
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday October 05, 2024
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**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jul 08 00:00:28 2013

Jul 08 00:00:28 *	Jetro has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
Jul 08 00:00:28 *	Moe_Epsilon shrugs
Jul 08 00:01:03 <ChrisGualtieri>	I hate having to read "History of anime" and facepalm at all the false and incorrect material in it :/
Jul 08 00:01:05 *	Keegan_ (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:01:18 <ChrisGualtieri>	I wish that the wikiproject would respond before I start changing history around
Jul 08 00:03:46 *	osxdude ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:03:46 *	osxdude has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 00:03:46 *	osxdude (~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:04:19 *	e_e (kvirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:04:34 *	e_e (kvirc@ has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:04:38 *	Bradford has quit (Quit: ejeeeeeeele :3)
Jul 08 00:05:06 *	Ktr101 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
Jul 08 00:05:53 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Swob it has British soil as well
Jul 08 00:06:10 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	and the Greek Cypriots are banning all non greek on the island
Jul 08 00:06:29 *	Ed17 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:06:29 *	Ed17 has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 00:06:29 *	Ed17 (~Ed17@wikipedia/the-ed17) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:06:44 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Because if you have ecconomic issues, first thing you should do is replace all signs in the country.
Jul 08 00:07:16 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	ChrisGualtieri you cant change history! :p
Jul 08 00:07:42 <ChrisGualtieri>	Honestly, when its wrong, its wrong :/
Jul 08 00:08:27 <ChrisGualtieri>	I've been working on a few lists... and a few hundred other articles
Jul 08 00:08:40 *	sdamashek|away is now known as sdamashek
Jul 08 00:09:11 *	sdamashek is now known as Guest6825
Jul 08 00:09:17 <Swob>	i remember someone was arrested for speaking Greek in North Cyprus a few years ago
Jul 08 00:09:21 <Swob>	but English is allowed
Jul 08 00:10:06 <ChrisGualtieri>	gahahaha... I found the name of it!
Jul 08 00:10:16 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Swob I wouldn't know about that. There are people on Greek parliment that want to rid the island of anyone who isn't greek
Jul 08 00:10:23 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	British and all Turkish included
Jul 08 00:10:45 *	jorm has quit (Quit: jorm)
Jul 08 00:10:51 <ChrisGualtieri>	Japan made an early anime depicting a battle against micky mouse XD
Jul 08 00:11:12 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	ChrisGualtieri lets be honest here, Mickey Mouse was an anime probably :p
Jul 08 00:11:25 <Slopabottomus>	yay
Jul 08 00:11:28 <Slopabottomus>	i got good news today!
Jul 08 00:11:39 <ChrisGualtieri>	Can't be
Jul 08 00:11:48 <ChrisGualtieri>	Anime is "Japanese animation"
Jul 08 00:12:02 *	jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:12:05 <Slopabottomus>	My aunt is OK, she was somewhere else from the Lac Megantic explosion
Jul 08 00:12:20 *	LtNOWIS|busy has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
Jul 08 00:13:24 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	ChrisGualtieri how do you know Walt Disney wasnt Japanese?
Jul 08 00:13:30 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	:p
Jul 08 00:13:42 <Swob>	warutu jijinii
Jul 08 00:14:14 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Moe_Epsilon:
Jul 08 00:14:26 *	IDoH has quit (Quit: My wikipedia username is I dream of horses.)
Jul 08 00:14:26 <Powerorange>	Je vois
Jul 08 00:14:27 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	to give you an idea of the protests themselves
Jul 08 00:14:58 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Swob Cyprus would rahter stay in complete darkness than pay for power from the north
Jul 08 00:15:03 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	some cypriots anyways
Jul 08 00:15:35 *	Guest6825 has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 00:15:35 *	Guest6825 (~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:15:48 *	Guest6825 is now known as Vacation9
Jul 08 00:16:14 <ChrisGualtieri>	Oh god this is just sad >.>; Not even Newtype magazine can get its own damn history down
Jul 08 00:16:52 *	Slopabottomus likes today's google doodle
Jul 08 00:17:27 <Swob>	66th anniversary of the Roswell UFO incident's reporting
Jul 08 00:17:42 *	jorm has quit (Quit: jorm)
Jul 08 00:17:42 *	LtNOWIS|busy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:17:59 *	Vacation9 is now known as sdamashek
Jul 08 00:19:18 *	jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:23:30 *	FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4|iPad
Jul 08 00:25:05 *	harej ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:25:05 *	harej has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 00:25:05 *	harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:25:21 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Swob I am hoping 69th aniversary will have reneactments of alien sex :p
Jul 08 00:26:05 *	koishi_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:27:39 *	sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|sleep
Jul 08 00:28:34 *	sdamashek|sleep is now known as sdamashek|away
Jul 08 00:29:35 *	koishi_ has quit (Client Quit)
Jul 08 00:29:41 *	koishi has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
Jul 08 00:30:22 *	rhinux has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
Jul 08 00:30:35 *	rhinux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:31:38 <Slopabottomus>	any wikimedia staffer
Jul 08 00:35:57 <GorillaWarfare>	Slopabottomus: What do you need?
Jul 08 00:37:04 *	ToAruShiroiNeko hands GorillaWarfare a wooden staff
Jul 08 00:38:48 *	nonsenseferret has quit (Quit: away)
Jul 08 00:39:34 *	Keegan_ is now known as Keegan
Jul 08 00:40:39 *	LtNOWIS|busy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Jul 08 00:41:58 *	rhinux has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
Jul 08 00:42:06 *	Jacnoc has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
Jul 08 00:42:06 *	GorillaWarfare shrugs
Jul 08 00:44:57 *	rhinux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:45:28 *	Aranda56 has quit (Quit: peace)
Jul 08 00:51:58 <Swob>	microsoft search doesnt seem to always work
Jul 08 00:54:35 *	addihockey10 (~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:54:48 *	IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:55:15 *	lbenedix ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:57:03 *	jeffreyio ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 00:57:05 *	lbenedix has quit (Client Quit)
Jul 08 00:57:21 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Swob it always works, it always fails to find what you are looking for.
Jul 08 00:57:36 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Isnt that what search is for?
Jul 08 01:03:45 *	Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk
Jul 08 01:11:40 *	Keegan has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Jul 08 01:11:43 *	Moxy (459d324a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 01:11:51 <Moxy>	looking for an admin to help with user rights pls see :
Jul 08 01:11:51 *	addihockey10 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 01:12:50 *	Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 01:12:59 *	Steven_Zhang has quit (Client Quit)
Jul 08 01:14:09 <lazyktm>	Moxy: That's really not how it works. They'd need to request the rights themselves.
Jul 08 01:14:44 <Swob>	you can do third party requests on RFP/P
Jul 08 01:14:48 <Swob>	*RFP
Jul 08 01:15:53 <lazyktm>	I guess. I really wouldn't give someone the rights unless they said it was ok
Jul 08 01:18:07 <Moxy>	I dont think they know about it. The reason i am asking is they have in the past asked me to help with these 2 points. The user can be trusted - I have also seen many users given these rights withourt asking.
Jul 08 01:18:27 *	ChrisGualtieri has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 01:22:05 *	MartijnH has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
Jul 08 01:23:32 <Swob>	google is vandalizing us again
Jul 08 01:23:52 <IDoH>	Swob: How so?
