User:Badmachine/wikipedia-en-2013-01-17 through 2013-03-08

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Session Start: Thu Jan 17 01:22:58 2013
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[01:22] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[01:22] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[01:22] * Set by jeremyb!~jeremyb@wikimedia/jeremyb on Sat Dec 01 19:53:06
[01:22] #wikipedia-en url is
�02[01:29] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�02[01:29] * dalba__ (~dalba@wikipedia/Dalba) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[01:31] * Riley (uid8038@wikimedia/Riley-Huntley) Quit
�03[01:33] * arkiver (~arkiver@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:33] * p858snake|l_ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:33] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[01:36] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:36] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:39] * ZzZombo (Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[01:39] * ZzZombo_ (Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:39] * ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo__
�02[01:40] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
�02[01:41] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Once I did bad, and that I heard ever\nTwice I did good, but that I heard never.�)
�02[01:42] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
�03[01:43] * Bjarki ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:43] * Bjarki ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[01:43] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:43] * ZzZombo__ is now known as ZzZombo
�02[01:43] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�02[01:47] * ZzZombo (Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[01:47] * ZzZombo (Ravenholm@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:47] * ZzZombo (Ravenholm@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[01:47] * ZzZombo (Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:53] * Penwhale ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[01:53] * Penwhale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Penwhale) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:57] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:58] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:58] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[01:58] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:00] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:05] * Jeske_Couriano ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:05] * Jeske_Couriano ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[02:05] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:20] <Penwhale> Steven_Zhang: rawr
[02:20] <Steven_Zhang> :P
[02:23] <Steven_Zhang> is it just me, or has hillary aged a lot in the last 4 years?
�02[02:27] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Quit: BewareofDoug�)
�02[02:31] * evilgohan2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[02:31] * evilgohan2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:33] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:34] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:34] * Simeondahl ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:35] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[02:39] * PeterSJC ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[02:41] * frakir ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[02:41] * frakir ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[02:41] * frakir (~nemesis@unaffiliated/frakir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:41] <PeterSJC> How can I make a cross-wikilink from my new WikiVoyage user page to my English Wikipedia home page? I tried [[:en:wikipedia:user:Peter Chastain|English Wikipedia user page]] but that didn't work.
[02:42] <Nascar1996> hmmm
[02:42] <jubo2> PeterSJC: It should be [[w:User:Peter Chastain]]
[02:43] <jubo2> PeterSJC: It's called Interwiki linking
[02:43] <PeterSJC> jubo: nothing to indicate that it is the English version?
[02:43] <jubo2> you can specify
[02:43] <jubo2> shit.. client autoexpanded that
[02:44] <jubo2> alors..
[02:44] <jubo2> [ [ w:en:User:Someuser ] ] ( without the extra spaces )
[02:44] <PeterSJC> jubo2: Thanks!
[02:45] <jubo2> np
�02[02:55] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
�03[02:56] * Christoph_WMDE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[03:02] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[03:11] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[03:12] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[03:12] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[03:14] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�02[03:22] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
�03[03:28] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[03:32] * shanmugamp7 is now known as shanmugam|away
�02[03:37] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
�03[03:41] * ecarv- (be21432b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[03:42] * ZzZombo (Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[03:42] * ZzZombo_ (~Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[03:42] * ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo__
�03[03:42] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[03:47] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[03:50] * ZzZombo__ is now known as ZzZombo
�03[03:51] * ecarv- (be21432b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
�02[03:55] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
�03[04:01] * bentoon_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[04:03] * Chenzw (~chenzw@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[04:03] * Chenzw (~chenzw@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[04:03] * Chenzw (~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[04:04] * bentoon ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[04:18] * DFrostedGirl (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:18] <DFrostedGirl> Good morning :D
�03[04:23] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[04:23] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[04:23] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[04:23] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[04:27] * Simeondahl ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
�02[04:32] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
�02[04:34] * D__ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[04:34] * D__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[04:42] * DFrostedGirl_ (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[04:42] * DFrostedGirl is now known as Guest49915
�03[04:43] * DFrostedGirl_ is now known as DFrostedGirl
�02[04:43] * DFrostedGirl (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[04:43] * DFrostedGirl (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[04:45] * Guest49915 (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[04:47] * Vacation9 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[04:50] * Beria ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[04:50] * Beria ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[04:50] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[04:58] * arkiver (~arkiver@ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[04:58] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[05:07] * addshore ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:07] * addshore ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[05:08] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�02[05:12] * Vacation9 ( Quit
�03[05:12] * Vacation9 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:13] * Vacation9 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
�02[05:13] * addshore (~addshore@wikipedia/addshore) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
�03[05:17] * Hair (~hair@wikia/Hairr) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[05:23] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:27] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
�03[05:31] * addshore ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:31] * addshore ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[05:31] * addshore (~addshore@wikipedia/addshore) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[05:32] * ZzZombo_ (~Ravenholm@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[05:32] * ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo__
�02[05:32] * ZzZombo__ (~Ravenholm@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[05:32] * ZzZombo__ (~Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:32] * ZzZombo (~Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[05:34] * ZzZombo__ is now known as ZzZombo
�02[05:35] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@unaffiliated/windozent) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
�02[05:41] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[05:53] * bentoon2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[05:56] * bentoon_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[05:59] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:03] * Penwhale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Penwhale) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
�02[06:07] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�02[06:10] * addshore (~addshore@wikipedia/addshore) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
�03[06:10] * arkiver (~arkiver@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[06:11] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[06:14] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:16] * Hair (~hair@wikia/Hairr) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[06:16] * ataylor ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[06:20] * Beria ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:20] * Beria ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[06:20] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:21] * Christoph_WMDE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�03[06:27] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:33] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.�)
�03[06:35] * Christoph_WMDE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:35] * arkiver (~arkiver@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[06:36] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[06:45] * Moe_Epsilon (~David@wikipedia/Moe-Epsilon) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:46] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�03[06:47] * IceCas ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:49] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
�03[06:50] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[06:56] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[06:57] * Christopher_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[06:58] * Kinny (~Kinny@unaffiliated/kinny) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[06:59] * Kinny (~Kinny@unaffiliated/kinny) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[07:01] * Reedy_ (~quassel@2a01:348:6:8664:3802:7da9:dc3a:27af) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:01] * Reedy_ (~quassel@2a01:348:6:8664:3802:7da9:dc3a:27af) Quit (Changing host�)
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�03[07:03] * FastLiza1d4|zZzZ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:04] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�02[07:05] * Monty845 (~UPP@wikipedia/Monty845) Quit (Quit: .•«UPP»•.�)
�03[07:05] * ItzExor` ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[07:06] * Olipro (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:07] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (*.net *.split�)
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�02[07:07] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * Guest70136 ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * Reedy (~quassel@wikimedia/ Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * datapolitical ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * Gryllida (gryllida@freenode/staff/gry) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * ToBeFree (~tobefree@unaffiliated/tobefree) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * Guest52118 ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * enhydra (kalan@wikimedia/Kalan) Quit (*.net *.split�)
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�02[07:07] * ItzExor ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * rigel ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * FastLizard4|zZzZ (fastlizard@wikipedia/ Quit (*.net *.split�)
�02[07:07] * Spitfire (spitfire@wikipedia/spitfire) Quit (*.net *.split�)
�03[07:07] * ItzExor` is now known as ItzExor
[07:07] <DFrostedGirl> oh net split again
�03[07:07] * Fae ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:07] * Fae ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[07:07] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:07] <DFrostedGirl> :p
[07:08] <ZzZombo> AAAA
�03[07:09] * frakir ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:09] * frakir ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[07:09] * frakir (~nemesis@unaffiliated/frakir) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:09] <DFrostedGirl> o.O
�03[07:09] * Guest43673 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[07:10] * MJ94 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[07:10] * Spitfire (spitfire@2a01:7e00::1d:10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:10] * Spitfire (spitfire@2a01:7e00::1d:10) Quit (Excess Flood�)
�02[07:10] * MJ94 ( Quit (*.net *.split�)
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�03[07:12] * Spitfire (spitfire@wikipedia/spitfire) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[07:12] * MJ94 is now known as Guest72172
�03[07:12] * Gryllida (gryllida@freenode/staff/gry) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[07:12] * Reedy_ is now known as Reedy
�03[07:13] * Guest29496 (spitfire@2a01:7e00::1d:10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:13] * Guest29496 (spitfire@2a01:7e00::1d:10) Quit (Excess Flood�)
�03[07:13] * Spitfire_ (spitfire@2a01:7e00::1d:10) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:18] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
�03[07:21] * SoulOfTheInterne (~tobefree@unaffiliated/tobefree) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:28] * p858snake|l_ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
�03[07:33] * shanmugam|away is now known as shanmugamp7
�03[07:33] * Superfreak ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:33] * Superfreak ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[07:33] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[07:35] * Chenzw (~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[07:44] * Stelpa (~Stelpa@unaffiliated/stelpa) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:44] <Stelpa> ello, not sure how urgent this is:
[07:44] <Stelpa> they keep vandalizing the article "Character Map"
�02[07:46] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer�)
�02[07:46] * enhydra` (kalan@2001:ba8:1f1:f011::1337) Quit (Quit: Reconnecting�)
[07:46] <Superfreak> Stelpa: You can report vandalism here:
�03[07:46] * enhydra (kalan@wikimedia/Kalan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:46] <Stelpa> thank you, Superfreak
[07:46] <Superfreak> Stelpa: You're welcome.
�03[07:52] * Stelpa (~Stelpa@unaffiliated/stelpa) has left #wikipedia-en ("Butts"�)
�03[07:52] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[07:54] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[08:01] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[08:08] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
�03[08:09] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[08:11] * frakir is now known as Frakir
�03[08:13] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[08:21] * Migrant ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[08:22] * Catbuntu (~found@wikimedia/unrar) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[08:23] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer�)
�03[08:28] * Mono[Cloud] (uid1187@wikimedia/mono) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[08:29] * jakr ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[08:30] * JohnLewis ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[08:31] * bjelleklang (~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:34] <jakr> It it ok to make an article about an 'app'
[08:35] <Mono[Cloud]> jakr: if it's notable (ie covered by the press)
[08:35] <jakr> Mono[Cloud], it sure it
[08:35] <jakr> it sure is*
[08:35] <Mono[Cloud]> What is it called?
�03[08:36] * Superfreak is now known as Superaway
�03[08:36] * Papu82 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:36] <jakr> I forgot how, but theres a way to create an article by bypasing the request for article.  Instead I think you make it in your userspace?
[08:36] <jakr> Mono[Cloud], MFP
[08:37] <Mono[Cloud]> Let me get you a link.
�03[08:37] * Papu82 ( has left #wikipedia-en
[08:38] <Mono[Cloud]> jakr: Do you have an account? If so, what is your username?
[08:39] <jakr> quacod
[08:39] <Mono[Cloud]> Just a moment...
�03[08:40] * SoulOfTheInterne is now known as ToBeFree
[08:42] <Mono[Cloud]> jakr: You should be able to simply create the article in the mainspace. If you know the requirements, just create it in the mainspace - but I highly recommend having someone else look at it at
[08:42] <jakr> Mono[Cloud], will you look at it?
�03[08:43] * skegeek ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:44] <Mono[Cloud]> I do help out occasionally at AFC, but another reviewer will also be able to help.
[08:44] <Mono[Cloud]> If you create the article, just send me a link and I'll take a look.
[08:44] <skegeek> Interesting nick, Mono[Cloud].
�03[08:44] * Mono[Cloud] is now known as Mono
�06[08:44] * Mono uses IRCCloud
[08:45] <skegeek> Not familiar with IRCCloud
[08:45] <DFrostedGirl> ol
[08:45] <DFrostedGirl> l
�02[08:45] * Catbuntu (~found@wikimedia/unrar) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�02[08:45] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[08:49] <jubo2> IRCCloud provides detachable irc services
[08:50] <skegeek> Is there a stable public API that can be used by installed Windows/Linux applications?
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[08:51] <skegeek> I'm a little curious now, so I'll look it up.
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[08:59] <JohnLewis> Guys, A business should not be classed as ended because they have gone into administration? Since they are still trading and active right.
[09:00] <skegeek> What do you mean by 'gone into administration'?
[09:00] <JohnLewis> *Sorry, Not ending. Defunct.
�03[09:00] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:01] <JohnLewis> Administration is a process a business goes into if it is unable to debts.
[09:02] <JohnLewis> pay debts
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[09:02] <JohnLewis> Or in other terms: Liquidation.
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[09:02] <JohnLewis> Wait, Not liquidation. Its not at that stage yet.
[09:04] <skegeek> In other words, executives of such a company are doing future planning and/or paperwork instead of actively serving customers. Correct?
[09:05] <JohnLewis> No.
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[09:11] <jakr> Mono, should I find a project to put the article in?
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[09:13] <skegeek> Do you mean administration is a process if a business is unable to pay -any- debts or only a portion?
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[09:15] <Qcoder00> More snow for the UK - Yeah!
[09:15] <Qcoder00> but of course one has to ask the question. How many disabled will freeze Mr Cameron?
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[09:22] <Four7-street> uf
[09:22] <Four7-street> :S
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[09:36] <jakr> How do I cite a source that cites a quote?
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[09:36] <jakr> Do I put quotes only around the quote and paraphrase the rest?
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[09:37] <JohnLewis> Qcoder00: Yep, Can see the snow outside now...
�03[09:38] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[09:38] <Qcoder00> Any pictures?
[09:38] <JohnLewis> Not yet.
[09:39] <JohnLewis> Ill show you some tomorrow when the supposed 6 inches fall.
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[09:40] <Corinth> jakr, in English style guides, you can quote both the original and the derivative text with single quotation marks followed by double quotation marks, or vice versa.
[09:40] <Corinth> The important point is simply to adopt a consistent style.
[09:40] <jakr> Why are only some of my references showing up in References section?
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[09:40] <Corinth> Improper formatting?
[09:40] <jakr> Corinth,
�02[09:41] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
[09:42] <Corinth> Are you sure that you meant to use the ref group template?
[09:42] <Qcoder00> 6inches ?
[09:42] <Qcoder00> Where..
�02[09:42] * Trashlord (~sid@wikipedia/Sentient-Planet) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[09:42] <Qcoder00> I'd heard 1/2 inch claims for the South East...
[09:45] <Qcoder00> Also I'm very disapointed with YouTube
[09:45] <jakr> Corinth, no, should I have done ref name?
[09:45] <Corinth> jakr, should work with ref name.
[09:45] <jakr> Corinth, how do i fix it?
[09:46] <Qcoder00> They are apparently allowed someone to upload a video called 'Auswitch - The Shocking Hidden Truth'  which proved to be anything but ...  Duly flagged and I hope the user gets kicked off the site
[09:46] <jakr> oh leave it in the same order but change group to name?
[09:46] <Corinth> Yes.
�02[09:46] * Christoph_WMDE ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[09:46] <Qcoder00> Free speech is wonderful , but YouTube cannot seriosuly want to support Holocaust deniers...
[09:47] <jakr> Corinth, cool, thanks, can you 'review' the article
�02[09:47] * Vacation9 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[09:47] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: You think putting their video up is "supporting" them? :-P
[09:48] <Dcoetzee> Any video like that is going to get torn apart in the comments and plenty of dislikes.
[09:48] <Qcoder00> Dcetzee :Comments were disabled ... I wonder why
[09:48] <Qcoder00> XD
[09:48] <Dcoetzee> Heh
[09:49] <Dcoetzee> If I were Google I'd not take it down but I would enable comments let them have a little fun with it :-P
[09:49] <JohnLewis> Qcode00: 6 inches are supposed to fall in the region of Notinghamshire and Yorkshire.
[09:49] <JohnLewis> If you were Google, We'll all be screwed Dcoetzee.
�03[09:49] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[09:49] <Dcoetzee> JohnLewis: Huh?
[09:49] <Dcoetzee> I wouldn't abuse your private data :-P
[09:50] <Qcoder00> The Historical evidence FOR the Holocaust is undeniable... and  the tactics used by deniers  should be an insult to peoples rationale inteligence
[09:50] <JohnLewis> Google never did. You would though I bet.
[09:50] <Dcoetzee> Why would you say something like that?
[09:50] <jakr> can someone please 'review' the article
[09:50] <Dcoetzee> I respect people's privacy...
[09:50] <JohnLewis> I suppose I trust you...
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[09:53] <Qcoder00> JohnLewis: People trusted Google
[09:53] <Qcoder00> People Trusted Microsoft
[09:53] <Qcoder00> People trusted Sony
[09:53] <Qcoder00> People even trust HMRC ;)
[09:53] <Dcoetzee> I still trust Google. Because I have to :-P
[09:54] <JohnLewis> I still trust Google becasue face it... Its based on Googol :P
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[09:55] <jakr> can someone please 'review' the article
[09:56] <Qcoder00> jakr: Patience :)
[09:56] <Qcoder00> It will get reviewed eventually
[09:56] <DFrostedGirl> i think its ok
[09:56] <DFrostedGirl> :O
[09:57] <jakr> thanks
�02[09:57] * Trashlor1 (~sid@ Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[09:57] <Four7-street> jakr: its a app for androide
[09:58] <Four7-street> ¿¿
[09:58] <jakr> Four7-street, app for all smartphones
�02[09:58] * Catbuntu (~found@wikimedia/unrar) Quit (Quit: Auf wiedersehen�)
[09:58] <Four7-street> jakr: good good
[09:58] <Four7-street> :D
�06[09:58] * Four7-street download start 5
[10:00] <Moe_Epsilon> CNN: "Russian mob boss assassinated, search is on for the killer"
�06[10:00] * Moe_Epsilon facepalm
[10:02] <Dcoetzee> Well everyone has the right to equal protection under the law
�03[10:06] * Travelour (~Jorge@wikimedia/Travelour) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:06] <Qcoder00> Unless you work for Haliburton
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[10:10] <JohnLewis> What do people think about the recent 787 Dreamliners from Boeing scares?
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[10:11] <Qcoder00> Boeing doesn't screw up like that does it?
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�02[10:12] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[10:12] <BlastHardcheese> I think we should all PANIC
[10:12] <JohnLewis> Well most countries grounded all Boeing 787 Dreamliners due to the Japanese event plus 7 others in the past week.
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[10:14] <Dcoetzee> JohnLewis: They're very conservative about these things, so I think grounding them is the right decision but there was probably no likely immediate danger of loss of life
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[10:16] <JohnLewis> Not likely Dcoetzee. Problems in the past week have included Fuel leaks; cracked cockpit window; brake problems; electrical fires and a battery malfunction.
[10:16] <Dcoetzee> ...well that's concerning
[10:17] <Moe_Epsilon> are they by chance held together by duct tape?
[10:18] <JohnLewis> Not duct tape but they are made for new experimental materials that passed testing in the Boeing locations.
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[10:19] <Moe_Epsilon> The average customer is unlikely to be pleased with the word experimental in their plane materials :p
[10:20] <JohnLewis> But the FAA are just saying 'This plane is safe! No problems here!'
[10:20] <Dcoetzee> Well I suppose it's possible the faults so far were just an unlucky coincidence
[10:21] <Dcoetzee> That they're faults that happen with all planes but happened to occur close together in time on this plane
[10:21] <JohnLewis> Very unlucky.
[10:21] <Dcoetzee> Still deserves an investigation though
�03[10:21] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:22] <JohnLewis> The FAA, Boeing and Japanese Inspectors are all at work.
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[10:23] <JohnLewis> I see Facebook are shipping a new iPhone feature. Allowing users to call anyone in the US on an iPhone for free.
[10:23] <Dcoetzee> Yup... not that that's interesting at all
[10:23] <Dcoetzee> Considering Skype has done the same for years
[10:23] <Dcoetzee> On multiple platforms
[10:24] <JohnLewis> There are two more interesting stories.
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�02[10:24] * ShreCk (Troll@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[10:24] <JohnLewis> 'Burger case prosecutions possible.' and 'Girl, 12, made ot have abortion'.
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[10:25] <Dcoetzee> ...
[10:25] <Moe_Epsilon> o_O
[10:25] <Four7-street> O.o
[10:25] <JohnLewis> I assume the two above are directed at the second story?
[10:25] <Dcoetzee> To be fair, it might be a good idea to force a 12 year old to have an abortion to save her life. It's questionable whether she's mature enough to make that decision on her own.
[10:26] <Dcoetzee> But... the necessity of it in the first place is troubling
[10:26] <Nascar1996> :O
[10:26] <Qcoder00> Why is a 12 year old pregnant anyway?
[10:26] <PeterSymonds> Do you want a diagram?
[10:26] <JohnLewis> Qcoder00: Raped by I believe 9 men.
[10:26] <Moe_Epsilon> o_o
[10:26] <Dcoetzee> :-(
[10:26] <DFrostedGirl> :'(
[10:27] <Nascar1996> (
[10:27] <Nascar1996> :(
[10:27] <DFrostedGirl> :|
[10:27] <JohnLewis> They deny the charges which is stupid and the trial is due to end, April 2013.
[10:27] <JohnLewis> BY charges: It is 51 charges each.
[10:27] <Moe_Epsilon> I'm pretty sure anyone is going to deny that
[10:28] <JohnLewis> Anyone would deny it indeed.
[10:28] <jakr> Mono, you tricked me. I didnt want to request my article to be created
[10:29] <jakr> i dont want to wait
[10:30] <JohnLewis> Oh and Dalepak may be charged on criminal accounts on their recent mess up.
�03[10:31] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
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[10:32] <Dcoetzee> I wish I had a local Wikipedian friend I could get to video the medical procedure I'm undergoing today for Commons :-/
[10:33] <Moe_Epsilon> Dcoetzee what kind of procedure?
[10:33] <JohnLewis> Why not... Recruit someone else? Or mayber as a 'commoner' :P
[10:33] <Corinth> If it involves surgery in a theatre, then it's unlikely that  they'd be provided access.
[10:34] <Dcoetzee> They probably wouldn't allow it anyway, but I don't think it's a theatre, just a minor in-office procedure
[10:35] <Dcoetzee> It's so hard to get freely licensed media of medical procedures in general. Even minor ones.
[10:35] <Corinth> Removing  stitches, physical exams, and electrographs all spring to mind.
�03[10:36] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[10:36] <Dcoetzee> Maybe there are medical offices that keep footage of procedures for educational purposes and with the patient's permission they'd consider releasing them
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[10:37] <Corinth> That's conceivable if it's a training hospital.
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[11:04] <Mike_HH>
[11:04] <Mike_HH> happy birthday grandma <3
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[11:32] <Dcoetzee> Some songs have really really weird names
[11:32] <Dcoetzee> LyricsBot just processed one called  "10 Chicken Wangs And a Bottle of Dom"
[11:32] <JohnLewis> What the hell?
[11:33] <The_Blade> Every so often I'll listen to Cannibal Corpse, they have some real dandies.
[11:34] <Mono> Dcoetzee: my data plan costs 2x more than my phone
[11:34] <Dcoetzee> Mono: :-( What country are you in?
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[11:38] <wolfgang42> NiFls1012
�02[11:41] * YuviPanda (~YuviPanda@mediawiki/Yuvipandan) Quit (Changing host�)
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[11:43] <wolfgang42> ...shoot. I should really start paying better attention to where I'm typing in my password...
[11:44] <legoktm> .....
�02[11:44] * TDJACR_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:45] <wolfgang42> Fortunately, that's an old password that I only use for one account, and I just changed it
[11:45] <JohnLewis> Wolfgang42: Maybe if that was your password... Don't kind of announce.
[11:45] <PeterSymonds> Yeah just pretend it was a random outburst.
[11:45] <YuviPanda> wolfgang42: sure, that's what you'd have us all believe
[11:45] <wolfgang42> I only announced after I changed
[11:46] <YuviPanda> well, you could've been looking for someone named NiFls1012
[11:46] <Qcoder00> Back
[11:47] <wolfgang42> Good point. I'll have to remember that trick in the future
[11:48] <Qcoder00> Dalepak are going to be prosecuted? For what?
�03[11:48] * D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000
[11:48] <Qcoder00> Surely you can't send someone to jail for using horse meat if it's actuall edible...
[11:49] <JohnLewis> Supplying British Beef Burgers which had Horse and Pig.
[11:49] <JohnLewis> It was a pure accident but the Health Department claim it is a possible health risk and it can be classed as false advertising.
[11:49] <Qcoder00> Ouch
[11:50] <wolfgang42> The problem is that when I wake up my computer it displays a black screen before it shows the `enter password' window
[11:50] <Qcoder00> Not to mention that some communites might have thier own 'judgements' on the firms involved
[11:50] <JohnLewis> The government are saying they may decide not to make any criminal charges but if they decide not to, they would just get a warning.
[11:50] <Qcoder00> Horse meat is a Health risk?
[11:51] <JohnLewis> Apparently.
[11:51] <wolfgang42> So I usually enter my password then to speed the process up... except that when I've been using an external monitor it displays a black screen and puts what I type into whatever happens to be open that I can't see
[11:51] <Qcoder00> BUT A number of other EU countries consume horse-flesh, and I've not heard of any major health scandals...
�02[11:52] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Quit: :GN :)�)
[11:52] <Qcoder00> Nothing comparable to  BSE ,  bugs in Chicken etc...
[11:53] <JohnLewis> We know. THe government said it was a possible risk, though not likely plus with the event false advertising and consumer regulations being breached a criminal charge can be filed by the government or any of the five affected super markets.
�03[11:54] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:54] <JohnLewis> Supermarkets: (Some may not be considered 'super') Tesco; Iceland; Lidl; Aldi; Dunnes
�06[11:55] * Qcoder00 looks forward to seeing the Private Eye comments...
[11:55] <Qcoder00> After all austerirty means cuts for everyone and 'Every Little Helps!"
[11:56] <JohnLewis> Yep, We cant afford 100% British Beef so... Have this 100% British Beef, Horse and Pig Burger!
[11:58] <Franco|Andro> hey, does anyone know if we have any gender-specific placeholder usernames?
[11:58] <Franco|Andro> I need to make some testcases for a template that uses the {{gender}} parser
[11:58] <JohnLewis> The health department said that if they didnt advertsie '100% British Beef' there would be no case here, nothing criminal atleast.
[11:59] <Franco|Andro> ...anybody?
�03[12:00] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:00] <JohnLewis> Also BBC Breakfast celebrated their 30th year running at 6:30 am today.
�02[12:01] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Quit: User has quit this network.�)
[12:02] <Franco|Andro> Susan: You know all that fancy technical stuff... Do you know? (See above question)
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[12:05] <legoktm> Franco|Andro: I don't think any of our uw-* templates take gender into account.
[12:05] <Franco|Andro> not a warning
[12:06] <legoktm> I don't think any other templates do either...
�02[12:06] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Client Quit�)
[12:07] <Franco|Andro>,_R.I.P. Floated the idea at [[Talk:Aaron Swartz]], and got positive feedback.
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[12:07] <Franco|Andro> (link doesn't work because there's a period at the end)
[12:07] <Franco|Andro> :P
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[12:08] <Demiurge1000> doesn't WP:DONTTEMPLATETHEDEAD exist yet?
[12:09] <Franco|Andro> hahaha. it's because {{Connected contributor}} is written like a fucking All-Points Bulletin
[12:09] <Franco|Andro> So I thought it'd be good to have a way of saying "Hey, they have a userpage" without saying "You guize, you guize, watch out for COI"
[12:09] <Franco|Andro> since dead people can't really self-promote all too well
[12:10] <Franco|Andro> (when I'm done with this I'll move on to coming up with some versions of {{Connected contributor}} that are a bit less persecutorial
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[12:19] <geniice> hmm we appear to lack an article on Catfishing
[12:20] <mareklug> today is the first time I heard that term, on CNN
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[12:22] <geniice> ja
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[12:23] <geniice> the closest term I'm familiar with is Münchausen by Internet
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[12:25] <The_Blade> That's a little different, though; Münchausen by Internet is more about pretending you have some sort of condition, not pretending to be someone else entirely.
�03[12:25] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
[12:26] <Franco|Andro> Would an admin mind blocking [[User:Example male]] and [[User:Example female]]? I only created them to test out a template I'm working on that uses the {{gender}} parser.
[12:26] <Franco|Andro> see and for verification
[12:26] <mareklug> so define this cat fishing, because I am under the misapprehension that it means pretending to have a relationship, not being duped into thinking by someone that they are your gf/bf whatever
[12:27] <Franco|Andro> is the condition a reference to the movie, or vice versa?
[12:27] <The_Blade> Which condition?
[12:27] <geniice> mareklug I think its the second one
[12:27] <Franco|Andro> sorry. not condition. blah. the term, i mean
[12:27] <Franco|Andro> catfishing
[12:27] <geniice> "tricking people into online relationships with fictional personas"
[12:28] <geniice> 	Franco|Andro no reason tyo block
[12:28] <mareklug> ah, like pretending you are a girl on a wikipedia channel? :)
[12:29] <Franco|Andro> geniice: I created them, though. And the passwords are a lot less secure than my usual one, and there's no reason I'll ever need to edit with them.
[12:29] <geniice> Franco|Andro so scramble the passwords and have done with it	
[12:29] <Franco|Andro> i seriously can't request for them to be blocked? :(
[12:29] <geniice> mareklug wikipedians don't generaly form relationships inline or otherwise
[12:29] <Franco|Andro> (passwords are still always hackable)
[12:30] <geniice> Franco|Andro admins prefer not to block
[12:30] <Franco|Andro> [[User:ArbCom]] is blocked...
[12:30] <geniice> well yes but that name could cause troubl
[12:30] <geniice> example male not so much
[12:30] <Franco|Andro> *sighs* okay
[12:30] <mareklug> example male is a fine and funny even username.  it should be released back into the pool
[12:33] <Franco|Andro> haha if someone ever wants to usurp it, i'll let them, as long as they set their gender to male
[12:33] <mareklug> no, that;s the funny part.  i would encourage you to release it to a biological female, and vice versa.
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[12:34] <Franco|Andro> but then the testcases wouldn't work!
[12:37] <mareklug> the test cases will work just fine.  see Annette Peackok's "Real and defined androgens" off of X-dreams album
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[12:51] <addshore> ..
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[13:17] <jakr> Mono, ?
[13:17] <jakr> Mono, are you there?
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[13:24] <Qcoder00> leogktm:ping?
[13:24] <Qcoder00> Bot fixed?
[13:24] <legoktm> Hi, about to go to class in a minute, whats up?
�03[13:24] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:24] <legoktm> No, I left an update on [[User talk:Legobot]]
[13:24] <Qcoder00> OK
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[13:30] <SuicidalZerg> You're not supposed to use sulfuric acid in metal plumbing, right?
[13:31] <Qcoder00> Erm?
[13:31] <Qcoder00> Context?
[13:31] <SuicidalZerg> Drains
[13:32] <Qcoder00> Use of H2S04  in drains wouldn't be advisable in my view...
[13:32] <Qcoder00> Domestic drains I'm assuming?
[13:32] <SuicidalZerg> Yes.
[13:32] <SuicidalZerg> And apparently my father doesn't know shit about taht.
[13:32] <Qcoder00> I'm not sure how corrisive it is though...
[13:33] <SuicidalZerg> Because he used it last night, and now the damn pipe is leaking.
[13:33] <Qcoder00> but I was told not to put Sulphuric down the lab drains in school
[13:34] <WikiJunkie> Where can I find users or admins who focus on the development of Wikivoyage? Is there a chat room which is dedicated only to that?
[13:35] <geniice> #Wikivoyage
[13:35] <geniice> SuicidalZerg sulhpric acid will eat through metal given time
[13:36] <jakr> How come this number isnt changing: There are currently 297 submissions waiting for review at this page.
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[13:40] <wolfgang42> jakr: You need to purge the page
[13:40] <wolfgang42> Tack ?action=purge on the end of the URL
[13:40] <jakr> wolfgang42, how?
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[13:40] <wolfgang42> ^
[13:41] <jakr> wolfgang42, the number went up?
[13:41] <jakr> wtf
[13:42] <jakr> wolfgang42, before I purged, there were 297 submissions before me, how there are 302 submissions before me? wtf
[13:42] <JohnLewis> More Submissions.
[13:43] <jakr> JohnLewis, why are they before me?
[13:43] <Demiurge1000> jakr: That's not "before". That's just total.
[13:43] <JohnLewis> They are not. Just total.
�03[13:43] * Dainomite (~Dainomite@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:43] <jakr> some guy tricked me into this review. I just want to make the article
[13:46] <wolfgang42> jakr: Some of them are after you; there's no way for the software to tell
[13:46] <jakr> f this
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[13:57] <Superfreak> JohnLewis: Are you named after the department store?
[13:58] <JohnLewis> No. But that is the third time on this channel I have had that :)
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[13:59] <Vacation9> hi all
[13:59] <JohnLewis> Hola
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[13:59] <Superfreak> JohnLewis: Sorry to be a pain, I had to ask. ;)
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[14:00] <JohnLewis> Your not a pain, Just a Superfreak :P
[14:01] <geniice> I like the way none of our camera type articles lead with canon or nikon cameras
[14:01] <Swob> why not?
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[14:02] <geniice> Swob because canon vs nikon is best avoided
[14:04] <mattbuck> pentax ftw :p
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[14:04] <Prodego>
[14:04] <Prodego> free money
[14:05] <geniice> mattbuck our DSLR article does lead with a pentax pic but thats only because its the lovable criple of the camera world
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[14:06] <jakr> JohnLewis, are you User:John ?
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[14:06] <JohnLewis> User:John F. Lewis
[14:06] <JohnLewis> Look at my cloak.
[14:08] <Swob> oh hey
[14:08] <Swob> JohnChrysostom is back
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[14:08] <jakr> JohnLewis, it says you do review on your user page. Can you please review my article for creation
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[14:09] <JohnLewis> jakr: Once I have time. I am trying to deal with cookies in PHP and the best example is in a language I dont know. Ruby.
[14:10] <jakr> JohnLewis, its not a long article it wont take long
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[14:12] <JohnLewis> Get rid of the 'Subject of my article...' and add an infobox and I may be an easy pass.
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[14:29] <jakr> JohnLewis, kk
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[14:31] <jakr> JohnLewis, which infobox?
[14:31] <JohnLewis> Find an appropriate one
�02[14:31] * Malvolio ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[14:33] <jakr> JohnLewis, its not a diet like Paleo Diet
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[14:34] <jakr> JohnLewis, would the software infobox work?
[14:34] <JohnLewis> Possibly.
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[14:39] <jakr> JohnLewis, i cant find info about the developers or version of software
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[14:45] <BarkingFish> Does anyone have a holiday home they can rent to me? Preferably somewhere warm, like the Sahara, Doha, Death Valley...
[14:46] <BarkingFish> I need heat :)
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[14:49] <Swob> 10C in Death Valley right now
[14:49] <BarkingFish> fuck. let's try Doha
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[14:50] <BarkingFish> bugger. it's only 17 there.
[14:50] <Swob> why not Australia?
[14:50] <BarkingFish> i was thinking of what i imagine to be the hottest places on earth
[14:51] <Swob> actually wait, the Death Valley station that uses is a mountain station.  even deep in the valley, though, its not a whole lot warmer
[14:51] <BarkingFish> Deserts, Qatar, Death Valley, etc
[14:51] <Swob>
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[14:54] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish:  Natural or created?
[14:54] <BarkingFish> natural
[14:54] <Swob> Dallol, Ethiopia may be the hottest place on Earth
[14:54] <Swob> or is it in Eritrea now?
[14:55] <Swob> I think still Ehtiopia
[14:55] <Qcoder00>
[14:55] <BarkingFish> i mean i could set up a tent on a ledge inside eyjafjallajökull - that would keep me nice and toasty
[14:55] <Gfoley4> lolwat
[14:55] <Qcoder00> Speaking of extremes
[14:55] <BarkingFish> but it'd be a bitch if it went off again
[14:55] <Swob>,_Ethiopia#Climate
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[14:55] <Swob> hot enough for ya
[14:56] <Qcoder00> I assume the coldest location on Earth is in a specialist lab
[14:56] <Four7-street> Hi
[14:56] <Four7-street> I want ask something,a user registered
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[14:56] <Four7-street> can remove all talks
[14:56] <Four7-street> from his user talk page
[14:56] <Four7-street> ?
[14:56] <BarkingFish> woohoo! Perfect, Swob
[14:56] <for_> archive yes Farby
[14:56] <BarkingFish> yes, Four7-street - you have the right to remove anything from your talk page
[14:57] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish:  Does Wikipedia have a section for World Records?
[14:57] <Four7-street> mmm I was in other Wikipedia and the users can't remove talks
[14:57] <BarkingFish> which wikipedia, Four7-street?
[14:57] <Four7-street> mm forget
[14:57] <Four7-street> :p
[14:57] <Four7-street> maybe now is not a valid rule there
[14:57] <Qcoder00> I also wonder if there a stats about Wikipedians that are notable ;)
[14:58] <Qcoder00> Like the oldest active contirbutor and so on
[14:58] <Swob> jimbo is oldest
[14:58] <Four7-street> They used to say "the talks should be visible to users" can only remove the talks, whether to archive
[14:58] <Four7-street> :p
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[14:59] <BarkingFish> The only problem with living in Dallol, Swob - is that it's a ghost town miles from anywhere.
[14:59] <BarkingFish> granted, i'd have the whole place to myself, but i wouldn't survive long
[14:59] <Swob> I read a story from a journalist who lived there for a while
[15:00] <Swob> there's still plenty of people there, they just dont live in the town
[15:00] <Swob> theyre nomads
[15:00] <BarkingFish> brb
[15:01] <Swob>
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[15:01] <Qcoder00> Evenign BarkingFish
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[15:02] <Franco|Andro> can someone settle this for me and Gwickwire: how long do you guys think it would take ArbCom to emergency desysop a compromised admin account?
[15:03] <Swob> it has happened pretty near instantly in the past
[15:03] <Prodego> arbcom wouldn't do it
[15:03] <Swob> but thats because the guy was actually blocking people
[15:03] <Prodego> well it would depend
[15:03] <Swob> and yeah it might not have been Arbcom
�03[15:03] * gwickwire (~gwickwire@wikipedia/gwickwire) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:03] <Prodego> basically very fast if arbcom doesn't have to do it
[15:03] <Franco|Andro> I contend that they can do it in a minute flat if they have enough people on IRC
[15:04] <gwickwire> Has Franco told you why we're 'arguing' about this?
[15:04] <Franco|Andro> the policy definitely is that they only need 3 votes to desysop in unequivocal cases
[15:04] <Prodego> Franco|Andro: well that's because it isn't so much that arbcom would do it, as it is that some steward  (or I guess now crat) would just say, hmm, I should desysop this
[15:04] <Swob> RickK was blocked 2 minutes after the guy who hacked his account admitted it
[15:04] <Prodego> if you are more subtle then it will take longer
[15:04] <Franco|Andro> true
[15:05] <QueenOfFrance> Swob: block means nothing
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[15:05] <Swob> oh, right
[15:05] <Prodego> arbcom is slow, unilateral action is not
[15:05] <Franco|Andro> yes, though, gwickwire has an interesting point that i've turned into this little tangent on emergency desysops
[15:05] <Swob> you said 'desysop'
[15:05] <QueenOfFrance> Prodego: actually, only a steward can do it given the wording of the policy
[15:05] <QueenOfFrance> it's not 'crats
[15:05] <Swob> I dont know who does that
[15:05] <Prodego> QueenOfFrance: technical power is all the power you need
[15:06] <QueenOfFrance> Prodego: well, chances are it's faster to find a steward than a 'crat
[15:06] <Prodego> maybe
[15:06] <Prodego> whichever saw first would do it
[15:06] <Franco|Andro> well, have any admins even been insta-desysopped since the policy on Level-1 removals was written?
[15:06] <Prodego> how did Tan get desysoped?
[15:06] <Prodego> that was via arbcom
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[15:07] <Franco|Andro> who?
[15:07] <Swob> heh
[15:07] <Swob> Tan.
[15:07] <Swob> he was funny
�06[15:07] * Franco|Andro is still kinda new here, if he's to be believed ;)
[15:07] <Swob> I miss him
[15:07] <Franco|Andro> ?
[15:07] <Swob> and yeah definitely Arbcom
[15:07] <Prodego> Swob: I didn't like him very much on account of the whole blocking me thing
[15:07] <Swob> no sorry
[15:07] <Swob> User:Tanthalas39
[15:08] <Swob> i still check his page every few months to see if he's made any edits. He hasnt
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[15:08] <Franco|Andro> Prodego: he blocked you? :(
[15:09] <Prodego> Well I blocked him for harassment or personal attacks or something, and then he unblocked himself and blocked me
[15:09] <Franco|Andro> shit
[15:09] <gwickwire> He wheel-warred on himself.
[15:10] <Prodego> eh, it doesn't really matter, though it wasn't a very smart move
[15:10] <Prodego> could have used an unblock request instead
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[15:10] <Franco|Andro> yeah. isn't it against policy?
[15:10] <gwickwire> Bah, if we don't want admins unblocking themselves we shouldn't give them 'unblock' bit :P
[15:11] <Swob> it is, yes
[15:11] <Swob> I've heard it's now impossible to unblock yourself
[15:11] <Swob> the software wont allow it
[15:11] <gwickwire> Swob: Don't say that, we'll repeat DDMP
[15:11] <Prodego> it does, I believe
[15:11] <Franco|Andro> it's definitely disable-able - "unselfblock", i think the extension is called
[15:11] <Prodego> last I checked you could unblock yourself
[15:12] <Prodego> there was a bug where you couldn't for a while
[15:12] <Franco|Andro> only one way to find out, fellas!
[15:12] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - "When I explained my job and circumstances for being late, and my professor said missing lab day would still result in zero credit"
[15:12] <Peter-C>
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[15:12] <BarkingFish> Prodego, i raised this a night or two back - you *can* unblock yourself per the software, but my understanding is that you're not allowed to - there's no point in blocking an admin if they can take their own block off :)
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[15:13] <Prodego> oh yes, you aren't allowed to, unless you obviously were blocked by mistake
[15:13] <Prodego> such as if you blocked yourself, though they made that harder by adding an extra checkbox
[15:13] <BarkingFish> I blocked myself on tpi.wikipedia when I first got admin there about 4 years ago - i would have unblocked myself, but I got told I wasn't supposed to, and I had to wait for a steward to undo it :)
[15:14] <gwickwire> Okay, just a poll here, if anyone knows User:BradPatrick my understanding is he used to work for WMF. For said work, he was given the 'admin' bit. He has since stopped working for the WMF, and hasn't had any logged admin actions in quite a few years (07 I think?). Should he be desysopped pending an RfA or consensus, or should he be allowed to keep it.
[15:14] <Franco|Andro> BarkingFish: as I said, I believe different wikis can enable or disable unselfblock as they wish
[15:14] <BarkingFish> gwickwire, imo he should be desysopped
[15:14] <Prodego> gwickwire: who cares
[15:14] <legoktm> The unblockself right isn't active on enwp.
[15:14] <Prodego> he isn't doing anything, so leave it alone
[15:14] <Franco|Andro> but yes, Gwickwire actually has an important question
[15:14] <legoktm> Er as in you can unblock yourself if you wanted.
[15:14] <gwickwire> The question, in fact, which prompted our whole discussion here.
[15:14] <Franco|Andro> indeed
[15:15] <Franco|Andro> he hasn't used his admin bit since '07
[15:15] <BarkingFish> he was given admin for work with the WMF, he no longer works with the WMF, he doesn't need the bit
[15:15] <Franco|Andro> mhmm. and it was before they had the Staff right, tooo
[15:15] <Swob> he can be desysopped in three years
[15:15] <Franco|Andro> *too
[15:15] <Swob> the 3-year "no acitivity" thing isnt retroactive
[15:15] <BarkingFish> I was given access to the foundation wiki during the 2010 fundraiser. When it finished, I lost access there.
[15:15] <Franco|Andro> Swob: not as long as he's editing, he can't
[15:15] <gwickwire> However, I feel that we should give him a chance to open a RfA and see if he can keep it that way.
[15:15] <Swob> oh he's still editing? then no
[15:16] <Franco|Andro> yeah, like 3-4 edits a month. most recently on my talk page!
[15:16] <legoktm> if he's still editing and hasn't broken anything yet, whats the problem?
[15:16] <Swob> even if he probably wouldnt pass an RfA today we cant take his access away
[15:16] <legoktm> WP:IAR
[15:16] <gwickwire> ^
[15:16] <BarkingFish> i'd back that, gwickwire - he didn't get admin by consensus, we should recall him and make him go through an rfa if he wants to keep it
[15:16] <Franco|Andro> on the other hand, he's ex-Executive Director, so if he says "mine!" it wouldn't be very fun to fight over it
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[15:16] <BarkingFish> legoktm, the problem is he didn't get it by consensus
[15:16] <gwickwire> Anyone outright oppose to me making a request for him to voluntarily RfA/relinquish bit on his talkpage?
[15:16] <legoktm> so?
[15:17] <Swob> gwickwire: yes, me
[15:17] <legoktm> Jimbo sysopped a bunch of people in 2001
[15:17] <legoktm> Not by consensus
[15:17] <gwickwire> Swob, can I ask why?
[15:17] <legoktm> Do we de-sysop those?
[15:17] <BarkingFish> gwickwire, go right ahead.
[15:17] <Swob> seriously, dont do it
[15:17] <BarkingFish> I don't mind :)
[15:17] <legoktm> It's a waste of time
[15:17] <Franco|Andro> legoktm: this is different. he got it from Philippe for Foundation work, before the Staff right existed
[15:17] <Franco|Andro> *not Philippe. Danny.
[15:17] <legoktm> Franco|Andro: I know that.
[15:17] <BarkingFish> Jimbo had founder back then, he doesn't now.
�06[15:17] * legoktm can read.
[15:17] <gwickwire> *He got it from Danny, for Foundation work
[15:17] <legoktm> BarkingFish: He still does.
[15:17] <Franco|Andro> BarkingFish: yes he still does!
[15:17] <Franco|Andro> just doesn't use it
�06[15:17] * gwickwire thinks NOBODY can read if they think Danny is Phillipe
[15:18] <gwickwire> *Philippe
[15:18] <Franco|Andro> he only ever gave up 'crat and steward
[15:18] <legoktm> Look.
[15:18] <BarkingFish> Franco|Andro, my understanding is his founder bit was removed, wasn't it? Or was it reworked or some shit?
[15:18] <legoktm> BarkingFish: It wasn't removed.
[15:18] <gwickwire> reworked
[15:18] <Swob> he still has founder access
[15:18] <Franco|Andro> Popups says he has it
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[15:18] <Swob> he made a vow never to block anyone directly
�06[15:18] * legoktm sighs
[15:18] <Franco|Andro> along with sysop, CU, and OS
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[15:18] <gwickwire> Jimbo voluntarily relinquished some 'userrights' he was given through Founder group
[15:18] <Swob> and even that, I think, only applies to en.wikipedia
[15:19] <Franco|Andro> and the global version of Founder
[15:19] <legoktm> Swob: No his rights are global.
[15:19] <Swob> the vow, I mean
[15:19] <gwickwire> If nobody gives me a valid reason to not ask him to relinquish, I'll go and anyone can come behind me and add their signature as seconds.
[15:19] <Swob> not the userright
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[15:19] <Swob> there was some fuss about a block he made once
[15:19] <Franco|Andro> Swob: apparently he's basically never used his founder rights on any other project, though he's technically capable of it.
[15:20] <legoktm> <-- his rights.
[15:20] <Franco|Andro> and I recall that he violated his own blocking moratorium on three unequivocccal occasions
[15:20] <legoktm> Franco|Andro: …he just said he used them on commons!
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[15:20] <Gfoley4> does he have steward?
�06[15:20] * gwickwire feels unanswered
[15:20] <Vacation9> I thought it was the mass deletion of child pornography or something?
[15:20] <BarkingFish> ah, ok - i misread - it was raised recently on his talk page as part of another discussion
[15:20] <Franco|Andro> Gfoley4: meta pulled all the WMF folks' steward bits a while baack
[15:20] <Swob> there was no child pornography
[15:20] <legoktm> Gfoley4: Technically no.
[15:20] <legoktm> Franco|Andro: Except they can give themselves steward.
[15:21] <BarkingFish> gwickwire, raise an RFC on it and get consensus or not :)
[15:21] <Vacation9> Swob: thought I heard something where he mass deleted some articles that people saw as censorship
[15:21] <Franco|Andro> haha yeah. it was just a formality
[15:21] <Swob> yeah
[15:21] <gwickwire> BarkingFish: Hell no.
[15:21] <Vacation9> pictures, not articles
[15:21] <BarkingFish> better than asking one or two people, ask a whole bloody load of them :D
[15:21] <Swob> but it wasnt actually child porn. Thats just the story that got into the mass media
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[15:21] <legoktm> Vacation9: Then commons desysopped him.
[15:21] <Franco|Andro> and yeah, yeah, there was that. but he hasn't even edited the vast majority of wikis
[15:21] <Vacation9> Swob: so what was it actually?
[15:21] <Swob> really if we had been hosting child porn dont you think the world would have noticed a long time before 2010?
[15:21] <gwickwire> BarkingFish: I'll start an RfC if someone will come second it.
[15:21] <gwickwire> BarkingFish: I take that back, I'll ask him first.
[15:21] <Franco|Andro> I don't think an RFC is necessary
[15:21] <BarkingFish> gwickwire, why?
[15:21] <Swob> I dont know firsthand, I never saw any of the deleted images myself
[15:22] <Franco|Andro> yeah, that's what i was gonna say
[15:22] <Vacation9> Swob: possibly. I didn't see why people would object to the deletion if it was child porn either.
[15:22] <Swob> but Im sure if there was anything illegal we'd have known it
[15:22] <BarkingFish> You're asking one or two people's opinion, and they can't decide - surely get consensus on it and it'll be better in the long run :)
[15:22] <Swob> and gwickwire sorry
[15:22] <gwickwire> BarkingFish: He may relinquish it willingly, eliminating the need for anything more.
[15:22] <Swob> were you waiting for me
[15:22] <Swob> i got distracted
[15:22] <gwickwire> Swob: Only a bit :P
[15:23] <BarkingFish> i say do it, Swob  says don't do it, just take your pick :D
[15:23] <BarkingFish> my opinion essentially is this: he was given the bit for a job he doesn't do anymore. thus the bit should go when the job stops.
[15:23] <Vacation9> is EVERYBODY afk on wikipedia-en-revdel? :P
[15:23] <gwickwire> BarkingFish: Will you come to his talkpage and second me? I don't like feeling alone :P Plus, with my 3.1k edit count he may not listen.
[15:23] <Franco|Andro> the important thing is being courteous about it, of course
[15:23] <Swob> I just dont think it's fair to take admin from him when he earned it back in 2001, albeit under different rules than we have now
[15:23] <BarkingFish> gwickwire, sure
[15:23] <Vacation9> BarkingFish: what about the 3 year rule developing on enwiki?
[15:23] <Franco|Andro> Swob: it was '05
[15:23] <gwickwire> Swob: He got it in 07
[15:24] <gwickwire> Oh oops 05
[15:24] <BarkingFish> he didn't earn it, Swob - he was given it to do work
[15:24] <Vacation9> Shouldn't that apply here too?
[15:24] <Swob> well even so
[15:24] <BarkingFish> the work has finished, the bit should go
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[15:24] <Franco|Andro> this is why they created the Staff group
[15:24] <Swob> the staff members have admin-like access and they didnt go through RfA's either
[15:24] <Franco|Andro> but he's not on staff anymore!
[15:24] <Vacation9> what's the staff group do?
[15:25] <Franco|Andro> Vaction9: anything they want
[15:25] <BarkingFish> and yes, gwickwire - I will second you.
[15:25] <Franco|Andro> except they get fired if they step out of line
[15:25] <Vacation9> Franco|Andro: Really? They can grant themselves perms?
[15:25] <T-Sweezy> ò_ò
[15:25] <T-Sweezy> xd
[15:25] <Franco|Andro> Vacation9: I think so. I think it's pretty much Dev access
[15:25] <Swob> they have admin access at least
[15:25] <Swob> and that
[15:25] <Swob> depends on the job, probably
[15:25] <Swob> there are some staff members that dont really edit at all
[15:25] <Franco|Andro> oh, maybe not
[15:26] <Swob> i know at minimum they can edit full-protected pages
[15:26] <Franco|Andro> but yeah, they have a fair amount of Steward rights
[15:26] <Swob> and MediaWiki pages
[15:26] <Vacation9> what about
[15:26] <Franco|Andro> they can block, delete, and protect
[15:26] <Franco|Andro> Vacation9: haha or that ;)
[15:26] <Vacation9> Franco|Andro: You're right, look at this Edit all user rights (userrights)
[15:26] <Franco|Andro> bigdelete
[15:26] <Swob> who knows what the v is
[15:27] <Vacation9> They have the edit user right
[15:27] <Vacation9> there is no staffv
[15:27] <Franco|Andro> Swob: from hitting ctrl+v and then taking my finger off ctrl
[15:27] <Swob> oh
[15:27] <Franco|Andro> oh. so that settles it.
[15:27] <Vacation9> they have Oversight perms...
[15:27] <Swob> im surprised it didnt give a 404
[15:27] <Swob>
[15:27] <Swob> i guess you can put anything there
[15:27] <Franco|Andro> shit. even stewards don't have that
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[15:27] <Vacation9> AND CheckUser
[15:27] <Franco|Andro> global OS, that is
�06[15:28] * gwickwire has drafted up a post for the talkpage, someone should definitally go second it.
[15:28] <Swob> stewards dont have oversight access?
[15:28] <Franco|Andro> they can self-add
[15:28] <Swob> I think at least they can give themselves it if they need it
[15:28] <Swob> yeah
[15:28] <Franco|Andro> but they don't have it globally
[15:28] <Franco|Andro> unlike Staff and Jimbo
[15:28] <Prodego> they can add it for themselves globally if they want
[15:28] <Prodego> once you can add every userright to yourself the whole thing is sort of moot
[15:29] <Vacation9> ah, Jimbo doesn't have Oversight or Checkuser
[15:29] <Franco|Andro> oh. just locally, i guess
[15:29] <Vacation9> his global rights are admin-level
[15:29] <Franco|Andro> ahh
[15:30] <Franco|Andro> Prodego: hmm... can Stewards edit the global Steward rights page?
[15:30] <Prodego> yes
[15:30] <Franco|Andro> I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't, actually
[15:30] <Vacation9> lol
[15:30] <Prodego> stewards can do anything and sysadmins can do anything
[15:30] <Prodego> I don't think staff can
[15:30] <Gfoley4> No one man should have all that power!
[15:30] <Prodego> staff cannot
[15:31] <BarkingFish> back in a bit, gonna reboot
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[15:31] <Vacation9> Gfoley4: what one man?
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[15:31] <Prodego> domas
[15:31] <Gfoley4> a song
[15:31] <gwickwire> Is anyone going to second, or should I give up as yall are talking about other stuff?
[15:31] <Franco|Andro> oh, yeah. looks like they occasionally add global CU/OS for massive crosswiki actions
[15:31] <Vacation9> gwickwire: I'm neutral, sorry
[15:31] <Franco|Andro> gwickwire: I'd second, but it's probably better coming from an admin
[15:31] <Franco|Andro> (the second, that is)
[15:32] <gwickwire> Right, but having other normal editors is just as well
[15:32] <gwickwire> I'll save it now
[15:32] <Swob> ok
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[15:33] <for_> right uh how was I disc'd?
[15:33] <gwickwire> Anyone can go comment, or refactor my comments if there's any issues (within reason however)
[15:33] <Prodego> on what?
[15:33] <Vacation9> gwickwire: I'll be sure too
[15:33] <Gfoley4> ping timeout
[15:33] <Vacation9> to*
[15:33] <for_> bah
[15:33] <Prodego> for_: ninjas unplugged your ethernet cable
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[15:34] <Vacation9> wow Jimbo's talk page is updated every 10 minutes
[15:34] <for_> So >likely
[15:34] <Vacation9> He's popular
[15:34] <Swob> wb
[15:34] <Vacation9> I wonder why
[15:34] <for_> I can't believe I didn't >notice
[15:34] <mattbuck> yes, I have to keep it on my watchlist, because it's a hangout for the commons-haters
[15:35] <legoktm> mattbuck: :P
[15:35] <legoktm> btw Swob
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[15:37] <Four7-street> o.o
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[15:38] <Vacation9> gwickwire: still posting it?
[15:38] <Vacation9> and why does Jimbo have local sysop if he already has global founder?
[15:38] <legoktm> Vacation9: for completeness.
[15:39] <Vacation9> oh
[15:39] <Franco|Andro> to show up in the logs, too
[15:39] <mattbuck> founder doesn't confer admin rights now I think
[15:39] <Vacation9> global founder does
[15:39] <mattbuck> not after he stormed onto commons and got booted off again
[15:39] <gwickwire> Nope, it doesn't, they removed that on specifically en.wikipeida
[15:39] <Franco|Andro> i wonder if he ever uses like rollback or one of the minor admin rights. or if he really is just effectively a normal user
[15:39] <Vacation9> why if you're giving him sysop?
[15:40] <gwickwire> Anyone going to go second my statement? -hides in corner-
[15:40] <Vacation9> where is it?
[15:40] <Franco|Andro> enwp "Founder" does exactly one thing: allows him to edit all userrights. he's basically like a steward just for enwp
[15:40] <QueenOfFrance> mattbuck:
[15:40] <QueenOfFrance> Franco|Andro: incorrect.
[15:40] <gwickwire>
[15:40] <QueenOfFrance> oh the local one
[15:40] <gwickwire> anyone?
[15:40] <Franco|Andro> QueenOfFrance: yes
[15:41] <Franco|Andro> gwickwire: BarkingFish was going to, but then he disappeared :/
[15:41] <gwickwire> I know :/
[15:41] <Swob> barkingfish said he would, yeah
[15:41] <gwickwire> You going to?
[15:41] <Vacation9> gwickwire: will do
[15:41] <gwickwire> Thanks. :P
[15:41] <QueenOfFrance> yeah the local one is simply edituserrights
[15:41] <Franco|Andro> and in case this goes pear-shaped, I don't wanna disturb the little template chat he and i are having
[15:42] <gwickwire> Ah, I see.
[15:42] <mattbuck> he doesn't have deletion rights then
�03[15:42] * T-Sweezy is now known as Bradford
[15:42] <Swob> pear-shaped.
�03[15:42] * Bradford is now known as Guest74790
[15:43] <Swob> Cant say Ive heard that one before
[15:43] <Franco|Andro> i'm getting popular. kinda-sorta on the front page of ru.wp one day, chatting with the ex-ED the next ;)
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�03[15:43] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:43] <Franco|Andro> Swob: I think it's something British. idk, I heard it somewhere
[15:43] <Vacation9> gwickwire: done :)
[15:43] <gwickwire> Thanks :)
[15:43] <Franco|Andro> mattbuck: the deletion right comes from the *global* founder bit
[15:43] <mattbuck>
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[15:45] <Swob> Ive only heard it used to describe women
[15:45] <mattbuck> franco, on that page, delete pages is NOT checked
[15:45] <Franco|Andro> or Columbus's image of the world
[15:45] <mattbuck> can view deleted content, but cannot delete stuff
[15:46] <Franco|Andro> mattbuck: oh. maybe he gave it up after the commons fiasco
[15:46] <mattbuck> yes, that's what i was saying
[15:46] <gwickwire> wow.
[15:46] <Franco|Andro> gwickwire: hmm?
[15:46] <gwickwire> Idk
[15:46] <JohnLewis> Good night guys.
[15:46] <Swob> night
[15:46] <Vacation9> gn!
[15:47] <for_> bye
[15:47] <Franco|Andro> now, back to my question? ;)
[15:48] <Swob> there was a question?
[15:48] <for_> who?
[15:49] <Franco|Andro> the one about how long it would take a truly rouge admin to get desysopped
[15:49] <Franco|Andro> like, if they were to start nuking shit right now
[15:49] <for_> probably 5-15 minutes
[15:49] <for_> things can escape attention for a while
[15:49] <for_> I remember vising the current events portal a few months back and it was b0rked by some troll...can't remember the name anymore
[15:49] <Swob> oh ok
[15:50] <Swob> that might have been Pickbothmanlol
[15:50] <Swob> he was smart
[15:50] <for_> weren't they found to be Fluttershy-ENG or something?
[15:50] <Swob> yeah
[15:50] <foks> also PMBL
[15:50] <Swob> Fluttershy is PBML
[15:50] <Franco|Andro> someone linked me to the Signpost article on robdurbar a while back... apparently it took 17 minutes for a steward to desysop him, despite having deleted the main page like 3 times, and blocked Jimbo
�02[15:51] * JohnLewis (~johnlewis@wikipedia/John-F-Lewis) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[15:51] <for_> can't delete the main page anymore ;-)
[15:51] <Swob> Robdurbar's probably still out there somewhere socking away, hoping to get admin access somewhere
[15:51] <for_> block Jimbo? sure.
[15:51] <Franco|Andro> haha i know
[15:51] <for_> Robdubar is still socking on Wikt
[15:51] <for_> and doing rogue stuff -_-
�02[15:52] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) Quit (Quit: Bjarki�)
[15:52] <Franco|Andro> how psyched do you think the guys were who noticed that the main page was unprotected?
[15:52] <gwickwire> what?
�03[15:52] * Bjarki ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:52] <Franco|Andro> when Robdurbar unprotected it
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�02[15:53] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[15:53] <Yetanotherx> Swob: Now we've got crats as well who can desysop
[15:53] <gwickwire> What? No. No. Doesn't the main page totes have permanent cascading?
[15:53] <for_> yes
[15:53] <Swob> it does now, yes
[15:53] <Swob> this was 2006
[15:53] <gwickwire> it hasn't been unprotected in forever?
[15:53] <Yetanotherx> it's transcluded on a bunch of pages
[15:53] <gwickwire> OH OKAY.
[15:53] <Swob> 2007, actually
[15:53] <gwickwire> this is what I get for leaving for like 2 mins.
[15:53] <for_> fir a few days after Robudbrar
[15:53] <for_> the Main page was confused
[15:53] <Franco|Andro> gwickwire: i think that's why it does
[15:53] <Swob> <--- this is who we're talking about
[15:54] <Swob> worst admin ever
[15:54] <sweety> not SPUI?
[15:54] <Franco|Andro> 5 minutes, total
[15:54] <Swob> actually he was probably good until his spasm on April 19, 2007. I dont know who SPUI is. Both were before my time
[15:54] <for_> e.g.
[15:54] <Vacation9> 06:13, 19 April 2007 Robdurbar (talk | contribs) removed protection from "Main Page" (hist)
[15:54] <Vacation9> 06:12, 19 April 2007 Robdurbar (talk | contribs) deleted page Main Page
[15:54] <Swob> I've seen SPUI's name on a few images
[15:54] <for_>
�03[15:54] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:55] <for_>
[15:55] <for_> etc
[15:55] <for_> wait, ignore that last link
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[15:55] <wolfgang42> ... egad.
[15:56] <Franco|Andro> they were so uncreative
[15:56] <Swob> SPUI was never an admin
[15:56] <Franco|Andro> like, why not go with a gif of Commons's best gay porn?
[15:56] <Swob> not on that name at least
[15:56] <mattbuck> because en.wp likes to keep it on a blacklist franco
[15:56] <mattbuck> luckily we keep getting more :)
[15:57] <Franco|Andro> mattbuck:
[15:57] <Franco|Andro> even in 07?
[15:57] <gwickwire> Franco: I think you should do that if you become an admin, but you'd be a bit biased and INVOLVED.
[15:58] <Franco|Andro> hahah *that* would be the problem ;)
�03[15:58] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:58] <gwickwire> Haha, plus, quite a few gay editors would probably be disabled by the sight, so they woouldn't be mentally capable of fixing it.
[15:59] <BarkingFish> ?
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[15:59] <gwickwire> BarkingFish: Go second it? ?
[15:59] <gwickwire> And nothing you need to know ;)
[15:59] <Swob> wb
[15:59] <Prodego> Ike9898 totally stole my main page unprotection reason by the way
[15:59] <BarkingFish> as a gay editor, gwickwire, i'd like to :)
[15:59] <BarkingFish> what would disable me at its sight?
[15:59] <gwickwire> Gay porn on the main page.
[16:00] <Prodego> there are easy ways to do that
[16:00] <Prodego> that I don't really feel like mentioning
[16:00] <gwickwire> lolz.
[16:00] <Prodego> but nevertheless, easy
[16:00] <gwickwire> Prodego: just edit a template that JUST got transcluded onto the main page, before it gets cascaded.
[16:00] <gwickwire> :P
[16:00] <gwickwire> technical awesomeness
[16:01] <Prodego> that's defininitely how it works
[16:01] <Prodego> definitely*
[16:01] <Franco|Andro> gwickwire: good idea
[16:01] <gwickwire> Well, that's technically one way a nonadmin can edit a protected page.
[16:02] <gwickwire> And, by virtue of cascading protection, they could transclude something else there secretly, then when cascading is applied finally (software lag) they can protect something.
[16:02] <Vacation9> !logs
[16:02] <gwickwire> It's been Bugzillad, IDK where.
[16:02] <Prodego> in case this wasn't obvious, there is no lag
[16:02] <Vacation9> is there a log?
[16:02] <Vacation9> oh wait "no public logging" nevermind
[16:02] <Franco|Andro> Prodego: Is too
[16:03] <Franco|Andro>
�02[16:03] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:03] <addshore> anyone here good with js user scripts?
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[16:05] <Prodego> well I was just working on mine, but I have no idea what I'm doing
[16:05] <Prodego> so not I :)
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[16:07] <addshore> Prodego, sounds like your in the same boat I am, although maybe ahead of me, I am currently just staring at a blank page looking up how to begin :P
[16:07] <Prodego> addshore: well luckily I stole essjay's stuff back in the day
[16:07] <Vacation9> addshore: do you mean the (theme).js file?
[16:07] <Prodego> but I've been lately migrating toward vector, slowly
[16:07] <Prodego> so everything has to be recreated
�02[16:07] * kaen (~master@unaffiliated/hail) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[16:07] <addshore> Prodego, I just shifted all of my scripts over to vector and they all work fine :)
[16:07] <Vacation9> addshore: just steal my scripts
[16:08] <Prodego> addshore: I do way too much UI stuff
[16:08] <addshore> Vacation9, yes, im trying to make one but i dont know where to start. And i think I have enough :P
[16:08] <addshore> Prodego, such as?
[16:08] <legoktm> Prodego: monobook for life!
[16:08] <BarkingFish> +1 legoktm
[16:08] <Vacation9> Here's mine if you want to see what I use (vector)
[16:08] <Prodego> addshore: try it out, just replace your vector.xx files with mine
[16:08] <addshore> legoktm, that was my attitude but iv suddenly changed :)
[16:08] <Prodego> legoktm: I'm still slowed by the dropdown menus
�06[16:08] * Four7-street looking for a talk
[16:08] <BarkingFish> vector is a crock :)
[16:08] <Four7-street> mmm
[16:08] <Four7-street> yes
[16:08] <legoktm> BarkingFish: Agreed!
[16:09] <foks> If they could make Vector without lal the dropdown menus then sure
[16:09] <Vacation9> I've used vector since I started
[16:09] <Four7-street> me too
[16:09] <foks> the dropdowns are ridiculously annoying
[16:09] <legoktm> Prodego: Heh, thats the main reason I don't like vector. I have more monobook tabs than fit on the page :P
[16:09] <addshore> Vacation9, mine
[16:09] <foks> enough to make me stick to monobook
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[16:09] <Prodego> foks: yea I'm trying to improve that to the point where I can switch
[16:09] <addshore> legoktm, I had more monobook tabs than fitted on my screen, vector solves that
�02[16:09] * Carly (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: freenode�)
[16:09] <Prodego> foks: all I need is for the dropdown menu not to close if you are a little off it, but not too far
[16:10] <addshore> foks, they arent too bad, they help me fit my stuff on
[16:10] <addshore> Prodego, you need new finger to grip your mouse better :/
[16:10] <BarkingFish> legoktm, i only stick to monobook because vector sucked like a black hole - i couldn't find the bits of twinkle I needed, i couldn't find anything when I went in  - it looked like it'd been assembled by a blind one eyed donkey with no sense of design.
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[16:10] <Vacation9> addshore: I need to steal your (non-admin) scripts
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[16:10] <foks> Prodego, I'd prefer if they were click-to-open, although that's probably wishful thinking
[16:10] <BarkingFish> I've seen kindergartners who can make things look better than vector did :)
[16:11] <addshore> Does ANYONE have any idea how I can (using js) add a button next to every header on the page?
[16:11] <Prodego> foks: well that should be easy to do
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[16:11] <SuicidalZerg> [FAIL]
[16:11] <Vacation9> it's teh TParis
[16:11] <foks> BarkingFish, bit harsh, vector LOOKS nice, the issue is with functionality
[16:11] <addshore> I just wish i could make my script :/
[16:11] <TParis> It most certainly is me
[16:11] <addshore> where is the documentation for js stuff and mediawiki?
[16:11] <addshore> xD
[16:12] <foks> addshore, there should be stuff on meta, I'd imagine
[16:12] <legoktm> er
[16:12] <legoktm> no
[16:12] <legoktm>
[16:12] <legoktm>*
[16:12] <BarkingFish> foks, the thing with a usability interface is that it should be put together with ideas from everybody, not just a team of people who assemble it to be "usable" by their definition.
[16:12] <Prodego> no BarkingFish, it should be assembled by a team that uses their definition
[16:12] <Prodego> because at least then it is usable to someone
[16:12] <Prodego> if it tries to be usable for everyone it will be usable for noone
[16:12] <BarkingFish> Vector was part of the usability design, and it's not usable - it slows you down.
[16:13] <BarkingFish> Prodego, then they can keep it :)
[16:13] <BarkingFish> Prodego, what is the point of creating a usable interface which isn't usable to some people?  It either needs to be easy to use by *everyone* or it needs to get sunk.
[16:14] <BarkingFish> If it's not usable to everyone, it's not achieved its purpose
[16:14] <addshore> Prodego, any idea how to stick a button next to a header? :P
[16:14] <Prodego> define "a header"
[16:14] <addshore> == saklhfkashf ==
[16:15] <addshore> :> heading
[16:15] <Prodego> well those are all h2 elements, right?
[16:15] <Prodego> or are they h3
[16:15] <Vacation9> addshore: just stole a bunch of your scripts :>
[16:16] <addshore> was trying to find a script that already did it so I could use my cheeky copy and paste skills but I cant find one
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[16:16] <legoktm> == <-- h2
[16:16] <legoktm> === <-- h3
[16:16] <legoktm> etc
[16:16] <legoktm> from 1-6
�02[16:17] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[16:18] <Prodego> I can do that, but hold on
[16:18] <addshore> Prodego, all h3
[16:18] <addshore> actually, all h4
[16:18] <addshore> Vacation9, such as?
[16:18] <addshore> yep :P h4
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[16:18] <Tasmania> Hello everyone.
[16:19] <Vacation9> addshore: copy and pasted them all, removed the admin-only ones :>
[16:19] <addshore> :D *loves Prodego*! How are you by the way? I havn't spoken to you in years
[16:19] <Four7-street> o.o
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[16:21] <Prodego> addshore: $("#mw-content-text h2") gets all the headers
�02[16:21] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[16:21] <Prodego> so you will do something like this
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[16:21] <Prodego> $("#mw-content-text h2").each(function(i, e) { function to run on each header });
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[16:23] <Prodego> addshore: so that function will be decided by what you want to add, and what you mean by 'after'
[16:23] <addshore> okey dokey
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[16:26] <addshore> I have 4 lines of code now! :D
[16:26] <addshore> 6 if i space it out
[16:26] <addshore> this is the start of something amazing!
[16:26] <Vacation9> wooah
[16:26] <legoktm> spaces!
�02[16:26] * evilgohan2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[16:27] <addshore> but unfortunatly I am going to get stuck at every single hurdle I reach
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[16:28] <addshore> 10 might be my limit :/
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[16:32] <Vacation9> Hello there fwilson :)
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[16:32] <Fox-Wilson> hello
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[16:33] <Vacation9> get on wikimedia-labs and ##adshore
[16:33] <Vacation9> ##addshore*
[16:33] <Fox-Wilson> kk
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[16:39] <Four7-street> Imgur is over capacity! please try again in few minutes
[16:39] <Four7-street> lol
[16:39] <Four7-street> :p
[16:39] <ihaveamac> constantly
[16:39] <ihaveamac> I can't browse reddit properly
[16:39] <Isarra> Guys, how do new users find... stuff?
[16:39] <ihaveamac>
[16:39] <ihaveamac> but to just read
[16:40] <Isarra> Woah.
[16:40] <ihaveamac> search engines seem to always check if Wikipeia has an article on it
[16:40] <Isarra> Okay, so those are articles. What about tools?
[16:40] <Isarra> How do they actually find their watchlists, for instance?
[16:40] <legoktm> Isarra: They hit the watchlist button
[16:40] <ihaveamac> same spot where they find their user link
[16:40] <Isarra> But how do they figure to do that?
[16:40] <ihaveamac> prefs
[16:40] <ihaveamac> log out
[16:40] <Isarra> Just... randomly clikc things?
[16:41] <ihaveamac> randomly click things and add '''Bold text''' to an arti<ref></ref>cle?
[16:41] <Isarra> Is a watchlist a common concept? Would folks know what it is?
[16:41] <fox_wilson> Yes, normally. I have a massive watchlist
[16:41] <Vacation9> if they read GettingStarted
�06[16:41] * Isarra makes ihaveamac bold.
[16:41] <Vacation9> mine is like 1100 pages
[16:41] <ihaveamac> what
[16:41] <foks> Isarra, watchlists are pretty widespread terminology on the 'net
[16:42] <Isarra> It doesn't say anything about watchlists on gettingstarted.
[16:42] <foks> I think most people learn stuff by trying things out
[16:42] <Vacation9> really?
[16:42] <foks> it's pretty natural
[16:42] <Vacation9> Isarra it should
[16:42] <Isarra> foks: Aye, and it does work, just... I dunno.
[16:42] <Isarra> Vacation9: It just says 'The pages below need simple improvements you can help with right now, like fixing the spelling and grammar. You don't need to be an expert in the topic, so be bold!' and lists some pages.
[16:43] <ihaveamac> (diff | hist) . . m Gnanananda Giri‎; 17:43 . . (+3)‎ . . ‎IXavier (talk | contribs)‎ (change only visible to editors) (Tag: new editor getting started)
[16:43] <ihaveamac> heh
[16:43] <foks>
[16:43] <Vacation9> Isarra: oh.
[16:43] <ihaveamac> (that's me(
[16:43] <ihaveamac> )
[16:43] <ihaveamac> apparently it still tags me, a user for 4 years, as a new editor
[16:43] <ihaveamac> almost 5
[16:43] <fox_wilson> Wow... silly mediawiki
[16:43] <foks> How many edits do you have
[16:43] <ihaveamac> barely
[16:43] <ihaveamac> I had less than 20 edits
[16:43] <ihaveamac> for the 4 years
[16:44] <ihaveamac> until august 2012
[16:44] <foks> hmm
[16:44] <legoktm> ihaveamac: no thats how the extension works
[16:44] <foks> but you have 1000+ now
[16:44] <foks> odd
[16:44] <legoktm> if you make an edit from that page, it auto-tags it
[16:44] <ihaveamac> I came across recent changes
[16:44] <ihaveamac> I've never heard of RC until I clicked it
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[16:44] <foks> Fun fact, by the time I was ihaveamac's age, I was an admiiinnn
[16:44] <ihaveamac> 2008?
�03[16:45] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[16:45] * foks cheers to himself
[16:45] <foks> ihaveamac, yes
[16:45] <BarkingFish> fuck - you're 2008?
[16:45] <BarkingFish> damn, that's old :P
[16:45] <foks> May 2008 was my RfA
[16:45] <fox_wilson> lol BarkingFish
[16:45] <Isarra> Snrk.
�03[16:45] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en
[16:45] <foks> I've been 20 for almost a week now, so
[16:45] <SigmaWP> I arrived in this channel at the perfect time :(
[16:45] <foks> heh
[16:45] <fox_wilson> nowhere near adminship yet :D
[16:45] <TParis> Foks, I know an admin younger than you
[16:45] <ihaveamac> SigmaWP: what do you mean
�06[16:45] * Isarra wraps SigmaWP in cheese.
[16:45] <foks> TParis, I imagine there are lots
�03[16:45] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away
[16:45] <fox_wilson> I'm only at 1700 edits or so
[16:46] <foks> inb4AnonymousDissident
[16:46] <ihaveamac> I'm a lazy person, I like automated stuff
[16:46] <SigmaWP> foks: Earwig
[16:46] <fox_wilson> me too
[16:46] <fox_wilson> I worked on a tool for copyediting
[16:46] <foks> SigmaWP, yeeeeesss
[16:46] <fox_wilson> and then wrote an Python API to the Mediawiki API
[16:46] <foks> I think I half met him once IRL
�03[16:46] * rigel_ is now known as rigel
[16:46] <foks> maybe didn't
[16:46] <foks> I didn't speak to him
[16:47] <ihaveamac> User ID:	6691988
[16:47] <ihaveamac> Number of edits:	1,535
[16:47] <ihaveamac> Registration time:	04:26, March 18, 2008
[16:47] <TParis> fox_wilson: You mean a python library to the Mediawiki API?
[16:47] <fox_wilson> i know there already is one
[16:47] <fox_wilson> i was bored :D
[16:47] <fox_wilson> but I started working on one
[16:47] <BarkingFish> holy cow.  This, for me, would be heaven.  Guy opens a bag of chips, to find chips... and a bloody great lump of the flavoring powder used on them.  AND he bit into it.
[16:47] <BarkingFish>
[16:47] <SigmaWP> fox_wilson: There is only one worth using for Python 3.
[16:47] <Vacation9> User ID:	13634631
[16:47] <Vacation9> Number of edits:	5,512
[16:47] <Vacation9> Registration time:	20:01, 16 December 2010
[16:47] <SigmaWP> And once everyone has Python 3, it will be the only one worth using.
[16:47] <BarkingFish> i'd cook up a batch of french fries, crush the powder, and coat my fries in it :)
[16:47] <ihaveamac> BarkingFish: .-.
[16:47] <fox_wilson> hmmm... might continue working on it then, because I use 2.7.3
[16:48] <ihaveamac> I joined 2008 and yet I only have 1.5k edits
[16:49] <Isarra> BarkingFish: Unfortunately biting into it will do bad things to one's mouth... not pleasant.
[16:49] <BarkingFish> i joined 2004 and i have approaching 8000 edits - that ain't a lot, i wish I'd had more time and better net access to shove my count up :(
[16:49] <fox_wilson> now where did I put all that code for enwiki...
[16:50] <ihaveamac> so in around 4 and a half years, I made 1.5k edits. If I made a bot, I think it would make 1000 in a week.
[16:50] <fox_wilson> you have any ideas for a bot?
[16:50] <ihaveamac> no
[16:50] <BarkingFish> Isarra, it took balls though to bite into a lump of highly concentrated flavoring.  Must've been like a thunderflash going off in his mouth!
[16:51] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: you might want to look at
[16:51] <SigmaWP> fox_wilson: Good, the better to divide the Python 2 users :)
[16:51] <Isarra> >.<
�03[16:51] * kaen (~master@unaffiliated/hail) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:51] <ihaveamac> I actually had that open just no
[16:51] <ihaveamac> w
[16:51] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: :)
[16:51] <fox_wilson> Sigma: perhaps :)
[16:52] <ihaveamac> I did make one, but only for my own wiki, and its only task is finding images without any licenses
[16:52] <ihaveamac> it's a small wiki but I want to have them there anyway
[16:52] <fox_wilson> well that makes two of us with our own mediawiki installs
[16:52] <ihaveamac> I actually have 2/3
[16:52] <ihaveamac> one for my main site (since manually making PHP/HTML files is too much for my laziness)
[16:52] <ihaveamac> one for tests
[16:53] <ihaveamac> and one for general stufff
[16:53] <fox_wilson> haha yep - I did write a rather nice authentication system in python
[16:53] <fox_wilson> then found that it could be sql injected :D
[16:53] <fox_wilson> *php
[16:53] <SigmaWP> Ah, that sounds like a typical PHP problem
[16:53] <ihaveamac> someone managed to break into a school's admin account using SQL injection
[16:53] <ihaveamac> the school used classic ASP
[16:54] <TParis> SigmaWP: Not since PDO
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> fox_wilson: I think you told me a bit about your new Python library for Mediawiki API
[16:54] <ihaveamac> they used the password: 1'or'1'='1
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> It's supposed to be like a super thin layer right?
[16:54] <fox_wilson> yep
[16:54] <fox_wilson> not sure I've seen you before though
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> I use mwclient a lot
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> But docs aren't great and it's incomplete in some areas
[16:54] <ihaveamac> I recently started trying apibot for php
[16:54] <SigmaWP> ihaveamac: :(
[16:55] <BarkingFish> wiki slowdown?
[16:55] <SigmaWP> I don't like php
[16:55] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: How's that working out  for you?
[16:55] <fox_wilson> i like php for web apps
[16:55] <ihaveamac> it works for what I need it to do
[16:55] <Dcoetzee> I never like PHP, but LAMP is soooo widely supported
[16:55] <SigmaWP> I don't like php in general
[16:55] <Dcoetzee> It makes deployment cake
[16:55] <fox_wilson> Dcoetzee: here's some WIP code if you want:
[16:56] <ihaveamac> have there been times when someone added File: ?
[16:56] <Dcoetzee> fox_wilson: I'd like to see someone take a library like yours... and that crazy wikitext parser... and other such components, and assemble some kind of awesome super bot framework out of them
[16:57] <fox_wilson> Dcoetzee: which crazy wikitext parser?
[16:57] <SigmaWP> fox_wilson: Before you actually let people get their hands on it, read the PEP 8
[16:57] <Dcoetzee> I forgot its naaaame
[16:57] <SigmaWP> And then memorise it
[16:57] <ihaveamac> if I want to make a bot, however, I'll need something to have it run constantly
[16:57] <SigmaWP> And then fix the code to conform with it
[16:57] <fox_wilson> SigmaWP: I tend to break PEPs a lot :)
[16:57] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: cron
[16:57] <Dcoetzee> mwparserfromhell
[16:57] <SigmaWP> Then stop using Python, fox_wilson
[16:57] <Dcoetzee> That's the one
[16:58] <ihaveamac> I use cron jobs for one task on my wiki
[16:58] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Let me tell you the way I'm running LyricsBot right now
[16:58] <ihaveamac> it runs every 10 minutes since it's a small site
[16:58] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee: how?
[16:59] <Dcoetzee> Toolserver has and I split my job into pieces of about 30 minutes each. I schedule a cron job with qcronsub to run every few minutes, which starts up a fresh job if one is not already running.
[16:59] <Dcoetzee> The script just resumes from where it left off each time
[16:59] <ihaveamac> so everything uses cron jobs?
[16:59] <legoktm> fox_wilson: if you want people to re-use your code, you really should follow PEPs...
[16:59] <fox_wilson> legoktm: I'll clean it up at some point
[16:59] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Cron jobs and job scheduling on the Toolserver cluster
[16:59] <ihaveamac> ok
�02[16:59] * Migrant ( Quit (Quit: Migrant�)
�02[17:00] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[17:01] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: They recommend a max job length of like 7 hours, for things like IRC bots, and it just restarts after that
�03[17:01] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[17:01] <legoktm> fox_wilson: i um….why are you just splitting the xml and not actually parsing it >.>
[17:02] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: Really? My ircbots just run indefinitely....
[17:02] <SigmaWP> legoktm: Because he's butchering the Python :(
[17:02] <fox_wilson> legoktm: probably should fix that...
[17:02] <Dcoetzee> legoktm: Toolserver's gone to "you must use SGE and no infinite jobs" but it's not strictly enforced
[17:02] <Dcoetzee> I think the periodic reset thing is to protect against memory leaks
[17:02] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: No only for bots that edit the wiki
[17:03] <Dcoetzee> Oh I see
[17:03] <legoktm> My ircbots don't.
[17:03] <legoktm> and infinite jobs are allowed
[17:03] <legoktm> as long as theyre using sge
[17:03] <Dcoetzee> legoktm: I'm just going off what says :-P
[17:04] <Dcoetzee> "Normally your task should NOT run forever; let it stop from time to time (to free memory and give other people a chance to run jobs). A good runtime of a forever bot is 3 to 7 days – it is no problem to start the bot again short after."
[17:04] <ihaveamac> if my task wasn't important, I'd let the bot stop for a minute
[17:05] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Can it catch up?
�03[17:05] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[17:05] <ihaveamac> depends
[17:05] <ihaveamac> I don't know much on what I can do with a bot
[17:06] <legoktm> Ah
[17:06] <legoktm> I never read the for beginners page :P
[17:06] <legoktm> I just read DaB's email
[17:06] <SigmaWP> legoktm: hurry up and finish
[17:07] <fox_wilson> legoktm: wow I was lazy when writing that code
[17:07] <Dcoetzee> legoktm: Okay :-P
[17:07] <Dcoetzee> fox_wilson: I think it'd be really interesting to take a Python library like yours and layer something Pythonic and fancy on top of it
�03[17:07] * Bellamy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:07] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[17:07] <Bellamy> hey
[17:07] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: you should look at SigmaWP's library.
[17:07] <Dcoetzee> So that way "advanced" folks can use the raw API as needed but normal people could do stuff easily
[17:08] <Bellamy> your all freakin nerds
[17:08] <fox_wilson> I do have an ApiAction class
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> Hi Bellamy
[17:08] <Bellamy> hi, how are you?
[17:08] <fox_wilson> which represents anything that can be passed to the API
[17:08] <foks> Bellamy, "you're"
[17:08] <foks> you + are = you're
[17:09] <Bellamy> oh, thanks, im not sure i could have lived with my spelling mistake
�03[17:09] * ragesoss_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:10] <Bellamy> derp
[17:10] <Dcoetzee> Bellamy: Good :-) You?
[17:10] <SigmaWP> That isn't spelling, that's grammar
[17:10] <Bellamy> im ok, thanks for askin
�02[17:10] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[17:10] <Dcoetzee> Re grammar Nazis, I'm a descriptivist. So my philosophy is, if the meaning is clear, it's irrelevant what silly rules it follows or doesn't follow.
[17:11] <Swob> does that mean you accept the use of Java to mean Javascript?
[17:11] <Bellamy> Im thinkin about makin an article about myself, is this a good idea??? x
[17:11] <fox_wilson> Java != JavaScript
[17:11] <BarkingFish> no
[17:11] <BarkingFish> not unless you're famous
[17:11] <Bellamy> i am famous
[17:11] <BarkingFish> it's likely to get deleted before you can take your keyboard off of your lap
[17:11] <Dcoetzee> Bellamy: Not unless lots of people have written articles about you, and you didn't pay them to do it
[17:11] <Bellamy> i have paid for a few in the past
[17:11] <Dcoetzee> You know, in magazines, newspapers, etc.
[17:12] <Bellamy> ive been on plenty of top viewed videos on pornhub
[17:12] <Dcoetzee> I'm afraid that doesn't count by itself
[17:12] <Dcoetzee> If porn reviewers have written about you that's a start
[17:12] <Bellamy> if i could get a new video out by the end of this week, would u guys be interested in promoting it?
[17:12] <Dcoetzee> (assuming you didn't pay them to do so)
[17:13] <foks> you are an incredibly bad troll man
[17:13] <Bellamy> im not trollin, im telling the truth
[17:13] <SigmaWP> Sorry, you still aren't notable.
[17:13] <BarkingFish> do you know reddit?
[17:13] <Dcoetzee> Bellamy: I'm sorry but developing that kind of notability takes a lot of time. Putting out good content is the way to get there, but you don't control when it happens.
[17:13] <foks> No. Wikipedia doesn't promote.
[17:13] <Bellamy> even for top rated porn stars
[17:13] <Bellamy> ???
[17:13] <Dcoetzee> Bellamy: We can only add someone to Wikipedia when lots of people are already independently writing stuff about them.
[17:14] <fox_wilson> speaking of trolls, it was kind of funny when someone removed content from an article about trolls
[17:14] <ihaveamac> you can put a little about yourself in your user page
[17:14] <Bellamy> ive had loads written about me, do u want links?
[17:14] <BarkingFish> If you're a porn star, AMA on there within the next ten minutes, and I'll research you... If you've won any woodies, even better.
[17:14] <BarkingFish>
[17:14] <Dcoetzee> Bellamy: Some links would be great
[17:14] <ihaveamac> it's /r/IAmA
[17:14] <ihaveamac> most of the time
[17:14] <foks> are we seriously asking for links to porn
[17:14] <Dcoetzee> But keep in mind they have to be people who wrote about you independently, without your influence
[17:14] <Bellamy> so in interested in watchin my videos are you? i can tell u now, it might not be ur sorta thing
[17:15] <Dcoetzee> Bellamy: Not particularly...
[17:15] <Gfoley4> wat is going on
[17:15] <ihaveamac> wat
[17:15] <Dcoetzee> Just trying to help you with your questions.
�03[17:15] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:15] <Bellamy> heres a link to one of my videos
[17:15] <ihaveamac> uh
[17:15] <foks> please do not link to porn in here.
[17:16] <Bellamy> ok sorry
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[17:16] <Fluffernutter>
[17:16] <SigmaWP> Fluffernutter: ikr
[17:16] <Dcoetzee> Bellamy: Your videos aren't helpful because they're primary materials you created yourself.
[17:16] <foks> I can't quite believe this is actually happening.
[17:16] <Bellamy> ok, i guess ill have to become more famous first
[17:16] <ihaveamac> ಠ_ಠ
[17:16] <BarkingFish> foks: if we're up to establish the guys notability, we need proof he is what he says he is, right?
[17:16] <BarkingFish> We can do this elsewhere if you don't want it in here
�03[17:17] * Bellamy ( has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving"�)
[17:17] <SigmaWP> Yay!
�03[17:17] * Reedy_ is now known as Reedy
[17:17] <Dcoetzee> Well they were pretty reasonable.
�06[17:17] * Fluffernutter direct all aspiring porn starts and porn vidiographers and porn videographer assistants to #wikimedia-wtfguysuseanotherchannel
[17:17] <Dcoetzee> I guess I could have directed them to #wikipedia-en-help...
[17:18] <Dcoetzee> I think their questions were reasonable though. Everybody starts out not knowing much about policy.
�06[17:18] * Guerillero seconds fluffs proposal
�06[17:18] * Fluffernutter can't spell, but we all knew that
[17:19] <BarkingFish> neither can a wizard with a broken wand
�06[17:19] * fox_wilson is grammatically uncorrect sometimes
�03[17:20] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
�02[17:21] * wolfgang42 (~quassel@wikipedia/Wolfgang42) Quit (Quit: Bye for now�)
[17:21] <Swob> lol
[17:21] <eeekster> says whom, fox_wilson?
[17:21] <Swob> also i just clicked, the pornhub link doesnt work. so maybe he was just trolling
[17:22] <Fluffernutter> i hope you used anonymouse, Swob!
[17:22] <Swob> no, why>
[17:22] <Swob> its just a porn site
[17:22] <Swob> nothing bad will happen to me?
[17:22] <Fluffernutter> troll links sometimes go places other than where they ought to
[17:22] <Fluffernutter> i usually don't click without some protections in place
[17:22] <ihaveamac> tons of people go on porn sites
[17:22] <ihaveamac> how can they easily single one user out?
[17:22] <Swob> i thuink pornhu bis safe
[17:22] <Swob> although I did accidenytally click onto the GNAA a few days ago
[17:22] <ihaveamac> GNAA
[17:23] <Swob> i was worried for a while, but I figured, even they cant be actually hosting maleware or anything
�02[17:23] * jakr (~jake@unaffiliated/jakr) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[17:23] <ihaveamac> an IP hopper was adding that to some userpages and templates, mostly my userspace
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�03[17:23] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[17:24] <Swob> in fact the GNAA is actually helping people by gfinding secutiry holes in software
[17:24] <ihaveamac> I know what their security thing is called
[17:24] <foks> and pulling them wide to show the pink nasty inside
[17:27] <legoktm> lols, "don't click without some protections"
�03[17:27] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:27] <fox_wilson> does clicking it inside a vm inside a vm count as protection :D
[17:27] <Swob> something sharp is in my eye
[17:27] <ihaveamac> sandboxie
�03[17:27] * Moe_Epsilon is now known as Moe_{sleep}
[17:28] <ihaveamac> I like sandboxie when I run rogue anti-malware programs
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[17:28] <Prodego> not if it is the same kind of VM
[17:28] <Swob> i wish i had one of those water sprayers
[17:28] <Swob> getting my eye under the sink is just about impossible
�02[17:29] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
�06[17:29] * legoktm sprays water into Swob's eye
[17:30] <BarkingFish> Swob - fill the sink with cold water, take a deep breath, place your forehead and eyes into the water only, and blink several times.
[17:30] <BarkingFish> Before you call me a twat, I have done this myself, and with a couple of adult patients, and it works
[17:31] <BarkingFish> keep your nose out of the water though
[17:31] <legoktm> fox_wilson: 	articleContent = articleContent.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace(" ", " ") <--why are you changing article content?
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[17:31] <fox_wilson> legoktm: that was something left over from when I used really bad parsing methods :D
[17:32] <legoktm> sigh.
�02[17:32] * Jetro ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:32] <legoktm> You also have code duplication in getToken()
[17:32] <legoktm> …which you're apparently not caching?
[17:32] <fox_wilson> What do you mean?
[17:33] <legoktm> you fetch the token again every time you edit
[17:33] <fox_wilson> wait... OH
[17:33] <legoktm> just get it once
[17:33] <fox_wilson> oh. wow, I didn't even realize I was doing that :D I'll fix it so that it fetches on login
�03[17:34] * Wang- (~Carly@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:34] <legoktm> Wait no >.>
[17:34] <legoktm> Just fetch it once and store it
[17:34] <legoktm> But only fetch when you need it
[17:34] <fox_wilson> right
[17:34] <fox_wilson> that's what I'm saying
�03[17:34] * Wang- is now known as Chewbacca
[17:34] <eeekster> sometimes they just don't get it:
[17:34] <legoktm> if not hasattr(self, 'token'): getToken()
[17:34] <legoktm> no you said get it on login...
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[17:35] <fox_wilson> but there are multiple Edit objects...
[17:35] <fox_wilson> and (hopefully) only one User
[17:35] <legoktm> So just store it in a universal way
[17:35] <legoktm> The easiest way is to get rid of the edit object concept
[17:35] <legoktm> merge it into the api
[17:35] <legoktm> and have the api spew out everything
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�03[17:36] * Maria- (~Love@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:36] <fox_wilson> In retrospect, making an edit object was a bad idea.
[17:36] <legoktm> also, you're not checking for edit conflicts.
�06[17:37] * fox_wilson knew he was missing something
[17:37] <fox_wilson> probably should do that now.
[17:37] <legoktm> also you aren't detecting errors at all...
�06[17:37] * Vacation9 always misses something as well
[17:37] <legoktm> nor warnings
[17:38] <fox_wilson> those would also be helpful to check for
[17:38] <legoktm> i should probably stop reading now....
�06[17:38] * legoktm closes the tab
[17:38] <fox_wilson> :D
[17:39] <fox_wilson> legoktm: it *was* a project for fun written in about an hour...
�02[17:39] * Maria- (~Love@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[17:39] <legoktm> no offense but i wrote a better API client in <1 hour
[17:39] <legoktm>
[17:39] <ihaveamac> we need an API with one function
[17:40] <legoktm> its python2 and 3 compliant.
[17:40] <ihaveamac> do_stuff();
[17:40] <legoktm> s/compliant/compatible/
[17:40] <legoktm> also pep compliant to the best of my knowledge
[17:40] <Swob> pep?
[17:40] <Prodego> no offense, but fox_wilson may not be as experienced
[17:40] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: I've done that before, do_stuff() calls foo() which calls bar() which checks if True is False then ultimately raises an error
[17:40] <legoktm> Swob: PEP aka Python Enhancement Proposal
[17:40] <Vacation9> legoktm: took a look, looks nice :) If I ever need an API, it'll be yours
[17:41] <legoktm> Prodego: I realized.
[17:41] <ihaveamac> do_stuff(); should print out "I did something. I think."
[17:41] <Swob> no offense, but most of us have no idea what you all are talking about including those of us that have Computer Science degreess
[17:41] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: after or before raising the error?
[17:41] <ihaveamac> both
[17:41] <Swob> apparently they didnt teach pyhton where i went to school
[17:41] <ihaveamac> make it do more stuff
[17:41] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: good idea
[17:41] <Swob> Python seems like a pretty powerful language though'
[17:42] <Swob> I guess it's just not something you can learn in a 5 month course
[17:42] <fox_wilson> Swob: it certainly is
[17:42] <legoktm> Swob: I learned python from wikibooks :P
�03[17:42] * Maria- (~Farby@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:42] <Vacation9> legoktm: why aren't you an admin yet :P
[17:42] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: perhaps something like my
[17:42] <Vacation9> legoktm: I seriously thought you were until I checked
[17:42] <legoktm> :o
[17:42] <Swob> oh boy
[17:42] <Swob> now you know you have to run
�06[17:43] * legoktm hides
�02[17:43] * Maria- (~Farby@ Quit (Client Quit�)
�06[17:43] * fox_wilson finds legoktm
�06[17:43] * Vacation9 nominated legoktm
�06[17:43] * Vacation9 legoktm hides again
�06[17:43] * fox_wilson doesn't think Vacation9 can nominate people THAT quickly
�06[17:43] * Vacation9 realizes that didn't work out
�06[17:43] * ihaveamac checks annoy.js
�03[17:43] * demoness ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:43] <legoktm> fox_wilson: :o you do VRC?
�03[17:44] * Cassie ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:44] * Cassie ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:44] * Cassie (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:44] <fox_wilson> as in vex robotics competition? used to
[17:44] <Vacation9> legoktm: but seriously, have you considered it?
[17:44] <Vacation9> legoktm: I do VRC
�03[17:44] * Guest67499 (~Carly@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:44] <legoktm> Vacation9: yes, and oh cool! :D
�02[17:44] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�02[17:44] * Guest67499 (~Carly@ Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[17:44] * Cassie is now known as Superfreak
[17:45] <Vacation9> I mean, 20000 edits, 5 years old, has abusefilter, and NOT AN ADMIN?
[17:45] <Vacation9> not to mention 4 DYK's
[17:45] <Vacation9> shall I go on?
[17:45] <ihaveamac> I have no rights on my account besides "autoconfirmed"
�06[17:45] * fox_wilson can't disagree with Vacation9 on this one...
[17:45] <BarkingFish> i mean seriously, jeez, ironholds had less than that when I nommed him for admin, and he passed :)
�03[17:45] * Guest8889 (~Carly@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:45] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: what's your editcount?
[17:45] <ihaveamac> 1536
[17:46] <ihaveamac> c:
[17:46] <fox_wilson> do you do a lot of antivandalism work?
[17:46] <ihaveamac> whenever I can
�03[17:46] * Superfreak is now known as Supersleepy
[17:47] <Prodego> I mena yes, legoktm can clearly go have an RfA whenever
[17:47] <Vacation9> why don't you apply for rollback ihaveamac
[17:47] <ihaveamac> I tried, I forgot why they said no (and I don't think I want to remember)
[17:47] <ihaveamac> I'll just use what I have
�06[17:47] * fox_wilson goes through rfperm archives
[17:47] <Vacation9> they can be picky there, don't worry
�06[17:48] * Vacation9 follows along with fox
[17:48] <ihaveamac> :P
[17:48] <ihaveamac> for one thing, when I was starting to edit more
[17:48] <ihaveamac> most of my edits were in the userspace
[17:48] <ihaveamac> so for a period, more than half my edits were there
[17:49] <Vacation9> wow... what did you do?
[17:49] <ihaveamac> I'm trying to push that down
[17:49] <Vacation9> in the userspace?
[17:49] <Vacation9> to get that many edits?
[17:49] <ihaveamac> it was 6 months ago
[17:49] <Vacation9> oh
�02[17:49] * Guest8889 (~Carly@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[17:49] <ihaveamac> right now, I'm trying to avoid editing any userpage (not user talk)
�03[17:49] * jakr ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:49] * jakr ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:49] * jakr (~jake@unaffiliated/jakr) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:50] <ihaveamac> but I don't want to turn off twinkle's CSD log
�03[17:50] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:50] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[17:51] <Vacation9> what's your WP account name ihaveamac?
[17:51] <fox_wilson> IXavier
[17:51] <ihaveamac> ^^^^^
�03[17:51] * Farby (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:51] <ihaveamac> are you actuall ylooking at the archives?
[17:51] <fox_wilson> :P
[17:51] <ihaveamac> don't remind me of the reason :p
�03[17:51] * Farby (~quassel@ has left #wikipedia-en
[17:51] <fox_wilson> I won't... but it might interest me to know :D
[17:51] <ihaveamac> or I'll log out and delete hexchat's logs
[17:51] <BarkingFish> You're practically a cinch for admin, legoktm - as we politely say in Germany "Mit den Wölfen muß man heulen"
[17:52] <ihaveamac> or stick a post-it note on my screen
[17:52] <BarkingFish> "When you're with the wolves, you must howl :)"
�03[17:52] * LtNOWIS ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:52] <Vacation9> I won't don't worry, but in case you want to know the reason was...
[17:52] <Vacation9> jk
[17:53] <ihaveamac> I think it's "lack of mainspace edits"
[17:53] <ihaveamac> or similar
[17:53] <ihaveamac> and lack of non-automated ones
[17:53] <Vacation9> I cannot confirm nor deny that statement
[17:53] <ihaveamac> I want everything to be automated, because I'm lazy
[17:53] <fox_wilson> yeah that was it, same here for my first time
[17:53] <fox_wilson> me too :D
[17:53] <Swob> you had only 200 mainspace edits when you applied for rollback, that was the only reason given for denial
�03[17:53] * Guest8889 (~Carly@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:53] <Vacation9> I don't think they look at non-auto for rollback though
[17:53] <ihaveamac> c:
[17:53] <Vacation9> for AWB, yes
[17:53] <fox_wilson> once I got a windows VM for huggle, my EPM doubled
[17:54] <ihaveamac> hold on
�03[17:54] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) has left #wikipedia-en ("They told me if I press this button, I would leave the channel! And they were right! :("�)
[17:54] <fox_wilson> hmmmm... I wonder if that was on purpose?
[17:54] <Vacation9> well I didn't tell [[singular they|them]] about the purpose :P
�02[17:55] * ToAruShiroiNeko (~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[17:55] <Swob> itwas on purpose
�02[17:55] * Guest8889 (~Carly@ Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[17:55] * franny_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:55] * ihaveamac ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:55] * ihaveamac ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:55] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:55] <Vacation9> welcome back!
�03[17:55] * franny_ is now known as Guest83881
�06[17:55] * ihaveamac is back
�06[17:55] * ihaveamac is using /me
�06[17:55] * ihaveamac has to state the obvious to everyone
�06[17:56] * Vacation9 agrees
�03[17:56] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:56] * The_Blade ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[17:57] <ihaveamac> I should grab a zero-width space
[17:57] <Vacation9> yeah you don't need any non-automated edits for rollback
�03[17:57] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[17:57] <ihaveamac> I'm trying to make more edits in the mainspace
[17:57] <Vacation9> ​
[17:57] <Vacation9> there
[17:57] <Vacation9> have fun
�06[17:57] * ihaveamac ​
�02[17:58] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[17:58] <ihaveamac> I got mine from
[17:58] <Vacation9> this​is​separated​by​spaces
[17:58] <Vacation9> you can get it from here too
[17:58] <MJ94> ihaveamac
[17:58] <ihaveamac> ?
[17:58] <fox_wilson> i wonder what would happen if someone typed a form feed here...
[17:58] <MJ94> ihaveamac
[17:58] <Vacation9> make a bunch of null edits now with this: ​
[17:58] <ihaveamac> MJ94: ??
[17:59] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: Wow.
[17:59] <Swob>  
[17:59] <Vacation9> ​
[17:59] <MJ94> ihaveamac guys
[17:59] <MJ94> System Information: Model: MacBook Pro (15-inch Retina Mid-2012) • CPU: Intel Core i7-3720QM (8 Cores) @ 2.60 GHz • L2: 262.14 KB • L3: 6.29 MB • Memory: 8.00 GB • Uptime: 1 Hour • Disk Space: Total: 499.42 GB; Free: 185.06 GB • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M • Screen Resolution: 1440 x 900 (Retina Enabled) • Load: 4% • OS: Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) (Build 12C3006)
[17:59] <MJ94> see?
[17:59] <MJ94> ihaveamac!
[17:59] <Swob> only 500 gigs??
�03[17:59] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:59] <Jasper_Deng> (8 cores=a lie)
[17:59] <fox_wilson> 8 cores?
[17:59] <Vacation9> is there a command for that?
�02[17:59] * Guest83881 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[17:59] <Swob> real computers measure disk space in terabytes
�06[17:59] * fox_wilson makes virtual machines with 8 virtual cores each to say I have 64 cores
[18:00] <ihaveamac> this laptop has a 500GB harddrive
[18:00] <Vacation9> 8 cores = 4 physical cores 4 virtual cores
[18:00] <fox_wilson> Swob: agreed
[18:00] <ihaveamac> but I have a 1TB drive sitting right here
[18:00] <fox_wilson> I used to have a 60GB HDD on my laptop
[18:00] <Vacation9> null edits for the win
[18:00] <Vacation9> ​
�03[18:00] * ToAruShiroiNeko (~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:00] <ihaveamac>
[18:01] <ihaveamac> I'm trying to stop that big yellow part
[18:01] <Vacation9> (safety message) don't try zero-width spaces at home kids, it's dangerous
[18:01] <Vacation9> wow, that is quite big
[18:01] <Swob> at least it's not a Pac-Man graph
[18:01] <ihaveamac> mostly months ago last year
[18:02] <ihaveamac> scroll down and see that yellow go down
[18:02] <Vacation9> VoxelBot is becoming a pacman
[18:02] <ihaveamac> in the month counts
�03[18:02] * Four7-street is now known as DFrostedGirl
[18:02] <fox_wilson> wonder what happens if I type a form feed
[18:02] <ihaveamac> VoxelBot was unapproved for a bit
[18:02] <Vacation9> just a few hundred more edits
[18:02] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: ?
[18:02] <Vacation9> ihaveamac: what do you mean? it was editing in its userspace while not on trial/approved
[18:02] <ihaveamac> VoxelBot was an unapproved bot running in its own userspace
[18:02] <Vacation9> which is legal
[18:03] <ihaveamac> how long has it been since it was approved?
[18:03] <fox_wilson> haha I saw a pacman graph where someone made like 8000 edits to Talk and only 200 to namespace :D
[18:03] <Vacation9> ihaveamac: a week and a half or so?
[18:03] <ihaveamac> I thought it would be a real pac-man graph
[18:03] <ihaveamac> with the yellow part being bigger
[18:03] <ihaveamac> unless
[18:03] <Vacation9> actually exactly one week ihaveamac
[18:03] <ihaveamac> yeah
[18:03] <fox_wilson> Wow... it's been that short since it was approved?
[18:03] <Vacation9> but it had two trials before that
�03[18:04] * DFrostedGirl (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en ("I have crossed many times through the valley of darkness, and not easy to be there, I have scars that narrates many stories"�)
[18:04] <ihaveamac> I'm looking at it
[18:04] <Vacation9> look at the BRFA for proof
�06[18:04] * fox_wilson makes a half-width space in response to Vacation9
[18:04] <Vacation9> :O
[18:04] <Vacation9> oh no you didn't
[18:05] <ihaveamac> h
[18:05] <Dcoetzee> Goddamnit I just discovered Flickr won't let you share any photos classified as "restricted" unless you share them with everybody
[18:05] <Dcoetzee> That makes no sense
[18:05] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: what does "restricted" mean?
[18:05] <Dcoetzee> Vacation9: Sexual content basically
�03[18:05] * DFrostedGirl (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:05] * TheBanner (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:05] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: oh, that does make no sense O_O
[18:06] <Dcoetzee> Normally you can create guest passes to share content with particular people, but that's disabled if it's restricted. According to their policy, in order to, uh, protect children.
[18:06] <Vacation9> yep, public sharing will protect children
[18:06] <BarkingFish> but if you share them with everyone, kids'll see them anyhoo - that's fucking mental.
[18:07] <Dcoetzee> You have to have an account and be 18+ to view restricted content but that's easy to defeat obviously
[18:07] <BarkingFish> +1 Vacation9
�06[18:07] * Jasper_Deng thinks the Internet can never be fully regulated
[18:07] <BarkingFish> there's only one way to regulate it - close it down.
[18:07] <SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: That's easy
[18:07] <Hahc21> I need an admin to delete a fake cover of a single
[18:07] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: It's just like pirating, when you make stuff more restricted, people just find a way and do it more
[18:07] <Vacation9> Hahx21: ! admin without the space
[18:07] <Dcoetzee> Vacation9: Or in this case, they *force* you to do it more :-P
[18:07] <Hahc21> Which was uploaded by an user who is edit warring to add the fake image
�06[18:07] * Dcoetzee facepalming
[18:08] <Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: computers are dumb. There's always a way.
[18:08] <fox_wilson> It's the classic <insert name> law - make something legal and people will stop doing it
[18:08] <Vacation9> +1
[18:08] <Hahc21> !admin to delete <-- fake cover already tagged as such
[18:08] <ihaveamac> fox_wilson: make stealing legal and people stop doing it?
[18:09] <Vacation9> actually, a lot of criminals do it for the thrill
[18:09] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: it was a bit of exaggeration...
[18:09] <ihaveamac>  know
[18:09] <SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: Nationalise all production of computers and their components, and constantly monitor their usage
[18:09] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: yep good point
[18:09] <ihaveamac> I*
[18:09] <SigmaWP> And have them registered
[18:09] <Vacation9> install a constantly on government camera in every corner of every house and in every computer
�06[18:10] * fox_wilson hacks the government camera with my cough :P
[18:10] <Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: people would then go underground
[18:10] <Vacation9> and position police guards in every home
[18:10] <TheBanner> it is a long time ago that I was here. Now, I can't find the channel where you can frustrate vandals (popular know as vandalism channel)
[18:10] <fox_wilson> TheBanner: ooo there's one of those?
[18:10] <SigmaWP> Jasper_Deng: Where do you get computers?
[18:10] <TheBanner> there used to be, some time ago
[18:10] <SigmaWP> Where do you get their parts?
[18:10] <Vacation9> you make them with an underground factory
[18:11] <SigmaWP> Where do you get the raw mateirals?
[18:11] <Dcoetzee> Not everything is better legalised, obviously, but penalties for copyright infringement are wildly inconsistent with our commonsense idea of both the actual harm done and what is fair.
[18:11] <Vacation9> you mine them :)
[18:11] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee +101
[18:11] <fox_wilson> Beaches! Sand is awesome! (I think that's it...)
[18:11] <fox_wilson> Sand = silicon in a vastly not refined form
[18:11] <SigmaWP> Unless you can find a resource resource that hasn't been discovered and exploited by capitalists of the past and maybe the government, you're doomed
[18:11] <fox_wilson> I think...
[18:11] <fox_wilson> a resource resource... hmmm....
[18:12] <Vacation9> meh, disregard the technical details Sigma
[18:12] <fox_wilson> That's actually an interesting concept
[18:12] <Dcoetzee> I am totally cool with fining teenagers $50 if they pirate a bunch of pop songs. But not suing them for millions.
[18:12] <Vacation9> I know. A pirated song has like a fine of thousands
[18:12] <fox_wilson> Assume all resources are in set A, since a resource resource (B) is a resource, B is in A. Therefore, since B reproduces everything in A, a resource resource can never run out of itself...
[18:13] <fox_wilson> Nevermind... that was fun
�03[18:13] * demoness ( has left #wikipedia-en ("Silentium est aureum"�)
[18:13] <Vacation9> where's the fuel though
[18:13] <SigmaWP> And wall street CEOs destroyed the economy by engaging billions of dollars in fraud!
�06[18:13] * addshore haves trying to do this javascript and wishes he could just palm it off onto someone else
[18:13] <fox_wilson> it fuels itself... it's in set A
[18:13] <SigmaWP> Yay for criminal charges
[18:14] <Vacation9> This is a test
[18:14] <fox_wilson> We should go to the beginning of this conversation and follow it
[18:14] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: {{uw-test}}
[18:14] <fox_wilson> wait that's not a template is it
�03[18:14] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:14] <Vacation9> yeah you need the 1,2,3,4
[18:14] <Vacation9> I think
[18:14] <Vacation9> {{uw-test4im}}
[18:14] <fox_wilson> wait... uw-test redirs to uw-test1
[18:15] <Vacation9> makes sense
[18:15] <fox_wilson> I got a {{uw-hasty}} recently - that was fun :D
[18:15] <Swob> evening marek
[18:15] <ihaveamac> who's getting uw-test?
[18:15] <fox_wilson> Vacation9, for saying "this is a test" in IRC :P
�06[18:15] * fox_wilson is just kidding
[18:15] <ihaveamac> '''Bold text'''
[18:15] <Vacation9> :O
[18:15] <fox_wilson> oh noes you also get a {{uw-test}}
[18:15] <Vacation9> {{uw-test4im}} for you
[18:15] <ihaveamac> <ref></ref>
[18:16] <fox_wilson> You know what's annoying
[18:16] <fox_wilson> Is when you're using STiki and you hit V-Space.
[18:16] <ihaveamac> V-Space =
[18:16] <ihaveamac> ?
[18:16] <Vacation9> addshore: did you just give up on your js?
[18:16] <addshore> yes :/
[18:16] <fox_wilson> v = classify as vandalism, space = click thing with focus, which is the vandalism button -_-
[18:16] <fox_wilson> :D
[18:16] <Prodego> O_O:
[18:17] <fox_wilson> I did that once
[18:17] <ihaveamac> Prodego: ._.
[18:17] <fox_wilson> Haha Vacation9 no uw-test4im for you
[18:17] <Vacation9> Prodego: :O
[18:17] <ihaveamac> so...uw-test4im no longer exists.
[18:17] <Prodego> I can't believe someone was stupid enough to make a test4im
[18:17] <Vacation9> fine then. {{uw-test4}}
[18:17] <ihaveamac> now for twinkle to be updated
[18:17] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: User not sufficiently warned - declining AIV request.
[18:17] <fox_wilson> :P
[18:18] <Vacation9> actually you can go from a 1 to a 4
[18:18] <fox_wilson> ._. fine...
[18:18] <Vacation9> it doesn't have to follow the path
�03[18:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[18:18] * eir sets mode: -bo *!* eir
[18:18] <fox_wilson> I'm too lazy to read the policy right now so I'll trust you :D
[18:18] <ihaveamac> uw-test4 redirects to use-vandalism4
[18:18] <fox_wilson> Oh hello Eir.
[18:19] <Vacation9> ihaveamac: makes sense actually
[18:20] <addshore> time to work through Category:Wikipedia files with the same name on Wikimedia Commons instead
[18:20] <Vacation9> don't​you​love​non​breaking​spaces?
[18:20] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: Yes
[18:20] <ihaveamac>  
[18:20] <fox_wilson> I was playing code golf today and produced some of my worst looking code ever! I should use my newfound obsfucation skills to rewrite my API!
[18:20] <fox_wilson> :P
[18:21] <Vacation9> :O
[18:21] <fox_wilson> SCRIPT LOAD wiki
[18:21] <SigmaWP> fox_wilson: Why don't you go write perl like you always wanted
[18:21] <fox_wilson> oops fail at using irssi
[18:21] <Vacation9> this has turned from wikipedia-en to wikinerds-en
[18:21] <fox_wilson> SigmaWP: You do realize that was a joke
[18:22] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: this tends to happen when I'm around...
[18:22] <ihaveamac> I'm going to run a custom reddit in a virtual machine
[18:24] <Swob> how do you pronounce Babel?
[18:24] <legoktm> "babel"
[18:24] <Swob> wiktionary doesnt accept "babble" but thats what most people seem to say
[18:24] <Swob> they have it as "bay-bull" which is what I grew up with but again, most people seem to pronounce it the same as babble
[18:25] <Swob> /ˈbeɪ.b(ə)l/ in IPA
[18:25] <fox_wilson> I tend to put an emphasis on the ending -EL like Bab-l
[18:25] <DFrostedGirl> Good night my friends and classmates
[18:25] <DFrostedGirl> :D
[18:25] <Vacation9> oh... sorry cyberpower
[18:25] <DFrostedGirl> sweet dreams and mornings
[18:25] <DFrostedGirl> and days
[18:25] <Vacation9> good night DFrostedGirl
�06[18:25] * DFrostedGirl is trying sleep
[18:25] <DFrostedGirl> :)
[18:25] <Swob> sleep well
[18:26] <DFrostedGirl> thnx
�06[18:26] * DFrostedGirl keep eyes open
�03[18:26] * DFrostedGirl is now known as Carly
�02[18:27] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: Maryana�)
�02[18:27] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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�03[18:30] * Mono is now known as Mono[Away]
[18:31] <Dcoetzee> Fox2k12: Do you know GolfScript?
[18:31] <Dcoetzee> errr
[18:31] <Dcoetzee> fox_wilson: Do you know GolfScript?
�03[18:31] * TheBanner (~chatzilla@ has left #wikipedia-en
[18:31] <fox_wilson> Dcoetzee: Heard of it, looked at the syntax, thought ...
[18:32] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[18:32] <Dcoetzee> It's not really worse than Brainfuck or Lambda or Whitespace
�03[18:32] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[18:33] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has left #wikipedia-en
[18:33] <fox_wilson> Dcoetzee: those langs are on my list of langs to never try to figure out the syntax of :D
�03[18:33] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:33] <Vacation9> no, you must use LOLCODE
[18:33] <ihaveamac> wikipedia lost its css somehow
[18:33] <ihaveamac> nevermind
[18:33] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Probably timed out retrieving it
[18:33] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: shift-f5 or ctrl-f5 or something
[18:33] <legoktm> ihaveamac: clear cache
[18:33] <fox_wilson> oh nvm :D
[18:33] <ihaveamac> no, use
[18:33] <Vacation9> example lolcode syntax
[18:33] <Vacation9> HAI
[18:33] <Vacation9> CAN HAS STDIO?
[18:33] <Vacation9> VISIBLE “HAI WORLD!”
[18:33] <Vacation9> KTHXBYE
[18:33] <Vacation9> prints Hai World!
[18:34] <Dcoetzee> INTERCAL is disappointing to me. It's just a combination of bad things, and doesn't illustrate anything clever.
[18:34] <fox_wilson> you should see Shakespeare
[18:34] <EvilSon-Laptop> Made the switch to Linux
[18:34] <ihaveamac> but your script needs to be "polite"
[18:34] <fox_wilson>
[18:34] <fox_wilson> there is the polite script
[18:34] <Carly> o.
[18:34] <Carly> o.O
�02[18:34] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
�03[18:34] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[18:35] <Vacation9> ahh Shakespeare language = wierd
[18:35] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: :P
[18:35] <ihaveamac> what about
[18:35] <fox_wilson> NOT THAT that has evil syntax
[18:35] <ihaveamac> let
[18:35] <ihaveamac> 's write Hello World!
[18:36] <ihaveamac> ++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.
[18:36] <Carly> ah
[18:36] <Carly> o.o Ajua
[18:36] <ihaveamac> let
[18:36] <fox_wilson> I can totally read that code
[18:36] <ihaveamac> er
�06[18:36] * Carly mount a pony
[18:36] <ihaveamac> final one:
[18:36] <ihaveamac> let's write: Hello World!
[18:36] <Dcoetzee> Brainfuck is awesome though because it's such a simple language yet still complete :-)
[18:36] <ihaveamac> ('&%:9]!~}|z2Vxwv-,POqponl$Hjig%eB@@>}=<M:9wv6WsU2T|nm-,jcL(I&%$#"
[18:36] <ihaveamac>  `CB]V?Tx<uVtT`Rpo3NlF.Jh++FdbCBA@?]!~|4XzyTT43Qsqq(Lnmkj"Fhg${z@>
[18:36] <Dcoetzee> And it's super easy to write an interpreter for!
[18:36] <fox_wilson> ...
[18:36] <ihaveamac> that's a malbolge script
[18:36] <Dcoetzee> Which is a good programming exercise in any language
�03[18:37] * wolfgang42 (~quassel@wikipedia/Wolfgang42) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:39] <Swob> wikipedia's getting slow again
[18:39] <Vacation9> I saw that
[18:39] <legoktm> Swob: bits.wikimedia is downish
[18:39] <Vacation9> it is taking a while to load stuff
�03[18:40] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[18:40] <ihaveamac> I said I was going to run a custom reddit in a virtual machine, I have yet to do that
[18:40] <legoktm> its like using the nostalgia skin :P
[18:40] <fox_wilson> :P
[18:40] <fox_wilson> I tried to use simple earlier
[18:40] <fox_wilson> that was fun
[18:40] <ihaveamac>
[18:41] <Vacation9> I've used vector all my (wikipedia) life
[18:41] <Vacation9> I tried monobook
[18:41] <Vacation9> switched right back
[18:42] <ihaveamac> monobook was what we were all using back thne
[18:42] <ihaveamac> then
[18:42] <Swob> i use a slightly customized monobook
[18:42] <ihaveamac> until vector was introduced
[18:42] <eeekster> had vector foisted upon me and switched right back to monobook
[18:45] <mareklug> legoktm weird things are happening over at your Assembly Hall.  Northwestern is leading Illinois 45-30 with 11 minutes left in the *game*
�03[18:46] * KTC_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[18:46] <fox_wilson> I remember when monobook was the only
�02[18:47] * YE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[18:47] <addshore> i love how the css keeps not loading for me :)
[18:47] <SigmaWP> Me too
[18:47] <SigmaWP> I didn't edit back then
[18:47] <SigmaWP> When was vector, 2008 or something?
[18:47] <ihaveamac> 2009
[18:47] <legoktm> mareklug: :/
[18:48] <fox_wilson> somewhere around there... I know when I first create my acct it was still monobook, so 2009 or so
�03[18:48] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:48] <mareklug> 45-32 wit 9:28 left
[18:49] <ihaveamac> I think "Modern" was trying to become the newer skin
[18:49] <ihaveamac> and failed
[18:49] <ihaveamac> then vector came along
[18:49] <Hahc21> Vector didn't exist when I joined in march 2008
[18:49] <ihaveamac> nope
[18:49] <Hahc21> It was introduced mid-2009
[18:49] <fox_wilson> oh modern. tha
[18:49] <fox_wilson> fail at using backspace :P
[18:50] <ihaveamac>
[18:52] <ihaveamac> I don't know how I ended up on
[18:52] <ihaveamac> and came across "{{edit semi-protected}} Robert e lee was a general for the northern army"
�02[18:54] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
[18:56] <Carly> Good night really
[18:56] <Carly> :D
[18:56] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Night :-)
�06[18:56] * Carly is walking to bed
[18:56] <Vacation9> night
[18:56] <Carly> o.o
�06[18:56] * Carly pillows
[18:57] <ihaveamac> I'm reading the simple english wikipedia
[18:57] <ihaveamac> it's so......simple I'm not used to it
[18:57] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: My gf Sonia's an admin on there. I've done a little bit of writing for it it's fun
[18:57] <ihaveamac> New changes = Recent changes
[18:57] <ihaveamac> Show any page = Random page
[18:58] <ihaveamac> change = edit
[18:58] <ihaveamac> .-.
[18:58] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee: cool
[18:58] <Vacation9> I know ihaveamac
[18:58] <Vacation9> I tried on simple
[18:58] <Vacation9> It's... simple
[18:58] <Vacation9> :P
[18:58] <fox_wilson> The simple stub template got me like 10 times
[18:58] <fox_wilson> You should look at calorimeter on simplewiki
[18:58] <fox_wilson> then on enwiki
[18:58] <ihaveamac> and look what I found
�02[18:58] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[18:58] <ihaveamac> <Vacation9> :P
[18:58] <ihaveamac> ...
[18:58] <ihaveamac>
�02[18:58] * Supersleepy (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[18:59] <fox_wilson> ihaveamac: i'll be laughing for a while :D
[19:00] <ihaveamac> Featured article = Very good article
[19:00] <ihaveamac> there's also simple english versions of Wiktionary, Wikimedia Commons, and Wikispecies
[19:01] <fox_wilson> not sure if I actually want to see the simple version of Wikispecies... :D
�02[19:01] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[19:01] <ihaveamac> let's go in...
[19:01] <ihaveamac> >Welcome to Wikispecies, a free directory of life!
[19:01] <fox_wilson> ... lol
�03[19:02] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:02] <ihaveamac> I don't understand the simple english wikispecies
[19:02] <Hahc21> Welcome to Wikidrama, a free repository of ------
[19:02] <ihaveamac> but I've never edited it anyway
[19:02] <ihaveamac> or read it...
[19:02] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: Isn't ED already that?
[19:02] <Hahc21> ED?
[19:02] <fox_wilson> Wikispecies is free, because life is public domain!
[19:02] <Dcoetzee> Encyclopedia Dramatica
[19:02] <Hahc21> Oh
[19:02] <Dcoetzee> Basically the Wikipedia of trolling
[19:02] <Hahc21> Well
[19:02] <fox_wilson> I thought that was uncyclopedia
[19:02] <ihaveamac> what about uncyclopedia
[19:03] <fox_wilson> who says we're experts
[19:03] <Hahc21> That's the competing channel
�03[19:03] * Hello71 (~Hello71@wikipedia/Hello71) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:03] <Dcoetzee> Uncyclopedia is a parody of Wikipedia
[19:03] <Dcoetzee> ED is more "what if Wikipedia was run by 4chan"
[19:03] <Vacation9> OH GOD
[19:03] <Vacation9> I cannot imagine such...
[19:03] <Hahc21> ED is like how Apple looks at Microsoft
[19:03] <Vacation9> utter horror
[19:03] <ihaveamac> ಠ_ಠ
[19:03] <Dcoetzee> If you want to see what I mean just click
[19:04] <Dcoetzee> Trigger warnings, etc
[19:04] <ihaveamac> yep
[19:04] <Swob> yeah
�03[19:04] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:04] <addshore> quick question guys
[19:04] <addshore> cause im tired
[19:05] <Dcoetzee> addshore: ?
[19:05] <Swob> after the Virginia Tech shooting, Uncyclopedia put up a tribute to the victims of the shooting
�02[19:05] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[19:05] <Swob> ED put up a joke page
[19:05] <addshore> I need to names
[19:05] <Swob> thats the difference, in a nutshell
[19:05] <addshore> *3
[19:05] <ihaveamac>
[19:05] <addshore> NameSpace:Something
[19:05] <fox_wilson> any names?
[19:05] <legoktm> ihaveamac: wront url
[19:05] <addshore> and the whole thing wouldbe be called...?
�03[19:05] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[19:05] <legoktm> wrong*
�02[19:05] * Hello71 (~Hello71@wikipedia/Hello71) Quit (Client Quit�)
[19:05] <legoktm> the site moved to
[19:06] <addshore> trying to think of what to call name or article e.t.c, maybe i should use fullname and name
[19:06] <legoktm> Isarra: people are still linking to wikia >.<
�02[19:06] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[19:06] <fox_wilson> ? as in the URL minus
[19:06] <ihaveamac> now I see
[19:06] <fox_wilson> Oh that.
[19:06] <fox_wilson> Fullname and name would work...
[19:06] <ihaveamac> but unmetawiki was on a separate domain
[19:06] <Swob> the 2 uncyclopedias are forks of the same project
[19:07] <legoktm> Swob: Yet one is more active than the other…and the "other" one is just filling up with spam and stuff
�03[19:07] * Seddon ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:07] <Isarra> It's rather like what happened with Wikivoyage - community went with one, so we care about that one.
[19:08] <Swob> except this time its the other way around
[19:08] <Swob> the WMF version is the "rump" one
[19:08] <Swob> and I know Wikia isnt technically WMF but it's affiliated
[19:08] <Seddon> Isarra what you mean?
[19:08] <Isarra> Seddon: Wikivoyage was not where the wt community went?
[19:09] <Seddon> ahhhh i see what you mean
[19:09] <Isarra> I mean that the Uncyclopedia community, by and large, left Wikia. Wherever the community is, that is the wiki, because wikis are nothing without community.
[19:09] <Isarra> ...however dysfunctional said community may happen to be.
[19:10] <legoktm> You know which wiki is surviving when one is having a VFSyops and the other is having a VFSandwiches.
[19:10] <Seddon> how is wikitravel doing now?
[19:10] <Isarra> No idea! The other one is prettier.
[19:11] <ihaveamac> I was actually going to go with wikia, but i decided to find a place to upload my own wiki
[19:11] <Swob> recent changes shows is about 20X more active than the rump site
[19:11] <Isarra> Well, depending what you're after, Wikia isn't necessarily that bad. Just didn't work too well for uncyclopedia. >.<
[19:11] <ihaveamac> well I want more control
[19:11] <Isarra> Wikia isn't so good for that, indeed.
[19:11] <ihaveamac> like I want to use checkuser without neeing to ask the staff
[19:12] <fox_wilson> I just hosted my own mediawiki :D
[19:12] <Isarra> Real sysadmins use the checkuser table.
[19:12] <ihaveamac> speaking of checkuser
[19:12] <ihaveamac> it was impossible to get it running on free hosting
[19:12] <ihaveamac> so I moved and actually spent money
[19:12] <Isarra> Because of the required schema changes?
[19:12] <ihaveamac> no
[19:12] <ihaveamac> shell access
[19:13] <ihaveamac> it was impossible to get AntiSpoof (CU needs it) to install
[19:13] <Swob> recent changes shows English Wikivoyage is about 5X more active than English Wikitravel
[19:13] <ihaveamac> and I was forced to run 1.19.3 since 1.20.x needed a newer PHP version
[19:13] <Isarra> Aye, the shell access is to get the schema changes - technically it should be doable from phpmyadmin or what have you, but it's a lot harder.
[19:13] <Isarra> >.<
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[19:13] <ihaveamac> cron jobs also didn't solve it
[19:13] <Swob> too bad uncyclopedia cant just buy up or something
[19:14] <Swob> who owns it?
[19:14] <legoktm> Wikia.
[19:14] <Isarra> Wikia. They don't even use it.
[19:14] <Swob> oh
[19:14] <ihaveamac> it redirects to the wikia page
[19:14] <ihaveamac> *site
[19:14] <legoktm> It got sold to Jimbo/Wikia.
[19:14] <ihaveamac> >Today's Featured Article - UnNews:Unwikileaks in the news
[19:14] <Swob> theyll never sell it then
[19:14] <Isarra> Not the way things currently stand, but things can change.
[19:14] <Swob> is a bad url
[19:15] <Isarra> You're very down.
[19:15] <ihaveamac> is owned by godaddy
[19:15] <fox_wilson> .co isn't terrible...
[19:15] <ihaveamac> redirects
�02[19:16] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
[19:16] <mareklug> ihaveamac are you sure it is owned by it or just parked at godaddys?
[19:16] <ihaveamac> parked
[19:17] <mareklug> will tell you who the technical contact is
[19:17] <ihaveamac> just another whois site?
[19:17] <fox_wilson>    Technical Contact:
[19:17] <fox_wilson>       Manz, David
[19:17] <fox_wilson>       MDW
[19:17] <fox_wilson>       16315 E Temple Rd
[19:17] <fox_wilson>       Spokane, WA 99217
[19:17] <fox_wilson>       United States
[19:17] <Jeske_Couriano> Anyone having issues with WP?
�06[19:18] * Shirik thwacks fox_wilson
[19:18] <Swob> yeah
[19:18] <Gfoley4> fox_wilson: please don't spam like that
[19:18] <Swob> its slow
[19:18] <fox_wilson> I wasn't trying to... :D sorry though
�03[19:18] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
[19:18] <Amqui> lol
[19:19] <fox_wilson> Yes wp is slow right now...
[19:20] <legoktm> Jeske_Couriano: yes its known
[19:21] <Swob> i dont understand house prices
�02[19:22] * Vacation9 (Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit (Quit: sleep is quite a great invention.�)
[19:22] <Swob> why does it seem like housing prices go up as a city gets poorer over time?
[19:22] <BarkingFish> They're really large numbers intended to put you off buying a broken building on a piece of land which will likely flood regularly or collapse into a mineshaft, Swob :D
[19:23] <Isarra> Or slide down a hill.
[19:23] <BarkingFish> or that :)
[19:23] <Isarra> The ones around here do that.
�02[19:23] * fox_wilson ( Quit (Quit: Good night.�)
[19:24] <BarkingFish> The ones round here have probably got unexploded bombs in the foundations, judging by that pub a couple of km from here :)
[19:24] <legoktm> block plz:
[19:24] <legoktm> otherwise i'm going to go crazy and kill him.
[19:24] <ihaveamac> o_o
�03[19:25] * Franco|Andro is now known as Franco|Andro|AFK
[19:25] <legoktm> Swob: ^
�03[19:25] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:25] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:25] <legoktm> !admin ^block that ip please
[19:26] <Nascar1996> ?
[19:26] <ihaveamac>
[19:26] <legoktm> thanks
[19:26] <BarkingFish> Goodly nightload.  Verily I step forth to go warm myself in my bed, and sleep soundly while the world freezeth :P
[19:26] <legoktm> night!
[19:27] <BarkingFish> 4.25am and I need my bed. I don't want to be outside right now :)
[19:27] <ihaveamac> 72 hours
[19:27] <BarkingFish> bbfn
�02[19:27] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
[19:27] <ihaveamac> erm
[19:27] <ihaveamac> my custom CSS broke
[19:27] <legoktm> ihaveamac: just noticed? :P
[19:27] <mattbuck> ihaveamac, it's all fubar atm#
[19:27] <ihaveamac> and it's fixed
[19:27] <ihaveamac> what is going on...
[19:27] <mattbuck> it's been on and off again
[19:27] <wolfgang42> Whoop, bits *is* down, isn't it.
[19:28] <ihaveamac> annnd all the edits were revdel'd
[19:28] <ihaveamac> well, except for the "thumbnail ne"
[19:28] <ihaveamac> oh god
[19:28] <ihaveamac> IP hopped!
[19:28] <legoktm> Shirik: evading
[19:29] <RD> legoktm: blocked
[19:29] <ihaveamac> what about this? that image...
[19:29] <Swob> you guys are fast
[19:29] <legoktm> ty
[19:29] <legoktm> someone want to semi that page?
[19:29] <ihaveamac> well
[19:29] <legoktm> and Shirik already did :P
[19:29] <ihaveamac> it's already semiprotected
�02[19:29] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
�02[19:32] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
[19:32] <mareklug> legoktm Northwestern wins 68-54, for 2nd straight year in Champaign
[19:32] <legoktm> :(
[19:33] <mareklug> that's ok.  IU goes to Evanston next, and it may be ditto there. :)
�02[19:33] * jakr (~jake@unaffiliated/jakr) Quit (Read error: No route to host�)
[19:34] <ihaveamac> the semi-protected template needs to be placed I think
[19:34] <Swob> i thought cyberpower did that chore nowadays
[19:34] <legoktm> no
[19:35] <legoktm> lowercase sigmabot
[19:35] <Swob> oh
[19:35] <legoktm> but it waits 15 minutes
[19:35] <legoktm> per someones request
[19:35] <Swob> probably good
[19:35] <ihaveamac> found another piece for RevDel
[19:36] <legoktm> hm delldot isnt here
[19:36] <ihaveamac> how do I request revdel again?
[19:36] <legoktm> read the topic
[19:37] <ihaveamac> it doesn't say
[19:38] <legoktm> on
[19:38] <legoktm> oh*
[19:38] <legoktm> #wikipedia-en-revdel i think
[19:38] <Gfoley4> #wikipedia-en-revdel
[19:39] <legoktm> someone should re-add that to the topic
�03[19:39] * Swob (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has left #wikipedia-en
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[19:39] <Swob> Win cash for disambigation!
[19:41] <Swob> apparently theyre giving a prize of $100 for the best effort at adding new disambiguation pages
[19:41] <Swob> i changed the prize from $100 to $1000000
[19:41] <Swob> it's a wiki, right? so I can change anything
[19:41] <ihaveamac> I could say I created wikipedia
�02[19:42] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
[19:42] <ihaveamac> I can edit anything
[19:42] <ihaveamac> ...right?
[19:42] <ihaveamac> (besides protected pages)
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[19:44] <Gfoley4> population of elephants have tripled over the last 10 years.
[19:44] <ihaveamac> I can't find the first edit that did that
�03[19:45] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[19:46] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: I can edit any page ;-)
[19:46] <ihaveamac> go edit MediaWiki:Sitenotice and add repeating characters
[19:46] <ihaveamac> (not really)
[19:47] <Gfoley4> those are fully protected you know?
[19:47] <ihaveamac> permanent protection
[19:48] <ihaveamac>
[19:48] <Jasper_Deng> (technically not really protected, separate permission)
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�03[19:51] * IShadowed is now known as IShy|NoPing
�03[19:54] * Swob is now known as {soap|bed}
[19:55] <{soap|bed}> cabal is another word that most people seem to pronoucne wrong
[19:55] <ihaveamac> how do you pronounce it?
[19:56] <{soap|bed}> I used to say "cabble" but I found out it's "ca-BAL"
[19:56] <SigmaWP> cahballs
[19:56] <{soap|bed}> but a lot of people have "ca-bawl"
[19:56] <{soap|bed}> or "ca-ball" depending on accent
[19:56] <{soap|bed}> again i perefer IPA
[19:56] <{soap|bed}> /kə."bal/
[19:56] <ihaveamac> I say bal, not ball
[19:56] <{soap|bed}> is what people say
[19:56] <ihaveamac> which one is correct?
[19:56] <{soap|bed}> yours
�02[19:57] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[19:57] <SigmaWP> {soap|bed}: So it's supposed sound like "salt"
[19:57] <SigmaWP> without the t
�03[19:57] * EvilSon (~itsevil@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:57] <{soap|bed}> bi
[19:57] <{soap|bed}> *no
[19:57] <ihaveamac> so I've been saying it right then
[19:57] <{soap|bed}>     * IPA: /kəˈbæl/, X-SAMPA: /k@"b{l/
[19:57] <SigmaWP> Meaning what, in English?
[19:57] <{soap|bed}> other dicruonaries agree
[19:57] <{soap|bed}> æ is the vowel of cat
[19:57] <{soap|bed}> rhymes with "pal"
[19:58] <SigmaWP> Oh
[19:58] <Gfoley4> æ <-- mac win
[19:58] <SigmaWP> I hate the red hat ps1
[19:58] <{soap|bed}> Its just an abbreivation of kabbalah, so I figured it would pronounced the same. But no
�03[19:59] * ty is now known as tyime
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[20:02] <wolfgang42> Well, what do you expect from English?
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[20:03] <{soap|bed}> cadre
[20:04] <{soap|bed}> i always thought it was French so I pronounced is the same as "cater"
[20:04] <{soap|bed}> but its Spanish and it rhymes with padre (usually)
[20:04] <{soap|bed}> wait
[20:04] <{soap|bed}> it IS french
[20:04] <{soap|bed}> but is pronounced as if it were Spanish for no reason
�03[20:05] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:05] * Seddon ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[20:07] <Isarra> French is just poorly spelled spanish anyway.
�02[20:07] * ragesoss_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
�06[20:07] * Jasper_Deng a ses raisons
[20:09] <ihaveamac> am I the only one who still uses Special:NewPages and not Special:NewPagesFeed ?
�06[20:09] * Jasper_Deng has taken a break from patrolling new pages for about a year...
�03[20:10] * delldot (4abea775@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:10] <{soap|bed}> i use [[User:Soap/NPP2.js]]
[20:10] <{soap|bed}> on the rare occasions that I do any npp at all
[20:10] <ihaveamac> what does it do?
[20:11] <SigmaWP> {soap|bed}: I just wrote a greasemonkey script that automatically refreshes NewPagesFeed every minute
[20:11] <SigmaWP> HA
[20:11] <SigmaWP> THAT BEATS YOU ALL
[20:12] <ihaveamac> I made a javascript to highlight unpatrolled edits/pages in recentchanges
[20:12] <ihaveamac> and I also can't grammar
[20:12] <wolfgang42> SigmaWP: There's a firefox addon to do that
[20:12] <wolfgang42> It's called Reload Every
[20:12] <SigmaWP> Too late!
[20:13] <ihaveamac> {soap|bed}: what does the script do
�06[20:13] * legoktm waves to delldot 
�03[20:13] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:13] <{soap|bed}> NPP2.js is a mini-newpage feed that appears in the sidebar
[20:13] <{soap|bed}> probably only works on monobook
[20:13] <ihaveamac> I'll try this out (on vector)
[20:13] <delldot> oh, hey lego!
[20:14] <ihaveamac> works on vector
[20:14] <ihaveamac> and it fits in
[20:14] <{soap|bed}> cool
[20:14] <{soap|bed}> all credit for the script goes to User:TheJosh, not me
[20:14] <{soap|bed}> i just changed one line
[20:14] <{soap|bed}> you might even find his version to be better
[20:15] <{soap|bed}> the original version excluded user pages from the patrolling
[20:15] <{soap|bed}> I figured a lot of new articles start out as userpages so they should be left in
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[20:19] <SigmaWP> Does anyone have a description of communism from a communist point of view?
[20:20] <SigmaWP> Like "We NEED a new society, where no man is greater than any other" sort of stuff
[20:20] <SigmaWP> Something that sounds cheesy and inspirational
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[20:28] <Shearonink> SigmaWP: IFrom each according to his ability, to each according to his need
[20:28] <Shearonink> oh shoot he left
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[20:47] <earthnative> [A
[20:47] <earthnative> damn up-arrow/return on a lousy link :(
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[21:20] <ihaveamac> apparently, reading some parts of the AbuseLog lets me get older revisions of deleted pages
[21:24] <Prodego> yea it will record any pages that are edited, regardless of if they still exist
[21:24] <Prodego> or are you saying you can get revisions older than that in the deleted history
[21:24] <Prodego> because that would not make sense
�02[21:25] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[21:25] <ihaveamac> the AbuseFilter keeps every log action
[21:25] <ihaveamac> and all the parameters
[21:25] <ihaveamac> some of them are old_wikitext and new_wikitext (I think)
�03[21:25] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:25] <ihaveamac> I can get a page's full wikitext, regardless if it exists now or not
[21:25] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Even future articles?
[21:25] <ihaveamac> however, only revisions that went through the filter
�03[21:26] * wctaiwan (8c701e60@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:26] <ihaveamac> here's an example:
�02[21:26] * Mkdw (~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[21:26] <ihaveamac> this page was deleted as non-notable I think
[21:26] <ihaveamac>
[21:26] <ihaveamac> National Institute of Broadcasting
[21:26] <ihaveamac> deleted
[21:27] <ihaveamac> I was reading the edit filter false positives pages, and found it there
[21:27] <ihaveamac> I clicked "details" on one of the log events, and I could see the entire page text
[21:30] <ihaveamac> I can't do it when the filter is private
[21:32] <ihaveamac> so yep, I can read the pages of speedily deleted articles:
[21:32] <ihaveamac> if the article was deleted as a copyvio, and it somehow got through a publicly-viewable edit filter (like large unwikified new article), that means we can still see the copyrighted content
�02[21:33] * ddvcv ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[21:33] <ihaveamac> indeed, this was deleted under G12: but we can still see it
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[21:37] <legoktm> ihaveamac: yes i filed the bug for it a while back
[21:38] <ihaveamac> there are also logs for pages that don't have a deletion log
[21:38] <legoktm> if there are serious BLP violations you can contact an oversighter
[21:38] <ihaveamac> can abuse log events be revdel'd?
[21:38] <mareklug>  <-- news updating.  7 days ago IEEE approved it as a new standard
[21:39] <mareklug> needs *
[21:39] <legoktm> ihaveamac: not yet, just oversighted
[21:39] <ihaveamac> ok
[21:39] <ihaveamac> what about copyvios?
[21:39] <legoktm> hoo is working on it
[21:39] <legoktm> um
[21:39] <legoktm> i dont think its worth oversighters time to clean that up imo
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[21:40] <ihaveamac> this is still a way for me, a normal user, to look at those
[21:40] <legoktm> i know
[21:40] <legoktm> but you have to realize
[21:40] <legoktm> this bug existed for over 2 years
[21:40] <legoktm> it isnt very high priority
[21:40] <MJ94> hey
�06[21:40] * legoktm waves
[21:40] <legoktm> and time to go back to hw.
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[21:41] <ihaveamac> ok
�06[21:41] * wolfgang42 waves to MJ94
�06[21:41] * MJ94 gives the universal sup nod to legoktm and wolfgang42 
�06[21:42] * wctaiwan knocks MJ94 on the head
[21:42] <wctaiwan> arguably more universal >.>
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�06[21:43] * MJ94 gives the universal middle finger to wctaiwan 
[21:43] <SigmaWP> MJ94: goto?
[21:43] <wctaiwan> bahahaha
[21:43] <wctaiwan> how are you
[21:43] <MJ94> wctaiwan: tired, you?
[21:43] <MJ94> SigmaWP: eh?
[21:43] <wctaiwan> only started my winter break \o/
[21:43] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Yay!
[21:43] <wctaiwan> was up until 2 finishing a report yesterday
[21:43] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Yay!!!
[21:44] <wctaiwan> hip hip hooray etc.
�06[21:44] * MJ94 needs to write a 2-3 minute speech on himself for public speaking
[21:44] <SigmaWP> MJ94: Make sure it ends with 'workers of all countries unite'
[21:44] <wctaiwan> also giant typo in my report but too late to fix it now
[21:44] <wctaiwan> hah.
[21:44] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Typo in Chinese? :O
[21:44] <wctaiwan> yeah
[21:44] <MJ94> teacher said: i don't care if you stutter, mess up, or whatever, as long as it's remotely about you and lasts 2-3 minutes
[21:44] <MJ94> 25 points no matter what
[21:45] <MJ94> one kid went up there and literally said this
[21:45] <MJ94> hi im joe
[21:45] <wctaiwan> the input method I use depends on the pronunciation of each character, so homophones require manual tweaking.
[21:45] <wctaiwan> I missed one.
[21:45] <MJ94> one time i went to disney
[21:45] <SigmaWP> ah
[21:45] <MJ94> and i saw mickey
[21:45] <wctaiwan> .... XD
[21:45] <MJ94> mickey mouse
[21:45] <MJ94> he really gets me going
[21:45] <MJ94> i like food
[21:45] <MJ94> and he kept going
[21:45] <MJ94> and he finished with
�03[21:45] * ZzZombo__ is now known as ZzZombo
[21:45] <MJ94> my mom's name is nancy and my dad's name is steve
[21:46] <wctaiwan> cool.
[21:46] <MJ94> "hi I'm mj and i enjoy long walks on the beach and bubble baths"
[21:46] <wctaiwan> so basically freewriting out loud.
[21:46] <MJ94> yes
[21:47] <wolfgang42> What's the point?
[21:47] <MJ94> learning to public speak within a time limit
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[21:48] <wctaiwan> set the standards a bit low didn't they?
[21:48] <MJ94>
[21:48] <MJ94> meh
[21:49] <MJ94> wctaiwan: for our second day of class, no
[21:49] <wctaiwan> heh, fine.
[21:51] <Mkdw> Hey MJ, you gave up on the James Gwyn article.
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�02[21:55] * wolfgang42 (~quassel@wikipedia/Wolfgang42) Quit (Quit: And now for something completely different. (awkward pause) AND NOW FOR SOMETHING... oh, never mind.�)
[21:55] <MJ94> Mkdw: school made me
[21:55] <MJ94> for a few days
�03[21:56] * a_cricket is now known as SigmaWP
�06[21:56] * MJ94 chirps at SigmaWP 
[21:57] <Shearonink> *sigh*
�06[21:57] * MJ94 looks at Shearonink 
[21:57] <Shearonink> Reading All Feedback is kind of depressing
[21:57] <wctaiwan> Wikipedia is depressing.
[21:57] <wctaiwan> .
[21:57] <Shearonink> People seem to be unable to Google
[21:57] <MJ94> what is google
[21:57] <Shearonink> they seem to think Wikipedia IS the Internet
[21:57] <Shearonink> or unable to bing! or Yahoo
[21:58] <MJ94> it's not?
[21:58] <MJ94> i thought Wikipedia was life
�02[21:58] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:00] <wctaiwan> so it had come to this.
[22:00] <wctaiwan> even bing or yahoo have become verbs.
[22:00] <MJ94> wctaiwan: bing it
[22:00] <wctaiwan> sounds euphemistic.
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�02[22:01] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) Quit (Quit: They told me if I press this button, I would leave the channel! And they were right! :(�)
[22:01] <MJ94> Matthew_: bing yourself
[22:02] <MJ94> Matthew_: and then bing me
�02[22:02] * ZzZombo (Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[22:03] <MJ94> wctaiwan: woah taiwan
[22:03] <wctaiwan> huh?
[22:03] <MJ94> wctaiwan: wcTAIWAN
[22:03] <MJ94> never saw that before
[22:03] <wctaiwan> you only noticed just now...?
[22:03] <Matthew_> MJ94: Heh, strange.
�06[22:03] * SigmaWP headdesks
[22:04] <MJ94> I always read it as wicktiwan.
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�02[22:04] * M132T003C ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[22:04] <MJ94> I'm not an idiot, I swear
[22:04] <MJ94> Right Matthew_?
[22:04] <wctaiwan> my own mental pronunciation is w-c-taiwan but eh.
[22:04] <MJ94> Right FastLizard4?
[22:04] <Matthew_> MJ94: Yeah, my name is popular :P
[22:05] <MJ94> FastLizard4: mariana said that FastLizard 1 2 and three all failed, or something.
[22:05] <MJ94> Matthew_: mine too
[22:05] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: so is mine
[22:05] <Matthew_> MJ94: Yours more so than mine :P
[22:05] <MJ94> so freaking hard to google myself
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[22:05] <Prodego> I usually read wctaiwan as wikitiwon
[22:05] <FastLizard4> MJ94: Warp core breaches
[22:05] <FastLizard4> Catastrophic, actually
[22:05] <MJ94> Prodego: ++
[22:05] <SigmaWP> How do you people pronounce my nick?
[22:05] <FastLizard4> Tragic, too.
[22:05] <JohnChrysostom> I read it as "Water Closet Taiwan".....
[22:06] <MJ94> SigmaWP
[22:06] <JohnChrysostom> "Sigma Wikipedia"
[22:06] <Jasper_Deng> SigmaWP: Sigma
[22:06] <Prodego> SigmaWP: that would be Sigma W P :P
[22:06] <SigmaWP> Prodego: :D
[22:06] <Yetanotherx> It's FastLizard4! :D
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[22:06] <MJ94> Prodego: So do I.
[22:06] <Prodego> no one pronounces my nick correctly
[22:06] <wctaiwan> JohnChrysostom: sure. you're the 2047th person to say that.
[22:06] <JohnChrysostom> pro-day-go?
[22:06] <SigmaWP> Prodego: Pro-day-go?
[22:06] <MJ94> Pro deg-oh or Pro-dee-go?
[22:06] <mareklug> Prodego for a while I thought you were nicked for some bay
[22:06] <Yetanotherx> Pro-day-go?
[22:06] <Jasper_Deng> Pro-de-go
[22:06] <Prodego> JohnChrysostom SigmaWP, no and no
[22:06] <SigmaWP> Dang it
[22:06] <Jasper_Deng> (short e sound)
[22:06] <JohnChrysostom> prah-deg-o
[22:06] <Prodego> MJ94: no and no
[22:06] <Prodego> JohnChrysostom: no
[22:07] <MJ94> Prodego: pro-deh-go
[22:07] <Yetanotherx> Praw-de-gaw?
[22:07] <SigmaWP> Prodego: Prawd Eego?
[22:07] <JohnChrysostom> I have NFC
[22:07] <Prodego> heheh Pro-dih-go
[22:07] <MJ94> Prodego: prodeg-o
[22:07] <JohnChrysostom> that's a long e, sigma WIKIPEDIA
[22:07] <SigmaWP> ah
[22:07] <FastLizard4> Yetanotherx: Ohai
[22:07] <MJ94> prodigo?
[22:07] <Prodego> pro-di-go
[22:07] <Prodego> where di is like dither
[22:07] <MJ94> pro die go?
[22:07] <MJ94> how do you all pronounce my name?
[22:08] <wctaiwan> "idiot"
�06[22:08] * wctaiwan ducks
[22:08] <MJ94> wctaiwan: >_>
[22:08] <Yetanotherx> short i
[22:08] <SigmaWP> em jay ninety four
[22:08] <MJ94> SigmaWP: :S
[22:08] <MJ94> :D*
[22:08] <MJ94> wctaiwan: plzstfu
[22:08] <Yetanotherx> My name's fairly simple. :(
[22:08] <MJ94> wctaiwan: I can never YET ANOTHER 10
[22:08] <MJ94> er
[22:08] <MJ94> wrong line
[22:09] <wctaiwan> lol?
[22:09] <Prodego> Yetanotherx: Yeta-no-the-R-X
[22:09] <Prodego> obviously
[22:09] <Yetanotherx> Flawless victory
[22:09] <MJ94> wctaiwan: I can never find info on myself unless I google "Michael Jackson NASCAR"
[22:09] <Yetanotherx> It stands for "Yeta", no the prescription.
[22:10] <MJ94> Yetanotherx: I thought you just get dumped a lot
[22:10] <Yetanotherx> Lol, no.
[22:10] <Prodego> Yetanotherx is a Wikipedian, he is never dumped
[22:10] <Prodego> because he doesn't ever date anyone
[22:10] <wctaiwan> hah
[22:10] <wctaiwan> was going to say that
[22:10] <Yetanotherx> That
[22:10] <Yetanotherx> That's cold.
[22:10] <MJ94> I have a girlfriend, who's Proud of me?
[22:11] <MJ94> proud*
�06[22:11] * Prodego lynches MJ94 
[22:11] <Yetanotherx> MJ94: Me too! High five1
[22:11] <wctaiwan> MJ94: she'll dump you as soon as she finds out you edit wikipedia.
[22:11] <MJ94> and I'm disabled so I have quadraswag or something
�02[22:11] * ZzZombo (~Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[22:11] * ZzZombo_ (~Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[22:11] * ZzZombo_ is now known as ZzZombo__
[22:11] <legoktm> yay there are wikipedians who have real lives!
�02[22:11] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Quit: I could see a thousand dancing hamsters on the checkuser results and still think they were sockpuppets�)
[22:11] <MJ94> wctaiwan: phase one, show girlfriend IRC
�03[22:11] * ZzZombo__ is now known as ZzZombo
[22:11] <wctaiwan> legoktm: they're just shitting us.
[22:11] <MJ94> complete
[22:11] <Yetanotherx> real life! High five!
[22:11] <MJ94> she loves it
[22:11] <Yetanotherx> Someone?
[22:11] <Prodego> very nice! </borat>
[22:11] <Yetanotherx> Anyone?
[22:11] <wctaiwan> legoktm: homework handed in?
[22:11] <SigmaWP> [22:11:02] �<�Prodego�>�� Yetanotherx is a Wikipedian, he is never dumped
[22:12] <SigmaWP> use Data::Dumper;
[22:12] <Yetanotherx> I am not putting this hand down until I get a high five!
[22:12] <SigmaWP> print "Ha\n";
[22:12] <Yetanotherx> SigmaWP: Eww, perl
[22:12] <SigmaWP> perl > php
�06[22:12] * wctaiwan axes Yetanotherx's hand off
[22:12] <Yetanotherx> SigmaWP: Well no shit.
[22:12] <wctaiwan> is axe a verb?
[22:12] <SigmaWP> Or should I say, perl gt php?
[22:12] <wctaiwan> hm.
[22:12] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: yes
[22:12] <MJ94> msg wctaiwan :D
[22:12] <MJ94> oops
[22:12] <wctaiwan> fail :p
[22:12] <Yetanotherx> In the two years I was gone from Wikipedia, I never saw anyone use perl. And then I came back, and then there was perl everywhere
[22:12] <wctaiwan> I got it regardless :p
[22:12] <mareklug> wctaiwan sure.  she axed him a question.
�02[22:12] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[22:13] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Look at them
[22:13] <wctaiwan> mareklug: sorry me no speak english so good.
[22:13] <SigmaWP> They're freaking reds
[22:13] <Prodego> well we all know if you were Magnus Manske you would have written phase2 in assembly, but sadly no
[22:13] <SigmaWP> Let the hate flow through you
[22:13] <MJ94> SigmaWP: what is love
[22:13] <Yetanotherx> Pfff, I could have done it.
[22:13] <MJ94> BABY DON'T HURT ME
[22:13] <Yetanotherx> I did take Assembly 101, you know! :D
[22:13] <MJ94> DON'T HURT ME
[22:13] <MJ94> NO MORE
�06[22:13] * MJ94 spasms
�03[22:13] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:13] <MJ94> woahOHOHOHHHH
[22:13] <MJ94> WOAHHHH
[22:13] <MJ94> OOOOOOOO
[22:14] <Prodego> /kick MJ94
[22:14] <Prodego> * You're not a channel operator in #wikipedia-en
[22:14] <Prodego> :(
[22:14] <SigmaWP> :(
[22:14] <MJ94> Pr:(
[22:14] <MJ94> mine has a gangster hat
[22:14] <Yetanotherx> Prodego: I took assembly, AND I LIKED IT.
[22:14] <MJ94> Yetanotherx: TASTE OF ITS CHERRY CHAPSTICK
[22:14] <Prodego> /kline Yetanotherx
[22:14] <Prodego> * Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator
[22:14] <Prodego> :(
[22:15] <SigmaWP> :(
[22:15] <wctaiwan> calm down folks.
[22:15] <Yetanotherx> MJ94: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON.
[22:15] <legoktm> Yetanotherx: is assembly worth learning>
[22:15] <MJ94> P:(
[22:15] <Prodego> Actually assembly isn't so bad
[22:15] <SigmaWP> legoktm: yes
[22:15] <mareklug> Yetanotherx Katy Prry, obviously
[22:15] <Prodego> as long as you don't try to do anything
[22:15] <mareklug> e
[22:15] <MJ94> Yetanotherx: penis
[22:15] <Yetanotherx> legoktm: Depends. It's a good way to learn how memory and everything works.
[22:15] <wctaiwan> I'm debating whether to take compiler design
[22:15] <SigmaWP> If you're going to write something for a hardware
[22:15] <SigmaWP> or a very fast game
�06[22:15] * legoktm will consider it
[22:15] <Yetanotherx> I didn't understand pointers.
[22:15] <Yetanotherx> Then I took assembly.
[22:15] <Yetanotherx> Now I get pointers.
[22:15] <Prodego> Yetanotherx: that's where I see the value, in understanding what is fast and what is not and why
[22:15] <MJ94> legoktm: where did you get the idea for your name?
[22:15] <Yetanotherx> Exactly.
[22:16] <MJ94> I read it as legokim or lego k-t-m
[22:16] <Yetanotherx> It's not abotu the language, but about how the computer is organized.
[22:16] <Prodego> by the way, remember you can win cash for disambiguation!
[22:16] <Prodego> see topic!
[22:16] <legoktm> MJ94: lego space k-t-m. ktm are my initials
[22:16] <Yetanotherx> A whole 10 bucks per thousand articled. :D
[22:16] <Prodego> Yetanotherx: shhhhh
[22:17] <Yetanotherx> Better than nothing
[22:17] <Yetanotherx> Should offer prizes for fixing [citation needed]
[22:17] <Prodego> its not about the money, its about the satisfaction that you saved lots of people about 10 seconds of reading a disambig page and then clicking
[22:17] <SigmaWP> The first place prize will equal one cent for every fix over 2,500, up to a maximum of $100 for 12,500 links fixed
[22:18] <Yetanotherx> legoktm: I learned Freescale HCS12 language, which is also fairly simply to pick up, but it's not as full-featured as x86 assembly or anything like that.
[22:18] <SigmaWP> Looks like it's time to write a tool that does dab
[22:18] <MJ94> I have a backache
[22:18] <Prodego> SigmaWP: well unfortunately it can't be fully automated
[22:18] <MJ94> Prodego: how much for a massage
[22:18] <Yetanotherx> SigmaWP: AWB does that, doesn't it?
[22:18] <Prodego> MJ94: I don't know, read the link
[22:18] <SigmaWP> Yetanotherx: But it's written in .NET
[22:18] <SigmaWP> We need a pure cross platform tool written in Python
[22:18] <Yetanotherx> So?
[22:18] <Yetanotherx> Wine
[22:19] <Yetanotherx> Also, why not just use AWB?
[22:19] <SigmaWP> Good question
[22:19] <legoktm> AWB doesn't work on OSX/Linux.
[22:19] <Yetanotherx> 1) Wine 2) Dual boot
[22:19] <Yetanotherx> 3) Fucking AWB, why do so many tools get written in C#?
[22:19] <legoktm> 1) Doesn't work perfectly for me 2) Ewwww
[22:19] <legoktm> 3) Huggle.
[22:19] <Yetanotherx> 2) is what I do.
[22:20] <Yetanotherx> Don't remind me.
[22:20] <Yetanotherx> That tool isn't dead yet?
[22:20] <SigmaWP> Sadly :(
[22:20] <Yetanotherx> Gurch wrote it as a hack. And then it became popualr. And it's not dead yet.
[22:20] <SigmaWP> STiki has had an unprecendented surge in populatiry recently
�06[22:20] * Yetanotherx liked igloo, it worked cross-platform
�03[22:20] * ZzZombo (~Ravenholm@unaffiliated/zzzombo) has left #wikipedia-en
[22:20] <Yetanotherx> The only reason it became popular is because it was the first program to really automate the process, and it was effective.
[22:21] <SigmaWP> <-- ._.
[22:21] <Yetanotherx> Hell, Gurch never intended for it to become popular.
�03[22:21] * Ks0stm|iPhone ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:21] <Prodego> pssft huggle is for wimps
[22:21] <Yetanotherx> SigmaWP: So... github?
[22:21] <Prodego> Crypto Dirk's vandal fighter
[22:21] <Prodego> now that is where it is at
[22:21] <SigmaWP> Yetanotherx: Exactly what I thought
[22:21] <SigmaWP> But I like how he talked about 'program codes'
[22:22] <SigmaWP> :P
[22:22] <Yetanotherx> Prodego: No, Amidaniel's vandal fighter!
[22:22] <Prodego> sorry, Derk
�02[22:22] * Ks0stm|iPhone ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[22:22] * Ks0stm|iPhone (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:22] <legoktm> VandalProof!
[22:22] <Yetanotherx> That's it!
[22:22] <Prodego> Yetanotherx: yes, I was one of the first users of that tool
[22:22] <Prodego> I forgot about it actually
�02[22:22] * Mkdw (~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[22:22] <Yetanotherx> That one got killed by Huggle.
�03[22:22] * Ks0stm|iPhone (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) has left #wikipedia-en
[22:22] <Prodego> but  Crypto Derk's vandal fighter was what I used before I became an admin
[22:22] <Yetanotherx> It's strange that more tools aren't written in Java.
[22:22] <Yetanotherx> It's so similar to C#, and it's cross platform
[22:22] <Prodego> which possibly none of you remember
[22:23] <Yetanotherx> Huggle was the first I could stand to use.
[22:23] <Prodego> this is what it looked like -
[22:23] <Yetanotherx> Prodego: Alas, I may be old, but I'm not that old.
[22:23] <JohnChrysostom> I'm only 73!
[22:23] <Prodego> it was in java by the way
[22:23] <Yetanotherx> Good for it.
[22:23] <Prodego> it wasn't worth it
[22:24] <Yetanotherx> Like I said, Huggle was the first to actually be user friendly and effective at the same time
[22:24] <JohnChrysostom> Yetanotherx: reading the previous wall of text - can you write MASM32?
[22:24] <Yetanotherx> Nope.
[22:24] <Yetanotherx> I only learned HCS12
[22:24] <JohnChrysostom> I'll have to google that
[22:24] <JohnChrysostom> although I actually can write MASM32 - I wonder what they came out with for 64 bit
[22:25] <Yetanotherx> It's a Freescale language. It's a bit different from the standard assembly languages
[22:26] <JohnChrysostom> mov eax,0fffffffx
[22:27] <Yetanotherx> That's not possible in HCS12. :(
[22:27] <Yetanotherx> I'd have to do ldx #$0fff, ldy #$ffff and use the two in combination
[22:27] <JohnChrysostom> so you can't do the cool 0/1 one-bit keylogger trick?
[22:27] <Yetanotherx> Don't know what that is, so I dunno.
[22:28] <JohnChrysostom> although I suppose that specific example is of marginal interest to the bleached-white hats
[22:28] <Yetanotherx> I was referring to the fact that it's a 16-bit processor, so you can't put 0x0fffffff into a register
[22:28] <wctaiwan> that's not why it's impossible.
[22:28] <wctaiwan> 16-bit refers to the memory address length doesn't it?
[22:28] <wctaiwan> not register size.
[22:28] <JohnChrysostom>
[22:28] <Yetanotherx> The registers are 16-bit too
[22:28] <wctaiwan> oh.
[22:29] <JohnChrysostom> I could no more write for 16 bits than for 64, methinks
[22:29] <Yetanotherx> Addresses are 16-bit, registers are 16-bit
[22:29] <wctaiwan> the only language I know properly is C :|
[22:29] <JohnChrysostom> not even C++?
[22:29] <wctaiwan> assembly is... eh.
[22:29] <wctaiwan> "properly"
[22:29] <JohnChrysostom> assembler is where all the cool shit happens
[22:29] <JohnChrysostom> assembly*
[22:29] <Prodego> #wikipedia-en-help could use some helpers
[22:29] <wctaiwan> I can work with C++ code given the task, but I have no systematic training in OOP.
[22:29] <Prodego> if anyone wants to go help there
[22:30] <wctaiwan> I would except I might be going soon. Sorry.
[22:30] <JohnChrysostom> do you have to be an admin: Prodego (pro-DAY-goh)?
[22:30] <Prodego> JohnChrysostom: Pro-dih-go, and no
[22:30] <Prodego> you just have to be able to answer the questions of people who ask questions
[22:30] <Prodego> usually they are 'I am trying to create this spam page, can you help'
[22:30] <JohnChrysostom> I'll take a look then... I've never wanted to go through the new, grueling RfA
[22:31] <JohnChrysostom> I've been questioned by the NSA enough in real life... lol
[22:31] <Yetanotherx> new?
[22:31] <JohnChrysostom> not really new... "where none get the broom" RfA
[22:32] <Yetanotherx> Welcome to 2010
[22:32] <Guerillero> what is the colloquialism for a boring and noncontroversial person
[22:32] <Guerillero> it think it starts with an M
[22:32] <JohnChrysostom> the last time I had the broom was, what, six years ago, maybe seven? and I decided, as soon as I passed, "I achieved my goal", and then slowly forgot WP (and my e-mail, and my password) until about 2009
[22:32] <mareklug> Guerillero square
[22:32] <JohnChrysostom> Milquetoast?
[22:32] <Guerillero> yes
[22:33] <Guerillero> thank you
�03[22:33] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:33] <JohnChrysostom> That's an arsehole who's a doormat....
[22:33] <Yetanotherx> square totally starts with an m
[22:33] <JohnChrysostom> although, I assume, by definition, said doormat is non-controversial
[22:33] <mareklug> silent m
[22:33] <JohnChrysostom> marsehole?
�02[22:33] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
[22:34] <JohnChrysostom> Entre'acte, M'asreshole, M'lady
[22:34] <mareklug> Yetanotherx that's why human lookup is better than machine intelligence.  you can discount search cues and guid the person to better results (in your own opinion)
[22:34] <JohnChrysostom> You mean Google actually has a person on the other end (interrobang)
[22:35] <mareklug> well, funny you should say that.  google is corpus-based, so it is very much human-cued
�02[22:35] * wctaiwan (8c701e60@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[22:36] <MJ94> legoktm: ping
[22:36] <legoktm> hi
�03[22:36] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:36] <JohnChrysostom> Prodego: LOL, man, did you just see the latest (article for creation?) in en-help?
[22:36] <Yetanotherx> mareklug: The problem with disregarding user input like that by a machine is that if it's not what the user wanted, they lose faith in the constraint check, and stop using it.
[22:38] <mareklug> the flip side of that is that the user may be thankful for solutions that the user was unaware of, and only trigged in a thesaurus-like lookup
[22:38] <Prodego> JohnChrysostom: recall how I said the most common question is 'I am trying to create this spam page, can you help'
[22:38] <Shearonink> LOL
�06[22:39] * Shearonink actually laughs out loud
[22:39] <Shearonink> come to the land of -en-help, and it's lot os spammity-spam-spam
[22:40] <mareklug> maybe it's a good place to practice diplomatic phrasing of "do fuck off; we don't want your kind"
[22:40] <Prodego> it is
[22:41] <Shearonink> well, I try to guide them into good editing practices
[22:42] <Shearonink> and sometimes I'll say "ummm, that might not be notable enough to have aWP article."  but please stick around and fix all our mistakes etc
�02[22:42] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
[22:43] <Prodego> Shearonink: usually I say 'hey, I don't want to be the bad guy, but ..... [your article sucks and wont' be accepted and I won't be responsible if you waste your time submitting it and working on it]
[22:43] <Shearonink> or, I'll say "that musician/business/product might not be notable enough yet" but you must eb interested in can fix up those articles and learn about how to edit"
�03[22:43] * bjelleklang (~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:43] <Shearonink> yeah, that too Prodego
[22:43] <Shearonink> that is why I say 'not yet'
�03[22:46] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
�03[22:49] * Yaawboy (~Yaawboy@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:49] <JohnChrysostom> LOL... I was a bit late
[22:50] <JohnChrysostom> "Help me put an advert for this proprietary concrete cleaner on WP"
[22:51] <Prodego> JohnChrysostom: now you have to remember, some of them aren't really promoting the thing, they just think that would be a cool thing to write about
�02[22:56] * delldot (4abea775@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[22:57] <JohnChrysostom> Are there actually people out there who have a passion for cleaning concrete with the latest proprietary formulae?
