
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Fri May 31 00:00:55 2013
00:03 < mareklug> iDM on that note, I will have a Klondike Neopolitan
00:03 < IDoH> Klondike bars. Mmm.
00:03  * mareklug distributes Klondikes to one and all, virtually, but hey, one of these days, one of these picknicking days...
00:03 < IDoH> Mmm.
00:04  * IDoH eats her minty klondike bar
00:04 < mareklug> IDoH for some obscure reason, my local supermarkets do not stock the kind that has chocolate ice cream filling.  I dig the Dark Chocolate variety for its darker, less sweet shell, but it is still vanilla, as the saying goes.
00:05 < IDoH> I see.
00:05  * iDM hides his cookies
00:05 < mareklug> so the Neopolitan, with its tri-color ice cream filling, at least comes 1/3rd the way to that. :) :)
00:06 < IDoH> Heh
00:06 < iDM> Sighs
00:07  * iDM sings who lives in a pineapple under the sea...
00:07 < IDoH> What's to sigh about, iDM?
00:08  * iDM gives idoh mars bars
00:08 < IDoH> Mmm. Chocolate.
00:08  * iDM gives Mareklug 3 boxes choose one 
00:09 < mareklug> id the boxes
00:09 < iDM> Box 1 2 3 choose wisely
00:09 < mareklug> 3
00:09 < iDM> Congrats you just won a kiss on the forehead from me
00:10 -!- Jasper_Deng [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
00:10 < iDM> Box 2 was kfc
00:10 < iDM> 1 was cookies
00:10 < mareklug> i donate it to your mothrt, for father's day
00:11 < mareklug> i don't spend my chicken money on KFC. When I feel like chicken, I go the the Pakistani joint for taxicab drivers and order tandoori chicken.  The best.
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00:12 < iDM> I prefer turkish tandori chicken
00:12 < mareklug> and how is turkish different?
00:13 < iDM> Not spicy.  More flavor saffron and stuff
00:13 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has joined #wikipedia-en
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00:13 < mareklug> i of course don't find tandoori anything spicy.  It would take lamb vindaloo to make it spicy for me.
00:13 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
00:14 < iDM> A friend of mine planning to open a afghani pakistani restaurant in Chicago they already have 7 branches globally
00:14 < iDM> If it does open in Chicago you'd enjoy it
00:15 < mareklug> ooh, that sounds nice.
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00:18 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
00:25 < IDoH> Good night
00:25 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
00:27 < iDM> Bye bye
00:27 -!- iDM [~AndChat54@unaffiliated/idm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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00:35 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: edward, ragesoss, Dave2, Barras, Malvolio, Guest45484, schtick, jonathan`
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00:59 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Malvolio
01:00 < iDM> Hm
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01:27 < SigmaWP> night
01:27 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: May your day be wharrgarbl free]
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01:49 < iDM> Well time for another long IRC break :)
01:51 -!- iDM is now known as iDnagerMouse
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01:52 -!- iDM is now known as iDM|Away
01:52 -!- iDM|Away is now known as iDM
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02:18 < gry> who can i ask about undeleting a page and mailing me its content?
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02:38 < gry> .
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02:40 < The_Thing> !
02:47 < jubo2> gry: the admins may view page source without undeleting I belive
02:48 < jubo2> so any admin who says s/he will send deleted articles to interested editors
02:48 < jubo2> .. should do
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02:51 < tommorris> jubo2: no, any admin can do so if it serves the best interest of the wiki to do so.
02:51 < tommorris> there's often a reason articles and other things are deleted.
02:52 < tommorris> gry: /msg me with the page you want and I'll see what I can do
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03:02 < ChrOmOsOme__Dz> hello
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03:14 < Qcoder00> tommorris:  My suggets policy change has some objections
03:14 < Qcoder00> ;)
03:14 < Qcoder00> Not least that it's impossible to verify uploader age at present
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03:19 < Peter-C>
03:20 < tommorris> Qcoder00: no shit, it's a wiki.
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03:55 < Qcoder00> The objections seemed to be based about 'verification' issues rather than to 'deletion' itself
03:55 < Qcoder00> A concern was also raised about 'public place' images
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04:20 < JohnChrysostom> Qcoder00
04:20 < Qcoder00> Hi
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04:20 < Ironholds> good morning humans
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04:41 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Ugh, Fridays
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04:41 < LtNOWIS-mobile> It's not even close to the bottom of the hour and CNN has a mermaid hoax segment
04:42 -!- TBloemink is now known as Swaggerboy050
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04:42 < Maple__> #yolo
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04:56 < Moe_Epsilon> o_O I hope the error of blocked editors being able to mark feedback has been fixed. I just saw the contributions of someone banned in 2011 marking feedback in 2012 lol
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05:25 < JohnChrysostom> Qcoder00 Sorry, I see you replied rather more quickly than most
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06:22 -!- Amitbalani [~amit@] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:23 < Amitbalani> Hi, I feel my content on the 'subway_(restaurant)' wiki has been unfairly deleted.. can someone kindly help me?
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06:35 < a930913> Amitbalani: I think they want a source that states that that is controversial.
06:36 < a930913> Amitbalani: If the source just says that fat people are fat, you can't deduce from that, that it is controversial.
06:38 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
06:40 < Amitbalani> a930913, the main USP of subway's marketing campaigns is that subway's menu offers lesser calories than mcdonalds. my source says this is not true. also, 'Barek' asks for a claim Subway should change their menu to exclusively carry healthy options instead of both healthy and higher-calorie options. my source claims exactly that by stating "“The Subway chain claims it offers healthy fast food and helps its customers lose weight,” the researchers
06:40 < Amitbalani> wrote. But they said the proof should be based on what people buy, not by what’s offered."
06:41 < Amitbalani> a930913, do you think i should add this information in a new section called 'Criticism' on the subway wiki?
06:41 < NotASpy> stick it in the Nutrition section.
06:42 < Amitbalani> Not a spy, before sticking it in the nutrition section, should i explain my reasons on the talk page?
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06:53 < a930913> Amitbalani: I don't think that's ever a bad thing.
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07:01 < Amitbalani> thank you, a930913 and NotASpy.. Bye
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07:03 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
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07:12 < kondi> YuviPanda: pm?
07:12 < YuviPanda> sure
07:13 < Censored_> YuviPanda!
07:13 < YuviPanda> hey biscuit
07:14 < Censored_> im all excited
07:14 < YuviPanda> 'bout?
07:14 -!- p1xe [fufu@] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:15 < Censored_> start my new position as a volunteer child care assistant at a local shelter tday
07:16 < a930913> Censored_: Paedophile.
07:16  * a930913 runs.
07:16 < kondi> lol
07:16 < Censored_> I am no such thing
07:17 < closedmouth> prove it
07:18 < tommorris> we need a duck to prove this. and a piece of wood.
07:18 < a930913> Censored_: Can you touch the kids in Missouri?
07:18 < TOS> Anyone here know if its permissible for me to join #wikipedia-en-TOS
07:18 -!- albel727_ is now known as albel727
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07:19 < Censored_> a930913: thank you for tracing my IP i guess and im not doing this.
07:19 < TOS> I mean, is it allowed to create private channels like these for discussion?>
07:19 < closedmouth> TOS: you want your own channel?
07:19 < closedmouth> just make ##TOS or something
07:19 -!- OlEnglish [~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
07:19 < TOS> So anything with a ## is allowed?
07:20 < a930913> Censored_: In England, if you look at a kid, you can get accused of rape :|
07:20 < closedmouth> TOS: yes
07:20 < a930913> TOS: ##* is first come first served.
07:20 < Censored_> a930913: congrats?
07:20 < closedmouth> #* have to be officially registered
07:20 < TOS> So ##wikipedia-en-TOS is allowed, but not the #, right?
07:20 < closedmouth> yes
07:20 < a930913> Censored_: I was just wondering what it's like on the other side of the pond.
07:21 < Censored_> we dont spend time alone with the kids
07:21 < Censored_> hence we're protected against accusations.
07:21 < TOS> And just curious, who "officially registers the channels?"
07:22 < closedmouth>
07:22 < closedmouth> you can ask actual freenode staff this kind of thing in #freenode
07:22 < TOS> So I would not have to ask anyone from wikipedia to make a #wikipedia-channelname ?
07:22 < closedmouth> yeah
07:23 < TOS> Got it. Thanks
07:23 < YuviPanda> hey kondi
07:23 < YuviPanda> saw the Lua stuff I did for tawiki?
07:24 < kondi> YuviPanda: no, link?
07:24 < YuviPanda> kondi:
07:24 < kondi> would love to look
07:24 < kondi> ah
07:24  * kondi looks
07:24 < YuviPanda> kondi: essentially makes all the sections on the main page rotate automatically
07:24 < YuviPanda> kondi: even if it is not once per day
07:24 < YuviPanda> simply shows 'latest update for that section'
07:25 < kondi> ah nice
07:25 < YuviPanda> kondi: that's easy to do even in wikitext if you're doing it every day
07:26 < kondi> I think I should check this out in detail
07:26 < kondi> :)
07:26 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
07:27 < YuviPanda> kondi: Lua is incredible :)
07:27 -!- Dragonfly6-7 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:27 < Dragonfly6-7> [[Fake Celebrity Profiles (Kummer)]]      any suggestions for a better name for this article?
07:27 < kondi> I know, I've made little scripts at work in it
07:28 < YuviPanda> :D
07:28 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
07:30 < Dragonfly6-7> anyone anyone?
07:33 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
07:35 < LtNOWIS-mobile> But the UK also has less strict age of consent laws than the US
07:36 < Dragonfly6-7> LtNOWIS-mobile - hey?
07:36 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Lemme check it out
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07:38 < geniice> Quite possibly the first depiction of the human form on a computer screen.:
07:38 < geniice>
07:38 < geniice> not entirely safe for work
07:38 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Dfly: Probably just move it to Tom Kummer?
07:38 < Dragonfly6-7> it's not an article about *him*, it's an article about his *scandal*
07:40 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Well, this comes to mind:
07:40 < Dragonfly6-7> geniice - would you consider that photo "government work"
07:40 < geniice> no
07:40 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Like, that guy's only known for being a faker
07:41 < geniice> the original image is IBM contractor and the photo wasn't taken as part of the guy's offical duties
07:42 < geniice> Dragonfly6-7 higher quality version at but it wasn't published until recently
07:43 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Maybe "Tom Kummer fake articles scandal" or something
07:43 -!- tuprincipe [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:43 < LtNOWIS-mobile> But just making it a bio article is the best idea IMHO, and fits the article pretty well
07:43 < Dragonfly6-7>
07:45 < geniice> its not actualy the first computer art. That dates back to the early 50s
07:45 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:45 < geniice> hmm you need the identifier  Tom Kummer
07:46 < Dragonfly6-7> "interviews" not "articles"
07:47 < geniice> so whatever you do its fgoing to be clumsy. "Tom Kummer interview fraud"
07:48 < LtNOWIS-mobile> That's good
07:49 < Dragonfly6-7> Tom Kummer fraudulent interview scandaWGYR{}es=a4]
07:49 < Dragonfly6-7> \jesus christ
07:49 < Dragonfly6-7> bird hit my window
07:50 < Dragonfly6-7> "Tom Kummer fraudulent interview scandal", maybe?
07:50 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Window ok?
