
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Thu May 23 00:00:48 2013
--- Day changed Thu May 23 2013
00:00 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Client Quit]
00:02 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
00:04 < bazinga> Who here watches how i met your mother?
00:04 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
00:04 -!- bazinga is now known as Schwarley
00:11 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:13 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi
00:13 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
00:13 < wctaiwan> hi
00:14 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:15 -!- Schwarley is now known as SwarleyWP
00:16 < SigmaWP> :\
00:16 < wctaiwan> SwarleyWP: don't be a dick
00:16 < wctaiwan> also, stick to one username.
00:18 -!- Philon [~Philon@unaffiliated/philon] has quit [Quit: Offline]
00:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am surpised that they are finally incuding sensors on phones
00:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> like barometer and thermometer
00:23 -!- SwarleyWP is now known as Swarlley
00:23 < Swarlley> wctaiwan: SigmaWP found one that wasn't taken
00:23 < Swarlley> :-)
00:23 < SigmaWP> yay
00:26 -!- kriminologia [d9429fca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:30 -!- LtNOWIS|Sleep [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
00:30 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:33 -!- TOS [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:34 < TOS> Any admin here knows well enough about the Pending Changes protection?
00:34 < wctaiwan> giggity.
00:34  * SigmaWP agrees to TOS 
00:36 < TOS> That was a question, SigmaWP
00:36 < SigmaWP> :P
00:36 < koishi> what is pending changes protection
00:38 < wctaiwan> koishi:
00:38 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
00:39 < koishi> ah
00:39 < koishi> better than talk spam i guess
00:39 -!- IH|away [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
00:42 -!- IH|away [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:42 -!- IH|away is now known as Guest58082
00:42 -!- jeffreyio [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:42 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:43 < kriminologia> Is somebody from WikiProject Anime and manga here?
00:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> always :)
00:46 < SigmaWP> hi Hahc21
00:48 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
00:50 -!- David_Stevenson is now known as Moe_Epsilon
00:52 < kriminologia> I just wanted to ask about peer review of article "Puella Magi Madoka Magica". How it goes?
00:52 < SigmaWP> Oh, that was one of the better animes
00:53 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:53 < SigmaWP> Thought provoking and insightful, rather than inane and superficial
00:53 < SigmaWP> thineantiquepen: hey
00:53 < thineantiquepen> SigmaWP: 'ello!
00:54 -!- Ed17 [~Ed17@wikipedia/the-ed17] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]]
00:55 < kriminologia> SigmaWP: I suppose maybe so. Is article can be listed as a GA?
00:56 < SigmaWP> Maybe
00:56 < SigmaWP> I'm not in a position to judge that
00:57 < TOS> Any admin here knows well enough about the Pending Changes protection?
00:57 -!- Swarlley [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
00:57 < SigmaWP> But I wish there were more animes like this one
00:58 < wctaiwan> TOS: I don't think there are admins awake and here right now..
00:58 < IDoH> TOS: I'm not an admin, but Pending Changes is an alternative to semi-protection
00:58 < SigmaWP> Most of them seem to be school life and other shallow topics...
00:58 -!- BR____ [b3ea926a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en []
00:58 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:59 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:00 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT]
01:00 -!- sDrewthedoff [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:00 < kriminologia> So I guess it should be asked  to reviewer
01:01 < SigmaWP> Yeah
01:01 < SigmaWP> Good luck in your waiting
01:01 -!- TOS3 [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:02 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:03 -!- Jamesofur|away is now known as Jamesofur
01:03 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
01:03 < kriminologia> SigmaWP: Do you think the reviewer may be here?
01:03 < SigmaWP> no
01:04 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
01:04 -!- TOS [TOS@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
01:04 -!- TOS3 is now known as TOS
01:05 -!- Nickinator [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:05 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
01:05 < kriminologia> it's a pity
01:10 < SigmaWP> Yep
01:11 < SigmaWP> I haven't seen any anime as insightful Madoka since Madoka
01:11 < SigmaWP> I haven't seen any anime as insightful as Madoka since Madoka
01:12 < wctaiwan> ...wat.
01:13 < SigmaWP> hm?
01:14 < kriminologia> SigmaWP:I'm glad you liked it. And I hope article will be listed as a GA
01:15 < kriminologia> ...somewhen
01:20 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:20 -!- russavia [] has quit [Changing host]
01:20 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:21 < kriminologia> russavia: dobryi den'
01:22 -!- Onaka [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:26 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:26 < SigmaWP> russavia: Da
01:28 < TOS> Oui?
01:28 < russavia> kriminologia: sigmawp: preved!
01:29 < SigmaWP> russavia: how can i into russian language?
01:29 < russavia> you no wanting to making learnings of Russian
01:29 < russavia> learn Olbanian instead!
01:29 < SigmaWP> but cyrillic
01:30 < SigmaWP> i want to be of cyrillic
01:30 < russavia> get a kirillitsa keyboard dummy
01:30 < russavia> or what i have -- normal keyboard with cyrillic stickers
01:30 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:30 < kriminologia> можно и кириллицей записать
01:31 -!- Moskau [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:31 -!- Moskau [] has quit [Changing host]
01:31 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:31 < wctaiwan> Moe_Epsilon: alter ego?
01:31 < Moe_Epsilon> eh?
01:31 < russavia> damn kriminologia, saying such things about sigmawp ;)
01:31 < SigmaWP> kulaks!
01:32 < wctaiwan> [15:50] == David_Stevenson has changed nick to Moe_Epsilon
01:32 < wctaiwan> gulag!
01:32 < Moe_Epsilon> not really an alter ego, that's my real name lol
01:32 < wctaiwan> well, what about this one
01:32 < Moe_Epsilon> that's my username?
01:32 < Moe_Epsilon> :P
01:32 < russavia> if you really want to insult someone the likes of kriminologia -- call him Moskali -- being from SPb he will simply love you for it
01:32 < wctaiwan> David "Moe Epsilon" Stevenson, esq.
01:33 < kriminologia> russavia: What do you mean "such thing"?
01:33 < Moe_Epsilon> works for me ;p
01:33 < Moe_Epsilon> though that's a little long for IRC
01:33 < russavia> <kriminologia> можно и кириллицей записать
01:33 -!- TB|Away [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
01:33 < russavia> he can't into russian, so he has no idea what you wrote i am guessing :)
01:35 < Moe_Epsilon> only things in Russian I know are Загружающие and Автопатрулируемые because they are the two permissions I have xD
01:35 < russavia> wctaiwan - i got permission for the "Russia hates dogs" series :)
01:35 < Moe_Epsilon> (on
01:36 < wctaiwan> russavia: cool
01:36 < wctaiwan> keep it the hell away from enwiki though.
01:36 < kriminologia> russavia: I wrote "it may be written on cyrillic"
01:36 < russavia> well i'm thinking
01:36 < russavia>
01:37 < russavia> i see no reason why couldn't be used in that one's place
01:37 < wctaiwan> because the wikiworld one explains it much better?
01:37 < wctaiwan> it's a no brainer.
01:38 < russavia> i think that one explains it better
01:38 < russavia> and funnier too :)
01:38 < wctaiwan> and grammatically incorrect, and unfunny unless you have the right sense of humour, and confusing without knowing the backstory.
01:38 < wctaiwan> so.. nah.
01:39 -!- Jamesofur is now known as Jamesofur|away
01:39 -!- kriminologia [d9429fca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
01:39 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:39 < Moe_Epsilon> wctaiwan: apparently I have sixteen nicks registered under this account, i'm a sock master ;p
01:39 < wctaiwan> hi steven.
01:40 < wctaiwan> impressive
01:40 < wctaiwan> Isarra might still beat you handily though, in that department.
01:40 < wctaiwan> or... addihockey
01:40 < Moe_Epsilon> true
01:44 < SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: hiyo
01:48 -!- basile is now known as guillom
01:49 < SigmaWP> night
01:52 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:52 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: May your day be wharrgarbl free]
01:58 -!- sDrewthedoff [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en ["Don't put off to tomorrow, what can easily be put off to later in the week"]
01:59 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
02:04 -!- anona [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
02:05 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:05 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has quit [Changing host]
02:05 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:05 -!- TOS [TOS@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
02:06 -!- TOS [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:06 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:07  * kondi looks around cluelessly
02:08 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
02:09  * TOS stands in a corner
02:09 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:09 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:09 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en []
02:13  * kondi stares at TOS
02:13  * TOS hides his face
02:15  * kondi diverts his mind back to meatspace
02:17 -!- anona [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:18  * TOS tries to run while kondi's mind is diverted
02:28 -!- anona [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
02:30 -!- Andy123 [~PH@wikimedia/Sir-Nicholas-de-Mimsy-Porpington] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
02:34 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:38 -!- seanw [spw@freenode/staff-emeritus/wikimedia.sean-whitton] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:38 -!- seanw [spw@freenode/staff-emeritus/wikimedia.sean-whitton] has quit [Client Quit]
02:39 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:42 -!- anona [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:45 -!- retsreklawts is now known as stw|travelling
02:45 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:45 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:48 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:48 -!- addshore is now known as addtravel
03:00 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:02 -!- kingturtle [] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:03 -!- iDangerMouse [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:04 < kondi> Hey iDangerMouse!
03:04 < iDangerMouse> Hi
03:05 < iDangerMouse> How are you?
03:06 < kondi> fine :) you?
03:06 < iDangerMouse> yeah recovering thanks :)
03:06 < kondi> recovering from what?
03:10 < iDangerMouse> Oh broke my knee
03:10 < iDangerMouse> For the 3rd time.
03:11 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
03:13 < kondi> hm. get well soon bud!
03:13 < iDangerMouse> Thanks love.
03:19 -!- Fluff|away [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
03:19 < TOS> iDangerMouse Stay away from cats
03:19 -!- Fluff|away [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:19 < iDangerMouse> ya ya
03:19 -!- kingturtle [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
03:21 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
03:22 -!- gry__ [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:22 -!- TBloemink_ [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:25 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
03:25 -!- gry__ [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has quit [Client Quit]
03:26 < Peter-C> Whoooo
03:26 < koishi> mepw
03:26 < Peter-C> 1610 on the SATs motherfuckers
03:26 < koishi> *meow
03:26 < koishi> yummy mouse
03:26 < koishi> om nom
03:27  * iDangerMouse smooches Peter-C 
03:27 < iDangerMouse> Share the love
03:28 < Peter-C> <3
03:28 -!- kingturtle [] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:29 < Peter-C> I am still suprised I did so well on the math section of the SATs...
03:29 < wctaiwan> Peter-C: out of 2400? o_O
03:29 < Peter-C> Jes
03:29 < wctaiwan> or did they change it
03:29 < wctaiwan> um, okay.
03:30 < Peter-C> I took the test after working
03:30 < wctaiwan> oh.
03:30 < wctaiwan> is it consequential?
03:30 < Peter-C> I had to deal with a pedestrian struck then a large house party.
03:30 < Peter-C> I got no sleep.
03:30 < wctaiwan> eeh.
03:30 < wctaiwan> couldn't you take the day off?
03:30 < Peter-C> Meh, probably was concequential.
03:31 < Peter-C> I plan on retaking it and getting 200 points more
03:31 < Peter-C> minimum
03:31 < wctaiwan> bleh. okay.
03:31 < Peter-C> Did you take the SAT?
03:31 < iDangerMouse> wctaiwan: Hello.
03:31 < wctaiwan> I'm not american.
03:31 < wctaiwan> hi iDM.
03:31 < iDangerMouse> SAT... I got 1870 in them back in 2005.
03:31 < wctaiwan> did you mean you got 2005 back in 1870? /g
03:32 < iDangerMouse> Um no
03:32 < iDangerMouse> IELTS was fun...
03:32 < wctaiwan> was joke.
03:32 < wctaiwan> you don't seem so young.
03:32 < wctaiwan> actually, SAT in 2005 doesn't make you particularly young o_O
03:32 < wctaiwan> crap I feel old
03:33 < wctaiwan> never took IELTS myself. only TOEFL.
03:33 < wctaiwan> anyway, dinner. bye.
03:33 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
03:34  * iDangerMouse hugs Peter-C 
03:38 -!- TOS3 [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:39 < iDangerMouse> TOS3: Do I even know you?
03:41 -!- TOS [TOS@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
03:42 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:45 -!- iDangerMouse [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
03:45 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:46 < TOS3> They should have read the Terms of Service before asking that question
03:48 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
03:58 -!- TBloemink__ [~TB@] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:01 -!- TBloemink_ [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
04:06 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:07 -!- TBloemink__ [~TB@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
04:16 -!- eptalon [~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:16 < eptalon> heyas
04:18 < TOS3> Heyaa
04:18 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has quit [Quit: Beams.]
04:23 -!- koishi [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:27 -!- TOS3 [TOS@] has quit [Quit: Getting abducted by aliens]
04:32 -!- eptalon [~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
04:32 -!- iDM [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:33 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
04:34 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:34 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:34 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:34 -!- iDM is now known as iDangerMouse
04:37 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
04:37  * iDangerMouse stares at YuviPanda 
04:38 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
04:38 < YuviPanda> hey iDangerMouse
04:38 < YuviPanda> longtime
04:38 < iDangerMouse> Indeed, drinking at Moe's
04:39 < YuviPanda> mmm nice
04:39 < YuviPanda> i've not had a drink in ages
04:39 < YuviPanda> but otmorrw!
04:39 < iDangerMouse> Its cranberry juice.
04:39 < YuviPanda> awww
04:40 -!- badassVEV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:40 -!- badassVEV [] has left #wikipedia-en []
04:44 < Steven_Zhang> evening
04:44 < Steven_Zhang> YuviPanda: <3
04:44 < YuviPanda> ohai
04:44 < YuviPanda> how're you?
04:44 < Steven_Zhang> I'm OK :)
04:44 < YuviPanda> good to hear
04:45 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:46 < Steven_Zhang> got power?
04:47 < kondi> lol
04:47 < iDangerMouse> Steven power? Scary.
04:47 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:48 -!- badassVEV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:48 -!- badassVEV [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:48 < iDangerMouse> Hey Moe_Epsilon  long time
04:49 < Moe_Epsilon> hello :p
04:49 -!- iDangerMouse [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit []
04:49 < Moe_Epsilon> bye
04:49 < Moe_Epsilon> :<
04:51 -!- badassVEV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:53 < YuviPanda> Steven_Zhang: yes, cema back at 4pm
04:54 < YuviPanda> i'll still have to leave in a few days for more exma
04:54 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:54 < wctaiwan> "In 1972, Mobutu renamed himself Mobutu Sese Seko Nkuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga ("The all-powerful warrior who, because of his endurance and inflexible will to win, goes from conquest to conquest, leaving fire in his wake."[23]), Mobutu Sese Seko for short."
04:54 < wctaiwan> .....what.
04:54 < badassVEV> i know super mario
04:55 < badassVEV> i know the answer is super mario
04:55 < badassVEV> lol
04:55 -!- badassVEV [] has left #wikipedia-en []
05:05 -!- badassVEV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:05 -!- badassVEV [] has left #wikipedia-en []
05:06 -!- badassVEV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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05:14 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang]
05:18 -!- kingturtle [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
05:20 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:28 -!- iDM [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:37 -!- iDM [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: yay IRC break]
05:43 -!- iDangerMouse [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:43 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
05:44 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
05:44 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
05:45 < iDangerMouse> I killed NotASpy woohoo
05:45 < iDangerMouse> Makes me a student / talidan
05:45 < iDangerMouse> *Taliban
05:50 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:52 < iDangerMouse> Hello closedmouth
05:53 < closedmouth> yes hello
05:55 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
05:56 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Quit: Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.]
05:56 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:56 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:58  * iDangerMouse hugs Jetro <3 
05:58 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Client Quit]
05:58 < iDangerMouse> Oops, I did it again
06:04 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:06 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK
06:09 -!- Writ_Keeper [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:10 < wctaiwan> hey Writ_Keeper. Liked your earlier comment on ANI on the whole cluebot mess false positive mess.
06:10 -!- Ocaasi__ [uid1167@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:10 < Writ_Keeper> yeah, I don't know why people are making a huge deal of it
06:11 < Writ_Keeper> they're all people I hold in the highest respect, too
06:11 < Writ_Keeper> so that's frustrating, but oh well
06:12 < wctaiwan> I don't think they get the technical details and why having a few false positives is better than having no cluebot at all.
06:12 < wctaiwan> ... partially cluebot's sheer quality is to blame. It screws up so rarely people just don't notice it. >.>
06:13 < Writ_Keeper> well, to be fair, it is weird that it singled him out twice in two days
06:13 < Writ_Keeper> and Drmies's joke warning that made it go to level 4 was bad luck, too
06:13 < wctaiwan> yeah, that was.. unfortunate.
06:14 < Writ_Keeper> (unnily enough, it would've been okay if drmies had used a level 4. since cluebot would've reported to AIV, where it would've been quietly declined)
06:14 < wctaiwan> not with echo >.>
06:14 -!- iDangerMouse [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: mhm pie]
06:15 < wctaiwan> (he would have been pinged by the username mention, no?)
06:15 < GorillaWarfare> Are they trying to shut off ClueBot or something?
06:15  * GorillaWarfare panics
06:15 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
06:15 < Writ_Keeper> it got blocked yesterday
06:15 < GorillaWarfare> Oh jesus
06:15 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:15 < Writ_Keeper> quickly unblocked
06:15 < GorillaWarfare> Do they forget how shitty it was when CB went down for a while?
06:16 < GorillaWarfare> Who blocked?
06:16 < Fluffernutter> we're still discussing Cluebot, I see
06:16 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
06:16 < Fluffernutter> I don't think people realize just how much of the flood it catches
06:16 < GorillaWarfare> Fluffernutter: I was Huggling my ass off when it went down, as were a lot of people, and we still weren't keeping up
06:17 < Writ_Keeper> Ched blocked it, but he's got enough flak about it and is feeling raw, so...
06:17 < GorillaWarfare> Yeah, I'm not going to say anything, I was just curious
06:17 < Fluffernutter> GorillaWarfare: yeah. I honestly don't think we have enough hugglers to do what cluebot does anymore. The vandalism level is that high.
06:18 < GorillaWarfare> Fluffernutter: Nor should we put the vandalism fighters through that -- they'll just burn out
06:18  * Fluffernutter nods
06:18 < Fluffernutter> Huggling is bad enough on normal days
06:18 < GorillaWarfare> And ClueBot does an *awesome* job in the vast majority of cases
06:19 < wctaiwan> yeah, I considered commenting and then thought better of it
06:19 < wctaiwan> I'll comment when there is actually a proposal to curb or disable cluebot.
06:20 -!- badassVEV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:20 < GorillaWarfare> Same
06:20 -!- badassVEV [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:28 -!- TBloemink_ [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:29 < tommorris> I remember a while back when ClueBot was off for about a week. NEVER DO THAT AGAIN
06:29 < GorillaWarfare> tommorris: Yeah, see above :?
