
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Fri May 03 00:00:05 2013
--- Day changed Fri May 03 2013
00:00 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: Adiós chongos, no me extrañen :D]
00:00 < SuicidalZerg> Because I don't have anything better, lol
00:00 < SuicidalZerg> In fact the S-video signal itself is being converted into a Coax signal :D
00:00 < Shirik> ...
00:01 < SuicidalZerg> Because I have the cheapest TV in the world, with only a single coax input, lol
00:01 -!- incantZIV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:02 < IShadowed> wtf SuicidalZerg
00:03 -!- incantZIV [] has quit [Client Quit]
00:03 < SuicidalZerg> One has to make do with what they have :(
00:04 < Shirik> just throwing this out there
00:04 < Shirik> while you're crying about your crappy TV
00:04 < Shirik> I'm running around with two iphones
00:04 < Shirik> dododo
00:04 < SuicidalZerg> :(
00:04 < IShadowed> and one doesn't work well :P
00:04 < SuicidalZerg> You rich people
00:04 < Shirik> IT WORKS NOW
00:04 < Shirik> they finally fixed it today
00:04 < IShadowed> sure
00:04 < Shirik> after TWO WEEKS
00:05 < IShadowed> :P
00:05 -!- MuZemike [~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
00:06 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:09 < mareklug> Shirik I like smug assholes such as you.
00:09 < Shirik> thanks!
00:09 < Shirik> I like me too
00:09 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg it could be too much amplification
00:09 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:09 < mareklug> "You may try to attenuate your signal. You can get 3db, 6db and 10 db attenuators at Radio Shack for almost nothing. Often times ghosting is caused by having too much amplification."
00:10 < SuicidalZerg> There are S-video attenuators? O_o
00:10 < SuicidalZerg> I have a couple of RCA attenuators lying around, lol
00:10 < IShadowed> <mareklug> Shirik I like smug assholes such as you.
00:10 < IShadowed> <Shirik> thanks!
00:10 < IShadowed> <Shirik> I like me too
00:10  * IShadowed facepalms
00:11 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg it does not matter how you use the attentuator, the idea is to decrease the power.  You can put it inline in a coax or in RCA cabling.
00:12 < mareklug> Shirik if somone has vintage equipment, that does not make them an idiot or an asshole
00:12 < Shirik> I think the part you are missing is that I actually know who SuicidalZerg is
00:13 < mareklug> i know that, I was taking up defense of the S-video rather.
00:13 < IShadowed> yeah, fuck SuicidalZerg
00:13 < IShadowed> only concerned with poor S-video
00:13 < mareklug> indeed, fuck him and the whole state of Utah
00:13 < IShadowed> pretty much
00:13 < mareklug> right on, sister
00:14 < Shirik> ok well I'm going to go to sleep while you figure out where I said that users of s-video are idiots or assholes
00:14 < IShadowed> "TIL that during a dissection of a mother tiger shark, a scientist was reaching into the birth canal and was bitten by a tiger shark embryo, which are notoriously cannibalistic. This is the only recorded instance where someone was bitten by an unborn animal."
00:14 < Shirik> then you let me know tomorrow morning
00:14  * IShadowed snuggles Shirik goodnight
00:14 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
00:15 < mareklug> IShadowed let me get that straight:  the tiger shark embroys nom on one another?
00:15 < IShadowed> l2read
00:21 < Jeske_Couriano> Guys, can we get eyes on ?
00:24 < russavia> jeske_couriano -- both statements are wrong
00:24 < russavia> Anwar did not say that approves or disapproves of gay marriage
00:24 < Jeske_Couriano> I can't verify either way because the source is paywalled.
00:24 < russavia> "In response to recent local reports that he supported gay marriage, Mr. Anwar said they were wrong and that he "believes in and supports the sanctity of marriage between men and women.""
00:24 -!- MasterofPuppets [~Master@Wikipedia/Master-of-Puppets] has quit []
00:25 < Jeske_Couriano> And the article seems to be the target of POV-pushers
00:25 < russavia> "Still, Mr. Anwar said that Malaysia's sodomy laws are "archaic" and could be amended.  "It is not my business to attack people or arrest people based on their sexual orientation," he said."
00:25 < russavia>
00:26 < mareklug> Jeske_Couriano while u are editing there, please fix this so it reads in English, for fuck's sake:  Clarifying his comments to the Wall Street Journal, Anwar maintained to legalize homosexuality and make gay marriage permissible —  laws should be amended to ensure private affairs are not penalized. “It is not my business to attack people or arrest people based on their sexual orientation,” he said.
00:26 < Jeske_Couriano> mareklug) I only edited there because it tripped a bot on another channel. I do not edit politics articles otherwise.
00:27 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
00:27 < SuicidalZerg> o_o
00:27 < mareklug> "Anwar maintained to legalize homosexuality and make gay marriage permissible"  lol
00:27 < SuicidalZerg> I TOUCH MYSELF LATE AT NIGHT!
00:27 -!- SuicidalZerg [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has left #wikipedia-en []
00:28 < mareklug> but you you maintain to anything?
00:28 -!- kondi [~konarak@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:28 < russavia> and i'll take care of the photo copyright violations on commons
00:28 -!- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:32 -!- bjelleklang [~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:32 < mareklug> Jeske_Couriano done
00:34 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> My RF modulator doesn't even detect the signal with the RCA attenuator in place
00:35 < mareklug> then you're fucked.  the ghosting is not too much power, it is inferior cabling.
00:35 < mareklug> or the attenuator is too kick ass
00:35 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Sure it's not inferior modulator? Tried different cables over the years, 'tis done nothing to change it, lol
00:36 < mareklug> which tv set is it?
00:37 < mareklug> i know.  make model
00:37 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> lol, something by Zenith
00:37 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> I know that this is the only thing that ghosts, my satellite doesn't ghost, nor does my VCR
00:37 < mareklug> is it older than 1990?
00:37 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Um, I think it's between '90 and '00
00:38 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> In fact I'm sure of it
00:38 -!- FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
00:38 < mareklug> hold on.  the satellite when viewed on that Zenith and the VCR do no ghost?
00:39 < mareklug> and exactly waht does?
00:39 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> My computer connected to the RF modulator via an S-video cable
00:39 < mareklug> the RF modulator inside the Zenith?
00:40 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> no, external
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00:40 < mareklug> your computer won't make a tv signal without the RF modulator?
00:41 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> All it has for usable outputs is S-video
00:41 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
00:42 < mareklug> ok, now we are getting somewhere.  describe the frigging RF thingee
00:43 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> I can do better than that:
00:44 < mareklug> did you just buy this?
00:44 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> No, have had it for roughly 2 years or so
00:44 < mareklug> and it always ghosted?
00:44 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
00:45 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Also, apparently my XBMC install doesn't like using an S-video to RCA adapter... the POST screen and boot up screen shows up, but then the modulator doesn't recieve a signal O_o
00:46 < mareklug> why are you adapting anyway?  this box has an S-vidoe input.  is it to use the attenuator?
00:47 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> That's what I was trying to use, yes
00:47 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Otherwise, I normally just use an S-video cabler
00:47 < mareklug> but straight s-video in / coaxial out always produced ghosting from that PC to that Zenith?
00:48 < mareklug> using that RFer?
00:48 < mareklug> you have another computer to test this on?
00:48 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Not one with a working S-video port
00:48 < russavia>  anwar articles will soon find themselves quite bare
00:48 < mareklug> do you have a computer with a working toslink?
00:48 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> My main one has a dead S-video port (apparently a common thing with 8600 GT cards)
00:49 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Um, since I have no idea what that is, no
00:49 < mareklug>
00:49 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> My main computer has one, but I don't have anything to recieve it with
00:50 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Nor do I have a cable
00:50 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Also, isn't that for audio?
00:51 < mareklug> unfortunately
00:52 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> My PS2 of course has TOSlink, too :p
00:53 < mareklug> not that this is any advice for tonight, but do you have a Radio Shack nearby?
00:53 -!- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH is now known as SuicidalZerg
00:53 < mareklug> you may wish to take your little ex-29 dollar box there and test it in store, if it ghosts for them.
00:54 < mareklug> with your cables
00:54 < SuicidalZerg> Also, my setup is complicated as ass
00:55 < mareklug> just the s-video, the radio shack rf thinee, and the coax cable to the tv
00:55 < mareklug> thingee
00:56 < SuicidalZerg> I have a Dish Network DVR and a game console connected to my VCR, which is connected to a coax-splitter, which is connected to my main computer's video capture card (I stream console games) and to the RF modulator which also has my media center connected to it, finally going to the TV
00:56 < SuicidalZerg> lol.
00:57 < mareklug> and you want to send your computer stuff to Zenith because?
00:58 < SuicidalZerg> Netflix, and the like
00:58 < SuicidalZerg> Among certain other things
01:00 < mareklug> so the rf modulator never goes directly to the Zenith, if I read the above right -- it goes by coax into the VCR and then the VCR goes by coax to the Zenith?
01:00 < SuicidalZerg> No, it goes directly into the Zenith
01:00 < mareklug> you said: VCR, which is connected to a coax-splitter, which is connected to my main computer's video capture card (I stream console games) and to the RF modulator
01:01 < mareklug> that implies VCR - splitter - RF modulator AND video capture card
01:01 < SuicidalZerg> Dish DVR/Consoles->VCR->Via Splitter, vidoe capture card & RF-Modulator ->TV
01:02 < SuicidalZerg> Yes, it's going from the VCR to the capture card and the RF modulator
01:02 < SuicidalZerg> which then goes to the TV
01:02 < mareklug> tried temporarily disconnecting all the shit?  and going pc s-video out - s-video cable - RF modulator - coax cable - Zenith TV?
01:03 -!- Yetanotherx [~Yetanothe@wikipedia/Soxred93] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
01:03 < SuicidalZerg> So I can both stream console games and use my TV to play them (can't play watching PC monitor because of the inherent lag)
01:03 < SuicidalZerg> I've tried using just the PC to modulator to TV, does nothing to change the ghosting
01:04 < mareklug> well in that case, my advice to take the trip with those 3 items (cable, rf, cable) is something you should consider.  since that alone ghosts.
01:04 -!- Yetanotherx|afk [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:05 < mareklug> the rf modulator is getting enough power
01:05 < mareklug> ?
01:05 < SuicidalZerg> I would certainly hope so, it does use mains power
01:06 < mareklug> but it has a little power supply that might be acting up
01:06 < SuicidalZerg> possibly
01:07 < SuicidalZerg> I know it can't be my computer hardware, it's done the same thing on 2 entirely different sets of hardware
01:07 < niko> wg &bitlbee
01:08 < SuicidalZerg> wat?
01:10 -!- martijnhh [~MartijnH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:12 < SuicidalZerg> mareklug: So what if it does ghost? I'm not exactly expecting them to just go ahead and replace it
01:12 < mareklug> you will have the luxury of knowing it is it. and you can splurge on an audiovox or a belkin (the last one I saw on amazon for 14 dollars)
01:15 < mareklug>
01:15 < SuicidalZerg> I got a Dynex converter once... thing was shit, can't remember what it did but I think it ghosted the video something fierce
01:15 < mareklug> 9 bucks!
01:15 < SuicidalZerg> And before that, I had a GE one... my computer's audio power literally fried it
01:15 < SuicidalZerg> Hence why I have attenuators, lol
01:16 < mareklug> 14 1 star revies; 4 2 star ones; 5 three star ones; 15 four star ones and a whopping 83 five star ones.
01:16 < SuicidalZerg> Well, that is an exaggeration, didn't fry it
01:16 < SuicidalZerg> But the audio steadily got more and more distorted as time passed
01:16 < mareklug> it's 9 dollars man.  and free shipping if you buy enough shit to make it 25 dollars.
01:17 < mareklug> or start the free prime trier, then it will be free shipping.
01:17 < mareklug> trial
01:17 < SuicidalZerg> Well, that will have to wait till I can get some money
01:18 < mareklug> I have faith in your ability to raise 9 dollars.
01:18 < mareklug> remember amazon does not charge sales tax
01:18 < SuicidalZerg> But I have no job to speak of >.>
01:18 < SuicidalZerg> At least, not yet
01:19 < SuicidalZerg> still waiting on the results of one interview
01:20 < mareklug> anyway, go to RS and see if it ghosts,  if it does, you will know something.  and hey, they might actually give you a new one.
01:20 < mareklug> or is it only Apple that does that
01:21 < mareklug> and take the little brick with you.  it might be it, which makes it even easier to handle.
01:22 < SuicidalZerg> little brick?
01:22 < SuicidalZerg> It's a simple plug
01:23 < mareklug> ah, so the powersupply sits inside
01:23 < SuicidalZerg> yeh
01:24 < mareklug> #1 in Electronics > Accessories & Supplies > Audio & Video Accessories > RF Modulators        must be ok if #1
01:25 < SuicidalZerg> Well, I'm off to bed
01:26 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:28 < SigmaWP> night
01:29 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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01:47 < russavia> question: If during Ramadan, Muslims can not into eating during daylight hours, when Ramadan falls during northern summerish periods, when do muslims in say iceland with near 24/7 sunlight eat?
01:48 < SigmaWP> Maybe they have an island a bit south of there where you get an hour of darkness
01:48 < SigmaWP> and then you just take a rowboat there every day
01:48 < SigmaWP> eat
01:48 < SigmaWP> then go back
01:48 < wctaiwan> russavia cannot into respecting religions :v
01:49 < russavia> i am into respecting religions and cultures -- it's a valid question
01:49 < wctaiwan> Iunno. Do they actually live so far north?
01:50 < SigmaWP> Now wctaiwan cannot into respecting religions
01:50 < wctaiwan> it's a valid question.
01:51 < russavia> well i think sweden would answer that question for you wctaiwan
01:51 < russavia>
01:52 < wctaiwan> does sweden actually not have a few hours of darkness in summer?
01:52 < russavia>
01:53 < russavia> finland; where summer is the best day of the year
01:53 < wctaiwan> heh
01:54 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: I'm the greatest pirate-hunter in the world! AUYYEAHHH]
01:54 < russavia> but otherwise, it's a very valid question
01:55 < russavia> Bjelleklang might be able to answer
01:55 < bjelleklang> What?
01:55 < bjelleklang> Just a sec
01:55 < russavia> bjelleklang: question: If during Ramadan, Muslims can not into eating during daylight hours, when Ramadan falls during northern summerish periods, when do muslims in say iceland with near 24/7 sunlight eat?
01:57 < bjelleklang> Had to look this one up:
01:59 < bjelleklang> also give some more information
01:59 -!- Steven_Zhang [cb2352ab@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
02:00 < bjelleklang> As far as I can understand they follow the timezone Mecca is in, and probably fast at the same times
02:00 < russavia> so local imams issued a fatwa saying that fasting should not last more than 20 hours
02:01 < bjelleklang> Not only local Imams, it appears that one from Saudi-Arabia was involved as well
02:01 < wctaiwan> does protestant christianity have something similar to fatwas?
02:01 < bjelleklang> Only sensible solution really, according to the newspaper the sun is up for close to 23 hours a day
02:02 < bjelleklang> Not sure, but I doubt it
02:02 < russavia> wctaiwan: yes, it's call witch burning
02:02 < russavia> bjelleklang -- they need Monty Burns to build his sun blocking machine in Finnmark
02:04 < bjelleklang> Protestants are supposed to be independent as far as I know, but I'm not one so I can't really say for sure. I guess it depends on where in the world you are. Some might take their priest a bit more littorally than others :/
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02:07 < russavia> anyway, it's interesting to know -- that's my useless fact for the day learned
02:08 < bjelleklang> :)
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02:19 < russavia>  old-age trolls?
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02:28 < SigmaWP> good night
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03:18 -!- Ryulong [~user.ryul@wikimedia/Ryulong] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:18 < Ryulong> can I get an admin to block this IP before he fucks up anyhing else
03:19 < Ushau97>  Ryulong: why haven't you warned him with a standard messsage
03:20 < Ryulong> Because the new echo system means he doesn't get any fucking notifications on his talk page
03:21 < Ryulong> I've left him 5 different messages asking him to stop
03:21 < mareklug> "Katy Perry’s father calls her ‘devil child’ in sermon: report"
03:22 < Ushau97> !admin Ryulong is requesting a block of
03:22 -!- Timotheus_Canens [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Tim-Song] has left #wikipedia-en []
03:23 < Ryulong> I really need to head out
03:23 -!- Ryulong is now known as Ryu-AFK
03:23 < mareklug> Ushau97  ahem, he is an ex admin and he knows how to use the stalkword.  So if he IS NOT DOING IT, please don't do it for him.
03:23 < Ryu-AFK> !admin someone block that fucking IP before he fucks the page up more
03:23 < Ryu-AFK> hows that mareklug
03:23 < mareklug> better
03:24 < russavia> pokemon wars....noice
03:25 < kondi>
03:25 < kondi> what the fuck
03:26 < russavia> Perry's mom and dad also asked for donations, "not one or two dollars, but 20s" so they can reportedly go to Switzerland.    -- noice markelug
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03:26 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
03:26 < Ryu-AFK> russavia it's someone who keeps editing the article because he doesn't know anything that happened after 2002
03:26 < russavia> gib money plis so i can into holiday of swiss
03:27 < kondi> "let’s remember some Pakistani bodies that were tortured by Indian jail officials and returned to Pakistan during the past decade, with no reaction from the spineless governments in Pakistan, who were even more reluctant for the sake of CBM’s (Confidence Building Measures) with a state that is known for the worst violations of human rights" heh
03:27 < Ryu-AFK> can someone please protect the article or take up reverting I have to leave
03:27 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:27 < russavia> kondi: it's india-pakistan -- no-one cares :P
03:28 < kondi> :-/
03:28 < Ryu-AFK> leaving now
03:29 < Ushau97> Ryu-AFK: you mean revert every edit he does
03:29 < russavia> kondi: this is more important --
03:31 < kondi> russavia: wait, I'm not even going to open that link.. :D
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03:39 < NotASpy> Ryu-AFK: I've protected the article for 12 hours, the account is blocked again as {{anonblock}} but you should all know better than to continue reverting constantly.
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03:54 < kondi> it's fucking 109 degrees
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03:57 < mareklug> kondi I just changed a wholre range of India's cities, and Sri Lanka's Colombo to boot (only 79 degrees there and thunderstorms), and it is in the range 91-95, only Delhi has 100.  So where the fuck are you?
03:57 < mareklug> checked *
04:01 < kondi> Ahmedabad
04:02 < mareklug> fuck, you are right. 109 in my iMac desktop widget
04:03 < kondi> I like everything about this city except this fucking heat
04:03 < mareklug> but it will only hit 110, and get as low as 82 at night.   level like that all week.
