife only days to find out >_>)
[03:10] <Steven_Zhang> a what?
[03:10] <Ironholds> TeeTylerToe: no?
�03[03:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[03:10] * eir sets mode: -bo *!* eir
[03:10] <Ironholds> the signpost is the community newsletter :)
[03:10] <Pine> TeeTylerToe:
[03:10] <Steven_Zhang> yer
[03:10] <Steven_Zhang> we have the blog tho
[03:11] <Steven_Zhang> Oh yay
[03:11] <Steven_Zhang> Ed says I can do it
�06[03:11] * Ironholds cackles
[03:11] <Ironholds> I am SCHEMING
[03:12] <norbit> Steven_Zhang: :O
[03:12] <norbit> you won't blarg for me
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[03:28] <Apheori> Yay crazy people so many crazy people all over I love you.
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[03:30] <Ironholds> Apheori: you need sleep :)
[03:30] <Apheori> Always.
[03:32] <Ironholds> okay, rephrase. go to sleep :)
[03:32] <Ironholds> get a different pillow!
[03:33] <Apheori> I did an hour ago.
[03:34] <Andorin> Apheori is notoriously bad at this.
[03:34] <Apheori> And neither of you help the situation by being interesting company with even odder hours.
[03:35] <Ironholds> why thank you
[03:35] <Ironholds> and technically my hours are precisely as odd as you because we're in the same timezone
[03:36] <Ironholds> I actually got some sleep earlier. spent most of it lucid dreaming. ugh.
[03:36] <Steven_Zhang> Wonder what time it is there.
[03:36] <Ironholds> Steven_Zhang: 3:33am PDT
[03:36] <Steven_Zhang> ah
[03:36] <Apheori> Mon, you're up now. That is very odd.
[03:36] <Steven_Zhang> 8:33pm here
[03:36] <Apheori> Normally I wouldn't be.
[03:36] <Apheori> Andorin, on the other hand...
[03:37] <Apheori> I think he always does this.
[03:37] <Andorin> I'm a vile temptress.
[03:37] <Ironholds> Apheori: I'm working on an evil plan :)
[03:37] <Ironholds> it has a diagram of a volcano!
[03:37] <Ironholds> I am presenting it to my boss when he gets in
[03:37] <Apheori> Er...
[03:38] <Apheori> Weird/
[03:38] <Apheori> .
[03:38] <Ironholds> it totally makes sense in context
[03:38] <Ironholds> I use the line "KILL IT WITH FIRE"
[03:38] <Ironholds> and then a diagram of the offending thing being killed with fire.
[03:38] <Apheori> Y'all are bonkers.
[03:39] <Ironholds> I am, but wonderfully so :)
[03:40] <Andorin> Apheori, calling someone bonkers?
[03:40] <Apheori> Andorin: You never met these people! They're crazy, I tell you!
[03:41] <Andorin> Oh, I'm sure they are. But I met you, and I have seen the extent of your crazy.
[03:41] <Apheori> CRAZY!
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�06[03:43] * Apheori pours sauce on the channel for emphasis.
[03:43] <Ironholds> Andorin: I have also met her and can verify that.
[03:43] <Andorin> Good.
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�06[03:45] * Apheori pours sauce on Andorin and Ironholds.
�06[03:45] * Andorin rolls around in it.
[03:46] <Ironholds> Apheori: kinky.
[03:46] <Apheori> >.<
[03:46] <Ironholds> wait. what sort of sauce?
[03:47] <Apheori> Chili sauce.
[03:47] <Ironholds> ew
�02[03:47] * Andorin (~anon@unaffiliated/andorin) Quit (Quit: Subject has jacked out�)
[03:47] <Ironholds> not like, ketchup or something tasty?
[03:47] <Apheori> This is much better than ketchup.
[03:47] <Apheori> I mean, really, ketchup? Ew.
[03:48] <Ironholds> okay, can we agree on peanut sauce or something?
[03:48] <Apheori> That doesn't sound very good either.
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�02[03:49] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[03:49] <Ironholds> hmn. okay, your submissions?
�06[03:50] * IShadowed_ cannot sleep
[03:50] <IShadowed_> Fuck.
[03:50] <TBloemink> Welcome to #wikipedia-en people
�06[03:50] * Ironholds glomps IShadowed
[03:50] <Ironholds> welcome to the midnight express
[03:50] <IShadowed_> ohi
[03:52] <Andeye> Apheori: yeah, a bit of a surprise there to suddenly be dragged into a swamp! :D
[03:52] <Apheori> Do you like swamps?
[03:52] <Apheori> For some reason a lot of people don't seem to.
[03:52] <Jarry1250> Dcoetzee: ping
�02[03:53] * Pine (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[03:54] <Andeye> kinda cool, but maybe not in the context of being dragged into one
�03[03:54] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:55] <Andorin> "You have a face like a dropped pie." The insult of the day.
[03:55] <Apheori> Well, there are different forms of dragging.
�06[03:56] * wctaiwan hits Apheori with a frying pan full of sedatives
[03:56] <Apheori> wctaiwan, my darling beloved, so good to see you here!
[03:56] <wctaiwan> Wrong time of the day.
�06[03:56] * Apheori swoops down and carries wctaiwan away.
�03[03:56] * Anna_F_afk is now known as Anna_Frodesiak
�06[03:56] * wctaiwan feebly protests
�02[03:56] * kiewii|sleep (kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[03:57] <Andorin> That's what I did. It didn't help.
[03:57] <wctaiwan> no, no, it usually doesn't work...
[03:58] <Apheori> Sorry. I was just so happy to see you, and I didn't even have five bananas in my pocket.
[03:58] <Andorin> Five?
�02[03:58] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[03:58] <Apheori> There are a lot of monkeys in the way.
[03:58] <Ironholds> well, four bananas would be silly
[03:58] <Ironholds> and six would be too many
[03:58] <Apheori> You need to get your paddles back, see, so you need the bananas.
[03:59] <Ironholds> I lost a paddle :(
[03:59] <wctaiwan> hey Ironholds.
[03:59] <Apheori> Do you have any cannonballs with which to make up for it?
[03:59] <Andorin> There's a spider on the ceiling. Do I open negotiations, or simply unleash the cat?
[03:59] <Ironholds> hey wctaiwan :)
[03:59] <Ironholds> Apheori: I have..a knife?
[03:59] <wctaiwan> Ironholds, using ':)', on IRC. How times have changed...
[03:59] <Ironholds> Andorin: open negotiations with a hardback book
[03:59] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: I consider you a compadre!
[04:00] <Apheori> Of course you do. You're a wikipedian. What sort of wikipedian doesn't carry a knife?
[04:00] <Andorin> I don't have a pair of stilts high enough.
[04:00] <Andorin> Or even a garbage can.
[04:00] <wctaiwan> Ironholds: likewise. And I had to look that up.
[04:00] <Ironholds> heh
[04:00] <Ironholds> Apheori: one not equipped for the zombie apocalypse
[04:00] <Apheori> At least you weren't the one who used the word initially. Doing that and then having to look it up is embarassing.
[04:01] <Ironholds> I've had to do that on occasion :(
[04:01] <Ironholds> my problem is I read more than I speak. I get pronounciation all wrong
[04:01] <Ironholds> until I was 17 I thought one of Harry Potter's henchpeople was called her-mee-own
[04:01] <Andorin> Humans can survive underwater, but not for very long.
[04:01] <Apheori> I thought that too.
[04:02] <Andorin> Herm-own-ninny!
[04:02] <Apheori> I'm mostly better now because I quit reading, though.
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�02[04:02] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Client Quit�)
[04:02] <Ironholds> Apheori: seriously? *hugs*
[04:02] <Ironholds> also, why quit reading? reading is fun
[04:02] <Apheori> Because too many timesinks!
[04:03] <TBloemink> LOL My brother is buying one of them things so you can walk your cat outside xD
[04:03] <Apheori> Reading was a really bad one for me. I'd start and then I'd not be able to stop.
[04:03] <Apheori> Ever.
[04:03] <Apheori> I couldn't even eat meals with other people.
[04:04] <Ironholds> oh, I know that feeling
[04:04] <wctaiwan> I'm sort of like that, but not as bad.
[04:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> wctaiwain!
[04:04] <wctaiwan> hey Anna.
[04:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> more typhoonery is coming
[04:04] <Andorin> ..I don't see the spider anymore.
[04:04] <Andorin> Is this a bad sign?
[04:04] <Ironholds> when I was at primary school I used to drop a pen under the table at the start of every lesson
[04:04] <wctaiwan> yeah I saw :(
[04:04] <Ironholds> and then go under to "find it"
[04:04] <wctaiwan> Andorin: you swallowed it. It's all cool.
[04:04] <Ironholds> and then sit there crosslegged and just read.
[04:04] <Ironholds> by the time I was 7 I'd read every book in the school
[04:04] <Steven_Zhang> Ironholds: are we having a hagger discussion here
[04:04] <Ironholds> no
[04:05] <Andorin> Ironholds: I was accused of dropping pencils deliberately, as an excuse to ignore class. But I was just clumsy.
[04:05] <Steven_Zhang> also, ugh, i hate vector
[04:05] <Apheori> When I was in the fifth grade I realised my elementary school library contained books.
[04:05] <Apheori> So I looked at them and realised they didn't have any I actually wanted to read.
[04:05] <wctaiwan> my mom would tell me not to read while I'm eating, and then I'd proceed to drag the cereal box next to me and read the ingredients list.
[04:05] <Ironholds> Andorin: heh
[04:05] <Apheori> Because they were all little kid books.
[04:05] <wctaiwan> /humblebrag
[04:05] <Ironholds> Apheori: hahah
[04:05] <Apheori> And I was in the middle of the wheel of time at that point, I think.
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[04:06] <Andorin> I tended to ignore the little kid books as well.
[04:06] <Ironholds> Apheori: how old is fifth grade?
�03[04:06] * basile is now known as guillom
[04:06] <Apheori> 10ish I think.
[04:06] <wctaiwan> I enjoy children's books.
[04:06] <Ironholds> are a scary and wonderful woman.
[04:06] <Apheori> I tended to pick up my brother's books. And he's five years older than me. >.<
[04:07] <wctaiwan> not a bad thing really...
[04:07] <Andorin> I remember Charlotte's Web in first grade (about 6 or 7), a particular Star Wars novel trilogy not long after, and Harry Potter in 4th/5th grade.
[04:07] <Apheori> I found the lord of the rings to be dreadfully boring until I decided to just read one plotline and ignore all the others.
[04:07] <Apheori> It was too much at once for my brain to handle. >.<
[04:08] <Ironholds> Apheori: amen.
[04:08] <Ironholds> SO...MANY...POINTLESS...CHARACTERS!
[04:08] <wctaiwan> LotR was.. meh.
[04:08] <Ironholds> it actually led to me coining something called Tolkein Syndrome
[04:08] <Apheori> It was pretty good in individual plotlines, though.
[04:08] <Ironholds> the introduction of 500 new characters to each chapter. 499 will never reappear, but you MUST MEMORISE ALL OF THEM
[04:08] <Andorin> I didn't end up reading Lord of the Rings for years, sadly.
[04:08] <Apheori> Just too many, especially for a brain that hadn't developed enough for anything like that.
[04:08] <wctaiwan> though I read the translation, and even though I think the translator did a fair job, …much gets lost in English-to-Chinese translation.
[04:09] <Andorin> Not until high school.
[04:09] <Ironholds> because *one of them will*, and if you haven't remembered who the fuck he or she is you will spend 20 minutes leafing back to find out and cursing
[04:09] <Andorin> I have been dreadfully behind on my reading in the past several years, though.
[04:09] <Ironholds> mind you, I was 11
[04:09] <Andorin> Books need Ctrl+F.
[04:09] <Ironholds> I should probably be fair and try it again
[04:09] <wctaiwan> Ironholds: that's why you read the wikipedia article first. :p
�03[04:09] * sDrewthedoff (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en ("Flee, here comes the ..."�)
[04:09] <wctaiwan> tells you who the important guys are.
[04:09] <Ironholds> ...wikipedia did not exist when I was 11.
[04:09] <Ironholds> wait, did it? *calculates*
[04:09] <wctaiwan> cliff's notes?
[04:09] <Apheori> No.
[04:10] <Apheori> Wait, how old are you?
[04:10] <Ironholds> okay, it existed when I was 11
[04:10] <Apheori> Oh.
[04:10] <Ironholds> I am 22 now. My birthday was on wednesday.
[04:10] <Ironholds> and none of you got me ANYTHING.
[04:10] <Apheori> Oh, happy birthday.
[04:10] <wctaiwan> we're sorry.
[04:10] <Andorin> Wikipedia existed 11 years ago?
[04:10] <Apheori> Sorry I forgot.
[04:10] <Apheori> It turned 11 this january or something!
[04:10] <Andorin> Nifty.
[04:10] <Ironholds> founded January 2001
[04:11] <Andorin> And yet I'd never heard of it until... several years ago.
[04:11] <Apheori> I know this because it turned 10 the previous january, which was notable to me on account of the fact that I NOTICED.
[04:11] <Ironholds> I encountered it in 04, I think, and started editing in 05
[04:11] <wctaiwan> Ironholds: I hate you. 22 and already a useful person supporting himself.
[04:11] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: I work for the internet, dude
[04:11] <Andorin> xD
[04:11] <Ironholds> here's my job, okay?
[04:11] <Andorin> Wikipedia is too big for me to edit.
[04:11] <Ironholds> there are lots of people who transmit electricity
[04:12] <Ironholds> some of them transmit electricity down pipes my organisation owns
[04:12] <Jarry1250> Andorin: Everyone kinda picks a niche. Almost everyone, anyway.
[04:12] <Ironholds> my job is to make sure we build better electricity processors so that some of those people don't send us electricity that is ANGRY
[04:12] <Apheori> Andorin: Why let a thing like that stand in your way?
[04:12] <Ironholds> Apheori: you don't notice birthdays?
[04:12] <wctaiwan> I'm pretty sure I'd still be living in my parents' house and without a job by the time I'm 22… ><
[04:12] <Apheori> It's not an issue, but a boon!
[04:12] <Apheori> Ironholds: I don't notice days.
[04:12] <Ironholds> Apheori: ahh.
[04:12] <Andorin> Isn't she wonderful?
[04:12] <Ironholds> indeed
[04:12] <mabdul> Ironholds: delete [[Wikipedia talk:Articles for creation/Dr. Sabir Afaqi]] as copyvio of
[04:13] <Apheori> Andorin: Seriously, bacause it's big you can get away with a lot more than you could smaller places.
[04:13] <wctaiwan> Ironholds: by that definition you have failed at your mission already :P
[04:13] <Andorin> Nifty.
[04:13] <wctaiwan> lots of angry electricity.
[04:13] <Apheori> Like being a long-term unmitigated arse.
[04:13] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: no, less people are sending angry electricity
[04:13] <wctaiwan> oh.
[04:13] <Ironholds> Apheori: and you would know this how? ;p
[04:13] <Ironholds> fewer people, rather
�06[04:13] * Apheori starts coughing.
[04:13] <Andorin> Like being a long-term useless unmitigated arse?
[04:13] <Ironholds> anyway, wctaiwan. what are you studying at university?
[04:13] <wctaiwan> CS.
[04:13] <Ironholds> Apheori: ....don't be mean to me.
[04:13] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: and you think we won't have a need for CS monkeys?
[04:13] <Apheori> Ironholds: Eh?
[04:14] <Apheori> I'm referring to myself, here, not you.
[04:14] <Ironholds> oh, I thought you meant me
[04:14] <Apheori> Yeah, just realised that.
[04:14] <Ironholds> you are only two of those things: long term and unmitigated.
[04:14] <Andorin> Don't forget "eggplant".
[04:14] <wctaiwan> Ironholds: I realised today that I'm probably not among the elite in my group. O
[04:14] <wctaiwan> -O
[04:14] <Apheori> What elite?
[04:15] <Apheori> Ironholds: I show up on people's talkpages whingeing about their signatures. That's kind of arsey.
[04:15] <wctaiwan> I'm not particularly depressed about it, but it's a pretty hard fact. I noticed today that another piece of software I've heard about was developed by an alumnus. He's now at one of the labs at MIT doing some crazy thing that has to do with HCI.
[04:15] <Ironholds> Apheori: yes, but you're *right*
[04:15] <Apheori> And that makes it all better?
[04:15] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: dude. I went to a shitty university and got a degree completely unrelated to my job
[04:16] <wctaiwan> such people were generally far more accomplished at this point in their academic life than I am now. (and they also work far harder, but yeah)
[04:16] <Ironholds> who has two thumbs and a job at 22 that rocks harder than those occupied by a lot of 30 year olds?
[04:16] <Ironholds> THIS GUY.
[04:16] <Ironholds> *points to self*
[04:16] <Apheori> wctaiwan: You know what you're doing, though.
[04:16] <Ironholds> you'll be fine
[04:16] <Apheori> That's something.
[04:16] <wctaiwan> (heheh) I'll be fine, but I'm not going to be brilliant or anything.
�06[04:16] * Apheori doesn't want Ironholds' job.
[04:17] <wctaiwan> you know, everyone thinks they're special, and then that erodes as life goes on.
[04:17] <Ironholds> Apheori: I might give it to you just for that
[04:17] <wctaiwan> It's just that my notion of that eroded a bit further today, after that realisation.
[04:17] <Apheori> I know I'm special.
[04:17] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: everyone IS special. there are things you know nobody else does.
[04:17] <Apheori> I'd have to be special to be this incompetent.
[04:17] <Ironholds> Apheori is special and has a note from her doctor saying so
�06[04:17] * Ironholds runs
[04:17] <Apheori> EXACTLY!
[04:17] <Ironholds> also, ow, my foot
�06[04:18] * Ironholds actually does have such a note.
[04:18] <wctaiwan> I don't mean special as in unique. I mean special as in.. y'know, like, the feeling that one is among the people who will make it, who know what they're doing, who are somehow different from all the mundane folks around them.
[04:18] <wctaiwan> surely I'm not the only one to be so egoistic? >_>
[04:19] <wctaiwan> s/to be/to have been/
[04:19] <Apheori> A lot of people think that, but even the ones who pull it off usually just get lucky.
[04:20] <Ironholds> wctaiwan: can I tell you the best thing about working for the foundation?
[04:20] <Ironholds> it is always being the stupidest person in the room.
[04:21] <wctaiwan> I'm sure that's a wonderful feeling :P but yeah, I sort of get what you're saying.
[04:21] <wctaiwan> It feels good to be around people who are smart and have similar values as you do.
[04:21] <Ironholds> that too
[04:21] <Ironholds> but more...I am the stupidest staffer. the office administrator is more knowledgeable and brilliant than me.
[04:21] <Ironholds> and I am surrounded by people who I consider FUCKING GENIUSES, because they are.
[04:21] <Apheori> Not being the stupidest person in the room is fine when the stupider people realise they are in the field and don't try to add their suppsed wisdom to discussions and whatnot.
[04:22] <Apheori> are stupidder inn the field*
[04:22] <Ironholds> ...and they see fit to include me in their discussions. because to these geniuses, my knowhow and knowledge is valued.
[04:22] <Ironholds> because I can do stuff they can't.
�06[04:22] * Andorin is currently too stupid to add to this discussion.
[04:22] <Apheori> Being able to do stuff others can't sucks.
[04:22] <Apheori> Then they expect you to do it.
[04:22] <wctaiwan> XD
[04:22] <Apheori> And there's a lot of it.
�06[04:22] * wctaiwan pats Apheori 
[04:22] <Apheori> And it's like, what the hell.
[04:22] <wctaiwan> I think I know what you're talking about.
[04:22] <Apheori> Why did I ever tell you I could do this?
[04:22] <Apheori> Screw you.
[04:22] <Apheori> >.>
[04:24] <Ironholds> Apheori: sekret project?
[04:24] <Apheori> No, in that I'm moron leading imbeciles.
[04:24] <Ironholds> you're 50 percent correct
[04:24] <Apheori> Er, wait, that's not how the expression goes.
[04:24] <Apheori> But you get the idea.
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�02[04:25] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[04:25] <Apheori> Basically I have no idea what I'm doing and so I keep wandering off and editing wikipedia instead, because there, at least, that manuals make at least some sense.
[04:26] <Apheori> Which is horrifying because wikipedians write horrible manuals.
[04:26] <Apheori> And yet somehow the mediawikiwiki stuff is even worse.
[04:26] <wctaiwan> off to dinner.
[04:26] <Apheori> Eat well.
�06[04:26] * wctaiwan stuns Apheori into induced sleep with a taser
[04:26] <wctaiwan> taser? tazer?
�06[04:26] * Apheori bleeds.
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�06[04:28] * Ironholds sedates Apheori
[04:28] <Apheori> NOOO!
[04:29] <Apheori> MUST...
[04:29] <Apheori> EDIT...
[04:29] <Apheori> WIKI...
[04:29] <Andorin> I like the frying pan full of sedatives idea.
�06[04:29] * Apheori edits Andorin.
�06[04:29] * Andorin picks up Apheori and deposits her in bed.
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�06[04:30] * Apheori bleeds on Andorin.
�06[04:30] * Andorin gains some of Apheori's power to be bonkers.
[04:30] <Ironholds> that's impossible, she needs all of them
[04:30] <Ironholds> why am I wearing my hat? I don't remember putting it on
[04:31] <Apheori>  Must...
[04:31] <Apheori> Edit...
[04:31] <Apheori> ANI...
[04:31] <Andorin> I'm sure she can get more.
�02[04:33] * u99of9 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
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�06[04:38] * Ironholds tackles Apheori to bed
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[04:46] <Ironholds> yo, Seddon :)
[04:46] <Steven_Zhang> yo seddon
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[04:53] <Steven_Zhang> TheCavalry: yo
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[05:27] <mareklug> Valerie Adams retains the gold in shot put after all, after the Belorussian Nadia Ostapchuk is stripped of it for doping
[05:28] <Steven_Zhang> lol
[05:28] <closedmouth> i already knew that because of
�03[05:28] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:29] <Steven_Zhang> cheater
[05:30] <wctaiwan> harsh.
[05:30] <mareklug> Wonder if the Belorussians will jail her for disgracing the fatherland
[05:30] <wctaiwan> I hope they don't.
[05:30] <wctaiwan> cheating at sports shouldn't be a criminal offence...
[05:31] <mareklug> Belorus is lead by a sports-crazed dictator though
[05:31] <mareklug> he is also the head of their olympic committee
[05:32] <wctaiwan> ><
[05:34] <wctaiwan> that's the one that got assaulted by teddy bears and fired two ministers over the incident, right?
[05:34] <TeeTylerToe> A swedish PR firm hired a pilot to drop 500 teddy bears with parachutes and pro liberty messages over belerus, the pilot did it by flying too low for radar.  The dictator fired the head of the border patrol and air defence minister
[05:34] <wctaiwan> yeah XD
[05:34] <mareklug> and kicked out the Swedish ambassador
[05:34] <wctaiwan> that was quite funny.
[05:34] <Steven_Zhang> You notice how you only see the Chinese gold medallists at more than one olympics?
[05:34] <Steven_Zhang> the rest get jailed
[05:35] <Steven_Zhang> for 50 years
[05:35] <TeeTylerToe> That doesn't sound likely
[05:35] <wctaiwan> …no they don't.
[05:35] <Steven_Zhang> its china
[05:35] <wctaiwan> you're misinformed.
[05:35] <mareklug> Steven_Zhang:  a cursory examination of Chinese medalists disproves your thesis
[05:35] <Steven_Zhang> wctaiwan: they step on the legs of little kids
[05:35] <wctaiwan> on the other hand the north korean football team :P
[05:36] <wctaiwan> Steven_Zhang: I don't know what they do. I'm sure it's very harsh. And I'm sure you're in for a lot of trouble if you piss off the wrong people, but they don't jail people who don't win gold.
[05:36] <TeeTylerToe> the north korean weight lifter didn't seem to know that kim jung il has been replaced
[05:36] <Steven_Zhang> wctaiwan: {{cn}}
[05:36] <wctaiwan> WP:BURDEN is on you man.
[05:36] <Steven_Zhang> wctaiwan: remember the mcchicken with onions? :P
[05:36] <Steven_Zhang> pfft, I am the DR guy
[05:37] <Steven_Zhang> don't try and start a dispute with me :P
[05:37] <wctaiwan> yes, well, if you give me a reliable source (and not VICE guide) I'll believe you.
[05:37] <Steven_Zhang> meh
[05:38] <TeeTylerToe> there was a story about north korean medal winners getting refrigerators, while those that didn't medal didn't do very well, but that's not china, and that's not jail for 50 years
[05:38] <Steven_Zhang> too busy writing an op ed
[05:38] <Steven_Zhang> :P
[05:38] <wctaiwan> lol excuses :P
[05:38] <Steven_Zhang> a fridge
[05:38] <Steven_Zhang> ooh nice
[05:38] <TeeTylerToe> Did you know that 95% of people on welfare have refrigeration technology?!?!  Next they'll be developing nuclear weapons!
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[05:44] <mareklug>  TeeTylerToe  you mean microwave radiation weapons?
[05:45] <TeeTylerToe> I was thinking more fresh bananas
[05:45] <wctaiwan> hahaha.
[05:45] <mareklug> 41 cent per pound at Aldis right now
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[06:09] <mareklug> wctaiwan:  you better stock up on a usb superdrive…
�02[06:15] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[06:16] <Seddon> do dvds, cd's and bluray not exist in the world of apple?
�03[06:16] * ragesoss (~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:16] <Seddon> or do they just refuse to pay the royalties to sony
[06:16] <mareklug> blue ray doesn't.  the others seem on the way out in favor of usb flash drive if needed
�02[06:16] * localhost ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[06:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug new apple products will forgo hard drive, keyboard, mouse and screen
[06:19] <mareklug> instead u'll talk to Siri
[06:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we are in the era of 3d movies dammit
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[06:25] <wctaiwan> mareklug: I'm unlikely to get an iMac again, and my laptop already doesn't have an optical drive.
[06:25] <mareklug> wctaiwan:  you're giving up on macs, or just on desktops?
[06:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont like apple products for two reasons
[06:26] <wctaiwan> Depends on how things pan out. Right now, with the nearest computer purchase *at least* 2 years away, I think a self-built desktop and an Apple portable is a pretty good combination.
[06:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 1) Insitutionalised incomatibilites and interoperability issues
[06:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 2) Their abuse of patents
[06:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I despise samsung as a brand too but what apple is doing is attempt to create a monopoly
[06:27] <wctaiwan> I'm of the "use the best tools for the job" school. I can hate the company and still buy their products.
[06:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> best tools for me is ones that work with other tools
[06:27] <Ironholds> Reedy, still not around? :)
[06:27] <wctaiwan> yeah, well, I am not exactly a free software person :p
[06:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I need to be able to convert a colsole application to a database based webapplication without additional hardware
[06:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I cannot do that with apple
[06:29] <mareklug> i've been using Apples since Apple II  and owned one since Mac IIcx so there is a bit of sentiment there...
�06[06:29] * ToAruShiroiNeko nominates article on Apple for deletion. {{db-Apple}}
[06:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug oh!
[06:29] <wctaiwan> the apple of today is not the apple of old, mareklug...
[06:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> did you read the comics of apple?
[06:29] <mareklug> no
[06:31] <wctaiwan> I'm a much more recent convert. The time I miss is the period around when I started using Macs. Tiger was leagues better than Windows XP; Apple still cared about power users; Apple was heading straight up, carried by the domination of iPod nano and rising Mac sales.
�06[06:31] * wctaiwan sniff sniff
[06:31] <wctaiwan> now it's all a different world...
�02[06:33] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
[06:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug oh
[06:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it had superman teaming up with two kids to deal with diabolical plans using the power of science!
[06:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you know, getting everything wrong about computers while trying to promote them
[06:36] <mareklug>  "Syrian rebels call for no-fly zone"     <-- looks like someone's losing and wants to put the US in the soup
[06:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not really
[06:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US is alredy in the soup
[06:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US already wishes to provide "operational aid"
�02[06:42] * mh0 (mh0@unaffiliated/mh0) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[06:43] <mareklug> if Obama is perceived domestically as putting US combat troops in action, it will make the election iffier
[06:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want the syrian conflict to end so that I can get some new conflict to read about
[06:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug sure
[06:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think we will see USAF on top of Syrian airspace a day after the eleciton though
[06:44] <mareklug> we might see an Iran mission
�03[06:44] * PakistaniLover (b6b23b73@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not really
[06:44] <PakistaniLover> why you block
[06:45] <PakistaniLover> why you this
[06:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Iran is hardly a threat
[06:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Iran is all talk and no walk
[06:45] <PakistaniLover> i talk you block
[06:46] <PakistaniLover> closedmouth i wait on skype you no come
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[06:47] <PakistaniLover> PakistaniLover15 10inch penis skype
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[06:49] <PakistaniLover> ToAruShiroiNeko you come skype
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[06:50] <wctaiwan> !ops
�03[06:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o jeremyb
�03[06:51] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Steven_Zhang
[06:51] <PakistaniLover> wctaiwan come skype i wait for you
�03[06:51] * jeremyb sets mode: +b *!b6b23b73@*
�03[06:51] * PakistaniLover was kicked by Steven_Zhang (PakistaniLover�)
[06:51] <@Steven_Zhang> bleh
[06:51] <wctaiwan> I could just see you two staring at one another :p
[06:51] <@Steven_Zhang> oh there we go
�03[06:51] * Steven_Zhang sets mode: -o Steven_Zhang
�03[06:51] * jeremyb sets mode: -o jeremyb
[06:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm?
[06:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> team work
[06:51] <wctaiwan> It's like the phone rings and no one picks it up and two people stand up at the same time.
[06:52] <TeeTylerToe> wikipedia seems to be running an ad claiming it will never run ads
[06:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe hmm
�06[06:52] * wctaiwan doesn't see it ^^
[06:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Wikipedia already has ads
[06:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> at
�03[06:58] * ChrisGualtieri (47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[07:16] <Jarry1250> No, ads are when you advertise *something else*. Advertising yourself doesn't count.
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[07:38] <ChrisGualtieri> >.>
[07:38] <ChrisGualtieri> CSD material?
[07:39] <Jarry1250> Chris: Worse than that, I think :
[07:40] <Jarry1250> Looks like there might bee some truth
[07:40] <Jarry1250> Quite a few ghits
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[07:42] <Jarry1250> ChrisGualtieri:
�03[07:42] * sporous (~sporous@antispammeta/bot/irssi/sporous) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:43] <ChrisGualtieri> But the actual article already exists is the point
�02[07:44] * ChrisGualtieri (47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
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[07:45] <Jarry1250> Oh, right.
[07:45] <Jarry1250> Under what title?
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[08:02] <mysterytrey> Hmm.  No staff are in.  Cool netsplit.
[08:03] <mysterytrey> Oh.  Nevermind.  They're just not voiced.
[08:03] <mysterytrey> Oh nevermind.
[08:03] <mysterytrey> I'm crazy.
[08:03] <mysterytrey> Disregard /all/ of that.
[08:04] <Mdann52> Yep, you are extremely crazy
[08:05] <wctaiwan> damn someone stole my pills.
[08:05] <wctaiwan> (joke)
�06[08:05] * mysterytrey refuses to give wctaiwan his pills.
�03[08:06] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:06] <Anna_Frodesiak> when i click somebody's contribs, i want to see the past 300 not 50
[08:06] <Anna_Frodesiak> can i set that somehow?
�03[08:07] * YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:07] <Mdann52> There's a setting in preferences somewhere
[08:08] <Anna_Frodesiak> cant find er
[08:09] <wctaiwan> It's under recent changes.
[08:09] <wctaiwan> "Number of edits to show in recent changes, page histories, and in logs, by default:"
[08:09] <Anna_Frodesiak> got it
[08:09] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks all
[08:09] <wctaiwan> np
[08:09] <Anna_Frodesiak> specially my dear wct
[08:10] <wctaiwan> should I be creeped out? :P
[08:10] <Anna_Frodesiak> oh yes
[08:10] <Anna_Frodesiak> look behind you!!!!
�06[08:10] * wctaiwan is duly creeped out
[08:10] <Anna_Frodesiak> im at your window
[08:10] <Anna_Frodesiak> i hereby bestow a typhoon on you
[08:10] <Anna_Frodesiak> it should arrive in exactly 22 hrs
[08:10] <wctaiwan> :(
[08:11] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[08:11] <Anna_Frodesiak> for some reason two are shown
[08:11] <Anna_Frodesiak> maybe they are back to back
[08:11] <Anna_Frodesiak> but as we know, my dear friend, the turn right at HK
[08:11] <Anna_Frodesiak> this time of yar
[08:11] <wctaiwan> They're estimating a sea warning on Thursday or something.
[08:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> year
[08:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> hahahahaha
[08:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> baton down the hatches
[08:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> you will get the last laugh
[08:12] <wctaiwan> well, I think I'll be fine, but other people on Taiwan...
[08:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> as we get our is oct
[08:12] <wctaiwan> Not everyone lives in a high rise in central Taipei where infrastructure is fairly decent...
[08:12] <Anna_Frodesiak> i hope nobody loses a nail or a dime
[08:12] <wctaiwan> yeah ><
[08:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> the poor get it worst here
[08:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> village folk
[08:13] <wctaiwan> the poor get it worst everywhere.
[08:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> and hainan people are very sweet
[08:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> lovely people
[08:13] <wctaiwan> I'm sure they are
[08:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> although i want to strange them sometimes
[08:13] <Anna_Frodesiak> but just playfully
[08:14] <wctaiwan> heh.
[08:14] <Anna_Frodesiak> sort of
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[08:14] <wctaiwan> they really need to be careful
[08:14] <Anna_Frodesiak> especially by the coast
[08:14] <wctaiwan> murderous foreign ladies with bits of javelins in their heads :) (JOKE, censors)
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> are you making fun of the javelin segment in my head????
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> so calous
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> callous
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> ?
[08:15] <wctaiwan> I'm sorry.
[08:15] <wctaiwan> callous is right.
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> it's okay
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> someday surgey will advance
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> until then
[08:15] <Anna_Frodesiak> it's oneway down corridors
�03[08:16] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:16] <wctaiwan> good morning, Fluffernutter
[08:16] <Anna_Frodesiak> old blackadder joke:
�06[08:16] * Mdann52 waves at fluffernutter
[08:16] <Anna_Frodesiak> he touched me in the corridor
[08:16] <Fluffernutter> yes hello
[08:16] <Anna_Frodesiak> i've never heard it called that
[08:16] <Anna_Frodesiak> hi sandwich
[08:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> you're much better than marmite
[08:17] <wctaiwan> XD
[08:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> which is a toxin
[08:17] <Fluffernutter> heh
[08:17] <Fluffernutter> "better than a toxin" is perhaps the nicest recommendation I've gotten from a wikipedian in ages!
[08:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> :)
[08:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> you're aces in my book
[08:17] <wctaiwan> brb game.
[08:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> i'm off. try the veal
[08:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> hey thats a good exit line for when i log off
[08:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> can i program that?
[08:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> You've been great. Try the veal.
[08:19] <wctaiwan> probably in the settings somewhere.
[08:19] <wctaiwan> and sleep well, fair lady.
[08:19] <Anna_Frodesiak> ok will try
�02[08:19] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) Quit (Quit: You've been great. Try the veal.�)
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[08:20] <Anna_F_afk> did it work?
[08:20] <mysterytrey> Yep.
[08:20] <Anna_F_afk> dandy
[08:20] <Anna_F_afk> ok now im gone
[08:20] <mysterytrey> 11:16 <-- Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has quit (Quit: You've been great. Try the veal.)
�02[08:20] * Anna_F_afk (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) Quit (Client Quit�)
[08:20] <Mdann52> Your supposed to say no btw!
[08:20] <mysterytrey> :(
[08:21] <wctaiwan> dayem, dead already :(
�02[08:22] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: Reality intrudes�)
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[08:36] <mysterytrey> Wow.  Reddit has more people in their channel than we do ours.
[08:37] <mareklug> but they don't have 58 language versions
[08:37] <Jonny2898> What is the appropriate course of action to take when someone has added a global tag to the article and someone thinks that it should be removed?
[08:38] <wctaiwan> mareklug: most of which...
[08:38] <wctaiwan> Jonny2898: discuss it on the talk page
[08:38] <Jonny2898> and what if no one has yet responded yet?
[08:39] <wctaiwan> wait for a while; if in a few days (say a week or two) no one seems to have objected, you can probably remove it
[08:39] <wctaiwan> be sure to explain your reasoning and all.
�03[08:40] * dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
[08:40] <Jonny2898> ok, thanks for your advice.
[08:40] <wctaiwan> no problem.
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[09:05] <LikeLakers2> mysterytrey, having internet problems?
[09:06] <LikeLakers2> again, mysterytrey, having internet problems?
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[09:07] <mysterytrey> Quassel keeps crashing.
[09:08] <LikeLakers2> ok
�03[09:08] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:08] <LikeLakers2> try using mibbit for the time being then
[09:08] <mysterytrey> I just rebooted.  I should be good now.
[09:09] <LikeLakers2> ok
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[09:26] <Isarra> I need a replacement for wctaiwan.
[09:26] <Isarra> How does one go about replacing a friend?
�02[09:27] * LikeLakers2 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[09:27] <Mdann52> Find another one :)
[09:27] <Isarra> How do you do that?
�02[09:27] * Seddon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[09:27] <Mdann52> You talk to people
[09:27] <Isarra> Past the usual absorbency, conductivity, and other general tests, I tend to get lost.
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[09:29] <Pharos> try wchainan
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[09:30] <Isarra> But mainland china just ain't the same.
[09:31] <Pharos> hainan is lan island ilike taiwan, without the burden of a mulitparty democracy
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[09:33] <Isarra> Oh, I thought you were just making a play on the name.
[09:34] <Isarra> Well, a different play.
[09:34] <Isarra> Unless you still are...
[09:34] <Isarra> I'm confused.
�03[09:34] * TB|Away is now known as TBloemink
[09:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra, let me guess... Someone stole your sweetroll
�06[09:36] * Isarra wonders if ToAruShiroiNeko and Pharos are secretly the same person.
[09:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> secretly? no
[09:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> publically? still no
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[09:38] <mysterytrey> What about privately?
[09:38] <Isarra> That's private.
[09:38] <Isarra> It's rude to pry.
�02[09:39] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
�03[09:39] * maid is now known as ty
[09:39] <Pharos> whenever there is injustice that needs correcting, men of good conscience don the mask of Pharos
�02[09:40] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Quit: jorm�)
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�03[09:40] * dendodge is now known as DerpyHooves
[09:40] <Pharos> also, hainian is an island about the same size of taiwan, but it's part of the PRC
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[09:42] <Demiurge1000> Captured by amphibious assault!
[09:42] <Isarra> Oh.
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[09:44] <mysterytrey> wb IShadowed.
[09:45] <Pharos> men of good conscience failed that sad day
�03[09:45] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:46] <Pharos> but brooklyn still stands as their island bastion of freedom
�03[09:47] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think Brooklyn needs to be added rockets so it can travel
[09:48] <Pharos> brooklyn is safe today from all grog and newt attacks whatsoever
[09:48] <Pharos> *frog
[09:48] <Pharos> also, grog and other strong liquors
[09:48] <Demiurge1000> And there are no snakes in Ireland, another large island!
�03[09:48] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Demiurge1000 but ireland has clovers
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ie cloverleaf monster is probably hiding there
[09:49] <Pharos> this was also the work of the Pharos League
[09:49] <Demiurge1000> Stop fooling around with the flora and fauna, get back to building lighthouses!
[09:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why light houses?
[09:49] <Pharos> lighthouses guide the stranger to safe harbor
[09:50] <Demiurge1000> And harbors generate one extra food for each sea square controlled by the city
[09:50] <Pharos> they are part of the moral code of our oirder
�02[09:50] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[09:51] <jubo2> Lighthouses are a pure public good ( cannot exclude people from using them )
�02[09:52] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[09:52] <Pharos> just as the Pharos League represents the last best hope of humannity in a corrupt and dying world
�03[09:53] * lukas23 is now known as lukas|afk
[09:56] <Pharos> lighthouses are a pure public good if you don't mind light pollution!
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[10:06] <jubo2> Pharos: Having sailed a bit I have to say that lighthouses are an excellent idea especially if you don't know where you are they can be a real life-saver
[10:07] <Pharos> Socialist!
[10:08] <Pharos> people should save their own lives
[10:08] <jubo2> just look for the lighthouse signature in the map and once you've established that beacon X is a certain lighthouse you're much better off as you have some clue as to where is what and where the hell are you
[10:08] <mysterytrey> In soviet russia, lives save you.
[10:09] <Pharos> not really!
[10:09] <Peter-C> Facebook is down
[10:09] <Peter-C> Nothing to live for
[10:10] <jubo2> Sugarmountainlandia down!
[10:10] <Mdann52> What a disaster
�06[10:10] * Peter-C jumps from the 1st story window
[10:10] <Pharos> lighthouses are the shining monuments of the nautical-welfare state
[10:10] <mysterytrey> Facebook is up.
[10:10] <Pharos> Nothing to live for!
[10:10] <jubo2> idling restored.
[10:10] <Pharos> just when i had hope...
[10:11] <Peter-C> Whoo, FB came back up <3
�06[10:11] * Pharos gets back in tractor to cut more FB cables
�06[10:12] * Pharos jumps from basement window
[10:12] <Mdann52> Basements don't have windows though...
�06[10:13] * Mdann52 decides to disappear
�02[10:13] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Quit: I've just disappeared in a puff of smoke�)
�06[10:13] * mysterytrey impersonates Mdann52.
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�06[10:14] * Mdann52 continues being impersonated by Mysterytrey
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�06[10:14] * Mdann53 is doing a better job of it
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[10:15] <Mdann52> Wait...?
[10:15] <Mdann53> you are noe obsolete!
[10:15] <Mdann53> *now
[10:15] <Mdann52> Sure.
[10:15] <Mdann53> please recycle yourself
[10:15] <Mdann52> Sure, bro.
[10:15] <jubo2> report to the soylent green plant
[10:15] <Mdann52> Cool. Story.
�06[10:16] * Mdann52 assualts Mdann53
�06[10:16] * Mdann53 clashes with inferior version
[10:16] <Willdude123> Anyone seen this :
�06[10:16] * Mdann52 wonders why ChanServ hasn't killed me yet.
[10:16] <Willdude123> ?
[10:16] <Mdann53> yes, many people
�06[10:16] * Peter-C flips over a table
�03[10:17] * Mdann53 is now known as Pharos_Rises
[10:17] <Peter-C> Where is my schedule for school
[10:17] <Mdann52> ChanServ must reallyy love me.
[10:18] <Pharos_Rises> there was a whole thread about the "redesign" on the lists
�06[10:18] * Willdude123 Wonders why they redesigned wikipedia even though they knew there actions would not affect wikipedia.
[10:18] <Pharos_Rises> general reaction was negative
[10:18] <Pharos_Rises> well, somewhat negative
�06[10:18] * Mdann52 gets bored.
�03[10:18] * Mdann52 is now known as mysterytrey
�06[10:19] * mysterytrey gets even more bored.
�03[10:19] * mysterytrey is now known as nitely03
[10:19] <Pharos_Rises> it's a common practice in branding to do a theoretical redesign
�03[10:19] * nitely03 is now known as mysterytrey|away
[10:19] <Pharos_Rises> it's a way of showing off your skillz
[10:19] <Pharos_Rises> u haz skillz?
[10:19] <Willdude123> I agree. People who are smart enough to edit for good or doing any thing productive, can probably just about handle the structure.
�02[10:27] * Kiewii (~iKiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) Quit (Quit: It will rain.�)
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[10:38] <BarkingFish> any admins on the floor, please get this and salt it please :)  User keeps removing speedy tags, G3 -
[10:39] <BarkingFish> contested deletion twice, but keeps taking the CSD tags off.  Needs a good kick in the pants
�03[10:40] * Trenton (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:41] * Willdude123 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[10:41] <BarkingFish> anyone alive? :)
[10:42] <Trenton>
[10:42] <Trenton> Why Wikipedia Needs a "Kick In the Head"
[10:43] <Demiurge1000> "we find ourselves rapidly moving towards 2013"  ... actually time is moving forward at the same speed now as it always has been, so the word "rapidly" is not needed
[10:43] <BlastHardcheese> [citation needed]
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[10:56] <AndrewN[AFK]> Active Shooter, Mass-Casualty Incident at Texas A&M.  Multiple officers and civilians down.
[10:56] <AndrewN[AFK]> (College Station, TX)
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[11:08] <Isarra> Why does the test edits user warning say the editing tests were successful? They're often not successful and that's precisely the problem.
[11:08] <AndrewN[AFK]> lol
[11:09] <Isarra> If they were successful, there'd be no reason to revert them.
[11:09] <Fluffernutter> they're successful in the sense of "your edit went through". They're not successful, in the sense of "your 'poop!' edit went through, you asshole"
[11:09] <AndrewN[AFK]> Probably should be re-worded to say they were saved successfully. :P
�03[11:09] * AndrewN[AFK] is now known as AndrewN
[11:09] <Isarra> I'm thinking more about the ones where they were trying to do something in particular and failed - like adding an image, but they forgot to actually add the image.
[11:09] <Isarra> So there's just a random image description in the article.
[11:10] <Isarra> Or they tried to change a template or table and killed it; I've seen a lot of that.
�03[11:10] * lukas|absens is now known as lukas23
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[11:15] <kat> TIL
�03[11:16] * Willdude123 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:17] <Pharos> Breaking News: Wikipedia is running out of vandals and trolls
[11:17] <Fluffernutter> "In October 2005, Wikimedia elected 67 administrators" <---this just boggles my mind. I mean I knew the number used to be way higher, but THAT high? How did RFA even function?
[11:17] <Pharos> it was a good month
[11:17] <Isarra> Magic.
[11:18] <Isarra> But these numbers always just seem to go down...
[11:19] <Pharos> I suggest we institute admin press-gangs
[11:19] <Pharos> we drag people from the docks and force them into adminhood
[11:19] <Fluffernutter> you'd have to have the press-gangs fight off the face-eaters at RFA though
[11:19] <BarkingFish> I suggest we let admins get on with their fucking jobs, instead of taking them to task and trying to get them in trouble for every slight tiny fucking thing they do.
[11:20] <Pharos> I could do that
�06[11:20] * Fluffernutter hugs BarkingFish
[11:20] <BarkingFish> maybe we'd still have admins if people weren't trying to constantly harrass them into getting fired or leaving
[11:20] <Pharos> i just need two people to join my press-gang\
[11:20] <kat> "Elitist community"
[11:20] <kat> pfffttt
�02[11:20] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[11:20] <Pharos> it's amazing
[11:20] <Isarra> Admins do need to be held accountable for their actions, though. Not that enwp doesn't do it kind of horribly, but there does need to be something.
[11:21] <Pharos> yes, we should putr the admins in front of kangaroo courts
[11:21] <Isarra> We don't od that?
�03[11:21] * AndrewN is now known as AndrewN[AFK]
[11:21] <Pharos> canm be run by the same mobs as the press-gangs, really
[11:21] <Steven_Zhang> bleh
[11:21] <Fluffernutter> well, Isarra, that's the debate. Some would say that ANI, nasty people, and Arbcom *do* hold admins accountable for their actions. others would say that unless they, personally, are allowed to wield the axe that beheads admins, it doesn't count
[11:21] <Steven_Zhang> its too early
[11:21] <Steven_Zhang> i feel like vomiting >_<
[11:21] <Pharos> they should be in person kangarro courts
[11:21] <Pharos> that's what we're lacking currently
[11:21] <Isarra> Well, there is accountability, it's just not very good and kind of massively overdone here.
[11:22] <Steven_Zhang> wikipedia needs moar cowbell.
[11:22] <Pharos> that too
[11:22] <Isarra> Having seen what happens when there is no accountability, however, I'd say this is still an improvement over that. >.<
�06[11:22] * Steven_Zhang stares blankly at his op ed page
[11:22] <Isarra> Someone does something minor and it just gets ignored, but does it a lot and then they get lynched...
[11:22] <Pharos> wikipedia is as elitist as dumspter-diving
[11:23] <Pharos> *dumpster
[11:23] <Pharos> *dumpster(tm)
[11:23] <Isarra> As a member of the dumpster diving elite, I could take offense at that.
[11:23] <Pharos> it could be meant as a compliment!
[11:24] <Fluffernutter> Isarra: more accurately, "someone does something minor and someone snarks at them. then six months later they do it again and the entire universe collapses on their head." Or, from the other perspective, "someone does something minor and their friends protect them so we can't stop it. then nothing ever happens. also, conspiracy."
[11:24] <Isarra> Or that.
�03[11:24] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
�03[11:24] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:24] * Isarra collapses wikipedia (ie the universe) on Pharos' head.
�03[11:24] * James_F|Busy (~Jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:25] <Pharos> feels like a hat
[11:25] <Pharos> one of those russian furry hats
�03[11:26] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:26] <Pharos> i think we should post galleries of wikipedians dumpster-diving to illustrate our elitist status
�02[11:26] * James_F|Busy (~Jdforrest@wikimedia/JamesF) Quit (Client Quit�)
[11:26] <Pharos> it could be a calendar!
[11:28] <Pharos> hey, it would be more tasteful than the Signpost Swimsuit Issue
�02[11:28] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[11:29] <Pharos> eat your hearts out:
�03[11:30] * Monchoman45 (~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:30] <jubo2> Pharos: I started an article on that in 2003 -
�02[11:30] * localhost (~chris@2002:4cbc:a1de::1) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[11:30] * foks ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:30] * foks ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[11:30] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[11:30] * delirious is now known as Ri1ey
�06[11:31] * Willdude123 Hides.
�06[11:31] * Willdude123 Walks into a bush.
�06[11:31] * Willdude123 Dies
�06[11:32] * Willdude123 /me
�06[11:32] * Willdude123 Doesn't like the /me command
�06[11:32] * Willdude123 Thinks it is ok.
�03[11:32] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:32] * Willdude123 Doesn't know.
�03[11:32] * Matthew_ is now known as MRB[away]
[11:32] <Steven_Zhang> Wow I feel like I've been hit by a bus.
[11:33] <norbit> Steven_Zhang: but were you?
�06[11:33] * Willdude123 Wonders what kind of bus.
[11:33] <Steven_Zhang> That said, I dunno what being hit by a bus feels like.
[11:33] <Steven_Zhang> a magic school bus
�06[11:33] * Willdude123 Wonders if it was an amtrak bus.
[11:33] <Pharos> that would not be unpleasant
[11:34] <Ironholds> Steven_Zhang, want me to speak to siko in ~10 minutes?
[11:34] <Willdude123> Oh yeah, amtrak buses only exist hypothetically.
[11:34] <Steven_Zhang> sure
�03[11:34] * MRB[away] is now known as Matthew_
[11:34] <Pharos> if it was a magic school bus, it would be fun and educational too
�03[11:34] * maid (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:34] * Willdude123 Is doing a section on his physics course that involves buses.
�06[11:34] * Willdude123 Should really stop using the /me command.
�02[11:35] * Trenton (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
�06[11:35] * Willdude123 Will keep using it anywat.
�06[11:35] * Willdude123 Facepalms. He made a typo.
�06[11:36] * Willdude123 Shoots.
�03[11:36] * Jarry1250_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:36] * Willdude123 Misses.
�06[11:36] * Willdude123 Wonders how the travel guide RFC is going.
�02[11:36] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�06[11:37] * Willdude123 Thinks they should have more ops than ChanServ in here.
�06[11:37] * Willdude123 Is the only person talking.
�06[11:37] * Willdude123 Doesn't care.
�03[11:37] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[11:37] * tonynoname2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:37] * Willdude123 Willdude123s
�03[11:37] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:38] * Willdude123 Is using the /me command too much.
�02[11:38] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I'm still alive.�)
�06[11:38] * Willdude123 Likes trains.
�02[11:38] * Jarry1250 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[11:38] * Jarry1250_ is now known as Jarry1250
�06[11:38] * Willdude123 Gets hit by one.
�06[11:39] * Willdude123 Survives.
�06[11:39] * Willdude123 Goes to hospital.
[11:39] <russavia>   could someone please add {{commonscat|Machynlleth Loop}} to this
�06[11:39] * Willdude123 Has an x-ray.
[11:40] <Fluffernutter> wtf
[11:40] <The_Thing> Willdude123, please... shut up :)
[11:40] <Fluffernutter> ^
�06[11:40] * Willdude123 Says "OK". 
[11:40] <norbit> The_Thing: congrats, it's usually the other way around.
[11:40] <The_Thing> Would you like it to be the other way around? :p
�06[11:41] * Willdude123 Reveals that was all part of scientific experiment.
�06[11:41] * Willdude123 Wonders why it took 9 minutes for someone to say shut up.
[11:42] <The_Thing> It's super powerful. It works for 24 hours. It's... a quiet set by an OP.
[11:42] <Fluffernutter> because we're a tolerant folk who like to hope that someone will realize that they're annoyingly monopolizing the chat, without us having to hit them over the head with it
�03[11:42] * Ri1ey is now known as delirious
[11:42] <Pharos> go tolerance!
�03[11:42] * maid is now known as ty
[11:42] <Willdude123> Yay. Tolerance.
�02[11:42] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
[11:43] <Pharos> without it, i would be in a very nasty place
�02[11:43] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:43] <Willdude123> Maybe some Wm related discussion needs to be started.
[11:43] <Willdude123> What do you think of the proposed WM travel guide?
[11:43] <norbit> foks: You remind me of Liam Gallagher :-)
[11:43] <thatworksdotjpg> Call me stupidi
[11:44] <thatworksdotjpg> but
[11:44] <Pharos> i am for it!
[11:44] <thatworksdotjpg> is EDT the same as EST?
�06[11:44] * foks pulls the knife out and hands it back to norbit.
[11:44] <thatworksdotjpg> is confusing
[11:44] <Pharos> apparently they are not the same
�03[11:44] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:44] <Pharos> but i ichoose to gnore this!
[11:44] <foks> Eastern Daylight time is one hour ahead of EST
[11:44] <Pharos> and so should you
[11:45] <Pharos> I always just say 'Eastern'
[11:45] <norbit> foks: that was a compliment!
[11:45] <Pharos> this is my compromise with pedantry
[11:46] <Pharos> there is a limit for everyone
�02[11:46] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Quit: I've just disappeared in a puff of smoke�)
�02[11:48] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�03[11:48] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:49] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[11:51] * mh0 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:51] * mh0 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[11:51] * mh0 (mh0@unaffiliated/mh0) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:51] * Willdude123 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[11:52] * HarryS (H@unaffiliated/harrys) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:59] * Jarry1250 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[11:59] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:01] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[12:05] <Steven_Zhang> zzzz
�02[12:05] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: zzz�)
�02[12:11] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�03[12:12] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:28] <russavia>  can someone please create redirect to [[Mach Loop]]
�03[12:32] * unfo ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:35] <unfo> hi all.  I'm [[User:Unforgettableid]].  Recently, I created the stub <>, which is about the Samsung Gravity T (Samsung Gravity Touch).
[12:35] <unfo> I'm not an admin.  How can I see the contents of the deleted pages <> and <>?
�03[12:35] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:35] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[12:35] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:35] <Jeske_Merensky> You can ask an admin to email them to you.
[12:37] <unfo> dear all:  any admins not busy and could please pastebin them for me?  Or could email them to ?
[12:37] <Bsadowski1>
[12:38] <Bsadowski1> Another school shooting.
[12:38] <Bsadowski1>
[12:38] <Bsadowski1>,0,2957180.story
[12:40] <unfo> Bsadowski1:  _The Gift of Fear_, by Gavin de Becker, is one of my two favorite books about personal safety from violence.  In it, IIRC the author writes that newspapers shouldn't cover big violent acts:  it inspires copycat acts.
�03[12:40] * DerpyHooves is now known as Tobor
[12:41] <Bsadowski1> oh
[12:41] <Bsadowski1> "Update at 2:35 p.m. ET: The shooting incident occurred a few blocks off campus, Texas A & M University spokeswoman Sherylon Carroll tells USA TODAY's Donna Leinwand Leger."
[12:41] <Bsadowski1> :o
[12:42] <Shirik> guns are cool, kids
[12:43] <unfo> Jeske_Merensky:  no response yet, but thanks for the tip anyway.  If waiting here doesn't work, I may try
[12:43] <unfo> Shirik:  I live in Canada.  God bless gun control.
[12:43] <Jeske_Merensky> unfo) Question: Are the pages copyright violations or extrapolation?
�03[12:44] * mysterytrey|away is now known as mysterytrey
�02[12:44] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
[12:46] <unfo> Jeske_Merensky:  dunno.  I'm not an admin so I can't see them.  :)
[12:46] <unfo> Dear all:  Why can't autoconfirmed editors see deleted pages?
�03[12:46] * MBisanz ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:46] * MBisanz ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[12:46] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[12:46] * Kiewii_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:46] <foks> unfo, because a lot of pages are deleted as e.g. attack pages
�03[12:46] * Jarry1250 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:46] * Jarry1250 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[12:46] * Jarry1250 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:47] <foks> and it's not a good idea to let "normal" users see those
�03[12:47] * Kiewii_ is now known as Bruv
�03[12:47] * Bruv ( has left #wikipedia-en
�02[12:47] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:47] <foks> unfo, also, working
[12:50] <foks> unfo, emailed
�06[12:50] * mysterytrey agrees with foks that autoconfirmed users should not be able to see deleted pages.
[12:50] <unfo> foks:  thank you very much!  <3
�06[12:50] * foks sagely nods.
[12:50] <foks> np.
[12:50] <foks> :3
�05[12:51] -mysterytrey:#wikipedia-en- Interesting: Carly- (~Wikipedia@unaffiliated/carliitaeliza) has joined #freenode
[12:51] <TBloemink> Pff
[12:51] <Fluffernutter> don't do that, mysterytrey
[12:51] <TBloemink> Please don't do that
[12:52] <jeremyb> no please. just don't do it
[12:52] <Earwig> can someone remind me why notices are bad?
�03[12:52] * liberaldudette (~mark@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:52] <DeltaQuad> Earwig: some clients ping on that and are considered "official"
[12:52] <PeterSymonds> They just seem largely unnecessary, especially in these channels.
[12:52] <mysterytrey> Oh.
[12:53] <mysterytrey> Ok.  No notices.
[12:53] <Shirik> Notices should be used for announcements really, and I doubt any such announcement will ever be needed in a channel like this
[12:53] <Shirik> on that note, why is this channel not +N?
[12:53] <DeltaQuad> +N? does that exist?
[12:53] <PeterSymonds> I've never heard of +N.
[12:53] <Shirik> exists in my world :/
[12:53] <Earwig> that seems counter to the RFC
[12:53] <Earwig> um
[12:53] <Earwig> the auto-ping thing
[12:54] <DeltaQuad> Shirik: not according to
�02[12:54] * Monchoman45 (~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:54] <Shirik> apparently freenode does not implement it
[12:54] <Shirik> Earwig: The RFC doesn't say how clients behave to the user
�03[12:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shirik
[12:54] <Earwig> uh
�03[12:54] * Shirik sets mode: -o Shirik
[12:54] <Earwig> counter to its... spriit?
[12:54] <Earwig> *spirit
[12:55] <Shirik> I am of the opinion that any such client should be able to turn that feature off
[12:55] <Earwig> it basically describes it as a privmsg that you're not allowed to respond automatically to, nothing else
[12:55] <Shirik> yeah, that's amusing btw
�06[12:55] * Fluffernutter accuses Shirik of abuse
�06[12:56] * Shirik accuses Fluffernutter
[12:56] <Shirik> anyway, I don't see anything wrong with notifying a user about a notice
[12:57] <Fluffernutter> j'accuse
[12:57] <mysterytrey> Anyway
[12:57] <foks> Notices just come up green for me, nothing else
[12:57] <foks> No pings, no nothin;.
[12:58] <Shirik> also, I dare say that anyone that uses a notice will also immediately get a response "Don't do that"
[12:58] <Shirik> does that count as an automatic response?
[12:58] <foks> /notice Orly?
[12:58] <mysterytrey> Anyway: Interesting: Carly- (~Wikipedia@unaffiliated/carliitaeliza) has joined #freenode
[12:58] <Fluffernutter> it took me like a year to figure out how to make notices not ping me
�03[12:59] * Theopolisme (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:00] * Pharos is now known as Zola
[13:00] <Zola> J'accuse!!!
[13:00] <TBloemink> They don't ping me Fluffernutter
[13:01] <Fluffernutter> well-recognized, Zola. French cookies for you
[13:01] <TBloemink> By default
�06[13:01] * Fluffernutter ping TBloemink
[13:01] <TBloemink> That does
�06[13:01] * Shirik ping Fluffernutter
�06[13:02] * Fluffernutter huggles Shirik
�03[13:02] * Zola is now known as Pharos
[13:02] <norbit> ping Shirik
[13:03] <Shirik> I have an AI module that only pings me when it determines the ping is necessary
[13:03] <norbit> :O
[13:03] <norbit> I'm filtered out of that?
�06[13:03] * norbit feels...
[13:03] <norbit> sad
�06[13:03] * IShadowed pings Shirik 
�06[13:04] * Fluffernutter ping IShadowed
�03[13:04] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:04] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[13:04] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:04] <Shirik> it does not filter on people, it filters on need
�06[13:04] * IShadowed AI modules all over Flueeh's face
[13:04] <Shirik> and there is no current need
�03[13:04] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:04] <IShadowed> omg help Shirik, flood
[13:04] <IShadowed> pingeth?!
�06[13:04] * Pharos pings Bobama
[13:04] <unfo> foks:  Could you please undelete those two bad-quality articles -- <> and <>?  This is so that I can redirect them to my article <>.
�06[13:04] * Shirik bans all the IShadoweds
[13:04] <IShadowed> OMG OBAMA JUST WON, SHIRIK
[13:04] <IShadowed> Pingeth?!?!
[13:05] <norbit> IShadowed: what
[13:05] <Shirik>
[13:06] <IShadowed> 9_9
�03[13:07] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:07] <Jarry1250> Does anyone know the (Toolserver?) tool that allows you to "colour in" a balnk SVG map real easy?
[13:07] <Jarry1250> *blank
[13:07] <Fluffernutter> haters gonna hate, yo
�03[13:07] * Kiewii is now known as BTO|away
[13:07] <foks> unfo, you can just create the redirects
[13:07] <foks> :)
�02[13:08] * IShadowed__ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�02[13:08] * unfo ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[13:09] * IShadowed__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:09] * IShadowed__ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[13:09] * IShadowed__ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:10] <IShadowed> ishy gtfo
�02[13:10] * IShadowed__ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[13:10] * IShadowed__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:11] * IShadowed__ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[13:11] * IShadowed__ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:11] <mysterytrey> o_O
�02[13:12] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[13:14] <BarkingFish> Sorry about buggering off so fast before. AndrewN[AFK] - i've added that story on the A + M shooting to reddit, as I understand it the person identified is in custody
[13:14] <mysterytrey> Redditor!  Traitor!  LOL jk
�03[13:15] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:15] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[13:15] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:15] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[13:16] <BarkingFish> mysterytrey, been on reddit for a while now :)  i hang in /r/ems and /r/protectandserve
[13:17] <BarkingFish> what's so wrong with reddit anyway? :D
[13:17] <norbit> BarkingFish: How do you get rid of spicyness
�06[13:17] * foks dislikes reddit
[13:18] <norbit> foks: pm?
[13:18] <BarkingFish> norbit, spicyness in what?  Curry? Chili?
[13:18] <Fluffernutter> well, some subreddits ought to be burned to the ground. and then the survivors shot. and then their remains shot into space, beyond the oort cloud, to keep them away from the rest of humanity
[13:18] <Fluffernutter> but hey, some subreddits are ok, too
[13:18] <norbit> BarkingFish: hot sauce
[13:18] <foks> norbit, no thanks
�02[13:18] * IShadowed__ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[13:18] <foks> And you PM anyway
[13:18] <BarkingFish> norbit, usually milk is pretty good for that.