Jul 08 01:26:14 *	Moxy has quit (Quit: Page closed)
Jul 08 01:26:21 <Moe_Epsilon>	omnomnom vodka
Jul 08 01:26:54 *	TheChance ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 01:28:03 *	Carson has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 01:28:31 *	southpark ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 01:30:42 *	wctaiwan has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 01:31:49 <Swob>	oh it was preemptive
Jul 08 01:31:50 <Swob>
Jul 08 01:31:59 <Swob>	no vandalism, we just protected it anyway
Jul 08 01:32:18 <Swob>	but it was protected to begin with
Jul 08 01:32:24 <Swob>	so there probably would be vandalism if it werent
Jul 08 01:33:08 <BlastHardcheese>	I'm not saying the vandals were aliens
Jul 08 01:34:26 *	southpark has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
Jul 08 01:34:36 *	addihockey10 (~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 01:35:39 *	Dusti is now known as TheNSA
Jul 08 01:35:50 <TheNSA>	There is no such thing as aliens
Jul 08 01:36:01 <TheNSA>	We hereby deny any knowledge of "Aliens"
Jul 08 01:36:08 *	TheNSA is now known as Dusti
Jul 08 01:37:33 <TheChance>	Yes there is. It wasn't as good as the first one, though. Needs more Sigourney Weaver.
Jul 08 01:37:55 *	FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4
Jul 08 01:39:30 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	TheNSA there are plenty of aliens in the US
Jul 08 01:39:36 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	they are there illegally or legally
Jul 08 01:40:48 *	heatherw has quit (Quit: heatherw)
Jul 08 01:41:01 <Dusti>	XD
Jul 08 01:43:21 *	dandv1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 01:45:07 *	Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: !)
Jul 08 01:47:01 *	Guerillero has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Jul 08 01:47:51 *	addihockey10 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 01:53:27 *	Swob has quit (Quit: bed)
Jul 08 01:57:00 *	heatherw ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 01:57:00 *	heatherw has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 01:57:00 *	heatherw (~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:00:41 *	Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:01:10 *	Powerorange has quit (Quit: ThrashIRC v2.9 sic populo comunicated)
Jul 08 02:02:36 *	wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:04:20 *	rhinux has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
Jul 08 02:04:33 *	M132T003C_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:04:33 *	M132T003C_ has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 02:04:33 *	M132T003C_ (~MTC@wikimedia/MTC) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:10:08 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	How are canadians missing in that train accident?
Jul 08 02:10:20 *	heinrich5991 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Jul 08 02:13:21 *	heinrich5991 (~hein5991@unaffiliated/heinrich5991) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:19:29 *	rhinux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:22:02 *	Dusti has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Jul 08 02:34:01 *	IDoH has quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
Jul 08 02:41:06 *	Nischayn22|Away is now known as Nischayn22|Work
Jul 08 02:42:25 *	SphtKr (~SphtKr@2a01:e35:2e55:4370:11f:483d:3a09:5167) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:42:43 *	SphtKr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 02:42:50 *	SphtKr (~SphtKr@2a01:e35:2e55:4370:11f:483d:3a09:5167) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:43:09 <PontoCom>	Bye, Peeplu.
Jul 08 02:44:20 *	PontoCom (b1c10e0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 02:47:50 *	Hahc21 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 02:49:08 *	YE has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212])
Jul 08 02:55:26 *	Nietzsche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:03:29 *	Malvolio has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
Jul 08 03:08:08 *	mist has quit (Quit: leaving)
Jul 08 03:08:47 *	OrenBochman (~Oren_Boch@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:09:16 *	My76Strat ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:09:16 *	My76Strat has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 03:09:16 *	My76Strat (~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:09:29 *	addihockey10 (~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:12:51 *	MartijnH (~nanananan@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:12:51 *	MartijnH has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 03:12:51 *	MartijnH (~nanananan@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:13:03 *	OrenBochman1 (~Oren_Boch@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:13:05 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:13:25 *	dirkfranke ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:13:34 *	OrenBochman has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
Jul 08 03:17:33 *	Nietzsche (VegaDark@wikia/vstf/countervandalism.user.VegaDark) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:17:33 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:18:42 *	mrmist (~mrmist@freenode/staff/mist) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:19:19 *	mrmist is now known as mist
Jul 08 03:20:34 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:21:58 *	Moe_Epsilon has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 03:24:02 *	dandv1 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 03:27:10 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:30:19 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:32:30 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:34:23 *	RD has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:35:47 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:37:56 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:39:21 *	Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:41:17 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:41:34 *	harej has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
Jul 08 03:45:52 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:47:14 *	addihockey10 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
Jul 08 03:49:15 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:51:22 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 03:51:53 *	petan (~pidgeon@wikimedia/Petrb) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:52:08 *	Steven_Zhang has quit (Quit: Steven_Zhang)
Jul 08 03:54:18 *	Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:54:41 *	Seahorse has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
Jul 08 03:54:47 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 03:56:52 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 04:00:14 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:03:05 *	Roquentin has quit ()
Jul 08 04:06:50 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 04:07:18 *	SphtKr has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
Jul 08 04:08:14 *	LtNOWIS|busy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:09:54 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:12:23 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 04:14:29 *	TheChance has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 04:15:01 <petan>	dammit I think that google adsense will not make me rich given the adblock plus usage :(
Jul 08 04:15:23 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:19:13 *	niko has quit (Quit: leaving)
Jul 08 04:20:12 *	niko (~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:23:36 *	Bjarki has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 04:26:56 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:28:04 *	Ed17 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
Jul 08 04:28:33 *	p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:28:59 <addshore>	petan: >  if Wikipedia were a country, there would have been a military coup by now, fueled by the cheers of the citizens starving for leadership of any kind
Jul 08 04:29:19 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	petan I made a total of 1.2$ in 4 years from adsense
Jul 08 04:29:21 *	Catuse has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
Jul 08 04:29:30 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	trust me adsense will never make you rich
Jul 08 04:30:04 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	addshore wikipedia wouldnt have a coup
Jul 08 04:30:26 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	clearly we would discuss the name of the revolution to death forgetting the very act of coup
Jul 08 04:30:36 *	wctaiwan has quit (Read error: Connection timed out)
Jul 08 04:31:17 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	Wikipedia, we forget whats important so you dont have to!
Jul 08 04:31:30 *	Bjarki has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
Jul 08 04:32:52 *	Jeske_Couriano has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212])
Jul 08 04:34:17 *	addshore is still reading this rather large section on BN
Jul 08 04:34:28 *	Mr-ex777 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212])
Jul 08 04:34:50 *	Mr-ex777 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:37:07 *	Ryulong (~ryulong@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:42:17 *	Ryulong has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
Jul 08 04:47:20 *	Ryulong (~ryulong@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:51:27 *	Ryulong has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Jul 08 04:53:38 *	Bjarki (~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:54:09 *	wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:57:26 *	Reedy has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
Jul 08 04:57:42 *	Reedy (~quassel@2a01:348:6:8664:3d97:64a8:c797:d35c) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:57:42 *	Reedy has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 04:57:42 *	Reedy (~quassel@wikimedia/ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 04:59:29 *	Seggsy (~glitchRIG@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:00:34 *	basile is now known as guillom
Jul 08 05:03:54 *	Oxalate has quit (Quit: Ricin!)
