
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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--- Log opened Tue Jun 04 00:00:18 2013
--- Day changed Tue Jun 04 2013
00:00 -!- DogTheColorful is now known as Mr-ex777
00:00 < mareklug> well, if the military seizes control in Turkey, they can promptly unjail all their favorite jailed commanders.  And frankly, the people had nothing to do with jailing them in the first place, so your statement is most puzzling.
00:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> when there was a comment of arresting a pop star or the trial of head of a footbal club people were at the court protesting
00:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> when generals and officers were jailed over evidence proven to be fabricated, no one was seen.
00:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people organizing millitary action may be put on trial 10-20 years later with similar fabricated evidence
00:03 -!- funnyfarm299 [~funnyfarm@wikipedia/Funnyfarmofdoom] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -]
00:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> also millitary is probably very tired of constantly cleaning up after polititians
00:08 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko oh, look, a metal band has a physics title for their album:  Megadeth, "Super Collider"
00:09 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:09 < mareklug> it comes out today, it seems.
00:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> prime minister stated yesterday that he can barely hold 1 million people in their homes to counter the protests
00:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> police is enjoying the abuse of power
00:16 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko but I think you will enjoy this cover more than the Megadeth….   Skylar Grey - "Weirdo"
00:17 < mareklug>
00:17 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
00:20 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> should have a listen at some point
00:23 < LtNOWIS> whoa I missed some intersresting conversation
00:28 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:30 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:30 -!- Barras2 [barras2@wikimedia/barras] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"]
00:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> LtNOWIS we do have reruns on sundays
00:31 < LtNOWIS> OK I seriously hate the fact that I apparently have lost the ability to type on a normal keyboard.
00:31 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
00:32 < SigmaWP> LtNOWIS: So have I
00:32 < SigmaWP> Did you switch to dvorak too?
00:33 < LtNOWIS> I do a lot of texting ... :/
00:33 < SigmaWP> ah.
00:35 -!- TBloemink_ [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:35 < LtNOWIS> It might be this particular keyboard and the height of the table having an influence though.
00:35 < LtNOWIS> Or laziness
00:36 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
00:37 -!- Barras2 [barras2@wikimedia/barras] has joined #wikipedia-en
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00:39 -!- TBloemink_ is now known as TBloemink
00:42 < dtm_> ToAruShiroiNeko: You're gonna get some reruns.
00:42 -!- Barras2 [barras2@wikimedia/barras] has quit [Quit: Reconnecting]
00:43 -!- Barras2 [barras2@wikimedia/barras] has joined #wikipedia-en
00:43 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Quit: My computah has gone to sleep.]
00:47 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en
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00:48 -!- Barras [barras@wikimedia/barras] has quit [Quit: Reconnecting]
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00:57 -!- koishi [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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00:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> LtNOWIS you could use a phone keyboard to type :D
00:59 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:00 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:06 < LtNOWIS> This is a pretty depressing table:
01:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug listening now
01:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> LtNOWIS you are too easy to depress
01:06 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT]
01:06 < LtNOWIS> well it didn't depress me in particular
01:07  * ToAruShiroiNeko chucks in a tear gas canister
01:07 < SigmaWP> !admin
01:07 < legoktm> hm
01:07 < legoktm> gone
01:09 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:11 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> legoktm, poof!
01:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what was it?
01:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> penis?
01:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug is there a non-live version?
01:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the perspectives and flashes are seisure inducing :p
01:15 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:21 -!- TBloemink_ [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:23 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
01:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> <- has naked hairy pussy on a piano? O_o I noticed that for the first time...
01:32 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
01:34 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
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01:43 -!- TBloemink is now known as tb|1829
01:46 -!- Philon [~Philon@unaffiliated/philon] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:46 < Philon> !admin
01:46 < Philon> Anyone?
01:47 -!- addsleep is now known as addshore
01:47 < TeeTylerToe> I'm not an admin, but what's your problem?
01:47 < zuzak> you generally have to, er, explain what's going on
01:47 < Philon>
01:47 < Philon> might be a spambot
01:47 < TeeTylerToe> if it's sensitive you can pm it to someone
01:48 < Philon> I am just asking whether a global block will be needed or not
01:49 < Philon> What do you guys think. Should all those be reverted?
01:49 < TeeTylerToe> seems like a garden variety spammer
01:52 < TeeTylerToe> reverted certainly, possibly deleted, and he should be blocked in my opinion
01:52 < Philon> I will request a global block, Looks like a spambot to me
01:52 < Philon> I am now reverting them
01:54 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:56 < Philon> TeeTylerToe: Certainly a cross-wiki spambot. It's spamming dewiki too
01:56 < Philon> I have requested a global block
01:56 -!- n3hima2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:58 -!- albel727_ [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en
01:58 < Philon> Globally blocked until 5th June
01:58 < TeeTylerToe> huh, do you have to check on de.wikipedia to see de edits?
01:58 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
01:58 < Philon> TeeTylerToe: ??
01:59 < TeeTylerToe> on that contributions page I only see en. edits.  WOuld I have to look on the de. contributions page to see de. edits?
01:59 < Philon>
01:59 < Philon> TeeTylerToe: there
01:59 < Philon> It's not something new
02:00 < Philon> Cross-wiki spambots are there always
02:01 -!- albel727_ is now known as albel727
02:04 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:07 < SigmaWP> night
02:07 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: May your day be wharrgarbl free]
02:13 -!- James_F|Away [~James@wikimedia/JamesF] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
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02:21 -!- albel727_ [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:32 -!- DerHexer [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:35 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
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02:50 -!- Philon1 [~Philon@unaffiliated/philon] has joined #wikipedia-en
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02:51 -!- Philon is now known as Guest3108
02:51 -!- Philon1 is now known as Philon
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03:00 -!- TOS2 [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:01 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
03:02 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
03:04 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has joined #wikipedia-en
03:05 -!- Pink|away is now known as PinkAmpersand
03:05 -!- wctaiwan_ [8c701e88@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:14 -!- lbenedix [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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03:20 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
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03:31 -!- Grashoofd is now known as Lunchhoofd
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03:35 -!- Moskau is now known as Superaway
03:36 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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03:40 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Quit: Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.]