[13:18] <foks> big surprise
[13:18] <norbit> BarkingFish: I'm out of milk :(
�02[13:19] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:19] <mysterytrey> BarkingFish: Why aren't you in #Reddit ?
�03[13:19] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:19] <BarkingFish> then you're stuck, norbit - best way is anything with a high dairy content, so either fresh milk, cream, butter or cheese
[13:20] <norbit> I only have whatsitcalled
[13:20] <norbit> jalapeno cheese
[13:20] <norbit> LOL
[13:20] <BarkingFish> oops
[13:20] <BarkingFish> that ain't gonna do it
[13:20] <Earwig> hmm
[13:20] <BarkingFish> mysterytrey, i didn't know there was a #Reddit. Thanks for that :)
[13:20] <Earwig> so then, like, pepper jack is a contradiction?
[13:21] <norbit> WHAT THE FUCK
[13:22] <BarkingFish> Earwig, the idea with spicy food is you want something with free fat globules in it, they stick to the spicy shit and encase it - that's why dairy is so good at knocking down heat
�03[13:22] * u99of9 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:22] <Earwig> mm, interesting
�03[13:22] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:23] <mysterytrey> 16:18 --> BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #Reddit
�02[13:23] * Spacewalker (~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker) Quit (Quit: Nothing to do here… *flies away*�)
�03[13:25] * Dainomite (~Dainomite@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[13:27] * Matthew_ (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Quit: Catch y'all later!�)
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[13:43] <Purplewowies> hello
[13:44] <mysterytrey> Hello Purplewowies.
[13:44] <Purplewowies> mysterytrey :)
[13:45] <mysterytrey> What's up, Purplewowies?
�02[13:47] * LikeLakers2 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[13:49] <Purplewowies> Nothing mysterytrey
[13:50] <mysterytrey> Alright then.
[13:50] <Purplewowies> Goodbye
�03[13:50] * chicocvenancio2 (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:50] <mysterytrey> Bye.
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[13:51] <Frood> jorm is mentioned in Gizmodo!
[13:52] <Andorin> >Gizmodo
[13:52] <BarkingFish> welcome to 3 horus ago :)
�02[13:52] * localhost (~chris@2002:4cbc:a1de::1) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:52] <BarkingFish> Trenton posted that earlier :)
�03[13:52] * Trenton (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[13:53] <Trenton> jorm: a to-do list for this particular mock-up for Athena ( )
[13:54] <Trenton> "Updated [...] ago" isn't helpful. "17 Conservations" doesn't necessarily indicate the number of "conversations". The "contents" shouldn't be indicated my images. And "Search more than 4 million articles" is spam-ish-sounding.
[13:54] <Trenton> Flow is awesome.
�03[13:55] * eptalon (~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:55] <foks> Spam-ish-sounding?
[13:55] <eptalon> heyas
[13:55] <foks> In what sense?
[13:55] <Trenton> Pleaseeee make "local time" optional for GlobalProfile
[13:55] <foks> Hi eptalon
[13:55] <foks> Trenton, everything will be optional
[13:55] <eptalon> hello foks
[13:55] <foks> that's the thing
[13:55] <Trenton> yay
[13:55] <Trenton> "Search" is much simpler
[13:55] <foks> We do still want to sell ourselves
[13:56] <foks> I'll agree that "17 conversations" is a bit silly since they could have hundreds
�03[13:56] * LikeLakers2 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[13:57] * Trenton is now known as mrow
[13:57] <foks> Frankly I don't like the way citations are rendered in that screenshot, but
[13:58] <foks> other than that it looks okay. (except the "conversations" thing.)
�02[13:58] * u99of9 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
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[14:03] <jorm> actually, the "Updated [...] ago" turns out to be super helpful (there was an experiment on it - the data is still being ground out but it looks like it makes more sense to non power users than not)
�03[14:04] * mrow is now known as Brooklyn
[14:04] <MartijnH> will the updated x ago work this time?
[14:05] <MartijnH> (opposed to how it's used in csd templates, where it's served from cache and always reads 0 minutes ago unless purged)
[14:05] <Fluffernutter> hey jorm, do you have any idea when the "rollback X edits" doohickey turned on? I just noticed it, it's rather clever!
[14:06] <geniice> its annoying
[14:06] <jorm> i don't know.  i think that was just a volunteer fix to mediawiki.
[14:06] <geniice> Why provide me with info I have no possible interest in?
[14:07] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: hangon
[14:07] <Ironholds> I've got the bugzilla thread around here
[14:07] <Fluffernutter> geniice, presumably because the fact that someone has made ten edits in a row will induce you to check their content before you hare off rollbacking the whole thing?
[14:07] <geniice> it will?
[14:07] <Fluffernutter> yes, well, about that
[14:07] <Fluffernutter> perhaps it should?
[14:07] <Ironholds>
[14:08] <eptalon> If the last one is spam, the others will likely be too
[14:08] <Ironholds> so, lemme get this straight
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[14:08] <Ironholds> two non-wikipedians debated a bug in 2009 and Sumana had it thrown into core and deployed to movement sites.
[14:08] <Frood> also \o/ band got the entire first movement done!
[14:08] <Ironholds> without telling anyone
�06[14:08] * Ironholds headdesks over and over.
[14:08] <Frood> (~3 minutes)
[14:09] <Fluffernutter> could be worse, Ironholds. Could've been a change to the skin. Then they'd be baying for blood.
[14:09] <geniice> Ironholds eh the alturnative is no better
�02[14:09] * LikeLakers2 (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[14:09] <geniice> Ironholds let the devs experiment on the live site. Its the only way we will get any real inovation
[14:09] <jorm> roan reviewed it.
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[14:10] <MartijnH> geniice, +1
[14:10] <geniice> no if one of them can come up with a way to include music notation it might be nice
[14:10] <jorm> and yeah, i agree with geniice.
[14:10] <MartijnH> better yet, let them experiment on en. preferably in parallel. (like newpagefeed which can't possibly get enough praise)
�06[14:11] * jorm blushes.
[14:11] <foks> heh
[14:12] <MartijnH> geniice, I think there is a 2007/2008 or so bug on bugzilla for music notiation. There were some issues. Aparently it's complicated.
�02[14:12] * Brooklyn (~jc33@unaffiliated/jc33) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�)
[14:12] <jorm> it's mostly about performance and security.
[14:12] <jorm> lilipond requires shelling out to root-run processes, iirc.
[14:12] <MartijnH> ick
[14:13] <geniice> so abandon that approach and come up with an alturnative
[14:13] <jorm> tim starling pointed out what was wrong with it and the developers haven't done anything with it since (volunteer devs, not foundation devs)
�03[14:13] * Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
[14:13] <geniice> 5 years. People complete PHds in less time
[14:13] <MartijnH> I'd think that a simple module that does have a partial implementation translating some syntax to svg would not be too hard, but that is just guessing on my part. I also believe that an incomplete implementation is preferable over no implementation, but opinions may vary
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[14:14] <jorm> i have no opinion about it other than i have a vague understanding as to why it was never deployed.
[14:15] <geniice> the first attempt allowed you to carry out effective DOS attacks on wikipedia
[14:15] <MartijnH> could the lua template system in theory provide on-the-fly svg's, or is that out of its scope?
�02[14:15] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[14:15] <jorm> right.
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[14:16] <jorm> wow.  linkinus is taking up a gigabyte of ram.
[14:16] <jorm> i'm gonna restart this thing.
�02[14:17] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Quit: jorm�)
[14:18] <geniice> MartijnH wrong question
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[14:19] <geniice> "getting an insight into all the exciting projects that are happening and assisting the team with all manner of things, and I look forward to meeting as many volunteers as possible while I'm here. As a newcomer to the Wikimedia movement I feel I've got a lot to learn as well as to contribute, but surrounded by such knowledgeable people I'm sure it's going to be a very fun process, and one...
[14:19] <geniice> ...that will speed by... So I'd better get to work! "
[14:19] <geniice> Are all graduates this enthusiastic?
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[14:29] <jorm> where are you seeing htat?
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[14:31] <geniice> wikimedia-uk mailing list
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[14:32] <geniice> damit there is a human being in my photo
[14:32] <foks> nooooooo
[14:32] <Fluffernutter> burn it!
[14:33] <SigmaWP> geniice: If you have photoshop you can turn him into the background
[14:33] <geniice> her and in this case it would be tricky
[14:34] <russavia>  anyone want to go thru these when i'm done and find suitable enwp articles to put them on?
�02[14:34] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: zzz�)
[14:34] <russavia> obviously this is more directed to the pommy editors
[14:34] <geniice> I doubt it. en.wikipedia already has an extensive set of plane photos
[14:35] <russavia> not of these it doesn't
�02[14:37] * AndrewN[AFK] (~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�02[14:37] * Theo|homework (~Theopolis@wikipedia/Theopolisme) Quit (Quit: Urgent? Message me:�)
[14:38] <geniice> various RAF planes? I suspect it does
[14:39] <russavia> take'_School for example
[14:39] <russavia>
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[14:43] <unfo> hi all.  [[User:Unforgettableid]] here.  Could someone here please rename <> over top of <>?  Nobody I know calls the phone the "Samsung Gravity (original)".  :)
[14:44] <MartijnH> and you do know people who call it the "SGH-T459"
�02[14:45] * Pharos ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�02[14:46] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[14:46] <unfo> MartijnH:  I think the series overview article should be called [[Samsung Gravity series]] (I've moved it there already).
[14:46] <unfo> I think the first in the series ideally should be called "Samsung Gravity" but one other user decided differently a couple of years ago.  "SGH-T459" is the best compromise I can think of.
[14:46] <unfo> What are your thoughts?
[14:47] <MartijnH> well, I can't imagine anyone calling it the SGH-T459. I could imagine someone calling it 'the original Samsung Gravity'
�03[14:47] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:47] <Qcoder02> Hmm
[14:47] <Qcoder02> I seem to be busy again
[14:47] <Qcoder02> :)
�03[14:48] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:48] <unfo> MartijnH:  But nobody will look for it by typing into their address bar.
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[14:49] <MartijnH> I would guess (it's guesswork for me) is that with "a samsung gravity" it is more likely that they mean 'a phone in the gravity series' than 'the original Samsung Gravity'
[14:49] <unfo> MartijnH:  hmm, I didn't think of that.  Let me look in my diary and see what I call it.
[14:49] <MartijnH> well, search isn't a problem, the series is hatnoted, and the serial number is redirected
[14:50] <unfo> MartijnH:  I call my [[Samsung Gravity Touch]] (a successor) "the Gravity", but that's in my private notes.
[14:50] <unfo> MartijnH:  to others, I might call it "my phone" or "the Samsung Gravity Touch".
[14:50] <MartijnH> probably best to go through requested moves
�02[14:51] * Elduen (~elduen@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[14:51] <unfo> MartijnH:  what do you think I should best request the new page to be named?
[14:51] <unfo> MartijnH:  *the page's new name to be?
�02[14:51] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) Quit (Quit: Subject has jacked out�)
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[14:52] <Elduen> There we go. Sorry for the j/q spam.
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[14:53] <mysterytrey> Hello Elduen.
[14:53] <MartijnH> unfo, I don't know really. People will have ideas. I could see "Samsung Gravity" be the title of the T459, Samsung Gravity series be the series article
[14:53] <Elduen> Now I'm set up to idle here with my WP userna,e
[14:53] <Elduen> username*
[14:53] <MartijnH> maybe a disambig somewher
[14:53] <MartijnH> e
�03[14:54] * dungodung is now known as dungodung|away
[14:55] <Elduen> Of course, it remains to be seen whether I'll be useful in any way.
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[14:55] <mysterytrey> Is andorin your wp username?  I can't find elduen.
[14:55] <Qcoder02> Evening Barkingfish
[14:55] <Elduen> Elduen is my WP username... I just registered.
[14:55] <BarkingFish> hi Qcoder02
�02[14:55] * DeltaQuad (~quassel@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[14:56] <mysterytrey> Elduen: Oh.  Sorry.  Gotcha now.
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[14:58] <geniice> hmm I spend a fortune on new lenses and the first pic I upload was taken using my kit lens
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[15:03] <unfo> MartijnH:  Thank you.
[15:03] <MartijnH> no problem
�02[15:04] * unfo ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[15:04] <mysterytrey> What did you do?
�02[15:11] * Kraps ( Quit (Quit: Here's a thing:�)
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[15:14] <geniice> jorm you still there?
[15:15] <jorm> yes.
[15:15] <jorm> what's up?
[15:16] <geniice> jorm two questions. 1) who do I contact about getting reditects to work in the image namespace again and 2) is there any visual design work going on on ideas like this
�02[15:17] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
[15:17] <geniice> aparently people really hate this image:
[15:17] <jorm> I would suggest you contact Sumana about the redirects thing.  That's a "core" function, and she'd be the one to point you in the right direction.
[15:17] <jorm> and we haven't thought much about image placeholders at the foundation since that's the type of thing that is community-driven.
[15:18] <BlastHardcheese> maybe they should...replace it
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[15:20] <geniice> jorm in 2007 maybe. These days I doubt I could pull off that kind of stunt (and in any case I got de-admined very shortly after it went live)
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[15:22] <jorm> i mean.  we could mke suggestions, even come up with a couple images.  but we can't really force them.
[15:24] <geniice> Oh well. Its in the past anyway
�03[15:26] * DoRD is now known as DoRD|away
[15:26] <Qcoder02> Any image processing experts in?
[15:26] <Qcoder02> I read something in an article and wanted someone to provied a rather technical image to demonstrate something
�03[15:27] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:27] <mysterytrey> What irc network has idleRPG?
[15:28] <SigmaWP> #idle-rpg
[15:28] <SigmaWP> #idlerpg
[15:29] <BlastHardcheese> pretty much all of them
[15:29] <mysterytrey> Oh.  Cool.
[15:30] <Qcoder02> Good Evening
[15:30] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish: Do you have access to Gimp or photoshop?
�02[15:30] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�06[15:30] * Elduen plays idlerpg on freenode
[15:31] <geniice> Qcoder02	I suspect you actualy want inkscape. Just leave a note on the talk page
[15:31] <Qcoder02> I don't
[15:31] <Qcoder02> I was needing someone to do  color shifts on photographic items
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[15:32] <Qcoder02> To give visual examples of how different species vision see's things
[15:32] <BarkingFish> Qcoder02, I have gimp
[15:32] <Qcoder02> OK
[15:32] <BarkingFish> If you link me to the images you want changed, or you mail them to me, I can take a look in a bit
�02[15:32] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: hometime�)
[15:32] <Qcoder02> Moment
[15:34] <geniice> Qcoder02 won't work
[15:34] <Qcoder02> What's the problem?
�02[15:34] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[15:34] <geniice> rather a lot of species can see things outside JPG colour range
[15:34] <Qcoder02> Ah :(
[15:35] <Qcoder02> Well the particualr example was a domestic cat -
[15:35] <Qcoder02> was the image I was wanting someone to color shift
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[15:37] <geniice> Last I checked the limits of canine vision were still being investigated
[15:38] <Brooke> DON'T PANIC.
[15:38] <Brooke> I'm here.
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[15:40] <Qcoder02> Hmm
[15:40] <Qcoder02> OK
[15:41] <Qcoder02>  for more on cat vision
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[15:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke but you are all bone
[15:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I panic more in the sight of that
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[15:44] <Dainomite> anyone on by chance that's good at htmrl rows/tables? i'm frustrated trying to setup my userpage >:|
[15:45] <Dainomite> html*
[15:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> btw I am ammused that people still try to defend free access to guns this day and age
�03[15:46] * Tony_Sidaway_ (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a wild Tony_Sidaway appears
[15:47] <Tony_Sidaway_> Not that wild. It's rather late here.
[15:47] <Brooke> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm quite skinny, yes.
[15:47] <Brooke> And tan at the moment.
[15:47] <Brooke> Very tan.
[15:50] <Tony_Sidaway_> Anybody in USA? If so I'd be interested in whether you followed the Olympic games, and if so, how you did it.
�03[15:51] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
[15:51] <Tony_Sidaway_> I'm seeing rumblings of discontent about NBC coverage of the ceremonial events.
�06[15:51] * Dainomite raises his hand
�06[15:51] * Dainomite didnt follow the olympics
[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke err
[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a one peice reference
[15:52] <Brooke> I usually wear one piece.
[15:52] <Brooke> It's adorable.
[15:52] <Brooke> I have a photo somewhere.
[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> try that google search
[15:52] <Brooke> Oh my.
[15:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yup
[15:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its one of the most creative character in the series
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[15:58] <Brooke> The character is named Brook?
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�06[15:59] * Isarra emits an aura of pain.
[15:59] <Dainomite> SUCCESS!
�06[15:59] * Dainomite wins
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[16:03] <mysterytrey> :(
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[16:03] <mysterytrey> 18:52 <IdleBot> mysterytrey, the user, has attained level 1! Next level in 0 days, 00:11:36.
[16:03] <mysterytrey> 18:52 <IdleBot> mysterytrey [0/1] has challenged DeLorean [74/589] in combat and lost! 0 days, 00:00:55 is added to mysterytrey's clock.
[16:03] <mysterytrey> 18:52 <IdleBot> mysterytrey reaches next level in 0 days, 00:12:31.
[16:03] <mysterytrey> 18:53 <mysterytrey> Woohoo!
[16:03] <mysterytrey> 18:53 [IdleBot] Penalty of 0 days, 00:01:18 added to your timer for privmsg.
[16:05] <BarkingFish> that'll teach you :)  The object is to sit there like a spare sandwich at a wedding buffet, and idle... you know, not do anything? :)
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[16:10] <russavia> ToAruShiroiNeko you about?
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[16:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
[16:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke yes it is
[16:13] <sleax> hi to all! i've founded (i think) an error on this page  , in the example where it says "For k > 2, it is "(k − 1)th order" knowledge"
[16:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[16:14] <russavia> question....
[16:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke, like you he is an in universe super star
[16:14] <russavia> i've got a flickr stream which is (C)
[16:14] <russavia> not under free licenc e
[16:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> okay
[16:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bot will ignore them
[16:15] <russavia> but i will have an OTRS for GFDL for them
[16:15] <russavia> you can still upload these or not?
[16:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I can try
[16:15] <Brooke> sleax: You can edit the page. Just click [edit]. :-)
[16:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why cant the uploader convert the uploaded files to cc-by license though?
[16:15] <russavia> because i have suggested GFDL
[16:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I get that
[16:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why not cc-by
[16:16] <russavia> i do not want to confuse these photographer....keep it simple
[16:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> okay
[16:16] <russavia> because GFDL is more restrictive
�02[16:16] * Nix-7c0 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[16:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have never done this but I can try
[16:17] <russavia> ok here's one you can try with --
[16:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> when you get the OTRS info ready do let me know via pm so I can prepare a template for it
[16:17] <russavia> try and upload a few from their flickr stream
[16:17] <sleax> if k=3, for example, every person think that there're only other two person with blue eyes, then the first day noone go out. The second day everyone of the three see that"the others"  didn't go out and think that there's another person with blue eyes. Considered that everyone see only two persons , every of the three persons assume that the other person is itself. It's right or it's wrong?
[16:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> PAOC?
[16:17] <sleax> Brooke: excuse-me i want first consult the chat
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[16:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh
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[16:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I see
[16:18] <russavia> perhaps try this set --
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[16:42] <Tony_Sidaway> Another loony with a gun in America. Third in two months?
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[16:43] <Tony_Sidaway> Texas A&M
[16:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway yup
[16:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway I am told the solution is arming bears and letting them guard universities
[16:45] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: damn right! It would keep that Colbert guy away too!
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[16:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
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[16:46] <Tony_Sidaway> The solution to loonies with guns is *obviously* more guns.
[16:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Colbert is a bear
[16:47] <Tony_Sidaway> Then he's in denial. If we changed our name to Bearpedia we wouldn't be an easy target for him. They freak him out.
[16:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[16:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> We could just redirect vandals to colbert-pedia
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[16:53] <tyw7> I noticed there is a part 2 to read all about it (  Should it be mentioned since there is a part 3 in the article (
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[16:55] <Tony_Sidaway> Oh major headline: USA Today says Gallup finds Ryan "worst Republican VP pick since Palin." Ouch!
�03[16:55] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
[16:55] <Tony_Sidaway> (Think sbout it)
[16:56] <tyw7> anyone?
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[17:04] <ChrisGualtieri> Hi
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[17:06] <Tony_Sidaway> My daughter wants a birthday cake in the shape of a certain species of parrot: a caique cake, she calls it.
�02[17:07] * diegogrez (diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[17:07] <ChrisGualtieri> That's cute
[17:08] <ChrisGualtieri> Why not a macaw?
�03[17:08] * D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000
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[17:10] <Tony_Sidaway> macaws are actually quite difficult to keep properly. Very big, very noisy.
[17:10] <ChrisGualtieri> Yeah but its a cake, caiques are similiar.... sorta
[17:11] <ChrisGualtieri> Least they are easy to point out
�02[17:11] * tyw7 (b019734d@wikipedia/tyw7) Quit (Client Quit�)
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[17:11] <ChrisGualtieri> I need more work to do with AWB
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[17:13] <ChrisGualtieri> CHECKWIKI is done for now
�03[17:13] * tyw7 (b019734d@wikipedia/tyw7) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:13] <ChrisGualtieri> For some reason I can only get 500 articles at a time with it, and it won't load new pages
[17:14] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: are you using the Mediawiki API?
[17:14] <ChrisGualtieri> AWB's function
[17:15] <tyw7> Is Part 2 of "Read all about it" worthy of being mentioned?
[17:17] <ChrisGualtieri> Tony_Sidaway: Is that correct or can I grab the pages to fix in another way?
[17:17] <Tony_Sidaway> tyw7: you should discuss that on the talk page of the article. Open a topic RFC if you need more input.
[17:17] <tyw7> Tony_Sidaway: youtube is banned on Youtube :?
[17:17] <tyw7> * Wikipedia
[17:18] <ChrisGualtieri> No, but its not a valid source and its usually improper to use
[17:18] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: I'm not familiar with your software or with AWB.
[17:18] <ChrisGualtieri> Links to a Youtube Channel for a subject who only operates on Youtube is one thing. Like EpicMealTime
[17:18] <Tony_Sidaway> Do you  have a public description?
[17:18] <Tony_Sidaway> Of the software, that is.
[17:19] <tyw7> I need help.. I forgot my password and the email address used for "Tyw7" :/
[17:19] <tyw7> any admins here?
[17:19] <ChrisGualtieri> All I get is the first 500 pages of a 90,000 strong backlog... so I am confused
[17:19] <Tony_Sidaway> tyw7: if you've lost that an admin cannot help. You should probably start a new account/
[17:20] <tyw7> Tony_Sidaway: can't an admin check which email is being used
�03[17:20] * UnknownPpl is now known as [ceradon]
[17:20] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: the API would return all the pages, usually.
[17:20] <tyw7> I forgot the email address I used for that account
[17:20] <ChrisGualtieri> Its capped at 500 per AWB
[17:20] <Tony_Sidaway> tyw7: admins have no special powers to access such information, which is confidential.
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[17:20] <tyw7> Tony_Sidaway: email "tyw7"
[17:21] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: depends how this runs. Is it in-browser? Bots usually have higher quotas.
[17:21] <ChrisGualtieri> Its a separate program you download see WP:AWB
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[17:22] <BarkingFish> tyw7, ah.  I've just done exactly that :)  How many email accounts do you have, that you can forget which one you used?
[17:22] <tyw7> oh wait nevermind
[17:22] <BarkingFish> :)
[17:22] <tyw7> I thought it said type in the email address when it actually said type in username... stupid me
�02[17:22] * _Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[17:23] <BarkingFish> yeah, well hopefully that will help you find the right email account too :)
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[17:24] <tyw7> BarkingFish: got your email
[17:24] <tyw7> but I was trying to type in the email address in the field that says type in your username
[17:24] <BarkingFish> cool :)  Glad you found the right account.
�06[17:24] * tyw7 [facepalms]
[17:24] <tyw7> BarkingFish: It was the email address I thought
[17:24] <BarkingFish> "I don't fink you wanted to do that :)"
[17:24] <BarkingFish> ;^)
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[17:27] <ChrisGualtieri> I just realized AWB has a pre-parser... EFFICIENCY BOOST. Cue special effects! Dramatic opening.
[17:28] <ChrisGualtieri> Seriously... the tedious tasks just got a little bit better
[17:28] <ChrisGualtieri> Just let it check this 20,000 page nightmare for me
[17:29] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: what function are you trying to perform? What does your checkwiki software do?
[17:29] <ChrisGualtieri> See WP:CHECKWIKI
[17:29] <ChrisGualtieri> It checks the syntax of Wikipedia to make sure it is clean, proper and not all messed up
[17:30] <tyw7> RFC requested
[17:31] <ChrisGualtieri> I don't mess with the template ones, but a lot of these title linked in wiki text are annoying
[17:31] <ChrisGualtieri> You click the link to redirect to the same article.
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[17:38] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: which AWB function or functions does checkwiki rely on? Sorry if this is repetition, I'm still not clear.
[17:38] <ChrisGualtieri> AWB can pull from the CHECKWIKI project on the toolserver
[17:39] <ChrisGualtieri> CHECKWIKI runs each database dump to find areas of improvement and catagorizes the errors in to groups
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[17:39] <ChrisGualtieri> AWB then obtains the list to work on from CHECKWIKI
[17:39] <ChrisGualtieri> When the articles are corrected they will eventually be updated by CHECKWIKI's next dump
[17:40] <ChrisGualtieri> Some 300,000 errors exist, a majority MUST be done by hand but AWB can still get a list and a bunch that it can fix
[17:42] <Krenair> What do you do when someone has the username the same as a biography?
[17:42] <Tony_Sidaway> So, AWB is the front-end to checkwiki, which is a toolserver project that analyzes wikisource in database dumps? Is that it?
[17:42] <Sven_Manguard> Krenair: do you have TW?
[17:42] <Krenair> uw-coi on their talk page?
[17:42] <Krenair> yes
[17:42] <Sven_Manguard> If so, there's a TW message for COI
[17:42] <Sven_Manguard> use that
[17:43] <Tony_Sidaway> What is TW? Twinkle?
[17:43] <Sven_Manguard> mhmm
[17:43] <Sven_Manguard> then observe the situatuion
[17:43] <ChrisGualtieri> Tony_Sidaway:  AWB is the 'AutoWikiBrowser' its a high level, semi-bot-like, tool that allows for mass browsing and editing in the same windows
[17:43] <Krenair> It's thie bio:
[17:43] <Krenair> There are copyright signs on one of the images but the page says PD
[17:43] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: yes I know what AWB is. I just want to know if I've got it right.
[17:43] <Krenair> file page says PD*
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[17:44] <ChrisGualtieri> Yep yep
[17:44] <Tony_Sidaway> Thanks.
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[17:50] <BarkingFish> ok guys, I'm gonna get out early tonight, got a long day tomorrow, building someone a new PC :)
[17:50] <BarkingFish> see ya
[17:50] <Peter-C> BYE
[17:50] <Peter-C> caps
[17:50] <BarkingFish> bbfn
�02[17:50] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
[17:51] <ChrisGualtieri> Anyone know how many references are needed for AWB not to tag with REFimprove?
[17:51] <Guerillero> no idea
[17:52] <Tony_Sidaway> I would hope that is configurable.
[17:53] <Tony_Sidaway> Reliable sources are more qualitative than quantitative.
[17:54] <Sven_Manguard> ChrisGualtieri: If I had to guess: 3 or 4?
[17:55] <ChrisGualtieri> Probably 2 = tag, 3 = no tag
[17:55] <ChrisGualtieri> All I can figure
[17:56] <norbit> Sven_Manguard:
[17:56] <Sven_Manguard> I'll pass.
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[18:00] <Qcoder02> - mothra?
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[18:05] <Isarra> There is no dreaming without waking. The Nightmares aren't real until you make them up.
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[18:05] <Elduen> I saw a deer today.
[18:06] <incomputable> "See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time."
[18:07] <Shirik> Elduen: Is that like... unusual?
[18:07] <Elduen> You know, if you mentally equate Isarra with GlaDOS, and imagine anything she says in the latter's voice...
[18:07] <Elduen> ...well, it doesn't really make any more sense.
[18:08] <Qcoder02> Hello peopl
[18:08] <Shirik> e
[18:08] <Qcoder02> Anyone here want to particiapte in an experiment?
[18:08] <Isarra> Just one?
[18:08] <Shirik> If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate
[18:08] <Isarra> By being here we're already involved in several.
[18:09] <Isarra> My mouldy palm tree is dying.
[18:09] <Qcoder02> I need as many people as possible to record 'distance' pairs between major cities :)
[18:09] <Elduen> Tell me about it in details, Isarra.
[18:09] <Elduen> detail*
�06[18:09] * Isarra drops it on Elduen's head.
[18:09] <Elduen> Seems just fine to me.
[18:10] <Qcoder02> And if have to log off
[18:10] <Qcoder02> *I
�02[18:10] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
�03[18:11] * TeeTylerToe ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:31] <Isarra> Who's a good mentor person for nooblings?
�02[18:32] * _Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Client Quit�)
�06[18:32] * Demiurge1000 points at SigmaWP
[18:32] <TeeTylerToe> someone that practices what they preach
�03[18:32] * YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:32] <Isarra> Cute.
�02[18:32] * Tony_Sidaway_ (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[18:33] <Frood> Isarra: mentor, or adopter?
[18:34] <Isarra> I never was entirely clear on the distinction.
[18:34] <Isarra> I guess I mean adopter.
[18:34] <Frood> Mentors are generally people who volunteer to "rehabilitate" blocked users
[18:34] <Frood> they're usually restricted to some things, and before doing others they have to askthe mentor
[18:34] <TeeTylerToe> and basically all they need to know is that nothing makes much sense, and that some projects are more fanatical about references and OR, except when you're in the project, and you'll have a lot of arguments about completely subjective things
[18:34] <Frood> it's kind of an editing restriction
[18:35] <Isarra> Odd.
[18:35] <Isarra> When a guy adopted me, he was referred to as my mentor, and I never considered myself a problem user.
[18:35] <TeeTylerToe> also, don't try to quote rules or policy
[18:36] <Demiurge1000> Sometimes I mentor people before they have got blocked yet
[18:36] <TeeTylerToe>
[18:36] <Elduen> So there's no "Adopt a Noob" system on WP?
[18:37] <Isarra> Well, anyway, who's a good adopter?
[18:37] <Isarra> It's Adopt a User here.
[18:37] <Isarra> But far as I'm concerned you're a cute little noobling.
[18:37] <Demiurge1000> Worm is a good adopter, but he's asleep
�06[18:37] * Isarra huggles Elduen.
�06[18:37] * Elduen nibbles on Isarra.
[18:37] <TeeTylerToe> the room could adopt them, but then we'd have to help people edit rather than chat about what is normallychat about
[18:37] <Demiurge1000> I'm an intermediate adopter
[18:37] <kat> adopting p:
[18:38] <Frood> I'm an awful adopter.
[18:38] <kat> o: *
[18:38] <Demiurge1000> Adam mugliston is a high-volume adopter
[18:38] <Elduen> Wikipedia makes me nervous.
[18:38] <Isarra> Frood: I'd be worse.
[18:38] <Frood> Isarra: screw the boobs
[18:38] <Frood> and noobs
[18:39] <TeeTylerToe> what makes you nervous about wikipedia other than tha admins?
[18:39] <Elduen> It's big.
[18:39] <SigmaWP> Is Elduen a noob?
[18:39] <SigmaWP> Elduen: Check my contributions before May 2011, and do the opposite of what you see
[18:39] <Elduen> I have about... six? Years of experience on wikis, off-and-on editing. But those were relatively small Wikia wikis. Wikipedia is big.
[18:39] <SigmaWP> You'll do everything right that way
[18:39] <SigmaWP> Oh
[18:40] <Elduen> SigmaWP: I am Andorin.
[18:40] <SigmaWP> Oh
[18:40] <Elduen> This is my WP user.
[18:40] <Elduen>
[18:40] <TeeTylerToe> it's not about the size of the wiki, it's the motion in the ocean
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�02[18:41] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[18:41] <morgankevinj> needs a block
[18:41] <Tony_Sidaway> I've never found Wikipedia's size intimidating (though when I started it had only about 1/2 million articles). The size is a help, really. You're never alone, there's always somebody to ask for help.
[18:41] <TeeTylerToe> what are admins like on small wikis?
[18:41] <Elduen> Terrible.
[18:42] <TeeTylerToe> oh?
[18:42] <Isarra> Some are terrible and some aren't.
[18:42] <Isarra> For instance I'm terrible and Elduen isn't.
[18:42] <Elduen> Isarra is terrible.
[18:42] <OlEnglish> how are they terible?
�03[18:42] * YE is now known as YE|AFK
[18:42] <Isarra> Apparently I'm a bully.
[18:42] <Elduen> I am at least half as terrible as you are.
[18:42] <Isarra> And I like to make up rules and dictate things.
[18:42] <OlEnglish> terrible in that they're incompetent?
[18:42] <OlEnglish> or terrible as in they're bullies?
[18:42] <TeeTylerToe> do you think that consensus is determined by a show of hands?
[18:43] <OlEnglish> or both
[18:43] <Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: no, it's by most convincing arguement
[18:43] <Elduen> On the wiki I administrate, no.
[18:43] <Isarra> OlEnglish: Generally speaking, it can go either way.
[18:43] <Isarra> Or both.
[18:43] <OlEnglish> yeah
[18:43] <OlEnglish> i'm a terribly competent bully
[18:43] <TeeTylerToe> it's any convincing argument.  Many issues have more than one convincing argument
[18:43] <Isarra> OlEnglish: So am I!
[18:43] <Isarra> Usually.
[18:43] <OlEnglish> hehe
[18:44] <Isarra> Sometimes I make things die horribly, but nothing irreversible yet.
[18:44] <Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: the most convincing arguement is the one that the closing admin wants it to be
[18:44] <Isarra> I mean, 90000 edits isn't aaaall that many to undelete...
[18:44] <Elduen> Consensus is hard.
[18:44] <Elduen> Unless you're the closing admin, yeah.
�03[18:44] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:44] <OlEnglish> sometimes you need a supervote
[18:45] <OlEnglish> just to get anywhere
[18:45] <Elduen> Why does Ham Sandvich require a block?
[18:45] <TeeTylerToe> people throw the "truth" around a lot as it's decided by the "consensus" which is voted on
[18:45] <Elduen> Does he have a deleted user contribution?
�03[18:45] * Monchoman45 (~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:45] <Sven_Manguard> OlEnglish: Bad boy. Go to your room and write "I will diligently uphold the will of the community" 1000 times
[18:46] <Elduen> TeeTylerToe: That's nothing. Try administrating a wiki that has an official policy called "Use common sense" instead of "Ignore all rules".
[18:46] <OlEnglish> hehe
[18:46] <Sven_Manguard> Elduen: which one is that?
[18:46] <Sven_Manguard> Uncyclopedia?
[18:46] <Elduen> That'd be the RuneScape wiki, one of Wikia's.
[18:46] <TeeTylerToe> neither sound like very good policies
[18:46] <Elduen> Wikipedia has IAR, doesn't it?
[18:46] <Gfoley4> I never quite got RuneScape
[18:46] <Gfoley4> yes
[18:47] <Sven_Manguard> Elduen: Runescape is an MMO. HATRED
[18:47] <Elduen> I like the game. Mostly.
[18:47] <Elduen> And the wiki is one of the best fansites, especially when I edit it.
[18:47] <TeeTylerToe> and do people actually argue about real rules on wikipedia?  You quote a rule and they ignore you, they misquote a rule and you can't argue against it because that would be like a legal proceeding
�02[18:47] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[18:47] <Isarra> I yelled at the admins of the Guild Wars Wiki (it's another MMO) for writing bad abuse filters once...
[18:47] <Isarra> I seem to yell at people a lot.
[18:47] <Gfoley4> MMO = ?
[18:48] <Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: People don't just endlessly argue about rules, the also endlessly argue about the manual of style...
[18:48] <Isarra> Online game thing.
[18:48] <TeeTylerToe> massively multiplayer online game
[18:48] <Isarra> I dunno what it actually... oh.
[18:48] <Elduen> Anyway. I may only have experience with Uncyclopedia and the RSW, but I do have some decent wikicode knowledge.
[18:48] <Sven_Manguard> What TeeTylerToe said
[18:48] <Gfoley4> is Minecraft considered one?
[18:48] <Sven_Manguard> It's like an RPG, but shittier
[18:48] <Elduen> I am competent enough to write an article.
[18:48] <Isarra> I'm not.
[18:48] <Elduen> But a Wikipedia article? Boy, I dunno.
�03[18:48] * YE|AFK is now known as YE
[18:48] <TeeTylerToe> minecraft isn't quite a MMO because it has too many different servers
[18:48] <OlEnglish> wikipedia is like an mmorpg
[18:48] <Isarra> It's not like one.
[18:48] <Isarra> It is one.
[18:48] <OlEnglish> i like that page
[18:48] <OlEnglish> that's a great page
[18:49] <OlEnglish> oh ya, it is on
[18:49] <OlEnglish> e
[18:49] <Elduen> Makes me think of Uncyclopedia's Game: space.
[18:49] <Isarra>
[18:49] <Elduen> Isarra: <3
[18:49] <Gfoley4> I think I'm going to play some minecraft then
[18:49] <TeeTylerToe> I never had success arguing rules because the admins I've come into contact don't care about the text of the rule, they just interpret it however they want to and they refuse to argue
[18:50] <Elduen> On WP?
[18:50] <TeeTylerToe> yea
[18:50] <Elduen> Now that I think about it, what's the highest authority on Wikipedia, aside from community consensus?
[18:50] <Elduen> What/who
[18:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Ignore all Rules is the saving grace of Wikipedia. Even if you're "right" on written policy, often you just have to admit (as I do daily) that this isn't the way Wikipedia actually works.
[18:51] <TeeTylerToe> for instance, consensus isn't determined by a show of hands, and that if there are two opposing viewpoints that both have reliable references that the article should be expanded to include both, instead of taking a vote
[18:51] <TeeTylerToe> arbitration committee which takes a month per issue
[18:51] <TeeTylerToe> afaik
[18:51] <Isarra> Wait, wikipedia works?
[18:51] <Isarra> HERESY!
[18:51] <Tony_Sidaway> It's still here and it changes over time. In that sense it works.
[18:52] <Elduen> I use it as a reference all the time.
[18:52] <TeeTylerToe> how does that help anything Tony?
[18:52] <Elduen> I've just never delved into its community, or the act of editing it.
[18:52] <OlEnglish> i use it to pass the time
[18:52] <Tony_Sidaway> All investigations I'm aware of (and my own experience) also suggest that quality is improving.
[18:52] <Elduen> Or its rules, or policies, or essays..
�06[18:52] * Elduen 's head spins.
[18:52] <Isarra> I use wikipedia to... uh...
[18:52] <Elduen> Timesink.
[18:52] <Isarra> Sure.
[18:53] <ChrisGualtieri> Is there a way to find unsourced english articles?
[18:53] <Tony_Sidaway> Just about any article I've ever looked at, the quality has improved, often by an order of magnitude over spaces of 5 years or more.
[18:53] <OlEnglish> english? articles?
[18:53] <TeeTylerToe> a lot of articles are pretty bad
[18:53] <OlEnglish> as in.. written in english?
[18:53] <Elduen> If you feel the game has treated you particularly unfairly, you can create free amusement for other players by asking the Dark Lord for assistance.
[18:53] <OlEnglish> good luck there bud
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[18:54] <TeeTylerToe> ?
[18:54] <Tony_Sidaway> ChrisGualtieri: you can get articles in a given category and then look for those without links. Doesn't mean unsourced but it's a good rule of thumb.
[18:54] <Elduen> No, I'm sure the goal of creating free amusement for other players can be met quite easily.
[18:54] <TeeTylerToe> isn't there a way to find articles that are tagged with one of the unreferenced or needs more reference tags?
[18:54] <Sven_Manguard> TeeTylerToe: yes
[18:54] <Elduen> I would think so.
[18:54] <TeeTylerToe> maybe google?
[18:54] <Elduen> Special:Whatlinkshere?
[18:54] <OlEnglish> uhh ya.. there's tons of maintenance categories
[18:55] <Sven_Manguard> go to WP:GBD and look for the category with 300,000 entries
[18:55] <Sven_Manguard> that's the unsourced
[18:55] <Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: basically take pywikipediabot and hack around with it.
[18:55] <Frood> fuck yeah, my failover worked.
[18:55] <OlEnglish> try Category:Wikipedia unreferenced articles
[18:55] <TeeTylerToe> google might work
[18:55] <OlEnglish> or something similar
[18:55] <Sven_Manguard>
[18:55] <TeeTylerToe> do a google search for the domain for the text of the unreferenced tag
[18:55] <OlEnglish> ya
[18:55] <Sven_Manguard> 233,000 "articles" have no source
�02[18:55] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[18:56] <TeeTylerToe> also just looking for stubs
[18:56] <OlEnglish> and growing
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[18:56] <TeeTylerToe> why not improve stubs rather than add references
�03[18:56] * Frood_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:56] <Frood_> I stand corrected.
[18:56] <ChrisGualtieri> I'm fixing those Sven, but categorizing them are annoying
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[18:56] <ChrisGualtieri> Half of them I can't find sources for
[18:56] <TeeTylerToe> or maybe add information about paul ryan's social security privitization plan to his article
�02[18:56] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[18:57] <OlEnglish> what are we going to do with all the permastubs?
�03[18:57] * la_pianista (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:57] <OlEnglish> they'll be forever stubbed
[18:57] <Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: you can do whatlinkshere on a template such as "unreferenced".
[18:57] <Frood> omg la_pianista
[18:57] <Tony_Sidaway> Stubs are fine.
[18:57] <la_pianista> hi ^.^
[18:58] <TeeTylerToe> hi
�06[18:58] * Isarra gives la_pianista a fish.
[18:58] <Tony_Sidaway> We should probably stop futile attempts to delete stuff that is perfectly okay as a small stub and can be redirected by anybody in a few seconds.
�06[18:58] * la_pianista plays it a ditty
�03[18:58] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:58] <la_pianista> isn't there some catchy song about a singing fish?
[18:58] <la_pianista> can't remember it now
[18:58] <la_pianista> anyways
�06[18:59] * la_pianista bows lowly
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[18:59] <OlEnglish> roly poly fishheads?
[18:59] <la_pianista> if that isn't a real title, I'd be sorely disappointed
[18:59] <Tony_Sidaway> About six or seven years ago I ran an assay on article deletions and compared those to the raw article creation rate. It was so unbalanced it was quite surprising.
�02[18:59] * incomputable (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: *poof*�)
[19:00] <Tony_Sidaway> I predicted then that deletion except in the case of very severe problems (obvious hoax or BLP) was soon going to be a waste of energy.
[19:00] <Tony_Sidaway> I wonder whether my prediction held up.
[19:00] <OlEnglish> la_pianista: just created the redirect :)
[19:01] <la_pianista> haha
[19:01] <Sven_Manguard> la_pianista: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:01] <la_pianista> Sven_Manguard !!!!!!!!!!
[19:01] <la_pianista> was wondering when I'd run into you
[19:01] <norbit> la_pianista! :O
[19:01] <la_pianista> yeesh everyone changing screen names every few months
�06[19:01] * la_pianista whoises
[19:01] <norbit> lol
�02[19:01] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[19:01] <la_pianista> colloquy sucks, can't tell who you are
�06[19:02] * la_pianista waves anyway
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[19:02] <Sven_Manguard> It's addihockey
[19:02] <norbit> :-DD
[19:02] <Isarra> He likes changing his nick.
[19:02] <Elduen> I'm going to stick with this.
[19:02] <OlEnglish> i sometimes play with my nick
[19:03] <Elduen> To minimize confusing poor Isarra.
[19:03] <OlEnglish> yes, my nick
[19:03] <Isarra> I like this one.
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�03[19:03] * Isarra is now known as VanishedUser2138
[19:03] <Tony_Sidaway> Okay, in the past 12 hours English Wikipedia has grown by 500 pages in article space.
[19:03] <norbit> OlEnglish: o_O
[19:03] <Elduen> Wow.
[19:03] <la_pianista> ohh addy
�06[19:03] * diegogrez lurks, waves
�06[19:03] * la_pianista huggles
�06[19:03] * la_pianista waves to diegogrez as well
�06[19:03] * norbit glomps la_pianista
[19:03] <norbit> diegogrez: hello
[19:03] <diegogrez> hola
[19:04] <diegogrez> wassup?
[19:04] <norbit> nm
�02[19:04] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[19:04] <VanishedUser2138> But we all know RTV is reversible...
�03[19:04] * VanishedUser2138 is now known as Isarra
[19:04] <norbit> Isarra: You, are a troll.
[19:04] <norbit> :-DD
[19:04] <Isarra> norbit: U have my own bridge and everything.
[19:04] <Isarra> I
�06[19:04] * Isarra thumps it for emphasis.
[19:05] <Elduen> And under it? A moldy palm tree.
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[19:06] <Tony_Sidaway> Now looking at deletions, in the past 12 hours some 1,000 pages altogether have been deleted. This is across all namespaces.
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�06[19:06] * diegogrez wonders whether someone in this room could review one of his DYK noms :)
[19:06] <diegogrez> *wonders if, or whatever it is, you should get it
�02[19:06] * tonynoname ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[19:06] <Tony_Sidaway> So quite quickly we see that it's unlikely that any serious, effective control is being exercised over article creation.
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[19:08] <Tony_Sidaway> I would like to quantify the number of CSDs, PRODS and AfDs, and that would give us a much firmer figure for raw article creation versus article deletion rate.
[19:08] <OlEnglish> what do you make of the new new page triage thingy?
[19:08] <OlEnglish>
[19:08] <Isarra> norbit: And you don't know how to use commas properly.
[19:08] <Isarra> I forgot to mention that.
[19:08] <Tony_Sidaway> But that would take a bit of effort. Just a glance at the deletion log shows that article deletions are not that common:
[19:09] <TeeTylerToe> I made an article about the russian watched used for their space program that was discontinued in 1970.  It was speedily deleted because it wasn't notable and it was an advertisement
[19:10] <Guerillero> I delete a good amount of stuff
[19:10] <Tony_Sidaway> OlEnglish: interesting to see the Foundation finally getting involved in curation. I don't think the "problem" is tractable, though. In fact I don't think it's a problem except for people who adhere to fantasies such as "notability".
[19:11] <OlEnglish> oh i think we'd be a lot worse of without the notability guideline
[19:11] <OlEnglish> worse off
[19:11] <norbit> Isarra: how so?
[19:11] <Tony_Sidaway> OlEnglish: statistically it cannot ever be effective.
[19:11] <TeeTylerToe> the notability guideline that can't even define notability?
[19:11] <Tony_Sidaway> Notability is a chimera. It plays no part in fundamental policy.
[19:12] <OlEnglish> so it should just be a common sense thing then
[19:12] <Guerillero> notability is a cornerstone of the pedia
[19:12] <TeeTylerToe> but you can't trust people to have common sense
[19:12] <OlEnglish> whatever you write about in an encyclopedia, common sense is it should be notable
[19:12] <OlEnglish> right, you can't trust people
�03[19:13] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:13] <TeeTylerToe> someone that's for instance a railroad fan would find a certain locomotive very notable, but wouldn't find a russian space watch notable, a watch fan would find a russian space watch notable but wouldn't care about a locomotive if it created the universe and man
[19:13] <Tony_Sidaway> Anyway pointless arguing over it. It doesn't work not because it's wrong, but because we have no way of implementing it in a manner that has a hope of competing with the rate of article creation.
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[19:14] <OlEnglish> well lets hope wmf's new page curation tool will have an effect
[19:14] <Tony_Sidaway> The obsession with deletion has occupied a lot of energy over the years. I don't think that will change.
[19:14] <kim_bruning> shoot, I always get msged by steven zhang, except when I need him ^^;;
[19:15] <Tony_Sidaway> I outlined methods of automatic curation some years ago. They would scale but they probably would not be popular.
[19:15] <TeeTylerToe> tell him no means no
[19:16] <TeeTylerToe> I don't see why people think that there isn't space in wikipedia for an interesting article
�03[19:16] * ty is now known as tyime
[19:16] <Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: there used to be a way of expressing this: "we're not running out of paper."
[19:16] <OlEnglish> whaat? there's tons of interesting articles
[19:16] <OlEnglish> i love WP:UNUSUAL
[19:17] <OlEnglish> soo many interesting articles there
[19:18] <norbit> OlEnglish: Stop having a boring knife, stop having a boring life.
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[19:19] <OlEnglish> yeah i've seen that:)
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[19:19] <Tony_Sidaway>
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[19:20] <Tony_Sidaway>
[19:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[19:20] <Tony_Sidaway>
[19:20] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: yeah I _know_. Interesting stuff, eh?
[19:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[19:21] <TeeTylerToe> to commemorate the US Military's intervention against saddam in kuwait, the vostok watch company of the union of soviet socialist republics made a commemorative watch
[19:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> based on what I know about it... it is the earliest recorded case of trolling or perhaps more
[19:22] <norbit> Peter-C: don't let this happen to you :O
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[19:22] <kim_bruning> norbit,  "that's not a knife... _That's_ a knife" .    Just kids having fun ;-)
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[19:22] <Tony_Sidaway> I like the name. FOr me Vostok is one of those names, like Sputnik and Gemini and Telstar, that filled my childhood.
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[19:23] <Soapy> i think im going to put all my passwords online on a publically accessible webpage and see how long it takes people to find it
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[19:24] <TeeTylerToe>
[19:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway your childhood?
[19:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I thought you were cloned :/
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[19:25] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, clones have a childhood
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[19:25] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, now, duplicates, maybe
[19:25] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, (proper twins are always clones of each other, to begin with. They tend to have childhoods ;-)
[19:25] <Tony_Sidaway> Clive James' lyrics: "the Omega Incabloc Oyster Acutron '72, the only wristwatch for a drummer."
[19:26] <norbit> kim_bruning: lol
[19:26] <TeeTylerToe> bet that was the last time they let the drummer write lyrics
[19:26] <kim_bruning> norbit, hey, I'm a wikipedian. If I don't get to be pedantic on #wikipedia, where DO I get to be pedantic?
[19:26] <Tony_Sidaway> He used to write lyrics for the singer Pete Atkin.
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[19:27] <Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: it's a wrily comic song. Clive James is an essayist and occasional poet.
[19:27] <Soapy> im going to put my passwords online on my homepage but it'll be in the Voynich Manuscript font
[19:27] <kim_bruning> Now if you meet a girl with 2 moms, (and she looks suspiciously like kid pictures of mom&aunts)   you may want to consider you have just met an IRL clone.
[19:27] <kim_bruning> ;-)
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[19:27] <kim_bruning> Soapy, that's decipherable
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[19:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning sure... next thing you will tell me clones are actually born
[19:29] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, how else would you make a human being?
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[19:29] <OlEnglish> ya
[19:29] <OlEnglish> it's still gotta be born
[19:29] <kim_bruning> I don't know that actual clones are born today. I know of one way in which one could make clones today (not very useful, but theoretically attainable)
[19:29] <Tony_Sidaway>
[19:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning with a blender?
[19:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> put lots and lots of cabbages
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[19:30] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, that would be de novo synthesis
[19:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> with cabages?
[19:30] <Tony_Sidaway> Great rhyming of "from it", "comet" and "vomit". Dammit, Janet!
[19:31] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, well, I wouldn't know what else you could do with cabbages
[19:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> salad.
[19:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
[19:31] <Soapy> you could make a clone with a time machine
[19:31] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, to be frank, I don't know whether de novo synthesis of humans starting from cabbages is entirely practicable
�06[19:31] * ToAruShiroiNeko is amazed how much BS holywood can produce
[19:31] <Tony_Sidaway> Clones? "Bye baby Banting, soon you'll be decanting!"
[19:31] <kim_bruning> Soapy, now that would be a duplicate
[19:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning anything is possible with effort
[19:32] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, IRL clones are/would be nothing like hollywood ;-)
[19:32] <Tony_Sidaway> So in Huxley's novel, they're created in a test tube and nurtered in a jar.
[19:32] <kim_bruning> Tony_Sidaway, which is stupid
[19:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can breakdown the cabages into more basic elements
[19:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and then make them complex again
[19:32] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, that's what I was thinking ;-)
[19:32] <Tony_Sidaway> kim_bruning: well he was writing this in 1930!
[19:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ideally through a matter -> energy -> matter conversion
[19:33] <kim_bruning> while on the other hand, I'm not entirely unconvinced cloning could be done in your kitchen, provided:
[19:33] <Soapy> well I guess if you bring the parents back together they could have more kids
[19:33] <kim_bruning> you possess some form of carrying the child (you'll need a womb)
[19:33] <Soapy> then youd just keep killing the babies until you get one that's a clone
[19:33] <kim_bruning> you clean up very well after yourself (some chemicals used in genetics are Not Very Healthy (tm))
[19:34] <Tony_Sidaway> In fact, the children in Brave New World are mass produced but probably not necessarily cloned.
[19:34] <kim_bruning> But I don't know that anyone has a successful protocol yet
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[19:34] <kim_bruning> but eventually it shouldn't cost more than $10K or so.
[19:34] <Soapy> to have a baby
[19:35] <Soapy> so someone with $10 million could have 1,000 children
[19:35] <kim_bruning> I figure you'd have to be female and single (and/or non-athrophilic)
[19:35] <kim_bruning> Soapy, no ;-)
[19:35] <kim_bruning> Soapy, you need 10K worth of gear and chemicals, a kitchen, and a womb
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[19:35] <Soapy> well I was picturing incubators in an underground lab somewhere, not normal human women with normal everyday wombs
[19:35] <kim_bruning> 50% of the world population has the latter built in
[19:36] <OlEnglish> human-alien hybrids
[19:36] <kim_bruning> so you can see why I think the odds of any clones being female are pretty strong
[19:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning it would cost more than 10k to keep it a secret
[19:36] <OlEnglish> in dulce base
[19:36] <kim_bruning> Soapy, why the heck would you use an external incubator, when you have a highly advanced incubator built in?
[19:36] <OlEnglish> look it up
[19:36] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, no, why?
[19:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it is illegal practically everywhere
[19:36] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, once the egg cell is implanted , who's to know?
[19:36] <Pharos> keepingf a secret is cheap
[19:37] <Pharos> it's publicity that costs
[19:37] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, what part is illegal?
[19:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning to be honest the odds of it being healthy is slim
[19:37] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, why?
[19:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> cloning tends to fail
[19:37] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, provided the mom is healthy, why wouldn't the kid?
[19:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> because techniques used are far from prefected
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[19:38] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, right. And experimenting on humans would be BAD (tm)
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> even first clones didnt live long and had various problems including on aging
[19:38] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, but once techniques are perfected in mammals (which you know they will be)
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in the not too distant future
[19:38] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, a female who really really really wants a kid, will be able to make one themselves without assistence
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> perhaps US politics would stop caring about the vagina and worry about more important issues
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning I can see such a kit sold in walmark
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> iKid.
[19:39] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you realize that if women don't need men to procreate, there might be a problem ;-)
[19:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> actually...
[19:39] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, I don't know about that, but it seems it'd be the ultimate Maker project ;-)
[19:39] <Tony_Sidaway> I read Huxley a long time ago now--a lifetime ago. The wordplay is still sparkling. Must read it again.
[19:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> genetically women never needed men
[19:39] <Soapy> id be happy with being there being less men in teh world
[19:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> xx is a valid gene
[19:39] <Tony_Sidaway>
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[19:39] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you mean a valid chromosome pair? There's a whole bunch of genes on there :-P
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[19:39] <OlEnglish> everyone is born a female
[19:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning the one for gender specifically
[19:40] <OlEnglish> well not born
[19:40] <kim_bruning> OlEnglish, last I checked, not really :-P
[19:40] <Tony_Sidaway> His later, darker, work, such as Ape and Essence. Well worth a look.
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[19:40] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, there's an entire chromosome for that ;-)
[19:40] <OlEnglish> as a fetus we're all female aren't we?
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> on the other hand men do not have that possibility since yy is kaput
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> OlEnglish nope
[19:40] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, also, no womb
[19:40] <OlEnglish> well where does that come in
[19:40] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, but you can still clone a male. You just need to find a surrogate mother.
[19:40] <OlEnglish> i know i read it somewhere
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning dont forget arnold
[19:41] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, at which point it's probably much easier to just use the traditional method
[19:41] <Tony_Sidaway> Fetuses have distinct sex during later development. We're not born female.
[19:41] <Soapy> the very early stages of fetushood are unisex
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning the get laid method
[19:41] <kim_bruning> also because a person is much more likely to carry a child who actually has 50% of her genes ;-)
[19:41] <Soapy> but saying we "start out female" has some merit
[19:41] <OlEnglish> yes ok "the very early stages" there you go
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am told it is more entertaining too
[19:42] <kim_bruning> so I predict clones will be mostly female, especially at first .
[19:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> OlEnglish your gender is determined the second the egg is fertilised
[19:42] <Soapy> because someone who's missing a Y chromosome and has only one X is still female
[19:42] <Soapy> but someone who has a Y and no X wont even develop long enough to be born
[19:42] <kim_bruning> Once you start cloning, it's actually biologically the optimal strategy to keep cloning the original mother's genes
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[19:42] <kim_bruning> so you end up with families of 2 moms working together to raise a female kid. :-)
[19:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning the problem is you want biological diversity
[19:43] <kim_bruning> you wouldn't even immediately be able to tell they're all clones, due to
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> cloning brings legal aspects
[19:43] <kim_bruning> A: People look different at different ages. (you'd have to compare photos at the same age)
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as biometrics will be identical
[19:43] <Soapy> some woman in England patented herself so that she could claim legal ownership of all clones of her
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[19:43] <OlEnglish> wow
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Soapy that sounds stupid
[19:44] <kim_bruning> B: twins (natural clones) who live together tend to differentiate from each other:wear different clothes, different haircuts, etc.
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[19:44] <Soapy> i think it was more a publicity stunt than a serious attempt to get legal right to own people
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[19:44] <OlEnglish> how can you patent yourself
[19:44] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, biometrics will not be identical
[19:44] <OlEnglish> wait, you can patent genes can't you
[19:44] <kim_bruning> OlEnglish, your parents can claim prior art ;-)
[19:44] <Soapy> you can patent genes for crops
[19:44] <kim_bruning> OlEnglish, You can patent the use of genes for certain applications. It's a loophole
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[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you cannot pattent your own genes
[19:44] <OlEnglish> huh
[19:44] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, why not? ;-)
[19:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> gene pattents are intended for bio-engineering
[19:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning because it isnt intellectual property
[19:45] <kim_bruning>
[19:45] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, why?
[19:45] <Soapy> hm
[19:45] <Soapy> the contribs page changed again
[19:45] <Soapy> now it says [rollback 1 edit] instead of just [rollback]
[19:46] <kim_bruning> Soapy, useful! Now I know how much damage I can do :-P
[19:46] <Soapy> my sandbox history page says [rollback more than 10 edits]
[19:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning because for IP you need to have intellectual input
[19:46] <Soapy> so it wont show more than 10
[19:47] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, well, you tell that to the lawyers. :-)
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ramming your loaf is not intellectual input
[19:47] <Soapy> speaking of which I really should get back to work on my sandbox article
[19:47] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, I dunno, that involves a very large data transfer
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[19:49] <kim_bruning> ok, human genome is 32GBasePairs:    1 BP has 4 states , 1 bit has 2 states, so 64GBits, divide by 8 is 8 gigabytes?
[19:49] <kim_bruning> oh, that's actually accurate for haploid
[19:49] <kim_bruning> (eg, in gametes)
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[19:50] <Soapy> so i could fit on an 8 GB SD card
[19:50] <Soapy> but just barely
[19:50] <kim_bruning> so yeah, the simplest way to put it is that you do an 8 Gbyte transfer. (though that's not entirely accurate)
[19:50] <kim_bruning> Soapy, well, you'd need a 16 GB SD Card for your full genome :-)
[19:50] <kim_bruning> normally you're diploid
[19:50] <kim_bruning> haploid is used for data transfer
[19:50] <Soapy> that means human genes are more space-efficient than SD cards
[19:50] <kim_bruning> 50% from your mom, 50% from your dad
[19:50] <Soapy> maybe in the future we'll use DNA to store computer files
[19:50] <kim_bruning> Soapy, no kidding. It's molecular encoding ;-)
[19:51] <kim_bruning> Soapy, You're not the first person to think that! :-)
[19:52] <kim_bruning> wasn't there someone working on actually copying your DNA onto SD cards (by manner of speaking?)
[19:52] <kim_bruning>
[19:52] <kim_bruning> possibly this bunch
[19:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning thats lame
[19:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can zip it
[19:52] <kim_bruning> George M. Church, PhD
[19:53] <OlEnglish> i'd rar mine
[19:53] <kim_bruning> hmm, there's a bunch of redundancy in encoding
[19:53] <kim_bruning> so you might be able to pull that off
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[19:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> problem with molecular storage is that it is difficult to modify it
[19:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> access time is slow too
[19:53] <kim_bruning> though, frankly, I'd leave it unzipped if I wanted to transcribe it back to DNA
[19:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> imagine your dna getting corrupted >:D
[19:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you'd start to fade
[19:54] <kim_bruning> the redundancies are 'designed' to take into account flaws in DNA data storage ;-)
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[19:54] <OlEnglish> or encrypted
[19:54] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, no you wouldn't start to fade
[19:54] <OlEnglish> and you dont' have the key!!
[19:54] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you'd just get sick ;-)
[19:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning you are telling me holywood is stirring me wrong?
[19:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BS!
[19:54] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, an easy way to corrupt DNA is to expose a person to radiation
[19:55] <OlEnglish> yup
[19:55] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, ionizing radiation, specifically
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[19:55] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, on a small scale, repair can keep up. Too much radiation-> Damage
[19:55] <kim_bruning> Ohai Ironholds
[19:55] <Ironholds> hey kim_bruning :)
[19:56] <Soapy> yeah
[19:56] <Soapy> the sun is constantly corurpting our genomes
[19:56] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, of course, sometimes you're just unlucky, and a repair fails, and the cell does not self destruct, and  <add up perfect storm here> -> and you get cancer
[19:56] <kim_bruning> Soapy, also, oxygen ;-)
[19:56] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, how's life treating you?
[19:56] <kim_bruning> Soapy, that stuff is radical man!
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[19:57] <Fluffernutter> oh no, it's Ironholds and kim_bruning in the same place. Everybody run!
[19:57] <kim_bruning>
[19:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kim_bruning or super powers
[19:57] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, hey, everyone survived at wikimania
[19:57] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, you wish
[19:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to mutate into spiderman
[19:57] <kim_bruning> listen bud, ToAruShiroiNeko has radioactive blood
[19:58] <kim_bruning> doesn't scan
[19:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so if a radioactive skeever bites the dragonborn, does that make him or her skeeverman/woman?
[19:59] <kim_bruning> ToAruShiroiNeko, I suggest you do the experiment to find out
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[19:59] <Ironholds> kim_bruning: it's going well!
[20:00] <Ironholds> in SF and marginally drunk; Sarah, Katie, Kaldari and I were enjoying wine we poached from the legal department
[20:00] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, I recall you said something about "being nice to volunteers" at some point ;-)
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[20:00] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, I would tell you to Never Mess With The Land Sharks
[20:00] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, but then I recall they have to extend you professional courtesy ;-)
[20:00] <Ironholds> hey, I'm a land-minnow
[20:00] <Ironholds> exactly!
