
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Sat Jun 01 00:00:55 2013
00:03 < dtm_> koishi: also i'd say that the {{imdb}} templates are slightly weak.  they should be more like {{allmusic}}, featuring section selections and accessdate
00:03 < dtm_> it doesn't even have accessdate.
00:03 < dtm_> according to the docs
00:05 < dtm_> i mean how do i credit a movie star?  how do i reference their movies?
00:05 < dtm_> each one
00:05 -!- heatherw_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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00:07 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
00:07 < dtm_> i need something like {{allmusic}}.  worldcat doesn't have real credits, and {{imdb title}} doesn't support tabs
00:07 < dtm_> i don't understand this.  how can this be tolerated?  what's the official procedure? :(
00:08 < IDoH> dtm_: This is wikipedia. We tolerate things that don't make sense a lot.
00:08 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
00:08 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Meh, accessdate
00:08 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Not a fan
00:09 -!- APexil [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
00:09 < dtm_> LtNOWIS-mobile: .... what
00:09 < dtm_> IDoH: hi
00:09 < IDoH> Hi dtm_
00:12 -!- APexil [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:12 < dtm_> IDoH: let me know if you have any suggestions.  i'll look at class B+ biographies of movie stars.  help me, Tom Cruise, you're my only hope!
00:12 < dtm_> Thomas Cruise Mapother IV!!!!??
00:12 < IDoH> No ideas. Sorry. Not a content editor.
00:15 -!- OlEnglish [~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish] has quit [Quit: audi]
00:17 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
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00:24 -!- albel727_ [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:25 -!- Guest40208 is now known as Bradford
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00:25 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
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00:36 < dtm_> i'm looking at and it's linking basically to
00:36 < dtm_> there are no individual references.  so how do we know whether or not that mission is, indeed, impossible?!
00:38 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:39 < wctaiwan> fffffffuuuuu
00:39 < wctaiwan> at least it doesn't appear to have been blacked out
00:40 -!- Amqui [~a@wikimedia/Amqui] has quit []
00:41 < dtm_> what!
00:41 < dtm_> wctaiwan: what is this magnificent blob?
00:41 < wctaiwan> Taiwan is considering legislation that would allow the Intellectual Property Office to mandate blocking of foreign piracy websites.
00:42 < dtm_> are you conducting high seas rape and pillage via wikipedia?
00:42 < wctaiwan> you know what I meant.
00:42 < wctaiwan> but yeah, that's zhwiki's response
00:42 < wctaiwan> and I'm annoyed.
00:42 < dtm_> indeed not.  i can't read whatever that is.
00:43 < wctaiwan> it's like that SOPA blackout thing except they're not actually blacking it out.
00:43 < dtm_> do you mean that whole giant "W" and the black area, is a template?
00:43 < dtm_> and it goes over certain undesirable articles?
00:43 < wctaiwan> I think it's just a project space page
00:44 < dtm_> oh you mean over all of taiwan's wikipedia space?
00:45 < wctaiwan> no, it's just a page right now.
00:45 < wctaiwan> like any other Wikipedia: namespace page
00:45 < wctaiwan> they seem to be discussing officially taking a stand against said law.
00:45 < wctaiwan> because fuck NPOV am I right? :/
00:46 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 1 second]
00:47 < YuviPanda> Isarra: around?
00:47 < tommorris> wctaiwan: Wikipedia's existence is not bound by NPOV
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00:47 < IDoH> YuviPanda: It's early moring/late night in America.
00:47 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:47 < YuviPanda> well, this is IRC :P
00:47 < wctaiwan> tommorris: we've had this argument before
00:47 < YuviPanda> so you never know
00:47 < wctaiwan> I'm okay with it if WMF, as WMF, wants to take a stand against SOPA or whatever
00:48 < YuviPanda> I mean, legoktm is still online :P
00:48 < IDoH> True, YuviPanda. and I'm online.
00:48 < YuviPanda> indeed
00:48 < wctaiwan> but I don't think anyone can fairly represent the wikipedian community on a social issue.
00:48  * YuviPanda reads backlog
00:48 < tommorris> wctaiwan: newspapers (good ones anyway) tend to try and report the news, but they can argue in favour of freedom of the press
00:48 < YuviPanda> ah
00:49 < wctaiwan> tommorris: okay, but 1. we are not a newspaper and we don't have a space for editorials, and 2. corporations may take a stance. But who is in agreement when you're opposing SOPA?
00:49 < wctaiwan> anyway, I need to go
00:49 < wctaiwan> later.
00:50 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: wctaiwan]
00:50 < YuviPanda> tommorris: hey what version of android does your phone run?
00:50 < tommorris> it's almost as if analogies draw comparisons between things that aren't the same...
00:50 < tommorris> YuviPanda: 2.3
00:50 < YuviPanda> ah, good
00:50 < tommorris> YuviPanda: Samsung Galaxy S2
00:50 < tommorris> I've been meaning to upgrade it but I don't give a fuck about mobile phones
00:50  * YuviPanda is just doing informal surveys
00:50 < YuviPanda> heh
00:50 < tommorris> they are a rinky-dinky awful little computers
00:51 < YuviPanda> indeed, but getting less awful over time
00:51 < tommorris> no, getting more awful actually
00:51 < tommorris> battery life is getting worse
00:51 < tommorris> you can no longer get an Android phone with a physical keyboard
00:51 < YuviPanda> yeah, manufacturers are being dipshits
00:51 < YuviPanda> 'size zero' my ass
00:51 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:51 < tommorris> thus making them them practically useless for actually doing anything on them in terms of writing
00:51 < YuviPanda> true, but tablets are okay for writing
00:52 < YuviPanda> phones... not so much
00:52  * YuviPanda is building a 'editcountitis' set of widgets to learn how to build widgets
00:53 < tommorris> everyone raves about how awesome touchscreens are: they aren't.
00:53 < tommorris> we're now trying to rebuild things that we actually know work to fit this broken touch paradigm
00:53 < tommorris> people believe touch is 'natural'
00:53 < YuviPanda> other than the lack of a physical keyboard...
00:53 < YuviPanda> and fuck fuck fuck my left wrist seems to have started causing me a lot of pain
00:53 < YuviPanda> aaargh
00:53 < tommorris> which it sort of is, but something being more 'natural' doesn't make it good. there's a reason cultures invented knives and forks, chopsticks etc.
00:53 < YuviPanda> brb
00:55 < dtm_> YuviPanda: me too on my right, and this is helping
00:55 < dtm_> YuviPanda: the NSD powerspinner
00:55 < dtm_> also, playing marching snare really hard instead of typing.
00:56 < dtm_> amazingly, typing hurts and playing athletic snare drum competitoin music doesn't
00:57 < dtm_> for a newspaper (NYT) or a magazine (People), is the isbn/oclc just for the entire work or is it per issue?
00:57 < tommorris> wouldn't be ISBN but ISSN
00:58 < tommorris> and the ISSBn covers the complete periodical
00:58 < tommorris> iSSN rather
00:59 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
01:00 < YuviPanda> back
01:01 < YuviPanda> tommorris: true. But I suppose we're in the 'painful period' towards the end of which we'd once again have properly usable tools
01:01 -!- gry [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:01 < YuviPanda> tommorris: also bluetooth keyboards <3
01:01 < YuviPanda> dtm_: hmm, i should also check a doc
01:01 < dtm_> YuviPanda: yeah
01:01 < tommorris> nope, integrated one.
01:02 < YuviPanda> i can't imagine anything more painful than losing my fingers
01:02 < dtm_> :-/
01:03 < YuviPanda> primarily 'coz I wouldn't be able to type anymore :(
01:03 < dtm_> so for every single citation made with {{cite news | newspaper=New York Times}}, i will also include issn=0362-4331  right?
01:03 < dtm_> is that correct?  for each article
01:03 < tommorris> that might be a bit OTT
01:03 < dtm_> tommorris: say what
01:03 < dtm_> over the top?
01:03 < tommorris> over the top
01:03 < dtm_> why?
01:04 < dtm_> it's correct, isn't it?
01:04 < tommorris> ISSNs are useful when trying to retrieve obscure journals. the New York Times is not obscure
01:04 < dtm_> that doesn't make sense.  it's about what's correct <3
01:04 < dtm_> i mean there's no telling what's useful to whom or to what
01:05 -!- Kingpin13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:07 < tommorris> dtm_: it's more that if you are going to add the issn of the nytimes or the guardian or something to the tens of thousands of citations is a pointless waste of time
01:07 < dtm_> oh, no.  just new ones hehe
01:07 < YuviPanda> do we have a purgebot?
01:07 < YuviPanda> (asking for tawiki's mainpage)
01:11 < dtm_> i'm not sure about my magazine reference.  here's the reference:
01:11 < dtm_> <ref name="People: Our Fabulous 50 in 1997: Kamar">{{cite journal | title=Kamar De Los Reyes | journal=People Magazine | volume=47 | issue=18 | page=156 | date=May 12, 1997 | url=,,20122109,00.html }}</ref>
01:12 < dtm_> and here's the rendering:  "Kamar De Los Reyes". People Magazine 47 (18): 156. May 12, 1997.
01:12 < dtm_> so it seems like i need to say this -->  volume=Volume 47 | issue=Issue 18 | page=Page 156
01:13 < dtm_> but that doesn't seem syntactically correct.  it seems like that's just a template issue.
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01:20  * Moe_Epsilon seriously hope the lead sentence of [[White]] is some kind of joke
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01:25 < Moe_Epsilon> White is the color of fresh milk and snow.[1][2]
01:25 < Moe_Epsilon> Are Wikipedians no longer using common sense?
01:26 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
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01:30 < dtm_> Moe_Epsilon: lol.
01:30 < dtm_> i'd check the history on that
01:31 < closedmouth> Moe_Epsilon:
01:31 < Moe_Epsilon> no, it's legitimate. On the talk page, they had a brief discussion on it. Apparently, Oxford's basic terms to describe colors is the lead of all the colors
01:32 < Moe_Epsilon> Which is about silly
01:33 < closedmouth> Betacommand: ping
01:33 < dtm_> Moe_Epsilon: :-o
01:35 < Moe_Epsilon> Someone actually discussing colors would mention light spectrums and what colors the color consist of, which is what was there before.
01:35 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
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01:37 < Moe_Epsilon> I guess someone looking up the color white is now going to be treated like a child. "Oh, so that's the color of milk!"
01:39 < dtm_> lol
01:40 < dtm_> Moe_Epsilon: i would have to overall agree with you so far, man
01:40 < Moe_Epsilon> Blue is the colour of the clear sky and the deep sea.[2]
01:40 < Moe_Epsilon> |:
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01:43 < Moe_Epsilon> Black is the color of coal, ebony, and of outer space.
01:43 < Moe_Epsilon> wow..
01:44 -!- tindwcel [] has quit [Client Quit]
01:46 < Shirik> amusing
01:46 < Shirik> the Wikipedia page on White says a "common connotation" of white is "life"
01:46 < Shirik> when in Japan it's more symbolic of death
01:48 < Jetro> shut down wikipedia
01:49 < dtm_> wut
01:49 < dtm_> Moe_Epsilon: indeed
01:52 -!- Gryllida [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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01:53 -!- Gryllida_ is now known as Gryllida
01:53 < Moe_Epsilon> this SiefkinDR person who inserted that in the white article gets frequent complaints on the talk page appears, from lots of different people
01:54 < Moe_Epsilon> :/ how disappointing
01:56 < dtm_> lol?
01:56 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:56 < dtm_> so.  it should say something like "according to the oxford dictionary, ..."
01:56 < dtm_> it shouldn't just blurt out gobbledygook
01:57 < dtm_> there should be the context of the fact that they're providing a dictionary's contextual data
01:57 < Moe_Epsilon> dtm_: at the very least it should. It reads like a children's book. "Black, it's like the color of outer space!"
01:57 < dtm_> "according to oxford dictionary's normalized description of colors..."
01:58 < dtm_> something like that, to at least SOUND intelligent! ;)
01:58 < dtm_> put that in yo Talk page and smoke it!
01:58 < dtm_> seriously, quote me on that in the Talk page
01:58 < dtm_> we'll all sleep soundly
01:58 < dtm_> in a dogpile
01:59 < Moe_Epsilon> Basically :/ He's spent the past months turning the scientific portions on colors into afterthoughts, and inserting a whole bunch of cultural and artful meanings behind colors and making that more prominent in the article
01:59 < Moe_Epsilon> articles*
01:59 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@2001:d98:b004:8:cd99:7ea7:8376:3696] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:02  * Moe_Epsilon leaves unsavory message for him
02:03 < dtm_> hmmm.  one guy did this?  to all the colors?
02:03 < dtm_> you're blowing the lid off a wikconspiracy?
02:03  * wctaiwan leaves savoury pies for Moe_Epsilon 
02:04 < dtm_> i should like to say that he has earned himself some pies
02:04 -!- albel727_ [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:04 < Moe_Epsilon> maybe not a conspiracy so much as no one pays attention to those articles like they need to be and he's taken ownership of them.
02:05  * Moe_Epsilon throws a cream pie at wctaiwan
02:05 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has quit [Quit: Soupir]
02:05 < wctaiwan> Moe_Epsilon: nice.
02:06 < wctaiwan> I was going to say "hah, got you. They're laced with rat poison." after you'd eaten them :D
02:06 < wctaiwan> you're right to be wary of members of the Isarra cabal.
02:06 < Moe_Epsilon> Luckily I don't like pie
02:06 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
02:06 < Moe_Epsilon> but, I like Isarra
02:06 < Moe_Epsilon> :<
02:07 < wctaiwan> well, you declared her your arch nemesis, not me.
02:07 < Moe_Epsilon> oh, I called that off a while back, Isarra is no longer my arch nemisis
02:07 < wctaiwan> oh.
02:08 < wctaiwan> well in that case it's quite fortunate you didn't fall for it, isn't it?
02:08 < Moe_Epsilon> indeed
02:08 < Moe_Epsilon> :D
02:08 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en
02:12 < dtm_> what does Isarra have to do with anything
02:12 < dtm_> oh, wctaiwan is under Isarra's wing?
02:13 < wctaiwan> EVERYTHING
02:13 < dtm_> hm..  tricky.
02:13 < wctaiwan> not in so many words no.
02:13 < dtm_> i know nothing of Isarra.
02:13 < wctaiwan> dark and mysterious lady of slightly questionable sanity
02:16 < dtm_> wow.  does she take lessons from Carly?
02:16 < dtm_> please say no
02:16 < YuviPanda> no
02:17 < dtm_> do either of them do actual stuff?
02:17 < wctaiwan> Isarra yes, Carly idk.
02:17 < dtm_> fyi, i just doubled an article's size tonight, providing its first references (and cross-pollenating them unto related articles),graduating it from stub to start.
02:17 < dtm_> oic
02:17 < wctaiwan> she's more active on the technical side of things, rather than content.
02:17 < YuviPanda> the current Wiki favicon is Isarra's work, for examaple
02:18 < dtm_> YuviPanda: wow.
02:18 < dtm_> i made one of those once.  animated.
02:18 < wctaiwan> ...animated favicons
02:18 < dtm_> animated favicons...
02:19  * YuviPanda throws an epilepsy at dtm_
02:20 < dtm_> dang
02:21 < wctaiwan> got to go. laters.
02:21 -!- wctaiwan [01a01f66@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
02:21 < YuviPanda> later :)
02:22 < dtm_> :-o
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03:13 -!- Gryllida is now known as gry
03:15 < Fox2k12>  <<-- LMAO...
03:16 < Fox2k12> "hard to cover the boner" at 0:19 is all i understand rofl...
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04:14 < jubo2> g'morning piippöls
04:17 < Qcoder00> Hi jubo
04:17 < Qcoder00> I'm rather angry this morning
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04:17 < jubo2> onoes. an angry brit
04:17 < Qcoder00> Mostly with Wikipedian's that don't actually read a proposal fully
04:18 < jubo2> the average internet user has an attention span of about 10 sec, just enough to browse <website name removed>
04:18 < Qcoder00> jubo2:  Hmm
04:19 < Qcoder00> Thankfulyl though the UK is going to reconsider how porn websites are regulated
04:19 < Qcoder00> It wouldn't suprise me at all, if porn sites are required to formally register
04:19 < Qcoder00> (and keep 2257 records)
04:20 < closedmouth> nobody likes british porn anyway
04:20 < Qcoder00> Well sadly thats where most regulatory regimes fail...
04:20 < Qcoder00> The 'problem' porno is outside the relevant jurisdiction
04:22 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:25 < jubo2> Qcoder00: the really sick guys we'd need to catch prlly use encryption
04:26 < Qcoder00> The other problem is that there needs to be a culture shift..
04:26 < jubo2> if it weren't that the Swedish model would work. Radioverket gets to spy on all non-encrypted commmunication in and out of Sweden
04:26 < jubo2> ... without any need of suspicion of criminal activities
04:26 < Qcoder00> That's worrying for other reasons...
04:27 < jubo2> yes it is
04:27 < jubo2> Big Brother State
04:27 < Qcoder00> Not least that you get intelligence overload
04:27 < Qcoder00> meaning that the really serious items aren't seen amongst the noise
04:28 -!- KP13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has joined #wikipedia-en
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04:35 < NotASpy> any weather warnings I need to be aware of before I walk out the door today ?
04:36 < JohnLewis> NotASpy: Depends on your country of redience :P
04:36 < JohnLewis> *residence
04:37 < wctaiwan> NotASpy: sunny with a chance of meatballs
04:37 < wctaiwan> (I've never seen that one)
04:37 < jubo2> wctaiwan: with sauce ?
04:37 < NotASpy> that'll do me, wctaiwan
04:37 < Moe_Epsilon> that weather is delicious
04:37 < wctaiwan> oh, huh, it's cloudy, not sunny. Heh.
04:37 < wctaiwan> [[Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs]]
04:37 < JohnLewis> wctaiwan: That is more accurate than weather reporters :D
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04:47 < jubo2> mmmeatballs with sssauce and mmmashhhh potatoesss
04:48 < mareklug> and smashed potatos
04:49 < mareklug> by 'mashed potatos", Finns probably mean potatos served with mash poured all over them  (them being the Finns)
04:50 < jubo2> no, it's more like potatos mashed with a touch of milk and butter
04:50 < mareklug>
04:50 < jubo2> mareklug: that's whisky right..?
04:50 < mareklug> yes, good old bourbon kind from Tennessee or Kentucky
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05:06 < jubo2> mareklug: ait.. fedex me a case of that
05:07 < mareklug> Jack Daniels Black Price: 41.99 Sale: 36.75. Case: 251.94 Sale: 220.5. Size: 1.75 l. Bottles per case: 6, Size: bottle, case
05:08 < mareklug> that's just for ballpark.  they say: "		
05:08 < mareklug> 	
05:08 < mareklug> 																	
05:08 < mareklug> We cannot ship or make deliveries outside of Baltimore City due to state regulations. Minimum order for delivery $75."
05:08 < jubo2> I have 2€, is that enough
05:08 < mareklug> the euro would have to really gain in value for htat to be enough.
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05:13 < jubo2> 1.75l bottles .. family size package
05:14 < mareklug> what's up with the difference between these two Samsung 512GB 2.5-inch 840 Pro Series SSDs?  Same merchant, different prices: ($459.99)   vs. ($389.99)
05:19 < wctaiwan> mareklug: 840 and 840 Pro are different products
05:19 < jubo2> 512GB SSD ... does everything here come in family size packages
05:19 < mareklug> oh.  did not see the "Pro"
05:20 < mareklug> anyway, thanks, wctaiwan.  These prices are still to high.
05:23 < wctaiwan> the 256GB Pro can be had for $250 on newegg.
05:23 < wctaiwan> 512GB SSDs are still a novelty product
05:24 < mareklug> I'm waiting for the 2TB ones. :)
05:25 < mareklug> what's teh point of prying apart my iMac to pull its just fine 1TB HD
05:25 < wctaiwan> no point
05:25 < wctaiwan> if you need that kind of storage, buy a traditional hard drive
05:25 < jubo2> SSD is up-to 40x faster in random read no ?
05:25 < mareklug> wctaiwan any storage that I might need wotuld be for a farm of Virtualbox 'shines
05:26 < Fox2k12> *yay* I found some bitcoins ;)
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05:30 < jubo2> laughing all the way to the pizzeria
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06:24 < Qcoder00> hi mareklug
06:24 < Qcoder00> Can I have a word with you?
06:24 < Qcoder00> It's to do with link removals
06:25 < Qcoder00> Is there a bot that looks for citation modifcations/
06:25 < Qcoder00> ?