04:03 < kondi> yeah I saw that
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04:04 < mareklug> it's 40 degrees in Chicago and in Duluth, Minnesota they had 12 inches of snow 2 days ago.
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04:06 < kondi> coastal cities in my state have 85-95 degrees
04:07 < mareklug> i forget, how far inland is Ahmedabad?
04:08 < kondi> not much (can't tell in km) see the map
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04:12 < kondi> 97 kms from the gulf of Khambhat
04:12 < mareklug> 60 miles or so.
04:12 < mareklug> probably too much to enjoy the marine climate :)
04:12 < kondi> yeah.
04:13  * kondi can't even have a chilled beer
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04:15  * mareklug sends kondi a vision of a chilled Moosehead
04:17  * kondi visualizes a chilled Moosehead bottle and sighs
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05:01 < wctaiwan> mareklug: is just delightful
05:02 < greenrosetta> when did this new notification system start?
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05:02 < greenrosetta> with the red inbox item?
05:02 < wctaiwan> a couple days ago
05:02 < greenrosetta> So no more orange bar?
05:03 < wctaiwan> there are hacks people made to bring it back.
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05:03 < wctaiwan> seems to be it
05:03 < greenrosetta> I think that's a mistake to lose it
05:03 < greenrosetta> its the only thing that will grab the attention of newbiews
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05:03 < wctaiwan> you're far from alone
05:03 < greenrosetta> i always walk alone
05:03 < greenrosetta> Do you know that poem "footprints in the sand"?
05:04 < greenrosetta> I carry God
05:04 < wctaiwan>
05:04 < wctaiwan>
05:04 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:05 < wctaiwan> I'm not religious.
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05:07 < greenrosetta> me neither
05:12 < mareklug> russavia CNN just reported a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker crashed in Kyrgyzstan with complete crew loss of life,  no other detail.  refueling tanker.
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05:13 < russavia> yep, got email from .kg not long ago
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05:14 < wctaiwan> >.<
05:14 < mareklug> wctaiwan Indiana University basketball team wears pants just like his coat, except the stripes are narrower.  It's classic.
05:14 < wctaiwan> o_O
05:14 < mareklug> warmups
05:15 < wctaiwan> how do you like the playing itself?
05:15 < mareklug> it's very accomplished for ragtime
05:15 < wctaiwan> I mean, I don't know the difference between people who can play, and people who can play well
05:15 < wctaiwan> but he seems to be having a lot of fun while being good at it
05:15 < mareklug> it gets exposed on material.  I am sure a classical pianist might at first have difficulty doing this, and certainly vice versa.
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05:19 < wctaiwan> It's something I noticed when I was at Disney World Resort (or whatever it's called) in Florida though. Disney staff are _very_ good at appearing cheerful
05:19 < wctaiwan> whether they are actually cheerful or not I really can't tell
05:19 < wctaiwan> I mean, I'd be driven mad in their line of work...
05:20 < wctaiwan> doing the same thing day after day. It's a fresh experience for the tourists, and even though you've done it countless times you still need to make it exciting for them.
05:20 < mareklug> they are carefully selected for this
05:21 < mareklug> russavia
05:21 < mareklug> crew most likely in powder form, as the thing is said to have exploded in midflight
05:28 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
05:28 < wctaiwan> hm, did rather worse on this exam than I'd hoped...
05:28 < wctaiwan> and I know I did even more horribly on this other one
05:28 < wctaiwan> oh dear.
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05:37 < mareklug> wctaiwan they are selling eggs at 88 cents a dozen.  unheard low price.
05:38 < wctaiwan> H7N9
05:38 < mareklug> hmm?
05:38 < mareklug> our eggs don't come from China (yet)
05:38 < wctaiwan> [[H7N9 avian influenza]]
05:40 < mareklug> that link does not work, this one does
05:41 < mareklug> or this in depth one:
05:42 < wctaiwan> mareklug: the link now works ;-)
05:42  * wctaiwan doesn't usually fail guessing URLs
05:42 < mareklug> anyway, I think eggs are being laid at record clip in the USA at the moment, hence the special.
05:42 < mareklug> :)
05:42 < wctaiwan> they're fearing their extinction?
05:42 < wctaiwan> too bad it won't help them...
05:43 < mareklug> maybe it is the longer day?
05:43 < wctaiwan> no idea.
05:43 < wctaiwan> not a chicken expert.
05:43 < mareklug> how much are eggs in Taipei?
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05:44 < wctaiwan> I think between 13 and 34 US cents a pop
05:44 < wctaiwan> I'm not sure though.
05:44 < mareklug> you buy eggs by one????????
05:44 < wctaiwan> I don't.
05:45 < mareklug> i mean, the Taipei customers.
05:45 < wctaiwan> some do--but we've got plastic dozen boxes too.
05:45 < mareklug> 34 cents an egg is highway robbery.
05:45 < wctaiwan> it's free range.
05:46 < mareklug> it's still highway robbery.  and it's Taiwan, for fuck's sake.  How much free range can a chicken have on such a small island. :/
05:47 < wctaiwan> right.
05:47 < wctaiwan> you know what's highway robbery? starbucks.
05:47 < mareklug> starbacks is not just highway robbery, it is highway snobbery
05:48 < wctaiwan> good one.
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06:02 < mareklug> Lana Del Ray has a song called Diet Mountain Dew, and I wonder if Isarra has heard it.  Or if Isarra drinks the diet Dew.
06:02 < Isarra> Nope nope.
06:02 < Isarra> The Cheese God scorns mountain dew and I follow the Cheese God in everything.
06:03 < wctaiwan> diet mountain dew, you mean.
06:03 < mareklug> hold on.  you are always ON about Mountain Dew.
06:03 < Isarra> Cheese.
06:03 < mareklug> Isarra fess up.  Regular or Diet Dew?
06:03 < wctaiwan> I'm enjoying too much for my own good (highly NSFW lyrics)
06:04  * Isarra mutters about the apotheosis of cheese.
06:04 < mareklug> can never be buggered at all does not strike me very much as New South Fucking Wales
06:05 < wctaiwan> well, the title of the song (and nothing else) comes from a British writer.
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06:05 < wctaiwan> though I think marek would be perfectly able to see why I'd enjoy such a song.
06:05 < Isarra> Yer bugger.
06:05 < wctaiwan> and not because of the bestiality.
06:07 < mareklug> I think bugger is a snot who installs surveillance, in American.
06:09 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK
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06:10 < wctaiwan> hello, Ironholds
06:10 < Isarra> You have buggers and buggerers and other buggered things.
06:10 < Isarra> The Cheese Gods assures it to be so.
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06:12 < wctaiwan> The Cheese Gos is horrible at math.
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06:12 < Isarra> The Cheese God has identity issues from time to time. Something about eddies in the space time continuum.
06:13 < wctaiwan> makes life a bit difficult
06:13 < Writ_Keeper> wait, who's eddie?
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06:14 < Ironholds> hey, wctaiwan
06:15 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: are possible watchlist bugs your department?
06:15 < Ironholds> not in the slightest.
06:15 < mareklug> Isarra are you serious about cheese now?   this would not be some velveeta thing now, would it?
06:15 < wctaiwan> huh, alright then.
06:16 < Isarra> The Cheese God knows all, for the Cheese God must know all, for He is the Cheese God, among other gods. Gods by the bushel, gods by the pound... gods for every occasion, as it were, and surely at least some of them know it all.
06:16 < wctaiwan> I'm mostly just wondering whether something should go on VPT or Bugzilla.
06:16 < Writ_Keeper> I still want to know who Eddie is. And is this his couch?
06:16 < Isarra> It has cheese on it.
06:17 < Isarra> Okay, I have a problem. I have an omniscient Cheese God. o__o
06:18 < wctaiwan> that's hardly the worst problem you have, lady..
06:18 < Isarra> Oh?
06:18 < wctaiwan> done with math?
06:18 < Isarra> Yes.
06:18 < Isarra> The Cheese God was supposed to be for my paper.
06:19 < wctaiwan> oh
06:19 < Isarra> But this is... problematic.
06:19 < wctaiwan> gah, I'll just yell at VPT. someone can take it to bugzilla if appropriate.
06:19 < Isarra> I mean, my last paper was a little weird, but I seem to have completely gone off the deep end with this one...
06:19 < mareklug> Isarra is it still winter in them foothills?
06:20 < Isarra> Today it appears to be spring.
06:20 < Isarra> Yesterday was spring.
06:20 < Isarra> Day before was winter, though.
06:20 < Isarra> Probably won't be winter again until next week.
06:20 < mareklug> MJ64 had 12 inches of snow fall in his Duluth, Minnesota yesterday or so
06:21 < mareklug> MJ94
06:21 < Isarra> We got a wonderful mass of slush.
06:21 < Isarra> Which melted yesterday.
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06:24 < wctaiwan> Isarra: should a watchlist issue be filed under mediawiki or wikimedia?
06:24 < wctaiwan> I have no idea if this sort of thing is specific to WMF at all or part of core..
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06:24 < Isarra> You're asking me? o_O
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06:24 < Isarra> What's the issue?
06:25 < wctaiwan> every wikidata change is being shown, as opposed to just the latest
06:25 < Isarra> If it's extension related or specific to the wikimedia wikifamily configuration, that could affect... something.
06:25 < wctaiwan> okay, so WMF.
06:25 < Isarra> See if there's a thing for wikidata.
06:28 < wctaiwan>
06:28 < wctaiwan> someone can move it if they want
06:29 < wctaiwan> anyway, time to go home.
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06:58 < rindolf> Hi all.
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07:00 < ChrisGualtieri> When uploading a derivative work to commons, how do I mention it?
07:01 < ChrisGualtieri> Specifically I found a public domain file, altered it by basically cropping it down, and I want to credit the original creator who produced the text depiction of the original
07:01 < closedmouth> derived from X
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07:02 < ChrisGualtieri> How do I indicate that on the upload form?
07:04 < Isarra> There are templates that I never recall what they're called.
07:04 < Isarra> For lack of that just saying the source is 'from [[whatever]], [[whatever]] etc' works.
07:04 < Isarra> Or I hope it does. >.>
07:05 < ChrisGualtieri> This is the original worko
07:05 < ChrisGualtieri>
07:05 < Isarra> Oh.
07:05 < ChrisGualtieri> I cut the hiragana and katakana off but it won't let me attribute in the upload wizard
07:05 < mareklug> well if you already have THAT on commons, do use the derrived work template.  you can add that after the upload.
07:05 < Isarra> So then under other versions or whatever.
07:06 < ChrisGualtieri> Do I put it under 'own work'?
07:06 < ChrisGualtieri> The two options are: This file is my own work. This file is not my own work.
07:06 < mareklug> that depends on degree of modification.  a simple crop would not qualify
07:07 < Isarra> Is it your own work?
07:08 < closedmouth> ChrisGualtieri: that's not even copyrightable
07:08 < ChrisGualtieri> Well true, but there is no option for that and I do want to refer back
07:09 < closedmouth> it's your own work, based on something that is copyright-free
07:09 < ChrisGualtieri> ok
07:09 < closedmouth> so, it's your own work
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07:10 < mareklug>    this used the be the absolutely easiest way to upload derivative works.  but it is gone, maybe moved?
07:11 < mareklug> here you go
07:12 < ChrisGualtieri> thanks
07:12 < Isarra> Accurate spelling is a side effect of eating too much walrus butt.
07:13 < Isarra> Just so you know.
07:13 < ChrisGualtieri> It won't grab the file and won't met me proceed
07:13 < mareklug>   this is from 29 April 2013.  damn the tool is SOMEWHERE.
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07:14 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri what link are you using for the tool?
07:14 < ChrisGualtieri> your first one marek
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07:15 < mareklug> figures.  I am getting 404 errors
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07:15 < mareklug> or 500 Internal SErver ERros.
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07:16 < mareklug> ah, i got it finally
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07:18 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri the toolserver is being flakey and unpredictable.  so YMMV.  If you get it when it is happy to be working, it will go.
07:18 < mareklug> right now it is Loading… Please wait GET… for me without end
07:18 < ChrisGualtieri> Same... I just uploaded it anyways
07:19 -!- jacs [~jacsdev@] has quit [Client Quit]
07:19 < ChrisGualtieri> Doesn't look like I did it right... but its there
07:21 < mareklug> Sino-Japonese -- are you sure this is in English?  not the Sino part
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07:23 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri ^
07:24 < ChrisGualtieri> Lol typo must have been in the original source file
07:24 < ChrisGualtieri> It is.
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07:29 < Qcoder00> Slow?
07:31 < ChrisGualtieri> Alright.... now next step... produce a banner for the Wikiproject.
07:31 < ChrisGualtieri> I got everything I needed from the banner meta template, but do I just place the banner at Template:Wikiproject or something?
07:35 < mattbuck> yes! today is a good day for gender equality
07:35 < mattbuck> first ever woman on the fbi's most wanted
07:36 < ChrisGualtieri> Not true. >.>; Cite source otherwise
07:36 < mattbuck>
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07:37 < Mdann52> There you go....
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07:40 < wctaiwan> anyone interested in hiring a useless telecommuting coder over the summer? >_>
07:40 < ChrisGualtieri> bit misleading
07:41 < Isarra> wctaiwan: Uncyclopedia will hire you if you accept payment in the form of old phonebooks.
07:41 < Mdann52> :D
07:41 < ChrisGualtieri> The claim is "FBI's list of "Most Wanted Terrorists". not FBI's most wanted in general
07:41 < mattbuck> wctaiwan, I heard about this, you'll just get chinese coders to do it
07:41 < mattbuck> whatever
07:42 < wctaiwan> mattbuck: I assure you it'll be myself doing the coding. I don't guarantee the code will work, on the other hand...
07:42 < ChrisGualtieri> Anyways... how do I create a template page?
07:42 < Mdann52> The same as any other page.....
07:42 < mattbuck> go to Template:Name and create it
07:43 < Isarra> wctaiwan: What about GSoC?
07:43 < wctaiwan> Isarra: too late
07:43 < Isarra> I think  you still have a couple hours.
07:43 < Mdann52> Or anywhere else, for that matter....
07:43 < wctaiwan> yeah, but that's not nearly enough to research and prepare whatever it is that I need to research and prepare >.<
07:44 < Isarra> Sure it is if you start now!\
07:44 < Isarra> Find someone to mentor you and they can help.
07:44 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F
07:45 < wctaiwan> April 9 - 21: Would-be student participants discuss application ideas with mentoring organizations.
07:45 < wctaiwan> May 3: 19:00 UTC Student application deadline.
07:45 < wctaiwan> yeah no >.<
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07:45 < Isarra> I think James_F is a mentor. Maybe you could fudge something with him.
07:45 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
07:46 < Isarra> Two hours is plenty of time.
07:46 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:46 < Isarra> Or is it four hours?
07:47 < Warhound> Is Wikipedia going incredibly slow for anyone else>?
07:47 < Isarra> It's always slow for me.
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07:49 < wctaiwan> seems to be normal here
07:49 < wctaiwan> some servers are having issues
07:50 < mareklug> you mean they are bearing little baby servers?
07:50 < wctaiwan> that'd be bad.
07:51 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
07:51 < Isarra> Why would it be bad?
07:51 < Isarra> Babies mean reproduction, which means more servers.
07:52 < wctaiwan> singularity
07:52 < wctaiwan> metaprogramming putting us programmers out of jobs.
07:52 < Isarra> We've taken up drinking for a reason.
07:54 < TheDruId> I've taken up drinking for a lifetime.
07:58 < Qcoder00> Are people in Europe?
07:58 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:59 < Qcoder00> I've been getting some slow speeds talking with other European sites
07:59 < Qcoder00> (like
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08:04 < mareklug> if anyone has a Kensington Trackball, there is a new TrackballWorks driver out as of March 11 for the Mac and jan 10 for windows 32/64-bit
08:05 < TheDruId> Qcoder00, that's why I always pull up
08:06 < Isarra> wctaiwan: Could I ask you to read my paper for me and tell me if it makes any sense?
08:06 < wctaiwan> okay
08:06 < Isarra>
08:07 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit []
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08:08  * wctaiwan clicks
08:09 < wctaiwan> what's the context?
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08:10 < TheDruId> And here's why internet numbers arguments should always be doomed to fail:
08:10 < TheDruId>
08:12 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
08:12 < Isarra> wctaiwan: Evaluating an argument about free will being incompatible with divine foreknowledge.
08:13 < TheDruId> I equate it to any child setting their own bedtime versus that set by adults.
08:14 < Isarra> I wish I could set my own bedtime.
08:14 -!- darev [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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08:14 < darev> Hello!
08:14 < Isarra> ...I wish I could go to bed. o__o
08:14 < wctaiwan> Isarra: it's interesting writing but I'm not sure it answers the question
08:15 < TheDruId> darev, always nice to see you.
08:15 < kondi> hey darev!
08:15 < wctaiwan> or indeed what your stance is on the argument...
08:15 < Isarra> Crap.
08:15 < darev> Thx, TheDruId
08:15 < Isarra> wctaiwan: How do I come up with a stance?
08:15 < darev> hi to you and kondi as well as to the rest of you :)
08:16 < wctaiwan> I mean, I vaguely see that you're arguing that there is free will
08:16 < Isarra> Beyond that the universe is barking mad, that is.
08:16 < Isarra> Because that's my stance.
08:16 < Isarra> Which isn't exactly relevant.
08:16 < wctaiwan> and it's not incompatible with divine foreknowledge
08:16 < TheDruId> Isarra, pick which side you think can be supported by debate.
08:16 < wctaiwan> iunno. My writing tends to be a lot more boring.
08:16 < Isarra> TheDruId: They all can!
08:16 < wctaiwan> and not as much cheese.
08:16 < wctaiwan> not _nearly_ as much.
08:17 < ChrisGualtieri> Alright.. i got the banner page working, but it is automatically rated? Or is it something wrong with my cache?
08:17 < Isarra> There was only a cheese god. No actual cheese.
08:17 < TheDruId> Isarra, it's like 6 people standing around a globe; they all see and describe only from their own perspective, none of them are wrong.
08:18 < Isarra> TheDruId: Exactly! There's A theory of time as well as B theory, and that's without even getting into the matter at hand!
08:18 -!- lukas|afk is now known as lukas23
08:19 < Isarra> And I ain't lunatic enough to say anything mathematical about it.