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03:46 -!- LtNOWIS [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
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04:02 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:03 -!- ScientificAlan [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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04:15 < ScientificAlan> Good morning everyone
04:15 < addshore> morning :>
04:18 < kondi> Morning
04:19 -!- Lunchhoofd is now known as Grashoofd
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04:25 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ
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04:26 -!- Superaway is now known as Moskau
04:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> breaking news, the stream I was watching is broken :(
04:30 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:32 < ScientificAlan> Anyone who could write an article on my girlfriend? XD
04:33 < ScientificAlan> Lol, I'm joking. It would have too much bias, since every sentence would be talking about her beauty.
04:34 -!- lbenedix [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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04:36 -!- addshore is now known as addaway
04:38 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en
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04:39 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@2001:d98:b004:8:30dd:5c7a:da51:2698] has joined #wikipedia-en
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04:40 < Qcoder00> Hi
04:40 < Qcoder00> Anyone awake?
04:40 < GorillaWarfare> I am
04:40 < GorillaWarfare> Unfortunately
04:41 < ScientificAlan> lol
04:42 < kondi> I am
04:42 < ScientificAlan> I woke up at 5:30, and it's 7:42 here
04:42 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: Yep, I woke up at 6 and it's 7:42 here
04:43 < kondi> I woke up 08:00 and it's 17:12 here. :\
04:43 < ScientificAlan> I don't think the vandals are up yet, I am patrolling recent changes,
04:43 < kondi> heh
04:43 -!- Guest10899 [John@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-cvhtjvuupsbcgojd] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
04:43 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: Tell them to get their act together
04:44 -!- Tasmania [John@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-lnjmkahjorxymcbr] has joined #wikipedia-en
04:44 -!- Tasmania is now known as Guest75184
04:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ScientificAlan I think you can find volunteers
04:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but they'd need to appriciate her fully
04:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sudying every detail
04:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you sure you want that?
04:47 < ScientificAlan>
04:47 < ScientificAlan> That is interesting
04:48 < ScientificAlan> but I am not sure if it will ever be an article
04:48 < ScientificAlan> no sources
04:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we can create secondary sources >:D
04:49 < GorillaWarfare> The lack of sources is hardly the only problem with that article
04:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> this isnt kinky anymore :p
04:50 < ScientificAlan> True
04:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare do you know anyone that assesses articles?
04:50 < GorillaWarfare> Meh
04:50 < GorillaWarfare> Like A-class, B-class?
04:51 < ScientificAlan> Should I link to the article on the Admin's Noticeboard? XD
04:51 < GorillaWarfare> No
04:51 < GorillaWarfare> Why would you do that?
04:52 < ScientificAlan> I think an admin should look at it, though. It seems like promotion of the person's company.
04:52 < tommorris> I'm looking at it.
04:52 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:52 < tommorris> and so, presumably, has GorillaWarfare
04:52 < tommorris> what you could do is *talk* to the user on their talk page
04:52 < ScientificAlan> They could own the place, and be promoting it for all we know.
04:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare right
04:52 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: AN isn't the place for that, though. See
04:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> who would be able to assess an article for me?
04:53 < tommorris> ScientificAlan: nominate it for speedy deletion and/or have a nice talk to the person on their talk page
04:53 < GorillaWarfare> ToAruShiroiNeko: Not off the top of my head, no. Often it's up to the specific WikiProject, if there's an applicable one.
04:53 < tommorris> going to AN because someone has a promotional sandbox article is a bit like calling the anti-terror police over a parking violation
04:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I see a page marked by 4 but all of them seems less than active
04:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its nothing too important of course
04:54 < GorillaWarfare> tommorris: Heh
04:54 < GorillaWarfare> ToAruShiroiNeko: What's the article?
04:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> let me pm
04:55 < GorillaWarfare> kk
04:56 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]]
05:01 < ScientificAlan> I think one of my friends might mess up Wikipedia pages... She's bipolar, hyper, and just logged in to her computer.
05:01 < ScientificAlan> And she's bored.
05:04 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: Tell her not to?
05:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ScientificAlan tell her to RC patrol
05:07 < ScientificAlan> I have weird friends.
05:08 < ScientificAlan> I'm the only person I know other than my parents who trust Wikipedia.
05:08 < ScientificAlan> Maybe I'm the weird one, actually
05:08 -!- TBloemink_ [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:08 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
05:09 < tommorris> ScientificAlan: you could tell us her IP address. special gift: a COMPETENCE block.
05:12 -!- Zed` [] has quit [Quit: Drama always seems worse than it is..]
05:13 < TOS2> ScientificAlan: Certainly the weird one. Nobody trusts Wikipedia
05:13 -!- Zed` [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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05:42 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds
05:43 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko that's because Skyler Grey's album is coming out in July, and no studio version has leaked yet.  So all you have is this performance.
05:44 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko you can listen to these three studio songs, though!/artist/Skyler+Grey/1837121
05:46 -!- bitcoin_boy [bitcoin_bo@unaffiliated/bitcoin-boy/x-2615748] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:47 < bitcoin_boy> <-- Did they just skip over 1950s?
05:47 < bitcoin_boy> Or was it not a "thing" in the 1950s because everyone did it?
05:47 -!- Kinney [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:48 < ScientificAlan> The 1950's never happened
05:48 < Ironholds> yup
05:48 < ScientificAlan> Didn't you learn that?
05:48 < Ironholds> it's a government conspiracy to hide the fact we're all cloned in tanks
05:49 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:49 < bitcoin_boy> Anyone?
05:49 < ScientificAlan> It went 1948, 1949, 1960.
05:49 < mareklug> Ironholds some of us where cloned in armored carriers
05:50 < ScientificAlan> I can't view the page history for some reason
05:50 < mareklug> Errani is beating up on Agnieszka at Rolland Garrrrrros
05:50 < bitcoin_boy> <-- Did they just skip over 1950s? Or was it not a "thing" in the 1950s because everyone did it?