06:27 < mareklug> i don't know of any bots.  but then I am not a botter.  do ask legoktm
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06:34 < Qcoder00> OK
06:34 < Qcoder00> An on the Google books front...
06:34 < Qcoder00> Technically it should be possible to convert the bare links to a {[cite book }} automatically
06:34 < Qcoder00> As there is an API
06:37 -!- Kingpin13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
06:39 < Qcoder00> Something is broken
06:39 < Qcoder00> I can't get a subst to work
06:40 < Qcoder00> the subst didn't
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07:24 < Qcoder00> Q: How do you stop gallery display in a category?
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07:49 < closedmouth> Qcoder00: __NOGALLERY__
07:49 < Qcoder00> OK Thanks
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07:57 < Trijnstel> is there a template on enwp for files which shouldn't be moved to commons?
08:02 < Trijnstel> nvm
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08:05 < Trijnstel> ...
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08:25 < mareklug>
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08:35 < JustBerry> Hi marek :)
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10:14 < ScientificAlan> Hello
10:15  * ScientificAlan is thinking
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10:19 < Theo10011> Science-y!
10:21 < dtm_> Qcoder00: you're makin an auto-upgrade bot huh?
10:21 < Qcoder00> dtm_:?
10:21 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has joined #wikipedia-en
10:21 < dtm_> Qcoder00: you should ask a930913 maybe.  he's a master bot dewd.
10:21 < dtm_> a master parser.
10:21 < Qcoder00> a930913:  Ping?
10:22 < Qcoder00> dtm_: If there is an API that could add additional information it makes sense to consider using it?
10:22 < ScientificAlan> API?
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10:27  * ScientificAlan hides in a corner because Skyrim froze.
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10:41 < dtm_> GabrielF: hey what's up
10:41 < GabrielF> hey
10:41 < GabrielF> not too much
10:42 < dtm_> Koi: did you survive a treacherous night of storm watch watching?  MISSION OBJECTIVE COMPLETE.  END OF LINE.
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10:42 < GabrielF> I didn't watch any of it actually
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10:58 < elkng> was "wikipedia" the first project created of all wikimedia projects ? who was that person who come up with the initial idea of all that wiki* stuff ? what year it was ? is he still owner of all that wiki* stuff ?
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10:59 < GabrielF> the first wiki was developed by Ward Cunningham
10:59 < GabrielF>
10:59 < elkng> is he still actively support wiki* stuff ?
11:00 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:00 < GabrielF> there's a difference between a wiki as a type of software and the wikimedia foundation which runs Wikipedia and a number of other wikis
11:00 < dtm_> Carly: hellos.
11:01 < GabrielF> I don't know if ward cunningham has any involvement with the wikimedia foundation (he might be an advisor)
11:01 < dtm_> elkng: it's a good thing there's a place where people write up a buncha information about stuff and people
11:01 < Theo10011> GabrielF, he doesn't.
11:01 < Theo10011> elkng, I gave you links in #wikimedia
11:01 < Theo10011> you can read up all this information in the relevant articles.
11:01 < Carly> hi dtm
11:02 < Carly> dtm_
11:02 < Theo10011> There's a lot of history there to just simplify as who made it and where are they now.
11:02 < dtm_> elkng:
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11:10 < dtm_> that's super-cute, how [[Wikipedia]]'s infobox says that its project status is "active"
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11:13 < martijnHH> so.... haswell is basically lackluster?
11:14 < ScientificAlan> ?
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11:15 < Qcoder00> What's the tag for an oudated section?
11:15 < Qcoder00> - Is out of date as earlier this year a new Defamation Act was passed
11:16 < dtm_> Qcoder00: hmmm.
11:16 < Qcoder00> Whose the Wikipedia subject expert in this area anyway/
11:16 < Qcoder00> ?
11:16 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
11:17 < dtm_> Qcoder00: at the very least, there could be a {{copy edit |for=section is outdated as a new Defamation Act was passed|date=June 2013}}
11:17 < dtm_> Qcoder00: possibly this
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11:19 < TBloemink> Do we have an administrator available for assistance in #wikipedia-en-help per <soghomon> !_admin user NovaSkola is making highly disruptive edits and is edit warring over highly POV material ?
11:19 < kondi> folks, ever been to a conference (or an unconference) where you are allowed to throw balls at the speaker?
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11:20 < YuviPanda> i've heard a lot of them, kondi
11:21 < YuviPanda> usually 'throw it at speaker if they are late or boring'
11:21 < kondi> no, throw it at speaker if you like what he's talking about, or doing good
11:21 < kondi> I just went to one today
11:21 < kondi> whaatay fun it was
11:22 < dtm_> kondi:  like this?
11:22  * kondi looks
11:22 < kondi> smiley faced stress balls
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11:23 < kondi> dtm_: lol no
11:23 < kondi> :P
11:23 < dtm_> k
11:24  * ScientificAlan notices Koi is here and wonders if he will talk about tornados.
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11:25 < dtm_> ScientificAlan: i'm just hoping the poor guy survived a brutal, harrowing, death-defying night of watching the storm watchers
11:25 < dtm_> okay.  in other news, wat.
11:26 < kondi> whaat the hell
11:26 < dtm_> i guess he didn't make it.
11:26 < dtm_> now that you mention it.
11:26 < TBloemink> Okay
11:26 < ScientificAlan> Lots of people just left
11:26 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:26 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:27 < IDoH> Hey guys
11:27 < dtm_> IDoH: hai
11:27 < kondi> IDoH: hello
11:27 < JohnLewis> TBloemink: Didn't your cloud just leave?
11:27 < TBloemink> JohnLewis, it was k-lined
11:27 < TBloemink> 20:26 Closing Link: (*** Banned (cache))
11:27 < dtm_> what is a cloud
11:27 < BlastHardcheese> hey you, get offa my cloud
11:27 < dtm_> BlastHardcheese: gg
11:28 < ScientificAlan> gg?
11:28 < JohnLewis> TBloemink: Everyone in my channel got klined xD
11:28 < TBloemink> heh
11:28 < kondi> apprently everyone connected via irccloud
11:28 < TBloemink> jep
11:28 < ScientificAlan> I speak english.
11:28 < TBloemink> whole irccloud got k-lined
11:28 < ScientificAlan> ?
11:28 < IDoH> TBloemink: Why?
11:28 < TBloemink> IDoH, idk
11:28 < kondi>
11:29 < BlastHardcheese> incompetent staff
11:29 < BlastHardcheese> not the first time it's happened
11:29 < TBloemink> Connection queued; waiting our turn…
11:29 -!- Guest15897 is now known as Mike_H
11:30 < ScientificAlan> How do I change my name?
11:30 < kondi> '/nick new_name'
11:30 -!- ScientificAlan is now known as awesomesauce
11:30 < awesomesauce> How do I register a nickname?
11:30 -!- awesomesauce is now known as Guest85905
11:31 -!- Guest85905 is now known as ScientificAlan
11:31 < JustBerry> Type in /ns register usernamegoeshere passwordgoeshere
11:31 < JustBerry> Try that.
11:32 < dtm_> Guest10899: /msg nickserv help
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11:32 < BlastHardcheese> yeah except a) that will do nothing if the nick is already registered, which it is b) if you have an existing NickServ account, you want to group other nicks to it, not register multiple accounts
11:33 -!- JohnChrysostom [uid7832@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:33 < Theo10011> And, we're back.
11:33 -!- JD|cloud [uid7951@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:33 < Shirik> I wonder what that was all about
11:34 < Jasper_Deng> Shirik: collateral damage from a k-line
11:34 -!- ScientificAlan [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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11:34 < Theo10011> Someone Klined the entire IRC cloud service.
11:34 < Shirik> seems like some pretty serious collateral damage
11:34 < Theo10011> It might have been a mistake.
11:34 -!- Maeby [uid11794@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:34 -!- CrackyWacky [uid11656@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:34 < Theo10011> now they are coming back up.
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11:36 < Jasper_Deng> Shirik, Theo10011: and fwiw the k-line message was "You are banned from this server- (Clearing #kinkyclient) Please do not run gaming hubs from freenode. (2013/6/1 18.25)"
11:36 < Shirik> lol
11:36 < Theo10011> Ya, I saw. #freenode went nuts with people complaining.
11:36 < JustBerry> kik
11:36 < JustBerry> lol*
11:37 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:39 -!- nas is now known as nas|away
11:39  * kondi is going to watch Django Unchained tonight
11:39 < Theo10011> The 'D' is silent!
11:40 < Theo10011> :P
11:40 < kondi> oh thanks for telling me I honestly didn't know that
11:40 < kondi> :P
11:40 < JustBerry> :o
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11:42 < dtm_> in the opening statement of a biographical article, is it correct to unbold the nickname?   like '''Ronald '''"Ron"''' McGovney'''
11:42 < Theo10011> I was quoting Django. He says that in the club when he meets Candy.
11:42 < Theo10011> Pfftt
11:42 < kondi> heh
11:43 -!- nas|away is now known as nas
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11:44 < kondi> why quote that :\
11:44 -!- muahaha2 [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:45 < kondi> I like the way how christoph waltz puts his hands up
11:47 < Sky2042> dtm_: usually the nickname is bolded.
11:47 < Sky2042> dtm_: Or sometimes not present at all.
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11:47 < YuviPanda> kondi: it's also a very popular web framework :)
11:47 < kondi> well of course
11:48 < dtm_> kondi: it's also a string of letters connected together in a consecutive, left-to-right enunciation.  but.  you probably knew that.
11:48 < dtm_> fyi
11:48 < dtm_> sometimes, people say it.  no big deal.
11:48 < kondi> heh
11:48 < dtm_> so just don't be surprised if you hear it.
11:48 < dtm_> when they want it heard.
11:49 < dtm_> is all i'm sayin
11:49 < YuviPanda> so I'm building an android widget
11:49 -!- Jacnoc [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:49 < YuviPanda> that constantly tells you your edit count :P
11:49 < YuviPanda> I wonder if that'll be useful at all
11:50 < YuviPanda> I primarily built it to learn a bunch of new android dev tools
11:50 < YuviPanda> but I'm now wondering if I should just go 'fuckit' and release it to the market...
11:50 -!- Jacnoc [] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:50 < IDoH> YuviPanda: It probably wouldn't be *that* useful.
11:50 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en
11:50 < YuviPanda> I wonder what I can add to it to make it actually useful...
11:52 < YuviPanda> probably nothing :P
11:52 < YuviPanda> i think we might also be using this to test a new memcached service on tools-labs
11:53 < Sky2042> Jasper_Deng: Do you know what a gaming hub in this context is?
11:53 < Jasper_Deng> i.e. a channel used to coordinate a multiplayer game
11:54 < Jasper_Deng> this one was probably taken down b/c it was doing so in an official-like manner
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11:54 < Sky2042> Jasper_Deng: official?
11:55 < Jasper_Deng> like, the channel was listed on a public website
11:55 < Sky2042> that's weird...
11:55 < Sky2042> I frequent a few gaming-centric channels...
11:55 < Jasper_Deng> I know that my friends used to use IRC to coordinate their actual /gameplay/, but it's actually against network policy.
11:56 < Jasper_Deng> Only a staff would know, but it also seems likely that the channel was also getting rather disruptive in other ways.
11:56 -!- Douzy [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Silentium est aureum"]
11:56 < Sky2042> oh, so it's a blind eye kind of thing.
11:57 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en
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11:59 < BlastHardcheese> actually it sounds like some gaming client was using the channel for chat, as in everyone using the client gets autoconnected to the channel
12:00 < BlastHardcheese> which seems to be an idea people get semi-regularly, since people ask about it in #freenode intermittently
12:00 < Jasper_Deng> too lazy to form their own nets, evidently
12:05 < Sky2042> BlastHardcheese: Ah, yes, I can definitely see why freenode would be unhappy about that.
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12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> notsofreenode ?
12:07 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
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12:12 -!- mystax [560e0b4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:13 < Carly> helou :) !
12:15 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:15 < Bradford> ._.
12:15 < IDoH> ToAruShiroiNeko: More like commonsensenode
12:15 < mystax> Any admins here?
12:16 < IDoH> mystax: Do you need an admin, or just someone with a lot of editing experience?
12:16 -!- BadDesign [~quassel@unaffiliated/baddesign] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:16 < mystax> IDoH: There's a guy vandalising stuff, so an admin I'd presume.
12:16 < Carly> lool
12:16 < Bradford> Carly:  fea
12:16 < IDoH> mystax: You go WP:AIV for that.
12:16 < Bradford> vete fea
12:16 < IDoH> *go to
12:16 < Carly> bradford feo anda
12:16 < mystax> IDoH: I don't really understand how to use WP:AIV
12:17 < IDoH> What do you not understand, mystax?
12:17 < IDoH> Is it the templates?
12:17 < mystax> IDoH: I'm not sure how to report people, using the templates and all that.
12:17 < IDoH> Oh, okay.
12:18 < IDoH> Just put their screen name in the appropriate place.
12:18 < IDoH> In the template, I mean.
12:18 < mystax> It's this guy. Making bad edits and disguising them with edit summaries.
12:18 < mystax>
12:18 -!- Guest823 is now known as addshore
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12:20 < IDoH> mystax: He hasn't had any warnings yet, so we *technically* can't ban him. It doesn't mean that you can't convince an admin to do it, anyway, but that might not happen on WP:AIV. It probably won't happen on IRC, either, because you're only supposed to report vandals here if it's urgent.
12:22 < Ironholds> IDoH: that's nice. I've indeffed him.
12:22 -!- CrackyWacky is now known as Fierce
12:22 < IDoH> Ironholds: Okay, thanks.
12:23 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit []
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12:23 < mystax> Ironholds: Thanks.
12:23 < Ironholds> no problemo
12:23 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away
12:23 < Qcoder00> Hi Ironholds - I marked this as outdated
12:24 < Qcoder00> AIUI the very recent libel reforms changed things a little
12:24 < YuviPanda> indeed, anything involving Decensy in the UK while he's still there....
12:24 < YuviPanda> :P
12:24 < Ironholds> yeah, much so
12:24 < Ironholds> substantially altered what constitutes publication, for one
12:24 -!- GW|Away is now known as GorillaWarfare
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12:25 < Qcoder00> OK. So my tagging was justified... Thanks ;)
12:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 decency act?
12:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> who acts decently in communication?
12:27 -!- Phiddipax [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:27 < Phiddipax> ufck you ironholds
12:27 -!- Phiddipax [] has left #wikipedia-en []
12:27 < YuviPanda> hmm
12:27 -!- armufox [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:27 < YuviPanda> unicode fsck?
12:28 < BadDesign> Why a user can't delete his account from Wikipedia? By delete I mean remove that username from the database and associate all the contributions to Anonymous
12:28 < Qcoder00> Phiddipax:  Please don't swear
12:28 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: edit Wiki? nah,that's not for me ;)]
12:28 < YuviPanda> Qcoder00: oh he left, it was a case of 'came here to say this'
12:28 < Qcoder00> BadDesign:  Because it's not techncially feasible to do that
12:28 < YuviPanda> weird but.
12:28 < BadDesign> Qcoder00: It's very technically feasable to do just that!
12:28 < Ironholds> I suspect that was the vandal I just blocked
12:28 < YuviPanda> ah
12:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> god hates oklohoma?
12:28 < BadDesign> Qcoder00: Just a simple SQL UPDATE
12:28 < Qcoder00> Erm
12:28 < YuviPanda> ToAruShiroiNeko: you are misspelling 'faqs'
12:29 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  Because of all the Democrats there?
12:29 < YuviPanda> he's been asked the same questions over and over again
12:29 < YuviPanda> so...
12:29 -!- Phiddipax [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:29 < Ironholds> Phiddipax: how's kettering?
12:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 I think god hates schools probably
12:29 < Phiddipax> Yes, indeed, I am that vandal you just blocked.
12:29 -!- Phiddipax [] has left #wikipedia-en []
12:29 < YuviPanda> now let's not play this game shall we
12:29 < Ironholds> YuviPanda: the humour comes from the fact that, according to his IP address, he lives five minutes from my house.
12:29 < YuviPanda> Ironholds: are you sure he's not your 'roommate'
12:30 < YuviPanda> ?
12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds everyone lives 5 minutes from your houswe
12:30 < Ironholds> yes, he's in Cardiff this weekend
12:30 < YuviPanda> ah
12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> your house is the tardis
12:30 < Qcoder00> Phiddipax: Ironholds could explain in  very precise English why you got blocked... but he's not a High Court Judge yet, so...
12:30 < YuviPanda> key word: 'yet'
12:30 < Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: if my house was the tardis I would've googled lottery winning numbers, gone back to the first lottery playthrough, won it, stuck the money in the bank, travelled forward...
12:30 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: because he was acting like a tit, as he well knows.
12:31 < Qcoder00> Well obviously :)
12:31 < YuviPanda> BadDesign: it is, given the current mediawiki architecture, technically infeasible
12:31 -!- Phiddipax [] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds but that would create a time loop
12:31 < Phiddipax> Kettering is a beautiful place.
12:31 < Ironholds> it's fucking hideous
12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it would spawn demon like beings
12:31 < Ironholds> Ket-tring, to give it the locals' name for it.
12:31 < Ironholds> I wouldn't live there if the landlord paid /me/.
12:31 < YuviPanda> did you know that 'The Master' once appeared in a Cricket Match?
12:31 < Ironholds> I did not! Second batsman?
12:32 < BadDesign> YuviPanda: Bullshit
12:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> landlord doesnt equal timelord?
12:32 < BadDesign> Your policies are crap
12:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BadDesign you are just BadDesign
12:32 < Phiddipax> Also, I'd just like to say, I only made valid edits to this online encyclopedia........d
12:32 < Ironholds> Phiddipax: yeah, yeah. run along and play with your dolls, now.
12:32 < Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: alas, no.
12:32 < BadDesign> ToAruShiroiNeko: I already knew that
12:32 < Phiddipax> (i'm high)
12:32 < BadDesign> ToAruShiroiNeko: anything else?
12:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes
12:32 < YuviPanda> Ironholds: trying to find the link now
12:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you are BadDesign
12:33 < Phiddipax> HEY GUYS
12:33 < JohnLewis> ToAruShiroiNeko: That would have been funny if you put 'just a BadDesign' :P
12:33 < Phiddipax> mystax IS User:Wagner
12:33 < mystax> FUCK YOU
12:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> JohnLewis perhaps
12:33  * Ironholds shrugs
12:33 < Phiddipax> no, FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUU
12:33 < IDoH> Let's ignore the trolls, shall we?
12:33 < BadDesign> mystax: anytime
12:33 < mystax> I'm not a troll.
12:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> who is fucking who? may I join in?
12:33 < Phiddipax> He's not a troll, he's a sockmaster :D
12:33 < Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: I wouldn't, they're both diseased and very poorly hung
12:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmmm
12:33 < YuviPanda> Ironholds:
12:33 < Phiddipax> And a faggot/twat/cunt
12:33 < YuviPanda> tada!
12:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I would join in with a camera
12:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> capitalizing their work
12:34 < YuviPanda> Ironholds: also
12:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> commons would love it
12:34 < Ironholds> YuviPanda: neat!
12:34 < YuviPanda> and opening
12:34 < mystax> Category:BDSM needs more photos
12:34 < YuviPanda> also... swimming goggles?!
12:34 < Phiddipax> ^ true dat
12:34 < Ironholds> Phiddipax: you appreciate that 'twat' and 'cunt' mean the same thing, yes?
12:34 < Phiddipax> indeed
12:35 < mystax> Ironholds: Phidippax is just gay/homosexual
12:35 < Fierce> Question
12:35 < Phiddipax> in much the same way that "gay" means "broken" (WHAT)
12:35 < mareklug> Ironholds do they mean exactly the same thing when used as an epithet against a British Army officer?
12:35 < Phiddipax> brb setting my house on fire nine times....d
12:35 < Ironholds> mareklug: I'd imagine there's no distinction
12:35 < Ironholds> Fierce: yes?
12:36 < Phiddipax> This is User:Wagner
12:36 < Fierce> Would you eat a genetically modified salmon (ie AquAdvantage salmon) or a natural one?
12:36 < Ironholds> as in, if I was offered both of them?
12:36 < YuviPanda> Ironholds: parts of the Monty Python troupe were also players, apparently
12:36 < Ironholds> hmn. Am I allowed to smoke them, or just cook?