Jul 08 05:04:30 *	Oxalate (poison@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-bsrlsyemnrbvpvjf) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:06:16 *	wctaiwan has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 05:09:58 *	gry (~gry@freenode/staff/gry) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:10:41 *	boomerDUM ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:11:14 *	Steven_Zhang has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
Jul 08 05:12:12 *	boomerDUM ( has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:14:47 *	LtNOWIS|busy has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
Jul 08 05:15:26 *	NotASpy (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Nick) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:17:32 *	aude|away is now known as aude
Jul 08 05:23:13 *	the-wub (~the-wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:31:19 *	LtNOWIS|busy ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:31:53 *	LtNOWIS|busy has quit (Client Quit)
Jul 08 05:32:51 *	sDrewth ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:32:51 *	sDrewth has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 05:32:51 *	sDrewth (~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 05:39:28 *	swamiji-ka-prana (~gandhar@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 05:42:56 *	swamiji-ka-prana has quit (Client Quit)
Jul 08 05:43:52 *	rhinux has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
Jul 08 05:44:51 *	rhinux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:03:49 *	free3urope (~free3urop@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:03:57 *	rhinux1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:05:16 *	rhinux has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
Jul 08 06:10:27 *	Thehelpfulone has quit (Excess Flood)
Jul 08 06:12:15 *	Thehelpfulone (~Helper@2002:6da9:306f::6da9:306f) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:12:15 *	Thehelpfulone has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 06:12:15 *	Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:13:20 *	Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:17:11 *	Mr-ex777 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 06:17:48 *	Mr-ex777 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:20:48 *	Fae has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
Jul 08 06:26:06 *	Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:26:19 *	TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:29:17 *	juliancolton (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:34:14 *	wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:35:14 *	rhinux ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:37:40 *	Jnorton7558 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 06:37:41 <Bradford>	hi
Jul 08 06:38:32 *	rhinux1 has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
Jul 08 06:38:48 *	zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
Jul 08 06:42:17 *	My76Strat has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212])
Jul 08 06:43:37 *	SphtKr (~SphtKr@2a01:e35:2e55:4370:11f:483d:3a09:5167) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:48:46 *	SudoGhost ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:48:46 *	SudoGhost has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 06:48:46 *	SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:49:09 *	Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang) has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:53:16 *	TBloemink has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 06:53:53 *	TBloemink (~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:54:24 *	Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 06:56:43 *	Elsie has quit (Excess Flood)
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Jul 08 07:04:28 <jubo2>	Hi Bradford
Jul 08 07:05:23 *	VunKruz has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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Jul 08 07:18:43 <LtNOWIS-mobile>	Today I learned the screenwriter for Batman & Robin won an Oscar.
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Jul 08 07:52:04 *	wctaiwan has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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Jul 08 08:41:55 *	Prabash_A (40e7f110@wikipedia/PBASH607) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 08:43:01 <Prabash_A>	Is there a place to report talk page vandalism?
Jul 08 08:44:19 <WilliamH_UK>	any vandalism can be reported at WP:AIV
Jul 08 08:45:45 *	NotASpy has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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Jul 08 09:47:01 <Prabash_A>	Hello
Jul 08 09:51:02 *	SoapX (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 10:36:20 *	SoapX cartwheels around the room
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Jul 08 10:41:23 <SoapX>	it looks like Ive lost a few pounds
Jul 08 10:42:36 <juliancolton>	sterling is quite easy to misplace
Jul 08 10:43:03 <SoapX>	oh, I meant dog pounds
Jul 08 10:43:15 <SoapX>	there's a few hundred strays running around the neighborhood now
Jul 08 10:43:24 <SoapX>	Im sure itll be fine though
Jul 08 10:43:38 *	Cookies52 (~Hullo_the@wikipedia/Mdann52) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 10:48:01 <juliancolton>	well, this is the first time I've been reminded of that "who let the dogs out" song in several years
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Jul 08 10:50:56 *	OrenBochman1 (~Oren_Boch@ has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 10:51:36 *	TB|AndroIRC has quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
Jul 08 10:55:09 *	rhinux has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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Jul 08 11:03:16 *	closedmouth has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 11:03:20 <ToAruShiroiNeko>	governor of Istanbul is a cock tease clearly.
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Jul 08 11:43:26 <BobTheWikipedian>	guten morgen y'all
Jul 08 11:43:54 <Qcoder00>	Hello bob
Jul 08 11:44:05 <TheDruId>	Anyeong hashimnika.
Jul 08 11:44:22 <BobTheWikipedian>	i need a grammar nazi
Jul 08 11:44:42 <TheDruId>	Oo! Oo! Ed Gruberman.
Jul 08 11:44:46 <BobTheWikipedian>	:o gah i just made a racial slur
Jul 08 11:44:50 <BobTheWikipedian>	unintentional
Jul 08 11:45:03 *	lbenedix1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 11:45:14 <TheDruId>	Even I don't play drums near my people.
Jul 08 11:45:39 <BobTheWikipedian>	any grammar nazis here?
Jul 08 11:45:55 <TheDruId>	o/////////////////////////////
Jul 08 11:46:35 <BobTheWikipedian>	"...shows that the incorruption of the Saints bodies is a phenomenon still unexplained..."
Jul 08 11:46:38 <BobTheWikipedian>	or yet?
Jul 08 11:47:10 <SoapX>	hi Bonb
Jul 08 11:47:11 *	lbenedix has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
Jul 08 11:47:13 <SoapX>	*bob
Jul 08 11:47:25 <TheDruId>	Saints' bodies
Jul 08 11:47:28 <SoapX>	yeah
Jul 08 11:47:31 <SoapX>	thats the only problem I see
Jul 08 11:47:36 <BobTheWikipedian>	:o i better fix that, too lol
Jul 08 11:47:38 <SoapX>	still vs yet is your chocie
Jul 08 11:47:40 <SoapX>	*choice
Jul 08 11:47:55 <BobTheWikipedian>	working on a webfront
Jul 08 11:48:10 <BobTheWikipedian>	copy/paste doesn't always work
Jul 08 11:49:02 <TheDruId>	BobTheWikipedian, match the source, or find the template 'as of 2013'
Jul 08 11:49:15 <BobTheWikipedian>	the source's text is too long
Jul 08 11:49:41 <BobTheWikipedian>	"After explaining both natural and artificial mummification, the author shows that the incorruption of the Saints bodies fits into neither category but constitutes a much greater phenomenon which is unexplained by modern science even to this day."
Jul 08 11:49:43 <BobTheWikipedian>	won't fit
Jul 08 11:49:48 <TheDruId>	BobTheWikipedian, I meant just for the still/yet option.
Jul 08 11:50:01 <BobTheWikipedian>	see, they didn't use either
Jul 08 11:50:10 <BobTheWikipedian>	they used "even to this day"
Jul 08 11:50:13 <BobTheWikipedian>	but that won't fit
Jul 08 11:50:32 <TheDruId>	BobTheWikipedian, even (until year of source).
Jul 08 11:51:25 <BobTheWikipedian>	i am including the full title, author, abbreviated publisher, year, and a summary of the book in a space smaller than a tweet :P
Jul 08 11:51:44 *	IShadowed_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 11:52:39 <BobTheWikipedian>	and lol.... "even until 2009" doesn't quite mean the same thing
Jul 08 11:53:02 <BobTheWikipedian>	perhaps "as of 2009, it constitutes..."
Jul 08 11:53:53 <BobTheWikipedian>	yuck.
Jul 08 11:54:32 *	Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 11:54:50 <BobTheWikipedian>	:o "abridgment" a word?
Jul 08 11:54:58 *	lbenedix1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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Jul 08 11:56:43 <TheDruId>
Jul 08 11:56:59 *	Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 11:58:03 *	TB|Away is now known as TBloemink
Jul 08 11:58:18 <BobTheWikipedian>	ooo cool. "...St Joseph ate meat, but Our Lord and Our Lady seldom did." random useless trivia...