06:29 < GorillaWarfare> :/*
06:29 < tommorris> that's what I was responding to
06:30 < wctaiwan> why was it off, incidentally?
06:30 < tommorris> this week? because it got blocked - see AN
06:30 < wctaiwan> I saw that. I mean the one week incident.
06:30 < tommorris> in the past: because the guy who ran it took the box to a LAN party, then because someone failed to pay the hosting bill
06:30 < wctaiwan> ...o_O
06:30 < wctaiwan> sounds fun.
06:31 -!- TBloemink is now known as Guest48204
06:31 -!- TBloemink_ is now known as TBloemink
06:31 < tommorris> Yes, key parts of our infrastructure run on gaming PCs that people want to take to LAN parties and/or VPSes being paid for by people reliant on student loan cheques.
06:31 < tommorris> Only at Wikipedia etc. etc.
06:31 < GorillaWarfare> Heh
06:31 -!- Guest48204 [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
06:32 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:33 < wctaiwan> well, I'm heading home. Laters.
06:33 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit []
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07:04 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:04 < iDM> russavia: Gimmie some love
07:04 < iDM> Now
07:05  * TOS slaps iDM around a bit with a large trout
07:05 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
07:05  * iDM puts TOS on /ignore.
07:05  * TOS says iDM was harsh
07:06 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:06 < elkng> arn't this kind of articles dangerous ?
07:07 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:10 < iDM> TheDruId: Mornin
07:11 < elkng> 1:10am
07:11 < tommorris> elkng: Yes, but we don't remove articles from Wikipedia on the basis that they are dangerous.
07:12 < elkng> even if there is a step by step nuclear bomb guide ?
07:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> elkng how so?
07:12 < tommorris> elkng: otherwise might be rather higher on the list.
07:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> elkng anyone trained in engineering has a background in building a nuclear weapon
07:12 < iDM> Hello ToAruShiroiNeko
07:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> at least enough to write an article on wikipedia
07:13 < tommorris> if the only thing that is keeping us from nuclear apocalypse is wikipedia admins not deleting articles, we're basically fucked.
07:13 < iDM> tommorris: you want to join my bet with Soap?
07:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris as always elequately put :)
07:13 < closedmouth> elkng:
07:13 < tommorris> because that means that I have the veto on the nuclear apocalypse. you don't want to trust me with that.
07:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris I have been saving on bottlecaps :)
07:15 < TheDruId> iDM, Yes; yes, it is. :)
07:15 < elkng> s/wikipedia admins/lazy wikipedia admins
07:15 < iDM> I have a official stamped bet that Soap will retire from Wikipedia, if I win he pays me $500 Dollars, today's value, which has to be calculated for the future, but if I lose, I'll pay him, Wikipedia dies, or what so ever doesn't count.
07:15 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
07:15 < tommorris> elkng: I consider laziness a virtue.
07:15 -!- Gryllida_ [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:16 -!- Gryllida_ is now known as Gryllida
07:16 < tommorris> I never quite see the point in "retiring" from Wikipedia. Just don't edit. No need for making a grand exit. It's not a soap opera.
07:17 < TheDruId> tommorris, laziness is a necessary step toward innovation and invention: "There has got to be an easier way than stairs to go to a higher floor..." enter the elevator /and/ the escalator.
07:17 -!- iDM [b6b218c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
07:18 < Gryllida> I imagine some people might "retire" if they were asked for help on their user talk but would like to let others know that they wouldn't reply now that they're not interested.
07:18 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:18 < closedmouth> tommorris: well, it's nice to know that the person hasn't died
07:18 -!- iDangerMouse [~MousiePie@] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:18  * closedmouth glances worriedly at Skier Dude's contribs
07:18  * TOS tries to set a cat at iDangerMouse
07:19 < iDangerMouse> mhm hexchat
07:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris I think retired editors get a pension
07:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which unfortunately was funneled by a hedgefund but wikipedians dont know this
07:19 < tommorris> ToAruShiroiNeko: I hear the pension is tied to the salary
07:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> after tax you get 0 cents
07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris wikipedia is a well paying job
07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dividing any number by wikipedia payment gets you infinite
07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nothing is higher than infinite
07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris is commons dominated by porn?
07:21 < tommorris> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm not sure whether it's dominant or submissive. Never really wanted to know, tbh
07:22 -!- Ryulong [~user.ryul@wikimedia/Ryulong] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:22 < Ryulong> might there be any arbitrators online
07:24 < Ryulong> or how do I go about reporting an arbitration ban violation
07:24 < closedmouth>
07:25 < closedmouth> or just email them
07:26 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has left #wikipedia-en []
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07:35 < Qcoder00> tommorris:  ?
07:35 -!- badassVEV [] has quit [Client Quit]
07:35 < Qcoder00> Commons has pron?
07:36 < tommorris> no, it just has nude women next to refridgerators
07:37 < tommorris> have I played the Commons game in -en?
07:37 -!- armufox [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:37 < tommorris> okay, here goes.
07:37 < tommorris> below are ten categories, four of which are fake. without checking Wikimedia Commons, identify the fakes.
07:37 < tommorris> 1. Nude or partially nude men eating potato chips
07:37 < tommorris> 2. Nude men with backpacks
07:37 < tommorris> 3. Nude or partially nude women in Russia
07:37 < tommorris> 4. Nude or partially nude people with pianos
07:37 < tommorris> 5. Nude or partially nude women with pearl necklaces
07:37 < tommorris> 6. Nude men with iPhones
07:37 < tommorris> 7. Nude or partially nude people with cymbals
07:37 < tommorris> 8. Nude women with microphones
07:38 < tommorris> 9. Nude or partially nude people with sausages
07:38 < tommorris> 10. Nude or partially nude people next to domestic refrigerators
07:38 < TBloemink> aha
07:38 < TBloemink> Don't do that.
07:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 11. Kim Jong Un looking at nudity
07:39 < Fluffernutter> gah
07:39  * Fluffernutter bans tommorris for angering the bot
07:39  * iDangerMouse hugs Fluffernutter long time.. 
07:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter rise of the bots?
07:40 < tommorris> anyway, with due apologies to the channel ops, can you gueses which four aren't categories on Wikimedia Commons?
07:40 < Qcoder00> I can't
07:40 < Gryllida> I can't, sorry.
07:41 < Qcoder00> They all seem genuine possibilites to me
07:41 < tommorris> anyone want to take a guess?
07:41 < Gryllida> I didn't work with Commons categories. Well. Probably 3, 6, 7.
07:42 < Gryllida> But that's about as good as you asking your dog; I'm not really familiar with how this works.
07:42 -!- wctaiwan [3de642a2@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:42 < tommorris> the fake categories are 1, 3, 6 and 8.
07:42 < tommorris> for 6, you need to go and look at
07:42 < tommorris> but, yes, "Nude or partially nude people next to domestic refrigerators" is actually a category.
07:43 < Qcoder00> Apple porn?
07:43 < Qcoder00> :O
07:43 < russavia> or for 6 you can simply load up grindr
07:43 < tommorris> russavia: no, no, Grindr exists for Android now.
07:43  * Qcoder00 refuses to make a joke about iPhowar apps
07:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
07:45 < wctaiwan>, guys.
07:45 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:45 < wctaiwan> actually never mind
07:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
07:45  * wctaiwan scuttles off
07:46 < Gryllida> tommorris: is this a "if there is a site with that name, there should be no category" kind of thing?
07:46 < russavia> how do i contact people on flickr with the new layout??!!!?!!!
07:46 < tommorris> Gryllida: no, quite the opposite
07:46 < Gryllida> russavia: you fire them.
07:47 < Gryllida> Not the people, but flickr staff, please.
07:47 < wctaiwan> um, what?
07:47 < Ryulong> does anyone assess song articles
07:47 < NotASpy> russavia: you don't, they're all at Zenfolio now.
07:47 < NotASpy> I know countless people who are thinking of leaving Flickr because of the layout and subscription changes.
07:47 < russavia>  -- i've got no idea where the contact link is
07:48 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:49 < Ryulong> why didn't I find Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement
07:49 < wctaiwan> russavia: it does appear to have been removed o_O
07:49 < wctaiwan> maybe you can only send messages to people you're contacts with now?
07:50 < russavia> nope they are a contact
07:50 < russavia> still no link
07:51 < TheDruId> Maybe if you emote towards the computer, really, really, hard...
07:52 < wctaiwan> in that case, go to ?
07:52  * wctaiwan strains to wink at TheDruId 
07:52  * YuviPanda pokes Isarra
07:52 < YuviPanda> also, hi wctaiwan :)
07:52 < russavia>  have yo go to an image, and scroll thru shit
07:52 < wctaiwan> hey YuviPanda.
07:52 < russavia> god this is an awful change
07:52 < TheDruId> We fear change.
07:53 < wctaiwan> also, try again in a few hours.
07:53 < russavia> $1 to whoever creates a hack to bring back the old flickr
07:53 < wctaiwan> TheDruId: if you fear change, please leave it in this jar right here ----------> |___|
07:53 < wctaiwan> (saw that on reddit today)
07:54 < Theo10011> heh
07:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai Theo10011
07:56 < Theo10011> *ohai
07:56 < Theo10011> Yes, hello ToAruShiroiNeko
07:56 < wctaiwan> Yes, hello.
07:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 commons is full of porn it seems
07:56  * iDangerMouse throws a cake at YuviPanda 
07:56 < NotASpy> Yes, hello to ToAruShiroiNeko
07:56 < YuviPanda> iDangerMouse: :D
07:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wow, people are so nice to me :D
07:57 < Theo10011> I'm always full of porn.
07:57 < Theo10011> oh commons too
07:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 I know that! :D
07:57 < NotASpy> Commons being full of porn is all russavia's fault.
07:57 < YuviPanda> the tech channels are a tad silent around this time, what with a lot of people being off to AMS
07:57 < wctaiwan> AMS?
07:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 I am trying to count the number of files
07:57 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
07:57 < tommorris> wctaiwan: Amsterdam. hackathon
07:57 < wctaiwan> ah.
07:57 -!- Ocaasi__ is now known as Ocaasi
07:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> do you know anyone you could nudge for this task? probably with toolserver access?
07:57 < wctaiwan> I figured it might be amsterdam, I just didn't know what.
07:57 < russavia> yep, i do nothing but upload penii and vaginii
07:58 < Theo10011> to count porn files?
07:58 < wctaiwan> huh, wikimedia hackathon
07:58 < Theo10011> I don't think its easy to first of all distinguish between porn and not porn.
07:58 < Theo10011> russavia, the plural is penises. :P
07:58 < NotASpy> russavia: and planes, but they count as penii for the purposes of whinging about content on Commons.
07:58 < Theo10011> though I like vaginii for some reason
07:59 < NotASpy> Theo10011: the plural of penii is penises ?
07:59 < Theo10011> I think so
07:59 < Qcoder00> Oh my:(
07:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 its rather easy
07:59 < wctaiwan> that's like a two dimensional array.
07:59 < Theo10011> someone corrected me once about that, so had to be!
07:59 < Qcoder00> And people wonder why there is a gender gap
07:59 < Qcoder00> :(
07:59 < russavia> and photos of topless boys and girls---apparently something else i excel at
07:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Category:Genitalia_by_gender Category:Nudity Category:Sex
07:59 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: women like penii too.
07:59 < wctaiwan> Qcoder00: I hardly think crude genitalia jokes are the main issue in gender inequality :/
07:59 < YuviPanda> wctaiwan: I missed out because of exams.
08:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 if I can get numbers of those and subcats
08:00 < Theo10011> Look
08:00 < wctaiwan> and if it is, it shouldn't.
08:00 < YuviPanda> tommorris: you going?
08:00 < Theo10011> as an encyclopedia
08:00 < tommorris> YuviPanda: nope, at work.
08:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it is a metric I can use
08:00 < Theo10011> we need pics of every penii
08:00 < Theo10011> of every race
08:00 < Theo10011> size and color
08:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 there is only one human race :p
08:00 < wctaiwan> YuviPanda: where are you located right now?
08:00 < Theo10011> its encyclopedic!
08:00 < Theo10011> damn it
08:00 < YuviPanda> ah!
08:00 < tommorris> you guys don't get it. Penises are educational material. With the number I've gawped at, I'm now a professor.
08:00 < Qcoder00> Actually does Commons have images of penii of non-mammilain species?
08:00 < YuviPanda> wctaiwan: Chennai, India
08:00 < Theo10011> lol tommorris
08:00 < russavia> Pennai, India?
08:00 < wctaiwan> YuviPanda: right. Your _zz status changes always throw me off. :p
08:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris, PHD is Penis HD?
08:01 < Theo10011> Tom morris, Professor of Penii
08:01 < wctaiwan> I'm like wait, isn't it supposed to be like, uh, noon?
08:01 < Fluffernutter> so THAT'S why tommorris keeps talking about the value of education..
08:01 < YuviPanda> wctaiwan: that's just 'no clients are connected to this bouncer at this time' thing
08:01 < wctaiwan> oh
08:01 < YuviPanda> wctaiwan: also i've been off the internet for th elast few weeks, exmas and all
08:01 < wctaiwan> you have more restraint than I do.
08:02 < wctaiwan> Fluffernutter: I hope you weren't offended by the crude jokes we lads have been making?
08:02 < NotASpy> YuviPanda: exmas - is that an exam about Christmas - are you one of Santa's elves ?
08:02 < YuviPanda> wctaiwan: i drained my laptop's battery and gave it to my brother. turned off mobile data on my phone and also turned it off. worked mostly
08:02 < YuviPanda> :)
08:02 < Theo10011> please Fluffernutter has seen some penii too. (I'm guessing)
08:02 < Fluffernutter> wctaiwan: takes more than a mention of the word "penis" to be offensive
08:03 < wctaiwan> Fluffernutter: good good. just checking.
08:03 < YuviPanda> two mentions?
08:03 < Theo10011> we can always switch to vaginii
08:03 < wctaiwan> YuviPanda: I need my laptop to work.. and to procrastinate :(
08:03 < YuviPanda> heh
08:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 we get this argument that commons is full of porn and I want to have objective numbers to drown them in
08:03 < YuviPanda> this is just like, the last set of exams
08:03 < YuviPanda> so
08:03 < YuviPanda> i'm trying to be done with this thing
08:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter penises?
08:03 < Theo10011> ToAruShiroiNeko, I know, it wont be easy though. They can always upload one more pic themselves and say you missed it
08:04 < YuviPanda> woooh, commons app is on the commons home page!
08:04 < YuviPanda> <3
08:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think Fluffernutter+penis is a good combination. Thats a waste of good sandwitch
08:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
08:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 my point is the percentage
08:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as much as I jest this is a serious request
08:04 < wctaiwan> percentage isn't material here, I don't think.
08:05 < wctaiwan> the question is whether it's easy to find it when you're not looking for it.
08:05 < tommorris> to be fair, however much I like penises, I don't understand why Commons likes them so much. I don't buy the "Commons is full of porn" argument (because, really, if you think the sort of porn on Commons is attractive, you need to look at some ACTUAL porn). but I don't quite understand why Commons needs so much nudity.
08:05 < wctaiwan> and really, it's slightly too easy. But I'm no commons-ian.
08:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if less than 1% of files have any kind of nudity on it then clearly commons isnt full of it
08:05 < wctaiwan> commons has so many files though.
08:06 < tommorris> I guess I just don't understand the motivation of the people who upload dozens of penis pictures. I mean, it can't be pr0n or whatever... because why not just hit Google and find some porn?
08:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we probably have more images of planes than penises, again thanks to russavia :D
08:06 < Theo10011> These people should help on commons instead of complaining
08:06 < wctaiwan> because penises
08:06 < Theo10011> like that erik fellow :P
08:06 < wctaiwan> and because WP:POINT.
08:06 < Theo10011> I think he still hangs around these parts
08:06 < tommorris> like, if Commons disappeared tomorrow, would anyone somehow not be able to find pictures of willys?
08:06 < iDangerMouse> I bet there are nudists in this room.
08:06 < wctaiwan> Theo10011: what do you expect to happen? Deleting nudity because it's nudity supposedly runs counter to commons's mission
08:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris the argument is that kids see wikipedia
08:06 < wctaiwan> nothing will never change.
08:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and if they see penises that would be the end of them
08:07  * iDangerMouse gives Isarra oreos and hugs tightly.
08:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as if children cant see their own penises...
08:07 < Theo10011> penises on the internet!?
08:07 < Theo10011> oh the shock
08:07 < russavia> theo10011, i said that to erik -- it's easier for people to sit back and do nothing and complain than it is to get off their arses and lift a finger to help
08:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and theirs is underage penises too! all children are pedos!
08:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
08:07 < Theo10011> I know ;)
08:07 < tommorris> ToAruShiroiNeko: I spent a lot of time aged 13 looking at pictures of penises on the Internet. but I used the wider internet, not Commons.
08:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> by their logic I mean
08:07 < tommorris> admittedly, Commons wasn't around when I was 13.
08:07 < Theo10011> lol tommorris
08:07 < Theo10011> 13 seems a bit young, no?
08:07 < wctaiwan> russavia: say, if the enwikipedian prudes all meatpuppet up and start an RfC on commons and get a mixed consensus to reduce the amount of nudity on commons
08:08 < wctaiwan> will you guys follow through?
08:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris gasp you mean internet is beyond commons!?
08:08  * ToAruShiroiNeko panics
08:08 < wctaiwan> because I highly doubt you would.
08:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 his love of penises started young
08:08 < russavia> wctaiwan -- you would think that would be possible wouldn't you
08:08 < russavia> but it likely wouldn't
08:08 < wctaiwan> which part? the RfC or your following through?
08:08 < tommorris> well, you know, the internet is a lifesaver for teenage closet cases...
08:08 < russavia> getting a consensus
08:08 < Theo10011> I meant I tried to avoid nudity on the internet
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan this has been proposed so many times so far
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it always fails
08:09 < Theo10011> I don't think that's a gender specific issue
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> internet wants moar penises
08:09 < wctaiwan> I think it will be possible, given sufficient advertisement.
08:09 < russavia> because commons serves ALL projects, not just the enwp prudes (as you call them)
08:09 < Theo10011> kids avoid that stuff on their own
08:09 < Theo10011> then puberty happens
08:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats canvassing wctaiwan and people had dedicated forum fishing and it didnt work even then
08:09 < russavia> such things would go in a site notice
08:09 < tommorris> that's the reason I don't think of it as a big deal: if kids *do* want porn, they'll find it with or without the assistance of wikipedia/commons
08:09 < Theo10011> exactly
08:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris kids always had access to porn
08:10 < wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: wikipediocracy is not nearly as effective as enwiki
08:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> even without the internet
08:10 < Revent> (unidles) When you made a mistake (specif. seeing 'Ohio' mentioned half a dozen times, and missing the 'Tennessee' in the middle of the blue blob) and someone gives you 'bitchy' talk page message, is it rude to then pee all over their collection of stubs with 'raw external links' and lack of HTML tidy?