12:36 < Fierce> yes
12:36 < Fierce> just cook
12:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug obama was unhurt during the protests in istanbul
12:37 < Ironholds> Fierce: I would eat both of them
12:37 < Ironholds> salmon is delicious
12:37 < Fierce> the only difference between them is one gene to make them grow faster
12:37 < BadDesign> Why #wikipedia and #wikipedia-en ? What's the difference?
12:37 < Phiddipax> salmon is delicious raw, especially when seasoned with the blood of my enemies.
12:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BadDesign #wikipedia-en is BadDesign
12:37 < Phiddipax> and/or Wikipedia admins
12:37 < addshore> salmon is indeed delicious!
12:37 < mystax> BadDesign: #wikipedia is for Wikipedia in general, this is for the English Wikipedia
12:38 < YuviPanda> BadDesign: we have very split communication channels
12:38 < JohnLewis> addshore: Ditto
12:38 < YuviPanda> it is... bad design
12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BadDesign #wikipedia is IdleDesign
12:38  * YuviPanda has had salmon once and did not like it
12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> YuviPanda salmon is the bestest thing ever
12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you clearly didnt get good salmon
12:38 < YuviPanda> i also did not like bacon
12:38 < YuviPanda> as in, it was okay...
12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> go to the nearest IKEA store and get salmon
12:38 < Ironholds> YuviPanda: you clearly had terrible bacon
12:38 < Ironholds> and, I'll make you try some proper smoked salmon
12:38 < YuviPanda> Ironholds: i had it at SF!
12:38 < YuviPanda> and washington!
12:38 < Ironholds> Scots. Or maybe Alaskan?
12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds bacon is bleh
12:38 < YuviPanda> and berlin!
12:38 < Ironholds> Washingtonian is good.
12:39 < addshore> YuviPanda: BACON IS AMAZING
12:39 < Theo10011> Yes, hello.
12:39 < YuviPanda> Ironholds: I even had it at the crazy McDonalds that I accidentally wandered into and found people dealing coke!
12:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds I sometimes worry if people actually try to SMOKE salmon
12:39 < addshore> It is one thing I was missing when I went to amsterdam :/
12:39 < YuviPanda> I was also missing when you went to amsterdam, addshore :(
12:39 < Phiddipax> The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy states that bacon is the wielder of all thinks great and good, and those who disapprove of the Holy Bacon shall die in a fire at the age of fifty-two, while singing the French natinoal anthem.
12:39 < addshore> xD
12:39 < JohnLewis> YuviPanda: Did you get a meal or coke from it? :P
12:40  * addshore must finish writing this rfc
12:40 < addshore> bbl
12:40 < Qcoder00> I can't have bacon too often
12:40 < YuviPanda> I got a burger (shittiest McDonalds I've tasted, ever) and a cup of Coke
12:40 < Phiddipax> Babylonian Cockballing is my favourite sport.
12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 sure you can
12:40 < YuviPanda> of the drinking carbonated variety :P
12:40 < YuviPanda> JohnLewis: McDonalds in here (India) are pretty tasty
12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> while sky diving for example
12:40 < Qcoder00> McDonalds has branches in India?
12:41 < Qcoder00> What do they use Lamb?
12:41 < JohnLewis> YuviPanda: A carbonated cup of coke. Ok Sure you did :P
12:41 < Phiddipax> Saas?
12:41 < YuviPanda> Qcoder00: Chicken
12:41 < YuviPanda> lots of CHicken
12:41 < YuviPanda> mmm
12:41 < YuviPanda> Qcoder00: there's one up north that's purely vegetarian for example
12:41 < Qcoder00> I was sure it was either lamb burger or goat...
12:41 < YuviPanda> here it's all mixed - chicken and veg
12:41 < mystax>
12:41 < Phiddipax> Buy one penis, get one free at midday today...yay...d
12:41 < YuviPanda> chicken
12:42 < Qcoder00> A Vegetarian McDonalds?   XD
12:42 < Qcoder00> Well.... Bean Burgers are good
12:42 < Theo10011> Phiddipax, behave please.
12:42 < YuviPanda> Qcoder00:
12:42 < Phiddipax> I am behaving as nature intended; as a fucking twat/retard/cock/mongrel/duck. DddD.
12:42 < Phiddipax> It's me irl!
12:43 < mystax> Phiddipax: Why did you just repost my dick?
12:43 < mystax> duck*
12:43 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Theo10011] by ChanServ
12:43 < Bradford> ._.
12:43 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-v mystax] by Theo10011
12:43 < JohnLewis> Theo10011: Thanks.
12:43 < JohnLewis> ... -v?
12:44 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*] by Theo10011
12:44 -!- Phiddipax was kicked from #wikipedia-en by Theo10011 [Phiddipax]
12:44 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by Theo10011
12:44 -!- mystax was kicked from #wikipedia-en by Theo10011 [mystax]
12:44 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en
12:44 < YuviPanda> I'd like to think of -v as the equivalent of the matrix's 'how can you talk when you have no mouth' scene
12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 I dont think -v would have prevented them from singing
12:44 < JohnLewis> Theo10011: Was the -v by accident? :P
12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> of course
12:44 < JustBerry> lol
12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> isnt it obvious
12:44 < JustBerry> John?
12:44 < JohnLewis> ToAruShiroiNeko: No :P
12:44 <@Theo10011> Ya. :S
12:44 < Sky2042> YuviPanda: lol!
12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> JohnLewis you arent doing it right
12:45 < Sky2042> Theo10011: thank you much
12:45 < Krenair> Phiddipax is now in #wikipedia
12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 can you also play elevtaor music next time while taking such actions?
12:45 < JohnLewis> When you -v an unvoiced person, it should +q automatically :D
12:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011:
12:46 < addshore> hmm, where does the technical ability to create a new user permission group lie?
12:46 < JustBerry> lol
12:46 < Krenair> A new group?
12:46 < IDoH> JohnLewis: Of course, Theo10011 could've just quieted them manually.
12:46  * IDoH shrugs
12:46 < Krenair> The server configuration, mediawiki extensions and mediawiki core.
12:46 < JohnLewis> addshore: Depends what you means.
12:47 <@Theo10011> Hold on guys, I'm being PM'd by them
12:47 <@Theo10011> Getting pinged constantly in 3 channels
12:47 < addshore> Krenair: I see :)
12:47 < Krenair> Also on a CentralAuth (global except for private wikis) level by stewards and staff.
12:47 < IDoH> Theo10011: Maybe put them on /ignore so you can't get PM'd by them?
12:48 <@Theo10011> Well, he was in #wikipedia too
12:48 < IDoH> Or pinged?
12:48 <@Theo10011> both
12:48 < IDoH> We do have other ops, you know.
12:48 < Krenair> I did start writing a UI for local user group permissions editing but have been too busy to finish it.
12:48 <@Theo10011> heh it's mostly the same people.
12:48 < IDoH> Theo10011: What do you mean, it's mostly the same people.
12:49 <@Theo10011> ops, usually the same in different channels.
12:49 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko it is Turks' luck Obama was not hurt in Istambul riots.  We would hate to have to assault Turkish restaurants over here to claim justice
12:49 < IDoH> Oh, okay. Yeah, I know, Theo10011
12:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug why?
12:50 < mareklug> because Turkish food is good food.
12:50 < IDoH> ToAruShiroiNeko: Because North Korea says we're evil.
12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wouldn't it make more sense to assault chick fil a?
12:50 < mareklug> they are not local to us.
12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> exactly
12:50 < mareklug> no one is going to drive to Atlanta in order to assualt chick fil as because Obama was jeered in Turkey
12:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
12:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I dont know, some people can be dedicated to their art
12:51 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Theo10011] by ChanServ
12:51 < mareklug> however, Reza's is on Clark near Foster, and is perfect within assaulting distance.
12:51 < Theo10011> Anyway
12:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> obama is avoiding various disasters for the past 2 weeks
12:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> by being in a different city or even continent
12:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he must be very lucky to avoid all the mayhem
12:55 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> live feed of that btw
12:59 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has quit [Quit: GabrielF]
13:00 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it seems like a 3G broadcast
13:03 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:04 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:07 -!- jztech101_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:08 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: I]
13:10 -!- JZTech101 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:10 -!- JZTech101 [] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded]
13:12 -!- TB|Away [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.]
13:19 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
13:24 -!- Cncmaster [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:24 -!- Cncmaster [] has quit [Changing host]
13:24 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:25 < Cncmaster> Back from my ten day vacation.
13:25 < Cncmaster> Jet lag can be such shit sometimes.
13:26 < dtm_> Cncmaster: well hello there
13:27 < Cncmaster> I had a great time though. Right now, however, I feel like I could fall asleep just standing. And it's just 1:30 PM.
13:29 < dtm_> do it
13:29 < dtm_> why are you on irc then <3
13:29 < dtm_> ^_^
13:31 < Cncmaster> Because I have nothing better to do :)
13:31 < dtm_> sleeping isn't better than talking about desperate need for sleep.  ok.
13:31 < dtm_> well, hello
13:31 < dtm_> where did you go
13:32 -!- BadDesign [~quassel@unaffiliated/baddesign] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
13:32 -!- Sarrus [~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
13:33 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:33 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:34 -!- BadDesign [~quassel@unaffiliated/baddesign] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:34 -!- Quietshaman [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:34 < Carly> hi
13:34 < kondi> hey
13:34 -!- Quietshaman [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:35 < dtm_> Carly: ahoy.  do you think i need to do any copyediting on the source article?
13:35 < dtm_> i'm sure it could use some; i wrote it myself with no feedback
13:35 < Carly> oh ah
13:35 < dtm_> at least minorly
13:35 < Carly> em ok
13:35 < dtm_> hi
13:35 -!- Quietshaman [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:35 -!- Quietshaman [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:36 -!- Chase1952 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:36 -!- Chase1952 [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:36 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Quit: About to pass out. Bye.]
13:36 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
13:36 -!- Quietshaman [] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:36 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:37 -!- Quietshaman [] has left #wikipedia-en []
13:39 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:39 < Carly> sorry he
13:39 < Carly> hi
13:40 < Carly> dtm what did u say?
13:40 < mareklug> Carly he said, did you go and photograph the Russian Embassy and the Russia Cultural and Scientific Centre as you promised you would for russavia?
13:41 < Carly> lie,he didn't say that and I did't promise anything,just said I was going to try marek
13:41 -!- martijnHH [martijnHH@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
13:42 -!- funnyfarm299 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:42 -!- funnyfarm299 [~funnyfarm@wikipedia/Funnyfarmofdoom] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:46 < SigmaWP> funnyfarm299: sp
13:46 < SigmaWP> hi
13:46 < funnyfarm299> I'm on vacation. forgot I left IRC open.
13:46 < funnyfarm299> Is Nawlins here?
13:47 < funnyfarm299> Maybe I can wave to him out the window
13:48 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has quit [Quit: GabrielF]
13:49 -!- thineantiquepen is now known as TAP|away
13:49 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:53 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en
13:55 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
13:56 < dtm_> mareklug: she's just doing the international spy photography on a strictly best effort basis, man
13:56 < dtm_> no contracts were signed y et
13:56 < Carly> lol
13:56 < dtm_> Carly: i asked if you think that i need to do copy editing on the source article before you translate it
13:56 < mareklug> it's notspy.  she is being asked to photograph these edifices to promote rusicistic philia
13:57 < Carly> ©_©
13:57 < dtm_> whoa
13:57 < Carly> marek's club shut up
13:57 < Carly> dtm_ no,it's fine
13:58 -!- ragesoss_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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13:58 -!- funnyfarm299 [~funnyfarm@wikipedia/Funnyfarmofdoom] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
13:59 < dtm_> alright.  i'm serious this time.  it's time.  i'm in.  what are the membership requirements to join Marek's club?
14:00 < IShadowed> Are you... are you putting two spaces are punctuation?
14:00 < Carly> xdddd
14:00 < IShadowed> after*
14:00 < Fierce> hey IShadowed
14:00 < Carly> first requirement: Be sexy
14:00 < dtm_> IShadowed: i did that.  i do so.
14:00 < Carly> dtm_ ;)
14:00 < IShadowed> Bad
14:00 < dtm_> Carly: whoa.
14:00 < IShadowed> do not use two spaces
14:01 < dtm_> but it keeps on being correct!
14:01 < IShadowed> also isn't Carly like 12
14:01 < dtm_> so i can't help it
14:01 < Sky2042> IShadowed:
14:01 < Carly> dtm_ second: be rude
14:01 -!- ScientificAlan [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:01 < Carly> for more info visit
14:01 < Carly> ;)
14:01 < IShadowed> Sky2042, nope, still incorrect
14:01 < Fierce> we need more GIF's on wikipedia.
14:01 < IShadowed> never two spaces
14:01 < dtm_> Carly: i'm not only good at that; i'm even better at *not* being rude while letting weak-minded people *think* that i'm being rude.
14:01 < IShadowed> so bad
14:02 -!- FunPika|Away is now known as FunPika
14:02 < IShadowed> > Much modern literature on typography says that double spacing is not desirable
14:02 < Sky2042> IShadowed: Yes, I'm sure it makes you rage, but it's not necessarily bad because of it.
14:02 -!- jztech101_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:02 -!- Pink|ZzZ is now known as PinkAmpersand
14:02 < IShadowed> article even says this
14:02 -!- PinkAmpersand [uid7952@gateway/web/] has quit [Changing host]
14:02 -!- PinkAmpersand [uid7952@wikidata/PinkAmpersand] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:02 < tommorris> Sky2042: being able to say there is a wikipedia article about something doesn't mean it is actually a good or sensible thing to do.
14:02 < Carly> a minute of silence...wait where is Mareklub!
14:02 < Carly> mareklug*
14:02 < Sky2042> tommorris: See prior statement. :P
14:02 < dtm_> tommorris: why do you love child molestation?
14:03 < dtm_> what's this all about
14:03 < dtm_> i'm taken aback by all the public defense of child molestation in this channel lately
14:03  * Carly eats cookies of Marek's club V.I.P
14:03 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
14:03 < tommorris> I'm just comparing people who put two spaces after a full stop with people who brutally rape kids.
14:03 < dtm_> i mean sure, noting its existence would be okay, but cmon, open advocacy?  there's got to be a line somewhere, tommorris
14:03 < Theo10011> o.O
14:04 < mareklug> tommorris what do you make of the miscreants who put up to THREE, count them, THREE spaces after full stop.
14:04 < tommorris> mareklug: stupid.
14:04 < Carly> 2 x 1 all tickets and only this weekend 3 x 1
14:04 < Carly> mareklug :)
14:05 < dtm_> mareklug: i can't imagine that.  that's WAY OVER THE LINE, MISTER.
14:05 < tommorris> the only defense of two-or-more-spaces-after-full-stop seems to be "yeah, but I learned on a manual typewriter"
14:05 < dtm_> the brutality!!!
14:05 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:05 < tommorris> I learned on a manual typewriter. and then, you know, the 1990s happened, and you can't fucking buy a manual typewriter anywhere outside of the hipster bits of eBay, so I transitioned to using a computer.
14:06 < mareklug> I can think of special needs typefaces, you know, the kind that went to school on a short bus, the extra extra condensed onese.    Those would do well with THREE, count them, THREE spaces after full stops.
14:06  * Fierce yawns loudly
14:06 < Carly> owww
14:06 < dtm_> blam
14:06  * Carly sighs
14:06  * dtm_ shouts over all the yawning and sighing
14:06 < Carly> ®_®
14:06  * Fierce farts.
14:06 < mareklug> glad  no one is lady enough to fart.
14:06 < tommorris> mareklug: confusing style with semantics there. the presentation of the text shouldn't be determined by how many space characters you type in.
14:07 < Carly> haha
14:07  * ScientificAlan sits, listening to a screaming German kid in the song Rampage
14:07 < mareklug> tommorris but as practical matter, it may well be.
14:07 < tommorris> in which case, you have a bug to fix.
14:07 < tommorris> and if the bug doesn't get fix, you get better software
14:07 < dtm_> tommorris: or you might be in an unformatted medium, like irc
14:07 < dtm_> and you might be civilized
14:07 < tommorris> actually, it is formatted... by the IRC client.
14:08  * Fierce sprays baby powder in the room
14:08 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
14:08 < mareklug> Fierce change your nick to FierceFarts  or IJustFartSomethingFierce
14:08  * Carly slaps Fierce
14:08 < Carly> xd
14:08  * Fierce slaps Carly as well
14:08  * Fierce slaps mareklug
14:09 < Carly> mareklug change your nick to MarekClub and fast
14:09 < mareklug> Fierce we will have none of that here, you anti-something troll
14:09  * Carly slaps Marek
14:09 < tommorris> listen, if you are going to change your nick, you have to do it right.
14:09 -!- tommorris is now known as jimmywales
14:09  * ScientificAlan tasers Carly
14:09  * Carly gives Fierce a cookie
14:09 < Fierce> hey jimmywales it appears your SSN has been leaked...
14:09  * mareklug sticks up a rolledup Scientific American up ScientificAlan 
14:09 < jimmywales> Bring me the Bomis Babes.
14:10 -!- PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|away
14:10  * Carly looks at ScientificAlan
14:11  * Theo10011 looks at everyone
14:11 < jimmywales> Anyone got any questions? I can consult the Bomis Babe Report.
14:11  * dtm_ staggers over to jimmywales for an autograph
14:11 < Theo10011> So much violence and debauchery.
14:11 < Carly> Hi Theo10011 :)
14:11  * Carly laughs
14:11 < Theo10011> Hello Carly
14:11 < dtm_> Theo10011: wikipedia has really gone down the tubes these days
14:11 < dtm_> i hear ya, man
14:11 < Carly> Hi Theo10011:)
14:12 < Theo10011> <Theo10011> Hello Carly
14:12 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
14:12  * Carly hace cookies
14:12 -!- jimmywales is now known as tommorris
14:12 < Carly> hi Theo
14:12 < tommorris> crikey, it's hard work being a Jimbo.
14:12 < Theo10011> heh
14:12 < ScientificAlan> Yay, the name ScientificAlan is registered for my use and my use only.
14:12 < tommorris> you can send the Bomis Babes away now, unless they've got fit brothers.
14:12 < Theo10011> tommorris, what are 'bomis babes'?
14:12 < dtm_> tommorris: take a wikisiesta
14:13 < dtm_> tommorris: you've earned it
14:13  * Carly washes her kitten
14:13 < tommorris> dtm_: I am. Hence why I'm fooling around on IRC rather than doing something useful.
14:13 < Fierce> apparently
14:14 < Fierce> jean stapleton just died
14:14 < tommorris> Theo10011: Bomis, the company Jimbo ran before starting Wikipedia, used to have pictures of young women with large breasts. They were called the Bomis Babes.
14:14 < Theo10011> RIP
14:14 < Carly> O.O
14:14 < Carly> V.I.P
14:14 < Theo10011> I didn't know the Babes part.
14:14 < dtm_> tommorris: oic
14:14 < dtm_> tommorris: r u srs
14:15 < dtm_> will you guys please stop distracting Carly from her wikiwork
14:15 < JustBerry> lol
14:15 < tommorris> dtm_: about the Bomis Babes? Sure.
14:15 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
14:15 < Carly> yeaaah I have 658 fil
14:15 < dtm_> she's normally a highly productive machine for the people
14:15 < Carly> followers* :D
14:15 < dtm_> Carly: followers on what
14:15 < Carly> on Twitter
14:15 < dtm_> why?
14:15 < ScientificAlan> I have 0, and no twitter account.
14:15 < Carly> dunno?
14:16 < ScientificAlan> Facebook rules
14:16 < dtm_> lol.
14:16 < Carly> create an account I will be your BFF
14:16 < Carly> best follower forever
14:16 < Carly> :D
14:16 -!- jztech101_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:16 < Fierce> Carly: wut's your twitter
14:16 -!- Theo10011_ [~Theo10011@] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:16 -!- Theo10011_ [~Theo10011@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:17 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Disconnected by services]
14:17 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:17 < dtm_> Carly: i'm Smuckola on twitter, as on wikipedia.  i got nothin to say to twitter.  boooooom.
14:18 < dtm_> i saw someone once whose entire twitter feed was comprised of just their sighs.
14:18 < Carly> fierce my twitter is Carly Elizabeth D. @carlyejf
14:18 < ScientificAlan> Carly: You should friend me on facebook, I can't make a twitter.
14:18 < dtm_> Carly: why would you abbreviate your last name?  just curious.
14:18 < ScientificAlan> Not allowed, parents
14:18 < Carly> dtm_ @smuckola ?
14:18 < dtm_> ScientificAlan: i'm so sorry man.  everyone ought to have parents at least once in their lives.
14:19 < dtm_> ScientificAlan: from this day on, *WE* shall be your family!!