07:50 < Dragonfly6-7> Window is fine
07:50 < LtNOWIS-mobile> That's good too
07:50 -!- YuviPanda is now known as ConfusedPanda
07:50 < geniice> Dragonfly6-7 scandal is POV
07:51 < Dragonfly6-7> "Tom Kummer fraudulent interview controversy" ?
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07:58 < Dragonfly6-7> geniice ?
07:59 -!- koishi_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
07:59 < geniice> perhaps
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08:14 < LtNOWIS-mobile> CNN is playing the video of the Boston bombers working out pretty much non-stop
08:14 -!- ConfusedPanda is now known as YuviPandda
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08:15 < Ironholds> LtNOWIS-mobile: now just set it to a mix of Eye of the Tiger and 'goats that scream like people'
08:15 < Ironholds> you'll have a hit.
08:15 < wctaiwan> hey Ironholds.
08:16 < Ironholds> hey wctaiwan :)
08:16 < JohnLewis> Hey Ironholds :)
08:16 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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08:23 < Ironholds> hey JohnLewis :)
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08:25  * GorillaWarfare panics
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08:25 < wctaiwan> hm?
08:25 < GorillaWarfare> netsplit
08:26 < wctaiwan> um no
08:26 < wctaiwan> just you
08:26 < wctaiwan> I think.
08:26 < GorillaWarfare> :<
08:26 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
08:28 < closedmouth> > (6c14245e@gateway/web/freenode/session) <-- what the hell?
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08:37 < Krenair> closedmouth, ask freenode...
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08:42  * tommorris breathes a sigh of relief now that the channel no longer has Syphilis.
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08:42 < Dragonfly6-7> "while simultaneously being eaten by a shark" is such a great phrase
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09:00 < kondi> YuviPanda: Do I need to change the external scripts as per conventions?
09:00 < YuviPanda> ?
09:00 < YuviPanda> where?
09:01 < YuviPanda> Lua?
09:01 < kondi> no, the extension
09:01 < YuviPanda> ah
09:01 < YuviPanda> no
09:01 < YuviPanda> i think that's fine
09:01 < kondi> okay :)
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09:19 < Bradford> ._.
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09:21 < wctaiwan> ^_^
09:25 < Theo10011> oO
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09:30 < Bradford> O_o
09:31 < Theo10011> ;)
09:31 < Bradford> :]
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09:33 < Theo10011> :*
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09:35 < Bradford> O_o
09:35 < Theo10011> :P
09:36 < Bradford> :-*
09:36 < Bradford> bye :P
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09:55 < Gfoley4> "Enemy at the Gates" on FX
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10:19 < LtNOWIS-mobile> This mermaid documentary piece on CNN is melting my brain
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10:28 < dtm_> i just learned that en.wp has no template at all for requesting interwiki translations.
10:28 < dtm_> sorry.  es.wp
10:28 < GorillaWarfare> dtm_: {{sofixit}}?
10:28 < dtm_> :-I
10:29 < Qcoder00> GW:{{not a tech}}
10:29 < Qcoder00> ;)
10:29 < dtm_> en.wp has {{expand language}} and es.wp has nothing.  they say that they can't even create consensus.  ABOUT WHAT, i don't know.  it was suggested that it's out of nationalistic pride, and not wanting to "feel" like a serf to other COUNTRIES?!!
10:30 < dtm_> ludicrous.  i just need a translation from english to spanish if anyone wants to do it.  so i started a stub with {{copyedit}} on it ;)
10:30 < dtm_> since their system's broken
10:32 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
10:33 < dtm_> aha.
10:33 < dtm_> now, how do i find users who have that userbox?
10:33 < dtm_> {{User Translator 2|es}}
10:35 -!- Censored_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:37 < GorillaWarfare> dtm_:
10:39 < dtm_> kthx
10:39 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.]
10:39 < dtm_> is that all i can do?  i can't put a template on my english page, requesting that it would be translated to spanish?
10:39 < dtm_> i know that doesn't make sense, but doens't support the proper thing
10:40 < Dragonfly6-7> sure you can
10:40 < Dragonfly6-7> you can create a template
10:40 < GorillaWarfare> Dragonfly6-7: On enWS, you mean?
10:41 < dtm_> what?  what would that do
10:41 < GorillaWarfare> Er, *esWS?
10:41 < dtm_> ya mean es.wp?  <3
10:41 < GorillaWarfare> Goodness, yes
10:42  * GorillaWarfare goes back to sleep
10:42 < dtm_> it's cool, i translated it
10:42 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:42 < dtm_> for ya, GorillaWarfare <3
10:42 < dtm_> GorillaWarfare: rest!
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11:45 < Qcoder00> -Oh Dear :(
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11:47 < kondi> lol
11:47 < Jetro> lål
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12:13 < iDM> Moe Epsilon  where art thou
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12:15 < JohnLewis> iDM: He's asleep.
12:15 < iDM> Or having his morning bath, and chores.
12:15  * Jetro pokes JohnLewis with a large pool cue. 
12:15  * iDM kicks Jetro with a brush
12:15 < JohnLewis> iDM: Nope. Sleeping.
12:15 < Jetro> ow
12:15 < JohnLewis> Jetro: Yes?
12:16 < Jetro> nothing i just wanted a poke
12:16 < Jetro> :D
12:16 < iDM> JohnLewis: How do you know O_O
12:16 < iDM> PS can I have his phone number :D
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12:17 < JohnLewis> iDM: 1. I was talking to him on Freenode two hours ago. 2. You don't want his number :P He is a stalker :O
12:17 < iDM> David?
12:17 < JohnLewis> iDM: Yes. David Stevenson :P
12:17 < iDM> Stalkers, are fun sometimes.
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12:19 < IDoH> hi
12:19 < iDM> Hey you
12:20 < IDoH> Hey you, too. :-)
12:20 < iDM> Wasn't PinkFloyd
12:21 < iDM> my DHCP = screwed up, with trolls.
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12:35 < IDoH> SineBot didn't sign the previous two unsigned uncomments on my talk page. Darn it, I had to do it myself.
12:36 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
12:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> use cosine bot then
12:39  * iDM pets ToAruShiroiNeko soft kitty warm kitty a little ball of fur
12:39 -!- lukas|away [uid7848@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
12:40 < iDM> I'll shut up :)
12:40 < Jetro> awww
12:40 < Jetro> i want a kitty
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12:40 < Jetro> a little kittykat
12:40 < Jetro> <3
12:40 < iDM> Jetro: I had those.
12:41 < Jetro> ugggh, don't like that one
12:41 < Jetro> :D
12:41 < Jetro> it looks like they got smashed in the face with a hammer when they were kittuns
12:42 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:42 < Jetro> Carly slap punch
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12:42 < Jetro> just kidding
12:42 < Jetro> A very warm welcome to you
12:42 < iDM> Are you serious?
12:42  * iDM face palms
12:42 < Jetro> always
12:43 < Carly> jetro whattttt
12:44  * Carly punch jetro
12:45  * iDM pushes Jetro away and Carly punches the planet.
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12:45  * Carly looks at IDM and sighs
12:46 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
12:48 < iDM> ToAruShiroiNeko: Wife asks, do you want dinner? Hubby sure what are my choice? Wife Yes or No...
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12:49 < Carly> loool
12:49  * Carly laughs :|
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13:21 -!- TB|Away [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
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13:23 < Carly> hi
13:25 < dtm_> Carly: hi!  do you want to translate an article from english to español?  are you good at that?  te gusta?
13:25 < Carly> yes
13:25 < Carly> I like and I would like to translate
13:26 < dtm_> Carly: bueno!,_Jr. -->,_Jr.
13:26 < Carly> ok
13:27 < dtm_> Carly: if you want to translate the core text, that would be bueno.  I can probably figure out the templates (graphics etc) and maybe categories if you don't want to
13:27 < Carly> when you need the article done?
13:28 -!- insulamsimia [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:28 < Carly> I have to access from my laptop to translate
13:28 < dtm_> Carly: well of course there's no time frame
13:28 < dtm_> nobody's getting paid for it ;)
13:28 < Carly> okay
13:28 < dtm_> sadly!
13:29 < Carly> Ok :)
13:29 < dtm_> <3 <3 <3
13:30 < Carly> O.o,is not necessary sarcasm
13:30 < dtm_> what?
13:32 < Theo10011> Hello
13:32 < dtm_> Theo10011: hello.
13:32 < Carly> helouuuuu Theo :)
13:32 < Theo10011> Yes, hello.
13:33 < Carly> hey theo10011 :D
13:33 -!- hebx [~henrik@] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:33 < Theo10011> Carly, your last name wouldn't happen to be rae jespen? ;)
13:33 < Carly> :|
13:33 < Theo10011> :P
13:34 < Carly> my name is Carly Elizabeth Fuentes D.
13:34 < Carly> y la boca te queda donde mismo Theo.
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13:35 < Theo10011> Ich habe nicht den Kontext carly
13:35 < Carly> aaaah
13:36 < dtm_> carly is patently noncontextual
13:36 < Carly> theo10011 want cookies?
13:36 < Carly> dtm Ok
13:36 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
13:36 < Koi> anyone in Oklahoma, Particularly Dangerous Situation tornado watch out for ya'll until midnight.
13:36 < Theo10011> Sure.
13:36 < Theo10011> what kind?
13:36 < dtm_> Koi: i'm in Kansas.  i read from the storm watchers that it could be a rough few days
13:36 < Carly> :|
13:36 < dtm_> b e w a r e
13:37 < Theo10011> Koi, didn't one already pass through, and destroyed that area?
13:37  * Carly jealous.
13:37 < dtm_> Theo10011: oklahoma is a state.  it destroyed a town.
13:37 < Theo10011> heh I was referring to the state :P
13:37 < Koi> Theo10011: Moore.
13:37 < dtm_> you're wondering if a tornado destroyed a state?
13:37 < Theo10011> Seems to be an awful lot of tornados in that region in the last month.
13:37 < Theo10011> :S
13:37 < Koi>
13:37 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:38 < Koi> agh y so much paste.
13:38 < Theo10011> and all caps!
13:38 < dtm_> lol i love how they're INEXPLICABLY ALL CAPS, ......WITH INEXPLICABLE ELLIPSES
13:38 < Theo10011> you know they are serious
13:38 < dtm_> that's right!
13:38 < Carly> stopppp
13:38 < dtm_> that's what i tell myself while i'm laffin
13:38 < Qcoder00> Koi -> #stromwatch
13:38 < Koi> Theo10011: They issue everything in all caps so it's better machine readable for their things.
13:38  * Carly faints
13:38 < Qcoder00> Koi -> #stormwatch
13:38 < dtm_> beware of strom!
13:38 < Qcoder00> dtm_: Hmm
13:39 < Theo10011> Koi, I know. But still doesnt hurt to make up your own version. :P
13:39 < dtm_> Qcoder00: hi
13:39 < Qcoder00> greetings human
13:39 < dtm_> hullow
13:39 < Koi> Theo10011: Here's my version - Get indoors, listen to NOAA Weather Radio AllHazards, and LISTEN.
13:39 -!- Willdude123_ [uid7822@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
13:39 < dtm_> Qcoder00: correct.
13:39 < Theo10011> Incidentally, now playing, Riders on the storm by The doors.
13:39 < Qcoder00> Take me to your op.
13:39 < Theo10011> :P
13:39 < Koi> Theo10011: It can't be long before we get some PDS Tornado Warnings... :/ :(
13:39 < dtm_> Koi: what's PDS?
13:39 < Theo10011> Qcoder00, Speak!