[20:00] <Ironholds> and am I being mean to volunteers?
[20:00] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: you're just jealous of our combined knowledge
[20:01] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, I dunno. I'm wondering if you're being nice to them now
[20:01] <Ironholds> it's okay. you'll always know more about linguistics and awful, awful erotica
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[20:01] <Fluffernutter> or your combined hairstyle. One of those.
[20:01] <Ironholds> kim_bruning: somewhat!
[20:01] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: my hair is fine, as is Kim's.
[20:01] <kim_bruning> "By your powers combined... I am captain <errrr>"
[20:01] <kim_bruning> Not planet in this case
[20:01] <kim_bruning> I'm pretty sure that Ironholds has no heart (having had it removed for professional resons)
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[20:02] <kim_bruning> and I'd have some trouble getting a fire going with the constant rain around here :-P
[20:02] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, Fluffernutter knows about aweful erotica? ;-)
[20:02] <kim_bruning> This I did not know
[20:03] <Fluffernutter> ...whut
[20:03] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, anyway, are you actually being nice to volunteers, and not swearing at them (except privately)? (yes I know that ruins all the fun, but c'est la vie)
[20:03] <kim_bruning> if so I shan't ask again, and just trust that you will achieve world dominion :-)
�03[20:03] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:03] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, Don't ask me. Ironholds mentioned it
[20:03] <Ironholds> mostly! It depends on the volunteer and the contxt
[20:03] <Ironholds> *e
[20:04] <kim_bruning> ohai SteveMobile , top 'o the mornin' to ya
[20:04] <Fluffernutter> Ironholds swears at people much more rarely these days!
[20:04] <kim_bruning> SteveMobile, I knew you'd show up ;-)
[20:04] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, look, I don't care who you swear at, just not at volunteers ;-)
[20:04] <kim_bruning> SteveMobile, is there a way to easily reopen a DRN case? :-P
�02[20:05] * ktron ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�06[20:05] * la_pianista does a drive by snuggle of ironholds
[20:05] <kim_bruning> ohai la_pianista
[20:05] <la_pianista> ohai kim_bruning
[20:05] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, awesome! :-)
[20:06] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, maybe 'cause he's just happier in life? :-)
[20:07] <kim_bruning> um, ping?
[20:07] <kim_bruning> :-)
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[20:07] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, So what are you up to these days?
�06[20:07] * Fluffernutter is pung
[20:07] <kim_bruning> hmm, not too bad
�03[20:08] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:08] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
[20:09] <kim_bruning> dang, my grammar vocabulary is bad in english
[20:10] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, "pung" is inflected in way X,  "pinged" is inflected in way Y
�02[20:10] * andrewcrawford ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[20:10] <Fluffernutter> ping, pang, pung
[20:10] <Ironholds> kim_bruning: sat in SF :)
[20:10] <Ironholds> nothing much
[20:10] <Ironholds> la_pianista!
[20:10] <Ironholds> holy shit, dude
�06[20:10] * Ironholds glomps la_pianista
[20:10] <kim_bruning> what are X and Y here? (no idea) in dutch X is strong, and Y  is weak
�06[20:10] * la_pianista is glommed, being sure that none of the holy shit gets on her
[20:11] <Ironholds> indeed, holiness is fatal to you people
[20:11] <la_pianista> though I wonder if that's called being blessed
[20:11] <Ironholds> by which I mean pianists
[20:11] <kim_bruning> la_pianista, but but, it's HOLY.
[20:11] <la_pianista> there's a deep adage somewhere in there
[20:11] <Ironholds> REAL theists play the violin
�03[20:11] * la_pianista is now known as pianista|brb
[20:11] <kim_bruning> Ironholds, you discriminate?
[20:11] <Fluffernutter> kim_bruning,, ping = present, pang = past, pung = past participle
[20:11] <Ironholds> kim_bruning: only on musical instrument and hairstyle
�03[20:11] * pianista|brb is now known as la_pianista
[20:12] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, right, but you can also do it ping, pinged, pinged
�03[20:12] * andrewcrawford ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:12] <kim_bruning> iirc
[20:12] <Fluffernutter> kim_bruning: that would be heretical
[20:12] <The_Thing>
[20:12] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, also, there's a name for that other than heretical ;-)
[20:12] <Fluffernutter> "non-native"?
[20:12] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, no. :-P
[20:12] <Guerillero> have you wrote a blog lately ironholds
�02[20:13] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -�)
�03[20:14] * thomas is now known as viscount
�06[20:14] * kim_bruning scratches head
[20:14] <Ironholds> Guerillero: I've got like, five half-written
[20:14] <kim_bruning> some verbs follow a regular pattern
[20:14] <kim_bruning> some verbs don't
[20:14] <kim_bruning> OH!
[20:15] <kim_bruning> duh, they're called regular and irregular in english
[20:15] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, thanks! :-)
�02[20:15] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[20:15] <Frood> anyone have suggestions for printers that aren't sent from hell?
�06[20:15] * kim_bruning figures I possibly need more sleep
[20:15] <Ironholds> one on surveys, one on music, one on remote working, so on
[20:15] <Ironholds> alright. I shall go to bed :)
[20:15] <Ironholds> night all!
�02[20:15] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
[20:15] <Frood> or, i'd put up with one that's maybe sent from hell if its ink doesn't cost more than gold
[20:16] <kim_bruning> Frood, are you also looking for an honest lawyer, and a flying pig?
�02[20:16] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[20:16] <kim_bruning> Frood, printer ink is the 2nd most expensive substance on earth. (the most expensive being antimatter)
[20:16] <Fluffernutter> Guerillero good lord go to bed!
[20:16] <kim_bruning> Frood, did you know laser printers have come down in price considerably?
[20:16] <Frood> kim_bruning: it's more expensive than oil, human blood...
[20:16] <Guerillero> why fluff
[20:17] <kim_bruning> Frood, toner is also expensive, but lots cheaper than ink
[20:17] <norbit> kim_bruning: everyone knows that :O
[20:17] <Frood> well, they're a bit big for my footprint
[20:17] <kim_bruning> Frood, and it lasts a good sight longer too
[20:17] <kim_bruning> Frood, you'd be surprised
[20:17] <Frood> i need a fairly small printer
[20:17] <norbit> Fluffernutter: Behave, please.
[20:17] <kim_bruning> else make the footprint bigger, it's still cheaper
[20:17] <Fluffernutter> Guerillero: because if you're still up it means you;re up late. Or I am. Or something.
[20:17] <norbit> You are not Guerillero's mother :O
[20:17] <Frood> like, only slightly bigger than a normal sheet of paper
[20:17] <Fluffernutter> ah, but what if I am, norbit?
[20:17] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter reminds me of my mother :-P
[20:17] <norbit> Well, that would be awkward.
[20:17] <Guerillero> hehe
[20:18] <Frood> I don't really have a choice
[20:18] <Fluffernutter> kim_bruning, dare I ask why?
[20:18] <Guerillero> buttttt its only 11 PM
[20:18] <Frood> my room is small, I need one for school and such.
[20:18] <Brooke> Hi kim_bruning. :-)
�03[20:18] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:18] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, many different ways, actually ^^;;
[20:18] <Guerillero> I do have a meeting at 10
[20:18] <norbit> Guerillero: go out drinking with your friends, I'm the cool dad.
�06[20:18] * Fluffernutter eyes kim_bruning
[20:18] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, I told you this before once :-P
[20:18] <kim_bruning> more than once
[20:18] <norbit> kim_bruning: is your mother forgetful? :-D
[20:19] <Brooke> kim_bruning is Freud.
[20:19] <kim_bruning> norbit, I wish, she's gone now.
[20:19] <norbit> oh :(
�06[20:19] * Fluffernutter forgets everything, most of the time
�02[20:19] * Jasper_Deng (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[20:19] <kim_bruning> but she was awesome. Also, not forgetful :-)
[20:19] <kim_bruning> Fluffernutter, that's because you're actually your own person, and not actually my mother :-P
[20:19] <Fluffernutter> yay
�06[20:20] * kim_bruning suggests Fluffernutter invest in more exomemory
[20:20] <kim_bruning> (also, read accelerando)
�06[20:20] * Fluffernutter is old like that
[20:20] <kim_bruning> Ha :-P
�03[20:21] * la_pianista is now known as pianista|brb
�03[20:24] * Jasper_Deng (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:25] * pianista|brb is now known as la_pianista
[20:26] <Frood> How much does a normal ink cartridge cost?
�03[20:26] * ktron ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:26] <Frood> I guess I could look myself
�02[20:26] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[20:26] <Gfoley4> 20 or so I think
[20:26] <Gfoley4> which I thought was a little steep
�02[20:27] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[20:30] <norbit> Gfoley4: depends on the printer, really.
�03[20:31] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
[20:31] <norbit> Logan: Could you close two deletion discussions, please?
[20:31] <Gfoley4> it was an EPSON
[20:31] <Logan_> I'm busy
[20:32] <Gfoley4> and not an admin
[20:32] <norbit> Logan: they're easy closes :/
[20:32] <norbit> Gfoley4: commons
[20:32] <Logan_> for the common folk
�03[20:32] * viscount is now known as thomas
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[20:35] <norbit> Sven_Manguard: PM?
[20:35] <Sven_Manguard> any time
[20:35] <Sven_Manguard> no need to ask
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[20:40] <kim_bruning> ohai IShadowed
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�03[20:41] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:41] <kim_bruning> re
�03[20:41] * VerticalFarmer is now known as Nyanchat
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�03[20:45] * Frood is now known as Froodaway
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[20:50] <Isarra> Wikipedians should have a ferret legging contest.
�02[20:50] * tkazec (~msk@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[20:50] <Isarra> And we should take pictures.
[20:51] <Isarra> And add them to [[Ferret legging]].
[20:52] <kylu> Wot if'n we've got no ferret! Wot then, ay?
�03[20:53] * GabrielF ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[20:53] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:53] <Isarra> I'm sure some bright lads like y'all would have no trouble procuring the buggers.
�02[20:53] * morgankevinj (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Morgankevinj) Quit (Quit: laptop battery about to die�)
[20:53] <GabrielF> Sven_Manguard: hi
[20:53] <Sven_Manguard> hi
[20:54] <GabrielF> wanted to chat with you about your email to our WALRUS chapter list
�03[20:55] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:55] <norbit> GabrielF: I am the eggman
[20:55] <GabrielF> ?
[20:55] <norbit> we are the eggmen
[20:55] <norbit> and I AM THE WALRUS
[20:55] <norbit> COO-COO-KA-CHOO
�02[20:56] * SteveMobile (~SteveMobi@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -�)
[20:57] <diegogrez> mister city policeman city
[20:58] <Bsadowski1> Hey diegogrez.
[20:58] <diegogrez> hey Mr. Sadowski! long time no see
[20:58] <norbit> Bsadowski1! :-)
[20:59] <norbit> diegogrez: I'd say the rest.. but I can't understand Liam Gallagher's version.
[21:01] <diegogrez> lol
[21:01] <diegogrez> his performance was bizarre, just like himself
[21:01] <diegogrez> but still, it was a good tribute to the Beatles
�02[21:02] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[21:03] <diegogrez> I was excited about the so-called hologram of Freddie Mercury which never appeared, I only saw four big screens displaying his performance in Wembley 1986, and not the Live Aid performance which was unoficially promoted :P
�02[21:03] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[21:18] <Pharos> hi folks
�03[21:18] * chicocvenancio (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[21:25] * Isarra hugs Pharos and runs away.
[21:26] <Pharos> i believe that is a crime in some states
[21:26] <Isarra> Probably.
�03[21:30] * angstygangsta (~Joe@unaffiliated/thirteenth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:30] <Pharos> GabrielF, sven, let me know if there is WA
[21:30] <Pharos> WALRUS business
[21:31] <Sven_Manguard> Wait what?
[21:31] <angstygangsta> Does anyone here get involed with any Apple articles?
[21:31] <Sven_Manguard> I keep getting poked about WALRUS business, I've got no idea what anyone's talking about
[21:31] <norbit> Sven_Manguard: :O
[21:31] <angstygangsta> i.e. Macs
[21:31] <Pharos> i just saw from gabriel before
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[22:08] <Apheori> I want [citation needed] stickers.
[22:08] <Apheori> To put on signs and things.
[22:08] <Apheori> Like those Actual Size! stickers.
�02[22:10] * Od1n ( Quit (Quit: politically correct quit message�)
�06[22:12] * bharris actual size.
�03[22:12] * bharris is now known as jorm
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[22:13] <Apheori> jorm: [citation needed]
[22:13] <jorm> you've met me.
[22:13] <Apheori> WP:NOR
[22:14] <Apheori> NEED A CITATION.
�06[22:14] * Elduen drags Apheori to her bed and leaves her there.
�06[22:15] * Apheori hits Elduen with a cardboard cutout of a guild wars character.
�06[22:15] * Elduen blocks with a cookie.
[22:15] <Apheori> So jorm, darling, I understand you made the wikimedia labs logo?
[22:18] <NyanChat> Hey, does this route look familiar to anybody?
�03[22:18] * angstygangsta (~Joe@unaffiliated/thirteenth) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving"�)
[22:18] <Apheori> Crap, my hair is bleeding.
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[22:19] <NyanChat> Apheori, I wish I could give you med. advice right now, but alas, IANAD.
[22:19] <NyanChat> We know Jordanhill Railway Station is article #1,000,000. What was Article #1?
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[22:24] <NyanChat> ping me when you know
[22:24] <NyanChat> or are awake
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[22:32] <jorm> what about it?
[22:35] <kim_bruning> wow, wikitravel is slow
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[22:45] <kim_bruning> jebus, REALLY slow
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[22:47] <Apheori> jorm: MzMcBride and I vectorised it and we need someone to decide which one is better.
[22:48] <jorm> yours.
[22:48] <Apheori> Did you look, or are you just saying that so I don't bite you?
[22:48] <jorm> i did not look, but i'm not giving shit to mz.
�02[22:49] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[22:49] <Apheori> Oh, okay.
[22:49] <Apheori> That works.
[22:49] <kim_bruning> ZOMG, I have patroller on WT
[22:49] <Apheori> His is lumpier.
[22:49] <kim_bruning> jorm, what's wrong with mr mcbride? ;-)
[22:50] <jorm> my original was vector, but somehow i lost it, which pisses me off to no end.
[22:50] <jorm> 'twas actually a rebuild of a thing i did for my wife.
[22:50] <jorm> the best i have is a 300 dpi version.
�02[22:50] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[22:50] <jorm> i could rebuild a vector pretty quickly but haven't really needed to.
[22:51] <Apheori> >.<
[22:51] <kim_bruning> I am actually one of WT's oldest users. ....
�06[22:51] * kim_bruning :-O 's 
[22:51] <Apheori> Perhaps you ought to; it might help settle our dispute.
[22:51] <jorm> s/what
[22:51] <jorm> s/what\'s wrong/what\'s right/
�06[22:52] * Apheori starts giggling and steals Brooke's hair.
[22:52] <Elduen> Tsk.
[22:53] <Elduen> You are terrible at this, you know.
�06[22:53] * jorm terrible.
[22:53] <Elduen> @Apheori.
[22:54] <kim_bruning> tewwible
[22:54] <Apheori> Elduen: And you're going to be a lovely wikipedian. I just know it.
[22:54] <Elduen> I still have nothing to contribute.
[22:55] <Apheori> We can fix that.
[22:55] <jorm> there are no lovely wikipedians except risker and whatamidoing.
[22:55] <Elduen> Apheori is lovely.
[22:55] <Apheori> Risker is amazing.
[22:55] <jorm> concur.
[22:56] <Apheori> How do I fix the fact that all my clothes are covered in peat?
[22:56] <Elduen> Change.
[22:56] <Pharos> accept the peat
[22:56] <Apheori> *All* my clothes.
[22:56] <Apheori> It itches.
[22:56] <Pharos> my solution is better
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[22:57] <norbit> This is so painful to watch
[22:57] <Elduen> Go without clothing.
�06[22:58] * Apheori coveres norbit in peat.
�02[22:58] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[22:58] <norbit> Apheori: it's the jersey shore guy doing the roast of donald trump
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[22:59] <Apheori> I have no idea what that means.
�06[23:00] * Frostee likes roasts
[23:01] <jorm> alright.  show me your vector version.
�02[23:02] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
[23:02] <Apheori>
[23:03] <Frostee> I like the Unicorn
[23:03] <Apheori> Do you like this one?
�02[23:04] * NyanChat ( Quit (K-Lined�)
[23:04] <Frostee> your's is bigger
[23:04] <kim_bruning> you mean we're actually going to gt a unicorn?
[23:04] <Pharos> one day we will need a wikimedia logo with a narwhal
[23:04] <kim_bruning> Holy Moly!
[23:04] <Apheori> They're svgs. Size is meaningless.
�06[23:04] * kim_bruning has high expectations
[23:04] <Frostee> But
[23:04] <Frostee> BIGGER
[23:05] <Apheori>
[23:05] <kim_bruning> what's the difference really?
�06[23:05] * kim_bruning scratches head
[23:05] <kim_bruning> I'm looking at colors, shapes,...
[23:05] <Frostee> the difference is the size
[23:05] <Apheori> One is lumpier.
[23:06] <Frostee> oh yes that too
[23:06] <kim_bruning> oh yeah, now I see
[23:06] <kim_bruning> more detail
[23:06] <kim_bruning> I like the smoother one, for some reason
[23:07] <kim_bruning> I guess it looks more elegant
[23:07] <Apheori> Lumps are unseemly.
[23:07] <kim_bruning> Frostee, view full image, and use your scrollwheel already :-P
[23:07] <Apheori> Like tumours.
�02[23:07] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
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[23:08] <Frostee> indeed
�02[23:09] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Quit: tonynoname2�)
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[23:09] <jorm> tbh i prefer  File:Wikimedia labs logo.svg
[23:09] <jorm> because it will handle compression better.
�03[23:10] * gadfium_ is now known as gadfium
[23:10] <Apheori> Because it's less lumpy?
[23:11] <Elduen> You're less lumpy.
[23:11] <jorm> sure, if that's how you want to describe it.
[23:11] <Elduen> Wait, what are we talking about?
[23:11] <Apheori> Thank you.
[23:11] <jorm> why is this a contest?
[23:11] <Apheori> I have no idea.
[23:11] <Apheori> I doubt either of us spent more than five minutes on these.
[23:12] <jorm> chad suggested a unicorn.  i found some drawing i did for my wife (who loves unicorns).  i zapped it, imported it, and rescaled it in photoshop.  and then i lost the vector art because i'm a retard and did "save" as opposed to "save as" when i exported a rasterized version of the work for output on t-shirts.
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[23:13] <Apheori> >.<
[23:13] <Elduen> People suck.
�06[23:13] * Elduen pouts.
�03[23:13] * Luvbutrfly ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:14] <Elduen> And now my wrist aches.
[23:14] <jorm> do you want the 300 dpi version?  because that's what i've got.
[23:14] <norbit> jorm: I don't understand why they call it "Larry King Live"
�02[23:14] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[23:15] <Apheori> I never understood what dpi has to do with anything when viewing things digitally.
�03[23:15] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:15] <Apheori> But it'd probably help here, aye, if it's a bigger one.
[23:16] <Apheori> Also also also I was in a market today and I saw some sunflowers and now I know how to do the mediawiki logo.
[23:16] <jorm> it's biger.
[23:16] <Apheori> IT WILL BE AWESOME.
[23:16] <jorm> bigger.
[23:16] <jorm> dots per inch.
�06[23:16] * Elduen wanders off to do something unpleasant.
[23:17] <jorm> print quality is 300dpi.  computer quality is 72dpi.
[23:17] <Apheori> Screens only have so many, and most printers only have one or two possible settings.
�03[23:17] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:17] <jorm> so viewing a 300dpi image on a computer is about 3.5 times as large.
[23:18] <Apheori> Weird.
[23:18] <Apheori> I guess I'm just a bit of a hick in that I always just take the Fit the damn thing on the page! approach when printing things.
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[23:19] <Apheori> But yeah, that size would be lovely for helping better fill the completely pointless page on meta.
[23:20] <jorm> there's a pointless page on meta?
[23:20] <jorm> are you serious?
�03[23:20] * Keegan_ is now known as Keegan
[23:20] <Apheori> No, I'm joking.
[23:20] <Apheori> It's quite a useful page.
[23:20] <jorm> url?
[23:21] <Apheori>,_green,_and_blue
[23:22] <Keegan> I <3 that page
[23:23] <Apheori> I have found it invaluable.
[23:23] <jorm> wow.
[23:23] <jorm> WOW>
�02[23:23] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[23:23] <jorm> those are . . . awesome.
[23:23] <jorm> okay.
[23:23] <Apheori> XD
[23:23] <jorm> gimme a bit.
[23:23] <jorm> i'll find you all the artworks.
[23:23] <jorm> except the vector version, which is dizzead.
�03[23:25] * GuitarTour (b5b6cf3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:26] <Keegan>
[23:26] <Keegan> Freud would have field day with that one
[23:26] <jorm> not really.
[23:26] <jorm> it's a pretty obvious goatse thinger.
[23:26] <Keegan> Wikimedia goat.ce!
[23:26] <jorm> except also fucking with mickey mouse.
[23:26] <Keegan> I GOT JOKES
[23:27] <Elduen> You know what's more fun than making your bed?
[23:27] <Elduen> Making your bed with cats present to "help".
[23:27] <jorm> having sex with a clown?
[23:27] <jorm> oh.  yeah. sure. that.
[23:28] <Apheori> Just don't try having sex with a clown with cats present to help.
[23:28] <Elduen> Understood.
[23:28] <Keegan> ...weird
�03[23:29] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:29] <IDoH> hey
[23:29] <Apheori> Wheeee, horses.
[23:30] <IDoH> LOL
�02[23:30] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[23:32] <kim_bruning> You guys have to show IDoH the logo
[23:32] <IDoH> What logo?
[23:32] <kim_bruning> IDoH: they're dreaming of you ;-)
[23:32] <IDoH> Oh dear.
[23:32] <kim_bruning> You guys want to show?
[23:33] <kim_bruning> If they don't in five, I'll still be here ;)
[23:33] <Apheori>
[23:34] <IDoH> All right. It's a unicorn.
[23:34] <kim_bruning> close enough :-P
[23:34] <kim_bruning> they could knock off the horn, and then they're dreaming of logos for people who are dreaming of ... stuff
[23:35] <kim_bruning> maybe I could use a short nap. :-P
[23:35] <kim_bruning> night!
[23:35] <Apheori> Dream well.
[23:35] <IDoH> What WAS the inspiration?
�03[23:35] * Versageek (~Versageek@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[23:36] <IDoH> Hey Versageek and MC8
[23:36] <Apheori> Someone said unicorns and jorm had one on hand or something.
�02[23:36] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[23:37] <IDoH> lol
[23:37] <jorm> stacey (my wife) has a thing for unicorns.  seriously.  i've probably drawn 400 unicorns for her.
[23:37] <jorm> i draw them on her bathroom mirror in sharpie a lot.
[23:37] <jorm> i have MANY unicorns on hand.
[23:38] <Apheori> Eep.
�03[23:38] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:38] <IDoH> Hmm. I have a "thing" for all animals, Tbh
[23:38] <IDoH> hey tanvir
[23:38] <norbit> jorm: O_O
[23:39] <kim_bruning> Yay, unicorns!
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�02[23:42] * kim_bruning (~kim@2001:980:331a:1:225:22ff:fe7d:8a27) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[23:44] <jorm> i love the disney logo.
�03[23:44] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:44] <Apheori> disnip?
[23:45] <GuitarTour> Hola
�03[23:45] * GuitarTour is now known as Bradford
[23:46] <jorm> this one:
[23:46] <jorm> it's based on the disney logo.
[23:47] <jorm> consider:
[23:47] <Apheori> Why would they do that?
�02[23:47] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) Quit (Quit: Subject has jacked out�)
[23:49] <jorm> i don't know.
[23:49] <jorm> but you see what i'm seeing, right?
�02[23:49] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[23:50] <Apheori> Aye.
[23:51] <Apheori> And I need sleep.
[23:51] <Apheori> Toodles.
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Session Time: Tue Aug 14 00:00:00 2012
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[00:25] <Sp33dyphil> HELLO?
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[00:28] <Guest5614> hello
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�06[00:32] * Keegan waves at kim_
[00:32] <Keegan> ack
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[00:40] <Sp33dyphil>
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�02[00:47] * Bradford (b5b6cf3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[00:48] <mareklug> Sp33dyphil:  that tube will only play in oz, but judging from the title there should be others
[00:48] <Sp33dyphil> how come in Aus only?
[00:48] <mareklug> it says uploader did not make it available in your country
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[00:55] <Sp33dyphil> hmm. Anyway mareklug, if you were given a choice, would you rather be run over by Bolt at top speed, or a 35 km/h car?
[00:55] <mareklug> Bolt has less mass and is more soft
[00:56] <Sp33dyphil> but he travels at ~39 km/h
[00:56] <mareklug> 1 tonne car is kind of unforgiving
[00:57] <Sp33dyphil> what about a 30 km/h car?
[00:57] <mareklug> i still count on the ergonomics of human/human collisions
[00:58] <Sp33dyphil> what about Chuck Norris?
[00:59] <mareklug> a 35 km/hr Chuck?
�02[00:59] * AndrewN[AFK] (~Andrew@wikimedia/AndrewN) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[01:00] <Sp33dyphil> 0 km/h.
[01:00] <mareklug> but hitting, right?
[01:00] <Sp33dyphil> I'd rather be run over by a car.
[01:01] <Sp33dyphil> mareklug: irrelevant ;)
[01:02] <Sp33dyphil> Onto a diff subject, what's so special about Beats Audio?
[01:03] <mareklug> souns fashionable and expensive
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[01:04] <Sp33dyphil> gtg
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[02:46] <Qcoder02> When did Wikipedia get a 'throttle' on edits?
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[03:03] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: how do you mean?
[03:03] <Steven_Zhang> IRWolfie-: <3
[03:04] <IRWolfie-> o/
[03:04] <Qcoder02> When doing some reflink updates on Tabs I got an error aout 'throttled edits'
[03:04] <Qcoder02> I'm asusming a link is hitting the spam filter or something
[03:04] <IRWolfie-> through toolserver?
[03:04] <IRWolfie-> probably toolserver has some limits/
[03:04] <IRWolfie-> *?
[03:05] <IRWolfie-> reflinks and checklinks are awesome, I'm not sure why editors don't use them more often
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[03:35] <Qcoder02> What I'm doing with reflinks can probably be automated anyway
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�02[03:44] * legoktm (~legoktm@wikipedia/Legoktm) Quit (Quit: sleeping.�)
[03:44] <Qcoder02> It's filing in {{cite web}} for blank URLS
[03:44] <Qcoder02> Which is a fix that should probably be done by a bot or inside Mediawiki's curation toolbar
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[04:11] <Soapy> i think Finnish truly is the world's most beautiful language
[04:12] <mareklug> what makes you say that?
[04:14] <Soapy> because every song sounds better when it's sung in Finnish
[04:14] <Soapy> and it can be any type of song
[04:15] <Soapy> its not like Irish Gaelic which only works when its sung by women with fairy-like coloratura voices
[04:15] <mareklug> and that's without the benefit of Finnish vodka
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[05:05] <IRWolfie-> < Soapy> its not like Irish Gaelic which only works when ...  <- it always works!
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[05:27] <Deathlasersonlin> Hello
[05:27] <Deathlasersonlin> Please UNBLOCK me
[05:27] <Deathlasersonlin> Unblock me
[05:28] <Deathlasersonlin> Plz unblock me
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[05:28] <Deathlasersonlin> UNBLOCK ME
[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> UNBLOCK ME
[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> u
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[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> o
[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> c
[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> k
[05:29] <Qcoder02> !ops
[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> .
[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> sorry
[05:29] <Deathlasersonlin> now unblock me
�02[05:30] * Garnig (betacomman@unaffiliated/garnig) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[05:30] <Qcoder02> Unblock where?
[05:30] <Deathlasersonlin> u
[05:30] <Deathlasersonlin> n
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[05:30] <Deathlasersonlin> e
[05:30] <Deathlasersonlin> a
[05:30] <Deathlasersonlin> s
[05:30] <Deathlasersonlin> e
[05:30] <mareklug> Deathlasersonlin:  you're just asking to be kidked off the channel
[05:31] <Deathlasersonlin> u
[05:31] <Deathlasersonlin> n
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[05:31] <Deathlasersonlin> k
�03[05:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +o marienz
[05:31] <Deathlasersonlin> m
[05:31] <Deathlasersonlin> e
�03[05:31] * marienz sets mode: +q *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[05:31] <Qcoder02> :)
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[06:12] <wctaiwan> <- I actually laughed out loud when I read that.
[06:13] <wctaiwan> describes Wikipedian interaction so well.
[06:16] <Jarry1250> wctaiwan: Heh, enjoyed that
[06:16] <wctaiwan> :)
�03[06:24] * lukas23 is now known as lukas|absense
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[06:45] <TeeTylerToe> it's absurd how people refuse to believe that it takes two to do most of the fighting and hostility on wikipedia
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[06:52] <Demiurge1000> Two is enough, but a couple of dozen is better.
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[06:55] <TeeTylerToe> But I wasn't edit warring!  THEY were edit warring!
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[06:56] <wctaiwan> hey Pharos
[06:57] <wctaiwan> TeeTylerToe: or you could have one jackass and another person who can't keep their cool.
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[06:57] <Pharos> hi
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[06:58] <Gigs->
[06:58] <Gigs-> does this seem weird/socky to anyone else?
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[07:00] <Gigs-> Uzma is a somewhat active participant in MfD though, so I guess they might just be making a joke
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[07:04] <MartijnWork> anyone here who I can abuse for basic javascript help?
[07:05] <nickanc> ask on #wikimedia-tech
[07:06] <TeeTylerToe> 46% of americans die with an estate worth $10,000 or less.  Basically living off social security.  And republicans want to cut social security...
[07:06] <wctaiwan> er, probably not the best idea, nickanc.
[07:06] <wctaiwan> that's for tech issues with WMF wikis.
[07:06] <wctaiwan> not general tech help.
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[07:07] <TeeTylerToe> try ##javascript
[07:07] <TeeTylerToe> but what's your question
[07:07] <MartijnWork> I did TeeTylerToe, but it didn't work
[07:07] <MartijnWork> I'm a noob, and I'm not getting why this fiddle isn't working:
[07:07] <wctaiwan> dayem that looks good.
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[07:18] <Jarry1250> MartijnWork: It AJAXes ?
[07:18] <Jarry1250> Which is blank?
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[07:19] <wctaiwan> and the verbification brigade marches on :P
[07:20] <Jarry1250> Oh, I think it's not being posted
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[07:21] <MartijnWork> hrm, odd
[07:21] <Jarry1250> MartijnWork: I think if you use $.post instead of $.ajax, you'll find it works,
[07:21] <Jarry1250> although you can also do that the long way by supplying another parameter to $.ajax
[07:21] <Jarry1250> I think.
[07:23] <MartijnWork> neither, alas
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[07:24] <Jarry1250> MartijnWork:
[07:24] <Jarry1250> Oh, I see, you want a prepend
�03[07:26] * Antonorsi is now known as Anto|away
[07:26] <Jarry1250> Actually, ignore me, I misunderstood completely
�06[07:26] * MartijnWork scratches his head in amazement
[07:28] <nickanc> is there on en.wp any kind of js tool that safesubst templates?
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[07:31] <Jarry1250> MartijnWork: I'm struggling to get a post to /echo/html to return anything
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[07:33] <MartijnWork> ugh, this works:
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[07:35] <Jarry1250> Must be picky about dataType? Not sure.
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[07:44] <MartijnWork> progress!
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[07:45] <tommorris> MartijnWork: thank you for your generous compliment on the size of my balls btw.
[07:46] <WilliamH_UK> that's a great time to open mIRC
[07:46] <Shirik> thinking same thing
[07:47] <tommorris> don't worry, I haven't uploaded any photos to Commons. just a few rather controversial deletion debates.
[07:47] <WilliamH_UK> deletion debates of images of your balls?
[07:48] <MartijnWork> tommorris, you and your balls are quite welcome
[07:48] <tommorris> WilliamH_UK: no, I decided to throw caution to the wind and reopen a debate on paedophilia.
[07:48] <Betacommand> WilliamH_UK: that reminds me of some vandalism yesterday
[07:48] <tommorris> and the sky has yet to fall in.
[07:48] <MartijnWork> note that they had moral support, not actual support, as I felt physically supporting your balls would be unseamly
[07:49] <WilliamH_UK> tommorris if you put pictures of your balls on commons and they were nominated for deletion, why not e-mail british government lawyers and get them to sort it out? they did a good job last time
[07:49] <tommorris> "Dear Sir or Madam, I would like your professional opinion on my genitals."
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[08:00] <MartijnWork> tommoris, you're smart(tm). The following works (with the last call uncommented). Is this that the right way, or am I doing it wrong?
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[08:05] <Brooklyn> Question for ArbCom: Who's the mailman?
[08:09] <MartijnWork>
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[08:10] <tommorris> MartijnWork: sorry, was afk. have to go to the post office and stuff.
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[08:11] <MartijnWork> np, I'll see if the good folks at stackexchange/codereview have goodies for me
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[08:13] <wctaiwan> >.> I didn't even realise
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[08:16] <Isarra> Urgh.
[08:16] <wctaiwan> good morning.
[08:16] <Isarra> What's good about it?
[08:17] <wctaiwan> that the sky hasn't fallen yet
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[08:17] <Isarra> Get me some stronger painkillers and we'll talk.
[08:18] <Isarra> Meantime I'm going to insist that it's utterly horrible.
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[08:18] <wctaiwan> ><
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[08:27] <Brooklyn>
�02[08:28] * SudoKing (~geek@wikihow/SudoKing) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[08:28] <mareklug> Brooklyn:  it would be  nice if you described the link as you post it
[08:28] <Brooklyn> Simon's Cat - 1m
�02[08:28] * Versageek (~Versageek@wikimedia/Versageek) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[08:28] <Brooklyn> nothing important
[08:29] <Brooklyn> they're quite funny imo if you have a cat, e.g.
[08:29] <wctaiwan> something about the strangle cat party
[08:33] <Brooklyn> o
[08:33] <Brooklyn> I emailed arbcom, not basc
�03[08:34] * dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
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[08:42] <russavia>
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[09:02] <norbit> ZOMG
[09:03] <Fluffernutter> omg, there's a guy who keeps changing names and confusing everybodfy for no reason in my irc window!
[09:04] <wctaiwan> just one?
[09:04] <Fluffernutter> just one that's jumping up and down and waving excitedly right now
[09:05] <norbit> why is he chewing..
[09:05] <norbit> on the roof
[09:05] <norbit> o_O
[09:05] <Jarry1250> MartijnH: I take it you got that working then?
�03[09:06] * Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
�03[09:07] * Versageek (~Versageek@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[09:12] <norbit> Fluffernutter: he's so cute :O
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[09:29] <Qcoder02> Afternoon people
[09:29] <Qcoder02> Does anyone here know anything about level editing for Doom?
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�03[09:40] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[09:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder02 no dinasours are available currently]
[09:42] <Qcoder02> What's a more recent engine?
�03[09:43] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
�03[09:45] * Guest23164 is now known as thomas
[09:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
[09:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> unreal?
[09:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its only like 10 years old
[09:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> unlike doom which is easily 20+
[09:47] <Fluffernutter> rawr i am a dinosaur
�06[09:47] * Fluffernutter stomps on houses
�02[09:48] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
[09:48] <Brooklyn> {{cn}}
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter hah
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> for all we know you are those tiny ones
[09:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Brooke so you like your character? :)
[09:49] <Brooklyn>
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[10:03] <mareklug> can you guys help ascertain where [[Olivia Bouyssou Merilahti]] of [[The Dø] was born?  An IP added that it was Paris, but she herself in an interview sai the band is from Paris and Helsinki.  She has French father and Finnish mother, went to school in Helsinki.
�03[10:03] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:09] <mareklug> "Je suis franco-finlandaise, née en France."
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�02[10:12] * koishi ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[10:13] <MartijnH> Jarry1250, I do, somewhat
[10:13] <MartijnH> still haven't got everything I want, but it'll get there
[10:13] <Jarry1250> Cool :)
�03[10:13] * Mdann ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:13] <MartijnH> it's going to be the client-side part of a longpolling thingy
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[10:19] <mareklug> Sorry, we are unable to translate the page you requested.    <-- first time I see this.  Google is pissing me off�
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[10:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug hah
[10:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its xml
[10:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats why
[10:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dump text to the translator box
[10:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> also
[10:21] <mareklug> that's so lame.   how do i get an html page link out of it?
[10:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it got translated on my chrome window
[10:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which uses google translate
[10:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> maybe you experienced a server glitch?
[10:22] <mareklug> no, repeats
�02[10:23] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[10:24] <mareklug> indeed, chrome offers to translate it and does it.  why does this fail off-chrome...
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[10:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug no clue
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�06[10:40] * Isarra steals jorm's enormous edit button and runs away with it, cackling.
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[10:40] <Fluffernutter> oh dear, who didn't give Isarra her meds this morning
[10:40] <Isarra> Yes, someone please give me some painkillers.
[10:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter I blame Brooke
[10:40] <Isarra> Much obliged.
[10:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra no killing!
[10:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> pain relievers, sure
[10:41] <Isarra> I'm not killing anyone.
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[10:41] <Isarra> Well, maybe a skin or two, and whoever designed this... er...
[10:41] <Isarra> Crap dammit I need to stop getting distracted by shinies.
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�06[10:44] * Ironholds gives Isarra her meds
�06[10:44] * Isarra overdoses.
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�06[10:49] * Peter-C flips over a car
[10:49] <Peter-C> I want a Spider
[10:50] <Peter-C> or a 911
[10:50] <MartijnH> I want a Lotus Elise. Cheap, practical, roomy
�06[10:50] * Ironholds recusitates Isarra
[10:50] <Peter-C> ew
[10:51] <MartijnH> well, maybe not practical
[10:51] <MartijnH> or roomy
[10:51] <Fluffernutter> I want a million dollars. Which I will not spend on a penis-length-compensating car.
[10:51] <MartijnH> or all that cheap. it is compared to a 911 though
[10:51] <mareklug> you want a spider, you want a 911, you want to be an EMT, you want to go to medical school, you want to go to Vanderbilt.   you're an expensive child. :)
[10:51] <Isarra> I want effective painkillers.
[10:52] <Peter-C> Fluffernutter - you will need to spend a lot to compensate for your penis
[10:52] <Peter-C> ._.
[10:52] <Peter-C> mareklug - I try :3
[10:53] <Peter-C> I will have 7 cars, one for every day of the week
[10:53] <Peter-C> And I *am* an EMT
[10:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[10:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but will you be an EMT on wheels or on meals?
[10:54] <Peter-C> O-o
�06[10:54] * ToAruShiroiNeko moves Peter-C's user space to "on wheels"
[10:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wonder what happened to WoW
[10:54] <Peter-C> ?
[10:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[10:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ah
[10:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> on top 10
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[10:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[10:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how interesting
[10:57] <russavia_>  i know how she feels
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[10:57] <Fluffernutter> ?
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[10:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia_ you let people carry you around?
[10:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what are you? furniture? :p
[11:00] <russavia_> it's getting me out of the car that's the hard part
�02[11:00] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Client Quit�)
[11:00] <russavia_> generally, the door gets opened, i get pushed out and rolled down the hill towards my front door
[11:02] <Peter-C> Some sick bastard just shot a lambo >:|
[11:03] <mareklug>    :(
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[11:07] <Pharos> Brooklyn mourns
�03[11:09] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|mtg
[11:09] <Pharos> my uncle taiught at that high school fro 20 years
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[11:20] <Qcoder02> Hi Peter-C
[11:20] <Qcoder02> Where are you in your EMS coures?
�06[11:22] * Guerillero is not thrilled
[11:24] <Guerillero> brb
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[11:32] <Jeske_Merensky> Aezop, tell me a story with a good moral.
[11:32] <aezop> go fuck yourself
[11:34] <Ironholds> aezop: be nice, please.
[11:35] <aezop> that was considerably nicer than I had originally planned
[11:35] <Ironholds> be nicer, then :)
[11:37] <aezop> ironholds, want to hear a story with bad morals?
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[11:40] <MartijnH> SOURCES, WHY U CONTRADICT (also, why my most reliable source my least [[WP:RS]])
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[11:41] <MartijnH> (also, where did the verb go?)
�03[11:41] * equity_ is now known as equity
[11:41] <PeterSymonds> Summer break of course.
�03[11:42] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:43] <Guerillero> lol
[11:43] <Guerillero> do you have office hours soon ironholds
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[11:44] <yuvipanda> ragesoss: :)
[11:44] <ragesoss> oooh, getting fancier!
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[11:45] <Guerillero> a signpost app?
[11:46] <ragesoss> yep
[11:46] <Guerillero> :D
[11:46] <Guerillero> exciting
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[11:50] <yuvipanda> ragesoss: :)
�02[11:50] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[11:50] <yuvipanda> ragesoss: I've one cache issue to fix before I can push out a beta
[11:51] <ragesoss> cool
[11:51] <yuvipanda> Guerillero: would you be interested in using it too?
[11:52] <russavia_>  does anyone know how i can easily get rid of the red leftover?
�03[11:52] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:52] <russavia_> an easy way that is
�03[11:52] * russavia_ is now known as russavia
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[11:54] <Guerillero> yuvipanda: yes :)
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[12:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra have you seen this: ?
[12:02] <Ironholds> Guerillero: office hours..NOW
[12:03] <mysterytrey> About?
[12:03] <Ironholds> in fact, everyone; page curation/new pages feed, office hours, now, #wikimedia-office
�03[12:03] * bharris (~bharris@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[12:03] <jc33> can you see this?
[12:03] <jc33> I guess so.
[12:03] <jc33> ja ja
[12:03] <jc33> "Lag 19.28 seconds" 9_9
[12:03] <Isarra> ToAruShiroiNeko: Nope, and I won't.
[12:03] <jc33> oh shit
�03[12:04] * jc33 is now known as Trenton
[12:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> aw
�03[12:04] * bharris_ (~bharris@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:04] * bharris (~bharris@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it was dovah kids
[12:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "The Elder Scrolls Adventures with the Dovahkids"
�02[12:04] * bharris_ (~bharris@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:04] <Ironholds> IShadowed_, you know you want to
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�02[12:06] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[12:06] <Jeske_Merensky> ....
[12:07] <Jeske_Merensky> TASN, take that idea and throw it into the nearest bonfire.
�03[12:08] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:09] <Ironholds> fokseh! office hours!
�03[12:10] * DoRD|food is now known as DoRD
�02[12:10] * chicocvenancio2 (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[12:11] <foks> Ironholds, ATF5?
[12:11] <mysterytrey> foks: New Page Feed
[12:11] <Ironholds> foks: NPT
[12:11] <foks> ah
[12:11] <foks> The mythical New Page Teed.
[12:12] <foks> (or Triage ;) )
[12:12] <Ironholds> mythical?
[12:12] <Ironholds> it's at :P
[12:12] <foks> (Teed)
�03[12:15] * DesiLover (b6b23b73@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:16] <mysterytrey> Isarra: What did you mean by talkheaders?
[12:16] <DesiLover> 10ich PakistaniLover15 Skype moje ko add karooo
[12:17] <mysterytrey> :(
�03[12:17] * chicocvenancio (~chicocven@wikipedia/Chicocvenancio) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[12:17] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:19] <IShadowed_> Ironholds, I know I want to what
[12:19] <Ironholds> IShadowed_: office hours
�03[12:19] * Thoreau ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:19] <DesiLover> 10inch Pakistani Penis Skyppe moje ko add karo
[12:19] <Ironholds> are you black? are you an american? do you like new page patrol?
[12:19] <DesiLover> PakistaniLover15
[12:19] <Isarra> mysterytrey: They're BEIGE!
[12:19] <Ironholds> wait, I may be confusing things
[12:19] <Isarra> It's hideous.
[12:19] <Ironholds> !ops
[12:19] <IShadowed_> :P
[12:20] <DesiLover> why ops you no like
�03[12:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o PeterSymonds
�03[12:20] * PeterSymonds sets mode: +b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
[12:20] <Gfoley4> behave
�03[12:20] * DesiLover (b6b23b73@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en (requested by PeterSymonds (DesiLover)�)
�03[12:20] * ChanServ sets mode: -o PeterSymonds
[12:20] <Gfoley4> PeterSymonds: behave
[12:20] <jubo2> he is still in #wikipedia
[12:20] <PeterSymonds> You behave!
[12:21] <mysterytrey> So why is wikipedia so fond of random shades of beige?
[12:23] <Mdann52> Because we're all random :2
[12:23] <Ironholds> <DesiLover> pakistani ho hindustani ho??
[12:24] <Ironholds> <DesiLover> or bengalio
[12:24] <Ironholds> <Ironholds> I'm sure that's important
[12:24] <Ironholds> <DesiLover> mera laand kaab kaogeyi yaar
[12:24] <Ironholds> <Ironholds> and she sounds lovely; have you introduced her to your mother
[12:24] <Ironholds> I love trolling the trolls
�02[12:24] * Jarry1250 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[12:24] <Mdann52> :)
[12:24] <mysterytrey> You should join #freenode.
[12:24] <Gfoley4> I think they don't want you to do that.
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[12:30] <Isarra> mysterytrey: Because wikipedians have no sense of aesthetics.
�03[12:30] * Corey (~Corey@freenode/staff/corey) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:34] <mysterytrey> Apparently desilove is in wikipedia-de too.
[12:34] <Pharos> he's a popular guy
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[12:36] <mysterytrey> It makes sense that there is no internet-explorer/community/* cloak.  Who would want one?
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[12:41] <Pharos> User:Bgates
[12:42] <mysterytrey> Seriously?
[12:42] <mysterytrey> Bill Gates has a wikipedia account?
[12:42] <mysterytrey> o_O
[12:43] <Mdann52> Indeffed for vandalism :)
[12:43] <Mdann52> So possibly not him
[12:43] <PeterSymonds> When it's Bgates (WMF), you need to worry.
[12:43] <mysterytrey> 2 edits and he's indeffed.  That's nice.
[12:44] <Mdann52> Only page blaming
[12:44] <Mdann52> Blanking
[12:44] <Jeske_Merensky> I blame Mdann52's spellchecker.
�02[12:45] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[12:45] <Pharos> i think he would be a good hire
[12:45] <mysterytrey> As long as there is no Steve Jobs (grave) account, were good.
[12:45] <mysterytrey> Too soon?
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[12:45] <Mdann52> Predictive texting is the problem Jeske
[12:45] <Mdann52> Never go on IRC on a phone
�02[12:46] * diegogrez (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:46] <Pharos> maybe User:Bgates should appply for a Community Fellowship
[12:47] <Pharos> 'Fellow for Billionaire Outreach'
�03[12:47] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:48] <mysterytrey> I'm not exactly sure NPT makes NPP easier.
[12:48] <Pharos> someone remind me if i'm ever elected to high political office, to edit under my real name
[12:48] <Tony_Sidaway> I use a phone quite a lot on IRC. My most infamous keyboard blunders have, ironically, come from a qwerty keyboard when using an unfamiliar operating system.
[12:50] <Pharos> 23:13, 7 November 2006 Mike Rosoft (talk | contribs | block) blocked POTUS (talk | contribs) with an expiry time of indefinite (Impostor of POTUS - if not, then please e-mail the Wikimedia Foundation to verify the account. :-))
�02[12:51] * Spacewalker (~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker) Quit (Quit: Spacewalker�)
[12:52] <Pharos> did anyone remrember ti check otrs for that one?
�02[12:53] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Quit: I've just disappeared in a puff of smoke�)
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[12:55] <Pharos> wow, I could usurp User:Broklyn if i wanted to
[12:55] <Pharos> User:Brooklyn
[12:55] <Pharos> maybe i should save it as a gift
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[13:06] <Fluffernutter> anyone else having loading issues?
�03[13:06] * YE is now known as YE|NBA2k12
�02[13:06] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) Quit (Client Quit�)
[13:08] <Guerillero> yes
[13:08] <Jarry1250> What sort of loading issues?
�06[13:08] * Fluffernutter just got out of a meeting, was looking forward to a watchlist check, and :(
�02[13:09] * rejuvyesh (~rejuvyesh@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[13:09] <Jarry1250> And whereabouts are you in the world?
[13:10] <Jarry1250> Fluffernutter?
[13:10] <Jarry1250> Oh, sorry.
[13:10] <Jarry1250> I see you saw.
�06[13:10] * Fluffernutter sees alllll *wiggles fingers in a woo-woo motion*
�03[13:11] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:11] <Jarry1250> Guerillero: still having issues?
�02[13:12] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[13:12] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
�03[13:13] * dan64 (dan64@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:7dc0) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[13:13] * Lcawte|Away (lcawte@Wikimedia/Lcawte) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[13:14] <Guerillero> no
�03[13:15] * Spacewalker ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[13:16] <Guerillero> brb
�02[13:16] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 12.0/20120420145725]�)
[13:16] <Fluffernutter> am I here?
�03[13:17] * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[13:17] <Jeske_Merensky> No, you're there
�02[13:17] * Spacewalker (~Spacewalk@firefox/community/Spacewalker) Quit (Client Quit�)
�06[13:18] * Peter-C licks GorillaWarfare and runs
�06[13:18] * Peter-C hands GorillaWarfare over a Peter-C towel
�06[13:18] * GorillaWarfare continues to nom her deluxe bacon cheeseburger
[13:19] <Peter-C> :O
[13:19] <Peter-C> Can I have one :3
[13:20] <jubo2> I'm going to fry some pork outer fillet cuts and put 'em in a gouda-cheeze bun
[13:20] <jubo2> I wish I had bacon
[13:20] <GorillaWarfare> That also sounds good
[13:20] <GorillaWarfare> All I've eaten today was a muffin at 7:30 and a couple of home fries
�03[13:20] * Restmalo ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:20] <jubo2> 400g of pork outer fillets cost 2.49€ ( poor pork rearers )
[13:20] <GorillaWarfare> And massive amounts of coffee, naturally
[13:21] <Guerillero> Hehe
[13:21] <Guerillero> I do not get klout
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[13:22] <jubo2> It's the chantarel season - gotta make some of this for friends -
[13:22] <Qcoder02> - Better watch relevant articles
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[13:29] <Qcoder02> Seen BarkingFish?
�03[13:30] * bleh3rs1343 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:30] <Trenton> !votes
[13:30] <Trenton> err
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[13:31] <Trenton>  whois reveals they aren't on freenode atm
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[13:39] <Noommos> Quite the edit war at Snooker season 2012/2013
[13:40] <xiaolongbao> mmm.
[13:41] <xiaolongbao> [[WP:WILLNOTPASS]] should exist.
�03[13:42] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:45] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[13:45] <Kenneaal> What about [[WP:YOUSHALLNOTPASS]]?
[13:45] <The_Thing> lol
�03[13:46] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:47] <xiaolongbao> nice dyk, "... that Zeus was discovered on Mount Olympus?"
[13:47] <xiaolongbao> [[Zeus (fungus)]]
[13:47] <Fluffernutter> the art of a good hook is so uncommon these days
�02[13:49] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[13:50] <foks> I'll bet it's so nice that someone complains it's misleading.
�03[13:51] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:51] <IRWolfie-> there an oversight channel?
[13:51] <IRWolfie-> or anyone here with oversight?
�03[13:51] * ragesoss (~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:51] <BarkingFish> yes, but it's restricted to oversighters only, IRWolfie- afaik
[13:52] <BlastHardcheese> there's an e-mail address for requests
�03[13:52] * xiaolongbao (~Trenton@unaffiliated/jc33) has left #wikipedia-en
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[13:52] <BarkingFish> if you want an oversighter, there's at least one or two usually here, or you can go to
[13:52] <xiaolongbao> did I leave? :S
[13:52] <BarkingFish> yep
�03[13:52] * Thoreau ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:53] * liberaldudette (~mark@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:54] <Fluffernutter> IRWolfie-, I'm here(ish). PM me what you need
[13:54] <foks> IRWolfie-, you can use !_oversight
[13:54] <foks> There are so few of us that nobody really minds when you ping ;)
[13:55] <The_Thing> But without the _
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[13:55] <foks> Clearly.
[13:55] <The_Thing> Like this: !Översight
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�02[13:56] * Restmalo ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
[13:56] <foks> Ouversight
[13:56] <The_Thing> or !ádmin
[13:56] <The_Thing> :p
[13:56] <xiaolongbao> or !ȭṽễȑsight
[13:56] <xiaolongbao> :P
[13:57] <harej> 10538 Oversight
�03[13:58] * Pingthemall (4c1b6b79@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:58] <Pingthemall> Or this: !o̷̢p̕ !̧͢͜a͢dmi̴ņ̷ ̕!҉͏śt̵̨͝è̴w͘a̢r̨d̵̕͞ ̧͡!͏͏ov͜͟e̡͢rs҉͢i̧g̛h́t̢̀ ̨!c͜hę͘͠c҉ku̵͜se̢r̴ !̨st̢̕҉a̸̕ff̶
�02[13:58] * Pingthemall (4c1b6b79@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit�)
[13:58] <The_Thing> harej: 10583?
�03[13:59] * Froodaway is now known as Frood
[14:00] <harej> Musical reference.
[14:00] <harej> Pingthemall? More like Pingthezalgo.
�06[14:01] * Fluffernutter didn't know they let people in utah use computers. Surely the mormon gods frown on electro boxes of magic?
�02[14:01] * xiaolongbao (~Trenton@unaffiliated/jc33) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]�)
[14:02] <harej> You must not know who Maddox is, then.
[14:03] <harej> If he still lives in Salt Lake City, I feel bad for him, son.
�03[14:04] * shimgray ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[14:04] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:05] <Shearonink> I wish people would learn how to use the Preview button, these teeny tiny edits that clog up an edit history
[14:05] <Shearonink> gack
[14:05] <Frood> well, to be fair, sometimes previewing doesn't work well
[14:06] <Frood> like if you have to purge the cache
�06[14:06] * Peter-C licks Frood
[14:06] <Frood> i'm all sweaty
[14:06] <Frood> so.
�02[14:07] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Client Quit�)
[14:09] <Shearonink> I was just trying to figure out ths edit history
�03[14:09] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:09] <Shearonink> an the edits are a comma & then a space & then & then
�02[14:10] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
�03[14:10] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:14] <Frood> Wow.
[14:14] <Frood> Mediacom is seriously awful.
[14:14] <Frood> They have a bandwidth cap
[14:14] <Frood> Only for people who "signed a contract after August 1, 2012"
[14:14] <Frood> or added/changed services after that date
[14:14] <Frood> But the cap applies to everybody
�03[14:14] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
[14:15] <Frood> People who had plans before that aren't charged for any overages
[14:15] <Frood> So everybody is limited, but they let existing customers go over?
[14:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ie people after 1 august is paying for that
�03[14:16] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[14:16] * SigmaWP pokes Elduen 
[14:16] <IRWolfie-> Shearonink: you would hate my edit history
[14:16] <IRWolfie-> The amount of minor edits I make would make you cry
[14:17] <IRWolfie-> :|
�06[14:17] * Elduen disintegrates SigmaWP.
[14:17] <Shearonink> heh IRWolfie-
�03[14:17] * sonia (~rueful@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[14:17] * sonia (~rueful@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:17] <Shearonink> Preview is your Friend
[14:18] <IRWolfie-> I generally preview article space, but not elsewhere, it can really delay a discussion and then you get the edit conflicts :|
[14:18] <SigmaWP> sonia: Hi!
[14:18] <sonia> hey!
�03[14:18] * Doug_Weller_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[14:34] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[14:34] <Ironholds> WE HAVE DEPLOYMENT
[14:34] <Ironholds> *cues the lightning, thunder, rain and single wolf howling while silouetted against a hill*
[14:34] <WilliamH_UK> that's what she said
[14:34] <Fluffernutter> heh
[14:34] <Ironholds> eh. women have said worse things to me
�06[14:35] * Fluffernutter waits for everything to break in a hail of fire, brimstone, and whining internet geeks
[14:35] <SigmaWP> I found an ancient computer with Red Hat 2 on it
�03[14:36] * tdubz (~thomas@freenode/staff/thomas) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:36] <sonia> SigmaWP, here in NZ they still sell brand new all-in-one PCs or whatever that have 1TB hard drives but Pentium 4 processors
[14:36] <sonia> "top of the range with 6GB RAM!"
[14:36] <SigmaWP> :O
[14:37] <sonia> it's fucking hilarious
[14:37] <SigmaWP> Do you use one of those? :P
[14:37] <sonia> nope :P
�03[14:40] * Gnumarcoo (~Marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:40] <Noommos> Could somebody a stop to the reverting at Snooker season 2012/2013? they're at about 20 reverts now
[14:41] <SigmaWP> Armbrust again.
�06[14:41] * SigmaWP sighs
[14:41] <Noommos> mmhm
[14:41] <Ironholds> Noommos: proper link, plz?
[14:41] <SigmaWP> Ironholds:
[14:41] <Isarra> Is this normal?
[14:42] <Ironholds> okie-dokes, blocking both of them
[14:42] <WilliamH_UK> didn't realise Armbrust was trying to torpedo a future possible RFA, but there you go
[14:42] <SigmaWP> He torpedoed it a long time ago
[14:42] <sonia> ^
[14:42] <BarkingFish> Ironholds: Uh-oh.  What did you <S>break</S> er, deploy to the masses now? :)
[14:42] <Peter-C> WHY TV WHY
[14:43] <Peter-C> Why do medics give epi directly to the heart
[14:43] <Fluffernutter> 20R?
[14:43] <Fluffernutter> goodness
[14:43] <Peter-C> stupid tv
[14:43] <Fluffernutter> what in the hell are those two smoking
[14:43] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: improvements to Special:NewPages!
[14:43] <SigmaWP> "The page initially didn't include this. If you want to include them, than you need consensus for it. If there is consensus for an edit, than there is no need for consensus to revert it. Armbrust, B.Ed. WrestleMania XXVIII The Undertaker 20–0 21:29, 14 August 2012 (UTC) "
�03[14:43] * WilliamH_UK (WilliamH@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[14:43] * tdubz is now known as thomas
�03[14:43] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[14:44] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, ah, nice. You don't happen to know who broke Rollback do you? :)
[14:44] <SigmaWP> Fluffernutter: It's called WP:BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD!
[14:44] <Fluffernutter> heh
[14:44] <Isarra> How is it broken?
[14:45] <BarkingFish> On rollback now, I get a box with this in it:  [Rollback more than 10 edits] or [Rollback more than 5 edits], next door to [Rollback] and [Rollback]... what the flying fuck is going on?
[14:45] <SigmaWP> Ironholds: I was expecting at least 2 weeks, considering his history
[14:45] <Noommos> There's another IP editor involved as well, but I don't believe he's reverted in a little while
[14:46] <Fluffernutter> BarkingFish: it does exactly the same thing. it's just showing you how many of that persons' consecutive edits you'll roll bacck if you hit "rollback"
[14:46] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: good point, actually. 1 week it is.
�03[14:46] * Courcelles_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:46] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: that would be platform
[14:46] <Ironholds> who deployed a change to all wikis based on the fact that a couple of non-editing devs decided in 2009 it would be a good idea, and told nobody in advance.
[14:46] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, ah, I thought that was an extra option - like rollback all of the users edits in one go...
[14:46] <Fluffernutter> BarkingFish: yeah I did too at first, took me a while to puzzle it out
�06[14:46] * sonia hugs Courcelles_ 
�02[14:46] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[14:47] <Fluffernutter> i think he's a zombie, sonia
[14:47] <sonia> braiiiins
[14:47] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, a little bit of advanced warning would not go amiss.  It doesn't hurt to tell people when you're f***ing about with sh*t :)
[14:47] <BarkingFish> oh damn... hold on
[14:47] <BarkingFish> sorry, that's fucking better :)
[14:48] <sonia> auto-censor?
�06[14:48] * BarkingFish switched on his censor plugin by mistake. Thought he'd deleted that ages ago.
[14:48] <Isarra> What's wrong with it counting the number of edits?
[14:48] <Isarra> Personally I quite like it.
�06[14:48] * diegogrez_ wants somebody to review his dyk nom, duh (once again asking)
[14:48] <Fluffernutter> lol
[14:48] <BarkingFish> Isarra, creature feep.
[14:48] <BarkingFish> more shit, less function
[14:48] <Isarra> The feature was already there.
[14:48] <Isarra> It just displays differently.
�03[14:48] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:48] <Isarra> Does exactly the same thing.
[14:48] <BarkingFish> i'd not seen it until today
[14:49] <Isarra> The feature is rollback.
[14:49] <Isarra> It is still rollback, still rolls back.
�02[14:49] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
�03[14:49] * Courcelles_ is now known as Courcelles
[14:49] <SigmaWP> "
[14:49] <SigmaWP> For Σ (Display watched changes | View and edit watchlist | Edit raw watchlist)Feedback from my watched pages »
[14:49] <SigmaWP> Jump to: navigation, search"
[14:49] <BarkingFish> fair enough. so why does this new thingy only display now? :)
[14:49] <SigmaWP> Why are people changing the watchlist without telling anyone?
�06[14:49] * Fluffernutter agrees with Isarra. But then, I generally oppose the idea of wailing and gnashing teeth when something is changed but doesn't break anything
[14:49] <BarkingFish> i don't mind it, i just people would warn us when they fuck with things :)
[14:50] <BarkingFish> *i just wish
[14:50] <Isarra> The warning is the fact that mediawiki is under development.
[14:50] <Isarra> They are always fucking with things.
[14:50] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: you mean the notice I posted on the village pump wasn't telling anyone?
[14:50] <Ironholds> huh
[14:50] <Fluffernutter> BarkingFish: I wish there was a very public changelog somewhere. I mean i'm sure I could figure out what changes are made when, if i knew where to look, but an actual changelog, easily findable, would be really nice
[14:50] <Ironholds> well, you got me. guess I didn't say shit.
[14:50] <SigmaWP> Don't these things usually go to AN?
[14:50] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: totally agreed
[14:50] <Isarra> Ironholds: You expect people to look there?
[14:50] <Ironholds> SigmaWP: changes to the watchlist? good point, I'll cross-post. thanks.
[14:50] <Isarra> Clearly you've been away from the masses too long.
�03[14:50] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[14:51] <Ironholds> Isarra: no, but when people complain about it, they go there to complain and see the comment
[14:51] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, I'd go with that.  A public changelog would be USEFUL... (hint)
[14:51] <Isarra> And Fluffernutter makes a good point. I always just assumed there was one, though, and never bothered to look...
�02[14:51] * Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[14:51] <James_F> Umm.
[14:51] <James_F> There is a public changelog.
[14:51] <Isarra> Ironholds: Or they completely miss the comment and complain there anyway. :P
[14:52] <Isarra> James_F: HAH! I was right!
[14:52] <BarkingFish> James_F, Easily findable, as Fluffernutter suggests?
[14:52] <Fluffernutter> James_F: you miss the "easily findable" part, I think.
[14:52] <James_F>
[14:52] <Isarra> On mediawikiwiki somewhere, I assume?
[14:52] <James_F> There. Found it.
[14:52] <Isarra> Oh.
�06[14:52] * Elduen tilts his head.
[14:52] <Fluffernutter> Hint: if I, as a user of en.wp, have to go off en.wp to some godforsaken other wiki and hope I can find the right wiki and the right page? Not easily findable.
�03[14:52] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:52] <BarkingFish> Yeah. That's not easily findable, James_F - easily findable is a link to it out of the WP interface, or at the village pump, or sidebar
[14:52] <Isarra> Fluffernutter: You should make a page on enwp that automatically links to the current one.