08:10 < wctaiwan> tommorris: was wondering about something, mind if I ask? (somewhat personal, although I'm curious more on a general level, and not really particularly about you) feel free not to answer
08:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> parents just didnt understood why their porn magazines kept getting sticky stains and gettng misplaced
08:10 < tommorris> wctaiwan: fire away
08:11 < Theo10011> lol ToAruShiroiNeko
08:11 < Theo10011> also eww
08:11 < wctaiwan> when you were closeted, did you look a) exclusively at gay porn b) exclusively at hetero porn or c) a mix of both?
08:11 < wctaiwan> or d) no porn at all
08:11 < tommorris> wctaiwan: at first (c), later (a).
08:11 < Qcoder00> I never looked at porno when I was a teen...
08:11 < wctaiwan> I'm just curious about how closeted gays would behave when it comes to that.
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08:11 < wctaiwan> ah.
08:11 < wctaiwan> thanks for your answer.
08:11 < Qcoder00> I was too busy trying to figure out fashion styles...
08:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan you cant see the screen from inside a closet
08:11 < Qcoder00> ..and how to balance in heels...
08:11 < wctaiwan> was also curious whether closeted people would try to fight it by avoiding gay porn.
08:12 < Revent> (and like, broken navbox redirects due to typos, etc)
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08:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan closet people by nature seek it but dont want others to know...
08:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> closet != denial
08:12 < wctaiwan> well, sometimes it goes together, doesn't it?
08:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the term closet is used for a reason :p
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08:13 < Theo10011> There can be a dozen reason, it can't be simplified.
08:14 < Theo10011> Everyone's situation is unique.
08:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
08:15 < Theo10011> Back to commons....I don't think commons porn is actually "porn"
08:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 I dont either
08:15 < Theo10011> it's like playing roulette at times and taking a chance if the next pic scars you or excites you
08:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and I want to prove to these people with numbers how small percentage they are fighting
08:15 < Theo10011> It's so much easier to just google porn
08:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 no it isnt
08:15 < Revent> Theo10011: Theoretically it's for 'educational purposes' and therefore legally exempt.
08:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> roulette has better odds
08:16 < Theo10011> legally exempt??
08:16 < Theo10011> what does that entail
08:16 < Theo10011> lol ToAruShiroiNeko
08:16 < Revent> "Prurient material" for educational purposes isn't porn....think 'training films'.
08:17 < Revent> (legally)
08:17 < Theo10011> What's the implication I mean?
08:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent there are no legal issues
08:17 < Theo10011> It's the same at the end
08:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the problem is presence of nudity offends some people
08:18 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: I mean with 'locales' that ban 'porn', specifically....just that it's not 'technically' porn if it's legitimately on commons.
08:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> (NSFW for plants)
08:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats hardcore sex
08:19 < Theo10011> Revent, the blanket porn bans are hardly effective.
08:19 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  When a image of copulating insects for an FA, someone said we should think of the Larvae!
08:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> look at her rub it all over herself!
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08:19 < Theo10011> jeez
08:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> <-- porn?
08:19 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  Pictures of the Prophet (PBUH) are also highly offensive to some people..
08:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> <-- porn?
08:20 < Revent> Theo10011: I /was/ being a bit 'pedantic', intentionally. :)
08:20 < Theo10011> Ahh
08:20 < Revent> (for humor, tbh)
08:20 < tommorris> I'm still trying to work out what the potential educational use of 'Nude women with cymbals' is.
08:20 < Theo10011> got ya
08:20 < Gryllida> Pictures of tanks are offensive. Let's start a riot.
08:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 depictions can lead to the death penalty
08:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
08:20 < Theo10011> I'll provid the pitchforks!
08:20 < Theo10011> off with their heads!
08:21 < TheDruId> tommorris, It's cymbalic.
08:21 < Theo10011> tommorris, link?
08:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people suggested that "culturally respectful/sensitive response is to take the MOST conservative position, not the least"
08:21 < Qcoder00> TheDuId:  Ouch...
08:21 < tommorris> Theo10011: search. it's a category on Commons. I don't want to load it in my browser...
08:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 too soon with head remark
08:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> london beheading is still fresh :(
08:22 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Wow, that's a 'loaded' suggestion.....lots of room for argument there....
08:22 < Theo10011> I'll have to look....
08:22 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  We must not change our way of life to meet the whims of an extremist minority.
08:23 < Revent> Endless arguments about the what's the most 'morally conservative', trolls advocating 'renaissance style nudes', etc. :P
08:23 < Theo10011> tommorris, Can't find that category. I do see 2 pics though, both classic paintings with women playing the cymbal
08:23 < Theo10011>
08:23 < Theo10011>
08:24 < wctaiwan> ^ nudity in artwork
08:24 < tommorris>
08:24 < Theo10011>
08:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent its actual policy discussion
08:24 < Revent> It's like the big flame war about the "The Rape of Lucretia" in the PTSD article...
08:24 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: (cringe)
08:25 < Theo10011> Ya, total of 8 pics, 5 paintings, 2 statues and one charcoal drawing
08:25 < Theo10011> absolutely nothing in there that is pornographic
08:25 < Theo10011> just poorly categorized/named
08:26 < wctaiwan> perhaps deliberately so.
08:26 < Theo10011> Well, that is another issue IMO
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08:27 < Revent> <-- discussion of the 'real' definition of pornography.
08:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> one of those pictures has an ass!
08:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent pornography itself is probably fine on commons
08:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> provided its freely license which by very definition it wouldnt be
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08:28 < Qcoder00> Does Commons have 'torture' images?
08:28 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: There are 'technical' legal things about accessing it from certain places (even in the US), but that's not WMF's problem (no liability)
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08:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 yes
08:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> probably
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08:30 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: Kinda like how dildos can't be sold as 'sex toys' some places...they're 'novelty items not intended for actual use' (lol)
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08:30 < Qcoder00> "This item is sold as a carnival novelty!"
08:31 < Qcoder00> ;)
08:31 < tommorris> Revent: in Alabama -
08:31 < tommorris> the Alabama law has exemptions - you can sell sex toys for "bona fide medical, scientific, educational, legislative, judicial or law enforcement purposes"
08:31 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
08:31 < tommorris> I'm not sure what a bona fide judicial use of a vibratingbutt plug is.
08:31 < wctaiwan> giggity.
08:32 < wctaiwan> XD
08:32 -!- Theo10011_a [~Theo10011@] has quit [Client Quit]
08:32 < tommorris> but I'm obviously not as clever as the lawmakers in Alabama
08:32 < Revent> Yeah, the phrase 'law enforcement' is what got me chuckling.
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08:32 < Qcoder00> tommorris:  For a 'cruel and unusual punishment' surely? XD
08:32 < tommorris> if that's punishment, darlin'...
08:32 < Revent> "I lost my nightstick, but this double ended dong works just as well!"
08:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent didlos can be used as a flotation device during water landings I am told
08:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you just need LOTS of them
08:33 < Qcoder00> Calling adult clothing 'costumes' is reasonable though
08:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why not call them adult entertainment accesories?
08:34 < NotASpy> didlos ? What about dildos ?
08:34 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  Family Guy has a plot point about Quagmires, blowups...
08:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Family Guy isnt much of a family person
08:34 < Revent> Qcoder00: It's like what I said about 'training films'....'marital aids' aren't technically considered 'sex toys'.
08:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if it exist and has a hole, men will fuck it or die trying. If it can be inserted in a hole both men and women will try it or die trying.
08:35 < Qcoder00> "OH No officer, this isn't a set of hiedously obscene sex toy, it's something the wife uses to stop hysteria!"
08:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> religious objects?
08:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you could worship a scubus
08:36 < wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: The hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
08:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *succubus
08:36 < Revent> Ya could 'technically' get a scrip for your 12-inch wall-powered dildo from a sex therapist... lol.
08:36 < Qcoder00> Hmm...
08:36 < tommorris> some people find sex toys rather embarasssing. but if someone were to search my house, the most embarassing thing they'd find isn't a dildo, it's a creationist book.
08:36 < Qcoder00> "In The Beggining God Created the Heavens and the Earth..."
08:37 < Revent> *means an actual head shrinker, not a generic 'therapist'.
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08:37 < Qcoder00> Actually I wouldn't be supised if some Domina's had pysch qualifcations...
08:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris I'd wager you have even something more embarassing
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08:38 < Revent> Qcoder00: Probably surprisingly common.
08:38  * Qcoder00 wonders what embarssing things Wikipedians have
08:38 < Qcoder00> ;)
08:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pokémon?
08:38 < Qcoder00> I mean i don't have anything too embarssing...
08:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 hah
08:38 < Qcoder00> I have large size heels, a french maid costume etc...
08:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> do you do housekeeping?
08:39 < Qcoder00> Sometimes;)
08:39 < NotASpy> I trust you have a Ken Dodd style tickling stick
08:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as wikipe-tan cosplay?
08:39 < Qcoder00> LOL
08:39 < Revent> actually has a pair of knee-high leather high heel boots....(Rocky Horror costume)
08:39  * Qcoder00 wonders how many Wikipedia admins would cos-play as Wikipe-tan sisters...
08:40 < Revent> And yes, the bustier to go with it (lol)
08:40 < Qcoder00> Speaking of which, I wonder what Wiki-Voyage's Tan would look like?
08:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
08:40 < Theo10011> You guys are odd.
08:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> O_O
08:40 < tommorris> Qcoder00: WP:BEANS. please. we have enough tans already
08:40 < Theo10011> I could use a tan.
08:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris we can never have enough
08:40 < NotASpy> Theo10011: it's odd if you don't like Rocky Horror. Very odd.
08:41 < Qcoder00> Actually , I think WikiVoyage's tan would look something like a Japanese tour guide
08:41 < Theo10011> NotASpy, 1) not old enough to have been caught in that craze 2) Not-american
08:41 < Revent> Theo10011: This costume (tho it's obv not me)
08:42 < Theo10011> hawt
08:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> In more modern times, Frank Sinatra was charged in New Jersey in 1938 with seduction, having enticed a woman "of good repute to engage in sexual intercourse with him upon his promise of marriage. The charges were dropped when it was discovered that the woman was already married."[6]
08:42 < TheDruId> Theo10011, You're never not old enough, or too young for RHPS.
08:42 < Revent> *waives any claim to being Tim Curry
08:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> is male?
08:43 < Theo10011> TheDruId, maybe, then it's merely a matter of not being caught up in the right crowd so far.
08:43 < NotASpy> seduction is better than sedition, I suppose.
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08:44 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: it's a redir, tho it makes me wonder if the 'gramatically correct' seductor also exists...
08:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I know that
08:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but the only image is that of a male
08:44 < Revent> Nope....WP is gender-biased again *lol*
08:45 -!- wctaiwan [3de642a2@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
08:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Frank Sinatra ~ Incubus? :p
08:45 < TheDruId> I didn't even hear about RHSP until ?10 years after it came out.
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08:46 < Revent> Is adding redirects from disused gramatically correct latin tenses disruptive? :P
08:46 < NotASpy> I had the benefit of discovering Rick through the Crystal Maze and working back onto RHPS
08:46 < Qcoder00> No
08:46 < Qcoder00> Revent:  Clarify?
08:46 < Theo10011> disused
08:47 < tommorris> NotASpy: Crystal Maze was amazing.
08:47 < Revent> For instance, balancing the seductress -> seduction with seductor -> seduction
08:47 < Revent> Tho nobody actually uses the correct 'masculine' term...
08:49 < NotASpy> I miss Crystal Maze, even with Ed Tudor Pole, it was infinitely better than that pish with the beardy troll that is Edmonds.
08:49 < Revent> 'pedantically' seductress isn't an English word, it's latin, and should be italicized and conjugated per latin rules....but americans don't speak english worth a damn.
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08:49 < TheDruId> Why should they?
08:50 < NotASpy> too busy eating plastic cheese to speak properly. :p
08:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> americans speak american
08:51 < Theo10011> 'mercan! yeah!
08:51 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: there's often very little evidence of speech and a great deal of grunting in its place. Especially if they're called Billy Joe Bob Junior
08:51 < Revent> 'brother' isn't English's norse, that's why 'bretheren' is the 'odd' plural.
08:52 < Theo10011> As a non-native speaker I've had no problem understanding Americans. Brits with their diverse accents though are another story
08:52 < NotASpy> mind you, the OED lost all credibility when they refused to accept GIF is pronounced JIF and basically said fuck it, let people speak how they want to speak.
08:52 < closedmouth> isn't "english" just an amalgam of a whole bunch of different languages anyway?
08:52 < Qcoder00> Not entirly
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08:53 < Qcoder00> Really Old English is Saxon
08:53 < tommorris> NotASpy: the OED follows usage. lots of people pronounce it GIF
08:53 < Revent> closedmouth: true 'english' descends from Anglo-Saxon, but with lots of borrowed words.
08:53 < NotASpy> Theo10011: the best English spoken anywhere in the world is spoken in Inverness.
08:53 < Qcoder00> Which then borrowed from Norman French and Latin extensively
08:53 < tommorris> NotASpy: of course, if we're being pedantic, we ought to refer to it as a "CompuServe GIF"
08:53 < Theo10011> inverness?
08:53 < Revent> Welsh gaelic or Manx is closer to 'true' english
08:54 < Qcoder00> Erm
08:54 < Qcoder00> Galeic is a different branch entirly
08:54 < Qcoder00> and Welsh is NOT Galeic
08:54 < TheDruId> NotASpy, I've never pronounced that with a j.
08:54 < NotASpy> tommorris: yes, Compuserve. There's a blast from the past. I'm extending my lawn shortly and was wondering what to use as bird scarers in the absence of CompuServe free CDs.
08:54 < tommorris> NotASpy: AOL free CDs
08:54 < Qcoder00> Manx, Irish and Scots Gaelic are one family.... Welsh, Cornish, and Breton are another...
08:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 I heard obama is going to bail out wikipedians
08:55 < tommorris> amazingly, Compuserve didn't die until 2009
08:55 < Theo10011> Socialist!
08:55 < closedmouth> the G stands for "graphics", why would you give it a soft G?
08:55 < NotASpy> tommorris: I've not seen one of them in an ages.
08:56 < Qcoder00> What was Compuserve?
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08:56 < TheDruId> NotASpy, they're still coming, the mail backup being what it is.
08:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011, I heard ten zero figures discussed
08:56 < NotASpy> closedmouth: something to do with a peanut butter brand favoured amongst programmers at CompuServe at the time.
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08:56 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  Huh?
08:56 < Revent> Qcoder00: sorry if I picked the 'technically' wrong gaelic...point being that's the right 'family' for english, and 'romance languages' aren't.
08:56 < Qcoder00> Obama giving the WMF a grant?
08:56 < Revent> Qcoder00: Pre-web version of AOL. (lols at description)
08:57 < Theo10011> I think someone still owes me an explanation of what Inverness is!!?
08:57 < Qcoder00> Aol and Compuserve.... Wow, that's like OLD
08:57 < Theo10011> and how they speak the best english?
08:57 < Revent> Qcoder00: non-graphics "Prodigy"
08:57 < Qcoder00> Theo10011:  Inverness is a town in Scotland
08:57 < NotASpy> Theo10011: it's a city in the highlands of Scotland.
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08:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 ten zeros next to each other
08:57 < Qcoder00> Revent:  I see your Prodigy, and raise you Micronet
08:57 < Theo10011> ohh and they have english spoken there?
08:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> with nothing infront
08:57 < Revent>
08:57 < Theo10011> Craig ferguson is as scottish as I can handle
08:57 < Qcoder00> Theo10011:  Technically Scots...
08:58 < TheDruId> The last thing Wikimedia needs is US government 'assistance'; their green-energy support has tanked several companies already.
08:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId it really didnt
08:58 < Qcoder00> Although in my experience people in Inverness can speak 3 different languages...
08:58 < Revent> Qcoder00: (lols) I raise you using a 'raw' bitnet connection to a unix shell... :P
08:58 < Qcoder00> English, Scots and  Glasgow :)
08:58 < Theo10011> James McAvoy starts getting harder to follow.
08:58 < Qcoder00> Revent: /me folds.
08:59 < Revent> Qcoder00: to 'browse' with Gopher.... http:/ (protocol)
08:59 < Qcoder00> Gopher?
08:59 < Revent> er (protocol)
08:59 < Qcoder00> Who used Gopher?
08:59 < Revent> *raises hand*
09:00 < TheDruId> Never heard of it, but may still have used it unknowingly.
09:00 < Revent> predates the existence of the 'Web'.....was a precursor to'd know. :P
09:00  * Qcoder00 refuses to make a bad joke about terming Gopher porn searches, 'gerbilling'  but what the hey...
09:01 < Revent> gopher:// if your browser supports it.
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09:02 < Revent> (probably not)
09:02 < closedmouth> > Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (gopher) isn't associated with any program.
09:02 < legoktm> Heh.
09:02 < tommorris> they removed Gopher from Firefox, sadly.
09:02 < legoktm> I remember gopher
09:02 < Shirik> chrome just treated it as a search
09:02 < legoktm> For some reason that link opened in my terminal window.
09:03 < Revent> *hrms*
09:03 < Shirik> probably the most sensible place to put it
09:04 < tommorris> one day, I must extract the Gopher stuff from an older firefox and put it out as a Gopher-only browser
09:04 < legoktm> lynx gopher:// <-- doesn't work?
09:04 < Shirik> ah!
09:04 < Shirik> TFP is Girls Generation!
09:04 < Shirik> I approve of this
09:05 < Revent> legoktm: it tries....I think the server is down.
09:05 < Revent> Lynx does still support gopher.
09:05 < legoktm> ah
09:05 < Theo10011> I should shave....
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09:06 < Gryllida> tommorris: is gopher still available in seamonkey?
09:06 < Gryllida> Hm, maybe not.
09:06 < Theo10011>
09:07 < Revent> *yays* gopher:// <-- still exists.
09:07 < iDangerMouse> mmmm sea monkey
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09:08 < iDangerMouse>
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09:09 < Revent> That site actually has a quite long list of still-running gopher servers....and a running 'Veronica'
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09:11 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
09:12 < tommorris> writing a gopher server might be fun. it looks pretty straightforward
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09:27 < YuviPanda> mmm, back on my big monitor setup
09:27 -!- purplebackpack89 [476a951b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:27 < Revent> tommorris: it's really just a 'subset' of telnet (in the same way http is)
09:27 < Revent> protocol-wise
09:29 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.]
09:29 < Revent> 'geek war' - browsing the web by telnetting to port 8080 (lol)
09:33 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:33 < IDoH> hi
09:34 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
09:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId Obama would hope and change wikipedia if he was good at either
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09:38 < TheDruId> I've seen hope and change. In the last last 5 years of living in one small town, the Dairy Queen rebranded, then closed; the KFC closed; Blockbuster closed; the auto-dealership closed; two of the check cashing ticks closed, one re-opened. My niece just hopes the government gives her more 'free' stuff.