14:19 < Carly> I think to make my name short?
14:19 < dtm_> Carly: what?  then why'd you type out all the rest of it?
14:19 < Carly> ScientificAlan Okay add me on Facebook
14:19 < Carly> or better later...
14:19 < dtm_> why would you even mention your middle name (which happens to be wonderfully huge), if you wanted a shorter name?
14:19 < Carly> dtm_ is too long
14:20 -!- georgebrock [uid2571@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:20 < dtm_> wut.
14:20 -!- georgebrock [uid2571@gateway/web/] has left #wikipedia-en []
14:20 < ScientificAlan> I'm
14:21  * Carly adds
14:22  * dtm_ adds
14:22 < Carly> haha
14:23 < JustBerry> Hi Carleh
14:24 < Carly> first,I have to log in Alan
14:24 < Carly> Hi JustBerry
14:24 < JustBerry> How's it going?
14:24 < Carly> good :)
14:25 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
14:25 < JustBerry> Good to hear :P
14:25 < ScientificAlan> Yay, one of my friends has a crush on me
14:25 < a930913> Qcoder00: Pong.
14:25 < ScientificAlan> and I have a new version of linux
14:25 < Carly> o.o
14:25 < Qcoder00> a930913:  Hi
14:25  * Carly faints
14:26 < Carly> JustBerry and how are you? :)
14:26 < Qcoder00> Is it posisble to have a bot that looks for bare links, and converts them into a Cite Book by means of calls to Google's API?
14:26 < JustBerry> Great, Carly.
14:26 < Qcoder00> Assuming there is an Id field...
14:27 < Carly> JustBerry Nice! :)
14:27  * Carly brings Chocolate cookies
14:27  * JustBerry brings punch :o
14:27  * ScientificAlan eats all the cookies
14:27 < Carly> o.o
14:28  * Carly cries
14:28  * ScientificAlan turns the punch into wine and drinks it
14:28  * JustBerry is not happy?
14:28 < Qcoder00> a930913:  OK Said my bit
14:29  * ScientificAlan rides a cow as a getaway vehicle
14:29 < Qcoder00> OK FOlks
14:29 < Qcoder00> TIme to be controversial
14:29  * Carly hugs JustBerry and ScientificAlan and dtm_ and Mareklug and Qcoder00
14:29  * Carly runs away
14:29 < Qcoder00> Carly: Erm You are over 21 right?
14:29 < mareklug> Carly you can't hug like a pig.
14:29 < Qcoder00> And have a permit
14:29  * JustBerry shouts, "Come back!"
14:29 -!- Carly is now known as Carly|died
14:29 < JustBerry> lol
14:30 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:30 < Qcoder00> And have your certifcate of non-cootiness
14:30 < Carly|died> hi
14:30 -!- Carly|died is now known as Carly
14:30 < Qcoder00> Logic is all
14:30 < Qcoder00> :)
14:30 < dtm_> a930913: hi
14:30 < Carly> qcoder00 I am 89
14:30 < dtm_> she's mad old
14:30 < Carly> haha
14:30 < Carly> I am less than 20.
14:30 < dtm_> don't talk to her about internet things coz she has no idea.
14:31 < Carly> :|
14:31 < dtm_> TOO
14:31 < dtm_> OLD
14:31 < Carly> I know much about network and using freenode
14:31 < a930913> Qcoder00: Possibly. Collecting wouldn't be so hard, the google API might be (might cost I recall.)
14:31 < a930913> dtm_: o/
14:31 < dtm_> a930913: hiiiiiiiii
14:31 < Carly> is my favorite Hobbie
14:31 < Qcoder00> a930913:  Hmm
14:31 < Qcoder00> Well can it be looked into
14:31 < Qcoder00> ?
14:32 < Carly> no
14:32 < Carly> :)
14:33 < mareklug> Carly you can't send email from your phone, so don't be such a technocrat
14:33 < Carly> :(
14:33  * Carly cries
14:34 < kondi> hey mareklug!
14:34  * JustBerry says, "Don't cry!"
14:35  * Carly thinks thay JustBerry is a hero
14:35 -!- funnyfarm299 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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14:35  * kondi is bored
14:35  * ScientificAlan farts and kills all of the people except us stuck to the internet
14:35 < JustBerry> Thanks!
14:35 < Carly> :)
14:35 < Carly> Hello Kondi
14:36 -!- Carly is now known as Cornelia
14:36 -!- Cornelia is now known as Carly
14:36 < Cncmaster> So much RfB drama.
14:36 < kondi> hey
14:36 < Qcoder00> RfB?
14:36 < Carly> RFB?
14:36 < Cncmaster>
14:37 < ScientificAlan> Read Fucking Books
14:37 < ScientificAlan> lol
14:37 < Carly> lol
14:37 < addshore> :O
14:37 < addshore> so many dramas!
14:37  * Carly :OO
14:37 < JustBerry> :O
14:37 < JustBerry> :o
14:37 < JustBerry> Whops, double type
14:37 < Qcoder00> Wikipedia...
14:38 -!- JZTech101 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:38 < Qcoder00> ..  Many enter... few leave .... ALIVE!
14:38 < ScientificAlan> I edit Wikipedia!
14:38 < a930913> Qcoder00: I'm a bit busy now, but you should suggest it on [[WP:BOTR]]
14:38 < Qcoder00> I will do at some point
14:38 < Cncmaster> One RfB is like 10 RfA's occurring 2 minutes apart.
14:38  * ScientificAlan sings every word of White and Nerdy
14:38 < addshore> Theopolisme: ? Do you want to post it to WT:PC? :D I was just about to eat ;p
14:38  * Carly throws kisses
14:38 < Qcoder00> What is WT:PC?
14:39 < addshore> wikitalk pending changes :)
14:39 < Qcoder00> I can't follow all thw wiki acronyms...
14:39 < Qcoder00> Any more and you'll have people thinking it's codetalk
14:39 < Qcoder00> :)
14:39 < addshore> haha Qcoder00 read it explains all ;p
14:39 < Qcoder00> And then that Wikipedia is a threat to the foundation of liberal society!!
14:39 < Qcoder00> ;)
14:40 < mareklug> kondi  how is the heat treating you?
14:40 < mareklug> dtm_  have you tried this?
14:40 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:41 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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14:41 < kondi> mareklug: okay-ish. I leave early and come back late so I don't have to commute in scorching heat
14:42 < mareklug> Jean Stapleton, Actress Who Played Edith Bunker in ‘All in the Family,’ Dies at 90
14:42 < mareklug> "Edith!  Stiffle yerself!"  -- Archie Bunker
14:44  * ScientificAlan asks if there are anymore tornados
14:47 -!- Guest91799 [~carly@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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14:49 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:49 < Carly-> Helou
14:49 < Carly-> :)
14:49 < ScientificAlan> hi
14:50 < Carly-> my name is Carly
14:51 < Carly-> and I am from South America
14:51 < Theo10011> Rae jespen
14:51 < Theo10011> but you can call her maybe
14:51 < Carly-> :|
14:51 < Carly-> no
14:51 < Theo10011> :P
14:51 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
14:51 < Carly-> why are you insulting me
14:51 < Carly-> theo10011 :|
14:52 < ScientificAlan> because he thinks you're cute
14:52 < Carly-> o.o
14:52 < Theo10011> Aww, I'm sorry.
14:52  * Carly- kisses!
14:52 < Theo10011> heh, I do?
14:52 < Theo10011> eww cooties!
14:52 < JustBerry> lol
14:52 < Carly-> theo10011 just kidding
14:52 < JustBerry> ik :p
14:52 < Carly-> dont say sorry xd
14:53  * ScientificAlan hugs everyone
14:53  * Carly- kisses everyone
14:53  * Theo10011 averts his eyes as the loving goes on
14:53 -!- funnyfarm299 [~funnyfarm@wikipedia/Funnyfarmofdoom] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
14:54 < Carly-> theo10011 cooties has your sister.
14:54 < Carly-> :|
14:54  * ScientificAlan rips his cheek off and preserves it to remember this day
14:54 < Theo10011> :|
14:54 < JustBerry> :|
14:54 < Carly-> :D
14:54 < Theo10011> emoticon overload; need to reboot brain.
14:55 < Theo10011> Standby
14:55  * Carly- hiddes
14:55 < ScientificAlan> *hides
14:56 < ScientificAlan> lol
14:56 < Carly-> hiddes*
14:56 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
14:56 < Carly-> lol
14:56 < Theo10011> Carly-, are you involved with Wikimedia chile or Iberocoop by any chance?
14:56 < Carly-> hi gastlizard4
14:56 < Carly-> Theo10011 I could get involved with Wikimedia Chile,but I dont want
14:57 < Carly-> I dont even edit Wikipedia.xd
14:57 < ScientificAlan> I edit Wikipedia!
14:57 < Theo10011> OMG you dont?
14:57 < Carly-> I edited Wikipedia
14:57  * ScientificAlan sings White and Nerdy
14:58 < Carly-> about long.time ago like 30 years
14:58 < ScientificAlan> You're 30?
14:58 < ScientificAlan> or older?
14:58 < Carly-> no
14:58 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en
14:58 < ScientificAlan> hi new guy
14:58 < Carly-> less
14:58 < Carly-> hi Swob
14:58 < ScientificAlan> 16?
14:58 < Carly-> duck
14:58 < Carly-> no
14:59 < ScientificAlan> 15?
14:59 < Carly-> no
14:59 < ScientificAlan> 13?
14:59 < Carly-> no
14:59 < ScientificAlan> 14?
14:59 < ScientificAlan> 12?
14:59 < Qcoder00> There is no one aged 13 on the internet
14:59 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: It's typically best to not ask for personal information here.
14:59 < Carly-> no
14:59 < ScientificAlan> What is that supposed to mean?
14:59 < ScientificAlan> I'm on the internet and 13
14:59 < Qcoder00> Besides it's well known the cops watch IRC for potential preadtors
14:59 < Carly-> meh
15:00 < Carly-> there is.the ugly gorilla bothering again
15:00 < Carly-> bye.
15:00 -!- Carly- is now known as Carly|AFK
15:01 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:01 -!- Cyberpower678 [~Cyberpowe@wikipedia/Cyberpower678] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:01 < Swob> The ugly gorilla.
15:02 < ScientificAlan> lol
15:02 < Cyberpower678> Has anyone noticed the edit counter having gone down.
15:02 < Swob> hi cyber
15:02 < Swob> you mean TParis' tools?
15:02 < Swob> Yeah I think theyre all down
15:02 < JohnLewis> Cyberpower678: Well aware.
15:02 < Cyberpower678> Swob, somewhat normal.
15:02 < Swob> popups still works
15:02 < Qcoder00> Does Toolserver run on a ZX81 or something?
15:02 < mareklug> Cyberpower678b you mean, everyone's edit count has been deflated?????
15:02 < Cyberpower678>
15:02 < GorillaWarfare> Swob: Indeed. Carly seems to have taken a real liking to me
15:02 < Swob> oh that
15:03 < Swob> anyway brb
15:03 < Cyberpower678> We are migrating the tools.
15:03 -!- sherlock [~sherlock@] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:03 < Theo10011> Toolserver is on its last legs.
15:03 < sherlock>
15:03 < sherlock> last few edits
15:03 < Theo10011> I dont know if labs got replication yet....
15:03 < sherlock> guy tried to  add bunch of javascript or something
15:03 < sherlock> I cant undo them all without doing it manually
15:03 < Cyberpower678> During the migration, TParis accidentally permanently busted his account.
15:03 < Cyberpower678> The edit counter is now located
15:04 < Qcoder00> WMF Labs?
15:04 < Cyberpower678> It's live and operational, and fast.
15:04 < Cyberpower678> Qcoder00, yes.
15:04 < Ironholds> Cyberpower678: has the link on enwiki been switched over?
15:04  * Qcoder00 suddenly has visions of loads of Mad Scientists...
15:04 < Cyberpower678> Ironholds, not yet.  We just launched it.
15:04 < sherlock> can anyone revert that guys revisions?
15:05 < Ironholds> Cyberpower678: if you can point me to the MW page I'm happy to prod it with ye olde admin tools (unless it's hard-coded, which would be...weird).
15:05 < Qcoder00> Then again WMF labs doesn't have the power to Warp the Fabric of REALITY ITSELF!!"
15:05 < Ironholds> yes it does
15:05 < Ironholds> why do you think the logo is a unicorn?
15:05 < sherlock> I got it, nevermind
15:05 < Cyberpower678> Executed in 1.44 second(s).
15:06 < Carly|AFK> hi cyberpower678
15:06 < FunPika> Cyberpower678: as i said in the ACC -devs channel, the old link should use .htaccess to redirect users (give them a 301 instead of a 404)
15:06 < Qcoder00> The Labs has  Unicorn as a logo?
15:06 < Ironholds> yup
15:06 < Cyberpower678> Ironholds, prod what?
15:06 < Qcoder00> Ah yes Ironholds but as you are are 33rd level cabalist or above...
15:06 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:07 < Qcoder00> You know things the ordinary Wiki-peon doesn't
15:07 < Ironholds> Cyberpower678: 'the link at the bottom of the contribs page, would you like me to switch it over'
15:07 < Cyberpower678> Yes.
15:07 < Cyberpower678> All links should be switched over.
15:08 < Qcoder00> Ironholds:  I mean you know about the uber secret stuff...
15:08 < Ironholds> Grand! Now to find it ;p
15:08 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: yup.
15:09 < Cyberpower678> The RfX reporter link as well.
15:09 < Ironholds> aha, got it
15:09 < Ironholds> where should RfX point to?
15:09  * Qcoder00 suddenly has visions of Ironholds  in full robes,  sitting in front of a Hireachical chart
15:11 < Ironholds> Cyberpower678: new link fixed
15:11 < Ironholds> ack. added, rather.
15:11 < Ironholds> what RfX reporter link are you referring to, and where should it point to?
15:11 < Cyberpower678> Ironholds, in Template:Bureaucrat candidate change
15:12 -!- Carly|AFK [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:12 < Ironholds> gotcha
15:12 < addshore> It works cyber? :0
15:12 < Cyberpower678> yes.
15:12 < addshore> :-) :-) :-) :-)
15:12 < NotASpy> is now up and running properly (i.e can I update the link to it at WP:EDITCOUNTERS ?)
15:12 < addshore> Is it faster?
15:13 < ScientificAlan> This is getting boring
15:13 < Cyberpower678> I'm and very proud to announce that it works faster.
15:13 < Ironholds> Cyberpower678: done.
15:13 < addshore> Cyber, how ,much faster?
15:13 < Cyberpower678> NotASpy, yes.
15:13 < Ironholds> now that labs has got db replication I should probably get an account
15:13 < NotASpy> ScientificAlan: what is ?
15:13 -!- sherlock [~sherlock@] has left #wikipedia-en []
15:13 < ScientificAlan> there are always less things to do... XD
15:13 < Ironholds> people might cry if I keep running against production
15:13 < addshore> Also does this mean the limit for detailed contribs will be changed? :))
15:13 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:13 < JohnLewis> Ironholds: Did Coren finnaly finish his work? I would assume with rep.
15:13 < ScientificAlan> I'm looking for vandalism to revert, and like nothing is showing up
15:14 < Qcoder00> Is there a place to request stuff Labs shoud do?
15:14 < Qcoder00> I use CATSCAN
15:14 < addshore> Qcoder00, as in..?
15:14 < Qcoder00> Which is something else that should probably be migrated over
15:14 < NotASpy> ScientificAlan: loads of it out there, you're just not looking for it.
15:14 < Cyberpower678> The only thing that is still broken is wikidata as the database is incomplete.
15:14 < NotASpy> what's the interwiki linky thing for wmflabs ?
15:14 < Cyberpower678> d:
15:15 < Cyberpower678> NotASpy, ^
15:15 < addshore> To go to a tool? I'm not sure there is one
15:15 < addshore> Cyber d: is Wikidata...
15:15 < Cyberpower678> oh wait labs.  I gave you wikidata.
15:15  * Qcoder00 also has Visions of WMFLABS being like various Muppets Sketches
15:15 < addshore> Notaspy as in [[tools:~addshore]] ??
15:16 < NotASpy> addshore: yeah, that idea.
15:16 < addshore> I asked earlier hoping to find one but I'm not sure it has been done yet :)
15:16 < Koi> Cyberpower678: is there a tool/gadget for "What does this link to?"
15:16 < Koi> as in, to list all outbound links from an article?
15:16 < addshore> Perhaps bugzilla should be told of this need!
15:16 < Koi> addshore: you can answer too.
15:17 < Cyberpower678> Koi, external links? Yes there is.
15:17 < Koi> not external.
15:17 < Koi> internal.
15:17 < addshore> Ironholds just make an account on wiki tech and you'll get shell, then just request to be added to the tools project :-)
15:17 < ScientificAlan> Hey, tornado guy is here
15:18 < addshore> Koi, special:what links here? :p
15:18 < Cyberpower678> Koi, define outbound.
15:18 < Koi> addshore: backwards from that.
15:18 < Koi> Cyberpower678: From [[ARTICLE]] to [[OTHER]] [[ANOTHER]] and [[DUH]]
15:18 < Cyberpower678> Also yes.
15:18 < addshore> Koi, to find all wiki links on a page?
15:18 < addshore> :-)
15:18 < Koi> as in a list of all wikilinks in an article.
15:19 -!- Firefly67 [~Firefly67@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:19 < ScientificAlan> Nice job, you found caps lock. Turn it off.
15:19 < Cyberpower678> Koi, do you want to scan an article for the links or list all of them in existence?
15:19 < Theo10011> In Koi's defense, the guy is not making it simple to understand him.
15:19 -!- lbenedix1 is now known as lbenedix
15:19 < Koi> Cyberpower678: The guy wants it to list all wikilinks on a page.
15:20 < Cyberpower678> Give me a sec.
15:21 < Theo10011> There was some linker tool for this on exists
15:21 < Theo10011> but can't think of it
15:21 -!- LtNOWIS [] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:21 < Cyberpower678><urlencoded page name>
15:21 < LtNOWIS> I had a dream that one of our wiki articles was in very poor shape.
15:21 < GorillaWarfare> You can do it as an API request, Koi
15:21 < Koi> GorillaWarfare: He wants a Special:Something type HUMAN readable page.
15:22 < ScientificAlan> Well, goodbye people, I have nothing to do on here
15:22 < Swob> so the toolserver really is going down?
15:22 < Swob> bye Sci
15:22  * GorillaWarfare nods
15:22 < GorillaWarfare> I figured
15:22 < Cyberpower678> ScientificAlan, yep.
15:23 -!- ScientificAlan [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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15:25 < Ironholds> addshore: yeah, probably worth doing at some point. Seems...somewhat faffy.
15:25  * Ironholds needs to finish this refactoring so he can do some kreffing research already.
15:25 < IDoH> What are we talking about?
15:25 -!- personified [] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:25  * JustBerry doesn't really know.
15:25 < addshore> Not that faffy ;p used to be worse!
15:25 < JustBerry> Hey add
15:25  * Carly- sighs
15:26 < JustBerry> @_@
15:26 -!- Cyberpower678 [~Cyberpowe@wikipedia/Cyberpower678] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"]
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15:28 -!- batfan [6256d5c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
15:28 < Koi> er...
15:29 < IDoH> Yes, Koi?
15:29 < Koi> erm.
15:29 -!- BadDesign [~quassel@unaffiliated/baddesign] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:30 < dtm_> k
15:30 < IDoH> Koi, you seem to be cluttering your speech a lot lately. ;-)
15:31 < Koi> erm.
15:31  * Carly- sighs
15:31 < IDoH> Oh, c'mon. Spit it out.
15:31 < addshore> Drunk Koi
15:31 < Koi> addshore: drunk0rz
15:31 < Koi> addshore: wat is wrng with drunk0rz
15:31 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:32 < addshore> i didnt say there was anything wrong!
15:32 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:34 < dtm_> see, this is how you get erms, people!  >:/
15:34 < IDoH> Ha ha. From koi?