[14:53] <James_F> Fluffernutter: The world doesn't rotate around enwiki, or even our English-language projects. :-)
[14:53] <Isarra> Then people can just follow that there.
[14:53] <Ironholds> James_F: no, but it does relate around our projects.
[14:53] <James_F> BarkingFish: So, you want cross-wiki watchlists? :-)
[14:53] <Ironholds> and mediawiki is not considered one by, well, anyone except devs ;p
[14:53] <Fluffernutter> James_F: My point is, on the wikis where the platform is deployed, there needs to be info abotu the platform
[14:53] <James_F> Fluffernutter: [[Help:About]]?
[14:53] <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: I reached this conclusion 6 months ago. Continue feeding my ego ;p
[14:53] <James_F> Fluffernutter: ... which is pulled from
[14:53] <Fluffernutter> Ironholds, tell James_F he's being a prat
�06[14:53] * shimgray notes that this is a bit of a problem, as heavy cross-wiki publicising of changes gets people riled about spam
[14:53] <Ironholds> shall do. James_F? you're a prat.
[14:53] <James_F> shimgray: Exactly.
[14:53] <shimgray> you hit problems wherever the line is
�06[14:54] * Elduen wanders in and sits down, thoroughly confused.
[14:54] <James_F> Ironholds: Hush, you.
�06[14:54] * Elduen notes that this is normal.
[14:54] <shimgray> that said, James, you do need to veer closer to the spammy side :-)
[14:54] <BarkingFish> James_F, There's a lot of stuff I'd like to see go crosswiki, like the new messages banner, etc.
�06[14:54] * Isarra hits Elduen with a frying pan.
[14:54] <Ironholds> okay, okay
[14:54] <Ironholds> look
[14:54] <Isarra> Why are enwpedians so damn lazy?
[14:54] <Ironholds> in 3, 4 months? we'll have a cross-wiki notifications system
[14:54] <James_F> shimgray: Working on it.
[14:54] <Ironholds> we can post changes there. would that make people happy?
[14:54] <shimgray> even if it's a notice going to VPs saying "this is your weekly notice, changes  can be found here"
[14:54] <Isarra> Ironholds: And everyone will hate it.
[14:54] <Ironholds> Isarra: but they'll hate it in an INFORMED FASHION ;p
[14:54] <James_F> shimgray: For now, the news is: "we're working on it, and would love your thoughts".
[14:55] <Isarra> No they won't!
[14:55] <shimgray> (otoh, maybe we could go yell at the Signpost to cover it more)
[14:55] <Isarra> They'll be horribly surprised!
[14:55] <Fluffernutter> I have this problem with a lot of cross-wiki stuff. Sure, I know the mediawiki wiki exists. I know meta exists. I know outreach exists. But if I need info on some aspect of something that's affecting en.wp, it's nigh-on impossible to be informed of that info unless you go hunting around randomly
[14:55] <James_F> shimgray: On how many of our 708 wikis? Or are you asking for enwiki to get special treatment?
[14:55] <Isarra> The sort of surprised like I get every time I go on wikipedia and realise I'm on wikipedia because what the bloody hell am I doing on wikipedia?!
[14:55] <BarkingFish> that would be good, shimgray - except for the people WHO DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO SIGNPOST!!!!  >.<
[14:55] <James_F> Fluffernutter: ENOTIF on your mediawikiwiki watchlist not enough?
[14:55] <Isarra> I mean...
[14:55] <Fluffernutter> Like, IEP-related content was on three or four different wikis. I am convinced they did that on purpose, to make it hard to follow
�06[14:55] * Elduen flinches.
[14:55] <shimgray> James_F, I can think of worse ideas than a crosswiki bot running 700 times, if it wasn't for the localisation issue
[14:56] <James_F> BarkingFish: At some point we give up. If you're unwilling to read the Signpost, read the mailing lists, or follow the changes on the development wiki, how much time (read: money) should we spend?
[14:56] <James_F> shimgray: So, English language cultural imperialism is OK? ;-)
[14:56] <BarkingFish> James_F, I did not say I was unwilling to read signpost, or the mailing lists, or follow the changes.
[14:56] <shimgray> BarkingFish, well, we don't *have* many central ways of sending things out on enwiki. there are people who complain about bad notification when it's in sitenotices...
[14:57] <shimgray> the signpost is the regular-circulation tool we have.
�06[14:57] * Fluffernutter unsubscribed from most of the mailing lists when i realized they consisted entirely of angry men shouting at each other over things that had no bearing on anything, and that any actual content there was so obscured by the name-calling that I wouldn't notice it anyway
[14:57] <Ironholds> indeed
[14:57] <Ironholds> so, here's the thing, James_F
[14:57] <Ironholds> I'm an enwiki user. you've made changes to my environment.
[14:57] <James_F> Fluffernutter: Some of them are women. But yes, still angry.
[14:57] <BarkingFish> What I said was - people don't always subscribe to signpost - I didn't know about the public changelog until you mentioned it, and the mailing lists are a pain in the ass :)
[14:57] <BarkingFish> tl;dr in a big way
[14:57] <Ironholds> for me to find out in advance, you want me to go outside my environment, to somewhere alien and unfamiliar, where I have no standing or identity and potentially a different skin, populated by people I don't know
[14:57] <James_F> Ironholds: We're talking about VE development here. VE hasn't made any changes to enwiki or anyone other than mediawikiwiki.
[14:58] <shimgray> James_F, hmm. it is understandably impractical to translate the changelog. but! how practical would it be to have "the software this runs on is being updated from VALUE to VALUE2, please see details here, sorry they are in English" as one of the default localisation strings?
[14:58] <Ironholds> it is no different from a user perspective to send them to than to send them to wikia. or the Automattic blog.
[14:58] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter mentioned that an easily findable public changelog would be nice.  The public changelog you posted is far from easily findable - but now we know where it is, no doubt we'll probably follow it
[14:58] <Ironholds> James_F: sure; I meant the earlier point of spam-versus-active-communications
[14:58] <James_F> shimgray: It would be an identical message every fortnight, but sure, that should be possible.
[14:58] <Fluffernutter> Like, let's look at it this way. BarkingFish and I are pretty experienced users. We get around the back reaches of WP. We've been here for a long time. We know where most of the pages with information are. And still, neither of us knew that log was there. This is evidence that it is perhaps not as obvious as you think, James_F.
�06[14:58] * Ironholds nods
[14:58] <shimgray> a bit of effort to begin with, but at least it gets around the problem of "no-one knows a change has happened"
�06[14:58] * James_F will sling an e-mail at Sumana.
[14:59] <Ironholds> James_F: please do.
[14:59] <shimgray> and now we have done that, we can discuss nailing admins who live-experiment on mediawiki settings up. to the wall. by their ears.
[14:59] <shimgray> *that* is immensely more annoying
[14:59] <shimgray> and has less documentation
[14:59] <BarkingFish> It's not a case of you spending money, James_F - it's a clear cut "if you want people to know where shit is, make it findable by people who actually want to read it :)"
[15:00] <James_F> BarkingFish: I'm confused. What free resource will "make it findable"?
�02[15:00] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[15:00] <Isarra> Wasn't there a link on the mainpage to the current version changelog before?
[15:00] <Isarra> What happened to that?
[15:00] <BarkingFish> James_F, an external link to the changelog planted in the sidebar on Wikipedia would do the job
[15:01] <James_F> BarkingFish: That's amazingly heavy-weight for all but a tiny fraction of our users.
[15:01] <BarkingFish> or one on the main page, or the footer bar on wp
[15:01] <Isarra> BarkingFish: And just how much do you want to add to the sidebar?
�02[15:01] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[15:01] <Ironholds> James_F: so stick it in the toolbox
[15:01] <James_F> BarkingFish: The sidebar/mainpage/footer for enwiki are all over-bloated as it is.
[15:01] <Ironholds> which is auto-collapsed under vector
�02[15:01] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[15:01] <Ironholds> or, hey, send out a centralnotice
[15:01] <IRWolfie-> adding something to the sidebar would be a bad idea
[15:02] <Isarra> BarkingFish: Why not add a link to the technical village pump header?
[15:02] <James_F> Ironholds: Toolbox is for page-/context-specific actions. Don't break the UX harder than it already is.
[15:02] <BarkingFish> Yep, that would work too Isarra
[15:02] <Isarra> So why don't you do it?
�06[15:02] * Isarra grins.
[15:02] <IRWolfie-> which log is being referred to?
[15:02] <Isarra> Doesn't solve the issue of how people find it in the first place, but it's been found and so might as well use it.
[15:03] <shimgray> BarkingFish, and here's the problem. that space is *valuable*. every extra link in the sidebar or the footer makes the links that are there that extra bit more cluttered.
[15:03] <shimgray> and marginally less useful as a result
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[15:03] <BarkingFish> shimgray, so how much less useful is a public changelog no bugger can find?
[15:04] <IRWolfie-> aha it was linked above
[15:04] <BarkingFish> we need to have a link to it somewhere
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[15:04] <BarkingFish> where would you suggest putting it?
[15:04] <Ironholds> well, how about this
[15:04] <Ironholds> when we get notifications, a week in advance we'll send out a site-wide notification linking you to upcoming changes?
[15:04] <shimgray> BarkingFish, sure. but there's a hundred other things that someone has said "hey, we should link to that prominently". it's a matter of how prominent is needed.
[15:04] <shimgray> top of VPT, excellent idea.
[15:05] <IRWolfie-> stick it in the newsletter?
[15:05] <Fluffernutter> when changes are deployed is really when people wish they could find it
[15:05] <shimgray> a link to recently added relevant entries in Bugzilla, too, maybe
[15:05] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, that would be brilliant.
[15:05] <James_F> BarkingFish: The changelog is mostly aimed at sysadmins of MW installs rather than specifically WMF installs. We sadly don't really have one written for our wikis. :-(
[15:05] <Frood> People told me that after about a week we'd start hating the metronome over loudspeaker.
[15:05] <James_F> BarkingFish: It will be brilliant, but only when we have notifications working. So... some time off. :-(
[15:05] <Frood> Last night, I had a dream, and I heard the metronome. I hate it now.
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[15:06] <norbit> Frood: what?
�06[15:06] * norbit is confused
[15:06] <Isarra> Okay, so for the meantime, how would you set up an automatically updating link to the current version stuff on mww?
[15:06] <Isarra> Bot?
[15:06] <shimgray> Ironholds - a week in advance means a notification displayed 50% of the time
[15:06] <shimgray>
[15:06] <James_F> IRWolfie-: Certainly it would be nice if the Signpost summarised (or just included a link to) the current version.
[15:06] <LL2|Android> Y'know, when my mom gets mad at me, she gets rude
[15:06] <shimgray> "We plan to deploy the latest software every two weeks."
[15:06] <BarkingFish> James_F, no drama. As long as it's gonna be possible to know when something is being altered, that will be the key.  I've got a lot less resistant to change, over the last month or two, James_F - it just annoys me that stuff just gets changed, no notice, nothing.
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[15:07] <LL2|Android> Almost makes me want to live with my dad instead
[15:07] <BarkingFish> I don't mind the change, I just wish I knew about it in advance.
[15:07] <James_F> Isarra: The pages are created manually. I could ask Reedy to edit to #REDIRECT[[<whatever>]]. :-)
[15:07] <LL2|Android> I spilled my dinner on the couch  by accident a few minutes ago
[15:07] <James_F> BarkingFish: Oh, completely agree.
[15:07] <Fluffernutter> BarkingFish: well, let's be fair. most of the time, it's very easy for you to know something's been altered - something that ought to work will stop doing so!
[15:07] <Isarra> BarkingFish: Here's the thing - things are always being altered. That's what biweekly releases mean.
[15:07] <LL2|Android> And yes, she got mad
[15:08] <James_F> BarkingFish: Oh, completely agree.
[15:08] <James_F> Bah.
[15:08] <Isarra> James_F: That'd work nicely.
[15:08] <James_F> Isarra: Kk. Will e-mail. :-)
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�02[15:08] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: hometime�)
[15:08] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, yeah - but then there's the things that get changed that don't break something, but which confuse you - like the rollback thingy I mentioned :)
�06[15:08] * Isarra considers throwing a brick at Reedy just to see what happens.
[15:08] <BarkingFish> ah bollocks :)
[15:08] <mysterytrey> Armbrust got blocked?
[15:09] <mysterytrey> Oh. 3rr
[15:09] <Peter-C> omfg, CS:GO!
[15:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[15:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Isarra I tried that
[15:09] <Peter-C> Frood - did you preordeR?
[15:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> brick on brick doesnt do much
[15:09] <Isarra> Ack.
�02[15:09] * diegogrez_ (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[15:09] <Frood> Peter-C: I didn't.
[15:09] <Peter-C> :(
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[15:10] <Isarra> James_F: Thank you.
[15:10] <James_F> Isarra: That's what I'm here for.
[15:10] <James_F> Oh, wait.
�02[15:10] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Client Quit�)
[15:10] <James_F> No, that's what Ironholds is here for.
[15:10] <James_F> I'm here to make VE awesome.
[15:10] <James_F> Or something.
[15:11] <Isarra> You're here to make up for the fact that Ironholds is the one who's supposed to be here for this sort of thing.
�06[15:11] * Isarra runs.
[15:11] <LL2|Android> Lol
�06[15:11] * James_F coughs.
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[15:14] <Ironholds> Isarra: heh. I was out grabbing a drink ;p
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[15:14] <James_F> Anyway, to wrest the topic back to telling the community what we're doing, I'm intending to write up what's new every other Monday for the lists, and I guess I could spam enwiki's VPT too (though that does feel like favouritism).
[15:14] <Ironholds> and I do this stuff for one set of features. There is no dedicated staffer for new developments as a whole.
[15:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> James_F hmm?
[15:14] <Isarra> James_F: But the latest reflects changes the enwp folks won't be seeing yet!
[15:14] <Ironholds> James_F: with the VE?
[15:14] <Isarra> How will they ever make sense of it?!
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[15:14] <Ironholds> yeah, kinda what Isarra said. I don't think that's going to solve the problem.
[15:15] <James_F> Isarra: Many/most of the changes are instantly deployed to enwiki along with the rest of the cluster.
[15:15] <James_F> Isarra: Enwiki is running 1.20/wmf9 right now, for instance.
[15:15] <James_F> Ironholds: Yeah.
[15:15] <Isarra> Ironholds: Actually, if we just make the link mention that, it shouldn't be a problem.
[15:15] <Isarra> People can get a preview.
[15:15] <BarkingFish> ToAruShiroiNeko, congratulations, btw :)
[15:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish oh thanks
[15:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I hope to help for 3 months
[15:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I nuked copyright problems already
[15:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hope that is alright
[15:16] <James_F> Isarra: Ah, well, translating from "e696634 - Make it possible to swap out LQT notifications for Echo notifications, or to have both" to something humans could read isn't easy - and that was me picking the easiest one.
[15:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you may want to move those two oggs to commons and get uploads disabled maybe
[15:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> just a thought :)
[15:17] <Ironholds> James_F: that is a wider problem with how devs communicate, yes ;p
[15:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> since wiki has a total of 3 files now
[15:17] <BarkingFish> ToAruShiroiNeko, ur an admin now, fuck, u don't need permission :)
[15:17] <Isarra> James_F: Oh. Yes.
[15:17] <Ironholds> so, for context, Isarra, Fluff, ToAruShiroiNeko, James_F and I are now having a conversation with the comms team in engineering to work something out
[15:17] <Ironholds> hopefully there will be progress soon :)
[15:17] <Isarra> I keep forgetting these people can't go look at the gerrit and make sense of that.
[15:18] <James_F> Ironholds: Your grammar there sucks.
[15:18] <Ironholds> shut up
[15:18] <James_F> Isarra: Well, /I/ can.
[15:18] <Isarra> There are usually descriptions and everything!
[15:18] <James_F> Ironholds: How many people are having discussions with the comms team? It sounded like five.
[15:18] <Ironholds> ...fine.
[15:19] <James_F> Isarra: Sure, but "Change from wgMiserMode to isCached on Special:WithoutInterwikis" isn't exactly obvious.
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[15:19] <Isarra> It is if you know what miser mode does with caching... oh.
[15:19] <Isarra> Who knows that?
[15:19] <Isarra> ...crap, why do I know that?
[15:20] <Ironholds> James_F: so the comms team should sit down with you or me before every new platform release and go
[15:20] <Ironholds> "here are the user-facing things. did we get it right?"
�06[15:20] * Isarra hugs James_F.
[15:20] <James_F> Ironholds: The comms team don't deploy code.
[15:20] <BarkingFish> 0.0
[15:21] <James_F> Ironholds: Try not to muddy the waters even more so.
[15:21] <James_F> Also, this is the tech comms team, not the comms team.
[15:21] <Isarra> So basically we're all doomed.
[15:21] <BarkingFish> that's another new change, and quite a nice one imo.  Notice you got rid of the page history tab :)
[15:21] <James_F> They /also/ don't deploy code.
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[15:21] <James_F> BarkingFish: We did? Where?
[15:22] <BarkingFish> James_F, all I have now is a "Page" tab, with different dropdown items under it.
[15:22] <Ironholds> ...what?
[15:22] <Ironholds> in vector?
[15:22] <BarkingFish> no, in monobook
[15:22] <James_F> BarkingFish: On enwiki?
[15:22] <BarkingFish> yep
[15:22] <James_F> Huh.
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[15:22] <Ironholds> I'm not seeing that
[15:22] <Ironholds> send me a screenshot?
[15:22] <BarkingFish> i can screenshot if you want
[15:22] <BarkingFish> oh ok
[15:22] <Ironholds> ta :)
[15:22] <James_F> Umm.
�02[15:23] * sonia (~rueful@wikipedia/sonia) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds�)
�06[15:23] * norbit sends a screenshot of teh jesusstick to Ironholds
[15:23] <James_F> Yeah, Monobook history tab still very much present here.
[15:23] <aezop> oh man
[15:23] <Ironholds> norbit: calm down.
[15:23] <aezop> that email address is gonna see some crazy shit
[15:23] <Isarra> BarkingFish: Can you try turning off your gadgets and seeing if that changes anything?
[15:23] <Isarra> Er, anything related.
[15:23] <Ironholds> aezop: I'm the community liaison for fuck-off-big features
[15:23] <Ironholds> it already does.
[15:24] <James_F> Ironholds: We should clearly make that your formal job title.
[15:24] <Ironholds> but not, like, apocalyptically-big features. that's James_F
[15:24] <aezop> ironholds
[15:24] <Ironholds> James_F: no, I have already picked out my new job title
[15:24] <James_F> Trudat.
[15:24] <aezop> please dont interpret my remarks as desiring to actually converse with you
[15:24] <aezop> please dont
[15:24] <Isarra> Why does the edit tab say 'edit this page'? Should people be looking for a link to edit some other page there too?
[15:24] <James_F> Isarra: Indeed. :-)
[15:24] <Ironholds> so, my job involves being the guy who takes a theoretically sweet plan and injects practicality, necessitating the tainting of visions and the corrosion of grand vistas
[15:25] <Isarra> James_F: o_O
[15:25] <Ironholds> I just want to be titled what people already call me
[15:25] <James_F> Isarra: That's why we fixed all these silly things. We call it Vector.
[15:25] <Ironholds> Introducing, Oliver Keyes. That Asshole.
[15:25] <Isarra> Actually, there are a couple of tabs that would edit other pages...
[15:25] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, uploading screenshot to gmail now, will be with you in mail shortly :)
[15:25] <Isarra> Only thing vector fixed was the lack of a container for the sidebar.
[15:25] <Ironholds> grand :)
[15:25] <James_F> I'm only Product Manager for Visual Editor, and Parsoid, and SUL, and special tools, and Echo, and Flow, and LiquidThreads, and Flagged Revisions.
[15:25] <Isarra> Other than that it mostly broke things or didn't do much of anything.
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[15:26] <James_F> Isarra: It never broke anything for me.
[15:26] <BarkingFish> brb
�02[15:26] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
[15:26] <James_F> Isarra: Do you use a bunch of gadgets or funky user-space CSS/JS?
[15:26] <Isarra> Well, to be fair, the only thing it really broke was some minor usability.
[15:26] <LL2|Android>  <-- this is freaking awesome
[15:26] <Isarra> Mostly it just rearranged things for no apparent reason and to little effect,
[15:26] <Isarra> .
[15:27] <norbit> Isarra:
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[15:27] <LL2|Android> Hi harej
[15:27] <Isarra> And yeah, I have some funny css/js, but it makes all skins equally funny.
[15:29] <Isarra> Heeeeeee monobook is so squishy.
�06[15:29] * Isarra squishes it and giggles.
[15:30] <Ironholds> Isarra: you're scary sometimes.
[15:31] <Isarra> Eh?
[15:32] <Isarra> Twinkle adds too many tabs.
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�06[15:36] * Isarra kidnaps Ironholds and forces him to teach her how to use arrays in php.
[15:37] <Ironholds> Isarra: that's it?
[15:37] <Isarra> I need to figure this out. >.<
[15:37] <Ironholds> you're going to kidnap a cute guy with a nice accent and...have him teach you php?
[15:37] <Isarra> This is important!
[15:38] <Peter-C>
[15:38] <Peter-C> OMG THE INTERNET
[15:38] <Peter-C> I need one
[15:38] <Peter-C> Fuck it, I need 20
[15:38] <Isarra> Crap, where's the wmf data retention policy?
[15:41] <Ironholds> Isarra: fine, I'll come teach you
[15:41] <Ironholds> and it's under the privacy policy I thiiink
[15:41] <Isarra> Ah, thanks.
[15:41] <Ironholds> and
[15:42] <Isarra> One sentence, and yet so funny.
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[15:43] <Isarra> But anyway, azoft!
�06[15:43] * Isarra kidnaps Ironholds.
�06[15:44] * sonia takes pictures?
[15:44] <Isarra> Eep!
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[15:45] <norbit> sonia!
[15:45] <norbit> :-DD
[15:46] <sonia> hi!
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[15:50] <BarkingFish> sorry, Ironholds - net being a bitch, not got that mail sent yet. About to try again :)
[15:51] <BarkingFish> and, gone. Should be with you any moment
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[15:53] <Isarra> Are there links to where one can report a bug anywhere in the interface?
[15:54] <Ironholds> sonia: kinky
[15:54] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: no problem!
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[15:56] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: woah, that IS weird. send me your .js and gadget outputs?
[15:56] <Ironholds> and css, obvs
[15:56] <BarkingFish> yuppers, will do
[15:57] <Ironholds> ta :)
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[15:59] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, there's another weird assed one too, it comes up on user pages, and has a complete list of user ldetails, screenshot of that one coming too
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[16:00] <BarkingFish> i notice User contributions has gone from the left toolbar in monobook too :P
[16:02] <Isarra> Pharos:
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[16:04] <Pharos> that is a beautiful beast
�02[16:05] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[16:06] <Isarra> I thought you'd appreciate it.
[16:07] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, mail coming to you now - too many pics, so they're zipped up into a 1MB compressed file.
[16:07] <BarkingFish> with net being slow, easier I send one file than a few
[16:08] <Peter-C> Girls think Ron Paul is hot, right?
[16:08] <sonia> ...what?
[16:08] <Peter-C> Is this man hot -
[16:09] <Pharos> hot as freedom
[16:09] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: thanks :). May be a while until I get to them, tbh - meetings for the next hour and a half
[16:09] <BarkingFish> good god no, face like an MVA
[16:09] <Pharos> why do you not love freedom?
[16:09] <Peter-C> ^
[16:10] <Elduen> I hate freedom.
[16:10] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, no prob - I'm away in about 30 minutes, early start, so if you don't catch me tonight, email me and we can talk from there, or I'll be in this evening
�02[16:10] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:10] <Peter-C> He is a gyno
[16:10] <Elduen> I demand despotism.
[16:10] <Peter-C> Women should love him
�06[16:10] * Elduen hits the channel admins with various lengths of PVC piping.
[16:10] <Elduen> channel ops*
[16:10] <sonia> this logic is beyond me.
[16:10] <Pharos> except ones who need family planning services!
[16:11] <Pharos> freedom only goes so far
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[16:11] <Pharos> but yes, all women should love and adore Ron Paul
[16:11] <BarkingFish> if they're into vets who need a facelift, a wheelchair, a cup of tea and a sit down :P
[16:12] <Peter-C> Ron Paul 2012
[16:12] <Pharos> Ron Paul 1066
[16:12] <BarkingFish> yeah, you don't have to put how old he is, Peter-C - we can see that :P
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[16:12] <Peter-C> >.>
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[16:13] <Pharos> i believe mel brooks is the superior duomillenarian
[16:13] <Pharos> *duomillennnarian
[16:14] <Elduen> Career politicians suck.
[16:14] <BarkingFish> you mean he's an old git, right? :P
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[16:14] <Elduen> Mel Brooks, however, does not suck.
[16:15] <Pharos> i mean he had a great routine where he played 'The Two Thousand Year Old Man'
[16:15] <Peter-C> :O
[16:15] <Pharos> bavk when he was not-so-old
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[16:16] <Pharos> I'd vote for MB over RP anyday
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[16:20] <BarkingFish> okies, who is dealing with the page curation tool?
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[16:21] <Pharos> ironholds i think
�02[16:22] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[16:22] <mysterytrey> okies.  Is that plural?
[16:23] <Isarra> Stewards seem really confusing. Are they?
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[16:23] <Pharos> i think there's only one
[16:23] <Pharos> but you can never be sure
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[16:27] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: yo
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[16:28] <BarkingFish>  hi - just a quick note, added some feedback - couple of missing CSD criteria on the tool, ones which are kind of important too. I'm using the ones from twinkle for now :)
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[16:29] <BarkingFish> A7 Band is missing, G7 and G8 too
[16:29] <BarkingFish> other than that, i'm quite liking it.
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[16:32] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: it is?
[16:32] <Ironholds> it should be there
[16:33] <BarkingFish> A7 is there for other stuff, web, etc, band is not included in the description
�02[16:33] * aezop (~aezop@unaffiliated/aezop) Quit (K-Lined�)
[16:33] <BarkingFish> dunno whether it's just missed out, or actually not included in that entry
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[16:35] <Tony_Sidaway> CSD has evolved, and it's possible that the tool's maintainer simply hasn't noticed more recent changes.
�06[16:35] * GorillaWarfare yawnstretches-
�02[16:36] * diegogrez (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[16:37] <incomputable> Hey GorilleWarfare
[16:37] <incomputable> Ha
[16:37] <incomputable> GorillaWarfare*
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[16:38] <GorillaWarfare> Heya
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[16:40] <Frood> guess what guys
[16:40] <Frood> Flash for Android dies tomorrow :D
[16:40] <Fluff|sleep> ?
�03[16:40] * Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluffernuttere
�03[16:40] * Fluffernuttere is now known as Fluffernutter
[16:41] <Frood> Fluffernutter: It's being taken out of the Play Store.
[16:41] <incomputable> Hi sleeping Fluff
[16:41] <Fluffernutter> why, Frood?
[16:41] <Frood> because Adobe wants it to?
�06[16:42] * BarkingFish has a very angry mom after him :P
[16:42] <BarkingFish>
�02[16:42] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
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[16:43] <incomputable> Good God in Heaven.
[16:43] <incomputable> r u serious>
[16:43] <incomputable> ?
�06[16:43] * incomputable headdesks
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[16:43] <BarkingFish> ceradon, you got a problem?  with me or the mom?
[16:43] <Frood> BarkingFish: looks like a sock to me.
[16:43] <ceradon> BarkingFish: The article belongs on fucking Comedy Central.
[16:43] <ceradon> Jeez
�02[16:43] * greenrosetta (~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[16:44] <BarkingFish> of course it does. It's what we refer to as "utter shite". You see it quite a lot :P
[16:44] <Miniz> BarkingFish, wanna play minecraft?
[16:44] <Frood> wait, nevermind
[16:45] <BarkingFish> No, derp, I don't. Fuck off.
[16:46] <ceradon> Why is derp in here?
[16:47] <BarkingFish> ceradon, taking the piss, I suspect.  Read my userpage.
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�06[16:50] * kylu yawns.
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[16:58] <BarkingFish> night guys, I'm out.  Early start, see you tonight
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[17:01] <Frood> i've been seriously considering doing an RfA, but I'd never pass.
[17:01] <Frood> "We need more admins, but 5000 edits isn't enough!"
[17:01] <mysterytrey> 5000 mainspace?
[17:01] <Frood> total
[17:02] <mysterytrey> And how long have you been here?
[17:02] <Frood> 2008ish
[17:02] <Frood> I think I started editing in early 2009 though
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[17:06] <Frood> I think that I'm crashing toolserver.
�02[17:07] * Seddon ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[17:07] <mysterytrey> You had 2 edits from 2008-2009
[17:07] <mysterytrey> Congrats.
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[17:08] <Frood> wtf,
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[17:10] <Tony_Sidaway> I would like to see all editors with a FA (to the very existence of which in their current form I am opposed) and a couple of thousand edits granted admin bit as a matter of course.
[17:10] <Tony_Sidaway> It would justify the FA programme and give us lots and lots of admins.
[17:11] <Tony_Sidaway> Raul654 would not thank me for this. It would make FA discussions rather more tricky for a while.
�03[17:11] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:12] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm pretty confident that he's better placed to weed out disingenuous complainers than the current crop of Bureaucrats, though.
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[17:14] <Fluffernutter> FA writers, as a group, are no more temperamentally suited, and often less, than other editors
[17:14] <Fluffernutter> they can write. they can't work people.
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[17:15] <Tony_Sidaway> Adminning shouldn't be about how to "work people". It's just access to stuff that is not reversible.
�02[17:15] * prometheus1809 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:16] <Fluffernutter> adminning is about judging consensus of discussions, talking people down from ledges...and deleting and stuff. Someone who's prone to temper tantrums is going to misuse the delete or protect buttons much more readily than someone who is of calm temperament.
[17:16] <Tony_Sidaway> The admin bit has been built up as if it's super-powerful and only be entrusted to special people.
�06[17:16] * SigmaWP hugs ty 
[17:16] <Fluffernutter> someone who can't explain to someone who's misbehaving that they need to stop in way that's believable and persuasive is going to find themselves doing a lot more blocks than a well-suited admin
�06[17:16] * ty huggles SigmaWP <3
[17:17] <geniice> Tony_Sidaway an opinion which is completely unrelated to the fact that you lost it?
[17:17] <Tony_Sidaway> Fluffernutter: I judge consensus and whatnot all the time. I don't need an admin bit to boss people around (or whatever talent it is that I possess).
[17:18] <Tony_Sidaway> geniice: I didn't lose the admin bit. I asked for it to be removed. I've never missed it.
[17:18] <Fluffernutter> You do need an admin bit to judge and enact consensus in places like AfD. And if you want to have an admin bit, you need to be of a temperament that is not prone to, er, how to say...poking people with a sharp knife.
�02[17:18] * diegogrez_ (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�02[17:18] * Nix-7c01 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[17:18] <Tony_Sidaway> Admins aren't needed to close AfDs.
�06[17:18] * norbit stabs Fluffernutter with the jesusstick
�02[17:19] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[17:19] <Tony_Sidaway> That we keep on insisting that they are is the engine of our misfortune.
[17:19] <Fluffernutter> um...right
[17:19] <geniice> Tony_Sidaway in modern terminology you left under a cloud
[17:19] <Tony_Sidaway> No an admin bit is just access to stuff that cannot be reversed.
[17:19] <Tony_Sidaway> geniice: yes that is so.
[17:19] <Fluffernutter> every admin action is reversible
[17:19] <Fluffernutter> even oversights are reversible
[17:19] <Tony_Sidaway> Fluffernutter: only by another admin.
[17:20] <Wehwalt> Admins still write in the sand, they just have a stick rather than a finger.
[17:20] <Tony_Sidaway> This is why only admins can, say, delete. We've decided to take that kind of thing away from regular editors.
[17:20] <Wehwalt> And the tide's always coming in
[17:20] <Guerillero> true statment
[17:21] <Tony_Sidaway> My point is that we fetishize adminning too much.
[17:21] <Tony_Sidaway> The real power resides in the experienced editors.
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[17:21] <SigmaWP> Is there a checkuser here?
[17:22] <Fluffernutter> indeed, Tony_Sidaway. And if I had magic, I'd make sure that only even-tempered, sane people made it through as experienced editors, too. Because we've got a lot too many hotheads and way too few calm voices.
[17:23] <Tony_Sidaway> I'd say the biggest problem I encounter on Wikipedia is sheer timidity.
�02[17:23] * rschen7754|away ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[17:24] <Wehwalt> My theory is that if we eliminated consensus, a lot of troubles would go away
[17:24] <Tony_Sidaway> Most editors would rather argue for weeks on end than just make the right edit.
[17:24] <Fluffernutter> mostly because they know if they just made the edit, someone will tear a strip off them
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�02[17:24] * liberaldudette (~mark@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:25] <Tony_Sidaway> Only inexperienced editors attack others for making an edit.
[17:25] <Tony_Sidaway> Just revert and move on.
[17:25] <Fluffernutter> oh sweetie, that's adorable
[17:25] <Tony_Sidaway> Make the right edit, if it's reverted so be it. Move on to the next issue.
[17:25] <SigmaWP> Wehwalt: Edit-warring bots would take place of the troubles
[17:26] <norbit> Fluffernutter: I've closed deletion discussions as delete
[17:26] <norbit> it's hilarious
[17:26] <Guerillero> oh
[17:26] <Tony_Sidaway> "Edit-warring bots" aren't allowed.
�06[17:26] * Fluffernutter hugs Guerillero
[17:26] <Guerillero> thanks fluff
[17:27] <Tony_Sidaway> I have made tons of very significant, useful edits on the principle that if somebody reverts the edit I'll accept their judgement,
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[17:27] <Tony_Sidaway> And I've done this in some of the most contentious parts of Wikipedia.
[17:28] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm sure most of the more experienced editors have had the same experience.
[17:28] <Tony_Sidaway> I use the talk page to explain an edit quite often. It usually helps.
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[17:31] <Tony_Sidaway> As I explained yesterday, we've also fetishized the admin actions, most tragically article deletion.
[17:31] <Tony_Sidaway> The fact is that we produce articles at a far higher rate than our deletion processes can hope to keep up with, _and it doesn't matter_.
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[17:33] <norbit> Fluffernutter: ZOMG
[17:33] <Tony_Sidaway> The principal cause of the deletion panic: the unencylopedic notion of "notability" has taken hold in place of verifiability and neutrality.
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[17:33] <norbit> I saw the same squirrel
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[17:35] <Tony_Sidaway> So the lessons to learn as we enter our seond decade: (1) there is no shortage of volunteers, it's just that the volunteers don't necessarily want to concentrate on "improving" articles that were pretty much acceptable five or ten years ago.
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[17:35] <Tony_Sidaway> (2) we don't need better admins, but many good editors could probably benefit _as editors_ from having easy ways of performing routine admin tasks, and they should have that ability.
[17:37] <Tony_Sidaway> (3) deletion processes have far less effect on quality than we generally assume, and they piss of the newcomers something awful.
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[17:37] <Guerillero> but there has to be a basic level of notablility
[17:37] <Tony_Sidaway> Not there doesn't. The Verifiability policy exists for a reason.
[17:38] <SigmaWP> legoktm: Don't use regex when there's recursion
[17:38] <Wehwalt> (4) the legacy of the first years has been practices that are treated like they came down from Mount Sinai on stone tablets and they will never change.
[17:38] <SigmaWP> legoktm: For instance, parsing templates
�02[17:38] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.11/20120715041107]�)
[17:38] <SigmaWP> And follow the PEP 8 more often :D
[17:38] <Guerillero> but N sums up V and RS fairly well
[17:38] <Tony_Sidaway> Wehwalt: well there's that! :)
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[17:38] <Tony_Sidaway> N has fuck-all to do with V and RS.
[17:39] <Guerillero> it it little more than an extension of both policies
[17:39] <Guerillero> you can't be notable without several high quality sources to fulfill verifiability
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[17:40] <Tony_Sidaway> It's an unnecessary tool for rooting out facts that, despite existing and being verifiable, "need" deleting in the eye of some editor or other.
[17:40] <Wehwalt> I see notability as saying "We are not deciding if this person is notable, but you must show us that sources that we respect treat this parson as notable.
[17:40] <Wehwalt> "
[17:41] <Tony_Sidaway> Wehwalt: that's self-referential. If a fact is verifiable, it probably belongs in Wikipedia. That doesn't mean it needs an article to itself, but we have redirection  to handle issues like that.
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[17:42] <Tony_Sidaway> It's the "OMG, the encyclopedia of facts I'm not interested in!" reaction rechiselled as pseudo-policy.
[17:43] <Guerillero> but it behoves people to have pages
[17:43] <Guerillero> so many people want one
�02[17:43] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[17:43] <Guerillero> klout makes your score go up by a big amount if you have a biography
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[17:44] <Tony_Sidaway> klout isn't Wikipedia. Not our concern.
[17:44] <Guerillero> aah
[17:44] <Guerillero> but it is
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[17:44] <Guerillero> every minor celebrity, porn star and  band does not need there own page
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[17:45] <Tony_Sidaway> I don't see why every verifiable fact should not be somewhere in Wikipedia. Most of them will be redirects or disamiguation, but that says more about the organisation of the world than Wikipedia policy.
[17:47] <Tony_Sidaway> We're remarkably poor at keeping "non-notable" facts out as it is. Pretending that doing so is relevant to our mission is pointless.
[17:48] <Tony_Sidaway> Concentrate on excluding the unverifiable. That's what matters.
[17:48] <mysterytrey> Do you actually care about that, or are you just rambling on about something?
[17:49] <Tony_Sidaway> mysterytrey: I'm just expounding my general philosophy of editing, which I think is the topical matter of this channel.
[17:50] <mysterytrey> Umm...
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[17:51] <Pharos> my general philosophy of editing is Ultramontaneism
[17:51] <RexxS> Isn't there a problem with simply swaping things with too much trivia?
[17:51] <RexxS> swamping*
[17:51] <Tony_Sidaway> RexxS: no, just remove stuff of marginal relevance.
[17:52] <Pharos> no such thing as too much trivia!
[17:52] <Tony_Sidaway> That's just good editing practice but is also an essential part of NPOV.
[17:52] <RexxS> isn't that what we do now, Tony?
[17:52] <Tony_Sidaway> RexxS: yes, very much so. COnsult my statements above and ask if you don't understand any of them.
[17:53] <RexxS> I mean do we really need to record the highest position that "Seasons In the Sun" reached in the Austrian dance charts?
[17:53] <RexxS> well, I only just dropped in
[17:53] <Pharos> trivia is content that hasn't been loved enough
[17:53] <RexxS> but I saw the bit about "every verifiable fact"
[17:53] <Tony_Sidaway> RexxS: an editing decision I feel confident in leaving to the editors the "Seasons in the Sun" article.
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[17:54] <RexxS> indeed - but that's not therefore an argument for its inclusion, is it?#
[17:55] <Tony_Sidaway> Inclusion of a given fact in any or every article isn't implied by the principle that every verifiable fact is includable.
[17:56] <Tony_Sidaway> If you exclude a fact, do so because it is not relevant to the topic. Is it relevant to another topic? Then the editor of the article on that topic will have his or her own idea.
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�03[17:56] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
[17:56] <RexxS> ok - but includable =/= included somewhere
[17:57] <Tony_Sidaway> So much of our deletion discussions are really just misplaced arguments about balance.
[17:57] <RexxS> to be fair, you often get merge as a result
[17:57] <Tony_Sidaway> Merge should be the first resort, not the last one.
[17:58] <RexxS> no argument there
[17:59] <RexxS> it also implies that we are building larger, more comprehensive articles
[17:59] <RexxS> rather trhan lots of stubs
[17:59] <Tony_Sidaway> I sometimes like to consider what editing strategies we'd follow if deletion were not an option. Such a wiki is conceivable so it's quite an interesting exercise.
[17:59] <Frood> How the fuck is still alive?
�02[18:00] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:00] <kylu> Frood: well, it DOES say "No need to go deleting this page" so that means it's okay, right?
�02[18:01] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Quit: Ping timeout: 542 seconds�)
[18:01] <Tony_Sidaway> It's a rather charming piece of juvenilia, which will be deleted in due course.
[18:01] <Frood> Tony_Sidaway: over an hour and a half is too long...
[18:01] <Frood> Speedy deletion should take at most 30 mins, imo.
�02[18:01] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
�03[18:02] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:02] <Frood> controversial? decline speedy, AfD/prod
�03[18:02] * MBisanz ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:02] <SigmaWP> [17:59:32] �<�Frood�>�� Speedy deletion should take at most 30 mins, imo.
[18:03] <Tony_Sidaway> why don't you just delete it?
[18:03] <Frood> because I'm not an admin?
[18:03] <Tony_Sidaway> Which brings us full circle...
[18:03] <Tony_Sidaway> :)
�03[18:03] * diegogrez (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:04] <Tony_Sidaway> Experienced editors should have access to the toold.
[18:04] <Frood> I don't have like, 10,000 edits
[18:04] <Frood> only 4500ish, and 500 are deleted.
[18:04] <Guerillero> I only have 11,500 edits
[18:04] <Tony_Sidaway> 4500 edits is quite a lot.
[18:05] <Guerillero> and I have been an admin since Nov
[18:06] <Tony_Sidaway> I think we should trust our editors more than we do.
�03[18:06] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
�03[18:06] * Monchoman45 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:07] <RexxS> it wouldn't work, Tony
�02[18:08] * diegogrez (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[18:08] <Tony_Sidaway> I think a lot of people probably said it wouldn't work to trust just anybody to come and edit an encyclopedia. And here we are.
�02[18:09] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[18:09] <RexxS> and is that a good place?
[18:09] <Tony_Sidaway> Here I'm talking about giving people who have amply repaid that trust some extra tools to make their job easier.
[18:09] <RexxS> one glance at the drama boards will show the flaws
[18:10] <Tony_Sidaway> If you don't think  Wikipedia is a remarkable achievement, I don't think you can have been paying attention.
�03[18:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[18:10] * eir sets mode: -bbo *!* *!* eir
[18:10] <RexxS> utterly remarkable
[18:10] <RexxS> but still a long way short of utopia
[18:10] <RexxS> and what tools would make my job easier?
[18:11] <Tony_Sidaway> The "drama" boards exist by mistake, and do not need to exist.
[18:11] <RexxS> amen to that - and yet they do exist
[18:12] <Tony_Sidaway> They only have poer if we pay attention to them.
[18:12] <Frood> Seriously, can an admin do too much damage without arbcom noticing?
[18:12] <Frood> and then arbcom promptly desysoping
[18:13] <RexxS> but if anyone can participate, we are bound to have folks who create drama boards
[18:13] <Tony_Sidaway> Frood: the biggest sysop rampage of which I'm aware was over within ten minutes.
[18:13] <Frood> ofc i'd be open to recall...
[18:13] <Frood> I don't think anything I've ever done could be considered controversial...
�02[18:14] * LtNOWIS (~Simon@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
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�06[18:14] * Gfoley4 never got asked if I was open to recall
[18:14] <RexxS> keep it up - i'm sure you'll make a decent admin sooner or later
�03[18:14] * LtNOWIS (~Simon@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[18:18] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:18] <RexxS> evening Sven
�02[18:18] * koishi ( Quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:18] <Sven_Manguard> Hi.
[18:19] <Frood> Hi Sven_Manguard.
[18:19] <Sven_Manguard> Hi.
[18:20] <SigmaWP> Hi Sven_Manguard.
[18:20] <Sven_Manguard> Hi.
�03[18:21] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:21] <ceradon> Hi Sven_Manguard
[18:22] <Sven_Manguard> Hi.
[18:22] <Noommos> Hi Sven_Manguard.
[18:22] <Sven_Manguard> Hi.
�03[18:22] * Biberkopf ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:22] <RexxS> oi - no scripts !
[18:22] <Sven_Manguard> Wha?
[18:23] <RexxS> :D
[18:23] <norbit> Hi Sven_Manguard q
[18:23] <Sven_Manguard> Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. *bzzzzt*
[18:24] <Guest88818> Hello Sven_Manguard
[18:24] <Sven_Manguard> *bzzzzt*
[18:24] <RexxS> 7 down, 188 to go ...
[18:25] <Guest88818> RexxS: ?
[18:25] <RexxS> 7 welcomes so far for Sven
[18:25] <RexxS> another 188 folks in chan
[18:26] <RexxS> i'll check back in an hour or two
�03[18:25] * IDoH ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:25] * IDoH ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:25] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:25] <IDoH> hey
�02[18:25] * LtNOWIS (~Simon@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[18:26] <norbit> IDoH: greetings.
[18:26] <IDoH> Does anyone know when the clue net server will be back up?
[18:26] <IDoH> Hey norbit. :-)
[18:26] <SigmaWP> Hi IDoH
[18:26] <norbit> When horses fly.
[18:26] <IDoH> Ah, hi Sigma.
[18:26] <norbit> (no, dreams don't count)
[18:26] <IDoH> lol, orbit. In other words, nobody really knows.
[18:26] <norbit> SigmaWP: post your thing on the internet
[18:26] <IDoH> Or never. Which would suck. :-/
[18:26] <norbit> IDoH: :O I'm not an orbit
[18:26] <SigmaWP> I can't think of a good name
[18:27] <IDoH> Norbit: Sorry, autocorrect
[18:27] <norbit> SigmaWP: you don't have to name your thing, people who want to see your thing will find it.
[18:27] <SigmaWP> OK
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[18:28] <IDoH> The thing?
�02[18:28] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,�)
[18:28] <IDoH> hey, IShadowed
�02[18:28] * Biberkopf ( Quit
[18:28] <norbit> IDoH: SigmaWP is posting his thing on the internet.
[18:29] <SigmaWP> norbit: I'll just call it The Thing
[18:29] <IDoH> I find this interesting.
[18:29] <norbit> IDoH: it's a penis
[18:29] <IDoH> Norbit: :-0!
[18:29] <norbit> SigmaWP: sure :O
�02[18:29] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[18:29] <IDoH> I'm scandalized!
�06[18:29] * IDoH faints
�02[18:30] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[18:31] <Pharos> hi wikipedians
[18:31] <SigmaWP> norbit: What about the focus keyword
[18:31] <IDoH> Anyone have a non-Igloo, Mac-compatible, anti-vandal software that they use?
[18:31] <IDoH> hey Pharos
�02[18:31] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:31] <norbit> SigmaWP: what it's about
[18:31] <SigmaWP> IDoH: Get linux
[18:31] <norbit> you know what I mean.
[18:32] <SigmaWP> OK :D
�03[18:32] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:32] <Pharos> Get DOS
[18:32] <norbit> IDoH: want the link?
�06[18:32] * norbit DDOS's Pharos
[18:32] <SigmaWP> IDoH: But thanks for the idea
[18:32] <IDoH> SigmaWP: Not really an option at the moment. I just bought a new laptop with help from my parents.
[18:32] <IDoH> Norbit: Sure.
[18:32] <SigmaWP> Linux is free :)
[18:33] <SigmaWP> You'll be safe if you don't get grub
[18:33] <Pharos> DOS is pretty cheap nowadays
[18:33] <Frood> my favorite admin isn't here to delete that page.
[18:34] <kylu>
�03[18:34] * Monchoman45 (~monchoman@wikia/Monchoman45) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:34] <SigmaWP> IDoH: But why OSX?
[18:34] <SigmaWP> It's just a bastard of unix that comes in a white box and a $56000000 price tag
[18:35] <IDoH> SigmaWP: Because my brother is horrible at helping family members with their computers, and he's the only Linux-savvy person I know
�02[18:35] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Later!�)
[18:35] <Elduen> A dollar for Apple is a dollar for the biggest bully in the tech industry.
[18:35] <kylu> um, Oracle. c.c
[18:35] <IDoH> I mean, I assume there's you, but I need internet access to talk to you, ya know.
[18:35] <SigmaWP> Read system logs, google problem, problem solved
[18:36] <IDoH> Sigma: Again, I need Internet access to google
[18:36] <SigmaWP> If you screw up a linux you can always go on recovery mode
�03[18:36] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:36] <SigmaWP> Then you can read the system logs, google problem, problem solved
[18:36] <IDoH> No idea what you're talking about. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'd screw even more.
[18:36] <SigmaWP> norbit: Done
�06[18:36] * kylu suggests IDoH always keep an old 3G Kindle Keyboard handy for emergencies. *nod*
�02[18:37] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[18:37] <IDoH> You guys are honestly confusing the hell out of me!
�06[18:37] * SigmaWP injects debian into IDoH 's computer
[18:37] <kylu> free web access anywhere, forevar.
[18:37] <IDoH> I just wanted an Mac compatible Igloo alternative. I didn't want advice on what operating system to use.
[18:37] <kylu> also, does something with ebooks. c.c
[18:38] <Tony_Sidaway> Gosh, kylu . That nick rings a bell for some reason. Hi.
[18:38] <SigmaWP> Oh
[18:38] <SigmaWP> Nevermind then :P
[18:38] <kylu> hey Tony, how's things?
[18:38] <SigmaWP> It would be interesting to write an antivandalism thingy for non-windows
�03[18:38] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:38] <Isarra> Is there any legitimate reason these days to disable js these days beside to remove ads or due to paranoia?
[18:38] <Tony_Sidaway> kylu: just great! Sorry but do I know you from Wikipedia or somewhere else?
[18:38] <Isarra> -these days
[18:38] <SigmaWP> Isarra: No.
[18:38] <norbit> IDoH: Sigma's thing is weird....
[18:38] <Isarra> Really?
[18:39] <SigmaWP> norbit: You silly chair
[18:39] <Isarra> So there are no possible other reasons why anyone would disable javascript, at least not legitimate ones?
[18:39] <kylu> Isarra: performance issues.
�03[18:40] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:40] <IDoH> Norbit: Sigma's thing just went right over my head
[18:40] <Isarra> kylu: Is that legitimate?
[18:40] <norbit> IDoH: k, it's not THAT big.
[18:40] <IDoH> LOL
[18:40] <IDoH> It's an anti-capitialism rant, not a penis!
[18:40] <kylu> Isarra: sure... visit an imageboard with js, crap takes forever to load on old machine...
[18:40] <IDoH> Or, really, not a rant, but just anti-capitialist
[18:41] <kylu> do same with js disabled, can still see ads, runs faster
[18:41] <Isarra> But apparently that's not a legitimate reason these days.
�03[18:42] * Tasmania (John@unaffiliated/tasmania) has left #wikipedia-en
[18:43] <kylu> depends on the machine you're using, don't you figure?
[18:43] <kylu> My work machine and my laptop are fine, for instance... the mac desktop, not so much, it's ancient.
[18:44] <Isarra> Aye... >.<
�02[18:44] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) Quit (Quit: Bye, bye, cool internets!�)
[18:44] <Isarra> This computer is terrible with all the modern js crap, but it handles fine with it off.
[18:45] <Isarra> Of course, it is also ten years old...
[18:45] <Isarra> >.>
[18:45] <kylu> also, there's an assumption among web design folks that all computers out there are within a couple years of "current"
[18:45] <Isarra> Not exactly a very good assumption to make, though, especially if it's for something with a more global audience.
[18:46] <Tony_Sidaway> I used to get that. One trick I found handy was that you could use a relatively underpowered machine such as a laptop as an X-server while the browser ran on a desktop system over XDMP or whatever it's called.
[18:46] <kylu> Tony�: Or just disable js and avoid the sucky sites that block you for doing so. :)
[18:46] <Isarra> Indeed...
[18:46] <kylu> also, xdmp not really needed, you can do x-forwarding via ssh.
[18:47] <kylu> or even unencrypted, directly, if you really trust your wireless. o.o;
[18:47] <Tony_Sidaway> kylu: well it wasn't just browsers. This ancient thinkpad of mine was lovely but extremely underpowered.
[18:48] <Isarra> Couldn't run gtk3 stuff properly?
[18:48] <kylu> One of my coworkers has called the pencil eraser on those things the "clit" recently. Gave a kylu the giggles.
[18:48] <Isarra> I'm not sure if I should be amused or horribly freaked out that qt is now more efficient than gtk.
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[18:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Oh i love the clit on a thinkpad. Must remember that name.
[18:51] <kylu> sure, "Okay, now wiggle the clit up to File, push, then wiggle it down to Save, push, and pound OK when it pops out."
[18:52] <kylu> I'll be sure to tell her at least one other person likes that. :)
�02[18:52] * Seddon ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[18:54] <IShadowed> next time norbit disturbs my raid, I am sending Shirik after him and he shall instantly regret this
[18:55] <SigmaWP> template.add("pears", "{{plums}}")
[18:55] <SigmaWP> y u no **kwargs
[18:55] <kylu> IShy, send a Jenkins in.
[18:55] <Tony_Sidaway> kylu: my daughter would probably buy a Thinkpad just to be able to say stuff like that.
[18:55] <IShadowed> seriously
[18:56] <IShadowed> bitch keeps pinging me in rapid succession
[18:56] <IShadowed> not ok
[18:56] <kylu> no /ignore ?
[18:56] <IShadowed> one more ping and yes
[18:57] <The_Thing> IShadowed.
[18:57] <kylu> Tony: for the record, I like your daughter already.
[18:57] <IShadowed> YOU'RE ALL ON IGNORE
[18:57] <The_Thing> xD
[18:58] <The_Thing> IShadowed: [[WP:Beans]]
[18:58] <kylu> hm... freenode still let you /join 0 ?
�06[18:59] * kylu was thinking that + add *!*@* to your ignore list = fairly pointless irc.
[18:59] <SigmaWP> /join #/home/
[18:59] <kylu> we used to do a funny on efnet... sucker people into joining #2,000 to talk about the upcoming new year
[19:00] <kylu> (one Internet Brownie Point to anyone who figures it out and didn't already know.)
[19:00] <Bsadowski1> I get it
[19:00] <Bsadowski1> :P
[19:00] <norbit> kylu: haha
[19:01] <Bsadowski1> Already know about it.
[19:01] <Sven_Manguard> kylu: what am I missing?
[19:01] <norbit> Bsadowski1: fail
[19:01] <Frood> SigmaWP: I'm learning Python!
�06[19:01] * SigmaWP hugs Frood 
[19:01] <kylu> sven: in msg
[19:01] <Bsadowski1> norbit: I have fucking been on IRC for over 6 years. Don't tell me "fail".
[19:01] <norbit> Bsadowski1: don't tell me stuff that equates to more fail :O
[19:02] <SigmaWP> I read that as "I have been fucking IRC for over 6 years"
[19:02] <Bsadowski1> lol
[19:02] <norbit> SigmaWP: well, that too.
[19:02] <Frood> oh yay
[19:02] <kylu> SigmaWP: explains netsplits
[19:02] <Frood> i don't have to wake up at 7 tomorrow!
[19:02] <Frood> but i'll be up at 7:30 probably.
�06[19:02] * kylu 's been on irc so long that kylu times out peer.
�03[19:02] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[19:03] * Sven_Manguard 's been on irc so long he's got inside jokes with other users
[19:03] <Sven_Manguard> oh hi Logan
[19:03] <kylu> (or, less humorously, is mentioned in the credits for TexasNet IRC code, Epona services, and Eggdrop. Sadly.)
�06[19:03] * Isarra falls asleep on Sven_Manguard.
[19:03] <norbit> speaking of animal fun facts, hello Logan_!
[19:03] <Frood> Logan_: Hi.
[19:03] <norbit> Isarra: no falling asleep
[19:04] <norbit> kylu: :O
�06[19:04] * norbit gives kylu a sympathy biscuit
�06[19:04] * kylu soaks in own tears, noms.
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[19:06] <kylu> ...hey Tony?
�06[19:07] * SigmaWP hugs ty
[19:07] <kylu> Y'know... I HAVE to say this, so apologies in advance... but you realize you'll never be able to use your daughter's computer if she gets a Lenovo, right?
�06[19:07] * ty huggles SigmaWP <3
[19:07] <Frood> kylu: why is that?
[19:08] <kylu> 'cos what's he have to do to move the mouse around?
[19:08] <Frood> ?
[19:09] <kylu> read the backscroll, two pages back tops.
[19:09] <Tony_Sidaway> It's okay, I'll just tell her how to work it and watch to make sure she does it right. :p
[19:09] <kylu> ...
[19:09] <kylu> even worse. x.x
[19:09] <Frood> thinkpads have touchpads too.
[19:09] <kylu> heresy!
[19:10] <kylu> also, fingering her pad is just as bad.
[19:10] <Frood> but yeah, those things are pretty cool
[19:10] <Tony_Sidaway> She has a sense of humour about as filthy as mine. *she* told *me* what pegging is.
[19:11] <kylu> I suspect most guys don't know what it is, actually.
[19:11] <kylu> Or, at least, maybe they see a picture and go "Wait, what is OHHOLYSHITCLOSEBROWSERTAB!"
[19:12] <Tony_Sidaway> She knows I am bisexual, so perhaps a little harder to freak out than most. She tries though.
�03[19:12] * SigmaWP is now known as SigmAway
[19:12] <SigmAway> Bye!
[19:13] <Frood> Tony_Sidaway: lemonparty. that is all.
[19:13] <kylu> lemonparty, ha... try "heads of state"
[19:13] <kylu> one's a split ticket, another is prince albert
[19:14] <Logan_> Yes, hello.
[19:14] <Logan_> Logan_ here.
[19:15] <kylu> Hello Darkness, my old friend...
�02[19:16] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[19:16] <Logan_> I've come to talk with you again.
[19:17] <Tony_Sidaway> She made me sit and watch Thor the other day. She has conceived an enthusiasm for the rather scrumptious Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki in that film and in The Avengers.
�02[19:17] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[19:18] <Tony_Sidaway> I have to admit, it's worth it for the Loki bits.
[19:19] <kylu> Tony: privmsg. :D
�02[19:19] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Quit: tonynoname2�)
�06[19:19] * kylu hasn't seen the Avengers movie yet. Kinda works all the time. c.c
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�02[19:26] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[19:30] <Tony_Sidaway> I saw it once and managed to stay awake all the way through. It's very good. I speak as someone who stopped watching Iron Man as soon as the cartoon foreigners started running around and shouting "dakka dakka dakka". Team America World Police was a _satire_, not a blueprint.
�03[19:32] * DoRD is now known as DoRD|away
[19:33] <kylu> I kinda thought of that Jericho Missile as a mix between a lightweight Project Charon and a Metalstorm project.
[19:33] <kylu> vaguely cool concept, but I'd just use a full Charon and get it over with. *shrug*
�03[19:34] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:34] <Sven_Manguard> Back. Goodamn Google analytics crashed my internet...
[19:34] <Sven_Manguard> Any way to block that? I don't want them tracking me as it is
�03[19:34] * Dcoetzee (kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:35] <kylu> sven: localhost in your /etc/hosts ?
[19:35] <Sven_Manguard> ?
[19:36] <Sven_Manguard> I went to armorgames and it crashed internet while loading Google analytics
[19:36] <Sven_Manguard> that's all I know
�03[19:37] * Soapy (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:37] <Frood> Sven_Manguard: Ghostery?
[19:37] <kylu> there's a file... /etc/hosts in os x or linux, \windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts for windows (I think?)
[19:37] <kylu> add a line that says:
[19:37] <kylu> to that file
[19:37] <kylu> reboot
[19:38] <kylu> (unless linux/os x)
�02[19:39] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[19:40] <Sven_Manguard> sigh
[19:40] <Tony_Sidaway> That works, but it can slow down page loads unless you have a web server to respond and 404 all the page requests.
[19:40] <Tony_Sidaway> Depends whether you're impatient or not. You have to wait for timeouts sometimes.
�06[19:41] * kylu hosts a webserver anyway, redirects it to a ignored-robots.txt-trap
�02[19:42] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
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[19:44] <Soapy> hi
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�06[19:47] * Shearonink has no idea what all this is but it sounds fascinating
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[19:48] <Shearonink> ghosts in the machine and linux and analytics oh my
[19:48] <Sven_Manguard> sigh...
[19:48] <Sven_Manguard> Okay, restarting fixed it.
�02[19:50] * Miniz ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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�02[19:52] * evilgohan2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[19:52] <Tony_Sidaway> Nearly time for the frightfully clever Ms Maddow to tell me what those nutty politicians have been getting up to today.
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[19:53] <kylu> Wotcher watch, Tony?
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�03[19:54] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:56] <Sven_Manguard> A Rachel fan, eh?
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�06[19:58] * kylu googles...
[19:58] <Tony_Sidaway> MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show, and sometimes some other stuff.
[19:58] <kylu> Dude, she looks like an ex-bf of mine. o.o;
[19:59] <kylu> more cleavage, though.
[19:59] <Tony_Sidaway> She looks like an older version of my daughter :p
�02[19:59] * Jetro ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
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[20:00] <kylu> Didn't say it was a turn-off, Tony. :)
[20:01] <Tony_Sidaway> I did notice :)
[20:01] <kylu> the C-word (not clit, the other one) is still a little worrisome though.
[20:02] <Jeske_Merensky> Crab?
[20:02] <Tony_Sidaway> Somewhere on the internet there is a picture of Rachel Maddow from a high school yearbook. Worth looking up for a laugh.
�06[20:03] * kylu peeks, "Okay, didn't expect that..."
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[20:05] <kylu> Also... her first date with her girlfriend was... at a NRA "Lady's Day on the Range" event. o.O;
[20:05] <kylu> weird.
[20:05] <Tony_Sidaway> hehe
�03[20:06] * Antonorsi is now known as Anto|away
[20:09] <Tony_Sidaway> I looked at the article. Removed a reference to her and her girlfriend's lack of marriage plans. This kind of plan isn't normally covered until and unless it materializes ("they plan to marry in the Autumn", etc)
[20:10] <Tony_Sidaway> "Despite heterosexual marriage being legal in the country, Fred Smith and  his girlfriend of six years have no plans to marry."
[20:10] <kylu> I looked at her art gallery, would be tempted to reference Mikula's lack of scope and ability to use the 'focus' on a camera.
[20:11] <Tony_Sidaway> Love is blind. :p
[20:11] <kylu> I'm sure folks love what she does, but some of that looks like "well, that was a good try anyway" on /x/
[20:12] <Tony_Sidaway> You are way more curious about Rachel Maddow than I! :)
[20:13] <Tony_Sidaway> I just think of her as the nice clever lady who tells me hair-raising stories about American politics.
[20:13] <Pharos> DYK Rachel Maddow is Bernie Madoff's niece?
[20:13] <jorm> hello, my future victims.
[20:14] <kylu> go to and type in "susan mikula"
[20:14] <kylu> all the blurry crap? that's her art.
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�02[20:16] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[20:16] <Tony_Sidaway> Too busy being educated in the Ryan Gosling meme by Auntie Rachel.
�06[20:17] * kylu sighs, "abstract photography with limited chromatic range and an apparent unwillingness to actually put in any sort of counterpoint or accent."
[20:17] <Soapy> rachel Maddow was in the NRA? lol
�06[20:17] * Betacommand is a true geek, I am converting my USB stick to use SVN
[20:17] <Soapy> pharos: seriously?
[20:17] <Soapy> Maddow looks like it could be a respelling of Madoff
[20:17] <Pharos> no, of course not
[20:17] <Soapy> oh ok
[20:18] <Pharos> it is the same nam, tho
[20:18] <Soapy> hey, it could have been true'
[20:18] <Pharos> i know!
[20:18] <Pharos> wouldn't it be cool if it was?
[20:18] <kylu> not for her.
[20:18] <Pharos> i bet it wold help ratings
[20:19] <kylu> If it did at all, I suspect not enough to be worth actually being related to that guy.
[20:20] <kylu> Also, that's MSNBC... if you want stupidity to increase ratings, you go for FOX.
[20:20] <Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: Rachel Maddow joined the NRA to get off with a cutie.
[20:20] <kylu> she already knew said cutie.