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08:19 < SoapX> that OMHG articl contradicts itself at least twice
08:19 < SoapX> well I guess really only once
08:19 < SoapX> theyre just not clear about it
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08:21 < wctaiwan> Isarra: thing is, I think it's interesting, but if it's an assignment it really depends on whether the teacher wants an interesting piece of writing or a clear argument
08:21 < Isarra> wctaiwan: I don't know what he wants!
08:22 < TheDruId> Isarra, to be consulted for guidance, like any instructor.
08:22 < Isarra> He does, but I'm afraid I'm not on top of things enough for that.
08:24 < Moe_Epsilon> Interesting.. 682 active administrators, 761 semi-active/inactive administrators and 638 former administrators o.o
08:26 -!- Interim [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:26 < Isarra> Last time I gave him a story about an old man falling asleep in his hair. o__o
08:27 < Isarra> ...I was falling asleep when I wrote it.
08:30 < wctaiwan> >.<
08:35 < Ironholds> Moe_Epsilon: based on what definition?
08:36 < Moe_Epsilon> Ironholds: defines active/semi-active/inactive
08:36 < Moe_Epsilon> the number of active is disputed, considering the low threshold
08:37 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:37 < Ironholds> well, that's not a useful metric, at all.
08:37 < Ironholds> surely what we care about is admin actions.
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08:38 < SoapX> yeah I know
08:38 < SoapX> it's historically what we use to measure activity, I think, both for admins and others
08:38 < Ironholds> it's dumb.
08:38 < Moe_Epsilon> I'm pretty sure no one would like to know that, it might send them in an actual panic ;p 682 active and we keep masses comfortable
08:39 < SoapX> eg. when they did the whole inactive admin desysopping thing, they saved any admin that had any edits in the last year, regardless of if they had done any adminning
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08:41 < Moe_Epsilon> SoapX: if we changed the metric to at least 1 admin action, admins would come back and make one admin log in their userspace and call it quits for a year instead of one edit
08:42 < SoapX> yeah I know
08:42 < SoapX> we're on the honor system
08:42 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has left #wikipedia-en []
08:42 < SoapX> this was at least partly in response to the discovery that there were some rogue sysops lurking around
08:42 < Isarra> Make wctaiwan an admin.
08:42 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
08:43 < Isarra> He could counter the rogues.
08:43 < wctaiwan> stop canvassing :v
08:43 < Isarra> By doing nothing.
08:43  * Isarra huggles wctaiwan and falls asleep on him.
08:44 < Moe_Epsilon> SoapX: Basically. My proposal was 30 edits/logs combination outside of the userspace in a year. That way, even if they only came back once a year and did the minimum, we'd at least get ~22,500 edits/logs that were productive.
08:45 < Isarra> Sneaky.
08:45 < SoapX> but they can always just ask for the tools back anyway
08:45 < SoapX> the desysopping is just ceremonial
08:45 < SoapX> its only if they go *three* years with no edits that they have to run another RfA
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08:45 < SoapX> Unless youre proprosing to also change that
08:46 < SoapX> i think there were a couple of admins that we refused to give admin access to, for various reasons
08:46 < TheDruId> I'd propose one per year; double it annually, tools returned upon request. Stop increasing if the number of admin actions required exceeds every admin.
08:46 < SoapX> one of them came back after like 3 years and 2 days and we said NOPE TOO LATE
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08:47 < Moe_Epsilon> yes, there have been. And no, lengthy inactivity doesn't need changing.
08:47 < Moe_Epsilon> also, that applies to a lot of users, it's not a small list
08:47 < Moe_Epsilon>
08:49 < SoapX> !!!!!WHOA!!!!!
08:49 < SoapX> Special:RenameUser is being moved to Meta only
08:49 < SoapX> that means there will be no more user-renaming at all on any wiki other than the meta wiki
08:50 < Moe_Epsilon> yes, renaming is going to be global only from now on
08:50 < Moe_Epsilon> local 'crats won't be doing renaming anymore
08:50 < SoapX> are they going to take away my username ?
08:50 < SoapX> there's two other users named Soap
08:50 < Moe_Epsilon> if you own the SUL, no.
08:50 < SoapX> one of them said he's OK with giving me his username, but Ive never bothered to ask
08:51 < Moe_Epsilon> If you own the SUL, the other Soaps will be renamed like Soap~dewiki
08:51 < Moe_Epsilon> for example
08:51 < SoapX> the other one has 1 edit on the entire global range of projects and says no
08:51 < SoapX> ah
08:51 < SoapX> well that will fix that old import bug
08:51 < SoapX> where edits Ive made here that were imported to de look like they were made by the other Soap
08:52 < SoapX>  <--- not me : )
08:52 < Moe_Epsilon> yep, then you'll be able to contribute to those two wikis if you want with your global name :p
08:52 < SoapX> oh awesome. so that's a win for me
08:52 < SoapX> i can finally get rid of that annoying guy with 1 edit
08:53 < SoapX> I thought it was just going to be an "everybody loses" scenario where SUL is irrelevant and even a single edit by one other user can bump you off
08:53 < SoapX> that's what some people were paranoid about when SUL was created in the first place
08:54 < TheDruId> SoapX, We fear change.
08:54 < Moe_Epsilon> nah too complicated lol, it's now where everyone is going to have a SUL, and if you own a SUL already, non-attached accounts are bumped off it
08:55 < SoapX> yay
08:55 < SoapX> take that Soap@en.wikinews
08:55 < SoapX> the dewiki Soap is nice though
08:55 < SoapX> but he's said he's OK with losing the name anyway
08:56 < TheDruId> Fragrant?
08:56 < tommorris> we had a Soap at en.wikinews?
08:56 < SoapX> yeah
08:56 < SoapX> with 1 edit
08:56 < mareklug>
08:56 < SoapX> ah yes Blackberry
08:56 < mareklug> I rather think that BlackBerry will be dead in 5 years, not tablets
08:57 < TheDruId> What's that?
08:57 < SoapX> now theres a company I trust to be on the ball with technology
08:57 < SoapX> I mean just look at how well their own tablet is selling
08:57 < mareklug> they don't have a tablet, they have a large phone
08:57 < moogsi> BlackBerry is dead on its feet
08:57 < Moe_Epsilon> I went ahead and SUL'ed my old account since I couldn't do it before back in 2008. I bumped off fifteen people. May be a dick move, but I went for it.
08:58 < SoapX> does that mean youre going to change your enwiki username to Kaiba as well?
08:58 < mareklug> Moe "Dick Move" Epsilon
08:58 < SoapX> heh
08:59 < Moe_Epsilon> I was going to use the name Kaiba back then, but I couldn't SUL, so I had to go back to my old account
08:59 < Moe_Epsilon> I had no intention of using this name again
08:59 < Moe_Epsilon> and no one else used "Moe Epsilon" so it was an easy global fix
09:00 < SoapX> hmm, the meta page doesnt say that people with SUL will be able to keep thier usernames
09:00 < SoapX> youre sure?
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09:00 < SoapX> its weird that theyre using a  ~ in the name
09:00 < SoapX> that's otherwise a forbidden character, i think
09:00 < SoapX> i wonder if they chose it to leave an opening for some sort of future software feature
09:01 < Moe_Epsilon> basically, there's only like one exception I think. If there was a Soap who was a 'crat or checkuser on another project, you would get bumped instead
09:01 < Moe_Epsilon> but I think that's the only exception
09:01 < SoapX> hmmph. favoritism
09:01 < Moe_Epsilon> status > # of edits  :P
09:01 < Ironholds> I've got the day to do research.
09:02 < Ironholds> Anyone want any interesting data-related questions answered about a Wikimedia project?
09:02 < SoapX> well, even so, common sense would indicate that theyd let me keep my name since Im the only active user
09:03 < TheDruId> How many British and international Wikipedians are projected for Wikimania2014?
09:04 < Moe_Epsilon> SoapX: you shouldn't have any worries :P
09:04 < Moe_Epsilon> not like en.wikinews Soap is going to be favored
09:05 < SoapX> there's probably going to be quite a few conflicts though
09:05 < SoapX> people who use names like John
09:05 < SoapX> well no
09:05 < Moe_Epsilon> John is an admin on
09:05 < Moe_Epsilon> :P
09:05 < SoapX> people who use names that are common translingually, like Andrea
09:06 < SoapX> and Daniel (though that particular conflict was solved in 2008, i think. the humble and kind user agreed to give his name to the one)
09:07 < SoapX>
09:07 < SoapX> is where it says that SUL is the key
09:07 < SoapX> well i might sound selfish but Ive become attached to my usenrame
09:07 < SoapX> i wouldn wanna lose it
09:08  * Moe_Epsilon doesn't even want his current name or old name anymore |:
09:08 < Moe_Epsilon> I just want my name lol
09:09 < SoapX> wow theyre really going over this thorouighly
09:09 < SoapX> theyve thought of every possible bug
09:09 < SoapX> theyre predicting 3 million renames though, so it's important to be thorough
09:10 < SoapX> imagine doing it manually
09:10 < SoapX> "yeah we'll have this done in, oh, about 20 years"
09:10 < Moe_Epsilon> I'm hoping once they start doing global renaming of accounts (and once the mess is mostly sorted), I can rename globally despite having over 100,000 edits. I've heard that's a problem.
09:11 < SoapX> yeah, theyre saying a limit of 5000
09:11 < Moe_Epsilon> :<
09:11  * Moe_Epsilon is forever Moe
09:12 < Moe_Epsilon> even my old Kaiba name is 12,000 lol I'm just fucked unless I started over completely
09:12 -!- hackerGBQ [~kniferSWB@] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:13 < mareklug> what's this about renaming and needing less than 5k edits?
09:14 < SoapX> it might be 5000 per project
09:14 < SoapX> and they might raise the limit later
09:14 < SoapX> my guess is they just dont wanna deal with the absolute chaos of renames-gone-wrong when theyre talking about *3 million* accounts
09:14 < Moe_Epsilon> I just saw something Jdforrester posted: There isn't a 5000 edit limit for this script; for global renames, that is a provisional limit to avoid over-loading the servers.
09:14 < SoapX> yeah, thats where I got the figure too
09:14 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:15 < James_F> SoapX: So, I'm not saying 5000, I'm saying /not/ 5000.
09:15 < SoapX> oh youre jdforrester? cool
09:15 < SoapX> didnt know
09:15 < James_F> SoapX: Clearly I'm not communicating well enough. ;-)
09:15 < SoapX> nice to see you here
09:15 -!- kkthecoder [~kk@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
09:16 < Moe_Epsilon> James_F: so once I let you guys deal with the mass amount of collateral damage from the moves, if I wanted, I could rename globally? I have well over 100,000 edits
09:17 < James_F> Moe_Epsilon: Theoretically; it's not me you'd have to convince, but the stewards.
09:17 < James_F> Moe_Epsilon: I just provide the tools, they decide how to use them.
09:17 < Moe_Epsilon> :<
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09:24 -!- Izhidez is now known as Izawayz
09:25 < TheDruId> Until next week, then...
09:25 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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09:39 < mareklug> Married same-sex couples have the same rights as married heterosexuals to have both parents listed on the birth certificates of their newborn children, the Iowa Supreme Court ruled this morning.
09:40 < Moe_Epsilon> same sex marriage is legal in Iowa?
09:40 < mareklug> about 2 years?
09:40 < Moe_Epsilon> hmm, didn't know that
09:41 < mareklug> "…follow the 2009 court case that legalized same-sex marriage in Iowa."    longer
09:41 < Moe_Epsilon> ahh :p
09:41 < Moe_Epsilon> seems like an odd thing to make official in 2013 lol
09:42 < mareklug> supreme court.   w/o looking, I'd say it culminated a long battle in the courts.
09:42 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
09:43 < mareklug> yup.  "Friday's ruling stems from a lawsuit brought by Melissa and Heather Gartner after the state refused in 2009 to list both of their names on the birth certificate of their daughter, Mackenzie. Heather had given birth to the baby conceived via sperm donor."
09:43 < Moe_Epsilon> neat map
09:43 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
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09:44 < mareklug> "Iowa law says that if a woman is married, the husband must be legally deemed the father unless a court order states otherwise."
09:44 < mareklug> very interesting law.
09:44 < Moe_Epsilon> o_O hmm
09:44 < Pharos> i think that's common in many places
09:44 < Pharos> or used to be
09:44 < mareklug> basically, they legally proscribed bastards
09:45 < Pharos> bastards are too much paperwork
09:46 < Pharos> also, this type of law is importnat for child support i think
09:46 -!- ASchulz|away is now known as AaronSchulz
09:46 < mareklug> perhaps.  but if your wife gives birth to an obviously alternatively-fathered child, you are up  a creek trying to divorce her for it, as you are legally its father.
09:46 < Pharos> divorced men can't say "i'm not the father!" without evidence
09:47 -!- hackerGBQ [~kniferSWB@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
09:47 < SoapX> im guessing they make exceptions for obvious circumstances
09:48 < mareklug> it is the nonobvious that matter.
09:48 < SoapX> like if a guy marries a woman who already has 10+-year-old children
09:48 < Pharos> it's not about obvious, it's about proff being required for for nonpaternity
09:48 < SoapX> and the woman is stiklkl getting child support from the real father
09:48 < mareklug> I think people should have the right to contest fatherhood in all cases.
09:48 < Pharos> which is easy to get with DNA
09:48 < Pharos> nowadays
09:48 < SoapX> those kids dont suddenly become "his"
09:48 < russavia> -- could this be notable?
09:48 < SoapX> at least I would think not
09:49 < Moe_Epsilon> I'm almost sure that isn't a nipple
09:49 < Pharos> russavia: looks like a parked blimp
09:50 < mareklug> first of all, what do you mean by notable?  just because the person named a foto whimsically?
09:50 < Pharos> it looks like an aircraft, i guess the type of aircfaft is notable
09:50 < russavia>  it's a high tech surveillance balloon apparently
09:51 < russavia>
09:51 < Moe_Epsilon> then why not rename it to surveillence balloon in Kabul or something
09:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> non-notable nipple cruft
09:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> plane-porn!
09:51 < SoapX>   Cyber, you own the SUL and the only way you could theoretically lose it is if the zero edit hiwiki user of the same name becomes a bureaucrat or checkuser before the change occurs. MBisanz talk 12:19, 2 May 2013 (UTC)
09:51  * ToAruShiroiNeko pretends to be outraged
09:51 < mareklug> the tags are revealing on flickr: afghanistan jalalagood kabul nipple military eye in the sk ysurveilance
09:51 < russavia> seems to be made by Lockheed Martin
09:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Lockheed Martin? And not Playboy magazine?
09:52 < MBisanz> hi SoapX
09:52 < mareklug> russavia yes, there is a video on youtube i saw, maybe even you showed it to me.  it is their tethered early warning system for lookdown shootdown
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09:52 < Moe_Epsilon> MBisanz: I made pretty :p
09:53 < MBisanz> i saw
09:53 < MBisanz> it looks awesome
09:53 < Moe_Epsilon> :D
09:53  * MBisanz contemplates how to reward Moe_Epsilon
09:53 < mareklug> MBisanz send him a case of Moosehead
09:53 < Pharos> if your only goal in life is to have that photo on a WP article, then first find out the name of the blimp
09:53 < Moe_Epsilon> Moosehead?
09:53 < mareklug>
09:53 < Pharos> then write an article on the blimp model typew
09:53 < Bradford> Moe_Epsilon: hi
09:53 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon
09:53 < Bradford> :-*
09:54 < russavia> seemsto be the same this --
09:54 < Pharos> should the former admins page be more funereal?
09:54 < mareklug> russavia so you have not seen the video?
09:54 < Moe_Epsilon> Pharos, why? lol
09:54 < Bradford> -__-
09:54 < russavia> i gave link above to video
09:55 < mareklug> Pharos you mean, make the lines in the table black and 18 points thick?
09:55 < Pharos> yes
09:55 < darev> cu
09:55 -!- darev [] has quit []
09:55 < Pharos> it would be more appropriate
09:55 < Pharos> we mourn their bits
09:56 < russavia> pharos: HELLO what do you think i am trying to do
09:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> boston bombers were trying to aim for 4th of july bombig?
09:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you are celebrating it wrong!
09:56 < Moe_Epsilon> lol we mourn their bits? I just wanted something fancy for the page
09:56 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
09:56 < Pharos> ToAruShiroiNeko: i have a theory about the boston bombers
09:56 < mareklug> russavia then it is not exactly the video I saw.  The thing I saw has these blimps in an array, teathered, and they look down on incoming balistinc and cruise missles that hug the terrain
09:56 < Pharos> he was primarily opposed to civic holidays
09:57 < SoapX> aww cute cuddly terrain
09:57 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
09:57 < Bradford> Moe_Epsilon:  ò_ó
09:57 < russavia> mareklug -- i think youare talking of
09:57 < Moe_Epsilon> Bradford: hello
09:57 < Pharos> he was really against thankgiving turkeys too
09:57 < Pharos> this is actually true
09:57 < Bradford> ñ_ñ
09:57 < russavia> balloons are not my thing so i have no idea
09:57 < Pharos> he yelled at the preacher in his mosque about thamksgiving turkeys
09:58 -!- blizarre [] has quit []
09:58 < Pharos> i don't think it's a coincidence that the marathon thing was also massachusetts "pariot day"
09:59 < mareklug> russavia nope, that one is dead project.  I think it may be this one:
10:00 < Pharos> also, it is a mistake to name your son "Tamerlane"
10:00 < Pharos> take note, mothers
10:00 < Pharos> "Genghis" is also problematic
10:00 < mareklug> Pharos that is a great name for a central asian boy
10:01 < Pharos> except if he takes the pillaging and destruction thing too literally
10:02 < Pharos> they say tamerlane did more to destroy islamic civilization than any Mongol
10:02 < russavia> -- "often when crews bring the balloons down, for maintenance or to protect them from storms, says Eddy Hogan, who manages the aerostats, they find bullet holes all over, attesting to the balloons’ role as an object of resentment." -- but still nothing about who makes it
10:03 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
10:03 < mareklug> "Timur's armies were feared[16][17] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population.[18][19]"    heh.  peanuts.    Both Stalin and Mr. Genghis had over 30 million each.
10:03 < Pharos> but not in terms of %!
10:04 < Pharos> well, for Stalin
10:04 < SoapX> i never heard of Tmur
10:04 < mareklug> Genghis came br tamerlane, so his percentage if anything is way higher
10:04 < Pharos> Tamerlane attacked more muslims, tho
10:04 < SoapX> Tamerlane doesnt sound like a very scary name
10:04 < Pharos> so the islamic civilization thing stands
10:04 < mareklug>  SoapX  that's cuz some wikipedians are more anal about name-parking than others.