13:40 < Koi> Particularly Dangerous Situation.
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13:40 < Koi> Used on less than 1% of watches.
13:40 -!- Douzy [] has left #wikipedia-en []
13:40 < Koi> for the MOST dangerous to life and property.
13:40 < Qcoder00> Theo10011 : Well don't all aliens say take me to your important local dignatry?
13:40 < Qcoder00> XD
13:40 < Koi> It is also used on Tornado Warnings to signify that an extremely dangerous/large/powerful tornado is on the ground heading for population.
13:40 < dtm_> i'm thinking of using {{cite episode}} instead of {{cite av media}} for youtube episodic shows, podcast style
13:40 < dtm_> amirite
13:40 < foks> "Particularly Dangerous Situation"
13:40 < foks> lol
13:40 < Qcoder00> dtm_: Are they episodic?
13:40 < Koi> foks: What should they say?
13:41 < dtm_> Qcoder00: the youtube episode shows are episodic.
13:41 < Theo10011> Qcoder00, They usually say - Take me to your leader!
13:41 < Qcoder00> And yeah dtm_  I agree, if they look like TV shows on You Tube
13:41 < foks> it seems awfy informal
13:41 < Theo10011> it never ends well for the leader.
13:41 < Qcoder00> Not always
13:41 < Koi> foks: informal?
13:41 < Qcoder00> Depends on the alien
13:41 < Qcoder00> and the leader
13:41 < foks> "particularly dangerous"
13:42 < Koi> foks: What should they say "Mr. Billy, Ms. Billy, Mr. Stuart, Ms. Stuart ...................... you are all in the path of this storm and die"
13:42 < foks> why not "highly dangerous", "especially dangerous",
13:42 < Koi> is that more formal?
13:42 < dtm_> Qcoder00: it's of course clumsy because it's YET ANOTHER template which is hardcoded to some old world historical media-specific format, instead of to a generic format itself
13:42 < dtm_> Qcoder00: network=YouTube   lol
13:42 < Koi> it's understood from "particularly", because particularly means "this is MORE dangerous than the ALREADY dangeros warnings usually issued"
13:42 < foks> so does especially
13:42 < Koi> foks: All tornado warnings are supposed to be deemed dangerous.
13:43 < Koi> Thus, they say particularly, because this one IN PARTICULAR is super dangerous.
13:43 < Qcoder00> Me wonders if some EAS are actually needed
13:43 < foks> well, no
13:43 < foks> this one is particularly dangerous
13:43 < Qcoder00> Can't people see Tornadoes coming?
13:43 < Koi> Qcoder00: Yes, and those are the people that die.
13:43 < foks> "dangerous" isn't an adjective you can really modify
13:43 < Koi> If you see a tornado coming, you are too late to get to shelter for your safety.
13:44 < Koi> (unless you live way out in timbuktu in nowhere)
13:44 < Qcoder00> Koi: Ok In under 100 words justify EAS provision :)
13:44 < foks> sux2bu, no tornados here
13:44 < Koi> Safety of the public requires the public know of hazards before they happen, thus the EAS is activated for tornado warnings to provide the public with information they may not ever get otherwise.
13:44 < Qcoder00> I am saying that some EAS aren't needed because they don't actually aid people... they just make them panicked
13:44 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: I love youuu my lov3,i am yours rape me]
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13:45 < Qcoder00> The UK survives without having EAS
13:45 < Qcoder00> Even though the UK has 'freak' weather that leads to flooding
13:45 < Qcoder00> Foks?
13:46 < Qcoder00> You live up in Scotland right...
13:46 < Qcoder00> You don't get Broadcast break in's for flood warnings...
13:46 < Qcoder00> Or do you?
13:46 < Theo10011> Qcoder00, you can't compare the devastating weather in the US with the UK.
13:46 < foks> nope
13:46 < foks> because floods never happen
13:46 < foks> unless you're in like, stoney
13:46 < Theo10011> It's mostly we're getting an awful lot of rain, and still no sun.
13:46 < foks> and are next to a river
13:46 < Theo10011> See
13:47 < Qcoder00> So why is EAS justisifed in the US, but not in the UK?
13:47 < foks> because there is literally no need for EAS in the UK
13:47 < foks> 3.8 magnitude earthquakes? gales? snow? please
13:47 < Theo10011> heh
13:47 < Qcoder00> The UK gets flooding
13:48 < foks> localised flooding
13:48 < Qcoder00> Sometimes quite rapid flooding
13:48 < foks> very, very localised flooding
13:48 < Qcoder00> foks:  Erm...
13:48 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: we don't get broadcast breakins in Scotland for hurricane force winds. Mind you, the worst they'll do is wreck a school roof and knock some chimneys down.
13:48 < Qcoder00> Hmm
13:49 < NotASpy> America needs to learn how to build properly, to be brutally honest.
13:49 < Theo10011> Between the earthquakes on the west coast, the unbearable mid-west heatwaves, and tornadoes all over - US deserves an EAS
13:49 < foks> Maybe a few trees and aw
13:49 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
13:49 < Qcoder00> NotASpy:  Well you do get the Shipping Forecast...
13:49 -!- FunPika_ [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:49 < Qcoder00> 'Cones have been hoisted in .... <blah blah blah> "
13:49 < Koi> If you are in OK, be safe.
13:49 < Koi> Qcoder00: cause UK is stupid.
13:49 < Koi> Theo10011++ on that comment.
13:50 < Koi> guys, cap breaking, storms initiating atm, big hail and tornadoes w/i 30 mins.
13:50 < Koi> don't die.
13:50 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has quit [Disconnected by services]
13:50 -!- FunPika_ is now known as FunPika
13:50 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: which you're expected to listen to, no nanny state bullshittery forcing it down your throat.
13:50 < Qcoder00> I would argure that parts of Scotland whould have some form of EAS..
13:50 < foks> which parts?
13:51 < foks> Koi, how is the UK stupid?
13:51 < Qcoder00> Western Isles,  Shetland,  Cairngorms   for starters
13:51 < Koi> foks: they don't have a national EAS.
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13:51 < foks> Koi, there is no need for one.
13:51 < dtm_> < Koi> guys, cap breaking, storms initiating atm, big hail and tornadoes w/i 30 mins. <-- in oklahoma?
13:51 < Koi> foks: what if they get nuked by the US for being too white?
13:51 < Qcoder00> Technicaly, the UK DID have an  EBS qquivalent
13:51 < Koi> dtm_: no, in hawaii.... YES in Oklahoma.
13:51 < foks> Also, we have national radio and TV stations that I am almost certain would make way.
13:51 < Qcoder00> You mean BBC Local Radio?
13:51 < foks> Koi, are you taking the fucking piss?
13:52 < Koi>
13:52 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: why ? The buildings on Shetland are designed to withstand enormous wind loadings, there's nothing the weather can throw at the Western Isles, Shetland, Cairngorms that they aren't perfectly prepared for.
13:52 < Qcoder00> NotASpy:  Hmm
13:53 < foks> Also the fact that very few people tend to live in this places
13:53 < Qcoder00> And the Shipping would also know how to read things... (or should)
13:53 < foks> * these
13:53 < foks> if you do, you ought to know what you're getting into tbf
13:53 < foks> a bit like those who live in tornado valley
13:53 -!- thineantiquepen is now known as TAP|away
13:54 < Qcoder00> OK So we are syaing that the UK doesn't have an EAS  because  -
13:54 < Qcoder00> i BBC already handles this
13:54 < foks> There is no need for one.
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13:54 < Qcoder00> ii Events aren't propotionalyl as severe
13:54 < Qcoder00> ?
13:54 < foks> If in the very, very unlikely case we DID need one, we have a very good national TV and radio network
13:54 < foks> not to mention online
13:55 < NotASpy> Shetland had a wind speed of 177mph recorded, I bet the roofers did reasonably well fixing a few slates that week, but that's it.
13:55 < foks> also the fact that the UK is considerably smaller than the US
13:55 < foks> (only one timezone, too)
13:55 < foks> but I can't honestly think of any realistic reason the UK would need one
13:55 < Qcoder00> Anyone from Canada in?
13:56 < Theo10011> I dont think so.
13:56 < NotASpy> It's not really about severity, it's more about the speed of the development of weather conditions. You'll get a good long range forecast warning of high winds, heavy seas etc, 24 to 48 hours in advance.
13:56 < Qcoder00> I'm not sure you get advance warning of Flash Floods or tidal Surges though
13:57 < foks> floods here are usually pretty minor though
13:57 < foks> a house getting wrecked isn't life-in-danger
13:57 < foks> it's just annoying and means you need to get the home insurance info out
13:57 < NotASpy> Tidal surges are easy to predict - they happen at high tide, and that's something they can predict with minute level accuracy 1000 years in advance.
13:58 < foks> Tornadoes, on the other hand, can be life-or-death
13:58 < foks> and don't happen in the UK
13:58 < Koi> foks: lies.
13:58 < Koi> Tornadoes happen in the UK
13:58 < NotASpy> except at Lossiemouth. Full of Tornado's.
13:58 < foks> Haaaaa
13:58 < foks> Koi, um, incredibly minor ones
13:58 < Koi> foks: lies.
13:58 < foks> "look at that wind maw"
13:59 < Koi>
13:59 < Koi> many many F4-5's in Europe
13:59 < NotASpy> aye, proper wind, none of this cheap nasty American pish that swirls around for 5 minutes and knocks down houses more flimsy than my rotten garden shed.
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14:00 < Theo10011> That's like 20 a century.
14:00 < Theo10011> And even then you'd have to separate the UK, from germany and france.
14:00 < foks> yes
14:00 < foks> the UK is on that list very few times
14:01 < Koi> ...
14:01 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:01 < NotASpy> there's bits of Europe that are fairly similar meteorological to OK, USA, so they'll suffer a bit from windy things, but that's definitely not the UK.
14:01 < foks> the UK, remember, is a tiny, tiny island
14:01 < Carly> helouuuuuu
14:02 < Carly> haiii
14:02 < foks> Last tornado death in the UK appears to have been in 1913
14:02 < foks> I'd love to see a tornado in greater manchester though
14:02 < foks> imagine that
14:03 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
14:03 < Theo10011> heh
14:03 < NotASpy> it could do £1bn of improvements...
14:03 < foks> it apparently happened!
14:03 < foks> but was F0
14:03 < foks> idk what that means, but I guess that'd be considered "a bit gusty" in Scotland
14:04  * Carly eats
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14:04 < NotASpy> anyway, if we are to have a Koi/Qcoder00 mandated emergency weather channel, they could take over STV. That would be something of an improvement.
14:04 < foks> F0 isn't even 50mph
14:04 < foks> apparently
14:04 < Koi> NotASpy: I will only tell of importante.
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14:05 < Koi> foks: actually, F0 is up to hurricane force about.
14:05 < foks> we get winds of 50mph pretty much all the way through autumn
14:05 < NotASpy> regularly see Hurricane force winds on the old shipping forecast. Usually causes the Shetland ferry to be cancelled and that's about it, really.
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14:10 < Qcoder00> Why is the UK Shipping Forecast retained?
14:10 < Qcoder00> Surely all modern boats have Sat Weather stuff?
14:11 < Qcoder00> Or are there small boats that don't?
14:11 < foks> most likely
14:12 < NotASpy> our dive club boat has a VHF radio, so we get the shipping forecast from HM Coastguard. No satellite stuff with us.