15:34 < Koi> addshore: you're like always drunk so stfu :#
15:37 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:38 < addshore> :0
15:38 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:40 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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15:44 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:45 < Bradford> :-*
15:46 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en
15:53 < dtm_> this was mentioned in here earlier, so i edited a bit, and now it's been blowing up today in a good way
15:53 < dtm_> someone really went to town on it
15:53 < dtm_> and there's a good discussion at the heart of wikipedianess, on the Talk page
15:55 < Swob> wow more deadly tornadoes in Oklahoma
15:55 < Swob> they werent kidding
15:59 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving]
16:00 < dtm_> :-[
16:01 < dtm_> Swob:
16:01 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:02 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
16:03 < Swob> i have never seen a tornado
16:04 -!- addshore is now known as addsleep
16:04 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has quit [Quit: GabrielF]
16:05 < dtm_> Swob: that's not a bad thing
16:05 < dtm_> you can watch em on youtube all day long
16:07 < Swob> i remember when i was 6 years old or so I was afraid of tornadoes
16:07 < Swob> i literally had to say out loud "if there's a parent, there's no tornado"
16:07 < Swob> to make myself feel comofrtable
16:07 < Swob> but tornadoes basically never occur where I was living then
16:07 < dtm_> Swob: that's nice.
16:08 < GorillaWarfare> Aw :3
16:08 < dtm_> what area were you living in
16:08 < dtm_> what state
16:08 < dtm_> or whatever
16:08 < Swob> north shore of Massachusetts
16:08 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:08 < dtm_> did you ever get hurricanes?  nor'easters?
16:08 < dtm_> we were in maine in summer 2011 for that one
16:08 < dtm_> so we got the tail of it
16:09 < Swob> plenty of nor'easters, probably one every year. No seriously dangerous hurricanes, but we can get lots of rain from them
16:09 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:09 -!- FunPika is now known as FunPika|Away
16:09 < dtm_> 2011 and 2012 were serious in massachusetts though huh
16:09 -!- HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYA [uid11795@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
16:11 < Swob> I dont know, I wasnt there then
16:12 -!- albel727_ [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en
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16:15 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:15 < GorillaWarfare> dtm_: I was
16:16 < GorillaWarfare> Also, I'm constantly surprised at how many people on these chans are from/have lived in Maine
16:16 < GorillaWarfare> Must be the boredom leads to pasttimes like Wikipedia editing
16:16 < Guerillero> lol
16:16 < Guerillero> I miss acadia
16:16 < GorillaWarfare> Acadia is delightful
16:18 < dtm_> correct.
16:20 < SigmaWP> Cascadia is delightful too!
16:20  * SigmaWP shoots a pistol in the air and a bunch of gray-shirted thugs burst into the channel
16:20 < dtm_> !!!!!!!
16:22 < Ironholds> guys are weird
16:22 < dtm_> correct.
16:22 -!- JustBerry [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/justberry] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
16:24  * Demiurge1000 too.
16:24 < dtm_> k
16:24 < dtm_> noted.
16:25 -!- JustBerry [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/justberry] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:28 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|dinner
16:29 -!- JustBerry is now known as JustBerry|away
16:30 < Fleet|mobile> Hi Swob
16:31 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:33 < mareklug> GorillaWarfare Swob Guerillero Fleet|mobile Acadia is delightful, especially for music, food, and scenery, but the best part of Acadia is Cape Breton, New Scotia
16:34 < IDoH> Where's Acadia?
16:34 < mareklug>
16:34 < dtm_> it's not *there*!  it's a national park on an island in maine
16:35 < dtm_> that must be some kind of fake acadia!
16:35 < Fleet|mobile> mareklug: why ping me lol
16:35 < mareklug>
16:35 < Fleet|mobile> I live near Acadia....I don't want to visit
16:35 < mareklug> Fleet|mobile you are a Maine border runner, so vaguely on topic
16:36 < Fleet|mobile> lol
16:36 < dtm_> so that's how he knows that it's none of those things?
16:37 < Fleet|mobile> WP:OR
16:38 < dtm_> WP:LOL
16:38 < dtm_> ;]
16:42 < Fierce> Fleet|mobile: i'm a border runner as well :)
16:43 < Fleet|mobile> Fierce: shhhhh....don't say that too loud
16:45 < mareklug> Fleet|mobile Fierce can't help himself.  He farts on the channel, etc.  No one would wanna run any border with him in the same truck cab.
16:45 < Fleet|mobile> lol
16:45  * IDoH put Fierce on /ignore
16:46 -!- JustBerry|away [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/justberry] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
16:46 < Swob> oh thats CrackyWacky
16:47 < dtm_> let's not have it come to that, friends.
16:47 < IDoH> Yeah, Swob, Fierce is Crackywacky
16:47 < IDoH> dtm_: Come to what?
16:47 < Fierce> IDoH: lol
16:48 < mareklug> Swob tell us more about this CrackyWacky
16:50 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:51 -!- sdamashek|dinner is now known as sdamashek
16:51 < dtm_> sounds good
16:51 < mareklug> <silence falls on the channel, as Swob refuses to divulge incriminating information about CrackyWacky…>
16:51  * Fierce pokes mareklug
16:51 < dtm_> IDoH: come to /ignore !
16:51 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en
16:51 < Fleet|mobile> lol
16:51 < mareklug> Fierce I am not a pig fit for your poke.
16:52 -!- Fierce is now known as CrackyWacky
16:52  * CrackyWacky kills mareklug and puts him in a smoke house
16:52  * IDoH uses /ignore, dtm_
16:52 < mareklug> CrackyWacky you CrackyWacky me.
16:53 < Swob> hey I didnt know Lucca from Chrono Trigger had a last name
16:53 < Swob> is she the only one who does?
16:56 -!- Pink|away is now known as PinkAmpersand
16:56 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:57 < Cncmaster> IDoH: what did he do now?
16:57 < dtm_> hi
16:58 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Quit: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you]
17:01 < IDoH> He's annoying mareklug, Cncmaster
17:01 < mareklug> is he derp?
17:01 < IDoH> Derp troll.
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17:07 < Demiurge1000> It seems that the only person who ever tried to take me to arbcom has now been arrested. (Not, I hope, as a result.) I continue to monitor for probable imminent BLP violations!
17:07 -!- ScientificAlan [b839db37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:09 < Swob> whoa
17:09 < ScientificAlan> Whoa what?
17:09 < Jasper_Deng> Demiurge1000: I need to attach my name to the following law - "Given a sufficiently diverse group of people, the more you alienate them, the more likely you'll make radical enemies, and the more radical those enemies will be."
17:10 < Revent> The wonders of disclosing your real life identity
17:10 < Demiurge1000> The main BLP violation right now seems to be against her own husband, though :S
17:10 < Demiurge1000> Jasper_Deng: should that read "the more you'll alienate them", not "the more you alienate them" ?
17:11 < ScientificAlan> ummm... read again... XD
17:11 < Jasper_Deng> The fact that some people call for the death of a politician is an illustration of this law.
17:11 < Jasper_Deng> because the politician is opposed by so many people of so many different backgrounds.
17:11 < Demiurge1000> So they're trying to alienate the politician in order to make enemies? :)
17:12 < Jasper_Deng> it doesn't have to be a politician
17:12 < Demiurge1000> OK, but isn't the solution just not to alienate people?
17:12 < Jasper_Deng> yes
17:12 < Jasper_Deng> but, if you make controversy, that's guaranteed
17:12 < Demiurge1000> OK.
17:15  * ScientificAlan is bored
17:18 < Revent> Are you sure you're not talking about <- this woman? (lol)
17:19 < Demiurge1000> No, unless the lady in question has substantially changed her appearance.
17:20 < dtm_> ScientificAlan: well.  there's this web site where they let you write stuff
17:20 < dtm_> or play with pictures and stuff
17:20 < dtm_> draw graphs.
17:20 < dtm_> what do you think about that, honey?
17:22 < dtm_> mareklug: no i haven't used Sheepshaver btw.  i've read all about it a hundred times.  of course, we all know that an emulated guest, on a host that's 1000x faster, couldn't *possibly* be a hundred times faster than the original.
17:23 < Revent> Demiurge1000: (snickers) Yeah, that was just an excuse to link of the "42 people you won't beleive exist" lol.
17:23 < Revent> *one of*
17:23 < mareklug> dtm_ I am right now trying to get MacOS 9 to happen on sheepshaver on my iMac.  I have everything in place but obviously not patched correctly just yet.
17:24 -!- PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|atthemovies
17:25 < dtm_> mareklug: well done sir
17:25 < dtm_> mareklug: is this on a linux host?
17:25 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:25 < mareklug> no, on iMac directly, Mountain Lion 8.3
17:25 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
17:25 < dtm_> mareklug: oh.  i assumed magically that it was an old imac ;)
17:26 -!- enhydra [kalan@wikimedia/Kalan] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
17:26 < mareklug> it is an old decrepid, build-to-order fastest available bestest …early 2009 bigscreen.
17:26 < mareklug> with 8GB of ram
17:27 < mareklug> and 3.06GHz Core 2 Duo CPU
17:27 < dtm_> decrepit *already*?  cmon.
17:27 < mareklug> :)
17:27 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
17:28 -!- TheLordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
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17:32 < Theopolisme>
17:32 < Theopolisme> I had NO idea it didn't allow templates
17:32 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en []
17:32 < Theopolisme> WMF, way to hide that in an obscure liquid thread somewhere
17:33 < Theopolisme> jorm: ^^
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17:50  * CrackyWacky will probably order the next macbook pro
17:50 < dtm_> okay.
17:50 < dtm_> mareklug: did you get that sheep shaven
17:50 < dtm_> yet
17:52 -!- JustBerry|away [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/justberry] has joined #wikipedia-en
17:52 < mareklug> yes, just now.  I cheated the fucker and ran it as root in terminal to get around the known limitation of it not accepting physical CDs in Mountain Lion.  Then I had to think hard when it said it could not open ROM file…. so I copied it from where I was told to put it to the very subdirectory where I was sudoing the binary…  And it started.  As I only have an 8.5 install disk (it came with my PDQ in 1998) I used that.  Hey hey.  Am I a hack
17:52 < mareklug>  or not.
17:54 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
17:55 -!- JustBerry|away is now known as JustBerry
17:58 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:58 < dtm_> mareklug: u r hackar.
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18:08 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
18:11 < mareklug> dtm_ not there yet.  it refused to initialize my "disk" claiming it is locked.  It must be a side effect of starting as root from the subdirectory.  I now have to somehow mount the disk to be initialized or any other disk image the thing will agree to install on.
18:14 < mareklug> first I will try to create a simple dmg out of my install disk and see if I can go that way.
18:15 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
18:19 < Swob> so apparently now charges sales tax
18:19 < Swob> they lost the fight in Congress
18:19 < mareklug> as of today?
18:19 < JustBerry> Swob: Haven't they always?
18:19 < Swob> only in some states and/or countries
18:19 < mareklug> no they never did
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18:20 < Swob> most of the USA was exempt until recently
18:20 < Swob> and Canada
18:20 < Swob> in Canada they snuck through a loophole
18:20 < Swob> something about putting their Canadian warehouses in the USA
18:20 < jakr> I just read that wikipedia actually does not need donations and that money is going to fat salaries
18:20 < jakr>
18:21 < Swob> I dont know why that would make taxes lower but it did
18:21 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
18:21 < Swob> or maybe it was just that they were pulling an Apple and avoiding paying corporate income taxes to Canada
18:22 < mareklug> Swob you sure ur news is correct and not premature?
18:22 < Swob> i just copied it from another IRC channel
18:22 < Swob> also I rwemember getting an email from eBay pleading for me to sign a petition telling Congress to exempt eBay from the new tax
18:23 < Swob> they were OK with Amazon, etc, having to pay
18:23 < Swob> just not themselves
18:23 < Swob> eBay';s argument was because theyre not the ones doing the selling their transactions can qualify as "small business" transactions
18:27 -!- jztech101_ [] has quit [Quit: Hmm... What to do now?]
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18:30 < mareklug> Swob nothing in the news that this actually happened.
18:30 < mareklug> dtm_ Swob
18:31 < Swob> SheepShaver is an open source PowerPC Apple Macintosh emulator originally
18:31 < Swob> designed for BeOS and Linux.
18:31 < Swob> huh??
18:31 < Swob> youre running an emulator?
18:32 < Swob> i thought you were reviving an old Mac from the late 90s
18:32 < Swob> also, interesting name
18:37 < mareklug> Swob I am doing all sorts of things.  I am reviving (already have revived one) Mac IIci boxen from 1989; I am sprucing up a Powerbook 3400c from 1987; I have acquired a companion Powerbook 1998 G3 Series Wallstreet II PDQ 233MHz for my originally bought and now triple-boot 300 MHz (Mac Os 9.2.2/Mac OS X 10.2.8/Debian 6.0.6 -- booted right now into Debian and mounting the Mac disk partitions, both SCSI and IDA on its desktop); running Appletalk
18:37 < mareklug>  over Ethernet among all the System 7/8/9 machines; configuring ancient Netgear hardware switches/firewalls that I obtained for a song at eBay… and now running Mac Os 8.5 successfully under emulation (SheepShaver) on my early 2009 24" 3.06 GHz iMac.
18:44 < mareklug> Swob dtm_  I am forced to use IE 4.01 :)
18:48 -!- Patar_knight [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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18:50 < Swob> ok
18:50 < Swob> IE4 was nice
18:50 -!- roo [~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
18:50 < Swob> there are some ideas in IE4 that still havent resurfaced
18:50 < Swob> i.e. making the desktop a dynamic web page
18:51 < Swob> it was a security problem so they took it out and never brought it back, even for very careful users
18:52 < Swob> i think Win95 also allowed webpages to run executable code without asking for permission
18:52 < Swob> e.g. you could make a webpage that automatically launches the shutdown program in the C:\WINDOWS\ folder
18:52 < mareklug> Swob it's ok, except it script-errors on nearly every page.  but it allowed me to google and it allowed me to download iCab 3.05
18:52 -!- Willking1979 [williamcar@wikipedia/willking1979] has joined #wikipedia-en
18:53 < Swob> so basically you have four Macs running now?
18:53 < Swob> of which three are quite old and the other one is running an ISO of an old-Mac OS
18:54 < Swob> i remember ordering a really ancient computer from Wyoming
18:55 < Swob> it was of the pre-Win95 era when you could still go to town on video games by pumping up your system with lots of RAM and hard drive space but not using Windows
18:55 < Swob> Win95 basically brought an end to using DOS for full screen immersion in video ogames
18:55 < mareklug> Swob it is not an ISO (never was -- it was a DMG of a physical Mac OS 8.5 installation disk that came in a disk booklet with my 1998 Wallstreet II PDQ 300 MHz, that is now running Mac OS 9.2.2/Mac OS X 10.2.8/Debian 6.0.6)
18:56 < mareklug> Swob right now I am running Mac OS 8.5 already installed, in emulatioin, on the 2009 physical hardware.
18:56 < Swob> so yeah, four Macs, right?
18:56 < Swob> Marek "Mac" Lugowski
18:57 -!- Willking1979 [williamcar@wikipedia/willking1979] has quit []
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18:58 < mareklug> well…. in Chicago I now have, up and running:  a PDQ 233MHz (the $91 purchase complete with M$ Office 2001, Photoshop 7, Adobe Illustrator 10, and Mac OS 9.2.2 installed, to name the most important), the aforementioned "flagship" PDQ 300 MHz triple-boot, a 3400c Powerbook with Mac OS 8.1, and a Mac IIci with Mac OS 7.5.5 and two Ethernet cards installed and working at once, one being the Asante Fast Internet 100/10T card that retails now for
18:58 < mareklug>  180-240 bucks and which I found in my dead IIci.
18:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug in 48 provinces over 90 protests leading to 939 arrests between 28 may and 31 may
18:58 < mareklug> and the iPod touch 4th Generation, which is also a computer after all.
18:59 < mareklug> and of course my physical 2009 iMac that I am typing on.
18:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> am I cruel to think that it isnt over 9000?
19:00 < mareklug> Swob so that's 6 running, 1 being resurrected (IIci, awaiting PRAM battery) and one dead as a doornail for now (Mac IIcx, my first computer)
19:01 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
19:01 < Swob> Apple has lost $280000000000 in the last 9 months
19:02 < mareklug> no, that's Apple shareholders.  Apple has made a lot more than that.
19:02 < Swob> even so, thats over $1 billion a day
19:03 < Swob> those shareholders must be pretty angry
19:03 < mareklug> yes, but it is the world's most capitalized company, larger than the oil companies.  And it is a funny money metric.
19:03 < Swob> there cant be very many of them
19:03 < mareklug> considering that the stock topped out at 702 and trades now at 430, sure.  But I take the long view.
19:07 < Swob> Apple failed to invent a pair of glasses that can identify everyone around you by facial recognition
19:08 -!- jorgeluis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Killiondude] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:08 < Swob> they just said "glasses arent cool" while all the Googlers were busy scanning the crowd for new people to meet
19:08 -!- JustBerry is now known as JustBerry|away
19:08 < mareklug> Swob on another topic dear to your Maine heart, Whole Foods nationally had a one day sale on ORGANIC blueberries (never had those), so I went in to this den of iniquity and bought some at $1.84 a pint (they charge 2.25% tax on food in Chicago, those criminals)
19:08 -!- LtNOWIS [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
19:08 < Swob> my new apartment is like 50 feet from Whole Foods
19:08 < Swob> i'll pribabkly never buy anything there
19:09 -!- JustBerry|away is now known as JustBerry
19:09 < Swob> everyone says theyre espensuive
19:09 < jorgeluis> whole foods is kind of gross.
19:09 < jorgeluis> and expensive, yes
19:09 -!- Mono [uid1187@wikimedia/mono] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
19:09 < Swob> there's a Hannaford a little bit further down (everyone here's favorite supermarket is Hannaford)
19:09 < mareklug> well they are ridiculously expensive and snobby, but I ask you, can you get blueberries of any kind at 1 pint for 1.84?
19:09 < Swob> I dont eat blueberries lol. youre just stereotyping
19:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
19:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> breaking news?
19:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how about gassed news?
19:10 < jorgeluis> yes
19:10 < jorgeluis> :-|
19:10 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
19:10 < mareklug> jorgeluis yes to what?  gassed turks or blues for 1.84 a pint?
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19:11 < jorgeluis> mareklug: turks
19:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I dont think turks mind being gassed, I think it should be an addiction for them now :p
19:13 < mareklug> there should be an important hockey game I am missing....
19:13 < Swob> act'y i should check that
19:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oklohoma had one canceled
19:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> well more like schedueled a day later
19:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which lead to another one being pushed a day
19:15 < Swob> Whole Foods isnt that close
19:15 < Swob> it must just look that way
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19:17  * ToAruShiroiNeko tosses a pink pepper spray canister under mareklug's chair
19:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "in case of emergency, pull the pin"
19:19 -!- pakaran_ is now known as pakaran
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19:19 < jorgeluis> hi pakaran.
19:20 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
19:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug should I toss tear gas whenever I see turkish people?
19:21 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
19:22 < jorgeluis> racial profiling
19:23 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:23 < Demiurge1000> !link [[racial profiling]]
19:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Demiurge1000 I am not remotely radical
19:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> It just seems like a good way to say hello to them.
19:24 < Swob> toaru hates turks
19:24 < a930913> So, does anybody want to pre alpha test WAVE? :p
19:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> D:
19:25 < a930913> You can load and revert atm.
19:25 < Demiurge1000> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm glad to hear that you're not radical.
19:25 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
19:26  * a930913 radicalises Demiurge1000.
19:26 < Swob> whats WAVE?
19:26 < Swob> a new huggle?
19:26 < jorgeluis> radicalizes *
19:26  * jorgeluis gives a930913 a cookie.
19:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> omg Demiurge1000 is radicalised
19:26 < a930913> Swob: Web Anti Vandal Engine.
19:26 < pakaran> jorgeluis, hi :)
19:26 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: i read that as racist through that whole convorsation.
19:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was more of a monolouge tho
19:27 < a930913> jorgeluis: No, I was quite correct. ;)
19:27  * Demiurge1000 read "convosation" as "convosation".
19:27 < a930913> Swob: But yeah, a huggle/STiki in your browser is the idea.
19:28  * ToAruShiroiNeko pretends to be a racist
19:28 < jorgeluis> convorsation *
19:28 < jorgeluis> Demiurge1000: you missed an r
19:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what do racists normally do? Hmm...
19:28 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:28 < Demiurge1000> They rrrrrrrrrrrol their r's.
19:28  * ToAruShiroiNeko chucks tear gas on self...
19:28 < jorgeluis> ToAruShiroiNeko: well, there's usually prejudice involved
19:28 < jorgeluis> and singling out of ethnic groups
19:28 < Swob> rrrrrrrammstein
19:28 < jorgeluis> sometimes violence
19:28 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@2001:d98:b004:8:6d0a:dfed:7f5f:fdf6] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:28 < jorgeluis> generally just ill-will
19:29 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: Just pick a type of person to hate irrationally ;)
19:29 -!- funnyfarm299 [~funnyfarm@wikipedia/Funnyfarmofdoom] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
19:29 < Demiurge1000> ToAruShiroiNeko: Yeah, do what he said!