10:05 < Pharos> it's a scary name if you ever met him
10:05 < Pharos> there is a quran in the Met museum in NYC handrwritten by Tamerlane's grandson
10:06 < Pharos> it's amazing how you can tame these guys
10:06 < SoapX> it says he was shot in the knee by an arrow as a child and gained the nickname "Tammer the Lame"
10:06 < SoapX> hence Tamerlane
10:06 < Pharos> yes
10:06 < russavia> Семён is a scarier name
10:07 < Pharos> ind-european thing there
10:08 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:09 < SoapX> hi TB
10:10 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon I am sure they sell it in Jax.  Here you can get it 12 x 12 oz bottles for about 11.  It's exceptional beer for the price.
10:10 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Dhaka collapse deaths rise above 500
10:11 < Moe_Epsilon> o:
10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> are we amining for an internet meme?
10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they are still pulling decomposing bodies from the rubble
10:11 -!- mutley89 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:11 < Moe_Epsilon> MBisanz: get me that Moosehead beer, for the life I've wasted updating WP:FORMER xD
10:11 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
10:11 < MBisanz> haha, when you come visit in dc, i will
10:12 < Moe_Epsilon> yay
10:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> MBisanz its good to be in DC?
10:13 < MBisanz> yes
10:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> do you get free obama/nra handouts of guns? :p
10:14 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:15 -!- hackerGBQ [~kniferSWB@] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:17 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilontake a look a  For that matter, everybody do.  This guy is getting on my nerves.
10:17 < mareklug> also talk page
10:17 < SoapX> no such page
10:17 < mareklug>
10:17 < Pharos> obama gives out everything for free EXCEPT guns
10:18 < Pharos> this is in conspiracy world
10:18 < Moe_Epsilon> why is she getting on your nerves, mareklug?
10:18 < mareklug> is geting on my nerves
10:19 < Moe_Epsilon> oh, I thought you meant Liv Tyler was getting on your nerves..
10:19 < mareklug> no, I luv Lyv Tyler.
10:20 < SoapX> and you want that picture of her breasts to be right on top
10:20 < SoapX> instead of the ugly one
10:20 < SoapX> that guy's probably not a native English speaker
10:21 < Moe_Epsilon> says en-N on his userpage
10:21 < mareklug> no, I want the clear, well-lit picture of her as a young beautiful actress in her prime to be there.  Just like we have Audrey Hepburn in her prime in her infobox.  and the fucker keeps changing infobox pix in lots of places to the absolutely most recent, regardless of quality.  besides, the ugly picture is down in the article.
10:22 < MBisanz> ToAruShiroiNeko no, sadly
10:22 < mareklug> SoapX so are you gonna help or not?
10:22 < SoapX> probably not
10:22 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon and you?
10:23 -!- hackerGBQ [~kniferSWB@] has left #wikipedia-en ["Silentium est aureum"]
10:23 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: wctaiwan]
10:23 < Moe_Epsilon> I'll comment on the talk page
10:23 -!- Garnig [betacomman@unaffiliated/garnig] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:25 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:25 < legoktm> wtf
10:25 < legoktm> i just got rickrolled
10:25 < legoktm> in the dining hall
10:25 < Pharos> beautiful actresses revert to their prime upon their deaths
10:26 < Pharos> this is the iron law of wikipedia
10:26 < Pharos> this applies to nonbeautiful nonactresses as well
10:27 < Pharos> it is the Ceremony of The Reversion Of Youth
10:27 < mareklug> Pharos for the love of Lyv, she is a New Yorker.  Come to her defence!
10:27 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
10:27 -!- Kingpin13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:27 < Pharos> oh, you didn't mention that
10:27 < Pharos> then of course i am biased
10:27 < Pharos> it is my homeland
10:28 < mareklug> "Tyler was born Liv Rundgren[1] at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.[2] She is the first-born daughter of Bebe Buell, a model, singer, and former Playboy Playmate (Miss November 1974), and Steven Tyler, the lead singer of Aerosmith.[3] Her mother named her after Norwegian actress, Liv Ullmann, after seeing Ullmann on the cover of the March 5, 1977 issue of TV Guide.[2][4] She is of Italian, German, Polish, and English ancestry on her
10:28 < mareklug>  father's side[5] and German ancestry on her mother's side.[6] "
10:28 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:28 < Pharos> for the love of Lyviv, it is true!
10:28 < Pharos> or perhaps you prefer Lvov!
10:29 -!- Garnig [betacomman@unaffiliated/garnig] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:29 < mareklug> I actually favor Lwów, as it is a Polish city and that is its Polish name.  It means CIty of LIons or LIonville
10:30 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:31 < Pharos> of course!
10:31 < Pharos> "Lvov" is semipolish, though?
10:31 < Pharos> that name
10:31 < SoapX> well if you put the two v's together it makes a w
10:31 < Pharos> it's just spelled correctly
10:31 < mareklug> it strikes me as Englished Polish
10:32 < Pharos> which it is
10:32 < mareklug> polish w sounds like a v
10:32 < mareklug> ó sounds like ou in soup
10:33 < mareklug> ok Pharos   your turn.  Yes, I am obviously canvassing.
10:33 < Pharos>
10:33 < mareklug> Lemberg always struck me as a very fancy version
10:34 < mareklug> Stanisław Lem the SF writer and philosophy esseyist is from Lwów/Lemberg
10:34 < mareklug> was, as he is deceased
10:34 < Pharos> ah, i didn't know
10:34 < Pharos> that he was from there
10:35 < Pharos> my greatest experience with him is watching the original Solaris :P
10:35 < Pharos> though i imagine i would like his books
10:36 < mareklug> you would be tickled by The Cyberiad: Fables of Robots
10:36 < mareklug>
10:36 -!- Interim [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:36 < mareklug> if you have a kindle or iPad, it's available as an audiobook and/or digitial thingee
10:37 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:37 < mareklug> the translation by is amazingly good, considering how many neologisms the translator had to invent.
10:37 < Pharos> I have the Brooklyn Public Library!
10:38 < russavia> mareklug! It's LVOV -- L-V-O-V!
10:38 < mareklug> Pharos and they even loan digital stuff
10:38 < Pharos> yes they do
10:38 < mareklug> russavia you are so trolling.  There is not a more Polish city that was made nonpolish by Stalin.
10:38 < Pharos> wikipedia has taught me that the proper name for this city ideologically for me is Lemberik
10:38 < SoapX> are we seriously starting a real argument ove rhtis
10:38 < Pharos> long live the yiddish empire!
10:38 < mareklug> and they purposefully moved the fucking border 42 km to the west to exclude it.
10:38 < russavia> so how's Wilno these days?
10:39 < mareklug> there are 20k polish speakers in Wilno
10:39 < russavia> -- you are kidding me? they are horrible photos
10:39 < mareklug> and it is a bit further out.
10:39 < Pharos> Lemberik FTW
10:39 < Pharos> it's like Lemberg, but less nazi connotations ;)
10:40  * AaronSchulz looks at the June08 one
10:40 < russavia>,_2012.jpg  looks like it's a mugshot
10:40 < mareklug> I am going to be blocked for 3RR over this, I know.
10:40 < russavia> mareklug -- do we have one of her in a bikini?
10:40 < mareklug> no, the blue toga is the best we have and had since 2008
10:41 < Pharos> where is David Shankbone when you need him?
10:41 < mareklug> who is Mr Shankbone?
10:42 < russavia> ok here's an idea
10:42 < russavia> who has OTRS access and is in NYC?
10:42 < mareklug> is she there now?
10:42 < SoapX> how many times have you been blocked before, marek ?
10:42 < SoapX> just curious
10:42 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [Quit: Bye]
10:42 < SoapX> once
10:43 < Pharos> Mr Shankbone is the NYC king of celebrity wikiphotos
10:43 < SoapX> is he still editing WP?
10:43 < SoapX> I havent seen him in a long time
10:43 < mareklug> once, and it was accidental. I fixed Prishtina spelling in and I thought I was doing the right thing, and this was an arbcom-sanctioned article and Zscout370 blocked me for edit warring for 24 hours
10:43 < SoapX> yeah there should be editnotices on arbcom sanctioned articles imo
10:43 < Pharos> i have his phone number somewhere for celebrity emergencies :P
10:43 < SoapX> its easy to fall intoa trap
10:43 < russavia>
10:44 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:44 < russavia> would be a great photo
10:44 < SoapX> eg
10:44 < SoapX> there is a page with "The Arbitration Committee has permitted Wikipedia administrators to impose discretionary sanctions on any editor editing this page or associated pages. Discretionary sanctions can be used against an editor who repeatedly or seriously fails to adhere to the purpose of Wikipedia, any expected standards of behaviour, or any normal editorial process."
10:44 < SoapX> on the talk page
10:45 < SoapX> but no edit notice
10:45 < russavia> if anyone with OTRS access wants to do something about it 2011090810017136 is the ticket number
10:45 < SoapX> is that really optimal?
10:45 < mareklug> russavia nice, but the blue toga is superior to every one of those
10:45 -!- Moe_Epsilon is now known as SlowLizard
10:45 -!- SlowLizard is now known as Moe_Epsilon
10:45 < russavia> mareklug --
10:45 -!- ChrisGualtieri [ae3ebae3@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:46 < mareklug> russavia I would upload that.
10:46 < russavia> do you have OTRS access mareklug?
10:46 < mareklug> no, i think white cat does
10:46 < mareklug> odder does
10:47  * Pharos is block-free since forever
10:47 < Pharos> i am the least controversial person on Wikipedia
10:47 < SoapX> i was blocked in 2010 by accident
10:50  * Isarra stalks Pharos.
10:50  * Pharos hidea
10:50  * FastLizard4 has never been blocked
10:51 < Pharos> was I ever blocked?
10:51 < Pharos> i don't ever remember for sure
10:51 < FastLizard4> Though because I said that some admin will now probably block me for a yottasecond
10:51 < russavia> here mareklug -- your favourite --
10:51 < Pharos> if i was, it would have been accidentally self-blocking :P
10:52 < FastLizard4> Pharos: Nope, you has an empty block log
10:52  * FastLizard4 almost wrote that as "empty blog lock"
10:52 < Pharos> this makes me valedictorian
10:52 < Moe_Epsilon> last time I was blocked, I was offline, I was not pleased when I came back to see an hour long block when I wasn't there.
10:53 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: What was the block for?
10:53 < Pharos> inactivity!
10:53 < FastLizard4> o_o
10:53 < Pharos> that was a tough regime
10:53 < Moe_Epsilon> 08:00, June 26, 2007 Alkivar (talk | contribs) blocked Moe Epsilon (talk | contribs) (account creation blocked) with an expiry time of 1 hour (incivility, troll baiting. yes regardless of what you may think, you do have to be nice,)
10:54 < FastLizard4> Wait what?
10:54 < russavia> the last time i was blocked....oops..
10:54 < FastLizard4> But why
10:54 -!- ChrisGualtieri [ae3ebae3@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:54 < SoapX> ahh Alkivar
10:54 < Moe_Epsilon> I guess I wasn't playing nice
10:54 < Moe_Epsilon> lol
10:54 < SoapX> theres a name I havent seen in a while
10:54 < SoapX> he lives near me but weve never met in person or even on Wikipedia
10:54 < moogsi> russavia: ARGH WHY
10:54 < SoapX> he retired before I really got going
10:54 < SoapX> Ive seen him on IRC though
10:55 < moogsi> lulled into a false sense of security by all those pics of Liv Tyler
10:55 < russavia> moogsi: it's a jewish conspiracy
10:55 < russavia> oh you mean the liv tyler photos:)
10:55 < Moe_Epsilon> FastLizard4: in all honesty, I asked him by e-mail why he did that and he said he was trying to appear neutral since he blocked the other party for 24 hours. Again, I was not pleased.
10:55 < Pharos> the Protocols of the Elders of Lemberik
10:55 < russavia> moogsi do you have OTRS?
10:55 < moogsi> nope
10:56 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: That makes literally no sense
10:56 < FastLizard4> You don't block someone to "appear neutral", you block if it's necessary to do so
10:56 < Moe_Epsilon> I thought so too
10:56 < Moe_Epsilon> :/ well he isn't a sysop anymore, so I'm not worried
10:56 < FastLizard4> Yeah
10:56 < FastLizard4> Still
10:56 < FastLizard4> It's the principal of the matter :P
10:56 < Moe_Epsilon> my other block was for saying "fuck" in an edit summary
10:56 < Moe_Epsilon> lol
10:56 < FastLizard4> wut
10:56 < mareklug> moogsi FastLizard4 russavia (no not you, you have a Eastern European topic ban, and she is Polish by mother in part :/ ), kindly comment on the Lyv Tyler talk page, whichever side you choose to support if any.
10:57 < mareklug> Isarra you too
10:57 < FastLizard4> 11:43, August 16, 2006 El C (talk | contribs) unblocked Moe Epsilon (talk | contribs) (user appears calm now)
10:57 < FastLizard4> 10:33, August 16, 2006 El C (talk | contribs) blocked Moe Epsilon (talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 24 hours (uncalled for incivility)
10:57 < FastLizard4> For saying "fuck" in an edit summary?
10:57 < Moe_Epsilon> yep
10:57 < Moe_Epsilon> |:
10:57 < russavia> mareklug-- that's why i can't add the kim kardashian photos :(
10:57 < FastLizard4> That seems  a little uncalled for as well :\
10:57 < moogsi> me? on a wikipedia? doesn't sound likely
10:58 < Moe_Epsilon> So yeah, my block log is tainted for almost no reason sadly
10:58 < Moe_Epsilon> :/
10:59 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
10:59 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: Well, you're a functionary aren't you?  :P
10:59 < Moe_Epsilon> I'm ACC, that's it :p
10:59 < mareklug> SoapX hey, you could just protect the on account of edit warring.
10:59 < FastLizard4> Wait what
10:59 < FastLizard4> I could've sworn you were a functionary :P
10:59 < mareklug> :) :) :)
11:00 < Moe_Epsilon> Nah lol I'm not even an administrator, FastLizard4
11:00 < mareklug> FastLizard4 me?  I am nobody.
11:00 < FastLizard4> mareklug: No, Moe_Epsilon :P
11:00 -!- Garnig [betacomman@unaffiliated/garnig] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
11:00 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: I know
11:00 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: I see that now :P
11:00 < Moe_Epsilon> Moe_Epsilon 2015
11:00 < Moe_Epsilon> future canvassing
11:00 < russavia> mareklug: WP:CANVASS
11:00 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon for arbcom!
11:01 < FastLizard4> :P
11:01 < Moe_Epsilon> no I meant admin
11:01 < Moe_Epsilon> XD
11:01 < mareklug> russavia anything for my Lyv
11:01 < FastLizard4> Actually, I would never nominate you for arbcom
11:01 < FastLizard4> I think that's the worst fate and punishment that can ever be exacted on someone
11:01 < FastLizard4> :P
11:01 < SoapX> do they even have "nominations" ?
11:01 < FastLizard4> SoapX: I dunno, do they
11:01 < Moe_Epsilon> :P yeah, what did I ever do to you, FastLizard4?
11:01 < mareklug> russavia canvass, wool, silk, you name it, even combed-cotton panties.
11:02 < russavia> oh, you've been browsing our infamous galleries on commons again mareklug...noicE!
11:03 < Moe_Epsilon> FastLizard4:
11:03 < moogsi> i have offered my editorial opinion
11:03 < moogsi> that is all the opinion i can muster for one year
11:04 -!- tttb [] has quit [Quit: Fare thee well]
11:04 < moogsi> old picture more good
11:04 < moogsi> new picture not so good
11:04 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: looking
11:04 < mareklug> moogsi bless your heart.
11:04 < russavia> moogsi: opinions are like arseholes ; everyones got one and yours is no different
11:04 < SoapX> looooOOOOOOooooOOOoooOOOOOOoool
11:04 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: Nice
11:05 < Moe_Epsilon> :D
11:05 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: I also like the next thread below it :P
11:05 < Moe_Epsilon> XD
11:05  * FastLizard4 goes to fetch sustenance, brb
11:06 < moogsi> russavia: based on what? i might have a really good arsehole
11:06 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon that is an impressive count.  any of it automated?
11:06 < moogsi> HOW WOULD YOU KNOW
11:06 < russavia> moogsi: upload to commons,we'll take a look
11:06 < moogsi> it's already there, just look for the best-looking one
11:06 < Moe_Epsilon> mareklug: I would say about, out of the 122,000 edits I've made, 20,000 may be automated
11:06 < SoapX> thats huge then
11:07 < mareklug> wow
11:07 < SoapX> 100000 manual edits?
11:07 < Moe_Epsilon> some are semi-automated as well
11:08 < russavia>
11:08 < Moe_Epsilon> (semi-automated, such as a program giving you something to change and you use your judgement, then let it do the edit)
11:08 < russavia>
11:08 < FastLizard4> 11:04:34 < russavia> moogsi: opinions are like arseholes ; everyones got one and yours is no different
11:08 < FastLizard4> Can I quote you on that? :P
11:08 < russavia>   BWAHAHAHA
11:08 -!- D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000
11:09 < russavia> no fastlizard4 -- it's (TM)
11:09 < FastLizard4> russavia: Okay
11:10 < FastLizard4> Send your DMCA takedown notices to
11:10 < FastLizard4> :D
11:10  * Moe_Epsilon spams FastLizard4
11:10 < mareklug> SoapX seriously, you should maybe look at the body of work here -- it is all reverts of infobox pictures, and always the same theme -- latest must be in.
11:10 -!- John_Smith [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:10 < FastLizard4> Spam that address all you want, it's called "memoryhole" for a reason :P
11:10 -!- TheChance [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:11 < Moe_Epsilon> FastLizard4: how about pictures of spam, then?
11:11 -!- bluebot88 [~bluebot@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:11 < Moe_Epsilon>
11:11 < russavia> sorry for posting a link to a penis-shaped building here -- it's  more of a common thing
11:11  * FastLizard4 takes a screenshot of a Viagra spam email in Thunderbird and emails the screenshot to Moe_Epsilon
11:11 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:11 < mareklug> FastLizard4 there is no more viagra spam.
11:12 < FastLizard4> mareklug: Lies
11:12 < FastLizard4> I got one earlier today, already nuked it though
11:12 < mareklug> seriously.  a few months ago microsoft or someone clamped down on it.
11:12 < Moe_Epsilon> FastLizard4: i get plenty of penis enhancement spam e-mails as it is -_-
11:12 < mareklug> i never get any penis-related spam anymore.