14:12 < Qcoder00> OK
14:13 < Qcoder00> VHF?
14:13 < Qcoder00> That must cost a bit
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14:15 < NotASpy> not really, you can get a decent VHF radio for a few quid second hand. We've got an iCOM set which will have been £200 or so new.
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14:39 < Bradford> ._.
14:40 < NotASpy> and once again, it's BBC Four to the rescue on a Friday night.
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14:46 < Demiurge1000> You're not a very good spy, are you? This is #wikipedia-en not BBC Four.
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15:02 < Koi> "Thunderstorm initiation is imminent... strong tornadoes appear likely"
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15:22 < Bradford> whoaaaaao |:
15:26 < kondi> hey Ironholds, around?
15:26 < Ironholds> kondi: indeed.
15:27 < kondi> mind if I pm?
15:28 < kondi> Ironholds: ^
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15:29 < Ironholds> sure
15:29 < Ironholds> that is, I don't mind
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15:40 < tucoxn> hello
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16:37 < funnyfarm299> Sup guys
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16:38 < GabrielF> hi
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16:43 < funnyfarm299> So I went to plug in my phone today and it started smoking. Am I the only one that thinks they should offer me more than a replacement?
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16:44 < Ironholds> well, they could at least offer you a light
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16:46 < NotASpy> funnyfarm299: what phone ?
16:46 < funnyfarm299> Galaxy Nexus on VZW
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16:59 < GorillaWarfare> Brb, dying of heatstroke
16:59 < legoktm> RIP
16:59 < GorillaWarfare> x_x
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17:01 < Bradford> o_O
17:01 < dtm_> i'm wanting to expand a biography about an actor (tv, movies, video game voiceovers).  where can i read about the copyright guidelines on this?  i'm thinking of doing a brief montage of his work, of maybe 5-10 seconds per clip (both for brevity and for copyright concerns), totaling maybe 30 seconds.  is that being done?  i'm looking at
17:01 < dtm_> GorillaWarfare: dont do it, man!
17:01 < dtm_> STAY WITH US
17:02 < dtm_> i mean.  dont stay online with us, and irc yourself to death.  but.  stay in the big picture, long-term.
17:02 < martijnH> dtm_: Speaking of "don't do it, man" that montage.
17:02 < dtm_> k
17:02 < GabrielF> are you in EDT, 'cause the sun is setting here so there's some hope :)
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17:03 < dtm_> martijnH: i know that there is the american copyright clause about informational/educational use, but i dont know if wikipedia accepts it
17:03 < BlastHardcheese> dtm_:
17:03 < martijnH> dtm_ : Yes, but no
17:03 < dtm_> BlastHardcheese: i'm gonna guess that "NF" means non-free!  let's find out!
17:04 < martijnH> the law would accept it as fair use, but we don't accept this use of non-free media
17:04 < GorillaWarfare> GabrielF: I am indeed
17:04 < dtm_> k
17:04 < BlastHardcheese> you should be able to link a website if (s)he has one
17:04 < dtm_> martijnH: i was thinking in terms of the fact that en.wp accepts some non-free images.
17:05 < dtm_> wishfully thinking.
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17:05 < dtm_> and quotations and such.
17:05 < martijnH> since we want to produce a free (or libre, which is about 100% more descriptive, and about 1000% more obnoxious) encyclopedia, we restrict fair use as much as possible
17:05 < GabrielF> I would guess that a 5 second clip from a movie to create a biographical video of an actor would be okay given that its integral to showing his career, a free alternative is impossible, and 5 seconds is not going to compromise the rightsholder's commercial opportunities
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17:05 < dtm_> GabrielF: that's what i'm saying.
17:05 < dtm_> but i'm reading.
17:05 < GabrielF> okay per WP:NFCC that is
17:05 < dtm_> GabrielF: this would literally be no different than a quotation, a non-free image as per your aforementioned criteria, etc
17:06 < dtm_> it's for identification purposes
17:06 < dtm_> for example!  as for myself, i have no idea who the guy is from watching his work!
17:06 < dtm_> but he's famous.  ;)
17:07 < GabrielF> I would post a question at [[WT:CP]] - the wikipedia copyright experts (such as Moonriddengirl) tend to watch that page
17:07 < dtm_> sounds good
17:07 < Koi> dtm_: there's your weather update.
17:07 < dtm_> Koi: !!!!!!!!!!!!
17:07 < Koi> have fun with ie
17:07 < dtm_> Koi: kthx
17:07 < dtm_> will do :\
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17:07 < Koi> OKC get underground NOW>
17:07 < Koi> less than 5 minutes before large, violent tornado is upon you.
17:07 < dtm_> crap i forgot to donate to Red Cross and Salvation Army of Moore, OK
17:07 < dtm_> there's a hip hop concert for Moore coming up here
17:08 < Dragonfly6-7> is this serious, or joking?
17:08 < Dragonfly6-7> I honestly don't know.
17:08 < dtm_> Dragonfly6-7: serious.
17:08 < Dragonfly6-7> okay. Well, I should be okay since  I'm in Montreal.
17:08 < Koi> Dragonfly6-7: It is completely serious.
17:09 < GabrielF> I am starting to think that it would take just as long to run this job on my laptop as using amazon elastic map reduce except it would have saved me four days of setup time
17:09 < Dragonfly6-7> thank you, yes. I already gathered that.
17:11 < GabrielF> I am thinking that this hadoop stuff is a really complicated way to do simple things
17:11 < NotASpy> Dragonfly6-7: I thought you knew everybody came to #wikipedia-en on the Freenode network for weather warnings in Oklahoma. Honestly, not knowing that. Haaaah
17:11  * Dragonfly6-7 vomits on NotASpy
17:12 < dtm_> GabrielF: interesting
17:12 < dtm_> Dragonfly6-7: well.  *that* escalated quickly.
17:12 < GabrielF> admittedly I'm only running this job on 3 small nodes
17:12 < dtm_> oh dear me.
17:12 < dtm_> GabrielF: what is this job, again?  you're mapping wikipedia's global metadata?
17:13 < Moe_Epsilon> MBisanz: ping! :p
17:13 < GabrielF> I'm taking the 61 million external links on wikipedia and I'm trying to identify what newspaper websites we link to and how that corresponds to newspaper circulation
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17:14 < GabrielF> I guess if you use AWS every day for work then the setup time involved is probably nothing but if you're doing one project its pretty irritating to figure out how to get everything to work
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17:16 < Koi> people in OKC need to get underground :/
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17:16 < Koi> there is a large tornado of at least 180 mph winds heading for downtown.
17:16 < dtm_> gotcha :\
17:17 < Moe_Epsilon> :< they need to live underground
17:17 < GabrielF> for instance, my dataset is 10GB but the upload to S3 crapped out after 7GB or so, so I uploaded a compressed (1.4GB) version, but then expanding that compressed version and putting the whole dataset into S3 involved firing up an instance, attaching a volume with enough memory, installing a command line tool for s3 and then running s3get, gunzip and s3put, all of which took a significant part of the afternoon
17:17 < dtm_> Moe_Epsilon: lol :\
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17:20 < GabrielF> on the other hand it is pretty amazing that I can spin up some servers 3000 miles away and have them churn through 10GB of data on demand for a couple of dollars
17:20 < dtm_> GabrielF: yeah so how much did that aforementioned afternoon cost you?
17:21 < dtm_> GabrielF: it compressed to 1.4GB?  you told me it was already compressed at 10GB.
17:21 < GabrielF> the 1.4GB is the external links table, the 10GB is all current pages
17:21 < dtm_> and why couldn't you just resume the upload?  aren't you using a linux VPS with rsync?
17:21 < dtm_> oic
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17:22 < dtm_> GabrielF: there are probably irc channels for community support of s3.  have you looked? <3
17:22 < dtm_> i dont know nuffin about it
17:22 < GabrielF> I think I used about 12 instance hours yesterday and it cost $1.26
17:22 < GabrielF> so this afternoon is probably similar
17:22 < GabrielF> yeah there's #aws
17:22 < dtm_> cool
17:22 < dtm_> that's probably pretty good pricing
17:23 < dtm_> if that was $30-40/mo
17:23  * GorillaWarfare resets her hilights
17:23 < dtm_> assuming you were beating your head against this for a month ;)
17:23 < GabrielF> only about a week or so
17:24 -!- lfaraone_ [uid4319@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
17:24 < GabrielF> I've been developing the hadoop job in a VM on my Mac so that hasn't cost anything
17:24 < dtm_> word
17:25 < GabrielF> usually I give up before beating my head against something for a month
17:25 < dtm_> and then you move on to beating your head against something else?
17:26 < GabrielF> something like that
17:26 < GabrielF> software engineering seems to go like this: dull, dull, depression, depression, depression, depression, euphoria, repeat
17:27 < GabrielF> throw in some anger and frustration in the middle
17:29 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
17:31 < GabrielF> it looks like running this job will take 3 instances @ 4 hours each for about $1.26
17:32 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
17:32 < Sir48> GabrielF: I thought it was euphoria - dull - dull - search for the guilty :-)
17:32 < GabrielF> well I'm unemployed until july so unfortunately the guilty party is invariably me
17:32 < GabrielF> hence the depression
17:34 < Dragonfly6-7> sorry to hear that
17:34 < mareklug> GabrielF I wish there was a way to compile wget for Mac OS 7.5.5.  And for Mac OS 9.2.2, for that matter.  the former on 68k architecture, the latter on PowerPC.
17:35 < GabrielF> at least you have ResEdit
17:35 < Sir48> GabrielF: Sorry to hear that... but not doing anything has the advantage of not making errors
17:35 < Dragonfly6-7> oh, I remember ResEdit
17:36 < mareklug> GabrielF the arcana of ResEdit elude me.  I will do ResEdit surgery on step-by-step instructions. :)
17:36 < GabrielF> eh I'm just waiting to start a job in July so I'm happy
17:36 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
17:38 < GabrielF> mareklug: next I think you're going to try to connect one of these guys to the Internet:
17:39 < mareklug> GabrielF I also am trying to get old-fashioned 802.11b PCMCIA cards that don't do WPA to somehow be useful to me on my network.  And I don't have an open network.  My attempt to get an ad-hoc peer-to-peer network with connection-sharing by the modern iMac have not resulted in any data changing hands, although the ORiNOCO pc card lights blink furiously...
17:41 -!- Firefly67 [~Firefly67@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:42 < GabrielF> hmm well blinking lights are good
17:42 < GabrielF> sometimes
17:42 < Jetro> you need blink light oil
17:43 -!- Sir48 [~LTL@wikipedia/Sir48] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
17:43 -!- detox_ [uid11716@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
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17:45 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
17:45 < mareklug> GabrielF maybe I should open the network (no WPA of any kind) and just use access control by MAC address to exclude everyone except machine I register?
17:46 -!- Sky2042_afk is now known as Sky2042
17:46 < GabrielF> MAC addresses can be spoofed, but for a home user I doubt it will be an issue
17:46 < mareklug> but then the traffic will be in the clear
17:47 < GabrielF> what about something like home broadband over power line?
17:47 < mareklug> I suppose I can learn the arcana of VPN, now that I have a hardware VPN firewall acting as a router/switch (Netgear FVS388)
17:48 -!- OlEnglish [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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17:48 < mareklug> well, I already have all this gear for over the air, and the powerline will not address the wireless cards :)
17:48 < GabrielF> I'm guessing that you're going wireless with these old machines because there's some issue with wiring the place?