09:39 < Theo10011> Wow
09:39 < Theo10011> that must destroy a young person's sense of hope
09:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId that happens with small towns ehrn there is a global financial crisis
09:42 -!- darev [54aaa2c9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
09:42 < darev> Hello
09:43 < iDangerMouse> Goodbye
09:43 < TheDruId> o/
09:44 < iDangerMouse> you didnt sing the next line.
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10:01 < MissGayle> waving good morning :)
10:01 -!- purplebackpack89 [476a951b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
10:02 < iDangerMouse> Hi, (waves back).
10:05 -!- iDangerMouse is now known as iDM|KnifeGame
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10:07 < Trijnstel> someone asks via OTRS how articles go on the main page...
10:07 < Trijnstel> I obviously reject that question, but I wonder how that goes...
10:07 < Trijnstel> I have no idea tbh
10:08 < NotASpy> Trijnstel: I trust you told them that they're carried there by pigeon ?
10:08 < Theo10011> Well Trijnstel it first starts with a chicken....
10:08 < IDoH> LOL
10:08 < Theo10011> then there is some bloody ritual
10:08  * iDM|KnifeGame snuggles IDoH 
10:09 < NotASpy> that's no way to describe Raul, Theo10011
10:09 < IDoH> Why are you snuggling me, iDM|KnifeGame.
10:09 < Theo10011> the specifics are held only with certain admins and cabal members
10:09 < Theo10011> unless you join
10:09 < Theo10011> we can't tell
10:09 < iDM|KnifeGame> IDoH, I want oreos!
10:09 -!- iDM|KnifeGame is now known as iDM
10:09  * IDoH gives iDM oreos
10:09 < Qcoder00> Theo10011:  Oh right?
10:09 < iDM> <3 share the love, thank you IDoH you the best.
10:09 < Qcoder00> Is this stuff to do with the  Firewall?
10:09 < IDoH> LOL
10:09 < Qcoder00> And that you have to be 'Cleared' as suitable first?
10:09 < NotASpy> Trijnstel: you get the article to Featured Article status (or write a new article and submit an interesting portion into the Did You Know section).
10:10 < Theo10011> ^
10:10 < Theo10011> the talk page has more info, it's usually FA articles that are cherry-picked from.
10:10 < Qcoder00> Theo10011:  I also hear the ritual involves removing your torusers...
10:10 < Qcoder00> ;)
10:10 < Theo10011> though Raul, the chicken would disagree.
10:10 < Qcoder00> if male... or if female your shoes...
10:10 < Theo10011> shhh
10:11 < Theo10011> you are giving the secret away!
10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 raul the ceiling chicken?
10:11 < Theo10011> ya, him
10:11 < iDM> IDoH, can you youtube right now or later?
10:11 < IDoH> I can do it now
10:11 < Qcoder00> Theo10011:  Of course that the Cabal accpet Jimbo as 'The Sole Architect' is widely known :)
10:11 < NotASpy> you can speak to Raul and see if your FA class article can be featured on a certain date - if you're article is about a brewery that was founded on 1st July 1813, you might get to have the Main Page on 1st July 2013.
10:11 < iDM> IDoH, I am seriously, doing
10:12 < Theo10011> Qcoder00, He's "the face"
10:12 < Qcoder00> OK
10:12 < NotASpy> otherwise he generally just schedules FAs onto the main page in a sensible order, so you don't get two similar topics over consecutive days.
10:12 < Qcoder00> And So you don't get a OMG IT'S A ****!  FA's
10:12 -!- MissGayle is now known as zz_MissGayle
10:13 < Trijnstel> ok, so Feature Articles?
10:13 < Theo10011> Yes.
10:13 < Trijnstel> but not only those, right?
10:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy what if I want raul himself to be featured?
10:14 < iDM> IDoH, was dumb, but its COOKIES :D
10:14 < IDoH> iDM: COOKIES!
10:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
10:14 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
10:15 < Theo10011> Trijnstel, as far as I know, it has to be a FA to be featured on the main page.
10:15  * iDM runs for cats
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10:17 < NotASpy> Trijnstel: no, if you write a new article, you can write up a jaunty little excerpt "Did you know that watching paint dry is a new extreme sport in Outer Mongolia" or something, or you can submit a photograph/graphic (either your own or a top quality photo from elsewhere) as Picture/Media of the day.
10:17 < iDM> best interview
10:17 < NotASpy> so yes, not necessarily Featured Article quality, to be on the main page.
10:17 < Theo10011> NotASpy, I think she is asking specifically about the featured articles.
10:17 < Theo10011> I think DYK is different
10:17  * NotASpy nods.
10:18 < NotASpy> Yeah, they'll take any old semi sensible nonsense for DYK.
10:18 < NotASpy> but if you want your work on the front page of Wikipedia, DYK is the place to start, I'd say, before working up to GA and FA articles.
10:18 < Trijnstel> NotASpy: ah, thnx
10:18 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: Rebooting computer]
10:19 < Trijnstel> Theo10011: no, I wasn't specifically asking about the featured articles
10:19 < Theo10011> ok
10:20 < Theo10011> Anyway
10:20 < Theo10011> I think we might have scared away missgayle :(
10:20 < Theo10011> Damn you Raul the cabal chicken.
10:20 < Gryllida> I don't see what you're talking about here.
10:20 < Trijnstel> thanks for thelp
10:21 < Trijnstel> *the help
10:21 < Trijnstel> ticket = closed :)
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10:35 < TheDruId> Later, all....
10:35 < Mdann52> Byes
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10:44 < Theo10011> hello Andy123
10:44 < Andy123> theo10011!
10:44 < Theo10011> there we go.
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11:01 -!- Mdann52 is now known as Cookies52
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11:04 -!- zz_MissGayle is now known as MissGayle
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11:16 < Dragonfly6-7> [[James Bissett III]]  was never convicted of being the [[Long Island serial killer]], because he killed himself the day after police told him that they were investigating. Opinions on whether it's fair to include {{US-crime-bio-stub}} ?
11:16 < Cookies52> G3?
11:17 < Dragonfly6-7> Everything pertaining to the murder investigtion is impeccably sourced, and even without it, he was a notable philanthropist.
11:17 < Cookies52> Oh... just the I thought that was the article :/
11:18 < Dragonfly6-7> the article has already been written. It includes {{US-crime-bio-stub}}. He was never convicted, or even arrested.
11:18 < Dragonfly6-7> should it include that?
11:18 < Cookies52> No
11:18 < Cookies52> Not IMO
11:18 < Theo10011> it's kind of like jack the ripper?
11:19 < Theo10011> the persona has its own article
11:19 < Theo10011> alleged identities are not clearly linked
11:19 < Theo10011> possible suspect list
11:23 -!- addihockey10 [d8ae8702@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
11:24 < Dragonfly6-7> Would one of you like to remove it, then?
11:26 < Theo10011> nah, I dont wanna hog your glory. :P
11:27 < Cookies52> Nah
11:27 < Cookies52> I'm busy with other matters
11:27 < Cookies52> Eg. Tracking down evidence for an SPI
11:29 < Theo10011> Anyway
11:29  * Theo10011 waves at MissGayle again
11:32 < Revent> Dragonfly6-7:
11:34 < Revent> Actually, given what is 'cited' in that thread, the article probably needs deleted... ""Unfounded, anonymous Internet postings or rumors about who may be a suspect should be given the appropriate weight they deserve by those who read them," said the joint statement issued by the Suffolk County Police Department and the district attorney's office. "
11:34 < Revent> It should be remembered that this type of unsubstantiated 'gossip' can cause substantial harm and emotional trauma, not only to the members of the families mentioned on the Internet postings, but also to the families of the victims." etc.
11:34 < Revent> There are other 'cites' in the thread about the police saying the 'alleged' suspects are wrong.
11:36 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
11:37 < MissGayle> hi theo! :) Staying on while in and out of meetings.
11:38 < Theo10011> hiya! thought you forgot me. ;)
11:38 < Theo10011> don't let me keep you. ttyl.
11:39 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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12:08 < Revent> Anyone up for the long rambling convoluted explanation of how Google can sue you for using a image from them of a PD book? *lol*
12:10  * tommorris spots a MissGayle in #wikipedia-en.
12:10 < MissGayle> Hi Tom! :)
12:10 < tommorris> Does that mean there's an office hours in the wings?
12:11 < MissGayle> From me? If people want one, I'm always happy to do one
12:11 < IDoH> There's a lot of people asking copyright questions in #wikipedia-en-help
12:12 < MissGayle> Ah - that's actually an area I'd love to learn more about and be more informed.
12:12 < tommorris> MissGayle: ah, but there isn't a planned one tonight. That's okay. After the day at work I've had, I need sleep. ;)
12:12 < NotASpy> Revent:  aye, fire away with the Google PD book thing - be interesting to see if it matches my thoughts on how they can sue you.
12:13 < tommorris> MissGayle: need to find a way to convince my boss that he really ought to take paternity leave and that telecommuting the same week yer wife has had a baby is crazy ;)
12:13 < Revent> Well, the thing is they've basically said they won't.....but the 'terms of use' on their site say you can't use em commercially or they will.
12:13 < MissGayle> surprised his wife hasn't told him that! :)
12:13 -!- JZTech101 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:14 < Revent> They don't own the 'content' can ocr the book. They don't own the 'typography' of the actual 'text block' can extract pages....but they own the actual 'image' that they post.
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12:15 < Revent> So, for instance, the people using pd google books as 'print on demand' books on amazon are asking to get their asses sued off.
12:16 < Revent> It's essentially like a photo of a 'historic' artwork hanging on a wall...
12:17 < Revent> They just have such a permissive 'license' that it's almost irrelevant....they don't 'care'.
12:18 -!- TAP|away is now known as thineantiquepen
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12:20 < Revent> The guy who does the 'art' of random pictures of hands and such from Google books has a special license.
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12:21 -!- iDangerMouse is now known as iDM|Annoyed
12:22 < shimgray> tommorris, you could try telling his wife he how glad you are he is taking paternity leave, and wait for him to challenge it...
12:22 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:22 < Revent>
12:23 < NotASpy> so how do Google actually manage to generate copyright on straight scans of PD books - that must be an American peculiarity, under UK law their images would be ineligible for copyright protection.
12:24 < BlastHardcheese> I'm not so sure about that, since U.S. copyright law has a threshold of originality requirement
12:24 < BlastHardcheese> (of course this doesn't prevent them from suing you and forcing you to spend $$$ defending yourself in court if they really don't like what you're doing)
12:25 < Revent> BlastHardcheese: The 'watermark' and such they use is sufficiently's a distinctive design.
12:25 -!- guillom is now known as basile
12:25 < NotASpy> there's certainly a Terms of Use issue - if Google don't want you using their service, which they provide at their expense, to make your own book, and you choose to ignore that, you've broken a contract and liable for penalties.
12:25 -!- kriminologia [d9429f6b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
12:25 < BlastHardcheese> oh well if they leave the watermark in there yeah they're probably crusin' for a brusin'
12:26 < Revent> BlastHardcheese: Yeah, you have to 'extract' the actual public domain portion.
12:26 < shimgray> NotASpy, under UK law it's indeterminate (neither position has been clearly established); there is a reasonable argument that skill and labour can create copyright in the UK
12:27 < shimgray> we disagree that it does, obv :-)
12:27 < BlastHardcheese> the watermark probably qualifies for trademark protection independently of any copyright, so they could go after you for trademark infringement too
12:27 < Revent> <-- this book on Amazon, for example, is illegal as hell.
12:28 < NotASpy> shimgray: yeah, I'm thinking sweat of the brow doctrine - if someone takes a manky, water damaged book from 1723 and makes it beautiful and lovely after scanning it, I'd be inclined to agree it might qualify for new copyright protection.
12:28 < shimgray> we just have no real caselaw on where that line is
12:28 < shimgray> the authorities agree photocopying doesn't count
12:28 < shimgray> but after that...
12:29 < Revent> NotASpy: There's a uk concept....'tyopgraphical copyright'. If I 'reset' a public domain work, I don't own the text, but I have a copyright in the 'design' even if it's not original.
12:29 < Revent> *typographical
12:29 < Revent> i.e. you can't just photocopy my new edition.
12:30 < shimgray> though typographical copyright expires faster
12:30 < shimgray> 25 years? something like that.
12:30 < Revent> ye, it's pretty short....10 years, maybe?
12:30 < Revent> *shrugs*
12:30 < shimgray>
12:30 < shimgray> it's a big thing with academic publishers, as well
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12:31 < shimgray> "oh, we don't require a copyright transfer for the journal... but we do own the page-numbered version"
12:31 < Revent> Ye...25 years...
12:31 < Revent> *found the cambridge version of the same thing
12:33 < Revent> There's technically no 'typographical copyright' in the us, but for /images/ (specifically) you essentially have the same thing.
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12:33 < shimgray> (sorry, have to run - later all)
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12:34 < Revent> Ye, I have impending 'gutter hygeine' to work on...*joy* (waves)
12:35 < BlastHardcheese> I read that as "guitar hygeine"
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12:42 < NotASpy> so if you copy a PD book, but add some text at the bottom, even a new page numbering system, it qualifies for typographical protection, but if I crop out the new text and return to just the PD stuff - what happens ?
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12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy panic?
12:45 < Fluffernutter> definitely panic
12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Panic is good?
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12:46 < NotASpy> It's one of those oddities where it conforms with one part of the law but could be in breach of another part of the law. I suspect it would require precedent to move forward.
12:47 -!- Pancetta [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 259 seconds]
12:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy I smell a lawsuit
12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pd stuff is still pd
12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> remember the british art thing
12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if the new work is a faithful recreation of the old work
12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its old work
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12:53 < Qcoder00> Unless you are the NPG and took new photos
12:53 < Qcoder00> XD
12:54 -!- GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
12:54 -!- GingerGeek[Away] [] has quit [Quit: Bye!]
12:54 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: but does faithful creation extend to making a faithful recreation from new in copyright material ?
12:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the original text was pd right?
12:55 -!- southpark [] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
12:55 -!- dfjkddfoi [60392292@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> after the cropping you have only that left, right?
12:56 < dfjkddfoi> didn't wikipeda used to have a article feedback at the bottom of every article?
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12:56 < NotASpy> yeah, for arguments sake, ToAruShiroiNeko
12:56 < Fox2k12> <--
12:56 < NotASpy> dfjkddfoi: yes, now opt in for certain articles, from what I recall reading.
12:57 -!- eptalon [~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy how would they know its from their work?
12:57 < eptalon> heyas
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they might have creeped in signatures in the bulk of the text
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> like how phonebooks do it
12:57 < eptalon> Anything in new brunswick worth writing about?
12:57 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has joined #wikipedia-en
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12:59 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: or the trap streets they put into maps.
13:00 < NotASpy> eptalon: there's bound to be a road out of it to write about.
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13:01 < eptalon> NotASpy: I am contemplating keeping an empty category "Settlements in New Brunswick"...
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13:05 < Dragonfly6-7> eptalon = are you Canadian?
13:05 < eptalon> Dragonfly6-7: Nope.
13:06 < Dragonfly6-7> eptalon - alors pourquoi tu te consideres comme quelqu'un qui pourrait juger s'il y a du quoi en Nouveau-Brunswick qui vaut des articles de Wikipedia>
13:06 < Dragonfly6-7> ?
13:07 < Qcoder00> Any composers around?
13:07 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:07 < eptalon> Dragonfly6-7: Regarde, qui est une categorie vide. Si cela se peuple facilement, il n'y a aucune raison de l'effacer. Sinon, on efface et on crée de nouveau en cas de besoin...
13:08 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:08 < eptalon> Dragonfly6-7: yes, I do speak French. :)
13:08 < Dragonfly6-7> ah, Simple. Moi je m'occupe pas avec Simple.
13:09 < Dragonfly6-7> il y a quasiment une centaine de Settlements sur enwiki
13:10 -!- Superaway is now known as Deskana
13:10 < eptalon> Dragonfly6-7: So in your opinion, there is potential to get 4-5 settlements in there?
13:11 < Dragonfly6-7> rephrase your question, please?
13:12 -!- Jarry1250 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jarry1250] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
13:12 < eptalon> Dragonfly6-7: Empty categories look awful, and are best deleted, unless a case can be made that potentially there are 3-4 articles that could fit the category.
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13:13 < Dragonfly6-7> enwiki has 88 articles with the 'Settlements in New Brunswick" category tag. They could well be duplicated on Simple.
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13:14 < Qcoder00> Quick question...
13:14 < Qcoder00> Is anyone here familiar with Variety theatre?
13:14 < Qcoder00> Or Music Hall?
13:14 < Dragonfly6-7> define 'familiar'
13:14 < Qcoder00> As in able to suggest material for a programme of help write it
13:14 < Qcoder00> *or help to write it
13:15 < Qcoder00> I found a poem on Wikisource that could I think could be adapted as one item...
13:15 < Qcoder00> but need a composer to write the music...
13:16 < Qcoder00> I have ideas for items but they need someone that's written sketches to assist in development etc...
13:16 < Dragonfly6-7> try  for composers
13:17 < Qcoder00> I'll try asking on musescore as well
13:17 < Qcoder00> join #musescore
13:17 < Qcoder00> Argh
13:17 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
13:17 < eptalon> Dragonfly6-7: I have moved a one liner about Frederickton, which looks like the capital.
13:17 < Dragonfly6-7> no 'k' in 'Fredericton'
13:18 < Dragonfly6-7> and it is indeed the provincial capital
13:18  * Dragonfly6-7 has spent quite some time in New Brunswick
13:19 -!- Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
13:19 < eptalon> Dragonfly6-7: yes, sorry.
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13:21 < Revent> *chuckles* I may have made someone mad at me....
13:21 < Revent> I'm kinda waiting to see...
13:21  * Dragonfly6-7 hits Revent with a stick several times
13:21  * Dragonfly6-7 continues hitting Revent with a stick
13:21 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:21  * Dragonfly6-7 hits Revent with the stick so many times that the stick falls apart
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13:21  * Dragonfly6-7 gets another stick
13:22 < JohnChrysostom> did someone famous gent sent to prison today? everyone says someone went to gaol, but who?
13:22 < Revent> I accidentally stuck OH instead on TN on the WikiProject US banner on a stub, and the guy sent me a 'you idiot' flame, so I peed all over his 'collection' of pages with unformatted external links.
13:23 < Dragonfly6-7> Don't do that.
13:23 < Fluffernutter> ...
13:23 < JohnChrysostom> LOL, leave it to me
13:23 < Fluffernutter> vandalism is not your friend
13:23 -!- eptalon [~robert@wikipedia/Eptalon] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
13:23 < JohnChrysostom> fucking non-yanks
13:24 < Revent> It wasn't vandalism, at all...
13:24 < Qcoder00> JohnChrysostom : Hi
13:24 < detox_> hello all
13:24 < JohnChrysostom> leave it to me
13:24 < Qcoder00> Does anyone recall who the Dominican on Wikipedia was ?
13:24 < JohnChrysostom> fucking non-yanks!