11:12 < Moe_Epsilon> that's because I get all of it
11:12 < Moe_Epsilon> |:
11:12 < FastLizard4> heh
11:13 < mareklug> it is all social services phishing now
11:13 < Moe_Epsilon> I don't open my e-mail for a day and 1,200 new e-mails for me
11:13 < moogsi> everyone's dick is so huge now, there's no market for it
11:13 < FastLizard4> <-- some of the best spam emails I've ever received, none of it penis enhancement :P
11:13 < moogsi> there's an overall glut of virility
11:14 < FastLizard4> might be my absolute favorite
11:14 < FastLizard4> :P
11:14 < moogsi> can you imagine how fucking horrific the world would be if any of that MAKE YOUR DICK HUGE stuff actually worked
11:14 < Moe_Epsilon> I just clicked that one lol
11:14 < moogsi> dread to think about it
11:15 < moogsi> Good day,
11:15 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:15 < moogsi> I am Mr. Tim J W Tookey
11:15 -!- Bradford is now known as Bradford|War3
11:15 -!- SoapX is now known as {soap|bed}
11:16 < {soap|bed}> i never get penis spam either
11:16 < moogsi> haha the "chosen by god" one is epic
11:16 < FastLizard4> heh
11:16 < FastLizard4> moogsi: ikr
11:16 < mareklug> why is it always "chosen by god" and never "god by choice"
11:17 < {soap|bed}> was funny back in 2006-7 but they havent really been updating lately
11:18 < moogsi> mareklug: because as long as God exists, choice is irrelevant?
11:18 < mareklug> I am a proponent of free wheel
11:19 < FastLizard4>
11:19 < FastLizard4> :P
11:19 < Moe_Epsilon> xD
11:19 < moogsi> mareklug: i don't think God really is
11:20 < moogsi> just enough free will to damn yourself
11:20 < moogsi> because if you didn't have any free will then it wouldn't be your fault
11:20 < mareklug> moogsi no, clearly God really is not.  In the words of the Sugarcubes, "Deus Does Not Exist"
11:20 < moogsi> unless you're Catholic in which case it's automatically your fault via original sin
11:20 < mareklug>
11:21 < moogsi> mareklug: i don't think God really is [a proponent of free will]
11:21 < moogsi> *wheel
11:21 < mareklug> wheel
11:21 < mareklug> as in fortuna, or system administrator with all privs. :)
11:22 -!- Bradford|War3 is now known as Bradford|TV
11:23 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:24 < Moe_Epsilon> FastLizard4: ever seen 419eater story about the Nigerian scammers?
11:24 < FastLizard4> Moe_Epsilon: Yeah
11:24 < FastLizard4> I lol'd :P
11:24 -!- Bradford|TV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:24 < Moe_Epsilon> heh :p
11:24 -!- John_Smith [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
11:24 < Moe_Epsilon> I particularly like the sketch they performed
11:25 -!- Bradford|TV is now known as Bradford
11:26 -!- Bradford [] has quit [Changing host]
11:26 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:26 -!- Bradford is now known as Bradford|TV
11:27 < SuicidalZerg> My first email account has, like, several thousand spam emails
11:28 < SuicidalZerg> I'm also getting some on my secondary comcast one, lol
11:28 < mareklug> but none of them are viagra stuff
11:28 < moogsi> i still feel like doing a dramatic reading of that email from Bishop David Oyedekpo PHD, RS, Dip TH.
11:28 < SuicidalZerg> They're persistent. They send the same message 5 times in a row
11:29 -!- Bradford|TV is now known as anderson
11:29 < SuicidalZerg> As if that's gonna get me to read it
11:29 < moogsi> well the principle is volume
11:29 < {soap|bed}> moogsi do it
11:29 < moogsi> throw enough poop and you're bound to hit some stupid people
11:30 < Moe_Epsilon> just checked my e-mail, all my spam e-mail is dated as coming from the year 2050 or something written in chinese
11:30 < ChrisGualtieri> I feel so dirty tagging these articles x-x
11:30 < Moe_Epsilon> most odd
11:30 < moogsi> i'll save it for later, my mic is kinda busted
11:30 -!- John_Smith [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:31 < moogsi> speaking of which, what kind of person does spoken wikipedia? like, is it useful in any way?
11:31 < ChrisGualtieri> How does one make/use a project watchlist?
11:32 < moogsi> i have a silly accent and some vocal training, and an inflated sense of my own worth, is that enough?
11:35 -!- zscout370 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:37 < mareklug> how do I globally change my prefs on every wikipedia to English-language?  it took forever to hunt it down in arabic :)
11:37 -!- {soap|bed} [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed]
11:39 < Qcoder00> mmogsi: Spoken Wikipedia is useful to people that have limited vision
11:40 < Qcoder00> I just wish someone would start doing Spoken Wikisource ;)
11:40 < Qcoder00> (Librivox does a lot of things... but...)
11:40 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:41 < mareklug> وهذا هو أفضل صورة لدينا على كومنز، وأنها كانت على أفضل صورة كان علينا منذ عام 2008.
11:42 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
11:43 < Isarra> We're all going to die.
11:43 < mareklug> yeah, but from old age.
11:44 < Moe_Epsilon> well not all of us
11:44 < Moe_Epsilon> >_>
11:44 < Moe_Epsilon> <_<
11:44 < Isarra> Many, probably.
11:44 < Isarra> I'll probably get trampled by a pack of muskoxen, though.
11:46 < russavia> the FBI will be right with you mareklug
11:46 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon what's arz?  azeri?
11:47 < russavia> arz is egyptian arabic
11:47 < russavia> ?
11:47 < mareklug> russavia all your base are belong to us.  that includes Bishkek, fucker.
11:47 < mareklug> fuck.  how do I generate Egyptian arabic
11:47 < Moe_Epsilon> yes, egyptian arabix
11:47 < Moe_Epsilon> arabic*
11:47 < russavia> oh, you still have aircraft left there, cockbreathe?
11:47 < SuicidalZerg> mareklug, what time is it where you live? O_o
11:47 < mareklug> cockbreath, I think.  save the e for eliza.
11:48 < mareklug> no time to look back.
11:48 < mareklug> 1:48 pm
11:48 < SuicidalZerg> oh
11:48 < SuicidalZerg> So you must have already went to sleep and woken up :p
11:50 -!- anderson is now known as Bradford
11:50 -!- Bradford is now known as anderson
11:52 < moogsi> mareklug: i would use the brain of someone who speaks egyptian arabic
11:52 < moogsi> failing that, make it up and hope no-one notices
11:54 < mareklug> I did one better. I availed myself of both Persian and Arabic in to figure out what was what and I snippet it to be only the part that said Lyv Tyler and added the requsite 2008 in place of 2012 which uses our …arabic numerals. :)
11:54 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg si
11:55 < moogsi> ohhh... well it beats stealing someone's brain i guess
11:55 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
11:55 < moogsi> or even, asking the person with the brain still attached
11:57 < Demiurge1000> I see Jimbo's talk page is having one of those days.... User talk:Jimbo Wales‎; 17:04 . . (+338)‎ . . ‎Wnt (talk | contribs)‎ (No, this is right - that gangrene affects genitalia Undid revision 553371267 by Delicious carbuncle (talk)) [rollback]
11:57 < moogsi> ahahaah
11:58 < Pharos> count be out of all gangrened genitalia RfCs
11:58 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:59 -!- Maryana is now known as Maryana_lunch
12:00 < moogsi> i hope the argument escalates to the point that it needs to be illustrated
12:00 < zscout370> moogsi: since it is about the Commons, it usually is
12:00  * moogsi flips through Commons' "G" cabinet
12:00 < Qcoder00> moogsi: I'm sure there is contextually appropriate image in a medical journal...
12:00 < mareklug> with Lyv Tyler's pictures!
12:00 < moogsi> gangrene.... gangrene.... genitals...
12:00 < zscout370> Qcoder00: anything DC talks about is Commons related and always had an associated picture with it (either still up or hidden away)
12:01 < ChrisGualtieri> lol
12:01 < ChrisGualtieri> What did they do link the image to Jimbo's page?
12:01 < zscout370> no, the image is linked (or discussed) on a blog, then that blog is linked on Jimbo's talk page
12:01 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
12:02 < moogsi> is this... is this one big troll?
12:02 < moogsi> has DC gone completely over my head
12:02 < moogsi> *i am not reading Jimbo's talk page but that sounds amazing
12:03 -!- Writ_Keeper [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper] has left #wikipedia-en []
12:03 < moogsi> i can't read it any more cos i don't want to shatter the illusion that there's anyone else at Commons except ~3 people DC doesn't like
12:03 < zscout370> no idea and really dgaf at this point
12:03  * zscout370 Commons admin
12:03 < Qcoder00> Is DC pro or anti explicit images at Commons?
12:03 < zscout370> anti
12:03 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away
12:04 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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12:04 < Qcoder00> But there is a place for 'contextually' appropriate medical images from appropriate sources?
12:04 < zscout370> but a lot seems to be images of questionable legality, but I really don't care at this point. I just stick to my corner of the Commons.
12:05 < moogsi> zscout370: did you know that you are a flesh-eating ghoul lording over an army of morally bereft anarchists?
12:05 < mareklug> what is the 3rr warning template?
12:05 < Qcoder00> ROFL
12:05 < zscout370> moogsi: I been called worse
12:05 < moogsi> also you're a paedo
12:06 < moogsi> *probably
12:06 < zscout370> I been called that, but if you can dig back to 2007 or 2008, I am hardly that lol
12:06 < zscout370> I am usually the one banning the pedos
12:06 -!- John_Smith [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
12:07 < moogsi> i just love how it's all COMMONS IS BROKEN SOMETHING MUST BE DONE, and the last thing any of those people has done is say anything at Commons
12:07 < moogsi> they just take one aspect and then go "Commons is x", "Commons administration is x"
12:07 < zscout370> some do not want to go, some have been removed before
12:07 < moogsi> thought i guess Jimbo kicked it off with "Commons is broken", so...
12:07 < Qcoder00> Zscout370: You've been active in removing 'abusers' ?
12:08 < Qcoder00> Zscout370: Award yourself a barnstar :)
12:08 < zscout370> Qcoder00: in the past, but lately, I just been in my hole in the wall or making pizzas for about 50-60 hours a week. Also I design barnstars, so why I need to award one to myself lol
12:09 < Moe_Epsilon> design the zscout barnstar, because f_ck you, that's why
12:10 < Qcoder00> Do we have a banrstar for 'Community Protection Award' ?
12:10 < Moe_Epsilon> and the only one who gets it is you
12:10 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
12:10 < zscout370> Qcoder00: defender of the wiki
12:10 < anderson> Moe_Epsilon:  te amo *.*
12:10 < Qcoder00> As in a barnstar to give to people who have excelled in protecting the community from crime and illegal stuff specfically?
12:11 < zscout370> yes
12:11 < Moe_Epsilon> o-o
12:11  * Qcoder00 ponders if there is a real world award for law enforcement operations that could be adapted...
12:11 < anderson> XD
12:12 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: Queen's Police Medal.
12:12 < anderson> Moe_Epsilon:   my baby :-*
12:12 < zscout370> but really is the Commons broken? I do not believe so. We are not perfect, but the system isn't broken. We are not the Turkish Wikipedia yet, so we still got a good thing going. Just we need more eyes with our ever growing images and tools to cause uploads.
12:13 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:14 < moogsi> no, the bits of Commons that people like to moan about are not ideal, no-one likes to talk about how good Commons is because it's the wikimedia buttmonkey
12:14 < zscout370> I'm still trying to go through my corner of the Commons and finding copyvios from 2009, things that do not meet standards and it is a long process
12:15 < zscout370> I thought Wikispecies or Wikiversity was the buttmonkey
12:15 < moogsi> ok, king of the buttmonkeys
12:16 < zscout370> and why, in your view, we are the buttmonkey?
12:16 -!- anderson is now known as Bradford
12:16 < moogsi> what surprises me is that everyone seems shocked that you can give no moral guidelines to a community and expect a fully developed ethical code to emerge
12:16 -!- Bradford is now known as anderson
12:17 < moogsi> none of the other projects need such a code, and WMF seems surpirsed that the same method for everything else doesn't work at Commons
12:17 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:17 < moogsi> there are 2 outcomes without moral guidance, there is the highest level of censorship, or the lowest
12:17 < moogsi> working towards the middle from either of those positions is extremely difficult
12:18 < moogsi> there's no way that people can be spontaneously ethically moderate
12:18 < Qcoder00> Wikiversity is the as^H^H community mental health support unit
12:18 < Qcoder00> XD
12:19 < zscout370> and with the Commons being the main mulch-lingual project, that was what happened. Most Wikipediae are language based, and also cultural based so there was less issues of that (except on big projects like en, the flagship). But I do think we are trying to get a handle on things, but I think what should have happened is we should have got our ducks in a row before we started to kill local uploads.
12:20 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:20 < moogsi> yeah, that and MediaWiki is entirely the wrong software to be using
12:21 < moogsi> but really, i think it's the buttmonkey because it serves everything else... no-one else is interested until there is something they don't like
12:21 < zscout370> I do not personally blame the software, but if there was a way I could, perhaps search for files using a certain extension, it would make my life easier
12:21 < NotASpy> Commons needs a community, it's always felt a bit, I dunno, cold and uninvolving.
12:21 < legoktm> zscout370: thats pretty easy using the db....
12:21 < zscout370> NotASpy: that is true, I must admit
12:21 < moogsi> NotASpy: there aren't enough people
12:22 < moogsi> whenever there is a meta-discussion which is even tangentially related to a problem with scope or ethics, everyone floods in from other projects to say NO THIS IS CENSORSHIP, prevents any discussion or progress, and then fucks off again
12:24 < moogsi> which is why Commons seems amoral i think... actually getting any policy in place that would require people to remove material based on anything other than the letter of the law is very tiring
12:24 < moogsi> and of course if you are using only the law as guidance then you will come off as baby-eating rapists
12:26 < zscout370> and that is even in doubt; what laws do we use. While we try and use both US and country of origin laws (if not in the US) and that is even in doubt a lot of times.
12:26 < mareklug> moogsi I am so proud of myself.  I wrote up a cutline in Welsh, and edit summary
12:26 < moogsi> mareklug: nice :)
12:27 < mareklug> and now Czech
12:27 < mattbuck> baby-eating rapists are the best kind of rapists
12:28 < zscout370> moogsi: because when US copyright law became worse, people were looking to ignore it and it was like "wha?"
12:28 < moogsi> like you say, ducks in a row... the project mission could have been clearer
12:28 < moogsi> it's way too ambitious for the amount of people actually interested in working on it
12:29 < zscout370> the mission is clear, but to achieve that mission and the rules of engagement wasn't
12:29 < zscout370> (I'm sounding like my dad now)
12:29 < mareklug> and Danish
12:29 < mareklug> which wiki is diq?
12:30 < moogsi> i mean clearer to the people setting it out... "we need to respect the law in the country of origin and the US" "OK COOL that sounds very freeing" "YEAH FREEDOM"
12:30 < moogsi> implementation-wise it's a complete clusterfuck
12:30 < moogsi> what's one level above a clusterfuck?
12:31 < moogsi> diq = Zazaki
12:31 < zscout370> zazaki
12:31 < mattbuck> uhm
12:31 < mattbuck> a congress
12:31 < zscout370> a disaster
12:32 < mareklug> and Greek
12:32 < mareklug> what is "Zazaki"?
12:32 < moogsi> Zazaki, also called Zaza, Kirmanjki, Kirdki and Dimli, is an Indo-European language spoken primarily in eastern Turkey
12:33 < Pharos> indo-european is overdone
12:33  * moogsi starts a new language family
12:34 < Pharos> i suggest basqueopean
12:35 < moogsi> heh, basque is like PFF INDO-WHATEVER
12:36 < moogsi> BUNCH OF FOLLOWERS
12:36 < mareklug> well, they removed their LIv bio.  must not been ency in them parts.
12:42 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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12:45 -!- Guest62090 is now known as Computron_
12:48 < Moe_Epsilon> MBisanz: it has been past 24 hours since Bratsche requested re-sysop, btw
12:48 < MBisanz> Moe_Epsilon: oh, thanks for the heads
12:48  * MBisanz goes tor ead
12:49 < legoktm> o.O
12:49 < legoktm> such an inefficient crat!
12:50  * Moe_Epsilon trouts legoktm
12:50 < Moe_Epsilon> :P
12:50 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F
12:50 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:52 < MBisanz> done
12:52  * Moe_Epsilon updates FORMER
12:53  * MBisanz updated RESYSOPs
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12:54  * mattbuck refuses to update ACRONYM
12:55 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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12:58  * FastLizard4 promotes Moe_Epsilon to Moe_Epsilon
12:59 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:59 < Moe_Epsilon> I'm promoted to myself?
12:59 < FastLizard4> Yes
12:59 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:59 < Moe_Epsilon> I thought I already was a Moe_Epsilon :p
12:59 < FastLizard4> The singularity should form around you in about a minute
13:00 < moogsi> you are now... MOE_ZETA
13:00 -!- woezel [~MaGix@] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:00 < moogsi> no wait... MOE_DELTA
13:00 < moogsi> that's a promotion
13:00 < FastLizard4> No
13:00 -!- woezel [~MaGix@] has quit [Client Quit]
13:00 < FastLizard4> MOE_ALPHA
13:00 < Moe_Epsilon> well actually the next upgrade would be delta, right?
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13:00 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
13:00 < moogsi> well MOE_DELTA is one more step towards MOE_ALPHA
13:00 < FastLizard4> Fine
13:01 < FastLizard4> We'll say MOE_GAMMA and call it a compromise?
13:01 < moogsi> reminds me of Brave New World
13:01 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:01  * Moe_Epsilon magially transforms
13:01 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.]
13:01 -!- Moe_Epsilon is now known as Moe_Gamma
13:01 < Moe_Gamma> magically*
13:01 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as TachyonLizard
13:02 < moogsi> did you.... did you just regenerate?
13:02 < Moe_Gamma> :p
13:02  * TachyonLizard turned into an elementary particle
13:02 < moogsi> what happened to Moe_Delta?
13:02 -!- moogsi is now known as Moe_Delta
13:02  * Moe_Gamma ghosts
13:02 < Moe_Gamma> :P
13:03 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:03 -!- Mike_H is now known as Guest30945
13:03  * TachyonLizard accelerates Moe_Delta to relativistic speeds
13:04  * mattbuck accelerates to irrelevant speeds
13:04 < TachyonLizard> Hmm
13:04 < TachyonLizard> Actually
13:04 -!- TachyonLizard is now known as GluonLizard
13:04 < GluonLizard> There
13:04 < GluonLizard> Now we can have some fun >:D
13:05  * GluonLizard causes all the atoms in mattbuck's body to fly apart
13:05 < Moe_Delta> :o
13:05 < Moe_Gamma> :o
13:05 < mattbuck> wake me up when higgs boson eagle turns up
13:05 < Moe_Delta> you put mattbuck back together at once!