17:50 < mareklug> GabrielF on the contrary.  all the old machines are on LAN as well as Appletalk over ethernet.  But I want to enable the wireless capability of the 3 powerbooks:  Wallstreet PDQ 233MHz, Wallstreet PDG 300MHz, and 3400c/200MHz
17:50 < GabrielF> I used to have a Pismo 333MHz I think
17:50 -!- Sir48 [~LTL@wikipedia/Sir48] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
17:51 < mareklug> I think Lombard was 333.  Pismo was the 500, afaik.
17:52 < GabrielF> yes you're right it must have been a 400MHz pismo
17:53 < mareklug> btw, all three support zoomed video (hardware acceleration), so you actually can watch DVDs on the PDQs  (I have one PDQ DVD-ROM module that I can exchange between them, and one CD-ROM 24x module; don't have any yet for the 3400c, but I have SCSI DVD-ROM externals)
17:53 -!- ToAruShiroiNeko [~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:54 < GabrielF> I remember those modules where you could pull a tab and the drive would pop out - it was nice since you could stick two batteries in them
17:54 < GabrielF> back when Apple let you remove parts from your machine
17:55 -!- martijnH [martijnHH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
17:55 < mareklug> indeed.  but I ma having a terrible time actually getting a merchant to ship me the battery.  after 13 days they cancelled the order when I made threatening noises that I will take it up with PayPal.  and it was such a good deal: 47 bucks for a smart battery.  Every other possibility is about twice the price.
17:55 < mareklug> the PDQ was the most configurable laptop ever
17:57 -!- Guest77767 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:57 -!- hi [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:57 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:57 -!- hi is now known as Guest94798
17:59 < GorillaWarfare> clear
17:59 < GorillaWarfare> Oops
17:59 < GorillaWarfare> Wrong window
17:59 < Peter-C> :(
17:59 < Peter-C> why do you want to erase us :(
17:59 < Guest94798> *awkward silence*
17:59 < mareklug> GorillaWarfare yeah, yeah, we know you want to wipe our conversation from your presence…
17:59 < GorillaWarfare> GorillaWarfare: I don't; I have irssi in one tmux pane, a terminal window in the other
17:59 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:59 < GorillaWarfare> Wow, I just said that to myself
17:59 < GorillaWarfare> *Peter_C
18:00 < Guest94798> lol
18:00 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:00 < Koi> STL METRO AREA - Confirmed tornado on ground, NWS STL is taking cover atm.
18:00 < Koi> STL and OKC metro Areas, Norman OK, Moore OK take cover IMMEDIATELY>
18:00 < Guest94798> interesting
18:01 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has quit [Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )]
18:01 < Koi> STL metro area should be underground right now.
18:01 -!- Scientific [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:02 < Scientific> Crap
18:02 < Scientific> I meant to have my name as Scientific Alan
18:03 -!- Guest94798 [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:03 < Koi> Is anyone here in STL?
18:03 < Scientific> What's STL?
18:03 < Gfoley4> St Louis
18:03 < Scientific> oh
18:03 < Scientific> no
18:03 < BlastHardcheese> Standard Template Library
18:03 < Scientific> oh, still no
18:04 < Scientific> Now I have to look that up
18:04 < kuzetsa> hahaha
18:04 < mareklug> or Shit ouT of Luck
18:05 < mareklug> Scientific not to be confused with the Standard Temple Library
18:05 < kuzetsa> yeah I was thinking the same STL (not a geographic location, but the one full of binary tree prototypes and lovely datastructures for all sorts of handy stuff I'd never want to write from scratch for fear of accidentally creating buffer overflow vulnerabilities, etc.)
18:06  * GorillaWarfare noms her iced tea
18:06 < GorillaWarfare> The idea to make this earlier was definitely a good one
18:06 < mareklug> yeah.  what she said.  why create your own buffer overflow holes, when you can just use some libraries' holes.
18:07 < Scientific> English?
18:07 < mareklug> Scientific and you call yourself Scientific?
18:08 < Scientific> I'm Scientific, not computer guy.
18:08 < mareklug>
18:08 < Scientific> I can talk about polymers, acids, and elements all day, but computers... XD
18:08 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:09 < Scientific> How do you privately reply to someone?
18:09 < JustBerry> Ah, dose are pretteh fun ^^
18:09 < JustBerry>  /msg Scientific like this.
18:09 < mareklug> Scientific you do /query nickname   or /msg nickname
18:09 < JustBerry> w/o the space I put before /msg to demonstrate ;)
18:10 < mareklug> Scientific but these days people are staying away from MSG
18:10 < mareklug> except in Indonesia, where it is labeled "Gourmet Spice"
18:10 < kuzetsa> mareklug: lol yeah, but I like the idea of using flaws in STL since I probably won't need to implement my own bugfix / santizing code when someone discoveres bugs
18:10 < kuzetsa> GCC 4.8.x really is quite clean and bug-free these days :)
18:10 < Koi> Particularly Dangerous Situation - Large damaging violent confirmed tornado heading RIGHT for STL Metro Area!
18:10 -!- Scientific [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:11 < kuzetsa> was just about to switch my toolchain over to 4.8.1 actually :)
18:11 -!- ScientificAlan [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:11 < ScientificAlan> There, my name is better
18:11 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
18:11 < JustBerry> :o
18:11 < JustBerry> :(
18:11 < Jetro> :o
18:11 < mareklug> ScientificAlan it would be keener if it were ScientifcAlas
18:11 < Jetro> :)
18:13 < Koi> STL Metro area
18:13 < Peter-C> Let's spray freon everywhere
18:13 < Peter-C> boom Global Cooling
18:13 < Peter-C> You can thank me later
18:13 < mareklug> 1.84 a pint for organic blueberries.  Yes, even Whole Foods is not completely unreasonable some days.
18:13 < ScientificAlan> I tried messaging myself, and the bar off the the side went away, and I couldn't see anything typed before, why is this?
18:13 < Bradford> Jetro: :-*
18:14 < mareklug> ScientificAlan because it put you in your own frame of mind, erm, buffer.  and you were not in the public channel with all them critters in the bar.
18:15 < JustBerry> Jetro, are you Jetrobot?
18:15 < Jetro> yes
18:15 < Jetro> robot-needs-food
18:15 < JustBerry> Oh dat teahouse host :)
18:15 < JustBerry> Do you live near there....?
18:15 < ScientificAlan> ok
18:16 < Jetro> But to be honest: No
18:16 < mareklug> Koi if you're lying, we will have your ass in the sling for this.
18:16 < Koi> mareklug: stfu.
18:16 < ScientificAlan> It rained here, but this is Ohio.
18:16 < mareklug> Koi is that your local airport ICAO code?
18:16 < Koi> the change in velocity is >200mph off of radar.
18:16 < JustBerry> lol
18:17 < mareklug> JustBerry Gwickwire is a known Manitoban
18:17 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:17 < ScientificAlan> I see a tornado, and I think I might die
18:17 < ScientificAlan> it's the end
18:17 < ScientificAlan> lol
18:17 < mareklug> and you know those Manitobans… they move everywhere
18:17 < ScientificAlan> ok?
18:18 < ScientificAlan> Still a better love story than Twilight
18:18 < Moe_Epsilon> not going to lie Koi, if a tornado hits East St. Louis, it might improve the place
18:18 < Koi> Moe_Epsilon: lol.
18:19 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon there is a famous good music club in East St. Louis
18:19 < Moe_Epsilon> it's also has the worst crime rate per person in the country
18:19 < ScientificAlan> I just noticed one person is named "anomynous"
18:19 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 241 seconds]
18:19 -!- peachey|laptop__ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:20 < ScientificAlan> I think their name should be changed for them
18:20 < Moe_Epsilon>
18:20 < ScientificAlan> Do they have crack sold there?
18:21 < ScientificAlan> lol
18:21 < Koi> Flash flooding imminent and occcuring in OKC metro.
18:21 < Koi> I44 shut down.
18:21 < Firefly67> Koi are you still fighting the govt on tornado ratings?
18:21 < Koi> O.o
18:22 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
18:22 < Bradford> o_O
18:23 -!- jhaimar [~canaima@] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:23 < Bradford> koi: feo
18:24 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
18:24 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon looks like as of now, all the top venues in East St. Louis are actually in eastern part of St. Louis, MO. :)
18:24 < Moe_Epsilon> oh, well then good, we can wipe East St. Louis out then
18:24 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
18:25 < ScientificAlan> Did I miss something?
18:25 < Moe_Epsilon> ScientificAlan: I don't know
18:26 -!- idoru [idoru@freenode/utility-bot/ex-server/idoru] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
18:26 < IDoH> mareklug: that isn't surprising, since East St.Louis is overrun by gang activity and businesses profiting from sex, both legally, and I'm sure illegally, too.
18:27 < Moe_Epsilon> IDoH: that's why I suggested a tornado-style improvement
18:27 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
18:28 -!- IRWolfie- [W0LF@nat/dcunetworkingsociety/x-fviahmkfvcbvzptw] has left #wikipedia-en []
18:28  * IDoH guesses she missed that part of the discussion, Moe_Epsilon
18:28 < ScientificAlan> I will be back in a minute, have to take some pill so I don't cuss out everyone and go on a rampage
18:28 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
18:28 < IDoH> A turnado might just make things worse, in all seriousness. I know you're kidding, Moe_Epsilon
18:28 < mareklug> it's the East St. Louis and some 1/3rd of Chicago on the South and West sides that make Illinois crime statistics respectable. :/
18:28 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
18:28 < Koi> Tornado Warning for Joplin, MO.
18:28 -!- Kotter [~soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:29 < Moe_Epsilon> IDoH: I know. I don't wish a tornado on anyone
18:29 < IDoH> Koi: That's possible considering the weather outside my window, but I hope you're joking.
18:29 < Koi> IDoH: I am not.
18:29 < Koi> IDoH: Are you in Joplin?
18:29 < IDoH> @*!#
18:29 < Koi> IDoH: Get underground right now.
18:29 < Moe_Epsilon> IDoH: hide :<
18:29 < IDoH> Koi: No, but a huge turnado destroyed Joplin a few years ago.
18:29 -!- FunPika|Away is now known as FunPika
18:30 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
18:30 < Koi> IDoH: -.-
18:30 < Koi> we know that.
18:30 < IDoH> I'm fine, Moe_Epsilon and everyone else.
18:30 < Koi> IDoH: WHERE ARE YOU?
18:30 -!- JZTech101 [] has quit [Quit: Hmm... What to do now?]
18:30 < ScientificAlan> back
18:30 < IDoH> Koi: A respectable sized town in the middle of Missouri
18:30 < Koi> oh.
18:30 < Koi> well still.
18:30 < Koi> stay away from windows.
18:30 < IDoH> All right. :-)
18:30 < ScientificAlan> Unless they are bulletproof
18:31 < IDoH> Heh
18:31 < Koi> IDoH: even then :-)
18:31 < ScientificAlan>
18:31 < ScientificAlan> I had to
18:32 < ScientificAlan> lol
18:32 < Koi> Mass casualty event reported at a Holiday Inn near Saint Louis MO.
18:32 < ScientificAlan> I wonder why...
18:33 < dtm_> Koi: wat
18:33 < koishi> WOW did i really just move a page to "telivision"
18:33 < dtm_> :-o
18:33 < koishi> i need to like go back to school or something i swear
18:33 < IDoH> Koi: Where are you getting this information?