05:50 -!- TOS2 [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
05:50 < bitcoin_boy> <-- Did they just skip over 1950s? Or was it not a "thing" in the 1950s because everyone did it?
05:50 -!- bitcoin_boy [bitcoin_bo@unaffiliated/bitcoin-boy/x-2615748] has left #wikipedia-en []
05:51 < mareklug> bitcoin_boy behaved suspiciously like MadPig/cheeseduck, though I had no chance to get him to call me mentlaly ill troll.
05:52 -!- GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|Meeting
05:53 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
05:54 -!- TOS [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
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05:54 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:56 < ScientificAlan> Interesting
05:57 < ScientificAlan> Who are those other people?
05:57 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en
05:58 < mareklug> ScientificAlan it is but one pimply (?) juvenile who pops on the channel to ask the most ludicrous questions, most of them driven by the latest episode of a cartoon.  He forms his reality by watching cartoons and comes here to check out the more perplexing facts with the elders.
05:58 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
05:58 < mareklug> He uses a plethora of invented nicknames, of which MadPig and cheeseduck are more common than most.
06:00 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:03 < jubo2> cheezy meatpie piippöls
06:04 < mareklug> jubo2 blueberries for the world
06:04 < jubo2> mmm and whipped cream
06:04 < jubo2> and crêpes
06:05 < mareklug> no, creeps all by themselves.  so with blueberries.  no cream.
06:05 < ScientificAlan> Creeps? XD
06:05 < jubo2> blueberries in sugar milk is excellent
06:06 -!- YE is now known as YE|Final
06:06 < mareklug> yes, I call them creeps.  Saves me the oft embarrassment of mispronouncing crépes as craps
06:08 < ScientificAlan> I know a kid who tried saying crackers and said crappers.
06:08 < jubo2> mareklug: do you like sweet or savoury crêpes ?
06:09 < mareklug> i like both kinds.  lately I've been making my own slightly sweet, based on wheat tortillas (color me lazy) and homemade white cheese with sour cream, crazins and a touch of honey
06:09 -!- Kinney [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
06:11 < jubo2> Wrapping spiced meat & veggies & sauces in flat bread is genius
06:11 < ScientificAlan> Know what I wrap in flat bread?
06:12 < ScientificAlan> Ham and cheese
06:12 < jubo2> sauces better have 30% crème fraiche or why not go for 40% smetana
06:12 < jubo2> for extra artery stopping power
06:13 < jubo2> that an hot hot hot red red red salsa salsa salsa
06:13 < jubo2> no high-fat dairy, swap in a yoghurt based nearly fat free sauce
06:14 < ScientificAlan> I know a good sauce.
06:14 -!- addaway is now known as addshore
06:14 < ScientificAlan> It's called awesomesauce, and I invented it.
06:15 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:15 < ScientificAlan> Hello new guy
06:15 < jubo2> so it turns out es."salsa" means en."sauce" ( any sauce )
06:16 -!- dennise [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:16 < ScientificAlan> Interesting
06:16 < ScientificAlan> I just made a leash for my girlfriend.
06:16 < ScientificAlan> Or however the heck it's spelled
06:16 < mareklug> is she going to walk you now?
06:17 < ScientificAlan> It has a slip knot, for her hand, and a handle for me
06:17 < ScientificAlan> the handle is a big knot that is easy to grip
06:18 < ScientificAlan> If she refuses to follow, her hand is mine... XD
06:19 < ScientificAlan> I always could use a hand
06:20 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:20 < ScientificAlan> Hello, new guy
06:20 < TBloemink> Hello ScientificAlan
06:20 < TBloemink> I'm not that new in here
06:20 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:20 < ScientificAlan> Lots of people are joining right now
06:21 < dennise>  /nick Denisse_enriiquez
06:21 < dennise> Hola
06:21 < dennise> ??
06:21 < mareklug> ScientificAlan it's your Japanese duty to greet each and every one of them, like the shopper greeting girls in Tokyo
06:21 -!- _if_ [] has quit []
06:21 -!- dennise is now known as Dennise_enriquex
06:22 -!- Grashoofd is now known as Zonhoofd
06:22 < Dennise_enriquex> Hola,soy amiga de Carly
06:22 < ScientificAlan> ?
06:22 < mareklug> ScientificAlan please don't annoy me by needlessly PMing
06:22 < ScientificAlan> English
06:22 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:22 < Dennise_enriquex> ??
06:23 < TBloemink> Lot of confusion in here
06:23 < ScientificAlan> I speak english... XD
06:23 < Dennise_enriquex> Carly frend
06:23 < Dennise_enriquex> I
06:23 < Dennise_enriquex> Olssa
06:23 -!- _if [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:24 < Bradford> o.o
06:24 < Bradford> :o
06:24 < Bradford> xd
06:24 < ScientificAlan> _if is no longer _if_
06:24 < TBloemink> Bradford, stop
06:24 < Bradford> Dennise_enriquex: ok my friend :-)
06:24 < Bradford> Dennise_enriquex: how are you?
06:24 < Bradford> TBloemink:  stop
06:24 < Dennise_enriquex> Que?
06:25 -!- Jurgen [~Jurgen@wikipedia/JurgenNL] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:25 < Bradford> Dennise_enriquex: is friend carly?
06:25 < mareklug> Dennise_enriquex nosotros no creemos te
06:25 < TBloemink> Bradford, Am I flooding smileys or are you?
06:25 < ScientificAlan> Um... Hi.
06:25 < Dennise_enriquex> K
06:25 < _if> ScientificAlan?
06:25 < Bradford> TBloemink:  ve a dormir.
06:25 < Dennise_enriquex> Yo vivi en chile
06:25 < Dennise_enriquex> Cwrly es mi aniga
06:25 < TBloemink> This is an English channel, cc Dennise_enriquex Bradford
06:25 < _if> ScientificAlan: I am confused. Why were you talking about me?