�03[20:21] * SigmaWP is now known as CoalBalls
[20:21] <Soapy> I had a teacher who reminded me of Rachel Maddow
[20:22] <Soapy> it was a man ... not particularly feminine, just something about his speaking style
[20:22] <The_Thing> lolwut:
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[20:22] <Pharos> maybe your teacher was Rachel Maddow's *real* uncle
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[20:30] <Tony_Sidaway> Ah, so Paul Ryan as a Congressman was a cosponsor of a foetal personhood amendment.
[20:30] <Soapy> cool
[20:31] <Soapy> i think fetuses should be able to vote too
�03[20:31] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
�02[20:32] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[20:32] <Tony_Sidaway> To my weird socialistic European ears that sounds like a huge issue. Maybe less so to Americans, but we'll see.
[20:34] <kylu> it's not so much that it's a huge issue to most americans, but that we tend to be .... um, religiously and socially regressive at the moment.
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[20:34] <Tony_Sidaway> Here's the interesting to me: it wasn't just Ryan and maybe one or two other guys. The bill had 64 cosponsors.
[20:34] <Elduen> Abortion is one of those "hot-button" topics.
[20:34] <Elduen> Also, what kylu said.
�03[20:34] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Guest2989
[20:34] <kylu> the ONLY positive I can think of the Republican ticket is that it's a non-Protestant ticket, since Ryan's Catholic and... well, you know the rest.
[20:34] <Tony_Sidaway> This isn't just an abortion thing. Foetal personhood strikes at emergency contraception and so much else.
[20:35] <Soapy> dont you think fetuses should have the same rights as everyone??
[20:35] <Soapy> even the right to vote
�02[20:35] * Jasper_Deng_ ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[20:35] <kylu> and typically, they're the voting bloc that's most regressive, socially.
[20:35] <Soapy> if fetuses could vote, abortion would be banned in a heartbeat
[20:35] <Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: I hope you're not serious. You're not, surely?
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[20:36] <kylu> I'm okay with giving them the right to vote, as long as nobody can vote for them as proxy. ;)
[20:37] <kylu> require thumbprints during voter registration too, and they lose the right to vote once born.
�06[20:37] * kylu nods.
[20:40] <Soapy> 03:35, 15 August 2012 Vianello (talk | contribs | block) blocked This user cannot be blocked (talk | contribs) (account creation blocked) with an expiry time of indefinite
[20:40] <Tony_Sidaway> This is what I like abour her show. I don't have to wade through the nonsense of the campaign trail. She delivers a neat, condensed summary of the craziness as it applies to the lives of real people.
[20:40] <Elduen> pwnt
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[20:45] <SudoKing> lol
[20:45] <Gfoley4> Tony_Sidaway: whose show?
[20:46] <Tony_Sidaway>
[20:46] <Tony_Sidaway> oopd
[20:46] <Tony_Sidaway>
[20:47] <Tony_Sidaway> This chap probably hasn't been vetted as well as Romney thought.
[20:48] <Gfoley4> The only news shows I watch are The Daily Show and The Colbert Report
�02[20:48] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[20:49] <Tony_Sidaway> We've finally got The Daily Show back on Channel 4 here after 18 months of having to use the internet machine.
[20:49] <SudoKing>
[20:49] <SudoKing> "The bonnet decapitated tightly jammed spectators like a guillotine."
[20:49] <SudoKing> rofl
[20:49] <SudoKing> that's not nice!
[20:50] <SudoKing> just what i want to picture, people's heads being cut of
[20:50] <ChrisGualtieri> Actually it seems right
[20:50] <ChrisGualtieri>
[20:51] <Tony_Sidaway> I'd like to see COlbert too but the Channel 4 people think we're too stupid to follow his humour or something.
[20:52] <Gfoley4> lol
[20:52] <Shearonink> The Le Mans disaster sounds like some of he early cycling accidents
[20:53] <Tony_Sidaway> Or maybe the Comedy Central people are scared we foreigners might think he's for real, and thus gain a  negative image of American TV news.
[20:53] <Bradford> Hola
[20:55] <Soapy> The race was continued, officially in order to prevent departing spectators from crowding the roads and slowing down ambulances. An emergency meeting of the Daimler-Benz board of directors was convened by midnight at the request of John Fitch.
[20:55] <Soapy> ooh
[20:56] <ChrisGualtieri> Article updated with more details!
�02[20:57] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[20:59] <SudoKing> :D
[21:00] <Bradford> Hey Menores
[21:01] <Frood> I have a question.
[21:01] <Frood> If I want one citation to go to multiple things, how do I do that?
[21:02] <Soapy> <ref name="sdfsdfsdf"> </ref>
[21:02] <Soapy> then lateer just <ref name="sdfsdfsdf" />
[21:02] <Frood> ok
[21:03] <ChrisGualtieri> Lol... 3 highbeam sources
[21:03] <Soapy>
�02[21:03] * yuvipanda (~yuvipanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[21:03] <Tony_Sidaway>
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[21:04] <ChrisGualtieri> Hate to sound gorey... but wasn't the entire disaster RECORDED?
[21:04] <Tony_Sidaway> Now bear in mind this is senior GOP strategists talking on background to Politico. The party is very jittery about the down-ballot implications.
�02[21:05] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[21:05] <SudoKing> ChrisGualtieri yes
[21:05] <SudoKing> i was watching youtube videos
[21:05] <SudoKing> to appease my sick mind
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[21:10] <ChrisGualtieri> Give me articles that need sources and I'll find them... if they are US/UK related and within the last 10 years >.>
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[21:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> GOP is Get Out of Politics
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[21:28] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: well I've had my daily dose of weird American politics. Now I don't feel so bad about David Cameron and Boris Johnson--they're comparatively sane.
[21:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
�02[21:28] * Bradford (b5b74040@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[21:28] <Dcoetzee> I'm mystified how the Republicans' whole election plan is "appeal to the core Republican base". Like is it even possible to win that way?
[21:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Boris maybe a Trump impersonator
[21:29] <ChrisGualtieri> Dcoetzee:  Because there are more of them
[21:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee sure as long as democrats cannot vote
[21:29] <ChrisGualtieri> Dcoetzee: If they stop marginalizing and act with dignitiy and sense even independents will go there
�03[21:29] * Bejinhan (3c352726@wikipedia/Bejinhan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:30] <Dcoetzee> If anything the Republicans seem to be alienating more of their base and driving them away over time.
[21:30] <ChrisGualtieri> Dcoetzee:  You get any free time to work on it yet? The project. :D
[21:31] <Dcoetzee> Not yet :-)
[21:31] <ChrisGualtieri> Oh.. and I just realized I locked myself out of another toolserver tool with my edit count again >.> So I don't care anymore
[21:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee republicans are trying to hang on to values that rest of the planet finds outdated
[21:31] <ChrisGualtieri> Bring on the typos. Reedy is making a new dump
�02[21:32] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[21:32] <Tony_Sidaway> I like Boris, despite the politics. He does this amiable buffer so well he could be scripted by Wodehouse himself.
[21:32] <Dcoetzee> Bad spellers of the word, untie!
[21:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway To be fair he does not try to ban large sodas
[21:33] <ChrisGualtieri> I think Typoscan with Regex will only get 170,000 hits this time around.
[21:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee you spelt bald wrong
[21:33] <Dcoetzee> [[Wikipedia:Be bald]]
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[21:33] <ChrisGualtieri> My own calculations say that 3 Million articles require fixing with 1.5 million typos exist in articles
[21:34] <Tony_Sidaway> Before his days as a politician, as a journalist Boris once had to apologise to the entire city of Liverpool. And he did!
[21:34] <ChrisGualtieri> Basically everything in the India side of Wikipedia needs a mallet
�02[21:34] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway was he wearing pants when he did?
[21:34] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: yes, though possibly on his head.
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> heh
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats ok
[21:34] <Dcoetzee> ChrisGualtieri: In my experience articles by Indians usually need a lot more than spelling corrections. They generally need to be heavily edited for grammar, spelling, style, and... making sense.
[21:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee btw I stumbled upon your WoW report recently
[21:35] <Dcoetzee> That is old :-)
[21:35] <ChrisGualtieri> Yes... I was hoping grammar would be a function... but I doubt even a machine could make sense of some of them
[21:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure its old
[21:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but I also stumbled upono top 10 trolls of the web
[21:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which includes WoW
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[21:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
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[21:36] <The_Thing> Odor.
[21:36] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I keep it up because I believe in the need to document the history of Wikipedia. I want to stand against the faction that believes it is better to forget and WP:DENY.
[21:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <-- simply wow
[21:36] <The_Thing> Blocker.
[21:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WP:DENY doesnt mean you should obscure facts
�02[21:37] * tonynoname ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[21:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I agree that we shouldnt parade troll/vandal accounts where it is a counter for trolls
[21:37] <The_Thing> Body.
[21:38] <Dcoetzee> I mean yeah we shouldn't have a 10 Awesomest Trolls list or anything.
[21:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but the concept of WP:DENY that vandalism will cease if we hide our discussion of it is absurd
[21:38] <The_Thing> Wash!
[21:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee we dont
[21:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the internet however has
[21:38] <Dcoetzee> Yup :-P
[21:38] <Dcoetzee> Just saying
�02[21:40] * norbit (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[21:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee btw
[21:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> pm
�03[21:41] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
[21:41] <Dcoetzee> Erasing the history of a troll is just an invitation for imitators to return 3 years down the road when everyone has forgotten about them and wreak havoc.
[21:42] <Tony_Sidaway> That hasn't happened.
[21:42] <Tony_Sidaway> Institutions have memories.
[21:42] <Dcoetzee> It hasn't, but it could if the erasers had their way.
[21:43] <Tony_Sidaway> We don't memorialize them but we do learn how to neutralise them.
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[21:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway few people remember WoW
[21:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> fewer people know about page move vandalism
[21:45] <norbit> ToAruShiroiNeko: world of warcraft?
[21:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> norbit you are lucky my blade is dull
[21:46] <Isarra> I wish I didn't know about it.
[21:46] <Dcoetzee> norbit: You are proving our point
[21:46] <norbit> Dcoetzee: Of course I know
[21:46] <Isarra> Completely bloody pain to clean up.
[21:46] <norbit> *SIGH*
[21:46] <Isarra> Especially when you don't have any admins.
[21:46] <Dcoetzee> Sorry :-P
[21:46] <norbit> Isarra: Not if you have redirectoverwrite
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[21:46] <norbit> or whatever it's called.
[21:46] <Tony_Sidaway> The solution to page move vandalism was to expand the use of bots.
[21:47] <Tony_Sidaway> Willy on Wheels would not be a problem on today's Wikipedia.
[21:47] <Dcoetzee> Page move vandalism is easy to clean up with bots yeah.
[21:47] <norbit> WoW popped had a flat.
[21:47] <norbit> er,
[21:47] <norbit> WoW had a flat.
[21:47] <Isarra> norbit: move the pages onto each other.
[21:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee the issue was how new users were able to move pages
[21:47] <Dcoetzee> However, people should still be able to recognise page move vandalism and respond appropriately.
[21:47] <Isarra> Then replace them with spam.
[21:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> also how people didnt have a limit on how many they can move
[21:48] <Dcoetzee> Groups of sleeper accounts can still move an unlimited number of pages.
[21:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
[21:48] <Isarra> Only reason I'm familiar with it is because our server admin had no idea what he was doing.
[21:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but that takes aditional effort
[21:48] <Tony_Sidaway> The correct response to page move vandalism is to ignore it and wait for the bots to clear it up. You don't need instructions on how to deal with it, it just happens.
[21:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> IMHO more effort for vandals is less work for us
�02[21:48] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[21:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway bots dont run on soul gems
[21:49] <Dcoetzee> As far as I know there is no bot that reliably detects and reverts page move vandalism.
[21:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wouldnt panic over page move vandalism but I may point it out on ani
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[21:49] <Dcoetzee> They usually have to be set up and run to address specific cases.
[21:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ie specific regexes
[21:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Dcoetzee: an outbreak is easily recognised, and genuine page moves are rare enough for the collateral damage to be acceptable.
[21:50] <Dcoetzee> My point is anyway thta's just an example.
[21:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway sure
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[21:50] <Dcoetzee> Suppressing history is bad for many more reasons than just the direct damage it causes because history repeats.
[21:51] <Dcoetzee> It also affects culture, and intergenerational interaction between Wikipedians.
[21:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee also transparency
[21:51] <Tony_Sidaway> Time for bed.
�02[21:51] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[21:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we should document what was done for the purpose of not being evil
[21:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bed?
[21:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its time to get out of bed
[21:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I PM you hard
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[22:10] <ChrisGualtieri> Well... the toolserver hates me
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�03[22:11] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:12] <TeeTylerToe> hate it back?
[22:13] <Frostee> eat it
[22:14] <ChrisGualtieri> I wonder how much longer before I cannot see my own activities
�02[22:16] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[22:17] <ChrisGualtieri> Afd checker works at least
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�02[22:19] * here ( Quit (Quit: blip�)
�03[22:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[22:20] * eir sets mode: -bo *!* eir
�06[22:24] * aude curious if it's just me or is down for everyone?
[22:24] <aude> sadly no longer works
[22:25] <norbit> aude: It works for me, the latter.
[22:25] <norbit> downforeveryoneorjustme seems to be down for just you.
[22:25] <norbit> too bad you couldn't check it
[22:26] <norbit> LOL
[22:26] <aude> ah, ok
�02[22:26] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[22:26] <norbit>
[22:26] <norbit> {{worksformetoo}}
[22:26] <aude> must be temporary glitch
[22:27] <aude> thanks
[22:27] <norbit> np
[22:29] <Tony_Sidaway> Can Romney win the Presidency  without Florida?
[22:35] <norbit> let's hope not.
[22:36] <norbit> aude: use
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[22:39] <aude> norbit: cool!
[22:39] <aude> thanks
[22:39] <norbit> np
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[22:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[22:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :D
�03[22:52] * euphoria is now known as ceradon-away
[22:53] <LtNOWIS> One of my colleagues from New Jersey is really thrilled that Christie's speaking at the RNC
[22:53] <LtNOWIS> by which I mean the Republican convention this year in Tampa
�06[22:56] * Isarra hits jorm with a frying pan.
[22:57] <jorm>   what for now?
�06[22:57] * ToAruShiroiNeko burries Isarra under a pile of tribbles...
[22:57] <Isarra> Learn to css, man.
[22:57] <jorm> note that getting smacked on the head with a frying pan does nothing except get my attention.
[22:58] <Isarra> It makes me feel ever so slightly better.
[22:58] <Isarra> But seriously, why are the images used by the curation toolbar added in as imgs?
[22:58] <jorm> are you saying that some css that i pulled out of my ass inside of 20 seconds doesn't necessarily work?
[22:58] <jorm> css that i prefaced with "something like...." ?
[22:58] <Isarra> No, I'm saying you didn't use css at all.
[22:59] <jorm> oh.  you'll have to ask kaldari about that.
[22:59] <Isarra> Oh.
[22:59] <Isarra> Sorry about hitting you.
[22:59] <Isarra> Where is he that I might hit him instead?
[22:59] <jorm> maybe we should talk about the distinction between product, design, and implementation?
[23:00] <jorm> i expect that he's asleep, but he's around fairly often.
[23:00] <Isarra> Is he the implementer?
[23:00] <jorm> he is the current lead developer, yes.
[23:00] <jorm> ryan kaldari and benny situ.
[23:00] <jorm> ryan does front end more than benny.
[23:01] <Isarra> Ah.
�02[23:01] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[23:01] <Frostee> R.
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[23:03] <Isarra> I just don't understand why this thing can only match one skin, especially since it takes all of five minutes to style such things, but...
[23:03] <Isarra> Well, it really doesn't style.
[23:04] <Isarra> Sorry, man. I need to stop giving you such a hard time for everything, especially things that aren't even your doing.
[23:04] <Frostee> Oh, are we discussing why MediaWiki sucks???
�03[23:04] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:04] <SigmaWP> We should discuss why PHP sucks
[23:04] <Isarra> Man, it's MediaWiki.
[23:04] <Isarra> We don't have to discuss why; it just does.
[23:04] <Frostee> They both suck
[23:04] <Frostee> ^
[23:04] <Isarra> I hear perl really sucks.
[23:04] <jorm> MediaWiki sucks.
[23:05] <Isarra> Wikipedia makes mediawiki seem well-done by comparison.
[23:05] <SigmaWP> jorm: How long would it take to convert WP to Python?
[23:05] <TeeTylerToe> you guys are tough to please
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[23:05] <jorm> a very long time.
[23:05] <SigmaWP> Hmph.
[23:05] <jorm> it's not a doable thing, switching to a real language.
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[23:05] <jorm> and, realistically, we'd go to java.
[23:05] <Isarra> Pffft.
[23:05] <jorm> it's all the 3rd party stuff.
[23:06] <SigmaWP> Oh, yeah, extensions
[23:06] <Ironholds> yo, jorm
[23:06] <jorm> sup?
[23:07] <jorm> listen. give me five people who i hand pick, and we can rebuild everything that's required with wp *AND MORE* within 5 months.
[23:07] <jorm> and have it scalable.
[23:07] <jorm> i'll have to pay all of them 150k or so, mind you.  but it's doable.
[23:07] <jorm> but we are then telling everyone who ever depended on us to fuck off.
[23:08] <Ironholds> and also probably me
[23:08] <Ironholds> because 5x150k is expensive and I am expendable
[23:08] <jorm> and about half the wikis out there that run really crappy extensions (like, wikinews)
�06[23:08] * aude love php ;)
[23:08] <Isarra> Wikinews needs more love.
[23:08] <jorm> 5x150k is not the moneys you think it is, oliver.
[23:09] <Frostee> haters gonna hate
[23:09] <Ironholds> I'm a cheap guy who costs...a tiny proportion of that
[23:09] <Isarra> At least you're worth something.
[23:09] <Isarra> The most I can hope for is that people might pay me to stay away.
[23:10] <Ironholds> Isarra: people who pay for that are called people without taste
[23:10] <Ironholds> ...or with too much money
[23:10] <Ironholds> in which case they should pay for my pet projects instead
[23:11] <Isarra> Well, mental institutions cost money, and hiring them to come out and get someone costs extra, so you know... I'm probably safe for now.
[23:12] <Isarra> Wait, crap, what?
�06[23:12] * Frostee pats Isarra
[23:12] <Isarra> Frostee: I can kill you with my brain.
[23:13] <IShadowed_> Probably.
[23:13] <Frostee> How so?
[23:13] <Isarra> Actually I'll just distract you while IShadowed_ steals your liver or something, but the effect is the same.
[23:14] <IShadowed_> This is accurate.
[23:14] <Frostee> I can survive temporaraly without a liver
[23:14] <Frostee> in time to get to a hspital
[23:14] <Frostee> just sayin'
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[23:15] <IShadowed_> I'll make sure you /don't/ survive that long, baby.
[23:16] <Frostee> do you know my exact location?
[23:16] <Isarra> What's with all the weird arrows on the curation toolbar?
[23:16] <Frostee> Or even my approximate location?
�02[23:16] * k (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[23:16] <IShadowed_> (
�06[23:16] * SigmaWP wonders if someone can summarise everything after "and also probably me"
[23:16] <IShadowed_> No cloak kind of helps, dear.
[23:16] <Isarra> Frostee: I may not be a very good admin, but I still have connections.
[23:17] <IShadowed_> Pfft
[23:17] <Isarra> And we know exactly where you live.
[23:17] <IShadowed_> non-admins have the best connections, because we don't do terribly controversial shit so we get to fraternize with everyone
[23:17] <Frostee> Oh really?
[23:17] <IShadowed_> Unless you're like me and you piss everyone off anyway
[23:17] <IShadowed_> Then you're fucked.
[23:17] <Isarra> It's a lot easier to keep track of everyone when the community has shrunken as much as it has.
[23:18] <Isarra> IShadowed_: Uncyclopedia's admins have a complex network of spies. It's a poorly kept secret because we keep bunging up and telling people.
[23:18] <Frostee> Like right now?
[23:18] <Frostee> Uncyclopedia irc sucks these days
[23:19] <Isarra> Why do you think I left?
[23:19] <Frostee> It's mainly Mr-ex777 talking to himself
[23:19] <Isarra> Most of uncyclopedia sucks these days.
[23:19] <Frostee> and calling anybody he doesn't know Meepsheep
[23:19] <Frostee> That was in the room topic at one point...
[23:19] <Isarra> He's... strange.
[23:20] <Frostee> thats true
[23:20] <Isarra> What does it take to get something deleted around here?
[23:20] <Frostee> *Obtain admin stutus
[23:20] <Frostee> *Press delete
[23:20] <Frostee> *Profit
[23:20] <Isarra> *Get taken to ANI
[23:21] <Frostee> *Ban users who take you there
[23:21] <Frostee> *Profit
�02[23:21] * legoktm (~legoktm@wikipedia/Legoktm) Quit (Quit: goodbye.�)
[23:21] <Isarra> *Get deopped by a passing steward
[23:21] <Isarra> Whoops.
[23:21] <Frostee> *Obtain their address
[23:22] <Frostee> *Staby stab stab
[23:22] <Frostee> *Steal password
[23:22] <Frostee> *Profit
[23:22] <Frostee> I have an answer for EVERYTHING
[23:22] <Isarra> But seriously, I'm looking for something to mark for deletion. You should find me something.
[23:22] <Isarra> This is important.
[23:22] <Isarra> Chop chop.
[23:23] <Frostee>
[23:23] <Ironholds> Isarra: [[Barack obama]]
[23:23] <Frostee> There you go
[23:23] <Ironholds> jorm: can I mosey on down on Thursday, btw?
[23:23] <Frostee> You delete the main page on uncyc all the time
[23:23] <Isarra> Ironholds: That page has an editnotice. Pages with edit notices tend to eat my edits.
[23:23] <Frostee> Do it....
�02[23:23] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[23:24] <Ironholds> Isarra: Okay. World War II
[23:24] <jorm> i already told you yes.
�02[23:24] * SudoKing (~geek@wikihow/SudoKing) Quit (Quit: ZNC -�)
[23:24] <Frostee> wait Wikipedia deletes stuff? o_O
[23:25] <Frostee> I thought it just obsorbed everything created into 4000000+ articles
[23:25] <Isarra> Fudge.
[23:26] <Frostee> Oh damn you, now I want to eat fudge
[23:26] <Isarra> I found a suitable candidate for deletion, but I have no idea what criteria it actually...
[23:26] <Frostee> you need criteria???
[23:26] <Frostee> what happened to the days of "This sucks"
[23:27] <Ironholds> jorm: you expect me to remember random elevator conversations or whatnot when I've been drinkin'?
[23:27] <Isarra> And why are these deletion reasons in no particular order?
[23:27] <Isarra> Frostee: I can't even get away with that on uncyclopedia anymore.
[23:28] <Frostee> Why not?
[23:28] <Isarra> 'Added tags to the page using PageTriage' - now there's a specific edit summary.
[23:28] <Frostee> I do it all the time when adding stuff to VFD
[23:28] <Frostee> :D
[23:28] <Isarra> Because everyone hates me?
[23:28] <Frostee> I am a somebody, I don;t hate you.
[23:28] <Isarra> Hmm.
[23:28] <Isarra> I'll go test this.
[23:29] <Frostee> Which thing?
[23:29] <Frostee> The everybody hates you or the other thing?
[23:29] <Ironholds> Isarra: known. we're fixing it.
[23:30] <Isarra> Ironholds: Good.
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[23:32] <Isarra> How do you tell how many revisions a page has?
[23:32] <Frostee> Count them
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[23:33] <Isarra> I don't even remember ?pedia's deletion reasons...
[23:33] <Isarra> I feel so empty.
[23:34] <Frostee> What is the page, I will count or you
[23:34] <Frostee> ?pedia gets like 3 edits a day on average
[23:34] <Frostee> Its sad, it like died
[23:34] <Isarra> UN:QVFD
[23:35] <Isarra> Go count it.
[23:35] <Frostee> ok
[23:35] <Frostee> I'm on it
[23:35] <Frostee> :D
[23:36] <Frostee> Gimme a couple of decades
[23:36] <Isarra> Oh no I just added ani to my watchlist...
[23:36] <Isarra> Now I must read it.
[23:36] <Isarra> Yes.
[23:36] <Isarra> o___o
[23:37] <Frostee> I have a way of doing this!
[23:37] <Frostee> 2,000 since this April o_O
[23:38] <Isarra> Apparently ANI has over 5000 watchers.
[23:38] <Frostee> What is ANI
[23:38] <Isarra> Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents
[23:38] <Isarra> enwp's approach to a lynch mob.
[23:38] <Frostee> Sounds lame and procedural
[23:39] <Isarra> It's actually quite entiretaining.
[23:39] <Frostee> I am at 4,000 so far btw
[23:39] <Frostee> And counting...
[23:39] <Mdann52> A place where people complain about another editor and get blocked themselves
[23:39] <Isarra> AN is generally more procedural due to the more general scope.
[23:39] <TeeTylerToe> wikipedia doesn't have a very good procedure for pretty much any complaint so I assume pretty much everything goes there
�03[23:39] * IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed
[23:39] <Isarra> ANI is just anything that OMG THIS HAPPENED SAVE US!
[23:39] <Mdann52> And the lack if trolls at An
[23:40] <Frostee> Awww I'm seeing all these users in the history that I miss
[23:40] <Frostee> Lollipop, JackOfSpades, <s>Dexter111344</s>
[23:40] <Isarra> Do you miss me?
[23:41] <Frostee> Well, I can still talk to you. But they don't ever appear anyway
[23:41] <Isarra> Wikipedia:Administrators'_noticeboard/Incidents has been viewed 69856 times in the last 30 days.
[23:42] <Mdann52> Andhalf of those were probably sinebot
[23:42] <Isarra> Through the API?
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[23:49] <Frostee> Isarra: I'm up to 22,000
[23:49] <Frostee> *24,000
[23:50] <Isarra> Please continue.
[23:50] <Frostee> Does this have a purpose?
[23:50] <Isarra> I was considering deleting it.
[23:50] <Frostee> Or is it for your own cruel amusement?
[23:50] <Isarra> So... yes.
[23:50] <Frostee> Oic
[23:50] <Frostee> Loading 2,000 revisions at a time takes time
[23:50] <Isarra> It was Zombiebaron's idea.
[23:51] <Frostee> I'm up to late 2008
[23:51] <Frostee> FUN FACT: 50 entires added daily
[23:51] <Isarra> You know how many new sysops enwp got in 2008?
[23:52] <Frostee> how many?
[23:52] <Isarra> No idea, but a lot more than in 2011.
[23:52] <Mdann52> About 200 from memory..
[23:53] <Frostee> Man the users of 08 were really unoriginal in the junk they created
[23:54] <Isarra> The page I marked for deletion here was more amusing than a lot of the crap that survives on uncyclopedia these days.
[23:54] <Isarra> Apparently it was about an 'eligible subject', whatever that means.
[23:54] <Frostee> I'm up to 30,000
[23:54] <Isarra> What does that mean, anyway?
[23:55] <Frostee> >_<
[23:55] <Isarra> Eligible for what, CSD?
[23:55] <Isarra> Isn't most any subject potentially fitting?
[23:55] <TeeTylerToe> maybe eligible for knighthood
[23:55] <Isarra> It was deleted, though.
[23:55] <yuvipanda> wooo, final major feature for Signpost app landed :)
[23:56] <Isarra> Or do knights make bad articles?
�06[23:56] * yuvipanda goes to fix more bugs
�06[23:56] * Mdann52 looks sadly at his watchlist
[23:57] <Frostee> 34,000
[23:57] <Mdann52> ?
[23:57] <Isarra> How far are you?
[23:57] <Isarra> He's counting the number of revisions of a page on uncyclopedia.
[23:57] <Frostee> 34,000 revisions
[23:57] <Frostee> Early 2008
[23:57] <Isarra> I mean timewise.
[23:57] <Mdann52> Ok
[23:57] <Isarra> Ah.
[23:57] <Frostee> March 10 2008 to be exact
[23:58] <Isarra> Blimey.
[23:59] <Frostee> Fun fact: There was more revisions in Summer of 2008, than all of 2011 and 2012 put together
[23:59] <Mdann52> Ok....
�06[23:59] * Mdann52 realises how crazy Frostee really is
[23:59] <Frostee> DO NOT QUESTION THIS
[23:59] <Frostee> SHE MADE ME DO IT
[00:00] <Isarra> So how long do you think uncyclopedia has left?
Session Time: Wed Aug 15 00:00:00 2012
[00:00] <Isarra> Hi.
[00:00] <Frostee> I don't think it will die in the near future
[00:00] <Isarra> We could change that.
[00:01] <Frostee> but then where would I go? o_O
�03[00:03] * Mdann52 is now known as Mdann52-food
[00:03] <Isarra> I don't know.
[00:04] <Frostee> I'm up to 48,000 btw
[00:04] <Isarra> So what CSD do you use when someone copied the rendered text of an article and pasted it into a template?
[00:06] <Jeske_Merensky> Isarra) TfD
[00:07] <Isarra> Technically it's a copyright violation, it duplicates an article on an existing topic, and qualifies as a test page. Why would it need discussion?
[00:08] <Isarra> And huggle just asked me if I wanted to tag something for deletion instead when I was tagging it for deletion. Smart.
[00:08] <Frostee> 62,000 as of the end of 2006
[00:08] <Isarra> Eep.
[00:09] <Frostee> still got 2006 and 2005 to go o_O
[00:09] <Frostee> assuming qvfd existed in 2005
[00:10] <Jeske_Merensky> "To have betrayed two leaders—to have wrecked two historic parties—reveals a depth of infamy never previously reached, compared with which the Thugs of India are faithful friends and Judas Iscariot is entitled to a crown of glory." —John Burns, talking about Joseph Chamberlain
[00:12] <Isarra> How do you request something be salted?
[00:13] <Frostee> Magic
[00:14] <Jeske_Merensky> Isarra) Mail a bag of salt to an admin.
[00:16] <Isarra> I don't think I know where any live.
�02[00:16] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[00:16] <Isarra> Er... wait, actually, I do...
�02[00:16] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
[00:17] <Frostee> Isarra: 74,676
[00:17] <Isarra> Total? Or is that just so far?
�03[00:17] * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:17] <Frostee> Thankyou or using FrosteeCounterBot. Have a nice day!
[00:17] <Frostee> total
[00:17] <Isarra> Oooo.
[00:17] <Frostee> why would I give 74,676 if I'm doing it in lots of 2000?
[00:17] <Isarra> No idea.
[00:18] <Frostee> :D
[00:18] <Frostee> So what are you to use this information for?
�03[00:18] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:19] <Frostee> And if you say nothing I will hit you
[00:19] <Isarra> The adminatti will decide whether or not a pool should be opened regarding the ability to undelete it.
[00:20] <Isarra> But in the meantime I'm going to bed.
�03[00:21] * fn-troll is now known as ow
�06[00:22] * Frostee hits Isarra
[00:22] <Isarra> Ow.
[00:22] <ow> Yes?
[00:23] <Isarra> He hit me.
[00:23] <ow> and then you hilighted me
[00:24] <Isarra> So I did.
�06[00:25] * Isarra puts a barnstar tattoo on ow.
[00:26] <ow> ow
�02[00:28] * tyime (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.�)
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[00:31] <Frostee> hahahaha
�03[00:31] * Frostee ( has left #wikipedia-en
[00:32] <IShadowed> Lord jesus christ
[00:32] <IShadowed> my back is killing me
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[02:08] <IRWolfie-> IShadowed: sleep wrong?
[02:08] <IShadowed> ?
[02:08] <IShadowed> no
�02[02:08] * Titoxd (~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
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[02:18] <IRWolfie-> IShadowed: I meant for the sore back
[02:18] <IShadowed> I know
[02:18] <IShadowed> which is why I followed ? with
[02:18] <IShadowed> 'no'
�02[02:21] * The_Thing (~ODORBLOCK@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[02:21] <Steven_Zhang> Evening.
[02:21] <IRWolfie-> o/
�06[02:21] * Steven_Zhang is hungry :/
[02:21] <Steven_Zhang> wait…today is supposed to be my day off.
�03[02:22] * DanielB ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[02:22] <IShadowed> hi Steven_Zhang
[02:22] <Steven_Zhang> yo
�03[02:22] * TheCavalry ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:22] <Steven_Zhang> yo TheCavalry
�02[02:23] * TheCavalry ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[02:23] * TheCavalry (~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:23] <TheCavalry> hey, at work: little busy :-)
[02:23] <Steven_Zhang> lol.
[02:23] <Steven_Zhang> I'm at work too
[02:23] <Steven_Zhang> Wikipedia :P
[02:24] <norbit> Steven_Zhang: TheCavalry too!
[02:24] <norbit> :O
[02:24] <Steven_Zhang> Yes
[02:24] <Steven_Zhang> But diff places
�06[02:26] * Steven_Zhang is going to queensland in a week
[02:26] <norbit> Steven_Zhang: lolwut
[02:28] <Steven_Zhang> yeh
�02[02:32] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
�03[02:32] * Frostee is now known as Frostee|away
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[03:18] <Mdann52> Is there any warning templates for users who add contact details to articles?
[03:22] <norbit> Mdann52: {{uw-stalk1}}
[03:23] <Mdann52> Even if it's their own?
[03:23] <Mdann52> Details?
�03[03:23] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[03:33] * Frostee|away is now known as Frostee
�02[03:36] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[03:38] <TeeTylerToe> that's for the oversight people
[03:41] <Mdann52> Ok
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[04:23] <TeeTylerToe> wow is the signpost gossipy
[04:23] <wctaiwan> Signpost is frequently contrarian and sometimes worryingly so.
[04:24] <TeeTylerToe> how is it contrarian?
[04:24] <wctaiwan> but it depends on the writers they can get...
[04:24] <wctaiwan> I can't put it clearly, but there have been times when it included articles that had me going ehhhh
[04:24] <TeeTylerToe> ...
[04:25] <wctaiwan> I think there was something from the recent Fae debacle.
[04:25] <wctaiwan> anyway I'll be quiet now. Carry on :P
�03[04:26] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[04:39] <geniice> ah the temptation to be nasty to nationalists on OTRS
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[04:48] <Mdann52> Any admins in here?
�03[04:48] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[04:48] <geniice> yes
[04:49] <Mdann52> Can you help me in -help please - there's a user stuck in an IP block
[04:50] <geniice> ok
�03[04:51] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[05:14] <geniice> I see is as helpful as ever
�03[05:14] * Mdann52-away is now known as Mdann52
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[05:36] <geniice>
[05:36] <Mdann52> What us that about?
[05:37] <wctaiwan> rich kids of instragram? >_>
�02[05:37] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[05:39] <geniice> depending on your POV light mocking of the rich or class envy
[05:39] <Mdann53> Ah ok
�03[05:42] * Qcoder02 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder02) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:42] <Qcoder02> Quick question
[05:42] <Qcoder02> Patron Saint of Wikipedians is ?
[05:42] <Qcoder02> (Other than Jimbo)
[05:43] <Mdann53> He is the only one
[05:43] <Qcoder02> And the Great Architect of the Project :)
�03[05:43] * Mdann53 is now known as Mdann52
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[05:44] <wctaiwan> Y'all forgot about Sanger.
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[05:44] <geniice> Qcoder02 I'm not aware of the Vatican providing a ruling at this time however there is a case for Jude the Apostle
[05:45] <Mdann52> I went there yesterday!
[05:45] <geniice> he is the patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes
[05:45] <Mdann52> Sorry, random outburst there
[05:45] <Mdann52> geniice, sounds a lot like wikipedia :)
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[05:46] <Qcoder02> I think there was also a claim made by one group that some Saint connected with  Bible manuscripts  was appropriate to Internet writers...
[05:46] <Qcoder02> (Possibly Saint Micheal)
[05:47] <wctaiwan> geniice: You mean Jimbo?
[05:48] <geniice> no
�03[05:48] * Wiki13 is now known as Wiki13|Away
[05:48] <Qcoder02> geniice:  IS there a saint connected with scribes?
[05:49] <Qcoder02> I would say given that his role was 'communication' of the Gospel,  John the Evangelist might figure as well...
[05:49] <geniice> see list at
[05:50] <Mdann52> I still think Jimbo............
�02[05:50] * Mdann52 (~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52) Quit (Quit: I've just disappeared in a puff of smoke�)
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[05:51] <Qcoder02> geniice : HMmm
�02[05:55] * DanielB (~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[05:55] <wctaiwan> o_O surreal
[05:56] <wctaiwan> I was watching this video on YouTube a few days ago. The uploader hadn't been active for a year or so.
[05:56] <wctaiwan> And then today I notice a new reply to a comment on the video.
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�03[05:57] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
[05:57] <Qcoder02> Any Catholics in?
�02[05:57] * Lcawte|Away (lcawte@Wikimedia/Lcawte) Quit (Excess Flood�)
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[05:58] <RexxS> Peter Damian was a saint. - but there may be other objections.
[05:59] <Qcoder02> And those objections would be?
[06:00] <RexxS> Wikipedia may not want a reformer as its patron saint?
[06:00] <Qcoder02> Hmm
[06:01] <Qcoder02> To me a Wikipedian patron site would be an educator, communicator or scribe...
[06:01] <IShadowed> Qcoder02, why are you looking for a Catholic
[06:01] <Qcoder02> IShadowed: They know more about specifc saints than non-catholics ;)
[06:02] <IShadowed> Meh.
[06:02] <Qcoder02> I asked if Wikipedians had a Patron Saint
[06:02] <Qcoder02> ;)
[06:02] <IShadowed> no but there is a patron saint of television
�02[06:02] * Tony_Sidaway_ (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[06:03] <RexxS>
[06:03] <RexxS> Television = Clare, Gabriel the Archangel
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[06:04] <RexxS> even seems to be a patron saint of editors
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[06:05] <Qcoder02> Hmm
[06:05] <Qcoder02> Who wrote the first collections of Church doctrine and practice?
[06:05] <RexxS> Jimbo?
[06:05] <RexxS> (just a guess)
[06:05] <Qcoder02> I was being serious for a moment
[06:05] <Qcoder02> :)
[06:06] <Qcoder02> Time for e reference Desk question
[06:06] <Qcoder02> ;)
[06:06] <RexxS> wrong channel
[06:08] <RexxS> ok - First Council of Nicaea is a good starting point
[06:10] <IRWolfie-> I'm pretty sure that is when they compiled the first bible at least
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[06:10] <Qcoder02> SO a Patron Saint of Wikipedia, might be someone that was at the First Council...
[06:11] <Qcoder02> Hmm
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[06:37] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: First you need to find some miracles they allegedly performed :>
[06:37] <Qcoder02> Of course :(
[06:37] <Qcoder02> And that's the hard part
[06:37] <IRWolfie-> (or technically intercede if you don't like the paganism implications)
[06:38] <IRWolfie-> *interceded for
[06:38] <IRWolfie-> I didn't realise theologians were medical doctors: "For example, an American deacon claimed in 2000 that Blessed John Henry Newman interceded with God to cure him. The American, Jack Sullivan, asserted that after addressing Newman he was cured of spinal stenosis in a matter of hours. In 2009, a panel of theologians concluded that Sullivan's recovery was the result of his prayer to Newman."
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[06:39] <IRWolfie->  "a medical recovery must be instantaneous, not attributable to treatment, disappear for good." <-- that includes natural recovery seemingly
[06:40] <IRWolfie-> We can have arbcom as our panel of theologians
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[06:40] <IRWolfie-> see if any articles were mysteriously and instantaneously improved while praying to an editor :>
[06:40] <Tony_Sidaway_> The Catholics do supposedly consult with doctors to rule out the possibility of medical recovery.
[06:41] <Qcoder02> IRWolfie-:  Or that a Vandal saw common sense :)
[06:41] <IRWolfie-> Tony_Sidaway_: I'd be surprised at a doctor that stated it was impossible for it to have been natural causes
[06:42] <IRWolfie-> sometimes people just get better, sometimes people think they get better
[06:42] <Tony_Sidaway_> It's all mumbo jumbo, but they try to put a patina of scientific investigation over the top.
[06:42] <Qcoder02> Real faith , and thus true intercession cannot be wholly proven by scientific means amyway
[06:43] <Qcoder02> *anyway
[06:43] <IRWolfie-> If God has a plan, how can the saints intercede. If the plan can be changed to a less evil one, that means God deliberately does not change to the less evil plan until asked to
[06:43] <IRWolfie-> ergo, God is evil
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[06:43] <Qcoder02> The saints can Intercede according to the Plan?
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[06:44] <IRWolfie-> which makes even less sense to me, in his plan he already then accounts for the saints interceding, rendering the intercession obselete
[06:44] <IRWolfie-> sounds like a pedantic God
[06:44] <Tony_Sidaway_> Who was it, on visiting Lourdes, is supposed to have asked: where are the discarded artificial limbs?
[06:44] <IRWolfie-> I'll give you some horrible disease until you pray to a saint, only then will I remove it
[06:45] <Qcoder02> Diseases are not always inflicted by God
[06:45] <Qcoder02> Some diseases are inflicted because of a vice...
[06:45] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: like being born in the wrong country?
[06:45] <Tony_Sidaway_> Manicheism?
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[06:46] <Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway_:  I'm not fmailiar with the exact term... but obesity is a disease that result from a vice of Gluttony etc...
[06:47] <ragesoss> yuvipanda: got a beta yet?
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[06:48] <Tony_Sidaway_> And congenital diseases presumably are visited upon their innocent victims as punishment for the sins of the ancestors. What a nasty, spiteful, evil little shit is this priests' god.
[06:48] <Qcoder02> IRWolfe; I meant things like Obesity ...
[06:49] <Qcoder02> tony_Sidaway_: I take it you have a 'liberal' viewpoint :)
[06:50] <Tony_Sidaway_> I have no viewpoint on fictional entities.
[06:50] <Qcoder02> :)
�06[06:50] * Qcoder02 smiles
[06:50] <Qcoder02> God is not a fiction
[06:51] <Qcoder02> but God is not what most people think :)
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[06:51] <Tony_Sidaway_> Voldemort does evil things and so does this priests' god.
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[06:52] <Tony_Sidaway_> Both are constructed by humans: one for entertainment, the other to explain why things happen.
[06:54] <Tony_Sidaway_> Leibniz struggled hard to construct a theodicy to explain the problem of evil.
[06:54] <yuvipanda> ragesoss: was about to finish the last one (Do not crash when there is no network) but slept off :)
[06:54] <yuvipanda> but other than that everything else is complete.
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[06:54] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: The cause of obesity is more complex than just being greedy
[06:54] <yuvipanda> ragesoss:
[06:54] <Qcoder02> Obviously :)
[06:55] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: but you just said it was caused by gluttony
[06:55] <Qcoder02> OH OK
[06:55] <Qcoder02> Sorry
[06:56] <Tony_Sidaway_> That obesity disproportionately afflicts those without secure access to food is telling.
[06:56] <Tony_Sidaway_> Poor people in Mississippi are not more evil than people in Boston.
[06:57] <Tony_Sidaway_> As far as religion goes, too, they are more likely to be devout practitioners and believers.
[06:58] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: the question though is why natural evil exists
[06:58] <IRWolfie-> since it is so easy for an omnipotent God to remove it
[06:58] <Tony_Sidaway_> So perhaps obesity is a reward for faith. It makes just as much sense.
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[06:59] <mareklug> there is definitely a cultural link between diet choices and obesity
[06:59] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: and of course, any good person would remove it (God is meant to be made in our image)
[06:59] <IRWolfie-> err (we are meant to be made in his image even
[06:59] <ragesoss> yuvipanda: that's really nice, except that I get an "An error occured :(" with a retry button overlaying the content.
[06:59] <Tony_Sidaway_> Fat as stigmata.
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[07:00] <ragesoss> (also, occurred is misspelled)
[07:00] <Tony_Sidaway_> Irwolfie I think you had it the right way round the first time.
[07:00] <ragesoss> it seems to work fine despite the error, though.
[07:00] <Tony_Sidaway_> Books are written by men. Gods are created in books.
[07:01] <ragesoss> is this officially the beta, yuvipanda?
[07:02] <Tony_Sidaway_> As John says, in the beginning was the word.
[07:03] <Tony_Sidaway_> If you're a fictional entity it's only natural to deny that a word implies an author, a human author.
[07:04] <wctaiwan> Sophie's World, Tony_Sidaway_.
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[07:06] <ragesoss> yuvipanda:
[07:08] <yuvipanda> ragesoss: no, officially beta in a few hours when I've fixed the networking related issues
[07:08] <yuvipanda> ragesoss: repro'd it and fixed it :)
[07:08] <yuvipanda> this is one commit away from beta
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[07:09] <ragesoss> cool!
[07:09] <Tony_Sidaway_> There is an argument to the effect that we are almost certainly simulations in a computer model of some sort, assuming this is possible. Ingenious and perhaps a little perplexing.
[07:10] <wctaiwan> that's of course if you believe in the existence of an omnipotent deity.
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[07:12] <mareklug> "French soccer stars Franck Ribery and Karim Benzema will face a trial after allegedly soliciting an underage prostitute."
[07:12] <Tony_Sidaway_> An omnipotent deity is not necessary for simulation.
[07:15] <IRWolfie-> Tony_Sidaway_: must be a weird sort of computer because the physical world is only amenable to simulation to approximations :>
[07:15] <Qcoder02> My spoof 'spritual system' EFTPOS has a concept of  the 'Trunk'  which is a universal interconnect between peoples interfaces ;)
[07:16] <Qcoder02> In many ways that's closer to Eastern systems than Western ideas about a Single god figure
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[07:18] <IRWolfie-> Someone appears to be logging #wikipedia, found some logs online from 2 weeks ago
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[07:21] <TeeTylerToe> Why can the Legend class National security cutter go 28 knots?
[07:21] <wctaiwan> IRWolfie-: not this channel? I thought nothing interesting happened in the other one >.>
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[07:23] <mareklug> TeeTylerToe:  our wiki article is silent on this
[07:23] <TeeTylerToe> I guess the question is why could the hamilton class cutters go 29 knots, although they're 1,000 long tons lighter than the legend class
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[07:25] <Gigs-> TeeTylerToe: bigger powerplant
[07:25] <IRWolfie-> wctaiwan: seems to be someone pasting what happened during a wiki downtime
[07:26] <wctaiwan> eh. meh.
[07:27] <geniice> TeeTylerToe	 presumably power to weight ratio. If you mean why they decided to design something slower it may have been decided that the speed wasn't needed so they might as well use the space and mass for something else
[07:27] <Gigs-> the legend class has a bigger cruising power plant but a smaller turbine
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[07:27] <Gigs-> so it can cruse faster when the boost turbine is off
[07:27] <mareklug> 28 or over vs. 29 is not exactly "designed slower"
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[07:28] <Gigs-> the turbine-on speed is not the usual speed anyway
[07:28] <Gigs-> that's just for short-term high speed use
[07:30] <mareklug> plus the carry aircraft to get the speedboat types
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[07:35] #wikipedia-en url is
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[07:36] <Trenton> emailing articles to a user wouldn't qualify as [[WP:MEAT]], would it?
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[07:43] <Trenton> disc
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[07:52] <achilles> If room temperature is 28 degree Celtius, what should be the temperature of water in the room/.
[07:52] <mareklug> Celcius or centigrade.  depends on its pressure.
[07:53] <achilles> Celcius
[07:54] <Fluffernutter> depends on how long the water has been sitting there
[07:54] <achilles> its been just half an hour
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[07:56] <achilles> i needed to keep some butter in a cool place.. preferably in a fridge..but I dont have I kept it in a plate inside water
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[07:57] <wctaiwan> won't help.
[07:57] <mareklug> presumably you can get cooler running water than 28 deg C if you just let it run some
[07:57] <mareklug> get some ice
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[08:03] <Trenton> /join #wikipedia-en-admins
[08:04] <Trenton> eh :P
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[08:04] <Qcoder02> Afternoon
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[08:05] <Qcoder02> Is there a way to  ensure the objectonable views of notable indviauls aren't mentioned non-neturally on Wikipedia?
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[08:06] <geniice> no
[08:10] <Spitfire> geniice++
[08:10] <Qcoder02> Is there any gudiance on the matter?
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[08:12] <Isarra> Qcoder02: It's hopeless. Just fix it when you find it.
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[08:16] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: what do you mean by objectionable views, and how are they portrayed?
[08:19] <Qcoder02> Objectionable views are those that which would prove controversial if quoted, like for example of politican saying it's ok to beat up gay people for example...
[08:20] <Gigs-> it needs to be presented with context and secondary source analysis
[08:20] <mareklug> if a politician did say that, i don't see why it could not be cited on wiki in Controversies section of their bio
[08:20] <Gigs-> controversy sections are undesirable
[08:21] <mareklug> but they abound.  you are not thinking of Trivia sections?
[08:21] <Gigs-> nope
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[08:21] <Gigs->
[08:22] <Tony_Sidaway> COntroversy sections are generally a sign that editors aren't properly integrating some material into the article properly.
[08:22] <Qcoder02> Thanks
[08:22] <Gigs-> it's not the sort of thing we need to go try to eliminate from every article that has one
[08:22] <Gigs-> but it's generally not a "best practice"
[08:23] <Qcoder02> However, presumably if the objectionable views are important contextually, like when a senior government figure says something that would bring into question his judgment is it relevant to mention?
[08:23] <Gigs-> we can't say that it brings his judgement into question
[08:23] <Gigs-> if a bunch of secondary sources said it then you can cite those
[08:23] <Qcoder02> Like a Minister of Justice making a comment implying all racists are white ;)
�06[08:24] * Daley qustions any high-profile person and their actions/speeches/scandals/etc.
[08:24] <Daley> questions
[08:24] <mareklug> Gigs-:  same link says later: "Articles or sections dedicated to a controversy may be appropriate if the reliable sources on the topic discuss the controversies as an independent topic."
[08:24] <Gigs-> mareklug: in that case it would be better to name the section based on the individual event
[08:24] <Tony_Sidaway> DOn't eliminate the controversial material whre properly sourced, but do avoid corraling it into a single section.
[08:24] <Gigs-> mareklug: a blanket section named "controversies" as a catch-all is to be avoided
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[08:26] <Qcoder02> Of course mentioning every single instance of some conserative figure  ranting about benefit cheats isn't needed as it's an accepted ideological viewpoint of those type of people ;)
[08:26] <TeeTylerToe> Controversy sections are generally a sign of the editors editing the article being conversant in wikipedia policy on consensus.  The policy being that if there are reliable sources supporting contradictory views that an article should be expanded to include all reliably supported views
[08:27] <TeeTylerToe> not to say that there should be a controversy section supporting creationism or some divine theory on the creation of the universe
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[08:27] <Pharos> no, 'Controversy' is not about "contradictory" views
[08:27] <Qcoder02> That said for certain National level politicians , a section outlining thier political positions is valid, even if those positions are controversial or in some instances (illegal)
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[08:27] <Gigs-> the point is, especially with bios, we shouldn't have a white-washed glowing bio with all the perceived negative stuff jammed into the bottom in a controversy section, ideally
[08:27] <TeeTylerToe> it would be nice if the paul ryan article included information about his plan to privetize social security
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[08:28] <Qcoder02> And put a cap on Medicare spending...
[08:28] <Pharos> it should, but that's not a controversy, that's his program!
[08:28] <TeeTylerToe> no, he dropped it in 2010
[08:28] <TeeTylerToe> after he stopped voting against things before he voted for them
[08:29] <Pharos> then it should be in a historical section
[08:29] <Qcoder02> His comments about the NHS are probably less valid to mention in an article though...
[08:29] <TeeTylerToe> why?
[08:29] <Pharos> because it's about his history
[08:29] <Qcoder02> They were comments made in a pollitical speech for a specfic audience...
[08:29] <TeeTylerToe> was he one of the crazies that said that in scandanavia they vote on who to euthanize?
[08:29] <Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  I don't think so
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[08:30] <IRWolfie-> TeeTylerToe: who was?
[08:30] <TeeTylerToe> so what you're saying is that he had his hand behind his back and he was crossing his fingers when he was making the speech?
[08:30] <TeeTylerToe> Paul Ryan
[08:30] <Pharos> sarah palin, sort of
[08:30] <TeeTylerToe> he probably wasn't one of the ones that said that though
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[08:32] <Pharos> i have my own hybris benefits program
[08:32] <Pharos> *hybrid
[08:32] <Pharos> "medicare for all, social security for none"
[08:33] <TeeTylerToe> social security cut poverty of senior citizens by 50%.  47% of people that die have an estate worth $10,000 or less
[08:33] <tommorris> Joe Schmoe was a very nice chap.
[08:33] <tommorris> == Controversy ==
[08:33] <tommorris> One day Joe Schmoe decided to rape 50 kittens.
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[08:33] <Pharos> people that die are often consciously depleting their estate before death, all my relatives did that!
[08:33] <TeeTylerToe> his stance now apparently is that everyone COULD pull themselves up by their bootstraps and become multi-billionaire
[08:34] <TeeTylerToe> I guess that means he solved poverty and hunger
[08:34] <TeeTylerToe> maybe he should go to africa, india, and china and preach the good word
[08:34] <Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  In a perfect market they could...
[08:34] <Qcoder02> The problem is that there is NEVER a perfect market
[08:34] <TeeTylerToe> people that die of malaria just didn't suceed hard enough
[08:34] <TeeTylerToe> it's there own fault when you think about it
[08:35] <Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  China's doing quite well... So well it has empty cities no-one uses ;)
[08:35] <tommorris> I was going to pull myself up by my bootstraps but the bootstrap manufacturer has gone out of business in the recession.
[08:35] <TeeTylerToe> of course paul ryan put himself through college on his dead father's social security benefits
[08:35] <geniice> TeeTylerToe Do we in any case want people which such weak immune systems?
[08:35] <TeeTylerToe> china has about 900 billion people in poverty, millions starving
[08:35] <TeeTylerToe> I don't think Paul Ryan would survive on unsanitary water
[08:35] <Tony_Sidaway> TeeTylerToe: it was the Dutch, and the person who said that was Rick Santorum.
[08:35] <TeeTylerToe> Rick wasn't the only person that said it
[08:36] <Pharos> i think your chinese numbers might be off just a bit :P
[08:36] <TeeTylerToe> Fox news of course gave it national exposure
[08:36] <Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  If ryna became VP ,  someone will correct the abberation ;)
[08:36] <TeeTylerToe> how so Pharos?
[08:36] <Tony_Sidaway> I value my equanimity so I never watch Fox.
[08:36] <Qcoder02> The trouble is that correction would be messy and bloddy
[08:36] <Gigs-> Pharos: well it makes sense as long as there is a huge death tax
[08:36] <Pharos> um, there are only 7 billion people on planet earth for one! :)
[08:36] <Gigs-> Pharos: it's stupid to die and let the government take your money when you can form trusts and gifts to protect it
[08:37] <Tony_Sidaway> Fox News Channel's only justification for existence is to provide feeder material for Colbert and Stewart.
[08:37] <TeeTylerToe> maybe we could build an economy on the bodies of people that can't afford food, shelter, or healthcare.  Like in the matrix.  We could use them to solve the energy crisis.
[08:37] <Qcoder02> TeeTylerToe:  Soylent Green is PEOPLE !!
[08:37] <TeeTylerToe> it was the most popular cable news channel
[08:37] <Qcoder02> Sorry
[08:37] <TeeTylerToe> energy AND food!
[08:37] <Pharos> all of my middle-class cheap hoarding ancestors did their best to die destitute
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[08:38] <tommorris> nah, why eat people? much easier to use them to build wikipedia.
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[08:38] <TeeTylerToe> if you have two people on the brink of starvation, nature will sort out who is stroner
[08:38] <Tony_Sidaway> THEN eat them.
[08:38] <TeeTylerToe> who is the better at survival
[08:38] <TeeTylerToe> Paul Ryan's food policy seems a lot like the donner party
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[08:38] <Pharos> but what if they're vegans?
[08:39] <Gigs-> Do any of you watch Chopped on food network?  This guy had a big serif W tatooed on his neck.  I kept thinking "Man he's proud of editing wikipedia"
[08:39] <Tony_Sidaway> Funny how nature seems to have contrived it that the animal best able to work together in groups has outdone all those big individualists, the bears and the big cats.
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[08:39] <geniice> human groups don't do to well above 100. Ants on the other hand
[08:39] <Pharos> yes, i love ants!
[08:40] <tommorris> Tony_Sidaway: yeah, but nature is just a socialist.
[08:40] <Pharos> ((ec))
[08:40] <Pharos> God is a socialist, really
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[08:40] <Pharos> someone needs to fix that
[08:41] <TeeTylerToe> there was a story a few months back that the best executives are sociopaths, or pathological in someother way
[08:42] <Pharos> i kind of doubt that
[08:42] <Pharos> we have emotions for a reason, they are useful
[08:42] <TeeTylerToe> well that jesus guy was all, the rich never make it to heaven, and give your food and clothes to the poor
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[08:43] <tommorris> TeeTylerToe: lies. Jesus wants you to be rich. Unless you are a homosexual abortionist.
[08:44] <TeeTylerToe> Well the poor aren't going to get those megachurches built
[08:45] <Pharos> yes they are!
[08:45] <Pharos> where do you think the $ comes from?
[08:46] <Pharos> poor churchgoers are an excellent revenue source!
[08:46] <mareklug> Pharos:  did you see repo man?
[08:46] <Pharos> sadly, no
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[08:46] <TeeTylerToe>
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[08:47] <mareklug> too bad, the parents of Otto in the film gave all they money to tv evangelist
[08:48] <Soapy> I had a dream that Wikipedia had been re-designed as a video game based on Secret of Mana
[08:49] <Pharos> it's not such an unusual thing, poor people can very generous, and that is easy to take advantage of
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[08:49] <Tony_Sidaway> It's pretty well known that relatively poor people tend to be more generous with what little they possess.
[08:50] <Soapy> really?
[08:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Soapy: I'll look it up for you.
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[08:50] <TeeTylerToe> For someone living paycheck to paycheck, a $20 donation is basically 100% of their disposable income.  To bill gates, he's donated billions to charity, and it's not even 50% yet
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[08:50] <Soapy> I dont know if I count as poor.  I could probably count as "relatively" poor relative to a bunch of reporters and people doing studies on people. And Im never generous with money
[08:51] <Tony_Sidaway>
[08:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> So.... who is Paul Ryan?
[08:51] <TeeTylerToe> And not a lot of billionaires donate a billion dollars to charity
[08:51] <Soapy> ah yes
[08:51] <TeeTylerToe> Paul Ryan is a character in Atlas Shrugged
[08:51] <Pharos> well, everyone knoiws you're stingy!
[08:51] <Soapy> theyre talking about the absolute poor
[08:51] <Soapy> not "poor" as in making $10000 a year
[08:51] <Tony_Sidaway>
[08:52] <Tony_Sidaway> Sorry wrong link (a repetition)
[08:52] <Soapy> actually they are
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[08:52] <Soapy> oh well. I pretty much never donate to anything, and my excuse is Im in debt so that;s just going to put me more in debt
[08:53] <Tony_Sidaway>
[08:53] <Soapy> if I ever do get rich I absolutely promise I will donate everything to some sort of charity before I die
[08:53] <TeeTylerToe> it's surprising how hard it is to find a good charity
[08:53] <Pharos> Wikimedia NYC, perhaps? ;)
[08:53] <TeeTylerToe> well, Romney thinks the rich are a good charity
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[08:54] <Pharos> well, at least they're not going to spend it all in one place
[08:54] <mareklug> TeeTylerToe:  local food banks usually have very small overheads
[08:55] <Tony_Sidaway> This researcher says it seems to be empathy. If you ask a poor person to imagine they're rich, their responses adapt and become less empathic towards poor people like themselves. And vice versa if rich people are asked to imagine themselves poor.
[08:55] <TeeTylerToe> with corporations hoarding money, like trillions of dollars, it's pretty obvious that they're not waiting for a tax cut to start hiring
[08:55] <Soapy> maybe the real divide is just Republicans vs Democrats
[08:55] <Soapy> or at least conservatives vs liberals
[08:55] <Pharos> if i had a lot of $ to donate, I wouldn't give it to foodbanks
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[08:56] <Soapy> that said, there was a study that showed that conservatives donate more
[08:56] <TeeTylerToe> If their argument is that small businesses hire the most people, why not reduce the tax breaks to big businesses?
[08:56] <TeeTylerToe> lower the overall corporate tax rate by removing tax breaks for big business.  Maybe even add new tax breaks for big businesses hiring new workers
[08:56] <Soapy> and that studys conclusion was that liberals are less likely to donate to religious organizations, and most charities are religious.  It wouldnt catch things like people giving a dollar to a homeless man outside McDonalds
[08:57] <Tony_Sidaway> It's difficult to tell because a lot of "giving" is actually just giving money to some religious shyster.
[08:57] <TeeTylerToe> How much of a tithe goes to charity?  To things like church shelters or food drives?
[08:57] <Pharos> giving a dollar to a homeless guy is not a teribly productive method of charity
[08:57] <TeeTylerToe> neither is giving a dollar in the form of a tithe
[08:57] <Pharos> no, of course not
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[08:58] <TeeTylerToe> Somehow I'm betting a huge percent of america's "charity" is tithes
[08:58] <Tony_Sidaway> Give a man a dollar, he'll be rich for a day. Teach a man to pick pockets, he'll soon have a nice warm home with regular meals and a friend named Bubba.
[08:58] <Pharos> i doubt that
[08:58] <Pharos> tithing is obsolete
[08:58] <Daley> Going back to bed.
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[08:59] <Soapy> Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).
[08:59] <Qcoder02> Tony_Sidaway:  Well the US can spend dollars on fixing social problems of hundereds of dollars on yet more prisons
[09:00] <Tony_Sidaway> I've aired my views on the problems of the US justice system here in the past. I agree that the prison system is soaking up an obscene amount of money and of people who really should not be imprisoned.
[09:00] <Pharos> soapy: it is likely that church donations account for a the differnce
[09:00] <mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:      interstingly, Laos is 10th in charitable giving.  US is 1st.
[09:00] <Pharos> Tony: Are you aware of the prison issues in NY State?
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[09:01] <Pharos> the *problem* is, crime has been in decline for 20 years
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[09:02] <Soapy> ha. even HuffPo says America is #1. Take THAT, rest of the world
[09:02] <Pharos> so far far upstate where all the prisons are, ppl are getting restless
[09:02] <wctaiwan> Soapy: in terms of asshattery?
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[09:02] <Pharos> and the prisoners count as part of their population, so they have political clout
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[09:03] <Pharos> their number one priority is to keep prisons open and full!
[09:03] <Pharos> which is not so positive for the rest of us
[09:03] <Pharos> (prisons are the only business up there)
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[09:04] <Soapy> mm
[09:04] <Soapy> there's towns like that around here
[09:04] <Soapy> I think it's basically safe to live there, but I'm too paranoid to accept that
[09:05] <Pharos> oh, it's totally safe, just not economically viable
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[09:05] <Pharos> far upstate ny is poorer than the deep south
[09:05] <Pharos> this is the only business they have
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[09:06] <Soapy> oh wow I just remembered I dreamt I was in a movie too
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[09:06] <Soapy> although just as a very minor character.  "the blonde kid" that never spoke in the film
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[09:06] <wctaiwan> sounds like slenderman.
[09:06] <Tony_Sidaway> Pharos: the problem isn't crime. It's the waste of money and human resources. People in prison are having their lives ruined.
[09:06] <Soapy> and that dream was somehow part of the same dream as the Wikipedia thing
[09:08] <Pharos> yes, of course, tony
[09:09] <Pharos> it's just in this case there is a particularly perverse political incentive to keep these prisons plentiful and full
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[09:11] <Tony_Sidaway> How can they call it land of the free? It's the country with the highest officially recorded incarceration rate in the world.
[09:12] <Pharos> it's still free in some ways!