18:33 < Koi> IDoH: STL metro TV stations.
18:33 < IDoH> Oh, I see.
18:33 < IDoH> Did a turn ado hit them?
18:33 < Koi> IDoH: yes.
18:33 < dtm_> we can rely upon his sources
18:33 < IDoH> I see.
18:33 < dtm_> whatever they may be.
18:34 < Koi> Another tornado north of tulsa, confirmed large and dangerous!
18:34 < ScientificAlan> Couldn't we watch the TV instead of have this guy tell us what's happening?
18:34 < ScientificAlan> just a thought
18:34 < dtm_> TV, what's that
18:34 < dtm_> i heard tell that there's a #stormwatch or something like that
18:35 -!- jhaimar [~canaima@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
18:35 < ScientificAlan> Oh my god, we're all dying
18:35 < dtm_> mareklug: hi.
18:36 < IDoH> Just to reassure everyone, particularly Koi and Moe_Epsilon, I just checked my email for weather alerts, and there aren't any. :-)
18:36 < Koi> IDoH: erm.
18:36 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
18:36 < IDoH> Koi: What?
18:36 < Koi> erm.
18:36 < IDoH> What?
18:36 < Moe_Epsilon> IDoH: well, that's good. Keep safe :p
18:36 < ScientificAlan> it was fake, I think
18:36 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:36 < Koi> erm.
18:36 < ScientificAlan> lol
18:36 < Koi> ScientificAlan: what was fake?
18:36 < ScientificAlan> exposed!
18:37 < IDoH> Koi! Speak up! Why are you saying "arm"?
18:37 < ScientificAlan> the tornado was fake!
18:37 < Koi> central MO doesn't have any warnings.
18:37 < IDoH> Erm, I mean.
18:37 < Koi> central MO is not STL or Joplin.
18:37 < IDoH> See, I told you. :-)
18:37 < Koi> however central MO is covered with flash flood warnings.
18:37 < Moe_Epsilon> i'm too used to storms living in Florida. Hurricanes are fun to be outside in :p
18:37 < IDoH> Yeah, I got concerned there for a second, though.
18:37 < IDoH> It would be, Koi.
18:37 < Koi> :p
18:37 < ScientificAlan> So, no tornado.
18:37 < ScientificAlan> I had a feeling.
18:38  * IDoH wonders why there isn't any thunderstorm warning for Central MO.
18:38 < Koi> ScientificAlan: There were tornadoes..
18:38 < Koi> just not where IDoH is.
18:38 < Koi> IDoH: ther'es no such thing as a "thunderstorm warning". There is a "*SEVERE* thunderstorm warning"
18:38 < IDoH> Oooh.
18:38 < IDoH> We have had thunderstorms, but no SEVERE thunderstorms.
18:38 < mareklug> dtm hi
18:38 < Koi> thus, the thunderstorms you are experiencing must not be severe.
18:39 < ScientificAlan> Ok, congrats, you used logic.
18:39 < ScientificAlan> lol
18:39 < IDoH> ScientificAlan: Who, me?
18:41 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
18:41 < ScientificAlan> I am bored
18:41 -!- JustBerry [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/justberry] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
18:42 -!- Fluff|away [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
18:43 < ScientificAlan> I just died laughing
18:43 < GorillaWarfare> RIP
18:43 < Guerillero> lol
18:44 < dtm_> gg
18:44 < ScientificAlan> Friend: "Imagine a world without laughter." Me: "One where you were cloned too many times?"
18:44 < IDoH> LOL
18:44 < dtm_> and then that's what did ya in, ScientificAlan?  :[  so sad  </3
18:44 < dtm_> it's a travesty
18:45 < IDoH> Good news! A facebook friend who sent a "I'm in St.Louis!" status confirmed she was okay.
18:46 < ScientificAlan> Facebook is like Egypt. People write on walls and worship cats.
18:46 < IDoH> Ha! ScientificAlan, how true
18:47 < ScientificAlan> Let's see who has the most friends
18:47 < ScientificAlan> I have 63
18:48  * IDoH has 136
18:48 < IDoH> People I've met + family
18:48 < IDoH> Which overlaps somewhat
18:48 < GabrielF> my dad has more Facebook friends than me :(
18:48 < Moe_Epsilon> 163 :< I deleted over 150 people
18:49 < ScientificAlan> How did you make that thing say "* IDoH has 136"
18:49 < Bradford> Moe_Epsilon:  :D
18:49 < Bradford> xd
18:49 < IDoH> ScientificAlan: You put /me before anything else
18:49 < Moe_Epsilon> hello Bradford lol
18:49  * ScientificAlan Bazinga!
18:49 < ScientificAlan> lol, I had to
18:49 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:49 < Bradford> e_e
18:50  * ScientificAlan looks in a mirror and dies.
18:50 < Moe_Epsilon> why, did you start laughing again?
18:50 < ScientificAlan> Yep
18:50 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:52 < Guerillero> Would anyone want to play a multiplayer game of civ 3 or 4
18:52  * ScientificAlan discovers what H2SbF7 does.
18:52 < ScientificAlan>
18:53 < ScientificAlan> Oops,
18:53  * Firefly67 notes that ScientificAlan has become obsessed with speaking about himself in the third person
18:53 -!- Jacnoc [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:54 -!- Jacnoc [] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:54 < Moe_Epsilon> irony
18:55 < ScientificAlan> Why is everything "/wiki" on Wikipedia? They could just get rid of that.
18:55 < IDoH> ScientificAlan: Why not?
18:56 < Sky2042> ScientificAlan: It has implications for where things are stored on the file directory side.
18:56 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
18:57 < ScientificAlan> You should all look at my cover photo on facebook:
18:58 < ScientificAlan> It's a strand of DNA
18:58 < IDoH> DNA!
18:58 < ScientificAlan> I made it myself, with a few hours of work
18:59 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:59  * ScientificAlan stares at a wet slurry containing plastic that has not yet solidified...
19:00 -!- Sky2042 is now known as Sky2042_afk
19:01  * ScientificAlan hits head on wall in rage.
19:02 -!- Amitbalani [~amit@] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:02  * ScientificAlan talks in third person
19:03 < ScientificAlan> Who here has taken Latin?
19:03 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit []
19:04 < Amitbalani> Hi, i'm afraid I may be stuck in an edit war on the 'Subway_(restaurant)' wiki.. I feel I have a valid point but my content keeps being deleted.. can someone kindly help me out?
19:04 < ScientificAlan> sure
19:04 < GorillaWarfare> Amitbalani: You might be better off asking in #wikipedia-en-help
19:05 < Amitbalani> ok thanks GorillaWarfare
19:06 < ScientificAlan> I looked there, and I don't think I am qualified to decide anything
19:06 < ScientificAlan> The other user also has a valid point
19:06 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: S'alright, we got it at -en-help :)
19:07 < Koi> UNTIL 845 PM CDT...
19:07 < Koi> MOVING EAST AT 50 MPH.
19:07 < Koi> wat
19:07 < Koi> no
19:07 < Koi> disregard that shit wrong paste.
19:07 < ScientificAlan> lol
19:07 < Koi> @channel1atlanta: #BREAKING: Fans trapped under debris at Busch Stadium in St. Louis according to local news sources.
19:07 < Koi> there, correct paste.
19:08 < ScientificAlan> St. Louis must be having a fine day.
19:08 -!- Guest77767 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
19:09 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:09 < ScientificAlan> How come there are ~100 people here, and not one is having a real conversation?
19:10 < Moe_Epsilon> there's 218 people in channel
19:10 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
19:10 < ScientificAlan> ok, and not one seems to be having a conversation with anyone
19:10 < Dcoetzee> -en is mostly lurkers
19:11 < Moe_Epsilon> busy probably, or editing Wikipedia
19:11 < Moe_Epsilon> :P
19:11 < ScientificAlan> oh
19:11 < Dcoetzee> I for example was busy working on my paper that I just submitted to CSCW :-P
19:12 -!- KTC [~KTC@wikipedia/KTC] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:12 < ScientificAlan>
19:12 < ScientificAlan> I am there
19:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> any blp gurus around?
19:13 < ScientificAlan> What?
19:14 < Dcoetzee> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm not but I'm curious what the issue is
19:15  * ScientificAlan sleeps on desk
19:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I can only pm
19:16 < Dcoetzee> Never midn then
19:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont want to spread the damage
19:16  * IDoH feeds ToAruShiroiNeko tuna-trout puree
19:16 < ScientificAlan> pm?
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yay
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tuna
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH maybe you can help
19:17 < ScientificAlan> What does pm mean as a verb?
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> private message
19:17 < Firefly67> private message
19:17 < ScientificAlan> oh
19:17 < IDoH> ScientificAlan: Private message
19:17 < IDoH> ToAruShiroiNeko: Help with what?
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> blp
19:17 < IDoH> ToAruShiroiNeko: Uh oh. Controversy?
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> umm
19:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> possibly not
19:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a stale case, leftover
19:18 < IDoH> What's going on?
19:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I pm?
19:18 < IDoH> Sure
19:18 < Firefly67> What do current editors do other than update pages about current events?
19:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I pm you really good :3
19:18 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:18 < IDoH> Sure you will, kitteh
19:18 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
19:19 < Firefly67> Everyone on #-help either wants to write an article about themselves or their company. Who writes/has written the really useful articles on WP?
19:20 < ScientificAlan> Hey, I will be back later, make sure it's the IP address
19:20 < ScientificAlan> actually, never mind, I can stay
19:21 < koishi> firefly67: those legions of nameless people that have probably never made another kind of edit
19:21 < ScientificAlan> actually, I do need to go
19:22 < ScientificAlan> make sure it's really me, and check the IP address
19:22 < Kotter> My lightbulb is broken
19:22 < ScientificAlan> bye people
19:22 < Firefly67> The nameless people write the useful articles, is that what you mean, koishi?
19:22 < Kotter> Imvin my bedroom with Luke a 2wattvlihtbulb
19:23 -!- ScientificAlan [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
19:23 < Kotter> Its an interesting experience
19:23 < Kotter> I have good night vision
19:24  * Kotter loves carrots
19:24 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:24 < Kotter> And lettuce
19:24 -!- Amitbalani [~amit@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
19:26 < dtm_> IT'S GONNA BE OKAY, KOI
19:26 < dtm_> just lettin ya know.
19:26 < koishi> firefly67: as far as i understand
19:26 < koishi> for example, useless people like me just yell with people all day about article titles or whatever
19:27 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:41 < Moe_Epsilon> MBisanz: ping! :p
19:42 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
19:45 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:45 < GabrielF> yay data!
19:46 -!- peachey|laptop__ is now known as p858snake
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20:00 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:03 < MBisanz> hi Moe_Epsilon
20:03 < Moe_Epsilon> MBisanz: ? :D
20:03 < MBisanz> oh right
20:03 < MBisanz> i went to get food instead of doing that
20:03 < Moe_Epsilon> xD it's okay
20:05 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
20:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tornados hit oklohoma, obama unhurt
20:07 < Moe_Epsilon> IDoH: you saw my article :D
20:07 < Pharos> tornados hit kansas, obama swept into oz
20:07 < IDoH> Yeah, I guess I did...?
20:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> obama doesnt suck as bad as tornados, pundits conclude
20:08 < Moe_Epsilon> IDoH:
20:08 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
20:08 < Pharos> must not be fox news pundits
20:08 < IDoH> Oh, I see
20:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> fox has pundits?
20:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> fox is pun
20:08 < Pharos> that's all they have
20:08 < Pharos> they try to mnimize the actual reporting
20:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
20:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> KFOR is ?
20:09 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
20:09 -!- JohnThePreacher [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:09 < Swob> hi John
20:10 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:10 < JohnThePreacher> Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
20:10 < Swob> ok
20:10 < JohnThePreacher> Matthew 7:13-14
20:10 < Moe_Epsilon> I don't like you already
20:10 < JohnThePreacher> Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because[a] narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
20:10 < JohnThePreacher> i am a preacher
20:10 < JohnThePreacher> preching the good word
20:10 < JohnThePreacher> beware
20:10 < JohnThePreacher> But the cowardly, unbelieving,[a] abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
20:10 < Moe_Epsilon> cool biblical story, bro
20:10 < JohnThePreacher> revelation 21:8
20:11 < JohnThePreacher> fools
20:11 < JohnThePreacher> if you dont fear god then you shall be tormented day and night forever and ever in hell
20:11 < Pharos> what do you have against sorcerers?
20:11 < JohnThePreacher> That was Gods words
20:11  * ToAruShiroiNeko summons another Pharos
20:11 < JohnThePreacher> Revelation 21:8 == "But the cowardly, unbelieving,[a] abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”"
20:12  * ToAruShiroiNeko summons a succubus on top of JohnThePreacher
20:12 < JohnThePreacher> like if you have sex before marriage and dont repent == Lake Of Fire
20:12 < JohnThePreacher> FOOL
20:12 < Moe_Epsilon> sorcerors are cool though
20:12 < JohnThePreacher> trying to practice magic
20:12 < Dragonfly6-7> tired
20:12 < JohnThePreacher> you have just sinned
20:12 < JohnThePreacher> I urge you to repent and follow the good word
20:12 < JohnThePreacher> of the God
20:12  * ToAruShiroiNeko is an engineer not a sinner
20:12 < Pharos> what if you kill 30 million people, and then repent on your deathbed?
20:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which god? Shiva?
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> God
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> Jesus Chirst
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> Jesus Christ
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> Forgive me my Lord
20:13 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> now i have to repent for spelling his name wrong
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> But remembert
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
20:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Do you have an app for repeting?
20:13 < JohnThePreacher> God will destroy earth soon! Read Revelations
20:13 < Pharos> I always thought it was Jesus Christie
20:14 < JohnThePreacher> God Bless and i Hope you guys will follow the Truth
20:14 < IDoH> JohnThePreacher: Don't piss off AntiSpamMeta
20:14 < JohnThePreacher> Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
20:14 -!- JohnThePreacher [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
20:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that was fun
20:14  * ToAruShiroiNeko repeats
20:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> did he mean repeat?
20:14 < Swob> havent seen anything l;ike that for about 10 years
20:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> must have been a typo
20:14 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
20:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he wasnt a succesful preacher
20:15 < Pharos> he was very successful
20:15 < Pharos> i was converted
20:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you became metric?
20:15 < Pharos> no, zoroastrian
20:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> zoroastrian, the pokemon? :p
20:16 < Pharos> i'm pretty sure that's what he was trying to sell
20:16 -!- Fluff|away [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:16 < Moe_Epsilon> JohnThePreacher uses preach, he was very successful
20:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was super effective?
20:17 < Moe_Epsilon> indeed
20:17 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
20:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the Pharos should faint
20:17 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:17  * Pharos speaks in tongues
20:18  * ToAruShiroiNeko watches Pharos lick people to communicate
20:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> O_o
20:18 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> massive crowd seems to be camping the entire night
20:19 < Bradford> o_O
20:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 2nd day of protests
20:19 < Pharos>  are you in istanbul?
20:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no
20:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
20:20 < Pharos> that's cheating
20:20 < Swob> what are they angry about?
20:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm
20:20 < Swob> land development it seems
20:20 < Swob> eh i guess
20:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it started as a protest against demolishing a park where it would be replaced by a shopping mall
20:20 < Swob> oh cool we can always use another shopping mall
20:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but now it morphed into a multi-city anti-government protest
20:21 < Pharos> then it turned into a protest demanding bigger and better shopping malls, with low-low prices
20:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no
20:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people are protesting the police reaction to people protesting
20:22 < Swob> oh
20:22 < Swob> thats usually what happens
20:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> when I say anti-government I dont mean seperatists
20:26 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
20:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> obama was unhurt by these protests
20:28 < GabrielF> so I've got some preliminary data on newspaper usage on wikipedia
20:29 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
20:29 < GabrielF> we use the new york times 11x more than the wall street journal
20:29 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
20:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wall street jounral is meh
20:31 < GabrielF> we actually cite USA Today about 39,000 times and the WSJ about 26,000 times
20:31 < Swob> i dont understand this Obama meme
20:31 < GabrielF> I guess because usatoday is not paywalled
20:32  * ToAruShiroiNeko pets GabrielF
20:32 < GabrielF> we cite the BBC 337,000 times and the NYTimes about 300,000 times
20:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how many times is bcc & cnn used?
20:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> got bbc ;p
20:32 < GabrielF> CNN: 87,000
20:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> fox news?
20:32 < Swob> where are you getting these numbers from anyway?
20:32 < GabrielF> fox news 18,241, which is similar to ABC and CBS, although NBC is far less
20:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how many uses of .gov ?
20:33 < GabrielF> analyzing the external links table from enwiki
20:33 < GabrielF> didn't look for .gov
20:33 < Swob> I wonder why CNN is so much higher than the others
20:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> .gov .edu .xxx
20:33 < Swob> are they just somehow more web-friendly?
20:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> more available
20:33 < Moe_Epsilon> that's possible, they might just provide more stories on the same subject as well
20:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they have more international affiliates
20:34 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:34 < Swob> I mean youre basically saying CNN usage is greater than Fox, ABC, CBS ,and NBS combined. Imagine how happy theyd be if their TV audience was that overwhelming
20:34 < Swob> *NBC
20:34 < Moe_Epsilon> I feel like when I listen to CNN for anything I get the same thing 10 times in an hour, so that's where they must get their content
20:34 < Moe_Epsilon> :p
20:34 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Yeah well, they still have a lot of credibility
20:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Swob it is. Everyone  on hotels are forced to watch it :p
20:35 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Especially for uncontroversial stuff that you still gotta cite
20:35  * ToAruShiroiNeko cites LtNOWIS-mobile
20:35 < Swob> Fox is, I believe, the most-watched news network in America
20:35 < LtNOWIS-mobile> I guess they also go pretty in depth
20:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Swob its not really watching
20:35 < LtNOWIS-mobile> But like, you don't cite the video
20:35 < Moe_Epsilon> that's because everyone in the south watches it
20:35 < Moe_Epsilon> >_>
20:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> more like mindless staring
20:35 < LtNOWIS-mobile> You cite the article on the site
20:36 < Moe_Epsilon> or, FOX might also be the most watched news network for its humor
20:36 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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20:38 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
20:39  * ToAruShiroiNeko wonders if fox news is reporting sunny weather near OK
20:39 < IDoH> The weather here is okay for the moment.
20:39 < IDoH> But mild-moderate T-storms all day.
20:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> in OK?
20:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its pretty wet at OK
20:39 < IDoH> No, in central Missouri
20:40 < Moe_Epsilon> Fox: "Multiple tornadoes touch down in America's heartland"
20:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think a little more rain an OK will float like a cork
20:40 < Moe_Epsilon> sounds about right
20:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> america! america!...
20:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> america! fuck yeah!
20:41 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
20:43 < GabrielF> okay, pretty chart:
20:43 < GabrielF> number of citations on wikipedia
20:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
20:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> lame
20:44 < GabrielF> lots of old newspapers archived there
20:44 < Swob> Oklahoma's been really dry the past few years.  Ive seen some pictures of rivers turning into fields
20:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if it isnt on cnn, it didnt happen :p
20:44 < Swob> thats odd
20:44 < Swob> why is google on the list
20:45 < Swob> I didnt know there was a "Google News" other than the aggregator, which should always lead to another site
20:45 < GabrielF> I stuck google news in there because lots of old newspapers are archived there
20:45 < Swob> oh ok
20:45 < Swob> cool
20:45 < GabrielF> same with pqarchivers and lexisnexis
20:45 -!- Sven_Manguard_2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:45 < Sven_Manguard_2> I'm a gigantic faggot.
20:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> archive org?
20:45 < Swob> maybe thats why CNN wins too
20:45 < Swob> maybe htey just archive
20:45 < GabrielF> I have to go through and figure out how to determine which papers were cited and assign them properly
20:45 < Swob> and the other sites delete
20:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Sven_Manguard_2, I am still not blowing
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20:47 < Swob>
20:47 < Swob> Pennsylvania once got 28 inches of rain in just three hours, according to measurements
20:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how do they measure it
20:48 < Swob> apparently it's a rain gauge that empties itself when it gets full
20:48 < Swob> hence no need to have someone manually go out and measure it
20:49 < Swob> but it wasnt an official NWS station, so they cant say that it's for sure a record
20:49 < Swob> the closest official NWS station "only" got \7 inches
20:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am imagining an intern with a wood ruler standing on his own
20:50 < GorillaWarfare> ToAruShiroiNeko: Sobbing
20:52 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:53 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 1 second]
20:53 < Swob> weather fanatics like that do exist
20:53 < Swob> i remember when I was studying meteorology
20:53 < Swob> we got some snow in October
20:53 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:53 < Swob> and one of the sudents went over to the campus weather station to measure it
20:54 < Swob> which meant that it had been tampered with and thus we could not report an official snow total for that day
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20:56 < Jasper_Deng> !ops
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20:57 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o GorillaWarfare] by ChanServ
20:57 -!- Venusaur [~wdwrf@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
20:57 < Logan_> Hi.
20:57 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Logan_] by ChanServ
20:57 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*] by Logan_
20:57 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Logan_] by ChanServ
20:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai logan
20:57 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Logan_] by ChanServ
20:57 <@GorillaWarfare> That's not the only hostmask
20:57 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*] by Logan_
20:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> troll banning? :)
20:57 <@Logan_> I was getting there. ;)
20:57 <@GorillaWarfare> Kk
20:57  * Logan_ hugs GorillaWarfare.
20:57 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o GorillaWarfare] by GorillaWarfare
20:57  * GorillaWarfare hugs Logan
20:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare so we are to deploy interns with rulers to oklohoma?
20:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I propose paradropping them in
20:58 < IDoH> Somebody I put on /ignore, I assume?
20:58 -!- 18WADL41T [] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH nothing hppened here as far as I can see
20:59 < IDoH> ToAruShiroiNeko: Same here.
20:59 -!- funnyfarm299 [~funnyfarm@wikipedia/Funnyfarmofdoom] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
20:59 < IDoH> That's why I'm wondering if it was somebody I put on /ignore.
20:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ah
20:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> join/part spam maybe
20:59 < Swob> IDoH are you on conference mode>
20:59 <@Logan_> Just some join/part flooding. No need to worry.
20:59 < IDoH> Swob: No
20:59 < Swob> there was a spirt of join/part messages
20:59 < IDoH> Logan_: Oh, I see.
21:00 <@Logan_> Hi Soapy.
21:00 < IDoH> Yeah, I can see the join/part messages
21:00 < Pharos> Wikimedia NYC election is tomorrow :P
21:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Logan_ I always se that as an end of times sign and panic tho :p
21:00 < Swob> hi log
21:00 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
21:00 <@Logan_> ToAruShiroiNeko: Don't be a scaredy cat.