13:24 < Revent> It was MOS:LINKS#Link_titles on about a dozen stubs he'd written about (fairly non-notable) college women's basketball coaches.
13:25 < detox_> hello JohnChrysostom , my brother.
13:25 < QueenOfFrance> Revent: [[Wikipedia:Harassment#Wikihounding]]
13:25 < JohnChrysostom_> let me handle it
13:26 < JohnChrysostom_> fucking not-yanks
13:26 < QueenOfFrance> JohnChrysostom_: oh stop that already.
13:26 < Revent> QueenOfFrance: TBH, it was more a matter of touching the list of pages that were 'linked' to a misspelled redirect because of a misspelling in a naxbox...
13:26 < mattbuck> sorry QueenOfFrance, I'm not an op in this channel
13:27 < QueenOfFrance> mattbuck: I don't quite follow
13:27 < Revent> But the link formatting was horrible, and it's the kind of thing I 'normally' fix...
13:27 < QueenOfFrance> Revent: but you clearly went after him, because that's how you construed it here :P
13:28 < Revent> *hehs* Well, I was being humorous, but it wasn't my 'goal', tho I was a bit 'offened' my his message.
13:28 < Revent> *offended
13:28 < Revent> QueenOfFrance: Not like I'm even going to remember his name unless he gripes again...
13:29 < Revent> It was more a matter of....why is this whole set of articles 'broken' the same way.....oh, written by the same guy *lol*
13:30 < JohnChrysostom> fcking not-yanks
13:30 -!- yano [yano@freenode/staff/yano] has quit [Quit: WeeChat, The Better IRC Client:]
13:30 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ
13:30 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+q *!*@gateway/web/] by QueenOfFrance
13:30 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+q *!*@wikipedia/JohnChrysostom] by QueenOfFrance
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13:32 < Bradford> ._.
13:32 -!- yano [yano@freenode/staff/yano] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:32 < Bradford> hi yano :-)
13:35 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
13:36 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Quit: Cheerio!]
13:37 < Revent> QueenOfFrance: Trust me, if I'd 'wanted to go after him' I'd have given him crap about only using 'second-hand' bio stuff from the colleges, and nothing to establish 'notability' for any of them (about half are new this year)
13:38 < Revent> I just fixed the 'visual' errors...
13:38 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ
13:38 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-qq *!*@gateway/web/ *!*@wikipedia/JohnChrysostom] by QueenOfFrance
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13:38 < JohnChrysostom> Public apology to all admins for unintentionally spamming earlier.
13:39 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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13:43 < soul> hello bitches
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13:44 < Demiurge1000> yes, hello
13:44 < JohnChrysostom> ****** *** *******
13:45 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:45 <@QueenOfFrance> JohnChrysostom_: seriously?
13:47 < CrackyWacky> I'm here and on CRACK!
13:47 < Fyre> yay CrackyWacky <£
13:48 < Koi> QueenOfFrance: Are you a local OS on enwp?
13:48 < Koi> I can't remember.
13:48 < mattbuck> QueenOfFrance, may I?
13:48 <@QueenOfFrance> Koi: could be.
13:48 < Koi> define could be.
13:49 <@QueenOfFrance> It might be possible for me to admit to be an oversighter on the English Wikipedia. Whether or not it is possible depends on the timelength required to handle the issue in front of me.
13:49 < JohnChrysostom> crack? as in nangs?
13:50 < CrackyWacky> crytsal meth
13:50 < Fyre> bath salts?
13:50 < detox_> spice?
13:50  * Fluffernutter approves of QueenOfFrance's style
13:51 < Peter-C> Fluffernutter
13:51 < Peter-C>
13:51 < Peter-C> New EMS documentary
13:52 < JohnChrysostom> is it a sandwich?
13:52 < CrackyWacky> yes
13:52 < CrackyWacky> a tasty sandwich
13:53 < JohnChrysostom> no, candy!
13:54 < Fyre> JohnChrysostom: any relations to Ἰωάννης ὁ Χρυσόστομος ?
13:54 < JohnChrysostom> ...with and between bread.
13:54 < JohnChrysostom> Fyre: beyond the spiritual? I don't think so.
13:54 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:55 < IDoH> Hey Sky2042.
13:55 < Koi> is there a CU stalkword?
13:55 < JohnChrysostom> My line goes back to Roman Syria, I think, but I doubt to the Golden-Tongued himself.
13:55 < Sky2042> IDoH: Hello?
13:55 -!- MissGayle is now known as zz_MissGayle
13:56 < Koi> garble.
13:56 < IDoH> koi: Let's try
13:56 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:56 < IDoH> !checkuser
13:56 <@QueenOfFrance> nocu4u
13:56 < Koi> QueenOfFrance: :(
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13:56 < Bradford> :)
13:56 < IDoH> Just saying hi, Sky2042. :-)
13:56 -!- sarahlicity [~sarah@unaffiliated/sceptre] has quit [Quit: Laters, baby.]
13:56 < IDoH> Hey Bradford.
13:56 < Koi> !checkuser <--- user is obviously (per a surpressed edit) either a sock of a banned user/current user or someone who is obviously WP:NOTHERE
13:56 < Bradford> hi
13:57  * Koi waits to be yelled at by a sandwich.
13:57 < IDoH> Koi, I have a check user talking to me in private message
13:57 < JohnChrysostom> Fyre: doubtfully with any ancient ties to  Ἀντιόχεια ἡ Μεγάλη
13:58 < Koi> oh, ok.
13:58 < Koi> well.
13:58 < Koi> they should talk to me :/
13:58 < Koi> IDoH: which one?
13:58 < IDoH> derp
13:58 < JohnChrysostom> ham and cheese, maybe?
13:59 < JohnChrysostom> or a club?
13:59 < JohnLewis> koi: Well find ones. There are alot but my CUs are at Amsterdam :(
13:59 < Koi> IDoH: Derp is not a checkuser on the English Wikipedia.
13:59 < IDoH> Oh, okay. :-(
13:59 < JohnChrysostom> IDoH: I think Koi is right.
14:00 < JohnLewis> JohnChrysostom:  Seems valid.
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14:00 < JohnChrysostom> Logical deduction, Mr Sulu.
14:01 < Koi> is X! a checkuser?
14:01 < JohnChrysostom> probably, since he lent his name to the toolserver
14:01 < QueenOfFrance> Koi: no
14:02 < QueenOfFrance> is/was 'crat
14:02 < QueenOfFrance> You know there's a list on wiki, right? :P
14:02 < JohnChrysostom> Aren't all 'Crats checkusers?
14:02 < JohnLewis> JohnChrysostom: No.
14:02 < JohnChrysostom> Since they could, theoretically, give themselves checkuser rights?
14:02 < QueenOfFrance> They could not.
14:02 < QueenOfFrance> In fact, they cannot.
14:02 < Fyre> JohnChrysostom: are you religious in some way?
14:02 < JohnLewis> JohnChrysostom: You are getting them confused with Stewards.
14:02 -!- Guest59037 is now known as Theopolisme
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14:03 < Koi> QueenOfFrance: he is a crat right?
14:03 < JohnChrysostom> JohnLewis: Righty-o
14:03 < Koi> QueenOfFrance: and technically, you can CU when there's no local ones available, right? :PPPPPP
14:03 < QueenOfFrance> Koi: I don't remember, go look it up -- he used to be, I dunno if he requested it again
14:03 < QueenOfFrance> Koi: no.
14:03 < Koi> QueenOfFrance: it was a joke :)
14:03 < JohnChrysostom> Fyre: I'm a monk. Though little could ye tell.
14:03 < QueenOfFrance> Koi: I could do that only in serious emergencies.
14:03 < Fyre> my uncle is a monk :)
14:04 < JohnChrysostom> Fyre: of what order?
14:04 < Koi> QueenOfFrance: wikipedia is getting vandalized by Jimbo and that's not an emergency?
14:04 < Koi> well we don't know if it's jimbo
14:04 < JohnChrysostom> LOL
14:04 < QueenOfFrance> Koi: seems like routine to me.
14:04 < Koi> but we can't know that unless you CU!!!
14:04 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
14:04 < QueenOfFrance> Could be Alec Salmon instead
14:04 -!- TB|Away [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
14:04 < QueenOfFrance> or Alex Sturgeon
14:04 < Koi> QueenOfFrance: well, per a WO blog post, WMF staff routinely vandalize Wikipedia.
14:04 < QueenOfFrance> or some other fish, but we're still not in the business of fishing
14:04 < Fyre> JohnChrysostom: Trappist
14:04 < JohnChrysostom> Or Alex Orange Roughy?
14:05 < JohnChrysostom> I drink Trappist beers, but I'm a Dominican (not really a monk, I know)
14:05 < IDoH> koi: WO is an unreliable source
14:05 -!- Victorium [~Gueriller@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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14:05 < Koi> IDoH: I know :p
14:05 < Koi> I wonder if anyone in here stalks Wikipediocracy
14:05 < Koi> !wikipediocracy
14:05 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:05  * IDoH doesn't, thankfully
14:05 < Fyre> he lives about 6 hours of driving from my place
14:05 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
14:05 < JohnChrysostom> Emotes "doesn't either"
14:06 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:06 < JohnChrysostom> In America?
14:06 < JohnChrysostom> There aren't too many Trappist abbeys in the US (nor in Canada and Mexico)
14:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I was asked to provide naked photo of my family on wikipedia and I complied
14:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> am I a horrible person?
14:06 < JohnChrysostom> Most famous: Gethsemani (sic, like the D-R Bible) in Kentucky
14:06 < Fyre> let's take it into private :)
14:07 < JohnChrysostom> Even though I'm "Eastern" - thus my name (my actual name is John Augustine, so it's doubly pun)
14:08 < JohnChrysostom> I've timed out.
14:08 < Dragonfly6-7> ToAruShiroiNeko - you're a horrible person for many, many reasons.
14:08 -!- Dragonfly6-7 [~test@] has quit []
14:10 < Moe_Epsilon> lol
14:10 < Fyre> plus he makes some awesome chocolate!
14:10 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:11 < IDoH> hey addihockey10.
14:12 < addihockey10> Hey idoh
14:12 < IDoH> and elkng, Moe_Epsilon, and Victorium. :p
14:12  * Moe_Epsilon waves :D
14:13 < Victorium> sup
14:13 < IDoH> Nothing much
14:13 < IDoH> You?
14:14  * JohnChrysostom is
14:14 < Victorium> doing well
14:14 < Victorium> I just got home from work
14:14 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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14:15 < IDoH> Good. :-)
14:15 < IDoH> Hey southpark.
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14:16 < Revent> FWIW, I read the wikidiocy stuff reqularly.
14:16 < IDoH> Why, Revent?
14:16 -!- Onaka [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:16 < IDoH> Hey Swarlley.
14:17 < Revent> IDoH lols.
14:17 < Swarlley> IDoH: i'm addihockey10
14:17 < Swarlley> ...
14:17 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
14:17 < IDoH> O.O
14:17 < Revent> IDoH: Amusing level of whining.
14:17 < IDoH> Revent: There is? Why
14:18 -!- Pancetta is now known as Agnew
14:18 < Revent> More effort put into complaining about some percieved editing injustice than it would take to fix it...
14:18 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
14:19 < NotASpy> yes, but by complaining about it, it'll never happen ever again in the future to anybody else.........
14:19 < tommorris> Revent: that'd require the whiner to not be banned.
14:19 < a930913> Right guys, spot the correlation between the yellow line and another line
14:19 < Revent> Like 'lack of motivated editors' implies some kind of evil conspiracy.
14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH here:
14:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent there always is a conspiracy
14:20 < tommorris> Revent: I'm part of an evil conspiracy to go to my job, watch TV and drink.
14:20 < JohnChrysostom> Revent: it's not a conspiracy, it's not wanting to spend weeks in Rf/Etc.
14:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> at worst there is a conspiracy against cospiaring
14:20 < IDoH> Revent: You mean, the whining about the globalize tag I put on an article
14:20 < IDoH> ToAruShiroiNeko: Nice cats.
14:20 < JohnChrysostom> Globalization means Harmonization!
14:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH its my nude family as demanded :D
14:20 < IDoH> LOL
14:21 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
14:21 < JohnChrysostom> Toaroishiroineko's still around!
14:21 < JohnChrysostom> and mispelled!
14:21 < JohnChrysostom> TWICE!
14:21 < Revent> IDoH: I may have missed that....I read the 'blog' parts more than the forum.
14:22 < a930913> Does anybody find voxelbot's vandalism levels remotely accurate?
14:22 < IDoH> Revent: No, it was from someone on Wikipedia, not wikipediocracy.
14:22 < JohnChrysostom> Is that cat eating Dippin' Dots?
14:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hello JohnChrysostom
14:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I have always been here
14:22 < IDoH> a930913: I don't.
14:23 < IDoH> It's always level four or five. Bullocks scat.
14:23 < a930913> IDoH: :p
14:23 < a930913> IDoH:
14:24 < JohnChrysostom> a9x: it's saying 10% of edits are bullshit? I don't believe it immediately
14:24 < Revent> IDoH: Ah...I meant more like the whining about things like...""
14:24 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:24 < Revent> Which is all 19th centure fine art.
14:24 < IDoH> Ouch
14:24 < Revent> *century
14:25 < a930913> JohnChrysostom: Not quite, the total score is relative.
14:26 < a930913> JohnChrysostom: So just compare the delta.
14:26 < Revent> IDoH: Actually, glancing through, it's all 19th century fine art only used in articles on non-english wikipedias, even.
14:27 < IDoH> All showing consensual sex/erotic activity between mostly kids of similar ages
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14:28 < Revent> IDoH: Yup...
14:28 < JohnChrysostom> Anime!
14:28 < Revent> It's explicit, but not pornographic...
14:29 < Revent> Actually, the 'translated captions' are the worst part...
14:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent or any church ceiling in italy :p
14:29 -!- StevenW is now known as StevenW-AFK
14:29 < Revent> "Translation of original caption of the image from French: If Mom returns? She'll tell you that it's very rude to talk with your mouth full."
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14:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent sage advice
14:34 < ChrisGualtieri> Is an admin on?
14:35 < Revent> ChrisGualtieri: Use the stalkword.
14:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats for emergencies
14:35 < Revent> *shrugs* I assumed he actually /needed/ one...
14:36 < ChrisGualtieri> Well... its a policy question
14:36 < ChrisGualtieri> If an editor inserts knowingly false material into Wikipedia, is there a time limit for addressing it?
14:36 < Demiurge1000> yes
14:36 < Demiurge1000> ASAP!
14:37 < Revent> If you mean stuff like BLP slander, remove immediately upon notice.
14:38 -!- APexil [~you@unaffiliated/apexil] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:38 < ChrisGualtieri> I did remove it, but I don't know if I can bring the editor to ANI or RFC/U or somewhere else for it
14:39 < ChrisGualtieri> Yes... its Lucia Black, she called my citing of that to be a personal attack at the pump, but the more I look through the contributions the more insertion of false material I see.
14:41 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
14:41 < Revent> (assuming that your description is accurate) Knowing adding false materiel is BLPs is vandalism....and 'habitual vandalism' isn't a 'time limit' thing I don't think.
14:41 < ChrisGualtieri> Its not a BLP.
14:42 < ChrisGualtieri> I'll grab the pump link for you to view it yourself.
14:42 < Revent> (misunderstood your 'agreement)
14:42 < ChrisGualtieri>
14:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri willingly inserting false information can be considered slander
14:43 < ChrisGualtieri> Its not a BLP.
14:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh
14:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats lonmg
14:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> please dont make me read it :(
14:43 < ChrisGualtieri> The bottom 3 posts only count.
14:43 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter
14:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh this is that moron discussion trying toban stubs
14:44 < ChrisGualtieri> The rest is Lucia trying to defend a self affirmed "deletion campaign" for the 9600 stub/start articles on ANIME if they can't make C or B class. >.>
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14:45 < ChrisGualtieri> Yeah, I've been dealing with her for 4 months. I got held up after a few spats, but the deliberate false insertion of material still exists on the pages and I'm getting annoyed by her desire to blow off the RFC
14:45 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Disconnected by services]
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14:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> talk to an arbitrator IMHO
14:45 < ChrisGualtieri> I cited NOTHERE, but I don't want to come off as a bully, its just that I have improved so many articles already and I know many sources are Japanese and many more will never make C and don't have to make C for notability as she contests.
14:46 < Revent> *cringes at the though of her visiting /my/ field of interest*
14:46 -!- NotASpy_ is now known as NotASpy
14:46 -!- Jamesofur|away is now known as Jamesofur
14:47 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: *nods* I'm not /that/ familiar with the whole story (tldr) but what I've picked up over the length of the drama sounds like very POINTy behavior.
14:48  * Sky2042 cringes at Lucia's arguments, in general.
14:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent you an arb?
14:48 < Revent> Nope.
14:49 < ChrisGualtieri> What you mean by talk to an arbitrator? arbcom or mediation?
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14:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri as an advice
14:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what would an arbitrator suggest
14:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mediation wouldnt work probably
14:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there are two options mass purge or not
14:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no middle ground
14:54 -!- kingturtle [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
14:56 < BlastHardcheese> ban them all, jimbo will know his own
14:56 < mattbuck> ban jimbo!
14:58 < ChrisGualtieri> lol
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15:03 < kondi> Fullmetal Alchemist Complete Box Set: Volumes 1-27  for 177.45 USD
15:03 < kondi> hmm
15:04 < kondi> that is with 24% discount
15:04 < kondi> s/with/after
15:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> \177.45?
15:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why the .45?
15:05 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
15:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mattbuck dont ban jimbo :(
15:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> who else would handle most of the drama :p
15:06 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
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15:08 < kondi> .45 = 25 INR = 1 omelette
15:08 < kondi> :P
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15:11 < GabrielF> anyone have any experience using wikihadoop?
15:12 < kondi> what is wikihadoop?
15:13 < GabrielF> its a tool that lets you do data analysis on wikipedia dumps using a technology called hadoop
15:15 < kondi> found it
15:15 < Son_Gohan> Oh for FUCK sakes:
15:15 < kondi> ah :)
15:15 < Son_Gohan> Is Microsoft really this fucking clueless?
15:16 < BlastHardcheese> mmm
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15:21 < ChrisGualtieri> Can I bug an admin to move to Robert Mustard and purge the redirect?
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15:24 < ChrisGualtieri> Nevermind, I'll do it myself... figured it out
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15:38 < mareklug> The Boy Scouts of America voted Thursday to allow openly gay youths as members, while continuing its policy of excluding openly gay adult leaders.
15:38 < Fluffernutter> woo/boo
15:38 < IDoH> woo/boo
15:38 < IDoH> indeed
15:39 < Fluffernutter> trans kids still not allowed, it seems
15:39 < Fluffernutter> boo to that
15:39 < mareklug>
15:39 -!- sdamashek|busy is now known as sdamashek
15:39 < IDoH> Hey sdamashek.