19:29 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorgeluis sure but clearly turkish government communicates with its people in morse code using tear gas canisters
19:29 < a930913> And then rationalise with yourself the reason why you hate them.
19:30 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:30 < a930913> Like Jews having more money than you/controlling the media/drinking your blood etc.
19:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Can I hate rubber duckies?
19:30 < jorgeluis> We're a tiny bit racist.
19:30 < jorgeluis> *all
19:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what would be an irrational hate towards rubber duckies?
19:31 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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19:31 < jorgeluis> they have a constant smirk
19:31 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: They eat all your food.
19:32 < mareklug> !link
19:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> United%20States??
19:33 < jorgeluis> you just gave a link
19:33 < mareklug> hmm, did not quite work for me, but my client handled the wiki marku[
19:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 20% american?
19:33 < mareklug> so why did it work for Demiurge1000 ?
19:33 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: 20% = " " in URL encode.
19:34 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
19:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 GASP, you dont say?!
19:34 < jorgeluis> it didn't work for Demiurge1000
19:34 < jorgeluis> there are no link bots in here
19:34 < Demiurge1000> jorgeluis: eh?
19:34 < jorgeluis>
19:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I just use code for [[ ]] linkage mareklug
19:34 < jorgeluis> [19:23]	Demiurge1000	!link [[racial profiling]]
19:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a client side script
19:35 < Demiurge1000> A lemon!
19:35 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: You were making yourself look *special* ;)
19:35  * ToAruShiroiNeko proposes an 8ball bot in here
19:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 I am special with the lack of tear gas I inhaled probably
19:35 -!- JustBerry is now known as JustBerry|away
19:35 < Theopolisme> ToAruShiroiNeko: you'd scare off a lot of idlers with that 8 ball, that's for sure
19:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I would shake the 8ball to ask that
19:36 -!- whalinonyou [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:36 < Theopolisme> -_-
19:36 -!- whalinonyou [] has quit [Client Quit]
19:37 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Quit: Good night, and good luck.]
19:37 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
19:37 < a930913> Theopolisme: You any good at JS?
19:37  * Theopolisme explodes
19:37 < Theopolisme> I feel so guilty
19:38 < Theopolisme> See bottom of VPT
19:38 < Theopolisme> I was too lazy to learn it, so now I keep having to apologize people for not knowing--
19:38 < jorgeluis> I forgive you.
19:38 < jorgeluis> Go ye and sin no more.
19:38 < Theopolisme> <3
19:38  * ToAruShiroiNeko tosses a tear gas
19:38 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:38 < jorgeluis> omg revent uses irc, too?!
19:38 -!- tuprincipe [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:39 < jorgeluis> there's, like, new blood.
19:39 < Revent> *lols* Yup.
19:39 < jorgeluis> tuprincipe: Hola.
19:39 -!- JustBerry|away is now known as JustBerry
19:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorgeluis everyone noteworthy comes to IRC
19:39 < tuprincipe> hola
19:39 -!- Theopolisme is now known as theo|bingewatchi
19:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which is why barack obama is non-notable. He would be if he came to #wikipedia-en
19:39 -!- theo|bingewatchi is now known as theo|tv
19:39 < Revent> Just out of curiousity, which of my indiscretions do you know me for? :P
19:40 < jorgeluis> I'm Killiondude.
19:40 < Revent> *aahs*
19:40 < jorgeluis> :)
19:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he is a killion of dudes
19:40 < jorgeluis>
19:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how many is a killion?
19:40 < jorgeluis> a million millions
19:41 < theo|tv> ToAruShiroiNeko: tooooo logical...*explodes again*
19:41 < Revent> (notes that it was never his intention to 'pick a fight' with the most prolific non-bot editor on just....happened) :)
19:41 < jorgeluis> Hopefully I'm not prolific. I'm antilific if anything.
19:41 < Swob> hi theo
19:41 -!- tuprincipe [] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:42 < theo|tv> heyya Swob
19:42 < theo|tv> Just watching tv for the first time in a year or so
19:42 < theo|tv> I can't concentrate on it, though...probably cause the show is crap :p
19:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> <-- CNN is not gas proof
19:43 < jorgeluis> for those interested.
19:43 < theo|tv> jorgeluis: don't get me started...
19:43 < Swob> how come you got a TV
19:44 < theo|tv> Internet streaming ftw...I guess netflix isn't tv, but it sounds like it
19:44 < Swob> ok
19:44 < Swob> I hate Flow btw
19:44 < jorgeluis> ARE YOU WATCHING ARRESTED
19:44 < Swob> count me in as one of the naysayers
19:44 < theo|tv> Everybody hates Flow
19:44 < jorgeluis> theo did you click my link in the discussion!?
19:44 < theo|tv> jorgeluis: yes...i can't stand it (arrested)
19:45 < jorgeluis> theo|tv: I forgive you. :(
19:45 < jorgeluis> Begrudgingly.
19:45 < jorgeluis> Wait, altogether or the new season?
19:45 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:45 < theo|tv> I started on season 1 last night because i had an audition today
19:45 < theo|tv> Netflix "recommended it"
19:45 < theo|tv> I just needed to clear my mind...
19:45 -!- pakaran [~pakaran@wikipedia/pakaran] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
19:46 < theo|tv> So I fell asleep with the most annoying voices ever having various petty problems. Once you've seen seinfeld...nothing really compares
19:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> theo|tv how about tear gas? :)
19:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if they dnt hire you just drop one >:D
19:46 < jorgeluis> Well, I enjoyed Seinfeld. This is like the offspring. I really enjoy it.
19:46 < jorgeluis> but to each his own
19:47 < theo|tv> I don't think it's up to the same caliber
19:47 -!- Warlord [~Warlord@unaffiliated/warlord] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:47 < theo|tv> Seinfeld was 60% comedy and 40% soap opera...this is almost like that reversed
19:47 < Swob> hi
19:47 < theo|tv> And that 20% makes a big difference for me, I've realized
19:47 < Swob> Seinfeld is the last TV show I ever watched as a teenager
19:48 < Swob> befoer giving up TV entirely
19:48 < Swob> but, i came back as a young adult to watch a few more Seinfeld-like sitcoms
19:48 < theo|tv> Seinfeld is the only tv show i ever watched as a teenager -.-
19:48 < Swob> cool
19:48 < Swob> we're buddies
19:48  * theo|tv high-fives Swob
19:48 < jorgeluis> I wasn't a teenager yet.
19:49 < jorgeluis> :P
19:49 < Swob> now lets go work on our fork of Wikipedia
19:49 < Swob> i'll copy the A through M articles over, you get N through Z and hte numbers
19:49 -!- Bradford is now known as Bradford-Laptop
19:49 < theo|tv> Sounds like a plan ;)
19:49 < jorgeluis> this sounds like a new concept
19:50 < theo|tv> jorgeluis: it's out "we-hate-the-crap-out-of-flow" protest
19:50 < theo|tv> **our
19:50 < jorgeluis> ahh.
19:50 < jorgeluis> Well, I think the more we gripe NOW, the more it is likely to morph into something that's more usable.
19:50 < theo|tv> I agree, definitely
19:50 < SigmaWP>
19:52 -!- tuprincipe1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:52 < a930913> Here's an idea. A mirror of wikipedia that retains the best revision. So if a GA falls spectacularly, the mirror still displays the GA version.
19:53 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
19:53 -!- Adrianzo [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:53 < theo|tv> a930913: not bad
19:53 -!- IShadowed__ is now known as IShadowed
19:54 < theo|tv> xD
19:54 -!- tuprincipe1 [] has left #wikipedia-en []
19:54 < theo|tv> dammit
19:54 < jorgeluis> i think you're on to something
19:54 < theo|tv> WMF got it already
19:54 < jorgeluis> or just on something
19:55 < theo|tv> SigmaWP: +1
19:55 < Swob> we could cough up $100K and buy wiki.pedia
19:55 < theo|tv> kickstarter!
19:56 < jorgeluis> heh.
19:57 < theo|tv> wikiped.ia?
19:57 < jorgeluis> wikipedia might be trademarked
19:57 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en
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19:57 < theo|tv> "might be"
19:58 < Revent> "Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization." From the bottom of every WP page. (lol)
19:58 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en
19:58 -!- GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|League
19:59 < jorgeluis> Revent is at it again! stirring up trouble!
19:59 < Revent> :P
19:59 -!- tuprincipe [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:00 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
20:00 < theo|tv> Swob:
20:01 < mareklug> weee…. chicago won game 1 with Los Angeles (hockey)
20:01 < theo|tv> For now it's back to arrested development...jorgeluis, it's kind of growing on me
20:02 -!- Chenzw_ [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:02 < jorgeluis> theo|tv: They had me from the first 5 minutes of the first episode when the gays were chanting "We're here, we're queer, and we wanna get married on the ocean!"
20:02 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
20:02 < jorgeluis> And lucille said she wanted to light herself on fire because the gays were so flamboyant
20:02 -!- Chenzw_ is now known as Chenzw
20:03 < theo|tv> Haha, let me binge watch tonight and I can analyze it with you tomorrow ;)
20:03 < jorgeluis> :)
20:03 < jorgeluis> theo|tv: ;-)
20:03 < jorgeluis> (i lol'd)
20:04 < Swob>
20:04 < Swob> "Chicago Sun-Times Fires Photo Staff, Will Train Reporters to Use iPhones For Photos"
20:04 < Swob> marek is this your doing?
20:05 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:05 < jorgeluis> iPhones don't have /that/ great of cameras :(
20:05 < Swob> im sure phillippe has seen the discussion on meta
20:08 < Demiurge1000> like mouldy cheese!
20:09 < JustBerry> What happened :o
20:09 < Demiurge1000> Somebody set us up the bomb.
20:09 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
20:09 < JustBerry> lol
20:09 < jorgeluis> Demiurge1000 is always there with a cheesy meme. <3
20:09 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
20:09 -!- Swarlley [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:09 < Demiurge1000> nom nom nom.
20:10 -!- LtNOWIS-mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:10 < mareklug> Demiurge1000 what do I need to do to make wu-ftpd simply run in Debian?
20:10 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
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20:11 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas
20:11 -!- Bradford-Laptop [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
20:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug you got your cables?
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20:25 < Matthew_> Has anyone here ever tagged anything for CSD on es.wp?
20:25 < Revent> *raises hand*
20:25 < Swarlley> Matthew_: yes
20:25 < Revent> Wait, es...misread
20:25 < jorgeluis> the eswpdians know english
20:25 < jorgeluis> you can also ask in -es
20:25 < Matthew_> jorgeluis: Thanks for the suggestion.  I do know some spanish, I'm just not sure the proper one to use :/
20:26 < jorgeluis> :) #wikipedia-es
20:26 < Matthew_> Thanks :)
20:26 < Swarlley> Matthew_: link the page?
20:26 < Matthew_> Swarlley:
20:27 < Matthew_> User request in own userspace, per an OTRS ticket
20:27 < Revent> Hmms..this might be amusing....guess the article... Wikiprojects "Computing/Software, Free Software, Microsoft/.NET, Linux, Apple/Macintosh"....*chuckle*
20:28 < Matthew_> Swarlley: if you have OTRS access...
20:28 < Swarlley> Matthew_: I don't, but i might apply when school's out
20:28 -!- TheLordOfTime [LordOfTime@ubuntu/member/lordoftime] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:28 < Swarlley> and I can actually help :-)
20:28 < Matthew_> Swarlley: Fair enough, sounds like a plan.
20:28 < Matthew_> You can?  Awesome! :)
20:29 < Matthew_> (I've been sitting on this ticket for a week :/ :P )
20:29 < Swarlley> mostly with permissions tbh
20:29 < Swarlley> with images and crap
20:29 -!- jorgeluis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Killiondude] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
20:29 < Matthew_> Heh, me too.  That's some fun stuff :)
20:29 < Swarlley> hello hello hello hello hello hell-oh
20:29 < Swarlley> ^ what song
20:30 -!- Demiurge1000 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
20:31 < SigmaWP> Hello.
20:31 < Swarlley> SigmaWP: smells like teen spirit
20:32 < Revent> (In case anyone actually care, that article was "MonoDevelop")
20:32 < Swarlley> Revent: vote for pedro
20:33 < Revent> *lol*
20:33 < Matthew_> Swarlley: I found it :)
20:33 < Swarlley> Matthew_: found what? o_O
20:34 < Swarlley> jesus?
20:34 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:34 < Matthew_> Swarlley: The CSD criteria on the Spanish Wikipedia :P
20:34 < Matthew_> No, nothing /that/ special
20:34 < Swarlley> oh.
20:34 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:35 < Revent> (is in the middle of the 'somewhat tedious' task of 'assigning' all the articles from the defunct .net WikiProject to the task force of WP Microsoft, adding WP Computing/Software,'s positively enthralling, I tell you....
20:35 < Matthew_> Revent: AWB??
20:36 < Revent> Nope.... I'm using an 'assessment' gadget, but I can't run AWB.
20:36 < Matthew_> Awwwww :/
20:36 < Revent> It wouldn't help much, to be honest, since I'm actually skimming the articles to pick out the free software and stuff.
20:37 < Revent> Wouldn't speed things up, just less clicks.
20:37 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en
20:37 < Revent> Someday I'll figure out how to install AWB on this system, but it will suck...
20:38 < Matthew_> Revent: What are you using?
20:39 < Revent> It's a 'custom compiled' Gentoo Linux (using SMP, PREEMPT, and march=core, so I'm not 'ABI-compatible' with pre-compiled stuff)
20:39 < Matthew_> Ah.  Yeah, I could see why
20:40 < Revent> "generic" kernels don't use the hyperthreading features of this cpu...
20:42 -!- Beria_ [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
20:42 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
20:42 < Revent> Plus I use 'icedTea' instead of a non-free Java, so quite a few of the 'tools' are buggy for me...
20:43 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat]
20:44 -!- Bradford-Laptop is now known as Bradford
20:44 -!- Bradford [kvirc@] has quit [Changing host]
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20:46 < Revent> Anyone know if there's a more specific 'place' for programming languages other than just 'computer science'?
20:47 < mareklug> the new term is informatics
20:47 < mareklug> schools are changing department names to school of informatics, see Indiana University at Bloomington
20:47 < Revent> *lols* I mean "WikiProject"-wise.. :P
20:48 < mareklug> Revent so who knows.  there could be a new Informatics wikiproject any new york hot minute now...
20:48 < Revent> True...
20:49 -!- ihaveamac [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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20:49 -!- JustBerry|away is now known as JustBerry
20:52 -!- Pink|atthemovies is now known as PinkAmpersand
20:54 < jorm> Theopolisme: Nothing has been buried, nothing has been hidden, and I resent the implication.
20:55 < jorm> and not here.  so that's fun.
20:57 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:00 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|sleep
21:01 < mareklug> jorm maybe you can help me out.  Running Debian 6.0.6 and installed ftpd package via apt-get.  Except find did not find any ftpd afterward, only a share subdirectory and a man page.  So I went for wu-ftpd, and that at least instaleld the deamon itself.  But when I launch it:  wu-ftpd -s  or in any other way, it just exists, as ps aux shows there is nothing ftp* running only the grep ftp….  what gives.
21:02 < mareklug> just exits *
21:02 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away
21:03 < jorm> first, why in hell are you running ftpd?
21:03 < jorm> are you wanting to get owned?
21:03 < jorm> because that's going to happen with wu-ftpd especially.
21:03 < mareklug> because I need to communicate from within an emulator running Mac OS 8.5 :)
21:03 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ
21:03 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bbo *!* *!* eir] by eir
21:03 < jorm> try sftpd
21:03 < jorm> err, sftp
21:04 < jorm> and make sure sshd is running.
21:04 < mareklug> but there is no sftp client on Mac OS 8.5 for secure ftp
21:04 < jorm> did you try "service start ftpd" ?
21:04 < mareklug> or sshd for that matter
21:04 -!- sdamashek|sleep [~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9] has quit [Quit: leaving]
21:04 -!- GW|League is now known as GorillaWarfare
21:04 < mareklug> no I did not do that
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21:04 < jorm> hrm.  so, i don't know the answer offhand, but i think that your thing probably isn't configured and won't start.
21:04 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|sleep
21:04 < jorm> because it's a SERIOUS security hole.
21:05 < jorm> you'll want to chroot it.
21:05 < jorm> "service start ftpd" should tell you, or start it up.
21:05 < jorm> it may not be called "ftpd".  look in /etc/init.d/
21:05 < jorm> for th script
21:05 < mareklug> unrecognized service (either ftpd or wu-ftpd)
21:06 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:06 < mareklug> jorm  but I have a hardware VPN firewall (Netgear FVS388)
21:06 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
21:06 < Revent> Can't you just use samba?
21:07 < jorm> that's not a bad idea.  not any more secure, though.
21:07 < Revent> Easier to setup, tho...
21:07 < jorm> anyways.  do "ls -l /etc/init.d/f*"
21:07 < mareklug> Revent maybe, as in later more comfortable life.  but for now I have a barebones 8.5 running in the emulator.  I cannot even unpack Fetch as I lack the adequate Stuffit expander… but I can ftp using a web browser.
21:08 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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21:08 < mareklug> jorm  fancontrol and fuse (only)
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21:08 < jorm> then ftp did not install for you.
21:09 < jorm> i pity you, dude.  i'm so sorry you have to try to get 8.5 working.
21:09 < mareklug> no, ftpd did not, which is why I went for wu-ftpd.  which uninstalled ftpd package
21:09 < jorm> even if you manage to, your files will be spoiled on the other side.
21:09 < mareklug> jorm  I need to edit in PageMaker :)
21:09 -!- JustBerry [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/justberry] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
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21:09 < mareklug> no they won't, as I will BinHex them
21:10 < dtm_> samba?  ftp?  wat.  you want netatalk.
21:10 < Swarlley> mareklug: want to enter a business idea with me
21:10 < mareklug> dtm_ for now, smartypants, point me to a stuffit expander older than 7.,0.3 that will actually run on 8.5
21:11 < mareklug> the 4.5 I have will not unstuff anything worthwhile
21:11 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:11 < mareklug> Swarlley certainly not.
21:11 < mareklug> jorm but why won't wu-ftpd run when invoked by hand?
21:12 < mareklug> it certainly runs with -V switch and outputs a nice blurb
21:12 < jorm> check /var/log/
21:12 < Carly> hello
21:12 < jorm> i forget where wu-ftpd writes to, but probably syslog
21:12 < Revent> pureftpd is also 'better'...
21:13 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
21:13 < jorm> (fun fact: I interviewed at Yahoo in 1995 and they were super interested in my wu-ftpd experience [which i had a lot of] and they made an offer.  I turned it down because I didn't want to commute to Sunnyvale - in fact, they were in the building across the street from a previous employer of mine [ssi games] and I knew the commute was hell.  So I turned it down.  I would have been employee number 12.)
21:13 < dtm_> mareklug: were they actually Maine blueberries at Whole Foods?  Maine blueberries are usually gourmet quality, and stores usually sell New Jersey or such
21:14 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
21:14 < mareklug> jorm that was a good idea.  I tail -f'ed it, and it spits out:  Socket already in use.
21:14 < Carly> is 00:14 here
21:14 < mareklug> what could be using my 21 socket?
21:14 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:15 < Revent> jorm: Ouch...imagine the options if you cashed out at the right time...
21:15 < Carly> and I am not sleeping xd
21:15 < dtm_> mareklug: btw for ppc, you might want to get the japanese binary of Mozilla web browser.  last i knew, that was the latest.
21:15 < jorm> Revent, I've *almost* been an internet millionaire about 7 times, and been one once.
21:15 < mareklug> dtm_ the latest is 1.3.1  but I have 0.9 going and it is ok.
21:15 < jorm> mareklug:  telnet localhost 21
21:16 < jorm> err, telnet localhost:21
21:16 < dtm_> mareklug: yeah iirc 1.3.1 is the japanese one, right?
21:16 < mareklug> jorm Connection closed by foreign host.     Must be configured firewall by the folks at Debian
21:16 < dtm_> jorm: you had it right the first time
21:16 < jorm> i wonder if your sshd isn't eating that port for some reason.
21:17 < jorm> i bet the firewall is locking it.  so you need to edit your firewall rules.
21:17 < jorm> you understand, right, that you're asking me to pull up knowledge i haven't used in, oh, a decade?