06:26 < Dennise_enriquex> ???
06:26 < Bradford> rules?
06:26 < Dennise_enriquex> :(
06:26 < mareklug> TBloemink Bradford the illiterate is seemingly demanding that you produce the channel charter.
06:26 < TBloemink> Heh
06:26 < Bradford> vash
06:27 < ScientificAlan> Yay, my girlfriend just logged into Facebook
06:27 < Dennise_enriquex> Me llsmo denisse
06:28 < Dennise_enriquex> Soy amigs d carly vivo en chiille
06:28 < Bradford> Dennise_enriquex: eres carky
06:28 < TBloemink> Let me just remind people in here that this is the channel for the ENGLISH Wikipedia. The Spanish one is located at #wikipedia-es
06:28 < Bradford> carly :)
06:28 < mareklug> ScientificAlan this is not a social networks, blog or otherise ersatz Facebook.  We really do not give rat's ass about your gf loggin in on Facebook.  Conversation here must be interesting.
06:28 < TBloemink> RT mareklug
06:28 < Bradford> no
06:28 < Bradford> TBloemink:  operator are here?
06:29 < mareklug>   /ignore ScientificAlan
06:29 < TBloemink> Bradford, Yes
06:29 < Bradford> o.o
06:29 < Bradford> ok :(
06:29 < TBloemink> And Bradford, being banned from -es does not mean this is a substitute channel
06:29 < Bradford> TBloemink:   going to silence me?
06:29 < Bradford> :(
06:29 < mareklug> what part of don't annoy me with needless PM messages don't you understand, stoooopid boy?  addshore
06:29 < mareklug> oops ScientificAlan
06:29 < mareklug> sorry addshore
06:29 < Dennise_enriquex> No yo nosoi karli
06:30 < TBloemink> Bradford, if you continue to be disruptive, then yes.
06:30 -!- _if [] has left #wikipedia-en []
06:30 < addshore> :D I saw something come up saying "what part of dont annoy me" and started wondering what I had done!
06:30 < Bradford> TBloemink:  ok, sorry :(
06:30 < mareklug> you shared "a" with Alan in my twisted mind
06:30 < addshore> :>
06:31 < ScientificAlan> Lol
06:32 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
06:33 -!- Carly-- [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:33 < Carly--> dennise is my friend
06:33 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:33 < Carly--> so leave her alone
06:33 < Bradford> ok
06:33 < Bradford> Carly--: is you friend
06:33 < ScientificAlan> Hi
06:33 < Jurgen> She can leave if she want
06:34 < Carly--> Dennise_enriquex, no t preocupi hermana
06:34 < TBloemink> Carly--, English please
06:34 < Dennise_enriquex> Ale
06:34 < mareklug> Carly-- good morning, sunshine.  If the new illiterate girl is your friend, kindly do tell her two things: a) register her fucking nick and use it confirm her identity, b) speak in English here.
06:35 < Carly--> shut up marek
06:35 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ
06:35 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+q *!*@] by QueenOfFrance
06:35 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ, ChanServ
06:35 < ScientificAlan> Carly, didn't we talk over the weekend in here?
06:35 < mareklug> Carly-- what a fine stooopid teen way to react to a good morning and polite request
06:35 < ScientificAlan> Or are you someone else?
06:36 < Dennise_enriquex> Hika
06:36 -!- TeeTylerToe [~31415@unaffiliated/teetylertoe] has left #wikipedia-en []
06:36 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ
06:36 -!- Dennise_enriquex [~androirc@] has left #wikipedia-en [requested by QueenOfFrance (this is the English Wikipedia channel, not a spanish social chat channel)]
06:36 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@] by QueenOfFrance
06:36 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ, ChanServ
06:37 < TBloemink> Nice one
06:39  * ScientificAlan says hi and gives everyone a dollar.
06:39 < Bradford> as they do that?
06:39  * TBloemink returns the dollar and asks for a Euro
06:39 < TBloemink> an*
06:39  * ScientificAlan gives a block of gold to everyone
06:40 < ScientificAlan> happy now?
06:40 < ScientificAlan> I don't have euros... XD
06:42 -!- jubo2 is now known as MadCommieScienti
06:42 -!- Wiki13 is now known as Wiki13|Away
06:42 < MadCommieScienti> Garçon, Шампанское и игра и блини со сметаном s'il vous plait -- MadCommieScientist on the menu
06:43 < MadCommieScienti> Shampanskoe and caviar on blinis with smetana mmm
06:44 < MadCommieScienti> and nat'lly the finely chopped aged onion, salt and pepper
06:44 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:44 < ScientificAlan> Add pepper too the food, and toss it to your left.
06:44 < ScientificAlan> *to
06:45 < ScientificAlan> And dinner is served
06:46 -!- pakaran [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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06:47 -!- TOS2 [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:47 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
06:49 < ScientificAlan> Hello
06:49 -!- Jurgen [~Jurgen@wikipedia/JurgenNL] has left #wikipedia-en []
06:50 -!- Beria [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:50 -!- Beria [] has quit [Changing host]
06:50 -!- Beria [~Beria@wikimedia/Beria] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:50 -!- Bradford is now known as Kesha
06:51 < ScientificAlan> Kesha?
06:51 < Kesha> what?
06:52 < ScientificAlan> I never knew you used IRC
06:52 < Kesha> ok
06:52 -!- Chenzw [~chenzw@wikimedia/Chenzw] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
06:52 < Kesha> and Justin_Bieber?
06:52 < ScientificAlan> Lol, yep
06:53 < Kesha> :P
06:53 < Ironholds> augh. annual review season.
06:54 -!- koishi_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:54 -!- Jurgen [~Jurgen@wikipedia/JurgenNL] has joined #wikipedia-en
06:54 < tommorris> Kesha: shall we hit this city?
06:54 < tommorris> Kesha: I ain't coming back
06:54 < tommorris> Kesha: got boys blowing up my phone
06:55 < TBloemink> Wut?
06:55 < ScientificAlan> lol
06:55 < Kesha> ?