�06[22:57] * Prodego shrugs, and then goes and sees what your first edit was to
[22:58] <JohnChrysostom> I think it was to "Abrahamic religions", I'm not sure, though
[22:58] <Prodego> see, who cares about that
[22:58] <JohnChrysostom> that might have been before this account though
[22:58] <Prodego> it was Talk:Abrahamic religions
[22:58] <Prodego> you obvious sock you
[22:58] <JohnChrysostom> I was spot-on!
[22:59] <JohnChrysostom> I wonder if I'm the only man on Wikipedia who's never been in real trouble (defined as: worse than AN/I) who always forgets his accounts
[22:59] <JohnChrysostom> I probably had 10 between 2004 and 2006
[23:00] <JohnChrysostom> most of Wikipedia was redlinks, then
�03[23:03] * The_Anonymouse (4c0af156@wikipedia/The-Anonymouse) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:04] <Shearonink> JohnChrysostom: yes, some people do
[23:04] <Shearonink> I always assume good faith with folks who come into help
[23:04] <Shearonink> until they prove me wrong
[23:05] <Shearonink> and even if they are POV/COI (as most of them are), they can still do some good editing
[23:05] <JohnChrysostom> Isn't "hav[ing] a passion for cleaning concrete with the latest proprietary formulae..." essentially... proving you wrong?
[23:05] <Shearonink> JohnChrysostom: not necessariy
[23:06] <Shearonink> they will edit, i treat them with respect until they prove otherwise
[23:06] <Shearonink> it's my 'job
[23:06] <JohnChrysostom> Think of what I just wrote, not as hyperbole, but historico-grammatically - doesn't it send up red flags of "shill"?
[23:06] <Shearonink>  to treat them like an editor
[23:06] <Shearonink> and hope that it what they turn into
[23:06] <JohnChrysostom> I'm trying to figure out, here, where AGF ends with some of these requests
[23:06] <JohnChrysostom> so, they are honest questions
[23:07] <JohnChrysostom> I don't want to jump in and either 1) bite the newbs, or 2) end up being the enabler for spam
�06[23:07] * MJ94 yawns
�06[23:07] * MJ94 pokes Prodego with a feather
�06[23:08] * JohnChrysostom has more of a right to yawn
[23:08] <Shearonink> JohnChrysostom: If I treated every POV/COI newbie who stumbles into -en-help as what they *might* be, then there is no hope
�06[23:08] * JohnChrysostom after having had, 3/4, maybe 1 gallon of Trappist 12%
[23:08] <Shearonink> Because 90% of them are POV/COI
[23:09] <JohnChrysostom> So, the rule is, "Give even the most blatant POV-pusher/COI/advertiser gentle nudging to attempt to let them grow in to a good editor"
[23:09] <Shearonink> and part of my 'job' in-en-help is to teach them what Wikipedia is and is not
�02[23:09] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[23:09] <Shearonink> JohnChrysostom: They come into -help and they know NOTHING about Wikipedia culture or policies or guidelines
�06[23:10] * JohnChrysostom 's Corollary: and let AN deal with it if they don't!
[23:10] <Shearonink> I sometimes tell them "I don't think that this subejct looks like it is notable"
[23:10] <Shearonink> they might listen, they might not
[23:11] <Shearonink> that's all up to them
�03[23:12] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:13] <Shearonink> If they meet with immediate scorn as corporate shills, then they will NOT turn into productive editors.
�06[23:13] * Shearonink thinks JohnChrysostom should share his Trappist
[23:15] <The_Anonymouse> Vandalism-only accounts can be blocked without warning, right? I just found a case (User:Rokabluecheese) at AIV.
[23:15] <Prodego> The_Anonymouse: generally it is good to warn them because they might be testing
[23:15] <Prodego> people test with the dumbest things
�03[23:15] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:16] <Shearonink> heh indeed Prodego
[23:16] <The_Anonymouse> Prodego: I'm pretty sure the user was not testing :)
[23:17] <The_Anonymouse> But yes, warning is probably a good idea for the first offense
[23:17] <Prodego> how pretty sure
[23:17] <Prodego> generally a warning is pretty cheap
[23:17] <Prodego> so it can't hurt
[23:18] <The_Anonymouse> like almost 100% – here's a diff
[23:18] <Shearonink> They seem to have a thing with that one article
[23:19] <Shearonink>
[23:19] <Shearonink> heh, the article is almost unsourced
[23:19] <The_Anonymouse> interesting... there seem to be multiple new user edits to the page recently. Sockpuppets maybe?
[23:20] <The_Anonymouse> the user names are all named after food
�02[23:20] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) Quit (Quit: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia�)
[23:21] <JohnChrysostom> Shearonik: you actually know what a Trappist is?
[23:21] <JohnChrysostom> !
[23:21] <Shearonink> The_Anonymouse: all that interesting food
�02[23:21] * tyime (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
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[23:22] <JohnChrysostom> IME, if a vandal is a vandal and you warn them, they'll vandalize something else within the minute
[23:22] <Shearonink> JohnChrysostom: It's a type of dark *dark* beer
[23:22] <JohnChrysostom> so, indeed, a warning is cheep
[23:22] <JohnChrysostom> There are actually /some/ light Trappists
[23:22] <Shearonink> yes
[23:22] <Shearonink> some
[23:22] <JohnChrysostom> like Orval (which is dark amber brown) and Westmalle Tripel (the color of Duvel)
[23:23] <JohnChrysostom> beyond that, they tend to be brown, but are completely opaque from the yeast clouds
[23:23] <JohnChrysostom> St Bernardus, Chimay, Rochefort... oh my.
[23:24] <Mike_H> orval faubus
[23:25] <JohnChrysostom> Orval tastes like a very appetizing horse blanket that's been left to moulder in an appetizing barnyard
�02[23:28] * Matthewedwards (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Matthewedwards) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[23:28] <Shearonink> heh
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[23:34] <The_Anonymouse> FYI, opened
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[23:44] <Shearonink> Quick...anyone know of a Wikipedia Good Article that is about a General?
[23:44] <Shearonink> pleeeeeeeeease
[23:44] <Shearonink> help meeeeeeeeeee
[23:44] <Shearonink> thanks
�06[23:45] * SigmaWP ponders
[23:45] <SigmaWP> Check [[Operation Alsos]] for links?
[23:47] <D_>
[23:47] <D_> Look through that, maybe
[23:47] <Shearonink> GACK
[23:47] <Shearonink> how did you do that'cripes, I never know how to find junk around here
[23:48] <D_> Wikiprojects will usually have lists of articles by quality assessment
[23:51] <The_Anonymouse> can't seem to find any GAs; all are FA or B-class
�02[23:53] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
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Session Time: Fri Jan 18 00:00:01 2013
�02[00:04] * Yaawboy (~Yaawboy@ Quit (Quit: Yaawboy�)
[00:04] <Isarra> I love you guya.
[00:04] <Isarra> s
[00:04] <Isarra> s
[00:04] <Isarra> I'm lso too tired to type.
[00:04] <Isarra> also
�02[00:05] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�03[00:10] * WillPittenger (~chatzilla@wikimedia-commons/Will-Pittenger) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:11] <WillPittenger> Can someone delete [[File:User-Will Pittenger.jpg]]?  I'm switching it to Commons.  Actually, that version is a later photo of me.
�02[00:11] * Robitussin ( Quit (Quit: Robitussin�)
�03[00:12] * qq[IrcCity] (~qq@wikimedia/Incnis-Mrsi) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:13] <WillPittenger> The new version is [[Commons:File:User- Will Pittenger.jpg]].  So any existing links should still work.
�02[00:14] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Quit: BewareofDoug�)
[00:18] <SigmaWP> Someone'll get it
[00:18] <SigmaWP> I wish I could
�02[00:18] * horky (~horky@ Quit (Quit: horky�)
[00:18] <SigmaWP> Guerillero: ^
[00:18] <Guerillero> one cec
[00:18] <Guerillero> sec*
[00:19] <Guerillero> gone
[00:20] <WillPittenger> Thanks.
�02[00:20] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Once I did bad, and that I heard ever\nTwice I did good, but that I heard never.�)
[00:21] <WillPittenger> I was going to put the new image on WP with the same name, but WP was balking about actually displaying the new image outside history. :p
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[00:52] <russavia> mareklug -- they have killed a classic livery --
[00:54] <legoktm> Franco|Andro|AFK: sheesh, at least pick a shorter name this time around :/
[00:54] <Franco|Andro|AFK> stalking much? ;)
[00:55] <Franco|Andro|AFK> and it's several characters shorter :P
[00:55] <Jasper_Deng> Franco|Andro|AFK your existing username was fine with me, but that's just my opinion
[00:56] <Franco|Andro|AFK> legoktm: 11 characters shorter :P
[00:56] <Franco|Andro|AFK> out of 24. so almost halved
�03[00:57] * Franco|Andro|AFK is now known as PinkAmpersand
�03[00:57] * WillPittenger (~chatzilla@wikimedia-commons/Will-Pittenger) has left #wikipedia-en
[00:57] <PinkAmpersand> Jasper_Deng: Yeah, but... idk, didn't really feel right anymore
�03[00:57] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:58] <legoktm> better i guess
[00:58] <legoktm> now you're irc nick is longer :/
[00:58] <legoktm> your*
[00:58] <The_Anonymouse> simpler at least
[00:58] <legoktm> wow i'm tired
�03[01:04] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
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[01:36] <Seddon> woop :)
[01:36] <Seddon> thank fuck for that
[01:36] <Seddon> running chatzilla independently of Firefox
[01:36] <Seddon> its taking me 5 years to get around to doing this
�02[01:37] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[01:40] <legoktm> :D
[01:43] <Bsadowski1> Seddon: Why not use a standalone IRC client (not related to Firefox)
[01:43] <Bsadowski1> :P
[01:43] <Seddon> I have used many and I always find myself coming back to chatzilla
[01:44] <Bsadowski1> So you tried: KvIRC, irssi, mIRC, X-Chat (and its forks such as HexChat), etc?
�02[01:48] * Carly (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[01:49] <Bsadowski1> @ Seddon
�02[01:49] * DFrostedWang (~bradford@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[01:51] <Seddon> iv used mirc, miranda and pidgin for irc
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[02:42] <Steven_Zhang> Seddon: you mean :P
[02:42] <Steven_Zhang> being aussie is normally not bad
[02:42] <Steven_Zhang> just today
[02:42] <Steven_Zhang> since we got our asses handed to us by Sri Lanka
�02[02:43] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
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[02:47] <legoktm> Steven_Zhang: you watch cricket?
[02:48] <Steven_Zhang> i /play/ cricket
[02:48] <Steven_Zhang> and I also watch cricket
[02:48] <legoktm> :o
[02:48] <Steven_Zhang> :P
[02:48] <Steven_Zhang> it was a crappy batting pitch, but still, all out for 74 is unacceptable
[02:49] <Steven_Zhang> I hate living in Australia
[02:49] <Steven_Zhang> ie, a "new" TV show
[02:49] <Steven_Zhang> has actually been around for 4 mths in the US
[02:49] <Steven_Zhang> >_>
[02:50] <legoktm> 74???
[02:50] <legoktm> ouch
[02:52] <Steven_Zhang> yeah
[02:52] <Steven_Zhang> I bat in the middle order and I can make that on a good day by myself
[02:52] <Steven_Zhang> for a world class team though… :|
[02:58] <closedmouth> 74...
[02:58] <Chris_G> serves 'em right (I don't like them  :P)
[02:59] <legoktm> hahaha
�02[03:02] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
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[03:20] <Bellamy> morning noobs
�02[03:21] * Bellamy ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[03:21] <closedmouth> morning saibots
�03[03:30] * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:30] <Qcoder00> It's snowing <seethe>
[03:31] <legoktm> Qcoder00: Legobot is running :D
[03:32] <Qcoder00> Grat
[03:32] <Qcoder00> Great
[03:32] <Qcoder00> I have another task for you at some point
[03:32] <Qcoder00> :)
[03:32] <legoktm> :/
[03:32] <Qcoder00> Don't worry it probably isn't more than 2000 entries
[03:33] <legoktm> better be easy :P
[03:34] <Qcoder00> legoktm: Place all images with both a non-free and free licence in to a n admin  category: [[Category:Images with free and non-free licenses]]
[03:34] <Qcoder00> Please note that NOT all of these will need to be fixed :)
[03:35] <legoktm> hm
[03:35] <Qcoder00> Skip images tagged {{photo of art}}
[03:35] <legoktm> i think that can be done better as a database report
[03:35] <Qcoder00> It is already
[03:35] <Qcoder00> But someone needs to tweak the configuration
[03:35] <Qcoder00> because {{photo of art}}items are shown in it , when they aren't technically incorrect
[03:36] <legoktm> link me to the report?
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[03:48] <Qcoder00>
[03:48] <Qcoder00>
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[04:04] <Vacation9> legoktm: are you there?
�06[04:04] * legoktm waves
[04:04] <Vacation9> I answered your question on my talk
[04:05] <legoktm> will take a look
[04:05] <Vacation9> ok
[04:09] <legoktm> responded :)
[04:09] <Vacation9> kk
[04:09] <Vacation9> well for blocking it's kind of the same thing, redundant
[04:10] <Vacation9> you already have their reverted edits to count
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�02[04:11] * Seddon ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89-rdmsoft [XULRunner]�)
[04:11] <Vacation9> replied again
�03[04:13] * Guest8889 (~Carly@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:13] <Guest8889> Hi :D
[04:13] <Guest8889> good morning
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[04:13] <Vacation9> Hello there Carly
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[04:13] <DFrostedGirl> Hi Vacation9 :D
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[04:21] <legoktm> Qcoder00: sigh the bot crashed on this :/
�02[04:21] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[04:22] <Qcoder00> Skip those
[04:22] <Qcoder00> ;)
[04:22] <Qcoder00> And that may be a textlogo anyway
�02[04:23] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Quit: BewareofDoug�)
[04:24] <Qcoder00> - was one it missed becuase of the use of the old styl fur template call
�03[04:25] * for_ (~wmcommons@unaffiliated/fifteenasterisks) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:26] <legoktm> might have, i can test it later
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[05:07] <YuviPanda> kondi: yo
[05:07] <YuviPanda> thanks for the pull req ;)
[05:08] <YuviPanda> added comments
[05:08] <kondi> YuviPanda: :)
�06[05:08] * kondi looks
[05:08] <Steven_Zhang> hey Y_Ichiro
[05:08] <Steven_Zhang> er, YuviPanda
[05:08] <Steven_Zhang> :P
�06[05:09] * kondi is feeling idiotic
�06[05:09] * YuviPanda hangs head in shame at Steven_Zhang
[05:09] <Steven_Zhang> why? :P
[05:10] <YuviPanda> Steven_Zhang: because i still haven't finished it
[05:10] <Steven_Zhang> this is true :P
�03[05:10] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:10] <YuviPanda> it is yes
[05:10] <Steven_Zhang> my wikimedia email address doesn't work anymore :(
[05:11] <Steven_Zhang> as of about 12 hours ago
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[05:15] <kondi> YuviPanda: will send another req.
[05:15] <YuviPanda> kondi: awesome
[05:15] <YuviPanda> Steven_Zhang: :(
[05:15] <kondi> YuviPanda: then the token in self should be removed since the caching is to be done by user
[05:16] <YuviPanda> kondi: yes, self.tokens shouldn't exist
[05:17] <YuviPanda> i think I killed it no?
�03[05:17] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|away
[05:17] <kondi> YuviPanda: cool
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[05:46] <Bellamy> hey
[05:46] <Carly> hi  :)
[05:46] <Bellamy> u ok?
[05:46] <Carly> o.o yes
�06[05:46] * Carly runs away
[05:46] <Bellamy> ok
[05:47] <Bellamy> is anyone from last night on now?
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[05:52] <petan> o.o
�03[05:53] * Vacation9|away is now known as Vacation9
[05:54] <mattbuck> cambridge people
�06[05:54] * mattbuck shakes his head
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[05:57] <Carly_> -_-
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[05:58] <Qcoder00> Notabilty enquiry
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[05:58] <Qcoder00> When do weather events (like the recent UK snow ) become notable?
[05:59] <Qcoder00> Winter snow is not unexpected in parts of the UK so I don't think it's off itself notable...
�03[05:59] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:59] <mattbuck> not sure
[05:59] <Qcoder00> But is there a set of annual 'metrological' impact articles for Europe?
[05:59] <mattbuck> that said, it didn't used to snow regularly
[05:59] <mattbuck> not during the 90s
[05:59] <mattbuck> or at least, if it did, I didn't notice it
[06:00] <Qcoder00> True. but prior to around 1987 or so , winter snowfalll WAS an expectation
[06:00] <Qcoder00> In general heatwaves probably don't count if they are a regular occurunce
�02[06:01] * Carly (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[06:01] <Qcoder00> Proposal : Rather than have continual debates about what constitutes a 'freak' event, it might be worth having 'annual' articles
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[06:02] <wctaiwan> o/ foks
[06:02] <wctaiwan> long time no see.
[06:02] <Qcoder00> from which genuinely 'freak' events (like the 2011 cold snap) could be split
[06:03] <foks> Howdy :3
[06:08] <mattbuck> ok
[06:08] <mattbuck> do it
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[06:12] <Qcoder00>
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[06:16] <Alchimista> Qcoder00: what do you mena with "But is there a set of annual 'metrological' impact articles for Europe?"
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[06:17] <Qcoder00> Alchemista: I mean is there a set of general articles...
[06:17] <Qcoder00> Which cover the impact of weather events for each year
[06:17] <Alchimista> Ah articles. i thought you where looking for a database.
[06:18] <Qcoder00> No
[06:18] <Qcoder00> Although somebody presumably keeps weather impact records ( probably insurers do)
[06:19] <Alchimista> thre is two or three big databases recording it, EU does it, i know some uni does it and an NGO too, but can't remember the names
[06:20] <Alchimista> AH, found one:
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[06:25] <wctaiwan> is anyone going to yell at me if I kill the silly all-lowercase?
[06:25] <wctaiwan> it doesn't make the thing look more friendly, just less professional.
[06:27] <foks> looks fine to me :/
[06:27] <foks> I quite like that though.
[06:27] <wctaiwan> meh.
[06:27] <wctaiwan> it does seem more common in the UK
[06:27] <wctaiwan> all that humanist sans serif and lowercasing
[06:28] <foks> It's just to make things look more contemporary
[06:28] <foks> Personally I like that as it strikes me as more accessible.
[06:28] <foks> But that's opinion.
[06:28] <wctaiwan> yup, in this day and age no one bothers to capitalise properly anymore :p
[06:28] <wctaiwan> as is what I said, but okay, I'll leave it be.
[06:29] <foks> well it's not laziness; it's quite deliberate
[06:29] <foks> but alright
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[06:40] <Guest85716> hi
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[06:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> breaking news is so broken
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[06:44] <for_> exactly
[06:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> for_ so
[06:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as an uninterested party can we talk in pm?
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[06:47] <YuviPanda> kondi: they haven't even responsed to my email saying i won't be coming
[06:48] <kondi> YuviPanda: to my emails too. This is bad
[06:48] <YuviPanda> I'm glad I pulled ut
[06:48] <YuviPanda> *out
[06:48] <YuviPanda> Imagine landing up there, calling them for 5-6 hours
[06:48] <YuviPanda> and not getting a response.
[06:49] <kondi> YuviPanda: don't tell me that now
[06:49] <YuviPanda> I'm not asking to be treated royally, but is it too much to ask for a damn response?
[06:49] <kondi> YuviPanda: what if I call them and they don't have accommodation arranged for me :P
[06:49] <YuviPanda> that's actually a very high possibility
[06:49] <YuviPanda> if I were you, I'd double, triple check :P
[06:50] <kondi> YuviPanda: hmm. If that happens, I don't exactly know what I'd do.
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�03[06:50] * for_ is now known as for
[06:51] <YuviPanda> kondi: also readup whatever happened to SrikanthR at NITT a year or two ago
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[06:51] <YuviPanda> sounds like that in the making, this one
[06:51] <wctaiwan> YuviPanda: where are you going?
[06:51] <YuviPanda> wctaiwan: I'm not going anywhere :D
[06:51] <kondi> YuviPanda: y u scare me?
[06:52] <YuviPanda> kondi: is going to a wiki workshop in Goa
[06:52] <wctaiwan> ah
[06:52] <YuviPanda> kondi: dude, better do due diligence now than be stranded later
[06:52] <YuviPanda> wctaiwan: I was supposed to do a technical workshop there
[06:52] <YuviPanda> but pulled out due to unprofessional behavior from the organizers
[06:52] <wctaiwan> ah.
[06:52] <kondi> YuviPanda: of course
[06:52] <YuviPanda> which amounts to essentially not replying to email at all
[06:53] <YuviPanda> going 'this is urgent, we need to put it up on the site tonight'
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[06:53] <YuviPanda> and then when I give them material, not putting those up for a week or two?
[06:53] <YuviPanda> kondi: is this up on their website?
[06:53] <kondi> YuviPanda: yes
[06:53] <YuviPanda> link?
[06:53] <kondi> he told me the same thing like 5 times
[06:54] <kondi> YuviPanda: hang on
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[07:47] <YuviPanda> kondi: any luck talking to him?
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[08:00] <kondi> YuviPanda: was away. called him couple of times
[08:00] <YuviPanda> did he pick up?
[08:00] <kondi> YuviPanda: no
[08:00] <kondi> YuviPanda: bugger is avoiding
[08:01] <YuviPanda> eugh
[08:01] <kondi> I'll call him tomorrow
[08:01] <YuviPanda> kondi: PM me his number again?
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[08:13] <FiveThirtyEight> PinkAmperand: changed your username?
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[08:22] <Isarra> Wood panelling.
[08:22] <Isarra> Is it not a fascinating subject?
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[08:26] <FiveThirtyEight> Here, let me close that tag for you.
[08:26] <FiveThirtyEight> </sarcasm>
[08:27] <JohnLewis> Qcoder00 :)
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[08:32] <wctaiwan> FiveThirtyEight: Syntax error: Mismatched closing tag.
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[09:01] <Qcoder00> Evening
[09:01] <Qcoder00> Snow :(
[09:02] <SuicidalZerg>
[09:02] <JohnLewis> It is snowing alot Qcoder00 :)
[09:02] <SuicidalZerg> Why. Why does it have to be... MY senator?
[09:02] <FiveThirtyEight> Obey being Obey.
[09:02] <SuicidalZerg> Games already have rating labels
[09:03] <SoapX> it's snowing in the UK ??
[09:03] <SoapX> coool
�02[09:04] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[09:04] <addshore> yep :/
[09:05] <JohnLewis> Supposed to be around 6 inches at some ponit during the weekend.
[09:06] <addshore> :/
[09:06] <addshore> JohnLewis, where about are you from?
[09:06] <JohnLewis> Bassetlaw region.
[09:07] <addshore> haha :P youll be getting moore snow than me then :P
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[09:07] <JohnLewis> Which region are you?
[09:07] <addshore> I am currently in Bristol :)
[09:08] <Qcoder00> Sucidal Zerg - the The Paranoia comment in the comments is telling :)
[09:08] <JohnLewis> Nice.
[09:08] <Qcoder00> Why not just implement Sharia and have done with it ?
[09:08] <Qcoder00> XD
[09:08] <Qcoder00> ^Christan Sharia
[09:08] <Qcoder00> I.e Ban anything that isn't directly in the bible
[09:08] <Qcoder00> ;)
[09:09] <Qcoder00> Like Pork, Gambling, Booze,  Music, Sports
[09:09] <Qcoder00> etc
[09:09] <Qcoder00> It's a shame that they cant actually ban the problem which is criminally nelgigent mental health provision
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[09:13] <BlastHardcheese> pretty sure all those are in the bible except maybe pork
[09:13] <BlastHardcheese> as is incest, rape, and slaughtering people of different religions
[09:14] <Qcoder00> As is polygamy, slavery etc...
[09:16] <mattbuck> ban computers, air travel, tv?
[09:16] <mattbuck> nothing wrong with polygamy Qcoder00
[09:16] <Qcoder00> True
[09:16] <Qcoder00> BTW mattbuck - I'd like a word with you about a Wikivoyage matter
[09:17] <foks> we could go one step further and ban toilets
[09:17] <mattbuck> Indeed? Shall we adjourn to my private parlour?
[09:17] <mattbuck> toilets are barely in any book
[09:17] <foks> nobody poops in the bible
[09:17] <foks> therefore it is sinful
[09:18] <mattbuck> the whole of star trek.... I think they have a few showers, but no one ever uses the toilet
[09:19] <Qcoder00> Well by the time of TBG trhey don't need them due to replicator / transporter tech...
[09:19] <Qcoder00> *TNG
[09:19] <Qcoder00> You can 'beam' the shit of out of people...
[09:19] <mattbuck> that seems like an inredibly wasteful and dangerous idea
[09:20] <Qcoder00> It gets beamed out of them for carbon compound re-cycling
[09:23] <SoapX> there was King Eglon, who was stabbed on the toilet according to some readings of the story
[09:24] <SoapX> it's jus that it's written in a euphemism so we cant be sure what was actually meant
[09:24] <mattbuck> it would be a lot easier to recycle it after it comes out
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�06[09:55] * Qcoder00 wonders if Klingons shit
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[09:55] <PeterSymonds> What a peculiar world you occupy.
[09:56] <Qcoder00> At least it's a seriosu academic thought
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[10:10] <mattbuck> ugh. I hate it when you're reading something you wrote 7 years ago and you find an obvious spelling mistake.
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[10:29] <addshore> any here have any idea how I can add somehting on the url of a delete page to automaticly push the delete button?
�03[10:30] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:30] <geniice> that sounds like a spectacularly bad idea
[10:30] <addshore> ignore
[10:30] <addshore> geniice, no :P
[10:30] <addshore> its a stunning idea :)
�03[10:31] * PissedPanda is now known as YuviPanda
�03[10:33] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[10:34] <geniice> A "total fantasist" who posted gruesome videos on Facebook of al-Qaeda beheading captives has been jailed for five years.
[10:34] <geniice> wait thats illegal?
�03[10:36] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[10:40] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:41] <YuviPanda> addshore: that's technically not supposed to be possible
[10:41] <YuviPanda> since destructive actions are supposed to be POSTs
[10:41] <YuviPanda> which you can't trigger with an URL
[10:41] <addshore> :<
[10:41] <addshore> time to use the api? :/
[10:41] <YuviPanda> of course, we don't follow this for everything (most obvious example being watch)
[10:42] <YuviPanda> yes
[10:42] <addshore> hmm
[10:42] <YuviPanda> you need to use the API if you want to do that
�03[10:42] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
[10:44] <addshore> hmmm
�03[10:45] * JD|cloud is now known as JD|cloud|away
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[11:03] <iDangerMouse> am I the devil?
[11:04] <PeterSymonds> No. Even he cowered on hearing your name.
[11:05] <iDangerMouse> Interesting,
[11:08] <iDangerMouse> PeterSymonds: Well, I won my case at the Canadian Foreign Office :)
[11:08] <PeterSymonds> What case?
[11:09] <BlastHardcheese> he was accused of smuggling tim horton's out of canada
[11:09] <iDangerMouse> Um no,
�03[11:09] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:09] <Dcoetzee> BlastHardcheese: Tim Hortons already has outlets in the US :-P
[11:09] <iDangerMouse> They were refusing to issue me a PR (Permanent Residency).
[11:10] <Dcoetzee> iDangerMouse: Grats :-)
[11:10] <iDangerMouse> Thank you.
[11:10] <iDangerMouse> I got a refund too :D
[11:11] <Dcoetzee> Woo!
�02[11:12] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[11:14] <iDangerMouse> Dcoetzee: Yeah, but took like 4 years, and medicals etc will be issued by April-Sept.... then another 3-4 months for passport request.
[11:14] <iDangerMouse> My passport going through London, Ankara, and Islamabad.
[11:14] <Dcoetzee> :-( Pain in the ass
[11:15] <Dcoetzee> But at least it's over now
[11:15] <iDangerMouse> Yes another 1 year and 6 months to go
[11:15] <iDangerMouse> But at least is over.
[11:16] <iDangerMouse> B355
[11:16] <iDangerMouse> Sorry typo, better than seeking asylum.
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�03[11:21] * la_pianista (~katelante@wikipedia/La-Pianista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:22] <iDangerMouse> I remember la_pianista  from the movie, The Piano.
[11:22] <KimiNewt> The Pianist?
�06[11:22] * la_pianista is kind of a big deal.
[11:22] <iDangerMouse> No, "The Piano" 1993.
�06[11:22] * la_pianista brushes some dust off her shoulder
[11:22] <la_pianista> B)
�03[11:23] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:23] <iDangerMouse> How are you la_pianista been a while :)
[11:23] <iDangerMouse>
�03[11:23] * comepradz1 (~comepradz@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:23] <la_pianista> done with classes for the day, just relaxing before a lunch date with a nice fellow ^.^
[11:24] <la_pianista> a good day indeed
[11:24] <la_pianista> how are you?
[11:24] <KimiNewt> you're gay?
[11:24] <iDangerMouse> I am okay, and Kimi is drunk I presume :D
[11:24] <KimiNewt> I'm not
[11:24] <iDangerMouse> Actually, I am celebrating!
[11:24] <KimiNewt> It was a bit of a joke
�02[11:24] * comepradz (~comepradz@ Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[11:24] <KimiNewt> Showing that gay people are more common here than women
[11:25] <KimiNewt> no women on the 'nets &c.
�06[11:25] * la_pianista is gay in the skip-and-sing-flamboyant-numbers-from-hit-musicals sense, yes
[11:25] <KimiNewt> Incidentally, on the internet nobody knows you're a newt
[11:25] <la_pianista> o wait that also can be construed as actually gay
[11:25] <la_pianista> ( ;D )
[11:25] <KimiNewt> (I got better)
�03[11:25] * Carly (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:25] <iDangerMouse> I am eating, sorry :D
[11:25] <KimiNewt> So you're not gay but you're having a date with a guy?
[11:25] <KimiNewt> I think you're wasting his time
[11:25] <Carly> iDangerMouse: O.O
[11:25] <Carly> Hi
[11:25] <KimiNewt> Probably has some different ideas
[11:25] <Carly> :p
[11:26] <la_pianista> I'm actually a sentient blow-up doll
[11:26] <Carly> Hola
[11:26] <Carly> :D
[11:26] <KimiNewt> hate those
[11:26] <la_pianista> o/
[11:26] <KimiNewt> no offense to you
[11:26] <KimiNewt> But I was with 'nam with one of those
�06[11:26] * iDangerMouse pokes la_pianista 
[11:26] <KimiNewt> I saw him kill a bear with his bare hands
�06[11:26] * la_pianista squeaks
[11:26] <KimiNewt> and that bear was my father
[11:27] <la_pianista> careful with my skin! I was born with a delicate condition
[11:27] <iDangerMouse> Hi Carly
�03[11:27] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[11:27] <la_pianista> non sequitur
[11:27] <la_pianista> (kind of)
[11:29] <iDangerMouse> What should I listen to Chopin, Bagpipes, or Vivaldi?
[11:30] <la_pianista> neither
[11:30] <iDangerMouse> And please don't say Debussy :P
[11:30] <la_pianista> Brahms
[11:30] <la_pianista> eugh debussy
�02[11:30] * Carly (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:30] <la_pianista> brahms second concerto
[11:30] <la_pianista> zimerman/bernstein
[11:30] <la_pianista> vienna phil.
[11:30] <la_pianista> it's on youtube…let me see
[11:31] <PinkAmpersand> la_pianista: don't like Débussy?! O_o
[11:31] <la_pianista>
[11:31] <iDangerMouse> Too far, its on my other HDD, and I have to get up and walk to the desk :(
[11:31] <la_pianista> PinkAmpersand: we just went through an intense debussy festival last semester
[11:31] <la_pianista> I was part of a 3-hour long debussy concert...
[11:31] <la_pianista> it's still not out of my system, haha
[11:32] <iDangerMouse> I wonder if my Chopin recording is still on YouTube.
[11:32] <PinkAmpersand> wow haha. but i find i tend to like music i study strenuously. I can still sing a good chunk of Mozart's Requiem, and I've never not liked it
[11:32] <la_pianista> well, I like the pieces I play because I pick them ;)
[11:32] <PinkAmpersand> haha
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�03[11:33] * Carly (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:33] <la_pianista> but as far as listening material…brahms just tugs at your heart strings in a way few other composers can, at least to me
[11:33] <iDangerMouse> la_pianista:  here played this a while back!
[11:34] <PinkAmpersand> I know this guy (read: have a huge crush on this guy) who literally plays Claire de Lune better than whichever legendary pianist it is who's in the recording our music teacher always plays
[11:34] <ShreCk> Hello
�03[11:34] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[11:34] <la_pianista> lol claire de lune
[11:34] <PinkAmpersand> :(
[11:34] <la_pianista> nice piece, but…victor borge wasn't all wrong when he nicknamed it "clear the saloon" ;)
�06[11:34] * Carly eats Toddy cookies
[11:34] <iDangerMouse> Do I see the C word when I see Fluff :P
[11:35] <la_pianista> iDangerMouse: this is really cool, but I'm having trouble hearing the polonaise xD
[11:35] <la_pianista> I like the feel, though
[11:35] <iDangerMouse> * I meant say grr eating my pizza.
[11:35] <Carly> :p
[11:35] <la_pianista> you mean the a major "military" polonaise?
[11:35] <la_pianista> or is this one I haven't heard before
[11:35] <iDangerMouse> :D
[11:35] <PinkAmpersand> la_pianista: well all I can say is you haven't heard this kid play it
[11:35] <iDangerMouse> That's the point :D
[11:35] <iDangerMouse> No one has :P
�02[11:35] * fox_wilson ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[11:36] <iDangerMouse> A bit of variation
[11:36] <PinkAmpersand> I always feel like Lucy van Pelt listening to Schroeder
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�06[11:37] * la_pianista still does not get what's so sexy about musicians >.>
[11:37] <Carly> >_<
[11:37] <la_pianista> I think men who do manual work are sexy
[11:37] <la_pianista> men who cook are *really* sexy
[11:38] <la_pianista> musicians…I guess I'm just around them too much, heh
[11:38] <la_pianista> like
�03[11:38] * fox_wilson ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:38] <la_pianista> I can be attracted to someone, someone *ridiculously gorgeous*
�06[11:38] * Carly runs away
[11:38] <la_pianista> and then they can sit down and play, and then I put my GRR GRR JUDGEMENTAL GOGGLES on
[11:38] <la_pianista> (against my will)
[11:38] <la_pianista> and then the illusion is shattered
[11:38] <la_pianista> I can't date other pianists :p
[11:38] <PinkAmpersand> well, i guess it's because i'm not a musician
�02[11:39] * fox_wilson ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[11:39] <la_pianista> …which is why my boyfriend plays violin haha
[11:39] <iDangerMouse> la_pianista:  you still owe me a duet
[11:39] <la_pianista> que
[11:39] <la_pianista> I owed you a duet?
[11:39] <PinkAmpersand> I feign interest in music just enough to get him to try to teach me things on piano, and that's about it
�02[11:40] * delldot (4abea775@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[11:40] <la_pianista> PinkAmpersand: accurate
[11:40] <YuviPanda> git stash apply
[11:40] <YuviPanda> eugh
[11:40] <YuviPanda> sorry
�03[11:40] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:40] <qq[IrcCity]> — an imbecile or a troll?
[11:40] <la_pianista> you better be
[11:40] <la_pianista> >:|
[11:40] <la_pianista> ( ;D )
[11:40] <iDangerMouse> Hello YuviPanda
[11:40] <iDangerMouse> Jetro: hei
[11:40] <YuviPanda> hello iDangerMouse
[11:40] <iDangerMouse> la_pianista: Oui
[11:41] <Jetro> hello iDangerMouse
[11:41] <PinkAmpersand> la_pianista: 2 degrees of separation from that guy, for the record
[11:41] <Jetro> :D
[11:41] <Carly> :o
[11:41] <la_pianista> PinkAmpersand: 2 degrees of separation from the president of the united states
�03[11:41] * Carly is now known as DFrostedGirl
[11:41] <la_pianista> SO HAH
[11:41] <la_pianista> butt seriously, that's cool
[11:41] <PinkAmpersand> la_pianista: 1 degree of separation from the previous won
[11:41] <PinkAmpersand> for the win
[11:41] <PinkAmpersand> *one
[11:41] <la_pianista> I hope he comes to our campus
[11:42] <PinkAmpersand> ergo 2 degrees from the current one as well, of course
[11:42] <la_pianista> the thing would be sold out - burnham has quite the fan base here
[11:42] <PinkAmpersand> haha, yeah, i like his stuff. apparently he's a jerk, but that's just what people say.
[11:42] <la_pianista> psst
[11:42] <la_pianista> psst
[11:42] <la_pianista> pianists are all jerks
[11:42] <la_pianista> it comes with the confined practice rooms
[11:42] <la_pianista> at my school
[11:43] <la_pianista> the piano practice rooms are in the basement
[11:43] <la_pianista> no reception. no wifi.
[11:43] <la_pianista> no windows.
[11:43] <la_pianista> porous white walls
[11:43] <la_pianista> black and white keys
[11:43] <la_pianista> black notes against white pages
[11:43] <PinkAmpersand> ah. see, my school has like 12 pianos prominently featured on campus
[11:43] <la_pianista> of course it rips your psyche apart
[11:43] <PinkAmpersand> including... 2 Steinways, I think?
[11:43] <PinkAmpersand> like there's literally an upright in  front of my locker
[11:44] <la_pianista> how much do you play?
[11:44] <iDangerMouse> YuviPanda: Whats new? I got stuck in traffic, and was up for the annoying "long-march"
[11:45] <YuviPanda> heh
[11:45] <PinkAmpersand> haha i can't play anything more complicated than Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, pretty much
[11:45] <YuviPanda> i am back working for the WMF
[11:45] <YuviPanda> and finishing up a port of our Narayam / jQuery.IME stuff to android native keyboards
[11:45] <PinkAmpersand> actually, I've written some half-decent stuff, but I normally can't play it myself
[11:45] <iDangerMouse> Interesting! You should do a degree in Computer Mobility YuviPanda
[11:45] <la_pianista> that's cool! I hardly write at all - not because I don't want to, but I always end up ripping off other people, heh
[11:45] <iDangerMouse> Malaysia if you could afford it.
[11:45] <YuviPanda> nah, academia is not for me
�03[11:46] * DFrostedGirl is now known as DFrost-editing
�06[11:46] * DFrost-editing is away
[11:46] <la_pianista> I'll go with a melody, run with it, and suddenly I realize I'm just notating some tune by someone else I've had stuck in my head for days
[11:46] <PinkAmpersand> see, that's the advantage of being clueless when it comes to music
[11:46] <la_pianista> the one and only ;p
[11:47] <la_pianista> grrr I need to upload new recordings
[11:47] <la_pianista> I haven't put any up since last spring
[11:47] <la_pianista> it'll almost be a year
[11:47] <PinkAmpersand> i mean, i know how to write and read music, of course. but i don't actually know much about music as an artform
[11:47] <la_pianista> that comes with time!
[11:47] <la_pianista> don't turn it into a *study,* though, if you aren't serious about it
[11:48] <la_pianista> but I highly recommend just making your own adventures on youtube
[11:48] <la_pianista> or get on a website like pandora, or spotify radio
[11:48] <la_pianista> type in claire de lune ;)
[11:48] <PinkAmpersand> yeah, but, i mean, classical, modern, anything... i'm literally not that interested in music
[11:48] <la_pianista> oh my
[11:48] <la_pianista> …shun
[11:48] <la_pianista> shun the non-believer
[11:48] <PinkAmpersand> I own Channel Orange, as the obligatory non-stereotypical gay album, and that's literally it
[11:48] <PinkAmpersand> only album i own
[11:48] <la_pianista> haha
[11:49] <la_pianista> it's okay, I don't really own any…er…books
[11:49] <la_pianista> that aren't scores
[11:49] <la_pianista> so we're cool
[11:49] <KimiNewt> scores?
[11:49] <PinkAmpersand> oh, actually, no. i also own this quasi-dubstep symphony a kid at my school wrote
�03[11:49] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:50] <PinkAmpersand> and a weird sitar CD that i also got at school
[11:50] <iDangerMouse> Good night
[11:50] <iDangerMouse> la_pianista:  be good
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�06[11:50] * la_pianista fights the impulse of rebellion
[11:50] <iDangerMouse> Jeske_Couriano:  just when I am leaving ........... you owe me a hug :P
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�06[11:50] * la_pianista realizes that fighting the impulse to not be good is being good. crap.
[11:51] <la_pianista> KimiNewt: scores, sheet music, same difference
[11:51] <KimiNewt> Oh.
[11:51] <PinkAmpersand> la_pianista: still watching that video, in 5-second chunks. surprisingly accurate
[11:52] <iDangerMouse> la_pianista:  no
[11:52] <iDangerMouse> he term score can also refer to theatre music written for a play, musical, opera, ballet, television programme or film; for the last of these, see film score.
[11:52] <iDangerMouse> The
�02[11:52] * DFrost-editing (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
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[11:53] <KimiNewt> Man, I'm such a dork, I don't want to message on facebook someone because I'm afraid they don't want to talk to me
[11:54] <KimiNewt> But on the other hand I'm afraid they'll get the wrong idea if they see me online and not message 'em
�02[11:54] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Quit: :GN :)�)
�03[11:54] * Bellamy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:54] <la_pianista> iDangerMouse: er, I was just referring to it in the broad "written blobs of black on groups of five lines on paper" sense
[11:54] <la_pianista> KimiNewt: life is short, message them
[11:55] <KimiNewt> I think I'll just overthink it for a while until she goes offline.
[11:55] <iDangerMouse> I do not have facebook thank goodness :D
[11:55] <la_pianista> ...well at least you'll message her
[11:55] <KimiNewt> She usually messages me.
[11:55] <Bellamy> hey
[11:56] <iDangerMouse> Hello.
[11:56] <Bellamy> how r u all?
[11:56] <la_pianista> hungry
[11:56] <KimiNewt> R OK
[11:56] <KimiNewt> PLZ SEND HELP
[11:56] <KimiNewt> SOS
[11:56] <Bellamy> what u talkin bout before i interupted?
[11:56] <iDangerMouse> Kimi, I had facebook for a short period, and used to bug Kevin :P kmmcoy *if I am not mistaken his username*
[11:56] <la_pianista> my violin-playing man-child is supposed to get out of orchestra rehearsal in thirty minutes
[11:56] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: you can always sign out of chat
[11:56] <la_pianista> my stomach is devouring itself out of sheer hungry
[11:56] <la_pianista> *hunger
[11:56] <la_pianista> it's impeding my terrible language even more
[11:56] <KimiNewt> PinkAmpersand - I'll do you one better
[11:57] <iDangerMouse> I just finished eating an sleepy, listening to Brahms thanks to la p
[11:57] <KimiNewt> I have the python interface
[11:57] <KimiNewt> I can be online whilst appearing offline
[11:57] <KimiNewt> Woo
[11:57] <la_pianista> iDangerMouse: ain't it something?
[11:57] <la_pianista> a monolith of a piece
[11:57] <la_pianista> yours truly is certified ridiculous for actually learning it
[11:57] <la_pianista> right now
[11:57] <la_pianista> ...
[11:57] <iDangerMouse> True, but I feel like listening to Guns 'N' Roses after it
[11:57] <la_pianista> the first movement in 3 months
[11:57] <Bellamy> anyone interested in purchasing some merchandise?
[11:58] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: very crafty
[11:58] <KimiNewt> I also wrote something for my phone
�06[11:58] * la_pianista air guitars
[11:58] <KimiNewt> That alerts me when she's online
�02[11:58] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
[11:58] <la_pianista> SWEET CHILD O' MIIIIIINE
[11:58] <KimiNewt> and my computer saves that into a database
[11:58] <la_pianista> >.>
[11:58] <la_pianista> whoa dude.
[11:58] <KimiNewt> and I can later look at the results on a website I put together in five minutes
[11:58] <iDangerMouse> KimiNewt: May I pm you about something, will take 1 min of your precious time.
[11:58] <KimiNewt> Sure
[11:59] <PinkAmpersand> i have a (guy) friend who once got a really really flirty message from the only like religious guy in my class. and he literally used like 4 different workarounds just to manage to sign out of chat before the guy would notice him
[11:59] <iDangerMouse> PinkAmpersand: thus a boyfriend :P runs
[11:59] <PinkAmpersand> hmm?
[12:00] <KimiNewt> well I messaged her
[12:00] <KimiNewt> yolo lol
[12:01] <KimiNewt> (That last sentence was 'ironic')
�02[12:01] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: Maryana�)
�06[12:01] * PinkAmpersand has had enough of facebook drama
�03[12:01] * guillom is now known as basile
[12:01] <KimiNewt> It's not facebook drama
[12:01] <KimiNewt> It's real-life drama
[12:01] <la_pianista> yes
[12:01] <KimiNewt> Manifested via facebook
[12:01] <PinkAmpersand> even worse
[12:01] <la_pianista> because she's totally unaware of it
[12:01] <la_pianista> the anxiety is real enough in KimiNewt's head though ;p
[12:01] <geniice> KimiNewt
[12:02] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: purely platonic or...?
[12:02] <KimiNewt> she has a bf
[12:03] <KimiNewt> I like her/am obsessed with her
[12:03] <PinkAmpersand> ahh. well, most of the guys who hit on me on facebook are very decidedly straight, so clearly stuff like that is no obstacle to fb flirtation
[12:04] <iDangerMouse> PinkAmpersand: um, Texas Holdem on facebook, Zynga, best place to flirt, if you know what I mean....
�06[12:04] * PinkAmpersand doesn't know what you mean
[12:04] <Bellamy> what are u guys even talking about? ur completely mental
[12:04] <la_pianista> I think he means Texas Holdem on Facebook is the best place to flirt
[12:05] <la_pianista> but that's just my opinion
[12:05] <la_pianista> ;p
[12:05] <KimiNewt> la_pianista - she's aware of it
[12:05] <Bellamy> u clearly havnt had a women in a long time have u
[12:05] <KimiNewt> I have the awful trait of being entirely honest
[12:05] <iDangerMouse> Apparently, I used to play with some folks on there during when I had facebook *for roughly like 4 months* and hence this dude from England, went over all the way to USA, not sure what state, I forgot, they got married... through Poker
[12:05] <Bellamy> relationship*
�02[12:05] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:05] <PinkAmpersand> oh. i try to avoid specifically using facebook as a means to get action. mostly because it always explodes in my face if i do
[12:05] <KimiNewt> so there isn't a thing that happens I don't tell her
�06[12:05] * PinkAmpersand knows the feeling
[12:06] <Jetro> iDangerMouse: Are you telling me to not flirt during Texas Holem?
[12:06] <Jetro> hold 'em
�06[12:06] * iDangerMouse goes to bed listening to Iron Maiden - Best of the beast.
[12:06] <KimiNewt> so she knows of my stalkerish tendencies
[12:06] <PinkAmpersand> ahh. yeah, sucks. girls suck man.
�03[12:06] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:06] <iDangerMouse> Jetro: Ummm, I experimented with a model friend of mine *ex friend of mine* she ended up marrying someone, I had issues with....
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
[12:07] <PinkAmpersand> I like to joke that I became gay because I was sick of girls being crazy. And it's not *completely*  a joke.
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
[12:07] <Jetro> sounds like a win win
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
[12:07] <Bellamy> derp
�03[12:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +o QueenOfFrance
�03[12:07] * QueenOfFrance sets mode: +b *!*
�03[12:07] * Bellamy ( has left #wikipedia-en (requested by QueenOfFrance (you should know better)�)
�03[12:07] * ChanServ sets mode: -o QueenOfFrance
[12:07] <Jetro> wow
[12:07] <iDangerMouse> We managed to get the table full, and a bunch of strange creatures under the tables - like 36 people watching the game.
[12:07] <iDangerMouse> QueenOfFrance:  Bless you, your highness!!
�03[12:08] * delldot (4abea775@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:08] <iDangerMouse> Anyway, good night
�03[12:09] * varnent ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[12:10] * Betacommand_ (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:10] <KimiNewt> Something weird is going on here
�03[12:10] * Betacommand_ is now known as Betacommand
[12:10] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: what?
�02[12:10] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Client Quit�)
[12:10] <KimiNewt> Weird people
�06[12:10] * la_pianista stops whatever she was doing
�06[12:10] * la_pianista hopes that solves the problem.
[12:10] <KimiNewt> It's cool
[12:10] <KimiNewt> Oh wait
[12:10] <KimiNewt> You're a girl? I thought you were just gay
[12:11] <la_pianista> I'm a BLOW-UP DOLL
[12:11] <YuviPanda> la -> french feminine
[12:11] <la_pianista> I thought we established this
[12:11] <la_pianista> that's it
[12:11] <la_pianista> your inattentiveness means we can't ever be friends </3
[12:11] <YuviPanda> and i think that's about as much french i learnt in two years of highschool
[12:11] <la_pianista> …it's italian
�03[12:11] * Vacation9 (c6e4e414@wikipedia/Vacation9) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:11] * la_pianista laughs intensely
�06[12:11] * Dcoetzee hugs la_pianista
[12:11] <Dcoetzee> Hi :-)
�06[12:11] * la_pianista grabs her abs, which are sore from the gym
[12:11] <YuviPanda> but it is french too!
�06[12:11] * la_pianista wheezes
[12:12] <la_pianista> no, french would be "le pianiste"
[12:12] <delldot> and Spanish
[12:12] <Dcoetzee> I'm not allowed to gym for a week because of operation yesterday :-(
[12:12] <la_pianista> and it's always masculine, even if the pianist is a girl
[12:12] <KimiNewt> I've stopped exercising some four months ago ]:
�02[12:12] * ragesoss_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[12:12] <KimiNewt> Knee problems
[12:12] <KimiNewt> I lost 5 kilograms ]:
[12:12] <la_pianista> :(
[12:12] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: You could use a rowing machine still
[12:12] <la_pianista> and swim!
�02[12:12] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: soft kitty, warm kitty, a ball of fur pur pur pur�)
[12:12] <BlastHardcheese> by any chance were arrows involved in some way
[12:12] <Dcoetzee> ...
[12:12] <la_pianista> NO
[12:12] <KimiNewt> ..ho
�06[12:13] * Dcoetzee facepalms
�06[12:13] * la_pianista silently winks at BlastHardcheese
[12:13] <KimiNewt> I don't like anything other than running
[12:13] <KimiNewt> and I don't feel like doing anything, anyway
�06[12:13] * PinkAmpersand is the gay one
[12:13] <PinkAmpersand> to clarify
[12:13] <varnent> we're doing a gay roll call?  :)
[12:13] <Dcoetzee> Someone on my talk page is trying to claim MetroLyrics isn't authorised to host their lyrics although I'm like 99% sure they are. But I'm not sure how to prove it.
�06[12:13] * varnent gets queer census paperwork out
[12:14] <la_pianista> lol
[12:14] <PinkAmpersand> just because Kimi got confused :P
[12:14] <KimiNewt> It's okay
[12:14] <KimiNewt> This is the internet
[12:14] <KimiNewt> It doesn't matter much
[12:14] <YuviPanda> it's both a blessing and a curse to fall in love with writing code
[12:15] <KimiNewt> Compiling just doesn't 'do' it for me, you knjow?
[12:15] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: well, at a glance I believe I'm the only one atm ;)
[12:15] <KimiNewt> Nah there's loads here
�06[12:16] * PinkAmpersand scrolls through the names
[12:16] <KimiNewt> none have "pink" in their name, I'm afraid
[12:16] <PinkAmpersand> haha yeah, but i've got decent online gaydar ;)
�02[12:17] * Vacation9 (c6e4e414@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:17] <PinkAmpersand> i.e. mentally conjuring up a picture of their userpage, and searching for rainbows
[12:18] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: we need a "!gay" stalkword
[12:18] <geniice> channel is worryingly hetro at the moment
[12:19] <PinkAmpersand> yeah, that's what i'm saying. BarkingFish is almost always on
[12:19] <PinkAmpersand> but not right now
[12:19] <Dcoetzee> Pink is a great colour
[12:19] <varnent>
[12:19] <PinkAmpersand> I feel like a lot of the gay admins don't come on here, though
[12:19] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: I'm a bi/pan admin do I count? :-P
[12:19] <PinkAmpersand> maybe just a coincidence. idk.
[12:19] <varnent> I send folks with non-wp specific LGBT inquiries to that page
[12:19] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: sure!
[12:19] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[12:20] <KimiNewt> Now I feel queer
[12:20] <KimiNewt> As in strange
[12:20] <KimiNewt> For being hetero
[12:20] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: no userboxes?  no usercats?
[12:20] <PinkAmpersand> or does saying you're from SF suffice? ;)
[12:20] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[12:20] <varnent> KimiNewt: there's a user box for being queer in a hetero way  :)
[12:21] <Dcoetzee> I guess I could put up a userbox lemme see
[12:21] <PinkAmpersand> one of my occasional side projects is to pretty up the LGBT  usercats. I've got the Gay Wikipedians one looking pretty spiffy, but haven't worked on the Bisexual Wikipedians one or LGBT in general
[12:22] <Dcoetzee> There's no userbox for agender sadly
[12:22] <Dcoetzee> And I'm too lazy to make one
[12:22] <KimiNewt> I'm socially challenged if that does something
[12:22] <Dcoetzee> But I put up a pansexual one anyway
[12:22] <KimiNewt> So at least I'm not totally standard
[12:22] <varnent> PinkAmpersand: WikiQueer mirros WP's LGBT cat structure (mostly) - so we always appreciate the cat cleanup work you're doing as well  :)
[12:22] <PinkAmpersand> seriously? there must be... there's ones for everything
[12:23] <Dcoetzee> Agender is really fringe. We don't even have a *deleted* article about it :-P
�03[12:24] * arkiver (~arkiver@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:24] <delldot> how is agender different from gender queer?
[12:24] <Dcoetzee> Subset
[12:24] <Dcoetzee> Genderqueer is kind of an umbrella for nonbinaries
�03[12:24] * DFrostedGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:24] <PinkAmpersand> wow. huh, i have a friend who's sorta agender, i think. and she's pan. (though i guess if i'm saying "she", she's not *that* agender)
[12:24] <DFrostedGirl> Hi friends :D
[12:24] <delldot> ah
[12:24] <la_pianista> I'm not your friend
[12:25] <la_pianista> quit assuming on our relationship
[12:25] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[12:25] <DFrostedGirl> :p
[12:25] <la_pianista> ;p
�06[12:25] * DFrostedGirl hi you
[12:25] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: I'm indifferent to pronoun usage myself :-P There's variation on that
[12:25] <la_pianista> o/
[12:25] <KimiNewt> are you our metafriend
[12:25] <la_pianista> I have no friends
[12:25] <Dcoetzee> It seems no matter how small the group there are still further divisions within it
�06[12:25] * DFrostedGirl runs away with the cookies
�06[12:25] * la_pianista cues gust of chilly wind
[12:25] <DFrostedGirl> o.o
[12:25] <KimiNewt> super-aquintances
[12:25] <KimiNewt> ?
[12:25] <DFrostedGirl> I have many friends on IRC
�02[12:25] * Catbuntu (~mate@wikimedia/unrar) Quit (Quit: I love MATE!�)
[12:25] <DFrostedGirl> :o
[12:25] <la_pianista> I have no acquaintances
[12:25] <DFrostedGirl> o.O
�06[12:26] * Dcoetzee waves hi to DFrostedGirl
[12:26] <KimiNewt> ?I don't know if I have friends
[12:26] <DFrostedGirl> :o
[12:26] <DFrostedGirl> hihi
[12:26] <KimiNewt> how does one define a friend
[12:26] <DFrostedGirl> huhu
[12:26] <Dcoetzee> la_pianista: Only your immense harem of lovers? :-P
[12:26] <DFrostedGirl> haha
[12:26] <DFrostedGirl> :D
�06[12:26] * la_pianista cues another gust of chilly wind. this time in the other direction so her bangs don't look butt-ugly <3
[12:26] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: Yeah, Genderqueers are like Protestants. Divisions over every possible distinction.
�06[12:26] * la_pianista poses at Dcoetzee. #swag
[12:26] <la_pianista> (ironic.)
[12:26] <KimiNewt> bang bang rock and roll
[12:26] <la_pianista> (please to god, it was ironic.)
[12:26] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[12:26] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Also like dance music in that way
�06[12:27] * DFrostedGirl steals mou's cookie
[12:27] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: hahaha
[12:28] <la_pianista> DFrostedGirl: your username is making me ridiculously hungry for pop tarts
[12:28] <PinkAmpersand> but, yeah, closest i could find is this
[12:28] <KimiNewt> can I asked to be referred to as an "it"?
[12:28] <la_pianista> it comes from the same corner of my brain that gets weird cravings for lucky charms treats covered in nutella and deep-fried and covered with powdered sugar and then dipped in condensed milk
[12:28] <KimiNewt> *ask
[12:28] <DFrostedGirl> la_pianista: ?
[12:28] <DFrostedGirl> aló?
[12:28] <KimiNewt> LUCKY CHARMS
[12:28] <la_pianista> aka, my self-hating half intent on letting me die a slow yet satisfied death via untreated diabetes
[12:29] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: yep, there's one for that
[12:29] <KimiNewt> Man la_pianista
[12:29] <DFrostedGirl> calling eartth
[12:29] <DFrostedGirl> :p
[12:29] <KimiNewt> Someone left our.. office last week
[12:29] <la_pianista> woman KimiNewt
[12:29] <PinkAmpersand>
[12:29] <KimiNewt> As a parting present she left us two huge jars of well uh
[12:29] <KimiNewt> I'm not sure what it's called in English, but sort of like gummy bears?
[12:29] <KimiNewt> rubbery sort of candy
[12:29] <DFrostedGirl> lol
[12:29] <la_pianista> shaped in any way?
[12:30] <KimiNewt> various ways
[12:30] <KimiNewt> bananas, strawberries, cola bottles
[12:30] <la_pianista> ooh I've had those
[12:30] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: actually, hold on, a few of these are pretty close to the mark
[12:30] <la_pianista> cola bottles are the best.
[12:30] <la_pianista> KimiNewt: so english isn't your first language?
[12:30] <KimiNewt> No
�06[12:31] * DFrostedGirl Combing her hair, smelling strawberries and runs away
[12:31] <KimiNewt> Though honestly I think it's pretty damn close to being first
[12:31] <DFrostedGirl> :o
�03[12:31] * DFrostedGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en
[12:31] <la_pianista> where are you from? there's no non-creepy way to say it, so I'll assume the fact that I am in possession of a uterus helps
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[12:31] <KimiNewt> This candy probably just isn't very common elsewhere
[12:31] <KimiNewt> Why is that creepy? People ask that all the time
[12:32] <PinkAmpersand> Was anyone here yesterday for the BradPatrick discussion?
[12:32] <KimiNewt> And I think you'll find it's rarely the uterus people care about (at least on the surface)
[12:32] <la_pianista> I guess I'm used to the fact that I'm incredibly dorky-looking in real life
[12:32] <la_pianista> "hurt hurt I'm cool like you can I sit with you so we can eat food together"
[12:32] <Dcoetzee> Creepy would be "could I get your full address so I can visit... in the middle of the night... I won't wake you, I'll just watch"
[12:32] <la_pianista> …autocorrect
[12:32] <la_pianista> *hurr hurr
�03[12:32] * DFrostedGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:32] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Quit: User has quit this network.�)
[12:33] <KimiNewt> Actually
[12:33] <KimiNewt> This one time I was in an IRC room, not unlike this one
�02[12:33] * qq[IrcCity] (~qq@wikimedia/Incnis-Mrsi) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[12:33] <KimiNewt> We were discussing online privacy &c. and I said I really didn't give a damn about my private details being online
�06[12:34] * la_pianista grabs chair
[12:34] <KimiNewt> and said my full address there and then
[12:34] <la_pianista> o.o
[12:34] <KimiNewt> That was like five summers ago
[12:34] <KimiNewt> That christmas, I received a card in the (snail) mail
[12:34] <KimiNewt> With a small token present
[12:34] <KimiNewt> all the way from South America
[12:34] <Dcoetzee> Awww
�02[12:34] * DFrostedGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: Ijaaa�)
[12:34] <KimiNewt> It was so cool
�02[12:35] * Bjarki ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[12:35] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:35] <PinkAmpersand> hahaha that is the only story like that to ever have a happy ending ;)
[12:35] <delldot> so it wasn't a creepy small token?  Like a finger?
[12:35] <KimiNewt> Incidentally, I stopped frequenting that room a couple of months before that
[12:35] <KimiNewt> I suppose.
[12:35] <Dcoetzee> I don't mind giving out my city but I'm a little sensitive about my full address because I've had at least one stalker who I'm sure would show up and try to sneak into my apartment given the chance
�03[12:35] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:35] <geniice>
[12:35] <KimiNewt> No, it was a feather with a picture drawn on it
[12:35] <delldot> aw
[12:35] <PinkAmpersand> why doesn't that happen to me? you can find me fairly easily.
[12:35] <KimiNewt> There are kind people out there
�03[12:36] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:36] <Demiurge1000> PinkAmpersand: Now you made me forget who you are!
[12:36] <KimiNewt> You might come across them once or twice in a lifetime
[12:36] <geniice> Dcoetzee see this is why I think an actual happy ending would be a stalker taking down a wikipedian then getting casually axe murdered.
[12:36] <PinkAmpersand> Demiurge1000: sorry! better now than later on!
[12:36] <Demiurge1000> heh ok
[12:36] <KimiNewt> I still have that feather framed in my room
[12:37] <KimiNewt> In my parent's house anyway
�03[12:37] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:37] <KimiNewt> A symbol of the kindness of strangers
[12:37] <Dcoetzee> :-)
�03[12:37] * ExtinguishedFire ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:37] <Dcoetzee> Strangers can be very nice. They usually are I'd say
[12:37] <KimiNewt> Depends on where and when
�02[12:37] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:37] <Dcoetzee> Well yeah
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> But if you like need to use a phone in an emergency
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> Most people will let you do that
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[12:38] <KimiNewt> I suppose
[12:38] <KimiNewt> But that's not that nice
�02[12:39] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Quit: BewareofDoug�)
[12:39] <KimiNewt> Whenever I do something that nice I act like an asshole about it
�02[12:39] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Client Quit�)
�02[12:39] * kateweb (~kateweb@unaffiliated/kateweb) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:40] <KimiNewt> Driving people somewhere, helping out with work or schoolwork, waking up real early or staying up real late just so they'll have someone to talk to
[12:40] <PinkAmpersand> most strangers are nice, i think. a probably homeless guy in D.C. high-fived me on election night when he asked who I'd supported and I said Obama
[12:40] <KimiNewt> Whenever I do that I always berate them whilst doing it
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[12:41] <KimiNewt> At least that way they don't thank me
[12:41] <KimiNewt> Just go away thinking "what an asshole"
�02[12:41] * DirtBiker ( Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[12:41] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:43] <KimiNewt> Once my car drowned in a flood whilst I was on guard duty, people were really helpful back then
[12:43] <KimiNewt> Strangers too
[12:43] <KimiNewt> Helped me get water out of it and get it toed
[12:44] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: guard duty for what?
[12:45] <KimiNewt> I'm a soldier
[12:45] <PinkAmpersand> ahh. which country?
�06[12:45] * PinkAmpersand guesses Israeli
[12:45] <KimiNewt> It was an awful time altogether because my phone was dead, I was on guard duty and was needed at work (and my car was flooded). Had to run constantly from one thing to the other
[12:45] <KimiNewt> Yes
[12:45] <PinkAmpersand> haha a flood in Israel?
[12:45] <KimiNewt> Yeah, bad drainage
[12:46] <KimiNewt> it was clogged
[12:46] <KimiNewt> they cleared it and it was gone by the hour
[12:46] <PinkAmpersand> that's nice :)
[12:46] <KimiNewt> I usually don't rely on other people, but that day a lot of people helped me and it was made tolerable by a hug
[12:47] <PinkAmpersand> well, I mean, of course you have a good perception of strangers if you live in Israel
[12:47] <KimiNewt> I always hated hugging, and I never do it
[12:47] <PinkAmpersand> my mom says it's the only place she's never been afraid to walk down the streets at night
[12:47] <KimiNewt> But I realised back then it really is comforting
[12:47] <KimiNewt> Hmm
[12:47] <KimiNewt> That's only true in some of the country
[12:48] <KimiNewt> I wouldn't walk in the middle of the night in some districts in tel-aviv or some other cities
[12:48] <PinkAmpersand> haha, well, yeah, excluding places you have to worry about getting kidnapped by terrorists
[12:48] <KimiNewt> No, I don't mean that
[12:48] <KimiNewt> There are bad neighbourhoods here too
[12:49] <KimiNewt> I don't mean to sound uh, unkind or anything but there are some immigrant neighbourhoods that are scary
[12:49] <PinkAmpersand> ah. hmm, I don't recall ever really being nervous about anything when I was in Israel.
[12:49] <KimiNewt> Poor people with nothing to lose, don't speak the language and don't know anyone
[12:49] <KimiNewt> It's not surprising they sometimes turn to crime
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[12:49] <PinkAmpersand> maybe that's just because i'm good at avoiding pickpockets
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[12:50] <KimiNewt> I'm not afraid of pickpockets or anything
[12:50] <KimiNewt> Most places
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[12:50] <PinkAmpersand> yeah. point is, nice country, for the most part.
[12:50] <KimiNewt> There are a few places - south tel-aviv, bat-yam, taibe.. that are more dangerous
[12:51] <PinkAmpersand> there's something about cars in the middle east, too. my dad had some story about literally dragging a car out of the mud in Kuwait or Iraq, because the taxi  driver just volunteered to
[12:51] <PinkAmpersand> *out of a ditch, actually, if i recall correctly
[12:53] <KimiNewt> My troubles were in a parking lot, I'm afraid
[12:53] <KimiNewt> Nothing to do with the terrain
[12:53] <PinkAmpersand> yeah. i imagine the group i traveled with kept us out of those places
[12:54] <KimiNewt> Why were you here?
[12:54] <PinkAmpersand> ahh. yeah, Israel has very good roads. plus there's always camels ;)
[12:54] <PinkAmpersand> one of those Jewish teen things
[12:55] <PinkAmpersand> some old millionaire around here pays for every Jewish kid in the county to go to Israel on his dime
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[12:56] <KimiNewt> Lovely.
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[12:56] <KimiNewt> "Taglit" or something else?
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[12:58] <Pink|rebooting> KimiNewt:
[12:58] <Nascar1996> And the control of an article goes away….
�03[12:58] * Pink|rebooting is now known as PinkAmpersand
[12:58] <KimiNewt> what an awful website
[12:58] <KimiNewt> do you know of the taglit program
[12:59] <KimiNewt> it's for adults though
[12:59] <KimiNewt> or young adults anyway
[12:59] <PinkAmpersand> haha why an awful website?
[12:59] <Dcoetzee> Huh MetroLyrics actually wrote me back. Their response was just filtered as spam.
[12:59] <PinkAmpersand> and no, i don't, but i know there's a lot of groups like that
[12:59] <KimiNewt> It looks like it's from the 90s
[13:00] <KimiNewt> Anyway, it's this program that brings young adults into a mixed group of Israelis and usually 'mericans. They then travel the country
[13:00] <Qcoder00> Any bot writers in?
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[13:00] <KimiNewt> People (Israeli younglings) reaaaally want to go there
[13:00] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: yeah, we didsomem of that
[13:01] <PinkAmpersand> *did some
[13:01] <KimiNewt> Because (what they say at least) it's a free ticket into one american ladypants
[13:01] <PinkAmpersand> just like 3 days with this group of Israeli kids
[13:01] <KimiNewt> My commander is there right now
[13:01] <KimiNewt> ten days
[13:01] <PinkAmpersand> hahaha exact same thing we say
[13:01] <KimiNewt> Well, the question is
[13:01] <KimiNewt> who is lowering their standard
[13:01] <KimiNewt> and I'd say it's the tourists
[13:02] <PinkAmpersand> basically, they say "No hookups, guys", and then give us hours and hours of alone time so we can firmly associate radical Zionism with getting laid.
�06[13:02] * PinkAmpersand is a Zionist, but this group's politics are insane
[13:02] <KimiNewt> Heh.
[13:02] <KimiNewt> I'm not
[13:02] <KimiNewt> but I would still like to get laid ]:
[13:02] <PinkAmpersand> haha
�06[13:02] * Demiurge1000 makes note on list. "Zionist. Likes pink. And hippos."
[13:02] <KimiNewt> IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES
[13:03] <KimiNewt> Speaking of getting laid
[13:03] <PinkAmpersand> Demiurge1000: that's exactly what my userpage says! (except the hippo thing)
[13:03] <KimiNewt> I'm thinking of asking some girls from work out, but I don't particularly like them or think we fit
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[13:03] <PinkAmpersand> but, umm, well, I wish you luck, because i got nada
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[13:03] <PinkAmpersand> except a weird little thing with a girl out of sheer boredom, but let's not go into that
[13:03] <KimiNewt> If a work-'relationship' breaks up after like two-three weeks (four-five dates)
[13:03] <KimiNewt> does it have any bad repercussions
[13:04] <PinkAmpersand> no clue. never even had a boyfriend.
[13:04] <KimiNewt> I mean, if you just date and see "well we just don't fit eachother"
[13:04] <KimiNewt> Oh. that's a shame.
[13:05] <PinkAmpersand> yeah :(
[13:05] <PinkAmpersand> statistically speaking, there should've been like 2 other gay guys on that trip
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[13:05] <PinkAmpersand> well, there was one, but he and i already have an awkward history, and he still isn't 100% out to himself
[13:05] <KimiNewt> Well I'm not gay so I have 90% percent of the population to appeal to and I still haven't gotten laid.
[13:06] <PinkAmpersand> because Israeli girls are gorgeous
[13:06] <PinkAmpersand> and have incredibly high standards
[13:07] <KimiNewt> They're not more gorgeous than any other place
[13:07] <KimiNewt> I've been to europe and it always seem like the girls there are much better looking
[13:07] <KimiNewt> Probably all just a case of "grass is greener"
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> Exoticism is attractive
[13:07] <KimiNewt> Well, it's not really "exotic" since they're all from european descent anyway
[13:08] <PinkAmpersand> depends where in Europe. France, yes. Italy and Spain, sometimes. elsewhere... idk, in America, Israeli girls are considered very attractive
[13:08] <KimiNewt> German Israeli or real German
[13:08] <KimiNewt> all the same
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[13:08] <Dcoetzee> I have a friend in Estonia who is gorgeous but claims she's not at all by local standards :-P
[13:08] <KimiNewt> Maybe
[13:08] <PinkAmpersand> haha. yeah, the hottest guy in my school spent 6 months in Sweden, and apparently was just average
[13:09] <KimiNewt> I think being slim and having big breasts for one is pretty standard
[13:09] <LtNOWIS> you'd be surprised
[13:09] <KimiNewt> That is, a standard for being attractive
[13:09] <PinkAmpersand> I know this Israeli lesbian who's been with more girls than like all the guys I know combined.
[13:09] <KimiNewt> In the west, anyway.
[13:10] <PinkAmpersand> I'm friends with this bi girl who's never been kissed, and I really want to set the two of them up (if they're ever in the same country at the same time) and see what happens
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[13:10] <LtNOWIS> Well sure, but there's always gonna be a lot of people who are curvey with big breasts or slim with small breasts
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[13:11] <KimiNewt> Oh, I'm not saying that
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[13:11] <KimiNewt> I'm saying that pretty much everywhere in the west those features will be considered attractive
[13:11] <Dcoetzee> In real life there's no such thing as a single global scale of attractiveness. Different people like different things.
[13:11] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: they say high cheekbones are pretty much universal
[13:11] <Dcoetzee> Even in the West some people find Hollywood conventional attractiveness unattractive.
[13:11] <KimiNewt> Sure, but we can play at statistics
[13:11] <PinkAmpersand> for women, that is
[13:11] <KimiNewt> the majority taste..
[13:11] <KimiNewt> I know, I suppose
[13:11] <PinkAmpersand> and for men... well there's an obvious universal one there
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[13:12] <Dcoetzee> Actually a lot of men dislike large breasts
[13:12] <KimiNewt> Personally I like the whole "Hollywood conventional attractiveness"
[13:12] <KimiNewt> But there's one girl
[13:12] <KimiNewt> Who is short
[13:12] <KimiNewt> Not entirely thin
[13:12] <KimiNewt> and with very small breasts
[13:12] <KimiNewt> And I think she's the most attractive thing in the world
[13:12] <Dcoetzee> :-)
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[13:12] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: Yeah, at times that I've liked girls, that was never really my thing... but then again, maybe that was just a sign that I'd wind up not liking girls at all. ;)
[13:12] <Dcoetzee> She sounds cute. I like short people too
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[13:13] <KimiNewt> So much that I feel like tearing my eyes out
[13:13] <KimiNewt> Because I feel like if I don't, I'll lose my mind
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[13:13] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Don't do that :-P Blindfolds are more reversible
[13:13] <KimiNewt> I'd tell her that but she has a boyfriend
[13:14] <Dcoetzee> :-( And I guess he doesn't like to share?
[13:14] <KimiNewt> She never did believe me that I thought she was prettier than some other girls
[13:14] <PinkAmpersand> this unrequited love / to me it's nothing but a one-man cult / or cyanide in a styrofoam cup
[13:14] <KimiNewt> Heh.
[13:14] <PinkAmpersand> lol what's the next line? ugh
[13:14] <KimiNewt> What's that?
�02[13:14] * DFrostedGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Client Quit�)
[13:14] <PinkAmpersand> "Bad Religion" by Frank Ocean
[13:15] <KimiNewt> Unrequited love is the only one I've ever known, I'm afraid
[13:15] <Dcoetzee> I'm poly so "has a bf/gf" isn't usually an obstacle for me unless they also doesn't want to share :-P
[13:15] <PinkAmpersand> one of the only songs I like
[13:15] <KimiNewt> Once I had a girlfriend that really really liked me (told me she loved me) but I felt little for her
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[13:15] <KimiNewt> and this girl I've liked increasingly throughout the past 2.5 years and never liked me back ]:
[13:15] <Dcoetzee> :-(
[13:15] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: then this is the song for you
[13:16] <Dcoetzee> Now you just need your crush to fall for her and you'll have a full ironic love triangle going
[13:16] <KimiNewt> Heh
[13:16] <PinkAmpersand> (hold on. that's not official. 1 sec)
[13:16] <KimiNewt> My crush was just an ego boost
[13:16] <PinkAmpersand> (or maybe it is. idk)
[13:16] <KimiNewt> but I've depleted that boost quite a while ago
[13:16] <PinkAmpersand> seriously, though KimiNewt, watch that
[13:17] <KimiNewt> I'll listen
[13:17] <KimiNewt> Watching will get boring
[13:17] <PinkAmpersand> haha yeah.
[13:17] <KimiNewt> I don't like rap, really
[13:18] <PinkAmpersand> not rap
[13:18] <PinkAmpersand> not even close.
[13:18] <PinkAmpersand> R&B, and this song doesn't even fall in any well-defined genre
[13:18] <KimiNewt> welp
[13:18] <KimiNewt> I don't like it
[13:18] <KimiNewt> sorry
[13:18] <PinkAmpersand> :(
[13:18] <KimiNewt> back to Metric
[13:19] <PinkAmpersand> my other top unrequited love song is "El Scorcho"
[13:19] <KimiNewt> I don't need songs to amplify bad feelings [:
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[13:20] <PinkAmpersand> it's a shame you don't like it, though. it's about being in love with his best friend, and confessing it, and the friend saying he doesn't love him back. (even though it eventually turns out that he did)
[13:20] <KimiNewt> Not really that original of a story :P
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[13:21] <PinkAmpersand> sigh. the way he tells it it is.
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[13:21] <Dcoetzee> Need to stop yanking out my network cable accidentally
[13:21] <PinkAmpersand>
[13:21] <KimiNewt> Mine is even simpler: Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Girl has boyfriend. Boy & Girl become friends, boy likes girl increasingly more. Boy tells Girl, Girl says "Thanks but no thanks"
[13:21] <KimiNewt> whatever that is
[13:22] <KimiNewt> It needs to use linebraks
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[13:22] <KimiNewt> I tend to listen to happy songs when I feel bad, I'm afraid
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[13:23] <KimiNewt> It's a fairly good method to not feel bad
[13:23] <KimiNewt> It isn't hard since most of my music is pretty damn happy
[13:23] <PinkAmpersand> but the point is that it doesn't use linebreaks!
[13:23] <PinkAmpersand> it's just a screenshot of a textedit window
[13:23] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Do you have a favourite song?
[13:23] <KimiNewt> I can't read it properly
[13:24] <PinkAmpersand> written on an airplane
[13:24] <KimiNewt> Typesetting is important
[13:24] <KimiNewt> Hmm.. not really
[13:24] <PinkAmpersand> (ctrl++)
[13:24] <KimiNewt> I have some I like at the time
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[13:25] <KimiNewt> This one for instance
[13:26] <Dcoetzee> Dance music seems to have more happy music than other genres. Makes sense I suppose. :-P
�06[13:26] * PinkAmpersand only likes music that makes him think
[13:27] <KimiNewt> I guess my go-to music is The Hives, Beatles or Metric
[13:27] <Dcoetzee> Heh dance music is not usually very good at being deep and thoughtful
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[13:27] <PinkAmpersand> yup
[13:27] <PinkAmpersand> one of many reasons i don't like dances
[13:28] <KimiNewt> I also have a tendency to like songs that are "matched up" with something in my mind
[13:28] <Dcoetzee> Even my favourite dance songs are incredibly lyrically simplistic
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[13:28] <KimiNewt> Like, Owl City's Fireflies means "Spider-man" in my mind
[13:28] <KimiNewt> So I like listening to it
[13:28] <Dcoetzee> Association :-)
[13:28] <KimiNewt> Yeah, because of things I did whilst listening to it
[13:28] <Dcoetzee> A lot of people have songs that remind them of particular people
[13:28] <Dcoetzee> I have at least one song I can't listen to at all for that reason
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[13:29] <KimiNewt> I think I looped it while reading like 60 issues of spider-man or something
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[13:29] <PinkAmpersand> I've got stuff like that. Never hook up with "Born to Run" playing. Just don't. Ever.
[13:29] <KimiNewt> Yeah, I have that too.
[13:29] <KimiNewt> I assosiate "Wake Up Boo" with that girl I mentioned before
[13:30] <KimiNewt> You must know it, that is one happy song
[13:30] <KimiNewt>
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[13:30] <PinkAmpersand> except I actually associate "Born to Run" with William Gibson's "Neuromancer" series
[13:31] <KimiNewt> It doesn't help that I eventually changed it to be the ringtone when she calls :P
[13:31] <KimiNewt> Awkward to explain, but no one ever notices.
[13:31] <Dcoetzee> This is a very happy sounding song right from the get go :-P
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[13:31] <KimiNewt> It was in the background a lot when I was talking to her
[13:32] <KimiNewt> Also, in the army centre I work in, you start with a six-month "school". Each school "year" has its own song
[13:33] <Dcoetzee> LyricsBot just did Alicia Keys. I like a lot of her songs.
[13:33] <PinkAmpersand> I sang a Les Mis medley in Chorus last year, and sat next to the guy I like, like almost every rehearsal. Like that soundtrack needed to be any more depressing for me.
[13:33] <KimiNewt> So I have all of those firmly etched into my brain and assosiated with whoever is in that year
[13:33] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Ouch :-/
[13:33] <KimiNewt> Though our song is godawful (Living Da Vida Loca)
[13:33] <Dcoetzee> Ha
[13:33] <KimiNewt> But we have two unofficial songs thtat are much better
[13:33] <Dcoetzee> At least it's catchy :-P
[13:33] <KimiNewt> Yeah
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[13:34] <KimiNewt> Every year there's a day where they bring the rookies in and basically do a list-off of the songs, each school running to the football court when their song is up and dancing like lunatics
[13:34] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: haha when I was in Israel our semi-official theme song was "Call Me Maybe"
[13:34] <KimiNewt> Highly embarresing, but even I do it even though I never dance
[13:34] <PinkAmpersand> like, my tour group
[13:34] <KimiNewt> Oh, it wasn't that long ago then
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[13:35] <PinkAmpersand> yeah, this was July
[13:35] <KimiNewt> This school year's unofficial song is "Gangam Style" obviously :P
[13:35] <Dcoetzee> ...
[13:35] <PinkAmpersand> [[User:PinkAmpersand/countries]] see?
[13:35] <KimiNewt> The instructors made a video "parody" (or whatever you wanna call it) for the end of the year
[13:36] <Dcoetzee> That reminds me of that hilariously awful pastiche of Gangnam Style that Spartan High School did on YouTube
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[13:36] <KimiNewt> The instructors are always cold and formal (this is the military after all) until the next-to-last-day where they do this kinda shit and "break the distance"
[13:36] <KimiNewt> Yes, it's awful too
[13:36] <KimiNewt> but it's cute
[13:39] <KimiNewt> Heh, I don't keep a list PinkAmpersand
[13:39] <KimiNewt> that's very diverse though
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[13:39] <PinkAmpersand> thanks :)
[13:40] <PinkAmpersand> I try my best ;)
[13:40] <KimiNewt> Haven't been abroad in a while
[13:40] <KimiNewt> well, since I joined the army anyway
[13:41] <KimiNewt> I miss it if only for the smell
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[13:46] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: are there countries you can't go to on your passport?
[13:46] <KimiNewt> Yes
[13:46] <KimiNewt> various arab coutnries
[13:46] <jorm> mailing list drama is the best drama.
[13:46] <KimiNewt> I'm also not allowed to go to various ones because of my job for the next 15 years
[13:47] <KimiNewt> or need a special permit for them
[13:47] <PinkAmpersand> jorm: link?
[13:47] <KimiNewt> Like Egypt, Jordan, Thailand, various african countries..
[13:47] <jorm> i can't, sorry.
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[13:47] <PinkAmpersand> jorm: oh
[13:47] <jorm> closed list, no archives.
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[13:48] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: hmm. yeah, both of my parents had to get Israel/Egypt only passports at one point
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[13:48] <geniice> jorm	internal-l?
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[13:49] <jorm> no; internal-l has archives.
[13:49] <jorm> and the drama there has largely died down since people can't use it to be snarky at sue and erik anymore.
[13:49] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: so what's this top-secret job?
[13:49] <KimiNewt> Just in the intelligence corps
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[13:51] <PinkAmpersand> oh. i knew a woman who was in that
[13:51] <jorm> there are countries i can't go into because i have an israeli *stamp* on my passport.
[13:51] <PinkAmpersand> jorm: yeah, that's the thing i was saying about my parents having to get secondary passports
[13:51] <jorm> i'm not bothered by it overmuch. if i need to go to one of those places i'll just get a new passport.
�03[13:52] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:52] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: weird question... can you recognize a number on a dial pad (like on a cell phone) just by the sound it makes? because this woman could, and she wouldn't say how
[13:52] <KimiNewt> No
[13:52] <KimiNewt> but that doesn't seem like such a tough skill
[13:53] <PinkAmpersand> jorm: yeah. my passport expires in a few months, so i won't have to, if i want to visit the Middle East in a year or two
[13:53] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: I guess not. the weirder thing is that she said she couldn't say where she'd learned it.
[13:53] <BarkingFish> PinkAmpersand, some people can - depends on what type of dialpad - if it's a DTMF pad, then yes it's quite possible.  Each key makes a slightly different tone
[13:53] <BarkingFish> it's almost inaudible, but if you have good hearing, you can tell the difference
[13:53] <KimiNewt> PinkAmpersand - With the really important things they just tell you to lie
[13:54] <PinkAmpersand> BarkingFish: yeah, she explained how the tones work
[13:54] <KimiNewt> Saying "I can't talk about it" raises too many suspicions and there are some things you wanna be certain about
[13:54] <jorm> cripes. i know *shittons* of kids who could do that recognition.
[13:54] <PinkAmpersand> yeah, exactly
[13:54] <KimiNewt> I remember once we were sat down by a major
[13:54] <jorm> well, they're not kids anymore.
�02[13:54] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:54] <jorm> look up "phreaking"
[13:55] <KimiNewt> and say that if we were asked some particular question we should not avoid it, but lie
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[13:56] <jorm> some days i just want to quit this job and, i dunno.  play dungeons and dragons professionally or something.
[13:57] <PinkAmpersand> jorm: yeah, i've heard of some of that shit. i saw one guy on Colbert or something who would prank his friends by getting the phone company to think their home phones were pay phones
[13:57] <PinkAmpersand> so you'd try to make a call and it would ask for a quarter
[13:57] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: hmm
[13:58] <jorm> i knew a guy who could make the quarter tone with his mouth.
[13:58] <BarkingFish> PinkAmpersand, it was quite possible in the UK to do it the other way round - there were cases back to the early 1980s here where people could trick payphones (which used to run on a metered pulse system) into not pulsing for more than an hour! :)
[13:58] <jorm> exactly that.
[13:58] <jorm> he'd pick up a payphone and do this weird warble and then start dialing.
�03[13:58] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:58] <PinkAmpersand> KimiNewt: it's funny, my grandfather used to be a private analyst with the CIA, and my mom once mentioned to him some story he'd once told as like an exmaple of what he did, and he completely disavowed having ever said it. i'm still not sure what to think.
�03[13:58] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[13:59] <PinkAmpersand> jorm: huh. one of my teachers told me a story about a friend when he was in high school who'd gotten a bag of pennies from some country that were the exact weight and shape of a T token in Boston, and used them for years
�02[14:00] * ShreCk (Troll@ Quit
�02[14:01] * thineantiquepen (~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[14:02] <PinkAmpersand>,30947/
[14:03] <Superfreak> What's a "T token"?
�02[14:03] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[14:04] <PinkAmpersand> Superfreak: The T is what the subway's called in Boston
�03[14:04] * MJ94 is now known as MJ94|PingIfNeede
�03[14:04] * TParis ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[14:04] * TParis ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[14:04] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:04] <PinkAmpersand> they don't use tokens any more, at least not as the primary thing. but i've seen a few old ones around my house and stuff
[14:05] <PinkAmpersand> which is weird, now that i think about it, since we've only lived here since 2000
�03[14:05] * MJ94|PingIfNeede is now known as MJ|PingIfNeeded
�02[14:06] * Gnumarcoo (~marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[14:06] <jorm> RFID cards, we got in the Yay Area now.
�02[14:06] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
[14:07] <PinkAmpersand> anyone been following this thing with the Atlantic?
�03[14:07] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:08] * DFrostedGirl is now known as Farby
[14:09] <Superfreak> Someone say something!
[14:09] <Farby> something
[14:09] <Prodego> 5:11:00
�02[14:09] * ExtinguishedFire ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [SeaMonkey 2.15/20130105222038]�)
[14:10] <Prodego> easier way to do this though
[14:10] <Superfreak> [22:09:39]	Prodego	5:11:00
[14:10] <Prodego> * Ping reply from Superfreak: 0.46 second(s)
[14:10] <Prodego> you are good
[14:10] <Superfreak> Thanks Prodego.
[14:10] <Prodego> I think /ping works in chatzilla
[14:10] <Prodego> you can get ping servers or people
[14:11] <Superfreak> I can only ping channels, it seems.
[14:11] <Superfreak> Pings everyone in the channel.
[14:13] <Prodego> our clocks disagree pretty substantially
�06[14:13] * Prodego updates clock
�03[14:14] * Maplewing (~wmcommons@unaffiliated/fifteenasterisks) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:19] <jorm> which thing with the atlantic?
[14:22] <PinkAmpersand> the Scientology thing
�03[14:23] * jubo2 is now known as MadCommieScienti
�03[14:25] * Mono[Away] is now known as Mono
�02[14:25] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[14:26] <PinkAmpersand> jorm:
[14:26] <PinkAmpersand> ^that
[14:26] <MadCommieScienti> jorm: - плохо, очен плохо для люди! [✖]
[14:26] <MadCommieScienti> - хорошо, безопастност для люди [✔]
[14:26] <MadCommieScienti> that is: if done right
[14:28] <jorm> I don't know russian.
[14:28] <MadCommieScienti> i.e. you have to press the "Activate NFC" for 1 - 1.5 s to activate the NFC functionality
[14:28] <MadCommieScienti> furthermore...
[14:31] <MadCommieScienti> I think it should ask for "Activate NFC in solely passive mode and transmit nothing to the other party" or "Activate NFC in active mode and interact" and always prompt when the other side asks for any information unless some informations are set so that they will willingly be transmitted to any party engaged in NFC session
[14:32] <MadCommieScienti> If there is no 1 - 1.5 s "Activate NFC chip" push command required then people might be able to swipe information from your device when it is in your pocket
[14:33] <MadCommieScienti> only idiots would do this thing otherwise then jubo-jubo
�03[14:33] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:33] <Farby> :p
[14:33] <Sven_Manguard> Hello all.
[14:33] <Maplewing> Hello.
[14:33] <Farby> Hi Sven_Manguard :)
[14:33] <Jetro> Hello Sven.
[14:33] <Sven_Manguard> Isarra: You around? I could use a quick favor.
�06[14:33] * Farby brings popcorn
[14:34] <Isarra> No.
[14:34] <Isarra> Why?
[14:34] <Isarra> What?
[14:34] <JasonDC|BNC> hey scen
[14:34] <Sven_Manguard> Aww. All I wanted was for the blank space around to be removed :D
[14:34] <JasonDC|BNC> *sven
[14:34] <Sven_Manguard> Hey JasonDC|BNC
[14:34] <Isarra> A crop?
�03[14:34] * Excirial (~Excirial@wikipedia/Excirial) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:34] <Isarra> Hello, error.
[14:34] <Sven_Manguard> Yes
[14:34] <geniice> wikidown
[14:34] <Sven_Manguard> That too. "Our servers are currently experiencing a technical problem. This is probably temporary and should be fixed soon. Please try again in a few minutes."
[14:35] <JasonDC|BNC> ya
[14:35] <Sven_Manguard> Sorry about that, entirely my fault
[14:35] <JasonDC|BNC> xD
�03[14:35] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:35] <Dcoetzee> Looks like WP is down
[14:35] <Sven_Manguard> Wikipedia can't handle how epic my editing is
[14:35] <JasonDC|BNC> no mine, i replied to sven when logged out and everything exploded
[14:35] <Maplewing> really?
[14:35] <Isarra> Oh, it's down?
[14:35] <Maplewing> I'm using HTTPS
[14:35] <geniice> still down
[14:35] <Maplewing> not down
[14:35] <MadCommieScienti> this is jubo-jubo saying "oops." *though was in ##economics *
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�03[14:35] * PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|Television
[14:35] <JasonDC|BNC> its down on HTTPS
[14:35] <Maplewing> really
[14:35] <Maplewing> hm only on RC
[14:36] <Isarra> Sven_Manguard: Sorry, I can't do anything with the image with the site down.
[14:36] <D_> I'm tabbed over here to complain about WP being down
[14:36] <foks> Apparently servers are moving
[14:36] <JasonDC|BNC> well sven, didnt fastily do a rewrite of svenbot?
[14:36] <foks> so
[14:36] <D_> but I see that's already handled
[14:36] <foks> Site will be patchy for a whiley
�03[14:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +o foks
[14:36] <Sven_Manguard> JasonDC|BNC: I honestly don't remember anymore
�02[14:36] * Prodego (~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) Quit (Quit: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia�)
�03[14:36] * foks changes topic to '#wikipedia-en English Wikipedia | Status: Patchy for a while ( | Channel guidelines: | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Win cash for disambigation!�'
[14:36] <Dcoetzee> LyricsBot is not happy about this
[14:37] <Farby> o.o
[14:37] <Farby> uh
[14:37] <Addshore-W> O_o
[14:37] <JasonDC|BNC> alright, ill submit the BRFA's and try to re-work the code so it dosn't undo itself
�06[14:37] * Farby runs away
[14:37] <MJ|PingIfNeeded> who broke the wiki
[14:37] <Dcoetzee> I forgot the error handling ;-)
�03[14:37] * foks sets mode: -o foks
[14:37] <kelapstick> seems to be back up
[14:37] <JasonDC|BNC> indeed
�03[14:37] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:37] <Dcoetzee> Yup
[14:37] <JasonDC|BNC> well bbl, gotta run to metro
[14:38] <Sven_Manguard> k
�02[14:38] * kelapstick (ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick) Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[14:39] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:39] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  Question...
[14:39] <Shearonink> gack about the servers
[14:39] <Shearonink> just lost a whole bunch of edits
[14:39] <Shearonink> i know it will be fixed soon oh well
[14:40] <jorm> MadCommieScienti: I honestly have no idea what this conversation is about.
[14:40] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Answer
[14:40] <Sven_Manguard> JasonDC|BNC:
[14:41] <Qcoder00> Is there a way to make the captcha pick up blocks of Wikisource scans?
[14:41] <MadCommieScienti> jorm: RFID == generally very nasty for humans, NFC == if done right, very good for the humans
[14:41] <Qcoder00> so that the Captcha is aiding a WMF project?
�02[14:41] * ktron ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[14:41] <jorm> was this in response to my comment about how we ride subways here?
[14:42] <MadCommieScienti> [00:07] <jorm> RFID cards, we got in the Yay Area now.
[14:42] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Technically yes although I personally don't think Wikisource should be transcribing documents when Distributed Proofreaders do a better job of that.
[14:42] <Qcoder00> Some of the documents aren't PG
[14:42] <MadCommieScienti> jorm: I gather yours in not a long range RFID but like the Oyster-card is in London, quite harmless
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> The main issue with CAPTCHA based recognition is that it lacks context
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> So accuracy is lower
�02[14:43] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> Than with humans doing a page or pages
�03[14:43] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[14:43] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> It can be useful for double checking though
[14:44] <Jeske_Couriano> !admin whack
[14:44] <jorm> you have to tap it to the sensor for it to work.
�06[14:45] * Superfreak sighs.
[14:45] <Demiurge1000> jorm: do u mean tape?
[14:46] <Demiurge1000> oh!
[14:46] <Demiurge1000> you don't.
[14:46] <Jeske_Couriano> Seriously, whack him now
[14:46] <Demiurge1000> Jeske_Couriano: dat sounds serious
[14:46] <Jeske_Couriano>
[14:46] <Pink|Television> Jeske_Couriano: whose sock?
[14:46] <Pink|Television> (and Superfreak got him)
[14:46] <Demiurge1000> Pink|Television: Stop looking at that gogglebox, it will make you go blind!
[14:47] <foks> Jeske_Couriano, done by Superfreak
[14:47] <Isarra> Superfreak: What were you after?
[14:47] <Matthew_> Pink|Television: LTA, it appears :/
�03[14:47] * pontifeXD (~Rastrojo@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:47] <Pink|Television> give me a name and i'll tag that file for G5
[14:47] <Superfreak> Isarra: Huh?
[14:47] <Isarra> And are we complaining about RFID thingies?
[14:47] <Matthew_> Pink|Television: 'sec
[14:47] <Isarra> Because I can complain about those.
[14:47] <Isarra> Superfreak: Sorry, bad tabcomplete.
[14:48] <Isarra> Sven_Manguard: What were you after?
[14:48] <Matthew_> Pink|Television: [[User:John_Daker]]
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[14:48] <Sven_Manguard>  the blank space around to be removed, so that the edges of the points are very close to the edge of the image
[14:48] <Isarra> So crop to image?
[14:49] <Sven_Manguard> yes, that
�06[14:49] * Isarra crops.
�06[14:49] * Isarra crops Sven_Manguard.
�03[14:49] * GabrielF ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:49] <Sven_Manguard> my toes!
[14:49] <Sven_Manguard> awww, I liked those
[14:50] <MadCommieScienti> jorm: The proponents of long-range RFID argue that the functionality best described as a randomizer allays all security threats to humans .. the RFID technology works by asking each transponder chip in range to first give it's first bit. all devices in range give their first bit, same for 2nd bit, 3rd bit and so on. The Randomizer functionality makes the transponder chip reply that it is every code and no particular code at
[14:50] <MadCommieScienti> the same time
�02[14:50] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer�)
[14:50] <MadCommieScienti> or something like that.. it is very complicated..
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[14:52] <Isarra> Sven_Manguard: Done.
[14:52] <Isarra> Made it bigger too.
[14:52] <Sven_Manguard> thanks Isarra!
[14:52] <Isarra> Hope you don't mind.
[14:54] <Isarra> "What is it going to take to get you to stay here?" "More money."
[14:54] <Isarra> IS that the usual approach with job things?
�02[14:54] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[14:54] <Pink|Television> Matthew_: way to steal my tag ;P (jk, my fault for getting distracted)
[14:55] <Matthew_> Pink|Television: Heh, sorry.  Saw it wasn't done, so I did it.  :/
�03[14:55] * Rivera (~Djesba@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[14:56] * Rivera (~Djesba@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[14:56] <Pink|Television> Matthew_ it's fine. just don't steal the mass rollback from me ;)
�03[14:56] * Vacation9 (Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:57] <Matthew_> Pink|Television: OK, I'm in the process of tagging the userpage :P
[14:57] <Pink|Television> ahhh someone beat me to that too! :P lol i haven't like done anything useful today
�03[14:57] * JD|cloud|away is now known as JD|cloud|busy
�03[14:57] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:58] <Matthew_> Pink|Television: You've got the mass rollback, which is something :)
�03[14:58] * lukas23 is now known as lukas|away
�02[14:58] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[14:58] <Pink|Television> no, i meant someone beat me to the mass rollback. lol. it's fine. i've crossed enough LTA accounts for now.
�03[14:59] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:59] <Pink|Television> at the very least I RFPP'ed the article for creation protection
�02[14:59] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[15:00] <MRB[alt]> Bah, school wifi...
�03[15:00] * MRB[alt] is now known as Matthew_
[15:02] <Pink|Television> btw, there are currently 0 closed RFPPs. any admins with some extra time on their hands?
[15:02] <Pink|Television> *sorry. 1 has been closed.
[15:02] <Vacation9> "admins with some extra time on their hands" never happens :)
[15:03] <Pink|Television> not an appalling number of open cases, but percentage-wise it's pretty bad
�03[15:03] * trrruc (1825d859@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:04] <Pink|Television> hmm. this is interesting. where have i heard of this guy?
�03[15:04] * lukas|away is now known as lukas23
�03[15:05] * MadCommieScienti is now known as jubo2
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�02[15:06] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Quit: While there's life, there's hope.�)
[15:06] <foks> Pink|Television, admin of old
[15:07] <Pink|Television> must want to not lose the bit for inactivity or something
�02[15:09] * Excirial (~Excirial@wikipedia/Excirial) Quit (Quit: zzzzzzz�)
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[15:15] <Demiurge1000> "The unit cost for digital files is not zero. Who do you think pays for Apple's server farms or bandwidth? Do you think they run tens of thousands of servers just because they like it, and then they decided to use them to sell stuff?" -- from dat silly website. Well, fuck, my employer do. Except they never decided to sell anything. *shrug*. What's the big deal?
�02[15:16] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�02[15:17] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,�)
�03[15:20] * Vacation9|busy is now known as Vacation9|away
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[15:30] <BarkingFish> quiet, ain't it?
[15:31] <trrruc> very
[15:31] <trrruc> So i ate ultra fresh cheese today
�06[15:33] * Peter-C huggles BarkingFish
[15:33] <Peter-C> This week has been quiet... too quiet
�06[15:33] * trrruc also hugs Peter-C 
[15:33] <Peter-C> And people are gonna party up their 3 day weekend tonight
�03[15:35] * delldot (4abea775@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[15:35] * trrruc throws cheese curds at Peter-C 
[15:36] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, tell me about it.  Far too quiet for my liking.  I know medical professionals shouldn't wish to be busy, but in this case I will make an exception.
[15:36] <Peter-C> THIS IS KILLING ME
[15:36] <Peter-C> Only 7 calls for my whole department in the past week
[15:36] <trrruc> yay
[15:36] <Peter-C> That is 1/4 of our volume
[15:36] <trrruc> Peter-C: do you want moar?
[15:36] <Peter-C> Like, da faq
[15:36] <Peter-C> No, it just means something is happening
[15:37] <BarkingFish> yes. people are being more careful and less stupid :P
[15:37] <Peter-C> LOL
[15:37] <Peter-C> Good joke.
[15:37] <Peter-C> I laughed.
�03[15:38] * Kinny (~Kinny@unaffiliated/kinny) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C I can make prank calls if you like
[15:38] <Peter-C> WHOO
[15:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "911 whats your emergency?" "I need medical attention! My wikipedia page got vandalised!"
[15:39] <D_> I just found out that we have a "List of state leaders in $YEAR" article for every year since 499BC
[15:39] <D_> I am impressed
[15:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "911 whats your emergency?" "I ran out of beer and need medical care!"
[15:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ well yes
[15:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> before 499BC we dont have many leaders
[15:39] <D_> Before then it's by decades
[15:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> exactly
[15:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not much of a wirtten log
[15:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and not many elecitons
�03[15:40] * Maplewing (~wmcommons@unaffiliated/fifteenasterisks) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> like... no elections
�03[15:40] * thineantiquepen (~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:40] <Qcoder00> -Shame it's not 'free'
[15:40] <Qcoder00> :(
[15:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Shame is free. You can have it through piracy :)
[15:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that was a double pun :)
[15:42] <D_> Wouldn't US copyright records be public domain?
[15:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Syria is to be named Human Slaughterhouse :/
[15:42] <Susan> Probably.
�03[15:43] * ChanServ sets mode: +o foks
�03[15:43] * trrruc (1825d859@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en (requested by foks (bye derp)�)
�03[15:43] * foks sets mode: +b-o *!1825d859@* foks
[15:43] <foks> slooow
[15:43] <Farby> o.o
�06[15:43] * Farby hides
[15:43] <Maplewing> geez...derp again
[15:43] <Demiurge1000> Maplewing: WP:DENY
[15:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ records are of course public
�06[15:43] * Maplewing hides
[15:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> foks so
[15:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you be here?
[15:44] <foks> ye
[15:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> may I pm?
[15:44] <foks> If it's about a news story, no
[15:44] <foks> :P
[15:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its very important for me
[15:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I merely need your ideas, I am not asking you to do anything beyond that
[15:45] <foks> fine
�02[15:45] * Vacation9|away (Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit
�06[15:46] * Farby brings popcorn and sits down to watch the scene
[15:46] <Farby> :o
�02[15:48] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@unaffiliated/windozent) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
�02[15:48] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
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[15:50] <Qcoder00> Just rescued an image
[15:50] <Qcoder00> :)
[15:51] <Qcoder00> Magazine cover from 1935 , that wasn't listed in the CCE for 1963
[15:51] <Qcoder00> So it's PD right ?
�03[15:51] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[15:52] * Farby is now known as GoofyGirl
�03[15:52] * Moe_Epsilon is now known as Goofyboy
[15:53] <MartijnH> Qcoder00, if you want to be sure, check with commons
[15:53] <MartijnH> they tend to know that stuff
�03[15:53] * Beria ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:53] * Beria ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[15:53] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:53] <Qcoder00> Trust me :)
[15:53] <Qcoder00> I checked the CCE manually
[15:53] <MartijnH> I meant on the "So it's PD" part
[15:54] <Qcoder00> OH OK
[15:54] <MartijnH> usually, when I have one of those, and I check with commons folk, they go "well, actually, in this specific case..."
�02[15:54] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[15:54] <MartijnH> followed by stuff I don't remember, turning out I'm wrong
�03[15:54] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[15:55] * GoofyGirl is reverting vandalism
[15:55] <GoofyGirl> :o
�06[15:55] * GoofyGirl runs away
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[16:03] <D_> The Commons POTY banner goes over my username in the top links bar :(
[16:04] <Dcoetzee> Goofyboy: Good job reverting :-)
[16:05] <Dcoetzee> D_: So hide it? :-P
�02[16:05] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[16:05] <D_> I did
[16:05] <D_> It just looked odd
[16:05] <D_> I'd rather have it in the usual banner space
[16:05] <Dcoetzee> Complain on #wikimedia-commons :-)
[16:06] <Dcoetzee> I don't get involved in POTY at all but others might care
[16:06] <D_> I don't know if I care enough
�02[16:06] * franny (fran@unaffiliated/franny) Quit (Quit: ZNC -�)
�03[16:08] * KTC_ ( has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving"�)
[16:09] <BarkingFish> D_ - Clearly you cared enough to moan about it in the wrong place - if you moan about it in the right place, it's likely something may get done.
�03[16:10] * franny ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[16:13] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[16:18] <Qcoder00> POTY?
[16:18] <Qcoder00> Evenign BarkingFish
[16:18] <Qcoder00> Not happy
[16:18] <Qcoder00> How are you?
[16:18] <D_> Picture of the Year
[16:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> We have to anually POTY
[16:19] <D_> Go POTY in the Commons?
[16:19] <Qcoder00> D_: Actually....
�03[16:19] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:19] <BarkingFish> Qcoder00, at the moment, bored senseless, fuck all to do, would like to watch paint dry - it would probably be more interesting
[16:19] <Qcoder00> I don't think images of ceramic receptacles for human excreta would be out of scope for commons
[16:20] <Qcoder00> And some of them ARE culturally relevant...
�02[16:20] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer�)
[16:20] <BarkingFish> you mean you want some khazi photos on commons
[16:20] <Qcoder00> I think there are some aforementioned ceramic articles that had satirical caricatures in them
[16:20] <BarkingFish> :)
[16:20] <BarkingFish> knock yourself out :)
[16:21] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish:PM
�03[16:21] * IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed
�03[16:21] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:22] <Qcoder00> Speaking of which is Peter-C Here?
�02[16:26] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[16:27] * MoneypakTrader (~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/moneypaktrader) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[16:28] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[16:28] <MoneypakTrader> hello, what's the irc command to message someone?
[16:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> try /msg
[16:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as in /msg username message
[16:29] <MoneypakTrader> thanks
�03[16:29] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:29] <delldot> or /query username message
[16:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mine is shorter :p
[16:30] <MoneypakTrader> it doesn't open a new tab though
[16:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> query should
[16:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I just double click on the nick
[16:32] <jubo2> Konversation for great justice
[16:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> did someone say juice?
�03[16:33] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
[16:36] <BarkingFish> k beef, i'm out for the night.  hasta la see ya.
�02[16:36] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
[16:37] <jubo2> Commiemism and gov't based on personality cult and pineapple
[16:39] <jubo2> The forms of gov't the humans come up with..
[16:41] <jubo2> Chinese got the [[one party system]] going and teh USia has a two party tsydem thing going
[16:41] <Dcoetzee> Person says on my talk page: "I can assure you chords are not copyrightable generally - that's arrangement. Only words and melody are copyrightable. I may have lost track of music copyright law in the past 10 years (i.e. internet), but the basics haven't changed!"
[16:41] <Dcoetzee> I am like 90% sure this is not true :-P
[16:42] <Dcoetzee> Surely harmonies and beat and accompaniment are entitled to copyright as well.
�03[16:44] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[16:45] <Hahc21> !invite
[16:45] <Hahc21> Hey
[16:46] <GoofyGirl> hi
[16:46] <GoofyGirl> :D
�02[16:46] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[16:46] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[16:46] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Hi :-)
�06[16:46] * Dcoetzee waves hi to Hahc21 too
[16:47] <Hahc21> Hey
[16:47] <Dcoetzee> What does !invite do?
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[16:47] <Hahc21> How's thing?
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> uhu
[16:47] <Hahc21> Ehm bad command
�06[16:47] * GoofyGirl hiides with cookies
[16:47] <Hahc21> Ignore it
[16:47] <Dcoetzee> Thing is stuff
[16:47] <Hahc21> :P
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: :o hi
�02[16:47] * Robitussin (~Robitussi@ Quit (Quit: Robitussin�)
[16:47] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Those were my cookies :-P
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> I getting 600 edits
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> I promised
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> I have 581
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> wait
[16:47] <GoofyGirl> 91*
[16:47] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Okay, okay, if you get your 600 edits you can have the cookies.
[16:48] <GoofyGirl> :|
[16:48] <GoofyGirl> No
[16:48] <GoofyGirl> no
[16:48] <GoofyGirl> wait
[16:49] <GoofyGirl> 592
[16:49] <GoofyGirl> :o
[16:49] <Dcoetzee> Almost there!
�03[16:49] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[16:50] <Hahc21> OOh
[16:50] <Hahc21> Goofy, you have 591 edits?
[16:50] <GoofyGirl> 592
[16:50] <GoofyGirl> XD
[16:50] <Hahc21> Overall, or just this month? :)
[16:50] <GoofyGirl> yes because 2 days ago I had 300 edits
[16:50] <GoofyGirl> >_<
[16:50] <GoofyGirl> I am newcomer
[16:50] <Hahc21> Aw
[16:50] <GoofyGirl> or something
[16:51] <Hahc21> I remember then I was a newcomer
�02[16:51] * Matthewedwards (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Matthewedwards) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�06[16:51] * GoofyGirl hurry
[16:51] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Let me know if you have any questions/need help. You're doing great.
[16:51] <Hahc21> Well, just in case nobody has, welcome to Wikipedia :)
�03[16:51] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[16:51] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: o.O
[16:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> jubo2 US has a one party system more or less
[16:51] <GoofyGirl> Ok
[16:51] <Hahc21> I second Dcoetzee
[16:51] <GoofyGirl> thnx
[16:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how different are the two parties?
[16:51] <Hahc21> If you ever need something, just ask :)
[16:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee even slience is copyrighted
[16:52] <Dcoetzee> The US has the wacky superconservative/religious party, the Republicans, and the moderately conservative party, the Democrats :-P
[16:52] <GoofyGirl> remember I said "almost" a new comer
[16:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee superconservative party is actualy exeptionally liberal
[16:52] <GoofyGirl> :p
[16:52] <Hahc21> Omg did you see the new URAA law?
[16:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> by european definition
[16:52] <Hahc21> -or whatever it's called-
[16:52] <Dcoetzee> Both of them oppose commonsense things lots of European countries have like strong gun control and legalised prostitution.
[16:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I think they should arm prostitutes in the US
[16:53] <Dcoetzee> The URAA isn't new :-P
[16:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the greta prostitute army!
[16:53] <Dcoetzee> It's been haunting us since 1996, and was upheld by SCOTUS over a year ago
[16:53] <Hahc21> For me it is haha
[16:53] <Dcoetzee> We're still trying to delete the affected files from Commons...
[16:53] <Hahc21> Ugh
[16:53] <Hahc21> How many
[16:53] <Hahc21> ?
[16:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Uruguay Round Agreements Act
[16:53] <Dcoetzee> Thousands.
[16:54] <Hahc21> Damn
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thousands?
[16:54] <Hahc21> This is unfair
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> And the Europeans are resisting the deletions every step of the way because they're like "it's PD here, why should we care about your US laws"
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no more like tens of thousands
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> Which is reasonable enough, but the US doesn't observe the rule of the shorter term
[16:54] <Hahc21> This will be a months' task
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I swear, US will be invaded by angry European fanbiys
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *fanboys
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> Many motnhs
[16:54] <Hahc21> Couldn't we just say that
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it will be messy
[16:54] <Hahc21> When they were uploaded
[16:54] <Hahc21> The copyright was different and thus
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hahc21 the law doesnt work that way
[16:54] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: No not really
[16:55] <Dcoetzee> URAA dates to 1996, before Wikipedia began
[16:55] <Hahc21> I know
[16:55] <Hahc21> xD
[16:55] <Hahc21> WP should move their servers to Uruguay xD
[16:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee cant we claim we started in 1996 secretly? :)
[16:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hahc21 thats actually worse
[16:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mexico for instance has 100 year copyright law
[16:55] <Dcoetzee> :-P Even if we were a reliance party, SCOTUS declared they don't get to keep using the works.
[16:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats life + 100 years
[16:55] <Dcoetzee> I'm doing an article on copyright law in Mexico. It's way more complciated than that.
�06[16:56] * GoofyGirl only 5 more
[16:56] <GoofyGirl> :D
[16:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I think best bet is putting servers into iran
[16:56] <GoofyGirl> iii
[16:56] <Dcoetzee> Most of their changes were non-retroactive.
[16:56] <Dcoetzee> So older works are not life+100, many are life+75 or other random things
[16:56] <Dcoetzee> Also Mexico used to require registration
[16:56] <Hahc21> Thank god copyright in Venezuela works different
[16:56] <Dcoetzee> Venezuela is pretty complicated too actually :-P
[16:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Venezuela is a berne signatory
[16:56] <Hahc21> Well
[16:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so its not that good
[16:57] <Hahc21> We ''technically'' don't have copyeight laws
[16:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> north korea is a berne signatory
[16:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they are at war with practically everyone
[16:57] <Hahc21> And violation of copyright is not followed
[16:57] <Dcoetzee> Venezuela has special reduced terms for audiovisual works, photos, broadcasts, computer programs, and anonymous works of 60 years from publication.
[16:57] <Hahc21> Yes
[16:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hahc21 you technically have the law, its just not enforced
[16:57] <Hahc21> Exactly
[16:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that can change overnight
[16:57] <Dcoetzee> India is probably the greatest example of a country that doesn't follow or understand its own copyright laws.
�03[16:58] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee or any law for that matter
[16:58] <Dcoetzee> Indian culture widely accepts copying without attribution, it's expected there, in schools and in the workplace.
[16:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> clearly people arent aware rape is illegal
[16:58] <BobTheWikipedian> somebody ping me if they see pharos
[16:58] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: That's... different :-P
[16:58] <Dcoetzee> People are protesting the rape, but not copyright infringement.
[16:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee is it? They werent complaining until recently
[16:59] <Hahc21> Indians have different perspectives of what is important ahd what isn't
[16:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> rape must have been common before
[16:59] <BobTheWikipedian> ahem...dcoetzee:
[17:00] <Dcoetzee> To be fair there are still lots of cultures worldwide where people are like "if a man forces his wife that's okay cause she is his property and it's her duty"
[17:00] <Dcoetzee> Sooo yes in some places rape is culturally accepted.
�02[17:00] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
[17:00] <Hahc21> Rape shouldn't be accepted anywhere
[17:00] <Dcoetzee> (which obviously doesn't make it right, but does make it a lot harder to deal with)
[17:00] <Hahc21> Under any circumstances...
�02[17:01] * pontifeXD (~Rastrojo@ Quit (Quit: ESPANHA UMA E NÃO CINQUENTA E UMA�)
[17:02] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: Agreed there
[17:02] <Dcoetzee> There are times when local cultural standards deserve consideration, and times when universal human rights supersede everything.
[17:04] <EvilSon> I have a question.  how many edits are required in order to recieve a Wikipedia IRC cloak?
[17:05] <BobTheWikipedian> check WP:IRC
[17:05] <Hahc21> 250 edits
[17:05] <Hahc21> three months old
[17:05] <GoofyGirl> o.o
�06[17:05] * GoofyGirl want a cloak
[17:05] <GoofyGirl> :o
[17:05] <BobTheWikipedian> yikes i just wikiimp'd
[17:05] <GoofyGirl> where I ask
[17:05] <GoofyGirl> for one
�06[17:05] * Dcoetzee wraps GoofyGirl in a blanket
[17:05] <Hahc21> You can make a request on WP:IRC
[17:05] <Hahc21> I guess
�06[17:05] * BobTheWikipedian shares his cloak
[17:05] <Hahc21> I got mine some days ago
�06[17:06] * GoofyGirl steals BobTheWikipedian's cloak
[17:06] <BobTheWikipedian> :o
�06[17:06] * GoofyGirl runs away
[17:06] <BobTheWikipedian> come back here with that!
[17:06] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: See
[17:06] <Dcoetzee> Direct link to cloak request form:
�06[17:06] * GoofyGirl walks to meta
�06[17:06] * GoofyGirl hugs Dcoetzee
�06[17:06] * Dcoetzee hugs :-)
�06[17:06] * GoofyGirl who said that
[17:07] <GoofyGirl> O.o
[17:07] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Bob is going to need his cloak back you know, he might get cold. :-)
[17:07] <BobTheWikipedian> i am freezing
[17:07] <GoofyGirl> :o
[17:07] <GoofyGirl> haha
�06[17:07] * GoofyGirl no thnx
[17:08] <EvilSon> I'm gonna start looking at random pages.and editing them so I can get 250 editw
[17:08] <EvilSon> edits
�06[17:08] * GoofyGirl save BobTheWikipedian's cloak
[17:08] <EvilSon> My wikipedia account is about a year old :p
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> EvilSon: I recommend categorization and disambiguation
[17:08] <D_> EvilSon: You can go and tackle a backlog instead
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> Those are actual useful ways to rack up your edit count
[17:08] <GoofyGirl> 597 Only 3 mores
[17:08] <GoofyGirl> :'(
[17:08] <GoofyGirl> only 3 more
�06[17:08] * Dcoetzee cheers for GoofyGirl
[17:09] <EvilSon> I use Special:random and check for gramatical errors
[17:09] <GoofyGirl> o.o
�06[17:09] * GoofyGirl cheers for me
[17:09] <GoofyGirl> hih
[17:09] <GoofyGirl> :o
[17:09] <D_> Well, as long as you call it random page patrol...
�03[17:09] * ihaveamac ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:09] * ihaveamac ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:09] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:09] <GoofyGirl> Goofyboy: :o
[17:09] <Goofyboy> yes?
[17:10] <GoofyGirl> XD
[17:10] <Goofyboy> :p
[17:10] <Dcoetzee> EvilSon: If you're going to copyedit at least copyedit whole sections
[17:10] <Dcoetzee> EvilSon: Don't fix just one grammar error per page
[17:10] <Dcoetzee> That looks bad :-P
[17:10] <EvilSon> I changed one image on the Firefox article, changed Firefox 17 on Linux to Firefox 18 on Linux and took a screenshot :)
[17:10] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[17:11] <BobTheWikipedian> brb
�02[17:11] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [SeaMonkey 2.15/20121206071748]�)
[17:11] <Dcoetzee> I used to get very upset about people including the copyrighted Wikipedia logo in screenshots of web browsers
[17:11] <Dcoetzee> But I couldn't get anybody else to care about it
�03[17:11] * BobTheWikipedian ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:11] * BobTheWikipedian ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:11] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:11] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:11] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:11] <GoofyGirl> pretty cloak
[17:12] <GoofyGirl> :3
[17:12] <BobTheWikipedian> what did i miss
[17:12] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: The usual, mass murder, orgies, the most beautiful song in the world
[17:12] <Hahc21> GoofyGirl, when did you started editing? :)
[17:12] <BobTheWikipedian> aw man
[17:12] <GoofyGirl> Hahc21: S
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> few months ago
�02[17:13] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> :S
[17:13] <Hahc21> Good
[17:13] <Hahc21> :)
[17:13] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: What kind of articles do you like to edit? :-)
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> in aprox
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: Phone?
[17:13] <BobTheWikipedian> white ones with black letters
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> :o
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> the simpsons
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> mmm Goofy the move
�03[17:13] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> movie*
[17:13] <Dcoetzee> Ahh that explains the name :-)
[17:13] <Hahc21> Indeed :)
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:13] <GoofyGirl> :o
�03[17:13] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:13] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:13] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:13] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[17:14] <GoofyGirl> nobody know who I am
[17:14] <Hahc21> I guess not
[17:14] <GoofyGirl> I am here from few days with other nick
[17:14] <GoofyGirl> XD
[17:14] <GoofyGirl> :p
[17:14] <Hahc21> Oh
[17:14] <BobTheWikipedian> what the.
�06[17:14] * GoofyGirl is Carly Farby DFrostedGirl
�06[17:14] * GoofyGirl and more
�06[17:15] * GoofyGirl shrugs
[17:15] <BobTheWikipedian> wow, i just found a huge mistake on my reference list
[17:15] <BobTheWikipedian> no wonder no one will hire me
�02[17:15] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:15] <Dcoetzee> Ohhh I've seen DFrostedGirl around
[17:15] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: How bad was it?
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> lol
[17:15] <Hahc21> I think I have too
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> really?
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> me too
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> XD
[17:15] <Dcoetzee> :-P
�03[17:15] * Cassie ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:15] * Cassie ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:15] * Cassie (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> that cloak
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> :D
[17:15] <BobTheWikipedian> i said someone was a real estate appraiser with the university of southern indiana
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> 598 edits
[17:15] <GoofyGirl> only 2 more
[17:16] <GoofyGirl> :o
[17:16] <GoofyGirl> :DDDDD
�03[17:16] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:16] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:17] <BobTheWikipedian> dcoetzee dies of laughter, apparently
�02[17:17] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:17] <Dcoetzee> I'm not dead :-(
�03[17:17] * Cassie is now known as Superfreak
[17:17] <Hahc21> Good
[17:17] <Hahc21> ALmost 600
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> 60
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> 6000
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
�06[17:18] * GoofyGirl IS HAPPY
[17:18] <BobTheWikipedian> we have folks here who can help you with that derrick
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> 600
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> :o
�06[17:18] * Dcoetzee cheers for GoofyGirl!
�06[17:18] * Dcoetzee hugs GoofyGirl
[17:18] <Dcoetzee> Great job :-)
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> :o
[17:18] <Hahc21> I just reached 21,200 yesterday :D
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> thnx
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> :D
[17:18] <GoofyGirl> Member of groups:	Autoconfirmed users, Users
[17:19] <GoofyGirl> Number of edits:	600
[17:19] <GoofyGirl> :O
[17:19] <Dcoetzee> My account is 9 years old but I only have 33000 edits
[17:19] <BobTheWikipedian> i have to do math to figure mine
[17:19] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: o.o
[17:19] <BobTheWikipedian> add up my personal and work edits
[17:19] <Dcoetzee> On Commons on the other hand, I have 69955 edits
�06[17:19] * GoofyGirl steals Dcoetzee's edits and runs away
�03[17:19] * demoness ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:19] <ihaveamac> my account is 4 years old and only has 1500+ edits
[17:19] <Hahc21> Mine is
[17:19] <Dcoetzee> Put them together and I have over 100000
[17:19] <ihaveamac> :D
[17:19] <Hahc21> 4 years, 10 months and 17 days old
�03[17:19] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[17:20] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:20] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Hey I need those for STATUS ;-)
[17:20] <GoofyGirl> wow
[17:20] <BobTheWikipedian> :)
�06[17:20] * GoofyGirl no
�06[17:20] * GoofyGirl looks at BobTheWikipedian
[17:20] <BobTheWikipedian> my total edits on all wikis is... a lot
[17:20] <GoofyGirl> :D
[17:20] <D_> They warned me against editcountitis
[17:20] <Hahc21> DCoeztee how the hell you have ~70K on Commons D:
[17:20] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:20] <ihaveamac> editcountitis
[17:20] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: Editor since Nov 2004 :-P
[17:20] <GoofyGirl> in a 2 weeks I was active in a proyect
[17:20] <Hahc21> Oh But
[17:21] <Dcoetzee> All edits on Commons are small edits :-P
[17:21] <Hahc21> that means that you should make
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> I get to have more 2000 edits
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> :o
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> working all day
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> -_-
[17:21] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: I bet you can make 10,000 :-)
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: Nah
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> :p
[17:21] <Hahc21> oh
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: soon I will retire
[17:21] <EvilSon> Had my first account not gotten banned... I would have more than 150 edits :(
[17:21] <BobTheWikipedian> 19346 edits by Bob the Wikipedian
[17:21] <Hahc21> 648 edits per month
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> this week or the next
[17:21] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Okay I bet you can make 1,000 then :-P
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> :p
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: nope
[17:21] <GoofyGirl> :p
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> only this
[17:22] <Dcoetzee> Up to you :-P
[17:22] <BobTheWikipedian> 1094 edits by Rob Schnautz (WMF)
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> o.O
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> >_<
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> 194
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> 1094*
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> wow
[17:22] <BobTheWikipedian> hey, 1094 in 5 months isn't bad
[17:22] <D_> According to my math, I have 0.0116 edits per hour on average
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> BobTheWikipedian: :| is not bad is worse
[17:22] <GoofyGirl> xd
�02[17:22] * delldot (4abea775@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[17:22] <Hahc21> According to my math.. I dunno xD
[17:22] <BobTheWikipedian> that puts me at 20440 edits
[17:22] <Hahc21> I have
�02[17:23] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@unaffiliated/windozent) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�06[17:23] * GoofyGirl brings cookies and cakes
[17:23] <Hahc21> average of 2000 edits per month
[17:23] <BobTheWikipedian> veteran editor iv
[17:23] <GoofyGirl> cool
[17:23] <EvilSon> 147 edits on Sk8rSoda. :(
[17:23] <EvilSon> my old account.
[17:23] <GoofyGirl> :p
[17:23] <GoofyGirl> much
[17:23] <GoofyGirl> -_-
[17:23] <EvilSon> 41 edits on Skater_2015
[17:23] <Hahc21> I edit a lot
[17:24] <Hahc21> I admit
�06[17:24] * Dcoetzee goes to eat congee
�02[17:24] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
�06[17:24] * GoofyGirl asleep on the bed
�06[17:24] * GoofyGirl dont scream
[17:24] <Hahc21> goofygilr why will you retire?
[17:25] <Hahc21> ups
[17:25] <Hahc21> GoofyGirl*
[17:25] <BobTheWikipedian> i average 8 edits per day since 30 may 2006
[17:25] <GoofyGirl> Hahc21: because I can't continue editing Wikipedia
[17:25] <Hahc21> Why? :(
[17:25] <GoofyGirl> I will be back in 2-years
[17:25] <GoofyGirl> 2-3*
�03[17:25] * Yaawboy (~Yaawboy@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:25] <GoofyGirl> :D
[17:25] <Hahc21> wow
[17:25] <BobTheWikipedian> she got arrested
[17:25] <Hahc21> D:
[17:25] <GoofyGirl> haha
[17:26] <Hahc21> Srly?
[17:26] <BobTheWikipedian> plan on 3, i'm not bailing you out
�02[17:26] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: Maryana�)
�06[17:26] * GoofyGirl grabs cakes and eats
[17:26] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah for breaking into her school to edit wikipedia on the smartboard
[17:26] <BobTheWikipedian> she wanted the points on the wikiholic quiz
[17:27] <Hahc21> lol
[17:27] <GoofyGirl> I have 45 messages from a person in Facebook
[17:27] <GoofyGirl> >_<
[17:27] <BobTheWikipedian> hate mail?
�03[17:27] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:27] <D_> Send a request for a concise summary of previous correspondence
[17:27] <GoofyGirl> i am back
[17:27] <GoofyGirl> tom
[17:27] <GoofyGirl> my home
[17:27] <GoofyGirl> back wsoon
[17:27] <Amqui> good evening
�03[17:28] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:28] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:28] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@unaffiliated/windozent) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:29] <Hahc21> How do I do the
[17:29] <Hahc21> "* GoofyGirl grabs cakes and eats"
[17:29] <Hahc21> thing?
[17:29] <D_> You do /me
�02[17:29] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
�06[17:29] * Hahc21 Dies all over the floor
�06[17:29] * ihaveamac says hi
[17:29] <Amqui> Hahc21 lol
[17:29] <Hahc21> oh
[17:29] <D_> Ok, that sounded wrong
[17:29] <BobTheWikipedian> ew
[17:29] <GoofyGirl> so /me action
�06[17:29] * GoofyGirl O.O
[17:29] <GoofyGirl> :D
�06[17:29] * Hahc21 Has been a Wikipedian since the past mellenia
�06[17:29] * Hahc21 millenia*
�06[17:30] * Amqui * *
[17:30] <GoofyGirl> o.o
�06[17:30] * Hahc21 says Hi to Ihaveamac
[17:30] <GoofyGirl> cool
[17:30] <BobTheWikipedian> didn't type a slash
�06[17:30] * Amqui  Ihavebigmac
�06[17:30] * GoofyGirl where is our dear Dcoetzee
[17:30] <GoofyGirl> :(
[17:30] <ihaveamac> if I didn't remove "ihaveabigmac" from my list of words that cause an alert
[17:30] <ihaveamac> would have alerted me
[17:30] <ihaveamac> :p
[17:30] <GoofyGirl> :p
[17:31] <Amqui> I only said Ihavebigmac not Ihaveabigmac
[17:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hahc21 that is impossible
[17:31] <GoofyGirl> XD
[17:31] <BobTheWikipedian> ...why?
[17:31] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: I'm eating congee for dinner because I'm sick :-)
�06[17:31] * Hahc21 wonders what is impossible.... xD
[17:32] <Amqui>  pouet
�06[17:32] * ihaveamac can also make it alert whenever certain people say anything
[17:32] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: sick?
[17:32] <GoofyGirl> oh
[17:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wikipedia was launched 15 January 2011
[17:32] <Dcoetzee> As in ill :-)
[17:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *wikipedia was launched 15 January 2001
[17:32] <Hahc21> Oh
[17:32] <Hahc21> Well
[17:32] <BobTheWikipedian> i used to have an alert for when people acronymized my name
[17:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which is after the start of this millenium
[17:32] <ihaveamac> "BTW"?
[17:32] <Hahc21> Wikipedia was in my heart before it was conceived
[17:32] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah
[17:33] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: BTW is "by the way", Internet slang
[17:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> last milenium ended on 31 December 2000
[17:33] <Amqui> What is Wikipedia by the way?
[17:33] <BobTheWikipedian> it got annoying
�06[17:33] * GoofyGirl never eat bean soup,because the last time did it,almost died
[17:33] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Congee is rice porridge :-) No beans unless I add them
[17:33] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee: I know c:
[17:33] <Amqui> I heard Wikipedia is not useful since anybody can edit it
[17:34] <ihaveamac> people say that
[17:34] <ihaveamac> "anyone can edit it so it's not reliable"
[17:34] <BobTheWikipedian> i also had "stalk anyone" and "stalk everyone"
[17:34] <GoofyGirl> I do not like the soup of any kind
[17:34] <Dcoetzee> Wikipedia isn't reliable.
�02[17:34] * thineantiquepen (~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[17:34] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah, it goes down sometimes
[17:34] <Amqui> so they prefer to rely on only one person, then to rely on many persons that rely on several sources?
[17:34] <Dcoetzee> It's explicitly indicates at WP:RS as not being a reliable source.
[17:34] <D_> I like to point people to [[Criticism of Wikipedia]]
[17:34] <Dcoetzee> *indicated
[17:34] <D_> Because ironically, it's a pretty good article
�02[17:34] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[17:34] <ihaveamac> D_: even wikipedia has a neutral point of view against itself
[17:35] <BobTheWikipedian> it's a bad one, of course
[17:35] <Dcoetzee> However, no other encyclopedia is considered a reliable source either :-P
[17:35] <Amqui> a bad NPOV xD
[17:35] <Amqui> NPOV is a POV anyway
[17:36] <BobTheWikipedian> that guy in gone with the wind was frank in his bad npov
[17:36] <GoofyGirl> Get well soon Dcoetzee :)
[17:36] <ihaveamac> what
[17:36] <BobTheWikipedian> frankly my dear...
[17:36] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Thx :-)
[17:36] <Amqui> NPOV is technically impossible, since being neutral is a POV for certain
�06[17:36] * GoofyGirl hugs tight to her new friend Dcoetzee
[17:36] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee: what happened?
�06[17:37] * GoofyGirl hides
�06[17:37] * Dcoetzee chases down GoofyGirl, hugs her back :-)
[17:37] <Amqui> dixit US President "You are either with us, or against us" :P
[17:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui ya
[17:37] <Amqui> why nobody catching on trolling tonight
[17:37] <D_> NPOV doesn't equate to lack of a point of view
[17:37] <Amqui> oh there we go
�02[17:37] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[17:37] <BobTheWikipedian> not so
[17:37] <BobTheWikipedian>,_my_dear,_I_don%27t_give_a_damn
�06[17:37] * GoofyGirl Dcoetzee :D
[17:37] <BobTheWikipedian> ^ npov
[17:37] <Amqui> ;)
[17:38] <Dcoetzee> NPOV means it's written from the viewpoint of like a guy who doesn't really give a fuck
�03[17:38] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:38] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:38] <Amqui> lol
[17:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I dont give a fuck but then again I dont read
[17:38] <D_> But what if the issue is giving a fuck or not
[17:38] <Dcoetzee> "Oh I guess some stuff happened. And this one guy was like X. And the other guy was like Y. I mean, not that it matters."
[17:38] <Amqui> but if he really doesn't give a fuck, he would give a fuck to write it lol
[17:38] <BobTheWikipedian> [[:Category:Profanity]]]
[17:38] <Amqui> so the only article really NPOV is the one who is not written yet
[17:38] <Amqui> lol
[17:38] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[17:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui I disagree
[17:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the policy itself is neutral too
[17:39] <GoofyGirl> I have hunger, I will raid the refrigerator
[17:39] <GoofyGirl> wait
�06[17:39] * GoofyGirl is away
[17:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> raid?
[17:39] <BobTheWikipedian> related topics: [[American Civil War]], [[Confederate States of America]]...
[17:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> use swat gear
[17:39] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Eat well :-)
[17:39] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: The food inside is poorly armed and demoralised by the chilling temperatures
[17:39] <Amqui> for some ppl saying the Earth isn't plane is a POV
[17:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee sure but thats not an excuse.
[17:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you should always enter with a c3 charge
[17:40] <BobTheWikipedian> from my point of view it is not visible
[17:40] <GoofyGirl> refrigerator alarm is activated :( Dcoetzee
[17:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and toss in a flashbang
[17:40] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Then you have to get in, get out before anyone catches you :-P
[17:40] <D_> Are you taking a spetsnaz approach to hostage rescue?
[17:41] <Dcoetzee> Well she's capturing food in order to eat it, so I think that's less rescue and more abduction
[17:41] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: hahaa sure
[17:41] <GoofyGirl> :)
[17:41] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[17:41] <Amqui> is that NPOV:
[17:41] <Amqui> ?
[17:41] <D_> Anyway, what we need to do is transfer all Wikipedians to another universe
[17:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think it is an abduction
[17:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> more of a hunt
[17:41] <D_> so that we get rid of observer effect and establish a true NPOV
�06[17:41] * GoofyGirl had not noticed, there are people so funny
[17:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ that is easy
[17:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> read up on string theory
[17:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> anything that can happen, does happen
[17:42] <BobTheWikipedian> i could write an npov on string theory
[17:42] <D_> In the multiple worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics?
[17:42] <Dcoetzee> We could flip a coin, and if it comes up heads, we kill all non-Wikipedians. Then there'll be a parallel universe where everybody else survived, so it's morally okay.
�02[17:42] * varnent (~varnent@wikimedia/varnent) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[17:43] * varnent_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[17:43] * varnent_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:43] * varnent_ (~varnent@wikimedia/varnent) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:43] <GoofyGirl> u
�03[17:43] * GoofyGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en ("reconnecting"�)
�03[17:43] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee actually each death would probably spew multiple parallel universes
�03[17:43] * GoofyGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:43] <D_> That reminds me of a quantum sorting algorithm: If list isn't sorted, destroy universe.
�06[17:43] * GoofyGirl done
[17:44] <Dcoetzee> D_: Constant time!
�06[17:44] * Hahc21 is back
[17:44] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:44] <Dcoetzee> I'm also fond of bogosort
[17:44] <Dcoetzee> The only sorting algorithm I know of with *unbounded* running time
�06[17:44] * GoofyGirl welcome back dear Hahc21 :D
[17:44] <Dcoetzee> (exponential on average)
[17:45] <BobTheWikipedian> '''String theory''' is the theory things are made of tiny strings. Lots of people believe in it, and they are all scientists. A lot of scientists don't believe in it, and the rest of the world has no idea what it is aside from it involving strings. There is a song about the theory written by [[They Might Be Giants]], in which they explain it to the public as a load of crap.<ref name=tmbg />
[17:45] <Hahc21> thanks :)
[17:45] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: ...where is that from
[17:45] <Hahc21> Dcoetzee, when did you become an admin in Commons?
[17:45] <BobTheWikipedian> i wrote it
[17:45] <BobTheWikipedian> on the spot
[17:45] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: Ummm, 2004, 2005 or something
[17:45] <Dcoetzee> I forget
[17:45] <GoofyGirl> wow
[17:45] <GoofyGirl> a admi
�06[17:45] * GoofyGirl steals Dcoetzee
�03[17:45] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:45] <Hahc21> wow a long ago
[17:45] <Amqui> a found a parallel universe:
�06[17:45] * Jasper_Deng handcuffs GoofyGirl
[17:45] <D_> I always liked this as an introduction to string theory:
[17:45] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: :-( Making me your pet admin?
[17:46] <GoofyGirl> Dcoetzee: :D
[17:46] <GoofyGirl> yes
[17:46] <GoofyGirl> you're my pet now
�06[17:46] * GoofyGirl mounts a pony
[17:46] <GoofyGirl> Ijaaaaaa
�06[17:46] * Dcoetzee wears collar? :-P
[17:46] <GoofyGirl> mm
[17:46] <GoofyGirl> yes
[17:46] <GoofyGirl> Jasper_Deng: mm pretty nick :D
�06[17:47] * GoofyGirl take Dcoetzee and runs away
[17:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee is MY pet admin
[17:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bugger off!
[17:47] <Dcoetzee> There's enough of me to go around :-)
�06[17:47] * ToAruShiroiNeko shocks Dcoetzee
�03[17:47] * yakary_ (~labebe@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[17:47] * Dcoetzee yelps
[17:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what?
[17:47] <Dcoetzee> " 14:53, 28 March 2007 EugeneZelenko (talk | contribs | block) changed group membership for User:Dcoetzee from (none) to administrator"
[17:47] <Dcoetzee> I was soo far off
[17:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it wasnt an electrick shock
[17:48] <GoofyGirl> haha
[17:48] <GoofyGirl> uu
[17:48] <Hahc21> Lol
�03[17:48] * DJMalik (~bradford@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:48] * DJMalik is now known as Guest41754
[17:48] <GoofyGirl> 	NickServ	Carly-!~carly@ has just authenticated as you (I-am-a-treasure)
[17:48] <GoofyGirl> :(
[17:48] <GoofyGirl> what is this
[17:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I merely showned to the ending of the next star trek movie
[17:48] <Hahc21> For more information, see [[WP:PETADMIN]]
�03[17:49] * Carly- (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[17:49] * Carly- is now known as GoofyGirl2
[17:49] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: The day Star Trek comes up with a shocking ending, I'll really be shocked :-P
�03[17:50] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:50] <BobTheWikipedian> oh my
[17:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee yes but it has a Spock-Kirk scene
[17:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its R rated
[17:50] <BobTheWikipedian> no new wikidragon subspecies have been discovered since 2010
[17:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> R for retarded :p
[17:50] <yakary_> You han Spañil
[17:50] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: You expect me to be shocked by Spock/Kirk slash? :-P This is the Internet!
[17:50] <yakary_> aki no hablan español
�03[17:50] * yakary_ (~labebe@ has left #wikipedia-en
[17:51] <Dcoetzee> You can hardly walk two feet without encountering that
�03[17:52] * Guest41754 is now known as Bradford
[17:52] <Hahc21> Si se habla español :P
�02[17:52] * Bradford (~bradford@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[17:52] * Bradford (~bradford@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[17:52] * GoofyGirl take your bags and get on the train
[17:52] <GoofyGirl> Hahc21: Hola
[17:52] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[17:52] <GoofyGirl> habla español
[17:52] <Hahc21> Hola :D
[17:52] <Hahc21> Yep, hablo español :)
[17:52] <GoofyGirl> :D
[17:52] <Bradford> o_O
[17:52] <GoofyGirl> :|
[17:52] <Bradford> que locura XD
[17:52] <GoofyGirl> Bradford: Aló?
[17:53] <GabrielF> I think Kirk/Spock was the original slash fiction
[17:53] <Hahc21> Lol
[17:53] <GoofyGirl> :|
[17:53] <Bradford> Hahc21:  Hola :D
�06[17:53] * GoofyGirl abrazos Hahc21 :D
[17:53] <Hahc21> Ahora todos hablan español
[17:53] <GoofyGirl> No
[17:53] <GoofyGirl> él es mi amigo
[17:53] <Hahc21> xD
[17:53] <Hahc21> Oh
[17:53] <GoofyGirl> hands off
�06[17:53] * GoofyGirl take Hahc21 and runs away from Bradford
[17:53] <Bradford> Hahc21:  quieres ser my friends? e_e
�06[17:53] * Hahc21 has ben taken by GoofyGirl
[17:53] <Hahc21> Indeed, why not
[17:54] <Hahc21> :)
�06[17:54] * GoofyGirl eats Hahc21
[17:54] <Bradford> XD
[17:54] <GoofyGirl> :)
[17:54] <Bradford> :)
�06[17:54] * Hahc21 has been eaten
[17:54] <GoofyGirl> == The end ==
[17:54] <GoofyGirl> :)
[17:54] <Bradford> o_O
[17:54] <GoofyGirl> Bradford: is late good night
[17:54] <GoofyGirl> sleep good
[17:54] <Amqui> there`s the string theory for you:
[17:55] <GoofyGirl> :)
[17:55] <Bradford> Amqui:  o_o
[17:55] <Bradford> Amqui:  Hi, my friends ;)
[17:55] <Amqui> hola Bradford
[17:55] <closedmouth> so much noise
[17:55] <Bradford> Amqui:  Tenia tiempo sin verte :s
[17:56] <Amqui> :S
[17:56] <Bradford> ._.
�06[17:56] * GoofyGirl is a thief
[17:57] <Bradford> Amqui:  eras de canadá?
[17:57] <Amqui> si
[17:57] <Bradford> ;)
[17:57] <Amqui> en la nieve
[17:57] <Amqui> lol
[17:57] <Bradford> é_é
[17:58] <GoofyGirl> Bradford: Good night
[17:58] <GoofyGirl> sleep well.
[17:58] <GoofyGirl> :)
[17:58] <Bradford> Amqui: y  editas en wikipedia?
[17:58] <Gfoley4> wtf
[17:58] <Hahc21> lol
[17:58] <GoofyGirl> lol
[17:58] <Bradford> e_e
[17:58] <Hahc21> now we have an #wikipedia-es-en channel xD
�06[17:59] * GoofyGirl pulls Hahc21 's tail
[17:59] <Bradford> youre banned
�03[17:59] * Mkdw (~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:59] <Bradford> lol
[17:59] <Amqui> Bradford qué wikipedia?
[17:59] <GoofyGirl> espanglish
[17:59] <GoofyGirl> XD
[17:59] <Bradford> Amqui:  No sé en español inglés?
[17:59] <Bradford> XD
[17:59] <Amqui> Goofyboy we call that american
[17:59] <Amqui> in Canada it`s franglish
[18:00] <Bradford> o_o
[18:00] <Amqui> Bradford en francés
[18:00] <GoofyGirl> XD
[18:00] <Bradford> :)
[18:00] <GoofyGirl> I think others users  here,are thinking "what are talking about"
[18:00] <GoofyGirl> :P
[18:00] <Amqui> where I'm from it's really franglish, half french half english in every sentences lol
[18:01] <Bradford> Amqui:  y aún estas en #wikimedia-ve?
[18:01] <Amqui> si
�03[18:01] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:01] * The_Blade ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:01] * The_Blade (~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:01] <GoofyGirl> Spanglish "Spanish and English" ?
[18:01] <GoofyGirl> I guess
[18:01] <Amqui> lol
[18:01] <Amqui> sounds like a good guess to me
[18:01] <Bradford> XD
[18:02] <Dcoetzee> I've heard it called franglais too
[18:02] <Dcoetzee> francais + anglais
[18:02] <Amqui> yes
[18:02] <Dcoetzee> I've spoken that mixture a fair amount :-P
[18:02] <Amqui> depends what side of the fence you are
[18:02] <Hahc21> I can fairly speak english and spanish
�02[18:02] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:02] <Hahc21> maybe a bit of italian, french and portuguese
�02[18:02] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@unaffiliated/windozent) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[18:03] <Amqui> Hahc21 what about: ?
[18:03] <Amqui> we are looking for contributors
[18:03] <GoofyGirl> I was learning german I only know say "danke"
[18:03] <GoofyGirl> XD
�03[18:03] * WindozeNT (~Alexander@unaffiliated/windozent) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:03] <Hahc21> wtf that's beyond what I can speak lol
[18:03] <Amqui> Hahc21 it's Canadian
[18:03] <Amqui> Canadian alphabet
[18:04] <Hahc21> Canadian?
[18:04] <Amqui> yes
[18:04] <Amqui> refnec:
[18:04] <Hahc21> oooh
[18:05] <Hahc21> First time I see that
[18:05] <Amqui> ok
[18:05] <Hahc21> I assume that you read it flowly right?
[18:05] <Amqui> we have only 172 articles (most of them contain only one word) but they use Wikipedia in that alphabet on every swag product from the WMF lol
�03[18:05] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:06] <Amqui> see
[18:06] <Amqui> the back... the biggest word is cree lol
[18:07] <Amqui> oh  no inuktitut on that one, same thing
�06[18:07] * GoofyGirl steals Hahc21
[18:07] <Amqui>
�06[18:07] * GoofyGirl zzz
[18:07] <Hahc21> lol
[18:08] <Hahc21> I was learning japanese
[18:08] <Amqui> I guess that`s a parallel universe lol
[18:08] <Hahc21> But I quit
[18:08] <Amqui> where all letters are triangles
[18:08] <BobTheWikipedian> i know some tagalog
[18:08] <Amqui> i know some mongol
[18:08] <BobTheWikipedian> but i can't spell it
[18:08] <Hahc21> Yeah
[18:08] <Amqui> especially in the government
[18:08] <Hahc21> those letters look very
[18:08] <Hahc21> ....
[18:08] <Hahc21> symbolic
[18:08] <Hahc21> and
[18:08] <Hahc21> magic
[18:08] <Hahc21> xD
[18:09] <Amqui> Hahc21
[18:09] <BobTheWikipedian> aba ginoong Maria...
[18:09] <GoofyGirl> I am learning Spanish
[18:09] <GoofyGirl> XD
[18:09] <Hahc21> omg
[18:09] <Hahc21> interesting
[18:09] <BobTheWikipedian> something something mamamatay
[18:09] <Hahc21> Yay Goofy
[18:09] <GoofyGirl> lol
[18:09] <Hahc21> panish is not difficult
[18:09] <BobTheWikipedian> only to spell
[18:09] <GoofyGirl> and I am a native speaker
[18:09] <Hahc21> it's just... complicated
[18:09] <Hahc21> I am a native speaker of spanish
[18:09] <Hahc21> :
[18:10] <Hahc21> :P
[18:10] <BobTheWikipedian> is panish from penmark?
[18:10] <GoofyGirl> me too
[18:10] <Amqui> oh even better:
[18:10] <Bradford> O_o
[18:10] <GoofyGirl> Well
�06[18:10] * GoofyGirl gets on the spacecraft with Hahc21 and Dcoetzee
[18:11] <GoofyGirl> byeee cruel world
[18:11] <Hahc21> lol
[18:11] <Hahc21> Spanish*
[18:11] <GoofyGirl> :o
[18:11] <Amqui> lol
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> oh, spenmark
[18:11] <Hahc21> haha
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> woah.
[18:11] <BobTheWikipedian> i just got an email from yahoo, a legitimate one, with sex in the title
[18:12] <Hahc21> o.0
�03[18:12] * GoofyGirl2 (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en ("" O.O ""�)
[18:12] <BobTheWikipedian> "Keyword : [new species]: Canadian scientists latch on to new theory of barnacle sex: “spermcasting” "
[18:12] <GoofyGirl> XD
�03[18:12] * GoofyGirl2 (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:13] <Bradford> o_o
[18:13] <GoofyGirl> o.O
[18:13] <GoofyGirl> God >_<
[18:13] <Bradford> O_o
[18:13] <The_Blade> Well, someone has to research such things.
[18:13] <BobTheWikipedian> wow that sounds even wronger once you read it
[18:13] <BobTheWikipedian> spermcasting
�06[18:13] * GoofyGirl hides and hide her pet Hahc21
[18:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hah
[18:14] <Amqui>
�02[18:14] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> daily shows take on death star is win :)
[18:14] <Bradford> o_O
�03[18:14] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:14] <Hahc21> Lol
�06[18:15] * Hahc21 became GoofyGirl's pet
�03[18:15] * closedmouth ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:15] * closedmouth ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:15] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:15] <GoofyGirl> :D
�06[18:15] * GoofyGirl gives cookies to Hahc21
[18:15] <GoofyGirl> aawww
�06[18:15] * Hahc21 eats the cookies
[18:15] <GoofyGirl> :)
[18:15] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmmm. i assume (probably wrongly) that it's safe to assume people are no longer using office 2003 in workplaces
[18:16] <GoofyGirl> I'm looking for other pets
[18:16] <GoofyGirl> mmm I have 3
[18:16] <Bradford> o_P
[18:16] <GoofyGirl> Hahc21: Dcoetzee and magog_the_ogre
[18:16] <GoofyGirl> :o
[18:16] <BobTheWikipedian> the only self-proclaimed wikiogre i know of
[18:16] <The_Blade> Heh.
�06[18:17] * GoofyGirl put Hahc21 in a pretty pink dress
[18:17] <Hahc21> Good evening The_Blade
[18:17] <The_Blade> Hello, how you is?
[18:18] <Amqui>
�06[18:18] * Hahc21 was previously known as Deathly, but he changed his name when he became an ArbCom clerk
[18:18] <Bradford> LOL
[18:18] <BobTheWikipedian> lol....i saw an infographic today about guns and causes of death....
[18:19] <BobTheWikipedian> rifles were higher than assault guns
[18:19] <BobTheWikipedian> handguns were twice as high as rifles
[18:19] <The_Blade> Given how many more people own rifles, that's not exactly shocking.
[18:19] <BobTheWikipedian> and automobiles were at a whopping 32k
[18:19] <Amqui> BobTheWikipedian where was age?
[18:19] <BobTheWikipedian> ban auto sales. problem solved.
[18:19] <Hahc21> The_Blade, now you recognize me?
[18:19] <Amqui> and stupidity?
[18:19] <BobTheWikipedian> this is murders and homicides
[18:20] <The_Blade> Yeah, I got you; I said /how/ you is?
[18:20] <Hahc21> oh lol
[18:20] <The_Blade> It's Tristan da Cunha English.
[18:20] <Amqui> automobile for murder?
[18:20] <BobTheWikipedian> age isn't murder or homicide
�03[18:20] * gipperHAL (~exodus@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:20] <Hahc21> I am fine :)
[18:20] <BobTheWikipedian> involuntary, but so are rifle deaths
[18:20] <The_Blade> Not that I'm from there, but I pick up on things reading Bill Bryson.
[18:20] <Amqui> we don't use the same definition of murder then
�02[18:20] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
�03[18:20] * fox_wilson ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:20] <Hahc21> And you?
[18:21] <The_Blade> Doing well enough for me.
[18:21] <Hahc21> Good
[18:21] <BobTheWikipedian> and no i don't consider an accident murder but the infographic did
[18:21] <BobTheWikipedian> unless it's involuntary manslaughter
[18:21] <Amqui> Homicide (Latin: homicidium, Latin: homo human being + Latin: caedere to cut, kill) is an act of a human killing another human.
[18:22] <Amqui> the bullet killed him not the human
[18:22] <BobTheWikipedian> :o so homicides must flesh on flesh?
[18:22] <Amqui> lol I guess
[18:22] <The_Blade> Hoping I'm getting near the end of my now month-long effort at article writing; I'm thinking a few more days.
[18:22] <GoofyGirl> my eyes are falling to floor
�06[18:22] * GoofyGirl asleep
[18:23] <Amqui> all depends how you define "act of a human"
[18:23] <BobTheWikipedian> can homicides be unintentional and good-intentional?
[18:23] <Amqui> BobTheWikipedian yes
[18:23] <Amqui> murder is unlawful, homicide not necessarily
[18:23] <BobTheWikipedian> then 32k auto accident homicides is possible
[18:23] <Amqui> yep
[18:23] <Amqui> a murder is a homicide, but not the inverse (according to Wikipedia lol)
[18:23] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl: Night :-)
�02[18:23] * GoofyGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: I LOVE YOU GUYS�)
[18:23] <BobTheWikipedian> interesting
[18:24] <BobTheWikipedian> nick burkhardt's job just got less interesting
[18:24] <The_Blade> Well, a state execution is considered a homicide but not a murder.
[18:24] <Amqui> I remember I already checked those two articles while chatting here before
[18:24] <Amqui> lol
[18:24] <Amqui> The_Blade yes samething for soldiers at war
[18:24] <Hahc21> WHich articles are you writing?
[18:24] <GoofyGirl2> back
[18:24] <Amqui> reading
[18:24] <GoofyGirl2> :D
�02[18:24] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[18:24] <The_Blade> I've gone all in at the article on Genie; get you a link in a moment.
�03[18:24] * GoofyGirl2 is now known as GoofyGirl
[18:24] <Dcoetzee> GoofyGirl2: That was a short nap :-P
[18:24] <GoofyGirl> lol
[18:25] <GoofyGirl> if you want I can take a long nap
[18:25] <GoofyGirl> :o
[18:25] <The_Blade> Hahc21;
[18:25] <Hahc21> wow impressive
[18:25] <The_Blade> There are still a few loose ends here and there, but I'm not going to have everything I need to tie them all up until tomorrow; the content is pretty much all there.
[18:26] <Hahc21> I havent written anything substantial since
[18:26] <The_Blade> Neat article there.
[18:26] <Amqui> Hahc21 you going for GA?
�03[18:26] * GoofyGirl_ (~Carly@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:27] * Vacation9|away ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:27] <Hahc21> It is a featured list already :P
�02[18:27] * ktron ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 16.0.1/20121010144125]�)
�03[18:27] * Vacation9|away is now known as Vacation9
[18:27] <Amqui> I mean Genie
�02[18:27] * Vacation9 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[18:27] * Vacation9 (Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:27] <Hahc21> Oh
[18:27] <BobTheWikipedian> ugh. i simply can't focus today. i'll write this cover letter tomorrow i guess.
[18:27] <The_Blade> Amqui; I'm hoping for an FA.
[18:27] <Amqui> ok
[18:27] <BobTheWikipedian> so much for this new adhd medicine
[18:28] <Amqui> I never went for FA yet
[18:28] <Amqui> I wrote 14 GA
[18:28] <The_Blade> I don't have an FA or a GA.
[18:28] <BobTheWikipedian> last time i wrote anything substantial for wikipedia forever ago
[18:28] <Amqui> but now I'm too much over the place
[18:28] <Amqui> I can't even concentrate on a single project
[18:28] <The_Blade> And given my unfamiliarity with FA, I don't have any idea whether I'm even close.
[18:29] <BobTheWikipedian> i have a couple dyks but that's it
[18:29] <Amqui> The_Blade FA > GA
[18:29] <Hahc21> I can help you with it Blade
[18:29] <The_Blade> Yeah, I know, but I'm at least familiar with how GA works.
[18:29] <Hahc21> I have some FAs and GAs on my belt
[18:29] <The_Blade> Your help would be much appreciated.
[18:29] <Hahc21> I will bookmark the article now :)
[18:29] <Amqui> I have 2 GT too, don't know if you have them on en.wp
[18:29] <Amqui> Good Theme
[18:29] <Hahc21> I have 2 Good topics
[18:29] <Amqui> topic
[18:29] <Amqui> ok
�06[18:30] * GoofyGirl take her pets and throw it away
[18:30] <GoofyGirl> :|
[18:30] <Hahc21> hehe
[18:30] <GoofyGirl> :o
�06[18:30] * Hahc21 asks why his owner thre him away
�06[18:30] * GoofyGirl cuddles Hahc21
[18:30] <The_Blade> And don't in any way be afraid to criticize my work; god knows I'm not perfect.
[18:30] <GoofyGirl> because I was anrgy
[18:30] <GoofyGirl> angry*
[18:30] <Amqui>
�06[18:30] * GoofyGirl cuddles Dcoetzee
[18:30] <Amqui> a small town under 2k citizens lol
[18:31] <BobTheWikipedian> hmm. i remember writing articles about hafgufa and lyngbakr back in 2010...
�03[18:31] * dancerKJU ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:31] * dancerKJU ( Quit (Write error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:31] <Hahc21> Okay; I will give it a thorough read this weekend (tomorrow)
[18:31] <GoofyGirl> lol
�03[18:32] * dancerKJU ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[18:32] * Dcoetzee hugs GoofyGirl
[18:32] <The_Blade> Thanks a bunch.  And the talkpage has a couple things I'll be working on over the weekend as well.
[18:32] <BobTheWikipedian> i wrote several paragraphs about acherontisuchus in 2011...
�06[18:32] * GoofyGirl hugs tight Dcoetzee mwaaaaaaahaha
�03[18:32] * dancerKJU ( has left #wikipedia-en
[18:32] <GoofyGirl> :o
[18:32] <Hahc21> Okay
[18:32] <Amqui> they even laughed about me at the national radio for writing this article lol
[18:32] <GoofyGirl> mwaahaha is a arab kiss
�06[18:32] * Dcoetzee struggles to breathe :-P
�06[18:32] * GoofyGirl Dcoetzee :)
�06[18:33] * Hahc21 cuddles back GoofyGirl
�06[18:33] * GoofyGirl cuddles
[18:33] <Amqui> saying I must have no life :P
[18:33] <GoofyGirl> :o
�02[18:33] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[18:33] <BobTheWikipedian> ooo i wrote a stub about northern wood crickets in december
[18:33] <The_Blade> Well, who on Wikipedia does?
[18:34] <Amqui> that's a life like any other imo
[18:34] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: Awesome
[18:34] <BobTheWikipedian> you read it?
[18:34] <Amqui> BobTheWikipedian lol I wrote so many stubs like that
[18:34] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[18:35] <Hahc21> I have written not much stubs
�06[18:35] * GoofyGirl_ cuddles Bradford
[18:35] <Hahc21> I try to take all my articles to GA or FA from the beginning
[18:35] <Amqui> lol impossible
[18:35] <Mkdw> Is there an easy way to check what articles an editor has created?
[18:35] <Amqui> for me anyway
[18:35] <BobTheWikipedian> wrote a stub about rebellatrix in may...
[18:35] <Shearonink> sure
[18:35] <Amqui> Mkdw yes
[18:35] <BobTheWikipedian> nice sized stub, actually
[18:35] <Hahc21> Mkdw
[18:35] <Hahc21> Let me find the tool
[18:35] <Hahc21> 1 sec
[18:36] <The_Blade> Hahc21; I'm way better at improving existing articles, though I've created two myself.
[18:36] <Mkdw> The old tool I used expired :/
[18:36] <Amqui> there`s a link in the bottom of the contribution page
[18:36] <Shearonink> Mkdw: Just look at their contributions
[18:36] <Amqui> no need for tool
[18:36] <Hahc21>
[18:36] <The_Blade> Hard to start with nothing.
[18:36] <Amqui> oh yes I guess this is a tool
[18:36] <Amqui>
[18:36] <Hahc21> xD
[18:36] <Mkdw> Wow so handy
[18:36] <Shearonink> at the bottom of the page there should be a  Articles created button
[18:36] <Mkdw> Found it, many thanks!
[18:36] <Amqui> it stops at 100 :(
[18:37] <Mkdw> Oh sweet jeffery I need to improve some articles I created a long time ago...
[18:37] <Mkdw> That's just embarrassing
[18:37] <Shearonink> you mean it stops at 100 articles created?
[18:37] <BobTheWikipedian> in february i wrote that Cebochoerus is an extinct basal artiodactyl.
�02[18:37] * gipperHAL (~exodus@ Quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.8 sic populo comunicated�)
[18:37] <Amqui> I created an article about a grain elevator, pretty hard for GA or FA :P
[18:37] <Shearonink> WHAT Bob, it's isn't?
�06[18:37] * Shearonink faints
[18:38] <BobTheWikipedian> since then it is now Cebochoerus is an extinct basal artiodactyl belonging to the superfamily Dichobunoidea.
[18:38] <Shearonink> of course
�06[18:38] * GoofyGirl looking for her pets
[18:38] <Shearonink> I didn't do much paleontology
[18:38] <The_Blade> That's been my problem with GA or FA; the topics I usually work on are so obscure that even though they're obviously notable there just isn't a huge amount to go on.
[18:38] <Amqui> oh there we go, I created 1078 articles on fr.wp
[18:38] <BobTheWikipedian> and i also resurrected the dim effect article and added information about the saber-toothed squirrel
[18:39] <The_Blade> The Genie case is the first article I've done substantial work on that's a major figure in mainstream academia.
[18:39] <Amqui> just add &getall=1 at the end of the url
[18:39] <GoofyGirl> oh
[18:39] <GoofyGirl> oh
[18:39] <GoofyGirl> GOAL
[18:39] <GoofyGirl> :DDDDD
�06[18:39] * GoofyGirl jump
[18:39] <BobTheWikipedian> for germany?
[18:39] <Amqui> 0 on en.wp :(
[18:39] <Amqui> lol
[18:40] <BobTheWikipedian> if it's germany you said it wrong
[18:40] <Amqui> ahaha 2 on es, one is Mystery of the Urinal Deuce
[18:40] <BobTheWikipedian> i won't ask
�02[18:41] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0.1/20130116073211]�)
[18:41] <Amqui> El misterio de la caca en el urinario
�02[18:41] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 17.0.1/20121128204232]�)
�02[18:41] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: La douleur est la prise de conscience de la vie.�)
�02[18:41] * fox_wilson ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[18:42] <Amqui> too bad you can't perform a search for all languages
[18:42] <BobTheWikipedian> i don't hablo that
[18:42] <Amqui> in one query
[18:42] <GoofyGirl> Goal
[18:42] <GoofyGirl> 0-0
[18:42] <GoofyGirl> :|
[18:42] <GoofyGirl> >_<
[18:42] <BobTheWikipedian> ?
[18:42] <BobTheWikipedian> 0-0 is not two goals
[18:42] <Amqui> lol
[18:43] <Amqui> in one universe, yes
�03[18:43] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:43] <BobTheWikipedian> single bit universe, perhaps
[18:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 0-0 = O_o
[18:44] <BobTheWikipedian> no matter how many times you -0 it still = 0
[18:44] <BobTheWikipedian> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0=0
[18:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[18:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> probably not if quantum physics is to be believed
�03[18:44] * Goofyboy is now known as Moe_Epsilon
[18:45] <Shearonink> 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0=0
[18:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the entire universe formed out of nothing
[18:45] <BobTheWikipedian> 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1=1    the one's complement
[18:45] <Shearonink> that's what they say
[18:45] <Shearonink> we're mostly dark matter
[18:45] <Amqui> lol
[18:45] <Shearonink> and the human body is mostly nothing
�02[18:45] * GoofyGirl_ (~Carly@ Quit (Quit: I LOVE YOUUU GUYS THANKS FOR COOKIES�)
[18:45] <The_Blade> Hey, that's just a liberal conspiracy!!
[18:46] <The_Blade> :)
[18:46] <Amqui> there the tool you need:
[18:46] <BobTheWikipedian> can it turn my filter wrench?
[18:46] <Shearonink> only if it is nothing too
[18:47] <BobTheWikipedian> then that is not the tool i need
[18:47] <Amqui> if you really have the editcountitis
�03[18:47] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:47] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Client Quit�)
[18:47] <GoofyGirl> Good night
[18:47] <GoofyGirl> my friends
[18:47] <BobTheWikipedian> adios
[18:47] <GoofyGirl> :D
[18:47] <GoofyGirl> adiós
[18:47] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[18:47] <GoofyGirl> adiosin
[18:47] <Shearonink> i prefer editqualityitis
�03[18:47] * GoofyGirl is now known as Goofy|Asleep
[18:47] <Amqui> buenas noches
[18:48] <BobTheWikipedian> lol one time i said adios to a mexican guy and he smiled real big
[18:48] <Goofy|Asleep> igual
[18:48] <Goofy|Asleep> :D
[18:48] <Amqui> hasta luego
[18:48] <BobTheWikipedian> no wait he was puerto rican
[18:48] <Goofy|Asleep> o.o
[18:48] <Amqui> lol
[18:48] <Goofy|Asleep> loool
[18:48] <Goofy|Asleep> where is Goofygirl
[18:48] <Amqui> dondas es Goofy|Asleep
[18:49] <Goofy|Asleep> miralo
[18:49] <Goofy|Asleep> miralo
[18:49] <Goofy|Asleep> XD
[18:49] <Amqui> not much spanish around here
[18:49] <Amqui> more germans
[18:49] <Goofy|Asleep> bue
[18:49] <Goofy|Asleep> bye
[18:49] <BobTheWikipedian> ja?
[18:49] <Amqui> yep
[18:49] <Amqui> but they don't go out much
[18:49] <BobTheWikipedian> ich sehe
[18:50] <Shearonink> I wish the 'Are you the 1701' viral would start
[18:50] <Amqui> you only see them at the grocery store, that's it
�02[18:51] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[18:51] <BobTheWikipedian> ich spiele heute dota...
�06[18:52] * BobTheWikipedian finds the lyrics
[18:52] <BobTheWikipedian> :o
[18:52] <Amqui> they live in colonies
[18:52] <BobTheWikipedian> not german
[18:52] <Bradford> O_o
[18:52] <BobTheWikipedian> och spelar lite dota
[18:53] <BobTheWikipedian> :o
[18:53] <BobTheWikipedian> i was close
[18:53] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm gonna make a german version now for those germans that don't know norwegian
�03[18:53] * OlEnglish ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[18:53] * OlEnglish (~OlEnglish@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[18:57] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
�06[18:58] * Hahc21 returns
[18:59] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm the german version isn't making sense
[19:01] <BobTheWikipedian> wir sied er hat rewinden ich spiele heute dota ah buscher bei ein schmecker mit vorstandet wir lecker
[19:02] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah... meaningless
[19:02] <The_Blade> Hahc21; I should also warn you, wait to read the Genie article until you're not in a good mood.  It's a fascinating subject, but in no way a fun read.
[19:03] <Hahc21> Oh
[19:03] <Hahc21> Okay
[19:03] <BobTheWikipedian> that's like taking a depressant when you're down, isn't it?
�03[19:04] * harej ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:04] * harej ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[19:04] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:05] <The_Blade> I'd rather do that than burst someone's bubble when they're happy.
[19:05] <Hahc21> Oh
[19:05] <BobTheWikipedian> what if he has clinical depression?
[19:05] <Hahc21> I read the lead
[19:05] <Hahc21> wow
�06[19:05] * The_Blade says this, of course, having added several thousand bytes of text to the article on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
[19:06] <Hahc21> I was very sad those days
[19:06] <The_Blade> The lede is mostly intact from when I started the article; I decided if I was going to rework it, I'd do it /after/ I got the rest of the article written.
[19:06] <Hahc21> Good choice
�03[19:06] * Swob (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:06] <BobTheWikipedian> on that note, i will go watch a movie
[19:06] <BobTheWikipedian> adios
[19:06] <The_Blade> *started /editing/ the article; it's existed since 2005.
[19:06] <Swob> bye
[19:06] <The_Blade> Bye
[19:06] <Swob> nice seeing you Bob
[19:06] <Swob> you havent been around in a while
[19:07] <BobTheWikipedian> haha you didn't speak until now
[19:07] <Swob> last time I saw you you were going to work at Clorox
[19:07] <BobTheWikipedian> lol i forgot about that application
�02[19:07] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!�)
[19:07] <BobTheWikipedian> i am now applying to work for the local school system as a librarian
[19:07] <Swob> ok
[19:07] <Swob> good luck
[19:08] <BobTheWikipedian> thanks
[19:08] <The_Blade> I second that.
[19:08] <BobTheWikipedian> it's been a rough career
[19:09] <BobTheWikipedian> 6 jobs in the last two years
[19:09] <Hahc21> omg
[19:09] <BobTheWikipedian> i feel like applying for jobs is what i do for a living
[19:09] <Hahc21> this is a very sad topic
�02[19:09] * fox_wilson ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[19:09] <Swob> you used to work for Wikimedia Foundation, right? Not as a full time, it was some sort of a coordinator position?
[19:10] <BobTheWikipedian> online communications
[19:10] <The_Blade> When I started working on it, I posted a very prominent message on my talkpage telling people to leave me alone; there's no way I could write about that and deal with Wiki-business.
[19:10] <BobTheWikipedian> for the wep
[19:10] <Hahc21> Indeed
[19:10] <Hahc21> To be able to do that, you have to isolate yourself
[19:10] <BobTheWikipedian> which i did
[19:11] <BobTheWikipedian> oh you mean blade lol
[19:11] <The_Blade> The NOVA documentary on the subject is available on YouTube; I didn't cry watching it, but several times I felt physically sick.
[19:11] <The_Blade> Yeah, sorry Bob; interesting what IRC conversations can do.
[19:11] <BobTheWikipedian> haha indeed
[19:11] <BobTheWikipedian> the funny thing about irc is everyone thinks everyone is talking to them
[19:11] <Hahc21> Omg her father was crazy
[19:12] <The_Blade> His suicide note summed it up probably as well as anything; I kinda hope there's a hell so that he can be tortured in it.
[19:13] <BobTheWikipedian> [System message: You have been disconnected. An automatic attempt to reconnect will be made in 15 seconds.]