15:39 < sdamashek> hello
15:39 < Jetro> but do they allow non-white people as scouts?
15:40 -!- zz_MissGayle is now known as MissGayle
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15:43 < mareklug> Jetro they only probihit smoked dumass trolling Norwegians
15:44 < Jetro> "Dumass"?????????????
15:44 < Fluffernutter> wee speel guud
15:44 < mareklug>
15:44 < mareklug> we spell excellently.
15:44 < Jetro> ah, makes sense
15:45  * Firefly67 frequently needs to consult urbandictionary
15:46 < Firefly67> what is this room for, exactly?
15:47 < Firefly67> -help is for help
15:47 < Jetro> teapot chats an that
15:47 < Firefly67> this is for asking help with reading WP>
15:47 < IDoH> Talking about the English Wikipedia
15:47 < Firefly67> ?
15:47 < Firefly67> ok
15:47 < Firefly67> IDoH I have a clue to your aura of respectability
15:47 < IDoH> Heh heh
15:47 < Firefly67> You type in proper case
15:47 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
15:47 < Fluffernutter> heh
15:48 < IDoH> That I do
15:48 < IDoH> And I have informal, non-admin power
15:48 < Fluffernutter> Internet truism: the more someone bothers to capitalize appropriately, the more likely they are to not be crazypants
15:48 < IDoH> LOL
15:48 < Firefly67> That's what gives you that aura.
15:48 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:48 < Jetro> Uh-oh
15:48  * Firefly67 resolves to type in proper case to gain respectability
15:48 < Jetro> but you should never type with . at the end
15:48 < Jetro> makes you seem arrogant :D
15:48 < Fluffernutter> periods are for suckers
15:49 < Jetro> yep
15:49  * Theopolisme whimpers
15:49 < Jetro> I am so dry and boring. *tut*
15:49 < NotASpy> periods are for suckers. Full stop
15:49 < Firefly67> Periods suck, that is true
15:49 < Theopolisme> oops, i mean: /me whimpers.
15:49 < Jetro> Too late.
15:49 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:50 < IDoH> Jetro, it makes me seem intelligent to use periods.
15:50 -!- Vito_ [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:50 < Jetro> Quite true.
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15:50 < enigmuriatic>    why does it say "men like boys" next to "Medical cannabis"?
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15:51 < IDoH> enigmuriatic: Because Wikidata doesn't work
15:51 < Fluffernutter> hah
15:51 < enigmuriatic> IDoH, dan you elaborate?
15:52 < IDoH> It's kind of beta. And I was kidding.
15:52 < Firefly67> Fluffernutter, your refusal to capitalize your words isn't adding to your respectability
15:52 -!- enigmuriatic [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:52  * Fluffernutter has now made her first edit to wikidata, to fix that!
15:53 < Firefly67> What is wikidata?
15:53 < Fluffernutter> Firefly67: it's...sort of a structured data resource for other wikimedia projects to pull from. Though I realize that's a pretty incomprehensible explanation.
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15:54  * Firefly67 doesn't no what wikimedia is, either
15:54 < Firefly67> doesn't *know
15:54 < Fluffernutter> wikimedia is the umbrealla category for wikipedia, wiktionary, wikinews, etc
15:55 < CensoredBiscuit> hey sexy-pedians
15:55 < Jetro> oh u
15:55 < IDoH> We're secksy and we know it
15:55  * Fluffernutter apparently can't spell umbrella
15:56 < kylu> as in the company from Resident Evil, right?
15:56 < CensoredBiscuit> I'm thinking about doing the best thing for wikipedia and putting a cluebot trigger on my talk page
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15:56 < IDoH> Cluebot trigger? What's that?
15:57 < kylu> like "ClueBot, Would You Kindly..."
15:57 < IDoH> Cluebot, would you kindly watch my talk page?
15:57 < CensoredBiscuit> I've found some warning scripts trigger cluebot to watch your account
15:57 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
15:58 < IDoH> What would happen then, CensoredBiscuit?
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16:02 < CensoredBiscuit> ugh net dropped out
16:02 < CensoredBiscuit> IDoH: itll watch your edits more closely
16:02 < Firefly67> Do you get informed about answers to your Teahouse questions even if no one mentions your name?
16:02 < Fluffernutter> nothing of value was said, don't worry
16:02 < IDoH> And not your userspace, CensoredBiscuit?
16:03 < Dcoetzee> "Boy Scouts vote to lift ban on gay youth" wooo finally
16:03 < IDoH> But not on gay leaders, Dcoetzee.
16:03 < Dcoetzee> Yeah. It's a step still
16:04 < IDoH> Yeah. Still. :-/
16:04 < Dcoetzee> How strange it is that not so long ago the Boy Scouts fought all the way to the Supreme Court for their right to exclude gays from their organization
16:04 < Dcoetzee> And now they're like "uhhh never mind"
16:04 < IDoH> Heh heh
16:04 < mareklug> well they still exclude them as staff
16:05 < CensoredBiscuit> your mom is very classy
16:05 < Dcoetzee> CensoredBiscuit: Yeah well I hear your mom is both attractive and successful
16:05 < Swarlley> "take a look, let me know what you think" - Anthony Weiner
16:05 < Revent> Firefly67: FWIW you can transclude the 'sections' of the page onto part of your userspace, and watch that. :)
16:06 < CensoredBiscuit> I had a coworker try to claim wikipedia is biased
16:06 < Dcoetzee> Wikipedia is biased
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16:06 < IDoH> It is biased, systemically, CensoredBiscuit
16:06 < Dcoetzee> Yes
16:06 < Dcoetzee> However it's not biased in the way everybody assumes it is
16:07 < Dcoetzee> i.e. that it only reflects liberal views on controversial subjects
16:07 < IDoH> Dcoetzee knows what he's talking about. :-)
16:07  * IShadowed snorts
16:07 < CensoredBiscuit> I just said what I alway say
16:08 < CensoredBiscuit> your mom is baised too
16:08  * IDoH snorts horsey-like back at IShadowed.
16:08 < CensoredBiscuit> but I still love her
16:08 < IShadowed> "baised"
16:08 < CensoredBiscuit> IShadowed: fuck spelling
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16:08 < Dcoetzee> Speaking of "fuck" and "spelling" I was still quite surprised the first time I saw a FCUK retail store
16:09 < IDoH> Heh
16:09 < IShadowed> how do you even say that
16:09 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:09 < Dcoetzee> Letter by letter
16:09 < IShadowed> ah
16:09 < IShadowed> well that's no fun
16:09 < IDoH> There's a fu king pawn shop near where my parents live.
16:09 -!- JKL|lejos is now known as JKL1234-
16:09 < Dcoetzee> FCUK = French Connection, a UK-based company
16:10 < IShadowed> yeah
16:10 < IShadowed> SUUURE
16:10 < Dcoetzee> Don't ask me what kind of UK company calls itself "French Connection"
16:10 < Swarlley> Dcoetzee: my teacher wore fcuk shirts
16:10 < IDoH> O.O
16:10 < NotASpy> Dcoetzee: should be a ferry company on the Dover to Calais run, really.
16:10 < IShadowed> Dcoetzee, I could probably convince some of my classmates that France is a part of the UK
16:11 -!- Hazard-SJ_ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:11 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Depressing, I know
16:11 < IShadowed> mhm hm
16:12 < Dcoetzee> I know where countries are. I have a video to prove it :-P
16:12 < GabrielF> does anyone have any experience with wikihadoop?
16:12 < Jamesofur> to be fair, I know some brits who would steadfastly argue that was either generally true, should be true or historically true IShadowed ;)
16:13 < IShadowed> Dcoetzee, what the fuck is this
16:13 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: That's me playing a random online game in which it names all the countries in a region in random order and you have to click on them
16:13 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:13 < Jamesofur>
16:13 < IShadowed> yes
16:13 < IShadowed> why
16:13 < IShadowed> :P
16:13 < Dcoetzee> Cause it was fun :-P
16:13 < IShadowed> if only I had time to burn
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16:15 < Dcoetzee> "Wikipedia Writers Sure Know Their Hentai"
16:16 < Demiurge1000> It's good you told us the title of that URL.
16:16 < Dcoetzee> Yes I realise in retrospect it was obvious :-P
16:16 < Dcoetzee> It's kind of on topic since we were talking about systemic bias
16:17 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
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16:17 < IShadowed> Dcoetzee actually just wants an excuse to link something on hentai
16:17 < mareklug> does anyone here eat alfalfa sprouts?
16:19 < CensoredBiscuit> I bet wikipedia writers know a lot about  porn in general
16:19 < Dcoetzee> I think the general public as a whole knows more about porn than they're willing to admit
16:20 < IShadowed> I've been reading a lot of antipornography blogs lately
16:20 < IDoH> mareklug, I'm willing to eat alfalfa sprots
16:20 < IDoH> sprouts
16:20 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Find any particularly entertaining ones?
16:20 < IShadowed> "entertaining"
16:20 < mareklug> but not sprats
16:20 < IShadowed> s/entertaining/infuriating/
16:20 < IDoH> No. Of course not. :-)
16:21 < CensoredBiscuit> you all have interesting conversations while im gone
16:21 < Dcoetzee> IShadowed: Why infuriating?
16:21 < IShadowed> because antiporn :P
16:21 -!- contempt [contempt@unaffiliated/contempt] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
16:22 < Dcoetzee> Yeah, but most antiporn people I've encountered had no credible arguments or actual influence :-P
16:22 < IShadowed> yes.... but it's still infuriating :P
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16:22 < Dcoetzee> :-)
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16:31 < kondi> night fellas!
16:31 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving]
16:31 < Dcoetzee> kondi: Night!
16:31 < Dcoetzee> Too late
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16:32 < BlastHardcheese> you must not live in the U.S. then; they have quite a bit of influence here
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16:45 < Demiurge1000> Most U.S. citizens do not encounter all other U.S. citizens on a regular basis, from what I understand (nor understand their views on porn if they do)
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16:47 < Swob> did someone say poooooorn
16:47 < Swarlley> Swob: you dirty soap
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16:49 < itac> un oh
16:49 < itac> uh oh*
16:49 < itac> The last time an error happened, I was reading about Kim Jong-il.
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17:18 -!- MissGayle is now known as zz_MissGayle
17:20 < johan_> Would be great of more people could take a look at as we link to it from the front page (the "in the news" section).
17:20 -!- johan_ is now known as Julle
17:22 < Julle> Plenty of editing is very intent on the assumed ethnic background of the people involved in the rioting, which is problematic for many reasons, both due to POV pushing and for lack of good sources.
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17:25 < Swob> i wonder if this is a sock of indef'ed user Wiki Greek Basketball:
17:27 < mareklug> Julie or Johan or whatever you call yourself this minute:  " assumed ethnic background of the people involved in the rioting"  <-- and you think Swedes, as in the Nordic types, do this>
17:27 < mareklug> ?
17:28 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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17:28 < Swob> lol "Julie"
17:29 < Revent> johan_ If Anything what I would really question in that article is the lack of using the bbc article as a source for the 'analysis' of the percieved racism.
17:30 < Revent> johan_ the 'sourcing' of that section is really narrow compared to what's available.
17:31 < Julle> Revent: I would question basically anything in it. Ongoing riots don't exactly tend to have any good sources at all, as the media picture is very blurry indeed, especially English sources writing about a non-English speaking country.
17:32 -!- Agnew [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
17:32 < Julle> But if we're to have an article about it, and link to it from the front page, then I suppose more eyes on it would be a good thing.
17:32 < mareklug> julie you are welcome to use Swedish portals and newspapers with their Swedish photgraphs.
17:32 < Revent> Julle: The BBC article cites a local paper about racial concerns....the WP article just cites the guardian.
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17:33 < Revent> Julle:
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17:33 -!- Swob is now known as Julie
17:33 < Bradford> :-)
17:34  * Julie twirls around as in the Sims and emerges as ... a WOMAN!
17:36 < Julie> and everyone goes speechless
17:37 < Julie> it must be my breathtakingly beauitful figure
17:38 < mareklug> Julie read this
17:38 < Julie> ok
17:38 < Julie> mmmmm blondes
17:38 < Julie> i may be female but i still love blonde women
17:39 < ChrisGualtieri> wat
17:39 < Julle> mareklug: if I think Swedes of the "Nordic type" riot? Well, yes, as a Swede of the Nordic type, I can assure you we sometimes do.
17:39 < mareklug> Julie it takes usually a weekend in Copenhagen, fwiw
17:39 < kylu> and then all of a sudden you want to talk about how you love shopping.
17:40 < Julle> I'm less concerned with what I think than with what I consider to be a lack of reliable sources, though.
17:40 < mareklug> Julie please don't obfuscate the reality on the ground
17:41 -!- Sky2042_afk is now known as Sky2042
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17:44 < Revent> "The Guardian" (i.e. #21) is not a great source for how it's used.
17:44 < Revent> er #19
17:46 < Revent> (they are substituting statistics for perspective)
17:46 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
17:46 < mareklug> this is one cool girl
17:47 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK
17:47 < Julie> "To date, she has used the supercapacitor to power a light-emitting diode, or LED. The invention's future is even brighter." looooool
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17:50 -!- Hazard-SJ_ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:51 < mareklug> "In an attempt to draw interest away from Apple's iPad, Microsoft has set up a tablet comparison page that falsely presents the iPad as having a smaller screen than a Windows tablet with less screen area."  lol
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17:55 < mareklug>
17:56 < nonsenseferret> frontpage news there - apple fan says apple is best
17:57 < mareklug> just read the article nonsenseferret
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17:57 < nonsenseferret> what an expose of advertising puffery?
17:57 < mareklug> it's official Microsoft…  it's rather lame for a big company to do that.
17:58 < nonsenseferret> isn't it a reasonable question of how to measure screen sizes
17:59 < nonsenseferret> the longest diagonal doesn't necessarily give you the biggest area
18:00 < mareklug> there is more to it.
18:00 < mareklug> certainly drawing things not to scale is one.
18:00 < ChrisGualtieri> I hate that diagonal screen size crap
18:00 < ChrisGualtieri> 31.1 inches is not 32" people
18:01 < ChrisGualtieri> Give me X and Y or Area
18:01 < Julie> but its too complicated!! I can only remember one number at time how do you expect me to remember two??
18:01 < ChrisGualtieri> Silly Americans!
18:02 < mareklug> Julie an American will remeber up to three numbers, given the mnemonic.  hips, waist, bust
18:03 < ChrisGualtieri> That's the Japanese.
18:03 < ChrisGualtieri> Americans remember bra size
18:04 < kylu> Americans have to remember at least two, to tune to the right channel on the television set.
18:05 < Julie> ok that breaks me out of my mask
18:05 -!- Julie is now known as {Soap}
18:05 < {Soap}> implying that i watch TV is too much
18:06 < ChrisGualtieri> I swear WP:ANIME is gonna flip out when I become fluent in Japanese. I can only do Russian right now
18:06 < SigmaWP> ChrisGualtieri: da
18:06 < SigmaWP> how can i into cyrillic
18:06 < SigmaWP> and russian
18:06 < ChrisGualtieri> Like I know. I can't even get Kana to work on IRC
18:07 < {Soap}> yeah Windows tablets are aj oke
18:07 < {Soap}> apparently they cant even run MS Office?
18:07 < {Soap}> What is the point then?
18:08 < {Soap}>
18:08 < ChrisGualtieri> I can't believe I've spent the better part of a week (or 4 months for that matter) dealing with one editors campaign
18:08 < mareklug> SigmaWP we aare utf-8.  so start a russian keyboard layout
18:09 < ChrisGualtieri> Though have learned enough Japanese to know that newspapers are much MUCH harder then normal sources
18:09 < ChrisGualtieri> Which explains why Japanese Wikipedia can also be a major pain to translate
18:10 < {Soap}> oh well apparently there's "Office RT" which is supposedly decent
18:11 < mareklug> {Soap} there are reports that M$ has already prepared an iOS version of Ofice and is only waiting to confirm that RT tablets are bust
18:12 < {Soap}> yeah i saw that in the link you posted
18:12 < nonsenseferret> i think i'll take a windows pro tablet thanks very much - blows apple straight out of the water
18:12 < nonsenseferret> never mind that RT nonsense
18:12 < mareklug> nonsenseferret blow out of the water?  how?
18:12 < {Soap}> i think tablets in general are junk
18:12 < {Soap}> Android, Windows, iOS, or anything else
18:12 < nonsenseferret> its the product that business has been waiting for - the ipad is a toy
18:13 < {Soap}> never seen one yet that works properly except maybe the iPad, but it's ridiculously expensive for what it does
18:13 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
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18:13 < {Soap}> a fair price for an iPad would be maybe $200
18:14 < {Soap}> the other tablets, like the Samsung Galaxy Tab, could be like $130 or so
18:14 < nonsenseferret> someone has to pay the wages of all of those genii
18:14 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:15 < {Soap}> marek and I really dont think MS will ever give up on tablets even if their market share never goes above 1%
18:15 < {Soap}> they just will find some way to work it into their laptop assortment
18:15 < mareklug> {Soap} they will on RT. the pro ones might live
18:15 < mareklug> nonsenseferret
18:15 < mareklug> seems the genii are taken care of and then some.
18:15 < {Soap}> i havent spent a penny in the Apple store ever
18:16 < nonsenseferret> hmm you think with all that money they could pay their taxes
18:16 < mareklug> {Soap} you don't have any Apple gear
18:17 < mareklug> nonsenseferret they could, and what they have to, they do.  if you have complaints, take it to the Congress over tax code.  AAPL and GOOG and every other self-respecting well-managed and avised company only do what they can.
18:17 < kylu> nonsenseferret: arguably, they're required (by law, even) to try to avoid paying taxes as much as possible.
18:17 < {Soap}> oh right the tax haven scandal
18:18 < {Soap}> how did that take so long to uncover anyway?
18:18 < {Soap}> did everyone think that Apple just really really liked Ireland or something?
18:18 < nonsenseferret> hmm lets see, do i want my money to go to apple or bill gates
18:18 < kylu> as long as it's not illegal, they've got a fiduciary duty to put money into tax shelters... if they did otherwise and failed to protect their assets, shareholders could sue them for negligence.
18:18 < mareklug> it's not bill gates, it's not fat idiot
18:19 < Revent> ^^ kylu (stupid, but true)
18:19 < mareklug> bill gates is a good guy now, haven't you heard?
18:19 < mareklug> {Soap} it was not exactly a secret that all multinationals get away with piddly taxation
18:20 < {Soap}> i think Ireland knew what was going on too
18:20 < {Soap}> they must get something out of it
18:20 < mareklug> "it's that fat idiot" *
18:20 < kylu> Revent: got into that argument with a coworker the other week, who wanted to know why companies kept outsourcing whatever they could.