13:05 < Moe_Delta> preferably as a ferret
13:06 < GluonLizard> Hmm, okay
13:06 < Moe_Delta> or a lady
13:06  * GluonLizard starts reassembling nuclei
13:06 < Moe_Delta> whatever, go with what you feel
13:06 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:06 < Moe_Delta> thangkew
13:06  * GluonLizard reassembles mattbuck as a lolcat
13:06 < mattbuck> my boyfriend would probably find me more attractive as a ferret, but a lady... no
13:06 < Moe_Gamma> or maybe you could reassemble him as lcubttak
13:06 < Moe_Gamma> kcubttam *
13:07 -!- zscout370 [~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
13:07 < GluonLizard> I'd have to use antimatter to do that
13:07 < mareklug> זו התמונה הטובה ביותר של שחקנית זה שיש לנו במלאי, וזה הצילום הטוב ביותר שלה שהיו לנו מאז 2008.
13:07 < GluonLizard> And /me isn't antigluonlizard :(
13:07 -!- Guest30945 [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
13:07 < Moe_Delta> bestiality ferret or anthropomorphic furry ferret? :l
13:07 < GluonLizard> Umm
13:07  * GluonLizard backs away, slowly
13:07  * GluonLizard starts flinging positrons at Moe_Delta 
13:07 < mattbuck> I assume he'd prefer the latter
13:08 < Moe_Delta> this is an inevitable conversation at some point in every relationship...
13:08 < Moe_Delta> best to think carefully about it
13:08  * GluonLizard demotes Moe_Delta to Moe_Omega
13:08  * Moe_Delta catches the positrons, put them in a sandwich
13:08 -!- Moe_Delta is now known as Moe_Omega
13:08 < Moe_Gamma> :D
13:08 < Moe_Omega> :(
13:09  * mattbuck initiates the Omega Directive
13:09 < GluonLizard> :O
13:09 < GluonLizard> Omega directive initiated
13:09 < Moe_Omega> *I MAY NOT BE THE ALPHA
13:09 < GluonLizard> This IRC channel is now closed
13:09 -!- Moe_Gamma is now known as Moe_Alpha
13:09 < GluonLizard> mattbuck: Please verify your command authorization codes.
13:09 < NotASpy> and open again. Normally service has been resumed. GluonLizard
13:09 < NotASpy> :p
13:10 < mattbuck> I am a duly authorised Commons admin
13:10 < GluonLizard> NotASpy: Access denid.
13:10 < GluonLizard> mattbuck: Access granted.  An omega particle has been detected as Moe_Omega.
13:10 < mareklug> Ez a legjobb kép a színésznő, hogy mi van a Commons, és ez a legjobb fénykép az neki, hogy mi volt 2008 óta.
13:10  * Moe_Omega uploads the virus using a MacBook
13:10 -!- ragesoss_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:10  * mattbuck wonders what a leg job is
13:10 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
13:11 < mareklug> which wiki is hy?
13:11 < Moe_Alpha> I need a bot, so I can register these names as my alternative accounts xD
13:12 < GluonLizard> Actually, I have a bot that does exactly that :P
13:12 < Moe_Omega> mareklug: Armenian
13:12 < Moe_Alpha> mareklug: that is the Armenian wiki
13:12 < Moe_Alpha> damn you
13:12 < mareklug> thank you, Moe_Alpha and Moe_Omega
13:13 < GluonLizard> rm Moe_*
13:13 < Moe_Alpha> actually I am first
13:13 < Moe_Alpha> I am alpha
13:13 < Moe_Omega> :(
13:13 < Moe_Omega> .o(one day..)
13:14 < mareklug> it's left to right is it not, can someone run this through (mine is occupied):  Լիվ Թայլեր է պրեմիերան է: «անհավատալի ծովագնացության համար անպետք նավի կմախք"
13:14 < mattbuck> open a 2nd translation screen
13:14 < Moe_Alpha> that is ltr, yes
13:15 < mareklug> thanks Moe_Omega ; thanks mattbuck
13:15 < Moe_Omega> haha
13:15 < Moe_Alpha> D: wrong Moe
13:15 < mattbuck> neither of us helped
13:15 < Moe_Omega> NO
13:15 < Moe_Omega> I AM HELPING
13:15 < GluonLizard> Moe_Omega: {{cn}
13:15 < GluonLizard> * {{cn}}
13:15 < mareklug> mattbuck my momma taught me to be polite, mutherfucker
13:16 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
13:16 -!- Moe_Omega is now known as Moe_Upsilon
13:16 -!- Moe_Alpha is now known as Moe_Epsilon
13:16 -!- anderson is now known as anderson|duerme
13:17 < Qcoder00> Greetings humanoise
13:17 < Qcoder00> ;)
13:17 < mareklug> :) :) Liv Tayler at the premiere of "incredible hulk"    <-- perfect translation and reverse translation.
13:18 < Moe_Epsilon> Moe_Upsilon: that's a pretty good one, that will be the first I register if I create a bot/alternate account :p
13:18 < Moe_Upsilon> :)
13:18 < Moe_Upsilon> i'd better change before this gets WEIRD
13:18 -!- Moe_Upsilon is now known as moogsi
13:19 < Moe_Epsilon> thanks xD all these Moes are probably going to confuse people
13:19 < Qcoder00> "Omg It's an Invasion!!"
13:19 < NotASpy> Moe_Epsilon confuses me, any more and my head will explode.
13:20 < Qcoder00> NotASpy:  At least it's not Zombies...
13:20 < GluonLizard> NotASpy's a spy!
13:20 < Moe_Epsilon> :o
13:20  * GluonLizard hides his sentry gun
13:20  * Qcoder00 makes a shuflling sound... ' WINDOWSSSS ... WINDOWSSSS!"
13:20 < Qcoder00> ;)
13:20 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: they get beaten to death to the music of Queen...
13:21 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon and what wiki is io?  Ido?  a language in Nigeria?
13:21 < Qcoder00> To bear fair though a zombie stomp in the UK Did actualyl lead a local authority to review it's civil contingencies plan
13:21 < moogsi> it's like Yoruba
13:21 < moogsi> you know Yoruba
13:22 < Moe_Epsilon> is Ido, mareklug
13:22 < mareklug> an artificial language.  fuck that.  i will write the edit summary in natural Merkin.
13:23 < moogsi> oh yeah Ido is one of those Esperanto/Interlingua things
13:23 < Moe_Epsilon> indeed
13:23 < moogsi> may as well use Lojban
13:23 < Qcoder00> Wikiia has it's own constructed language
13:23 < Qcoder00> ;)
13:23 < Moe_Epsilon> not to be confused with Wikia
13:23 < Qcoder00> I meant Wikia
13:23 < Qcoder00> Argh
13:24 < Qcoder00> Typos...
13:24 < mareklug> "Liv Tyler (n. 1977) esas aktorino."  the entire fucking bio of Liv in Ido.  Who needs this language if it does not get people to write in it.
13:24 < Moe_Epsilon> xD
13:24 < moogsi> it's true... she /esas/ aktorino
13:25 < moogsi> how many articles are 100% accurate?
13:25 < mareklug> bless the Italians.  They kept the good picture.
13:25 < Qcoder00> moogsi:  That depends...
13:25 < Qcoder00> Do you want accuray or truthiness?
13:26 < moogsi> haha i'm sure some of the maths and physics ones are just fine :)
13:26 < moogsi> OH MY GOD YOU CAN SEE HER TITS
13:26 < Moe_Epsilon> wat
13:26 < moogsi> i scrolled down...
13:27 < Moe_Epsilon> oh, you mean Liv Tyler?
13:27 < moogsi> i no longer support this image
13:27  * moogsi deletes the image
13:27 < Moe_Epsilon> you don't support boobs?
13:27 < Moe_Epsilon> :<
13:27 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:28 < mareklug> これは、我々はコモンズに持っているこの女優の最高の画像であり、それは我々が2008年から持っていたことを彼女の最高の写真です。   "超人ハルク"のためのプレミアでリヴ·タイラー
13:29 < anderson|duerme> :<
13:29 < Moe_Epsilon> square square square square square square square square square square
13:29 < moogsi> no, i am in favour of all mammals going extinct
13:29 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
13:29 < moogsi> i don't even like animal boobs
13:29 < Moe_Epsilon> I don't think you're supposed to
13:29 < kondi> do you know Japanese or are just translating?
13:29 < kondi> mareklug: ^
13:30 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~]
13:30 < mareklug> uncle google is helping out.  I actually took a semester in graduate school
13:30 < moogsi> mareklug knows polish, english, welsh, armenian, egyptian arabic and ido
13:30 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
13:30 < moogsi> and japanese
13:31 < mareklug> and finnish, czech, french (he does some), persian, fuck I forget the others.  ah, yes, bahasai indonesia and now georgian.
13:31 < kondi> you're joking right
13:31 < Moe_Epsilon> that must have been some semester..
13:31 < moogsi> i also know armenian look: mlnmhplhmnulnum Dlmlmulljm qlmkmnlnqmlqnm
13:32 < Moe_Epsilon> so many m's
13:32 < moogsi> i had miss nagasue for japanese
13:32 < eeekster> it'd be okay if they were candy
13:33 < moogsi> and miss matsuoka
13:33 < mareklug> no you don't, sir.  this is georgian.  isn't it georgious?  ლივ ტაილერი
13:33 < mareklug> that;s Live Tyler in Georgian.
13:33 < mareklug> the gorgious Liv in georgious georgian
13:34 < Moe_Epsilon> I know Georgian too then apparently ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
13:34 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:34 < moogsi> "You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this deer and go home!"
13:35 -!- John_Smith [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:35 < GluonLizard> moogsi: ...That looks so fake
13:35 < moogsi> this is a real thing which exists.
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13:35 < GluonLizard> Wow
13:35 < GluonLizard> Pfft, people these days
13:36 < GluonLizard> I fire my rifles with the sight built in on the barrel, thank you very much
13:36 < moogsi> it's what you see when you look into this
13:37 < moogsi> also it probably plays the title theme from Terminator 2
13:37 < Moe_Epsilon> isn't the point of hunting supposed to be a challenge?
13:37 -!- rindolf [~shlomif@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
13:37 < GluonLizard> Moe_Epsilon: The point of *gun sports* in general is the challenge of aiming the gun
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13:37 < GluonLizard> So yeah
13:37 < Moe_Epsilon> yeah, how is aiming that kind of a gun a challenge?
13:37 < Moe_Epsilon> :P
13:37 < GluonLizard> Exactly
13:38 < GluonLizard> If I wanted a scope like that, I might as well build the rest of the robot to shoot the gun for me :P
13:38 < moogsi> :)
13:38 < GluonLizard> By the way, it bothers me how many people don't know how to use a scoped rifle properly :P
13:38 < Moe_Epsilon> A deer-hunting robot..
13:40 < mareklug> Kazakhs also kept the good picture.  And not because the fucking fuck fucker wasn't there.  You can tell the land of Borat can into nice taste.
13:41 -!- koishi [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:44 < mareklug> 이것은 우리가 풍경, Photo에서 가지고있는이 배우의 최고의 이미지입니다, 그리고 우리는 2008 년부터 가지고 한 그녀의 최고의 사진입니다. "믿을 수없는 노후 선"의 초연에 리브 타일러
13:46 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:48 < mareklug> Optimus ille est imago mima in usu habemus, et illius, quam habebat cum photograph sit amet MMVIII. Liv Tyler summus ad in "Truncum incredibili"
13:48 < mareklug> Habemas Liv!
13:48 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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13:48 < mareklug> or is it Livam?   it declines in Latin, doesn't it?
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13:49 -!- kondi [~konarak@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: night folks]
13:50 -!- Maryana_lunch is now known as Maryana
13:50 < mareklug> Dit is het beste beeld van deze actrice die we hebben op Commons, en het is de beste foto van haar die we sinds 2008 hebben gehad. Liv Tyler bij de première van "The Incredible Hulk"
13:51 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Quit: Cheerio!]
13:51 < moogsi> i don't think The Incredible Hulk got a release in the Vatican
13:51 < moogsi> though i would like to see the dubbed version
13:52 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:52 < mareklug> i love the title just the same
13:52 < Qcoder00> Sounds like a spelll
13:52 < moogsi> and yes you decline personal names in Latin
13:52 < mareklug> moving right along.  Liv Tyler på premiere for "The Incredible Hulk"
13:52 < moogsi> boring
13:52 < moogsi> is that Swedish?
13:52 < mareklug> Dette er det beste bildet av denne skuespilleren som vi har på Commons, og det er den beste fotografi av henne som vi har hatt siden 2008.
13:53 < moogsi> yes :)
13:53 < mareklug> close.  it is norwegia
13:53 < mareklug> n
13:53 < moogsi> aw
13:53 < Qcoder00> Is it me or am I seeing cunning Linguists on Wikipedia?
13:53 < Qcoder00> XD
13:54 < mareklug> compare to Swedish, moogsi Detta är den bästa bilden av denna skådespelerska som vi har på Commons, och det är det bästa fotografiet av henne som vi har haft sedan 2008. Liv Tyler på premiären av "The Incredible Hulk"
13:54 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:54 < mareklug> the giveaway is "og" which is easy to spot.  and
13:54 < IDoH> hey
13:54 < moogsi> yeah it didn't look like quite enough As to be Swedish :P
13:55 < Peter-C> napkins are a vegetable
13:55 < Peter-C> They come from plants
13:55 < Qcoder00> Hi Peter-C
13:55 < IDoH> LOL, Peter-C.
13:55 < moogsi> uh.. false
13:55 -!- MouthOfSauron [9c6e52de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:55 < moogsi> no wait true
13:55 < moogsi> no false
13:55 < Peter-C> Pizzas are a vegetable
13:55 < Peter-C> Why not napkins
13:56 < moogsi> pizzas are no longer a vegetable
13:57 < moogsi> napkins are of questionable edibility
13:57 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:57 < moogsi> i can back this up with a gross anecdote
14:00 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:00 < Qcoder00> Vegtables?
14:00 < Qcoder00> Aren't chips a vegteable?
14:01 < IDoH> Aren't freezer pops fruit?
14:01 < IDoH> Hey MouthOfSauron and koishi.
14:01 < MouthOfSauron> ...
14:01 < MJ94> mareklug: !
14:02 < mareklug> IDoH what are freezer pops?
14:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tsarnaev's friends 'social animals'
14:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> huh? Furries? :p
14:03 < Qcoder00> mareklug:  A 'freezer' pop is a pouch of fruit juice you freeze to make an ice pop...
14:04 < IDoH> mareklug: and what this boy is eating:
14:04 < Qcoder00> not dissimilar to a frozen ice lolly or dessert.
14:04 < IDoH> Wikipedia is your friend. ;-)
14:04  * jorm sighs.
14:05 < IDoH> what is it, jorm?
14:05 < jorm> oh. i got a cease-and-desist letter from a company in russia about my domain name.
14:05 < jorm> i registered it in 1995; this company didn't exist until 2006.
14:05 < mareklug> IDoH right now wikipedias, plural, are my row to hoe.  I am undoing a fucking self-promoting illustrator to the starz.'
14:05 < Qcoder00> You have prior art?
14:05 < jorm> but it's just a pain in th eass.
14:05 < jorm> yeas.
14:05 < jorm> yes.  prior art.
14:05 < Qcoder00> Well can you prove it?
14:05 < Qcoder00> :)
14:06 < IDoH> Maybe you should give THEM a cease and desist letter, jorm!
14:06 < jorm> i don't really have to.  the domain has been in use continuoulsy since 1995.
14:06 < mareklug> jorm what is the domain name, if you can tell?
14:06 < Qcoder00> If you can prove prior art, then offer them a cross licensing deal
14:06 < jorm>
14:06 < jorm> it's not a secret.
14:06 < mareklug> just get yourself
14:06 < jorm> anyways. they are demanding that i give them the domain, and it's a bullying tactic.
14:07 < Qcoder00> jorm:  Do you use the domain for anything business related?
14:07 < mareklug> do they have a legit case?
14:07 < jorm> so i called a friend who is a lawyer and has spoken in front of the supreme court about trademark and internet copyright and he's called them to put the Fear into them and now i'm just waiting.
14:07 < jorm> no, they don't have a legitimate case.
14:07 < moogsi> no of course not
14:07 < jorm> it's frivolous.  i don't think they did research into who i am.
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14:07 < Qcoder00> jorm:  Fear of Lawyer?
14:07 < Qcoder00> ;)
14:08 < jorm> to think i can be bullied like this, or don't have access to high-end attorneys.
14:08 < mareklug> jorm if I understand you right, they came into existence after you were already using the domain?
14:08 < jorm> about 11 years after, yes.
14:08 < moogsi> it's a dumb thing to call your company anyway
14:08 < mareklug> well, that is laughable.  they are wasting their time and exposing themselves to a sorry lawsuit
14:08 < jorm> well, my guy told them "If you don't back off, you'll be walking into a buzzsaw, and we'll seek sanctions, and your client will lose a LOT of money."
14:08 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|meeting
14:09 < Qcoder00> and create a diplomatic incident ;)
14:09 < mareklug> jorm it is them who need a better lawyer.
14:09 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE
14:09 < jorm> smrt people in this room can probably guess who my lawyer is.
14:09 < moogsi> from an IP perspective; every company on the internet should be a made-up word, like SPMOONSH
14:09 < moogsi> or HURPTR
14:09 < moogsi> or whatever short domain manes are still available
14:09 < moogsi> *names
14:10 < jorm> right.  "gaijin" is a normal word in japan, which is commonly used in english.
14:10 < jorm> plus, i actually might have an inverse case about their trademarks.  they called for them long after i had been operating as 'gaijin' and providing entertainment from that venue.
14:11 < Qcoder00> jorm: They sent you a letter? Did they ask you not to publish it? XD
14:11 < jorm> i am going to wait until I have the go-ahead from counsel to publish.
14:11 < Qcoder00> jorm: I assume you know about chilling effect ;)
14:11 < jorm> i'm assuming that tehy don't know about the streisand effect.
14:12 < Qcoder00> They are Russian you say?
14:12 < jorm> yes.
14:12 < moogsi> well "gaijin" has actually been in the OED for a while... i don't know to what extent you can argue that it's a naturalized English word
14:12 < jorm> lawyers are in virginia, though.