[19:13] <Hahc21> Me too
�03[19:14] * fox_wilson ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:14] <BobTheWikipedian> well that prank failed. :P
[19:14] <The_Blade> Actually, that's one thing I need to fix; he wrote a separate suicide note for his son, I just need to find the book which had it again.
[19:14] <The_Blade> BobTheWikipedian; you actually got me for a second, if it's any consolation.
[19:14] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[19:15] <Swob> you can sometimes trick people by changing your nick to "Disconnected"
[19:15] <Swob> and then doing this:
�06[19:15] * Swob 
[19:15] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
�03[19:15] * Riley is now known as Riley|Sleep
[19:15] <Swob> mIRC, at least, formats the "system message" and "channel /me action" lines the same unless you tell it not to
�03[19:16] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[19:16] <Swob> it works better on channels that dont have the +n mode set
[19:16] <Vacation9> fox_wilson: Hello there
[19:16] <Swob> on Freenode almost every channel is +n though
[19:16] <fox_wilson> Vacation9: hello
[19:17] <BobTheWikipedian> anyway good seein ya soap
[19:17] <Swob> see you
�02[19:17] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [SeaMonkey 2.15/20121206071748]�)
[19:19] <Hahc21> This article is very interesting
[19:20] <Hahc21> Maybe Mark Arsten can help us with a very good copyedit after it's finished
[19:20] <Hahc21> He wrote the "Lynching of Jesse Washington" article
[19:20] <Hahc21> which is FA
[19:20] <Hahc21> So he knows how to present this type of articles...
�06[19:21] * The_Blade files that away in his memory...
[19:21] <Hahc21> He has copyedited all my FAs
[19:21] <Hahc21> And all of them has passed
[19:21] <Hahc21> :)
[19:21] <The_Blade> An auspicious sign.
[19:22] <The_Blade> We're trying to figure out how to add a bit more background on her family situation, and I know I need to add somewhere the resurgence in interest after the Joseph Fritzl case....
�02[19:22] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: La douleur est la prise de conscience de la vie.�)
[19:22] <The_Blade> And the last thread on the talkpage has the rest of what we still need.
�02[19:23] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[19:23] <The_Blade> The biggest problem is the image issue; the AAAS has copyright on /everything/, and we already have one fair-use image, so we're trying to figure out if we can use a second.
[19:23] <Hahc21> I am reading early life
[19:23] <Hahc21> now
[19:23] <Hahc21> "Characteristics and personality" section
[19:24] <Hahc21> It seems very comprehensive
[19:24] <Hahc21> And the prose has not much issues, but some sentences and words would need a little rewording for GA
[19:24] <Hahc21> :)
�03[19:24] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:25] <The_Blade> Yeah, I know I've needed to deal with that.
[19:25] <The_Blade> I've never been criticized for being too pithy.
[19:25] <Hahc21> And I guess you'd never be
[19:25] <Hahc21> :)
[19:26] <The_Blade> Indeed.
[19:26] <The_Blade> Although admittedly, part of the problem is not being able to name certain people and part of is inherent in writing about linguistics; sometimes there's just not a better way to word some concepts.
�03[19:28] * goodjobby (1825e876@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:28] <Hahc21> I see
[19:28] <Hahc21> We are missing some names and I believe that it is because you were unable to find them
[19:28] <Hahc21> Which is reasonable
[19:30] <Hahc21> youcan take a look at the article I mentioned to you
[19:30] <Hahc21>
[19:31] <The_Blade> The names of Genie and her relatives are deliberately withheld; that was the consensus on the talkpage years before I got there, and I've gone to considerable lengths to keep them scrubbed.
�03[19:31] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:32] <The_Blade> I'm the absolute last person to cite "do no harm" for anything, but this case is probably the most obvious instance where it applies.
�06[19:32] * The_Blade now goes to look at the above-linked article...
�02[19:33] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
[19:33] <Hahc21> Oh
[19:33] <Hahc21> That explains the situation
�03[19:33] * heatherw ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:33] * heatherw ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[19:33] <The_Blade> I think I fixed the most egregious issue with the Characteristics and personality section; I can't say I remember writing it exactly that way, but it probably was me.
�02[19:34] * fox_wilson ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[19:34] <The_Blade> Genie's name isn't /impossible/ to find if you know how to look for it, but it's still very difficult; I learned it only so I'd notice and be able to remove it if people were trying to post it.
�03[19:34] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:35] <Hahc21> Okay
[19:35] <Hahc21> I see that it is done for protection
[19:36] <The_Blade> And I had to redact a /ton/ of stuff in the talkpage archive because some asshole decided to link his personal genealogy website containing her name about 1000 times.
�03[19:36] * Robitussin ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:37] <Hahc21> damn :S
[19:37] <Hahc21> I am pretty impressed
[19:37] <Hahc21> You have edited that page so much times
[19:37] <Hahc21> 562 times
�02[19:37] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
�02[19:38] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:38] <The_Blade> I wish I didn't have to use up so many revisions, but I can only use what I have in front of me and I'd rather add things as I go.
[19:39] <Hahc21> I understand
�03[19:39] * _OverlordQ (~OvrLrd-Q@2001:470:1f05:54d::3) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:39] * MJ|PingIfNeeded is now known as MJ94
[19:39] <Hahc21> I had a long time without seeing this kind of commitment to an article
�02[19:40] * demoness ( Quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.8 sic populo comunicated�)
�06[19:40] * The_Blade looks and suddenly realizes he's added 1000 bytes of text per day every day since December 21st, and did so on December 19th as well...
[19:40] <Hahc21> Yes
[19:40] <Hahc21> This kind of thinges are the ones who make me realize why I do stay on Wikipedia :)
[19:41] <The_Blade> I know the article is somewhat long, but I think that's justified by the fact that it's a biography and a case study rolled into one, and there's no way to split one from the other.
[19:41] <The_Blade> I'm not known for my inspirational abilities, but I'm glad to hear I'm a positive influence.
�03[19:41] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[19:42] <Hahc21> I was just struggling to find any reason to stay severla days ago
[19:42] <Hahc21> I was feeling very depressed because of an editing restriction that was enacted on me in November because a mistake i did
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[19:43] <The_Blade> I vaguely remember that situation; IIRC, i thought it was serious overkill.
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[19:43] <Hahc21> Did you see the thread at ANI?
[19:46] <The_Blade> Yeah.
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[19:47] <Hahc21> I was thinking about requesting it to be lifted, but I don't want to go through ANI again...
[19:47] <Hahc21> I fear that something worse could happen
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[19:48] <The_Blade> It usually helps if you go 3-6 months completely problem-free and can explain what you'll do differently; the community can be very forgiving.
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[19:49] <Hahc21> Three months have almost passed
[19:49] <Hahc21> And I have been free from problems my whole wikicareer apart from that issue
[19:49] <Vacation9> Happy SOPA day everybody :)
[19:49] <The_Blade> That'll work in your favor.
[19:49] <Hahc21> Which was an early NAC "keep" close which was later closed as keep by an admin
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[19:50] <Hahc21> And the user who thre me at ANI went and defied the admin's close and was later blocked by Dennis Brown :/
[19:50] <Vacation9> ANI discussion can get hot... I try to stay out of the intense stuff
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[19:50] <Hahc21> I just go at ANI sometimes
[19:51] <Hahc21> To give some help
[19:51] <Hahc21> But not much
[19:51] <The_Blade> Most admins say they're not willing to deal with the drama; I get bored if I'm *not* handling some thorny issue.
[19:51] <dewercs> :)
[19:51] <Vacation9> True, true...
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[19:51] <Hahc21> My work as a mediator on the Spanish Wikipedia takes a lot of time
[19:51] <Dcoetzee> I just avoid ANI altogether, but not because I'm drama averse. I'm actually really patient.
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[19:51] <Dcoetzee> It's more just that it's usually issues that don't seem very interesting.
[19:51] <The_Blade> Same thing with my article editing; I have to be /enthralled/ to sit and edit it.  All the articles I've added a meaningful amount to are subjects I truly care about and have an intense interest in.
[19:51] <Hahc21> I was just shocked by the Gimmetoo isue
[19:52] <Hahc21> I agree, I can't edit an article unless I have a connection with the topic
[19:52] <Hahc21> substantially edit*
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[19:52] <Dcoetzee> I think 90% of ANI discussions can be summed up as "Person A is being an idiot and violating some policy. Person B is being an idiot and fighting with them. Everybody loses."
[19:53] <Vacation9> Words_of_wisdom
[19:53] <The_Blade> I'm thinking of writing an essay on how to edit topics you're emotionally attached to; different from COI editing.
[19:53] <Vacation9> The_Blade: Good idea, we need something like that
[19:53] <The_Blade> Dcoetzee; yeah that's about it, the problem is that someone has to deal with it.
[19:53] <Hahc21> That will be good
[19:53] <Hahc21> Emotion makes you write pmpressive pieces of work
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[19:54] <Hahc21> For example
[19:54] <Dcoetzee> The_Blade: I agree, but it's hard to get motivated about. It's like being the judge of a small claims court.
[19:54] <Hahc21> This game
[19:54] <Hahc21>
[19:54] <Hahc21> Is the best game I have ever plaed
[19:54] <Hahc21> And it became a part of my life
[19:54] <Dcoetzee> You know the disputes are legitimate to someone, but also that they're petty and your decisions will never influence anything.
[19:54] <Dcoetzee> Maybe I'm a bit jaded :-P
[19:54] <The_Blade> That's why I do AE; there the disputes can /really/ have some impact on things.
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[19:54] <Dcoetzee> AE?
[19:54] <The_Blade> And they tend to involve very interesting subjects content-wise too.
[19:55] <Hahc21> Arbitration Enforcement
[19:55] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: I know. Also, most of the time the ANI reporters are also violating policy
[19:55] <Dcoetzee> Ahhh I see
[19:55] <Pink|Television> If an admin could deal with this quietly, it'd probably be for the best
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[19:55] <Hahc21> I am closer to you now Blade :P
[19:55] <The_Blade> Pink; I'll hit it.
[19:55] <Pink|Television> thanks :)
[19:55] <The_Blade> Doesn't meet any CSD criteria, but has exactly zero business on Wikipedia.
[19:55] <Vacation9> It might be G3
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[19:55] <Hahc21> I see it as a promo
[19:56] <Dcoetzee> I'm sorry but that's better going to AfD
[19:56] <Dcoetzee> I think a clear deletion precedent would be useful
[19:56] <Swob> yeah
[19:56] <Swob> it's an essay
[19:56] <Dcoetzee> I will nom it however
[19:56] <PinkAmpersand> Oh. ok. I was thinking I'd go with G3. More that I don't wanna cross some Truther notjob
[19:56] <Swob> 100% OR
[19:56] <Vacation9> oh well The Blade took care of it
[19:56] <Hahc21> It is OR
[19:56] <Swob> oh you changed your name
[19:56] <Swob> cool
[19:56] <Hahc21> And fall under the deletion policy
[19:56] <The_Blade> I almost put in my summary "Please post this at TinfoilhatWiki"
[19:56] <Hahc21> falls*
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[19:56] <PinkAmpersand> *nutjob
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[19:56] <Vacation9> 22:56, 18 January 2013 The Blade of the Northern Lights (talk | contribs) deleted page Targeted Individuals (Not an article)
[19:57] <Swob> wow
[19:57] <Dcoetzee> As long as he's not brutalising the CSD he can do all the out of process deletions he wants as far as I care:-P
[19:57] <Hahc21> #Fast
[19:57] <Vacation9> #TheBlade2013
[19:57] <Swob> #BladeGoesRouge
[19:58] <PinkAmpersand> I think politically sensitive stuff like that is best handled with as little drama as possible. Only reason I went IRCabal on this one.
[19:58] <Amqui>
[19:58] <Dcoetzee> I personally think stuff like this is best handled by an AfD decision that says "never make anything like this again or we will cut you" :-P
[19:58] <legoktm> '''Oppose''' spelled IRC cabal wrong. ~~~~
[19:58] <PinkAmpersand> :)
[19:58] <Hahc21> Hello Legoktm :)
[19:59] <legoktm> o/
[19:59] <Hahc21> Nice to see you
[19:59] <Dcoetzee> As it is it'll probably just get recreated
[19:59] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: I'm sure as a San Francisco hippie you can understand my personal grudge against people who give liberals a bad name.
[19:59] <Hahc21> If it is, we can take it to AFD
[19:59] <Vacation9> there doesn't need to be an AfD to salt
[19:59] <The_Blade> On that note, I now have to go watch Charlie Rose; hopefully I'll be back in around an hour.
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[19:59] <legoktm> there's enough salt on my sidewalk if needed >.>
[20:00] <Hahc21> Lol
[20:00] <Vacation9> #Nerd
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> Salting an article that never met any CSD would be very very unusual :-P
[20:00] <Vacation9> Well, you could argue G3 blatant hoax
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> No you couldn't. That's absurd.
[20:00] <Vacation9> but I agree it isn't OBVIOUS
[20:00] <legoktm> Or you just argue IAR.
[20:00] <PinkAmpersand> Let the deletion be a shot over the bow. Since it was out of process the guy can raise hell if he wants, but he'll only be delaying the inevitable NOTHERE block
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> I think there might even be a legitimate article on this topic, if the popular idea were discussed from an NPOV
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[20:01] <Hahc21> I don't believe such an idea to be discussed
[20:01] <Dcoetzee> Like "some crazy people think there is such a thing as Targeted Individuals and here are some shows where crazy people talked about it"
[20:01] <Hahc21> But that's my PO
[20:01] <Vacation9> Yes, I'd agree with an AFD in case of recreation
[20:01] <PinkAmpersand> well let's see how he plays it. that's always my philosophy with trolls.
[20:02] <PinkAmpersand> Vacation9: yeah. and that will get us a nice SNOW precedent to request salting if necessary
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> Yes exactly :-)
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> Need SNOW before you can apply SALT
[20:02] <Vacation9> Never realized that
[20:02] <Vacation9> :D
[20:03] <Dcoetzee> (the one chatroom in the universe where people get that joke)
[20:03] <PinkAmpersand> but this is why rouge admins are good. a little badass unilateral action avoids endless AFDs on utterly contemptible articles
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[20:03] <Vacation9> But if you know it's coming, you can apply SALT before SNOW so you don't need to deal with it after.
[20:03] <TParis> Dcoetzee: Your a sysop, right?
[20:03] <Dcoetzee> Yep
[20:03] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: lol that was funny.
[20:03] <TParis> k - night folks
[20:03] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: wow. is there an essay on that? i don't know if i'd agree with it, but it's too catchy not to write
[20:03] <starbuc> the problem is that "politically sensitive stuff like that" isn't always cut-and-dried. Who would believe the COINTELPRO stories if someone tried to include them with popular press sourcing?
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[20:04] <Dcoetzee> I think unilateral action is fine in cases where even a rewrite would be utterly hopeless
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[20:04] <Dcoetzee> Like say an article that is an essay comparing Fords to Hitler
[20:05] <PinkAmpersand> I have no problem confessing to a bias on this one. When people invoke 9/11 for their conspiracy theories, I see red.
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[20:05] <Vacation9> Yes, this is a sensitive topic
[20:05] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: To be fair we have an article on the 9/11 truther conspiracy theories
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[20:05] <GabrielF> a number of years ago I AfD'd about 50 9/11 truth related articles
[20:05] <Dcoetzee> Obviously not written as though those theories were true
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[20:06] <PinkAmpersand> a neutral, well-sourced one under severe arbcom sanctions
[20:06] <Dcoetzee> I'm just reluctant to zap any article that could potentially grow into a neutral well sourced article about the hoax
[20:06] <GabrielF> I got into a lot of trouble for this:
[20:07] <Hahc21> Damn
[20:07] <Hahc21> Comspiracy Noticeboard?
[20:07] <PinkAmpersand> but, yeah, if someone can get an article on this to pass WP:42, then I'm all for it
[20:07] <GabrielF> noticeboard was a poor choice of words
[20:07] <Dcoetzee> 42?
[20:07] <Hahc21> Interesting, though
[20:07] <Dcoetzee> Oh right
[20:08] <Dcoetzee> The only reason I was leaning towards "possible rewrite" in this case was because the article mentioned an episode of some TV show was about the topic
[20:08] <PinkAmpersand> speaking of which, gotta love a sense of humor
[20:08] <Dcoetzee> Which is, um, a possible independent source at least
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[20:08] <Hahc21> Still talking about the deleted article?
[20:08] <Hahc21> :)
[20:08] <Dcoetzee> Wooo Wikidata
[20:09] <PinkAmpersand> Q2012 is arguably better, actually
[20:09] <PinkAmpersand> (Mayan calendar)
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[20:10] <Dcoetzee> Incidentally, watching my bot edit song articles, I start to question how much the flat namespace of Wikipedia makes sense
[20:10] <Dcoetzee> Like should [[Flowing]] really be about a song by 311?
[20:10] <Dcoetzee> When I found it it didn't even have a hatnote for any physical concept
[20:10] <PinkAmpersand> ouch
[20:11] <GabrielF> this brings back memories:
[20:12] <legoktm>
[20:12] <Dcoetzee> Ha
[20:12] <legoktm> oh and
[20:12] <Dcoetzee> A list with a name like that can only be a giant troll magnet
[20:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I heard commons decided to make me the ultimate master
[20:12] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Huh?
[20:12] <PinkAmpersand> GabrielF: look up the book "9/11 Deception" if you want a good laugh
[20:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> then I woke up from the nightmare
[20:13] <Dcoetzee> Master?
[20:13] <GabrielF> IIRC ncluded everything from the assassination of Julius Caesar
[20:13] <GabrielF>  
[20:13] <GabrielF> ugh
[20:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee isnt this horible story telling? where you make the entire plot a dream?
[20:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so why does holywood do it?
[20:13] <GabrielF> the list of proven conspiracies included everything from the assassination of Julius Caesar to the present day
[20:13] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: TropesAreNotBad
[20:13] <Dcoetzee>
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[20:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> GabrielF I thought Julis Caesar was actually not killed but ejected and he started a fast food chain
[20:14] <GabrielF> Little Caesars?
[20:15] <Dcoetzee> That's not true it was actually started by his immortal son who was frozen by aliens to protect him from Augustus
[20:15] <Swob> lol
[20:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> GabrielF exactly!
[20:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he is buying back the world one little caesar at a time
[20:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if only he ruled rome with that chain rather than with an iron fist
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[20:16] <PinkAmpersand> legoktm: {{Talkback}}
[20:16] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: It can be no coincidence that the pizza came out of Italy
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[20:17] <Dcoetzee> It was all part of his grand plan
[20:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee you are catching on!
[20:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
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�06[20:17] * PinkAmpersand suddenly wants to go re-watch Ides of March, even if Clooney doesn't know shit about politics
[20:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Anime sorted last
[20:17] <Dcoetzee> Heh
[20:17] <Dcoetzee> I've never seen Zoobles
[20:18] <Dcoetzee> It looks extremely pink
[20:18] <Dcoetzee> But hey I like MLP, maybe it'd be good
[20:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <- most unfortunately named company?
[20:19] <Dcoetzee> I think it's pronounced "deek" :-P
[20:19] <PinkAmpersand> ToAruShiroiNeko: that would be the Royal Bank of Scotland's infamous
[20:19] <Dcoetzee> Don't forget (the domain name for Pen Island)
[20:20] <PinkAmpersand> no, scratch that, was worse
[20:20] <Swob> "Mole Station Nursery"
[20:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee tell that to the girl stating the logo
[20:20] <Swob> they finally changed their name after they realized the jokes were never going to stop
[20:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Diffusion, Information et Communication
[20:20] <Dcoetzee>
[20:20] <Dcoetzee> There's a trope for this too
[20:21] <Swob> yeah theres like 50 of them
[20:21] <PinkAmpersand> [[Who put the cunt in Scunthorpe]]
[20:24] <Dcoetzee> "" is a fun one
[20:24] <Dcoetzee> It's actually a law firm, Ferreth and Jobs
[20:24] <PinkAmpersand> I won't go into details, lest I make stalking me any easier than it already is, but suffice it to say I had a teacher whose school website contained the full string "orgasmic". no joke.
[20:24] <PinkAmpersand> (with a few punctuation marks in the middle)
[20:25] <Dcoetzee> I'm pretty sure this is actually a joke site since they sell T shirts of their domain name
[20:26] <D_> I feel like there should be somewhere on the Internet where you could look up if they're legit or not
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[20:26] <D_> but unfortunately, with things like this googling them will just give you 200 webpages saying "haha guys look this is funny"
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[20:27] <Dcoetzee> Yup the problem with Google
[20:27] <D_> It's like trying to research the origin of a widely reposted image or photo
[20:27] <D_> It might as well not have one past a certain point
[20:27] <Dcoetzee> D_: To be fair Know Your Meme does exactly that sort of thing pretty successfully
[20:28] <Dcoetzee> But they seem to do it by word of mouth more than by Google power
[20:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee dont you love it when I come in and blow away the annoying topic?
[20:28] <Dcoetzee> I almost never look at the topic :-P
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[20:29] <GabrielF> sadly the kickstarter project to introduce a tail that you wear that wags when you get excited did not meet its funding goal:
[20:29] <PinkAmpersand> From TVTropes: "The Avengers is rated PG-13, but the amount of language is pretty light. And then Loki, baiting Natasha, calls her a "mewling quim", a rather archaic term pretty much equivalent to Country Matters." <- I thought I was the only one who got that!
[20:30] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Yup :-) GettingCrapPastTheRadar through archaisms
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[20:30] <PinkAmpersand> Gregory Fucking Chaucer
[20:30] <Dcoetzee> GabrielF: Awww I liked that one. I thought there would be enough furries to get it off the ground
[20:30] <GabrielF> they already have tail buttplugs
[20:30] <PinkAmpersand> "and then he went and grabbed her by the quim. He threw himself upon her with all his might. It was her merriest fit in all her life."
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[20:31] <D_> Now we have to wait until medical science is a at a point where they can vat grow them and transplant them on people
[20:31] <PinkAmpersand> ^managed to quote that in an essay in 9th grade
[20:31] <Dcoetzee> You can bet when body mod reaches that point some people will want fur and tails and whatnot
[20:32] <PinkAmpersand> anyone here watch Justified?
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[20:33] <D_> Hm
[20:33] <LtNOWIS-mobile> No
[20:33] <D_> I watched it until the end of season 2
[20:33] <D_> and apparently totally forgot about it after that
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[20:34] <PinkAmpersand> Aww. Well, at the start of this season one of the hookers got high and unloaded a revolver into a john dressed as a bear. 'Nuff said.
[20:35] <GabrielF> do they have to dry clean those fur suits or are they machine washable?
[20:35] <D_> They just bathe in them
[20:36] <GabrielF> I was afraid that might be the answer
[20:36] <Amqui>
[20:36] <D_> Well, I assume it is
[20:36] <D_> As a way of assuming the worst
[20:37] <GabrielF> well the worst would be that they don't even attempt to clean them
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[20:41] <Jasper_Deng> Dcoetzee, The_Blade: - needs attention
[20:41] <Jasper_Deng> Swob ^
[20:42] <Amqui> I gave it attention
[20:42] <Jasper_Deng> not the kind I wanted
[20:42] <Amqui> oh
[20:42] <PinkAmpersand> legoktm: Really slow day reviewing-wise, or Legobot on the fritz? (re #wikipedia-en-pc)
[20:43] <Dcoetzee> Jasper_Deng: I can't relaly tell what's going on there
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[20:43] <legoktm> PinkAmpersand: ill check
[20:44] <Jasper_Deng_away> Dcoetzee: mass troll attack
[20:44] <Jasper_Deng_away> though another admin's on it it seems
�03[20:44] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:44] * JD|cloud|busy is now known as JD|cloud|away
[20:45] <legoktm> PinkAmpersand: oh it got stuck. restarting
[20:45] <PinkAmpersand> Jasper_Deng_away: I've seen that troll before. Such an odd thing to always say.
�03[20:45] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee so why often do you talk here :)
[20:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> commons too dead for you :p
[20:46] <Dcoetzee> Pretty much
[20:46] <Dcoetzee> Commons is a damn ghost town
[20:46] <Dcoetzee> We have like one active forum and you're lucky to get a reply there
[20:46] <Dcoetzee> IRC not much better
[20:46] <PinkAmpersand> oh, also, Jasper_Deng_away, I stupidly used the {{Delete}} template on this instead of just RFDing the right way. Mind taking a look?
�06[20:47] * PinkAmpersand aims to obtain an out of process deletion on every wiki he's active on before the night is through
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[20:49] <D_> As long as it's not to prove a point you're within the letter of the guideline
[20:50] <PinkAmpersand> Huntley: Seems Jasper's away. You haven't gotten yourself desysopped on WIkidata yet, right? ;)
�02[20:50] * Moe_Epsilon (~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[20:51] <Dcoetzee> Wikidata has sysops already?
[20:52] <Dcoetzee> I thought they were still only importing translations, what is there to do?
[20:52] <PinkAmpersand> yeah. there's intermittent talk of crats
[20:52] <D_> They're live on Hungarian wikipedia
[20:52] <PinkAmpersand> delete duplicates, the occasional spambot block
[20:52] <D_> presumably they don't want every article interwikied to en:Penis
[20:52] <Dcoetzee> I guess :-P
[20:52] <PinkAmpersand> semi-protect the main page ;)
[20:52] <Addshore-W> lol
[20:52] <wctaiwan> sounds like great fun :)
[20:53] <wctaiwan> PinkAmpersand: that's quite a fashionable nickname you got there.
�06[20:53] * SigmaWP waves to wctaiwan 
[20:53] <wctaiwan> hey sigma.
[20:53] <D_> Disappointingly, wikidata isn't even on the first page of my google results yet
�03[20:53] * fumika (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:53] <PinkAmpersand> figure I'll run on WIkidata in a month or so. Just because I can never seem to track an admin down when I need one.
[20:54] <PinkAmpersand> wctaiwan: thanks! old one was too long :P
[20:54] <Dcoetzee> I like Wikidata but until they actually open it up to interesting tables beyond translations I wouldn't be able to do much there...
[20:54] <Dcoetzee> They already have bots for that stuff too
[20:54] <D_> Well, there's the short descriptions to add
[20:54] <D_> which generally require a human
[20:54] <D_> as they're meant to disambiguate
�03[20:54] * Mkdw (~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:55] <PinkAmpersand> it's fairly interesting if you want something simple and peaceful. also, the bots can't add descriptions or anything, or even learn to put some stuff in lowercase, so there's a lot of stuff needing human attention
�02[20:55] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:55] <Dcoetzee> I'ma wait for it to open up :-P
[20:56] <PinkAmpersand> speaking of which, legoktm, you never told me if you'd be interested in writing a lowercase bot for wikidata
[20:56] <legoktm> I can, but I'm rather busy right now
[20:56] <legoktm> Talk to me in an hour or something
[20:56] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: Yeah. well you're already an admin here, so you don't need to build up much credibility there to get sysopped.
[20:56] <PinkAmpersand> legoktm:  will do
[20:57] <Dcoetzee> I ain't no hat collector. There's nothing to *do* there. :-P
[20:57] <PinkAmpersand> my point is it'll be there for you whenever you want it :P
[20:57] <Dcoetzee> Okay :-)
[20:57] <Dcoetzee> New news story: "How vandals are destroying Wikipedia from the inside"
[20:57] <Dcoetzee> (seriously)
[20:58] <SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: lol
[21:00] <PinkAmpersand> haha Stephen Glass. I have a salad bowl he bought.
�06[21:00] * PinkAmpersand is namedropping, but that *is* one of his more interesting brushes with fame
[21:00] <Dcoetzee> Someone explain t me why this article is assaulting Legolas2186? Did he have an Arbcom case or something?
[21:01] <Dcoetzee> Ah there it is
[21:01] <Dcoetzee> Blocked upon review of outstanding claims of fabrication of sources and quotes
[21:01] <SigmaWP> Ah
[21:02] <Swob> people who name themselves after elves seem to end up getting blocked sooner or later
[21:02] <wctaiwan> strange observation, that.
[21:02] <PinkAmpersand> well, at least their reference to Glass acknowledged that it wasn't my dad's fault
[21:03] <Dcoetzee> And he was on ANI too
[21:03] <PinkAmpersand> "And like Stephen Glass, The New Republic reporter who slipped pure fiction past his editors by falsifying his notes, it's easier to corrupt the system when you know it from the inside."
[21:04] <Dcoetzee> Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/IncidentArchive780#False_references_and_BLP_misquotes:_block_user_as_hoaxer.3F
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�02[21:04] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[21:05] <Dcoetzee> Okay done digging up links for the Signpost, I'll see what they do with it
�02[21:05] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Quit: I could see a thousand dancing hamsters on the checkuser results and still think they were sockpuppets�)
[21:06] <Dcoetzee> Hyperbolic headlines are always entertaining :-P
�02[21:06] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[21:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how can a headline be shaped like a hyperbola?
[21:07] <Dcoetzee> Hyperbolic = adj form of both hyperbole and hyperbola
�03[21:07] * FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
[21:07] <wctaiwan> English is silly like that.
[21:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee semantics...
[21:07] <wctaiwan> "Boeing’s Dreamliner batteries “inherently unsafe”—and yours may be too"
[21:08] <wctaiwan> ^ example of a hyperbolic headline
�03[21:08] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:08] <Dcoetzee> Yup :-P
�02[21:08] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0/20130104151925]�)
[21:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but wouldnt it be awesome if the hyperbolic headline was shaped like a hyperbola?
[21:08] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Sure we could use more curvy headlines :-P
[21:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <3
[21:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mathgasm!
�03[21:09] * Swob is now known as {soap|bed}
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[21:09] <Dcoetzee> Wooo LyricsBot approaching 1000 edits
[21:09] <Dcoetzee> You can do it!
[21:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not over 9000
[21:10] <wctaiwan> what does that do?
[21:10] <wctaiwan> speaking of hyperboles, I'm still waiting for to come back :(
�03[21:10] * Riley|Sleep is now known as Riley
[21:10] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: At the moment just links articles on songs to a site that (legally) hosts lyrics for them.
[21:10] <wctaiwan> ah.
[21:11] <Dcoetzee> This was my response to all of the people in the AFT5 feedback whining that we don't have lyrics
[21:11] <ihaveamac> I found some test TLDs
�02[21:11] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[21:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee at least its not ATF
[21:11] <Amqui> when do you know you are wikipediholic?
[21:12] <Dcoetzee> Amqui: When you refresh your watchlist for the third time and still nothing has changed?
[21:12] <Amqui> done XD
[21:12] <Dcoetzee> ;-)
[21:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ATF is Anime Transformers Funimation right?
[21:12] <Amqui> in four different projects at a time
[21:12] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee happens to me quite a lot :(
[21:12] <Dcoetzee> Nicely done :-P I hope you were at least using refresh all tabs
[21:13] <wctaiwan> if you're here, you're probably already beyond help, wikipediholic-wise.
[21:13] <wctaiwan> just sayin'.
[21:13] <Amqui> is it worst if I refresh the Recent changes of the whole project and nothing changes?
[21:13] <Vacation9> wctaiwan: sadly.
[21:13] <Dcoetzee> Amqui: Yes :-P Although on En that ought to be impossible
[21:13] <Amqui> oh barely checking my watchlist on en
[21:13] <Amqui> enough ppl to take care of it
[21:13] <Dcoetzee> Amqui: What browser do you use?
[21:13] <Amqui> Chrome
[21:13] <Amqui> why?
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> Amqui:
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> errr
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> Wrong link
[21:14] <Dcoetzee>
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> Reload All Tabs extension :-)
[21:14] <Amqui> what?
[21:14] <Amqui> refresh you mean?
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> Yup
[21:14] <Amqui> lol
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> Just CTRL+SHIFT+R
[21:14] <Amqui> so you are wikiholic too :P
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> ;-)
[21:15] <Amqui> we should create a support group where we sit around and talk about our dependance
[21:15] <ihaveamac> someone asked me to delete an image if I'm an admin
[21:15] <ihaveamac> can an actual admin take a look?
[21:15] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Sure
[21:15] <ihaveamac>
[21:16] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Tell them to replace it in the article with their new image. Then this image will automatically be deleted as orphaned after 7 days.
[21:16] <Dcoetzee> (or possibly less)
[21:17] <ihaveamac> "If you want, you can remove it from the article it's on, or replace it with a new image you want to upload. After the current image [[:File:Alibabavum 40 Thirudargalum Audio.jpg]] is not used for 7 days, it will be deleted. ~~~~"
[21:17] <ihaveamac> that?
[21:17] <Dcoetzee> Sounds good
[21:17] <Pharos> Dcoetzee: do you know about free online legal databases?
[21:18] <Dcoetzee> Pharos: Not a damn thing sorry :-)
[21:18] <Pharos> ok, thx :P
[21:18] <ihaveamac> also, I found a site that ICANN was testing with
�03[21:18] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
�03[21:18] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[21:18] <ihaveamac> http://xn--hxajbheg2az3al.xn--jxalpdlp/
�03[21:18] * nebbulae (~PEzhM72MG@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:19] <wolfgang42> How'd you find *that*?
[21:19] <ihaveamac> Wikipedia
[21:19] <ihaveamac>
[21:19] <Jasper_Deng> PinkAmpersand: deleted, and user blocked
[21:19] <ihaveamac> we've seen .com, .net, .org, .tk, but .xn--kgbechtv ?
[21:19] <Dcoetzee> Arggggh I can't figure out if this website is copyvio or not
[21:20] <wctaiwan> Jasper_Deng: ever going to run for sysop?
[21:20] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee: the site itself or if the text of the site is copyrighted and it's used somewhere on wikipedia?
�03[21:20] * Addshore-W is now known as addshore
[21:20] <Vacation9> if an article copies the website then yes I think
[21:20] <Vacation9> it says Written by Dewey Bunnell, ©1971
[21:20] <Dcoetzee> No that's not what I mean
[21:21] <Dcoetzee> I'm trying to figure out if the site is using that content without a license
[21:21] <PinkAmpersand> Jasper_Deng: thanks :) that Wikidata's, what, 15th block to date?
[21:21] <Jasper_Deng> actually like its 40th
[21:21] <Dcoetzee> In which case it shouldn't be linked to
[21:21] <Amqui> Dcoetzee I`ve just created three articles about inhabited islands, I'm not that bad yet...
[21:21] <wolfgang42> ihaveamac: It makes a lot more sense as δοκιμή.
[21:21] <PinkAmpersand> oh :P
[21:21] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: It says it's copyrighted by the author, seems legit
[21:21] <Amqui> unhabited*
[21:22] <Dcoetzee> Vacation9: Maybe... but says it is the "America Fans web site"
[21:22] <PinkAmpersand> blocked for what, btw? did he do something after creating the username or something? or did i just miss something in the content?
[21:22] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: almost certainly a copyvio I think :/
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[21:22] <ihaveamac> also, in the site I said above, it uses MW 1.10.1
[21:22] <wctaiwan> as you said, it's a fansite.
[21:22] <Vacation9> OH didn't realize it's lyrics
[21:22] <Dcoetzee> But the article links to the same site's main page and says "Official America fan page"
[21:22] <Dcoetzee> If it's really "official" then it might be licensing the content....
[21:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee wouldnt ATF work better if it had Transformers?
[21:23] <Dcoetzee> Although I've never heard of an "official" fansite before
[21:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I heard many officially unofficial fansites
[21:26] <Dcoetzee> The site at a subdomain of the same domain has a blog advertising their holiday album
[21:27] <Dcoetzee> But their terms of use say "This website is in no way affiliated nor endorsed by the music organization known by the name "America," nor it's business affiliates."
�06[21:27] * Dcoetzee facepalms
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[21:27] <Dcoetzee> I'm just going to delete the links. Burden is on the person who wants to add them
[21:28] <Vacation9> who else is bored when there's no vandalism to revert like now? :P
[21:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I thought americas backstage was north dakota
[21:28] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: the site is linked to from the official website. I'd say it's probably illegal but basically condoned.
[21:28] <ihaveamac> a IP just tried to nominate an article for deletion
[21:28] <Dcoetzee> Vacation9: You could look for vandalism on Commons or something instead :-)
[21:28] <ihaveamac> but can't create the discussion page
[21:28] <wctaiwan> as are the sites that copy wikipedia without giving a link back, etc.
[21:28] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: Hmmm I see
[21:29] <ihaveamac>
[21:29] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: I don't have much experience with non-enwiki Wikimedia projects. I tried simple, but it's so... different... I'm just not used to it.
[21:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Washington (CNN) -- Airport body scanners that produce graphic images of travelers' bodies will be removed from checkpoints by June, the Transportation Security Administration says, ending what critics called "virtual strip searches."
�02[21:30] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[21:30] <Dcoetzee> Well that's one piece of security theatre disassembled
[21:30] <Dcoetzee> Why do I fear they have two new ones to replace it
[21:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee but but
[21:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it would have been a source of commons images
[21:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TSA is a federal agency right?
[21:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so photos are PD-US gov
[21:31] <Vacation9> @_@
[21:31] <Dcoetzee> I think the community would soundly reject the use of those images even if they're PD :-P
[21:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> [[Category:TSA photos of people]]
[21:31] <Dcoetzee> And good luck getting photos of *anything* anywhere near the TSA
[21:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee thats easy, hacking :3
[21:32] <Dcoetzee> I got lectured last time at the airport for taking pics in the general vicinity of the security checkpoint
[21:32] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: REALLY?
[21:32] <wolfgang42> What do I do about a claimed sockpuppet?
[21:32] <Dcoetzee> Yeah I have a blog post about it. They were pretty terrible.
[21:32] <wctaiwan> TSA is generally terrible ><
[21:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I walk through checkpoints with multiple pocket knives multiple times
[21:32] <Vacation9> wolfgang42: If it's a duck, maybe ANI, if not, SPI
[21:32] <Dcoetzee> With me they were like, "Hmm so you're from Berkeley... you haven't been involved in those protests, have you?"
[21:32] <wctaiwan> thefts, invasion of privacy, manhandling people, disrespect of basic civil rights.
[21:33] <wctaiwan> LOL
[21:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think people should be required to be naked at airports
[21:33] <wolfgang42> To clarify: Someone in yu__ in #wikipedia-en-help just said:
[21:33] <Dcoetzee> To which the proper response was "why the fuck is that relevant" but I just said "no"
[21:33] <wolfgang42> [00:30:23] <yu__> a sock of mauricio80 has surfaced
[21:33] <wolfgang42> [00:30:27] <yu__> Unistre34
[21:33] <wolfgang42> [00:31:15] <yu__> 2014 EAFF U-20 East Asian Cup is a hoax
[21:33] <wolfgang42> [00:31:31] <yu__> and
[21:33] <wolfgang42> [00:31:34] <yu__> are also sockpuppets
[21:33] <wolfgang42> [00:33:13] <yu__> 2014 Peace Cup is fake as well
[21:33] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: dammit :p
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee the TSA can be used as a flotation device in the event of a water landing
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they are full of that much hot air
[21:34] <Dcoetzee> To be fair I was surrounded by like 4 officers
[21:34] <Dcoetzee> And they were being deliberately intimidating
[21:34] <Vacation9> I would talk to yu__ about it and possibly talk to them about SPI or make one yourself
[21:34] <Dcoetzee> So I didn't feel like causing trouble
[21:34] <Amqui> loll that`s wikiholic : edit conflict with myself :O
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee why not intimidate them back with your sysop rights
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> block their accounts!
[21:34] <Vacation9> :O
[21:34] <Dcoetzee> ...I don't think... that works in the real world :-P
[21:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you cant know if you try
[21:35] <Amqui> this is the realo world
[21:35] <Amqui> real*
[21:35] <Dcoetzee> That is to say, I don't think that works with people who have never heard of Wikipedia :-P
[21:35] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: do they carry weapons?
[21:35] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: Yup lemme find my post
[21:35] <Amqui> what you think the real world is facebook??
[21:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee their faces are weappons
[21:35] <wctaiwan> ineffective weapons.
[21:36] <Amqui> words are a weapon
[21:36] <Amqui> according to some hipster counsellor at school
�06[21:36] * wctaiwan throws an oxford dictionary at Amqui 
[21:36] <Amqui> lol
[21:36] <Amqui> numbers too... throw NYC phone book :P
[21:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[21:36] <Pharos> i thought hipsters used steam-lasers as weapons
[21:37] <Amqui> hippies
[21:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos I thought they had hip surgery all the time
[21:37] <Amqui> samething
[21:37] <Dcoetzee>
[21:37] <Dcoetzee> There is my posttt
[21:37] <Pharos> NYC has 5 phonebooks!
[21:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oakland has an airport?
[21:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> news to me?
[21:37] <Pharos> one for each borough
[21:37] <Amqui> Dcoetzee can run?
[21:37] <Pharos> they were pretty fat all the same :P
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[21:37] <Dcoetzee> I can but that's not the intended meaning here :-P
[21:38] <Dcoetzee> That was from memory so it might not be complete
[21:39] <Dcoetzee> But I do distinctly remember them asking me if I was involved in the protests, saying that I "should be old enough to remember 9/11", and generally being total dicks.
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[21:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I remember 9/11 = 0.818182
[21:41] <Amqui> Dcoetzee it works less in oral
[21:41] <Amqui> oups ToAruShiroiNeko
�02[21:41] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[21:41] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: a digital camera with no photos on it is _really_ suspicious.
[21:41] <wctaiwan> Just sayin'.
[21:42] <Dcoetzee> There were plenty of photos on it :-P I was taking pics in the airport because I was bored.
[21:42] <Dcoetzee> Luggage turnstyles, ticket trays, that kind of thing
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee you could have taken photos of your seat cussion
[21:42] <BlastHardcheese> sounds like terrorism, they should have waterboarded you
[21:42] <wctaiwan> was in response to "In retrospect I’d have felt a lot better if I’d brought my card reader so I could have moved them all to my encrypted hard disk and reformatted the card, or some similarly paranoid procedure."
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BlastHardcheese do you always have to troll?
[21:42] <Dcoetzee> Oh right
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dont you have days off?
[21:42] <Amqui> Dcoetzee
[21:43] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: I don't think a camera with no pics when you're *departing* is suspicious in the least.
[21:43] <BlastHardcheese> no, I am chained to a computer in some guy's basement
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee not really
[21:43] <Dcoetzee> Presumably the camera is for taking pics when I'm actually at my destination
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BlastHardcheese I thought you were a computer
[21:43] <QueenOfFrance> taking pictures? with a camera? outrageous I say!
[21:43] <BlastHardcheese> Stop all the downloadin!
[21:44] <Dcoetzee> BlastHardcheese: You wouldn't download a car!
[21:44] <Amqui> what protest anyway?
[21:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I bet they do not ban 3'd printers on board planes
[21:44] <Shearonink> Dcoetzee: that's a great tumblr
[21:44] <Dcoetzee> Shearonink: I barely update it :-P
[21:45] <Shearonink> i liked that post
[21:45] <Dcoetzee> Amqui: There was a rather infamous protest at Berkeley about that time related to the Occupy movement where campus police like attacked a bunch of kids without provocation
[21:45] <Shearonink> we're all guilty until proven innocent
[21:45] <Amqui> ok
[21:45] <Shearonink> Dcoetzee: didn't someone get beaten?
[21:45] <wctaiwan> recently we had a student / social activists protest incident at our uni
[21:45] <Dcoetzee> Yeah I forget the details
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[21:45] <Amqui> lol the whole province of Quebec got crazy with student protest
[21:46] <Dcoetzee> Shearonink: Thx for compliment though
[21:46] <wctaiwan> people (myself included) didn't like that the uni decided to call in the cops
[21:46] <Amqui> they changed the dates for the semester at all universities because of that
[21:46] <BlastHardcheese> well they're french, they protest like everything
[21:46] <wctaiwan> (they didn't actually _do_ anything, just held placards warning the protestors that what they were doing was illegal and they may be arrested)
[21:46] <Amqui> now it's the Natives who protest everywhere in Canada
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[21:47] <BlastHardcheese> was this in canada
[21:47] <BlastHardcheese> because that sounds so canadian
[21:47] <QueenOfFrance> lol
[21:47] <wctaiwan> one of the profs cited how the campus police at berkeley also intervened in protests.
[21:47] <wctaiwan> …we have an odd admiration for berkeley here.
[21:47] <Amqui> oh and people on unemployment-aid
[21:48] <Amqui> lol campus police xD
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[21:48] <Amqui> in their golf car?
[21:48] <wctaiwan> our campus police is completely ineffective
[21:49] <wctaiwan> they called in actual cops from outside
[21:49] <Amqui> they are good to give parking tickets
[21:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee there is something about all these "security measures" that really dont work
[21:49] <Amqui> that's about it
[21:49] <wolfgang42> Dcoetzee: I just read your article. Great story.
[21:49] <Dcoetzee> wolfgang42: Thx... at the time I was terribly intimidated and not much of a badass, which would have made it a better story :-)
[21:50] <wolfgang42> Being able to spout technobabble can be a great asset
[21:50] <Amqui> lol
[21:50] <wctaiwan> (the campus police consists of like 5 people who just patrol the campus, who are known for telling people to ignore incidents of theft if the stolen item (generally bikes) is later found again)
[21:50] <Dcoetzee> In certain situations yup :-P
�03[21:50] * PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|away
[21:51] <Amqui> 5 people looks like the whole police workforce of the region here :P
[21:51] <wctaiwan> heh
[21:51] <Dcoetzee> Probably the only other time I've been deliberately intimidated by authorities was when I went to cross the border to Canada in Detroit.
[21:51] <Amqui> it's called the middle-of-nowhere, Canada
[21:51] <Dcoetzee> And one of the agents searching my car said, "What would you say if I told you we found marijuana in your vehicle?"
[21:51] <wctaiwan> let me guess, Newfoundland?
[21:51] <Amqui> lol that's not in the middle
[21:52] <Amqui> newfoundland is beside the middle-of-nowhere
[21:52] <wctaiwan> a canadian once responded "it's great… if you're Amish"
[21:52] <wctaiwan> heh.
[21:52] <Amqui> lol there is actually a lot of Amish-like communities around here
[21:52] <Amqui> they are hutterite and mennonite though, not amish
[21:52] <Shearonink> heh to the 'it's great is you're amish"
[21:52] <wctaiwan> wilful rejection of technology?
[21:53] <Amqui> yep they live in colonies
[21:53] <Shearonink> not all technology
[21:53] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: To be fair everybody willfully rejects *some* technology
[21:53] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: did you have weed in the vehicle? :P
[21:53] <Shearonink> they don;t reject all technology
[21:53] <Amqui> they build big buildings where they all live
[21:53] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: I've never smoked or had anyone smoke anywhere near my car :-P
�02[21:53] * lbft ( Quit (Quit: Bye�)
[21:53] <Amqui> but they aren't as bad as the extreme amish for technology
[21:53] <Dcoetzee> He was just making shit up to test my reaction
[21:53] <Amqui> they go shop at Walmart lol
[21:53] <wctaiwan> heh.
[21:54] <wctaiwan> I'd like to think I'm the kind of person security would just wave through.
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[21:54] <Dcoetzee> I also got turned back at the Canada border once
[21:54] <wctaiwan> o_O
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> Because I couldn't remember my girlfriend's age
[21:54] <Amqui> ppl around here got really angry at them back in the days, cause they were buying all the lands, and importing their own stuff from other provinces so it`s cheaper
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> And they didn't believe I wasn't making her up
[21:54] <Amqui> they are actually pretty rich
[21:54] <Atethnekos> I crossed the same place Dcoetzee, with my brother.  They made us pull over to the side and then they grabbed him and started pulling at his clothes, tucking his shirt in, pulling his pants up, doing up his collar, and they were berating him for not being all put together.  he had been driving for 9 hours straight.
[21:55] <Atethnekos> Windsor-Detroit i mean.
[21:55] <Shearonink> which side was this Atethnekos ?
[21:55] <Dcoetzee> Atethnekos: I got that too... drove for 12 hours and I was like "I was tired, I'm not gonna remember all that stuff" and they weren't buying it
[21:55] <Shearonink> US or Canadian...
�06[21:55] * Shearonink is confused
[21:55] <Amqui> it`s easy after all, when you own acres and acres nowadays, oil companies comes to build a little oil-pump of let say 500m2 and they pay you like 30k$ a year
[21:55] <Atethnekos> Entering Detroit.
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[21:55] <Dcoetzee> Windsor-Detroit yeah. On the Windsor side for me.
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[21:55] <Dcoetzee> I never have any trouble entering the US cause, you know "Oh hi an American come right in"
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[21:56] <Amqui> I never had any trouble either, but always using my green passport :P
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> The Canadians always seemed to think I was planning to sneak into the country and never come back
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[21:56] <Amqui> lol
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> And also that I was smuggling drugs
[21:56] <Amqui> do you look Pakies?
[21:57] <wctaiwan> Pakies?
[21:57] <Dcoetzee> Also last time I entered Canada they said I'm on some kind of "always detain for questioning" list now
[21:57] <SigmaWP> Pakies?
[21:57] <Amqui> ppl from pakistan
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[21:57] <Amqui> or around
[21:57] <SigmaWP> WindoZent
[21:58] <SigmaWP> ^ What I read
[21:58] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: cut that hair and put on a suit :P
[21:58] <Amqui> pakies are to Canada what mexicans are to US
[21:58] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: That's exactly what I did the next time I visited
�03[21:58] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:58] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: I wasn't taking no chances
[21:58] <wctaiwan> no trouble then eh?
[21:58] <Dcoetzee> Nope
[21:58] <wctaiwan> hee :p
�02[21:59] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[21:59] <Sven_Manguard> Hello. Anyone here good at image edting? I want something lightened/rebalanced
[21:59] <Amqui> they call them pakies, but most of them are actually from south-east Asia XD
[21:59] <Dcoetzee> Sven_Manguard: Linky?
[21:59] <wctaiwan> hey Sven
[21:59] <Sven_Manguard>
[21:59] <Sven_Manguard> hey wctaiwan
[21:59] <wctaiwan> (was going to offer but Dcoetzee is probably more competent)
[21:59] <Dcoetzee> Sven_Manguard: Unsalvagable, too noisy
[21:59] <Sven_Manguard> Ah, foo
[22:00] <Dcoetzee> It can be brightened but it would have to be blurred quite a bit
[22:00] <Dcoetzee> And it would only look good in thumbnail
[22:00] <wctaiwan> er wtf
[22:00] <wctaiwan> are you sure the uploader is the twitter user?
[22:01] <wctaiwan> er
[22:01] <wctaiwan> flickr
[22:01] <wctaiwan> the flickr page says all rights reserved
[22:01] <Shearonink> yeah
[22:02] <wctaiwan> how do you know?
[22:02] <Dcoetzee> Single upload account. I'm skeptical.
[22:03] <wctaiwan> Sven_Manguard?
[22:03] <Sven_Manguard> I have no idea
[22:03] <Dcoetzee> I'm nomming it for deletion anyway.
�02[22:03] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[22:03] <Sven_Manguard> okay
[22:03] <Sven_Manguard> that works
[22:04] <The_Anonymouse> it's been around since 2008 and hasn't been caught? Or has the license on flickr changed recently? hmm...
[22:04] <wctaiwan> it's not a bot upload, so no way to check.
[22:05] <The_Anonymouse> but there's a bot on Commons that finds that kind of stuff, right?
[22:05] <Dcoetzee> The_Anonymouse: Nope, no copyvio detection bots currently
[22:05] <Dcoetzee> We needs some
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[22:06] <Sven_Manguard> Dcoetzee: the issue is with Google, yes?
[22:06] <wctaiwan> would be great if only there was a coder, oh look :P
[22:06] <The_Anonymouse> Dcoetzee: There's
[22:06] <Sven_Manguard> they're being twats about their API?
�06[22:06] * wctaiwan eyes Dcoetzee 
[22:06] <Dcoetzee> I've got 3000 files left to review for Google Art Project, I'm not writing another bot yet.
[22:07] <wctaiwan> The_Anonymouse: that doesn't detect copyvios, just checks if the licence listed is the same as the licence on twitter, no?
[22:07] <Dcoetzee> *Flickr
[22:07] <wctaiwan> …yeah why do I keep saying that
[22:07] <wctaiwan> flickr, of course.
[22:07] <The_Anonymouse> wctaiwan: but shouldn't it have caught that image?
[22:07] <wctaiwan> The_Anonymouse: the image isn't listed as copied from flickr
[22:08] <wctaiwan> but rather an original work of the uploader with flickr linked in "other versions"
[22:08] <Sven_Manguard> The_Anonymouse: not if it wasn't run through the Flickr uploading form
[22:08] <Dcoetzee> The_Anonymouse: Flickreviewer only reviews Flickr images uploaded by certain methods
[22:08] <Dcoetzee> Not all of them. It can't parse arbitrary Flickr uploads.
[22:08] <The_Anonymouse> Oops, didn't see that it wasn't uploaded that way :o
[22:11] <Vacation9> The_Anonymouse: Might be able to implement it in VoxelBot eventually
[22:12] <wctaiwan> being busy and being bored seem to be an absolute dichotomy :|
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> I've had this plan for years
�02[22:12] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> To implement a copyvio bot for Commons using machine learning
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> To tag suspected copyvios automatically
[22:12] <Vacation9> I have a better idea
[22:12] <Vacation9> Steal your idea
[22:12] <Vacation9> muahahaha
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> Then a human reviews them and takes appropriate action
[22:13] <Vacation9> So you're saying a semi-automated bot then
[22:13] <Dcoetzee> Please feel free to steal my idea, save me the time and effort :-)
[22:13] <wctaiwan> I'm traumatised by machine learning.
[22:13] <Dcoetzee> Yeah it would just categorise them
[22:13] <Isarra> IS it a bad idea to get really drunk and edit wikipedia?
[22:13] <Vacation9> We already have cluebot wctaiwan
[22:13] <wctaiwan> yes.
[22:13] <Isarra> Because right now that seems really appealing.
[22:13] <Dcoetzee> Isarra: Depends if you edit better when drunk
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[22:13] <Isarra> I edit terribly either way.
[22:13] <Isarra> Fluffernutter can attest to that.
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[22:13] <Dcoetzee> It does encourage you to BE BOLD
[22:13] <wctaiwan> Vacation9: yeah, I bet Cobi didn't take machine learning in college >.>
�06[22:13] * Jasper_Deng finds he has made 782 edits to AIV...
[22:13] <The_Anonymouse> Vacation9: Where does the data in [[Template:Vandalism information]] come from? All edits vs. vandalism?
[22:14] <ihaveamac> I think there was a page about that..
[22:14] <Vacation9> The_Anonymouse: You can see our BRFA if you want, but the data comes from analysing the Recent Changes feed.
[22:14] <Isarra> Wheeee, dataa.
[22:14] <Jasper_Deng> it's manually updated
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[22:14] <Dcoetzee> The upside of Commons is there's no bot request process really
[22:14] <Vacation9> The_Anonymouse: A raw output of summaries that were flagged as vandalism is here:
[22:14] <Jasper_Deng> based on some Huggle metric I don't know exactly all about
[22:15] <Dcoetzee> I have basically free reign to do anything I feel like until it upsets somebody
[22:15] <Vacation9> (It looks at summaries)
[22:15] <The_Anonymouse> interesting
[22:15] <Isarra> And when it does?
[22:16] <Isarra> Mlergh my gloves taste like potatos.
[22:16] <Vacation9> The_Anonymouse: BRFA link is here:
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> Isarra: BRD basically
[22:16] <The_Anonymouse> Vacation9: yes, I'm looking at it right now. much better stats than I've seen before (like Huggle, for example)
[22:17] <Vacation9> The_Anonymouse: Yes, that's one of the major benefits along with actually being up-to-date
[22:17] <Isarra> No horrible dramas?
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[22:20] <The_Anonymouse> I put that template in my sandbox for future reference. It
[22:20] <Amqui>
[22:21] <Isarra> I need something to edit.
[22:21] <Isarra> How do editors find things to edit?
[22:21] <The_Anonymouse> it's really good info, thanks!
[22:21] <ihaveamac> Special:Random
[22:21] <Isarra> Anything requiring a working brain is out.
[22:21] <Vacation9> The_Anonymouse: Glad you like it :)
�03[22:21] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|away
[22:21] <SigmaWP> The SOPA blackout was a whole year ago
[22:21] <SigmaWP> Wow
[22:21] <Isarra> You have requested a special page that is not recognized by Wikipedia.
[22:21] <Isarra> I wanted a cat.
[22:22] <Amqui> Isarra I got a list of articles to create that get longer and longer
[22:22] <Isarra> I've never created a single article.
[22:22] <ihaveamac> neither have I
�06[22:22] * Isarra tries to high-five ihaveamac.
[22:22] <Amqui> I just created 5 in last hour
[22:22] <The_Anonymouse> Isarra: Try
[22:22] <ihaveamac> other than redirects
[22:22] <ihaveamac> I have never ever ever ever made an article
[22:22] <Amqui> and from those 5, I have created 3 red links, hence 3 more pages to create
[22:23] <Amqui> it never stops
[22:23] <Sven_Manguard> Amqui: I've created four artcles this month, of which all four have got DYK, one is a GA, and one is at GAN
[22:24] <Amqui> lol that`s not my point
[22:24] <Amqui> was just showing what to do when "looking what to do on Wikipedia"
[22:24] <Isarra> Sven_Manguard: How do you find the time?
[22:24] <Sven_Manguard> Amqui: I did jack shit last year. All that stuff I did above was because I'm on a WP:CUP high
[22:24] <Sven_Manguard> Isarra: things have to be sacrificed. Sleep goes first.
[22:24] <Amqui> lol
[22:24] <Sven_Manguard> Also, I was on break when I wrote most of it
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[22:25] <Isarra> What is break?
[22:25] <Sven_Manguard> It's when you have time in between university semesters
[22:25] <Isarra> Oh.
[22:25] <Amqui> for GA, i usually go to the library, takes 4 or 5 books on a subject and there it`s launched
[22:25] <Sven_Manguard> :P
[22:25] <Isarra> I spent that entire time coding.
[22:25] <Isarra> And moving a wiki.
[22:25] <Isarra> And trying and kind of massively failing to do anything remotely useful.
[22:25] <Isarra> Libraries are awesome.
[22:26] <Isarra> Nothing on my userpage is editable using visualeditor.
[22:26] <Amqui> there is so much to do
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[22:27] <ihaveamac> go to the link The_Anonymouse posted
[22:27] <ihaveamac>
[22:27] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Are cell phones in East Asia more advanced then in the US?
[22:27] <Isarra> This page has weird... whart... tghe...
[22:27] <The_Anonymouse> LtNOWIS-mobile: depends
[22:27] <LtNOWIS-mobile> I know that was the case 10 years ago
[22:30] <wctaiwan> Sven_Manguard: My break has only just begun!
[22:30] <wctaiwan> I demand your envy.
[22:31] <SigmaWP> We need more proofreaders
[22:31] <SigmaWP> :(
[22:31] <D_> We need more of everything
[22:31] <D_> Send more of everything
[22:31] <wctaiwan> kthx.
�06[22:31] * Isarra proofreads SigmaWP.
[22:31] <Amqui> no we don't need more vandals
[22:31] <Shearonink> there is no cachet in being  Wiki-proofreader
�06[22:32] * Isarra hacks up a hairball on wctaiwan.
[22:32] <wctaiwan> o_o
[22:32] <wctaiwan> LtNOWIS-mobile: not anymore, I think.
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[22:32] <Isarra> ...sorry. It's been a long month.
[22:32] <Amqui> proofreading is good for your editcountitis
[22:32] <wctaiwan> I mean, you can probably get cellphones with TV capabilities in the US.
[22:32] <Shearonink> I don;t suffer from that disease
[22:32] <Shearonink> I have editqualityitis
[22:32] <wctaiwan> but Japan isn't ahead in the smartphone game like it was in the feature phone game.
[22:32] <Amqui> wctaiwan what, tv capabilities is like nothing lol
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[22:32] <wctaiwan> er, in Japan, not in the US, sorry.
[22:33] <Isarra> Moar angust.
[22:33] <Isarra> We ned more angus.
[22:33] <Isarra> Angust.
[22:33] <Isarra> Need.
[22:33] <Isarra> More.
[22:33] <Amqui> my cellphone has tv capability
[22:33] <Shearonink> angst?
[22:33] <wctaiwan> Isarra: stop being drunk.
[22:33] <Isarra> Angustifolia.
�06[22:33] * Isarra pours mountain dew on wctaiwan.
[22:33] <Shearonink> (heh, that's what I ws thinking...)
[22:34] <Shearonink> i have someone coming to replace the windshield in my car tomorrow
[22:34] <Amqui> Shearonink good
[22:34] <Shearonink> mus go tsleep
[22:34] <Amqui> 'cause last time I tried to do it myself I broke two windshields lol
[22:34] <Isarra> What's the use having the same ref after four different words, all one after the other?
[22:34] <Shearonink> they will be here earlier than I want to be vertical
[22:34] <Shearonink> oh deerz Amqui
[22:35] <Amqui> in garage, they have the special thing to hold the windshield
[22:35] <Isarra> New Mexico has spanish swampy things.
[22:35] <Amqui> when you did by hand it's pretty hard
�06[22:35] * Shearonink is glad insurance covers most of the cost
[22:35] <Amqui> Isarra that's to show that each synonyms exist
[22:35] <Shearonink> ah, secret tools
[22:35] <Isarra> Are the things they use like the things you use to pick up mirrors and stuff?
[22:35] <Isarra> Amqui: But they're all right next to each other!
[22:36] <Amqui> that`s usually what we do for common names
[22:36] <Amqui> but usually it`s different reference though
[22:36] <Sven_Manguard> Dcoetzee: do you think you could remove the datestamp in ?
[22:36] <Isarra> That would make more sense. When it's all the same it seems like it could just be stuck at the end of all of them.
[22:36] <Amqui> Isarra I would only leave the last one after the comma
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[22:37] <Dcoetzee> Sven_Manguard: On it
[22:37] <Sven_Manguard> Thanks!
[22:37] <Isarra> Amqui: You make my cat's face happy.
[22:38] <D_> Hm
[22:38] <D_> Why am I fixing pages with missing references lists
[22:38] <D_> I mean, somebody linked the cat and only now did I realize I didn't even read why
[22:38] <ihaveamac> because you want to edit something
[22:38] <Isarra> D_: Because you're awesome.
[22:39] <Isarra> If I fall out of my chair does that mean it's time to go to bed?
[22:39] <Isarra> Because I almost just fell out of my chair.
[22:39] <Addshore-w> I almost think there should be a second layer to Wikipedia
[22:39] <Isarra> AGH!
[22:39] <Addshore-w> A sort of second class for articles
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[22:40] <Isarra> The visualeditor made the ToC dissappear!
[22:40] <Isarra> The audacity!
[22:40] <Amqui> where do you go to try it?
[22:40] <Amqui> the visual editor
[22:40] <Isarra> NS_MAIN
[22:41] <Sven_Manguard> Amqui: are you part of the Cult of Oliver?
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> Sven_Manguard: Done
[22:41] <Isarra> Er, I mean, enable it in your preferences and there will be a tab in mainspace and userspace if you use vector.
[22:41] <D_> Is there a way to not have the visual editor hijack section edit links yet?
�03[22:41] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|busy
[22:41] <Isarra> Why does php have capsy things and $sy things that do essentially the same things?
[22:41] <Sven_Manguard> Dcoetzee: I'm not seeing a difference?
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> Caching issues...
[22:42] <ihaveamac> action=purge
[22:42] <Dcoetzee> Purge doesn't always work
[22:42] <Dcoetzee> This one will require some time
[22:42] <Isarra> D_: When does it do that?
[22:42] <Isarra> How does it?
[22:42] <Isarra> Does it still?
[22:42] <Isarra> What browser?
[22:42] <Isarra> Do oyu like chicken?
[22:42] <Dcoetzee> All the time. It's not browser specific.
[22:42] <Dcoetzee> The specific circumstances causing it are a mystery to me.
[22:42] <D_> When you click [edit] on a section
[22:42] <D_> It's coded that way
[22:42] <D_> I don't know
[22:42] <D_> Firefox
[22:42] <D_> Sure
�03[22:43] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[22:43] <Isarra> It doesn't do that for me...
[22:43] <delldot> There's a biomedcentral article I want to use images from.  The article is CC licensed but the images say "used with permission" from somewhere else.  Would that be legit to use the images?
[22:43] <delldot>
[22:44] <D_> Oh, it doesn't do that for me either
[22:44] <D_> but it used to
[22:44] <D_> so I guess the answer to my original question is yes
[22:44] <Dcoetzee> delldot: No
[22:44] <Dcoetzee> Not unless the original images are also from a CC paper
[22:44] <delldot> damn.  thanks
[22:45] <Isarra> Yay!
[22:46] <Sven_Manguard> Dcoetzee: I see the change. Thanks!
�02[22:46] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[22:46] <Dcoetzee> :-) It magically worked now
[22:46] <Isarra> Stick a fork in it.
�03[22:46] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:46] <wctaiwan> ....
�06[22:46] * wctaiwan knocks MJ94 on the head
�06[22:46] * Isarra sticks a fork in MJ94.
�06[22:46] * MJ94 faints
�06[22:46] * MJ94 jumps
[22:46] <MJ94> Isarra: oh baby
�06[22:47] * MJ94 grabs a chair, sits backwards
[22:47] <Isarra> o__o
�06[22:47] * MJ94 grabs a hat
�06[22:47] * MJ94 tips it
�06[22:47] * MJ94 sits on stage
�06[22:47] * MJ94 spotlight
�06[22:47] * MJ94 tapping of cane as dancers come in
[22:47] <Amqui> what is Wikipedia?
�06[22:47] * wctaiwan uses… the hook!
[22:47] <Isarra> Oy, please stop, MJ94.
[22:47] <wctaiwan> a [[stage hook]
[22:47] <wctaiwan> ]
[22:48] <MJ94> i'd like to dedicate this song to wctaiwan
[22:48] <Isarra> Amqui: CHICKENS.
[22:48] <MJ94> baby
[22:48] <MJ94> we're no strangers to love
[22:48] <MJ94> you know the words
[22:48] <MJ94> and
[22:48] <MJ94> so do i
�03[22:48] * kateweb (~kateweb@unaffiliated/kateweb) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:48] <MJ94> so
[22:48] <MJ94> baby
[22:48] <MJ94> baby
[22:48] <MJ94> baby
[22:48] <MJ94> oh
[22:48] <Isarra> MJ94: Please stop.
[22:48] <wctaiwan> …yeah, you're spamming
[22:48] <Amqui> do you think I can find a girlfriend on Wikipedia?
[22:48] <wctaiwan> not cool.
[22:48] <ihaveamac> what's with the mix of songs
[22:48] <wctaiwan> or hyperventilating
[22:48] <Isarra> Amqui: Are you a girl?
[22:48] <MJ94> ihaveamac: talent
[22:48] <wctaiwan> Amqui: everyone knows there are no girls on the internet.
[22:49] <MJ94> wctaiwan: what are you?
[22:49] <Amqui> wctaiwan I can show you are wrong
[22:49] <wctaiwan> what do you mean MJ94?
[22:49] <MJ94> please do Amqui
[22:49] <Amqui> there's girls EVERYWHERE on the internet
[22:49] <wctaiwan> Amqui: that's a somewhat sexist trope.
[22:49] <D_> On the Internet, nobody can tell woof woof arf woof
�03[22:49] * teshiron is now known as teshi|away
[22:49] <MJ94> I'm 12 and what is this
[22:49] <Amqui>
[22:49] <Isarra> I need to email some women on the internet.
[22:49] <Amqui> full of girls
[22:49] <MJ94> nsfw
[22:49] <MJ94> nsfw
[22:49] <MJ94> obviously
[22:49] <Amqui> lol
[22:49] <Isarra> About tuesday.
[22:49] <D_> Surprisingly enough is actually porn
[22:49] <Isarra> Tuesdays are scary.
[22:50] <D_> For some reason I expected it not to be
[22:50] <Amqui> I thought you were 94
[22:50] <Isarra> Is it good porn?
[22:50] <Amqui> D_ almost everything is porn
[22:50] <MJ94> well
[22:50] <Isarra> Is Wikipedia porn?
[22:50] <MJ94> it's "the best free porn tube"
[22:50] <MJ94> so
[22:50] <wctaiwan> ...
[22:50] <Amqui> Wikipedia is one of the only safe haven
[22:50] <wctaiwan> quick topic change.
[22:50] <D_> Why would you call it a "porn tube"
[22:50] <wctaiwan> Amqui: unlike commons
[22:50] <D_> that sounds nasty
[22:50] <Amqui> lol
�06[22:50] * wctaiwan eyes Sven_Manguard and ducks quickly
[22:50] <MJ94> D_: it says
[22:50] <MJ94> please read title
[22:50] <Sven_Manguard> wctaiwan: ?
[22:50] <MJ94> of page
[22:50] <D_> Yeah, but why would they call it that
[22:50] <Amqui> what's the law that says "if it exists, there is porn about it" ?
[22:50] <wctaiwan> Sven_Manguard: trolling commons. Just ignore me :P
[22:51] <ihaveamac> rule 34
[22:51] <MJ94> D_: because penises idk
[22:51] <Amqui> lol yes
[22:51] <MJ94> She wants the D_
[22:51] <Amqui> dinosaurs having sex with cars is the best example
[22:51] <MJ94> Amqui: pics or it didn't happen
[22:51] <D_> Well, it didn't happen
[22:51] <D_> but there's pics
[22:51] <wctaiwan> [[Jurassic Park (1994 film)]] probably
[22:51] <MJ94> !link
[22:52] <MJ94> aw
�06[22:52] * Isarra huggles Sven_Manguard.
[22:52] <Amqui> MJ94 nsfw if it exists, there is porn about it
[22:52] <wctaiwan> huh, it's 1993, not 1994.
[22:52] <Sven_Manguard> :D
[22:52] <Amqui> ** MJ94 nsfw
[22:52] <MJ94> oh my god
[22:52] <MJ94> hello inline images
[22:52] <MJ94> how are you
[22:52] <wctaiwan> ….yeah Amqui, don't do that
[22:52] <wctaiwan> some clients display images inline.
[22:52] <Amqui> he asked for proof
[22:53] <wctaiwan> automatically
[22:53] <Amqui> loll
[22:53] <Amqui> sorry
[22:53] <MJ94> Women are like iPhones, you have to touch them all over to get them to respond. Men are like Blackberries, touch one ball and everything moves.
[22:54] <D_> Blackberries have optical trackpads now
[22:54] <MJ94> My girlfriend sent me that and I'm not sure quite how to respond
[22:54] <D_> I really want to fit that into the metaphor somehow
[22:54] <wctaiwan> MJ94: see you joined and the level of discourse just tanked.
[22:54] <wctaiwan> MJ94: generic "lol" works.
[22:54] <Isarra> You know that stuff you wash things with? It's generally basic and contains strange fat and comes in bars and stuff...
[22:54] <Isarra> What's that called?
[22:55] <wctaiwan> soap.
[22:55] <MJ94> o_O
[22:55] <Isarra> ...wait, really?
�02[22:55] * kateweb (~kateweb@unaffiliated/kateweb) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:55] <MJ94> ...
[22:55] <MJ94> not sure if troll or stupid
[22:55] <MJ94> Matthew_: hi I'm being highly unproductive
[22:56] <Matthew_> MJ94: Heh, no worries :P
[22:56] <Amqui> rule 41
�02[22:56] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[22:56] <Isarra> Soap.
[22:56] <Isarra> Sopa.
[22:56] <Isarra> Soupa.
[22:56] <MJ94> Santa
[22:57] <MJ94> more at 10
�06[22:57] * MJ94 grabs a spoon
[22:58] <Isarra> Commons is full of spoons.
[22:58] <Matthew_> ... that awkward moment when you use = instead of == and spend ten minutes debugging it :P
[22:58] <Vacation9|busy> *Refreshes watchlist* *sees nothing new* *repeats process*
[22:58] <MJ94> Isarra: I don't think I'm drunk but I feel like i am
�03[22:58] * Vacation9|busy is now known as Vacation9
[22:58] <MJ94> Matthew_: LOLOL did that earlier
[22:58] <Amqui> lol
[22:58] <MJ94> Vacation9: did that today too
[22:58] <Isarra> How much have you drunk? You're not acting too respectably.
[22:59] <Isarra> Neither am I, but that doesn't excuse you either.
[22:59] <Amqui> Vacation9 did that today on four projects simultaneously ;)
[22:59] <MJ94> Isarra: 2 glasses of water, hate on me
[22:59] <wctaiwan> Matthew_: dude, last time I spent more than 3 hours debugging if (fp = fopen("file.txt", "w") < 0)
[23:00] <Isarra> Get ahold of yourself.
[23:00] <wctaiwan> the TAs didn't see it either
[23:00] <wctaiwan> we thought it was some other, more complicated part that was incorrectly coded.
�06[23:00] * Isarra huggles wctaiwan.
[23:00] <Matthew_> wctaiwan: Owch :P
[23:00] <wctaiwan> yup.
[23:00] <wctaiwan> the compiler should really issue warnings for such things...
[23:01] <Matthew_> Heh, yeah.  Of course, I'm in PHP, so it doesn't :/
�02[23:01] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[23:01] <wctaiwan> Sigma has a thing or two or twenty to say about PHP :
[23:01] <wctaiwan> p
[23:02] <Matthew_> Yeah, I've heard it before.  He won't let me have a break.
[23:02] <wctaiwan> he never lets anyone have a break :p
[23:02] <Isarra>
[23:03] <Amqui> try debugging that
�02[23:03] * heatherw_ (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw_�)
[23:03] <MJ94>
[23:03] <Amqui> lol
[23:04] <wctaiwan> Isarra: the opposite of a computer is a kumquat.
[23:04] <Isarra> Lies.
[23:04] <Isarra> Both are objects. Their oposition ends more quickly than it ought.
[23:04] <Matthew_> Isarra: Heh :P  I hate PHP's arguements (Let's put the string first!  Now last!  Now second!  )
[23:04] <Amqui>
[23:04] <Isarra> Existant objects.
�02[23:04] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[23:04] <Isarra> Matthew_: php makes me like python at times.
�03[23:05] * kateweb (~kateweb@unaffiliated/kateweb) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:05] <Amqui> how I found more time for Wikipedia:
[23:05] <Isarra> Then I get hit with pep8 and that ends pretty quickly.
�02[23:05] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[23:05] <Matthew_> Isarra: Heh, I hate python's indenting.  Especially when I switch IDEs, and it flips over tabs v. spaces
[23:05] <Isarra> Exactly! It'a just... argh.
[23:05] <Amqui>
�02[23:05] * delldot (4abea775@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[23:07] <Matthew_> Heh, my logic is single-handedly deleting the entire Global Titleblacklist, ARG!
�03[23:08] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) has left #wikipedia-en ("done for now"�)
�02[23:08] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[23:08] <wctaiwan> Amqui: disturbingly the toilet leads to the microwave oven :p
�02[23:09] * The_Anonymouse (4c0af156@wikipedia/The-Anonymouse) Quit (Quit: Bye!�)
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[23:17] <Guerillero> are rasphberry pies (the computer) useful?
[23:17] <wctaiwan> depends on what you plan to do with them
[23:19] <wctaiwan> bbl.
�02[23:20] * thineantiquepen (~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�02[23:21] * fumika (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
[23:21] <D_> Someone from China just managed to compromise the password on a tertiary Google account that I barely ever use
[23:21] <Vacation9> D_: Please tell me you use random different passwords on every account :)
[23:22] <D_> I used this one on a bunch of other stuff I don't care about
[23:22] <D_> now I get to change it all
[23:22] <Vacation9> At least it wasn't your main account
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[23:34] <Sven_Manguard> night
[23:35] <Sven_Manguard> Talk to you Tuesday :S
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Session Time: Sat Jan 19 00:00:00 2013
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[00:09] <MJ94> Matthew_: o_O
[00:09] <Matthew_> Hmmm?
[00:09] <MJ94> didn't know you came back
[00:10] <Matthew_> Ah, I came back :P
[00:10] <MJ94> Matthew_: You're missing a channel.
[00:10] <Matthew_> Yeah, I have to manually join that one :P
[00:11] <MJ94> Matthew_: Why?
[00:11] <Matthew_> Client funnkies...
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�06[01:07] * Isarra pours sauce on the channel.
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[02:12] <Goofy|Asleep> o.o
[02:12] <Goofy|Asleep> hi
[02:12] <Goofy|Asleep> :D
[02:12] <Goofy|Asleep> good morning+
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[02:16] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Morning
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[02:19] <rigel> need input
[02:21] <rigel> at [[Motor unit]] (which I have already notified the relevant wikiprojects about) a class appears to have made a real mess of things. I was considering just rolling everything back to the pre-student-edits state
[02:21] <rigel> wanted other opinions/suggestions, as I really can't be arsed to try and pull any additional information out of that nonsense
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�03[03:59] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:59] <Anna_Frodesiak> hi bunnies
[03:59] <Anna_Frodesiak> would someone please click this and tell me if you see green landmass or only white
[03:59] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[04:00] <Anna_Frodesiak> i'm only getting a few renders and only white
�02[04:00] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[04:00] <Anna_Frodesiak> could be browser issues or this darn LSD
[04:01] <legoktm> er
[04:01] <legoktm> you mean in the image?
[04:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> yes. a bunch of images at that page should be green
�02[04:02] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[04:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> green landmass with red
[04:02] <legoktm> i only see two images
[04:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> me too
[04:02] <legoktm> yeah theyre white for me
[04:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> rats
[04:02] <legoktm> white with red
[04:02] <Anna_Frodesiak> yet they render here
[04:02] <Anna_Frodesiak>
�03[04:03] * Trashlor1 (~sid@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:03] <legoktm> um
[04:03] <legoktm> i think you're linking to the wrong files?
[04:03] <Anna_Frodesiak> oh?
�03[04:03] * closedmouth ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[04:03] <Anna_Frodesiak> hahah
[04:03] <Anna_Frodesiak> you're right
�02[04:04] * Trashlord (~sid@wikipedia/Sentient-Planet) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[04:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> it's not the LSD!
[04:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks.
[04:04] <legoktm> :P
[04:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> i removed part of the filename by accident
[04:04] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks
[04:04] <legoktm> np
�03[04:05] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:06] <Anna_Frodesiak> and please explain why my IRC client is melting
[04:06] <Anna_Frodesiak> kidding
[04:06] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks lego. i'm so daft today
[04:06] <legoktm> :)
�03[04:14] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[04:28] * cheeseduck (cheeseduck@unaffiliated/cheeseduck) has joined #wikipedia-en
[04:29] <cheeseduck> <-- What is the thing under the window?
�02[04:32] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[04:34] <foks> radiator
[04:35] <cheeseduck> Strangest radiator I ever saw.
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[04:44] <MartijnH> air heating?
�03[04:45] * comepradz (~comepradz@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[04:46] <cheeseduck> Weird...
�03[04:46] * GabrielF ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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[05:07] <Pink|away> foks: around?
�02[05:07] * Yaawboy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[05:08] <foks> sort of
�03[05:09] * Hair (~hair@wikia/Hairr) has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:16] <legoktm> Pink|away: you're not away! have time to talk about the bot?
�03[05:16] * Pink|away is now known as Pink|quasi-away
[05:17] <Pink|quasi-away> yeah! :) just a sec
[05:19] <legoktm> lol ok
�03[05:20] * Pink|quasi-away is now known as PinkAmpersand
�02[05:22] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
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[05:24] <PinkAmpersand> legoktm: sorry. all yours.
[05:24] <legoktm> no worries, want to discuss this in the wikidata channel?
[05:25] <PinkAmpersand> sure
�02[05:25] * RD (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
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�03[05:54] * Hair_ is now known as Hair
[05:56] <Bradford> Hair:  Hair [~hair@wikia/Hairr] se ha marchado del IRC: Killed ( (Nickname regained by services))
[05:56] <Bradford> O_o
�03[05:57] * ExtinguishedFire ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[05:58] <Hair> I kept disconnecting, so I had to regain it
[05:59] <Bradford> :)
�03[06:07] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:07] <cheeseduck> Mama Mia! He was-a the killed, yes?
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[06:25] <GoofyGirl> Hi :D
�03[06:27] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:28] <Bradford> ...
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[07:13] <legoktm> heh (david thorne)
�03[07:14] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[07:14] <wctaiwan> I think it's a persona / alter ego thing but okay
�03[07:14] * comepradz (~comepradz@ has left #wikipedia-en
[07:14] <wctaiwan> I doubt Maddox is as big an asshole in real life as he seems to be on his site, either.
[07:15] <legoktm> i doubt it, but its quite funny
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[08:04] <Nascar1996> Is [[User:Secret] here?
[08:04] <mimi> :p
[08:05] <PeterSymonds> I'm afraid that is a secret.
[08:05] <PeterSymonds> (Also, no.)
[08:05] <addshore> ;p
[08:05] <mimi> lol
[08:05] <Nascar1996> ughh
�06[08:05] * mimi where is Dcoetze
[08:06] <mimi> :(
�06[08:06] * mimi runs away
[08:06] <Nascar1996> He/she started a GA review, and hasn't said anything since January 4th.
[08:07] <PeterSymonds> Maybe he's keeping his review a secret.
[08:07] <PeterSymonds> I'll stop now.
[08:08] <Nascar1996> Good
[08:09] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Hmm. I found a minor error that could be fixed by someone not on a phone
�03[08:10] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:10] <Nascar1996> LtNOWIS-mobile?
�02[08:10] * Yaawboy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[08:10] <LtNOWIS-mobile> -- a space between the and Gauls
�02[08:10] * QueenOfFrance (~snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) Quit (Quit: Her Majesty the Queen of France and Navarre is departing for Versailles.�)
[08:10] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Barely worth raising the point here, really
�03[08:10] * QueenOfFrance (~snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:11] <Nascar1996> -.-
[08:11] <mimi> o.o
[08:11] <legoktm> {{fixed}}
[08:11] <mimi> -_-
[08:12] <LtNOWIS-mobile> I have edited on a mobile before, but you gotta disable mobile versions of the site which is kind of a pain
[08:12] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Really only did it once so I could say I'd done it
[08:12] <Nascar1996> {{editconflict}}
[08:12] <Nascar1996> late but eh
[08:13] <Nascar1996> I'm too lazy.
�02[08:13] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: I need to start working on something!!!�)
[08:15] <mimi> o.o huh
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[08:33] <mimi> o.o Hahc21 hi
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�03[08:33] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[08:33] <Hahc21> Hey
�03[08:34] * mimi is now known as GoofyGirl
�03[08:34] * Pink|mostly_here is now known as Pink|mostly_away
[08:34] <Hahc21> OOh hey GoofyGirl
[08:34] <GoofyGirl> :o
[08:34] <GoofyGirl> hihi
�03[08:34] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[08:35] * GoofyGirl looks at Hahc21 and runs away
�03[08:35] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[08:35] * Hahc21 runs away with GoofyGirl
[08:35] <BobTheWikipedian> :o you again
�06[08:35] * GoofyGirl o.o
[08:35] <GoofyGirl> :D
[08:35] <GoofyGirl> you here
[08:35] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[08:36] <Hahc21> Hey Bob
[08:36] <BobTheWikipedian> both of you again :o
�06[08:36] * GoofyGirl steals Hahc21
[08:36] <Hahc21> Is Dcoetzee here?
�06[08:36] * BobTheWikipedian calls 9-1-1 and reports a theft
[08:36] <GoofyGirl> you again
[08:36] <GoofyGirl> :o
[08:36] <GoofyGirl> no he's not :(
[08:36] <Hahc21> Damn I had some Commons queries
[08:37] <GoofyGirl> just need him to arm the party
�06[08:37] * GoofyGirl BobTheWikipedian thief
[08:37] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[08:37] <GoofyGirl> who is
�03[08:37] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|afk
[08:37] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm oh well i need to call a nervous bride about wedding music anyway
�03[08:37] * Yaawboy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:37] <BobTheWikipedian> and finish my application to be a librarian
[08:37] <BobTheWikipedian> brb
�02[08:38] * EvilSon (~itsevil@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[08:38] <GoofyGirl> Well, I have hungry, I'll eat my launch
[08:39] <GoofyGirl> lunch
[08:39] <Trashlord> also, you are hungry, not have hungry :P
[08:40] <Trashlord> you can say "I have a hunger"
[08:40] <GoofyGirl> thanks
�06[08:40] * GoofyGirl o.o
[08:40] <PeterSymonds> Just "have hunger", not "a hunger". ;-p
[08:41] <Trashlord> what if you have a hunger for blood?
[08:41] <Trashlord> or. not blood
[08:41] <Trashlord> what if you have a hunger for paper
[08:41] <Trashlord> "I have hunger for paper" sounds weird to me
[08:41] <PeterSymonds> Well, no, that changes the context of the sentence.
[08:41] <PeterSymonds> If you just have hunger, you have hunger.
�02[08:41] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[08:42] <Trashlord> alright
�06[08:42] * GoofyGirl removed his shoes
[08:42] <Trashlord> thanks for teaching me something new, then
[08:42] <GoofyGirl> her
[08:42] <GoofyGirl> and what I leanr
[08:42] <GoofyGirl> learn
[08:42] <GoofyGirl> ok
[08:42] <mareklug> she is just spanglishing "tengo hambre" -> literally "I have hunger"
[08:42] <GoofyGirl> spansglish
[08:42] <GoofyGirl> hahah
�06[08:42] * Trashlord is listening to Portishead - Roads (5:05)
[08:42] <GoofyGirl> XD
�06[08:43] * GoofyGirl is watching BANGTV channel
[08:43] <Trashlord> right well, I improve my English everyday, heh
[08:43] <Trashlord> it isn't my first language either
[08:43] <GoofyGirl> me too
[08:43] <GoofyGirl> me too
[08:44] <BobTheWikipedian> lol saw trashlord and thought it was ironholds
[08:44] <Trashlord> ironholds?
[08:44] <BobTheWikipedian> don't tell me you don't know ironholds
[08:44] <Trashlord> who (or what) is that?
[08:44] <BobTheWikipedian> i said don't tell me
[08:45] <Trashlord> ok
[08:45] <GoofyGirl> :p
[08:45] <Trashlord> will telling you that I do know ironholds make you feel better?
�06[08:45] * GoofyGirl died
[08:45] <BobTheWikipedian> yes
[08:45] <GoofyGirl> XD
[08:45] <mareklug> BobTheWikipedian a post-Ironholds snit generation has risen
[08:45] <Trashlord> well duh, of course I know ironholds
�02[08:45] * Yaawboy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[08:45] <BobTheWikipedian> wha? ironholds is post now?
[08:46] <mareklug> the epoch divides neatly on before and after Ironholds' snit on this channel
�06[08:46] * BobTheWikipedian looks up "snit"
[08:46] <Trashlord> so who's Ironholds?
[08:46] <Trashlord> some old admin?
[08:46] <GoofyGirl> what is snit
[08:47] <BobTheWikipedian> A U.S. unit of volume for liquor equal to 2 jiggers, 3 U.S. fluid ounces, or 88.7 milliliters.
[08:47] <Trashlord> look it up in wiktionary
[08:47] <BobTheWikipedian> A beer chaser commonly served in three-ounce servings in highball or juice glasses with a Bloody Mary cocktail in the upper midwest states of United States including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois.
�02[08:47] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
[08:47] <BobTheWikipedian> A temper; a lack of patience; a bad mood.
[08:47] <BobTheWikipedian> all of which work for him
�03[08:47] * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[08:47] * GoofyGirl brings her blanket
�06[08:47] * GoofyGirl zzz
[08:48] <BobTheWikipedian> i take it this means he is no longer around?
�03[08:49] * Fluff|sleep is now known as fluffernutter
�03[08:49] * fluffernutter is now known as Fluffernutter
[08:50] <mareklug> he just does not come here (except in passing)
[08:50] <BobTheWikipedian> did he resign?
[08:51] <mareklug> resign from this channel, in a manner of speaking
[08:51] <BobTheWikipedian> oh i meant from the foundation
[08:51] <mareklug> hell no
[08:51] <BobTheWikipedian> ah. just doing his job differently i take it
[08:52] <mareklug> for all I know he is doing his job the same way as always.  he just does  not socialize here no more
[08:52] <BobTheWikipedian> gotcha that makes sense
[08:52] <BobTheWikipedian> irc does make it difficult to perform other work-related tasks
[08:52] <mareklug> oh he is on other irc channels
[08:53] <BobTheWikipedian> well it's one fewer channel to watch
�06[08:54] * Hahc21 is back
�03[08:54] * Vacation9|afk is now known as Vacation9
�03[08:54] * MJAway is now known as MJ94
[08:54] <BobTheWikipedian> trashlord ironholds is a british contractor on the engineering team with the foundation
[08:55] <BobTheWikipedian> quite spunky
[08:55] <BobTheWikipedian> wb hahc21
[08:55] <Hahc21> thanks
[08:55] <Fluffernutter> ironholds doesn't come in here any more basically because anything said in here is pretty well guaranteed to be logged by one troll or another and usually then dumped on the internet to be searchable
[08:55] <legoktm> omg its BobTheWikipedian!
[08:56] <BobTheWikipedian> might not be, check the cloak and make sure it matches the one on his userpage
[08:56] <GoofyGirl> °_°
�06[08:56] * GoofyGirl eats
[08:57] <BobTheWikipedian> haha fluff i was thinking about awakening you last night but opted to let you have your peace
�02[08:57] * ExtinguishedFire ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [SeaMonkey 2.15/20130105222038]�)
�03[08:58] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:58] <BobTheWikipedian> lol...speaking of blackmailing...i participated in the wikiwomen twitter thing the other day...
[08:58] <BobTheWikipedian> i asked a question about their successes, and they said "wikipedia, or the feminist movement?"
[08:58] <legoktm> …haahaha
[08:59] <BobTheWikipedian> i tweeted back "@wikiwomen Feminist movement, yes."
�03[08:59] * Writ_Keeper ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[08:59] * Writ_Keeper ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[08:59] * Writ_Keeper (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:59] <BobTheWikipedian> that i deleted it later
[08:59] <GoofyGirl> Lol
�06[08:59] * GoofyGirl looking for @wikipedia on Twitter
[08:59] <BobTheWikipedian> i mean i have my thoughts but i don't need them publicized
[09:00] <BobTheWikipedian> not unintentionally anyway
[09:01] <BobTheWikipedian> wikia retweeted my tweet without hitting retweet, what's up with that?
[09:01] <BobTheWikipedian> talk about plagiarism...
[09:01] <KimiNewt> Jeez
[09:01] <GoofyGirl> -_-
[09:01] <KimiNewt> Anyone here watch Downton Abbey?
[09:01] <BobTheWikipedian> my mom wants to
�03[09:01] * EvilSon (~itsevil@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:01] <BobTheWikipedian> and wants me to
[09:01] <GoofyGirl> Who is that
[09:01] <KimiNewt> It's alright
[09:02] <KimiNewt> A bit soap opera-like
[09:02] <BobTheWikipedian> anyone watch grimm?
[09:02] <GoofyGirl> what is that
[09:02] <KimiNewt> Just a TV show
[09:02] <BobTheWikipedian> police vs werewolves and witches
�03[09:02] * JohnLewis ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[09:02] * JohnLewis (~johnlewis@wikipedia/John-F-Lewis) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[09:02] * FLHerne ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:03] <BobTheWikipedian> fun stuff
[09:03] <GoofyGirl> anyone watch Bonanza
[09:03] <GoofyGirl> is a old tv serie
[09:03] <BobTheWikipedian> moonriddengirl used to watch grimm, i wonder if she still does
[09:03] <GoofyGirl> on TCM
[09:03] <GoofyGirl> :P
[09:04] <JohnLewis> Greetings Wikipedians! (or whoever is currently here...)
[09:04] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[09:04] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm away
�06[09:04] * GoofyGirl brings BobTheWikipedian
�03[09:05] * GoofyGirl (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en
[09:06] <BobTheWikipedian> what the...okay, isn't caucasian a demonym for a people of russia?
�03[09:06] * GoofyGirl (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[09:08] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[09:08] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[09:08] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:09] <addshore> does anyone know if there is a global confirmed permission?
[09:09] <iDangerMouse>
[09:10] <BobTheWikipedian> riddle me this...a man is from iran. iran is part of caucasus and part of asia. is he caucasian or asian?
[09:10] <iDangerMouse> BobTheWikipedian: long time
[09:10] <BobTheWikipedian> hello idangermouse
�03[09:11] * GoofyGirl is now known as mimi
[09:11] <iDangerMouse> How are you BobTheWikipedian ?
[09:12] <BobTheWikipedian> doing well and you?
[09:12] <iDangerMouse> I am okay, thanks.
�03[09:13] * Yaawboy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:13] <BobTheWikipedian> is an iranian a caucasian or an asian?
[09:13] <mimi> asian
[09:13] <mimi> :p
[09:14] <BobTheWikipedian> but iran is part of caucasus
[09:14] <iDangerMouse> Some parts
[09:14] <iDangerMouse>
[09:14] <JohnLewis> addshore: Why are you looking for a global confirmed permission?
[09:15] <mimi> I will upload this video to Wikinews
[09:15] <mimi>
[09:16] <iDangerMouse>
[09:16] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm glad i'm not from iran...
[09:16] <mimi> me too
[09:16] <iDangerMouse> BobTheWikipedian: Because?
[09:17] <BobTheWikipedian> it would make determining my race difficult
[09:17] <mimi> what do you think guys
[09:17] <iDangerMouse> I am Iranian, Indian, Pakistani, and French mix.
[09:17] <mimi> >_<
[09:17] <mimi> cool
[09:17] <iDangerMouse> Race is irrelevant to me.
�02[09:18] * wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit
[09:18] <BobTheWikipedian> i am hoosier/hessian/kentuckian/bavarian/prussian/holy roman empire/ohioan/alsatian/limburgian/english american/hollander mix
[09:18] <mimi> Hahc21: what do you think about this
�03[09:18] * Mike_HH is now known as Mike_H
[09:18] <mimi> :?
[09:18] <Hahc21> Hmm Let me see
[09:18] <mimi> :) ok
[09:19] <BobTheWikipedian> i wonder what demonym applies to the holy roman empire...holy roman?
[09:19] <mareklug> kraut
[09:20] <BobTheWikipedian> haha then i am one-third kraut
[09:21] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: Hello
[09:21] <iDangerMouse> Hahc21: Got a moment in pm ?
[09:21] <mareklug> hi there, mr. careful eater
[09:21] <Hahc21> Yes iDangerMouse
[09:23] <Hahc21> Nobody could have stopped that guy mimi?
[09:23] <mimi> Hahc21: No,this was about 2 days ago
[09:23] <mimi> Hahc21: and police is not there
�02[09:23] * Yaawboy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
�03[09:23] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:24] <mimi> They arrived later
[09:24] <mimi> after fight
[09:25] <mimi> Did you see the stone to the face? Hahc21
[09:25] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: I managed to win my case against the Canadian immigration :)
[09:26] <mareklug> no more malay education?
[09:26] <mimi> and this is part  2 Hahc21
[09:26] <mimi> I'm afraid
[09:26] <mimi> :S
[09:26] <mimi> it's a cruel scene
[09:26] <Hahc21> oh
[09:26] <Hahc21> damn
[09:26] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: well, I have to be student for like a year and half till they issue the visa, so it's all good.
[09:27] <mimi> Hahc21: lol
[09:27] <mareklug> but you could be a student in Pakistan
[09:28] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: Exactly, and I am getting 50% discount :)
[09:28] <mareklug> so what are you studying and where?
�06[09:29] * mimi pulls Dcoetzee tail
�06[09:29] * Dcoetzee yelps
[09:29] <Dcoetzee> mimi: Bad girl :-P
[09:29] <mimi> o.o
�06[09:29] * mimi steals Dcoetzee
[09:29] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: A random university, just to be "a student" to save some money, and then I'll finish everything at either Waterloo or McGill
�03[09:29] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:30] <Hahc21> Hey Dcoetzee, you came now that I have forgotten why I needed you
[09:30] <Hahc21> xD
[09:31] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: Yup! I'm here to save the day, just a little bit too late.
[09:31] <mimi> lol
�03[09:31] * Tiptoety (Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[09:31] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|afk
[09:31] <iDangerMouse> Tiptoety: Helllooooo
[09:32] <Hahc21> Oh yes
[09:32] <Hahc21> I have some flickr files on Commons that need deletion
�06[09:32] * mimi pulls Hahc21 ear
[09:32] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: I'm your person
[09:32] <Hahc21> They didn't pass the license review
[09:32] <Dcoetzee> Files that don't pass license review usually get deleted quickly enough anyway though
�03[09:32] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:32] <Hahc21> Those have been there for a while :/
[09:33] <Hahc21> This one has 11 days
[09:33] <Hahc21>
�06[09:33] * mimi drinks Sprite
[09:34] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: Looks like the whole category hasn't been dealt with
�03[09:34] * GabrielF ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[09:34] * GabrielF ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[09:35] <Tiptoety> iDangerMouse: Hi/
�03[09:37] * shanmugamp7 (~shanmugam@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[09:39] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: getting it for 770 USD yes or no ?
�03[09:39] * Rutebega ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[09:43] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�06[09:44] * mimi is watching Big Momma's House  3
[09:44] <mimi> :D
�03[09:44] * Vacation9|afk is now known as Vacation9
�03[09:46] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[09:50] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
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[09:51] <Hahc21> Oh
[09:51] <mimi> oh
[09:51] <Hahc21> Ineed
[09:52] <Hahc21> the whole category is there awaiting
�02[09:52] * fox-wilson ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[09:52] <iDangerMouse> What category ?
�03[09:53] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[09:53] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[09:53] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:53] <iDangerMouse> Hellloooooooo GorillaWarfare
[09:53] <GorillaWarfare> Gmorning
[09:53] <mimi> :o
�03[09:54] * jakr (~jake@unaffiliated/jakr) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[09:55] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[09:55] <iDangerMouse> How are you GW ?
�03[09:55] * FoeNyx ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[09:55] * FoeNyx (~Nicolas@wikipedia/FoeNyx) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:55] <GorillaWarfare> Doing well!
[09:55] <GorillaWarfare> Enjoying my day foff
[09:55] <GorillaWarfare> *off
[09:55] <mimi> lol
[09:56] <iDangerMouse> Lucky you.
�02[09:56] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�06[09:56] * GorillaWarfare shrugs
[09:56] <GorillaWarfare> Spose so
[09:57] <iDangerMouse> :P
[09:58] <iDangerMouse> GW, didn't get time to do the maps yet, was busy my case, and my laptop is giving me issues, have to get a new one in a week or so.
�02[09:59] * Yaawboy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[10:01] <GorillaWarfare> Oh no :/
�03[10:01] * cheeseduck (cheeseduck@unaffiliated/cheeseduck) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:01] <iDangerMouse> yep :(
[10:02] <mimi> :p
�03[10:02] * geniice ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[10:02] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:02] <mimi> whats up with your laptop iDangerMouse
[10:02] <cheeseduck> Do the kids in Americans schools actually bring "lunch money" and pay for the lunch every day? The classic "joke" is that the bullies steal that money every day from the weak kids.
[10:02] <cheeseduck> Wouldn't it make far more sense for the parents to get a bill sent home or something annualy?
[10:02] <iDangerMouse> Wouldn't know, don't live in U.S.
[10:03] <GorillaWarfare> cheeseduck: Depends, I'd guess. In my school system, you deposited however much money, and you would enter a PIN to buy lunch
[10:03] <mimi> cheeseduck: i dont pay for my food
�06[10:03] * mimi in her school,food is free
[10:04] <iDangerMouse> I suppose, kids are using NFC nowadays to pay for food :P would be cool.
[10:04] <BobTheWikipedian> gahhhhhhhh.
[10:04] <iDangerMouse> Touch your phone, pay for it :D
[10:04] <cheeseduck> NFC?
�06[10:04] * BobTheWikipedian dies
[10:04] <mimi> what is NFC
[10:05] <cheeseduck> I guess the bullies can still steal the food...
�02[10:05] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[10:05] <iDangerMouse> cheeseduck: Lemme give a link, will explain it.
[10:06] <iDangerMouse> cheeseduck: that's how I paid my ticket last week :D
[10:06] <mimi> do not steal food, here now is fashion to launch food
[10:06] <cheeseduck> Terrible. :|
�06[10:07] * mimi shrugs
[10:07] <cheeseduck> Cashless society = 1984.
[10:07] <iDangerMouse> Anyway, I am going to bed.
[10:07] <iDangerMouse> Good night.
[10:07] <mareklug> you weren't even born in 1884
[10:07] <mareklug> 1984
[10:07] <mimi> good night
[10:07] <cheeseduck> "OK"
[10:08] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: you didn't answer my question :P
[10:08] <mimi> >_<
[10:08] <cheeseduck> That's because he's a retard.
�03[10:08] * cheeseduck (cheeseduck@unaffiliated/cheeseduck) has left #wikipedia-en
[10:09] <BobTheWikipedian> question. how can wikipedia help kids under 13?
�02[10:09] * Rutebega ( Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[10:09] <iDangerMouse> Sorry, Bob I am really hungry, and sleepy not answering that right now :)
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[10:10] <BobTheWikipedian> because i just realized this librarian position is for grades k-5
[10:10] <BobTheWikipedian> :P
[10:10] <mareklug> iDangerMouse i was afk.  anyway, it is hard to get excited about a windows 8 tablet, let alone pay 800 for one
[10:10] <iDangerMouse> It's  laptop! :P
�03[10:10] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:11] <iDangerMouse> And Windows 8 tablets are rubbish.
[10:12] <geniice> 	BobTheWikipedian simple wikipedia?
[10:12] <BobTheWikipedian> simple wikipedia isn't for kids, it's for esl
[10:12] <geniice> BobTheWikipedian there is also the old project
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> actually, should edit it
[10:13] <iDangerMouse> Kids below 13 editing it?
[10:13] <iDangerMouse> O_O
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> if there could be an offline version...
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
�03[10:14] * SudoGhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:14] * SudoGhost ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[10:14] * Falcorian (~Alexander@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Client Quit�)
[10:15] <JohnLewis> Oh Windows 8 did I hear?
[10:15] <iDangerMouse> Remove the pics, and the audio files, just the text, then possible, 32Gb offline Wikipedia tablet. I presume, even that won't cover everything.
[10:15] <iDangerMouse> JohnLewis: Yes, getting a laptop not sure if it's right, the price seems reasonable.
[10:15] <JohnLewis> Anyone who buys a Surface is basically pay 600 more for a removalable keyboard.
[10:15] <JohnLewis> I would stay clear of Windows 8.
[10:15] <mimi> iDangerMouse: Good night
[10:15] <wolfgang42> BobTheWikipedian: There is an offline version
[10:15] <BobTheWikipedian> i am on windows 8
[10:16] <BobTheWikipedian> but i use a desktop tower
[10:16] <JohnLewis> Windows 7 is probably the limit of their capabilities.
�02[10:16] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[10:16] <iDangerMouse> JohnLewis: Explain
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[10:17] <russavia> does anyone remember the en.wp spoken article that was done in a fake (scottish??) accent some time ago?
[10:17] <mareklug> iDangerMouse you sure about that "770 USD" price?  is twice that (in Pakistan)
[10:19] <iDangerMouse> That price would mean 800 USD
[10:19] <iDangerMouse> I am getting it for 770 USD from Dubai
[10:19] <mareklug> google said 1480
[10:19] <iDangerMouse> Type 79000 PKR TO USD
[10:19] <mareklug> must be different Rs
�03[10:19] * Rutebega ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[10:20] * abdulmatin_ (~abdulmati@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[10:21] <iDangerMouse> IR = Indian Rupees
[10:22] <iDangerMouse> Even RS
[10:22] <iDangerMouse> However they use RS for conversions, and in Pakistan they call it IR.
[10:23] <iDangerMouse> mimi please don't pm me without permission, thank you.
[10:23] <mimi> oh I only said "good night"
[10:23] <mimi> sorry.
[10:23] <mareklug> anyway, for 30 less, is it worth the risk of importing it?  it it were bought locally it could be returned/fixed under warranty easier
[10:24] <Vacation9> I need a second opinion over at #wikipedia-en-help
[10:24] <iDangerMouse> True, but is it reasonable?
[10:24] <iDangerMouse> Vacation9: Explain..
�03[10:24] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:25] <Vacation9> iDangerMouse: What do you think of
[10:25] <iDangerMouse> clicks
�03[10:25] * mimi (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en
[10:25] <Hahc21> I don't see
[10:25] <Hahc21> Any source there
[10:25] <Hahc21> on that AFC
[10:25] <Hahc21> to state that it is notable
[10:25] <jakr> JohnLewis, is my article never going to be created because I can't think of an infobox
[10:26] <JohnLewis> It may possinly be created. I just recommended an infobox.
[10:26] <iDangerMouse> Thank goodness the troll has left the building.
�03[10:26] * mimi (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:26] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
�03[10:26] * Yaawboy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:26] <iDangerMouse> Not
[10:26] <Hahc21> Well, it looks a bit WP:NOT
�03[10:26] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:26] <iDangerMouse> Vacation9: Sources need to be solid.
[10:26] <jakr> JohnLewis, i agree, but I can't think of an applicable one. One the template it says to consult before creating a new type of infobox
[10:27] <JohnLewis> Hold on.
�03[10:27] * mimi is now known as GoofyGirl
�02[10:27] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[10:27] <jakr> iDangerMouse, you mean mini?
[10:28] <iDangerMouse> Vacation9: I have an article, and like 50 maps, however, my sources are weak,need to work on it more. Then I'll request for a page creation.
[10:28] <iDangerMouse> jakr:  Oh yes.
�02[10:29] * Yaawboy ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[10:29] <Vacation9> iDangerMouse: I know, it's not my AfC. I'm reviewing it. Thanks!
[10:29] <iDangerMouse> Sure
[10:29] <Hahc21> But I see it has been already failed
�03[10:29] * priart (47d75463@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:30] * EvilSon-Laptop ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[10:30] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:30] <iDangerMouse> Pratyya Ghosh declined it too, and does fairly good work.
[10:31] <Vacation9> iDangerMouse: Declined it as well.
[10:32] <iDangerMouse> Indeed.
[10:32] <JohnLewis> jakr: Infobox software works for mobile applications too. Just use the appropriate fields.
[10:32] <jakr> kkk
�03[10:38] * MJ94 is now known as MJ94|PMIfNeeded
[10:38] <iDangerMouse> jakr:  you're not related to slakr I hope.
[10:39] <priart> I just heard Melinda Gates on NPR "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" described as "focusing on
[10:39] <jakr> JohnLewis, oh kk
[10:39] <jakr> iDangerMouse, my fault my finger slipped
[10:39] <iDangerMouse> Okay :D
[10:39] <priart> ..." three things, two of which are articles I've spent several days improving
�02[10:40] * EvilSon-Laptop (~sk8rblusc@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[10:41] <priart> the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless AI:
�02[10:42] * DeltaQuad (~DeltaQuad@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[10:42] <iDangerMouse> mareklug: Never mind, decided on Lenovo i7 same specs though, but better processor i7 for 780 CAD with tax :)
�03[10:43] * DeltaQuad (~DeltaQuad@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:43] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[10:46] <JohnLewis> Vacation9: Mind taking a look at Jakr's article if you have time. I just did a quick clean up of Operating System but I am not reviewing any articles til February. Taking some time off from AfC :)
�02[10:46] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Good Night,�)
�03[10:47] * esy (~catbuntu@wikimedia/unrar) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:47] * Fae (~Fae@wikipedia/Fae) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[10:48] <GoofyGirl> someone can remove the reference 2
[10:48] <GoofyGirl> because I tried and it  not work
[10:48] <GoofyGirl> pleases
�03[10:48] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[10:51] <Vacation9> JohnLewis: Could you post at #wikipedia-en-help? I'm mostly active there
�03[10:51] * wolfgang42 is now known as wolfgang42|busy
�02[10:51] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: No route to host�)
[10:51] <JohnLewis> Vacation9: Direct that too Jakr.
�03[10:51] * arkiver (~arkiver@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[10:58] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:58] <MJ94|PMIfNeeded> lol
[10:58] <MJ94|PMIfNeeded> never loads
�02[10:59] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
�03[11:00] * MJ94|PMIfNeeded is now known as MJ94
�02[11:00] * priart (47d75463@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[11:01] <Betacommand> MJ94: that would be because of its edit count
[11:01] <MJ94> Betacommand: I'm well-aware why :P
[11:01] <MJ94> Smart choice, too
�03[11:02] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[11:02] <MJ94> or, if not purposely disabled, good idea
[11:02] <MJ94> s/idea/thing
[11:02] <MJ94> Yetanotherx: X!?
�03[11:02] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|afk
�03[11:02] * jakr (~jake@unaffiliated/jakr) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving"�)
�03[11:03] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[11:03] <legoktm> MJ94: yes thats him
[11:04] <MJ94> heh
[11:04] <MJ94> 2 + 2 does equal 4
[11:04] <legoktm> the reason it never loads is because the tool attemps to check all rows in the revision table attributed to that user
[11:04] <legoktm> which takes a while
�02[11:04] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Quit: BewareofDoug�)
[11:05] <MJ94> legoktm: it probably nevr would load, would it?
�03[11:08] * The_Blade ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:08] * The_Blade ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[11:08] * The_Blade (~chatzilla@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[11:08] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[11:09] <Shirik> MJ94: Only for average valuse of 2
[11:09] <MJ94> The_Blade: :D
[11:10] <The_Blade> Hey, how goes it?
�03[11:10] * Vacation9|afk is now known as Vacation9
[11:10] <MJ94> The_Blade:
[11:10] <MJ94> :D
[11:10] <MJ94> bad mood fixed by little kid playing guitar
�03[11:10] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:11] * MJ94 pokes Hahc21 with a unicorn horn
[11:11] <The_Blade> Interesting stuff.
[11:11] <Hahc21> Hey The_Blade
[11:11] <The_Blade> Hello.
�06[11:12] * GoofyGirl mounts a pony
[11:12] <Hahc21> How are you?
�03[11:12] * DerLukas is now known as lukas23
[11:12] <wolfgang42|busy> Ooh, a pony!
[11:12] <Hahc21> Hi MJ94
�06[11:12] * wolfgang42|busy feeds the pony a sugar cube
[11:12] <The_Blade> I'm doing just fine, yourself?
[11:12] <Hahc21> Great
[11:13] <Hahc21> Although a bit tired
[11:13] <Jeske_Couriano> *RAEG*
�06[11:13] * Jeske_Couriano muders the pony
[11:13] <Jeske_Couriano> *murders
[11:13] <The_Blade> Likewise; had work this morning, never fun.
[11:14] <GoofyGirl> :o
�06[11:14] * GoofyGirl gives a cake to Jeske_Couriano to sweeten life
�06[11:16] * MJ94 hands Jeske_Couriano a puppy
[11:16] <MJ94> look, Jeske
[11:16] <MJ94> he loves you
[11:16] <MJ94> <3
[11:16] <GoofyGirl> lol
�06[11:16] * Jeske_Couriano shoos the puppy away and ignores the cake.
�06[11:16] * MJ94 runs Jeske_Couriano in his power chair
[11:16] <MJ94> over*
�06[11:16] * GoofyGirl gets on the spacecraft
[11:16] <GoofyGirl> bye cruel world
�06[11:17] * MJ94 gets on the mac & cheese, Kraft
�03[11:18] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:18] * arkiver (~arkiver@ Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[11:18] <Shirik> wtf just happened in here
�06[11:18] * GoofyGirl whistle
[11:18] <addshore> wonder what the youngest wikipedian is
[11:18] <IShadowed> 12 year olds
�06[11:18] * wolfgang42|busy eats the Kraft mac & cheese
[11:19] <MJ94> addshore: probably banned
[11:19] <addshore> youngest admin?
[11:19] <addshore> youngest crat? :P
[11:19] <MJ94> wolfgang42|busy: wow wtf why
[11:19] <MJ94> mine
[11:19] <addshore> I think it would be interesting to know
[11:19] <Demiurge1000> addshore: the lower range of editors tends to be 8 to 10, youngest admins have tended to be about 12
[11:19] <MJ94> I read that as youngest cat
[11:19] <MJ94> wtf 12
[11:19] <MJ94> at 12, I was…well
[11:19] <Shirik> i'm 12 and what is this
[11:19] <MJ94> saying
[11:19] <MJ94> hi im 12
[11:19] <MJ94> and
[11:19] <MJ94> what
[11:19] <MJ94> fu Shirik
[11:19] <Hahc21> Well, I had two Mediation cases on the closing stages
[11:19] <Hahc21> on es-wiki and it is a lot of work
�06[11:20] * wolfgang42|busy pours dry macaroni on MJ94
�03[11:20] * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:20] * Guerillero ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[11:20] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:20] * MJ94 strips
[11:20] <GoofyGirl> I am 9
[11:20] <MJ94> hellll yeahhhh
[11:20] <GoofyGirl> :|
[11:20] <GoofyGirl> XD
[11:20] <MJ94> GoofyGirl: i hope you're joking?
[11:20] <Tasmania> ...
[11:20] <GoofyGirl> o.o
[11:20] <GoofyGirl> No
[11:20] <GoofyGirl> :S
[11:20] <GoofyGirl> >_<
[11:21] <addshore> lets have some ages people! how old are you all? :P
[11:21] <MJ94> 18
[11:21] <MJ94> aka 5
[11:21] <GoofyGirl> well I am 89
[11:21] <GoofyGirl> happy¿
[11:21] <GoofyGirl> ¿¿
�06[11:21] * GoofyGirl died
[11:21] <GoofyGirl> start asking age for the first of the list
[11:21] <GoofyGirl> xd
[11:21] <GoofyGirl> ChanServ:
[11:21] <GoofyGirl> xd
[11:22] <D_> Oh god dead people talking
[11:22] <GoofyGirl> haha
[11:22] <MJ94> heh
[11:22] <MJ94> eh
[11:22] <GoofyGirl> loola
[11:22] <MJ94> can't tell if referring to michael jackson
[11:22] <MJ94> or
[11:22] <MJ94> if
[11:22] <MJ94> idk
[11:22] <MJ94> but
[11:22] <MJ94> I'm dead by association
[11:23] <GoofyGirl> lol
[11:23] <MJ94> ok guys ill bbl
[11:23] <MJ94> gotta go get my criminal minds on
[11:23] <MJ94> heyo
[11:23] <addshore> well i'm 19 :P
[11:24] <MJ94> addshore: :o
[11:24] <GoofyGirl> MJ94: I was flitting
[11:24] <GoofyGirl> :p
�03[11:24] * mindspillage (~kat@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[11:24] * GoofyGirl cant tell anyone her age
[11:24] <addshore> or am I 12 :O
[11:24] <GoofyGirl> XD
[11:24] <MJ94> 12
[11:24] <addshore> :/
[11:24] <MJ94> addshore: you're like me
�02[11:24] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:24] <MJ94> mature sometimes
[11:24] <MJ94> immature most of the time
[11:24] <GoofyGirl> >_<
�03[11:24] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|pmifne
�06[11:25] * GoofyGirl brings cake
�03[11:25] * Vacation9|pmifne is now known as Vacation|pmifnee
[11:25] <MJ94> Vacation9|pmifne: lol
�03[11:25] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:25] <GoofyGirl> o.o
�03[11:25] * Vacation|pmifnee is now known as Vaca|pmifneeded
[11:25] <MJ94> Vacation|pmifnee: oops
[11:25] <MJ94> Vaca|pmifneeded: oops
[11:25] <GoofyGirl> hi  dear Hahc21 :D
[11:25] <MJ94> ok bbl
�03[11:26] * wolfgang42|busy is now known as wolfgang42
[11:26] <Hahc21> wow
[11:26] <Hahc21> I was disconnected
�06[11:26] * GoofyGirl going eat corn flakes
�02[11:28] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[11:29] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:29] <GoofyGirl> again
[11:29] <GoofyGirl> :o
�02[11:29] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�02[11:36] * GabrielF ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[11:40] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) Quit (Quit: Coming... Mother...�)
[11:42] <Yetanotherx> MJ94: ?
�03[11:42] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[11:43] * Pink|mostly_away is now known as PinkAmpersand
�03[11:44] * GoofyGirl is now known as mimi
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�02[11:47] * Tiptoety (Tiptoety@wikipedia/Tiptoety) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0.1/20130116073211]�)
�02[11:47] * Ks0stm|iPhone ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[11:47] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
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�02[11:48] * Guerillero_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
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�06[11:51] * Hahc21 is back, finally
[11:52] <mimi> Welcome back Hahc21 :D
[11:52] <The_Blade> ^
[11:52] <Hahc21> Thanks
[11:53] <Hahc21> HexChat was making a bit of a mess
�03[11:53] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:53] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Changing host�)
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�03[11:53] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:53] <mimi> I have tried use Hexchat
[11:53] <mimi> and much problem to use it
[11:53] <mimi> I prefer use Chatzilla
[11:53] <mimi> >_<
[11:53] <Hahc21> Oh
[11:53] <mimi> or Irssi
[11:54] <mimi> but Irssi is little complicated
[11:54] <Hahc21> Well, I cba to move onto another program now
[11:54] <Hahc21> xD
[11:54] <mimi> :p
[11:54] <BobTheWikipedian> chatzilla wins
�06[11:54] * mimi user Irssi Chatzilla Quassel Hechat mIRC
[11:55] <mimi> and i dunno more
[11:55] <mimi> I have many programs
�06[11:55] * BobTheWikipedian runs chatzilla on seamonkey
[11:56] <mimi> I use it on Firefox 17
[11:56] <BobTheWikipedian> seamonkey 2.15, woot
[11:56] <BobTheWikipedian> the browser that didn't quite make it
[11:56] <mimi> I think Mozilla programs are the best
[11:56] <BobTheWikipedian> agreed
[11:56] <mimi> even better than Apple
[11:56] <mimi> :p
�06[11:56] * mimi shrugs
[11:57] <BobTheWikipedian> but chatzilla hasn't always been compatible with firefox so i run it on seamonkey instead
[11:57] <mimi> I mean to Colloky
[11:57] <mimi> or Colloki
[11:57] <mimi> XD
[11:57] <BobTheWikipedian> that way i don't have to rely on the chatzilla devs keeping up with the firefox devs
[11:58] <BobTheWikipedian> which they don't
[11:58] <mimi> I've downloaded chatzilla (last version) on the official page
[11:58] <mimi> I mean "
[11:58] <mimi> xd
[11:58] <BobTheWikipedian>  mine is 0.9.89, what's the latest?
[11:58] <mimi> mm let me see
�03[11:58] * DeltaQuad is now known as DQ|nap
[11:58] <iDangerMouse> Hm
[11:59] <mimi> I gave up
[11:59] <mimi> >_<
[11:59] <mimi> I cant find
[11:59] <mimi> oh wait
[11:59] <BobTheWikipedian> help > about
[12:00] <mimi> BobTheWikipedian:
[12:00] <BobTheWikipedian> so wikipedian...
�03[12:00] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:00] <iDangerMouse> BobTheWikipedian: Ummm, no
[12:00] <mimi> version you are using,is the last
[12:00] <BobTheWikipedian> okay
[12:00] <mimi> >_<
[12:01] <BobTheWikipedian> idangermouse eh you're right, wikipedians normally tell each other WHAT to look up rather than providing the link
[12:01] <mimi> and mine is
[12:01] <mimi> 9.66
[12:01] <SigmaWP>
[12:01] <iDangerMouse> Indeed.
[12:01] <SigmaWP> This guy is retarded
[12:01] <mimi> lol
[12:01] <BobTheWikipedian> i am retarded
[12:01] <mimi> XD
[12:01] <iDangerMouse> Clicks
[12:01] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: Can you delete
[12:01] <BobTheWikipedian> possibly, got a reason?
[12:01] <iDangerMouse> Haha
[12:02] <BobTheWikipedian> idangermouse laughs at the retarded guy :(
�02[12:02] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
[12:02] <MJ94> >_>
[12:02] <SigmaWP> A7
�06[12:02] * mimi feels strange
[12:02] <BobTheWikipedian> logging in now...
[12:03] <iDangerMouse> Not at you Bob, at what SigmaWP posted.
[12:03] <BobTheWikipedian> dundundunnnnn
[12:03] <BobTheWikipedian> haha mouse i know ;)
[12:04] <MJ94> BobTheWikipedian: if you wanna delete that as a hoax by a sock puppet (see SPI), please don't hesitate to
[12:04] <MJ94> :D
[12:04] <iDangerMouse> lol
[12:04] <iDangerMouse> Joy of being an admin and being on IRC. :D
[12:04] <MJ94> iDangerMouse: ++
[12:04] <BobTheWikipedian> spi?
[12:04] <MJ94> o_o
[12:05] <MJ94> yes
[12:05] <MJ94> spi
[12:05] <mimi> >_<
[12:05] <MJ94> >_<
[12:05] <BobTheWikipedian> spi?
[12:05] <MJ94> yes
[12:05] <MJ94> spi
�06[12:05] * mimi feels strange
[12:05] <BobTheWikipedian> spi.
[12:05] <MJ94> [[WP:SPI]]
[12:05] <MJ94> >_>
[12:05] <BobTheWikipedian> ah
[12:05] <MJ94> ...
[12:05] <iDangerMouse> ...
[12:05] <iDangerMouse> See thats a Wikipedian :D
[12:05] <MJ94> an admin, too!
[12:05] <MJ94> :D
[12:05] <BobTheWikipedian> can you link me to the relevant WP:SPI?
[12:06] <MJ94> no
[12:06] <MJ94> hold on
[12:06] <BobTheWikipedian> well is that a no or a hold on?
[12:06] <MJ94>
[12:06] <BobTheWikipedian> thanks
[12:06] <MJ94>
[12:06] <MJ94> sorry
[12:07] <The_Blade> I zapped a similar page a few days ago.
[12:07] <MJ94> The_Blade: yes you did
[12:07] <MJ94> but note only one of his articles is a hoax
[12:07] <MJ94> he's sneaky
[12:07] <The_Blade> Ah, one of those...
�02[12:07] * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[12:08] <iDangerMouse> Well MJ94 retards create those
[12:08] <MJ94> The_Blade: If he put the effort he does into his real looking fake pages for a real page
[12:08] <MJ94> and
[12:08] <BobTheWikipedian> looks like the investigation is underway yet
[12:08] <MJ94> retarded ≠ stupid
[12:08] <MJ94> BobTheWikipedian: uh, no
[12:08] <MJ94> investigation is done
[12:08] <MJ94> :P
[12:08] <BobTheWikipedian> today's the 19th
[12:08] <MJ94> DQ zapped him yesterday
[12:08] <MJ94> well
[12:08] <MJ94> this morning
[12:08] <BobTheWikipedian> ah sorry, retarded does = stupid in this case
[12:08] <iDangerMouse> Even Dennis is on this cool
[12:08] <BobTheWikipedian> yes it is closed
[12:09] <MJ94>  Confirmed when taking everything into account.  No comment with respect to IP address(es). Can probably just duck it next time if we see similiar behavoir. -- DQ (ʞlɐʇ) 08:35, 19 January 2013 (UTC)
[12:09] <MJ94>  Administrator note: Unistre34 blocked and tagged. The IPs seem likely to be the same person, but I haven't blocked them since it's likely he's already under a different address by now. Jafeluv (talk) 12:31, 19 January 2013 (UTC)
[12:10] <SigmaWP>{%7Bdated%20prod%20blp.*%7D%7D%0A*.*%3E&amreplace=%20&amlocal=1&amsummary=Remove%20BLP%20prod&amautosave=yes
[12:10] <SigmaWP> index.php is so powerful :o
[12:10] <BobTheWikipedian> dun dundun dun
[12:10] <MJ94> :D
[12:10] <MJ94> thanks BobTheWikipedian
[12:10] <BobTheWikipedian> "2014 EAFF U-20 East Asian Cup" has been deleted (view | salt). See the deletion log for a record of recent deletions.
[12:10] <BobTheWikipedian> absolutely
�02[12:11] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:11] <BobTheWikipedian> ah, the life of an admin :) at least these are easy chores today
[12:11] <MJ94> BobTheWikipedian: :)
[12:12] <The_Blade> Well, I'd rather be able to do it myself than have to ask someone, so it's not all bad.
�03[12:12] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:12] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Client Quit�)
[12:12] <MJ94> No admin is ever on at 3 am when I need one
[12:12] <MJ94> We need an Admin on Call®
[12:12] <MJ94> !aoc
[12:12] <iDangerMouse> O_O
[12:12] <MJ94> and then someone will andwer
[12:13] <MJ94> answer
�03[12:13] * GoofyGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:13] <MJ94> I could have just said !*admin, but I didn't wanna piss off the sleepy admins
[12:13] <BobTheWikipedian> a more difficult chore i've had recently was "can you help me integrate the english wikipedia's taxonomy, conservation status, and temporal range systems into the norwegian wikipedia's taxobox?"
[12:13] <PeterSymonds> MJ94, what's up?
[12:13] <MJ94> PeterSymonds: My IQ
�02[12:13] * mimi (~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:13] <MJ94> badabing
�02[12:13] * wolfgang42 (~quassel@wikipedia/Wolfgang42) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[12:13] <MJ94> PeterSymonds: Not much, you?
[12:13] <PeterSymonds> You wish.
[12:13] <mareklug> MJ94 at 3am Duluth time it is 7pm in Australia.  Plenty of ozzie admins around
�02[12:13] * esy (~catbuntu@wikimedia/unrar) Quit (Quit: Auf wiedersehen�)
[12:14] <BobTheWikipedian> which i did, though he sort of forgot to take it to the community afterward to introduce it to them, so it's still sitting there today unused
[12:14] <MJ94> mareklug: >_>
[12:14] <PeterSymonds> Same. I thought you wanted an admin.
�02[12:14] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�03[12:14] * esy (~catbuntu@wikimedia/unrar) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:14] <MJ94> PeterSymonds: Oh, no. I made BobTheWikipedian do the work
[12:14] <MJ94> PeterSymonds: thanks though
[12:14] <PeterSymonds> Even better.
[12:14] <BobTheWikipedian> peter it was hard work
[12:14] <MJ94> ;)
[12:14] <Gfoley> The one time Peter was nice
[12:14] <MJ94> ^
[12:14] <PeterSymonds> I know, right?
[12:14] <BobTheWikipedian> sockpuppets and such
[12:14] <GoofyGirl> lol
[12:14] <iDangerMouse> Peter was nice ?? Really?
�03[12:14] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:14] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:15] <iDangerMouse> Hey Pharos
[12:15] <BobTheWikipedian> pharos is here?
[12:15] <MJ94> Peter's good to me becausee I do all his work at WP:ACC
[12:15] <MJ94> because*
[12:15] <PeterSymonds> That's right.
[12:15] <MJ94> ;)
�02[12:15] * Sweezy (~bradford@unaffiliated/bradford) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[12:15] <iDangerMouse> Peter is good to me, I usually send users his way when they need an admin :P
[12:15] <MJ94> iDangerMouse: stop it, his ego is growing
[12:16] <PeterSymonds> and I tell them that I'm not an admin and go back to sleep.
[12:16] <BobTheWikipedian> what a thoughtful way to return the favor, mouse :P
[12:16] <MJ94> lol'd
[12:16] <iDangerMouse> Admin on Call :D
[12:16] <MJ94> My idea.
�03[12:16] * GorillaWarfare_ (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:16] <MJ94> ®
[12:16] <The_Blade> That's usually me when I'm on IRC.
[12:16] <MJ94> GorillaWarfare: !
[12:16] <BobTheWikipedian> you registered it?
[12:16] <esy> iDangerMouse!
[12:16] <esy> Long time no see :P
[12:17] <MJ94> GorillaWarfare is technically my admin friend
�02[12:17] * Ks0stm|iPhone (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -�)
[12:17] <MJ94> I've had her do more for me on wiki than anyone else
[12:17] <MJ94> <3 GW
[12:17] <BobTheWikipedian> oh yay, i hear dad in the attic
[12:17] <MJ94> but The_Blade is a bro, too
�02[12:17] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[12:17] <BobTheWikipedian> time for recluse season again
[12:17] <PeterSymonds> What did you lock him up there for?
[12:17] <MJ94> BobTheWikipedian: o_O
[12:17] <Dcoetzee> "Dad in the Attic" sounds like a great band name
�03[12:17] * DFrostedGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:17] <BobTheWikipedian> any time he goes up there he wakes the recluses
[12:17] <The_Blade> Or a song name.
[12:17] <MJ94> Or a porno
[12:17] <BobTheWikipedian> haha derrick
[12:18] <iDangerMouse> MJ94: your girlfriend is here.
[12:18] <The_Blade> Oh fun; sure that's a barrel of laughs.
[12:18] <MJ94> iDangerMouse: I doubt it
[12:18] <iDangerMouse> I know :D
[12:18] <MJ94> Considering she's in Nisswa
[12:18] <MJ94> and doesn't IRC
[12:18] <MJ94> :)
[12:18] <BobTheWikipedian> on the internet, no one knows you're a dog
[12:19] <MJ94> mother effing moo
�03[12:19] * ihaveamac ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[12:19] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:19] <MJ94> ihaveamac
[12:19] <MJ94> as well
[12:19] <MJ94> System Information: Model: MacBook Pro (15-inch Retina Mid-2012) • CPU: Intel Core i7-3720QM (8 Cores) @ 2.60 GHz • L2: 262.14 KB • L3: 6.29 MB • Memory: 8.00 GB • Uptime: 1 Day • Disk Space: Total: 499.42 GB; Free: 184.26 GB • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M • Screen Resolution: 1440 x 900 (Retina Enabled) • Load: 6% • OS: Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) (Build 12C3006)
[12:19] <MJ94> see
�02[12:19] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[12:19] * GorillaWarfare_ is now known as GorillaWarfare
[12:19] <MJ94> GorillaWarfare.
�02[12:19] * GoofyGirl (~Carly@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[12:20] * DFrostedGirl is now known as mimi
�06[12:20] * iDangerMouse throws MJ94  out of the window and runs
[12:20] <GorillaWarfare> Hey
[12:20] <mimi> hi
�06[12:20] * Dcoetzee waves hi to GorillaWarfare
�06[12:20] * MJ94 vows never to go through RfA so he never has to stop making other people do his work
[12:20] <The_Blade> OK, those people who are IRC regulars may have some familiarity with the problems I have with how our articles on transgender people are written...
[12:20] <mimi> :o
[12:20] <MJ94> o_O
[12:20] <GorillaWarfare> o/
[12:20] <BobTheWikipedian> actually no
[12:20] <MJ94> The_Blade: please elaborate
[12:20] <BobTheWikipedian> please enlighten us
[12:21] <iDangerMouse> {{semi-retired}} havent been on it for ages.
[12:21] <MJ94> as I am an IRC regular and have no idea what you're getting to
�03[12:21] * Gfoley is now known as Gfoley4
[12:21] <The_Blade> I don't especially like the fact that our MOS insists we retroactively give people sex changes.
[12:21] <BobTheWikipedian> i am too...i just take long frequent breaks
[12:21] <MJ94> Gfoley4: What happened to the first 3 Gfoleys?
[12:21] <BobTheWikipedian> wait, explain that blade
[12:21] <iDangerMouse> I don't get it either.
[12:21] <The_Blade> Read the article on
[12:22] <BobTheWikipedian> i don't like to read
[12:22] <MJ94> ^
[12:22] <The_Blade> Palmer was "David Palmer" as a member of Jethro Tull, and remained that until 2003.
[12:22] <MJ94> tl;dr
[12:22] <BobTheWikipedian> what he said
[12:22] <BobTheWikipedian> "and remained that"?
[12:23] <mareklug> basically dee palmer was a boy up until when he became she, but in the bio we have to call him a her even for when she was a he
[12:23] <The_Blade> Thank you mareklug.
[12:23] <iDangerMouse> The_Blade:
[12:23] <MJ94> But she was a he at one point
[12:23] <MJ94> so he was a he
[12:23] <D_> I ran into an article recently that just didn't use one pronoun
[12:23] <SigmaWP> But now he's a she
[12:23] <BobTheWikipedian> um...why not treat it like you would treat a composer?
[12:23] <D_> and used the last name in every place instead
�02[12:23] * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.3.1 Aria�)
[12:23] <MJ94> no
[12:23] <The_Blade> I've run into a case now where people are not only insisting on a retroactive sex change, but a retroactive /name/ change as well.
[12:23] <MJ94> she's a she
[12:23] <SigmaWP> Let's just call him a 'them', then
[12:23] <MJ94> it
[12:23] <The_Blade> D_; you're referring to Laura Jane Grace.
[12:23] <The_Blade> ?
[12:24] <BobTheWikipedian> in the opening, you'd say Jill Doe (born John Doe on 2-28-1900)...
[12:24] <D_> Uhh, no
�03[12:24] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:24] <D_> but it seems somebody did the same thing there
[12:24] <The_Blade> Oh, because that was written the same way.
[12:24] <BobTheWikipedian> and throughout the article use whatever name and gender was applicable at that time
[12:25] <MJ94> I haven't responded to my girlfriend's text because of Wikipedia's distraction
[12:25] <MJ94> ...
[12:25] <MJ94> thats bad
[12:25] <The_Blade> BobTheWikipedian; I tried to get the MoS guideline changed, but some LGBT Wikiproject people managed to torpedo it.
[12:25] <D_> You mean you haven't responded to your girlfriend's distraction because of Wikipedia
[12:25] <MJ94> ^
[12:25] <ihaveamac> what MoS guideline?
[12:25] <MJ94> D_: I like you
[12:25] <BobTheWikipedian> bring in the wp legal folks
[12:25] <The_Blade> MOS:IDENTITY
[12:26] <BobTheWikipedian> they'll argue that she was a he until x point in time
[12:26] <The_Blade>
[12:26] <BobTheWikipedian> they would probably enjoy the challenge of dealing with them
[12:26] <BobTheWikipedian> there's a legal wikiproject, right?
[12:27] <The_Blade> I enjoy it myself; I particularly enjoy hearing how I'm prejudiced against LGBT people for *daring* to suggest we follow reliable sources instead of LGBT rags in our writing style.
[12:27] <The_Blade> Yeah, I believe there is.
[12:27] <BobTheWikipedian> heck ironholds is one of them actually...he loves law articles
�02[12:27] * Odisha1 (~wikiodish@wikimedia/odisha1) Quit
[12:27] <BobTheWikipedian> of course if i know him he's got a lot on his plate and doesn't need more
[12:28] <The_Blade> For the record, I have absolutely no problem with LGBT people, I simply value clarity over political correctness.
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�02[12:28] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[12:28] <BobTheWikipedian> this isn't about political correctness at all, it's about grammatical accuracy
[12:28] <MJ94> BobTheWikipedian: The_Blade race!
[12:28] <BobTheWikipedian> and historical accuracy
[12:29] <BobTheWikipedian> ?
�02[12:29] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
[12:29] <WilliamH_UK> anyone good with javascript here?
[12:29] <BobTheWikipedian> nope
[12:29] <addshore> no, but I wish i was :)
[12:29] <addshore> WilliamH_UK, what are you trying to do? :)
�02[12:29] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[12:29] <The_Blade> MJ94; gone
[12:29] <MJ94> I wish I could understand Python; that's bad
[12:29] <WilliamH_UK> it's not particularly difficult
[12:29] <MJ94> The_Blade: winner!
[12:29] <MJ94> The_Blade: :)
[12:29] <SigmaWP> [12:29:21] �<�MJ94�>�� I wish I could understand Python; that's bad
[12:29] <The_Blade> No problem.
�03[12:29] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:29] * SigmaWP smashes his face on the table
[12:29] <WilliamH_UK> I'd like to create a form which, underneath, has clickable buttons to insert particular characters
[12:30] <MJ94> SigmaWP: explain it to me, oh smart one
[12:30] <SigmaWP> MJ94: You'll be eating your sarcasm in a second
[12:30] <MJ94> I understand 1-12, but 13 is lost on me
[12:30] <addshore> WilliamH_UK, might be worth checking the people in #wikipedia-userscripts
[12:30] <mareklug> WilliamH_UK like our edit window
[12:30] <WilliamH_UK> ah yes
[12:30] <The_Blade> BobTheWikipedian; the most recent place this has cropped up is Laura Jane Grace.  See
[12:30] <WilliamH_UK> mareklug yes
[12:30] <WilliamH_UK> good thinking guys
[12:31] <SigmaWP> MJ94: You can't be serious
[12:31] <MJ94> shut up
[12:31] <iDangerMouse> Speaking of Python, videos or tutorial
[12:31] <MJ94> both
[12:31] <iDangerMouse> For learning it
[12:31] <MJ94> I have both
[12:31] <MJ94> I'll send you my resources
[12:31] <MJ94> book and movies
[12:31] <BobTheWikipedian> of course it should be mentioned
[12:31] <MJ94> PM me
[12:31] <iDangerMouse> Okay, thanks
[12:32] <SigmaWP> Someone translate and delete it
[12:32] <BobTheWikipedian> if someone is doing genealogy research or other historical research, the former name is of utmost significance
[12:32] <SigmaWP> Or the other way around...
[12:32] <MJ94> SigmaWP: I understand exercises 1-12, not 13
[12:32] <SigmaWP> MJ94: x, y = 1, 2
[12:32] <SigmaWP> x == 1 is True
[12:32] <SigmaWP> y == 2 is True
[12:32] <MJ94> yes
[12:32] <SigmaWP> yes
[12:32] <MJ94> what's the purpose
[12:32] <iDangerMouse> I can translate it
[12:32] <MJ94> and what does that script do
[12:32] <SigmaWP> To assign multiple variables on one line
[12:32] <The_Blade> That's more or less what I've been trying to say, and I've had my arguments completely misrepresented.
[12:32] <SigmaWP> argv is a list
[12:32] <SigmaWP> So you unpack the list into those variables
[12:33] <iDangerMouse> Dr. Fatima bint Abdullah pharma ... began her career
[12:33] <SigmaWP> 1, 2, 3, 4
�03[12:33] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:33] <SigmaWP> That's implicitly a tuple
[12:33] <SigmaWP> The parentheses are usually optional, implied, etc
[12:33] <iDangerMouse> At some Health Center
[12:33] <BobTheWikipedian> honestly, though, i stay away from that area of the site...zoology is where i live
�02[12:33] * LtNOWIS-mobile ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:33] <iDangerMouse> SigmaWP: Want the full translation?
[12:34] <SigmaWP> iDangerMouse: yes
[12:34] <The_Blade> Yeah, most editors don't like dealing with the nasty stuff; that's part of what draws me to it.
[12:34] <BobTheWikipedian> too much drama in the pop culture section
[12:34] <SigmaWP> The_Blade:
[12:34] <SigmaWP> Thanks
[12:34] <The_Blade> Now /there's/ a place I don't normally touch.
[12:34] <BobTheWikipedian> any edit you make is seen as a political statement
[12:34] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: Even when they aren't on WP!
[12:34] <The_Blade> Him again?
[12:35] <SigmaWP> The_Blade: And too
[12:35] <BobTheWikipedian> ? sigma
[12:35] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: Any edit you make is seen as a political statement even when they aren't on WP
[12:35] <SigmaWP> :(
�02[12:35] * D_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�06[12:35] * The_Blade wonders what the bloody hell possesses people to post things like that on Wikipedia.
[12:35] <iDangerMouse> Dr. Fatima bint Abdullah pharma  Ghraib, began her career at “الشويكة” Health Center, before moving to work in the health center “Majidiyah/Majidieh (in Farsi)” amid grief and sorrow people “الشويكة” who lost Pharmaceutical capable knew Bhananha patients
�02[12:35] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:35] <BobTheWikipedian> you mean like making a new stub?
[12:35] <SigmaWP> iDangerMouse: Thanks
�03[12:35] * LtNOWIS-mobile ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:36] <iDangerMouse> Sure
[12:36] <BobTheWikipedian> or not getting around to them?
�06[12:36] * SigmaWP doesn't have the heart to explain
[12:37] <BobTheWikipedian> um....
[12:37] <BobTheWikipedian> nobody's that heartless
[12:37] <MJ94>
[12:37] <SigmaWP> iDangerMouse: ^
[12:37] <iDangerMouse> Fine
[12:37] <SigmaWP> Have fun
[12:37] <iDangerMouse> I'll translate that too
[12:38] <ihaveamac> I did the lazy way: google translate
[12:38] <iDangerMouse> Hang on
[12:38] <ihaveamac> should I post it on the talk page?
[12:38] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. the county public school system is running a state sex offender check on me
�02[12:38] * esy (~catbuntu@wikimedia/unrar) Quit (Quit: Unity for Unity!�)
[12:38] <iDangerMouse> That's Farsi its my mom's native language anyway
[12:39] <BobTheWikipedian> it's a shame when one man's actions require others to do hours of research that yield no fruit
[12:39] <The_Blade> I always love the commercials; if you really have to run a background check on everyone you meet, you should seriously reconsider the types of people you're spending time with.
[12:40] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[12:40] <ihaveamac> I remember those commercials
[12:40] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah i remember a commercial like that
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[12:40] <BobTheWikipedian> i suppose it's the difference between living in the city and the country
[12:40] <BobTheWikipedian> i pull over to ask a guy with a stopped car if i can help him
[12:40] <ihaveamac> do I need to run a background check on EVERYONE I hang out with?
[12:41] <iDangerMouse> Where do you want the translation?
[12:41] <BobTheWikipedian> put it on Wikipedia:Main Page
�02[12:42] * LtNOWIS-mobile ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[12:42] <The_Blade> Heh.
�06[12:42] * BobTheWikipedian watches mouse
[12:42] <iDangerMouse> Just rephrase the google translate its not that bad to make sense out if it actually
[12:43] <The_Blade> I don't know how well Google translate handles Farsi, but it does /horrible/ with Japanese.
[12:43] <BobTheWikipedian> it doesn't know how to pronounce welsh
[12:43] <iDangerMouse> Its not so bad
[12:43] <BobTheWikipedian> and arabic grammar poses a giant problem for linguistic programmers
[12:44] <iDangerMouse> Khan Independence Football Club, founded in 1350 in the town of Khan, province of Golestan,.
[12:44] <BobTheWikipedian> maybe i should read the article i saw the other day on automated arabic translation problems
[12:44] <iDangerMouse> Well the guy's Farsi is a bit wrong :P
[12:44] <BobTheWikipedian> it might be a good read
[12:45] <iDangerMouse> Sounds like a teenager writing it
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[12:46] <BobTheWikipedian> i wonder what the non-roman alphabets would look like today if they were used as widely and evolved with technology like the roman characters have
[12:47] <BobTheWikipedian> arabic with serifs
�03[12:48] * bjelleklang (~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:48] <iDangerMouse> Hang on I sneezed like 6 times
[12:48] <iDangerMouse> need a tissue
[12:48] <BobTheWikipedian> bless you
[12:48] <D_> I'm trying to imagine if encoding standards would end up a bigger clusterfuddle than they actually are
[12:48] <iDangerMouse> Thank you!
[12:49] <BobTheWikipedian> probably
�03[12:49] * guillom is now known as basile
[12:49] <BobTheWikipedian> i mean aren't there characters that aren't represented in 8 bits?
�06[12:50] * BobTheWikipedian feels dumb for asking that
[12:50] <D_> That's why we have unicode and UTF-8
�03[12:50] * Enneadecagonafly (~wmcommons@unaffiliated/fifteenasterisks) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:50] <Enneadecagonafly> Oh, wait.
�03[12:50] * Enneadecagonafly is now known as Maplewing
[12:50] <BobTheWikipedian> 16 bits and 15 bits, right?
[12:51] <D_> But, we originally started out with the latin alphabet encoded in ASCII
[12:51] <D_> UTF-8 is actually variable length
[12:51] <D_> with clever ways of handling that
�03[12:51] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[12:51] <iDangerMouse> ASCII art is still cool, well before the 3D Printers...
[12:51] <BobTheWikipedian> they didn't teach us about utf-8 in college
�02[12:51] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[12:51] <BobTheWikipedian> :(
[12:51] <D_> My point is, we originally went with latin alphabet cause originally English was the prevailing language in the field
[12:52] <D_> If they had to support a bunch of different alphabets from the get go, maybe it wouldn't end up being just stuff tacked on top of existing stuff
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[12:53] <iDangerMouse> Well, sleeping pill is working
[12:53] <iDangerMouse> Night night
[12:53] <BobTheWikipedian> i love the international coding standard that says no matter what language the user or the programmer is, code variables, constants, and buzzwords should always be in english
[12:53] <BobTheWikipedian> night mouse
�02[12:54] * D_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[12:54] <KimiNewt> I never watched "Annie Hall"
[12:54] <KimiNewt> Should I watch it
�02[12:55] * iDangerMouse (b6b22f04@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Sweet Dreams Danger Mouse We Love you�)
[12:55] <mimi> >_<
[12:55] <BobTheWikipedian> www.lmgtfy/"annie hall"+movie+reviews
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�01[12:56] Ironholds is ~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds * Jefferson Foxworthy
�01[12:56] Ironholds using Vilnius, Lithuania, EU
�01[12:56] Ironholds is logged in as Ironholds
�01[12:56] ironholds End of /WHOIS list.
[12:56] <BobTheWikipedian> oops bad link
[12:56] <BobTheWikipedian>
[12:57] <KimiNewt> I actually cherish your personal opinion
[12:57] <KimiNewt> if you own some sort of review site I'd love to read
[12:57] <BobTheWikipedian> i haven't seen it either
�02[12:58] * celebratedpooper ( Quit
Session Close: Sat Jan 19 12:58:00 2013

Session Start: Fri Feb 15 21:51:00 2013
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[21:51] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[21:51] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Vote in the Steward elections:�'
�03[21:51] * Set by RD on Sun Feb 10 06:23:38
[21:51] #wikipedia-en url is
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[22:30] <ihaveamac> ''Italic text''
�03[22:33] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�03[22:38] * Ks0stm_ is now known as Ks0stm
[22:39] <SigmaWP> Ks0stm: wanna read something for me?
[22:39] <Ks0stm> Which what?
[22:39] <SigmaWP> A poem
[22:39] <wctaiwan> LOL
�06[22:39] * wctaiwan ducks, goes back to hiding
[22:43] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: It's not mine!
[22:43] <wctaiwan> k
�02[22:43] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[22:44] <Addihockey10> SigmaWP: In that case I'll read it
[22:44] <Addihockey10> (lol(
[22:44] <Addihockey10> what rhymes with capitalism
�02[22:44] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0.1/20130116073211]�)
[22:44] <SigmaWP> shit?
[22:45] <wctaiwan> awesome.
[22:45] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: that's an antonym, silly
[22:45] <Addihockey10> SigmaWP: I think you mean symonym.
�02[22:45] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[22:45] <Addihockey10> synonym*
[22:45] <SigmaWP> Addihockey10: I meant synonym, but made note that it was wctaiwan who meant antonym
[22:46] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: English socialism.
�03[22:46] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:46] <Addihockey10> DO THE HARLEM SHAKE
[22:46] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Chinese capitalism.
�02[22:46] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[22:46] <Addihockey10> brb gotta game out
[22:46] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: chinese democracy*
[22:46] <SigmaWP> I wish :(
[22:46] <Addihockey10> spring break
[22:46] <Addihockey10> (and there's fucking snow)
[22:47] <wctaiwan>
[22:47] <Addihockey10> #Canadaproblems
�03[22:49] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:52] <ItzExor> you're on spring break in feb?
[22:52] <ItzExor> that's why there's snow
[22:52] <ItzExor> you're supposed to take spring break in spring ;]
[22:53] <Addihockey10> lol
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[23:01] <MJ94> Addihockey10: no wonder you're addihockey
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�06[23:05] * The_Thing just turned 22 3 minutes ago :3
[23:06] <SigmaWP> Cool freaking beans.
[23:06] <D_> Congratulations on surviving 22 years
[23:06] <D_> Or happy birthday, as they say
[23:06] <Amqui> lol
[23:06] <BlastHardcheese> you whipper snappers
[23:06] <Amqui> congratulations, the Earth made one more turn around the Sun since you are born...
[23:07] <Amqui> completed*
[23:07] <MJ94> The_Thing: happy birthday, gimme cake
�03[23:09] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[23:10] <Matthew_> Amqui: And 365 circles in the same place.
�02[23:10] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[23:10] <Matthew_> Well, 366, but meh :P :)
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[23:48] <Mr-ex777> hello
[23:50] <wctaiwan> hello
[23:50] <Mr-ex777> wctaiwan: Try typing "MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC" In wingdings on microsoft word. remember to type it in capitals.
[23:51] <wctaiwan> nah
[23:51] <Mr-ex777> wctaiwan: why not
[23:52] <wctaiwan> playing wolfgame
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[23:57] <D_>
[23:57] <D_> I don't think this means anything.
Session Time: Sat Feb 16 00:00:00 2013
�02[00:01] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[00:04] <Mr-ex777> D_: i guess it means the death of the internet is made by bronies
[00:04] <Mr-ex777> at least it's something suspicious
[00:04] <D_> Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?
�02[00:05] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[00:08] <Mr-ex777> D_: No?
[00:08] <D_> A shame
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[00:10] <Mr-ex777> D_: however, i am writing an unsignpost
[00:10] <Mr-ex777> which will have that
[00:12] <D_> Splendid
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[07:57] <Peter-C> ohai LtNOWIS-mobile
�06[07:57] * Carly Peter-C 
�06[07:57] * Peter-C Carly
[07:57] <Carly> :)
�06[07:57] * Carly runs away
[08:00] <Peter-C> :(
[08:00] <Vacation9> wow literally nobody chatted overnight
[08:01] <Vacation9> just a bunch of people leaving and joining
[08:01] <Carly> mmm
[08:01] <JohnLewis> Carly, Discovered a 5th Dimension? Or did all the previous problems disappear?
[08:02] <Carly> ...
[08:02] <JohnLewis> The fact you run everytime someone/something speaks.
�06[08:03] * Carly runs away
[08:03] <JohnLewis> :D 6th Dimension.
�06[08:03] * Carly stays
�06[08:04] * Carly punch JohnLewis 
�06[08:04] * Carly runs away
[08:04] <JohnLewis> Hm...
[08:04] <Carly> hp
[08:04] <Carly> xd
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[08:39] <Peter-C> 5-1-5-0 somebody called the po po
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�06[09:25] * MJ94 wishes Twinkle was global
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[09:28] <MJ94> QueenOfFrance: poke
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�03[09:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shirik
�03[09:29] * Shirik sets mode: +b *!*@
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[09:29] <jeremyb_> Shirik's too fast
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[09:29] <IShadowed> twss
�02[09:29] * SooLiS (~canaima@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�06[09:29] * Shirik thwacks IShadowed
[09:29] <MJ94> Can anyone here read Portuguese?
�06[09:29] * IShadowed hugs Shirik 
[09:30] <MJ94> Is there a non-notable person reason here?
�06[09:31] * MJ94 bashes head
�02[09:31] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
[09:36] <MBisanz> Moe_Epsilon: got an update for you on BN
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[09:45] <Lydia_WMDE> hey folks :)
[09:45] <Lydia_WMDE> Wikidata office hour in 2 hours
[09:45] <Lydia_WMDE> if you have questions about wikidata that's the place to be
[09:46] <Peter-C> I love IRC office meetings
[09:46] <Peter-C> No pants required.
�02[09:47] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
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[09:59] <Lydia_WMDE> Peter-C: haha - as long as you don't let everyone know that's indeed fine ;-)
�02[09:59] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
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[10:06] <PinkAmpersand> so, anyone ever heard of Angers, France?
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�02[10:09] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: La douleur est la prise de conscience de la vie.�)
[10:09] <Peter-C> I posted "Just had the first relaxing Friday night of 2013..." as my FB status
[10:10] <Peter-C> I think 1/2 the people who liking it think something other than the truth...
�02[10:13] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
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�03[10:16] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:17] <IShadowed> sup bitches
[10:17] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Mornin' :-P
[10:18] <IShadowed> good morning
[10:18] <Dcoetzee> Sleep well? :-)
[10:18] <IShadowed> indeed
[10:18] <Dcoetzee> That's good
[10:18] <Dcoetzee> I just discovered they're making 256 GB SD cards now :-S
[10:18] <IShadowed> excellent
[10:21] <Peter-C> 5-1-5-0 someone called the po po
[10:21] <Carly> o.o
[10:24] <Shirik> Dcoetzee: I get nervous about storing more than 200 pictures on a single card, tbh
[10:24] <Shirik> single point of failure is never fun
[10:24] <Dcoetzee> Shirik: True, but sometimes you're just away from a laptop for a while, or shooting a lot of video, or whatever
�06[10:24] * IShadowed rolls her eyes at the photography nerds, orders a hot chocolate and club sandwich
[10:25] <Shirik> IShadowed is jealous
[10:25] <IShadowed> Of?
�03[10:25] * a930913_ is now known as a930913
�06[10:26] * Dcoetzee brings and serves IShadowed's hot chocolate and sandwich
[10:26] <IShadowed> I meant I was literally ordering it here, but that works too
[10:26] <IShadowed> now who's the bitch
[10:27] <Peter-C> I'm really pissed the party last night had no drunks
�03[10:27] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:27] <Peter-C> po po shut down a teenage party, relased all the kids to their parents, drunk.
[10:27] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: It varies ;-)
�06[10:28] * IShadowed snerk
�02[10:29] * a930913 ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[10:30] <IShadowed> Shirik doesn't know what I'm jealous of, apparently
[10:30] <IShadowed> I think this demonstrates my point
[10:30] <Dcoetzee> I think he just ran in fear
[10:30] <IShadowed> Probably.
�06[10:31] * IShadowed props her feet up on mareklug
[10:31] <Dcoetzee> Queen of the channel is here, apparently? :-P
[10:31] <IShadowed> Damn right.
�06[10:31] * Dcoetzee sighs :-P
[10:32] <mareklug> IShadowed it's ToAruShiroiNeko that's the Turk, ergo an ottoman
[10:32] <Carly> 9
[10:32] <Carly> SORRy
[10:32] <Carly> sorry*
[10:32] <Carly> xd
�03[10:32] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:32] <Dcoetzee> mareklug: Clever
�03[10:32] * a930913 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:32] <IShadowed> he's too young to terrorize
�06[10:33] * Dcoetzee waves to Carly
[10:33] <Carly> HI
[10:33] <Carly> :D
[10:34] <Carly> my zero do not work
[10:34] <Carly> :(
[10:34] <Dcoetzee> Zero?
[10:34] <Carly> yes
[10:34] <Carly> of the keyboard
[10:34] <Carly> and the ¿
[10:34] <Dcoetzee> Hmmmm
[10:34] <Carly> I am trying to clear
[10:34] <Carly> the keyboard hehe
�06[10:34] * Carly runs away
[10:35] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Can you use the zero on your numeric keypad instead?
[10:35] <Carly> nO
[10:35] <Carly> no*
[10:36] <Dcoetzee> Why not?
[10:36] <Carly> BECAUSEdotnot know
[10:36] <Carly> I dont kow
[10:36] <Carly> know*
[10:36] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Does your keyboard have a bunch of numbers arranged in a square on the far right hand side?
[10:36] <Carly> and the symbol ¿
[10:36] <Carly> yes
[10:36] <Carly> -_-
[10:37] <Dcoetzee> Okay, hit the key that says "Num Lock"
[10:37] <Dcoetzee> Or whatever
[10:37] <Dcoetzee> Then hit the 0 key in the bottom right
[10:37] <Dcoetzee> You should be able to get a zero
[10:37] <Carly> +
Session Close: Sat Feb 16 10:39:16 2013

Session Start: Sat Feb 16 10:39:16 2013
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
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�03[10:39] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Vote in the Steward elections:�'
�03[10:39] * Set by RD on Sun Feb 10 06:23:38
[10:39] #wikipedia-en url is
[10:40] <Dcoetzee> 0 doesn't work?
[10:40] <mareklug> she's been hitting that 0 all the while.  with or without num lock.  what about the 0 on the key with shift )   ?
�02[10:41] * celebratedpooper ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[10:41] * Zelest ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:41] * KimiNewt ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:42] <Carly> uh
[10:42] <Carly> I know why it not work
[10:42] <Carly> xd
[10:42] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Try this: hold down the ALT key. Type "48" on your numeric keypad. Then release the ALT key.
[10:42] <Dcoetzee> You should get a 0
[10:42] <Zelest> I'm currently writing a crawler and it will of course support the robots.txt protocol.. However, seeing wikipedia is VERY big, what is the minimum crawl delay one may use when indexing wikipedia?
[10:43] <Dcoetzee> Zelest: Generally speaking, there is no good reason to crawl Wikipedia. You can just download the database dumps.
[10:43] <Dcoetzee> Unless you absolutely need to have the most recent changes, in which case you should download the database dump, and then track Special:RecentChanges
[10:43] <Carly> the keyboard is full of rubbish Dcoetzee
[10:43] <Zelest> Oh
[10:43] <Carly> -_-
[10:44] <Dcoetzee> Zelest:
[10:44] <Zelest> Well, I prefer having the latest changes, but downloading the database dumps for an initial crawl might be an idea.. assuming wikipedia supports headers like "if-modified-since" and such
[10:44] <Dcoetzee> Yup it does
[10:44] <Dcoetzee> After that, use this:
[10:44] <Dcoetzee> It will help you find recently modified pages easily
[10:44] <Zelest> Aah, lovely.. thanks! :-D
[10:45] <Dcoetzee> :-)
�03[10:46] * fox_wilson (~quasselir@wikipedia/Fox-Wilson) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[10:46] * IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[10:46] * IShadowed_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[10:46] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:47] <IShadowed_> I return
�02[10:47] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
[10:47] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed_: Wb. I like the underscore, it suits you
[10:47] <IShadowed_> excellent
�03[10:47] * fox_wilson is now known as fwilson
�03[10:47] * fwilson is now known as fox_wilson
�03[10:47] * fox_wilson is now known as fwilson
[10:47] <mareklug> ¢•   <--- heeee  that's what alt 48 does on my keyboard (US Extended unicode)
[10:48] <Dcoetzee> That's not a zero :-)
[10:48] <mareklug> it seems to be some small cent value :) :)
[10:48] <mareklug> nearly zero
�03[10:48] * KTC (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving"�)
[10:49] <Dcoetzee> Fun fact, before zeroes were written as circles they used to be written just as blank spaces
[10:49] <Dcoetzee> So 102 would be 1 2
[10:49] <Dcoetzee> But that got confusing so they started writing a dot in the middle
[10:49] <Dcoetzee> Like 1·2
[10:50] <Dcoetzee> And eventually it became a circle
[10:51] <mareklug> IShadowed_ I never inquired -- is the "I" and "i" perchance?  Making you an Apple design?
[10:52] <IShadowed_> That was the original intent, and then I scrapped it
[10:53] <mareklug> this would have worked: _iShadowed
[10:53] <IShadowed_> I could do iShadowed if I wanted
[10:53] <IShadowed_> but I hate apple
[10:53] <IShadowed_> so y'know
�03[10:53] * Riley|Sleep is now known as Riley
[10:53] <mareklug> and why do you hate Apple?
[10:53] <IShadowed_> low quality crap, fans are annoying, etc
�03[10:53] * Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:54] <Dcoetzee> I had a Mac. It needed replacement of major parts like 4 times before it broke irreparably.
[10:54] <IShadowed_> ^
[10:54] <Dcoetzee> It's the lowest quality hardware I've ever owned.
[10:54] <mareklug> which Mac was that?
[10:54] <Dcoetzee> Macbook Pro
[10:54] <mareklug> what year?
[10:54] <Dcoetzee> Don't remember.
[10:54] <IShadowed_> it's only popular because it's popular
[10:55] <IShadowed_> it "looks" sleek
[10:55] <Dcoetzee> These days I run OS X in a VM on my PC and I am happy
[10:55] <IShadowed_> but it's crap.
[10:55] <mareklug> My 1998 Powerbook G3 Series PDQ still runs, now current Debian as well as Mac OS 10.2.8 and Mac OS 9.2.2.
�03[10:55] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[10:55] <Dcoetzee> There's always an element of chance. I'm not claiming my experience is representative. :-P
[10:56] <IShadowed_> I am!
[10:56] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed_: Cause you're vindictive :-P
[10:56] <IShadowed_> Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious
[10:56] <IShadowed_> if I grew up
[10:56] <IShadowed_> and became a diplomat
[10:56] <Dcoetzee> Heh
[10:56] <mareklug> In fact, I can still boot the 1988-vintage Mac Iici.  The only thing wrong with it is its hard disk.  All other parts work.  I can boot it from an Omega zip disk. :)
[10:56] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed_: Would certainly be ironic
[10:56] <IShadowed_> indeed
[10:56] <Dcoetzee> mareklug: You still have an Iomega Zip disk?
[10:56] <Dcoetzee> That is crazy
[10:57] <mareklug> I have two Zip drives, both work.
[10:57] <IShadowed_>
[10:58] <mareklug> like I said, the notion that Apple / Apple-derivative hardware is poky is not representative.  There were some bad macs, but historically that is an exception.
[10:58] <Dcoetzee> Even if my case were exceptional, I still think Mac hardware is radically overpriced.
[10:58] <Dcoetzee> You can get same specs for less money with a PC.
[10:58] <Dcoetzee> And reliability on average is not significantly different.
[10:59] <fwilson> Dcoetzee: agreed
[10:59] <mareklug> perhaps.  But I am typing these words on a 2008 original MacBook Air with SSD, and it is still like new.  It just runs one version of the OS older than current, Lion.
[10:59] <Dcoetzee> My Macbook Pro also had an annoying BIOS limitation that prevented me from using more than 3 GB of RAM
[10:59] <Dcoetzee> So I wasn't happy about that either
[11:01] <mareklug> Dcoetzee btw, I ended up replacing the logic board on the 2005 iMac and never ended up getting the (replacement) mini server 2011 we talked about.   It was a $150 + 60 labor operation, so...
[11:02] <mareklug> and then Adobe released CS2 for free, instantly equipping the 2005 mac with all kinds of useful software that runs *fast* on that machine
�02[11:03] * Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[11:03] <Gfoley4> first upset of the day.. #21 Notre Dame falls to Providence
[11:04] <mareklug> I hope IU won't join the list.  that would be monumental, as they are 18.5 point favorites.
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�03[11:06] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
�02[11:08] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[11:10] <mareklug> woooosh
�02[11:10] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�06[11:11] * IShadowed_ resumes listening to crappy dance music
�02[11:11] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[11:11] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:11] <mareklug> IShadowed_ if I may recommend some not so crappy kind:  [[Annie (Norwegian singer)]]
[11:12] <IShadowed_> old
[11:12] <mareklug> woosh
[11:12] <IShadowed_> No, but I like her
[11:12] <IShadowed_> <3
[11:12] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed_: What dance music are you listening to at the moment?
[11:12] <IShadowed_> Too ashamed to admit
�03[11:13] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[11:14] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
[11:15] <Shipoopi> let me guess
[11:15] <Shipoopi> harlem shake?
�02[11:16] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[11:16] <IShadowed_> No.
[11:17] <qq[IrcCity]> rr0, — what is "an exotic tom"?
[11:18] <Shipoopi> IShadowed_, lady gaga?
[11:18] <IShadowed_> No
[11:18] <IShadowed_> also
[11:18] <IShadowed_> I like Lady Gaga
[11:18] <IShadowed_> her music isn't entirely crap
[11:19] <Shipoopi> let me gues
[11:19] <Shipoopi> boy is a bottom
[11:19] <mareklug> qq[IrcCity] a typo for atom
[11:19] <Shipoopi> by william, detox & vicky vox
�03[11:19] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:19] <rr0> qq[IrcCity], atom
�03[11:19] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:20] <qq[IrcCity]> it's the first observed instance rr0 speaks.
�02[11:20] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[11:23] <mareklug> qq[IrcCity]
[11:25] <mareklug> wooosh and plus foul
[11:25] <qq[IrcCity]> mareklug, failure.
[11:25] <mareklug> it is an example of another such.  what failure?
[11:25] <qq[IrcCity]> another which?
[11:25] <mareklug> "atom"
[11:29] <IShadowed_> Shirik,
[11:29] <IShadowed_> ..
[11:31] <Shirik> lol.
�03[11:32] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[11:35] <Dcoetzee> Illicit rainwater?
[11:35] <mareklug> wooosh
[11:35] <Dcoetzee> Also... where does a guy store 13 million gallons of anything?
[11:35] <mareklug> wooosh
[11:35] <Shirik> in a man-made pond apparently
[11:36] <IShadowed_> I was trying to come up with some innuendo
[11:36] <IShadowed_> but I really couldn't
�03[11:36] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:36] <BobTheWikipedian> heh...i broke wikipedia again
[11:36] <BobTheWikipedian> with a minor edit
[11:36] <mareklug> I bothered to look up the location of this Eagle Point, Oregon.  It ain't in the desert, it's fairly coastal.  So it's not like he is in a water-starved area
[11:36] <Shirik> proposal to ban BobTheWikipedian from making minor edits
[11:36] <IShadowed_>
�06[11:36] * IShadowed_ sniffles
[11:36] <BobTheWikipedian> shirik lol
[11:37] <IShadowed_> '''Oppose''' since it was proposed by Shirik. --~~~~
[11:37] <Shirik> proposal to ban IShadowed_ from opposing things
[11:37] <BobTheWikipedian> i love how youtube has these twitter-friendly links that save *3 characters*
[11:37] <JohnLewis> '''Support''' per Life ~~~~ :P
[11:37] <IShadowed_> proposal to ban Shirik from proposing to ban me from opposing things
�03[11:38] * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:38] <BobTheWikipedian> i can't vote since it would be a coi
[11:38] <JohnLewis> IShadowed@: That is a tough one.
[11:38] <Qcoder00> Google is now making me really pissed off
[11:38] <Dcoetzee> Mr. Rogers is seriously the Internet's like #1 respected figure
[11:38] <IShadowed_> I'm a tough cookie.
[11:38] <IShadowed_> Except when dunked in coffee.
[11:38] <JohnLewis> Why Qcoder00
[11:38] <Qcoder00> -is a djvu made from a PDF
[11:38] <Dcoetzee> They don't take no disrespect of him :-P
[11:38] <IShadowed_> Then not so much.
[11:38] <Qcoder00> The orignal PDF is sourced from Google.
[11:38] <BobTheWikipedian> derrick-- how so?
�03[11:38] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Shirik
[11:38] <IShadowed_> btw Shirik, I'm buying glitter hairspray.
�03[11:39] * Shirik sets mode: -o Shirik
[11:39] <Qcoder00> The latter pages of it have bad clipping in the PDF meaning the tops of pages are not visible
[11:39] <IShadowed_> ..
[11:39] <Shirik> apparently I already banned the guy I intended to ban ._.
[11:39] <BobTheWikipedian> oops late
[11:39] <IShadowed_> Professor_Goatse> FOr decorating that pretty asshole of yours?
[11:39] <BobTheWikipedian> actually, have you seen the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny?
[11:39] <IShadowed_> lols
[11:39] <Qcoder00> Does anyonw kno how the *&^%$ you fix a PDF file with badly postioned image clipping?
[11:39] <BobTheWikipedian> ^^dcoetzee
[11:39] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: Not sure what you're asking :-P
�02[11:39] * trzo (~trzo@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[11:40] <Shirik> you get Adobe Acrobat
[11:40] <BobTheWikipedian> it's a music video
[11:40] <BobTheWikipedian> have you seen it
[11:40] <Qcoder00> Shirik: Are there any 'free' programs?
�03[11:40] * IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed
[11:40] <mareklug> Qcoder00 first make sure it is not your peculiar PDF viewer artifact
[11:40] <JohnLewis> Qcoder00: Yiu pray that you didn't use Bing or Yahoo :P
[11:40] <Qcoder00> mareklug: I use Acrobat directly
[11:40] <Qcoder00> And it shows bad clipping as well
[11:40] <Qcoder00> (Acrobat Reader)
[11:41] <Qcoder00> But I can copy the wntire page image , so it's present in the original PDF
[11:41] <Shirik> acrobat != acrobat reader
[11:41] <Shirik> I don't know of any free ones
[11:41] <Qcoder00> Great
[11:41] <BobTheWikipedian> dcoetzee:
[11:41] <Shirik> Adobe's all like GIEF ALL UR MONIEZ
[11:41] <D_> I think they've been calling it just "Reader" for like 5 years now
[11:41] <Shirik> that's why acrobat reader is free
[11:41] <IShadowed> GIEF
[11:42] <Qcoder00> So Google gets away with uploading poor quality scans because 'it can'
[11:42] <Qcoder00> :(
�03[11:42] * elkng (~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:42] <Dcoetzee> Acrobat is the PDF creator and editor
[11:42] <IShadowed> I think this was a Nazi salute
[11:42] <Qcoder00> <seethe>
[11:42] <mareklug> Shirik one can always manipulate PDFs on a mac in Preview.  There is other software for that too
[11:42] <Shirik> NOBODY LIKES MACS
[11:42] <Dcoetzee> Or you can hand edit them
[11:42] <Shirik> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[11:42] <Dcoetzee> They're human readable. Sort of.
[11:42] <Dcoetzee> No wait, that's Postscript
[11:42] <Dcoetzee> I dunno :-P
[11:42] <Qcoder00> SO basicly I am back to having to upload page scans manually and having to do my own OCR because Google has a Quality Control issue
�06[11:42] * IShadowed snuggles Shirik 
[11:43] <elkng> why pages are deleted like that one:, why not to move them instead of some other place or some archive, because sometimes its interesting to look at those deleted pages ?
[11:43] <mareklug> Shirik nobody?
[11:43] <Shirik> ok I have to go to a tournament
�02[11:43] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[11:43] <Qcoder00> Great idea Google. Nice of you to upload scanned books, but cripple them by poor quality control
[11:43] <Dcoetzee> Shirik: I don't like Macs but I totally respect you liking them and think you should buy all the Macs you like. :-)
[11:43] <QueenOfFrance> Shirik: what of?