06:55 < TBloemink> looking forward to my excursion to Bulgaria
06:55  * tommorris is just proving he can recite lines from Tik Tok
06:56 < Kesha> Died young
06:56 < Kesha> :3
06:56 < TBloemink> Does anyone know if Wizz Air is a decent airline, being no-friggs ?
06:56 < Kesha> Crazy kids listen :#
06:57 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
06:59 < TBloemink> Hmm
06:59 < TBloemink> Reviews don't sound that good
06:59 < ScientificAlan> lol
07:00 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:00 < ScientificAlan> My plane crashed. I will review this place as great.
07:00 -!- TOS2 [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
07:00 < Kesha> bye
07:00 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
07:00 < ScientificAlan> Bye
07:01 -!- Kesha [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has left #wikipedia-en ["Porque dicen que el Valiente vive hasta el cobarde quiere!!! ;)"]
07:02 -!- Jurgen [~Jurgen@wikipedia/JurgenNL] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:02 < mareklug> sara errani wins over Agnieszka, advances to semi-final.  she was last year's finalist.
07:03 < Swob> is she pretty ?
07:03 < Swob> oh wait, that name
07:03 < mareklug> both are not too bad.  you would be hard pressed to find a really unpretty girl tennis player
07:03 < Swob> ah yes, it is tennis
07:03 < ScientificAlan> my girlfriend looks better
07:04 < ScientificAlan>
07:04 -!- zz_nas [Nascar1996@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
07:04 < mareklug> ScientificAlan these are complete girls.  no need to compare to right hand.
07:04 < ScientificAlan> ?
07:04 -!- GW|Meeting is now known as GorillaWarfare
07:05 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
07:06 < TBloemink> ScientificAlan, have you ever heard of privacy violation?
07:06 < ScientificAlan> Ummm... Can someone translate this? "ScientificAlan these are complete girls.  no need to compare to right hand."
07:06 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:06 < ScientificAlan> It was sent from mareklug.
07:06 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:06 -!- reminiscence [nifky@wikia/vstf/wikimedia.Nifky] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
07:06 < ScientificAlan> I have a feeling as it is supposed to be offensive.
07:06 -!- reminiscence [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:07 -!- TOS2 [TOS@] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:07 -!- TOS2 [TOS@] has quit [Changing host]
07:07 -!- TOS2 [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:07 < Swob> lol hes saying youre a masturbator
07:07 < ScientificAlan> Wow.
07:07 -!- reminiscence is now known as Guest49162
07:07 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
07:07 < ScientificAlan> That's... Strange
07:08 < ScientificAlan> Unfathomable stupdity alert.
07:08 < ScientificAlan> lol
07:09 -!- Guest49162 [] has quit [Changing host]
07:09 -!- Guest49162 [nifky@wikia/vstf/wikimedia.Nifky] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:09 -!- Carly-- [~androirc@] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:10 < TheDruId> Never underestimate human stupidity.
07:11 < ScientificAlan> -- some genius
07:11 < ScientificAlan> Lol
07:11 -!- Solarra [~Solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
07:11 < ScientificAlan> I have a question
07:12 < TheDruId> We have answers. I can't guarantee they'll match.
07:12 < ScientificAlan> Why does Cluebot have to be fast?
07:12 < MadCommieScienti> systems aim to be safe, if the systems are very safe then you can exhibit stupidity and still manage to use the system without harming self
07:13 < TheDruId> Have you seen how fast helpees come and go?
07:13 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
07:13 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: Why should it be slow?
07:13 -!- TBloemink is now known as tb|rijles
07:13 -!- zz_nas [] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:13 -!- zz_nas is now known as Guest5286
07:13 < ScientificAlan> They could make it slower, and leave vandalism for me.
07:13 < GorillaWarfare> ScientificAlan: Except Wikipedia's goal is to provide quality content, not to give you something to do
07:14 -!- MadCommieScienti is now known as jubo2
07:14 < ScientificAlan> Oh, good point
07:14 < ScientificAlan> I never thought of it that way
07:14 < Qcoder00> Any bot writers around?
07:14 < Qcoder00> I have a little problem
07:14 < GorillaWarfare> Qcoder00: Define "bot writer" :P
07:14 < ScientificAlan> I can write a bot
07:14 < ScientificAlan> "Bot"
07:14 < Qcoder00> Person to make a tool that auto add's FUR's
07:14 < ScientificAlan> Done.
07:15 < GorillaWarfare> Qcoder00: Are you asking for someone to do it, or to answer a quick question?
07:15 < Qcoder00> I'm needing somoene to write the bot
07:15 < GorillaWarfare> Oh, no thanks
07:15 < GorillaWarfare> Post it at bot requests?
07:15 < Qcoder00> I will do
07:17 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:17 -!- Mike_H is now known as Guest84351
07:17 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|away
07:19 -!- wctaiwan [~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:19 -!- BadDesign [~cpp@unaffiliated/baddesign] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
07:22 < TOS2> ScientificAlan, if you want something to do, there is plenty to be donw
07:22 < mareklug> ScientificAlan did this poor teen girl give you permission to post her picture in public, asshole?
07:23 < TheDruId> I must have missed something.
07:23 < mareklug> Swob out of red chili hot oil.  this stuff is ridiculously expensive.  remind me of how Snapple was being sold in them little bottles at gas stations for 1.79.  Now you can buy Snapple at Walgreens' for 1.99 for 64 oz plastic bottle.
07:25 < mareklug> TheDruId 09:04:18] <ScientificAlan>
07:25 < mareklug> make allowances for time xones
07:25 < TOS2> mareklug, What?
07:26 < ScientificAlan> What's a xone?
07:26 < TheDruId> Ah, just prior to my arrival.
07:27 < TOS2> I see marek
07:28 < Swob> walgreens is expensive
07:28 < Swob> if it's $2 there it's probably even cheaper at a supermarket
07:29 < ScientificAlan> So is Wallmart, the wall store.