[09:12] <Tony_Sidaway> And I refuse to believe it's got a more criminally inclined population.
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[09:12] <Pharos> i still think we have the best freedom of expression overall
[09:14] <Tony_Sidaway> Possibly. You can say what you like but woe betide you if your boss disagrees.
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[09:14] <Tony_Sidaway> Or if you're gay in many states.
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[09:14] <Tony_Sidaway> Self-expression can result in loss of earnings, which makes a mockery of freedom.
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[09:15] <mareklug> in general, you still have a better chance of due process and generally being oft to do as you please in the USA then say Russia or China or even Brazil
[09:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway well
[09:15] <Tony_Sidaway> Well yes, if you compare your country to repressive regimes...
[09:15] <Soapy> hi pen
[09:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> people are free to discriminate maybe
[09:16] <Pharos> i think we have better freedom of expression than western europe on most counts
[09:16] <Pharos> at least where i live ;)
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[09:16] <Tony_Sidaway> Pharos: and I agree. Just that there are some quite glaring inequities.
[09:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos I may agree with that however there is a matter of auto censoring in the US
[09:16] <mareklug> you certainly can insult frier in the states than in Europe
[09:16] <TeeTylerToe> uhh, political speech isn't exactly welcomed
[09:16] <TeeTylerToe> see "free speech" cages
[09:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have seen many cases of public (media) lynching people in the US
[09:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> over their opinions
[09:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> For instance the most recent Chic Fila nonsense
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[09:18] <TeeTylerToe> I'd like to take a pitchfork and torch to some members of the media
[09:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe they would probably use them as decor
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[09:18] <TeeTylerToe> nah, they'd probably using a falafel on an intern in a way that definitely constitutes sexual harassment
[09:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Europe has institutionalised racism, while most people enjoy civil liberties that isnt equaly distributed
[09:19] <TeeTylerToe> the US is trying to instutionalize racism, outlawing mosques and stuff
[09:19] <TeeTylerToe> trying to instate christian law while at the same time railing against shariah law
[09:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> That is outlawed in some parts of Europe more or less
[09:20] <TeeTylerToe> I'm pretty sure there are mosques in most of western europe
[09:20] <jubo2> Cheezy meat doughnut!
[09:20] <mareklug> the swiss law prohibits now minaret construction
[09:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure but in switzerland and austria thats not really welcome
[09:20] <Tony_Sidaway> Europe is rather heterogeneous, so it's hard to make blanket statements.
[09:21] <Soapy> come on now
[09:21] <Soapy> lets be real
[09:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway EU regulation enforces it homogeniously though
[09:21] <Soapy> the USA isnt going to outlaw mosques, ever
[09:21] <TeeTylerToe> Austria?  I'd heard about some extremism in switzerland
[09:21] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: not really. FOr instance you mention Switzerland, which isn't even a member of the EU.
[09:21] <Soapy> even if a state has 0.0001% Muslims theyre not going to be denied the right to build a mosque
[09:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe the two border each other
[09:21] <TeeTylerToe> but in switzerland it was about building...  those kinds of towers
[09:21] <Tony_Sidaway> Austria too is outside the EU I believe.
[09:21] <TeeTylerToe> yes, but switzerland is tiny
[09:21] <mareklug> and in the USA you have recourse to courts if someone hassles you over a mosque
[09:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway sure it isnt but they follow EU regulations
[09:21] <TeeTylerToe> parapets?
[09:21] <Soapy> austria is in the EU
[09:22] <Soapy> minarets
[09:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Austria is an EU member, not a NATO member
[09:22] <TeeTylerToe> that's it
[09:22] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: which EU regulation compels them to forbid minarets?
[09:22] <TeeTylerToe> anti-minaret legislation isn't exactly anti-mosque legislation
[09:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway minarets are symbolic
[09:22] <TeeTylerToe> though I'm in favor of neither
[09:22] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: but which EU law?
[09:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> none
[09:22] <TeeTylerToe> actually if a church costs more than a few hundred K it kinda pisses me off
[09:23] <Tony_Sidaway> Besides a minaret is not a mosque. Are mosques forbidden? Are Muezzins?
[09:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there are many regulations in the EU specifically designed to make the life of non Europeans miserable.
[09:23] <Soapy> lol
[09:23] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: interesting. COuld you name one?
[09:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I can name many
[09:23] <Tony_Sidaway> Just one will do.
[09:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> For instance consider the visa regulations
[09:23] <TeeTylerToe> the US isn't exactly friendly to immigrants and aliens
[09:24] <Pharos> i think we're more mosque-friendly than Europe
[09:24] <TeeTylerToe> for instance Arizona
[09:24] <Soapy> rule number 34187 to make non-Europeans less happy: "if a black man gets a well paying job remind him his relatives are starving in the desert"
[09:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> My treatment in the US was greatly superior to that of Europe
[09:24] <TeeTylerToe> 0.o
[09:24] <TeeTylerToe> is that the love actually deleted scene law?
[09:24] <mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:  "Minarets provide a visual focal point and are used for the call to prayer (adhan)."  <-- seems like a move to suppress Muezzins
[09:24] <Soapy> rule number 34188 "every Chinese restauarant must have a sign out front reminding people that in China itself they still eat cats"
[09:24] <Pharos> oh no, someone said something nice about America!
[09:25] <TeeTylerToe> everybody says how friendly americans are when they visit...  WTF
[09:25] <TeeTylerToe> who are these friendly americans?
[09:25] <Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: not all mosques have a minaret. It's an architectural issue, not a religious one.
[09:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway here:
[09:25] <TeeTylerToe> although there's no particularly compelling reason to outlaw minarets
[09:25] <Pharos> all the friendly americans are in NYC ;)
[09:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway Minarets are like bell towers in churches
[09:26] <TeeTylerToe> A lot of the pickpockets are surprisingly friendly
[09:26] <TeeTylerToe> and the drug dealers...  with new customers
[09:26] <Pharos> banning minarets is meshuga
[09:26] <Soapy> Russia's on the naughty list, I see
[09:26] <TeeTylerToe> and that VW bug killer was friendly to the women he killed
[09:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Soapy for good reason
[09:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but consider which countries are green
[09:26] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm not sure what I'n supposed to find so bad about the Schengen Agreement.
[09:26] <Soapy> Americans can visit Europe whenever they want, but not Russians !!!
[09:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I do agree that tall minarets arent needed in this day and age of speakers BUT passing a law to ban them is ridiclous
[09:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway then you arent looking at it right
[09:27] <Tony_Sidaway> I don't agree with the law, but I don't see that it's so onerous.
[09:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway well think about the group of people who think christians want to convert them all one way or a nother
[09:27] <Pharos> i wamt more minarets
[09:27] <TeeTylerToe> it may be a practical thing.  You can profile countries for people that will "visit" with the intention of staying permanently
[09:28] <Soapy> heh
[09:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe mexico is green, come on
[09:28] <Tony_Sidaway> SOme of my local mosques  have minarets, some do not, It tends to depend on the size of the mosque.
[09:28] <TeeTylerToe> and americans are way to anti-european to stay there illegally
[09:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway sure
[09:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe actually I disagree
[09:28] <Soapy> too many T's talking. I get you all mixed up
[09:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there was an elderly woman in the same line as I
�06[09:28] * Soapy adds new highlight rule
[09:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> she was trying to get a longer stay
[09:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a US citizen mind you
[09:29] <TeeTylerToe> I'm saying statistically there are probably countries that have a high percent of people that overstay their visas
[09:29] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm still wondering what the problem with the Schengen Agreement is. Aren't countries allowed to have special visa arrangements to ease travel?
[09:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway the issue isnt that
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[09:30] <mareklug> Tony_Sidaway:     <--- plenty of arguments going well beyond "just architecture"
[09:30] <Tony_Sidaway> Well what is it then?
[09:30] <Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: not the EU.
[09:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> All og africa and asia more or less is red
[09:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *of
[09:30] <Tony_Sidaway> And definitely not an EU-wide law.
[09:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway I dont know how to express this to you differently
[09:31] <Tony_Sidaway> It's like saying "America has mounties" and then showing a picture of a RCMP on his horse.
[09:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Since the day I stepped in Europe I have been made to feel uncomfortable being here. Not by people living here but by the burocracy
[09:31] <Soapy> ToAruShiroiNeko: come to America!
[09:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> unless you suffer that, you cannot understand it.
[09:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Soapy sure, once I graduate probably
[09:32] <Soapy> also: America has mounties!
�06[09:32] * jubo2 bets 10 bucks they ain't in red clothes
[09:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> In the US I will need a kevlar vest probably though
[09:32] <jubo2> *clicks*
[09:32] <Soapy> that picture is exactly what we see on the streets every day here in America
[09:33] <mareklug> jubo2:  you just lost 10 bucks
[09:33] <jubo2> looks like it yes mareklug
[09:33] <Soapy> oh come on now, ToAruShiroiNeko, youre as bad as me. Crime isnt *that* bad
[09:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no
[09:33] <Soapy> there hasnt been a murder in my hometown for several months !!
[09:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but if I go to the US I will work on campus
[09:33] <Pharos> ToAruShiroiNeko: our mounties will protect you!
[09:34] <mareklug> Soapy:  how many ppl is your hometown?
[09:34] <Tony_Sidaway> For those who don't want to click, Soapy's picture shows a female RCMP officer at the Calgary Stampede (!)
[09:34] <Soapy> 20000
[09:34] <Pharos> you're less likely to be pickpocketed here!
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[09:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have 100 pickpocket perk in Skyrim, I dont worry about that
[09:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I can reverse pickpocket them a bomb probably
[09:35] <TeeTylerToe>  Libya - Then Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi cited the minaret ban as grounds for his call for a Jihad against Switzerland in a speech held in Benghazi on the occasion of Mawlid, four months after the vote. Gaddafi also called on Muslims around the world to boycott Switzerland, and stated that "any Muslim in any part of the world that works with Switzerland is an apostate, is against
[09:35] <TeeTylerToe> Muhammad, Allah, and the Koran"
[09:35] <TeeTylerToe> >.<
[09:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
[09:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe thats not a reliable source
[09:35] <Pharos> i don';t think gaddafi counts...
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[09:36] <Pharos> his religion was also gaddafism, anyway
[09:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> swiss do not like foreigners which is fine, then they should reurn to their policy of isolation and not host international organizations and hardware (like CERN)
[09:36] <Pharos> send CERN to the US-Canada border!
[09:37] <Pharos> we'll protect it with mounties!
[09:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Likewise in Belgium. The disrespect towards diplomats is amazing.
[09:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos that will not work
[09:37] <jubo2> Pharos: hold on I'ma get my shovel
[09:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Canada isn't shielded
[09:37] <TeeTylerToe> the mounties actually have a pretty bad reputation
[09:37] <TeeTylerToe> racism for one
[09:37] <TeeTylerToe> watergate stuff for another
[09:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe that is hillarious
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[09:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so the guy on the horse is racist towards the guy not on a horse?
[09:38] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: they're not part of the EU. And the Schengen Agreement is an agreement that confers special status on certain non-EU countries.
[09:38] <TeeTylerToe> well maybe the guy on the horse has a guy on a horse complex
[09:38] <TeeTylerToe> plus the outfit can't help
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[09:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway in other words a convenient tool to discriminate everyone else
[09:39] <Tony_Sidaway> Oh dearie me!
[09:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not saying everyone must have a free pass to europe
[09:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but regulations are irrational
�03[09:39] * Soapy is now known as Europe
[09:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I had to prove I did not have any social security aid for example
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[09:40] <Pharos> centaur-supremacism!
[09:40] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm not going to defend the right of countries to enter into agreements and treaties with one another. You're just being silly.
[09:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I had to go department after another for irrelevant paper work
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[09:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> while I am going through this shit, someone from Malasia can waltz through it
�03[09:41] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it is worse for the UK mind you
[09:41] <Tony_Sidaway> Malaysia isn't part of the Schengen Area. Now you're not making any sense at all.
[09:41] <TeeTylerToe> but people can walk from one EU country to another without even a passport!
[09:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe sure, not me though
[09:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I was prohibited from leaving Belgium for 6 months
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[09:42] <Tony_Sidaway> Are you an EU citizen? Only citizens can move without passports.
[09:42] <TeeTylerToe> wouldn't you need a passport to prove citizenship?
[09:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> No I am not. And actually non-eu citizens can move around without passport if they have an ID card from an EU country
[09:42] <mareklug> on leaving UK for Europe don't you have to show an ID?
[09:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but that had taken belgians 6 months to get me
[09:43] <Tony_Sidaway> When I have visited the US, it's so tempting to go over the border to Tijuana or Toronto, but I can't do that either. This is how visas work everywhere.
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[09:43] <Tony_Sidaway> mareklug: yes those countries that waive passports have identity card agreements. The UK has no identity cards.
[09:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway like I said, you cannot see discrimination/racism unless you live through it
[09:44] <TeeTylerToe> like when you can't cross the border to canada or mexico?
[09:44] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: but according to you I *have* lived through it. I couldn't go to Tijuana.
[09:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so you were confined to a US state for 6 months?
[09:44] <Tony_Sidaway> Mexico is just a trolley stop away when you're in Southern California, but I had to get off.
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[09:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> was yur long term visa renewed 2 months at a time
[09:45] <TeeTylerToe> iirc I had to show my drivers license to get a train ticket from one state to another in the US
[09:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> each taking over a month to process so you end up having only 1 month free travel?
�02[09:45] * Kingpin13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[09:45] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: the US has a single national policy so entry to the US gives (usually) free travel everywhere in the US. The EU is a collection of nation states.
[09:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway sure
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[09:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and EU regulaiton is designed to make the life of people like me miserable
[09:46] <Tony_Sidaway> Not really. It's designed to make life for EU citizens _easy_. Before the EU, everybody had to go through that.
[09:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> It should be EU citizens and residents
[09:47] <Tony_Sidaway> Now you can live in Belgium, work in the Netherlands, and spend the weekends in Germany.
[09:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I study in the Netherlands which is not a reason enough for me to get residency there since I live in Belgium.
[09:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> But I cannot get a residency permit in Belgium since I do not study there.
[09:48] <Tony_Sidaway> So you _are_ allowed to move around the EU as a resident?
[09:48] <Tony_Sidaway> A Belgium resident, I mean.
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Yes and no
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> If Belgium takes 6 monhts to grant a 1 year permit, thats a 50% no.
[09:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mind you this was renewing
[09:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I know of a friend with a diplomatic passport whom was granted a residency permit 2 months at a time
[09:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and only if she was registered to some class
[09:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Ah, Austria joined EU in 1995. I didn't notice.
[09:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway its hard to notice Austria
[09:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they dont do much besides create noise.
[09:50] <Pharos> who let the austrians in?
[09:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos Germans
[09:50] <mareklug> yeah, they did not even medal at the olympics
[09:50] <Tony_Sidaway> Nobody mention cuckoo clocks.
[09:51] <Tony_Sidaway> To be fair, I bet Austria does quite well at the Winter Olympics.
[09:52] <mareklug> when they don't blood dope and throw the evidence out the window?
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[09:52] <Frood> um
[09:52] <Frood>
[09:53] <Europe> frood: you got a secret admirer, I see
[09:53] <Europe> on the other hand
[09:53] <Europe>
[09:53] <Europe> they seem to admire quite a few of us
[09:53] <Frood> i feel like {{uw-protect}} would almost be appropriate there...
[09:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway they are snow lubbers
�02[09:53] * Trugster ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[09:53] <Frood> nah
[09:54] <Frood> he tried to get people to skype with him so he could show off his dick
[09:54] <Tony_Sidaway> I hope somebody redirected him to Commons ;(
[09:54] <Tony_Sidaway> ;)
[09:54] <Europe> with no pref3erences as to whether his chatting partner is male or female, apparerntly
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[09:54] <Europe>
[09:54] <Europe> no edits
[09:55] <Apheori> Anyone want a large dead mouldy palm tree?
[09:55] <Europe> was he on a different account name?
[09:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Apheori ebay
[09:55] <Frood> Apheori: It's dead now!?
[09:55] <Pharos> do you have free shipping?
[09:55] <Apheori> Frood: It all died.
[09:56] <Frood> :(
[09:56] <Apheori> Pharos: Only tree shipping.
[09:56] <Europe> palm trees are a sign of wealth around here
[09:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Samsung: Apple Stole the iPad's Design From Univ of Missouri Professor
[09:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[09:56] <Europe> "look that guy's so rich he can get a palm tree to survive in -30C weather"
[09:56] <Apheori> I have other palm trees. This was just my enormous huge one.
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[09:56] <Pharos> how many?
[09:56] <Apheori> I think the water killed it.
[09:56] <Tony_Sidaway> Apple Stole the iPad Design from Arthur C Clarke.
[09:56] <Frood> Fluffernutter: <3
[09:56] <Frood> You're my second favorite admin now.
[09:56] <Tony_Sidaway> Or Kubrick. Or both.
[09:56] <Apheori> Five pots of them in this room...
[09:57] <Apheori> Granted this is the holding room where everything gets stashed.
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[09:57] <Europe> I love that story
[09:57] <Apheori> Frood: Is your favourite Courcelles by any chance?
[09:57] <Pharos> why are you stockpiling palm trees?
[09:58] <Europe> Samsung doesnt care if its own tablets are violating patents, as long as Apple goes down with them
[09:58] <Europe> "Yeah so what if we stole from Apple, Apple started it !!!"
[09:58] <Apheori> Pfft, it's nothing to the number of begonias I have.
[09:58] <Pharos> ok, then why are you stocklpiling begonias?
[09:58] <Europe> lol. theere's an iPad application that shows where registered Democrats live, and their name and age
[09:59] <Tony_Sidaway> Patents on minor design elements like this are trivial and abusive. The courts should come down like a tonne of bricks on this kind of abusive patent trolling.
[09:59] <Apheori> I'm not. They just keep needing to be pruned and I can't help but make new begonias out of the prunings!\
[09:59] <Pharos> you are addicted
[09:59] <Europe> ans it's only for the iPhone
[09:59] <Pharos> face the facts
[09:59] <Apheori> Yes.
[09:59] <Europe> *iPad
[09:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway Pattent trolling sounded like something out of WP:ANI
[10:00] <Apheori> Plants are less emotionally damaging than wikis, however.
[10:00] <Pharos> begonias should be a class IV controled substance
[10:00] <Apheori> And spider plants?
[10:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Apheori I dont know
[10:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> PLants can depress more than people
[10:00] <mareklug> Europe:  what exactly is a refistered Democrat?  in Illinois you can choose to walk in and vote at wither the democratic primary or republican, and is that what registers you?
[10:00] <Europe> yeah
[10:00] <Tony_Sidaway> My wife went away for ten days recently, and rather than ask me and our son to water plants she stuck these weird glass bulbs on stalks into the pots.
[10:00] <Apheori> And philodendrons and snake plants?
[10:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am still trying to make my garden to talk back to me :/
[10:00] <Tony_Sidaway> It worked very well.
[10:01] <Pharos> in most states you can't do that
[10:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway are you sure she isnt an alien with future tech?
[10:01] <Europe> getting the names & addresses of Democrats is only, like, 1% of the application's power
[10:01] <Pharos> you pick a party when you first register to vote
[10:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you may be her experiment subjects
[10:01] <Europe> but it's the part that's getting people annoyed
[10:01] <Tony_Sidaway> ToAruShiroiNeko: well it did look suspiciously like something from Space 1999.
[10:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> O_O
�06[10:01] * ToAruShiroiNeko hides under a pillow
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[10:02] <Frood> Apheori: Foxj is my favorite.
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[10:02] <Tony_Sidaway> How many countries have an official party system like the US? I ask because I'm only familiar with the UK system where we don't register any affiliation.
[10:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Tony_Sidaway what do you mean?
[10:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US system is hardly simple
[10:03] <Pharos> i don't know, but i think US is fsirly unusual
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[10:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> very few people register to political parties in the US %-wise
[10:03] <mareklug> in a general election you can vote on any party and even write in mickey mouse
[10:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 50% dont even bother to vote
[10:04] <Europe> china has a political party system
[10:04] <Pharos> in the US, about 2/3 of voters are members of political parties
[10:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug mickey mouse should have been romney's running mate
[10:04] <Tony_Sidaway> To identify likely voters in the UK we have to ask--knocking on doors and asking "will you vote for our candidate?" Then on election day we check if they've voted and, if they're willing, give them a car lift tot he polling station.
[10:04] <Pharos> that
[10:04] <Pharos> that's way more than UK
[10:04] <Europe> Romney is a joke
[10:04] <Apheori>  Frood: He's certainly cute.
[10:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Romney is a cartoon character
[10:04] <Pharos> Romney can't even tell a joke
[10:04] <Frood> he blocked an entire sockfarm a couple weeks ago for me
[10:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> It is only fair he gets a running mate which is also a cartoon character
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[10:05] <Apheori> And he's cute!
[10:05] <Apheori> Massively cute.
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[10:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Romney is cute?
[10:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no way
[10:05] <Apheori> No, Foxj.
[10:05] <mareklug> how did Rafalca do?
[10:06] <Pharos> what about Paul Ryan?
[10:06] <Tony_Sidaway> Pharos: yes, party affiliation in the UK mostly means making a membership donation to your local party. Only real political mavins bother.
[10:06] <Apheori> Probably the cutest admin we have, including the ladies.
[10:06] <TeeTylerToe> rafalca didn't do well
[10:06] <Frood> Apheori: you should date fox.
[10:06] <Europe> i remember fox welcomed me back in 2007
�06[10:06] * Apheori kidnaps Frood.
[10:06] <TeeTylerToe> I thought fox didn't like europe
[10:07] <Frood> Apheori: why
[10:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fox doesnt like socialism
[10:07] <Pharos> he likes scitland!
[10:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> But they act in a socialist manner
[10:07] <Tony_Sidaway> Rafalca is, I suspect, more by way of a tax write-off than a serious attempt at dominating equestrianism in the Olympics.
[10:07] <Frood> Pharos: scitland?
[10:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> think about the tea party movement, pure unpaid socialism
[10:07] <TeeTylerToe> why does a 4,000 ton coast guard cutter designed to patrol oil tankers, container ships, and cruise ships need to go 28 knots?
[10:07] <Pharos> it's like scotland, only more so
[10:08] <Frood> that sounds like a lame porno title
[10:08] <Europe> oh rigfht Im still using the name Europe
�03[10:08] * Europe is now known as Soapy
[10:08] <Soapy> that was meant to be a one-off joke that I didnt even use
[10:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TeeTylerToe because they do knot know any better
[10:08] <TeeTylerToe> or maybe Romney's wife likes horses
[10:08] <Apheori> Frood: To silence you!
[10:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Romney is a horse
[10:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he should submit his not-horse certificate
[10:09] <TeeTylerToe> the long form
�03[10:09] * Matthew_ is now known as MRB[away]
[10:10] <Soapy> i love
[10:10] <Soapy> if xkcd the comic strip ever ends, i hope he continues the what-if's page
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[10:14] <Soapy> DDSDSDS
[10:14] <Soapy> HELP
[10:14] <Soapy> KEYBOARD STUCK"
[10:14] <Soapy> KI:LN:LKNLL<K<L
[10:15] <Soapy> THIS HAPPENS TO ME A LOT
[10:15] <Soapy> HOW DO IF IXX!!!
[10:15] <Soapy> wait, got caps lock turned off
[10:15] <Soapy> ok that was weird
�02[10:15] * MC8|2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[10:16] <Soapy> some "other" caps lock got stuck on somehow
[10:16] <Soapy> such that pressing "regular" caps lock on and off had no effect
[10:16] <Soapy> but then I pushed a bunch of other buttons and it returned to normal
[10:17] <Soapy> maybe there's a virus that does nothing besides force you to type in capitals
�03[10:18] * thineantiquepen is now known as IEnjoyCaningWith
[10:18] <mareklug> it probably also registers you as a Republican
[10:18] <Soapy> ok
�06[10:18] * Soapy gets out a whip
�06[10:19] * Soapy starts whacking away at thineantiquepen
�03[10:19] * IEnjoyCaningWith is now known as MyCaneIsUseful
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[10:19] <Tony_Sidaway> "there are probably around a million tons of pet dog in the US alone"
[10:20] <Soapy> yeah I noticed that
[10:20] <Soapy> i thought it was a typo, but I think xkcd's just using a weird type of grammar
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[10:21] <Soapy> basically any noun can be a measure term, which has no plural
[10:21] <Soapy> though there are a few typos in xkcd
[10:21] <Soapy> it always surprises me
[10:21] <Tony_Sidaway> Well he's talking about the payload, so he concentrates on the mass rather than the number of pet dogs and their names.
[10:22] <Tony_Sidaway> Of course, if we used the pet dog as reaction mass...
[10:22] <Soapy> yeah
[10:22] <Tony_Sidaway> Dog-powered spacecraft!
[10:22] <mareklug> but there is a subject/verb disagreement:  there are…. a million
[10:23] <Soapy> "tons" is the subject
[10:23] <Soapy> its just like saying "there were 1000 girls at the beach"
[10:23] <mareklug> no, Tony
[10:23] <mareklug> a million tons
[10:23] <Tony_Sidaway> There are around a million tonnes of cute girl at the beach.
[10:23] <mareklug> is
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[10:24] <mareklug> ask a teacher
[10:24] <Tony_Sidaway> English grammar isn't equally distributed over the surface of the earth.
[10:24] <Soapy> oh come on
�03[10:25] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:25] <Soapy> surely we can all agree the "a million tons" is plural no matter where we live or how we spell ton(ne)s
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[10:25] <mareklug> i bet British and American grammar dovetail on the subject of verb/subject agreement
[10:25] <mareklug> no Soapy .  it happens to be singular
[10:25] <Soapy> arent you from Poland?
[10:26] <Soapy> they teach a super-hyper correct English there that isnt what anyone reallt uses
[10:26] <mareklug> I went to Senn high school in Chicago
[10:26] <Soapy> aw
[10:26] <Soapy> ok sorry
[10:26] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm not clear what you're arguing about.
[10:26] <Soapy> but surely "a million " + anything is singular
[10:26] <Tony_Sidaway> But the grammar of that xkcd piece isn't egregiously bad.
[10:26] <Soapy> er
[10:26] <mareklug> there is a million… not there are a million.  that's all.
[10:26] <Soapy> PLURAL
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[10:27] <Soapy> if you argue for singular youre basically saying there's an omitted measure term.  Like "a million strong crowd of people" insytead of just "
[10:27] <Soapy> a million people"
[10:27] <Tony_Sidaway> I still don't know what you're trying to say.
[10:27] <Apheori> 'million' is one thing containing a million, but the million things ain't even remotely singular.
[10:27] <Soapy> so is 999,999 plural?
[10:27] <Apheori> Million is just a grouping.
[10:27] <Soapy> but 1,000,000 is singular?
[10:27] <Apheori> You can have a grouping of 999999.
[10:27] <Apheori> It's a grouping.
[10:28] <Apheori> That's all.
[10:28] <Soapy> i think I understand what Marek is saying, just disagree
[10:28] <Tony_Sidaway> It doesn't matter. You can argue about this forever, but grammar is not obliged to follow the rules of number.
[10:28] <mareklug> Apheori:   grammatically, any construct starting with "a" or "an" is singular
[10:28] <Apheori> Yes, it's the CONSTRUCT.
�02[10:28] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[10:28] <Apheori> The construct is still referring to a bloody plurality.
[10:28] <Soapy> well in the English I speak even "a dozen" is plural
[10:28] <mareklug> so it takes "is"
[10:28] <Tony_Sidaway> Is it Marek Lug or Mare Klug?
[10:28] <Soapy> "there are a dozen swimming pools"
[10:29] <Soapy> not *"there is a dozen swimming pools"
[10:29] <mareklug> do a whois Tony
[10:29] <Apheori> Ooo, I missed that. Soapy, you're right.
[10:29] <Apheori> I mean, I thought you were right before, but this is more right.
[10:30] <Soapy> I *guess* you could say "There's a dozen swimming pools", and I've probably used that form in my own speech, but I'd consider that informal and technically wrong
[10:30] <mareklug> Soapy :  there is a dozen *of*  swimming pools.
[10:30] <Tony_Sidaway> There is a tonne of peas. There are a tonne of peas. I don't care which you use to be honest.
[10:30] <Apheori> mareklug: You can do that, but then you're not referring to the pools but the dozen.
[10:30] <mareklug> there are dozens of swimming pools.  you may be confusing the two
[10:30] <Apheori> And a tonne is a defined unit.
[10:31] <Apheori> You're still referring to the dozens and not the pools.
[10:31] <Tony_Sidaway> There  are soon to be many tonnes of words spilled over this subject.
�02[10:31] * dangerCTL (~elytra@ Quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.7 sic populo comunicated�)
[10:31] <Apheori> Anyone want a dead fern?
[10:32] <Frood> Anyone want a dead baby?
[10:32] <Apheori> While I'm sure that would make good fertiliser too, those raise too many suspicions.
[10:32] <Soapy> i still haevnt posted my wikipedia dream online
[10:32] <Fluffernutter> was it dirty, Soapy?
[10:33] <Soapy> nope
[10:33] <Apheori> You have a dream?
[10:33] <Soapy> actually Wikipedia was just a tiny part of the dream
[10:33] <Soapy> Itd probably not be very interesting
[10:33] <Soapy> but basically Wikipedia had put out a video game that turned every Wikipedia article into a screen in an RPG game similar to Secret of Mana
[10:33] <Soapy> I dont really know *how* it worked
[10:33] <Soapy> if I hadnt woken up maybe I'd have learned more
[10:34] <Soapy> I think it's the sort of thing I'd be better off thinking about while awake anyway
[10:34] <Soapy> but the dream was mostly about me remembering that I'd been in a movie as a kid
[10:34] <Tony_Sidaway> Dreams are great for that kind of thing. Stuff that either makes sense at the time, or seems just beyond the cusp of understanding and if only you stay dreaming longer, you feel, you'll learn more.
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[10:36] <Tony_Sidaway> The worst dreams for me are the one that mimic real life. Weeks later I'll realise that a conversation I remember actually took place in a dream. Quite embarrassing sometimes.
[10:36] <Soapy> yeah
[10:36] <Soapy> that has happened occassionall to me
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[10:38] <Fluffernutter> <---haha
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[10:39] <Apheori> I sometimes remember things, but I have no proof as to whether or not they happened and so usually assume they don't.
[10:39] <Apheori> didn't.
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[10:40] <Pharos> it never happened
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[10:41] <Peter-C> Our Corps will always be killing people. Even in peace time, I’ll find someone for our boys to kill out there. Yeah, I’m talking to you Iran - General James Mattis
[10:41] <greenrosetta> is it possible to have superscript and subscrpt combined to so two elements are vertically stacked?  eg, <sup>a</sup><sub>b</sub> would give "a over b" with no space?
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[10:45] <Pharos> WLM-US meeting in 15 minutes in #wikimedia-us
[10:46] <Peter-C> <3
[10:48] <Fluffernutter> ...did you really just link to a pokemon list
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[10:49] <Soapy> thats pretty funny
[10:49] <Soapy> ythe ice cube thing
[10:50] <Soapy> there must be at least some people that dont know how to make ice
[10:50] <Soapy> they go to their local gas station to buy it
[10:50] <Soapy> "where does the ice come from???"
[10:50] <Soapy> "oh we just ship it in from Canada"
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[11:13] <Apheori> Why do people like their ANI so much?
[11:14] <Frood> attention whores
[11:14] <RD> We'll never really understand why.
[11:14] <Fluffernutter> why not? everybody loves animated cursors! ([[ANI (file format)]])
[11:15] <Apheori> That seems backwards.
[11:15] <Fluffernutter> also, because people are entertained by drama
[11:15] <Apheori> Why would you need a specific format just for that?
[11:15] <Fluffernutter> microsoft, dear
[11:15] <Apheori> I don't get it.
[11:16] <Frood> there should only be three image types
[11:16] <Frood> svg, png, and jpg
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[11:17] <Frood> earwig disagrees
[11:17] <Fluffernutter> and a partridge in a pear tree
�02[11:17] * Kiewii (~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) Quit (Quit: I'm out�)
[11:17] <Apheori> Gif has its uses as well.
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[11:18] <Apheori> And those are just the common ones.
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[11:18] <Apheori> You also have bitmaps that support text, bitmaps going in different directions, layered bitmaps...
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[11:21] <Frood> Apheori: is gif much different than png, really?
[11:21] <Frood> both are animated, both are lossless
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[11:25] <Soapy> true PNG is not animated, MNG is
[11:25] <Soapy> iirc
[11:26] <Soapy> i actually agree GIF is basically obsolete now, apart from sometimes it has a tiny advantage of PNG in file size
[11:26] <Frood> apng is
[11:26] <Frood> and only Firefox supports it
[11:26] <Soapy> good for uploading avatars to web forums that max out at 6KB
[11:26] <Frood> but.
[11:27] <mareklug>
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[11:31] <mareklug>
[11:32] <mareklug> just to name two that are not reducible yo sag, png and jpeg
[11:32] <mareklug> svg
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�06[11:39] * Peter-C tosses lungs at IShadowed
�06[11:39] * IShadowed is hungry
�06[11:39] * Peter-C bakes the lungs
[11:39] <IShadowed> better
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[11:42] <TeeTylerToe> I'm always surprised by how big png files are
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[11:45] <Apheori> Frood: Gif uses a different form of compression than png.
[11:45] <Apheori> That's all.
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[11:50] <PissedPanda> ragesoss: beta sent out to mobile-l :)
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[11:51] <ragesoss> I'm not on mobile-l, but I'll look it up.
[11:52] <Jarry1250> ragesoss: I believe the link is
[11:52] <ragesoss> got it
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[11:53] <ragesoss> yay, no error message!
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[11:54] <PissedPanda> ragesoss: :D
[11:54] <PissedPanda> but they turn up when you need them!
�06[11:54] * Peter-C eats ragesoss’ kids and runs
[11:54] <ragesoss> okay, now issues!
[11:54] <ragesoss> first off, on my phone a lot of the thumbnails are fuzzy.
[11:55] <ragesoss> like scaled-up too-small thumbs.
[11:55] <ragesoss> also, I don't like the ALL CAPS of the article titles when viewing an individual article.
[11:56] <ragesoss> it'd also be nice to have a progress indicator while the app is trying to fetch the thumbnails.
[11:56] <ragesoss> but this is a really fantastic app, overall, PissedPanda!
[11:57] <ragesoss> I'm totally never reading the signpost on-wiki again.
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[11:57] <Soapy> I had trouble getting Vector to work on the main Browser app
[11:57] <Soapy> e.g. some things werent "touchable"
[11:57] <Soapy> is that any better on the mobile app?
[11:58] <Soapy> e.g. the favorites star didnt work
[11:58] <PissedPanda> ragesoss: :D
[11:58] <Soapy> I guess because it isnt technically a button
[11:58] <PissedPanda> ragesoss: the scaling issues - what phone are you on?
[11:58] <ragesoss> HTC One XL
[11:58] <Soapy> but then it appears that mobile app doesnt use favorites anyway
[11:58] <PissedPanda> that explains it - I'm sending across 512px thumbs and asking the phones to scale them down
[11:59] <PissedPanda> Soapy: the mobile app doesn't quite use vector styles
[11:59] <PissedPanda> ragesoss: file a bug :D It looks sharp on mine but mine is an ancient device by comparison (Nexus S)
[11:59] <ragesoss> yeah, my phone (and a lot these days) is 720px across.
[11:59] <PissedPanda> need to request thumbnails from the client so I know the width
[12:00] <Soapy> but seriously has anyone else complained about the favorites star not working on touch-screen devices, besides me?
[12:00] <Soapy> I mean, when browsing Wikipedia in a normal browser, not the app
[12:00] <Soapy> Im *sure* its not a problem on my end
[12:00] <Soapy> because it still fails when zooming to ridiculously huge sizes
[12:00] <PissedPanda> Soapy: which favorites star, exactly? and which phone?
[12:01] <Soapy> the star "button" that replaces the "watch this page" button on all Vector pages
[12:01] <Soapy> the phone doesnt recognize it as pressable, so it doesnt do anything
[12:01] <PissedPanda> Soapy: which phone?
[12:01] <PissedPanda> I don't think we test logged in behavior *at all*
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[12:02] <Soapy> ok
[12:02] <PissedPanda> since you're essentially using desktop view on mobile
[12:02] <Soapy> well yeah
[12:02] <mareklug> Soapy:  it works no problem on iOS 5.1.1
[12:02] <mareklug> in Safari
[12:02] <Gfoley4> editing on your iPhone is very hard
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[12:03] <mareklug> iPod touch
�06[12:03] * Peter-C throws a table across the room
[12:03] <Peter-C> BAD TV
�06[12:03] * Peter-C tosses Gfoley4 at the TV
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[12:04] <Soapy> i dont remember my password
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[12:04] <Soapy> is there any view to see that?
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[12:05] <BarkingFish> evening all :)
[12:05] <Soapy> anyway this is really annoying
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[12:05] <Soapy> Im logged in but I cant get my password
[12:06] <Gfoley4> log out and password reset
[12:06] <Soapy> well anyway
[12:06] <Soapy> im on HTC Thunderbolt
[12:06] <Soapy> and cant test it on my other phone since I cant log in
[12:06] <mareklug> can't you log out and get a link at login to have it sent to you?
[12:06] <BarkingFish> Ironholds, just to let you know I've replied to you on the missing csd criteria on the talk page of :)
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[12:07] <noommos> looks good on an s 3, PissedPanda
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[12:08] <PissedPanda> noommos: oohoo :D
[12:08] <PissedPanda> noommos: how do the images look?
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[12:09] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: indeed; replied to your reply ;p
[12:10] <BarkingFish> thanks
[12:11] <noommos> looks okay in the overview screen but become fuzzy when viewing content
[12:11] <PissedPanda> noommos: in content? Really? can you send me a screenshot?
[12:11] <BarkingFish> and yes, you're correct.  Recordings fall under A9 :)  Everything else is under A7 (you could subdivide the tool, so people can specify which of the A7's it falls under - Band, Web, Biography, etc) :)
[12:11] <noommos> sure, where do you want me to put it
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[12:12] <PissedPanda> noommos: anywhere :)
[12:12] <Soapy> why is it asking me for "Complete action using" on every link?
[12:13] <Jarry1250> Soapy: I get that whenever I'm browsing on my Android phone now I've installed the Wikipedia link
[12:13] <Jarry1250> *app
[12:14] <Jarry1250> I'm not sure if you can make it remember your preference
[12:14] <Soapy> well
[12:14] <Soapy> 99.9999% of the blame goes to the people who design Android
[12:14] <Soapy> they seem to have made every possible choice to make the user experience more frustrating
[12:14] <Soapy> on tablets at least
[12:14] <Soapy> phones, not really a\problem
[12:14] <Soapy> because no one expects to get a PC-like experience on a phone
[12:15] <Soapy> but a tablet, youd think they would
[12:15] <Soapy> but i really cant use a tablet for more than about 10 minutes without getting frustrated and hyperventilating
[12:15] <Soapy> and this tablet was given to me for free!!
[12:15] <PissedPanda> Jarry1250: you can - you can use the 'remember' link at the bottom (pre 4.1) to make it remember
[12:15] <Soapy> with the expectation that if I got one I'd start promoting them to customers
[12:15] <Soapy> ha!!!!
[12:15] <TeeTylerToe> the first one's always free
[12:15] <Soapy> all it's done is make me even more anti-tablet
[12:16] <BarkingFish> Soapy: if you can get me one free, I'll promote them to whoever the fuck you like :D
[12:16] <Jarry1250> PissedPanda: "Use by default for this action.", yes, just tried it :)
[12:16] <PissedPanda> Jarry1250: should work, and did/does for me
[12:16] <Jarry1250> Still annoying if you're like me and you use one some of the time
[12:16] <PissedPanda> aah, yes :)
[12:16] <Jarry1250> and the other the rest of time
[12:16] <mareklug> Soapy:  you need to try the last iPad b4 you swear off tablets
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[12:16] <PissedPanda> also, get me a free tablet and I'll write a Watchlist notification app :P
[12:16] <Soapy> ok
�03[12:17] * Bradford (b5b6daa4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:17] <Soapy> my cellphone is also for free
[12:17] <Soapy> but unlike the tablet I have to give it back if I quit my job
[12:17] <mareklug> 70% of the market for a reason
�06[12:17] * PissedPanda sincerely hopes that the Mac vs PC story repeats itself
[12:17] <Soapy> if I quit, and dont need the tablet for anythuing, i'll give it away
[12:18] <Soapy> the iPad is much better than any Android tablet, yes
[12:18] <Soapy> but still has a lot of really perverse design flaws
[12:18] <mareklug> such as?
[12:18] <TeeTylerToe> will someone mow my lawn?
[12:18] <Soapy> like "yes we could have made it much better but WE'RE APPLE so we have to be different even if it's perversely harder to use"
[12:18] <TeeTylerToe> maybe someone getting a free tablet
[12:18] <Soapy> such as no Tab key on the keyboard
[12:18] <Soapy> which means you cant really ever type a letter
[12:19] <Soapy> without everyone knowing you sent it from an iPad since it's badly formatted
[12:19] <TeeTylerToe> I thought tabs were out of vogue
[12:19] <TeeTylerToe> particularly on electric media
[12:19] <Soapy> it's a 10" screen, they have plenty of room to put a Tab key in
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[12:19] <Soapy> also all tablets that Ive seen seem to assume we have pixel perfect precision with typing
[12:19] <Soapy> both Android and iPad and everything else
[12:20] <jubo2> there is something else ??
[12:20] <Soapy> so if you make a typo soemwhere in a long letter, you have to pinch to the precise place where you made it
[12:20] <Soapy> there's no "up" or "down" or "left" or "right" on the keyboard
[12:20] <Fluffernutter> comic relief edit of the day:
[12:20] <Soapy> I mean really
[12:21] <Soapy> the keyboard on all tablets looks like it's made for three year olds
[12:21] <Soapy> with gigantic-sized keys
[12:21] <Soapy> but only, like, 30 of them on screen at a time
[12:21] <mareklug> the German goalkeeper just saw a red card.  and earned a penalty kick.  which Messi made the new goalkeeper save.
[12:21] <Soapy> if I had such fine motor control as the iPad assumes I do I'd be able to fit a whole 100+ key keyboard on the sctreen
[12:22] <Soapy> and of course the keyboard is not customizable
[12:22] <Soapy> "thats the keyboard, we spent 4 years designing it, what more could you want"
[12:22] <PissedPanda> comic relief bug report of the day - Man threatens to invoice/sue Mozilla/MS for 18,000$ because they drop -moz-prefix
[12:22] <Soapy> at least Android allows you to download new keyboards, though from what Ive seen they still all lack Tab keys, maybe its a limitation in Android itself that there's no Tab key
[12:22] <mareklug> there is no usb port on the iPad, right?  that's the real failing
[12:23] <Soapy> yeah
[12:23] <Soapy> that too
[12:23] <Soapy> the Apple paranoia against plugging in anything not made and approved by Apple itself
[12:23] <BlastHardcheese> download some ram
[12:23] <Soapy> no USB flash drives allowed
[12:23] <Soapy> or any other external storage
[12:23] <mareklug> you should be able to plug in any physical keyboard or device you like
[12:23] <PissedPanda> I think it also shows best in their Twitter/FB integration
[12:23] <Soapy> EXCEPT ICLOUD OF COURSE!!!
[12:23] <TeeTylerToe> it's not designed to be used at a desk
[12:23] <PissedPanda> iOS 6 will have as much FB integration as Android 1.6 had, simply because they wanted to build it themselves rather than let FB build it
[12:24] <TeeTylerToe> an SD card would be nice
[12:24] <TeeTylerToe> maybe bluetooth storage
[12:24] <mareklug> but can be.  i saw a holder for an iPad that mounts it in the air next to  your screen
[12:24] <BlastHardcheese> Why would you want to use non-Apple electronics, comrade?
[12:24] <TeeTylerToe> because android smartphones are so cheap they actually pay you to buy them
[12:24] <TeeTylerToe> and they have much faster hardware
[12:25] <TeeTylerToe> they have more storage and ram, and the OS is AMAZING!!!
[12:25] <TeeTylerToe> or that's what I keep hearing from everyone on the planet that doesn't have the apple logo tattooed on their face
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[12:26] <TeeTylerToe> I really wanted android to be better than the iphone
[12:26] <PissedPanda> rising ethnic / religious tensions in India
[12:26] <PissedPanda> again
[12:26] <PissedPanda> sigh
[12:27] <mareklug> TeeTylerToe:  you mean android than iOS?
[12:27] <TeeTylerToe> I'm talking about the phones themselves
[12:27] <TeeTylerToe> the OS too, but the whole device
[12:27] <Soapy> im 100% pro-Android now
[12:27] <Soapy> for cellphones anyway
[12:28] <TeeTylerToe> if iphones are so lucrative, why aren't android phones cheaper
[12:28] <mareklug> android is not a phone.  it is something that sort of runs in many flavors on lots of different, um, phones
[12:28] <Soapy> but I think that only about 20% of Android phones are really any good
[12:28] <TeeTylerToe> you can't run android on a dead badger.  I tried it, it has terrible reception, and you can actually see the pixels the resolution is so bad
[12:29] <mareklug> you certainly can run it on a laptop, and we just might see some soon
[12:29] <TeeTylerToe> and still it cost as much as an iphone
[12:29] <TeeTylerToe> a pocket laptop?
[12:29] <TeeTylerToe> with a touch screen?
[12:29] <mareklug> Asus
[12:30] <TeeTylerToe> because if you think taking pictures with an ipad is funny, think about making a phonecall with a laptop
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[12:30] <mareklug> half of the world video calls on their laptops
[12:30] <Soapy> android laptops exist, yeah
[12:31] <TeeTylerToe> while they're walking to work?
[12:31] <Peter-C> Ironholds - need advice
[12:31] <Soapy> phone calls on laptops was big in the mid-90s
[12:31] <Soapy> it made sense then because people were almost all using dialup modems
[12:31] <Peter-C> I want to look like a 19th/early 20th century brit
[12:31] <Soapy> so why not use the same modems to make voice calls?
[12:31] <mareklug> if you're with one of the right connedtivity cards, sure
[12:31] <Peter-C> You seem like the proper man to talk to
[12:31] <Soapy> and cellphones were out of price range for most people
[12:32] <Soapy> a $600 cellphone would basically be your best shot
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[12:32] <Jarry1250> Peter-C: What class?
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[12:33] <Peter-C> Super high class
[12:33] <Peter-C> Like a politican
[12:33] <Peter-C> or a lawyer of some sort
[12:33] <Jarry1250> Ah, that's more middle class
[12:33] <Peter-C> What should I wear do you think?
[12:33] <Peter-C> I want to look like a classy barristor.
[12:34] <Soapy> *barrister
�06[12:34] * Peter-C flips over Soapy
[12:34] <Peter-C> You guys need to bolt things down in the room to prevent me from flipping things
�06[12:35] * Pharos flips Peter-C
�06[12:35] * Peter-C flips over North Korea
[12:35] <Peter-C> ‘Merica
[12:36] <Jarry1250> Peter-C: Me personally, I'd go with something like but with a more prominent pocket watch
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[12:36] <Peter-C> What about a walking stick
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[12:38] <Jarry1250> Peter-C: Mahogany-esque curved cane, probably. Not easy to find these days, of course.
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[12:39] <Peter-C> - what about this?
[12:39] <mareklug> Khedira shoots own goal.  the poor Germans have no luck
�02[12:39] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[12:39] <Peter-C> Also, what are your sources on fashion of this sort?
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[12:41] <Jarry1250> Peter-C: Yeah, a nice timeless look I always think, that one. But could definitely benefit from a pocket watch. Oh, no expertise in particular, I'm afraid. Beyond being British and a lover of British history. :)
[12:41] <Peter-C> :3
[12:42] <noommos> PissedPanda, trying to upload the screenshots, chrome, firefox and ie have decided to commit suicide
[12:43] <PissedPanda> noommos: hehe, trying to help me seems to have that effect, yes :)
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[12:46] <BarkingFish>  gtg out, back in a bit :)
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[13:25] <Soapy> i fotrgot my password
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[13:25] <Soapy> Im logged in but cant get to myt password on Andfroid
[13:25] <Soapy> is there a way to vitew the passwords saved?
[13:25] <Soapy> like there is on a PC browser
[13:26] <mareklug> your password for the android?
[13:26] <Soapy> for wikipedia
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[13:27] <mareklug> just log out.  that will log you out globally.  then do password reset procedure
[13:27] <Soapy> i did that
[13:27] <Soapy> it wont accept the password it emailed me
[13:27] <Soapy> wait i muight have typerd it wtong
[13:28] <Soapy> ok i got it
[13:28] <Soapy> i wish there was a way to save a password
[13:28] <mareklug> on mac os there is, it's called Keychain Access
[13:29] <Soapy> they should make somnething like that for Android devices
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[13:29] <Soapy> there doesnt seem to be any way to retrieve a saved password
[13:29] <Soapy> I can log in but if I log out I cant get back in
[13:29] <Frood> Soapy: does Firefox have it remembered?
[13:30] <Soapy> yes
[13:30] <Frood> it'll show passwords
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[13:40] <mareklug> Soapy:  I found this advice: "download SQLite editor. stored passwords for the browser are plaintext and editable"
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[13:41] <Soapy> ok thanks
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[13:41] <Soapy> think Im so frustrated though Im just going to give up
[13:41] <Logan_> Hi Soap.
[13:44] <Soapy> hi
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[14:17] <Tony_Sidaway> The Android browser does save passwords, at least in the CyanogenMod 9 version I use.
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[14:17] <Soapy> yes but can you view them?
[14:18] <Soapy> what happens when the 180-day login period expires
[14:18] <Tony_Sidaway> I wouldn't want to view them. That would defeat the point of having passwords.
[14:18] <Soapy> well sure
[14:18] <Soapy> if you never forget your passwords, then thats OK
[14:19] <Tony_Sidaway> It's definitely a good idea not to forget your password. But if you do you can usually invoke a reset procedure by typing in your email address.
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[14:37] <mysterytrey> They're seems to be a wikisourcerer on freenode today.
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[14:38] <foks> You scared him!
[14:37] <mysterytrey> I was talking about someone else
[14:38] <mysterytrey> [17:33:01] <-- frenezulo (~quassel@wikisource/benjameno) has left #freenode (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
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[14:40] <ragesoss> is there a way to disable the links to parent pages from subpages, on a page by page basis? Like a magic word to suppress the parent page links?
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[14:43] <foks> ragesoss, you mean, like, at the top of the pages?
[14:43] <foks> I have no idea.
[14:43] <ragesoss> yeah, that'
[14:43] <ragesoss> s what I mean.
[14:44] <Soapy> I dont know what you mean
[14:44] <Soapy> do you mean how links to talk:OS ?
[14:44] <Qcoder02> Good Evening people
[14:44] <Soapy> I believe there is no solution, and the last time I asked someone told me "it's not a bug."
[14:44] <ragesoss> that's right, Soapy
[14:44] <BarkingFish> Soapy, when you're on a subpage from an article, there's a link at the top which says something like: < back to article - i think that's possibly what ragesoss is on about
[14:45] <Qcoder02> Does anyone here know how to  get anger out of the system?
[14:45] <Soapy> I think it *is* a bug, and it's been around for at least 10 years
[14:45] <ragesoss> definitely a bug.
[14:45] <Qcoder02> I've recently been playing some shoter games and I don't like the way I fell playing them
[14:45] <Qcoder02> *shooter
[14:45] <foks> How's that a bug?
[14:46] <foks> :p
[14:46] <ragesoss> it's Wikipedia: space where I'm working now. The idea being, on some pages (like those aimed at newcomers) you really want to reduce the amount of clutter.
[14:46] <foks> Ah, right, I get you know
[14:46] <Soapy> does that happen in article space too?
[14:46] <foks> No
[14:46] <Soapy> I mean I know there are hardly any /'s in article space
[14:46] <Soapy> OK
[14:46] <foks> I think it only applies to the other namespaces
[14:46] <ragesoss> Soapy: subpages are not enabled in article space.
[14:46] <Soapy> so [[OS/2]] does not link you to [[OS]], but [[talk:OS/2]] does
[14:47] <Soapy> Silly.
[14:47] <ragesoss> although they are in Talk: space.
[14:47] <ragesoss> because there shouldn't ever be subpages in article space, but some titles have slashes.
[14:47] <Soapy> OS/2 was cool btw
[14:47] <foks> For Archives and that
[14:47] <Soapy> I remember when I loved OS/2
[14:47] <Soapy> OS/2 was the WebOS of the 90s
[14:48] <Soapy> a great OS, that happened to be made by a company that had no use for it, so they killed it
[14:48] <ragesoss> there are also now a lot of project space pages that use tab templates
[14:48] <ragesoss> where the first tab is the parent page
[14:48] <ragesoss> and the others are subpages
[14:48] <ragesoss> so you get distracting layout changes when you change tabs: the tabs don't stay in the same place.
�06[14:48] * aude sure it can be implemented
[14:49] <ragesoss> aude: it seems simple enough, I think it
[14:49] <aude> is there a bug for this?
[14:49] <ragesoss> 't just no one has ever coded that magic word.
[14:49] <ragesoss> not that I know of.
�06[14:49] * aude nods
[14:49] <ragesoss> I'll start one if there isn't.
[14:49] <Soapy> i remember reading about the backlink "bug" many years ago
[14:50] <Isarra> A magic word to disable it on certain pages would be nice.
[14:50] <ragesoss> totes
�02[14:50] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[14:50] <aude> it'd be a nice little thing to code
�03[14:51] * u99of9 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:53] * Courcelles_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:53] <Soapy>
[14:53] <Soapy> thats' where it was
�02[14:55] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:55] <BarkingFish> Is there any way to find out if a specific bot on wp is out of action?  I notice VernoWhitney's VWBot is doing copyright tagging, which is normally done by CorenSearchBot.  VWBot is only approved as a backup for that task.
�02[14:56] * Courcelles ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�02[14:56] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[14:56] * Courcelles_ is now known as Courcelles
[14:56] <BarkingFish> nvm, figured it out - CSB is down. Not edited since August 3rd.
[14:57] <Qcoder02> Hi BarkingFish
[14:57] <BarkingFish> hi Qcoder02
[14:57] <Qcoder02> Can I have a word in PM?
[14:57] <BarkingFish> yeah, sure
�06[14:57] * mysterytrey feels left out.
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�03[14:58] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:58] <Tony_Sidaway> I still don't see in what way that very useful functionality can be regarded as a "bug".
[14:59] <Tony_Sidaway> If you're on a subpage there _should_ be a link to the main.
�02[14:59] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: hometime�)
[15:00] <ragesoss> Tony_Sidaway:
�03[15:00] * matt_buck (~mattbuck@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:00] <ragesoss> the tabs shift location as you navigate.
[15:00] <mysterytrey> Although perhaps there should be a magic word to hide that link.
[15:00] <ragesoss> mysterytrey: right, a behavior switch like __NOTOC__
[15:00] <mysterytrey> YES!!!
�02[15:00] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[15:01] <BarkingFish> there may already be one, ragesoss - try asking #mediawiki  - i think the magic words are coded into the base software
�03[15:01] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[15:01] <ragesoss> BarkingFish: will do, although if it exists it doesn't appear to be documented.
[15:02] <BarkingFish> brb, gonna grab a coffee and some food :)
[15:02] <ragesoss> anyhow, folks, vote for the bug I just started if you like:
[15:02] <foks> Tony_Sidaway, it's a bug in the sense that [[Talk:9/11]] is not a subpage
�03[15:02] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:03] <foks> oh, right, missed ragesoss's explanation
[15:03] <Tony_Sidaway> foks: now _that_ is a bug. :)
[15:04] <Spitfire> __that__*
[15:04] <Tony_Sidaway> The "tabs" in this case are just some bit of style nonsense inserted by somebody. That tabbed functionality is not supported by Mediawiki (perhaps it should be, but that's another matter).
[15:04] <foks> Or [[Talk:OS/2]], or [[Talk:Little Thoughts/Tulips]]...
�03[15:04] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:04] <foks> Tony_Sidaway, perhaps, but a magic word would be applicable to both
[15:05] <Tony_Sidaway> You can't just randomly fiddlle with stylesheets and then say "this is a bug" when you make a mess of the wiki.
�03[15:05] * YE is now known as YE|AFK
[15:05] <Tony_Sidaway> foks: the talk pages of articles with slashes are a clear bug. There should be a special case in there.
[15:05] <ragesoss> Tony_Sidaway: sure, maybe not a bug, but a reasonable thing to have flexibility for. I submitted it as an enhancement request.
[15:05] <mysterytrey> Tony_Sidaway: Why can't you?
[15:05] <Peter-C> FUCK YES
[15:05] <foks> Tony_Sidaway, the only solution really is the magic word.
[15:05] <Tony_Sidaway> mysterytrey: feature creep.
�06[15:05] * Peter-C does a quadrople backflip
[15:06] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - pm naow
[15:06] <Peter-C> like, naowwwwwww
[15:06] <Qcoder02> Isn't there a way to escape  / charcters that aren't subpage seperators...
[15:06] <foks> 'Cos just disabling talk page subpages would mean no archives etc
�02[15:06] * shimgray (~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[15:06] <Tony_Sidaway> foks: I don't see how a magic word would help. [[Talk:9/11]] would still be a subpage, which it should not be.
[15:06] <mysterytrey> Peter-C: As opposed to a quadruple backflip?
[15:06] <Peter-C> Yes
[15:06] <Peter-C> I make words up as I go
[15:06] <foks> Tony_Sidaway, unless you somehow ASCIIfy the slash...
[15:07] <Tony_Sidaway> I'm not even going to try to think what you mean by that.
[15:07] <foks> The __NOPARENTLINK__ might be able to tell mediawiki that it's not a subpage
[15:07] <foks> ASCIIfy. Like, &.
[15:07] <foks> Or whatever.
[15:08] <foks> Maybe use a ⁄ character.
[15:08] <foks> 'Cos god knows what that's meant to do otherwise
[15:08] <Qcoder02> foks: Whats the difference ?
[15:08] <Qcoder02> I see two different charcters
[15:08] <Qcoder02> Is one Unicode?
[15:09] <foks> What?
[15:09] <Qcoder02> And I am assuming MediaWiki can cope with  Unicode...
[15:09] <foks> The difference is one is / and one is ⁄
[15:09] <Qcoder02> foks: OK
[15:09] <foks> I think the latter is the division slash.
[15:09] <Tony_Sidaway> Kludging character representations is never the right answer.
�03[15:09] * SoapX ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:09] <foks> I know.
�02[15:09] * SoapX ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[15:09] * SoapX (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:09] <foks> Hence the bugzilla
�02[15:09] * Soapy (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[15:09] <mysterytrey> /  ⁄ / All the same.
[15:09] <foks> ª⁄.
[15:09] <Qcoder02> I thought one might be ASCII, and the other a different Unicode point...
�03[15:10] * Soapy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:10] <Qcoder02> I can only type / on my keyboard
�03[15:10] * {Soap} ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:10] * {Soap} ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[15:10] * {Soap} (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:10] <foks> Yeah, the ⁄ is typable on a Mac keyboard
[15:10] <foks> it's probably in your charmap though
�06[15:10] * Qcoder02 starts ranting about pervets into Macs...
[15:10] <{Soap}> what is ⁄ ?
[15:11] <foks> Division sympbol.
[15:11] <foks> -p
[15:11] <Qcoder02> sympobol?
[15:11] <Qcoder02> *sympbol
[15:11] <Qcoder02> ?
[15:11] <Tony_Sidaway> This seems to be making irssi rather sea sick.
[15:11] <foks> So you can fit a superscipt "1" and a subscript "2" if you wanted, and the kerning would probably work.
[15:11] <{Soap}> well it's a weird type of slash
[15:11] <{Soap}> / is what i use
[15:11] <foks> I know.
[15:11] <foks> It's what I use as well.
�02[15:11] * Soapy ( Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[15:12] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
[15:12] <foks> Tony_Sidaway, I would say "get a better client" but that would be disrepectful.
[15:12] <Qcoder02> {Soap} Of course it's slash,   It's whats make a numerator and denominator play nice and love the typesetter on a Mac ;)
[15:12] <Qcoder02> And we all know Mac's are .... (Nah too easy)
[15:12] <foks> 1⁄2
[15:12] <Qcoder02> XD
[15:13] <Qcoder02> Sorry, I'm in a funny mood
�03[15:13] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:13] <Qcoder02> How many Arbcom members does it take to change a light bulb?   Only one, but the Community must have decided the light bulb won't change on it's own
�03[15:14] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:14] * SoapX (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[15:14] <BarkingFish> I went to bed in a rainbow wig, frilled ruff, baggy pants, face paint and a red nose last night - I woke up feeling funny this morning :)
�02[15:14] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[15:14] * Jan_eissfeldt ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:14] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish:   Did we change at Upminster this evening?
[15:14] <Qcoder02> XD
[15:15] <BarkingFish> ?
[15:15] <foks> How many Arbcom members does it take to change a light bulb?
[15:15] <foks> Seven, and one recuse.
[15:15] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish:   PM me and I'll explain it there...
[15:15] <Tony_Sidaway> foks: I quite agree. The client is at fault.
[15:15] <Qcoder02> Honestly I try to do surreal comedy here and it goes over people's heads...
�03[15:15] * Jeske_Merensky (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:15] <foks> Chatzilla is a verily nice client.
[15:16] <{Soap}> your sense of humor is rather unusual QC
[15:16] <Tony_Sidaway> I can't use chatzilla on a terminal. I used it a few times on Debian but it had a lot of memory leaks.
[15:16] <BarkingFish> {Soap}, the sense of humor is fine, providing you understand it :)
[15:17] <BarkingFish> Tony_Sidaway, if you're in a terminal, what about irssi?
[15:17] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish:  I can still get people by asking for directions to Ari Jabba ;)
[15:17] <Tony_Sidaway> BarkingFish: that's what I'm using now. It reacted badly to the last lot of unicode characters. Not disastrously so, but not well.
[15:18] <BarkingFish> Tony_Sidaway, yeah, that's one downside - it needs the charset changing somewhere in its config, I think. Try speaking to #irssi - I am pretty sure they told me how to do it - only I can't remember :P
�06[15:20] * foks doesn't use terminals, 'cos.
[15:20] <Tony_Sidaway> BarkingFish: I'm supposed to have set it up for UTF-8 but maybe it got lost in the current session.
[15:20] <Tony_Sidaway> I'll disconnect and take a look.
�02[15:20] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[15:21] <mysterytrey> Everyone spam unicode characters to annoy tonysideaway!
[15:21] <mysterytrey> NM.  Too late.
[15:22] <foks> Thought - how does Tony_Sidaway mark himself as away
�02[15:22] * LtNOWIS (~Simon@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[15:22] * Tony_Sidaway (~tony@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:22] <Tony_Sidaway> Yes, my environment is set up correctly. In any case it's not a huge problem.
[15:24] <BarkingFish> Tony_Sidaway, so your terminal is set correctly, and irssi is also set up to use UTF-8... that's a bugger then. It should work.
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�03[15:27] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:30] <mysterytrey> foks: What do you mean by mark himself as away?
[15:30] <Tony_Sidaway> I've got a Debian shell account somewhere. I've been using that for irc lately, but tonight I'm using my home system.
[15:30] <Frood> Tony_Sidaway: do you have to pay for that shell?
[15:30] <foks> like, "away
[15:31] <Peter-C> Oh god. Bad news. It’s a girl. Where’s the trash can. - The Dictator.
[15:31] <BarkingFish> ???
[15:32] <Tony_Sidaway> Frood: I paid ten quid in 2001 or something. Most of my shell accounts are free (and aren't so reliable).
[15:32] <Frood> Where do you get them?
[15:33] <Tony_Sidaway> Polarhome is the paid one. The others I use now are and .