[11:43] <Shirik> elkng: If you want to look at it for some valid reason, admins can make it accessible to you
[11:43] <IShadowed> Shirik is all like
[11:43] <KimiNewt> a courmerant?
[11:43] <Shirik> they're archived to admins only
[11:43] <Qcoder00> Does anyone here have a copy of Acrobat?
[11:43] <KimiNewt> I don't want a courmerant
[11:43] <Dcoetzee> elkng: We used to have BJAODN
[11:43] <Dcoetzee> It got deleted
[11:43] <Dcoetzee> There used to be Deletionpedia
[11:43] <Dcoetzee> It went down
�03[11:43] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:43] <Dcoetzee> In short, we did, but nobody maintained them
[11:43] <Shirik> QueenOfFrance: WoW TCG
[11:44] <QueenOfFrance> Shirik: oh :)
[11:44] <elkng> Shirik: that means they arn't actually deleted ? they are here and can be accessed ?
[11:44] <IShadowed>
[11:44] <IShadowed>
[11:44] <IShadowed> k
[11:44] <Qcoder00> Or alternativly is there anyone here that's able to take the source PDF for the Djvu, and shake it apart until it behaves?
[11:44] <Shirik> elkng: Correct, but only admins can see them
[11:44] <Dcoetzee> elkng: Administrators can always access deleted articles, unless they're oversighted, which is rare
[11:44] <D_> I think there's a bunch of things that can import pdfs
[11:44] <D_> like libreoffice
[11:44] <Shirik> actually there's only one deleted edit there
[11:44] <Shirik> that's weird
[11:44] <Qcoder00> D_: It's page scans in raster format...
[11:44] <QueenOfFrance> Shirik: where?
[11:44] <Qcoder00> + a textlayer I think
[11:44] <Shirik>
�06[11:44] * BobTheWikipedian proposes banning ishadowed for linkspam
�03[11:45] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
[11:45] <IShadowed> ...
[11:45] <D_> Well, if the issue is clipping, then importing may allow you to salvage whatever is there
[11:45] <Qcoder00> I would like to be able to fix the raster scan positioning
�06[11:45] * IShadowed proposes banning BobTheWikipedian for being under 13
�06[11:45] * Dcoetzee flips table at BobTheWikipedian?
[11:45] <Qcoder00> without loosing the text layer
[11:45] <QueenOfFrance> Shirik: it's 'cause the rest of the deleted stuff is at
[11:45] <Shirik> ah it was moved to
[11:45] <Shirik> yeah
[11:45] <Qcoder00> D_:Ifran view can import PDf, but it also imports the clipping glitch
�06[11:45] * BobTheWikipedian produces a birth certificate
[11:46] <IShadowed> what is BobTheWikipedian is Obama
[11:46] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: We haven't seen the long form birth certificate
[11:46] <Qcoder00> So can someone here tell me (other than using Acrobat) how the *&^5 you are supposed to fix Google's quality Control issues on a PDF?
[11:46] <D_> Get hired by them?
�06[11:46] * BobTheWikipedian produces a long form birth certificate
[11:46] <Qcoder00> D_: ROFL
[11:46] <IShadowed> "9 years of age"
[11:46] <IShadowed> as I suspected
[11:46] <BobTheWikipedian> :P
[11:46] <IShadowed> um
[11:46] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: If it's a PDF composed of images, you can export the images, and turn them into a new PDF...
[11:46] <JohnLewis> Qcoder00: Learn how to fix it?
[11:46] <IShadowed> so there's this dude next to me who just walked in singing
[11:47] <IShadowed> and not well
[11:47] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  How?
[11:47] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Singing what?
[11:47] <IShadowed> Who knows
[11:47] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: I forget
[11:47] <BobTheWikipedian> ultimate showdown?
[11:47] <Qcoder00> Because a direct import to IfranView imports the glitch
[11:47] <BobTheWikipedian> because i'm singing that now
[11:47] <D_> That's a vital detail
[11:47] <Qcoder00> Wheras manuallycopying the image via the clipboard doesn/t
[11:48] <Qcoder00> Howver it's not possible in Ifran view seemingly to replace a PDF page via the clipboard
[11:48] <Qcoder00> and I am starting to  get to the point where it's easier to ask for new scans , than go through the hassle of trying to fix something that should not have been broken in the first place
[11:49] <Dcoetzee> I just found this template:
[11:49] <Lydia_WMDE> Wikidata office hour starts in about 10 mins in #wikimedia-office
[11:49] <Dcoetzee> This is awesome. It's a navigation template, in the shape of a keyboard
[11:49] <QueenOfFrance> lol
[11:49] <Dcoetzee> (for articles on individual keyboard keys)
[11:49] <Qcoder00> I think it's time people just Boycotted Google outright
[11:50] <Qcoder00> Quality Control issues, lack of responsivity
�03[11:50] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[11:50] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: You may be overreacting just a little
[11:50] <Qcoder00> And an attitude problem
[11:50] <D_> For the record, I do not agree with this person's view of our benevolent Google overlords
[11:50] <Qcoder00> It isn't just these scas
[11:50] <D_> please don't send ninjas after me
[11:50] <Qcoder00> *scans
[11:50] <QueenOfFrance> Qcoder00: and if you boycott google, what are you going to use? Bing?
�02[11:50] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[11:50] <Qcoder00> QueenOfFrance:  Of course...
[11:50] <D_> DuckDuckGo seems to be what everyone pushes lately
[11:50] <QueenOfFrance> lolz
[11:51] <Qcoder00> The issue isn't that Google is inherently bad, it's that
[11:51] <Qcoder00> : i) You can't reach a human
[11:51] <Qcoder00> ii) Quality control is non-existsnat
[11:51] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: We already discussed that
[11:51] <Dcoetzee> You can't reach a human at Google because if you could they'd be swamped with requests for support that they haven't allocated funds to handle and don't want to
[11:51] <Qcoder00> iii) You can't actually report quality control issues in a MEANINGFUL manner that get responded to...
[11:52] <IShadowed> lmao
[11:52] <IShadowed> quality control is not non-existant
[11:52] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  If they aren't prepared to implement the approrpriate measures, they should not be offering the service
[11:52] <IShadowed> -a+e
[11:52] <D_> I guess for all their ability to filter content, their strategy for filtering user feedback is to redirect it all to /dev/null
[11:53] <D_> I can't blame them
[11:53] <D_> I just imagine AFT5
[11:53] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: That's certainly a position you could take. Now let's see if your competing startup which funnels its money into customer support instead of into improving search results outcompetes Google.
[11:53] <JohnLewis> D_ soon all we will be able to do is imagine. Not touch, look or use.
[11:53] <Qcoder00> Sorry, but this issue with scans is the straw that broke a camel's back
�03[11:53] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:53] <Qcoder00> and I'm pissedoff
[11:53] <IShadowed> I'm sure they'll miss you
�06[11:53] * IShadowed rolls her eyes
�02[11:53] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
[11:54] <Dcoetzee> It's legitimate to criticise any company you like and try to persuade them to change their practices. But you won't get far without acknowledging the reality that the cost of opening a support desk would be immense and it has to be justified for them to do it.
[11:54] <Qcoder00> IShadowed: I'm seriously considering telling people I know not to use Google until it fundamentally changes it's attitude on a number of issues..
[11:54] <Shipoopi> whoa
[11:55] <Shipoopi> i managed to crash my 3d accelerator drivers
[11:55] <Shipoopi> lol
[11:55] <IShadowed> lmao
[11:55] <Dcoetzee> Shipoopi: Good job
�06[11:55] * Dcoetzee hires Shipoopi for driver testing
�06[11:55] * Shipoopi hires Dcoetzee for driver testing
[11:55] <Qcoder00> Even something as simple as having a button for reporting Quality Control issues would be progress.
[11:55] <Shipoopi> thank you
[11:55] <Qcoder00> OK rant over
[11:55] <Shipoopi> let's just say i was testing some HD webgl renders
�03[11:55] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:55] <IShadowed> like seriously dude, you'll have no impact on anything
[11:56] <Qcoder00> Looks like with the scans I am back to having to do a manual extract and my own OCR ,  tiresome and time-consuming but salvagable
�06[11:56] * BobTheWikipedian attempts for the umpteenth time to get linux running on an emachines tower
[11:56] <IShadowed> "I'll tell all the people I know!" isn't really effective, don't flatter yourself
[11:56] <Qcoder00> Perhaps I should bill Google for the time I've wasted owing ot their screwup
[11:56] <Qcoder00> ?
[11:56] <Qcoder00> XD
[11:56] <Qcoder00> XD
[11:56] <IShadowed> glhf being ignored
[11:56] <Shipoopi> Don't repeat, dear.
�03[11:57] * guillom is now known as basile
[11:57] <Qcoder00> OK Does anyone here actually know of a PDF editor (other than Acrobat) That can look outside bad clipping ?
[11:57] <D_> I think your only recourse is armed revolution, Qcoder00
[11:57] <Qcoder00> D_: Nah
[11:57] <Dcoetzee> I don't know of a PDF editor other than Acrobat period
[11:57] <Shipoopi> google chrome
[11:58] <mareklug> Qcoder00 hijack their google car.  make it manual.
[11:58] <Qcoder00> D_:  Armed revoloutions require that you have guns....
[11:58] <Qcoder00> I don't like guns... they hurt people
[11:58] <D_> Well, arms
[11:58] <D_> As long as Google doesn't have more, better arms
[11:59] <IShadowed> I also do not guns. As for hurting people...
[11:59] <Qcoder00> mareklug : Hacking a Streetview vehicle?- Not legal
[11:59] <IShadowed> do not like*
[11:59] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: :-P
[11:59] <IShadowed> Jesus, I can't type today
�06[11:59] * IShadowed sighs
[11:59] <Qcoder00> (But that's a hack I am sure Anonymous would pull)
[11:59] <Qcoder00> Anyhow...
[12:00] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You're in a coffee shop but not ordering enough coffee evidently ;-)
[12:00] <D_> Are you sure that the data is there in the first place, Qcoder00?
[12:00] <Qcoder00> D_: It is
[12:00] <IShadowed> I haven't refilled my cup, nah
[12:00] <IShadowed> I want to curl up and sleep
[12:00] <IShadowed> but eh.
[12:00] <Qcoder00> OK Does anyone have a tool for seeing if there is a text layer inside a PDF?
[12:00] <D_> As long as they don't mistake you for a homeless man
[12:00] <BobTheWikipedian> if there is, would it show in notepad?
[12:01] <Qcoder00> It might....
[12:01] <BobTheWikipedian> just a thought
[12:01] <BobTheWikipedian> probably wouldn't but it wouldn't take much time to check
[12:01] <mareklug> D_ IShadowed dresses better than homeless men.  The glitter gives her away as having a home.
[12:01] <D_> "text stored as content streams (i.e., not text)"
�06[12:01] * IShadowed stares
[12:01] <D_> Whatever that means
[12:01] <IShadowed> My liking of glitter is fairly inconsistent with my personality
[12:02] <IShadowed> But whatever
[12:02] <Qcoder00> D-: It means I'm back to doing the OCR manually :(
[12:02] <IShadowed> Also, I think I dress fairly well?
[12:02] <IShadowed> :(
[12:02] <Qcoder00> Unless someone has a better idea
�03[12:02] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:02] * IShadowed runs off to throw makeup on, does look like shit in that department
[12:02] <Qcoder00> I thought a nice simple project to put something on Wikisource would be reasoanble
[12:02] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I like your outfits :-P
[12:02] <Dcoetzee> mareklug is just trolling
[12:02] <Qcoder00> but owing to some issues with the scans, it's turning into a 'too much hassle'
[12:03] <Qcoder00> becasue Google doesn't seemingly do Quality Control on it's  Book scans...
[12:03] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Frankly you seem a little entitled to me :-P
[12:03] <mareklug> Dcoetzee no, I supplied a minimum argument that D_'s assertion that she may be mistaken for a homeless man cannot stick.  A logical argument, not trolling.
[12:03] <Dcoetzee> Google is digitizing thousands of books, putting them online for free, you download them
[12:03] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  What do you mean?
[12:03] <IShadowed> Says Dcoetzee, who hasn't seen my outfits
[12:03] <IShadowed> <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Frankly you seem a little entitled to me :-P
[12:03] <IShadowed> also this^
[12:03] <Dcoetzee> And you're upset because they contain some errors
[12:03] <D_> It wasn't an assertion, it was a well-intentioned piece of advice
�02[12:03] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[12:04] <Dcoetzee> mareklug: Fair enough, I didn't see the whole convo :-P
[12:04] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  I don't expect to go into a library and find books that have pages missing ;)
[12:04] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Yeah but you wouldn't advocate boycotting a library that contains some damaged books :-P
[12:04] <BobTheWikipedian> always the page you want to read, too
[12:04] <Qcoder00> Sorry, I'm in a rant...
[12:04] <mareklug> Dcoetzee if it said Google Library, he may well.
[12:04] <IShadowed> Oh my god
[12:05] <Qcoder00> mareklug : ;)
[12:05] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I've seen a few of your outfits on FB
[12:05] <IShadowed> they have lemon meringue
[12:05] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, you lie
[12:05] <Dcoetzee> Mmm lemon
[12:05] <Qcoder00> I think I need some calm down time...
[12:05] <BobTheWikipedian> mmmm nahuatl dinosaur article
�06[12:05] * Qcoder00 out
�03[12:05] * Posto5 (~posto5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:05] <D_> Don't worry, soon enough Google will have the right to do anything with any book they want
�06[12:05] * IShadowed scowls at life
�06[12:05] * Dcoetzee hugs life
[12:05] <IShadowed> Why must you sabotage my diet, life
[12:06] <mareklug> IShadowed do link us to some of your outfits
�06[12:06] * BobTheWikipedian eats life
[12:06] <D_> Just as soon as that 6 year lawsuit/settlement goes through
[12:06] <IShadowed> I think I only have photos of dresses on fb
[12:06] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: That is true, I did say a few
�03[12:06] * Posto5 (~posto5@ has left #wikipedia-en
�06[12:06] * BobTheWikipedian i have photos of insects and spiders on fb
�02[12:06] * fwilson (~quasselir@wikipedia/Fox-Wilson) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:06] <BobTheWikipedian> oops that shouldn't have been italicized
[12:07] <KimiNewt> I've got some pictures of the sky
[12:07] <D_> Your IRC client supports italics?
[12:07] <BobTheWikipedian> it does
[12:07] <KimiNewt> and some people took pictures of me in some occasions, rarely
[12:07] <KimiNewt> I actually don't have a single photo in uniform
[12:07] <D_> This channel is +c anyway, you can't do colors or formatting
[12:07] <BobTheWikipedian> i forget which character does it though
[12:07] <IShadowed> is the only recent one
[12:07] <KimiNewt> Which is a bit odd since it's what I've been wearing every day in the past 2.5 years
[12:07] <Dcoetzee> Wooo I finished my animated GIF
[12:07] <QueenOfFrance> D_: I think what he means is the /me
[12:07] <BobTheWikipedian> \slashes, perhaps?\
[12:07] <BobTheWikipedian> nope
[12:08] <IShadowed> as opposed to non-animated gifs
[12:08] <QueenOfFrance> BobTheWikipedian: no, it's /me
[12:08] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: I think your /mes are italicised
[12:08] <QueenOfFrance> which is used for actions
[12:08] <mareklug> IShadowed that is a fairly conservative black dress
[12:08] <Carly> splish splash!
[12:08] <D_> Ah, ok
[12:08] <Carly> :D
�06[12:08] * Carly hides
�03[12:08] * MJ94 is now known as MJ95
[12:08] <BobTheWikipedian> well yes but they were talking about support for italics
[12:08] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Yup that's the one I've seen. Looks good though. :-)
[12:08] <IShadowed> yeah, it was for an inaugural event
�03[12:08] * MJ95 is now known as MJ94
[12:08] <IShadowed> so can't really go full out boobage or anything.
�02[12:08] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[12:08] <BobTheWikipedian> i know *asterisks* make bolding
[12:08] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Do you have any other outfits online atm?
[12:08] <mareklug> IShadowed are you letting on that you are the wearer?
[12:09] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, not current
�06[12:09] * Dcoetzee nods
[12:09] <IShadowed> mareklug, yes
[12:09] <BobTheWikipedian> ishadowed is female
[12:09] <Dcoetzee> Her appearance isn't a secret :-P
[12:09] <mareklug> IShadowed cool.
[12:09] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: :D
�06[12:09] * Dcoetzee hugs MJ94 :-)
[12:10] <IShadowed> or a man with long hair and a really interesting hip-waist ratio
[12:10] <IShadowed> your choice
�06[12:10] * MJ94 hugs Dcoetzee 
[12:10] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: And breasts
[12:10] <MJ94> what's new, an?
[12:10] <MJ94> man
[12:10] <IShadowed> boobage ain't visible there
[12:10] <MJ94> boobage
�02[12:10] * Vlad_Tepes (~vlad@ Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[12:10] <KimiNewt> boobism
[12:10] <D_> I've been to 4chan, it wouldn't surprise me
[12:10] <BobTheWikipedian> invisible boobs
[12:10] <Peter-C> 5-1-5-0 somebody call the po po
�06[12:10] * Dcoetzee creates Invisible Boobs charity to promote Boob Awareness
[12:11] <mareklug> Peter-C what is this mysterious message of yours, oft repeated?
�06[12:11] * IShadowed runs off to create a tumblr support group
�06[12:11] * BobTheWikipedian becomes more aware of boobs
[12:11] <Peter-C> Song I have in my head
[12:11] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[12:11] <KimiNewt> Dcoetzee - you should watch Twilight with rifftrax
�02[12:11] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
[12:11] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: That sounds fun
[12:11] <IShadowed> btw I've been throwing my crap in
[12:11] <D_> Fuck the police, coming straight from the underground
[12:11] <Peter-C> The po po broke up 5 parties last night and whenever we heared about it over the police radio we blasted this song in the station
[12:11] <D_> (that's what I have stuck in my head)
[12:11] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: Need more boobs? Commons!
[12:11] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: very cool
[12:12] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Commons is surprisingly short on boobs
[12:12] <MJ94> The Commies have boobs.
[12:12] <MJ94> Oh.
[12:12] <BobTheWikipedian> i found some in the mythology section
[12:12] <BobTheWikipedian> no shortage there
[12:12] <KimiNewt> Dcoetzee  -
[12:12] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Mind if I follow?
[12:12] <D_>
[12:12] <D_> Overweight biker.jpg
[12:13] <KimiNewt> "How does one tell a good dress from a bad dress?"
[12:13] <KimiNewt> "In short: breasts"
[12:13] <Dcoetzee> D_: We only have one pic of an overweight biker?
[12:13] <mareklug> IShadowed "Design crafted by Prashanth Kamalakanthan. Powered by Tumblr." but where in the heck is the next page button?
[12:13] <D_> Unfortunately, that seems to be the case
[12:13] <Dcoetzee> mareklug: You're on the last page
[12:13] <Dcoetzee> You want the back button
[12:13] <D_> "Wander back"
[12:13] <mareklug> "PAGE 1 OF 4"
[12:14] <D_> Because it's tumblr, you have to creatively name your page changing buttons
[12:14] <Dcoetzee> It's a little backwards
[12:14] <D_> Yes, but going back a page goes back in time
[12:14] <BobTheWikipedian> sounds like we need to balance out the penis/boob/overweight-biker ratio
[12:14] <D_> I think that's the logic
[12:14] <mareklug> there is no logic.  there is only bad design by Prashanth Kamalakanthan
[12:14] <BobTheWikipedian> everyone go take a picture of an overweight biker and upload it
[12:14] <D_> I've seen that in other tumblrs, I think it's a widespread convention
[12:14] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: I don't think they'd like that
[12:15] <D_> It's for a good cause
[12:15] <D_> The Commons, that is
[12:15] <BobTheWikipedian> well you could upload a photo of yourself on a bike if you're overweight
[12:15] <BobTheWikipedian> oh
�03[12:15] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:16] <Dcoetzee> Grar, I get really frustrated with people releasing trivial works under CC-BY-SA. Like a simple diagram of a keyboard.
[12:16] <Dcoetzee> I don't want to be forced to use that license :-/ Maybe I can claim the original is ineligible for copyright.
[12:16] <BobTheWikipedian> would it be better if they released the simple trivial diagram under a copyright?
[12:16] <mareklug> IShadowed you should balance your affinities with a pretty pix of some nice MIT building
�03[12:16] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:16] * Jetro ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[12:17] <Dcoetzee> Like seriously I've seen people upload graphs of functions or geometric shapes and tag them CC-BY-SA
[12:17] <D_> Yeah, I always figure CC-0 for such things saves a headache
[12:17] <Dcoetzee> As though they could really copyright them in the first place.
�03[12:17] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:17] <IShadowed> Mareklug, I think my first post is the Caltech building for astrophysics
[12:17] <D_> I mean, you can recreate a graph or a pie chart trivially
[12:18] <BobTheWikipedian> wow. the house finch outside my window seriously has nothing better to do other than sit in the same place all day singing
[12:18] <IShadowed> I reaaaaaaaally want to do summer research with Caltech/MIT next year through their SSP. What you do gets archived in the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
[12:18] <IShadowed> like
[12:18] <IShadowed> SQUEEEEEEEEEEE
[12:18] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: :-)
[12:18] <BobTheWikipedian> must stink to be a house finch
[12:18] <Dcoetzee> Go for it, I think you've got a good chance
[12:18] <IShadowed> :)
[12:18] <IShadowed> Trying
[12:18] <mareklug> IShadowed which is why I said what I said.
[12:18] <D_> Ah yes, but you're like half a point short, aren't you?
[12:18] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, also sure, feel freeto follow
[12:18] <IShadowed> +space
[12:18] <Dcoetzee> K
�03[12:19] * MJ94 (mj94@wikimedia/mj94) has left #wikipedia-en
[12:20] <BobTheWikipedian> yup.
[12:22] <BobTheWikipedian> i wonder how long ein requests take
[12:22] <IShadowed> Mareklug, MIT actually isn't that beautiful in my opinion. The Stata center is really cool. I was hoping to bump into Chomsky, but alas no dice
�02[12:23] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[12:23] <mareklug> Caltech is not exactly architecturally competition.  There are a few nice buildings on MIT campus other than the AI/CS lab
�06[12:23] * IShadowed shrug
[12:23] <IShadowed> I've been all around campus, I didn't really think so
�03[12:23] * MJ94 (mj94@wikimedia/mj94) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:23] <mareklug> even ol' Kresge is an interesting building.
[12:24] <IShadowed> On a related note, my throat feels scratchy today
[12:24] <D_> The mobile site watchlist gives edit counts for every contributor
[12:24] <D_> So much for not judging people by their edit counts
[12:24] <Dcoetzee> Heh
[12:24] <QueenOfFrance> lol that's useful
[12:25] <Dcoetzee> That's kind of hilarious
[12:25] <Dcoetzee> Potentially useful though, as long as it's not misinterpreted
[12:25] <Dcoetzee> After all, we already examine edits of "red links" more carefully
[12:25] <Dcoetzee> This is just an extension of that.
[12:25] <MJ94> Anyone wanna feed me
[12:25] <D_> Well, page curation gives edit counts, too
[12:25] <MJ94> some cake
�06[12:25] * Dcoetzee makes chocolate cake for MJ94, cuts a slice :-)
[12:25] <D_> It's useful there, since you can tell whether the article was created by an experienced user or someone new
[12:25] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: Woooo!
[12:26] <D_> And I'll admit to looking at article creations by people with 10,000+ edits less closely
�03[12:26] * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:26] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: are you an admin at ptwp?
[12:26] <IShadowed> mareklug, done
[12:26] <mareklug> IShadowed done?
[12:26] <IShadowed>
[12:26] <IShadowed> Stata Stata
[12:26] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: I don't speak Portuguese...
[12:27] <MJ94> :P
[12:27] <Dcoetzee> So I would be very surprised if I were
[12:27] <MJ94> WELL, WHAT GOOD ARE YA.
[12:27] <D_> That is one funky-looking building
[12:27] <IShadowed> MJ94, I'll speak whatever language you want me to, baby
[12:27] <Dcoetzee> Whoa Stata is cool
[12:27] <BobTheWikipedian> here goes nothing...
�02[12:27] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:27] <MJ94> IShadowed: language of love?
[12:27] <BobTheWikipedian> if linux boots this will mark a day in history
[12:27] <MJ94> rawrrr
�06[12:27] * MJ94 purrs
�06[12:27] * Dcoetzee pets MJ94 kitty
[12:27] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, yeah but it leaks or something because of the design
[12:27] <MJ94> :D
�02[12:27] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:28] <IShadowed> beautiful, not really utilitarian
[12:28] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Tu dois savoir, je parles francais aussi :-P
�03[12:28] * fumika (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:28] <IShadowed> I should pay more attention in french class.
[12:28] <MJ94> This idiot doesn't understand that I have the MJ9* names registered and that he should stop identifying to them.
[12:28] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: *faints*
[12:28] <mareklug> IShadowed you only need to read up on a little contemporary architecture / tensile engineering to grok why this is a handsome building
[12:28] <IShadowed> I don't like it.
[12:29] <IShadowed> I just don't.
[12:29] <BobTheWikipedian> :o write this down...on this sixteenth day of february in the year two thousand thirteen rob finally got linux to boot
[12:29] <IShadowed> It looks like a boob with a skin defect.
�06[12:29] * Dcoetzee cheers!
[12:29] <IShadowed> This is not attractive
[12:29] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: I recorded for the history books
[12:29] <BobTheWikipedian> well done
[12:29] <MJ94> ;D
[12:29] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: I think we should probably make Feb 16 a holiday in honour of this moment
[12:29] <Dcoetzee> We'll call it "Bob Linux Day"
[12:29] <MJ94> Annual BobTheLinuxian
[12:30] <BobTheWikipedian> it has a nongrammatical ring to it derrick
[12:30] <Dcoetzee> Fuck grammar
[12:30] <BobTheWikipedian> the english do it all the time
[12:30] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: YEAH
[12:30] <MJ94> FUCK GRAMMAR
[12:30] <Dcoetzee> Check out my new animation :-)
�06[12:30] * MJ94 grabs pitchfork
[12:30] <Dcoetzee> It's a bit small but it works
[12:31] <IShadowed> Fucking something with a pitchfork is probably not overly pleasant
[12:31] <MJ94>
[12:31] <MJ94> beautiful
[12:31] <mareklug> IShadowed ??
[12:31] <MJ94> IShadowed: experience?
[12:31] <IShadowed> Possibly.
�03[12:31] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:31] <BobTheWikipedian> oooo
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[12:31] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: That sounds not fun at all
[12:31] <Dcoetzee> For the recipient
[12:32] <BobTheWikipedian> man linux takes forever to boot
[12:32] <BobTheWikipedian> it is still booting
[12:32] <MJ94> ...
[12:32] <IShadowed> ...but for the giver?
[12:32] <IShadowed> erugh
[12:32] <MJ94> so you didn't get it to boot
[12:32] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: For the giver it depends on their proclivities :-P
[12:32] <BobTheWikipedian> okay now it says localhost login
[12:32] <IShadowed> damn sadists
[12:32] <BobTheWikipedian> which is an improvement from the windows logo
[12:33] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: you should talk :-P
[12:33] <MJ94> All.
[12:33] <MJ94> I want.
[12:33] <MJ94> Is a pt admin.
[12:33] <IShadowed> I'm not a sadist!
[12:33] <BobTheWikipedian> always disappointing to install linux and be greeted by the windows logo right after that
[12:33] <IShadowed> well.
[12:33] <Amqui> good day
[12:33] <IShadowed> Only at Nationals
[12:33] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[12:33] <mareklug> IShadowed I just think this is a more elegant, less hysterical piece of architecture.  to me Frank is a little tedious.
[12:34] <Jetro> :---p
[12:34] <BobTheWikipedian> aw man...the username is case sensitive lol
[12:35] <MJ94> lol
�06[12:35] * Carly pulls Jetro hair
�06[12:35] * Carly runs away
[12:35] <Jetro> EY
[12:35] <BobTheWikipedian> ...okay, this is exciting. i wonder what [Rob@localhost Rob]$: means
�03[12:35] * techman224 (~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[12:35] * Jetro throws tomatos at Carly 
�03[12:36] * Cncplayer (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncplayer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:36] <D_> Whatever you do, don't obtain root and type in rm -rf *
[12:36] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
�06[12:36] * Carly hits Jetro with a pillow
[12:36] <Carly> dead Man
�06[12:36] * Carly runs away
[12:36] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: do it
[12:36] <D_> What distro are you running, BobTheWikipedian?
�06[12:36] * Jetro is dead. 
[12:36] <MJ94> d_ do it
[12:36] <MJ94> *
[12:36] <BobTheWikipedian> redhat
[12:36] <Carly> :D
[12:36] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Do what? :-P
[12:36] <MJ94> Your mom.
[12:36] <Dcoetzee> I'm not gonna delete my root
[12:36] <Dcoetzee> I'm not very attracted to my mom
[12:37] <D_> If you have a spare linux VM lying about, that's a fun thing to do
[12:37] <Dcoetzee> Plus she'd probably get clingy afterwards
[12:37] <D_> But probably anticlimactic
[12:37] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[12:37] <IShadowed> "I'm not very attracted to my mom"
[12:37] <BobTheWikipedian> format c: is a fun thing to do on windows
[12:37] <IShadowed> um
[12:37] <IShadowed> ..good for you?
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Responding to MJ94 telling me to do my mom :-P
[12:38] <MJ94> IShadowed: :P
[12:38] <IShadowed> ah
[12:38] <IShadowed> I was wondering
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> There is a context for everything :-P
[12:38] <MJ94> Guys…I'm not very attracted to my mom.
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: That's normal. Westermarck effect.
[12:38] <D_> But are you slightly attracted to her?
�02[12:39] * shanmugamp7 (~quassel@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:39] <MJ94> D_: in a sense
[12:39] <BobTheWikipedian> even this book cannot help me now:
[12:39] <mareklug> wooosh
[12:39] <Dcoetzee> mareklug: What you mean when you keep saying woosh?
[12:39] <IShadowed> I've only ever sucked on my mom's tits
[12:39] <IShadowed> so y'know
[12:39] <MJ94> there's not context for everything, Dcoetzee
[12:39] <IShadowed> ^
[12:39] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: But pineapple
[12:39] <MJ94> {{db-a1}} exists for a reason
[12:39] <mareklug> Indiana made a 3-point shot.  all net
[12:40] <IShadowed> who
[12:40] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: I left a chatroom earlier yelling pineapple
[12:40] <MJ94> I was like
[12:40] <MJ94> PINEAPPLE
[12:40] <BobTheWikipedian> i thought someone set up a #wikipedia-en-sports
[12:40] <mareklug> they only make like 6-12 a game, so bear with me
[12:40] <MJ94> sign off
[12:40] <IShadowed> [7]
[12:40] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Perfect. Now they will think of nothing else all day.
[12:40] <Dcoetzee> Perhaps they imagined you were forced to log off due to a man-eating pineapple attack.
[12:40] <IShadowed> this sounds uncomfortable
[12:40] <MJ94> Naturally, of course.
[12:41] <Dcoetzee> Only those who heed your warning will survive the coming pineapple invasion
[12:41] <MJ94> If somebody made a sub channel for every random topic we got on, there'd be no main channel.
[12:41] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Also every subchannel would contain only 1-2 people
[12:41] <IShadowed> I would not object to a sub channel
[12:41] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: Whoooo lives in a pineapple under the sea
[12:41] <IShadowed> heh. heh.
[12:41] <D_> Also, that keyboard navbox template looks weird in mobile
[12:41] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed:  :-P
[12:41] <D_>
[12:41] <MJ94> Everyone because he will destroy you and me
[12:41] <MJ94> PINEAPPLE
[12:42] <Jetro> :d
[12:42] <Jetro> i DON'T KNOW MORE OF THE SONG
[12:42] <Jetro> whops
�02[12:42] * Cncplayer (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncplayer) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[12:42] <MJ94> if you like making love at midnight
[12:42] <Dcoetzee> On the dunes on the cape
[12:42] <MJ94> then call me at 218-555-1200
�03[12:42] * Vlad_Tepes (~vlad@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:43] <Jetro> D_: That is an honest-to-god smooth Anroid browser.
[12:43] <mareklug> 555 phone numbers are such a copout.
[12:43] <MJ94> OK, brb shower
[12:43] <mareklug> there is only one 555 number really, and that is 555-1212  aka 411 aka information
[12:43] <MJ94> mareklug: My number is 218-310-141
[12:43] <MJ94> call me!
[12:44] <mareklug> MJ94 I'm holding out for better offers
[12:44] <MJ94> you won't find one here
[12:44] <D_> That's ten possible numbers under NANP
[12:44] <MJ94> ^
[12:44] <mareklug> you'd be surprised
[12:44] <MJ94> mareklug: Dcoetzee is a looker.
[12:44] <MJ94> :D
[12:44] <mareklug> some look, others peruse...
�06[12:44] * Dcoetzee looks at MJ94
[12:44] <MJ94> others edit, with nothing to lose
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[12:45] <D_> The last time I did anything with a phone number I found in an IRC channel, I was fairly drunk
[12:45] <D_> Nothing happened, though
[12:45] <MJ94> I probably did the same thing but was sober
[12:45] <Dcoetzee> Phone numbers, seriously? What is this, 1995?
[12:45] <MJ94> I remember the day someone got my phone number, called the cops on me, and said I was suicidal
[12:45] <MJ94> I wasn't.
�06[12:45] * IShadowed vanishes
[12:46] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: we like to sext
[12:46] <IShadowed> ....
[12:46] <Dcoetzee> Random phone sex works just as well over Skype :-P
[12:46] <D_> Yeah, we should be using email
[12:46] <MJ94> do you have snap chat?
[12:46] <D_> like it's 1997
[12:46] <IShadowed> eugh
[12:46] <IShadowed> y'all fuckers got issues
[12:46] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: believe me, I know
�03[12:46] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:46] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Vanishes? Heading off?
[12:46] <IShadowed> no, didn't exist in 1995
[12:46] <Dcoetzee> Oh right
[12:46] <MJ94> omg
[12:46] <D_> I think Kik is the preferred medium of communication for teenagers nowadays
[12:46] <MJ94> i'm older than someone
[12:46] <MJ94> I feel old
[12:46] <MJ94> crap
[12:46] <D_> At least I got that impression when I went on Omegle once
[12:46] <MJ94> D_: nah
[12:47] <MJ94> omegle kik is
[12:47] <MJ94> Omegle isn't where normal teenagers go
[12:47] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: It is fortunate that you didn't have to be around to see the horror that was Windows 95
[12:47] <D_> I don't go where normal teenagers go
[12:47] <IShadowed> pretty sure I'm one of the youngest, if not the youngest, active nick here. But it doesn't matter because you're all still my bitches.
[12:47] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: I did
[12:47] <D_> I'm too old to do that
[12:47] <Dcoetzee> About 90% of people on Omegle are dudes who want to get girls on webcam and get off
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[12:47] <MJ94> IShadowed: I'll gladly be your bitch.
[12:47] <IShadowed> noted
[12:47] <Dcoetzee> Also they're terrible at it
�03[12:47] * Vacation9|away is now known as Vacation9
[12:47] <D_> I ain't no nobody's bitch
[12:47] <Dcoetzee> (camsex/cybering that is)
�02[12:48] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[12:48] <mareklug> IShadowed actually there are some sub-14s here.
[12:48] <D_> Wait, how do you know
[12:48] <IShadowed> D_, I beg to differ.
[12:48] <IShadowed> mareklug, sec
[12:48] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: i am taking off my shirt
[12:48] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Good to know
[12:48] <Dcoetzee> Is it hot there?
[12:48] <Peter-C> 5-1-5-0 somebody call the po po
[12:48] <MJ94> I am unzipping your shoes.
[12:48] <IShadowed> Mareklug, sure, but,
[12:48] <Dcoetzee> My shoes... have laces :-P
[12:48] <MJ94> well fuck you
[12:49] <Dcoetzee> I put on my robe and wizard hat
[12:49] <D_> I think that's the intended end result
[12:49] <IShadowed>
[12:49] <IShadowed> ^
[12:49] <D_> Are you going to poop each other's poops back and forth, forever?
[12:49] <MJ94> [14:49:03] <+MJ94>	 !forecast duluth, mn
[12:49] <MJ94> [14:49:04] <@Gears>	 duluth, mn: RestofToday: Partly cloudy. Highs 14 to 19. South winds around 5 mph.
[12:49] <MJ94> [14:49:05] <@Gears>	 Tonight: Partly cloudy. Lows 3 below to 2 above zero. South winds 5 to 10 mph. -|- Sunday: Chance of Snow. High: 28°F / -2°C Low: 21°F / -6°C -|
[12:49] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: ^
[12:49] <Dcoetzee> Coooold
[12:50] <MJ94> It was -30 the other day
[12:50] <mareklug> IShadowed that's some terrible groove.  I lasted until the 1:31 mark.  Why do you do this to your admirers?
[12:50] <KimiNewt> someone in the other channel just said it's -30
[12:51] <KimiNewt> *an other channel
[12:51] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I'll say one thing, this song suits a cocky bitch like you :-P
[12:51] <KimiNewt> another
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[12:51] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, why thank you
�03[12:51] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:51] <IShadowed> Mareklug, "admirers"
�06[12:51] * Dcoetzee bows
[12:51] <KimiNewt> how about this
[12:52] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: That meme is awesome :-P
[12:52] <KimiNewt> it's nice
[12:52] <IShadowed> I actually found this song from a video of the hardest WAG vault
[12:52] <IShadowed> can't find it :/
[12:52] <MJ94> Dcoetzee:
[12:52] <MJ94> IShadowed:
[12:53] <D_> Oh god
[12:53] <Dcoetzee> While we're linking meme music how about some Fukkireta
[12:53] <D_> I like how they sound entirely serious
[12:53] <D_> About rickrolling people
[12:53] <MJ94> Yeah, haha.
[12:54] <D_> And the awesome acting
[12:54] <IShadowed> what the fuck is that shit
[12:54] <D_> I feel like there should be a flashing "REENACTMENT" on the screen
[12:54] <MJ94>
[12:54] <MJ94> LOL yes
[12:54] <MJ94> okay, bbl
[12:54] <IShadowed>
[12:55] <IShadowed> Aliya time
�06[12:55] * Dcoetzee clicks
[12:55] <D_> Violets are of a bright bluish purple color that takes its name from the violet flower.
[12:55] <D_> (from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.)
[12:55] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I don't think you've gone a day without linking Aliya :-)
[12:55] <IShadowed> I love her
[12:55] <IShadowed> Massive girl crush
[12:55] <Dcoetzee> Obviously :-)
[12:56] <KimiNewt> who
[12:56] <IShadowed> 0:44
[12:56] <IShadowed> love
[12:56] <KimiNewt> hate
[12:56] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt:
[12:56] <KimiNewt> gymnast
[12:56] <KimiNewt> blecht
[12:57] <IShadowed> nah the article doesn't do her justice
[12:57] <IShadowed> you have to watch her in action
[12:57] <IShadowed> all the subtle movements are perfect
[12:57] <IShadowed> her attitude is perfect
[12:57] <KimiNewt> that's great
[12:57] <IShadowed> she's the best. And knows it.
[12:57] <IShadowed> It's awesome.
[12:57] <D_> Have you recused yourself from editing that article due to a COI, IShadowed?
[12:57] <KimiNewt> I don't care for gymnastics
[12:57] <IShadowed> I don't care for KimiNewt
[12:57] <IShadowed> D_, I wish
[12:57] <KimiNewt> Join the club.
[12:58] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Don't feel bad. You're my favourite user who is also a newt.
[12:57] <KimiNewt> I got better
[12:57] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee is so diplomatic
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[12:58] <IShadowed>
[12:58] <IShadowed> Even her balance checks are elegant
[12:58] <IShadowed> asdfghjkl;
[12:58] <Dcoetzee> Resolving disputes is fun :-P I bet I could be a real international ambassador.
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[12:58] <D_>
[12:59] <D_> That's what this has made me think of
[12:59] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: And you are adorable when you're admiring Aliya :-P
[12:59] <KimiNewt> IShadowed - my sister taught me to hate gymnastics
[12:59] <Peter-C> 5-1-5-0 somebody call the po po <3
[12:59] <IShadowed> She's a world champion, can't help it
[12:59] <mareklug> Dcoetzee this is true.  much more than when admiring bad dance music
[12:59] <IShadowed> No
[12:59] <IShadowed> I didn't admire it
[12:59] <IShadowed> I admit I was ashamed
[13:00] <IShadowed> but crap is catchy, ok
[13:00] <mareklug> IShadowed you should do 16 Marina and the Diamonds in pennance
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[13:00] <IShadowed> I don't do penance
[13:00] <KimiNewt> welp
[13:00] <mareklug> then do it as palate clensing
[13:01] <IShadowed> except when I'm made to
[13:01] <KimiNewt> I should go to sleep soon; army early tomorrow
[13:01] <IShadowed> snerk
[13:01] <KimiNewt> Should get a good night's sleep, I guess
[13:01] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Rest well :-)
[13:01] <KimiNewt> incidentally
[13:01] <Dcoetzee> Where do newts sleep anyway? Like on rocks in the sun?
[13:01] <KimiNewt> today's the first weekend in some 7 months I haven't talked to the girl I like (friendzoned)
�02[13:01] * elkng (~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
[13:01] <KimiNewt> Dcoetzee - don't be silly, there's no sun up at night!
[13:02] <KimiNewt> that's the whole point of a night
[13:02] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: You didn't mention it was night there :-p
[13:02] <Dcoetzee> Oh I guess you did
[13:02] <Dcoetzee> Where do newts sleep at night? Under rocks?
[13:03] <mareklug> newts on the rocks sounds like yummy owl food
[13:03] <KimiNewt> sounds reasonable
[13:03] <IShadowed>
[13:03] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Not talking to her, your choice or hers or just happenstance?
[13:03] <IShadowed> you can seeeee the difference
[13:03] <KimiNewt> well
[13:03] <KimiNewt> Usually she messages me
[13:03] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I seriously think every motion of that girl is calculated :-P
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[13:03] <KimiNewt> Very rarely I do
[13:03] <mareklug> IShadowed you should be comparing her to Olga or Nadia
[13:03] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: She probably eats lunch elegantly :-P
[13:04] <KimiNewt> so I guess she just didn't message me
[13:04] <IShadowed> Probably
�06[13:04] * IShadowed sighs
[13:04] <KimiNewt> probably for no reason
[13:04] <KimiNewt> but I didn't message her
[13:04] <KimiNewt> so that's progress
[13:04] <IShadowed> <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I seriously think every motion of that girl is calculated :-P
[13:04] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: If you miss her and want to talk then message her, don't be stupid :-P
[13:04] <IShadowed> I'
�03[13:04] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:04] <IShadowed> I'm sure it is
[13:04] <KimiNewt> I talked to her thursday
[13:04] <IShadowed> Which is why I love her
[13:04] <KimiNewt> you could say I talked to her friday
�06[13:04] * IShadowed asdfghjkl;
[13:04] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: :-)
[13:04] <KimiNewt> since we talked till like half past midnight
[13:04] <IShadowed> also
[13:04] <IShadowed> Nadia sucks
[13:04] <IShadowed> stone me
[13:04] <KimiNewt> I'm also gonna see her tomorrow
[13:05] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Well that'll be fun then :-)
[13:05] <KimiNewt> it's fun when I see her
[13:05] <KimiNewt> no fun when she leaves
[13:05] <Dcoetzee> :-(
[13:05] <KimiNewt> or when my mind realises that she doesn't give a rat's ass about me
[13:05] <Dcoetzee> Don't be stupid :-P She obviously likes you a lot as a friend. Her time investment with you says that.
[13:05] <IShadowed> run her over with your car
[13:05] <mareklug> IShadowed you don't know what you are saying.
[13:05] <IShadowed> go at her with two tons of fucks you don't give
[13:06] <D_> That leaves a lot of evidence
[13:06] <KimiNewt> yeah she said (literally) "I love you .. (pause) .. as a friend"
[13:06] <D_> Use somebody else's car
[13:06] <KimiNewt> that pause was nasty
[13:06] <D_> People actually say that?
[13:06] <IShadowed> wait, aren't we talking about your sister?
[13:06] <KimiNewt> No
[13:06] <KimiNewt> Well basically D_
[13:06] <KimiNewt> she said "I love you"
[13:06] <KimiNewt> then saw the look on my face
[13:06] <KimiNewt> and added the last part
[13:06] <D_> Oh
[13:07] <D_> That makes more sense
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: She probably didn't realise until after she said it that it could be misinterpreted
[13:07] <D_> Yeah, that
[13:07] <IShadowed>
[13:07] <IShadowed> look at that bitch face
[13:07] <KimiNewt> it wouldn't be though
[13:07] <IShadowed> I need to learn to do that
[13:07] <KimiNewt> I'm not stupid, I know she doesn't like me that way ]:
[13:07] <BarkingFish> evening all :)
[13:07] <D_> Glare?
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Intense
[13:07] <KimiNewt> She told me before
[13:07] <IShadowed> then why are you chasing her
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: But still, loving you as a friend is a big deal. A close friend is a rare thing.
�02[13:07] * Vacation9 (~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[13:08] <KimiNewt> Yeah but being just a friend is killing me
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[13:08] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: If it's really hard for you to be around her maybe consider taking a break and seeing if the feelings die down
[13:08] <KimiNewt> She suggested the same
[13:08] <KimiNewt> but I can't handle taking a break
[13:09] <IShadowed> I still don't get the point of chasing after someone who doesn't like you
[13:09] <KimiNewt> It's like an addiction
[13:09] <IShadowed> Waste of time, much
[13:09] <KimiNewt> Like drugs
[13:09] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Well you can't handle being around her either, you're just going to hurt both of you if you don't do something.
[13:09] <KimiNewt> You know it's bad for you
[13:09] <KimiNewt> and you feel like shit afterwards (I persume)
[13:09] <IShadowed> Yeah so get your ass into rehab and stop making excuses
�06[13:09] * IShadowed shrugs
[13:09] <KimiNewt> NoooOOOooo
[13:09] <KimiNewt> If only my friends were kind enough to perform an intervention
[13:10] <KimiNewt> Now that I know that they're all aware of my situation..
[13:10] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: The drug analogy is good because withdrawal is a bitch but it's better than being addicted forever
[13:10] <KimiNewt> It's like
[13:10] <IShadowed> ^
[13:11] <KimiNewt> My life always seems stupid and a waste and senseless if I'm not doing one of two things:
[13:11] <KimiNewt> working or talking to her
[13:11] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: If you won't do it for yourself, do it for her. She cares about you and probably feels super guilty and frustrated to be hurting you like this.
[13:11] <D_> Woo, existentialism
[13:11] <KimiNewt> if that were true she'd stop talking to me herself
[13:11] <KimiNewt> She's the one who initializes it most of the time, anyway
[13:11] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Maybe you're both addicted :-P
[13:11] <KimiNewt> Why would she be addicted
[13:12] <Dcoetzee> Like I said. Close friends are hard to come by.
[13:12] <D_> It may not be easy for her, either
[13:12] <KimiNewt> doesn't make sense
�06[13:12] * IShadowed rolls her eyes at the teenage drama
[13:12] <D_> It's not trivial to just cut someone out of your life
[13:12] <KimiNewt> Hey, we're not teenaged :P
[13:12] <IShadowed> Look, dude, here's a rule of the universe
[13:12] <D_> even if they're just a friend
[13:12] <KimiNewt> We're frakin' soldiers :P
[13:12] <IShadowed> If it's too complicated, it's not worth it
[13:12] <IShadowed> So just leave it alone
[13:12] <D_> Wikipedia is pretty complicated
[13:12] <KimiNewt> so is physics
[13:12] <KimiNewt> and maths
[13:12] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: I think Ishy's a bit overcynical :-P But I do think you guys need to take a break before this shit explodes in your face.
[13:13] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: You got enough explosives aimed at you as it is
[13:13] <KimiNewt> it can't explode in my face
[13:13] <IShadowed> No, that's quite different. Difficult is not the same as complicated.
[13:13] <KimiNewt> there's no drama
[13:13] <KimiNewt> we're just friends
[13:13] <IShadowed> just sayin'
[13:13] <KimiNewt> It's not dramatic
[13:13] <IShadowed> Says the guy who's been ranting for 20 minutes
[13:13] <KimiNewt> well
[13:13] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: The point where it explodes is the point where you go crazy being around her and can't take it anymore and do something stupid
[13:13] <D_> He's been confessing his troubles to an IRC channel, give him a break
[13:13] <IShadowed> This is why I love blunt people
[13:14] <KimiNewt> It's not dramatic for her
[13:14] <IShadowed> I like you, you like me, let's go
[13:14] <IShadowed> so easy
[13:14] <KimiNewt> well
[13:14] <KimiNewt> I like her
[13:14] <KimiNewt> she doesn't like me
[13:14] <KimiNewt> stalemate
[13:14] <IShadowed> 11+0=1
[13:14] <IShadowed> -1
[13:14] <IShadowed> SIGH
[13:14] <IShadowed> I can't type
�06[13:14] * IShadowed kills self
[13:14] <IShadowed> 1+0=1. There.
[13:14] <mareklug> oh no, not the coach of Kansas
�02[13:15] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[13:15] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: I once had a friend and she had unreturned affections for a friend. In the end, she went off the rails and accused that person of leading her on and abandoned her friend.
[13:15] <IShadowed>
[13:15] <IShadowed> best blog
[13:15] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: I'm just worried if your frustration overcomes you that you could end up in the same situation
[13:15] <KimiNewt> I don't think so
[13:16] <D_> Is that yours, IShadowed?
[13:16] <KimiNewt> at most I'll just cut her off
[13:16] <IShadowed> No
[13:16] <KimiNewt> I can do without friends
[13:16] <KimiNewt> I used to have no friends, I can do it again
[13:16] <KimiNewt> It'll be easier
[13:16] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Okay, as long as you know what you're doing. But just remember that your friendship has value too, okay?
[13:16] <IShadowed> Dude, are you 12
[13:17] <KimiNewt> almost
[13:17] <IShadowed> Why are you doing this emo bullshit to yourself
[13:17] <IShadowed> Wait
[13:17] <IShadowed> ...
[13:17] <IShadowed> Are you serious?
[13:17] <KimiNewt> Yes.
[13:17] <mareklug> KimiNewt how about falling for a Palestinian girl?  That would be moby drama
[13:17] <IShadowed> This explains everything.
�06[13:17] * IShadowed facepalms
[13:17] <IShadowed> Okay, look kid
[13:17] <KimiNewt> I'm 20, darling
[13:17] <IShadowed> Oh.
[13:17] <D_> I wish I had some popcorn right now
[13:17] <IShadowed> Well you should hold off on dating until 30 or so, then
�03[13:17] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:17] <KimiNewt> 30!
[13:17] <IShadowed> 'cause you need to pick up some emotional IQ
[13:18] <KimiNewt> Because I'm emotionally immature?
[13:18] <KimiNewt> Herp herp
[13:18] <KimiNewt> everyone's the same at this age
[13:18] <IShadowed> No, they're really not.
[13:18] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You know the only way to increase your emotional IQ is through emotional experience :-P
[13:18] <IShadowed> Disagree
[13:18] <D_> Well, you *could* just watch enough soap operas
[13:18] <Dcoetzee> Well that and listening to older people, but who does that?
�02[13:19] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[13:19] <mareklug> IShadowed does!
[13:19] <KimiNewt> old people suck
�03[13:19] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[13:19] <KimiNewt> they smell
[13:19] <IShadowed> <mareklug> IShadowed does!
[13:19] <IShadowed> ^
[13:19] <D_> You're hurting people's feelings in here, KimiNewt
[13:19] <Dcoetzee> Point :-P
[13:19] <KimiNewt> look IShadowed
[13:19] <KimiNewt> I spend 95% of my time working
[13:19] <Dcoetzee> But I think a lot of people have to learn things the hard way.
[13:19] <IShadowed>
[13:20] <IShadowed> Unrelated,
[13:20] <KimiNewt> I think ti's fair for me to spend 5% obsessing about someone instead of actually, you know
[13:20] <IShadowed> I'm just gonna leave that here
[13:20] <KimiNewt> meeting lots of people
[13:20] <IShadowed> I disagree
[13:20] <IShadowed> Much healthier to meet tons of people
[13:20] <mareklug> IShadowed that is some really pretty duct tape
[13:20] <IShadowed> I knowwww.
[13:20] <KimiNewt> I know all the people at my centre
[13:20] <D_> It looks like ordinary duct tape
[13:20] <KimiNewt> That a lot of people
[13:20] <KimiNewt> and that's enough
[13:20] <IShadowed> I need to learn to do bitch eyes like that
[13:21] <D_> I wonder if they have special duct tape for duct tape, uhm, play
�06[13:21] * IShadowed sighs
[13:21] <mareklug> D_ it looks much better in this light
[13:21] <KimiNewt> to your amateur eyes D_
�03[13:21] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:21] <KimiNewt> btw, how old are you IShadowed, being so wise
[13:22] <IShadowed> Not entirely your business.
[13:22] <KimiNewt> I told you, it's only polite
[13:22] <Dcoetzee> Ha
[13:22] <IShadowed> No, the world doesn't work like that.
[13:22] <Dcoetzee> You think Ishy's polite? :-P
[13:22] <IShadowed> ..and that.
[13:22] <D_> There's the wiseness again
[13:22] <KimiNewt> what a twat
[13:22] <KimiNewt> grr
[13:22] <KimiNewt> sorry
[13:22] <KimiNewt> didn't mean it like that
[13:23] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: She's trying to help you out. You can take her advice or leave it but don't get all upset. :-P
�02[13:23] * Alchimista (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[13:23] <IShadowed> Or do, because I'm still right.
[13:23] <KimiNewt> I don't mind getting advice that's opposite to what I think
�02[13:23] * Vacation9 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[13:23] <KimiNewt> I mind people being rude
[13:23] <KimiNewt> and yes I know that rather stupid considering what I just said
[13:23] <Pharos> kumbaya
[13:23] <IShadowed> You do live in the real world, right?
[13:23] <BarkingFish> And calling someone a twat isn't rude?
[13:23] <BarkingFish> Damn.
[13:24] <BarkingFish> I wish I'd known
[13:24] <IShadowed> ^
[13:24] <Pharos> kumbaya
�06[13:24] * IShadowed snuggles BarkingFish 
[13:24] <mareklug> "16 clumsy and shy… I booked myself at the Y… YWCA…  do you have an opening…  for a back scrubber…. wooo-ooo"   --The Smiths
[13:24] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - I'm scared
�06[13:24] * Dcoetzee waves to Pharos
[13:24] <KimiNewt> BarkingFish - I'm sure it's a compliment somewhere
[13:24] <KimiNewt> Like
[13:24] <KimiNewt> a twat convention
[13:24] <Pharos> kumbata, dcoetzee
[13:24] <Peter-C> No calls in the past 28 hours, and the cops busted 5 parties last night, no drunks
[13:24] <Dcoetzee> What's Kumbata?
[13:24] <D_> A twat convention.
[13:24] <Dcoetzee> Peter-C: Impressive
[13:24] <IShadowed> And now I'm giggling in the middle of a coffee shop
[13:24] <KimiNewt> IShadowed - no, I don't live in the real world
[13:24] <IShadowed> Ah, good times
[13:24] <BarkingFish> You just called IShadowed a pregnant goldfish, KimiNewt
[13:24] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: :-)
[13:24] <IShadowed> KimiNewt, Ah, excellent
[13:24] <Pharos> like kumbaya combined with hakunan matata
[13:24] <BarkingFish> I hardly think that's a compliment :)
[13:25] <Peter-C> Dcoetzee - Well, drunks, but they were released to parents
[13:25] <KimiNewt> I live in a fantastical bubble where everyone is nice and kind
[13:25] <Dcoetzee> Pharos: Makes sense to me
[13:25] <KimiNewt> and rather polite, if a bit depressed
[13:25] <D_> That sounds splendid, KimiNewt. Would you like more tea?
[13:25] <BarkingFish> Welcome to those of us who pop them, KimiNewt
[13:25] <KimiNewt> I don't like tea, I'm afraid
[13:25] <BarkingFish> :)
[13:25] <IShadowed> that does not sound splendid.
[13:25] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Can I visit sometime and ride the rainbow unicorn?
[13:25] <D_> A pity, that is.
[13:25] <IShadowed> I would commit suicide in that universe
[13:25] <BarkingFish> Not even Green Tea?
[13:25] <KimiNewt> Well
[13:25] <KimiNewt> I'm talking about the military
[13:25] <Pharos> i live in broolyn, where everyone is nice and kind
[13:26] <Dcoetzee> Everybody's nice in the military? :-P
[13:26] <KimiNewt> so you'll have plenty of access to equipment that will allow you to go with that
[13:26] <IShadowed> I think you dropped the soap a few too many times
[13:26] <D_> That depends on the part of Brooklyn
[13:26] <KimiNewt> Eveyone is nice where I'm at
[13:26] <BarkingFish> I have some rather nice Tangerine and Limeflower tea here, very soothing.
[13:26] <BarkingFish> back in a flash, updates want me to restart my pc :)
[13:26] <KimiNewt> People aren't nice when you leave the building and go, I don't know, on guard duty or something
[13:26] <Dcoetzee> Well it's cool to have a nice working environment, but I think people can be good people without being polite
[13:26] <KimiNewt> but when inside the building
�02[13:26] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[13:26] <KimiNewt> everyone is very kind
[13:27] <D_> People can be terrible people while being polite
[13:27] <D_> That's what makes it interesting
[13:27] <KimiNewt> sure suer
�03[13:27] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:27] <Dcoetzee> That too :-P
[13:27] <KimiNewt> But I mean kind
[13:27] <KimiNewt> not just polite
�03[13:28] * bjelleklang (~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:28] <IShadowed> You fuckers have distracted me from work all day long
[13:28] <KimiNewt> there was a guy here a while ago
[13:28] <IShadowed> you should be ashamed.
[13:28] <KimiNewt> he was polite, I guess
[13:28] <KimiNewt> but a real asshole
[13:28] <KimiNewt> he was promptly ejected
[13:28] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: It's what we do <3 Plus you'd have wasted time anyway :-P
[13:29] <IShadowed> quite possibly, mhm
[13:29] <IShadowed> but then I have work
�03[13:29] * FLHerne_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:29] <KimiNewt> IShadowed - if I have led you to believe I'm an idiot
[13:29] <KimiNewt> I'd have you know that it is true
[13:29] <KimiNewt> but I'm good at very specific things and that is why I'm worth being kept alive when the tyrannical regime of your kind rises
[13:30] <IShadowed> mostly just misguided and all too willing to pity yourself
[13:30] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Don't be a douche, Ishy's a good person and is not going to oppress mankind :-P
[13:30] <IShadowed> don't worry, your death will be quick and painless under my reign
[13:30] <Dcoetzee> I imagine more of benevolent reign :-P
[13:30] <D_> How do you know that, Dcoetzee?
[13:31] <D_> ARE YOU IN CAHOOTS?
[13:31] <KimiNewt> If you would kill me you'd be a fool
�02[13:31] * FLHerne ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[13:31] <KimiNewt> I get paid less than 100$ a month and I work 14 hours a day
[13:31] <KimiNewt> I can be motivated by biscuits
[13:31] <IShadowed> You should get out of that chinese iPhone factory asap, dude
[13:31] <IShadowed> I mean dayum
�03[13:31] * Nascar1996 is now known as nas|RACE
[13:31] <KimiNewt> I do it out of choice
[13:32] <IShadowed> what a martyr
�06[13:32] * IShadowed rolls her eyes
[13:32] <KimiNewt> it's fun :/
[13:32] <IShadowed> how can we ever repay you for your sacrifice
[13:32] <KimiNewt> :|
[13:33] <KimiNewt> I'm just gonna eat another biscuit and forget you ever cynically said that
[13:33] <Dcoetzee> D_: She promised me Australia in exchange for my cooperation. I'm pretty sure she's just going to kill me and take it all though.
�02[13:33] * thineantiquepen (~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[13:33] <D_> But of course you have a plan to double cross her instead?
�02[13:33] * Gnumarcoo (~marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[13:33] <IShadowed> His tears will dry when I hand him the keys to a shiny new Australia
�03[13:33] * thineantiquepen (~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:33] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Dr. Horrible? You're amazing :-P
[13:34] <IShadowed> mhm hm
[13:35] <Pharos> australia is a lame prize
[13:35] <KimiNewt> you should always try taking a country with a good space program
[13:35] <Pharos> i;d hold out for south america
[13:35] <KimiNewt> so you'll have an out
[13:35] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Coincidentlaly I just got a copy of that in 1080p for Key, she's not seen it yet
[13:35] <IShadowed> aww
[13:35] <IShadowed> :3
[13:35] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[13:35] <KimiNewt> It's like a game of Heart of Iron, Pharos
[13:35] <D_> Spiders with health bars vs a lot of jungle
[13:35] <KimiNewt> You take on a country like Cyprus
[13:35] <D_> I dunno which one I'd pick
[13:35] <KimiNewt> Just to see if you can
[13:35] <Dcoetzee> Australia is actually of great strategic value in the 21st-22nd centuries
�03[13:35] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:35] <Dcoetzee> Because of their huge uranium deposits
[13:35] <Pharos> the best i ever did with that was vijayanagar
[13:35] <Dcoetzee> Nuclear power and all that
[13:35] <KimiNewt> I'd take Mars
[13:36] <KimiNewt> Hide in a cave till it's all over
�02[13:36] * Sarrus (~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[13:36] <KimiNewt> everyone blows themselves up
[13:37] <D_> And then come back to the ashes and nuclear winter?
[13:37] <Dcoetzee> Oh the weather outside is frightful
[13:37] <KimiNewt> yes D_
[13:37] <Pharos> earth in nuclear winter is still better weather than mars
[13:37] <Pharos> that's what SF ppl never seem to get
[13:38] <KimiNewt> look at all the poverty, the hatred and lies
[13:38] <Dcoetzee> Pharos: Not a terraformed Mars. In principle
[13:38] <D_> I wonder how deorbiting with everyone dead would go
[13:38] <KimiNewt> and think of the destruction of all that you despise
[13:38] <D_> I mean, you can't splash in an ocean and have a carrier pick you up
[13:38] <KimiNewt> slowly from the ashes a phoenix will arise
[13:38] <Pharos> if you can terraform mars, you can de-winterize earth as well
[13:38] <KimiNewt> in a brave new world
[13:38] <D_> Yes, but you don't want to fuck with Earth too much
[13:39] <D_> on account of environmental protection and all
[13:39] <D_> Go wild on Mars, though
[13:39] <KimiNewt> has no one caught my reference? ]:
[13:39] <IShadowed> I've decided I like that side-hairstyle
[13:39] <Pharos> but there are so many side-hairstyles!
[13:40] <Pharos> how woud one choose?!
�03[13:40] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:40] <D_> The one that goes tot he side
[13:41] <Pharos> some guy on public radio said it changed his life when he decided to part his hair on the right rather than the left
[13:41] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Which side hairstyle?
[13:41] <IShadowed>
[13:42] <MJ94> omg Dcoetzee
[13:42] <MJ94> <3
[13:42] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: What? :-)
[13:42] <KimiNewt> Pharos - I hate those sort of people
[13:42] <BobTheWikipedian> i've done left-side part since 2nd grade
[13:42] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: u hav twatter bb?
[13:42] <KimiNewt> Shaved heads are the best
[13:42] <KimiNewt> don't have to give a shit about them
[13:42] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: How is babby formed?
[13:42] <KimiNewt> Woke up: ahir in perfect condition
[13:42] <BobTheWikipedian> right side isn't as easy if you're right-handed
[13:42] <Pharos> apparently, when you part on the right side you become cool and everyone loves you
[13:42] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: I'm 12yo and wat dis
[13:43] <KimiNewt> Crawled trhough mud: hair in perfect condition
[13:43] <KimiNewt> Shot in face: hair in perfect condition depending on the direction and entry point of the bullet
[13:43] <Pharos> it was on RadioLab, it has to be true
[13:43] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: This is a srsly emo song :-)
[13:43] <IShadowed> yeah, but I like it
[13:43] <KimiNewt> fuck
[13:43] <Dcoetzee> It's good
[13:43] <KimiNewt> I forgot my kindle in my apartment
[13:43] <Dcoetzee> I haven't heard of this artist before
[13:43] <KimiNewt> am I gonna read on my phone or just go to sleep
[13:44] <KimiNewt> how important IS eyesight, really
[13:44] <MJ94> very
�03[13:45] * Riley is now known as Riley|Work
[13:45] <mareklug> IShadowed ah.  so you finally arrived at good electronic pop.  mareklug hearts Marina's Teen Idle
[13:45] <MJ94> you see, without it, you cannot
�06[13:45] * IShadowed pat pats mareklug
[13:45] <IShadowed> your death shall also be quick and painless
�02[13:45] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:45] <Dcoetzee> This artist is new to me but the lyrics and the vocalist are quite good
[13:45] <mareklug> IShadowed but you seriously owe yourself the album that came before that, Family Jewels
[13:45] <IShadowed> ..
[13:46] <Pharos> change you part, change your life!
[13:46] <mareklug> Dcoetzee Marina has great pipes.  and writes well, too.
�02[13:46] * nas|RACE (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
�03[13:46] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:46] <Pharos> become rich and famous, ppl
[13:46] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[13:46] <IShadowed> The pretty lies, the ugly truth
[13:46] <Carly> o.o
�06[13:46] * Carly I agree
�06[13:46] * Dcoetzee waves to Carly
[13:46] <Carly> oh yes, say it,say it,say it cuz I can
�06[13:46] * Carly hi
�06[13:46] * Carly runs away
�06[13:47] * Dcoetzee sighs :-P
[13:47] <KimiNewt> that reminds me
[13:47] <KimiNewt> you know what is a good song
[13:47] <Carly> :)
�06[13:47] * IShadowed wants to run off to the mall
�06[13:47] * IShadowed sighs
[13:47] <KimiNewt> the mall?
[13:47] <KimiNewt> those exist?
[13:47] <Carly> o-o
[13:47] <Carly> lol
[13:47] <IShadowed> I really want a blue necklace
[13:47] <IShadowed> I don't know why
[13:47] <IShadowed> I just do.
[13:47] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Well get one then :-P
[13:47] <KimiNewt> I don't think I've been in a mall in like
[13:47] <Pharos> the National Mall only
[13:47] <IShadowed> Yeah pretty much
[13:47] <Dcoetzee> Hmmmm I should link some dance music I like too
[13:48] <Peter-C>
[13:48] <mareklug> IShadowed you probably would dig zuni inlay jewelry with flush turquoise.  not the gaudy Navajo pieces
[13:48] <Carly> market attracts people
[13:48] <Dcoetzee> "Satellite" :-)
�06[13:48] * Carly runs away
[13:48] <KimiNewt> how about music that isn't dance but is groovy to dance to
[13:48] <KimiNewt> By Lena, Dcoetzee? :P
[13:48] <Dcoetzee> Nope
[13:48] <IShadowed> mareklug, I'm just searching for mall stores that sell them
[13:48] <Dcoetzee> Oceanlab
[13:48] <IShadowed> I reaaaally hate going into Claire's
[13:48] <Dcoetzee> I'm a fan of vocal trance
[13:48] <IShadowed> it's crap and for like, 5 year olds
[13:48] <Carly> xd
[13:48] <KimiNewt>
[13:48] <IShadowed> but they have them
�03[13:48] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:48] <Pharos> Peter-C is a Hitchcock villain
[13:49] <Peter-C> 5-1-5-0 somebody call the po po
[13:50] <IShadowed> I like how all of the necklaces listed from Hot Topic are like dog collars
[13:50] <IShadowed> very classy
[13:50] <IShadowed> 9_9
[13:50] <KimiNewt> you're in the UK, IShadowed?
[13:50] <IShadowed> no
[13:50] <Dcoetzee> Well that's Hot Topic :-P
[13:50] <KimiNewt> US?
[13:50] <IShadowed> mhm
[13:50] <Pharos> Strangers on a Train
[13:50] <KimiNewt> well
[13:50] <KimiNewt> that's too far to travel for a single murder
[13:50] <addshore> Anyone around that does lots of work on the abuse filters?
[13:50] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Don't threaten her :-P
[13:50] <IShadowed> Bitch please, I'd take you down so fast you wouldn't even remember
[13:50] <Dcoetzee> Last warning
[13:50] <KimiNewt> I'm not threatening
[13:50] <KimiNewt> She theatened me twice, if anything
[13:50] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, don't worry about it, he's 12, I can hold my own
�06[13:50] * Carly I'm gonna kick my feet up then stare at the fan Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants Nobody's gon' tell me I can't ♬
[13:51] <Carly> xd
[13:51] <MJ94> I'm gonna threaten you all with my fist in a second.
�06[13:51] * Carly hides
[13:51] <MJ94> Carly: hawt
[13:51] <KimiNewt> this is all very threatening
[13:51] <IShadowed> I may not object.
�02[13:51] * thineantiquepen (~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[13:51] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Alright, I'll let you handle him :-P
�03[13:51] * Posto5 (~posto5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:51] <Dcoetzee> Carly's quoting "The Lazy Song" which is an awful song :-P
[13:51] <KimiNewt> I like it
[13:51] <Carly> :D
�06[13:51] * IShadowed rolls up her sleeves and chalks her hands
[13:51] <Carly> yes
[13:52] <KimiNewt> it is a good theme for the lazy
[13:52] <Carly> Dcoetzee, No
�06[13:52] * IShadowed bitchslaps KimiNewt and watches the cloud of chalk rise up
[13:52] <Carly> is not
[13:52] <IShadowed> how artistic
[13:52] <Carly> I love the lazy song
[13:52] <Pharos> no fighting in the war room!
[13:52] <Carly> and is not awful
[13:52] <Carly> for me
�02[13:52] * GrooveDog (~GrooveDog@wikimedia/GrooveDog) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
�06[13:52] * Carly attacks Pharos
[13:52] <Carly> :|
[13:52] <MJ94> THEY LIKE DRAMA
[13:52] <Dcoetzee> No it's not :-P "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay" is a good theme for the lazy. "The Lazy Song" is a vapid masturbatory celebration of stupidity.
[13:52] <Pharos> ahhh
[13:52] <IShadowed> "The Lazy Song" is a vapid masturbatory celebration of stupidity.
[13:52] <Dcoetzee> Buuut that's just my opinion :-P
[13:52] <IShadowed> sounds like my kind of song
[13:52] <KimiNewt> It's just a song
[13:52] <KimiNewt> Chill
[13:53] <Dcoetzee> I am chill :-)
[13:53] <KimiNewt> did you listen to the song I linked
[13:53] <IShadowed> Nope
�06[13:53] * Carly turn on the radio next to Dcoetzee and "The lazy song" is playing
[13:53] <KimiNewt> I asked Dcoetzee but okay
�06[13:53] * Carly runs away
[13:53] <KimiNewt> the swiss lips one I mean
[13:53] <Dcoetzee> Carly:  :-P
[13:53] <KimiNewt> not the lena one
[13:54] <Carly> Dcoetzee, lol I love it
[13:54] <Carly> why not
[13:54] <KimiNewt> it's too mainstream for Dcoetzee
�03[13:54] * nas|RACE (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:54] <IShadowed>
[13:54] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: I like lots of mainstream pop :-P
[13:54] <IShadowed> > we'll die inside this salted earth together.
�03[13:55] * Alch (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:55] <Carly> I am going to eat cheese
[13:55] <Carly> bye alll
[13:55] <Dcoetzee> Like Adele is good. Ellie Goulding's "Lights" was in the charts and that's spectacular.
[13:55] <IShadowed> excellent
[13:55] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Enjoy :-)
[13:55] <KimiNewt> how about this then Dcoetzee
[13:55] <Carly> Dcoetzee, I am sure you like cheese
[13:55] <Carly> xd
[13:55] <IShadowed> aw
�06[13:55] * Carly runs away
[13:56] <Dcoetzee> Carly: I do :-)
[13:56] <Carly> :)
[13:56] <IShadowed> I missed a Math & Science academy lecture with someone from the FBI
[13:56] <IShadowed> lame
[13:56] <IShadowed> I should stop being fucking lazy
[13:56] <Dcoetzee> :-(
[13:56] <KimiNewt> THE FBI
�03[13:56] * Hazard-SJ is now known as Hazard-Away
[13:56] <Carly> o.o
[13:56] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Doo wop is kinda fun :-P
[13:56] <KimiNewt> shananana
[13:57] <Carly> >.<
[13:57] <Carly> KimiNewt, LOL
[13:57] <Carly> XD
[13:57] <IShadowed>
[13:57] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Speaking of doo wop, have you heard Weird Al's "One More Minute"?
[13:57] <KimiNewt> no actually
[13:57] <KimiNewt> though I listened to most of his stuff
[13:57] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt:
[13:57] <IShadowed> I would so bang Mark Jansen
[13:57] <Dcoetzee> It's good :-)
[13:57] <IShadowed> just throwing that out there
�02[13:58] * Posto5 (~posto5@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:58] <KimiNewt> watching
�06[13:58] * Dcoetzee looks up Mark Jansen
[13:58] <KimiNewt> listening
[13:58] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Okay I'm with you on that one
[13:58] <Dcoetzee> I'm a fan of long haired guys
[13:58] <IShadowed> :P
�03[13:58] * Posto5 (~posto5@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:58] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:58] <IShadowed> He's quite intelligent as well
[13:58] <IShadowed> And talented, clearly
�06[13:58] * IShadowed sighs
[13:58] <Dcoetzee> And has a lot of energy :-)
�03[13:58] * Posto5 (~posto5@ has left #wikipedia-en
[13:59] <IShadowed>
�06[13:59] * IShadowed shivers
[13:59] <KimiNewt> like I said
[13:59] <KimiNewt> shaved heads all the way
[13:59] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Nice :-)
[13:59] <Dcoetzee> Just perfect timing on that shot
[13:59] <KimiNewt> long hair is for metalheads and 14 year olds
[13:59] <KimiNewt> and potheads
[14:00] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, permission to kill KimiNewt?
[14:00] <Yetanotherx> Is it wrong that the first part of that picture I see is the Shire ULX handheld with a Beta 87 capsule?
�03[14:00] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[14:00] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: I'm not in any of those categories. :-P But I am a radical social progresive living in San Francisco, so I think I get to have long hair anyway.
[14:00] <KimiNewt> Okay I should really go to sleep
[14:00] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Not right now, Ishy :-P
[14:00] <KimiNewt> gotta catch a 7am bus back to the base ]:
�06[14:00] * IShadowed scowls.
[14:00] <IShadowed> No fun.
[14:00] <KimiNewt> Supposed to do something at 9am
[14:00] <D_> I just accidentally created a duplicate item on Wikidata
[14:01] <BobTheWikipedian> man...people like linux why?
[14:01] <D_> It was also the first item I ever created on Wikidata
[14:01] <D_> I am ashamed of myself
[14:01] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You can kill him later if he misbehaves :-P
[14:01] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: Night, sleep well :-)
�06[14:01] * IShadowed wrinkles her nose.
[14:01] <KimiNewt> this world would be so much worse off if I die
�03[14:01] * Bradford|Died (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:01] <BobTheWikipedian> now xconfigurator is giving me heck
[14:01] <D_> BobTheWikipedian: I ask myself the same question about most operating systems
[14:01] <KimiNewt> BobTheWikipedian - it's so good
[14:02] <IShadowed>
[14:02] <BobTheWikipedian> it won't let me specify my video card has 128 MB of ram
[14:02] <KimiNewt> If I could use bash normally in windows
[14:02] <KimiNewt> maybe that'll be better
[14:02] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, what distro and what problem are you having with it?
[14:02] <D_> Well, there's Cygwin
[14:02] <BarkingFish> That was fast :)
[14:02] <Dcoetzee> KimiNewt: SLEEP
[14:02] <D_> But you said "normally"
[14:02] <KimiNewt> but that's shit
�06[14:02] * Dcoetzee puts KimiNewt to bed
[14:02] <KimiNewt> yeah
[14:02] <KimiNewt> grr
[14:02] <BobTheWikipedian> xconfigurator 4.9.39
[14:02] <KimiNewt> fine
[14:02] <BobTheWikipedian> it's a 2001 version i suppose
[14:02] <BarkingFish> Anyways BobTheWikipedian, what distro are you on?
[14:03] <BobTheWikipedian> red hat 7.2 i think
[14:03] <BarkingFish> 0.0
[14:03] <BobTheWikipedian> yes
�02[14:03] * KimiNewt ( Quit (Quit: Quit�)
[14:03] <BobTheWikipedian> because that's what came with the red hat linux 7.2 unleased book
[14:03] <D_> Just install Ubuntu
[14:03] <D_> It basically installs itself
[14:04] <IShadowed>
[14:04] <IShadowed> dear god, her voice is so perfect
�06[14:04] * IShadowed sighs
[14:04] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, red hat 7.2 isn't even stable
�03[14:04] * varnent (~varnent@wikimedia/varnent) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:04] <BobTheWikipedian> neither is any operating system
�03[14:05] * GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|AFK
[14:05] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Pro portrait of him, a little overprocessed but nice
[14:05] <BarkingFish> the last stable version is 6.3 - you're pretty much running a beta
[14:05] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[14:05] <BobTheWikipedian> this book is 11 years old though
[14:06] <BobTheWikipedian> i thought red hat is supposed to be the best flavor out there
[14:06] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, i know that no OS is "stable", but there's "stable" (it works) and "stable" (we've tested it and nothing's fucked as far as we can see, but you can test it)
[14:06] <BarkingFish> most linux is the second variety
[14:06] <D_> and then there's arch
[14:06] <IShadowed> I dunno, I prefer the more violent poses
[14:06] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: She sounds like she has opera training
[14:06] <BarkingFish> and no way is red hat the best.
�03[14:06] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:06] <IShadowed> she probably does
[14:06] <IShadowed> it's flawless
[14:06] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: Red Hat is dead
[14:07] <SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: Is not!
[14:07] <Dcoetzee> Might as well be!
[14:07] <IShadowed> Speaking of Epica, is hot
[14:07] <Dcoetzee> If you all wanna know what distros are popular, visit and look in the right hand column
[14:08] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Why am I not surprised at all that you're into symphonic metal
[14:08] <IShadowed> :P
[14:08] <BarkingFish> Kubuntu, Ubuntu or SUSE are the best ones, BobTheWikipedian
[14:08] <IShadowed> The chorus in that song is like
[14:08] <IShadowed> *fans self*
�02[14:08] * Vlad_Tepes (~vlad@ Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[14:08] <IShadowed> Hm, Storm the Sorrow too, for Jansen's part
[14:08] <IShadowed> the video is like asdfghjkl;
[14:08] <D_> You use that adjective a lot
[14:08] <BarkingFish> I'm on Kubuntu, but I beta test, so I always have a "broken" distro
[14:08] <BobTheWikipedian> mint, eh?
[14:09] <D_> It's like Ubuntu, but flavored
[14:09] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[14:09] <Dcoetzee> Mint flavoured
[14:09] <MJ94> No
[14:09] <MJ94> That's Linux Mint.
[14:10] <BarkingFish> Oh i forgot. It comes plain, MJ94 - you have to compile the flavor :)
[14:10] <MJ94> Oh, okay :D
[14:10] <BobTheWikipedian> the screenshot of mint appears to mimic windows pre-8
[14:10] <SigmaWP> Mate is just a desktop environment
[14:11] <BarkingFish> anyways BobTheWikipedian - there are better distros available than Red hat, believe me.  Go download a couple of ISOs from different places, or take a look here for a full list:
[14:11] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: That song is srsly intense
[14:11] <IShadowed> It is
[14:11] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: What are you using anyway?
[14:11] <BobTheWikipedian> ubuntu drives me crazy with its african drums
[14:11] <BobTheWikipedian> red hat
[14:11] <SigmaWP> Red Hat itself, or its derivatives?
[14:11] <MJ94>
[14:12] <BobTheWikipedian> it's red hat 7.2 publisher's edition
[14:12] <MJ94> "no risk of getting viruses"
[14:12] <MJ94> ya ok
[14:12] <SigmaWP> Ah, then Dcoetzee is right
[14:12] <Dcoetzee> Linux has little to no risk of getting viruses
�06[14:12] * SigmaWP suggests getting one of its children
[14:12] <Dcoetzee> Due to economics
�03[14:12] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:12] <Dcoetzee> So few people have it, it's not an attractive target for attackers
[14:12] <SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: Due to sudo, rather
[14:12] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee,
[14:12] <IShadowed>
�06[14:12] * D_ gets one of SigmaWP's children 
[14:12] <SigmaWP> D_: Joke's on you, I don't have any!
[14:12] <Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: Not really, that's easy to circumvent, and Windows uses a restricted account now too
[14:12] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, ever considered turning the application notifications off? :)
�03[14:12] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en
[14:12] <BarkingFish> Silence the drums!
[14:12] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: K
[14:13] <MJ94> System Information: Model: MacBook Pro (15-inch Retina Mid-2012) • CPU: Intel Core i7-3720QM (8 Cores) @ 2.60 GHz • L2: 262.14 KB • L3: 6.29 MB • Memory: 8.00 GB • Uptime: 6 Hours • Disk Space: Total: 499.42 GB; Free: 170.28 GB • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M • Screen Resolution: 1440 x 900 (Retina Enabled) • Load: 13% • OS: Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) (Build 12C3006)
[14:13] <BobTheWikipedian> i tried installing ubuntu anyway and it wouldn't run on that computer
[14:13] <D_> Sound doesn't work half of the time on my Ubuntu anyway
[14:13] <BobTheWikipedian> this is the first time i've gotten any distro of linux to install on it
[14:13] <IShadowed> Ugh
[14:13] <D_> I have to start pulseaudio manually or it gets into some race condition on system startup and either works or doesn't
[14:13] <IShadowed> Unf, rather. Someone here is wearing the best cologne.
[14:13] <BobTheWikipedian> anyway i might try mint and see what happens
[14:15] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: Isn't mint ubuntu-based?
[14:15] <BarkingFish> yep
[14:15] <SigmaWP> yep
�06[14:15] * SigmaWP pat pats BarkingFish 
[14:15] <BarkingFish> No drums though from what I remember :D
[14:15] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[14:16] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Wow that bridge with piano by Simone is spectacular
[14:17] <IShadowed> it is
[14:17] <IShadowed> Epica is incredible
[14:17] <Dcoetzee> Also how the hell did we get such good freely licensed media of her
[14:17] <Dcoetzee>
[14:17] <BobTheWikipedian> yeesh. huge 879 mb download comin up
[14:18] <SigmaWP> BobTheWikipedian: Try Fedora
[14:18] <SigmaWP> Fedora 17
[14:18] <BobTheWikipedian> slow internet for the next 6 hours...
�02[14:18] * Hazard-Away (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[14:18] <D_> That's huge?
[14:18] <Dcoetzee> 879 MB isn't huge :-P
[14:18] <BobTheWikipedian> on this connection, 1MB is huge
[14:18] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: You can order discs for cheap
[14:18] <Dcoetzee> If you prefer
[14:18] <BobTheWikipedian> lol 6h is faster
[14:18] <D_> Is your connection a dude with a morse code key?
�02[14:19] * qq[IrcCity] (~qq@wikimedia/Incnis-Mrsi) Quit (Quit: shutdown�)
[14:19] <BobTheWikipedian> likely yes
[14:19] <BobTheWikipedian> "high-speed broadband" i laugh...
[14:19] <Dcoetzee> D_: −− −−− ·−· ··· ·  −·−· −−− −·· ·  ··· ··− −·−· −·− ···
[14:20] <BobTheWikipedian> this hardly deserves to be called dsl
�06[14:20] * SigmaWP high fives BobTheWikipedian 
[14:20] <IShadowed> asshole
�02[14:20] * Wildblue ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[14:20] <SigmaWP> Shitty internet people, unite!
�03[14:20] * Hazard-Away (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:20] <BarkingFish> D_, maybe there's someone at the other end with an enigma machine trying to decrypt it :)
�06[14:20] * BobTheWikipedian high-fives sigmawp
[14:20] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: ? :-P
�03[14:20] * Hazard-Away is now known as Hazard-SJ
[14:20] <D_> Ah, pre-SSL SSL
[14:20] <IShadowed> Yeah, you.
[14:20] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Why? :-P
[14:20] <IShadowed> <Dcoetzee> D_: −− −−− ·−· ··· ·  −·−· −−− −·· ·  ··· ··− −·−· −·− ···
[14:21] <BobTheWikipedian> oo now it says five hours
[14:21] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I didn't know you read Morse Code :-P
[14:21] <BobTheWikipedian> and now 7 :(
[14:21] <mareklug> IShadowed this would go well with the black festive formal dress.  just tell your parents you want it for your birthday
[14:21] <D_> That's what it says
[14:21] <BobTheWikipedian> 9...
[14:21] <Dcoetzee> Yup
[14:21] <IShadowed> mareklug, kinda looks like a ballsack
[14:21] <IShadowed> a pretty ballsack, though
[14:21] <IShadowed> so y'know.
[14:21] <BobTheWikipedian> eh...forget it. i'll do it another day
[14:22] <D_> You're all for wearing pretty ballsacks on your neck?
[14:22] <mareklug> as they say, in the eye of the beholder. erm.
[14:22] <Dcoetzee> Turquoise balls?
[14:22] <IShadowed> D_, I usually pickel those, but I can make an exception
[14:22] <IShadowed> fuck
[14:22] <IShadowed> pickle
[14:22] <IShadowed> I can't type
[14:22] <IShadowed> seriously, give me a gun
[14:22] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Stop being perfectionist :-P
[14:23] <IShadowed> I hate myself
[14:23] <D_> Pretty sure that'd be illegal
[14:23] <IShadowed> assisted suicide isn't illegal in WA
[14:23] <IShadowed> just saying
[14:23] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: It is if the person assisting doesn't have a medical license :-P
[14:23] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: And you're not in WA :-P
[14:23] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee is going for a doctorate, close enough
�06[14:23] * Dcoetzee facepalms
[14:23] <mareklug> IShadowed pretty sure blowing someone away, whether you have a md license or not, is not covered, even in wa
[14:23] <Dcoetzee> And I'm not going to help you shoot yourself over typos :-P
[14:23] <D_> I've watched all of House
[14:24] <D_> That's close enough
[14:24] <MJ94> bbbbbbbblllll
[14:24] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, way to help friends
[14:24] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Byebye!
[14:24] <IShadowed> 9_9
[14:24] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: Bye!
[14:24] <MJ94> See PM :)
[14:24] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: One of the most important lessons is that sometimes helping friends means *not* doing what they want :-P
[14:24] <MJ94> ^ ^ ^
[14:24] <IShadowed> In some sick, twisted universe, sure
[14:25] <MJ94> lol'd
�03[14:25] * Wildblue ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:25] <IShadowed> Seriously, my god, someone here smells amazing.
[14:25] <IShadowed> Can't handle it
[14:25] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: hurry up and tell me if I tagged that right so I can go pig out on food w/ my gf
[14:25] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You should track them down. Follow your nose :-P
[14:25] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: I did!
[14:25] <BarkingFish> lol.  Even as an ex-catholic, this still makes me laugh :)  Titled "The only miracle the Pope can still do..."
[14:25] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Go enjoy your food and/or gf :-)
[14:26] <mareklug> IShadowed this is a human scent or a fragrance?
[14:26] <IShadowed> Yeah, because walking up to someone and sniffing them isn't strange at all
[14:26] <MJ94> One in the same.
[14:26] <MJ94> ;)
[14:26] <IShadowed> fragrance
[14:26] <IShadowed> it's some sort of sexual cologne
[14:26] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: It's almost impossible for girls to be creepy. Gender roles, abuse them!
[14:26] <IShadowed> that came out wrong
[14:26] <IShadowed> can't think, brain overheating
�06[14:26] * IShadowed fans self
[14:26] <mareklug> IShadowed that is not the same thing as being felled by a garlicky pheromone type deal
�06[14:26] * Dcoetzee sighs :-P
[14:26] <IShadowed> ...
[14:26] <IShadowed> ..ugh.
[14:27] <IShadowed> actually
[14:27] <IShadowed> ..nevermid
[14:27] <IShadowed> OH MY GOD
[14:27] <IShadowed> +n
�06[14:27] * IShadowed sobs
�06[14:27] * Dcoetzee comforts IShadowed
[14:27] <Dcoetzee> It's okay. The typos will end. When you sleep.
�03[14:27] * jdelanoy is now known as jd|food
[14:27] <Carly> ツ
�06[14:27] * IShadowed sighs
[14:28] <IShadowed> I don't know why I've been so bad lately
[14:28] <BobTheWikipedian> ugh i made a huge mistake on wednesday
[14:28] <IShadowed> Two weeks ago I was like the paragon of academic responsibility and grammatical correctness.
[14:29] <IShadowed> Clearly I have developed a brain tumor.
[14:29] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You're doing fine, Ishy
[14:29] <Dcoetzee> You made a few very small mistakes here and there.
�06[14:29] * IShadowed shakes her head
[14:29] <Dcoetzee> It's not a big deal.
[14:29] <IShadowed> It is!
[14:29] <Dcoetzee> Some of this stuff will happen just due to chance
[14:29] <Dcoetzee> You can't always be perfect.
[14:29] <IShadowed> Nope
[14:29] <Dcoetzee> Just usually.
[14:29] <IShadowed> I can
[14:29] <IShadowed> eventually
[14:29] <IShadowed> maybe
�06[14:29] * IShadowed sighs
[14:32] <IShadowed> it's ok
[14:32] <IShadowed> I have 8 weeks to get my shit together
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[14:38] <Maple__>  
[14:38] <IShadowed>
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[14:39] <D_> "I was later expelled."
[14:39] <D_> I liked the story right up until that
[14:39] <Maple__> ...
[14:39] <D_> clearly the guy wasn't good enough
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[14:42] <mareklug> BobTheWikipedian so you are keeping us in suspense
[14:42] <BobTheWikipedian> am i?
[14:42] <D_> He's consulting his lawyer
[14:42] <mareklug> "[17:27:55] <BobTheWikipedian>	 ugh i made a huge mistake on wednesday"
[14:43] <BobTheWikipedian> oh well no one asked so i dropped it
[14:43] <mareklug> unless you were using the channel as a confensional
[14:43] <mareklug> confesional *
[14:43] <Maple__> confessional?
[14:43] <mareklug> all three
[14:43] <D_> Confession facilitating implement
[14:44] <mareklug> in that case, your penance is 16 Marina and the Diamonds as well, the going rate.
[14:44] <Dcoetzee> Fun fact: after getting a vasectomy, you have to ejaculate at least 100 times before they test you for azospermia. I wonder how Catholics manage that if masturbation is a sin.
[14:44] <IShadowed> ....
[14:44] <IShadowed> not sure anyone wanted to know this
[14:44] <D_> Is it still a sin if it's done for medical purposes?
[14:44] <mareklug> Dcoetzee why, they get a dispensation.
[14:44] <mareklug> hee hee
[14:44] <D_> Also, is vasectomy not a sin in itself?
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> Probably
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> Purpose of sex is recreation and all that
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[14:45] <Dcoetzee> It was only recently legalised in some Muslim countries
[14:45] <mareklug> recreation sex?
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> errr
[14:45] <D_> You mean reproduction
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> procreation
[14:45] <D_> Recreation is exactly what they don't want
[14:45] <Peter-C> SEX FOR BABIES
[14:45] <D_> Don't sex babies
�06[14:45] * SigmaWP strolls back in
�06[14:45] * Peter-C facepalm
[14:45] <Peter-C> Sex is to make babies
[14:46] <Peter-C> ohai SigmaWP
[14:46] <mareklug> The Roches (a sisters folk group) had a song on one of their early albums titled "Sex is for Children"
[14:46] <mareklug> I guess times are too taboo for that now
[14:46] <SigmaWP> So like 20 minutes ago we were talking about linux
[14:46] <SigmaWP> How the HELL did we get to recreational sex
[14:46] <BarkingFish> ftr, Vasectomy is a mortal sin in Catholicism.
[14:46] <mareklug> SigmaWP sex is mounted usually on /opt
[14:46] <D_> Well, Dcoetzee was entertaining us with trivia about vasectomies
�03[14:46] * jd|food is now known as jdelanoy
[14:46] <IShadowed> ahha, recreation sex
[14:46] <BarkingFish> The church teaches that any kind of birth control is a sin
[14:46] <IShadowed> <Dcoetzee> Purpose of sex is recreation and all that
[14:46] <IShadowed> inadvertently accurate
[14:47] <mareklug> BarkingFish the church does allow the monthly calendar thingee
[14:48] <geniice> If I recall my school lessons correctly I think the standard is "say no to sex before drugs"
[14:48] <BobTheWikipedian> lol... "Rocky has lost because life total reached 0. You have won because all opponents have lost."
[14:49] <BarkingFish> yes, of course - the rhythm method, mareklug
[14:49] <D_> My high school "health" class was basically an overview of a diverse bunch of drugs and STDs
[14:49] <BarkingFish> a woman is not fertile during their visit from the once a month fairy :)
[14:49] <IShadowed> ^
[14:49] <D_> It made me want to do more drugs
[14:49] <IShadowed> BarkingFish, not true
[14:49] <IShadowed> nottttt trueeeee
[14:49] <BobTheWikipedian> ooo a catholicism debate count me in
[14:49] <BarkingFish> which is about the only time you can bonk her to death and know you're not gonna wind up with a child
[14:50] <IShadowed> no no no no no
[14:50] <IShadowed> noooo
[14:50] <IShadowed> so not accurate
[14:50] <IShadowed> please do not do this
[14:50] <BobTheWikipedian> what
[14:50] <D_> Well, if you bonk her to death, she's probably not going to be giving birth any time soon
[14:50] <D_> on account of being dead
[14:50] <furry> D_, anything can happen
[14:50] <D_> Like a zombie apocalypse?
[14:50] <mareklug> she can be in vegetative state and give assisted birth
[14:50] <furry> yes
[14:51] <BarkingFish> ok, IShadowed - let me rephrase that. She is not "not fertile", merely "not receptive"
�02[14:51] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[14:51] <IShadowed> also not true
[14:51] <IShadowed> less likely to be receptive, but not entirely impossible
[14:51] <BarkingFish> an egg will not implant during a period, IShadowed
[14:51] <IShadowed> irrelevant
[14:51] <IShadowed> sperm can survive for enough time depending
[14:51] <BobTheWikipedian> i read eggplant
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[14:51] <IShadowed> there have been tons of cases where someone thought what you just said and then they got preggers
[14:52] <IShadowed> Sex Ed 101 right here
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[14:53] <BarkingFish> IShadowed, which is why the Rhythm method is one of the most difficult methods of birth control to perform correctly
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[14:54] <D_>
[14:54] <BarkingFish> Many people think the same thing, and perform accordingly
[14:54] <mareklug> this argument is pointless, IShadowed / BarkingFish for you never know when god decides to make your wife give a virgin birth.  YMMV
[14:54] <BarkingFish> If they do it absolutely correctly, the chances of having a baby are between 0 and "no fucking chance"
[14:55] <D_> So the safest thing is to deflower your wife so she can't give virgin birth?
[14:55] <BarkingFish> :)
[14:55] <mareklug> D_ hmm. interesting procedural point.
[14:56] <BarkingFish> and another thing - and this argument comes from a friend of mine at work, who is an Obstetrician.
�03[14:56] * GW|AFK is now known as GorillaWarfare
[14:56] <Pharos> what are you talking about, anyone with christ can be a virgin nowadays
[14:56] <BarkingFish> The annunciation to the BVM was in the sixth month after her conception, right?
[14:57] <Pharos> all you have to do is say "all that's behind, i'm a vergin again, hail mary, amen"
[14:57] <Pharos> seriously, it's a thing people do
[14:57] <D_> Revirginification?
[14:57] <Pharos> yes
[14:57] <Pharos> spritual revirginification
[14:58] <D_> I guess it makes sense, but totally changes the meaning of the word in the first place
[14:58] <Pharos> this meaning of the word is more pragmatic
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> Conversation grows ever weirder :-P
[14:59] <D_> It equates "virgin" with "chaste"
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Sperm live about 3 days I believe
[14:59] <BobTheWikipedian> barkingfish no
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> I had a weird thought once
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[14:59] <BarkingFish> and catholics celebrate the annunciation on 25th of March.  Which means that technically, if the Blessed mother was already 6 months gone in March, She would be due around 23rd of June
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> What if humans don't actually give birth to other humans
[15:00] <Dcoetzee> What if humans give birth to gamete - sperm and eggs
[15:00] <Dcoetzee> And *they* give birth to other humans?
[15:00] <BobTheWikipedian> sixth month after her cousin's conception
[15:00] <D_> What if humans lay eggs?
[15:00] <BarkingFish> Dcoetzee, they can actually live up to a week depending on where they're deposited
[15:00] <D_> I trust that's not "toilet seat"
[15:00] <Dcoetzee> BarkingFish: More if frozen
[15:00] <BarkingFish> outside the body, barely an hour or two - inside another body, up to 7 days from ejaculation
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[15:01] <Dcoetzee> Also
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[15:01] <Dcoetzee> It's kinda weird that we can freeze sperm and they live pretty much forever
[15:01] <Dcoetzee> But we can't do the same with people
[15:02] <D_> People are more complex
[15:02] <Dcoetzee> So in principle a person's genes could live long after their death
�02[15:02] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[15:02] <D_> I recall reading something about the half-life of genetic material recently
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[15:02] <Dcoetzee> Like, if we had George Washington's sperm today, would some women want to have his baby?
[15:02] <D_> Which amounted to "no, we can't clone dinosaurs"
[15:03] <Dcoetzee> That would seriously mess with family trees
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[15:03] <Pharos> sperm lasts frozen
[15:03] <D_> Our mistake was representing them as trees in the first place
[15:03] <Pharos> we could find Henry Hudson's sperm one day
[15:03] <mareklug> yeah, but even very frigid girls are not that cold
[15:03] <BobTheWikipedian> lol...i have a weirdo in my family tree...she married 7 men by the time she was 20
[15:03] <D_> They're directed acyclic graphs
[15:03] <BobTheWikipedian> and they all died
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> D_: Well obviously
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> With time travel possibly cyclic graphs
[15:04] <MBisanz> Superfreak and WilliamH_UK around?
[15:04] <Bradford> Hola mareklug :D
[15:04] <Bradford> hi all (-8
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: That's really bizarre
[15:04] <mareklug> Bradford hola Bradford
[15:04] <WilliamH_UK> yes
[15:04] <WilliamH_UK> hi
[15:04] <MBisanz> duh and I have a question for you
[15:04] <Dcoetzee> Are you sure she wasn't poisoning them?
[15:04] <Superfreak> MBisanz: Sup sup.
[15:04] <MBisanz> Superfreak and WilliamH_UK
[15:04] <MBisanz> legoktm = duh
[15:04] <BobTheWikipedian> what's even funnier is when one would die, she'd marry his next-in-line brother
[15:05] <BobTheWikipedian> i wonder if there was tb in the family
[15:05] <MBisanz> Right now, there is a zero-edit account at en and 10 other un-attached accounts on other projects
[15:05] <MBisanz> duh wants it as a doppleganger and owns one of the other 10 accounts, but doesn't have the best claim to a presumptive SUL
[15:06] <MBisanz> if duh agrees to give up his en and meta dopplegangers if any of the other 9 claimants assert an SUL, would it be ok?
[15:06] <Superfreak> Sounds fine to me.
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[15:06] <BobTheWikipedian> yesterday he indicated he was doing it on a spare account...i didn't think he'd actually do it
[15:07] <duh> BobTheWikipedian: yeah its one of my alt accounts i never used
[15:08] <MBisanz> ok, thanks Superfreak
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[15:08] <MBisanz> duh: drop a note somewhere on wiki saying you want it, but will waive it to any better claimaints in the future.
[15:08] <duh> ok
[15:09] <BobTheWikipedian> wow, i just noticed how quickly the topic changed
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[15:11] <WilliamH_UK> herp derp, sorry, was distracted by my flatmate
[15:11] <duh> MBisanz: done
[15:11] <Pharos> bob: that's levirite marriage i think
[15:11] <WilliamH_UK> duh looks reasonable
[15:12] <MBisanz> thanks
[15:12] <BobTheWikipedian> pharos appears so. i know it was once commonplace
[15:12] <Pharos> it's biblical, even!
[15:12] <BobTheWikipedian> indeed
[15:12] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, just to make my last lot of statements clear, you will note that the comments I made were an argument from a colleague of mine at work, not my own words :)
[15:12] <BobTheWikipedian> oooo
[15:12] <duh> <-- pretty funny
[15:12] <BobTheWikipedian> noted
[15:13] <Pharos> i think in the bible, it was considered a duty of the brother to support his brother's widow
[15:13] <duh> it shows the geneology tree of a family using wikidata
[15:13] <BobTheWikipedian> levirate, actually, pharos
[15:13] <duh> is a good example
[15:13] <Pharos> it was seen as doing right by the widow
[15:13] <Pharos> levirate indeed
[15:13] <BobTheWikipedian> coolness
[15:13] <D_> People are already doing thing with WD?
[15:13] <D_> Neat?
[15:14] <D_> Also, if I call it WD, will anyone know what I'm talking about?
[15:14] <BarkingFish> lol :)  Anyone smell obvious troll on this?;_ylt=AhcGj.DRNh1W5GaLMlZW7OuxDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20130216151051AAgVEsM
[15:14] <duh> yes
[15:14] <BobTheWikipedian> yikes it wants to crash my seamonkey though
[15:15] <SigmaWP> duh: Is that Philip II or something?
[15:15] <SigmaWP> Or Charles
[15:15] <SigmaWP> Or whoever that guy was with the creepy incestual family tree
[15:15] <D_> BarkingFish: Look at the guy's other questions
[15:15] <duh> a prussian i think
[15:15] <D_> "What is with all these 12-14 year olds getting pregnant?"
[15:15] <D_> "How to reassemble a baby?"
[15:16] <Dcoetzee> ...
[15:16] <Dcoetzee> Hmm LyricsBot is doing Jay-Z
[15:16] <BarkingFish> D_, I just hooked that one cause it made me lol hard :)
[15:17] <BobTheWikipedian> duh - how do i enter a person to search for?
[15:18] <D_> Find them on wikidata and use the Q-number?
[15:18] <D_> Or alternatively find them on enwp and use the "edit links" link
[15:18] <D_> under languages
[15:18] <duh> BobTheWikipedian: yes what D_ said
[15:18] <duh> theres a userscript that easily gives you the number as well
[15:19] <duh> importScriptURI("// rand/WikidataInfo.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript");
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[15:19] <Bsadowski1> duh, can we mention in that Battle Bears did one also?
[15:20] <D_> duh: That's for any project?
[15:20] <duh> D_: yes
[15:20] <duh> Bsadowski1: wtf is harlem shake?
[15:20] <Bsadowski1>
[15:20] <D_> and I can import scripts from other domains?
[15:20] <Carly> Hi BobTheWikipedian
[15:20] <Carly> :D
[15:20] <BobTheWikipedian> hi carly
�06[15:20] * Carly runs away
[15:21] <duh> D_: yes, though it might be limited to wmf domains
[15:21] <D_> ah, ok
[15:22] <duh> this seems like a stupid meme
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[15:24] <Pharos> Breaking news from Siberia: Duck-and-cover works
[15:24] <Pharos> i knew it all along!
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[15:29] <Hahc21> Any admin that can do me a little favour?
[15:29] <Bradford> Hello Hahc21 (-8
[15:30] <Hahc21> Hey Bradford
[15:30] <SigmaWP> Hahc21: There could have been ;-;
[15:30] <Bradford> :D
[15:30] <Hahc21> T.T
[15:30] <Bradford> T::T
[15:30] <Hahc21> Yes, we could have both been admins but meh
[15:30] <Hahc21> Well, I need an admin to delete a page, just routinary G6
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[15:32] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm so i am wondering now...let's say i want to improve wikidata's page on the psychedelic frogfish. what can i do to improve it?
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�02[15:32] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: UH�)
[15:32] <BobTheWikipedian> currently all it has is a list of interwikis
[15:33] <BarkingFish> soak it in something rich in psilocybin, and let people enjoy the full effects of it ::)
[15:33] <Hahc21> Well, in the case an admin appears
[15:33] <Hahc21> I need this G6'd
[15:33] <Hahc21>
[15:33] <D_> Are species properties in yet?
[15:33] <BobTheWikipedian> nope
[15:33] <BobTheWikipedian> is there a sample of a good entry i can look at?
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[15:33] <Dcoetzee> A wild admin appears
[15:33] <Hahc21> Yay
[15:33] <D_>
[15:34] <D_> They seem to be
[15:34] <Hahc21> Dcoetzee, zap that for me pliz
[15:34] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: Please explain why it's a G6
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[15:34] <Dcoetzee> I don't understand
[15:34] <BobTheWikipedian> okay thanks :)
[15:34] <Hahc21> Okay
[15:34] <Carly> hi
[15:34] <Hahc21> It was a premature nomination that was withdrawn without substantial opposes
[15:34] <Hahc21> We (delegates) have a protocol that let us delete those pages
[15:35] <Hahc21> To let space for a new nomination
[15:35] <Dcoetzee> It's already moved to an archive page
[15:35] <Dcoetzee> Does it really need to be deleted?
[15:35] <Hahc21> do you say that for archive1?
[15:35] <Dcoetzee> I think so?
[15:35] <Hahc21> it is not an archive page, that's the format of nominations
[15:35] <Dcoetzee> Oh
[15:35] <Hahc21> xD
[15:35] <Dcoetzee> Well can you move it to an archive page instead?
[15:35] <Dcoetzee> I'd prefer that
[15:36] <Hahc21> If I move it to archive2, for example
[15:36] <Hahc21> Imagine of the user renominates (archive1 is created) and the nomination fails
[15:36] <Hahc21> The he renominates (archive2 is created)
[15:36] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: I mean like somewhere else
[15:36] <Dcoetzee> Like a subpage
[15:36] <Dcoetzee> archive1/old or something
[15:36] <Dcoetzee> I dunno
[15:37] <Hahc21> We don't do that :L
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[15:37] <Hahc21> I mean, it is not standar FLC procedure
[15:37] <Hahc21> ....
[15:37] <Dcoetzee> Well I'm not gonna delete a useful part of the edit record
[15:37] <Hahc21> standard*
[15:37] <Dcoetzee> So you'll have to find someone else to enforce your awful procedure :-P
[15:37] <Hahc21> haha
[15:37] <Hahc21> It is not *my* procedure
[15:37] <Hahc21> xD
[15:38] <Hahc21> And it's okay
[15:38] <Hahc21> ^^
[15:38] <Dcoetzee> Sorry. I just hate deleting things. :-)
[15:38] <Dcoetzee> Except for legal reasons or in article space
[15:39] <Hahc21> Oh I see xD
�02[15:39] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
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[15:50] <IShadowed> ohhh my god I feel like an addict
[15:50] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Addicted to what?
[15:50] <BarkingFish> so do I. But where do I get one at this time of night? :)
[15:50] <IShadowed> glitter
[15:51] <IShadowed> I got back from the mall
[15:51] <IShadowed> oh my god, serious impulse buying
[15:51] <Dcoetzee> GLITTER
[15:51] <IShadowed> I don't know what's gotten into me
[15:51] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: What'd you pick up? :-)
[15:51] <IShadowed> this is so out of character
[15:51] <IShadowed> oh god, so
[15:51] <IShadowed> three sticks of glitter eye liner
[15:51] <IShadowed> blue, gold, silver
[15:51] <IShadowed> four glitter hairbands
[15:51] <IShadowed> red, silver, gold, black
[15:51] <Dcoetzee> Sooo much glitter
[15:51] <IShadowed> gold glitter hairspray
[15:51] <Dcoetzee> Wow
[15:52] <Dcoetzee> You're gonna be sparkly all over. :-)
[15:52] <IShadowed> and a gold and blue choker-thing
�06[15:52] * IShadowed hangs her head
[15:52] <IShadowed> I FEEL ALIVE
�06[15:52] * Dcoetzee cheers!
[15:52] <IShadowed> but oh my god so bad
[15:52] <Dcoetzee> No shame :-P
[15:52] <Dcoetzee> Doesn't suit you :-P
[15:52] <IShadowed>
[15:52] <IShadowed> like this
[15:52] <IShadowed> except I paid for it
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[15:53] <IShadowed> oh
[15:53] <IShadowed> I forgot
[15:54] <IShadowed> I also got sliver body glitter powder
[15:54] <IShadowed> ugh
[15:54] <IShadowed> I hate myself
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[15:56] <Maple__> Is it just me, or is this price /really/ off
[15:56] <Vacation9|dinner> maybe a bit
[15:56] <Maple__> And, also...don't ask.
[15:56] <Maple__>
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[16:14] <Hahc21> Dcoetzee
[16:15] <Hahc21> ^^
[16:15] <Dcoetzee> Hahc21: ???
�02[16:15] * Alch (~alchimist@wikipedia/Alchimista) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[16:16] <Yetanotherx> :(
�06[16:16] * Yetanotherx has programmers block again
�03[16:16] * Vacation9|dinner is now known as Vacation9
[16:16] <Dcoetzee> Yetanotherx: I can help! What're you trying to do?
�06[16:16] * Yetanotherx is learning Android app development, but I don't know what to make
[16:16] <Dcoetzee> Yetanotherx: Make a calculator!
[16:16] <Yetanotherx> there is one
[16:16] <Dcoetzee> Make a clone of a classic video game!
[16:17] <Yetanotherx> okay
[16:17] <Yetanotherx> what game? dunno
[16:17] <BarkingFish> Holy shit, Maple__ - something tells me that the author of that book is really out to fill her wallet and nothing else.  I can only assume that is self published.
[16:17] <Dcoetzee> Yetanotherx: Breakout, or Tetris, or Pac Man or Pong!
[16:17] <Maple__> BarkingFish: I
[16:17] <Maple__> 'm guessing it's bot-priced.
[16:17] <Dcoetzee> Or Asteroids!
[16:18] <Yetanotherx> Breakout with Friends!
[16:18] <Yetanotherx> Tetris with Friends!
[16:18] <Yetanotherx> Pac Man with friends!
[16:18] <Yetanotherx> You can make any game popular by adding "with friends" to it
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[16:23] <Gfoley4> Lets' go Maryland!
[16:23] <duh> Yetanotherx: Wikipedia with friends!
[16:23] <duh> croud sourced antivandalism
[16:23] <Yetanotherx> lol
�03[16:25] * Jamesofur|away is now known as Jamesofur
[16:26] <BarkingFish> how about we try and do flashmob antivandalism?  All turn up in one place with a laptop each - get someone to film us all reverting vandalism, and then bugger off into the night and disappear :)
[16:28] <SigmaWP> [16:17:29] �<�Yetanotherx�>�� You can make any game popular by adding "with friends" to it
[16:28] <SigmaWP> Diplomacy.
[16:29] <Yetanotherx> Solitaire with friends!
�02[16:30] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[16:32] <duh> Yetanotherx: block
[16:34] <Yetanotherx> *sigh* children these days
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[16:36] <BobTheWikipedian> fluffernutter:
[16:37] <Fluffernutter> my world domination plan continnues apace!
[16:37] <BobTheWikipedian> :D
�06[16:37] * Jasper_Deng invites Fluffernutter to go ahead w/ editing it
[16:37] <Fluffernutter> i have no idea what an edit to wikidata does
�03[16:37] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:38] <BobTheWikipedian> everything
[16:38] <BobTheWikipedian> it feeds 500 children in ghana
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[16:38] <addshore> Fluffernutter: not much :P
[16:38] <addshore> yet ;p
[16:39] <BobTheWikipedian> now that people reading wikidata know a fluffernutter is a sandwich, they can stop being hungry
[16:39] <Fluffernutter> fluffernutters for all!
[16:39] <Vacation9> :D What does a fluffernutter have in it?
[16:39] <Fluffernutter> peanut butter and marshmallow fluff
[16:40] <BobTheWikipedian> pizza time
[16:40] <Vacation9> makes sense, now I want one
[16:40] <BobTheWikipedian> there you go, you just fed another person
[16:40] <Fluffernutter> whee
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[16:48] <Hahc21> Okay Dcoetzee
[16:48] <Hahc21> Sorry
[16:48] <Hahc21> I had to leave for something
[16:48] <Hahc21> But I'm back
[16:48] <Dcoetzee> Okay...
[16:49] <Hahc21> What I wanted to say is that
[16:49] <Hahc21> We have, or I uploaded a NFCC file
�02[16:49] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[16:49] <Hahc21> And now a free version is available thanks to the developer
[16:49] <Hahc21> It has days tagged
[16:50] <Hahc21> And it is still there :L
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[16:53] <mareklug> "[18:52:51] <IShadowed>	 I also got sliver body glitter powder"  <-- is that healthy?  At any rate, won't you clog your shower/bathtub drain?
[16:53] <IShadowed> it's light!
[16:53] <IShadowed> and shimmery
�03[16:53] * EvilSon-Laptop (itsevil@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:53] <IShadowed> not this big heavy cakey thing
[16:53] <IShadowed> D:
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[16:56] <mareklug> IShadowed still seriously, you're not being very green
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[16:59] <D_> Is glitter bio-degradeable?
[16:59] <D_> Or are there fish out there swimming around with glitter stuck to them?
[17:00] <mareklug> it is aluminum flakes, so, um, rather long term.  i mean, it is not styrofoam or oscar meyer wieners, but...
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[17:04] <Maple__> um
[17:04] <Maple__> what do you call the father of one's spouse?
[17:04] <Maple__> ?
[17:04] <EvilSon-Laptop> father-in-law
[17:04] <Maple__> father-in-law?
[17:04] <mareklug> is this a setup?
[17:05] <mareklug> f-in-l yes
[17:05] <BarkingFish> Maple__, how about the only thing standing in the way of you getting married? :P
[17:05] <EvilSon-Laptop> i don't know, but someone's trying to hit this computer [my laptop] that has no ports open to it.
[17:06] <mareklug> EvilSon-Laptop well then.  lose no slee[.
[17:06] <mareklug> p
[17:07] <EvilSon-Laptop> oh well people were trying to hit my server when i had it set as a DMZ
[17:07] <Maple__> lol Fish
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[17:14] <BobTheWikipedian> a proposition:
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[17:14] <BobTheWikipedian> wikimedia should buy inaturalist
[17:14] <mareklug> iNaturalist?
[17:14] <BobTheWikipedian> yup
[17:15] <BarkingFish> A proposition: Wikimedia should leave everything else well alone and concentrate on running what it already manages to get the best out of it :)
[17:16] <BarkingFish> Too much shit, not enough people to run it makes for a bad call
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[17:17] <BobTheWikipedian> i just wish there was a way to merge databases like that together where information can be added in either place and both are updated
[17:18] <BobTheWikipedian> there's so much redundancy in simply having two sites that attempt to catalog things
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[17:20] <BarkingFish> You're right.  I propose we start a commonwikispecidataversinewsourcebooktionary.
�03[17:20] * Bradford|Died is now known as Bradford
[17:20] <BarkingFish> Then we can have one site doing the whole fucking lot :D
[17:21] <BobTheWikipedian> heh wikispecies is redundant, too
[17:21] <BarkingFish> to what?
[17:21] <BobTheWikipedian> to wikipedia
[17:21] <BarkingFish> cool. we can close it down and use the space to make something else larger then
[17:21] <mareklug> Gfoley4 um, I am afraid Maryland will piss this away.
[17:21] <BobTheWikipedian> all the information on wikispecies is also appropriate for wikipedia, and often better covered there
[17:22] <GrooveDog> wikieverything
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[17:22] <BarkingFish> no sense in having it sit there like the last ham sandwich at a jewish buffet
[17:22] <Gfoley4> or curry will shoot Duke in
[17:22] <GrooveDog> now featuring copyrighted fictional works
[17:22] <BobTheWikipedian> i vote we import all information from wikispecies to wikipedia and shut it down
[17:22] <BarkingFish> seconded
[17:22] <Gfoley4> a charge?
[17:22] <Gfoley4> wat
[17:23] <mareklug> it's ironic that neither BC nor MD can get calls on their home floor when playing Duke in close endgame
[17:23] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, you propose it, i'll second it -
[17:24] <BarkingFish> when someone decided to set me ip block exempt on meta :)
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[17:24] <BobTheWikipedian> :o i don't wanna be the bad guy
[17:24] <BarkingFish> i can't wait for april, no more proxying my way onto the net - my ISP contract expires.
[17:24] <BarkingFish> yay :)
[17:25] <mareklug> geez.
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[17:25] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, you won't be the bad guy.  You're making a perfectly sane, rational proposal based on the fact that we've essentially got two projects duplicating each other
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[17:25] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. perhaps
�02[17:26] * GrooveDog (~GrooveDog@wikimedia/GrooveDog) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[17:26] <BarkingFish> or one project where the content could reasonably be merged into another with no loss of information
[17:26] <BobTheWikipedian> :o it hasn't been proposed, it would seem
[17:26] <mareklug> Gfoley4 so, with score tied, MD will turn the ball over for the 27th time. :/
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[17:27] <BarkingFish> mareklug, I can't edit anywhere at the moment without requesting block exemption.  I only have IPBE on Commons, enwp, frwp and tpiwp.  That's it, as far as I remember anyway :)
[17:27] <duh> BarkingFish: …why is your ip blocked?
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[17:28] <BarkingFish> once i get my new ISP in place, where I decide what I want to look at, not my workplace (who paid for it), i can do what I wish :)
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[17:28] <mareklug> well.
[17:28] <BarkingFish> duh, my isp was paid for by my workplace, as I didn't have a net connection and needed one for work.  They had the ISP firewall stuff I wasn't permitted to use.
[17:29] <BarkingFish> But, they fucked up and blocked a load of other stuff too - like web access, irc, etc.
[17:29] <BarkingFish> Which is why I TOR/SASL onto IRC, and have to proxy onto the net
[17:29] <duh> ah ok
[17:30] <mareklug> Gfoley4 Christain Laettner to the rescue!
[17:30] <duh> thats unfortunate
[17:30] <Gfoley4> I hate that timeout
[17:30] <mareklug> it was desperation timeout
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[17:30] <mareklug> now watch MD foul. :/
[17:31] <Gfoley4> damn son
[17:31] <mareklug> well, I guess Duke is not a good road team this year and Mason Plumlee is not a POTY.  4 points, fouled out.
[17:31] <BarkingFish> once april gets here, I can choose my own ISP, and tell Strato to go walk over hot coals with petrol on their feet :)
[17:31] <mareklug> but come on.  26 turnovers MD???
[17:31] <Gfoley4> Miami #2 Michigan to #3
[17:32] <mareklug> Michigan State you mean
[17:32] <Gfoley4> getting closer to having Gonzaga being a 1 seed
[17:32] <mareklug> Michigan was blown out, remember?
[17:32] <Gfoley4> oh I forgot
[17:32] <Gfoley4> probably gonzaga to 3 then
[17:32] <Gfoley4> unless they want to put duke there
[17:32] <BobTheWikipedian> does anyone know of a previous formal proposal to merge wikispecies into wikipedia?
[17:32] <mareklug> Michigan State is right now at Nebraska.  heeee here, wouldn't that be a fun upset.
[17:32] <mareklug> on BTN
[17:33] <BobTheWikipedian> i don't want to re-propose that which has already failed
[17:33] <BarkingFish> Not that I can recall, BobTheWikipedian, and I've been on WP 8 years...
[17:33] <BarkingFish> There may be others here who go back further
[17:34] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm not seeing it even in the extended archive on meta
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[17:34] <BobTheWikipedian> i'll go ahead and write it up
[17:34] <BarkingFish> Then the chances are, that it's "no" :)
[17:34] <BobTheWikipedian> at the risk of alienating a community of wikispecies editors :|
[17:34] <BarkingFish> There most likely isn't one
[17:34] <BobTheWikipedian> there is a community there but it's awfully small i believe
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[17:35] <Isarra> BobTheWikipedian: Why Wikipedia?
[17:36] <Isarra> Why not Commons?
[17:36] <BobTheWikipedian> commons definitely makes good sense, actually
[17:36] <Isarra> I mean, yes, commons is a file repository, but the wikispecies stuff is very useful on description and navigation pages.
[17:36] <Isarra> Although I don't suppose Wikidata would work for that sort of thing.
[17:36] <BobTheWikipedian> wikispecies is one of those things that really doesn't have another language needed other than latin
[17:37] <BobTheWikipedian> wikidata would be even better
[17:38] <BobTheWikipedian> currently, the english wikipedia and a few others even have a working system that allows full heirarchical navigation of the tree of life
[17:38] <IShadowed> why is Isarra here
[17:38] <BobTheWikipedian> wikidata doesn't
[17:38] <Isarra> Supposing it would work on wikidata, it'd be pretty nifty to just have commons and wikipedia yoink stuff from it there...
[17:38] <Isarra> IShadowed: Should I not be?
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[17:42] <mareklug> Isarra Isarra comes as standard factory-installed equipment.
[17:42] <mareklug> IShadowed ^
[17:43] <IShadowed> ?
[17:43] <mareklug> two Isarra === auto tab failure
[17:43] <IShadowed> sure, but the position of my name there can kind of change the meaning of the sentence
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[17:44] <mareklug> ugh.  It was meant to be a quip about Isarra directed to IShadowed
[17:45] <BobTheWikipedian> nothing like writing a serious note warning a community about a coming-soon-proposal-to-shut-you-down and forgetting to log in first
[17:45] <Isarra> Although that probably would rather well sum up why we might take issue with each other's presenses. XD
[17:45] <IShadowed> Ah, then yes, I approve.
�06[17:45] * Isarra hugs BobTheWikipedian.
[17:45] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, nice one :)
�06[17:46] * BobTheWikipedian feels the love
[17:46] <BobTheWikipedian> thanks isarra
[17:46] <BarkingFish> I'm asking about getting IPBE on meta so I can come on when the prop is up and support it
[17:46] <jdelanoy> lol
[17:46] <BobTheWikipedian> and thanks barkingfish
[17:46] <BobTheWikipedian> :D
[17:46] <BarkingFish> I've left a note in #wikimedia, since I assume that's meta's channel on here
�03[17:46] * Bradford is now known as Bradford|Died
[17:46] <BarkingFish> at least, I hope it is :)
[17:46] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[17:46] <BobTheWikipedian> i would assume #wikimedia-meta
[17:47] <BobTheWikipedian> i assumed wrongly
[17:48] <BarkingFish> yeah, invite only
[17:48] <BobTheWikipedian> ooo
[17:49] <IShadowed> what love
[17:49] <BarkingFish> **** Cannot join #wikimedia-meta (Channel is invite only).
[17:49] <Carly> :o
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[17:50] <Carly> * #wikimedia-meta #wikimedia :Forwarding to another channel
[17:50] <Carly> xd
�06[17:50] * Carly runs away
�02[17:50] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[17:50] <mareklug> yeah, for me too, last time I tried
[17:50] <Carly> :p
[17:51] <BarkingFish> ah. I don't forward on entry - I have +Q switched on.
[17:51] <BarkingFish> That's why I didn't get sent anywhere
[17:52] <BobTheWikipedian> heh i love the first comment i got on wikispecies
[17:52] <Carly> .-.
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[17:55] <Carly> I am looking for info about Hare
[17:56] <Carly> the isolation was in 1996 in New Zealand
�06[17:56] * Carly runs with her virus
[18:00] <BarkingFish> Isolation?
[18:01] <Carly> yes
[18:01] <mareklug> she means the virus was first detected in New Zealand (w95 our article says)
[18:01] <Carly> but stills there some dudes about his origin
[18:01] <Carly> yes
[18:01] <Carly> I am editing and added the info,for this I know that
[18:02] <Carly> some people says it comes from Australia
[18:02] <Carly> but is not true
�06[18:02] * Carly runs away
[18:02] <BarkingFish> I take it Hare is a virus, not the animal which would be suffering from one...
[18:02] <BarkingFish> ah, nvm.  I just spotted mareklug's ref to w95 :)
[18:02] <mareklug> [[Hare (computer virus)]]
[18:03] <Carly> mareklug is a detective
[18:03] <BarkingFish> thanks
[18:03] <Carly> xd
[18:03] <BarkingFish> ah. The Hare Krṡna virus...
[18:03] <Carly> yeah
[18:03] <Carly> she
[18:03] <Carly> xd
[18:04] <BarkingFish> nice. When you said Hare I was thinking of little rabbit thingy, long ears, etc
[18:04] <BarkingFish> :)
[18:04] <mareklug> Carly "Hare Kirshna" I think is a greeting praising the Hindi god Kirshna
[18:05] <Isarra> I thought of James Hare.
[18:05] <mareklug> Carly a hare is an animal like a rabbit
[18:05] <Carly> mareklug mm
[18:05] <Carly> mareklug I dont think so
[18:05] <Carly> :p
[18:05] <mareklug> Carly of course you are correct.  a rabbit tastes better.
[18:06] <BarkingFish> mareklug, it's a greeting in the Hare Krishna, aka [[ISKCON]], see also [[Srila Prabhupada]]
[18:06] <Carly> mareklug I mean that is not pray to Hindi God
[18:06] <Carly> :p
[18:06] <mareklug> BarkingFish I think it goes way broader than the Hare Krishna sect
[18:07] <BarkingFish> That's where I first encountered it - along with a rather nice vegan cookery book, which I donated $10 for :)
[18:07] <The_Thing> So, 22 years, 3 hours ago, I was born at 1lb. 10.5 oz. in Salt Lake City. :)
[18:07] <Carly> and o.o
[18:07] <Carly> uhu
�06[18:07] * Carly hides
[18:07] <mareklug> The_Thing don't feel bad. It was a comparatively speaking, a high and dry place to get born.
�03[18:08] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
[18:08] <BarkingFish> Congrats, The_Thing :)  	Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
�02[18:09] * bjelleklang (~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat�)
�06[18:09] * The_Thing stares blankly at that German.
[18:09] <mareklug> Carly  fyi
[18:09] <Carly> haha the police virus XD
[18:09] <Carly> mareklug Nah
[18:09] <Carly> mareklug its from New Zealand
[18:10] <Carly> I were reading an article in Softonic about viruses
[18:10] <Carly> and other attacks
[18:10] <mareklug> Carly I was trying to tell you what "Hare Krishna" means.  Since you contradicted what I said it means.
[18:10] <Carly> mareklug Ok,I know now,
[18:10] <Carly> mareklug I care the "virus"
[18:10] <Carly> do not matter if is a pray or dont
[18:10] <Carly> xd
[18:11] <BarkingFish> The_Thing, it simply means "All good for birthday", in other words, Happy Birthday.
[18:11] <The_Thing> a
[18:11] <The_Thing> h
[18:12] <BarkingFish> I was gonna leave you something on your talk page, but I notice you retired.
[18:12] <The_Thing> Yeah, like, 2 years ago
[18:12] <mareklug> Carly  the virus prints out:  "INFECTUM.COM COMMAND.COMM COMMAND\SYSTEM\IOSUBSYS\HSFLOP.PDR"            ""HDEuthanasia" by Demon Emperor: Hare Krsna, hare, hare..."
[18:12] <BarkingFish> do you still contrib anywhere?
[18:13] <Carly> mareklug Ok Ok,since you tries to be right in all
[18:13] <Carly> :|
�06[18:13] * Carly runs away
[18:13] <The_Thing> Not really, just lurk around here.
[18:13] <BarkingFish> Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Hare, Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare...
�06[18:13] * Vacation9 runs away
[18:13] <Carly> ayyy no
[18:14] <Carly> xd
�06[18:14] * BarkingFish feels like meditating for some peculiar reason
�06[18:14] * Carly hides
[18:14] <mareklug> The_Thing so does your family subscribe to Mormonism, if I may ask?
�06[18:14] * Vacation9 also hides
[18:14] <Carly> BarkingFish, what it was
[18:14] <Carly> xd
[18:14] <Carly> Hare krsna are rnsna are rama rama dies
[18:14] <Carly> xd
�06[18:15] * Carly hides
[18:15] <The_Thing> The vast majority of our family does
[18:15] <mareklug> of course there are non Mormons in SLC, but the way to bet.
[18:15] <The_Thing> My mother and I, well, partially do. We're nowhere near dilligent in going to church with any sort of regularity
[18:15] <Carly> someone here is Mormon¿
[18:16] <Carly> mareklug are you¿
[18:16] <BarkingFish> If you can find anyone who isn't Mormon in SLC, you're either in the wrong part of SLC, or you're not looking :)
[18:16] <The_Thing> And my father wants absolutely nothing to do with the church, pretty much.
[18:16] <Carly> uh
[18:16] <mareklug> BarkingFish lots of new migrants to SLC, esp. young people.  Same as in Colorado.  Isarra can tell ya.
[18:17] <The_Thing> We live in Cache Valley
[18:17] <BarkingFish> There's a couple of really nice Elders who live not too far from me.  One from Anaheim, CA. and the other from Valencia.
[18:18] <The_Thing> Of which the central city is basically a college town
[18:18] <Isarra> I live under a rock.
[18:18] <mareklug> Isarra "I am a newt"
[18:18] <Isarra> I've been experimenting with hanging out with friends. The concept of friends confuses and scares me.
�06[18:18] * Isarra clings to mareklug.
[18:18] <BarkingFish> They're great people, but they're a shit to take out for the night.  We have to go to a restaurant which doesn't serve alcohol - since they don't approve, apparently.  The only snag is, the food there is shite.
�06[18:19] * mareklug secures Isarra  with cling wrap
[18:19] <Isarra> But I don't really know what's going on as a result, as these experimentations are generally recent.
[18:19] <Isarra> Urk.
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[18:20] <mareklug> Isarra basically, friends is like family, except they don't come for the holidays and eat all your food.
[18:20] <Isarra> Family do that?
[18:21] <mareklug> well, or you go to the family and eat all the food there.  it can work either way.
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[18:22] <Isarra> I need to move out of my parents' basement.
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[18:23] <mareklug> BarkingFish jus take them to ethnic restaurants which serve excellent food and are BYOB.
�03[18:23] * Carly- is now known as Carly
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[18:24] <BarkingFish> mareklug, you're a genius.  To be honest, not something I'd even considered.
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[18:24] <BarkingFish> We might be able to make the next night out a little more fun than the previous ones have been
�02[18:25] * Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) Quit (Quit: Ping timeout: 1 second�)
[18:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug ethnic restourants? As in canibalism? :p
�03[18:26] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[18:26] <mareklug> as in Indian, Pakistani, Malay, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, Cuban, Mexican, Turkish
[18:27] <BarkingFish> BobTheWikipedian, I got IPBE, can you let me know when you get the proposal done, and whether you need any help in doing so?
[18:28] <BarkingFish> Vietnamese sounds fun, mareklug - I'm a sucker for Phở
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[18:28] <mareklug> BarkingFish Pho is fine.  But the vietnamese crisp noodle stir fry is to die for
[18:30] <BarkingFish> What do you have it with? Beef, Pork or Chicken?
[18:30] <Isarra> The regular noodle stir fry is also to die for.
[18:30] <BarkingFish> I'm kinda avoiding Beef atm
[18:30] <mareklug> yes yes yes.  seafood.  or all veggie.  tofu?
[18:30] <mareklug> the choices are many
[18:30] <The_Thing> Shrimp Ramen
[18:30] <Isarra> Although it was a little disilusioning when I discovered the main ingredient was fish sauce.
[18:30] <The_Thing> Nothing beats it :p
[18:30] <BarkingFish> seafood sounds good.
[18:30] <Isarra> Fish sauce and garlic. Can't go wrong.
[18:30] <mareklug> no.  it is absolutely not the main ingredient.  not for a self-respecting vietnamese restaurant.
[18:31] <Isarra> Okay, it was the most distinctive ingredient.
[18:31] <BarkingFish> anyone else on the europe side of WP avoiding things with "beef" in at the moment?
[18:31] <Isarra> ...but yeah, it doesn't take much.
[18:32] <BarkingFish> I'm not that willing to risk eating Shergar or Red Rum... :P
[18:32] <BarkingFish> I guess someone was horsing around at the abattoir
[18:33] <mareklug> Isarra in this one, "2 tsp fish sauce" but feel free to skip it or sub.
[18:34] <Isarra> If you found a motherboard in a box with a stickynote that says 'lightning' on it, would you use it?
[18:34] <Isarra> mareklug: I love fish sauce.
[18:34] <mareklug> Isarra :)
[18:34] <Isarra> I have found it makes a wonderful substitute for salt.
[18:35] <mareklug> Isarra presumably it does not mean native support for the Lightning connector. :) :)
[18:35] <Isarra> I think it may have been hit by lightning.
[18:36] <Isarra> Or maybe that was the name of the computer it was in.
[18:39] <mareklug> Isarra usually the power surge kills the power supply and/or the network/modem card.  so, try it.
[18:39] <Isarra> Okay.
[18:39] <The_Thing> yeah
[18:40] <The_Thing> Just don't use a bad power supply on a good motherboard :p
[18:41] <BobTheWikipedian> barkingfish what's ipbe?
[18:42] <Isarra> I don't know that I have any good power supplies left, though.
�02[18:42] * Carly- (ba4194a1@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[18:42] <Isarra> I have three questionable ones, though.
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[18:43] <Isarra> One of them makes horrible noises, another for some reason was preventing the computer from booting, and the third really was hit by lightning.
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[18:43] <BarkingFish> IP Block Exemption, BobTheWikipedian
[18:43] <BobTheWikipedian> ah
[18:43] <mareklug> Isarra do you have a voltmeter?  that would tell you if your power supplies are ok
�02[18:43] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[18:43] <BobTheWikipedian> will i need that? lol
[18:44] <BobTheWikipedian> <<<there is what i've got so far
[18:44] <BobTheWikipedian> feel free to help
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[18:45] <mareklug> Isarra      and if you don't, borrow one from school.
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[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug oh about that
[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have recently aquired great taste for a greek brand of cheese
[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they have it packaged with olives
[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <3 olives
�03[18:50] * jdelanoy_ is now known as jdelanoy
[18:51] <mareklug> feta?  b/c they have several kinds indigenous to Greece.
[18:51] <Isarra> Erp.
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[18:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they have various flavors
[18:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> greek italian and etc
[18:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but they have it with olives
[18:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and also spices
[18:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thyme definitely
[18:51] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko it is not a matter of *flavors*.  There are fresh and comparatively rather aged cheeses from Greece.
[18:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
[18:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think it is very aged given how much of it is on the shelves constantly
�03[18:52] * Zhao|detached is now known as Zhaofeng_Li
[18:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> cheese with olives, brilliant concept
[18:52] <mareklug> white cheese?  with oozing liquid?
[18:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> white soft cheese
[18:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not hard
[18:53] <mareklug> feta.  goat cheese
[18:53] <BarkingFish> Or Halloumi
[18:53] <BarkingFish> no wait... halloumi is hard, isn't it?
[18:53] <mareklug>
[18:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a bit like Mozzarella
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[18:54] <BarkingFish> That's the one you have to cook or it's like eating a pencil eraser
[18:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> incidentally we have 56 articles on italian cheese <3
[18:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 58
[18:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> two more in a weird subcat
[18:54] <BarkingFish> Do we have one on the Maggot Cheese?
[18:55] <BarkingFish> Casu Marzu?
[18:55] <mareklug>
[18:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[18:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
[18:56] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko an acquired taste, but you should try it once at least
[18:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I sure will try
[18:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> on a side note, mareklug do you have a sysop flag?
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[18:57] <mareklug> I am a complete unsysop in every sense
[18:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[18:57] <Isarra> I'm a complete eggplant.
[18:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> special:double redirects has boat loads of redirect loops
[18:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I need help sorting it out
[18:57] <mareklug> Isarra eggplants can't pour fish sauce on the channel, so don't fib.
[18:58] <Amqui> trolling
[18:58] <mareklug> "This video contains content from Canadian Broadcasting Corp., who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
[18:58] <BarkingFish> What do you call an eggplant who runs a youth hostel in France?
[18:58] <mareklug> fucking cannuck broads
[18:58] <mareklug> casting.
[18:58] <Amqui> lol
[18:58] <BarkingFish> Auberge Gene :)
[18:58] <Amqui> what's up with all those videos blocked everywhere else
[18:59] <Amqui> CBC is a public corporation, it should be free
�06[18:59] * Isarra pours eggplant sauce on the channel.
[18:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui to make sure customer base does not expand
[18:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> keeping exposure to a limited number of people makes complete sense
[18:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and for people who serve the US overseas? screw them!
[18:59] <Amqui> defeit the purpose of trolling Americans if they can't watch the video XD
[18:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no tivo, youtube or anything
[19:00] <BarkingFish> Amqui, it's to do with Broadcasting rights restrictions.  The show may be free to view in Canada, but might contain rights restricted music, video or images which can't be used outside there.
[19:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish that is not how copyright works to be honest
[19:00] <BarkingFish> The same reason I love watching Danish TV, and can't view one single minute of it
[19:00] <Amqui> and anyway public works are not free in Canada
[19:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish whats so great about danish tv? they dont even speak canadian :P
[19:01] <Amqui> lol
[19:01] <BarkingFish> lol
[19:01] <mareklug> Gfoley4 I know that IU lost by a point on a last second basket at Nebraska last year, but that was last year's IU.  Here MSU pulls it out by only 9.
[19:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> MSU wins?
[19:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yay!
[19:02] <Gfoley4> ok
[19:02] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko it took complete down game by the usually good Nebraska three-point shooter
[19:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont claim to understand american football :)
[19:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but I have some spartan spirit
[19:03] <mareklug> yeah, American ping pong is very hard to grasp.
[19:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> is it true that the actual game play is the vast minority of the game?
[19:03] <BarkingFish> Right guys, my lot is that for tonight.  It's 04.02 here, and I am in need of sleep :)
[19:03] <Vacation9> Sleep is overrated
[19:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> daily show I believe had such a segment
[19:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> though I wouldnt take it as a reliable source
[19:04] <Amqui> Canadian football is better
[19:04] <Amqui> :P
[19:04] <mareklug> than American ping pong?  I beg to differ.
[19:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Canadian football balls are cyliders
[19:04] <Amqui> lol
[19:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> often black in color
[19:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> of course they play it on ice
[19:04] <Amqui> XD
[19:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean it is canada after all
[19:05] <Amqui>
[19:05] <BarkingFish> Vacation9, not when you're working as an on call doctor it's not :)
[19:05] <BarkingFish> night!
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[19:05] <Amqui> I know Wikipedia had it
[19:05] <Amqui> XD
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[19:07] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko they are not black in color.  They have colorful logos on both flat sides.  Amqui will confirm.
[19:08] <mareklug>
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[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug sure, I didnt say all of them, I said often
[19:09] <BobTheWikipedian> wow...lots of people reading up to my link...i wonder if they even know what they're was rather out-of-context when i posted it
[19:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what link?
[19:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I missed it
[19:10] <mareklug> lately, hardly.  all-black puck has gone the way of unadorned ice surface.  i.e, the way of the dodo
[19:10] <BobTheWikipedian> proposal to shut down wikispecies:
[19:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug, wait... canadian sailors eat pucks?
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BobTheWikipedian you want to kill it off?
[19:11] <BobTheWikipedian> anyone is welcome to help form the proposal
[19:11] <BobTheWikipedian> not exactly neko
[19:11] <BobTheWikipedian> it's full of valuable info, but it's terribly redundant
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I actually feel there is a great room for taxonomy
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I will agree that the content is at times duplicate of wikipedia, but wikipsecies is written for scientific use which wikipedia isnt.
[19:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am unsure where I stand but perhaps you can see the point :)
[19:12] <mareklug> BobTheWikipedian there is something to be said for it to be out of the way in its own project space, thereby somewhat protected from at large vandalism by obscurity.
[19:12] <BobTheWikipedian> actually i haven't seen info on species that isn't appropriate for wikipedia
[19:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BobTheWikipedian I dont disagree
[19:13] <BobTheWikipedian> lol mareklug
[19:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but wikispecies content - for example names of species is written for scientific use
[19:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there are possibly millions of species waiting to be identified and wikispecies is the resource useful for this end
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[19:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not arguing against you
[19:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> merely giving my 2 cents
[19:14] <BobTheWikipedian> :)
[19:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not even sure my points are valid
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[19:14] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[19:14] <mareklug> I hope that is an electronic payment, cuz you are against pennies, so it would be hypocritical of you to give him pennies
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[19:15] <BobTheWikipedian> :D
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but I do feel that a median for scientists to have is useful
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug, fair point
�06[19:15] * ToAruShiroiNeko will give out nickles now
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> or dimes
[19:15] <BobTheWikipedian> :D
[19:15] <BobTheWikipedian> quarters?
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug John Green asked the penny question to the president last week btw
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[19:16] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko young Carly recently instructed me that "dime" means "talk to me"/"tell me" in Spanish.  whatdoyaknow
[19:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BobTheWikipedian penny is worh its price, pennies and nickles are worth more than their face value
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[19:16] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko we have been through this.  new pennies are zinc-made and are not more expensive
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[19:17] <Swob> Canada phased out the penny
[19:17] <Swob> is America doing it now too?>
[19:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug they still are worhless, they are useless in terms of function
[19:17] <mareklug> phased out MAKING the penny.  it is still legal tender
[19:17] <Hello71> gov't starting to collect them and melt down afaik
[19:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug they are slowly removing it from circulation
[19:18] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko fine, but don't go on repeating false info just b/c you got used to it. :/
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hello71 indeed, which they will make a profit of!
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug what I stated is correct.
[19:18] <Swob> aww
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the penny has far too much value even now
[19:18] <Hello71> ToAruShiroiNeko: It's the government, there's no way they'll actually make a profit.
[19:18] <Swob> is it legal for peple to melt down their own pennies and then sell the copper?
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in the US that is a fellony
[19:18] <Hello71> Swob: Pretty sure that was made illegal a long time ago.
[19:18] <Swob> not that itd be profitable for any amount less than, say, 10 million
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> federal one too
[19:18] <Swob> darn
[19:19] <mareklug> Swob in the states any tampering with official currency is a misdemeanor.  but who cares.
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hello71, I meant to say the government will have money to waste on something irrelevant
[19:19] <Hello71> ToAruShiroiNeko: Like them non-existent F-35s?
[19:19] <Swob> are they even pure copper anymore?
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> f-35s do exist
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Swob not since the 70s
[19:19] <mareklug> Swob they are nearly pure zinc
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> pennies are copper coated
[19:20] <Hello71> ToAruShiroiNeko:
[19:20] <Swob> but that zinc is still worth more than a penny per penny?
[19:20] <Amqui> good set of colour at the bottom
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[19:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> A US penny: 97.5% zinc, 2.5% copper
[19:21] <mareklug> Amqui that's what happens when you turn navbars into christmas trees.
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[19:21] <Swob> how do they make it copper colored if it's only 2.5% copper?
[19:22] <mareklug> it's on the outside
[19:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they coat it
[19:22] <Swob> ok
[19:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> core: 99.2% zinc, 0.8% copper; plating: pure copper
[19:22] <Swob> i thought maybe there was a pink zinc or something
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[19:22] <Swob> zinc isnt used for much outside of currency
[19:22] <mareklug> zinc is white.  not as white as zinc oxide, but you heard of Zinc White paint
[19:22] <Swob> It's a vitamin, I know, but in ridiculously tiny amounts
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[19:23] <mareklug> it is a fucking metal, not a vitamin  jezus
[19:23] <Swob> you could eat a penny and live off of that for a year
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[19:23] <Swob> zinc is a vitamin
[19:23] <mareklug> it is a mineral, if you have to.
[19:23] <Swob> it's in a certain fruits I think
[19:23] <Swob> and if you dont eat those fruits you can take vitamin pills that have zinc in them
[19:24] <mareklug> it is only called a vitamin pill cuz it has vitamins.  but zinc is not one of them.
[19:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> $0.0245331 is the melt value for the 1909-1982 copper cent on February 15, 2013.
[19:24] <Swob> oh wait
[19:24] <Swob> brass is apparently partly made of zinc
[19:24] <Swob> so I guess it does have a prupose '
[19:24] <mareklug> Swob I guess that makes brass a vitamin, eh?
[19:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> after 1982 they switch to the zinc heavy design of today
[19:24] <Swob> Do people eat brass?
[19:25] <Swob> there's a brass lamp in the cellar I suppose I could munch on if I ever got snowed in
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[19:25] <mareklug> people kiss brass, proverbially.  so accidental ingestion may happen.
[19:25] <Swob> it would probably give me, like, 20 calories
[19:25] <Swob> so I'd live another 5 minutes before starving
[19:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Swob you could also lick it
[19:26] <Swob> i wonder if anyone's ever literally eaten their way out of a room they were trapped in
[19:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[19:26] <mareklug> Swob speaking of purpose of zinc, it is used for roofing
[19:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh look the video is out
[19:26] <Swob> Humans dont have sharp teeth, but we could probably get through a wooden door with enough effort
[19:27] <mareklug> sure.  Oscar Pistorious did it with barely 4 shots
[19:27] <Swob> Zinc is probably a poor material for roofs
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[19:27] <Swob> it's like tin, which is used in Haiti where they cant afford more exspensive things
[19:27] <mareklug> Swob it oxidizes and that forms a protective coat.  it works out rather well and is inexpensive and durable.
[19:28] <Swob> i should write a novel about someone being trapped inside a cellar and they have to get a rat or soemthing to eat through the walls
[19:28] <mareklug> Swob
[19:28] <Hello71> what about adobe?
[19:28] <Hello71> guess it sucks if you have earthquakes all the time though
[19:29] <mareklug> "Zinc's naturally forming self-healing properties provide years of virtually maintenance-free protection. And zinc's blue-gray patina and natural surface blends beautifully with most building materials and surroundings, both in contemporary and traditional settings and environments. "
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[19:30] <mareklug> Swob but I guess you would not like to have a vitamin for your roof.
[19:30] <duh>
[19:30] <duh> took me a while
[19:30] <Hello71> No way it's as strong as adobe though. (barring earthquakes)
[19:30] <Hello71> That's literally having big rocks for a roof.
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[19:31] <Swob> ehh what am I saying, Im sure that novel's been written
[19:31] <mareklug> Hello71 adobe is lovely, but it does not lend itself to think flexible, shaped coatings.  You have ever seen an adobe house?  they all look a bit massive.  for a reason.
[19:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug is it legal to use pennies to cover your roof?
[19:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> is that destroying currency?
[19:33] <mareklug> would think so.  you are not disfiguring them.
[19:33] <D_> The Secret Service is going to come to your house and confiscate your roof
[19:33] <Swob> some people wear pennies as earrings I think
[19:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but you are letting the coins to rust and effectively get destroyed
[19:34] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko there is no law that says you have to keep loose change or even roofs in good repair
[19:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think it would protect the roof tiles provided you have a way to make sure pennies stay where they are
[19:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ductape?
[19:34] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I think if you ask IShadowed she will let you have some of her glitter hair spray.  It is tacky.
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[19:35] <IShadowed> It's not tacky
[19:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hair spray? thats a fine movie.
[19:35] <IShadowed> It's beautiful, and fuck you
[19:35] <mareklug> it does not tack?
[19:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm surface pro is back?
[19:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its a device I am tempted to get
[19:35] <mareklug> tacky == sticky
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[19:36] <D_> Oh, I thought you were inquiring about its sailing abilities
[19:36] <mareklug> I'll take the fuck you as a penny for your thought tho
[19:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
[19:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> boat made out of pennies?
[19:37] <D_> Would you weld them all together
[19:37] <D_> in several layers
[19:37] <D_> so they're watertight?
[19:37] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko over here we have boats in commercial made of screen doors, so why not.  you just need the sticky stuff.
[19:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ yeah
[19:38] <Swob> but wouldt that basically be the same as melting them?
[19:38] <Swob> and thus illegal
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but wouldnt that melting them? kind of?
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we need an actual boat and engrave its hull with pennies
[19:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> on an unrelated note, they esitmate the russian asteorid strike to have an explosion yield of 33 Hiroshima bombs
[19:39] <mareklug> If we had actual 33 Hiroshima bombs, I wager Russia would look different today form Sarah's house
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[19:40] <mareklug> yeah i read that
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug it was high above the sky
[19:40] <mareklug> the point is that all that evergy was diffused over a huge area
[19:40] <Swob> well the atomic bombs were radioactive
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> where thiick atmosphere begins
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the energy was massive
[19:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it is another reason why people should take the space threat seriously
[19:41] <D_> Yes, we should conquer space
[19:41] <mareklug> I'll take a meteor event like that any day over a 1/15th Hiroshima bomb, the kind the Koreans of the North play with.
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[19:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug that wouldnt blow off windows though
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[19:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> destruction of Hiroshima nuke comes with being closer to the ground
[19:42] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko seriously, a small suitcase H bomb set off in a city would be a huge disaster as compared to the harmlessness over Russia
[19:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> suitcase H bomb is a fictional concept
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[19:43] <mareklug> you don't even know Iowa from Ohio and you expect me to take your word?
[19:43] <Swob> lol
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> asteorids can strike at any point, and they dont make political decisions
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug both have corn, thats good enough for me
[19:44] <D_> Well, if you had a sufficiently large suitcase...
[19:44] <D_> More like a trunk, though
[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ delivery requires ICBMs more or less
[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its too heavy
[19:44] <mareklug> all it takes is a shipment via a container.
[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and an H bomb requires a number of regular nuclear bombs coating the h-bomb
[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug thats not really a suitcase
[19:45] <Swob> maybe a very tall person could carry it
[19:45] <IShadowed> note to self
[19:45] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko you know, there are tactical nukes.  you think they are larger than a suitcase nuke?
[19:45] <IShadowed> using an entire bottle of hairspray at once is bad
[19:45] <mareklug> IShadowed you will probably have an itchy sleep
[19:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug those are not h-bombs
[19:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they are your regular ww2 era nukes
[19:46] <mareklug> I did not mean Hydrogen.  I mean Hiroshima.  That was the point of reference, no?  to begin with: the meteor being 33 H bombs
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> H as in hiroshima
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sorry, I completely misunderstood
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I feel stupid now
[19:47] <Swob> its OK
[19:47] <Swob>
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[19:49] <IShadowed>
[19:49] <IShadowed> fucking fabulous
�06[19:49] * BlastHardcheese bombs ToAruShiroiNeko
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[19:49] <mareklug> IShadowed that does not look overly glittery
[19:49] <IShadowed> it looks better in the light
[19:49] <IShadowed> but mhm
[19:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> needs lasers
[19:49] <mareklug> IShadowed your new neckless looks good
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[19:50] <IShadowed> thanks.
[19:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BLARG
[19:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 45 high priority updates
[19:51] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko is this a windows reality?
[19:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a windows I havent booted in months, sure
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[19:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I reduced my computer usage from 3 to 2 computers today so I am rather proud
[19:53] <Swob> cool
[19:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> my bots should have more uptime now
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[20:11] <BobTheWikipedian> :o there is someone with my name who is president of a unity club in germany :o
[20:11] <duh> Someone named themselves Bob the Wikipedian???
[20:11] <Swob> cool
[20:11] <BobTheWikipedian> no my real name
[20:11] <Swob> that must mean youre German
[20:12] <mareklug> Swob he already told us he is mostly of Roman Empire, Holy or whatnot
[20:12] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm about 40% holy roman
[20:12] <BlastHardcheese> you know who else was president of a unity club in germany
[20:12] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[20:13] <mareklug> that's good enough.  we have cheeses in the States with less cheese content than that
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[20:13] <Amqui> hum a first for me, a song used as references, original
[20:13] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
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[20:16] <Amqui>
[20:17] <D_> arwiki is showing me a talk-page-updated box
[20:17] <D_> at least I think that's what it is
[20:17] <D_> Looks like someone welcomed me there in 2011
[20:17] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[20:18] <D_> The welcome template helpfully has the word "Welcome" in several languages
[20:19] <D_> that's how I know it's a welcome template
[20:19] <D_> I don't speak or read Arabic
[20:19] <Addihockey10> Any americans here
[20:19] <Addihockey10> if so, pm me
[20:20] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm not here
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[20:20] <BobTheWikipedian> what's up addihockey10
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[20:20] <Addihockey10> BobTheWikipedian: Do you have netflix?
[20:20] <D_> "Square experiment has been allocated to contain your experiences and your first steps in the editing and modification."
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[20:20] <BobTheWikipedian> nope
[20:21] <D_> I think Google Translate is telling me they have a sandbox
[20:21] <BobTheWikipedian> i use hulu
[20:21] <BobTheWikipedian> lol d_
[20:21] <Amqui> good evening Addihockey10
[20:21] <Addihockey10> Hello Amqui
[20:22] <Amqui> there are better alternatives to netflix in USA ;)
[20:22] <Addihockey10> Like what
[20:22] <Amqui> hulu
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[20:22] <Addihockey10> I'm not from USA
[20:22] <Addihockey10> so hulu doesn't work
[20:22] <Amqui> cough proxy cough
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[20:23] <D_> Great, I created a second dupe on wikidata today
[20:23] <Amqui> Addihockey10 hotspot shield works
[20:24] <Dainomite> is anyone on here quite savvy with copyright things on WP files?
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[20:24] <Addihockey10> proxies are slow
[20:24] <Addihockey10> :-P
[20:25] <Addihockey10> brb
�03[20:26] * KTC (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:27] <D_> How many more duplicate items can I accidentally create on wikidata before they revoke my editing privileges for the good of the project?
[20:28] <Amqui> lol
[20:29] <Amqui> you do it on purpose?
[20:29] <D_> I said "accidentally"
[20:29] <mareklug> "[23:20:10] <D_>	 "Square experiment has been allocated to contain your experiences and your first steps in the editing and modification.""  <-- I beg to differ.  THey clearly called you a square, or at least your eidts.
[20:29] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. ohanaunited just pointed out to me that wikispecies permits original research
[20:29] <Amqui> oh right
[20:29] <Amqui> ;)
[20:29] <Swob> it does??
[20:29] <BobTheWikipedian> indeed
�03[20:29] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:29] <Swob> what would that mean in the context of wikispecies?
[20:30] <D_> Discovering a new species?
[20:30] <Swob> from waht Ive seen of it, its articles are mostly just lists with a very few pictures
[20:30] <mareklug> proposing new taxonomies?
[20:30] <BobTheWikipedian> that means that we can't really merge the project without destroying a scientific forum
[20:30] <Swob> are there people talking about taking down wikispecies finally?
[20:30] <mareklug> I think BobTheWikipedian  proposed it.
[20:31] <Swob> cool
[20:31] <Swob> I'll vote for that
[20:31] <D_> has anybody ever used wikispecies as the authority for a binomial name?
[20:31] <SigmaWP> [20:30:20] �<�Swob�>�� cool
[20:31] <SigmaWP> [20:30:29] �<�Swob�>�� I'll bang that
[20:31] <SigmaWP> Fixed that
[20:31] <SigmaWP> Anyway, sorry, that's just how I read it first Swob :P
�02[20:31] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[20:31] <D_> Well, clearly you have certain things on your mind
[20:32] <Swob> I mean no hard feelings, really, but Wikispecies was created when we didnt have bots creating thousands of stubs on Wikipedia that are basically the same as teh Wikispecies pages
[20:32] <Swob> and now that we do have those bots, it's mostly obsolete
[20:32] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm not a fan of the project myself but i don't want to bar our original researchers from editing
[20:32] <BobTheWikipedian> so i'm not going to post that proposal
[20:32] <Swob> ok
[20:32] <mareklug> Swob if it is obsolete, maybe we can sell it for a profit to a third world country?
[20:33] <D_> Look at the front page
[20:33] <D_> do you really want to kill that turtle?
[20:33] <BobTheWikipedian> too bad he waited until i finished writing it up to tell me though
[20:33] <mareklug> BobTheWikipedian typical predatory behavior.  Clearly an animal in action.
[20:33] <BobTheWikipedian> i could've spent my evening doing something different
[20:34] <Swob> is it really that bad?
[20:34] <BobTheWikipedian> is what bad?
[20:34] <Swob>
[20:34] <Swob> he doesnt look very happy
[20:34] <Swob> maybe he's mad that people are calling him a turtle when he's a tortoise
[20:34] <D_> He's endangered
[20:35] <BobTheWikipedian> most likely
[20:35] <D_> You'd be upset if you were endangered, too
[20:35] <Swob> he cant find a woman?
[20:35] <mareklug> Swob it's jus an anglo thing.  I think in Polish we have only one word for it:  food.
[20:35] <D_> How do you even know it's a he?
[20:35] <Swob> just guessed. it seems like a pretty muscular body build
[20:36] <Swob> if that's a female I can see why theyre endangered
[20:36] <Swob> i got off topic though
[20:36] <mareklug> Swob now now.  how can you tell she ain't pretty to a male tortoise?
[20:36] <Swob> is it really that bad if wikispecies closes down, seeing as their articles are basically the same as ours?
�03[20:36] * Zhao|wolf is now known as Zhao|seer
[20:37] <BobTheWikipedian> honestly i'd love to see it shut down if only to eliminate redundancy
[20:37] <BobTheWikipedian> redundancy that leads to obscurity and incorrectness
[20:38] <Swob> and what do their OR policies allow that our lack-of-OR wouldnt?
[20:38] <BobTheWikipedian> scientists publishing their own discoveries
[20:38] <Swob> I mean, are there really that many people discovering new lineages of mushrooms that arent published scientists?
[20:38] <Swob> well hm
�03[20:39] * Zhao|seer is now known as Zhao|lunch
[20:39] <Swob> I gather it's not that easy to get published in an RS-compliant scientific journal, even if what youre trying to publish is very clearly correct?
[20:39] <BobTheWikipedian> more like published scientists can't get wikipedians to care enough about their publishings to read their works and add it to wikipedia
[20:39] <Swob> aw
[20:40] <Swob> actually I think some species articles on Wikipedia can exist with no sources
[20:40] <BobTheWikipedian> most wikipedians could care less if someone discovered a new species of orchid
[20:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not true
[20:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mind rule 34
[20:40] <Swob> its presumed that they inherit their verifiability from a species catalog, so long as that catalog itself passes RS
[20:40] <D_> What does orchid porn have to do with it?
[20:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> pollenation!
[20:41] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm not saying it's not notable, only that most wikipedians wouldn't even have read the paper in the first place and as a result wouldn't know the information needed added to wikipedia
[20:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BobTheWikipedian I think of wikispecies as a catalog I suppose
[20:41] <BobTheWikipedian> we see what hits the news, not what hits the journals we don't subscribe to
[20:42] <D_> So, we should engage the wikispecies editors so that they contribute to wp instead
[20:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> perhaps the academic community would be most interested in using wikipseices but few are aware of its existence
[20:42] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[20:42] <Swob> theyre mostly already here
[20:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I can tell form profesisonal experience wikispecies is used for actual research in AI
[20:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> where AI tries to find duplicates relations and etc
[20:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is very hard to do in a general purpose wiki
[20:43] <D_> wikidata has duplicates and relations
[20:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> syncronising the relevant elements to wikipedia is a noble goal
[20:43] <D_> I should know very well about the former
[20:43] <Swob> well its not like the wiki would be deleted
[20:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but that shouldnt be so as to shut down a wiki
[20:43] <Swob> it just would be full-protected
[20:44] <mareklug> what if we made wikispecies a namespace of wikipedia?
[20:44] <BobTheWikipedian> would take years to get all the valuable info from it
[20:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug that would be fine.
[20:44] <D_> I think migrating the thing to wikidata would make more sense, to be honest
[20:44] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah
[20:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I just think it is helpful to scientists if the content is restricted in some way or form
[20:44] <D_> Taxonomic information and whatnot is easily represented in wikidata
[20:44] <BobTheWikipedian> practically anything wikispecies does wikidata can do
[20:44] <Swob> if I was you Id at least save the text I wrote in case I changed my mind about it
[20:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> keeping it in a single namespace which has no other content is fine
[20:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so, I think your proposal should focus on such a migration
[20:45] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah soap i have
�03[20:45] * TCO (4086a899@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:45] <Swob> hm
[20:45] <Swob> ok
[20:45] <Swob> I want to get involved in wikidata when I get some time
�03[20:45] * TCO is now known as Guest78784
[20:46] <Guest78784> test
[20:46] <D_> pass
[20:46] <BobTheWikipedian> Your test worked and has been reverted.
[20:46] <Guest78784> how do I activate my nick?
[20:46] <D_> you do /nick whatever
[20:46] <BobTheWikipedian> Please consider using the Sandbox if you would like to test further.
[20:47] <D_> but if it's already taken it might kick you off it
�03[20:47] * The_Thing is now known as whatever
[20:47] <whatever> :p
[20:47] <mareklug> Guest78784 it's easiest to pre-fill the slots in your clients prefs
[20:47] <D_> Well, Guest78784 was just "TCO"
[20:47] <Guest78784> I need more step by step instruction
�03[20:47] * whatever is now known as The_THing
�02[20:47] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[20:47] * The_THing is now known as SuicidalZerg
[20:47] <D_> But TCO is registered with nickserv
[20:47] <Guest78784> I typed in the slash nich TCO and it did not work
[20:47] <D_> Yes, because someone has it registered
[20:47] <Guest78784> so what do
[20:48] <D_> presumably someone who is not you
[20:48] <Guest78784> I do?
[20:48] <D_> Did you ever register "TCO" with nickserv?
[20:48] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[20:48] <Guest78784> I think so
�03[20:48] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:48] <Guest78784> I didn't understand it though
[20:48] <Guest78784> someone did it for me
[20:48] <mareklug> "[23:47:26] TCO had userhost 4086a899@gateway/web/freenode/ip. and real name " -""  <-- was that you? Guest78784
[20:48] <Guest78784> yeah like I have those numbers memorized
[20:49] <D_> mareklug: the nick change just happened in channel
[20:49] <Guest78784> It's me
[20:49] <D_> * TCO is now known as Guest78784
[20:49] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[20:49] <Guest78784> test
[20:49] <mareklug> failed
[20:49] <Guest78784> still a guest
[20:49] <D_> Do you remember your password, Guest78784?
[20:49] <Guest78784> yeah sure, probably
[20:49] <D_> I like your confidence
[20:50] <mareklug>   /ns ghost TCO password
�03[20:50] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:50] <Guest78784> test
[20:50] <Swob> TCO is taken
�02[20:50] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:50] <D_> Right, but Guest78784 may own it. Maybe. Probably.
[20:51] <Guest78784> I tried the slash ns ghost password...
[20:51] <Swob> it's taken by a user whos been on freenode since 2003
[20:51] <mareklug> but I vaguely remember that weeks ago we went through this with some TCO_    so maybe we are back to it.  and he does not own it after all.
�03[20:51] * Addihockey10 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[20:51] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:51] <Guest78784> I was not here in 2003
[20:51] <D_> Oh, right
[20:51] <Swob> yeah sorry I dont think it's you
[20:51] <D_> I read that as 2013
[20:51] <Swob> dont feel bad I dont have access to my Wikipedia username on freenode either
[20:51] <Guest78784> I used to log in fine though
[20:52] <Swob> it looks like he only registered the nick in January
[20:52] <Guest78784> It changed after they tried to make it masking the IP
[20:52] <BobTheWikipedian> mine is too long
[20:52] <SuicidalZerg> Guest78784: How long have you been away?
[20:52] <Guest78784> from IRC?
[20:52] <Swob> but his freenode account goes back much further
[20:52] <Guest78784> few months
[20:52] <SuicidalZerg> Freenode lets people have nicks whose owners haven't been onlike for several months.
[20:52] <SuicidalZerg> online*
[20:52] <Guest78784> I used to be able to just logon as TCO though
�02[20:52] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[20:52] * Guest78784 is now known as TCOtroll
[20:53] <D_> Well, the guy grabbed TCO on Jan 4
�03[20:53] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:53] <SuicidalZerg> Someone must have wanted it, so Freenode ungrouped it from your account, and gave it to them. It was re-registered 6 weeks ago.
[20:53] <D_> but he's been on Freenode since 2003
[20:53] <TCOtroll> fookers
�03[20:53] * lmtv[off] is now known as lmtv
[20:53] <D_> I think freenode purged grouped nicks couple of months ago
[20:53] <D_> I remember there being several notices about that
[20:53] <BobTheWikipedian> night folks
[20:53] <Swob> night
[20:53] <D_> Goodnight
[20:53] <SuicidalZerg> They purged grouped nicks!?
[20:53] <D_> A while back, yes
[20:54] <D_> if they were unused
[20:54] <SuicidalZerg> Ridiculous, I still have all of mine.
�02[20:54] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [SeaMonkey 2.16/20130111022027]�)
[20:54] <D_> you had to touch them to keep them
[20:54] <TCOtroll> So anyone want to canvass up an RFA?  that's what Sandy says we do here...
[20:54] <Swob> and she would know
[20:55] <mareklug> who is Sandy?
[20:55] <TCOtroll> she might not...but she would be very firm about saying she did.  ;-0)
�03[20:55] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:55] <TCOtroll> It's like Marsha, marsha, marsha...
[20:55] <TCOtroll> if you have ever seen the Brady movie
[20:55] <Swob> [[user:SandyGeorgia]]
[20:55] <mareklug> no, but I vaguely remember the Brady's Bunch from TV
[20:56] <TCOtroll> dude...are you foreign?
[20:56] <D_>
[20:56] <D_> Ok, so maybe it was over 6 months ago
[20:56] <mareklug> TCOtroll dude, are you a troll?  I am having a hard time with your new choice of nick, to be honest.
[20:56] <TCOtroll> yes, I am a troll
[20:57] <Swob> i use this room as a chat room, pretty much.  the canvassing goes on in the private rooms
[20:57] <TCOtroll> would you prefer I not revelled in it?
[20:57] <TCOtroll> cool...can someone invite me to a private room?
[20:57] <Swob> and in all seriouesness, there;s lots of canvassing outside IRC too
[20:57] <Swob> so its not like you can just blame us
�03[20:57] * TCOtroll is now known as TCOslumminginIRC
[20:57] <mareklug> revel: "enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, esp. with drinking and dancing"  <-- where is the dancing?
�03[20:58] * Bradford|2 is now known as Bradford
[20:58] <Swob> I wish public logging was enabled here, but it would solve almost nothing since people would just say "oh I know it looks like theyre all nice people but they have 40 different invite-only rooms and thats where the bad stuff REALLY happens"
�03[20:58] * mommy is now known as tygz
�02[20:58] * Bradford ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[20:58] <SuicidalZerg> Dancing? RIght here:
[20:59] <D_> I'm sure somebody would say that we're all speaking in code
[20:59] <mareklug> Yup.  UTF-8
�02[20:59] * Swob (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
[20:59] <rigel> this is interesting
[20:59] <rigel>
�02[20:59] * mareklug_ (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[21:00] <TCOslumminginIRC> I actually had a real reason to come here, but I can't remember it now.
[21:00] <D_> We're losing people left and right
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[21:01] <Bradford> o.o
[21:02] <rigel> I am pretty tickled that this spamming yutz responds to a reviewer by saying "OH BUT IT WAS JUST THE ONE"
[21:02] <rigel> i cannot imagine that is anything but unintetional hilarity
�03[21:03] * DanielB (~Daniel@wikimedia/Daniel) has left #wikipedia-en
[21:03] <SuicidalZerg> rofl
[21:03] <D_> It's like #wikipedia-en-help
[21:03] <Bradford> :D
�03[21:03] * Sven_Manguard (~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:03] <Bradford> hello (-8
[21:03] <Sven_Manguard> Susan: ping
[21:04] <D_> Where you have at least one person per day asking why their account that sounds entirely too much like an advert was rejected
[21:04] <D_> s/account/article/
[21:04] <Susan> Sven_Manguard: Hi.
[21:04] <Bradford> -.-
[21:04] <duh> !admin block
[21:04] <Sven_Manguard> Susan:
[21:04] <duh> also revdel the last edit please
[21:04] <SuicidalZerg> rofl:
[21:04] <SuicidalZerg> meat adulteration.
�02[21:05] * EvilSon-Laptop (itsevil@unaffiliated/skater-2015/x-9635647) Quit
[21:05] <rigel> I would encourage people to upvote that review
[21:05] <duh> jdelanoy: thanks. should that last edit be revdeled?
�03[21:06] * Zhao|lunch is now known as Zhaofeng_Li
�03[21:07] * XingQiWu (aee1112b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:07] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
[21:09] <TCOslumminginIRC> I should probably try reverse psychology.  Go against things I agree with and then as people want to line up on the other helps what I want to pass.  Think it might even work.
[21:09] <D_> No, I don't think you should try reverse psychology at all.
�02[21:11] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) Quit (Quit: ihaveamac�)
[21:11] <TCOslumminginIRC> I will...wait.  Darnit.  ;-)
�02[21:12] * varnent (~varnent@wikimedia/varnent) Quit (Quit: nighty nite�)
�02[21:12] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Quit: I could see a thousand dancing hamsters on the checkuser results and still think they were sockpuppets�)
[21:14] <TCOslumminginIRC> I am IP editing but will need to login as I want to start a new page
[21:14] <rigel> why are you ip editing ifyou have an account
[21:15] <TCOslumminginIRC> just lazy
[21:15] <D_> Are you one of those IPs with 1000+ edits?