Jul 08 12:00:57 *	mindspillage has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
Jul 08 12:02:30 *	Malvolio (~Malvolio@unaffiliated/malvolio) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 12:06:22 *	IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 12:09:15 <TBloemink>	tssk
Jul 08 12:09:17 <TBloemink>	silly irccloud
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Jul 08 12:09:51 <wctaiwan>	and they want to charge people :p
Jul 08 12:10:07 <WilliamH_UK>	yeah good luck with that
Jul 08 12:10:13 *	Zidonuke (~Zidonuke@2607:5300:60:613::1) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 12:11:50 <TeeTylerToe>	Is this good enough to move over?
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Jul 08 12:12:44 <TheDruId>	TeeTylerToe, top selling would need an independent source.
Jul 08 12:12:53 *	charmlet is now known as Charmlet
Jul 08 12:13:06 *	kmg90 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 12:14:14 <nikhs>	agreed... if all you have is press release sources, you should get more, in general
Jul 08 12:15:28 *	wctaiwan is now known as Wctaiwan
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Jul 08 12:16:53 <TeeTylerToe>	It could be the worst selling model in the world not having sold a single car, and you could say it's "top selling"
Jul 08 12:18:11 *	Maryana (~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 12:19:53 <halfak|UMN>	#wikipedia-teahouse
Jul 08 12:20:08 <halfak|UMN>	^^ disregard
Jul 08 12:20:19 *	halfak|UMN ( has left #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 12:21:11 <TheDruId>	TeeTylerToe, but without an independent reference, it doesn't belong.
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Jul 08 12:23:44 *	Wctaiwan is now known as wctaiwan
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Jul 08 12:24:08 <nikhs> and are independent but painfully short
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Jul 08 12:24:52 <nikhs>	I get the feeling that it is so similar to previous Corollas that there just isn't much to say
Jul 08 12:27:26 <TeeTylerToe>	sae had a decent article...  regurgitating the press releases in about the same way I did for this article
Jul 08 12:28:24 <TeeTylerToe>	it's a bit bigger, most of the dynamics, the moving parts are the same.  There was a push for fuel efficiency, and the styling was changed a bit more dramatically than usual from what I can tell
Jul 08 12:28:39 <TeeTylerToe>	A lot of the style queues were taken from the Furia concept car
Jul 08 12:29:05 *	Jetro has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
Jul 08 12:30:25 *	Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 12:30:36 <TeeTylerToe>	there's a redirect on Toyota Corolla (E160) to the article on Toyota Corolla.  Do I do a page move request?
Jul 08 12:30:39 *	Nischayn22|Away (uid5809@wikimedia/Nischayn22) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 12:30:45 <TeeTylerToe>	Do I invade poland?
Jul 08 12:30:56 <TeeTylerToe>	lichetenstein?
Jul 08 12:31:19 *	sujal ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 12:31:22 <nikhs>	if you put a little independent critiquing in the intro, I doubt anyone will complain. It's an established mass market car, not a person.... Just overwrite the #redirect
Jul 08 12:31:38 <SoapX>	a pagemove wouldnt solve anything
Jul 08 12:31:55 *	YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 12:34:22 <TeeTylerToe>	I deleted the redirect, but I still can't move it, and the instructions say not to copy paste
Jul 08 12:34:33 *	Bjarki has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
Jul 08 12:34:34 *	p858snake|l has quit (Quit: User has quit this network.)
Jul 08 12:35:44 <SoapX>	i dont see why youd want to
Jul 08 12:36:42 <SoapX>	bbl
Jul 08 12:36:44 *	SoapX is now known as soapoff
Jul 08 12:37:10 *	galant (~galant@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 12:37:25 <TeeTylerToe>	?
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Jul 08 12:38:59 <nikhs>	if you're the only one who worked on the draft, pasting is fine
Jul 08 12:39:19 *	d_ has quit (Quit: DEPARTING)
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Jul 08 12:39:50 <nikhs>	not copy/pasting is only important to preserve authorship attribution
Jul 08 12:40:13 <TeeTylerToe>	Can I use {{db-r2}}?
Jul 08 12:40:30 *	MartijnH has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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Jul 08 14:00:27 <Keegan>	Do any of you cats edit the Hebrew Wikipedia, by chance?
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Jul 08 14:04:07 <Qcoder00>	Keegan: Try asking KimiNewt if he's around
Jul 08 14:04:14 *	Sir48 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 14:04:23 *	Thyge_ is now known as Sir48
Jul 08 14:04:41 *	Qcoder00 tries not to make a joke about Hebre Wikipedia not being edited on Saturdays...
Jul 08 14:04:48 <Keegan>	Thank you for the tip, Qcoder00
Jul 08 14:04:58 *	ad|mob (uid6619@gateway/web/ has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 15:00:02 *	IShadowed has quit (Quit: Page closed)
Jul 08 15:00:03 <TeeTylerToe>	is db-r2 the right csd to delete a redirect?  I'm trying to replace it with an article
Jul 08 15:02:33 *	Maryana is now known as Maryana_lunch
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Jul 08 15:09:51 <BlastHardcheese>	It's not speediable if it's a redirect to an existing article. But unless it's protected you can just edit the page. You don't need permission to replace a redirect with an article.
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Jul 08 15:12:55 *	Malvolio has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
Jul 08 15:13:33 <TeeTylerToe>	Well I'd like to get the redirect deleted
Jul 08 15:14:37 *	juliancolton has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
Jul 08 15:15:55 <TeeTylerToe>	prod can't be used for deletions and it would take 7 days anyway
Jul 08 15:16:02 <TeeTylerToe>	for redirect deletions
Jul 08 15:17:07 *	GingerGeek has quit (Quit: Bye!)
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Jul 08 15:24:30 <TeeTylerToe>	how do I link to my sandbox with a wikilink rather than a url?
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Jul 08 15:27:19 *	MartijnH (~nanananan@wikipedia/Martijn-Hoekstra) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 15:27:40 <Lollipop>	juts use the page title
Jul 08 15:27:52 <Lollipop>	[[user:TeeTylerToe/Sandbox]] or whatever
Jul 08 15:27:53 *	Sophitessa has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212])
Jul 08 15:28:05 <dtm>	TeeTylerToe: just take the stuff off the front.  [[User:TeeTylerToe/sandbox]]
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Jul 08 15:41:58 *	Sir48 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 15:43:50 *	Lollipop has quit (Quit: bbl)
Jul 08 15:44:10 <TeeTylerToe>	thanks
Jul 08 15:46:07 *	rr0 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
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Jul 08 16:38:37 <jubo2>	I finally got the "Install a DIASPORA* pod" project to completion after 3 days with some waiting involved
Jul 08 16:39:23 <jubo2>	There was this problem apparently with installs running on top of a hypervisor that was tricky
Jul 08 16:40:31 *	RD2 (~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 16:46:45 <TeeTylerToe>	the personal webpage thing?
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Jul 08 17:06:02 <Sauron> lol
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Jul 08 17:14:00 <mabdul|busy>	theopolisme: #wikipedia-en-afc
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Jul 08 17:32:55 <mabdul|busy>	petan: ping
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Jul 08 17:38:57 <mabdul|busy>	Thehelpfulone: ping
Jul 08 17:40:11 <TeeTylerToe>	I really want to believe that that that's a chinese clone of a russian watch with a japanese movement
Jul 08 17:41:28 *	IShadowed has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 17:42:36 *	Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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Jul 08 17:58:51 *	Lollipop (~soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 17:59:38 *	TeeTylerToe has quit ()
Jul 08 18:01:45 *	Sky2042 (~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 18:21:01 <TeeTylerToe>	Cute, someone's going around reverting reference adds and then adding citation needed tags where they've removed the references
Jul 08 18:21:49 <Sky2042>	TeeTylerToe: Where references are bad (=unreliable), that's not an incorrect thing to do, I suppose.