14:12 < moogsi> you couldn't trademark it in the UK for example
14:13 < jorm> i'm surprised you could trademark it in the US>
14:13 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away
14:14  * Qcoder00 lols...." Player 1 attacks with fireball,  Player 2 attacks with LAWSUIT!   Player 1 Fatality!!"
14:16 < jorm> i am not Afraid.  I just fucking hate bullies.  of all kinds.
14:16 < moogsi> they haven't got a leg to stand on imo, it's just annoying
14:16 < moogsi> they're just doing it hoping you'll be clueless and roll over i suppose
14:17 < Qcoder00> moogsi:  They are russian, it could be about money...
14:17 < moogsi> maybe you could... come to an amicable agreement
14:17 < moogsi> sell for mad $$$$$
14:17 < mareklug> (przywracam nasze najlepsze zdjęcie aktorki na Commons. Było tu od 200 r.; nie mamy lepszego. Uwaga na zepsuja:ład/ obecnie
14:17 < mareklug> obvious typo, erm.
14:17 < moogsi> mareklug: yes.
14:18 -!- jonathan` [~farnhamj@2a03:ca80:8000:7673::16] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:18 < moogsi> i agree
14:18 -!- jonathan` [~farnhamj@2a03:ca80:8000:7673::16] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:19 < jorm> i'd sell the domain for $BIGNUM.
14:19 < jorm> but i don't think they want to spend a dime.
14:20 -!- koishi [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:21 < mareklug> is there really a predefined system variable BIGNUM anywhre, or are you lisping?
14:24 -!- tttb [] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:25 < mareklug> russavia Russia into pretty blue toga Liv even without my correction!
14:26 < jorm> I always saw $BIGNUM as a perl thing.
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14:26 < jorm> it's a thing friends of mine have used since the 90s with each other.
14:26 < mareklug> jorm didn't you know that the Bignum data type was a linked list implementation of arbitrarily large integers in Lisp since before Common Lisp? :) :)
14:26 < jorm> i never learned lisp.
14:27 < Qcoder00> Oh comeone who uses LISP now that we have SCHEME!
14:27 < jorm> ((((it was alwasy ((((too)))) hard to ((read))))))
14:27 < mareklug> it was used at MIT on Symbolics Lisp Machines and the MIT lisp machines that Stallman built.
14:28 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:28 < mareklug> jorm it is a lovely language, it just requires competent pretty-printing.  which the function (pretty-print) will do for ya.  that and emacs as editor. :)
14:28 < Qcoder00> There is one true editor, and Stallman is it's coder ;)
14:28 < jorm> i used to know enough lisp to handle my .emacsrc
14:29 < mareklug> Qcoder00 to this day Ford or some such use Lisp to design their cars
14:29 < jorm> have you ever met james gosling?  he is now an emacs denier.
14:29 < mareklug> can't believe that.
14:29 < jorm> and yet, it is true.
14:29 < mareklug> after his lisp and emacs for the vax when he was at CMU
14:30  * Qcoder00 ponders if you can consider Emacs users a subculture, and thus 'haters' can be prosecuted in Manchester...
14:30 < Qcoder00> ;)
14:30 < jorm> "There are better editors than EMACS".  - James Gosling, to me, 2011.
14:30 -!- Kraps [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/kraps] has joined #wikipedia-en
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14:30 < mareklug> I wonder what he thinks of Java now.
14:30 < jorm> A good question.
14:31 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:31 < jorm> (I actually know the answer, but it would not be in good faith for me to reveal the response)
14:31 < jorm> (it's bound up in his departure from sun.)
14:31 < mareklug> hmmm
14:31  * tommorris slings the Vim, but hasn't got quite enough fingers for Emacs.
14:31 < jorm> i know enough vi to compile emacs.
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14:31 < Isarra> I know how to quit vi.
14:32 < tommorris> the project I've been doing at work has mostly been TextMate2
14:32 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:32 < tommorris> but still a lot of MacVim and console Vim. ;)
14:32 < mareklug> i know enough vi to emergency edit a /etc/inittab so I can log in without the GUI and then escape :wq to save my changes. :) :) :)
14:32 < Isarra> I like nano.
14:32 < jorm> [esc]:q!
14:32 < mareklug> nano is ok,  it is emacs with harder leaving the buffer.
14:33 < d_> I recommend using foot pedals to make emacs easier
14:33 < tommorris> Nano would be alright if they got rid of those ridiculous keyboard chording commands.
14:33 < d_> Although, there was some guy who actually hooked up a foot pedal to vim for some reason
14:33 < Qcoder00> hi tommorris
14:33 < d_>
14:33 < tommorris> What you really need is some kind of modal editing setup so you can charge around documents at high speed.
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14:33 < mareklug> it will be implanted in our brains
14:34 < jorm> tommorris am i the only one who deletes spam from the mailing list?
14:34 < mareklug> then we will be making thinkos instead of typos
14:34 < d_> I don't know if I wanna see people's thinkos
14:34 < tommorris> jorm: no, I do too. but not this week because I've been crazy mad busy
14:34 < jorm> it's so weirdly low-traffic that MOST of the traffic is spam.
14:35 -!- anderson [] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:35 < mareklug> russavia I LUV RUSSIA!!!Тайлер,_Лив&diff=next&oldid=45530253
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14:46 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:46 < petan> anyone want to try irc client I made ^^
14:47 < petan> I need teh feedback XD
14:48 < Demiurge1000> petan: I wouldn't install any software made by someone sharing a name so close to that of a traitor to France!
14:49 < petan> Demiurge1000 are you using huggle?
14:49 < petan> this is a nickname, my name is Peter :P
14:49 < mareklug> To je najboljša podoba te igralke, ki ga imamo na Commons, in to je najboljša fotografija od nje, da smo imeli od leta 2008. Liv Tyler na premieri za "The Incredible Hulk"
14:49 < Demiurge1000> petan: Not fooled! Just trying to anglicise yourself! Like that guy "Fred" (erick)
14:50 < petan> lol so petan is a name in France?
14:50 < petan> in Czech it is something like Pete in english
14:50 < petan> or whatever you say :x
14:52 < mareklug> Petan
14:52 < mareklug> see, if you capitalize it it looks cesky
14:53 < mareklug> if youleave it petan, it reads like a French bicycle derailleur
14:53 < petan> aha
14:54 < petan> I dont like any capital letters in irc nicknames :P
14:54 < mareklug> but in real life you are Petan
14:54 < petan> it is like file name on unix with capital letters :D
14:54 < petan> in real life I am Petr
14:54 < mareklug> petan it is, in MacOS X.  the long name.  the short posix name is lowercased
14:55 < petan> well I said i dont like it not that it isnt possible to make it in unix
14:55 < mareklug> well you are preaching to the choir, as the saying goes.
14:55 -!- Fei_Hua [46c506af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:55 < mareklug> Ово је најбоља слика овог глумица која имамо о парламента, а то је најбоља фотографија она које смо имали од 2008. Лив Тајлер на премијери за "Тхе Инцредибле Хулк"
14:56 < petan> I understand part of this
14:56 < petan> I think 2008 is a year
14:56 -!- Fei_Hua [46c506af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
14:56 < mareklug> here, let me help you since I already did that part:  To je nejlepší obraz Lyv Tyler máme na Commons, a to je nejlepší fotografie z ní, že jsme měli od roku 2008.
14:56 < petan> you guys are missing opportunity to install the best irc client in a world XD
14:57 < Krenair> Wtf?
14:57 < petan> Lyv Tyler? Isnt she Liv?
14:57 < Krenair> Are you allowed to remove another user's comments?
14:57 < mareklug> fuck.  it changed it on me.
14:57 < mareklug> it's ok in the article
14:57 < petan> Krenair you are allowed to do anything :D
14:57 < mareklug> i did not catch it in the copy and paste to the edit summary
14:57 < Krenair> on a discussion page
14:57 < petan> but just until the midnight... sssh
14:58 < mareklug> Krenair it is in bad form to do anything to someone else's comments unless you are hiding a personal attack and other such.
14:58 < mareklug> or as was the case in my case, removing a section from an article talk page that was stale, irrelevant and confusing.
14:59 < mareklug> and 3 years old
14:59 < Krenair> It's Philippe Beaudette removing a section of WT:Notifications linking to a private bug in his summary -.-
15:00 < Krenair> I can't even see that bug mostly because of my age
15:00 -!- MouthOfSauron [9c6e52de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:00 < Krenair> Forget wontfixing it
15:02 -!- IH|meeting is now known as Ironholds
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15:16 < jorm> So, my lawyer, Mike Godwin, says that the fact that "gaijin" is in the OED is pretty much an open and shut thing.
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15:21 < Demiurge1000> jorm, I always wondered who Mike worked for after WMF... I could've checked online, but now I know.
15:21 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon  zh is traditional Chinese, yes?  not Simplified?
15:21 < jorm> He's working in DC now.
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15:21 < mareklug> jorm um, Mike is fibbing here.  "apple" is in OED as well. :)
15:22 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
15:23 < Moe_Epsilon> mareklug: well there is and there is
15:23 < mareklug> no, classical chinese is a different bear altogether
15:23 < mareklug> is there a simplified wiki?
15:23 < Moe_Epsilon> there's no simplified wiki
15:24 < Moe_Epsilon> so I think they are both on zh
15:24 < mareklug> now I am confused.  surely wctaiwan's traditional chinese is not the ideograms the communists use, the simplified.
15:25  * Moe_Epsilon wouldn't know s:
15:25 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:26 < Moe_Epsilon> there are different dialects of Chinese, such as gan chinese, min-nan and cantonese, but those are thier own wikis
15:26 < Moe_Epsilon> only other ones are zh and zh classical and classical is its own
15:27 < mareklug> 麗芙·泰勒  well this is Liv Tyler on zh and in google when i select Chinese Traditional
15:27 < mareklug> and this is when I select Chinese simplified: 丽芙·泰勒
15:28 < mareklug> except for the first ideogram, they are identical
15:28 < moogsi> well only some of the characters are simplified
15:28 < mareklug> 丽芙·泰勒
15:28 < Moe_Epsilon> well 麗芙·泰勒 is a redirect to 莉芙·泰萊
15:29 < mareklug> actually the last one is from zh
15:29 < Moe_Epsilon> on
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15:29 < moogsi>
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15:30 < mareklug> so Moe_Epsilon was right -- both are zh.  and I was right: zh-classical is a different animal.
15:30 < mareklug> thank you both.
15:31 < Moe_Epsilon> yep, zh-classical is very different
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15:52 < Pownerus> !admin delete
15:52 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
15:52 < NotASpy> Pownerus: what ?
15:52 < Pownerus> look that use [[User:Iván Darío Moreno Piraquive]]
15:52 -!- TheChance [] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:53 < Pownerus> he is making spam and posting things without references
15:53 < BewareofDoug> Hey sDrewth are you around?
15:53 -!- dendodge [~dendodge@unaffiliated/dendodge] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:53 < BewareofDoug> oops, wrong room
15:54 < Pownerus> also the spanish text is full-mouthed
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15:56 < NotASpy> what does the text say - Google Translate says it's some gay stuff but I can't tell if it's problematic.
15:56 -!- sdamashek is now known as sd|dinner
15:57 < Pownerus> that ip post some things
15:57 < Pownerus> in the user
15:57 < Pownerus> page
15:57 < Pownerus> plese just erase the edits of the ip
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15:59 < Pownerus> ...
16:02 < NotASpy> Pownerus: all sorted now.
16:03 < mareklug> finally!  I have managed to get Liv Tyler back to her beautiful visage cum shiny blue dress and excellent photo on all wikipedias, and double-checked my work.  Meanwhile some inconsiderate person clobbered the image while making reasonable fixes otherwise just minutes after my edit on the Slovak wikipedia.  This took yet more of my time to address in both English and Slovak….  but I am DONE.
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16:03 < Pownerus> thanks
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16:04 < mareklug> 49 wikipedias in all.
16:05 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon ^^ no automated edits.  I will never hit even 30k at that clip
16:06 -!- sd|dinner is now known as sdamashek
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16:09 < Moe_Epsilon> heh
16:09 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has joined #wikipedia-en
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16:10 < Moe_Epsilon> mareklug: I'm too lazy to make manual edits anymore :<
16:11 < mareklug> I never bothered to look into Abw, huggle, twinkle and whatever.  I only use the flckr tool to get images from flckr to commons when I can.
16:12 < Moe_Epsilon> oh, yeah, the flickr tool is nice. I have AWB, but I hardly even use it lol
16:12 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into]
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16:13  * IDoH basically only uses automated tools at this point.
16:13  * Moe_Epsilon has lost a lot of motivation to edit outside of requests from people
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16:28 < ihaveamac> there's already a bug with the new notification system on wikipedia
16:28 < ihaveamac> bots that do minor edits on user talk pages still notify the user
16:29 < mareklug> IDoH but you don't write content, and I do.
16:29 < IDoH> I suppose so, mareklug.
16:29 < mareklug> ihaveamac still annoy the user, you meant
16:30 < ihaveamac> my page was archived by a bot and I was still *annoyed*
16:31 < mareklug> i feel that my 48-wiki restoration of Liv Tyler is the most fucking awesome barnstar in its own distributed form. :)
16:34 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:34 < mareklug> VLAB, Very Large Array Barnstar   sort of like this, but less useful:
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16:50 < legoktm> ihaveamac: there's a patch in the works for that
16:50 < ihaveamac> legoktm: ok
16:50 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:51 < ihaveamac> I miss the orange bar honestly, it would creep me out making me think "what did I do wrong?"
16:51 < ChrisGualtieri> They are already trying to control the budding Wikiproject x-x....
16:51 < ihaveamac> but I'll use the new notifications
16:52 -!- lukas23 is now known as lukas|away
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16:53 < Moe_Epsilon> I hated that orange bar, good riddance
16:53  * Jasper_Deng concurs
16:53 < ihaveamac> "Orange Bar of Doom"
16:53 < ihaveamac>
16:55 < Moe_Epsilon> honestly an idea I would like implemented is a JavaScript bubble that alerts you in the (maybe) bottom right of the screen that fades in/fades out that alerts you of talk page messages
16:55 < Moe_Epsilon> then if you don't answer it, then red dot at the top
16:56 < Moe_Epsilon> I'm sure someone has created something like that for personal use :P
16:56 < ihaveamac> I might try it
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16:56 < ihaveamac> if I can figure out how to
16:56 < ihaveamac> and caching does not put me off
16:57 < IDoH> ihaveamac: I thought the same thing when I saw the orange bar!
16:57 < ihaveamac> the notification is far less scary
16:57 < ihaveamac> even though it provides almost the same information
16:57 < IDoH> Yup
16:57 -!- ChrisGualtieri [ae3ebae3@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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16:58 < ihaveamac>
16:59 < Moe_Epsilon> heh
17:00 < Moe_Epsilon> I mostly have anxiety on Wikipedia because even when I am barely communicating with anyone on Wikipedia, I am still criticized heavily
17:01 < ihaveamac> I don't get involved enough to get that many comments about me
17:01 < ihaveamac> and I've been editing less and less
17:01 < ihaveamac> Minecraft has been eating my life, as well as school
17:01 < Moe_Epsilon> I made a couple comments on one AN/I thread, for the first time in months, and WO says Wikipedia is better off when I am banned
17:01 < Moe_Epsilon> o_O
17:02 < ihaveamac> i have yet to have any real comments about me
17:02 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
17:02 < pion> guys
17:02 < pion> let's all change our nicks to physics nicks.
17:02 < pion> cause we're awesome like that.
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17:03 < ihaveamac> E=mc²
17:03 < Moe_Epsilon> ihaveamac: they were discussing Wikidata and they said they didn't know any of the administrators. The only ones they identied were PinkAmpersand, and me
17:03 < ihaveamac> hehe, I don't know if it's relevant
17:03 < Moe_Epsilon> then posted a picture of me
17:03 < Moe_Epsilon> lol
17:04 < ihaveamac> I'm a rollbacker at wikidata
17:04 < ihaveamac> but I mostly rollback one tag
17:04 < Moe_Epsilon> identified*
17:05 < ihaveamac> I believe over 50% of my edits to WD are rollbacks
17:05 < ihaveamac> yet I get no recognition
17:05 < ihaveamac> and I don't think I should
17:07 < Moe_Epsilon> lol
17:07 < ihaveamac>
17:07 < ihaveamac> here's my list of contributions
17:07  * Moe_Epsilon gives ihaveamac a cookie in recognition for his good edits
17:07 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
17:07 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:07 < ihaveamac> I spend a minute or two (or more) going through
17:07 < IDoH> Moe_Epsilon: I get criticized a lot, too, but most of it is personal attacks by people I reverted.
17:07 < ihaveamac> and reverting IPs that add language names to descriptions
17:07 -!- Mike_H is now known as Guest55057
17:08 -!- Guest55057 is now known as Mike_HH
17:08 < ihaveamac> I'm wondering if it's done on purpose; I swear I saw one IP add "english" to the description
17:09 < ihaveamac> when I think it's people who are trying to translate the page
17:09 < Moe_Epsilon> IDoH: yeah, it's mostly because I used to be a real jerk sometimes :p I'll admit that. I've been using Wikipedia since 2004, so I've dragged a lot of detractors to me by now xD
17:10 < ihaveamac> I joined 2008
17:10 < ihaveamac> after unintentionally "vandalizing" an already-vandalized page
17:10 < ihaveamac> rarely made any edits until 2012
17:10 < IDoH> Moe_Epsilon: When I was a teenager, whenever I would get a lot of criticism, I'd take a Wikibreak for several months, sometimes even a year or so, and get a new account. WP:CLEANSTART.
17:11 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Quit: Maryana]
17:11 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
17:11 < Moe_Epsilon> I've stupidly stayed with this account for far too long :P
17:11 < Moe_Epsilon> but it's okay
17:11 < ihaveamac> this is the spot where my rollbacks originate
17:11 < ihaveamac>
17:12 < ihaveamac> I also go and mark undone ones as patrlled
17:13 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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17:13 < ihaveamac> I don't go on both wikipedia or wikidata as much now
17:13 < ihaveamac> :c
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17:15 < Moe_Epsilon> :<
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17:17 < ihaveamac> I would say the nice thing about being unnoticed is I don't get complaints
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17:19 < Moe_Epsilon> it is a nice feeling, not being bothered as much.
17:19 < ihaveamac> there's positives and negatives to being irrelevant :D
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17:36 < IDoH> Yeah, honestly, ihaveamac, I don't get a lot of complaints, either.
17:36 < IDoH> And I actually get a decent amount of compliments
17:37 < ihaveamac> are you as unnoticed as I am?