21:17 < mareklug> i have to figure them out first… I did not set them, it's out of the box Debian 6.0.6 on ppc
21:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug what do you think of them trying to clone a long dead mamooth?
21:17 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko if it's good eating, I am all for it.
21:17 < dtm_> mareklug: isn't there some archive site of ppc macos software?
21:18 < dtm_> i'm gonna guess that your localhost isn't firewalled
21:18 < mareklug> dtm_ remember, I am running in an emulator.  No reason to believe it thinks it is a PPC.
21:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug is that how you distinguish everything?
21:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you KNOW CAT5 cables cant be eaten right? :p
21:18 < dtm_> mareklug: i am perfectly crystal clear on that particular factoid ;)
21:18 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko works for blueberries, so it may work for wooly mamooth
21:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its not a substitute to noodles!
21:19 < dtm_> mareklug: however i dont parse what you just said.  no reason to believe what thinks what is a ppc?
21:19 < Firefly67> Is google not working for anyone else?
21:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> google works for google :p
21:19 < jorm> make sure this line is in /etc/sysconfig/iptables:  -A INPUT -m tcp -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT
21:19  * Firefly67 can't establish notability without being able to google.
21:19 < jorm> and that there isn't a REJECT line
21:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> google is up tho
21:19 < dtm_> Firefly67: r u srs
21:20 < Firefly67> yes, I want to google to find if a certain topic has been covered in news sources. Google is down for me
21:20 < Firefly67> Yahoo search sucks
21:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 when google fails I go to baidu
21:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a 1 on 1 stealing of google by china
21:20 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad
21:20 < Firefly67> Anyone know why google isn't working for me if it's working for others?
21:20 < Carly> hiiii
21:21 < Firefly67> hiii Carly
21:21 < mareklug> jorm  I don't have a /etc/sysconfig  directory at all
21:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 one possibiity you have a bad dns
21:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> try flusing dns?
21:21 < mareklug> so I may not even have iptables ;)
21:21 < dtm_> jorm: btw cool yahoo story.  that was back when yahoo was a text file huh ;)
21:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> try going to
21:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats googles ping response
21:22 < dtm_> ToAruShiroiNeko: .... when google fails?   what?
21:22 < Swarlley> jorm: pretty interesting...
21:22 < Firefly67> what is flushing dns?
21:22 < Swarlley> makes me reflect on some things i missed out on
21:22 < dtm_> Firefly67: did you restart your browser or your OS?
21:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
21:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> try that
21:22 < dtm_> Firefly67: or try another system, maybe a phone
21:22 < Carly> :(
21:23  * Carly cries
21:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> is google tho
21:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if that doest load you have bigger problems
21:23 < Firefly67> that loads
21:23 < Swarlley> ToAruShiroiNeko: i had the same problem last week
21:23 < Swarlley> or a week before
21:23 < Firefly67> but i want to search news
21:23 -!- Swarlley is now known as Lobster|afk
21:24 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas
21:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you can use the IP for now
21:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> try flushing dns as sintructed
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21:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> one dns flush a day keeps the dns issues away :p
21:25 < Koi> lol.
21:25 < Carly> :(
21:25 < Koi> google voice xD
21:25 -!- Matthew_ is now known as MRB[away]
21:25 < Jasper_Deng> ToAruShiroiNeko: ehh, if you have to do it every day, something's wrong w/ your DNS server
21:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hehe, true :)
21:25 < dtm_> Carly: so i guess you accidentally forgot to click 'save' on your work so far! <3  it's still empty.
21:25 < Firefly67> I'll do that  ToAruShiroiNeko
21:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> try it once, not every day
21:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I was joking there a little :p
21:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 it is entirely possible the government or your ISP deliberately or accidentaly blocked access
21:26 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
21:27 < Firefly67> If something has been covered on Huffington Post, Wired, CNN, Daily Dot, Barack Obama’s official Tumblr, Tumblr's official blog, is it notable enough to deserve a Wikipedia entry?
21:27 < jorm> depends.
21:27 < Revent> *lols* (at the scrollback) Back when Yahoo was a search engine for 'manually indexed' website becaue nobody had invented an 'indexing spider' yet.
21:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 it my just be news
21:27 < Firefly67> I am in the US, I am hoping my government doesn't block google
21:27 < dtm_> Firefly67: yes it most definitely is.  unless it's not.
21:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 could be accidental
21:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and everyone wishes they block google at some point of their existence
21:28 < Firefly67> I wanted to quote the news sources before saying what the subject is, to prevent bias
21:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
21:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you havent told us the actual issue though
21:29 < wctaiwan> Moe_Epsilon: "Forgotten password for an account without an e-mail address associated."
21:29 < wctaiwan> so no reset password
21:29 < Firefly67> so the subject is Shitty_Watercolour
21:29 < wctaiwan> I think they're out of luck.
21:29 < Moe_Epsilon> :<
21:29 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
21:29 < Firefly67>
21:29 < dtm_> Firefly67: lol.
21:29 < wctaiwan> I also suggest you do something before people laugh at you for not reading :p
21:29 < Revent> A 'trick' is to run 'netselect' on '', and then hardcode the fastest 5 or 6 ips. :)
21:29 -!- MRB[away] is now known as Matthew_
21:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Moe_Epsilon <3
21:30 < Firefly67> Does Shitty_Watercolour deserve a Wikipedia entry?
21:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 my guess is :/
21:30 < Moe_Epsilon> ToAruShiroiNeko :D
21:30 < Firefly67> Or is there already one (I couldn't find one from the WP search box)
21:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> who is the artist he may be notable
21:30 < wctaiwan> if you can find the sources of the quotes, I think there's a chance.
21:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 how much content do we have as of now
21:30 < Firefly67> Sources of which quotes?
21:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> will it fill a paragraph?
21:31 < wctaiwan> well, you've got the press coverage
21:31 < wctaiwan> and then there's a bunch of quotes below
21:31 < wctaiwan> those quotes
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21:31 < wctaiwan> actually you're doing better than most that make their way into AfC already with the press coverage :/
21:31 < Revent> Firefly67: BTW, if your 'google' is still broken, go to
21:31 < Firefly67> Oh those quotes are from Reddit
21:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Moe_Epsilon zoot! :p
21:32 < Firefly67> My google is still broken Revent, and I am browsing from the IP
21:32 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: I'd say it's borderline, but on the notable side.
21:32 < Firefly67> I can certainly say millions "know" him
21:32 < Firefly67> And he has some press coverage
21:32 < Revent> Firefly67: *chuckles* That was redundant then...just a different google server.
21:33 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !]
21:33 -!- GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|Away
21:33 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: yeah, the press coverage is good
21:33 < wctaiwan> HuffPo is dodgy but certainly a fairly major news source, Wired is okay.
21:34 < Firefly67> His shitty watercolour is the illustration in the Obama AMA article on CNN.
21:34 < wctaiwan> the CNN one doesn't count as significant coverage though.
21:35 < wctaiwan> well, you _can_ say "His image was used in a CNN article on ______" but I wouldn't, personally.
21:35 < wctaiwan> it's technically OR.
21:35 < LtNOWIS-mobile> So, I'm not an FA guy at all
21:35 < Firefly67> What is OR?
21:35 < LtNOWIS-mobile> Certainly would never touch a main page FA
21:35 < wctaiwan> Firefly67:
21:36 < LtNOWIS-mobile> But I think there's a dead link on the current one
21:36 < Firefly67> It's a statement of fact, isn't it?
21:36 < Firefly67> Not OR
21:36 < wctaiwan> it'd feel too much like desperately touting his notability just to pass AfD. It can be a last resort, but we want better sources.
21:36 < wctaiwan> those two aren't mutually exclusive
21:36 < Firefly67> OK, I think the news articles and interviews establish notability
21:36 < wctaiwan> I can write on wikipedia "wctaiwan has an iMac". It's both a fact and OR.
21:37 < Firefly67> And this can be used for content, can't it? I have primary sources that prove it. In this case a PS should be acceptable, shouldn't it?
21:37 < LtNOWIS-mobile> But the deadlink might be because of my mobile browser
21:38 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: yes, like I said, you _can_ use it. But remember, you're writing for wikipedia, not the person.
21:38 < wctaiwan> don't just write a piece that says "This guy is important and awesome" like so many other submissions we get :/
21:38 < Firefly67> I know, I am a fan so I'm biased
21:39 < wctaiwan> the point is to tell the reader about the guy, not to tell the reader how awesome the guy is.
21:39 < wctaiwan> yeah, just keep that in mind.
21:39 < Firefly67> That's why I quoted the sources first to see what you guys think without knowing he's just a novelty account on reddit
21:39 < wctaiwan> s/awesome/awesome and \/ or notabe/
21:39 -!- The_Thing [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 reddit alone doesnt make people notable
21:40 < wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: well, there's coverage in Wired and Huffington Post, and Buzzfeed (even sleazier >.<)
21:40 < Firefly67> I know it doesn't, that is why I quoted the mainstream press coverage first
21:41 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
21:41 < Firefly67> Not saying at all that reddit is a source of notability
21:41 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:41 -!- YuviPanda is now known as AshamedPanda
21:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 I'd write it in my userspace then move it to article space once I have somehting worthwhile
21:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its easier for us to see notability then
21:42 < Firefly67> Once notability is established, can I say he was featured on CNN and Barack Obama's blog, and link to primary source (reddit) as evidence?
21:42 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:42 < Firefly67>
21:42 < wctaiwan> well, wouldn't the evidence be CNN and Barack Obama's blog?
21:42 < mareklug> 23:32:48] <mareklug>	 dtm this sheepshaver is very buggy….   it hangs on me when I try to copy sizable amounts of stuff from shared folder.
21:42 < mareklug> [23:34:01] <mareklug>	 it also fails to mount the shared folder on initial boot.  have to restart to have it show up on the desktop.  very cruddy soft, if you asked me.
21:43  * Firefly67 has never written a WP article before
21:43 -!- Son_Gohan [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
21:43 < Firefly67> There are also sources like
21:43 < Firefly67> Not sure how reliable they are considered
21:44 -!- tuprincipe [] has left #wikipedia-en []
21:44 < wctaiwan> yeah, I was looking at that one
21:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 I'd minimise redit use
21:44 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Carly]
21:44 < Firefly67> minimise reddit use?
21:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah
21:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> reddit is user created an inherantly has RS issues
21:45 < Firefly67> OK
21:45 -!- AshamedPanda is now known as YuviPanda
21:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> some issue as using other wikis
21:45 -!- sDrewthedoff [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:46 < wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: depends on what you use it for
21:46 < Firefly67> He has quite some coverage on many internet news sites. Maybe I'll write an article on him.
21:46 -!- sDrewthedoff [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en []
21:46 < dtm_> mareklug: very cruddy soft.  wow.  that's the weirdest thing i've heard all day.
21:46 < wctaiwan> for example, "The artist has said that he was born in _____, ______" citing a reddit post from the guy is totally reasonable.
21:47 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: I do think doing it in your userspace first would be a good idea
21:47 < wctaiwan> remember to keep the tone neutral and rely on the better sources.
21:47 < Firefly67> You mean sandbox?
21:47 < wctaiwan> well, anywhere in your userspace
21:47 < wctaiwan> could be your sandbox.
21:47 < Firefly67> I've never written one before
21:47 < mareklug> dtm_ I am trying to copy over System 9 files so that I can bootstrap myself into 9.2.2.  But every 5 files I copy by hand / mouse from Extensions folder, the fucking thing freezes, and I have to reboot x2 (the second time to get the shared folder to mount).  cruddy, no?
21:47 < Firefly67> What else is userspace?
21:48 < Firefly67> What is the policy of photographs etc.? What can I put in an article?
21:48 < Firefly67> Do I need permissions?
21:48 < wctaiwan> yes
21:49 < wctaiwan> you can create a page at User:Firefly67/whatever
21:49 < dtm_> Firefly67: no you can obviously make up whatever you want, as long as it's a photo!  write a whole article filled with unreliable sources and post it as a screenshot!
21:49 < wctaiwan> anything that begins with User:Firefly67/ counts as your userspace
21:49  * wctaiwan thwacks dtm_
21:49 < Firefly67> OK
21:49 < dtm_> Firefly67: this is the policy on non-free content if you have any
21:50 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: the best you can do is write to the guy and ask him to release one of his works under creative commons
21:50 < dtm_> yes.
21:50 < Firefly67> Are pictures available freely online free for everyone to use in a WP article?
21:50 < wctaiwan> then we can use it on wikipedia and others can benefit from it, as well.
21:50 < wctaiwan> No.
21:50 < wctaiwan> read what dtm_ linked to.
21:50 < dtm_> Firefly67: you're totally making up the most fanciful possible fantasies.  or you could read ;)
21:51 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:51 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: sorry, I meant User:AlmostGrad/whatever
21:51 < dtm_> i bet he'd release something in a free license
21:51 -!- GW|Away is now known as GorillaWarfare
21:52 < Firefly67> wctaiwan, how do you know I am AlmostGrad?
21:52 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: MAGIQUE.
21:52 < dtm_> lurl.
21:52 < Firefly67> I read it quickly, it seems content published freely outside WP can be used?
21:53 < wctaiwan> "freely" doesn't mean "freely available"
21:53  * Firefly67 is scared of wctaiwan
21:53 < wctaiwan> it means made available under a license considered "free" by Wikimedia Commons.
21:53 < wctaiwan> (in the case of images)
21:53 < Firefly67> Too complicated. ELI5?
21:53 < dtm_> Firefly67: congratulations!  then you can read it again slowly!
21:53 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: eh, don't worry about it. I know people. :P
21:54 -!- muahaha is now known as Muahaham
21:54 < Firefly67> Do you go to UIUC, wctaiwan?
21:54 < wctaiwan> I don't.
21:54 < wctaiwan> and stop outing yourself :P
21:54  * Firefly67 is even more scared now
21:54 < dtm_> Firefly67: the english language has one dumb word for many smart uses, 'free'.  free as in cost (gratis) or free as in speech (libre).  you're interchanging the two, so dont do that.
21:54 < dtm_> Firefly67: that's the first most important thing, yo
21:55 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: p858snake|l
21:55 < Firefly67> I understood it in the "free access" sense
21:55 < dtm_> Firefly67: so yes if you dont have a libre image, then that NFCC doc says that you can sometimes use gratis (non-free) images
21:55 < jorm> okay. i responded to all the flow accusations.  or most of them.
21:56 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: try writing to the guy. I rather think there's a high probability he'd do it.
21:56 < wctaiwan> ask him to release one of his works under
21:56 < dtm_> Firefly67: right now, you could probably post one of his images, if you explicitly follow the NFCC doc in doing so, whereupon you upload it on 's 'upload' link on the left side of the screen and follow its directions.  you say that you don't own the copyrgiht, but that you think you have non-free justification
21:56 < dtm_> Firefly67: in the meantime, do like wctaiwan says and try to make it free
21:56 -!- boomerFOG [] has joined #wikipedia-en
21:56 < dtm_> (libre)
21:56 -!- boomerFOG [] has quit [Client Quit]
21:57 < Firefly67> OK. If I got something off reddit I would consider it free, but maybe WP rules are more stringent.
21:57 < dtm_> Firefly67: with open community stuff, like GNU or wikipedia, when we say 'free', we mean 'libre' not 'gratis'
21:57 < dtm_> Firefly67: yes.  it's non-free.  unless it was explicitly released under a free license, like Creative Commons
21:57 < Firefly67> What is libre?
21:57 < dtm_> Firefly67: i just told you.
21:58 < wctaiwan> "free as in freely reusable and redistributable, etc."
21:58 < wctaiwan> not just free as in free beer.
21:58 < wctaiwan> freedom! not $0.
21:58 < dtm_> liberty (libre), not price (gratis)
21:58 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw]
21:58 < Firefly67> okay, thanks
21:58 < dtm_> you are entering the real world, where 'free' means 'libre' ^_^
21:59 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: basically, write to the guy, point him to the license. If he's willing to do it, ask him to write to as detailed at
21:59 < BlastHardcheese> "it's public domain, I found it on google
21:59 < BlastHardcheese> "
21:59 < wctaiwan> your mom is public domain.
21:59 < Firefly67> I thought everything on the internet is free unless you are explicitly asked to pay
21:59  * wctaiwan ducks
21:59 < wctaiwan> No.
21:59 < dtm_> some cheese is boutta get blasted, hard
21:59 < dtm_> Firefly67: yes it's exactly like that, except totally the opposite.
22:00 < dtm_> Firefly67: also, you totally 100% magically made that up.
22:00 < Firefly67> made what up?
22:00 < dtm_> that.
22:00  * Firefly67 doesn't know when dtm_ is being serious
22:01 < wctaiwan> harharhar
22:01 < dtm_> do we have a great big giant huge pile of ADHD happening here?
22:01 < dtm_> by any chance
22:01 < dtm_> just curious
22:02 < wctaiwan> dtm_: don't be mean.
22:02 < wctaiwan> at least it isn't a COI writer trying to promote his company -_-
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22:02 < wctaiwan> you can't expect people to know about copyright.
22:02 < Firefly67> No, just too much info that I am unfamiliar with and can't assimilate quickly
22:02 < Firefly67> Does being a fan == COI?
22:03 < dtm_> i mean is this one of those things where there never was any chance whatsoever of anyone following through on any of this in the first place, and it was all a giant personal distraction
22:03 < dtm_> foisted upon other people, to help leverage someone's attention span for them
22:03 < dtm_> just checking
22:03 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: sort of. But what we get a lot of times is people coming here trying to write about their absolutely non-notable companies.
22:04 < Firefly67> Yes, I have noticed that
22:04 < wctaiwan> I can live with a fan trying to write about an artist.
22:04 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
22:04 < dtm_> Firefly67: no, fans and experts should not be a COI.  that's kinda like the difference between a fan and a stalker
22:04 < Firefly67> Anyway, Shitty_watercolour is just painting sloths these days, not something I am particularly interested in.
22:05 < dtm_> even the subject themself shouldn't be too biased, if they publicly state their potential COI
22:05 < wctaiwan> dtm_: I sort of disagree with that. Even if he doesn't follow through with it, we now have one more person with a basic idea of the notability and free content standards on wikipedia.
22:05 < wctaiwan> also, nothing potential about that. It's a COI. The question is whether they make sure they write neutrally.
22:05 < wctaiwan> most can't :(
22:06 < Firefly67> Yes, I didn't promise to follow through, I was just trying to get an idea if an entry was feasble. Don't be unnecessarily mean, dtm_
22:06 < dtm_> Firefly67: i wasn't.  were you?
22:08 < LtNOWIS-mobile> So Australia might not qualify for the world cup
22:08 < dtm_> we have an open refusal to fully read the docs at least for now, not digesting what we are telling you, but then directly making us repeatedly confront your magical ideas (reset back to zero).  so is there a better way that you can request help?  perhaps by taking a break and reading the whole thing again?
22:08 < dtm_> Firefly67: i mean coz we told you exactly what to do.
22:08 < dtm_> there's literally an automatic form for it.
22:09 < dtm_> i can get you the exact link if you dont wanna follow the exact directions i gave
22:09 < dtm_> since you say you're legit interested but just overloaded
22:09 < dtm_> would *that* be LESS MEAN for you?
22:09 < dtm_>
22:10 -!- rockerball_ [~rockerbal@] has quit [Quit: IRC for iPhone]
22:10 < Firefly67> Sorry, I am not as bright as you are, nor am I fast at reading and assimilating, hence the questions. You have the choice to not answer if you find my questions stupid, there are 200+ people in the room who are just staying quiet.
22:10 < dtm_> the form itself explains things minimally enough to get started
22:10 < dtm_> yeah all irc users are just watching and withholding at all times, those meanies
22:10 < dtm_> ^_^
22:11 < BlastHardcheese> I am playing pokemon
22:11 < dtm_> i have never played pokemon.
22:11 < dtm_> i read about it.... on wikipedia.
22:11 < dtm_> you know, the MMORPG that *you* can edit
22:12 < dtm_> Firefly67: the only stupid thing you've said, is calling the exhaustive volunteer (me) serving compassionately for your personal edification, mean.
22:12 < dtm_> other than that, it's all good, i'm just typin away and tryin to figure out how to best make it stick
22:13 < dtm_> because yeah it's a lot!  ^_^
22:13 < dtm_> but i think we covered the ELI5
22:13 < dtm_> and i think that your pursuit is noble and i want it to happen
22:14 < dtm_> guaranteed, or your money back
22:14 < wctaiwan> dang it, russavia isn't here. is brilliant.
22:15 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikimedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Quit: Catch y'all later!]