Jul 08 18:22:00 *	IDoH has quit (Quit: My wikipedia username is I dream of horses.)
Jul 08 18:23:16 *	Roadgeek_Adam ( has left #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 18:24:20 <Bradford>	silence uhh
Jul 08 18:27:02 <TeeTylerToe>	This wasn't the new york times, not that the NYT has a spotless "reputation for fact-checking and accuracy", but it was about as reliable as you can ask for
Jul 08 18:27:35 *	koishi has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
Jul 08 18:27:55 <Sky2042>	TeeTylerToe: Which really means it was unreliable, because you still haven't given us the name of the publication/whatnot for judgement. :^)
Jul 08 18:28:52 *	IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 18:29:02 <TeeTylerToe>
Jul 08 18:30:49 *	gobledegook-bot (5dd3454e@wikipedia/mabdul) has left #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 18:39:40 *	Jacnoc has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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Jul 08 18:41:53 <TeeTylerToe>	is there some tag to question the reliability of a reference?
Jul 08 18:42:00 *	jztech101_ has quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC)
Jul 08 18:42:42 <Sky2042>	TeeTylerToe: ?
Jul 08 18:42:56 <TeeTylerToe>	thanks
Jul 08 18:45:47 *	jertarz (~jertarz@unaffiliated/jertarz) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 18:46:07 <jertarz>	The English article on "Rösti" claims it's a Swiss dish, but the Swedish version claims it's from Finland.
Jul 08 18:46:08 *	Fox2k12 has quit ()
Jul 08 18:46:18 <jertarz>	Considering the name, I would very much suspect that the latter is correct.
Jul 08 18:46:27 <jertarz>	Finland isn't even mentioned in the English version.
Jul 08 18:47:19 <TeeTylerToe>	google's bringing up a lot of swiss results
Jul 08 18:47:27 *	MX80 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Jul 08 18:47:28 <WilliamH_UK>	it's a Swiss dish
Jul 08 18:48:02 <jertarz>	Sure as hell doesn't sound Swiss.
Jul 08 18:48:25 <TeeTylerToe>	Rösti, originally the typical farmers’ breakfast in German-speaking Switzerland
Jul 08 18:48:37 <TeeTylerToe>	switzerland has something like 4 different languages
Jul 08 18:49:57 <TeeTylerToe>	french, german, some mixed language (romanche?), and...  italian?
Jul 08 18:50:16 <TeeTylerToe>	with ethnic areas corresponding to each
Jul 08 18:51:13 <WilliamH_UK>	latin
Jul 08 18:52:25 <Pharos>	the whole concept of a Swiss cuisine is dubious
Jul 08 18:52:31 *	Tiptoety has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
Jul 08 18:53:08 <TeeTylerToe>	for crying out loud, the guy's challenging the reference
Jul 08 18:53:11 <Sky2042>	Pharos: lol
Jul 08 18:53:34 <Pharos>	it is also possible there is more than one dish called "Rosti"
Jul 08 18:54:42 *	Tiptoety ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 18:54:47 *	YE|Corner is now known as YE
Jul 08 18:56:19 *	thineantiquepen has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -
Jul 08 18:58:02 *	JZTech101 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 18:58:06 *	jorgeluis (~noise@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 18:58:43 <Bradford>	jorgeluis: hi
Jul 08 18:58:47 <jorgeluis>	Hello Wikipedians.
Jul 08 18:58:52 <jorgeluis>	hi Bradford
Jul 08 18:59:08 <Bradford>	:)
Jul 08 19:06:46 *	Sky2042 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 19:08:44 *	Sky2042 (~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 19:16:52 <GabrielF>	apparently Bob Dylan likes to read Wikipedia: "Although most of Dylan's monologues are scripted - keen-eared listeners can hear him turning pages and members of various Dylan Web forums have pointed out the similarities between his stories and Wikipedia entries on the same subject"
Jul 08 19:17:07 <TeeTylerToe>	0.o
Jul 08 19:17:18 <GabrielF>	from:
Jul 08 19:19:01 <TeeTylerToe>	some editor wants me to defend the author of because they don't think it's reliable enough.  Does this guy really think that a book has to be fact checked before it's published?  Look at the Osama tell alls
Jul 08 19:20:34 *	Powerorange ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 19:22:36 *	Sutekh (~mars@gateway/tor-sasl/sutekh) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 19:24:51 <Pharos>	GabrielF: not surprised :P
Jul 08 19:28:21 <GabrielF>	According to Jimmy Wales, Jimmy Carter does most of his research on Wikipedia, but Dylan is far more impressive
Jul 08 19:36:23 *	dtm has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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Jul 08 19:38:20 *	theopolisme has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 19:38:23 <TeeTylerToe>	According to Jimmy Buffet you can check in...  but...  I forget
Jul 08 19:38:34 <TeeTylerToe>	you can never leave?
Jul 08 19:38:38 *	jertarz (~jertarz@unaffiliated/jertarz) has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 19:38:40 <TeeTylerToe>	you can check out?
Jul 08 19:39:19 <jorgeluis>	is TeeTylerToe related to tiptoety?
Jul 08 19:39:30 <jorgeluis>	because that's what my mind jumps to each time i read the name
Jul 08 19:39:48 *	Tiptoety hugs jorgeluis
Jul 08 19:39:48 <TeeTylerToe>	Nope, is tiptoety a user?
Jul 08 19:40:09 <Tiptoety>	It makes me warm and fuzzy inside to know that you are thinking of me, Killiondude.
Jul 08 19:40:27 <jorgeluis>	That could also be early signs of menopause.
Jul 08 19:40:32 <jorgeluis>	Please see a doctor.
Jul 08 19:41:36 <jorgeluis>	(<3)
Jul 08 19:41:48 <jorgeluis>	TeeTylerToe: You've never heard of /the/ Tiptoety™?
Jul 08 19:43:16 <TeeTylerToe>	I don't think so, but I have a terrible memory
Jul 08 19:43:55 *	Amqui has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 19:43:55 *	Amqui (~a@wikimedia/Amqui) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 19:43:58 <jorgeluis>	i think he's a functionary on enwiki and almost has +demigod rights.
Jul 08 19:45:31 *	TeeTylerToe does his best paranoid android "sounds dreadful"
Jul 08 19:45:52 <TeeTylerToe>	not paranoid, what was marvin, depressed?
Jul 08 19:48:59 <a930913>	To make an editnotice, it's just {{page}}/editnotice, right?
Jul 08 19:49:14 <jorgeluis>	no
Jul 08 19:49:36 <jorgeluis>	Template:Editnotices/Page/
Jul 08 19:50:48 <a930913>	Is /editnotice a legacy then?
Jul 08 19:51:05 <a930913>	Because that's how it looks my talk is set up.
Jul 08 19:51:55 <jorgeluis>	that is for userspace
Jul 08 19:51:58 <jorgeluis>	it looks like.
Jul 08 19:52:07 *	Jacnoc has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 19:52:11 <jorgeluis>	articles use a different format
Jul 08 19:53:09 *	mindspillage has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 19:53:13 *	jorm (~bharris@wikimedia/jorm) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 19:53:16 <a930913>	Ah.
Jul 08 19:54:13 *	Jacnoc ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 20:00:02 *	Powerorange has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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Jul 08 20:03:36 <a930913>	Right, need an admin to test my theory :)
Jul 08 20:03:47 <a930913>	(Don't all rush at once.)