07:29 < ScientificAlan> lol
07:29 < Swob> marek: i moved into my new apartment now
07:29 -!- Gnumarcoo [~marco@wikipedia/Gnumarcoo] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:30 < mareklug> Swob oddly enough, it is not at the supermarket.  Walgreen's is expensive, but they sometimes have strangely wonderful deals.  And once a month they send me a $10-off coupon for so-called web pickup on purchases of $30 or more.
07:30 < mareklug> Swob so how do you like your new digs and being in the midst of civilization?
07:31 < Swob> they gave me a room facing the sun
07:31 < Swob> i honestly never knew the sun would be up at 4:30
07:31 < Swob> so i didnt get much sleep at first. but somehow i managed to fall back to sleep even with a brightly sun-lit room
07:31 < Swob> also I wish I wasnt so shy so I could make friends with my roommates
07:32 < Swob> probably not gonna happen though
07:32 < mareklug> Swob just bake some cookies and walk in on a communal session in the kitchen.
07:32 < ScientificAlan> You live in an apartment?
07:32 < ScientificAlan> I live in a compartment
07:32 < Swob> the others arent that social either, from what Ive seen so far
07:32 < ScientificAlan> It's not as good, I heard
07:33 < Swob> Ive yet to see more than one of them out of their bedrooms at the same time
07:33 < Swob> but no, too many problems with the cookie idea
07:34 < mareklug> Swob well you don't drink, and you don't eat blueberries, so I thought of the cookies.
07:34 < TheDruId> I've heard of new-fangled things called curtains.
07:34 < ScientificAlan> Wow, where did you read about those?
07:34 < ScientificAlan> I need to write an article on them!
07:36 < TheDruId>
07:36 < ScientificAlan> I will refrain from clicking that
07:37 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:37 < ScientificAlan> However, I am tempted
07:37 < Swob> druid: im used to sleeping in pretty much complete darkness
07:37 < Swob> even through a curtain, if the sun is lined up right with the window, it gets bright as day by 5:30 or so
07:37 -!- koishi_ [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
07:38 < Swob> Im sure everyone else has been Ok with the sun and its just me
07:38 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:40 < mareklug> Swob you could mask the window panes with black paper but where is the charm with that
07:40 < mareklug> though it would cut down on the morning solar heat
07:42 < mareklug> Swob have you heard Skylar Grey?  Her album is due out in early July.
07:42 < Swob> never heard of her no
07:42 -!- Mitchazenia [] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:42 < mareklug> Skyler *
07:43 < Swob> fortunately it hasnt been too hot so far
07:43 < Swob> and it isnt forecast to get above 70 or so for at least a week
07:43 < mareklug>
07:44 -!- fwilson [~fwilson@wikipedia/Fox-Wilson] has left #wikipedia-en []
07:45 < mareklug> huh.  I guess it is SkylAr after all.Grooveshark has her misspelled
07:46 < mareklug> ""Coming Home" was one of the official theme songs of Wrestlemania XXIX.[30]"  see?  she is notorious in some circles.
07:48 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en
07:50 -!- koishi [] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer]
07:53 -!- ScientificAlan [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Konversation terminated!"]
07:53 < kondi> I'm liking the music DEN SORTE SKOLE make
07:53 < kondi>
07:54 -!- albel727_ [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en
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07:58 < mareklug> Swob more oldfashioned metal music
08:01 -!- osxdude_ [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has joined #wikipedia-en
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08:02 < mareklug> "An authoritative reunion of British heavy metal legends Ozzy Osbourne, Tony Iommi, and Geezer Butler, _13_ is the first Black Sabbath album in more than 30 years."
08:03 < mareklug> I guess they ran out of petty cash.
08:03 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:04 < Bsadowski1>
08:04 < Bsadowski1> Lol.
08:04 < TheDruId> Or out of Tom Petty's cash.
08:04 < mareklug> Bsadowski1 this is so old.  It was done in Mexico and Venezuela
08:04 < mareklug> it's pitiful how the Russian/Polish press regurgitate really old news.
08:04 < TheDruId> There's nothing new under the sun. - Agatha Christie
08:05 -!- albel727_ [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:07 < petan> poor cat
08:08 < mareklug> “It’s a masterpiece as far as I’m concerned,” Osbourne recently told the West Australian. “I heard the finished thing last week and I’ve got to be truthful with you, I was so bowled over by the way it sounded. If you liked Black Sabbath in the old days, you got to love ’13.’ It’s very heavy. It’s very, very heavy. I’m my own worst critic. Rather than the pluses I look for the minuses. And I haven’t been this excited for 
08:08 < mareklug>  long time. I can’t remember the last time.”  <-- Ozzy, you shameless self-promoter, you.
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08:15 < GorillaWarfare> mareklug: Can't understand him anyway. West Australian probably just made that up because they were too embarrassed to ask what he was saying.
08:15 < mareklug> :)
08:16 < mareklug> he is legible on this album.. do stream some.
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08:20 < mareklug> "Stand by for PURPLE KETCHUP as boffins breed SUPER TOMATOES"   and "Boffins' initial theory that pebbly beaches on Mars indicate ancient streambeds has been borne out by detailed analysis of the pebble-containing slabs" and "Boffins' brilliant plan: CONCRETE COMPUTERS" and "An announcement from the US National Radio Astronomy Observatory, highlighting the new boffinry…"    <-- Gotta love The Register.  NO ONE ELSE ever uses the word boffin.
08:20 < mareklug>  But they compensate for the entire planet.
08:21 < mareklug> and this in particular"
08:21 < mareklug> Boffins' initial theory that pebbly beaches on Mars indicate ancient streambeds has been borne out by detailed analysis of the pebble-containing slabs
08:22 < mareklug> is a masterpiece of alliterative ango-saxon poetry
08:22 -!- Dragonfly6-7 [~test@] has joined #wikipedia-en
08:22 < Dragonfly6-7> anyone got a moment to help out with a tedious but simple task?
08:24 < Swob> Scientists have invented a dangerous new charger capable of infecting iPhones with any malware they choose.  Eggheads from the Georgia Institute of Technology claim to be able to hack an iPhone in under one minute using a "malicious charger" called Mactans.