[21:15] <TCOslumminginIRC> have to log in a lot
[21:16] <TCOslumminginIRC> naw just a little
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[21:38] <rigel> oh god, it gets SO MUCH BETTER
[21:38] <rigel>
[21:39] <rigel> righteous indignation at calling his REPEATED INSERTIONS INTO [[Theory of humor]] "spam"
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[21:39] <Vacation9> rigel: LOL
[21:40] <rigel> upvote that shit, holy crap
[21:40] <Vacation9> this isn't reddit :D
[21:40] <rigel> oh, maybe i should post on /r/Wikipedia
[21:40] <rigel> i dont even have a reddit account
[21:41] <Vacation9> ha yeah, I'd upvote that
[21:42] <Vacation9> Marked the review as helpful
[21:44] <duh> !admin block see edit filter log as well
�02[21:45] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[21:45] <Vacation9> duh: +1, but why not AIV?
[21:45] <duh> that means effort
[21:45] <Aranda56> twinkle works ;p
[21:46] <Vacation9> done
[21:46] <Vacation9> <3 Twinkle
[21:46] <rigel>
[21:46] <Vacation9> "there doesn't seem to be anything here"
[21:46] <rigel> sorry, short link:
[21:46] <Vacation9> oh ok
[21:47] <Vacation9> that one doesn't work for me either
[21:47] <ihaveamac> shows for me
[21:47] <Vacation9> oh wow, I was looking at the comments
[21:47] <Vacation9> yeah it works for me
[21:47] <Vacation9> (upvote)
[21:48] <ihaveamac> upvote because
[21:48] <Vacation9> duh: Materialscientist took care of it from AIV
[21:48] <duh> ok
[21:50] <XingQiWu> <-- Libya didn't become a democracy after all?
�03[21:54] * tygz is now known as maid
[21:57] <mareklug> XingQiWu Libya became something of a Wild Wild East, so it's kind of like democracy, except like in the westerns
[21:57] <SigmaWP> maid: :(
[21:58] <maid> SigmaWP:
[21:58] <maid> You'll have to submit your request to the fetus commission and your request will be evaluated by the fetus and the princess within 3 business days
[21:59] <SigmaWP> that's racist
[21:59] <maid> I'm not the one who quieted you, so you'll have to talk to fetus or princess
[22:00] <XingQiWu> SigmaWP: Do you concur with mareklug ?
[22:05] <TCOslumminginIRC> I just wrote an article
[22:05] <TCOslumminginIRC> You want to help build it up (no deleting please...)
[22:07] <D_> Well, since you asked nicely
[22:07] <rigel> TCOslumminginIRC: clearly you do not understand wp
[22:07] <mareklug> XingQiWu You know, proselytizing is a difficult profession.  These 4 should be happy they did not get boiled alive, as happened to St. Adalbert in Balt country in 900s
[22:07] <rigel> TCOslumminginIRC: please see [[WP:MERCILESS]]
[22:08] <TCOslumminginIRC> Yeah...I'm kind of the unwikipedian
�02[22:09] * XingQiWu (aee1112b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[22:10] <D_> Two!
[22:10] <D_> I have TWO notices in my watchlist!
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[22:15] <D_> Oh boy, an article with 11 cleanup tags and an expired PROD
[22:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug westerns had more cowboys
[22:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> libya has plenty of religious nut cases
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[22:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm wait... yeah... I agree, definately sounds like the south :p
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[22:16] <TCOslumminginIRC> Someone review my NPPs please
[22:16] <TCOslumminginIRC> I have 3 unreviewed new articles
[22:16] <Vacation9> TCOslumminginIRC: Links please?
[22:16] <mareklug> but you know, Socrates was suicided for corrupting the youth.  If in Libya they don't want proselytizing, it is their damn local right to be that way.
[22:17] <TCOslumminginIRC>
[22:17] <TCOslumminginIRC>
[22:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug but vast majority dont want to be ruled by a religious nut job
[22:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> likewise in egypt
[22:17] <TCOslumminginIRC>
[22:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the president is only there with like 25% of the vote
[22:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> his constitution was "approved" with about 50% of the vote and talks of fraud was there before the vote even started
[22:18] <mareklug> that's irrelevant.  if they don't want proselytizing, it is illegal.  what is there to argue about who wants what?  do you think the 100% Muslim Libyans care to have Bible-thumpers on their doorsteps?  Evidently so much not, that they outlawed it.
[22:18] <Vacation9> TCOslumminginIRC: Done.
[22:18] <TCOslumminginIRC> thanks man
[22:19] <mareklug> no one is making presences that Libya  is a multicultural cosmopolitan country.  But it does not have to be one.
[22:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I am not saying that
[22:19] <Vacation9> NP. You may want to expand the really short article though.
[22:19] <mareklug> pretences *
[22:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but the religious rethoric is not the majority, most people are more worried about the economy
[22:20] <mareklug> I am pretty sure they would support their law on this score.  the two are just not the same topic.
[22:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm to be fair, I watched a show recently and I can understand their fears :p
[22:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> an old educaitonal video
[22:21] <mareklug> Proselytiers are by definion an offensive bunch.  They come in to your house trying to tell you your shit stinks and they have better shit for you.  People can take that very badly.
[22:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "Deception of a Generation"
[22:21] <mareklug> Proselytyzers *
[22:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> blah
[22:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I cant conver to Druze?
[22:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> awww
[22:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> In 1043 Baha'uddin declared that the sect would no longer accept new pledges, and since that time proselytization has been prohibited.
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[22:25] <mareklug> they're still accepting over at the Atheist counter.  try them.
�02[22:25] * Ecliptica ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[22:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I tried, they dont have a lot of benefits
[22:26] <mareklug> but no VAT either
[22:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am VAT exempt anyways
[22:26] <mareklug> then you are almost an atheist.  are you a deist?
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[22:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wouldnt know
[22:27] <mareklug> it's what the Founding Fathers were into.  most of them.
[22:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Founding Fathers would have been into Final Fantasy if it existed back then
[22:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you have to admit, final fantasy has better graphics than any religion
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I would prefer enrolling in reverse scientology
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> where I dont have to believe nonsense but am paid to reamain a member
[22:29] <SigmaWP> needs deletion please
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its deleted
[22:29] <Vacation9> "This page has been deleted."
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> too slow
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> created 3 times
[22:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wonder the content
[22:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> was it a penis?
[22:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is why I want to be a sysop, strictly to see what was deleted :p
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[22:32] <SigmaWP> ToAruShiroiNeko: X
[22:32] <SigmaWP> Just X
[22:32] <Vacation9> But... you're not an admin
[22:32] <SigmaWP> Either that or it was "Mukburger"
[22:32] <SigmaWP> Vacation9: That's what you think
[22:33] <Vacation9> SigmaWP: :O *tsk* hacking WP's database again
[22:33] <SigmaWP> No, I just tagged the page
[22:33] <SigmaWP> so yep
[22:33] <rigel>
[22:33] <Vacation9> rigel: good for you
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[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP no, what I mean is reading hilarious stuff that get deleted
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[22:37] <Bradford> :D
[22:37] <Bradford> penis xDDD
[22:37] <D_> Do full all-revision dumps include deleted content?
[22:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> penis isn't funny
[22:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ no
[22:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats exactly why there are rereleases
[22:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> to make sure deleted content is excluded
[22:38] <D_> That makes sense
[22:38] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I think Bradford was pleasantly surprised, give him that much.
[22:38] <D_> I don't know if being surprised by a penis is a good thing
[22:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which is a shame because deleted content is a gold mine for data mining
[22:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can use it as a learning set for algorithms to detect any future such content
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[22:38] <mareklug> no, but if it flicks your bick, we should not begrudge it.
[22:39] <Vacation9> ToAruShiroiNeko: Aren't we talking (admin-only) edit filters now?
[22:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Vacation9 no
[22:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> more like mahcine learning algorithms
[22:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am thinking more for images mind you
[22:39] <Vacation9> The runner of Cluebot NG is an admin is he not?
[22:39] <SigmaWP> Duh
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[22:39] <D_> Toss all deleted articles into the hopper and see what classifier comes out
[22:40] <Vacation9> Ah yes Cobi
[22:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ like I said, I am more concerned with deleted images
[22:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> like for instance eiffel tower at night
[22:40] <SigmaWP> D_: Sort them by CSD criterion
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[22:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I watch radio dead air, I have seen plenty of stories where penises are involved
[22:41] <duh> SigmaWP: hi
[22:41] <D_> I bet you could create a fairly good classifier for G1
[22:41] <duh> oh
[22:41] <duh> you meant
[22:41] <duh> "duh"
[22:41] <SigmaWP> Ha
[22:41] <Vacation9> I KNEW that would happen
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[22:41] <duh> it took Cobi a while to get sysopped
[22:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> latest incident:
[22:41] <duh> like 3 tries
[22:42] <Vacation9> duh: Why? What were the concerns?
[22:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> while he did comply with the store policy, he did fail at the law
[22:42] <duh> Article work and stuff
[22:42] <Aranda56> vandal fighter
[22:42] <D_> What kind of doughnut did he purchase?
[22:42] <duh> Even Werdna had a hard time
[22:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ he didnt
[22:42] <Aranda56> with 0 article work
[22:42] <duh> Even though he already had db access
[22:42] <Vacation9> duh: Always an RFA killer
[22:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats the real crime
[22:42] <Aranda56> Werdna was different
[22:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "The streaker did not stop and order a doughnut or try to linger in the store."
[22:42] <Vacation9> ToAruShiroiNeko: That line is brilliant
[22:42] <D_> Yeah, seriously
[22:43] <Vacation9> Hey, I'm naked, could I have a doughnut?
[22:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dunkin' Donuts will revise their policy to require pants now I think
[22:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dunkin' Donuts requires you to wear shoes and a shirt
[22:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he was wearing a shirt, technically
[22:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> just not... properly
[22:43] <D_> Seriously, it'd be more impressive if he nonchalantly strolled up to the counter and asked for a dozen
[22:44] <D_> "Sir, you are naked." "Yes. With sprinkles, please."
[22:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[22:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> watch it at own peril
[22:44] <Vacation9> It's just an excuse by the cops to get into Dunkin Donuts
[22:44] <D_> They need an excuse?
[22:44] <Vacation9> True
[22:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it starts at 2 minutes in
[22:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Vacation9 I think the cops were already in there
[22:45] <Vacation9> ToAruShiroiNeko: That would make sense
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[22:45] <D_> I wonder if the incidence of robberies at Dunkin Donuts is lower compared to, say, McDonalds
[22:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which is confusing since the man escaped
[22:46] <D_> Well, if you were a cop, would you want to put down your donuts and go chase after a naked crazy dude?
[22:47] <Vacation9> D_: Yeah seriously
[22:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_... mmm yeah
[22:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> to deter future incidents
[22:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they need to make cock cuffs, at least for florida
[22:48] <D_> I'm remembering a video I once saw of cops arresting a naked guy on PCP
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[22:49] <D_>
[22:49] <D_> (naked drunk man on PCP warning)
[22:50] <D_> Ok, I dunno if he's drunk
[22:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> florida?
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[22:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ I dont know if you are a male but men have a dangling part
[22:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wood has thorns...
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[22:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> OUCH
[22:52] <D_> I think the guy was too out of his mind to notice
[22:52] <D_> I think you can see blood
[22:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I like to think thats ketchup
�02[22:53] * Wildblue ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[22:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> because why not
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[22:54] <SigmaWP>
[22:54] <SigmaWP> Fuck this guy
[22:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> please dont
[22:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we dont need more of his genes
�03[22:56] * Guerillero|Away is now known as Guerillero
[22:57] <SigmaWP> Good point
[22:57] <SigmaWP> May we burn him, then?
[22:59] <D_> As long as you remain civil while doing so
[23:01] <rigel> you have three options
[23:01] <rigel> you can burn him, bury him, or dump him
[23:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP why not use him as bait?
[23:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dont polute the atmospehre
[23:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he shouldnt contribute to climate change
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[23:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP how would we recycle him?
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[23:11] <SigmaWP> Don't.
[23:11] <SigmaWP> We cannot risk his material being recirculated in the world
[23:12] <rigel> what is India's version of Yucca mountain?
[23:15] <BlastHardcheese> You mean, what's their version of a place that was being considered for a government facility for forty years before being shelved?
[23:16] <rigel> yes
[23:18] <mareklug> India has been a country only since 1948 so to be fair here, they have not had the time to consider anything for 40 years, let alone shelve it.  India is a poor country that is happy when Mumbai has electricity 18 hours out of 24.
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[23:22] <mareklug>
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[23:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP we can let him sink to the bottom of the ocean
[23:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he would eventually become limestone
[23:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> give or take a million years
[23:25] <rigel> why do you assume "him"?
[23:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> women dont act this moronic
[23:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug india should have populution control
[23:27] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko India should not be building aircraft carriers and/or buying hundreds of expensive fighter jets from Russia.  India should be doing some economic reforms and infrastructure overhauls.
[23:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
[23:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if only they did not border pakistan and werent at a nuclear arms race with pakistan
[23:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why did pakistan get nukes anyways?
[23:27] <mareklug> again, that was India's doing.  they got the bomb first.
[23:28] <mareklug> ^
[23:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I know!
[23:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> exactly your point!
[23:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> de-escalate conflict and spend cash on infrastructure rather than an army you dont need
[23:29] <mareklug> than an army/navy/airforce/nukes you can't afford.
[23:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what is indias main export?
[23:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> besides software
[23:30] <mareklug> graduate engineering students
[23:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> besides that
[23:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean what drives their economy
[23:30] <mareklug> graduate CS students
[23:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dont make me stab you
[23:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> russia has natural gas
[23:30] <mareklug> after that, IT outsourcing
[23:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> china has everything but energy
[23:30] <TheLordOfTime> ToAruShiroiNeko, their economy's driven by them giving tech support
[23:30] <TheLordOfTime> hence IT outsourcing to India
[23:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TheLordOfTime aside from that
[23:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> IT outsourcing cannot be their main market
[23:31] <TheLordOfTime> how about you use GOOGLE
[23:31] <mareklug> [[India#Economy]]
[23:31] <TheLordOfTime> like any normal person
[23:31] <TheLordOfTime> or read WP
[23:31] <TheLordOfTime> like any normal person.
[23:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not a normal person
[23:31] <TheLordOfTime> That's your problem
[23:31] <TheLordOfTime> not mine.
[23:32] <rigel> India is the world's largest producer of those little decorative toothpicks that hold sandwiches together. this is their largest export and accounts for 67% of their GDP
[23:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not true
[23:33] <rigel> you know the ones i mean, with the colorful little plastic frizzy thing on one end
[23:33] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko "India ranks second worldwide in farm output."  bet you did not know that.
[23:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they use it domestically
[23:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> or else theyd be dead
[23:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[23:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there
[23:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Unclassified, that helps
[23:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> nothing specific is very dominant aside from precious jewlary and uncut diamonds
[23:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> unmounted
[23:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whatever
[23:37] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko "India has about 61 million children under the age of 5 who are chronically malnourished, compared to 150 million children worldwide. Majority of malnourished children of India live in rural areas. Girls tend to be more malnourished than boys. Malnourishment, claims this report, is not a matter of income, rather it is education as in other parts of the world. A third of children from the wealthiest fifth of India’s
[23:37] <mareklug>  population are malnourished."
[23:37] <dtm> harsh. :/
[23:39] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I wonder if the dudes in New Delhi buying those Su-27s are aware of this stat.
[23:39] <mareklug> They act oblivious.
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Session Time: Sun Feb 17 00:00:00 2013
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[00:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I have a solution,
[00:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> make the children eat the Su-27s
[00:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Are Su-27s nutricious?
[00:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> seriously though I hate it when weapons have priority over people
[00:06] <mareklug> actually, the latest that they bought is 47 Su-30s, so if anything, more expensive.
[00:06] <mareklug> per plane
[00:08] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko this madness is only escalating -- this is today's news article
[00:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wat
�03[00:08] * Zhao|detached is now known as Zhaofeng_Li
[00:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> iranian source?
[00:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how bizzire
[00:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Eurofighter jets?
[00:10] <mareklug> well, Guardian?
[00:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wasnt dissing the source
[00:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its just that I thought iran shut off itself from the rest of the world
[00:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> clearly they didnt :/
[00:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <- how outdated
[00:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I doubt that agency still exists
[00:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[00:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> built: 340+ as of November 2012
[00:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 471 ordered (as of January 2009)
[00:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why so different yearS?
[00:13] <TheChance> Speculating, but I'm guessing they don't release information on the number of planes that are ordered so often (you hear about how many have been ordered when they're hyping a model before release, but who follows up on continuing orders?)
[00:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes but then the numbers are pointless
[00:14] <TheChance> On the other hand it should be no big deal to ascertain that "340 or more" have been built, based on FOIA-type requests from the governments who use said planes.
[00:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "With 719 aircraft on contract and 571 aircraft on order by seven nations "
[00:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> contract? order?
[00:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wtf
[00:14] <TheChance> There needs to be a way to run different nicks in different channels. Hi, everybody, I'm User:Moralis, and I've missed the hell out of you.
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[00:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 350 aircraft have been delivered
[00:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TheChance o hai
�06[00:15] * ToAruShiroiNeko face huggles
[00:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
�06[00:15] * TheChance tacklehugs
[00:16] <TheChance> I'm speculating again, but couldn't "on contract" mean "leased to" and "on order" meaning "purchased by"?
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[00:16] <mareklug> on order may well include multi-year options
[00:17] <TheChance> Or perhaps "on contract" refers to the ones that have already been delivered (and are therefore subject to whatever payment contract applies)
[00:17] <TheChance> At any rate, we can't use it as a source if we can't make any fuggin sense of it.
[00:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug like how one buys a dell laptop?
[00:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you pick the display size, hdd, cpu
�06[00:19] * ToAruShiroiNeko picks a carry bag for the jet
[00:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh yes, must have yellow stripes
[00:21] <TheChance> Don't forget to buy the extended warranty.
[00:21] <TheChance> They'll screw you on service every time.
�02[00:22] * GrooveDog (~GrooveDog@wikimedia/GrooveDog) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[00:24] <mareklug> with military jets, you probably want the source code too.  Unless you're willing to suffer the scenario of the supplier remotely flying the thing back home.
�02[00:28] * diadara ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[00:28] <D_> (1,895 bytes) (-2,436)‎ . . (Fixes on grammer) (undo) (Tag: new editor getting started)
[00:28] <D_> Totally legit .
�03[00:35] * Riley is now known as Riley|Sleep
�02[00:37] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89 [Firefox 18.0.1/20130116073211]�)
�03[00:38] * diadara ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:39] <IShadowed> SUP FUCKERS
[00:39] <IShadowed> WHO MISSED ME
�03[00:40] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[00:40] * D_ listens to the crickets chirping 
[00:41] <IShadowed> it's because all the relevant people are ball gagged in my basement
[00:41] <D_> You have one of *those* basements?
[00:41] <IShadowed> Ask Shirik
[00:42] <mareklug> IShadowed I know it's Sunday and all, but don't you have to go to church in the morning?
[00:42] <IShadowed> Yeah totally, *I'm* religious
�02[00:43] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium�)
[00:44] <mareklug> what do they call those pretty things the Amish women wear?  Bonnetts?  The things with a bee in them
[00:45] <IShadowed> ...
[00:45] <mareklug>     nothing what I had in mind is illustrated here, tho
[00:46] <D_> Did you check the Commons?
[00:46] <mareklug> good call.
�03[00:49] * wctaiwan (8c701e85@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:49] <mareklug> I don't think these *are* bonnets
[00:50] <mareklug> IShadowed -- you have a sense of fashion.  what are these head coverings?
[00:50] <IShadowed> I don't know
[00:50] <wctaiwan> pop music is the devil.
[00:51] <mareklug> the devil is in the details
[00:51] <mareklug> ergo pop music is in the details
[00:51] <wctaiwan> well, correction, bland yet catchy pop music is the devil
[00:53] <wctaiwan> on a rational level I know it's cheap to manufacture and not particularly well done, and yet I can't help getting lured--because it's precisely designed to pander to the sort of things people would like.
[00:54] <mareklug> we have a 12 step program for people like you and IShadowed, wctaiwan -- the first step is to do 16 Marina and the Diamonds
�02[00:54] * Catie (~PwnSauce@wikiHow/KernelPone) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�03[00:56] * Catie (~PwnSauce@wikiHow/KernelPone) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:57] <wctaiwan> I'm not sure how you can do 16 [name]...?
[00:58] <mareklug> One theologically accepted way is via YouTube.
[00:59] <wctaiwan> do you mean listen to 16 of her songs? or...?
[00:59] <wctaiwan> also, someone is playing and some anime song on repeat on a stereo.
[00:59] <wctaiwan> It's... just not particularly good >.>
[01:00] <wctaiwan> Bradford would be pleased.
[01:00] <mareklug> wctaiwan here, let me be your Facilitator.   <-- hit the oval Play all button at the top.  That will get you 12.
�02[01:01] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
�03[01:02] * Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
[01:03] <SigmaWP> hi wctaiwan
[01:03] <wctaiwan> hello.
�03[01:04] * ELEE (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:04] <ELEE> excuse me
[01:04] <D_> You are excused
[01:04] <ELEE> what?/
�03[01:05] * Zhao|wolf is now known as Zhaofeng_Li
[01:05] <D_> I don't know
[01:05] <ELEE> ??????????
[01:05] <wctaiwan> !lynch Zhaofeng_Li
[01:05] <wctaiwan> >.>
[01:05] <ELEE> ! ELEE
[01:05] <wctaiwan> mareklug: I'm just using it to block out taylor swift right now.
[01:05] <Zhaofeng_Li> !vote wc per WP:BITE
[01:05] <ELEE> wctaiwan
[01:06] <Zhaofeng_Li> ;D
[01:06] <ELEE> can i give you question
[01:06] <wctaiwan> Zhaofeng_Li: you're hardly new :p
[01:06] <wctaiwan> go on..
[01:06] <Zhaofeng_Li> wctaiwan, ??
[01:06] <wctaiwan> BITE refers to newbies.
[01:06] <wctaiwan> biting newbies, I mean; not regulars ;-)
[01:06] <ELEE> um...
�06[01:06] * Zhaofeng_Li is still somewhat new~
[01:06] <ELEE> ??????/
[01:06] <ELEE> excuse me
[01:06] <wctaiwan> ELEE: what's your question?
[01:06] <D_> ELEE: Can we help you in any way?
[01:07] <ELEE> yes
[01:07] <ELEE> as you know(?), wikidata
[01:07] <wctaiwan> marek: Taylor Swift is worse mostly because it's on repeat.
[01:07] <duh> <3 Taylor
[01:07] <ELEE> admits(?) interwiki
[01:07] <wctaiwan> >.<
[01:07] <ELEE> so
[01:07] <duh> mareklug: btw thanks for the tip on marina and the diamonds the other day, it was pretty good
[01:07] <ELEE> when new article created ,
[01:08] <duh> ELEE: you need to create the item manually
[01:08] <mareklug> duh glad you liked it.
[01:08] <ELEE> bot
[01:08] <ELEE> dosen't work
[01:08] <ELEE> not mine
[01:08] <duh> ELEE: maybe your question is suited for #wikimedia-wikidata ?
[01:08] <ELEE> but
[01:08] <ELEE> ok
�02[01:09] * diadara ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[01:09] * diadara_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[01:09] * Zhaofeng_Li didn't unserstand what ELEE meant
[01:09] <ELEE> um
[01:09] <ELEE> i mean
[01:09] <wctaiwan> Zhaofeng_Li: it's okay, I think duh's got this.
[01:09] <wctaiwan> he's the resident wikidata guy :p
[01:10] <D_> This editor with 4 edits wrote a fairly nice, referenced and well written article
[01:10] <D_> It almost brings a tear to my eye
[01:10] <Zhaofeng_Li> D_, you mean... ELEE?
[01:10] <mareklug> D_ Maybe it is a …woman!
[01:10] <wctaiwan> D_: check for copyvios and socks :P
�06[01:10] * wctaiwan waits for someone to hit him with the AGF mallet
[01:10] <D_> No, some editor on NPP
[01:11] <wctaiwan> seriously though, I get suspicious when I see that and frequently I'm right :?
[01:11] <wctaiwan> :/*
[01:11] <D_> I know, I usually expect a copy paste move or something
�06[01:12] * Zhaofeng_Li reads WP:ABF
[01:12] <mareklug> D_ i could be a long-time user/reader of high intelligence who finally felt compelled to contribute
[01:12] <Zhaofeng_Li> mareklug, probably
[01:12] <mareklug> it *
[01:12] <D_> Right, I'm not cynical enough to be unable to AGF
[01:13] <wctaiwan> wikipedia is not a question of intelligence. It's much more a question of experience.
�02[01:13] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[01:13] <D_> There's pretty thorough documentation on a lot of things that very few new people read
[01:13] <D_> and if they did they could do a pretty good job
[01:13] <D_> So I guess every once in a while you find someone who did
[01:14] <wctaiwan> :| idk. I'm pretty good with code and stuff and I found inline references utterly confusing.
�02[01:14] * spyro (~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[01:14] <wctaiwan> I still find all the {{{{1}}}} confusing.
[01:14] <mareklug> on the other hand, you can get a huge amount right by following in copy-paste fashion the template that is another solid article
[01:15] <D_> Heh, my reference management software has the ability to spit out cite templates
[01:15] <D_> (Zotero)
[01:15] <Zhaofeng_Li> wctaiwan, perhaps s/he is a long-time ip contributor like bumm13?
[01:15] <D_> That's how I do it 90% of the time
[01:15] <Zhaofeng_Li> *was
[01:15] <wctaiwan> Zhaofeng_Li: that's more likely.
�03[01:16] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:20] <Zhaofeng_Li> what s/he's username, anyway?
[01:20] <mareklug> what's their username, anyway? *
[01:21] <wctaiwan> mareklug: Singular they ftw :D
[01:21] <wctaiwan> I should put that userbox on my user page.
�02[01:21] * diadara_ ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[01:21] <wctaiwan> xe and especially xyr make me cringe every time I see them.
[01:21] <Zhaofeng_Li> mareklug, you are assuming s/he is a sock...
[01:21] <mareklug> en-5 implies it.
[01:21] <mareklug> Zhaofeng_Li no I am not.
[01:21] <D_> How do you feel about spivak?
[01:22] <mareklug> wctaiwan pls. explain this to Zhaofeng_Li
�06[01:22] * Zhaofeng_Li means "This editor with 4 edits wrote a fairly nice, referenced and well written article"
[01:23] <Zhaofeng_Li> ...'s username
[01:23] <mareklug> their username
[01:23] <wctaiwan> Zhaofeng_Li: some people, marek and myself included, advocate the use of "their" in place of "his / her" which is totally awkward.
[01:24] <wctaiwan> it's a question of style, not suspicion of socking :P
[01:24] <mareklug> it is a long-standing tradition in English, which went kaput somewhere around 1849
[01:24] <wctaiwan>
[01:24] <D_>
[01:24] <D_> is them
[01:24] <D_> or em
[01:24] <D_> or ir
[01:24] <wctaiwan> Chicago Manual rescinded their recommendation of it, marek :(
[01:24] <Zhaofeng_Li> mareklug, okay, sorry...
[01:24] <SigmaWP> Wait
[01:24] <mareklug> wctaiwan what does Chicago suggest instead?
[01:24] <SigmaWP> Are we supposed to remove interwiki links now?
[01:24] <SigmaWP> and categories
[01:24] <SigmaWP> or what?
[01:25] <D_> Not cats
[01:25] <wctaiwan> mareklug:
[01:25] <D_> interwiki links if wikidata is more accurate/newer
[01:25] <D_> Instead of updating them you could just nix them
[01:26] <mareklug> wctaiwan that's actually sound advice, all things considered.
[01:26] <ELEE> how can i call name in irc?
�06[01:26] * Zhaofeng_Li is speechless, looking at their article
[01:26] <SigmaWP> D_: So remove the interwikis?
[01:26] <Zhaofeng_Li> ELEE, call name?
[01:26] <SigmaWP> but keep cats
[01:26] <ELEE> yes
[01:26] <D_> Cats are local to the wiki
[01:26] <ELEE> like you did now
[01:27] <mareklug> type it
[01:27] <SigmaWP> ok
[01:27] <Zhaofeng_Li> ELEE, just type them...
[01:27] <ELEE> AH HAH
[01:29] <Zhaofeng_Li> wow, that's *unbelievable*
[01:31] <Zhaofeng_Li> the article is perfect except some parts are unref...
�02[01:33] * indigenous (~indigenou@pdpc/supporter/student/indigenous) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[01:34] <wctaiwan> [17:26] <D_> Cats are local to the wiki <- what about dogs? >.>
[01:34] <mareklug> dogs with penises are grandfathered in.
[01:35] <mareklug> oh wait.  that's commons.
[01:35] <wctaiwan> hahaha
�06[01:35] * Zhaofeng_Li hasn't found copyvio in the article yet
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�06[01:36] * Zhaofeng_Li is amazed
[01:40] <Zhaofeng_Li> that's impossible!
�06[01:42] * Zhaofeng_Li sends OPJ91 a barnstar
[01:45] <Zhaofeng_Li> btw, is it good enough for GA?
�03[01:46] * worm_that_turned (~worm_that@wikipedia/Worm-That-Turned) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:46] <D_> It's good enough for DYK, if you want to nominate it
[01:46] <D_> provided there's something hooky enough
�06[01:46] * duh waves to worm_that_turned 
�06[01:46] * worm_that_turned waves
[01:47] <wctaiwan> hey WormTT!
[01:47] <Zhaofeng_Li> WormTT: hi
[01:48] <worm_that_turned> hey folks :) how goes it in here
�06[01:48] * Zhaofeng_Li thinks that we should push this to WP:TAFI
�03[01:50] * Sarrus ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[01:50] * Sarrus ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[01:51] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[01:51] <Zhaofeng_Li> worm_that_turned, we've found this amazing article([[Alexander_Crombie_Humphreys]]), written by a new user with only 4 edits.
[01:52] <worm_that_turned> hmmm
[01:53] <Zhaofeng_Li> well-written and referenced
[01:53] <worm_that_turned> Indeed it is
�06[01:54] * Zhaofeng_Li thought it was copyvio at first, but hasn't found any evidence
[01:54] <duh> wctaiwan: I'm listening to your favorite artist right now.
[01:54] <wctaiwan> and who would that be?
�06[01:55] * duh is listening to Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, from the album Red [3:13 mins] [250 kbps MPEG audio file] [5.78 MB] [played 4 times]
[01:55] <wctaiwan> ...
[01:55] <worm_that_turned> Gah.
�06[01:55] * wctaiwan gives duh the finger
[01:55] <duh> <3
�06[01:55] * worm_that_turned thinks "ever. ever. ever. ever. ever. never. ever. ever....."
[01:56] <duh> its a great song!
[01:56] <duh> the music video is pretty funny
[01:57] <duh> SigmaWP: so i discovered today that pywikibot doesnt handle timeouts very well
[01:57] <SigmaWP> duh: duh
[01:57] <duh> it just keeps sending the request over and over, so it keeps making the edits
[01:58] <duh> so now i'm switching to mysql logging instead of on-wiki :/
[01:58] <SigmaWP> logging?
[01:58] <duh> yeah for my properties bot on wikidata
[01:58] <SigmaWP> ah
[01:59] <duh>
[02:00] <duh> means i have to write a toolserver frontend to it though
[02:00] <duh> so much to do :/
�06[02:00] * wctaiwan is listening to
[02:00] <duh> oh cool thing though
[02:00] <wctaiwan> Idina Menzel is amazing <3
[02:00] <duh> i wrote a generator
�02[02:00] * TheChance ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[02:01] <duh> that parses a dump, figures out whether dump text is up to date, fetches from API if needed, and then yields it
�06[02:01] * SigmaWP doesn't undertstand the wikidatas
[02:01] <wctaiwan> actually, musical singers are generally pretty good.
[02:01] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: no one does. It's lego's plot for world domination.
[02:01] <duh> muahahaha
�03[02:01] * Eth ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[02:02] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:06] <wctaiwan> hey Steven.
�06[02:06] * Zhaofeng_Li thinks about another werewolf game
�06[02:07] * duh wishes people tackled backlogs instead of playing werewolf games
[02:07] <duh> ;)
�06[02:08] * Zhaofeng_Li will do that later
�03[02:09] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[02:11] * Zhaofeng_Li looks into WP:PAFC
[02:12] <Zhaofeng_Li> horrible
[02:12] <wctaiwan> if you can do that without running away screaming, you have passed the test >.>
�03[02:13] * ffunenga ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:13] <Zhaofeng_Li> unref, adverts, coi, pov....
�03[02:14] * KTC (~KTC@wikipedia/KTC) has left #wikipedia-en ("Leaving"�)
�02[02:14] * ELEE (~chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[02:17] <Zhaofeng_Li> oh, does helpmebot has a geoip command?
[02:17] <Zhaofeng_Li> s/has/have ....
[02:17] <duh> yes
�03[02:18] * Zil (52ea9c02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:18] <duh> !geolocate
[02:18] <Zil> Hello.
[02:18] <Zhaofeng_Li> duh: thanks
[02:18] <duh> np
[02:19] <Zil> Could someone rename [[Maria Paradis]] in [[Marie Paradis]]. I don't know where the Maria came from... But it should be Marie...
[02:19] <Zil> There was 2 articles... I suggest a merge. Someone transfrm one of the article s a redirect. So as I'm not an admin, I'm not able to rename.
�02[02:20] * wctaiwan (8c701e85@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[02:22] <Zhaofeng_Li> Zil, looking
[02:23] <Zhaofeng_Li> Zil, [[Marie Paradis]] is a redirect to [[Maria Paradis]]
[02:24] <Zil> Yes.
[02:25] <Zil> I believe the correct name should be Marie rather than Maria.
[02:25] <Zil> As she's from Chamonix and that's the French name.
[02:25] <Zil> Rather then using the italian name.
�03[02:26] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[02:26] * Zhaofeng_Li looks at the references
�02[02:29] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[02:34] <Zhaofeng_Li> Zil, it's Maria. See ("Maria was...")
�06[02:34] * Zhaofeng_Li goes to fix the reference link
[02:36] <Zil> I could find source with Marie...
�03[02:37] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[02:38] <Zil> but well, it's not that important...
�03[02:38] * Zil (52ea9c02@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
[02:39] <Zhaofeng_Li> Zil
[02:39] <Zhaofeng_Li> oh... Zil has left
�02[02:52] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
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[03:18] <SigmaWP> night
�02[03:19] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Once I did bad, and that I heard ever\nTwice I did good, but that I heard never.�)
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[06:35] <Houswright> Good morning. I want to know if it is O.K. to translate and import the article [] into the English Wikipedia.
[06:36] <Houswright> I have seen other articles which were clearly copied into multiple languages.
[06:38] <duh> Houswright: yes you just need to mark it with a "translated" template
[06:38] <duh> let me find it for you
[06:38] <duh>
[06:38] <Houswright> Wow. This chat room is very helpful.
[06:39] <Houswright> IIt turns out my laptop battery is very low so I need to go but I'll be back. Thanks
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[06:58] <gde33> I has the solution wikipedians! We need every user an avitar that walks on the html page. Then it can point and say things about a paraghaps, if others agree you get experience points for that, powah levels and spacial attacks, if they dont agree we make pvp edit warz with exploding heads and limbs flying arround
�02[06:59] * anona ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[06:59] <gde33> melee admins
[06:59] <Moe_Epsilon> o_O
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[07:43] <russavia> jetro --
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[07:43] <russavia>
[07:44] <happarappa> Why do all these porn chicks ruin their bodies with tattoos all over their arms and stuff? I can understand a "tramp stamp", because it's sexy, but why these huge tattoos that really make them look ugly?
�02[07:45] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.�)
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[07:56] <Theopolisme> !admin please give [[User:Darren Stephens]] the instructor user right per request []
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[08:17] <Irunongames> ohai hai
[08:17] <Irunongames> Guess who's at work?
�03[08:18] * Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluffernutter
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[08:20] <Pharos> POTUS
[08:20] <Irunongames> Totesd
[08:20] <Irunongames> *totes
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[08:21] <wctaiwan> Irunongames: what's with the nick?
�02[08:21] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[08:23] <wctaiwan> actually nm I'm going to bed. night all.
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[08:29] <happarappa> Why do all these porn chicks ruin their bodies with tattoos all over their arms and stuff? I can understand a "tramp stamp", because it's sexy, but why these huge tattoos that really make them look ugly?
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[08:30] <Irunongames> I'm at work and I am too lazy too lazy to ghost my main nick
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[08:51] <JohnLewis> Hello Qcoder00
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[09:52] <mareklug> Gfoley4 so,… suppose Kentucky does not make NCAAs… ok.  but what if they don't even make NIT?  Would Calapari get fired?
�03[09:52] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:52] <Anna_Frodesiak> i dont know how to handle this
[09:53] <Gfoley4> probably not
[09:53] <Anna_Frodesiak> archived too soon then buried
[09:53] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[09:53] <Anna_Frodesiak> pls help
[09:53] <Gfoley4> probably already have a 5 star class lined up
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[09:53] <mareklug> Gfoley4 yes.  but this class was supposed to be good.  It's proving that knitting a team is not working.
[09:54] <Gfoley4> yeah
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[09:56] <Irunongames> I just had a pt who could not walk
[09:56] <Irunongames> had no problem with the fact that he could not walk.
[09:56] <Irunongames> refused transport
[09:56] <Irunongames> da faq
[10:00] <mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak it's a talk page.  does it really matter?  I looked at the archive -- it does not seem to have any ongoing discussion
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[10:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> mareklug: well, there was one, but i guess i can start a new one
[10:05] <Anna_Frodesiak> thanks
[10:09] <mareklug> Irunongames would they have to pay for it?
�06[10:09] * IShadowed starts on her rwdc analysis
�06[10:09] * IShadowed blerghs
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[10:10] <Irunongames> mareklug: yes
[10:10] <mareklug> well, there you go.
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[10:28] <russavia>  - can someone add {{commonscat|Macklemore}} to this
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[10:31] <duh> done
[10:31] <duh> i couldnt really find a better place
[10:31] <duh> so i put it under ==Personal life==
�03[10:31] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
�03[10:31] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
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[10:33] <Bradford> :)
[10:34] <russavia> duh -- it goes in the "external links" section
[10:34] <duh> oh
[10:34] <duh> fine
[10:34] <russavia> ==External links==
[10:34] <russavia> {{commonscat|Macklemore}} with other links below it
[10:35] <duh> done
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[10:35] <russavia> thnx
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[10:36] <Bradford> Magog_the_Ogre:  hiii :DDD
[10:37] <Magog_the_Ogre> hello
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[10:51] <IShadowed_> I have to write a literary analysis paper
[10:52] <IShadowed_> I don't want to write a literary analysis paper.
[10:52] <IShadowed_> Life is hard.
�03[10:56] * Riley|Sleep is now known as Riley
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[11:02] <Irunongames> I'm bored
[11:02] <Irunongames> I want a car accident
[11:02] <Irunongames> fuuu
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[11:05] <Pharos> there's a lot of easy EMS work in siberia right now
�03[11:05] * bingster ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:06] <Pharos> also, duck-and-cover works
�02[11:07] * Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[11:08] <Irunongames> watched duck in cover in class the other day
[11:08] <Irunongames> loved it
[11:08] <Irunongames> <3
[11:08] <Pharos> it saved kids in siberia
[11:09] <Pharos> they could have been victims of imperialists otherwise
�02[11:09] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: night�)
[11:09] <Pharos> apparently, that special technique was popular on both sides of the iron curtain
[11:10] <Pharos> and it works against meteors even just as well as h-bombs
[11:10] <Irunongames> Bert the Turtle bro
[11:11] <mareklug> Pharos say what you want, but probably taping clear foil to windows in schools etcetera is probably a good idea
[11:11] <Pharos> i'm not entirely joking
[11:12] <Pharos> it actually worked in siberia, none of the kids got cut by glass shards
[11:12] <Pharos> nuclear civil defense gets a bit of a bap rap
�02[11:12] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[11:12] <Pharos> *bad
[11:13] <Rock_drum> Is a bap rap some sort of spoken poetry about bread buns? ;-)
[11:14] <Pharos> probably!
[11:14] <Irunongames> CDIF is the new MRSA
[11:14] <Irunongames> true story
[11:15] <Pharos> gout is the new gout
�03[11:16] * SimplyPanda is now known as Sarcasm
[11:17] <Irunongames> H2N1 is the new H1N1
[11:17] <Pharos> veganism is the new scurvy
[11:17] <mareklug> horsepucky is the new beef
[11:17] <mareklug> at least in EU
[11:18] <Pharos> it seems borderline insane to me that horsemeat is illegal in the US
[11:19] <Pharos> are we a nation of centaur-worshippers or something?
[11:19] <mareklug> is it illegal?  it was very recently exported, but the last abattoir closed down on account of PETA like pressure, not laws.
[11:19] <Pharos> it's legal to export, but not to sell domestically
[11:19] <mareklug> it's cultural.  we say I could eat a horse, but we never do, as in 0 kg per person year.  In France, though, they kiss on the main street.
�03[11:20] * heinrich5991_ (~hein5991@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:20] <Pharos> your culture is your cuture
�03[11:20] * Pine (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:20] <Pharos> if you want to be kosher or halal or vegan
[11:21] <Pharos> but it seems really odd that the USA has adopted the religion of horse-worship above all else
[11:22] <mareklug> Pharos "Contrary to common belief, it is perfectly legal to consume horse meat in the USA. Check with the USDA to confirm this. Horse is delicious cooked or raw. It is more healthy than beef, and equines carry far less diseases than bovines do. "
[11:22] <Pharos> hmm, consume is different than sell commercialy
[11:23] <D_> Perhaps the last 15 presidents weren't reptilians but equines!
[11:23] <Pharos> is it restricted by state, perhaps?
[11:23] <Pharos> Equine Conspiracy makes much more sense than reptilians
�03[11:24] * Monchoman45 (60f5c05c@wikia/Monchoman45) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:24] <mareklug> "Restriction of human consumption of horse meat in the U.S. has generally involved legislation at the state and local levels. In 1915, for example, the New York City Board of Health amended the sanitary code, making it legal to sell horse meat.[94] During World War II, due to the low supply and high price of beef, New Jersey legalized its sale, but at war's end, the state again prohibited the sale of horse meat." <-- I believe you can
[11:24] <mareklug>  today buy horse meat in Brooklyn, and eat a horse flesh dish at a restaurant, like steak tartare
[11:25] <Pharos> i will try!
[11:25] <D_>
[11:25] <D_> Extra points for the pun in the first sentence
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[11:30] <mareklug> "Harvard University's Faculty Club had horse meat on the menu for over one hundred years, until 1985.[96][97]"  <-- is this where Lennon got the Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds lyric "where rotten horse people eat marshmallow pies"  ?
�03[11:30] * wewe (~francy@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:30] <Pharos> looks like my best bet:
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[11:32] <Pharos> :P
�03[11:32] * PeterSymonds_ (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:32] <mareklug> New Yorkers are such outcry babies
�02[11:32] * PeterSymonds_ (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:33] <Pharos> NIMBY!
[11:34] <mareklug> for crying out loud, they eat moose in Newfoundland.    Newfoundland is positively crawling with moose.
[11:34] <mareklug> a moose is just like a horse, except for Allstate.
�02[11:34] * Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
�06[11:34] * IShadowed_ sighs at all her work
[11:34] <IShadowed_> I don't wanna
[11:35] <mareklug> except for more Allstate *
�03[11:35] * IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed
[11:35] <Pharos>
[11:35] <Pharos> that's the place for me
[11:36] <Pharos> uzbeks in brooklyn!
[11:36] <mareklug> "I went to Sheepshead Bay, looking for Armenian food.  Instead, I found tasty dried horsemeat.  And fake pet birds.  Life is good."
[11:37] <Pharos> it's a fun neighborhood
[11:37] <Pharos> lot of Russian/Soviet stuff
[11:37] <mareklug> I bet the tea is good.
[11:37] <Qcoder00> Help
[11:37] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: But you gotta :-P
[11:37] <Qcoder00> Can someone confirm I'm not going nuts...
[11:37] <Qcoder00> ?
[11:37] <IShadowed> But I really don't wanna
[11:37] <IShadowed> Good thing is, I have an RWDC meeting in 24
[11:38] <IShadowed> It should give me something useful to work on
[11:38] <Qcoder00> - It appears the original SOURCE doucment has crazy page numbering!
[11:38] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[11:38] <Qcoder00> :(
[11:38] <Qcoder00> I'd like someone to confirm it so I don't have to go looking for missing pages
[11:39] <D_> Which pages in particular?
[11:42] <Qcoder00> Around 506 in the djvu indexs
[11:42] <Qcoder00> The page numbers jump back from 468 to 457
[11:43] <Qcoder00> but this isn't an error in the Djvu scan, it seems to be an error present in the original PHYSICAL scans...
[11:43] <Qcoder00> XD
�06[11:43] * Qcoder00 wonders if an 18th century printer made typos ;)
[11:44] <D_> Yes, and they couldn't backspace
[11:44] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: They often arranged blocks incorrectly
[11:44] <Qcoder00> hmm
�03[11:44] * guillom is now known as basile
[11:44] <Qcoder00> The text order is correct though I think
[11:44] <mareklug> considering that they a) did assemble type by hand, b) did not have internet porn, chances are that they did not make typos, no.
[11:44] <D_> I don't understand why these pages are marked with [468]
[11:45] <D_> with brackets
[11:45] <Dcoetzee> Well they didn't make "typos" per se since they didn't... type
[11:45] <D_> They typeset
[11:45] <Qcoder00> Well..
[11:45] <Dcoetzee> But they did misarrange the assembled type
[11:45] <Qcoder00> Whatever
[11:45] <Dcoetzee> On occasion
[11:45] <Qcoder00> I'm having to wonder if I'm going to have check EVERY single page numbers ;)
[11:45] <Qcoder00> :O
[11:45] <mareklug> I would wager they were way more scrupulous than our today's typesetters
[11:46] <Qcoder00> Indeed
[11:46] <Qcoder00> That's what suprisedme
[11:47] <mareklug> Qcoder00 however, the title seems to be something something AT LARGE, which seems to imply a loose leaf collection of pages, not an ordered book.
[11:47] <Qcoder00> OK
[11:47] <D_> I spent good 30 seconds on the File: page looking for the djvu download linl
�03[11:47] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:47] <D_> and then I realized it's still "Full resolution"
[11:48] <Qcoder00> I think it's plausible that the pages aren't in the wrong order, just wrongly numbered in the original work...
[11:48] <Dcoetzee> D_: The full download interface ceases to make sense outside of images :-P
[11:48] <Dcoetzee> It's a minor issue
�03[11:49] * TCOindahowse (4086a899@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:49] <Aranda56> potential history in the making btw............
[11:49] <mareklug> Gfoley4 who new Wisky would just slaughter OSU
�03[11:49] * Vlad_Tepes (~vlad@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:49] <rigel> ok, so i am wondering how i go about editing an article about an organization i am a part of
[11:49] <Gfoley4> yep
[11:49] <rigel> especially when said page doesnt appear to have many watchers
�02[11:50] * gwickwire (uid7916@wikipedia/gwickwire) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[11:50] <rigel> but a lot of it is outdated or needs clearing of cruft a la [[wp:recent]] language fixes
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[11:52] <Aranda56> i wonder if Patrick most likely winning the pole position for the Daytona 500, some idiotic sports nut would nominate it per ITN
[11:54] <Aranda56> of course if Patrick wins the Daytona 500 it's a big step in women's history and probably will be ITN quick
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[11:55] <Pharos> Patrick is disqualified from ITN and all feminist accomplishments now because of godaddy
[11:56] <Pharos> sad but true!
�03[11:57] * JohnLewis|Away is now known as JohnLewis
�03[11:57] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:57] <Aranda56> but if she wins NASCAR main event, it's still an historic moment Go Daddy or not
[11:58] <Aranda56> being a female driver in a sport that always been dominated by men
[11:58] <Aranda56> i see an easy ITN if Patrick wins a race, with no bloodbath just for that reason alone
�06[11:58] * Dcoetzee generally agrees with that
[11:59] <Dcoetzee> A main event Nascar win by a female would change perception of the sport
[11:59] <Pharos> i  am slightly facetious on this point
[11:59] <Dcoetzee> And inspire more women to enter it
[11:59] <Aranda56> yes
[11:59] <Aranda56> would be an really historic moment
[12:00] <Pharos> it's hard to call anything in NASCAR historic, but ok
[12:00] <Aranda56> women winning in a men sport
[12:00] <Aranda56> she almost won the Indy 500 her rookie race
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[12:00] <Dcoetzee> I'm an e-sports fan (Starcraft 2) and I'd be really happy to even see a female compete in the top 8 at MLG or another major gaming tournament.
[12:00] <rigel> is it acceptable to use a separate username (so long as there is linking/attribution on the userpages) to edit pages i may be perceived to have a conflict of interest on?
[12:00] <Dcoetzee> It is overwhelmingly male-dominated.
[12:01] <IShadowed> heh.
[12:01] <Dcoetzee> rigel: If it's to avoid the appearance of COI then no, that's not a legit reason for an alternate account :-P
[12:01] <mareklug> Aranda56 it is only men's sport b/c of cultural precedence.  There is no technical reason, unlike boxing or track and field or football, why women should not win all kinds of car racing events all the time or at least half of the time :)
[12:01] <rigel> no, not to avoid, but to flag it as a potential coi
[12:02] <Aranda56> Indianapolis 500, 24 Hours of LeMons, Monaco Grand Prix, Daytona 500 probably the four biggest races in the world
[12:02] <Aranda56> mareklug women tried, and failed before on that sport thoughout its history
[12:02] <rigel> [[PharmFree]] is an organization i have had some involvement with. and this article sucks in any number of ways.
[12:02] <Pharos> i think the physical sport where women dominate most vs men is long-distance swimming
[12:03] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Just tag it with your main account. No big deal.
[12:03] <Aranda56> a NASCAR win by Patrick despite all her GoDaddy bs and gossip tabloid news, it's a big deal
[12:03] <Dcoetzee> rigel: If you're not sure about COI, leave a note on the talk page.
[12:03] <mareklug> Aranda56 it is only a matter of a) time b) numbers, c) training.  Women in a car are just as likely as women operating the space station
[12:03] <Pharos> it's a big deal if you care about NASCAR :P
[12:04] <Aranda56> mareklug if she wins, it would motivate much more women into auto racing
[12:04] <Pharos> now, i would like to see a Saudi Arabian woman win the Indy 500
[12:04] <rigel> hrm
[12:04] <Aranda56> and practically break the male dominated sport
[12:05] <mareklug> Pharos more likely than olympic track event.  she would not have to uncover herself
[12:05] <Bradford> :-)
[12:05] <Dcoetzee> Pharos: That'd be kind of hilariously awesome. Since Saudi Arabian women aren't allowed to drive :-P
[12:05] <Pharos> indeed :P
[12:05] <mareklug> Dcoetzee it would clearly be an apostate
�03[12:05] * Bradford is now known as motaz-abo-alazzz
[12:06] <Pharos> well, racing isn't really the same as travelling alone
[12:06] <Pharos> so you bcould justidy it on shariah grouns!s
[12:06] <Pharos> *grounds
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[12:07] <mareklug> Pharos not if Koran forbids it.  Acoording to that Indonesian mayor on Summatra, it does riding motorcycles the usual way
[12:07] <Aranda56> two more drivers before she wins the pole, which would be huge either way
[12:07] <Pharos> Genghis Khan rode sidesaddle!
[12:07] <Pharos> nothing wrong with that
[12:08] <D_> Was it so he could shoot his bow better?
[12:08] <Pharos> and he fired flaming arrows at the same time
�02[12:08] * bingster ( Quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.8 sic populo comunicated�)
[12:08] <mareklug> Pharos maybe she can then win Indy 500 riding side saddle
[12:08] <mareklug> "with a cheetah taped to her back"
[12:08] <Pharos> maybe, or maybe he was just very comfortable with all positions
[12:08] <Aranda56> again watching history is awesome
[12:08] <D_> So he was showing off?
[12:08] <TCOindahowse> What is the function of "Larabot"?
[12:08] <Pharos> no, all the mongols did that
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[12:09] <D_> Ah.
[12:09] <Pharos> it's considered feminine in the west, but they didn't think that way
[12:09] <Aranda56> I stopped following NASCAR after Dale Earnhardt death, Patrick got me hooked again
[12:09] <D_> I just imagined a kind of "Look, I can conquer you with my hands behind my back" situation
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[12:11] <rigel> does anyone happen to know the wp:mos guideline for use of "recent" and other time type language?
[12:12] <rigel> not finding it
[12:12] <Aranda56> Patrick won the pole for NASCAR biggest race :)
[12:12] <D_> rigel: WP:DATED
�03[12:12] * Jasper_Deng (~Jasper_De@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:13] <Amqui> good morning
[12:13] <SigmaWP> 'tis afternoon where I live
[12:13] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Lemme find it...
[12:14] <rigel> Dcoetzee: i think D_ got it
[12:14] <Amqui> SigmaWP Sunday's afternoons are still mornings ;)
[12:14] <Dcoetzee> So he did
�02[12:14] * Submarine (~david@wikipedia/Monniaux/David) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[12:14] <Dcoetzee> Damn him and his mastery of acronyms
[12:14] <rigel> there should be a wikipedia quiz show
[12:15] <Dcoetzee> I'm not sure that's the right link
[12:15] <rigel> "what policy would you cite when removing language like "recently, organization foo sued person bar'"?
[12:15] <Dcoetzee> WP:REALTIME is the one I found
�03[12:15] * Nix-7c0 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:15] <IShadowed> <rigel> there should be a wikipedia quiz show
[12:15] <rigel> a. WP:DATED
[12:15] <rigel> b. WP:RECENT
[12:15] <IShadowed> "What percentage of active Wikipedia editors are virgins?"
[12:16] <IShadowed> 95%
[12:16] <IShadowed> 72%
[12:16] <IShadowed> 49%
[12:16] <IShadowed> 99%
[12:16] <geniice> 72%
[12:16] <rigel> 162%
�06[12:16] * IShadowed claps for rigel
[12:16] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Well I'm going to assume most of the prepubescent ones are :-P
[12:17] <Dcoetzee> And going by maturity level, there have to be a lot of those...
[12:17] <IShadowed> >.>
[12:17] <D_> Do we categorize "MR. SMITH THE ENGLISH TEACHER IS GAY" vandals as "Wikipedia editors?"
[12:17] <Dcoetzee> Technically yes :-P
[12:17] <Dcoetzee> They are users who perform edits
[12:18] <Dcoetzee> But it depends on context whether they'd be included
�02[12:18] * Catbuntu (~catbuntu@wikimedia/unrar) Quit (Quit: MrTeenSmoking = <3�)
[12:19] <Dcoetzee> Here's a fun one: How many policies and guidelines are linked from [[Wikipedia:Key policies and guidelines]], and what is their total length in printed pages?
[12:21] <D_> I wanna see one of those book spammers on Amazon to publish a comprehensive book on WP policies
[12:21] <Dcoetzee> That'd be enormous. And rapidly outdated. :-P
[12:21] <IShadowed> noooooooooooooooo
[12:21] <D_> It might work as a doorstop
[12:21] <IShadowed> noooooooooooooooooooooooo
[12:22] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: What's wrong? :-(
[12:22] <Theo|away>  !admin please give [[User:Darren Stephens]] the instructor user right per request []
[12:22] <IShadowed> worst idea
[12:22] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[12:22] <Gfoley4> can admins even do that?
[12:22] <Dcoetzee> Incidentally I just found
[12:22] <Dcoetzee> Which is kind of a neat page. Short summaries of all 40 policies. :-P
[12:22] <D_> Pencil-themed
[12:23] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: On it
[12:23] <D_>
[12:23] <D_> I dunno how that is supposed to evoke "deletion"
[12:23] <Dcoetzee> D_: That's really really weird
[12:24] <Dcoetzee> How is deletion like sharpening a pencil?
[12:24] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: Done
[12:24] <D_> Well, uh, you have to sharpen your pencil first before crossing stuff out with it?
�02[12:26] * Iamred (~Iamred@unaffiliated/iamred) Quit (Quit: Gone but will return.�)
[12:26] <Theo|away> Thanks, Dcoetzee :)
[12:26] <Theo|away> While you
[12:26] <Theo|away> 're here, can you also un-create protect [[Tiffany Alvord]] so I can move my 1K+ hits/month userspace draft there
[12:26] <Theo|away> please and thank you?
�02[12:27] * Vacation9 (~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:27] <D_> Desalination
[12:27] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: Link your draft please
[12:28] <Theo|away> [[User:Theopolisme/Tiffany Alvord]]; its a junky stub, but its better than nothing.
[12:28] <Theo|away> ** it's
[12:29] <Dcoetzee> Okay that is not an A7
[12:29] <Theo|away> Thanks for your vote of faith ;)
�06[12:29] * IShadowed sighs
[12:30] <IShadowed> I want a biscotti end
[12:30] <IShadowed> but
[12:30] <IShadowed> too many calories
�06[12:30] * IShadowed glares at the damn biscotti
[12:30] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: While I'm at it I'm going to restore the old version and do a history merge, just for interest's sake
[12:30] <rigel> Anyone want to review my edits for NPOV etc?
[12:30] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: No low-calorie alternative?
[12:30] <rigel> this article needs either a whole lot of work or to be folded into the AMSA article, i think.
[12:30] <IShadowed> nah
[12:30] <IShadowed> just torture
[12:31] <rigel> again, the article is [[PharmFree]]
[12:31] <Theo|away> Dcoetzee: sounds good. thanks.
[12:33] <IShadowed> ewwww fluid dynamics testing
[12:33] <IShadowed> ewwwwwwwww
�06[12:33] * IShadowed shivers
�06[12:33] * Dcoetzee buys some Biscottis and eats them slowly in front of IShadowed
[12:33] <IShadowed> I don't wanna do airfoil validation
[12:33] <IShadowed> hey
[12:33] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: Deployed now :-)
[12:33] <IShadowed> you bastard
[12:33] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: ;-)
�03[12:33] * mareklug_ (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:33] <IShadowed> you get whatever's coming to you
[12:34] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Looking forward to it :-P
[12:34] <IShadowed> ..
�06[12:34] * IShadowed facepalms
[12:34] <IShadowed> not
[12:34] <IShadowed> the
�06[12:34] * IShadowed sighs
[12:34] <IShadowed> I don't even.
�06[12:34] * Dcoetzee laughs
�06[12:34] * Dcoetzee bows
[12:36] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: I am impressed that your user draft was around long enough to get vandalism from fans
�06[12:36] * Theo|away bows
[12:36] <rigel> So is simply being president of a notable organization enough to establish notability?
[12:37] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Nope. Notability is not inherited.
[12:37] <rigel> thats what i thought
[12:37] <Theo|away> googling "Tiffany Alvord wiki" brings it up as the no. 2 result
[12:37] <rigel> [sigh]
[12:37] <Dcoetzee> WP:NOTINHERITED
[12:37] <Theo|away> Dcoetzee: User:Theopolisme/Tiffany_Alvord
[12:38] <Theo|away> I mean,
[12:38] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: Your user draft appears to have achieved the status of a de facto article :-P
[12:38] <D_> Clearly we could write an entire encyclopedia in userspace and people would read it
[12:39] <rigel> Dcoetzee: clearly at some point AMSA wanted to have their presidents listed on wikipedia. would a list of past amsa presidents be notable enough to persist?
[12:39] <Theo|away> And a popular one, at that. :P
[12:39] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Maaaybe
[12:39] <Dcoetzee> Theo|away: More popular than some articles :-P
[12:39] <rigel> because there are two here that are completely non-notable by themselves
[12:39] <rigel> lauren hughes and brian hurley
�03[12:40] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:40] <rigel> im just gonna send them to AfD i guess
[12:41] <Dcoetzee> Sounds good to me
[12:41] <Dcoetzee> I think A7 should be avoided for long-standing articles
[12:42] <rigel> what is a7, speedy?
[12:42] <Dcoetzee> Yeah
[12:43] <rigel> done and done
[12:44] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[12:44] <rigel> twinkle makes this shit so much easier, holy crap
[12:44] <rigel> how do i tag these AfDs with additional categories
[12:45] <Dcoetzee> I think you just add the categories. Take a look at other recent AfDs with cats on them
[12:45] <D_> I never see people delsorting their own nominations
[12:45] <rigel> oh ok
[12:46] <Dcoetzee> I don't because I can't figure out delsorting
[12:46] <Dcoetzee> But it's a good idea anyway
�02[12:46] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[12:46] <rigel> yeah, i wasnt sure how to, but i noticed that a lot of additional tags were added.
[12:46] <D_> I think you just add a note to the discussion and then transclude at the relevant page
[12:46] <rigel> ive had not enough people chime in on an AfD before, i think because it wasnt delsorted
[12:47] <rigel> i will just wait for someone else to do it
[12:48] <rigel> and i am going to urge AMSA to hire someone to handle their wikipedia crap
[12:48] <rigel> because they clearly dont know what the fuck theyre doing
[12:48] <D_> As long as they don't interpret it the way most organizations do
[12:48] <D_> That is "hire someone to sanitize our entries"
[12:49] <rigel> yeah, i know. :(
[12:49] <D_> I find it funny that a lot of them are not even good at it
[12:49] <D_> as in, they'll delete the reflist and think that solves it
[12:49] <rigel> i can at least point them at people like lane rasberry or pete forsyth
�02[12:49] * Jab843 (~Jab843@wikipedia/Jab843) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[12:50] <rigel> i think there is the possibility to urge them to join the WP:MED spinoff too, in which case they will really need to get on the stick
�06[12:51] * addshore waves at every!
[12:51] <addshore> Please stop adding interwikilinks to EN people! See Wikidata!
[12:51] <addshore> :D
[12:52] <IShadowed> Imma die
[12:52] <JohnLewis> Addshore: No.
[12:52] <addshore> :<
[12:52] <JohnLewis> :P
[12:52] <rigel> oh, this is fucking beautiful
[12:52] <rigel>
[12:53] <Dcoetzee> Overlinking is really hilarious sometimes
[12:54] <Dcoetzee> "The town had a pond, as large as a [[lake]], where a [[Bubonic plague|plague]]-bearing [[European dragon|dragon]] dwelled that [[venom|envenomed]] all the countryside. To appease the dragon, the people of Silene used to feed it two [[Domestic sheep|sheep]] every day, and when the sheep failed, they fed it their children, chosen by [[lottery]]."
[12:54] <D_> What if I don't know what a day, child or pond is?
[12:54] <D_> Better link those
[12:54] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[12:55] <Dcoetzee> "The king, distraught with grief, told the people they could have all his [[gold]] and [[silver]] and half of his kingdom if his daughter were spared; the people refused. The daughter was sent out to the lake, decked out as a [[bride]], to be fed to the dragon."
[12:55] <Dcoetzee> Clearly, one must read the article on gold to understand its significance in this story.
[12:55] <D_> Well, yes
[12:55] <IShadowed> I... I tend to be guilty of that
[12:56] <D_> How else are you going to know that in the history of Earth gold was generally considered very valuable
[12:56] <Dcoetzee> D_: I begin to think Wikipedia would look very different if it was targeted at aliens
[12:56] <D_>
�02[12:56] * Rastrojo (~Rastrojo@unaffiliated/rastrojo) Quit (Quit: ESPANHA UMA E NÃO CINQUENTA E UMA�)
�03[12:57] * motaz-abo-alazzz is now known as El_Patron
�03[12:58] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:58] <D_> Plus, it doesn't have to be aliens
[12:58] <D_> it might be humans couple hundred years from now, living in a post-nuclear wasteland
[12:58] <D_> "Daddy, what is 'gold?'" "I dunno, son, let's consult the Ancient Wise Wikipedia"
�03[12:59] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:00] * Jan_telco (b21a0b49@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:00] <Dcoetzee> D_: True true :-P
�03[13:00] * El_Patron is now known as El_Patron|No_Est
�03[13:01] * El_Patron|No_Est is now known as El_Patron|Away
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�02[13:02] * M132T003C (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�)
[13:03] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: :D
�06[13:04] * Dcoetzee hugs MJ94 :-)
�03[13:04] * Maple__ is now known as Maplewing
�02[13:04] * Jan_telco (b21a0b49@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
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�06[13:04] * MJ94 giggles
[13:05] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: PM?
[13:06] <D_> title=food|url=strong|work=normal|publisher=section foods|accessdate=2013.02.16
[13:06] <D_> Not sure what the IP that added this was trying to accomplish
[13:06] <IShadowed> The temptation to play the Sims
[13:06] <IShadowed> is too damn high
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Bad girl. :-P You know you got a lot to do today
[13:07] <IShadowed> >.>
[13:07] <IShadowed> oh
[13:07] <IShadowed> oh
[13:07] <IShadowed> hey
[13:07] <IShadowed> tomorrow I have off from school
[13:07] <IShadowed> excellent
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> I do too
[13:07] <Dcoetzee> SAme reason probs
[13:07] <IShadowed> bullshit
[13:08] <IShadowed> there's no rest for the wicked
�06[13:08] * IShadowed dodge
[13:08] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: None for either of us then :-P
[13:08] <IShadowed> never said there was
�02[13:09] * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) Quit (Quit: All babies look like Eisenhower�)
�03[13:09] * yeboot ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:09] <yeboot> hello wikipedians
[13:10] <IShadowed> sup bitch
�06[13:10] * Dcoetzee waves to yeboot
[13:11] <IShadowed> I don't... I don't understand this.
�02[13:11] * southpark ( Quit (Read error: No route to host�)
[13:11] <yeboot> so I went to the harlem shake meme page
[13:12] <yeboot> to try and figure out what the meme was
[13:12] <yeboot> and found absolutely no answers
[13:12] <D_> This looks like the beginning of a homosexual pornographic video
[13:12] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Well that was... interesting
[13:12] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Also how did you know yeboot was about to ask about the Harlem Shake meme?
[13:12] <IShadowed> D_, I think it is
[13:13] <Dcoetzee> Oh wait you didn't
[13:13] <Dcoetzee> They saw your video and looked it up
�06[13:13] * Dcoetzee facepalms
[13:13] <IShadowed> you continue to be a paragon of brilliance, seriously
[13:13] <yeboot> lol
[13:13] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Shut up :-P
�03[13:13] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:13] <yeboot> that page should seriously be edited if not deleted
[13:14] <Dcoetzee> yeboot:
[13:14] <yeboot> references a lot of personal web blogs of newspaper and media people
[13:14] <Dcoetzee> There's a somewhat more informative page
[13:14] <yeboot> Dcoetzee it's a sad day when a website run by the cheezburger network is better at an encyclopedia entry than wikipedia
�03[13:15] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:15] <Dcoetzee> yeboot: KYM is almost always better at documenting memes than Wikipedia
[13:15] <Dcoetzee> Largely because they permit original research
[13:15] <Dcoetzee> Also because of their lax copyright policies
[13:16] <D_> I'm surprised that anything on the cheezburger network is worth anything
[13:16] <yeboot> Dcoetzee that's just sad
[13:16] <Dcoetzee> I'll be frank about this.
[13:16] <Dcoetzee> You cannot comply with copyright law, and document memes effectively.
[13:16] <Dcoetzee> It is completely impossible.
[13:16] <D_> Ugh, with parenthetical references what do I put in instead of the author if I don't have an author?
�06[13:16] * IShadowed rolls her eyes at the hippies
[13:16] <yeboot> yeah you can
[13:16] <D_> I feel like my college education should've prepared me for this
[13:17] <yeboot> you just state the facts
[13:17] <yeboot> and cite your sources
[13:17] <Dcoetzee> yeboot: Picture is worth 1000 words :-P
[13:17] <yeboot> fact: KYM still gets memes wrong
[13:17] <yeboot> in the case of a video meme?
[13:17] <yeboot> shush
[13:17] <Dcoetzee> Who could understand Nyan Cat without seeing Nyan Cat?
[13:17] <D_> memes and copyright laws are at odds with each other
[13:17] <yeboot> Dcoetzee if I were looking for an explanation as to what nyan cat was it'd be simple
[13:17] <yeboot> 'cat, rainbow, music'
[13:18] <Dcoetzee> It's not that simple!
[13:18] <Jetro> Cat, rainbow, music.
[13:18] <BlastHardcheese> You think this is a motherfucking GAME?!
[13:18] <Dcoetzee> It's also a cherry Pop Tart, and flies through space
[13:19] <Dcoetzee> This is the part where anyone who has not seen it says "uh what?"
[13:19] <yeboot> Cat, rainbows, and leaves.
[13:19] <yeboot> Cat rainbows and leaves.
[13:19] <IShadowed> Solving the world's problems, I see
[13:20] <Jetro> Always.
�06[13:20] * IShadowed glances over her textbook and glares disapprovingly
�02[13:20] * Maple__ (uid10029@trivialand/student/maple) Quit (Quit: Updating details, brb�)
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[13:20] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Do your work :-P
[13:20] <IShadowed> Right back at you
[13:20] <Dcoetzee> Point :-P
[13:21] <Jetro> Drop out of school, like a pro.
�06[13:21] * Jetro dances 
[13:21] <yeboot> drop out fo school if yyou're inspired enough to succeed
[13:22] <Jetro> Yeah.. that's me 8-)
[13:22] <yeboot> if you're not you need the paper that says you have the ability to stick to a task you don't like long enough to complete it
[13:22] <IShadowed> ..
�02[13:22] * southpark ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[13:22] <Jetro> YEEEAH
[13:22] <yeboot> which tells employers that even if you don't love your work, you'll get your job done
[13:22] <Jetro> yeboot talks so much sense :D
�02[13:22] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) Quit (Quit: Bjarki�)
[13:22] <IShadowed> you're both dumb.
�06[13:22] * IShadowed chems
[13:22] <Jetro> >:C
�06[13:23] * Dcoetzee sighs :-P
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�03[13:26] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
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[13:32] <yeboot> you're totally uninspired IShadowed
[13:32] <yeboot> :|
[13:32] <IShadowed> yep, I never see any beauty in the world
[13:33] <IShadowed> I'm just here to constantly piss people off and take away dreams
[13:33] <yeboot> <3
�03[13:33] * Yetanotherx (~Yetanothe@wikipedia/Soxred93) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:33] <yeboot> take my dreams, bitch
[13:33] <yeboot> also hello Yetanotherx
[13:33] <IShadowed> I'll take more than your dreams.
[13:33] <yeboot> oh bb
�06[13:33] * IShadowed snorts
[13:33] <IShadowed> you wish
[13:33] <Yetanotherx> hello
[13:33] <yeboot> I don't, you take away my dreams, remember?
[13:34] <IShadowed> wishes are distinct from dreams
[13:34] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: A creature of destruction and hopelessness, you are :-P
[13:35] <russavia> jetro -- my new favourite place in norway --
[13:35] <Jetro> ah yes
[13:35] <Jetro> I hope to see that someday
[13:35] <D_> I like the name
[13:35] <Jetro> But I just wanna be near civilisation.. e_e
[13:35] <Jetro> Yeah
[13:36] <Jetro> Troll meant something else before the internet came and revived it
[13:36] <Jetro> Is the photographer named Stuff?
[13:36] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee,
[13:37] <D_> Well, Internet trolls were named after the troll trolls
�02[13:37] * AndyBotwin (~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[13:37] <IShadowed> always loved that speech
[13:37] <russavia> i suspect it is MichaelClarke but he uses "stuff" in his flickr name, so i have too
[13:37] <Jetro> D_: sure, sure
[13:37] <Jetro> russavia right
[13:37] <D_> Also, fun fact: "troll trolls" is an example of [[contrastive focus reduplication]]
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[13:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug so egypt recognises kosovo?
[13:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> any flame war over this :/
[13:38] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Awesome
[13:38] <IShadowed> I get really into the voice acting :<
[13:38] <IShadowed> best part
[13:39] <yeboot> civilization
�06[13:39] * ToAruShiroiNeko pretends IShadowed voice-act wikipe-tan or jimbo
[13:39] <IShadowed> ..
[13:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> would be cute :3
[13:40] <IShadowed> the first 1:30 is basically how I feel with Nationals
[13:40] <IShadowed> "Mortals that fancy themselves heroes have entered the Broken Hall"
[13:40] <IShadowed> :3
[13:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee about copyright reform, I think I have an idea
�03[13:40] * FLHerne ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:41] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: But you are a great warrior
[13:41] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Oh yeah?
[13:41] <IShadowed> nope
[13:41] <IShadowed> always range
[13:41] <IShadowed> never warrior
[13:41] <IShadowed> warrior is too blunt force trauma-y
[13:41] <Dcoetzee> Fair enough :-P
[13:41] <IShadowed> I like strategic anguish
�03[13:41] * lukas23 is now known as lukas|away
[13:42] <Dcoetzee> No sense messing up your hair while you mow down your enemies
[13:42] <IShadowed> not entirely the point
[13:42] <IShadowed> but it never really gets that competitive anyway, so
[13:42] <IShadowed> :P
�03[13:42] * El_Patron|Away is now known as El_Patron
[13:42] <Dcoetzee> :-P
�03[13:42] * Chip123456 (56a1d286@wikipedia/Chip123456) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:43] <Chip123456> !admin
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[13:44] <Fluffernutter> ..
[13:44] <Jetro> ...
[13:44] <D_> ....
�03[13:44] * Chip123456 (56a1d286@wikipedia/Chip123456) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:44] * southpark ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[13:44] <Jetro> ..... .
[13:45] <Chip123456> Could someone take a look at AIV
�03[13:45] * Chip123456 (56a1d286@wikipedia/Chip123456) has left #wikipedia-en
[13:45] <Fluffernutter> yep, AIV is still there
�03[13:45] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:45] <IShadowed> we need a board called AIDS
[13:45] <Jetro> well stop parting 24/7 then
[13:45] <D_> WP:AIDS is taken up by WikiProject AIDS
[13:46] <D_> I wonder if it's dead
�03[13:46] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:46] <yeboot> :(
[13:47] <addshore> does anyone know of a js script that will give me a button on a user talk page to automatically add a template of my choice?
[13:47] <IShadowed>
�03[13:47] * Riley is now known as Riley|Work
[13:47] <D_> Doesn't TW let you define custom templates?
[13:48] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I can't be the only one who prefers the left versions of some of those people :-P
[13:48] <IShadowed> .. >.<
[13:48] <IShadowed> butbut
[13:49] <D_> Just so we're clear, "unfuck" isn't really an appropriate edit summary, is it?
[13:49] <rigel> so is problematic
[13:49] <yeboot> unfuck this article
[13:49] <yeboot> lol
[13:49] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Also that's totally not a fair comparison because they changed lighting, pose, depth of field, etc. too :-P
[13:49] <yeboot> so concise
�06[13:49] * IShadowed rolls her eyes
[13:49] <IShadowed> look motherfucker
[13:49] <IShadowed> they look better
[13:49] <IShadowed> k
�02[13:49] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Quit: While there's life, there's hope.�)
[13:49] <rigel> I have in the past had run-ins with DS, hes both an admin and totally un-reasonable at times
[13:49] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: To each their own :-P
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�06[13:50] * IShadowed stares at her glitter eyeliner
�06[13:50] * IShadowed :|s
[13:50] <addshore> D_: I literally just want this one special button for 1 special template though ;p
�03[13:50] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[13:50] * AndyBotwin (~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:51] <D_> Poach the js from TW and adapt it to your own needs
�03[13:51] * El_Patron is now known as El_Patro|Away
[13:51] <addshore> could be a plan
�02[13:54] * Maple__ (uid10029@trivialand/student/maple) Quit (Excess Flood�)
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[13:55] <Maple__> darn this
�06[13:57] * D_ darns 
[13:57] <Jetro> darn tits
�02[13:57] * FLHerne ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[13:58] <yeboot> [[eyeliner]]
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[14:03] <Dcoetzee> D_: I didn't know you darn
[14:04] <D_> I usually don't advertise it.
[14:05] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[14:06] <IShadowed> I need to stop listening to rap
[14:07] <IShadowed> I start breaking down the technical correctness
[14:07] <IShadowed> "No, Kanye, you can't 'fly off into NASA', that's an organization!"
[14:08] <D_> Presumably he could've used "NASA" as a synecdoche for for the NASA HQ or a similar place
[14:09] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I wonder whether their understanding of street culture is marginally more accurate
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[14:09] <IShadowed> D_, no, no
[14:09] <IShadowed> you fuckers need to stop being optomistic
[14:09] <IShadowed> some people are just stupid, okay
[14:09] <D_> But WP:AGF
[14:09] <Dcoetzee> Kanye West seems less stupid and more of a jerkass to me
[14:10] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, it's my understanding that snorting coke is marginally easier than rocket science
[14:10] <IShadowed> so, yeah, probably.
[14:10] <Dcoetzee> :-P
�02[14:10] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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[14:12] <IShadowed> "If a sealed syringe is plunged into cold water, in which direction will the syringe piston slide?"
[14:12] <IShadowed> ohbb
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[14:15] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Dirty mind :-P
[14:15] <IShadowed> Yeah. I get desperate when doing homework, y'know.
[14:17] <D_> Whatever floats your boat
[14:17] <D_> In this case, fluid mechanics
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[14:20] <IShadowed> heh. Fluids.
�06[14:20] * IShadowed sighs at self
[14:20] <IShadowed> I do need to do airfoil validation though
�06[14:20] * IShadowed grumbles
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�06[14:21] * BlastHardcheese dons his aluminium foil hat
[14:21] <IShadowed> not that kind of foil
[14:21] <JohnLewis> Guys, Where do you think the most effective place is to put a notice about interwiki links is?
�02[14:21] * Pine (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[14:22] <D_> Main page
[14:22] <duh> lol
[14:22] <D_> MediaWiki:Watchlist-details
[14:22] <JohnLewis> Addshore ^ Watchlist could be worth it?
[14:23] <addshore> mehi dont know how I could make a short notice about it
[14:24] <addshore> saying about wikidata, removing then isnt always vandalism, make sure they exist before you remove them, dont bother adding iw on en add on wd instead
[14:24] <JohnLewis> Just put 'Put any interwiki links, you blocked. Okai?'
[14:24] <addshore> opinions for how to fit that in a few words? ;p
�02[14:24] * Frakir (~nemesis@unaffiliated/frakir) Quit
[14:24] <duh> wtf
[14:24] <duh> seriously
[14:24] <duh> people are confused enough about wikidata
�03[14:24] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:24] <duh> dont confuse them even more
[14:24] <D_> Wikidata is now live. Interwiki links may be removed, provided a Wikidata entry exists.
[14:24] <duh> no
[14:24] <duh> see
[14:24] <duh> thats wrong
[14:24] <duh> and bad advice
[14:25] <addshore> D_: Love you :)
[14:25] <JohnLewis> +1 to D_
[14:25] <duh> no
[14:25] <addshore> infact yes thats bad :/
[14:25] <duh> what D_ said was wrong.
[14:25] <D_> Is it?
[14:25] <duh> yes.
[14:25] <addshore> they need to be on wikidata before removing
[14:25] <duh> solution: NO ONE REMOVE LINKS
[14:25] <addshore> my opinion on the message would be just dont bother touching them :P
[14:25] <duh> let the fucking bots do it
[14:25] <duh> they dont fuck up
[14:25] <addshore> duh: exactly
[14:25] <duh> Dcoetzee: YES THANK YOU
[14:25] <IShadowed> <3
[14:26] <D_> Wikidata is now live. Everyone go home.
[14:26] <IShadowed> Someone made Dcoetzee yell, and it wasn't me
[14:26] <IShadowed> impressive
[14:26] <JohnLewis> D_ but who turns the lights off?
[14:26] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: :-P Except I was joking
[14:26] <duh> the bots do
[14:26] <duh> sheesh
�02[14:26] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[14:26] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You've frustrated me way more than any of these hacks have managed
[14:26] <IShadowed> Excellent
�03[14:27] * ffunenga ( has left #wikipedia-en ("leaving"�)
[14:28] <IShadowed> I refuse to be surpassed by rookies
[14:28] <Dcoetzee> :-P You refuse to be surpassed period
[14:29] <IShadowed> That too
[14:29] <JohnLewis> What the hell?
[14:29] <D_> I ask myself that every day
[14:29] <JohnLewis> I just went to WilliamH's user talk and I got redirected to Special:Books
[14:30] <D_> I didn't
[14:31] <JohnLewis> What the hell... Anyway, Back onto what ever living topic we have.
[14:31] <D_> Dcoetzee yelling, apparently
�06[14:31] * IShadowed smirks
[14:31] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[14:31] <Dcoetzee> Moving right along
[14:31] <Dcoetzee> D_: What's your favourite ice cream flavour?
�06[14:31] * IShadowed continues to smirk, says nothing, turns back to test
[14:31] <JohnLewis> But, Dcoetzee can't yell.
[14:31] <D_> Uhhhh...
[14:31] <D_> Vanilla?
�03[14:32] * TheChance ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:32] * Cncplayer is now known as Cncmaster
[14:32] <Dcoetzee> Nothing wrong with vanilla. Some people are into that.
�06[14:32] * IShadowed snorts
�06[14:32] * IShadowed hides behind her coffee mug
[14:32] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: ;-)
[14:33] <El_Patro|Away> :)
�06[14:33] * Dcoetzee waves to El_Patro|Away
[14:33] <El_Patro|Away> :o
[14:34] <El_Patro|Away> xD
�03[14:34] * El_Patro|Away is now known as El_Patron
[14:34] <El_Patron> :D
[14:34] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[14:34] <El_Patron> whit Dcoetzee
[14:34] <El_Patron> (---------8
[14:34] <Dcoetzee> That's a long nose :-)
[14:34] <El_Patron> :DDD
[14:35] <El_Patron> bye :D
[14:35] <Jetro> :---P
[14:35] <TBloemink> ..da fuq
[14:35] <Dcoetzee> El_Patron: Byebye
[14:36] <IShadowed> "nose"
[14:36] <SigmaWP> le nez
[14:36] <SigmaWP> 鼻子
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�02[14:41] * yeboot ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[14:42] <gwickwire> o.o
[14:42] <gwickwire> why is SigmaWP speaking chinese?
[14:42] <JohnLewis> Because he can?
[14:42] <gwickwire> okay.
�02[14:44] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[14:44] * Vacation9 (~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[14:46] * IShadowed runs off to drive home
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�03[14:51] * Maple__ is now known as Maplewing
[14:56] <D_> "Defining the United States of America"
[14:56] <D_> Oh boy that sounds serious
[14:57] <Aranda56> D_ heh
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[15:04] <JohnLewis> Guys, I was going to ask this to other day; What do you think regarding the LHC switching off two two years?
[15:05] <TCOindahowse> where do i request a translation?
[15:05] <TCOindahowse> And I don't want some long wait...want it fast
[15:06] <PeterSymonds> In that case, you probably need to poke a native speaker for their generosity.
[15:06] <Dcoetzee> JohnLewis: Well maintaining your super-expensive equipment is a good idea
�02[15:06] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[15:06] <Dcoetzee> That's kinda like saying "what do you think about them closing the bridge for repairs?" :-P
[15:06] <JohnLewis> Especially when it can created a blackhole Dcoetzee.
�02[15:06] * GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) Quit (Quit: GabrielF�)
[15:07] <Dcoetzee> I'm not sure the LHC can actually create a blackhole :-P
[15:07] <D_> Next you'll tell me it can't open trans-dimensional portals either
[15:07] <Dcoetzee> Only to Candyland
[15:07] <JohnLewis> :P
[15:08] <Dcoetzee> There have been reports of opening portals to Star Wars Extended Universe, but it instantly collapsed due to contradictions
�02[15:10] * Yetanotherx (~Yetanothe@wikipedia/Soxred93) Quit (Quit: ZNC -�)
�02[15:11] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.�)
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[15:13] <geniice> I kinda assumed that the new films will kill off any post battle of yavin EU
[15:13] <TCOindahowse> Any Dutch people online?
[15:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 68 die today
[15:14] <TheChance> geniice: They may take our pride, but they can never take our 25-year-long MUSH-based roleplaying continuity!
�03[15:15] * Yetanotherx|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
�03[15:15] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[15:15] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Quit: User has quit this network.�)
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[15:17] <JohnLewis> ...
�02[15:17] * 3JTAAMKA0 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[15:17] <JohnLewis> Are you seeing what I am? Three Addshores?
[15:17] <D_> addshore_, you're multiplying
�02[15:18] * addshore_ (~addshore@wikimedia/addshore) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[15:18] <JohnLewis> One addshore now.
[15:18] <JohnLewis> Wait, no 2. Addshore what the hell?
[15:18] <D_> Do you think there was decapitation involved there?
[15:18] <JohnLewis> Probably D_
[15:18] <addshore> sorry, i ran my client 4 times apparently..
[15:19] <JohnLewis> I can understand addshore_ but what the hell with the letters and number ones?
[15:19] <addshore> cause it ran out of names ;p
�02[15:19] * 77CAAOZN2 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[15:19] <addshore> :D
[15:19] <JohnLewis> Hm... I can't use addshore__. I know, 53JHTHJH7HJ7
�03[15:19] * ihaveamac_ is now known as ihaveamac
�03[15:20] * gwickwire is now known as gwick|away
[15:20] <D_> Clearly, every IRC client should support scripting of coroutines for name selection
[15:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wat?
�03[15:22] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[15:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Meteorite fragments found in Russia's Urals region
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[15:28] <Dcoetzee> "some 9,000 people have been helping in the clear-up and rescue operation"
[15:29] <Dcoetzee> What, 9000?
�02[15:29] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[15:29] * Cassie is now known as Superfreak
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�03[15:30] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|busy
[15:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah
[15:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its not that manny
�03[15:32] * Cassie (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if it were over 9000 it would be headline news
[15:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee are you still panicing about space miners?
[15:33] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Nope, just couldn't pass up the meme reference
[15:33] <Dcoetzee> I'm kinda disappointed it was a boring normal meteorite
�02[15:34] * Superfreak (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[15:34] <Dcoetzee> Populated areas never get hit by awesome meteorites full of strange new materials
�03[15:34] * Cassie is now known as Superfreak
[15:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee its more terrifiying that it was a common meteor
[15:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it wasnt even metal heavy
�06[15:35] * PeterSymonds read that as "Dcoetzee is more terrifiying that a common meteor".
[15:35] <IShadowed> At times
[15:36] <PeterSymonds> Fair point.
[15:36] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Thanks for the compliment? :-P
[15:36] <IShadowed> ;)
[15:36] <Dcoetzee> Wb btw
[15:36] <IShadowed> thanks
�02[15:37] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[15:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> PeterSymonds am I not?
�06[15:38] * ToAruShiroiNeko uses fireball on Peter-C
[15:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> woops
[15:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> misfired
[15:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> poor Peter-C
[15:38] <PeterSymonds> You should see a specialist.
[15:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have
[15:38] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  Last night I was annoyed
[15:38] <Qcoder00> Now I'm absolutely seething
[15:38] <PeterSymonds> For fireballing Peter-C?
[15:39] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Sounds like you're getting worse
[15:39] <Qcoder00> Apparently, in doing a comparsion of scans between PDF and Djvu versions of a file at Internet Archive - it seems that in the PDF there a 'greyed' portions of the scan which don't convert
�02[15:39] * TCOindahowse (4086a899@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[15:39] <Qcoder00> into the Djvu
[15:40] <Qcoder00> Given that presumably the original scans were complete b/w , I'm puzzled as to why you'd need 'greyed' patches unless they were easter eggs
�03[15:40] * Carly- (c9dce9d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:40] <Qcoder00> The source PDF is ex Google books seemingly
[15:41] <Qcoder00> But the underlying work is public domain :)
�02[15:41] * Carly- (c9dce9d3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Changing host�)
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[15:41] <Qcoder00> I can think of other technical reasons, such as damaged portion of the original scan
[15:42] <Qcoder00> but to have at least 10 of these greyed patches randomly in a document seems a little odd
[15:43] <IShadowed> dinner
[15:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 Djvu2
[15:43] <Qcoder00> TOAru?
[15:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C a meteorite when it forms a fireball like in russia is called a fireball
[15:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its a scientific term
[15:44] <Qcoder00> The greyed patches are only present in the PDF..
[15:44] <Qcoder00> The IA Djvu doesn't seem to encode them
[15:44] <Qcoder00> ;)
[15:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sorry I was making a shameless (and probably shameful) pun
�02[15:45] * Carly- (c9dce9d3@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Client Quit�)
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[15:48] <Vacation9> !oversight
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�02[16:03] * nuenfly ( Quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.0�)
�03[16:03] * Superfreak is now known as SuctionCups
[16:03] <Irunongames> ToAruShiroiNeko: stop talking bout me
[16:03] <Irunongames> And if you are, highlight the nick I am currently using
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�02[16:06] * bingster ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[16:07] <russavia> -- Afghanistan can into space??!?
[16:08] <Jetro> not likely
[16:08] <Jetro> :D
[16:09] <Jetro> Many laughs were had at this
[16:10] <russavia> LOL yeah
[16:10] <Jetro> :D
[16:10] <russavia> did you see the harlem one?
[16:10] <Jetro> yes
[16:10] <Jetro> I don't get whats up with the harlem shake videos..
[16:10] <Jetro> they are plain
�03[16:10] * Maple__ is now known as brony6
[16:10] <Jetro> :|
�03[16:11] * brony6 is now known as Maple__
[16:11] <Jetro> can't decide, Maple__?
[16:11] <russavia> jetro -- -- Belarus is of mutant
�02[16:11] * JohnLewis (~johnlewis@wikipedia/John-F-Lewis) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:11] <Jetro> xD
[16:11] <Jetro> I love the expressions
[16:12] <Jetro> they say so much with so littl
[16:12] <Jetro> e
[16:12] <Maple__> Jetro: that's because of ~td in ##apples2
[16:12] <Maple__> blame the bot
[16:12] <Maple__> not me
�03[16:12] * Maple__ is now known as Maple
[16:12] <Jetro> >(
�03[16:12] * Maple is now known as Maple__
[16:12] <Maple__> ARGH
[16:12] <Jetro> russavia: That's not from reddit is it?
[16:12] <Jetro> haah
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[16:12] <Jetro> not allowed
[16:12] <russavia> yeah
[16:13] <SuctionCups> Anyone want to redesign my user page and/or talk page? They're boring.
[16:15] <D_> Add more suction cups to them
�02[16:15] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) Quit (Quit: ihaveamac�)
[16:18] <Jetro> Add more transparent menus
[16:18] <Jetro> that overlap
[16:18] <Jetro> omg <3 *drool*
[16:19] <Dcoetzee> SuctionCups: Needs more animated GIFs and background music
[16:20] <Dcoetzee> Also, I recommend bright yellow on dark yellow for the text
�02[16:20] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��)
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�06[16:27] * IShadowed returns
[16:27] <D_> <blink>
�06[16:27] * Dcoetzee waves to IShadowed
[16:27] <IShadowed> hi
�03[16:32] * Carly (c9dce9d3@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[16:36] * ToAruShiroiNeko burries Dcoetzee under a pile of tribbles...
�06[16:36] * Dcoetzee troubles ToAruShiroiNeko under a pile of berries
[16:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oran berries?
�03[16:37] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:37] <Dcoetzee> I haven't played Gen III :-P
�03[16:37] * Yetanotherx|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:37] <Carly> Dcoetzee:
�06[16:37] * Dcoetzee hugs Carly
�03[16:37] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[16:37] <Carly> hi
�02[16:37] * Yetanotherx ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�06[16:38] * Carly hugs
[16:38] <Carly> :|
�06[16:38] * Carly runs away
[16:38] <Carly> good night all
[16:38] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Night night :-)
[16:38] <Carly> :| agrrrrrrr
[16:38] <russavia> toaru -- you about?
�06[16:38] * Carly ok dcoetzee
�03[16:39] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:39] <russavia> -- Toaru -- you recognise any of these faces?
[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> some
[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mostly not the people from the HQ
[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> few HQ staff are sent to the actual summites
[16:40] <russavia> need help to categorise them
�03[16:40] * jdelanoy is now known as jd|afk
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[16:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they are almost entirely national representatives
[16:40] <russavia> otherwise, i'm leaving them in that uber category
[16:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 76 files isnt so bad
[16:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why are you calling it ""
[16:42] <russavia> because that's the conference name
[16:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh? it isnt the summit?
[16:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> then I'd have non clue
[16:42] <russavia> nope
[16:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it seems like a US only meeting
�02[16:43] * webbber (~me@ Quit (Quit: 暫離�)
[16:44] <russavia> doesn't look like US military
[16:44] <Carly> Dcoetzee: how I put +g in webchat¿
[16:44] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Dunno
�03[16:44] * Carly (c9dce9d3@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en
[16:44] <russavia> it was in brussels in may 2012
[16:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ACT commander is french
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[16:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no, that isnt him
[16:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> strange
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[16:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that looks navy-like
�03[16:47] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> russavia I honestly dont recognise anyone
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[16:47] <russavia>
[16:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh
[16:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this was in brussels?
[16:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how odd
[16:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ah! it was in belgium governments room
[16:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there is the EU and belgian flag
[16:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you have some names
[16:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[16:49] <russavia> Huseyin Diriöz -- definiely turkish
[16:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ues
[16:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Yes
[16:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Assistant Secretary General
[16:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Javier Solana
[16:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats a fromer Secretary general I think
[16:50] <russavia>  love thi
[16:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mmmm
[16:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> see if he was in flordia he would be doing that... naked
[16:52] <BarkingFish> I'm gonna play one of Dragonfly67's fave games with you...  Without looking at it - do you have any idea what the image under this filename might be?
[16:53] <IShadowed> It's raining!
�06[16:53] * IShadowed dances
[16:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish a penis?
[16:53] <Swob> well you can clearly tell by the filename that it's a frog in a plastic cup
[16:53] <BarkingFish> Is it raining because you're dancing, or are you dancing because it's raining?
[16:53] <BarkingFish> lol
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish, I know!
[16:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> A copyvio?
[16:54] <Swob> kmjbjhgjhfv is Tunican for "plastic cup" and hgd for "frog"
[16:54] <BarkingFish> I wish people would read commons rules before uploading stuff... "Use a descriptive filename..."
�02[16:54] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[16:55] <russavia> done rename
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[16:56] <BarkingFish> thank you :)
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�02[17:00] * TheChance ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[17:01] <SigmaWP>
[17:01] <SigmaWP>
[17:01] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - I had a pt today
[17:01] <Peter-C> He could not stand
[17:01] <Peter-C> RMA'd
[17:02] <Peter-C> Came back 4 hours later to bring him to the hospital
[17:02] <Peter-C> That was fun
[17:02] <Peter-C> He was trying to go to the bathroom
[17:02] <Peter-C> We deconed the hell out of the ambulance
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[17:04] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, i hope you keep some pine-sol in the lockers :)
[17:05] <BarkingFish> along with some chlorhexidine, bleach, gasoline to burn the fumes off... remember you're supposed to incinerate soiled material :P
[17:05] <BarkingFish> Any idea why he RMA'd?  Drunk? Stoned?
[17:06] <Peter-C> He RMAd because he's old and stupid
�03[17:06] * lmtv is now known as lmtv[off]
[17:06] <Peter-C> Hated hospitals
[17:07] <BarkingFish> so who called 911 to him?
[17:08] <Peter-C> wife
[17:09] <Peter-C> she was piiiiiised
[17:09] <Peter-C> Said she was gonna get a baseball bat and hit him over the head so he would have to go to the hospital
[17:09] <BarkingFish> that he rma'd, or that she had to call911 to him?
[17:09] <BarkingFish> oh ^.^
[17:09] <Peter-C> ya
[17:09] <Peter-C> She actually was a very nice woman
[17:10] <BarkingFish> Surely she should have known he hated hospitals.
[17:10] <Peter-C> she did, but he was on the floor and needed help
[17:11] <BarkingFish> i take it he had all 10 pins ready for the next ball...
[17:11] <Peter-C> we only let him RMA because he promised to go to the hospial the next time he fell
[17:11] <Swob> sigma: do they have a chance?
[17:11] <Peter-C> Literally, this 6'6'' guy had to be carried 5 feet and it was scarry as fuck
[17:12] <Swob> that is, does the "other" python company have a chance of making the Python computer language developers either change their name or pay them royalties?
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[17:12] <Swob> Veber doesnt even have a Wikipedia article
[17:12] <Swob> they must be a pretty puny company
[17:13] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, the thing is, if he was compos mentis, there's shit you can do.  If he's considered sane, and rational, he is entitled to rma.  Nobody can force him to go to hospital, not even his SO.
�02[17:13] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[17:13] <Peter-C> Exactly
[17:14] <Swob>
[17:14] <BarkingFish> The only way that can be achieved is if someone has power of attorney over them, or if they're declared NCM, in which case they can be subject to a temporary custodial order for their own safety, during which they can be treated.
[17:15] <Moralis> Swob: If EU trademark law is anything like American trademark law, one of two things is going on: either this company believes it has a legitimate claim to the trademark, and are protecting it under "use it or lose it" laws, or (more likely, I think) they simply think there's a good chance of a fat settlement given how popular PYTHON has become.
[17:16] <Vacation9> !admin is a sock of just look at Fedora
[17:17] <jd|afk> dealt with
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[17:17] <Vacation9> JD|cloud: Thanks
�03[17:17] * djelanoy is now known as jdelanoy
[17:17] <Vacation9> oops
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[17:17] <jdelanoy> XD
[17:17] <Vacation9> jdelanoy: Thanks
[17:17] <Swob> if companies agree to play nice they can share trademarks, even within the same industry
[17:18] <BarkingFish> Deal with, Vacation9 - jdelanoy has dropped the ball on him :)
[17:18] <Moralis> Yeah but there's no money in playing nice.
[17:18] <Swob> e.g. Apple and Cisco share "IOS" (although Apple spells it with a lowercase i)
�06[17:18] * JD|cloud is unsure if he really should be renting jdelanoy's turf anymore
�02[17:18] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[17:18] <BarkingFish> lol :) Morning jdelanoy
[17:18] <jdelanoy> hey man, I was AWOL when you came in
[17:18] <Vacation9> JD|cloud: xD I typed jd then tab RIGHT after he changed his nick
[17:18] <jdelanoy> :D
[17:18] <Swob> iOS and IOS are both operating systems and the names are both trademarked and the two companies manage not to hate each other
[17:18] <jdelanoy> XD
[17:18] <Swob> also for a while there was an "eMachines" and an "E-Machines"
�03[17:18] * Moralis is now known as TheChance
[17:18] <foks> Oops.
[17:19] <Swob> so my guess is theyre just not playing nice
[17:19] <Swob> oh we have two JD's now
[17:19] <jdelanoy> mhmm
[17:19] <TheChance> Apple and Cisco have no reason to tear at each other, as they're both major players, and every reason to get along as they need their products to be compatible and conform to standards.
[17:20] <TheChance> This company appears to be a nobody manufacturer that probably realizes there's more profit in leeching off an established developer than in building their brand from the ground up.
[17:20] <Swob> yeah but still Cisco could have said "give us $5000000000 or you dont get the name"
[17:20] <Swob> they do actually pay a small amount to Cisco I believe
[17:20] <TheChance> Corporate philosophy boils down to whether the bottom line looks better after a lawsuit or an amicable trade agreement of some kind.
[17:21] <TheChance> That applies to pretty much every area of business.
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[17:21] <Peter-C> 5-1-5-0 somebody call the po po
[17:21] <TheChance> Cheese it! It's the fuzz!
[17:22] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, seriously? Do you like Dierks Bentley?
[17:22] <Peter-C> Sorta
[17:22] <TheChance> I like his name.
[17:22] <Peter-C> I kinda have that song in my head
[17:23] <Peter-C> The guy on my regular EMS crew ALWAYS sings that song
[17:23] <Peter-C> Disaptch: PD repond to a house party
[17:23] <Swob> HA!!!
[17:23] <Peter-C> he screams that song
[17:23] <Peter-C> He is a soundboard
[17:23] <Swob> Cisco also trademarked the word "iPhone" before Apple did
�02[17:23] * Carly (c9dce9d3@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[17:23] <Swob> Cisco invented the iPhone!!!
[17:23] <D_> Have you thought of tranquilizing him, Peter-C?
[17:23] <Peter-C> No
[17:23] <addshore> :O
[17:23] <Peter-C> I love him siren noise
[17:24] <Swob> ive gotta see this
[17:24] <D_> Did you replace your actual siren with him?
[17:24] <BarkingFish> I know I don't like much other than classical, but I was saying to russavia a while ago, I found one I do like - Roseanne Cash, Land of Dreams :)
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[17:24] <TheChance> Swob: I remember being at Macworld with my dad in like 1997 or 98, and there was a booth demoing a product called the iPhone that never materialized. It was the same white-and-indigo plastic as the iMac. I don't remember whose product it was. Coulda been Cisco.
[17:25] <BarkingFish> I caught it on an ad-break during the superbowl, and it's lovely.  It's proper music, not that trashy shit that people yell while banging bin lids and vomiting into trombones.
[17:25] <russavia> anyone using a download manager for google chrome? need one which supports resume downloads - any recommendations?
[17:25] <TheChance> russavia: Doesn't the default manager support resume? I don't recall installing anything.
[17:26] <Swob> eh
[17:26] <russavia> i'm trying to download a 3gb ISO file -- but when i pause it, if i leave it toolong,the download sorta cuts itself out
[17:26] <IShadowed> I return
[17:26] <IShadowed> for the night
[17:26] <BarkingFish> russavia, try here -
[17:26] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Wb
�06[17:26] * IShadowed turns on chell in the rain
[17:27] <TheChance> russavia: carries great ratings.
[17:27] <Swob>  <--- Cisco's "iPhone"
[17:27] <BarkingFish> and TheChance, no it doesn't - it's meant to, but it has a lot of bugs, like it reports having finished downloads when it's not done, so you wind up with a part file, etc.
[17:27] <Swob> that must be pure gold for collectors now
�03[17:27] * Carly- (c9dce9d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:27] <Swob> if you wanted one youd probably have to pay more than youd pay for a real iPhone
[17:27] <TheChance> Oh now that is a phone.
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[17:27] <TheChance> It's like Razor meets LSD.
[17:28] <Swob> it does appear to have actually been released
[17:28] <BarkingFish> nice
[17:28] <russavia> thanks will have a look
[17:29] <Swob> however it's not a cellphone, but rather some VoIP thing
[17:29] <TheChance> Why spend another day not hating your phone service when you could be hating your phone service? Only $14.95 a minute!
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[17:36] <Swob> Cisco also apparently is ditching Linksys
[17:37] <Swob> so now Linksys can't claim "made by Cisco" or whatever it is they put on their boxes to make them seem smart
[17:37] <BarkingFish> and nothing of value was lost :)
[17:37] <TheChance> Hey, I like Linksys.
[17:37] <TheChance> Where else are you going to get that many spare parts for only $15?
[17:38] <BarkingFish> I can't see the problem, Cisco are doing the right thing. Linksys suck like a barnacle on a ship's hull
�03[17:39] * Maple__ (uid10029@trivialand/student/maple) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:39] <Swob> is there anyone better?
[17:39] <Swob> Im used to thinking of Linksys as top of the line
[17:39] <Swob> not that theyre perfect, just less likely to sell products that fail within the first year
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[17:41] <TheChance> Buy em strip em tear and rip em solder tape em recreate em make a useful thing out of them... technologic?
[17:41] <TheChance> Cisco would be the obvious answer.
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[17:42] <Swob> yeah but Cisco is ditching Linksys because theyve decided not to compete in the mass market anymore
[17:42] <Swob> so its not like you can just go buy a Cisco router unless youre willing to pay, oh, about $5000
[17:43] <Swob> it would be able to put through a terabyte per second of course, but no single person could reasonably use that
[17:43] <TheChance> Asus and D-Link would be my choices.
[17:43] <PapaJacky> lol
[17:43] <PapaJacky> lag-free is always fine
[17:44] <Swob> Asus seems to be a very old company
[17:44] <Swob> no, not really
[17:44] <Swob> only 1990
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[17:44] <Swob> The name Asus originates from Pegasus, the winged horse of Greek mythology.[6][7] Only the last four letters of the word were used in order to give the name a high position in alphabetical listings.[8] < ---guffaw
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[17:46] <foks> lol
[17:46] <Dcoetzee> Swob: That is awesome
[17:46] <foks> Acer clearly went one better and just used the last four letters of "speedracer"
�03[17:48] * El_Patron (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:49] <Aranda56> like i said earlier somebody would nominate Danica Patrick for ITN/C
[17:49] <rigel> so, policy question
[17:49] <El_Patron> ;-)
[17:49] <Aranda56> and now expect the bloodbath ;p
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[17:49] <Aranda56> as someone did
[17:49] <rigel> wp:hound says "Correct use of an editor's history includes (but is not limited to) fixing unambiguous errors or violations of Wikipedia policy, or correcting related problems on multiple articles. In fact, such practices are recommended both for Recent changes patrol and WikiProject Spam. The contribution logs can be used in the dispute resolution process to gather evidence to be presented in requests for comment, mediation, WP:ANI, and
[17:50] <Swob> the line got cut off
[17:50] <Swob> "resolution process to gather evidence to be presented in requests for comment, mediation, WP:ANI, and "
[17:50] <rigel> arbitration cases
[17:50] <rigel> the relevant stuff was already in there, just quoting for completeness
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[17:51] <Swob> ok
[17:51] <rigel> what if all an editor does is edit tendentiously and contribute to [[wp:fringe]] articles
[17:51] <Guest25556> agrrrr
[17:51] <rigel> is one justified in tracking their edits and popping up to say "hey, this is crap, and violation of [[wp:undue]] etc"
[17:51] <PapaJacky> guys
�03[17:51] * Guest25556 is now known as Carly
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[17:52] <PapaJacky> can you request a hostmask if you have 250+ wikipedia edits instead of wikimedia edits
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[17:52] <greenrosetta> Does 3RR apply to page moves?
[17:53] <TheChance> That's... a great question.
[17:53] <Swob> yes
[17:53] <TheChance> Yes.
[17:53] <Swob> PapaJacky: yes
[17:53] <PapaJacky> oh
[17:53] <TheChance> Oh. Maybe not.
[17:53] <PapaJacky> oh :(
[17:54] <Swob> thats bad?
[17:54] <PapaJacky> brb
�02[17:54] * PapaJacky ( Quit (Quit: I fucking hate peanut�)
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[17:55] <TheChance> greenrosetta: Yeah. See Wikipedia:Page_move_war
[17:55] <greenrosetta> ty
[17:55] <TheChance> np
[17:55] <greenrosetta> why the fuck do some people ew just to make a point
[17:56] <TheChance> Because someone is WRONG on the INTERNET
[17:56] <BarkingFish> ew...
[17:56] <TheChance> There is a framework for requesting page moves and getting community input, just like AfD and so forth.
[17:56] <greenrosetta> oh, since I'm here...
[17:56] <foks> ew
[17:56] <TheChance> It's at WP:RM
[17:56] <greenrosetta> Can someone comment on this diff (I already posted to ANI, but can remove it)
[17:57] <greenrosetta> Personally I think calling someone morally corrupt is BLP
[17:58] <Amqui> good evening
[17:59] <TheChance> This is going to take a while to read through, stand by
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�06[18:04] * Carly is a sleepwalker
�06[18:04] * Carly go to fridge and eat
�06[18:04] * Carly runs away
[18:05] <greenrosetta> sounds like my cat
[18:05] <Carly> XD
[18:05] <Carly> hi
[18:05] <Carly> all
[18:05] <Carly> whats up
�06[18:05] * Shipoopi pops a baloon to wake Carly up
[18:05] <greenrosetta> I had to hook up a gadget to spray the little f'er with compressed air when she jumped on the counter
[18:05] <Swob> balloons are just like less violent versions of bombs
�06[18:05] * Carly looks at Shipoopi 
�06[18:05] * Shipoopi looks at Carly
[18:05] <Carly> XD
[18:05] <Carly> Haha
[18:06] <BarkingFish> ok guys, i'm outta here for the night.  03.05... my god. I wonder how I keep my frikkin' eyes open sometimes :)
[18:06] <Swob> night
[18:06] <Shipoopi> bye BarkingFish <3
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�06[18:06] * Jetro slaps at Carly 
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�06[18:07] * Carly Jetro do you want fight¿
[18:07] <Aranda56> let's play join #wikimedia-social
[18:07] <Carly> :|
[18:07] <Jetro> no
[18:07] <Carly> XD
[18:07] <Jetro> D:
�06[18:07] * Jetro runs 
[18:07] <Carly> good boy Jetro
[18:07] <Jetro> :)
�06[18:07] * Carly follows Jetro
[18:07] <Carly> :|
�02[18:07] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[18:07] <Carly> but I want fight XD
�06[18:08] * Jetro pats Carly on the head 
[18:08] <Jetro> There there
[18:08] <Jetro> :)
�02[18:08] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
[18:08] <Aranda56> #wikimedia-social is sociable and happy :) also #wikipedia
[18:08] <Carly> :|
[18:08] <Carly> Jetro PUNCH
�06[18:08] * Carly throws a banana to Jetro
[18:08] <Jetro> DDD:
�06[18:08] * Carly hides
�06[18:09] * Jetro eats the banana 
[18:09] <Jetro> Thanks :)
[18:09] <Carly> Jetro is not for eat
[18:09] <Carly> :|
[18:09] <Swob> that channel still exists ?
�03[18:09] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:09] <Carly> Aranda56, Hi
[18:09] <Carly> xd
[18:09] <Carly> what channel
[18:09] <Carly> ah no
[18:09] <Carly> I dont want
�06[18:09] * Carly pushes Jetro
[18:10] <Jetro> /join #wikimedia-social
[18:10] <Carly>  Haha
[18:10] <Aranda56> really that channel is the best
[18:10] <Carly> -_-
[18:10] <Jetro> Join, Carly
[18:10] <Jetro> I wanna punch
[18:10] <Jetro> :D
[18:10] <Dcoetzee> #wikimedia-social still exists?
[18:10] <Carly> where
[18:11] <Dcoetzee> I thought that channel was dead
[18:11] <Carly> lol
[18:11] <Gfoley4> it's very alive
[18:11] <Carly> I never heard about
[18:11] <Carly> mmm
[18:11] <Dcoetzee> I haven't been on it since 2007
[18:11] <Carly> but I am used to this chanel
[18:11] <Carly> and I dont want change it
�06[18:11] * Carly runs away and pushes Jetro
[18:12] <SigmaWP> [17:26:30] �<�Swob�>��  <--- Cisco's "iPhone"
[18:12] <Aranda56> you see i just revived #wikimedia-social it's fun
[18:12] <SigmaWP> Your file extension is broken
�03[18:13] * Pink|Away is now known as PinkAmpersand
�02[18:13] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: No route to host�)
�03[18:14] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:15] <Vacation9> hey knowledgeable people, what's a sleeper?
[18:15] <Vacation9> In WP terms
[18:16] <TheChance> I am.
[18:16] <Aranda56> sleeper is a sockpuppet that haven't edited most of the time
[18:16] <Vacation9> Aranda56: Thanks
�02[18:16] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[18:16] <Dcoetzee> Vacation9: A sleeper is an account that you create and leave until later for vandalism
[18:17] <Aranda56> either or
[18:17] <Vacation9> ok, thanks
[18:17] <Dcoetzee> They exist because accounts have to be at least 4 days old and have some edits to be autoconfirmed
[18:17] <Aranda56> usually term for socks though
�03[18:17] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:18] <Jeske_Couriano> I use the term "autocon-buster" to signify socks that begin vandalizing *immediately* after they become autoconfirmed.
[18:18] <TheChance> Oh, I thought it was just a term for those of us who haven't done anything significant in five or ten years.
[18:18] <Jeske_Couriano> Sleepers are left to lie for a while.
[18:19] <Aranda56> TheChance no, that's simply called inactive
[18:19] <TheChance> Aranda56: I want a cool-sounding derogatory nickname :(
[18:19] <Swob>
[18:19] <Swob> 2nd definition
[18:20] <Swob> interesting the range of definitions that word has
�03[18:20] * lmtv[off] is now known as lmtv
�02[18:20] * YE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
�02[18:21] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
�03[18:21] * PapaJacky ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:22] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[18:23] * lmtv is now known as lmtv[off]
�02[18:24] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
�02[18:24] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer�)
�03[18:24] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:25] * SuctionCups (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
�03[18:27] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:28] * Bradford is now known as Corazon_Valiente
[18:28] <Carly> ay
�06[18:28] * Carly hides
[18:29] <Aranda56> again #wikimedia-social is active
�06[18:29] * Aranda56 apologizes for spamming three times :p
�03[18:29] * aosxn ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:29] <aosxn> !ops Fluffernutter likes to get fucked by fat bulls.
�03[18:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�03[18:29] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*
�03[18:29] * aosxn ( has left #wikipedia-en (requested by Fluffernutter (aosxn)�)
�03[18:29] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
�02[18:29] * Amqui (~a@wikimedia/Amqui) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[18:29] <Gfoley4> I'd hope not
�03[18:30] * vorqw (~kpare@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[18:30] * sqmaxv ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:30] <sqmaxv> !ops Fluffernutter likes to eat Ironholds's feces.
�03[18:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�03[18:30] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
�03[18:30] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +r
�03[18:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�03[18:30] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*
�03[18:30] * sqmaxv ( has left #wikipedia-en (requested by Fluffernutter (sqmaxv)�)
�03[18:30] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
�03[18:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Fluffernutter
�03[18:30] * Fluffernutter sets mode: +b *!*@
�03[18:30] * vorqw (~kpare@ has left #wikipedia-en (requested by Fluffernutter (vorqw)�)
�03[18:30] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
�03[18:30] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Fluffernutter
�06[18:30] * FastLizard4 sighs
�02[18:35] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) Quit (Quit: What is this real life thing?�)
�02[18:38] * GrooveDog (~GrooveDog@wikimedia/GrooveDog) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
[18:38] <Dcoetzee> How nice of the troll to call an ops to ban them
�03[18:38] * shanmugam|away is now known as shanmugamp7
[18:39] <Aranda56> yep
�03[18:42] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�03[18:43] * jdelanoy_ (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:44] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[18:44] * jdelanoy_ is now known as jdelanoy
�02[18:44] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) Quit (Excess Flood�)
�03[18:44] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[18:46] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: .�)
�03[18:48] * Corazon_Valiente is now known as Bradford
[18:49] <Prokliatem> dzf ikipdciz,
[18:49] <Prokliatem> Dear Wikipedia,
[18:49] <Prokliatem> I can't find an acappella version of "The Internationale." Help?
[18:50] <SigmaWP> Ah, L'Internationale
�03[18:51] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[18:51] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:51] <Prokliatem> See SigmaWP, nothing:
�03[18:52] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:52] <Swob> record your own!
�03[18:52] * fwilson (~quasselir@wikipedia/Fox-Wilson) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:52] <Prokliatem> Swob: With a weird American accent? Wow, how viral will that et?
[18:52] <Prokliatem> get*
�03[18:52] * jdelanoy_ (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:53] <Swob>
�02[18:55] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[18:55] * jdelanoy_ is now known as jdelanoy
[18:55] <MJ94> wow
[18:56] <MJ94> Swob: low voice
[18:56] <Prokliatem> Swob: Does that song have anything to do with it?
[18:57] <Prokliatem>
�03[18:57] * tucoxn (~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[19:01] * Amqui (~a@wikimedia/Amqui) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:02] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Quit: Bsadowski1�)
[19:06] <MJ94> !ops
[19:06] <MJ94> er shit
[19:06] <Fluffernutter> what?
[19:06] <MJ94> sorry
[19:06] <jdelanoy> XD
[19:06] <MJ94> >_<
[19:06] <MJ94> SORRY
[19:06] <Gfoley4> er shit
�06[19:06] * Fluffernutter gets the death ray
�06[19:06] * MJ94 hides
�06[19:06] * fwilson finds MJ94 and says Hi in a friendly tone
�06[19:07] * MJ94 backs away
[19:07] <MJ94> I got 80 notices from a spammer to this window
[19:07] <D_> Is this what happens when you unnecessarily call 911?
[19:07] <MJ94> I thought it was here
[19:07] <jdelanoy> D_ nah, you can get arrested for that
[19:07] <D_> Close enough
�06[19:08] * jdelanoy doubts you can get arrested for accidentally trolling the ops in an IRC channel
[19:08] <Fluffernutter> D_, nah, we haven't arrested him yet
[19:08] <Fluffernutter> also we'd all be sort of funny-looking cops
[19:08] <D_> "Yet."
[19:08] <jdelanoy> "yet"
[19:08] <jdelanoy> >.>
[19:08] <Fluffernutter> <_<
[19:08] <MJ94> !_@dmins addshore is triggering the edit filter again
[19:08] <Riley|Work> MJ94: Since this is you second 911 prank call today, I'm afraid we can't let you off with a warning.
[19:09] <MJ94> Riley|Work: right? haha, embarassing
[19:09] <MJ94> sorry jdelanoy
[19:09] <jdelanoy> XD
�06[19:09] * MJ94 goes to type @_$tewards in #wikipedia-en-accounts 
[19:09] <MJ94> er
[19:09] <jdelanoy> XD XD XD
[19:09] <MJ94> #wikimedia-stewards
[19:09] <MJ94> I hate my life
[19:09] <Riley|Work> MJ94: just...
[19:09] <MJ94> :P
�06[19:09] * jdelanoy buys MJ94 a new keyboard
�06[19:09] * Riley|Work tries and buys MJ94 a new brain
[19:10] <Riley|Work> to*
[19:10] <MJ94> lol ^
[19:10] <jdelanoy> also, don't worry - I once did !_ops in -en-help, forgetting /I/ am an op there >_<
[19:10] <D_> That may not be legal
[19:10] <D_> jdelanoy: Did you then answer yourself?
[19:10] <fwilson> jdelanoy: lol
[19:10] <MJ94> jdelanoy: apparently my first op call in -help caught the attention of like 3 ops
[19:10] <jdelanoy> no, someone was like "dude... you're an op"
[19:10] <MJ94> 3 ops opted at the same time
[19:10] <jdelanoy> yeah
[19:10] <MJ94> oppe
[19:10] <fwilson> lolololfail
[19:10] <MJ94> d
�06[19:10] * jdelanoy was one of them
[19:11] <Riley|Work> D_: Well prank calling 911 may not be legal but MJ94 does it anyways ;)
�06[19:11] * jdelanoy buys MJ94 new hands
[19:11] <fwilson> what about 119 O_o
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I prank call 911 on skype
�03[19:11] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[19:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its quite boring :p
�06[19:11] * MJ94 goes to blank articles
[19:11] <MJ94> >WP:SB
�06[19:11] * Dcoetzee blocks MJ94
[19:11] <D_> MJ94: What about the rule about ignoring rules?
�06[19:11] * fwilson goes and mass reverts MJ94
[19:11] <Vacation9> *ABUSE*
[19:11] <fwilson> [[WP:Ignore all rules]]
[19:11] <fwilson> !link
�06[19:12] * MJ94 reverts fwilson HAHA
[19:12] <fwilson> awww comeon !link doesn't work
[19:12] <D_> We're not -help
[19:12] <MJ94> now what
[19:12] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: shhhh
[19:12] <Vacation9> there's no bot here
[19:12] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[19:12] <IShadowed> I just
[19:12] <fwilson> i know... :P
[19:12] <IShadowed> I keep staring at this chem test
[19:12] <IShadowed> I don't wanna
[19:12] <IShadowed> I know the answer
[19:12] <IShadowed> I just don't wanna.
[19:12] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You're mostly done. Might as well get it over with. :-P
[19:12] <IShadowed> no
[19:12] <MJ94> why does the congo status always go down when i'm here
[19:12] <D_> IShadowed: You can always just go ride trains as a hobo or something
[19:12] <MJ94> convo**
[19:12] <IShadowed> I know, right
[19:12] <MJ94> congo = autocorrect that I kept
[19:12] <IShadowed> I need to do some soul searching
[19:12] <MJ94> because congo > convo
[19:12] <D_> Are you on a phone?
[19:12] <IShadowed> I don't know what I'm doing with my life
[19:13] <IShadowed> (actually I kinda do, maybe?)
[19:13] <MJ94> no
[19:13] <MJ94> my macbook w/ autocorrect enabled
�06[19:13] * fwilson rewrites cluebot to revert MJ94s reverts
[19:13] <MJ94> bad idea on IRC
[19:13] <fwilson> haha yeah
[19:13] <D_> They have autocorrect for desktop computers?
[19:13] <D_> Or
[19:13] <D_> Well, computer computers
[19:13] <Logan_> !MJ94
[19:13] <MJ94> It always calls "dwfreed" dwarfed.
[19:13] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I thought your main plan was "go to uni get a degree in something of interest to you"
[19:14] <MJ94> My main goal is to become rich.
[19:14] <Dcoetzee> Like systems engineering I think it was?
�06[19:14] * MJ94 becomes an adult actor.
[19:14] <D_> An actor that is an adult
[19:14] <Logan_> Fluffernutter knows a good deal about fluffers.
�06[19:14] * MJ94 wonders if there's a disability fetish out there.
[19:14] <D_> or an actor in adult productions?
[19:14] <IShadowed> mhm hm
[19:14] <MJ94> ^
�06[19:14] * Fluffernutter eyes Logan_
[19:15] <MJ94> cuz that's how I roll
[19:15] <MJ94> etc
[19:15] <MJ94> etc
[19:15] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: The short answer is, yes, there is disability fetish
[19:15] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: you would know
[19:15] <IShadowed> ..
�06[19:15] * IShadowed sighs
[19:15] <D_> That's the short answer to any "is there a fetish for this" question
�06[19:15] * Logan_ hugs Fluffernutter.
[19:15] <D_> The "disability" appropriately replaced
[19:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee north korea declares victory against asteorid that hit russia
�06[19:15] * fwilson is now very confused
[19:15] <IShadowed> look
[19:15] <MJ94> fwilson: welcome to #wikipedia-en-help !
[19:15] <MJ94> oh fuck
�06[19:16] * MJ94 leaves
[19:16] <fwilson> MJ94: why thank you
[19:16] <IShadowed> if it exists in a possible combination of like, under 4 factors, it's a fetish
[19:16] <IShadowed> I need to figure out a formula for this
[19:16] <IShadowed> permutations or combinations are always the answer
[19:16] <fwilson> except i've been there for the past 30mins and am voiced :P
[19:16] <MJ94> fwilson: ACCEPT MY WELCOME
[19:16] <MJ94> gosh
[19:16] <D_> Are you saying that any fetish can be constructed out of a set of axiomatic fetishes?
[19:16] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: In this case it's a bit more complex than simple combinations, since different fetishes can be present to different degrees.
[19:16] <fwilson> MJ94: {{Welcome declined}}
[19:17] <Dcoetzee> It's more like a high-dimensional vector space
[19:17] <IShadowed> no
[19:17] <IShadowed> we're not talking about degrees
[19:17] <IShadowed> we're talking about "does this exist"
[19:17] <IShadowed> that's binary
[19:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee I completely made that up but it was believable, no?
[19:17] <Dcoetzee> True enough
[19:17] <IShadowed> for someone with a math degree
�06[19:17] * IShadowed backspaces
[19:17] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[19:17] <MJ94> When a respectable member of the community PMs me, "dude, are you okay?" that's my cue to go do homework...
[19:17] <MJ94> later guys! :)
[19:17] <Dcoetzee> What I mean is
[19:18] <Swob> Id expect North Korea to say they were the ones who shot the asteroid
[19:18] <Dcoetzee> You can have a fetish combination where fetish X is primary and fetish Y is secondary
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> respectible? here? :p
[19:18] <IShadowed> yeah yeah yeah you can't reduce people to numbers, yeah yeah
[19:18] <Dcoetzee> And another where Y is primary and X is secondary
�03[19:18] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:18] <Dcoetzee> And those could be considered distinct fetishes
[19:18] <IShadowed> again not the point
[19:18] <IShadowed> totally irrelevant to whether or not they exist
[19:18] <Dcoetzee> Yeah but the point is, should they be counted as the same or different?
[19:18] <IShadowed> if a factor is different, different
[19:19] <Dcoetzee> Okay that's combinations then :-P
[19:19] <IShadowed> yes, and?
[19:19] <IShadowed> <IShadowed> if it exists in a possible combination of like, under 4 factors, it's a fetish
[19:19] <IShadowed> totally said combination
[19:19] <Dcoetzee> So you did
�06[19:20] * IShadowed rolls her eyes
[19:20] <MJ94> ToAruShiroiNeko: more or less
[19:20] <MJ94> IShadowed: there are no…never mind.
[19:20] <Dcoetzee> The number of fetishes is itself unknowable though. Either infinite or very large.
[19:20] <MJ94> <3
[19:20] <IShadowed> sure, but not the point
[19:20] <IShadowed> MJ94, I can read your mind, and my ex boyfriend disagree with you
[19:20] <IShadowed> boom
[19:20] <IShadowed> +s
[19:21] <MJ94> *cough*
[19:21] <MJ94> That leaves me an opening
[19:21] <MJ94> but I won't take it
�06[19:21] * Dcoetzee pushes MJ94 through the opening and closes it
[19:22] <MJ94> don't, it's dark and lonely in here!
�06[19:22] * Dcoetzee barricades door
[19:22] <MJ94> it's all abandoned and untouched for years
[19:22] <IShadowed> ...
[19:22] <MJ94> IShadowed: not yours, that's had ex boyfriends
�02[19:22] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[19:22] <IShadowed> it actually hasn't.
[19:22] <fwilson> this is extremely on-topic :D
[19:22] <IShadowed> just an fyi
[19:22] <D_> There's a topic?
[19:23] <MJ94> IShadowed: ;) don't worry, your secret is safe w/ me
[19:23] <fwilson> D_: #wikipedia-en :D
[19:23] <fwilson> quite frankly off-topic can be good
[19:23] <fwilson> very good
[19:23] <D_> That's just what it says on the door
[19:23] <MJ94> I <3 off topic
[19:23] <IShadowed> even Jesus thinks you're a dumbass
[19:23] <MJ94> lol'd
�02[19:24] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:24] <fwilson> MJ94: Just fyi, it is pitch dark and you are likely to be eaten by a grue.
[19:24] <MJ94> fwilson: ah, shit
[19:24] <D_> I hate when that happens
[19:24] <MJ94> cNot again!
�03[19:24] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:24] <MJ94> -c
[19:24] <fwilson> MJ94: or a wumpus, you know, do you have any arrows?
[19:24] <MJ94> No
[19:24] <MJ94> I took the arrow to my knee
[19:24] <MJ94> the only one I had
�06[19:25] * MJ94 ba dm shhh
[19:25] <fwilson> Ah, I see
[19:25] <MJ94> do the harlem shake.
�06[19:25] * fwilson can smell the wumpus?
[19:25] <fwilson> in an adjacent room
�06[19:25] * MJ94 wonders how many people hate me in here after today
�06[19:25] * MJ94 looks at Riley|Work 
�06[19:26] * fwilson stares at MJ94 for a bit
[19:26] <D_> You just changed from third to first person
[19:26] <D_> while doing /me
[19:26] <Swob> oooh
[19:26] <Swob> the wumpus game
[19:26] <fwilson> Swob: bsdgames for the win
[19:26] <MJ94> D_: gah. my grammarnazi hurts
�06[19:26] * MJ94 goes back to slaving away at Commons
[19:26] <D_> The Image Mines of Commons
�06[19:27] * fwilson is now grammatically uncorrect, and stares at MJ94 a bit more
[19:27] <MJ94> that hurts to read
[19:27] <MJ94> holy crap
[19:27] <fwilson> lol
[19:27] <fwilson> actually, it's a more bit, but you know
[19:28] <Dcoetzee> D_: More like an Image Minefield, sometimes :-P
[19:28] <fwilson> i just now noticed that my irc client has colors.
[19:28] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: you should go through that backlog...
[19:28] <MJ94> maybe...
[19:29] <MJ94> or get a bureaucrat to sysop me so I can
[19:29] <MJ94> >_>
[19:29] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Which backlog
[19:29] <MJ94> hold on :)
�02[19:30] * greenrosetta (~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[19:30] <D_> All of the backlogs.
[19:30] <D_> All of them.
[19:30] <MJ94> ^
[19:30] <fwilson> There's an app for that.
[19:30] <fwilson> Wait, wrong thing, sry
[19:30] <fwilson> I know!
[19:31] <fwilson> Let's [[WP:Assume bad faith]] and decline everything in AfC because of notability!
[19:31] <fwilson> And then revert *everything* in recent changes!
�03[19:31] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|sleep
[19:32] <Dcoetzee> fwilson: I'd also block everybody. The users with no edits are sleepers. The users with minor edits are obviously sneaky vandals. And the administrators are clearly trolls subverting the system so that they can one day take it over.
[19:33] <IShadowed> I am none of the above
[19:33] <Dcoetzee> Can't be too careful.
[19:33] <IShadowed> You are clearly incorrect in your characterization of "everybody"
[19:33] <IShadowed> roll again
[19:33] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I didn't claim that justification was exhaustive of all cases :-P
[19:33] <fwilson> Oh, and we also have to checkuser everybody with the reason "This is a good reason" to check that they aren't socks of themselves
[19:33] <fwilson> Wait!
[19:33] <fwilson> I know!
[19:33] <IShadowed> "everybody" claims this
[19:33] <fwilson> Everyone can be blocked because they are sockpuppets of themselves!
�03[19:34] * iTAC (~Y@wikipedia/yrtneg) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:34] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: The remaining cases were left as an exercise for the reader :-P
�06[19:34] * fwilson laughs maniacally, and probably misspelled that
[19:34] <iTAC> WHAT
[19:34] <iTAC> It's Dcoetzee?
[19:34] <D_> There's only one editor on Wikipedia
[19:34] <IShadowed> tsk
[19:34] <D_> With couple thousand socks
[19:34] <Dcoetzee> iTAC: Uh yeah
[19:34] <iTAC> Ok awesome
[19:34] <D_> The same editor also hangs out in IRC playing a host of various characters and talking to themselves
[19:34] <Dcoetzee> iTAC: Who are you? :-P
[19:34] <IShadowed> I like the part where Dcoetzee doesn't understand the definition of everybody
[19:35] <fwilson> Everybody = most people, obviously
[19:35] <fwilson> I mean, I did disprove the reflexive property earlier today (using the reflexive property)
[19:35] <D_> Just as long as you don't break logic
[19:35] <D_> Some of us are using it
�02[19:35] * gwick|away (uid7916@wikipedia/gwickwire) Quit (Quit: I probably won't be back for a while, please don't wait for me.�)
[19:36] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I was completely aware at the time of writing that statement that I hadn't exhaustively covered all cases. I don't usually apply strict logic to random humourous quips. :-P
[19:36] <fwilson> D_: I'll see what I can do, nothing has exploded yet, so yeah, should be fine for a bit,
[19:36] <IShadowed> then you shouldn't have said "everybody"!
[19:36] <MJ94> why did gwick just rage quit?
�06[19:36] * Dcoetzee facepalms
[19:36] <IShadowed> "the vast majority of individuals" is sufficient
[19:36] <IShadowed> yw
�03[19:36] * _snakepit (~snakepit@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:36] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You're impossible
�02[19:36] * _snakepit (~snakepit@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:36] <Susan> Kim Possible.
[19:36] <fwilson> .* matches everybody, let's just use that
[19:36] <IShadowed> it's what makes me great
[19:37] <fwilson> My new definition of everybody is ".*"
[19:37] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I'd like to deny that :-P
[19:37] <MJ94> You're not a sock puppet of yourself. Sockpuppet implies second or multiple accounts.
[19:37] <D_> There's something I'd say about this but I forgot most of my computer theory
�02[19:37] * jeffreyio_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:37] <IShadowed> because apparently Dcoetzee's definition of "everybody" is "everybody except some people"
�02[19:37] * Vacation9|sleep (~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[19:37] <IShadowed> which is just brilliant
[19:37] <D_> Why are we still arguing this?
[19:37] <IShadowed> yeah
�02[19:37] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:38] <MJ94> IShadowed: everybody is tired of hearing this argument
[19:38] <fwilson> Let's just redefine "is" as "might be" and leave it settled
[19:38] <IShadowed> I'm not!
[19:38] <Dcoetzee> I'm not!
[19:38] <IShadowed> YOU'RE WRONG TOO
[19:38] <D_> And I'm not even paying attention to it
[19:38] <fwilson> that was scary
�02[19:38] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
�03[19:38] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[19:38] * IShadowed schools MJ94 
�06[19:38] * MJ94 colleges IShadowed 
[19:39] <iTAC> Dcoetzee: I'm iTAC. I just used to be Yrtneg. Before that, ᐅ. Before that, Η-θ. Before that, Mnidaydwisww.
[19:39] <IShadowed> school encompasses college
�03[19:39] * Ktr101 (183cd9a7@wikipedia/Ktr101) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:39] <Dcoetzee> iTAC: I don't remember any of those people. :-)
[19:39] <Dcoetzee> iTAC: But hi
[19:39] <iTAC> Ok, hi.
�06[19:39] * fwilson businesses MJ94
[19:39] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: In the US
[19:39] <MJ94> fwilson: oh yes, do it again!
[19:39] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: In other countries "college" doesn't include "uni" and "school" doesn't include either one
[19:39] <iTAC> Dcoetzee: The only whay I know of you is your Willy on Wheels essay.
[19:40] <Dcoetzee> iTAC: Ah okay :-)
[19:40] <fwilson> MJ94: oh wait... no, you don't get any more monies from businesses, sry
[19:40] <IShadowed> everything that happens outside of the United States is irrelevant to world affairs
�06[19:40] * IShadowed ducks
[19:40] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Troll :-P
[19:40] <D_> duck duck troll
[19:40] <MJ94> !_ops IShadowed is a troll
[19:40] <MJ94> :P
[19:40] <Ktr101> hey, is there an admin who would like to move a huge template for me?
[19:40] <MJ94> no
[19:40] <iTAC> Someone linked me to GNAA and I thought it was this channel.
[19:40] <Dcoetzee> Ktr101: Is it heavy?
[19:41] <MJ94> iTAC: same here!
[19:41] <D_> You thought #wikipedia-en was the official channel of GNAA?
[19:41] <iTAC> GNAA acquired
[19:41] <MJ94> iTAC: thats why I called !_ops earlier
[19:41] <D_> You know, that would actually explain a lot
[19:41] <iTAC> I thought it was
[19:41] <Ktr101> Dcoetzee: no idea, but it is filled with lots of baggage
[19:41] <MJ94> Ktr101: link it
[19:41] <Ktr101>
[19:41] <MJ94> don't' keep us in suspense!
[19:41] <iTAC> Wabbajack.
[19:41] <Ktr101> check the talk, it needs moving
[19:41] <iTAC> or face the wrath of Wabbajack.
[19:42] <iTAC> do not click here:
[19:43] <iTAC>
[19:43] <iTAC> do not click there, please
[19:43] <Ktr101> Dcoetzee: do you think you can do it
[19:43] <Ktr101> >
[19:43] <Dcoetzee> Ktr101: Ummm I guess but why can't you?
[19:44] <Dcoetzee> Is it move protected?
[19:44] <Ktr101> yeah
[19:44] <Swob> they made an IRC server called "feenode" ?
[19:44] <Dcoetzee> Oh
[19:44] <Ktr101> unless you want to unprotect it for me and i'll slowly update it
[19:44] <Swob> complete with a fake Wikipedia channel ?
[19:44] <D_> [edit=sysop] (indefinite) [move=sysop] (indefinite)
[19:45] <Dcoetzee> Ktr101: You ever going to tell me what it should be moved to and why?
[19:45] <Ktr101> oh, check the talk
[19:45] <Dcoetzee> Ktr101: You're really bad at this making requests thing
�02[19:45] * shanmugamp7 (~quassel@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[19:45] <D_> There's a discussion in the talk page
[19:45] <Ktr101> i mentioned it above that the talk page says it
[19:45] <Ktr101> :P
[19:45] <Dcoetzee> Okay :-P
�03[19:45] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
[19:45] <D_> Gosh you're slow on the mop
[19:45] <Dcoetzee> Ktr101: So Template:Infobox military installation ?
[19:46] <Ktr101> yep!
[19:46] <Dcoetzee> Okay...
�03[19:46] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away
[19:46] <Dcoetzee> D_: Mops must be used with discretion and caution
[19:46] <Dcoetzee> They are capable of great violence
[19:46] <Ktr101> there was actually a talk on WP:MILHIST before that
�06[19:46] * Ktr101 hides from Dcoetzee
[19:46] <Dcoetzee> Ktr101: Done
[19:46] <IShadowed> only took a few years
[19:47] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Quiet you :-P
�03[19:49] * iTAC (~Y@wikipedia/yrtneg) has left #wikipedia-en
�06[19:49] * Ktr101 jumps for joy
�02[19:51] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�03[19:52] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:53] <Ktr101> now, can anyone code templates?
[19:53] <Dcoetzee> Yes but not now unless it's easy
[19:53] <D_> Anyone sufficiently in touch with the Dark Arts
[19:53] <IShadowed> Who rang?
[19:54] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[19:55] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: If you had black magic we'd all be calling you Great Leader now :-P
[19:55] <IShadowed> well then get to it
�02[19:56] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[19:56] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:58] <Ktr101> Dcoetzee: does this work?
[19:59] <Dcoetzee> Does what work?
[19:59] <Dcoetzee> That's a huge template
�02[20:00] * fwilson (~quasselir@wikipedia/Fox-Wilson) Quit (Quit: Changing something that is probably going to break something important�)
�02[20:00] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> I'm not going to manually verify the entire thing :-P
[20:00] <Ktr101> yeah, it should
�03[20:00] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[20:00] <Ktr101> yeah, i'm going to check something, but things look good
[20:00] <IShadowed> for someone who just stressed unit tests...
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> Okay
[20:01] <D_> Don't arcanely byzantine templates usually have testcases?
[20:01] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: That template already has testcases :-P
[20:01] <IShadowed> I know what the word "has" means
�06[20:02] * IShadowed nods, Good Burgers
�06[20:02] * IShadowed stares at the 2nd-to-last question on her test
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Almost there :-)
[20:02] <D_> Are you hoping to stare the question down?
[20:02] <IShadowed> yeah
[20:02] <IShadowed> again, I totally know what the answer is
[20:03] <IShadowed> just..
[20:03] <IShadowed> typing is so hard, man
[20:03] <Dcoetzee> She's working on her withering death glare.
[20:03] <tucoxn> Typing ti really hard.
[20:03] <D_> Which is why you're typing in here
[20:03] <IShadowed> mhm hm
[20:03] <tucoxn> see it is
�06[20:03] * D_ nods
�03[20:03] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
[20:04] <Dcoetzee> Typing actually is kinda hard for people first learning it. We take it for granted. :-P
�06[20:04] * IShadowed plops down in bed instead
�03[20:05] * Bradford is now known as El_Patron|Away
�02[20:06] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Quit: I could see a thousand dancing hamsters on the checkuser results and still think they were sockpuppets�)
�02[20:07] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
�02[20:08] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�02[20:10] * Prokliatem (46b3a1e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
�06[20:16] * D_ mumbles something about people using parenthetical citations 
�02[20:16] * Ecliptica ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
�03[20:16] * Writ_Keeper (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:17] <Dcoetzee> Mumblings suggested that D_ dislikes parenthetical notations (D_ 2013).
[20:18] <D_> It wouldn't be that bad if every article using them had a huge editnotice telling editors to continue using them
[20:18] <D_> Instead of creating a mess of mixed citation styles
[20:19] <Swob> some people are voting to get rid of harvn
[20:20] <Dcoetzee> Really all articles should transition to footnote citations eventually.
[20:20] <Dcoetzee> They're just easier to edit.
[20:20] <Dcoetzee> Also consistency
[20:20] <tucoxn> Swob, some people should be voting to get rid of Harvard.
[20:20] <D_> {{harvn}} isn't that bad
[20:20] <D_> It's better than bare parenthetical citations
[20:20] <D_> Or am I thinking {{harv}}
[20:23] <IShadowed> 25/25
[20:23] <IShadowed> I am queen.
[20:23] <D_> Argh, contributions aren't showing up
�06[20:24] * D_ bangs on the WP database 
[20:26] <IShadowed> don't bang it, though, that may not be pleasant
[20:26] <Ktr101> Dcoetzee: would you be able to see if the "test site" thing works here?
[20:26] <Ktr101> wait....
[20:26] <Ktr101> hold on
�02[20:26] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:27] <Ktr101> yes, could you check it
�03[20:27] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:29] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:30] <D_> Ugh, this article is a collage of at least three different copy-pasted sources
[20:30] <D_> One of them being Wikipedia
[20:30] <D_> They left "[edit]" in when they pasted
[20:31] <Amqui> lol
�02[20:33] * tucoxn (~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[20:38] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[20:40] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[20:40] <Writ_Keeper> huh.
[20:40] <Writ_Keeper> anyone else having problems with their watchlist not being updated?
[20:41] <D_> I'm having problem with contribs not getting updated
[20:41] <D_> as in, my latest contribs not showing up, and things I reverted still showing up as top in users' contribs
�02[20:42] * Ktr101 (183cd9a7@wikipedia/Ktr101) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�03[20:42] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:44] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) Quit (Quit: You can't kill me! I'm already dead tomorrow!�)
�02[20:50] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[20:55] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:55] <Jasper_Deng> it's being discussed in #wikimedia-tech
�02[20:56] * Swob (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
�02[20:58] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[20:58] * Gfoley (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:59] <D_> Jasper_Deng: How much should I panic?
�03[21:00] * Riley|Work is now known as Riley
[21:00] <BlastHardcheese> 12 much
�03[21:00] * Commander_Keane (1b21b621@wikimedia/Commander-Keane) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:01] <D_> Check.
�02[21:04] * Gfoley (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[21:04] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:10] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
�03[21:10] * Mr-ex777 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[21:15] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
[21:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ can I panic too?
[21:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> or co-panic?
[21:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WikiLove: Co-panic Barnstar
�03[21:24] * Writ_Keeper (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper) has left #wikipedia-en
�06[21:27] * Yetanotherx is learning mobile app development, but I don't have ideas for an app to develop? Any ideas?
[21:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm?
�03[21:28] * Riley is now known as Riley|Sleep
[21:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> develop a cross platform app that transmits what the mike picks up to the headphones
[21:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I'd like this when I am listening to music so that i dont get run over :3
[21:28] <BewareofDoug> Do we have a cite for this? "When IBM released its first relational database product, they wanted to have a commercial-quality sublanguage as well, so it overhauled SEQUEL and renamed the basically new language (System Query Language) SQL to differentiate it from SEQUEL."
[21:29] <BewareofDoug> That's from the DB2 page
[21:29] <BewareofDoug> The SQL page has a cited statement that the name change was due to a trademark issue
[21:29] <Yetanotherx> I should write a mobile anti-vandalism tool
[21:29] <BewareofDoug> and I don't find many hits for "system" query language
[21:30] <Yetanotherx> STiki port or something
[21:30] <rigel> Yetanotherx: write a drug reference app that uses wp and the fda as its primary sources
[21:30] <rigel> and funnels the collected marketing data (opt-in) to the public domain instead of selling it to drug companies
�02[21:32] * Nix-7c0 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a mobile app that makes the phone fly! :p
[21:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> gives a new meaning to hands free
[21:35] <Yetanotherx> rigel: I know some of those words
[21:36] <Yetanotherx> Hmm... a STiki mobile wouldn't be too hard.
[21:36] <Yetanotherx> Relatively speaking
[21:36] <Yetanotherx> It's already written in Java...
�02[21:39] * PapaJacky ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[21:44] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[21:47] <BewareofDoug> Has anyone else here ever heard of System Query Language being the original meaning of SQL?
�02[21:55] * BewareofDoug (~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug) Quit (Quit: BewareofDoug�)
�02[21:58] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[21:58] <rigel> so if a page contains a listing of like 50 papers and books with full citations, which ones should go and which should stay
[21:58] <rigel> subject is an academic
[21:59] <Shirik> all of them
[21:59] <Shirik> until you give a justification for them to be there
[21:59] <IShadowed> SHIRIK
[22:00] <IShadowed> I'm glad you didn't have a heart attack on the way back
[22:00] <Shirik> me too
[22:00] <Shirik> also I'm really tire
[22:00] <Shirik> d
�06[22:00] * IShadowed rolls her eyes
�06[22:00] * IShadowed pat pat Shirik 
[22:01] <rigel> Shirik: doesnt look like there's much ABOUT him, but it seems like he's prolific enough an author to be notable
[22:02] <Shirik> I write an article every week
[22:02] <Shirik> do I deserve a page?
[22:02] <rigel> he's a professor at harvard, and the harvard gazette has done a profile of him
[22:02] <Shirik> an article about a person should not be a list of the things he wrote
[22:02] <Shirik> it shoudl be about him
[22:03] <Shirik> if there's no content about him, then there should not be an article
[22:03] <Shirik> if there is content about him, then the list of things he wrote is probably not necessary
[22:03] <IShadowed> ....
[22:03] <IShadowed> inb4 Shirik starts drafting a page for himself
[22:04] <Shirik> Shirik is an Artisan judge, a rules team member, and all-around badass
[22:04] <Shirik> I think this article is starting off well
[22:04] <rigel> fair enough
[22:04] <IShadowed> "all-around badass:
[22:04] <IShadowed> do elaborate.
�06[22:04] * IShadowed folds her arms.
[22:06] <IShadowed> Yeah, that's what I thought
�02[22:06] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[22:06] <IShadowed> {{fact}}
�03[22:06] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:07] <rigel> citation needed
[22:07] <rigel> oh man
[22:07] <rigel> some ip editor today put a cn tag on A FUCKING QUOTE
[22:08] <rigel> that was clearly referenced inline
[22:08] <rigel> what i like to do is search for phrases that i expect will come up in shoddily-sourced articles
[22:09] <rigel> the way i found this guy's resume-like page was by searching for "researchers from Harvard"
�02[22:09] * mareklug_ (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.�)
[22:11] <rigel> I think that Harvard's HR department needs a wikipedian-in-residence or two
[22:11] <IShadowed> "researchers from Harvard"
[22:11] <IShadowed> so basically all the students there
[22:11] <IShadowed> great
[22:12] <rigel> well, only a shoddily sourced article would traffic in that kind of spurious reputation-whoring
[22:13] <rigel> "oh, but researchers from harvard looked at it!"
[22:13] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Glad he didn't have a heart attack? That may be the nicest thing I've ever heard you say :-P
[22:13] <rigel> if it contains the phrase, either it's going to be shoddily sourced, or the citations need to be fixed, at the very least
[22:13] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, kind of lacking context, but yeah
[22:13] <IShadowed> I am, though!
[22:13] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[22:13] <rigel>
[22:13] <IShadowed> Shirik is a person worth keeping alive
[22:14] <rigel> what do you think, AfD?
[22:14] <IShadowed> which is damned high praise from me
[22:14] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[22:14] <rigel> i dont have time to bother actually editing things down
[22:14] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You think my life is worth preservation? :-P
[22:14] <IShadowed> Jury's still out
�06[22:14] * Dcoetzee sighs :-P
[22:14] <Dcoetzee> Fair enough
[22:15] <IShadowed> I mean, let's break this down;
[22:15] <IShadowed> suppose I did rule the world
[22:15] <IShadowed> I'd need people to fulfill certain roles
[22:15] <Dcoetzee> Uh huh
[22:15] <IShadowed> Shirik is kind of your direct competition
[22:15] <IShadowed> Also software engineer, also photographer
[22:15] <IShadowed> you're like carbon copies except you old as fuck
[22:16] <IShadowed> and he just old
[22:16] <IShadowed> so y'know
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> One person can't do everything :-P
[22:16] <IShadowed> disagree
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> Other than you, obviously
[22:16] <IShadowed> ^
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[22:16] <IShadowed> you bitches just need to step up your game
[22:16] <IShadowed> but again, this is why I'm ruling the world in this scenario
[22:17] <IShadowed> so s'all good
[22:17] <mareklug> we're not 15 anymore.  our game is slow and deliberate.  we play half-court.
[22:17] <IShadowed> actually, we kind of are 15
[22:17] <IShadowed> or at least, y'know, me
[22:17] <rigel> you can also search for ""
[22:18] <rigel> because if it includes the harvard directory page, it's a good bet that it's little more than a resume
[22:18] <IShadowed> dude get over it
�06[22:18] * IShadowed waves her hand
[22:18] <rigel> hell, i should write some of this shit up
[22:18] <IShadowed> ^ {{sofixit}}
[22:21] <rigel> how do i get the list of articles tagged with {{like resume}}
�03[22:24] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
[22:26] <D_> Apparently {{like resume}} goes to Category:Articles with a promotional tone
[22:26] <rigel> yeah
[22:26] <rigel> with 16k articles listed
�03[22:26] * sankarshan_away is now known as sankarshan
[22:27] <rigel> i wonder how to semi-automate this process
[22:27] <D_> You can whatlinkshere on {{like resume}}
[22:27] <D_> but that's even less useful
[22:28] <rigel> there really should be tools to automate the google/gnews searches integrated into a nomination tool like twinkle
[22:28] <rigel> and at minimum, something to sift through looking for ELs in the article body
[22:31] <rigel> what are wp:n guidelines for software packages
�03[22:31] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
�03[22:32] * PapaJacky ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:35] <IShadowed> blergh, my throat is killing me
�06[22:36] * Dcoetzee gives IShadowed cough drops
[22:36] <D_> I recommend an amputation
[22:36] <IShadowed> yeah, really, I need some
[22:36] <D_> Trust me, I've watched all of House
�06[22:36] * IShadowed sighs, gets some honey
[22:36] <Dcoetzee> D_: It's probably lupus
[22:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> water is a good medicine
[22:37] <D_> It's not Lupus, except in like 1% of cases
�06[22:37] * ToAruShiroiNeko ponders if D_ is a doctor
[22:38] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Sweet food for a not-so-sweet girl :-P
�03[22:38] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[22:38] <IShadowed> fuck you
[22:38] <IShadowed> I'm sweet
[22:38] <IShadowed> ..ish.
[22:38] <Dcoetzee> Heh
[22:39] <Dcoetzee> At times :-P
[22:39] <IShadowed> When I'm made to be
[22:39] <Dcoetzee> Yup
[22:39] <D_> To the boiling sugar vats with her!
[22:42] <IShadowed> wow
[22:42] <Amqui> XD
[22:43] <IShadowed> you are all such disappointments
[22:43] <IShadowed> in the time I was downstairs getting a drink
[22:43] <mareklug> IShadowed is glitter flavored?
[22:43] <IShadowed> you could've made like five quality jokes about what I could've done to my throat to make it hurt
[22:43] <IShadowed> but nope
[22:43] <IShadowed> shameful
[22:43] <IShadowed> go to your rooms
[22:44] <D_> Maybe we're just respectful and polite individuals
[22:44] <D_> I understand the concept may be foreign
[22:44] <IShadowed> What are these attributes of which you speak
�03[22:47] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:47] <Amqui> lol
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[23:16] <D_> Uhhh
[23:16] <D_> I think this editor is removing content because it contains a trademark
�03[23:17] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[23:20] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[23:21] <TheChance> D_: link?
[23:22] <D_>
[23:22] <D_> Also check [[User talk:Ltd500]]
[23:22] <D_> I don't wanna re-revert it because the claim wasn't sourced in the first place
[23:22] <D_> So they might have a point in removing it
[23:23] <D_> but the "any reference is wholly owned and protected" strikes me as iffy
[23:25] <PapaJacky> I don't think that unsourced claims are to be removed immediately
[23:25] <PapaJacky> just slap on the citation needed tag and wait a few
[23:26] <D_> Eh, you don't slap tags on what you know to be obviously false
[23:26] <D_> And I couldn't find anything supporting on a quick Google search
[23:27] <PapaJacky> honestly, I don't think most people know jack squat about a radio station
[23:28] <PapaJacky> if someone claimed the earth was green without a source, then you know
[23:28] <PapaJacky> but radio station programming?
[23:28] <D_> Right, but there's [[WP:BURDEN]]
[23:29] <PapaJacky> mhm
[23:29] <D_> This isn't the first time I've ran into iffy editors working with radio station articles
[23:30] <D_> Seems like it's one topic area that sees little interest except from the occasional PR specialist
[23:30] <rigel> D_: uh.
[23:30] <rigel> try pharmaceutical contract research
[23:30] <rigel> [[Contract research organization]]
[23:30] <rigel> and look at all the content-free spamming that goes on surrounding that
[23:31] <D_> ooh, pending changes
[23:31] <D_> that's a good sign
[23:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Contract research organization, World - CROW
�02[23:31] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[23:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sounds like a ficticious evil corp
[23:32] <rigel> yeah, i had to get some protection. the article i merged with it, list of contract research organizations, would get a new spammer inserting their bullshit company into it like at least every other day
[23:32] <Mike_H> Susan: I'm back in Tampa.
[23:32] <rigel> look at the category and most of the companies listed there are totally promotional bullshit too
[23:32] <Mike_H> <3
[23:33] <PapaJacky> lol
[23:34] <PapaJacky> good thing I really only edit articles about the contemporary and modern russian military
[23:34] <PapaJacky> not much bullshit to revert
�06[23:35] * Mike_H has to update his portfolio for new jobs...
[23:35] <Mike_H> bleh bleh
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Session Time: Mon Feb 18 00:00:01 2013
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[00:01] <PapaJacky>
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[00:22] <Yetanotherx> I hate the meme as much as the next person, but this is the first one to make me laugh:
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[00:39] <SigmaWP> Good reaking job, Secret
�06[00:39] * SigmaWP storms into the corner and mutters under his breath
[00:50] <PapaJacky> something tells me you made that, Yetanotherx
[00:50] <Yetanotherx> PapaJacky: Nope
[00:50] <Yetanotherx> Reddit did
[00:50] <PapaJacky> rrriiiggghhtttt
[00:50] <Yetanotherx>
[00:50] <PapaJacky> you're off the hook
[00:50] <PapaJacky> savour it
[00:50] <PapaJacky> next offense you're heading off to the big house
[00:51] <Yetanotherx> PapaJacky: Know how I didn't make that? It uses Notepad
[00:51] <PapaJacky> I don't know you so that's irrelevant to my assessment
[00:52] <Yetanotherx> :P
[00:52] <Yetanotherx> I wouldn't be caught dead using Notepad
[00:55] <mareklug> Yetanotherx u sure?  we could arrange for, um, it, then press a windows laptop into your cold hands.
[00:55] <Yetanotherx> Notepad++
[00:55] <Yetanotherx> wordpad
[00:55] <Yetanotherx> Eclipse
[00:55] <Yetanotherx> Netbeans
[00:55] <Yetanotherx> IntelliJ
[00:55] <Yetanotherx> Microsoft Word
[00:55] <Yetanotherx> Just NOT NOTEPAD
�02[00:56] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[00:58] <SigmaWP> [00:54:27] �<�Yetanotherx�>�� Microsoft Word
[00:58] <SigmaWP> Ooh damn, that's serious
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[01:03] <mareklug> Yetanotherx are you not overdoing this religious purity bit?  You mean, you would not use Notepad in a critical system rescue operation edit in single user mode or something?
[01:03] <Yetanotherx> There's wordpad
[01:04] <mareklug> suppose word pad was hosed, or using it would introduce an instability risk.
[01:04] <Yetanotherx> Fuck it, can't be that important
[01:04] <mareklug> you're right.  it's only windows.  reinstall the fucker.
[01:10] <jonathan`> what's wrong with Notepad
[01:11] <SigmaWP> jonathan`: Everything
[01:11] <jonathan`> Such as
[01:11] <mareklug> it's too simple and stable for some ppl
[01:13] <Yetanotherx> jonathan`: BOM errors, doesn't read newlines properly
[01:14] <jonathan`> Sure; but in the video that was linked that brought notepad up in the first place, clearly neither of those are relevant
[01:15] <mareklug> what is this mysterious BOM that you speak of?
[01:15] <Yetanotherx> Byte Order Mark
[01:15] <Yetanotherx> It's a stray character that Notepad inserts to text
[01:15] <Yetanotherx> And can cause code to fail, as the compiler doesn't know what to do with it
[01:16] <Yetanotherx> Or other text applications don't know what to do with it
[01:17] <SigmaWP>
�02[01:17] * Mr-ex777 ( Quit (Quit: FOR MOAR ON ME PLEASE SEE HERE�)
[01:17] <SigmaWP> Looks like someone hates the Python
[01:18] <SigmaWP> Yetanotherx: Doesn't unicode have a BOM?
�06[01:18] * SigmaWP was never sure if he should save files with or without it
[01:18] <mareklug> Yetanotherx I just read up on it.  This is only at play when saving UTF-8 content, correct?
[01:18] <Yetanotherx> Yes
[01:18] <jonathan`> .
[01:20] <Yetanotherx> You end up getting the text  if it's not expecting it
[01:20] <mareklug> Yetanotherx but looks like the child of your choice, Word, does the same for other UTF encodings -- see the Conclusions summary here
[01:21] <Yetanotherx> That's why you don't use Word. :P
[01:21] <Yetanotherx> (it was a a joke)
[01:21] <mareklug> no, no, you said Word.  I have it in my Scrollback as your option.
[01:21] <Yetanotherx> (it was a a joke)
[01:22] <mareklug> ok.  well, let's just agree on using non joke software such as Emacs or Xemacs to edit sensitive files, and then we're golden.
�03[01:22] * petan (~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:22] <Yetanotherx> no
[01:22] <Yetanotherx> vim
[01:22] <Yetanotherx> vim is master race
[01:22] <mareklug> you can do you vimming in EMacs/Xemacs
[01:23] <mareklug> the converse does not hold tho
[01:23] <Yetanotherx> vim is master race
[01:23] <Yetanotherx> nothing else is possible
[01:23] <mareklug> keep joking
[01:23] <mareklug> I'd rather use Kate
[01:23] <Yetanotherx> i'll take :wq over C-x M-y any day
[01:24] <Yetanotherx> Not that I have any clue what C-x M-y does
[01:24] <mareklug> it's C-X C-C btw
[01:24] <mareklug> the beauty of Emacs is that it will do what you key bind it to.
[01:24] <Yetanotherx> C-x C-C M-bufferfly
[01:25] <mareklug> that will probably delete your current partiion
[01:26] <Yetanotherx> Maybe
[01:26] <Yetanotherx> Night, all
�03[01:26] * Zelest ( has left #wikipedia-en
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�03[01:33] * Captain-n00dle (~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:36] <SigmaWP> Yetanotherx|afk: Night
[01:36] <SigmaWP> Good night to all
�02[01:36] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Once I did bad, and that I heard ever\nTwice I did good, but that I heard never.�)
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[01:51] <Carly> hi
[01:51] <Carly> :D
�03[01:52] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|away
[01:53] <PapaJacky> hey carlie
[01:54] <Carly> How are you PapaJacky
[01:55] <PapaJacky> I am great, you
[01:55] <Carly> well
[01:55] <Carly> :D
�06[01:55] * Carly hides
�06[01:55] * PapaJacky carries on
[01:55] <Carly> :o
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�03[02:52] * Bradford is now known as El_Patron
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[02:56] <Carly> El_Patron, deja de monear.
�06[02:56] * Carly runs away
[02:57] <El_Patron> (-----------------8
[02:57] <Carly> :)
[02:57] <El_Patron> Carly: se dice, buenos días (:
[02:57] <Carly> really¿
[02:57] <Carly> so,good morning El_Patron
[02:58] <El_Patron> (----------------8
[02:58] <Carly> I guess that is "Good morning Carly"
[02:58] <Carly> hehe
[02:58] <Carly> xd
�06[02:58] * Carly runs away
[02:59] <El_Patron> bye bye :D
�03[02:59] * El_Patron is now known as El_Patron|Away
�06[02:59] * El_Patron|Away school :$
[02:59] <Mr-ex777> Carly
�06[02:59] * Carly Mr-ex777 
[02:59] <Carly> :D
�03[02:59] * sankarshan is now known as sankarshan_away
�03[02:59] * FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
[02:59] <Mr-ex777> Carly: any long term abuses on wikia recently?
[03:00] <Carly> Mr-ex777, dunno
[03:00] <Carly> I've never edited Wikia
[03:00] <Carly> xd
[03:01] <Mr-ex777> Carly: i mean wikipedia
[03:01] <Carly> Mr-ex777, dunno¿
[03:01] <Carly> xd
[03:01] <Mr-ex777> wikipedia long term abuse
[03:01] <Carly> I am not worried about abuse
[03:01] <Carly> I only edit and I go
[03:01] <Carly> xd
[03:01] <Carly> I dont put a eye on
�06[03:01] * Carly runs away
[03:02] <Carly> why the question Mr-ex777
[03:02] <Carly> make me doubt
[03:02] <Mr-ex777> Carly: i research vandals
[03:02] <Carly> Mr-ex777, I research viruses
[03:07] <Mr-ex777> well Carly
[03:07] <Carly> Well Mr-ex777 and dont feel free to pm me.
[03:07] <Carly> because I am busy,thanks.
�02[03:08] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[03:09] <Mr-ex777> Carly: what kind of virus
[03:09] <Mr-ex777> computer or irl
[03:10] <Carly> computer¿
[03:10] <Carly> my favorites are Iloveyou and Jerusalem with Ambulance car
�06[03:10] * Carly runs away
�06[03:13] * wctaiwan eyes Mr-ex777 
[03:13] <wctaiwan> school started yet?
[03:13] <wctaiwan> mine started today :(
[03:13] <Mr-ex777> wctaiwan: tomorrow
[03:13] <Carly> here too
[03:13] <wctaiwan> oh.
[03:13] <wctaiwan> Carly: I thought you're home-schooled?
[03:13] <Carly> the kids are going with a BIG smile on their faces
[03:13] <Carly> wctaiwan, No¿
[03:13] <wctaiwan> well I'm not. I'm just grumpy about it.
[03:14] <Carly> me too.
[03:15] <Rcsprinter> I've been connected to IRC for a whole month. I can read every conversation in loads of channels since ages back. Unlike my other client where I have to disconnect every night.
[03:16] <Carly> hmm
[03:16] <mareklug> Rcsprinter well then.  You must the the guy to ask for the best of.  Give us some nominations.
[03:16] <wctaiwan> Rcsprinter: just don't publish the logs :p
[03:16] <Rcsprinter> Mareklug: For what?
[03:16] <Carly> yes,please.
[03:17] <Carly> I have the logs since 6 days xd.
[03:17] <mareklug> for #wikipedia-en posts, obviously.  or snippets of dialogue/banter
[03:18] <Rcsprinter> I couldn't right now because scrolling on a tablet is difficult
[03:19] <Rcsprinter> I could tell you every client I've tried :/
�03[03:20] * Carly is now known as Carly|gone
[03:20] <mareklug> what is this tablet of yours
[03:20] <Rcsprinter> iPad 3
[03:21] <mareklug> hmmm… and the newest Colloquy sucks on it?
[03:21] <Rcsprinter> im distracting myself from writing an essay. I haven't used the newest colloquy because I'm on a different one
[03:22] <Rcsprinter> (client)
[03:22] <wctaiwan> Colloquy on the Mac has always been pretty lame.
[03:22] <wctaiwan> buggy, at least.
[03:22] <wctaiwan> Textual's much better.
[03:22] <mareklug> there is no textual for iOS i don't think.  The newest Colloquy is fine for iPod touch 4G use under 6.1
[03:23] <mareklug> Not that I advocate it.  but it is a nice stand-in for checking in.
[03:23] <Carly|gone> Stoned haha XD
[03:23] <Carly|gone> I love it :p
[03:23] <Rcsprinter> I have used Freenode webchat, x-chat, Hirc, colloquy, leafchat, irccloud (for long periods, there have been others)
[03:23] <wctaiwan> Carly|gone: from marijuana?
[03:24] <Carly|gone> wctaiwan, No,is a computer virus
[03:24] <Carly|gone> :)
�02[03:24] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[03:24] <wctaiwan> oh.
[03:24] <Carly|gone> is named "Stoned"
[03:24] <Carly|gone> xd
[03:25] <Carly|gone> haha and have a variant named "in love" huhu
[03:26] <El_Patron|Away> mareklug: el minimo comun multiplo de 4, 6 y 12 es 12 :-?
�03[03:26] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:28] <Carly|gone> El_Patron|Away, is half between 4-6-12
[03:28] <Carly|gone> 4+6+12
[03:28] <Carly|gone> and after half of that
[03:28] <wctaiwan> The minimum common multiple of 4 and 6 is 12, yes, El_Patron|Away
[03:28] <wctaiwan> whoo I actually understood that one.
[03:28] <Carly|gone> I dont know anything of maths
[03:28] <wctaiwan> 4 and 6 and 12*
[03:28] <Carly|gone> xd
[03:28] <Rcsprinter> XD
[03:28] <mareklug> El_Patron|Away what is your mathematical background, if you don't mind my asking?
[03:28] <El_Patron|Away> e.e
[03:29] <Carly|gone> I only see someone worried,because have not done his homework uuuh
[03:29] <Carly|gone> xd
[03:29] <El_Patron|Away> xD
[03:29] <El_Patron|Away> Carly|gone:  dime si sabes esta, es facil =  (-5) + (8) = :-?
[03:29] <El_Patron|Away> xD
[03:30] <wctaiwan> marek: slightly curious, how would you solve that problem if the numbers were larger and more arbitrary?
[03:31] <mareklug> hmmm….  multiply them all by one another and then start dividing?
[03:31] <wctaiwan> here we were taught a method / notation that makes it easy to find the HCF and LCM, but I don't know if it'd be taught in US education.
[03:31] <wctaiwan> dividing by what?
[03:31] <Carly|gone> El_Patron|Away,is
[03:31] <Carly|gone> dunno
[03:31] <mareklug> the numbers
[03:31] <Carly|gone> I forgot all maths I've learned at school
[03:31] <El_Patron|Away> -.-
[03:31] <Carly|gone> I am sorry :(
[03:32] <Carly|gone> El_Patron|Away, in Wikipedia maybe there a article
[03:32] <Carly|gone> xd
[03:32] <wctaiwan> I don't think I follow, but I think it's probable that yeah, you guys aren't taught that method there.
[03:32] <Carly|gone> let me see
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[03:32] <wctaiwan> the shape of the notation appeared in my mind as soon as I comprehended the problem, even though this one was easy enough that I didn't even try to do it that way.
[03:32] <El_Patron|Away> -.-
[03:32] <Carly|gone> OMG
[03:32] <El_Patron|Away> omm
[03:32] <Carly|gone> El_Patron|Away,,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42553238,d.dmg&fp=3131a1694c6ea45c&biw=1054&bih=604
[03:33] <Carly|gone> uh O.o
[03:33] <Carly|gone> El_Patron|Away, use Google Calculator
[03:33] <wctaiwan>
[03:33] <wctaiwan> ^ much more flexible
[03:33] <Carly|gone> is 3 El_Patron|Away
[03:33] <Carly|gone> write 3
[03:34] <El_Patron|Away> :P
[03:34] <El_Patron|Away> reallY? e.e
[03:34] <Carly|gone> yes
[03:34] <Carly|gone> :|
[03:34] <Carly|gone> El_Patron|Away, Only write!
[03:34] <Carly|gone> xd
[03:34] <El_Patron|Away> xD
[03:34] <Rcsprinter> I don't get what tungsten ore and the Greek "A" have to do with knowledge
[03:34] <Carly|gone>   (-5) + (8) = 3 El_Patron|Away
[03:34] <Carly|gone> what is the next
[03:34] <Carly|gone> xd
[03:35] <El_Patron|Away> an-- > m.c.d = 1,2 and 3 = :-?
[03:35] <Carly|gone> mm let me see
[03:35] <El_Patron|Away> e.e
[03:35] <El_Patron|Away> tell me xd
[03:36] <Carly|gone> wait
[03:36] <El_Patron|Away> e.e
[03:36] <El_Patron|Away> bye xd
[03:36] <Carly|gone> I cant get,be good with your classmates!
[03:36] <Carly|gone> and with Manuela
[03:36] <Carly|gone> :/
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[03:49] <mareklug> Rcsprinter you do know that it is the dude's last name, don't you?
[03:50] <mareklug> btw, wolfram is not tungsten ore, but alternative name for tungsten itself.  In German (and Polish, and probably lots of other languages) it is the name.
�03[03:50] * Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
[03:51] <mareklug> also "Tungsten exists in two major crystalline forms: α and β."
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[03:52] <Rcsprinter> Ah right
[04:00] <mareklug> Mike_H you leave Arkansas, and local divas drop like flies
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[04:07] <mareklug>  <-- wee.  don'tchu water down my whiskey, mister
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[04:08] <mareklug>  <-- however, elsewhere, I see British bitter is turning slowly to piss
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[04:26] <wctaiwan> oh, I didn't realise
[04:26] <wctaiwan> Rcsprinter:
[04:26] <wctaiwan> that's where the name comes from, not tungsten.
[04:26] <wctaiwan> oh oops
[04:26] <wctaiwan> I fail
[04:27] <wctaiwan> not only did I spell it wrong, marek had already linked to it -_-
[04:27] <mareklug> yeah, wctaiwan  You are completely redundant.  Just take your cane and go sit on the park bench.
[04:27] <wctaiwan> I don't even _have_ a cane :|
[04:27] <mareklug> there you go.  does not even have a cane.
[04:28] <wctaiwan> and I can't pay the rent for the park bench...
[04:28] <mareklug> they charge rent for park benches in Taipei?
[04:29] <wctaiwan> don't think so. But I do recall a monopoly-like game where being stranded at the park wasn't free
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[04:36] <Vacation9> !admin could someone deal with - vandalizing, creating false pages under incorrect titles, and personal attacks ("Screw  u u wh0r3")
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[04:47] <geniice> already appears  to have been blocked
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[05:19] <Susan> Mike_H: Oh my.
[05:19] <Susan> Mike_H: For how long?
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[05:40] <Steven_Zhang> OMG
[05:40] <Steven_Zhang> Secret passed RFA?