Jul 08 20:04:55 *	LtNOWIS ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:05:06 *	Swob ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 20:05:06 *	Swob (~Soap@wikipedia/soap) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:05:57 *	StevenW has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 20:07:19 <a930913>	Swob: I need an admin meatpuppet :)
Jul 08 20:08:16 *	Pharos has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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Jul 08 20:14:59 *	GabrielF has quit (Quit: GabrielF)
Jul 08 20:16:35 *	Bradford has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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Jul 08 20:16:59 *	Bradford has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 20:16:59 *	Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:17:44 <Swob>	hi a930913, hows [[bracketbot?
Jul 08 20:18:34 *	Fox2k12 (~yogi@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 20:20:00 *	YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
Jul 08 20:20:33 <a930913>	Swob: Complaints have slightly fallen :)
Jul 08 20:20:46 *	zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda
Jul 08 20:20:52 *	WilliamH_UK (~WilliamH_@Wikipedia/WilliamH) has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:22:03 <a930913>	Swob: Can you move [[User:A930913/sandbox/Editnotice]] to [[Template:Editnotices/Page/User:A930913/sandbox]] please? :)
Jul 08 20:22:21 *	FunPika has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803])
Jul 08 20:22:31 <a930913>	I want to test something I'm making for the request on VPT.
Jul 08 20:23:10 <LtNOWIS>	"Contemporary critics universally commended the music video for its themes and production values."
Jul 08 20:25:29 *	YE ( has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:25:56 *	Jetro has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
Jul 08 20:27:09 *	StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:27:18 <a930913>	Swob: Prod?
Jul 08 20:28:38 *	heatherw has quit (Quit: heatherw)
Jul 08 20:29:08 *	jubo2 has quit (Quit: Beams.)
Jul 08 20:29:26 <Swob>	hi
Jul 08 20:30:08 <a930913>	Swob: Pwetty pwease?
Jul 08 20:30:14 <Swob>	dne
Jul 08 20:30:15 <Swob>	*done
Jul 08 20:30:30 <Swob>	sorry it's pretty hard to get my attention
Jul 08 20:30:43 <Swob>	only "soap" pings me and Im usually doing something else anyway
Jul 08 20:30:57 <Swob>	i wasnt ignoring you on prupose
Jul 08 20:31:34 *	MBisanz (MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:32:00 <a930913>	Swob: Noted. I'm also terrible for getting attention :(
Jul 08 20:32:04 <a930913>	Swob: Ta btw.
Jul 08 20:33:34 *	GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:34:33 *	Bradford is now known as Gonazlez
Jul 08 20:34:36 *	StevenW has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 20:34:57 *	Elsie has quit (Excess Flood)
Jul 08 20:35:16 *	Elsie (sex@wikipedia/MZMcBride) has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 20:35:51 *	Gonazlez is now known as Bradford
Jul 08 20:36:05 *	IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 20:37:10 <a930913>	Aw, I thought I was onto something there :(
Jul 08 20:37:23 <Swob>	mm
Jul 08 20:37:27 *	Bradford has quit (Quit: Adiós)
Jul 08 20:38:04 *	Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:38:42 *	Bradford is now known as Andreina_Gonzale
Jul 08 20:38:56 *	Andreina_Gonzale is now known as Erriny
Jul 08 20:39:08 *	Erriny (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:39:55 *	theopolisme has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 20:41:32 <Swob>	oh youre working on the Visual Editor
Jul 08 20:41:39 <Swob>	have fun
Jul 08 20:42:16 <Swob>	you should be an admin
Jul 08 20:42:36 *	theopolisme (~theo@wikipedia/Theopolisme) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:42:51 <a930913>	Swob: soap: No, I was trying to differentiate between ve and source for editnotices.
Jul 08 20:43:51 *	Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away
Jul 08 20:44:38 <a930913>	Swob: soap: Why should I be an admin? :/
Jul 08 20:44:57 <Swob>	you dont want to be? OK no problem
Jul 08 20:45:16 <Swob>	i wish people didnt think of adminship as this huge hassle that they have to be dragged through unwillingly though
Jul 08 20:45:39 *	StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:45:41 <Swob>	its not like there's an alarm clock in my bed that goes off in the middle of the night because AIV is ovweflowing
Jul 08 20:45:51 <TeeTylerToe>	I wish people didn't think of adminship as a tool for them to use, and rather a responsibility for them to carry out
Jul 08 20:45:53 *	Pharos ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:46:07 <Swob>	there's no responsibility, really, at all
Jul 08 20:46:11 <TeeTylerToe>	less "play with your parent's jet ski", and more mow the lawn
Jul 08 20:46:17 <Swob>	any admin can just walk away at any time and have no consequences
Jul 08 20:46:32 <a930913>	TeeTylerToe: The tool I could use, it's the responsibility I doubt.
Jul 08 20:46:37 <Swob>	no work is required
Jul 08 20:46:39 <a930913>	And the politics.
Jul 08 20:46:46 <Swob>	the only thing you cant do is abuse the tools
Jul 08 20:46:52 <TeeTylerToe>	...
Jul 08 20:46:56 <Swob>	but its not like you have to earn the right to keep them by using them appropriately
Jul 08 20:48:29 <a930913>	Swob: People won't let me RfA because I'm >80% tool edit.
Jul 08 20:48:33 <Swob>	if there ever is an activity requirement I'll just quit and get it over with
Jul 08 20:48:45 <Dusti>	I don't think it's necessarily the responsibility that turns people off from being an admin - it's the politics and drama
Jul 08 20:48:59 <Dusti>	And the actual RfA itself
Jul 08 20:49:13 <a930913>	Dusti: The respsonsibility to avoid the politics and drama ;)
Jul 08 20:49:25 <Dusti>	lol
Jul 08 20:49:50 <Swob>	we should give adminship automatically after 3 years to all users with at least one FA to their name
Jul 08 20:50:28 <a930913>	Swob: I've barely written any content :p
Jul 08 20:50:28 <Dusti>	Not so sure about that
Jul 08 20:50:36 <Swob>	I know
Jul 08 20:50:37 <a930913>	I'm a janitor by nature.
Jul 08 20:50:50 <Swob>	Im thinking more of people like Malleus
Jul 08 20:50:54 <Dusti>	You've got users who do more vandal work, AfD work, NPP, etc.
Jul 08 20:51:07 <a930913>	But for some reason, the janitors need degrees here. :p
Jul 08 20:51:08 <Swob>	who says he would refuse adminship, but secretly wants it more t han anything
Jul 08 20:51:47 <Dusti>	Honestly, I'd love to be an admin - but I doubt I'll ever actually get there
Jul 08 20:51:48 *	Computron ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 20:51:58 <Swob>	Dusti you should be an admin too
Jul 08 20:52:12 *	Computron is now known as Guest84003
Jul 08 20:52:20 <Swob>	Wonderfool made it
Jul 08 20:52:27 <Swob>	why not you all as well?
Jul 08 20:52:36 <a930913>	Swob: I tell you who should be an admin. Huon.
Jul 08 20:52:41 <Dusti>	I'm sure they'd bring my my controversial AfD closures.
Jul 08 20:53:36 <Dusti>	Such as this
Jul 08 20:56:14 <Swob>	im pretty sure Huon has been an admin for years
Jul 08 20:56:17 <Swob>	or was that your point?