[15:33] <Qcoder02> Bad jokes coming up ...
[15:33] <Tony_Sidaway> With Polarhome you get a very wide choice of operating system.
[15:33] <Tony_Sidaway> He's basically a hobbyist with a big hobby.
[15:34] <Qcoder02> "How many pyschiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?  One , but change is already within the bulb..."
�02[15:35] * PeterSymonds_ (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[15:35] <Qcoder02> " How many Wikipedia admins does it take to change a light bulb? One but they get vieled threats froim people that prefer it to be dark..."
[15:36] <Qcoder02> "If Wikipedia was a car ....  You'd have to insist the mechanic actually fixed the engine failure rather than just shuffling the sparkplugs...'
[15:38] <Qcoder02> "If Wikipedia was a car ...    You'd wonder for ages how on earth your friend got the stero installed,  before realising it makes the indicators blink every time you change stations..."
[15:39] <Qcoder02> "If Wikipedia was a bulidng ... - Before rushing into an office, youd have to check the door didn't open into a mid air chasm.."
[15:40] <Qcoder02> "People say Wikipedia users are slightly crazy..  That's OK  , we need committed contributors!"
[15:40] <Isarra> If Wikipedia WERE*
[15:40] <mysterytrey> Second until some op quiets Qcoder02?
[15:40] <mysterytrey> **seconds
[15:40] <mysterytrey> 5
[15:40] <mysterytrey> 4
[15:40] <mysterytrey> 3
[15:40] <mysterytrey> ...
[15:40] <mysterytrey> Seconds until some op quiets me?
[15:41] <Qcoder02> Ops here are liberal...
[15:41] <Frood> that's irrelevant
[15:41] <Qcoder02> You have to do something spectacular to get them to react
�06[15:41] * Isarra dumps a dead seal on the channel.
[15:42] <Qcoder02> Isarra:  My MY, your diet involves eating whole seals?
�02[15:42] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[15:42] <foks> Isarra is an orca.
[15:43] <Isarra> If I were going to eat it I wouldn't have dumped it here.
[15:43] <Isarra> It was just the biggest dead thing I could drag in here.
[15:43] <Qcoder02> Apart from some of my attempts at jokes?
�02[15:44] * Sellyme ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[15:44] <mysterytrey> Regarding quiets, I have 2 questions... Why is *!b019fc2d@* Fluf[a]f[k]!u6895@wikipedia/Fluffernutter 1342368029 quieted?
[15:44] <Qcoder02> "I have a contact that's a cross dresser,    He can be very moody when people's costumes don't fit"
[15:44] <Qcoder02> But for that joke to work it has to be Kenneth Williams telling it...
[15:45] <mysterytrey> Oh nevermind.
[15:45] <mysterytrey> Fluff was the one who quieted.
�06[15:46] * Qcoder02 wonders if someone has quieted me
�03[15:46] * {Soap} (Soap@wikipedia/soap) has left #wikipedia-en
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[15:47] <mysterytrey> Is this you, Qcoder02?  "* 367 #wikipedia-en *!* 1339195685"  Just kidding, just kidding...
[15:48] <Qcoder02> Well at least thay are honest about thier sexuality :)
[15:48] <mysterytrey> Yeah...
[15:48] <Qcoder02> " What's the difference between a Woman  and a 'Queen'?"
[15:48] <mysterytrey> Why is "367 #wikipedia-en *!*@TestWiki/bot/Hazard-Bot 1339195685" banned?
�02[15:49] * Gnumarcoo (~Marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) Quit (Quit: Bye�)
[15:49] <Qcoder02> " What's the difference between a Woman  and a 'Queen'?"  "A:  It's the attitude !"
[15:49] <Earwig> mysterytrey: we don't allow bots, generally
�03[15:49] * LtNOWIS (~Simon@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:50] <mysterytrey> Ohh.  That makes sense.
[15:50] <mysterytrey> So why were they in general?
[15:50] <mysterytrey> *here
�02[15:50] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Quit: Restarting computer�)
[15:51] <Tony_Sidaway> mysterytrey: bots are sometimes distrusted by people who like to chat.
[15:51] <{Soap}> thats quite a ban list we have
[15:51] <mysterytrey> Yep.
�03[15:51] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[15:51] <mysterytrey>  /mode "#wikipedia-en" q & "/mode #wikipedia-en b"
[15:52] <Tony_Sidaway> We used to empty the ban list regularly on the old #wikipedia . It tended to fill up with hit-and-run trolls.
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�02[15:52] * Falcorian ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[15:52] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:52] <Qcoder02> Drive by trolling?
[15:52] <mysterytrey> Well, we use eir now right?
�02[15:53] * Jasper_Deng_ ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0.1/20120614114901]�)
[15:53] <Qcoder02> A lot of channels use eir, but she's no slut ;)
[15:53] <Tony_Sidaway> I don't even know what eir is.
�03[15:53] * Jasper_Deng (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[15:53] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:54] <mysterytrey> eir is a freenode bot that undoes bans and quiets in you set them with an expiry time.
�03[15:54] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�03[15:57] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:58] <{Soap}> yeah
�03[15:59] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:00] <{Soap}> hi
�03[16:00] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[16:00] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: zzz�)
[16:00] <SigmaWP> hi
[16:01] <Frood> hi
�03[16:02] * BunnyMone (~a____@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[16:03] <SigmaWP>
[16:03] <SigmaWP> I don't have the heart to tag it
[16:04] <mysterytrey> He's a preacher.
�03[16:04] * MC8 (~herpes@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:04] <mysterytrey> You can't CSD that.
[16:04] <BarkingFish> tough, done.
[16:04] <BarkingFish> A7
[16:04] <mysterytrey> Military leader, etc.
[16:04] <Frood> SigmaWP: but i do
[16:04] <SigmaWP> Thanks
[16:04] <mysterytrey> Heartless Frood.
�03[16:05] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:05] * Matthewedwards (42570733@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:05] <BarkingFish> evening Ironholds :)
[16:05] <Ironholds> office hours, page curation, #wikimedia-office, nao :)
[16:05] <BarkingFish> Did you manage to find anythign out about those weird assed tabs I mailed to you last night?
[16:05] <Frood> frood needs food
[16:06] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: no luck :(
[16:06] <BarkingFish> 0.o
[16:06] <BarkingFish> i have nfi where they came from, but i still have them
[16:06] <Frood> BarkingFish: what tabs?
[16:07] <Isarra> BarkingFish: Still there when you log out?
[16:07] <BarkingFish> Isarra, nope
[16:07] <Ironholds> BarkingFish: soo. gadget? rogue js?
[16:07] <BarkingFish> not a gadget, not rogue .js either
[16:07] <Frood> screenshot please
[16:08] <BarkingFish> i reset all my prefs to default last night, they're still there, and I stripped out both my css and js files too
[16:08] <Isarra> Still there when you turn off js?
[16:08] <BarkingFish> yep
[16:08] <Isarra> Could you show us a screenshot?
[16:09] <Tony_Sidaway> I would CSD that. Nick Damonte, you have a fan, but we don't do fan pages.
[16:09] <BarkingFish> yep, this is the "page" tab - you will also notice the "user" tab next to it, and no page history in the top bar - also, no user contributions in the left toolbar now
[16:09] <BarkingFish>
�03[16:10] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:10] <BarkingFish> sorry, that one doesn't have the user tab in it
[16:11] <BarkingFish> that appears on a user or user talk page though, i think i screenshot that last night and mailed it to Ironholds
[16:11] <Frood> BarkingFish: Does it show up in other browsers?
�02[16:11] * Matthewedwards (42570733@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Disconnected by services�)
[16:11] <{Soap}> weird
[16:11] <BarkingFish> Frood, yep - it's there in chromium, firefox, konqueror
[16:12] <Isarra> What's it supposed to look like?
�02[16:12] * dendodge (~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[16:12] <Logan_> BarkingFish: You didn't quite strip out your JS:
[16:12] <{Soap}> also "wetdogmeat" ... great user name
[16:12] <BarkingFish> well, it's not supposed to be there
�03[16:12] * ceradon-away is now known as euphoria
[16:12] <Isarra> What isn't?
[16:12] <BarkingFish> didn't I? oh fucknuts. hold on
[16:12] <{Soap}> logan's probably found the answer
[16:12] <Frood> there's your problem...
[16:12] <Frood> those are part of twinkle
�02[16:12] * legoktm (~legoktm@wikipedia/Legoktm) Quit (Quit: goodbye.�)
[16:13] <{Soap}> they are?
[16:13] <Frood> i think so.
[16:13] <Frood> also, heh
[16:13] <BarkingFish> no, they're not
[16:13] <Frood> essjay edited his monobook.js
[16:13] <{Soap}> "page", at least, isnt there for me
[16:14] <BarkingFish> and i've now cleared my css and js, properly, refreshed (hard) and they're still there
[16:14] <Isarra> Did you purge?
[16:15] <BarkingFish> yep
[16:15] <Frood> and common.js
[16:15] <BarkingFish> and here's the user tab I was telling you about
[16:15] <BarkingFish>
[16:15] <Logan_> BarkingFish: Try a different browser now, maybe?
[16:15] <BarkingFish> common.js won't affect it - the only thing in there is the external editor script, it's nothing to do with those tabs at all, Frood
�03[16:16] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:16] <{Soap}> is your screen res really that small, or are you just shrinking it to make it easier to see?
[16:16] <{Soap}> eh
[16:16] <{Soap}> i guess it's 1024x768
[16:17] <Logan_> That's small.
[16:17] <IRWolfie-> I'm surprised fox news isn't just thrown out the window as a reliable source
�02[16:17] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[16:18] <Frood> it is small
[16:18] <SigmaWP> BarkingFish: But if you always start from the back, what about the newly created attack pages?
[16:18] <Isarra> IRWolfie-: Or any news source.
[16:19] <{Soap}> once i turned my monitor to 2x1
[16:19] <Frood> how did that work out?
[16:19] <{Soap}> it didnt work
�02[16:19] * rschen7754 (~rschen775@wikipedia/rschen7754) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:19] <{Soap}> the graphics card was pretty hackable, but not that much
[16:19] <{Soap}> it let me do silly things like 1024x120 though
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[16:20] <Elduen> Someone do me a favor and make it less hot here.
[16:20] <Isarra> BarkingFish: Go to your preferences and uncheck 'Add page and user options to drop-down menus on the toolbar.' - it's under appearance gadgets.
�06[16:20] * {Soap} splashes himself all over Elduen
[16:20] <IRWolfie-> Isarra: especially fox news, considering the amount of crap they publish, and that they fought for the right to lie
[16:20] <Elduen> ...well if that helps.
[16:21] <Frood> Elduen: i'll leave.
[16:21] <Logan_> Frood is hot..
[16:21] <IRWolfie-> some newspaper are pretty ok, and have a reputation for fact checking
[16:21] <Logan_> .
[16:21] <Isarra> IRWolfie-: Compare it to the New York Times sometime. It's cute.
[16:21] <Frood> .
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[16:22] <{Soap}> elduen: you in the southwest?
[16:22] <{Soap}> i hear it was getting to 120F there
�06[16:22] * GorillaWarfare twitches
[16:22] <GorillaWarfare> 120F?!
[16:22] <IRWolfie-> Isarra: in what way do you mean?
[16:22] <BarkingFish> Isarra, jokes on you. It's not switched on
[16:22] <Frood> ohai GorillaWarfare
[16:23] <GorillaWarfare> o/
[16:23] <Isarra> Well, that's what you're seeing. Try turning it on and then off?
[16:23] <IRWolfie-> (I don't read american papers except for what I come across on wikipedia)
[16:23] <Frood> oh BarkingFish
[16:23] <Frood> clear your cookies
[16:23] <Isarra> IRWolfie-: Falsehoods, is all.
[16:25] <Isarra> News ain't generally reviewed, but it's what we've got so we use it.
[16:26] <IRWolfie-> For many topics there are better sources
�02[16:26] * Thoreau ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[16:26] <Gfoley4> I don't trust any news unless it's coming out of Stephen Colbert's mouth
[16:26] <Gfoley4> Such a liberal!
[16:28] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: Sacramento was 110 last weekend. Lush.
[16:28] <GorillaWarfare> I think I would actually die.
[16:28] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: I was on the American River
[16:28] <Ironholds> get too hot? jump the hell in
[16:28] <Ironholds> it was GAW-JUSH
�03[16:29] * la_pianista (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:29] <GorillaWarfare> Haha
[16:29] <Gfoley4> Wasn't that where they mined gold or something?
[16:29] <GorillaWarfare> Did I tell you about the british guy who came into my diner?
[16:29] <Ironholds> no?
[16:29] <GorillaWarfare> He kept saying "cheers"
[16:29] <GorillaWarfare> And it made me think of you
[16:30] <Isarra> He says that a lot too?
[16:30] <GorillaWarfare> Isarra: No, but he says other british things that make me squee a bit
[16:30] <GorillaWarfare> In a similar manner
[16:30] <Gfoley4> long time no see. la_pianista!
[16:30] <Isarra> Ah...
[16:30] <la_pianista> 'lo there Gfoley4 ^.^
[16:31] <Isarra> Yes.
�02[16:31] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[16:31] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: maths.
�06[16:31] * GorillaWarfare squees a bit
[16:31] <Ironholds> see? I am like, totally womyn-bait
[16:31] <Isarra> Pants.
[16:32] <Ironholds> trousers.
[16:33] <Isarra> Knickers.
[16:33] <GorillaWarfare> Isarra says knickers?
[16:33] <Isarra> ...did I get that backwards?
[16:34] <Ironholds> Isarra: knickers would be the old-fashioned British version
[16:34] <Ironholds> but really there are no good words for ladies undergarments
�03[16:34] * Guerillero (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:35] <GorillaWarfare> Definitely can't help but think of bloomers when someone says knickers...
�03[16:35] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[16:35] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[16:35] <Isarra> I blame the aussies.
�02[16:35] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Quit: booting to Ubuntu.�)
[16:36] <SigmaWP> Yay!
[16:36] <Isarra> Buckets, actually trying to think of britishisms, I've got nothing.
�06[16:36] * Isarra pours leeches on SigmaWP.
[16:36] <Ironholds> Isarra: I'm a walking britishism
[16:36] <GorillaWarfare> ^
[16:36] <Isarra> With a large nose.
[16:36] <GorillaWarfare> He says MATHS
[16:37] <Tony_Sidaway> I say maths.
[16:37] <Isarra> So do NORWEGIANS!
[16:37] <GorillaWarfare> Also
[16:37] <Tony_Sidaway> It's the British word.
�03[16:37] * la_pianista is now known as pianista|ping
[16:37] <{Soap}> Bloody Briticisms invading Americans speech!!
[16:37] <BlastHardcheese> "maths" to me sounds like someone with a speech impediment
[16:37] <BlastHardcheese> mathhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssss
[16:37] <Guerillero> I uses maths when I want to be ironic
[16:38] <Isarra> The speech impediment is 'mathsh'.
[16:38] <GorillaWarfare> Hehe, "squiffy"
[16:38] <Ironholds> Isarra: it's a nice nose
[16:38] <Isarra> It is; it's just big.
[16:38] <Isarra> ...and I couldn't think of anything better to say.
[16:39] <Ironholds> its bigness is one source of its niceness
[16:39] <Ironholds> also, pot, kettle. you are the world expert on big-but-cute noses
[16:39] <Isarra> I'm a Mayan.
�06[16:39] * GorillaWarfare takes notes on this rather interesting courtship ritual in her field-book
[16:39] <Isarra> It's a sign of class.
[16:40] <Isarra> >.>
[16:40] <Tony_Sidaway> "Pants" seems to have migrated in British English to meaning, almost exclusively, underpants during my lifetime. I still use "pants" to mean trousers.
�02[16:40] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[16:40] <Ironholds> Isarra: it's cute is what it is.
�06[16:40] * GorillaWarfare scribbles madly
�06[16:41] * Isarra confiscates GorillaWarfare's notes.
[16:41] <GorillaWarfare> Damn...
[16:41] <Isarra> Lessee here...
[16:41] <Isarra> Um...
[16:41] <Guerillero> is one of my favorite brittisms
[16:41] <Isarra> Crap, I need glasses.
�06[16:43] * Ironholds hands Isarra his glasses
�06[16:43] * Isarra gives Ironholds the notes and then holds the glasses for ransom.
[16:43] <Ironholds> I can read without my glasses
�06[16:43] * Ironholds reads
[16:44] <Ironholds> it says "Ironholds is clearly a very attractive gentleman who should be jumped by all women of taste"
[16:44] <Ironholds> Well, I agree with that
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[16:44] <Ironholds> although the bit about holding me to ransom until we hand over John Barrowman I find offensive.
[16:44] <Guerillero> lol
[16:44] <Ironholds> he's mine, dammit
[16:45] <GorillaWarfare> Damn...
�03[16:46] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:46] <Ironholds> oh, you don't want any more doctor who? well, fine then
[16:47] <GorillaWarfare> Send me David Tennant too, and I won't need any more
[16:47] <Frood> I just booted Ubuntu for the first time since Juneish
[16:48] <Frood> I forgot how much I love Linux.
�02[16:48] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[16:48] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: nuh-uh
[16:48] <GorillaWarfare> :(
�06[16:49] * Guerillero chuckles in the back corner
[16:49] <Ironholds> we'll trade
[16:49] <Ironholds> get me a passport so I can move to oregon, I'll get you barrowman and tennant
�02[16:49] * pianista|ping (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) Quit (Quit: pianista|ping�)
[16:49] <GorillaWarfare> DONE
�06[16:49] * GorillaWarfare begins Photoshopping
[16:49] <Ironholds> ...hah
[16:50] <Ironholds> then you get a photoshopped barrowman
[16:50] <GorillaWarfare> :(
[16:50] <Ironholds> his name is Gary. He's a brickie from Towchester.
[16:50] <Ironholds> he likes curries, cheap lager, 3 and a half men and farting into a lighter
[16:50] <Ironholds> have fun
[16:50] <GorillaWarfare> 3 and a half men?
[16:50] <Ironholds> it
[16:50] <Guerillero> it gould be worse
�02[16:51] * u99of9 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[16:51] <Guerillero> you could have given her a chav
[16:51] <Ironholds> 2 and a half
[16:51] <Ironholds> whatever
[16:51] <GorillaWarfare> There we go
�06[16:51] * {Soap} is still reading the British words page
�03[16:51] * la_pianista (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:51] <Isarra> Bloody chavs.
�02[16:52] * la_pianista (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�06[16:52] * GorillaWarfare squees
[16:52] <Guerillero> why is BBC america showing gangs of NY
�06[16:52] * Isarra gives GorillaWarfare a large pile of chav-related vandalism.
[16:53] <Pharos> because BBC america listened to my letter?
[16:53] <Pharos> they're making their own gangs of NY show, strangely enough
[16:54] <Pharos> about NYPD in 1864 :P
[16:54] <Guerillero> oh fun
[16:54] <Isarra> How do you pass args into args because args argh arg.
[16:54] <Guerillero> what the frack is an arg
[16:55] <Isarra> Argument, grunt, argentina... take your pick.
[16:55] <Frood> Isarra: "Plant the top of a pineapple, grow your own"
[16:55] <Isarra> See I've got this argv thing and apparently I need to rearrange it and I'm too lazy to figure out how.
[16:56] <Frood> you should grow a pineapple tree.
[16:56] <Frood> and don't let this one die
[16:56] <Isarra> Frood: You assume pineapples make it here with still living tops.
[16:57] <Isarra> That said, that kind of plant really is quite easy to propagate.
[16:57] <Isarra> I had a similar plant have all its roots rot out from under it, so I stuck the top in water and it just grew some new roots.
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�02[17:03] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit
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�02[17:07] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
[17:08] <{Soap}> hi snuffy
[17:08] <Frood> i just cranked all four cores on this up to 3.3GHz
[17:11] <Guerillero> why is packing for uni so hard
�02[17:12] * Kiewii (~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) Quit (Quit: good nicht�)
[17:13] <GorillaWarfare> Guerillero: I feel your pain...
�02[17:16] * greenrosetta (~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[17:16] <BarkingFish> Guerillero, suitcase probably isn't big enough.
[17:16] <BarkingFish> try sitting on it
[17:16] <Isarra> Why is packing so hard?
�02[17:17] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�02[17:17] * snuffeluffegus ( Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat�)
[17:18] <Guerillero> because it involves deciding "What do I need for the fall and winter?"
[17:19] <Guerillero> This includes a season of rugby to plan for
[17:22] <Isarra> Bandages?
[17:23] <Guerillero> yes
[17:23] <Pharos> steroids?
[17:23] <Guerillero> no
[17:23] <Pharos> good sport, old man!
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[17:27] <Pharos> i wonder if they have drug testing in chess
[17:27] <Pharos> or poetry slam....
�02[17:27] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�02[17:28] * tonynoname ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[17:29] <{Soap}> lol
[17:29] <Fluffernutter> I think this took a wrong turn on the way to Wikiversity:
[17:29] <{Soap}> did google change its favicon?
[17:30] <{Soap}> it's now suddenly a white "g" on a blue background
[17:30] <Pharos> yes it did
[17:30] <{Soap}>
�03[17:30] * tonynoname ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:30] <Pharos> i think any turn that saved it from wikiversity was a lucky turn for it
[17:31] <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter, are you sure? I could swear it encountered the crossroads to "trash can" and found the wrong exit blocked off :P
[17:31] <Fluffernutter> heh
[17:31] <Pharos> better to die at wikipedia than live on wikiversity...
[17:31] <Pharos> it's more noble that way
[17:31] <{Soap}> was the source
�02[17:31] * tonynoname3 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[17:31] <BarkingFish> This article has multiple issues: It is shite, and should be burned (August 2012 or as quickly as possible)
[17:31] <Fluffernutter> well, i can't think of a CSD criterion to cram it under, so it lives for the moment
[17:32] <BarkingFish> I'd AFD, Fluffernutter
[17:32] <BarkingFish> it's crap, most likely going to be filled with OR
[17:32] <Guerillero> redirect is a good option
[17:32] <Guerillero> it causes no drama
[17:32] <Pharos> anything other than a redirect is a waste of time imho
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�02[17:33] * ceradon (~ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: *poof*�)
[17:34] <BarkingFish> ah, well it's a waste of time then - AFD'd :P
�03[17:34] * euphoria is now known as ceradon-away
[17:34] <BarkingFish> oh fuck
[17:34] <BarkingFish> Database is buggered.  Are we in lockdown or RO?
[17:34] <mysterytrey> BarkingFish: Behave, please.
[17:34] <BarkingFish> mysterytrey, no.  I was behaving perfectly well, thank you
[17:34] <Pharos> it's lockdown, the trolls are in the building!
[17:35] <Guerillero> they never left
[17:35] <Pharos> i think we're gonna lose Sector 4
[17:35] <GorillaWarfare> Thought you ought to know...
�02[17:35] * tonynoname ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[17:35] <mysterytrey> BarkingFish: Behave perfecter, please.
[17:35] <BarkingFish> Adding discussion to today's list: Failed to save edit: Database query error
[17:35] <BarkingFish> Adding deletion tag to article: Failed to save edit: Database query error
[17:35] <Pharos> Initiate decontaminate of Sector 4!
[17:35] <Pharos> *ion
[17:36] <BarkingFish> that's from Twinkle - normally it's just issues with the API - first time I have seen this
[17:36] <Jeske_Merensky> Shut down all the trash compactors on the detention level!
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[17:37] <BarkingFish> nvm
[17:37] <BarkingFish> I found out what it was.
[17:37] <BarkingFish> While I was tagging it, somebody kindly moved it
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[17:37] <BarkingFish> Can someone take the afd tags off of
�02[17:37] * helderwiki (~helderwik@wikibooks/Helder-wiki) Quit (Quit: Saindo�)
[17:38] <Pharos> why can't you?
[17:38] <BarkingFish> I nommed the dang thing :)
[17:38] <Guerillero> {{done}}
[17:38] <BarkingFish> "Feel free to edit the article, but the article must not be blanked, and this notice must not be removed, until the discussion is closed. For more information, particularly on merging or moving the article during the discussion, read the Guide to deletion."
[17:39] <Pharos> that makes you the ideal person to de-nom it!
�02[17:39] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
[17:39] <BarkingFish> let me clarify it for you, Pharos
[17:39] <BarkingFish> "this notice must not be removed, until the discussion is closed."
�03[17:39] * {Soap} is now known as behave_please
[17:40] <BarkingFish> i put it there, afaik, I'm not supposed to take it off :
[17:40] <Pharos> unless there was a huge discussion generated in the last 30 seconds, you have every right to remove it
[17:40] <behave_please> IAR, BarkingFish
[17:41] <behave_please> and yeah, I think that rule is made for the page creator
[17:41] <Earwig> omg it's Pharos
[17:41] <behave_please> e.g. if you AfD someone's hopeless vanity article, they cant just remove the AFD
[17:41] <behave_please> but the person who started the AFD can remove it
[17:41] <Pharos> omg it's my non-intern
[17:41] <Earwig> eheh
[17:41] <Earwig> yes, I'm in Stuy, and I'll be a junior in September
�02[17:41] * Bendersgame (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88-rdmsoft [XULRunner]�)
[17:41] <BarkingFish> behave_please, i did not know I was able to take it off.
[17:42] <Pharos> fill out the form and get me a cv
[17:42] <Earwig> I know :/
[17:42] <Pharos> for the WMF more than for me ;)
[17:43] <Guerillero> are you hiring pharos
�06[17:43] * Earwig shifts in his chair nervously
[17:43] <Earwig> okay, back to work
�03[17:43] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
[17:43] <Pharos> i am hiring unpaid inrerns!
[17:43] <Pharos> would you care to apply?
[17:43] <BarkingFish> Guerillero, can you nail this too please? - it seems the afd did go through all the way.
[17:43] <Frood> Pharos: is there a minimum age? :P
[17:43] <Pharos> not really
[17:43] <Guerillero> do they have to live in NYC
[17:44] <Pharos> in most cases, yes
[17:44] <Frood> will they pay for me to live in NYC?
[17:44] <Pharos> but maybe we can work things out
[17:44] <Pharos> no
[17:44] <Frood> k
[17:44] <Pharos> that one i;m fairly sure of ;)
�03[17:44] * la_pianista is now known as pianista|ping
[17:44] <Frood> i won't apply then
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[17:44] <Guerillero> I live in pittsburgh and go to school on the delmarva peninsula
[17:45] <Guerillero> BarkingFish: what do you want to happen
[17:46] <BarkingFish> closed, redirected to Shelf Life :)
�03[17:46] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:47] <behave_please> m getting errors then
[17:48] <BarkingFish> yeah, it should be Shelf life - not Shelf Life
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[17:48] <Guerillero> done
[17:48] <BarkingFish> thanks
[17:49] <Guerillero> Pharos: I would consider it
�02[17:49] * mattbuck (~mattbuck@ Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[17:49] <BarkingFish> right, i'm gonna pack up and go get some sleep :)
�03[17:49] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[17:49] <BarkingFish> Night all.
�02[17:49] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright nooooOOOOOOOOWWWWWW! :)�)
�06[17:49] * kylu yawns. Tired.
[17:49] <Pharos> we have to work out a good system for long-distance internship
�02[17:49] * tonynoname ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[17:50] * YE|AFK is now known as YE
[17:50] <Pharos> i have to get my head around that problem at some point
[17:50] <kylu> you know, in some companies you "clock in" by signing in to an IM client.
[17:51] <kylu> require a minimum number of hours signed-in and working
�06[17:51] * kylu shrugs.
[17:51] <Pharos> and how do you demonstrate you've actually done stuff?
[17:52] <kylu> it depends on what the job is
[17:52] <behave_please> i think it's mostly for the type of jobs that consist entirely of writing/coding etc
[17:52] <behave_please> which cant really be faked
[17:52] <kylu> as the comptroller says, "If it's important enough to be done, you can measure it."
[17:52] <Noommos> Huggle doubling warning users is annoying :( looks bitey
[17:52] <Noommos> double*
[17:52] <Pharos> the problem is with something like wikimedia outreach, it's a lot of disparate stuff
[17:53] <kylu> then the problem is a mixture of not setting realistic goals and failing to have valid metrics in place.
[17:54] <Earwig> Pharos: the PDF and Google Doc forms are different; which do you want?
[17:54] <Pharos> google doc i guess
[17:55] <Earwig> mkay
[17:59] <Guerillero> where is the google doc
�02[17:59] * tonynoname2 ( Quit (Quit: tonynoname2�)
�03[18:00] * tonynoname ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:00] <Pharos> it's the form for campus ambassadors, actually
[18:00] <Pharos> i was thinking about recruiting earwig for both
[18:00] <Earwig> :/
�02[18:00] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) Quit (Quit: booting to Windows.�)
[18:01] <GorillaWarfare> Vietnamese has so many diacritics o.O
[18:01] <Pharos> it's still a lot easier than when they used chinese characters!
[18:01] <GorillaWarfare> Trying to transcribe the characters from shitty-quality scans is a challenge, though
[18:04] <Guerillero> why are you trying non english documents
�02[18:04] * LtNOWIS (~Simon@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[18:05] <kylu> GorillaWarfare: they're not really diacritical, just trying to diahelp.
�06[18:06] * GorillaWarfare cringes
�02[18:07] * mysterytrey (~3dos@wikimedia/Mysterytrey) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[18:09] <harej> GorillaWarfare: why does Mumbles record YouTube videos if no one can understand him?
[18:09] <GorillaWarfare> ?
[18:09] <harej> ...Never mind!
�02[18:10] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
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�02[18:15] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,�)
�03[18:15] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[18:15] * IShadowed returns
�03[18:16] * NTox (~NTox@wikipedia/NTox) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[18:16] * Frood returns
�02[18:16] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds�)
�06[18:16] * Isarra enters.
[18:17] <harej> Isarra is entered.
[18:18] <Isarra> With a return!
�03[18:18] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:19] * Luvbutrfly ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:19] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[18:20] <Frood> my computer is unbearably slow.
[18:20] <Frood> i need a better hard drive, this one is probably gonna fail soon...
[18:20] <Jeske_Merensky> Frood) Look on Newegg
[18:20] <Frood> Jeske_Merensky: I don't have a whole lot of money.
[18:20] <harej> ask @ChuckGrassley what he uses
[18:20] <Jeske_Merensky> Frood) Hence, look on Newegg for a new HD.
[18:20] <Frood> harej: "Mozilla Google Chrome is my Yahoo email browser"
[18:21] <Jeske_Merensky> I assume you already have an OS lined up
[18:21] <harej> Frood: that has too many unabbreviated words.
[18:21] <Frood> that was once said on one of Mozilla's mailing lists.
[18:21] <Frood> or something very similar
[18:21] <harej> Mozila Google Chrome is my Yho email brwsr. PresO how dare u shut dwn th IA state fair
�03[18:22] * Ironholds (~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:23] <Peter-C> GorillaWarfare :3
�06[18:23] * Peter-C puts his finger in GorillaWarfare’s ear
[18:23] <GorillaWarfare> Oh god not again
[18:23] <Peter-C> 3rd time today?
[18:23] <Isarra> Peter-C: Is that supposed to endear you to her?
[18:23] <GorillaWarfare> Yes...
[18:23] <behave_please> dd someone type my name
[18:23] <GorillaWarfare> My poor ear
�02[18:23] * Jetro ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[18:24] <Peter-C> GorillaWarfare - explain here for everyone to read :P
[18:24] <Frood> ah
�02[18:24] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:24] <Frood> it's actually
�02[18:24] * lexein (~chatzilla@wikipedia/lexein) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[18:24] <Frood> "Google Mozilla Firefox is my Yahoo email browser"
[18:24] <GorillaWarfare> TL;DR customer at work stuck his finger in my ear twice
[18:24] <Peter-C> BUT WHY
�03[18:24] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:24] * Luvbutrfly ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[18:24] <Isarra> O_o
[18:24] <Guerillero> i aw that on the facebook
[18:24] <GorillaWarfare> To be funny? Idk
[18:24] <Guerillero> and I make this face O.o
[18:24] <Guerillero> saw*
[18:25] <GorillaWarfare> So did I...
[18:25] <Isarra> You people are so connected.
[18:25] <Frood>
[18:25] <Peter-C> But... was he like “I want some french fries *puts finger in your ear* with my cheeseburger?”
[18:25] <GorillaWarfare> No, he was standing behind me as I was writing up his bill
[18:25] <kylu> Isarra: Not all of us are. I refuse to use that "internet" thing.
[18:26] <GorillaWarfare> If he'd come at me from the front, I'd at least have been able to dodge
[18:26] <Isarra> kylu: Yay!
�03[18:26] * Bradford (b5b67df3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:26] <kylu> Yay refusal or yay kylu?
[18:26] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: out of context that sounds worse
[18:26] <Pharos> wat?
[18:26] <Peter-C> xD
[18:26] <Bradford> Hola
[18:26] <GorillaWarfare> Good point
�02[18:27] * tonynoname ( Quit (Quit: tonynoname�)
[18:27] <Frood> a customer put your finger in your ear?
[18:27] <kylu> IH: m:bash ?
�02[18:27] * pianista|ping (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) Quit (Quit: <3�)
�03[18:27] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:27] <GorillaWarfare> Frood: His finger, my ear
[18:27] <Frood> er, that's what I mean
[18:27] <Ironholds> kylu: I'd rather not
[18:27] <Frood> t
[18:27] <Pharos> that is highly illogical behavior
[18:27] <Peter-C> At least he didn’t lick you
�03[18:27] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle
[18:27] <Pharos> licking makes more sense, honestly
[18:28] <Frood> GorillaWarfare: spit in his food next time you see him
[18:28] <mareklug> he would have been arrested for licking...
�02[18:28] * jsharpminor (~mirc@ Quit
[18:28] <GorillaWarfare> Frood: He was a nice enough dude
[18:28] <GorillaWarfare> Just no boundaries and a weird-ass sense of humor
[18:29] <Frood> oh.
[18:29] <Peter-C> He put his finger in your ear.
[18:29] <Frood> one time at target i was with my mother to pick up my prescription
[18:29] <Peter-C> Sounds like someone a psyco would do
[18:29] <Frood> and some guy says
�03[18:29] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:29] <Frood> "Aren't you a little young for Viagra?"
[18:29] <Ironholds> yo, quanticle
[18:30] <quanticle> Yo
[18:30] <quanticle> What's up?
[18:30] <behave_please> Julian Assange is apparently hiding out in Ecuador
[18:31] <mareklug> um, not quite Equador proper
[18:31] <behave_please> he's not?
[18:31] <mareklug> he's in London.  last i read.
[18:32] <behave_please> on 19 June Assange entered the Ecuadorian embassy in London and asserted he was being persecuted and requested political asylum.
[18:32] <behave_please> hm
[18:32] <mareklug> and today UK threatened to get him there
[18:33] <behave_please> still, odd why he chose Ecuador
�03[18:33] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:33] <mareklug> the new President is sympathetic
[18:34] <Isarra> behave_please: Are you the thing or addihockey?
[18:34] <Isarra> I'm too lazy to look.
[18:34] <behave_please> i wonder if it would be worth an all-out war against Ecuador just to get him back
[18:35] <Earwig> Isarra: it's soap!
�03[18:35] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[18:35] * Isarra dies a little inside.
�06[18:35] * Peter-C revives that part
�03[18:36] * Beria_ (~Beria@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:36] * Beria_ (~Beria@ Quit (Changing host�)
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[18:38] <Bradford> Hi Isarra
�02[18:39] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[18:39] <behave_please>
[18:39] <behave_please> hmm
�03[18:40] * lexein (~chatzilla@wikipedia/lexein) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:42] <behave_please> he shut down a TV station for showing the Simpsons during prime time
[18:42] <mareklug> must be a Family Guy fan
[18:43] <Isarra> Is Bradford soap too?
�02[18:43] * NTox (~NTox@wikipedia/NTox) Quit (Quit: NTox�)
�03[18:45] * tonynoname ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:45] <Bradford> Isarra: I do not understand what you mean
[18:45] <mareklug> behave_please:  "Also, in April 2010 he received the Prize for Exceptional Academic Achievement 2009 of the University of Illinois.[223]"  <-- even US gives him prizes
[18:45] <behave_please> that proves he's in cahoots with Obama :o
�02[18:45] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[18:46] <Bsadowski1> ...
[18:46] <behave_please> everything shady happens in chicago
�03[18:46] * ragesoss (~sage@wikimedia/ragesoss) has left #wikipedia-en
[18:46] <Isarra> Bradford: Nevermind to that, then. Hello. Can I help you with something?
[18:46] <mareklug> i think it was UIUC, so downstate, not Chicago
�03[18:46] * Patar_knight (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:47] * Noommos ( Quit
[18:47] <Bradford> Isarra: No thanks I need help :)
�03[18:48] * LL2|Android (~LL2@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[18:55] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[18:56] <Isarra> Hey Ironholds... thank you for the coins. I have no idea what to do with this.
[18:56] <Isarra> these
�03[19:00] * Yulli (~Yulli@unaffiliated/yulli) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:01] <Ironholds> Isarra: coins?
[19:01] <Ironholds> oh. did I give you britmoney?
�03[19:04] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:04] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[19:04] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
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�06[19:09] * ToAruShiroiNeko steals Ironholds's coins
[19:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wtf are these? they arent even round
�03[19:10] * matt_buck is now known as mattbuck
[19:10] <Apheori> Ironholds: No, you gave me american money.
[19:10] <Apheori> You thought I'd have more use for it.
[19:11] <Apheori> I didn't. It sat on my desk for a month.
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> america uses money?
[19:11] <Apheori> Nope.
[19:11] <Apheori> Hence the problem.
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> America is using gold medals they won as currency probably
[19:12] <Ironholds> Apheori: ahh. 1 dollars that I didn't want to get rid of?
[19:12] <Ironholds> you could go, uh. spend it?
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
[19:12] <Apheori> On what?
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds you could have donated it
[19:12] <Ironholds> food? new shoes?
[19:12] <Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: to whom?
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> donate it to the red cross
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wikipedia?
�03[19:13] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[19:13] <Apheori> Well, I did spend $75 the other day on mountain dew...
[19:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> obama?
[19:13] <Ironholds> I donated it to wikipedia
[19:13] <Ironholds> well. a wikipedian.
[19:13] <Apheori> Can you mail donations to wikimedia?
[19:13] <Apheori> ...of quarters?
[19:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as in cash?
[19:13] <Apheori> A lot of quarters?
[19:13] <Apheori> No, quarters.
[19:13] <behave_please> why $75 on Mountain Dew?
�03[19:13] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:13] <behave_please> Stocking up for the next year/
[19:13] <Apheori> behave_please: Yes.
[19:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> behave_please have you not played fallout 3?
[19:14] <behave_please> nope
[19:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bottle caps
�03[19:14] * Yulli (~Yulli@unaffiliated/yulli) has left #wikipedia-en
[19:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> future currency
[19:14] <Apheori> Hmm, there's also a ten dollar bill in here...
[19:15] <Apheori> Something tells me this isn't all from Ironholds.
[19:15] <Ironholds> Apheori: most likely not
�03[19:16] * Tony_Sidaway (~Tony_Sida@wikipedia/Tony-Sidaway) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[19:17] * Frood_ is now known as Frood
�02[19:17] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[19:17] <Apheori> Okay, now I want to go to some fancy shop and buy something expensive entirely with coins just to see how many weird looks I get.
�03[19:18] * Guerillero_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> by a laptop entirely with pennies
[19:18] <Ironholds> Apheori: shoes! shoes!
[19:18] <Ironholds> you need some decent damn sandals
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Apheori you may need a chinook to bring in the cash
[19:19] <Apheori> Shoes are too expensive for that. >.<
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> just get fur shoes
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they are mere 4 septims
[19:19] <Apheori> I only have 2 septims.
[19:20] <Apheori> Okay, how did I get from the teahouse to ANI?
[19:20] <mareklug> Apheori:  i think stores can refuse large ampunts of coins if not offered in rolls
[19:20] <Apheori> Do I look like I can afford rolls?!
�03[19:20] * NTox is now known as NTox|away
�02[19:22] * TheCavalry (~Chase@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�03[19:32] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Apheori you can earn 2 more septims by making that little girl stop picking on the boy
�02[19:38] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[19:39] * Frood_ (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[19:39] * Frood_ is now known as Frood
�06[19:39] * lexein looks like he can afford rolls
�03[19:39] * MC8|2 is now known as Chippy^
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sweet rolls?
�02[19:40] * Chippy^ ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�06[19:40] * lexein looks like he has afforded too many rolls
�03[19:40] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[19:41] * lexein is not picky about rolls
�03[19:41] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[19:44] * Guerillero ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[19:53] <Frood> i need some help
[19:53] <Frood> where is that video of the guy singing "Yesterday" to make money for his daughter because she's terminally ill?
[19:53] <Apheori> No idea what you're talkng about,.
�03[19:53] * ChrisGualtieri (47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:54] <ChrisGualtieri> Hiya
[19:54] <Ironholds> augh, my BACK
[19:54] <Ironholds> still sore from sunday :(
�02[19:54] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[19:54] <ChrisGualtieri> Hi Ironholds
[19:54] <Frood> It was on Reddit
[19:54] <Apheori> My back is also sore, but not from doing anything fun.
[19:54] <Frood> But I cannot find it.
�06[19:55] * Apheori brandishes a knife tiredly.
[19:55] <mareklug>
�06[19:55] * Elduen takes Apheori's knife and replaces it with a brick.
[19:55] <Frood> aha found it.
[19:55] <Frood> it was for his son
�06[19:55] * Apheori hurls the brick at a random passerby.
[19:55] <Frood> not daughter
[19:56] <Ironholds> Apheori: be nice.
[19:56] <Ironholds> hey ChrisGualtieri
[19:56] <Frood> and it was "Let it Be".
[19:56] <ChrisGualtieri> How's it going?
[19:56] <Apheori> Ironholds: Grr.
�06[19:57] * Ironholds hugs Apheori
[19:57] <Apheori> Dammit, I'm covered in dirt.
�06[19:57] * behave_please cleans you up
[19:57] <Ironholds> ChrisGualtieri: it goes well! Multitasking between writing a blog post and reviewing pages and writing up a work proposal
[19:57] <behave_please> oops
[19:57] <Apheori> You don't want to do that.
�06[19:57] * Ironholds turns a hose on Apheori
[19:57] <Ironholds> done.
�06[19:57] * Apheori huggles the soap.
[19:57] <behave_please> Im not /nicked Soap
�03[19:57] * behave_please is now known as {Soap}
[19:58] <ChrisGualtieri> I'm fixing stuff on Wiki too. :) So I probably won't respond without my name being used... or at least slowly. lol
[19:58] <{Soap}> thats the 2nd time today ive tried to make a /nick joke that didnt work
[19:58] <Apheori> Ironholds: Care to clean up this pile of dirt, too? \
[19:58] <Apheori> I've been trying to do that all day. So far I've... made it larger.
[19:58] <Ironholds> Apheori: I would have to travel lots of miles
[19:58] <Ironholds> what's in it for me?
[19:58] <Apheori> A hug.
[19:58] <Apheori> ...covered in dirt.
[19:58] <Ironholds> yeah, you give pretty good hugs; I'll deal.
[19:59] <Frood> Apheori:
[19:59] <Apheori> Oh, yuck, there's dirt in my mountain dew, too.
[19:59] <Elduen> Do you have a jar of dirt?
[19:59] <Elduen> I hope you have a jar of dirty.
[19:59] <Elduen> -y
�02[19:59] * NTox|away (~NTox@wikipedia/NTox) Quit (Quit: NTox|away�)
[19:59] <Apheori> No, I just have a big pile on my floor.
[19:59] <Elduen> Funny ruined by typo. Damn you, Internet.
[19:59] <Elduen> Oh.
[19:59] <Elduen> Put it in a jar.
[20:00] <Elduen> Then you'll have a jar of dirt.
�03[20:00] * Beria (~Beria@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:00] <Apheori> And I don't have a jar.
�02[20:00] * Beria (~Beria@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[20:00] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:00] <Apheori> I have an urn, though.
[20:00] <mareklug>   "Love this song!!! She is an awesome talented singer and no one can match her voice."
[20:00] <Elduen> "Urn of dirt" isn't as funny as "jar of dirt".
[20:00] <Apheori> Why is jar of dirt funny?
[20:01] <Tony_Sidaway> It's a Pirates meme.
[20:01] <Apheori> Oh.
[20:01] <Apheori> What's that?
[20:01] <Tony_Sidaway> Look it up on YouTube.
[20:02] <Apheori> I need to deal with this dirt.
[20:02] <Tony_Sidaway> Like "They're talking
�03[20:02] * Anurag2k12 (~Anurag2k1@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:02] <Tony_Sidaway> Taking the hobbits to Isengard."
[20:03] <Apheori> Not familiar with that.
[20:03] <Tony_Sidaway> But more irritating
�02[20:03] * Beria_ (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[20:03] <Elduen> Actually, I'd never seen, or heard of, the YT remixes of the "jar of dirt" thing until just now.
[20:04] <Elduen> There's an awesome remix of Steve Ballmer's "Developers" thing though.
�03[20:04] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:04] <Tony_Sidaway> I have a daughter who, inter alia, is a huge Johnny Depp fan.
�03[20:05] * NTox|away ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:08] <mareklug>    "AMAZING!!! Perfect song for a Quentin Tarantino movie ;)  "�
�03[20:08] * OlEnglish ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[20:17] * quantic1e is now known as quanticle
[20:18] <Seddon> Ironholds: in the office?
[20:18] <Seddon> or at the hotel?
[20:19] <ChrisGualtieri> DRN is getting better I think
�03[20:20] * RudyValencia- (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:21] <Seddon> it is? thats good
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[20:21] <Seddon> next step, binding mediation
�02[20:22] * RudyValencia (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[20:27] <ChrisGualtieri> No one wants me on binding mediation >.>
�03[20:28] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away
[20:28] <ChrisGualtieri> I'd be issuing rulings left and right for 'avoid each other for 2 weeks' >.>
�03[20:28] * Faelig (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:29] <ChrisGualtieri> Hi
�02[20:31] * Seddon (~chatzilla@Wikimedia/Seddon) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[20:31] <Isarra> There is a hole in my finger.
�02[20:31] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
�02[20:32] * Sellyme ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
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�02[20:32] * MartijnH (~asdesfs@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra) Quit (*.net *.split�)
[20:32] <Isarra> It's full of dirt.
�03[20:32] * Faelig is now known as Fae
�03[20:33] * XJR-9 (u2977@pdpc/supporter/active/xjr-9) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:33] <Pharos> wash it?
[20:33] <Elduen> "I've got a finger of dirt! I've got a finger of dirt! And guess what's inside it!"
[20:33] <Isarra> It hurts. o__o
[20:34] <Isarra> Oh, actually, Pharos, that helped.
[20:34] <Isarra> Thank you.
[20:34] <Pharos> i'm full of ideas!
[20:34] <Elduen> Hey Pharos, what can I do about this rash...?
�02[20:34] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:35] <Pharos> first, wash it!
[20:35] <Pharos> then, consider aloe.
�03[20:35] * Venusaur (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[20:42] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[20:42] * Ironholds sighs
[20:42] <Ironholds> bored.
�06[20:42] * Shearonink tired
[20:43] <Isarra> Ironholds: Do you know php?
[20:43] <Isarra> I gave up on my pile of dirt, and if you're bored, I could use help.
[20:43] <Isarra> Especially if you're familiar with wikimedia's server configuration.
�02[20:45] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: zZzzZzzZzz!�)
[20:45] <Pharos> !
[20:47] <Pharos> this is wonderful
�03[20:49] * Matthew_ (~Matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:54] <Ironholds> Isarra: a tiny bit
[20:54] <Ironholds> what do you need to know?
�06[20:55] * Ironholds hugs Headbomb
[20:55] <Ironholds> and also heatherw. oops.
[20:55] <heatherw> OOPS
[20:55] <Isarra> When you're including something, it just does the something and then goes back, right?
[20:55] <Headbomb> teh double-whut?
[20:55] <Headbomb> IH wants to hug me?
[20:55] <Headbomb> are you ill?
�06[20:55] * Isarra hugs Headbomb.
[20:55] <Ironholds> Headbomb: no, I mis-tabbed
[20:56] <Ironholds> Isarra: as in, include ('blah.php');?
[20:56] <Headbomb> that would explain
[20:56] <Ironholds> heatherw: how was pizza?
[20:56] <Isarra> Ironholds: Yes.
[20:56] <heatherw> it was okay
[20:56] <heatherw> how is work?
[20:56] <Ironholds> Isarra: it includes it and goes forward. I'm not sure if it goes back; why not test?
[20:56] <Isarra> Can I, like, iterate through a list of things and include the same thing over and over?
[20:56] <Jasper_Deng> hey, does someone besides me think that constitutes chronic linkspam?
[20:56] <Ironholds> heatherw: it is good. I am alternating between finishing a strategy doc and writing a blog post.
[20:56] <Ironholds> Isarra: in the same file?
[20:57] <Isarra> Yes. O_o
[20:57] <Ironholds> you can, but you don't need to. Are you trying to include variables from another file, or...?
[20:57] <heatherw> i think sarah and i have decided to have a de-editathon
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[20:57] <Ironholds> because if so, the variable name transitions over
�02[20:57] * Wizardman (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/wizardman) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[20:57] <Ironholds> so if you have $foo in blah.php, which you include in index.php, $foo will work happily in index.php
[20:57] <Isarra> I want php to use the included file multiple times.
[20:57] <Isarra> To, er... execute the stuff it has.
[20:57] <Ironholds> ahh
[20:58] <Ironholds> huh.
[20:58] <Isarra> >.>
[20:58] <Ironholds> hmn. I honestly don't know the answer to that, I'm afraid
[20:58] <Ironholds> doing it will either work perfectly or cause a world of pain
[20:58] <Isarra> Are you at least less bored now?
[20:58] <Headbomb> i vote for the world of pain
[20:58] <Headbomb> much more exciting
[20:58] <Ironholds> Isarra: indeed!
[20:59] <Ironholds> heatherw: like, a wikipedia-free period?
[20:59] <heatherw> no like, deconstruct vanity articles
[20:59] <Ironholds> ah. example?
[20:59] <heatherw> and other not-so-good ones
�02[21:02] * {Soap} (Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
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�02[21:11] * ChrisGualtieri (47eae49b@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[21:13] <Russavia> Bidgee or Beria you about?
[21:13] <Beria> yes Russavia
[21:13] <Russavia> Beria I am sending u a doc
[21:13] <Beria> ok
[21:13] <Russavia> I am on iPad so can't copy paste...
[21:14] <Frood> Russavia: your nickname is too capital :P
[21:14] <Russavia> Could you please paste the text into an empty email and send back to me plis?
�02[21:14] * NTox|away ( Quit (Quit: NTox|away�)
�02[21:15] * RogueMadman (~madman@wikimedia/madman) Quit (Quit: zZzZzZ.�)
[21:15] <Beria> yes
[21:15] <Russavia> Sent
[21:15] <Russavia> Beria I lug you lol
[21:15] <Russavia> Lub
[21:15] <Russavia> Damn auto correct
[21:17] <Beria> done ;)
[21:18] <Russavia> Thank you my darling
[21:18] <Beria> no prob le m my love ;)
�03[21:20] * NTox|away ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:20] <Russavia> She loves me! *blush*
�02[21:20] * Simon- ( Quit
[21:21] <Russavia> Is anyone here familiar with incubator and articles there?
�02[21:21] * Courcelles ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
[21:23] <Russavia> I have an editor who offered to translate polandball into Ga language Which is gaa . . . Funnily enough it would be their first article in that incubator lol
[21:24] <Russavia> That is a pisser I must say
�02[21:24] * Guest66761 ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[21:27] <Jasper_Deng> !admin can someone please get blocked?
[21:27] <Jasper_Deng> no AIV response
[21:28] <Jasper_Deng> serial linkspammer
[21:29] <Earwig> Jasper_Deng: ya got it
[21:30] <Jasper_Deng> Earwig: thanks
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�06[21:38] * Isarra emits an aura of happiness and joy.
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�03[21:50] * YE|AFK is now known as YE
�06[21:50] * Peter-C replaces the joy with saddness
�02[21:50] * YE ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]�)
�06[21:51] * Isarra overwhelms Peter-C with CHEER.
�03[21:52] * Frood is now known as Froodsleep
�06[21:52] * Peter-C dies
�02[21:52] * Matthew_ (~Matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Quit: Bed.  Catch y'all later�)
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[22:08] <harej> bass head!
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[22:14] <suicidalzerg> Aw horse testicles.
[22:14] <suicidalzerg> Fuckin birds ate the peppers off my Jalapeno plants
[22:14] <harej> :[
[22:15] <suicidalzerg> Too bad they're immune to Capsaicin too...
�03[22:16] * Mdann52 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[22:16] <suicidalzerg> SO they can keep coming back to them without giving a fuck
�03[22:17] * Frood (~Frood@firefox/community/pilif12p) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:17] <lexein> I need a q answered.  I have a newish editor at -en-help. or (dynamic IP) Jerry___
[22:17] <lexein> He got blocked trying to edit as an IP, then registered as [[User:Uuu100145j]] and asked on his reg. User page about the block.  I checked those IPs and they are NOT blocked, so he must have landed on a blocked one in the pool.
[22:17] <lexein> Shearonink tells me the IP address was "confirmed proxy server"
[22:17] <lexein> [22:03]	Shearonink	recently reported forum spam source
[22:17] <lexein> So my queastion is this: if he  logs in registered, will WP/WMF filters  still block his IP address if he occasionally lands on a blocked IP, and prevent him logging in as reg?
�02[22:19] * Mdann ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
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[22:28] <Mdann52> How can that be?!
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[22:28] <Tasmania> I hear there is a Wikipedia Meetup in Tasmania?
[22:29] <harej> I haven't heard.
[22:30] <lexein> Mdann52 - which part?
[22:30] <Mdann52> ?
[22:31] <lexein> [22:24]	Mdann52	How can that be?!
[22:31] <Mdann52> Oh... Ironholds leaving :)
�03[22:31] * Reedy (~quassel@wikimedia/ has joined #wikipedia-en
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Session Close: Wed Aug 15 22:51:26 2012

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�02[22:51] * Disconnected
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Session Start: Sun Sep 02 10:18:47 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[10:18] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[10:18] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[10:18] * Set by RD on Tue Aug 07 10:41:41
[10:18] #wikipedia-en url is
[10:18] <SuicidalZerg> lol
[10:18] <Soapy> Its not ust us
[10:18] <Soapy> *just us
[10:19] <mareklug> dunno.  call me simple, but if the correct solution to using a file format feature that is automatically provided when saving images is to chuck it, then something is fucked up in the design.
[10:19] <Soapy> it seems like anywhere this topic comes up on the Internet, you can find people who'll argue the surperiority of one format over anoher
�06[10:19] * Fluffernutter impresses Soapy into the Judean People's Front
[10:19] <Soapy> is that something to do with Israel ?
[10:20] <Soapy> I mean, like fighting Palestinians?
[10:20] <Soapy> becase no
[10:20] <Soapy> Im not interested
[10:20] <Fluffernutter> (now you're supposed to look offended and inform me it's the "People's Front of Judea!" It's a Monty Python bit, poking fun at how people pick the most insignifanct things to argue over
[10:20] <Soapy> Palestinians are nice people
[10:20] <Mdann52> anonymous22222, hi
[10:20] <Soapy> ah OK
[10:20] <Soapy> I dont know any Monty Python skits
[10:20] <Fluffernutter> tsk tsk, and you call yourself a Wikipedian :P
�03[10:21] * Earwig (~earwig@wikipedia/The-Earwig) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:23] <IRWolfie-> interesting, wikipediareview has been suspended
�02[10:23] * kiewii (~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) Quit (Quit: have a good day.�)
[10:24] <Fluffernutter> suspended? or forgotten to pay its hosting bill again?
[10:24] <IRWolfie-> probably both :)
[10:24] <IRWolfie-> suspended for not paying the $
[10:24] <Ironholds> that reminds me. Paperwork!
[10:24] <Ironholds> I love paperwork
[10:24] <Ironholds> and I should finish this Vermule book
[10:25] <mareklug> sam  and look,someone agrees with my original point, which you called bullshit: "Also in case of very small one or few color images such as small icons GIF can win PNG in size (I mean already optimized). So it’s hard to achieve PNG image less then 100 bytes, but the same GIF can have just about 50 bytes. It’s somewhat worth and noticeable when you encode such images as base64 data:uri (mhtml can be used in case of IE7−)."
�06[10:25] * Ironholds sighs
[10:25] <Ironholds> will you lot bloody drop it?
[10:26] <Ironholds> or take it to PM? It's two of you, arguing, about something *indeterminately dull*
[10:26] <Mdann52> Well said Ironholds :)
�02[10:26] * KimiSleep ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[10:27] <Ironholds> and if everyone is suddenly listening to me: I want a pony.
[10:27] <Ironholds> this has no relation to my other comments, I just wanted to take advantage of the situation.
[10:28] <Ironholds> So? Pony!
[10:28] <lexein> *Besides, I want to talk about something differently interminably dull*
�06[10:28] * Mdann52 gives Ironholds a pony
[10:28] <lexein> Please.
[10:28] <Ironholds> thank you, Mdann52!
[10:28] <mareklug> lexein:  point. :)  Ironholds  likes to himself talk about v, dull things with abandon
[10:29] <lexein> No, I'm serious, I really do want to talk about something else dull.
[10:29] <Mdann52> No
[10:29] <lexein> Please.
[10:29] <Mdann52> About what?
[10:29] <lexein> My essay:
[10:29] <Mdann52> No
[10:29] <lexein> WRONG LINK
[10:29] <Mdann52> Still no
[10:29] <lexein> This essay:
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[10:30] <sam> mareklug: who in their right mind creates 50-byte GIF images?
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[10:30] <sam> I mean, what are they useful for?
[10:30] <Cyrax> Please:
[10:31] <mareklug> sam I've seen very small one-color icons used on Bjórk's discussion forum.   that would qualify, I think
[10:31] <Ironholds> Cyrax: you realise most people here are not admins, yes?
[10:31] <mareklug> Björk's
[10:32] <Cyrax> nope :|
[10:32] <Mdann52> Cyrax, why not just make 10 edits?
[10:32] <Ironholds> Cyrax: done :)
[10:32] <Ironholds> Mdann52: to be fair, he's made literally thousands on es.wikipedia
[10:32] <Ironholds> I think we can trust him :)
[10:32] <Sven_Manguard> Ironholds: ABUSE!
[10:32] <Ironholds> okay, granted you the confirmed right. No sticking big pictures of penises all over wikipedia and making me look silly.
[10:32] <Sven_Manguard> jk
[10:33] <sam> mareklug: those images are larger than a kilobyte
[10:33] <Mdann52> I didn't look on other Wiki' s btw
�02[10:33] * Rcsprinter (~rcsprinte@wikipedia/Rcsprinter123) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[10:33] <Ironholds> sam, please, love of god, /query is just a few clicks away
�03[10:34] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:34] <Cyrax> Ironholds, Thank you! :)
[10:35] <mareklug> sam well, this duded lists a few, but they seem unavailable now
[10:35] <mareklug> dude
[10:35] <Ironholds> mareklug, you too. Please. both of you. /query. It's not hard
[10:35] <sam> okay, just leaving the discussion now.
[10:35] <Mdann52> Please stop!
[10:35] <Ironholds> sam: a thousand blessings upon your house
[10:35] <mareklug> me too,under duress.
[10:35] <Ironholds> 500 blessings upon yours, mareklug
[10:36] <Ironholds> (I'm just as appreciative but you have a smaller house. 1,000 would cause structural problems)
[10:36] <mareklug> i want my other 500
�03[10:36] * maid (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:36] <Ironholds> well go deal with the subsidence issue and you'll get them
[10:36] <mareklug> i live in a sturdy hi-ri
[10:36] <mareklug> se
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�03[10:36] * maid is now known as ty
[10:36] <Mdann52> :)
[10:37] <Ironholds> not sturdy enough!
[10:37] <Ironholds> away wi ye!
[10:37] <YE> I love how that pings me
[10:37] <Mdann52> :)
[10:38] <Ironholds> YE: it is your own fault. don't blame us. I'm innocent. It was someone else. You must be mistaken. I work for the President, back off. LEAVE ME ALONE.
[10:38] <mareklug> Ironholds:
[10:38] <YE> XD
[10:38] <Ironholds> mareklug: that looks....dull
[10:38] <YE> I am not blaming anyone
[10:38] <mareklug> it's a 1967, what do you expect
[10:39] <foks> my other car is a 1967 Highrise.
[10:39] <Ironholds> mareklug: mine is a 2004
[10:39] <Ironholds> it is LUSH
[10:39] <Ironholds> he says, in his home office.
[10:39] <foks> lush
[10:39] <foks> how welsh
[10:39] <Ironholds> when I finally finish this place I will take photos and suchlike
[10:39] <Ironholds> foks: back off, boyo
[10:40] <mareklug> Ironholds:  however, I can see my high school, which you can't
[10:40] <foks> I can see my high school
[10:40] <foks> I walk past it most days
[10:40] <Ironholds> mareklug: my high school was shit
[10:40] <Ironholds> also, no, I cannot see my high school
[10:41] <Ironholds> this is probably because I moved to a different country
[10:41] <foks> not from cardiff
[10:41] <foks> :d
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[10:45] <mareklug> foks Aussies are 3rd in medal count at the Paralympics, right after GBR
[10:46] <foks> That's nice. I'm no longer in Australia though.
[10:46] <foks> GBR all the wai.
�03[10:46] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:46] <Mdann52> Yep :)
[10:46] <harej> straya
[10:46] <harej> I want to watch Wendyvainity.
[10:46] <harej> BUT I AM IN PUBLIC.
[10:46] <harej> I am going to get the weirdest stares if I go through with my idea.
�03[10:47] * kiewii (~kiewii@wikipedia/Kiewii) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:47] <harej> The air conditioning of this supermarket is too damn low.
[10:48] <Mdann52> Then use another one.....
[10:48] <harej> There ain't no replacement to the Social Safeway®. Also I'm already here.
[10:49] <mareklug> harej:  juat go to frozen food aisle and open all the doors
[10:49] <harej> By "too damn low," I mean the temperature is too low.
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[10:50] <Ironholds> harej: the temp is TOO DAMN HIGH
[10:50] <Ironholds> new political party. Just came up with it. you're our nominee for the senate.
[10:50] <harej> No! It's too damn low!
[10:50] <harej> I don't meet constitutional requirements soz.
[10:51] <Ironholds> the age requirement is TOO DAMN HIGH
[10:51] <Ironholds> new political party. Just came up with it. you're our nominee for the senate.
[10:51] <Ironholds> you see how this works?
[10:51] <harej> Thirty seems like a reasonable age to serve in the august United States Senate®.
[10:51] <Ironholds> disagree
[10:51] <lexein> mareklug Ironholds
[10:51] <Ironholds> I've seen what the fuckers who do get elected to it are into and I want no damn part.
[10:52] <Ironholds> lexein: you are a creepy individual who should get out more
[10:52] <mareklug> lexein:  haha
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[10:52] <harej> I don't get it.
[10:52] <Ironholds> harej: it's mareklug's house
[10:52] <Ironholds> all of it.
[10:52] <Mdann52> Get what?
[10:52] <lexein> join too late, you'll miss the party bus
[10:52] <Ironholds> top 5 floors? bitchin' shooting range.
[10:52] <mareklug> harej:  have you read Henry Miller's The Air-Conditioned Nightmare (1945)?
[10:52] <harej> Na
�06[10:53] * lexein finally uses skills learned at 4chan
[10:54] <Ironholds> uggh. so many documents to print
�02[10:54] * puffin (~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
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[10:56] <kiewii> hi
[10:56] <Mdann52> Hi
�03[10:57] * SarrusAway is now known as Sarrus
[10:57] <kiewii> Hi Mdann52.