[05:41] <wctaiwan> you seem surprised :p
[05:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Steven_Zhang its a secret
[05:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> shh
[05:45] <duh> :D
[05:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is a secured channel
[05:45] <Steven_Zhang> you funny
[05:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :D
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[06:18] <Maple__> WHOA O_o
[06:19] <Maple__> Tell Aranada gratz
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[06:51] <gde33> can different users have the same name on different projects?
[06:51] <gde33> like wp en and commons?
[06:52] <duh> yes
[06:52] <duh> SUL conflicts
[06:52] <wctaiwan> gde33: not anymore
[06:52] <gde33> old accounts might still belong to different people?
[06:53] <duh> yup
[06:53] <duh> wctaiwan: its still possible...
[06:53] <wctaiwan> duh: don't you automatically get SUL when you sign up these days?
[06:53] <duh> most of the time
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[06:54] <duh> there are a few weird exceptions iirc
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[07:40] <Peter-C>
�03[07:42] * Zhao|ZzZz is now known as Zhao|semi-ZzZz
[07:43] <jeremyb_> Peter-C: don't get it
[07:44] <Peter-C> Good guy Gary tells you what his friends oveedosing on
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[07:44] <Peter-C> Most guys say "OMG WAHT ARE DRUGS? Yea we don't do those."
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[07:46] <Jetro> Peter-C: Do you mean Good Guy Greg?
[07:46] <Jetro> Don't you mean*
[07:46] <Peter-C> Greg/Gary all the same
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[07:46] <Jetro> :C
[07:46] <Jetro> Well in that case, Peter and Petra all the same
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[07:47] <Peter-C> mhm
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[07:49] <Peter-C>
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[08:11] <Maple__> Peaches.
[08:12] <SoapX> Plums?
[08:13] <Nascar1996> … Danica Patrick
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[08:16] <Maple__> Plums are sour.
[08:16] <Maple__> Yuk.
[08:17] <SoapX> Pineapples?
[08:17] <SoapX> Pomegranates?
[08:17] <SoapX> Papayas. Thats what you want
[08:17] <wctaiwan> I don't like papayas.
[08:17] <wctaiwan> "Go away, papaya. No one likes you."
[08:19] <Jetro> Passion fruit.
[08:19] <Jetro> Delicious.
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[08:48] <gde33> where discuss essays in wp space? On the policy pump?
[08:49] <gde33> Miscellaneous?
[08:51] <Dcoetzee> gde33: Depends what your question is
[08:51] <Dcoetzee> gde33: What is your question/concern?
�03[08:52] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:52] <gde33> I think it is time to delete the SPA essay
[08:52] <Dcoetzee> gde33: Then nominate it for deletion at WP:MFD
[08:52] <gde33> oh but there are different people there
[08:53] <Dcoetzee> gde33: Alternatively, you may propose marking it deprecated at WP:VPP
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[08:53] <Dcoetzee> Or at
[08:54] <Dcoetzee> gde33: Proposals VP is probably the best place to propose marking an essay as deprecated, but also post a link to the discussion on the talk page of the essay
[08:54] <Dcoetzee> So anybody watching it knows about it
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[08:55] <gde33> so that people using the essay can continue the same rethoric? :P
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[08:57] <gde33> I'm most offended by the way they want SPA to primarly describe new users.
[08:57] <gde33> thats just rediculous, should one start with 2 articles at the same time?
[08:57] <gde33> if the user violates policy ok ok but that isn't actually the case is it?
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[08:58] <gde33> Dcoetzee: could you give me an idea how bad this problem is? If it really exists.
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[09:00] <Dcoetzee> gde33: That's certainly a reasonable concern. But not everybody abuses the term in that manner. And deprecating the essay is not going to change how people use the term. That's culture, not policy. Perhaps what you'd really like is a clarifying statement to be inserted into the essay explaining how it can be misused, and not to do that.
[09:00] <gde33> it shouldn't exist
[09:00] <gde33> you can not separate new users from spa users
[09:00] <gde33> there is no formula for that
[09:01] <Dcoetzee> gde33: You certainly can if they posted one page 2 years ago and haven't edited since :-P
�03[09:01] * YE1344 is now known as YE
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[09:01] <Dcoetzee> SPA is not necessarily a perogative term
�03[09:01] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:01] <Dcoetzee> *pejorative
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[09:01] <gde33> we ban people for this
[09:01] <Dcoetzee> We don't ban people for being SPAs.
[09:01] <gde33> I barely started editing and was banned rightaway for being a spa
[09:01] <Dcoetzee> There are plenty of totally legitimate single purposes an account can serve.
[09:02] <gde33> lasted a whole hour
[09:02] <gde33> lol
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[09:02] <Dcoetzee> We only ban them for being an SPA if their single purpose is a policy violation.
[09:02] <gde33> yes, who cares if they are spa accounts?
[09:02] <gde33> apparently that is not the case.
[09:02] <Dcoetzee> SPA is just one of many factors weighed in considering whether to block.
[09:02] <gde33> Single-topic editors are rarely, if ever, interested in or capable of NPOV. Additionally, if you look closely you will often find a conflict of interest.
[09:03] <gde33> "if you look closely" = assume bad faith
[09:03] <Dcoetzee> I don't think so? I think that's just saying "investigate for possible signs of COI in this case"
[09:03] <gde33> "rarely" says just about nothing? :P
[09:03] <Dcoetzee> I disagree with that "rarely" part
[09:03] <Dcoetzee> But it's an essay :-P
[09:04] <Dcoetzee> People are supposed to disagree about essays.
[09:04] <gde33> oh
[09:04] <gde33> I didn't know that
[09:05] <Dcoetzee> Essays have no binding force.
[09:05] <gde33> I thought people just wrote good essays then we moved them to the wp space for public vandalization.
[09:05] <gde33> some one should write an essay about that.....
[09:05] <Dcoetzee> Essays are not mandatory or even recommended for editors to follow.
[09:05] <Dcoetzee> They're just "one editor's opinion"
[09:06] <gde33> usally yes
[09:06] <gde33> but if it is anything about control freaks on wikipedia (and true) the control freaks usually end up rewriting the article.
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[09:06] <Dcoetzee> In short, trying to delete the SPA essay to deal with misuse of the term SPA is like trying to deal with racism by removing "nigger" from the dictionary. :-P
[09:07] <gde33> niggers are humans who could potentially be harmful.
[09:07] <gde33> here is hwo you investigate the nigger
[09:07] <gde33> yes, you are right. It is surpricingly close.
[09:07] <Dcoetzee> Okay maybe that was a bad analogy
[09:07] <gde33> no it wasn't
[09:08] <gde33> the new user (now called spa) is usually trying to expand an article to the best of his abilities.
[09:08] <gde33> quite usually this involves bad sources
[09:08] <gde33> so then a watchlister shows up
[09:08] <gde33> an editor watching 10 k articles
[09:08] <Dcoetzee> I'm just saying, I think adding warnings to the essay is the best way to try to fight misuse of the term. People are not going to stop saying "SPA" because the essay is deleted.
[09:08] <gde33> and we then pretend this watchlister to actually know something about those 10 k topics
[09:08] <gde33> nothing could be further from the truth
�03[09:09] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[09:09] <gde33> he wont make any contribution
[09:09] <gde33> add zero sources
[09:09] <gde33> all he does is moan abuot the SPA
[09:09] <gde33> with the best of intentions :P
[09:10] <Dcoetzee> Every user contributes in their own way. Not everyone is a content contributor.
[09:11] <gde33> but who is more valuable? The editor working on the article or the editor watching the article?
[09:12] <gde33> if you had to chose between the 2
[09:12] <gde33> reading arround wikipedia I see many people are starting to believe the watchers are most important.
[09:12] <gde33> wiki is finished, all that is left is police work.
[09:12] <Dcoetzee> Editors can't be compared in absolute terms.
[09:13] <Dcoetzee> That's like saying "which is more important, a police officer or a fireman?"
[09:13] <Dcoetzee> We kinda want to have both of those
[09:14] <SoapX> there's some merit to that though
[09:14] <gde33> you cant have editors if they are spa
[09:14] <gde33> SoapX: the police station?
[09:14] <SoapX> if Wikipedia suddenly ran out of money and could only exist as an archive, itd still be very valuable
[09:15] <gde33> why would wikipedia run out of money?
[09:15] <SoapX> it could happen
[09:15] <SoapX> donations have been rising the past few years, but there's no guarantee they always will
[09:16] <Dcoetzee> SoapX: In principle they could always transition to an ad based model if needed
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[09:16] <SoapX> our budget is tiny compared to google, facebook, etc, but so is our revenue, since it's almost entirely donations
[09:16] <SoapX> ech. ads
[09:16] <Dcoetzee> As a last resort, you know.
[09:16] <SoapX> I know
[09:16] <Dcoetzee> Wikia has ads, and they still have editors.
�03[09:16] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[09:16] <gde33> I'm pretty sure falsly accusing people of ANYTHING will get us there much much sooner.
[09:16] <SoapX> Im not even saying Id be against it, just that I hope it never comes to that.  I mean after all that is a large part of the reason why people hate Wikia
[09:17] <SoapX> Id actually prefer, if we became really desperate, a very nominal subscription system
[09:17] <Dcoetzee> gde33: Anyway to get to the point: if you're not blocked currently, start by talking to the admin on their talk page about why you feel like they misused the term SPA. Explain that you're actually interested in editing in multiple areas.
[09:17] <SoapX> where you have to pay, say, $5 a month if youre a heavy user. Would that add up to enough, though? I dont know
[09:17] <Dcoetzee> gde33: And if you wish, leave a notice on the SPA essay talk page discussing what you feel are the problems with the term's use.
[09:18] <Dcoetzee> They may decide to add a warning to help avoid that in the future.
[09:18] <gde33> I'm not bothered by the block, it isn't effective, it only lasted an hour. I'm worried how other people respond in exactly the same situation.
[09:18] <Dcoetzee> gde33: What I'm saying is, the way to change things is to be polite, explain the problem, and seek some kind of effective remedy.
[09:19] <Dcoetzee> The misuse of SPA is a cultural problem but we can still do something about it.
[09:19] <duh>
[09:19] <duh> I feel so stupid filing that.
[09:20] <gde33> duh: lol
[09:20] <gde33> Dcoetzee: useful advice ;)
[09:20] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[09:21] <gde33> I'm going to do nothing else from now on..... or wait......
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[09:32] <duh> Fuck.
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[09:45] <Yetanotherx> duh: Oh lol, didn't realize you were lego
[09:46] <duh> :P
[09:46] <duh> Ever used /whois before? :P
[09:47] <Yetanotherx> yeah, but no need to. :P
[09:55] <duh>
[09:55] <duh> Someone configured their API client incorrectly...
�03[09:56] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:56] <Yetanotherx> lol
[09:56] <Yetanotherx> API is the default pagwe that the API help page gives
[09:56] <Yetanotherx> Someone just doesn't know how to code
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[09:57] <SoapX> it must get tons of hits then
�02[09:57] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: .�)
[09:57] <duh>
[09:57] <duh> I think its a bug with wikilove.
�03[09:57] * zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
[09:57] <duh> ugh
�03[09:59] * shanmugamp7 (~quassel@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[09:59] * BobTheWikipedian (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:00] <BobTheWikipedian> well, this has certainly just gotten more interesting
[10:00] <BobTheWikipedian>
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[10:06] <SoapX> hi Bob
[10:06] <BobTheWikipedian> hey soap
�02[10:06] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[10:07] <Maple__> ...
�03[10:07] * TBloemink is now known as tb|eten
�03[10:08] * The_Blade (44c358fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:08] <BobTheWikipedian> ....
[10:10] <SoapX> so are you not going to go forward with the proposal?
[10:10] <BobTheWikipedian> i'm having second thoughts about not going forward, come to mention it
[10:10] <SoapX> I mean, obviously any closure proposal is going to have lots of opponents from that project itself
[10:10] <SoapX> but yet, many have succeeded
[10:10] <BobTheWikipedian> since this admin just shot down ohana's reason lol
�03[10:11] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:11] <SoapX> Not sure what you mean
[10:11] <SoapX> is that a double negative, meaning "maybe I will  go forward with it after all"? Or just a regular negative
[10:11] <BobTheWikipedian> the former
[10:11] <SoapX> ok
[10:11] <SoapX> let me know if you do
[10:12] <BobTheWikipedian> i think i will
�03[10:12] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:12] <SoapX> I think you might want to wait though and see if Wikidata can incorproate the info
�03[10:12] * Bradford is now known as El_Patron
�03[10:13] * SoapX is now known as Swob
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm. i wonder what sort of reply i should leave then
[10:13] <El_Patron> :D
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> starting with "Well, this just got more interesting; if in fact NOR is a policy here, then that nullifies the reason I retracted my proposal."
[10:13] <El_Patron> Hola BobTheWikipedian :D
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> aloha
[10:13] <El_Patron> oh sorry , hi :D
�02[10:13] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[10:13] <El_Patron> o.o
[10:13] <El_Patron> xD
[10:13] <BobTheWikipedian> don't be sorry
[10:14] <El_Patron> ._.
[10:14] <El_Patron> nothing
[10:14] <El_Patron> :D
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[10:15] <BobTheWikipedian> hmm. it's an odd situation, anyway
[10:15] <El_Patron> e.e
[10:15] <El_Patron> bye
[10:15] <El_Patron> xD
[10:15] <BobTheWikipedian> adios
[10:16] <BobTheWikipedian> what do you think soap
�03[10:19] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:19] <BobTheWikipedian> ping soapx
[10:19] <BobTheWikipedian> swob
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[10:26] <Swob> hi
[10:26] <Swob> sorry I went to get lumnchj
[10:26] <BobTheWikipedian> sounds tasty
[10:27] <Swob> I cant really give advice, other than that ID support closing the project
[10:27] <Swob> *I'd
[10:27] <BobTheWikipedian> heh
[10:27] <Swob> it probably wont happen
[10:27] <Swob> but if we make some good points we might eventually get people to take it seriously
[10:28] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah had i made the wikidata connection before suggesting the closure i might have waited to mention it
�03[10:29] * Travelour (~Jorge@wikimedia/Travelour) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:29] <BobTheWikipedian> as i understand it, wikidata is supposed to provide standards across all wikipedias, correct?
[10:29] <Swob> yeah
[10:29] <BobTheWikipedian> or is that just something we hope for
[10:29] <Swob> I keep telling people I want to get involved over there but I havent had time yet
[10:30] <Swob> the only direct change Wikidata has made so far is making inter-language links mostly obsolete
�06[10:30] * Travelour WrestleMania XXX has been announced, article created..
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[10:30] <Swob> because Wikidata has an entry for every Wikipedia article that exists on at least 2 languages
[10:30] <BobTheWikipedian> ah...that's how it discriminates. i wondered about that
[10:30] <Travelour> buenas
[10:30] <BobTheWikipedian> because i saw the other day it had an entry for hafgua but not lyngbakr
[10:30] <Swob> Im not sure what place, if any, Wikispecies' taxonomic classifications have on Wikidata
[10:30] <Travelour> hello
[10:30] <BobTheWikipedian> *hafgufa
[10:31] <Swob> but it seems like a very natural choice (no pun intended)
[10:31] <BobTheWikipedian> honestly i think wikidata needs to revise their system for taxonomy...they need to use "parent taxon" instead of "genus", "species", etc
[10:32] <Swob> oh
[10:32] <Swob> i didnt know they even had anything
[10:32] <BobTheWikipedian> but then we haven't seen how it will extract data yet
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[10:32] <BobTheWikipedian> yeah they have taxonomy up and running now
[10:33] <BobTheWikipedian> taxonomy is so complicated it's difficult to represent with any system
[10:33] <BobTheWikipedian> the automatic taxobox system enwiki is using now is quite genius for its genius-ness goes to smith609
[10:34] <BobTheWikipedian> i see wikispecies has since then come up with a simple solution for eliminating project-wide redundancy as well, which is good
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�03[10:35] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:35] <duh> :o
[10:35] <duh> i just saw BN
[10:35] <duh> welcome back Yetanotherx|afk :)
[10:35] <BobTheWikipedian> bn?
[10:35] <duh> WP:BN
[10:36] <Swob> oh
[10:36] <Swob> huh
[10:36] <BobTheWikipedian> what did you see on bn?
[10:36] <duh>  15:00, 18 February 2013 28bytes (talk | contribs) changed group membership for User:X! from administrator to administrator and bureaucrat (welcome back)
[10:36] <Swob> I didnt realize you didnt request the 'crat-hood back before
[10:37] <Swob> you just came back as an admin
[10:37] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
�03[10:37] * Simeondahl (~Simeondah@wikipedia/Simeondahl) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:37] <mareklug> Yetanotherx|afk does this mean we have to treat you with quantifiably more respect?
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[10:38] <BobTheWikipedian> moin mareklug :)
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[10:38] <mareklug> tributes in virgin oil
[10:38] <BobTheWikipedian> um what?
[10:39] <mareklug> well, easier to find than virgins
[10:39] <Swob> hey marek
�06[10:39] * Dcoetzee is taking pics of random household objects in a light tent for Wikipedia
[10:39] <Dcoetzee> Any suggestions?
[10:39] <BobTheWikipedian> morning derrick
[10:39] <Swob> kitchen utensils
[10:39] <mareklug> Dcoetzee small vacuum cleaners
[10:39] <Swob> things that stand up
[10:39] <BobTheWikipedian> what's a light tent?
�02[10:41] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
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[10:44] <BobTheWikipedian> oh i think i have an idea of what it is after thinking about it
[10:44] <Chestnut_> Apparently Anonymous hacked Burger King's Twitter.
[10:44] <BobTheWikipedian> man that anon is everywhere
[10:44] <Chestnut_> Someone teach Burger King that an example of a password that is /not/ secure is "whopper123".
[10:44] <Chestnut_> Seriously.
[10:45] <Chestnut_> Well, not really.
[10:45] <BobTheWikipedian> burger king should change their password to something less obvious, like "bigmac123"
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[10:46] <Chestnut_> Poor BK.
[10:46] <BobTheWikipedian> i declare tomorrow burger king appreciation day
[10:46] <Mike_H> hm, Florida may be voting on medical marijuana in 2016
[10:46] <Mike_H> interesting
�02[10:46] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[10:46] <BobTheWikipedian> a day which everyone is encouraged to eat at burger king to promote the awareness of people who don't understand secure passwords
[10:47] <fox_wilson> dot dot dot...
[10:47] <BobTheWikipedian> comma comma comma,,,
[10:47] <fox_wilson> caret caret caret^^^
[10:48] <foks> semicolon semicolon semicolon;;;
[10:48] <fox_wilson> ampersand ampersand ampersand &&&
[10:48] <BobTheWikipedian> ampersand ampersand ampersand&&&
[10:48] <foks> Yeah okay.
[10:48] <BobTheWikipedian> drat
[10:48] <fox_wilson> HA!
�06[10:48] * fox_wilson laughs manically or however it's spelled
[10:48] <BobTheWikipedian> bang bang bang!!!
[10:49] <Swob> that's so sad
[10:49] <Swob> did they really use "whopper123" ?
[10:49] <Chestnut_> nope
[10:49] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[10:49] <fox_wilson> that's a password?
[10:49] <Chestnut_> it was a joke running across twitter
[10:49] <Swob> oh ok
[10:49] <BobTheWikipedian> it's a good password if you are the wendy's pr person
�02[10:49] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[10:49] <foks> Wendy's doesn't exist here.
[10:50] <foks> You want a burger, it's Maccas or BK
[10:50] <BobTheWikipedian> all the better for burger king
[10:50] <foks> Or possibly that other thing I forget the name of
[10:50] <foks> Wimpy?
�02[10:50] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
[10:50] <BobTheWikipedian> wimpy is from popeye the sailor man
[10:50] <BobTheWikipedian> the burger eating guy
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[10:50] <foks> that's the one
[10:50] <foks>
[10:50] <BobTheWikipedian> ooo
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[10:51] <BobTheWikipedian> there is a popeye's here
[10:51] <BobTheWikipedian> they sell chicken
[10:51] <foks> Sort of impossible to actually find a Wimpy in practice
[10:51] <foks> for the best, it's pretty dire
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[10:53] <Shipoopi> Yum
[10:53] <Shipoopi> I miss Popeye's
[10:53] <Shipoopi> and Roy Rogers as well
[10:53] <BobTheWikipedian> the dire wolf doesn't exist here anymore
[10:53] <BobTheWikipedian> but it used to
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�06[10:53] * Shipoopi hands BobTheWikipedian some Tim Hortons coffeee
�06[10:54] * BobTheWikipedian coughs it out
[10:54] <BobTheWikipedian> thanks but i don't like coffee
�06[10:54] * Shipoopi hands BobTheWikipedian some Tim Hortons Timbits!
[10:54] <BobTheWikipedian> what is a timbit?
[10:55] <Shipoopi> Donut holes
[10:55] <Swob> doughnut holes, I htink
[10:55] <Swob> yeah
[10:55] <Shipoopi> this shit's so good
�02[10:55] * The_Blade (44c358fb@wikipedia/The-Blade-of-the-Northern-Lights) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[10:55] <Swob> Ive never actually been to Tim Horton's
[10:55] <BobTheWikipedian> mmmm
�02[10:56] * Gnumarcoo (~marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[10:57] <Shipoopi> All TIm Hortons stuff is parbaked
[10:57] <Shipoopi> at their central plant in Ontario and distribued frozen all over canada
�02[10:58] * jubo2 (~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[10:58] <Shipoopi> so at the vending points, they're just finished, ie glazing or stuffing
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�03[11:04] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
[11:04] <Dcoetzee> BobTheWikipedian: Morning :-)
[11:04] <BobTheWikipedian> that was delayed
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[11:04] <Yetanotherx> mareklug: YES.
[11:04] <Dcoetzee> Light tent is a white fabric enclosure with lights shining through it from outside for diffuse lighting
[11:05] <BobTheWikipedian> gotcha ;)
�03[11:05] * Superfreak is now known as PoisonHeal
[11:05] <mareklug> Yetanotherx so 100% virgin oil is ok?
�03[11:05] * tb|eten is now known as TBloemink
[11:05] <russavia>  could be shutting down by the end of the year -- perhaps something the WMF should be supporting,or bring under our umbrella somehow
[11:05] <BobTheWikipedian> i looked through the photo requests on commons and didn't see any that looked likely
[11:05] <Yetanotherx> mareklug: YES
[11:06] <mareklug> BobTheWikipedian see?  I have a nose for protocol.
[11:06] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[11:07] <Yetanotherx> "Not every reaction can be an explosion of tentacles, I guess." -justpaper
[11:07] <Yetanotherx> Beautifyl
[11:07] <BobTheWikipedian> yet disappointing
[11:08] <Swob> yeah russavia I saw that
[11:08] <Swob> their donation goal is only $50000
[11:08] <Yetanotherx>
[11:08] <Swob> amazingly small for such a huge resource
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[11:11] <BobTheWikipedian> sounds like a word document
[11:11] <Swob> hey Aranda
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[11:14] <Aranda56> hey
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�03[11:20] * TucsonDavid (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:21] <TucsonDavid> Good Afternoon
[11:21] <BobTheWikipedian> aloha
[11:21] <BobTheWikipedian> i am observing a very unintelligent conversation on imvu
[11:21] <TucsonDavid> Hi Bob are you an Admin
[11:22] <Simeondahl> thanks :)
[11:22] <BobTheWikipedian> i am
[11:22] <BobTheWikipedian> are you?
[11:22] <TucsonDavid> nope I wish to hard to be one now days
[11:22] <TucsonDavid> can you look at something for me and see if I flaged it right
�02[11:22] * Simeondahl_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[11:22] <BobTheWikipedian> RfA is the place to wish for it
[11:22] <BobTheWikipedian> perhaps, link?
[11:22] <TucsonDavid>
[11:24] <BobTheWikipedian> if there's no free image available this one is acceptable
�03[11:25] * Travelour (~Jorge@wikimedia/Travelour) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:25] <TucsonDavid> Ok, was just wondering because of WP:Watermark
[11:25] <BobTheWikipedian> hmm. i'm not familiar enough with that policy...dcoetzee might know
[11:26] <BobTheWikipedian> around?
�02[11:26] * gde33|2 ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
�03[11:26] * gde33 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:26] <TucsonDavid> Guess not
[11:26] <TucsonDavid> Lol
[11:27] <BobTheWikipedian> i know he's been busy this morning so he might be away for a bit
[11:27] <TucsonDavid> So how's the weather there in Indiana?
[11:27] <BobTheWikipedian> windy
[11:27] <BobTheWikipedian> and warm
[11:27] <Swob> same here
[11:27] <russavia> thanks yetanotherx
[11:27] <TucsonDavid> Cold here in Florida
�03[11:27] * JohnLewis ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:27] <Swob> 40mph winds
�02[11:27] * JohnLewis ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[11:27] * JohnLewis (~johnlewis@wikipedia/John-F-Lewis) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:28] <TucsonDavid> Hi Swob
[11:28] <BobTheWikipedian> 22 mph here
�03[11:29] * klaatuNAG ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:29] <TucsonDavid> Swop are you familiar with [[WP:WATERMARK]]
�03[11:29] * ihaveamac (~ihaveamac@wikipedia/IXavier) has left #wikipedia-en
[11:29] <BobTheWikipedian> swob
[11:29] <BobTheWikipedian> yoohoo
�03[11:30] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:30] <TucsonDavid> Scared another one away Bob?
[11:30] <BobTheWikipedian> lol
[11:30] <TucsonDavid> So your a computer engineer?
[11:30] <BobTheWikipedian> sorta kinda not really
[11:31] <BobTheWikipedian> computer scientist
�02[11:31] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[11:31] <TucsonDavid> I was page stalking you
�03[11:31] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has left #wikipedia-en
[11:31] <D_> I recommend using either "engineer" or "scientist," depending on the situation
[11:31] <D_> As in "trust me, I'm a scientist"
[11:31] <D_> or "trust me, I'm an engineer"
[11:31] <BobTheWikipedian> haha
[11:32] <TucsonDavid> no trust me i'm a doctor for the ladies
[11:32] <BobTheWikipedian> i love pulling "trust me i'm a scientist"
�03[11:32] * klaatuNAG ( has left #wikipedia-en
[11:33] <TucsonDavid> I have a friend who's parent work for NASA and they really are Rocket Scientist
[11:33] <WilliamH_UK> freezing cold here in Germany
�03[11:33] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:33] <BobTheWikipedian> i have three engineers in the family
�03[11:33] * klaatuNAG ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:34] <TucsonDavid> Nice I was station ther at Ramstein Air Base
�03[11:34] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[11:35] * Carly- (ba418183@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:35] * Carly- (ba418183@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Changing host�)
�03[11:35] * Carly- (ba418183@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:36] * klaatuNAG ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:37] <Travelour> hello
[11:37] <Travelour> I need help
[11:37] <BobTheWikipedian> with?
[11:37] <TucsonDavid> So Bob Why do Java developers wear glasses?
[11:37] <Travelour> ??
[11:37] <BobTheWikipedian> the better to see with
[11:37] <TucsonDavid> Because they don't C#
[11:37] <BobTheWikipedian> hhaahaha
[11:38] <Travelour> someone?
[11:38] <BobTheWikipedian> travelour help with what
[11:38] <Travelour> about this:
[11:38] <TucsonDavid> How longs a piece of string?
[11:38] <Travelour> more specific :
[11:38] <TucsonDavid> string.length
[11:38] <Travelour> that user is disagree to create the article..
[11:39] <Travelour> and he delete the content
[11:39] <BobTheWikipedian> soooo contact them and discuss it
[11:39] <TucsonDavid> No blank the page then...Yea it's bans all around
[11:39] <TucsonDavid> jk
[11:40] <Swob> loool
[11:40] <Swob> nice pun
[11:40] <BobTheWikipedian> lol david
[11:40] <BobTheWikipedian> string.length()
[11:40] <TucsonDavid> So bob can a Admin ban another Admin?
[11:40] <Travelour> so, I shouldn't rollback this edit, right?
[11:40] <BobTheWikipedian> yup
[11:40] <BobTheWikipedian> and yup
[11:41] <Travelour> but it's very rare he did that user...
[11:41] <BobTheWikipedian> it would constitute edit warring unless you made some attempt to discuss it
[11:41] <Travelour> no way..
[11:41] <D_> Replacing with a redirect isn't all that rare
[11:41] <BobTheWikipedian> agreed
�02[11:41] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:42] <D_> It's reversible easily so you can just do the usual BRD
�03[11:42] * Carly- is now known as Carly
[11:42] <Travelour> ohhh .
[11:43] <BobTheWikipedian> this content probably belongs in a section of [[wrestlemania]]
[11:43] <Travelour> Another rollbacked it...
[11:43] <Swob> my favorite programming-related pun:
[11:43] <Travelour> I think there aren't any problems with the creation..
�02[11:44] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[11:44] <TucsonDavid> btw isn't AFD closer scripts supposed to work for non sysops also?
[11:45] <Travelour> ok, thanks..
[11:46] <BobTheWikipedian> lol duel inheritance...
�02[11:47] * JohnLewis (~johnlewis@wikipedia/John-F-Lewis) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�02[11:47] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) Quit (Quit: ~~~~�)
[11:48] <TucsonDavid> Bob is there a archive for talks that will archive  with no size limit I think I messed up mine and I'd like it to archive every 4-5 days
�06[11:49] * Shipoopi slaps TucsonDavid around a bit with a large trout
�03[11:49] * NuclearWarfare ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:49] * NuclearWarfare ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[11:49] <TucsonDavid> shippoopi how do you do that I forgot the command
[11:49] <BobTheWikipedian> hmmm no size limit can cause problems
[11:50] <BobTheWikipedian> you don't want the page to become heavier than what the archival bot can handle
[11:50] <TucsonDavid> Well wont your archive stop working once it reachs the limit
[11:51] <BobTheWikipedian> it'll go on to create archive 2
[11:51] <TucsonDavid> can you look at mine real quik and see if I messed it up
[11:51] <BobTheWikipedian> link?
�03[11:51] * nuenfly ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:52] <TucsonDavid>
�02[11:52] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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�02[11:53] * PeterSymonds_ (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[11:54] <BobTheWikipedian> what makes you think it's not working?
[11:54] <TucsonDavid> I messed with it so I thought I messed it up
[11:54] <BobTheWikipedian> if i'm reading this correctly it was only enabled for 2 minutes
�06[11:54] * TucsonDavid slaps Shipoopi with a teeny smelly dead sardine in retribution
�06[11:54] * Shipoopi slaps TucsonDavid with a teeny smelly dead sardine in retribution
�03[11:55] * Courcelles_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:55] * Courcelles_ ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[11:55] * Courcelles_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:55] <TucsonDavid> Ok good
�03[11:55] * Courcelles_ (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has left #wikipedia-en
[11:56] <BobTheWikipedian> "messing with it" doesn't necessarily mess it up...i'd need to see more evidence to be convinced you messed anything up
[11:57] <TucsonDavid> I changed the days from archive after 14 to like 3 then back but it's ok.
[11:57] <D_> The search engine just suggested correcting "infobox" to "Idiot box"
[11:57] <D_> I don't know if it's making fun of me or not
[11:57] <TucsonDavid> because Well I think it's time for me to go eat luch even though it's 3pm
[11:57] <BobTheWikipedian> heh...3 is unbelievably short...and borderline suspicious
[11:58] <TucsonDavid> lunch
[11:58] <BobTheWikipedian> i'd do no less than 14 days
[11:58] <TucsonDavid> ok bob see you around
�02[11:58] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
�03[11:58] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:58] <BobTheWikipedian> see ya :)
�02[11:58] * TucsonDavid (~chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
�03[11:59] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:59] * BobTheWikipedian finds some lunch, too
[12:01] <WilliamH_UK> I'd better cook something...
�06[12:02] * BobTheWikipedian finds macaroni and cheese
�03[12:06] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[12:33] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
�03[12:35] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[12:51] * p858snake|l_ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�02[12:51] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: hometime�)
�02[12:56] * Camel` (~catbuntu@wikimedia/unrar) Quit (Quit: Auf wiedersehen�)
[12:56] <Chestnut_> undefined.
�03[12:57] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[12:58] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep�)
�03[12:58] * zhopa (~zhopa@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[12:59] * suicidalzerg (~ODORBLOCK@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:01] <zhopa> ^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ̭̂᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^󠁞
�02[13:01] * Dainomite (~Dainomite@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:01] <russavia> zhopa LOL
[13:01] <russavia> great name
�03[13:02] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:03] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[13:05] <Swob> zhopa = ass
[13:05] <Swob> i figured it out with a bit of searching
�03[13:05] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:05] <russavia> zhopa Иди на хуй
�03[13:05] * guillom is now known as basile
[13:06] <zhopa> russavia ???
[13:07] <russavia> zhopa, you mean to say you have a russian username, but ne ponimayu po-russkiy?
�02[13:07] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�03[13:08] * ExtinguishedFire ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:11] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[13:11] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[13:12] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:13] <qq[IrcCity]> russavia, do not do this.
[13:13] <russavia> do not do what? xD
[13:13] <zhopa> ^ÂÊÎÔÛâêîôûĈĉĜĝĤĥĴĵŜŝŴŵŶŷˆ̭̂᷍ḒḓḘḙḼḽṊṋṰṱṶṷẐẑẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộ⨣⨶⩯ꞈ^󠁞
[13:14] <zhopa> * Users on #wikipedia-en: Nascar1996 Jeske_Couriano ExtinguishedFire Logan_ suicidalzerg zhopa peachey|laptop__ Seahorse TheChance dendodge Dcoetzee shimgray ty Pharos jubo2 PeterSymonds nuenfly Carly gde33 Travelour Simeondahl Aranda56 PoisonHeal Excirial heatherw Elduen AzaToth Chestnut_ mareklug Wiki13 Moe_Epsilon WilliamH_UK techman224 greenrosetta ToBeFree bca__ ragesoss jorm indigenous TBloemin
[13:14] <zhopa> k Falcorian TDJACR YE LtNOWIS nbt Swob russavia Wildblue Jnorton7558 closedmouth
[13:14] <suicidalzerg> o-o
�03[13:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Spitfire
[13:14] <zhopa>  Users on #wikipedia-en: RD fwilson ToAruShiroiNeko lukas23 Vacation9|busy Catie petan Lydia_WMDE PapaJacky Bsadowski1 Amqui AntiSpamMeta Mike_H Yetanotherx Jasper_Deng heinrich5991 spyro Fox2k12 Fluff|sleep basile anona qq[IrcCity] plains matthewbauer MJ94 anon70912 a930913 eir Betacommand Reedy techlife kuzetsa Sadeukko dtm albel727 LikeLakers2 Pwngu evilgohan2 phuzion D_ Zhao|really-ZzZz Shipoopi
[13:14] <zhopa> Thehelpfulone Rock_drum
�03[13:14] * Spitfire sets mode: +b *!*@
�03[13:14] * zhopa was kicked by Spitfire (zhopa�)
[13:14] <Carly> what
[13:14] <dendodge> ...
�03[13:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o TBloemink
�03[13:14] * ChanServ sets mode: -o TBloemink
[13:14] <TBloemink> fahk
[13:14] <Simeondahl> ?
[13:14] <Chestnut_> what
[13:14] <Chestnut_> da
[13:14] <Chestnut_> fuq
[13:14] <MJ94> erm
[13:14] <Travelour> jojojo
[13:14] <MJ94> well
[13:14] <Chestnut_> ...
[13:14] <Wiki13> lol TBloemink
[13:14] <russavia> LOL
[13:14] <Carly> I am bsy
[13:14] <Carly> Bye
�06[13:14] * Carly runs away
[13:14] <Nascar1996> jesus
[13:14] <MJ94> I didn't need to do !o_ps
[13:14] <TheChance> what
[13:14] <Travelour> no way...
[13:14] <TheChance> what did i just walk into
[13:14] <suicidalzerg> well.
[13:14] <PeterSymonds> Why do people panic so much when this sort of thing happens?
[13:14] <Moe_Epsilon> o-o
[13:14] <suicidalzerg> According to Swob, that certainly fits his name. Kappa
[13:15] <MJ94> PeterSymonds: OH MY GOD
[13:15] <MJ94> PeterSymonds: OH MY GOD
�06[13:15] * Excirial waves at Spitfire
[13:15] <Travelour> hehe
[13:15] <Chestnut_> Kappa Eta Theta or something
[13:15] <MJ94> PeterSymonds: OH MY GOD RUN
[13:15] <�07@Spitfire�> Hi Excirial!
[13:15] <Jeske_Couriano> Guys, it's a troll.
[13:15] <russavia> with a username like ZHOPA (russian for arsehole) surely you saw it coming
[13:15] <�07@Spitfire�> Long time no see
[13:15] <Jeske_Couriano> IGNORE THE MOTHERFUCKER
[13:15] <MJ94> ^
[13:15] <Excirial> Haven't seen you in a while! Everything going well? :)
[13:15] <Chestnut_> Russavia, sadly, most of us don't read Russian.
[13:15] <Jeske_Couriano> Go back to editing, or reading, or masturbating, whatever you were doing before
[13:15] <�07@Spitfire�> Yep, pretty decent thanks. Been bussssy as hell. Good, though.
[13:15] <�07@Spitfire�> How are you?
[13:15] <TBloemink> behave please
[13:15] <Chestnut_> dafak
[13:15] <MJ94> Jeske_Couriano: I was patrolling Commons. Can I go back to that?
[13:16] <Jeske_Couriano> Yes.
[13:16] <Excirial> Quite busy outside of Wikipedia as well - rarely had less hours of sleep a night - but otherwise fantastic.
�06[13:16] * Carly brings beers
[13:16] <Jeske_Couriano> That falls under "Whatever you were doing before".
[13:16] <�07@Spitfire�> Good to hear. :)
[13:16] <MJ94> Jeske_Couriano: Rar.
[13:16] <�07@Spitfire�> I get pretty bored when I have nothing to do, anyway, so yeah... can't complain.
[13:16] <�07@Spitfire�> Hehe.
�06[13:17] * @Spitfire also waves at heinrich5991.
[13:17] <qq[IrcCity]> the motherfucker from Voronezh…  not surprisingly.
�06[13:17] * heinrich5991 waves back at Spitfire :)
�03[13:17] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Spitfire
�03[13:17] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[13:17] <Excirial> Well, vandal infused reunion. At least he did something decent.
[13:17] <ToBeFree> interestingly, joining a channel and spamming around seems to cause less traffic than the conversation about it :-))
[13:18] <russavia> hai wiki13
[13:18] <MJ94> ^
�02[13:18] * PapaJacky ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
�03[13:18] * dandv ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:18] <Carly> I'm going to eat burgers
[13:18] <Carly> Bye all
�06[13:18] * Carly se raja
[13:18] <dandv> any thoughts about WebCite ceasing operation unless it can raise $50k?
[13:19] <russavia> yay ...ohio can into polandball finally --
�03[13:19] * PapaJacky ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:19] <Dcoetzee> Everything WebCite does is technically illegal
[13:19] <Dcoetzee> Their demise is inevitable
[13:20] <Dcoetzee> Unless laws are reformed to permit the existence of web archives
[13:20] <PapaJacky> someone mentioned russia?
[13:20] <heinrich5991> webcite? on-demand archiving?
�03[13:22] * Lyon_ is now known as Lyon
�03[13:22] * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:22] <MJ94> I just asked #wikipedia-es why they were speaking spanish...
[13:22] <MJ94> thinking it was -en
[13:22] <MJ94> ...
[13:22] <Aranda56> lol
[13:23] <Travelour> MJ94; who is talking spanish here?
[13:23] <MJ94> Travelour: Nada. Lo siento.
[13:23] <Travelour> ¬¬
[13:23] <MJ94> Travelour: ;)
�03[13:23] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:23] <Travelour> :p
[13:23] <russavia> MJ94, learn olbanian
[13:24] <MJ94> wat
[13:24] <MJ94> no
[13:24] <MJ94> :D
[13:24] <Carly> xd
[13:24] <Travelour> holaaaa como estaaaaan!
[13:24] <Travelour> xD
[13:26] <Carly> Hola Travelour
[13:26] <Travelour> hi Carly
[13:26] <MJ94> Travelour: Pensó estar en #wikipedia-en cuando vi español :P
[13:26] <Carly> are you taking Spanish lessons Travelour ¿
[13:27] <MJ94> Travelour: pero es #wikipedia-es XD
[13:27] <MJ94> oops
[13:27] <Travelour> Carly; Spanish lessons? You're kidding.
[13:27] <Carly> Travelour: No,I am not kidding
[13:27] <Carly> lol
[13:27] <Travelour> MJ94; ._.
[13:27] <MJ94> Carly: I think he's Spanish native.
[13:27] <Carly> native¿
[13:28] <MJ94> Mi error, Travelour
[13:28] <Carly> he said "Holaaa"
[13:28] <Carly> and I understand it,but the other lol
[13:28] <Travelour> MJ94; ok, I forgive you
[13:28] <MJ94> El español es su lengua…nativo?
[13:29] <MJ94> :P
�03[13:29] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
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[13:29] <MJ94> Carly: Where are you from?
[13:29] <Travelour> Obviously, I'm Peruvian with 14 years old. Anything else?
[13:29] <Carly> MJ94: I do speak Spanish
[13:29] <Carly> I am from South America
[13:30] <Carly> so,bye
[13:30] <MJ94> Travelour: Cuantos anos tienes?
[13:30] <MJ94> Carly: Adios?
[13:30] <Travelour> añoa*
[13:30] <Travelour> *años
[13:30] <Travelour> MJ94; I already said it.
[13:30] <MJ94> Si, pero no uso acentos normalmente.
�02[13:31] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[13:31] <MJ94> Y uso un keyboard en ingles.
[13:31] <Travelour> ok, np, look up!
[13:31] <MJ94> Travelour: Tienes catorce años?
[13:31] <Travelour> MJ94; yes
[13:31] <MJ94> Bien.
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[13:31] <Carly> MJ94: nada,forget
[13:31] <Carly> lol
[13:32] <Carly> who is 14¿
[13:32] <Carly> lol
[13:32] <russavia> MJ94 -- Spanish is really easy to learn ya know --
[13:32] <MJ94> XD
[13:32] <MJ94> russavia: I'm in a Spanish class.
[13:33] <WilliamH_UK> russavia: seems legit
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�06[13:34] * Yetanotherx just realized he had 4 facebook tabs open. how the hell did that happen
[13:35] <Swob> you love facebook?
�03[13:35] * Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluffernutter
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[13:41] <Dcoetzee> Reminds me of the ending of 1984
�03[13:41] * Carly- (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:41] <Swob> a book which Ive never read sadly
[13:41] <russavia> anyone willing to admit they are a geordie? need moar categories forthis
[13:42] <Dcoetzee> russavia: Added  Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art
[13:43] <Dcoetzee> Since that's what that building actually is
[13:43] <Dcoetzee> Or tried to, ECing
[13:43] <Dcoetzee> Ah
[13:43] <Dcoetzee> You added same cat
[13:43] <russavia> ah yeah,just found it
[13:43] <russavia> it always happens that way, i ask, and then out of the blue i find it:P
[13:44] <Dcoetzee> russavia: I don't understand why you remvoed the river cat
[13:44] <TBloemink> I ordered a samsung galaxy S3
�03[13:44] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:44] <russavia> it should be part of the baltic centre category i guess
�02[13:45] * Carly (ba418183@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[13:45] <Swob> TBloemink: cool
[13:45] <Swob> it's a great cell phone
�02[13:46] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[13:46] <Dcoetzee> russavia: Well it's next to the river :-P But not all pics of the Baltic Centre include the river
[13:47] <russavia> i want that in higher res for FP
[13:47] <TBloemink> nice
�03[13:47] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
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[13:51] <russavia> dcoetzee -- can you think of categories for these?  after fromjust HDR images
�03[13:52] * Simeondahl (~Simeondah@wikipedia/Simeondahl) has left #wikipedia-en
[13:53] <russavia> HDR images unfortunately being a hidden category
�02[13:54] * Carly- (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
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�03[14:00] * LtNOWIS ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:01] <Dcoetzee> russavia: Added Sky and Benches
[14:02] <russavia> too bad there's no naked man masturbatingon the bench
[14:02] <russavia> otherwsie there's another category
[14:03] <russavia> but really, it's more of a photography comparison image -- we must have something for such things
[14:03] <Dcoetzee> russavia: Yes.
[14:03] <Dcoetzee> Category:Comparisons :-P
�06[14:03] * Dcoetzee adds Category:Comparisons of photographs
[14:04] <russavia> hey about that discussion on commons
[14:04] <Dcoetzee> Yep?
[14:04] <russavia> perhaps best to have it in commons channel
[14:04] <Dcoetzee> I don't think so.
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�06[14:19] * MJ94 attacks Dcoetzee 
�06[14:19] * Dcoetzee hugs MJ94 tight :-)
[14:19] <Dcoetzee> Morning
[14:20] <MJ94> Morning? o_O
[14:20] <MJ94> where *are you*
[14:20] <MJ94> It's 4:21 PM :P
[14:20] <Dcoetzee> Ah you're central time then
[14:20] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[14:20] <MJ94> indeed
[14:20] <TBloemink> 11:20PM
[14:20] <MJ94> we typically talk at like 1am my time Dcoetzee :P
[14:21] <Dcoetzee> School holiday
[14:21] <TBloemink> ah, me too
[14:21] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: where are you?
[14:21] <Dcoetzee> California
[14:21] <Dcoetzee> Hold on, uploading picture of toilet paper
[14:21] <MJ94> ah
[14:22] <TBloemink> lol
[14:22] <MJ94> 2:23?
[14:22] <MJ94> wtf
[14:22] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: freak :P
[14:22] <MJ94> also, you're in my dream home :(
[14:22] <Dcoetzee> Everything needs to be photographed :-)
[14:22] <MJ94> I wanna move their
[14:22] <MJ94> there
[14:22] <MJ94> ouch
[14:22] <Dcoetzee> Move there then :-P
[14:22] <MJ94> I will in a few years.
�02[14:22] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.�)
[14:22] <MJ94> Gotta get my undergrad first
�02[14:25] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[14:25] <Dcoetzee> :-)
�03[14:25] * Chestnut_ is now known as Maple__
�03[14:25] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:28] <Dcoetzee> I did a video of the toilet paper too
[14:28] <Dcoetzee> Illustrating the process of removing a sheet
[14:29] <MJ94> :P
[14:30] <Dcoetzee> This may very well be the highest resolution image of toilet paper in the world ;-)
[14:31] <D_>
[14:32] <D_> This was a picture of the week on Czech Wikipedia
[14:32] <D_> Can you beat that?
[14:32] <D_> This is clearly a professional setup
[14:32] <D_> with one of them taking-pictures-of-small-things boxes
[14:32] <Dcoetzee> Well mine is too
[14:32] <Dcoetzee> With a similar box
[14:32] <Dcoetzee> I'm not sure if my pose is as cool
[14:33] <Dcoetzee>
[14:33] <D_> What are those called, anyway?
[14:33] <Dcoetzee> I call them light tents
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[14:33] <Qcoder00> Greetings
[14:33] <Carly> Dcoetzee, I am going to visit you
[14:33] <Carly> soon
�06[14:33] * Carly hides
[14:33] <D_> Is it because you need toilet paper?
[14:33] <Swob> yours has flowers and the other one has hearts
[14:33] <Qcoder00> Erm
[14:33] <Dcoetzee> Carly: You can't afford to fly up here silly :-)
[14:34] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  The Foundation hasn't found the Codex yet?
[14:34] <Qcoder00> ;)
[14:34] <D_>
[14:34] <Dcoetzee> Also mine is higher res, not that it matters that much :-P
[14:34] <D_> Look at this European toilet paper
[14:34] <Dcoetzee> 3 megapixels versus about 36 megapixels
[14:34] <Carly> Dcoetzee, you are negative
[14:34] <Carly> >.<
[14:34] <Carly> so,then no.
�06[14:34] * Qcoder00 is suprised no one has made a joke of ancient sourcery text ending up on Wikisource
[14:35] <Qcoder00> ;)
�02[14:35] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[14:35] <Carly> I will dont
[14:35] <Dcoetzee> Carly: If you ever can come up here I'd be happy to see you and hang out :-P
[14:35] <Qcoder00> Speaking of odd stuff... Does anyone know if Tesla stuff is copyright free yet?
[14:35] <Carly> Dcoetzee, :D
[14:35] <Carly> Hahah
�06[14:35] * Carly will brings cookies
[14:35] <Dcoetzee> Tesla was US based. His death date is irrelevant.
[14:35] <Dcoetzee> I think?
[14:36] <Dcoetzee> Yeah he lived in the US all of his productive life I believe
[14:36] <Swob> he was born in Serbia I think
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�06[14:36] * Qcoder00 was actually asking a serious question as some of Tesla's AC papers are notable
[14:36] <Dcoetzee> So his pre-1923 published work is PD. His other will remain copyrighted until 95 years after publication if all formalities were observed. Any of his work that was not renewed is also public domain.
�02[14:37] * Vacation9 ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[14:37] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: See for all the details
�03[14:38] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[14:38] <D_> Isn't it life of author + 70
[14:38] <D_> Unless it's work for hire
[14:39] <Dcoetzee> No, no, no
[14:39] <Dcoetzee> That applies to many European countries
[14:39] <Dcoetzee> But not the US, unless it was published after 1989.
[14:40] <BarkingFish> evening Dcoetzee :)
�06[14:40] * Dcoetzee waves
[14:40] <D_> Darn it
[14:41] <D_> I actually took an intro to copyright class once
[14:41] <D_> and it still confuses me
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[14:41] <Qcoder00> OK
[14:41] <Dcoetzee> D_: It's very confusing when it gets international
[14:42] <Qcoder00> Well at least the Tesla patents should be PD
[14:42] <Dcoetzee> Transferred :-)
[14:42] <Qcoder00> (being US patents for the most part)
[14:42] <D_> I was thinking US copyright
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Patents have a much shorter term yes
[14:43] <D_> According to that chart it's still life of author + 70 for works published after 1978
[14:43] <D_> with notice
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> Yes, works 1978 to 1989 are complicated
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> Cause they had the modern term but still had some required formalities
[14:43] <D_> Like a notice
[14:43] <Dcoetzee> Yeah, and I think registration within 5 years? I forget
[14:44] <Qcoder00> BY my rules anything tesla published in the US pripr to 1926 should be OK
[14:44] <Qcoder00> :)
[14:44] <Dcoetzee> You mean 1923?
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[14:44] <Dcoetzee> Works published 1923-1926 may still be in copyright
[14:44] <Dcoetzee> If they complied with full formalities
[14:44] <Qcoder00> Tesla died in 1943
[14:44] <Dcoetzee> That's not relevant.
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> His works were first published in the US.
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> He lived in the US.
[14:45] <Qcoder00> 1923 then
[14:45] <Dcoetzee> His 1923 or later works are also okay if their copyright was not registered or renewed, and/or if they had no copyright notice
[14:45] <D_> I like the subtle depth of field
[14:45] <shimgray> and good luck proving that.
[14:45] <D_> and the way the fold exposes the layering
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> D_: Thanks :-) I find it a bit blurry and low contrast, I should've tried some raking light or something
[14:46] <D_> I just zoomed all the way in
[14:46] <D_> which is entirely pointless
[14:46] <D_> but entertaining
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> Heh
�03[14:46] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[14:46] <Dcoetzee> I enjoy my high res camera yes :-P
[14:47] <Dcoetzee> You can see some of the fibers in the centre of the focus field
[14:47] <D_> High res, more margin of error
[14:47] <Dcoetzee> Yup
[14:48] <Dcoetzee> It's interesting, people buy the D800, and then leave negative reviews because "all my shots are blurry at 100%" or whatever
[14:48] <Dcoetzee> They're not used to high res :-P
[14:48] <Dcoetzee> I made a video too
[14:49] <Dcoetzee> Gonna convert it for upload to Commons
[14:49] <Dcoetzee> It shows the process of tearing a sheet off the toilet paper
�06[14:50] * Qcoder00 wonders if Comons would allow a video showing the mode of operation of what loo roll is used for :(
[14:51] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Of course they would :-P
[14:51] <Dcoetzee> That's encyclopedic
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[14:52] <Qcoder00> :O
[14:52] <dandv> lol loo roll
[14:52] <Carly> o.o
[14:52] <dandv> I remember there was a big debate on the Shit/Feces article on whether there should be a picture of it
�06[14:53] * Qcoder00 probably thinks Commons would allow two nude blokes wrestling provided you have someone in a naff 70's jumper explaining in an excruciatingly bad 70's accent
[14:53] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: You recall OU programs?
[14:53] <Qcoder00> ;)
[14:53] <BarkingFish> yep
[14:54] <Qcoder00> I think that's the way 'porn' would be allowed on Commons...
[14:54] <BarkingFish> thick beards, boring voices, and fashion sense which you'd only find in someone with color blindness on lsd during a trip
[14:54] <Dcoetzee> Porn *is* allowed on Commons!
[14:54] <Dcoetzee> We have many articles on the pornographic industry and related topics.
[14:54] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  Don't ruin my humor;)
�03[14:54] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:54] <Dcoetzee> Okay :-)
[14:54] <Qcoder00> Porn as explained by an OU presenter ;  ROFL time
[14:55] <Swob> Oklahoma University
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[14:56] <Nascar1996> :O
[14:56] <Nascar1996> YOU CAN EDIT ON MOBILE NOW?
[14:56] <D_> I dare not actually commit any edits through mobile
[14:56] <D_> lest I break half of the wiki
[14:56] <TheLordOfTime> lol
[14:57] <Dcoetzee> Nascar1996: I only edit complex templates on mobile, personally
[14:57] <Dcoetzee> (and only widely used ones)
[14:57] <Vacation9> Dcoetzee: Same
[14:57] <Swob> every edit you make using the mobile interface has a tag after it saying "Mobile edit"
[14:57] <D_> Using a morse code onscreen keyboard?
[14:57] <Swob> or is that taken off now?
[14:58] <Swob> I do regular edits through my cellphone from time to time
[14:58] <Swob> lots of people do
[14:58] <Swob> the new Android 4.0 has a vastly improved onscreen editing interface vs Android 2.3
[14:58] <Swob> I havent tried it on an iPhone yet
[14:58] <D_>
[14:58] <D_> Apparently it's still live
[14:58] <Swob> Adnroid 2.3 youd have to struggle to get the cursor to even be on the screen
[14:59] <Swob> Android 4.0 just uses scrollbars and the cursor seems to always be where it needs to be
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[14:59] <D_> I still struggle with writing more than a sentence using onscreen keyboards
[14:59] <Swob> me too, i use it only when I have no access to a PC
[14:59] <D_> My phone has a hardware keyboard and a touch dpad, but it's too slow to do anything with
[15:00] <Swob> <--- the last 6 edits or so are from an Android phone
[15:00] <Nascar1996> I can't stay on m.wikipedai
[15:00] <Swob> ironically i tend to type better on a cellphone than a PC because on the phone I at least have autocorrect
[15:01] <Swob> there must be autocorrect prohgrams for PC
[15:01] <Swob> for people with muscular disabilities or something
[15:01] <D_> Somebody here mentioned that OS X has autocorrect the other day
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[15:02] <Swob> −−−−−-----
[15:02] <Swob> the − is what i get when i press the dash key on a cellphone
[15:02] <Swob> - is what i get when i press it on a PC
[15:02] <Swob> that's probably autocorrect as well
[15:03] <Swob> like it goes "- ... oh wait that's a number, let's make it a −"
[15:03] <Swob> then there's —
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[15:03] <Soap--> Im surprised dashes arent used much in IRC nicks
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[15:04] <D_> My Android keyboard on my tablet has a dash key that lets me do em and en dashes when I long-tap onit
�02[15:04] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[15:04] <Soap--> oh right
[15:04] <Soap--> my pet peeve is that htere is no tab key on adroid
[15:04] <Soap--> im guessing that they havent fixed that
[15:05] <Soap--> yeah still no tab key
[15:05] <D_> There's a third party keyboard called "Hacker's keyboard" that has a bunch of stuff you'd find on a real keyboard
[15:05] <Soap--> so anytime you try to write an essay you like you flunked out of typing class
[15:05] <D_> that isn't on the stock android keyboard
[15:05] <Soap--> *you look like
[15:05] <D_> It's useful if you use ssh
[15:05] <Soap--> but it has this weird S thing that no one uses
[15:06] <D_> also, you shouldn't use tabs for indents, just let your editor handle indenting paragraphs
[15:06] <Soap--> never seen one that does that
[15:06] <D_> Most have a "first line indent" setting
[15:07] <Nascar1996> tags are so annoying
�03[15:07] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[15:12] * Wildblue ( Quit (Quit: Terabytes are termite-like desert insects.�)
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�03[15:12] * Nascar1996 is now known as nas|mobile
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�03[15:13] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:13] * matthewbauer ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�02[15:15] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
[15:17] <Qcoder00> Editing from Mobiles?
�03[15:17] * nas|mobile (~nas|mobil@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[15:17] * Qcoder00 wonders if people have edited from Orbit
[15:17] <Qcoder00> ;)
�03[15:17] * matthewbauer (~matthew@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[15:17] * nas|iphone (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has left #wikipedia-en ("La douleur est la prise de conscience de la vie."�)
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�03[15:19] * Captain-n00dle (~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[15:21] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) Quit (Quit: Bjarki�)
[15:23] <Yetanotherx> WTF Physics Homework???
[15:23] <Yetanotherx> "You are shipwrecked on a deserted tropical island. You have some electrical devices that you could operate using a generator but you have no magnets." wat
[15:24] <foks> haha
[15:24] <foks> No magents? Fucked.
[15:24] <foks> * nets
[15:24] <Carly> o.o
[15:24] <foks> "Fortunately, you discover some batteries in the wreck."
[15:25] <D_> Is this an adventure game?
[15:25] <D_> > Go north
[15:25] <D_> > Look for magnets
�02[15:25] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
�03[15:25] * TParis ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[15:26] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:26] <Qcoder00> D- "You find a cave, Inside the cave is a bearded genetleman..."
�02[15:26] * nas|mobile (~nas|mobil@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[15:27] * Nascar1996 is now known as nas|mobile
[15:27] <Carly> yes
�03[15:27] * nas|mobile is now known as Nascar1996
[15:27] <Carly> sorry error channel :/
�06[15:27] * Carly hides
�02[15:27] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[15:27] <Qcoder00> BTW I heard a really bad jok earlier....
[15:28] <Qcoder00> "Why did the male Gnome's move to Chelsea?" " So that they could get a legal marrige!"
�03[15:28] * Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
�03[15:29] * harej ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[15:36] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:37] <TParis> who uses Ubuntu?
�03[15:37] * LtNOWIS ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:37] <Soap--> bsadowski does i think
[15:37] <Yetanotherx> me
�03[15:37] * Writ_Keeper (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:37] <Dcoetzee> Me
[15:37] <Dcoetzee> I mean, in a VM
[15:37] <Dcoetzee> Usually
[15:38] <D_> I moved to Xubuntu after trying unity for entirely too long
[15:38] <Dcoetzee> Woo 1080p video up
[15:38] <TParis> What graphical text editor do you use to write code?
[15:39] <foks> use TextWranglrrrr
[15:39] <D_> Are you trying to start a vi vs emacs war?
�03[15:39] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:39] <Qcoder00> Who need emacs or vi when you can !Zap code ;)
[15:39] <TParis> No, please save me from that.  All I want to know is what can I use to write PHP that will help me catch syntax errors.
[15:39] <TParis> That's it, no war here.
[15:40] <foks> I dunno about PHP.
[15:40] <foks> But TextWrangler is probably a good shout and is free
[15:40] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  a1080p video of ripping loo rool?
[15:40] <foks> not sure if it's Linux compatible though
�02[15:40] * Sadeukko ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[15:40] <Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Yup
[15:40] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  Would you like me to contact the Turner Prize people?XD
[15:40] <Qcoder00> XD
[15:40] <Dcoetzee> :-P
�06[15:41] * Yetanotherx just uses gedit and hopes for the best.
[15:41] <Yetanotherx> I'm a vim guy
[15:41] <Dcoetzee> This player is annoying me though
[15:41] <Qcoder00> Dcoetzee:  I assume people know what I am talking about ;)
�03[15:41] * Sadeukko (~AnXa@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:43] <Dcoetzee> Gaaah our ogv player applet sucks
[15:44] <Dcoetzee> It doesn't remember video it's already buffered when you seek. It doesn't even buffer when paused.
[15:44] <D_> Didn't Wikimedia contract some company to write the media players
�03[15:46] * jdelanoy (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:49] <foks> How many electricians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
[15:49] <foks> ...uh, just the one, obviously
[15:49] <Dcoetzee> Heh
[15:49] <Dcoetzee> Antijokes are fun
�03[15:50] * howcheng (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[15:55] * Carly is now known as Monster-Carly
�03[15:55] * Monster-Carly is now known as Carly
[15:57] <duh> scribunto is live!
�03[15:58] * CsendesMark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:58] <Carly> Good night all
�03[15:58] * Carly is now known as Carly|prays
[15:58] <Dcoetzee> Carly|prays: Night
[15:59] <Carly|prays> :) night Dcoetzee
[15:59] <CsendesMark> Hello All!
�02[16:00] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
�02[16:01] * nuenfly ( Quit (Quit: WeeChat 0.4.0�)
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[16:03] <CsendesMark> I would like to ask help from an admin who are expert in proxy-s (proxy vandals more precisely)
[16:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[16:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> interesting idea
�02[16:04] * robla (~robla@wikimedia/robla) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[16:05] <Qcoder00> IS this really what some people think?
[16:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no
[16:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats what they forget to do
�02[16:06] * Captain-n00dle (~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle) Quit (Quit: Cheerio!�)
�06[16:07] * Qcoder00 ponders if there are PDsex manuals .....
[16:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wikipedia?
[16:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its not PD but close enough
�02[16:08] * Carly (Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[16:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you have to cite your source mid-action probably
[16:08] <CsendesMark> anyone?
�02[16:08] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Quit: Re-installing xchat�)
[16:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> In the past you'd have to quote the license
[16:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> CsendesMark I am not an admin, what exactly is your question?
[16:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Is it sockpuppet abuse?
[16:09] <Qcoder00> exists but it's inomplete :(
[16:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if so you may want to ask in #wikipedia-en-spi
[16:10] <CsendesMark> we have a recurring problem with old town names
[16:10] <CsendesMark> I guess yes, a shockpupet, same person from different ip
[16:11] <Gfoley4> sockpuppet
[16:11] <CsendesMark> I am a friend of Koertefa, and time to time I checking his wors
�03[16:11] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:11] <CsendesMark> *sorry
[16:12] <CsendesMark>
[16:12] <CsendesMark>
[16:12] <CsendesMark> and some nationalist vandals doesen't wannt/like the Hungarian name in the lead
[16:13] <CsendesMark> sometimes, an editor can start a whole campaign to remove as much as he/she finds :(
[16:14] <CsendesMark> edit reason by them: (better shape)
[16:14] <PapaJacky> eh
[16:14] <PapaJacky> hard fought edit battles
�03[16:14] * Someguy1221 (Johnson@wikipedia/Someguy1221) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[16:18] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: La douleur est la prise de conscience de la vie.�)
[16:18] <CsendesMark> yes, and there is only one way, to revert those
[16:18] <CsendesMark> but it's getting boring...
�03[16:19] * ragesoss_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:21] <Amqui> good day
�03[16:22] * Zynaricum (8182ee2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:22] <Zynaricum> Help me find a fighting game pronounced "techin" please?
[16:23] <Zynaricum> "techin," "tech in" That's how it sounds, but how spelled?
[16:23] <foks> Tekken?
[16:23] <Zynaricum> I'll try that then.
[16:23] <Dcoetzee> Tekken is the one you want yes
[16:23] <Zynaricum> Yes, yes, that's it!
�02[16:23] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
�06[16:23] * foks nods.
�03[16:23] * lmtv is now known as lmtv[off]
[16:24] <Zynaricum> foks: If you've played it, would you recommend the game?
[16:24] <Dcoetzee> Tekken was a whole series of games :-P I'm not sure which one you're thinking of
[16:25] <PapaJacky> not really
[16:25] <PapaJacky> I'm only a veteran of one edit battle and it was settled in the talk page
[16:25] <Zynaricum> Whatever can be played on today's hardware.
[16:25] <CsendesMark> good ...night/ ...or moring!
[16:25] <Dcoetzee> Zynaricum: Tekken are arcade/console games
�02[16:25] * CsendesMark ( Quit
[16:25] <PapaJacky> don't play tekken
[16:25] <PapaJacky> super street fighter IV: arcade edition is the way to go
[16:26] <Dcoetzee> Tekken 6 came out for PS3, PSP, Xbox 360 in 2009. A lot of people like it. I would check reviews on IGN and so on.
�03[16:26] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:26] <Dcoetzee> Or just try it out at your local arcade
[16:26] <PapaJacky> lol
[16:27] <PapaJacky> local arcades are apparently converting into half dining place half game station
[16:27] <Zynaricum> And so no one repeats the same mistake that I did, can someone redirect "Techin" to Tekken?
[16:27] <Dcoetzee> That's a very improbable misspelling, but okay
[16:27] <MJ94> what is a wikipedia
[16:27] <Dcoetzee> Done
[16:28] <Zynaricum> Thx
�03[16:29] * sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has left #wikipedia-en ("Flee, here comes the ..."�)
�02[16:29] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[16:29] <Soap--> if one person's mistyped it that means others might
�02[16:30] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[16:30] <Dcoetzee> Well as long as we don't have an article on many of the real things called Techin :-P
[16:31] <Soap--> wikipedia could use a soundex search
[16:31] <Dcoetzee> Yup
[16:31] <Dcoetzee> Been proposed enough times. But scaling it up is the issue
[16:31] <Zynaricum> Yes, please launch an audio based search.
�03[16:31] * Maple__ is now known as Maple__{a
[16:31] <Zynaricum> How hard could it be?
[16:32] <MJ94> Very?
�03[16:33] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:34] <Dcoetzee> Zynaricum: Doing one search based on sound is easy. Doing millions of them every day, without costing tons of money, is harder :-P
[16:35] <Zynaricum> MJ94: Can I decipher your name? MJ is your initials (You can sing Billy Jean only if you want to, lol) and '94 is the year you're born. Correct guess?
[16:35] <Soap--> maybe we could put it on a special page so that people wouldnt just use it as the default search
[16:35] <MJ94> Zynaricum: indeed!
[16:35] <foks> billie jean is not my looovaa
[16:36] <Zynaricum> Congratulations, you share Justin Bieber's birth year and (probably) his high school graduation class!
[16:36] <Soap--> oh wow, soundex is a lot more primitive than i realized
[16:36] <Zynaricum> Soap--: Where'd you test that?
[16:36] <MJ94> Billie Jean is not my lover, she's just a girl who says I am the one
[16:36] <Soap--> I guess there's no alternative though, since we dont have pronunciation data in every article
[16:36] <Soap--> so it just has to guess
[16:37] <Soap--> it seems to throw out all vowels
[16:37] <Soap--> and h's
[16:37] <Soap--> so Tekken/Techin would just be tkn
[16:37] <LtNOWIS> Nothing like a main page FA having vandalism on it for 14 minutes
[16:37] <Soap--> which matches
[16:37] <Soap--> so you'd probably find what you wanted
[16:37] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: THE KID IS NOT MY SON
[16:37] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: you whore
[16:37] <MJ94> :D
[16:38] <MJ94> go on jerry!
[16:38] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[16:38] <MJ94> jerry! jerry!
[16:38] <Soap--> but you'd also get things like Tokam
�06[16:38] * MJ94 lifts shirt
�03[16:38] * Carly- (~Unknown@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[16:38] * Carly- (~Unknown@ Quit (Changing host�)
�03[16:38] * Carly- (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:38] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Wb
[16:38] <Zynaricum> Did I finally find a free-enough image of KJU?
[16:38] <Zynaricum> I hope CNN gives the right permissions.
�03[16:38] * michelle_rivas (~canaima@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:38] <Dcoetzee> Zynaricum: Haha no
[16:39] <Carly-> hi
[16:39] <Carly-> :D
[16:39] <Dcoetzee> No photo published by CNN is ever freely licensed
�06[16:39] * Carly- hugs Dcoetzee 
�06[16:39] * Carly- runs away
�06[16:39] * Dcoetzee hugs Carly :-)
[16:39] <Zynaricum> Why's it so hard to find a free image of KJU?
[16:39] <Zynaricum> Oh, wait a minute. North Korea's no free country.
[16:39] <michelle_rivas> hello my frennn
[16:40] <Dcoetzee> Because there's no Internet in North Korea. So they've never heard of free licenses.
[16:40] <michelle_rivas> hello hello hello
[16:40] <michelle_rivas> hola como estan
�03[16:40] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:40] <Carly-> I have a toothache
[16:40] <Carly-> :(
[16:40] <Carly-> agrrr
[16:40] <Dcoetzee> Carly: You should see a dentist if it gets worse
�02[16:40] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
�06[16:40] * Carly- runs away
[16:41] <SigmaWP> hi
�03[16:41] * michelle_rivas (~canaima@ has left #wikipedia-en
[16:42] <Carly-> Dcoetzee, the last time I visited the dentist told me that I have a very healthy teeth
[16:42] <Carly-> :D
[16:42] <MJ94> bbl
[16:42] <Dcoetzee> That's good :-)
[16:42] <Carly-> But its other problem I have now
�06[16:42] * Dcoetzee waves to MJ94
[16:42] <Dcoetzee> My new upload :-)
�06[16:42] * Carly- hii MJ94 
[16:42] <Dcoetzee> It's like a product shot :-P
[16:42] <MJ94> Nice, Dcoetzee !
[16:43] <jdelanoy> that's actually really, really good, Dcoetzee
[16:43] <Dcoetzee> Thx :-)
�06[16:43] * jdelanoy deletes as obvious copyvio :P
[16:43] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[16:43] <MJ94> Carly-: Adios, me ducho!
[16:43] <Dcoetzee> I don't think there's quite enough lighting in front and it's not totally in focus but whatever :-P
[16:43] <MJ94> jdelanoy: block Dcoetzee as a sock puppet
[16:43] <MJ94> please
[16:43] <MJ94> thanks
[16:43] <jdelanoy> ???
[16:43] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[16:43] <jdelanoy> of whom?
[16:43] <MJ94> ;D
�06[16:43] * Dcoetzee socks himself?
�03[16:43] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:43] <jdelanoy> Jimbo O_O
[16:43] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: yes
[16:43] <Carly-> I am going to seee
[16:43] <Carly-> auch
[16:44] <MJ94> jdelanoy: You're a sock of Jimbo?
[16:44] <jdelanoy> XD
[16:44] <MJ94> :D
[16:44] <jdelanoy> yes :P
[16:44] <Someguy1221> most editors are a sock of jimbo
[16:44] <jdelanoy> s/most/all
[16:44] <MJ94> jdelanoy: have you been to wikimania before?
[16:44] <jdelanoy> no
[16:44] <Someguy1221> wikipedia's editor count is not falling because wikipedia is dying - jimmy is just slowing down
[16:44] <Someguy1221> on the socking
[16:44] <jdelanoy> I went to a "wikiconference" in NYC in 2009
�06[16:44] * MJ94 goes to shower
[16:44] <Dcoetzee> Ha
[16:44] <jdelanoy> ^^
[16:44] <Carly-> mm
[16:44] <Carly-> cool when I heard in the link "tablets" I thought about "Tablets or ipad"
[16:44] <Carly-> XD
[16:44] <Dcoetzee> Jimmy's getting old
�06[16:44] * Carly- runs away
[16:44] <SigmaWP> Someguy1221: lol
[16:45] <MJ94> Dcoetzee: you're old
[16:45] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[16:45] <Dcoetzee> And you're not showering :-P
�06[16:45] * Dcoetzee pushes MJ94 out the door
[16:45] <MJ94> Because you're not here
[16:45] <MJ94> ;)
[16:45] <MJ94> bowchickawowow
�06[16:45] * Dcoetzee siiighs :-P
[16:45] <Dcoetzee> Stop flirting and shower :-P
[16:46] <MJ94> don't tell my girlfriend
[16:46] <MJ94> XD
�06[16:46] * Dcoetzee rolls eyes
[16:46] <MJ94> later crazies
[16:46] <Dcoetzee> I'm going to replace uses of this image by mine
[16:46] <MJ94> sweet!
[16:46] <MJ94> ok bye...
[16:47] <MJ94> :P
[16:47] <Dcoetzee> MJ94: Later :-P
�03[16:47] * MJ94 is now known as MJAway
[16:47] <Carly-> MJ94, Ok
[16:47] <Carly-> >-<
[16:47] <MJAway> Carly-: Hasta luego, antes di me ducho.
[16:47] <MJAway> No idea if I said that right
[16:47] <Carly-> lol
[16:47] <MJAway> I probably just insulted her.
�06[16:47] * MJAway sighs
[16:47] <Carly-> did you say,you are going to take a shower¿
[16:48] <Carly-> or
[16:48] <Carly-> did you rajaste¿
[16:48] <Carly-> XD
[16:48] <MJAway> yes
[16:48] <Carly-> mmm
[16:48] <Carly-> Me too
�06[16:48] * Carly- se raja
�06[16:48] * Dcoetzee waves to Carly-
[16:48] <Carly-> :o
�06[16:49] * Carly- is bored
[16:49] <Carly-> -_-
�03[16:51] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:51] <Carly-> Hi Hahc21
�02[16:54] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
�03[16:56] * LtNOWIS2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:56] <Hahc21> Hi Carly
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[17:07] <Vacation9> wow so quit
[17:07] <Vacation9> quiet*
[17:08] <Carly-> yes
[17:08] <Carly-> hi
[17:08] <Vacation9> !oversight
[17:08] <Vacation9> hi
[17:08] <Someguy1221> hi vacation
[17:08] <Someguy1221> you can pm me for oversight
[17:08] <Vacation9> kk
[17:08] <Fluffernutter> you're becoming quite the frequent flier, Vacation9
[17:08] <Vacation9> Fluffernutter: Yes, it seems so
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[17:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter, I need a sysop to do my bidding, would you volunteer? :/
[17:24] <D_> Are moving forward with a world domination plan?
[17:25] <Maringaense304> Hi there, can anyone help me with the pos-image clean up process, please?
[17:26] <Someguy1221> what is pos?
[17:26] <TParis> ToAruShiroiNeko: What do you need?
[17:26] <Maringaense304> I've just cleaned up some images here:
[17:27] <Someguy1221> seems like commons would be a better place to ask
[17:27] <Maringaense304> I reckon the next step is obvsly. uploading; I just don't know where exactly and how.
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[17:28] <Someguy1221> ah
[17:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[17:28] <D_> Just upload a new version of the file?
[17:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this needs processing
[17:28] <Someguy1221> you can just upload right over the existing image
[17:28] <D_> Or am I missing something
[17:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TParis if you want to jump in, that is fine too
[17:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> double redirects need to be fixed, bots cannot handle
[17:28] <Someguy1221> under file history, there is an option, "upload a new version of this file"
[17:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> since redirects are self redirecting
[17:29] <Maringaense304> Can I access their channels from here?Hmmm... lemme see...
[17:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if you point the end link to the correct link, the bot would fix them all
[17:29] <TParis> Why is the sysop bit needed for this?
[17:29] <Bradford> (--------------------------------------------8
[17:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sometimes redirects are on protected pages
[17:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which is why bots cant fix them
[17:29] <Carly-> lol
�03[17:29] * Zynaricum is now known as Adam_Aneev
[17:29] <Bradford> Carly-:  STOP,puteria :D
[17:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont want to review the 100 something entires to try to figure out which ones definately need sysop involvement
�03[17:30] * Bradford is now known as El_Patron
[17:30] <D_> So you just wanna give them to a sysop to do it themselves?
[17:30] <TParis> ToAruShiroiNeko: I just checked 5 at random and none of them were protected.  I'm sorry, I'm writing code right now and I dont have time to go through 100+ pages that may or may not need the bit.
[17:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :/
[17:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ that is the plan
[17:31] <D_> Oh, okay
[17:31] <Maringaense304> For this particular file, under file history, it actually says "You cannot overwrite this file" - though it is marked for editing.
[17:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> re-reviewing it seems like most entries are related
[17:32] <sarahlicity> Isn't there a AWB script for it?
[17:32] <Carly-> Bradford, I hope,that you get a good mark for your math homework
[17:32] <Carly-> :)
�06[17:32] * Carly- runs away
[17:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no the script cannot handle it, I run the bot
[17:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the redirects point to themselves
[17:33] <Carly-> El_Patron, Ok boss.
�06[17:33] * Carly- stop negreria
�06[17:33] * Carly- hides
[17:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> one needs to manually figure it out
[17:33] <El_Patron> O_o
[17:33] <El_Patron> Carly-: no la dañes, que eso no cuadra :P
[17:33] <D_> Maringaense304: Is it protected?
[17:34] <Fluffernutter> oops sorry ToAruShiroiNeko, I was loading the dishwasher
�02[17:34] * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[17:35] <sarahlicity> ToAruShiroiNeko: For circular redirects, CSD them
[17:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter ah, cooking lasagnia?
[17:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sarahlicity thats not the optimal solution though
[17:35] <Fluffernutter> well, it was pasta, but not lasagna
[17:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it seems like they were created by a broken bot
[17:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no I mean with the dishwasher
[17:36] <D_> You can cook lasagna with a dishwasher?
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[17:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[17:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure!
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[17:38] <D_> My god.
�03[17:38] * Maple__{a is now known as Maple__
[17:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want a dishwasher with clear front
[17:39] <IShadowed> how are you, ladies
[17:39] <D_> I guess gopro cameras are dishwasher safe
[17:42] <Someguy1221> srsly?
[17:42] <Someguy1221> i wouldn't have guess that waterproof also meant "boiling detergent"-proof
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[17:43] <D_> They didn't put detergent in
[17:43] <IShadowed_> I have returned
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�06[17:44] * Dcoetzee hugs IShadowed
[17:44] <Dcoetzee> Hey
[17:44] <IShadowed> hey
[17:44] <Dcoetzee> How was your day?
[17:45] <IShadowed> It was great. Throat's still murdering me, but I went on a day trip. Was nice.
[17:45] <Dcoetzee> Sounds fun :-)
[17:46] <IShadowed> mhm hm
[17:46] <Dcoetzee> Hope your throat feels better soon :-( Got some kinda meds?
[17:46] <IShadowed> mom is only doing her homeopathic bs
[17:46] <IShadowed> I have cough drops and honey, it'll be ok
[17:47] <WilliamH_UK> have you got a cold or something
[17:47] <Dcoetzee> :-/
[17:47] <IShadowed> no idea, only a sore throat
[17:47] <WilliamH_UK> see if you can get throat sweets with benzocaine in...when I have a sore throat, those things are great
[17:47] <IShadowed> nah I'm pretty much in for the night
[17:47] <WilliamH_UK> mild local anaesthetic, completely gets rid of the pain
[17:48] <IShadowed> traveling tommorrow and staying over with mom for a job interview (hers)
[17:48] <IShadowed> don't have time
[17:48] <IShadowed> need to start rwdc
[17:48] <IShadowed> ...and research proposals...
�02[17:48] * PapaJacky ( Quit (Quit: I fucking hate peanut�)
[17:48] <IShadowed> I'm trying to formulate a plan z for if nothing works
�06[17:48] * IShadowed sighs
[17:48] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Are you on track pretty much?
[17:49] <IShadowed> For?
�02[17:49] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Quit: Bsadowski1�)
[17:49] <Dcoetzee> For the RWDC stuff
[17:49] <IShadowed> I have 8 weeks
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[17:49] <IShadowed> So yeah, it's ok
[17:49] <IShadowed> but still stressful regardless.
�06[17:49] * Dcoetzee nods
[17:49] <IShadowed> that only makes 10 pages a week necessary
[17:50] <IShadowed> but every page needs to be absolutely perfect
[17:50] <IShadowed> so.
[17:50] <Dcoetzee> Naturally :-P
[17:50] <IShadowed> No, really
[17:50] <IShadowed> to win the National title?
[17:50] <IShadowed> It has to be perfect.
[17:50] <Dcoetzee> You'll get it done
�03[17:50] * Carly- is now known as mimi
[17:50] <IShadowed> I know.
[17:50] <IShadowed> This isn't a concern.
[17:50] <Dcoetzee> :-)
[17:50] <Dcoetzee> No need to stress. You got it all planned out.
[17:50] <IShadowed> no, need to stress
�03[17:51] * MJAway is now known as MJ94
[17:51] <MJ94> I'm baaaaack
[17:51] <D_> I recommend outright panic
[17:52] <IShadowed> I do that, too
[17:52] <MJ94> That's a hobby of mine, I could give lessons if anyone needs.
[17:52] <mimi> welcome back MJ94
[17:52] <mimi> :)
[17:52] <MJ94> heya mimi!
[17:52] <IShadowed> panic attacks are kinda a specialty of mine
[17:52] <MJ94> mimi: have we met? I'm Michael :)
[17:52] <mimi> MJ94, -_-
[17:52] <El_Patron> -.-
[17:52] <mimi> MJ94, I am Carly,nice to met you
[17:52] <D_> MJ94: * Carly- is now known as mimi
[17:53] <mimi> ;)
[17:53] <mimi> lool
[17:53] <MJ94> -_-
[17:53] <mimi> -_-
[17:53] <El_Patron> -__-
[17:53] <D_> ¬_¬
[17:53] <Dcoetzee> That's one of Carly's *many* names :-P
[17:53] <Dcoetzee> She has about 15
�02[17:53] * mareklug_ (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[17:53] <El_Patron> ó.ó?
[17:54] <MJ94> ø_ø
[17:54] <Dcoetzee> I can't remember them all, I have a list somewhere
[17:54] <El_Patron> \º__º/
[17:54] <mimi> No
[17:54] <MJ94> Bahaha
[17:54] <MJ94> \o/
[17:54] <El_Patron> yes
[17:54] <mimi> now I only have 3 nicks
[17:54] <El_Patron> |º___º|
[17:54] <mimi> carly- carly mimi
[17:54] <El_Patron> xD
[17:54] <mimi> because are used for emergency
[17:55] <El_Patron> Good Night friends (----------------------------------8
�03[17:55] * mareklug_ (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:55] <mimi> HYUNDAI Terracan (2004 - Present) Description & History: The original Terracan was launched in 2001. 3 years later a facelift was launched.
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[17:55] <mimi> I get that description xd
�03[17:55] * mimi is now known as Carly
�06[17:56] * MJ94 wishes people would understand the concept of copyright
�03[17:56] * El_Patron is now known as El_Patron|Away
�06[17:56] * Carly I am agree 
�06[17:56] * D_ posts 20 GBs of copyrighted movies 
[17:56] <Carly> yes NO COPYRIGHT
�02[17:56] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit
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[17:56] <El_Patron|Away> XD
[17:57] <El_Patron|Away> bye e,e
[17:57] <Carly> -_- by
[17:57] <Carly> e
[17:57] <El_Patron|Away> YES COPYRIGHT -:D
[17:57] <El_Patron|Away> (-:
�02[17:57] * mareklug (~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug) Quit (Client Quit�)
[17:57] <Carly> El_Patron|Away, No
[17:57] <El_Patron|Away> go go go bye bye me echan xd (------------------8
[17:57] <sarahlicity> I told almost a dozen jokes to win a comedy competition
[17:57] <sarahlicity> But no pun in ten did
[17:58] <Soap--> heh
[17:58] <D_>
[17:58] <D_> Which brings me to the question: do we have a sound sample of a rimshot on the Commons?
[17:59] <sarahlicity> We probably have a video sample of a rimjob
[17:59] <MJ94>
[17:59] <D_> Probably a whole category
[18:00] <WilliamH_UK> well I must say that wasn't what I expected it to be
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[18:02] <Dcoetzee> Actually no
[18:02] <Dcoetzee> We have no rimshot media on Commons
[18:02] <Dcoetzee> (tragedy)
[18:02] <D_> No, I meant a whole category of rimjobs
[18:02] <Dcoetzee> At least under that name
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[18:03] <WilliamH_UK> I thought Commons of all place would have a category on rim related things
�02[18:04] * Adam_Aneev (8182ee2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[18:04] <Shipoopi> including wheel rims?
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[18:12] <dtm> hey guys.  is there a general consensus about wikipedia consultants?  people who edit wikipedia professionally?  are there any which are considered by the community to be legit?
[18:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
[18:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we had one such user about 10 years ago
[18:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whom was the last one
[18:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> PhD professors and 10 year olds have the same "authority"
[18:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the community rejected the notion of profesisonal editors
[18:16] <Soap--> i dont understand how a youtube channel with only 7 videos can have 22361 subscribers
[18:17] <TParis> dtm: We had a user several years ago who for years fooled us into believing they were really well credentialled with I think it was a masters degree and years of work in whatever field it was.
[18:17] <D_> Maybe it's 22359 bots
[18:17] <TParis> Then we found out they didnt have shit.
[18:18] <Soap--> ToAruShiroiNeko says it best
[18:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TParis you mean the essjay controvercy
[18:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> indeed
[18:18] <Soap--> the day we have "consultants" is the day Wikipedia as we know it comes to an end
[18:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *controversy
[18:18] <Soap--> which isnt to say we dont want experts editing Wikipedia
[18:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Soap-- we do have consultants whom dont flash badges
[18:19] <gde33> depends what they are consulting
[18:19] <Soap--> We just dont want /only/ experts editing, or for experts to think they should be able to overrule what others say
[18:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I study artificial intelligence, I dont demand to be treated as a subject matter expert on all computing topics on wikipedia
[18:19] <D_> Yeah, go away Larry Sanger
[18:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> our editors are often people who are experts
[18:20] <gde33> we have self proclaimed experts :P
[18:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ I was avoiding promoting him intentionally :p
[18:20] <Shipoopi> Straw poll! Instead of displaying static graphs on Wikipedia, would you like them to see interactive?
[18:20] <TParis> ToAruShiroiNeko: Why bother?  He takes every opportunity to promote himself.  It's a futile effort to try to ignore him.
[18:20] <LtNOWIS2> no
[18:20] <D_> Depends on how they'd be implemented
[18:21] <gde33> but to be honest, the project fits perfectly with the so called expert world view
[18:21] <TParis> Whatever chance he can get to scream "OMG, WIKIPEDIA AND the way, check out MY website"
[18:21] <LtNOWIS2> too much fancy stuff makes it harder to view the site
[18:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TParis I want him to pay us to promote him
[18:21] <Soap--> yeah
[18:21] <D_> I like progressive enhancement and not needing to load 50GB of js to display a graph
[18:21] <LtNOWIS2> I doubt I could even view gifs well on my phone
[18:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TParis our most visited articles are on sex positions not porn
[18:21] <dtm> well.  i mean.  people who offer their services to the general public as a wikipedia editor, who will create or maintain and monitor a page for a fee, for entities who pass the general criteria of wikipedia articles.
[18:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sex positions, anime and current events
[18:21] <dtm> is that who you're talking about?
[18:22] <TParis> ToAruShiroiNeko: I got an app for that
[18:22] <dtm> a wikipedia maintenance service
[18:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> nobody is paid to do any wiki work
[18:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we do have paid staff to maintain hardware but even they have no say in matters of content
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[18:22] <TParis> Even the Wikimedia CEO gets her articles deleted.
[18:22] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: well of course they are, just not paid by wikipedia
[18:22] <D_> You mean like paid editors
[18:22] <dtm> D_: yeah.
[18:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dtm wikipedia is not an organization
[18:23] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: i know.
[18:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wikimedia foundation maintains the servers
[18:23] <gde33> wikipedia is a conspiracy
[18:23] <D_> It's a controversial issue
[18:23] <gde33> psudoscience
[18:23] <dtm> D_: i imagine that it is!
[18:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> gde33 really not helping
[18:23] <gde33> sorry
[18:23] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: *you're* not helping ^_^
[18:23] <dtm> gde33: it's okay, man.  we're all just not sure whether or not wikipedia exists.  the debate goes on.
[18:24] <Shipoopi> D_, i am lobbying the devs to add a series of tools on Mediawiki
[18:24] <dtm> D_: i've seen some ads and web sites for them, and they profess upholding wikipedia's standards for qualifying clients
[18:24] <Dcoetzee> Wikipedia is dead. Long live Wikipedia.
[18:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dtm people do use their wikipedia experience like that, which is fine
[18:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee whatcha doing?
[18:24] <WilliamH_UK> dtm, such promises are worthless
[18:24] <D_> Yes, some people support doing that
[18:24] <D_> some strongly oppose it
[18:25] <dtm> D_: i was kinda wondering if there are any who are known to be reputable, and not have presented any problems
[18:25] <Dcoetzee> I strongly support paid editing and I always have.
[18:25] <Dcoetzee> In compliance with policies, of course.
[18:25] <dtm> Dcoetzee: yeah.
[18:25] <D_> Truth is, a lot of the time paid editors aren't very able to stay COI-free
�06[18:25] * IShadowed sighs
[18:25] <WilliamH_UK> that's right
[18:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee will you pay me to edit my userpage? <3
[18:25] <dtm> D_: i imagine that's tough
[18:25] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: lol
[18:25] <WilliamH_UK> because they have a financial motivation to satisfy their client
[18:25] <Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: Your userpage isn't that awful :-)
[18:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dcoetzee it can be depending on the promised funds :p
[18:26] <TParis> dtm: Wikimedia CEO Sue Gardener fighting to keep her article
[18:26] <gde33> we should auction the truth
[18:26] <gde33> :P
[18:26] <Dcoetzee> WilliamH_UK: Doctors have a financial motivation to keep patients in the hospital longer, but they don't stab them
[18:26] <dtm> WilliamH_UK: they could structure it properly, to offer so many hours, according to certain criteria, so that the expectations are metered and agreed ahead of time in small chunks.
[18:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TParis wikimedia doesnt have a ceo :p
�02[18:26] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:26] <dtm> TParis: orly
[18:26] <TParis> Executive Director :P
[18:26] <Dcoetzee> It's a matter of professional ethics
[18:26] <Dcoetzee> And maintaining a reputation as a good editor in the Wikipedia community.
[18:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> unless Sue wears a wiki-pe tan uniform I refuse to call her an "Officer"
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[18:26] <WilliamH_UK> agree that it's a matter of ethics
[18:27] <dtm> Dcoetzee: they do!  it's called surgery!  :-o
[18:27] <WilliamH_UK> however I live in a country with social health care so your point is entirely moot to me :D
[18:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> CEO - Chief executive officer
[18:27] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[18:27] <Shipoopi> Shit
[18:27] <Shipoopi> i crashed my 3D accelerator drivers again
[18:27] <Shipoopi> lol
[18:27] <dtm> huge conflict of interest vs. homeopathy, yoga, diet, exercise, and common sense ;)
[18:27] <Dcoetzee> WilliamH_UK: Analogy fail oops :-)
[18:27] <dtm> Dcoetzee: but that illustrates the point nonetheless
[18:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Jimbo is CPO?
[18:27] <D_> Shipoopi: Were you trying out 3D webgl graphs?
[18:27] <dtm> Dcoetzee: that's institutionally legitimized stabbing and robbing ^_^
[18:27] <gde33> dtm interesting example of not wanting experts
[18:27] <dtm> past a point.
[18:28] <dtm> gde33: do what now
[18:28] <Shipoopi> D_, i work on Chromium as a job.
[18:28] <D_> Ah
[18:28] <gde33> dtm: nvm
[18:28] <dtm> oic
�06[18:28] * D_ makes a note not to diss Chromium too much 
[18:28] <Carly> Good night everyone
[18:28] <dtm> Shipoopi: that's cool
[18:28] <Dcoetzee> Carly: Night :-)
[18:28] <Carly> night Dcoetzee :)
�06[18:29] * Carly cuddles everyone
�06[18:29] * Dcoetzee hugs Carly
[18:29] <dtm> Carly: l8r
�06[18:29] * Carly runs away
�03[18:30] * Zhao|really-ZzZz is now known as Zhaofeng_Li
�06[18:30] * Carly huuugs Dcoetzee 
[18:30] <Carly> dtm me rajo bro
[18:30] <Carly> bye
�02[18:30] * Carly (~Unknown@pdpc/supporter/student/i-am-treasure) Quit (Quit: .�)
[18:30] <dtm> ay!  no comprendo!
[18:31] <D_> Mis pantalones esta enfuego
[18:31] <dtm> !!!!!!ayyyyyyy
[18:31] <D_> mi aerodeslizador está lleno de anguilas
�03[18:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
�03[18:31] * eir sets mode: -bbbo *!* *!* *!*@ eir
[18:31] <Moe_Epsilon> D_ por que o-o
�02[18:31] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
[18:32] <dtm> D_: brainstorm!  what would you say if i told you that I was considering applying (and have read the docs) to be a wikipedia administrator?  would you tell me to create more articles and read more documents first?
[18:32] <dtm> D_: would you challenge my chutzpah?  my moxie?!
[18:32] <D_> [[WP:NOTYET]]
[18:32] <dtm> :-o
[18:32] <D_> Yes, there's already a pre-existing response
[18:32] <dtm> that link is broken
[18:32] <D_> Like most things on Wikipedia
[18:32] <dtm> you should have it looked at
[18:33] <D_> I did
�06[18:33] * dtm taps the screen vigilantly
[18:33] <dtm> k
�03[18:33] * InShaneee (~InShaneee@wikipedia/InShaneee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:34] <dtm> so am i to understand, from reading , that the executive director of wikimedia foundation is not considered to be notable?  lacking sufficient citations, sufficiently free of COI?
[18:34] <dtm> so to speak
[18:34] <dtm> not making the grade?
[18:34] <dtm> notability criteria violated
[18:35] <Soap--> no thats a different person
[18:35] <Soap--> Alison Kosik isnt the director of WMF
[18:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Alison needs a kiosk in the office
[18:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Kosik kiosk
[18:36] <D_> [[File:Rimshot.ogg]]
[18:37] <Gfoley4> dtm: also that article currently exists
[18:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dtm one needs to have reliable sources covering thm
[18:37] <Vacation9> !admin could someone deny this unblock request and disable talk access?
[18:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> If you have no one on the planet talking about you, you cant claim to be notable.
[18:37] <Gfoley4> looking
[18:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Obama is not notable just because he is the president. He is notable because secondary sources establish him as such
[18:38] <InShaneee> Vacation9: lemme take a look
[18:38] <D_> uhh
�03[18:38] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[18:38] <Vacation9> Thanks Gfoley4/InShaneee
[18:38] <Gfoley4> arghh
[18:38] <Gfoley4> I reblocked but didn't set no editing talk page
[18:38] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: awesome.
[18:38] <D_> don't notability guidelines for politicians say that people holding prominent offices are automatically presumed notable?
[18:39] <Vacation9> Gfoley4: Lol
[18:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ what is prominent is debatable
[18:39] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: what functionality might be provided by the Kosik kiosk, i wonder.  is it maybe a shrine to her citation sources?
[18:39] <Gfoley4> woah
[18:39] <dtm> a thousand points of light -- from reliable sources
[18:39] <dtm> flickering before your eyes
[18:39] <Vacation9> Gfoley4: AGAIN
[18:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> point is Obama's notablility is provable with trivial effort
[18:40] <Gfoley4> that was embarassing
[18:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how notable is the presidents of those pacific island nations?
[18:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> are they less notable than a US mayor?
[18:40] <Vacation9> Gfoley4: Embarassing for you, hilarious for me :P
[18:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is a controversial angle to look at things
[18:41] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: is there a matter of "how notable"?  or is it just "notable or not"?
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[18:41] <Gfoley4> Vacation9: also because he said he should be blocked at least 10 hours more, I made it a 3 day block
[18:41] <D_> It's a question of "sufficiently noteable for inclusion in wikipedia"
[18:41] <Vacation9> Gfoley4: Lol, good idea
[18:41] <dtm> D_: yeah so it's a binary choice, right?
[18:42] <D_> It's a choice between delete and keep, so pretty much
[18:42] <dtm> yeah.
[18:42] <dtm> so why was i led to the article on Alison Kosik?  she doesn't even *have* a kiosk.
[18:43] <InShaneee> Vacation9: taking talk page privilages usually isn't neccisary. They tend to get bored after 30 mins or so, in most cases.
[18:43] <InShaneee> *blocking
[18:43] <Vacation9> InShaneee: Tell that to Gfoley4
�02[18:43] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:43] <Gfoley4> oh well
[18:43] <Vacation9> And anyway, they have been harassing me
[18:43] <Vacation9> Following with the block
�03[18:44] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:44] <dtm> D_: well anyway i want to get onto the AfC queue and help noobs.
[18:44] <InShaneee> Vacation9: how so?
[18:45] <D_> dtm: Have you been hanging out in -help?
[18:45] <Vacation9> InShaneee: Look at my talk page history
�02[18:45] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[18:45] <dtm> D_: yeah people dont last long in there.  i've helped a few.
[18:45] <D_> Oh, ok
[18:45] <InShaneee> Vacation9: well yeah, that I see, but he can't do that while blocked anyway.
[18:45] <D_> I was asking because I wanted to know if you hate AfC yet
�02[18:45] * Maringaense304 (~Maringaen@ Quit (Quit: irc2go�)
[18:46] <dtm> D_: well i was looking forward to that
[18:46] <Vacation9> InShaneee: I know, but it shows the pattern. Especially the trolling attitude. No reason for them to have talk access if they're just going to abuse it.
[18:46] <dtm> i was just wondering how soon i can engage as such, because i was promised this status early on
[18:47] <InShaneee> Vacation9: I get what you're saying, but you may be overestimating how much damage a user can do in their own talkspace.
[18:47] <dtm> edit the free encyclopedia, they said.  kill the noobs and hate the queue, they said.  on to the fray!
[18:47] <Gfoley4> oh god AFC
[18:48] <D_> Shh, Gfoley4
�03[18:48] * lieberDrache is now known as boeserDrache
[18:48] <D_> he's young and naive
[18:48] <dtm> Gfoley4: sssshhhhhhhhh....
[18:48] <Gfoley4> I did AFC a few years ago maybe?
�06[18:48] * dtm administers the chloroform gently
[18:48] <Gfoley4> I looked in the category a few days ago
[18:48] <dtm> shhhhhhhh....
[18:48] <Gfoley4> oh god
[18:48] <Vacation9> InShaneee: People have talk page access while blocked solely to appeal blocks. They abused it, and it's obvious they wouldn't need it any more. They're using it for (minor) personal attacks and a trolling attitude.
[18:48] <dtm> Gfoley4: has it embiggened?
[18:49] <InShaneee> been holding steady at over 1000 for over a week now.
[18:49] <dtm> D_: i have discovered the copyeditor's guild, so i poked at that a while back.
[18:49] <D_> Has it only been a week?
[18:49] <InShaneee> Vacation9: alright, you're the admin here, I'll trust your judgement
[18:49] <dtm> that was cool.
[18:49] <dtm> D_: but you said that the greatest need was AfC, right?
[18:49] <Vacation9> InShaneee: No, I totally understand your view. I'm stating my argument.
[18:49] <D_> Did I?
[18:50] <dtm> D_: Did you? <3
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[18:50] <D_> I don't know
[18:50] <dtm> something like that, coz like you said, it's huge and flaming
[18:51] <dtm> D_: are you trying to protect my innocence?
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[18:51] <D_> Nothing of such sort
[18:51] <dtm> are you trying to prevent a potential homicide
�03[18:51] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[18:51] <dtm> because i can assure you of my restraint
[18:51] <D_> If you wish to reduce the mountainous backlog of AfC, then that can be only admired
[18:51] <dtm> that's right!  i have wishes!  i dream!!
[18:52] <dtm> i go big.  i reach for the stars.
[18:54] <Peter-C> ohai James_F
[18:54] <Peter-C> Wannna write my term paper on the Gulf War?
[18:54] <Peter-C> I already have 5 pages of it done
[18:54] <James_F> Peter-C: No thanks. Unlike you, I lived through it.
[18:54] <Peter-C> So, half the work is done.
[18:54] <Peter-C> Exactly
[18:54] <Peter-C> You can write it form the point of view of someone who lived through it
[18:55] <Peter-C> And I lived through the second gulf war.
�03[18:55] * Ocaasi_ is now known as Ocaasi
[18:55] <D_> Make it look like a userspace draft and trick a Wikipedian into helping you
[18:55] <Peter-C> ^
[18:55] <Peter-C> I like that idea
[18:55] <James_F> Peter-C: I'd bloody hope you'd lived through the second Gulf War. :-)
[18:55] <Peter-C> My favorite part about my paper is the ending
[18:56] <Peter-C> "As the great warrior poet Ice cube once said, "If the day does not require an AK, it is good""
[18:56] <Gfoley4> what a name
[19:00] <D_> 500 years from now, somebody's going to read it
[19:01] <D_> and think that Ice Cube was a legendary warrior poet
[19:01] <Peter-C> mhm
[19:02] <Soap--> i wonder why fans make weird noises after theyve been cleaned
[19:02] <Soap--> its almost as if they want to be dirty
[19:02] <Soap--> like the dust smooths out the blades or somte4hting
[19:03] <D_> Because they really liked your work and they have like, all your albums
�02[19:03] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[19:03] <Soap--> i so wish i could write music
[19:04] <Soap--> that's one talent I completely utterly lack
[19:04] <Jetro> Soap--, can you draw?
[19:04] <Soap--> i did write some music once but it was very bad
[19:04] <mareklug> Soap--  did you get your irc nick back or are just being nostalgic?
[19:04] <Soap--> i can "draw" in the sense that I can make decent things in Photoshop
�03[19:04] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
[19:04] <Jetro> Okay
[19:04] <Soap--> no I dont have Soap back
[19:04] <Soap--> Im just using Soap with two hyphens at the end
[19:04] <Jetro> I can do neither music or draw so I wondered if they were connected
[19:05] <D_> I played with FLStudio for 2 hours once
[19:05] <D_> That's the closest to writing music I've ever been
[19:05] <Soap--> im not much good at drawing with paper & pencil but I can make things that are visually appealing
[19:05] <Soap--> i.e. i couldnt do anything "realistic" but I can do things that are "artistic"
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[19:05] <mareklug> Soap-- you probably could apply glitter to IShadowed very well
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[19:06] <D_> Like, with a fire hose?
�03[19:06] * Loki (~loki@wikimedia/Wolfnix) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:06] <mareklug> I think it comes mostly in spray can
[19:06] <D_> I'm not a glitter expert
[19:06] <mareklug> unless she has graduated to commercial quantities
[19:07] <mareklug> it's one of those arts you learn by doing
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[19:09] <Dcoetzee> With her pretty much "the more glitter the better" is all you need to know :-P
[19:10] <mareklug> Dcoetzee exactly.  So, this is where Soap-- with his keen sense of frugality comes to play.  He could sharpen young glitterati's game.
[19:10] <Soap--> she's too tall. I woudlnt be able to see what I was doing
[19:10] <Soap--> or i suppose I could stand on a chair to reach up to her head
[19:11] <mareklug> I am sure she can jsut lay herself down all horizontal.  But you would not want to do it on the best carpet.  Not sure how glitter is easy to remove, especially glitter with adhesives
[19:11] <D_> You need one of those decon showers they have in cleanrooms
[19:11] <D_> but for glitter
[19:12] <mareklug> hmmm.  I've seen a Delcom cleanroom once, on a school trip to Kokomo, Indiana.  But I don't think it was glitter-ready
[19:12] <mareklug> Delco *
[19:13] <Dcoetzee> Basically you just need a large enough number of Roombas
[19:13] <mareklug> what is a Roomba?
[19:13] <Dcoetzee> Robot vaccuum cleaners.
[19:13] <D_> An automated world-domination device
[19:13] <D_> Concealed as a vacuum cleaner
[19:14] <mareklug> technology just passes me by.  I still have a hoover I got at Ace.  Neither one exists anymore in any perceptible quantities, I wager.
[19:17] <Soap--> Ace Hardware went down?
[19:17] <mareklug> no, I think some vestige store remain.  but try finding one in your hood.
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ that sounds more plausable than that transformers comic
[19:18] <Soap--> hmm
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the superweapon of doom!
[19:18] <Soap--> i thought we had one somewhat close by
[19:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Carwash!
�02[19:18] * GrooveDog (~GrooveDog@wikimedia/GrooveDog) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[19:18] <Soap--> Aubuchon is the dominant store here for small sizes, and Lowe's/Home Depot for large sizes
[19:18] <mareklug> exactly.  the hood Ace has gone the way of a suburban Home Depot
[19:19] <mareklug> gone the way of the dodo, to make room for *
[19:19] <Soap--> google says 13 Ace Hardware stores are within 30 miles of me
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dodos did not vacume clean I think
[19:19] <Soap--> if anything I'd say they've overexpanded
[19:19] <mareklug> Soap-- you live in a blessed land
[19:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug the nearest one to me is over 1000 miles away
[19:19] <Soap--> none of those are in my actual hometown though. Like I said we have Aubuchon, which I suspect is regional
[19:19] <Soap--> since it's a Frencg name
[19:20] <mareklug> link us the Ace store locator Soap--
[19:20] <Soap-->
[19:20] <Soap--> it looks like many of those stores are franchises though
[19:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> So Soap-- if you go to an Ace Store, would you be mistaken for a sold item?
�02[19:20] * dendodge (~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[19:20] <Soap--> so you may see the Ace sign on the front door but it isnt really company-owned
[19:20] <Peter-C> My term paper is 5 pages
[19:20] <Peter-C> <3
[19:20] <Peter-C> James_F - write more
[19:21] <Soap--> you mean because Im soap? heh
[19:21] <James_F> Peter-C: No thanks. :-)
[19:21] <Peter-C> James_F - give me reasons why the Gulf War was bad
[19:21] <Peter-C> :D
[19:21] <D_> At some point in my life my papers started being too long instead of being too short
[19:21] <D_> that's how I knew I started getting old
[19:21] <James_F> Peter-C: ε> to you too.
[19:21] <Peter-C> (or at least why involvement from the international commuinity was bad)
[19:21] <James_F> Peter-C: How hard-right do you want to write it?
[19:21] <Soap--> lol @ that heart
[19:22] <mareklug> Soap-- "87 stores in your area"  that's a lot!  (but they show a map of Chicagoland from Wisconsin border well into hinterland and  Northern Indiana)
[19:22] <James_F> Peter-C: First wide-spread battlefield use of DU raised environmental concerns previously not widely expressed.
[19:22] <Peter-C> I want to make it seem like I drive a mustang, drink beers, and shoot things in the country, that's how right I want to be
[19:22] <Peter-C> screw the envirenment
[19:22] <James_F> Peter-C: Need of "modern" warfare to embed news reporters within teams led to necessarily-compromised long-term security through obscurity of the nature of the fighting units.
[19:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C why are you fascinated with wars?
[19:23] <mareklug> Soap-- 2 within 5 miles when supplied with zipcode.  But all I know is they closed the walking distance one
[19:23] <Peter-C> I need to write a term paper on this war
[19:23] <James_F> Peter-C: Led to a long-term concept of needing to use war to stabilise/reduce the price of oil, artificially propping up inefficient sectors of the economy (like American car manufacturers).
[19:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C you could talk about advanced warfare how media possibly help compromise military operaitons
[19:24] <Soap--> also there's apparently an insanely huge Ace Hardware store open in Indonesia
[19:24] <Soap--> 158,000 square feet
[19:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> IIRC Iraqis were using US media to aim their Scud missles
[19:24] <James_F> Peter-C: Increased the conceit of an all-powerful US military having an opponent, thus increasing taxes through demands for increased exspenditure.
[19:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it didnt help that patriot bateries lacked the needed acuracy
[19:24] <Soap--> ACTUALLY i guess thats not insanely huge
[19:24] <Soap--> some walmarts are bigger
[19:25] <James_F> Peter-C: That's four arguments. Each of them could trivially be 500 words.
[19:25] <James_F> Peter-C: You're welcome. :-)
[19:25] <Peter-C> :D
[19:25] <Peter-C> <3
[19:25] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C do write about the aftermath too
[19:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US did pull out early which had political consequences
[19:26] <Soap--> heh
[19:26] <Soap--> aubuchon hardware owns the domain name
[19:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "early" as in without completely taking over.
[19:26] <Peter-C> that was the UNs fault though
[19:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not entirely
[19:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US established no-fly zones which had undesired consequences
[19:27] <Peter-C> bush woulda loved to blow up Saddam but the UN said "oh hellz no"
[19:27] <Soap--> whaaat?
[19:27] <Soap--> he did blow up Saddam
[19:27] <Soap--> or are you taking about Bush Sr
[19:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Yes
[19:27] <Soap--> talking
[19:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Gulf war
[19:27] <Soap--> ok
[19:28] <Soap--> sorry I tend to think of the newer one as the Gulf War
[19:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think US cared much about the UN, US had no business back then to take over the entire nation
[19:28] <Soap--> I guess the mroe accepted term in English is Iraq War?
[19:28] <mareklug> Soap-- I guess I was reacting to the Ace situation in Cincinnati.  There is no longer an Ace anywhere on the west side of town.  12 within 30 miles
[19:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> for the 2nd iraq war, yes
[19:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Operation Iraqi Freedom didnt stick
[19:28] <Peter-C> ToAruShiroiNeko - which nation, Kuwait?
[19:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C Iraq
[19:29] <Soap--> wikipedia redirects "Guf War II" to "Iraq War"
[19:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US only taken northern and southern iraq briefly
[19:29] <Peter-C> yes
[19:29] <Peter-C> They did it to box in the fleeing tanks
[19:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> The locals thought US was going to stay so a good number defected
[19:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that was one of the reasons secterian issues developed in iraq
[19:30] <Soap--> eh, it was Operation Iraqi Liberation, then they cahnged it to Operation Enduring Freedom when people criticized them for making a war whose acronym spells out OIL
[19:30] <Peter-C> well, Saddam never really liked anyone in his country
[19:30] <Peter-C> He killed ~230,000 civilians in the previous years
[19:31] <Peter-C> mainly those who were Kurdish
[19:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C I outright hate people like saddam
[19:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am just saying the consequences are as important if not more than the actual conflict
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[19:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> both Iraq and Iran used chemical weapons against each other
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[19:32] <Peter-C> No bueno
[19:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Iraq targetted kurds to the north over their defection to support iran
[19:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that was a consequence of the Iraq-Iran war
[19:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Do you see how consequences matter?
[19:34] <MJ94> boop
[19:35] <Peter-C> mhm
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[19:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Another consequence is that iraq ran out of the chemicals needed to build such weapons which is why US casualities werent as high as they could have been
[19:37] <Peter-C> They also ran out of people willing to give them weapons
[19:37] <Peter-C> Their crippiling debt didn't help with that either though...
[19:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and embargoes
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> suddenly conventional weapons were hard to come by
�02[19:38] * Vacation9|sleep (~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[19:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mind you with Iran bordering them, with trivial ease Iraq could have been like Saudi Arabia
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[19:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> being showered with guns I mean
[19:40] <Peter-C> well, that's why they invaded Kuwait
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[19:40] <Peter-C> by habing Kuwait they would be second to Saudi Arabia in terms of oil production and their cash flow would have been greatly increased
[19:40] <Steven_Zhang> hey everyone
�06[19:40] * Steven_Zhang is in the airport
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure that could be the motive
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> other is their near bankrupt economy due to the iraq-iran war
[19:41] <Peter-C> that too
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai Steven_Zhang
[19:41] <Peter-C> Also, Saddam claimed he was "liberating" them again from the british empire or something
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can see a patern I hope, one wars consequences leads to another
[19:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C arguably that makes sense
[19:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as borders of most middle eastern countries were drawn with no regard to the people living there
�03[19:42] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[19:42] <Peter-C> Not really, Kuwait was controlled by the Ottoman empire while Iraq was controlled by the turkish empire
[19:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there is no such thing as a turkish empire
[19:43] <Peter-C> Meteor from outer space hits Russia? Nonsense.
[19:43] <Peter-C> That was us. The Taliban is claiming responsibility.
[19:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> With that much hot air, I think they might have done it Peter-C
[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C another consequence of the gulf war is the pockets of lawless lands to the north and south
[19:44] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko you may want to tell these ppl that they are wrong then
[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> with south it wasnt that big of a deal since the border is in essence miles of desert
[19:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug that is the ottoman empire there
[19:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there was no competeing turkish epire to the ottomans
[19:45] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko while you are at it, start an edit war here
[19:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C for instance the lawlessness to the north resulted in a very bloody civil war among the PUK and KDP the two main Kurdish warlords that governed the area
[19:46] <mareklug> our lead: "The Ottoman Empire (Ottoman Turkish: دَوْلَتِ عَلِيّهٔ عُثمَانِیّه Devlet-i ʿAliyye-yi ʿOsmâniyye[4] Modern Turkish: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu), also historically referred to as the Turkish Empire or Turkey, was a state founded by Turkish tribes under Osman Bey in north-western Anatolia in 1299.[5]"
�02[19:47] * Malvolio ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[19:47] <Steven_Zhang> ohai
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug again, you are misinterpeting what I said
[19:47] <Steven_Zhang> i'll be in hawaii in 12 hrs
[19:47] <Steven_Zhang> :P
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Steven_Zhang less, with time zone difference
[19:47] <Steven_Zhang> its gonna be a very long February 19th for me
�02[19:47] * matthewbauer (~matthew@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bear in mind hawaii doesnt practice DST
[19:47] <Steven_Zhang> i arrive at 6am
[19:48] <Steven_Zhang> and i leave at 4.30pm
[19:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Steven_Zhang you could continue traveling in that direction to completely skip the next day
[19:48] <Steven_Zhang> so I'm going to have two 19th Febs
[19:48] <Steven_Zhang> lol
[19:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I wonder if anyone travels between Japan/China and US just to have 3 day work days :)
[19:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think HR would notice
[19:51] <SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: lol
�03[19:52] * matthewbauer (~matthew@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:52] <Soap--> youre coming to America again?
[19:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C why are you writing about wars? :/
[19:52] <Steven_Zhang> yeah, i am :D
[19:53] <Steven_Zhang> <3 usa
�06[19:53] * SigmaWP kills the fascist
[19:53] <SigmaWP> I made the mistake of shoving two chocolate covered blobs of caramel in my mouth
[19:54] <mareklug> SigmaWP I would want to kill the fascists too, if I did that.  But at least you did not shove THREE blobs
[19:58] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, hey fuck you
[19:58] <IShadowed> Shirik just reassured me that abstract algebra is awesome
[19:58] <IShadowed> no
[19:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> IShadowed you'd like that :p
[19:58] <IShadowed> you people need to stop being ridiculous
[19:59] <IShadowed> stop the madness
[19:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in here?
[19:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats the currency
[19:59] <Steven_Zhang> anyone here from San Francisco?
[19:59] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: It is awesome :-P
[19:59] <mareklug> he has been there
[20:00] <IShadowed> it is NOT
[20:00] <IShadowed> I think this is a conspiracy
[20:00] <IShadowed> it's "let's mess with IShadowed's head" day
[20:00] <IShadowed> not cool
[20:00] <mareklug> IShadowed did you see my jibes above re glitter and Soap-- helping you?
�06[20:01] * D_ dims the gals lights 
[20:01] <IShadowed> no
[20:01] <D_> Gah, gas
[20:01] <IShadowed> and I ain't scrollin up
[20:02] <mareklug> aw.
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I ain't conspiring with him, I barely know him :-P
[20:02] <IShadowed> bullshit
[20:02] <IShadowed> all software bitches are telepathically connected
[20:02] <IShadowed> I'm on to you fuckers
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Besides, I can mess with your head perfectly fine on my own :-P
[20:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Steven_Zhang here is a fun fact
[20:02] <D_> That's exactly what the reptilians would want you to think
[20:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the method airliners use to board passengers is the worst kind
[20:03] <IShadowed> pffft the hell you can
[20:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> well second worst
[20:03] <Steven_Zhang> fun fact like, every year 13 people die operating a 3 hole punch?
[20:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> worst is complete anarchy even though it is the fastest
[20:03] <Shirik> what
[20:03] <D_> Directly or indirectly
[20:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there is a mythbusters episode
[20:04] <IShadowed> Shirik, you and Dcoetzee
[20:04] <Shirik> no
[20:04] <IShadowed> are just terrible people
[20:04] <Shirik> the 3 hole punch
[20:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> best methods are window seats, middle, then asile seats
[20:04] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You're in good company then :-P
[20:04] <IShadowed> takes one to know one
�02[20:04] * YE ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:04] <Shirik> ToAruShiroiNeko: Screw that
[20:04] <Shirik> Elite members first
[20:04] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko the aisle seets rule, cuz you get to trip the flight attendant
[20:04] <Shirik> then fuck ya'll do whatever you want
[20:04] <IShadowed> ....
[20:04] <IShadowed> ..........
�02[20:04] * addshore (uid10233@wikimedia/addshore) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
�06[20:05] * IShadowed slaps Shirik 
[20:05] <D_> Right, but people travel together and get seats together
�03[20:05] * YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:05] <D_> So you can't just seat window first then aisle cause those people want to board together, too
�03[20:05] * yrtneg (~Eta-theta@wikipedia/yrtneg) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:06] <yrtneg> SIGMA???
�03[20:06] * Guest88555 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:06] <ihaveamac> er
[20:06] <ihaveamac> that guest Guest88555 is me
[20:07] <ihaveamac> I don't know how it appeared
[20:07] <Guest88555> oh it's another hexchat window
�02[20:07] * Guest88555 ( Quit (Client Quit�)
[20:07] <D_> Does Guest88555 have a Mac, too
[20:07] <yrtneg> Maybe
[20:07] <D_> Also, there's so many Guests here I had to tab several times to complete that
[20:07] <D_> by "so many" I mean three, obviously
[20:08] <yrtneg> My IRC999 does no have that…
[20:08] <D_> tab completion?
[20:08] <yrtneg> That.
[20:08] <duh> SigmaWP: /join please
�03[20:08] * yrtneg is now known as iTAC|mobile
[20:09] <iTAC|mobile> SigmaWP: Awesome please
�03[20:10] * iTAC|mobile is now known as iTAC|mobile|brb
�03[20:12] * iTAC|mobile|brb is now known as iTAC|mobile
�03[20:13] * Mr-ex777 (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ we unwelcome guests here
�03[20:13] * VunKruz ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:13] <Soap--> i agree that 5 usernames changes in a year and a half is a bit much
[20:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and then uncelebrate the unbirthday
�02[20:13] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[20:13] <D_> I'm unok with this
[20:13] <mareklug> Gfoley4
[20:13] <iTAC|mobile> Soap-- ???
[20:14] <Soap--> youve had five username changes since Oct 2011 right?
[20:14] <iTAC|mobile> 4
[20:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D_ UNok? United Nations Occasional aKtion?
[20:14] <iTAC|mobile> Era theta to inuit u to yrtneg to iTAC
[20:15] <D_> It took me way too long to realize what you were saying
[20:15] <Gfoley4> mareklug: :o
[20:15] <D_> Also, I'm thinking of it as a word
[20:15] <D_> Unok.
[20:15] <Soap--> well OK but you also had that untypable mnid name
[20:15] <Gfoley4> and villanova just won versus Rutgers
[20:15] <Soap--> that was apparently a separate account
[20:16] <iTAC|mobile> Soap-- it was an acronym that I could easily remember
[20:16] <Soap--> you have an interesting memory
[20:16] <iTAC|mobile> Ok
[20:16] <Soap--> mnidaydwisww
[20:16] <iTAC|mobile> Mnidaywdwisww is my name is doof and you'll do what I say woop woop
[20:17] <Soap--> ok
[20:17] <D_> THat
[20:17] <D_> Yeah...
[20:17] <iTAC|mobile> Yes
�02[20:17] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[20:17] <iTAC|mobile> Mr-ex 777
[20:17] <iTAC|mobile> Mr-ex777 hello
[20:18] <MJ94> [22:14:24] <Soap-->	 i agree that 5 usernames changes in a year and a half is a bit much - who?
[20:18] <iTAC|mobile> Me
[20:19] <MJ94> Who are you?
[20:19] <D_> Someone known by many names, obviously
[20:19] <MJ94> MOX changed his a lot.
[20:19] <iTAC|mobile> ITAC
[20:19] <iTAC|mobile> Yrtneg
[20:19] <iTAC|mobile> Mnidaywdwisww
[20:20] <iTAC|mobile> Y on uncyclopedia
[20:21] <iTAC|mobile> Yrt on æ
[20:22] <iTAC|mobile> Darn OCD!
�03[20:23] * Zhaofeng_Li is now known as Zhao|lunch
�03[20:23] * LtNOWIS2 is now known as LtNOWIS|sleep
[20:23] <iTAC|mobile> I wish I knew chinese person
�03[20:24] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
[20:24] <Soap--> to be fair
[20:24] <Soap--> Ive probably had at LEAST thirty different names on IRC in the last few years. But thats just due to my frustration over not being able to just use Soap
[20:24] <SigmaWP> [19:54:14] �<�mareklug�>�� SigmaWP I would want to kill the fascists too, if I did that.  But at least you did not shove THREE blobs
[20:24] <SigmaWP> I would have done that if I had 3
[20:25] <iTAC|mobile> :O sigma
[20:25] <iTAC|mobile> :O
�02[20:26] * LtNOWIS ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[20:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> can a sysop please clean this list?
[20:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[20:27] <iTAC|mobile> Soap you could do "SoapIsAwesome"
[20:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Soap-- should be renamed to bubble
[20:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bubbler?
[20:27] <iTAC|mobile> Toaru I want to but I am not admin
[20:27] <Soap--> it wouldnt satisfy me
[20:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> bubble-o-matic
[20:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> iTAC|mobile its protected pages
[20:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that frankly shouldnt be protected
[20:28] <iTAC|mobile> Ooooooooooooooook
[20:28] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I think Soap--  should register this nick and stick to it.  It suits him.
[20:28] <iTAC|mobile> I want to be admin but I'm not ready
[20:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug sure
[20:29] <Soap--> i did register it
�02[20:29] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[20:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am ready but dont quite think I'll ever be one
[20:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am deemed unsalvagable by the masses
�02[20:29] * LtNOWIS|sleep ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[20:30] <iTAC|mobile> Become a crat instead then admin urself
[20:30] <RD>
[20:30] <RD> Subscribe today!
[20:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I refuse
[20:30] <iTAC|mobile> I'm on my phone do not today
[20:30] <RD> A kitten gets saved for every subscription, I think.
[20:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Subscription fee is too high!
[20:30] <RD> I'd be happy to subscribe you, for a very good discount. :-)
[20:31] <iTAC|mobile> Ok
[20:31] <RD> Join us.  35,000 strong. :P
[20:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want the rate to be discounted to half a kitten
[20:31] <iTAC|mobile> Ok
[20:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> RD how will you keep half a kitten alive?
[20:31] <RD>
[20:31] <RD> Today's message for interested people :P
[20:31] <iTAC|mobile> Yo take half of brain out
[20:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> blade runner cancels races
[20:32] <RD> ToAruShiroiNeko: We have to hope an even number of people subscribe...meanwhile, ventilator.
[20:32] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and here I thought he was going to race in his cell
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[20:32] <iTAC|mobile> Rd subscribe me
[20:32] <RD> It's not keeping half a kitten a live.  It's keeping one kitten half alive. :)
[20:32] <RD> iTAC|mobile: Feel free to PM your address
�02[20:32] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> RD you have to free cats with the subscriber count
[20:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mathching it live
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[20:34] <RD> Anybody else? :D
[20:34] <iTAC|mobile> Done
[20:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> movng 728 gbs
[20:34] <iTAC|mobile> Rd did you get it
[20:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 9+ hours...
[20:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> RD, I think I'll pass
[20:34] <RD> Congrats, iTAC|mobile - you're the 34,667th subscriber.
[20:35] <iTAC|mobile> My favorite five digit number
[20:35] <RD> Unfortunately, you already missed the email today.
[20:35] <RD> You'll have to wait about 23.5 hours.
[20:35] <iTAC|mobile> Lol ok I already get enough spam
[20:35] <RD> NOT SPAM
[20:35] <RD> :P
[20:36] <iTAC|mobile> Not rainbow dash is it
[20:37] <iTAC|mobile> "RD"
�02[20:38] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[20:39] <iTAC|mobile> Goodbye my phone is at 9% bbattery
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[20:42] <iTAC|mobile|zzz> G'nite y'all
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Session Start: Thu Feb 21 19:21:45 2013
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[19:21] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[19:21] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Vote in the Steward elections:�'
�03[19:21] * Set by RD on Sun Feb 10 06:23:38
[19:21] #wikipedia-en url is
[19:22] <D__> The placeholders are printf-style, but using % is just a Python affectation
[19:22] <wctaiwan> er, in C you do stuff like printf("Hello, I'm %d years old.\n", age);
[19:24] <Soap-> is it OK to drink tea that expired in 2010>
[19:24] <Soap-> it's the Lipton tea-bag style
[19:24] <Hamtechperson> It's tea.
[19:24] <Soap-> what happens to teas when they expire?
�03[19:25] * misaka00251 (~misaka002@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:25] <Soap-> do they get bacteria, etc?
[19:25] <Hamtechperson> Only one way to find out.
[19:25] <wctaiwan>
[19:25] <Rutebega> It's Lipton. Doesn't matter if it expires in 2010, 2020, or 1947. Throw it out.
[19:25] <wctaiwan> lol
[19:25] <wctaiwan> what's wrong with lipton?
[19:25] <D__> Attempt to make contact with it first
[19:25] <D__> if it's not sentient, just drink it
[19:25] <wctaiwan> if it's sentient, kill it first
[19:25] <wctaiwan> ;-)
[19:26] <wctaiwan> (and then drink it)
[19:26] <Rutebega> Do you have a dictophone? Record your findings.
�03[19:26] * Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
�03[19:28] * jdelanoy_ (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[19:30] <iTAC> Ok, this is weird:
[19:30] <mareklug> Soap- teas don't expire.  they just lose potency
[19:30] <iTAC> I'm using Linux on a Virtual Machine on a partition of a mac.
[19:30] <Rutebega> that is weird
[19:31] <jdelanoy> why a partition?
[19:31] <Rutebega> How did it happen, do you know?
[19:31] <jdelanoy> why not just use a VHD
[19:31] <D__> I recommend running Cygwin in Wine ont hat
[19:31] <wctaiwan> hypervisor!
[19:31] <iTAC> jdelanoy: I wanted 2 hd's
[19:31] <wctaiwan> I ran a VM within a VM once, for homework.
[19:31] <wctaiwan> it was horrible.
[19:32] <iTAC> Rutebega: I installed ubuntu
[19:32] <Soap-> well surely they expire /eventually/, I mean, like all living things, theyll eventually break down into various chemicals that arent good to eat.  But OK Ill take you all's advice and drink the tea
[19:32] <iTAC> do it do it
[19:32] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: There are so many random stack exchanges for everything
[19:32] <SigmaWP> Stackoverflow is still the dominant one, I think?
[19:32] <wctaiwan> SigmaWP: right, and it works, generally.
[19:32] <iTAC> :O :O :O :O
[19:32] <wctaiwan> of course.
�06[19:32] * SigmaWP nods
[19:32] <D__> Stackoverflow was the first one
[19:32] <iTAC> SigmaWP: Are you an administrator?
[19:32] <wctaiwan> but the Q&A + voting + strictly moderated model works so well.
[19:32] <D__> Don't ask him that
[19:32] <wctaiwan> yeah, don't.
[19:33] <iTAC> ...
[19:33] <iTAC> uh oh
[19:33] <mareklug> Soap- tea is very forgiving.  and it is a natural fungicide.  if you store tea in a tight can, you can have it for literally decades
[19:33] <iTAC> why not?
[19:33] <Soap-> siggy had a very stressful RfA
[19:34] <wctaiwan> curiosity kills cats, iTAC
[19:34] <wctaiwan> >.>
[19:34] <iTAC> True.
[19:34] <wctaiwan> ...which explains the lack of cats on mars!
[19:34] <D__> It also drills holes and scoops dirt
�03[19:34] * GTAVCSA is now known as Travelour
[19:34] <wctaiwan> badum tsh.
[19:34] <wctaiwan> D__: great minds think alike :D
[19:34] <iTAC> So linux < vm < partition < mac
[19:35] <D__> Can you boot the partition on bare metal?
[19:35] <D__> Is that what you're doing?
�03[19:35] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[19:35] <iTAC> d__: When i restart i press a key to choose the hd
[19:35] <Irunongames> Still no deaths
[19:35] <iTAC> then the mac boots it up
[19:35] <Irunongames> fml
[19:36] <D__> oh, so you booted your Linux install in a VM
[19:36] <iTAC> D__: Yes
[19:36] <D__> Cool, you probably couldn't do that with WIndows
[19:36] <iTAC> ^^
[19:36] <iTAC> So Ubuntu < Linux < Linux drive < VirtualBox < Partition < Computer
[19:37] <iTAC> Why is [[Daniel Brandt]] always deleted on sight?
�02[19:39] * Hamtechperson (~Atheist@wikipedia/hamtechperson) Quit (Quit: May the roads rise up to meet you.�)
[19:39] <D__> It doesn't look like it has been since 2008
[19:39] <D__> It's salted, though
[19:39] <iTAC> Why's it salted?
[19:39] <wctaiwan> probably because it keeps getting created
[19:39] <iTAC> Ok.
[19:39] <Bradford> Barras: (-8
[19:39] <wctaiwan> if you want to create an article, write it in userspace and then ask an admin to unsalt
�02[19:39] * Vacation9 (~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[19:40] <iTAC> Barras: Cloak (-8
[19:40] <wctaiwan> provided that your article's well-sourced and shows notability etc.
[19:40] <iTAC> Correct.
[19:40] <Rutebega> That page has been deleted 19 times
[19:41] <Rutebega> That is really quite a lot, to state the obvious
[19:41] <Soap-> just make sure you read all 19 of the previous AfD's so that you know what not to do
[19:41] <SigmaWP> someone delete
[19:41] <D__> It has had 2000+ revision restores
[19:41] <iTAC> Lol, "someone else"
[19:41] <iTAC> SigmaWP: Put a PROD on it.
[19:41] <SigmaWP> no
[19:41] <Soap-> PROD is for sissies
[19:41] <Rutebega> Soap did it
[19:42] <Rutebega> And it was already CSD'd
[19:42] <Soap-> "well I wanna delete your article but you seem kind of scary so i hope if i put this message here no one will hurt me"
[19:43] <Rutebega> I used to PROD before AfD
[19:43] <Rutebega> reckless optimism
[19:43] <iTAC> PROD is in between CSD and AFD.
�02[19:43] * Volis (variable@unaffiliated/hugo-drax/x-7148487) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[19:44] <D__> PROD is for when you don't expect the SPA to come back, notice and remove the PROD
[19:44] <iTAC> What's a SPA?
[19:44] <iTAC> Spanish?
[19:44] <Soap-> single purpose account
[19:44] <iTAC> Oh.
[19:44] <Soap-> [[WP:SPA]] I think
[19:44] <iTAC> My account is single purpose:
[19:44] <iTAC> to be AWESOME
[19:44] <D__> That's a very wide and extensive purpose
[19:44] <Rutebega> I didn't even have the chance to mislead him to humourous effect
[19:45] <iTAC> Whom?
[19:45] <Rutebega> youm
�03[19:45] * Volis (variable@unaffiliated/hugo-drax/x-7148487) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:45] <iTAC> ahm
[19:46] <Rutebega> I've got a medical journal sitting open on my desk
�02[19:46] * spyro (~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[19:46] <Rutebega> I'd look downright professional if I cleaned up a bit
[19:47] <iTAC> I have an English "journal" sitting open on my desk.
[19:47] <iTAC> I'd look downright professional if my handwriting was better.
�03[19:47] * a930913 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:48] <Rutebega> Don't get too down about that, lots of really successful people have terrible handwriting
[19:48] <Rutebega> I can't name any, but I'm sure it must be true
[19:48] <D__> I don't think I've ever seen a paper version of a scientific journal in real life
[19:48] <D__> I was born too late
[19:48] <iTAC> I wonder where Foxj is.
[19:49] <iTAC> He loves Daft Punk.
[19:49] <SigmaWP>\
[19:49] <SigmaWP> click that button
[19:49] <SigmaWP> hit delete
[19:49] <SigmaWP>
[19:49] <Rutebega> D__: your parents aren't doctors. I have a stack of these in my basement.
�02[19:49] * a930913_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[19:49] <iTAC> SigmaWP: You can kind of tell that an article is CSD or something if its title doesn't have proper capitalization.
[19:49] <SigmaWP> Click that and delete everything CSD related
[19:50] <SigmaWP> iTAC: I don't need any assistance on judging CSDs, thanks
[19:50] <iTAC> I know
�03[19:50] * aoke1989 (~Administr@wikipedia/Aoke1989) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:50] <D__> I've seen non-CSDy articles with poorly capitalized titles
[19:50] <D__> Usually ones that required about five metric tons of copyediting
�06[19:50] * SigmaWP doesn't understand things
[19:50] <D__> despite being two paragraph stubs
[19:51] <iTAC> "Yes, hello, Wikipe-tan?"
[19:51] <iTAC> "I need 5 metric tonnes of copyediting please."
[19:51] <iTAC> "Thank you."
[19:51] <iTAC> SigmaWP: How are you
[19:51] <SigmaWP> Fine
[19:51] <SigmaWP> Annoyed
[19:52] <SigmaWP> Bugs
[19:52] <SigmaWP> I don't even know why
�02[19:52] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201065344]�)
[19:52] <iTAC> Ok.
[19:52] <Rutebega> F.A.B.I.O.
[19:53] <iTAC> When I /try/ to use excellent English, I fail. If I take it naturally, I'm really good.
[19:53] <Bradford> o_O?
[19:54] <iTAC> It's just... I'm great at the hard stuff but got an 80% grade in Social Studies.
�03[19:54] * Zeus (~booboo@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:54] <D__> Clearly you need to be about 20% more studious, socially
[19:55] <Rutebega> You're terrible.
[19:55] <iTAC> Hmm. I study socially all the time with my friends, even though that's not what it means.
�03[19:55] * Zeus (~booboo@ has left #wikipedia-en
[19:55] <iTAC> D__: I just now realised the 20% thing.
�03[19:56] * Zeus (~booboo@ has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[19:56] * Zeus (~booboo@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[19:57] <Rutebega> 20% would do you 96%
�02[19:57] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[19:57] <iTAC> Hmm?
[19:57] <D__> You're right
[19:57] <Rutebega> You'd need 25% improvement to get to 100% total
�03[19:57] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:58] <iTAC> I thought I was really great at Math, but it turns out I’m awesome in English. :/?
[19:58] <Rutebega> {{who?}}
[19:58] <iTAC> Me, most likely.
[19:59] <Rutebega> by which I meant [According to whom?]
[19:59] <Rutebega> Double curly-braces don't happen by accident
[19:59] <iTAC> Those things were the results of some standardised tests I took during September.
[20:00] <D__> {{sayswho}}
[20:00] <Rutebega> Was I wrong? I don't use those templates often.
[20:00] <iTAC> What does that template say? I hope it says "whom".
[20:00] <D__> {{who}} does [who?]
[20:01] <D__> {{sayswho}} and {{whom?}} do [according to whom?]
[20:01] <D__> I just like how aggressive {{sayswho}} sounds
[20:01] <D__> SAYS WHO?!?
[20:01] <Rutebega> I wouldn't put too much stock in standardized tests
[20:01] <iTAC> SAYS ME, THAT'S WHOM!!!
[20:02] <iTAC> Rutebega: I wouldn't, either. it just really surprised me.
[20:02] <Rutebega> WHOM DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
[20:02] <iTAC> *It
[20:02] <iTAC> ME, THAT'S WHOM!!!
[20:03] <iTAC> I'm also an es-2.
[20:03] <D__> Mis pantalones esta enfuego
[20:04] <iTAC> o.0
[20:04] <iTAC> You need a space after the en, I think.
[20:04] <Rutebega> I took one a few weeks back, and the math section was heavily geometry oriented, and I haven't studied that in years.
[20:04] <Rutebega> (standardized test)
[20:04] <D__> It's been 7 years since I've taken a Spanish class
�03[20:04] * PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink_se_couche
[20:04] <iTAC> Rutebega: The maths section was divided.
�03[20:04] * spyro (~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:04] <Rutebega> How can you you expect to outrun me
[20:04] <D__> Did you have to multiply it?
[20:05] <Rutebega> ?cuando ya yo estoy aqui?
[20:05] <iTAC> D__: Never did I have to.
�02[20:05] * TCO- (477f8026@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[20:05] <iTAC> Rutebega: Your right-side-up question mark is messing with my OCD.
[20:06] <Rutebega> Why?
[20:06] <D__> ⸮cuando ya yo estoy aqui?
[20:06] <D__> How does THAT make you feel?
[20:06] <D__> (assuming it even displays)
[20:06] <iTAC> D__: It makes me feel double-OCD'd.
[20:06] <Rutebega> I don't know WHAT is going on here
�02[20:07] * ishitva (~chatzilla@ Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[20:07] <Rutebega> I don't even speak spanish
[20:07] <iTAC> ?Por que no hablas espanol?
[20:07] <Rutebega> Parce que Fran?ais, mon ami.
[20:08] <iTAC> Oh.  don't speak Francais.
[20:08] <iTAC> I don't*
[20:08] <TheLordOfTime> i thought this was an english channel...
[20:08] <D__> Nein!
[20:08] <Rutebega> Mais pourqois pas?
[20:08] <iTAC> Rutebega: Nyet
�03[20:09] * Hamtechperson ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[20:09] * Hamtechperson (~Atheist@wikipedia/hamtechperson) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:09] <Rutebega> Ich nicht spreken Deutsch.
[20:09] <Irunongames> still no accidents
[20:09] <Irunongames> fml
[20:09] <Rutebega> What exactly are you hoping for?
[20:09] <Irunongames> Ijust need one call to be happy
[20:09] <Irunongames> ANYTHING
[20:09] <iTAC> Rutebega: ?Por que no hablas aleman?
[20:09] <iTAC> Irunongames: Play Assassin's Creed III
[20:09] <Irunongames> i would totally be happy with an emotionally disturbed person
[20:09] <Irunongames> I'm at work
[20:10] <D__> Find someone on the street and give them some PCP
[20:10] <iTAC> You're at work, using IRC? Why? Has anyone caught you?
[20:10] <Rutebega> encore, parce que je parle Fran?ais, cheri.
[20:10] <iTAC> Rutebega: Maybe.
[20:10] <Irunongames> I am also watching Reno 911
[20:10] <iTAC> Irunongames: Go make a bot or something.
[20:11] <Irunongames> the problem is I cannot install games on this comp
[20:11] <D__> Can you access patient records?
[20:11] <iTAC> Irunongames: Friv?
[20:11] <Rutebega> Would it be socially acceptable to make a bot that replaces any instance of three consecutive periods with an ellipsis?
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[20:11] <D__> I dunno, there might be something in the MOS proscribing that
[20:11] <iTAC> That would be */great/*, Rutebega, except for examples.
[20:11] <D__> the MOS apparently frowns on fancy quote marks
�03[20:11] * Fenderman1964 (~aeneus@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[20:12] <D__>
[20:12] <D__> Welp.
�02[20:12] * Fenderman1964 (~aeneus@ Quit (Client Quit�)
[20:13] <iTAC> I guess it frown on guillemots as well.
[20:13] <iTAC> *frowns
�03[20:13] * Fenderman1964 (~aeneus@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:13] <D__> Yeah
[20:13] <Rutebega> well then
[20:13] <D__> Though funnily enough the Translated from template uses them
[20:13] <D__> And that's always bothered me
[20:13] <D__> because it makes the template itself look poorly translated
[20:13] <iTAC> Using guillemots?
[20:13] <Rutebega> I don't know python anyway, and don't intend to learn for a couple years
�03[20:13] * Volis-err (~variable@unaffiliated/hugo-drax/x-7148487) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:14] <Irunongames> D__: Yes I can get to pt records, why?
[20:14] <Irunongames> O-o
[20:14] <iTAC> Rutebega, I know HTML, XML, CSS, JS, and bash, NOT py
[20:14] <D__> Oh, you know, just browsing for kidneys
�03[20:14] * Fenderman1964 (~aeneus@ has left #wikipedia-en
[20:14] <Irunongames> Oh
[20:14] <Irunongames> Seems normal
[20:14] <Rutebega> How many do you need?
[20:14] <iTAC> 3?
[20:14] <D__> No, I was just wondering if your inability to install anything there was prompted by security concerns
[20:14] <Bradford> (-8
�02[20:15] * Volis (variable@unaffiliated/hugo-drax/x-7148487) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[20:15] <iTAC> I am not Canadian.
�03[20:15] * Soap- is now known as {soap|bed}
[20:15] <D__> Anyway, here:
[20:15] <Irunongames> Why do you need kidneys
[20:15] <D__> Uses guillemots instead of quote marks
[20:15] <Irunongames> I think I could get you a liver
[20:15] <D__> Profit
[20:15] <Irunongames> or a pancreas
[20:16] <Irunongames> maybe lungs
[20:16] <iTAC> D__: Where does that template use guillemots?
[20:16] <Rutebega> Scroll to the examples
[20:16] <iTAC> Ok.
[20:17] <iTAC> Wow, that's cool.
�03[20:17] * Bradford is now known as El_Patron
[20:17] <D__> I'd open an edit request to replace them with quote marks, but I'm afraid I'd start some sort of a war
[20:17] <iTAC> In Finnish, they use two right-facing guillemots to indicate speech.
[20:17] <D__> Kind of like email quotes?
[20:18] <Rutebega> kind of like stream operators in C?
[20:18] <iTAC> It's like this: >>Suomi stuff>>
[20:18] <iTAC> Rutebega: I don't speak that language.
[20:18] <D__> C doesn't have stream operators
[20:18] <D__> C++ does
[20:18] <iTAC> What's a "stream operator"?
[20:19] <D__> << and >>
[20:19] <iTAC> Ok.
[20:19] <Rutebega> Not actually guillemots
[20:19] <iTAC> ^
[20:19] <Rutebega> tragically
[20:19] <D__> They're actually shift left/shift right operators, originally
[20:19] <D__> but C++ overloads them for stream insertion and extraction
[20:20] <iTAC> Is it like the JavaScript ===, <=, and >=?
[20:20] <Rutebega> I've never actually used C, and I assumed they'd been inherited that way from C
[20:20] <D__> Those are comparison
[20:20] <D__> C has no operator overloading
[20:20] <iTAC> + * / - %?
[20:20] <Rutebega> Because C++ still uses them for bitshift, doesn't it?
[20:20] <iTAC> I still don't use Bitcoin.
[20:20] <D__> On types that can do that, yes
[20:21] <iTAC>  Test
[20:21] <iTAC>  Test
[20:21] <D__> You can actually overload them to do arbitrary things
[20:21] <Rutebega>   What are we testing
[20:21] <D__> Just like a boatload of other operators
[20:21] <iTAC> Testing  Testing  123
[20:21] <Rutebega> I'm learning operator overloading at the moment D__ ;)
�03[20:22] * slon02 (80a4053b@wikipedia/slon02) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:22] <Rutebega> Basic last year, C++ this year, and Java next year
[20:22] <slon02> I hear that pending changes is back in effect?
[20:23] <Rutebega> when was it not?
[20:23] <iTAC> I love Ubuntu.
[20:24] <slon02> I was under the impression (back several months ago, at least) that consensus was to suspend PC
[20:24] <iTAC> What's Pending changes? Is it Recent Changes?
[20:24] <iTAC> Oh the padlock.
[20:24] <wctaiwan> slon02: nope
[20:25] <slon02> wctaiwan: did I miss another RfC or something?
[20:25] <wctaiwan> PC level 1 is on, 2 is not supposed to be used but in practice used with discussion on a few pages
[20:25] <wctaiwan> possibly
[20:25] <slon02> I see
�06[20:26] * slon02 goes to read up on the protection policy
[20:26] <Rutebega> I'm pretty sure the RfC concensus wasn't to suspend PC2 /indefinitely/
[20:26] <Amqui> good evening
[20:26] <iTAC> I like pending Changes.
[20:26] <Rutebega> There just hasn't been consensus to approve its widespread use
[20:26] <iTAC> G.E., Amqui.
[20:26] <wctaiwan> slon02:
[20:27] <Amqui> hi iTAC
[20:27] <Rutebega> I view 1948 Arab-Israeli War as a trial run
�03[20:27] * ishitva (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:27] <wctaiwan> Rutebega: right, Blade closed it as go with PC1 for a few months and then we'll see if we'll use PC2.
[20:27] <slon02> oh wow, I missed 3 RfC's somehow
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�03[20:28] * El_Patron is now known as Bradford
[20:29] <iTAC> Goodbye, everyone.
�02[20:30] * Gobonobo (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Gobonobo) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 18.0.2/20130201185928]�)
�02[20:30] * wctaiwan (8c701e86@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit
[20:30] <Rutebega> Well, it's been pleasant. Evenin' all.
�02[20:30] * iTAC (~chatzilla@wikipedia/yrtneg) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 16.0.1/20121010223843]�)
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�03[20:39] * Bradford is now known as Bradford_[Off]
[20:42] <mareklug> duh so, hope you don't have to go anywhere, except to relatively close classrooms tomorrow.  We are expecting 6 inches.
[20:42] <duh> :/
[20:42] <duh> im debating just not going to class
[20:42] <D__> What class is it?
�03[20:42] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:42] <duh> well i have a math class at 9 or 10, and CS at 2 or 3
�03[20:42] * Ks0stm is now known as DualPol
�03[20:43] * DualPol is now known as Ks0stm
[20:43] <BlastHardcheese> you know who else is expecting 6 inches
�06[20:43] * D__ claps slowly 
[20:44] <mareklug> duh just wear relatively non-skid shoes as there will be ice.  you're not getting as much snow as we are, it appears
[20:44] <D__> Remember to feed the sled dogs and pack extra furs
�02[20:45] * jagex (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
�02[20:46] * Irunongames (4356baf1@wikimedia/Peter.C) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[20:46] <duh> yeah i already slipped today :(
�03[20:47] * Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
[20:50] <Shirik> who do I stab for
�02[20:53] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�02[20:57] * Bradford_[Off] (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[21:02] <D__> The article, the robbery or in order to steal the diamonds?
�02[21:03] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[21:03] <Someguy1221> i wonder if during the robbery any of the robbers shouted, "Get out of that Fokker you ****ers!"
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[21:16] <Mike_H> interesting
[21:16] <Mike_H> I've done freelance celebrity interviews on behalf of the two largest broadcasters in the world
[21:16] <Mike_H> I am making that explicit on my resume :)
�03[21:16] * wctaiwan (8c701e86@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[21:17] * SigmaWP waves to wctaiwan 
[21:17] <wctaiwan> hi
[21:18] <D__> I have no idea what ProteinBoxBot does
[21:18] <D__> But I'm disappointed it doesn't dispense boxes full of protein
[21:19] <Mike_H> Little Miss Muffet
[21:19] <Mike_H> sat on her tuffet
[21:19] <Mike_H> and gave D__ curds and whey (protein)
�06[21:21] * Mr-ex777 wctaiwan D__
�06[21:21] * wctaiwan Mr-ex777 
�03[21:22] * Elecbullet (185ee208@gateway/web/qwebirc/ has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:24] * zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
[21:25] <Mr-ex777> wctaiwan: do you know that congress continues to attempt to pass CISPA
[21:25] <Mr-ex777> what a bunch of latent faggots
[21:25] <wctaiwan> I...meh.
[21:25] <wctaiwan> I'm not well-read on the issue, and I'm not american.
[21:25] <wctaiwan> and I'm glad the activists are protecting the rest of us.
�02[21:26] * heinrich5991 (~hein5991@unaffiliated/heinrich5991) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[21:28] <Elecbullet> Some, ah, strong language there
�03[21:29] * heinrich5991 (hein5991@unaffiliated/heinrich5991) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:29] <Mr-ex777> My little pony isin't even a meme
[21:29] <Mr-ex777> nope
[21:29] <Mr-ex777> my little pony isin't a culture, subculture or even a meme,
[21:30] <Mr-ex777> it's just a primordial, raw and untamed form of faggotry broke loose after some hasbro employees are possessed by mr. hands
�03[21:30] * GrooveDog (~GrooveDog@wikimedia/GrooveDog) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:31] <Elecbullet> you are very, ah, opinionated
[21:31] <D__> " <!-- non-breaking space to keep AWB drones from altering the space before the navbox-->"
[21:31] <D__> Sounds like somebody doesn't like AWB, um, users who don't pay attention
�06[21:32] * FastLizard4 throws a Σ at SigmaWP
�06[21:32] * SigmaWP waves to FastLizard4 
[21:33] <FastLizard4> Hey /)
[21:33] <FastLizard4> *:)
[21:34] <FastLizard4> D__: What page was that from?
[21:34] <D__> [[German submarine U-333]]
[21:34] <D__> I think they wanted an extra paragraph before the navbox for whatever reason
[21:35] <D__> and I guess AWB kept eating it
[21:35] <FastLizard4> Ahh, heh
[21:35] <wctaiwan> not a fan of automated cleanup.
[21:36] <D__> I'm not if I have to revert it afterwards
[21:36] <D__> and then a couple more times
[21:36] <D__> because nobody is paying attention to the comments
[21:36] <wctaiwan> nope, AWB demolisher coming through!
[21:37] <FastLizard4> AWB demolishers should have their AWB access revoked
[21:37] <FastLizard4> Same with people who Huggle on cruise control
�02[21:38] * Elecbullet (185ee208@gateway/web/qwebirc/ Quit (Quit: Wikia webchat:�)
[21:38] <D__> Does Huggle require an extra bit?
�02[21:39] * YE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[21:40] <suicidalzerg> FastLizard4: I pushed buttons that I've never pushed before ;)
[21:40] <FastLizard4> suicidalzerg: Lol
[21:40] <D__> Uhhh
[21:40] <D__> This IP added a ref that's literally a Google search
[21:41] <suicidalzerg> Uhhh
[21:41] <suicidalzerg> This retired user who barely knows anything about refs knows that a google search isn't a ref at all.
�03[21:41] * TCOniceguy (477f8026@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:41] <TCOniceguy> edit help request...
�03[21:41] * Volis-err is now known as liberal_elitist
[21:42] <TCOniceguy> anyone have a script for (or are good at) changing bare urls into cite template?
[21:42] <FastLizard4> suicidalzerg: Accept my DCC Chat request, I wanna try this out :P
[21:42] <TCOniceguy> Where is a gnome when you need one?
�02[21:43] * ishitva (~chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 17.0.1/20121129165506]�)
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[21:43] <D__> TCOniceguy:
�03[21:43] * My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:43] <TCOniceguy> Will you run it for me...please?
[21:44] <TCOniceguy> My eyes are getting bad
[21:44] <TCOniceguy> hate the detail work
[21:44] <D__> Then just tag it and have someone else do it
[21:44] <TCOniceguy> Will you do it?
[21:44] <TCOniceguy> is a short article
[21:45] <TCOniceguy> Only is in AFD...and that totally chills contributions to work on the article.
[21:45] <TCOniceguy> :-(
[21:45] <D__> You mean AfC?
[21:45] <TCOniceguy> AFD
�02[21:47] * Travelour (~Jorge@wikimedia/Travelour) Quit (Quit: Вікіпедыя.. Вікіпэдыя.. It's my life!�)
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[22:28] <suicidalzerg>
[22:28] <suicidalzerg> Oh god
�03[22:28] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:28] <suicidalzerg> Persistent bastards
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mosqutoes are people too
[22:29] <suicidalzerg> I had one once bite me. /Through/ my clothing.
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they are armed with lasers then
�02[22:29] * puffin (~cremepuff@unaffiliated/cremepuff222) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:29] <D__> Couple of years back some lab developed an anti-mosquito laser
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> seriously though exterminating mosquotes have proven to be a bad idea
[22:29] <D__> that basically tracked and zapped them from mid-air
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> because they just makes their populution skyrocket
[22:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> since you make their preditor extinct
[22:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> unless you actually completely exterminate
�03[22:30] * abanamat (~abanamat@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and like you said they are persistent if nothing else
�03[22:32] * Jamesofur|away is now known as Jamesofur
[22:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D__ I remember that
[22:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I was wondering how peta reacted
[22:33] <D__> I'm disappointed they haven't made it ruggerized and portable
[22:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mirrors?
[22:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think it was a millitary demonstration
[22:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if you have the precision to shoot down a small insect...
[22:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> since then russians probably started coating their jets in mirrors
[22:34] <D__> I think they also sorted males and females
[22:34] <D__> from the camera feed
[22:35] <D__> Or that might've been an entirely different thing
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sexist lasers
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> only females bite
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so thats trivial
[22:35] <D__> Less trivial to sort them on a video feed by computer
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> perhaps
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if only mosqutoes bite computers
�03[22:36] * Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
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[22:47] <FastLizard4> SIGMAWP
[22:47] <FastLizard4>
�03[22:47] * Riley is now known as Riley|Sleep
[22:47] <SigmaWP> yeah?
[22:48] <FastLizard4> :P
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[22:55] <zscout370> Mike_H: the ice wasn't bad here, but if you left this week, you would have been stuck sir
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[23:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> zscout370 I told you
[23:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> DONT LICK THE ICE!
[23:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> You will get stuck!
[23:09] <zscout370> I almost slipped and fell outside my boss' appartment
[23:09] <zscout370> and very slick at my work
[23:11] <YuviPanda> being very slick at work is a good thing no?
[23:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you are slick <3
[23:11] <YuviPanda> :P
[23:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> YuviPanda depends on the occupation
[23:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not useful in millitary
[23:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "An unarmed military aircraft, especially a helicopter."
[23:14] <zscout370> YuviPanda: no, since I am management of a restaurant and if I go down, my store goes to hell. Plus a lot of people who do not get out of cars, or having to give pizzas to drivers, is a tricky task.
[23:14] <wctaiwan> what's with the prevalence of high-profile websites / companies being compromised lately?
[23:14] <YuviPanda> hmm
[23:14] <SigmaWP> hello wctaiwan
[23:15] <wctaiwan> apple, facebook, twitter, NBC, zendesk, NYT, etc etc.
[23:15] <YuviPanda> zscout370: I suppose I can't properly picture it, having never even seen snow all my life
[23:15] <wctaiwan> hi sigma.
�03[23:15] * Someguy1221 (Someguy122@wikipedia/Someguy1221) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:15] <zscout370> wctaiwan: tax season, getting an early jump on numbers?
[23:15] <duh> YuviPanda:
[23:15] <wctaiwan> oh and the weekly java exploits.
[23:15] <YuviPanda> duh: I must remind them to add {{Information}} rather than whatever they're putting now
[23:16] <wctaiwan> there has been no recent period where security has been so vulnerable as it is now.
[23:16] <duh> I was waiting at the bus stop so I decided to test out the app
[23:16] <duh> And thats what snow looks like ;)
[23:16] <YuviPanda> duh: that's not the app! That's the website :P
[23:16] <duh> Same thing!
[23:16] <YuviPanda> no!
[23:16] <YuviPanda> it would have a meaningful name with the app :P
[23:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want an app that lets me talk to people
[23:17] <wctaiwan> duh: what do you think about chromebook pixel?
[23:17] <duh> well fix it then!
[23:17] <duh> wctaiwan: The what?
[23:17] <wctaiwan> exactly :p
[23:17] <YuviPanda> duh: what phone was it, btw?
[23:17] <wctaiwan>
[23:17] <duh> YuviPanda: iPhone 4S
[23:17] <YuviPanda> ah, right
[23:18] <YuviPanda> duh:
[23:18] <YuviPanda> sign up for testing?
[23:18] <YuviPanda> duh: also iOS 6?
�03[23:18] * Dcoetzee is now known as afkey
[23:18] <duh> yup iOS 6
�03[23:18] * afkey is now known as Dcoetzee
[23:19] <duh> I need to sign up?
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[23:19] <YuviPanda> duh: yeah
[23:19] <duh> oh i see
[23:19] <duh> register device
[23:19] <YuviPanda> yeah
[23:19] <YuviPanda> iOS is sortof weird that way
[23:19] <duh> ugh
[23:20] <duh> it requires creating an account and stuff
�06[23:20] * duh is kinda lazy
[23:20] <YuviPanda> duh: yeah, and that makes it much easier than the previous process, which was a lot more shitty.
[23:20] <duh> Maybe later
[23:20] <duh> I'm working on some Wikidata stuff right now
[23:21] <YuviPanda> duh: okay! I'll remind you :P
[23:21] <wctaiwan> mv duh wikidata
�02[23:31] * heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) Quit (Quit: heatherw�)
[23:32] <SigmaWP> wctaiwan: Cannot move `duh' to `wikidata': Permission denied
[23:32] <wctaiwan> sudo mv duh wikidata
[23:32] <Someguy1221> what is this wikidata option on my watchlist?
[23:33] <Someguy1221> i can watchlist wikidata pages from my watchlist?
[23:33] <SigmaWP> [sudo]: password for marx:
[23:33] <SigmaWP> :)
[23:33] <duh> Someguy1221: no
[23:33] <duh> it shows changes to the wikidata items of the pages on your watchlist
[23:33] <D__> But it doesn't work if you have gadgets enabled
[23:33] <D__> \sadface
[23:33] <duh> some gadgets
[23:33] <Someguy1221> what are the wikidata items of the pages on my watchlist?
[23:34] <duh> um
[23:34] <duh> like
[23:34] <Someguy1221> the wikidata links in the article, or the wikidata pages that article links to?
[23:34] <duh> the wikidata page the article is associated with
[23:34] <Someguy1221> the last time i read about wikidata was years and years ago, when you were in diapers, and wikidata was just an idea
[23:34] <Someguy1221> the wikidata page the article is associated with: you mean the page with all the interwiki links?
[23:35] <D__> Yes
[23:35] <D__> The one with the Q number
[23:35] <duh> Someguy1221: WP:WDATA
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�03[23:42] * YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
[23:44] <Mr-ex777> duh: does jimbo wales came here often? or not?
[23:44] <SigmaWP> Mr-ex777: Hardly ever
[23:45] <SigmaWP> Only saw him in this channel twice
[23:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I saw him here 12 times
[23:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in 8 years
�02[23:46] * anona ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[23:46] <Someguy1221> you keep count?
[23:47] <Mr-ex777> and LOL
[23:47] <Mr-ex777> his userpage isin't even protected at all
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[23:48] <D__> It does say "You can edit this page!"
[23:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Someguy1221 yeah
[23:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Mr-ex777 intentional
[23:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its a wiki
[23:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> anyone can edit
[23:50] <Someguy1221> actually, who's responsible for jimbo's userpage, as it appears? was it him, or random editors?
�02[23:50] * oona ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[23:51] <D__>
[23:51] <D__> The answer is ClueBot
[23:51] <D__> Heh.
[23:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no body is responsible
[23:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> responsibility implies authority
[23:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not even jimbo owns his userpage
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[23:56] <SigmaWP>
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[23:59] <Mr-ex777> SigmaWP: why are you linking this?
[23:59] <SigmaWP> Mr-ex777: Is it weird that I care about a fellow human being?
Session Time: Fri Feb 22 00:00:00 2013
�02[00:00] * Mr-ex777 (~chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: i have to go now. see you back home�)
[00:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah, that sounds strange
[00:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if one does not share your political beliefs they must be allowed to die
[00:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am being sarcastic you know.
[00:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP I am unsure if this is a legit article
[00:02] <D__> It was at the top of reddit's socialism subreddit today
�03[00:02] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:02] <D__> On another note, I'm unsure why I'm subscribed to that
[00:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D__ your nick starts with a D
[00:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> D -> Democrat which = soclialist if we believe fox news
[00:03] <D__> I accept your logic, comrade
[00:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and fox news is news you can believe in
[00:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean who'd you trust? Furries or CNN?
[00:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> do I want to google furry fox news?
�02[00:04] * zscout370 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Zscout370) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[00:04] <SigmaWP> yeuck.
[00:04] <D__> Feel free to google it, as long as it's not image search
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[00:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats what I mean
[00:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think my computer screen can handle it
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[00:52] <D__> An admin went edit-happy on a full-protected article and broke it in half by leaving an unopened tag
[00:52] <D__> :|
�02[00:53] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[00:53] <TheChance> Mop and bucket != license to kill...
�06[00:55] * Someguy1221 blocks TheChance
�06[00:55] * Someguy1221 for speaking up
[00:57] <TheChance> Hey, I was nominated back in '04 at a time when I didn't have very many edits, even though I felt qualified. I accepted the nomination, allowed my RfA to be the prototype for an alternative format, and the community's inability to separate my candidacy from the trial format alienated me to such an extent as I've barely contributed in the 8 years since then.
[00:57] <TheChance> I have a lot of respect for the bullshit admins put up with.
�03[00:57] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:58] <TheChance> There was a lot of editcountitis, but a lot more "I am compelled to question the judgment of any user who would allow his RfA to proceed under this atrocious format, which does not have the weight of community consensus behind it and which will be detrimental to the crats' ability to close it."
[01:00] <Someguy1221> "What is your interpretation of WP:POINT? Does the non-standard organization of your present RFA fail it?"
[01:00] <Someguy1221> ah, wow
[01:01] <TheChance> Yeah, that one particularly pissed me off.
[01:01] <TheChance> They'd been trying to implement that format for a long time, and consensus seemed to be "I'd want to see a test run."
[01:02] <TheChance> So I was like, "well, I have very few edits. This isn't going to pass, even though it should. Might as well be the guinea pig." And I was denied -for allowing myself to be the guinea pig-.
[01:02] <Mr-ex777> TheChance: so, you need a sysop form to become a sysop in wikipedia?
[01:03] <TheChance> Preaching to the choir.
[01:03] <Mr-ex777> TheChance: yes or no?
[01:03] <TheChance> Define "form".
[01:04] <Mr-ex777> TheChance: write a list of what you can do, according what you previously said
[01:04] <TheChance> I have absolutely no fucking idea what you're driving at, dude.
[01:04] <TheChance> What I previously said during my RfA? What I said a minute ago here on-channel?
[01:04] <Mr-ex777> TheChance: what is an rfa
[01:04] <TheChance> request for adminship.
[01:05] <Mr-ex777> great.
[01:05] <TheChance> Aha, that was the question. It's not a form, it's a process.
[01:06] <TheChance> You need community consensus to become an admin. As it should be.
[01:06] <TheChance> Being an admin is supposed to be "no big deal." It's not supposed to be a privilege. It's supposed to be a burden.
[01:06] <TheChance> The community tends to reject qualified candidates on various bases which have nothing to do with their ability to do the job.
[01:07] <TheChance> I'm not arguing that my nomination should've gone through; I was going to wait about two more years and nominate myself. But the -reasons- why it didn't go through were infuriating and I haven't been an active member of the project since.
�06[01:07] * YuviPanda is glad he'll never have to RfA or anything even remotely similar
[01:08] <Someguy1221> not true, yuvi
[01:08] <Someguy1221> you will be forced to go through RFA, just wait
[01:08] <TheChance> You can decline.
[01:08] <TheChance> I shoulda.
[01:08] <SigmaWP> I should have.
[01:08] <D__> Nonconsensual RfAs?
[01:09] <SigmaWP> Yeah
[01:09] <SigmaWP> Rfape
[01:09] <Someguy1221> rofl
[01:09] <Moe_Epsilon> I thought those were RFAs for primates, boy, was I wrong..
[01:09] <YuviPanda> Someguy1221: TheChance 99+ edits of mine are to userspace js / css pages :D
[01:10] <YuviPanda> and has nothing similar, IIRC
[01:10] <YuviPanda> the code parts are relatively drama free
[01:10] <D__> Huh.
�03[01:11] * celebratedpooper is now known as poko-afk
[01:11] <D__> You can always seek to imitate any of a number of drama-ful open source projects
[01:11] <YuviPanda> D__: I'm a GNOME refugee
[01:12] <YuviPanda> part of the great 3.0 drama avoiding diaspora
[01:12] <Moe_Epsilon> a gnome without a home?
[01:13] <YuviPanda> :D
[01:13] <YuviPanda> I was wandering around looking for other projects (and sharpening web dev skills) and ran into MW
[01:16] <Someguy1221> so why haven't you fixed all the bugs yet?
[01:16] <YuviPanda> Someguy1221: I'm lame and incompetent.
[01:16] <YuviPanda> best defense ever, I think
�02[01:17] * Mr-ex777 ( Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[01:17] * Mr-ex777_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[01:17] * Mr-ex777_ is now known as Mr-ex777
[01:21] <SigmaWP> night
�02[01:22] * SigmaWP (~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) Quit (Quit: Once I did bad, and that I heard ever\nTwice I did good, but that I heard never.�)
�02[01:33] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Quit: Installing HexChat�)
�02[01:35] * Gnumarcoo (~marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[01:37] <YuviPanda> wow at
�03[01:42] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en
[01:43] <Someguy1221> that's...interesting
Session Close: Fri Feb 22 01:44:20 2013

Session Start: Fri Feb 22 01:44:20 2013
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�02[01:44] * Disconnected
Session Close: Fri Feb 22 01:44:20 2013

Session Start: Tue Mar 05 20:22:24 2013
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
�03[20:22] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
�03[20:22] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | No public logging | Cloak requests:�'
�03[20:22] * Set by PeterSymonds!~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds on Mon Mar 04 12:01:00
[20:22] #wikipedia-en url is
�03[20:22] * wctaiwan (8c701e60@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:22] <IDoH> Hey anomynous and wctaiwan.
[20:23] <wctaiwan> hi
�03[20:23] * bananaOZP (~adytum@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:25] <Penwhale> wctaiwan xd
[20:26] <wctaiwan> hm?
�02[20:27] * bananaOZP (~adytum@ Quit (Client Quit�)
�02[20:30] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[20:31] <Penwhale> :p
�02[20:32] * koishi ( Quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[20:37] * koishi ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[20:44] * Isarra wraps IDoH in tuna and hugs tightly.
[20:44] <IDoH> Isarra: Why?
[20:45] <mareklug> becaue that makes you sushi
[20:45] <IDoH> You gave me a cow as a sign of Wikilove and nowÉthis?
[20:45] <mareklug> and eminently edible
�06[20:45] * IDoH runs far away from #wikipedia-en
[20:45] <mareklug> hahahahhaha
[20:45] <IDoH> Hey koishi. Welcome to weirdness.
[20:46] <koishi> good thing i don't read this channel much right
�06[20:46] * Dcoetzee puts IDoH on a foccacia bun
�06[20:46] * Penwhale wants sushi
[20:46] <IDoH> What's foccacia?
[20:46] <wctaiwan> it's a type of bread
[20:46] <Isarra> IDoH: You're nice.
[20:46] <mareklug> koishi if you are a vegeterian, nothing will hurt you
[20:46] <Dcoetzee> WHAT'S FOCACCIA?
[20:47] <Isarra> NIIIICE.
[20:47] <Dcoetzee> It's a yummy bread :-P
�06[20:47] * Isarra flails for emphasis.
[20:47] <IDoH> Penwhale: Don't eat me.
[20:47] <Penwhale> actually mareklug I eat seaweed salad too so that's also not good :p
[20:47] <Isarra> You're making me hungry.
�06[20:47] * wctaiwan offers up IDoH between tuna bteween foccacia
[20:47] <wctaiwan> between*
[20:47] <Dcoetzee>
[20:48] <IDoH> No! No! Don't eat me! Ahh!
[20:48] <mareklug> Penwhale how can you eat seaweed salad????  It is full of little dried CRITTERS.  What kind of a veggie-tarian are you?
[20:48] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: too much olive.
[20:48] <Dcoetzee> Olive is optional
[20:48] <Isarra> Dried critters are awesome.
[20:48] <mareklug> Olive is a delicious girl name
[20:48] <Dcoetzee> Girls named Olive are also frequently delicious
[20:48] <wctaiwan> it's nice in moderation, but that bread has too much olive.
[20:48] <Isarra> It shows how healthy it is - nothing unhealthy could have contained that much life.
[20:48] <mareklug> Dcoetzee carpetmuncher!
[20:48] <Dcoetzee> Yup
[20:49] <Dcoetzee> Isarra: So you're saying asteroids aren't good for you
[20:49] <wctaiwan> ....
[20:49] <wctaiwan> WHY DID I LOOK THAT UP
[20:49] <mareklug> Isarra yes, but we are meateaters.
[20:49] <wctaiwan> dammit marek.
[20:49] <mareklug> wctaiwan tell us Mandarin for carpetmuncher.  the slang.
[20:49] <wctaiwan> I actually have no idea.
�06[20:50] * IDoH isn't named Olive.
[20:50] <mareklug> IDoH we can make you an honorary Oive.  a Virgin Olive, even, if you qualify.
[20:50] <IDoH> Oh, dear. May I emphasis, I am not for eating!
[20:50] <mareklug> IDoH party pooper.
[20:50] <Isarra> Dcoetzee: Right.
[20:51] <Penwhale> mareklug: I'm Taiwanese. I eat many things (such as stinky tofu) that you don't eat. :p
[20:51] <IDoH> Maybe we can eat mareklug instead, people!
[20:51] <mareklug> Penwhale you are nuts.  tofu is one of my favorites.
[20:51] <wctaiwan>
[20:51] <Penwhale> mareklug: including stinky tofu?
[20:51] <mareklug> IDoH it is not as much eating.  you are being stingy with yourself.
[20:51] <wctaiwan> searching google for "child predator" turns up unmarked mug shots on the first page
[20:51] <wctaiwan> does google seriously think that's a good idea?
[20:52] <Penwhale> wctaiwan: and why are you doing such google searches?
[20:52] <IDoH> mareklug: Really? Me? Stingy? I'm laughing, actually.