22:15 < Firefly67> I'm not the only person who called you mean, wctaiwan called you mean too. And you weren't compassionate, you were helping in the "My way or the highway" way - you expect me to do everything you suggest me to do before asking further questions. I am also not sure what exhaustive volunteer means, but I'll wait for my google to work before questioning you about it.
22:15 < dtm_> yep, that was stupid of him too
22:16 < dtm_> and no, none of that happened.
22:16 < wctaiwan> sigh. keep me out of this will ya?
22:16  * Firefly67 quits. Rage quits. No point getting into an internet fight.
22:17 < theo|tv> wctaiwan: i love that graphic :)
22:17 < dtm_> okay, good luck with reading and chatting in life
22:17  * YuviPanda considers writing 'commons roulette'
22:20 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:]
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22:26 < kondi> YuviPanda: we seriously need a template bundle
22:26 < YuviPanda> for which wiki?
22:26 < kondi> YuviPanda: any wiki, getting templates up on a new wiki is pita
22:26 < YuviPanda> yep
22:27  * kondi keeps wondering what to do about it
22:27 < Firefly67> There is a lot of concern about notability etc. on WP, but plagiarism is not an issue, is it? If I use the exact same words as the source uses, is it okay?
22:27 < Lobster|afk> wctaiwan: good one
22:27 < dtm_> Firefly67: dude.  are you hearing what you're saying?
22:27 < YuviPanda> we actually need a central thing
22:28 < mareklug>  another one bites the dust in Nepal     Accident: Sita D228 at Simikot on Jun 1st 2013, landed short of runway, gear collapse
22:28 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: why wouldn't it be an issue?
22:28 < kondi> YuviPanda: central as in?
22:28 < Firefly67> Why would it be an issue? I am not submitting a paper for a class for credit. Need I use my own words?
22:28 < dtm_> Firefly67: you're just repeatedly asking "i can just totally invent and confabulate copyright law in my head, and other people's concerns don't matter in society.  .... right?  coz i'm five."
22:29 < YuviPanda> kondi: like how commons is central source of images?
22:29 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: I suggest reading up on copyright laws. It's quite literally the opposite of what you think. Most of the sharing you see on the Internet is actually illegal.
22:29 < wctaiwan> or pasting of text, or whatever
22:29 < Firefly67> While using own words there is also the risk of synthesis/original research.
22:29 -!- YuviPanda is now known as TrollAlert
22:30 < TrollAlert> .
22:30 -!- TrollAlert is now known as YuviPanda
22:30 < wctaiwan> .?
22:30 < kondi> YuviPanda: ah, yes that'd be great
22:30 < dtm_> yeah.
22:30 < YuviPanda> kondi: will happen 'sometime in the future'
22:30 < kondi> YuviPanda: who's going to 'make it happen'
22:30 < YuviPanda> we don't know :P
22:30 < YuviPanda> everyone knows that it is a 'good idea'
22:31 < kondi> hehe
22:31 < kondi> YuviPanda: what'd be required to make that?
22:31 < YuviPanda> a lot of behind the scenes work
22:31 < YuviPanda> templating by itself is super slow now
22:32 < YuviPanda> and doing it across different databases would be even slower
22:33 < kondi> hmm
22:34 < kondi> making a template bundle would be easier
22:36 < YuviPanda> for now
22:36 < YuviPanda> yeah
22:36 -!- Pine [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pine] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:39 < jorm> wb, pine.
22:39 < Pine> hi jorm
22:40 < Firefly67> wctaiwan, are you suggesting I read US copyright law? ? It is a huge article. Copyright is different from plagiarism, right? Plagiarism is when you use another person's words and claim it is your own and gain from it (credit, grade, etc.). That is not acceptable for a paper for a class, but is WP governed by similar rules? WP is collaborative editing and no one is claiming credit f
22:41 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: I'm not. I'm suggesting that you get a basic grasp of copyright. Everything is automatically copyrighted and cannot be reused without permission.
22:41 < wctaiwan> I'm talking to you right now. The transcript of what I say is copyrighted. Legally you're not allowed to just publish this anywhere you like.
22:41 < wctaiwan> Wikipedia cannot reuse copyrighted content.
22:42 < Firefly67> If you change the language, does it free you from copyright then?
22:42 < wctaiwan> No.
22:42 < dtm_> cannot use non-freely-licensed copyrighted content
22:42 < wctaiwan> … I seriously can't tell if you're trolling or not.
22:42 < dtm_> i'm going with troll.  nobody's this stupid.
22:42 < Firefly67> But no one asks news sources for permission to use their articles. No, I am not trolling.
22:42 < wctaiwan> That's why sometimes they get sued.
22:43 < wctaiwan> You can *quote* others, citing sources, and so long as you're not using more than a sentence or two. That's fair use.
22:43 < wctaiwan> but you can't just reuse content.
22:43 < dtm_> and i say "nobody's this stupid" as an obvious, but rationally useful for the purposes of discourse, hyperbole lol
22:44 < Firefly67> But Wikipedia freely uses sources such as the NYT. Does WP have a copyright release agreement with NYT? If you change the language but state the same content, it is not a violation of copyright any more?
22:45 < Revent> Firefly67: Wikipedia freely uses 'limited quotes' from the New York Times, and other news sources, under the fair use doctine.
22:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 copyright law allows that
22:45 < Revent> We don't quote, for example, entire paragraphs, which would be against the law.
22:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> copy pasting an entire NYT article wouldnt be tollerated though
22:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or even a paragraph
22:45 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: no, you're still reusing original content.
22:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> information cannot be copyrighted
22:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so if NYT talks about something you can state it differently
22:46 < Firefly67> I found this, still not very sure.
22:46 < wctaiwan> translation still carries the originality of the original content—the sentence structure, the words used, etc.
22:46 -!- enhydra [kalan@wikimedia/Kalan] has quit [Quit: Reconnecting]
22:46 < Revent> A 'paragraph' is only appropriate for a 'book length' work where you are either illustrating the style of the work or spcifically discussing the /content/ of the quote.
22:46 < wctaiwan> brings me to the next point—only things with originality / creativity can be copyrighted. Facts / information cannot.
22:46 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
22:47 < wctaiwan> which is why people—wikipedia or your professors—tell you to write things "in your own words"
22:47 -!- enhydra [kalan@2001:ba8:1f1:f011::1337] has joined #wikipedia-en
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22:47 < Revent> You can commit plagarism without breaking copyright, and vice versa.
22:47 < Firefly67> So there is content and there is form. Copyright deals with reusing content, and plagiarism with form?
22:48 < Firefly67> And these are both different from IP/patents which are about ideas?
22:48 < Revent> Essentially...
22:50 < Revent> Part of the 'confusion' about 'copyright' is that there are multiple 'forms and levels' of copyright, in a way....for instance, an author can have copyright in the 'content' of a work while the publisher has copyright of the actual 'book' itself.
22:51 < Firefly67> Content is more like the intellectual property of the author/inventor/discoverer.
22:51 < wctaiwan> Revent: you sure about what you're saying?
22:51 < wctaiwan> it sounds pretty dubious to me.
22:51 < Revent> (think of, for example, the reprinting as a mass-market paperback of a novel by a different publisher)
22:51 < tommorris> Yes, {{citation needed}} from me on Revent's claims.
22:51 < Firefly67> Publisher holding copyright to "book" = right to royalties?
22:52 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: basically, without going into the details, use _information_ from sources, but never reuse the writing.
22:52 < tommorris> So, an example of where Revent is right: the difference between mechanical copyright and the copyright in a song when it comes to sound recordings
22:52  * Firefly67 has only had to deal with (i.e., avoid) plagiarism till now, never copyright or IP.
22:52 < wctaiwan> if you want to add images, etc., ask the authors to release the images under a free license as I linked to above, and if that's not possible and the image would be necessary, use it under
22:53 < tommorris> If you write a song, you get copyright on the composition. If you record a song, you get copyright in the recording. If you wish to reproduce a piece of recorded music, you need to make sure both the underlying song is licensed and the recording is licensed.
22:53 < Revent> tommorris: Remember, you've got to talk about 'international' law in a 'wikimedia' context, i.e. you have to acknowledge the existent of 'typographical copyright' in the UK, specifically.
22:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko>
22:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> woha
22:53 < SigmaWP> ToAruShiroiNeko: when is this?
22:53 < SigmaWP> when was that one published, I mean
22:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko>  May 31, 2013
22:54 < SigmaWP> time
22:54 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en
22:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how can I know that?
22:54 < SigmaWP> damn
22:54 < SigmaWP> I was hoping you had your methods
22:54 < Firefly67> No, I am not thinking about images yet, I am thinking if I write an article, can I reuse the same words that the article uses? Use <sentence from source> [link to source] kind. I know you can't do that in an academic paper, but I thought WP might be different. For example, in academic papers, you are required to do synthesis, but here on WP it is a big no-no.
22:54 < Revent> tommorris: For instance, you /cannot/ legally make 'page scans' of a 'reprinting' of a public domain book published in the UK until it is at least 20 years old.
22:54 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: you can't.
22:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP why would time be relevant
22:55 < SigmaWP> curious
22:55 < wctaiwan> basically, read the source, and write about what the source has written in your own words
22:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its written journalism so the publishing would be probably way later than actual writing :p
22:56  * Firefly67 read about the Istanbul news on Reddit LONG back. 
22:56 < Revent> tommorris: Also, the 'moral right' of an author to attribution is part of the copyright law in some countries, and continues to exist beyond copyright expiration.....i.e. the estate can sue you for plagarism.
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22:58 < Firefly67> Well I am surprised I never heard this being discussed here, maybe it is obvious to everyone. All discussion was about whether sources exist, are the sources reliable, never on how you use the sources or whether you are committing plagiarism/violating copyright (I have seen copyright mentioned only in the context of images).
22:59 -!- Lobster|afk [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
22:59 < Firefly67> I am talking about text only in the above paragraph.
23:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm?
23:00 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: yeah, it's basically obvious to most people here.
23:00 < wctaiwan> I've had to explain it to people in -help previously.
23:00 < Revent> Honestly, it's not something that really comes up's not 'incredibly' relevant to things other than the 'missing encyclopedia articles' people, as they actually directly 'crib' from PD sources...
23:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> generally news isnt a concern here unless discusssing it here improves an article
23:00 < Firefly67> Is this channel different from -help?
23:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> well yes
23:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> -help is to help
23:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> typically new users
23:01 < Firefly67> What is PD?
23:01 < dtm_> Firefly67: it's obvious to most people here and it's completely documented in the stuff that you wont read yet
23:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> is developing well
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23:01 < Firefly67> I am a news user
23:01 < Firefly67> *new user
23:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Firefly67 PD is public domain or without copyright protection
23:01 < Revent> Firefly67: PD is 'public domain'
23:01 < dtm_> i mean obvious enough to ask simpler smaller questions.  it's all technical and potentially crazy.
23:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it applies to works by on duty US Federal government eployees unless other wise stated
23:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or works that copyright expired
23:02 < dtm_> also most people don't just mentally confabulate and *replace* the entire scope of copyright law as their personal starting point
23:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> copyright in most cases is life of the creator + 70 years
23:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I will have to agree, copyright is a very complicated concept
23:03  * ToAruShiroiNeko copyrights dtm_'s dna
23:03 < Revent> This.... is the authoriative 'reference' for the technicalities of US copyright expiration (the laws have had odd changes over the eyars)
23:03 < Revent> *years*
23:03 < Firefly67> I thought -help was for people who need immediate editing help, or need an admin immediately, not for anything more than that
23:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> is a good start
23:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no that is more or less here
23:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> this is the location for immediate time critical help
23:04 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a good chunk of BLP violations are handled through IRC
23:04 < dtm_> ToAruShiroiNeko: shoot thanks i was meaning to get around to that finally
23:04 < dtm_> ToAruShiroiNeko: now i can take "don't tread on me" to the next level.  don't INFRINGE ME.
23:05 < Revent> The 'specific point' to get from that is that things pubished as recently as 1963 *might* be in the public domain....there's actually a 'crowsourced' project (somewhere) to do 'mass clarification' of copyright for about four decades worth of books....
23:06 < Revent> (anything published before 1963 is 'expired' unless a copyright renewal was filed)
23:08 -!- poko [~poko@] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dtm_ your welcome but I dont even know what I reminded you :p
23:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent that only applies to US potentially
23:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> URRA complicates things
23:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> reality resists simplicity
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23:10 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Savage_CL, phuzion, anon90210, franny, CerebrumBot, erry, mareklug, Zidonuke, Kinny, Zed`,  (+3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
23:10 < SigmaWP> welp.
23:10 -!- Y_Ichiro [~ichiro@2607:f0d0:1003:c::10] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:10 < Bradford> ._.
23:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SigmaWP you arent much of a welp :
23:12 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: *lol* point....I was 'implicitly' talking about works with 'original copyright' in the US, I guess... :) It's what the cornell page is about.
23:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :p
23:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent such works such as movies might not just have US copyright protection tho
23:12 < Firefly67> wctaiwan you are editing from Apr 2005. I suppose dtm_ is also an old editor. Please be gentle on people who are editing from May 2013. Being called a troll or stupid makes one feel unwelcome.
23:12 < Firefly67>
23:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if the beatles produce a movie in the US it still has British protection
23:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> per Berne
23:13 < dtm_> :-I
23:13 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: I don't think I bit anything off.
23:13  * ToAruShiroiNeko never seen wctaiwan bite
23:13 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
23:13 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: *lol* Can we just phase it as "anything newer than 1923 generally requires a copyright clearance"? :P
23:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent yeah
23:14 < wctaiwan> ooh, look, a netsplit.
23:14 < dtm_> wctaiwan: i didn't either, though you called me mean anyway.  the whole thing is stupid.
23:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its even then coplicated
23:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> since mexico has 100 years of copyright
23:14 < dtm_> wctaiwan: and that's a nice way to put it
23:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> life+100
23:14 < dtm_> wctaiwan: <3  lol
23:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there are arguments if genes can be copyrighte or pattented
23:15 < dtm_> ToAruShiroiNeko: now that you've copyrighted my dna, i can no longer be infringed.  thx
23:15 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
23:15 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Kinny
23:15 < Firefly67> dtm_: Firefly67: you're just repeatedly asking "i can just totally invent and confabulate copyright law in my head, and other people's concerns don't matter in society.  .... right?  coz i'm five."
23:15 < Firefly67> wctaiwan: … I seriously can't tell if you're trolling or not.
23:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dtm_ or I can claim you are infringing on my copyright by existing or living :p
23:16 < wctaiwan> Firefly67: That was serious. I've rarely if ever seen anyone who thought you could just copy anything you want so long as it isn't a university paper. O_o
23:16 < dtm_> Firefly67: yes that's exactly how indefensibly stupid a *LOT* of your conversation
23:16 < dtm_> was
23:16 < dtm_> Firefly67: you've said some of the stupidest things that can be said, today.
23:16 < dtm_> literally.
23:16 -!- franny [fran@unaffiliated/franny] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:17 < dtm_> repeatedly, brazenly
23:17 < dtm_> in defiance of reading and of exhaustive personal help, explained to you like you're five.
23:18 < Pine> Let
23:18 < Pine> gah
23:19 -!- erry_ [erry@freenode/staff/erry] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:19 < wctaiwan> hey Pine
23:19 < wctaiwan> haven't seen you in a while.
23:19 < Pine> hi wctaiwan
23:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> can we drop the stupid angle
23:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its not helping anyone
23:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai pine
23:19 < Pine> I'm on IRC at unpredictable times
23:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how are them cones?
23:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pine I always predict you'll be here unpredictably
23:20 < Pine> ToAruShiroiNeko: They are just fine
23:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> therefore its not that unpredictable :p
23:20 -!- Nietzsche [VegaDark@wikia/vstf/countervandalism.user.VegaDark] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:20 < Pine> ok
23:20 -!- Zed` [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:21 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:21 < Pine> Does anyone here know much about plumbing?
23:22 < Jeske_Couriano> Pine) It involves jumping on mushroom-men and kicking turtle shells
23:22 < Pine> Jeske_Couriano: heh, and jumping on trees!
23:22 < wctaiwan> har.
23:22 -!- phuzion [~phuzion@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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23:24 < dtm_> Jeske_Couriano: that's how i do it.  it's documented.
23:24 < Pine> {cn}
23:25 < dtm_> it's beyond reproach
23:25 -!- Firefly671 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:25 < dtm_> the technique is self-evident
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23:25 < dtm_> self-citing
23:25 -!- Firefly671 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:26 < Pine> dtm_: we don't allow self-references, do we?
23:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pine sure
23:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I plumb
23:26 < dtm_> Pine: we do if they're recursive
23:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pine whats the issue?
23:26 < dtm_> fully recursive, fully self-reflective, fully self-aware citations are allowed
23:26 < dtm_> but that's one fat template
23:26 < Pine> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'm going to take this to PM because I know what will happen if we discuss it in here.
23:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
23:27 < dtm_> i shouldnt' say that they're so much allowed, as unstoppable
23:27 < dtm_> so.
23:27 < dtm_> Pine: your question has been logged by the hive
23:27 -!- Firefly67 [~Firefly67@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
23:31 -!- Muahaham is now known as muahaha
23:31 < Pine> dtm_: I'm more worried about trolls than the hive.
23:31 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:31 < Pine> I have a hive on my branches. It's fine.
23:31 -!- Victorium [~Gueriller@] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:32 < dtm_> Pine: i totally hear that
23:32 -!- Isarra [~root@wikimedia/Isarra] has quit [Excess Flood]
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23:34 -!- Victorium is now known as Guerillero
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23:34 < wctaiwan> Pine: I see Hive and I think of and whimper softly.
23:35 -!- zyfnsfzax [] has joined #wikipedia-en
23:35 < zyfnsfzax> :(
23:35 < Pine> wctaiwan: why are you whimpering?
23:35 < wctaiwan> it's… not easy to use.
23:35 < zyfnsfzax> my usual freenode IRC server is down. bleh. really should've configured an alternate :(
23:36 < wctaiwan> I've been trying to get it to work for a while.
23:36 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Savage_CL, CerebrumBot, phuzion
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23:37 < Pine> There is probably an Apache help channel here somewhere
23:37 < wctaiwan> …another split?
23:37 < wctaiwan> they're dropping like flies
23:37 < tommorris> Apache: where software goes to die
23:37 < wctaiwan> Pine: there is. But doesn't change the fact that it's hard to use.
23:37 < wctaiwan> tommorris: think this one started out there
23:37 < tommorris> Even worse, that means it is dead-on-arrival. ;)
23:37 < wctaiwan> heh.
23:38 < tommorris> I should actually play with Hive at some point. We use Redshift at work. I have a funny feeling I'm going to be doing more large-scale data analysis stuff in the future.
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23:41 < dtm_> the apache help channel is #httpd fyi
23:41 < dtm_> unless you're talking about the sovereign nation
23:41 < dtm_> in which case you're a dang racist
23:41 < dtm_> draw, pardner!
23:42 < wctaiwan> fwiw, Hive has nothing to do with Apache httpd.
23:42 < tommorris> Yeah, Apache is a lot more than just httpd
23:42 < tommorris> they seem to constantly find awful Java enterprise frameworks to get excited about
23:44 < tommorris> although Apache Commons is alright I guess
23:44 -!- theo|tv is now known as Theopolisme
23:44 < tommorris> Commons-Lang and Commons HTTP are things I use quite a bit.
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23:55 < dtm_> okay here's a good question though i admit it's pretty irritating to me in how they're handling it.  a guy submits a self portrait to wikimedia commons via the upload page and with the copyright statement (with an unchallenged statement that HE IS THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER) via email.  they reject it, claiming that the statement has to be given by "the photographer".  first off, they don't know that he himself isn't the photographer.  this literally makes ...
23:55 < dtm_> ... no sense.
23:55 < dtm_> this isn't just counterproductive, it's nonsensical
23:56 < dtm_> it's a good idea, handled in a very very bad way
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23:57 < dtm_> so having read a ton of the docs on the subject, i'm asking if anyone here knows if there's an exact published policy by which Wikimedia Commons denies the existence or legitimacy of self-portraits and of unchallenged copyright assertions
23:57 < tommorris> it's not like cameras can be remotely triggered using infra-red remote controls.
23:57 < dtm_> yeah.
23:57 < dtm_> pictures dont just take themselfs
23:59 < dtm_>  i'm getting straight to business here.  i guess i just need to reply, asking the guy to show me the written policy whereby they automatically reject the legitimacy of an unchallenged copyright statement.
--- Log closed Sun Jun 02 00:00:55 2013