08:24 < TheDruId> Dragonfly6-7, maybe.
08:24 < Dragonfly6-7> TheDruId -  I renamed a big batch of files with "Pennyslvania" instead of "Pennsylvania".
08:24 < Qcoder00> mareklug: Streambeds on Mars?
08:24 < mareklug> Swob stand to reason you should always put a condom on anything you plug into your mobile device, especially your charger.
08:24 < Dragonfly6-7> "Pennysylvania state legislator (legislator's name) (year of photo)"
08:25 < Qcoder00> Streambeds on Mars? Whens that from?
08:25 < mareklug> Qcoder00 oh, they apparently had some streams there recently, some few million yers ago give or take a million
08:25 < Qcoder00> I meant the news item
08:27 < Qcoder00> Streambeds implies at the very least some form of glacial event
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08:27 < TheDruId> Dragonfly6-7, looks like more than 50.
08:27 < mareklug> like I said, the only place that says Boffin, Boffinry, Boffins is …The Register!
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08:27 < Dragonfly6-7> TheDruId - but less than 100
08:27 < TheDruId> Dragonfly6-7, I think you're on your own, sorry.
08:27 < TheDruId> Dragonfly6-7, New helpee.
08:28 < mareklug> Swob Teh Register says:  "Scientists have invented a dangerous new charger capable of infecting iPhones with any malware they choose.".  Clearly these were no boffins, so we can sleep in piece.
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08:42 < Swob> whoa
08:43 < Swob> youtube upgraded its player to not work with my main browser
08:46 < Prodego> Swob:
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08:46 < Swob> hmm, well the youtube downloader works even though the in-browser player doesnt
08:46 < Prodego> you can restart from 3 seconds to get the appropriate response to that as well
08:47 < Dragonfly6-7> Prodego - what script did you use for that mass rename, by the way?
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08:48 < Prodego> Dragonfly6-7: I did it manually
08:48 < Dragonfly6-7> Ah, cool.
08:48 < Dragonfly6-7> Thanks.
08:48 < Dragonfly6-7> hm. Multple tabs?
08:48 < Prodego> Dragonfly6-7: control-f for penny, open 10 or so images, click move on all, paste in Pennsylvania in the right spot on each, go to each, tab paste typo fix enter on each
08:49 < Prodego> there is a script which I had at some point which I have since lost
08:49 < Prodego> it may be on my computer somewhere
08:49 < Prodego> or not
08:49 < mareklug> On Jun 2nd 2013 accident investigators by the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation of Afghanistan reported in a press conference that quickly shifting cargo, consisting of three armored vehicles and two mine sweepers totalling at 80 tons of weight, caused the accident. The cargo slammed so hard at the back of the aircraft, that parts of the aircraft separated and wiring in the back was severed. … Parts of the aircraft, that separated as
08:49 < mareklug>  result of the initial load shift, were recovered from the runway. The straps used to tie down the cargo were recovered from the accident site, although charred they provided evidence of having fractured before final impact, …
08:50 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:50 < Dragonfly6-7> oh dear
08:50 < Prodego> Dragonfly6-7: the somewhat overly complex script option is pywikipediabot, which definitely can do this
08:51 < Prodego> if you are interested in such a script
08:51 < Prodego> mareklug: well I think we knew that was likely to be it
08:51 < Prodego> you could tell from the way that the aircraft moved that the cargo must have shifted
08:51 < mareklug> sure.  but now we can update the article.  there were competing theories.
08:54 < Prodego> The first time I watched the video I could tell that was the cause, what competing theories were there?
08:54 < Prodego> it was very obvious
08:54 < mareklug> Prodego no, it wasn't VERY OBVIOUS.  the same effect could have been produced by a) the crew steering outsdie the evelope of flight (unlikely), b) failure of lift surfaces.
08:54 < Prodego> mareklug: no it couldn't
08:54 < Prodego> mareklug: the 747 has insufficent control authority to do that
08:54 < mareklug> yes it could.  and it is not my pet theory or explanation.  I am citing what people in the business have written on professional forum
08:54 < Koi> Prodego: you code?
08:54 < Prodego> Koi: I can, sure
08:54 < Koi> oh, that's cool.
08:55 < Prodego> mareklug: well I'm going to have to disagree with them on that. Failure of the tail surface could do it as well, but it would have to be physically gone
08:56 < Prodego> you can actually see where the CG is where the aircraft pivots in the video, it is clearly way too far back
08:56 < Prodego> when the aircraft*
08:56 < mareklug> "[May 29] Has anyone noticed that there have been two B744 incidents bracketing this crash, both involving flap failure? One had the flap surface leave the airframe, the other jammed.  I'll leave the conjecture alone on this one, but the possibility of unindicated flap misconfiguration or debris interfering with the horizontal stabilizer/elevator can't be discounted. Control input versus intrumentation in the recorders should clear things
08:56 < mareklug>  greatly. "
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08:58 < Shirik> "unindicated flap misconfiguration"
08:58 < Prodego> I don't know where that is from, and neither does google, but the amount of lift you would have to lose from the horizontal stabilizer to cause that pitch up especially without flaps would have to be tremendous
08:58 < Shirik> why is everything automatically software's fault until a reason is found otherwise?
08:59 < Prodego> Shirik: misconfiguration could mean an undetected hardware failure as well
08:59 < Shirik> I would call that a flap failure :P
08:59 < Shirik> "unindicated misconfiguration" reads to me as "warning failed to fire"
09:00 < Prodego> the flap setting (in combination with other lifting surfaces settings) is often called a configuration
09:00 < Shirik> I'm focusing on the "unindicated" part
09:00 < mareklug> Shirik the China 744 in Atlanta physically lost tis flap
09:00 < mareklug> its
09:01 < Prodego> mareklug: if they are pilots speculating they don't really necessarily know what they are talking about
09:01 < Shirik> pilots are stupid
09:02 < Prodego> they have a great deal of understanding how an aircraft operates, but once you greatly modify the aircraft that tends to no longer be helpful
09:02 < Shirik> Prodego: Even if he was implying a hardware problem, I still feel like in the aviation industry most people default to software being the target
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09:03 < Prodego> Shirik: eh, I wouldn't read it that way personally
09:03 < Shirik> maybe I'm biased
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09:04 < CensoredBiscuit> Shirik: does this unit have a bias?