Jul 08 20:57:15 <Swob>	oh well maybe not
Jul 08 21:03:10 *	INJECT (~INJECT@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 21:05:26 *	v (kvirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 21:05:42 *	Jeske_Couriano_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 21:05:42 *	Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:06:55 *	TheChance has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 21:06:56 <TeeTylerToe>	I wonder if there were any good sales on steam over the weekend
Jul 08 21:07:42 *	Jeske_Couriano has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 21:07:45 <kylu>	dungeons of dredmor with all the dlc for $10
Jul 08 21:07:53 *	Jeske_Couriano_ is now known as Jeske_Couriano
Jul 08 21:08:01 <kylu>	if'n you like roguelikes.
Jul 08 21:08:49 *	Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:08:52 *	juliancolton (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:09:15 <TeeTylerToe>	I'm saving up for bioshock infinite
Jul 08 21:09:28 *	Pharos has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Jul 08 21:10:36 *	Logan_ (~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:10:51 <kylu>	so you're just torturing yourself with the question? :)
Jul 08 21:11:21 <Dusti>	Swob, you still around
Jul 08 21:11:29 <kylu>	there was also torchlight II, but I already have it, so didn't look.
Jul 08 21:13:01 <a930913>	What should I buy in TF2 for premium?
Jul 08 21:13:54 *	Prabash_A (40e7f110@wikipedia/PBASH607) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:14:17 <Prabash_A>	Hello
Jul 08 21:15:50 <Swob>	hi
Jul 08 21:16:56 <Prabash_A>	Hey swob, what you up to now?
Jul 08 21:17:48 <Swob>	i was reading about mammals
Jul 08 21:18:28 <Prabash_A>	Speaking about animals I just created a stub
Jul 08 21:18:54 <Dusti>	Speaking about animals I have seven
Jul 08 21:19:01 <Prabash_A>	Worst stub ever too
Jul 08 21:19:26 <Prabash_A>	Seven?!?
Jul 08 21:19:38 <Dusti>	Three cats, two dogs, a rabbit and a hamster
Jul 08 21:20:10 <Prabash_A>	Now that's a lot
Jul 08 21:20:16 <Prabash_A>	It would drive me insane
Jul 08 21:20:48 <Dusti>	Sometimes they do lol
Jul 08 21:20:57 <Swob>	which one is genetically closest to you?
Jul 08 21:20:57 *	Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:21:26 <Prabash_A>	One dairy cat and two tiger oscars, thats all the pets for me
Jul 08 21:25:37 *	StevenW has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 21:25:43 *	mindspillage ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 21:28:00 *	heatherw ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 21:28:19 <Prabash_A>	The worst and cruelest thing a user could do is send an inexperienced user and RFC regarding an ARBCom investigation
Jul 08 21:28:30 <Prabash_A>	*an
Jul 08 21:30:15 *	koishi_ has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Jul 08 21:31:13 *	Prabash_A has quit (Quit: Page closed)
Jul 08 21:31:40 <TeeTylerToe>	or involve them in any way with the drn process
Jul 08 21:32:56 <Swob>	yeah
Jul 08 21:32:58 *	Maryana has quit (Quit: Maryana)
Jul 08 21:33:01 <Swob>	to be honest though
Jul 08 21:33:13 *	wctaiwan (~wctaiwan@wikipedia/wctaiwan) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:33:16 <Swob>	arbcom isnt all robots, the RfC would likely just get declined
Jul 08 21:33:29 <Swob>	and they'd say to the filing "come on, pick on someone your own size"
Jul 08 21:33:51 <Swob>	if the little guy is the one who's attacking though, then it's all fair
Jul 08 21:33:55 *	AnonDiss (~AnonDiss@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:34:02 *	nonsenseferret has quit (Quit: away)
Jul 08 21:34:18 <Swob>	there was some alternative medicine doctor trying to get me off of the dyshidrosis page once
Jul 08 21:34:25 *	JZTech101 has quit (Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC)
Jul 08 21:34:50 *	wctaiwan has quit (Client Quit)
Jul 08 21:36:22 <kylu>	mine made me give up the hydric acid.
Jul 08 21:37:00 <kylu>	still in withdrawal
Jul 08 21:38:05 <TeeTylerToe>	arbcom are kind of like the prom king and queen
Jul 08 21:39:26 <Dusti>	Swob did you get my PM?
Jul 08 21:39:29 <Swob>	oh no
Jul 08 21:39:34 <Swob>	i forgot to buy dishes
Jul 08 21:40:02 *	YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda
Jul 08 21:40:59 *	nikhs ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:42:42 <Swob>	yeah dusti
Jul 08 21:42:49 <Swob>	sorry, Im not gonna delete the page
Jul 08 21:43:04 <Swob>	actually maybe i should
Jul 08 21:43:14 <Swob>	nah
Jul 08 21:43:29 <Swob>	the template is there, it'll get seen
Jul 08 21:44:10 <TeeTylerToe>	On next week's episode the tribal council will vote on what article to vote off the island and which articles the bachelor editor will give the roses too
Jul 08 21:44:42 <Swob>	the thing is that it's significantly different than the  version that was deleted before
Jul 08 21:44:47 <Swob>	even though it' still pretty close to a vopyvio
Jul 08 21:45:00 <Swob>	the guy is at least making an effort to do something new
Jul 08 21:47:22 <TeeTylerToe>	sometimes it's frustrating when people tag instead of edit
Jul 08 21:48:02 <Swob>	though
Jul 08 21:49:00 <Swob>	I think I'd be in favor of a rule that if a spammer/COI editor isnt responding to any messages, he doesnt have the right to complain about the deletion of his article
Jul 08 21:49:23 <Swob>	even if the article has a chance of passing as notable and non-promotional if fixed up
Jul 08 21:50:04 *	AnonDiss has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 21:50:32 <Swob>	yeah sorry
Jul 08 21:50:35 <Swob>	im just gonna delete it now
Jul 08 21:50:41 <Swob>	this guy doesnt care
Jul 08 21:51:22 <Swob>	he probably spent like 30 seconds writing the page
Jul 08 21:52:20 *	koishi ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:52:49 <Swob>	its probably notable though
Jul 08 21:53:28 *	Headbomb has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 22.0/20130618035212])
Jul 08 21:55:35 *	FastLizard4|away is now known as FastLizard4
Jul 08 21:56:17 *	Jeske_Couriano_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:56:17 *	Jeske_Couriano_ has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 21:56:17 *	Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:56:24 *	Headbomb ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:56:24 *	Headbomb has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 21:56:24 *	Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 21:57:43 *	LtNOWIS has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Jul 08 21:59:52 *	Jeske_Couriano has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Jul 08 21:59:57 *	Jeske_Couriano_ is now known as Jeske_Couriano
Jul 08 22:01:06 *	AnonDiss (~AnonDiss@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:03:41 *	IDoH has quit (Quit: My wikipedia username is I dream of horses.)
Jul 08 22:05:28 *	Sutekh has quit (Quit: dodgy)
Jul 08 22:05:42 <nikhs>	are shipping piers notable like train stations or do they need press?
Jul 08 22:06:24 <TeeTylerToe>	active ports might be notable
Jul 08 22:06:33 *	Hazard-SJ is now known as Hazard-Away
Jul 08 22:08:08 *	theopolisme has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
Jul 08 22:08:13 *	MBisanz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Jul 08 22:08:25 *	IDoH (~I@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:09:30 <Swob>	hi idoh
Jul 08 22:10:02 *	Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away
Jul 08 22:10:18 *	Guerillero (~Gueriller@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:10:18 *	Guerillero has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 22:10:18 *	Guerillero (~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:11:06 <IDoH>	Hey Swob
Jul 08 22:14:04 *	Nascar1996 has quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
Jul 08 22:14:12 <Swob>
Jul 08 22:14:15 <Swob>	who's this guy?