18:21 < mareklug>
18:21 < {Soap}> Ireland was the poorest country in western Europe from basically 1200 AD to the 1980's or so. Suddenly in the 1990s they found magic pots of gold under every rainbow and became even richer than the UK
18:21 < SigmaWP> {Soap}: lol
18:21 < {Soap}> most Irish in the 70s didnt even have basic things like toilet paper or junk food or color TVs
18:21 < mareklug> "They are issues that arise from the taxation systems in other jurisdictions, and that is an issue that has to be addressed first of all in those jurisdictions," Ireland's Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore said.
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18:22 < {Soap}> hey i didnt know Gilmore was an Irish name
18:22 < {Soap}> makes sense though
18:22 < {Soap}> it probably means "big hill"
18:23  * Jamesofur is sitting in our legal "disco lounge" at the office working while listening to our General Counsel and our Fundraising QA lead serenade us with their flutes (they are playing together in the conference room next door but easy to hear on most of this side of the floor). What a great way to work at 6:30pm on a Thursday
18:23 -!- FutureTense [~FutureTen@unaffiliated/futuretense] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:25  * kylu presents Jamesofur with haggis.
18:26 < Jamesofur> hmmm, there is good and bad haggis ;)
18:26 < legoktm> Jamesofur: You're not in amsterdam?
18:26 < Jamesofur> nope, i'm in the left behind group :)
18:26 < legoktm> awww :(
18:28 < Revent> (I wish I was in amsterdam, though I'm communing with the city atm) :P
18:29 < Jamesofur> heh
18:29 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
18:29 < mareklug> can I use my 1TB of free flickr to smuggle nonimages disguised as jpegs?
18:31 < Revent> mareklug:
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18:31 < mareklug> Revent well, to a silly small extent, yes, that.
18:31 < Revent> "Media files are ideal for steganographic transmission because of their large size."
18:32 < mareklug> For example, I would like to upload a multi-gig VM image and use the flckr as cheap (as in cost-free) backup
18:32 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
18:33 < {Soap}> ah yes
18:33 < {Soap}> i love steganography
18:33 < {Soap}> loooool
18:33 < {Soap}> gives a whole new definition to the term "image hosting" eh ?
18:34 < {Soap}> i used to try stuff like that when i was young, not to circumvent any filter, but just for fun, and a lot of times the files got corrupted
18:34 < {Soap}> that might be a thing of the OS though
18:34 < {Soap}> or of FTP
18:34 < {Soap}> I cant believe the default Windows FTP client hasnt been updated since 1983
18:35 < GabrielF> there's a cute trick you can do with HTML where its valid to embed the hex code for an image in the actual HTML
18:35 < mareklug> I am storing in iCloud, under Pages, 3 virtual machines already.  I just appended each with the .txt extension.  Since I have 25 GB of grandfathered storage free till October.
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18:35 < {Soap}> do all browsers obey that?
18:35 < {Soap}> i know Firefox does
18:36 < GabrielF> yeah its a W3C standard
18:36 < {Soap}> and I once read that Firefox was the only browser that did, but I think that was just for when you wanted to view the image itself
18:36 < GabrielF> there's a valid use case too
18:36 < {Soap}> e.g. Firefox can load a URL starting with data:// and followed by some insanely huge 64-bit-encoded jumble
18:37 < GabrielF> if you're flickr or dropbox and you want to scroll through 10,000 images in someone's library really fast you just create 10,000 IMG tags with no data and then load the 100 or so that are near the user's cursor
18:37 < GabrielF> I know that's what Dropbox does - I went to a talk and got free storage space :)
18:38 < {Soap}> yeah i notice that dtopbox seems to show only highly compressed images
18:38 < {Soap}> with photos the compressionisnt very noticeable, but with line art type stuff it is
18:39 < {Soap}> it's jpeg-mess all over the place
18:39 -!- Bradford is now known as AndreaGonzalez
18:40 < MJ94> a930913: poke
18:40 < ChrisGualtieri> For some reason I cannot get foreign languages to display properly on IRC... anyokne know how to fix it?
18:40 < Koi> Susan: <3
18:41 < MJ94> ChrisGualtieri: define foreign panguages
18:41 < MJ94> languages, even
18:41 < AndreaGonzalez> ejeeeeeeele
18:41 < AndreaGonzalez> xD
18:41 < MJ94> ChrisGualtieri: also, what client?
18:41 < {Soap}> ēēēēēēē
18:41 -!- mutley89 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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18:41 < MJ94> Ü
18:41 < ChrisGualtieri> Icechat
18:41 < Susan> Koi: hi.
18:42 < MJ94> ¢∞™§™¶•ª
18:42 < {Soap}> ʷ̥̟̰̆̂̂̆ēɣřʲṵ̫̄ə̇̂kʲī̥̇̆kʲþŋɣ̥̏̏̇ḟŋēɣḟ̟̰̇ʷ̰ḟř̟̰̫əþ̥̆̂̇̂ū
18:42 < Koi> Susan: how r u.
18:42 < Revent> ChrisGualtieri It's probably a font issue (or a non-unicode client)
18:42 < {Soap}> that's ɣʰ̇š̫̆̂ish for I love you
18:42 < MJ94> •™ª™ˆ∆™™˙∆∫™≤∆∫ƒßé®t†¥®ç˜∆k¬øπ“‘÷÷÷≥≥≥≥≥≤≤≤≤≤≤≤ΩΩΩΩΩ≈≈≈ççç√√∫∫
18:42 < ChrisGualtieri> I see ɣʰ̇š̫̆̂ish
18:42 < Jasper_Deng> wat
18:42 < Koi> 緊急地震速報です。強い揺れに警戒して下さい。
18:42 < MJ94> [20:42:35] <ChrisGualtieri>	 I see ɣʰ̇š̫̆̂ish
18:42 < MJ94> looks right here ChrisGualtieri
18:43 < MJ94> get a better client
18:43 < Koi> 緊急地震速報です。強い揺れに警戒して下さい。 <----- someone tell me what that means
18:43 < ChrisGualtieri> Hmm... its garbage on my end with E with an accent and the pound sign for one.
18:43 < Koi> what tf?
18:43 < Swarlley> S̱͇͓̪̬̥̯̳̾ͬͥ̽ͦ̃͗̆́́͑͒ͤ͗̂̋ͩ͠T̃̒̃̅̈́̂ͣͧ̆͑ͥ̊͒̍ͧ̏̔̕҉̵̦̣̯̳A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬̱͈̮͙͗͆ͫ̑ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹̤̥̮̺̣̤͚̰̜̪̬͍̘̲̟͓ͅ
18:43 < Koi> 緊急地震速報です。強い揺れに警戒して下さい。 <---- japonais
18:43 < MJ94> Swarlley: ew
18:43 < Revent> Chris.... Can you read this
18:43 < GabrielF> don't dump vertical text
18:44 < Koi> 緊急地震速報です。強い揺れに警戒して下さい。 <---- japonais
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18:44 < ChrisGualtieri> Koi you speak Japanese? Fluently?
18:44 < Koi> ChrisGualtieri: only that.
18:44 < Revent> If you can't read what I said, you're 'non-unicode'
18:44 < {Soap}> oh ChrisGualtieri so wait
18:44 < {Soap}> you can copypaste it perfectly well but you cant see what youre copypasting
18:44 < {Soap}> interesting
18:44 < {Soap}> āēīōū aeiou
18:45 < Swarlley> it's like driving a car blindfolded
18:45 < {Soap}> tell me does any of this appear properly: āēīōū àèìòù áéíóú ăĕĭŏŭ
18:45 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has quit [Quit: gone]
18:45 < Swarlley> #beentheredonethat
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18:45 < foks> Guys, could you stop with the unicode shit
18:45 < foks> thanks
18:45 < Jetro> Can you read this
18:45 < Jetro> wow
18:45 < Jetro> :D
18:45 < Jetro> sorry foks
18:45 < Jetro> :[
18:45 < foks> you will be
18:45 < {Soap}> ʷʰāþš wřōŋɣ wīþʰ ūŋīčōðēʔ
18:45 < Koi>  S̱͇͓̪̬̥̯̳̾ͬͥ̽ͦ̃͗̆́́͑͒ͤ͗̂̋ͩ͠T̃̒̃̅̈́̂ͣͧ̆͑ͥ̊͒̍ͧ̏̔̕҉̵̦̣̯̳A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬̱͈̮͙͗͆ͫ̑ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹̤̥̮̺̣̤͚̰̜̪̬͍̘̲̟͓ͅ
18:45 < Koi> S̱͇͓̪̬̥̯̳̾ͬͥ̽ͦ̃͗̆́́͑͒ͤ͗̂̋ͩ͠T̃̒̃̅̈́̂ͣͧ̆͑ͥ̊͒̍ͧ̏̔̕҉̵̦̣̯̳A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬̱͈̮͙͗͆ͫ̑ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹̤̥̮̺̣̤͚̰̜̪̬͍̘̲̟͓ͅ
18:45 < Koi> S̱͇͓̪̬̥̯̳̾ͬͥ̽ͦ̃͗̆́́͑͒ͤ͗̂̋ͩ͠T̃̒̃̅̈́̂ͣͧ̆͑ͥ̊͒̍ͧ̏̔̕҉̵̦̣̯̳A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬̱͈̮͙͗͆ͫ̑ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹̤̥̮̺̣̤͚̰̜̪̬͍̘̲̟͓ͅ
18:45 < Koi> S̱͇͓̪̬̥̯̳̾ͬͥ̽ͦ̃͗̆́́͑͒ͤ͗̂̋ͩ͠T̃̒̃̅̈́̂ͣͧ̆͑ͥ̊͒̍ͧ̏̔̕҉̵̦̣̯̳A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬̱͈̮͙͗͆ͫ̑ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹̤̥̮̺̣̤͚̰̜̪̬͍̘̲̟͓ͅ
18:45 < Koi> S̱͇͓̪̬̥̯̳̾ͬͥ̽ͦ̃͗̆́́͑͒ͤ͗̂̋ͩ͠T̃̒̃̅̈́̂ͣͧ̆͑ͥ̊͒̍ͧ̏̔̕҉̵̦̣̯̳A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬̱͈̮͙͗͆ͫ̑ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹̤̥̮̺̣̤͚̰̜̪̬͍̘̲̟͓ͅ VERTICAL TEXTOZ
18:45 < foks> >:(
18:45 < Koi> A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬̱͈̮͙͗͆ͫ̑ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹S̱͇͓̪̬̥̯̳̾ͬͥ̽ͦ̃͗̆́́͑͒ͤ͗̂̋ͩ͠T̃̒̃̅̈́̂ͣͧ̆͑ͥ̊͒̍ͧ̏̔̕҉̵̦̣̯̳A̸̴̛̮̣͕̲̫̗̣̻̹̜̼͈̥͇ͭ̽̓͂̾ͮ̈́̏ͮ̏̄͆́ͭ̅͗ͪ̒̾̕H̷̷̫̝̺̳͙͈̝͕͇̺̙̬͗͆ͫ̑
18:45 < Koi> ̱͈̮͙ͅP̵̎̓́͌̀͝͏̵̝̹
18:45 < Koi> oh poop
18:45 < Jetro> roflmao
18:45 < Koi> oopsie.
18:45 < ChrisGualtieri> All gibberish XD
18:45 < foks> Koi, do stop
18:45 < AndreaGonzalez> o_O
18:45 < Jetro> My 'r' was even affected
18:46 < AndreaGonzalez> wtf
18:46 < Koi> hey i didn't trigger ASM
18:46 < Koi> foks: sorry.
18:46 < Koi> HAHAHAHAH
18:46 < Koi> That "I didn't trigger" message actually triggered it XD
18:46 < mareklug> no, it comes across just fine for me, albeit the vertical stuff is very small font
18:46 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:46 < Swarlley> mareklug: that's normal
18:46 < mareklug> why is it so small?
18:46 < GabrielF> for me it writes over a bunch of stuff
18:46 < {Soap}> marek: it's technically all diacritics
18:47  * Koi waits for susan to op and kick me for being a loserbutt
18:47 < Swarlley> Koi: you could use as a resource
18:47 < {Soap}> zalgo
18:47 < Koi> t̶̢̤̥͕͎̤̣̥̩͖ͯ͆̂̈́ͯ̓͆ͯ͋ͭ̈́͊̃ͫ̀͐̎̀͢͞ͅė̶͖̠̻͙̗̠͚̬̼̪͈͚͇̩̗̭͈̯͕͐͒͛ͦ̂ͭͫͦ̒̈ͣ̃̕͢s̓̇͋͋̊ͮ̃ͭ̄̃̔ͣ͏̶̡̲̜̬̺̮̺͘tͯ̽̽̑ͥ̏͑̈ͩ̕͡͡͏̜̲͔͚̺̹
18:47 < Koi> damn
18:47 < Koi> that's kinda
18:47 < Koi> uh
18:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o foks] by ChanServ
18:48 -!- AaronBale_ [~AaronBale@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
18:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+q *!*@gateway/web/] by foks
18:48 < Jamesofur> �please stop Koi
18:48 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o foks] by foks
18:48 < Revent> the 'can you read this' was fullwidth latin, which should work in any font if you are 'unicode compatible'
18:48 < foks> i did ask nicely
18:48  * Swarlley highfives foks
18:48 < Swarlley> good job
18:48 < Jamesofur> and I'll be racing foks next time
18:49 < foks> well, no, since I'm away to bed
18:49 < foks> but yeeeessssss.
18:49 < Jamesofur> weak
18:50 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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18:50 < AndreaGonzalez> :8
18:51 < Jetro> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
18:51 < AndreaGonzalez> Jetro:  o_O
18:51 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: zzz]
18:51 < Jetro> :)
18:52 < AndreaGonzalez> jeremyb: ola k ase
18:52  * elquanto slaps elquanto around a bit with a large trout
18:52 < AndreaGonzalez> xd
18:53 < AndreaGonzalez> :o
18:53 < AndreaGonzalez> is Jetro ola k ase?
18:53 < Jetro> wat
18:54 < Susan> Hello.
18:54 < Susan> I'm here.
18:54 < AndreaGonzalez> jelou
18:55 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
18:56 -!- AndreaGonzalez is now known as DJMalik
18:56 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:58 < Swarlley> Susan: you need to code somethinf
18:58 < Swarlley> doe twh xommona
18:59 < Susan> I'm so lazy, though!
19:00 -!- DJMalik is now known as Bradford
19:02 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
19:03 < GabrielF> apparently the collective noun for ravens is an unkindness
19:05 < Susan> What?
19:05 < Jetro> Fusan
19:05 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:07 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:07 < Swarlley> Susan: how do you download this? /me links in pm
19:07 < Revent> GabrielF: That's one of those 'fake' collection animal nouns I think.
19:07 < Revent> *collective
19:08 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:08 < Revent> GabrielF: A lot of those were 'invented' by someone back in the 1700s and never really used, but get repeated.
19:09 < GabrielF> once its been around for 300 years, is it really fake?
19:10 < Revent> "It is thought that many of the bizarre words used for collective groupings of animals were first published in 1486 in The Book of Saint Albans, in an essay on hunting attributed to Dame Juliana Berners. Many of the words are thought to have been chosen simply for the humorous or poetic images they conjured up in her lively imagination"
19:10 < Revent> Older than I thought....
19:11 < GabrielF> wow
19:11 < Revent> Not really 'fake' I guess, but never used outside of lists of odd animal names.
19:15 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
19:16 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
19:16 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:17 < elquanto> what is the collective noun for editors?
19:17 < Gryllida> a team of editors?
19:18 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:18 < ty> wouldn't editors be collective?
19:18 -!- TheAustinMan [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/theaustinman] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:18 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
19:19 -!- Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx
19:20 < mareklug> elquanto you want something like people, brethren, that sort of a collective noun?
19:23 < Revent> Ye, 'editors' is the collective noun lol.
19:23 -!- Bradford is now known as Abdelkader
19:28 -!- Jamesofur is now known as Jamesofur|away
19:28 -!- LtNOWIS|Sleep is now known as LtNOWIS
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19:29 < LtNOWIS> So, there's a new article called James G. Spears.
19:29 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
19:29 < LtNOWIS> but there's no article called James Spears
19:29 < Susan> I /cleared.
19:30 < Susan> But I missed if there was any relevance to the ravens.
19:30 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:30 < {Soap}> LtNOWIS: there was once
19:30 < {Soap}> 16:49, 23 February 2008 Nancy (talk | contribs | block) deleted page James Spears (A7 (bio): Real person; doesn't indicate importance/significance)
19:30 < LtNOWIS> yeah, I saw that
19:30 < {Soap}> may be worth ignoring though
19:31 < LtNOWIS> I just don't get the rationale of the creator
19:31 < {Soap}> its not like people going to [[James Spears]] would be expecting the other ugy
19:31 < {Soap}> *guy
19:31 < LtNOWIS> right. I'm thinking about making a redirect
19:31 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
19:32 < {Soap}> Im sure no one would complain if there was a redirect
19:32 < LtNOWIS> Currently there are 2 redlinks to James Spears, one to the Civil War dude who's the subject of the new article, and one to some business guy in the modern era
19:32 < {Soap}> youll have to fix the other one then
19:32 < LtNOWIS> right
19:32 < {Soap}> accidentally "going blue" to the wrong person is one of those errors that's often overlooked
19:32 < {Soap}> i got yelled at once not too long ago for confusing one Mafia guy with another
19:33 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:33 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:33 < {Soap}> how was I to know there were two Vito Palazzolos in the Mafia?
19:34 < LtNOWIS> and, I could've figured this out on my own without wasting your time
19:34 -!- Abdelkader is now known as Bradford
19:34 < harej> There are like seven different Italian names and we all just cycle through them. Sometimes we end up with doubles.
19:34 < Fyre> finally
19:35  * Fyre drinks a glass of water
19:36 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
19:37 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
19:37  * Fyre slaps CrackyWacky for no reason.
19:37  * CrackyWacky slaps Fyre as well
19:38 < detox_> stop it both of you two
19:38  * detox_ slaps Fyre
19:38  * detox_ slaps CrackyWacky
19:38 < CrackyWacky> rude
19:38  * CrackyWacky slaps Fyre
19:38  * CrackyWacky slaps detox_
19:38 < detox_> fish sticks.
19:38 < Fyre> frozen ones?
19:38 < Fyre> bye
19:38 -!- Hazard-SJ_ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:41 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE
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19:43 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
19:44 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: te amooooooooooooo simon :'3]
19:52 < CrackyWacky> this just in
19:52 < CrackyWacky> a bridge just collapsed in washington state
19:53 < Revent> Shit....interstate bridge...not cool...
19:53 < CrackyWacky> i know washington state has particular bridges as well
19:53 < CrackyWacky> floating bridge types
19:54 < Revent>
19:54 < Jasper_Deng> oh boy, I've been on that bridge before!
19:54 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
19:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> CrackyWacky a lot of bridges in the US is structually not sound
19:55 < CrackyWacky> true
19:55 < Jasper_Deng> whenever a collapse happens, I think "static equilibrium, bro!"
19:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
19:55 < CrackyWacky> in fact, in my area, one bridge is under 24 hour watch
19:55 < mareklug> that looks like a really old construction
19:55 < CrackyWacky> yeah
19:55 < CrackyWacky> looks like the former champlain lake bridge
19:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tonight, I propose a 'Fix-It-First' program to put people to work as soon as possible on our most urgent repairs, like the nearly 70,000 structurally deficient bridges across the country,"
19:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> quoting the article above
19:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> US has very old infrastructure
19:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> buildings dont forever last
19:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> especially if it is a bridge
19:57 -!- {Soap} is now known as {soap|bed}
19:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
19:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> O_O
19:58 < Jasper_Deng> ToAruShiroiNeko: it reminds me of
19:58 < {soap|bed}> all of us whove ever taken a physics have seen that old video of "Gallopin' Gerdie", I'm sure
19:58 < Revent> *nods*
19:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> US has a very serious problem with not replacing crumbling stuff
19:58 < Jasper_Deng> knowing the physics behind these kinds of disasters makes it that much more demaning
19:58 < Revent> This is a 'overhead' of the area (few years back)
19:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> indeed
19:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats what engineering is about
19:59 < {soap|bed}> whoa thats a 1hour video
20:00 < CrackyWacky> hmm
20:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a nat geographic episode
20:00 < Jasper_Deng> it has ads
20:00 < Jasper_Deng> so its real length is about 45ish minutes
20:00 < {soap|bed}>
20:01 < elquanto> the politics are interesting too. isn't there a ~$500 billion inrastructure/highways/jobs bill pending that was getting filibustered '09-12 but the House refuses to vote on this term?
20:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
20:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> omg spending!
20:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dont make china rich!
20:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and other moronic underinformed rethoric
20:02 < Revent> <- local live tv coverage
20:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed due to resonance
20:02 < mareklug> The message "chuj" has been sent to chuj.
20:03 < mareklug> I love when I make Comcast talk dirty on the web
20:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug o hai
20:03 < mareklug> tacoma bridge was a big thing in undergrad physics.  we watched the movie of it in class.
20:04 < Revent> They are apparently still pulling people out of the water.
20:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its nice that they have the video
20:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> on the article
20:04 < elquanto> if infrastructure spending returns $1.91 per $1 spent, doesn't putting it off and having to spend much more on emergency repairs and cleanup grow the economy even more?
20:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> elquanto US doesnt need bridges roads and electricty, all you need is churches :p\
20:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pray based power generation
20:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> rpayer?
20:05 < Swarlley> ToAruShiroiNeko: the power of jesus can support anything
20:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> **prayer?
20:05 < Swarlley> :-)
20:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Swarlley almost anything
20:06 < elquanto> *prays for structural integrity *
20:06 < BlastHardcheese> the power of christ propels you
20:06 < Revent> The US govt is, sadly, a BS-powered perpetual mution machine.
20:07 < Revent> *motion
20:07 < mareklug> elquanto construct for structural integrity, pray for your own comfort
20:07 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:07 < Revent> 1955 bridge....
20:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 1940 establishments in the United States 1940 disestablishments in the United States
20:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so the bridge didnt last a year?
20:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that i didnt know
20:08 < {soap|bed}> 4 months
20:08 < Revent> *the one that just collapsed was 1955*
20:09 < Revent> But yeah, I don't think the Narrows bridge was even officially open.
20:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent I think republicans are getting the idea that they will permanantly be voted off of the whitehouse no matter what unless they change their ways
20:09 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 1 second]
20:10 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:11 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: We can hope...but...I kinda doubt it.
20:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> even bachman lost sigificant amount of votes
20:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tea party movement kind of collapsed
20:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> imploded more like
20:12 < Revent> *blinks* a dog died on the Narrows bridge... :(
20:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
20:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it bit the people rescuing it
20:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> now this is why you dont transport dogs in cars
20:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> catapults exist for a reason! :p
20:13 -!- FutureTense [~FutureTen@unaffiliated/futuretense] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
20:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> well
20:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dogapults
20:13 < Revent> *lols* sec...
20:14 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:15 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
20:15 < Revent> <- lol
20:15 < IDoH> Hey guys
20:16 < Swarlley> hey ido
20:18 < Revent> I've wanted a yard-a-pult for like 20 years now. :)
20:18 < IDoH> Are you in need of dead dog disposal, Revent?
20:18 < Revent> *hehs* Not in particular.
20:19 < IDoH> Or, perhaps, you want to annoy your neighbors?
20:19 < Revent> Of course! :)
20:20 < Revent> "Why are my gutters full of old coffee filters?"
20:20 < IDoH> LOL
20:24 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad
20:25 -!- {soap|bed} [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed]
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20:32 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:32 < dandv> Would the attribution of this Flickr photo make it eligible for Wikimedia Commons?
20:33 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:33 < IDoH> It's not loading, dandv.
20:33 < dandv> hm, maybe try ?
20:34 < IDoH> Still not loading
20:34 < IDoH> same link, actually
20:34 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:34 < dandv> hm, maybe try ? (no secure). Damn the new Flickr
20:35 < IDoH> It's loading slowly, dandv.
20:35 < dandv> anyway, the license links to and it says "Attribution" and "Share Alike", IDoH
20:35 -!- elquanto [~fircuser@] has left #wikipedia-en []
20:36 < IDoH> That's what we need, dandv. Why do we need the photo.
20:36 < IDoH> Oh, the picture has pretty colors. :-)
20:38 < dandv> A Yes or No is what I need, IDoH. Why do I need artistic opinions. :)
20:38 < IDoH> Heh heh
20:38 < IDoH> Yes, that license is okay.
20:38 < dandv> Awesome, thank you
20:38 < mareklug> dandv it loaded for me.  its license is  which is perfectly fine.
20:39 < Swarlley> who here uses chrome?
20:39 < mareklug> Swarlley we all do
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20:42 -!- dandv [] has left #wikipedia-en ["PING 1369366924"]
20:42 < IDoH> Well, now I use firefox, but I can still use chrome
20:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I use both
20:43 < Swarlley> ToAruShiroiNeko: are videos having trouble?
20:43 < Swarlley> For me they seem to be crashing randomly
20:43 < Swarlley> IDoH: u 2 ^
20:44 < IDoH> Swarlley: Not for me.
20:44 < Swarlley> IDoH: what release channel are you on?
20:44 < IDoH> Release channel? No idea what you're talking about.
20:44 < Swarlley> let's say the stable one XD
20:45 < Swarlley>
20:45 < Revent> (iow, if you get the 'full version number out of 'about firefox' it says -stable)
20:45 < Revent> Or something along those lines....
20:46 -!- Julle [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
20:47 < mareklug> Swarlley sounds like #windowsissues
20:47 < Swarlley> mareklug: go zalgo yourself
20:47 < Swarlley> :-0
20:47 < Swarlley> :-)
20:48 < mareklug> Swarlley shove a nice regulation size USB flash drive up your USB receptacle
20:48 -!- dandv [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:48 < Swarlley> shove a magic mouse up your ass
20:48 < mareklug> Swarlley fucky you low lifey
20:48 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
20:49 < dandv> I can't re-upload the file over, IDoH. I keep getting a warning that the file was deleted before. That's the thing, I've asked the author to change the license, and now I want to re-upload.
20:49 < Swarlley> ew
20:49 < IDoH> Did he change the license?
20:49 < Swarlley> the file upload wizard
20:49 < Swarlley> dandv: ignore all warnings
20:49 < Swarlley> or is that even an option
20:49 < mareklug> dandv you are getting this from flickr?
20:49 < Swarlley> idk
20:50 < IDoH> I'd suggest you ignore Swarlley, dandv.
20:50 < dandv> mareklug: I'm getting this from the Commons upload: A file of this name has been previously uploaded and subsequently deleted. You should check the deletion log before proceeding to upload it again.
20:50 < mareklug> dandv no, are you getting the file from flickr
20:50 < mareklug> is that the original source...
20:50 < dandv> mareklug: yes, from
20:51 < mareklug> dandv ok then.  try to use the flickr upload tool, linked conveniently from my user page on Commons
20:51 < Swarlley> helpful mareklug
20:51 < mareklug> Swarlley shut up unhelpful canuck
20:51 < Revent> I'm getting the 'bad panda' error from flikr, so they might not work atm.
20:51 < Revent> *flikr
20:51 < Swarlley> Revent: do you have pywikipedia installed?
20:52 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
20:52 < Revent> Nope...
20:52 < Swarlley> oh
20:52 < Swarlley> you're not who needs help
20:52 < Swarlley> nvm
20:52 < Revent> *lols
20:54 -!- tuprincipe [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:54 < mareklug> legoktm are you watching?
20:54 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:54 < Swarlley> mareklug: can you send apps to your phone from the internet
20:55 < Swarlley> ie, visit a web page and select "install" from your computer
20:55 < mareklug> I don't have any phone like that
20:55 < Swarlley> and it installs just like that
20:55 -!- tuprincipe [] has left #wikipedia-en []
20:55 < mareklug> Swarlley that's nice.
20:55 < mareklug> or if I do, I have not investigated any of it
20:57 -!- Hazard-SJ is now known as Hazard-Busy
20:58 < dandv> mareklug: would be handy to link to the tool from as well
20:59 < mareklug> which is why I did it. :)
20:59 < dandv> I don't see the link on your en.wp userpage, but I do see it on commons
21:00 < mareklug> but I have not tested it since the Flickr reformatting, so I don't know if it works without any problems
21:00 < mareklug> "[22:51:12] <mareklug>	 dandv ok then.  try to use the flickr upload tool, linked conveniently from my user page on Commons"
21:01 < Swarlley> haha
21:01 < Swarlley> mareklug cannot into space
21:01 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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21:02 < dandv> mareklug: looks like a great tool and I think it would be fantastic to link to it from your En.WP userpage AS WELL AS from your user page on commons
21:02 -!- Mike_H is now known as Guest50319
21:02 < dandv> Anyway, I landed at with no file
21:02 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:02 < mareklug> dandv it is already one-step removed, in that I link my commons user page from my user page on en wiki :)
21:03 < Swarlley> dandv: just wait
21:03 < Swarlley> ;-)
21:03 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:05 < dandv> mareklug: Got this warning after uploading the file from toolserver: Some parts of the edit form did not reach the server; double-check that your edits are intact and try again.
21:05 < mareklug> sometimes it says that, but usually it works anyway
21:05 < dandv> yeah, not this time,
21:05 < Swarlley> dandv: just wait.
21:05 < Swarlley> read the template.
21:06 < dandv> oh, is there
21:06 < dandv> Swarlley was right !! IDoH, I'm going to unignore her
21:06 -!- anona [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
21:06 < IDoH> Why would you ignore me, dandv?
21:07 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
21:07 < Swarlley> i think i'm the her
21:07 < Swarlley> idk
21:07 -!- tuprincipe [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:07 < dandv> Swarlley: correct.
21:07 < Gryllida> Yes.
21:08 < dandv> How can I purge the cache of, to include ?
21:08  * IDoH is a female. O.o
21:08  * Swarlley is a male o_O
21:08 < Gryllida> There are no females on the internet.
21:08 < Gryllida> Haha.
21:08  * IDoH checks her pants
21:09 < IDoH> I'm a female. No doubt.
21:09 < Swarlley> uhoh
21:09 < Swarlley> where did my funny parts go
21:09 < IDoH> You put them in your pants, Swarlley.
21:11 -!- dandv [] has left #wikipedia-en ["PING 1369368664"]
21:11 < Bradford> XD
21:11 < IDoH> What is it, Bradford?
21:11 < Bradford> nada
21:11 < IDoH> Heh
21:12 < IDoH> You're weird
21:12 < Bradford> ok no ves que el salio
21:12 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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21:13 -!- Gryllida_ is now known as Gryllida
21:16 < Gryllida> dandv: Just visit .
21:16 < Gryllida> Er, he quit.
21:18 < tuprincipe> hello
21:19 < Gryllida> Hi.
21:19 -!- Logan__ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
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21:20 -!- Guest88453 is now known as Logan_
21:21 -!- Logan_ is now known as Guest11294
21:21 < Bradford> ._.
21:21 -!- Guest11294 [] has quit [Client Quit]
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21:22 -!- Logan__ is now known as Logan_
21:23  * Logan_ kicks his client.
21:24 < mareklug> nice way to treat customers
21:24 < tuprincipe> cm sta
21:25 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en
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21:27 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
21:29 < tuprincipe> whoever you have face aki
21:33 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
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21:44 < legoktm> [08:54:43 PM] <mareklug>	 legoktm are you watching? <-- yeah just got up :(
21:44 < mareklug> so black hawks are 1-3 and now shark are going to be 2-3.  both playing next at home.
21:47 < Revent> BTW doesn't sound like anyone was killed in that bridge collapse....(just checked on it again)
21:47 < mareklug> Washington state Department of Transportation spokesman Travis Phelps told KOMO-TV that investigators are looking into the possibility that an oversize load struck the bridge and triggered the collapse.
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21:48 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en
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21:49 < mareklug> it'f frigging 43 degrees here.  In almost June!
21:50 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
21:50 < Bradford> mareklug: hola
21:50 < Bradford> feo
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21:51 < mareklug> Bradford que quieres
21:52 < Bradford> mareklug:  te estoy saludando feo
21:52 < mareklug> porque feo, pendejo feo?
21:52 < Bradford> mareklug: eres feo
21:52 < Bradford> pendejo
21:52 < Theo10011> we speak 'merican here folks.
21:52 < mareklug> fuck you illiterate venezuelan
21:53 < mareklug> Theo10011 if we can manage but Bradford is illiterate
21:53 < Theo10011> heh
21:53 < Bradford> -.-
21:54 < Bradford> mareklug:  deja de insultarme en ingles
21:55 < mareklug> siempre te puedes utilizar el traductor de google para entender mis inults, pequeños adolescentes estúpidos.
21:55 < Swarlley> Theo10011: murica
21:56 < Theo10011> mur-caaaaaa
21:56 < Swarlley> fuck no
21:56 < Bradford> mareklug:  no
21:56 < Bradford> mareklug:  no sabes hablar pendejo
21:57 < Swarlley> it's funny because mareklug cannot into space
21:57 < mareklug> Swarlley what space, canuck?
21:58 < Swarlley> mareklug cannot into polandball
21:58 < mareklug> You are correct, Bradford.  I don't know how to speak pendejo.  Only pendejos such as yourself know how to properly speak pendejo.
21:59 < mareklug> Estás en lo correcto, Bradford. No sé cómo hablar pendejo. Sólo los pendejos como tú saben hablar correctamente pendejo.
21:59 < mareklug> :)
22:00 < mareklug> Swarlley bazinga, observe how I owned the village idiot due to his cannotness into comma.
22:01 < Swarlley> right.
22:02 < Bradford> -.-
22:03 -!- Missingno255 [~Missingno@unaffiliated/missingno255] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:03 < mareklug> Swarlley how cold is it there now?
22:04 < Revent> Interesting how google translate thins the plural of asshole is 'fools'.
22:04 < Revent> *thinks
22:04 < Theo10011> heh
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22:11 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
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22:22 < Swarlley>
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22:24 < Revent> Personally, I prefer Judge Joe Brown.....he's better at 'politely' calling someone a complete gibbering idiot.
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22:35 < Revent> <- tunage
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22:39 < Swarlley>
22:39 < Swarlley> that guy has the slowest reaction times ever
22:40 -!- AnonDiss [~AnonDiss@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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22:45 < IDoH> Or he's just not observant
22:46 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
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23:11 -!- iDM is now known as iDM|afk
23:15 < Revent> (chuckles) Notable....kinda revolting, but notable...
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23:29 < a930913> MJ94: Repoke.
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23:46 < CensoredBiscuit> RAAAAAWR
23:47  * YuviPanda gives CensoredBiscuit babies
23:47  * mareklug offers CensoredBiscuit some nice cayenne pepper
23:47 < CensoredBiscuit> btw hi YuviPanda
23:47  * YuviPanda gives CensoredBiscuit an abortion
23:48 < YuviPanda> ohai
23:48 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:48 < YuviPanda> taking a breather out of exams :D
23:48 < Revent> *only has oatmeal creme pies....
23:48 < iDM|afk> ...
23:48 < CensoredBiscuit> YuviPanda: my exams are done
23:48 < CensoredBiscuit> HAH!
23:48 < YuviPanda> i've them till june 8 :(
23:48 < CensoredBiscuit> but I start the next round of classes june 4
23:48 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F
23:48 < iDM|afk> Yawn
23:48 < mareklug> iDM|afk I heard someone kneecapped you
23:48 < YuviPanda> I should watch flightclub again
23:49 < CensoredBiscuit> YuviPanda: with exams arent you living it?
23:49 < iDM|afk> Mareklug my gf died yesterday in nyc
23:49 < mareklug> iDM|afk I am very sorry to hear that.  Circumstances?
23:49 < iDM|afk>  Heart failure
23:50 < mareklug> was she ill with it for a while?
23:50 < iDM|afk>  Genetic
23:50 < iDM|afk> Had a car accident a week before and weak heart...
23:50 -!- Guest83421 is now known as Mike_HH
23:50 < YuviPanda> CensoredBiscuit: i've 12
23:51 -!- basile is now known as guillom
23:51 < YuviPanda> CensoredBiscuit: and it also means I have taken a break from work
23:51 < CensoredBiscuit> youve got 12 exams?
23:52 < YuviPanda> so last semester I decided to skip exams
23:52 < YuviPanda> and go on a road trip across the country with my team instead
23:52 < YuviPanda> so i've 12 now
23:52 < CensoredBiscuit> fuck me.
23:53 < CensoredBiscuit> sucks to suck.
23:53 < YuviPanda> yeah
23:53 < YuviPanda> indeed
23:53 < YuviPanda> i also had to take off 6 weeks from work
23:53 < YuviPanda> but i love work!
23:54 -!- Hazard-Busy [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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23:54 < CensoredBiscuit> YuviPanda: whats your work?
23:54 < YuviPanda> I work for the Wikimedia Foundation
23:54 < YuviPanda> on the Mobile Team
23:54 < YuviPanda> :)
23:54 < IShadowed> no one uses mobile lols
23:55 < YuviPanda> there are about 2,000 people uploading images over the last 30 days with mobile tools....
23:55 < YuviPanda> 1000+ were using the app
23:55 < CensoredBiscuit> oh
23:55 < CensoredBiscuit> do they have frats in india?
23:55 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
23:55 < YuviPanda> sadly nope
23:56 < CensoredBiscuit> sadly?
23:56 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:56 < Qcoder00> Hi
23:57 < YuviPanda> CensoredBiscuit: yeah, there isn't really 'college culture'
23:57 -!- iDM|afk [~AndChat54@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:57 < Qcoder00> Where do I request that file-nuker be split as a user right from admins?
23:57 < CensoredBiscuit> dont be sorry about that YuviPanda fuck frats
23:57 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:58 < p858snake|l> Qcoder00: village pump
23:58 < Qcoder00> CensoredBiscuit: Please don't swear.
23:58 < CensoredBiscuit> Qcoder00: but why not?
--- Log closed Fri May 24 00:00:55 2013