[20:52] <mareklug> Penwhale not sure how stinky it is after being stir fired.  i love mapo tofu though.  and home style stir-fried
[20:52] <Penwhale> wctaiwan: because they're already on the sex offender list (most likely)?
[20:52] <Isarra> wctaiwan:
[20:52] <wctaiwan> Penwhale: what if their algorithm gets it wrong?
[20:52] <Isarra> (That is safe for work.)
[20:52] <Penwhale> mareklug: well, the typical way is supposed to do "fermentation"
[20:52] <wctaiwan> Penwhale: to be honest, it was from Dcoetzee talking about delicious girls, then I was trying to think of a horrible pun I could make with eating children and the phrase child predator xD
[20:52] <mareklug> Penwhale tofu is already fermented.  so what is there to ferment?  stir fry the fucker
[20:53] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[20:53] <Penwhale> the ones I eat is generally deep-fried with pickled veggies. :d
[20:53] <Penwhale> wctaiwan: delicious girls?
[20:53] <wctaiwan> Isarra: haha
[20:53] <Dcoetzee> Incidentally, Duran Duran's "Hungry Like the Wolf" is considerably more terrifying if you imagine it's about stalking/rape
[20:53] <wctaiwan> Penwhale: ask Dcoetzee.
[20:53] <mareklug> Penwhale that would not offend me the least.  though i prefer hunan and sichan style tofu more.
[20:53] <Penwhale> watch out, someone's getting sued for wanting to cook woman
[20:53] <Amqui> anybody know how can we make a centered table to be fitted beside a thumbed picture instead of under?
[20:54] <wctaiwan> hi Amqui
[20:54] <Amqui> hi wctaiwan
[20:54] <Penwhale> mareklug: I have G6PD Deficiency, so I'm weary of certain sauces - which is why I don't try many
[20:54] <Dcoetzee> Amqui: Can you give an example?
[20:54] <Amqui>
[20:54] <Amqui> there
�02[20:54] * addihockey10 (~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[20:54] <Amqui> I would want the table not to be spreader the whole width so it can fit beside the thumbnail picture
[20:54] <wctaiwan> dietary deficiencies suck when you're taiwanese
[20:55] <Amqui> spreaded*
[20:55] <wctaiwan> all the delicious food you can't eat
[20:55] <Penwhale> wctaiwan: Broad Beans. not too bad, except certain sauces (and instant noodles) I can't have.
[20:55] <Dcoetzee> I see ummm. Usually tables clear after the last floated image
[20:55] <mareklug> Penwhale so you don't eat beans?
[20:55] <wctaiwan> how is "wikitable center" different from regular wikitable?
[20:55] <Amqui> Dcoetzee ?
�03[20:55] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has left #wikipedia-en
[20:55] <Dcoetzee> I'm not sure how to do this
[20:55] <Amqui> wctaiwan it make it centered in the page and spread out
�03[20:56] * Jnorton7558_alt ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[20:56] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
[20:56] <Penwhale> mareklug: a specific type of beans I can't have.
�03[20:56] * Mr-ex777 (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:56] <Dcoetzee> Amqui: One sec I'll try something
[20:56] <wctaiwan> (I'm trying)
[20:56] <Penwhale> so I don't eat a lot of what looks like beans.
[20:56] <Amqui> ok I found out
[20:56] <Dcoetzee> Ok
[20:57] <mareklug> Penwhale can you eat lentils cooked the Indian way?
[20:57] <Amqui> it doesn't spread the table anymore but i works
[20:57] <Amqui> it works*
[20:57] <Amqui>
�02[20:57] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[20:57] <Penwhale> mareklug dont think Iever had them
[20:58] <mareklug> Penwhale go to an Indian restaurants and have daal curry
[20:58] <Gfoley4> stephen curry?
[20:59] <mareklug> Gfoley4 I don't think they sell stephen by the dish.  not at 9.99 anyway
[20:59] <wctaiwan> Amqui: sorry, I give up
[20:59] <Amqui> wctaiwan what?
[20:59] <Amqui> I got it lol
[20:59] <wctaiwan> on the table
[20:59] <wctaiwan> oh cool
�03[20:59] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:00] <wctaiwan> Penwhale: accidentally switched to chinese input method? :p
[21:00] <wctaiwan> I can type all funky too.
[21:02] <Amqui> funny I mostly contribute to French Wikipedia, but always ask on English or Spanish channels for assistance lol
[21:02] <Amqui> it seems I'm the only French on IRC in my timezone or something XD
[21:02] <wctaiwan> it's good to be multilingual.
[21:05] <mareklug> Amqui not many French live in the western praire
[21:06] <mareklug> I mean, there were some, but they intermarried with the injun ladies and disappeared into the genetic pool.
[21:06] <mareklug> and that was b4 IRC
[21:07] <Amqui> XD
[21:08] <Amqui> funny though I was talking to a buddy from Montreal, and it seems I speak more often French at work here in Alberta than him at his job lol
�02[21:09] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
[21:09] <Amqui> close to half of the people in the office where I work are French native speakers
�03[21:10] * legoktm is now known as boxofjuice
[21:10] <Amqui> people are getting tired of Quebec politics I think XD
�06[21:10] * Someguy1221 drinks from a juicebox
�03[21:13] * Isarra is now known as VanishedUser2138
[21:14] <jorm> popcorn.gif
[21:14] <Amqui> lol
[21:14] <Amqui> eat.jpg
�06[21:14] * VanishedUser2138 fuses Someguy1221 to some juice with a roll of tape.
�03[21:14] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:14] <VanishedUser2138> Don't eat the juice. It's ALIVE.
[21:15] <dtm> i would like to request copy editing prior to publication.  here are my notes
[21:15] <Amqui> ok
�06[21:15] * Someguy1221 is amazed that he has bee successfully taped to a liquid
[21:15] <boxofjuice> o.o
[21:15] <VanishedUser2138> Crap, apparently the wikimedia shop fell under my radar. How could this happen?
�03[21:15] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:16] <mareklug> Someguy1221 speaking of, did you see the article about U of Chicago physicists tying liquid into a knot?
[21:16] <VanishedUser2138> But it cannot continue to escape my vengeance!
�02[21:16] * wctaiwan (8c701e60@wikipedia/wctaiwan) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[21:16] <mareklug> VanishedUser2138 you must immediately go buy something.
[21:16] <VanishedUser2138> mareklug: I don't have enough money.
[21:16] <VanishedUser2138> Or I would have. I definitely would have. o__o
�03[21:17] * gwickwire is now known as gwick|away
[21:17] <VanishedUser2138> I lost my hoodie yesterday.
[21:17] <VanishedUser2138> And, apparently, a really nice scarf, but that's just plain irreplaceable. >.<
[21:18] <Someguy1221> mareklug: linky? i have seen no such thing
[21:18] <Amqui> mareklug ref needed
[21:19] <Penwhale> ... I just accidently got doublespace up...
�06[21:19] * Penwhale eats VanishedUser2138
�06[21:19] * VanishedUser2138 coats Penwhale with goo.
�06[21:20] * mareklug pours sunshine on VanishedUser2138 so as to warm her hoodieless and scarfless butt
�02[21:20] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[21:20] <VanishedUser2138> I have another hoodie.
[21:20] <Amqui>
[21:20] <VanishedUser2138> It had a $20 in the pocket.
[21:20] <VanishedUser2138> Unfortunately a replacement old hoddie would cost more than that.
[21:20] <mareklug> VanishedUser2138 how does one lose a hoodie and a scarf?  If the answer is embarrassing, feel free to ignore the question
[21:21] <VanishedUser2138> By being sick, tired, and really, really out of it.
[21:21] <VanishedUser2138> I didn't have the energy to put them back on at some point and apparently forgot to carry them with me at some other point.
[21:21] <VanishedUser2138> And now they're gone.
[21:21] <spyro> Hey
[21:21] <spyro> is something going on with wikipedia?  I'm getting nothing but blank pages
[21:21] <mareklug> Amqui Someguy1221
[21:22] <VanishedUser2138> spyro: There are many things wrong with it. Any particular pages?
[21:22] <Amqui> mareklug already posted a link with videos
[21:22] <Amqui> I*
[21:22] <spyro> the main page
[21:22] <VanishedUser2138> Once of them may have a sploded.
[21:22] <VanishedUser2138> Browser?
[21:22] <spyro> chrome
[21:23] <spyro> also, the three laws of robotics page is blankoed too
[21:23] <VanishedUser2138> Tried refreshing?
[21:23] <spyro> yup
[21:23] <spyro> about 5 times
[21:23] <mareklug> Amqui did not see.  but mine has videos AND comes from the ppl themselves
[21:23] <VanishedUser2138> Interesting...
[21:23] <VanishedUser2138> This page is blank.
[21:23] <VanishedUser2138> Except... it's not wikipedia.
[21:23] <Amqui> "if you want the women of your dreams, go to sleep" :P
[21:23] <VanishedUser2138> Oh, the tab crashed.
[21:23] <spyro>
[21:23] <spyro> this is blank for me
[21:24] <Amqui> spyro it is forbidden to spam wikipedia here
[21:24] <Amqui> XD
[21:24] <spyro> this isn't spam
[21:24] <spyro> this is a bug report
[21:24] <VanishedUser2138> I'm afraid I can't replicate it.
[21:24] <spyro> are you getting anything?
[21:24] <VanishedUser2138> Relatedly Hugo Chaves is really shiny.
[21:24] <Amqui> you are allowed to talk about anything, but wikipedia, since it is not trustworthy
[21:24] <VanishedUser2138> I got the main page.
[21:25] <VanishedUser2138> Amqui: That first comma confuses your meaning.
[21:25] <VanishedUser2138> It confuses it!
[21:25] <spyro> ok opera's working fine
[21:25] <spyro> chrome damn you...not this shit again
[21:26] <Amqui> we always put a comma before "but" in Franch
[21:26] <Bsadowski1> Use Firefox ^_^
[21:26] <Amqui> French
�02[21:26] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0/20130215130331]�)
[21:26] <Amqui> oh I see what you mean though
[21:26] <Amqui> thnaks someguy
�03[21:26] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
[21:26] <VanishedUser2138> In the phrase 'anything but whatever' it makes less sense.
[21:27] <VanishedUser2138> But yeah, normally english is like that too, far as I can tell.
[21:27] <VanishedUser2138> And spanish.
[21:27] <Amqui> yes got it, anyway, good night now
[21:27] <VanishedUser2138> I bet german isn't.
�03[21:27] * FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
[21:27] <VanishedUser2138> Dream well.
[21:28] <Dcoetzee> A comma is only placed before but when it joins two independent clauses
[21:28] <Dcoetzee> Like "The man saw the lady, but he didn't talk to her."
[21:28] <VanishedUser2138> Aye.
[21:28] <VanishedUser2138> I wonder if you can join clauses with a butt.
[21:28] <Dcoetzee> That would require unusual dexterity.
[21:29] <spyro> ok it's fixed now
[21:29] <spyro> whoever poked what, thanks
[21:29] <VanishedUser2138> Some people have that.
[21:29] <VanishedUser2138> spyro: They'll probably never know.
[21:29] <spyro> well something made it break and it wasn't on my end
[21:29] <VanishedUser2138> Heeee, wikipedia uses words like 'extant'.
�03[21:30] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:30] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has left #wikipedia-en
[21:32] <mareklug> VanishedUser2138 extant mutant celebrant
�03[21:32] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:32] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[21:32] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:32] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has left #wikipedia-en
�03[21:33] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:33] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has left #wikipedia-en
[21:33] <dtm> i would like to request copy editing prior to publication.  here are my notes
[21:33] <VanishedUser2138> o_O
�03[21:33] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:33] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:33] <Someguy1221> NuclearWarfare: you keep letting a draft in
[21:34] <NuclearWarfare> I fixed it
[21:34] <mareklug> Someguy1221 he is just venting
[21:34] <NuclearWarfare> OK, that is /part worthy
[21:34] <mareklug> I was going to have the only beer in the house tonight.
[21:34] <NuclearWarfare> have you no shame
[21:34] <mareklug> But my fucking team lost abjectly.
�03[21:34] * Jnorton7558_alt is now known as Jnorton7558
�02[21:34] * Jnorton7558 ( Quit (Changing host�)
�03[21:34] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:34] <mareklug> So should I?
[21:36] <LtNOWIS2> Despite being intoxicated, I still removed 2 month old, blatant vandalism
[21:36] <ihaveamac> LtNOWIS2: where?
[21:36] <mareklug> LtNOWIS2 you should be a military surgeon.  you remind me of Hawkeye
�03[21:37] * gwick2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:37] <LtNOWIS2> that's a delightful comment
[21:37] <LtNOWIS2> the article in question was 2031
�03[21:37] * z64 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[21:40] * Mkdw ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[21:41] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
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�03[21:50] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[21:51] * VanishedUser2138 is now known as Isarra
[21:51] <mareklug> foks wow.  can't sleep?
[21:51] <foks> I've to be at Uni in just over an hour
[21:51] <foks> Is almost 6am
[21:52] <mareklug> it's still yesterday here
[21:52] <mareklug> by 7 and a half minutes
[21:52] <foks> :P
[21:52] <foks> Indeed.
[21:53] <Isarra> Why are you up at 6am? o__o
�02[21:54] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[21:55] <foks> It's not by choice, let me tell you
[21:55] <jorm> an alarm clock, i'm guessing.
[21:56] <mareklug> foks let me guess.  it's by… appointment!
[21:56] <foks> I snoozed the hell out of that alarm clock.
[21:56] <foks> Also - why is the snooze function always nine minutes?
[21:56] <Isarra> Yes, but why?
[21:56] <mareklug> foks it is 7
[21:56] <foks> University
[21:56] <Isarra> Why are blocks 31 hours?
[21:56] <foks> mareklug, oh.
[21:56] <foks> It's nine on my iPhone anyway.
[21:57] <Isarra> Why does university want you there at 6?
�03[21:57] * heinrich5991 (hein5991@unaffiliated/heinrich5991) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:57] <foks> Isarra, at seven
[21:57] <foks> For a newsday
[21:57] <Isarra> ...okay, at 7?
[21:57] <Isarra> Newsday?
[21:57] <foks> like, a mock day-in-the-life of a journalist
[21:57] <Isarra> Ah.
[21:57] <Isarra> Adventure!
[21:57] <foks> It's gong to be, uh, interesting.
[21:57] <foks> also, going
[21:57] <Isarra> Whereas the closest I get is to work with a real company and practice lying to people.
�06[21:57] * foks wants a Red Bull.
�06[21:57] * Isarra mumbles.
[21:57] <mareklug> foks but everyone knows that journalists drink into the night and sleep into the day.  so what kind of an unrealistic simulation is that?
[21:58] <foks> mareklug, not when they have to be up at 5.
[21:58] <foks> ;)
[21:58] <Isarra> Does being completely out of it make one a more or less convincing lier?
[21:58] <Isarra> Liar?
[21:58] <foks> Depends.
[21:58] <Isarra> mareklug: It's school. Of course it's realistic. >.<
[21:58] <mareklug> Isarra he may well be a lier if he will get sleepy
[21:58] <jorm> my snooze is 10 minutes.  AND it's cumulative the number of times i tap the button.
[21:58] <Isarra> not realistic*
[21:59] <Isarra> I gave up on alarm clocks.
[21:59] <Isarra> I just tell my brain to get me up and it gets me up.
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[21:59] <mareklug> Isarra iOS 6 will wake you up very gently if you choose that
[21:59] <Isarra> I'm too poor for such a thing.
[22:00] <Isarra> And it can't read my mind. Why would I want something that can't read my mind?
[22:00] <Isarra> Decide if the thing really is important, or if I should just sleep through it...
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[22:06] <foks> that's why you set more than one alarm
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[22:18] <Someguy1221> alarms do not work on me
�02[22:18] * LtNOWIS2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[22:18] <Someguy1221> in college, i was more likely to be woken up by my roomate screaming at me that the alarm was on
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[22:20] <Isarra> I was often awakened by my roommate's alarm.
[22:20] <Isarra> ...she, however, was not.
[22:20] <boxofjuice> heh
[22:20] <zscout370> Mike_HH: I am going to be working in Fayetteville this week lol
[22:21] <Isarra> Why do all the special pages have the special: removed from the title?
[22:21] <Isarra> That makes them harder to link to.
[22:22] <foks> To challange people.
[22:22] <foks> Also challenge.
[22:22] <foks> Also I need to get better at typing before I get to Uni. Nyah.
[22:22] <Isarra> Should there be more than one filter option? Because this looks kind of silly.
[22:22] <Isarra> Typing is overrated. Nobody cares.
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[22:24] <Isarra> Crap, I froze opera...
[22:24] <Jetro> opera freezes itself.
[22:24] <Isarra> All I did was open every special page on enwp.
[22:24] <Isarra> Does it?
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[22:25] <Someguy1221> isarra....
[22:25] <Someguy1221> i tried that once
[22:25] <Someguy1221> or three times
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[22:27] <Isarra> Dude, wikipedia had flagged revisions?
[22:27] <Someguy1221> we call it pending changes
[22:27] <Someguy1221> the major distinction being that the flagged revs extension is active on every article (page?)
[22:27] <Isarra> No it ain't.
[22:28] <Someguy1221> it ain't?
[22:28] <Isarra> You can configure it to be active just some places.
[22:28] <Someguy1221> ah
[22:28] <Isarra> Which is still enough to confuse the hell out of me.
[22:28] <Elduen> Isarra: <3
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�06[22:30] * Isarra stuffs Elduen up a special page.
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[22:31] <mareklug> Elduen all your Isarra are belong to us
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[22:31] <Elduen> She has enough madness for us all.
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[22:32] <mareklug> Elduen su Isarra es mi Isarra
[22:32] <D_> Madness!
[22:32] <Elduen> Meine Isarra ist deine Isarra.
[22:32] <Elduen> Or something.
[22:32] <mareklug> Bitte
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�02[22:33] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[22:33] <Isarra> Wombats.
[22:34] <Isarra> And yes, trying to do what I am trying to do is utterly insane, thank you.
[22:34] <Someguy1221> Ich bin eine donut
[22:34] <Isarra> And I am sure people will try to murder me for it.
[22:34] <Isarra> Well I will murder them right back!
[22:34] <Isarra> And stuff js up their noses.
[22:34] <boxofjuice> Someguy1221: PendingChanges is just the name enwikipedians gave it so that it wouldnt be compared to flagged revs
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[22:35] <Someguy1221> boxofjuice: i started to forget what the differences were somewhere around the 7th RfC on the subject
[22:35] <D_> Clearly that means we haven't had enough RfCs on it
[22:36] <boxofjuice>
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[22:37] <Jeske_Couriano> Could a couple admins look over [[C:UNB]]?
[22:37] <Jeske_Couriano> It's *severely* backlogged
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[22:43] <zscout370> Jeske_Couriano: I am looking at some of the unblocks and some are for sock issues and others are BLP
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[22:55] <Tatavla> Hello
[22:56] <Tatavla> is anyone willing to review a DYK please
[22:56] <boxofjuice>
[22:56] <Tatavla> yes boxofjuice thats the link
[22:57] <Tatavla> thank you
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[23:20] <boxofjuice> man
[23:20] <boxofjuice> irccloud has issues
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Session Time: Wed Mar 06 00:00:00 2013
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[00:06] <dtm> mareklug: ahoy there, pal.  how's it going?  would you like to do some final draft copy editing prior to publication?  here are my notes
[00:06] <Someguy1221> anyone know if wikia has CU/OS? i don't need one, just curious :)
[00:06] <Someguy1221> dtm: Why are you not putting your draft in a sandbox like a normal person?
[00:07] <dtm> Someguy1221: i said those are my notes.  they contain the link to the sandbox.
[00:07] <Someguy1221> ah, i see. sorry
[00:07] <dtm> yeah i dont mean to convolute it, but.  being kinda paranoid still.
[00:08] <dtm> trying to be a little explicitly verbose, until i have full confidence in my copy editing
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[00:08] <mareklug> dtm it's past my bed time
[00:08] <dtm> mareklug: oh ok
[00:08] <dtm> well, if anyone would please do that, i'd sure really appreciate it
[00:09] <dtm> mareklug: you have a pleasant evening and i'll be here to jolt you awake.
[00:09] <mareklug> dtm thanks, back atcha
[00:09] <dtm> kthx
[00:10] <boxofjuice> Someguy1221: Only staff members
[00:11] <boxofjuice> But they have a much better version of AbuseFilter called phalanx
[00:12] <Someguy1221> o_O
[00:12] <Someguy1221> what, anyone who vandalizes wikia is literallys stabbed to death with a spear?
[00:12] <boxofjuice> No
[00:12] <boxofjuice> It's like
[00:13] <boxofjuice> integrated with SpamBlacklist, regexBlock, spamRegex, TitleBlacklist
[00:13] <boxofjuice>
[00:14] <boxofjuice> users are automatically exempted from filters with the "phalanxexempt" userright
[00:16] <Someguy1221> i still think it would be better to stab spammers to death with spears
[00:17] <D_> Imagine the backlog of dead bodies
[00:17] <dtm> :-o
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[00:19] <Someguy1221> Wikipedia backlogs: Category:Spammers for "deletion"
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[00:24] <Shirik> and what makes this abuse filter better boxofjuice?
[00:24] <boxofjuice> its integrated with other mediawiki extensions for one
[00:24] <Shirik> and that's a good thing why?
[00:25] <boxofjuice> wouldnt you like to see all spamblacklist hits?
[00:25] <Shirik> You seem to be implying something illogical
[00:25] <Shirik> namely, that such integration is required to be able to see spamblacklist hits
[00:25] <boxofjuice> well right now its the only way
[00:25] <Shirik> if I wanted to see blacklist hits, I would rather the tool provided such a functionality, rather than relying on something else
[00:25] <dtm> ToAruShiroiNeko: does this pleaseth thee enough yet?
[00:26] <Shirik> yes, well I happen to believe in good software practices, not bad ones
[00:26] <Shirik> and one of those good software practices is decoupling
[00:26] <boxofjuice> true
[00:26] <boxofjuice> fwiw its really intended at spam prevention rather than true abuse
[00:27] <Shirik> what it's intended for is irrelevant
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[00:55] <Steven_Zhang> hello!
[00:55] <Steven_Zhang> back from holidays :P
[00:55] <mareklug> do you have jet lag?
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[00:57] <boxofjuice> hey Steven_Zhang !
[00:57] <Steven_Zhang> mareklug: nah im ok
[00:58] <mareklug> and going the hawaii way?
[00:58] <Steven_Zhang> back to reality now.
[00:58] <mareklug> answer. i am curious about how jet lag works.
[00:59] <Steven_Zhang> well, Melbourne is 21 hrs behind Hawaii
�06[00:59] * SigmaWP waves to Steven_Zhang 
[00:59] <Steven_Zhang> ohai
[01:00] <Steven_Zhang> it's fine flying back to Melbourne
[01:00] <Steven_Zhang> last time I went to SF in July i had awful jetlag
[01:00] <Steven_Zhang> this time, none :)
[01:00] <mareklug> ok
[01:00] <mareklug> so basically, melbourn/Hawaii is no biggie, cuz the time shift is mere 3 hours.  never mind the date.
[01:01] <Steven_Zhang> essentially.
[01:01] <Steven_Zhang> But its a 10 hour flight
[01:01] <Steven_Zhang> so you wanna sleep
[01:02] <mareklug> yeah, that is a killer.  my sister just flew Cincinnati -> Atlanta -> Beunos Aires  and almost eh same way back from Santiago, Chile.   It is not the time shift.
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[01:51] <dtm> mareklug: hey aren't you sleeping?
[01:58] <boxofjuice> he is
[01:58] <Someguy1221> dtm: are you actually trying to ping him awake?
[02:03] <dtm> lol!  does he have speakers enabled on his computer during slumbertime?  that would suck!
[02:03] <FastLizard4> dtm: I mute all my electronic devices when I sleep
[02:03] <dtm> he's been up *way* too long past bedtime for that
[02:03] <FastLizard4> dtm: Because of people like YOU
[02:03] <FastLizard4> :P
[02:03] <dtm> :-oooooo
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[02:04] <dtm> i noticed that nobody has apparently proofread my document.  hm.  that's weird, huh?
[02:05] <Someguy1221> oh yeah, very weird
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[02:15] <rigel> so when someone removes a speedy deletion template, it's still listed somewhere, right?
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[02:15] <Jeske_Couriano> No
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[02:21] <SigmaWP> good night
[02:21] <SigmaWP> good morning
[02:21] <SigmaWP> good sleep time thingy
[02:21] <rigel> thats pretty irritating, a user removing the CSD template directly
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[02:24] <rigel> that's an unacceptable photo, i imagine
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[02:29] <Someguy1221> oh yeah
[02:30] <Someguy1221> if an image has a watermark, or, you know, a GIANT FREAKIN LOGO ON IT
[02:30] <Someguy1221> then there's approximately 0% chance it is acceptable
[02:31] <rigel> i figured as much
[02:31] <rigel> so i suspect a COI here
[02:31] <Someguy1221> not necessarily. a lot of editors are just idiots when it comes to copyright
[02:32] <rigel> so how do i discuss this without it being canvassing
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[02:32] <rigel>
[02:32] <rigel> so that's one thing
[02:33] <rigel> if you look at contribs, the other pages edited, like [[Clark Veterans Cemetery]] and [[History of Clark Air Base]] have or have had language in them referencing either PEregrine development or the org plastered on that image, or the global gateway logistics thing that i nom'd for speedy deletion
[02:34] <rigel> some of it was inserted by an ip editor,
[02:34] <rigel> but it all looks fairly promotional
[02:34] <Someguy1221> i deleted the one page
[02:35] <Someguy1221> if you want to discuss the editor in the context of COI, you can bring it up on WP:COIN
[02:35] <rigel> some of that history of page, the promotional material actually replaces other material entirely
[02:35] <Someguy1221> or you can try to engage with him
[02:36] <rigel> it seems to me like this editor has been doing this for a while, i dont see any reason to engage really
[02:37] <rigel> oh, and that page has been previously deleted four times
[02:37] <rigel> wow
[02:38] <Someguy1221> years ago, one editor made it over and over again
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[02:48] <Qcoder00> * File:HackensackNJ.gif  - doubtful the author is over 100 ;)
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[02:49] <Qcoder00> And whilst this might be a USGov image, there's no source indication to suggest that
�03[02:53] * Bradford is now known as MegaCableNinja
[02:59] <Someguy1221> i highly doubt that's a federal gov't image
[02:59] <Someguy1221> there's a seal on the map, but it's too low res to make it out
[02:59] <Someguy1221> betting it was made by the city or state
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[03:02] <Someguy1221> found the original:
[03:02] <Someguy1221> corporate work, published 1896
[03:09] <Someguy1221> anyone here?
[03:09] <Someguy1221> copyright question...
[03:10] <rigel> unacceptable
[03:10] <Someguy1221> still covered by copyright?
[03:10] <rigel> i have no idea
[03:11] <rigel> i just say unacceptable by default
[03:11] <rigel> isnt corporate copyright term like 110 years?
[03:12] <rigel> it's also early enough that maybe it wasnt renewed under the 1970 thing
[03:12] <rigel> er, 1978?
[03:12] <rigel> 1984? whenever the hell they made copyright default
[03:12] <rigel> im thinking solely in terms of the US, btw
[03:13] <rigel> In the United States a "work for hire" (published after 1978) receives copyright protection until 120 years after creation or 95 years after publication, whichever comes first.
[03:13] <rigel> so it's probably PD by now
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[03:17] <Someguy1221> rigel, i'll fix it all tomorrow. thanks for pointing it out
[03:18] <rigel> fix what all
[03:18] <rigel> youre going to fix all of wikipedia?
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[03:20] <Peter-C>
[03:20] <Peter-C> <3
[03:20] <Peter-C> I would totally ride one of those in to battle or have it as a pet
[03:22] <Bsadowski1> ...
[03:23] <Peter-C> Problem?
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[03:46] <mareklug> Peter-C do you realize how stinky these things are?  Have you been to a zoo enclosure?
[03:47] <Peter-C> Nope
[03:47] <mareklug> Peter-C everything looks alluring before you actually experience it.  A-10s, invading Canada, anteaters as pets...
[03:47] <Peter-C> A10s are the best
[03:48] <Peter-C> Why you no likey
[03:48] <mareklug> I likey.  but you know what they say.  they are killing machines.  they kill.
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[03:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug also they are flying mahcines, they fly
[03:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> is that multi-tasking?
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[03:55] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko so are the Boeing 787s.  Well, they are not flying NOW, but…   The point being, it is a bit juvenile to get a hardon over A-10s to the exclusion of other fine flying machines.
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[04:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug mmm
[04:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I personally dont really like A-10s
[04:09] <mareklug> htey are nasty but effective
[04:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they are essentially flying bricks, durable and can take punishment but thats also the problem
[04:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its too much risk
[04:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a drone can do the same task with much much cheaper hardware and without the risk of pilots
[04:10] <mareklug> there were no drones when A-10s were being designed
[04:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no, there werent
[04:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean today they are obsolite
[04:11] <mareklug> obsolete *   and no they are not.  just as B-52Hs are still very useful.
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[04:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> b-52 is a flying platform
[04:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its not the fighting part
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[04:12] <mareklug> and A-10 is a great tank killer.
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[04:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
[04:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if enemy has tanks worth killing though
[04:12] <mareklug> Iraq did
[04:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so did libya
[04:13] <mareklug> as does North Korea.  A-10s would be very cost effective in North Korea
[04:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the french mirages made short work of them without taking the same risks
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[04:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug they'd probably be shot down before they unleash the furry
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[04:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the typo was intentional
[04:14] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Well maybe
[04:14] <mareklug> nonsense.  they would not take to the skies b4 we took out the air command and control not to mention the piddly air force
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[04:14] <geniice> I have no I idea how to process this:
[04:14] <geniice>
[04:14] <LtNOWIS-mobile> First priority for the air force is taking out the enemy fighters and air defense
[04:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug they have nukes, its not going to be a simple conventional war
[04:14] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Then they can send in the mud movers
[04:14] <mareklug> they will not get to use their nukes.
[04:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug war would start after they use them probably
[04:15] <mareklug> the North Koreans are fans of NBA.  They are not suicide idiots
[04:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they did lift the armistice or threaten to remove it or something
[04:16] <mareklug> they like to mouth off almost as much as the Iranians.
[04:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they shot a satelite into orbit and made a nuclear test soon after
�03[04:16] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
[04:16] <mareklug> that is not the same as taking out our tank killers should we need to go kill some North Korean tanks.
[04:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they EVEN tortured the NBA player with metal attachments
[04:17] <mareklug> yes, a can of Coke.  I saw it on the picture.
[04:17] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Other daily show viewers here I see
[04:17] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Of course
[04:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to use his face attachments as a voltmeter <3
[04:19] <LtNOWIS-mobile> I'm not too happy with the prospect of more snow here in NOVA
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[04:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> snow? what snow?
[04:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> there is no snow here so it cannot possibly exist anywhere else
[04:21] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Although it let me pick up an extra shift, so that's good
[04:22] <LtNOWIS-mobile> The accumulation is minor because it's like 45 degrees
[04:23] <LtNOWIS-mobile> But it'll get worse over the next 14 hours or so
[04:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 45 degrees?
[04:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what does it snow? lead?
[04:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> after nasa's dazzling plasma rain I cannot see the world the same
[04:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm is it plasma rain?
[04:28] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Well maybe close to 35
[04:28] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Farenheit of course
[04:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Farenheit? Eww
[04:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Real men use kelvin
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[04:29] <guest4523> hi
[04:29] <guest4523> is anyone online
[04:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yup
[04:30] <guest4523> one moment
[04:31] <mareklug> LtNOWIS-mobile we have 10 on the ground methinks.   1k flights cancelled.  I hear Washington cancelled their half a k.
[04:32] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Sounds about right
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[04:44] <jubo2> cheezy meatpie!
[04:44] <jubo2> I got me a Shure SM58 microphone yesterday
[04:44] <mareklug> fuck yeah.  i love SM58
[04:45] <jubo2> cost me dear but is known as very durable and warm-sounded
[04:45] <mareklug> did you know Shure is a local Chicago area company?
[04:45] <jubo2> mareklug: now the next thing I want... ... ... 2nd SM58 !!!
[04:45] <jubo2> mareklug: I did not know
[04:45] <mareklug> fuck yeah in stereo!
[04:46] <jubo2> *STEREO*-*STEREO* *BOUMBOUMBOUBOUBOUBOUB* *ka-ta-ka-ta-ka-ta...
[04:47] <jubo2> I had also to write an essay yesterday.. took me untill 1:58 AM to turn it in
[04:47] <jubo2> Had to blast some K☭m-Teatteri commiemist tunes in memory of homie Hugo so that delayed the essay a little bit
[04:48] <jubo2> actually I could not keep my hands off the mic
[04:50] <jubo2> May Day is coming - C☭mmiemist tunes will once again be blasted with some Шампанское, few cases of beer and a some bottles of
[04:51] <mareklug> jubo2 I thought the nordics celebrate the Midsummer Day as their drinking occasion.  Why are you Maydaying?
[04:51] <jubo2> mareklug: there are the Big Three
[04:51] <jubo2> #1 New Year
[04:51] <jubo2> #2 May Day
[04:52] <jubo2> #3 Midsommarsdag or Juhannus in Finnish
[04:52] <mareklug> We have big 5:
[04:52] <mareklug> #1 Memorial Day  (May)
[04:52] <mareklug> #2 4th of July
[04:53] <mareklug> #3 Labor Day (beginning of September)
[04:53] <mareklug> #4 Thanksgiving (last Thursday in November)
[04:53] <mareklug> #5 Christmas/Hannukah/Kwaanza/New Year's
[04:53] <jubo2> #5 is Boxing Day Boozathon
[04:54] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Kwanzaa isn't really celebrated AFAIK
[04:54] <mareklug> LtNOWIS-mobile it is the time of great consumption of Colt 45 malt liquer. YMMV
[04:55] <jubo2> mareklug: May Day is classically celebrated by drinking two days in a row.. first May Day Eve and then May Day Proper ... it is classical to start the May Day off with a pique-nique especially Shampanskoe and herring rye breads ( This pique-nique is called "sillis" for fi."silli" == en."herring" )
[04:56] <jubo2> actually sillis can also be enjoyed indoors
[04:56] <jubo2> the main thing is the herring because it's good for hangover
[04:56] <mareklug> seriously now.  did May Day get celebrated b4 bolsheviks?
[04:57] <jubo2> and the saltiness will nicely get the drinking going.. new morning.. new drinking nibbles
[04:58] <jubo2> yeah.. shampanskoe and herring breads are a classic hit in .fi to treat the hang-over from May Day Eve celebrations
[04:59] <jubo2> mareklug: on the bolshevik vs. menshevik.. I think I'da been in the suppressed mensheviks
[05:00] <jubo2> ru."bolshe" == en."more"
[05:00] <Bradford> mareklug: TA TATTATATAA XD
[05:00] <jubo2> tu."menshe" == en."less"
[05:00] <jubo2> no wait.. it's "bigger" and "smaller" is more precise translation
[05:02] <mareklug> Bradford Buenos días, imbécil. Por favor, una vez más, acepte mis más tristes condolencias por el fallecimiento prematuro de su estimado líder, joven y presidente.
[05:02] <Bradford> see :/
[05:03] <mareklug> LtNOWIS-mobile how did I do?  per protocol?
[05:03] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Eh?
[05:04] <mareklug> ^^
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[05:05] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Looks fine, but I don't have a great knowledge of Spanish
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[05:08] <mareklug> thank you.  I am relying on your foreign matters expertise
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[05:11] <jubo2> Hasta La Victoria Siempre - The Struggle Over The Controll of The Means of Production is ongoing
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[05:14] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Oh man, in the 50s the Nationalist and Communist Chinese had a fight, including some air combat
[05:14] <LtNOWIS-mobile> And one of the ROC jets fired a sidewinder missile at the PRC plane, when that was new technology
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[05:15] <LtNOWIS-mobile> And it was a dud, and embedded in the wing
[05:15] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Allowing the Soviets to reverse engineer it
[05:17] <mareklug> sort of like letting Iranians catch a super duper drone today
�03[05:22] * YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
[05:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug one difference, it was more bad ass
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[05:38] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Not a fan of hangovers
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[06:18] <Qcoder00> Any music experts in?
[06:19] <Qcoder00> I need some guidance on something
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[06:21] <Qcoder00> - I trasncribed this in Musescore and it doesn't sound right
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[06:23] <wctaiwan> what is the appropriate action when someone recreates an article that was merged and turned into a redirect at AfD?
[06:26] <boxofjuice> revert.
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[06:29] <WilliamH_UK> nod
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[06:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why do they call it a dutchess?
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[06:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> is it due to the dutch or deutsch?
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[07:05] <geniice> "The UK is to provide armoured vehicles and body armour to opposition forces in Syria "to help save lives", Foreign Secretary William Hague has said. "
[07:06] <geniice> this strikes me as remarkably stupid
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[07:08] <wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: it's actually a duchess ;-)
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[07:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan blah
[07:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it sounds like she should be dutch :p
[07:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and a female dutch
[07:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> geniice interesting
[07:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how in blazing hell will they be able to deliver it?
[07:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> DHL doesnt do armored vehicles
[07:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a no-fly zone would do wonders
[07:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> noone would want to fly there anyways
[07:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "SNAP, the Survivors' Network of those Abused by Priests, said as it released the list Wednesday that its accusations were based on media reports, legal filings and victims' statements."
[07:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> because a detailed investigation is not snappy enough
[07:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> why cant the people elect the next pope?
[07:18] <Bradford> :o
[07:18] <Bradford> lol
[07:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> pope super pacs
[07:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Romney for pope?
[07:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he wouldnt abuse children too
[07:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean he has a good supply should he decide to abuse :P
[07:20] <BlastHardcheese> oh snap
[07:23] <Jetro> I hate tv poker players fucking flickering through their chips all the time
[07:24] <mareklug> Jetro, that was poetry.
[07:24] <Jetro> wow
[07:24] <Jetro> I never knew
[07:24] <mareklug> "fucking flickering"  …best tradition of anglosaxon alliteration
[07:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> State of Syria: Exodus reaches 1 million; seesaw battles rage on
[07:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 4.8% of the populution :/
[07:28] <Jetro> :D
[07:28] <Jetro> Thanks for making me feel imporant, mareklug
[07:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> with internally displaced thats %14.4
[07:29] <BlastHardcheese> I remember fighting over the seesaw in kindergarten
�02[07:29] * Chenzw (~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[07:35] <LtNOWIS-mobile> Seems like a huge burden for Jordan
[07:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not just jordan
[07:35] <LtNOWIS-mobile> For Iraq it's kinda good because all the Iraqi refugees returned
[07:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[07:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> LtNOWIS-mobile not really
[07:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the northern iraq/southern iraq conflict made things difficult
[07:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> last week dozens of Syrian troops killed in Iraq ambush
[07:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> lebanon has 332K, jordan 324k people
[07:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> turkey has 185k and iraq 106k
[07:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> even egypt has 43k despite not sharing a border
[07:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and these are the people who can escape the fighting
�03[07:39] * TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
[07:41] <mareklug> Jetro su dinero es mi dinero
[07:41] <Jetro>
[07:41] <Jetro> i dont know what that mean but :D
[07:41] <mareklug> Jetro google translate is your friend
[07:41] <Jetro> nah its mah enemy
[07:42] <mareklug> very well:  your money is my money
[07:42] <Jetro> oh yeah
�02[07:45] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Bye everyone�)
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[08:08] <wctaiwan> …how the hell does someone's IP change between edits 4 minutes apart?
�06[08:09] * wctaiwan smells VPN
[08:11] <geniice> wctaiwan	AOL back in the day
�06[08:12] * HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA gags
[08:12] <wctaiwan> These are identified to belong to JPMorgan Chase
[08:12] <wctaiwan> HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA: kindly change your nick please.
[08:12] <HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA> wctaiwan, kindly not.
[08:13] <HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA> I like my nick the way it is.
[08:13] <wctaiwan> It's disruptive.
[08:13] <HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA> My point.
[08:13] <wctaiwan> geniice: are you an op?
�03[08:13] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[08:13] <WilliamH_UK> no but I am
�02[08:14] * Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[08:16] <WilliamH_UK> HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA in that case, change it or leave
[08:16] <HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA> Is that a bland & generic threat i see?
�03[08:16] * HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA is now known as HarlemShake
�03[08:17] * HarlemShake is now known as Harlem_Shake
[08:17] <WilliamH_UK> It's not even a threat - you openly stated it is purely for disruption
[08:17] <Harlem_Shake> How come it is disruptive?
[08:17] <Harlem_Shake> Did i disrupt this room with this nick?
[08:18] <Harlem_Shake> [11:17] <WilliamH_UK> It's not even a threat - you openly stated it is purely for disruption <=== what's your argument on that?
�02[08:18] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[08:18] <jakr> Harlem_Shake, i dont like the name. it is a disruption
�03[08:18] * Riley is now known as Riley|Away
[08:18] <WilliamH_UK> you tell me - you're the one who agreed that it was disruptive when another used challenged it for being so
[08:18] <Harlem_Shake> Yes, you do tell that.
[08:19] <jakr> Harlem_Shake, plus it is a vulgar song
[08:19] <Harlem_Shake> How come that song is "vulgar" ?
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[08:20] <Harlem_Shake> From what i see in my scrollback, there has been 4 mentions of the "f-word"
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�03[08:24] * Harlem_Shake is now known as HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA
[08:30] <jakr> HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA, still a disruptive name
[08:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> jakr I dont think he cares what you or I have to say
[08:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he likes the kick :)
�03[08:33] * dungodung|away is now known as dungodung
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[08:51] <JackTarClay> Hello
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[08:56] <El_Patron> O_O
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[09:02] <Computron> Hello, are there any users here from Chicago - I wanted to create an article about the heavy snow there.
[09:03] <TheDruId> Computron, I don't think summering there as a kid counts. Sorry.
�02[09:05] * gde33 ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia�)
[09:08] <Computron> thanks TheDruId
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[09:19] <Pink|quelquepart> !oversight pm please
�03[09:19] * Pink|quelquepart is now known as PinkAmpersand
[09:21] <PinkAmpersand> !oversighter or is this the right stalkword... i can never remember... anyways, pm please
[09:27] <PinkAmpersand> Computron: I think boxofjuice is from Chicago... but I could be misremembering that
[09:27] <Computron> Hi boxofjuice
[09:29] <PinkAmpersand> yay another thing we can pester him to help us with :)
[09:29] <BlastHardcheese> by the time you do all that you could just e-mail the oversight address
[09:30] <boxofjuice> Hi
[09:30] <boxofjuice> I'm not
[09:30] <boxofjuice> I'm from good old San Jose, CA.
[09:30] <PinkAmpersand> BlastHardcheese: yeah i emailed
[09:30] <PinkAmpersand> boxofjuice: oh. huh. fuck my memory lol. hours of IRC chats blur together over time :P
[09:30] <boxofjuice> I live in Illinois though :P
[09:31] <PinkAmpersand>  /someone/ here's definitely from Chicago. several someones, i think.
[09:32] <boxofjuice> Gfoley is
[09:32] <boxofjuice> mareklug probably knows enough.
[09:32] <boxofjuice> Oh
[09:32] <boxofjuice> About the snow here?
[09:33] <boxofjuice> Theres a shit ton outside my room
[09:33] <boxofjuice> bbl though
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[09:45] <PinkAmpersand> (OS request now handled, for anyone who sees my pings in like an hour)
[09:46] <Computron> boxofjuice are you able to take any photos?
�03[09:49] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:50] <PinkAmpersand> hey, is there anywhere to report copyvios OF Wikipedia?
�02[09:54] * mattbuck ( Quit
[09:54] <boxofjuice> Computron: sure
[09:54] <boxofjuice> i think i took a few last night
[09:55] <Computron> thanks :-)
[09:55] <El_Patron> O_O
[09:56] <boxofjuice> Computron: does something like work? what specifically do you want a photo of?
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[09:58] <Computron> boxofjuice yeah that sort of thing (maybe up to about 10 photos) :-)
[09:59] <boxofjuice> anything you want in specific?
[09:59] <boxofjuice> otherwise ill just take those kinds pics
[09:59] <Computron> Pictures of high levels of snow, buildings, cars, people struggling to carry out their daily life, snowfights, that sorta thing
[10:00] <boxofjuice> heh
[10:00] <boxofjuice> i doubt i can get any of "people struggling to carry out their daily life"
[10:00] <boxofjuice> i wish you had asked last night
[10:00] <Computron> Does life carry on as normal?
[10:00] <Computron> sorry :)
[10:00] <boxofjuice> i saw a tow truck helping someone pulling their car out of the snow
[10:00] <Computron> You should see Japan - 6 meters of snow!
[10:00] <boxofjuice> yeah pretty much normal
[10:00] <Computron> oh
[10:00] <boxofjuice> o_O
�03[10:00] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:01] <Computron>
[10:01] <boxofjuice> damnnnnn
�03[10:01] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[10:01] <Computron>
[10:01] <Computron>
[10:02] <Computron> Their the best ones
[10:02] <boxofjuice> …damn
�02[10:02] * Captain-n00dle (~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle) Quit (Quit: Cheerio!�)
[10:02] <Computron> that last photo was 12 meters
[10:02] <Computron> in Aomori - they keep the airports and everything open
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[10:15] <PinkAmpersand> any admins around?
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�06[10:31] * addshore waves
[10:33] <PinkAmpersand> oh. yay! 1 sec. lemme see if it sorted itself out yet
[10:34] <PinkAmpersand> addshore: I was wondering if you could check if is eligible for G4. But then someone went ahead and tagged it. So no rush if you're busy or anything, as it'll get handled through the normal channels now.
[10:34] <addshore> [=
�03[10:36] * shimgray is now known as shim-away
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[10:52] <MWtG> hi all
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[10:52] <TheDruId> Hi.
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[11:11] <Computron_> boxofjuice will you send me a message when they're uploaded please :-)
[11:11] <boxofjuice> sure will do it
[11:11] <boxofjuice> itll be a few hours
[11:12] <boxofjuice> cuz i'm inside right now :)
[11:12] <Computron_> That's fine :-) - just because I'm in the UK - I'll probably be offline in about 3 hours
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[11:14] <Dannyboy1209> Computron_:hello mate
[11:14] <Computron_> Hi
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[11:17] <Computron_> boxofjuice will you do it to Commons?
[11:17] <boxofjuice> of course
[11:18] <Computron_> I'll keep a lookout then :-)
[11:19] <Dannyboy1209> What are you'd trying to do?
[11:19] <Computron_> Get photos of the snow in Chicago
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[11:22] <Computron_> mareklug have you experienced lots of snow as well?
[11:22] <Carly> hello
[11:22] <Carly> :D
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[12:17] <Qcoder00> Greetings
[12:17] <Qcoder00> any humans in?
[12:18] <dtm> rigel: it looks like the X page got spanked!  we put em over the edge.  looks good.  i'm glad, because i couldn't find any of those citations :/
[12:18] <Qcoder00> EVening all
�03[12:18] * Acer_saccharum (uid10029@trivialand/student/maple) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:18] <Qcoder00> Anyone up for a quiz question?
[12:18] <Acer_saccharum> Sure.
[12:19] <Qcoder00> OK Which microcomputer was originally supplied in a wooden case?
[12:19] <dtm> Qcoder00: the Apple
[12:19] <Qcoder00> dtm:+1
[12:20] <dtm> can i get some advanced proofreading, noting also the Talk page?
[12:21] <Qcoder00> dtm: Speaking of Australian chefs, does Nikko get a mention?
[12:21] <dtm> a mention of what?
[12:21] <Qcoder00> An artilce
[12:21] <Qcoder00> *article
[12:21] <Qcoder00> ;)
[12:22] <dtm> are you asking me to search wikipedia for some guy for you?  :-o
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[12:22] <dtm> coz i know you're not asking me to write an article out of the blue on a whim ;)
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[12:24] <Qcoder00> dtm: Of course not
[12:24] <Qcoder00> I hadn't found them though
[12:25] <dtm> you like australian chefs, do ya?
[12:26] <Qcoder00> Not really, It just occured to me when you mentioned the sandbox
[12:28] <russavia> does anyone have David Fuch's direct email? if so, please PM me
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�03[12:41] * KingHall (82b61d1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:41] <KingHall> Hello! I need a copy editor for this article....
�03[12:41] * Gnumarcoo (~marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[12:42] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[12:52] <dtm> KingHall: did you put it in the Guild of Copy Editors' queue
�03[12:53] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[12:57] <KingHall> yes i did
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�03[13:08] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[13:12] <Demiurge1000> asking for someone experienced in copyediting for FA ?
[13:12] <Demiurge1000> It's best to ask a few months before submitting it for FA :|
�03[13:17] * Dannyboy1209 (5c0061bb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
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[13:38] <LtNOWIS-mobile> I just realized I can recognize Senator Ron Johnson by voice now.
�02[13:39] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
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[13:50] <Fox2k12> <-- he's got a poptart duck and cover... *facepalm*
�03[13:50] * Horrifico (9c6e52de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[13:50] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:52] <D_> I'm imagining a school cafeteria, tables overturned, chairs strewn about
[13:52] <D_> A bunch of 7 year olds holding poptart guns
[13:52] <russavia> hey barkingfish
[13:52] <BarkingFish> hi russavia :)
[13:53] <russavia> how's it going
[13:53] <BarkingFish> how is everything?
[13:53] <russavia> been a bit busy here lately
[13:53] <BarkingFish> well for the next 7 days, i'm not a doctor, so i suppose i have time to sit and contemplate :)
[13:54] <Fox2k12> D_ imagine you are a first grader sitting in the cafeteria munching on you poptart and out of the Sudden a SWAT mows you down..
[13:54] <BarkingFish> i've spent the day having blood tests, interviews and filling out a shitmountain of paperwork.
[13:54] <russavia> ahhh on holidays eh? enjoy them
[13:55] <BarkingFish> no, not on holiday :)  more an "enforced break"
[13:55] <Fox2k12> the the kid needs some counseling for real
[13:55] <Fox2k12> then*
�06[13:55] * BarkingFish got a needlestick injury yesterday evening :(
�02[13:56] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.�)
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[14:01] <Qcoder00> OUCH!
�02[14:01] * jubo2 ( Quit (Quit: Beams.�)
�03[14:02] * Willdude123_ (~willdude@wikipedia/W-D) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:02] <Qcoder00> BarkingFish: Do you have a tough biological quiz question?
[14:02] <Qcoder00> I feel like a challange
[14:02] <BarkingFish> hm. lemme have a think and i'll get back to you :)
[14:04] <Qcoder00> But in the meantime : Which female computer scientist is largely responsible for the low power CPU powering many mobile phones?
�03[14:04] * Posto5 (~posto5@ has left #wikipedia-en
[14:05] <Qcoder00> D_:What is a poptart gun?
[14:05] <D_> See Fox2k12's link above
[14:05] <D_> <Fox2k12> <-- he's got a poptart duck and cover... *facepalm*
[14:06] <Qcoder00> Serisouly
[14:06] <Qcoder00> The School got concerned ?
�03[14:06] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:06] <Qcoder00> "They don't want you to think, they want you to COMPLY"
[14:06] <IDoH> Hey
[14:06] <IDoH> You know what I don't like?
[14:07] <IDoH> Telling people that I think the article they wrote should be deleted. :-(
[14:07] <Qcoder00> IDoH: Don't look at me...
[14:07] <D_> That's why we have templated messages
[14:07] <D_> So you can distance yourself from the person by just leaving them a canned explanation
[14:07] <IDoH> Qcoder00: Ha. Why not?
[14:08] <mareklug> D_ kind of like sending christmas cards
[14:08] <IDoH> D_: True, but somebody just took down a PROD temp and demanded to know why I proposed deletion to begin with.
[14:08] <IDoH> It's an article where it's obvious that only one source exists for it
[14:09] <IDoH> Oh, and they're new.
[14:09] <D_> I dislike discussing PRODs
[14:09] <D_> because then I just end up having an AfD discussion outside of AfD
[14:10] <IDoH> Yeah, I nominated the article for AfD
�03[14:10] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:10] <IDoH> hey mindspillage.
[14:10] <IDoH> But it IS reasonable to nominate an article under those circumstances, right?
[14:13] <IDoH> mindspillage: We're talking about how we dislike nominating articles for deletion, and having to explain it to newcomers.
�03[14:15] * Dcoetzee (kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:16] <IDoH> Hey Dcoetzee.
�02[14:17] * Willdude123_ (~willdude@wikipedia/W-D) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPod touch -�)
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[14:18] <IDoH> Hey foks
[14:19] <Jeske_Couriano> Hai foks
[14:19] <MWtG> hey
[14:19] <foks> heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
[14:19] <gwickwire> foks :D
[14:19] <mindspillage> IDoH: hah. Fun.
[14:20] <IDoH> mindspillage: Yes. Always, always funÉNOT!
[14:20] <BarkingFish> MWtG, hi :)  Might wanna reconnect as a normal user, dude! He who plays in root, will kill tree...
[14:23] <MWtG> what?
[14:23] <MWtG> oh, I am using W7
[14:24] <Peter-C> Ohai BarkingFish
[14:24] <Peter-C> long time no chat
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[14:24] <BarkingFish> i get alerted when someone logs onto irc who is locally logged in as root, MWtG :)  Don't worry, it's just a security thing i got warned about some years ago.
[14:24] <Computron_> Hi mareklug :-)
[14:24] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, hello dude :)  How are ya doing?
[14:24] <Peter-C> good, toyu
[14:24] <Peter-C> *you
�03[14:25] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[14:25] <mareklug> Computron_ the local streets are all black, so no real snow here.  there was more to the west
[14:25] <BarkingFish> not great, 7 days enforced paid holiday while i get my bloods back after a needlestick, but it gives me a chance for some rest Peter-C :D
�03[14:25] * YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:25] <Computron_> How come they're black?
[14:26] <IDoH> BarkingFish: Are you okay?
[14:26] <mareklug> Computron_ well you see, they cover them with asphalt.  and most of asphalt is tar.
[14:26] <Peter-C> BarkingFish - ew needlestick
[14:26] <BarkingFish> IDoH, yeah, other than having a right arm which vaguely resembles a pincushion :)
[14:26] <IDoH> Oh, ouchies
�03[14:27] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:27] <IDoH> Hey GorillaWarfare.
[14:27] <GorillaWarfare> o/
[14:27] <IDoH> And YE, hi to you, too. :-)
[14:27] <YE> hi
[14:27] <IDoH> I should probably log off and rest. Be well, everyone. :-)
[14:27] <Computron_> Thanks mareklug! Know anyone else from the area?
�03[14:28] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has left #wikipedia-en
[14:28] <Horrifico> bye IDoH
[14:28] <mareklug> Computron_ are of major snow?
�02[14:28] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[14:28] <Computron_> Yes.
[14:28] <BarkingFish> Peter-C, yeah. Patient was +Hep B, and unfortunately I was doing a Liver biopsy and blood screen.
[14:29] <Peter-C> fun...
[14:30] <mareklug> Computron_ i kind of remember someone from the NW suburbs (they got 9 inches, per ORD reporting) being on the channel recently, but can't recall their nick.  no editors other than that to my knowledge.   This really was not that major of a snow fall all things considering.  It just came in a very snowless winter and all in one fall.
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[14:33] <Vacation9> anybody know how to make Konversation show desktop notifications in Ubuntu?
[14:33] <Computron_> I realise :) the press seems to be making a bit thing of it as usual
�03[14:33] * Camoka4 (58f00a0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:33] <Vacation9> nevermind
[14:33] <Camoka4> hii
[14:34] <Camoka4> is there any admin here
[14:34] <Computron_> How recently on the channel mareklug?
[14:34] <mareklug> 3 days ago?
[14:34] <Vacation9> Camoka4: Yes, some hang out here. What do you need?
[14:34] <Camoka4> unban request
[14:34] <Vacation9> Camoka4: Can't you do that on your talk page?
[14:34] <Camoka4> my talk page is locked
�02[14:34] * bjelleklang (~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat�)
[14:35] <Vacation9> Camoka4: Then you would Special:EmailUser the blocking admin if email isn't disabled
[14:35] <BarkingFish> try #wikipedia-en-unblock
[14:35] <Computron_> Oh a while ago - do you remember anyone else who may have been here at the time and you may have been speaking to, who may know?
[14:36] <mareklug> Computron_ I don't know of any channel ppl from Chicago/suburbs.
[14:36] <Vacation9> yes, what BarkingFish said or Email Courcelles, the second is probably best as it's a CU block
[14:36] <Camoka4> he is hostile
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[14:36] <Vacation9> hostile?
[14:36] <Camoka4> Courcelles is hostile yes
[14:36] <Vacation9> have you tried emailing him?
[14:37] <Camoka4> yes no answer
[14:37] <Camoka4> yes, I did
[14:37] <Vacation9> hmm... your best bet is probably emailing arbcom appeals, but try #wikipedia-en-unblock first
[14:37] <Camoka4> Courcelles only put talk page ban
�02[14:37] * aka_nothing ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[14:37] <Camoka4> he forbidden that I edit my talk page. whatever reason
�03[14:37] * aka_nothing ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:39] <Computron_> mareklug, OK thanks. I was thinking if you were speaking to someone at the time, then they may remember who actually said about the snow.
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[14:40] <BarkingFish> Since it's a CU block, Camoka4, it would be unlikely I'd imagine, that #wikipedia-en-unblock would handle it.  Anyone know some CU's on wp, if Courcelles isn't responding?
�02[14:40] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[14:41] <BarkingFish> It's been ages since I spoke to any of them, I don't even know who most of the checkusers are now :)
�03[14:41] * _y ( has left #wikipedia-en
[14:41] <Yetanotherx> !checkuser
[14:41] <Yetanotherx> ^
[14:41] <BarkingFish> back in a bit, rebooting
�02[14:41] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
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�06[14:42] * Izhidez , the 50% awake CU acknowledged his existence here
[14:44] <Camoka4> they give me some link on toolserver
[14:44] <Camoka4> I sent an e-mail
[14:44] <Camoka4> lets see what they do
[14:46] <Vacation9> okay
�03[14:46] * dungodung is now known as dungodung|away
[14:47] <Camoka4> sockpuppetry ban is permanent
�02[14:47] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[14:47] <Camoka4> dont you think this rule is too harsh?
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[14:48] <Camoka4> it would just cause more sockpuppetry under different IP
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�03[14:54] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:54] <Qcoder00> Comoka4: Are you or have you ever been a sock abuser?
�02[14:55] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
[14:57] <Qcoder00> So
�02[14:57] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
[14:57] <Qcoder00> Does anyone here know anything about music?
[14:58] <PeterSymonds> That's a very broad question.
�03[14:58] * djr013 (~djr013@unaffiliated/djr013) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:58] <djr013> If anyone feels like taking it on, this category is surprisingly empty:
�03[14:59] * YuviPanda is now known as Panda|DunceHat
[14:59] <Izhidez> Yetanotherx: what did you need?
[15:01] <Yetanotherx> BarkingFish needed a cu
�02[15:01] * Ocaasi (uid1167@gateway/web/ Quit (Changing host�)
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[15:02] <Izhidez> ok well he can ping me if he needs me then
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[15:20] <BarkingFish> Qcoder00, you wanted a bacteria related question earlier to tax your brain? Here's a good one for you...  Which German naturalist coined the word bacterium?
[15:20] <Qcoder00> I'll get back to you
[15:20] <BarkingFish> k
[15:23] <mareklug> this must be correlated in time with microscope
[15:23] <Swob> Dr Bacter
�03[15:23] * thineantiquepen is now known as TAP|away
[15:25] <Swob> interestingly enough the answer to that question doesnt seem to be easily findable on Wikipedia
�03[15:25] * Dcoetzee|2 is now known as Dcoetzee
�02[15:26] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Quit: I asploded�)
�02[15:26] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[15:26] <Someguy1221> related language question: What does "bacterium" literally mean, in its greek/latin roots?
[15:28] <mareklug> your go to source, complete with the answer (spoiler)
[15:28] <Swob> i wonder if the etymonline guy ever edits Wikipedia
[15:28] <Someguy1221> omg, that is going to be one of my new favorite websites
[15:28] <mareklug> he or she would be a great resource
[15:29] <Swob> i sent in a few things to him one
[15:29] <Swob> *once
[15:29] <Someguy1221> i'm sure he's in the same boat as that oxford dictionary guy
[15:29] <Swob> I dont rememvber if they ever got published
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�03[15:29] * mutley89 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:30] <Swob> it's written by Douglas Harper
[15:30] <Swob> just one person handles the whole site
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[15:37] <Swob>
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�02[15:37] * minerale (~minerale@about/cooking/alfredo/Minerale) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[15:37] <rigel> so i just got off the phone with someone who created a new organizational account and edited from there a couple times. i advised him on the CoI guidelines, and suggested he do some kind of mea culpa for what might be perceived as socking. im wondering where the most appropriate place to do that would be
�03[15:37] * Mike_HH is now known as Mike_H
[15:37] <rigel> they had previously edited under their own name a handful of times on the same article
[15:38] <rigel> the organizational account has been blocked for a username policy violation
[15:40] <SoapX> huh
[15:40] <SoapX> ive never talked over the phone about wikipedia
[15:40] <SoapX> oh wow that was weird
[15:40] <SoapX> that "ping out"
[15:40] <rigel> would COIN be the most appropriate place?
[15:41] <SoapX> Id have to see it
[15:41] <SoapX> I'd say though, give him another chance if the only reason for the block was the username
[15:41] <PeterSymonds> I don't see how coins will help.
[15:41] <SoapX> if he keeps on going at it then we can talk about punishment
�03[15:41] * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:41] <rigel> no, not for punishment, just for declaring
[15:42] <SoapX> well the COIN noticeboard is basically a place you go to get people blocked, isnt it?
[15:42] <rigel> i think it was clearly an honest mistake, and that they were equating WP with facebook
[15:42] <rigel> i dont think its always for that, is it?
[15:42] <SoapX> i have to confess I havent been there more than a few times
[15:42] <rigel> i thought it was just to let admins know of conflicts of interest or potential CoIs
[15:42] <SoapX> ok. you probably are right
[15:43] <SoapX> still, it does say "This page should only be used when ordinary talk page discussion has been attempted and failed to resolve the issue, such as when an editor has repeatedly added problematic material over an extended period."
[15:43] <SoapX> I'd have to see the actual discussion, but I still think COI/N should be a last resort if he just doesnt want to listen
�03[15:43] * djr013 (~djr013@unaffiliated/djr013) has left #wikipedia-en
[15:43] <rigel> oh, i see
�02[15:43] * lukas23 (~Lukas23@wikipedia/Lukas23) Quit (Quit: Ciao, au revoir, tschüss, bye,�)
[15:44] <SoapX> so my advice is let him create a new account, and then give him another chance
[15:44] <rigel> if there isnt an appropriate place to direct them to that's fine too, i just want them to have the option of declaring it, so that it's not an issue in the future
�03[15:44] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:45] <SoapX> ok
�03[15:46] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:46] <MWtG>
[15:46] <MWtG> :D
[15:48] <WilliamH_UK> heh
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[15:54] <rigel>
[15:54] <rigel> that is awesome
[15:55] <Maple__> One person. e.e
[15:55] <MWtG> created on  17:52, 8 November 2010
[15:56] <D_> The only member has no edits since June 2012
[15:56] <D_> I think this qualifies as a dead wikiproject
�02[15:56] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Sleep... sleep... Zzz-_-zzZ�)
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[16:03] <PinkAmpersand> hey is anyone here a foundationwiki sysop?
[16:04] <Maple__> I think Susan is.
[16:05] <Maple__> MZMcBride (talk | contribs)‏‎ (administrator) (Created on 20 October 2009 at 20:31)
[16:05] <Maple__> Also
[16:05] <Maple__> regarding php
�02[16:06] * gde33 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[16:06] <Maple__> I'm trying to use decode_ary / topic_title / str_replace to fix some coding
[16:06] <Maple__> but
[16:06] <Maple__> well
[16:06] <Maple__> it dun be working ;>
[16:06] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: What's up?
[16:06] <Susan> !admin@foundationwiki
[16:07] <Susan> !admin@foundationwiki_p
[16:07] <QueenOfFrance> your'e one
[16:07] <RD> _p
[16:07] <Susan> Oh, right.
[16:07] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: this.
[16:07] <Susan> Hello.
[16:07] <Susan> I'm here.
�02[16:07] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Quit: zzz�)
[16:07] <PinkAmpersand> doesn't look right to me. maybe they meant to go with the message for the "discussion" tab
[16:07] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: The MediaWiki namespace is open to editing by any user on, FTR.
�03[16:07] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:07] <PinkAmpersand> oh. yay!
[16:07] <Susan> Which is how Mono edited it.
[16:08] <PinkAmpersand> ah.
[16:08] <PinkAmpersand> oh. foundationwiki isn't under SUL?
[16:08] <Susan> No.
[16:09] <Susan> It's a fishbowl wiki.
[16:09] <PinkAmpersand> that's dumb :P slash what does "fishbowl wiki" mean?
�03[16:09] * ceradon (~Ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:09] <Susan> You can view the site, but can't edit it.
[16:09] <Susan>
�03[16:09] * GuySoft (~guysoft@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:09] <Susan> Nobody noticed that the main page is broken?
[16:10] <PinkAmpersand> i see. mind creating an account for me, then? :P
�02[16:10] * Jnorton7558 (whocares@wikipedia/Jnorton7558) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:11] <Susan> Request one at
[16:11] <PinkAmpersand> hahaha @ the main page
[16:11] <SoapX> wow
[16:11] <Susan>
[16:11] <RD> Susan is so helpful.
[16:11] <SoapX> main page looks normal to me
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[16:12] <GuySoft> jorm, hey, may I bug you with editing questions? you just seem to be the only person on the wikipedia foundation that i can find that actually uses google plus
[16:12] <jorm> you may, though i don't know that i actually "use" google plus.
[16:12] <Susan> SoapX: You don't see a red notice?
�03[16:13] * slaporte (~slaporte@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:13] <SoapX> no
[16:13] <SoapX> youre looking at ? or some other site
[16:13] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: btw, the WMFACCOUNT preload template might just be the worst preload I've ever seen, and that's really saying something
[16:14] <GuySoft> jorm, there is this closed beta by google called "ingress" and it seems like they wanted to add information about this fictional element in the game. in the here:,_materials,_isotopes_and_atomic_particles
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[16:14] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: I made it. You're welcome!
[16:14] <Susan> Hi slaporte.
[16:14] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: thanks! sorry. i was just about to file :P
[16:14] <slaporte> hello susan
�02[16:15] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0/20130215130331]�)
[16:15] <GuySoft> jorm, I mentioned you in the thread on google plus. so you are welcome to reply directly to them :)
[16:15] <jorm> hrm. i have two g+ accounts.  this will be interesting.
[16:16] <GuySoft> jorm,
[16:16] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: should i have gotten an email? :/
�06[16:16] * PinkAmpersand can screw literally anything up.
[16:16] <GuySoft> jorm, I'm just curious to how they would react...
[16:17] <jorm> hrm. i can't seem to log in to g+
[16:17] <jorm> anyways, the answer is this:  there's no citation of significance.
[16:17] <GuySoft> jorm, er - isn't this you?
[16:18] <GuySoft> jorm, you log in using your google account that is linked to that profile
[16:18] <jorm> yeah, that's me.  but that's my personal account, and it's not letting me log into it for some reason.
[16:18] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: Do you usually get an e-mail when you edit Meta-Wiki?
[16:18] <jorm> see, i have two - one is my foundation account, and one is personal.  and i stay logged into to the work one because that's my calendar and such.
[16:19] <GuySoft> jorm, hmm, well you are either logged in to another google account. What I tend to do in those cases is just use another browser
[16:19] <jorm> wow.  this was a pain in the ass.
[16:19] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: You don't seem to have made a request.
[16:19] <jorm> they changed my security settings.
[16:20] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: I thought you said you made it. did i misunderstand?
[16:20] <PinkAmpersand> ohhh
[16:20] <GuySoft> jorm, wha? in what way?
[16:20] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: Oh, hah. Sorry, I meant to say that I made the preload template.
[16:20] <PinkAmpersand> you made the preload
[16:20] <Susan> :-)
[16:20] <Susan> Sorry about that.
[16:20] <PinkAmpersand> double apology in order on my part, then ;)
[16:20] <jorm> and now that i'm logged in, i still can't reply to the comment.
[16:20] <Susan> If you make a request at Meta-Wiki, I can make you an account, presumably.
�03[16:21] * derp (ae5d9684@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:21] <jorm> i give up.
[16:21] <derp> me too
[16:21] <PinkAmpersand> not /that/ bad a preload. just the type you think someone would've made a bit sleeker :P
[16:22] <Susan> Anyone can edit.
�06[16:22] * Susan snuggles derp.
�06[16:22] * derp snuggles Susan 
[16:22] <GuySoft> jorm, they might want you to join the community first - sent you an invite
[16:22] <derp> Wikipedia: Savior of high-school children everywhere.
[16:23] <GuySoft> jorm, oh well - thought I think another 60-70 seconds are you are there
[16:23] <GuySoft> though*
�02[16:23] * WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) Quit
[16:24] <GuySoft> and*
�02[16:25] * ShreCk (Troll@ Quit (Quit: Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus�)
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[16:26] <jorm> hrm.  no invite yet.
[16:26] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: haha maybe I'll throw in some parsers or something sometime. anyways, request sent. I'm off to have an awkward gchat with an old friend. à bientôt.
[16:26] <jorm> i need to restart this client.
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[16:30] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: Hmmmm. You seem like a returning user.
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[16:31] <Siv> so are all page ratings gone now?
[16:31] <Susan> Most.
[16:31] <Susan> Well, yes, all ratings are gone.
[16:31] <Susan> Comments are now opt-in.
[16:31] <Siv> you trailed that piece of news poorly
[16:32] <Siv> I thought the whole comments thing was still under appraisal
�03[16:32] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[16:33] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: sigh. i get that a lot. i've come to take it as a compliment, for the most part. what do you want to know? I'm 16, open about my real-world identity, and have had a CU come back inconclusive (oddly it /should/ have turned up a vandal account I created in my very first day here when I thought I'd try my hand at the dark side... but I think I thought
[16:33] <PinkAmpersand> better of it before making any edits... I'll have to ask Coren about that sometime)
[16:33] <SoapX> he admitted it!!! hes a sockmaster!
[16:33] <PinkAmpersand> :D
�06[16:34] * PinkAmpersand indefs self on WD and testwiki
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[16:34] <D_> It wasn't a sock, it was a legitimate purpose-specific account
[16:34] <D_> That purpose being vandalism
[16:35] <PinkAmpersand> SoapX: do I now have to pull a Kumioko-style ritual Wiki-suicide and get my account locked to save face?
[16:35] <Susan> PinkAmpersand: Hmm, all right.
[16:35] <SoapX> wait, kumioko is gone?
[16:35] <Susan> RIP.
[16:35] <PinkAmpersand> Susan: outed own password.
[16:35] <SoapX> not that I ever kept up with him much but thats still sad
[16:35] <PinkAmpersand> after the stewards refused to lock it on request.
[16:36] <PinkAmpersand> *oh that was to SoapX, not Susan
[16:36] <SoapX> yeah thats sad
[16:36] <Susan> Wikicide.
[16:37] <PinkAmpersand> someone needs to add a wikicide scene to WP:The movie
[16:38] <Siv> oh the blistering fuck
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[16:40] <derp> hey SoapX
[16:40] <SoapX> hi
[16:40] <derp> been awhile
[16:40] <SoapX> has it?
�02[16:40] * MWtG ( Quit (Quit: ByeBye�)
[16:40] <derp> heh
[16:41] <derp> on this nick , yes, other nicks, no :P
[16:41] <mareklug> Gfoley4 Purdue is hanging with Michigan (BTN)
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�06[16:41] * derp hugs Gfoley4 à3
[16:41] <derp> <3
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[16:46] <GuySoft> screw it, ill add it myself
[16:46] <GuySoft>,_materials,_isotopes_and_atomic_particles#Fictional_.28sub.29atomic_particles
�03[16:47] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[16:47] <GuySoft> .. and i am adding the sidenote that they can't tell the difference between wave particle duality and phases of matter
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[16:49] <mareklug> Gfoley4 halftime in W. Lafayette:  Purdue, Michigan 34-30      Mich led by 12
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[16:50] <Gfoley4> wow
[16:52] <SoapX> off topic question for anyone
[16:52] <SoapX> what normally happens when two musical groups have the same name?
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[16:52] <SoapX> I remember reading recently about an artist named Richard Manitoba suing another guy whose name was Manitoba
[16:52] <D_> Pistol duel at noon?
[16:52] <SoapX> but that doesnt seem to always happen
[16:53] <SoapX> on I can find up to five independent bands sharing the same name
[16:53] <SoapX> so is it basically just that those groups are always living under the threat of being sued?
[16:53] <D_> Not if nobody has the name trademarked
[16:54] <SoapX> but if they do, another group can still use it?
�02[16:54] * Dcoetzee (kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[16:54] <PinkAmpersand> SoapX: yep. i've seen several band publicists request that their articles be kept "because it helps distinguish us from the band in <other city>?
[16:54] <SoapX> they just have to be on good terms with the original?
[16:55] <D_> I guess a court would be less likely to make the newer band change its name if it was already established without the first band suing them
[16:55] <D_> trademark dilution and all
[16:55] <SoapX>
[16:57] <mareklug> SoapX there are 3 notable bands by the name of Magenta.  I believe one is Norwegian, one is Welsh and I forget where the 3rd one comes from.  But all 3 have articles at least on pl wiki
[16:57] <PinkAmpersand> SoapX: (I heard this told as a true story on Turner Classic Movies)
[16:57] <SoapX> yeah so if the band members can agree to play nice, they can co-exist
[16:58] <SoapX> it's not like it's actually illegal or anything
�02[16:58] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: La douleur est la prise de conscience de la vie.�)
[16:58] <SoapX> all 3 Magentas have articles on enwiki too
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[16:58] <SoapX> and there's probably more that just arent famous
[16:58] <SoapX> lol @ the casablanca story
�03[16:59] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
�02[16:59] * TheChance ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:01] <PinkAmpersand> SoapX: also, the original planned title for my father's collected writings was "Colored Lights", but another book with that name was coming out at the same time, so we had to change it.
[17:01] <SoapX> well that's odd, comes up short on Magenta
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[17:05] <SoapX> They Might Be Giants stated on their website that another band with that name already existed when they got started
[17:05] <SoapX> I think they were lying though
[17:06] <SoapX> I read that when I was young and gullible, and came back years later and found that a lot of their "history" was obviously made up
[17:06] <SoapX> let's see if it's still there
[17:09] <SoapX> yeah I dont see that official history
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[17:12] <mareklug> Gfoley4 you should seriously watch this.  it's interesting
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[17:14] <SoapX> i found it
[17:15] <SoapX> it was written by a fan, though
[17:15] <SoapX> The Johns were wavering between that and "Dumptruck", choosing tmbg immediately before their first club date -- and a good thing too since there was a Boston band of the same name making the rounds of the East Coast.
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[17:25] <mareklug> Gfoley4 Purdue by 12 now with 11 to go
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[17:38] <russavia> would someone like to fix an image link on JW's talk page for me plis
[17:39] <russavia> for some reason commons delinker has not done its job -- --- image link should be "File:An atypical Polish joke in Polandball style.png"
[17:40] <SoapX> how come youre not unbanned yet?
�02[17:40] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[17:41] <russavia> that's up to arbcom to decide when i think
[17:41] <russavia> have no idea what they have in mind, but it will be known in due course i suspect
[17:42] <SoapX> oh right
[17:42] <SoapX> it was arbcom
[17:42] <russavia> i didn't appeal until january, because i had the stupid belief that the right thing would be done :(
�03[17:43] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[17:43] <SoapX> lol
[17:43] <SoapX> ive heard that joke before
[17:43] <SoapX> but yet somehow the punchline still came as a surprise
�03[17:45] * siglar is now known as siglar|absens
�06[17:45] * derp hugs russavia 
[17:45] <russavia> well yeah the punchline in wikipedia land is very rarely funny
[17:45] <SoapX> i fixed the link
[17:45] <SoapX> now i guess i should be blocked for editing on behalf of a banned user
[17:46] <russavia> hey derp
[17:47] <russavia> thanks
�02[17:47] * eeekster_ ( Quit (Quit: Hey!  Where'd my controlling terminal go?�)
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[17:48] <mareklug> Gfoley4 at 5 minute mark PU lead is all of 1.  MIch gad even gone ahead on the previous possession
�02[17:48] * LtNOWIS-mobile (~LtNOWIS@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[17:49] <russavia> soap block yourself for false edit summaries
[17:49] <mareklug> Gfoley4 meanwhile Georgetown is going down to Villanova by 7 with 4 minutes left
[17:49] <russavia> the redirect is there --dunno why commons delinker didn't work though
�02[17:50] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[17:50] <SoapX> if there was a redirect why didnt the image show up?
[17:50] <russavia> dunno why
[17:50] <SoapX> maybe jimbo's page is protected against bots
[17:51] <russavia> perhaps --it did work over at
[17:52] <SoapX> why's there a page called "Polish jokes" on the Polish Wikipedia?
[17:53] <SoapX> as opposed to the polish translation of that
[17:53] <SoapX> which would be "polskie żarty'
[17:53] <SoapX> silly
[17:54] <russavia> yeah it's a weird one
[17:54] <mareklug> b/c Polish jokes is not a Polish language or Polish culture phenomenon.  In Polish we even say "Polish joke" or "Polish jokes"
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[18:08] <derp> we need goating on wikipedia
�03[18:08] * WikiJunkie (18010705@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:08] <WikiJunkie> does anyone know where I can request that a wiki be moved out of the incubator?
[18:09] <Gfoley4> oh cmon purdue
[18:09] <Gfoley4> fucking purdue
�06[18:09] * Cncmaster has arrived
[18:10] <russavia> wikijunkie -- try #wikimedia-incubator
[18:10] <mareklug> Gfoley4 typical.  they had so many turnovers.
[18:10] <Gfoley4> at least we got 1 top 5 upset
�02[18:10] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[18:11] <WikiJunkie> no body is replying in #wikimedia-incubator
[18:11] <mareklug> Gfoley4 but at least Georgetown goes down.  That is a 3rd top 5 win for Villanova and they still don't have a good case for making the Tournamnet
�03[18:11] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:11] <Gfoley4> eep
[18:12] <mareklug> they need to become the 8th or better team to be taken from Big East
[18:12] <mareklug> probably doable.  Thinking Cincinnati could be tossed.
[18:13] <russavia> sigmawp -- nothing heard back yet re: Aland comics -- soon though I hope
�06[18:13] * SigmaWP thanks russavia for his efforts
[18:13] <russavia> i have gotten a heap more permissions though
[18:13] <russavia> and a specially made image for WP
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[18:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> help. emergency. my brain is too small. who has a large cranial volume?
[18:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> please?
[18:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> help
[18:17] <Anna_Frodesiak> yelp
[18:18] <D_> Are you looking for volunteers for brain harvesting?
[18:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> yes!
[18:18] <D_> Cause I don't know if you'll find many
�03[18:18] * Guest62581 is now known as Pharos
[18:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> no seriously
[18:18] <Anna_Frodesiak>
�02[18:18] * jd|afk (~jdelanoy@wikipedia/jdelanoy) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[18:18] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[18:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> in that uni article there is that template
[18:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> at the bottom
[18:18] <Anna_Frodesiak> but when i click V or E it goes to an old template and redirects to this new one
[18:19] <Anna_Frodesiak> why? why? why?
�06[18:19] * derp hugs Fluffernutter 
[18:19] <Anna_Frodesiak> i want to speedy the old one
[18:19] <Anna_Frodesiak> ah wait
[18:19] <Anna_Frodesiak> i may have solved it
[18:19] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[18:19] <mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak is the old one called Template:WHO/MOE-Recognized English Medium Medical Schools (China)
[18:20] <Anna_Frodesiak> no. that's the new one
[18:20] <D_> Purge solved it
[18:20] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[18:20] <D_> Purge solves everything
[18:20] <Anna_Frodesiak> what should show zero
�02[18:20] * Pharos ( Quit (Changing host�)
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�02[18:21] * WikiJunkie (18010705@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[18:21] <Anna_Frodesiak> do you still see a long list at
[18:21] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[18:21] <Anna_Frodesiak> ?
[18:21] <Anna_Frodesiak> should be zero
[18:21] <mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak D_  is correct.  for me who never visited the page, V goes to the new template as well
[18:21] <derp> hey mareklug
[18:21] <mareklug> derpo!
[18:22] <Anna_Frodesiak> so why does what links here show all those articles?
[18:22] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[18:22] <Anna_Frodesiak> all the articles contain only WHO/MOE
[18:23] <D_> I pulled one at random and purged it
[18:23] <D_> Pre purge 'v' was linking to WHO-MOE, post-purge it links to WHO/MOE
[18:23] <D_> but it hasn't dropped off the whatlinkshere
[18:23] <Anna_Frodesiak> ah so it's okay now?
[18:24] <Anna_Frodesiak> forgive my stupidity but why is there a field for | name =
�03[18:24] * YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
[18:24] <Anna_Frodesiak> i can understand |title =
[18:24] <Anna_Frodesiak> but name is article name, so why is it there?
[18:24] <D_> Uhh, I used to know this
[18:25] <D_> But you're right, name is for the V - T - E links
[18:25] <D_> So it was you, not the purge
[18:25] <D_>
�03[18:25] * Izeatz is now known as Izhidez
[18:25] <russavia> sigmawp -- -- keep an eye on that for DickRhino (in coming days hopefully if they respond)
[18:26] <SigmaWP> excellent
[18:26] <SigmaWP> thanks
[18:26] <D_> I guess name is there because the template can't do PAGENAME to figure out its own name
[18:26] <D_> if it's transcluded
[18:26] <russavia> sigmawp -- -- was created for a pl.wp wikiproject
�03[18:27] * ihaveamac (48c71e33@wikipedia/IXavier) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[18:27] * derp hugs SigmaWP 
[18:27] <russavia> unfortunately i forgot about copyright on lego/star wars so was deleted
[18:27] <D_> I see the plwiki mycology project takes a very practical approach to their area
[18:27] <Anna_Frodesiak> oh, my brain.
[18:27] <boxofjuice> russavia: :(
[18:28] <Anna_Frodesiak> thank you kindly for the solve!
[18:28] <Anna_Frodesiak> :)
[18:28] <russavia> D_ it's a brand new project i think
[18:28] <boxofjuice> i have some really cool lego sculptures
[18:28] <boxofjuice> pictures of *
[18:28] <SigmaWP> heh
[18:28] <SigmaWP> russavia: Try to get AaronC14
[18:28] <SigmaWP> he has the hussar wings
[18:28] <russavia>  is one of my favourite "artsy" categories on commons
[18:29] <russavia> SigmaWP I have aaronC14's stuff -- he created that poland spaced out image for me
[18:29] <SigmaWP> ohh
[18:29] <SigmaWP> He's not on your userpage
[18:29] <Anna_Frodesiak> i still see what links here showing the universities. is the following post oka?
[18:29] <Anna_Frodesiak>
[18:29] <PhilDesmond> It almost seems like if you are pro-FOSS, you have bad taste.
[18:29] <russavia> right, i contact with certain things for permission
[18:30] <PhilDesmond> That's not meant as an insult to anyone specifically.
[18:30] <russavia> for example, he doesn't want to give blanket permission as others have, on say -- because he spent 40 hours doing it
[18:31] <russavia> but i'm talking to him about a more blanket permission with some guidelines on what he does or doesn't want to do
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[18:33] <russavia> sigmawp, there's some beauties i have but which have some non-free elements which need replacing -- wanna help with those?
[18:34] <SigmaWP> I don't have much time for WMF projects anymore
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[18:34] <derp> me neither
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[18:38] <Amqui> good evening
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[18:41] <addihockey10> Salut
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[19:21] <mareklug> Gfoley4 it looks like Nebraska will drop Minnesota.  It's frustrating that Minnie is so inconsistent
[19:22] <Gfoley4> busy watching the Bulls and Blackhawks
[19:22] <Gfoley4> hawks tied 2-2 in 3rd period
[19:25] <mareklug> damn.  what channel are hawks on?
[19:25] <Vacation9> hehehehe stupid immature trolls vandalising Butt joint
�06[19:26] * Cncmaster arms his rollback cannon
[19:26] <Gfoley4> NBC Sports Net
�02[19:26] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[19:26] <mareklug> i got an internet pirated stream, so it's ok
[19:26] <Gfoley4> firstrow?
�02[19:26] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: Maryana�)
[19:27] <mareklug> they win
[19:27] <Gfoley4> :DD
[19:27] <mareklug>
[19:27] <mareklug> i bring luck, eh
[19:28] <Cncmaster> oh, that website gave my old computer malware. enjoy yourself mareklug.
[19:28] <mareklug> Cncmaster pray tell, what malware and what computer?
�03[19:28] * Izhidez is now known as Izsleepz
[19:28] <mareklug> i've been using that site for years
[19:29] <Cncmaster> mareklug: maybe it was a different site with a very similar name
[19:29] <Cncmaster> but I recognize it from somewhere
[19:29] <mareklug> it's very popular.  it has tennis, football, basketball.
[19:29] <mareklug> but you did not say what malware and what computer
[19:30] <Gfoley4> is good too
[19:31] <Cncmaster> mareklug: Several popups and then everything went downhill. It was on Windows XP Pro.
[19:32] <mareklug> Cncmaster wel, my chances are much reduced.  I am viewing in sandboxing Safari on a Mac
�03[19:32] * El_Patron is now known as Bradford
�03[19:34] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|sleep
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[19:35] <mareklug> IShadowed hey you
[19:36] <IShadowed> hi
[19:36] <mareklug> hi.  check your lastfm
[19:36] <mareklug> via Mousetail
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[19:54] <SigmaWP> Hm
[19:54] <SigmaWP> Is there anyone with information about the EU and porn banning?
[19:54] <ihaveamac> SigmaWP: what
[19:55] <mareklug> i don't think EU has such a thing on it's agenda; I might be wrong.  It is Iceland where this was introduced in the Parliament.  But it won't pass.
�02[19:55] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0/20130215130331]�)
[19:57] <mareklug>  "Processed meat 'early death' link"    <-- Eat Baconator and die!
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[20:00] <mareklug> Gfoley4 Minnie at teh foul line, shooting to tie.  2.21 left
[20:00] <Gfoley4> where
[20:00] <mareklug> BTN
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> I've discovered a secret article on Wikipedia. Its title is Graz_University_of_Technology followed by the invisible Unicode character U+2028 (line separator). It can't be loaded in any normal web browser.
[20:00] <mareklug> what can load it?
[20:00] <Dcoetzee> But if you use netcat, you can see it redirects to [[Graz University of Technology]]:
[20:00] <mareklug> Gfoley4 tied
[20:01] <Gfoley4> they're up by 3?
[20:01] <Dcoetzee> It must have been created by some kind of errant bot.
[20:01] <IShadowed> mareklug, I haven't used lastfm in years
[20:01] <Dcoetzee> It might be accessible through the API...
[20:01] <Gfoley4> Dcoetzee: any other pages like this?
[20:01] <mareklug> IShadowed I know. exactly 3.  but you could still be my necro-lastfm friend
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> Gfoley4: Maybe. This is the only one I know of containing U+2028.
[20:02] <IShadowed> wow
[20:02] <IShadowed> 3 years
[20:02] <Dcoetzee> I'll do a quick search
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[20:02] <RingtailedFox> heya, guys.. anyone home?
[20:02] <mareklug> IShadowed this way it will be easy for me to play your radio
�06[20:02] * Dcoetzee waves to RingtailedFox
[20:03] <Dcoetzee> Gfoley4: I searched the full title list, it's the only one
[20:03] <Gfoley4> ok good
�06[20:03] * RingtailedFox waves
[20:03] <IShadowed> I remember March 2010
[20:03] <IShadowed> <3
[20:03] <IShadowed> very fondly
�06[20:03] * IShadowed sighs
[20:04] <mareklug> Gfoley4 I cannot believe I missed it.  GaTech dropped Miami
[20:04] <Gfoley4> wut
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[20:05] <Gfoley4> you sure/
[20:05] <Gfoley4> I didn't get any notification from ESPN on my phone
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[20:05] <mareklug> Gfoley4 Georgia Tech 71, (6) Miami (FL) 69
[20:05] <Gfoley4> just ended?
[20:05] <mareklug> yes
�02[20:05] * Lydia_WMDE (~lydia@wikidata/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[20:05] <mareklug> Gfoley4
[20:06] <Gfoley4> ok
[20:06] <IShadowed> Georgia Tech is notoriously bad at everything
[20:06] <IShadowed> including producing quality students
�06[20:06] * IShadowed ducks from Dcoetzee 
[20:06] <IShadowed> and, apparently, sport
[20:07] <mareklug> IShadowed now now.  it is known as the MIT of the south.  they have some good research.  and they have done some things in basketball, a while back.
[20:07] <IShadowed> In seriousness, I know. I'm probably going to end up apping there, 'cause my ass ain't gonna get into Caltech and prolly not MIT either.
[20:08] <mareklug> IShadowed you would be very popular at an engineering school
[20:08] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Bitch :-P
[20:08] <IShadowed> Indeed
[20:08] <IShadowed> on both points
[20:09] <Computron_> Gfoley4, are you from Illinois?
�02[20:09] * lmtv[off] ( Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[20:09] <Gfoley4> Yes
[20:09] <Gfoley4> Why?
�06[20:10] * IShadowed stops thinking about university before she freaks out
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[20:11] <mareklug> Gfoley4 the minnie game is not over.  nebraska just turned it over to them on failed inbounds.  minnie down 3 with the ball with 8.4 to go
[20:11] <Dcoetzee> I'm trying to access the secret article through the API now...
[20:11] <mareklug> nope missed the three.
[20:11] <Gfoley4> no game is over
[20:12] <IShadowed> Hm
[20:12] <mareklug> Gfoley4 Minnie could end 8-10 in conference, as they play the last game at Purdue.  wonder what that does.
[20:12] <IShadowed> James Franco's parents are both Stanford grads
[20:12] <IShadowed> he ended up at a UC
[20:12] <IShadowed>
[20:12] <Penwhale> Blackhawks 24 games with points...
[20:12] <IShadowed> remains accurate
[20:12] <Dcoetzee> Wonder if he was disowned :-P
[20:12] <IShadowed> the article makes it sound like it
[20:12] <IShadowed> his father sounds like mine
[20:12] <IShadowed> etcetc
[20:13] <Gfoley4> Penwhale: :)
[20:13] <Computron_> I was wondering if there's lots of snow and if there is if you could photograph it for an article please? :-)
[20:13] <Dcoetzee> I see :-P
[20:13] <Gfoley4> Computron_: we have maybe 4 inches on the ground right now
[20:13] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Maybe you should apply to the rival school of your dad's school :-P
[20:13] <IShadowed> Um
[20:13] <Gfoley4> what exactly do you need a picture of?
[20:13] <IShadowed> I actually want to go somewhere in life
[20:13] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[20:13] <mareklug> Computron_ are you sure this article of yours is even ency?  there really wasn't a real calamity of a snowfall in Illinois
[20:14] <IShadowed> My dad went to an incredibly shitty school
[20:14] <IShadowed> I can do loads better already
[20:14] <Dcoetzee> I see
[20:14] <mareklug> IShadowed is Carnegie-Mellon at all in your plans?
[20:14] <Computron_> People stuck in the snow, cars, just shots of the snow
[20:14] <IShadowed> It is
[20:14] <mareklug> IShadowed I love that place.
�03[20:14] * lmtv[off] ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[20:15] * Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en
[20:15] <IShadowed> Although really, not sure if I want to app. I was looking extensively at Berkeley and CMU when I was considering CS, but that's kind of dropped off the radar as a potential major
[20:15] <IShadowed> sooo. I dunno.
[20:15] <Dcoetzee> I applied to CMU. It was among my top choices but they only admitted me to their masters program
[20:15] <Gfoley4> Computron_: oh there is no one stuck in the snow, it's all been cleared from roads
[20:15] <Dcoetzee> Which I couldn't afford...
[20:15] <IShadowed> CMU is also great with robotics.
[20:15] <Gfoley4> we only got 2 inches on tuesday
[20:15] <mareklug> IShadowed psychology, robotics
[20:15] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee is a failure
[20:15] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[20:15] <IShadowed> Not doing psych
[20:15] <Dcoetzee> Bitch
[20:15] <IShadowed> justsayin
[20:16] <Dcoetzee> CMU does so much great AI stuff
[20:16] <Dcoetzee> In general
[20:16] <IShadowed> yeah
[20:16] <IShadowed> just.... physics.....
[20:16] <Dcoetzee> If you want to start a robot army to enslave the world, that's where you wanna go
[20:16] <IShadowed> I don't.
[20:16] <IShadowed> So.
[20:16] <mareklug> IShadowed if you want physics, do you want theoretical or experimental?
[20:16] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[20:16] <IShadowed> Not sure
[20:16] <Computron_> Oh, what about parks or trees? Even cleared roads I guess?
[20:16] <IShadowed> probably experimental because theoretical gets too frightening with maths
[20:16] <IShadowed> but who knows
[20:16] <mareklug> IShadowed cus any old liberal arts college can teach you undergrad physics just fine
[20:17] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You can handle fancy maths, trust me.
[20:17] <Computron_> Did you hear about Japan? 6 metres?
[20:17] <IShadowed> I'm looking at Sarah Lawrence for physics
[20:17] <IShadowed> which is hilarious
[20:17] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, sigh. No.
[20:17] <Dcoetzee> I'm serious
[20:17] <IShadowed> I'm not
[20:17] <Gfoley4> Computron_: yeah there's some snow on trees and grass
�03[20:17] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has left #wikipedia-en
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�03[20:18] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:18] <SoapX>  wb
[20:18] <IDoH> Thanks, SoapX.
[20:18] <Gfoley4> damn, accidentally hit command-W
[20:18] <Gfoley4> Computron_: what article is it for?
�02[20:18] * Bradford|Duerme (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�06[20:18] * IShadowed sighs
[20:19] <mareklug> IShadowed U of Chicago is kind of hard to get into for undergrad, as it is only 2k ppl.  and it has physics out the wazoo.  and there is Fermilab.
[20:19] <IShadowed> I'll probably app to UPenn since PA, too
[20:19] <IShadowed> I KNOWWWWW
[20:19] <IShadowed> I could totally do U Chicago for computational econ tooooooo
[20:19] <Dcoetzee> Comp econ is fun
�06[20:19] * IShadowed sighs
[20:19] <mareklug> IShadowed and Chicago is basically fun to be in.
[20:19] <IShadowed> Mhm
�02[20:19] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) Quit (Quit: GorillaWarfare�)
[20:19] <IDoH> IShadowed: Do a lot of people remind of how U of Chicago is hard to get into?
[20:19] <Computron_> Well there's two, one on Wikipedia being Chicago snow 2013 (of similar) and an article on Wikinews that needs original photos
[20:20] <Dcoetzee> Weather is a bit rough in Chicago isn't it?
[20:20] <IShadowed> dude
[20:20] <IShadowed> I want to apply to Stanford and MIT
�03[20:20] * Lydia_WMDE (~lydia@wikidata/Lydia-Pintscher-WMDE) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:20] <IShadowed> "Hard to get into" is obviously something I disregard
[20:20] <IDoH> Hey Lydia_WMDE.
[20:20] <mareklug> Dcoetzee it's overblown, pardon the pun
[20:20] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[20:20] <Gfoley4> Computron_: I'm two hundred miles from Chicago
[20:20] <IShadowed> still a factor, though
�06[20:20] * IShadowed sighs
[20:21] <IDoH> Wouldn't you think that you would have to be auto patrolled to write an article?
[20:22] <Computron_> But still within the same state? (America's big)
[20:22] <IDoH> 99% of Wikipedia newbs write really bad articles, and then get confused as to why it's (usually) being deleted or (less often) heavily edited or tagged. Letting them write articles is BITE-y.
[20:22] <Gfoley4> Yes, but I don't think it would be good to have someone 200 miles downstate from Chicago take pictures of the snow for Chicago articles
[20:22] <SoapX> there was a proposal like that but it was shot down
[20:23] <IDoH> SoapX: Why?
[20:23] <IDoH> And when?
[20:23] <Gfoley4> IDoH: talking about how someone should be confirmed to write an article?
[20:23] <IDoH> Gfoley4: Yeah. Autoconfirmed. That's what I meant.
[20:23] <Gfoley4> Got axed by the WMF
[20:23] <IDoH> Why?
[20:24] <Gfoley4> there was a whole RFC about it
[20:24] <IDoH> If it was axed by the community, they probably changed their mind by now, but WMF? Sigh...
[20:24] <IDoH> What was the reason they gave?
[20:25] <SoapX> that it would be un-Wikipedian to close off the ability to create new articles
[20:25] <IDoH> *headdesk*
[20:25] <Gfoley4> there we go
[20:25] <IDoH> Do they NOT realize how many people they're chasing off?
[20:25] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee is gonna be 65 by the time he gets a legit job
�06[20:25] * IShadowed run
[20:26] <mareklug> Computron_  is this your article?
[20:27] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: I was a dev at Microsoft, was totally a legit job :-P
[20:27] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Bitch :-P
[20:28] <IShadowed> yeah yeah weren't we all
[20:28] <Gfoley4> you should try flickr, lots of people post free pictures of snow
[20:28] <Dcoetzee> NO :-P
�06[20:28] * IShadowed waves her hand
[20:28] <Gfoley4> not "lots" but you could probably find one
�06[20:28] * Dcoetzee rolls his eyes
[20:28] <IShadowed> Everyone and their dog has worked at microsoft
[20:28] <IShadowed> let
[20:28] <IShadowed> let's be real here
[20:28] <Computron_> Yes, the one I'm planning to improve.
[20:28] <Dcoetzee> They only hired that one dog
�06[20:28] * IShadowed rolls her eyes
[20:28] <Cncmaster> I am still trying to understand why this guy RfAed
[20:28] <mareklug> IShadowed so are you going to lastfm me?
[20:29] <IShadowed> I already did, bitchtits
[20:29] <mareklug> didna get no email
[20:29] <Dcoetzee> Cncmaster: For the lulz?
[20:29] <IShadowed> oh well, sucks to be you
�06[20:29] * IShadowed z snap
[20:29] <mareklug> oh i did.
[20:29] <IDoH> You think if there's another RfC, WMF MIGHT change their mind. I mean, this was over four years ago...
[20:29] <Cncmaster> I'm beginning to think that Dcoetzee
[20:29] <mareklug> "Your musical compatibility is LOW You both listen to Avril Lavigne, Emilie Autumn, The Smiths and Lights "
[20:29] <mareklug> heheheheheh
[20:29] <mareklug> you still listen to Avril?
[20:30] <IShadowed> No
[20:30] <mareklug> The Smiths?
[20:30] <IShadowed> Never listened to them, that was my sis
[20:30] <mareklug> sis!
[20:30] <mareklug> first I hear
[20:30] <mareklug> the child obviously has good tastes
[20:30] <Gfoley4> IDoH: no it was a year and a half ago
[20:30] <IShadowed> her shit clogged a lot of my last fm
[20:30] <IDoH> Gfoley4: Oh. Right. Oops.
[20:31] <IDoH> So, it's not going to happen.
�06[20:31] * IDoH sighs.
[20:31] <IShadowed> last I heard, she was the Danish national champion for the IBO
[20:31] <IShadowed> pretty cool
[20:31] <mareklug> what is IBO?
[20:32] <IShadowed> International Biology Olympiad
[20:32] <Computron_> Gfoley4, do you know of any users from Chicago?
[20:33] <mareklug> IShadowed your sis?????
�06[20:33] * rigel wistful sigh
[20:34] <IDoH> So they care more about editor retention thanÉeditor retention. Odd.
�02[20:34] * YE ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0/20130215130331]�)
[20:34] <IShadowed> yeah
[20:34] <ihaveamac> has there been an RfA where the user rejects the nomination?
[20:34] <IShadowed> birds of a feather
[20:34] <IShadowed> etc
[20:34] <mareklug> IShadowed  why isn't she here
[20:34] <Gfoley4> Computron_: damn so close to being eligible for wikipedia
[20:34] <IShadowed> I'd like to do the IPhO, but not enough lab experience
[20:34] <IShadowed> exchange student
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[20:34] <SoapX> ihavemac, yeah, plenty
[20:34] <IDoH> ihaveamac: Yes.
[20:35] <mareklug> IShadowed I mean, on wikipedia
[20:35] <IShadowed> she has an account
[20:35] <IShadowed> never edits
[20:35] <IShadowed> not her speed
[20:35] <IShadowed> not really mine either
[20:35] <ihaveamac> SoapX, IDoH: what kinds?
[20:35] <IShadowed> I mainly dick around on irc
[20:35] <mareklug> and she is too serious to dick?
[20:36] <Computron_> Gfoley4 and recent
[20:36] <SoapX> well rejected RfA's are almost always deleted, so there's no easy way to point to them
[20:36] <IShadowed> like, to literally dick, or to lolol dick?
[20:36] <SoapX> I rejected an RfA nomination about a year before my actual RfA, though
[20:36] <mareklug> IShadowed um
[20:36] <IDoH> ihaveamac: Well, I'd reject the nomination, because I (a. don't really need to be admin (b. would probably lose due to lack of article creation, and plus, I'm a new page patroller.
[20:36] <Gfoley4> Computron_: here's one that can be uploaded to wikipedia
[20:36] <Gfoley4> and right by Wrigley Field
�06[20:36] * SigmaWP looks up
�06[20:36] * SigmaWP sighs
�06[20:36] * SigmaWP retreats
�02[20:37] * siglar (~siglar@wikimedia/ralgis) Quit (Quit: siglar�)
[20:37] <Gfoley4> Computron_: also
[20:37] <mareklug> Gfoley4 that's Addison streat by Wrigley Field.  Computron_ you can see that this is silly.  this is very little snow to write about.
[20:38] <Gfoley4> well chicago got 10 inches
[20:38] <Cncmaster> You need to have article creation skill to even get considered to be an admin, which I lack in the worst degree.
[20:38] <SoapX> wow, 10 inches
[20:38] <mareklug> Gfoley4 no.  ORD which measures for Chicago did.  the city got way less.
[20:38] <SoapX> that's almost as much as we got in 3 hours last week
[20:38] <Gfoley4> alright
[20:38] <ihaveamac> I've created no articles
[20:39] <IDoH> ihaveamac: Neither have I
[20:39] <Gfoley4> Computron_: you can transfer images to commons from flickr using
[20:39] <SoapX> there's a bot that predicts RfA candidates
[20:39] <Cncmaster> ihaveamac: then we are buddies
[20:39] <Cncmaster> SoapX: I would love to see it
[20:39] <ihaveamac> I'm more of an RC patroller
[20:39] <Gfoley4> mareklug: saint louis loses to xavier
[20:39] <Computron_> Ok
[20:39] <mareklug> Gfoley4 hahahahahah.  good.
[20:39] <Computron_> ok
[20:39] <Gfoley4> Cncmaster: do some AFC
[20:40] <Gfoley4> create some stubs
[20:40] <IDoH> ihaveamac: I'm a page patroller--recent changes, random page, new page, I've done all of them.
[20:40] <SoapX>
[20:40] <SigmaWP> 8-(
[20:40] <ihaveamac> i can never find something to make a page about
[20:40] <SoapX> none of you seem to be on the list?
[20:40] <IDoH> ihaveamac: I don't know enough about anything
[20:40] <mareklug> Computron_ if you use that picture, the correct caption should be:  West Addison Street with Cubs' Wrigley Field on the right in the background, as viewed from the rapid transit platform
[20:40] <Cncmaster> SoapX: no shit
[20:40] <SoapX> strange, i would have though IDoH would be there
[20:40] <ihaveamac> if I knew more of some other language I could probably create an article
[20:41] <IDoH> SoapX: I am here...
[20:41] <IDoH> What's up?
�06[20:41] * Cncmaster is planning on learning Russian
[20:41] <IShadowed> teach meeeeeeeee
�06[20:41] * ihaveamac is trying spanish, and right now is very bad at it
[20:41] <SoapX> i mean, im surprised your name isnt on the list of "possible admin candidates" even though you yourself said you dont want to run
[20:42] <mareklug> IShadowed U of Chicago has a great Russian studies and lit. program :)
[20:42] <IDoH> SoapX: Really?
[20:42] <IShadowed> dude, not doing lib arts
[20:42] <IShadowed> but thanks :)
[20:42] <mareklug> IShadowed dude, you can like take a class
[20:42] <Gfoley4> come to Knox College
[20:42] <IShadowed> nope
[20:42] <IShadowed> no time
[20:42] <IDoH> SoapX: Well, I guess that's understandable, since people have done "pre-RfAs" or suggested that I run three times now.
[20:42] <Gfoley4> we have a place where Lincoln debated
[20:43] <mareklug> IShadowed undergrad education is all about having to take reqs
[20:43] <IShadowed> No eng program requires Russian and lit studies
[20:43] <IShadowed> just sayin
[20:43] <SoapX> idoh: did you take a break and stop editing for a few months?
[20:43] <rigel> you could work on simple
[20:43] <mareklug> but a school like UC makes it possible to get some instad of some cornhole generic psychology 101
[20:43] <rigel> that place needs some work
[20:43] <IDoH> SoapX: Yup, just did.
[20:44] <IShadowed> yeahyeah
[20:44] <SoapX> ah OK
[20:44] <SoapX> thats why
[20:44] <rigel> is it considered similar enough to en. that it's considered in e.g. RfAs?
[20:44] <SoapX> wikibreak automatically kills your score on that tool
[20:44] <SoapX> not that it would kill an RfA, necessarily, but it wouldnt help
[20:44] <Cncmaster> I wikibreaked for 5 months and came back at the beginning of February.
[20:45] <rigel> SoapX: what tool?
[20:45] <ihaveamac> I took long wikibreaks only when I joined Wikipedia
[20:45] <ihaveamac> such as not making a single edit in 2011
[20:45] <ihaveamac> this was before I discovered Recent changes and twinkle and stuff
[20:46] <Cncmaster>
[20:46] <Cncmaster> have fun guys
[20:46] <IDoH> ihaveamac: I've taken long wikibreaks for my entire Wikipedia career
[20:46] <SigmaWP> I remember that thing
[20:46] <SigmaWP> Didn't we break it on the day it was made public?
[20:46] <SigmaWP> Actually, didn't we break the whole toolserver?
[20:46] <ihaveamac> IDoH: I don't plan on taking any other wikibreaks unless something really stresses me out
�03[20:47] * Someguy1221 (Johnson@wikipedia/Someguy1221) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:47] <Cncmaster> Yay, I scored -134
[20:47] <ihaveamac> I have a score of -172
[20:47] <SigmaWP> I have 843 8-(
[20:47] <Cncmaster> ha
[20:47] <SoapX> sigma can i do a few blocks on your account so that your score will go down and you wont feel so bad?
[20:47] <Gfoley4> dat emoticon
[20:48] <D_> Obviously the algo needs to be adjusted to look at previous RfAs and the amount, of, um contention
�06[20:48] * SigmaWP mehs
[20:48] <SigmaWP> It has to check your accounts on conservapedia, D_
�03[20:48] * siglar (~siglar@wikimedia/ralgis) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:48] <ihaveamac> I looked up an old vandal-only account and it got the score of -405
[20:48] <IDoH> ihaveamac: I get stressed out by criticisms. :-/
[20:48] <Gfoley4> 8-(
[20:48] <IDoH> My score is still being calculated.
[20:48] <IDoH> Yeah, O.O looks cute on Colloquy.
[20:48] <rigel> my score is 1544
[20:48] <boxofjuice> gwickwire: Someguy1221
[20:48] <gwickwire> what?
[20:49] <D_> It's out of 1000
[20:49] <SigmaWP> gwickwire: Any good at writing articles?
[20:49] <D_> You should totally be made king of Wikipedia now
[20:49] <Gfoley4> it's like the "O.O" face but slightly different
[20:49] <boxofjuice> gwickwire: you wanted OS?
[20:49] <gwickwire> SigmaWP: Sure, as long as it's nowhere near controversy.
[20:49] <SigmaWP> gwickwire: Get the coal balls to FA
[20:49] <gwickwire> boxofjuice: I'd already PMed him, and others, and nobody will work with me at ALL.
[20:49] <closedmouth> >  ERROR: User is already an admin. This tool is intended to be used on non-admin users.
[20:49] <gwickwire> SigmaWP: PM me.
[20:49] <closedmouth> :(
[20:49] <SigmaWP> and you will be rewarded with a reward that corresponds to the amount of labour you spent
[20:49] <Gfoley4> closedmouth: first world problems
[20:49] <boxofjuice> ok
[20:49] <D_> It also doesn't work on current running RfAs
[20:49] <rigel> D_: i prefer the term imperator
[20:49] <IDoH> Oh, I guess it'll take a while. I qualify as having a high edit count.
[20:50] <IDoH> Or, rather, a very high edit count
[20:50] <closedmouth> ugh my life SUCKS
[20:50] <D_> His Royal Majesty, The Imperator of Wikipedia and the Commonwealth of Wikimedia Projects
[20:50] <ihaveamac> I ran the tool on my old account before renaming and it gave me an error
[20:50] <ihaveamac> it was created due to SUL
[20:50] <IDoH> So, basically WMF rejected the auto patrolled article creation trial because it might discourage editors? Sheesh.
[20:50] <mareklug> closedmouth what's wrong, Annabelle?  You are usually very pity, but of good cheer.
[20:50] <mareklug> pithy *
[20:50] <IDoH> D_: That would be Jimbo Wales.
[20:51] <ihaveamac> Admin Score for User:Ihaveamac: Edit count: 1    -125 Error  Traceback (most recent call last): File "./adminscore.cgi", line 117, in main score += accountage(sql, name) File "./adminscore.cgi", line 197, in accountage dt = datetime(int(ts[:4]), int(ts[4:6]), int(ts[6:8]), int(ts[8:10]), int(ts[10:12]), int(ts[12:14])) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable None
[20:51] <D_> Well, NoneType is *not* subscritable
[20:51] <SigmaWP> boxofjuice: Fuck
[20:51] <mareklug> ihaveamac he broke something again.  write on sonnywong's talk page
[20:51] <SigmaWP> It looks like he still isn't using dateimtes
[20:51] <SigmaWP> :(
[20:51] <SoapX> youre so bad of an admin candidate that the tool broke when trying to describe it?
[20:51] <SigmaWP> I mean strptime
[20:51] <Computron_> hi boxofjuice
[20:52] <ihaveamac> SoapX: I used it on my old account name
�03[20:52] * LtNOWIS-mobile2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:52] <boxofjuice> SigmaWP: LOLOLOLOL
[20:52] <ihaveamac> I renamed myself, and User:Ihaveamac was created due to SUL
[20:52] <boxofjuice> Computron_: Hi
[20:52] <SoapX> oh right
�02[20:52] * LtNOWIS-mobile ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[20:52] <ihaveamac> or got a rename
[20:52] <D_> "Missing edit summaries (article namespace, last 2 years): 0.0%"
[20:52] <boxofjuice> I looked through 3 parking lots
[20:52] <D_> I feel good about myself
[20:52] <ihaveamac> so I ran the tool on my old account and it crashed
[20:52] <boxofjuice> And could not find a car with snow on it :(
[20:52] <boxofjuice> But
[20:52] <boxofjuice> I can upload a few photos I took
[20:52] <Cncmaster> I feel so good that I am going to create a userbox bragging about my -134 score :D
[20:53] <ihaveamac> SoapX: in reality my score is -172
[20:53] <Isarra> Would it be wrong to ask someone to block me just to be pointy about how overly seriously people take blocks?
[20:53] <Gfoley4> most likely
[20:53] <D_> I think being pointy is wrong by definition of being pointy on WP
[20:53] <IDoH> Isarra: Yes. Yes it would. Because editor retention.
[20:53] <ihaveamac> wow, my alt account has a worse score than some other accounts I've seen: -585
[20:53] <mareklug> Isarra yes it would be.  now be nice and pour some fish sauce on the channel
[20:53] <Isarra> IDoH: What editors?
[20:54] <IDoH> New editors
[20:54] <Isarra> How would they find out?
[20:54] <D_> We'd tell them
�06[20:54] * Isarra pours molasses on the channel.
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�02[20:54] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[20:54] <Isarra> I see.
�03[20:54] * wctaiwan (8c701e82@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:54] <IDoH> Isarra: Yes! We'll tell them!
[20:54] <IDoH> Hey wctaiwan.
[20:54] <Computron_> Yes please :-)
[20:54] <wctaiwan> hey.
�02[20:54] * SoapX (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) Quit (Quit: bed�)
[20:55] <SigmaWP> hi wctaiwan
[20:55] <wctaiwan> hello
[20:55] <IDoH> My admin score is +509
[20:55] <ihaveamac> IDoH: username?
�06[20:56] * IDoH is I dream of horses on-wiki
[20:56] <mareklug> IDoH you totally rule, girl.  mine is cool 100+ less
[20:56] <ihaveamac> oh
[20:56] <ihaveamac> I wonder if I should take the source (if possible) and allow it to check accounts that are already admins
[20:56] <ihaveamac> then again I need a toolserver account
�06[20:56] * wctaiwan mutters
[20:56] <D_> Yeah, I think it does it through db
[20:56] <wctaiwan> I hate the admin score thing
[20:56] <SigmaWP> and you need someone who has cgi-bin +r'd
[20:57] <IDoH> Why, wctaiwan?
[20:57] <D_> Although if you didn't mind flogging the API you could probably recreate the algorithm through it
[20:57] <wctaiwan> it's the approach a coder with little understanding of what is required of a suitable candidate would take
[20:57] <wctaiwan> add up some numbers and poof, a nice little score
[20:57] <ihaveamac> and right now I'm checking a user
[20:57] <ihaveamac> which has taken 3 minutes
[20:57] <IDoH> wctaiwan: I think I would lose RfA
[20:57] <D_> wctaiwan: I don't think the problem is with the coder, but rather with how people choose to use the results
[20:58] <boxofjuice> Computron_:
[20:58] <mareklug> wctaiwan indeed.  in my case I am actually heavily penalized for staying out of fights and wikilawyering
[20:58] <wctaiwan> they argue that it's a good starting point, but not at all.
[20:58] <wctaiwan> D_: the coder has repeatedly defended the tool; and that's like saying the problem isn't with arms dealers, it's people who buy the guns to do stupid things.
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[20:58] <wctaiwan> I don't necessarily have anything against Scottywong but I find the tool horribly ill-advised.
[20:58] <IDoH> mareklug: How would you be penalized for staying out of fights?
[20:58] <IDoH> Hey Mr-ex777.
[20:59] <mareklug> IDoH look at my score
[20:59] <IDoH> I stay out of fights, too.
[20:59] <D_> I dunno, I find statistical analysis of the qualities of people who pass RfA to be interesting
[20:59] <mareklug> Edits to admin areas (AIV/RPP/AfD): 39    -115
[20:59] <D_> but purely from a standpoint of "it's interesting"
[20:59] <Mr-ex777> IDoH: ?
[20:59] <D_> and not "Let's just auto-admin anyone above x threshold"
[20:59] <Computron_> thanks boxofjuice :-)
[20:59] <IDoH> mareklug: Oh, that. Yeah. Same here.
[20:59] <mareklug> # of edits to Wikipedia namespace: 189    -40
[20:59] <boxofjuice> np
[21:00] <rigel> i think i am a decent editor and wouldnt mind a mop. before that, though, i would like to see how negative an admin score i can get
[21:00] <rigel> reverse game it
[21:00] <IDoH> Except, as a vandal fighter and page patroller, sometimes I actually have to post to AIV, RPP, and AfD. But still, doesn't happen very often.
[21:00] <D_> I think you should aim for a score of 0
[21:00] <ihaveamac> my alt account User:Ihaveamac-alt has a score that is below -500
[21:00] <D_> Seems zen
�03[21:00] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:00] <IDoH> D_: Yeah, I find it interesting from a statistical standpoint, too.
[21:01] <rigel> one easy thing is to go one calendar month per year with zero edits
[21:01] <IDoH> Hey russavia.
[21:01] <rigel> maybe use an alt account then
[21:01] <IDoH> rigel: Easy for me!
[21:02] <IDoH> Well, I don't use alt accounts. I have three abandoned accounts, though.
[21:02] <D_> It's easy, as long as you don't find any typos you just feel compelled to fix
[21:04] <rigel> i dont really do typos
[21:04] <rigel> i like diving into content
[21:04] <IDoH> I just page patrol
[21:04] <IDoH> rigel: I don't!
[21:04] <ihaveamac> I've never made a big contribution on Wikipedia
[21:04] <D_> I don't mean on purpose, I mean running into problems when you're just reading Wikipedia
[21:04] <ihaveamac> I'm just another RC patroller
[21:05] <rigel> yeah, im not ocd like that
[21:05] <D_> Ah, ok
[21:05] <rigel> i like trolling by using "irregardless" in conversation
[21:05] <Cncmaster> ihaveamac is like an exact clone of me
[21:05] <IDoH> ihaveamac: Me neither.
[21:05] <rigel> or deliberately misusing "they're"
[21:05] <ihaveamac> Cncmaster: do you use a computer?
[21:05] <D_> That's pretty much most of what I did in the first 7 years I've had a Wikipedia account
[21:05] <ihaveamac> Cncmaster: so we must be clones
[21:05] <Cncmaster> that's the only different. I use a PC
�06[21:06] * IDoH holds hands with ihaveamac and Cncmaster, and bursts out singing "Kumbyah".
[21:06] <Cncmaster> and you use a MAc
[21:06] <ihaveamac> I don't use a mac
[21:06] <ihaveamac> now
[21:06] <IDoH> We're like editorial triplets, us three.
[21:06] <ihaveamac> I use windows 8 (!!!!) and Debian
[21:06] <D_> But you do *have* a mac
[21:06] <ihaveamac> yep
[21:06] <D_> All is well
[21:06] <ihaveamac> a 2005 eMac
[21:06] <ihaveamac> :D
[21:07] <wctaiwan> the eMac carries sentimental values for me.
[21:07] <ihaveamac> I can take a picture of it
[21:07] <wctaiwan> It was a nice computer, too.
�06[21:07] * IDoH has a MacBook Pro
[21:07] <ihaveamac> it's not plugged in so I can't turn it on
[21:07] <Cncmaster> I use Windows 7
[21:07] <ihaveamac> i'll go and take one anyway
[21:07] <IDoH> ihaveamac: Please tell me it's a desktop.
[21:07] <ihaveamac> because
[21:07] <rigel> i have a windows xp vm
[21:07] <ihaveamac> the eMac is a desktop computer
�06[21:07] * wctaiwan has an iMac and a windows laptop
[21:07] <IDoH> Good!
[21:07] <rigel> i have not run windows on bare metal for like 5 years now
[21:08] <rigel> and i rarely run it, period
[21:08] <rigel> also, OSX can blow me
[21:08] <D_> Can it?
[21:08] <wctaiwan> of course it can
[21:08] <Cncmaster> lovely
[21:08] <D_> Explains the popularity
[21:09] <wctaiwan> OS X is known for its excellent blowjob-gving skills.
[21:09] <ihaveamac>
[21:09] <rigel> i forced my wife to not buy a mac when her mbp that predated our relationship finally gave up the ghost
�02[21:09] * Moe_Epsilon (~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[21:09] <rigel> she has run ubuntu for a couple years now
[21:09] <wctaiwan> that's not very nice of you.
[21:10] <rigel> it was that or a divorce
[21:10] <wctaiwan> ...yeah, not very nice of you.
[21:10] <rigel> well, what am i supposed to do when she has problems?
[21:10] <rigel> i am the first line tech support person
[21:10] <mareklug> wctaiwan he obviously does not believe in practicing civil liberties, only advocating them :/
[21:10] <rigel> im not gonna learn a new os just because she's my wife
[21:10] <Cncmaster> Macs are only good for one thing: video and music editing
[21:10] <SigmaWP> Macs are only good foe one thing: Having linux put on them
[21:10] <ihaveamac> the picture above is a picture of the eMac
[21:11] <D_> You can check your email on them
[21:11] <mareklug> Cncmaster and you know this because you extensively use macs, right?
[21:11] <wctaiwan> ihaveamac: you need a better camera :p
[21:11] <wctaiwan> anyway, I'm out of here. Not interested in this argument.
[21:11] <ihaveamac> wctaiwan: I used an iPad 2
�03[21:11] * wctaiwan (8c701e82@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has left #wikipedia-en
[21:11] <ihaveamac> oh well
[21:11] <Cncmaster> mareklug: not extensively, but in the past
[21:12] <mareklug> Cncmaster well if you used them in the present, you would know differnt.
[21:12] <ihaveamac> my eMac still runs tiger and has powerPC
[21:12] <ihaveamac> so it doesn't do a lot now
[21:13] <Cncmaster> anyways, I'm AFKing for 20 minutes.
[21:13] <mareklug> ihaveamac you can install free adobe CS2 suite on it
�03[21:13] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[21:13] <ihaveamac> mareklug: i have a macromedia suite somewhere
[21:13] <ihaveamac> legit
[21:13] <russavia> is there any arbs online at this very moment? urgent matter
�02[21:13] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[21:13] <mareklug> ihaveamac it is free legit.  adobe gave it away recently
[21:14] <ihaveamac> mareklug: link
[21:14] <mareklug> google for Adobe cs2 download
[21:14] <mareklug> the domain will be
[21:14] <ihaveamac> "Adobe has disabled the activation server for CS2 products, including Acrobat 7, because of a technical issue. These products were released more than seven years ago, do not run on many modern operating systems, and are no longer supported."
[21:14] <ihaveamac> good for me
�02[21:15] * siglar (~siglar@wikimedia/ralgis) Quit (Quit: siglar�)
[21:15] <ihaveamac> powerPC right?
[21:16] <mareklug> yup
[21:17] <mareklug> imac tiger proven
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[21:35] <D_> I found an editor who seems to be adding articles as references
[21:36] <ihaveamac> where?
[21:36] <D_> all of the articles are on the same website, and all of them have the same author
[21:36] <D_> and none of them really support any specific statements
[21:36] <D_> Would this me COI-y
[21:36] <Jetro> kickban
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�02[21:37] * Pharos (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0.1/20130226172142]�)
[21:38] <rigel> D_: that sounds coi-y to me
[21:38] <rigel> what is the subject
[21:39] <D_> Just various local stuff
[21:39] <D_> It's on
[21:39] <D_> I'm trying to figure out if that's RS or user-generated
[21:39] <ihaveamac> what article(s)?
[21:39] <D_>
[21:39] <D_> Here's the editor
[21:40] <Someguy1221> she's adding links to her own articles
[21:40] <Someguy1221> look at her username, and look at the author's name
[21:41] <D_> Yes
[21:41] <D_> Basically, it looks like a duck to me
[21:41] <Someguy1221> no, most ducks cannot use the internet
[21:41] <ihaveamac> {{duck}}
[21:41] <Someguy1221> this is most probably a human
[21:41] <D_> I wouldn't even be very irked about that if they were, you know, relevant
[21:42] <rigel> most spammers are dumb
[21:42] <Jetro> ducks wear dog masks
[21:42] <Someguy1221> anyway, warned
[21:42] <D_> Oh, thanks
[21:42] <D_> I was about to figure out what to tack onto the end of uw-coi
[21:43] <Someguy1221> well, i just warned for spamming
[21:43] <ihaveamac> looks very COI-y
[21:45] <rigel> so would you classify the following as "autobiographical" or SOAP?
[21:45] <rigel>
[21:46] <D_> Is that from a talk page?
[21:46] <rigel> yes
[21:46] <D_> Well, it's not appropriate talk page material
[21:47] <rigel> that was mentioned
[21:47] <rigel> response included "I occasionally make brief mention of personal experiences on talk by way of affirming the work of various researchers and authors - I do not regard this as a WP:SOAP violation, and never reference personal experiences in my edits."
[21:48] <D_> Talk pages are not a forum
[21:48] <D_> Regardless of whether or not it's WP:SOAP
[21:48] <rigel> other edits by same include assertions about "what every white man in America knows" about the inner city
[21:48] <rigel> this is a low-level but chronic problem, imho, and the response is always denial
[21:48] <rigel> and im not sure what, if anything, to do about it
[21:49] <rigel> spans multiple related articles on race issues
[21:49] <D_> Tell them WP:NOTFORUM
[21:49] <rigel> previous rfc/u was unsuccessful in helping address the behavior, possibly because there was a lot of other behavior that was thrown in as well
[21:50] <D_> Ugh
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[21:50] <D_> It doesn't even matter what they're saying
[21:50] <D_> as long as it's just chatting about the topic that will have no relevance to article content, it doesn't belong
[21:50] <rigel> i agree
[21:51] <D_> On another note, what the hell to do with this:
[21:52] <rigel> MfD
[21:52] <D_> I was going to move it to article space
[21:53] <D_> since it's obviously an article
[21:53] <D_> and *then* AfD or something
[21:53] <rigel> no, i would just nominate MfD
[21:53] <D_> but that feels like gaming the system
[21:53] <ihaveamac> I don't know why it ended up in the Template space
[21:53] <ihaveamac> or how
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[21:53] <D_> Some people are really creative at using WP incorrectly
[21:53] <rigel> if it's not intended for article space, then it is NOTWEBHOST
[21:54] <rigel> if it is intended for article space, then it is non-N
[21:54] <D_> It seems that the user has an exact copy in their sandbox
[21:54] <rigel> nominate that too
[21:54] <D_> so whatever, they can try to AfC it
[21:54] <rigel> no, nominate it
[21:55] <ihaveamac> it feels like speedy deletion would fit but I don't know the right one
[21:55] <rigel> espesp since they have no other edits
[21:55] <ihaveamac> it's obviously not going to survive in the template space
[21:55] <ihaveamac> nor the article space
[21:55] <Cncmaster> ihaveamac: link it to me so I can give an expert opinion
[21:55] <ihaveamac> linked earlier:
[21:55] <rigel> i think it might be more useful at MfD because they have the opportunity to respond and engage with N and RS requirements
[21:55] <ihaveamac> it's an article in the template space
[21:56] <ihaveamac> test page?
[21:56] <D_> I'm going to list it unless you want to do something
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[21:56] <ihaveamac> can it be counted as a test page?
[21:56] <D_> TfD can figure out a speedy if they want
[21:57] <Cncmaster> ihaveamac: T3 or TfD
[21:57] <ihaveamac> also look at the massive citation errors at the bottom
[21:57] <D_> Yes, I got it from WP:NOREFLIST
[21:57] <ihaveamac> Cncmaster: so tag with T3 or G2 (test page)?
[21:57] <D_> Or, screw this, I'll just do {{db}}
[21:57] <ihaveamac> or send to TfD?
[21:58] <Cncmaster> T3 or G2. Either one will work imo
[21:58] <ihaveamac> well technically it's not really a template
[21:58] <ihaveamac> it's just placed in the template space
[21:59] <Cncmaster> G2
[21:59] <gwickwire> Since -revdel is basically a ghost town right now, !admin for a revdel (pm please)
[22:00] <ihaveamac> tagged with G2
[22:01] <gwickwire> do I have to stalkword at the beginning for it to work with the admins stalkword?
[22:01] <D_> For most clients it doesn't matter
[22:01] <gwickwire> oh ok.
�06[22:01] * gwickwire waits.
[22:02] <ihaveamac> usually you can use the stalkword anywhere in a chat
�03[22:02] * tucoxn (~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:02] <ihaveamac> I learned that by pinging the admins twice
[22:02] <gwickwire> I thought so, but i didnt know if a bot pinged admins if it was at beginning
[22:02] <gwickwire> like, with ! o  p s ASM pings us, but only if it's at the beginning of the line
[22:02] <D_> There isn't a bot here, is there
[22:03] <gwickwire> I DONT KNOW :(
[22:03] <D_> admins just have their clients configured to highlight the word
[22:03] <D_> Same way you get gwickwire highlighted
[22:03] <gwickwire> well they're all at tea then.. -.-
�06[22:05] * gwickwire waits more.
[22:05] <ihaveamac> maybe you could do the stalkword at the beginning after a while
[22:05] <gwickwire> eh.
[22:05] <FastLizard4|iPad> I think the stalkword goes at the beginning of a line by convention
[22:05] <FastLizard4|iPad> Some people may have it set up to only trigger at the start of the line
[22:06] <gwickwire> !admins fine there
�06[22:06] * gwickwire waits for the flood of admins the second time he uses it.
[22:06] <SerajewelKS> gwickwire: use the stalkword in -revdel if you want attention there :P
[22:06] <gwickwire> that place is a ghost town.
[22:07] <SerajewelKS> it's a ghost town because nobody knows you're there unless you use the stalkword
[22:07] <gwickwire> tried that earlier for a different request.
[22:07] <D_> Oh hey, I didn't know TW warned you if you're reusing a single-level template that's been used within the last 24 hours
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[22:07] <SerajewelKS> gwickwire: you did not use the stalkword :P
[22:07] <D_> Saved me some embarrassment right there
[22:07] <SerajewelKS> so of course you got no attention
[22:07] <gwickwire> o.O
[22:07] <gwickwire> grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[22:08] <ihaveamac> try doing it without extra letters, like you added an S at the end
[22:09] <FastLizard4|iPad> !admin gwickwire needs administrator assistance, please PM him.
�03[22:09] * FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
[22:09] <gwickwire> IM DONE NOW.
[22:09] <SerajewelKS> FastLizard4: already handled
[22:09] <FastLizard4> SerajewelKS: Ahh, okay
�06[22:09] * IDoH is sending friend requests on Last.FM to her fellow Wikipedians. :-)
[22:09] <D_> Now you're unnecessarily bothering admins, FastLizard4
[22:09] <gwickwire> :)
[22:09] <FastLizard4> D_: Shh
[22:09] <gwickwire> lol.
[22:09] <FastLizard4> I enjoy unnecessarily bothering admins :P
[22:09] <gwickwire> it's like how ops can spam the ops stalkword tho
[22:09] <gwickwire> but FL4 not is admin
[22:10] <gwickwire> so not can abuze admin stalkword
[22:10] <FastLizard4> Watch me :P
[22:10] <ihaveamac> "template
[22:10] <ihaveamac> " deleted
[22:10] <D_> They'll remember when the admin revolution comes
[22:10] <FastLizard4> Heh
[22:10] <FastLizard4> Oh noes
�06[22:10] * Dcoetzee unnecessarily bothers FastLizard4
�06[22:11] * FastLizard4 quietly slips a change into Gerrit setting $wgGroupPrivileges['sysop']['start-revolution'] = false;
[22:11] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: :P
[22:11] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[22:11] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: Where were you like five minutes ago :P
[22:11] <gwickwire> okay. I'm going to bed now :/
[22:11] <ihaveamac> i'm going to bed with an iPad so I might be here still
[22:11] <gwickwire> lol
[22:11] <ihaveamac> because I don't want to sleep
�02[22:11] * SuctionCups (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:12] <D_> You like us that much?
[22:12] <gwickwire> xD
[22:12] <ihaveamac> if I'm bored I can drop in and annoy everyone
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> FastLizard4: Making dinner :-P
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> Harassing people who won't do their homework
[22:12] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: Fair enough :P
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> That kind of thing
�02[22:12] * Cncmaster (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster) Quit (Quit: lolification�)
[22:12] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[22:12] <ihaveamac> and plus this is the only IRC channel (besides a private one) that I actually speak on
�06[22:13] * IShadowed thwacks Dcoetzee with her textbook
[22:13] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: ;-)
�06[22:13] * ihaveamac pokes Dcoetzee
�06[22:13] * Dcoetzee pats ihaveamac on the head.
[22:13] <IShadowed> "Although known for being overtly political and passionate, John Steinbeck’s short story The Chrysanthemums shows that even then he understood the struggles of women. The story is locked in the point of view of Elisa Allen, the wife of ranch owner Henry Allen. She is submissive to his requests and only holds a passion for her gardening; as she has a hefty inclination for raising beautiful blooms. She is far more intelligent than her husb
[22:13] <IShadowed> and but is forced to lock that away inside of herself because alas, she is only a woman. The writing style Steinbeck uses shows the reader Elisa’s struggles and her tucked away frustrations at the life she is currently leading. By utilizing this limited point of view Steinbeck shows how an intelligent and talented woman like Elisa can wither away under a repressive environment."
�06[22:14] * IShadowed glares in Dcoetzee's direction
�06[22:14] * ihaveamac pokes IShadowed
[22:14] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: So far so good. :-)
[22:14] <IShadowed> That's not mine
[22:14] <Dcoetzee> Ahh
[22:14] <IShadowed> It's our teacher's sample
[22:14] <IShadowed> And it's ironic
�03[22:14] * ihaveamac_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:14] <Dcoetzee> I didn't think it seemed like your style :-P
[22:14] <IShadowed> nope
[22:14] <ihaveamac> joined a bit too early
[22:14] <D_> That semicolon irks me
[22:15] <ihaveamac> should have waited for NickServ
[22:15] <IShadowed> "Steinbeck shows how an intelligent and talented woman like Elisa can wither away under a repressive environmen"
[22:15] <IShadowed> JUST SAYIN
�06[22:15] * Dcoetzee laughs
[22:15] <Dcoetzee> Like say, your English class? :-P
[22:15] <FastLizard4> Lol iOS
�06[22:15] * ihaveamac is dying
[22:15] <IShadowed> Yeah, that's totally what I was thinking about
[22:15] <FastLizard4> If I open App Store and try to do "Update All", it complains that there's not enough available free space
[22:15] <D_> We're all dying
[22:15] <ihaveamac> something is killing me
[22:15] <ihaveamac> oh no
�03[22:15] * gwickwire is now known as gwick|sleep
[22:15] <ihaveamac> it's coming
[22:16] <FastLizard4> If I open App Store and hit "update" for each app individually, it all works fine :P
�03[22:16] * ihaveamac is now known as Guest98257
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[22:16] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: It could be worse. They could be teaching you the fine minutia of English grammar.
[22:16] <IShadowed> THEY ARE
[22:16] <IShadowed> SHOOT ME
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> ...
[22:16] <IShadowed> that was our entire english test today
[22:16] <IShadowed> technicalities of grammar
[22:16] <IShadowed> like
[22:16] <IShadowed> bitch
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> Well your class totally blows then
[22:16] <IShadowed> I am not a linguist
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> Can you quit?
[22:16] <IShadowed> no
[22:16] <IShadowed> bailing to AP next year
[22:16] <IShadowed> 'cause fuck this noise
[22:16] <Dcoetzee> :-/
�06[22:17] * IShadowed wants to sleep
[22:17] <D_> You can drop out
[22:17] <IShadowed> No I can't
[22:17] <D_> Ride a train
[22:17] <IShadowed> you clearly don't know who I am
[22:17] <D_> live the hobo life
[22:17] <Dcoetzee> Yeah kinda hard to go to top tier school if you drop out
[22:17] <ihaveamac> Annnnd I need to switch wifi networks
[22:17] <ihaveamac> >:(
�06[22:17] * IShadowed identity crisis
[22:17] <D_> That's not even a verb
[22:17] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Just make it through this one course and you can leave it behind ASAP
[22:17] <D_> Clearly that test did nothing
�06[22:18] * Dcoetzee massive head trauma to D_ :-P
[22:18] <IShadowed> D_, some people deserve pain
[22:18] <IShadowed> you're one of them
[22:18] <Dcoetzee> brb pasta
[22:18] <D_> I've been told something to that effect before
[22:18] <IShadowed>
[22:20] <D_> Oh boy, this IP has warnings from 2007
[22:20] <D_> vintage
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�03[22:21] * ihaveamac_ is now known as ihaveamac
[22:21] <ihaveamac> test
[22:23] <D_> Did we pass?
[22:24] <ihaveamac> to my test?
[22:24] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You don't deserve pain but you get it anyway :-P
[22:24] <IShadowed> I've noticed.
�03[22:25] * southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:25] <IShadowed>
[22:25] <IShadowed> ^
[22:25] <Dcoetzee> Ha
[22:25] <Dcoetzee> Brilliant
[22:25] <IShadowed> I want a hoodie to curl up in
[22:26] <Dcoetzee> I like the way hoodies look on people in general
�03[22:26] * FarmerBrown ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�06[22:26] * ihaveamac gives one for some reason
[22:26] <IShadowed> nevermind, I don't want a hoodie
[22:26] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee likes them
[22:26] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[22:26] <IShadowed> this means they suck
[22:26] <Dcoetzee> I don't wear them usually
[22:26] <Dcoetzee> I just like the way they look
[22:26] <IShadowed> it's okay, some would prefer I don't wear clo-
�06[22:26] * IShadowed blinks
[22:26] <Dcoetzee> ...
�03[22:26] * Riley is now known as Riley|Sleep
[22:27] <D_> What if Dcoetzee liked not jumping off bridges into rivers of fire?
[22:27] <ihaveamac> …
[22:27] <IShadowed> ...
[22:27] <Dcoetzee> D_: You have no idea how contrary she is :-P
[22:27] <IShadowed> Yeah
[22:27] <Dcoetzee> She'll literally contradict herself just because I changed my mind.
[22:27] <IDoH> LOL
�06[22:27] * IShadowed nods
[22:27] <IShadowed> I've found Jesus because of Dcoetzee
�06[22:27] * Dcoetzee facepalms
[22:28] <Dcoetzee> Lies
[22:28] <IShadowed> Nope
[22:28] <IShadowed> You don't understand the meaning the Lord and Savior gives to my life
[22:29] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: You are a terrible liar.
[22:29] <IShadowed> Imma join an abstinence group
�06[22:29] * Dcoetzee laughs
[22:29] <Dcoetzee> Okay I'd pay to see that
[22:29] <IShadowed> You'd pay to watch me be abstinent? We can arrange for that.
[22:30] <Dcoetzee> That's not what I said :-P
[22:30] <IShadowed> I mean, most people call that cockblocking, but I'm generous
[22:30] <IShadowed> you're welcome
[22:30] <mareklug> IShadowed but you have to dress up.  or down.
[22:30] <IShadowed> Bitch don't tell me what to do
[22:30] <mareklug> IShadowed that was expressing a preference, not telling.  jeeez
[22:31] <IShadowed> I'm a strong, independent black woman who don't need no man
[22:31] <IShadowed> mmmmmmmkay honeychild
�06[22:31] * IShadowed z snap
[22:31] <Dcoetzee> Giving her orders is the best way to prevent her from doing anything :-P
[22:31] <mareklug> IShadowed push push in the bush, as the disco song went
[22:31] <IShadowed> Dcoetzee, this is why my essay isn't getting done
[22:31] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: My mistake
�02[22:32] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[22:32] <IShadowed> It's cool
[22:32] <IShadowed> Now I can use you as an excuse for not doing it
[22:32] <IShadowed> ^.^
[22:32] <Dcoetzee> ...*sigh*
[22:32] <mareklug> IShadowed just take the battery out of Dcoetzee  and put it back again.  it will reset him.
[22:33] <IShadowed> Someone get me a screwdriver
�06[22:33] * ihaveamac gets one
�06[22:33] * ihaveamac hands it to IShadowed
[22:33] <mareklug> she can't drink.
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[22:33] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: No screwing
[22:33] <IShadowed> Says you...
[22:33] <mareklug> no screwdriving, rather
[22:37] <SigmaWP>
[22:37] <SigmaWP> Me on Wikipedia.
[22:37] <D_> Me everywhere
[22:37] <SigmaWP> I almost edited a talk page once
[22:37] <D_> typing notifications are the bane of me
[22:38] <ihaveamac> me sometimes
[22:38] <SigmaWP> before I edited actively
[22:38] <D_> It's useful sometimes, though
[22:38] <D_> because it makes you realize you don't really want to get into an INTERNET ARGUMENT with whomever
[22:38] <D_> by the end of typing out a response
[22:39] <ihaveamac> internet arguments
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[22:40] <Dcoetzee> I've abandoned edits to pages before
[22:40] <Dcoetzee> And on multiple occasions I've edited my own posts for civility immediately after posting them
[22:41] <IShadowed> I believe it
[22:41] <SigmaWP> Hey, they changed the wiktionary logo
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> Again?
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> No that logo has been around for many years
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> SigmaWP: You may be looking at a different language version... some use the old logo
[22:42] <D_> Or do you mean the favicon
[22:42] <D_> cause that changed like last month
�02[22:42] * ihaveamac ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:42] <SigmaWP> Dcoetzee: You're right, I lied
[22:42] <SigmaWP> the favicon
[22:42] <Dcoetzee> Ah
[22:42] <Dcoetzee> Yeah that does look different
�03[22:42] * ihaveamac ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:42] <ihaveamac> Colloquy crashed
[22:42] <Dcoetzee> Neat
�06[22:42] * SigmaWP thinks improvement
[22:42] <D_> IRC clients are hard to write
[22:43] <SigmaWP> of couse
[22:43] <Dcoetzee> Basic IRC clients are actually one of the easiest programs to write.
[22:44] <D_> Sarcasm, again
[22:44] <Dcoetzee> Oh
[22:44] <Dcoetzee> More sophisticated IRC clients with fancy UIs really can be tricky though.
[22:45] <D_> I don't really know anything about ios development, so I can't say
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[22:59] <SigmaWP> Someone should write xchat in Qt
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[23:07] <Shirik> gwick|sleep
[23:07] <Shirik> wake up
[23:07] <Shirik> I need to yell at you
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�02[23:34] * TheChance ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[23:34] <rigel> irssi ftw
�06[23:34] * Dcoetzee waves to Shirik
[23:34] <Dcoetzee> How are the tournies going?
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�03[23:43] * Someguy1221 (Someguy122@wikipedia/Someguy1221) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:44] <rigel> is there a selfcite warning template?
[23:44] <Dcoetzee> rigel: For talk pages?
[23:45] <Dcoetzee> *user talk
[23:45] <rigel> yes
[23:45] <Dcoetzee> rigel: That's not even against the rules
[23:46] <D_> It's part of the COI recommendations
[23:46] <rigel> editor with a history of adding not-particularly-informative links to their own work just added a number of citations to their own work, in a way that was not well-integrated
[23:46] <Dcoetzee> A standard COI or spam warning might do the trick
[23:46] <Dcoetzee> {{uw-coi}}
[23:47] <rigel> does that expand to "i have mentioned this on COIN"?
[23:47] <Dcoetzee> No
[23:47] <Dcoetzee> It's just general info about WP:COI
[23:48] <Dcoetzee> In particular it says "Avoid linking to the Wikipedia article or website of your organization in other articles (see Wikipedia:Spam)."
[23:48] <Dcoetzee> However I'd recommend a handcrafted message
[23:48] <Dcoetzee> If you have time to discuss it here you have time to talk about what they did wrong :-P
[23:49] <D_> Ah, but reasonably polite message is more difficult to craft than a complaint on IRC
[23:49] <rigel> they have a talk page composed of nothing but complaints
[23:49] <Dcoetzee> Civility is mandatory, politeness is not ;-)
[23:49] <rigel> they have linkspammed and are now citespamming
[23:49] <D_> I tend to equate the two
[23:49] <rigel> and they have a vaguely promotional username, which i have already reported
[23:49] <Dcoetzee> I think "stern" falls under "civil but not polite"
[23:49] <rigel> thats all the time im going to waste
[23:49] <rigel> is a template
[23:49] <rigel> kthx
[23:49] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Suit yourself
[23:50] <rigel> if their edit history was not solely made up of attempts to drive traffic to their own work, i would be much more interested in engaging
[23:51] <D_> Have they been warned about spammy links?
[23:51] <Someguy1221> i was gone for two hours, are we still talking about the same thing, rigel?
[23:51] <rigel> theyve been warned about copyright
[23:51] <rigel> and had an article that looks like it was CSD'd
[23:51] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Sounds to me like they need a final warning, not a polite discussion
[23:51] <Dcoetzee> "shape up or your ass is blocked"
[23:52] <Someguy1221> regil: so not the same thing?
�06[23:52] * IShadowed smirks
[23:52] <rigel>
[23:52] <Someguy1221> how do i not even need to click that link to know what the problem is...
[23:52] <rigel> already nominated for UAA, since the name has a promotional tone, like a consultancy thing
[23:52] <Someguy1221> Dee, are you an admin?
[23:52] <Dcoetzee> Yeah, can I threaten them?
[23:53] <Someguy1221> can you? you're an admin! You're required to!
[23:53] <Someguy1221> i was just curious is all
[23:53] <Dcoetzee> :-) Yay
[23:53] <Someguy1221> Looking at his edits, actually, i doubt he's even aware he has a talk page
[23:53] <Dcoetzee> Well hold up then
[23:53] <Someguy1221> his english is plain terrible
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[23:54] <rigel> ftr, i have no problem engaging folks with a genuine interest in contributing
[23:54] <Dcoetzee> The purpose of a final warning with unengaged editors is not really to give them a final chance. We know they're not going to change.
[23:54] <D_> Clearly we need to make like that one wiki, where the "you have new messages" thing has blink applied to it
[23:54] <rigel> i went out of my way to chat with the communications vp of a medical organization because it looked like they were approaching wp wrongly
[23:54] <Dcoetzee> It's to give another admin the go-ahead to block.
[23:54] <rigel> for like an hour, i explained How Things Work
[23:54] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Nice work
�02[23:55] * hoplite009 (~quassel@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[23:55] <rigel> i even tried to draw them into supporting the wiki med project somehow
[23:55] <Someguy1221> rigel: did they blunder ahead as cluelessly as ever?
[23:55] <rigel> though i dont think i was persuasive
[23:55] <rigel> not so far
[23:55] <rigel> but you may want to keep an eye on them anyway
[23:55] <rigel> the promotional account is blocked (NPALive)
�02[23:55] * Moctezuma (~quassel@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[23:55] <rigel> but the person i spoke with is RichmondDoc
[23:56] <rigel> if any of the stuff i put on their talk page is wrong please disabuse me of my fallacious notions
[23:57] <D_> Doesn't sound terrible to me
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[23:58] <D_> But then the last person I used a welcome template on left two days later in a huff
[23:58] <Dcoetzee> Ugh upon reviewing their contribs I can't really give them a final warning, they made some constructive edits to [[Bioinformatics]] and stuff.
[23:58] <D_> so what do I know
[23:58] <rigel> incidentally, i have a CoI with AMSA and PharmFree specifically, so i may mention that if i need additional eyes.
[23:59] <Dcoetzee> I'll give a normal warning instead.
[23:59] <rigel> i have made some edits to both pages that i think are unambiguously ok
[23:59] <rigel> but please review my edits if you are so inclined
Session Time: Thu Mar 07 00:00:00 2013
[00:00] <rigel> Dcoetzee: orly
[00:00] <rigel> i didnt see those
[00:00] <Dcoetzee> Well they were probably reverted
[00:00] <Dcoetzee> But evidently they're trying to imprve some things without citing themselves.
�02[00:01] * Mr-ex777 (~chatzilla@ Quit (Quit: PWNT�)
[00:01] <rigel> they are coming up with single sentences and just pasting them onto articles
[00:01] <rigel> in order to cite themselves
[00:02] <rigel> these additions are not productive
[00:02] <rigel> look at their HIV subtypes edit
[00:02] <rigel> that i have reverted
[00:02] <Dcoetzee> That's why I mention that some articles they edited without citing themselves...
[00:02] <Dcoetzee> They don't seem to be a pure spammer
[00:02] <rigel> I know what ORFs are, but that is not useful
[00:03] <Dcoetzee> Okay I gave them a custom warning now.
[00:06] <Someguy1221> Dee, can you point to such an edit?
�02[00:06] * waterlae ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[00:06] <rigel> Any sufficiently advanced spamming technique is indistinguishable from actual research and content production
[00:06] <D_> The spammers will inherit this Earth.
[00:06] <rigel> whats left of it, anyway
[00:07] <rigel> oh, this is hilarious
�02[00:08] * southpark ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[00:08] <rigel> look at the edit history at [[Veterinary chiropractic]]
[00:08] <rigel> DVMt has been making vaguely fringey arguments over at WT:MED for a few weeks
[00:09] <rigel> so that 9k character revert is funny to me
[00:09] <D_> Well, at least we got a picture of a horse being adjusted on the Commons out of all this
[00:09] <D_>
[00:10] <rigel> it's really interesting too because the 9k characters that were reverted seem pretty well referenced and well written
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[00:11] <rigel> oh wait a minute
[00:11] <rigel> maybe thats just some of it, i am getting into the promo stuff
[00:11] <rigel> aaaand there we go
[00:12] <rigel> i saw the edits going up the other day and was all "hmm" but didnt do anything because i dont really give a shit
[00:12] <D_> It's 43 edits
[00:12] <D_> I don't blame you
[00:13] <rigel> and by "dont really give a shit" i mean "dont have the background to evaluate"
�02[00:13] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[00:14] <Someguy1221> rigel: oh my god that article looks awful before the revert
�03[00:14] * bjelleklang (~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:15] <rigel> some of the initial stuff looked ok
[00:15] <Someguy1221> an honest-to-god piece of the prose: "Why?"
[00:15] <rigel> the first few paragraphs
[00:15] <Someguy1221> i'm not saying it was policy violating (didn't read that much into it), the tone of voice is just terrible
[00:16] <mareklug> boxofjuice The Blackhawks scored with 45 seconds to go and preserved the streak (over Colorado)
[00:16] <boxofjuice> nooooooooooooooo
[00:16] <boxofjuice> ://///
[00:16] <Someguy1221> marek, you really want #wikipedia-sports
[00:16] <mareklug> a win, too
[00:16] <mareklug> Someguy1221 are you showing me the door?
[00:17] <Someguy1221> it is for realz and actual channel :p
[00:17] <mareklug> Someguy1221 full of insufferably one-dimmensional people who only talk about sports
[00:18] <mareklug> Someguy1221 just think, my abuse of Bradford would be entirely off topic there, unlike here
[00:18] <Someguy1221> oh, you haven't even tried it
[00:19] <mareklug> this is my home, to quote the adorrably fluffy Björk
[00:19] <mareklug> adorably *
[00:20] <mareklug> Someguy1221 do you know The Anchor Song?
[00:20] <mareklug>
[00:21] <Someguy1221> i guess i will now
[00:22] <mareklug>     here is the same thing in Icelandic, with an even prettier picture
[00:22] <Someguy1221> ok, she is adorable
[00:22] <mareklug> that was then.  now she is a matron.  but she is still adorable
[00:26] <Dcoetzee> Can anyone tell me, is 0127.0.0.1 a valid IP address?
[00:26] <IShadowed> lol
[00:26] <IShadowed> troll
[00:26] <Dcoetzee> It's for a Lua script :-P
[00:26] <Someguy1221> no, dee
[00:26] <Someguy1221> :p
[00:26] <mareklug> Dcoetzee I think by rule the bits have to fit into 255, so....
[00:26] <Someguy1221> although, it has edits on wikipedia, somehow...
[00:26] <D_> Well, 0127 is lower than 255
[00:27] <D_> if you trim the leading zeroes and don't consider it octal
[00:27] <Dcoetzee> If you consider it octal it's even less
[00:27] <D_> but, the relevant RFC may have something to say about the precise formatting of IP addresses
[00:27] <Dcoetzee> But I mean, apparently is a valid IPv4 address
[00:27] <Dcoetzee> So now I wonder
[00:27] <rigel> why do you need the leading zero
[00:28] <Dcoetzee> You don't. The question is whether it's allowed. :-P
[00:28] <D_> "Please do not use the findsources template in articles."
[00:28] <rigel> thats easily testable then
[00:28] <D_> I see somebody added {{findsources}} to the Notability tepmplate per the TfD
[00:28] <D_> but apparently they didn't figure out that doesn't work
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> rigel: Not so easy... it's hard to find an application orlibrary that handles all the cases per the RFC
[00:29] <mareklug> PING 0127.0.0.1 ( 56 data bytes
[00:29] <mareklug> Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
[00:29] <mareklug> Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
[00:29] <D_>
[00:29] <D_> It octalized?
[00:29] <mareklug> the 87 puzzles me
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> Wha
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> It octalified
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> I did not expect that
[00:29] <mareklug> maybe the leading 0 did that
[00:29] <D_> Well, it might be an implementation detail
[00:30] <D_> and not something RFC says should happen
[00:30] <Dcoetzee> Yeah probably
[00:30] <mareklug> try it. it was mac os x 10.8.2
[00:30] <IShadowed> nerds
[00:30] <mareklug> IShadowed we love ya too
[00:30] <Dcoetzee> IShadowed: That's geeks to you
[00:30] <rigel> i wish i didnt have to worry about studying for board exams for the next 4 months and instead could actually learn how to use python unittest meaningfully
[00:30] <IShadowed> nerds
[00:31] <IShadowed> sue me
[00:31] <mareklug> Dcoetzee and no packet loss either, so it goes and comes back
[00:31] <Dcoetzee> rigel: You can learn to use Python unittest in just a few hours. Do it. Love it.
[00:32] <Dcoetzee> When you're tired of studying.
[00:32] <rigel> well, i am still stuck in procedural programming land, as a holdover from nights spent staying awake reading the IBM PCjr BASIC Tutorial with a flashlight under the covers
[00:32] <Dcoetzee> This RFC actually has a great deal to say about leading zeros :-S
[00:32] <mareklug> IShadowed have you heard of The Roches (the Roche sisters)
[00:32] <rigel> classes are only now beginning to sorta make sense to me
[00:33] <Dcoetzee> "As of this writing, IPv4 addresses written with leading zeroes are de facto ambiguous."
�06[00:33] * Dcoetzee facepalms
[00:33] <Dcoetzee> BSD interprets them differently from the IETF version
[00:33] <D_> Undefined behavior
[00:33] <D_> Your packets go SOMEWHERE
[00:33] <D_> or maybe not
[00:33] <rigel> i cant really figure out how to use unittest with selenium webdriver, at least at the moment
[00:34] <Dcoetzee> I still need to try Selenium
[00:34] <mareklug> IShadowed     The Roches - NURDS
[00:34] <rigel> it's lovely
[00:34] <rigel> slow, but lovely
[00:35] <mareklug> Dcoetzee as you could tell from the output I pasted, it routed the packets to the 87 whatever and it did not find any destination
�02[00:35] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[00:36] <D_> 127 in base 8 is 87
[00:36] <Someguy1221> selenium? head-and-shoulders has a webdriver?
[00:36] <rigel> selenium is selsun, not h&s
[00:36] <Someguy1221> and why would any rational person use base 8?
[00:36] <Dcoetzee> In C, leading 0s mean octal
[00:36] <D_> Numbers with leading zeroes in C are treated as base 8
[00:36] <Dcoetzee> So BSD borrowed that
[00:37] <Dcoetzee> Meanwhile everybody else did something different
[00:37] <Dcoetzee> OS X is based on BSD
[00:37] <D_> Or they just wrote the tool in C and naively parsed the input
[00:37] <D_> (one would hope not)
[00:37] <Dcoetzee> C doesn't have a function to do that
[00:37] <Dcoetzee> So it's intentional
[00:37] <mareklug> is BSD for practical purposes of defining unix
[00:37] <Dcoetzee> Hmmm Windows treats it as octal too
[00:37] <Dcoetzee> Weird
[00:37] <Someguy1221> and why would any rational person use base 8?
[00:37] <Dcoetzee> Ubuntu does not
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[00:38] <Dcoetzee> Someguy1221: Base 8 is nice for the same reason base 16 is nice... the digits map onto groups of bits... it's still used sometimes to represent character codes.
[00:38] <BlastHardcheese> would irrational persons use base pi
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[00:38] <Dcoetzee> So apparently in Ubuntu it does something crazy I don't understand
[00:39] <Someguy1221> i'm thoreau would use base pi
[00:39] <Dcoetzee> PING 0127.0.0.1 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
[00:39] <Dcoetzee> --- 0127.0.0.1 ping statistics ---
[00:39] <Dcoetzee> 63 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 62496ms
[00:39] <Someguy1221> dee
[00:39] <Dcoetzee> How do I get packet loss to localhost? Where are the packets going?
[00:39] <D_> PING 0127.0.0.1 (
[00:39] <Someguy1221> if we assume travel time is even just 1/10th of light speed...
[00:39] <Dcoetzee> Oh right
�06[00:39] * Dcoetzee facepalms
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[00:39] <Someguy1221> you are communicating beyond the moon
[00:39] <Dcoetzee> It's octalifying again
[00:40] <Dcoetzee> I guess pretty much everybody does that now
[00:40] <Dcoetzee> Weird
[00:40] <Dcoetzee> That means that, apparently 0377.0377.0377.0377 is a valid IP address!
[00:41] <Dcoetzee> Mind=blown
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[00:42] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: IPv6 ftw
[00:42] <FastLizard4> We should base-64 encode IPv6 addresses
[00:43] <FastLizard4> Hello everyone, my IP address is JgeYAMECAgLerb7vgNMFdQ==
[00:43] <FastLizard4> :P
[00:43] <Dcoetzee> ...ha
[00:44] <Dcoetzee> That would let people claim some entertaining addresses that spell things
[00:44] <FastLizard4> Yup
[00:44] <FastLizard4> I already have dead beef in my IPv6 :P
[00:44] <FastLizard4> 2607:9800:c102:202:dead:beef:80d3:575
[00:44] <Dcoetzee> Nice :-P
[00:45] <FastLizard4> My other server's IP address is by far less interesting :P
[00:45] <FastLizard4> 2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe93:12d8
[00:45] <FastLizard4> But hey, I've memorized the first two and the last quads of it :P
[00:45] <Dcoetzee> Chrome accepts 0377.0377.0377.0376 as a valid IP address too
[00:45] <FastLizard4> o_o
[00:45] <FastLizard4> It does octal notation?  o_o
[00:45] <Dcoetzee> Yup!
[00:45] <FastLizard4> I wonder if it does hex notation
[00:45] <Dcoetzee> Firefox does not
[00:46] <D_> Hex is valid
[00:46] <Dcoetzee> Internet Explorer does
[00:46] <D_> but not dot separated
[00:46] <D_> if I recall correctly
[00:46] <D_> decimal is correct, too
[00:46] <FastLizard4> Hah
[00:47] <FastLizard4> 0x60.0x7e.0x60.0x09 correctly resolves to ->
[00:47] <Dcoetzee> FastLizard4: Really? Whoa
[00:47] <FastLizard4> Dammit Google :P
[00:47] <FastLizard4> Now I have to try binary :P
[00:47] <Dcoetzee> C:\Users\dcoetzee>ping 0x60.0x7e.0x60.0x09
[00:47] <Dcoetzee> Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
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[00:48] <Dcoetzee> So weird
[00:48] <FastLizard4> Aww, nope :(
[00:48] <D_> http://1618894857
[00:48] <FastLizard4> Interesting, host doesn't accept it
[00:48] <D_> Here you go.
[00:48] <Dcoetzee> ...
[00:48] <Dcoetzee> You can specify as a single 32 bit integer?
[00:48] <Dcoetzee> Really?
[00:48] <FastLizard4> Wiat
[00:48] <FastLizard4> What
[00:48] <FastLizard4> :O
[00:48] <FastLizard4> LOL
[00:48] <FastLizard4> We should use that format for all IP addresses
[00:48] <FastLizard4> Would make rangeblocks easier :P
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[00:49] <kuzetsa> FastLizard4: not really. CIDR format isn't that hard
[00:49] <FastLizard4> kuzetsa: Shh
�02[00:49] * mattbuck ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[00:49] <FastLizard4> It is for me :P
[00:49] <FastLizard4> Aww :(
[00:49] <FastLizard4> fastlizard4@ridley:~$ host 0x60.0x7e.0x60.0x09
[00:49] <FastLizard4> 0x60.0x7e.0x60.0x09 has address
[00:49] <FastLizard4> Host 0x60.0x7e.0x60.0x09 not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
[00:49] <rigel> oh god, the ipv6 handling on wp is awful
[00:50] <Dcoetzee> I think I am going to opt to *not* include this craziness in [[Module:IPAddress]]
[00:50] <Dcoetzee> But I will note it
[00:50] <D_> Oh hey, we actually have an article on this
[00:50] <D_>
[00:50] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: DO IT
[00:50] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: DO EEEEEEET
[00:50] <FastLizard4> :P
[00:51] <FastLizard4> D_: Dammit, we have an article on everything :P
[00:51] <D_> Apparently there's an inet_aton
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[00:51] <Dcoetzee> From now on I'm going to give my IP as a single decimal number
[00:51] <D_> I guess a lot of unixy utils use something similar
[00:51] <Dcoetzee> Just for fun
[00:51] <D_> and I guess that's the defacto standard
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[00:51] <FastLizard4> Hehe
[00:51] <FastLizard4> Hmm
[00:52] <FastLizard4> Now, let's see if I can convert my IPv6 address to a single hex number
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[00:52] <FastLizard4> Or decimal number for that matter
[00:52] <Dcoetzee> 1827097742 <-- my current IP
[00:52] <Dcoetzee> Coincidentally, also a mobile phone number in India
[00:53] <FastLizard4> LOL
[00:53] <FastLizard4> Now, wouldn't that be cool
[00:53] <FastLizard4> Where your IP address was both your phone number and a decimal digit representation of your IP?
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[00:53] <Dcoetzee> That would be awesome :-P
[00:53] <D_> As long as it wasn't IPv6
[00:54] <Someguy1221> dammit dee, i can't find a way to parse that into an ipv4 address
[00:54] <Dcoetzee> My phone number is too long for an IP address
[00:54] <Dcoetzee> 9 hex digits
[00:54] <FastLizard4> We should do an RFC for April FOols'
[00:54] <FastLizard4> :P
[00:54] <FastLizard4> Internet and Phone Number Unification Protocol
[00:54] <Dcoetzee> Ha
[00:55] <FastLizard4> (RFC as in IETF RFC, not Wikipedia RFC :P)
[00:55] <Dcoetzee> Are WP RFCs named after IETF's?
[00:55] <Dcoetzee> Or are both based on a preexisting term?
[00:55] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: Pre-existing term, I believe
[00:55] <FastLizard4> Requests For Comment
[00:55] <FastLizard4> Though the standards-track IETF RFCs aren't requests for comment at all :P
[00:56] <Someguy1221> why was ipv5 skipped?
[00:56] <FastLizard4> More like "Haha, you shall now use these standards!"
[00:56] <Someguy1221> also, was there ever ipv1-3?
[00:56] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: IPv5 is actually a version of TCP/IP used in China
[00:56] <Dcoetzee> Someguy1221: Yes
[00:56] <FastLizard4> Used to help the government censor stuff
[00:56] <FastLizard4> Or no
[00:56] <FastLizard4> I guess it isnt
[00:56] <FastLizard4>
[00:56] <FastLizard4> Hmm
[00:57] <FastLizard4> I swear china had a special TCP/IP version for their Great Firewall
[00:57] <Dcoetzee> " (Version 5 was used by the experimental Internet Stream Protocol.)" -
[00:57] <D_> Apparently there was an RFC1
[00:57] <Dcoetzee> So it was simply never adopted
[00:57] <D_> What number are they up to now?
[00:57] <FastLizard4> D_: HAH
[00:57] <Someguy1221> wait, so there was actually once ipv1-3, just never publicly used?
[00:57] <FastLizard4> Oh, IMPs
[00:58] <FastLizard4> D_: I've probably visited the lab where RFC 1 was written :P
[00:58] <FastLizard4> I've seen the IMP too
[00:58] <D_> Did you see the original parchment?
[00:58] <FastLizard4> Beast of a router
[00:58] <FastLizard4> :P
[00:58] <Dcoetzee> Someguy1221: 0-3 actually
[00:58] <FastLizard4> D_: Yes, I did
[00:58] <FastLizard4> Even the parchment they used to log the first message sent from UCLA to SRI
[00:58] <Dcoetzee> IP versions 0 to 3 were development versions of IPv4 and were used between 1977 and 1979.[citation needed]
[00:58] <Dcoetzee> So it says
[01:00] <FastLizard4> D_ / Dcoetzee:
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[01:01] <D_> I wish networking devices looked like this
[01:01] <D_> With large power switches that look like they belong in an airliner cockpit
[01:01] <FastLizard4> Now they don't even have buttons on them
[01:01] <FastLizard4> Hehe
[01:01] <FastLizard4> D_: Oh, hold on
[01:01] <FastLizard4>
[01:01] <FastLizard4> D_: ^
[01:02] <D_> It has a counter for the amount of time it was on?
[01:02] <FastLizard4> Don't you wish your Wi-Fi router had /that/ main power switch?  :P
[01:02] <FastLizard4> Yup
[01:02] <D_> Like a hobbs meter?
[01:03] <FastLizard4> Dunno what kind, but yeah
[01:03] <FastLizard4> Apparently it's been on for over 7000 hours
[01:03] <FastLizard4> Actually, I wonder if they could make it handle modern Internet protocols
[01:03] <FastLizard4> And actually use it as a router stll :P
[01:04] <D_> It's been down for a while, they certainly wouldn't get even two nines
[01:04] <FastLizard4> Yeah, true
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[01:10] <SigmaWP> night
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[01:17] <FarmTheSky> FTLOG, RTFM!
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[02:21] <wctaiwan_> if anyone said anything kindly say it again..
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�02[02:24] * tucoxn (~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn) Quit (Quit: You're all asleep!�)
[02:25] <BlastHardcheese> anything
[02:25] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: Would you kindly make me a sandwich?
[02:25] <wctaiwan> FastLizard4: make it yourself
[02:25] <FastLizard4> :(
[02:25] <Someguy1221> Fastlizard4: wctaiwan is not a woman. that was ruse
[02:25] <Someguy1221> rude*
[02:25] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: 9_9
[02:26] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: And the joke goes right over your head :P
[02:26] <wctaiwan> FastLizard4: his went right over yours, too :P
[02:26] <Someguy1221> :D
[02:26] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: Yeah, I know
[02:26] <FastLizard4> Still :)
[02:26] <wctaiwan> I assume that was an xkcd sudo make me a sandwich reference
[02:26] <wctaiwan> his was a stereotyping of woman one
[02:27] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: Close
[02:27] <FastLizard4> I see the two of you have never played BioShock
[02:27] <wctaiwan> I haven't, true.
[02:27] <wctaiwan> but the sudo make me a sandwich gag originated from xkcd.
[02:27] <FastLizard4> Indeed
[02:27] <FastLizard4> But here's what I was referencing:
[02:28] <FastLizard4> (So I guess one could say I was referencing xkcd too, but indirectly)
[02:28] <wctaiwan> ah.
[02:31] <Dcoetzee> Basically anything a person can say is a direct or indirect reference to xkcd.
[02:31] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: thoughts on my question?
[02:32] <BlastHardcheese> this is not a reference to xkcd
[02:32] <wctaiwan> I'm pretty sure they're doing it on purpose too--they edit in a controversial subject area.
[02:32] <Dcoetzee> Didn't see it
[02:32] <wctaiwan> BlastHardcheese: that was a meta-reference to xkcd.
[02:32] <BlastHardcheese> OR WAS IT
[02:32] <wctaiwan> oh, basically there's this IP who's switching IPs for edits less than 10 minutes apart
[02:32] <FastLizard4> XKCDCEPTION
[02:32] <wctaiwan> so his contribs are spread across at least 3 IPs
[02:33] <wctaiwan> does that rise to the level of evading scrutiny?
[02:33] <Dcoetzee> No
[02:33] <wctaiwan> bah >.<
[02:33] <Dcoetzee> It may be occurring for technical reasons beyond their control
[02:33] <Dcoetzee> Such as frequent outages, or simply walking around in a wifi zone
[02:33] <wctaiwan> I highly doubt it
[02:33] <Dcoetzee> AGF
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[02:34] <wctaiwan> I would if the person doesn't have a history of pushing a fringe POV
[02:34] <Dcoetzee> Not unless you can demonstrate the pattern of edits shows purposeful switching at key moments
[02:34] <Dcoetzee> With a purpose in mind
[02:34] <wctaiwan> how can you demonstrate it? It can always be accidental.
[02:34] <Dcoetzee> Beyond a certain point it's unlikely
[02:35] <Dcoetzee> e.g. if they switch IPs three times and vote on the same AfD each time, that's pretty obvious
[02:35] <Dcoetzee> (if they don't switch IPs the rest of the time)
[02:35] <Dcoetzee> *especially if
[02:35] <wctaiwan> meh, I'll go to ANI next time it happens.
[02:36] <wctaiwan> there are people editing in the subject area who seem to excel at wearing other people down, or at least getting them flailing their arms like madmen.
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[02:51] <ow> I'm so glad there aren't bots patrolling meta, auto reversing people that remove a large section of a page
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[03:02] <Camoka4> hi
[03:02] <Camoka4> I have unban request. and my talk page is locked.
[03:03] <Camoka4> I want to make [[wp:en:standard offer]]
[03:04] <FastLizard4> Camoka4: I would recommend emailing the admin that banned you; there probably aren't many around this time of day
[03:04] <FastLizard4> Unlesss you're still ther Dcoetzee :P
[03:04] <Camoka4> the admin not responding
�02[03:04] * dtm ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[03:04] <Camoka4> the admin that locked my talk page is not responding
[03:04] <FastLizard4> How long ago did you email them?
[03:05] <Camoka4> a few weeks ago
[03:05] <Someguy1221> you should use UTRS:
[03:05] <Someguy1221> although i cannot say that an unblock is likely, given you were socking as early as five days ago
[03:07] <Peter-C> NK is doing what the Japs did in WWII
[03:08] <Camoka4> NK army is like Saddam
[03:08] <FastLizard4> Peter-C: Do you think NK will actually nuke the U.S>?