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21:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Logan_ I'll try
21:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I'll ask a federal agency to help
21:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how about NOAO?
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22:25 < legoktm> heh
22:25 < legoktm> i heard Lego House on the radio today
22:25 < legoktm>
22:25 < legoktm> great video
22:28 < IDoH> A parody on angsty post-grunge music, legoktm?
22:28 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
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22:56 < YuviPanda> ohai legoktm
22:56 < legoktm> ohai
22:56 < YuviPanda> 'sup? did the svn stuff get sorted?
23:00 < legoktm> yup
23:00 < legoktm> turns out it wasnt installed on all the nodes
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23:11 < Bradford> :P
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23:12 < koishi> seems people are obsessed with "reliable sources" so much that they don't seem to understand that the creator of a thing is going to be the most reliable of all
23:12 < koishi> no one questions an interview from a developer, do they?
23:12 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:13 < koishi> do people think that the company is going to lie or mislead about facts any more than a news outlet would? the news outlet has as much to gain as any company, being a company themselves. and if they're not a company or a large group with such interests, they're not supposed to be "reliable", hoho.
23:14 < IDoH> koishi: Two words; National Enquirer.
23:14 < koishi> never mind that this is about the generally unarguable /naming/ of a product that only the creator of that product can do. why would they lie about that?
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23:14 < koishi> i can name a pretty great reason why /news outlets/ would lie about names, something that even these creators occasionally slip in to (but they tend to have much higher standards about that sort of thing)
23:14 < IDoH> koishi: An interview might be good for an external link, though, and IAR allows us to be somewhat flexible.
23:15 < koishi> (that reason being "apathy" or "apathy beyond mistake", of course)
23:16 < IDoH> But we can't /entirely/ depend on interviews, and we need to be black-and-white with newer editors.
23:16 < IDoH> So…
23:16 < koishi> idoh: it feels like i would have to force iar down everyone's throats then
23:16 < koishi> because most people do not question the guidelines
23:16 < IDoH> koishi: Yeah, true.
23:16 < koishi> guidelines, being anything but core wikipedia principles, need to be questioned /all the time/
23:17 < IDoH> You mean, core Wikipedia principles=the pillars?
23:17 < koishi> exceptions need to be carefully logged and the rules need to be reviewed whenever people have the spare time
23:17 < IDoH> True.
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23:18 < koishi> i want to avoid iar. it's a very important part of wikipedia, but it's meant to be a last resort, not a general rule.
23:18 < IDoH> Yeah. True.
23:18 < koishi> i mean particular smart vandals could be all "iar! iar!" when they act dumb
23:18 < koishi> *+ly
23:18 < IDoH> Wikipedia frustrating you at the moment?
23:18 < IDoH> Yeah, true that.
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23:18 < koishi> a little, but this obsession with "reliable sources" has always bothered me
23:19 < IDoH> Well, maybe you just need to take a semi-wikibreak, or even a full on wikibreak
23:19 < koishi> i take small wikibreaks all the time
23:19 < koishi> the only time i really edit is when i notice something's amiss
23:19 < IDoH> Maybe take a medium-sized one?
23:19 < koishi> like with here
23:19 < koishi> i'd call them large wikibreaks, honestly
23:20 < koishi> but i don't really think any kind of break is necessary
23:20 -!- Kingpin13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
23:20 < IDoH> Well. Don't get to the point where you ragequit.
23:20 < IDoH> That's all. :-)
23:20 < koishi> i just need to bring this stuff to people's attention so they can see it and at least be given the option to question it
23:20 < koishi> i don't think i could physically do that
23:20 < koishi> too stubborn
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23:20 < IDoH> Ha. I'm too stubborn to rage quit, too.
23:20 < koishi> if i could just make my own wiki, i'd do it
23:20 < koishi> but i'm too weak for that yet
23:21 < IDoH> Why are you too weak?
23:21 < koishi> no stable job to pay for those kind of bills, and not enough information for any particular topic
23:21 < IDoH> Ah, okay
23:21 < koishi> i rely on those silly wikias most of the time :V
23:21 < IDoH> The problem with relying on primary sources is that they're often biased.
23:22 < IDoH> And it's a problem with AfC-types.
23:22 < koishi> yes, but secondary sources can and are be biased for the same reasons
23:22 < IDoH> Cus they're based on primary sources?
23:22 < koishi> they are bought or they are simply trying to tarnish the name of some random business for the sake of it
23:22 < koishi> aside from all of that, /this is naming/
23:22 < koishi> that's why i picked naming; it's easy
23:22 < IDoH> Naming?
23:22 < koishi> just look at what the company does
23:22 < IDoH> What do you mean by naming?
23:23 < koishi> they name the thing
23:23 < IDoH> Oh, you mean the literal name of the product.
23:23 < koishi> idoh: naming products, trademarks, so on and so forth
23:23 < koishi> yes. some sources like to make up names even if valid names are right there
23:23 < koishi> right on the box, right on the product itself, etc
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23:23 < IDoH> Of course we use primary sources for that
23:23 < IDoH> We just don't admit it
23:24 < koishi> then why do so many people fight me over this, going on about "reliable sources" this and that
23:24 < IDoH> Cus they're stupid
23:24 < koishi> i tell them "look at the box!" and they say "who cares?!"
23:24 < IDoH> These are trusted Wikipedians?
23:24 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:25 < koishi> i would assume so. they don't seem like bad people.
23:25 < IDoH> Just because they don't seem like bad people doesn't mean they're trusted. Competence is required for trust.
23:25 < koishi> right now a guy named thibbs is trying to tell me what kotaku said in this writeup of this game tv is better than the box for the damned thing
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23:25 < koishi> and he seems ok.
23:25 < koishi> assume good faith and all that
23:26 < koishi> if you want to read it, most of it is here
23:26 < koishi> there's a bit on my page (Despatche) too, he started the conversation there
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23:29 < LtNOWIS-mobile> I'm gonna edit on a phone
23:29 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Because that's the kind of bold maverick I am
23:29 < koishi> fonz r kul
23:30 < IDoH> koishi: Oh, okay.
23:30 < YuviPanda> LtNOWIS-mobile: are you using the mobile editor or normal vector?
23:30 < koishi> can watch tv!!!!
23:30 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Normal
23:30 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Dunno how the mobile editor works
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23:31 < YuviPanda> LtNOWIS-mobile: hmm, okay. it's still in beta anyway. it'll be out *Soon*
23:31 < koishi> idoh: there's also the topic of original names. that's an extremely difficult area that i'll probably never get to enforce, but god i'd love to
23:31 < IDoH> koishi: You might want to read this if Thibbs continues to deny the writing on the box:
23:31 < koishi> any localization is suspect, because it is always destroying the context of /something/
23:31 < koishi> it doesn't need to be drastic
23:31 < IDoH> koishi: What's the rule of original names?
23:32 < dtm_> if i'm building a cinematic resume in a biography, what's the best way to cite all of their movies and tv shows?  must i make a reference from imdb, and just cite it repeatedly?  and then also find secondary sources such as a review article for each title??
23:32 < IDoH> "It doesn't need to be drastic" as in "He might be competent". Yeah, he might, it's pretty early on in the conversation. One of you might change your mind. ;-)
23:32 < koishi> idoh: the original name for a thing should be /the/ default name. if a book is named something in 1980 and is rereleased under a different title in 1990, no matter how popular that rerelease may get, the original name should always take precedence.
23:32 < IDoH> koishi: Makes sense, I guess.
23:32 < dtm_> is imdb entirely wiki-like (not RS)?  or are the movie/tv titles reliable?
23:32 < koishi> the problem is that i commonly deal in english from japanese localizations, so people swear by the english names (read: names they get from the news) no matter what
23:33 < dtm_> is it just the reviews and such, which are unreliable?
23:33 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Bam, done. Changed a template in an actress's awards table
23:33 < koishi> i understand this to a certain extent--simple conversation and such--but not for a serious encyclopedia
23:33 < IDoH> koishi: Oh, that sucks. Does that happen every time?
23:33 < IDoH> Yeah, true
23:33 < LtNOWIS-mobile> I would joke about this being useless, trivial information, but in this case it's a well-earned award by all accounts
23:34 < koishi> of course. wikipedia guidelines are to use the english name in the first place.
23:34 < koishi> and there seems to be some kind of unwritten rule that zero respect is to be given to whatever the original name might be
23:35 < koishi> personally, i think article titles and bodies sshould be using that original name as a default
23:35 < IDoH> koishi: With Japanese, it's extra-hard to translate, too, because Japanese is not only a different language, but a different alphabet.
23:35 < koishi> *-
23:35 < koishi> -s
23:35 < koishi> "accessibility" in fact is a /scam/, really
23:35 < IDoH> koishi: You mean, accessibility to the disabled?
23:35 < koishi> idoh: and a different culture. you're removing the context /somewhere/, even something as simple as a translation of the kanji for water, lol.
23:35 < IDoH> koishi: True.
23:35 < koishi> idoh: accessibility to "english speakers" when dealing with "foreign subjects".
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23:37 < koishi> above all, any translation is not going to be official, even if the developer comes in and spells it out. if they don't use it as part of the whole branding and officialness and whatever, which is where the naming comes from, it's nothing more than a fun fact.
23:38 < dtm_> what do you kids say about imdb?
23:38 < koishi> you could even say romaji is invalid, but i think romaji is at least a compromise. at least it isn't so far removed from the original title, being a simple pronunciation guide (/exactly/ like the kanas. japan seems to understand what i'm talking about.)
23:38 < koishi> dtm_: it's a mess but it's considered reliable, afaik
23:39 < dtm_> koishi: well it's definitely not just considered reliable.  it's at least partially a wiki.
23:39 < koishi> last i checked it was like gamefaqs (lots of user-generated parts) though
23:39 < dtm_> yeah.
23:39 < koishi> yeah
23:39 < dtm_> koishi: so i wasn't sure if part of it is reliable, at least the actual titles and cast and crew
23:39 < koishi> honestly i don't trust half of it
23:39 < dtm_> i know the reviews are wiki-esque
23:39 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:40 < koishi> they use weird romanization schemes and tend to swear by whatever name some random low budget vhs/dvd sub of a thing got
23:40 < koishi> ...that gets passed on to wikipedia, which gets passed on to the layman...
23:40 < koishi> you see why i "fight"
23:40 < dtm_> you fight what now?
23:41 < koishi> the whole original names thing
23:41 < koishi> being accurate and all that
23:41 < koishi> err, fight for
23:41 < koishi> not really "fighting" though, not a whole of fighting you can do
23:41 < koishi> just gotta bring it to people's attention, that's all you can hope for
23:41 < dtm_> yeah.
23:42 < dtm_> koishi: as for titles, the best i know of is and maybe Google Books
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23:43 < koishi> yeah, it helps being able to look up some of this stuff
23:43 < koishi> though they don't track video games! :V
23:43 < koishi> or do they
23:43 < koishi> or uh
23:43 < koishi> tvs for that matter
23:43 < koishi> heh
23:45 < dtm_> unknown
23:45 < koishi> kinda hard to find some of this old japanese stuff
23:45 < koishi> but it really seems like just "c1" is the best title for the thing
23:47 < koishi> oh, seems that game has a slightly different title
23:47 < koishi> guess that's helpful
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--- Log closed Sat Jun 01 00:00:55 2013