Jul 08 22:14:22 <Swob>	he seems awfully proactive for someone who's been here 4 days
Jul 08 22:14:30 *	AnonDiss has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 22:14:44 <Swob>	he's got all the signs of a sock
Jul 08 22:15:02 <Swob>	he got into an edit war 7 minutes from his first edit
Jul 08 22:15:29 <Swob>	possibly the same as
Jul 08 22:15:33 <Swob>	maybe he just wanted an account
Jul 08 22:23:26 *	Hahc21 (~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:24:14 <nikhs>	aha, something like,_Seattle#Piers_and_buildings is clearly superior to a bunch of little pier articles like SF and NYC have
Jul 08 22:25:01 *	AnonDiss (~AnonDiss@ has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:25:38 <nikhs>	there is actually a surprising amount of reliable source material on any given two digit numbered piers up to at least the 50s
Jul 08 22:26:04 <VonKranke>	Swob: What is a 'sock'
Jul 08 22:26:09 *	Hazard-Away has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
Jul 08 22:26:12 <VonKranke>	Other than what people wear on their feet
Jul 08 22:27:25 <TeeTylerToe>	sockpuppet
Jul 08 22:27:30 *	juliancolton has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 22:28:23 *	Sky2042 has quit (Quit: Good night, and good luck.)
Jul 08 22:28:25 <VonKranke>	Remind me to never ask "What is [insert ad hom here]"
Jul 08 22:29:01 <IDoH>	VonKranke: Go to en.wikipedia, and search for WP:SOCKPUPPET. You'll probably find what you're looking for.
Jul 08 22:29:46 *	Hazard-Away (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:30:27 *	Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng
Jul 08 22:31:27 <nikhs>	about one in five pier numbers have a commercial concern like sucking google juice from more notable piers in other cities
Jul 08 22:31:40 *	TheChance ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:32:12 *	juliancolton (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:32:35 *	MF-W (~chatzilla@Wikimedia/MF-Warburg) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:32:42 <nikhs>	er, maybe one in three
Jul 08 22:32:49 *	MF-W (~chatzilla@Wikimedia/MF-Warburg) has left #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:32:52 <VonKranke>	Welcome to the world?
Jul 08 22:33:17 <Swob>	Ive only heard of Pier 1
Jul 08 22:33:29 <Swob>	I didnt even know that piers had "numbers"
Jul 08 22:33:52 <nikhs>	I want to plot the google hits on each number and send it in to xkcd
Jul 08 22:34:11 *	harej ( has joined #wikipedia-en
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Jul 08 22:34:11 *	harej (~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:34:53 *	AnonDiss has quit (Quit: Leaving)
Jul 08 22:35:13 <VonKranke>	Much luck.
Jul 08 22:35:45 *	TeeTylerToe has quit ()
Jul 08 22:37:24 <nikhs>	wtf
Jul 08 22:38:00 *	foks has quit (Quit: zzzzz)
Jul 08 22:39:45 <Swob>	i just got this nice chocolate that has chili extract in it
Jul 08 22:41:55 *	Hazard-Away is now known as Hazard-SJ
Jul 08 22:42:15 <Swob>	I eat chocolate the smart way
Jul 08 22:42:31 <Swob>	tiny little nibbles only
Jul 08 22:42:38 <Swob>	tastes just as strong, lasts a whole lot longer
Jul 08 22:44:56 *	Nascar1996 (~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:47:27 <nikhs>	perhaps the chili extract encourages that?
Jul 08 22:49:03 <Swob>	hmm now that i get more into it, you might be right
Jul 08 22:49:09 <Swob>	it has a weird aftertaste
Jul 08 22:49:22 <Swob>	that only became noticeable after a few minutes
Jul 08 22:49:29 <Swob>	but no, I love spicy foods
Jul 08 22:49:36 <Swob>	its my defense against having other people steal what Ive bought
Jul 08 22:50:36 <Swob>	I just make sure roughly 1 in 4 things I buy is so ridiculously spicy that the trauma of the experience of anyone who tries to eat it scares them off of my food forever
Jul 08 22:53:06 *	Powerorange ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 22:58:05 *	Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
Jul 08 22:58:28 <nikhs>	wow a whole ecosystem of lawyers devoted to medical marijuana defense on prime bay front property
Jul 08 22:59:40 <Swob>	oh
Jul 08 23:00:23 <Swob>	its San Francisco
Jul 08 23:01:24 *	Pharos ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:01:27 *	ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:02:49 *	Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:05:25 <nikhs>	San Francisco seems to have a relatively full set of numbered piers, where as older port cities and those with concave coastlines seem to have enlarged many of their piers for the supertanker and shipping container era while dropping adjacent numbers
Jul 08 23:12:39 *	Bradford has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
Jul 08 23:13:04 *	Pharos has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Jul 08 23:13:27 *	Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:17:33 *	Pontocom (b3ea911b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:19:24 *	GabrielF has quit (Quit: GabrielF)
Jul 08 23:19:33 <Pontocom>	Hellow, Peeplu!
Jul 08 23:20:44 <Swob>	how come you always say that
Jul 08 23:21:49 *	muskrat has quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
Jul 08 23:23:56 *	Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away
Jul 08 23:36:22 *	Logan_ has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
Jul 08 23:37:37 *	alison (11dfb299@wikipedia/Alison) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:37:45 *	BoohBalooh|2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:38:18 <alison>	Wow. It's been ages ... :)
Jul 08 23:38:57 <alison>	 /join #wikipedia-en-revdel
Jul 08 23:39:06 <alison>	Meh! That failed :D
Jul 08 23:40:50 *	Bradford has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
Jul 08 23:40:55 <Swob>	hi Alison
Jul 08 23:41:06 *	StevenW (~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:42:11 *	BoohBalooh|2 is now known as Bradford
Jul 08 23:42:22 *	Bradford has quit (Changing host)
Jul 08 23:42:22 *	Bradford (kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:43:04 *	James_F is now known as James_F|Away
Jul 08 23:44:10 *	muskrat ( has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:44:14 <alison>	Hi Soap ^_^
Jul 08 23:44:24 *	Nascar1996 has quit (Quit: I didn't do it!)
Jul 08 23:44:53 <Keegan>	It's an alison
Jul 08 23:45:10 <alison>	A wild Alison appears!
Jul 08 23:45:21 <Keegan>	Hiya
Jul 08 23:45:37 *	FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad
Jul 08 23:46:12 <alison>	Hi there! I just jumped on the web client here for some reason, and just managed to get my cloak back on. Dipping a toe in the waters. I think it's been about 4 years since I was on.
Jul 08 23:46:54 <alison>	[20:35] -NickServ- You are now identified for Alison. [20:35] -NickServ- 30 failed logins since last login.
Jul 08 23:47:01 <alison>	Thirty? O.o
Jul 08 23:48:15 <Keegan>	Four years sounds about right.  Welcome back, the place is still here and just as shabby as ever
Jul 08 23:49:06 <Swob>	wait really?
Jul 08 23:49:10 <Swob>	four years???
Jul 08 23:49:11 <Swob>	wow
Jul 08 23:49:13 *	juliancolton has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Jul 08 23:49:14 <Swob>	welcome back, indeed
Jul 08 23:50:44 <FastLizard4|iPad>	:O
Jul 08 23:51:54 <alison>	Four years. Srsly! I can't believe it myself :p
Jul 08 23:53:49 <a930913>	alison: Not AlisonW?
Jul 08 23:54:01 *	GabrielF (~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF) has joined #wikipedia-en
Jul 08 23:54:25 <alison>	Nopz.
Jul 08 23:55:06 <alison>