17:37 < IDoH> Eh. Probably not. I think I'm close, though
17:37 < IDoH> I give a lot of {{wikithanks}}, though.
17:37 < ihaveamac> I consider myself very unnoticed and irrelevant
17:38 < ihaveamac> but I don't have to deal with a lot of stuff at that
17:38 < ihaveamac> c:
17:38 < ihaveamac> I prefer to stay like that
17:38 < IDoH> Wikipedia is down, I think.
17:38 < ihaveamac> so I don't get involved in big things then get banned or something
17:38 < ihaveamac> it's up for me
17:39 < MJ94> lag
17:39 < IDoH> It's in read only mode
17:39 < ihaveamac> time to /join #wikipedia
17:40 < IDoH> Heh, I already joined it, without it I wouldn't know to check/ask about it
17:40 < IDoH> ;-)
17:40 < ihaveamac> $wgReadOnly
17:42 -!- Nickinator [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:42 < ihaveamac> while wikipedia is locked...
17:42 < ihaveamac>
17:42 < ihaveamac> I found that in RC
17:43 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
17:44 < IDoH> LOL
17:44 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:49 < Moe_Epsilon> don't worry Commons might have some
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18:01 < mareklug> IDoH mattbuck  Kate Bush - Army Dreamers
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18:08 < ihaveamac> wikipedia's back up
18:08 < ihaveamac> or
18:08 < ihaveamac> unlocked
18:08 < ihaveamac> go back to your editing
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19:24 < Amqui>
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19:30 < Swob> how tall is Kim Jong Un, anyway, I wonder.  Probably no official measurements
19:30 < Swob> I know his father was embarrassed about being 5'3"
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19:32 < Swob> Korea is supposedly the tallest nation in East Asia
19:36 < Swob> whoa
19:37 < Swob> one report says 5'9 and 198lbs
19:37 < Swob> I guess he is kind of chubby
19:37 < IDoH> North Koreans are shorter than South Koreans, on average, but I'm sure Kim Jong Un was given plenty of food in his childhood.
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19:40 < Moe_Epsilon> I have a public account now :)
19:41 < Swob> cute
19:41 -!- Moe_Epsilon is now known as Moe_Upsilon
19:42 < Moe_Upsilon> registering before anyone else does >_>
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19:44 < Swob> then again, who am i calling chubby
19:44  * Swob gets on the scale agian
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19:45 < Swob> nearing 180 it seems
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19:57 < closedmouth> how tall are you though?
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20:02 < Swob> 5'6
20:02 < Swob> so BMI is about 29, so considered "overweight"
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20:05 < Moe_Epsilon> BMI is a lie
20:07 < Shirik> BMI is stupid
20:07 < Shirik> fat-muscle ratio is important
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20:07 < Shirik> or really just fat %
20:07 < IShadowed> Shirik has str 7
20:07 < Shirik> ^
20:07 < Swob> yeah I know
20:08 < Swob> I dont take it *too* seriously, but the relative change of my weight is still important
20:08 < Swob> e.g. I was 160 a few years ago and now 180, Im pretty sure those 20 pounds arent all muscle
20:08 < BlastHardcheese> BMI is a perfectly fine back-of-the-envelope estimation for non-athletes
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20:17 < juancarlos> Good evening, Wikipedians.
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20:19 < Amqui> buenas tardes juancarlos
20:19 < juancarlos> Buenas.
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20:20 < Amqui> hola Bradford
20:20 < Bradford> hola
20:21 -!- zz_Nascar1996 is now known as nas
20:21 < juancarlos> como estamos?
20:21 -!- YE|84-85SWIO is now known as YE|BRB
20:22 < Amqui> esta buene
20:22 < Amqui> y tu?
20:22 < Bradford> o_O
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20:26 < juancarlos> Everz: Hi.
20:26 < juancarlos> The first step would be to undo those edits and to post on that specific user's talk page.
20:27 < juancarlos> If at that point it happens again (with no traction on the user's talk page) you could post on
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20:28 < Everz> allright, as i said on teh other chan. Im not experienced at all in the workings of wikipedia, i just think it reaked of personal oppionion, I checked some dictators pages, and they came off as better guys
20:29 < juancarlos> Hah. You could just remove any of that language you think is opinion.
20:29 < juancarlos> It's kind of the norm to be bold (in editing articles), then someone can revert, then discussion happens.
20:29 < Everz>
20:29 < Everz> as you can see, it seems to get re-added by the same guy
20:30 < Everz> after someone removes it
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20:31 < Everz> Im sure you have thousands of pages that are more important than this, but my main objective was to see if i could report it somehow and get an experienced guy to look it over
20:32 < juancarlos> i can look in a moment.
20:34 < closedmouth>
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20:34 < juancarlos> ty cm.
20:34 < Everz> Just checked the norwegian version too, for some reason the death toll of Anders Behring breivik ( terrorist in norway) is listed in teh second paragraf. It all seems a bit odd
20:34 < Everz> Seeing as this guy had no involvement
20:35 < Everz> Beyond Breivik reading his blogs
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21:51 < mareklug> wctaiwan  Suzanne Vega "My Favorite Plum"   the homemade video takes off hte sexual edge.
21:53 < wctaiwan> mareklug: slightly creepy.
21:53 < wctaiwan> both the song and the video, really.
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21:53 < mareklug> i was searching for the incomarable acoustic-like version from her recent reissues, it is magnificent.  I have it on my computer but I cannot find it streaming.  do you have spotify?
21:54 < wctaiwan> nope
21:54 < wctaiwan> no spotify here
21:54  * IDoH likes a few of Suzanne Vegas' songs
21:54 < mareklug> it's on Close-Up Vol. 3, States Of Being
21:54 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
21:55 < mareklug> IDoH did you watch the plum thing upstairs?
21:55  * IDoH just clicked on the link. ;-)
21:56 < IDoH> Oh, nice song.
21:58 < mareklug> wctaiwan i feel generous -- IDoH, wctaiwan  pm me your emails
21:58 < IDoH> Didn't I reply to an email of yours', mareklug?
21:58 < IDoH> Oh well
21:58 < mareklug> yes, i have it, but this is an acceptance of a gift
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21:59 < IDoH> Oh. Uhm. Okay.
22:00 < juancarlos> I just might rant about stupid people who post on craigslist.
22:00 < IDoH> Be our guest, juancarlos.
22:00 < juancarlos> If you're going to post two pictures, why would they be almost exactly alike?
22:00 < IDoH> No idea.
22:00 < wctaiwan> spot-the-difference game?
22:00 < IDoH> LOL
22:01 -!- kelapstick is now known as kelapstick|afk
22:01 < juancarlos> ://///
22:01 < IDoH> The angle is different
22:01 < juancarlos> it's negligible! why post the second one?
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22:03 < wctaiwan> that looks like a comfy couch though.
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22:18 < mareklug> juancarlos it is obvious.  it is for stereoscopic effect.
22:18 < mareklug> (says Marek without  looking)(
22:18 < juancarlos> hah.
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22:54 < SuicidalZerg> lol, so I disconnect my modulator to take it to radio shack after my final exam... and I forget to go to radio shack after my final exam, lol
22:54 < juancarlos> why would you take anything to radio shack?
22:55 < SuicidalZerg> To test it, because it's ghosting only on the S-video inputs
22:55 < legoktm> YuviPanda: o/
22:55 < SuicidalZerg> and because mareklug told me to :p
22:55 < YuviPanda> ohai legoktm
22:55 < Amqui> what is the word in English to talk about the different value of coin and paper money (i.e. 5c, 10c, 25c... 10$, 20$)    (in French we say "coupure")
22:55 < YuviPanda> :)
22:55 < YuviPanda> I snuck in for a while while waiting randomly in class
22:55 < legoktm> glad to see you're alive!
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22:55 < YuviPanda> legoktm: how goes GSoC
22:55 < YuviPanda> me too
22:55 < legoktm> I submitted it
22:55 < juancarlos> Amqui: cents dollars ?
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22:56 < IDoH> Amqui: Cents and dollars.
22:56 < legoktm> Apparently like 3 other people want the same project
22:56 < mareklug> juancarlos because it is a radio shack product and they like to tinker at radio shack
22:56 < Amqui> tthat's not what I mean
22:56 < Amqui> I need one word
22:56 < mareklug> juancarlos and they might even debug it for him or even, gasp, give him a new one
22:56 < IDoH> Money?
22:56 < Amqui> coupure actually means "cut-off",
22:56 < juancarlos> mareklug: Well, if it's a radio shack product... but I've never been to a radio shack where the workers are more knowledgeable than I. (not that i'm super smart!)
22:57 < juancarlos> change?
22:57 < mareklug> juancarlos there are still very knowledgable electronically minded do-it-yourselfers working there.
22:57 < mareklug> people who solder things
22:57 < mareklug> Amqui it's "dollars and cents" first of all".  do you want slang?
22:58 < Amqui> no
22:58 < Amqui> maybe "division" would be a good word
22:58 < mareklug> liquid assets
22:58 < juancarlos> denominations, Amqui
22:58 < Amqui> there we go
22:58 < Amqui> I like that one
22:58 < Amqui> thanks
22:58 < juancarlos> np
22:58 < mareklug> denominations is the quanta that money is issued in, for fuck's sake
22:59 < mareklug> 2 : a value or size of a series of values or sizes (as of money)
23:00 < mareklug>
23:00 < Amqui> isn't it what I asked for mareklug?
23:00 < mareklug> not to me.
23:00 < Amqui> "a value (as of money)"...
23:00 < mareklug> but if it flicks your bick, bless your heart.
23:00 < Amqui> Amqui said " the different value of coin and paper money ("
23:00 < mareklug> a value sounds like a sum of money or some buying power or even Gross National Product of a country. :/
23:01 < YuviPanda> legoktm: yeah, that seems to have a fair bit of competition ;)
23:01 < mareklug> the question was a bit misleadingly put, Amqui
23:01 < Amqui> no I meant the value of each
23:01 < Amqui> if not I wouldn't have use "coins and paper money" but would have only said "the value of money"
23:01 < legoktm> YuviPanda: :/
23:02 < Amqui> and wouldn't have listed different existing denominations in brackets
23:02 < Amqui> XD
23:02 < mareklug> anyway, denomination works.  for banknotes, bill also works.  for coins, coin works. :)
23:02 < juancarlos> Amqui: what is your native language?
23:02 < Amqui> French
23:03 < juancarlos> ah.
23:03 < mareklug> surely there is denominacion in French or very near to that
23:03 < juancarlos> je ne etudia a français
23:03 < juancarlos> or something.
23:03 < juancarlos> etudie
23:03 < Amqui> mareklug in French we say "coupure" as I already mentioned
23:04 < mareklug> "The word comes from the french verb couper which means to cut."
23:04 < Amqui> in the way "that's where they put the cut-off in the "scale of money" to put a new denomination"
23:04 < Amqui> if you want
23:05 < Amqui> juancarlos maybe...
23:05 < Amqui> :P
23:05 < YuviPanda> legoktm: talking to apergos is the key here, I think :)
23:05 < legoktm> yeah :D
23:05 < mareklug> Amqui
23:06 < SigmaWP> Amqui: Native speaker?
23:06 < mareklug> Valeur Nominale
23:06 < SigmaWP> juancarlos: you forgot 'pas'
23:06 < mareklug> dénomination
23:06 < mareklug> 	
23:06 < mareklug> catégorie
23:06 < SigmaWP> Amqui: Oh, I scrolled up
23:06 < SigmaWP> Yay!
23:06 < juancarlos> we get a lot of latinate words from french, marek :P
23:07 < juancarlos> they kind of took over England for a while and the languages mixed a bit.
23:07 < mareklug> juancarlos yes, I know that.  They came with the Normands.
23:07 < dtm> hi guys.  i'm doing a biography about someone who has done some interviews located on youtube.  it would seem that i need to transcribe the relevant speech into text, and do {{cite av media | url=http://youtube... | time=01:21 | quote=I like peas. }}  right?
23:07 < Amqui> mareklug valeur nominale works too, but for a specific one
23:07 < SigmaWP> Amqui: How do you say "Nobody was there" in French?
23:08 < SigmaWP> dtm: yep
23:08 < Amqui> "personne n'était là"
23:08 < mareklug> surely dénomination works too?  perhaps more so in Europe
23:08 < SigmaWP> Thanks
23:08 < Amqui> mareklug no, coupure is the common term
23:08 < mareklug> Amqui surely there are differences between Canadian French and Parisian
23:08 < SigmaWP> wareThere are
23:08 < SigmaWP> mareklug: There are
23:08 < dtm> SigmaWP: word.  bonus:  many of the interviews were done by generally reliable sources like professional interviewers, so the content is likely to remain durable and will not be later annotated with "BUTTS" all over the screen or something
23:09 < mareklug>
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23:10 < Amqui> mareklug ... no mention of money on that page... ?
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23:10 < mareklug> so it is a false friend, financially!  it only has to do with fucking religion
23:10 < SigmaWP> mareklug: For example, "fuck it" in French French is "on s'en branle", but in Quebecian French it's "laissez faire"
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23:10 < Amqui> in French "dénomination" means "the name given to something"
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23:10 < Amqui> or "how something is called"
23:11 < juancarlos> makes sense.
23:11 < mareklug> that is one of the main meanings, not the only one.
23:11 < juancarlos> de = of/from nomation = named
23:12 < Amqui> nom = name
23:12 < mareklug> "Le 26 juillet 1931, le mouvement adventiste des États-Unis, lancé en 1879, prend la dénomination de Témoins de Jéhovah."   <-- clearly denomination in the sense what kind of religious subgrop of Christianity
23:12 < Amqui> no
23:12 < mareklug> which is like in English
23:12 < Amqui> démonition as in taking the name of "Témoins de Jéhovah"
23:12 < mareklug> "Christian denomination"
23:12 < Amqui> dénomination
23:12 < Amqui> no
23:12 < Amqui> that sentence means "took the name Témoins de Jéhovah"
23:13 < mareklug> prend = took
23:13 < Amqui> yes
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23:13 < Amqui> dénomination is a synonym of name
23:13 < Amqui> in French
23:14 < mareklug> or designation.
23:14 < Amqui> yes that one too
23:14 < Amqui> in French we are not happy until we have 10 words to say the same thing XD
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23:15 < mareklug> but hte French has borrowed, too.  our article in Wictionary says so:énomination
23:16 < mareklug> see, I was RIGHT on this one at least.
23:16 < Amqui> what?
23:16 -!- Bradford is now known as anderson
23:16 < mareklug> (Religion) (Anglicisme) Mouvement, branche ou sous-groupe à l'intérieur d’une religion qui opère sous un nom, une tradition, et une identité.
23:16 < mareklug> L’Église protestante d’Algérie est une dénomination chrétienne algérienne fondée en 1972 par l’union de plusieurs petites églises réformées déjà présentes dans le pays.
23:16 < mareklug> L’église Lakewood Church est une congrégation protestante évangélique sans dénomination.
23:16 < mareklug> L’Église méthodiste unie est la plus grande dénomination méthodiste.
23:17 < Amqui> this is an "Anglicisme"
23:17 < Amqui> in French we should say "congrégation" for that
23:17 < mareklug> as I said, borrowed from English language.  just liek we do from French.  the fucking word soigné for example.
23:17 < Amqui> let me add that :P
23:18 < mareklug> we also say congregation.  but the fact is that a congregation, to be precise, belongs to a denomination.  it is a particular/general group kind of deal
23:18 < Amqui> we don't need that word in French anyway
23:18 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
23:18 < Amqui> we all sticked to catholicism :P
23:18 < mareklug> but you just said that the French use 10 words to be happy.
23:18 < mareklug> Amqui you are now trolllllllllling.
23:18 < Amqui> not more than you
23:19 < Amqui> :P
23:19 < Amqui> I like to troll trolls :P
23:19 < mareklug> no, I am trying to show that the French borrow our culture in language too.
23:19 < mareklug> they probably say computer.
23:19 < mareklug> and internet
23:19 < Amqui> we don't say computer
23:19 < mareklug> and meme
23:19 < Amqui> but I don't know what you need to show, half the word when I speak French are in English
23:20 < mareklug> the sentences about church denominations from the wictionary show it amply, that that use has taken root.
23:20 < Amqui> yes, but it still wrong
23:20 < mareklug> Le Academie might be unhappy, but then we have french fries.
23:21 < Amqui> L'Académie had no authority outside France
23:21 < Amqui> has*
23:21 < mareklug> when we are pissed at the French, we call them freedom fries, which is really idiotic.
23:21 -!- YE [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
23:21 < YuviPanda> legoktm: i'm going to disappear again
23:21 < YuviPanda> good luck on GSoC :)
23:21 < YuviPanda> <3
23:22 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
23:22 < Emufarmers> Would anyone mind taking a look at ?
23:24 < Amqui> lol all that for that...
23:27 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
23:28 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
23:34 -!- anderson is now known as Bradford
23:35 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:37 < russavia>   ahhhhh EEML we meet again-- do these clowns not realise how transparent they are
23:38 -!- SuicidalZerg [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:38 -!- Mkdw_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:47 -!- Bradford is now known as anderson
23:47 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:48 < russavia> mareklug -- -- this is the only photo i can find
23:49 -!- anderson is now known as XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
23:49 < mareklug> of the very plane
23:49 -!- kelapstick|afk is now known as kelapstick
23:49 < russavia> yeah
23:49 < mareklug> there won't be an article you know, unless it is super weird for some other notable reason.  it's a military crash.
23:50 < russavia> and that one --
23:51 < russavia> were all killed? there's reports of parachuting out?
23:51 -!- XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD is now known as AliciaFerrer
23:53 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:54 -!- AliciaFerrer is now known as Bradford
23:55 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
23:56 < mareklug> no one knows for sure, and the Merkins are not even saying if 3 were flying or 5 and some even said 7.
23:56 < mareklug> but there were shoots coming down, but maybe empty?
23:57 -!- Bradford is now known as anderson
23:57 < mareklug> it's kind of suspicious that a tanker would ignite in mid air.
23:57 < mareklug> right after start though.
23:57 < Jetro> mareklug I'd hire you as my bodyguard.
23:57 < Jetro> You're always awake
23:57 < Jetro> :D
23:57 < mareklug> I should be sleeping.
23:57 < Jetro> Bodyguards don't sleep.
23:57 < Jetro> Here's a 1 $ tip
23:58 < mareklug> that does not even cover an MP3 from amazon
23:58 < Jetro> no but you love tipping in America
23:58 < Jetro> so there you go
23:58 < Jetro> :|
23:59 < mareklug> we actaully hate measly tippers
--- Log closed Sat May 04 00:00:09 2013