[03:08] <Camoka4> ready to defect
[03:08] <FastLizard4> Hmm
[03:08] <Peter-C> No
[03:08] <Camoka4> Saddam Republican ARmy
[03:08] <FastLizard4> Maybe I should see if Los Angeles is in ICBM range of North Korea
[03:08] <FastLizard4> :P
[03:08] <Peter-C> *Republican guard
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[03:08] <FastLizard4> I'm thinking that NK would never nuke the U.S., because then there'd be an instant, total retaliation against them
[03:09] <FastLizard4> If they don't get nuked back, full-scale invasion
[03:09] <Peter-C> Yep
[03:10] <Peter-C> Or the Us might just blow them up for shits and giggles
[03:10] <FastLizard4> Indeed
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[03:10] <FastLizard4> Even Russia is siding against them
[03:10] <FastLizard4> ANd China's going "We're not sure how much more of your shit we can take, North Korea"
[03:10] <Peter-C> Yet they keep yelling like a baby
[03:11] <Camoka4> its known NK is an isolated country
[03:11] <FastLizard4> Indeed
[03:11] <FastLizard4> Actually, if they launched nukes against the U.S., Japan would probably launch the first strike :P
[03:11] <FastLizard4> I know they'd be happy to be rid of North Korea
[03:12] <Peter-C> SK and Japan would be bonded for their love of killing NKers
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[03:12] <Camoka4> Japan would stay out
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[03:13] <Camoka4> SK supported by US would invade them
[03:13] <Camoka4> or NK would collapse within
[03:14] <FastLizard4> Alright, time for me to sleep.  Enough code reading for the night
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[03:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C Japan has no millitary for that
[03:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a north korean operation would be a NATO one.
[03:18] <Peter-C> They have a Japanese Navy -
[03:18] <Peter-C> And yes it would
[03:18] <Peter-C> 80% American
[03:18] <Peter-C> Like before
[03:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> percentage isnt the issue
[03:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in the first korean war there were 2 US armies and 1 british army that had been the main fighting force
[03:19] <Peter-C> I'm just saying, 'merika = NATO
[03:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> It really isnt
[03:20] <Peter-C> I think we should take a similar approach like Iraq
[03:20] <Peter-C> (Gulf War)
[03:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that was a disaster
[03:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> again was a disaster
[03:20] <Peter-C> Gulf War?
[03:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> had it not been a disaster a second war would not be needed
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[03:21] <Peter-C> Well, the leadup to war was great, took 100 hours to win, but yes, their should have been more releif efforts
[03:21] <ToAruShiroiNeko> in the first korean war you had significant south korean contribution
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[03:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C war isnt a game, countries put national interests first
�02[03:30] * LtNOWIS-mobile ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[03:34] <Peter-C> Yes.
�02[03:38] * MBisanz (MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[03:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> is it in south koreas best interest to risk a nuclear war?
[03:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> do south koreans want even more US troops?
[03:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you are more likely to have an unlikely China-US colaition
[03:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *coalition even
[03:50] <Peter-C> From the  SKers I know, they really hate the NKers
[03:50] <Peter-C> And *do* want war
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[04:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you are saying they are OK with the complete and utter destruciton of their country?
[04:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> were you talking with teenagers or adults?
�03[04:04] * Izsleepz is now known as Izhidez
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[04:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[04:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> picture says a lot
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�06[05:09] * ToAruShiroiNeko stabs mareklug
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[05:15] <maxpert1111> hello
[05:15] <maxpert1111> I need help
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[06:37] <russavia> thanks agk-wiki
[06:37] <agk-wiki> Np
[06:37] <Bradford> O_O
�03[06:37] * contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt) has joined #wikipedia-en
[06:38] <wctaiwan> russavia thanking an arb? does that mean he got ublocked? >.>
[06:38] <russavia> agk-wiki is arbcom considering other goings on in the last couple of days
[06:38] <wctaiwan> …and so he did
[06:38] <wctaiwan> wow.
[06:38] <wctaiwan> congratulations
[06:38] <agk-wiki> Which going ons?
[06:38] <russavia> i just sent it via pm
[06:39] <russavia> thanks wctaiwan
�03[06:41] * gwick|sleep is now known as gwickwire
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[06:45] <petan> bored in office I started reading kernel sources as if it was a book or something
[06:45] <petan> I am in a chapter called init :]
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[07:03] <catman> New guy here. Is this the right place to report harassment?
[07:03] <Vacation9|busy> catman: Try #wikipedia-en-help
[07:04] <catman> thanks.
�02[07:04] * catman (48e207ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit�)
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[07:45] <TBloemink> I'm being trolled by chocolate bars
[07:45] <TBloemink> Freaking thing is already in pieces
�03[07:45] * GorillaWarfare (~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:45] <TBloemink> scared me to death when I opened it
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[07:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TBloemink are you scarred for life?
[07:53] <TBloemink> not really
[07:53] <TBloemink> lol
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[08:13] <Computron_> Is anyone here from Chicago?
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[08:19] <Computron_> Or is anyone here from Illinois, I need photos of the snow for a Wikipedia article if possible please.
�02[08:22] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
[08:23] <Swob> there are quite a few people here from Chicago
[08:24] <Swob> i can see 3 of them on the nick list right now
[08:24] <Computron_> Swob, who?
�03[08:26] * SuctionCups is now known as Superaway
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[08:27] <Swob> im sure theyll come if theyre here
[08:27] <Swob> theyre prpobably just all afk
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[08:45] <Computron_> legoktm, are you able to get an additional 2-3 photographs if possible please? :-)
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[09:22] <Bradford> ;D
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[09:30] <Swob> i love sc(n)ottywong and his bots
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[09:32] <Isarra> Guys! Guys! I got an ani notice! I must really be a wikipedian!
[09:32] <gwickwire> guys
[09:32] <gwickwire> i just won
[09:33] <gwickwire> I JUST WON!
�03[09:33] * Zhalgo (ae5d9247@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:33] <gwickwire> FUcKING BOSS!
�02[09:33] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[09:33] <Zhalgo> chill, gwickwire
[09:33] <gwickwire> but I won
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�03[09:33] * GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|Pool
[09:33] <gwickwire> like literally, I'm not trolling, I won against wikipediocracy
[09:33] <Zhalgo> yay!
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[09:33] <Isarra> How so?
[09:34] <Zhalgo> I'm gonna meet my ex-work bosses as well  soon
�02[09:34] * Superaway (~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[09:34] <Isarra> I guess I always just assumed it was just a bad wordpress install. Not a whole lot to win against.
[09:34] <Isarra> Unless I'm confusing it with something else.
[09:34] <gwickwire> Isarra: eh, long long long long story.
�06[09:35] * Zhalgo was fired from a job in a amusement park and has union reps backing him up
[09:35] <Isarra> Ah.
[09:35] <gwickwire> I guarantee you they won't get shut down, but this is a small win in the war!
[09:35] <Swob> wait
[09:35] <Swob> his tool might be brokwn
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[09:37] <gwickwire> Swob: hai :d
[09:37] <gwickwire> D
�03[09:37] * Freudian|Sleep (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LuciferTiger) has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:37] <gwickwire> :D
[09:37] <Isarra> I need to make up a story about who I am.
[09:37] <gwickwire> lol.
[09:37] <Isarra> Why is this so difficult?
�03[09:38] * matt_buck ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[09:39] <Zhalgo> Isarra: write bullshit.
[09:39] <Zhalgo> ME MYSELF AND I
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[09:49] <Swob> i wish amazon would fix the bug in its music search
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[09:53] <Isarra> I wonder, is the future deployment of a currently not even exactly under-development feature a valid reason not to want to change my signature?
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[09:55] <gwickwire> LOL
�03[09:55] * Bradford is now known as maop
[09:57] <Swob> there's no way to search for an exact artist name
[09:57] <Swob> even under Advanced Search
�03[09:57] * TB|VOER is now known as TBloemink
�02[09:58] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
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[09:59] <TheDruId> Swob, who are you looking for?
�03[10:00] * Matthew_ (~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:01] <Swob> just in general
[10:01] <Swob> its a problem Ive had multiple times
[10:01] <Swob> just now I was looking for a band named "Bubbles"
[10:01] <Swob> but it turns up any band with Bubble in its name
[10:01] <Swob> even using Advanced search
[10:02] <rigel> did you put it in quotes?
[10:02] <Swob> I dont think quotes would do anything on a single-word search, so no I didnt
[10:03] <TheDruId> Swob my workaround is usually search:     not Bubbles
[10:03] <TheDruId> It gives a lot fewer flase positives.
[10:03] <maop> o_O
[10:03] <TheDruId> Sorry, *false.
[10:03] <Swob> well sure but what if I actually want to search for "Bubbles"?
[10:04] <Swob> they should have a way to search for an exact artist name, but instead they just give you anything that has that one word in its name, even if its not exactly the same word
[10:04] <TheDruId> I'm goal oriented; the method gives me the results, by an untrodden path.
[10:05] <Swob> typing "    not Bubbles" into the search box gives 0 results
[10:05] <TheDruId>
[10:06] <Swob> huh/
[10:06] <Swob> im searchng on Amazon
[10:06] <TheDruId> Do you mean the Swedish      Bubbles (band) ?
[10:06] <Swob> the Wikipedia search function is actually quite good, imo
[10:07] <TheDruId> Swob, on Amazon, band member names give better results if they aren't Jones, Smith, et. al.
[10:08] <Swob> that fails too
[10:08] <Swob> aT least in this case
[10:08] <Swob> maybe it would work other times
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�02[10:19] * JasonDC ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[10:19] <SuicidalZerg> Oh you poor, poor Europeans:
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[10:21] <fapfapfap> :-(
[10:21] <geniice> its appears that its more meant to target sexulised ad
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[10:27] <TheDruId> o/
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�03[10:37] * DooitzedeJong (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:38] <Isarra> I love wikipedians.
[10:38] <fapfapfap> why?
[10:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yay
�03[10:41] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[10:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to stab people
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�06[10:53] * Elduen puts a ladybug on Isarra's monitor.
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[10:54] <TheDruId> What in that causes the impulse? Not arguing, just trying to find your "why".
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[10:54] <Bradford> O_O
[10:55] <TheDruId> Bradford, o/
[10:55] <Isarra> Meow.
[10:55] <Bradford> \o/
[10:55] <Elduen> The madness.
[10:55] <jeromyu> \o/
�03[10:55] * Bradford is now known as Meow
�03[10:55] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:55] <Meow> xD
[10:55] <Elduen> It's contagious, like the color blue.
�03[10:55] * Meow is now known as Bradford
[10:55] <TheDruId> Sorry folks, got to go. Have a day! :D
[10:56] <jeromyu> what, still a long time until day here lol
�02[10:57] * TheDruId (4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
�03[10:57] * Mike_H (~quassel@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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[10:58] <Isarra> You know that phrase 'let's make better mistakes tomorrow'?
�03[10:58] * ty (ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
[10:59] <Elduen> Let's make them NOW.
[10:59] <Isarra> If we're learning from our mistakes today, wouldn't we be more likely to make worse mistakes tomorrow due to having more of an idea what we're doing and thus having more of a reach?
[11:00] <Elduen> Actually, learning from my mistakes has worked reasonably well so far.
�03[11:00] * Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
�02[11:01] * Mike_HH (~quassel@ Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[11:01] <Isarra> Oh.
[11:01] <Isarra> Usually I just wind up doing more damage.
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[11:02] <Elduen> With you, dear, I think that's inevitable regardless of whether you learn from previous mistakes.
�03[11:03] * TBloemink_ (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:04] <Isarra> Are you calling me incompetent?
[11:04] <Isarra> Because you might be onto something there.
[11:04] <Elduen> Yeah, well, it takes one to know one.
�02[11:05] * TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
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[11:18] <Bradford> YuviPanda: xD
�03[11:19] * Grashoofd ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[11:20] <YuviPanda> Bradford: :D
�03[11:20] * D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000
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[11:22] <SuicidalZerg> ToAruShiroiNeko: I want to stab people too
[11:22] <SuicidalZerg> This is the same Eric Holder that refused to rule out Drone Strikes against Americans on their own soil too, you know.
[11:23] <SuicidalZerg> Guy should be fired. Immediately.
[11:23] <SuicidalZerg> Now then, about stabbing people...
�03[11:23] * DDdd ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[11:23] * SuicidalZerg stabs the leader of North Korea
[11:23] <SuicidalZerg>
[11:25] <BlastHardcheese> don't you mean "zerg rushes him"
�03[11:27] * Guest8083 is now known as Mike_HH
�03[11:29] * StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
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[11:33] <RingtailedFox> is anyone able to assist me with my mediawiki install issues?  #mediawiki's dead
[11:34] <kondi> RingtailedFox: the right place would be #mediawiki
[11:34] <RingtailedFox> but... no one's there
[11:34] <kondi> what'd the issue btw?
[11:34] <kondi> *what's
[11:34] <RingtailedFox> i'm setting up a test wiki, but i keep getting odd errors: v
[11:34] <RingtailedFox>
[11:34] <drama> whoa
[11:35] <drama> you done fucked up
[11:35] <RingtailedFox> how so?
[11:35] <RingtailedFox> ini_set is enabled on my server
[11:35] <drama> Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mlegends/public_html/wiki/LocalSettings.php:21) in /home/mlegends/public_html/wiki/includes/WebResponse.php on line 38
[11:36] <drama> Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/mlegends/public_html/wiki/includes/LocalisationCache.php on line 483
[11:36] <RingtailedFox> i use for security
[11:36] <RingtailedFox> i know
[11:36] <RingtailedFox> ini_set's enabled
[11:37] <Swob> i love php
�03[11:37] * gnomemercy ( has left #wikipedia-en ("Silentium est aureum"�)
[11:37] <RingtailedFox> ok
�03[11:38] * Mark_77 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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�02[11:40] * MWtG ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[11:42] <fapfapfap> hi
[11:42] <Swob> hi fapfap
[11:42] <fapfapfap> :-)
�02[11:42] * LtNOWIS-mobile ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
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[11:43] <rigel> what the shit is this
[11:43] <rigel> "I'm retired, but i'm still editing"
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[11:44] <rigel> i mean, i dont know that that violates any policies, but still. what a yutz.
�03[11:44] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
[11:44] <Demiurge1000> Seems to be quite common.
[11:45] <rigel> is it?
[11:45] <Swob> yeah
[11:45] <Swob> he at least is being honest
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[11:49] <Computron_> Is anyonw
[11:50] <Computron_> Is anyone here from Chicago, I need some photos of the heavy snow there for a Wikipedia article.
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�03[12:05] * Maryana is now known as Maryana_intervie
�03[12:05] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
[12:09] <Swob> did you hear the Energizer bunny was arrested?
[12:09] <Swob> He was charged with BATTERY.
�03[12:10] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:10] <fapfapfap> sorry, i dont understand
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[12:38] <Elduen> What did one hat say to another? You stay here, I'll go on a head.
�03[12:40] * lukas23 is now known as lukas|away
�06[12:42] * kondi is feeling that he should edit more often
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[12:43] <Swob> i thought you were female
[12:44] <YuviPanda> kondi: ^
[12:44] <Swob> i guess I just assumed becayse of
�06[12:45] * kondi facepalms
[12:46] <fapfapfap> :D
[12:46] <kondi> Swob: look at
[12:47] <kondi> and [[Kondi]]
[12:47] <Swob> yeah but that just makes it seem even mroe feminine
[12:48] <Swob> Cherry is a girl's name
[12:48] <kondi> yeah it's weird and my name is not cherry :\
[12:49] <Swob> at the coffee shop i go to there was a girl named Cherry and a girl named Banana
[12:49] <JohnLewis> Swob: If they work there, Interesting.
[12:50] <JohnLewis> If not... Not so interesting but still interesting.
�03[12:52] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
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�03[13:01] * Maryana_intervie is now known as Maryana
[13:02] <natasha> hola
[13:02] <Mike_HH> A cotillion or débutante ball in the United States is a formal presentation of young ladies, débutantes, to "polite society". The ladies introduced can vary from the ages of 16 to 19; in some areas 15 and 16-year-olds are called "junior débutantes."
[13:02] <Mike_HH> hrm, nothing about "queen of the debs"
[13:02] <Mike_HH> or maybe that only happened where my mother lived
[13:03] <QueenOfFrance> Mike_HH: did you change your account? :o
[13:03] <QueenOfFrance> also, hi :)
[13:04] <Mike_HH> :o
[13:04] <Mike_HH> hi
[13:04] <Mike_HH> I just can't log into my normal one with nickserv
[13:04] <Mike_HH> let me try now
�03[13:04] * Mike_HH is now known as Mike_H
[13:04] <Mike_H> better
[13:05] <natasha> respomdan
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�02[13:11] * Grashoofd ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89-rdmsoft [XULRunner]�)
[13:12] <natasha> not English
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[13:26] <Mike_H> "The storyline generated a lot of controversy due to the fact that Beatriz got pregnant at such a young age. As a result, the Mexican press published articles about the subject and talked about the misinformation that children sometimes receive from parents. With this role, Thalía grew closer to the public, but especially caught the attention of all those teens who were facing the same problematic situation."
[13:26] <Mike_H> I wish I could write Spanish, I'd do the searching myself
[13:26] <Mike_H> I need to find a Mexican Wikipedian now
[13:26] <Mike_H> it'd be cool if I could find sources for this
[13:26] <JohnLewis> Mike_H do they have to be Mexican?
�03[13:26] * Avi|work (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Avraham) has left #wikipedia-en
[13:26] <BarkingFish> have a try in #wikipedia-es, Mike_H  - i'm sure you could find someone in there to help you :)
[13:26] <Mike_H> well, I guess anyone who knows Spanish would work
�03[13:26] * GuySoft (~guysoft@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:27] <JohnLewis> Hahc21 does (If he is here)
[13:27] <Mike_H> Aranda56 does too
[13:27] <Hahc21> I'm here
[13:27] <JohnLewis> Good day Hahc21.
[13:27] <mareklug> Mike_H wait for the Spnish teens misbehaving en español hour on this channel
[13:27] <Hahc21> hey John, long time without talking
�03[13:27] * El_Patron is now known as KABTEN-TEM
[13:27] <Mike_H> Hahc21: trying to find sources re: that passage
[13:28] <Hahc21> Oh
[13:28] <Hahc21> About Thalía
[13:28] <Mike_H> that Thalía's role in "Quinceañera" caused the Mexican press to write articles about sex education for teenagers
[13:28] <Mike_H> yeah
�03[13:28] * KABTEN-TEM is now known as Bradford
[13:28] <Mike_H> I'm trying to revamp that article
[13:28] <Swob> hi marek
[13:29] <Mike_H> I already found one source where the Associated Press calls it one of the 10 most influential novelas in Latin America
[13:29] <Hahc21> Thalías article?
[13:29] <Mike_H> no, the one for Quinceañera
�02[13:29] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: Maryana�)
[13:29] <Mike_H> [[Quinceañera (telenovela)]]
[13:30] <Hahc21> Oh
[13:30] <Hahc21> You may be interested in checking the spanish version of Thalía
[13:30] <Hahc21> Oh well, it may be hard for you
[13:31] <Mike_H> Hahc21: I can glean basic facts from the novela article on, like exact dates of its airing and such
[13:31] <Mike_H> I already added that
�03[13:31] * TheChance ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:31] <Mike_H> Original run	October 5, 1987 – February 26, 1988
[13:32] <Mike_H> Hahc21: maybe you can help me with what the AP article says
[13:32] <Mike_H> it's just a little paragraph
[13:32] <Mike_H> "Quinceañera" (1987) - México
[13:32] <Mike_H> Las adolescentes no podían quedarse sin un producto dedicado a ellas. Así nació esta telenovela que demostró la conveniencia de llegar al mercado juvenil y en este caso la fórmula se concentró en la determinante fiesta de 15 años, el novio adolescente de la protagonista, los amigos y las diferencias generacionales.
�03[13:33] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:33] <Hahc21> I will translate that for you
[13:33] <Mike_H> thank you
[13:35] <Hahc21> Female teenagers could not be left without a product dedicated to them.
�03[13:35] * Riley|Travel is now known as Riley
�03[13:35] * Bradford is now known as KABTEN-TEM
[13:36] <Hahc21> This was how the telenovela that demonstrated the convenience of reaching the youth market was born, and in this case the formula was centered around the 15-year party, the teenage boyfriend of the main protagonist, friends and differences between generations.
�03[13:36] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:37] <Mike_H> oh thanks :)
�02[13:37] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Client Quit�)
�03[13:38] * KABTEN-TEM is now known as e____e
[13:39] <Mike_H> Hahc21: I wish I knew more of the plot, all of the episodes are on YouTube but they don't have subtitles
�03[13:39] * TimAbraldes ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:39] <Mike_H> and I won't ask anyone to watch 100 episodes of a novela to tell me what happens, Wikipedia can go without :P
[13:39] <Hahc21> haha
�03[13:40] * e____e is now known as KABTEN-TEM
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[13:46] <JohnLewis> Mike_H... You watch them yourself prehaps?
[13:47] <JohnLewis> *You could -- My typing is off today.
�03[13:47] * GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|AFK
[13:47] <Mike_H> JohnLewis: I just said they didn't have subtitles
�03[13:48] * Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:48] <Mike_H> I don't understand enough Spanish spoken to get it all
[13:48] <JohnLewis> Mike_H: Well, You may learn something...
�02[13:49] * TheChance ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[13:52] <Mike_H> lol, how to talk like a 15-year-old girl? :P
�02[13:52] * Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) Quit (Quit: (-8�)
�03[13:52] * Horrifico (9c6e52de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:54] <BarkingFish> Mike_H, that's easy :)  You hold long conversations into a cellphone with your imaginary BF and pretend they're so hot you'd burn your hand on them :)
[13:54] <Mike_H> BarkingFish: ;)
[13:54] <BarkingFish> Your conversations mostly consist of "Oh my God!" "No way!" and general gossip
[13:55] <BarkingFish> And you talk on the phone till your battery dies, then you take another phone out of your pocket and start again
[13:55] <JohnLewis> BarkingFish: And maybe throw in bitch a few times.
[13:55] <BarkingFish> JohnLewis, yeah, that works.
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[14:12] <BarkingFish> Anyone here good at picking out faults in c++?
[14:13] <D_> You mean picking out faults with the design of the language itself?
[14:14] <BarkingFish> within a program, D_
[14:14] <D_> Much less entertaining
�02[14:14] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
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[14:15] <BarkingFish> I have a program I'm compiling, and one of the headers is being a SOB.  It is supposed to compile with a specific part of the code only in use if the kernel version is less than 2.6.20, but even on higher versions, it's trying to include it, and the compile is breaking.
[14:16] <Swob> i didnt know you could program
[14:17] <Swob> thats way beyond my skill lelve
[14:17] <BarkingFish> i've been learning, Swob - so I can fix shit like this when it turns up
[14:17] <D_> I don't remember off the top of my head how to conditionally compile based on kernel level
[14:17] <BarkingFish> I've even tried excluding that portion of the code with a #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20)
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[14:18] <BarkingFish> but that still fails to exclude the specified portion of the code - it's meant as backwards compatibility for old kernels, where INIT_WORK takes 3 parameters, now it only takes 2 - and since the code is passing 3 instead of 2, the compile goes feet up at that point.  I'll paste the header up for you :)
[14:19] <D_> According to this thing version.h has the relevant macros
�02[14:19] * Wiki13 (~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13) Quit (Quit: While there's life, there's hope.�)
[14:20] <BarkingFish> yeah. This is the header, - line 209 to 220 is the bit I'm trying to fix
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[14:24] <D_> Oh dear, I can't even tell if it has a matching endif
�02[14:25] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Client Quit�)
[14:27] <BarkingFish> D_, you know something? I think you just hit the nail on the head.  I can't find one.
[14:28] <BarkingFish> I can't even find where INIT_WORK is defined.
[14:28] <BarkingFish> ffs...
�06[14:28] * BarkingFish headbutts his desk
�02[14:29] * IShadowed_ (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[14:30] <BarkingFish>  gotta reboot to go install some fixes to my system. back in a tick :)
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[14:41] <Swob> hi idoh
[14:42] <IDoH> Hey Swob
[14:42] <mareklug> IDoH hi Em
[14:42] <IDoH> Hey mareklug
�02[14:42] * Elduen (~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
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[14:44] <Swob>
[14:44] <Maple__> sigh
�03[14:44] * Adrianzo (~hermilo@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:44] <IDoH> Swob: Is that Russavia?
[14:45] <Swob> really doubt it
[14:45] <Swob> considering Russavia is apparently now unblocked
[14:45] <IDoH> Oh, okay
�03[14:46] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:46] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:47] <Swob> Arbcom voted 8-0 to let him back in
[14:47] <Swob>
[14:47] <BarkingFish> About fucking time too
[14:48] <BarkingFish> I'm as pleased as buggery.  Russavia's been working like a trojan elsewhere, it was a loss keeping him banned.
[14:48] <Swob> \o/
[14:49] <Swob> wonder why hes not on the channel now. whats the time over there?
[14:49] <BarkingFish> 23.49
[14:50] <BarkingFish> It's a shame that we overreacted so badly to polandball.   Even the Polish Wikipedia has a page on it, and they don't give a flying fuck about it from what I can gather
�02[14:50] * Ooku_j (~Ooku@unaffiliated/ooku) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[14:50] <Maple__> Apparently my book from the library is "IN TRANSIT". To another person. "IN TRANSIT + 232 HOLDS"
[14:50] <Maple__> Beeeep.
[14:50] <Maple__> "173 of 232 holds."
[14:50] <BarkingFish> Jeez.
[14:51] <Swob> at the bottom of his talk page is a warning saying he'll be rebanned if he so much as allows someone else to put a polandball comic on his page
[14:51] <BarkingFish> Yeah, what's the betting someone will put one there just to get it done. There're people trying to get him rebanned already on JW's talk page.
[14:52] <BarkingFish> I mean, ffs, arbcom banned him, arbcom let him come back.  Get the front door over it.
[14:52] <Jeske_Couriano> BarkingFish) The Russavia situation is one reason I refuse to involve myself in ethnopolitical conflicts on WP.
[14:52] <Swob> I think itll happen
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�06[14:53] * Dcoetzee waaaaves
[14:53] <BarkingFish> Swob, yeah, and that's the problem.  Russavia made an appeal, it was backed 8-0 by the arbcom - I mean, how the fuck is Russavia meant to "stop" people from posting stuff on his talk page?
[14:53] <BarkingFish> It's impossible.  Someone posts a pic, it means someone will have to be there pretty much constantly to delete it.
[14:53] <Maple__> Whoa whoa whoa.
[14:54] <BarkingFish> hi Dcoetzee
[14:54] <Maple__> Russavia's appeal lasted two months.
[14:54] <Maple__> That's long.
[14:54] <IDoH> What happened with Russavia?
[14:54] <BarkingFish> yeah, Arbcom got held up with other things, Maple__
[14:54] <BarkingFish> IDoH, he's been unblocked after an appeal to arbcom
[14:54] <IDoH> Well, yes, but why was he banned to begin with/
[14:55] <Dcoetzee> Wikidrama :-P
[14:55] <Jeske_Couriano> ArbComm case, IDoH
[14:55] <Dcoetzee> Stirred up by Kohs it seems
[14:55] <IShadowed_> that's such a bullshit excuse
[14:55] <Swob> really?
[14:55] <IShadowed_> I should be banned by now under that
[14:55] <Swob> Greg Kohs is still influencing us?
[14:55] <BarkingFish> He was banned on subjects to do with eastern europe, and iirc he violated the topic ban and something else I can't remember
�06[14:56] * Dcoetzee waves to IShadowed_
�02[14:56] * Horrifico (9c6e52de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Disconnected by services�)
[14:56] <IShadowed_> hi
�03[14:56] * Horrifico (9c6e52de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:57] <IShadowed_>
[14:57] <IShadowed_> dudddeeee no
[14:57] <IShadowed_> I love the big cat sanctuary
[14:57] <IShadowed_> shit
[14:57] <Dcoetzee> :-(
[14:58] <Dcoetzee> We have lion sightings all the time here in Berkeley
[14:58] <Dcoetzee> They've been known to occasionally come down and wander the streets.
[14:58] <IShadowed_> ..
[14:58] <IShadowed_> lol never moving to Berkeley
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> Also, earthquakes :-P
[14:59] <IShadowed_> lol never moving to Berkeley
[14:59] <Jeske_Couriano> Are you sure that's lions and not Berkeley Quality Software masquerading as lions?
[14:59] <IShadowed_> bahahaha
[14:59] <Dcoetzee> Jeske_Couriano: :-P
�02[15:00] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[15:02] <mareklug> Dcoetzee these are mountain lions though.  the thing that  munched on the intern was a lion lion
�02[15:02] * Nix-7c0 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[15:03] <Jeske_Couriano> Or as we like to call mountain lions, "Middle-aged attractive-to-straights women"
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[15:04] <IDoH> Jeske_Couriano: That would be a "cougar".
[15:04] <Jeske_Couriano> Also known as a mountain lion.
[15:04] <mareklug> cougar is a synonim for mountain lion.  albeit not in the case of a fuckable older lady
[15:05] <Horrifico> lol
�02[15:05] * Submarine (~david@wikipedia/Monniaux/David) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[15:09] <Swob> If you're lying in bed tonight and you see yellow eyes glinting in your window, are you being stalked by a puma, a mountain lion, a panther, a catamount, or a cougar?
[15:09] <Swob> --- xkcd
�02[15:09] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[15:09] <BlastHardcheese> probably not, they don't usually come around here
[15:10] <IDoH> I'm probably stalked by one of the big cats in the big cat in the animal sanctuary nearby.
[15:10] <BlastHardcheese> the cat in the cat
[15:10] <Swob> The cougar (Puma concolor), also known as the puma, mountain lion, panther, or catamount, is a large cat of the family Felidae native to the Americas.
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[15:11] <IDoH> BlastHardcheese: Oops! You know what I mean!
[15:11] <IDoH> Heya, Fae
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[15:17] <IDoH> Hey LtNOWIS. The room is quiet. I am hearing crickets.
�06[15:17] * IDoH releases a bunch of crickets into the room.
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�06[15:18] * LtNOWIS remains silent
�06[15:18] * Jeske_Couriano eats a few. Hungry Bori.
[15:18] <IDoH> LOL
[15:18] <D_> Oh dear.
�06[15:18] * Moe_Epsilon calls an exterminator
[15:18] <IDoH> Oh dear. I'm here.
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[15:21] <Qcoder00> Greetings
�03[15:21] * nonsenseferret (~nonsensef@unaffiliated/nonsenseferret) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:21] <Qcoder00> Anyone in?
[15:21] <RingtailedFox> i am
[15:21] <IDoH> Hey Qcoder00 and nonsenseferret.
[15:21] <IDoH> I am, kinda
[15:21] <RingtailedFox> but i'm also trying to find help regarding mediawiki software... so far, no one's interested :p
[15:21] <Qcoder00> Does anyone here have any ideas what the April 1st article will be this year?
�02[15:21] * Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) Quit (Quit: Maryana�)
[15:21] <Swob> i usually only pay attention to DYK for April 1
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[15:30] <JohnLewis> Swob, One would probably be 'Did you know... April 1st on Wikipedia is full of false actions and articles' (From Article:APRIL1STONWIKIPEDIA)
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�02[15:33] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Quit: peace�)
[15:33] <Moe_Epsilon> That's on Wikipedia's things you already know section
[15:34] <Moe_Epsilon> That's it, change did you know, to things you already know on April 1 :p
[15:34] <JohnLewis> Unfortunately some don't.
[15:35] <JohnLewis> I honesty believe every single contested speedy deletion by new users I see are utterly pointless.
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�02[15:35] * koishi_ ( Quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[15:35] <Moe_Epsilon> I think I've seen one good one before
[15:36] <JohnLewis> I see some good ones, Very rarely though.
[15:37] <JohnLewis>
[15:38] <Krenair> What do you need help with RingtailedFox?
[15:38] <JohnLewis> That page just annoys me.
[15:38] <Krenair> RingtailedFox, oh nevermind. I see you're in #mediawiki
�02[15:38] * Horrifico (9c6e52de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[15:39] <Moe_Epsilon> lol well he won't for long
�02[15:40] * TheChance ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[15:40] <IDoH> LOL, JohnLewis. That's funny
[15:41] <JohnLewis> IDoH, I know right. 'Hey look I have a tumblr account. I am notable, article plz?'
[15:41] <JohnLewis> And deleted by JohnCD.
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[15:44] <JohnLewis> IDoH: -- 'nother for you.
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[15:47] <SuicidalZerg>
[15:47] <SuicidalZerg> Bahahahaha
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[15:47] <SuicidalZerg> Serves EA right
[15:48] <Jeske_Couriano> SuicidalZerg) No, they pulled SimCity's download because the servers are *still* fucked
[15:48] <SuicidalZerg> Yeah, serves EA right
[15:48] <D_> That's probably the reason for the one star ratings
[15:48] <SuicidalZerg> They developed a fucking retarded DRM system, then don't provide the infrastructure to support it
[15:48] <IShadowed> lol
[15:49] <IShadowed> I wanted to get it
[15:49] <IShadowed> but saw it was on Origin
[15:49] <IShadowed> and was like
[15:49] <IShadowed> fuck that noise
[15:49] <IShadowed> fight the man
[15:49] <SuicidalZerg> Fuck EA
[15:49] <RingtailedFox> EA = Everything's Awful?
[15:49] <SuicidalZerg> The damage has been done
[15:49] <Swob> whaat?
�02[15:49] * Mark_77 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[15:50] <SuicidalZerg> Swob: EA Made SimCity online-only.
[15:50] <Swob> there's a SimCity game that people dont like?
[15:50] <Jeske_Couriano> IShadowed) SimCity uses Diablo III DRM
[15:50] <SuicidalZerg> For a locally installed game.
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[15:50] <Jeske_Couriano> Swob) Yes, and it's because of the Diablo III DRM and the shallowness compared to earlier installments.
[15:50] <SuicidalZerg> And what's worse is that they have virtually no infrastructure to support the amount of people that want to play it.
[15:51] <Swob> oh so its like Steam
[15:51] <D_> Perhaps they were expecting everyone to be so upset with the DRM so as to not buy the game at all
[15:51] <Swob> the game is on your hard drive, but you have to go online for them to confirm it's a legal copy
[15:51] <SuicidalZerg> Not just that
[15:51] <SuicidalZerg> Your game saves are on their servers too
[15:51] <Swob> it's not actually an "online game" in the sense of say, Quake (boy am I ever behind the times)
[15:52] <Swob> actually Quake is a bad example
[15:52] <Swob> but I mean it's not a MMORPGF
[15:52] <Swob> its just a game that uses the Internet to confirm that it's a legal copy
[15:54] <Swob> "For those here who purchased the game through Amazon, I contacted them and they refunded the cost of the game and removed it from my library for me. This is why I will always be loyal to companies like Amazon, which CARES about its customers, and no longer to companies like EA, who would rather make people jump through hoops than actually go out of their way for a customer."
�02[15:54] * p858snake|l_ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[15:55] <Swob> it seems that EA went bad somewhere around 2010
�03[15:56] * GW|AFK is now known as GorillaWarfare
[15:56] <Swob> Sims 2 was not only a great game, but they allowed people to add in tons of free user-created content for it even though that made people less likely to buy EA's own pay-for content
[15:57] <Jeske_Couriano> Swob) No, it requires a constant connection.
[15:57] <Jeske_Couriano> No offline mode. At all. *For a game that is traditionally single-player.*
[15:58] <BarkingFish> right guys, i'mma pack up and head off for the night. I ain't feeling too well, so I think it's time I get some sleep.
[15:58] <BarkingFish> See ya :)
[15:58] <RingtailedFox> so, for those with limited bandwidth or slow connections, there's no point to buying it?
�02[15:58] * BarkingFish (~BarkingFi@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: Life....sure beats the alternative... Lord grant me the serenity to choose a good burial place for the a**holes that pissed me off.�)
[15:58] <Moe_Epsilon> I miss the days where all the content of video games were actually on the game and you just had to be skilled to unlock it instead of paying for it. :<
[15:58] <Jeske_Couriano>
[15:58] <Swob> apparently EA is saying that *all* their games will be like that from now on
[15:58] <Jeske_Couriano> RingtailedFox) Exactly. And if the servers go down, the game dies. Permanently.
[15:58] <RingtailedFox> all EA games will have online-only DRM?
[15:58] <Swob> yeah
[15:58] <Swob> well not necessarily DRM
[15:58] <RingtailedFox> RIP, EA :P
[15:59] <Swob> just that theyll be all mandatory-Internet-connection games
[15:59] <Maple__> !Poor EA
�03[15:59] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:59] <Jeske_Couriano> Mandatory-internet-connection games are still DRM
�02[16:00] * JohnLewis (~johnlewis@wikipedia/John-F-Lewis) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:00] <Swob> ok
�02[16:02] * kondi (~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
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[16:06] <Swob> hi
�02[16:06] * ceradon (ccec4733@wikimedia/Ceradon) Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client�)
[16:07] <Swob> \well anyway I didnt buy Sims 3 because people told me it had gone downhill because of the emphasis on online gaming
[16:07] <Swob> I dont know if Sims 3 was already "mandatory-Internet-connection" but it was going that way
[16:07] <Swob> wow
[16:08] <ihaveamac> oh hi
[16:08] <Swob> i never knew the Sims games had a "setting".  Apparrntly Sims 3 takes place 25 years in the past
[16:09] <ihaveamac> really?
[16:09] <IDoH> I can play Sims 3 without an internet connection and still have fun.
�02[16:09] * jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�)
[16:09] <Swob> yeah Sims 3 seems to require the Internet only to download additional content
[16:09] <ihaveamac> I don't buy ea games
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[16:10] <ihaveamac> actually I rarely buy games besides portable/apps
[16:10] <ihaveamac> and Minecraft
[16:10] <D_> I hate most games these days
[16:10] <D_> I write it off as getting older
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[16:11] <Swob> hey its russavia
[16:11] <ihaveamac> not *every* game is bad
[16:11] <IDoH> ihaveamac: Is there a particular reason *why* you don't buy EA games?
[16:11] <IDoH> Hey russavia.
[16:11] <ihaveamac> 1) reddit, 2) they don't interest me
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[16:11] <Swob> i very rarely pay for games
[16:11] <IDoH> hey heatherw.
[16:11] <IShadowed> omg it's russavia
[16:11] <IShadowed> let's all ping him
[16:11] <IShadowed> ping ping ping ping
[16:11] <IDoH> ihaveamac: What's on reddit?
[16:11] <IDoH> lol IShadowed.
[16:12] <ihaveamac> reddit hates EA
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[16:12] <Swob> Ive only bought 2 games in the last 8 years or so, excluding things like a $5 purchase on Steam which I "paid" for with a gift card from a friend
[16:12] <ihaveamac> and the fact that you need a constant internet connection to play your PRIVATE sim city game
[16:12] <ihaveamac> and others
[16:12] <Swob> yeah we got started on this topic by discussing SimCity
[16:12] <D_> That's silly, you can't *own* software
[16:12] <D_> EA is just letting you play it
[16:12] <Swob> even the diehard EA fans are angry
[16:13] <IDoH> I like Sims 3, but I mostly like creating Sims.
[16:13] <Yetanotherx> EA has diehard fans?
[16:13] <ihaveamac> we have a couple of non-DRM (at least, crappy DRM ones) EA games
[16:13] <ihaveamac> such as sim city 4 and the expansion CD
[16:13] <Swob> Sims2 is awesomer
[16:14] <Swob> *awesome
[16:14] <ihaveamac> and I don't remember ever playing a sims game
[16:14] <Swob> Ive got no negative things to say about it
[16:14] <Swob> I bought it when it was just about to go off the shelves since Sims3 was already out
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[16:14] <Swob> or was about to come out, I think
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[16:15] <ihaveamac> reddit hates EA basically
[16:15] <ihaveamac> if you go to count the SimCity/EA/anything EA posts
[16:15] <IDoH> Hiya Pharos and IRWolfie-.
[16:15] <Swob> Sims2 is good because you can basically design everything from scratch
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[16:15] <Pharos> hi
[16:15] <foks> I was pretty annoyed to discover you need a Steam connection to play Football Manager 2013.
[16:15] <foks> I hate Steam.
[16:15] <foks> So much.
[16:15] <D_> I've always found constructing buildings to be the most entertaining part of Sims games
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[16:16] <IRWolfie-> hello
[16:16] <IDoH> Swob: How so? I was a kid when Sims 2 was around.
[16:16] <Swob> yeah
[16:16] <Swob> me too
[16:16] <Swob> @ D_
[16:16] <foks> My first Sim City game was 3000.
�06[16:16] * foks yung
[16:17] <ihaveamac> I think we have sim city 3000 somewhere
[16:17] <Jeske_Couriano> Mine was the SNES SimCity
[16:17] <ihaveamac> ...maybe even the one for SNES
[16:17] <foks> Mine was for windows
[16:17] <ihaveamac> but I can't find the SNES
[16:17] <ihaveamac> I only found an N64
[16:17] <Swob> i love the way they hid codes in the game to make you feel like you were cheating by being able to build houses in the middle of the road, when it's clear that htey planned for people to do that all along since they have code routines for it
[16:17] <ihaveamac> Swob: :P
[16:17] <ihaveamac> have cars crash into your house daily
[16:17] <Swob> e.g. a bus slams into your house and starts blaring the horn to try to get you to move the house so they can get through
[16:17] <IDoH> LOL
[16:18] <ihaveamac> LOL
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[16:18] <Swob> but it was a "secret" that you had to unlock by typing a series of codes
[16:19] <Swob> Sims 2 was released in 2004
[16:19] <IDoH> Hiya jdelanoy_.
[16:19] <jdelanoy_> it could be a mistake, where it didn't check to see if a road was there before it let you build it.
[16:19] <Swob> so yeah, it was pretty old by the time I picked it up in 2009
[16:19] <IDoH> I was 14 in 2004
[16:19] <jdelanoy_> oh
[16:19] <heatherw> hey IDoH
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[16:19] <James_F> foks: You hate Steam even when people give you things through it? :-)
[16:20] <Swob> Im pretty sure the building houses over the road thing was intentional.  It was in Sims 1 too in fact
[16:20] <jdelanoy> hi
[16:20] <ihaveamac> I put myself onto steam a few days ago
[16:20] <Pharos> you ppl should try being older
[16:20] <foks> James_F, Steam doesn't get on with Mac.
[16:20] <ihaveamac> after never ever ever using it
[16:20] <foks> Like, at all.
[16:20] <James_F> foks: Works fine with mine.
[16:20] <Swob> going by their release schedule, wed expect Sims 4 to be released any day now. But maybe it wont happen
[16:21] <ihaveamac> and now it wants me to put libreoffice as a game (or it's in a list)
[16:21] <ihaveamac> but whatever
[16:21] <foks> There are numerous bugs in it that mean it shows up irraneously on Exposé, it doesn't hide properly, it's slow as molasses, etc.
[16:22] <James_F> foks: I've not had issues, sorry.
[16:22] <ihaveamac> I'm on windows using it
[16:22] <foks> Dasscoo.
[16:22] <IRWolfie-> This might seem like a stupid question, but; what's the best thing to do with a minority of editors refuse to accept the consensus from an RfC?
[16:22] <foks> It's probably alright on Windows, like a lot of things that are awful on Macs.
[16:22] <foks> see also, Open/LibreOffice
[16:23] <IRWolfie-> (aha nvm, thought of something)
[16:23] <IDoH> IRWolfie-: If it's the WMF, and not a minority of editors, there isn't anything you can do.
[16:24] <IRWolfie-> nope, just some fringe POV pushers
[16:25] <ihaveamac> foks: the choice between OpenOffice and LibreOffice?
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[16:25] <ihaveamac> and oracle
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[16:26] <foks> ihaveamac, both are near unusuable on mac
[16:26] <foks> the gui is dreadful
[16:26] <foks> But they're both great on windows
[16:26] <ihaveamac> what does it look like on mac?
[16:26] <addihockey10> Hello foks
[16:26] <ihaveamac> no, I don't have a mac with me right now :P
[16:26] <foks> hi
[16:27] <foks> It just looks as though you're running it through a Windows 95 emulator
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[16:30] <IRWolfie-> ihaveamac: libreoffice
[16:30] <IRWolfie-> most of the openoffice developers left to make libreoffice
[16:30] <IRWolfie-> It's a fork of openoffice, and so it's the one with the most recent improvements
[16:30] <D_> I think openoffice was handed over to Apache now, though
[16:30] <D_> Maybe within the next 3 years they'll kiss and make up
[16:30] <D_> Also, an amusing diff:
[16:30] <IRWolfie-> that means we get the crappy apache license
[16:30] <IRWolfie-> I prefer the name libreoffice
[16:30] <D_> I just dislike that now when looking for how to do things on LibreOffice I have to search for both OpenOffice and LibreOffice
[16:30] <mareklug> foks granted that I am not a frequent user of either, but what exactly makes them so unusuable on the mac?  they do look ugly, but?
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[16:31] <foks> mareklug, the word processor has a weird issue with zooming
[16:31] <foks> basically they're just full of little niggly bugs
[16:32] <foks> that combine to force me onto Pages, Numbers and Keynote again
[16:32] <foks> I really don't like Numbers, either
[16:32] <IRWolfie-> It's not bad for doing the basics
[16:32] <IRWolfie-> for anything more complex there is latex
[16:32] <foks> latex?
[16:32] <foks> yeah okay if you want to learn latex go ahead
[16:33] <foks> if you want to do actual work get a word processor
[16:33] <IRWolfie-> I think I could teach someone how to use latex in ten minutes
[16:33] <IRWolfie-> less for the basics
[16:33] <IRWolfie-> Latex is used for actual work!
[16:33] <D_> Yes, unless they wanted to change something that's trivial to change in your garden variety word processor
[16:33] <D_> but requires a deeper knowledge of LaTeX
[16:34] <IRWolfie-> numerous books and journals are set with it
[16:34] <foks> I don't get how it's useless
[16:34] <foks> um
[16:34] <foks> useful
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[16:35] <IRWolfie-> references are easy, the formatting is beautiful
[16:35] <rigel> i have puttered with tex a bit. does latex allow variables and such? would make it much more useful to me
[16:35] <foks> frankly I can't see any benefit to using latex over word/pages/openoffice
[16:35] <IRWolfie-> you aren't trying to change a document physically on screen
[16:35] <D_> latex is turing complete
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[16:35] <rigel> i could compile a resume that leaves out certain things based on tags etc
[16:35] <IRWolfie-> it can do all of that
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[16:35] <IRWolfie-> foks: it's hard to show without using it
[16:36] <IRWolfie-> it's much easier for example to combine multiple works together
[16:36] <foks> how?
[16:36] <IRWolfie-> so if you were working in collaboration, you can send it all, and the style will be consistent
[16:36] <foks> you have ctrl/cmd+c and v
[16:36] <IRWolfie-> foks: and then the style messes up
[16:36] <foks> just all use the same template on word
�06[16:36] * Penwhale eats a ToAruShiroiNeko
[16:36] <foks> not if you do it right
[16:37] <IRWolfie-> there shouldn't be a doing it wrong!
[16:37] <foks> LaTeX looks a bit html-y
[16:37] <IRWolfie-> give it a try for a large document
[16:37] <foks> you could do Latex wrong
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[16:37] <IRWolfie-> you could write it so it doesn't compile sure
[16:37] <D_> My beef with latex is that it's insufficiently HTML-y
[16:37] <gwickwire> did anyone get netsplitted in here?
[16:37] <gwickwire> or is it netsplat?
[16:38] <IRWolfie-> gwickwire: there was a netsplit earlier
[16:38] <D_> It feels like writing a bunch of directives rather than using markup
[16:38] <mareklug> gwickwire only people in Manitoba who like TAMU did
[16:38] <gwickwire> like how much earlier :3
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[16:38] <IDoH> Well, I can see a net split happened in #wikimedia
[16:38] <IRWolfie-> gwickwire: there is no person you can say who netsplit, remember that both sides of the split see things differently
[16:38] <rigel> IRWolfie-: theres no way to compile a LaTeX document with command line switches that say "use this portion and not that one" is there?
[16:38] <IDoH> Like about eight minutes ago
[16:38] <IRWolfie-> to them, it looks like you split
[16:39] <gwickwire> IRWolfie-: I was asking if anyone else saw it.
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[16:39] <gwickwire> because my logs dont show it here.
[16:39] <foks> there you go
[16:39] <IRWolfie-> rigel: yes
[16:39] <IRWolfie-> err wait, command line never tried
[16:40] <IRWolfie-> gwickwire: 00:28 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Jnorton7558, Qcoder00, quanticle, ragesoss, Chris_G, Trashlord ....
[16:40] <IRWolfie-> different IRC clients show netsplits differently
[16:40] <rigel> i remember trying with TeX some time ago and there was no way to do so
[16:40] <D_> Isn't there like an \include or something, with latex?
[16:40] <rigel> other than write a script that edited the tex file
[16:40] <IRWolfie-> you can make a one line change in the file though yes
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[16:40] <D_> You could write a latex file that just includes a bunch of what you need
[16:40] <IRWolfie-> rigel: you can just open the latex file and comment out a single line
[16:40] <rigel> i understand that, but thats not what im talking about
[16:40] <gwick|netsplit> DAMNIT
[16:41] <gwick|netsplit> MY FRIGGIN THING WONT WORK :(
[16:41] <IRWolfie-> which thing?
[16:41] <gwick|netsplit> my IRCcliud.
[16:41] <D_> Or, sorry, \input
[16:41] <gwick|netsplit> netsplits always fuck it up
[16:41] <IRWolfie-> strange
[16:41] <IRWolfie-> why not use a real client
[16:42] <IRWolfie-> rigel: I don't know of any such thing, but I've never looked
[16:42] <gwick|netsplit> because IRCcloud means i don't d/c every 5 seconds while I'm at school.
[16:42] <FastLizard4> IRWolfie-: Real men use netcat or telnet to IRC :P
[16:42] <FastLizard4> gwick|netsplit: Why don't you do what I do and simply run an irssi off of a shell server?
[16:42] <IRWolfie-> I have used netcat and telnet to connect to IRC in the past
[16:42] <gwick|netsplit> FastLizard4: I not has server :3
[16:42] <rigel> i use netcat to ssh, and decrypt in my head
[16:43] <gwickwire> grrface.
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[16:43] <FastLizard4> rigel++
[16:43] <gwickwire> my cloud is coming in and out -.-
�06[16:43] * IDoH uses Colloquy.
[16:43] <IRWolfie-> I can still do, the protocol is simple, RFC1459
[16:43] <IDoH> Hey eeekster.
[16:43] <eeekster> hey
[16:43] <FastLizard4> gwick|netsplit: I could give you access to ridley
[16:43] <gwick|netsplit> ridley?
[16:43] <FastLizard4>
[16:43] <gwick|netsplit> I'm nowhere near technologically fluent other than IRC and Wikipeida :3
[16:43] <gwick|netsplit> I wouldn't know what to do.
[16:43] <IRWolfie-> rule 1 of security: don't take shell accounts of someone you don't know
[16:44] <eeekster> I thought rule 1 was "don't connect to the Internet"
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[16:45] <D_> They're reading over your shoulder
[16:45] <D_> So much for security
[16:45] <IRWolfie-> ok, I'll change that to rule 1 of IRC security
[16:46] <IRWolfie-> I think "I've been in the same channel as him/her for a while and think I know him/her" counts as meeting that rule
[16:47] <FastLizard4> IRWolfie-: And rule one of server security is don't give shell accounts to people you don't know.
[16:47] <FastLizard4> It's a bigger risk to me than it is to him.
[16:49] <IRWolfie-> true
[16:49] <Vacation9> +1
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[16:50] <IRWolfie-> ok I better bugger off (nn)
[16:50] <FastLizard4> gwick|netsplit: Anyway, if you want it, let me know.  I think I trust you enough, and remember, you can't learn if you don't try :)
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[16:51] <eeekster> you shouldn't take a laptop into the shower
[16:51] <IDoH> eeekster: Good advice
[16:52] <D_> Where's your sense of adventure
�03[16:52] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|busy
�06[16:53] * eeekster has already had too many shocking experiences
[16:53] <IDoH> LOL
[16:53] <gwick|netsplit> !admin needs to look at some harassment reported in -en-help, PM for link
[16:56] <gwickwire> FastLizard4: pm me back >:(
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[16:56] <FastLizard4> gwickwire: I did?
[16:56] <gwickwire> no you need to.
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�06[16:59] * PinkAmpersand used to be friends with this girl who would always text him from the shower, and he could never figure out how she did it
[17:00] <IDoH> LOL
[17:00] <eeekster> voice to text maybe?
[17:00] <D_> Maybe she had a waterproof phone
[17:00] <nonsenseferret> it was really her mum
[17:00] <mareklug> PinkAmpersand she probably put the phone in a ziplock baggie
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[17:01] <PinkAmpersand> mareklug: lol i don't think i was that important to her ;)
[17:01] <PinkAmpersand> who knows. maybe i was
[17:01] <D_> I had someone explain to me their technique for reading books in the shower
[17:01] <mareklug> maybe she did it as a dry call.
[17:01] <mareklug> no water running
[17:01] <D_> It involved a rack to hold books at the opposite end of the shower and some method of flipping pages without touching them
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[17:02] <IDoH> Hey Jorm and Matthew_
[17:03] <PinkAmpersand> D_ you could blow on them...
[17:03] <Matthew_> Hi, IDoH!
[17:03] <Dcoetzee> I just get back and people in #wikipedia-en are already talking about blowing
[17:03] <D_> I don't remember the details
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[17:03] <gwickwire> XD
[17:03] <Pink|food> Dcoetzee: you know how to whistle, don't you?
[17:03] <IDoH> LOL Dcoetzee.
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[17:03] <IDoH> Hey phuzion. WB LtNOWIS.
[17:04] <mareklug> Dcoetzee blowing book pages not bubbles
[17:04] <mareklug> as in Miss Bubbles
[17:04] <Dcoetzee> Pink|food: Yup, I modulate my oral cavity based on the pitch I want to produce
[17:04] <Dcoetzee> (which could also be interpreted as innuendo)
[17:04] <D_> Depending on your creativity, a lot of things can be
[17:05] <mareklug> the Aboriginees are very skilled at blowing dijeridu… they may be able to do just that
[17:05] <D_> (see above sentence)
[17:06] <Dcoetzee> I just got a Logitech C920 webcam.
[17:06] <Swob> cool
[17:06] <Dcoetzee> $80 cheap enough, but got a glass lens, 15 MP, and 1080p
[17:06] <Dcoetzee> Not that I can stream at 1080p :-P
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[17:06] <Swob> a 15 megapixel camera for $80 ? wow
[17:06] <Swob> that is good
[17:06] <Dcoetzee> Take a look
[17:06] <Dcoetzee> Zeiss optics, autofocus
[17:07] <Dcoetzee> Is actually not bad
[17:07] <Dcoetzee> Sensor is still tiny of course
[17:07] <Pink|food> Swob: lol make sure it's not something like that camera company called "5 megapixel cameras"
[17:07] <D_> "Tweeter"
[17:07] <D_> Is that an actual thing?
[17:07] <mareklug> an acoustic driver in an electronic speaker for the high range?
[17:08] <mareklug> as offosed to a woofer?
[17:08] <mareklug> opposed *
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> D_: Yup
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> Fancy speakers have a subwoofer, midrange, and tweeter
[17:08] <D_> I don't think that's what they meant
[17:08] <Dcoetzee> They use them in combination to cover a wide range of pitches
[17:09] <D_> "Full HD 1080p recordings and Fast upload to Facebook, Tweeter and YouTube"
[17:09] <Dcoetzee> Oh I see now heh
[17:09] <D_> I was wondering if maybe "Tweeter" is some Twitter related service
[17:09] <Dcoetzee> They mean Twitter obviously :-P
[17:09] <Swob> lol
[17:09] <mareklug> it's like cougar and mountain lion
[17:09] <Dcoetzee> Nice I can mount this on my portable tripod too
�02[17:10] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[17:10] <Swob> Tweeter was a store selling high-end audio equipment in the 80s and early 90s here
�03[17:11] * James_F is now known as James_F|Away
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[17:11] <Swob>
[17:12] <Dcoetzee> Did you know that the word "false etymology" comes from "falsetto" and "eating" because people often discussed false etymologies in a high pitched voice over dinner? True fact.
[17:12] <Swob> whoa, they surcvived until 2008
[17:12] <IDoH> LOL
[17:13] <Dcoetzee> Wow Tweeter existed recently. That must've been confusing for Twitter users.
�03[17:13] * p858snake|shower is now known as p858snake
[17:13] <Swob> i thought they were gone a long time ago. I guess it was just that one local store that closed in the realy 90s
[17:13] <Swob> *early
[17:15] <Swob> [[Cambridge Soundworks]] still exists, but only as a subsidiary of a larger company
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[17:20] <FastLizard4> !!
[17:20] <FastLizard4> Linode has given all its customers a 10x transfer capacity boost
[17:20] <FastLizard4> So I now have 4 terabytes bandwidth on my server o_o
[17:20] <FastLizard4> :D
[17:21] <Swob> i'll take one of those if youre not using all 4
[17:21] <Swob> seriously whats the cost per month?
�02[17:21] * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[17:21] <Swob> i want a new webhost
[17:23] <FastLizard4> Swob: I have a Linode 1024
[17:23] <FastLizard4> $39.99/mo
[17:24] <Swob> whoa Ok not within my price range
[17:24] <Swob> most people pay much less than that
�02[17:24] * ihaveamac (48c71e33@wikipedia/IXavier) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[17:24] <Swob> Im sure they get much less for it, too, but still
[17:24] <Swob> I  can pay maybe $10
[17:24] <FastLizard4> Swob: I used to have a Linode 512, that was $19.99/mo.
[17:25] <FastLizard4> HOnestly, though, Linode is the best of the best
[17:25] <FastLizard4> I've gotten replies to support tickets in less than a minute at 2:00 AM
[17:25] <Swob> Im willing to pay a few extra bucks for a host that is 100% reliable instead of 95% Or so
[17:25] <FastLizard4> Swob: They give a three nines SLA
�03[17:25] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
[17:25] <Swob> yeah Linode seems to be a bit more than a "webhost"
[17:25] <FastLizard4> And they'll even give you a pro-rated refund if it falls under three-nines
[17:25] <FastLizard4> Swob: Yeah, they sell VPSs
[17:26] <Swob> that is actually a pretty good deal
[17:26] <Swob> maybe someday
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[17:27] <Swob> I really dont need a website as much as I used to now that the Internet is full of things like dropbox, img.ur, pastebin, etc
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[17:29] <Dcoetzee> Swob: What I did is set up a static page at I could host it off Amazon S3 if I wanted.
[17:29] <Dcoetzee> It just links to all my other online presence.
[17:29] <Dcoetzee> No content there.
�02[17:31] * sovereign0ne ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
�03[17:31] * Vacation9|busy is now known as Vacation9
[17:31] <Dcoetzee> My cyberstalkers apparently find it quite useful :-P
[17:32] <Shearonink> you gots stalkers you does?
[17:32] <Dcoetzee> Yup but I don't mind :-)
[17:32] <Dcoetzee> Cause the ones I know about are generally very cute
�03[17:34] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
�06[17:34] * Dcoetzee grumbles, Democrats sent him "priority issues" survey and Internet freedom/copyright reform aren't even on the list
[17:35] <Vacation9> :|
[17:37] <Swob> On March 7, 2013, Bieber fainted backstage at London's O2 Arena after complaining of breathing problems throughout his performance and was taken to the hospital.[83][84]
[17:37] <Shearonink> Vacay...the depths that trolls will stoop to shouldn't dismay me, but sometimes they still do
[17:37] <Swob> hm
[17:37] <Dcoetzee> Do we have a health issues section for Bieber?
[17:37] <Dcoetzee> Might be a nice place to gather such anecdotes
[17:37] <Swob> its just that one sentence
[17:39] <Swob> vandal now blocked
[17:40] <Shearonink> I'm kind of amazed that he didn't get more firmly warned on his last vandalism to the Bieber article
[17:42] <Shearonink> heh, he's been around off and on since 2010
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[17:47] <gwickwire> o.O
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�06[17:51] * Penwhale tilts
[17:51] <Penwhale> well...
�06[17:51] * Penwhale is not a fan of Bieber anyway
[17:53] <Pharos>
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[17:55] <gwickwire> Penwhale: HAI :3
[17:56] <gwickwire> oh fuck. I totally read *Penwhale tits*
�06[17:56] * gwickwire backs away
[17:56] <D_> I think the bigger concern here is that the WALRUS logo is unofficial, Pharos
�03[17:57] * Pink|food is now known as Pink|TV
[17:57] <Pharos> oh, it's very official
[17:57] <Pharos> the WMF is claiing copyright on it!
[17:57] <Pharos> *claiming
[17:57] <D_> Copyright or trademark?
[17:58] <ihaveamac> where?
[17:58] <Pharos> trademark :P
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[17:59] <Peter-C> "Police searched the man's vehicle and found no weapons; he did, however, find children's books, crayons and muddy boots in the trunk."
[17:59] <Peter-C> Seems legit.
[17:59] <D_> I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation
[17:59] <IDoH> I like to play with adult coloring books, myself
[18:00] <Peter-C> D1000|Away - He also had satanic texts
[18:00] <D_> But yes, the WikiConference USA page says "Unofficial" logo
[18:00] <Pharos> ok, i think they only claimed the wiknic logo :P
[18:00] <Pharos> but that's close enough
[18:00] <Peter-C> He was across from the school
[18:00] <D_> I suggest WALRUS devote all its available resources to resolving this issue henceforth
[18:01] <D_> (this is why they don't put me in charge of anything important)
[18:01] <Pharos> WALRUS is fairly unofficial as it is
[18:01] <Pharos> the logo is one of its most official aspects :P
[18:02] <D_> Are you planning on getting some sort of official WMF recognition?
[18:03] <Pharos> for the logo?
[18:03] <D_> No, for WALRUS
[18:03] <Pharos> not really
[18:03] <Penwhale> .....
[18:03] <Penwhale> gwickwire: lol
[18:03] <gwickwire> lol sorry penwhale.
[18:03] <Penwhale> thank you for putting my head in the gutter -_-
[18:03] <gwickwire> idk, naybe you just luv talkin your titz
[18:04] <Pharos> we'll have official recognition for the member chapters
[18:04] <Vacation9> hehehhe same gwickwire
[18:04] <D_> Right, which is why I was wondering
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[18:04] <Pharos> which we do have for DC and NYC now
�06[18:05] * Penwhale doesn't have a gf for breasts ;d
[18:05] <Fox2k12> <-- *smirk*
[18:05] <Amqui> good evening
[18:06] <Fox2k12> good morning Amqui
[18:06] <Amqui> XD
[18:06] <Amqui> Fox2k12 how's tomorrow?
[18:06] <Fox2k12> same as yesterday
[18:06] <Amqui> argh
[18:07] <Amqui> snowing again then
�02[18:07] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 19.0/20130215130331]�)
[18:07] <Fox2k12> not here
[18:08] <Amqui> ok it's been snowing all day here today, just stopped now
[18:08] <Amqui> and yestarday was freezing as ****
[18:08] <Fox2k12> *yikes*
�03[18:08] * shanmugamp7 (~quassel@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:08] <Fox2k12> well..
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[18:15] <mareklug> "20:05:05] Penwhale	 doesn't have a gf for breasts ;d"  <-- it's entirely cool to have a gf for other bits.
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[18:33] <gwickwire> what the fucking fuck?
[18:33] <gwickwire> I leave for like 30 mins and this is what I come back to.. is breasts?
[18:33] <IDoH> LOL
[18:33] <LtNOWIS> what is this:
�03[18:33] * ceradon (~Ceradon@wikimedia/Ceradon) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:34] <Amqui> nice nice
[18:34] <LtNOWIS> oh, vandalism, nvm
[18:34] <ceradon> Anyone have any ideas how I could get a list of undashed ISBNs?
[18:39] <Someguy1221> breasts? where are there breasts?
[18:39] <Someguy1221> ceradon: i can give you a list of utterly random undashed isbns, but i assume you want something specific?
[18:41] <ceradon> Someguy1221, I'm thinking about coding a bot task that dashes undashed ISBNs but I can't think of a way to generate pages for the bot to work on.
[18:41] <gwickwire> Someguy1221: sorry, no boobages for you.
[18:41] <gwickwire> ~foreveralone
[18:41] <Someguy1221> gwick: aww :(
�06[18:42] * gwickwire flashes his boobs at Someguy1221
[18:42] <gwickwire> there
[18:42] <Amqui> I heard breast
[18:42] <Someguy1221> ew, no moobs for me
[18:42] <Someguy1221> ceradon, how long is your typical isbn?
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[18:43] <Someguy1221> you could run through say a dump of the entire english wikipedia's current revisions and look for unbroken strigs of numbers at the right lenght
[18:43] <Someguy1221> with regex
[18:43] <gwickwire> LOL
[18:43] <gwickwire> Riley left XD
[18:43] <ceradon> O_O
[18:43] <gwickwire> Someguy1221: i have sexi moobs
[18:43] <Someguy1221> no such thing
�03[18:43] * NuclearWarfare (~NuclearWa@wikipedia/NuclearWarfare) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:44] <gwickwire> Someguy1221: for me there are <3
[18:44] <ceradon> Someguy1221, That sounds like a task the bot will get through in a couple years...
[18:44] <gwickwire> oh goodness.
[18:44] <gwickwire> ArbCom has come to shut us down.
[18:44] <gwickwire> RUN EVERYONE.
[18:44] <gwickwire> TAKE THE MERCHANDICE
[18:44] <IDoH> gwickwire: WTH are you talking about?
[18:44] <IDoH> Hey NuclearWarfare
[18:44] <gwickwire> I was kidding :3
[18:45] <gwickwire> gosh, take a joke....
[18:45] <IDoH> gwickwire: I would've, if I've observed less WikiDrama.
[18:45] <Someguy1221> ceradon: ask legoktm
[18:45] <legoktm> hi
[18:45] <legoktm> i'm here.
[18:45] <gwickwire> oh, god, I know exactly... /me was involved in tons of shit recently.
[18:46] <Someguy1221> lego, i had a thought
[18:46] <gwickwire> legoktm: welcome to the ISBN/moob party!
[18:46] <legoktm> Someguy1221: whats up?
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[18:46] <Someguy1221> how long would it take to scan wikipedia's current revisions for every unbroken string of numbers of a particular length?
[18:46] <gwickwire> couldn't you get a dump and do it locally on a server?
[18:46] <gwickwire> then it'd just be scanning the dump locally, i.e. not connecting to internet so would be MUCH faster.
[18:47] <legoktm> um
[18:47] <legoktm> not particularly hard
�06[18:47] * gwickwire is probably wrong
[18:47] <legoktm> gwickwire: thats the point....
[18:47] <Someguy1221> basically, find every instance of a 10 digit number
[18:47] <legoktm> that could be done
[18:47] <Amqui> lol
[18:47] <gwickwire> oh, yay :D I know somehting!
[18:47] <legoktm> but i imagine there would be a lot of false positives
[18:47] <Amqui> for what purpose
�06[18:47] * gwickwire buys himself a trophy.
[18:47] <Someguy1221> ceradon wants to make a bot that would find unformatted isbns, and format them. yeah, it would need review
[18:47] <Amqui> other than just being geek
[18:47] <Someguy1221> i imagine it would take a human two seconds to decide if it's an isbn or not
[18:47] <gwickwire> lol.
[18:47] <legoktm> hmm
[18:47] <legoktm> right
[18:48] <Amqui> just put the isbn in a template
[18:48] <legoktm> just that a dump scan wont help much
[18:48] <gwickwire> 1093991128 ISBN or not?
[18:48] <legoktm> gwickwire: context
[18:48] <Amqui>
[18:48] <gwickwire> :p darn context
[18:48] <legoktm> i bet there are just enough URLs alone to screw it up
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[18:48] <Someguy1221> mm
[18:48] <nonsenseferret> there's a problem with ISBNs
[18:48] <Someguy1221> maybe less bot, more semi-automated tool then
[18:49] <Amqui> problem with en.wp, there isn't enough standard practice to format everything
[18:49] <legoktm> ^^^
[18:49] <nonsenseferret> if you click on a formatted isbn, it takes you to a search page that won't let you find the isbn you just clicked on
[18:49] <legoktm> other wikis have this stuff down pat.
[18:49] <ceradon> Rich Farmborough's bot did that until the ArbCom blocked him.
[18:49] <ceradon> him/hisbot.
[18:49] <Amqui>
[18:49] <Someguy1221> is rich still blocked?
[18:49] <legoktm> yes :(
[18:49] <Amqui> you know it's an ISBN, it's written ISBN right before the numbers XD
[18:49] <Amqui> lol
[18:49] <legoktm> ceradon: ask him how he did it? its probably just a well thought out regex
[18:50] <Swob> farmbrough got blocked recently
[18:50] <Swob> it's not "still" as in since 2012
[18:50] <Swob> he edited freely for quite a while
[18:51] <nonsenseferret> i think it is a mistake only to store the formatted versions of isbns on wikipages - it seems to defeat searching in the current form and other places seem to not bother
�02[18:55] * causasui (~causa@wikipedia/causa-sui) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[18:56] <legoktm> nonsenseferret: and so forth comes Wikidata.
[18:56] <nonsenseferret> what to od?
[18:56] <Someguy1221> hey lego, how is that project coming?
[18:56] <nonsenseferret> *do even
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[19:06] <SigmaWP>
[19:06] <SigmaWP> Anyone know if this is true?
[19:06] <SigmaWP> Actually, I'll just google it
[19:08] <Swob> ok
�02[19:08] * Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) Quit (Quit: Bye everyone�)
[19:08] <rigel> it's not just that either, i think they have asserted 100 miles from any international airports as well
[19:08] <rigel> though it hasnt been challenged very well in court
[19:08] <SigmaWP>
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[19:08] <rigel> so until a court says yes or no, it's still an open question whether that policy is legal or not
[19:09] <BlastHardcheese> sounds like we got some terrorists in here
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[19:10] <ihaveamac> I think I live in this border
[19:10] <ihaveamac> not going to name specifically where
[19:10] <Swob> let's move to Wichita
[19:11] <dtm> someone just vandalized [[Toaster Strudels]] on wikipedia to include new flavors:  Finkle Pie, Chinese Pie, and Cocurry.  REVERTED AS VANDALISM.  i guess i'm the keeper of the Toaster Strudels.
�02[19:11] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
�06[19:12] * ihaveamac reverts and takes the new flavors
[19:12] <dtm> Swob: i would say that Portland and Wichita are very vaguely similar on the coolness scale, but Portland wins on the oceanfrontseaside
[19:12] <Swob> as long as you mean Portland Maine I agree
[19:12] <Swob> Portland Oregon is just a hopeless imitator
[19:12] <dtm> Swob: well, yeah.
[19:13] <Swob> ok
[19:13] <dtm> everybody that matters, knows this
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[19:14] <dtm> i enabled those cool editing tools which gave me a big flaming red "revert as vandalism" button.
[19:15] <Swob> hi Kevin
�03[19:16] * Pink|TV is now known as PinkAmpersand
�06[19:16] * Penwhale eats the PinkAmpersand
�06[19:16] * addsleep eats the Penwhale
�06[19:16] * PinkAmpersand cries
�06[19:16] * addsleep mops up PinkAmpersand's tears
[19:17] <PinkAmpersand> Penwhale: you wrote that just as i was writing "/me gets pinged 73 times" in #cvn-wikidata because of the fucking bot that goes off every time i delete a page
[19:17] <ihaveamac> #cvn-wikidata exists?
[19:17] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: yep. either that or i've hallucinated the whole thing.
[19:17] <ihaveamac> :D
[19:18] <D_> Maybe Wikidata is just a figment of our imaginations
[19:18] <ihaveamac> I'm User:IXavier and I should use that instead of waiting then mass reverting
[19:18] <ihaveamac> or something
[19:19] <PinkAmpersand> oh i gave you rollback i think :)
[19:19] <ihaveamac> yes
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[19:19] <ihaveamac> I was going to go up and ask for rollback, but I thought it would turn out badly
[19:20] <PinkAmpersand> nah we're pretty drama-free
[19:20] <PinkAmpersand> still haven't had a single non-vandalism block, afaik
[19:20] <ihaveamac> well, vandalism = a successful project
[19:20] <ihaveamac> especially with the description changes to languages
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[19:21] <PinkAmpersand> ugh that's the worst. i've talked to Lydia about making the "add" button more apparent, because i'm pretty sure that's the problem
[19:21] <ihaveamac> and someone tried to figure out why
[19:21] <PinkAmpersand> lol yep just went from 17 to 15
[19:22] <ihaveamac> they may be nationalistic, or they may be entering it in because they think it will translate
[19:22] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: i'm pretty sure it's the latter. at least mostly.
[19:22] <PinkAmpersand> if you think about it, the button to add a link is in a pretty non-obvious place
[19:23] <ihaveamac> so they add "español" and hope they get spanish?
[19:23] <ihaveamac> I stopped adding {{uw-vandalism1}} shortly after realizing this
[19:23] <PinkAmpersand> i've been meaning to propose some changes to the MediaWiki messages you see when you edit an item, but it keeps on slipping my mind
[19:23] <PinkAmpersand> and yeah. that's what i think. and i don't warn them either. just hope they'll go away.
[19:23] <ihaveamac> and with these language changes it makes me think I rollback too much
[19:24] <PinkAmpersand> dealing with noobs is easily the most annoying part of RCP. I had to threaten to block someone who kept on trying to turn the item on "wiki" into an item on himself.
[19:24] <ihaveamac>
[19:24] <PinkAmpersand> and nah. no one cares about rollback use on Wikidata. I wrote the policy to allow using it on test edits, and no one's ever complained about it.
[19:25] <ihaveamac> ok
[19:25] <ihaveamac> I just use it at least over 10-20 times a day
�02[19:25] * Nix-7c0 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[19:26] <ihaveamac> now I see the bot pinging you every time
[19:26] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: same probably. i don't think i've made a non-semi-automated "content" edit in like a week
�02[19:26] * jakr (~jake@unaffiliated/jakr) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[19:26] <PinkAmpersand> haha yep. but i'm done with the bulk deletion, so it's not a major annoyance
[19:27] <ihaveamac> does "IRCCloud" allow you to stop pings from a certain user?
[19:27] <PinkAmpersand> plus it's cool to keep tally of your deletions by the number in the red bubble
[19:27] <gwickwire> ihaveamac: yes, plus total ignore
[19:27] <PinkAmpersand> i don't think it does. the highlight settings are pretty basic.
[19:27] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: o rly?
�02[19:27] * nonsenseferret (~nonsensef@unaffiliated/nonsenseferret) Quit (Quit: the dilithium crystals cannae take it cap'n�)
[19:27] <gwickwire> oh, and Black Kite is going to go rouge. /me totally waits  for the fireworks.
[19:27] <gwickwire> PinkAmpersand: /ignore USERNAME
[19:27] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: rouge how so?
[19:27] <gwickwire> it ignores based on hostmask so.. but you have to give it the username.
[19:27] <gwickwire>
�03[19:27] * Adrianzo (~hermilo@ has left #wikipedia-en
[19:28] <PinkAmpersand> damn it. I liked BK.
[19:28] <gwickwire> (nobody e-mail arbcom, if they haven't decided to ignore me completely they're away)
[19:28] <ihaveamac> ಠ_ಠ
[19:28] <gwickwire> aware*
[19:28] <gwickwire> ihaveamac: what?
[19:28] <Swob> hm
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[19:28] <ihaveamac>ಠಠ-look-of-disapproval
[19:29] <Swob> blocking russavia after being specifically unblocked by arcbom? thats beyond rouge
[19:29] <gwickwire> Swob: I know.
[19:29] <PinkAmpersand> well, it's the best time to go rouge. ArbCom knows another desysop will piss off the community.
[19:29] <gwickwire> I'd post on BN, but the damn crats won't do anything without ArbCom
�06[19:29] * Shearonink stays awayz from the dramaz
[19:29] <PinkAmpersand> I'd venture if he does it they'll revert it, threaten immediate desysop if he does it again, and then pull his rights at the end of the case or by motion anywyas.
[19:30] <gwickwire> o.O why was my caps lock on for that?
�02[19:30] * Ecliptica (~nick@wikipedia/Entropy) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[19:30] <Shearonink> I DON'T KNOW
[19:30] <PinkAmpersand>
[19:30] <gwickwire> stahp pplz
[19:30] <Swob> although he posted it on a page about an unrelated arbcom maneuver
[19:31] <gwickwire> everyone ping every arb you know and e-mail their list with 10293942 things
[19:31] <Someguy1221> procedural question: Can "the community" overturn an arbcom ban appeal?
�03[19:31] * Vacation9 is now known as Vacation9|sleep
[19:31] <gwickwire> get this user desysopped BEFORE he causes shitstorm.
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[19:31] <Gfoley4> nah
[19:32] <gwickwire> yesh.
[19:32] <PinkAmpersand> Someguy1221: hmmm. i think so. but there'd probably not be a consensus, because the community is surprisingly (but pleasantly) hesitant to do stuff that might exceed our powers. like the thing to ban that admin from undeleting.
[19:32] <gwickwire> then we can prove that rogue admins get desysopped if they express an intrest/willingness to go against ArbCom
[19:32] <Shearonink> and yet....why is it that we have all this time for various unpleasantnesses and yet look at the various backlogs that exist....
[19:33] <NuclearWarfare> Someguy1221: Not on the same subject
[19:33] <NuclearWarfare> People can reblock for a different issue
[19:33] <NuclearWarfare> but if the block is for the same reason, that is wheel warring with Arbcom
[19:33] <NuclearWarfare> and bad
[19:34] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: what I assume ( / hope) is happening is that they're discussing on the mailing list, trying to get a consensus that they will desysop if he does it, so that they can go to his talk page and say "if you do that we have the votes to desysop you"
[19:34] <gwickwire> ahhaha.
[19:34] <PinkAmpersand> ah 'tis an arb.
[19:35] <gwickwire> The question I have is this: Should a user be desysopped for SINCERELY expressing that willingness to go against ArbCom? Or do we HAVE to wait until something actually happens, and THEN for ArbCom to find a crat and desysop and stuff?
[19:35] <Swob> that sounds like something that could be easily gamed if you stick to the letter of the law
[19:35] <Swob> "oh but I didnt REALLY block him for that, you see there was this minor thing from 4 years ago and I just discovered it now and that was why I indeffed him"
[19:36] <gwickwire> ^^which is why imo just desysop him under EP2 and add him to the current case.
[19:36] <Swob> but Id hope that arbs/other people are not bound to such literal interpretations of the rules
[19:36] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: i'd say no one should be preemptively desysopped without warning. but a {{checkuserblock}} style notification that he'll have to hand in his badge and gun if he does it... that could be helpful.
[19:36] <gwickwire> hell, it won't HURT anyone.
[19:36] <gwickwire> hell, Kevin's desysop was warning enough: Go against arbcom, you get desysopped.
[19:36] <Someguy1221> best to wait for him to do it, so there will be no arguments
[19:37] <PinkAmpersand> otherwise we'd have two consecutive desysops done based on principles that aren't technically policy.
[19:37] <Someguy1221> if arbcom desysops BK now, there will be another shitstorm, guaranteed
[19:37] <PinkAmpersand> (well WP:WHEEL mentions the concept of wheelwarring with ArbCom, but still)
[19:37] <Swob> some of the arbs are talking about letting Kevin back in actually
[19:37] <Someguy1221> if they wait till he makes it necessary, less so
[19:37] <Someguy1221> and reversing a block is trivial anyway
�06[19:37] * PinkAmpersand agrees with Someguy1221
[19:37] <Someguy1221> it's not like russavia's block log could get any more tarnished
[19:37] <gwickwire> Someguy1221: no, there'll be a shitstorm from Marek and Kevin ANYWAY.
[19:37] <gwickwire> I can GUARANTEE that.
[19:38] <Someguy1221> yes, but the shitstorm will be exclusively from people no one listens to to begin with
[19:38] <gwickwire> also Someguy1221 please explain what I'm missing here, or did Alison just do somethign funky?
[19:38] <PinkAmpersand> plus BK is a good admin, IIRC, and maybe we should let him sleep it off
[19:38] <Someguy1221> he may jsut be saying that to vent, let him
[19:38] <PinkAmpersand> cf. Drmies and the Malleus thing... Doc being one of our most popular admins
�06[19:38] * Shearonink doesn't really understand quite what happened...
[19:38] <gwickwire> Someguy1221: well, I have some venting to do about Alison and other users, but I'm saving that for a huge RfC/U
[19:39] <Swob> gwickwire: what do you mean about that link? just that it was redundant?
[19:39] <gwickwire> pretty much...
[19:39] <gwickwire> I was just wondering if there was a technical thing I was missing
[19:39] <Swob> you can do null changes to just insert comments
[19:39] <gwickwire> like maybe some setting Alison changed that I missed, or something.
[19:39] <Swob> Ive done that by accident sometimes
[19:39] <gwickwire> no i know that, but there was no reason for them to butt in otherwise, imo...
[19:40] <gwickwire> they coulda just as easily emailed me, IRCed me, or talkpaged me.
[19:40] <Swob> like when there's a vandal spree and 2 different admins go and try to protect the same article sometimes they both get it and the article has 2 identical protections
[19:40] <Swob> yeah I dont thibk there was a change
[19:40] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: is it all possible that someone recreated the page and she OS'd it?
[19:40] <gwickwire> well I'll ask Alison why they're trying to instruct me to unrecreate my userpage.
[19:41] <gwickwire> PinkAmpersand: it was OSed a few days ago.
[19:41] <PinkAmpersand> and I don't think that was directed at you
�02[19:41] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�)
[19:41] <PinkAmpersand> that's directed at whoever's trolling you
[19:41] <PinkAmpersand> otherwise she would've FPP'd it
[19:42] <Swob> no, obersighted history is still visible
[19:42] <Swob> there's no new history since the last deletion
[19:42] <gwickwire> Swob: wtf? OSed history is only visible to OSers.
[19:42] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: admins can see the timestamps
[19:42] <Swob> admins can still see the entires, just not the actual text
[19:42] <Swob> *entries
[19:42] <Someguy1221> no
[19:42] <Someguy1221> admins can see that an entry exists
[19:42] <Someguy1221> they cannot see anything else if we don't want them to see it
[19:42] <gwickwire> well, every single thing possible was OSed was OSed, I know that.
[19:43] <PinkAmpersand> unless they did an oldschool OS, removed it from the servers :P
[19:43] <gwickwire> lol, nah.
[19:43] <PinkAmpersand> i think sysadmins can still do that.
[19:43] <Someguy1221> sysadmins can do anything
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[19:43] <gwickwire> but this OSer (smartly) also OSed the log entries for the deletion, so Marek couldn't try to out them.
[19:43] <Someguy1221> they can also do logless checkusers
[19:43] <Someguy1221> and change your account's email
[19:43] <PinkAmpersand> and your password, of course
[19:44] <Swob> yeah
[19:44] <PinkAmpersand> remind me to never piss off MaxSem!
[19:44] <gwickwire> sysadmins can kill Wikipedia.
[19:44] <Someguy1221> they are really loath to modify useraccount info, though
[19:44] <ihaveamac> sysadmins can destroy WMF stuff
[19:44] <ihaveamac> but they're not evil enough to do that
[19:44] <Someguy1221> we tell people it can't be done more because sysadmins refuse to do it than that it can't be done
[19:44] <Swob> yeah
[19:44] <Penwhale> Swob: now when it's 2 days separately.
[19:45] <PinkAmpersand> actually, that's how you know MaxSem is without a doubt a good guy. he took Hex to AN instead of desysopping him, leaving no record, and making him un-resysoppable ;)
[19:45] <Swob> otherwise there'd be requests like that all the time
[19:45] <Penwhale> *not
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[19:45] <PinkAmpersand> Swob: wasn't there that admin who got resysopped a while ago who'd forgotten his pw, and who MBisanz talked the sysadmins into resetting?
[19:47] <Swob> probably
[19:47] <Swob> I never heard anything like that but Ive missed a lot
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[19:48] <Someguy1221> that sounds vaguely familiar
[19:48] <PinkAmpersand> something at BN. right before the grace period expired on permanent inactivity desysops
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�06[19:50] * PinkAmpersand hopes that when this clusterfuck with ArbCom concludes, they OS all of the archives except for a CBLANKed copy of the final decision
�03[19:51] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�06[19:51] * PinkAmpersand also thinks there should be a rule against commenting on ArbCom case requests simply to either say that ArbCom made the right call or the wrong call.
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[19:57] <Shearonink>
[19:57] <Shearonink> wtf
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[19:58] <Scott5115> Scribunto/Lua question: what exactly is the incantation I need to do to use the mw module? For some reason, calling mw.log is causing to throw an error, and I can't figure out why.
[19:59] <Swob> too many things going on now
[20:00] <Swob> cant keep up
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[20:03] <Scott5115> Dcoetzee: I was told you might be able to shed some light on the above
[20:04] <ihaveamac> Shearonink: what to do with that page and user...
[20:06] <Swob> aww
[20:06] <Dcoetzee> Scott5115: ??
[20:06] <Swob> i hate when someone uploads a giant youtube video that i want to see right before my bedtime
[20:06] <gwick> ohai
[20:06] <Swob> #firstworldproblems
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[20:06] <Swob> i shoukld put that there now
[20:06] <Scott5115> Dcoetzee: Scribunto/Lua question: what exactly is the incantation I need to do to use the mw module? For some reason, calling mw.log is causing to throw an error, and I can't figure out why.
[20:07] <Penwhale> ..... what was Courcelles doing -_-
[20:07] <Scott5115> (There may well be some other code I've written interfering with it; this is only the 2nd snippet of Lua I've written)
�02[20:09] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[20:09] <Dcoetzee> Scott5115: I haven't used mw.log, but try asking at Lua requests
[20:09] <Dcoetzee> They'll help
[20:09] <Dcoetzee> Or look at existing scripts for use of mw.log
[20:10] <Scott5115> I haven't found any mw.log usage in any existing scripts, sadly. Since it's mostly a debugging feature I'm sure it gets removed most of the time.
�03[20:11] * Swob is now known as rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
�03[20:11] * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr is now known as Swob
[20:11] <Swob> just curiosu if it was registered
[20:11] <Dcoetzee> Scott5115: Check history
[20:11] <Dcoetzee> For old versions that used mw.log. Check sandboxes too
[20:11] <Scott5115> Hm. All right.
�03[20:12] * FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad
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[20:13] <gwick> lol firstworldproblm
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[20:15] <firstworldproblm> i mean come on. who can relate with me on the frustation of having your favorite youtube channel upload a 40 minute video right before you have to go to bed
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[20:15] <firstworldproblm> why coukdnbt he have done it in the daytime when i was bored!!
[20:15] <Dcoetzee> firstworldproblm: Meeeee
[20:15] <gwick> firstworldproblm: LOL
[20:16] <Dcoetzee> Day[9] and Husky do that alllll the time
[20:16] <gwick> firstworldproblm: who can relate to wanting your client to just be white instead of black :/
�03[20:17] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:17] <ihaveamac> firstworldproblm: my browser theme makes the bookmark labels impossible to see
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[20:18] <firstworldproblm> we should write the programmers of the browser and make htem change it
[20:18] <firstworldproblm> gwick: sooo much racism there if you think of "client" as someone who you see at work
[20:19] <gwickwire> XD I realized that.
[20:19] <gwick> yep, definitally realized that
�02[20:20] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) Quit (Quit: !�)
[20:20] <gwickwire> what, did we scare Gfoley off?
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[20:24] <gwick> lol.
[20:24] <gwick> firstworldproblm was soap.
[20:24] <gwick> XD
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[20:28] <Pharos> why does a Viennese escort service follow Wikimedia NYC on twitter?
[20:29] <mareklug> for our penis collection, naturally
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[20:35] <gwick> O.O
[20:37] <gwick> I come back and see penises.
[20:40] <Dcoetzee> Penises are everywhere
[20:40] <Dcoetzee> Nature is made up of penises
[20:41] <Dcoetzee> On the first day, God created penises, and saw that it was good
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[20:47] <PinkAmpersand> who can spot the funny thing in the first two sentences of ?
[20:48] <Pharos> "Man" should be capitalized :P
[20:49] <Pharos> this is the funy thing if you ignore the actual content of the sentences:P
[20:49] <ihaveamac> "Heterosexuality involves union between"
[20:49] <Pharos> God creates "Man", not "man
[20:49] <Someguy1221> conservapedia should just drop all pretense and change its name to colbertpedia
[20:50] <PinkAmpersand> i was gonna go with the bit where they seem to say that it's possible for gay sex to result in pregnancy.
[20:50] <ihaveamac> is it possible at all to make an account there?
[20:50] <PinkAmpersand> "It is the natural way that human beings and most animals reproduce"
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[20:50] <PinkAmpersand> implying that there are other ways
[20:50] <Pharos> I'm pretty sure that article is a troll
[20:50] <closedmouth> that refers to asexual reproduction
[20:50] <Pharos> many of their artickes are
[20:51] <gwick> lol
[20:51] <D_> PinkAmpersand: Clearly you don't know about the reptilians' clone banks
[20:51] <Pharos> it's kind of hard to tell their regular content from the parodies
[20:51] <PinkAmpersand> the section after the lede also seems to argue that gays aren't descended from Adam & Eve
[20:52] <PinkAmpersand> Pharos: lol that's why Uncyclopedia always says that Conservapedia articles are funnier versions
[20:52] <PinkAmpersand>
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[20:52] <Pharos> i met one honest-to-goodness conservapedian in my life
[20:52] <harej> ed poor?
[20:52] <Pharos> yes
[20:53] <Pharos> i imagine he is one of the more sane ones
[20:53] <closedmouth> poor ed
[20:53] <Someguy1221> well pink, there are other ways
[20:53] <Someguy1221> self fertilization in some animals
[20:53] <Someguy1221> parthenogenesis
[20:53] <Dcoetzee> I'm under the general impression many Conservapedia articles are written by trolls deliberately exaggerating or parodying the conservative point of view.
[20:53] <Dcoetzee> But Poe's law, it's impossible to tell which is which
[20:53] <Pharos> there are probably sophisticated ways to tell
[20:54] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: the lede sentence of "Homophobia" might still be one of the most brilliant pieces of spin doctoring I've ever seen.
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[20:54] <Pharos> great topic for a PhD thesis!
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[20:54] <Someguy1221> Dee, i'm sure it's a mix
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[20:54] <Someguy1221> Dee: did you ever watch the original Get Smart?
[20:54] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: "Homophobia would be an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, if it really existed." That one?
�06[20:54] * PinkAmpersand thinks we should set up a program to transwiki all of our worst stuff to Conservapedia
[20:54] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: yep
[20:54] <Dcoetzee> Someguy1221: Yeah that was a great show
[20:54] <ihaveamac> is conservapedia supposed to be serious or humorous?
[20:54] <closedmouth> Dcoetzee:
[20:55] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: Originally supposed to be serious but ended up being hilarious
[20:55] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: in theory, it's supposed to be serious. no one's sure how much of it is
[20:55] <Pharos> it's supposed to be serious
[20:55] <PinkAmpersand> the founder is a legit nutjob though
[20:55] <Dcoetzee> Some of its editors are still serious
[20:55] <Pharos> but it's been infiltrated
[20:55] <ihaveamac> ok, why am I laughing:
[20:55] <Dcoetzee> And some are even relatively moderate
[20:55] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: is funnier, IMHO
[20:55] <Someguy1221> I remember one early episode where Smart uncovered an network of spies who were all double agents. The original spies had died, and the double agents kept it going, each thinking the rest were real
[20:56] <Pharos> and a few aren't even conservative, and edit as an intellectual exercise!
[20:56] <Dcoetzee> Someguy1221: That may describe Conservapedia indeed :-P
[20:56] <Dcoetzee> Trolls trolling trolls, all day everyday
[20:56] <D_> Conservapedia's sexuality cat has an unexpectedly large amount of articles on bestiality
[20:56] <wctaiwan> PinkAmpersand: he's a son of the stop ERA lady.
[20:56] <PinkAmpersand> D_ believe it or not I've read that cat
[20:56] <D_> It's almost like accusing people of tendency towards bestiality is one of their past times
[20:56] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: Kinda like an online chat between two teenage girls ;)
[20:56] <wctaiwan> not that it's always related, but in this case it seems that he likely got a fair bit of his beliefs from his mom.
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[20:57] <PinkAmpersand> wctaiwan: his big thing is homeschooling advocacy, IIRC
[20:57] <ihaveamac>
[20:57] <Pharos> can hardly blam him for following mom
[20:57] <wctaiwan> PinkAmpersand: right.
[20:58] <Someguy1221> Proof by "mom mommy said so"
[20:58] <wctaiwan> either way, I don't think we need to take his ideas seriously.
[20:58] <PinkAmpersand> which I can't argue with in general, but his reasons have a lot more to do with Christian wacko stuff than the simple right to a private education.
[20:58] <ihaveamac> so conservapedia is/was trying to be serious?
[20:58] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: yes.
[20:58] <Pharos> yes, absolutely
[20:58] <Dcoetzee> When it was first founded, almost all its editors were serious
[20:58] <ihaveamac> I don't believe that
[20:58] <Dcoetzee> Just extremists
[20:58] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: does Ed Poor still edit there?
[20:59] <Someguy1221> conservapedia probably has as many serious users as that "flat earthers" website
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[20:59] <PinkAmpersand> the best thing is that they still use MonoBook, so when you click a link it turns pink!
[20:59] <Pharos> at one point Ed Poor started a Moonie encyclopedia
[20:59] <wctaiwan> PinkAmpersand:
[20:59] <wctaiwan> wait er, Someguy1221** ^
[20:59] <Pharos> not sure if that ever went anywhere
[20:59] <ihaveamac> what about ?
[21:00] <Pharos> i bet the majority of conservapedians are serious
[21:00] <Pharos> they've purged people who weren;t conservative enough
[21:00] <D_> Conservapedia is doublethink in action
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[21:00] <Someguy1221> citizendium is simply an exercise in allowing a single "expert" to write articles in "my point of view"
[21:00] <D_> Nobody there even knows what's real anymore
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�06[21:01] * PinkAmpersand wishes AFDs could work like this on Wikipedia
[21:01] <Pharos> the real problem is when the extremists start taking their talking points from the parodists
[21:01] <PinkAmpersand> doesn't conservapedia not allow editing at night?
�03[21:01] * TheChance ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:01] <PinkAmpersand> or using British English
[21:01] <Dcoetzee> Citizendium isn't exactly a failure. It's just about as successful as the smallest Wikipedias.
[21:02] <Dcoetzee> Which is to say its growth is seemingly permanently stunted and its impact is very limited to a small group.
[21:02] <LtNOWIS> rail stuff, bah
[21:02] <Pharos> that AfD is awesome
[21:02] <PinkAmpersand> Pharos: lol like the Pat Robertson quote that liberal persecution of evangelical Christians is the worst discrimination in history? You think it must be fake, and it turns out it isn't.
[21:02] <LtNOWIS> why are there so many nerds on Wikipedia :p
[21:02] <Amqui> what I remember from highschool
[21:02] <Amqui> you think this is a reliable source?
[21:02] <Dcoetzee> LtNOWIS: Nerds tend to take an interest and have the skills needed to participate
[21:02] <wctaiwan> LtNOWIS: cf. Aaron Swartz, who writes wikipedia.
[21:02] <ihaveamac> Amqui: definitely
[21:03] <LtNOWIS> Pat R says a lot of zany things
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[21:03] <LtNOWIS> anyways I shouldn't talk, I write a lot of stuff that literally no other editor cares about
[21:03] <Pharos> Wikipedians are people who read encyclopedias and dictionaries for fun as kids
[21:03] <Pharos> by definition
[21:03] <Dcoetzee> To put it another way:
[21:03] <Pharos> well, the very young ones now read Wikipedia as kids :P
[21:03] <wctaiwan> we all took that as a complement, I thought.
[21:03] <D_> Lies, that's not the definition in Wiktionary, Pharos
[21:03] <Dcoetzee> Who would spend their time writing about stuff they think is cool for free?
[21:04] <LtNOWIS> oh man, I had thsi sweet picture dictionary
[21:04] <Dcoetzee> Answer: nerds and geeks
[21:04] <Shearonink> so many people think Wikipedia IS the Internet
[21:04] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: you're leaving out the SPA POV pushers.
[21:04] <mareklug> Pharos and when you were a kid, didn't other kids call you Walking Encyclopedia?
[21:04] <Dcoetzee> The secret is, everybody is a geek in something :-P
[21:04] <ihaveamac> so many people don't know they can edit
[21:04] <Pharos> yes
�06[21:04] * Penwhale is a geek
[21:04] <Pharos> :P
[21:04] <Deskana> Shearonink: Are we not?
[21:04] <ihaveamac> or at least how
�06[21:04] * Someguy1221 was also accused of being an encyclopedia
[21:04] <LtNOWIS> yeah, that sounds familiar
[21:05] <Shearonink> heh, we are part of the Internet, we are not the complete internet
�03[21:05] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:05] <Pharos> you hear it often enough, you think maybe it ought to be true
[21:05] <D_> Plus, more people probably believe Facebook is the Internet
�06[21:05] * PinkAmpersand could solve most Encyclopedia Brown stories at 5. So ha!
[21:05] <D_> with Wikipedia as a side venture to provide content for Facebook pages
[21:05] <ihaveamac> then you get the "wiki is not reliable" comments
[21:05] <ihaveamac> and those who believe in the onion
[21:05] <Shearonink> I actually read the AF, and SO much of it is "You don;t have the complete instructions for how to operate my Android phone"
[21:06] <D_> But Wikipedia isn't a reliable source
[21:06] <D_> WP:WINARS
[21:06] <PinkAmpersand> and I distinctly remember in 5th grade our librarian reading us one of them, and asking my classmates how they thought he knew who the bad guy was, and people answered along the lines of "Because he knew he's a bad person?"
[21:06] <wctaiwan> I always get a slight mental chuckle when a professor tells people to look something up on wikipedia
[21:06] <LtNOWIS> yeah it's not something you can cite.
[21:06] <ihaveamac> D_: facebook was the most visited site for a while, then google took it again
[21:06] <wctaiwan> I could totally ruin their plans very easily.
[21:06] <Amqui> D_ true since the Internet is for porn
[21:06] <LtNOWIS> It certainly pisses me off to see people cite IMDb and so forth on Wikipedia
[21:06] <D_> I've had a professor admit to vandalizing Wikipedia for a class demonstration once
[21:06] <ihaveamac> D_: o_o where?
[21:07] <Shearonink> D_: That'sAWFUL
[21:07] <Pharos> did you report him to the police?
[21:07] <LtNOWIS> Oh, or get this, Free Republic for some non-controversial info.
[21:07] <D_> I'm not outing
[21:07] <SigmaWP> 8-(
[21:07] <D_> Plus, he reverted right away
[21:07] <ihaveamac> ok
[21:07] <D_> (yes, I tracked him down)
[21:07] <PinkAmpersand> D_: Larry Sanger vandalized Wikipedia a while back
[21:07] <Shearonink> yay for D_ tracking him down
[21:07] <PinkAmpersand> while logged in, too
[21:07] <Shearonink> if anyone has a right to vandalize he would
[21:07] <wctaiwan> Larry Sanger is not a fan of wikipedia.
[21:07] <D_> Was the ES "*grumble grumble* Wikipedia"?
[21:07] <ihaveamac> r/todayilearned at reddit tells you wikipedia is more reliable than you think
[21:08] <ihaveamac> and tell you to test its system by vandalizing it
[21:08] <Dcoetzee> Larry Sanger was a fan of it in its infancy
[21:08] <Pharos> and reddit is less reliable than you think
[21:08] <wctaiwan> ihaveamac: it's highly dependent on subject matter
[21:08] <Amqui> XD especially the first comment which proves it
[21:08] <Dcoetzee> But I think he only agreed to it as a project to feed into Nupedia
[21:08] <PinkAmpersand> Sanger still has less than 1.5k edits
[21:08] <wctaiwan> I find that one way to push a POV is to start an article at an obscure title
[21:08] <wctaiwan> and hope that no one notices.
[21:08] <LtNOWIS> It seems like criticism of Wikipedia is useless at this point.
[21:08] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: NPP catches a lot of those
[21:09] <LtNOWIS> The system is in place, there's no alternative, deal with it.
[21:09] <ihaveamac> wctaiwan,: then someone finds it in 5 years and AfDs it?
[21:09] <wctaiwan> ihaveamac: damage already done
[21:09] <Dcoetzee> Arguing that "Wikipedia needs to change" is fruitful. Arguing that "Wikipedia will never work" is silly.
[21:09] <ihaveamac> I remember the hoax that stayed for 5 years and was a GA
[21:09] <Dcoetzee> Wikipedia is here and helps thousands every day.
[21:09] <Amqui> lol
[21:09] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: I don't like breaching experiments, otherwise I could prove it to you very easily.
[21:09] <wctaiwan> 1. start article at obscure title
[21:09] <Amqui> a hoax GA? I heard the hoax running for GA
[21:09] <Dcoetzee> There are hoax GAs
[21:09] <wctaiwan> 2. use chinese references people can't verify but can't disprove either
[21:09] <ihaveamac> well
[21:09] <PinkAmpersand> wow
[21:09] <Dcoetzee> That's what that article was about
[21:09] <ihaveamac> this one was caught since its sources were fakes
[21:09] <wctaiwan> 3. sneak redirects and wikilinks to the title
[21:10] <wctaiwan> 4. profit
[21:10] <ihaveamac>
[21:10] <ihaveamac> is now a redirect to "Reliability of Wikipedia"
[21:10] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: Hoaxes are easy to create and many of them have been created
[21:10] <wctaiwan> right.
[21:10] <PinkAmpersand> yep. remember that time we caught one here?
[21:10] <Dcoetzee> Many have not been found.
[21:10] <wctaiwan> or you know, make up an ISBN.
[21:10] <ihaveamac> PinkAmpersand: what and when
[21:10] <Dcoetzee> But we'll find as many as we can, in time.
[21:10] <ihaveamac> ?
[21:10] <Pharos> it's certainly possible, but almost everyone with the skills to write one wouldn't
[21:10] <Pharos> to get a hoax to high recognition
[21:10] <Dcoetzee> For those who haven't seen it:
[21:11] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee, gwick, me and a few others.
[21:11] <gwickwire> WHAT DID I DO?
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[21:11] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: ^
[21:11] <Dcoetzee> I'm strongly considering restoring all major hoaxes into project space for study
[21:11] <ihaveamac> ok
[21:11] <Dcoetzee> If I'm bold, I might get away with it
[21:11] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: you helped put together the evidence against it, i thought
[21:11] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: please don't.
[21:11] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: Why not?
[21:11] <D_> guh, my client doesn't highlight that without a www or anything in front
[21:11] <gwickwire> oh yes.
[21:11] <gwickwire> i did
�06[21:11] * PinkAmpersand endorses the idea
[21:11] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee: place it in userspace or off-wiki
[21:11] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: we're an encyclopedia, not a human behaviour study.
[21:11] <ihaveamac> or if you're clever, stuff it somewhere in the project space then :P
[21:12] <Dcoetzee> Studying how hoaxes form on Wikipedia will help improve Wikipedia.
[21:12] <D_> I think what wctaiwan is saying is WP:POINT
[21:12] <wctaiwan> sort of.
[21:12] <Dcoetzee> Because we can detect them better, and help prevent them.
[21:12] <PinkAmpersand> how is that POINTy?
[21:12] <wctaiwan> PinkAmpersand: putting hoaxes in mainspace isn't pointy?
[21:12] <Dcoetzee> I said project space...
[21:12] <wctaiwan> oh, wait
�06[21:12] * wctaiwan rubs his eyes
[21:12] <wctaiwan> sorry
[21:12] <Amqui> I can guarantee you I can create a hoax and nobody will find out anytime soon
[21:12] <D_> Oh
[21:12] <D_> Yes, sorry
[21:12] <Dcoetzee> Under subpages of List of hoaxes on Wikipedia
[21:13] <Dcoetzee> *Wikipedia:List of
[21:13] <wctaiwan> yeah, I have no problem with it, then
[21:13] <wctaiwan> but I also don't know how it'd help.
[21:13] <Dcoetzee> Okay :-P
[21:13] <Pharos> Amqui: i agree
[21:13] <PinkAmpersand> yeah i think it'd be useful
[21:13] <wctaiwan> just make sure don't accidentally reintroduce BLP vios
[21:13] <PinkAmpersand> i can think of a few ways a bot could flag possible hoaxes
[21:13] <D_> Just stick a huge template on it that says THIS IS A HOAX, KEPT HERE FOR CASE STUDY
[21:13] <PinkAmpersand> fake interwikis are a dead giveaway often
[21:13] <PinkAmpersand> same with commonscats and wikisource links
�02[21:13] * OneTonTurd (~humble@ Quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.8 sic populo comunicated�)
[21:13] <Amqui> after some thousand contribs and couple GAs nobody watch what you do anyway
[21:13] <Dcoetzee> D_: Yes I will do that :-)
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> Anyone wanna help make the template?
[21:14] <PinkAmpersand> umm... pictures of other people with misleading captions
[21:14] <D_> Can I use <blink>?
[21:14] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: i can help :)
[21:14] <Dcoetzee> D_: Yes. I'll remove it though. :-P
[21:14] <Amqui> worse case go to a wiki in an obscure language and write about and obscure subject
[21:14] <Amqui> guarantee longest hoax
[21:15] <Pharos> obscure language is cheating
[21:15] <wctaiwan> someone took themselves to ANI over <blink> a few hours ago.
[21:15] <Amqui> why?
[21:15] <wctaiwan> it was pretty silly.
[21:15] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Okay. :-) I need a big bold template that says something to the effect of: "This article is a hoax. There is no evidence that its subject actually exists. It is preserved here solely for studying how hoaxes develop on Wikipedia, for the purpose of preventing them in the future."
[21:15] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: will do
[21:15] <Someguy1221> Amqui: Points are not earned for length of time up, but my number of views before being deleted
[21:15] <ihaveamac> I got a copy of the Bicholim conflict hoax, would I be able to place it in some namespace?
[21:15] <ihaveamac> if I wanted to?
[21:15] <Dcoetzee> Thx :-)
[21:15] <Pharos> you could have one in a really obscure lang for 10 years and noone would notice
[21:15] <Dcoetzee> ihaveamac: I'm admin, I can restore them all
[21:15] <PinkAmpersand> Amqui: Stephen Glass style hoaxes are a differenet story.
[21:15] <Amqui> oh Someguy1221 you change the goal now
[21:15] <Someguy1221> that's what the goal always should have been
[21:15] <ihaveamac> I just got a copy of the text another admin gave me
[21:15] <LtNOWIS> '07 GA standards were worse right?
[21:16] <Amqui> Someguy1221 and does the whole article needs to be a hoax?
[21:16] <ihaveamac> translate it to navajo then no one will notice
[21:16] <Pharos> literally
[21:16] <Dcoetzee> List of hoaxes on Wikipedia does include some hoaxes that were small additions to normal articles
[21:16] <Amqui> navajo wiki has good colours XD
[21:16] <ihaveamac>
[21:16] <Dcoetzee> Which are important too, but those are not usually revdeled
[21:16] <Pharos> the navajo flag has good colors
[21:16] <Dcoetzee> So they don't need to be restored
[21:16] <Pharos> or lots of colors, anyway'
[21:16] <ihaveamac> speaking of navajo, that is the wikipedia version
[21:17] <ihaveamac> look at the flashy colors
[21:17] <PinkAmpersand> ikr?
[21:17] <D_>
[21:17] <D_> It's apparently a Navajo rug pattern
[21:17] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire and I definitely once discussed the Navajo WP colors
[21:17] <gwickwire> o.O
[21:17] <D_> The Navajo WP is on a rug
[21:17] <gwickwire> we also discussed boobs, but I do that in -en as well :3
[21:17] <Pharos> hey, navajo is doing a lot bettter than i would have thought
[21:18] <PinkAmpersand> gwickwire: let's not go down the road of things we've discussed late at night ;)
[21:18] <Pharos> maybe some tribal institution has "adopted" it
[21:18] <gwickwire> ooh :p
[21:18] <Amqui> Pharos yep
[21:18] <Amqui> one-man wiki though
[21:18] <LtNOWIS> <--In writing that article, I listend to the entire public broadcasting interview in the citation
[21:18] <ihaveamac> my account was autocreated
[21:18] <ihaveamac> it's in the 5800s
[21:18] <LtNOWIS> Just thinking about it bores me.
[21:18] <D_> Your dedication is admirable, LtNOWIS
[21:18] <mareklug> Perpahs Navajo school kids n Gallup and Tuba City high schools are editing
[21:18] <ihaveamac> "Seb az86556" is running the entire Navajo wikipedia basically
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[21:19] <ihaveamac> at least he's a sysop
[21:19] <Amqui> and he speaks navajo
[21:19] <LtNOWIS> yeah, I was an admin for some Star Wars wikis on Wikia, in other langauges.
[21:19] <D_> And has a pet unicorn
[21:19] <LtNOWIS> Despite not knowing the languages
[21:19] <Pharos> someone should make deputize him WALRUS of Arizona
[21:19] <LtNOWIS> that was tough
[21:20] <Amqui> Pharos he is hard to deal with ;)
[21:21] <PinkAmpersand> i love how small wikis can have their own feelings. we sorta have that on Wikidata. lot of primary colors and stuff
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[21:21] <D_> wd uses the MediaWiki colors, doesn't it?
[21:21] <LtNOWIS> You know what's a great topic of conversation? All of my wonderful accomplishments.
[21:21] <Amqui>
�06[21:21] * LtNOWIS is not drunk.
[21:22] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: I'm eating dinner but just ping me when template is ready or if you need help :-)
�03[21:22] * gwickwire is now known as gwick|sleep
[21:22] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: kk
[21:23] <Pharos>
[21:24] <Pharos> i was thinking "coalition" or maybe "circle"
[21:24] <Pharos> "federation" is too bureaucratic apparently
[21:24] <Amqui> Pharos you guys gave up North America project?
[21:24] <D_> The Culture.
[21:25] <D_> This is all too metapedian for me
[21:25] <Pharos> unfortunately, it's not easy to interface with WM Canada as such now
[21:25] <D_> it's so metapedian it's on meta
[21:25] <Pharos> exactly!
[21:26] <wctaiwan> D_: good one.
[21:26] <Amqui> why not Association
[21:26] <Pharos> we decided not to incorporate now
[21:26] <Pharos> well, some of us did :P
[21:26] <Amqui> why not WM US simply?
[21:26] <harej> one thing bugging me about the business plan i'm developing is that i can't for the life of me come up with a good name for it
[21:26] <D_> How about Society
[21:27] <D_> That's warm and fuzzy
[21:27] <Pharos> that would be the name of a full national chapter
[21:27] <Shearonink> how about Bunch
[21:27] <Amqui> Union
[21:27] <Shearonink> Herd
[21:27] <Pharos> and we want to be more of a loose club of regional groups
[21:27] <Amqui> Gringos
[21:27] <D_> Wikimedia United States Friends
[21:27] <harej> Trade Association
[21:27] <mareklug> Pharos it still needs to be a 501©3 corporation, no?  regardless of its name
[21:27] <harej> Chamber of Wikimedians
[21:27] <Amqui> Wikimedia Gringos
[21:27] <D_> The WM Mafia
[21:27] <Shearonink> well a loose club would be a confederation
[21:27] <Pharos> mareklug: not now, maybe in a year or two
[21:28] <Amqui> Wikimedia We Have WMF In Our Country And Still Want More :P
[21:28] <Pharos> we need moar wiki
[21:28] <Pharos> harej: i will name your business plan
[21:28] <Amqui> hey Pharos is personallity issue with WM CA ?
[21:28] <D_> Wikimedia World Domination Association of the United States
[21:29] <Pharos> yes, sort of
[21:29] <Pharos> you don't seem to have any united voice
[21:29] <Amqui> maybe we can fix that at the next general meeting ;)
[21:29] <Pharos> hopefully :)
[21:29] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee:
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[21:30] <Pharos> srsly harej, i will name your plan
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[21:30] <harej> okay, what will you name it?
[21:30] <Pharos> that depends what it is
[21:30] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Looks great :-)
[21:30] <Pharos> tell me that first :P
[21:30] <Shearonink> in the immortal words from Oliver Twist.... "More? want MORE?!?"
[21:30] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Can you make the border and exclamation mark red?
�03[21:30] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep
[21:30] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: yeah i think so. 1 sec
[21:30] <D_> I'd just bold the important parts
[21:31] <ihaveamac> "All people know that Wiki is a branch of Usa system."
[21:31] <D_> and leave the "we're not glorifying trolls" as a side explanation
[21:31] <Dcoetzee> D_: I would consider omitting that sentence entirely.
[21:31] <Dcoetzee> Yes
[21:31] <D_> United States of Wikimedia
[21:31] <PinkAmpersand> {{done}}
[21:31] <ihaveamac> found an IP on ANI
[21:31] <ihaveamac> checked diffs
[21:32] <ihaveamac>
[21:32] <D_> Now we have exclamation marks in both directions
[21:32] <Dcoetzee> I kinda like the upside down exclamation mark
[21:32] <Shearonink> who said that we're people
[21:32] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: ok should i remove the line on trolls?
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[21:32] <PinkAmpersand> D_: intentional :P
[21:32] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Yeah that sentence is more of a rationale rather than an explanation.
[21:32] <Dcoetzee> We can put it on the template page.
[21:32] <Shearonink> all *people* might know something, but
[21:33] <PinkAmpersand> ok
�02[21:33] * Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[21:33] <Dcoetzee> I'll edit for brevity
[21:35] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: I edited wording a bit, how's it look now?
[21:35] <Dcoetzee> brb pasta
[21:36] <ihaveamac> i found a mass suppressed section on ANI
[21:36] <D_> nothing to see there, move along
[21:36] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: good. i'm just gonna restore "entirely" instead of "in its entirety", per the writing guideline that you shouldn't use more words than are necessary
[21:36] <ihaveamac> it's suppressed so I must know
[21:36] <ihaveamac> DDDD:
[21:36] <D_> Although it might have something to do with the debacle that signpost covered
[21:36] <PinkAmpersand> wow [[ihaveamac|someone]]'s been out of it
[21:36] <D_> look at that
[21:37] <ihaveamac> revdel'd and suppressed revisions make me curious
[21:37] <ihaveamac> I doubt I'm the only one
[21:37] <IDoH> You aren't
[21:37] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac:
�02[21:38] * IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) Quit (Quit: My screenname is I dream of horses on en.wp and emimeni on wrongplanet.�)
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[21:38] <ihaveamac> PinkAmpersand: ?
[21:38] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: I found "entirely" ambiguous (it could imply either "the entire article is fabricated" or "the false portions are entirely fabricated")
[21:38] <Dcoetzee> But I don't care that much ;-)
[21:38] <D_> Mass suppression make me want to fetch my barge pole
[21:38] <D_> (I don't own a barge pole)
[21:38] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: kk i'll look at it.
[21:39] <Dcoetzee> The intent is clear
[21:39] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: lol if you click a random link there you have like a 50/50 chance at getting something related to the suppressions
[21:39] <PinkAmpersand> but no, D_ is right, the Signpost explained it very well
[21:40] <PinkAmpersand> I wonder if Ed had to run that by ArbCom before publishing
[21:40] <ihaveamac> I like how popups tells me if an account is locked
[21:41] <PinkAmpersand> popups should be enabled by default
[21:41] <ihaveamac> YES
[21:41] <PinkAmpersand> En's lack of default gadget's isn't as bad as Wikidata's. we should pretty much default enable all of them there.
[21:41] <PinkAmpersand> *gadgets
[21:42] <D_> Even the left right arrows?
[21:42] <D_> I enabled them once
[21:42] <D_> then I realized I'd never have any use for them
[21:42] <PinkAmpersand> really? i've found them useful
[21:43] <PinkAmpersand> going through random items fixing things and stuff
[21:43] <ihaveamac>
[21:43] <D_> Well, I don't really patrol on WD
[21:43] <D_> but I guess that'd make sense
[21:43] <ihaveamac> I do patrol on wikidata more than wikipedia now
[21:43] <D_> I mostly edit WD stuff associated with WP articles I edit
[21:44] <ihaveamac> I overuse rollback on wikidata
[21:44] <ihaveamac> and that's what I do
[21:44] <PinkAmpersand> D_ well it's not much use for anti-vandalism or anything. but if you're doing "content" edits, it's as good a road map as Special:Random, if not better
[21:44] <ihaveamac> :D
[21:44] <PinkAmpersand> lol as i've said we have like no policies on how you use tools. we don't even have a wheelwarring policy
[21:45] <ihaveamac> so I could abuse rollback and click it on everything I see?
[21:45] <D_> I did find Special:ItemDisambiguation recently
[21:45] <D_> and was amazed at the amount of ambiguity
[21:46] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: lol then i'll just massrollback your edits (and mark mine and yours as bot edits), and remove your flag
�06[21:46] * ihaveamac would do no such thing
[21:46] <PinkAmpersand> markbotedits is easily the strangest admin right
[21:46] <D_> How dehumanizing
[21:46] <PinkAmpersand> ikr?
[21:46] <ihaveamac> admins are bots
[21:46] <D_> Actually, should rename the priv to that
[21:46] <ihaveamac> admins are bots
[21:47] <ihaveamac> run
[21:47] <D_> dehumanizer
�06[21:47] * ihaveamac runs
[21:47] <PinkAmpersand> not only are we bots, we can make others bots
[21:47] <ihaveamac> I thought bureaucrats did that
[21:48] <PinkAmpersand> ihaveamac: 'crats assign bot flag. but admins can mark edits they roll back as bot edits.
[21:48] <ihaveamac> oh I get it
[21:48] <PinkAmpersand> it's a default sysop right. i can't say i've ever seen it used, though
[21:48] <ihaveamac> so basically admins can become bots
[21:49] <D_> An admin could run a bot and just have it mark all its edits as bot edits
[21:49] <D_> and then get into a wheel war with other admins
�06[21:49] * ihaveamac hides under a table
[21:50] <D_> because WD is the Wild West
[21:50] <PinkAmpersand> D_ i'm not sure about that... idk if you can manipulate the API to make it work on things other than rollback
[21:50] <PinkAmpersand> you probably can though
[21:50] <PinkAmpersand> i mean, that's not that high on the list of potential admin abuse though
[21:51] <PinkAmpersand> i could just click Special:Nuke, leave the username field blank, and and set "Maximum number of pages" to 10,000,000.
[21:51] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: First restored article at:
[21:51] <Dcoetzee> How does it look?
[21:51] <ihaveamac> PinkAmpersand: here come the sysadmins
[21:52] <Dcoetzee> I just linked to it from the table
[21:52] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: good :)
[21:52] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee: now restore the Bicholim_conflict
[21:52] <ihaveamac> :P
[21:52] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Goin' top down
[21:52] <Dcoetzee> :-P
[21:53] <PinkAmpersand> what are you gonna do about articles that now exist as redirects? linking wise, i mean
[21:53] <D_> Cleanup templates suppress cats in project space, right?
[21:53] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Delete, restore old revisions, move, recreate redirect
[21:53] <ihaveamac> I think they do
[21:53] <Dcoetzee> D_: I converted the cats to links
[21:53] <Dcoetzee> Is that okay?
[21:53] <ihaveamac> he means the categories in cleanup templates
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> Oh
[21:54] <D_> Yeah, that
[21:54] <ihaveamac> like {{advert}}
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> Yes, it's catless, I checked
[21:54] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: i meant for linking them from the main list
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> Oh
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: The plan is the main list will link to the restored versions in the first column
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> And any other links will go in the last column
[21:54] <Dcoetzee> The current article will not ever be linked unless it's relevant
[21:55] <D_> That table is borked somewhere
[21:55] <Dcoetzee> Hmm so it is
[21:56] <D_> It has rowspans in it
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> Oh, no
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> That's all correct
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> Chen Fang existed twice
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> Once for 6 days, once for 7 years, 2 months
[21:56] <D_> There's a stray column on the right
[21:56] <PinkAmpersand> hey, mind if i <nowiki> the cats instead of :'ing them? that way any sort keys won't pipe
[21:56] <D_> That's not right
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> Ah indeed there is
[21:56] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Please go for it
[21:57] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: But turn them back to their original form first if you do that please
[21:57] <PinkAmpersand> yeah ofc
[21:57] <Dcoetzee> D_: I see what's up
[21:57] <Dcoetzee> I'll fix
[21:58] <D_> Oh, ok
[21:58] <D_> Your aircraft
�06[21:58] * D_ lets go of controls 
[21:58] <PinkAmpersand> look good?
[21:59] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Looks great :-)
[21:59] <PinkAmpersand> kk
[21:59] <ihaveamac> Dcoetzee
[21:59] <Dcoetzee> ?
[21:59] <ihaveamac> can you put (currently a redirect) in the hoax list?
[21:59] <ihaveamac> project space
[21:59] <Dcoetzee> Yes
[21:59] <Dcoetzee> I'm going top down
[21:59] <Dcoetzee> I'll get there soon enough
[22:01] <Dcoetzee> D_: I believe the rowspans on Wustenrot-Gruppe were a copy paste error and unnecessary
[22:01] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: Did you add that horizontal separator to the template?
[22:01] <PinkAmpersand> think we should like put together a WikiProject to investigate all of these?
[22:01] <PinkAmpersand> and yes i did
[22:02] <D_> WikiProject Hoax Busters
[22:02] <PinkAmpersand> thought it would be the best way to spearate it from the article proper
[22:02] <Dcoetzee> Dunno if a WikiProject necessarily makes sense, but a WikiProject to find *new* hoaxes would be great
[22:02] <Dcoetzee> Yeah I like the separator
[22:02] <Dcoetzee> Should I restore the talk page too?
[22:02] <Dcoetzee> No reason why not
[22:03] <D_> Template for it, too?
[22:03] <Dcoetzee> Hmmm
[22:03] <PinkAmpersand> might wanna either FPP all of these when you're done, or create an edit filter for edits to them
[22:03] <Dcoetzee> It doesn't need one necessarily but it couldn't hurt
[22:03] <Dcoetzee> Yeah I'll FP them
[22:03] <Dcoetzee> No need to disturb the historical record
[22:03] <PinkAmpersand> idea
[22:04] <PinkAmpersand> for the talk pages, create them as FPP'd transcluded subpages of the new talk pages
[22:04] <PinkAmpersand> that way people can still comment on the hoax, if there's something relevant (e.g. a technical edit)
[22:05] <Dcoetzee> Hmmm I have a simpler idea.
[22:05] <D_> You could just stick a template on the top of the talk page pointing people to talk of WP:HOAX or something
[22:05] <Dcoetzee> When you make the template, direct... yes... direct comments to [[Wikipedia talk:List of hoaxes on Wikipedia]]
[22:05] <D_> Since it's very unlikely anyone's going to be watching the talk pages
[22:05] <Dcoetzee> Since these are under its purvue
�02[22:05] * Shearonink (62a9f0a1@wikipedia/Shearonink) Quit (Quit: Page closed�)
[22:06] <PinkAmpersand> ok
[22:06] <ihaveamac> well it's late at night and I feel sick kind-of, so I'm going to go to bed soon
[22:06] <PinkAmpersand> and i'll just make it a {{#switch:{{NAMESPACE}}}} parser in the {{hoax demo}} template
[22:06] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: That works :-)
[22:06] <Dcoetzee> Lemme know when template is ready and I'll restore the first talk page
[22:07] <Dcoetzee> It's fun to do things I might possibly be banned for sometimes :-P
[22:08] <D_> IRC cabal restoring hoaxes to WP
[22:08] <D_> More at 11
[22:08] <D_> Hm
[22:08] <D_> I hope nobody's using What-links-here for the stub templates for anything important
[22:09] <Dcoetzee> Yeah I considered that
[22:09] <Dcoetzee> We can <pre> them if it becomes a problem
[22:09] <D_> They're set to suppress cats, too
�03[22:09] * ihaveamac is now known as iham\away
[22:09] <D_> Plus they're already transcluded on project spaces as examples
[22:10] <D_> Or, no, wait, those are actually all links
[22:10] <D_> Eh, either way
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[22:20] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: look good?
[22:21] <D_> If you stick it on a talk page, the title won't display right, will it
�02[22:21] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[22:21] <D_> I mean, it'll say WP:Hoaxes/Whatever instead of Whatever
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[22:22] <Dcoetzee> Meh good enough
[22:22] <Dcoetzee> For now
[22:22] <PinkAmpersand> D_: oh i'll fix that
[22:22] <PinkAmpersand> also huh who knew, the fr and ro links there are legit. it was replicated to both of them.
[22:23] <Dcoetzee> Yep
[22:23] <Dcoetzee> Deleted now of cours
[22:24] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: You can check out how it looks at
�02[22:24] * Moe_Epsilon (~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[22:24] <Dcoetzee> Can I prevent the boxes there from catting?
[22:25] <Dcoetzee> Aha |category=no
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[22:25] <PinkAmpersand> D_: {{fixed}}
[22:26] <PinkAmpersand> used {{SUBPAGENAME}} instead
[22:28] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: If you could help, I need to eliminate the cats created by {{WPMILHIST}}
[22:29] <Dcoetzee> I'm not sure it supports any option for that. I might just have to <pre> it
[22:29] <legoktm> I {{NOINDEX}}ed them.
[22:29] <Dcoetzee> legoktm: Thx
[22:29] <RingtailedFox> it would've been funnier if his name made the acronym GFYS, instead of GFA
[22:29] <RingtailedFox> :p
[22:30] <legoktm> Ohmy
[22:31] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: I think you might want to add the milhist banner to the list of templates to convert to lua ;)
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[22:31] <Dcoetzee> It's kinda crazy :-P
[22:32] <D_> Speaking of converting to lua, is {{convert}} in LUA yet?
[22:34] <Dcoetzee> Mostly, yes
[22:34] <Dcoetzee> If not will be soon. That was their first target.
[22:34] <D_> So by that you mean it's still a series of intricate templates, but they all call the math module somwhere?
[22:34] <D_> I'm afraid to even dive into it to see
[22:36] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: I went ahead and <pre>ed the template and protected the page, but if you find any other way let me know :-)
[22:36] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: Why do the pages need protection?
[22:36] <Dcoetzee> D_: The long term plan is to entirely replace complex templates like Convert by simple module calls
[22:36] <PinkAmpersand> gotta love unwatched BLPs
[22:36] <D_> And whoever does so has my eternal gratitude, for they will have to endure great pains
[22:37] <Dcoetzee> legoktm: Two main reasons. 1. so they don't expend Vandal Patrol resources; 2. to preserve the historical record (so nobody accidentally makes "fixes" to them).
[22:37] <legoktm> I guess, but that means when templates get changed or categories renamed it'll look weird.
[22:37] <Dcoetzee> True. Not much I can do about that in general.
[22:38] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: well, you /could/ make it so the milhist banner doesn't categorize out of main-talkspace. don't think there'd be any collateral damage. alternatively, you could add a "nocat=yes" parameter
[22:38] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand: I could but not gonna risk it right now
[22:38] <Dcoetzee> That template is massive complex
[22:38] <Dcoetzee> Places about 15 different cats
[22:38] <PinkAmpersand> link?
[22:38] <D_> PinkAmpersand, since you're the WD person here
[22:38] <D_> which direction should I generally merge dupes in?
�06[22:39] * PinkAmpersand 's ears perk up
[22:39] <Dcoetzee> PinkAmpersand:
[22:39] <PinkAmpersand> D_: if there's a big difference in size, just merge to the bigger one. among equals, though, retain the lower number
[22:39] <D_> Makes sense, thanks
[22:40] <Dcoetzee> D_: In some cases, if the edits to each were made during nonoverlapping intervals of time, a complete history merge may make sense.
[22:40] <Dcoetzee> But only if they're about the same size.
[22:40] <PinkAmpersand> only thing to be worried about is that some of the lower numbers have outdated software, mainly that they don't check for exact dupes. but I think lego and riley zapped most of those
�06[22:41] * legoktm thinks so too
[22:41] <PinkAmpersand> Dcoetzee: on Wikidata?? It's CC0. no need for histmerges in mainspace ever
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> Oh
[22:41] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: Well you can't move pages in the mainspace anyways.
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> Well histmerges are still useful
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> Sometimes
[22:41] <Dcoetzee> Not for license. For learning about the history of things.
[22:42] <PinkAmpersand> although i suppose it could help from a convenience standpoint. but usually some creative slurpInterwiki'ing takes care of that.
[22:42] <D_> I see the RfD template on WD got rid of the unsightly dashes
[22:43] <PinkAmpersand> D_ YESS!!! I've crusaded for this so hard
[22:43] <PinkAmpersand> bordering on edit warring
[22:44] <PinkAmpersand> here too
[22:44] <PinkAmpersand> i think there's something about short horizontal lines that makes people very emotional
[22:44] <D_> Noticed that too, huh?
[22:46] <PinkAmpersand> removing the dashes from the template was one of my first edits to WD. I believe I got into a fight with Vogone over it
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[22:53] <Dcoetzee> It is interesting to see the discussion that occured on hoax talk pages
[22:53] <Dcoetzee> e.g. at
[22:53] <Dcoetzee> In 2008 someone asserted in no uncertain terms that "Clearly this article is inaccurate"
[22:54] <Dcoetzee> And that the article had been deleted before as a hoax
[22:54] <Dcoetzee> But some new refs were fabricated
[22:54] <Dcoetzee> And it got abandoned
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[22:57] <D_> Errr
[22:57] <D_> [[Wikipedia talk:Wikipedia:List of hoaxes on Wikipedia/Chen Fang]]
�06[22:57] * D_ points at the name
�06[22:57] * Dcoetzee facepalms
[22:57] <Dcoetzee> Sorry!
[22:57] <Dcoetzee>
[22:58] <D_> Don't worry, it took me good 30 seconds to realize what was wrong
[22:58] <Dcoetzee> The move page won't let you enter a fully qualified title
[22:58] <Dcoetzee> So it always trips me up
[22:59] <D_> There should be some js there to chomp the namespace and set the dropdown to whatever it is
[22:59] <Dcoetzee> Yeah totally
[22:59] <D_> I have a distinct recollection of something somewhere doing that
[22:59] <Dcoetzee> Maybe we can write it and put it in the site js
[22:59] <D_> but I think it might've been a toolserver tool
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[23:04] <Jabrid> #defocus
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[23:05] <rigel> oh hey
[23:06] <rigel> remember the other night, with the [[Global Gateway Logistics City]] article and COI issues?
[23:06] <rigel> well
[23:06] <rigel>
�03[23:06] * PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|sulking{jk}
[23:07] <rigel> i posted at wp:ani a couple hours ago about this
[23:08] <Dcoetzee> First three hoaxes restored
[23:10] <legoktm> Dcoetzee: Are most of these deleted?
[23:10] <Dcoetzee> They're known hoaxes. They're all deleted. With the exception of those which were only portions of articles.
[23:10] <legoktm> Oh
[23:10] <Dcoetzee> Which were just removed.
[23:11] <Dcoetzee> Some are blue links due to recreation for unrelated purposes
[23:11] <legoktm> I thought they were already subpages
[23:11] <legoktm> And you were just tagging them
[23:11] <Dcoetzee> Oh no
[23:11] <Dcoetzee> I'm restoring them all
[23:11] <Dcoetzee> One by one
[23:12] <legoktm> Well, have fun :)
[23:12] <Dcoetzee> Thx :-)
[23:12] <Dcoetzee> I hope this'll help us and others out in the world understand Wikipedia  hoaxes better
[23:12] <Dcoetzee> There's no substitute for seeing the original hoax content
[23:14] <legoktm> Actually I find the talk page more interesting
[23:14] <Dcoetzee> Yes that too
[23:14] <Dcoetzee> Many hoaxes were discovered long before they were deleted
[23:14] <Dcoetzee> But the right channels were not alerted.
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[23:15] <Dcoetzee> brb
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[23:17] <mareklug>
[23:17] <mareklug> Gnome co-founder explains why he dumped Linux for Mac               Miguel de Icaza says desktop Linux 'never managed to cross the desktop chasm'
[23:20] <RingtailedFox> so... that means he's a sellout?
[23:21] <mareklug> he still develops gnome, so… are you going to boycott it or something?
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[23:22] <RingtailedFox> no... but i've never used gnome
[23:22] <RingtailedFox> every time i'd try it, linux would crash with a kernel panic :P
[23:23] <RingtailedFox> so i default to xfce or kde
[23:23] <mareklug> the point is, when linux users here dis macs, you could point to this and say, here is a person who actually should be considered an expert on the issue and had no axes to grind.
[23:24] <Someguy1221> RingtailedFox: i much prefer xkcd
�06[23:24] * RingtailedFox nods
[23:24] <RingtailedFox> i like xfce... lightweight, yet full of features
[23:24] <RingtailedFox> and very stable, too
[23:24] <mareklug> i compiled xfac 4.10 and use it on debian stable.   but i run all that as a vm on a mac. :)   and as physical software os / window manager on a 1998 powerbook, also a mac
[23:24] <mareklug> xfce *
[23:24] <RingtailedFox> not bloated to hell like KDE or having more bugs than a forest :P
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�03[23:25] * Steven_Zhang_ (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:26] <Steven_Zhang> bh
[23:26] <Steven_Zhang> bah
[23:26] <Steven_Zhang> my daughter must be playing with my iPad
�06[23:26] * Steven_Zhang points to Steven_Zhang_ 
�02[23:27] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[23:27] <mareklug> Steven_Zhang doesn't this Steven_Zhang_ have a first name of her own? :)
[23:27] <Steven_Zhang> her name is Hope :P
[23:27] <Steven_Zhang> but I haven't showed her how to use IRC yet
[23:27] <mareklug> is she old enough to be an irc user?  or do we have to behave now.
[23:27] <Steven_Zhang> She can unlock my ipad and navigate to the dora the explorer app
[23:27] <Steven_Zhang> She's two :)
[23:28] <mareklug> then she is wise.  whatever we shall say, she will always come back with "what's that?"
[23:28] <harej> damn, i didn't start using computers until i was 4
[23:28] <harej> then again they were a lot less intuitive in those days
[23:28] <harej> windows 95 ftw!
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[23:33] <Dcoetzee|2> Neat, I tried out Nikon Camera Control Pro for tethered operation of my camera on a PC
[23:33] <mareklug> Dcoetzee|2  while you were away:
[23:33] <Dcoetzee|2> Yup
�02[23:33] * Dcoetzee (~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
�03[23:33] * Dcoetzee|2 is now known as Dcoetzee
[23:34] <mareklug> [01:17:03] <mareklug>
[23:34] <mareklug> [01:17:25] <mareklug>	 Gnome co-founder explains why he dumped Linux for Mac               Miguel de Icaza says desktop Linux 'never managed to cross the desktop chasm'
�02[23:34] * harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.�)
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�03[23:34] * Steven_Zhang_ is now known as Steven_Zhang
[23:34] <Dcoetzee> Okay :-P
[23:35] <Dcoetzee> I use all OSs. Whatever best suits the task.
�02[23:35] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�)
[23:36] <Someguy1221> Dee: What?
[23:36] <Someguy1221> oversight doesn't always suit the tast best
[23:36] <rigel> doing certain tasks better is less important to me than having an opportunity to learn to use *nix better
[23:36] <Dcoetzee> operating systems...
[23:36] <Someguy1221> why would you oversight an operating system?
[23:37] <Someguy1221> it's mostly used for privacy stuff..
[23:37] <Dcoetzee> Also obviously if I'm developing anything cross platform I have to test on all OSs anyway
[23:37] <Dcoetzee> Which is why I'm glad I got my Hackintosh VM in VMware working
[23:37] <QueenOfFrance> actually a good chunk of operating systems could do with some suppression
[23:37] <mareklug> Someguy1221 lots of people overlook Operating Systems.  is that the same thing?
[23:38] <QueenOfFrance> mareklug: also Operating systems countain lots of oversight
[23:39] <mareklug> I also saw a rumor that Apple is ramping up a production line of 2TB SSds in China
[23:39] <Dcoetzee> ...
[23:39] <Dcoetzee> 2 TB SSDs cost at least $1800
[23:39] <Dcoetzee> Who would dare to carry around such a valuable peripheral in their PC?
[23:39] <mareklug> the new Mac Pro?
[23:40] <mareklug> and then the stuff invariably trickles down.  Applenomics
[23:49] <mareklug> for those interested, today for the next 22 hours or so is the last free streaming of David Bowie's new album, complete, on ITunes.  it goes on sale later.
Session Time: Fri Mar 08 00:00:00 2013
[00:01] <legoktm> streaming?
�03[00:02] * Jetro ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:09] <mareklug> iTunes > iTunes Store > Bowie thinee on the right in the album flow display
[00:09] <mareklug> thingee *
[00:11] <Dcoetzee> For a second I thought you were saying iTunes Store is better than Bowie
�03[00:11] * Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
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�06[00:13] * legoktm stares at and wonders what he was thinking.
�06[00:14] * Dcoetzee busy helping Key on her phone to completely disassemble her laptop :-S
[00:15] <Dcoetzee> They need to clean the fan
[00:15] <Dcoetzee> Overheating problems
[00:15] <lexein> Is it technically possible to display an old version of a Commons image on a WP Talk page using the File: syntax? Or are we stuck with only showing the mostr recent version? If not, this tends to complicate discussion of merits of different versions right on the Talk page...
[00:15] <Dcoetzee> lexein: Impossible. The right solution is to upload them as separate files on Commons.
[00:15] <Dcoetzee> We don't mind.
[00:15] <lexein> Fair enough
[00:16] <mareklug> Dcoetzee who's Key?
[00:16] <lexein> Except, heh, there seem to be some characters on Commons who mind such things very, very much
[00:16] <Dcoetzee> Key is User:Sonia's new name
[00:16] <mareklug> ah.  always behind on the news.
[00:17] <russavia> admin delete File:Erin Brockovich.jpg redirect plis
[00:17] <Dcoetzee> lexein: They're wrong. In case of conflict between versions on Commons, we always always say, upload both, duke it out on the local project.
[00:17] <Dcoetzee> If anyone wants to fight about it, I'ma block 'em.
[00:18] <lexein> Sweet. Duking.  (huh huh, I said "duking")
[00:18] <Someguy1221> i just upload my images locally
[00:18] <Someguy1221> commons can do what it wants
[00:18] <mareklug>
[00:18] <Someguy1221> if you want to have a debate with easy links, just make more files. If they're on commons, they're free, so you can go ahead and do that
[00:18] <mareklug> I hope these loudmouths are not thinking of doing something unwise.
[00:19] <russavia> someguy1221 you should upload to commons -- think of all the other language projects who could use them
�02[00:19] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[00:19] <lexein> Hey, on that note:
[00:20] <Someguy1221> i find my uploads getting transfered there anyway, so it seems to be working
[00:20] <lexein> Oh, shit, they just took it town. WTF?
[00:20] <Dcoetzee> Yeah but that requires extra effort by others
[00:20] <russavia> how long does it take for uploads to be transferred?
[00:20] <mareklug> lexein yeah, I linked that like 3 days ago
[00:20] <Someguy1221> well, my my recent upload, russ
[00:20] <D_> All the license launderers manage to go directly to Commons
[00:20] <Someguy1221> i put it up last night, and it had been transfered already when i woke up this morning
[00:20] <D_> so should you
[00:20] <mareklug> hosting pirate's bay is a small payback for causing a world war, tho
[00:20] <russavia>
[00:21] <Someguy1221> don't use pirate bay, kiddos
[00:21] <Someguy1221> streaming is what cool kids do
[00:21] <Dcoetzee> Pirate Bay is awesome :-P
[00:21] <Someguy1221> also, downloading services
[00:21] <Dcoetzee> Streaming is crap quality
[00:21] <mareklug> Someguy1221 I could not use pirate bay if I wanted to.  comcast fucks it up
[00:21] <Someguy1221> true, but faster
[00:21] <Dcoetzee> On Pirate Bay you can for example get 1080p 10 GB encodes of Bluray films :-P
[00:22] <Someguy1221> mare, have you tried encrypting?
[00:22] <Someguy1221> that is supposed to stop comcast from screwing with you
[00:22] <mareklug> Someguy1221 there is no point.  anything i want i can get from places like mediafire
[00:22] <Someguy1221> but dee, it takes foreeever
�02[00:23] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[00:24] <mareklug> russavia this is not a hoax, though:  "“Since the United States is about to ignite a nuclear war, we will be exercising our right to pre-emptive nuclear attack against the headquarters of the aggressor in order to protect our supreme interest,” an unnamed foreign ministry spokesman said in a statement carried by the official North Korean KCNA news agency."
[00:24] <mareklug> this is grounds for an assassination by drone
[00:25] <Someguy1221> pfft
[00:25] <Someguy1221> they made a single functioning bomb in three attempts, and they have no missle that can carry it
[00:25] <Someguy1221> they do have enough nerve gas to kill everyone in south korea though
[00:25] <Someguy1221> so...that's a slight problem
�02[00:26] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[00:27] <SuicidalZerg> lol
[00:27] <mareklug> Someguy1221 when leadership of a country makes a public threat of a pre-emptive nuclear strike on USA, you know it is time to make some graves.
[00:27] <SuicidalZerg> If South Korea dies... E-sports dies. :p
�03[00:27] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> NK would be incinerated if they ever struck the US with nuclear weapons.
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> They're not that dumb.
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> Or crazy.
[00:29] <Dcoetzee> One of their puny weapons can't eradicate our entire nuclear prevent a counterattack.
[00:30] <D_> If we sanction away Kim's liquor and cigars, he may find himself depressed enough
[00:30] <mareklug> USSR never threatened USA with a pre-emptive strike.  or USA, USSR
[00:31] <Dcoetzee> That's because with the USSR it would have been plausible enough to earn a response.
[00:31] <Dcoetzee> NK is just posturing and everybody knows it.
[00:31] <SuicidalZerg> NK would be incinerated if they launched a nuke ANYWHERE
[00:31] <SuicidalZerg> Not just at the US
[00:31] <SuicidalZerg> And I for one wouldn't miss them. Their citizens maybe, but not their government
[00:31] <mareklug> we don't want to incinerate NK.  that's millions of inncocent people.  but we do want to kill the leadership.  that much is obvious.
[00:32] <Dcoetzee> Or at least arrest them all.
[00:32] <SuicidalZerg> lol
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[00:32] <Dcoetzee> But I feel like retaliation would need to be swift in a scenario where they're actively using their weapons.
[00:32] <SuicidalZerg> I think it would be a lot less bloody to just bomb the government, lol
[00:33] <mareklug> if we take out the leadership, we will create a power vaccuum.  or at least, a decision-maker vaccum
[00:33] <Someguy1221> that could be a bigger problem
[00:33] <mareklug> elaborate, pls
[00:33] <SuicidalZerg> Cuz, ya know, their southernly neighbors can play games at 300+ APM. God knows how much APM Northern Koreans have. :p
[00:34] <Someguy1221> the truth is, we really don't know how the power structure in NK actually works
�02[00:34] * PapaJacky ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[00:34] <D_> Having to deprogram a whole country wouldn't be easy
[00:34] <Someguy1221> what happens if we take out dear leader and the top generals. What if everyone lower down decides to go on a rampage trying to sieze power?
�02[00:34] * shanmugamp7 (~quassel@wikipedia/Shanmugamp7) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�)
[00:34] <SuicidalZerg> Also, lolwut?
[00:35] <Someguy1221> what if we kill Un, and then six little Uns appear in his place, all trying to out-crazy eachother?
[00:35] <mareklug> I would think that by now, all these public threats and declarations make them formally as targetable as the al-kaida people in yemen or pakistan
[00:35] <SuicidalZerg> Yeah, I'm never going to New York for as long as I live if I can be arrested for the most trivial of things.
[00:35] <Someguy1221> and if NK wasn't sitting on a giant stockpile of chemical weapons, i'm sure SK and US wouldn't be hesitant
[00:35] <D_> I've never been arrested
[00:35] <D_> And I've lived here for over ten years
[00:36] <D_> Maybe I'm just a ninja
[00:36] <mareklug> D_ you also don't carry condoms
[00:36] <D_> Not openly
[00:36] <Someguy1221> D_: you live in North Korea?
[00:36] <mareklug> see?  just our point.
[00:36] <D_> New York
[00:36] <Someguy1221> jk
[00:36] <Someguy1221> also, now i want to make a condom belt
[00:36] <Someguy1221> unopened, of course
[00:37] <Someguy1221> i can get the condom out AND take my pants off in one motion
�02[00:37] * edsaperia (uid10055@gateway/web/ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�)
[00:37] <mareklug> make sure not to puncture the sterile packaging, so you can stil give them away to chaste girls and boys
[00:38] <D_> "Leibel has published hundreds of scientific papers on obesity, and has authored and co-authored 70 scientific papers on the topic of leptin specifically"
[00:38] <D_> followed by 70 references
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[00:38] <D_> Durp.
[00:38] <SuicidalZerg> loooooooooooooooooool:
[00:38] <Someguy1221> >><
[00:38] <SuicidalZerg> If I ever see any one of my possible future children use IE, I will do that to their computers.
[00:39] <Someguy1221> i have to be honest, though, suicidal. I like IE more than firefox
[00:39] <Someguy1221> of course, chrome kicks them both in the nuts, but that's besides the point
[00:39] <D_> That's why unixy shutdown requires elevated privileges
[00:40] <SuicidalZerg> I started using Firefox, like, 7 or 8 years ago.
[00:41] <SuicidalZerg> In Windows 2000. (At the time, Vista was close to coming out :p)
[00:41] <SuicidalZerg> And I haven't gone back since.
[00:42] <SuicidalZerg> The only time I used IE during those years... was when I used Huggle, lol.
[00:46] <legoktm> :>
[00:46] <Bsadowski1> @ SuicidalZerg
[00:46] <legoktm> I love that.
[00:46] <Bsadowski1> :d
[00:47] <SuicidalZerg> wat
[00:47] <Bsadowski1> Posted by James_F on fb actually
[00:47] <Bsadowski1> idk
[00:47] <Bsadowski1> It like a Microsoft Kinect imo lol
[00:47] <Bsadowski1> idk
[00:48] <Dcoetzee> I just did my first history unmerge/split :-P
[00:48] <Bsadowski1> =O
�06[00:49] * FastLizard4 tries to get SuicidalZerg to join
[00:49] <SuicidalZerg> lol
�02[00:50] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang�)
[00:50] <D_> Terrible things await those those who venture there
[00:50] <Someguy1221> lizards are slow. you lie
[00:51] <Dcoetzee> Not relative to geologic time
[00:51] <Dcoetzee> New hoax restored:
[00:52] <Dcoetzee> I find this one particularly entertaining
�06[00:52] * FastLizard4 should write a hoax
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[00:52] <D_> It's not the first time someone made up a medieval torture device
[00:52] <Dcoetzee> FastLizard4: No you shouldn't
[00:52] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: I mean, and obviously not try to pass it off as a real article
[00:52] <D_> Except that historically, people would actually manufacture them and show them off
[00:53] <Dcoetzee> FastLizard4: Oh like in your user space. Sure :-P
[00:53] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: Yeah :P
[00:53] <Dcoetzee> D_: Yup
[00:53] <Dcoetzee> In the information age, our fake medieval torture devices are made of bits, not iron
[00:54] <D_> I'd give extra points for computer generated images to go with the article
[00:54] <D_> but alas
[00:54] <Dcoetzee> == Picture == It would be nice if we could get a picture for this page. Nat682 (talk) 21:54, 19 June 2008 (UTC) No it wouldn't!! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:42, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
[00:54] <Dcoetzee> I like how everyone on the talk page is speculating about how it worked
[00:55] <Dcoetzee> Nobody questioning its existence
[00:56] <D_> the medieval torture industry employed fluffers. little known fact, but true.-- (talk) 16:00, 15 March 2008 (UTC)      can you provide sources?-- (talk) 05:41, 6 August 2008 (UTC)
[00:56] <D_> Ahahahah
[00:56] <FastLizard4> Lol.
�03[00:57] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
[00:57] <FastLizard4> Lol @ irssi documentation
[00:57] <FastLizard4> 00:57:15 In general, KILL is useful only as a warning tool for abusive users. Modern irc clients (this one included) have automated means for reconnecting to a server after a disconnection (whether due to a KILL or something else), so KILL is by no means a
[00:57] <FastLizard4>          permanent solution. It is not intended as a means for personal vendettas; this practice is generally frowned upon.
[00:57] <FastLizard4> The last line :P
�02[00:58] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[00:59] <D_> KILL - it's like throwing rocks at a tank
[01:00] <Dcoetzee> Setting up auto-KILL scripts can be a very entertaining way to frustrate a troll though
[01:01] <D_> Metaphor still works, you just need a really large amount of rocks
�02[01:01] * Jetro ( Quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (�)
[01:02] <Dcoetzee> True :-P
�02[01:02] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[01:05] <D_> I am puzzled
[01:05] <D_> Someone put {{disambiguation needed}} in an infobox, because the birth date was missing
[01:07] <Dcoetzee> Here's an entertaining case. In this case the creator of the hoax sought to have it removed.
[01:07] <Dcoetzee> And we refused to do so!
[01:07] <Dcoetzee>
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[01:16] <Dcoetzee> I'm also noticing a pattern that the most successful hoaxes aren't long at all.
[01:16] <Dcoetzee> They're stubs, but plausible.
[01:17] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: Makes sense
[01:17] <Dcoetzee> There's an old expression, something about the lines of: if you're going to lie, make it a simple lie.
[01:17] <FastLizard4> If it's too long, it's easy to write something conflicting or something that seems out-of-style or out-of-place for the article
[01:17] <FastLizard4> Yup
�02[01:18] * TheChance ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[01:30] <KimiNewt> hello fuck my connection lasted a whole week
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[01:56] <Dcoetzee> returns from the grave
[01:58] <Dcoetzee> It still looks like a GA just looking at it
[01:58] <Dcoetzee> Zillions of refs, all to fabricated sources :-S
[01:58] <Dcoetzee> Great formatting, has images
[01:59] <legoktm> damnnnnn
[01:59] <legoktm> loooool
[02:00] <Dcoetzee> Heh GA review dropped the ball on that part
[02:01] <Dcoetzee> To be fair, without that GA review they wouldn't have added ISBN numbers
[02:01] <Dcoetzee> Which made it easier to discover the hoax later
[02:02] <Dcoetzee> ISBN 9789132145612 of course does not exist
[02:02] <Dcoetzee> Also notice the digit pattern appears to be randomly typed on a keyboard
[02:03] <Dcoetzee> 9789 1321 456 12
[02:07] <legoktm> is the creator blocked/
[02:07] <legoktm> ?*
[02:07] <SuicidalZerg> Electronic Farts shit the bed hard.
[02:07] <Dcoetzee> Most likely, they did cause a media storm for us :-P
[02:08] <SuicidalZerg> They took wild ferocious dumps all over SimCity
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[02:08] <SuicidalZerg>
[02:09] <Dcoetzee> SuicidalZerg: Wtf why failing so hard
[02:11] <SuicidalZerg> Always-on DRM
[02:11] <Dcoetzee> Wtf
[02:11] <wctaiwan> yup, it's terrible.
[02:11] <Dcoetzee> Has no one learned by now that DRM only hurts sales
[02:11] <IShadowed> hi
�06[02:11] * Dcoetzee hugs IShadowed
[02:11] <Dcoetzee> Morning :-)
[02:11] <wctaiwan> nope, an article came out saying that since the shutdown of megaupload, music sales went up.
[02:11] <FastLizard4> git push IShadowed
[02:12] <SuicidalZerg> They also store your saves on their servers
[02:12] <Dcoetzee> wctaiwan: Yes, and since I started making peanut butter sandwiches, the stock market has gone up. The connection is obvious.
[02:12] <IShadowed> :)
[02:12] <wctaiwan> I wasn't endorsing the article, just a counterexample
[02:12] <SuicidalZerg> And they might as well have no infrastructure to support this DRM scheme
[02:12] <SuicidalZerg> Because you can never get online anyways
[02:13] <wctaiwan> I do wonder though, is there an almost entirely scheme of copyright protection that isn't as obnoxious as always-on DRM?
[02:13] <wctaiwan> entirely safe*
[02:13] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: Steam
[02:13] <Dcoetzee> Copy protection is completely impossible.
[02:13] <FastLizard4> Steam has DRM, but it's so unobtrusive
[02:13] <wctaiwan> Complete copyright protection is impossible. You can however make it very hard.
[02:13] <Dcoetzee> You can make it somewhat more difficult. Until somebody packages it up in a nice script with a pretty bow.
[02:14] <Someguy1221> not really, wc
[02:14] <FastLizard4> Steam's approach is also "servers down for some reason?  here you go, play anyway"
[02:14] <Dcoetzee> Then everybody can do it just as easily.
[02:14] <Someguy1221> what dee said
[02:14] <Someguy1221> and oftentimes the problem is internal to the companies involved
[02:14] <wctaiwan> FastLizard4: does that mean it can be circumvented by simply turning off wifi?
[02:14] <Dcoetzee> The only way to achieve copy protection is to have a product nobody is interested in.
[02:14] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: Yes, because of the way it works
[02:14] <Someguy1221> some of the nicest DRM systems were cracked before even being released
�03[02:14] * Zhao|brb is now known as Zhao|pingme
[02:14] <FastLizard4> Essentially, if your computer is authorized to play the game, it downloads the keys necessary to run the game to your system
[02:15] <FastLizard4> There's no need to connect every time you want to play the game
[02:15] <Someguy1221> you could always go the Diablo III route
[02:15] <wctaiwan> then it's pretty ineffective. I don't support DRM--heck, I don't even game--but you want something that works for the average joe, even if it might piss off the EFF.
[02:15] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: It works well enough for them
[02:15] <Someguy1221> honestly, some pirate editions are actually more stable than the original
[02:15] <FastLizard4> The actual DRM is pretty simple too; encrypting the main executable
[02:15] <Someguy1221> Assassin's creed II comes to mind
[02:15] <FastLizard4> (or certain parts of it anyway)
[02:15] <FastLizard4> The key is also user-unique
[02:15] <FastLizard4> As is the executable, apparently
[02:16] <Dcoetzee> I still think it works far better to just sell things DRM-free, and exploit the market value you have as the central, authoritative distributor.
[02:16] <wctaiwan> hm. sounds interesting.
[02:16] <wctaiwan> so I guess that doesn't enough.
�02[02:16] * Mr-ex777 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[02:16] <wctaiwan> s/doesn't/isn't/
[02:16] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: *cough* Steam :P
[02:16] <wctaiwan> they have something like steam with origins, don't they?
[02:16] <FastLizard4> Yeah
[02:16] <FastLizard4> But Origin is what Steam used to be when it was first released
[02:16] <FastLizard4> Unpolished, pretty poor all around
[02:16] <FastLizard4> And the DRM sucks :P
[02:16] <rigel> i have to take a dump
�02[02:16] * rigel ( Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[02:16] <wctaiwan> right. better than unplayable.
[02:17] <wctaiwan> so I guess rigel's internet connection is shared with his plumbing? :p
[02:17] <FastLizard4> Origin is what EA uses for their DRM
[02:17] <FastLizard4> Steam's DRM is actually optional
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[02:17] <FastLizard4> If you want, as the dev, you can opt to put your game up with no DRM, not even Steam's
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[02:17] <FastLizard4> On the flip-side, devs can add more DRM than just Steam's, which is included in the download
[02:18] <FastLizard4> E.g., BioShock originally included SecuROM in the game and didn't use Steam's DRM
[02:18] <FastLizard4> BioShock 2, even though distributed through Steam and not using Steam's DRM, requires *shudder* Windows Live Games
[02:18] <mareklug> happy internation Woman's Day  (or UNESCO Day of the Woman), March 8
[02:18] <FastLizard4> Also, Origin and Steam take different approaches to save files
[02:19] <FastLizard4> Steam Cloud keeps save files on your local machine and in the cloud, so you don't need an Internet connection
[02:19] <FastLizard4> Origin, on the other hand, saves everything on theri servers with nothing on your local machine, so you're totally SOL if you have no Internet connection
[02:19] <FastLizard4> s/theri/their/
[02:19] <wctaiwan> I wonder about that, really
[02:19] <wctaiwan> what do they expect people with bandwidth caps to do?
[02:20] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: Hard to say, really
[02:20] <FastLizard4> Knowing EA's previous attitudes though, "Oh you hit your cap?  Haha, sucker."
[02:20] <wctaiwan> lol
[02:20] <Someguy1221> i just can't imagine any DRM being successful unless the game is so obscure no one cares
[02:20] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: And really so far that's been the case
[02:20] <wctaiwan> EA has a pretty horrible reputation
[02:20] <FastLizard4> They do
[02:20] <wctaiwan> also with how they treat employees.
[02:20] <FastLizard4> They didn't used to
[02:20] <FastLizard4> EA used to be awesome
[02:21] <FastLizard4> Now they're just a DRM and poor-employee-treatment company :P
[02:21] <wctaiwan> and... no. If DRM didn't work companies would have stopped using them. I'd imagine they stopped most casual pirates.
[02:21] <FastLizard4> Hell, I wouldn't even say they release video games anymore, just DRM with good graphics.
[02:21] <wctaiwan> I mean come on, you expect people who can't use google to solve a windows problem to be able to google to find out how to hack a game?
[02:21] <Someguy1221> wctaiwan: i think you overestimate the tendency of companies to act rationally
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[02:22] <Someguy1221> the basis of economics is not that people are greedy and rational, but greedy and stupid
[02:22] <FastLizard4> Pretty much
[02:22] <FastLizard4> :P
[02:22] <wctaiwan> I assume you're joking, because the first one is right iirc.
�06[02:22] * Someguy1221 is being completely honest
[02:22] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: I'd say that capitalism in its pure form is a combination of greed and rationality
[02:23] <FastLizard4> But we're a naturally irrational species
[02:23] <FastLizard4> We make impulse decisions and buy things on whims
[02:23] <Someguy1221> there's actually a strange set of contrived games in game theory in which the rational player loses, and being stupid is a winning strategy
[02:23] <wctaiwan> :s no, we do what we think would be most beneficial to ourselves.
[02:23] <FastLizard4> Therefore we now have a "corrupt" form of capitalism that's about greed and stupidity
[02:23] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: I don't like game theory
�02[02:24] * russavia (~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[02:24] <FastLizard4> It just seems like I can prove anything in game theory if I use enough indirection :P
[02:24] <Someguy1221> we buy high, sell low, and base corporate strategy on decades old paradigms
[02:24] <FastLizard4> (or abstraction)
[02:24] <wctaiwan> actually--I think I know where the problem is. Most people are rational. A lot of people are also stupid.
[02:24] <Someguy1221> ^^
[02:25] <Someguy1221> I would make a minor rephrase
[02:25] <SuicidalZerg> I will never play a game that uses Always-On DRM, or DRM of any kind.
[02:25] <SuicidalZerg> Except for Starcraft :p
[02:25] <SuicidalZerg> Which is obviously multiplayer-centered anyways, so, yeah
[02:25] <Someguy1221> "Most people (want to be|think they are|try to be) rational. A lot of people are also stupid"
[02:25] <FastLizard4> Multiplayer games are one thing
[02:25] <FastLizard4> Yes, you need an Internet connection anyway
[02:25] <wctaiwan> rationality does not imply intelligence or good choices, Someguy1221
[02:25] <SuicidalZerg> In other words, I will not touch EA games with a ten-foot pole.
[02:25] <wctaiwan> at least that's what I thought.
[02:25] <FastLizard4> But singleplayer requiring an Internet connection?
[02:25] <FastLizard4> Faceshotgun.
[02:26] <FastLizard4> SuicidalZerg: Get Red Alert 3 now that it's DRM-free, it's pretty fun :P
�06[02:26] * Someguy1221 is now wondering what the precise definitoin of "rational" is - he does not know
[02:26] <SuicidalZerg> At least with Starcraft, you have the option to play offline or against the AI, or with custom mods taht you can get off of SC2mapster
[02:27] <SuicidalZerg> All without an internet connection or if their servers are undergoing maintenance or a patch is being released
[02:27] <FastLizard4> SuicidalZerg: EA double plus ungood
[02:27] <FastLizard4> Valve double plus good
[02:28] <Someguy1221> C&C games stopped being great the moment EA bought it
[02:28] <Dcoetzee> SuicidalZerg: Actually you need Battle.Net to log in at all, even for single player...
[02:28] <Dcoetzee> Along with no LAN play, it's SC2's stupid copy protection
[02:28] <SuicidalZerg> SC2 has copy protection?
[02:29] <Dcoetzee> Yeah, the forced Battle.Net log in
[02:29] <SuicidalZerg> I can copy the entire SC2 directory from one computer to the next and it runs fune.
[02:29] <SuicidalZerg> fine*
[02:29] <SuicidalZerg> That's not copy protection :p
[02:29] <SuicidalZerg> That's... something else :p
[02:29] <Dcoetzee> It's copy protection because you can't log in with the same account on two computers at once
[02:30] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: when was the last time you used a microsoft product?
[02:30] <Dcoetzee> Incidentally, I'm entertained when hoax articles that have been around for 5 years get deleted as "G3 Obvious blatant hoax"
[02:30] <Dcoetzee> If it was that obvious you'd think they'd have noticed sooner
[02:30] <SuicidalZerg> well, yeah, there's that.
[02:30] <SuicidalZerg> Which is stupid.
[02:30] <SuicidalZerg> Because it kicks you off of your current session, lol
�03[02:31] * Zhao|pingme is now known as Zhao|gone
[02:31] <SuicidalZerg> But it doesn't matter whether it's your copy or someone elses
[02:31] <Dcoetzee> Yeah but it means you can't play offline at all
[02:31] <SuicidalZerg> You can play it offline
[02:31] <SuicidalZerg> Nothing will be recorede
[02:31] <SuicidalZerg> d
[02:31] <SuicidalZerg> but you can play it
[02:31] <SuicidalZerg> For the sake of playing it
[02:32] <SuicidalZerg> Can't do that with... well... any modern EA game nowadays :p
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�06[02:34] * FastLizard4 goes back to doing his CS project... it's 2:34 local and you guys have distracted him long enough :P
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[02:34] <Dcoetzee> FastLizard4: Sorry :-P
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[02:35] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: Not your fault, I'm the one whot tabbed in here :)
[02:35] <SuicidalZerg>
[02:35] <Someguy1221> Fastlizard: what language is the project in?
[02:35] <FastLizard4> Besides, some distractions are good ;P
[02:35] <Dcoetzee> FastLizard4: That much I know :-P
[02:35] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221:
[02:35] <Dcoetzee> 9 hoaxes now restored
[02:35] <SuicidalZerg> Also, cocks.
[02:35] <Someguy1221> omg, wikipedia project
[02:35] <Dcoetzee> Cocks can be a good distraction
[02:36] <Someguy1221> well, not exactly
[02:36] <Someguy1221> ugh, that's the boring part of programming
[02:36] <FastLizard4> ikr
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[02:37] <wctaiwan> what is this mythical non-boring part of programming that you speak of? :P (kidding, I like it sometimes... haven't in a while, though >.<)
[02:37] <FastLizard4> wctaiwan: When you get to blow shit up
[02:37] <FastLizard4> :(){:|:&};:
[02:37] <FastLizard4> :D
[02:37] <Dcoetzee> I once had a bug in a program
[02:37] <Dcoetzee> Which caused a fire
[02:37] <wctaiwan> o_O
[02:37] <wctaiwan> where?
[02:37] <FastLizard4> Dcoetzee: LP0 ON FIRE
[02:38] <Someguy1221> whaaaat
[02:38] <Dcoetzee> It was some controller firmware for a power supply. It overflowed and peaked the current output and the test resistor went up in flames.
[02:38] <FastLizard4> Oh my
[02:38] <Someguy1221> what was that virus we sent to iran? that made centrifuges literally explode?
[02:38] <wctaiwan> >.<
[02:38] <Someguy1221> stuxnet
[02:38] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: Stuxnet
[02:39] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: Conficker too
[02:39] <FastLizard4> There's some musing in the professional community that Conficker was actually made to help get Stuxnet onto systems
[02:39] <Someguy1221>
[02:39] <Someguy1221> wasn't there another, even older virus, that wasn't found till after stuxnet?
[02:39] <Someguy1221> firesomething
[02:39] <FastLizard4> Someguy1221: FYup
[02:40] <FastLizard4> Even more advanced
�02[02:40] * fabriceferrer (~fabrice@wikipedia/Fabrice-Ferrer) Quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds�)
[02:40] <Someguy1221> ah, yes
[02:40] <Dcoetzee> "What a load of bilgewater!! This phony Ballony article hasn't even got any citations that go to anywhere. Hi sider (talk) 22:40, 11 September 2010 (UTC)" This was over 6 months before it was deleted.
[02:40] <Someguy1221>
[02:40] <FastLizard4> Flame
[02:40] <FastLizard4> Yup
[02:40] <wctaiwan> Dcoetzee: oh, speaking of which, wouldn't it make more sense to restore ones that are newer?
[02:40] <Dcoetzee> Why's that?
�06[02:41] * SigmaWP waves to wctaiwan 
[02:41] <Dcoetzee> I'm gonna restore them all.
[02:41] <Dcoetzee> I'm just going in order cause it's easy.
[02:41] <mareklug> Dcoetzee ws there ever an en wiki version of the Polish hoax about Batuta?
[02:41] <Dcoetzee> Dunno
[02:41] <wctaiwan> okay, I'm just thinking the newer ones would be more useful
[02:41] <wctaiwan> hey sigma.
[02:41] <Dcoetzee> The oldest ones are among the most talked about
[02:41] <Dcoetzee> So makes some sense to do them first.
[02:41] <Dcoetzee> Also most of them are new
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[02:42] <wctaiwan> something that slipped through the crack two years ago might not make it today (and possibly the other way round, too)
[02:42] <Dcoetzee> I've noticed no such patterns :-P
[02:42] <Dcoetzee> Anyway like I said they'll all be restored.
[02:42] <Dcoetzee> A few days wait is no big deal.
[02:42] <wctaiwan> okay.
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[02:47] <nej> hm
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[02:53] <wctaiwan> haha
[02:53] <Dcoetzee> 11 hoaxes restored, that's enough for tonight
[02:54] <dtm> Dcoetzee: awesome.  i can't believe the world's hoax supply is dropping at such an alarming rate, and thank goodness we have valiant citizens willing to restore them
[02:54] <Dcoetzee> dtm: They're for research, don't be a dick :-P
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[02:56] <rigel> oh man, this is turdtastic
[02:57] <rigel> tried to upgrade my rpi so that it uses the new java hard float from oracle
[02:57] <rigel> but it's totally broken the one app i need to run consistently
[02:57] <rigel> good thing i didnt nuke the old config
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[02:58] <dtm> Dcoetzee: arrrr, bail me bilgewater, matey!  good jerb.  <3
[02:58] <Dcoetzee> Thanks I think :-P
[02:58] <dtm> i'd never heard of such a thing.  most impressive lol
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[03:01] <Dcoetzee> dtm: You're late to the party so I understand you don't know what I'm doing, but see the links in the first column of the table at
[03:02] <dtm> Dcoetzee: yeah i was just reading it
[03:02] <dtm> and then the scrollback a bit
[03:02] <Dcoetzee> Ah okay npo
[03:02] <dtm> those articles are impressive too lol
[03:02] <Dcoetzee> Bicholim conflict is certainly the most impressive.
[03:03] <dtm> wow they got featured on DYK?
[03:04] <dtm> here's one i just saw in #wikipedia-en-help yesterday, which i honestly thought was a mishmash, a bad sandbox, or a hoax
[03:04] <Dcoetzee> dtm: It was a GA!
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[03:04] <rigel> meh
[03:04] <Dcoetzee> And even an FAC
[03:04] <Dcoetzee> Not rejected from FA for being a hoax either
[03:05] <Dcoetzee> Unrelated reasons
�02[03:13] * armufox ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[03:13] <mareklug> russavia   great russian piloting at work
[03:13] <mareklug> taking off from a TXI is one thing, but frigging aligning with one and landing on it?
[03:15] <russavia> yeah saw that, pretty damn lucky
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[03:16] <russavia> but then again, an-38 does have the STOL capability ;)
�03[03:16] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:17] <mareklug> why not then just land on the apron itself.
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[03:21] <Peter-C>
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[03:24] <russavia> dunno, they were prob drunk
[03:27] <russavia> "Mr Chavez's body is to be embalmed and placed on permanent display, Vice-President Nicolas Maduro says." lovely
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[03:28] <mareklug> I would much rather they did that with their prize-winning beauty queens.  whatever happend with the ancient rite of slaughtering virgins when the leader dies?
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[03:33] <SigmaWP> night
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[03:54] <Anna_Frodesiak> can a dog be mentally retarded?
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[03:54] <russavia> why would you join the channel to ask such a way out there question
[03:55] <Anna_Frodesiak> i'm thinking of expanding
[03:56] <mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak are there measures of behavioral prowess of dogs?  if so, probably.
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[03:56] <Anna_Frodesiak> one would think the same rate of occurrence as people but such little info at google scholar etc
[03:57] <russavia> i used to think my dog was retarded at times
[03:57] <Anna_Frodesiak> i guess o mareklug. maybe all animals can be retarded
[03:57] <Anna_Frodesiak> maybe there's a chimp study
[03:57] <russavia> but then i found out it was eating my stash
[03:57] <Anna_Frodesiak> if it was a besanji, then no
[03:57] <Anna_Frodesiak> that would be normal
[03:58] <Anna_Frodesiak> oh dear.