09:04 < mareklug> and this, Prodego; "v"
09:05 < mareklug> 949 was not in controlled flight when she came into view in the video. Whatever happened to cause the situation took place somewhere between V1 and establishing (or attempting to establish) a normal climb attitude.
09:05 < Prodego> it was definitely not in controlled flight when it came it to view
09:05 < Shirik> btw mareklug, honestly, a flap problem doesn't make much sense for other reasons
09:05 < Prodego> that is true
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09:06 < Shirik> flaps are not required for climbout. It's a really bad idea, but once you've gotten through initial, if you had a flap failure, you could climb at like 2 degrees and tell ATC that something's fucked
09:06 < Shirik> the fact that they actually got into a stall implies that they weren't able to recover after the stall alarm fired
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09:07 < Swob> hm
09:07 < Prodego> something happened some time before the aircraft came in to the video, it could have been before V1, but that is quite unlikely without hitting the ground
09:07 < Shirik> I mean they don't even pitch down during that weird yaw event
09:07 < Shirik> which should be a pilot's immediate reaction
09:07 < Prodego> Shirik: which is consistant with not being able to due to CG aft of limits
09:08 < Shirik> anyway I gotta run
09:08 < Prodego> and during that yaw event you can see the CG, since the aircraft is yawing about it
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09:10 < CensoredBiscuit> does this unit have a bias?
09:11 < Prodego> does what unit have a bias?
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09:16 < mareklug> I'll close the it-was-not-so-obvious topic with this interesting quote of a post form 7 May:           "I retired on this aircraft and actually worked at Boeing Wichita in the 70's building the 41 section, prolly one of the few that ever built it and flew it. A basic fact on any 121 operation is "positive rate, gear up", this happens almost immediately after takeoff and is especially critical on a aircraft with 18 wheels hanging out in the
09:16 < mareklug>  wind producing tremendous drag! The PNF looks at his IVSI and his callout is "positive" rate and the PF calls out "gear up". For this crew not to do that you KNOW they had their hands full with another problem! When I first heard of this accident and did not yet see the video I said load shift, now seeing the video I am not so sure, you can see the nose yaw left, left wing drop, and what looks like an overcorrection. Could they have lost #1
09:16 < mareklug>  or #2?"
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09:19 < Swob> airplanes are scary
09:20 < Prodego> mareklug: I guess my response to him would be that the most likely time for cargo to start to shift is either going to be at the maximum acceleration point, or the pitch up when the force direction changes. So that will be very close to the rotation
09:20 < Dragonfly6-7> Swob -
09:21 < Prodego> leaving the gear down would actually slightly help in this situation, though I doubt they would have had time to realize that and intentionally leave it down
09:21 < Prodego> maybe
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09:24 < mareklug> So I lizzened to both the new black sabath and the somewhat newish Skylar Grey and the girl is muuuuuuuuuuch more interesting music.
09:26 < Swob> "In botany, an evergreen plant is an ever green plant that has leaves in all four seasons, always green."
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09:26 < TheDruId> Obviously inaccurate.
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09:27 < mareklug> The Register would change that to:  "In green-leaf boffinry, an evergreen plant is an ever green plant that has green leaves in all foru seasons (including the green growing ones), always green"
09:29 < Dragonfly6-7>
09:31 < mareklug> Federer loses to Tsonga at the Frenchie Open.  Tsonga's first semifinal at the FO.  They will be burning cars in the suburbs for joy.
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09:31 < TheDruId> That's the one with the big orange ball, right?
09:32 < mareklug> more like big orange courts
09:32 < TheDruId> The small white ball with all the dimples?
09:33 < mareklug> no, the fuzzy yellow (optical green) ball that turns orange with play
09:33 < Swob> really?
09:33 < TheDruId> Right, clay courts.
09:33 < mareklug> kind of
09:33 < mareklug> they do change them frequently tho
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09:45 < mareklug> At $390 for 17" IPS technology 2560x1440 pixels monitor (with 30 day money back guarantee, no restockingfee, lifetime tech support) and form a reputable California vendor, this is still by far the best deal in very good monitors.  Don't know of a better one within 3 hundred dollars of it.
09:46 < mareklug> I meant to type 27" obviously
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10:00 < IDoH> hi
10:00 < mareklug> IDoH you like black sabbath?
10:00 < IDoH> I might. I'm not sure if I've heard them, thougy
10:01 < mareklug> they last had a record 35 years ago.  but you can stream for free the upcoming _13_ album on iTunes
10:01 < IDoH> Oh, okay
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10:37 < TheDruId> o.O
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10:38 < GorillaWarfare> :O
10:38 < GorillaWarfare> I'm glad everyone is more or less okay
10:39 < TheDruId> Wonder how long it takes the Onion to list the suspect, 'Natural Gas', as 'at large'.
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10:45 < kondi> zz_ScaredPanda: ping
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10:46 < Koi> so, Basalisk just revdeled 206 consecutive revisions.
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10:48 < TheDruId> kudos, or CDO?
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10:49 < Prodego> Koi: who are they and where are they
10:50 < Koi> Prodego: basalisk is an administrator.
10:50 < Koi> and it was on WP:AN
10:50 < Koi> but it was for a good reason.
10:50 < Prodego> no it wasn't
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10:50 < Koi> Prodego: yes it was.
10:50 < Prodego> no it wasn't
10:50 < Koi> Prodego: that comment was inflammatory.
10:50 < Koi> Prodego: that comment had NO purpose.
10:50 < Koi> at ALL.
10:51 < Prodego> and that is not a valid reason for rev deletion
10:53 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
--- Log closed Tue Jun 04 10:56:28 2013