[10:57] <Mdann52> Hi kiewii
[10:57] <kiewii> thank you for the nice welcome
[10:58] <harej> also Ironholds, in addition to not meeting the age requirements, I also fail the requirement of living in one of the states.
[10:58] <harej> your political party sucks
[11:01] <Mdann52> Ironholds, you know Keelan717.....
[11:02] <Sven_Manguard> harej: disenfranchised for living in DC. Solution: move to Boston, we'd love to have you
[11:02] <Mdann52> He's just turned up in -help.....
[11:03] <harej> Or I could go back to saying I live in New Jersey, and that would actually count. But I don't want to do that.
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[11:05] <Ironholds> Mdann52: oh really? and what does he want?
[11:05] <Ironholds> harej: my political party is AWESOME
[11:05] <Ironholds> mornin' heatherw :)
[11:05] <heatherw> :) Ironholds
[11:06] <Mdann52> Ironholds, he left, after being encouraged by TheDruId
[11:06] <mareklug> harej I canot fin the requirement that you have to live "in one of those states".  don't you live in D.C.?   or were you joking
�02[11:06] * eeekster (~ellis@wikipedia/eeekster) Quit (Quit: Hey!  Where'd my controlling terminal go?�)
[11:06] <Mdann52> In a subtle way....
[11:06] <Ironholds> Mdann52: encouraged to leave?
[11:06] <harej> mareklug: the District of Columbia is not represented in the Senate
�03[11:06] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:06] <Ironholds> and what did he want while he was there? ;p
[11:06] <Ironholds> mareklug: Washington DC is explicitly (under law) not a state. trufacts.
[11:06] <harej> under *constitutional* law.
[11:06] <jeremyb> can i get a redirect deletion to make way for move revert? [[Ahmad Shamloo]]
[11:06] <Soapy> because we all know if DC was a state it would vote for *DEMOCRATS*
[11:06] <mareklug> harej:  but a resident of the District who has lived in the USA for 14 years can be a candidate for Presidency
[11:06] <Ironholds> because it was felt that basing the capitol and seat of the federal government (which includes state representation) *in* a state could create issues
[11:07] <harej> mareklug: and is also 35 years of age. I am 20.
[11:07] <mareklug> well, I was not contesting that, only the living in claim
[11:07] <harej> Ironholds: That issue now being moot, seeing as the Department of Defense is headquartered in a *former Confederate state*.
[11:07] <Soapy> it is? the Pantagon you mean>
[11:07] <Soapy> is it in Virginia?
[11:07] <Ironholds> harej: best place for it. If the rednecks get snippy again I want them met with unceasing firepower.
[11:07] <Soapy> I thought it was in DC like everything else
[11:08] <mareklug> Langley
[11:08] <harej> the Pentagon is in Arlington, Virginia
[11:08] <Ironholds> mareklug: that's the CIA, honey
[11:08] <Soapy> ok
[11:08] <Ironholds> the Pentagon is actually in Virginia, albeit on the DC metro
[11:08] <Ironholds> I may have accidentally ended up there
[11:08] <harej> and right across the river
[11:08] <Ironholds> twice
[11:08] <Soapy> I think part of VA used to be in DC
[11:08] <mareklug> doesn't CIA runthe department of Defense?  *innocent eyes*
[11:08] <Soapy> that part might include the Pentagon
�03[11:08] * ZT (b28008fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:08] <Ironholds> mareklug: no, you're thinking of wikipedia. they run wikipedia.
[11:08] <harej> Ironholds, I once went on a tour of the Pentagon. A riveting exhibition of their... hallways. And the chapel, and their central courtyard.
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[11:08] <harej> I bought a refrigerator magnet of George W. Bush for $2.50
�06[11:08] * jeremyb nominates harej for deleter
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[11:09] <Ironholds> harej: and used it as the world's smallest dartboard?
[11:09] <harej> Soapy: That part of Virginia left DC over 150 yearsago
[11:09] <jeremyb> i think pentagon maybe has a DC zipcode?
[11:09] <Soapy> wow I cant get through a sentence without making a typo
�02[11:10] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[11:10] <jeremyb> any admins?
[11:10] <foks> none
[11:10] <jeremyb> i know you're there!
[11:10] <Ironholds> jeremyb: it does. in fact, it has six zip codes all of its own
[11:10] <Ironholds> but that's the USPS being dumb
[11:11] <mareklug> jeremyb:  "The United States Postal Service has established six ZIP Codes for The Pentagon, to which the place name “Washington, D.C.” is assigned, even though The Pentagon is actually located in Virginia. The Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the four service branches each have their own designated ZIP Code.[57]"
�06[11:11] * foks stabs jeremyb
[11:11] <LikeLakers2>  <-- can someone check if that is good?
[11:11] <foks> Ah, Brede Hangeland.
[11:11] <LikeLakers2> the guy had already vandalised an article, so I'm somewhat suspicious, tbh
[11:11] <foks> The best Norwegian defender in the world.
[11:11] <Soapy> wow
[11:11] <jeremyb> foks: deletion please?
[11:11] <Soapy> six zip codes for one building ??
[11:12] <foks> jeremyb, PM me, Ill be a sec
[11:12] <jeremyb> foks: < jeremyb> can i get a redirect deletion to make way for move revert? [[Ahmad Shamloo]]
[11:12] <foks> or that
�03[11:13] * Rastrojo (~mongo_es@unaffiliated/rastrojo) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:13] <foks> LikeLakers2, nope, fake
[11:13] <foks> Hangeland is still very much a Cottagers, for his sins
[11:13] <lexein> Soapy - BTB error (building too big)
[11:13] <foks> -s
[11:13] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: sorted
[11:13] <Ironholds> who said something about cottaging?
[11:14] <foks> lol
[11:14] <foks> jeremyb, okay done
�03[11:15] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng_sick
[11:15] <LikeLakers2> Ironholds, never said it WAS vandalism
[11:15] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: it was vandalism
[11:15] <LikeLakers2> oh
[11:15] <jeremyb> foks: danke
[11:15] <Ironholds> he's adding bullshit to BLPs, bullshit syndicated by google
[11:15] <Ironholds> that's what we call "vandalism" :)
[11:15] <foks> LikeLakers2, <foks> LikeLakers2, nope, fake
[11:15] <foks> thanks for listening!
[11:15] <Ironholds> foks: be nice
[11:15] <LikeLakers2> well, he improved his vandalism skills after his first edit
[11:15] <Ironholds> excellent
[11:15] <foks> Hangeland played for Fulham *today*
[11:15] <foks> he hasn't moved
[11:15] <Ironholds> I'll be sure to mark that down on his bloody continuing professional development form
[11:16] <LikeLakers2>  <-- {{cite diff}}
[11:16] <Ironholds> "Twatface McKnobjockey has improved substantially in how subtle he is while being a colossal dick"
[11:16] <Ironholds> "I recommend him for promotion, and being fired into the sun"
[11:16] <LikeLakers2> also, "[14:15] <Ironholds> foks: be nice" yeah, be nice foks
[11:16] <foks> LikeLakers2, "getting better at disguising vandalism" is not really a reason not to block someone.
[11:16] <LikeLakers2> ...
[11:16] <LikeLakers2> you know what I mean -_-'
[11:17] <foks> I mean, I'm getting better at disguising my being a complete tosser
[11:17] <foks> you twat
[11:17] <foks> <3
[11:17] <foks> see?
[11:17] <LikeLakers2> ...
[11:17] <foks> :3
[11:17] <LikeLakers2> foks: would you treat a new person to WP like that?
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[11:18] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: no, because he doesn't expect them to know better
[11:18] <foks> Indubitably!
[11:18] <Ironholds> because they're NEW.
[11:18] <LikeLakers2> Then why would he treat an editor with about 6000 edits to ENWP like that?
[11:18] <Ironholds> foks: I shall fill out your CPD form too
[11:18] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: because again, you're expected to know better
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[11:18] <Ironholds> now, both of you shush
[11:18] <foks> LikeLakers2, fuck's sake, lighten up
[11:19] <Ironholds> foks, you could be a bit nicer. LikeLakers2, you could be a bit less..serious.
[11:19] <Ironholds> now lets move on, think of bunnies, and do a small dance, eh?
[11:19] <foks> I'm the nicest!
[11:19] <foks> :(
[11:19] <Ironholds> ...I'm an awful motivational speaker
[11:19] <LikeLakers2> thank you ironholds.
[11:19] <LikeLakers2> lol Ironholds
[11:19] <geniice> why am I listing to a folk metal cover of a Boney M song?
[11:19] <LikeLakers2> "Page History Statistics (NEW)" /me clicks on it
[11:19] <LikeLakers2> "This tool no longer exists. If you have concerns, please contact TParis at his talk page"
[11:20] <LikeLakers2> lol
[11:20] <foks> geniice, ...I'm waiting for the punchline
[11:20] <geniice> or more to to the point why did turisas think it was a good idea?
[11:20] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: where's that listed?
�03[11:21] * Mdann52 is now known as Mdann52-away
[11:21] <Sven_Manguard> I'm going to go take a nap before FC Barcelona's game starts. Cheers people.
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[11:21] <Cyrax> Ironholds. write done here ;) :
[11:21] <LikeLakers2> Ironholds: was viewing at the time
[11:21] <LikeLakers2> when I saw it
[11:21] <LikeLakers2> (I was getting my edit count)
[11:21] <Soapy> aw
[11:21] <Soapy> cyberpower took over some of TParis' tools
[11:22] <Soapy> maybe he missed that one
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[11:24] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: ahh. I thought it was on the bottom bar or something
[11:24] <Ironholds> Soapy: what happened to tparis? :)
[11:24] <Ironholds> *:(
[11:25] <Soapy> Nothing, he's still around
[11:25] <Soapy> Cyberpower is just more interesting in maintaining the tools
[11:26] <Soapy> *interested
�03[11:28] * Mdann52-away is now known as Mdann52
[11:31] <IRWolfie-> haven't seen tom morris here much lately
�02[11:36] * CoalBalls (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[11:36] <Ironholds> ahh
[11:36] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: you didn't hear?
[11:36] <Ironholds> he got hit crossing the road. Alive, but broke both his arms. He's currently wandering around swearing a lot.
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[11:36] <Ironholds> or as I call it "awake"
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[11:37] <Ironholds> greetings, scotchman
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[11:37] <harej> Ironholds, how is he still able to tweet?
[11:38] <shimgray> afternoon all
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�02[11:39] * Sarrus (~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[11:39] <Ironholds> harej: because I'm lying, terribly, to confuse and worry IRWolfie-
[11:39] <harej> Sorry for ruining your plans.
[11:39] <Ironholds> you will be
[11:40] <harej> Ironholds, there is a political convention happening in your state of North Carolina.
�02[11:40] * Rastrojo (~mongo_es@unaffiliated/rastrojo) Quit (Quit: ESPANHA UMA E NÃO CINQUENTA E UMA�)
[11:41] <ObsidianSoul> does it involve Canadians?
[11:42] <Soapy> Canadians? Doubt it
[11:42] <harej> ObsidianSoul: It probably involves Jennifer Granholm, but I can't think of any other Canadian it would involve.
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[11:47] <Ironholds> harej: oh?
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[11:58] <Mdann52> Hi
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[12:10] <Mdann52> Hi hi
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[12:11] <Brooke> Hi.
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[12:15] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: you serious?
[12:16] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: yup :(
[12:17] <LikeLakers2> ironholds: you wanna do another thing for me?
[12:17] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: ooh baby
[12:17] <Ironholds> (seriously, what do you need)
[12:18] <LikeLakers2>
[12:19] <LikeLakers2> the admin that protected the page protected both the article and the talk page
[12:19] <IRWolfie-> :|
�02[12:20] * Rcsprinter (~rcsprinte@wikipedia/Rcsprinter123) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[12:20] <Ironholds> so you want me to alter it to stop a double redirect?
[12:20] <LikeLakers2> sure
[12:20] <LikeLakers2> or, at least unprotect the talk page
[12:20] <Ironholds> done
[12:20] <Ironholds> the former
[12:20] <LikeLakers2> ok
[12:20] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: you realise he wasn't actually hit by a car, right?
�03[12:21] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:22] <KimiSleep> I was walking around town
[12:22] <KimiSleep> Just a short trip around the woods
�03[12:22] * tommorris (u639@wikimedia/Tom-Morris) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:22] <KimiSleep> Found loads of bones
[12:22] <KimiSleep> Pretty cool
[12:22] <KimiSleep>
�06[12:23] * tommorris has apparently broken his arms.
[12:23] <Ironholds> tommorris: both of them, yep. got hit by a car.
[12:23] <mareklug> KimiSleep:  you actually have woods over there?
[12:23] <Ironholds> he's typing right now with the aid of Dragon Dictates
[12:23] <tommorris> Masturbation leads to terrible consequences, kids. Just say no.
[12:23] <CoalBalls> tommorris: Haven't seen you in a while
[12:23] <KimiSleep> why wouldn't we?
[12:24] <mareklug> KimiSleep:  cuz its sort of arid
[12:24] <KimiSleep>
[12:24] <KimiSleep> It's not very green.
[12:26] <Ironholds> neither's your mum
[12:26] <IRWolfie-> tommorris: aha, just talking about you
[12:26] <KimiSleep> Ironholds - you know my mum is literally a Green
[12:26] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: no, unfortunately I'm rather guillible (no joke)
[12:26] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: if you say my name three times, I magically appear.
[12:27] <IRWolfie-> I trust people too much when I don't think they have a reason to lie :)
�02[12:27] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[12:27] <IRWolfie-> tommorris: what was your area of philosophy that you did some study on?
[12:27] <KimiSleep> fuck magic how does it work?
�03[12:27] * kiewii|away is now known as kiewii
[12:27] <IRWolfie-> I was just wondering if you knew what was a good journal for the philosophy of science?
[12:27] <IRWolfie-> and hope the arm gets better
[12:28] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: there's a journal just called 'Philosophy of Science' that's good. or there's the British Association of Philosophy of Science's journal. and there are some good specific ones
[12:28] <KimiSleep> Philosophy of Science
[12:28] <Ironholds> KimiSleep: that was the joke, I've been stalking your family
[12:28] <KimiSleep> I'd rather just read science
[12:29] <KimiSleep> Via facebook or IRL?
[12:29] <IRWolfie-> The philosophy of science is also important for what science is and what it aims to do
[12:29] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: so, I tried to keep up a bit on philosophy of biology, where the top journal is 'Biology & Philosophy'
[12:29] <KimiSleep> It aimks to do whatever's cool
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[12:30] <IRWolfie-> I was more interested in philosophy and physics
[12:30] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: that said, the important philosophy of science papers tend to end up in the mainstream journals like Noûs, Philosophy, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society etc.
[12:30] <IRWolfie-> (being a physicist I have some bias there)
[12:30] <tommorris> there are philosophy of physics specific journals, but I have no idea what they are
[12:30] <IRWolfie-> The characters for the journal beginning with No I can't make out
[12:31] <tommorris> my specific interest for my abandoned Ph.D involved occasional excursions into biology
[12:31] <IRWolfie-> (UTF issue)
[12:31] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: it's Nous with a little hat over the u.
�03[12:31] * Deivismaster_ (be6e9898@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:31] <Deivismaster_> Hi
[12:31] <KimiSleep> A hat|!
[12:31] <ObsidianSoul> hi Deivismaster_
[12:31] <IRWolfie-> I was curious about the law of contradiction and QM
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[12:32] <IRWolfie-> but expecting to mostly see rubbish if I went looking
[12:32] <tommorris> philosophy of physics people tend to publish in the metaphysics journals
[12:32] <Deivismaster_> someone?
�02[12:33] * Iamred_ ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:34] <tommorris> but philosophy of QM is something so far off my radar, I'll be mostly useless in giving advice
[12:34] <IRWolfie-> "British Society for the Philosophy of Science" is that the one you mean above?
[12:34] <tommorris> yup
[12:34] <tommorris> now, if we wanna talk about whether Nietzsche was gay, or whether Alvin Plantinga is logically consistent in his application of metaepistemic principles, I can help.
[12:35] <shimgray> tommorris: the metaphysics journals only unless they're trolling, of course
[12:36] <Deivismaster_> someone help me with my request
[12:36] <tommorris> answers to above questions: possibly and no.
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[12:38] <CoalBalls> "... two collaborated in the first major study on coal-ball taphonomy, involving "
[12:38] <CoalBalls> Fuck, more work to do
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[12:38] <tommorris> hint: if you want to win, write a 300 page book pointing out how competing theories in epistemology fail to handle all logical counterexamples, then argue that your theory only needs to explain paradigm cases rather than all logical counterexamples.
[12:38] <tommorris> then having done so, proclaim the supremacy of your theory and use it as a stick to beat people over the head with if they don't give their lives to Jesus.
[12:38] <tommorris> that's how you roll if you are Alvin Plantinga.
�02[12:39] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:39] <geniice> CoalBalls have you ever seen a coal ball?
[12:39] <LikeLakers2> Ironholds,
[12:39] <LikeLakers2> might want to check that out
[12:39] <Deivismaster_> Help!
[12:39] <LikeLakers2> I'm not sure if the mover is [[User:Blink And You Miss It]] or not
�03[12:39] * Fox2k12|AFK is now known as Fox2k12
[12:40] <LikeLakers2> as in, the same person, not the same username
[12:40] <Ironholds> Deivismaster_: you note how this isn't #wikipedia-test?
[12:40] <Ironholds> it's because we have no control over testwiki
[12:40] <Ironholds> well, actually, I do
[12:40] <Ironholds> I'm fairly sure I'm an admin there. Or is that prototype? whatever.
[12:40] <tommorris> we don't need the test wiki, we got the best wiki!
[12:40] <Ironholds> heh
[12:40] <tommorris> it's the one with 4 million articles and the most active dramaboards.
[12:40] <Ironholds> yeah, looks like prototype
[12:40] <LikeLakers2> er
[12:40] <LikeLakers2> Ironholds, quick pm?
[12:41] <Ironholds> LikeLakers2: sure
[12:41] <WilliamH_UK> tommorris what do you think of the suggested template here:
[12:42] <Deivismaster_> Someone can accept or deny my application?
[12:42] <tommorris> WilliamH_UK: cripes, is that bullshit still going?
[12:42] <Ironholds> Deivismaster_: not in here.
[12:42] <Ironholds> go ask in #wikimedia-tech
[12:42] <Deivismaster_> Ok
[12:42] <tommorris> WilliamH_UK: the only resolution to that is to burn it all with fire and ban the prat for wasting time.
[12:43] <LikeLakers2> Fluffernutter, you there?
[12:43] <IRWolfie-> There was a specific legal case involving claims that a work was gods work and thus not subject to copyright, I'll see if I can find it again
[12:43] <IRWolfie-> Some new religion from the 40s
[12:43] <Fluffernutter> no
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[12:43] <Fluffernutter> no sandwiches here
[12:43] <LikeLakers2> lol
[12:43] <Mdann52> :)
[12:43] <LikeLakers2> quick PM?
[12:43] <IRWolfie-> (they lost the case)
[12:44] <LikeLakers2> Fluffernutter, quick PM?
[12:44] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: lolscientology?
[12:44] <Fluffernutter> yeah, I guess
[12:44] <tommorris> Scientology is copyright of Xenu and the body thetans. for the next BILLION years.
[12:45] <IRWolfie-> tommorris: no some other work, I'll try and figure out which from my contribs
[12:45] <tommorris> my copyrights belong to mother goose.
�03[12:45] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:45] <geniice> IRWolfie-
[12:45] <IRWolfie-> I think it was over "The Urantia Book"
[12:46] <tommorris> I wonder whether Joseph Smith ever attempted to assert copyright over the Book of Mormon
[12:46] <ObsidianSoul> i wonder if it exists
[12:47] <tommorris> heh:
[12:47] <tommorris> In what he considered a revelation from God, Joseph Smith was commanded to "be diligent in securing the copyright of my work upon all the face of the earth of which is known by you"
[12:47] <tommorris> yeah, God apparently gives a shit about copyright.
[12:48] <BarkingFish> :P
[12:48] <IRWolfie-> Using copyright to attack religious dissenters it seems
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[12:48] <BarkingFish> I'd say something right about now, but I'm fearful of offending someone.
[12:48] <BarkingFish> Not.
�02[12:48] * Ironholds (Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit (Quit: connection reset by peerage�)
[12:49] <ObsidianSoul> you offended ironholds!
[12:49] <tommorris> we got any Mormons in here?
[12:49] <Brooke> They're strictly prohibited in all Wikimedia channels.
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[12:49] <BarkingFish> Personally I think Joseph Smith saw how popular the bible was, and thought "I want a piece of the action on that." - He wrote this, and made up the backstory so that he could tie it to the bible.
[12:49] <IRWolfie-> Ah, I see this template is for authors who have "dedicated this work to God"
[12:49] <tommorris> I wasn't going to be mean to Mormons.
[12:49] <BarkingFish> Frankly, he was out for a bit of profit.
[12:50] <ObsidianSoul> arent everyone?
[12:50] <IRWolfie-> I wonder if satanists are allowed to dedicate things to satan on commons
[12:50] <KimiSleep> All religions were probably started for similar reasons
�02[12:50] * Deivismaster_ (be6e9898@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[12:50] <tommorris> just going to say that it was incredibly convenient that God told them to stop discriminating against black people at almost exactly the same time that the Supreme Court did. funny that.
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[12:50] <IRWolfie-> tommorris: I think we can conclude one thing
[12:50] <WilliamH_UK> oops sorry tommorris, was afk. Yes, agree - ideal solution to that template is killing it with fire
[12:50] <IRWolfie-> The supreme court is God
[12:50] <LikeLakers2> ObsidianSoul, I think Ironholds raeg quit because of me
[12:50] <ObsidianSoul> oh
[12:51] <LikeLakers2> [15:47] <Ironholds> so help me god, if you send me one more sentence split up over five lines I'm going to shiv you in the eyeballs
�06[12:51] * IRWolfie- throws the distinction between correlation and causation out the window
[12:51] <Soapy> no
[12:51] <Soapy> ironholds is very difficult to offend
[12:51] <LikeLakers2> and I haden't sent him a message in the query since that
�06[12:51] * ObsidianSoul burns LikeLakers2 on a pyre
[12:51] <IRWolfie-> tommorris: It's interesting when a religion actually holds beliefs contradictory to the evidence
[12:51] <BarkingFish> LikeLakers2, Ironholds doesn't ragequit because of people - he does that so he can leave his PC and come after you :P
[12:51] <LikeLakers2> lol
[12:52] <IRWolfie-> Some religions like to claim that religion and science are non-overlapping. It's apparent that this is not usually (and is rarely) true
[12:52] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: was arguing with an evangelical recently who attempted to tell me that homosexuality had no biological component to it. I sort of wanted to explain to him about the whole erections thing.
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[12:52] <IRWolfie-> :D
[12:52] <LikeLakers2> ohai Logan_
�03[12:52] * Herr_Away is now known as Herr_Kriss
[12:53] <IRWolfie-> what does that even mean "no biological component"?
[12:53] <ObsidianSoul> he probably wouldve gotten aroused uncomfortably and then exorcise you for making him sin
[12:53] <tommorris> 1. Sit a mixture of homosexual and heterosexual men down in front of pornography of their particular preference.
[12:53] <tommorris> 2. Wait.
[12:53] <tommorris> 3. Observe biological component.
[12:53] <IRWolfie-> I think there may have actually been studies to that effect
[12:53] <tommorris> Indeed.
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[12:54] <IRWolfie-> I've heard of them but can't recall specifics. I'm too lazy to check google scholar.
[12:54] <mysterytrey> Hello Mdann52
[12:54] <LikeLakers2> tommorris, you're forgetting the last two steps
[12:54] <Mdann52> Hi
[12:54] <LikeLakers2> 4. ???
[12:54] <geniice> Sun Myung Moon is dead
[12:54] <BlastHardcheese> tommorris: no because they were all brainwashed by atheist liberal muslims
[12:54] <LikeLakers2> and 5. Profit.
�03[12:54] * Herr_Kriss (Zoidberg@wikimedia-commons/Herr-Kriss) has left #wikipedia-en ("*bows*"�)
[12:54] <Brooke> geniice: Yes.
[12:54] <LikeLakers2> :P
[12:54] <ObsidianSoul> [[Sun Myung Moon]]
[12:54] <BarkingFish> holy crap geniice
[12:54] <tommorris> BlastHardcheese: yep, damn them atheist muslims.
[12:54] <IRWolfie-> interesting, I wonder what happens now
[12:54] <Brooke> geniice: I was wondering if his death should be in ITN/C.
[12:55] <Brooke> I guess it's significant enough, even though he was old.
[12:55] <tommorris> ooh Moon has died?
[12:55] <harej> yes
[12:55] <harej> Ed Poor wept.
[12:55] <tommorris> Was about to say.
[12:55] <IRWolfie-> There is a korean age?
[12:55] <Logan_> ObsidianSoul, I haven't seen you in a long time!
[12:55] <tommorris> Might get Conservapedia to block him.
[12:55] <IRWolfie-> (I see the talk page)
[12:55] <geniice>  Brooke various other south korean new religious movement leaders ready to take over. Lee Man-hee for one
�06[12:56] * IRWolfie- googles ed poor
[12:56] <ObsidianSoul> Hai Logan_ :)
[12:56] <geniice> old time admin
[12:56] <geniice> no steward
[12:56] <geniice> de-admined me once
[12:56] <ObsidianSoul> Logan_: yep, and you havent spoken since ive been here lol
[12:56] <tommorris> He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy.
[12:57] <Brooke>
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[12:57] <geniice> that was fast
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[12:57] <Brooke> I skipped most of the template parameters.
[12:58] <harej> Workapedia is fast you know
[12:58] <geniice> tommorris Lee Man-hee claims to be jesus
[13:00] <Soapy> whoa
[13:00] <Soapy> Sun Myung Moon died !??!?!
[13:00] <Soapy> after all these years
[13:00] <Soapy> 92 years old
[13:01] <BlastHardcheese> a human dying of old age, you say, what an unexpected development
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[13:01] <Mdann52> :)
[13:01] <tommorris> BlastHardcheese: yeah, but Jesus didn't come down and high-five him first.
[13:01] <IRWolfie-> wikia is more confusing that wikipedia
�02[13:02] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Quit: While there's life, there's hope.�)
[13:02] <ObsidianSoul> they dont have ANIs
[13:02] <BlastHardcheese> I thought he was supposed to be jesus or something
[13:02] <ObsidianSoul> -50% complexity
[13:02] <tommorris> I know, it's easy to be cynical about Reverend Moon, but, you know, that's because he's a scam artist fuckwit nutjob who made the world a worse place. Other than that though...
[13:02] <IRWolfie-> The layout is more confusing
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[13:03] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: you can switch it to Monobook.
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[13:03] <ObsidianSoul> You guys should see [[Marjoe]]
[13:03] <Mdann52> Y?
[13:04] <ObsidianSoul> televangelism as a business
[13:04] <ObsidianSoul> really big money
[13:04] <IRWolfie-> tommorris: where abouts? it doesn't appear in the themes list
[13:07] <Mdann52> So...........
[13:07] <BarkingFish> ObsidianSoul, yeah, and two of the biggest players in that business are two of the richest - donny swaggart and benny hinn.
[13:08] <ObsidianSoul> You forgot Pat Robertson
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[13:08] <tommorris> ObsidianSoul: Marjoe is a great movie.
[13:09] <BarkingFish> who the hell is pat robertson?
[13:09] <tommorris> BarkingFish: he runs the Christian Broadcasting Network.
[13:09] <tommorris> BarkingFish: he both loves Jesus and WANTS YOUR MONEY
[13:09] <ObsidianSoul> personal net worth of about $1 billion
�03[13:09] * Benoit-Rochon (601474b3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:10] <tommorris> BarkingFish: he also spreads the Christian love by having a financial stake in some diamond mining operations. the sort that get human rights groups to complain.
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[13:10] <Soapy> Pat Robertson ran for president in 1988
[13:10] <KimiSleep> here was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind
[13:10] <Benoit-Rochon> Hello! Anyone with English skills have a moment for re-reading my English ?
[13:10] <KimiSleep> I missed a T
[13:10] <tommorris> but, you know, he's crazy, gets on TV, agreed with Jerry Falwell when he blamed 9/11 on abortionists, gays, lesbians and feminists.
[13:11] <tommorris> 'cos, you know, when I think of Al Qaeda, I think "I bet they are all for gay marriage and a woman's right to choose". ;-)
[13:11] <Benoit-Rochon> If so, please read these couple lines, and tell me if I write bad English... or feel free to correct the mistakes!
[13:12] <Soapy> ok
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[13:12] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: there is a way of doing it. I don't know how. But I've done it. when I'm logged into Wikia, it shows it to me in either Vector or Monobook
[13:12] <Soapy> the only part that's weird is "Visitors can see, relatively live, photos that are uploaded in Commons."
[13:13] <Soapy> i think a few years back Wikia restricted the choice of skins because some people were trying to hide the ad banners
[13:13] <KimiSleep> why?
[13:13] <IRWolfie-> I'll have another look around
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[13:14] <mysterytrey> KimiSleep: What are you talking about?
[13:14] <KimiSleep> I haven't even said anything
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[13:15] <ObsidianSoul> sometimes I wonder if Fred Phelps is trolling
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[13:15] <KimiSleep> I'm turning off the AC, when it gets unbareably hot I'll go to sleep
[13:15] <KimiSleep> Sometimes I wonder if there's a point to this life
�02[13:16] * runetree (~endgame@unaffiliated/flood) Quit (Quit: ~The swan was in her movement and the morning in her smile.~�)
[13:16] <IRWolfie-> fou d it
[13:16] <IRWolfie-> *found it
[13:16] <KimiSleep> Or are we all just passing the time until we get inevitable hit by a bus
[13:16] <KimiSleep> The point to this life?
[13:16] <ObsidianSoul> IRWolfie- found the point in this life
[13:16] <mysterytrey> [16:13:31] <KimiSleep> why?
[13:16] <mysterytrey> ^What was that about?
[13:16] <mysterytrey> Also, ##philosophy
[13:16] <KimiSleep> [23:13] <Soapy> the only part that's weird is "Visitors can see, relatively live, photos that are uploaded in Commons."
[13:16] <KimiSleep> Why is that weird, I was asking
[13:16] <KimiSleep> I don't think that's the realm of philosophy
[13:16] <Soapy> it seems badly worded
[13:16] <IRWolfie-> suddenly the world makes sense again
�03[13:16] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:17] <ObsidianSoul> share the enlightenment for us poor mortals
[13:17] <Soapy> I woul;d just say "Visitors can see photos recently uploaded to Commons"
[13:17] <tommorris> ObsidianSoul: every time Fred Phelps speaks, it probably helps gay rights advocates.
[13:17] <Soapy> or "...newly uploaded to COmmons"
[13:17] <Isarra> I agree with Soapy, if that s what it actually means. Because I had no idea what it meant.
[13:17] <tommorris> Calm it ladies, I'll fix it in a second.
[13:17] <KimiSleep> I could tell you, but you're not going to like it.
[13:18] <Sven_Manguard> yo tommorris what up dawg>
[13:18] <ObsidianSoul> exactly why he might be trolling... tommorris. I mean all the other evangelicals make abundant use of doublespeak to come off still holy and pure
[13:18] <ObsidianSoul> phelps does none of that
[13:18] <KimiSleep> Soapy: You must explain about DNS and caches!
[13:18] <KimiSleep> doublespeak
[13:18] <KimiSleep> isn't that 1984
[13:18] <ObsidianSoul> ~-~
[13:19] <tommorris> ObsidianSoul: nah, he's probably legit. but he keeps it up as a money making racket. by being extremely offensive, he invites the government to crack down on him, then he sues 'em under the First Amendment
[13:19] <Isarra> Cute.
[13:19] <Sven_Manguard> KimiSleep: it's an election year over here. I haven't taken at face value a single thing I've read in the media since February
[13:19] <ObsidianSoul> heh
[13:19] <KimiSleep> What was that in response to?
[13:19] <KimiSleep> I was talking about the point of all of this
[13:19] <tommorris> oh, I can't edit
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[13:20] <KimiSleep> Canadians are very possesive
[13:20] <ObsidianSoul> The Empire of Canada rebuffs invaders
[13:20] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish : Ping
[13:20] <tommorris> hey, Canadians, there's this whole AnyoneCanEdit thing. lemme tell you about it. it's pretty cool. some crazy cats are using it to build an encyclopedia.
[13:20] <BarkingFish> pong
[13:20] <Qcoder02> PM ?
[13:20] <KimiSleep> The reply is Ping reply
[13:20] <BarkingFish> go on]
[13:20] <KimiSleep> It's not pong!
[13:20] <BarkingFish> Never heard of Ping pong?
[13:20] <KimiSleep> Don't be ridiculous
[13:20] <tommorris> Sven_Manguard: hey.
[13:21] <tommorris> so, yeah, Britain has some hilarious politicians.
[13:21] <ObsidianSoul> everytime I hear someone requesting PM, I always think of two people going off into the bushes ;)
[13:21] <Soapy> i dont get it
[13:21] <BarkingFish> ObsidianSoul, it's called courtesy.
[13:21] <tommorris> ObsidianSoul: this isn't Hampstead Heath.
�06[13:21] * ObsidianSoul can't help his durty thoughts
[13:21] <KimiSleep> What if there are no bushes
�02[13:22] * FastLizard4 (fastlizard@wikipedia/ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[13:22] <KimiSleep> What if it's so hot and arid that all of them died?!
[13:22] <ObsidianSoul> D:
[13:22] <KimiSleep> What are those passionately in love supposed to do?!
�03[13:22] * FastLizard4|away (fastlizard@wikipedia/ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:22] <ObsidianSoul> drink poison and recite poems?
[13:22] <Soapy> move to someplace wetter
[13:22] <KimiSleep> Like your mother's-
[13:22] <KimiSleep> can't say it
[13:23] <BarkingFish> Find a cave
[13:23] <ObsidianSoul> bath tub
[13:23] <Soapy> my mother's hometown
[13:23] <KimiSleep> Yes.
[13:23] <KimiSleep> That is the word I was searching for
[13:23] <ObsidianSoul> why can't you say hometown?
[13:23] <ObsidianSoul> did you have a traumatic childhood experience involving hometowns?
[13:23] <ObsidianSoul> tell me how you really feel
[13:23] <KimiSleep> Didn't you see what I posted earlier
[13:23] <KimiSleep> ?
[13:24] <Soapy> joke's over
[13:24] <KimiSleep> I was walking around my hometown today and I found this:
�06[13:24] * ObsidianSoul steeples fingers
[13:24] <KimiSleep> Soapy: you have no right.
[13:24] <ObsidianSoul> and how did you feel about this?
[13:24] <KimiSleep> Excited, honestly.
�06[13:25] * ObsidianSoul scribbles on pad
[13:25] <KimiSleep> didn't even look at the pictures did you
[13:25] <KimiSleep> You unattentive bastard
[13:25] <ObsidianSoul> How would you feel if I didn't look at the pictures?
[13:26] <KimiSleep> I would find you
[13:26] <KimiSleep> and I would punch you in the face
�06[13:26] * ObsidianSoul scribbles more notes
[13:26] <KimiSleep> No matter how long it takes
[13:27] <ObsidianSoul> Tell me your greatest fear
[13:27] <KimiSleep> Giant turtles
[13:27] <KimiSleep> in the sewers
[13:28] <ObsidianSoul> Do you dream of giant turtles in the sewers?
�03[13:28] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
[13:29] <Sven_Manguard> KimiSleep: Are they teenaged?
[13:29] <KimiSleep> They're of the shinobi sort, I can tell you that for sure
[13:30] <mysterytrey> That is one ugly wikilovemomuments thing on the top wikipedia.
[13:30] <mysterytrey> **top of wikipedia
[13:30] <KimiSleep> would you prefer  jimmy staring at ya
[13:31] <ObsidianSoul> I have too many tabs
�02[13:31] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[13:31] <tommorris> There are more disturbing places Jimmy Wales banners could be. The top of the men4men section on Craigslist, perhaps.
[13:32] <tommorris> Or maybe at the top of university exam papers.
[13:32] <Ironholds> tommorris: maybe he posted that dating profile you were annoyed by
[13:32] <mysterytrey> Or on the FBI's most wanted list.
[13:32] <KimiSleep> Or a teenager's bedroom ceiling
[13:33] <mysterytrey> KimiSleep: Hah.
�06[13:34] * ObsidianSoul surreptitiously hides his ceiling
[13:35] <mysterytrey> Peter-C: Comment?
[13:35] <Peter-C> ?
[13:35] <IRWolfie-> what's the argument of telling lies in debate called?
[13:35] <IRWolfie-> The approach I should say
[13:35] <mysterytrey> IRWolfie-: Politics.
�02[13:36] * CoalBalls (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[13:36] <KimiSleep> Ho!
[13:36] <IRWolfie-> I've heard a name for an approach where you spew lies that noone can possibly fact check in a debate instantly
[13:36] <KimiSleep> That's gold mysterytrey, gold.
[13:36] <tommorris> Ironholds: Gish Gallop.
[13:36] <tommorris> IRWolfie- rather.
[13:37] <tommorris> named after Duane T. Gish from the Institute of Creation Research.
[13:37] <tommorris> basically in a debate, he'll throw out a whole stack of arguments knowing that whoever responds won't be able to rebut them all
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[13:37] <KimiSleep> I found out recently I suck at debate
[13:37] <IRWolfie-> aha that's the one
[13:37] <KimiSleep> Or maybe the people around me are good
[13:37] <tommorris> because it takes all of about five seconds to say "there are no transitional fossils" and it takes about five minutes to explain patiently why there are transitional fossils, present examples of them, etc. etc.
[13:38] <Soapy>
[13:38] <KimiSleep> I kept losing arguments I should clearly win
[13:39] <IRWolfie-> I'm looking at some debates by a Cardinal, he appears to be a fan of claiming specific scientists are theists
[13:39] <IRWolfie-> when they clearly aren't
[13:39] <tommorris> I find the idea of debate conducted almost as a sport rather silly.
[13:39] <KimiSleep> As do I
[13:39] <Qcoder02> BarkingFish : See PM..
[13:39] <IRWolfie-> funnily enough he claimed Darwin was and it was in page 92 of his autobiography (there was no page 92)
[13:40] <KimiSleep> Oh I watched that IRWolfie-
[13:40] <tommorris> like, if you want to have a proper discussion about a topic, cool. but a debate isn't a proper discussion, it's basically philosophical pro wrestling.
[13:40] <KimiSleep> the debate with dawkins on that australian TV show?
[13:40] <KimiSleep> It's more like horse-racing than it is like football
[13:40] <IRWolfie-> I'm looking to try and have a wiki for the express purpose of listing arguments used in a debate and which are false or fallacious
[13:40] <Soapy> well Darwin did believe in God, from what Ive heard
[13:40] <IRWolfie-> or as a resource to see the common arguments of a debatist
[13:40] <IRWolfie-> Soapy: you heard wrong
[13:40] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: well, on creationism, there used to be EvoWiki. I remember adding some stuff about evolutionary computation to it once.
[13:41] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: there's also DiscourseDB
[13:41] <mysterytrey> Is God a GA?
[13:41] <tommorris> No, God is dead.
[13:41] <KimiSleep> [[God]]
[13:41] <tommorris> and a B-class article, formerly a GA
[13:41] <Ironholds> Soapy/ IRWolfie-, he was a self-identified agnostic
[13:41] <Ironholds> tommorris: and we have killed him?
[13:41] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: exactly
[13:41] <Ironholds> take Nietzche and go home
[13:42] <KimiSleep> Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
[13:42] <mysterytrey> Ironholds: As opposed to a clinically-diagnosed agnostic?
[13:42] <Ironholds> KimiSleep: take Adams and go home
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[13:42] <KimiSleep> I already have Adams
[13:42] <KimiSleep> and I'm already home
[13:42] <Ironholds> mysterytrey: please, please don't get us into an argument over ontology
[13:42] <IRWolfie-> mysterytrey: sometimes people say they are agnostics because they dislike the label of atheist
[13:42] <IRWolfie-> Einstein for example
[13:43] <Ironholds> well, epistemology really
[13:43] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: I do not believe in god and consider myself an agnostic
[13:43] <IRWolfie-> Much of what he said is what we would associate with an atheist
[13:43] <KimiSleep> I use "toothfairy agnostic" sometimes
[13:43] <KimiSleep> But I do prefer athiest
[13:43] <KimiSleep> It's much simpler
[13:43] <Ironholds> I believe that there is no evidence that there is a god, and that his or its existence is therefore unlikely
[13:43] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: it's unnecessary fence sitting
[13:43] <Ironholds> but I cannot eliminate it as a possibility. I thus believe that there may be a god.
[13:43] <Pine> I prefer nature religions, especially those that worship trees.
[13:43] <KimiSleep> I sometimes believe that all religious people are simply fucking with us
[13:43] <KimiSleep> because there's no way they actually  believe this crap
[13:43] <IRWolfie-> I think agnostic atheist is a better term
[13:44] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: not at all. read my comments above :)
[13:44] <Pine> I accept sacrifices of salmon and other fertilizers.
[13:44] <KimiSleep> Like a few times I actually told my religious friends
[13:44] <tommorris> agnosticism isn't philosophically interesting.
[13:44] <KimiSleep> "Come on, there's no way you ACTUALLY believe THAT?"
[13:44] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: are you sitting on a chair?
[13:44] <Ironholds> tommorris: and that's your criteria for whether something matters
[13:44] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: yes.
[13:44] <tommorris> Ironholds: basically.
[13:44] <Ironholds> or, probably, rather
[13:44] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: strictly speaking you should be agnostic about the existence of a chair
[13:44] <KimiSleep> "That's just.. ridiculous! You can't cut the toilet paper in the toilet on a Saturday? Because of God?
[13:44] <Ironholds> I may in fact be a brain in a jar, or an hallucination of your brain in a jar
[13:44] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: hence my correction ;p
[13:45] <KimiSleep> You're saying this God created the earth in six days
[13:45] <KimiSleep> He is the almighty
[13:45] <tommorris> In fact, I think agnosticism is pretty much a good reason to be an atheist. ;-)
[13:45] <Ironholds> KimiSleep: he fucked it up a bit, too
[13:45] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: exactly, the agnostic aspect is merely a technicality
[13:45] <KimiSleep> And he cares about what you wipe your ass with, particularly on a saturday?!"
[13:45] <KimiSleep> "If this God person exists, he's a fuckwad."
[13:45] <IRWolfie-> So for clarification you may say say, "technically an agnostic", but really you should say, "for all intents and purposes an atheist"
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[13:46] <KimiSleep> I think my favorite non-scientific argument is the whole "If you were born in a different place you'd believe a different god"
[13:46] <KimiSleep> Or "You're an athiest just like me, I just went one god further" &c.
[13:46] <KimiSleep> Various phrasing of the same point
[13:46] <IRWolfie-> The problem of Evil stumps all the religious
[13:46] <tommorris> here's a very simple argument why agnostics should be atheists. in most situations, if you think it is exceptionally difficult to have knowledge of X, you probably shouldn't believe positive propositions about X. if you are an agnostic about God, you shouldn't believe positive propositions about God. if you do, congratulations, you are an atheist.
[13:46] <IRWolfie-> except maybe the satanists, except I've never met one
[13:46] <tommorris> IRWolfie-: oh no, skeptical theism. it's a bundle of fun,
[13:47] <KimiSleep> I tihkn we're athiests because of the saem reason
[13:47] <KimiSleep> That if you ask a regular person if the tooth fairy, zeus or Winnie the Pooh exist
[13:47] <KimiSleep> They'll tell you "No"
[13:47] <IRWolfie-> Even theologians make arguments that are far from convincing
[13:47] <KimiSleep> They won't get into a philosophical debate
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[13:47] <tommorris> Atheism: applying the ordinary epistemic standards of humanity to religion. Yes, even if that makes you uncomfortable.
[13:48] <Ironholds> KimiSleep: stop channelling Darrow
[13:48] <KimiSleep> Darrow?
[13:48] <tommorris> Clarence Darrow, famous lawyer, defended John Scopes, the teacher who taught evolution in Dayton Tennessee.
[13:48] <tommorris> anyway, skeptical theism. as I was saying, it's hilarious.
[13:48] <Ironholds> one of darrow's most prominent lines is that we're all atheists
[13:48] <KimiSleep> Sounds cool
[13:49] <IRWolfie-> tommorris: sounds like a contradiction in terms
[13:49] <Ironholds> he simply believed in one fewer god than the rest of them
[13:49] <IRWolfie-> The funny thing is that non-religion appears to be winning out of apathy; i.e people not caring
[13:49] <KimiSleep> Sounds like a pretty cool guy
[13:49] <KimiSleep> But those people still file "Church of England" on the census
[13:49] <tommorris> in order to save God from the withering logic of the problem of evil… skeptical theists have to throw out the supposition that a small child being tortured to death can be said to be a gratuitous moral evil.
[13:49] <Ironholds> KimiSleep: his best line was "Do you, good people, believe that Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden and that they were forbidden to eat from the tree of knowledge? I do. The church has always been afraid of that tree. It still is afraid of knowledge. Some of you say religion makes people happy. So does laughing gas. So does whiskey. I believe in the brain of man. I'm not
[13:49] <Ironholds> worried about my soul. "
[13:49] <IRWolfie-> or people being not brain washed into a particular belief; once they hear what a specific church believes they are generally horrified
[13:50] <tommorris> like, the small child being tortured to death might be part of God's plan, therefore, no problem of evil.
[13:50] <tommorris>
[13:50] <IRWolfie-> ouch
[13:50] <KimiSleep> "If God exists, he's definitely an evil person"
[13:50] <KimiSleep> I've heard people say that
[13:50] <IRWolfie-> Therefore to do Gods will they torture small children
[13:50] <KimiSleep> People who believe in god
[13:50] <Ironholds> tommorris: I heard an excellent counterargument to that defence of the problem of evil
[13:51] <Ironholds> it being that if you can claim evil is god's necessary creation to define good, or as part of some master plan, you negate morality
[13:51] <IRWolfie-> I think even taking that position in a defense would make you lose the audience
[13:51] <Ironholds> because *everything* is deliberately architected by god
[13:51] <tommorris> Ironholds: shouting "you monster, why do you tolerate a God that thinks torturing babies is part of the grand plan" works pretty well
[13:51] <Ironholds> that too
[13:51] <Ironholds> but I prefer my one
[13:52] <KimiSleep> Wait he lost the evolution trial?
[13:52] <KimiSleep> why a gyp
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[13:53] <tommorris> yeah, but it was one of those Pyrrhic victories for the other side.
[13:53] <tommorris> 'cos of the whole being massively humiliated by Clarence Darrow and having the whole country laugh at you thing.
[13:53] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: Also you contradict the bible
[13:54] <IRWolfie-> we are made in God's image, what we regard as immoral should be immoral because we are made in his image
[13:54] <IRWolfie-> (I've begged the question there a bit)
[13:54] <tommorris> in fact, one might say, to mix it up with a contemporary equivalent, that the good people of Dayton were legitimately raped. and it sort of shut the whole thing down.
[13:55] <IRWolfie-> Personally I detest when people claim that suffering helps people to develop
[13:55] <tommorris> that never gets old btw
[13:55] <IRWolfie-> mainly because they base this off their own lives where things worked out on some scale
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[13:56] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: a tiny bit
[13:56] <IRWolfie-> It seems to demonstrate callous disregard for those who suffer without reason
[13:56] <Ironholds> yees
[13:56] <IRWolfie-> If you attend any religious group you will see this said
[13:56] <Ironholds> that's kind of the point
[13:56] <Ironholds> if it's legitimate and part of god's plan, oh!
[13:56] <Ironholds> suddenly I don't have to care about it and can not give a shit about your pain while not feeling horribly guilty
[13:56] <IRWolfie-> They even have periods where people tell stories which use this idea
[13:56] <Ironholds> everyone wins! except you. but I don't care about that.
[13:57] <IRWolfie-> "What is happening in your life is shit, but take it as a 'Jesus Foresaken'"
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[13:58] <KimiSleep> "Of the most widely used textbooks, there is only one listing evolution in the index and in the wake of the trial, under the pressures of fundamentalist groups, the entry is countered with biblical quotations"
[13:58] <KimiSleep> lululul
[13:58] <KimiSleep> I hope that at least one of a hundred impressionable minds would look at both sides of the page
[13:59] <KimiSleep> and realise that quotations from a single few thousand year old book do not hold the same weight as the evidence presented in the other
[13:59] <IRWolfie-> you would hope wrong
[13:59] <IRWolfie-> We were taught that the Gospel of Mark was literally true, noone argued or took it for granted
[13:59] <Isarra> People aren t that bright.
[14:00] <IRWolfie-> (in school)
[14:00] <IRWolfie-> Thanks to the British education system
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[14:00] <KimiSleep> I know man
[14:01] <KimiSleep> I was in an orthodox Jewish school for six years
[14:01] <KimiSleep> and even after that I was in public Israeli schools
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[14:01] <KimiSleep> In the secular schools the teacher did not argue for god
[14:02] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: where the hell were you taught that?!
[14:02] <KimiSleep> but the mere act of having a whole class dedicated to it would give you somethjing to pause about
[14:02] <KimiSleep> I was a most difficult student, as you can guess
[14:02] <KimiSleep> Arguing with teachers over inaccuracies and often declaring that the whole class is a disgrace, &c.
[14:02] <IRWolfie-> Ironholds: catholic grammar school in Northern Ireland
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[14:03] <Ironholds> IRWolfie-: ahh, I thought you were blaming, you know, normal schools
[14:03] <KimiSleep> I was a prominent defendant of evolution, athiesm, liberalism and coexistance
[14:03] <Ironholds> and just as we're talking about blaming the failings of our education system for something, Steven_Zhang appears
[14:03] <KimiSleep> That put me in conflict with uhh
�06[14:03] * GorillaWarfare glomps Ironholds
[14:03] <Ironholds> hello, Steven
[14:03] <IRWolfie-> In the north religious schools are the normal schools
[14:03] <KimiSleep> Everyone. Pretty much.
�06[14:03] * Ironholds glomps and pokes GorillaWarfare
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[14:03] <KimiSleep> Even now I am in conflict over my (lack of) religious beliefs
[14:03] <Steven_Zhang> Ironholds: lol
[14:03] <Ironholds> at no point did you glomp me in DC. I am disappoint
[14:04] <KimiSleep> I think I've taken the wrong path in fighting religious beliefs
[14:04] <IRWolfie-> I think the biggest obstacle to disbelief is a fear of what happens when you die
[14:04] <KimiSleep> I have been overly mocking of them
[14:04] <GorillaWarfare> Did I break a promise or were you just hoping I would?
[14:04] <KimiSleep> That is, at every point I laugh at those who are religious and their ridiculous beliefs
[14:04] <Steven_Zhang> can someone delete
[14:04] <KimiSleep> But that may only make them stronger
[14:04] <IRWolfie-> I notice when I poked holes in one Catholics beliefs, he became almost scared
[14:04] <KimiSleep> Mockery is no way to fight
[14:04] <Steven_Zhang> >_< i don't know how that happened
[14:04] <KimiSleep> I just don't know what to do
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[14:04] <KimiSleep> I don't know how to fight religion
[14:05] <KimiSleep> Have you guys had experience?
[14:05] <IRWolfie-> KimiSleep: you can make jokes, but you have to get them on your side first, so they know you aren't ridiculing them
[14:05] <KimiSleep> Usually I just give up and try to teach evolution rather than just attack their religion
[14:05] <IRWolfie-> KimiSleep: You don't fight religion, it's not necessary
[14:05] <KimiSleep> Expecting that it'll eventually crumble itself
[14:05] <IRWolfie-> just engage with people in rational argument, or point out poor arguments
[14:06] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: the latter, although to be fair I never tried my World's Worst Pickup Line on you, which you did request
[14:06] <KimiSleep> It hurts me to see them belief in that false nonsense
[14:06] <Ironholds> so we'll call it even
�06[14:06] * Steven_Zhang pokes Ironholds 
[14:06] <IRWolfie-> If someone tries to say "science is belief like religion", point out why this is not the case
[14:06] <KimiSleep> I'm not a good debater, as I mention earlier
[14:06] <KimiSleep> However, if one is willing to listen, I can teach.
[14:06] <IRWolfie-> I wouldn't say I'm good at public debate, I'm good 1 vs 1
[14:07] <KimiSleep> I'm not
[14:07] <IRWolfie-> never tried public debate
[14:07] <GorillaWarfare> Ironholds: Damn, you're right
[14:07] <KimiSleep> I meant 1vs1
[14:07] <ObsidianSoul> i just scream at people and then punch them in the balls
[14:07] <GorillaWarfare> Alright, even
[14:07] <KimiSleep> I get too passionate.
[14:07] <IRWolfie-> closest was asking a theologian awkward questions at a religious group meeting :>
[14:07] <KimiSleep> I am so vehemently against it, it almost damages my cause
[14:07] <IRWolfie-> But I think arguing with people would be a mistake
[14:08] <Ironholds> yes, Steven_Zhang?
[14:08] <IRWolfie-> if you are arguing with people, by that I mean confrontational, you'll get nowhere
[14:08] <Ironholds> GorillaWarfare: another time, I'm sure. I just need to work the word "maths" into it.
[14:08] <KimiSleep> I dunno
[14:08] <KimiSleep> It pains me that they don't know
[14:08] <KimiSleep> Honestly I think evolution is the most beutiful thing one ever learns about
[14:08] <Steven_Zhang> wait, i think it might have been sorted now :)
[14:08] <KimiSleep> That in its place lies an invinsible bearded man
[14:08] <KimiSleep> Is such a shame to me
[14:09] <KimiSleep> I feel like they're missing out
[14:09] <IRWolfie-> The annoying part of arguing with people who don't undertstand what they believe that I heard was: "I don't know what to say about X, ask Y he's much better"
�02[14:09] * Jmajeremy (~Jmajeremy@wikipedia/Jmajeremy) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[14:09] <IRWolfie-> They defer all their ability to reason to someone else
[14:09] <KimiSleep> I see people who are in pain or are sad or are asking questions or wondering things
[14:10] <KimiSleep> and I think that they could all just be better if they knew about evolution &c.
[14:10] <KimiSleep> People always say that God and religion helps them cope and have a meaning to their life
[14:10] <KimiSleep> I think bull
[14:10] <KimiSleep> I believed in god, and I was miserable
[14:10] <KimiSleep> I became an athiest around five years ago and I haven't been happier
[14:10] <IRWolfie-> I hear this argument about fine tuning by the religious, where do they get this stuff from? What person went and checked if the constants were different what effect it would have
[14:10] <tommorris> I had a similar experience, but it was shortly after I bought a dildo.
[14:11] <KimiSleep> Heh.
[14:11] <IRWolfie-> :D
[14:11] <KimiSleep> Seriously, I don't know if it's singularly because of that
[14:11] <KimiSleep> but look -- I'm never sad
[14:11] <KimiSleep> I never wonder what we're here for. Because I know we're just are and I should just make the best of it and enjoy my life.
[14:12] <KimiSleep> "Stop worrying and enjoy your life." -- you had that on buses, didn't ya
[14:18] <Qcoder02> Anyone here know how you learn to forgive?
[14:18] <IRWolfie-> Qcoder02: you need to accept Jesus Christ into your heart!
�06[14:19] * ObsidianSoul snorts
[14:19] <Qcoder02> I did that years ago
�02[14:19] * Iamred_ ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[14:19] <Cyrax> Please delete:
[14:19] <Ironholds> well, at least it wasn't garry glitter
�02[14:19] * Gnumarcoo (~Gnumarcoo@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) Quit (Quit: Byez�)
�02[14:20] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[14:20] <Ironholds> Cyrax: gone
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�03[14:20] * CoalBalls (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:20] <IRWolfie-> it seems designed to confuse
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�03[14:21] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away
[14:21] <CoalBalls> Is WP editing a hobby or what
[14:22] <Cyrax> Thank you :)
[14:22] <KimiSleep> fuck it's getting late
[14:22] <KimiSleep> fuck you religion
[14:22] <KimiSleep> gonna make me tired
[14:23] <KimiSleep> I gotta wake up early to go defend this god-ridden country
[14:24] <KimiSleep> Protecting scum from scum, for if they mix they'll become an invincible race of superscum. Probably.
�03[14:25] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng_sick
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[14:29] <Ironholds> KimiSleep: enjoy, snookums
[14:29] <KimiSleep> what's that supposed to mean
�03[14:30] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:39] <Pine> Ironholds: ping
[14:39] <Ironholds> Pine: pong
[14:40] <Pine> Do you know how to get the thumbnail of a video to display a certain frame, or do the videos always show the frame at the midpoint of the video?
[14:40] <Ironholds> nope :(
�02[14:40] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[14:40] <Pine> Anyone else?
[14:41] <Isarra> Magic.
[14:41] <CoalBalls> Pine: Make 1 frame display the thumbnail you want to show
[14:42] <Pine> CoalBalls: ok then what?
[14:42] <Isarra> You might want to look up what program is actually used to do the thumbnailing. Isnt it the ogghandler that handles that?
[14:42] <Isarra> ogghandler extension*
[14:42] <CoalBalls> Pine: Put that frame right in the middle
[14:42] <Pine> CoalBalls: that isn't going to work.
[14:42] <Pine> The video was made by someone else.
[14:42] <CoalBalls> Ah.
[14:42] <Pine> I want to show something near the end of the video as the thumbnail.
[14:46] <mysterytrey> Ooh, yunshui is finally doing perm stuff.
[14:46] <mysterytrey> or, rfperm rather.
�02[14:48] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[14:48] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:48] <mysterytrey> Hello, BarkingFish.
[14:48] <Pine> CoalBalls, Ironholds: got an answer :) use the parameter "|thumbtime=0:42.00"
[14:48] <BarkingFish> hi mysterytrey
[14:48] <CoalBalls> Ah, nice
�02[14:48] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: zZzzZzzZzz!�)
[14:49] <BarkingFish> sorry i dropped off - i'm having some tech issues with my pc, but i don't know how to fix it.
[14:50] <BarkingFish> one of my hdd's keeps losing power, and everytime it loses power, my pc crashes. I move the power plug on the back of it, and it's loose.
[14:50] <BarkingFish> i try the rest of the IDE power plugs, and they're *all* loose.
�03[14:51] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:52] <mareklug> BarkingFish:  perhaps you can duct tape it firmly in place?  if the tape is too wide, cut yourself a thin strip
[14:52] <Peter-C> ^
[14:54] <BarkingFish> duct taping it actually isn't a bad idea, mareklug - I was trying to think more along the lines of making the plug itself, thicker.
[14:54] <BarkingFish> would wrapping something round the plug and using it be safe?
�02[14:55] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
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[14:57] <mysterytrey> Safe, shmafe.
�03[14:57] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:58] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - did you get the thing I sent you?
[14:58] <mysterytrey> Where exactly does money donated to Wikipedia go?
[14:58] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, what thing, and where, Peter-C?
[14:59] <Peter-C> NSFW -
[14:59] <Peter-C> *
[14:59] <mysterytrey> Besides technology.
[14:59] <Peter-C> It’s awesome!
[14:59] <Peter-C> mysterytrey - want the link to the budget?
[14:59] <mysterytrey> Sure.
[14:59] <BarkingFish> omfg
[14:59] <BarkingFish> Wow
[15:00] <Peter-C> mysterytrey -
[15:00] <mysterytrey> Thank ya.
[15:00] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - I know right?
[15:02] <BarkingFish> Seriously, a cast from the bronchial tree formed from plugged mucus - that's almost certainly a first.
�02[15:03] * KimiSleep ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�02[15:04] * Simon- ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[15:04] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - Imagine the report
[15:05] <BarkingFish> imagine the excitement in the forensics laboratory when you show them that they don't need to take tube casts anymore :)
[15:05] <Peter-C> “Transported pt to hospital and applied intervention. HOLYMOTHEROFFUCKINGGODTHISPERSONISLITERALLYCOUGHINGUPAFUCKINGLINK presented enroute. Transfered to hospital staff without further incident”
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Session Start: Sun Sep 02 15:09:42 2012
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�05[15:10] [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff:
�05[15:10] -ChanServ- [#wikimedia-overflow] PM ops in here if you want to be invited to the channel you were trying to join.
[15:10] #wikipedia-en url is
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Session Start: Mon Sep 03 15:45:48 2012
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[15:45] #wikipedia-en url is
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[15:46] <mysterytrey> Wait, seriously?  Awesome.
[15:46] <mysterytrey> Great idea to decline ;)
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Session Start: Wed Sep 05 11:36:53 2012
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�03[11:36] * Set by RD on Tue Aug 07 10:41:41
[11:36] #wikipedia-en url is
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[11:37] <TheDruId> Athyria, dancing needs no excuse, but are you celebrating anything in particular?
[11:37] <Athyria> Hi!
[11:38] <Athyria> And no.
[11:38] <Athyria> IRWolfie- said some nice things I refuse to be specific about somewhere on the wiki, however.
�03[11:41] * beanieLAI ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:41] <IRWolfie-> Athyria: what's your wikipedia nick?
[11:42] <Athyria> Isarra.
[11:42] <TheDruId> Athyria, already got there. :P
[11:42] <Athyria> Where?
�03[11:43] * Mdann (~Mdann52@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Session Start: Sat Sep 08 14:43:20 2012
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[14:43] #wikipedia-en url is
�01[14:43] <anonymous90999>
�01[14:43] <anonymous90999> :D
[14:43] <BarkingFish> have you actually done a Føroya ball yet, russavia?
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Session Start: Sun Oct 07 17:15:49 2012
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
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�03[17:15] * Set by jeremyb!~jeremyb@wikimedia/jeremyb on Sun Oct 07 11:48:28
[17:15] #wikipedia-en url is
[17:17] <pine> Hmmmm
�02[17:17] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[17:17] <pine> Any admins about?
[17:17] <Frood> pine: aren't you an admin?
[17:17] <pine> Frood: on Outreach, yes. On EN, no.
[17:18] <Frood> since when were you not an admin on en
[17:18] <pine> I've never been an admin on EN...
[17:18] <Ecco_the_Dolphin> lol
[17:18] <Frood> are you sure?
[17:18] <pine> Yes. I only have about 4000 edits.
[17:19] <Frood> well this is news to me
[17:19] <pine> I'm an op in some of the IRC channels.
�03[17:21] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:21] <pine> Let's see here. Ironholds: ping
�03[17:23] * Addihockey10 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[17:24] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:24] <SigmaWP> IRWolfie-: "Sigma is not my friend" ;-;
�03[17:24] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has left #wikipedia-en ("Life's too short to safely remove USB."�)
[17:24] <Ecco_the_Dolphin> SIGGYYYYYY
[17:24] <Ecco_the_Dolphin> COME BACK
[17:25] <Frood> you can blame it all on me
�01[17:25] <anonymous9999999> i reckon he isnt happy about the irc cabal's incomplete support for his rfa
[17:26] <Frood> i know that i'd never pass an rfa
�01[17:26] <anonymous9999999> same
[17:26] <Frood> because i'm not mature in here
[17:26] <IRWolfie-> when it comes to wikipedia, I have no friends
[17:26] <AlexJFox> God himself would not pass an RfA
[17:26] <Frood> Logan_ is my only friend
[17:26] <Ecco_the_Dolphin> i wonder how many people he asked to support him
[17:26] <AlexJFox> /herself/itself
[17:26] <IRWolfie-> (not saying that as some sort of outcast)
[17:26] <Frood> <3
[17:27] <pine> Snowolf: ping
�01[17:27] <anonymous9999999> oh ALRIGHT pine
�01[17:27] <anonymous9999999> before i go tho
�01[17:27] <anonymous9999999> 
Session Close: Sun Oct 07 17:27:22 2012